WEDNESDAY, April 18, 2012
◆ Stabbing P. 3 ◆ Opinion P. 4
◆ Nation River replica P. 12 ◆ Youth drop-in P. 5
PHONE: 996-8482
VOL. 35 NO. 07 $1.34 inc. GST
Swans and snow
Earth Day events Greening Up Fort St. James (GUF) will be celebrating Earth Day on April 22 with a couple of local events. GUF members and local officials will be on hand to mark the official opening of the Integris Recycling Centre at 11 a.m.. Later that day, the group will be over at the Fort St. James National Historic Site to help with their annual beach cleanup at 2 p.m.. Participants will want to wear their boots for this event, and bring gloves if you have them.
Artsfest comes close The Central Interior Regional Arts Council (CIRAC) is bringing their annual art show to Vanderhoof this month. It will be the closest the event has ever been to Fort St. James in local memory, and includes a juried art show of local and regional artists. Fort St. James normally sees only the top 10 pieces from the exhibit which are selected as part of a touring art show after the Artsfest work is judged. The 10 pieces then tour communities across the central interior. This year’s Artsfest is being held at the College of New Caledonia in Vanderhoof from April 27 to May 25. Opening night will be held April 27 at 6 p.m..
Some swans have returned, and some have even been being tracked along their route. Bird watchers spotted some swans in the Vanderhoof area which had been collared, one collared in Washington State where it winters, and another collared in western Alaska where it would spend its summer. Ruth Lloyd Photo
Emergency room update Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier April will see some relief for Fort St. James residents needing emergency care this month. Locum physicians have been found to accommodate the opening of the emergency room (ER) for nine days in April. The ER will now be open April 1316, April 19, April 21-22, and April 2425. The rest of the hospital will remain open, operating as it has been, with lab and x-ray facilities. The rest of the days of the month of April, besides the ones listed above, the emergency room will be closed and patients requiring emergency care will have to be transported to Vanderhoof or Prince George. Patients transported by ambulance need to arrange for their own ride back to Fort St. James, as transportation for the return trip is not provided.
Emergency rooms are operated for people experiencing sudden or unusual changes to their health, including severe pain or bleeding, breathing difficulties, chest pain or eye injuries. Anyone unsure about whether or not to seek emergency treatment, call HealthLink BC at 811 or go to www. Northern Health continues to work with community leaders and Dr. Stent on long-term solutions for the community and are currently working to develop a model for a Northern Health and nonprofit society jointly run medical clinic facility. After two physicians left at the end of February, the Stuart Lake Hospital has been experiencing limited emergency room services, with Dr. Stent the sole physician in the community operating the medical clinic. The emergency room for the community was only open for two weekends in March.
Grass fire cuts power Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier A fire near Tache Reserve on Tuesday, April 9 left the community in the dark. A power pole in the area caught fire after grass was ignited in the area. The fire was at approximately 19 km up the Tache highway, and both RCMP and BC Hydro responded to the fire at about 10 a.m. in the morning. The power pole was burnt out at the bottom, leaving just the power lines holding the pole up, and power was then cut off to Tache Reserve from noon until 4 p.m., ending the day for many people working in offices like the community nursing station on the reserve. The fire is still under investigation, but it does appear to have been deliberately set and anyone with information or who may have seen something, is encouraged to call the local RCMP detachment at 996-8269 or phone Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2228477. This time of year is popular for people to burn off dead grass, however there are
good and safe ways to do this without jeopardizing valuable infrastructure and causing damage to the community. Preparing the area, planning the burn and monitoring the burn are all important parts of safe burning practices. Often with grass fires, a hand tool such as a shovel and a proper plan are all a person needs to ensure a safe and effective burn. In addition, the commonly held belief about burning grass producing better grass yields is actually a myth. While it may make grass grow back faster initially, burning the grass depletes the soil of valuable nutrients and also reduces the overall yield of the new year’s growth of grass. On average, nearly 50 per cent of wildfires in B.C. are caused by human activity, and this represents a significant cost to taxpayers. In 2010, $212 million was spent suppressing wildfires in the province, and over 40 per cent of those fires were personcaused. For information on safe burning practices, current fire bans or restrictions and legal requirements, go to
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Bikes are back! Bikes are out of the garage and Mel Chesnutt is just one of the many cyclists enjoying the great weather and getting some exercise by cycling to and from work. Ruth Lloyd Photo
Nak’azdli 7th CCP Meeting May 17th, 2012 Kwah Hall 1-6pm Education & Employment Theme All Nak’azdli Band members welcome
District of Fort St. James Calendar SUNDAY
Community 17 Foundation AGM @ Cancer Support 7pm CNC 5th Annual Group at Sue’s, Youth Soccer Children’s Festival 3:30pm, 12-3pm @ David Hoy Registration 6-8pm @ David Hoy School Call 996-8639 Nak’azdli 6th CCP Mtg 1-3pm @ Kwah Hall
Arts & Culture Week
Arts & Culture Week
Community Pitch-In Week!
Community Pitch-In Week!
Community Pitch-In Week!
Community 20 Community 21 Pitch-In Week! Pitch-In Week! Zumba Fitness 6:30 PM, FSJSS Guiness World Record Community Hoop Classes, 4 pm, Event @ Arena, Pitch-In Week! Sowchea Largest NHS Public Open House Fitness Workout, 6:30-8pm 12-12:45pm Light Refreshments!
Youth Soccer Registration 6-8pm @ David Hoy School
25 Council Meeting
Arts & Culture Week
7 p.m. Arts & Culture Week Snowmobile, ATV Club AGM, 7pm @ Fairgrounds
26 Arts & Culture
Week Community Pitch-In Week! Zumba Fitness 6:30 PM, FSJSS Hoop Classes, 4 pm, Sowchea
27 Arts & Culture Week Community Pitch-In Week!
28 Arts & Culture
Week Community Pitch-In Week! Ladies Night Grad 2012 Day of Mourning Fundraiser 7pm Dinner TIX @Barton Ins & Ceremony @ District Pharmacy Office 11 am
50 FSJ Bucks are still up for grabs!!! Do you have a great idea for a name for the District Newsletter? Call 996-8233 today with your suggestion and you could win! Pitch-In Weeks April 18 – May 1! Pick up your free gloves/bags at the District Office and Adopt-A-Block today!
Community Pitch-In Week!
Community Pitch-In Week!
May, 2012 6
Emergency Preparedness Week
Emergency Preparedness Week
2 Community Pitch-In Week!
Transportation Committee Mtg 5:30-9pm @ FSJSS
9 Council Meeting
Emergency Preparedness Week
7 p.m.
Emergency Preparedness Week
Emergency Preparedness Week
Emergency Preparedness Week
Zumba Fitness 6:30 PM, FSJSS Hoop Classes, 4 pm, Sowchea
Emergency Preparedness Week Zumba Fitness 6:30 PM, FSJSS Hoop Classes, 4 pm, Sowchea
Municipal Website: For more info check the e-calendar
Municipal Website: For more info check the e-calendar
April, 2012
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The District is currently recruiting volunteers and parade entrants for this year’s Canada Day Celebrations! We are looking for a 1-2 hour commitment from 25 volunteers to host this year’s festivities! Call 996-8233 to sign up your group today!
477 Stuart Drive West
250-996-8233 Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A3
Police Report On the Easter weekend, graffiti was spray-painted on the health services building in Tache and on a nearby fence. The damage was in yellow spray paint and consisted of vulgar comments. RCMP are investigating but anyone with any information can contact the RCMP. On April 4, someone broke into the shed behind the church on Nak’azdli and made off with one Husqavarna chainsaw and a car battery charger. Police have no suspects at this time but are continuing to investigate. Anyone with information please contact the RCMP. In Tache on April 4, RCMP were called to a father and son dispute in which the father reported his son was damaging the house with a steel bar. RCMP resounded to deal with the situation and no charges are being laid in the incident. Also on April 4, a theft on Williams Road in Tache saw a computer hard drive and some bags of personal items were stolen from the front porch of a residence. Police have a suspect, but
the investigation is ongoing. On April 5 at 3:30 a.m., a break and enter was discovered when an alert citizen called in a suspicious person running out of a driveway on Second Avenue West. Investigators later found several vehicles left unlocked had been gone through and one residence had been broken into while the homeowner was at home sleeping. A young male has been arrested thanks to another person calling and reporting suspicious activity. The rifle has since been recovered and forensic evidence has also been collected to support the charge. Charges are pending thanks to these alert citizens. On Carrier Road on April 6, someone damaged a fence and a garbage bin during the night. RCMP have a suspect, and the investigation is ongoing. On April 6, on Kalau Road off of Sowchea Road, two tubs of tobacco were stolen from a vehicle. RCMP have a suspect in the case, and are warning the public to be careful not to give
rides to strangers and be careful who you let into your vehicle. April 9, RCMP responded to a report of four youths throwing rocks and attempting to break a camera and attempting to climb the Integris building. One suspect was wearing a white and green shirt, another a plaid shirt, and ball caps. They were also on bicycles. Anyone with information on this incident, please contact the RCMP. The same day, a homeowner reported a traffic incident in which a bluish green step side truck was driving up and down the streets repeatedly at high speeds. The driver was described as about 35 years old, Caucasian, and blonde. The Fort St. James RCMP also responded to a number of 911 hangups, drinking in public, disturbance and other calls. The public is asked to call the local RCMP detachment (996-8269) or Crime Stoppers (1-800-222-8477) with any information related to the above or other incidents.
Community Events Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ominecaexpress. com or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111-250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** FORT ADULT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION...Suite 221-250 Stuart Drive, in the Goodwin Building. Open daily 8:00-4:00. Call 250-996-7712 for more information. *** ST PATRICK’S ANGLICAN CHURCH... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including Sylvia Isaac, The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, and many other individuals.We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 2.00pm every Sunday. Friday at 6.00pm - Each
week we offer a Fellowship time with soup, music, and prayer, at St Patrick’s Anglican Church Hall beginning at 6.00pm. Please come and join us. *** FIREWEED WINTER CLOTHES DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** AUXILIARY TO STUART LAKE HOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FORT ST. JAMES PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NECHAKO VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAP AND HANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact Sharon at 996-8373 for more
information. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCH & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. *** MUSIC MAKERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Rosemary Allan at 250-996-8997 for more info. *** THE THRIFT STORE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS... Every Thursday, 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall on 2nd Avenue. Contact 9968290. *** FIREWEED SAFE HAVEN...a safe place for women and their children leaving violence or abuse. 24 hour access - please call 996-8000. ***
Knife attack Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier One young offender is in custody and has been charged after a weekend stabbing in Fort St. James. Charges resulted after early in the morning on April 7, RCMP were called to the scene of a family dispute in which one male and one female victim had suffered stab wounds. Initially the accused was charged with assault causing bodily harm and attempted murder, but the charge was later downgraded by crown counsel to aggravated assault. Five RCMP members attended the scene after the two responding officers requested backup and ambulance services also attended to take the two victims to hospital in Vanderhoof, as the Stuart Lake Hospital emergency room was closed at the time. The one female victim suffered knife wounds to the head and neck as well as some defensive wounds to her hands and arms. She was admitted to the hospital overnight and has since been released to recover at home. The second male victim was treated in Vanderhoof and released the same night.
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The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Editorial Page The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British
Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James
Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body
Publisher: Pam Berger
governing the province’s newspaper industry. The
Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@
council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member
Office: Betty Johnson office@
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Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@
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• Guest Editorial...
• Editorial...
Daylight hours Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Easter has come and gone in delightfully beautiful spring fashion, and there are irises pushing up in my garden. But to me, the most telling sign of warmer weather’s arrival is the proliferation of bikes. Both motorbikes and bicycles are my preferred mode of transport, but they are also both fairly weather-dependent. While my more determined friends would say it is not true and riding in all weather is just fine, I find myself less inclined than I was to bundle up enough to ride the bike in subzero temperatures. But now the weather is truly calling me to action, lighting the fire under my feet to get on the pedals and make some twowheeled tracks. Longer days of light energize the population, and people are out in numbers on the streets and trails to get some fresh air and their long-delayed doses of vitamin D - those who aren’t already sporting goggle tans that is. I feel the energy and spirit rising in me to get more involved and get moving, something a long winter, even with snowboarding when I can, doesn’t see enough of. The shorter days of winter make nighttime pursuits after work more difficult and less enticing, the cold and dark seem a lot
less fun than sunshine and less bulky clothing. While the mud and the painful in-between season on the trails makes things a little difficult at times, it is an exciting time to pull out the bike, tune it up and oil the chain to get rolling, just to get back in the old iron horse, so to speak. There seem to be a lot of bicycles on the road these last few days, and I’m sure as the streets get cleaned up and the air isn’t full of dust, there will be even more. One of the things which sets apart most North American culture is the fact the entire society has been founded around the prevalence and convenience of the automobile, but a beautiful thing about Fort St. James is the town is small enough and compact enough most things are easily reachable by bicycle. The advantage of this structure may become more apparent as the price of gas increases, predicted to reach new heights this summer driving season. I for one am grateful for the ability to bike or walk to most things in the community, and am looking forward to a great season of biking around. I hope this attractive advantage in the community is built on and a less car-dependent society is encouraged. Then perhaps we can all still afford a summer road trip or two. Happy biking, walking, running or sunning everyone.
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Rock down to Electric Avenue Bill Phillips Prince George Free Press The snowblower has officially been put away for the summer. So, if we get another dump, it’s likely my fault. Haven’t fired up the scooter just yet, but I do have the battery charging and it will only be a matter of about 500 kicks on the kick-start to hear the angry putt-putt of that 49cc engine. Hey, with the price of gas at $1.33 per litre and expected to climb when the warm weather comes, the wallet will actually be able to collect some dust. It gets pretty disheartening when you hit the $100 limit on the gas pump before the tank gets filled and you’re heading to the gas pumps more than the grocery store. I’m thinking one of the new electric cars will soon be moving up on my wish-list. The province is even getting into the act. B.C.’s popular Clean Energy Vehicle (CEV) Program is getting an extra jolt (that pun came from the press release so I can’t take credit for it) from the implementation of the $2.74 million Community Charging Infrastructure Fund that will see 570 public charging stations across municipalities, regional governments, First Nations, and B.C. businesses and institutions by March 31, 2013. The Community Charging Infrastructure Fund will be managed, promoted and administered by the non-profit Fraser Basin Council. Battery-powered electric vehicles should cost as little as $300 per year in electricity bills compared to upwards of $1,500 per year to fuel a gasoline-powered car or, in
my case, almost three times that amount for the honkin’ big V-8 I need to carry pillows home from Sears. An electric vehicle is starting to sound pretty attractive and I’m not alone in that. To date, B.C. represents over 22 per cent of the national electric vehicle sales for the Nissan Leaf, reaffirming British Columbia as a market leader in the clean energy vehicle market and in March 2011, Mercedes-Benz Canada announced plans to build a new facility in Burnaby to manufacture fuel-cell stacks for hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles. One of the arguments for extracting as much oil as we can out of the oil patch, as quickly as we can, is that while everyone wants to get rid of CO2 belching automobiles, it isn’t going to happen soon so let’s squeeze all we can out of the Alberta sand in the meantime. The best way to do that is for society to make the move away from the gas-guzzlers willingly before it is forced to when the world runs out of oil. The only way we can do that is if there are options. Electric vehicles are becoming that option. It’s nice to see the province getting involved in building these stations. Hopefully it’s just to kick-start the process. Wouldn’t it be nice to see an entrepreneur be able to make a living with an electricity-only service station? By the way, in May the Environmental Assessment Agency will be holding public hearings and consultation sessions in Prince George on the proposed Site C hydroelectric dam. Holy crap, this doesn’t get any easier, does it?
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A5
Literacy news is back!
The Learning Hub and the College of New Caledonia (CNC) are pleased to announce the restoration of funding for their Literacy Coordinator position for 2012. This position complements the existing English as a Second Language and Community Adult Learning Programs delivered by CNC out of the Learning Hub. Individuals considering entering or reentering the workforce; or are interested in assessing their current skills or upgrading those skills, or those wishing to explore ca-
reers they may be suitable for, are invited to contact the Learning Hub staff for assistance. Similarly, employers looking for assistance in upgrading the skills of their employees or parents of children looking to get their kids a head start are also encouraged to contact the Learning Hub. Numerous resources are available including assessments and skills upgrading all of which are free. There can no longer be any dispute. Another survey has confirmed that improved literacy provides social, political,
New drop-in centre for youth A new youth dropin centre is opening in Fort St. James. The Nak’azdli Alternate Justice Centre will be offering a drop in for what they call “aging youth” ages 18 and over. It will be called the Just Us drop-in and will be opening May 17. The spot will be open Thursdays and Fridays from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from noon until 10 p.m.. While everyone will be welcome, there will be a “no tolerance” policy for
anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Free foosball, pool, card and board games will be available, and the space will be open for use for other community organizations to host different types of events or just to interact with community members on another level. A calendar of events will be coming soon, so watch for it, and volunteers are needed for supervision of the centre. Call the Nak’azdli Alternate Justice Centre at 996-0003 for more information.
cultural and economic benefits. Socially, improved literacy contributes to maintaining good health and living longer; raising healthier and better educated children; empowering women to address issues of gender equality; assisting new Canadians to achieve ethnic equality, and raising individual self-esteem and confidence. Culturally, literacy facilitates the transmission of community values, traditions and behaviours, and improves people’s ability to participate in their own culture. With respect to
First Nations peoples, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has interpreted the human rights elements of literacy as preserving cultural diversity through its four pillars of learning: learning to be (the right to selfdefinition and selfidentification); learning to know (the right to self-knowledge); learning to do (the right to self-development); and learning to live together (the right to self-determination). Politically, increased literacy leads to higher rates of political participa-
SUNDAY SCHOOL..........10:30 am - 12 Noon MORNING WORSHIP ....10:30 am - 12 Noon Church Office 996-7261
Lakeshore Realty
tion and improves the quality of discussions around public policies and democracy. Economically, literacy has been consistently shown to be a major determinant of individual income. On a national level, a one per cent increase in literacy translates into a two per cent increase in productivity. For further information or to access services please call Alex, Kathy or Joanne at the Learning Hub 250-996-7078. The Caledonia Courier is a partner of the Learning Hub.
12227 HEAVENOR DRIVE Spacious 4 bedroom 2 bath home situated on 5 acres for maximum privacy. Bright open kitchen, dining room with access to the secluded deck. Living room looks out over the fenced rear yard. Some updated flooring. Large shop is wired with lots of storage. $209,000.
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MEETING SCHEDULE 2012 April 12, 2012..............RDBN Committee Meetings April 26, 2012..............RDBN Board Meeting May 10, 2012 ..............RDBN Committee Meetings May 31, 2012 ..............RDBN Board Meeting The Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 will be presented for Board review and approval at the April 26, 2012 Board meeting. The Audited Financial Statements are available for inspection at the Regional District office at 37 3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, B.C. during regular business hours from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.
Meetings tentatively commence at 10:30 a.m. please call (250) 692-3195/1-800-320-3339 for further information
NOTICE The Caledonia Courier pick-up & drop off location has moved to
(Across from the Petrocan Station)
SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. JANE DWYER, SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO
169 Stuart Drive West @ the Lakeshore Realty office
Stuart St. (Across from RCMP) SUNDAY WORSHIP .......................... 2:00 PM Contact: Revd’s Roy & Gwen Andrews 250-567-6744
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A6
NEWS LEFT: Tim Bekhuys (centre right with cheque), Environmental and Sustainability Director New Gold, Inc., presents Ursula Morris (centre left)of the Northern John Howard Society with a donation of $3,000 which will be used to bring violence prevention programming to Vanderhoof, Fraser Lake and Fort St. James. Photo submitted
Men’s program
Enter for a chance to WIN an XBOX 360 Special Edition 4GB KINECT Family Bundle + Games
Donation towards a program for men to help end violence in the community ESRB Rating: EVERYONE to TEEN
A new violence prevention program addresses a key need in the community just in time for Prevention of Violence Against Women Week starting on April 18. Fireweed Collective Society is inviting everyone in the community to observe a minute of silence at 9 a.m. on April 18 to “remember, recognize and respect women who have been victims of violence.” Contributed The need for men’s violence prevention programming has been stated as the area’s most important social service issue by social service agencies in the re-
gion. Representatives from women’s groups, alcohol and drug and mental health agencies, the RCMP and victim assistance groups have come together to support the Northern John Howard Society in bringing their S.T.O.P. program to our communities. Stop Taking it Out on Your Partner (S.T.O.P.) is a voluntary program designed for adult men who are not facing current criminal charges for assaulting their partner. Participants meet for a three-hour group session one evening per week for 14 weeks. The program will support men and their partners and families as they deal with stress, mental health
and addiction issues, unemployment and healing from trauma and abuse. New Gold’s Tim Bekhuys attended the most recent committee meeting, and in keeping with New Gold, Inc.’s reputation of being strong community supporters, brought a $3,000 donation to help get the program up and running. This donation comes in addition to New Gold’s donations of $3,300 to the Vanderhoof and Districts 4-H Council and $2,700 to the Nechako Valley Search and Rescue Society. New Gold will open their Vanderhoof office in May with Kathie LaForge (currently the
District of Vanderhoof’s Economic Development Officer) as their Community Liaison. A lab facility in Vanderhoof, employing 25 to 30 people will open in early summer, while New Gold’s exploration camp at the Blackwater site currently employs over 200 people. For more information about New Gold and their commitment to the communities where they operate, visit their website at: For further information or to get involved with bringing STOP programming to our region, contact Marianne Sorensen at 250561-7343.
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April is Cancer Awareness Month Daffodil Month, held every April, is a national fundraising campaign of the Canadian Cancer Society. During the month, Society volunteers are involved with numerous activities to raise vital funds for the fight against cancer. Depending on location, activities include selling fresh daffodils; asking peo- p l e to make a donation and wear a daffodil pin throughout the month to show their support for people living with cancer; and canvassing neighbourhoods for donations door to door. As part of its annual Daffodil Month activities the Canadian Cancer Society has designated April 27 as Daffodil Day. This is a special day when Canadians can show their support for those living with cancer and to remember those who have died. Funds raised throughout the month help the Canadian Cancer Society prevent cancer, fund research to outsmart cancer, empower, inform and support Canadians
living with cancer and advocate for public policies to improve the health of Canadians. The Canadian Cancer Society is dedicated to the goal of controlling and eventually conquering cancer. Each year, the Canadian Cancer Society commits a percentage of the money we raise to support leading-edge cancer research. The Society allocates the money through a strict national review process that involves scientific experts and lay people, who are often cancer survivors. This process ensures that the money is directed only to excellent cancer research across Canada. Some history In 1947, the former National Cancer Institute of Canada was formed through a joint initiative of the Canadian Cancer Society and the Department of National Health and Welfare. In the 1940s, there was little knowledge of how to prevent cancer. There were no tools for early detection of cancer, and the only treatments available for cancer patients were surgery and a crude form of radiation therapy. During the more than 60 years that the former NCIC and Canadian Cancer Society worked in partnership, many of can-
cer’s mysteries have slowly been solved spirit and join the fight against cancer. as research has led to increased knowlThanks to the work of our volunteers edge about the disease. and staff, and the generosity of our doSince the beginning of this partner- nors, we’re leading the fight against canship, the Canadian Cancer Society has cer. invested more than $1 billion to cancer research. This funding has contributed to a revolution in our What is cancer? understanding of cancer, which has Cancer is a set the stage for a new era in cancer group of diseases detection, therapy and prevention. The challenge now is to continue to characterized expand and exploit existing knowlby uncontrolled edge to develop even better treatments, detection and prevention growth and spread strategies. of abnormal cells. In February 2009, the Canadian for the sake of your Cancer Society and the former National Cancer Institute of Canada health, it’s important integrated into a single organizato familiarize tion. Research continues to be an yourself with the integral part of the Canadian Cancer Society’s mission. The grant facts about various application and review process is forms of cancer and managed by the Canadian Cancer their symptoms. Society Research Institute. The Canadian Cancer Society hosts a variety of special event Sponsored by fundraising activities in communities across Canada. Participating in John Rustad MLA - Nechako Lakes one of our special events is a great 183 First St, Vanderhoof way to have fun, build community Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A7
Canada Day seeking volunteers Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The annual Canada Day celebrations in Fort St. James is searching for volunteers. Every year the District of Fort St. James throws a day full of fun events for the entire family, from a parade to games in the park to the big helicopter drop for toys for the kids. The National Historic Site also takes part, with free admission and special attractions, which last year included rides on a miniature train for the young ones. This year there will be a few different additions, with Mel Chesnutt, the District of Fort St. James event planner working on horse-drawn wagon rides between Cottonwood Park and the National Historic Site, viewer’s choice voting for parade participants, a magician and a clown to wow the crowd and the return of the multicultural pot luck. The multicultural pot luck will also include a talent competition, with live performances. “Which I’m excited about and the mayor is very enthusiastic about,” said Chesnutt. The magician stage performance is described as a “theatre-style illusion show” and will include snake petting, teleportation of pythons. Huggleberry the Clown and William the Magician will both be on hand, and they will be creating some balloon animals for young spectators as well. There will also be a “dunk tank” which is being worked on jointly with the District and the College of New Caledonia welding class. The tank will allow local officials and community members to volunteer to be dunked in the tank by the community and will be reusable at different events and as part of fund-
Left: Mel Chesnutt, events coordinator for the District of Fort St. James is looking for volunteers to help out on the big day. This year’s long event list may make the need for volunteers even greater.
Northern BC Winter Games Society • ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING • Saturday, April 28, 2012 @ 9am At the
The Hills Health Ranch 4871 Cariboo Hwy. 97, 108 Mile, B.C. Seminar Room For more information:
Caledonia Courier Photo
BUY A BUTTON.* WEAR YOUR JEANS. HELP BC KIDS. raisers for other causes in the community. But the day will need at least 20 volunteers to come forward from the community to help make it happen. Volunteers would only need to give one or two hours of their time to help make this big day another successful Canada Day for the entire community. To sign up to volunteer or for more information, contact the District of Fort St. James office at 996-8233. Watch for details on a movie night on May 31 leading up to the Canada Day events as well, a hold-over from last year as the movie night in the park was rained out.
Recycling your milk containers is easy. Simply rinse them out and bring them with your bottles and cans on your next Return-It Depot trip. Last year Return-It collected over 630,000 kg of milk containers for recycling. Help us recycle even more.
For more info: or call 1-800-330-9767
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Caledonia Courier
They did it! Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Ann Joseph was happy to announce her family reached and surpassed their year’s fundraising goal for Balding for Dollars last week. “We did it!” said Joseph. Joseph is the proud grandmother of Trey Prince, who wanted to start fundraising to do something to help other families with sick kids after his brother Sam Prince passed away from cancer at five years old. So last year, Trey and his family began raising money for Balding for Dollars, a charity helping promote awareness and support cancer programs in the Vancouver Children’s Hospital. After getting underway and a successful start, in July Trey said he’d like to set $10,000 as their goal to fundraise for the organization, and after a whole lot of hard work, they have passed this goal and continue to raise funds they will be delivering in person in Vancouver on May 12. The family collected bottles, pennies, which was a lot of what Joseph said was “hard, dirty work,” but they stuck with it and also raised money at special events. They held a New Year’s dance and Nak’albun Elementary hosted a spaghetti dinner fundraiser as well, the dinner raised over $1,000 and Nak’albun even raised the final $150 dollars to put the total up to the $10,000 goal. They also held loony auctions and received donations at potlatches throughout the year. The current fundraising total for the family is at $11,361.19, but they are still collecting bottles and pennies up until they leave for Vancouver. Trey, Joseph and Trey’s mom Billy Jean and Trey’s new little brother Jagger will likely all be traveling down to deliver the cheque. Anyone wanting to donate can have bottles or pennies picked up by calling Ann Joseph at 996-8383 or can drop them in her carport at 232 Mountain View Drive on the Nak’azdli Reserve. The family hopes to fundraise again next year, but may give the money to either Canuck’s Place, where Sam actually spent his last days, or Ronald MacDonald House, depending on what they decide. “It’s just going to be an ongoing thing,” said Joseph.
Crime Stoppers alert Crime Stoppers is asking the public’s assistance in locating the following person who is wanted on a British Columbia wide warrant. As of 13:50 hrs April 7, Darryl Floyd ROSEKRANS is wanted on a British Columbia wide warrant for BREACH OF PROBATION. ROSEKRANS is described as a caucasian male, 168 cm or 5’ 6” tall and weighs 70 kg or 154 lbs. BATES has black hair and brown eyes. BATES should be considered violent.
Heavy Duty Machinery
Born Boxer Pups Pure Breed, 2011 inside with March 11 n, 3 pure white, & family, 3 fawVet Checked, tails 1 brindle. ws & 1st set of docked, cla $600.00 call Marshots done 67-8880 or e-mail garet margjex@h
for Sale Merchandise le Misc. for Sa
r Sale erchandise fo
for Sale
IPPING A-STEEL SHBridges Containers/ on now le sa r pe Su amaged. New/Used/D ICES BEST PR ulated ’48’53’ ins 20’24’40’45 iners 20’40’48’53’ reefer conta’ Farmers Specials CHEAP 40 ,200! Semi Trailers all under $2 storage. We are for hi way &d. Delivery BC & overstocke 8-7108 Call 24 AB. hours www.r
Medical Supp
STE buildls SELF steel clear- ciae DO-IT-YOUR for spring livery Gr d ce pri eve ings free de t ou ab k Exa ance - As as! Call for quick . $79 to most are e brochure do quote and fre111 ext. 170. Ma 1-800-668-5 99’ Varco x ’ 59 BILE MO FOR SALE d ne desig ated loc , Pruden OP SH Hazelton EQUIPMENT st of New 18 km we es three mobile B.C. Includss doors of 24’x26’ ce equip. ac 13’x16’, insulation and 2@ 2 ton overhead package, pane heater includcrane, pro rchase offer must ed. The puvisions to leaving include proa clean (to concrete the site in condition. Offers April dation)
Do you have a garage sale coming up? Items to sell? Birth announcement? How about a wedding announcement. Need to renew your subscription? Have a house for sale or rent? Pets that need a home? Give us a call at
Darryl Floyd Rosekrans.
RCMP Photo
THE STUART NECHAKO ADVERTISER CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS... VANDERHOOF Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op Vanderhoof Co-op C Store Careb Entertainment Extra Foods Janet’s Hair Gallery Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes Blackwater Road CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road ENDAKO Endako Bar & Grill
CLUCULZ LAKE BROOKSIDE RESORT FRASER LAKE Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Rexall Fraser Lake Building Supplies ENGEN FORT FRASER Fort Fraser Petro Can FORT ST JAMES Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Fas Gas Plus Lakeside Pharmacy Red Fox Bistro
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A9 Our Mission Statement The Fort St. James Chamber Exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work
Fort St. James
Chamber Chatter Member Profile: River’s Edge Bed & Breakfast River’s Edge Bed and Breakfast is set on the idyllic banks of Stuart River. Guests enjoy a private accommodation and home cooked breakfast choices in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Breakfast is taken while enjoying the soothing landscape and the gently flowing river. It is common to sight silver foxes, trumpeter swans, deer, river otters, moose and even the occasional black bear meandering through the property. Hostess Hieke Fonda enjoys people, ensures their privacy, and is able to converse fluently with German guests. As a chamber member, Heike values the support given to the Rivers Edge. She Appreciates the referrals, phones calls and recommendation. The Chamber promotes this local business in its efforts to advance Fort St. James as a tourist destination. Together locally owned business and the Chamber help make Fort St. James a great place to be.
Cultural Competency in the Interview Process Submitted By The OARH Leadership Group During the bicentennial celebrations in 2006 over 42 different countries of origin or ethnicities were identified in Fort St. James. The OARH (Organizing against Racism and Hate) Leadership Group has adopted the tagline of “Celebrating Community, Diversity and Harmony” as it was felt to best reflect the multicultural aspects of our community. Multiculturalism in our community extends to our personal relationships, the neighborhoods where we live, where we socialize, where we volunteer, to our schools and to our place of work. Interestingly enough fifty years ago the Canadian workforce was primarily male and white. Today our workforce demographics profile the diversity of culture, social and economics that is Canada. By 2017 Canada’s population is expected to be 16% to 20% visible minorities which will impact how Canada does business at all levels, local, provincial, national, and international. To remain competitive, while ensuring the right fit of skills and competencies in a place of work, companies will need to be culturally competent in the interview process. Cultural competence is defined as: … emphasizes the ability to operate effectively in different cultural contexts within and across all levels of a given organization, business, and/or institution. Cross et al. (1989) define cultural competence as, “A set of congruent behaviours, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals and enables that system, agency, or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.”… Here are some simple examples of cultural competencies that may arise in an interview. • Out of respect for authority the interviewee may only answer what is directly asked. Elaborating on the question could be perceived by he or she as impertinent behaviour. • Cultural values may emphasize collective over individual achievements so the interviewee may at best only vaguely refer to personal accomplishments. • The interviewee may be reluctant to make eye contact. In Canadian culture this is perceived as a sign of being untrustworthy or shifty, but in other cultures it is a sign of respect as they are then not considered to be challenging an authority figure. • In Canadian culture a soft or gentle handshake is supposedly demonstrating a lack of confidence whereas in other cultures it could convey respect. In recent years considerable research and thought has been put into conducting culturally competent interviews. A lot of this information is available on the internet. Here are a couple of the websites worth checking out.
The Benefits of Joining a Chamber Real reasons for joining the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber exists to make a community a better place to work, live and play. Businesses become members because they take great pride in their membership. They are proud of being part of an organization that plays a key role in the community. The Chamber is a not-for-profit advocate for businesses. It is an organization managed by a volunteer Board of Directors, established to promote civic, commercial, industrial and agricultural progress within its community and to work diligently with community partners for the establishment of sound legislation and efficient administration at all levels of government. Chamber members are proud to belong to an organization that plays such a key role in the community. They display their membership logos on their windows and advertise their membership in their brochures or advertisements. Holding a membership in an association that is recognized worldwide allows members to promote to the outside world that they belong to something important. What Does Membership Provide? Membership provides businesses with information about rising government issues that affect them, and adds their voice to the chambers efforts to address them. Not only do members have a voice at a local level, they also receive membership in the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. This allows lobbying at both the Provincial and Federal levels. The Chamber at all levels, speaks on behalf of the business community at public hearings, with media and government on matters that impact on not only the business community but also the community at large. The Real Reason to join: But the real value of joining the Chamber of Commerce is the positive perceptions of consumers about membership. The results show that being active in a local Chamber of Commerce is a good strategy for businesses to use. It’s an effective way to convey to consumers that the business uses good business practices. Consumers believe that businesses that are involved in the community, care about their customers and that the company is reputable. When a consumer thinks more favorably of a company because the company is a member of its local Chamber of Commerce, it is because they infer that the company is trustworthy, connected to the community, listens to its customers is successful and is a leader in the business community. Networking, Affinity Programs and Savings: A Chamber membership also provides excellent networking opportunities. Some Chambers have in excess of 500 members, which mean that networking possibilities are endless. Chambers typically host a variety of events throughout the year including luncheons for Women, Business After 5 meetings, Industry Luncheons, Golf Tournaments and Home Shows. Not to mention that group buying power also provides access to better Group Insurance Plans, discounts on Esso gas purchases, TD Merchant Services and Bell Mobility. These are not the only benefits of the Chamber; there are also great Member 2 Member discounts, provided to members by members. So to sum up the value of membership, Chamber membership provides members with an opportunity to have a positive P.O. Box 1164 115 Douglas Avenue, Fort St. James, B.C V0J 1P0 impact on their business community and to be part of a worldwide busiTelephone: 250-996-7023 Fax: 250-996-7047 Toll Free: 1-800-608-7698 ness network. It gives consumers a positive perception of the business; it provides opportunities for networking and value added discounts. Email:
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.567.9258 fax 250.567.2070 email Announcements
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Education/Trade Schools
Education/Trade Schools
Income Opportunity
Trades, Technical
Financial Services
APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information:
TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate openings. Easy Computer work, others positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed.
JACOBS FIELD Services Ltd. (Maintenance) is looking for a General Foreman with oilfield experience for a Northern BC site. Person will live in Dawson Creek or Fort St. John. Send resume to fax 780-485-6722, humanresources@ MORLEY MULDOON Transport is seeking qualified Heavy Duty Mechanics or Heavy Equipment Technicians, Dispatcher, HR/Safety Supervisor. Fax resume to 780-8426511 or email to: NEEDED. HEAVY Equipment Technicians and Maintenance personnel for expanding pipeline company in Olds, Alberta for work in shop and jobsites throughout Western Canada. Fax resume to 403-556-7582 or email: SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email:
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.
P.O. Box 1298 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0
In Memoriam Donations P.O. Box 1480, 7th Ave Prince George, BC V2L 3P2
Help Wanted ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES Limited is recruiting Line Cooks and Guest Services positions for Inns North hotels in Nunavut. E-mail your resume:
250-562-8611 Phone:
250-996-8482 E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon
TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertisements should be read on the first publication day. We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion. NO CASH REFUNDS AGREEMENT: It is agreed by any display or classified advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION: Advertisers are reminded that provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminated against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, or age unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT: Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertisements and in all other advertising material appearing in this edition of the Omineca Express. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Coming Events
BC ARTS And Culture week is coming! Celebrate the arts by attending the great events that are being presented in your community from April 22-28.
or fax: 204-632-8575. EXPERIENCED SERVICE Provider for Chrysler dealership in Salmon Arm. Strong customer satisfaction skills. Able to work in a fast paced environment. Excellent wage/ benefit package. Fax resume 1-250-832-4545. E-mail:
BC ARTS And Culture Week is here! From April 22-28, arts councils & schools in your community are hosting activities of all sorts as part of the celebration.
Information PATIENTS - NEED a Medical Marijuana Doctor? Growers want to be a Designated Grower? Info at: or 1-250-860-8611.
SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email:
SUPERB 24TH Annual Auction. Horse drawn carriages & sleighs. Plus incredible offering horse era antiques. Sunday, May 6, 12 noon, Al Oeming Park; Bodnarus Auctioneering. Phone 306-227-9505. Canada’s Best.
T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive benefit package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. Contact Tyson Lambert. Mail: 5791 Duncan Bay Road, Campbell River BC V9H 1N6 Fax: 250-286-9502.
Employment Business Opportunities
to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or HOME BASED BUSINESSWe need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training.
Education/Trade Schools AIRLINES ARE HIRINGTrain for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1(877)818-0783. APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information:
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Legal Services
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Trades, Technical
NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering snowmobile or quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all - fit your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882; TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627
Maple Leaf Loading Ltd is hiring for various locations; CHETWYND, BC Truck Driver ($25.01/hr) & Heavy Duty Commercial Truck Mechanic ($30.00/hr). STEWART, BC Long Haul Truck Driver ($26.00/hr). All 40 hrs/week. Apply by fax: (250) 614-7278.
Home Care/Support 24 hr. Live-In Support Required (Kamloops, B.C.) Dengarry Professional Services Ltd. is seeking experienced individuals or couples for contract to provide live in 24 hr. support for short term stabilization to adults with mental & physical disabilities in Kamloops. Applicant must have education and exp. either in behavioral and/or medical supports. Applicant will undergo extensive screening including reference checks, Crim Check and drivers abstract. Housing & Utilities incls. w/ a Remarkable Compensation Package. Please forward resume to Kristine Toebosch at ktoebosch@ or fax to 1-250-377-4581 or mail Attn: Kristine PO Box 892 Kamloops BC V2C-5M8 CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103. CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103. DL Baker Construction Canada is looking for Field/Engineer Layout Kitimat, BC Canada. Supervise project layouts Responsible for construction quality control, in particular, ensuring that the materials installed in the project are in the proper locations and are the correct materials. Analyze construction drawings for dimensional and quality control purposes and coordinates with the Project Engineer to clarify discrepancies. Use precision computerized equipment to define points of control and ensure the work is being installed true and plump. Responsible for coordinating with other construction trades to ensure that all are using appropriate control points. High School Diploma or equivalent; or 4 to 6 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience in Line and Grade Persistent for Perfection This work will start 5/1/12 Please respond to this ad by 5/1/12 Please respond via email by placing Field Engineer in the subject line to
Business/Office Service
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DENIED CANADA Pension plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Merchandise for Sale A11
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Misc. for Sale
Houses For Sale
AUCTION #1 - MAY 26, 2012 @ TOPLEY’S GARAGE This sale will include a good selection of antiques, a very large selection of tools, vehicles and equipment. To consign to the sale early in order for us to get your merchandise advertised, call Mike’s Auction Limited as soon as possible. AUCTION #2 - JUNE 2, 2012 @ FORT ST. JAMES This a auction will be a very large tool and equipment sale - approximately 2,000 lots. If you would like to consign large equipment or vehicles, please contact Mike’s Auction Limited. Please note that we cannot take any small items at this already extremely large sale.
**HOME PHONE Reconnect** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid long distance specials! Feature package specials! Referral program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to connect! 1-866-287-1348.
Watch future papers for complete listings.
STEEL BUILDING - Blowout sale! 20x26 $5,199. 25x28 $5,799. 30x42 $8,390. 32x56 $11,700. 40x50 $14,480. 47x76 $20,325. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. STEEL BUILDING- Blowout sale! 20x26 $5,199. 25x28 $5,799. 30x42 $8,390. 32x56 $11,700. 40x50 $14,480. 47x76 $20,325. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.
A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale CAN’T GET Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1-866-9815991. DIY STEEL Building deals! Many sizes and models. Make an offer on clearance buildings today and save thousands of dollars. Free brochure - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170. DIY STEEL Building deals! Many sizes and models. Make an offer on clearance buildings today and save thousands of dollars. Free brochure - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170.
Homes for Rent 3 Bedroom House on lake, near town, avail. Min 2 rental references required. PH#250 996-8002
Townhouses Stuart Lake Townhouses Newly renovated, family oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with basement, 2 parking stalls, No dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-7598 or 250-996-6940
Aircraft CESSNA 180 1976 on 3000 Caps for lease. DeHavilland DHC-2 1957 on 4930 Floats for lease. Van. Is. E-mail;
Auto Financing
Misc. Wanted
Real Estate For Sale By Owner 5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315
Legal Notices
Lakeview Apartments 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James. 2bdrm apt. Newly renovated. Quiet, clean building. Adult oriented. no pets R.R. Avail. now 250-996-6940 or 250-996-4075
Local Coin Collector buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic, Gold & Silver Coins. Call Chad 250-863-3082
Legal Notices
Apt/Condo for Rent
SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money and save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.
Legal Notices
HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Very clean and quite. Adult orientated. 250996-8151
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money and save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free Info & DVD: 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.
(250) 694-3497 or Cell: (250) 692-6107 or Egon (250) 694-3319 Cell: (250) 570-2055 Email: As soon as possible
Heavy Duty Machinery
YOU’RE APPROVED Poor, Good, OR No Credit at AUTO CREDIT NOW DL9597 Details and APPLY online OR TOLL FREE 1-877-356-0743
Other Areas NOVA SCOTIA Rural waterfront lots for sale. Country living at its best. Three bedroom apartments for rent. 45 miles to university town. 1-902-5222343
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent BACHELOR, 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments in Fraser Lake starting at $450 - has laundry facilities. Please call Darlene or Roy at 250699-7748
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AMENDMENT REQUIRING APPROVAL 2006 FOREST STEWARDSHIP PLAN Prince George & Fort St. James Forest Districts Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor), Carrier Lumber Ltd., Takla Track & Timber Ltd., and Conifex Inc. have prepared an Amendment Requiring Approval (ARA) to their joint Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) for operations in the Prince George and Fort St. James Forest Districts. The Amendment is available for public review starting on April 16th 2012. Amendment ARA-008 is required to reÀect material changes to the Forest Development Units of Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Carrier Lumber Ltd., Takla Track and Timber Ltd, and Conifex Inc., and to propose a Result and Strategy to address the establishment of management objectives for the Tabor Mountain Recreation Trails and Associated Staging Areas. In accordance with the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation, Amendment ARA008 is available for public review and comment from April 16th 2012 to June 15th 2012 at any one of the following locations during regular of¿ce hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm): Canadian Forest Products Ltd., 5162 Northwood Pulpmill Road, P.O. Box 9000, Prince George BC V2L 4W2; Phone: (250) 962-3343, Fax: (250) 962-3217 Carrier Lumber Ltd., 4722 Continental Way, Prince George BC V2N 5S5; Phone: (250) 563-9271, Fax: (250) 563-9371 Conifex Inc., 300 Takla Road, P.O. Box 254, Fort St. James BC V0J 1P0; Phone: (250) 996-5465, Fax: (250) 996-5425 Takla Track & Timber Ltd., same as Canadian Forest Products Ltd. above Representatives will be available to discuss the proposed amendment at the above of¿ce locations, and to receive comment(s). If an interested party is unable to review the Amendment (ARA-008) during regular business hours, please contact us by phone or in writing to arrange a suitable time.
A healthy local economy depends on you
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
Pioneers Courageous Battles
Human Interest
Serving the community of Fort St. James
Featuring the spirit of the local people
No rust on me Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier “I’ve got two fivegallon pails outside my greenhouse, and the one I use all the time is in good shape. The one I never use, the bottom’s rusted out of it. I figure, if I’m gonna sit, the bottom’s gonna rust outta me too.” To avoid this problem, Ross Williams keeps himself busy, and at 80 years old, he enjoys spending his afternoons and evenings doing different woodworking projects. A project he recently completed, after working on it from time to time over a week or so, was a replica of the Nation River Bridge, as it was in 1962, made out of birch wood. It is a version of the second Nation River Bridge, the first bridge across the Nation River was built in 1932, according to Williams, and his grandfather Silas Gilbert was up working on its construction for three months cutting Ross Williams holds the replica of the Nation River Bridge he built. It is meant to be a replica of the second Nation River Bridge which was built timbers for the struc- in 1962. Williams helped construct the original bridge and now built the replica to commemorate it. ture. Caledonia Courier Photo He worked with some nal bridge crossed the The bridge and the the children still have the getting it,” recounted James. other well-know figures river, but being made of area must have made an structure. Williams. He wanted the Williams has lived in from the time, Charlie wood, it eventually be- impression on him, as The second one is the bridge to remain in Fort Vanderhoof most of his English and Earl Buck, came rotten and fell into he has made a couple of one he made recently, and St. James because of the life, leaving to work at and was gone long enough the Nation River in 1962. replicas now of the struc- he took it to show some proximity of the commu- different times, but alto get the surprise upon At that time, Ross Wil- ture. different people in Van- nity to the Nation River ways coming back and his return of two twin liams went up to follow One he made 25 years derhoof, and people there and it’s significance in he’s now retired there grandsons, Ross and his in his grandfather’s foot- ago and gave to a neigh- had asked to keep the the area. with his wife Louis Wilbrother Jim Williams. steps and went up to work bour of his at the time. model. He has since donated it liams. For 30 years the origi- on the second bridge. He has since found out “I said you guys aren’t to the District of Fort St.
John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes 183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822
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