PROSPECTUS www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
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BLACKPOOL SIXTH Principal’s message We are a high-achieving sixth form college, giving our students an excellent springboard to future success. We educate the whole student, providing outstanding teaching as well as extensive opportunities for personal development and work experience. We are recognised by Ofsted as an outstanding college. Blackpool Sixth
is a close and caring community of staff and students, serving a wide area which includes Blackpool and all the major towns and villages of the Fylde and Wyre districts. I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our college.
Jill Gray - Principal
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Our mission:
Contents Success/Destinations
Student/Parent feedback
Student Support/ Transport
The Excellence Programme
Personal development
Study programmes
Your route to Blackpool Sixth
Course listing
Make your notes
For a full course listing, see page 19
for ourselves, for others, for the rule of law, for the environment
Excellence & High Aspirations striving to be the best we can be
upholding our values
Blackpool Sixth and Hodgson Academy have in partnership been designated one of the first teaching schools in the country. The partnership takes a national and regional lead in both shaping and delivering the training and professional development of current and future generations of teachers. Working with high quality graduates and educational leaders of the future enables us to maintain and improve our teaching standards to the benefit of all our students.
valuing everyone individually
learning because we love to learn, teaching because we love to teach
Global Citizenship
being active in improving our world and broadening our horizons
helping everyone to succeed
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
SUCCESS/DESTINATIONS Blackpool Sixth students are successful students!
Our students achieved:
pass rate
100% for BTECs pass rate 99% for A levels 81%
Higher Education (university)
Gap year
Other destination e.g armed forces, further training
Seeking work / other
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Where are they now?
of our students progressed to university, higher apprenticeships, other jobs with training or a gap year.
Here are just some examples of the destinations of recent former students Oxford University Biology
King’s College London Ancient History
De Monfort University Dance
Cambridge University Law
BAE Systems Apprenticeship
University of Leeds Civil and Structural Engineering
Warwick University Maths
Champion Accountants, Blackpool
Durham University Music
Lancaster University English Language
University of Dundee Architecture
Aberystwyth University Astrophysics
University of Birmingham Medicine
University of Edinburgh Graphic Design
University of Exeter Law
Cardiff University Genetics
University of Glasgow Earth Science
Over half of the A level grades were high grades (A*, A or B) an increase of 7% in the past two years. Over 80% of BTEC level 3 grades were distinction stars - the highest possible grade to be awarded.
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
Students recently told us what they valued most about Blackpool Sixth. This is just a small sample of what they said:
“I have thoroughly enjoyed the lessons, being able to meet new people and having a taste of independence which will be beneficial for university life.”
“I have had an amazing experience throughout the past two years.”
“My highlight of studying here was the support I received from staff to help me reach my full potential.”
“The advice and friendliness of staff at Blackpool Sixth helps motivate you in your studies.”
“I am grateful that all teachers and staff are helpful with my mental health issues.”
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Feedback from parents:
“Nothing has been too much trouble for these dedicated teachers – high expectations of their students, clear subject knowledge, an amazingly organised approach to their teaching, clear knowledge of the syllabus, weekly tests with timely and constructive feedback – the list is genuinely endless.”
“It’s a fabulous system for communication between teachers and parents to ensure student well-being.”
“We will be forever grateful for making our daughter’s time with you her happiest, and certainly her most successful period in education.”
“Due to your staff’s efforts, our daughter is now preparing to start at university in September in the next chapter of her life.”
“Staff have really ‘gone the extra mile’ to understand what motivates their students, to identify their strongest ways of working and to develop and engender a sense of self confidence and self-belief in their students.”
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
Blackpool Sixth students beneďŹ t from an excellent campus which is spacious, modern and extremely well-equipped.
A range of attractive eating places
Our own branch of Starbucks
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Engineering facility
Sports hall and gym
Recording studio
FYi - Open access computers and large library
STUDENT SUPPORT Pastoral mentors Strong pastoral care, support and guidance are extremely important in contributing to students’ success. Your pastoral mentor will offer advice and guidance to help you settle in quickly and enjoy your time with us. Your pastoral mentor will also help you to make the right decisions about career choices and applications for higher education or employment.
Student Services Trained and experienced staff are available to help you overcome any problem you may have during your time at Blackpool Sixth. Financial support, careers advisers, and counsellors are all available to help you succeed in your studies.
Additional Support We have a large team of specialist staff who provide support to students who have additional needs which may affect their learning.
Career Advice and Guidance Our FYi Futures Team are experienced advisers who help students to progress successfully. They can also help you gain valuable work experience to support your career plans.
Transport and Financial Support Blackpool Sixth offers an extensive range of support to students to help with transport costs and general financial help. See our website for more details.
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Adam Connell
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Travel directions Blackpool Sixth is located on Blackpool Old Road in the Highfurlong district of Blackpool approximately three miles from the coast and close to the town of Poulton-le-Fylde. If travelling from the motorway, leave the M6 at junction 32 and join the M55. Exit the M55 at junction 3 (Kirkham) and take the A585 northward. Turn left at the first major junction to join the A586 going west toward Blackpool. At the next set of lights bear left, continuing west. After two miles turn right onto Blackpool Old Road and a quarter of a mile or so along Blackpool Old Road, you will find Blackpool Sixth on your right after Aspire Academy.
Blackpool Old Road Blackpool Lancashire FY3 7LR
11 High School: St George’s School “I enjoy the commitment in the classroom from the teachers and other students who help you when you are struggling with anything.”
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
GIFTED & TALENTED The Excellence Programme
Blackpool Sixth’s Excellence Programme has been specially crafted to support our most academically able students in their studies and prepare them for entry to the country’s top universities. As an Excellence Programme student, you will take part in an exciting and challenging programme, designed to help you to meet your aspirations and succeed to the very best of your ability.
6Advance – A fantastic range of ‘academies’ that offer you the chance to develop extra skills outside of your core study programme. Academies such as the Medical Society and Debating Academy enable ambitious students to prepare for highly competitive university places and careers. EPQ – The Extended Project Qualification enables you to undertake your own independent research project and gain a qualification that is highly valued by universities.
Chelsea Markham
What does the Excellence Programme involve? High School: Baines School “After Blackpool Sixth, I plan on applying for the BAE Systems project management apprenticeship and the Civil Service fast track project delivery apprenticeship, as I aspire to become a successful businesswoman.”
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Prestigious Universities All Excellence Programme students will receive individual support in the application process to the most selective universities, including Oxford, Cambridge and the elite Russell Group institutions. Blackpool Sixth has a proven record of students gaining highly competitive places. Preparation will involve:
of our students progressed to university, higher apprenticeships or other jobs with training.
• A dedicated pastoral mentor • Organised visits / conferences including the country’s leading
Chloe Rice
• Guest talks / lectures from academic speakers • Workshops on personal statements, interviews and entry exams • University access programmes, including the Cambridge HE+
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Excellence
Chloe Rice, formerly of Highfield Humanities College gained a place at Oxford University to read Biological Sciences after receiving A* grades in biology and maths and an A in chemistry.
• Awarded STEM Assured status in 2016 - an industry-backed benchmark of excellence
• • • •
applications including help with BMAT / UKCAT and other entrance tests Resident Royal Society of Chemistry education co-ordinator Brilliant extension programme in physics through the Ogden Trust - regular success in Physicist of the Year competitions Thriving and highly successful Further Maths course Support for MAT and STEP papers for Oxbridge/Russell group applications in Maths-based subjects.
James Pagen
• Specific support for medical, dentistry and veterinary school
James Pagen, formerly of Baines School, gained an outstanding set of results with a clean sweep of A*s in physics, chemistry and maths. James has just completed his first year reading maths at Warwick University. James said “I have loved my time at college. Going to Blackpool Sixth is the best decision I have ever made”.
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (6Xtra, sports, visits, projects) We offer an exciting and varied programme of additional activities called 6Xtra. Some of these activities can lead to a qualification or sixth form certificates. Many activities and related workshops are designed to enhance UCAS applications and employability skills.
Jake Hanson
High School: Fleetwood High School “I enjoy the range of teaching styles that we are offered.” “My advice to new students is research your subjects in order to make sure that you are choosing the right ones to suit you.”
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We also offer a wide range of academic academies designed to extend your studies with exciting projects, expert speakers, competitions and research opportunities. Some of these academies form part of the Excellence Programme (see page 12-13)
Scott Green
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High School: Unity Academy “My BTEC studies have helped me learn how to manage responsibilities in a team.” “My advice to new students is: keep yourself organised.”
Our students have some brilliant opportunities to take part in our extensive programme of UK and international visits.
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
STUDY PROGRAMMES All students at Blackpool Sixth are following full-time study programmes which lead to highly valued qualifications which will set you on course for future success. Apart from your main subject learning, your study programme will also include pastoral mentor support sessions and personal development through the 6Xtra programme, 6Advance and work experience. See our Study Programmes page on our website for more detailed information.
The A level Programme
Christie Smith
The A level programme provides an excellent preparation for university entry as well as higher apprenticeship programmes. In year one (Lower Sixth) you can choose three A level courses, in some cases, four choices may be possible. In year two (Upper Sixth), you will concentrate on completing three A levels. High School: Carr Hill High School “I enjoy being around and interacting with all the students in my classes and working together to ensure we receive the best grades possible.�
What kind of GCSE grades will I need? For our A Level programme, we require at least two GCSEs at B (5) grade and three GCSEs at grade C (4) or above, including English language and maths. The pass grades need to be in academic GCSEs and relate to your chosen A level courses.
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BTEC Programme The BTEC programme will appeal to you if you want a more work-related focus to your studies than A level courses offer. These courses develop industry-relevant skills as well as having an academic focus and are also much more coursework-based than A levels. The core of the programme is a BTEC level 3 qualification in one of a range of occupational areas. This qualification will count the same as two or three A levels and is studied over two years. BTEC level 3 qualifications provide an excellent preparation for university, employment or higher level apprenticeships. Find out more on our website. What kind of GCSE grades will I need? As BTEC level 3 courses are advanced courses, we require five A*- C passes of C (4) grade or above (or equivalent) including English language or maths.
Mixed Programme In some cases you will be able to combine BTEC courses with A level courses to complete your programme (this is called a ‘mixed programme’). This works well for grouping together related courses from both A level and BTEC qualifications. However, some students find that it is best to concentrate on one type of qualification. For the Mixed Programme you will need the same minimum grades as for the BTEC Programme and also meet the specific requirements for the individual courses you want to take.
The 2Plus Programme This programme is ideal if you want to join Blackpool Sixth but are unlikely to have 5 A*-C grades when you leave school. The 2Plus Programme offers you the perfect chance to improve your skills and take highly respected qualifications in a range of job related areas. When you have completed this one-year programme, you will be ready for one of our advanced programmes. You will need at least 4 D (3) GCSE grades (or equivalent) and your English and maths need to be at no less than grade E (2). For more details of this programme and the subject choices, see page 52.
Important note: It is a national requirement that any students doing level 3 courses (A levels and BTEC level 3s) who do not have passes at a 4 or above in English and maths, re-take these courses as part of their study programme. We can fit in only one re-sit alongside level 3 study, so students who do not have a 4 in either subject will need to consider the 2Plus Programme.
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
Experience Blackpool Sixth at
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Course listing A Level Courses
• A Level Business Studies • A Level Chemistry • A Level Art (Fine Art) • A Level Classical Civilisation • A Level Art (Graphic Design) • A Level Computer Science • A Level Art (Photography) • A Level Dance • A Level Art (Textile Design) • A Level Drama • A Level Art, Craft & Design & Theatre Studies • A Level Biology • A Level Economics
BTEC Courses • BTEC Level 3 in Applied Science (Single) • BTEC Level 3 in Applied Science (Double) • BTEC Level 3 in Art & Design (Triple) • BTEC Level 3 in Business (Single)
The 2Plus Programme See page 52 for detailed course options
• BTEC Level 3 in Business (Double) • BTEC Level 3 in Business (Triple) • BTEC Level 3 in Film and TV Production (Double) • BTEC Level 3 in Engineering (Triple) • BTEC Level 3 in Fashion & Clothing (Double)
• A Level Electronics • A Level English Language • A Level English Literature • A Level Film Studies • A Level French • A Level Further Mathematics • A Level Geography • A Level German
• A Level History: Medieval & Modern • A Level Law • A Level Mathematics • A Level Media Studies • A Level Music • A Level Music Technology • A Level Physical Education
• A Level Physics • A Level Psychology • A Level Religion, Ethics and Philosophy • A Level Sociology • A Level Spanish • A Level Statistics
• IFS Level 3 in Financial Studies (Single) • BTEC Level 3 in Health and Social Care (Double or Triple) • BTEC Level 3 in IT (Single) • BTEC Level 3 in IT (Double) • BTEC Level 3 in IT (Triple) • BTEC Level 3 in Music (Double or Triple)
• BTEC Level 3 in Musical Theatre (Triple) • BTEC Level 3 in Performing Arts (Double) • BTEC Level 3 in Public Services (Uniformed Services) (Triple) • BTEC Level 3 in Sport (Performance and Excellence) (Double or Triple)
• BTEC Level 3 in Sport and Exercise Science (Double) • BTEC Level 3 in Travel and Tourism (Double or Triple)
• GCSE English Language • GCSE Maths • Certificate in Personal Finance
Please note that this course listing is correct at time of printing but may be subject to change e.g. due to national changes to the exam system and course specifications. Please refer to the website for the most up-to-date information. Exact course content in the following pages may also be subject to change.
Business Studies What is it? Want to be the next Alan Sugar? This course will help you understand how an organisation is managed, overcomes potential problems and becomes successful in the market place. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Studying business will give you the opportunity to enjoy trips to New York City, Disneyland Paris as well being able to take part in Shares4Schools and the Career Ready programme.
A Level
Specific requirements: You must have at least a grade 4 in mathematics and English language. If you have taken a business course at GCSE you must have at least a grade C.
A Level
High School: Cardinal Allen Catholic High School “I find all aspects of business and the course very motivating.�
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? You will have access to the 6Advance in investment banking, to put theory into practice and see how the stock market works. You will also have the opportunity to visit New York. Specific requirements: You must have at least a grade 5 in Mathematics and a grade 4 in English Language. If you have taken a business course at GCSE you must have at least a grade C.
Alexander Plant
What is it? Economics describes the factors that determine the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. You will research and debate issues such as inequality, immigration and interpreting data and discuss alternative solutions.
A Level
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Computer Science What is it? Computer science consists of computer systems, algorithms, programming including a programming project. You will develop problem solving skills by applying the knowledge and understanding encountered.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Visual Basic is the programming language of choice embedded into the curriculum. You will also have access to the 6advance programming club to help enhance your programming skills.
Aaron Stone
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Specific requirements: You must have at least a grade 5 in mathematics and a grade 4 in English language. If you have taken GCSE Computer Science you must have achieved at least a grade C.
High School: Montgomery High School “I enjoy the split between theory and practical in computing and it helps me to understand the subject.�
What is it? English language is the study of spoken and written language. It looks at how language reflects society and how we use it to create and make sense of our world. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Whilst studying at Blackpool Sixth, you will also have the opportunity to become a part of our debating society and contribute to our award-winning magazine, ‘Sixth Sense’. Specific requirements: Grade 5 or above at GCSE English/English Language is required but a grade 4 student who has a genuine enthusiasm for the subject will be considered.
A Level
English Literature Issy Stephenson
What is it? From Shakespeare to Carol Ann Duffy, English literature at Blackpool Sixth allows you to study both classic and contemporary works of prose, poetry and drama. High School: Lytham St Annes High School “I love English literature. We are encouraged to have a voice in class and share our thoughts and opinions.”
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Your study of literature will be enhanced by thought-provoking visits by writers and poets, and by taking part in our exciting trips to places such as Florence and Grasmere. Specific requirements: We would like you to have a Grade 5 in GCSE English Literature. However, we will consider all applications after a short interview and discussion of the books you read.
English Language
A Level
A Level
01253 394911
French What is it? Studying French will give you new skills and at the same time the chance to appreciate the language, exciting history and innovative culture of modern France.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? At Blackpool Sixth your teacher will help to improve your knowledge of the language, the culture and history and make all things French come alive as you embrace the course. Specific requirements: Ideally a grade B in GCSE French is required. Candidates with a lower grade, who are keen to continue with French, will be considered after a short interview about their experience of the language.
A Level
What is it? Studying German will increase your confidence and independence in all four areas of the course: speaking, reading, writing and listening. You will also learn about German culture and traditions.
Joanna Fawl
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German High School: Highfield Leadership Academy “I really love learning French, as it opens doors to other cultures all over the world.”
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? At Blackpool Sixth you will be taught by a passionate and enthusiastic native speaker who specialises in tailoring the course to students’ areas of interest using original German resources. Specific requirements: Ideally a grade B in GCSE German is required, however, if you have a lower grade but still want to study German we will be happy to speak to discuss this further.
What is it? The study of Spanish is an exciting chance to develop a wide range of skills through a broad range of specialised and detailed insights into the culture, society and history. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Innovative teaching methods, with authentic resources, will fully immerse you in the Hispanic culture. Passionate teaching will ensure an inspiring and engaging experience. Specific requirements: Ideally a grade B in GCSE Spanish is required, however, all applications will be considered after a short interview in Spanish about your experience of the language.
A Level
A Level
01253 394911
Geography What is it? Geography is diverse, topical, exciting and challenging. It provides a wide view and develops an understanding of the world and the human and physical processes that have shaped it.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? At Blackpool Sixth you will have a teacher who is an experienced examiner for the subject. Geography is a well-respected subject and superb preparation for studying academic courses at university. Specific requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE English is preferred. Grade C or above on the higher tier geography paper is preferred.
Law Gold Esiategiwa
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A Level What is it? Law is an exciting subject that provides an understanding of the rules and people that govern our lives. We explore interesting and challenging topics such as criminal law, negligence and morality. High School: St Mary’s Catholic Academy “Studying law is incredibly interesting and I especially enjoy applying what I have learnt in class to real-life cases.”
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? The enthusiastic team offers a wealth of experience, both in legal practice and examining and have a track record of outstanding results. Law is excellent preparation for studying academic courses at university. Specific requirements: Preferably a grade 5 in English and a grade B in another essay-based subject.
Classical Civilisation What is it? Classical civilisation investigates ancient Rome and Greece. From the campaigns of Alexander the Great to Caesar’s assassination, you will come face-to-face with history’s biggest winners and greatest losers. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Classical civilisation combines with a wide range of subjects and is respected by employers and universities. A classical education opens the door to a whole new world of opportunities.
A Level
Specific requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE English Language is preferred (you do not need to have studied history before).
A Level
History (Medieval and Modern)
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? This course is uniquely attractive to students, universities and employers providing you with the skills employers desire whilst investigating three of the most turbulent and dramatic periods of history. Specific requirements: A C in GCSE History is desirable but students who have not studied history before are welcome if they have a 5 in GCSE English.
What is it? A two year course covering a range of topics including the Tudors and the Cold War plus a coursework option on King John.
A Level
01253 394911
Religion, Ethics and Philosophy What is it? A subject for people who are not afraid to ask big questions and are interested in knowing what our deepest thinkers say about God, science and free will.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? A highly recognised subject for people who are looking for a strong academic discipline. Explore the great philosophical works from the past and present whilst developing high-level analytical and evaluative skills.
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Specific requirements: Grade 5 in GCSE English and a grade C or above in religious studies is preferred.
Mathematics What is it? Taking algebra, geometry and data-handling from GCSE Mathematics further, alongside the study of calculus and mechanics. A challenging but rewarding A level for those who have a love of algebra. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? An extensive range of resources are used in our collaborative classroom to develop deep understanding, coupled with constant support from experienced teachers in class, via emails, additional sessions and in our drop-in environment.
A Level
Specific requirements: A minimum of a grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics will normally be required.
A Level
Further Mathematics High School: South Shore Academy “I enjoy the constant challenge and the continuous flow of new knowledge that maths brings.�
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? A supportive and collaborative atmosphere, taught by highly qualified mathematicians. To develop you further, we offer additional modules, a stretch club and many mathematics competitions such as the UKMT. Specific requirements: A minimum of grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics. You MUST also take A Level Mathematics. This could be a fourth subject for some students.
Vinny Murphy
What is it? For those with a passion for mathematics, this course will develop your understanding of fundamental ideas with the introduction of complex numbers and matrices. You will also study applied units to discover new areas of interest.
A Level
01253 394911
Statistics What is it? Extend handling data and probability topics from GCSE and develop a deeper understanding of how to accurately analyse and interpret data. Critically evaluate methods and give conclusions to real life problems.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? The course provides an excellent overview of many different statistical techniques and how they are applied to real-life contexts. An ideal complement to other statistically rich subjects to develop deeper understanding.
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Specific requirements: A minimum of a grade 5 in GCSE Mathematics.
Music What is it? A comprehensive introduction to advanced music studies, including performing, composing and analysing music. You will learn about music by a wide range of composers, and explore musical styles and genres. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? As a music student, you will receive weekly one-to-one tuition on your first-study instrument, as well as being able to perform in our amazing concerts, including our international concert tours. Specific requirements: GCSE Music – grade C or above; Grade 5 ABRSM standard or above in your main instrument / voice; and Grade 5 ABRSM Music Theory (or equivalent standard).
A Level
Music Technology
A Level
High School: Lytham St. Annes High School “I enjoy learning about new and old composers and which era a piece of music comes from.”
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? As a student you will have access to industry standard studio facilities to complete coursework and build a portfolio of recordings, arrangements and compositions. You will also have the opportunity to sound engineer live college events. Specific requirements: Students must show the ability to read music with some fluency and play the keyboard to a basic level. You must be able to play an instrument competently.
Elysia Spencer
What is it? A creative, exciting and inspiring programme that develops a wide range of production skills including: recording and mixing techniques; composing using technology; synthesis and sampling.
A Level
01253 394911
Dance What is it? This course will develop your practical and academic understanding of dance, including performance and choreography
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? You will receive professional training and performance opportunities, preparing you for a world of work in dance and the chance to progress onto vocational training or academic training to succeed in a dance career Specific requirements: GCSE English grade 4 or above. At least 2 years recent and relevant dance training. An audition is also compulsory for this course.
A Level
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Drama and Theatre Studies What is it? You will explore all aspects of drama, practical and theoretical, study and perform texts, create original devised work and learn from professional live theatre.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? We have outstanding facilities including two purpose built rehearsal studios and a fully equipped theatre as well as an exciting 21st century approach to teaching. Specific requirements: A willingness to perform in front of others. An ability to work well in groups and good essay writing skills.
Media Studies What is it? You will study a wide range of different media, including new forms of media. You will learn creative and analytical skills throughout the course. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? You will engage in production work using industry-standard software, as well accessing a range of bespoke online support material. The materials will be stimulating, engaging and challenging. Specific requirements: Preferably a grade 5 in English language/literature (minimum C/4) and one more essaybased subject (minimum C) e.g. history or RE.
AS/A Level
What is it? You will study British, Hollywood and world cinema. You will consider audience responses, develop critical and analytical skills, as well undertaking a range of creative projects across the two years. High School: St Mary’s Catholic Academy “Film Studies is a great subject which allows you to look at the deeper meanings behind films.”
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? You will be supported by bespoke online materials in film education, allowing you to continue your studies outside of the classroom. Be prepared for a cinematic master class! Specific requirements: Grade 4 in GCSE English. You will be required to view 18 certificate materials on this course. An open mind and love for film will also go a long way!
Nadine Al-Baghdadi McChrystal
Film Studies
AS/A Level
A Level
01253 394911
What is it? The study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment, at the whole organism and cellular level.
Specific requirements: GCSE Core and Additional Science (higher tier) at grade BB or above, or GCSE Biology (grade B or above) and Chemistry or Physics (grade B or above), with GCSE Maths (grade 6 or above). We strongly advise you to take another science or maths with A Level Biology.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Excellent enrichment opportunities for biomedical and biological sciences, including personalised support sessions for medical applicants.
Chemistry What is it? Through studying A Level Chemistry, you can develop many transferable skills including problem solving, numeracy and a range of laboratory skills as well as the development of a broader scientific background.
John Tawn
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A Level
High School: St Aidan’s Church of England High School “Biology has been a fantastic choice for me. I love applying our new knowledge to everyday situations.”
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? A Royal Society of Chemistry fellow works alongside the teaching team to provide a wide range of enrichment opportunities. Specific requirements: GCSE Core and Additional Science (higher tier) at grade BB or above, or GCSE Chemistry and Biology or Physics (grade B or above), with GCSE Maths (grade 6 or above). We strongly advise you to take another science and/or maths alongside this course.
Electronics What is it? The branch of physics and technology concerned with the design of circuits using transistors, microchips and other electronic components. Electronics also includes the study of programmable microcontrollers.
A Level
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? We are the only centre in the area that offers Electronics as an A level. Students studying this subject can take part in the Fylde Coast Ogden Trust partnership outreach programme.
Specific requirements: GCSE Core and Additional Science (higher tier) at grade BB or above, or GCSE Physics (grade B or above), with grade 6 or above in GCSE Maths.
A Level
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Physics What is it? Physics encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles and is crucial to understanding the world around us, inside us and beyond us.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? You will benefit from being part of a hub college for the Fylde Coast Ogden Trust Partnership in partnership with Lancaster University. This includes a guest lecture series, ‘Physicist of the Year’ awards and visits to CERN in Switzerland in collaboration with Lancaster University.
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Specific requirements: GCSE Core and Additional Science (higher tier) at grade BB or above, or GCSE Physics and Biology or Chemistry (Grade B or above), with GCSE Maths (grade 6 or above). You must be taking A Level Maths alongside Physics.
Psychology What is it? The scientific study of the human mind, its functions and subsequent behaviour. We cover a range of topics including memory, attachment, social behaviour, and psychopathology. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Currently our students are participating in contemporary psychological research with Liverpool John Moores University. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to conduct independent research into their own areas of interest.
A Level
Specific requirements: You must have the minimum grades of 2 5s (or Bs) and 1 4(C) from GCSE English Language, Maths and Science (Note: there is an emphasis on biology on this course).
A Level
Sociology High School: St Bede’s High School “I enjoy the variety of topics we cover and our group tasks are always very interesting.”
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? A subject brought to life with exciting visits to places like Berlin, The Old Bailey and a Scientology Church. Engaging class debates and the opportunity to conduct your own research. Specific requirements: Preferably a grade 5 in GCSE English Language/Literature (minimum 4) and one more essay-based subject i.e. History, RE etc (minimum C).
Imogen Scarr
What is it? The study of society including families, education, beliefs and crime. We investigate the role of social, economic, political and cultural forces in shaping the lives of individuals today.
A Level
Physical Education What is it? You will develop your knowledge and understanding of the physical, social and psychological aspects of sport and physical education. You will also apply theoretical concepts to practical sport. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Experience dynamic teaching and learning, by specialist teachers and outstanding achievement and success, consistently above the national benchmarks. Be fully prepared for university study in sport and physical education. Specific requirements: General requirements for the A Level Programme and a Grade B in science.
Art, Craft and Design What is it? This course explores several media and disciplines including mixed media, plaster, wire, latex, fabric, embroidery, printmaking, sculpture, wearable art and installation. Study of contemporary and historical artists underpin your development.
A Level
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? You choose the project and investigation and will study in a multi-purpose studio equipped with specialist facilities. Opportunities for live briefs, national competitions, trips and internal and external exhibitions. Specific requirements: GCSE Art/Design or Arts Award desirable but not essential. Attendance at tasters is desirable.
A Level
High School: Kirkham Grammar School “Textiles allows me the chance to be creative and gives me the freedom to explore different methods.�
What is it? Fine art encompasses the personal study, investigation and exploration of painting, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture and installation. Researching contemporary and historical artists underpins and enhances your development. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? High success rates, regular involvement in competitions and exhibitions including: Mall Gallery London, Lloyds Gallery London, Booths, Moor Park, Freeport and The Grundy. Studio facilities include Mac computers and SLR cameras. Specific requirements: GCSE Art/Design or Arts Award desirable but not essential. Attendance at tasters is desirable.
Brooke Turnbull
Fine Art
A Level
01253 394911
Graphics What is it? Develop a technical understanding of the design process, briefs and enhance skills required in the design industry. Explore skills in Photoshop, mixed media, printmaking, illustration, digital and hand-rendered designs.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Develop a strong portfolio with innovative design using industry standard Macs, software, dark room, SLRs. Competitions and client briefs include NHS, HMRC, Blackpool Transport, Sainsbury’s, Vida and The Big Draw. Specific requirements: GCSE Art/Design or Arts Award desirable but not essential. Attendance at taster sessions is desirable.
A Level
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Textiles What is it? This course explores several media and disciplines including mixed media, plaster, wire, latex, fabric, embroidery, printmaking, sculpture, wearable art and installation. Contemporary and historical practitioners underpin your development
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Personalised projects taught through specialist textile skills. Industry standard textile equipment, Macs, SLRs and opportunities for live briefs, competitions, exhibitions and trips including Manchester, London, Morocco and Paris. Specific requirements: GCSE Art/Design or Arts Award desirable but not essential. Attendance at tasters is desirable.
Photography What is it? Photography is not just about technique but about perception and communication. You will explore technical camera facilities using using traditional and computer technologies and learn how photographs are used to communicate and express yourself.
A Level
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Workshop sessions give you relevant skills to undertake innovative techniques and processes. Having freedom to develop broad portfolios readies you for client briefs, trips, competitions, exhibitions, university and professional industries.
Specific requirements: GCSE Art/Design or Arts Award desirable but not essential. Attendance at taster sessions is desirable.
Business (Single, Double or Triple) What is it? BTEC Business covers many areas including marketing, recruitment, retailing, human resources and employment law. You will have access to careers including management, marketing, events management, entrepreneurship and finance. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? As part of studying business at Blackpool Sixth you will take part in organising your own event and have the opportunity to participate in the Business Live conference at Disneyland Paris.
BTEC Level 3 in
Specific requirements: You do not need to have already taken a business course. You must meet the college entry requirements for Level 3 study to take this course.
Level 3 Certificate in
High School: Arnold KEQMS “I especially enjoy the marketing and advertising side of the course and I’m looking forward to learning more.”
What is it? You will learn how to manage money effectively using products such as overdrafts, loans, mortgages and pensions. Gaining an understanding of public finance and the economy, helping prepare for financial independence. You will be assessed through exams. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? The course is structured and formally assessed to ensure learners leave with the necessary skills to make informed decisions about saving for later in life and managing their finances effectively. Specific requirements: You must meet the college entry requirements for Level 3 study to take this course.
Ben Moore
Financial Studies (IFS)
BTEC Level 3 in
01253 394911
IT (Single, Double or Triple) What is it? BTEC IT includes practical tasks and theory. Incorporating a wide range of topics including website development, animation, database design and game development. The course opens the door to careers in IT and business.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? We use ‘live’ scenarios, raising funds for charities, incorporating work experience and working in our computer lab to develop practical skills. Ideal for entry into the workplace or university.
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Specific requirements: You do not need to have already taken an IT course. You must meet the college entry requirements for Level 3 study to take this course.
Music (Double or Triple) What is it? The perfect course for anyone who has a passion for popular music and the music industry. You will study solo and ensemble performance, as well as songwriting and production. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? All your major performances at Blackpool Sixth will take place in external performance venues to live audiences. This is a chance for you to get used to playing gigs and will build up your profile on the local music scene. Specific requirements: Grade 5 Rock School standard in your main instrument. All students will take part in a practical audition, which will give you the chance to demonstrate your musical performance skills. GCSE English grade 4 is required.
BTEC Level 3 in
Performing Arts
BTEC Level 3 in
High School: MIllfield Science and Performing Arts College “Our lessons are always productive and engaging and my tutor is very passionate about the subject and is very helpful.�
What is it? This is an exciting and varied course looking at singing, dancing and acting and aims to provide budding West End stars with the skills to apply for higher education courses. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Workshops with professional performers. Focus on industry standards and high expectations. Work experience in the community. Specific requirements: At least 2 years experience in performing arts. GCSE English grade 4 or above.
Tamara Studholme
(Musical Theatre - Triple)
BTEC Level 3 in
01253 394911
What is it? A course to develop your performance experience, you will develop skills in acting, singing and dance and you will have an opportunity to develop your creative and technical skills in all three areas.
Specific requirements: You will be required to wear practical clothing for all lessons. You must have a minimum of 2 years performance experience and you will be required to attend a practical audition. GCSE English grade 4 or above is required.
Performing Arts (Double) Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Gain professional quality training and performance experience, working at a professional standard to produce professional standard work.
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BTEC Level 3 in
Film and Television Production (Double) What is it? A practical and vocational course designed to provide hands on experience and practical learning of a wide range of film and television styles and techniques. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Our pick and mix syllabus allows the combination of BTEC Film and TV Production with A Level Film Studies. This is a very attractive combination for many film schools. Specific requirements: General BTEC Programme requirements, a good imagination and a desire to learn new skills.
Applied Science (Single, Double or Triple)
What is it? The BTEC Applied Science qualifications are designed to provide specialist programmes covering the key knowledge and practical skills required for employment in the science industry and higher education courses.
BTEC Level 3 in
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Links have been made with universities and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Visits to workshops and events promoting the use of science in industry are undertaken by students. Specific requirements: At least grade C both in core and additional science or C grades in biology and chemistry at GCSE and grade 5 maths.
BTEC Level 3 in
Engineering (Triple) Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? You will study academic units that are rarely offered elsewhere. These units have been selected to give students the best start in engineering, and have been chosen in partnership with local universities and engineering companies. Specific requirements: You must have at least a grade 5 in GCSE Maths and CC in double award science.
What is it? Engineering is the application of scientific knowledge to solving problems in the real world. Engineering enables technical understanding to come to life through problem solving, designing and building.
BTEC Level 3 in
Health & Social Care
(Double or Triple) - Nursing Cadetship and general health and social care pathways. What is it? A platform to enter nursing and allied health professions, education and social work. Involving a range of topics, work related projects and placements, which prepare you for your future career. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? We offer two pathways: nursing cadetship (must study triple) or general health/social care. There are a large variety of work placements. First aid training, guest speakers and clinical skills. Excellent high grades and 100% pass rate.
Specific requirements: C in GCSE Science (essential for nursing pathway), 4 in GCSE Maths or English, completion of a DBS check. Essential qualities: professionalism, enthusiasm and good communication skills.
Uniformed Public Services What is it? An exciting course which provides a wide range of enriching teaching and learning opportunities ensuring students develop vital skills required to directly enter the uniformed services and higher education. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Outstanding links with the uniformed services providing you with real life experiences. Our Leadership Academy will develop life-long skills and experiences. Specific requirements: Minimum 5 GCSE’s at grade C or above, a keen interest in the uniformed public services.
BTEC Level 3 in
High School: Blackpool Aspire Academy “There are a wide range of activities to do which help you decide what you want your future job to be, such as visits from the different forces.”
What is it? A dynamic and energising course preparing you for a career in this exciting industry. We combine theoretical units with practical performance and advanced technology in your learning and assessment. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? With strong links with higher education institutes, we tailor our learning and assessment methods to meet the requirements of universities and employers. Our students are exposed to the sports industry gaining vital experience. Specific requirements: Minimum 5 GCSE’s grade C or above, with a CC in double science or a B in single science.
Georgia Leahy
Sport and Exercise Sciences
BTEC Level 3 in
BTEC Level 3 in
01253 394911
Sport (Performance and Excellence) What is it? This course enables you to combine your interest in practical sport performance with the theoretical knowledge and skills development required to progress in your intended career in sport.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? As a member of our Leadership Academy you will develop life lasting sports leadership skills and experiences. Use advanced ipad technology to ready yourself for a career in the ever changing world of sport. Specific requirements: 5 GCSE’s C or above.
BTEC Level 3 in
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Travel and Tourism What is it? This dynamic course develops your skills to work in one of the fastest growing global industries. Develop your knowledge, understanding and interest in the many opportunities that the travel and tourism industry provides.
Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Work with a range of employers to develop your employability skills and make you stand out from the crowd. Use advanced iPad technology to ready yourself for a career in the exciting world of travel and tourism. Specific requirements: 5 GCSE’s C or above.
Art & Design What is it? You will study several projects through live briefs, community links and explore a variety of disciplines fine art, craft, design, photography, graphics, textiles, specialising towards the end of the course. Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? We have extensive client connections including NHS, Blackpool Transport and various charities. You study in specialist facilities with Macs, industrial software, textile equipment and SLR cameras.
BTEC Level 3 in
Specific requirements: GCSE Art/Design or Arts Award desirable but not essential. Attendance at tasters is desirable.
BTEC Level 3 in
Fashion & Clothing Why study this course at Blackpool Sixth? Personal projects include client led briefs, creating, constructing garments and curating an end of year fashion show. Research trips have included, Manchester, Liverpool, London, Venice, Morocco and Paris Specific requirements: GCSE Art/Design or Arts Award desirable but not essential. Attendance at tasters is desirable.
What is it? Professional practice in garment construction, fashion illustration, fashion design, fashion photography, wearable art, fashion promotion, advertising and branding. You will develop a personal and exciting approach as you progress.
The 2Plus Programme is a one year programme. It offers a highly flexible step for those who are looking to boost their qualifications before Level 3 study programmes or entering the world of employment. At the heart of the programme are the skills and qualifications which today’s employers want: English, maths, science, digital and creative skills, organisational and employability skills. The programme allows you to tailor your courses and to develop the skills needed for successful progression. What grades do I need? The 2Plus Programme is aimed at students who don’t as yet have 5 GCSE qualifications including English and maths. A minimum of 4 D/3 grades including a grade 3 or above in GCSE English Language or GCSE Maths (or equivalent) is required to begin the programme. GCSE English Language and GCSE Maths must be at 3 grade or higher.
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Which maths / English qualification will I take? You will study GCSE English Language and/or GCSE Maths if you have not already obtained a grade 4.
What if I already have a grade 4 or above GCSE in English and/or GCSE Maths? In this case you may be able to take a Level 3 BTEC single in place of either GCSE English or GCSE Maths, depending on your results from school. Progression Successful completion of this programme will allow you to move onto our BTEC Level 3 programme. You will also receive guidance and tasters to help you select your next step.
How does the 2Plus programme work?
James Hunt
All 2Plus students will take: • GCSE English Language and/or GCSE Maths if you don’t already have a grade 4 in these. • Level 2 Certificate in Personal Finance - providing an overview of different financial topics such as budgeting, credit and debit, mortgages and loans and boosting numerical skills.
High School: Highfield Leadership Academy “Since taking personal finance as one of my options I have developed a number of new skills such as how to manage my money better.”
You will also be able to take one of these courses: • GCSE Science (single) - for those who do not have a C grade in science but may need it for further studies or careers such as nursing or teaching. • BTEC Level 2 Workskills - helps learners to improve their understanding and application of work-based skills while developing leadership and communication skills. • BTEC Level 2 Award in Creative Digital Media Production - develop your knowledge of digital media while gaining new skills in IT, publishing, web design and games production. This course can lead to progression to further study and careers in photography, film-editing and games design amongst others. • BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Countryside and Environment - develop your knowledge and practical skills in an important employment sector as well as building transferable skills such as teamwork and customer relations. The course can lead to progression and careers in the environmental, tourism, heritage and land-based associated sectors amongst others. For students who already have GCSE English Language and/or GCSE Maths at grade 4, there is the possibility of taking a Level 3 BTEC single course as part of your programme.
For more information visit www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
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Telephone: 01253 394911 Fax: 01253 300459 E-mail: enquiries@blackpoolsixth.ac.uk Website: www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool, FY3 7LR If you need this information presented in a different way please contact 01253 394911 or email enquiries@blackpoolsixth.ac.uk
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