Golden Star, April 11, 2012

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VOLUME 121 ISSUE 15 $1.35

â– NEWS:

t 0QFO .PO 4BU B N Q N


Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566

Spring has hatched

Long-gun registry has been removed .............................. 5


Local featured in McDonalds book ............................ 10


Winston Lodge hosts Art show ............................ 16 GOLDEN

Young Ryeder Romani checks out a baby chick as his father holds it at Mountainside Gardens’ annual Easter Eggstravaganza. More than 30 kids came out to enjoy an Easter egg hunt, egg decorating, seeding a flower, and of course some new baby chicks. See full slideshow at Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

& Lifestyle


April 14 & 15, 2012

TWO DAYS ONLY Golden Curling Rink Saturday, April 14 10am to 6pm & Sunday, April 15 10am to 4pm

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/08 01&/

Town seeks input in major project Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden opened up the lines of communication this week regarding the proposed Bridge to Bridge project. Mayor Christina Benty, and Chief Administrative Officer David Allen gave a presentation, and took questions during a Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce sponsored Lets do Lunch at the Island Restaurant. "The intention for today is for information sharing,


and dialogue," said Benty to the crowded room. "As a Council, we want to be as transparent as possible." The Bridge to Bridge project is a dike improvement and riverfront enhancement project that is expected to cost more than $4 million. Its primary aim will be safety, to protect against flooding and icejamming. But a beautification plan has been incorporated as well. As of now, there is a 330-metre vulnerable section of the dike on the north bank of the Kicking Horse River, which has an existing earth berm of less than


the required one metre freeboard above the 1:200 return flood levels. The two-phase Bridge to Bridge project will introduce a concrete floodwall that will increase flood protection by 0.5 m to 1.5 m above the elevation of the existing dike. A 5-m lane width, on the access road parallel to the river, will be maintained, and existing overhead lines will be moved underground, as the existing BC Hydro poles are in conflict with the proposed floodwall alignment. Continued on page 3


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Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

DriveABLE Concerns

Bob & Dallas Matheson along with Bruce & Pamela Nielsen are thrilled to announce the engagement of their children

Colin Robert & Rebecca Leigh Congratulations & Best Wishes Love Your Families

Ronald's Rave Review Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay

Nearly 40 concerned Golden residents gathered at the Seniors Centre to listen and voice their concerns to MLA Norm Macdonald regarding the DriveABLE program. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Government program gets kids outside Golden Star Staff BC Parks wants the youth of Golden to get

Wednesday, April 11

Come to the restaurant between 3:00pm and 4:15pm as the relay enters McDonaldsand visit with our Difference Makers, Matthew Grace and Bill Usher.

Ronald will also be on location! Attention non-profit groups - Dan Lindsay of McDonalds Golden is pleased to sponsor this spot to present your event.


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outside, and plan an event to get their community to join them. BC Parks is accepting applications for its

innovative youth leadership program Get Outside BC. Piloted in 2011, Get Outside BC was the first

Behind the Wheel

Driving While Using Hand Held Devices Any chance you might do another article on handheld device usage in BC? The first rider death of 2012 in Kelowna was caused by driver inattention to cell phone usage. I’ve attached a photo that was just taken this Saturday. We actually took several - I was driving, my wife was operating the camera. This particular one clearly shows what has the driver’s attention. Traffic was not at a standstill - it was flowing at 60 km/h, and there was plenty of vehicles around on a six-lane highway. The high-res version of this photo plus the one with his license plate (and a clear shot of his phone to his ear) have been handed over to the Kelowna RCMP. There’s not much that I can add to this person’s request to continue to highlight the dangers of taking your attention away from the driving task. He’s clearly had enough of seeing this selfish, uncaring behaviour around himself and his family when he is driving and intends to do something about it. If someone from the Kelowna Detachment takes action it is going to be very difficult for this driver to explain away his actions! I just hope that they don’t end up becoming part of a road rage incident when the offending driver realizes that a photo has been taken. Is any call or text so important that you have to respond to it while driving? If you must say yes, you are fooling yourself and endangering everyone. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

this feature sponsored by:

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of its kind in Canada. Forty youth aged 14-18 from across the province will be selected to participate in this year's summer program. It helps youth develop outdoor skills and build the confidence and leadership skills to inspire other youth to appreciate and spend time in parks. "BC Parks needs to engage youth and inspire a new generation with passion and caring for parks. We're doing this with Get Outside BC," said Environment Minister Terry Lake. The program begins with a youth leadership summit at the North Vancouver Outdoor School in Squamish July 3-7. Youth will participate in a variety of skill development workshops including outdoor safety and trip planning, bear awareness training and camping, and learning how to inspire others and plan events. After the summit, youth are expected to plan and lead their own event with at least 10 other youth from their community in celebration of International Youth Day on Sunday, Aug. 12. Get Outside BC will provide up to $200 to support each

event. Some of last year's youth led events include: a day in the park with a local daycare at James Chabot Provincial Park near Windermere, a beach cleanup at Boundary Bay Regional Park near Tsawwassen, and a scout trip into Golden Ears Provincial Park near Maple Ridge. BC Parks has provided $80,000 to fund Get Outside BC over two years. In its second year, Get Outside BC 2012 is a collaborative project between BC Parks, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society BC Chapter (CPAWSBC), in partnership with Mountain Equipment Co-op and the Child and Nature Alliance. "CPAWS is excited to be a part of the Get Outside BC project again for its second year. “We recognize the importance of engaging youth in the conservation movement, and Get Outside BC reaches youth in every corner of the province. We need to save wilderness, but we also need to foster its defenders," said Nicola Hill, executive director of CPAWS BC. Youth can apply online until May 7 at www.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A3

Proposed Bridge to Bridge project could cost town up to $2.24 mill

Golden Food Bank Society 2012 AGM Let us share with you our plans for 2012 and insights from the past year. Everyone is welcome!

Continued from page 1 In the second phase, a combination of low concrete wall, rock terracing and earth berm will be constructed to 0.15 m above the existing dike elevation for the 120 m in length west of the first phase to the Pedestrian Bridge adjacent to the town’s Spirit Square. "This is a big project, one of the biggest the town has ever seen. And $2.3 million is a lot for a small community to pay," said Allen. Having received provincial and federal grants totalling $2.24 million, the Town is to borrow up to a maximum of $2.3 million for the project. The Town is asking for as much public input as possible, but due to time constraints, they will not be holding a referendum. Grant restrictions dictate that the work must be completed by the end of 2013, and since much of the work must be done when the water is low at the end of summer, that doesn't leave much time. Several concerns were raised at the lunch, both from the attendees and from Allen who relayed what feedback he had received up to this point. "Why should we borrow? It's a lot of money," said Allen. The Town is planning to use shortterm borrowing while the work is being done, and switch to longterm borrowing after. The worst case scenario, if no other funding is found for the project, then this could mean a three per cent increase in municipal taxes. "But as we're incurring more debt, we're also paying off old debt. So this is the absolute worst case scenario," said Allen.

Monday, April 23 5:30 – 7pm 1115 9th Street South


2012-2016 Five-Year Financial Plan In accordance with s.166 of the Community Charter, the Town of Golden Council invites the public to comment on its draft Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw which is annually prepared and requires the opportunity for public input prior to passing. All members of the public are encouraged and welcome to participate at a Council Committee of the Whole meeting dedicated to public discussion about the plan to be held at 1:15pm, Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 at Town Hall (810 9th Avenue North). At this meeting, Council will discuss the local government budgeting process, the proposed municipal budget, and tax apportionments. The proposed financial plan is also available for viewing at Town Hall weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on the town’s website at (click on Local Government), and on our facebook page.

Mayor Christina Benty and Chief Administrative Officer David Allen discuss the proposed Bridge to Bridge project at the Island Restaurant on April 4. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo The benefits from this project shops around to face the river and will serve the town for generations the mountains. As of now, Bacchus to come, said Benty and Allen. The Books and the Rockwater are the downtown core will be protected only two that have expressed their better from flooding and ice-jam- intention to do so. ming, and the beautification part "We're not here to sell this proof the project will increase pedes- ject," said Allen. "It is up to the trian traffic, and draw more people electorate." And if 10 per cent of in. Businesses on 9th Avenue that electorate is against borrowNorth parallel to the river will ing funds to support this project, have the opportunity to turn their then that will be the end of it.

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The next season will be upon us soon and we are strongly encouraging anyone who has thought about or wondered about volunteering in any capacity to come out and attend the AGM at the Canyons Edge Steakhouse this April 16th at 7:00 p.m. See what it is all about and what you can do to help the Golden Rockets become a winning franchise!

Together we stand and together we will win!

Golden Jr. Hockey Society AGM The Canyons Edge April 16th @ 7:00 p.m.

Ray Bird (music) Tru Hardware John Stewart Vivid Hair Wholesale Warehouse Reflections Hair Studio Lordco Dollar Store Elite Nutrition Pick n’ Stick Scrap Booking Bacchus books Golden Star Cal-Gas Fountain tire Gottler Bros Shear Perfection Down Memory Lanes Ewen & McKenzie Red Diamond Restaurant Taps Moon Café

Top Notch and Brent’s Board Shop Golden Shoe Co. Plain Jane and Wayne Off the Wall Summit Cycle Alpine Helicopters Merc Flooring & Paint Chatter Creek Wet n’ Wild Zodiac Hemp Mountain Motor Sport River House Tavern Snow Peak Rentals Kicking Horse River Lodge Avalanche Solutions Alpine Auto Centre Napa Auto Parts Kal Tire McDonald’s Golden Installations


The Golden Rockets Hockey Team would like to thank all the people who helped to make this past season so special this year. To the sponsors and advertisers, the volunteers, the executive, coaching staff, billet families, the players and most importantly the hockey fans who came out to each game and supported us …we send out our heart felt appreciation.

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The Golden District Rod and Gun Club would like to sincerely thank the following persons and businesses for making our annual banquet and fundraiser a huge success. Eli and Joan, Jim and Heather, and the entire chef crew. Barry Klassen and Joanne Landry (bar)

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

Clothesline Project aims to heal

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Jessica Schwitek The Golden Women's Resource Centre is using clothing to express the pain felt by women and children living with violence. The Clothesline Project allows women and children to go into the centre and create a t-shirt that communicates their experience. "In British Columbia we have something called 'Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children Week.' So across the province there are organizations doing different things to recognize this week," said Linley McLean, executive director of the Women's Resource Centre. "So leading up to that week, which is April 15 to 21, we have these supplies available for women and children to come in and make shirts." Men are also encouraged to make shirts and bring them in, but the space will be reserved for women and children. "It's a creative way to express yourself, and it's an anonymous way. It's an interesting way to display the community's experience surrounding violence against women," said McLean. Supplies will be available to make shirts until April 18, and on April 19 the centre will host a fundraising barbecue at Kumsheen park where all of the shirts will be on display.

T-shirts from last year’s Clothesline Project hang in the window of the Women’s Resource Centre. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo "All the shirts are made by local last year are hanging in the window women based on their different of the Women's Centre. Anyone experiences, or maybe they know wanting to make a shirt is welcome someone who has experienced it. to stop by. It's a neat way to get people's stories The fundraising barbecue will be across in an anonymous way, and on Thursday April 19 at Kumsheen non-invasive way, and potentially a Park from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food healing way for the people who are and beverages will be by donation, involved," said McLean. and everyone is welcome. "We just try to provide a safe "I think we often, as a communspace where people can do that, ity, think this (violence against and go through that process. And women) is something that goes we can provide support as well for on behind closed doors, it doesn't people who might have a tough effect us, or it doesn't effect our time doing that." community. But it's here, it's hapA few of the shirts that were made pening, and it's real."

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SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 6 (ROCKY MOUNTAIN) Operations Department USED VEHICLES/BUSES FOR SALE School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of the following vehicles. All vehicles are sold on an “as is where is basis”. No warranty or condition of roadworthiness is expressed or implied. Golden Zone One (1) 2001 Bluebird School Bus - 72 Passenger GMC Chassis, 366 V8, 8.1 L Engine, Manual Transmission, Propane Powered, 210,345 kms. One (1) 2000 Bluebird School Bus – 72 Passenger GMC Chassis, V8, 454 cu. in. Engine, Manual Transmission, Propane Powered, 247,323 kms. One (1) 1996 Bluebird International School Bus - 72 Passenger 466 Diesel 6 cylinder Engine, Standard Transmission, 265,924 kms One (1) 1988 Dodge D100 Pickup 2WD, 3.9 Engine, Automatic Transmission, Regular Cab, Canopy. Body has rust and vehicle needs a differential. 176,471 kms. For further details or to view please contact Alan Ure, Operations Supervisor at (250) 344-8643 or (250) 344-0217. Invermere Zone One (1) 1999 Bluebird School Bus – 72 Passenger Is not operational, for parts only. 275,090 kms. One (1) 1990 Ford Van 2WD, 350 Engine, 3 Speed Auto Transmission, Gasoline, 244,146 kms. For further details or to view please contact Norman Julien, Operations Supervisor at (250) 342-6814 or (250) 342-1728. Kimberley Zone One (1) 2000 Bluebird International School Bus - 72 Passenger T-444E Diesel Engine, Automatic Transmission, 378,633 kms One (1) 1997 Bluebird International School Bus - 84 Passenger C8.3-250 Diesel Engine, Automatic Transmission, 285,226 kms For further details or to view please contact Wayne Keiver, Operations Supervisor at (250) 427-2268 or (250) 427-8727. The highest or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. Closing date: Friday, April 20, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. (MST) Please quote individual bids for each vehicle. Clearly mark your bid envelope with “Used Vehicle Tender” and submit sealed bids to: Steve Jackson, Director of Operations School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) 620 – 4th Street PO Box 430 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0

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The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A5

Ottawa scraps long-gun registry There’s more online... Jessica Schwitek The Conservative Government's Bill to scrap the long-gun registry, a system that was brought in by the Liberals 15 years ago, was passed in the Senate on April 4, and received Royal Assent the following day. Bill C-19 was passed in the Senate by a vote of 50-27, completing a promise made by the Conservative Party during the 2011 election. "I am proud to report that yesterday the Senate passed the Ending the Long Gun Registry Act,"

said Kootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks during a statement in the House of Commons on Thursday April 5. "For years now, the Opposition has been fear-mongering and misrepresenting the long-gun registry in order to maintain their vanity project intact. "Right until the bitter end of this wasteful and ineffective seventeen-year debacle, the Liberals have ignored the will of Canadians to push their misguided agenda to treat law-abiding hunters, farmers and sport shooters like criminals." Not everyone is happy with the

Senate's decision. Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Liberal Senator James S. Cowan released a statement saying, "This will not make Canadians and their families safer." Bill C-19 ends the legal requirement for owners of long guns to register their weapons. The rules around selling and transferring firearms will have been altered as well. The Bill does not change the requirement for individuals to have gun licences, nor does it affect the mandatory registry of restricted and prohibited firearms such as handguns.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, April 18 @ 7:30 pm Seniors’ Centre

RCMP investigating Invermere death Staff Reporter Black Press The Columbia Valley RCMP and B.C. Coroners Service are currently investigating the death of a 30 year old man in Invermere. On Tuesday April 3, 2012 at around 1:30 p.m., the Columbia Valley Detachment were advised by B.C. Ambulance Services that a male was found deceased in the driveway of a private residence in the 1100 block of 5th Ave, Invermere, B.C. The Coroners office has been contacted and will be assisting in the investigation to determine the cause of death of the 30 year old male who was a resident of Invermere. The police investigation determined that the deceased, Cory Jarock age 30 of Invermere had been evicted from a drinking party the previous evening and was found by the residents of the property the

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next morning in the driveway of the property. The police are continuing their investigation into the death and are actively seeking to speak to all persons at the party to determine the circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. Jarock.

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The proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (“OHSR�) being taken to public hearings pertain to the following items:


• Part 5, Chemical Agents and Biological Agents – relating to correcting the reference to combustible dust and updating the reference to the Electrical Code;


• Part 11, Fall Protection – relating to clarifying whether fall protection anchors must be re-certified annually by a professional engineer in all circumstances;


• Part 12, Tools, Machinery and Equipment – relating to recognizing a riving knife as an acceptable device to prevent kickback on table saws; • Part 12, Tools, Machinery and Equipment; and consequential amendments to Part 23, Oil and Gas – relating to prohibiting applying compressed gas at a greater pressure than the pressure rating for a closed vessel that is not a registered pressure vessel, and requiring such vessels to have appropriate pressure relieving capability; • Part 13, Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms, and Part 19, Electrical Safety – relating to clarifying the appropriate requirements for dielectric testing of insulated elevating work platforms and ensuring consistent requirements in these two Parts; • Part 13, Ladders, Scaffolds and Temporary Work Platforms – relating to the use of work platforms supported by a lift truck; • Part 16, Mobile Equipment – relating to clarifying what equipment must meet and be used in accordance with section 16.3(7); • Part 19, Electrical Safety – relating to replacing current terminology with terms that are appropriate to low voltage electrical equipment; • Part 19, Electrical Safety – relating to establishing a provision allowing the practice of passing the bucket of an insulated aerial working device between energized high voltage conductors if not practicable to do work otherwise, due to terrain or other obstacles; • Part 26, Forestry Operations and Similar Activities – relating to requiring signage on all resource roads in BC showing (1) radio channels when an Industry Canada road channel has been assigned, and (2) radio frequencies when an Industry Canada channel is not assigned, but a radio frequency is.


The proposal relating to Part 24, Diving, Fishing and Other Marine Operations, is not being taken to public hearings at this time to enable consideration of the new edition of CSA Standard Z275.4. PUBLIC HEARINGS You are invited to provide feedback on the proposed regulatory amendments. Your views may be presented orally at the public hearings and/or submitted in writing. Please register if you wish to make an oral presentation at the public hearings by telephoning 604-232-7744 or toll free in BC 1-866-614-7744 prior to the hearing. Information on the proposed amendments and the public hearings, including details of registration/participation procedures, are on WorkSafeBC’s website at PUBLIC HEARING DETAILS

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May 22, 2012

Coast Victoria Harbourside Hotel & Marina 146 Kingston Street, Victoria, BC

May 24, 2012

Best Western Kelowna Hotel & Suites 2402 Highway 97 N, Kelowna, BC

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June 5, 2012

10:00am – 11:15am At Strong Start (in Alexander Park Elementary School)

Coast Inn of the North 770 Brunswick Street, Prince George, BC

June 7, 2012

Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre 7311 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Ideas and activities to support your children’s learning.

Session Times:

Includes: CHILD CARE SNACKS Weekly take-home kits Fun activities TO REGISTER: Call Shelley Zajsek at 250-439-9324 Only 10 families maximum, so register early! Service provided by Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, StrongStart & School District 6.

WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS The deadline for receipt of written submissions is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 8, 2012. Written submissions can be made online or via e-mail, fax, mail, or delivered at the public hearings during the session times. Online:

via the WorkSafeBC website at



604-279-7599; or toll-free in BC: 1-877-279-7599


OHS Regulation and Policy Policy and Regulation Division WorkSafeBC – Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. P.O. Box 5350, Station Terminal Vancouver, BC V6B 5L5


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star


Discovering Golden Well, it has now been a month since I have moved here and I still haven’t quite figured Golden out. I have lived in Calgary, Banff, Sicamous, Penticton, Vancouver, Nelson, and Invermere. Golden is like no other. Golden appears to be two different towns under one name. There is the upper Golden on the highway and then there is the lower, quaint Golden below. By Michele LaPointe I have visited upper Golden A S SOCIATE P U B LI S H E R many times on my way from Calgary to anywhere else. After two and a half hours of driving it is the perfect spot to stop for something to eat. Until recently I had never been to lower, quaint Golden. I have skied at Kicking Horse Mountain with friends and family, but we always rushed back to Invermere to unpack and go out for something to eat. If I had known all the great restaurants and pubs Golden is home to we definitely would have found time to stay. We really missed out. There is a lot more things to do, more entertainment, more art, and more shopping than I had originally expected. I have been to the ski hill, the golf course (I’m dying to play there), but I haven’t been to Mount 7 that everyone talks about. I love to bike ride, I’m not extreme, but I do love a good trail and I hear there are many. I had the opportunity to join in on a Bonspiel at the curling rink. There was strange hair, strange costumes, great team spirit, and best of all amazing food. And yes there was beer. I can safely say that curlers are the same no matter what town you go to. A good time was had by all. That brings me to another observation. Every truck I see has a snowmobile in the back. Which leads me to ask, “where does the dog go?” No really, snowmobiling must be a huge past time in this area, and from what I can see they are not tourists. I’m excited for summer. Will all the trucks then have ATVs in the back? Golden also has more “one way” and “do not enter” signs than I have ever seen in a town this size. Why is that? Is this a new thing, or has it always been this way? This I haven’t figured out yet. I do know that the “do not enter” sign in front of the Golden Star office has been knocked down twice since I have been here. I have heard that it is a new one, so maybe people just don’t see it? Or maybe, it is like when you are skiing in a field of powder and there is only one tree and you are weirdly drawn to it. The people in this town (both upper and lower) do seem to be totally involved in their community. They are young and old, locals and newcomers and they all really care about what is happening in their town. It is an active, friendly, close knit community. Everyone has been very welcoming. I do thank you all. I now know there is a lot more to Golden than the highway that so many of us tourists stop at briefly to eat or fill up our tanks with gas. I can’t wait to see what I’ll discover after living here a whole two months!

Remembering a friend, Fred Demmon My fondest memory of Fred Demmon comes from way back. I was about 16 and had a summer job selling advertising at The Golden Star. I was still in high school and it was mostly servicing clients, no real hard sell. After a few weeks on the job though, I figured out that landing a client no one else in the office had been able to sell would be a real victory. I set my sights on Fred, who at the time, was the OK Tire dealer in town. I knew him fairly well, and while I was likely just another local kid to him, I think he had a special place in his heart for kids like me who were a bit mouthy but would take on a job that was probably over their head. Folks around here may or may not remember how instrumental Fred was in bringing the CP repair shop to Golden. I don't remember much, I was barely a teenager at the time. I do recall however, that Fred was the main push behind the project. He was

an alderman at the time and what a difference it made to our town! It put some excitement into a town that hadn't seen any new development in many years. Fred grew a beard and wouldn't cut it until the project was announced. Of course, we now know that it brought jobs, families, economic growth and stability. Along with the ski hill, the CP shop is one of the reasons that we were able to survive the closure of the mill in Donald with its 200 good paying jobs. A few days ago, someone mentioned that it was exactly 25 years since the CP shop had opened its doors for the first time. I thought of Fred. Back to the advertising job. I was finishing up for the summer and still hadn't landed my target client. One last visit to OK Tire, I thought. Even if he didn't buy an ad, it would be nice to have a visit before school started. "A brake special" he had said to me. "Give me something creative, something

Dear Editor, This past Saturday, 16 fortunate Goldenites experienced a most fantastic live musical event. What was it? Saturday Afternoon at the Metropolitan Opera of New York. The production was called "Manon," by Jules Massenet. To see and hear one of the premier Opera Companies of the world, live on the movie screen at Kicking Horse Movies in Golden, is something I never would have expected to enjoy in our small community. Many thanks to the vision and entrepreneurship of Stuart and Trish at the movie theatre, and to the existence of the Internet, High Definition, Broadband, and digital projectors. Hooray for technology. There is something breathtaking about

watching a live event from 4,000 miles away. But Stuart and Trish must recover their costs to have more of this. Only one more Opera will be aired in Golden in this current series. It is the well-known "La Traviata," by Puccini, to be broadcast next Saturday morning at 10 a.m., April 14. As so few people have attended this current series of concerts it is not certain that the movie theatre will attempt another series next year. Surely there are more than 16 people in Golden who enjoy going to an Opera. Please, fellow music lovers, expand your horizons and come to the next and final production of the season. Support a superb musical experience. Respectfully, Ron van Vugt

POLL OF THE WEEK Are you glad to see the long-gun registry end? log onto to make your vote count

Last weeks question Will you mourn the passing of the penny ?

Yes 33% No 66% Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters

be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the







Janet Crandall Golden

Where have all the opera lovers gone?



new." So I did. The ad concept was a son writing a note to his mother to be sure to remember to get the brakes checked on the car and how much he loved her and wanted her to be safe. Fred bought the ad and I was thrilled. I never knew if it was because it was what he wanted, or because he saw how badly I wanted him to like it. I suspect it was the latter. He always called me 'brat' and I suppose he was right. Fred and Joan moved to the coast several years ago because it was better for Fred's health so his passing will not be as much in evidence as it might have been had they still been living here. I know, however, that I will always remember him as one of our community's most ardent supporters and certainly also one of its builders.







right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at






• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00).

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A7


BC Liberals need to go back to Kindergarten

Walk a mile in their moccasins before judging

When children start school we teach them some important life long lessons. Be kind Be respectful Share and play fair Clean up your mess Don't take things that aren't yours Don't bully others Follow the rules Be the best you can be

Whenever there is a dispute between the government and the teachers, the teacher bashers are always coming out of the woodwork. There is a Native Canadian saying, “do not criticize anyone until you have walked a mile in their moccasins.” I would like to see some of those teacher bashers teach for a week when tests, exams are being given and report cards are being prepared. At the same time I would expect them to continue with their daily lesson plans, marking the tests or exams, do their recess or lunch time duties, attend school meetings and/or department meetings, and do your extra curricular activities.

At the same time, do not forget to give special attention to those students in the classes of 30 or more, because they do require individual attention. Do not forget to keep in touch with those parents who telephoned wanting to talk to you. Then, after experiencing reality, would they still oppose any concessions made to the teachers? I think they may be singing a different tune. Bob Abrahams Nelson

Debt management Jumbo is un-Canadian

Wouldn't it be wonderful if our government had the courage to put our children first and follow these lessons? From Kindergarten Teachers: Kara Hunt, Sandra Beckett, Carol Lindequist, and Ruth Finnie Golden

Correction On the Opinion Page in the April 4 Golden Star, there was a letter titled “The struggle for total access continues in Golden.” Its author, Paulette Bertrand, stated that several issues were continually pointed out to her while collecting signatures. The Star added the phrase “on a petition regarding the pedestrian pathway” to add context. This was incorrect. The petition Ms. Bertrand was collecting signatures on was regarding several access issues, not just the pedestrian pathway. We apologize for the error.

When the Socreds left office in 1991 the total provincial debt was $19 billion. A decade later under the NDP it had doubled to $38 billion and this year Liberal Finance Minister Kevin Falcon is projecting that it will reach $62.7 billion by 2013-14. It has not mattered whether it was an NDP or Liberal government in power in this province; since 1991 the increase in public debt has averaged $1.9 billion a year. In effect the public debt has grown at a rate of 15 per cent per year, far above any expansion of the economy or the rate of inflation. What’s the point of cutting personal and corporate income taxes, as both the NDP and Liberals have done in this province, if we have had to borrow an average of $1.9 billion per year to pay for those tax cuts? Further, sooner rather than later, the cost of borrowing that $62.7 billion is going to cost us, the taxpayers, a lot more than the $19 billion debt left by the Socreds. In politics, if you think something is too good to be true, then it usually is. Just like you cannot let the social fabric of a society or the environment that surrounds us unravel, so too can you not be fiscally irresponsible in government.

Open letter to Premier Christy Clark: Remember: “O Canada! Our home and native land! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.” Our national anthem should be changed in: “O Canada we are falling apart…” I am very disappointed with my country. To develop the Jumbo Valley is a disaster for the Kootenays and the world. It’s time to stop corporations from wrecking our precious Jumbo Valley. Jumbo Valley is public land that must be managed for the public trust. Canadian people should have a say in what is being done for Jumbo Valley. Instead of allowing industrial development to go ahead just because it can, the Canadian people should be taking charge. The people should decide where to develop, at what pace, at what cost to the environment and for whose benefit the development will occur. What happened to the democratic process? The integrity of ecosystems comes first and foremost. Any economic activity can only be sustained by healthy functioning eco systems. Karin Leja Winlaw

Andy Shadrack Kaslo

Conservatives focused on jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity The Harper government recently introduced Economic Action Plan 2012 – a positive plan to grow Canada’s economy for today and into the future. Unlike other places in the world, especially the United States and Europe, Canada’s economy has emerged from the global recession much better than other industrialized countries. With the help of the Government’s lowtax agenda and Canada’s Economic Action Plan, since July 2009, Canada has created over 610,000 net new jobs. What’s more, independent international observers like the IMF and OECD predict Canada will be at the head of the G-7 pack in economic growth for the years ahead. But we cannot become complacent, the global economy remains fragile and too many Canadians are still looking for work. That’s why Economic Action Plan 2012 takes advantage of today’s opportunity to position Canada for jobs, economic growth and long-term prosperity.

Since taking office in 2006, the Govern- research, science and technology, and more. ment has been lowering taxing (over 140 tax These investments will encourage innovation cuts all together), helping hard-working fam- and position Canada to succeed in the knowilies get ahead (average family ledge economy of the 21st is paying $3,100 less in taxes century. under out Government), Our Plan also lays a strong supporting entrepreneurs foundation for continued (lowering taxes on job-creatjob creation and economic ing businesses), and creating growth with more support for an environment to help cretraining, extending the Hirate long-term jobs (Forbes ing Credit for Small Business, magazine ranks Canada as and providing new opporthe best place in the world for tunities for Canadians to gain businesses to grow and creaccess to the labour marate jobs). ket. It also keeps taxes low Building on that record, the for small- and medium-sized Economic Action Plan 2012 business, and facilitates the moves forward with a posiresponsible development of tive and ambitious agenda. Canada’s energy and natural MP Report For instance, to ensure Canresource sectors. By David Wilkes ada remains competitive, EcoAnother key part of the nomic Action Plan 2012 will Plan is making sure to secure make major new investments in advanced Canada’s strong fiscal position. Watching the



situation in many European countries, Canadians know the importance of responsible spending by governments. That’s why we’re streamlining government operations, ending wasteful spending, and more to move Canada to balanced budgets over the medium term. We will do this without raising taxes and without cutting transfers to the provinces for services families rely on like health care and education. Looking forward, our Government is also ensuring the sustainability of our retirement income system, so it’s there when Canadians need it. This includes making gradual adjustments to the Old Age Security System down the road, and moving government employee and Parliamentarian pension plans more inline with the private sector. Our Government sees Canada for what it is – a great country on top of the world. Economic Action Plan 2012 wants to keep it that way for today and for generations of Canadians to follow!


Interested in Genealogy?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

Whether you’re a beginner, a professional or somewhere in the middle–we’d love you to join us.

On April 18, 2012 - 7pm at the Golden Museum we will be gathering people together who may be interested in Genealogy and being part of a club or group.

Partners In Brine Seafood! Orion’s Fish Bus will be in Golden at the Petro-Can card lock next week, Friday, April 20th

70 peeled Tiger Prawns $20! 2/$35!! 3/$50!!! Stop by the truck and join our email list to get tasty Seafood Recipes and a FREE BONUS every $100! Health approved. Good prices. Great selection. Really Good Seafood!

more information... go to Events •• For Looking for ski hill events? Entertainment Golden Cinema Presents Mirror Mirror Friday April 6 to Thursday April 12 at 7 pm. Wrath of the Titans Friday April 13 to Thursday April 19 Titanic (3D) Tentatively booked for Friday April 20 Metropolitan Opera La Triaviatta Saturday April 14th at 10.55am. Doors open 30 minutes prior to the start of the opera, during which time there will be a special opera pre-show on the screen.

This Week Golden Softball Association 2012 Season Starting Early May Interested Teams and Individuals Contact Greg 250 344-2974

Monday and Wednesday Night Badminton- Monday 7-8:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Rec Plex. Adults & students welcome. $7 for adults, $5 for seniors and students. A.P.E.S. After School Program Ever y Monday to Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementar y. For more info or to register, please contact the After School Program manager at 272-0425.

Wed, Apr. 11 We would like to thank all the coaches that have volunteered their time helping Shelly Poland train and compete in cross country skiing. Thank you to Ned & Rachel Johnson, Vicki, Yolanda Dekleer, Carmen Oszust, and Linda & Steve Conway. To everyone of Golden for showing Shelly support and encouragement. Also to Special Olympics BC and Special Olympics Canada. Allan and Jean Hogaboam

There’s more online at:

Rick Hansen Relay Celebrations On Wednesday April 11, the medal will be arriving at McDonalds at 3 p.m. From there medal-bearers will continue down to the Spirit Square for a ceremony. Jam Night with Jeremy at the Rockwater Grill & bar Positive Discipline A free parenting education program every Wednesday from 3:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementary, Strong Start room for children, Music room for parents. (Snacks and childcare provided for children). The program starts April 11, and will run until June 6. For more info, or to register contact Rachel or Carrie at the Golden Family Centre - 344-2000. Afterschool Shakeup – FREE

This week's achievement award goes to...

homework help for students in grades 8 to 12. Ever y Wednesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. in the Golden Secondar y School por table from now until June 2012. Call 250-439-9665 for more information.

Thurs, Apr. 12 Rick Hansen Relay Celebrations On Thursday April 12, the Town is hosting a community concert at the Civic Centre. Tickets are free, but only 300 are available, so pick one up at the Art Gallery of Golden. Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub Five Alarm Funk at the Rockwater Grill & Bar Youth Action Group Thursdays from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Golden Secondary portable from now until June 2012. This free program aims to create more opportunities for youth in Golden! Call 250-439-9665 for more information.

Fri, Apr. 13 DJ Wakcutt at the Rockwater Grill & Bar Mother Goose Program at the Golden library. From 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Starts again on April 13 and 20.

Sat, Apr. 14 Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show - April 14 & 15, 2012 at the Golden Curling Club Saturday 10am - 6pm Kenny Williams Art Exhibit 4pm-8pm at the Winston Lodge Free Champaign & Appetizers Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night every Saturday. Shred Kelly with opening act Stellar Radio Choir at the Rockwater Grill & Bar

Sun, Apr. 15 Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show - April 14 & 15, 2012 at the Golden Curling Club . Sun-

day 10am-4pm. FREE pancake breakfast from 9-am -11am

Tues, Apr. 17 John Jenkins & Friends John Jenkins & Friends at the Rockwater Grill & Bar 2012 Fall Faire Meeting This meeting is intended for everyone interested in the 2012 Kicking Horse Country Fall Faire. Bring your Brown Bag lunch and come forward with ideas that will insure the success of the Faire. Coffee and tea will be provided. The meeting will be at the Golden Museum on Tuesday April 17 from noon to 1 p.m. There is no cost. Contact Colleen Palumbo at 344-5169 with any questions. Afterschool Shakedown – FREE homework help for students in Grades 3 to 7. Every Tuesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the Lion’s Den (below the public library) from now until June 2012. This program aims to help students with homework and areas of difficulty such as reading, writing and math. Call 4399665 for more information.

Upcoming Events Little Chimps 2012-2013 preschool registration. For more information call Shelley at 4399324 Geniology Group meeting on April 18, at 7pm at the Golden Museum Columbia Valley Credit Union AGM, April 18 at 7:30 pm at the Seniors ‘ Centre. Clothesline Project The Golden Women’s Resource Centre will have shirt decorating. Supplies available at any time during hours of operation for women to come and create a shirt, or other article of clothing to hang on the line. Fundraising BBQ on Thursday, April 19 at Kumsheen Park from 11am-2pm. By donation. Sass Class 101 Intro to Burlesque. Hosted by the women of Cheesecake Burlesque, 7pm, Thursday, April 19. Register at Cheesecake Burlesque Revue Friday, April 20 at the Golden Civic centre. Doors open at

7:30pm, tickets $25 (plus HST) Sounds of the Solar System with David Hickey on April 20th at St. Andrews Church and Centre for Peace. It starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door for $20 JOB READINESS SKILLS – FREE program, April 30 to May 14, daily from 9:30am – 12:30pm. This program prepares adults for the workforce. Participants will have the opportunity to acquire certification in World Host Fundamentals. TO REGISTER, call 250-3445413 or email by April 20. Potluck at the Parson Hall At 6 p.m. on April 21 the community hall will host a potluck dinner meeting with a 50/50 draw. Golden Food Bank Society AGM. Monday, April 23, 5:30 – 7pm 1115 9th Street South Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, 7:30pm, Thursday, April 26 at the Golden Civic Centre. Tickets at the Art gallery of Golden. Parents Reading, Children Succeeding - FREE 6-week program for children ages 3 to 5 and their parents, April 26 to May 31, 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. in the StrongStart room. Parents will learn about activities and ways to support their children’s learning and development and help prepare their children for school. Call 4399324 to register. Golden Rotary Annual Auction April 28 at the Civic centre. Starting at 10:30am. Live entertainment all day long. Sidewalk BBQ at 11am. Live auction at 5pm. Summer Fun Day Camp Put on by the College of the Rockies and the Golden Early Childhood Development Coalition. Starts July 9 - August 31 at the College of the Rockies. The cost for the full week, full-day program (9am-3pm) is $100/week. Half day program (1pm-3pm) $30/week. Early bird rate $90 and $25 for Junior campers. Registration is on Monday April 16 and Tuesday, April 17, from 6pm-8pm at the College of the Rockies. For more info email or call Joanne at 250-439-8388.

Morgan Wharton for being a good friend; hard worker and artistic. Stop in by April 18 2012 to receive your small blizzard t t

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A9

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Robin was mad that her picture wasn’t in the last 2 ads J




Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

McDonald’s McHappy Day book celebrates local girl’s story Jessica Schwitek Ten-year-old Sydney Mitchell has had a tough

few years in her young life, and McDonald’s Canada thought her story was worth telling. Mitchell, who now

lives in Golden with her family, was born with a heart that was not completely formed, a condition called hypo-plas-

Fred Demmon Jr In loving memory of a life of family, sharing, caring and community We regret to announce that Frederick George Demmon Jr. passed away in Nanaimo Hospital on March 30th, 2012. He passed peacefully after a llifetime battle with diabetes and all the complications that accompany it. Fred was born in Salmon Arm, BC on February 24th, 1943 while his ffather Fred Sr. was away at war. Like so many born in this era, Fred learned very early about giving and making sacrifice. Fred continued to devote his entire life to service and community. Fred met his wife Joan on the school bus in 1957 and married in 1963. Together, in Salmon Arm they started their adventure and family, adding Glen & Shari. In 1972, they moved to Golden to be house parents at the Kinsmen Group Home, where they hosted and parented over 500 children in 7 years. During these years they were blessed with the addition to the family of Liesa & Danny. Fred opened the OK Tire Store and later Quadra Auto Supplies in Golden and operated together with his parents until 1999. Fred’s community service world started in Salmon Arm, joining the Kinsmen Club but really took root in Golden, where he became a Life Member of Kinsmen and was Charter Member of Golden Rotary Club. Fred served on the Golden Town Council as Alderman/Councillor and Mayor for 16 years. He also represented Golden on the Regional District Board and the Columbia Basin Trust, Auxiliary RCMP and served as a Coroner for many years. Due to health, Fred & Joan moved to Parksville in 1999, where Fred’s value of community service continued. He was elected to two terms on Parksville City Council and became an active member of the Knights of Columbus. For his years of community service Fred was awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal. As much as Fred gave, being a part of his community and giving to people was his biggest reward. Whether it was a broken down tourist on a holiday weekend, a kid needing a break, a sport team needing a van, an extra hand to put up a wall, a friendly ear to listen, a voice to give guidance, a town needing a leader or a teammate, a family needing love, Fred gave it all. Fred was love: a husband, father, son, brother, friend and employer. Fred was support, he was caring, committed, willing and devoted… he was community and family. Fred, Freddy, Dad, Papa will be sadly missed but never forgotten by his wife Joan, sister Bev (Colin) Carson, children: Glen (Ramona), Shari (Christian) Leibbrandt, Liesa (Trevor) Taphorn and Dan (Teresa), grandchildren: Stefanee, Natalie, Sara, Rachel, Aidan, Kayla, and Jenna, the Berthot Clan, family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and communities. Fred is predeceased by grandson Conner and parents Fred and Irene. Prayer service was held Wednesday, April 4th at 8:00 pm and Funeral Services will be held on Thursday, April 5th at 11:00 am in Parksville, BC. Both services will take place at Church of the Ascension, 887 Wembley Road. Memorial Service and Interment will be held for Fred at 13:00 on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Bowers Funeral Home, 440 - 10th Street, SW, Salmon Arm, BC. Information regarding the services and concolences for Fred can be found/sent on the funeral home websites: or www. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in the name of Fred to: The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Donation in Fred’s name to the fundraising drive for Kiefer Penman (2012 Telus Walk). Please use this link for making your very appreciated donation: Wheels for Wellness Society - 1894 Bolt Avenue, Comox, BC V9M 2J4 Kidney Foundation of Canada

tic left heart syndrome. Since she was born she has spent more than 600 days in the hospital, and more than a bit of time at Ronald McDonald House, both the Northern and Southern Alberta houses. She has already had one heart transplant, and she is currently awaiting her second. McDonalds has put together an illustrated book telling the stories of six young Canadians, Mitchell being one of them, who have benefited from Ronald McDonald House. "As part of our McHappy Day fundraising we will be selling the book at the restaurant for $10, with all the proceeds going to Ronald McDonald House in Northern Alberta," said Dallas Matheson, manager of the Golden McDonalds. McHappy Day is on May 2, but the book is already available at McDonald’s. "It's such an important cause, I know so many families in Golden have used that house," said Matheson.

Ten-year-old Sydney Mitchell holds a McHappy Day fundraising book, which contains her story about her time spent in Ronald McDonald House. Photo Submitted Ronald McDonald House is a home-awayfrom-home where outof-town families with seriously ill children can stay while their children receive medical treatment. The Houses provide a warm and welcom-

ing environment where parents can relax, prepare hot meals and share their concerns with other parents in similar situations. There are currently 305 houses in 52 countries and regions. McHappy Day in Golden goes to sup-

LGES working to prevent bullying Hurt" program, designed by the Red Cross, for both students and parents. "As bullying in young people is a complicated issue that does not just happen at school, a comprehensive community

Jessica Schwitek Lady Grey Elementary School has decided to take a proactive approach with the issue of bullying, and is offering a "Beyond the

intervention is absolutely necessary," said Laurie MacDougall, vice principal at Lady Grey Elementary School. There will be two parts to the workshop, one for the students, called peer

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port the house in Nothern Alberta. "We invite everybody to come up. A dollar from every Big Mac, every Happy Meal, and all McCafe beverages will go to the houses," said Matheson.

Our 10pc ClassIIc cookware set features our latest revolutionary improvement on our flagship product which offers 18/10 stainless steel construction and a new encapsulated bottom pad that’s safe for all stovetops of modern kitchens including induction stovetops. Set includes: 1.5L & 3L saucepans, 5L Dutch oven, 4L saute pan, 20cm & 24cm fry pan, 99 Code 1200-10-01 4 covers. List: $779.00.

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Information & dealers: 1-800-A NEW-POT or Not all locations open Sunday. Quantities limited, please be early. Sale items may not be exactly as shown.

training sessions, where trained high school students will come to offer workshops to younger students. And the second will be for community members including parents, teachers, social workers, RCMP members and any other interested people. The youth facilitated program, taking place April 11 and 12, will teach young students the benefits of respectful relationships, the power and the role it plays in bullying dynamics, the types of bullying and the negative effects of bullying. The adult workshop will focus on much of the same issues, while teaching them strategies for preventing bullying and harassment from occurring at all levels, and how to work with young people to create safer environments. This session starts at 6:30 p.m. on April 11, and promises to be an informing evening. A Red Cross representative for the Kootenay area, from Castlegar, will be making the trip up to facilitate these programs, and is able to do so because of the generosity of the Lady Grey Parent Advisory Council.

A Special Pullout Section sponsored p by: y


& Lifestyle


April 14 & 15, 2012

TWO DAYS ONLY Golden Curling Rink Saturday, April 14 10am to 6pm & Sunday, April 15 10am to 4pm

t Free Admission!

Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce 250.344.7125


9 0 3 – 9 th Street N. Golden 25 0 -3 4 4-5112


spring home & lifestyle show

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012




April 14 & 15, 2012

Schedule of Events A13

discover a new you!

See yourself in a whole new way with a free colour makeover! Find a look that expresses your style, your personality, your life. Call me to create a fabulous look that’s uniquely you. You’ll love what you discover.

ALL WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT ON STAGE Tony Bell, Paige Ellerton, The Unstandards, Nicki Mac, and many more Congratulations To The Exhibitors From The Girls At Falkins


Ellen Hatlevik Independent Sales Director 250-344-4799

Free Childminding in the upstairs p lounge. g Join Jared & Robyn -“The Imaginicians�for a stimulating lineup of crafts and stories.

SATURDAY The Golden Fire Department will be in the parking lot with their ladder truck and their specialty equipment. Ask the Fire Chief to tell his story about the huge flag on display.


)6(& 4"-&4 0/ 8*/5&3 "11"3&- )6(& 4"-&4 0/ 8*/5&3 "11"3&-

t UI 4U /

Free Community Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Columbia Basin Trust and prepared by the Rotary. Coffee courtesy of McDonalds. 9am to 11am

Exciting New Products! Visit us at Booth A2 t


FREE Estimates


The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce will be selling tickets to win a KICKING HORSE COUNTRY EXPERIENCE IT PACKAGE that will include:



HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218 RBC DOMINION SECURITIES

Get advice that stands the test of time and market cycles RBC Dominion Securities has been providing valuable ďŹ nancial advice since 1901. Request a free Second Opinion Service and learn how the investment and ďŹ nancial planning resources of Canada’s leading wealth management provider can help you achieve your long-term goals.

Susan Uswak, MBA, Investment Advisor Phone:250-420-2855 250-426-6237 | Mobile: 250-421-3043 Direct:

t t t t t t t

Two rounds of golf from the Golden Golf Club valued at $130.00 A family rafting trip and a BBQ lunch on the Kicking Horse River with Glacier Rafting valued at $200.00 An annual Parks Canada Family Pass valued at $135.00 Two day adult Adventure Pass at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort valued at $65.00 Two hour ATV Tour for a family of four valued at $350.00 Two family passes for The Northern Lights Wolf Centre valued at $75.00 A one hour trail ride for two with Flying W Trail Rides valued at $70.00 A progressive 50/50 cash draw will be drawn on Sunday at 3:45 pm. Enter to win a prize valued at $45.00 from each exhibitor

Just by coming you are entered to win one of four $25.00 gift certificates from a Golden restaurant, sponsored by Falkins Insurance, a $100.00 gift certificate from Cal Gas, or a one night stay at any Prestige Inn.

FREE Estimates


Serving Golden and Surrounding Area since 1994

Bay B – 819 9th St. North Commercial & Residential

New Installations • Renovations • Repairs * Plumbing * Service Work * Pumps & Pressure Tanks * Gasfitting * Hot Water Heating * Water Conditioning Visit us @ Booth C-2. See our line of Novo Water Conditioning, Grundfos Pumps, Delta faucets along with our Pre-Manufactured Heating Panels & much more Visit our website:

Provide us blueprints for a free estimate on your new home & commercial projects. ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED

Home will be showing our “Naturaâ€? line, an environmentally friendly alternative for cleaning, painting, ďŹ nishing. Showcasing our line of Plygem Windows, Bikes & Patio furniture!! Many Giveaways. Come on down and check out all the new product “Homeâ€? is showcasing.


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Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are afďŹ liated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ÂŽRegistered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. RBC Dominion Securities is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ŠCopyright 2011. All rights reserved.

964 (250) 344-2964 Highway 95 South Home Owners helping homeowners


spring home & lifestyle show

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012




April 14 & 15, 2012

Schedule of Events A13

discover a new you!

See yourself in a whole new way with a free colour makeover! Find a look that expresses your style, your personality, your life. Call me to create a fabulous look that’s uniquely you. You’ll love what you discover.

ALL WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT ON STAGE Tony Bell, Paige Ellerton, The Unstandards, Nicki Mac, and many more Congratulations To The Exhibitors From The Girls At Falkins


Ellen Hatlevik Independent Sales Director 250-344-4799

Free Childminding in the upstairs p lounge. g Join Jared & Robyn -“The Imaginicians�for a stimulating lineup of crafts and stories.

SATURDAY The Golden Fire Department will be in the parking lot with their ladder truck and their specialty equipment. Ask the Fire Chief to tell his story about the huge flag on display.


)6(& 4"-&4 0/ 8*/5&3 "11"3&- )6(& 4"-&4 0/ 8*/5&3 "11"3&-

t UI 4U /

Free Community Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Columbia Basin Trust and prepared by the Rotary. Coffee courtesy of McDonalds. 9am to 11am

Exciting New Products! Visit us at Booth A2 t


FREE Estimates


The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce will be selling tickets to win a KICKING HORSE COUNTRY EXPERIENCE IT PACKAGE that will include:



HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218 RBC DOMINION SECURITIES

Get advice that stands the test of time and market cycles RBC Dominion Securities has been providing valuable ďŹ nancial advice since 1901. Request a free Second Opinion Service and learn how the investment and ďŹ nancial planning resources of Canada’s leading wealth management provider can help you achieve your long-term goals.

Susan Uswak, MBA, Investment Advisor Phone:250-420-2855 250-426-6237 | Mobile: 250-421-3043 Direct:

t t t t t t t

Two rounds of golf from the Golden Golf Club valued at $130.00 A family rafting trip and a BBQ lunch on the Kicking Horse River with Glacier Rafting valued at $200.00 An annual Parks Canada Family Pass valued at $135.00 Two day adult Adventure Pass at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort valued at $65.00 Two hour ATV Tour for a family of four valued at $350.00 Two family passes for The Northern Lights Wolf Centre valued at $75.00 A one hour trail ride for two with Flying W Trail Rides valued at $70.00 A progressive 50/50 cash draw will be drawn on Sunday at 3:45 pm. Enter to win a prize valued at $45.00 from each exhibitor

Just by coming you are entered to win one of four $25.00 gift certificates from a Golden restaurant, sponsored by Falkins Insurance, a $100.00 gift certificate from Cal Gas, or a one night stay at any Prestige Inn.

FREE Estimates


Serving Golden and Surrounding Area since 1994

Bay B – 819 9th St. North Commercial & Residential

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Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are afďŹ liated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ÂŽRegistered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. RBC Dominion Securities is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ŠCopyright 2011. All rights reserved.

964 (250) 344-2964 Highway 95 South Home Owners helping homeowners

spring home & lifestyle show


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star


& Lifestyle

floor plan



The Local Townie News

STAGE Monavie Pampered Chef Captured in Time


April 14 & 15, 2012


Parky’s Heating & Cooling

Stage Viewing Sitting Area

ENTRANCE DOORS KHCC Chamber Sunlife Financial Shannon Hood

Apple Island Soaps Silpada Jewellery

Epicure Solutions Sandy Traverse

Golden Star

Mountain Motor Sports

College of the Rockies Rotary

Sunlife Financials Baljit Rana Caleb View Farms Kitchens Sure Mechanical Solutions Fifth Avenue Collections

Vivid Hair

Dave’s Hot Pepper Jelly

Blaeberrry Valley Plumbing

Susan Uswak RBC Dominion Securities

Investors Group Liz Spence-Noble

MLA Norm Macdonald

Shape Up Fitness

Town of Golden

Mountainside Gardens

Merc Flooring & Paint

Wildlands Eco Forestry

Apex Landscaping



Velvet Antler Pottery

Lia Sophia Jewellery Twila Hatt

Golden Eco Ranch Flying W Trail Rides

The Whistle Stop

Overwaitea Foods

Reflections Hair Studio

Mary Kay Cosmetics Ellen Hatlevik Tupperware Julie St Amand

Norwex &Visalus Deanna Lacasse Alexis Eastman

Mountain Pure Foods

Suddwick Homes

Edward Jones (Sat)

Vertical Oxygen

Remax Flec Demmon (Sun) KH Party Rentals Golden Home Hardware

Kickin’ Thyme Catering FIRE EXIT


Join us at Golden’s Home & Lifestyle Show!

t 1FOOZ %SJWF t 'JTI QPOE t %PPS 1SJ[FT All proceeds will be donated to the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A15


African beats LGES ready to perform Jessica Schwitek

The Young African, formerly the African Children’s Choir, travelled through the slush and snow to get to Golden April 4 to play a show at the Golden Baptist Church. The Choir members, all from Africa, were chosen years ago to participate in the program in return for education. See the full slideshow at www. Jessica Schiwtek/ Star Photo

Lady Grey Elementary School is inviting the community join them on their journey through the classic story of Pinocchio, with No Strings Attached. "It's a play within a play, based on the original Pinocchio story. But it's a musical as well," said Maggie Calladine, teacher at LGES, and director of the play. More than 60 kids, ages nine to 12, will be acting, singing and dancing on the stage of the Civic Centre. "It's a musical based on the original Pinocchio story, with modern day twists. We've got hip-hoppers, and ballet dancers, the bug chorus, and crickets singing the blues," said Calladine. The play centres around a professor and an older woman with a travelling marionette show. While at the same time, the story of Pinocchio will be acted out by a character that needs to learn a lesson. "We have so many kids that are able to pull off these starring roles, the ones where they get to sing solo, that we have a double cast. We've got two Pinocchios, two blues fairies and two crickets and so on all the way through the main cast," said Calledine. "To give them all two shots at performing, we'll be having four performances, two evening and two school shows." Eight faculty members, and countless parent volunteers have helped put

this massive production together. The Golden Secondary School drama class will also be lending their hands, working as the stage crew for the performances. "They're doing the sets as part of their senior drama program," said Calladine. They will also be working as stage managers, backstage helpers, and controlling the prompters. Calladine, who has been involved in several LGES productions before, is continually impressed by the talent found in our local schools. "We've got some kids who were dancers, and are now singing and dancing and acting. So we've got some triple threats starting to emerge here," she said. "People come and think they're just going to live through this performance by the kids, but they really enjoy themselves." The CirKids, a circus arts group coordinated by the Amuse-Troupe's John Denom, will be performing as well, opening the second act. "The kids are so excited, and so am I. I'll be sad when it's over," said Calladine. "The children are really starting to get into their characters now, since we've been casting and rehearsing since November." The evening performances of No Strings Attached will be at 7 p.m. on April 24 and 25 at the Golden Civic Centre. Tickets are $10 for adults, and $5 for children, and are available now at Lady Grey Elementary. Tickets will also be available at the door if there are any left.

Five Alarm Funk ready to wake up the crowd at the Rockwater Golden Star Staff They have played in some of the country's most renowned festivals, including the Vancouver and Toronto Jazz Festivals, the Ottawa Blues Festival and Shambhala. And this Thursday (April 12) they will be performing for Golden at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Made up of 10 musicians, Five Alarm Funk is a horn-powered and percussion fueled, unforgettable experience for any audience. Choreographed arm movements coincide with melodic climaxes while the four percussionists create a true spectacle. Five Alarm Funk is releasing their fourth studio album, Rock the Sky, this month, and they are looking forward to sharing their months of hard work with the crowd at the Rockwater. Also coming up at the Rockwater is Shred Kelly, with Stellar Radio Choir as their opening act. This is the unofficial end of the season party, and Fernie’s foot-stompin’ good-time band is here to help finish it off on Saturday April 14. And don’t forget the following Saturday, April 21, indie rock band One Way State will be taking the stage. For more info rmation on shows, and a full list of events coming up at the Rockwater, go to

SUNDAYS Prime Rib (while quantities last). Bloody Caesars $4.25 MONDAYS NY Steak Sandwich w/ fries or greens $7.75 OK Springs 1516 sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 Highballs $3.75 Dbls $6.25 TUESDAYS Bison Burger w/ fries or greens $5.25 Sleeman Original Draught sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50

Five Alarm Funk are coming to the Rockwater April 12.

WEDNESDAYS 1Lb of Wings & Dos Equis $10.00 Dos Equis Buckets $15.50 (4) THURSDAYS Personal Pizza & Moosehead or Black Lager Sleeve $10 Moosehead Lager or Okanagan Black Lager sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 FRIDAYS ½ Price Full Size Nachos. Sleeman Honey Brown or Cream Ale Btls $3.75 HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 7 TVs and the Big Screen – Surround Sound – EVERY NIGHT. Come watch your favourite team and enjoy game day specials.

Photo Submitted



Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

New Totem pole unveiled at art show Jessica Schwitek It stands 12 feet high, and weighs a ton. And the Winston Lodge is giving you the chance to be among the first to see it. Local artist Kenny Williams will have an entire collection of his rustic, wilderness inspired artwork on display at the Winston Lodge at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, as part of their end of season wrap up party. There will be about a dozen pieces of William's art, but the focal point will be the never before seen Haida Totem pole. "The totem pole is the centre piece, absolutely. This is the first time anyone will have seen it. It's 12 feet tall, it's amazing," said Bill Braisher, owner of the Winston Lodge. The pole was recently moved into the lodge, which was no easy task. "It was heavy. A while back we moved an eight-foot pole into a different lodge, and this one is way heavier. But this one is more durable as well," said Braisher. The Totem pole may garner the most attention, but Williams’ other work is sure to catch a few eyes as well. He works with several different materials, and depicts the natural world that he and his wife love to spend time in. "We have a lot of fun out in the bush, we both love the bush. We like to hunt and fish and hike, and just enjoy being out in the quiet, and in nature," said Williams, adding that it is the Golden wilderness where he finds his inspiration. "I use all mediums from nature, bone, conchs, wood. Everything comes from nature, and I think that God's beauty is in all of that. And what I try to do is incorporate the gift that He gave me, with the natural beauty," he said. A Golden resident since the age of 11, Williams has enjoyed art most of his life, but hasn't always had the space or the time to do it. But as a self-taught artist he has managed to create some amazing pieces. "It's a very natural thing with him. He never went to school for it, it's just a creative thing that he has. It just comes alive. It's amazing to watch him work like that," said his wife Jackie.

Williams learned by emulating other artists, learning their techniques, and merging it with his own style and creativity. It is that creativity that caught the eye of Braisher and the Winston Lodge. "He's made this amazing totem pole, that he's going to leave at the lodge afterwards. He also takes elk antlers, and bones and things like that, and using dental tools he carves out eagles and birds and deer, things like that right into the bones," said Braisher. "And he also takes pieces of birch bark, and he takes away everything that he doesn't want. And then he's wood burning the bear or the cougar or whatever onto the birch bark. That's one of his mediums." The theme and tone of the art collection fits in perfectly with the vision of the Winston Lodge. Winston Wolfenden for whom the lodge is named was the son of Archie Wolfenden the pioneer that came to the valley in 1919 to build the Brisco General Store. The Wolfenden family owned the Beaverfoot hunting lodge which was one of the first back country lodges in the valley. Winston was once partners with Lloyd Wilder the founder of Fairmont Hot Springs. The lodge is a tribute and a legacy of the Wofenden and Braisher families with many members of both families working there today. Braisure is very proud to be carrying on that legacy today. He enjoys teaching tourists who visit the lodge about the history and natural beauty of Golden. “The summer is going to be good. I’m planning on taking our guest from Europe on tours around here, of the canyon and the glaciers and things like that,” said Braishure. “We’ll be giving them the Canadian wilderness adventure, and this is the perfect place to do it. Canadians don’t realize how in awe people are of our country.” The art show is on Saturday April 14 from 4 to 8 p.m. in the Winston Lodge Great room. There will be free champaign and appetizers. This will be followed by a closing party in the Saloon, with live music, Giant Jenga, and free food, sampling the new summer menu.

(Above) Artist Kenny Williams stands in front of the workshop he and his wife Jackie built together. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo (Below) Pictured is one of Williams’ carvings that will be displayed at the Winston Lodge, while some people enjoy Giant Jenga, a tradition at the Winston. Photos Submitted

CELEBRATE THE LAST DAY OF THE SEASON IN STYLE AT THE WINSTON LODGE ÍKENNY WILLIAMS ART EXHIBITÍ where he will unveil his 11’ 6” Haida Totem pole. In the Winston Lodge Great room. Í 4:00 – 8:00 Saturday April 14

Í Free Champaign & Appetizers

See what the amazing Winston Lodge is all about.

ÍCLOSING PARTY IN THE SALOONÍ Kids welcome until 8:00pm Free Food (Sample our Exciting Summer Menu) Drink Specials (Trying to sell off all our winter stock) Live Music (Cowboy Dave Whyte) Giant Jenga (Now, indoors and outdoors) See our: ÍShot in the pocket shirts Í Red Nek wine glasses Í Signature Hot Chocolate Í Mug with the Bug Í Boot Shots Í Apple Tea Í The Winston Dude Í Board Games Í Giant Jenga Í Life-size Angry Birds Í Checker Board Tables ÍBadges Í Antique Piano Í The Spa Í Wanted Pictures Í Patio Í The best freshest food Í Winston Hottys Í Fireplaces Inside and Out Í Live Music Í and more...

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A17

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Coming Events

Education/Trade Schools

BC ARTS And Culture week is coming! Celebrate the arts by attending the great events that are being presented in your community from April 22-28.



Julie Paquette Johnson was born January 11, 1939 in Deep River, Ontario and passed away on March 22, 2012 in Golden, BC at the age of 74.

Information Special Olympics BC Golden is looking for volunteer board members and coaches! If you are interested please contact Karley Ferner 250-919-0757.

Employment Business Opportunities ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or

Career Opportunities 100% Canadian owned ofďŹ ce supply company seeks a sales representative in the Columbia Valley - travelling between Golden & Fairmont Hot Springs calling on existing and new customers. Base Salary + Commission. Contact Darryl. or 800663-8085

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking DRIVERS WANTED: TerriďŹ c career opportunity outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Experience Needed!! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 wks. vacation & beneďŹ ts pkg. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time Valid License with air brake endorsement. High School Diploma or GED. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver DO NOT FILL IN CITY or STATE

APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certiďŹ cate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information:


In Remembrance Julie Paquette Johnson 1939–2012

Ladies Spring Tea Join us April 21st 2:30pm. 717 10th St (Pentecostal Church)

Education/Trade Schools



INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Sites in AB & BC. Hands on real world machine training. NO Simulators. Start any Monday. Funding Options. 1-866-399-3853 TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted Heavy Duty Journeyman Diesel Mechanic required in Invermere, B.C. Permanent fulltime position. Competitive wage based on experience $30-38. BeneďŹ t package available. Please fax or email resume to: 250-342-0212


Julie was the seventh child of Jean-Baptiste and Mary Paquette. Julie had two children from her first marriage to Harold Dale; a daughter Beverly of Golden and a son Richard of Pembroke, Ontario. Harold passed away in 1992. Julie remarried Tom Johnson, they had no children together. Tom passed away in 2009. Besides her children, Julie leaves to mourn brothers Gordon, Neil and Michael; sisters Vi, Kaye and Doris; grandson Richard of Golden and Samantha & Ryan of Ontario. She was predeceased by her sister Ellie. A memorial service will be celebrated on

April 14, 2012 at 3:00 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church followed by a tea downstairs in the church.



Stanley “Stan� Parton Milum

March 20, 1917 - March 31, 2012 Stan passed away peacefully, at the Pleasant Valley Manor in Armstrong, BC, just 11 days following his 95th birthday. Stan was predeceased by his wife Ruby in 1985, brothers Gordon, Wes, Dick and Harold and sisters Ruby and Beulah. Stan leaves to mourn his sister Rita Frick of the lower mainland. He will be sadly missed by his daughter Stella Meger of Vernon, BC; his son John Milum (Sue) of Armstrong, BC; his 5 grandchildren Patti Hansen, Kelsey (Danny) Kashluba, Karla Wiebe (Wes), Jason Meger (Angie) and Steve Milum. Stan will also be missed by his 11 great-grandchildren Justin, Jordi, Katie, Josh, Charles, Summer, Wayne, Sarah, Meaghan, Brianne and Mathew as well as numerous cousins¸ nieces and nephews. Stan was born in Bowsman¸ MB to Paul and Caroline Milum. Stan enjoyed the outdoors especially hunting and Ă€shing and was known for his â€œĂ€sh storiesâ€?. Stan enjoyed several escapades while trapping and prospecting up North and had many stories to share of such. Stan also spoke fondly of his up-bringing and growing up within a wonderful family. Stan was a World War II veteran with Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) and was stationed overseas for 70 months. A gathering to Celebrate Stan’s Life will be held in the Chapel of Alternatives Funeral & Cremation Arrangements (2980 Smith Drive, Armstrong, BC) commencing at 2:00 pm on Friday, April 13, 2012, with reception to follow. The family wish to thank the staff at the Pleasant Valley Manor for the care and support of our dad over the past years. In lieu of Ă owers¸ donations may be made to the charity of your choice. Expressions of sympathy may be forwarded to the family at Arrangements entrusted to ALTERNATIVES FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICESÂŽ Armstrong 250-546-7237 & Vernon 250-558-0866



Saroka, Lola Marie (nee Fraser)

July 12, 1921 – March 19, 2012

Lola Marie Saroka passed away peacefully into the hands of her Creator on March 19, 2012 at the age of 90 years. Lola was predeceased by her husband Matt, her parents, brothers and sisters. She is survived by her children, Grant (Carol), Marie Dyer, Mark (Dana), Greg (Cathie) and brother-in-law Peter Strack. She will be missed by her grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, nieces and nephews. As a native Calgarian, Lola graduated from the Holy Cross School of Nursing in 1944. She worked in her ďŹ eld for over 50 years either full time or as a volunteer in Calgary, BC, and Washington. Lola volunteered extensively for both her church and the community particularly in pastoral care. She loved to cycle and hike and did so well into her 80’s. Lola also loved to paint and many have “an originalâ€?! She was loved by many and will be missed dearly. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Luke’s Catholic Church, 1566 Northmount Dr. NW, Calgary, AB. on Wed. April 11 at 10:30 am.

Hazel Alfano (nee Schiesser) er) Hazel was born in the Creston Hospital on July 31, 1934. Her parents, Frederick and Christian Schiesser chose this name because of a creek which ran near their little home near Creston. When the family grew by 2 more children, Margaret and Bernhard made the decision to move to Golden in 1939. Their new home was west of Golden for 2 years and then they were able to purchase Valleyview Farm in Moberly. Over the next several years, Hazel being the eldest child took on many responsibilities during the war years when her father was away. She and the others worked hard doing chores, milking goats, and helping their mother preserve food for the long winter months. She attended Moberly school but unfortunately she was needed at home to help with the younger children and was unable to continue through high school. The school was often the site of dances and box socials and at one of these events, she met her future husband Luigi Alfano. After a short romance, they were married in Golden in 1953. Children started arriving with Cheryl in 1955, the twins, Roger and Rhonda in 1957 Elizabeth in 1958 and Cindy in 1965. As a farm wife, Hazel used the skills she had learned growing up. She was a healthy strong woman, drove tractor, hoisted heavy hay bales , milked cows, fed chickens, geese and turkeys and cared for her husband and family. She made bread, canned vegetables, for the winter as well as storing them in the root cellar. She was proďŹ cient at sewing for the children and took a keen interest in their school work encouraging them to do well. She was always there as a loving and caring mother. After the children had made their own lives, Hazel found time to weave rugs on her loom and through her church activities she learned of the need to make quilts for the needy which were shipped to many parts of the world. She was an accomplished knitter and loved to crochet but her main passion was her lovely plants, ower beds and vegetable gardens. More of her talents were demonstrated in her love of music and in particular playing the guitar and harmonica. She and Louis travelled to many parts of Canada and the U.S., Alaska, Africa, England, Wales and Switzerland, other parts of Europe and New Zealand. She was predeceased by her father in 1984, her mother in 1987, and two brothers Jacques one in 1947 and Jacques Doull in 1997. Hazel will be dearly missed by her husband Luigi and children: Cheryl Alfano, Roger & Carmen Alfano, Rhonda & John Addison; Elizabeth Alfano, Cindy and Daryl Flindt. She is survived by sister Margaret (Ed) Gould, brother Bernhard (Terry) Schiesser, sisters: Jeannie Dyke, Julia Cundlie and Nicolette (Dennis) Go and brother Fred (Tita) Schiesser, several nieces and nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star




Help Wanted

Home Care/Support

Trades, Technical

IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE If you are experiencing delays in the processing of your EI, CPP, OAS, Veterans Affairs, or CIC claims, please call the “Office For Client Satisfaction”

1–866-506-6806 SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email:

TIMBERMILL RESTAURANT now OPEN for business. Part time SERVERS required. Please contact Don Rosodi 250-344-0733. Email Tim Hortons - Bolico Holdings Ltd. 1421 Trans Canada Highway, Golden B.C. V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant / Production Full time (40 hrs/wk), Shift work. Nights-Overnights-Early Mornings-Weekends $10.46/Hr + Benefits. Fax resume to 250-439-1963 or apply in person.

24 hr. Live-In Support Required (Kamloops, B.C.) Dengarry Professional Services Ltd. is seeking experienced individuals or couples for contract to provide live in 24 hr. support for short term stabilization to adults with mental & physical disabilities in Kamloops. Applicant must have education and exp. either in behavioral and/or medical supports. Applicant will undergo extensive screening including reference checks, Crim Check and drivers abstract. Housing & Utilities incls. w/ a Remarkable Compensation Package. Please forward resume to Kristine Toebosch at ktoebosch@ or fax to 1-250-377-4581 or mail Attn: Kristine PO Box 892 Kamloops BC V2C-5M8

Income Opportunity EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate openings. Easy Computer work, others positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed.

Trades, Technical

MAINTENANCE MANAGER Meadow Lake, SK • Focus on Safety Performance • Industry Leader in World Markets • Competitive Compensation Package • Sustainable Business Practices • Progressive Enviro. Do you thrive in a dynamic & challenging environment with opportunities for continuous growth and development?

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HHDI RECRUITING is hiring on behalf of Baker Hughes Baker Hughes Alberta based oilfield services company is currently hiring;



HD MECHANICS 3rd or 4th apprentice or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanics with their Red Seal and CVIP License to work in Whitecourt and Hinton, AB. Please call 250-718-3330 or Fax: 1-888-679-0759 For more information or send your resume & current drivers abstract to:

Career Opportunities

Build Your Career With us

Career Opportunities CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103. JACOBS FIELD Services Ltd. (Maintenance) is looking for a General Foreman with oilfield experience for a Northern BC site. Person will live in Dawson Creek or Fort St. John. Send resume to fax 780-485-6722, humanresources@



Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Legal Services

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Financial Services

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Associate Publisher/ Sales Representative The Free Press, Fernie, BC

The Free Press has an opening for a full time Associate Publisher/Sales Representative. The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic and fun, but results-oriented team, and will be able to meet and exceed sales targets by deepening relationships with existing clients, while at the same time developing new business for the newspaper. The ability to work independently in an extremely fast-paced environment while adhering to deadlines is a must. Candidates considered for the position will be results oriented, strong communicators, and be willing to learn and adapt in an everchanging business environment. The successful candidate will also be an active member of the community and be willing to get behind community initiatives and events with a positive and helpful attitude. A vehicle and a valid driver’s licence is required. We offer a great working environment with a better than average compensation plan, along with a strong bene¿ts package. Please submit your resume with a cover letter by 5 pm, Monday, April 30, 2012. Thank you to all who apply, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Dave Hamilton P.O. Box 2350 Fernie, BC, V0B 1M0 No phone calls please.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

GOLDEN: Your SOURCE for great opportunities! COMING SOON

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Drywall Beaver’s Drywall 250-439-9709

Help Wanted



Amber van Drielen Barrister & Solicitor Golden, BC

250 439-8262 Accepting clients in family law, elder law, wills and estates.

Help Wanted

Columbia Shuswap Regional District Summer Student Employment Program (2 positions available) The CSRD is now accepting applications for full-time, temporary, summer student positions to assist the Planning and the Environment and Engineering Departments. THE POSITIONS: Planning Student (1 position) • assist in gathering property data to be used in the creation of a Zoning Bylaw for Electoral Area D and Area F. • organizes the data collected and input into the GIS. Environment and Engineering Student (1 position) • assist with the implementation of Phytoremediation Plan at the Salmon Arm Landfill. • manage the poplar tree plantation, the irrigation system. • prepare an end term report documenting tree growth rates, irrigation rates and leachate uptake. • conduct refuse audits and provide information to the public. For more information about these positions visit our website at Duration of Positions: • Early May to late August 2012 • Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To apply, send your resume and cover letter, indicating the position you have applied for, no later than 4:00 PM (PST) on Friday, April 20th, 2012 to: Colleen Goodey, Administrative/HR Assistant Columbia Shuswap Regional District 781 Marine Park Drive NE Box 978 SALMON ARM, BC, V1E 4P1 Telephone: (250) 833-5922 Fax: (250) 832-9774 E-mail: We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

This isn’t just a job — it’s a doorway to broad opportunities and advancements within our national network and a great place to gain knowledge and develop skills. You share our passion for providing amazing service and enjoy teamwork and having fun while working. We believe in great rewards for working hard. 3OHDVH DSSO\ WR

,0$*,1( é ',6&29(5 é (;3(5,(1&( Are you an energetic and enthusiastic person who enjoys working with people in a fast-paced environment? Do you have a passion for electronics? If so, this may be your calling!


The Golden Star g Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A19 y p


Real Estate





Houses For Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Shared Accommodation

AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

FOR RENT In the Blaeberry Take a look- you will not be disappointed

Pets & Livestock

Available April 15th $900 per month All inclusive Larger 2 Bdr Suite -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site DD & References required - No Pets

Pets TO Give Away: Two adult cats, one female 6 yrs and one male 1 yr old. Both are fixed. 250-348-2094

Merchandise for Sale

Food Products

Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer

All natural, grass fed, local lean beef. Government inspected. Call 250-344-7669.

Twin Rivers - 2 & 1 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233. Upper & Lower Single bedroom apts with easy walking distance to town. Newly renovated, new flooring, fresh paint, new appliances. No pets, N/S. $550/mth + utilities & DD. Call Dwayne 250-344-5582 after 6 pm.

Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.


Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. 250-344-8429, 344-0209 or 344-0604.

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale DIY STEEL Building deals! Many sizes and models. Make an offer on clearance buildings today and save thousands of dollars. Free brochure - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 New 500 gal oil tank with 1/4 tank fuel. $700. Call 250-344-7446. SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money and save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.

STEEL BUILDING - Blowout sale! 20x26 $5,199. 25x28 $5,799. 30x42 $8,390. 32x56 $11,700. 40x50 $14,480. 47x76 $20,325. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.

Real Estate

Lots PRIVATE: Lot #12 Hemlock St. in Selkirk Heights sub division. Inside street in quiet neighbourhood with tons of mountain views. Call Baljit 250-344-6856 or 344-1128.

Mobile Homes & Parks 12’ x 68’ 2 Bdr Mobile with addition. KHMHP Large window facing ski hill, lots of storage space with 2 sheds. Tidy fenced in yard with firepit and sunny front deck. Oil/wood heat. Updated appliances. Great starter home! $21,999 offers considered Call 250-439-9072 for more info or viewing.

Other Areas NOVA SCOTIA Rural waterfront lots for sale. Country living at its best. Three bedroom apartments for rent. 45 miles to university town. 1-902-5222343

Business for Sale


The Timbermill Restaurant in Golden is for Sale OR Business for sale - Land & Building for lease. Contact Don Rosodi 250-344-0733.


Houses For Sale 3 BDR house on 22 organic acres. Great water, privacy, scenery, pasture, woodland, wildlife. Thomas Rd, Parson. 250-348-2390.

PRIVATE MOUNTAIN HOME FOR SALE - Visit: Older 2 BDR Bungalow, well built. Includes 2 separate titles totalling approx 3 acres. Hwy 95, Parson. 250-348-2390.

Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Apt/Condo for Rent 3 BDR/Bath Condo. Laminate flooring, W/D, private yard, large deck, nice location. $900/mth. N/S, no pets. 250-344-8581. Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056.

Commercial/ Industrial 1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease March 1. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876. 3 Bay shed on Legendz property on Trans Canada Hwy. Available anytime. Ideal for fruit stand. Call Legendz Diner after 3 pm 250-344-2059. Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Cottages / Cabins 2 Bdr chalet avail May 1. Kitchen, fireplace, BBQ deck, sat tv, high speed internet. Util incl. Couple or 2 singles. N/S. $900/mth. 250-344-7874 evenings. Large furnished cabin with carport. Short or long term. Rent negotiable. 344-5064.

Duplex / 4 Plex 2 Bdr 1/2 Duplex. 1 1/2 baths, W/D, Satellite dish. N/S. Refs req. $725 + util. Avail now. 344-7163 or 344-8179.

Mobile Homes & Pads 3 Bdr 2 bath mobile home in the Blaeberry on a loop that is great for walking and close to the river. F/S/W/D. $900/mth incl heat & hydro. Call Jeanette 250-344-1075. New single wide mobile home 12 kms south of Golden. 2 bdr, 2 bath. N/S. $925/mth all inclusive. 780-718-8243.

Homes for Rent 1 Bdr Log House with loft. Fireplace, great deck. Avail May 1. Oster Rd. W/D. N/S, no pets. $725/mth. 250-272-5151. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 & 2 Bdr open concept new house in town. Laundry. Avail now. Call 250-344-1340. 3 Bdr house. 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets. Avail May 1. Also 2 Bdr ground level suite, 1112 12 St. No pets. N/S. Avail May 1. 250-344-5626.

3 Bdr upstairs & down, 1 1/2 bath, large kitchen, screened in porch, gardens edible and ornamental, yard and storage. Quiet family neighbourhood with kids’ park, close to Overwaitea. Call 250-344-5229. 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. 5 bdr rural partially furnished home available immediately. $1200/mth + DD & utilities. Phone 403-510-1433. Beautiful 3 bdr house on 12th St. in Golden. Newly reno’d kitchen and bathroom, W/D, large attached garage, huge yard maintained by landscaper. Deck with views. N/S. Avail now. $1095/mth plus utilities. DD and Refs required. Seeking quiet clean-living long term tenants. Phone 403-609-6643 or 403-678-8187.

Duplex for Rent 3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996.

FOR RENT 3 BR 2 Bath Bright & spacious upper level. Selective pets, N/S, $900/mth. 2 BR Suite Newly renovated, $625/mth.

Room avail in fully furnished shared home. Close to all amenities. N/P, N/S. $450/mth all inclusive + DD. Avail April 15 or May 1. Leave message 604-356-2543.

Storage BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289. Heated indoor secure storage available. Single door entry. Rates negotiable. Call 250-344-1065. S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

4 BR 2 Bath Home Lge family room, fur nished/unfur nished, laminate flooring. 2 BR Luxury Condo KHMR. Hot tub, fireplace, beautifully furnished, lge deck, spectacular views. $1500/mth all inclusive.

2 Bdr downstairs Available now. Call 250-344-5075.


Suites, Upper 1 Bdr Bachelor suite avail now. Five mins south. $700/mth all inclusive. Call 250-344-2417. 3 Bdr Upper Suite available March 1. Call 250-344-5075. Bachelor suite, upper floor, balcony. Hydro & heat incl. N/S, DD, no pets, no parties, Wifi. 1 person-$600, 2 people-$650. Call 344-2443 or 250-348-2591.

Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.


Antiques / Classics 1962 Star Fire Olds convertible. 394 V8 engine. 1964 Ford Galaxie convertible. 390 V8 engine. 250-344-6481.

Auto Financing

2 BR 2 Bath Luxury Condo KHMR. Fully furnished, hot tub, exercise room, 2 deck entrances. $1200/mth all inclusive.

Scrap Car Removal

Recreational/Sale 1986 19.5 ft. dual fuel motorhome with roof $5000. Call 250-344-7446.


Scrap Car Removal FREE CAR REMOVAL Will haul your old Junkers away. Call Rod 250-344-6921 or 250-344-0580.


1998 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4.0 L V6. New rad, thermostat, water pump, head gasket, spark plugs, front brakes. Recent transmission flush. 200,000 kms. $3500. Call 250-344-2786.

Trucks & Vans 1997 GMC Ex cab 4x4 1/2 ton. 156,000 kms. $4500. Call 250-344-6559.


The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122

REQUEST FOR BIDS The Royal Canadian Legion Golden Branch # 122 is now accepting bids for the maintenance of the Legion Cemetery. Duties include: • mowing the grass • watering the grass, • generally keeping the cemetery clean and tidy. Anyone bidding will have to have their own W.C.B. coverage. Sealed bids may be: Dropped off after 3:00 pm. at the Legion. 1011 S. 11th Avenue, Golden, B.C., Mailed to: Royal Canadian Legion, Attn: Secretary, P.O. Box 254 Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0. E-mailed to

All members and Bona Fide Guests Welcome

“Grandma, we’re coming to visit!”

1 BR Apt Newly renovated w/laundry. $570/mth

Keep your toddler safe in the car. Auto Financing - Dream Catcher, Apply Today! Drive Today!


DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557 SHIFT AUTO FINANCE Get Approved Today! CREDIT DOESN’T MATTER.. For The Best Interest Rate Call: 1.877.941.4421

Learn how to install your child’s car seat correctly. Call 1-877-247-5551 or visit


Classifieds Get Results!

Sport Utility Vehicle

Tuesdays - Free Pool Fridays - -Meat Draw - 5:30 Saturdays - Meat Draw - 5:00

3 BR Older Home Spacious, wood/electric heat, lge double lot, pets considered. $900/mth.

2 Bdr house in Nicholson. Yard, woodstove, no parties, N/S, no pets. $850/mth. 250 344-5772 or 344-0553.

Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Does your club need a meeting place? Call 250-344 -6214

3 BR Condo Nicely upgraded, laminate flooring, fenced yard with lge deck. $900/mth.

Each office is independently owned & operated.

Motorcycles 2006 Honda VTX 1300 Retro. Comes with windshield, saddlebags, new battery and sissy bar. 4500 kms. Garage stored. As new condition. $7600 obo. 250-344-6287. 2007 Honda 4 stroke CRF. Top half of motor is rebuilt. Runs excellent. $1100 obo. Upgrading to bigger bike. 250-439-8210.

Applications must be received by April 30 2012

3 BR 2 Bath Country Home 10 mins south on 6 acres. Open concept, wood/propane heat, pets considered. $1200/mth

3 BR 2 Bath Executive Home Fireplace, loft/games room, in-floor heating, dbl garage. __________________ Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell)


Suites, Lower


2 BR Apt Spacious, laundry, inside cat considered. $650/mth


Poor, Good, OR No Credit at AUTO CREDIT NOW DL9597 Details and APPLY online OR TOLL FREE 1-877-356-0743

Cars - Domestic 1990 Mercedes. Full leather, winter tires, excellent shape. $5000. Call 250-344-7446. 2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE 3.4 V6. 198,000 kms. auto, 4 door. $2500. 250-344-2786.

Drive to Save Lives



Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

Golden Business Directory H F Protection Systems Inc. Serving the Interior of British Columbia since 1993 Monitoring for Fire, Security, Environmental ULC listed Monitoring Station


Security systems, CCTV, and special low voltage equipment

Construction Landscaping Irrigation Lawn Care Snow Removal Junk Removal

Fire Extinguisher Sales and Service

Kelsey Korpiniski tel:250-344-0428

Fire Safety Plans Ask us about monitoring without phone lines

Boarding for cats and dogs

LARGE RUNS — inside and out! SAFE • CLEAN • COMFORTABLE Tough guy or sweetie pie - We board them all. Individual care, lots of play and exercise. You will appreciate our reasonable rates.

250-344-8904 "Reliable Care since 1980"

Residential & Industrial Vacuum Service Hydrovac (Nondestructive Excavation) 8BUFS 5BOLFST t 7BDVVN 5SVDLT Portable High Pressure Steam Cleaner Portable Toilet Rentals Septic Tank & Field Cleaning (SFBTF 5SBQ $MFBOJOH t 8FMM DMFBOJOH Licenced Potable Water Truck Snow Removal

Keith Dondaneau 4FSWJDF www.hunterďŹ


t t t t t t t t t

Phone: 250.545.7000

Toll Free: 1.888.622.FIRE (3473)



250 344-6462




MILLENIUM HOME RENOVATORS LTD. Specializing in Siding, SofďŹ t, Facia, RooďŹ ng, 5â€? Continuous Eavestrough, Fencing & Decks New Home Construction FREE ESTIMATES

Yvon: 340-8482 660-4033 Fax: 340 0039

Steve Swaffield

Bed-n-Biscuit Boarding Kennel

Services offered ...

(250) 344-8145

• renovations • new construction • kitchen design • cabinet supply and installation • concept to completion • tile work - porcelain, natural stone • custom showers, fireplaces • Schluter systems certified

Doggy Daycare Overnight Boarding Agility & Obedience Call Lisa

250 344 4551

Steve’s Kitchen & Bath Renovations

1224 Horse Creek S (110 Mins South)

SELKIRK ELECTRIC LTD. Book your 10x10 storage unit now Locally owned & operated. Stop at Jepson Petroleum Bulk Plant and book your space with Ladine or call today.

Tax Preparation Services



All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652

CONTRACTING Ltd. Box 599, Golden, BC. V0A 1H0

Get ready for spring! Income


Tax Specialists

Tax Audit Assistance

904 10th Ave. (Upstairs) “At the trafďŹ c lightsâ€?

OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Phone - 250-344-2119

Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway swept with our JCB Skid Steer Sweeper Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available

“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing� Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

Phone: (250) 344-8351

FOR ALL YOUR SNOW REMOVAL NEEDS CALL BLAEDEN CONTRACTING LTD t Rural, Residential and Commercial Snow Plowing and Sanding Available t No job too big or too small t Enter for your chance to win free snow removal for the year!! $BMM .JLF BU t

PLUMBING LTD. 344-7209


819B - 9th Street N.

“Largest plumbing and heating inventory in the area� Quality Service with Integrity t 4FOJPST %JTDPVOU o QBSUT POMZ

Call or stop by our shop Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 805-9th St. N

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A21


Dummy destruction Get ready for summer • 4 Months Gym–Student* .............. $169.50 + hst • 3 Months Gym............................... $139.50 + hst • 3 Months Squash........................... $128.800 + hst • 3 Months Gym/Squash ................ $218.88 + hst *Valid Student ID required

1 MONTH unlimited tanning w/nail savers .. $75.79 + hst

• Reflex Clothing ............................. 10% OFF • Body Quest Clothing .................... 25% OFF • All Squash Rackets ....................... 25-30% OFF • Selected Protein Powder ............. 10% OFF NEW PRODUCTS! Come in and check them out! 912 11th Ave. (250) 344-7876 Sale from April 11 - 29, 2012

Turning Point Restaurant Playoff Takeout and Delivery Specials 2 Large 14� 2 Topping Pizzas & 6-pack Coke - $25 2 Pasta, 2 Salads, 2 Garlic Toast - $20 Choose from: Lasagna, Baked Spaghetti or Fettucine

3 Medium 12� Three Topping Pizzas - $33 Free Delivery in town after 5 pm Kicking Horse Mountain Resort hosted its annual Dummy Downhill competition this past weekend. Some soared, some crashed and burned, but all had a good time at this family friendly event. See more photos at Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

580 (3&"5 1-":0'' 41&$*"-4

KHMR Community Day a success Kickin Horse Mountain Resort Submitted Kicking Horse Mountain Resort would like to thank everyone who attended the first annual Community Day on March 25. More than 350 free tickets were provided to locals who were able to enjoy free skiing, sightseeing and tubing. “It was a fantastic day for our first Community Day,� said Steve Paccagnan, President of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. “It was really special to see people who had not been to Kicking Horse Mountain Resort in a long time come up and enjoy the day.�

Residents of Golden and Area A were able to enjoy free skiing, sightseeing and tubing on what was a beautiful sunny last Sunday of March. Proceeds from the barbecue will be donated to the Golden Food Bank. Kicking Horse Mountain Resort plans to make Community Day an annual winter event. “The response we received was overwhelmingly positive and we are definitely planning to make Community Day an annual event,� said Paccagnan Kicking Horse Mountain Resort is celebrating more than 10 metres of snow this winter with one final bonus weekend of operations, coming up this week on April 13 to 15.


"WF 4 t

Omega Bar & Grill Playoff Specials 1 Medium 12� 2 Topping Pizza & Jug of Draught - $25 All Domestic Bottles $3.95

Golden Business Directory Just a Call Does it All Complete Satellite Dealer SALES & Gurmit Manhas



This Space



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1021-11th Ave. N. Phone 344-6102 Toll Free 1-877-422-5427

Golden Star Staff

Summer is on its way, and the College of the Rockies and the Golden Early Childhood Development Coalition have teamed up to make sure your kids have a fun way to spend it. The Summer Fun Day Camp Program starts in July 2012. This program aims to provide a fun, recreational, full-day camp program for children. It will run at the College of the Rockies all




eight weeks of summer break, starting July 9, and wrapping up Aug. 31. Summer Fun will keep your child interested all day long with outdoor activities such as arts and crafts, games, water play at the pool and spray park as well as cookouts and gardening. The kids will develop new friendships, strengthen old friendships and grow their own child-centred community. Summer camp offers kids an experience like no other and builds memories that last a lifetime.



2012 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 3.7L $ $ @


28,999 352 4.99 1000



This invaluable program has been developed by the Golden ECDC with the belief that all children should be able to enjoy a camp experience. With that in mind, the cost for the full week, full-day program (from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., five days a week) has been set at $100 per week, and $30 per week for the half day little kids program (open to kids ages three to five, and will run three days a week from 1 to 3 p.m.). With the generous support of the Family






$ 9.7L/100km 29MPG HWY*** 13.4L /100km 21MPG CITY***




26 ±










* ▲


10.5L /100km 27MPG HWY*** 15.0L/100km 19MPG CITY***

Western Edition package includes: • Reverse Camera • Tailgate Step • Sync®‡‡ • Foglamps • Black Platform Running Boards • 18" Bright Machined Aluminum Wheels

WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be changed or cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Purchase a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L/F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats for $28,999/$41,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500/$5,500. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500/$5,500 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ±Lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L/F-150 XLT Super Crew 4X4 5.0L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $38,999/$41,899 at 4.99% LAPR for up to 36 months with $3,425 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $352/$378, total lease obligation is $16,907/$17,033 and optional buyout is $15,990/$18,017. Offer includes Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500/$8,000. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ^ Until July 3, 2012, Security Deposit payment is waived on a lease (Red Carpet leases, on approved credit from Ford Credit) of a new 2012 or 2013 model (excluding Shelby GT 500, Boss 302, Boss 302 Laguna Seca, E-Series, Transit Connect Electric, F-150 Raptor, F-Series Chassis Cabs, Medium trucks). Security Deposit may be required by Ford Credit based on customer credit terms and conditions. †From April 3, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $500/$750/$1,000/$1,500/$1,750/$2,000/$3,000/$4,000/ $4,500/$5,000/ $5,500/$6,500/$7,000/ $7,500/$8,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Focus S, 2012 Fiesta, 2012 Explorer (excluding Base)/2012 Focus (excluding S)/2012 Edge SE, 2012 Flex SE, 2012 Escape I4 Manual, E-Series/Transit Connect (excluding Electric), 2012 F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader/2012 Mustang Value Leader/2012 Taurus SE, 2012 F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/2012 Fusion S, 2012 Flex (excluding SE)/2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader), 2012 Edge AWD (excluding SE)/ 2012 Expedition/2012 Fusion Hybrid, 2012 Mustang GT (excluding GT500 and Boss 302), 2012 Taurus (excluding SE), 2012 Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)/2012 Fusion (excluding S and Hybrid), 2012 Edge FWD (excluding SE), 2012 Escape V6, 2012 F-250 to F-450 Gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L/2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L, 2012 F-250 to F-450 Diesel engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]/2012 F-150 4X4 3.7L V6: [13.4L/100km (21MPG) City, 9.7L/100km (29MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ◆F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 46 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2011. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.7L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Environment Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ◆◆When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ‡‡Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††© 2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

A22 Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

The Summer Fun Day Camp is coming to the College of the Rockies Centre and the Golden Community Resources Society there are also subsidies available to families, so that no child misses out on this wonderful experience. We are offering an early bird rate of $90 and $25 per week for our Junior campers during preregistration. This will take place at the College of the Rockies on Monday April 16 and Tuesday April 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information contact or call Joanne at 439-8388.

Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription


The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A23

Leadership, anti-bullying, and Renovate with colour! exams fill final months at GSS to train the high school students so that they can present the workshops to each class at LGES the following week. We are beginning the last term of this school year! This ties in nicely with our School’s focus on RestorOur graduates are in the process of finative Action, which helps students to ishing their coursework and preparlook at their behaviour in terms of the ing for their Provincial and final exams effect it has on others. When behaviour that will be taking place in the last two harms others, students are guided to figweeks of June. ure out ways that they can fix the harm Graduation Ceremonies are Thursin an attempt to restore relationships. day, June 28 and Prom is Friday, June In the third week of April, I will be 29 at the newly renovated Civic Cenvisiting Grade 7 classes in order to tre. As usual, we will send letters home share information about GSS (timein late April for any Grade 12 students tables, how to work our locks, general in jeopardy of graduating with a plan of info about the school, ways to be prewhat needs to be done so that they are pared, etc). in good standing. This is just one of the many activOur Leadership class is beginning to ities that happen to ease their transiBy Iris Trask work on a number of individually-led tion from elementary school to high projects that involve the School and the school. I will be taking Grade 8 students with me so community. This is a great way to not only develop that they can share their successes and challenges important leadership skills, but to also provide a in their first year of high school, and assist with the benefit for various community groups. hands-on activities the Grade 7s will be engaged with One example involves a leadership student setting during our visit. up volunteers at Abbyfield House to spend time with the residents conversing, working on crafts, playUpcoming dates: ing games, or going for walks. The connections that will be formed are beneficial to both the residents April 11th/12th - Electronic Provincial Exams (for and our teenagers as they interact with long standing some students only) members of Golden. April 13th - Professional Development Day We have 16 students involved in a Red Cross: April 25th - Honour Roll Assemblies Beyond the Hurt Anti-bullying Training this week April 26th - Honour Roll Pizza Lunch on Wednesday and Thursday. Lady Grey EleMay 2nd - Early Dismissal Day (to facilitate parentmentary School brought in the facilitator in order teacher interviews) Iris Trask Principal at Golden Secondary School

Principal’s Report

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Serving the Columbia Valley



GENTLEMENOFGOLDEN.ORG WINNERS BEST YOUTH - Backyardigans by Tristan Hunter BEST SHORT - IPAINT by Thijme Termatt BEST MEDIUM - Japan by Art Of Living Productions BEST FEATURE - The Clean Bin Project by Peg Leg Films GENTLEMEN’S CHOICE - A Date with Ed : Reunion Tour by Hobo Hound Films

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 11, 2012 A24

re/max of golden Garry Oddy (250) 344 -7234

Bob Tegart Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers (250) 344 -0275 (250) 344 -8451 (250) 344 -0735 (250) 272-4321


303 Palliser Lodge


3009 Golden Donald Upper


Dan Veselic Barry Klassen (250) 344 -0262 (250) 344 -1435


1222 - 10th Avenue

This home has a large and lovely, private, fully fenced backyard with a firepit and a huge deck overlooking it all. The interior has been painted recently and the roof has just been replaced.


1613 Gareb Road


Spectacular Valley views from this 1023 sq ft 2 bedroom, 3rd floor unit in the Palliser Lodge with one of the bedrooms being a lock off unit. All less then 3 hours drive from Calgary.

Over 23 acres of picturesque land at the end of Golden Donald Upper. This tranquil setting is your perfect getaway. Build your dream home and relax on this gently sloped property with fabulous views in all directions.

Double wide mobile with four generous bedrooms and two full baths is located across the street from the play area in Kicking Horse Mobile Home Park. This mobile is move in ready.

This one level cottage has 2bdrms, good sized kitchen & LR as well as office space, lrg entry foyer & 3pce bath. This is a corner lot ideal for future expansion. Land is nicely treed has a strg shed & front porch.






1001 - 10th Avenue

1513 Cedar Street

1501 Quartz Crescent

508 - 5th Street

1239 Alexander Drive

REDUCED Magnificent 11 bdrm, 4.5 bath home on 75’ x 130’ C-1 (General Commercial) corner lot in the heart of downtown Golden. Feautures include: double car garage, wood burning stove, 400 amp service, back lane access.

Lovely executive home w/lrg living rm, spacious dining area, huge kitchen, eating area, family rm, 3bdrms up, 2 baths and partly finished bsmnt with separate entrance, 2 car garage, fenced backyard.

Show Home. Granite counters cut & stained concrete throughout main floor. Mix of wood/carpet on 2nd flr. Hand crafted stairs & railings w/timber frame accents throughout. Bonus room above double garage.

Great family home, tastefully finished up & down, this 4bdrm, 2bath home is ready to move in. Lrg fncd backyard, landscaped w/nice garden space & mature trees. Covered deck off dining rm over carport.

Great family home w/3bdrms up & space for another in the bsmnt. Backyard is fncd & looks onto a park area behind with playground. Features: 6 appliances, patio area, strg shed, concrete drive & more.






524 – 12th Street

1506 - 14th Avenue

#10 Golden Mobile Home Park

#38 Mnt Shadows MHP

614 - 7th Street

Top flr: 4bdrms, 2 baths, kitch, dining rm, LR. Ground: 2bdrms, bath, kitch, dining & outside entrance. Features: attached garage, covered deck, fenced yard, storage shed, back lane access & more.

Mn Flr: open LR, dining, kitchen + a bdrm & full bath. Above: mstr suite w/separate bdrm, lrg sitting area & full bath. Bsmnt: bdrm, family rm, laundry & mud room. Decks are out front & back w/mature trees.

This MH has been totally redone. New kitchen, just installed. No paneling, 39’10” addition, new windows, flring, tub, vanity, snow roof & wood siding. Carport, wood shed, storage shed & raised garden bed.

Newly renovated. Lrg entrance w/plenty of strg, kitchen w/new cabinets & 4 new appl. dining area, LR, hallway housing laundry area, 4pce bath. Back bdrm leads to deck & new addition has mstr bdrm.

Zoned R2 this vacant lot is ideal for a single family residence or duplex. Within walking distance of all amenites, fabulous views & south facing backyard is just waiting for your ideas. Bldg plans available.






1402 Deere Ridge Road

506 - 8th Street

802 Nicholson Frontage Road

615 Lapp Road

857 Crandall Road

This .35 acre lot has no time restriction for build. Located on a corner triangular lot with lots of scope for bldg. The Purcell Mnt & KHMR views are spectacular from this lot. Town services at lot line.

Nice infill lot in desirable location with good surroundings. This 50’x 130’ lot has some mature trees and is zoned R-2 allowing for a single family home, single family home with suite or a duplex.

5bdrm, 2.5 bath home sits on .54 acres. Upºgrades: paint, hardwd & tile flrs, new kitchen cabinets, new bath, high efficiency furnace, wd stove & more. Landscaped, fruit trees, flower beds & fncd, dbl grg.

Home with over 7 acres. Mn Flr: LR, dining, kitchen, 3bdrms, bath. Partial bsmnt has family rm. Features include: workshop, attached storage bldg, great landscaping, fire pit, garden areas & natural forest.

Sitting on 1.925 acres is this beautiful crafted log home. Upper: 3bdrms, bath & laundry. Kitchen, dining, LR & den on the main with lrg sundeck. Walkout basement is unfinished. There is also a 20x20 shop.






1615 Campbell Road

2458 Kettleston Road

Lot 1, Casteldale View Estates

644 Golden Donald Upper Road

1636 Purcell Woods Close

A lovely, 2 storey Cape Cod Style 3 bedroom home on 13 acres of very private property with fantastic mountain views! Extras include: some appliances, large carport, storage shed and more.

Do you want to live the dream? 360’ mountain views, Blaeberry River frontage, serenity and all in a truly idyllic setting, then look no further. This beautiful property has all that and more.

Beautiful 5 acre lot w/bldg site prepared, bring your own builder or will build to suit. Approx 50 kms south of Golden. Maximize your views of the Columbia Westlands & Mountains, Building scheme is in place.

Newly renovated, 2 storey home on 1.08 acre. Kitchen, dining rm, LR, family rm, 2bdrms, full bath & laundry on mn flr. Above is sitting area, mstr suite w/full bath. Heated w/outdoor wood furrnace.

Custom built 3bdrm log home. Open plan main living has fireplace, kitchen, dining area w/hardwd & slate flrs, copper accents, timber frame & lrg mst suite w/ WI clst. Both decks w/snow melting senosors.






#309, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

1669 Dogtooth Close

#21, 1345 Aemmer Way

#303, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

Lot 13, Wellstead Road

This 915sqft, 2bdrm, 2 bath unit has a good sized oopen plan living space w/beautiful views of the valley. Features: f/p & 2 balconies. Ideal investment for rental or just for your own personal use.

Main floor: 2 good sized bdrms, 4pce bath, kitchen, dining room, living room with deck and views of the Rocky mountains. Upper level: Master suite w/5pce bath & office area. Down: media rm & wet bar.

Amazing views from this fully furnished 2bdrm Aspens town home. Nicely laid out interior allows for open plan living & huge deck is ideal for entertaining with hot tub. Under building parking & storage.

This 2bdrm, 2 bath, unit has ski-in ski-out access based at the heart of KHMR. Open plan living space w/feature f/p & 2 balconies w/views of the valley. Ideal investment for rental or just keep for yourself.

This treed 40 acres has views of the Purcells & Columbia Wetlands. Amazing building sites with potential for a 360 degree panorama. There is approximately 3000 meters of mature fir on this parcel.






Golden Donald Upper Road

2410 Highway #1, East

2 lots - Highway #95, South

Lot 1, 3, & 4, Imler Road

2166A Blaeberry Road

Very attractive, private, fully treed 9.48 acres. Great investment potential as there is a Preliminary Layout Approval for further subdivision. Close to local pub & less than 15 minutes from downtown Golden.

This 7.76 acrs located on the Trans Canada Hwy 1/2 way beween Hunter Creek Bridge & Beaverfoot Turnoff. It is treed & has Vacation Creek running thu the middle. Owner has water rights on the creek.

(Right) 4 wells on this property as it was being developed into 4 strata lots. Good investment to finish developing. (Left) 36 acres that is treed & has a good selection of potential bldg sites.

Lot 1, 3.6 acre parcel has a heavy buffer of trees along the road. Lot 3 is a 4.15 acre parcel is mainly cleared with trees along Imler Rd. Lot 4 - 4.4 acre parcel is mainly cleared. All lots with good well pump rates.

38+ acres of beautiful Blaeberry view property. Property is on both sides of Blaeberry River w/creek running full length of west boundary. Gently sloping which offers many excellent building sites.








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