ORTNITheBlackOUT:AVisionofcelebratingBlack Excellence,inaBlack-ownedormanagedspaces,to spendmoneywith/supportBlack-ownedfood vendors,andBlack-ownedmerchandisersfromthe community!!
Comeoutsee,learnabout,andsupportnewblack businessesrighthereinourcity.
ThisBlackOUTDigitalCatalogwasmadeasa viableplatformforourvendorstocontinuetoget supportinbetweenourin-personevents Simply clickthenameofthebusinessorthedescription paragraphandyou’llgodirectlytotheirwebsiteor businesspages
Wehopeyouenjoyandcontinuetosupportthese amazing,growingbusinesses! Weappreciateyou!
Ourgoalistoproducethebestlemonadeyourtaste budshaveeverhadexperienced Withaspecial formuladesignedtosendyoutoparadiseinevery sip Weaddahintofpureherbalessencetoour lemonadetogiveyouthatexperience.Whenalso triedwithyourfavoriteadultbeverage,Vanlice Lemonadehasbeenahit.
Naturally made smoothies with seamoss. Not only are you getting a very tasty smoothie but it will contain seamoss which holds 91 minerals your body needs on a daily basis. A variety flavors to choose from, your health never tasted so good. Which one will you grab?
OurmissionistoprovidetheTwinCitieswithanoutof-this-worldbarbequeexperience. JonesnyourbonesBBQCatering,LLC maintainsa simplebusinessphilosophy:useonlythehighest qualityproducts,preparetheminaclean environmentandservethemwithafriendlyattitude. Wehavebuiltareputationforfresh,made-to-order quickservicewithfriendlywell-trainedstaff
ChefMannyisaspiceexpert,andaculinary enthusiastwithover19yearsofexperiencecooking Asian,Italian,andAmericancuisinesfromscratch andmerginghisloveofglobalspicesandherbswith freshlocalproduce,organicmeats,andinternational cheesestocreatebothtraditionalandnewdishes Fromsimpleingredients,ChefMannyaddsvarious blendsofherbsandspices,tomakeloadsofflavor. ChefMannyisavailabletohelpyoucaterasmall party
WhiteChickenPestoLasagna,4-LayeredBeef Lasagna,SpinachLasagna,PulledPorkorChicken Macn’Cheese,StrawberryCreamcheesecake,Brown sugarhoneybourbonchicken,apricotandpineapple brownsugarhoneybourbonham,sweetpotatopies Pineappleupsidedowncakesandevenmore! AddoursignatureStrawberryPineappleand/or MangoLemonadejuicesaswell. Letuscateryournexteventandtastethedifference.
Catering homemade food just like Mama & Them Made It. With a vast array of Soul food offerings: the best greens, mac-n-cheese, chicken, cheesy pototoes, desserts and MORE, you simply cannot lose no matter what you order. Try Mama & Them today!
Featuring VROM ROLLS" with V sauce and Hibachi Bowls, wraps and salads Egg rolls of all kinds including but not limited to Taco, pulled pork, super veggie, nacho jalapeno cheesy, gyro, Mac and baked gravy chicken, cheesy burger, lasagna, jalapeno cheesy, steak and chicken fajita, enchilada, cheesecake, Italian beef, chicken tao, AND EVEN More!
A catering business focusing on providing a variety of cuisines and services for private or corporate events, meetings, family events, weddings, graduations, and more CHEVYS PIT LLC offers a full menu of breakfast, lunch, and dinner options (including, Soul Food, appetizers, salads, soups, sandwiches, entrees, and desserts) Soul Food is our passion!!
BlackRootsSaucesandSeasoningswillenhance yourflavorwithworldwidespices&handcrafted blends.BesidestheamazingBBQsaucesthatwill maximizethetasteofanychicken,ribs,orburgers weoffertremendousseasoningslikeoursmoky chipotleflakes,BlackLimeLove,andMagnificent7 (MiddleEasternBlend).
Handmade seasonings which are gluten free, low in sodium and can be used for marinating, seasoning, cooking, and topping some of your favorite meats and dishes. Winning awards and getting rave reviews is what we do!
Come see what all the flavor is about!
MynameisJ York,owner&cookforforCorporalYorksBangin BBQSauce Iama12-yearmilitaryveteranwhojustlikesto cookandmakeBBQsauce I'vetriedalotofdifferentsauces, andIcanhonestlysay,nothingcomparestomine.Mysauceis alsocompletelyglutenfree. I'veonlybeenacompanyforayearandahalf,butwithyour help,Ihopetobeahouseholdname.Ifyoutakeprideinyour BBQ-ing,usethebestsauceyou'lleveruse: CorporalYork’sBanginBBQSauce
Westrivetosatisfyyoursweettooththroughavarietyof homemadetreatsmadewithlove! Whetherit’sourMiniBundtCakeswithfruitinfusedglazeor ourBananaCrunchCakethatisnotyourtraditional bananabreadorcoffeecake,IT’SBOTH!Withjustahintof bananaandburstingwithcinnamoncrunchinside&out! Orforourvegancustomers,wehaveoursignaturevegan donuts,andavarietyofveganandglutenfreegranola offerings
Letuschangeyourmindabouthowgoodcakes anddessertsinajarcanbe!!MmmmmmMmmmm. Specializingincustommadecakesforany occasion,letusmakeoneforyournextspecial event.Whilecakesareindeedwhatwedo,our cupcakesandotherdessertsarejustasdelicious.
What more does someone need to say besides CHOCOLATE!!?? However you want she got it!! Lovies, Mammoth & Mini Bars, Cuddle cakes and MORE! In need of a middle of the week "pick me up"? Get your hands on our version of dipped potato chips! You can also get our Chocolate Boxes filled with your favorite assortment of various chocolate delights!
NewtotheBlackOUT,butcominginstrongwith plentyofsweetstosatisfyanysweettoothoutthere! Wehavewhatyouneedfromcakes,cookies,to deliciouspiesthatcomeinplethoraofflavorsStrawberryOreo,ClassicOreo,Oreocrunch(with oreopieces&handmadeoreocrust),Cherryoreo, Strawberrycherry,andclassicStrawberry! Comegetit!
Hi,mynameisTamekiaandIhaveahugelovefor BananaPudding.I'verecreatedtherecipeforFamily andFriendsandthey'velovediteverysince SoIhad decidedtosharemytreasurewithYOUALL!Satisfy yourcravingsherebyorderingBananaPuddin’from us;butnotjustanypuddin’.Howboutsomecaramel, orea,orstrawberrywithcookiesontop!
Custom Streetwear PERIODT! Check out their massive inventory and extreme variety of colors that will drip with any shoe combination! Jes Apparel
The esteemed St. Paul pride clothing brand continues to expand its scope by offering several new brands like Kingdom Come, LESson Unlimited, Black360Five, and PAULStar with more to come As well as new clothing, PWA as ventured into several home essentials like comforters, wall clocks, throw blankets, bluetooth speakers and more.
VARIETY OF AFRIKA is a business started to give the people who seek culture in their lives, a direct connection to our motherland Africa. There is a power and confidence in knowing as well as being proud of who you are and where you come from. Feel that confidence and that vibe with each and every one of pieces
Elite Boutique
Feellikeamillionbuckswithouthavetospend thatamountlookthepart!Ourphilosophyisto providehighqualityfashionatanaffordable price
100%SilkGarments HighEnd,Classy,Non restrictiveclothing..forWomenofall sizes...BeautifulBright,Vibrant,UniquePrints alongwithjustasuniquelystunningbracelets& earringsforfinishingtouch
Bringing their quality custom T-Shirts, Hoodies, Hats, wine Caddy’s & more ready to serve and give quick turnarounds for any of your ideas that they can help bring to life! Need to put you logo on some merch? We got you with that professional touch every growing business deserves.
If you can wear it, chances are we have a stylish version of it in our inventory! ‘Lashes, shirts, glasses, purses, and more!! We strive to be a one-stop shop for merchandise all around. We also customize clothing and kids clothing as well.
“Put my boy anywhere and he’d be the flyest in the room “ That’s what one of his best friends said about him. A clothing line designed & dedicated to representing his lifestyle, fashion & shopping! This is for my fallen friend, best man & son.
Know Your Worth Clothing
KnowYourWorthClothingisproductsandapparel inspiredbytheprincipalsandconceptsof; Community,Pride,Heritage,Purpose,andHistory
Theclothingisbasedontheunderstandingof valueandworthderivedfromknowingyour community'shistory.Learningandembracing one’sheritage,andfindingpurposeandpridein thisprocess Wearinggarmentsthatreflectthe positiveaffirmations,wisdom,andcontributionsof variousculturesandcommunities
Earring and necklace combos made with love for any ensemble you may have in your closet as well as a few more items you may want to add as well! Warm winter hats with a variety of colors keeps you ready for the up and down temps MN frequently throws your way!
WaistbeadsareatraditionalAfrican accessorythatconsistofsmallglass beadsonastringorwirewornaroundthe waistorhips.Theycomeindifferentcolors andshapesandmayalsoinclude decorativestones,crystals,orcharms. Checkoutourwidearrayofstyles.
There’s Crocs and then there is Crocs completely reimagined and given a ‘drip’ makeover by TB’z Customz! Done by hand and with love in every design you may request! Crocs, Clogs, Sneakers,etc. We BLING your boring shoes to life!
Stylish Palace has a variety of Stylish Sunglasses for Women, Men and kids. Don’t forget to check out our great variety of crocs, bucket hats, and caps. Professionalism & Great Customer Service is our expectation when serving everyone. We have a style that fits everyone.
WeareWomenEmpowermentbrandlookingtochange theworldonewomanatatimethroughjewelry.We believethatwehavepiecesthateveryqueenshould have,andthatwehaveapieceforeveryqueen Our collectionsliketheSandcastleCollectionpayshomage totheluxuriesofAfrica
Whenyouweartheseearringsyouareconnectingto yourrootsandpayingrespectstotheancestorsbefore you
Jewels By Xaviea
A beautiful variety of handmade crystal and custom one of a kind jewelry. From necklaces to rings bracelets and more for every occasion. WE MAKE EVERY PIECE WITH LOVE AND GREAT ENERGY THAT I HOPE YOU FEEL WHEN YOU WEAR MY JEWELRY
Each Piece of Jewelry is made from Agates that I have personally found including Custom Agate Pendant Necklaces, Rings, Earrings, Bracelets, and Custom Agate Key Chains.
Hi! My name is Lyric and I love to create things. Sometimes I paint, sometimes I make cat toys, sometimes I make jewelry, key chains, or any creative endeavors I set my heart on. I like to go on adventures with my family and I love to work in the community! Thank you for supporting me!
Mullur'e Cosmetics
Mullur'e Cosmetics has a full range of colors for any of your cosmetic needs.
Eyeshadow palettes, lipgloss, highlighter, accessories, and more.
Mullur'e also caters to the Mini dolls with Mini Mullur'e. We have kid-friendly safe lipgloss for kids. We also offer makeup appointments for weddings, proms, graduations, as well as teach makeup classes
Melaninated Body Shop
The Melaninated Body Shop, where we bring health awareness to the Black community by providing access to botanical handmade natural products for skin care, & herbal products for body inside and out. All products are handmade, cruelty free and plant base, vegan friendly. We make botanical products, from soaps, body butters, body oils and more
Specializing in amazing Soy Candles, body lotions, and body oils with exotic smells like the Beverly Mango Golden Cheesecake! Even the design of the candle holder is a piece of art; some of the holders can even light up without the candle being lit. Each design is unique and ready to light up any room in the house!!
Brown Babies Puzzles
Brown Babies Puzzles brings together children of ALL diverse backgrounds through familiarity while improving their visual-spatial reasoning, short-term memory, and problem-solving skills throughout their formative years.
Shabazz Asiatic (Black) Bookstand
Keepingthepublicationsfromthe MessengerofAllahtheHonorableElijah Muhammadavailabletoawakenthelost foundmembersofthetribeofShabazz(the BlacknationinAmerica)withathorough KnowledgeofSelf,SupremeWisdom,and understanding.Learnaboutyoself,Peace! BrotherEmirAliShabazzAllah
The Simply Silky Collection
Where you learn you can still be cute while protecting yourself. Simply Silky has some fly keychains with protection in mind and more! Lots of different combinations and add-ons available!
Stitch Queen Meria's Creations
StitchQueenMeria'sCreationsisa smallbusinessthatcustomizes 16x16pillows,T-Shirts&more. Everypieceishand-stitchedto perfectionwithlove.Customizableat yourrequest,whetheryourapsports fan,loveAfricanprints,orjustwanta pictureofalovedone,wegotyou covered.
A premier provider of custom-designed products that add a touch of elegance and uniqueness to everyday items We specialize in creating exquisite doublewalled tumblers, each meticulously crafted to reflect our customers' individual style and personality. Our tumblers are not only functional but also serve as works of art, featuring stunning designs that are sure to turn heads wherever you go. We also offer a wide range of one-of-a-kind resin art pieces Whether you ' re looking for a statement piece for your home or a unique gift for a loved one, our resin art is sure to impress.
Divine Beauty Co. is a holistic health care company that offers a wide range of products from hair care, natural soaps and body butters, to teas and detoxes and so much more! We are 100% natural with many vegan options and absolutely none of our products are tested on animals. Our most popular products include hair care, body and bath (cologne oils and natural soaps), natural teas and tea strainers, and yoni care products.
MN Black Authors Expo
The Minnesota Black Authors Expo is committed to promoting literacy and improving educational outcomes. We showcase and support the work of Black authors. We host a gathering spaces for authors, educators, and community while providing authors with a marketplace to showcase their work and supplement their incomes.
THE MODEL BOUTIQUE & CO. is unique because of the talent and knowledge that MSDENISHIA brings with her from a long-term career of traveling as a Professional Model then and now! Her vision includes training and mentoring all models who are serious about better themselves Deriving positive energy and motivation from her own experience on the runway, in front of the camera and hosting events she is transforming the modeling industry.
Frankie's Junk Removal
Frankie's Junk Removal provides junk removal service to the greater twin cites and surrounding area. It’s time to declutter that attic, basement and/or storage space in your home and we’re the ones to call! Frankie’s Junk Removal is just one click or call away! Let us come and get that junk for a low, low price!
Our company thrives and takes pride in housing the homeless. Our goal is to be the hand of opportunity to every suffering family or individual who doesn’t have a home or adequate shelter We are a licensed provider through the state of Minnesota that operates under the (HSS) housing stabilization service regulations. We offer more services to ensure not only will our clients get housing, but KEEP HOUSING!
Carrington Cares Foundation
The Carrington Cares Foundation (CCF) provides programs to cancer patients that will help sustain them while going through treatment. CCF empowers and encourages patients and is committed to being a voice for the voiceless
The CCF mission is to advocate for, motivate and assist cancer patients before, during and after cancer. CCF also provides services to the community that will assist with housing, furniture, transportation, and employment in the near future.
TaxWise LLC offers personal tax preparation, small business tax preparation, bookkeeping/accounting services, with bank advances up to $7000 Getting your taxes done quickly but most importantly, correctly is our top priority.
The JK Movement
TheJKMovementisanon-profitorganization providingmentorshipandothercommunityprograms foryouthinthemetroandsurroundingareas.TheJK Movement’sgoalsaretofosteracommitmentforour youngpeople,thatwillpromotestronginterpersonal skills,educationalandcareerpathways,andreasserta senseofhopefortheirfuture
Ourprogramscenteraroundyouthwhoareshowing signsthattheyareheadingtowardsaturbulent transition Beforethisoccurs,itisourgoaltoestablish apositivesupportivesystemaroundyouththrougha comprehensivepersonaldevelopmentprogramto helpthemavoidthosepitfallsthathavederailedso manyotheryouth.
Our mission is to help people resolve their conflicts and enable them to move forward in their lives by providing quality and dignified mediation services. We are committed to providing a peaceful and an innovative environment for parties to craft tailor-made agreements to resolve their disputes and reduce the financial and emotional costs of their complaint. Start today with our FREE 30-minute consultation service.
Our vision is that ALL Minnesotans live and thrive in a stable, safe, and accessible home they can afford in a community fo their choice. With programs and services geared towards homeownership, rental housing, housing stability, and more. Minnesota Housing
Creating,preserving,andpromoting affordablehomeownershipinthe7countymetroareaofMinneapolisandSt. Paul. Since1985,wehavepartneredwithmore than1,800familiestounlockthepowerof homeownership.Thousandsmorehave stabilizedandimprovedtheirhousing, finances,andqualityoflifethroughour programs.
PackMaterialisanentertainmentcompanyfoundedbythe legendaryTwinCitieshiphopgroup, TheAbstractPack Providingnotonlyquality,but meaningfulevents,merchandise,entertainment,and communitybasedpurposeinallwedoisourdrivingforce ofexistence
MakesuretocheckoutourclothingbrandPAULWearer Apparel,ourmusic&mixtapes,aswellaseventswecreate liketheBlackOUT!Westriveforexcellenceonbehalfofthe peoplewe’vesworntorepresent
Visitwww.packmaterialentertainment.comformore informationonevents,music,freedownloads,and PAULWearerApparel
*Djing/Hosting/CustomT-shirtDesignServicesavailable uponrequest(seewebsite)
Rootedindecadesofcommunityorganizing,mentorshipandactivism, LoveFirstCommunityEngagementwascreatedin2020bySaintPaulite, ChauntyllAllen
LoveFirstenvisionsabundantpathwaysandstrongvillagesfor liberatedyouthtogrow,thrive,andachievelifelongsuccess Weare buildinga“schooltosuccess”pipelinebydismantlingbarriersfor youth,connectingthemtocommunityresourcesandcreatingsafe, culturallycenteredspacesandeventstocultivatejoyandpurpose
WebelievethatwhenBlackyouthareliberated,allyouthwillbe liberated.
RebuildingtheVillage(formerlyParkAvenueYouth&FamilyServices)focusesonbringingfamilies togethertobethesupportsystemforeachotherintheplaceswhereoursocialsystemsfail
Toooften,childrenandfamiliesfallthroughthecracksofthesystemsthataresupposedtohelp supportthem Aswehavewatchedthetransformationinourcommunitiesoverthelastfewyears,we realizedthatthetimehadcomewhenwealsoneededtotransforminordertofullyservethefamilies thatwecaresodeeplyabout
Werecognizedthatthe village thathadbeentherewhenweweregrowingupwasnolongerinplace formanyofourchildren Missingweretheaunties,uncles grandmasandgrandpaswhowerepresent inthecommunitytonurtureus,supportus,andredirectuswhenweneededit
Aswecontemplatedallthechangesweweregoingtoneedtomakeinordertobecomewhatour communitiesneededustobe wedecidedtonotjustchangeourprogramming,butalsoourname andourmissionstatement
WechangedournametoRebuildingtheVillagebecausethatiswhatourgoalis-tohelprebuildthe villagesupportsystemsthatourchildrenandfamiliesneedtohelpthemfeelsafe supported seen andloved
Weaskedourparentswhattheyneededandwantedfromourorganizationaswelookedtowardthe future Wetookwhattheysaidandstartedcreatedourprogrammingbasedontheirdesires We anticipatethatourprogrammingwillcontinuetochangeasourfamiliesneedschange
So,hereweare growingandchangingalongwithourfamilies becomingthestrongVillagethatwill bringourbabiesintoadulthoodbeingpositive,healthy,productive,compassionatemembersofthe Village
Collaborating with a broad east metro network, YWCA St Paul anchors the Summit-University community and reaches out to neighbors in greater St Paul and Ramsey County Every year, we help individuals and families in our community reach their goals and improve their quality of life by addressing community needs in four core areas: Housing & Supportive Services, Youth Development, Health & Wellness, and Employment & Economic Development
YWCA ST PAUL IS ON A MISSION YWCA St Paul is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
At Neighborhood Development Center, we believe in the power, drive and daring of local entrepreneurs to transform their lives and revitalize their neighborhoods We provide the tools and resources entrepreneurs need to help realize their dreams
Locally-owned small businesses are powerful engines for revitalizing communities. They create jobs, fuel economic activity, promote community role models and leaders and establish dynamic community gathering places
Learn more about how NDC helps entrepreneurs impact their communities.
We believe we have the best gym and training facility in St Paul, MN! Our gym team of fitness and nutrition professionals are invested in your health We make every decision with our members’ well-being in mind Achieve your goals with us!
Sign up for our FREE Intro to the gym, talk with a coach to build a plan that’s right for you, work out, and get to the results that last
Real people Real results Our #1 priority is helping our members achieve their goals and beyond