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DNM/DC Oct 2010 I Denim Chemicals EUROPE I Denimist


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DNM/DC Oct 2010 I Denim Chemicals EUROPE I Denimist


Since decades Denimist has developed know-­‐how in denim finishing prior to garment manufacturing and also in jeans washing. Our customers derive benefit from this experience.For the fabric producCon we offer finishing chemicals which provide the demanded fabric properCes such as good sewability, sCffness,elasCcity and handle. The other field of our acCvity is the recommendaCon of laundring Procedures for ready-­‐made clothing such as trousers, jackets or skirts, shirts. In doing so we have learned that many errors may occur in this complicated producCon process. The laundry, the last step in the sequence of producers, is faced to difficulCes which are caused by previous inaccuracies. Therefore, a good cooperaCon among the steps of jeans manufacturing is required to avoid problems. Fabric producer, garment manufacturer and laundries have to work together to obtain the desired end result. By means of our contacts on both sides of the producCon process we are able to make our contribuCon. The technical stuff of Denimist is always ready to help our customers with eventual problems and to modify producCon procedures according to the respecCve requirements. Through our numerous contacts which we have got with denim producers, garment manufacturers and laundries during the years we support the team work among all secCons of the jeans chain and make our know-­‐ how available to all of the parCes concerned Eyüp YENEROĞLU CEO of Denimist

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Denim Contens Page Resin Finishing


Fastness Improvement


Washing Agent


WeZng Agent


Dispersing Agent


EnzymaCc Desizing


Bleaching Enzyme


Stonewash Enzyme


Biopolish Enzyme


So\ener & Silicone


Special Effects


OpCcal Brighteners


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Products For Resin Finishing Denıres CUBE : Low Formaldehyde ReacCve Resin With Catalyst Denıres CUBE-­‐ NF : Non Formaldehyde ReacCve Resin Without Catalyst Denıres CUBE-­‐ML

: Self –Cross Linking

Denıres U-­‐TEAR

: So\ PU & Acrylate

Denıres U-­‐HRD : Hard Acrylate Denıres TRITON

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: Wrinkle Resistant Agent

Products For Fastness Improvement

Denıix BOND-­‐RC : Fixing Agent For ReacCve Dyeings Denıix BOND-­‐DR : Special Fixing-­‐agent For GeZng Dark Cast Indigo Denıix BOND-­‐I

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: Formaldehyde-­‐free Fixing Agent For Indigo Dyeing

Products For Washing Agent Deniwet LILY : Detergent With OBA Deniwet LILY – X : Detergent Without OBA Deniwash SL-­‐CUT

: Special Agent For Removing Silicone

Deniwash LYC : Washing-­‐off Agent For Lycra Content Fabric Deniwash MYS : Washing Agent For Cleaning Machine Deniart VINTAGE : Vintage Bleaching Agent Deniart LOST-­‐H

: AcCvator For Hypo

Deniart LOST-­‐PP : AcCvator For Permanganate Deniart DHARMA : Neutralizing Agent For Permanganate & Bleaching

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Products For We@ng Agent Deniwet ZEN : Nonionic weZng agent Deniwet CURVE : AnC-­‐creasing and Nonionic weZng agent

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Products For Dispersing Agent Deniwet DISPER : Dispersing agent Deniwet DISPER-­‐CONC : Dispersing agent

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Products For EnzymaDc Desizing Denilasa TITAN : Desizing Enzyme Denilase TITAN CONC : Concentrated Desizing Enzyme

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Products For Bleaching Enzyme Denilase AMON : Laccase Enzyme Denilase AMON-­‐X : Laccase Enzyme

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Products For Stonewash Enzyme Denipill ANNY : Neutral Liqiud Stone Wash Enzyme 60°C Denilase E-­‐9 : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C Denilase E-­‐7 : Stone Wash Enzyme For 60°C Denilase J-­‐5 : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C Denilase WORN : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C Denilase ABC : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C

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Products For Biopolish Enzyme Denipill ANNY : Neutral Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C Denipill ABBY : Acidic Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C Denipill ADDY : Acidic Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C Denipill ALL : Concentrated Acidic Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C

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Products For SoGener & Silicone Deniso\ CLK CONC : Concentrated CaConic So\ener Deniso\ OZS : AnC -­‐Ozone So\ener Deniso\ CLS CONC : Concentrated FuncConal Silicone So\ener Deniso\ R-­‐LAX : Micro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX : Concentrated Micro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ VIVID : Macro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U : Concentrated Macro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ ELASTIC : Special Silicone Emulsion For İncreasing ElasCcity

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Products For Special Effects Denicoat CORE-­‐TR : Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Handle Denicoat 16-­‐X

: Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Handle

Denicoat 415

: Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Handle

Denicoat CORE-­‐H : Polyurethane Emulsion For SCff Hand Denicoat CORE-­‐C : CaConic Polyurethane Emulsion Denicoat CORE-­‐MPU : Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Hand And Shinny Indigo Ground 3 D

: Gel Indigo

Denicoat SSG-­‐M : AnC-­‐Slippary Agent Denicoat DERM : Polyethylene Emulsion Denicoat PUT-­‐A : Thickener Denicoat PUT-­‐B

: Thickener For Resin

Deniart TRINITY : Special product for oily effect Deniart MORPH : Stuffed effect agent

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Products For OpDcal Brighteners Denop UW

: Neutral OpCcal whitening agent ,coron

Denop EN

: Neutral Liquid OpCcal whitening agent , coron

Denop E1B : (Bluish +) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent , coron Denop E2B

: (Bluish ++) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent , coron

Denop E4B : (Bluish +++) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent ,coron Denop CPS4T : Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent for polyester

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Products For Resin Finishing Denıres CUBE : L ow Formaldehyde ReacCve Resin With Catalyst Denıres CUBE-­‐ NF : N on Formaldehyde ReacCve Resin Without Catalyst Denıres CUBE-­‐ML

: Self –Cross Linking

Denıres U-­‐TEAR

: So\ PU & Acrylate

Denıres U-­‐HRD : H ard Acrylate Denıres TRITON

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: Wrinkle Resistant Agent

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Denires CUBE Resin Finishing (Included Catalyst ) USES

Crosslinking agent for easy-­‐care finishing, permanent t hree dimensional effects (plisse), grey shade and unwashed look


Recipe 1 : Standard Resin ApplicaDon

200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 700 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 2 : Resin ApplicaDon For High 3 D

200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 20 gr Denires TRITON 20 gr Denires CUBE-­‐ML 660 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 3 : Resin ApplicaDons For High Strength 200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 100 gr Denires DERM-­‐H 20 gr Denires CUBE-­‐ML 600 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min.

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Denires CUBE Resin Finishing ( Included Catalyst ) APPLICATION :

Recipe 4 : Resin ApplicaDon For Ultra Grey Cast 200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 100 gr Denires BOND-­‐I 550 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 5 : Resin ApplicaDons For Extra Bright Look 200 gr Denires CUBE 150 gr Denicoat DERM-­‐H 100 gr Deniso\ VIVID 500 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 15 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min.

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Denires CUBE-­‐NF Non Formaldehyde ReacDve Resin With out Catalyst USES


Special Non-­‐formaldehyde crosslinking agent includes catalyst system for easy-­‐care finishing, permanent three dimensional effects (plisse), grey shade and unwashed look . Denires CUBE-­‐NF is spot –free resin which is developed especially for hypo bleaching.

Recipe 1 : Spot-­‐free Resin ApplicaDon 1

300 gr Denires CUBE-­‐NF 30 gr MgCl2 670 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 2 : Spot-­‐free Resin ApplicaDon 2 300 gr Denires CUBE-­‐N 50 gr Denires CUBE-­‐ML 30 gr MgCl2 620 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min.

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Denires CUBE-­‐ML Self – Crosslinking USES

Self -­‐crosslinking resin finishing agent for the easy-­‐care finishing of texCles made from cellulosic fibre material. For improving the shrink and swelling ressistance for seZng permanent shintz, rippling or embossing. Denires Cube-­‐ML is a melamine formaldeyhde also used as extender for coaCng process.


Recipe 1 : Resin ApplicaDon At Low Temperature For High Strength 200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denirea U-­‐TEAR 20 gr Denires U-­‐HRD 20 gr Denires CUBE-­‐ML 660 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 135 °C for 15 min. Recipe 2 :SoG Handle CoaDng 400 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐TR 50 gr Denicoat DERM 30 gr Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U 20 gr Denires CUBE-­‐ML 500 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 3 :ElasDc Handle CoaDng 400 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐M 100 gr Deniso\ ELASTIC 20 gr Denires CUBE-­‐ML 480 gr Water X gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min.

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Denires U-­‐TEAR Acrylic & Pu Emulsion , SoG Handle


Decreases the strength loss. Mixture of acrylates and gives grey cast Aqueous acrylic & .polyurethanes emulsion for coaCng. Forms elasCc , so\ and sCcky film. Product can be used as strenght improver in resin applicaCon. Denires U-­‐Tear improves fastness of reacCve , direct , indigo and pigment dyes.


Recipe 1 : Standard Resin ApplicaDon

200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 700 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 2 : Standard Pigment AplicaDon

100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR X gr Pigment X gr Pigment 900 gr Water Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 3 : For Extra Strength Increase 5 gr/lt Denires U-­‐TEAR 5 gr/lt Denicoat DERM-­‐H Temperature : 35 -­‐ 40 °C Time : 15 -­‐ 20 min Drain Exctract Dry

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Denires U-­‐HRD Acrylic & Pu Emulsion , Hard Handle USES

Self-­‐crosslinking water based acrylic ester dispersion. Forms high strenght and hard-­‐ tenacity film. Resistant to washing and dry cleaning.


Recipe 1 : Resin ApplicaDon For High 3 D 200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 20 gr Denires TRITON 20 gr Denires U-­‐HRD 660 gr Water

Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 2 : Resin ApplicaDon At Low Temperature For High Strength 200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denirea U-­‐TEAR 20 gr Denires U-­‐HRD 20 gr Denires CUBE-­‐ML 660 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 135 °C for 15 min. Recipe 3 : Paper Touch Effect 100 gr Denires CUBE 50 gr Denirea U-­‐TEAR 150 gr Denires U-­‐HRD 700 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 135 °C for 15 min.

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Denires TRITON Resin 3D Efect Improver



Denires Triton is a combinaCon of special polymers uses as wrinkle resistant agent and 3D efect improver . Product is applicable a\er Indigo-­‐Dyeing and CoaCng process and improves strenght a\er resin appliacaCon

Recipe 1 : Resin ApplicaDon For High 3 D

200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 20 gr Denires TRITON 20 gr Denires U-­‐HRD 660 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min. Recipe 2 : Good Hand Sanding Effect 100 gr Denires TRITON 900 gr Water Spray Curing at 155 °C for 15 min.

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Products For Fastness Improvement

Denıix BOND-­‐RC : Formaldehyde-­‐free Fixing Agent For ReacCve Dyeings Denıix BOND-­‐DR : Special Fixing-­‐agent For GeZng Dark Cast Indigo Denıix BOND-­‐I

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: Formaldehyde-­‐free Fixing Agent For Indigo Dyeing

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Denifix BOND-­‐RC Formaldehyde-­‐free Fixing Agent For ReacDve Dyeings USES

Formaldeyhde free fixing agent for improving fastness of reacCve and direct dyeings


Recipe 1 : Fixing Agent Recipe 4 – 5 gr/lt Denifix BOND-­‐RC Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 °C Tıme : 10 – 15 min Drain Recipe 2 : Fixing Agent Recipe 3 – 4 gr/lt Denifix BOND-­‐RC 3 – 4 gr/lt Denires U-­‐TEAR Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 °C Tıme : 10 – 15 min Drain

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Denifix BOND-­‐I Formaldehyde-­‐free fixing agent for indigo dyeing USES

Special fixing agent for indigo dyeing. Suitable for improving rub fastness of reacCve, sulphure and pigment dyeing.


Recipe 1 : Fixing Agent Recipe 2 – 3 gr/lt Denifix BOND-­‐I Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 °C Tıme : 10 – 15 min Drain Recipe 2 : Fixing Agent Recipe 3 – 4 gr/lt Denifix BOND-­‐I 3 – 4 gr/lt Denires U-­‐TEAR Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 °C Tıme : 10 – 15 min Drain Recipe 3 : Resin applicaDon for Ultra Grey Cast 200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 100 gr Denires BOND-­‐I 600 gr Water Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min.

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Denifix BOND-­‐DR Formaldehyde-­‐free fixing agent for indigo dyeing USES

Special fixing agent for indigo dyeing. Suitable for improving rub fastness of reacCve, sulphur and pigment dyeing.


Recipe 1 : Fixing Agent Recipe 2 – 3 gr/lt Denifix BOND-­‐DR Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 °C Tıme : 10 – 15 min Drain Recipe 2 : Fixing Agent Recipe 3 – 4 gr/lt Denifix BOND-­‐DR 3 – 4 gr/lt Denires U-­‐TEAR Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 °C Tıme : 10 – 15 min Drain Recipe 3: Resin applicaDon for Ultra Grey Cast 200 gr Denires CUBE 100 gr Denires U-­‐TEAR 100 gr Denires BOND-­‐DR 600 gr Water Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min.

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Products For Washing Agent Deniwet LILY : D etergent With OBA Deniwet LILY – X : D etergent Without OBA Deniwash SL-­‐CUT

: Special Agent For Removing Silicone

Deniwash LYC : W ashing-­‐off Agent For Lycra Content Fabric Deniwash MYS : W ashing Agent For Cleaning Machine Deniart VINTAGE : V intage Bleaching Agent Deniart LOST-­‐H

: AcCvator For Hypo

Deniart LOST-­‐PP : A cCvator For Permanganate Deniart DHARMA : N eutralizing Agent For Permanganate

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Deniwet LILY Detergent with OBA USES

Washing agent with opCcal brighCning agent (OBA) for cleaning coron, syntheCc and thier blends . Product is effecCve at all water temperature.


Recipe : AGer Stone Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 -­‐ 20 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniwet LILY-­‐X Detergent with OBA USES


CombinaCon of surfactants and special polymers . Product uses as washing agent without OBA and effecCve at all water temperature.

Recipe : AGer Stone Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY-­‐X Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 -­‐ 20 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniwash SL-­‐CUT Special agent for removing silicone USES

Special product for using removal of silicone.


Recipe : 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwash SL-­‐CUT Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 -­‐ 15 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniwash LYC Washing-­‐off agent for lycra content fabric USES

Special washing agent for cleaning elastane-­‐contented mateial .Product helps to improve elasCcity and elasCc recovery of garment.


Recipe : 2 – 3 gr/lt Deniwash LYC Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 25 -­‐ 35 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniwash MYS Washing agent for cleaning machine


Special product for the cleaning of dyeing , washing machines and apparatus , such as package dyeing machines , winch becks, beam , jet and overflow machines.


Recipe : AGer Garment Dye 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet MYS Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 -­‐ 15 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniart VINTAGE Special Bleaching Agent USES

Special Bleaching agent for indigo


Recipe : 3 – 4 gr/lt Deniart VINTAGE Ph: 4 -­‐ 4,5 Temp : 80-­‐85 °C Tıme : 15 -­‐ 25 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniart LOST-­‐H Hypo AcDvator USES


Uses for acCvaCng Hypo

Recipe : 0,5 -­‐ 1 g /lt DENIART LOST – H 10 g /L Sodiumhypoclorite Temp : 50-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 -­‐ 20 min Drain 0.3 – 0.5 g /l DENIART DHARMA Temp : 50-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniart LOST-­‐PP AcDvator Permanganate USES

Uses As Permanganate AcCvator


Recipe : 30 gr Deniart LOST – PP 20 gr Permanganate 950 gr Water Permanganete Spray NEUTRALIZATION 0.3 – 0.5 g /l Deniart DHARMA Temp : 50-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Deniart DHARMA NeutralizaDon Agent (Hypo-­‐ Permanganate ) USES

Running as neutralizing agent a\er hypo and Permanganate Spray process


Recipe : 0.3 – 0.5 g /l DENIART DHARMA Temp : 50-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Products For We@ng Agent Deniwet ZEN : N onionic weZng agent Deniwet CURVE : A nC-­‐creasing and Nonionic weZng agent

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Deniwet ZEN Nonionic We@ng and Washing Agent USES

Low foaming, highly effecCve weZng and deaeraCng agent for texCle finishing processes with defoaming effect


Recipe :Desizing Recipe 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase TITAN 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet ZEN Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 10 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min )

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Deniwet CURVE AnD-­‐creasing and Nonionic we@ng agent USES


Running crease inhibitor for bleaching and dyeing CO, CV, WO, PES, PA and PAN as well as their blends. Suitable for applicaCon on winch becks, jets and overflow dyeing machines both at the boil and in the HT range.

Recipe :Desizing Recipe 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase TITAN 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 10 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min )

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Products For Dispersing Agent Deniwet DISPER : Dispersing agent Deniwet DISPER-­‐CONC : Dispersing agent

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Deniwet DISPER Dispersing Agent USES

Special scouring and dispersing agent for all types of fabric with properCes inhibiCng backstaining, especially for washing indigo –dyed denim or other garments


Recipe 1 : Desizing Recipe 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase TITAN 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 10 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min ) Recipe 2 : Stonewash Enzyme 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase WORN 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 30-­‐40 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min ) Recipe 3 : Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase ABBY 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 5-­‐5,5 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 30-­‐40 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min )

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Deniwet DISPER-CONC Dispersing Agent USES

Special scouring and dispersing agent for all types of fabric with properCes inhibiCng backstaining, especially for washing indigo –dyed denim or other garments


Recipe 1 : Desizing Recipe 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase TITAN 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER-­‐CONC 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 10 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min ) Recipe 2 : Stonewash Enzyme 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase WORN 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER-­‐CONC 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 30-­‐40 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min ) Recipe 3 : Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase ABBY 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER-­‐CONC 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 5-­‐5,5 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 30-­‐40 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min )

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Products For EnzymaDc Desizing Denilasa TITAN : Desizing Enzyme Denilase TITAN CONC : Concentrated Desizing Enzyme

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Denilase TITAN Desizing enzyme USES

PreparaCon of amylase and surface acCve agent. Denilase Titan is a special product to remove all natural sizing agents for denim fabrics.


Desizing Recipe 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase TITAN 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER-­‐CONC 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 10 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min )

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Denilase TITAN-CONC Concentrated Desizing Enzyme USES

PreparaCon of amylase and surface acCve agent. Denilase Titan is a special product to remove all natural sizing agents for denim fabrics.


Desizing Recipe 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Denilase TITAN-­‐CONC 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet DISPER 0.5 -­‐ 1.0 g /lt Deniwet CURVE Ph : 6-­‐7 Temperature : 60 °C Time : 10 min Drain Hot rinse ( 60 °C – 2 min )

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Products For Bleaching Enzyme Denilase AMON : Laccase Enzyme Denilase AMON-­‐X : Laccase Enzyme

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Denilase AMON Laccase enzyme USES

CombinaCon of special enzymes recommended for denim washing process, especially for wash-­‐down treatment for greyish effect.


Recipe : Laccase Recipe 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Denilase AMON 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 15-­‐20 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denilase AMON-X Laccase enzyme USES

CombinaCon of special enzymes recommended for denim washing process, especially for wash-­‐down treatment for greyish effect.


Recipe : Laccase Recipe 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Denilase AMON-­‐X 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 15-­‐20 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Products For Stonewash Enzyme Denipill ANNY : N eutral Liqiud Stone Wash Enzyme 60°C Denilase E-­‐9 : S tone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C Denilase E-­‐7 : S tone Wash Enzyme For 60°C Denilase J-­‐5 : S tone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C Denilase WORN : S tone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C Denilase ABC : S tone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C

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Denipill ANNY Neutral Liquid Stone Wash & Bio-Polishing Enzyme USES

Biocatalyst for the removal of pills and for the permanent anCpilling finishing of cellulosic fibres.


Recipe : Neutral Liqiud Resin ApplicaDon At Low Temperature For High Strength 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Denipill ANNY 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER pH: 7 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Enzyme Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denilase E-9 Stone wash enzyme for 40-60°C USES

Neutral cellulase formulaCon with addiConal dispersing agent to obtain low-­‐backstaining Stone-­‐wash effect on indigo-­‐dyed fabric.


Recipe : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C 0,1 – 0,2 gr/lt Denilase E-­‐9 0,5 – 1,0 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER pH:7 Temp : 40-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Stone Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denilase E-7 Stone wash enzyme for 60°C USES

Neutral cellulase formulaCon with addiConal dispersing agent to obtain low-­‐backstaining Stone-­‐wash effect on indigo-­‐dyed fabric.


Recipe : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C 0,2 – 0,3 gr/lt Denilase E-­‐7 0,5 – 1,0 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER pH:7 Temp : 40-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Stone Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denilase J-5 Stone wash enzyme for 40-60°C USES

Neutral cellulase formulaCon with addiConal dispersing agent to obtain low-­‐backstaining Stone-­‐wash effect on indigo-­‐dyed fabric.


Recipe : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C 0,3 – 0,4 gr/lt Denilase J-­‐5 0,5 – 1,0 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER ( dispersing agent ) pH:7 Temp : 40-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Stone Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denilase WORN Stone wash enzyme for 40-60°C USES

Neutral cellulase formulaCon with addiConal dispersing agent to obtain low-­‐backstaining Stone-­‐wash effect on indigo-­‐dyed fabric.


Recipe : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C 0,5– 0,6 gr/lt Denilase WORN 0,5 – 1,0 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER ( dispersing agent ) pH:7 Temp : 40-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Stone Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denilase ABC Stone wash enzyme for 40-60°C USES

Neutral cellulase formulaCon with addiConal dispersing agent to obtain low-­‐backstaining Stone-­‐wash effect on indigo-­‐dyed fabric.


Recipe : Stone Wash Enzyme For 40-­‐60°C 0,5– 0,6 gr/lt Denilase ABC 0,5 – 1,0 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER ( dispersing agent ) pH:7 Temp : 40-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Stone Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Products For Biopolish Enzyme Denipill ANNY : N eutral Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C Denipill ABBY : A cidic Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C Denipill ADDY : A cidic Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C Denipill ALL : C oncentrated Acidic Bio-­‐polishing Enzyme 60°C

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Denipill ANNY Neutral Liquid Stone Wash & Bio-Polishing Enzyme USES

Biocatalyst for the removal of pills and for the permanent anCpilling finishing of cellulosic fibres.


Recipe : Neutral Liqiud Resin ApplicaDon At Low Temperature For High Strength 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Denipill ANNY 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER ( Dispersing Agent ) pH: 7 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Enzyme Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denipill ABBY Concentrated Acidic Bio-Polishing Enzyme USES

Acid cellulase enzyme for removal of pills and permanent anCpilling finishing of cellulosic fibres.


Recipe :Concentrated Acidic Bio-­‐Polishing Enzyme 0,3 – 0,5 gr/lt Denipill ABBY 0,5 – 1 ,0 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER pH: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Enzyme Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denipill ADDY Acidic Bio-Polishing Enzyme USES

Biocatalyst for the removal of pills and for the permanent anCpilling finishing of cellulosic fibres.


Recipe :Acidic Bio-­‐Polishing Enzyme 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Denipill ADDY 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER pH: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Enzyme Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Denipill ALL Concentrated Acidic Bio-Polishing Enzyme USES

Acid cellulase enzyme for removal of pills and permanent anCpilling finishing of cellulosic fibres.


Recipie :Concentrated Acidic Bio-­‐Polishing Enzyme 0,1 – 0,15 gr/lt Denipill ALL 0,5 – 1,0 gr/lt Deniwet DISPER pH: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 30 min -­‐ 60 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min AGer Enzyme Wash 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniwet LILY Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Tıme : 10 min Drain Hot Rinse -­‐ 60 °C – 2 min Cold Rinse -­‐ 25 °C – 2 min

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Products For SoGener & Silicone Deniso\ CLK CONC : Concentrated CaConic So\ener Deniso\ OZS : AnC -­‐Ozone So\ener Deniso\ CLS CONC : Concentrated FuncConal Silicone So\ener Deniso\ R-­‐LAX : Micro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX : Concentrated Micro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ VIVID : Macro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U : Concentrated Macro Silicone Emulsion Deniso\ ELASTIC : Special Silicone Emulsion For İncreasing ElasCcity

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Denisoft CLK-CONC Concentrated Cationic Softener USES

CaConic so\ener to obtain so\ handle for the treatment of indigo-­‐dyed and jeans arCcles mde from CO and its blends.


Recipie : CaDonic SoGener Recipe 0,4 – 0,6 gr/lt Deniso\ CLK CONC Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft OZS Anti - Ozone Softener USES

Nonionic fary acid condensaCon product to get so\ handle and eliminate yellowing problem of indigo -­‐ dyed material.


Recipie : AnD -­‐ Ozone SoGener 3 – 4 gr/lt Deniso\ OZS Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft CLS-CONC Concentrated Functional Silicone Softener USES


Concentrated FuncConal Silicone So\ener to obtain so\ handle for the treatment of indigo-­‐dyed and jeans arCcles mde from CO and its blends.

Recipie : CaDonic SoGener Recipe 0,4 – 0,6 gr/lt Deniso\ CLS -­‐CONC Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft E-LAX Micro Silicone Emulsion USES

Silicone micro emulsion for obtaining so\ness and smoothness. Special product for spray foulard and exhaust applicaCon.


Recipie : Micro Silicone Recipe 2 – 3 gr/lt Deniso\ E-­‐LAX Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft R-LAX Micro Silicone Emulsion USES

Nonionic Polysiloxane compound for so\ening and smoothing of all types of fibre . Deniso\ R-­‐LAX is a special formulaCon for improving sewability , rub ressistancy and handle..


Recipie : Micro Silicone Recipe 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniso\ R-­‐LAX Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft ULTRA-LAX Concentrated Micro Silicone Emulsion USES

Nonionic Polysiloxane compound for so\ening and smoothing of all types of fibre . Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX is a special formulaCon for improving sewability , rub ressistancy and handle.


Recipie : Micro Silicone Recipe 0,5 – 1 gr/lt Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft VIVID Macro Silicone Emulsion USES

Nonionic form of macro silicone emulsion. Deniso\ VIVID using for geZng extremely so\ and slippery hand


Recipie : Macro Silicone Recipe 1 – 2 gr/lt Deniso\ VIVID Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft VIVID-U Concentrated Macro Silicone Emulsion USES

Nonionic concantrated form of macro silicone emulsion. Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U using for geZng extremely so\ and slippery hand


Recipie : Macro Silicone Recipe 0,5 – 1 gr/lt DenisoG VIVID-­‐U Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Denisoft ELASTIC Special Silicone Emulsion For İncreasing Elasticity USES

Nonionic micro silicone emulsion. Deniso\ ELASTIC is a special product improves elasCcity and elasCc recovery.


Recipie : Special Silicone 3 -­‐ 5 gr/lt Deniso\ ELASTIC Ph: 5 – 5,5 Temp : 35-­‐40 ºC Tıme : 10 min Drain

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Products For Special Effects Denicoat CORE-­‐TR : Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Handle Denicoat 16-­‐X

: Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Handle

Denicoat 415

: Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Handle

Denicoat CORE-­‐H : Polyurethane Emulsion For SCff Hand Denicoat CORE-­‐C : CaConic Polyurethane Emulsion Denicoat CORE-­‐MPU : Polyurethane Emulsion For So\ Hand And Shinny Denicoat SSG-­‐M : AnC-­‐Slippary Agent Denicoat DERM : Polyethylene Emulsion Denicoat PUT-­‐A : Thickener Denicoat PUT-­‐B

: Thickener For Resin

Caralizzator ACR

: Catalyst

Deniart TRINITY : Special product for oily effect Deniart MORPH : Stuffed effect agent

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Denicoat CORE-TR Polyurethane emulsion for soft handle USES


CoaCng agent for so\ handle effect. Product is suitable fort he base coat and with mulClayer coaCngs.

Recipe 1: Polyurethane emulsion for soG handle 200 gr Denires CUBE 200 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐TR 600 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 2 : CoaDng with soG handle and bright looking 400 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐TR 600 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 3 : CoaDng with extra bright looking and extra soG handle 400 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐TR 100 gr Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX 500 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 4 : Bright and slippery handle coaDng 500 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐TR 150 gr Deniso\ ELASTIC 350 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min

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Denicoat 16-X Special Polyurethane emulsion for soft handle USES

It is suitable for very so\, highly elasCc coaCngs with gum-­‐ like surface.


CoaDng 1 -­‐ Pick – Up : %50 915 gr / kg Denicoat 16 X 30 gr / kg Caralizzator ACR 5 gr / kg Denicoat PUT-­‐A 50 gr / kg Black Pigment Dry – 175 º C – 1 min CoaDng 2 -­‐ Pick – Up : %50 915 gr / kg Denicoat 16 X 30 gr / kg Caralizzator ACR 5 gr / kg Denicoat PUT-­‐A 50 gr / kg Black Pigment Dry – 175 º C – 1 min

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Denicoat CORE-M Polyurethane emulsion for medium hand USES

CoaCng agent for medium hard film with good adhesion properCes.


Recipe 1: Polyurethane emulsion for medium handle 200 gr Denires CUBE 200 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐M 600 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 2 : CoaDng with soG handle and bright looking 500 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐M 500 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 3 : CoaDng with extra bright looking and extra soG handle 450 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐M 100 gr Denicoat DERM 50 gr Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX 400 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 4 : Bright and slippery handle coaDng 500 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐M 100 gr Deniso\ ELASTIC 100 gr Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U 300 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min

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Denicoat CORE-H Polyurethane emulsion for stiff hand USES

CoaCng agent for very hard film with very good adhesion properCes and suitable for manufacturing plisse arCcles.


Recipe 1 : Polyurethane emulsion for sDff hand 200 gr Denires CUBE 150 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐H 650 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 2: 150 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐H 100 gr Denicoar DERM 50 gr Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX 50 gr Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U 500 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min

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Denicoat CORE-C Cationic polyurethane emulsion USES


CaConic coaCng agent for geZng so\ handle effect and high stability to hydrolysis.

Recipe 1 : CaDonic polyurethane emulsion 200 gr Denires CUBE 200 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐C 600 gr Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 2 : CoaDng with soG handle and bright looking 500 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐C x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 3 : CoaDng with extra bright looking and extra soG handle 450 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐C 100 gr Denicoar DERM 120 gr Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX 330 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 4 : Bright and slippery handle coaDng 500 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐C 100 gr Deniso\ VIVID 300 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min

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Denicoat CORE-MPU Polyurethane emulsion for soft hand and shinny effect USES

CoaCng agent for obtaining shinny effect . Product is suitable for very so\, gum like and highly elasCc coaCngs.


Recipe 1 : Polyurethane emulsion shinny effect 200 gr Denires CUBE 200 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐MPU 600 gr Water Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 2 : CoaDng with soG handle and bright looking 500 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐MPU 500 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 3 : CoaDng with extra bright looking and extra soG handle 450 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐MPU 100 gr Denicoar DERM 50 gr Deniso\ ULTRA-­‐LAX 400 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 4 : Bright and slippery handle coaDng 500 gr Denicoat CORE-­‐MPU 100 gr Deniso\ ELASTIC 100 gr Deniso\ VIVID 300 gr Water x gr Pigment Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min

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Denicoat SSG-M Anti-Slippary Agent • CombinaCon Of Special Polymers For GeZng AnC-­‐slippary Effect.


• White Emulsion • Dilutable İn Any RaCo With Cold Water • CompaCble With Nonionic And CaConic Substances • Has Excellent AnC-­‐slippery Effect • Does Not NegaCve Effect To The So\ Handle Of Material


1.Spraying Recipe : AnD-­‐Slippary & Paper Effect 200 -­‐ 400 gr Denires coat SSG-­‐M 800 -­‐ 600 gr Water Drying at 110 °C for 15 min. 2.Dipping Recipe : AnD-­‐Slippary & Paper Effect 100 -­‐ 200 gr Denires coat SSG-­‐M 900 -­‐ 800 gr Water Tumbler Drying at 80 °C for 40 min. 3.Washing Machine Recipe : AnD-­‐Slippary & Paper Effect 8 -­‐ 10 gr/lt Denires coat SSG-­‐M Tumbler Drying at 80 °C for 40 min.

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Denicoat DERM Polyethylene Emulsion


• Strenght improver in resin finishing as well as other finishing applicaCons . Products gives so\ness and sweability propery to the material. • Dilutable in cold water • High smoothness and slippery effects • Lower fricCon values • Improves tear strength of the finish good


Recipe 1 : Resin finishing with high strength 50 -­‐ 100 g /lt Denicoat DERM 150 -­‐ 300 g /lt Denires CUBE 50 -­‐ 100 g /lt Denires U-­‐TEAR 750 -­‐ 500 g /lt Water Spray Drying at 100 °C for 10 min. Curing at 155 °C for 15 min Recipe 2 : Strength improving in the washing machine 5 g /lt Denicoat DERM 3 g /lt Denires U-­‐TEAR Temperature 30-­‐35 °C DuraCon 10-­‐15 min Tumbler Drying at 70 °C for 40 min.

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Denicoat PUT-A Thickener USES

Natural thickener for prinCng of reacCve and dispers dyes to the fabric made from CO and PES fibers and their blends.


Recipe : CoaDng recipe for soG handle and shinny appereance 300 gr/lt Denicoat CORE –TR 50 gr/lt Denicoat DERM 30 gr/lt Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U 5 gr/lt NH3 x gr/lt Denıcoat PUT-­‐A Drying : 120 °C – 1 min Calendering -­‐ Press-­‐ 150 °C Curing : 180 °C -­‐ 1 min

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Denicoat PUT-B Thickener of Resin USES

Natural thickener for prinCng of reacCve and dispers dyes to the fabric made from CO and PES fibers and their blends.


Recipe : CoaDng recipe of Resin 100 gr/lt Denires CUBE 100 gr/lt Denicoat CORE –TR 30 gr/lt Deniso\ VIVID-­‐U 5 gr/lt NH3 x gr/lt DENICOAT PUT-­‐B Drying : 120 °C Calendering -­‐ Press-­‐ 150 °C Curing : 180 °C/ 1 min

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Cattalizzator ACR Catalyst USES

Catalist for PU


CoaDng 1 -­‐ Pick – Up : %50 915 gr / kg Denicoat 16 X 30 gr / kg Caralizzator ACR 5 gr / kg Denicoat PUT-­‐A 50 gr / kg Black Pigment Dry – 175 º C – 1 min CoaDng 2 -­‐ Pick – Up : %50 915 gr / kg Denicoat 16 X 30 gr / kg Caralizzator ACR 5 gr / kg Denicoat PUT-­‐A 50 gr / kg Black Pigment Dry – 175 º C – 1 min

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Deniart TRINITY Special product for oily effect USES

Special product for oily effect


Recipe : 400 gr/lt Denires CUBE 100 gr/lt Denicoat CORE –TR 500 gr/lt Water Spray Curing : 155 °C-­‐ 15 min

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Products For OpDcal Brighteners Denop UW

: Neutral OpCcal whitening agent ,coron

Denop EN

: Neutral Liquid OpCcal whitening agent , coron

Denop E1B : ( Bluish +) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent , coron Denop E2B

: (Bluish ++) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent , coron

Denop E4B : ( Bluish +++) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent ,coron Denop CPS4T : L iquid OpCcal brigthening agent for polyester

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Denop UW Neutral Optical whitening agent for cotton USES

Neutral OpCcal whitening agent for coron


0,15-­‐0,20 % Denop UW pH: 7 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Time : 10 min

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Denop EN Neutral Liquid Optical whitening agent for cotton USES

Neutral Liquid OpCcal whitening agent for coron


0,15 -­‐ 0,20 % Denop EN pH: 7 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Time : 10 min

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Denop E1B (Bluish +) Liquid Optical brigthening agent for cotton USES

(Bluish +) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent for coron


0,5-­‐ 1 % Denop E1B pH: 7 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Time : 10 min

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Denop E2B (Bluish ++) Liquid Optical brigthening agent for cotton USES

(Bluish ++) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent for coron .Red cust


0,5-­‐ 1 % Denop E2B pH: 7 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Time : 10 min

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Denop E4B (Bluish +++) Liquid Optical brigthening agent for cotton USES

(Bluish +++) Liquid OpCcal brigthening agent for coron


0,5-­‐ 1 % Denop E3B pH: 7 Temp : 55-­‐60 °C Time : 10 min

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I S T A N B U L DNM/DC Oct 2010 I Denim Chemicals EUROPE I Denimist




Bulgaria TURKEY U.S.A

Syria Tunisia



Iran Pakistan



Denimist : Çerkezköy Yolu Üzeri Akbayır Mevkii Velimeşe 59850 Çorlu –Tekirdağ-­‐ TÜRKİYE Eyüp YENEROĞLU -­‐ CEO of Denimist Mobile : 00 9 532 693 36 88 E-­‐Mail: -­‐ Denimist Bangladesh : Road Number 108 , House 16 Apertment A3 GULSHAN 2 , DHAKA , BANGLADESH Serkan TUNC – Country Manager Mobile : + 88 0174 139 38 79 GDS Chemical : 122/1 , Love Road Tejgaon Industrial Area Dhaka – 1208 , BANGLADESH Tel : +880 2 8850841 , 8815543 , 9886022 Fax : +880 2 8825755

DNM/DC Oct 2010 I Denim Chemicals EUROPE I Denimist

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