PROFILE: Sask. couple weathers all storms
NEWS: New hospital coming to Burns Lake
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Timber audit triggers concerns By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
Houston firefighters get a test-drive of the newest truck in the department’s line-up—a 1,500-gallon water hauler that is also well-suited to fighting grass and brush fires. For more on the shiniest truck in the fleet, turn to page 13.
Troubled by a recent Auditor-General’s report into how the B.C. manages its forests, mayors and rural directors at the Regional District of BulkleyNechako are seeking independent forestry advice. On Thursday, members of the RDBN’s forestry committee voted unanimously to hire experts for an impartial look into issues such as forest inventories and the post pinebeetle timber supply. “Some of my concern is that quite often this stuff is held behind closed doors,” said Bill Miller, committee chair and director of the Burns Lake rural area. That concern is
“ “Quite often this stuff is held behind closed doors.”
- Bill Miller
echoed in the audit, which was released in February by B.C. Auditor-General John Doyle. “The ministry has not clearly defined its timber objectives,” the report said, adding that B.C.’s forests ministry needs to set clearer, province-wide targets for timber volume, value and species diversity, and to start reporting publicly on the results. See TIMBER on Page 3
Federal budget cuts funding for public-access computers By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Federal budget cuts could spell “Out of Order” signs for the Houston library’s public-access computers. For now, librarian Toni McKilligan says the five public computers are working well. All are less than three
years old, she said, and the library just updated their Microsoft Office software. But since Industry Canada cancelled its public computer funding on March 31, those computers are at risk of breakdown. “A few years ago, we lost all our technology funding from
“If enough people say yes, this is important, the government may reconsider.”
the province as well,” McKilligan said. “So if a computer or a printer or anything breaks down, we have
- Treena Decker to figure out where to get the money to fix it or replace it.” Starting in 1995, Industry Canada fund-
ed public computers at libraries and community centres across Canada as a way to bring high-speed internet access to people living in rural areas or on low incomes. On April 5, the federal agency said it was pulling the plug on its public computer program because of a
tight budget year and because the program “had successfully achieved its objectives.” But McKilligan said the Houston library’s computers are still in demand, adding that it’s not uncommon to have a waiting list, especially just after school.
“Probably the largest group that is served by it is youth who don’t have computers at home,” she said. Students often use the computers to do work-related tests or short courses, she said, such as the online Food Safe exam required for restaurant workers. See LIBRARY on Page 3
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
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Houston Today
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Audit raises need for clear timber targets TIMBER from Page 1 Officials at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations responded by saying its principle objectives are set in law, and more precise targets are set out in a number of technical guides that are mostly done at a regional level. Miller said another key problem identified in the report is that private companies and community groups that hold timber li-
cences have to follow stricter tree planting and forest stewardship rules than the government itself. Even before they circle a group of trees for harvest, Miller said licencees have to prepare detailed plans for how to protect things such as wildlife and nearby rivers. But after the trees reach “free-growing” stage—usually between seven and 20 years after planting— stewardship of B.C. forests returns to the
province. “Once it turns over to the Crown, there’s no forest stewardship plan anymore,” he said. Although the trees are fairly mature by that stage, he added, wildfires, diseases and new access roads can all enter the picture and require more planning. Another issue, Miller said, is the way that B.C.’s forests ministry performs forest inventories. “They do a lot of ‘circle the area, count
“ “Once it turns over to the Crown, there’s no forest stewardship plan.”
- Bill Miller
the trees, and extrapolate,’” he said. “That’s not accurate, the AuditorGeneral has said that, and we’ve known that
Web access still key to north: Decker LIBRARY from Page 1
Many rural residents also use the computers to get the highspeed internet access they can’t get at home, said McKilligan. Other residents come in because their home computer isn’t hooked up to a printer. Treena Decker, who works at Community Futures in Prince Rupert, was responsible for distributing about $100,000 in annual public computer funding from Industry Canada to 27 sites in northwest B.C. Seven of those sites are in public libraries, while the rest are in community centres or band council buildings. “When you break it down to roughly $3,400 per site, that’s a lot of bang for the government buck,” said Decker. A lot of the Industry Canada funding went directly to hardware and software, Decker said, “But a lot of times it was internet connectivity, which is a huge cost up here in
the north.” In Una River, a tiny coastal community, Decker said the funding was used to set up a public wi-fi network. Other sites used the funding to put up secondary radio towers to boost their internet speeds. Decker said it’s too early to say whether other governments or funding bodies might step in to continue the program, but she noted that governments are facing tight budgets right now and public computers may not be their top priority. Decker also said she hopes the federal government changes its mind about the cuts before the budget is finalized in June. “If enough people say yes, this is important, the government may reconsider,” she said. According to the latest Statistics Canada survey on internet use, 84 per cent of B.C. households had home internet access in 2010, a rate that is higher in
major cities. Among the roughly 20 per cent of Canadian households who do not have internet access at home, more than half said they had no need or
for years.” In its third year, Miller said the RDBN’s forestry committee was set up to give area mayors and rural directors a stronger voice on such issues. But to do that, they need the kind of clear, objective information the auditor called for. “I really think that if we’re going to make responsible decisions around this table, then we need that source of resource to draw on.”
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interest in it. The same survey showed that households with a combined income of $30,000 or less, just 54 per cent of people had home internet access.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
Shame, shame
ollowing a condemning report on the joint strike fighter program from the Auditor General Michael Ferguson earlier this month, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Conservative government finally admitted there were problems with their beloved F-35 jets. The report also accused the Department of National Defence (DND) for not being wholly open with the information it was giving to government and its bureaucrats, especially about the escalating cost estimates. It appears Mr. Harper suspected the jig was up when there was no mention of the F-35 jets in the budget speech other than to note that the CF-18 Hornets had to be replaced. Immediately after the Auditor General’s report was released, the Tories froze the spending for the F-35 program. Next, the government announced it was withdrawing DND’s ability to purchase new weapon systems and hand them off to Public Works. Obviously, this was a move to appear to be doing something and to deflect opposition criticism in the House of Commons. However, the $30-billion, and possibly growing, price tag on the F-35 jets isn’t new information for the Tories. In March 2011, Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page noted the cost of the F-35 program would be closer to $30 billion because the $15-billion price tag DND was tossing around didn’t include ongoing training, personnel and operating costs. At the time, the Tory government and its MPs, representing Ottawa in our communities, stubbornly refused to admit costs were spiralling out of control for the F-35 stealth fighters, and pointed accusatory fingers at Mr. Page for not providing accurate fingers. Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy McLeod said Page was comparing “apples and oranges” when he accused of the government of giving a lowball cost estimate. She, in turn, accused him of basing his costs on a 30-year maintenance program rather than the government’s 20-year estimate. While the federal Liberal Opposition hammered away at getting a true costing for the F-35 jets, the Harper government continued to defend the F-35s. This refusal to come clean and share the information with the House of Commons came to a head when the opposition passed a lack of confidence vote against the minority government and forced last year’s federal election. During the ensuing election campaign, the Conservatives continued to pull the wool over the nation’s eyes by denying the escalating cost and technical problems. They were rewarded for their evasiveness by being handed a majority government. It lends credence to the old adage you can fool all of the people some of the time. —100 Mile House Free Press
Real housewives of whose world?
fter easily avoiding every single episode of the Real Housewives of Anywhere, my curiosity was piqued last week with its latest franchise, primarily because it was filmed in Vancouver where I was born and raised. I figured I’d tune in at least once to catch some of the beautiful Vancouver sights, and maybe see a few familiar faces. I watched the first two episodes while I worked out, and surprisingly, my time in the gym whizzed by. “Did you like it?” one of my girlfriends asked excitedly. I had to admit: I did. I can’t say why exactly, but I recognized instantly that it was a guilty pleasure compa-
rable to eating grilled cheese sandwiches made with processed Velveeta and white bread. I knew it wasn’t great for me and there were much healthier alternatives, but it wasn’t going to kill me either. The five gorgeous housewives featured in the show live very different lives than I do. They live very different lives than almost every woman I’ve ever known. But it wasn’t their extreme wealth and privilege that I found interesting, it was the inane dramatic situations that I got a kick out of, even knowing how staged they were. “It’s not real,” one of my male friends said. “Two of them
aren’t even from Vancouver. They’ve been transported from Toronto and the shows are scripted.” Who cares, I thought after I saw it. It was funny. “But it’s not intended to be a comedy,” he said. “I don’t get how you could like that crap. I understood his frustration with me. After years of voicing my dislike at the mere idea of reality TV, I must seem like a complete traitor to him. “Didn’t you find it amusing how that one woman would bully her friends and when she was confronted, she’d turn it around and tell them to get over it and get therapy?” I asked.
“Or the woman who said that her primary source of income was two divorces. Full stop.” “No,” he replied. “They were contemptible.” I couldn’t take it as seriously as that, though. But is the Real Housewives of Vancouver a must see? I refuse to judge these women because I don’t know them. As far as I’m concerned, they are just playing exaggerated caricatures of themselves for the sake of entertainment. Sure, their job is easier than an actor’s because they don’t have to learn lines. But their job is also harder because people assume
On a brighte brighter note Lori Welbourne they are the personas they represent since it’s supposed to be “real.” True or not, it doesn’t matter to me. I just want to feel less empty about my new guilty pleasure, so I’ve decided to only watch it when I’m working out. I can justify doing so if it makes my workouts whiz by.
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Houston Today
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Website Poll results Yes - 50% No - 50% Are you concerned about woodstove smoke in Houston?
This week’s Website Poll at Do you agree with the federal cuts to funding for public-access computers?
On The
Say HOPE society, what are some everyday ways to go green after Earth Day?
Carlie Kearns
Bizz McKilligan
Pauline Warren
Miake Elliot
“Grow a garden. We have a decent season, if you plant things that grow well here.”
“Houston goes through 50,000 disposable coffee cups a year. So my tip is bring your own coffee mug!”
“Fold up and recycle your cardboard. It makes a big difference at our local landfill.”
“Reduce your carbon footprint by shopping locally. If you can’t purchase locally, buy Canadian, and if you can’t buy Canadian, buy North American.”
By A B Andrew d H Hud Huds Hudson d
Letters to the
Timber must be managed long-term
Editor: I find it commendable that the provincial government is attempting to find a guaranteed amount of timber to re-open
Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to:, faxed to: 250-847-2995 or mailed to: P.O. Box 899, Houston B.C., V0J 1Z0.
the mill in Burns Lake by stepping outside of the current rules governing timber supply. What concerns me is that if they do it for one company, they will have to do the same for others as the supply of
timber diminishes in the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District. We are all aware of the voracious appetite for timber that Canfor and West Fraser have in Houston. Will the rules be
“ “
“If they do it for one company, they will have to do the same for others...”
bent for them in a few years? This is a slippery slope, and we must be careful before going down this road. James B. Ippel Terrace
Gentle John Cummins? Not really I
n an interview with one of our Vancouver Island papers before Christmas, B.C. Conservative leader John Cummins made a bold prediction that he would have party status before the general election in May 2013. That’s four seats, and it wasn’t based on an unlikely sweep of the Chilliwack-Hope and Port MoodyCoquitlam by-elections, now set for April 19. He hinted he was getting calls from MLAs looking to join up, after a November Angus Reid poll showed a sudden surge to 18 per cent for his resurgent brand. We now know that one of those callers was Abbotsford South MLA John van Dongen. I asked Cummins on Friday if he is still
confident about three more. “Hopeful, let’s put it that way,” he replied. Van Dongen’s explosive departure was arranged, with Cummins’ help, for maximum damage to Premier Christy Clark. Van Dongen notified the B.C. Liberal caucus that he was quitting. Then, in a questionable use of legislature privileges, he launched a broadside on Clark’s integrity. He cited the $6-million legal payout in the B.C. Rail sale, a decision made before Clark’s time, and the recent collapse of a deal to sell naming rights to B.C. Place. He described the B.C. Liberals as “an organization headed for failure,” then announced he’s joined the B.C. Conservatives.
Cummins then joined van Dongen at a hotel news conference across the street, as the former Gordon Campbell cabinet minister disclosed he has hired his own lawyer to dig through the roomful of paper from the B.C. Rail case once again. Auditor General John Doyle is already in court seeking access to details of the $6 million in lawyer bills, which the Attorney General’s ministry hasn’t provided because it doesn’t have them. These delicate matters were farmed out to yet more independent lawyers. Independent special prosecutor Bill Berardino also spent seven years and many more millions on the B.C. Rail case, including the role of Clark’s
“Van Dongen’s explosive departure was arranged, with Cummins’ help, for maximum damage to Premier Christy Clark.”
lobbyist brother, Bruce. He didn’t find the smoking gun now sought by van Dongen. This effort seems designed more for political revenge in an election year than to clarify the sorry legacy of the B.C. Rail sale that has already been examined through two provincial elections. Van Dongen was at the top of everyone’s list of disgruntled B.C. Liberals.
During last year’s leadership contest, he muttered darkly about not only B.C. Rail, but also the integrity of fellow Abbotsford MLA Mike de Jong. Now Clark is van Dongen’s target, with Cummins standing beside him trying to look statesman-like. Of course van Dongen drove himself out of cabinet long before Clark returned. Chronic speeding by a public safety minister is a tough sell.
I asked Cummins about the reluctance of key cabinet ministers Kevin Falcon and George Abbott to confirm they are running again. His aw-shucks friendly-grandpa modesty precludes speculation, but he did allow it’s “maybe a comment on the state of affairs in the Liberal caucus.” Reporters started surveying government MLAs after Falcon and Abbott kept their options open for 2013. For the record, fellow ministers Terry Lake, Shirley Bond, Pat Bell, Mary Polak, Rich Coleman and Stephanie Cadieux all said they are firmly on Clark’s election team. Independentminded backbenchers Bill Bennett and Kevin Krueger also saluted the B.C. Liberal ban-
B .C. Views Tom Fletcher ner. Randy Hawes allowed that he’s 65, so if he leaves it will be for the golf course. As I was talking with Cummins, B.C. Conservative advisor Randy White was assuring the Abbotsford News that more defections are coming. Cummins has people for the dirty work.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Houston Today
Illegal guiding nets $10,000 in charges
• Gravel & Sand Sales & Hauling • Gravel Truck for Debris Removal • Excavating (Hydraulic Tamper) (Rake and Buckets) • Dig wells • Land clearing
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MEETING SCHEDULE 2012 April 12, 2012..............RDBN Committee Meetings April 26, 2012..............RDBN Board Meeting May 10, 2012 ..............RDBN Committee Meetings May 31, 2012 ..............RDBN Board Meeting The Audited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 will be presented for Board review and approval at the April 26, 2012 Board meeting. The Audited Financial Statements are available for inspection at the Regional District office at 37 3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, B.C. during regular business hours from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.
Meetings tentatively commence at 10:30 a.m. please call (250) 692-3195/1-800-320-3339 for further information
TRADESPERSON’S TOOLS EXPENSES What are the rules for tradespeople’s tools deduction? The total cost of new tools acquired by an employed tradesperson in a taxation year, in excess of $1,065, will be deductible up to maximum of $500 for that year. Employer certification that new tools are required for the job is required.
What are the rules for the apprentice vehicle mechanics tools deduction? Qualifying individuals are allowed to deduct the cost of new tools, exceeding the greater of, $500 plus the Canada Employment Amount claimed and 5% of their apprenticeship income. The deduction is available to employee apprentices registered in a federal, provincial or territorial program leading to certification as a vehicle mechanic, for tool costs certified by the employer as having been incurred as a condition of the apprenticeship.
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After almost one year of investigation and more than six months in the courts, Andrew Maillot pled guilty to one count of Illegal Guiding, section 49(1) of the Wildlife Act at the Port Coquitlam courthouse. The guilty plea stems from a complaint received by the Conservation Officer Service in Smithers, B.C, in September 2010. The complaint alleged Maillot was il-
legally guiding fishermen on the Zymoetz (Copper) River near Smithers, BC. An investigation, including Conservation Officers Kyle Ackles, Cam Schley (resigned) and Sergeant Kevin Nixon, was launched and charges against Maillot were filed Aug. 30, 2011. Maillot was charged with acting as a guide without a proper licence, angling without a licence or permit as required by regulation and acting as a guide without a proper licence. All charges were
filed under the B.C. Wildlife Act. “Investigating illegal angling guides can be difficult,” Ackles, a conservation officer based in Smithers said. “In order to prove the offence we need to prove compensation or reward for guiding services.” In sentencing Maillot, the judge also remarked on the difficulty of investigations involving illegal guiding and noted such activities put legal guides at an economic disadvantage. Maillot was ordered
to pay a $1,000 fine. In addition, Maillot also has to pay $9,000 to the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund for fish conservation and enhancement and management in the Skeena Region. “Hopefully, the $10,000 fine will provide a deterrence in the future,” Ackles said. Deterrence is key, Ackles said, because there are indications illegal guiding is a common venture in the Skeena region. “Angling guiding is an important industry locally and brings in a lot to the local econo-
my,” Ackles said. “The Smithers office, which includes the Morice, Babine, Bulkley, Kispiox and upper Skeena rivers, receives around a dozen complaints every fall.” The Copper or Zymoetz River, which flows into the Skeena River near Terrace, B.C., is considered a classified river and considered one of the best rivers to fish for steelhead salmon. To report a violation please call the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952RAPP (7277).
TELUS to spend $103 million in region By DeLynda Pilon Prince George Free Press
TELUS will invest $100 million in northern B.C. over the next three years, and $60 million of those dollars will be infused in Prince George. TELUS president and CEO Darren Entwistle made the announcement at the Inn of the North Thursday morning, joined by MLA Shirley Bond and Mayor Shari Green. “TELUS’ $103 million investment in northern B.C. over the next three years is only possible due to the hard work and outstanding commitment of our 775 team members and retirees in the region and the support of our customers, and
for that I am deeply grateful,” Entwistle said. “TELUS will bring the world’s fastest wireless technology to Prince George this year and expand Optik TV to even more neighbourhoods at the same time as we extend broadband Internet service to many more northern communities. With this commitment, we are providing the wireless and wireline communications backbone local companies depend on to compete in the world economy, creating local employment opportunities and advancing healthcare, education and connectivity for citizens across the region.” The funds will go towards extending the new 4G LTE network
DeLynda Pilon/Prince George Free Press
TELUS president and CEO Darren Entwistle to Prince George as Internet and extend well as extending Optik wireless coverage along TV to more Prince northern highways. George homes. It will This investment connect Cluculz Lake, comes on top of the Kitwanga, Hansard, $11 million TELUS Wet’suwet’en and Reid put into the city last Lake to broadband year, which includes $3
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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Until July 3, 2012, purchase a new 2012 Fusion SE with automatic transmission/2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission/2012 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission for $20,499/$21,999/$28,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $5,500/$5,000/$5,500. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,500/$5,000/$5,500 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Until July 3, 2012, choose 5.99%/5.99%/4.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a new 2012 Fusion SE with automatic transmission/2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission/2012 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission for a maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $293/$315/$422 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $135/$145/$195 with a down payment of $2,800/$3,000/$2,800 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $3,414.28/$3,665.06/$4,171.44 or APR of 5.99%/5.99%/4.99% and total to be repaid is $21,113.28/$22,664.06/$30,370.44. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,500/$5,000/$5,500 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. †From April 3, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $500/$750/$1,000/$1,500/$1,750/$2,000/$3,000/$4,000/ $4,500/$5,000/ $5,500/$6,500/$7,000/ $7,500/$8,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Focus S, 2012 Fiesta, 2012 Explorer (excluding Base)/2012 Focus (excluding S)/2012 Edge SE, 2012 Flex SE, 2012 Escape I4 Manual, E-Series/Transit Connect (excluding Electric), 2012 F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader/2012 Mustang Value Leader/2012 Taurus SE, 2012 F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/2012 Fusion S, 2012 Flex (excluding SE)/2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader), 2012 Edge AWD (excluding SE)/ 2012 Expedition/2012 Fusion Hybrid, 2012 Mustang GT (excluding GT500 and Boss 302), 2012 Taurus (excluding SE), 2012 Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)/2012 Fusion (excluding S and Hybrid), 2012 Edge FWD (excluding SE), 2012 Escape V6, 2012 F-250 to F-450 Gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L/2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L, 2012 F-250 to F-450 Diesel engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 Fusion 2.5L I4 6-speed automatic transmission: [9.0L/100km (31MPG) City, 6.0L/100km (47MPG) Hwy]/ 2012 Escape 2.5L I4 6-speed Automatic transmission: [10.0L/100km (28MPG) City, 7.1L/100km (40MPG) Hwy]/ 2012 Edge 3.5L V6 FWD 6-speed Automatic transmission: [11.1L/100km (25MPG) City, 7.2L/100km (39MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. †††© 2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
Houston Today
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Hwy 16, Smithers
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Houston Today
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
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Featuring the spirit of the local people For better or worse, Saskatchewan couple bet on each other for nutrient testing. Andrew Hudson “Both of them are up there Love takes many forms. among my star patients,” says In the home of Alvin and Angela Robinson, a home dialyJoyce Ermel, love is a bright sis nurse who regularly visits the blue dialysis machine with Ermels. looping tubes. It whirs as it As well as Alvin’s fine work draws blood from Joyce’s arm on the dialysis machine, Roband cleans it—a job her kidinson noted how well Joyce neys suddenly quit doing on watches her diet. July 3, 2010, thanks to a rare Given how hard it is to prodisease that strikes one in two cess salt and potassium, dialysis million people. patients are caught in the strange Alvin, who turns 76 in May, position of having to keep most now runs the home dialysis healthy foods off their plate. machine that keeps Joyce alive “White flour, white sugar, and the two of them living in nothing whole wheat, no greens, Houston. no salt,” Joyce says. “I tell them Every second day, or whenthat my diet is worse than this ever Joyce needs it, Alvin indialysis machine.” stalls new tubing, a new blood But Joyce does follow her filter, and primes the machine recommended diet, Robinson with IV fluid. said, something she sees in reguThen, with a practiced hand, lar reports from Joyce’s dietiAlvin guides a needle to the cian. “buttonhole” in Joyce’s arm— “I know things are going well a surgically-made passage there,” she said. between her artery and vein Robinson says she has 15 that he says is tricky to use but home dialysis patients right now, means less chance of infection. scattered from Dawson Creek to “Even the doctors that come Chetwynd and Quesnel. in here and see it—they just Many people in the Northern look at Alvin and say, ‘I can’t Joyce and Alvin Ermel with the kidney dialysis machine they run from their home in Houston. Joyce is one Health area chose home dialysis believe you’re doing this,’” of just 15 home kidney dialysis patients in northern B.C. to stay in their home town, she says Joyce. says. From Houston, the closest But she knows better. machine runs and Joyce sleeps, does crosswords, listens to radialysis clinics are in Terrace or Prince George. When he was a boy growing up in Bethune, Saskatchewan, dio, or phones whoever she owes a call. Friends drop by, some But since 2004, Robinson says the province has also stepped she says Alvin told his parents that he wanted to be a doctor. after signing up to a visit list at church—a blessing Joyce says up home dialysis in more urban parts of the province because it Money was tight though, and they needed him to work on helps pass the time. often shows better results. As Joyce says, compared to in-clinic the family farm. Meanwhile, the machine cycles through more than 80 litres dialysis, home dialysis is a Cadillac. Alvin stayed, and he did well—this summer, he and Joyce of blood. Alvin steps in regularly to check a screen and make “You can do it when you want, for as long as you want,” she will fly back to Bethune for the town’s centennial after farming sure Joyce’s blood pressure and the machine’s flow rate are says. there for 50 years. okay. Robinson agrees, noting that even at independent clinics, Still, handy as Alvin was fixing farm equipment, Joyce says “This is just like a monitor on a combine, actually,” he said, where patients can hook up the machines themselves, patients her husband always longed to fix people instead. taking down some numbers in the middle of a dialysis. have to follow a more limited schedule. “He took a St. John’s Ambulance course, and every time Once each session is over, Alvin disposes of the tubes and “If you want to do it, and you meet the criteria, we can get there was an accident in Regina he would be driving behind the blood filter, then mixes one of three cleaning solutions to disinyou home,” she says. ambulance to see if he couldn’t do something,” she says. fect the machine. All in all, he says it’s a five-hour job. But not everyone is capable of taking on as much as Alvin “So this was pre-ordained years ago.” But that doesn’t include the time Alvin and Joyce spend arhas. Luckily for Alvin, even after he starts Joyce’s dialysis, there ranging supplies, swapping out water filters, or taking monthly “He needs a medal,” Joyce says. “He doesn’t have a chest is still plenty of work to do. blood samples that Alvin spins in a centrifuge and mails to a lab big enough.” For the next four and a half hours, he stays close by while the
John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes 183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822
Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 E-mail: Website:
2500 Butler Avenue Houston Tel: 250-845-7770 Fax: 250-845-7780
Houston Today
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
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With a couple of clicks, add your event today.
events there’s moreWonline »
~ An InvitaƟon to Explore Early Learning for 3 & 4 year olds & their Parents ~
Ready Set Learn Events are open to all children 3 & 4 years old and their families. ParƟcipate in a variety of skill development acƟviƟes; enjoy a snack and story Ɵme as well as meeƟng school staī and community resource providers. Choose ONE event to aƩend and register at a school below: May 7th - Muheim Memorial Elementary School 9:30-11:45 am May 8th - Twain Sullivan Elementary School 9:30-11:45 am May 9th - Lake Kathlyn Elementary School 9:30-11:45 am May 10th - Telkwa Elementary School 9:30-11:45 am May 11th - Walnut Park Elementary School 9:30-11:45 am For more informaƟon: hƩp:// 250.847.5517 Early Learning Coordinator “We gratefully acknowledge the financial contribution of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Education.”
Bipolar Workshop
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
One billion containers recycled per year Advertorial Encorp Pacific
Encorp Pacific (Canada) is one of North America’s leading product stewardship corporations. With over 175 depots and mobile collectors across BC, the Return-It™ system is a British Columbia success story. Thanks to BC residents, 80% of the beverage containers sold in the province are recovered and recycled into something new. That’s over one billion containers kept out of our land fills. As one of BC’s largest product stewardship corporations, Encorp’s mandate is to develop and manage a consumer friendly and cost-effective system to recover end-of-life consumer products and packaging for recycling. Encorp monitors and estimates greenhouse gas emissions associated with its recycling activities. This helps reduce their carbon footprint and maximize their net benefit to the planet. In 2010, more than one billion containers were recycled.
Friday, April 27, 2012 from 10 am to 2 pm
250-845-3484 before April 20, 2012.
Encorp photo
behalf of more than 1,000 beverage brand owners. “When Encorp first started, we were recycling about 300 million containers,” Hastie says. “Over the past 16 years, that number has just kept growing and growing.” As product stewardship has expanded over the years, so has Encorp. They also manage the recycling of milk containers on behalf of the Dairy Council of BC and electronics for the Electronics StewardshipAssociation of BC (ESABC). “In less than three years, 50 million kilograms of electron-
ics have been diverted from land fills and recycled responsibly in BC. It’s one of the highest rates of e-waste diversion in North America,” says Tyler Garnes, Encorp’s Logistics Manager. Encorp is 100% industry operated and receives no government funding. They combine private sector agencies with a high degree of public sector transparency to manage collection and recycling programs. You can view Encorp’s annual report by visiting www.
Would like to encourage everyone to make one change in your recycling habits this year starting on...
There is no charge and refreshments and lunch is provided.
Register with Houston Community Services at
That’s approximately 365 million aluminum cans, 355 million plastic bottles, 215 million glass bottles, 82 million drink boxes and cartons, and 10 million other containers of varying types. “One billion containers weigh around 97,000 metric tonnes. That’s about the size of an aircraft carrier,” adds Encorp’s President and CEO, Neil Hastie. “Imagine if our land fills had to accommodate that in addition to everything else that’s thrown out.” First established in 1994, Encorp created a network of provincewide recycling depots to ensure soft drink containers were recycled. The system expanded in 1998 when the provincial government expanded the recycling regulations to include water, juice and alcohol containers. Today, consumers pay a deposit on all ready-to-drink beverage containers sold in BC, except for milk. Encorp’s Return-It Depot system collects containers from consumers and returns them for recycling on
Houston Recycling
at the Houston Seniors Centre
The workshop is presented by Heather Megchelsen, a regional co-ordinator of the B.C. Schizophrenia Society.
Houston Today
Some items you can bring to your local recycling depot instead of throwing away are:
• • • • • • • •
Do your part for the environment
Cardboard and mixed paper Milk containers Batteries Cameras and cell phones Fluorescent lights and tubes Ink cartridges and toners #2 plastics Electronics
Houston Recycling Return-It™ Depot 2266 Nadina Ave., Houston Phone: 250-845-2590 Open: Monday-Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
# ""
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ON NOW AT YOUR BC BUICK GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. ^/ â&#x20AC;Ąâ&#x20AC;Ą/â&#x20AC; â&#x20AC; /*Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Sierra EXT 2WD (R7H)/2012 Sierra Kodiak Crew 4WD (R7C) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Auto Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See GMC dealer for details. x$8,250 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on 2012 Sierra EXT 4WD/2012 Sierra Kodiak LD Crew Special Edition (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. ÂĽâ&#x20AC; 2.99% purchase financing for 84 months on 2012 Sierra EXT 2WD on approved credit. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 2.99% for 84 months, the monthly payment is $132.09 Cost of borrowing is $1,095.9, total obligation is $11,095.39. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly payments and cost of borrowing will also vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Biweekly payments based on a purchase price of $25,995 with $1,799 down on 2012 Sierra EXT 2WD, equipped as described. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. â&#x20AC;Ąâ&#x20AC;Ą2012 GMC Sierra 1500, equipped with available VortecTM 5.3L V8 engine and 6-speed automatic transmission, fuel consumption ratings based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Competitive fuel consumption ratings based on 2012 Large Pickup segment and Natural Resources Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2011 Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes hybrids and other GM models. â&#x20AC; Chrome Accessories Package offer available on light duty 2012 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra extended cab and crew cab trucks (excluding Denali crew cab) equipped with the PDJ package (â&#x20AC;&#x153;PDJ Packageâ&#x20AC;?). Kodiak package includes PDZ credit valued at $1,200. Dealer order or trade may be required. Offer available to retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between February 3, 2012 and April 30, 2012. Customers who opt to forego the PDJ Package may apply a $500 credit (tax exclusive) to the vehicle purchase price. This offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer. ~OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit for OnStarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Guide. â&#x20AC;Ą0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit for 48 months on 2012 GMC Sierra Nevada EXT 4WD/2012 GMC Sierra Kodiak Crew 4WD. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $208.33 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight ($1,495) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.
Houston Today
Call Sullivan Motor Products at 250-845-2244, or visit us at 2760 Yellowhead Highway, Houston. [License #5631]
PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: *2012 Tacoma 4x4 Double Cab V6 Automatic MU4FNA(A) MSRP is $31,660 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $349 with $3,348 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $20,100. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. **2012 Tundra 4x4 Crewmax 5.7L Platinum edition Automatic HY5F1T(BM) MSRP is $53,950 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $559 with $8,599 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $35,431. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. ***2012 Venza Automatic ZA3BBT(A) MSRP is $31,185 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $339 with $3,488 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $19,760. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus HST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. Offers valid until April 30, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on and that contained on, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. †0% finance for 36 months, upon credit approval, available on 2012 Corolla, Matrix, RAV4 and Venza. ††Up to $6000 Cash Back available on 2012 Tundra Crewmax with $2000 in Stackable Cash and $4000 in Non-stackable cash. Up to $4000 Cash back on Venza with $1500 in Stackable Cash and $2500 in Non-stackable cash. Non-stackable cash back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services lease or finance rates. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by April 30, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. ‡Informational APR: Venza 6.57% / Tundra 6.63%. Your rate on Tundra and Venza will be 2.9%. Government regulation provides that the Informational APR includes the cash customer incentive which is only available to customers who do not purchase finance/lease through Toyota Financial Services at a special rate, as a cost of borrowing. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
lease from
per mo./48 mo. at 2.9%
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Call Judy Home: 250-845-2156 Cell: 250-845-4383
Located in the Razor’s Edge Shop
tag you’re it.
crewmax platinum
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per mo./48 mo. at 2.9% By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
4x4 Double Cab V6 with TRD Sport Pkg shown
tacoma *
4x4 Dbl Cab V6
lease from
per mo./48 mo at 3.9%
purchase financing from †
/36 mo. on select models
Ringo Starr and a real throwback, Napoleon Bonaparte, both dropped in at Houston Secondary’s sixth annual Arts Fair on Thursday. The several lifesized Napoleon cutouts hanging in the HSS foyer windows were drawn by a Grade 9 Social Studies class, said teacher-librarian Jocelyn Rourke. That’s a sign of how teachers are tapping into students’ visual learning these
Houston Today
Spa offering...
~ Gel & Acrylic Nails and Art ~ Shellac Polish ~ Paraffin Wax ~ Pedicures and Manicures
Also featuring... Kids’ parties Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and some Saturdays 9 to 5.
Experience the Serenity with Me
Parents and arts fans check out displays at the HSS Arts Fair. Ringo Starr showed up courtesy of student Miranda Woods. Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
Stars shine at HSS Arts Fair days, she said. Even the math class had a display to show off different angles on the Pythorgean theorum. After watching a short play on one woman’s nightmare adventure in voicemail, visitors to the fair heard the HSS band blast through its first public performance. Now that it’s over, Rourke said Houston Secondary teachers have some tough homework to do. In an annual tradition, they will vote on one standout piece to hang in their staff room.
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Houston Today
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Accepting new patients
Fire truck tops show and tell By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Houston firefighters made a splash with a shiny new waterhauler last week. Fire Chief Jim Daigneault says the new truck will mainly shuttle water to outof-town areas that have no fire hydrants. Equipped with a 1,500-gallon tank that takes just five minutes to fill, he said the new truck can haul more water than the 40-year-old truck it’s replacing. “It gives us a lot of flexibility,” Daigneault said. “It’s actually got
a good pump on it, so it can just fight a fire as well.” Crews tried out that pump for the first time on Thursday while driving the truck slowly down 11th Street. That “pump and roll” technique is a big help in fighting fast-spreading grass and brush fires, said Daigneault. Shawn Dick, handles B.C. and Yukon sales for Rocky Mountain Phoenix, the company that won last year’s bid to supply the District of Houston with the $194,000 Rosenbauer fire truck. Inside the water-
Handle ALL insurance coverages CertiӾed hygenist on staӽ
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Northern BC Winter Games Society Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
Houston firefighters get schooled on the department’s new water hauler. hauler is a collapsible tank that looks like a giant wading pool, he explained. When they pull up to a fire, the hauling crew dumps that pool on the ground and fills it using a 10-inch chute that pours 1,000 gallons a minute. Then they drive back to a hydrant for a refill, leaving a pool of
water that fire engines can suck up using suction hoses. “They just keep filling the pool, and the other trucks do the main firefighting,” said Dick. Asked what it’s like to be a firetruck dealer, he admitted it’s a lot of fun. “Every single truck I sell, I get to have at
my house and drive,” he said, smiling. That’s a huge bonus for his six-year-old son, he added, who got to bring his Dad’s fire truck to his Grade 1 show-and-tell this year. “He was pretty much the coolest kid in school,” he said, laughing.
• ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING • Saturday, April 28, 2012 @ 9am At the
The Hills Health Ranch 4871 Cariboo Hwy. 97, 108 Mile, B.C. Seminar Room For more information:
Leukemia is a malignant disease (cancer) of the bone marrow and blood. It is characterized by the uncontrolled accumulation of blood cells. There are four major types of Leukemia and each behaves and needs to be treated differently. Help find a cure today by volunteering or donating.
Do Mielle, a 12-year old Golden Retriever, gets the full treatment from Bizz McKilligan on Friday. A couple months since Bizz’s Pet Grooming, McKilligan says she’s had great luck with dogs and even managed to convince a cat to try a bath.
Sponsored by
John Rustad MLA - Nechako Lakes 2500 Butler Avenue, Houston Tel: 250-845-7770 Fax: 250-845-7780
Andrew Hudson/ Houston Today
Hosted By: Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Houston OfÀce
Registration now Available Pick up forms at the Friendship Centre 3383 - 11th Street
Spring is here!
Time for a tire
All Nations Soccer is a new initiative, offering a high quality soccer team experience for all kids who want to play. Soccer teams, coaching & instruction for children ages 2-14. We will Play late May-July 7th. Practice twice weekly. Fun, Skills, Tournaments & more. Registration $50 per child $25 for kids registered in Softball. Due: April 27th If cost is an issue please contact us. We are not pay to play. For questions call 250-845-2131 or email
Spruce up your vehicle with new
Need new tires? Come in for our Spring Savings Event!
2239 Tweedie Avenue, Houston Industrial Site
Now available at Kal Tire
Phone: 250-845-7341
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Houston Today
Looking for work? We can help. Get the training and support you need to find and keep a job in B.C. Job search resources • Personal employment planning • Workshops and training • Specialized services
News staff/Houston Today
B.C. Finance Minister Kevin Falcon says his latest budget spending controls are being received favourably in the U.S.
EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CENTRES Locations across B.C. Visit one near you. 1.800.663.7867 TDD: 1.800.661.8773
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.
Investors don’t mind B.C. HST failure, Falcon says
Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at
Houston Public Library Upcoming Events... Baby & Me: Wed: 10-1am; Story Time: Wed: 1:30-2:30pm; Toddler Time: Fri: 10 to 11am; After School Game Day – Thurs, April 26 from 2:30 to 4:30pm; Celebrate Earth Day at the Library - Rock Painting – Thurs, April 19 from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Paint and rocks are provided or bring your favorite rock from home. You must register for this activity; Dessert Club – Tues, April 24 from 7 to 9 pm. This month is all about ‘Fruit Crisps’ Please bring a copy of a recipe to share and please call to register. Phone 250-845-2256 for more info on any of the above events or to register. Family Dance - Fundraiser for Relay for Life - Friday, April 27: 7-10:00 pm at the Houston Community Hall. Admission by Donation. For more info call Jocelyn Rourke 250-8453735 or email All proceeds to the Relay for Life cancer fundraiser. NEW ARRIVALS - Ton of Books Sale (fundraiser for Telkwa Museum) Sat., April 21 & 28 at 10 am - 4 pm, Telkwa Village Office, Corner Hwy. 16 and Hankin. Contact: Janet 250-846-5258 Community Calendar proudly sponsored by
Houston Secondary School RUGBY TEAMS are hosting a BINGO! April 19, Houston Senior Centre, Doors open at 6:30 Bingo Starts at 7pm. Concession available. Know your limit, play within it. For Help: 1-888-795-5611 or Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Houston Secondary Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No experience necessary please contact Byron - F/C 250-696School PAC gaming licence. 3348 or come to a fire practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs Bipolar Workshop - April 27, 2012 at the Houston (7:30 pm) Seniors Centre from 10 am to 2 pm. There is no charge Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Tues. and refreshments and lunch is provided. The workshop is of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices every Thurs. presented by Heather Megchelsen, a regional co-ordinator at 7:30 pm. of the B.C. Schizophrenia Society. Register with Houston Community Services at 250-845-3484 before April 20, Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m. 2012.
The Houston Legion Branch 249: Darts Sat. at 7:30. Meeting: 2nd Mon. of the month is Executive, 4th Mon. is General Meeting (we have not been able to get a quorum in Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the Seniors Centre. months, members please attend) Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & fire “Fit For Life.” Senior Exercise @ Cottonwood Manor on practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Mon., Wed., & Fri. @10 a.m. Call Hanne 845-7414 or Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., 11 a.m. Bunny 845-7110. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m. Houston Community Services is open Mon. thru Fri. from 9am to 4pm We have clothing to give away. Baby clothing; women’s and mens as well as children of all ages. Come and check it out! fected by cancer in some way. “Being an employee of Bulkley Valley Credit Union is more than just coming to work, putting in my hours and at the end of every two weeks leaving with a paycheque. For me it is more than that – I get to work with great people and meet many different members of the community and surrounding areas. At Bulkley Valley Credit Union we take pride in being involved in our community whether it is volunteering at the Luckies games, supporting the Fireman’s May Long Pancake Breakfast, painting pre-kindergartens’ faces at the Teddy Bear picnic or participating in fundraising for the Relay for Life and the Big Bike to name a few. There is a sense of accomplishment and self gratitude when you can see that you are helping to make a difference in your community. I think that everyone has been affected by cancer, whether it is someone close to them or someone in the community that they are friends with. For me, a person who I have known equally as my mother was diagnosed in April of 1999 with cancer and passed away in January of 2000. I think that we always try to stay positive and pray that they can beat
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION RELAY FOR LIFE – CORPORATE SPONSOR 2012 Bulkley Valley Credit Union, formally Houston & District Credit Union was incorporated July 2, 1957. The year 2000, marked the beginning of another era for the Credit Union in Houston when it joined forces with Bulkley Valley Credit Union. “When asked if the Bulkley Valley Credit Union would be a corporate sponsor for the Relay again this year, it was a pretty easy decision. Although the funds we raise and donate help so many, it is a great time for the staff to come together and provide support to one another – we all have been af-
it, but unfortunately cancer is something that sometimes is out of our control. When you hear about people that have been diagnosed with cancer and have “beat” it for a number of years I am amazed and hopeful for anyone else that is being diagnosed. “Theresa Niven MSR Investment Services”. Relay for life is being held the weekend of June 22 in Houston.
HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH • 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Phone: 250-845-7117 The power of membership
By Tom Fletcher Black Press
Even with billiondollar deficits to back out of the harmonized sales tax, Kevin Falcon is getting a warm reception as he makes the annual finance minister’s tour of major banks and bond rating agencies. Reached in Toronto between stops in New York and Chicago, Falcon said Thursday’s AAA credit rating reports by Moody’s Investors Services and Standard and Poor’s show that B.C. continues to compare favourably to other jurisdictions emerging from the 2008-09 recession. “In a world of great uncertainty, we’re part of a pretty elite, small club, a shrinking club of jurisdictions that enjoy the strongest possible credit rating,” Falcon said. “There is a lot of investment interest in British Columbia.” B.C. started its fiscal year April 1 with a deficit expected to be $969 million, returning to a $154 million surplus by 2013-14 and a spring election.
“ “In a world of uncertainty, we’re part of a pretty elite, small club.”
- Kevin Falcon
“The province’s plan to balance its budget by 2013-14 is feasible given its track record of effective fiscal management,” Moody’s said in its credit rating report. Falcon said B.C.’s growing Asia trade is looked on favourably by bankers and private investors, which he has lined up a series of meetings with this week. They notice projected spending limited to two per cent overall, and a record of meeting budget targets, he said. Ontario is collecting HST, but aims to take until 2017-18 to get get its $16 billion deficit back into the black. Moody’s warned Ontario in December of a possible credit rating downgrade if it fails that target.
Houston Today
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Ford-Trained Technicians using Ford-certified parts
Tire Rotation
Every hose, belt and fluid checked with an up-to-83-point inspection*
When performed with regularly scheduled maintenance, the Works could save you up to $350 in fuel a year◊
“I take my Ford to t Ford-trained Ford-tra ained technicians beca ause they y know because what my vehicle e needs.”
Trust the experts who know your Ford best: Ford-Trained Technicians. For more details and offers, see your Service Advisor or visit All offers expire April 30, 2012. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See Service Advisor for complete details. Applicable taxes and provincial levies not included. Dealer may sell for less. Only available at participating locations. ‡Applies to single rear wheel vehicles only. Diesel models not eligible. *Up to 5 litres of oil. Disposal fees may be extra. Does not apply to diesel engines. ◊Based on a Ford Fusion V6 automatic that has a fuel consumption rating of 10L/100 km in combined city/highway driving (properly tuned), a one-year driving distance of 24,000 km and $1.02 per litre for gasoline. Improved fuel efficiency and emission reduction levels depend on model, year and condition of vehicle. †† In order to receive a local competitor’s advertised price: (i) tires must be purchased and installed at your participating Ford Dealer; (ii) customer must present the competitor’s actual local advertisement (containing the lower price) which must have been printed within 30 days of the sale; and (iii) the tires being purchased must be the same brand, sidewall, speed and load ratings as shown in the competitive advertisement. Offer only available at participating Ford dealerships. This offer is valid on the cost of the tire only and does not include labour costs, valve stems, mounting, balancing, disposal, and taxes. Offer does not apply to advertised prices outside of Canada, in eBay advertisements, by tire wholesalers and online tire retailers, or closeout, special order, discontinued and clearance/liquidation offers. Limited time offer. Offer may be cancelled or changed at any time without prior notice. See your Service Advisor for details. ‡‡Rebate offers are manufacturer’s mail-in rebates. Rebates available on select General Tire (credit card gift card), Continental (credit card gift card), Goodyear, Pirelli, Yokohama, Bridgestone (credit card gift card), Firestone (credit card gift card), and Michelin tires. Offers are valid on qualifying sets of four tires, purchased and installed at participating locations during the respective promotion periods for each tire brand. Offer is valid on the cost of the tire(s) only and does not include labour costs, valve stems, mounting, balancing, disposal, and taxes. Amount of rebates, start dates and expiration dates vary depending on tire manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the customer to submit the required claim forms and proof of purchase to the relevant tire manufacturer with sufficient postage by the required deadline for that rebate offer. See your Service Advisor for complete details and claim forms. †Available on most brands at participating locations only. Limited time offer. Price reductions vary: $7.00 on 12”-14” rims, $10.00 on 15” and 16” rims, $12.50 on 17” rims, $15.00 on 18”-20” rims, $20.00 on 21” rims, $25.00 on 22” and up rims. See Dealer for full details. VFord Protection Plan is only available for non-commercial cars and light trucks. If an eligible Ford, Motorcraft® or Ford-approved part fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, wear out or rust through, it will be replaced at no charge as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. Labour is covered for the first 12 months or 20,000 km (whichever occurs first) after the date of installation. Emergency brake pads are not eligible under this plan. See Service Advisor for complete details and limitations. **Excludes emergency brake pads or shoes. Machining or replacement of rotors and drums available at additional cost. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
Hwy 16, Smithers
This is Ford Country 250-847-2237 1-800-663-7765
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Houston Today
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.845.2890 fax 250.845.7893 email The Houston Mall, Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Phone: (250) 845-2890 Fax: (250) 845-7893 email: Published Every Wednesday
First advertise in the Houston Today! ALL WORD ADS go on the Internet for the whole world to see!
Call 250-845-2890 or come by our office. Hours are 9:00 - 11:00 am & 1:00 - 3:00 pm Mon. & Wed. thru Fri. (closed Tuesdays). Fax in your ad to 250-845-7893 or email:
HOW TO PAY ✔ Come to our office in
the Houston Mall, or you may pay with Visa or Mastercard over the phone. All ads must be prepaid. No refunds.
CLASSIFIED AD ✔ RATES REGULAR WORD ADS 3 lines (one week) .............$9.95
LEGAL ADS $12.60 per col. inch HWY 16 REGIONAL ADS 3 lines - No changes - ad runs in: Burns Lake, Vanderhoof, Prince George, Houston, Smithers, Ft. St. James, Prince Rupert, Terrace, Kitimat, Northern Connector, Northern Daily (1 week) ............................... $78.88
BC BEST BUY ADS 25 words- No changes - ad runs one week, all papers covering: Lower Mainland .............$102.28 BC’s Interior ..................$124.95 Vancouver Island ...........$119.00 All of the Above .............$299.00 Extra charge for additional words
HAPPY ADS 2 col. x 2” or 1 col. x 4” To announce birthdays, weddings, births etc ............................ $20.00 Please call if you need more information on any of our classified packages.
Thursday: 5:00pm
Houston Today reserves the right to edit, revise, classify or reject any classified ad not meeting our standards. No refunds on Classifieds Ads. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of the Houston Today (Black Press Group Limited) in the event of failure to publish an advertisement in or the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only one incorrect insertion or the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. All claims of errors in advertising must be received by the publisher within 2 days after the first publication. All advertising is subject to the approval of the publisher. The Houston Today reminds advertisers that under Provincial legislation, no person shall use or circulate any form of application for employment, publish or cause to be published an advertisement in connection with employment or prospective employment, or make any written or verbal inquiry of an applicant that (a) expresses, either directly or indirectly any limitation, specification or preference as to race, religion, colour, sex, martial status, age, ancestry, or place of origin or a person; or (b) requires an applicant to furnish any information concerning race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin or political belief. In order to be credited for any mistakes the Houston Today is responsible for, corrections must be made before the second insertion.
Cards of Thanks
Education/Trade Schools
Education/Trade Schools
Thanks to the nurses and doctors at Smithers Hospital; and St. Pauls in Vancouver for the awesome care. Also thank to all our friends for their prayers and well wishes. (Lyle)
Coming Events BC ARTS And Culture week is coming! Celebrate the arts by attending the great events that are being presented in your community from April 22-28. BC ARTS And Culture Week is here! From April 22-28, arts councils & schools in your community are hosting activities of all sorts as part of the celebration.
AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact numbers are: (250) 845-3356 or (250) 8457774. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266 PATIENTS - NEED a Medical Marijuana Doctor? Growers want to be a Designated Grower? Info at: or 1-250-860-8611. SUPERB 24TH Annual Auction. Horse drawn carriages & sleighs. Plus incredible offering horse era antiques. Sunday, May 6, 12 noon, Al Oeming Park; Bodnarus Auctioneering. Phone 306-227-9505. Canada’s Best.
$294+ DAILY Mailing Postcards! Easy! Guaranteed Legit Work! $20-$60/Hr Using Your Computer! Overnight Cash To Your Doorstep! More Amazing Opportunities Visit:
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or HOME BASED BUSINESSWe need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training. WORK From home, turn 10hr./week into excellent income free online training. www.freedom (250) 286-3292
Education/Trade Schools AIRLINES ARE HIRINGTrain for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1(877)818-0783.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive benefit package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. Contact Tyson Lambert. Mail: 5791 Duncan Bay Road, Campbell River BC V9H 1N6 Fax: 250-286-9502.
EXPERIENCED SERVICE Provider for Chrysler dealership in Salmon Arm. Strong customer satisfaction skills. Able to work in a fast paced environment. Excellent wage/ benefit package. Fax resume 1-250-832-4545. E-mail:
SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email:
LAND Surveyor req’d in Houston, camp job, wages negotiable, start immediately. Email resumes to or fax 250-769-5477
Houston Today
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Employment Business Opportunities
Help Wanted
or fax: 204-632-8575.
NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering snowmobile or quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all - fit your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview, Alberta. Affordable residences. 1-888-999-7882;
ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES Limited is recruiting Line Cooks and Guest Services positions for Inns North hotels in Nunavut. E-mail your resume:
APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information:
INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements .......... 001-007 Community Announcements ... 008-076 Children................................ 080-098 Employment .......................... 102-165 Services ............................... 170-387 Pets/Livestock ...................... 453-483 Items for Sale/Wanted .......... 503-595 Real Estate ........................... 603-696 Rentals ................................ 700-757 Transportation....................... 804-860 Marine.................................. 903-920 Legals ....................................... Legal
APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information:
TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627
TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
POSITION: GROUNDS HELPER – STUDENT LABOUR 8 HRS /DAY (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM) MAY 1, 2012 TO AUGUST 31, 2012 LOCATION: Maintenance Department PAY RATE: $14.54 per hour QUALIFICATIONS: Preferences will be given to applicants with training or experience in Maintenance including, but not restricted to: • Enrolled in a post-secondary education program • Three months previous experience relevant to the position required • Competent in the use and care of tools and equipment common to the position • Ability to communicate effectively using courtesy and tact in the exchange of data or information • Ability to use judgement in applying clearly established methods and procedures • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Certificate and familiarity with Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) safety procedures • Maintains the confidentiality of sensitive information seen or heard • Valid Class 5, BC Drivers’ Licence • An exemplary driving record as demonstrated by a current driver’s abstract • Physical capability to perform the job duties
NADINA TRUCK SERVICE LTD. Houston Industrial Park, Houston, BC
SERVICE WRITER/ WARRANTY CLERK WANTED Must be computer capable. Experience preferred but willing to train the right candidate. Please send resume/application to: WESTERN STAR/STERLING TRUCKS
Education & Awareness Assistant NWIPC is a non-profit society working to prevent and control invasive plants in central and northwestern BC. We are looking for a team player to be responsible for program coordination and delivery of an education and awareness program in the Smithers to Burns Lake area. Invasive plant management experience and/or training are an asset. Must possess strong writing skills and be creative, energetic, and comfortable giving presentations. The ability to work from a home office, a valid BC driver’s license and personal vehicle are also required. Outdoor work may be required. Contract period is May – Dec. 2012, as required, including some weekend and evening work. Interested persons should submit a cover letter and resume to by April 23, 2012.
SUMMER STUDENT EMPLOYMENT POSITION: COMPUTER SUPPORT TECHNICIAN STUDENT LABOUR 8 HRS/DAY (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM) MAY 1, 2012 TO AUGUST 31, 2012 LOCATION: Technology Department PAY RATE: $14.54 per hour QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will be given to applicants with training, education or experience in the computer field including but not restricted to: • Enrolled in a post-secondary education program • Three months previous experience relevant to the position required • Competent in the use and care of tools and equipment common to the position • Ability to communicate effectively using courtesy and tact in the exchange of data or information • Ability to use judgement in applying clearly established methods and procedures • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Certificate and familiarity with Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) safety procedures • Maintains the confidentiality of sensitive information seen or heard • Valid Class 5, BC Drivers’ Licence • An exemplary driving record as demonstrated by a current driver’s abstract • Physical capability to perform the job duties
Houston Today Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Employment Home Care/Support 24 hr. Live-In Support Required (Kamloops, B.C.) Dengarry Professional Services Ltd. is seeking experienced individuals or couples for contract to provide live in 24 hr. support for short term stabilization to adults with mental & physical disabilities in Kamloops. Applicant must have education and exp. either in behavioral and/or medical supports. Applicant will undergo extensive screening including reference checks, Crim Check and drivers abstract. Housing & Utilities incls. w/ a Remarkable Compensation Package. Please forward resume to Kristine Toebosch at ktoebosch@ or fax to 1-250-377-4581 or mail Attn: Kristine PO Box 892 Kamloops BC V2C-5M8
Income Opportunity EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate openings. Easy Computer work, others positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed.
Trades, Technical 17
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Build Your Career With us
CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103. CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103.
JACOBS FIELD Services Ltd. (Maintenance) is looking for a General Foreman with oilfield experience for a Northern BC site. Person will live in Dawson Creek or Fort St. John. Send resume to fax 780-485-6722, humanresources@
• Focus on Safety Performance • Industry Leader in World Markets • Competitive Compensation Package • Sustainable Business Practices • Progressive Enviro.
MORLEY MULDOON Transport is seeking qualified Heavy Duty Mechanics or Heavy Equipment Technicians, Dispatcher, HR/Safety Supervisor. Fax resume to 780-8426511 or email to:
Do you thrive in a dynamic & challenging environment with opportunities for continuous growth and development?
We want to hear from you.....
Trades, Technical
Huckleberry Mines Ltd. is a 19,000 TPD open pit copper molybdenum mine located 120 kilometers south of Houston in west central British Columbia. The mine has been in operation since in September 1997 and closure is planned for 2021. We are currently recruiting for the following position:
Environmental Technician RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Environmental Coordinator, the responsibilities will include but not limited to: conducting general water quality monitoring programs as per permit and regulation requirements, maintaining environmental documentation and filing protocols, maintain and calibrate field equipment, report preparation, environmental inspections and general laboratory work. The majority of the work is conducted outside under a variety of conditions and requires the candidate to be reasonably fit. QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will be given to candidates possessing a University degree in Environmental Sciences or a Diploma in Environmental Technology or related field with 2-3 years experience in a relevant field. • Work independently and safely with minimal supervision • ATV, snowmobiling, boating experience and 4x4 pick ups • Solid computer skills including MS Office • Previous experience in a mining or industrial setting • Must have a valid BC driver’s license Huckleberry Mines is located approximately two hours driving time from Houston, British Columbia. Employees live in a camp environment on their days of work. The work schedule for this position is 4 days on followed by 3 days off. Transportation to and from the mine site is provided from Houston and Smithers by bus and while at the mine site all meals and accommodations are provided free of charge to employees. Houston and Smithers are located in the scenic Bulkley Valley on TransCanada Highway 16, an excellent area to raise a family and has exceptional outdoor recreational activities. More information on the area is available at, and www. Huckleberry Mines Ltd. offers a competitive salary and a full range of benefits including medical, life, disability income and RRSP savings plan. We thank all applicants for their interest in Huckleberry Mines Ltd., but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Qualified candidates can submit their resumes in confidence to:
Human Resources Department Huckleberry Mines Ltd. P.O. Box 3000, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Fax: (604) 517-4701 Email:
Apply online today & build your career with us!
Trades, Technical
Financial Services
NEEDED. HEAVY Equipment Technicians and Maintenance personnel for expanding pipeline company in Olds, Alberta for work in shop and jobsites throughout Western Canada. Fax resume to 403-556-7582 or email: SERVICE MANAGER - Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta). Opportunity in a perfect family environment. Strong team, competitive wages, benefits, growth potential. Fax resume: 403-854-2845. Email:
DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Business/Office Service
Work Wanted Retiree seeks caretaker position for lodge, farm, ranch, country home etc. Require quiet dwelling, can do small jobs. Email: Phone (250)267-9545
Health Products GET PAID to lose weight. $5,000 for your success story. Personal image TV Show. Call to qualify: 416-730-5684 ext 2243. HERBAL MAGIC Limited time offer - Save 50%!! Lose weight and keep it off. Results guaranteed! Don’t delay call now. 1-800-854-5176. HERBAL MAGIC Limited time offer -save 50%!! Lose weight and keep it off. Results guaranteed! Don’t delay call now 1800-854-5176.
Education/Tutoring DL Baker Construction Canada is looking for Field/Engineer Layout Kitimat, BC Canada. Supervise project layouts Responsible for construction quality control, in particular, ensuring that the materials installed in the project are in the proper locations and are the correct materials. Analyze construction drawings for dimensional and quality control purposes and coordinates with the Project Engineer to clarify discrepancies. Use precision computerized equipment to define points of control and ensure the work is being installed true and plump. Responsible for coordinating with other construction trades to ensure that all are using appropriate control points. High School Diploma or equivalent; or 4 to 6 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience in Line and Grade Persistent for Perfection This work will start 5/1/12 Please respond to this ad by 5/1/12 Please respond via email by placing Field Engineer in the subject line to
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540. CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
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Merchandise for Sale
DENIED CANADA Pension plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.
Pets & Livestock
Livestock HYBRID BULLS FOR SALE POLLED Red Angus/ Fleckvieh Simmental cross 250-846-5550 / 250-877-2060
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions AUCTION #1 - MAY 26, 2012 @ TOPLEY’S GARAGE This sale will include a good selection of antiques, a very large selection of tools, vehicles and equipment. To consign to the sale early in order for us to get your merchandise advertised, call Mike’s Auction Limited as soon as possible. AUCTION #2 - JUNE 2, 2012 @ FORT ST. JAMES This a auction will be a very large tool and equipment sale - approximately 2,000 lots. If you would like to consign large equipment or vehicles, please contact Mike’s Auction Limited. Please note that we cannot take any small items at this already extremely large sale.
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Thank you! The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 249 would like to thank... All those people that participated in the Jam session held at the Legion on the night of March 17, 2012. The on going support of the musicians and patrons is greatly appreciated.
The eyes have it
Also... thank you to the fellows who looked after our parking lot during the winter. Dennis Whitmer for ploughing the snow and Robert Anderson for sanding the parking lot. This type of donation is greatly appreciated and helps out immensely. Thanks Guys!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Houston Today
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Where to Worship Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays except 7 p.m. on the First Sunday of the month.
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 2001 Riverbank Drive, Box 819, Houston
Phone: 845-2841 • Fax: 845-2823
Fr. Rectorino Tolentino Pastoral Assistant: Ronnie Cruz (Houston)
Mass: Sunday 11:30 a.m. Weekly activities or events announced as they occur.
First United Church 2106 Butler Ave., Houston
THE PERFECT FIRST INVESTMENT! • Cute 5 bedroom (3 up, 2 down) home located in the downtown area. • Many upgrades including flooring, paint, shingles & fence. • Attached workshop. Tastefully decorated. • Spacious family room in basement. • Fenced yard, backyard access.
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Services at 11 a.m. Contact: (Marianne Dekker) 250-845-2282 or 778-816-0039
Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 amSunday Prayer Meeting: 6:30 pm Sunday School: 9:45 am Everyone Welcome
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3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne
Phone: 250-845-7810
Houston Christian Reformed Church
1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578
~ Everyone Welcome! ~
END THE SPACE RACE! • Well kept 4 bedroom home on just under 1 acre minutes from town. • Recent updates include new laminate flooring on main, new EPA approved woodstove in cozy family rm. • Island in kitchen w/ newer cabinets, spacious living room.
Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm
Houston Canadian Reformed Church
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Houston Fellowship Baptist Church Sunday Service - 10:30 am Everyone Welcome!
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SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM AND 2:30 PM Pastor Hendrik Alkema ( Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston
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Tanya Belsham
Call 250-845-7325
Houston Today
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Province says yes to a new Lakes District Hospital Rebecca Billard Black Press
A crowd of locals gathered at the Margaret Patrick Memorial Hall last Thursday heard the long awaited news that the Lakes District Hospital replacement project was given the provincial thumbs up. Amid loud applause and cheering, Health Minister Michael de Jong who arrived in Burns Lake to announce the project, said the procurement will begin this spring with construction expected to start in 2013 and be completed in 2015. “We want to get on with this and we want to see this take shape,” he said. The announcement was made during a Babine Forest Products sawmill employee breakfast. Minister de Jong said, “Do not under estimate the degree to which your community’s response to the Babine Forest Products tragedy has inspired others across B.C. and across Canada. This tale will be told and retold for many years to come.” The long awaited news was also welcomed by chiefs from the six local First Nations, Michael McMillan, chief operating officer from Northern Health, government officials, including Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad and Mayor Luke Strimbold. “The new hospital that is being announced for Burns Lake will allow health professionals to continue giving high levels of support
This is the beginning of better health care in our region.”
h iin need,” d” for those Minister de Jong said. “Burns Lake has been in need of a new hospital for some time. This has been my number one capital priority as well as Northern Health’s. The announcement that the province is moving forward with construction of a replacement care facility is great news,” said Rustad. Funding for the Lakes District Hospital replacement project will be cost shared by the province and Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District. Rustad said that 80 per cent of the approximate $55 million project will be paid for by the province while the taxpayers of the Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District will pay 20 per cent. The Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District encompasses the communities of Burns Lake, Fraser Lake, Fort St. James, Granisle, and Vanderhoof together with the Electoral Areas of Burns Lake rural, Fort St. James rural, Fraser Lake rural, Francois Ootsa rural and F Vanderhoof rural. “This 80/20 per cent funding split is something that the community has been pushing for, for some time,” he said to Lakes District News. Usually 60 per cent of the cost of capital
- RDBN chair Bill Miller projects, such as new hospitals are funded by the province while taxpayers, through a hospital district, are required to pay the remaining 40 per cent. “With two other hospitals in the district that need replacing soon and a small tax base, asking for a 40 per cent capital contribution would have been totally unrealistic,” Rustad said, adding that the burden on taxpayers would have been too great. The project will generate approximately 200 direct jobs which Rustad said will be a good opportunity for local residents. “Of course there will be specialized jobs, but there will be jobs clearing the site and other work that will be available.” He said Northern Health will put the project up for tender in the coming weeks. “We hope to have something in place mid summer and work to begin at the site mid fall.” Mayor Luke Strimbold said, “I am elated to hear that a new hospital for Burns Lake has been approved. This hospital will increase our level of health care services, create local jobs and bring comfort to families and businesses in the Lakes District.” Mayor Strimbold said, “Community groups, individuals, the Stuart Nechako
Rebecca Billard/Black Press
Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad.
Rebecca Billard/Black Press
Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad, Burns Lake Mayor Luke Strimbold and Health Minister Michael de Jong give a big thumbs-up to a new Lakes District Hospital. Regional Hospital District and former councils have been working with Northern Health and the provincial government towards a hospital replacement for many years. We can now celebrate our success. Northern Health engaged the community and requested input during the initial design stages for the new hospital and we look forward to continuing our working relationship as construction begins and health care capacity is increased in our community.” Examples of possible features for the facility include up to 16 beds, acute care services, emergency services, diagnostic imaging, a laboratory and pharmacy. There are also plans at the new hospital for a procedure room large enough to be used as an operating room in an emergency. “The residents, physicians and the staff at Lakes District Hospital have all been eagerly awaiting good news on a replacement hospital,” said McMillan. “I have worked in health care for 30 years
and I have never had the opportunity to be involved in building a new hospital ... I am looking forward to the building of a legacy that will provide health care to the community for many years to come,” McMillan added. He said, “Our promise is that we will continue to work with the community in the building of this new hospital ... it is not our hospital, it is yours.” The anticipated cost of the new hospital is in the range of $50 million to $55 million, which will be refined once the tendering process is complete and a contract is awarded. Ralph Roy, chair of the Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District said, “It’s a great day for all people of Burns Lake and it has been a long time coming. I have to pinch myself to remind me this is real. It is really going to happen. Many people worked a long time for this.” Regional District of Bulkley Nechako chair Bill Miller said, “The taxpayers have supported this project
from the get go. Not only will the project be beneficial to Burns Lake and the immediate area but to those living in Fraser Lake and Granisle who have limited medical services. This is the beginning of better health care in our region.” Injured sawmill worker Derek Michell was also invited to speak during the announcement. He said, “Carl Charlie and Robert Luggi, as well as my sawmill B shift family were just like everyone else. We got up each day and went to work to provide for our families and make a living. On Jan. 20, 2012 at 8 p.m. our lives changed. This is not how I looked before. None of us know what happened that night. All I know is that a big fire ball happened. I don’t remember what happened after that and I woke up in hospital nine days later. I am proud that this news has come about. Day in and day out I think about my friends and the wives and what they have seen as a result of the tragedy. I
am fortunate to be here today to hear this news. When I was in hospital I heard a lot of stories about the community coming together and it made me happy. We are going though a lot of physiotherapy and a lot of changes. Kenny Michell is now in the G.F. Strong rehabilitation unit in Vancouver and we are waiting for him to come home to us. News like this helps and this new hospital is going to make this place better. The B shift is the best crew I have worked with and I don’t want to keep talking about something that I am trying hard to forget ... but the memory is always with me. There is still a long road ahead for people, but news like this helps ... everything is going to be better from here on.” The current Lakes District Hospital was built in 1962 and refurbishing was deemed too costly. Since 2001, the Ministry of Health has providedapproximately $500,000 to Northern Health in support of improving the condition of the facility.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
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