Golden Star, April 18, 2012

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Making a difference

Mount 7 logging road taking a break .............................. 3


Golden trade show has busy weekend ............................ 11


Jr. Golf Club eager to get started .............................26

Go Green $FMFCSBUF &BSUI %BZ t April 22, 2012


Celebrate Earth Day Go Green ... 13-15

Some special friends from McDonald’s, Birdie and the Hamburgler, stand with “Difference Makers� Bill Usher and Matthew Grace, as well as Mayor Christina Benty at the welcoming ceremony for the Rick Hansen Relay at Spirit Square on April 11. See a full slideshow of the relay at Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Golden transit coming to an end Jessica Schwitek After much debate, discussion and brainstorming, the Town Council has decided to terminate its Master Operating Agreement with the Province of British Columbia, therefore bringing the transit system in town to an end. "During our budget deliberations, we had fairly significant conversations about how to invest our tax dollars for our municipality. And the first item from the closed meeting was the termination notice of the Transit Service Agreement," said Mayer Christina Benty. Council decided that cost to the taxpayers wasn't

worth it, due to the poor usage of the transit system, which was brought into Golden three years ago. "I think it should be noted that this comes on the heels of a very extensive report released by BC Transit... It's not an easy decision to stop a service like this," said Coun. Ron Oszust. The report did not give the Golden transit system a very favourable rating. "Unfortunately our transit system is one of the worst performers in the province... and we would actually be forced to buy two more buses in the near future which would have a significant impact on our budget for next year," said Benty. "If we were to go down that route, that would be a

fairly significant cost for the taxpayers. So we had some discussion around that, and decided not to continue to fund this service." It was a very difficult decision for Council to make, and although he agreed it was the right move for the Town, Coun. Chris Hambruch expressed his disappointment to see the transit system go. "It wasn't a decision that was made lightly. But the BC Transit Report was a big part of showing the realities of what our transit system wasn't," he said. "As one of the Councillors who sat around the table trying to get BC Transit here I'm sad to see it go. But that's the way it goes sometimes. The public wasn't ready for a transit system in Golden."



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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

Anti-poaching activists giving presentation on elephants Jessica Schwitek A couple from Victoria, B.C. have travelled the world over, fighting for their cause of protecting elephants from poachers. Veterinarian Dag Goering and his wife, author Maria Coffey are coming to Golden on April 21 to give a multi-media presentation about their elephant conservation and welfare work. "Poaching is devastating wild elephant populations, and their habitat is continually shrinking due to logging, encroachment by agriculture and global warming," said Coffey. The presentation will discuss the couple's journey into the world of

elephants, their elephant conservation work in Asia and Africa, and the Hidden Places trips that help fund their work. Hidden Places Travel is Goering and Coffey's travel agency that arranges unique trips and tours around the world. Two per cent of all Hidden Places trips goes to their elephant conservation projects. In 2007, Goering was volunteering in India, and a local vet asked him to examine a new baby elephant, the first born in captivity there for more than 70 years. "It's mother suddenly grabbed me with her trunk, pulled me close and stared me in the eye," said Goering. "It was a magical moment. An epiphany." Elephants are a keystone species

say Coffey and Goering. They are essential in maintaining suitable habitats in forest and savannah ecosystems for many other species. By protecting elephants and their habitat we are also protecting countless other species who share the same living space. Coffey and Goering will be at the St. Andrews United Church on Saturday April 21 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., telling the audience what they have seen first hand about the issues facing wild and captive elephants, and examples of their conservation work. Admission will be by donation to the Anti-Poaching Project. The presentation contains some graphic images of poaching, therefore it is suitable for those age 12 and over.

St. Andrews United Church is hosting a presentation on elephant poaching. Photo Submitted

Society analyzes Golden’s non-profit groups Golden Community Resources Society Submitted

Harold & Pat Holland are celebrating their

50th Wedding Anniversary on April 18, 2012. Congratulation from


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Golden is in the middle of answering some very important questions about its non-profit sector. How many non profit organizations serve Golden & Area A? What’s their impact – both financially and socially – on the community? How well are they equipped to fulfill their mission? How can we help them do it better? Where does one look to find these answers? These are just a few of the questions that this community project is trying to answer. One may be surprised to learn that no one knows the answer to these questions, in fact there is no single place to look. Golden Community Resources Society (GCRS), one of the community’s largest non profit organizations, decided they would dedicate some time to finally answer these questions. But to begin, it took some creative thinking and collaboration to start this project. And as those who work or volunteer in the sector know, that is what non profits do best. “At last year’s Learning Initiatives for Rural and Northern B.C. (LIRN) event in Golden, which Joanne McCullough co-ordinated, the challenges of our local non profit sector were identified and soon after I helped GCRS devise a project proposal and applied for CBT support,” outlined Denise English, Golden & District Community Foundation Vice Chair and a member of the project steering committee. After being hired in August, Ryan Watmough has been collecting and reviewing the sparse research available, identifying additional potential partners and interviewing non profit experts and practitioners across Canada. He believes that it will take some innovation to complete this original project.

“I have been working in the local non profit sector for three years and I am quite regularly surprised to hear about a newto-me organization that had been operating for years or discover that a new organization had just been formed,” stated Watmough. “It wasn’t until we heard back from the national and provincial registrations that we realized how many there were operating or serving Golden & Area A.” Officially, there are 25 registered charities and 79 non-profit societies with Golden or Area A listed as their mailing address. Some organizations are registered with both. Other organizations are registered elsewhere but have a local presence. And more still are not registered but have an impact in the community. There are another 50 plus established groups that have some operations here. With this background, the project will begin reaching out to all local non-profit organizations to determine what their strengths and challenges are, and if they all, collectively at the community level, can maximize their impact by working together. The non-profit sector plays many roles in our community – although it’s yet to be determined how significant this impact is. The many organizations take many volunteers to operate and often compete over the same funds, either through grants or donations. The hope is this project can take a good first attempt at measuring its financial impact on the community. “Right now we don’t know if the sector has a $2-million impact or a $10-million impact,” stressed Watmough. “We don’t know how much of their budgets are raised locally or come in the form of an inflow from outside sources; nor do we know what cost sharing can be realized, which could help stretch the sectors limited dollars further.”

While businesses and government have the resources to do long term planning, it’s often not on the radar of non profit organizations. Volunteer burnout, high staff turnover and lack of regular funding often keep non profits struggling to tread water. Golden Community Resources Society identified that many groups were facing similar challenges and commissioned an exploration of the topic. “We could ask a hundred groups what we need to do and get a hundred different answers,” explained Watmough. “Although no other community has done the same project, I have been looking to community non profit best practices around the world to learn where success lies and what’s required to achieve it. Often much of the consolidated research is at the national or provincial level – very little is available at the community level and much less still has been applied to very small and rural community like ours. “When looking around the world, across the country or in our community, one can find some great examples of where non profits saw a need or faced a challenge and collaborated on a particular project. It has been very challenging to create a methodology that will enable and encourage this at the community level.” While community-developed solutions often have the highest probability of success, those solutions are often adapted from other regions. “The non profit sector, particularly in small, rural Golden, doesn’t have the luxury of re-inventing any wheels.” But this local initiative hasn’t been limited to the local area. “Through this project GCRS has had the opportunity to sit on the BC Non Profit Sector Employers Council, which examines the ‘human resources’ component of BC’s Government Non Profit Initiative and Labour Market Partner-

ship. Those sitting at this table are able to hear about non profit research and pilot projects happening across the province and subsequent funding opportunities first. While we have already gained a great deal from this process, over the next few months there will be non profit project funding and learning opportunities that we may access, too.” Watmough realizes that there are many locals interested in this project and eager to learn of what has been discovered. Soon, the results of this preliminary research will be available to the community, including recommendations for Phase2, when the many non-profit groups will be consulted. “Everyone volunteering or working in the non profit sector is very busy, and when we ask them to be engaged we have to respect their time by only asking for information that can be used within the scope of this project,” cautioned Watmough. “With a much more thorough understanding of the local non profit landscape, doing much of the work on the front end, they can be assured that when we are asking them for their input it, we really need it and are equipped to act on it.” After compiling this research the group can determine the appetite, need and readiness for increasing efficiencies in local non profits and tailor a plan for implementation for those willing to participate. “The topic of exploring efficiencies in local non profits is so huge in scope, so we are trying to use a new and well-planned methodology that can benefit the entire community, attracting both local and distant resources. There is no doubt that we have the potential to be a leader in the non profit sector.” If you would like to learn more about the project and how your non profit organization can be included in the research, contact Ryan Watmough at

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A3

Mount 7 logging road gets a much needed spring break Jessica Schwitek The snow is melting, and the mythical seven will soon be visible on Mount 7. But that melting snow can be harmful to the logging road that provides access to that mountain, and some local clubs are doing with they can to preserve it. "The logging road that goes up to Mount 7, it hasn't been used in quite some time for active logging. Due to that, the maintenance isn't being taken care of by the logging companies anymore... So the road can really get into disrepair, especially during the spring when everything is wet and people like to drive up to the top to go biking and hang-gliding and such," said Greg Cowan, president of the Golden Cycling Club. The GCC, with the support of the Golden Flying Club, various government agencies and several businesses around town, is implementing a plan to curtail the damage done by early season vehicle traffic.

"We're actually going to put a temporary closure on the road during the spring," said Cowan. "We've placed large Allan blocks in two spots, and we're going to put a cable gate across the road, just to limit people from driving up there when the road is soaking wet and just try to let it dry and set up." It's difficult to know for sure right now when

the barrier will go up, but Cowan expects it to be in early May, and that it will stay in place for one-anda-half to two weeks. "Right now you can only drive to about the 3 km spot (on April 11). Once we can get a little bit higher up, which shouldn't be too far off with the way things are melting now, we're going to put this in place," he said.

The GCC began this process last winter, getting permission from various levels of government, but by the time all the approvals came through and the signage was sent, it was too late for spring 2011. The road will be blocked at the 7.5 km and/ or the 10 km points. The purpose is to stop heavy vehicles from rutting the road when it's wet. Small-

er vehicles like quads and sleds will be able to get around. "We've looked into it, and the fact is the money just isn't there to fix the road. No level of government is willing to spend that kind of money on a recreation road," said Cowan. "We really have to do something to maintain it for as long as we can, because neither us nor

the flying club, or any of the active groups up there have the resources to constantly try to fix it year after year." The GCC just wants people to be aware of the closure so that they're not surprised when they get halfway up the road. When the club knows the date the road will be closed, there will be another notification in the

Golden Star, as well as at The GCC would like to thank the clubs and businesses that have helped with this project including Golden Concrete, Golden Installations, Mountain Motorsports, the Feuz Shop, Columbia Diesel, Sites and Trails BC, and the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.




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The road up to Mount 7 will be temporarily closed to prevent further rutting. Photo Submitted

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Interior Health Submitted

Interior Health will be moving Health Centre services to the Golden and District Hospital on Thursday, April 26 and Friday, April 27. Community services will be unavailable on these dates and Interior Health regrets any inconvenience this temporary interruption may cause. All


services will resume on Monday, April 30 at the hospital. Hours of operation and phone numbers will remain the same. Speech Therapy, Audiology, and Public Health services will be re-locating providing clients and staff with a “one-stop” shop for community services including home care nursing and mental health which are already in place at the hospital. The move builds the Golden and District Hospital





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as a true campus of care for area residents. Clients accessing these services can do so through the side door marked “Community Health Programs Entrance.” Reception for these services will be located in Room 344 (first office through the doors to the right when entering through the back entrance). Interior Health values the partnerships with local community groups and the services they


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Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,500/$5,000/$5,500 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Until July 3, 2012, choose 5.99%/5.99%/4.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a new 2012 Fusion SE with automatic transmission/2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission/2012 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission for a maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $293/$315/$422 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $135/$145/$195 with a down payment of $2,800/$3,000/$2,800 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $3,414.28/$3,665.06/$4,171.44 or APR of 5.99%/5.99%/4.99% and total to be repaid is $21,113.28/$22,664.06/$30,370.44. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,500/$5,000/$5,500 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. †From April 3, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $500/$750/$1,000/$1,500/$1,750/$2,000/$3,000/$4,000/ $4,500/$5,000/ $5,500/$6,500/$7,000/ $7,500/$8,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Focus S, 2012 Fiesta, 2012 Explorer (excluding Base)/2012 Focus (excluding S)/2012 Edge SE, 2012 Flex SE, 2012 Escape I4 Manual, E-Series/Transit Connect (excluding Electric), 2012 F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader/2012 Mustang Value Leader/2012 Taurus SE, 2012 F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/2012 Fusion S, 2012 Flex (excluding SE)/2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader), 2012 Edge AWD (excluding SE)/ 2012 Expedition/2012 Fusion Hybrid, 2012 Mustang GT (excluding GT500 and Boss 302), 2012 Taurus (excluding SE), 2012 Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)/2012 Fusion (excluding S and Hybrid), 2012 Edge FWD (excluding SE), 2012 Escape V6, 2012 F-250 to F-450 Gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L/2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L, 2012 F-250 to F-450 Diesel engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 Fusion 2.5L I4 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.0L/100km (31MPG) City, 6.0L/100km (47MPG) Hwy]/ 2012 Escape 2.5L I4 6-speed Automatic transmission: [10.0L/100km (28MPG) City, 7.1L/100km (40MPG) Hwy]/ 2012 Edge 3.5L V6 FWD 6-speed Automatic transmission: [11.1L/100km (25MPG) City, 7.2L/100km (39MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. †††© 2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

A4 Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

Golden Health Centre services moving to hospital provide to residents. We are committed to working with the community groups to match available space to each group’s needs. Interior Health staff is committed to providing ongoing quality community services from this new location and to maintaining the confidentiality of all clients. Residents can contact 250-344-3015 if they have any questions about these services.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A5

Golden Food Bank gets help at crucial time Golden Star Staff A month of fundraising has resulted in a $1,300 donation from Kicking Horse Ford to the Golden Food Bank. Dan Maisonneuve, dealer principal at Kicking Horse Ford, and the crew at the dealership handed over a cheque, as well as a box full of food to Barb Davies, director of the food bank. "This was a fantastic initiative from Kicking Horse Ford. They were looking for ways to give back to the community. The Food Bank is very grateful for the support," said Davies. Throughout March, the Ford dealership had a promotion that included window art and displays at their shop, advertising in the paper, collecting

food donations, and plenty of involvement from their staff. "The $1,300 donation and the bags of food came at a very good time for the Food Bank. Our money to purchase food gets stretched this time of year as we wait to hear if grant applications we made to purchase food were successful," said Davies. "I look forward to working with them again in the future. Dan and Naomi (Maisonneuve) have been very generous in their support of the Golden Food Bank." Maisonneuve was equally appreciative of the work that Davies and the Food Bank do, saying, "We would like to thank all the staff and volunteers at the Golden Food Bank for all their hard work in the community."

B.C. allows alcohol in theatres Tom Fletcher Black Press The B.C. government has created a new liquor licence that allows theatres to serve alcohol during movie showings. Rich Coleman, the cabinet minister responsible for B.C. liquor and gambling policy, says the change will get rid of red tape for theatres that could get a licence to serve alcohol for live events, but couldn't show movies in the same place. The new licence will allow theatres to serve drinks in the lobby, but patrons won't be able to take drinks to their movie seat unless the room is adultsonly. Coleman said unlike the stands at a hockey game or out in a well-lit lobby, it's difficult for operators to see if minors are sneaking drinks in a dark theatre. A multiplex cinema now has the option of designating one theatre for adults only and serving drinks, an approach that has caught on in other jurisdictions along with larger seats and tables. The licence would also cover an adults-only lounge adjacent to the theatre. Other theatres that have live shows will be able to take part in film festivals without having to close their bar or apply for a new licence. "People are trying to save the older theatres, where it's just a single-screen operation, and trying to have two types of business in order to basically survive and make those older traditional heritage-type theatres work," Coleman said.

Robin Beckett, left, and Brent Johnson with Kicking Horse Ford, hand over a $1,300 cheque and a box of food to Barb Davies, director of the Golden Food Bank. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

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Energy and Mines Minister Rich Coleman Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba already have similar licences for movie theatres. Jeremy Bator, president of the Motion Picture Theatre Association of B.C., praised the move. "These changes will have a positive impact on so many levels, including increased jobs, a better guest experience and a more level playing field in the increasingly competitive landscape of entertainment in Canada," Bator said. Matthew Gibbons, president of the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver, said his heritage theatre is now mainly a live performance venue, and the new licence will make it easier to take part in the annual Vancouver International Film Festival.

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$&-&#3"5*/( 70-6/5&&3 8&&, The Board and staff of Columbia Basin Trust would like to thank the many dedicated volunteers in the Basin who devote their time and energy to strengthening our communities and helping create a legacy of social, economic and environmental well-being - thank you! XXX DCU PSH t t JOGP!DCU PSH


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star


Making sense of the Giving volunteers appreciation in Golden proposed Bridge to Bridge project Dear Editor,

This past weekend I had the opportunity to finally get out at night in Golden. I was surprised to see so many people walking downtown. It made me think about the “Bridge to Bridge “ project. I couldn’t help but think how nice it would be if the project were already completed and we had a beautiful walk way along the river to enjoy. I love that the river runs straight through the By Michele LaPointe downtown area. It could be a A S SOCIATE P U B LI S H E R beautiful tourist attraction, if it were utilized. The dike is in need of repair, there is no question about that. While updating the dike this seems like the perfect opportunity to revitalize the area. Not only will this bring more pedestrian traffic to the downtown centre, it is a natural fit to tie in with the Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge that was built in 2001. The bridge alone is a tourist attraction as it is the longest freestanding timber frame structure in Canada. The “Bridge to Bridge “ project would finish and connect the Rotary bike trails, the pedestrian bridge, and the Spirit Square. There are already a couple of businesses that are taking advantage of the river front, The Rockwater and Bacchus Books. Their patios overlook the river. Putting the hydro lines underground and paving the road will be a vast improvement. What a gorgeous view the businesses will have. It would be nice if more businesses were able to take advantage of the project and turn their business fronts toward the river. Of course for some this would be a huge expense, and it will not happen overnight. And for some, it may never happen. Like any huge undertaking there are always complications and different point of views. I was at the “Let’s do Lunch” meeting regarding the project that was sponsored by the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was very informative and the lunch was well attended and many good questions were asked and answered. The Town is asking for as much public input as possible and are planning more meetings. We can only hope it goes smoothly and will meet the timeline. Because the Town will have to borrow money for the project there could be a tax increase of up to three per cent to the homeowners. No one likes a tax increase, and since I am not yet a homeowner here, I really have no right to voice an opinion. However, I do think the river is a large part of Golden’s beauty and not to utilize it would be a pity. Anything that will make Golden a more beautiful and unique place to visit should be considered a good thing. Golden has so much to offer in the downtown core. The proximity of the bike trails, the pedestrian trails, the restaurants, and the shopping are in such close proximity and are so very accessible to everyone. This beautification project is just one more step that will make Golden a place to visit.

In recognition of Volunteer Appreciation Week and our fabulous volunteers, the Golden Women’s Resource Centre would like to say thank you to the many women who give their time, skill, and dedication to our organization. Without these amazing women the day to day operations at the centre and the events that we host would not be possible. Our volunteer Board of Directors give countless hours to directing the GWRC. These women are dedicated to the mission and vision of the organization and bring unique input as representatives of our community and various skills to ensure the work that we do is relevant and meaningful to our community. Thank you! Our weekly volunteers come in once a week to ensure our resource library is up to date, telephones are answered, the centre is organized, plants are watered, and our Good Karma exchange is up to date. These women are crucial to ensuring the centre stays organized and fresh. Thank you! Additionally, our volunteers are heav-

ily involved in planning our annual fundraising event, the Starlight Soiree. Without their help this event would not be possible and funds raised would not be available to us to keep our doors open and our lights on for women in our community. Each year we are overwhelmed by the generosity of our community and the dedication of our volunteers who give their time, creativity and passion to this event. Thank you! Our Program Support Workers work behind the scenes answering our Crisis Line after-hours and responding to emergency situations that see women fleeing their homes due to violence. These women are trained to respond to such situations, giving support to women during frightening situations, and ensuring these women are safe, and receive access to resources they need. Thank you! Additionally, our volunteers inform women from our community about our programs and services, increasing the work we do in our community as strong representatives of our mission and vision. This is undeniably,

Dear Editor, What if you purchased a beautiful property in the mountains. You take the time to fence it so your pets are safe, only to discover there are people’s pets from neighbouring properties that run free. These free range, unneutered pets jump your yard fence on a regular basis. They roam on and around your yard, chase car tires, both yours and other people’s who drive by. What if you called the neighbours and fond out who is responsible for these pets? So you call him or her to let them know your concerns and complaints and they don’t care. What’s a person to do? Locally, we have a saying with the letters SSS. This actually seems to make sense, except for the fact that the pet owners

who don’t care probably won’t care if their pets are alive or dead, and will be able to find another pet easily, only to be yet again, irresponsible. Rescue societies would love these pets to be in responsible, loving homes. And local veterinarians probably would like to see these pets spayed or neutered at the least. I’l like to think that you could call local services such as bylaw officers and conservation officers to get the neccesary, much needed help people in this situation need. I guess what it boils down to is be responsible with your own pets. Keep them close to home, and spay and neuter them. And oh ya, don’t have a pet if you don’t give a crap about where they go and what they do. Alison Payne, in support of some frustrated people Parson

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you support the Bridge to Bridge project? log onto to make your vote count

Last weeks question Are you glad to see the long-gun registry end ?

Yes 76% No 23% Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters

be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the







Linley McLean - Executive Director of the Golden Women’s Resource Centre

Pet owners getting frustrated in the area



extremely important, as volunteers connect with women from our community and encourage them to come through our doors. Due to this, countless women have received support and accessed resources to increase their safety, health and wellbeing. Thank you! To all of the women who have volunteered to walk through the doors of the centre to receive support and access resources, you have shown an incredible amount of courage, strength and personal leadership, encouraging others to do the same. Thank you! All of these women are connected indirectly or directly through the GWRC, working together in an effort to end violence against women and increase resilience and safety for women. We would like to recognize the hard work that you have done over the past year and say thank you, to you for joining us, and being actively involved in making a difference in our community. Thank you!







right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at






• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00).

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A7


Wildsight controlled by American money, and left-wing agenda Dear Editor, A famous quote is being heard across the Kootenays. “I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!” I will no longer stand in the shadows and watch as Wildsight continues its campaign of opposition to all things that don't match the left wing, anti-human philosophy of their American puppeteers. Wildsight receives over 70 per cent of its funding from US foundations that are determined to inflict their ideology on the economy of this region and Canada as a whole. Wildsight should come clean about their true political motives and quit this silly charade of bringing a retired hockey celebrity to Cranbrook just so they can gather a crowd for the purpose of selling memberships and growing their influence.

Those who choose to attend the Wildsight Earth Day celebrations should ask some very pointed questions of Wildsight. Can anyone remember when the last time was their millions of tax free US dollars were used to help create jobs in the Kootenays? Can they show any significant project they've ever supported that in turn created jobs or helped the economy. Maybe ask them why they received $15,000 last November from Wilburforce; a US foundation? It was granted to Wildsight "To support Wildsight's efforts to develop a broader audience and more positive support in the communities in which they work in southeast B.C." It had nothing to do with species at risk or acquiring valuable habitat; it is being used solely to promote their image and attract celebrities to their cause. When you start to spend grant money on the cosmetic look

and feel of your organization you soon lose sight of what you were trying to do in the first place. So on Wildsight funded Earth Day when you are having the wine and cheese at the gala event or chewing on that hotdog in the park, remember who funded it and what the underlying purpose is. With the tax free millions they have received you'd think they could do better for this region and our country as a whole. Suzuki saw the writing on the wall and resigned from the Suzuki Foundation before it crumbles around him. John Bergenske should read the last lesson plan from Suzuki and retire the entire Wildsight organization as public sentiment shifts away from the all or nothing Wildsight platform. Paul Visentin Cranbrook, BC

CBC needs What is the Liberals’ key to economic success? more funding To the Editor:

Dear Editor, It is unfortunate that this government decided to cut the CBC with a further 10 per cent. CBC is what keeps this huge country together and keeps us informed of what is happening across Canada. Because the media is held in so few hands there is a tendency to only give one aspect of the news and quite often this is somewhat biased. The CBC gives us a balanced view of what is happening in Canada. In smaller communities the CBC is also a lifeline as it often is the only available source for news. Why not increase the amount so that we can continue to hear unbiased reporting through the CBC. Birthe Wilson Achtner Nelson

Just who do these teachers think they are, going on strike, not doing what the B.C. Liberals tell them to do, demanding working conditions that will provide a better education for all children in B.C., not just those in private schools, and asking for pay that is commensurate with qualifications requiring a four-year university education and variable hours of work and multitasking? So what if teachers are responsible for the safety, well-being and social conduct of children for as many hours of weekdays as their parents are and can be role models as effectively as anyone? And so what if they often work after supper marking tests, learning how to teach something new or filling out report cards? Our B.C. Liberals have told us that in spite of inflation causing constantly increasing prices, all wages have to be kept down to protect the economy, and having a good public education system would cost more than our economy could handle. So even after 11 years of cost-cutting, what really matters is that we all do as directed by the economic experts we elected because they were the only ones able to save B.C. from recession. You know the ones: Gordon Campbell, Christy Clark and others. They displayed their economic expertise starting in 2001 by reducing taxes on the wealthy in order to increase revenue and jobs, reduced support to government services, set the record for child

poverty and increased the B.C. debt from $32 billion to $60 billion between 2001 and 2009 while everyone else was making money. They then tried to increase tax revenue from the workforce by sliding in the HST, and now people who can afford to build their own personal $850,000 vacation home in the country will get a $42,500 HST rebate. Keeping taxes low for the wealthy and wages low for the rest of us seems to be the Liberal key to a successful economy. They expect it will increase sales and market growth, even in the housing industry. With all that evidence of economic expertise, why don’t teachers just do what their glorious leaders tell them to? I was flabbergasted several years ago when the Liberals tore up their agreement with the teachers’ union. MLAs don’t have the authority to arbitrarily cancel a legal agreement, and, amazingly, it took a few years for a judicial process to tell them that. However, governments can rewrite legislation, and our present right-wing governments have not hesitated to endow themselves with greater authority by doing that. Unless the rights are protected in the Constitution or bill of rights, conservatives like Christy Clark can, step by step, take rights away from the sheep and give them to shepherds. Peter Ross Lister

British Columbians aren’t buying BC Liberal excuses on HST If there is one issue I didn’t think I’d still be hearing about in 2012, it is the continuing saga of the HST in British Columbia. But more and more, when I’m speaking with constituents, they bring up the fact that after years of saying no to the HST, nothing has changed. They are still paying HST, and there is no end in sight. Just a few short weeks after the BC Liberals were elected in 2009 on a No-HST platform, the government announced that B.C. would be entering into an agreement with the federal government to harmonize the PST and the GST. This complicated tax change would only take the BC Liberal government 11 months to implement as British Columbians began on July 1, 2010 to pay $2 billion a year more on numerous everyday purchases.

But British Columbians forced the government to didn’t accept that the govrespond through the legisernment could be elected lative means provided in promising one thing, and the Recall and Initiative then turn around and do Act. the absolute opposite. And The BC Liberals were they didn’t accept that such forced to hold a referena significant tax burden dum on HST. They promshould be shifted away ised that if more than 50 from big business onto per cent of voters chose middle-income earners. to get rid of the HST, the Instead of just comHST would be removed. plaining about the govIn August 2011, it was ernment’s action, 700,000 announced that 54.73 per MLA Report British Columbians signed cent of British Columbians By Norm Macdonald a petition demanding that voted against the HST. the government extinThat was the democratic guish the HST. Citizens accomplished what will of the people, the B.C. Liberals promised had never been accomplished before: they to listen.



So when will British Columbia finally be rid of the HST? When will the BC Liberals keep their promise to end the HST? How long does it take to return to our previous tax system? The BC Liberals want you to believe that while it took only 11 months to move from PST to a new system of HST, the return to PST will take nearly twice as long. Most British Columbians find that hard to believe. But when you consider who most benefits from the move to HST it is less difficult to understand. HST is a $2 billion tax shift. That means every year big business pays $2 billion less. The BC Liberals believe that you should pay more while big business is off the hook. And every day with the HST fulfills that mandate.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star



Kitchen, stationary, toys, party and craft supplies, greeting cards, gifts, and much more.

611 9th Ave. N Golden

more information... go to Events •• For Looking for ski hill events? Entertainment Golden Cinema Presents Wrath of the Titans Friday April 13 to Thursday April 19 Titanic (3D) Friday April 20 to Thursday April 26 American Reunion Tentatively booked for Friday April 27

2012 AGM Thursday, April 26 at 7:00 pm

Alexander Park Elementary School Visit us at for the agenda items that will be issued shortly. Your support is appreciated. Thanks on behalf of the board of GKHAT.

Prevention of Violence Against Women Week "QSJM UI TU

This Week Monday and Wednesday Night Badminton- Monday 7-8:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Rec Plex. Adults & students welcome. $7 for adults, $5 for seniors and students. A.P.E.S. After School Program Ever y Monday to Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementar y. For more info or to register, please contact the After School Program manager at 272-0425.

Wed, Apr. 18 Jam Night - open mic at the Rockwater Grill & Bar

Clothesline Project BBQ

Pledge to take action! Find out how you can help!


Thank you to Overwaitea and Sobey’s for supporting this event. The Clothesline Project is a visual display that bears witness to survivors of violence, to help with the healing process; and works to educate, document and raise awareness of violence against women.

A 6-week program for families with children ages 3 to 5 Learn ways to support your children’s development.

Thursdays, April 26 to May 31 10:00am – 11:15am At StrongStart, Alexander Park School

Includes: • childminding • snacks • take-home kits Only 10 families maximum, so register now. Call Shelley Zajsek at 250-439-9324.

Geniology Group meeting on April 18, at 7pm at the Golden Museum Columbia Valley Credit Union AGM, April 18 at 7:30 pm at the Seniors ‘ Centre. Positive Discipline A free parenting education program ever y Wednesday from 3:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementar y, Strong Start room for children, Music room for parents. (Snacks and childcare provided for children). The program starts April 11, and will run until June 6. For more info, or to register contact Rachel or Carrie at the Golden Family Centre - 250-344-2000. Afterschool Shakeup – FREE homework help for students in grades 8 to 12. Ever y Wednesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. in the Golden Secondar y School por table from now until June 2012. Call 250-439-9665 for more information.

This week's achievement award goes to...

Thurs, Apr. 19 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub Five Alarm Funk at the Rockwater Grill & Bar Clothesline Project The Golden Women’s Resource Centre will have shirt decorating. Supplies available at any time during hours of operation for women to come and create a shirt, or other article of clothing to hang on the line. Fundraising BBQ on Thursday, April 19 at Kumsheen Park from 11am-2pm. By donation. Sass Class 101 Intro to Burlesque. Hosted by the women of Cheesecake Burlesque, 7pm, Thursday, April 19. Register at Youth Action Group Thursdays from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Golden Secondary portable from now until June 2012. This free program aims to create more opportunities for youth in Golden! Call 250-439-9665 for more information.

Fri, Apr. 20 Slim Pickins 420 Reggae Parte at the Rockwater Grill & Bar Cheesecake Burlesque Revue Friday, April 20 at the Golden Civic Centre. Doors open at 7:30pm, tickets $25 (plus HST) Singer Buckman Coe plays at Jita’s Cafe, April 20. Call 250-344-3660. Sounds of the Solar System with David Hickey on April 20th at St. Andrews Church and Centre for Peace. It starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door for $20 Mother Goose Program at the Golden library. From 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Starts again on April 13 and 20.

Sat, Apr. 21 Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night every Saturday. Local band Willhorse will be playing at the Golden Taps Pub.

One Way State Indie rock band will perform live at the Rockwater Grill & Bar Potluck at the Parson Hall At 6 p.m. on April 21 the community hall will host a potluck dinner meeting with a 50/50 draw. Ditch the Diet Join the RVLution free info session and Zumba fitness demo. Saturday, April 21 at the Lions Den, 10:45-noon. Ladies Spring Tea Saturday, April 21 at 2:30pm at the Pentacostal Church, 71710th St. Limited seating available. For more info call Phyllis, 250-344-3600 (evenings).

Sun, Apr. 22 Wildsight Earth Day clean up and potluck at Reflection Lake, 5pm. Sunday April 22.

Mon, Apr. 23 Golden Food Bank Society AGM. Monday, April 23, 5:30 – 7pm 1115 9th Street South Grief and loss support group Mondays, 7:30pm at the Pentacostal Church, 717 10th St. Call Jim, 250-344-2459.

Tues, Apr. 24 John Jenkins & Friends Live acoustic mountain folk, Rock, Reggae, improv. Starts at 8pm at Rockwater Grill & Bar. Afterschool Shakedown – FREE homework help for students in Grades 3 to 7. Every Tuesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the Lion’s Den (below the public library) from now until June 2012. This program aims to help students with homework and areas of difficulty such as reading, writing and math. Call 4399665 for more information.

Upcoming Events Little Chimps 2012-2013 preschool registration. For more information call Shelley at 4399324 Blackie and the Rodeo Kings, 7:30pm, Thursday, April 26 at

the Golden Civic Centre. Tickets at the Art Gallery of Golden. JOB READINESS SKILLS – FREE program, April 30 to May 14, daily from 9:30am – 12:30pm. This program prepares adults for the workforce. Participants will have the opportunity to acquire certification in World Host Fundamentals. TO REGISTER, call 250-3445413 or email by April 20. Parents Reading, Children Succeeding - FREE 6-week program for children ages 3 to 5 and their parents, April 26 to May 31, 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. in the StrongStart room. Parents will learn about activities and ways to support their children’s learning and development and help prepare their children for school. Call 4399324 to register. Golden Kicking Horse Alpine Team AGM, Thursday, April 26 at 7pm in Alexander Park Elementary School. Golden Rotary Annual Auction April 28 at the Civic centre. Starting at 10:30am. Live entertainment all day long. Sidewalk BBQ at 11am. Live auction at 5pm. Movie Night at Rocky Mountain Alliance Church. Saturday, April 28 at 7pm. 712-10th St. S. Golden Light Horse Club meeting. April 29 at 7pm at the Golden Museum. Contact Shelly at 250-344-6798 for more info. Golden Dolphins Registration May 1, 6:30-8:30 at Lady Grey School. Minor Hockey AGM Wednesday, May 2, 7pm, upstairs arena meeting room. Golden ATV Club AGM, May 4, 7pm at the Lion’s Den. For more info call Dan 250-344-6571. Golden Softball Association 2012 season begins early May. Interested teams and individuals please contact Greg, 250344-2974. Heart & Stroke Foundation BIG BIKE is coming to Golden on May 14. To register your teamto ride this bicycle built for 30. Contact Jaquie at 250-3446246.

Natalia Grass for her great work in math this year and her creativity in project work.

Stop in by April 25, 2012 to receive your small blizzard t t

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A9


April 14 & 15, 2012

& Lifestyle


thank you Thank You THANK YOU T hank You!!

A big thank you to everyone who made the Golden Spring Home & Life Style Show a huge success


Fifth Ave Jewelry Collection Golden Eco Ranch Flying W Trail Rides Town of Golden Apex Landscaping Blaeberry Valley Plumbing Ltd. Reflections Hair Studio Caleb View Farm Kitchens College of the Rockies Dave's Hot Pepper Jelly Edward Jones Investments Epicure Solutions The Golden Star Golden Home Hardware Investors Group Liz Noble Spence Kicking Horse Party Rentals

Kickin' Thyme Catering Lia Sophia Jewelry Mary Kay Cosmetics Merc Flooring & Paint MLA Norm Macdonald Monavie Pampered Chef Captured in Time Photography Mountain Motorsports Remax Flec Demmon Lending Max Joel Olson Mountainside Gardens Norwex Visalus Overwaitea Foods Parky's Heating and Cooling

Free Childminding - The Imaginicans – Jared & Robyn

The Local Townie Shape Up Fitness Silpada Jewelry Apple Island Soaps Suddwick Homes Sunlife Financial Baljit Rana Sure Mechanical Solutions Susan Uswak - RBC Dominion Securities Tupperware Velvet Antler Pottery Vivid Hair The Whistle Stop Wildlands Eco Forestry Bugaboo CafĂŠ Sunlife Financial Services Shannon Hood Moose Trax

Free Community Pancake Breakfast

Entertainers - The Unstandards, Nicki Mac, Susa Susan an Audit Ad ,JDLJOH )PSTF $PVOUSZ &YQFSJFODF JU 1BDLBHF 8*//&3 t Jessica Jean




Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

Prized mattress

Behind the Wheel

Beware the Flower Clown and Other Roadside Characters

I would imagine that your opinion of police traďŹƒc surveillance tactics probably depends a lot on whether you are the recipient of a ticket or not because of them. You may have actually seen Corporal Smith in Nanaimo dressed up as the Easter Bunny or Constable Martell of Kelowna wearing a hoodie and holding up a sign made of cardboard. They certainly got to see a lot of traďŹƒc violators and provided information to pick up teams a bit further down the road. They should not be doing enforcement unless they are in uniform! UndigniďŹ ed...civil societies depend on fairness and good examples. This sounds a bit like sour grapes to me; the police should stand out so I have a chance to avoid being caught is what I might be hearing in these comments. In a playful mood one day I stopped my fully marked police car on the side of the highway, turned on all the emergency lights and “hidâ€? behind it to work laser speed enforcement. The traďŹƒc ow was moderate and I seldom waited long for the next violator to come along. Perhaps I needed a sign announcing speed enforcement ahead as an additional warning? Laugh or cry over it, disguise is a valid form of law enforcement investigation and I see no reason that police should feel embarrassed to use it or that the public should require them to stop. It is not unfair or uncivilized, but it could be a little undigniďŹ ed. To those oďŹƒcers who are willing to be laughed at for the cause, my hat is o to you! The author is a retired constable with many years of traďŹƒc law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

this feature sponsored by:

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Rhonda TenHaaft, centre, won a brand new Simmons Ardennes Tight Top Queen Set mattress, a retail value $1,199, through the BrandSource Dream Home Makeover contest. This is the second time a Golden resident has won a national contest prize through the local BrandSource store, owned by Doug and Veronica Barrault, pictured above. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo


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The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A11

Great turnout at trade show

We are raising funds to support Ronald McDonald House.

Jessica Schwitek The Golden Curling Club was filled last weekend with exhibitors, shoppers, browsers, and people just having a good time at the Spring Home and Lifestyle Show. "We are extremely happy with the turnout. The first day, Saturday, we had 600 people," said Lori Baxendale, vice president of the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce, who put on the trade show. "Previously for the Women's Show we were averaging about 450 people, so that is a huge increase for us and we're thrilled. We're really grateful to the exhibitors who committed to come here, and to the public who came out to support the show." Local and travelling exhibitors came to show off their products, ranging from home improvement, green and healthy lifestyle to fashion and cosmetics. "We have been hearing good feedback from the exhibitors. At the end of the day on Saturday they were saying that they were happy with the amount of traffic. And that's what it's all about. If we're going to have them here, we need to get the people in front of them," said Baxendale. "They were happy with the volume of traffic... And if

1301 Trans Canada Hwy Golden

The crowds browse the booths at the trade show, while Nicki McIntosh with Shape Up Fitness gets a balloon delivery. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo they had merchandise to sell, they were happy with the level of sales they were getting, so that's a double win." There were prize draws at every booth, a free community breakfast prepared and served by the Rotary, and a 50/50 draw with a cash prize of $625.25. The lucky winner was Irene Myers. "At the end of the day people were telling us that they thought the show had a good feel, a good vibe to it. That was a nice thing to hear," said Baxendale.

Win a visit from a hockey icon

Copies of My Ronald McDonald House for sale $10 ea

which includes “A Tree House for Sydney” – a story about local Golden resident, Sydney Mitchell’s stay at Ronald McDonald House. Sydney will be on location May 2 signing copies. CAR WASH Sunday April 29 - noon to 4pm by donation to McHappy Day

HAVEaHEART Resist Estrogen Dominance

Golden Star Staff Female hockey players in Golden, and all over Canada, are getting the chance to catch the attention of a hockey icon. Canada’s sport rocks for all sorts of reasons but Hayley Wickenheiser wants to know “Why Girls’ Hockey Rocks in Your Community,” The three-time Olympic gold medalist in women’s hockey is launching a nationwide contest to engage girls and women to make some noise for the game they love and the hometown they play it in. Female hockey players are being invited to create a 60 – 90 second video demonstrating true Canadian spirit and hockey girl power. On the line: - A visit to Golden from the hockey heroine where Wickenheiser will skate with the minor hockey team (or up to 15 friends and family) - An autograph and picture session - A speaking engagement for the entire minor hockey association - Cool prizes from her personal memorabilia collection for the video’s creator “I can’t wait to see what crazy and creative ideas the girls come up with to show off their town and pump up the game,” says Wickenheiser. “I learned to play in Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, so I know first-hand, the size of a community doesn’t reflect its enthusiasm and gumption. I hope to see videos made by players from Annapolis, Nova Scotia to The Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.” Play by the rules: - Make a 60 - 90 second video, the more zany the better - Enlist your friends, family, school, neighbours, mayor…anyone! - Post it to YouTube and submit the link via hayley-

PMS? Hormonal acne? Painful periods? Heavy periods? Endometriosis? Ovarian Cysts? Fibrocystic breasts and more….?

Support the Canadian Women’s Foundation Olympic gold medalist Hayley Wickenheiser is holding an online contest, and will pay a visit to the winner. Photo Submitted - Get people to ‘Like’ it by sharing it on Twitter, Facebook and any way you can! The most Likes – wins! For full contest details: Hayley Wickenheiser and the University of Calgary Dinos recently won, for the first time, the CIS Finals in Edmonton against McGill. Wickenheiser is currently competing with Team Canada in the IIHF World Championships in Vermont. Already an athlete, student, mother, author, and philanthropist, Wickenheiser is taking on a new challenge mentoring young players. Wickenheiser is trying to reach female players around the world who don’t always have access to premier coaching and special camps by providing an online training tool for game development.

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$1 of each purchase helps women and girls across Canada April 1 - May 31, 2012


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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

Golden Guide

Summer 2012 Ad Sizes & Prices: A 1/ page 1/8 2.125” x 1.75” 2. $380.00 1/ 1/4 page 2. 2.125” x 3.687” $595.00 1/2 page vertical 1/ 2.125” x 7.5” $788.00 1/2 page horizontal $788.00 4.375” x 3.687” Full page 5.625” x 8.625” (bleed size) 5.125” x 8.125” (trim size) 4.375” x7.5” (live area)

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CONTACT Michele LaPointe - Associate Publisher Phone: 250-344-5251 • Fax: 250-344-7344 Email:

Publishing: Wednesday, May 16 Deadline: Friday, April 27

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Treasure Hunters inspect some antique jewelry brought in to the show. Photo Submitted

Antique show looking for hidden treasures Golden Star Staff The Treasure Hunters are stopping in Golden next week inviting residents and the surrounding communities to their special event. The Treasure Hunters is one of the largest purchasing organizations in the world and is one of the most exciting events to attend this year. The Treasure Hunters look at common items such as coins, paper currency, musical instruments, etc. Recently, the Treasure Hunters paid $23,000 for a $1,000 bill dated back to 1880. They also see common items that would otherwise be in a box labeled, “give away,” such as unworn, mismatched and even broken jewelry. “We encourage folks to bring in their old jewelry that just sits on their dresser, at home,” said Matthew Enright, a spokesperson for the show. “We took a pile of 14k gold jewelry off a visitors hand and they walked away with a cheque for $900.” The Treasure Hunters also see some of the world’s most rare and unusual collectibles. In Tampa, Florida, they uncovered a 19th Century Electric Chair. They found a rare 16th century authentic vampire killing kit passed down to a local resident by their German ancestor, and they have even purchased one of the world’s most rare guitars a 1959 Gibson Les Paul for over $100,000.

The Treasure Hunters expect to see all types of items at this event including: coins and paper currency issued prior to 1970, toys, dolls, trains, vintage jewelry, old and modern musical instruments, war memorabilia, gold and silver jewelry, costume jewelry, comic books, advertising memorabilia, swords, knives, daggers, and the unusual. “This event is characterized by what the community brings in,” said Enright. “I have a lot of folks ask me what this show is all about, and to be honest, it is determined by the items brought in that particular week; it keeps every event unique and interesting to say the least.” As the Treasure Hunters see as many uncommon items as they do the classics, they have to be quickly prepared to figure out what exactly they are looking at. Back in Springfield, Illinois at their corporate headquarters, Treasure Hunters has an extensive research department ready to do some digging for certain items. “We don’t hesitate to involve our research department to get questions answered about certain pieces, and that enables us to make the best possible offers to our customers,” said Enright. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 24 through Saturday, April 28 and come down to the Treasure Hunters Show at the Ramada Inn. The possibilities are endless.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A13

Go Green $FMFCSBUF &BSUI %BZ t April 22, 2012


Stream of Dreams at Lady Grey Elementary Jessica Schwitek It takes an entire community to build a Stream of Dreams, and Lady Grey Elementary School has decided to take on the task. Stream of Dreams is an eco-education program focusing on watersheds and protecting our local water sources. “It is important to bring watershed awareness to students in our school because we live in a critical area during a critical time,” said Vice Principal of LGES, Laurie MacDougall.

“Golden is situated close to the lovely and vulnerable Columbia Wetlands, as well as the confluence of two mighty rivers. So much of what we do in our everyday lives impacts those waters and the creatures that call them home.” For the Stream of Dreams watershed education and community art elementary school program, which LGES is doing, the students will be displaying a mural of wooden fish on their school fence. The entire school will participate in a watershed awareness workshop, followed by an art

workshop where they will paint the wooden fish to be hung on the fence. “Along with all of the wonderful environmental learning opportunities our schools and local agencies provide us with around these issues, Stream of Dreams is an opportunity to increase and solidify watershed awareness and empower young people to act in a responsible, informed manner when living their lives,” said MacDougall. “We are so lucky to have a program like this come to Golden, and we invite community members to join us for part or all of it.”

The community has already been very supportive of the project. The wood for the fish was donated by LP, the paint was donated by Golden Installations, and all of the fish have been cut out by the Bold and Robertson families. The art workshops will be taking place on May 1, with the hanging of the fish happening the following morning on May 2. Anyone interested in helping out is welcome to come out on May 2 at 9 a.m. with some pliers and hang the fish on the fence. For more information on Stream of Dreams go to

344-2282 Making a Difference

Join us for our annual Earth Day clean up and potluck at Reflection Lake Sunday, April 22nd at 5 pm More info at Celebrating 25 Years of Working on the Wild’s Side

Go Green with E statements Visit the branch to cancel your paper statement today.

511 Main St, Golden


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

Go Green Celebrate Earth Day • April 22, 2012 Wildsight Cleans up Earth Day Rally Jessica Schwitek Kumsheen Park will be the place on Earth Day to have your voice heard in what some are calling the environmental battle of our lifetime. No Pipelines, No Tankers is a province-wide rally to show the mounting opposition to the proposed pipeline projects in British Columbia. “This is being organized by the Council of Canadians on a province-wide scale, so there’s mounting demonstrations everywhere,” said Sadie Parr, organizer of the local rally. “It’s a positive and inclusive way to stand up for what we do love, and choose what our values are going to be for the future.” The Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion will be transporting crude oil across the province to western ports to be shipped to international markets. These proposed plans will cause irreversible damage to the environment

said Parr. “The environmental risks are far too great. It’s not if, it’s when, when you’re talking about oil,” she said. “Harper says there are a few radicals who are against this. And I want to be part of the movement that shows these are everyday people who are opposed to this for many different reasons.” Almost every environmental group in B.C. is now part of this fight says Parr, and she is hoping that the rally at Kumsheen Park will be part of that movement. Participants are encouraged to be creative, make signs and wear costumes. And although it is spearheaded by the Council of Canadians, this rally is open to all people who oppose the pipelines. “Basically we’re just hoping for a mass turnout of people. It’s about getting it out to the media, and showing across the province that small and large communities are against this,” said Parr. “We’re trying to get some live music, and it’s going to be a fun, festive event. But the

bottom line is we’re there for a very serious reason at the same time.” Although the government has shown support for these projects, Parr is very optimistic about the power people have when they come together to stand up for something. “It’s very inspiring to see all these communities working towards the same thing, and I think it’s powerful. It’s about momentum.” Originally from Ontario, Parr has always thought of B.C. as this magical wilderness, where things are wild and free. She now thinks of it as the people’s backyard, and she is determined to preserve it. “Most of the rest of our country is developed. But let’s not sprawl into the wilderness that we do have left. You can’t unscramble the egg once it’s been done, so we need to preserve it now.” People will be gathering at Kumsheen Park, across from the movie theatre, on Sunday April 22, rain or shine. The family friendly event takes place from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Group at Reflection Lake, Earth Day Clean up 2011.

Photo Submitted

tion of Nature and No Pipelines – No Tankers Rally”, 1-2:30 pm at the park beside the Golden Theatre. At 5:00 pm Wildsight is running it’s annual clean-up and potluck at the Reflection Lake Wildlife Viewing Area. Go to http:// for more details.

degraded area; share your nature knowledge with others; advocate to decision makers on an issue such as Jumbo Resort. There is great information on both the Canadian and American Earth Day websites. Learn how to reduce your environmental impacts by measuring your ecological footprint at Have a Happy Earth Day and celebrate this beautiful place we live in.

Jessica Schwitek April 22nd, Earth Day is the most celebrated environmental event in the world. Each year more than 6 million Canadians join 1 billion people in 170 countries, staging events and projects to address local environmental issues. This Earth Day in Golden, both Wildsight and the Council of Canadians are running events. The Council of Canadians is hosting a “Celebra-

Earth Day is not just about events, it’s also about taking individual action. There’s so much you can do. It’s as simple as reduce – reuse – recycle. Clean up and help restore a

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The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A15

Go Green Celebrate Earth Day • April 22, 2012 Living Wall unveiled at Home & Lifestyle show Jessica Schwitek In our continually growing “green” culture, there are very few products and practices that serve an ecological purpose and look good at the same time. People often have to choose between environmentally beneficial and aesthetically pleasing when designing their homes. But a Golden company has found a product that has countless “green” benefits, and looks beautiful in the home as well. A Living Wall is a live plant wall that can go inside or outside of a building. “The reason behind it is to purify indoor air. Everybody’s got formaldehyde, benzene, different chemicals that are existing in the home that we can’t do anything about. They’re in our carpets, they’re in our cheap doors, cheap flooring,” said Tim Suddaby, owner of Suddwick Homes that specializes in “green” homes. Suddwick Homes works in conjunction with Vertical Oxygen, the company that makes the Living Walls. Nathalie Callede, the principal and designer at Vertical Oxygen is married to Suddaby. “So what the Living Wall will do is absorb those chemicals. So that’s the first thing that they do. Then they provide oxygen. And the other big thing, in this climate, is they provide humidity,

because there is water in the wall,” said Suddaby. “There’s a cistern at the base, and there’s a pump in there that’s on a timer. The timer tells the pump to turn on, the water goes up to the top of the wall and irrigates the wall. So it’s basically a waterfall without seeing the water. So you’re getting all that humidification in your house, it’s just pure benefit, if your lips and your skin get dry in the winter.” Suddaby is very happy to be able to offer his clients an ecologically beneficial product that looks great as well. “There’s the basic functions of it, and then there’s the beauty, the aesthetic value are all pluses. It’s the function that we were thinking about first,” he said. Living Walls can vary in sizes. At the Golden Spring Home and Lifestyle Show, Suddaby and Callede had two on display, the first was about two by two feet, and the other was the size of a full wall. “It can go as small as two feet, up to, well the sky is the limit. You can build them as big as you can possibly imagine on the inside of a building. Out in Vancouver and in Europe they do them outside,” said Suddaby. “So you can have these beautiful Living Walls outside.” A couple of decades ago, when building homes, contractors were selling customers on aesthetic upgrades such as granite

countertops. They looked nice, but had no tangible benefit said Suddaby. He is glad that the market has shifted, and upgrades with more ecological value are more common. Suddaby and Callede has recently started a research project with the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), for which they are providing the Living Walls. They are testing to see if the Living Walls can be useful with regards to recycling rain water to reuse in people’s homes, particularly in toilets. “We’re testing to see if a Living Wall will purify the water. They’re (SAIT) testing it, we’re just providing the Living Walls. We’re going to take rain water, and run it through three different sized Living Walls, and test the water at the base of each one. And hopefully we’ll come up with some great numbers. And if we’re successful in that, then that’s fantastic. It will open the door to a lot of commercial applications,” said Suddaby. “If you’re paying for water as a business, in say downtown Vancouver, it’s expensive. So if you could recycle the water that comes from the sky, put it through a green wall, which is beautiful for people to see, creates oxygen and all those benefits, and it’s purifying the water that you could put in your toilets, it’s a huge step forward.”

Eco-friendly soda blasting replacing sand blasting Jessica Schwitek Sand blasting is becoming a thing of the past, due to its harmful environmental impact. But a new, safer media is taking its place. “Media blasting is essentially sand blasting, but we’re using different types of media that are all eco-friendly,” said Troy Stelmach, owner of Eco Media Blasting. “We’ve chosen to only use eco-friendly media because sand blasting is quite harmful to the environment. Just the sand itself, they use silica sand, that’s really bad to breathe. There are respiratory issues that arise in people using those materials.” There are several different medias that can be used including corn cob, walnut shells, recycled glass, and baking soda, which is often called soda blasting. The method was originally developed in New York. Engineers were trying to clean the Statue of Liberty, but were worried about the effect on the environment, and about protecting the exterior of the Statue. They came up with soda blasting.

“The big thing is that the Ministry of Environment doesn’t allow sand blasting anywhere near waterways. Essentially you don’t want sand blasting anywhere near the public,” said Stelmach. Soda/media blasting can take care of any job that sand blasting can. Eco Media Blasting performs countless jobs including automotive restoration, the cleaning of aircrafts or farm and industrial equipment, mold removal, graffiti removal and cleaning up flood or fire damage. “I’m really focusing in on the log home restoration. There’s a lot of different applications for media blasting, but I’m trying to focus in on that. And I do the full service. I blast it then I can stain it, and possibly chink it as well,” said Stelmach. Stelmach has been working with media blasting for several years, originally working for someone in Alberta. “I bumped into a person who was involved in it, and I started working for him and helping him. It just evolved from there. He just got so busy in Alberta that be couldn’t come to B.C. anymore. So he sold me his extra equipment, and I started the business in B.C.,” he said.

Nathalie Callede, designer with Vertical Oxygen, stands in front of her company’s Living Wall at the Golden Spring Home and Lifestyle Show. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo


Troy Stelmach Eco Media Blasting He has owned the business for a year now, and does jobs all over British Columbia and western Alberta. “In the market that I’m going for, there’s maybe three other companies in British Columbia. But none in this immediate area, so no one in the Kootenays or Columbia Valley,” said Stelmach. For more information about the benefits of media blasting over sand blasting, or for a full list of applications, go to www. Several factors go into the cost of a job, so for quotes you can contact Stelmach at 3441340, or

To us, “green” is about conserving natural resources, creating efficient products that help builders reduce waste, and finding ways to utilize renewable energy sources and reduce waste throughout our operations.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star PAID ADVERTISEMENT

TREASURE HUNTERS PAYING ON THE SPOT For Antiques, Gold Jewellery, Silver Coins & More! By Jason Delong

Treasure Hunters is not affiliated with or related to the Antiques Roadshow television series, PBS or WGBH.


specialists, spoke about some of the top guitars getting great offers. “Gibsons and Fenders are in big demand right now as are vintage amps,” said Stambaugh. We also buy violins, mandolins, woodwinds—if it plays it pays! Timepiece specialist Jeff Ford adds, “Watches are hot! We recently paid over $2,500 for an old Hamilton pocket watch. And we are buying all types of high-end wrist watches too. Brands like Rolex, Tiffany and Chopard are very desirable to collectors. And the finest Swiss timepiece in the world, Patek Philippe, just earned a happy seller $42,000.” Come over and visit the event next week. It’s free, it’s fun and it could put some money in your pocket, maybe a lot of money!




Above—Treasure Hunters are paying on the spot for your scrap gold jeweller y, silver coins and other collectibles. Hurr y in next week! Clean out your attics, closets and lock boxes, because the

reason. Record gold prices have guests cashing in on bro-

Treasure Hunters are coming to Golden. Event specialists

ken or outdated jewellery with fair and honest purchase

are in town examining antiques, collectibles, gold and sil-

offers. Event planners encourage anyone planning a visit to






While the event will accept anything that’s old, they

take a minute and examine their jewellery box or their lock


will be focusing on: gold and silver coins made before

box at the bank and gather anything that is gold. If a


1970, military items, toys and trains, musical instruments,

guest is not sure if something is gold, bring it in and the

pocket and wrist watches. Scrap gold is expected to be a

staff will test it for free. Other gold items of interest include

popular category next week due to soaring gold prices.

gold coins, gold ounces, gold proof sets and dental gold.

Buyers for the event have noticed a tremendous in-

Other types of items specialists hope to see include

crease in the amount of gold coming in, and for good

vintage guitars. Eddie Stambaugh, one of THR’s instrument

DIRECTIONS 250.439.1888 SHOW INFO 217.787.7767







The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A17


Relay concert

Local band Willhorse, left, and Golden voice coach Jane Fearing, right, performed with several other local acts at the Rick Hansen Relay concert at the Golden Civic Centre on April 12. It was a free concert sponsored by the Town of Golden, and organized by Kicking Horse Culture. The next performance for Willhorse is scheduled for Saturday, April 21 at Taps. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Singer Buckman Coe plays Golden show This cheesecake is calorie-free

Jessica Schwitek He’s on the road, heading back home to Vancouver, but he’ll be making a stop here in Golden to play a show at Jita’s Cafe on Friday, April 20. Buckman Coe’s smooth sound and soft melodies tend to hypnotize any audience he plays for, and is often compared to soulful singers like Jack Johnson and Ben Harper. “I try to feel out the audience, to see sort of how upbeat a show is going to be,” said Coe. “And it doesn’t matter if it’s a big show or a small one, I just do my thing and try to connect with the crowd.” Currently travelling with a three-piece band, Coe in an individual musician and songwriter at heart. And whether it’s love, nature, or any personal experience, Coe finds the inspiration for his music from his own life. “My connection with nature is a big part of it, but I can find inspiration just about anywhere,” he said. Coe is originally from Edmonton, but left as a teenager. He eventually found himself in Vancouver. It was there he realized music was his true calling in life. “The Vancouver music scene has been really good to me,” said Coe. “I feel really con-

Golden Star Staff

Vancouver musician Buckman Coe, will be stopping in Golden during his cross Canada tour to play a show at Jita’s Cafe on April 20. Photo Submitted nected there, and the people really get it.” He was recently voted the second Best Unsigned Band in Vancouver in the 2011 Georgia Straight Readers Choice Awards.

SUNDAYS Prime Rib (while quantities last). Bloody Caesars $4.25 MONDAYS NY Steak Sandwich w/ fries or greens $7.75 OK Springs 1516 sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 Highballs $3.75 Dbls $6.25 TUESDAYS Bison Burger w/ fries or greens $5.25 Sleeman Original Draught sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50

Golden is one of the final stops on his crossCanada tour, so don’t miss out on you chance to see Buckman Coe at Jita’s Cafe on Friday April 20.

Golden is going to get a lot sassier this week as the girls from the Cheesecake Burlesque get into town. The next show brought in by Kicking Horse Culture is the Cheesecake Burlesque Revue on April 20 at the Golden Civic Centre. The group has travelled the world putting on shows filled with sequins, glamour and sass. The girls in the revue represent all different body types, and put on a show that appeals to men and women alike. “I love the sisterhood I have with my fellow Cheesecakes, the empowering effect we have on people (especially women) in our audiences, and the ridiculous amount of fun I get to have creating, rehearsing, travelling and performing,” said Champagne Sparkles, one of the founding members of the group. The group is also offering a Sass Class 101 on April 19, also at the Civic Centre. The workshop will teach up to 30 Golden women how to get sassy, in a comfortable, male-free environment. Tickets for the show, and the Sass Class are available at the Art Gallery of Golden. Coming up next for Kicking Horse Culture is Blacky and the Rodeo Kings on April 26. For a full list of upcoming Kicking Horse Culture events, go to

WEDNESDAYS 1Lb of Wings & Dos Equis $10.00 Dos Equis Buckets $15.50 (4) THURSDAYS Personal Pizza & Moosehead or Black Lager Sleeve $10 Moosehead Lager or Okanagan Black Lager sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 FRIDAYS ½ Price Full Size Nachos. Sleeman Honey Brown or Cream Ale Btls $3.75 HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 7 TVs and the Big Screen – Surround Sound – EVERY NIGHT. Come watch your favourite team and enjoy game day specials.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

Canada Post releasing new stamps for Calgary Stampede It’s a few hours to Calgary by car. Close enough that we go to shop, see movie premieres or get some R and R. But, oddly enough, in my 20 years in Golden, I, and many I’ve talked to, have never been to any part of the Calgary Stampede. Part of the reason may be the crowded (expensive) motels, packed parking lots, and wall-to-wall people. Should you care to give a go this year, it will be quite a bash. The Calgary Stampede is 100 years old. Every July “Cowtown” hosts a million people for ten days of rodeo fun, agricultural exhibits, and first-class entertainment.

With its special birthday, and Duchess of Camthe event will be super- bridge. And, although charged this year. There I’m quite sure most of will be panthe comcake breakpetitors fasts, bar“enjoy” the becues, a chuck wagbig parade, on races, and everybucking where, even broncos, at the office, bull riding you’ll see and steer hats, cowroping, boy boots they might and shiny be persuadwestern belt ed that it Ron Tabbert buckles. is a bit of I’m not work that The Stamp Guy sure who’s takes some in the skill and parade this year, but last personal discipline. And year the city hosted Wil- the animal rights groups liam and Kate, the Duke will check in with their



concerns for the wellbeing of cattle and horses all round. For its part in the commemoration, Canada Post picked up on the iconic belt buckle and also added a saddle on a horse for a good presentation of the western rodeo theme. The two stamps will be issued May 17, well in advance of the July event so you’ll have a supply for your postcards home to Mom. (No, don’t email a cell phone picture and text. Send a postcard. Really! It’s still done.) The belt buckle stamp carries the $1.05 rate to the US, so I’ll be bragging to all my relatives in


the States. The US-rate stamp shows the Stampede’s limited-issue, silver-and-gold anniversary belt buckle. One hundred of them are being produced as highly valued event trophies for this year. Each stamp comes as ten in a separate booklet, and both are on a souvenir sheet, also showing a cowboy readying for the days’ events. One booklet cover shows an archive photo of Guy Weadick, the cowboy behind the establishment of the Stampede. He performed in Wild West shows on the vaudeville circuit across North America. Eventually he came to Calgary and with several wealthy cattlemen, known as the “Big Four,” he founded the Stampede in 1912. The designer of the stamps, Xerxes Irani of Calgary, expressed his

gratitude for being chosen to design the stamps. He and his “nonfiction” design firm have been creating posters, logos and other print materials for the event for years. Though I’m not quite electronically savvy, Canada Post reports that the Calgary Stampede stamps are the first “augmented reality” stamps. If you download the new Stamps Alive! app at these stamps will come to life. Check it out. Another rodeo legend was honoured by Canada Post in February as part of Black Heritage Month. John Ware helped establish ranching in Alberta with his own ranch in the Foothills in 1890. A slave by background, he drove cattle from Texas to Canada after the American Civil War and stayed. He eventually moved his

family and ranch near Brooks, Alberta in 1900. He pioneered steer-wrestling and won his first competition at the Calgary Summer Fair in 1893, setting a precedent for what would become a highlight of the Calgary Stampede. Unfortunately, he died in 1905 when his horse tripped and crushed him. The Golden Post will have these stamps for you on May 17, so if you’re interested, check with them. The Golden Stamp Club will critique these and other stamps at our meeting 3 p.m., Sunday, April 29 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 909 Ninth St. So. Everyone is welcome to come, have a coffee, chat, swap, sell, or just tell tall tales about your latest stamp-ventures. Questions? Contact Ron at 250-344-5939, relich@


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Winners of the Golden Star Easter colouring contest, threeyear-old Aila LaFleur, and seven-year-old Brayden Sharpe hold the Easter baskets they won from Moose Trax Fudge, Candy and Snack shop. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A19

Violence against women still too common Sarah Wegelin The Golden Women’s Resource Centre Healthy relationships lead to healthy families, healthy families lead to healthy communities and a healthy community is everyone’s responsibility. Statistics Canada reports one in four women experience violence every year, that is 20,000 women in British Columbia every year and these are the reported cases. In many cases children are exposed to this violence, growing up with the belief that violence against women is okay. It’s not okay. How do we work towards ending violence against women when violence in itself is so normal in our society? The entertainment industry presents us with violent movies, violent video games and violent television shows

where characters are dehumanized to create a guilt-free, entertaining violent movie. For example, any movie that sees zombies or the “bad� guy getting shot, stabbed, run over, punched, kicked, etc. is entertaining because it seems reasonable, these characters are threatening and show no emotion other than the desire to hurt the “good� guy. But, when a character is developed in, for example, a love story and you fall in love with them as a viewer and they die and their loved one is left to pick up the pieces, it’s often sad, bringing a tear to our eyes because we care. Yes, Hollywood knows what they are doing. So, when women are dehumanized in society by being labeled with derogatory, and are portrayed as sexual objects in the media, and she experiences violence, we get into the

complicated mess of disempowering her and blaming her for the abuse somehow, like she must have deserved it, like she must have done something, rather than pointing our fingers at the abuser and ourselves for the acceptance. Short skirts are not an invite to sex. Expressing an opinion is not an invite to threats. Being independent or intelligent is not an invite to control through violence. Control in relationships often leads to many forms of violence and abuse; physical, sexual, emotional, and financial, often leading to psychological trauma, financial hardship and even death. Prevention and change starts with each of us. We can balance our intake of violence through consciously choosing not to be exposed to it in entertainment. We can listen

Discover the joys of genealogy I never knew my might mean and also, in grandfathers! Either of my immaturity, I really them! They had both didn’t understand why passed away before I was my mother didn’t know born, in fact my grand- more about her father. pa Soles had passed away It turns out that a young one short month after my widow with three small mother was born, and my children, in the 1930s, grandpa Rauch had been had few options available gone seven years when I to her. Janet knew she was born. couldn’t care for these It wasn’t until I was children and she made married with children of the difficult decision to my own that the enormity give them up. Joan and of this actually struck me John, the two oldest chiland I felt dren were like sometaken into thing was a foster missing home and from my raised by life. Other the Thomfriends as family. had grandMy mom, pas around Jenny(born who spent Janice time with Anne them and I Soles), was never had up Turning Back the Pages given that. Not to for adopBy Colleen Palumbo say I didn’t tion, and have some by the fall great men of her first in my life, but rather that year she was adopted by I noticed who was mis- Hazel and Patty ( James sing. Alexander Ferguson It was at this point that Brown)Brown. When I started to become inter- mom was just five years ested in genealogy. With old Hazel and Patty’s no genealogical experi- relationship ended in ence at all I started my divorce and Hazel soon search on my moth- married Ted Cuffling. er’s side. Really all I was Mom always knew she doing was writing family was adopted and would names, birth, death and occasionally see her sibmarriage dates on pieces lings at birthday parties of paper and stuffing or community events but those papers into a book. really had no sense that At the point I started they were family. Evendoing this I didn’t realise tually mom had a relathere was a name for tionship with her birthwhat I was doing. mother, Janet, who My mother, Jenny, was had gone on to marry the youngest daughter another local man, Walborn to Martin and Janet lace Hill and had six chil(nee Rohrer) Soles. Mom dren with Wallace but was born in April of 1937 not until mom was a marand three weeks later ried woman and Wallace her father died, leaving was no longer in the pica young widow (22 years ture. old), and three small chilThe pieces were startdren. It took me some ing to come together for time to digest what that me. I knew that mom



couldn’t have had an easy time of it although she always said that Hazel took good care of her and that she felt loved. But she also felt like a piece was missing. So many pieces in fact! With help from Edie Johnson, a cousin of my mom’s, I started to make a little more sense out of the family. Edie had done so much genealogy over the years and was able to help me understand the branches and how I fit in. It was like therapy for me, and once I knew where I fit and that others were recording the genealogy so well, I no longer felt the urge to keep it myself. I found that I was more interested in the history of the family than in the genealogy. Two very different things! The history is the story of the people while the genealogy is the vital statistics of the people. About 10 years ago I had the opportunity to visit with Susan Stewart and during our visit she questioned me about my family. It was from her that I learned that my grandfather, Martin Soles and his wife Janet had been living in a small cabin at Carbonate Landing when my mom’s older siblings were born. Martin was working for Captain Edwards. That was the first time I had heard anything about my grandparents as a couple with a family. I was in awe, and so grateful to Susan for sharing the memories with me. Last spring I was grateful for the visit of another cousin who helped me fit another piece into the family story. Gary Brock (his mother and my grandfather were brother and sister) came

to both sides of the story with an open heart. We can try to remember that the women we see in lewd advertisements and music videos are somebody’s daughter. We can learn to recognize unhealthy relationships and how to help. This year, during Prevention of Violence Against Women Week, members of our community are invited to the Golden Women’s Resource Centre’s annual Clothesline barbecue on April 19 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Kumsheen Park, to take a pledge to commit to ending violence against women; find out how you can help prevent violence against women; and see her side of the story by viewing t-shirts painted by women from our community expressing their experience of violence.



NOTICE OF AGM Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Upstairs Arena Meeting Room

REGISTER BY APRIL 30 AND SAVE $25 Forms and links on our Facebook page Golden Minor Hockey Association Or at

Martin and Janet Soles on their wedding day - March 26, 1934. Golden Museum Photo to the museum and we were sharing stories and photos and I told him that I had never seen a picture of my grandpa as a boy. Low and behold about two weeks later he came to the museum with a picture of my grandpa, Martin Soles and his sister as small children. And the story continues to unfold! Did you know that Genealogy is the fastest growing hobby in North America? Seems the baby boomers have finally slowed down and are looking back! On April 18, at the Golden Museum at 7 p.m. we will be gathering people together who may be interested in Genealogy and being part of a club or group. Whether you’re a beginner, a professional or somewhere in the middle we’d love you to join us.

Colleen Palumbo works at the Golden Museum, and can be reached at 344-5169.

THANK YOU Golden District Minor Hockey would like to thank the community of Golden for their generosity and support over the past season

Box 1451, Golden, BC V0A 1H0

Phone 250-344-6301

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, April 18 @ 7:30 pm Seniors’ Centre

344-2282 Making a Difference


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 The Golden Star

Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A21

Your community. Your classifieds.

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Coming Events

Education/Trade Schools

BC ARTS And Culture Week is here! From April 22-28, arts councils & schools in your community are hosting activities of all sorts as part of the celebration. Ladies Spring Tea Join us April 21st 2:30pm. 717 10th St (Pentecostal Church)




Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Gas Station Clerks and Manager required in Golden. Experience preferred. Wage $11 - $15. Starting April 30. Email or call 250-574-5954.




are announcing the engagement & soon to be wedding of their daughter

Laura Amelia LaFleur to Karl Keith Dondaneau son of

AIRLINES ARE HIRINGTrain for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1(877)818-0783. APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information: NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering snowmobile or quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all - fit your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882; TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627

It’s hard to believe its been a year. There isn’t a day we don’t think of you. Miss you dearly, Your family Cards of Thanks

Thank You

Help Wanted

Wedding to take place August 2012 “All the best wishes for a lifetime together”




Education/Trade Schools

May 10, 1913 - April 5, 2011

Cards of Thanks

Business Opportunities

HOME BASED BUSINESSWe need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training.

Henny Pye

Keith & Kathy Dondaneau


to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or

In Memoriam

Laurence LaFleur & Beverley Craig

PATIENTS - NEED a Medical Marijuana Doctor? Growers want to be a Designated Grower? Info at: or 1-250-860-8611. Special Olympics BC Golden is looking for volunteer board members and coaches! If you are interested please contact Karley Ferner 250-919-0757. SUPERB 24TH Annual Auction. Horse drawn carriages & sleighs. Plus incredible offering horse era antiques. Sunday, May 6, 12 noon, Al Oeming Park; Bodnarus Auctioneering. Phone 306-227-9505. Canada’s Best.

$294+ DAILY Mailing Postcards! Easy! Guaranteed Legit Work! $20-$60/Hr Using Your Computer! Overnight Cash To Your Doorstep! More Amazing Opportunities Visit:

In Memoriam

Alpine Rafting Golden BC requires 1 Full Time & 1 Part Time BUS DRIVER for Summer 2012 Season. $16/hr. As part of the operations team you will work in the delivery of our day of rafting to our clients. Driving clients from our office to our rafting departure point. You will also be asked to help with the loading and unloading of gear for the clients. Perks include lots of time outdoors, complimentary rafting and a positive work environment. Email or Fax resume to employment@alpine 1-866-220-7844. ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES Limited is recruiting Line Cooks and Guest Services positions for Inns North hotels in Nunavut. E-mail your resume:

or fax: 204-632-8575. EXPERIENCED SERVICE Provider for Chrysler dealership in Salmon Arm. Strong customer satisfaction skills. Able to work in a fast paced environment. Excellent wage/ benefit package. Fax resume 1-250-832-4545. E-mail: Patty’s Greenhouse has 2 Full Time positions, 1 for Golden & 1 for Brisco. Call Patti 250-341-1087.

L H Louise Hilda l Falbo nee Thorsen Sept 1, 1920 - Apr 2, 2012 We are saddened to announce the passing of Louise Hilda Falbo in Golden on April 2, 2012 at the age of 91 years. Louise was born and raised in Brisco B.C. to John and Celeste Thorsen on September 1, 1920. She grew up in Brisco with her four siblings in a CPR section house on the Columbia River. Her father worked for the CPR at the time. Her family were very musically inclined and played for all the local country dances. The family moved to Golden when Louise was 17. One of her first jobs was learning to make pies which she later became famous for. She later went on to work as a clerk in King’s Store where she remained employed for a number of years. She married Frank Falbo in 1946, and they lived in Donald where Frank was logging. They later moved to Golden where they built their service station and Louise’s small cafe where her famous pies brought in the locals. Louise and Frank had 3 children, Doug, Marie and Raymond. After a few years in the business with their 3 kids, they went on to build the Mountain View Motel which they ran for many years. Louise was very involved with the Anglican Church, including singing in the church choir as a young woman and later to be a founding member of the Thrift Shop. She was also a long time member of the Ladies Hospital Aide. Louise was predeceased by her husband Frank in 2009. She is survived by her 3 children, 3 grandchildren, Danielle (Chris), Jeff (Tara), and Francine (Richard), and 4 great grandchildren, Steven, Aaron, Makaila and Chase. Louise’s wishes were that no funeral service be held in her behalf. The family would also like to thank the staff of Abbeyfield House, Durand Manor, Golden Hospital, and Dr. Larson-Soles for the care and kindness they showed Louise. In lieu of flowers, if anyone so wishes they can make a donation to the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation in her memory.

The families of Eric Gudjonson would like to give a heartfelt thank you to the staff for the great care of their father during his stay in Durand Manor. Special thanks to Dr. Starke who took great care of him for years. Gudjonson Families A special thanks to Evelyn Armour and Chantal Gudjonson for putting together the great DVD of a lifetime of memories of Eric and families. Teresa Hascarl The families of Eric Gudjonson would like to thank Susan, Bev & Gail for putting on an excellent tea service. Special thanks to all the people who provided the great food and to the Parson Hall committee for letting us use the hall for the service. A huge Thank You to Helen Lapka and Nina & Gary at Hindman Bowers Funeral Home for the lovely service. Teresa Hascarl

The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Golden Star





Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Home Care/Support

Reporter The Nelson Star, in beautiful Nelson, is currently seeking a full-time reporter for its growing community newspaper. Enjoy Nelson’s great lifestyle opportunities while working in a fast-paced and fun environment. The successful candidate will have a keen interest and be an active member of the community. The successful candidate will be responsible for a variety of beats, including local government and sports. The ideal candidate will be a self-starter who works well as a member of a diverse and unique team. Quali½cations: • Pro½ciency with InDesign and Photoshop would be an asset. • Post secondary education/preferably college diploma in journalism. • Photography skills and own camera equipment required • Excellent verbal and written communication skills required. • Own transportation required. The salary is commensurate with experience. Black Press is Canada’s largest privately held, independent newspaper company with more than 150 community newspapers and associated publications and 19 dailies, located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, Ohio and Hawaii. If you are community-focussed, success-oriented and want to live in one of B.C.’s most beautiful areas we want to hear from you. Please send your resume with cover letter to Bob Hall, Closing date of April 20 at 4 pm.

Associate Publisher/ Sales Representative

Heavy Duty Journeyman Diesel Mechanic required in Invermere, B.C. Permanent fulltime position. Competitive wage based on experience $30-38. BeneďŹ t package available. Please fax or email resume to: 250-342-0212

TIMBERMILL RESTAURANT now OPEN for business. Part time SERVERS required. Please contact Don Rosodi 250-344-0733. Email Tim Hortons - Bolico Holdings Ltd. 1421 Trans Canada Highway, Golden B.C. V0A 1H2 Food Counter Attendant / Production Full time (40 hrs/wk), Shift work. Nights-Overnights-Early Mornings-Weekends $10.46/Hr + BeneďŹ ts. Fax resume to 250-439-1963 or apply in person.

24 hr. Live-In Support Required (Kamloops, B.C.) Dengarry Professional Services Ltd. is seeking experienced individuals or couples for contract to provide live in 24 hr. support for short term stabilization to adults with mental & physical disabilities in Kamloops. Applicant must have education and exp. either in behavioral and/or medical supports. Applicant will undergo extensive screening including reference checks, Crim Check and drivers abstract. Housing & Utilities incls. w/ a Remarkable Compensation Package. Please forward resume to Kristine Toebosch at ktoebosch@ or fax to 1-250-377-4581 or mail Attn: Kristine PO Box 892 Kamloops BC V2C-5M8

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Trades, Technical

T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive beneďŹ t package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. Contact Tyson Lambert. Mail: 5791 Duncan Bay Road, Campbell River BC V9H 1N6 Fax: 250-286-9502.

CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete ďŹ nishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

The Free Press, Fernie, BC

The Free Press has an opening for a full time Associate Publisher/Sales Representative. The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic and fun, but results-oriented team, and will be able to meet and exceed sales targets by deepening relationships with existing clients, while at the same time developing new business for the newspaper. The ability to work independently in an extremely fast-paced environment while adhering to deadlines is a must. Candidates considered for the position will be results oriented, strong communicators, and be willing to learn and adapt in an everchanging business environment. The successful candidate will also be an active member of the community and be willing to get behind community initiatives and events with a positive and helpful attitude. A vehicle and a valid driver’s licence is required. We offer a great working environment with a better than average compensation plan, along with a strong bene¿ts package. Please submit your resume with a cover letter by 5 pm, Monday, April 30, 2012. Thank you to all who apply, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Dave Hamilton P.O. Box 2350 Fernie, BC, V0B 1M0 No phone calls please.


Columbia Shuswap Regional District Summer Student Employment Program (2 positions available) The CSRD is now accepting applications for full-time, temporary, summer student positions to assist the Planning and the Environment and Engineering Departments. THE POSITIONS: Planning Student (1 position) • assist in gathering property data to be used in the creation of a Zoning Bylaw for Electoral Area D and Area F. • organizes the data collected and input into the GIS. Environment and Engineering Student (1 position) • assist with the implementation of Phytoremediation Plan at the Salmon Arm LandďŹ ll. • manage the poplar tree plantation, the irrigation system. • prepare an end term report documenting tree growth rates, irrigation rates and leachate uptake. • conduct refuse audits and provide information to the public. For more information about these positions visit our website at Duration of Positions: • Early May to late August 2012 • Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To apply, send your resume and cover letter, indicating the position you have applied for, no later than 4:00 PM (PST) on Friday, April 20th, 2012 to: Colleen Goodey, Administrative/HR Assistant Columbia Shuswap Regional District 781 Marine Park Drive NE Box 978 SALMON ARM, BC, V1E 4P1 Telephone: (250) 833-5922 Fax: (250) 832-9774 E-mail: We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.




Trades, Technical

Health Products

Financial Services

DL Baker Construction Canada is looking for Field/Engineer Layout Kitimat, BC Canada. Supervise project layouts Responsible for construction quality control, in particular, ensuring that the materials installed in the project are in the proper locations and are the correct materials. Analyze construction drawings for dimensional and quality control purposes and coordinates with the Project Engineer to clarify discrepancies. Use precision computerized equipment to deďŹ ne points of control and ensure the work is being installed true and plump. Responsible for coordinating with other construction trades to ensure that all are using appropriate control points. High School Diploma or equivalent; or 4 to 6 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience in Line and Grade Persistent for Perfection This work will start 5/1/12 Please respond to this ad by 5/1/12 Please respond via email by placing Field Engineer in the subject line to

GET PAID to lose weight. $5,000 for your success story. Personal image TV Show. Call to qualify: 416-730-5684 ext 2243. HERBAL MAGIC Limited time offer - Save 50%!! Lose weight and keep it off. Results guaranteed! Don’t delay call now. 1-800-854-5176.

M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

GAS FITTER / AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC Experienced Journeyman (6 years min. experience). Journeyman Wages upto $45.00/hr. based on exp. Construction, Oil Patch & Commercial. Excellent Opportunities. Must be able to work independently. Class 5 drivers license required. Call Fort Nelson Heating Ltd. or e-mail resume: fortnelsonheating@

MACHINIST REQ’D for jobber/repair shop in Sundre, AB. Applicant should have exp in millwrighting/mechanics. Millwrights with machining exp may apply. Wages attractive. Resume to 403-638-4649 or e-mail to MORLEY MULDOON Transport is seeking qualiďŹ ed Heavy Duty Mechanics or Heavy Equipment Technicians, Dispatcher, HR/Safety Supervisor. Fax resume to 780-8426511 or email to: SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, beneďŹ ts, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email:

Help Wanted


Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. ConďŹ dential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET

1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Financial Services NEED HELP MANAGING YOUR DEBT? Need STRESS relief? One easy payment makes that possible!

Call FREE 1-877-220-3328 Licensed, Government Approved, Canadian Company.

DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Business/OfďŹ ce Service DENIED CANADA Pension plan disability beneďŹ ts? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.

Drywall Beaver’s Drywall 250-439-9709

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pets & Livestock

Real Estate


Business for Sale

BULLS For Sale: Registered top quality Luings. Two=year olds & yearlings. Telephone 250-346-3100


The Timbermill Restaurant in Golden is for Sale OR Business for sale - Land & Building for lease. Contact Don Rosodi 250-344-0733.


Houses For Sale

A well trained owner is a dog’s best friend. Come to dog training lessons through the Columbia Valley Dog Club. Starts @ 7pm Wednesday May 2 at Jayenn Kennels, 1507 Pagliaro Rd. 8 weeks of classes, $60 for the set. Call Helena 250-344-6451 to preregister.

Two homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Kijiji 370618987. Phone 250-344-5772 or 344-0553.

All natural, grass fed, local lean beef. Government inspected. Call 250-344-7669.


Garage Sales 1436 Hemlock St (Selkirk Hill). Saturday April 21 from 9am - Noon. Garage Sale & Open House. Toys, baby stuff, tools and more.

Misc. Wanted

Apartment Furnished

Beautiful 3 bdr house on 12th St. in Golden. Newly reno’d kitchen and bathroom, W/D, large attached garage, huge yard maintained by landscaper. Deck with views. N/S. Avail now. $1095/mth plus utilities. DD and Refs required. Seeking quiet clean-living long term tenants. Phone 403-609-6643 or 403-678-8187.

Duplex for Rent 3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996.

It takes 11 muscles to read this ad.

Homes for Rent

Rentals Acreage Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Apt/Condo for Rent FOR RENT In the Blaeberry Take a look- you will not be disappointed

All inclusive 1 Bdr Suite $675/month Larger 2 Bdr Suite $900/month -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site DD & References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer LARGE Newly reno’d 2 bdrm apt. N/S, no pets, no parties, laundry facilities. Walking distance to all amen. Util inc.DD req. (1-250)344-0780 Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.

1 Bdr Log House with loft. Fireplace, great deck. Avail May 1. Oster Rd. W/D. N/S, no pets. $725/mth. 250-272-5151. 2 Bdr 1/2 Duplex. 1 1/2 baths, W/D, Satellite dish. N/S, no pets. Refs. $700 + util. Avail now. 344-7163 or 344-8179. 3 & 2 Bdr open concept new house in town. Laundry. Avail now. Call 250-344-1340. 3 Bdr house. 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets. Avail May 1. Also 2 Bdr ground level suite, 1112 12 St. No pets. N/S. Avail May 1. 250-344-5626. 3 Bdr house. 703 12 St. Large yard, W/D, bright, spacious. $1100 + util. Avail May 1. Call 250-344-6879. 3 Bdr upstairs & down, 1 1/2 bath, large kitchen, screened in porch, gardens edible and ornamental, yard and storage. Quiet family neighbourhood with kids’ park, close to Overwaitea. Call 250-344-5229. Mountain and river views 15 mins. south of Golden. 4 Bdrs, 1 bath, wood stove. $800. Call 250-342-7434.

Estate Sales

3 BR 2 Bath Bright & spacious upper level. Selective pets, N/S, $900/mth. 2 BR Suite Newly renovated, $625/mth.


1 & 2 BR Apts Spacious, laundry, inside cat considered. 4 BR 2 Bath Home Lge family room, fur nished/unfur nished, laminate flooring. 2 BR Luxury Condo KHMR. Hot tub, fireplace, beautifully furnished, lge deck, spectacular views. $1500/mth all inclusive. 2 BR 2 Bath Luxury Condo KHMR. Fully furnished, hot tub, exercise room, 2 deck entrances. $1200/mth all inclusive. 3 BR 2 Bath Country Home 10 mins south on 6 acres. Open concept, wood/propane heat, pets considered. $1200/mth 3 BR Older Home Spacious, wood/electric heat, lge double lot, pets considered. $900/mth.

1 BR Luxury Suite Private deck, fireplace, spa tub, gym access, spectacular valley views.

New single wide mobile home 12 kms south of Golden. 2 bdr, 2 bath. N/S. $925/mth all inclusive. 780-718-8243.

Open House and Garage Sale April 21. 9am to Noon. 1436 Hemlock St. on Selkirk Hill.


3 BR 2 Bath Executive Home Fully furnished. Fireplace, loft/games room, in-floor heating, dbl garage.

Mobile Homes & Pads

Small Ads work!

Local Coin Collector buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic, Gold & Silver Coins. Call Chad 250-863-3082

Homes for Rent

2 Bdr chalet avail May 1. Kitchen, fireplace, BBQ deck, sat tv, high speed internet. Util incl. Couple or 2 singles. N/S. $900/mth. 250-344-7874 evenings.

802 Park Drive (Between Mount 7 Taxi & Derailed Bike Shop). Multi Family. Friday Apr 20 from 2-6pm. Saturday Apr 21 from 10-2.

STEEL BUILDING- Blowout sale! 20x26 $5,199. 25x28 $5,799. 30x42 $8,390. 32x56 $11,700. 40x50 $14,480. 47x76 $20,325. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.

Homes for Rent 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Cottages / Cabins

490 Champagne Rd (follow the cones). Saturday April 21. 9-4.

Apt/Condo for Rent Twin Rivers - 2 & 1 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Upper & Lower Single bedroom apts with easy walking distance to town. Newly renovated, new flooring, fresh paint, new appliances. No pets, N/S. $550/mth + utilities & DD. Call Dwayne 250-344-5582 after 6 pm.

Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.

Misc. for Sale


1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease March 1. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876. 3 Bay shed on Legendz property on Trans Canada Hwy. Available anytime. Ideal for fruit stand. Call Legendz Diner after 3 pm 250-344-2059.

Food Products

CAN’T GET Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1-866-9815991. DIY STEEL Building deals! Many sizes and models. Make an offer on clearance buildings today and save thousands of dollars. Free brochure - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170. **HOME PHONE Reconnect** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid long distance specials! Feature package specials! Referral program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to connect! 1-866-287-1348. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money and save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & DVD: 1-800566-6899 Ext:400OT.


Commercial/ Industrial

Merchandise for Sale

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB


1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. 250-344-8429, 344-0209 or 344-0604.

TO Give Away: Two adult cats, one female 6 yrs and one male 1 yr old. Both are fixed. 250-348-2094

Heavy Duty Machinery A23

Don’t take your muscles for granted. Over 50,000 Canadians with muscular dystrophy take them very seriously. Learn more at

3 BR 2 Bath Condo Backing onto Kicking Horse River, private deck, nicely upgraded __________________ Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each office is independently owned & operated.




Auto Financing

BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289. Heated indoor secure storage available. Single door entry. Rates negotiable. Call 250-344-1065. S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

Suites, Lower 2 Bdr downstairs suite. Available now. Call 250-344-5075. 3 BDRM Suite: Clean, spacious, and bright w/large yard in great location. Furnished w/laundry. No pets/cigarettes. $1350/mo incl. util+internet. Email

Suites, Upper 1 Bdr Bachelor suite avail now. Five mins south. $700/mth all inclusive. Call 250-344-2417. 3 Bdr Upper Suite available March 1. Call 250-344-5075. Bachelor suite, upper floor, balcony. Hydro, heat & Wifi incl. N/S, DD, no pets, no parties. $450. Call 250-355-2443, 250-348-2591. Bachelor suite, upper floor, balcony. Hydro & heat incl. N/S, DD, no pets, no parties, Wifi. 1 person-$600, 2 people-$650. Call 344-2443 or 250-348-2591.

Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.


Aircraft CESSNA 180 1976 on 3000 Caps for lease. DeHavilland DHC-2 1957 on 4930 Floats for lease. Van. Is. E-mail;

Antiques / Classics 1962 Star Fire Olds convertible. 394 V8 engine. 1964 Ford Galaxie convertible. 390 V8 engine. 250-344-6481.

Auto Financing

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

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Cars - Sports & Imports 2004 Honda Civic LX Coupe, runs great, well maintained, CD player, spoiler, tinted glass, $7900, 250-342-1345

Motorcycles 2005 Harley Davidson FLHRS Road King Custom with Stage 1 Performance Kit and pipes, 26500 km/19575mi 12,500. 250-489-1308

Off Road Vehicles NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering snowmobile or quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all - fit your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882;

Scrap Car Removal FREE CAR REMOVAL Will haul your old Junkers away. Call Rod 250-344-6921 or 250-344-0580. Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Classifieds Get Results! Trucks & Vans

Rooms for Rent Rooms avail in house. All inclusive. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. $500. Call 250-290-0110.

1990 Chev regular cab 4x4 3/4 ton. 4 speed, air bag rear suspension. Many new parts. Good running condition. $1500. Call 250-344-2049 or 250-439-7181. 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan 169,000 km. Includes 4 winter tires on rims. $6000. Phone 250-344-6456.

Estate Sales


(Longtime resident & rancher in the Cranbrook area) at 3675 - 17th ST SOUTH, CRANBROOK, B.C. (Directions: Take Victoria Ave to 17 St S, turn left)

SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 2012, AT 11 A.M. SHARP! Tractors, farm machinery, outdoor equipment, antiques & collectibles, furniture & household For detailed listing go to or call 250-341-5316 TERMS: Cash, Visa, MC, certiÄed company cheques VIEWING: Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - sale time Concession by Cranbrook Colts Friendship Hockey




Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

Golden Business Directory H F Protection Systems Inc. Serving the Interior of British Columbia since 1993 Monitoring for Fire, Security, Environmental ULC listed Monitoring Station


Security systems, CCTV, and special low voltage equipment

Construction Landscaping Irrigation Lawn Care Snow Removal Junk Removal

Fire Extinguisher Sales and Service

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LARGE RUNS — inside and out! SAFE • CLEAN • COMFORTABLE Tough guy or sweetie pie - We board them all. Individual care, lots of play and exercise. You will appreciate our reasonable rates.

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Keith Dondaneau 4FSWJDF www.hunterďŹ


t t t t t t t t t

Phone: 250.545.7000

Toll Free: 1.888.622.FIRE (3473)



250 344-6462




MILLENIUM HOME RENOVATORS LTD. Specializing in Siding, SofďŹ t, Facia, RooďŹ ng, 5â€? Continuous Eavestrough, Fencing & Decks New Home Construction FREE ESTIMATES

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Doggy Daycare Overnight Boarding Agility & Obedience Call Lisa

250 344 4551

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1224 Horse Creek S (110 Mins South)

SELKIRK ELECTRIC LTD. Book your 10x10 storage unit now Locally owned & operated. Stop at Jepson Petroleum Bulk Plant and book your space with Ladine or call today.

Tax Preparation Services



All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652

CONTRACTING Ltd. Box 599, Golden, BC. V0A 1H0

Get ready for spring! Income


Tax Specialists

Tax Audit Assistance

904 10th Ave. (Upstairs) “At the trafďŹ c lightsâ€?

OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Phone - 250-344-2119

Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway swept with our JCB Skid Steer Sweeper Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available

“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing� Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

Phone: (250) 344-8351

FOR ALL YOUR SNOW REMOVAL NEEDS CALL BLAEDEN CONTRACTING LTD t Rural, Residential and Commercial Snow Plowing and Sanding Available t No job too big or too small t Enter for your chance to win free snow removal for the year!! $BMM .JLF BU t

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The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A25


Golden Business Directory Just a Call Does it All Complete

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Ford-Trained Technicians using Ford-certiďŹ ed parts


Tire Rotation


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When performed with regularly scheduled maintenance, the Works could save you up to $350 in fuel a yearâ—Š





“I take my Ford to t Ford-trained Ford-tra ained because technicians beca ause they y know what my vehicle e needs.�

Trust the experts who know your Ford best: Ford-Trained Technicians. For more details and offers, see your Service Advisor or visit All offers expire April 30, 2012. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See Service Advisor for complete details. Applicable taxes and provincial levies not included. Dealer may sell for less. Only available at participating locations. ‥Applies to single rear wheel vehicles only. Diesel models not eligible. *Up to 5 litres of oil. Disposal fees may be extra. Does not apply to diesel engines. â—ŠBased on a Ford Fusion V6 automatic that has a fuel consumption rating of 10L/100 km in combined city/highway driving (properly tuned), a one-year driving distance of 24,000 km and $1.02 per litre for gasoline. Improved fuel efficiency and emission reduction levels depend on model, year and condition of vehicle. ††In order to receive a local competitor’s advertised price: (i) tires must be purchased and installed at your participating Ford Dealer; (ii) customer must present the competitor’s actual local advertisement (containing the lower price) which must have been printed within 30 days of the sale; and (iii) the tires being purchased must be the same brand, sidewall, speed and load ratings as shown in the competitive advertisement. Offer only available at participating Ford dealerships. This offer is valid on the cost of the tire only and does not include labour costs, valve stems, mounting, balancing, disposal, and taxes. Offer does not apply to advertised prices outside of Canada, in eBay advertisements, by tire wholesalers and online tire retailers, or closeout, special order, discontinued and clearance/liquidation offers. Limited time offer. Offer may be cancelled or changed at any time without prior notice. See your Service Advisor for details. ‥‥Rebate offers are manufacturer’s mail-in rebates. Rebates available on select General Tire (credit card gift card), Continental (credit card gift card), Goodyear, Pirelli, Yokohama, Bridgestone (credit card gift card), Firestone (credit card gift card), and Michelin tires. Offers are valid on qualifying sets of four tires, purchased and installed at participating locations during the respective promotion periods for each tire brand. Offer is valid on the cost of the tire(s) only and does not include labour costs, valve stems, mounting, balancing, disposal, and taxes. Amount of rebates, start dates and expiration dates vary depending on tire manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the customer to submit the required claim forms and proof of purchase to the relevant tire manufacturer with sufficient postage by the required deadline for that rebate offer. See your Service Advisor for complete details and claim forms. †Available on most brands at participating locations only. Limited time offer. Price reductions vary: $7.00 on 12â€?-14â€? rims, $10.00 on 15â€? and 16â€? rims, $12.50 on 17â€? rims, $15.00 on 18â€?-20â€? rims, $20.00 on 21â€? rims, $25.00 on 22â€? and up rims. See Dealer for full details. VFord Protection Plan is only available for non-commercial cars and light trucks. If an eligible Ford, MotorcraftÂŽ or Ford-approved part fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, wear out or rust through, it will be replaced at no charge as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. Labour is covered for the ďŹ rst 12 months or 20,000 km (whichever occurs ďŹ rst) after the date of installation. Emergency brake pads are not eligible under this plan. See Service Advisor for complete details and limitations. **Excludes emergency brake pads or shoes. Machining or replacement of rotors and drums available at additional cost. Š2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star


Softball season almost here Jessica Schwitek What could be better than hanging out with 10 of your friends at the softball diamond on a warm spring or summer afternoon? The Golden Softball Association is now taking registration for their league starting in early May. "We generally have a pretty good core of teams who repeat year after year, but we're always looking for more," said Greg Cowan with the Golden Softball Association. "Hopefully we can attract a few more teams. And if we get enough individuals who can't find a team on their own, we can put a bunch of people together." The association aims to have teams with a minimum of 10 players, six men and four women, but teams can have as many players as they like above and beyond that. Last year the league was oper-

ating with 13 teams, but they are hoping to get up to 16 for this season. "That's how many we can accommodate, with the diamonds and time allowed that we have. Anything more than that gets a little complicated, but if we could get 16 that would be awesome," said Cowan. The season will run for two to two-and-a-half months, with games being played twice a week every Tuesday and Thursday night. You play each team once, and then there are the playoffs which last another couple weeks. "Last year our teams played up to 20,21 games. But that depends on how many teams we get signed up," said Cowan. The league is all ages, and all skill levels. Players just have to provide their own personal equipment, and every team pays an entry fee, which is expected to be $400. "We have one youth team that plays pretty consistently,

although they're probably getting over the youth age now. So the teams range all the way from high school to middle age people and beyond. We have a pretty diverse group," said Cowan. "And we self-umpire, so that keeps the costs down a little bit, we don't have to hire someone to officiate." In the past there have been a few company sponsored teams, including ones from both the Taps and the Riverhouse. So Cowan welcomes any company that wants to put a team together. "It's a pretty big thing for town. We can get upwards of 160 people playing per night, and that's a good chunk of the population," said Cowan. "It's pretty relaxed. It's competitive by nature because it is a sport, but everybody is really there to have a good time. And that's what we strive for." To register a team, or for more information, Cowan can be contacted at 344-2974.

Registration is now open for the Golden Softball Association. Star File Photo

Junior golfers have new clubs to swing this season Jessica Schwitek Thanks to a little help from the Columbia Basin Trust, the Golden Junior Golf Program is well equipped for the upcoming season. "Last year we got a Columbia Basin Trust Grant for clubs and so on... I would just be scraping by again this year if it wasn't for their help," said Russ Younger, who runs the junior program. There are three groups in the the Junior Golf Program: the Junior Swingers (ages five to eight), the Junior Players (ages nine to 12), and the Juniors (ages 13 to 18). The $4,960 grant from the CBT allowed Younger to purchase sets of golf clubs, both left and right handed, for all three age groups. The program runs from May through June, and accepts kids of all skill levels. "Most of our kids are beginners, but having said that, once they get up into (higher age groups), some of them are junior club members," said Younger. Last year Younger was out in the community advertising the program, and was surprised at how well it worked. "Last year we really advertised hard, and we ended up with 60 kids," he said. "So I'm always looking for more volunteers."

Younger will be at Sears on Thursday April 19 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. for an official registration night. However, if there's room, he will continue registering golfers afterwards. Younger is hoping to get as many kids as last year, but unfortunately there may be a cap on the number of participants. "If we get 60 kids again, we may not be able to take more. It's one of those bittersweet things, simply because we need volunteers. This community survives on volunteers," he said. The cost for the program is $30 for the Junior Swingers, $50 for the Junior Players, and $50 for the Juniors. But Younger realizes that not all families can afford to put their children in organized sports. "We have what I call a Golfership, available for people who are financially stressed," said Younger. Applications for these Golferships, which cover all the costs, will be available at the registration night. Younger has been running youth programs with the golf course, and the YMCA for many years, and he finds it a very rewarding experience. ""What we really want these kids to do is have fun, even if they don't really learn how to play golf. It's fun in a good clean way, and maybe they can develop a life skill as well." For more information, you can contact Younger at 344-6926.

Golf Pro Graeme Kreiner, left, Katherine Hamilton, the CBT community liason for the Northeast Basin Region, and Russ Younger show off some of the new golf clubs purchased through a CBT grant. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo


Recycling your milk containers is easy. Simply rinse them out and bring them with your bottles and cans on your next Return-It Depot trip. Last year Return-It collected over 630,000 kg of milk containers for recycling. Help us recycle even more.

For more info: or call 1-800-330-9767

The Golden Star Wednesday, April 18, 2012 A27

● Administration - David Allen, Ext 228 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Recreation Services - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 ● Planning & Building - Gary Smith, Ext 235 ● Strategic Initiatives - David Love, Ext 249

810 9th Ave. S Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 250 344-2271 ● Fax 250 344-6577

Notice of Upcoming Temporary Chlorination of Water System As a necessary precaution during our annual system flushing and leak detection procedures, we will be temporarily introducing chlorine into the water system from April 23rd to April 30th. Residents can expect at times to experience that awful “swimming pool” water taste that most communities have to put up with all the time! We apologize for this, but it’s a requirement when we “open” the system up during these maintenance periods. Our upcoming leak detection procedures will also require temporary interruptions in water service to the entire community. We will be doing this at night to minimize inconvenience on April 26th and 27th and will be providing more detail as the time gets closer.

Keep Boulevard Gravel off the Street Spring has arrived and with it comes spring clean-up. We understand that you may want to clean the boulevard in front of your house of gravel and debris, but would greatly appreciate you not brushing it on to the street - particularly after we have swept it! The unwanted gravel can make great free-draining fill for landscaping projects, or can be used for gravel driveway leveling. Street sweeping is a very necessary but costly service. In the interest of being as cost efficient as possible, we schedule this service over the spring to all town areas, but the sweeper will not be specifically directed to make a special trip into areas where boulevard debris has been brushed or raked onto the street by residents. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation with this initiative to increase our efficiency and reduce our operating costs.

Curbside Garbage and Recycling Reminders and Announcements Our residential curb side recycling program is proving its worth. The regional district reports Golden’s total volume of recyclables being returned to processing facilities is up 24% since we started the program last July. Well done everyone! A reminder that to be picked up, your bins should be placed at the edge of the paved portion of the street in front of your home and no more than 2 feet back from it so the trucks mechanical arm is sure to reach it. As well, do not park vehicles any closer than 5 feet from any placed bin. If the driver feels that there is any chance of accidental damage to a vehicle because of its proximity to a container, it will not be emptied! Lastly, organic debris (dirt, sticks, grass etc.) is prohibited! Not only is it not permitted in the landfill, but because of its weight, it greatly increases tipping fees – and therefore your annual fees. But don’t despair – on May 18th we will be conducting another free yard waste roundup for all residents. Keep this in mind and we’ll be announcing this as the date draws closer.

Annual Financial Plan – Your Input Matters Town Council has now passed first reading on the municipal budget for 2012 and held a session for public input on April 17th. Your input is important and there is still plenty of opportunity for it. Subject to any changes, Council will pass further readings on April 24th at its regular meeting, which the public is welcome to attend. Copies of the Financial Plan “Budget Book” are available at Town Hall and the Library, or digitally on our website and facebook page, including options on how to make your thoughts known to us.

Annual Business Licenses Due A reminder that annual Business License fees are due April 30th, 2012. Late charges apply on overdue accounts.

Fast Fact :

On average in British Columbia, around half to two thirds of the money needed each year to provide and maintain services is raised through property taxes. Municipalities must then rely on intermittent government grants and other fees to raise their needed annual income.

● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Corporate Services - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

Highlights Town of Golden – Regular Open Council Meeting: April 10, 2012 Golden Cycling Club Pump Track Proposal Council approved the club constructing a Bike Pump Track and Skills Park on Town of Golden park land adjacent to the Freeride Park and behind the Mount 7 Rec Plex. Grant in Aid Policy/Program Changes Council directed staff to amend the Grant in Aid policy to clarify that salaries and benefits will not be supported by the program, funds will be released as “cash only”, funding will not be provided if the municipality also funds a proposed project or program through different means to any degree, that Council is at liberty to partially fund any application at its discretion, that a public forum for applicant presentations shall be discretionary, and that reference to applications for permissive tax exemptions be removed as this is enabled through a separate process. Grant in Aid Adjudication Process Council awarded the 2012 First Quarter Grant in Aid Program funds to the following applicants: Columbia Valley Classical Music – $1,500 Golden & District Historical Society - $5,000 Community Resources Society - $2,450 Golden Cycling Club - $440 Golden Dolphins Swim Club - $2,146.51 Golden Figure Skating Club - $2,248.62 Golden Food Bank Society - $3,800 Golden Women’s Centre Society - $500 GSS Junior Boys Basketball Team 2012 - $500 Chamber of Commerce - $1,000 Little Mittens Animal Rescue - $5,000 Implementation of Swim Team Lane Rates at the Golden Pool Two members of Council will assist in mediating dialogue between staff and the Golden Dolphins Swim Club. Omega Bar & Grill Application for Outdoor Patio Council recommended approval of a new outdoor patio by the Liquor Control and Licensing Board to Omega Bar & Grill. Termination Notice of Transit Service Council issued a Notice of Cancellation of the transit agreements with British Columbia Transit and Olympus Stage Lines Ltd. Town of Golden Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1301, 2012 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to authorize the borrowing of a portion of the estimated cost to construct and improve the Kicking Horse River dike system associated with the Kicking Horse River Dike Upgrade (Bridge 2 Bridge) Project, was given first, second, and third readings. Town of Golden 2012-2016 Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1306, 2012 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to adopt a FiveYear Financial Plan for the years 2012-2016 was given first reading. Council had directed staff to prepare for first reading of the 2012-2016 Financial Plan bylaw, an overall tax increase not to exceed 5%.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012 The Golden Star

re/max of golden Garry Oddy (250) 344 -7234

Bob Tegart Norma Crandall Flec Demmon Marlon Chambers (250) 344 -0275 (250) 344 -8451 (250) 344 -0735 (250) 272-4321


#37 Kicking Horse Village MHP

Lot 2, Forde Station Road


807 - 10th Street

Dan Veselic Barry Klassen (250) 344 -0262 (250) 344 -1435

Lot 1, 2113 Highway #95, South

Lot 2, Campbell Road



Double wide mobile w/4bdrms & 2 baths. The large kitchen has lots of cabinets and the hexagonal dining area has windows on 4 sides for a very airy feel. This mobile is move in ready & in above average condition.

15 mins from Golden, this beautiful building lot is ready for your mountain getaway. Mnt vistas, country living & spectacular scenery on just under 3 acres, partially treed just waiting for your dream home.

Centrally located and newly built (2010) this unique creatively designed and decorated ready to move into home has full Home Owners Warranty. Featuring a sunny open plan living space, beautiful fir accents,

Level 3.6 acre lot with various building sites & treed for privacy. This gem won’t last long so bring your ideas for your recreational retreat or year round home. Drilled well is on site.

Wake up to the beauty of Rocky Mtns all around you from this 2.5 acre parcel just 20 min from town up on a bench overlooking the valley. Parcel has septic system, drilled well & underground power in place.






1114 – 11th Street

1609 Gareb Road

#96 Kicking Horse Village MHP

729 Nicholson Frontage Road

1610 Gareb Road

Great family/vacation home on 100’ lot. Huge LR w/wood f/p & open beam ceiling. 4bdrms, 2 baths, large rec room with f/p, kitchen w/eating area. Outside entrance to bsmnt, dbl carport and more.

Immaculately home w/2bdrms up, 1 down & an office that could be a 4th bdrm. Relax on covered deck & enjoy panoramic views of mnts & valley below. Huge 68’x 200’ private park like, treed & fully fncd backyard.

This 3bdrm mobile home has 2 additions, wood stove and a utility area. The large windows maximize the views and because it sits alongside designated park land at the end of the road, its private.

This is a gently sloping .62 acre lot near the Elementary School and a General Store. Property has a drilled well is totally fenced and has good acces. Amazing views and minutes from town.

Great family home w/fresh paint & newer flring. 3bdrms on main, mstr w/ensuite, formal dining & kitchen. Bsmnt: bdrm, utility rm & full bath. Lrg yard, heated dble car garage & views to be explored.






523 – 5th Avenue

#54, 1290 Haesler View

3009 Golden Donald Upper Road

#15, 2924 Kicking Horse Road

901 - 11th Street



NEW Spacious luxury abounds in this newly renovated executive home on a huge 1.04 acre lot in town. Approx 3000sqft of luxury living in this 4 bdrm, 3 bath home. New hardwood floors & ceramic tile.

This top flr unit has 2bdrms, in-flr heat in kitchen & bath. Explore the surrounding 6 national parks, take in the amazing Rocky Mnt scenery from your hot tub a large entertaining deck area.

Over 23 acres of picturesque land. Build your dream home & relax on this gently sloped property. Great property to own if you enjoy the outdoors, hiking, biking, cross country skiing all on your doorstep.

This 1bdrm loft log cabin is about 2hrs from Calgary & 1/2way between Lake Louise & KHMR. Kitchen, LR, mstr bdrm & 3pce bath on main & open loft w/beds, tub & 2pce bath makes this a recreation lovers dream.

Heritage classic, huge lot, 4bdrms up, main: dining, living rm, kitchen, full basement, all in excellent restored condition. Wooden railway caboose attached w/addition also in fully restored condition.


$349,000 +HST




Lot 4, Imler Road

2280 Neville Road

1608 Gareb Road

#12, 2924 Kicking Horse Road

Lot 3, Imler Road

This 4.4 acre parcel is mainly cleared & borders Hwy #95. Good well pumps at an amazing rate. Being a near level lot with tremendous views in all directions picking a building spot should be easy.

4 level split home has maple floors, new kitchen cabinets with 3 stainless appliances, new bath & 1bdrm suite. Numerous outbldgs all on 18.5 acres of gently rolling lands with spectacular views.

Get the feel of the country! Build your new home in amongst the trees in this easy access well treed lot with in-town amenities. Bring your building ideas and start today!

This cabin is just over 2hours from Calgary & halfway between Lake Louise & Kicking Horse Mnt Resort. Take in the beautiful scenery from this 1bdrm w/loft log cabin alongside the Kicking Horse River.

This 4.15 acre parcel is mainly cleared with trees along Imler Rd. The well on the property pumps at an amazing rate. Being a near level lot you can utilize pretty well all of the property.






714 Kostiuk Road

1308 Pine Drive

1402 Adolph Johnson Road

789 Golden Donald Upper Road

1256 Horse Creek Road




Family home on 1.7 acres. Mn flr has hardwood flooring, 3bdrms, 1.5 baths, kitchen, living rm w/ fireplace & sunroom with great views. Basement has a family rm, bedroom, workshop & utility rm.

This Family Home has been tastefully redone, top to bottom. Main Floor: large kitchen, eating area, dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms. Basement: family room, 2 bedrooms, office and laundry room.

Handcrafted executive log home and 2 home guest log cabins on 12.2 beautifully landscaped acres only 15 mins. from Golden. Features: hot tub, wrap around deck, custom log beds, in-floor heat and more.



Call Re/Max for more information



#84 Kicking Horse Village MHP

1601 Golden Avenue

731 Kinsey Road

#408, Kicking Horse Trail

#38 Mnt Shadows MHP


Rustic Cabin on 5 acres surrounded by crown land w/stunning views. 2bdrms, 1 lofted, office/den area, screened in porch, delightful elevated position, partly treed & quiet. Carport, shop & Outbuildings.

Totally renovated kitchen w/maple cabinets make this 4bdrm home very appealing. There is also new laminate & tile flring on the main w/new 4pce bath in the bsmnt, newer roof, vinyl siding & deck.



This unit has many upgrades including new roof, siding, flring & more. Home has 2bdrms, open kitchen & living rm with vaulted ceilings. Large deck & beautiful backyard w/garden, fruit trees & storage shed.

When it comes to luxuirous mountain living this property has it all. Features: double garage with storage area, Propane fireplace, hot tub, private deck to enjoy the views of the ski hill, and so much more.

3bdrm home has upgraded: roofing shingles, siding & 1” styro insulation plumbing & 200amp service. Kitchen was redone w/cabinets & flring, baths redone, all new windows & most flring throughout.

Take advantage of this exceptional value with this 3bdrm/3 bath lof t unit. Enjoy a true ski in/out in the hear t of K HMR Plaza within walking distance of all amenities and only 2.5 hours from Calgar y.






Lot 4, Casteldale View Estates

Dickson Downs

Highway #95, South

#103, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

852 Highway #95, South

Come for the quiet solitude to this quality built mountain home on 5 acres overlooking the Columbia Westlands & Mnt beyond. 3bdrm, 3 bath open concept design with warp around deck, All furnishing included.

Located 10 mins. south of town, this parcel has amazing views of the Columbia Wetlands. Property goes down into wetlands so you have access for year round activities. New well produces 30 gals. / min.

Fantastic and unrestricted views of the Columbia Wetlands on this 3.74 acres parcel! Rural zoning means no building restrictions for your mountain retreat. Call Re/max Golden for more information.

This 915sqft, 2bdrm, 2 bath unit has a good sized open plan living space with beautiful views of the valley. Features: f/p and 2 balconies. Ideal investment for rental or just for your own personal use.

Spacious family home with 4 bedrooms sitting on a .6 acre lot, just minutes from town. Recent upgrades include a new 3pce bath on the main floor and new flooring on both the main and above floors.




$189,900 + HST


Newly renovated. Lrg entrance w/plenty of strg, kitchen w/new cabinets & 4 new appl. dining area, LR, hallway housing laundry area, 4pce bath. Back bdrm leads to deck & new addition has mstr bdrm.


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