Caledonia Courier, April 25, 2012

Page 1


◆ Children’s Festival P. 5 ◆ 4-H Speaks up P. 8

◆ Clean Bin Project P. 6 ◆ Opinion P. 4

PHONE: 996-8482

WEDNESDAY, April 25, 2012

VOL. 35 NO. 08 $1.34 inc. GST

Artfully done


Subway coming to the Fort... again While management did not confirm the coming of a new Subway restaurant, workers doing renovations at the commercial space next to Fields said they are building the space for a Subway. While Subway had originally been looking at constructing another building next to the Goodwin Building near Five Corners intersection and was slated to be open by last year, the deal fell through. Instead, the new location will simply be renovated for the purpose.

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

Raelene Read blows some confettti from her art project during a free art workshop offered recently at Music Makers Hall. The day of art was led by Louis Evans-Salt and while the free event only had a handful of participants, their work was an impressive display of creativity using a range of media. Ruth Lloyd Photo

“Attempted abduction” in Vanderhoof a false alarm

“It went viral.” Staff Sergeant Beach of the Vanderhoof RCMP was helping to clear up concerns for parents in the area recently. Thanks to social media, area sensitization and small-town gossip, a report by a nineyear-old girl in Vaderhoof describing a blue van following her went viral in area communities, but turned out to be nothing more than hyper-sensitivity. On April 17, the young girl was walking along the street and felt like a blue van was following along behind her, which she then told her mother. The incident was reported to the police, who subsequently investigated the incident. The young girl gave a description which raised alarms amongst many, the incident was linked to a previous report in Fort St. James over a month ago when a young man driving a blue sedan with dice in the mirror and flowered seat covers stopped to talk to a young person on the street. The school board then reportedly sent out a letter and a description after the incident which circulated to area schools before the RCMP had finished their investigation. “At the end of the day it did not amount to anything,” said Beach. “It was taken out

of context.” But because the description had circulated so widely, children and parents were on the look-out for anything matching this description. So when a nine-year-old described a blue-coloured van with dice hanging from the mirror and flowered seat covers seemingly following her, her parents were understandably concerned. “We’re talking about two totally different vehicles,” said Beach, who also said there was no attempted abduction and there is no reason to believe the vehicle was even necessarily following the girl and not reading addresses or some other innocent driving-related activity. “It’s not what it was reported as,” said Beach. Beach said it is good people are so aware in some ways, and it is understandable given the community history of incidents in the area such as Madison Scott and Loren Leslie. “Even the kids are really sensitized,” said Beach. He said the RCMP have the responsibility to get to the bottom of every report of this kind. The communities in the area can at least knock this incident off the list as one they shouldn’t worry about. “We don’t have a concern with this instance.”

House fire where remains found Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The abandoned house on the Low Road where Fribjon

Bjornson’s remains were found was damaged by fire recently. The Fort St. James Volunteer Fire Department was called

to the scene on Nak’azdli Reserve on Sunday, April 15 at about 12:30 p.m. that afternoon. Two fire engines and 10 fire-

fighters responded. The structure was fully engulfed upon arrival Grass in the yard and ditch of the

neighbouring house were burnt. From the exterior, it appears more than half the abandoned house was seriously damaged.

The cause of the fire is still unknown at this time, and the investigation continues. See photo on Page 2.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Caledonia Courier


NEWS LEFT:The abandoned house on Nak’azdli Reserve where Fribjon Bjornson’s remains were found was damaged by a fire. Both the RCMP and fire department investigations are ongoing at this time. Story Page 1. Caledonia Courier Photo

Nak’azdli 7th CCP Meeting May 17th, 2012 Kwah Hall 1-6pm Education & Employment Theme All Nak’azdli Band members welcome

District of Fort St. James Calendar SUNDAY



23 Arts & Culture 24 Week Week Arts & Culture Community Community Week Pitch-In Week! Pitch-In Week! Annual Sun Run Community 2012! 10km & 5km, Pitch-In Week! Seniors Lunch 8-8:45am Registra- 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr tion, 9am Start

22 Arts & Culture


30 Community Pitch-In Week!

Community Pitch-In Week!

Seniors Lunch 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr

May, 2012 Emergency Preparedness Week






25 Council Meeting 26 Arts & Culture

27 Arts & Culture 28 Arts & Culture 7 p.m. Week Week Week Community Arts & Culture Week Community Ladies Night Grad 2012 Pitch-In Week! Fundraiser 7pm Dinner Snowmobile, ATV Pitch-In Week! TIX @Barton Ins & Day of Mourning Club AGM, 7pm @ Zumba Fitness Pharmacy Ceremony @ District 6:30 PM, FSJSS Fairgrounds Market Safe Course for Office 11 am Seniors Lunch Hoop Classes, 4 pm, New Farmer’s Market Seniors Lunch 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr Vendors, 3:50pm 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr Sowchea

LADIES NIGHT!! Grad Fundraiser Dinner @ 7pm Saturday April 28th! Tickets available at Barton Insurance, Integris & Lakeside Pharmacy! Pitch-In Weeks April 18 – May 1! Pick up your free gloves/bags at the District Office and Adopt-A-Block today! 1



2 Community Pitch-In Week!

Seniors Lunch 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr



9 Council Meeting

7 p.m. Emergency Preparedness Week

4 Zumba Fitness 6:30 PM, FSJSS

Transportation Committee Mtg 5:30-9pm @ FSJSS

Hoop Classes, 4 pm, Sowchea


Emergency Preparedness Week


Seniors Lunch 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr


Emergency Preparedness Week


Emergency Preparedness Week Seniors Lunch 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr

Emergency Preparedness Week

Emergency Preparedness Week Zumba Fitness Seniors Lunch 6:30 PM, FSJSS 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr Seniors Lunch Hoop Classes, 4 pm, 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr Sowchea




Seniors Lunch 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr

Seniors Lunch 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr


18 Zumba Fitness 6:30 PM, FSJSS


Seniors Lunch NHS Opening Day! 11:30-2pm @ Snrs Ctr

Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution. Municipal Website:

Municipal Website: For more info check the e-calendar

April, 2012

Hoop Classes, 4 pm, Sowchea

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The District is currently recruiting volunteers and parade entrants for this year’s Canada Day Celebrations! We are looking for a 1-2 hour commitment from 25 volunteers to host this year’s festivities! Call 996-8233 to sign up your group today!

477 Stuart Drive West

250-996-8233 Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 25, 2012 A3


Courier Subscribers now have online access As of April 30, all Caledonia Courier subscribers will enjoy full access to the newspaper’s premium online contents at no additional cost. This is an important step as part of a growing industry trend to reward our loyal readers with free unlimited access to all the local coverage you expect from your community newspaper. That means all website content, is now included in the cost of your paid subscription. April 30, the first day for subscribers to activate their digital account, the Courier will publish details about the premium content plan and how it will work. Starting April 30, print subscribers can go to to sign up for digital access. April 30, new clients can subscribe for $41.22 a month to an all-access package, which includes the print edition and premium online content. Readers who want to forgo the print edition, or who live outside the Courier’s delivery area, will still be able to access digital-only premium content on a monthly or annual basis. With this step, the Caledonia Courier joins scores of paid-circulation community newspapers in cities large and small across the country which are recognizing the value of their online

content, Caledonia Courier publisher Pam Berger said. “Our next-generation products such as our online content and e-editions, play an important part of our future,” Berger said. “We will deliver the news and information to readers when they want it, where they want it and, most importantly, how they want it.” While recognizing the value of the unique, local content created by the newsroom staff at the Caledonia Courier, Berger also appreciates the realities of a free-access internet. “We understand that news outside of what our local reporters generate can be had elsewhere and for free, but there are literally thousands of such stories each day, she said. “The stories written by staff are uniquely Fort St. James; there is an inherent value in that - we appreciate it, our print subscribers appreciate it - and it should be recognized in all facets of our industry, including the emerging online component.” Subscribers will enjoy privileges that include ability to forward stories via email or social media accounts, participate in online discussions and access all content. Non-subscribers still will have free digital ac-

cess to limited areas, such as provincial news, our web site’s front page and section fronts, blogs, classifieds and obituaries, Berger said. And when breaking news happens locally, that too will be available to all site visitors at no charge. The Courier’s all-access paid premium print and online model represents next-generation thinking for the newspaper industry, Berger said. “Frankly, our industry could have adopted this paid-premium online approach years ago, but the thinking was always on page views and unique site visits,” she said. “We all thought that, the more circulation you had - in this case, page views - the more desirable for advertisers. But people utilize advertising on the internet differently.” She said the evolution to valuing online content is “simply another tool in our kit. We have always been a media company.” Berger has been reticent to charge online content, considering it may impact page views. However, she is confident the hyper-local nature of content created by Caledonia Courier staff will win the day. “If we have something that no one else

~~Thank You~~

Burns Lake hospital a go Health Minister Michael de Jong was in Burns Lake recently to announce the approval of the new Lakes District Hospital. Procurement for the project will begin this spring with construction expected to start in 2013 and be completed in 2015. “We want to get on with this and we want to see this take shape,” he said. The announcement was made during a Babine Forest Products sawmill employee breakfast. Minister de Jong said, “Do not under estimate the degree to which your community’s response to the Babine Forest Products tragedy has inspired others across B.C. and across Canada. This tale will be told and retold for many years to come.” The long awaited news was also welcomed by chiefs from the six local First Nations, Michael McMillan, chief operating officer from Northern Health, government officials, including Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad and Mayor Luke Strimbold. “The new hospital that is being announced for Burns Lake will allow health professionals to continue giving high levels of support for those in need,” Minister de Jong said. “Burns Lake has been in need of a new hospital for some time. This has been my number one capital priority as well as Northern Health’s. The announcement that the province is

moving forward with construction of a replacement care facility is great news,” said Rustad. Funding for the Lakes

District Hospital replacement project will be cost shared by the province and Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District.


Rustad said that 80 per cent of the approximate $55 million project will be paid for by the province

can produce, readers might be willing to pay for it,” she said. “We have the audience through Caledonia Courier- and we owe it to our print readers to share the same respect for them with our online product.” Berger expects there may be an initial decline in page views during the transition to e-subscriptions. However, she knows it will be minimal, and short-lived as the products value gains traction. “What’s encouraging is we will show our advertisers a dedicated readership that is committed to the Caledonia Courier brand - in print and online.”

while the taxpayers of the Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District will pay 20 per cent.

Th FFortt St The St. JJames Mid Midgett St Stars would ld lik like tto thank everyone for their moral and financial support during the Tier 4 hockey Provincials held in Nakusp the week of March 22nd. The team came home with Silver metals.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1 / A4

Editorial Page The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body

Publisher: Pam Berger

governing the province’s newspaper industry. The

Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@

council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

Office: Betty Johnson office@

newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from

Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@

both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your

Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0

complaint about coverage

Member: B.C. Press Council Subscriptions (per year) Local: $46.17 Seniors: $39.75 Outside Local area: $64.12

may contact the B.C. Press

(All rates include HST):

sent to B.C. Press Council,

Reproduction of contents either in part or in whole are not permitted without prior consent of the publisher. Copyright Canada No. 22 Serial No. 132934 Publications Mail Registration No. 2300

or story treatment, you Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

• Editorial... Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

Trash talk

cloth grocery bags, and travel mugs would cut down on the majority of it, recycling what containers you have to buy would get rid of much of the rest. Some weeks I have trouble putting my finger I find it very hard to understand how in a comon an opinion I feel like sharing. Other weeks I’m munity where so many people clearly value the lake brimming with opinions and have trouble deciding and many are trying hard to protect it from what they which one to explore and share. see as potential threats such as pipeline development, This week, I am having neither problem. Sure, people can’t bother to put their garbage in the trash there are ongoing political debacles well worth and instead let it drift into the lake. commenting on, but this week, my focus is a little Last week the film The Clean Bin Project about more local. a Vancouver couple’s film project to challenge Last week was the first of “Pitch-In” in Fort St. each other to produce as little garbage as possible, James. presented by Greening Up Fort St. James, showed The annual campaign is aimed at getting the some visuals of how much garbage our society is community out picking up the garbage on the sideproducing. walks and in the ditches. It is shocking to the point of sickening. After a long winter, it is not surprising the recedSingle-use items are one of the bigger problems ing snow begins to show signs of what has slowly when it comes to solid waste, and it would be rebeen building up through the season and conveally nice to see a reduction of this frivolous use of niently covered by snowfalls - a whole lot of trash. resources. I do not remember the garbage out and about Nahounli Creek in downtown Fort St. James is only one of a number of areas in dire The simple act of bringing a container with you on the streets being as bad last year, but a year will need of some pitching in during Pitch-in weeks started last week. The District of for beverages alone could save an incredible amount often fade such memories into the soft light of nos- Fort St. James is providing free gloves and garbage bags for community members of plastic from the landfill. talgia. One million plastic cups are produced every to get out and pitch in to clean up the area now the snow is leaving. Caledonia Courier photo six hours in airline flights just in the United States. This year I am noticing how awful some spots in particular are. Imagine if people just brought a cup. In just six bage as well. Some may have blown out of the nearby dumpsters, Nahounli Creek, before the ice had completely melted, was sitting with lids partially open, but there are even plastic shopping hours, what a different we could make. covered in trash, from bottles, bags and cans all the way up to a bags hanging from the trees full of other garbage. Much of this will While the number itself may seem meaningless, look up Chris shopping cart. Jordan’s digital photo art work to see a visual depiction of just what likely then blow down onto Stuart Lake as well. By the time this story is printed, the ice will surely be melted The majority of the trash I saw was some type of single-use kind of world we are creating. and all of that awful mess will likely be dumped right into beautiful packaging; water bottles, plastic bags, paper cups, plastic lids, bevNo one is perfect, and no one will remember all the time, but Stuart Lake, what doesn’t sink may end up heading down the river. erage cans - the list goes on and on. we can all at least try. I guess that’s one way to take out the trash. So “pitch in” this month and help keep the community beauThis is an ugly side to our world of convenience laid out before The pergola (the open wooden structure erected in between us. tiful, and take your cup to the cafe and your cloth bags to the store. King’s and the old Fort Hotel last year) is literally awash with garLecture done. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. Not one of these packages is necessary. A reusable water bottle,

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 25, 2012 A5


NEWS Put your fest face on Myla Prince gets some face painting done during the Fort St. James Children’s Festival on April 15, 2012. The David Hoy Elementary gymnasium was filled with fun and interesting things for kids and parents and included a magician show complete with snakes. For more photos go to the Caledonia Courier Facebook page.

Fire on Carrier Rd

Fort St. James Volunteer Fire Department were also called to a contents fire in a house on Carrier Road April 12.

Hotel update Work has begun in earnest on Stuart Drive on the site of the Fort St. James Hotel building. The manager of the liquor store couldn’t speak to the future plans of the owners, and rumours about the relocation of the cold beer and wine business to part of the space currently under construction next to Fields were not yet confirmed. Workers renovating the commercial space said an agreement was close to being reached. New owners of the hotel property were on vacation and not able to be reached before press time.

At around 2 a.m., firefighters were called and upon arrival of the two fire engines and about a dozen firefighters, found residents attempting to

suppress the fire. Firefighters were there approximately two hours and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.

NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS for April & May 2012 Please be advised that the date of the Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Education of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) for the month of April 2012 has been changed from April 23, 2012, to April 30, 2012. The dates and locations of the Regular Board Meetings of the Board of Education of School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) for the months of April & May, 2012, are as follows: April 30, 2012 School Board Office, Vanderhoof, BC May 14, 2012 Fort St. James Secondary School, Vanderhoof, BC These meetings will commence at 6:00 p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend. Darlene Turner Secretary-Treasurer

Ruth Lloyd Photo

Look who’s following you everywhere!

The processing plant at Mount Milligan will be one of the most modern in the world and will use technology similar to that at the company’s new mill at Endako.

Building a showcase of operational excellence

Readers look to us for weekly coverage of their community and now you can look for us online with an e-Subscription.


eginning April 30th the Caledonia Courier is available to subscribers in two forms – in your mail box and wherever you access online. You can travel for work or pleasure and never miss a story. Caledonia Courier subscribers will receive full access to all content, local news, provincial news, local columnists, video, sports, contests and community info plus view our flip book with all of our advertising and special features. Only the flyers remain specific to our print newspaper Look at all we have to offer! but you can find more online at 250.996.8482

The Mount Milligan mine is now in its second year of construction and planning to be well underway for the start of production at the end of next year. Mount Milligan will be the first major, new, metals mine built in British Columbia in more than a decade. Unlike older properties that may get an upgrade, everything is new at Mount Milligan – from the way the mine is designed through to the equipment. That is pretty exciting for the team that is being hired to run the mine. Recruitment efforts are in full swing with more than 100 professionals to be hired this year alone. In addition to mining engineers and equipment operators, positions will be created for personnel in safety and environment, trades, maintenance, planning and schedulers, IT, and metallurgists among others. A full list of career opportunities is posted at Training programs, many conducted in co-operation with the College of New Caledonia and the University of Northern British Columbia, are available to help local people earn the skills necessary to enter the mining workforce. During operations, most

employees at Mount Milligan are expected to work four days on, four days off. This work schedule will help attract employees who live in the region and contribute to local economies. A daily bus service will provide transportation between the mine and Fort St. James and Mackenzie and consideration is being given to building a camp on site to provide accommodate for workers that may prefer living in camp to a daily commute. Operations Once in operation, hard ore from the open pit will be trucked to the processing plant on site. Run-of-mine ore will pass through a primary crusher, and be screened and sorted before entering the SAG and ISA mills for grinding and processing into concentrate. The SAG mill at Mount Milligan will be one of only three mills of its kind in the world, and the largest in North America. Fine grinding will be done using an IsaMill™ -- the most energy efficient, highest intensity large-scale grinding machine on the market. The Mount Milligan IsaMill will be the largest in Canada and Thompson Creek’s second IsaMill in British Columbia. (Endako is also using IsaMill technology). From the processing

plant, concentrate will be transported by truck from the mine to a rail loading facility. A new load out was originally proposed to be built in Fort St. James. However, there is an existing load out in Mackenzie that is no longer in use by the Kemess Mine and consideration is being given to using that facility. In addition to making use of an existing facility in an industrial area, the route from site to the Mackenzie load out would use recently improved forest service roads, and would not include the use of any public roads or highways From the load out facility, the concentrate will travel by rail to the port of metro Vancouver where it will be shipped overseas for final processing. Mount Milligan will be a conventional, truck-shovel open-pit mine designed to produce an average of 81 million pounds of copper and 194,500 ounces of gold annually over a projected 22-year life. The project is currently employing a construction workforce of close to 800 and once in operations, at the end of 2013, the mine will create more than 350 permanent jobs. Additional information on Mount Milligan is available at


Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Caledonia Courier

Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad

Pioneers Courageous Battles



Human Interest

Serving the community of Fort St. James

Featuring the spirit of the local people The Clean Bin Project

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

It’s a small world sometimes. The interconnectedness was highlighted last week when a Vancouver couple’s film, called the Clean Bin Project, was shown in the Fort St. James Bicentennial Library. The couple who made the film, Jen Rustemeyer and Grant Balwin, actually met right here in Fort St. James while they were treeplanting. But their adventures together didn’t stop there, and the pair are now working professionals in Vancouver, Jen works for a green building non profit and Grant is a music producer and filmmaker. The pair decided one day to challenge each other to living one year without waste, it would be a contest between the two of them to see who could produce the least amount of garbage over an entire year. The rules were pretty straightforward: no buying The Clean Bin Project was an engaging and entertaining film by a Vancouver couple looking at the waste we produce. stuff; avoid non-recyclable Caledonia Courier Photo and excess packaging on the maker, the visuals are riveting and waste our society is actually pro- each year because they become items. stuff they did have to buy (food fast-paced, he makes great use of ducing. Some of his images from full of plastic. Their year-long journey of exmostly); and take responsibility time-lapse photography and the a distance will resemble one The film also interviews ma- ploration of their own consumpfor their own waste, bringing recouple themselves are an interest- thing, but up close, is actually rine pollution expert Captain tion makes for a surprisingly cyclables and compostables they ing and engaging people who have made up of millions of pieces of Charles Moore, who studies the compelling film, and one I will produced home to deal with. a fun and humorous approach to something which usually repre- Pacific Garbage Patch, which is a think of whenever I forget to ask Then they made a featurethe project and each other. sent how much of it or a related massive accumulation of plastic for no straw in my drink or bring length film about it, also with the He also uses some archival substance we produce as waste. waste twice the size of the state my cup to the cafe. help of their roommate . footage and speaks to some seriOne of Jordan’s project series of Texas floating in the Pacific The film has won numerWhile you might think a film ously noteworthy people. documents the albatross chicks Ocean. ous awards, and continues to be about a couple not making garRenowned artist Chris Jordan dying on remote Midway Island The film also looks at how screened across North America. bage might be a bit too dull or is featured in the film, Jordan’s from the garbage their parents are our society has changed over reGreening Up Fort St. James just be an endless lecture on digital photography artwork pro- mistakenly feeding them from the cent generations to create mas- was showing the film, and plan how we all need to MAKE LESS vides some really strong imagery plastic-choked ocean. Ten thou- sive amounts of waster per cap- on showing it again in the comGARBAGE, it wasn’t. to put into perspective how much sand of the albatross chicks die ita, much of it due to disposable munity. Grant is a very talented film-

John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes 183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822

Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 E-mail: Website:

2500 Butler Avenue Houston Tel: 250-845-7770 Fax: 250-845-7780

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 25, 2012 A7

Canadians are living longer and costs for the Old Age Security (OAS) are rising. On April 1, 2023 the Government of Canada plans to start raising the age of eligibility for OAS and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) from 65 to 67.*

What does this mean for you? 54 or older as of March 31, 2012

You may still obtain OAS/GIS at age 65

53 or younger as of March 31, 2012

The age of eligibility for OAS/GIS will change gradually between 2023 and 2029

Starting in July 2013, Canadians who are eligible for, but not yet receiving OAS will have the flexibility to delay receiving it in exchange for a higher monthly amount at a later date.

The number of working-age Canadians for every senior is decreasing** 6

The number of working-age Canadians per senior is decreasing, placing additional pressure on the OAS program.

5 4 3 2 1 0 1990



**Source: 9th Actuarial Report on the Old Age Security Program

For a free brochure or more information visit or call 1 800 O-Canada (TTY 1-800-926-9105) *Subject to parliamentary approval


Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Caledonia Courier


Courier Speaking publicly Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The local Fort St. James 4-H Club hosted the Vanderhoof and District 4-H Communications Event on April 14. There were junior speakers, senior speakers and junior and senior demonstrators competing. The demonstrators worked in pairs to explain and show different skills or activities. As the judges presented the medals, they all commended the presenters on their articulate and well-done talks and emphasized how impressed they were by the 4-H members. The talks were all timed and scored based on a number of factors, and subjects ranged from jokes to in-depth explanations. There

STAARstudded event

The Students Taking Action Against Racism event being organized for the Fort Forum confirmed their musical guests last week. Delhi to Dublin, a Vancouver-based group which does an eclectic electronicbased blend of world music will be entertaining the crowd. The group was described by Hour Magazine as “the United Nations of rock ‘n’ roll.” The group is not only multi-influenced and multiethnic, but they are incredibly hip too. Speakers confirmed for the event will be Troy Payne, and Waneek HornMiller. Payne is an inspirational speaker who came from a background of abuse, neglect and foster care. Horn-Miller is the former co-captain of Canada’s Olympic Women’s Water Polo Team and a speaker on First Nations’ issues. The S.T.A.A.R. conference will be taking place at the Fort Forum for students from Fort St. James, Vanderhoof, Fraser Lake, and seven First Nation communities in the area. The event is the biggest of its kind ever done in the area. For more on this story, see www.caledoniacourier. com.

The power of a


were demonstrations of skills from cooking to ropemaking. The two top senior speakers and the first top junior speaker will now go to Terrace to compete in the regional competition on April 28. While all the participants may have impressed the judges, the final results were:

H Have you ever noticed that when you smile at someone, you get one back?

Is your smile aӽected by: Missing teeth? Crooked teeth? Loose dentures?

Something can be done about it! Call us!

Junior Speakers: First Sydnee Schlamp Second Mckenzie Holdis Third Sarah Sawatzky

ABOVE: Colby Wilson explains some of the finer points of Monkey Plops during the 4-H Communications Event hosted by the local 4-H club. For more photos from the event, go to the Caledonia Courier Facebook page. Ruth Lloyd Photo

Senior Speakers:

Junior Demonstrators:

First Erica Byers Second Dakota Moldowan Third Kalene Gulbranson

First Alyssa Dowswell and Dalin Weaver Second Katilin Baher and

Megan Baher Third Shaun Solmonson and Kyle Solomonson Senior Demonstrators:


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Come and join in the 33 RD RUNNING OF THE FORT/VANDERHOOF MOTHER’S DAY RELAY (RUN!). Start is 10 AM May 13th at the airplane at Cottonwood Beach in Fort St. James. Relay consists of 8 stages each about 7.8 kms. Get your team together. Contact Keith at 250-996-8572 or at

First Zack Kells and Mica Kells Second Angela Kulchair and Spring Fawcett

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Any sports to report? Give us a call: 250-996-8482

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 25, 2012 A9


Lakeshore Realty

Courier BC Lions visit Fort St. James

840 DOUGLAS AVE. 3 bedrooms up 1 down in this bright family home located close to both schools and park. 2 Nat gas fireplaces kitchen and bathroom currently being updated, large entrance, terraced front yard. $199,000.

You’ll find us at 169 STUART DRIVE, FSJ 250-996-8618

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Some players from the BC Lions were in Fort St. James recently to speak to high school age students as part of a motivational speaking tour. Geroy Simon, Sean Gore and Jerome Dennis were here for the night of April 16 and the day of April 17, and they were looking for somewhere to work out, Simon Tweeting “Good morning world! Woke up and still Fort St James! Anyone know if there’s a gym here?” While his inquiry did not get any local response, the three athletes went out and found one themselves, arriving at Momentum Underground Fitness for a morning class, and working out in the gym between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.. While Scott Croucher, owner/operator of the Momentum Underground, took it in stride and said his regular classes kept their cool while the professional athletes were doing their thing, maybe it did give gym patrons a little extra inspiration to work harder. Croucher admitted he isn’t a football expert, but he did chat with them about the gym a little. Later on, at Fort St. James Secondary School, the three athletes talked to the entire school about their lives and tried to inspire the students. There were also some fun fitness-based activities for the students. The players later had a smaller, more intimate session at the Enterprise Centre, where Monica Grill said they had the students “in the palm of their hand.” She was truly impressed with their talk and said it had a real impact on the students, two of the athletes having come from relatively difficult circumstances, one had even been in trouble with the law but has since turned his life around. The talks were part of “Lions Pride” a program “inspiring youth to be active, make positive choices and excel.”

Park looks for input Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier The Fort St. James National Historic Site is asking for community input on their proposed new management plan which sets out key priorities. The plan priorities were driven by community input from previous sessions and from the input gathered, has resulted in a hefty document which maps out the park’s future for the next 15 years. A public meeting on April 19 for information on the plan and an opportunity for feedback from community members received a low turnout from the public. One new resident to the Fort did come, however, and she was very interested in volunteer opportunities for herself and her family. Feedback on the management plan is still being taken until May 11, and anyone with comments or questions can contact Bob Grill, the site manager at 996-7191 ext. 21. After the period for feedback is completed and the final revisions are in place, the plan will then go to the head of Parks Canada, then to the federal minister and finally it will eventually become approved by government, which will potentially happen by fall of this year. For basic details of the plan, readers can go online to: More detailed information can be found at plan.aspx.



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ABOVE: BC Lion’s #85 Shawn Gore was one of three BC Lion’s players in the Fort recently to speak to youth as part of the Lion’s Pride program. Caledonia Courier Photo


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Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Caledonia Courier

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In Memoriam

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Financial Services

WASH Plant Operator needed for Kitimat: Experience with wash plant, crushing, and screening to produce spec materials and experience operating heavy equipment is a must. This position is full time and the applicant must be willing to relocate to Kitimat, BC. Please forward resumes to or fax 250868-6599 and reference Kitimat. No phone calls please.


P.O. Box 1298 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0

In Memoriam Donations P.O. Box 1480, 7th Ave Prince George, BC V2L 3P2


250-996-8482 E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon

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Trades, Technical

Coming Events

CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103,

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Merchandise for Sale


May 26, 2012 Saturday @ 10:00 a.m. Topley, BC. @ Topley Garage, Hwy 16 & Junction Hwy 118 to Granisle Sale Conducted on behalf of Henry Van Der Weil & others. Sale will start off with Horse & Tack, followed by Antiques and a large coin collection. VEHICLES etc: Yukon chainsaw sawmill, Okanogan 5th Wheel, 2005 Ford Freestar Sport 4.3, 4 door Mini van, 2008 Ford F250 Super duty 4x4 Super cab w/new tires & canopy, 2007 F350 Super duty 4x4 crew cab diesel w/new tires & spray on bed liner, 1972 Triumph Spit Fire convertible, 2002 diesel 2.4 l Toyota Hilux Surt SSR-G right hand steering (38x15.5x15” tires), 1984 Yamaha Tri-Z ATV, 800 ATV w/ winch, BF Good wrench 265/70R/17” tires w/ Ford 8 bolt rims (2 sets), misc. used tires good shape, Johnson 10 HP boat motor. TOOL & EQUIPMENT: New welding rods & grinding discs, Aw32 hydraulic oil, chain saws, Poulan 2150, Husky 2150, Husky 371xpg, Cantec 6.5 gas water pump CT200, Cantec CT80CLC air cooled diesel water pump, 2 & 12 ton hydraulic jacks, riveters, levels, new & used cordless drills & skill saws, Rona table saw, Geotop C20C Automatic level w/ 2 tripod stands, pressure washer gun kit, HD furniture trolly, Rockwell Beaver 10” bandsaw, Beaver table saw on stand, Lincoln wire feed welder, Ingersoll Rand upright 60 gal air compressor, Speedair air compressor, Coleman Powermate 2500, Honda CX34 11hp power unit, Makita grinders, rolling toolboxes, socket drives, torque wrenches, air tools, wrenches, 23 - 16x2x4 trusses. HOUSEHOLD: Solid oak table & chairs, loveseat, sectional sofa, bunk bed w/ mattresses, Maple bedroom suite, Pine end table, Citizen TV w/ dvd, coffee table w/ brass accents, 3 drawer dresser, table & chairs, lamps, zero clearance mantle electric fireplace, Kenmore washer & dryer, Igloo bar fridge, paintings, upright Kenmore freezer (new), hot/cold stainless steel 40 tray catering cart, hot water tank, Weider weight machine, fish smoker, Big Gar wood stove, Ivy Cabin wood cook stove, small 2 door wood stove, Techniflame pellet stove, pewter & brass items, violins & guitar, Memorex antique syling radio/cassette/CD player, many misc. household items, 8” computerized Colestoron telescope. ANTIQUES: Oil lanterns & lamps, antique table & chairs, Missionary desk, Oak sideboard, Mahogany mirrored dresser, cast iron kettles, Pine mirror & night stand, green marble top hall stand w/ barley twist legs, 40 yr. old never fired 30-30 Winchester Rifle Sioux Carbine (engraved). HORSES & TACK: Black/white Pinto mare, Blue Roan gelding, black QH gelding, saddles, headstalls, halters, breast collars, antique pack saddle, reins, foldable saddle racks, misc. other tack. COIN COLLECTION: Nice 150 lot coin collection, don’t miss it! Consignments welcome! This is an excellent sale and all Goods are in very good condition. For out of town buyers there is local restaurant & accommodations, please contact Whispering Pines Motel (250) 696-3353. Condition of sale terms: Cash & Check with Identification, sorry no Credit cards. Items are As Is Condition ~ Not responsible for accidents. There will be a Concession on Site. Any question Please Contact:

Mike Steinebach @ (250) 694-3497 Cell (250) 692-6107 or Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 Cell (250) 570-2055 E-Mail: & Website Watch future papers for a complete listing

COMPLETE TOOL & EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL AUCTION June 2, 2012 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Ft St James, BC. Hwy 16 & Junction Hwy 27. Drive into Ft St James, follow signs thru town. 4 km on Germanson North Road Sale Conducted on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tuck & others. VEHICLES etc: 2 man self contained camp on skids, 8 liter BMW, 5 ton service truck, Bluebird 72 seat bus on factory propane, variety of late model Ford diesel trucks, 98 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4, 2 electric 3 wheel handicap carts, 5HP Craftsman roto tiller, 2 person go cart. 4 - 17” tires for Toyota pickup. MARINE: 16 ft. fiberglass boat, 70 HP Johnson boat motor, boat trailer, 30 commercial prawn traps, 2 new Dawa halibut rods. TOOLS: Makita 5 & 8” grinders, Hitachi 8” grinders, impact tools 3/8”-1”, electric jack hammer, Hilti drills & hammer drills, air greaser & luber, 3/4 & 1” drive socket, 600 lb. torque wrench, 1 & 1 3/4” drive multiplier set, torque wrenches, power tools, air / brad nailers, 12.5 & 18v rechargeable drills, 3/8”-1/2” metric & standard socket sets, lg. slide hammer, cord & rechargeable hand power tools, 2 - 10” Rockwell miter saw, hydraulic 2 1/2” pipe bender w/ dies, tap & die sets, pipe stand & threader, wheel sockets & seal drivers, multiple open & box end wrenches, 1-1 1/2, 2-3 & 6 ton com-a-longs. EQUIPMENT: 10x10x20 portable garage, 6000 lb. HD engine hoist on wheels, 2 HP compressors, Hilti drills & hammer drills, 200 Lincoln gas welder, 1200 liter lube oil dispenser (full of 15/40 oil), multiple roll away tool boxes, tire machine, bead blaster, air conditioner equip., 2 vac pumps, 10 & 20 ton porta power kit, parts washer, quad jack, electric fuel pumps, double walled 100 gal used oil tank, Acetylene torches & hoses, 2 new shallow well pumps, sand blaster, 6 - 3 ton floor jacks, 2 - 3500 lb. transmission jacks, multiple ext. cords, 5 gas powered water pumps, 2 - 6500 gensets (gas & electric start, low hrs.), new 3000 gen set, 8 1/2HP wheeled Honda pressure washer, 3500psi pressure washer, 18Hp 3500psi pressure steam cleaner, up to 2 1/2” metric & standard dies hydraulic hose press, Rockwell lg drill press (variable speed), 2HP bench grinder, 4 industrial shop vacs, 3 pickup headache racks w/ side rails, 40# full forklift propane tanks, 4 warn winches, 2 - 99 channel ICom programmable radios w/ charger, helmets size s-2xl, 1st aid equip. SUPPLIES: Lg qty of brass, pipe & hydraulic fittings, pallets of new & used truck parts, multiple trays of snap rings, o-rings, screws, rivets, keyways, side, rear & front windshield for Peterbuilt, alternator, starter, fan hubs, pulleys for Cummings motor, new cam shafts, auto & manual slacks, plastic air line fittings, cinches, wrappers & cable for logging trucks, metal cabinets & filing cabinets, bolt bins (full of bolts), lg qty truck parts back up, tail & head lights, wiring, log trailer parts, 8’6” axel, truck parts seals, drive lines, scale equip, bearings, brake shoes, drums, lowbed chains & cinches, body work equip, sanders, new spray & paint guns, welding rods, grinding discs HOUSEHOLD & MISC: 26 sheets of 3/4”-7’6” granite counter tops w/ 4” back splash. Consignments welcome! Approx. 2000 lot Sale. If you would like to consign large farm / logging equip or vehicles please contact Mikes Auction. Please note that we cannot take any small items at this already large sale. Condition of Sale Terms: Cash & Check with Identification, sorry No Credit cards. Items are As Is Condition ~ Not responsible for accidents. There will be a Concession on Site. Any question Please Contact: Mike Steinebach @ (250) 694 - 3497 or

Cell (250) 692-6107 or (250) 692 - 9752 Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 or Cell (250) 570- 2055 E-Mail: & Website Watch future papers for a complete listing A11

Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery 2008 and 2009 Tridem Peterbuilts, both complete with 21’6” Nahanni gravel boxes and 2008 Nahanni Tridem pups just inspected and ready for work. 2008 - $150,000. 2009 - $165,000. Please call: 1(250)614-6667 for more info. A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale CAN’T GET Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1-866-9815991.

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate

Misc. for Sale

Misc. Wanted

Houses For Sale


DIY STEEL Building deals! Many sizes and models. Make an offer on clearance buildings today and save thousands of dollars. Free brochure - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170.

Local Coin Collector buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic, Gold & Silver Coins. Call Chad 250-863-3082

5 bdrm house for sale in Fort St. James 3 up, 2 down 250-552-6559

Stuart Lake Townhouses Newly renovated, family oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with basement, 2 parking stalls, No dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-7598 or 250-996-6940

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Real Estate


For Sale By Owner 5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315 MERRITT SxS Duplex. DOWNTOWN. 1 Side newly decorated and vacant. Other side rented. Each side has 4 bdrms, 3- 4 pce baths, garden area & storage shed. $337,900. (604)534-2748.


Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent BACHELOR, 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments in Fraser Lake starting at $450 - has laundry facilities. Please call Darlene or Roy at 250699-7748

HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Very clean and quite. Adult orientated. 250996-8151 Lakeview Apartments 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James. 2bdrm apt. Newly renovated. Quiet, clean building. Adult oriented. no pets R.R. Avail. now 250-996-6940 or 250-996-4075


BIG FOOT Sightings! New 2012 Big Foot Campers have arrived only at Mike Rosman RV! 1-800-667-0024

Scrap Car Removal Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Classifieds Get Results!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Caledonia Courier


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Reg price: $27,900

Reg price: $26,800

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