6News - Christmas Supplement 2015

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Ch rist m a s 201 5 Supple m ent

Welcome to the Christmas supplement of 6News

Happy Retirement Shirley Richmond- An inspirational Head of English Goodbye and Good luck In 1996, when I arrived at the college as a PGCE student from Manchester University, I was assigned a mentor who was the current Head of English and a pioneer of the newly established English Language A level. This mentor was Shirley Richmond who had been working closely with the University to set this up, and it seemed like a fantastic opportunity to work in such an exciting environment. Little did I know then, that 20 years later, I would still be here, continuing her legacy.

Shirley’s legacy, in fact, goes back much further... she started teaching in 1978.

Shirley will be very missed in the department, not just for her incredible knowledge and experience, but also for her fun approach to work, her team spirit and her entertaining stories. Rest assured that students will still be told about her legendary delivery of the “Edward the Second” speech, her spectacular recording of “The Sun Rising” will be used to teach John Donne, and for the staff room, there is a raft of stories and escapades that have become English Department folklore.

As a mother of triplets and with a husband who travels internationally to examine music, Shirley will, no doubt, have a busy retirement. She has also planned a perfectly eccentric retirement party on a Blackpool Tram complete with fizz, fish and chips and general merrymaking.

Fortunately for us, Shirley will still be in the area and she has promised to be around if ever we need her. I suspect we will.

By Estelle Bellamy

Christmas party

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