Hope Standard, April 11, 2012

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The Hope


Local walkers add their steps together to reach Alaska 13

Office: 604.869.2421


w w w. h o p e s t a n d a r d . c o m n e w s @ h o p e s t a n d a r d . c o m

JOHN CUMMINS VISITS HOPE Conservative Leader talks about party platform


Painting faces


Three-year-old Cane Cameron gets his face painted for the first time by Girl Guide Emma Bessette at the second annual Hope For Kids Swap Meet on Saturday at the Hope Eagles hall. The event showcased several businesses that sell children’s items and included a special visit by the Easter Bunny. The Hope Eagles and Lemon Tree Events raised $115.58 for Children’s Hospital.

Wreckage from 2010 fatal accident still rests under bridge



OTiElS 19



CANDIDATES AT A GLANCE Contenders share their views on riding issues


INSIDE Opinion . .. . . . . . . . . . 6 Community . . . . . . 8 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Classifieds . . . . . . 15 $

1.10 (HST INCL.)

Fatal hit and run in Hope Woman’s body found by cyclists in Richmond Hill area

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Hope RCMP is looking for the public’s help in identifying the driver of a fatal hit and run last Friday. Two young cyclists found a 64-year-old woman with severe injuries lying in a shallow road-

side ditch in the Richmond Hill area of Flood-Hope Road at about 7:30 p.m. “There have been recent cases where people have come forward when these things happen,” said Staff Sgt. Suki Manj. “When someone takes responsibility for their actions and deals with it right away, it not only

makes it easier for the police, but it makes a world of difference to the family who just lost a loved one.” Police believe the woman was hit during daylight hours on a dry road. Manj said the driver may not have seen the woman and maybe thought they had hit an animal. Glare from sun could also

have been a contributing factor in temporarily obstructing the driver’s visibility. However, Manj said police won’t know exactly what happened until the driver comes forward. Anyone with information is asked to contact Hope RCMP at 604-869-7750 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

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A2 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012


John Cummins stops in Hope Hope Standard

BC Conservative leader John Cummins and byelection candidate John Martin

SILVER CHALICE PUB upcoming FUNdraisers: April 14: Hope Riding Club April 27: Hope Motor Sports

Karaoke Saturdays 9:00 pm – 1:00 am Daily Specials: Sunday: All-u-can eat Fish-n-Chips Monday: Ribs Tuesday: Pulled Pork Wednesday: Wings 4_12W_SCP11_5434331

Thursday: Quesadillas and Burritos Friday: Spaghetti/Meatball Saturday: Steak

Hours: Sun – Thurs 11:00 am – midnight Fri – Sat 11:00 am – 2:00 am

Experience living history, glimpse the future

Martin said he’s focused on stopping garbage incineration, scrapping the carbon tax, and fixing the “c a t c h - a n d - r e l e a s e


Glimpse the future of a restored and reinvigorated Alexandra Bridge Provincial Park and the 1926 Alexandra Bridge at a Community Presentation on April 19 at 8:00 p.m. at the Hope Recreation Centre, 1005-6th Avenue, Hope, B.C

FLUSHING OF WATER MAINS The Utilities Department will perform its annual program of hydrant maintenance and water main flushing from March 26th through April 13th, 2012.

criminal justice system that allows offenders to basically to walk through this revolving door time and time again and never be held accountable for their actions.” Currently he estimates there are 2,500 criminal charges on the verge of being dismissed because of closed courtrooms and the lack of new judges. “Basically we don’t have the ability to prosecute these people,” said Martin. “That is bad news for Hope and the rest of the riding.” Martin also raised concerns over the erosion of trust between

Both events are free and open to the public. Refreshments and snacks will be served. To RSVP, please visit the Hope Mountain Centre website at: www.hopemountain.org and click on “Programs”


District of Hope 325 Wallace St, 604.869.5671 www.hope.ca Mailing Address PO Box 609, Hope, B.C. V0X 1L0


en d

Any concerns should be directed to Mr. Maurice Wutzke, Director of Operations at 604-869-2333.

government and the people as a result of the Liberals lying about issues such as BC Rail and the HST, as well as the lack of communication on the introduction of the carbon tax. “People are looking for change. They’re tired of the Liberals, they’re tired of being deceived and not being spoken to in a straight forward manner, and they don’t want to go back to the NDP,” said Martin. “There is an option now and a new choice. It’s a small-c conservative government that believes in smaller government and less taxes.”

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As a result of this flushing, you may notice changes in water pressure and there may be some discoloration or sediment in the water. This is a temporary condition and is not a health hazard. To avoid inconvenience, check your water before doing laundry. You may wish to keep water in the refrigerator for drinking and cooking.

Experience living history on April 20 at the Grand Opening of the Tikwalus Trail, 1:30 p.m. in the trailhead parking lot, just north of Alexandra Lodge on the Trans-Canada Highway, in the traditional territory of the Spuzzum First Nation.

Organized by the Spuzzum First Nation, Hope Mountain Centre and New Pathways to Gold Society in association with BC Parks.


BC Conservative leader John Cummins, middle, talks to Cal Stephenson and Dave Rempel during a visit to Hope on Tuesday afternoon.


You’re invited to two exciting heritage tourism events in the historic Fraser Canyon!

For further information, please contact: Don Hauka, Communications/ Creative Director, New Pathways to Gold Society at ddlcauka@shaw.ca or phone 604.524.1884

stopped in Hope on Tuesday for a meet and greet with local residents. Cummins noted that Martin will offer voters a fresh alternative as MLA and represent the issues of the electorate, putting the riding ahead of the party rather than the other way around. He said the Conservatives are currently gaining momentum and support in the province, which is demonstrated by the latest Angus Reid opinion poll that shows the Conservatives tied at 23 per cent with the Liberals. The recent addition of former Liberal MLA John van Dongen has also given the party more credibility. “It certainly was a great push and very positive happening for us,” said Cummins. “It was just another spark to our campaign.”


Nickles & Dimes, Looneys & Tooneys. Help protect against unwanted pets! Tax receipts given for donations of $10 or more 4_12W_SNYP11_5427637

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit


ANNUAL FUNDRAISING EVENT Friday, April 20th 12pm - 5pm at Envision


Spay, Neuter Your Pet

n ship Ce

Trails Crossing Friendship Centre is proud to announce the launch of Trails Crossing Employment Program. This program is dedicated to enhancing employability for Aboriginal community members of Hope. Participants will be provided with essential skills for employment while utilizing traditional teachings. Interested participants are encouraged to visit the centre located at 454 Wallace St. 604.869.9042 www.trailscrossing.com Funding provided in part by Government of Canada and

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A3


Truck debris left in Creek Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Spuzzum First Nation has been waiting almost 17 months for truck wreckage to be removed from a popular local swimming hole. An accident on Highway 1 in November 2010 sent two semi-trucks over the Spuzzum Creek Bridge, spilling diesel into the Fraser River tributary and killing one of the drivers. Almost a year-and-a-half later debris remains in and around the creek. There’s also a semi-truck wedged on the cliff above the creek underneath the CP Rail bridge. Despite efforts from Spuzzum First Nation to get the wreckage cleaned up so they can once again utilize their swimming hole, they still have no answers. NDP leader Adrian Dix and bylection candidate Gwen O’Mahony toured the site on Monday to learn more about the situation first-hand. “The debris is terrible. Right in the swimming hole where a lot of the community members jump into the water, there’s still some rebar and sharp pieces jutting out. It’s very dangerous,” said O’Mahony, adding that SUBMITTED PHOTO absorbent pads used to soak up the diesel A wrecked truck still sits in Spuzzum spill and large pieces of the wreckage also litter the creek banks. Creek from a November 2010 crash.

“You can just imagine absorbing the diesel and leaving it there for a year, you’d have leaching. It’s just counter-productive.” Dix said there appears to be some bureaucratic dispute over whose responsibility it is to clean up the environmental hazard. In the meantime, members of Spuzzum First Nation are concerned about the chemicals in the water and the impact it will have on spawning fish. The creek is known to carry steelhead, Dolly Varden trout and chum runs. Liberal candidate Laurie Throness said the wreckage is in a very difficult location and there’s been problems getting insurance for contractors to remove it. However, he agreed that cleanup is long overdue. “I think out of respect for the kids and the environment as well as respect for the tragedy that happened, we need to get that removed as soon as possible,” Throness added. BC Conservative candidate John Martin blames the delay on the Liberals “shameful disregard for people in rural and semi-rural parts of the province.” He said it shouldn’t be too difficult to determine which agency is ultimately responsible for tending to this matter. They all acknowledged that had this occurred elsewhere in the Lower Mainland, it would have been cleaned up long ago.

Join us in Worship Community of Hope Church Directory ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA


www.anglican-hope.ca 275 Park Street

SUNDAY SERVICES 10AM The Rev. Gail Newell The Rev. Fred Tassinari


Church of the Nazarene

Sunday Celebration 5:30 pm

Hope Standard

Chilliwack-Hope Liberal candidate Laurie Throness toured the Thunderbird Motel Project in Hope on Tuesday to highlight the importance of addictions treatment. If elected, Throness vows to be a strong advocate for the issue and urge the provincial government to increase overall funding for long-term treatment facilities. He said more needs to be done to reduce demand for drugs by providing alternative care as police crack down on supply. “There’s an opportunity to provide more of an emphasis on long-term treatment and this is the kind of a project that illustrates the benefits of


Chillwack-Hope Liberal candidate Laurie Throness, right, talks with Thunderbird Motel Project resident Harold North, left, and local homeless outreach coordinator Paul Keller during a tour of the site on Tuesday morning.

long-term, stable treatment for people,” said Throness. “Longterm treatment to help people break free would reduce property crime, criminal networks,



violence, family disruption, and general human misery, not to mention societal costs.” The Thunderbird Motel Project is operated by the Hope and

STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri: 9am-7pm Saturday: 9am-6pm Sunday & Holidays: 10am-5pm visit us on or at hopepharmasave.com

Any concerns should be directed to Mr. Maurice Wutzke, Director of Operations at (604) 869-2333.



Mailing Address PO Box 609, Hope, B.C. V0X 1L0

604-823-7165 Anglican Network in Canada

Local info: 604-869-1918

Grace Baptist Church “Imperfect people following a loving God” www.gbchope.com


closer to Jesus...”

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

590 Third Ave.

Corner of 5th & Fort 10:30am Morning Worship & Children’s Sunday School


Pastor Jim Cornock

“United We Sing:” 1st Wed. of the month, 1:30pm





SATURDAY MORNING Study Hour 9:15 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00am Prayer Meeting - Tuesday, 7pm

Pastor Caleb Bru 604-869-0668

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Northwest Harvest Church

888 - THIRD AVE. 604-869-9969 (MESSAGE ONLY)


235 Wallace St. 604-869-2486

As per Section 15 of the Drinking Water Protection Act, the water quality monitoring results for The District of Hope, Lake of the Woods, East Kawkawa Lake, and Silver Creek water systems are available for viewing at the District of Hope Municipal Office located at 325 Wallace Street, Hope, BC.

District of Hope 325 Wallace St, 604.869.5671 www.hope.ca

Area Transition Society and consists of 25 fully furnished, semi-independent units. It was developed as a low-barrier housing initiative to support individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Many of the residents often suffer from multiple barriers, including addiction, mental illness, and limited social and life skills. The province supports over 2,000 long-term treatment beds for individuals addicted to drugs, but Throness said it doesn’t meet the demand on the street. He suggested B.C. follow the substance abuse policy modelled in Sweden, a country that has one of the world’s lowest drug use rates. Anyone who wants long-term treatment should have access to it, he added.

Welcomes you to Sunday Worship: 10am 345 Raab St. Rev. Don Gardner

Pastor Andrew Tarrant 949-3rd Ave. • 604.869.5524 604-749-7094 “Helping people take one step 888 Third Ave.

Addictions treatment a priority Kerrie-Ann Schoenit



The average age of a Canadian woman giving birth to her Àrst child has gone up signiÀcantly over the generations. In 2008, this average age was 29.3. This age in the U.S. is 24.9. It may be simplistic to relate a woman’s skin condition with her bone health, but that’s exactly what researchers found. Women with more face and neck wrinkles seem to have lower bone density in the hip, heel and lower back areas. It’s another reason to take care of our skin during the sunny days of summer coming soon.

Now that spring is here, it is a good time to check the medicine cabinet for old, out-dated medications. Also ensure the medication storage area is totally out of reach of curious children. Medications like opioids (codeine, morphine), benzodiazepines (diazepam, oxazepam), blood pressure and heart medications can be harmful to children. Ensure drug safety in your home. Canadians are living longer than ever before. Early diagnosis and treatment of diseases is part of the reason for this. And the older we get, the more medications we

seem to take. It’s important to take your medication as your doctor directs. If you need help organizing your medications, our pharmacists can help.

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A4 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Cities protest surprise RCMP pay hikes Jeff Nagel Black Press

Follow us on facebook & twitter, or 24/7 online at hopestandard.com

B.C. cities say they’ve been blindsided by surprise RCMP pay raises

that the federal government enabled just as it was signing a new policing contract that was supposed to usher in a new era of trust and cost

Sunday June 10, 2012

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control. Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender sent a letter on behalf of the Union of B.C. Municipalities to Public Safety Minister Vic Toews Friday – a day after the pay hikes were revealed – expressing “our complete shock and surprise” and warning the incident will create “significant backlash” from councils and taxpayers. Fassbender, the UBCM rep in the recent contract talks, said cities don’t yet know how much more money – if any – they will have to carve out of their budgets to fund the higher RCMP payroll. Justice Minister Shirley Bond said she has been assured by Ottawa administrative savings totaling $195 million will partly flow to cities and could entirely offset the pay raises, and possibly even lower their costs. But Bond is seeking more details. “I am deeply concerned about any potential impacts on our municipalities and that this information came as a surprise,” she said. Toews has said cities were advised months ago that raises on the order of 1.5 per cent were possible this year but the province and cities only learned of the pay package via the

RCMP rather than being formally notified by Ottawa, with details. Fassbender said even if the pay hikes end up costneutral or better for cities, the lack of communication and consultation is deeply troubling, as is the timing. “You just can’t plan this way,” he said. The province signed a new 20-year RCMP contract on March 21 – ending its threat to terminate the Mounties and form a new provincial police force – after securing extensive promises of more say for cities on spending decisions. Several cities have already ratified the new contract, including Surrey, Kelowna and the Township of Langley. Mayors from RCMPpoliced Lower Mainland cities will meet in Surrey April 20 to discuss the contract and pay raises. Fassbender said cities that don’t sign by the deadline effectively give two years notice of withdrawal from the RCMP and commit to forming their own police forces or partnering with existing municipal forces. “I’m still going to urge our council to sign the new contract,” Fassbender said. He said the new contract’s provisions of better

disclosure and consultation were not yet in effect, adding the incident underscores the need for change. “What this shows is how the old system would catch us off guard all the time and we would get told ‘Here’s your bill and just pay it,’” he said. “Under the new contract that process shouldn’t continue.” Fassbender said he does not believe Toews was deliberately withholding information on the pay raises when he signed the new contract at last month’s ceremony in Surrey. “I don’t see any sinister intent on anybody’s part here,” he said, adding the federal budget was still being developed. He said he will be “delighted” if the compensation package ends up cost-neutral to cities. “But we need the facts and right now we don’t have them.” The new contract creates a UBCM-led committee with 10 civic reps who are promised much more hands-on control of spending changes, instead of just an advisory role. Cities that sign the RCMP deal can still opt out at any time on two years notice, and a review of the contract is promised every five years.

New employment centre

EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRES Locations across B.C. Visit one near you. WorkBCCentres.ca 1.800.663.7867 TDD: 1.800.661.8773

The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.


Con Van Laerhoven, Agassiz-Harrison Community Services Society (left); Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Social Development; Robert Waycott, board president for Mission Community Skills Centre; and MLA Marc Dalton cut the ribbon last Thursday to open the Mission WorkBC Employment Services Centre operated by the Fraser Valley Employment and Support Service Co-operative. The new centre in Hope will run out of Free Rein Associates, with a satellite office in Boston Bar at the Anderson Creek Health Centre. The new centres integrate all of the services that were run separately by the provincial and federal governments to make it easier for unemployed people to find work.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A5



Battle on the field

Candidates for the Chilliwack-Hope byelection

Monday, Apr. 16th 7:00pm Hope & District Rec Centre New Multipurpose Room Access is available through back parking lot.

There will be an opportunity for questions from the oor. KERRIE-ANN SCHOENIT / THE STANDARD

Marcus James, left, leads the rush for the ball during a Hope Minor Soccer game Saturday morning at Hope Secondary School. About 170 players in kindergarten to Grade 7 are registered this season.

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A6 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Not using RESP to full advantage It may not seem like a topic that a literacy organization would be examining, but a recent study revealed Canadians aren’t utilizing post-secondary education savings programs as much as they should. The poll, conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of ABC Life Literacy Canada, discovered Canadian parents aren’t taking advantage of the programs offered. It discovered that: • 50 per cent of Canadian parents are not confident they will meet the financial needs of their child’s post-secondary education; • 59 per cent admit that they may need to seek government assistance to help pay for their child’s post-secondary costs; • 93 per cent believe that post-secondary education is important for their child’s success; • 55 per cent say their child would not be able to pursue postsecondary education without government savings programs; • 68 per cent say they are familiar with the term Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) yet 42 per cent incorrectly think they are the only ones that can open an RESP for their child; • 70 per cent who are currently saving for their child’s education indicated they are using an RESP, yet only 21 per cent are concurrently claiming, or are aware to be claiming, the Canada Education Savings Grant, something available to all Canadians with an active RESP account. Education, particularly post-secondary, will only become more and more critical in the future. Having only a Grade 12 education isn’t going to get you very far. These programs make a difference in planning, and paying for, your child’s education. Use them. – Black Press

The political spotlight falls on Cummins B.C. VIEWS Tom Fletcher The information age might have sped up B.C. voters’ mood swings, but the basic dynamic hasn’t changed since the days of Social Credit. When familiarity breeds contempt, people vote to reject the familiar and see what happens. Or as one radio talk-show caller summed up his decision to climb on board the B.C. Conservative bandwagon, he knows two things about leader John Cummins: “He’s not Adrian Dix and he’s not Christy Clark.” It’s been more 21 years since Gordon Wilson reshaped B.C. politics and launched the modern-day B.C. Liberal Party with a single quip in a leaders’ debate between a bickering Rita Johnston and Mike Harcourt. Cummins has about a year to show he’s earned his rising poll numbers,

OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

and to refute the conventional wisdom that he’s the best friend the NDP has had since Wilson put them in power and later joined them. So let’s get to know Cummins a bit better. He’s 70, and has an 18year record as a Reform-AllianceConservative MP. His Ottawa days are mainly remembered for battling treaties and aboriginal-only fisheries, and for being the first Reform MP to reverse himself and take the MP pension. That pension pays him about $100,000 a year as he tries to build a second political career in B.C. Another legacy of Cummins’ federal record is his support for the harmonized sales tax. As he hastens to clarify, he supported Conservative legislation to enter into HST deals with any province, which Ontario and B.C. subsequently did. Cummins said B.C. could have brought in the HST at a lower rate to reflect its broader reach, as Atlantic provinces did. But they tried to make it a “tax grab” and now


Box 1090 Hope, B.C. VOX 1LO

they’ve “poisoned the well” for many years. “We’re going to have to pay the price I guess, in the sense that where it has been introduced, it has been shown to have grown busi-

Cummins has about a year to show he’s earned his rising poll numbers, and to refute the conventional wisdom that he’s the best friend the NDP has had...

ness,” Cummins said. “Think tanks on both the left and the right have come to that conclusion.” To me this beats the NDP’s crude coffee-shop populism that simply ignores HST benefits for small

The Hope


business and the poor. Speaking of crude, Cummins further distinguishes himself from the B.C. Liberals by endorsing the proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline to Kitimat. He applauds the federal government for moving to place limits on submissions to federal environment hearings, citing the thousands of Internet signups that have clogged the Northern Gateway hearings. His record on aboriginal issues suggests he has little sympathy for territorial objections from First Nations, those with treaties or those without. The April 19 by-elections in Port Moody-Coquitlam and ChilliwackHope offer a chance for the B.C. Conservatives to present policy alternatives. So far they’re against gas taxes, especially the carbon tax, against a second Metro Vancouver garbage incinerator, and in favour of fixing the “catch and release” justice system. These are the slogans that stand in for actual policies

DEADLINES Display Friday 4 p.m.

Classifieds Monday 5 p.m.

E-MAIL: news@hopestandard.com




2 26








540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Wednesday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.


needed to govern. Cummins will be going door to door in the by-elections, especially in Chilliwack-Hope, where he believes his upstart party has a real shot at winning. He offers a telling anecdote about the last time he was door-knocking in Port Moody, the premier’s former hometown. The B.C. Liberals have suggested the B.C. Conservatives chose Christine Clarke as their candidate to capitalize on the premier’s name recognition. That wasn’t what Cummins and his previously unknown candidate found when they first started campaigning. “She’d say hi, my name is Christine Clarke, and the doors would close rather quickly,” Cummins said. Now she identifies herself as the B.C. Conservative candidate, then gives her name. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca

CREATIVE SERVICES DEB ROMANO 604-869-4991 ads@hopestandard.com

BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A7

Register Early



Political double-speak John van Dongen, the brand new Conservative MLA from Abbotsford South, did not use political double-speak when giving his reasons for leaving the B.C. Liberal party. He pointed his finger of recrimination directly at Christy Clark for her incompetent attempt to play the role of a provincial premier. Meanwhile Kevin Falcon and George Abbott are now musing aloud about not running in the next election. But both are being calculatingly careful not to offend any Clark supporters. Their sudden disen-

chantment with politics seems opportunistic. Not long ago they were running for the leadership of the B.C. Liberal party. Unfortunately for them (and the party), they ended up second and third respectively behind Clark. Both Falcon and Abbott are using political double-speak to send the same message to the Liberal backroom powerbrokers: Get rid of Clark and I’ll stay because I want to be the next premier of B.C. Lloyd Atkins

Hope slowly dying of neglect What is going on with the community of Hope? Where are all the occasion events? How are we supposed to pull together as a community if we do not even have those events that facilitate community involvement? It seems every year there are less events. I know that we need volunteers for said events but, once again, I do not see the advertising needed to encourage people to volunteer to fill these voids. If we cannot even do that much as a community we will be lost as a township. There will be nothing left for people to look forward to, encouraging

even more people to seek these things out of town. Pretty soon all that will be left is basic needs and thoroughfare needs for travellers leaving a shell of a community — no feeling of being a part of a bigger family. We will be nothing more than a satellite community of Chilliwack. What’s next? The loss of our grocery stores and our banks? Will we all need to drive to Chilliwack for everything outside of basic needs? It’s sad to watch this town slowly die of neglect. Kathi Marshall

Drivers seem to pay for everything So our provincial government is going to fund a network of charging stations for electric cars right across the province. How much do they plan to charge electric car drivers for things like the road tax and TransLink fees? How are electric car owners going to pay for these electric charging stations?

Currently, approximately 50 per cent of the price of gas and diesel is made up of taxes, fees and gas station operating costs, not to mention the carbon tax. Maybe electric cars should be equipped with “smart meters” to calculate the taxes, fees and charging station costs that will be charged against the owner.

Don’t be fooled by signs Who do the BC Conservatives think they’re fooling with their byelection signs? These signs are clearly, and shamefully, designed to mimic the appearance of election signs used by the federal Conservative party? The BC Conservative party is not affiliated with the federal Conservative party. The two are completely separate, just as the

centre-right BC Liberal party is completely separate from the federal Liberal party. The federal Conservatives have publicly shunned the BC Conservative party and want nothing to do with them. All centre-right voters should do the same and not be fooled by a pale imitation trying to pass itself off as the real thing. Mike Taylor

On the other hand, why not just add an electric car subsidy fee of 10 or 15 cents a litre on gas and diesel. Ordinary car drivers seem to pay for everything else so why not pay a subsidy to electric car owners? Let’s hear your plan Madam Premier. Jack Carradice

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992. Circulation $1.10 per copy retail and 81 cents prepaid by carrier; $42 per year by carrier if prepaid; $47.50 per year by mail to Hope, Boston Bar & Yale; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA and international. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery. The Hope Standard’s mail P.A.P. registration number is 7804. Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.



Should a dedicated bicycle lane in the Richmond Hill area be a funding priority in Hope’s 2012 budget?

Do you support the Flying J truck stop proposal in the Flood-Hope area?

To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard.com

Here’s how you responded:

Yes 86% No 14%

SAVE $50

• Early registration: 7:00pm, April 18th, Concession Area • Door prize: free registration • Additional entry for door prize with donation of used equipment • AGM at 8:00pm in Arena Mezzanine • Contact information visit: hopeminorhockey.com 3_12W_HMH28_5403823

Are You Aboriginal and in Need of Legal Aid? BC’S LEGAL AID provider has special services aimed at helping Aboriginal people and their families. t Have you been charged with a criminal offence? t Do you have child protection or family issues? t Do you have questions about the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, wills and estates, or Aboriginal hunting and fishing rights? t Do you want information about your Gladue rights and First Nations Court? Aboriginal people have unique legal rights, and help is available to understand and claim these rights. Advocates, legal representation, clinics, and advice are available to you both on and off reserve. For more information, see www.legalaid.bc.ca/ aboriginal.

1-866-577-2525 Legal aid in BC is provided by the Legal Services Society (LSS). LSS is committed to increasing awareness of Aboriginal legal rights and supporting the strengths of Aboriginal cultures and communities.

This time, vote for real change. The hardworking people of the Fraser Canyon want real change that puts our families and communities first. Elect Gwen O’Mahony. Advance polls open now. Vote today at The Royal Canadian Legion. gwenomahony.bcndp.ca | gwen.omahony@bcndp.ca | 1.877.339.7480 | 476 Wallace St. Authorized by Lakhvinder Jhaj, Financial Agent, 604-392-4408 | CUPE 3787

A8 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012



Spring T ea APRIL 21st

Eagles Hall 386 Fort St. 11am-2pm Tickets: $6 Sandwiches, tea, coffee & desserts

Taken from the files of The Hope Standard APRIL 1952 • Two-year-old Ralph Eccles is killed in a house fire in Laidlaw • The Hope and district area raises $1,672 for the Red Cross • Hope Village commissioners give a green light to business and house numbering


Door prizes, raffle, flower & bake sale

History in Hope APRIL 1972 • Eleven traffic accidents, causing 17 injuries and several thousands of dollars in damages, are reported to Hope RCMP over the Easter weekend • A Cessna 182 plane crashes into the Fraser River 11 miles west of Hope, taking the life of 27-year-old pilot Walter Neufeld of Chilliwack • Town council

APRIL 1982 • Inadequate containment facilities, excessive discharge of cyanide and failure

to notify government officials of the tailings pond discharge are among the major findings of a one-day investigation into the poisoning of the Coquihalla River by Carolin Mines • The ministry of finance approves Hope’s intermediate/ extended care facility but construction is delayed a year • Owners of homes assessed at $50,000 in Hope will be paying $385 in school taxes alone this year • Fraser Canyon Hospital is given a $2.13 million budget by the province

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ACROSS 1. Layover 5. Jug 9. Some railways, for short 12. Pouch, in physiology 15. Protuberance 16. Stagger 17. Imbibe 18. Sesame seed 19. Where to worship from 20. Random attempt 21. Beach resort 23. Enthusiasm 25. Espied 27. Supplication 28. Periodic celebration 32. Period of repose 33. Insignificant 36. Cylindrical 38. Coffee, slangily 39. Ampersand 41. Immediate 44. Perfumer’s concern

starts negotiating with the provincial government for the purchase of 23 acres of land between Seventh Avenue and the Coquihalla River, across from the Hope Golf Course • A coroner’s jury recommends that a warning sign be placed on Silver Skagit Road, advising drivers that the road is not for public use during the winter


• Fill in the grid so that every row, every column & every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. • Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.

SINCE 1974

APRIL 1962 • A total of $905 is raised in Hope to help the C. M. McNulty family of Othello get re-established after losing everything in a Feb. 23 fire • Six Boston Bar athletes win 13 trophies at the Silver Gloves tournament in Rosedale • Hugh Money and Learnard Wilson catch a seven-foot sturgeon weighing 165 pounds in the Fraser

River about 1.5 miles below Yale • Hope Village Commissioners set the 1962 budget at $154,415

Hope, BC


Kan Yon

• The first strip of clearing is completed for an oil pipeline route near Silver Creek

3 varieties to choose from

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Crossword Puzzle #599

12. Subway gate 54. Unit of radiation 46. Small, low island 91. Hip bones 13. Accomplices 48. Make like Bill Johnson 56. Stratum 92. Bug 14. Sneaker stud 49. Taken 59. Joins anew 93. Gin mill 22. Outburst of activity 51. Leave hastily 61. Centers 94. Odometer unit 24. Frequently, in poems 53. “The ____ of the Roses” 95. Wriggly swimmers 64. Greek theater 26. Flush 55. Caricature 65. Poetic contraction 96. Cyclops’s singleton 29. Noted period 57. Before, to a bard 97. Yellow Pages contents 67. Sorcerer, briefly 30. Out of ____ 58. “____ Town” 98. Current 70. Conjured (up) 31. Gossip columnists’ sources 72. Pipe joint 60. Game official 99. Habit 33. Kitchen tools 62. Covered with fuzz 73. Bert’s puppet pal 34. Long-legged bird 63. German bread 74. Distrustful 35. Dalai ____ 66. Knock down 75. Bicycle wheel part DOWN 37. “____ & Error” 68. Athenian vowels 77. Guardian spirits 1. Pantyhose mishap 38. Oriental gemstone 69. Remove the pips from 81. Vista 2. Soy product 40. Small crow 71. Fruitcake ingredient 82. Buttery spread 3. Harem rooms 42. Japanese religion 73. Alternatively 83. Potter’s need 4. Jaunty 43. Scottish plaid 76. Invigorate 84. Atlantic coast 5. Conjunctions 45. Soap plant 78. “____ Man” 86. Arab cloak 6. “____ It Be” 47. Lt. Tasha ____ (Estevez film) 87. Young lad 7. Tiniest (Denise Crosby role) 79. Logger’s target 89. Like Mother Hubbard, 8. Although 50. “Partridge Family” 80. Call up e.g. 9. Traps actress et al. 85. Newborn child 90. Maiden-name word 10. Kind of detector 52. Aerobic measure 88. Presently, formerly 11. Bottled water source ANSWERS FOR PUZZLE 598 CROSSWORD CAN BE FOUND IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THIS PAPER


Check out the 2012 Daytripper magazine available at business all around town or at the Hope Standard, 540 Wallace St.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A9


has four units and there’s space for girls aged 4-19. Monday, April 16 2:45 p.m. Coquihalla Elemen-

Girl Guides: We do tons of fun activities like games, crafts, camps and Àeld trips. Hope

tary School 455 6th Ave. 604-860-3482

Book Club: You don’t have to be a regular book club member. Just drop in whichever month you can make it.

TUESDAY Hope Library

This month’s book is Eden Robinson’s Monkey Beach, which is available at the library anytime. Tuesday,



Autobahn for All



April 17 6:30 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-9262 Local Walk: Join

up to



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Meet Charlie: resident ‘floorr agen. en. greeter’ at Chilliwack Volkswagen. undayss Days off: Saturdays & Sundays


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WEDNESDAY Canyon Garden Club: Sharing interests in gardening, discussions, and seeds and plants. Coffee will be on! Wednesday, April 18 7 p.m. Yale Library 65050 Albert St. 604-863-2279



Abbotsford PRE-OWNED

the Hope Outdoor Club for a walk along Thacker Marsh to Kawkawa Lake. Meet in the Hope Curling Club parking lot. Tuesday, April 17 9 a.m. 1055 6th Ave. 604-869-9620


Bag Sale: Fill a grocery bag with selected books for only $10. All proceeds stay with Pages Bookstore to help with community literacy. Friday, April 13. Pages Bookstore 780 Fraser Ave. 604-869-9947 Volunteer Fair: Representatives of local organizations will be on hand to talk about volunteer opportunities in our community. Co-sponsored by the library, and Hope and District Recreation and Cultural Services. Wednesday, April 18 2 p.m. Hope Library/Hope Arena 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 Hope Genealogy Club: Do you need help Ànding info on your family? Enjoy a couple of hours researching your ancestors with Continued on 10

A10 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012



like minded people. Friday, April 13 10 a.m. 560 Douglas St. 604-869-5925

Family Caregivers Series: Join the Alzheimer Society of B.C. for a threesession series of

workshops for family members who are caring for a person with dementia. Participants will learn about

dementia, practical coping strategies, and early planning. Saturday, April 14 1 p.m. Chilliwack Evergreen Hall

9291 Corbould St. 604-702-4603

the Hope Outdoor Club to explore the Old Kettle Valley Railbed along the SUNDAY Explore Kettle Val- Fraser River near Crack Mountain. ley Railbed: Join

Meet in the Hope Curling Rink parking lot. Sunday, April 15 9 a.m. 1055 6th Ave. 604-869-9620


BY- E L E C T I O N Remember to vote. Thursday, April 19, 2012 is General Voting Day Bring Identification All voters must show identification before they receive a ballot.

Do You Have This Card? PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J6

Where to Vote:

Any one of the following identification is acceptable:

ADVANCE VOTING Wed Month DD - Sat Month DD, 2012 Any voter may vote at any of the locations listed below between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time) Voting place Address, City/Town

Voting place Address, City/Town

Voting place Address, City/Town

Voting place Address, City/Town

Voting place Address, City/Town

Voting place Address, City/Town


Your electoral district is: Electoral District Voting Area: XXX XXX-XXXX Deliver to: 19/1 DIR R(E

GENERAL VOTING DAY Wed Month DD, 2012 Your residential address is: Address You may vote between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (PaciďŹ c time) at:


• B.C. driver’s licence • B.C. Identification card • Certificate of Indian Status

This card tells you where you can vote in the Chilliwack-Hope by-election. Take it with you when you go to vote. If you do not have this card, visit the Elections website at www.elections.bc.ca or call 1-800-661-8683 (toll-free) to find a voting location near you.

If you don’t have any of the above, bring two documents that together prove your identity and current residential address. Any two of the following documents are acceptable. Government-issue identity document examples (e.g. B.C. CareCard, birth certificate, Social Insurance Number card, passport, citizenship document/ certificate, Old Age Security Identification card, etc.)

General Voting General voting is on Thursday, April 19, 2012, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Other government-issue document examples (e.g. property tax assessment, income tax assessment notice, government cheque)

How to Vote . Choose only one candidate . Mark your ballot with an or

School/college/university-issue document examples (e.g. admissions letter, report card, transcript, residence acceptance, tuition/fees statement, student card)

Voting place Address, City/Town

Who can Vote? You can vote if you are: . a Canadian citizen . 18 years of age or older, or will be 18 on General Voting Day (April 19, 2012) . a resident of British Columbia for the past six months, and . a resident of the Chilliwack-Hope electoral district You Can Register When You Vote If you aren’t already registered, you can register when you vote. You will need identification that proves both your identity and current residential address.

Any Questions? For further information visit Elections BC’s website at www.elections.bc.ca or phone toll-free 1-800-661-8683. Or contact your District Electoral Officer: #21 - 5725 Vedder Rd Chilliwack, BC V2R 3N4 Phone: 604-824-8364 Fax: 604-824-8371 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. &KLOOLZDFN +RSH (OHFWRUDO 'LVWULFW

Squamish-Lillooet Regional District

Thompson-Nicola Regional District


Fraser Valley Regional District

OkanaganSimilkameen Regional District

Hope Kent

Greater Vancouver Regional District

Other documents • bank/credit card or statement • residential lease/mortgage statement • insurance statement • public transportation pass • utility bill • membership cards • hospital bracelet/documents • attestation of residence • provincial Where to Vote card





To vote in the Chilliwack-Hope by-election on Thursday, April 19, 2012, make sure you are on the voters list now.

Voters without identification can be vouched for by a voter in their electoral district who does have the necessary identification, or a family member or someone who has the legal authority to make personal care decisions for the voter. Future Voters Elections BC encourages you to bring your children with you when you vote. Show tomorrow’s voters how our electoral process works.

www.elections.bc.ca 1-800-661-8683 TTY 1-888-456-5448

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A11

Candidates at a Glance CHILLIWACK-HOPE LEWIS CLARKE DAHLBY Libertarian Party What is your background/political experience? I was born in Chilliwack in 1954 but lived in Hope for my first two years. I’m married and have two daughters aged 19 and 22. I run three businesses and have run seven or eight times before. Would you open a constituency office in Hope if elected? I probably wouldn’t open

a constituency office in Hope.

and greater prosperity of a country.

What are the most pressing issues currently facing the region? The most pressing issues in the region are government intrusion into people’s lives and the failure to deal with real criminals in an effective manner. Also, the high taxation rate creates a drag on the economy as a whole, which diminishes growth in Hope.

How would you address the current court backlog in this riding? Is reopening the Hope courthouse an option? The best way to reduce the court backlog would be to have the worst criminals in our society systematically plucked from our neighbourhoods, never to return, and exiled to a criminal zone. For serious crimes, we should handle them once, instead of over and over dozens of times as we do now. Our present system is expensive and jeopardizes the safety of good people and their children. Libertarian’s are in favour of greater liberty for peaceful people but not for vicious criminals. Libertarian’s prefer a world based on voluntary consent rather than violence and coercion.

What needs to be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? To stimulate economic growth, Libertarian’s would lower taxes and reduce government intervention in the marketplace to allow the creativity of the free marketplace to flourish. As research shows, there is a strong correlation between greater economic freedom derstand MLA’s must seek approval from the Speaker of the Legislature to open more than one office, and I commit to aggressively seek such approval. I would then operate that office with local staff for 20 to 25 hours per week.

GWEN O’MAHONY BC NDP What is your background/political experience? I have specialized training in biochemistry, microbiology, and pre-med, and I currently work as a health advocate at a home for adults with developmental disabilities: managing budgets, training, and policy development for organizations. I’m also past president of the Abbotsford Rotaract (a division of Rotary) and have dedicated extensive time on community environmental issues. I’ve run twice for the New Democrats in Chilliwack. Would you open a constituency office in Hope if elected? Hope and the Canyon deserve representation that is accessible and active. I plan to provide both. I un-

What are the most pressing issues currently facing the region? People are frustrated at the quality of health care services in communities like Hope, Agassiz, and Boston Bar. New Democrats are committed to improving health care services in small communities, starting with a program to reduce prescription drug costs. I’m also hearing a lot about affordability, how hard it’s getting for honest, hard-working people to make ends meet. The BC Liberals raise the bills every year: hydro goes up, medical premiums go up, and don’t forget about the whole HST fiasco. They’ve shown that it’s just not a priority for them to keep things affordable for hardworking people, and that’s wrong. What needs to be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? For years now, Statistics

Canada has been talking about the number of new jobs that require some university or job training. It’s up to 80 per cent of new jobs. We know that a strong economy is built on training for good jobs, and that training and university education needs to be financially accessible to more people. So we’ll introduce a student grant program for students that need financial assistance, and we’ll pay for it by rolling back the tax cuts the BC Liberals gave the big banks. How would you address the current court backlog in this riding? Is reopening the Hope courthouse an option? For 10 years, there’s been a crisis brewing in BC’s court system, a crisis that’s lead to delays, criminals being set free as a result, and justice denied to too many people. The BC Liberals have seen this coming for a long time. In fact, they had an opportunity to fix this crisis in the budget back in February. Instead, they chose to keep persuing televised trials for the Canucks rioters, rather than addressing the funding shortfall in our court system.

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 19

JOHN MARTIN BC Conservative Party What is your background/political experience? Criminologist - Faculty in the School of Criminology at the University of the Fraser Valley. Would you open a constituency office in Hope if elected? I have not made a decision on this. I would look at the budget available, the cost of opening an office and staffing, and weighing it with the need for MLA constituency services within Hope. What are the most pressing issues currently facing the region? Our focus is on three

issues: 1. Making life more affordable – We advocate scrapping the carbon tax, and stopping the “nickel and diming” of people with stealth taxes 2. Protecting our air quality - We clearly and unambiguously state that we are against the Liberal government opening the door for a Metro Vancouver garbage incinerator. 3. Keeping your community safe – Putting a stop to the Liberal “catch-and-release” justice system. Prosecutions are being dropped because of government neglect of the justice system. Accused criminals should be tried, not freed due to lack of court resources. What needs to be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? Scrapping the punitive carbon tax will result in cost savings for businesses and individuals and this money can go back into the local economy. Also, individuals and business owners need to have confidence in the safety of their property before they will invest in Hope. We would properly

open and accessible as possible. There are no less than six communities in the riding and I would have to balance resources available to me in order to be fair to all; without question I would be visiting Hope often.

LAURIE THRONESS BC LIBERAL PARTY What is your background/political experience? In 1984 I began my political career as an executive assistant to former local MLA Harvey Schroeder in the Social Credit government. In 1994, I worked for Chilliwack Reform MP Chuck Strahl through his first term. I then joined the opposition leader’s office, providing policy research and advice to three opposition leaders. Following the election of a Conservative government, I served as the chief of staff to Chuck Strahl in the departments of agriculture, Aboriginal affairs, and transport. Would you open a constituency office in Hope if elected? As MLA for ChilliwackHope I would strive to be as

What are the most pressing issues currently facing the region? The most pressing issue is that of jobs and economic development. More stable, well-paying jobs would bring in more young families to Hope and assist in stabilizing the downtown core. I am convinced that this will happen in time as growth in the Fraser Valley moves outward. People are moving to and investing in Hope, which is not a sign of decline but of transition. What needs to be done to stimulate economic growth in the Hope area? Pat Bell, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, recently met with city councilors and economic development partners to find out how he can help with their plans for economic development. Hope’s plans include more serviced industrial land, opportunities for tourism, better signage, international education,




attend to the justice system so that people that commit property crimes will be brought to justice and tried in court in a timely fashion. The bulk of property crime offenders are repeat offenders and they need to be taken off the streets. Finally, Hope and the Fraser Canyon are relatively untapped markets for tourism opportunities and we would encourage tourism as a growth area for the region. How would you address the current court backlog in this riding? Is reopening the Hope courthouse an option? The backlog can be managed by reversing the cuts to the judicial system by the current Liberal government so more prosecutors and judges can try cases in a timely fashion. Such funding can be found by reducing other government waste and focusing resources to justice. Reopening the Hope courthouse is an option that can be made available when the money is found by finding efficiencies in other parts of the government. and relocating Haig Fire Base. Proof that the province can help was the recent announcement of $370,000 for the Hope & District Recreation Complex. How would you address the current court backlog in this riding? Is reopening the Hope courthouse an option? The backlogs are real and they concern me. Although we spend more than $1 billion on B.C.’s justice system, the 2012 budget allocated $237 more over the next three years to address immediate funding pressures, including $42 million dedicated to sustain court services personnel. We have appointed 23 judges in the past two years, and 58 sheriffs will have graduated and will be working in B.C. courthouses this month. The government also launched a comprehensive justice reform initiative, appointing Geoffrey Cowper to lead a critical review of B.C.’s justice system. He will report in July, and the system needs to move quickly on long-term, fiscally responsible solutions that improve outcomes and accountability for the significant investments we’re already making.

A12 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chawathil First Nation


04-80814 Lougheed Hwy #7 Hope, BC V0X 1L3 [604] 869-9994

INVITATION TO BID [sealed bid only] • Lot #54-60935 Chawathil Rd. to rebuild burnt home to new on existing foundation • Certified contractors only, must provide prior work portfolio and years of experience • Must be willing to hire local, qualified members from Chawathil during construction • Provide start time and complete finish dates in a written format Please contact the number above for any other information needed. Thank you from the Chawathil Chief & Council


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Beatles tribute in Chilliwack

It’s classic rock and roll on April 14, backed by the timeless power of an orchestra. For the first time, Beatles tribute The Fab Fourever will share a stage at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre with the Chilliwack Metropolitan Orchestra. Jody Tennant, who performs as Paul McCartney, is calling it “a dream come true.” “Having the opportunity to play Beatles music accompanied by the CMO is going to be quite a treat for everybody in attendance,” said Tennant.

Fab Fourever has sold out at the Cultural Centre each time it has performed in Chilliwack. The local Met orchestra with more than 100 players is eagerly anticipating the collaboration and will be providing the instrumentation for favourites such as Eleanor Rigby and Yellow Submarine. “This is an exciting endeavour for the CMO,” said spokesperson Wayne Fleming. “It is music that most of us grew up with yet many of our orchestra members

have not performed this music in a concert setting.” The albums showcased will include Sgt. Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour, the White Album, Let It Be, and Abbey Road. “The show will feature music that the Beatles were unable to reproduce on stage, mainly because of the elaborate orchestral involvement,” said Kevin Davey, who performs as John Lennon. For tickets call 604-391-SHOW(7469). For more information about The Fab Fourever, visit www.fabfourever.com.






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Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A13


Walking the distance to Alaska Barry Stewart Hope Standard

If the warm spring weather has inspired you to resurrect your New Year’s resolution to get more exercise, the Hope and District Recreation Centre has a few walking programs for you — and the first is absolutely free and flexible to your schedule. Local walkers banded together for a crosscountry “team walk” last year, and they just started walking to Alaska last week. Don’t worry, you can still join — and even though you’re “walking” to Alaska, you can still be home every night. You’re not really walking up north. You just walk around town... but the group you join will be adding all their distances together until you all virtually arrive at Point Hope, Alaska. Check a map. It’s about as far away as you can get on the mainland of the northern state. By road — where there is a road — and straight through the bushes, it’s over 3,500 kilometres from Hope. Kim Richardson, recreation programmer for Hope and District Recreation and Cultural Services said, “We took five months to get across Canada last year and five months to walk back. We had 15 people to start with but only 12 made it back.” Perhaps some stopped for lobster at Peggy’s Cove and decided to stay.... “As a group, the kilometers add up pretty quickly,” said Richardson, who often walks to work. “We just started the Alaska walk this week and we’re maybe through the Canyon by now. Ten have started on this walk — but we’ll get more.” To get with the program, see the receptionist at the main desk and say that you want to join the “Walk to Alaska” group. Staff will take your info and give you a free pedometer, so you can keep track of your daily steps. Reset the counter to zero each day and keep the pedometer on as you go through your daily activities. Though you’re part of a group, you can work on your own if you wish — or get together with a friend or family member for extra walks.

With the help of a free pedometer, local walkers can assist a team that is adding their steps together to reach Point Hope, Alaska. Recreation programmer Kim Richardson says 10 people have joined the free program so far — and more are welcome. Apply at the rec centre’s reception desk. BARRY STEWART / THE STANDARD

Working in the garden, vacuuming the house or pushing a shopping cart around the grocery store all get recorded by the pedometer. “Every steps counts,” adds Richardson. “The feedback we’ve been getting is that it encourages people to get out and walk, especially seniors.” Weekly totals can be emailed in, phoned in, or walked in. The totals are then plotted on the

map. A common goal for pedometer programs is to get 10,000 steps per day, on average. For some, this would be easy to achieve. Considering that the average person’s walking pace is 0.76 metres, 10K steps gives you 7.6 km in a day. If you’re coming from a sedentary lifestyle, with lots of lounging, sitting and driving, you may not be able meet the 10,000 step goal right away. If you have health issues, consult your

doctor as well. Perhaps you’re only averaging 3,000 steps in a day? Challenge yourself to increase the average by 500 steps a day until you can get it to 10,000 — or whatever personal goal you wish to set. Runners don’t get full value from the pedometers, as their length of stride stretches out when they run — but the basic pedometers only record each time that a foot touches the ground. GPS pedometers are upwards of $100, if you’re tempted. I tracked my own steps, starting last Thursday and hit a high of 18, 315 on the first day, aided by three hours of gym classes and over an hour of indoor soccer. Friday was a lazy, lazy day, with only 2,200 steps. Saturday sightseeing at Crescent Beach garnered 11,400 steps, then Sunday was back to a lazy 6,000. On Monday, I found that cutting the front and back lawns racked up about 2,400 steps. Even a quick visit to the grocery store gained another 500 steps. The big rip-off was when I ran for 24 minutes but only totaled 3,600 steps over 4.5 km. If I had walked the same route, it would have rung up 5,900 steps. Still, my five-day average — without bonus points for running — was 10,300 steps per day. That should help get the group past Clinton this week. If you’ve got the walking or running bug and want to figure out how far you’re going, you can use an internet site, such as MapMyRun. com. Road routes could be measured by your car’s odometer — but if you’re using trails or running around a school field, you can use an on-line plotter. In MapMyRun, a Google map is provided and you click all the points on your route. Distances are calculated as you make your adjustments and — amazingly — you even see the elevation changes along your route. Starting April 21, the rec centre will be sponsoring three more programs to keep you moving. Learn to Nordic Pole Walk, Learn to Walk 5 km Faster and Learn to Run 5 km are open to people from 16 years and up. Costs run from $20-$25.

Hockey stars will skate in Saskatoon A pair of Chilliwack girls have been named to Team BC, and will travel to the 2012 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships in Saskatoon. A three-day player selection camp was held Mar. 30 to April 1 at the Shulus Community Arena in Lower Nicola (Merritt). First-year female bantam player Madison Krulicki (14) and forward Micaela Smith (17)

were ushered through skating and puck control drills and three elimination games. From a field of 39 skaters, the coaching staff, supported by the Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council (Partners Council) selected the top 20 players from B.C. and the Yukon. “They said they were impressed by my faceoff skills and speed and that I was a hard-work-

er,” said Krulicki, a centre who’s been the top scorer for her Chilliwack Minor Hockey team the last two seasons. Her parents Bonnie (Graham) and Tim grew up in Hope and were quite involved in local sports. Krulicki and Smith will now journey to Saskatchewan May 6-12. The NAHC provides a forum for elite bantam/midget age Aboriginal hockey players

april activities at the rec centre learn to run 5K Days: Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Saturdays April 21 – May 19 9:30am-10:30am 16 yrs+ $25


school daze off Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Friday April 27 8:30am-5:00pm Kindergarten- 12 yrs $32 per day/child

from across Canada. The event aids in fostering cultural unity and pride and celebrates the athletic abilities of Aboriginal athletes from across the country. Team BC is represented by two squads, one male and one female. Players must be bantam or midget age as of the 2011-12 competitive season (born 1994 to 1998 inclusive) to be eligible.

*NEW* Indoor Bootcamp Monday & Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm

earth day clean up

Date: Sunday April 22 Time: 1:00pm Age: All Ages Welcome

1005-6th Ave. • 604-869-2304 “Best Ice in BC” website: www.fvrd.bc.ca • email: leisure@fvrd.bc.ca

Hope & District

Recreation i & CCultural l l SServices i

A14 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A15


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Hope & Chilliwack Metis

In Memory of

Frank Araki

Potluck Dinner April 14 5 pm at Kekiaow 455555 Knight Rd Chilliwack BC


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Ten years have passed, our hearts still sore, As time rolls on we miss you more, Your welcome smile and pleasant face, no one can fill that vacant place. Forever loved, never forgotten. Love your family



BARNES, Audrey May May 25, 1920 to March 23, 2012 Audrey Barnes, long time resident of Hope, formerly of North Vancouver and Kelowna, passed away on March 23, 2012. She is predeceased by husband Harold and daughter and son-in-law Lorraine and Harry Preston. Survived by 4 sons, 12 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren who will miss her. Burial was arranged by Mountainside Funeral Home in Hope.

Brian was suddenly taken from us on March 7, 2012. Brian is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Dale (Brian) and Carla Hahn, his brothers; Norm and Rob Goodman, and his sister and brother-in-law, Linda and Bob Daley, and his granddaughter Shelby Hahn. The ones we lost before Brian were his brothers Garry and Mel and his sister Donna. He will be greatly missed by all his nieces , nephews, cousins and friends. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date in Penticton. Brian touched everyone’s heart, he will be truly missed by all.




April 22 Pie Auction 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm April 28 Silent Auction 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm $5.00 for lunch All Events held at the Hope Station House, jct hwys 1&3

Hall Rentals Available, Weddings, anniversaries, large gatherings Book your next meeting at our place! We can cater for you too! 604-869-5956 or 604-860-0348



Lube/Tire Technician Chilliwack area auto dealership is accepting resumes for the position of Lube/Tire Technician. • • • •

Preference given to those with experience. Must have valid driver’s license. Successful candidate must be self-motivated and a team player. Must possess excellent organizational, verbal and written communication skills and the ability to work under minimum supervision. Please email resumes to servicejob2012@hotmail.com

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108 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or hunt@blackpress.ca

109 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES ARE you looking for new challenges, a faster-paced workplace and a place to grow your career? Consider applying for the Facilities/Purchasing Manager position at Van Belle Nursery. We are a growing business in Abbotsford, and are looking for an individual who lives by our Core Values, has high integrity and is competent at managing projects, people and has experience being a purchaser. More information can be found at www.vanbelle.com



DRIVERS REQUIRED HTL Transport LTD. Hiring long haul Class 1 flatdeck drivers to run AB. High Pay & new trucks. Must travel to the U.S. 2 yrs exp & clean drivers abstract. Fax Resume to 778-395-3536 htltransport@live.ca

ONTIME TRANPSPORT INC., excellent reputation since 1986, requries fully equipped & financially stable O/Os pulling their own Super Trains/Tri axle flats for steady hauls in Western Canada. You must have a clean Abstract, professional attitude & be fluent in English. Please call us for more info 604-857-1191 or 1-800-9613444. Thank-you for your interest.

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BC ARTS AND CULTURE WEEK is coming! Celebrate the arts by attending the great events that are being presented in your community from April 22-28. www.bcartsweek.org

Spring Tea

Sat., April 14 12:00 noon - 2:00 pm 560 Douglas St

APRIL 18 6-9PM - Round Table Discussion

Bake Table & Door Prizes $5.00 admission

Topic is “People, Business; Position your Business; Brand/Marketing” Location: Hope Golf Club Individual Cost: $10

Kerrisdale Antiques Fair. April 14&15,10-5pm. Kerrisdale Arena 5670 East Blvd, Vanc. Adm $7.

MAY 4 7AM-3:30PM - Leadership Event Location: Grace Baptist Church Individual Cost: $75 .The Canadian Bar Association Lawyer Referral


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ADVENTURES Salmon, Halibut, Rock Fish

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Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Packages avail. Early Bird Specials. 1-877-282-FISH (3474)



SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email: chrysler@telusplanet.net.

MAY 16 6-9PM - Round Table Discussion Topic is “Financial Planning, Social Media, Exit Strategy” Location: Hope Golf Club Individual Cost: $10

Call 604.869.3111 or 604.860.0930 for more information Presented by the Hope & District Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Advantage Hope


INDEX IN BRIEF FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920








OWNER OPERATORS & CLASS 1 Company Drivers Surrey Terminal Van Kam Freightways’ group of companies requires Owner Operators and Class 1 Company drivers to be based out of our Surrey Terminal. Applicants must have winter and mountain driving exp./training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee benefits package. Call Bev at 1-800-663-0900 or send a detailed resume and current driver’s abstract. (For owner operators, provide details of your truck) to: careers@vankam.com Fax, 604-587-9889 Van Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. Thank you for your interest however only those of interest to us will be contacted.


If you are experiencing delays in the processing of your EI, CPP, OAS, Veterans Affairs, or CIC claims, please call the “Office For Client Satisfaction”

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Camperland RV Resort has a well equipped Country Kitchen and hall facility for lease and are looking for a qualified operator. • to operate weekends starting the May long weekend and • to operate a minimum of 4 days/week June Labor Day.



Food safe and experience is required. Equipment includes fryers, flat top grill, pizza ovens, convection oven, walk in cooler, mixer etc. A full service RV site may be provided for the successful applicant.

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FARM worker required at Heppell’s Potato Corp. Surrey BC for approx. 25 weeks starting June 2012. Duties are planting, weeding, harvesting field crops, grading, heavy lifting, packaging & general cleanup. Skills required are ability to work among others. Hourly rate of $10.25, 48-55 hrs/week, 6 days a week, 1 day off. Fax Resume 604574-0553 or email info@heppells.ca


Please forward a detailed resume/references to mike@htr.ca



CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; john@raidersconcrete.com. Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103.

DELIVERY DRIVER. Chilliwack area car dealership is looking for a part time delivery driver. Applicants must possess a valid BC drivers license with a clean driving record as well as good organizational and customer service skills. Applicants must be able to lift and carry heavy items. Email resume to: partsjob@hotmail.com

BC Qualified Hair dresser to work 1 or 2 weekdays per week in Hope senior’s care home. Small roller work etc. Commission. Call 1 (604)420-9339





$28.00 - $38.00 per hour based on experience. Commercial roofing co. hiring lead roofers with extensive exp. in commercial roofing, including: two - ply torch, single ply, sloped and metal.

Offering Great Benefits Including: Company Vehicle, Paid Travel, Support Crews, Top Wages, Health/Dental, Pension & Company Uniforms. Must have proven ability to install using RCABC roofing practices and follow WCB regulations. Fax resume: 604-944-2916, Call Adam: 604-944-2977 or e-mail aknipfel@designroofing.ca Visit: www.designroofing.ca NEEDED. Heavy Equipment Technicians and Maintenance personnel for expanding pipeline company in Olds, Alberta for work in shop and jobsites throughout Western Canada. Fax resume to 403-556-7582 or email: pdunn@parklandpipeline.com





Be part of our exciting, worldclass softball tournament, which takes place from June 30 - July 9 in Surrey, BC. We are looking for volunteers in areas such as: scorekeeping, security & parking, transportation, batgirls, tickets & gates, and more! We ask that each volunteer work a minimum of 20 hours. In exchange for your time, each volunteer will receive: • FREE ADMISSION to all playing venues • 1 complimentary item of event apparel • 1 complimentary meal per volunteer shift worked! Call our office or visit our website for more info. 604-536-9287 or www.canadianopen fastpitch.com or Attend our next Volunteer meeting for more details. Tuesday, May 1 7:00 pm at the Sandman Signature Hotel, 8828 201 Street, Langley




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LLOYD’S UTILITIES, gas, oil & propane furnaces, class A gas fitter. (604)869-0400 or (604)869-1111 SHIELDTEC heating & air, licensed, insured, & bonded. Seamus Shields (604)750-0131

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Advertising Sales Consultant The Langley Times, a twice-weekly award-winning newspaper has an outstanding opportunity for a full-time sales person. The successful candidate will have a university or college education or two years of sales experience – preferably in the advertising or retail industry. The ability to build relationships with clients and offer superior customer service is a must. The winning candidate will be a team player and will also be called upon to grow the account list with an aggressive cold calling mandate. The ability to work in a an extremely fast paced environment with a positive attitude is a must. We offer a great working environment with a competitive base salary and commission plan coupled with a strong benefit package. Black Press has over 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. Please submit your resume with a cover letter by Friday, April 20, 2012 to: Dwayne Weidendorf The Langley Times, #102-20258 Fraser Highway, Langley, B.C. V3A 4R3 or email to publisher@langleytimes.com No phone calls please.


Division of Black Press

Full time and Part time, experience necessary. Food safe is beneficial. Short order cook experience wanted. Phone Maurice at the River Cafe 604-869-9909 RIVER FLY FISHING GUIDE AVID FLY FISHER, JET AND DRIFT BOATS EXPERIENCE AN ASSET. REMOTE LODGE IN BC. EMAIL RESUME AND REFERENCES TO TSYLOS@TSYLOS.COM SKILLED professionals required for long term employment. Chip Hauls, satellite dispatch, e-logs, good equipment,extended benefits and a pension plan. If you are looking for long term employment call 1-888357-2612 Ext 223 www.sutco.ca

START NOW!!! 12 F/T CSR reps needed Up to $20/hr, weekly pay

Must be outgoing Call Erica

604.777.2195 SUPPORT WORKER Tillicum Centre in Hope is currently accepting resumes for On Call / Casual Support Worker for their Day Program working with adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. Computer skills, Food Safe, First aid certificate would be an asset. Mail your resume to: 1166-7th Ave, Hope BC V0X 1L4 atten: Programme Director



JACOBS FIELD Services Ltd. (Maintenance) is looking for a General Foreman with oilfield experience for a Northern BC site. Person will live in Dawson Creek or Fort St. John. Send resume to: humanresources@ tritonprojects.com Fax 780-485-6722



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Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A17 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 387


FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514

PETS 477


BERNESE Mountain Dog Puppies. 2 females remaining Vet checked with first shots and ready for new homes. $950. 778-241-5504. Langley CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977 Cocker spaniel pups – purebred, no papers 1st shots, dewormed, ready to go now. $600. Call 604-888-0832



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2003 CHEVY MALIBU 110,000 km, auto, AirCared, good tires, $3000 obo. Call: (604)531-3251 2008 PONTIAC WAVE, 4 dr sedan, auto, high kms. runs/looks good, white, $4000 firm. 604-538-9257.


2003 Salem Light:

Northwest Pkg, 22 ft, Sleeps 7, 1 bunk, Shower in & out. G.V.W. 3300. Lots of extras

$9,995.00 604-463-9428

2005 ROAD RANGER, 24’ trailer, like new, slide, microwave, q.bed, air, $15,000. Call (604)869-3466

2010 Crossroads Cruiser 31.5 ft 5th wheel. All alum. construction. 8586 lbs dry. Triple slide. Extra insulation pkg. Many features. $29,800: 604-814-2406

2010 EVERLITE RV Travel Trailerwalk around queen, 1 slide, elec. awning, TV, full cover. As new $21,000: (604)858-8087 2010 R-POD TRAILER Light weight, 2121 lbs. 18’ 4” in

821 CARS - SPORTS & IMPORTS 1996 SUZUKI Swift 2/dr car, auto, 4 cyl. 1.3L, stereo, passed AirCare for 2 yrs. $1250. Call (778) 551-1662. 2000 Honda AWD CRV- Standard, runs perfectly, new breaks all round, air cared. Mag wheels/snow tires avail. $5500 1 (604)796-9757 2004 HONDA CIVIC DX 4cyl 4dr auto a/c p/dl keyless entry,103K Great cond! $7500. 604-626-8894 2011 Hyundai Accent GL, 4dr sedan, loaded, 25,000km, $11,795, ex cond. 604-793-5520 (5961)


RURAL NOVA SCOTIA water front lots for sale. Country living at its best. Three bedroom apartments for rent. 45 miles to university town. www.sawmilllanding.com waterfront@bellaliant.net 1.902.522.2343

2003 LAYTON 25’ Travel Trailer. Lite, easy-tow, clean, well maintained. Queen bed, big freezer/fridge, full kitchen, m/w, TV. Many extras incl. hitch & gas certified. $9,500. 604-852-2992

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VACANT PAD FOR RENT. The pad will accommodate a home up to 14 x 64. Call 604-869-7641




MOTORCYCLE HAULER, single or double, large lockable utility box for all your gear. Wide easdy load alum. ramp incl. $1400.778-888-6805

length, towed w/ a Rav 4. Gold rated ECO Construction. Queen bed, 4 person dinette/double bed, Fridge, Stove, Micro./Conv. oven, A/C, Furnace, H/W, AC/DC, Inverter, Bath w/ shower, ext. Adda-room. $13,900 ~ Save $1000’s Call: 604-307-4357 or email: ajeepster@shaw.ca

40’ DUTCH STAR with Cummings turbo diesel, less than 59,000 mi. Always stored indoors, looks like new, economical to operate, 2 slides, din. booth, 2 a/cond, 2 TV’s, 2 CD & 2 VHS players, ldry., propane generator (6500W). Must be seen. 604-854-3266

AUTOS: To buy or sell your car, truck, RV, van, 4x4 or trailer - this category has it all. You’ll also find automotive supplies and classic cars for sale, or you can list the vehicle you’re seeking. call 604.869.2421


Harrison/Chilliwack. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 4th flr beautiful views, cov parking, patio, May 1. No pets, $850/m. 328 Esplanade Ave. Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage, (604)792-0077 HOPE

1 BEDROOM APT Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.

604-869-1212 or 604-869-2139

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Highwater Power Corp. of Vancouver, BC, intends to make application to the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operation for a disposition of crown land (File No: 2410201) for a water power project situated on Provincial Crown land located at Log Creek.

HOPE: 2 BDRM, Spacious 1250 sq. ft., duplex style, 5 appl., gas fireplace, private patio, N/S, N/P. Ref req’d. Adult oriented, avail. now, $625/mo 604-869-5288/858-7620 HOPE 3 BDRM APT., newly renovated, N/S, no pets. $800/month + util. Call 1-778-245-3570 HOPE

Better than an apartment, no noisy neighbours on other side of the apartment wall. A 2 bedroom Mobile home in a Seniors Community in Hope. References, Criminal background check, abstainers. Call for an appointment to view, Gordon 604-869-7641 HOPE

Coquihalla Courts 1030 3rd Ave. 1 Bdrm apt. $575 F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now. Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077 Or Rachael 604 860 0803

709 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL HOPE, 759 4TH AVE, retail space, approx 500 sq.ft., $540.80/mon incl. hst, hot water & garbage. Call (604)869-9763

733 MOBILE HOMES & PADS HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203

Comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer at 200-10428 153rd Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. Comments will be received by the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations until (April 26th, 2012). Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations may not consider comments received after this date. Please vist the Applications and Reasons for Decisions Database website at www.arfd. gov.bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/index.jsp for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations regional office.

A18 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012 TRANSPORTATION 845










The Scrapper


2 hr. Service www.a1casper.com (604)209-2026

Autos • Trucks • Equipment Removal AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pickup anywhere in BC, Min. 10. Toll Free Call:1.877.334.2288

CHEV ASTRO VAN with 200 wheelchair conversion Very good condition. Reasonably priced. Call 604-869-9140

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Classified Advertising An effective way to build your business. Phone 604-869-2421

1998 FORD CONTOUR 4dr auto full load ST#209 $1495 1996 DODGE CARAVAN Grand 7 pass, auto ST# 210 $1495 1998 DODGE NEON 4dr auto st#212 $1495 1998 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 4dr auto ST#211 $1995 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 4dr auto st#195 $2995 2002 FORD WINDSTAR sport 7 pass auto Aircare ST#108 $3495 2002 CHEV CAVALIER 4dr auto sdn st#208 $3995 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sdn auto st#203 $3995 1997 ACURA LE auto 4dr sdn leather full load ST#175 $3995 2000 HONDA CIVIC 4DR auto sdn st#169 $3995 1997 HONDA CRV Aircare auto only this week ST#97 $3995 2000 SUZUKI ESTEEM 4dr auto sdn ST#88 $4500 2002 FORD EXPLORER 4dr auto 7 pass leather black ST# 213 $4900 2005 NISSAN SENTRA 4dr auto sdn full load ST#03 ST#89 $5,900

PUBLIC INPUT INVITED Proposed changes to Visual Quality Objectives within the Chilliwack Forest District The Chilliwack Forest District will be establishing updated Visual Quality Objectives (VQOs) for the Fraser Timber Supply Area (TSA) as per Section 7 (1)(2) of the Government Actions Regulation (GAR) process under the Forest and Range Practices Act. Changes to VQOs are expected to reflect current information gathered through an updated Visual Landscape Inventory accepted by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO). Portions of the following scenic areas are proposed for changes: Alouette Lake, Stave Lake, Lake Errock, Harrison Lake, Chehalis Lake, Nahatlatch Valley, Pitt River, Coquihalla and Hope Princeton Highway Corridors. Draft maps showing the proposed changes are available from the district website at: http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/ftp/DCK/external/!publish/VQO/ Comments received on or before June 8th, 2012 will be considered in the final preparation of the Order, planned to take effect on or after June 29th, 2012. Please submit any comments in writing to the District Manager, Chilliwack District Office at 46360 Airport Road, Chilliwack, BC, V2P 1A5. If you have any questions about the proposed VQO changes, please contact Jack Sweeten, Acting Stewardship Officer, email: Jack.Sweeten@gov.bc.ca ph: 604 702-5700. 4_12W_MOF11_5429251

TRUCKS THIS WEEK: 847 SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES 2004 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Ltd. 4x4, auto, green, 126K, $6500 firm. Call 604-538-4883



2007 DODGE CARAVAN - 74,000 kms. Excellent condition. New tires. $9,500/obo. 604-859-8263 2008 Mazda B4000 SE+, Gold/Grey, 48K, auto, loaded, lk new, $13900, N.Delta, 778-8553097

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Highwater Power Corp. of Vancouver, BC, intends to make application to the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operation for a disposition of crown land (File No: 2410202) for a water power project situated on Provincial Crown land located at Log Creek.

2002 GMC SONOMA EXT cab auto st#166 $4995 2004 GMC 2500HD 4x4 auto quad cab long box st#204 $7,900 2005 FORD F250 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel ST#125 $8,900 2006 GMC CREW CAB 4X4 auto long box full loaded ST#198 $9900 2007 FORD F150 reg cab V6 auto long box ST#205 $10,900 2005 FORD F350 XLT crew cab 4X4 auto diesel ST#134 $10,900 2001 FORD F350 Dually 4X4 crew cab XLT 7.3L pwrstrk diesel ST#130 $11,900 2007 FORD RANGER 4X4 auto super cab st#193 $12,900 2007 FORD F350 XLT crew cab 4X4 auto diesel ST#128 $14,900 2008 GMC 2500 HD quad cab SLE 4x4 auto fully loaded ST#145 $16,900 2007 FORD F350 crew cab Lariat 4X4 auto diesel ST#200 $17,900 2006 FORD F350 CREW CAB Lariat leather 4X$ auto diesel ST#164 $17,995









370 Third Ave Sat., April 14 9 am - 1 pm

630 Hazel St

Fri April 13 + 20, 1 - 5 Sat April 14 + 21, 10 - 2 building materials & tools, household & yard items, bedding, furniture & dishes


Notice of Public Hearing to consider

Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 1318 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1319 for the property at 62890 Flood Hope Rd., Hope, BC

Monday, April 23, 2012 at 7:00pm

NEW LOCATION: Multipurpose Room at the rear of the Hope & District Rec Centre Council will hear the views of the public at the above referenced meeting in order to assist them in deciding whether the property at 62890 Flood Hope Road should be re-designated in the District of Hope Official Community Plan from Light/Service Industry to Highway Commercial and then rezoned in the District of Hope Zoning Bylaw from Rural (RU-1) to Highway Commercial (C-2). Properties Affected: All lands within the vicinity of the property at 62890 Flood Hope Road. Intent of the Proposed Amendment Bylaws: If Amendment Bylaw 1318 is adopted, the 9.28 hectare (22.95 acre) property at 62890 Flood Hope Road will change the Official Community Plan (OCP) land use designation of the property from Light/Service Industry to Highway Commercial. The OCP amendment is required in order to rezone the property (Amendment Bylaw 1319) from Rural (RU-1) to Highway Commercial (C-2). The proposal for the property at 62890 Flood Hope Road is to subdivide approximately 3.1 hectares (7.47 acres) off the east portion of the property and construct a highway commercial oriented commercial development as a truck stop facility (incorporating a gas station, a card-lock commercial access diesel refueling facility, a restaurant and a convenience store). There is no proposal for the remaining 6.18 hectares (15.27 acres), west portion of the property at this time; however, it will remain Highway Commercial (C-2) zone for future development. Legal Description and Location of the Subject Property: Lot A, Plan KAP81163, Section 6, TWP 6, RGE 26, W6M, PID 026-771-284

33166 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford DL#31038





12’ DOUBLE HAUL Fiberglass boat, 3 seats, oars, rod holders & canopy. On eze-load trailer. Very safe. $3,200. 604-850-7143

Comments concerning this application should be directed to the Senior Land Officer at 200-10428 153rd Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. Comments will be received by the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations until (April 26th, 2012). Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations may not consider comments received after this date. Please vist the Applications and Reasons for Decisions Database website at www.arfd. gov.bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/index.jsp for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations regional office.

Inspection of Documents: If you consider that the proposed amendment bylaws affect you or your property you have the right to: • Inspect the staff report(s) and the proposed amendment bylaws at the District of Hope Municipal Hall during regular office hours. The Municipal Hall is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Statutory Holidays. Any enquiries on the proposal should be directed to the Planning Department. • Submit your views and comments to the District of Hope by e-mail, letter or fax before 12:00 noon the day of the Public Hearing and/or attend the Public Hearing and make your views known to Council when the Mayor asks for comments from the public. District of Hope, 325 Wallace Street, Hope BC V0X 1L0 Ph: 604.869.5671 Fax: 604.869.2275 Email: info@hope.ca John Fortoloczky, CAO 4_12W_DOH11_5385673

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, Hope Standard A19


WE ARE NOW BUYING: )1.& %*#+05 Ŗ '#44+0)5 Ŗ )1.& 9#6%*'5 $4#%'.'65 Ŗ %*#4/5 Ŗ &'06#. )1.& Ŗ %.#55 4+0)5 $41-'0 %*#+05 Ŗ )1.& %1+05 Ŗ )1.& 9#('45 5+.8'4 ,'9'..'4; Ŗ 5+.8'4 %1+05 Ŗ 5+.8'4 9#('45

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A20 Hope Standard, Wednesday, April 11, 2012

something for everyone at the rec centre aquatic programs

youth programs

adult programs

amazing race fridays

floor hockey - “my parents & I”

silver sneakers

Date: April 13 April 20 April 27 May 4 Time: 6pm-8pm Cost: $3.25

Have fun and exercise with your child! Days: Tuesdays Date: April 17 – June 26 Time: 10:30am-11:15am Age: 3-5 years Cost: Drop in rates

Days: Date: Time: Cost:

red cross swimming lessons

creating healthy snacks

Preschool, Adult and Golden Agers swim lessons start the week of April 16th. Age: 4 months+ Cost: $30 to $60 Call for details!

Days: Saturdays Date: April 21 – May 12 Time: 11am-12pm (5-7 years) 12pm-1pm (8-12 years) Cost: $25/person (4 sessions)

canadian swim patrol

floor hockey

Days: Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays Date: April 24 – May 17 Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm (5-7 years) 4:30pm-5:30pm (7-10 years) 6pm-7pm (11 years+) Cost: $25/person (8 sessions)

Mondays (No class May 21) April 16 – June 11 4pm-5pm 8 yrs+ $50/person (8 sessions)

masters swim program Days: Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Mondays April 16 – June 11 5:15pm-6:15pm 19 yrs+ $50/person (8 sessions)

junior lifeguard club Days: Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Wednesdays April 18 – June 6 4pm-5pm 8 yrs+ $50/person (8 sessions)

pre-teen fit Days: Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Tuesdays April 24 – May 15 3:30pm-4:30pm 9-12 years $27/student (4 sessions)

school daze off Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Friday, April 27 8:30am-5pm Kindergarten - 12 years $32/day/child


first aid program red cross emergency first aid with CPR-C & AED Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Sunday, April 22 9am-4:30pm 15 yrs+ $80

Days: Mondays & Wednesdays Date: April 30 – May 28 Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm (3-4 years) 4:30pm-5:30pm (5-6 years) Cost: $25/person (8 sessions)

All programs require pre-registration.

register early! Further details are available online or pick up a copy of our Spring Activity Guide! 1005-6th Ave. • 604-869-2304 “Best Ice in BC”

Tuesdays & Thursdays April 17 – May 10 8am-9am $50/person (8 sessions)

cultural program Valley Chamber Players Franz Joseph Haydn Concert Date: Thursday, April 26 Time: 7pm-8pm Cost: $15 – Adults $10 – Students & Youths Light refreshments served

misc. program food safe Date: Time: Age: Cost:

Friday, April 27 8:30am-4:30pm 15 years+ $80/person

upcoming programs • Volunteer Fair • Earth Day Clean-up • Antiques In The Attic • Learn To Walk 5K Faster! • Learn To Run 5 K • Learn to Nordic Pole Walk • Weight Training For Youth, Women, and Men

Hope & District

Recreation & Cultural Services 4_12W_HDRC11_5433492

website: www.fvrd.bc.ca • email: leisure@fvrd.bc.ca

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