Kelowna Capital News, April 26, 2012

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THE KELLY SCOTT RINK has recruited a new member for the Kelowna curling foursome, Sarah Wazney from Manitoba.

BEING A PARTICIPANT in the Kelowna reception for the Man In Motion 25th anniversary celebration will be a special moment for Mary Jane Drouin.

TURNS OUT the original grizzly bear sighting in Knox Mountain Park was accurate, as additional sightings have since been reported to Conservation Officers.


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THURSDAY April 26, 2012 The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper


Rural director interested in potential for incorporation

Wade Paterson



Vineyards. The pair toast that relationship which is now part of a studio and farm tour brochure put out by Tourism Kelowna as well.


Restaurants added to farm visitor brochure Judie Steeves STAFF REPORTER

It would be much easier to deal with one supplier admits Kelowna chef Rod Butters, but lots of local restaurants instead deal with dozens in order to support local farmers and source fresher, local produce when it’s in season.

It benefits farmers, processors, winemakers, brewers, chefs, and the consumers and visitors who sit down at the table and munch on farm-fresh, seasonal, local food. For the first time, Tourism Kelowna has included restaurants that source out products grown or produced locally in its fourth annual Studio and Farm


Tour brochure. That way, a visitor can recognize the food on their plate as the food they saw growing a short distance away, and possibly a short time ago, when they visited the operation, explained Catherine Frechette, j26 communications manager for Tourism Kelowna.

Table, deals with 150 different producers, because Milan’s beans are incredible and so is Jon’s seafood, he says. “You can still taste and feel the warmth on the carrots I get in. They haven’t sat in a reefer truck (in refrigerated transit) for five

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“It helps complete the circle; connect the farm with the table. People love meeting the people behind the product,” she explains. And, it’s about time restaurants are included, commented Butters. “We’re the end user for many local producers,” he noted. His downtown restaurant, RauDZ Regional

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ONE OF THE 150 local producers that local chef Rod Butters, of RauDZ Regional Table, deals with is Melissa Brown, manager of Ex Nihilo

McCurdy Rd.


The Regional District of the Central Okanagan’s east electoral area director says she is looking into incorporation. “I’m looking into how much it would cost us to incorporate my entire area,” said Patty Hanson, the Central Okanagan east director for an area that includes Joe Rich and the unincorporated area outside of Kelowna’s southern municipal border. “The thing is, if we incorporate and have a small council, then like-minded people that live in the area could vote on issues that come up—not city councillors.” Hanson made waves when she circulated a I JUST THINK news release on Monday THAT THEY DON’T afternoon, calling for the resignation of regional WANT ANY district board chair Robert DEVELOPMENT IN Hobson and development MY AREA. services director Dan PlaPatty Hanson, mondon. Okanagan East rural But on Tuesday, Hanson said, “I forgot to say area director that I’m just asking them to resign from their position when things in my area come up. “I just asked them to resign as board chair and director of planning while issues in my area come up, not from the regional district,” said Hanson. “I just think that they don’t want any development in my area.” Hanson feels that her constituents have been singled out and seen no growth over the past decade. Most recently, Hanson said that she and other board members have been given inaccurate and misleading information regarding the Kelowna Mountain project.

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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A3


Tool used as a weapon Police are looking for a screwdriver wielding robber who made off with a small amount of cash from Source Adult Video store Wednesday morning. The Kelowna RCMP received a report of a robbery at Source Adult Video, 200-2469 Highway 97 North, April 25 at about 9:30 a.m. “Apparently, the suspect threatened the clerk with a screwdriver and demanded money from the register. He then took a small amount of cash before fleeing on foot,” said Const. Kris Clark. “A police service dog and RCMP helicopter were on hand to assist with the search but the suspect could not be located.” Anyone with information should contact the Kelowna RCMP at 250762-3300. Anonymity can be maintained through Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-8477.

Mountie’s record remains free of assault charge Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

A Kelowna Mountie was recently convicted of assault learned Tuesday his criminal record would remain pristine. During sentencing, Judge Meg Shaw gave Const. Christopher Brinnen an absolute discharge, effectively wiping away the remnants of a reputation muddying run-in with Kelowna man Kyle Nelson. Brinnen was on duty during the bar flush Feb. 14, 2010, when Nelson, 24, started shouting profanities at Mounties. The two continued to exchange words and a middle finger salute. Then Nelson took off running when Brinnen drove his police truck toward him. Brinnen chased Nelson down, even going so far as to scale a chainlink fence to apprehend him. Once they met, faceto-face, Brinnen clocked Nelson., giving him a black eye. Shaw said that it’s clear that Brinnen went “too far, too fast, and with too much force,” but it wasn’t

a defining moment. “This is a one-off incident,” Shaw said. “By the publicity alone, RCMP proceedings, loss of respect of the community as well as fellow officers, there’s no need for further deterrence.” Shaw was also swayed by the impromptu apology Brinnen offered after Crown counsel and defence gave their sentencing submissions. “I do want to apologize for my decisions that night,” said Brinnen, who only returned to duty as a dog handler April 2. He’d been relegated to administrative duties since his February conviction. “I’ve had a 15 year career and I don’t want this to define it.” That said, he continued, he entered into programs following the conviction that taught him how to be a “better police officer.” In particular, Brinnen took two, 21-hour programs from the Justice Institute—Dealing with Anger and Dealing with Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution.


CONST. CHRISTOPHER BRINNEN had an assault conviction cleared from his record, leaving him with a clean slate. Brinnen’s family and friends were in the courtroom with him as the de-

cision was rendered, and quietly celebrated the result. It wasn’t what the

victim’s mother, Heather Nelson was hoping for, however.

“I’m disappointed,” she said, outside the courthouse. “We went through all those steps and he was found guilty.” Preferably, she said, the judge would have found cause to follow Crown Counsel Joel Gold’s recommendation, giving Brinnen a conditional sentence, with one year probation and 60 hours of community service. Her son, who suffered injury after the encounter with Brinnen, also suffered the same kind of public scrutiny and shaming the judge said Brinnen had, Nelson noted, but it wasn’t factored into the decision making. And, she pointed out, Brinnen’s impromptu apology didn’t address that in any way. Nelson wasn’t disappointed with every outcome from the court, though. She was pleased to hear Brinnen had taken courses to deal with anger and conflict management, suggesting it’s just too bad it wasn’t part of his initial training.


Legitimate grizzly bear sighting in Knox Mountain Park Judie Steeves STAFF REPORTER

New information and additional sightings led conservation officers to believe there is a grizzly bear in Knox Mountain Park in Kelowna’s north end. The bear has not been seen doing anything that isn’t perfectly natural behaviour in natural wilderness surroundings, so officials don’t plan to close the park or track the animal, but they do warn members of the public to be alert when using the park. Conservation Officer Terry Myroniuk said both

reports were that the bear was grazing in a remote area of the park, and it hasn’t shown any behaviour that gives them safety concerns, such as showing aggression toward humans or habituating residential areas. “Better he’s there than in town,” commented the CO. Trevor Sharp of Kelowna was the first to report seeing the grizzly, after he and a cross fit group who were running up the Apex Trail in the park jogged over a crest about 100 metres from the top. “He was right in front of us, on the pathway,” Sharp said. “It was terrify-

ing. I was out of gas; exhausted, but I turned and bolted. He admits that may not have been the best action to take. “I just wanted to get out of there,” he said. Although Sharp has lived in Kelowna the past 25 years or so, he says he grew up in Smithers, where it was not uncommon to see grizzlies, particularly since he had a friend who was a guide. However, he said the last time he was that close to one, he had a firearm and was with a fishing guide. Ironically, he said he took his wife and kids

into the park a couple of weeks ago and told her there wouldn’t be a problem with bears in Knox Mountain Park. In fact, he said he’s never seen any in all the years he’s been using the park, and certainly not a grizzly bear. Myroniuk said there was another sighting reported this week in the same general area of the park, at the top. There’s a large, contiguous tract of land from the park up to the Aberdeen Plateau where it wouldn’t be considered unusual to spot a grizzly, he noted. Last fall, a grizzly bear

Favourite Thing #10

was snared in a vineyard in the Lake Country area by conservation officers. Before it was relocated, far from town, it was equipped with a couple of yellow ear tags so it could be identified if it re-appeared. No sightings have reported ear tags in this bear. It was estimated to be about 300 pounds, not very large for a grizzly bear. About the same time, there were reports of one in the Gallagher’s Canyon area, and Myroniuk wondered at the time if they might be siblings who were travelling together.

The CO service is interested in hearing if anyone else sights the grizzly, so they can keep track of its movements. If you see the bear, report it on the toll-free RAPP line at: 1-877-952-7277. If it’s possible without putting yourself in danger, get a photo of it for officers, so it will be possible to enlarge it and see if there are any ear tags. If you do come across a grizzly, he advises you take the same precautions you would if you came upon a black bear: Give it space, keep your distance and respect it as you move away. “This is bear country,”

Myroniuk added. Blair Stewart, urban forestry supervisor for the City of Kelowna, said bears have been seen in the 240-hectare park before, but he’s never heard of a grizzly being there. The sightings are no reason to avoid the park, but he advises people to be careful and to report any sightings. “It’s a natural park and you can expect to see wildlife there. It’s one of its features,” he commented. Knox Mountain Park is probably one of the city’s most popular parks, he noted.


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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


District adopts proposal to improve lake access parks Wade Paterson STAFF REPORTER

Newly named Paddlewheeler and Osprey parks will be getting some new improvements as well. Paddlewheeler and Osprey Parks will be geting some upgrades to go along with their new names. A report given to council during Tuesday’s meeting indicated that during the development of the Waterfront Plan, feedback

suggested there is extensive interest in the development of non-motorized boat launching facilities. The report added that the development of nonmotorized boat launches would reduce conflict between motorized and nonmotorized uses in highuse areas, support tourism opportunities and encourage an active population. The Waterfront Plan also recommends that the development of new parks

and playgrounds in the Green Bay area should be considered a priority as a result of the current lack of waterfront park facilities servicing the area. Design considerations for both Paddlewheeler Park, which was formerly referred to as Pritchard Drive Lake Access No. 1, and Osprey Park, which was formerly known as Green Bay Lake Access No. 5, include: • Water access for nonmotorized boats (Paddle-

wheeler Park only) • Playground installation (Osprey Park only) • Improved and formalized parking • Signage • Pathway network • Improved surfacing, buffering vegetation and landscaping features • Seating and picnic areas • Beach/native grass on shoreline If the recommended improvements to Paddlewheeler and Osprey Parks come under the $209,000

budget, council also agreed to allow staff to work on improving a third waterfront park, commonly referred to as Casa Loma Dock.

District staff will now work to prepare conceptual designs for the two proposed lake access parks and then there will be opportunities for public

consultation. Official park openings are tentatively scheduled for the spring of 2013.


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from approximately 30 feet on Wednesday. The Connects Wireless “phone drop” was part of the Have a Heart Radiothon fundraiser to collect donations for Kelowna General Hospital’s pediatric unit. The crew raised the height of the phone drop as donations increased.

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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A5




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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


The pilates assignment: Get in shape Capital News reporters Kathy Michaels and Jennifer Smith begin their five-week challenge of introducing themselves to the exercise world of pilates with the support of the NEUmovement Pilates and Physiotherapy experts in Kelowna.


ot since my pant-size was in the single digits have I relished the idea of walking into a room of beautiful 20-some-

things. But, recently I did just that. Worse yet, I schlepped into a room of beautiful people smiling sadistically from the pain-free side of what can only be described as a medieval torture machine. Sure, it sounds like I’m the odd woman out in the opener to an R-rated horror movie, but that’s just the first moment of my pilates challenge, where instructor Ashley Piper strapped me into said medieval machine, introduced me to my core, and I breathed like I’ve never breathed before. There will be more about that in days to come when you’re subjected to the saccharine highlights of breakthrough moments at Neumovement Pilates and Physiotherapy, but today here’s the context. I loathe workout culture. Anything, in my opinion, that nurtures insecurity, superficial comparative analysis and generally boring conversations should be snuffed out. And to me, that pretty much sums up exercise culture. Plus, I think spandex-wearing should be a criminal offence. It was an easy stand to take in my teens, when I swam competitively. Or even in my 20s, when I was young and active enough to not think twice about…well, anything. But the latter half of my 30s has offered a few unexpected challenges. For example, I stopped smoking a couple of years ago, and all the so-called toxins I once lovingly inhaled, turned solid and gravitated to my arse. I blame the Surgeon General for at least two pant size bumps. Simultaneously, I settled into a desk job, which did little to help the aforementioned body part, and added a few extra maladies. Being hunched over a keyboard all day for years on end has added internal sound effects to movements. When I roll my shoulders, for example, it sounds like the Grim Reaper is shuffling a deck of cards. In short, I’m perpetually stooped and a wee bit pained. In the words of renowned social commentator Paris Hilton, it’s hot. In the words of my mother, it’s something I need to work on. So, I do, here and there. I ride my bike, I walk my dog, but I won’t ever walk into a gym.

Until the conShe said cept of a pilates challenge was floated to me and JenKathy nifer, that is. Michaels It held appeal in two ways. First, I’m always interested in something new, and in this case, not so new. Once upon a time when I had a different career, I could afford pilates and I found it to be a refreshing experience. It was about going in, not out and when I walked away from the experience a decade ago, I walked straighter and more confidently. Second, it’s been a long time since I’ve afforded myself the chance to do something to make myself better. Quitting smoking those years ago was just about survival and avoiding wrinkles. Now it’s about being better, and Piper is leading the way.


he pilates challenge all got She said started in a story meeting. Our editor was Jennifer asking if any of us Smith wanted to try pilates for five weeks and write about it. He didn’t think he would have any takers, but it didn’t take much to see the look in my coworker’s eye. This was going to be a fight. The most logical approach off the top seemed the Tracy Flick arm—the crazed geek in Election who rocket-launches her hand every time Matthew Broderick asks a question. Thankfully, I keep it in check and opt for a little “me, pick me” encouraging eyebrow when my adversary, Kathy Michaels, levels one of her looks. The whole reason I want to try pilates is because I’ve heard Kathy do nothing but extol the virtues of this exercise regime for several years now. Back when she was a rich English teacher in Asia, she had private lessons every day or some-


thing like that; I’ll let her tell that story. Somehow, her tale has merged with Susan Sarandon’s Oprah interview, where she declares her youthful look entirely due to a dedicated pilates regimen to make pilates the end all, be all exercise super cure of my fantasy world. I know Kathy will never throw in the towel on this one, and there’s no “be the change you want to see in the world” bunk that can hold me back either. Offices might burn. Thankfully, Ms. Michaels is wiser. She pitches a “She Said, She Said” column where one outof-shape person and one in-shape person give the whole pilates/physio deal a go. The editor buys it. The lovely people at NEUmovement, who originally offered to let just one of us try this for a month, agree. We’re off to the races. Well, actually, that’s the best part—there’s no race. Normally, as the “in shape” half of this equation, racing or rather “races” are how I keep fit. Now, to be clear, I couldn’t race a chihuahua and win if you asked me to, but I use the events as exercise motivators. I’ve run marathons and halfmarathons and the Knee Knacker (awesome trail race if you ever want to try one). I’ve done a triathlon and a bunch of 10-k runs, the Sun Run, the Swim Across the Lake—you get the point. And then I got braces. Believe it or not, the thing that’s sidelined me this year is the stupid wires people get on their teeth when they’re 13. Last month, I had some teeth removed in preparation and somehow that’s translated to a massive loss of muscle, due in 50:50 ratio to starvation and pouting. And now, I’m too embarrassed to really run or bike or do anything I would normally do with the vast majority of my friends. So pilates is going to be the answer; a new adventure to get me back on track. And after our first class, I can honestly say I think it might do even more. Ashley Piper, our first instructor, took us through a really interesting set of exercises focused on two key things I’ve never really been good at—breathing correctly and finding your core. You are meant to breath out with the exertion portion of an exercise and, if I learn nothing else from the venture, I’m hoping that doing this repeatedly, as we did for our first hour of class, will help the concept stick. But the core. Oh the core. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just the bad apple of any exercise regime. If pilates can help me improve this, it will be a miracle.

ASHLEY PIPER with NEUmovement Pilates and Physiotherapy has taken on the challenge of

introducing two Capital News reporters to the world of pilates and extolling the benefits each will derive from the form of exercise over the next five-week trial period.

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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A7


Jobs cut, tuition raised to meet $2.26 million budget shortfall Addressing a $2.26million shortfall in Okanagan College’s budget for the coming year will mean staff reductions, student fee increases and general fiscal belt-tightening across the $92.5-million operation. The college’s Board of Governors passed the 2012-13 budget Tuesday. It results in up to 16 positions being eliminated, cuts in supply and auxiliary staffing budgets, increased parking fees and an across-the-board two per cent tuition increase for students. The board stressed that not one of the college’s programs will be cut as a result of the budget decisions, noted OC board chairman Lance Kayfish. “This was a very challenging year and involved some difficult decisions,” said Kayfish. “We’ve taken a balanced approach to minimizing staff and service reductions as well as finding ways to generate revenue opportunities while leaving our programming intact.” Okanagan College has not received an increase in provincial funding to cover inflationary costs for



the past five years, noted Kayfish. In the past three years alone the college has had to absorb more than $6 million in inflationary and other costs. In the last seven years, Okanagan College has only once implemented an across-the-board tuition fee increase. In the last two years, it only increased tuition on programs with fees that were at or below the provincial average. As a result of Tuesday’s decision, a full-time student taking a business administration program

will see a tuition increase of $77.60 while his or her counterparts in first-year university arts will pay $61.57 more tuition for the year. A plumbing apprenticeship student faces a $13.52 hike for the year. Parking fees at Okanagan College haven’t been raised in 15 years. Two semesters’ parking in 201213 will increase to $143 from $90. The new rates will still be lower than those at most other post-secondary institutions in B.C. The college will also introduce a fee-for-printing program, charging 10 cents a page. Until now, students have been able to print for free. Years ago, photocopying charges were introduced but as technology and practices changed, demand for printing has increased. “In addition to helping balance the budget, changes in parking and printing fees align closely with the college’s sustain-

ability goals and are intended to better reflect the real costs of those services,” explained Kayfish. The college is discussing the pending position reductions with employee groups, conscious of wanting to minimize effects on individuals. “Of the 16 positions we’ve identified for reduction, at least nine will be through attrition or retirements,” said Okanagan College president Jim Hamilton. “The others will be layoffs.” Okanagan College has about 1,100 staff. Despite the challenges the shortfall presented, the board cited opportunities for positive growth in the 2012-13 budget. They include the creation of a director of research and business and community development —a self-funded position that will generate revenue in areas such as applied research, business services and contract training. The budget also provides increased funding

for student bursaries, an increase in the number of business courses offered,

as well as a provision for minimum wage increases, which will maintain the

number of employment opportunities for students at Okanagan College.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News



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The Capital News is a division of Black Press, at 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2



KAREN HILL Publisher/Advertising Manager BARRY GERDING Managing Editor ALAN MONK Real Estate Weekly Manager TESSA RINGNESS Production Manager GLENN BEAUDRY Regional Circulation/ National Account Manager RACHEL DEKKER Office Manager


Sad time for students


hese are not good times for those teachers who dedicate their time to sports teams, drama clubs and other important extracurricular school activities. It’s worse still for the students who devote themselves to these pursuits, and in them, find true enjoyment and even scholastic benefit such as scholarships. Thanks to the B.C. Teachers’ Federation and its members,

who gave their voting support last week, the remainder of this school year is now a washout for thousands of young athletes and a wide variety of school clubs. After last week’s vote in support of the withdrawal of all extracurricular activities by teachers, even high school graduation and prom activities are in question. Parents may be able to step up and save the latter without the

participation of the teachers. We sincerely hope so, since it would be an immense travesty if some students had one of the most important events of their public education experience taken from them by a union intent on twisting the government’s will to its agenda. The BCTF refrain that “it’s about the kids” rings hollow with this latest manoeuver, which just punishes kids, as well

as the teachers who made a commitment to those young people at the start of the school year. Not enough can be said about the courageous few who are willing to keep running their extracurricular activities despite the vote. Every teacher should have that choice, without pressure from union or colleagues. After all, they’re volunteering, aren’t they?


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THURSDAY’S QUESTION: Do you think it makes sense for the Central Okanagan East electoral area to be incorporated? See story A1.

To register your opinion on the Sound Off question, go to or call 250-979-7303. Results will be tabulated until 2 p.m. Monday.

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Heroic actions helped family escape from burning townhouse


s much as we read about all the bad things people do to one another in this world, there is still an imaginative fire that burns in all of us, to do something to help someone in trouble, to be a hero. My optimist side tells me that spirit exists far more often than not in all of us, despite the stories we sometimes hear of people reaching out for help in an emergency predicament only to be confronted by an “I don’t want to get involved” response. Last week, 22-year-old Jesse Foster of Kelowna faced that situation, and he didn’t hesitate to act. He is someone who I have known for 12 years. I watched him grow up from a kid to now an adult. So when I heard what he had done, it didn’t surprise

me. Foster was on his way to work early last Wednesday morning, 4:45 a.m. early, when he noticed what he described as a glow of fire as he approached a townhouse complex on Burtch Road. As it’s the route he always takes on the way to his job at London Drugs, he was familiar with the complex. “I thought it was kind of funny to see the smoke coming out of the roof of one of the townhouse units,” recalled Foster. “I sat there for a minute wondering if anyone had been called, wondering why there was no one out on the street, and no

lights were on inside. So I decided I better call 9-1-1 just be sure, and I got out of the car and started banging on the townhouse doors to alert people to get out.” Foster assisted with Barry Gerding getting a grandmother who required a walker out of the townhouse unit where the fire was the most intense. He ventured into the smoke in the carport where he encountered the grandmother in the doorway trying to find her way through the smoke. The townhouse next door was also filling up with smoke so Foster ran inside to help others rouse the single


mom, her nine-year-old daughter and toddler son. “I’m not sure what happened with the mom and the boy, but they were able to get out. I think someone else helped them. I found the girl asleep in her room, so I had to wake her up and then try to keep her calm. She was just starting to waken and I was a stranger to her, so I just wanted to keep her calm. I put her on my back and piggybacked her out of the house. “I don’t really remember what was going through my head at the time, I just wanted to keep the little girl calm and make sure she knew everything would be okay. ” At that point, Foster said emergency response people had arrived at the scene, and he then realized he had an-

other problem. As the key holder for the London Drugs store on Harvey Avenue, Foster needed to be there to open the doors for the other staff reporting to work. So he left, leaving his actions in one news report to be those of an unidentified “Good Samaritan.” While Jesse’s parents, Eunice and Jamie Foster, are proud of their son for being a hero for what he did, Jesse would prefer to downplay his actions. “I’m not interested in bringing attention to myself. I think the real heroes are the firefighters who do that every day. That was something I would not want to do everyday.” Barry Gerding is the managing editor of the Kelowna Capital News.

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A9


Start your day at


Harper gov’t sabotaging F-35 jet hearings lion. The Auditor Generals’ report showed the full costs of a proposed $25-billion fighter jet purchase was hidden from the public. This figure of $25 billion was apparently in the Harper government’s second set of books that the Harper government didn’t tell Canadians about. The Opposition parties (NDP, Liberals and Green) have demanded a committee hearing to get to the bottom of this fraud, to find those responsible and to prevent Canadian tax dollars from being wasted. The hearing begins Thursday. This week, the Harper government and the

Opposition have been meeting to discuss evidence and witnesses for that hearing. We always hear from the Harper government that they are ‘transparent,’ yet they will not permit these hearings to be public. Further to that, the Harper government is refusing to cooperate by voting down any and all witnesses and evidence the Opposition parties have put forward. The Harper government says it has nothing to hide. Then why are they trying to sabotage the Parliamentary process? C. Aspden, Kelowna

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To the editor: Is the Harper government sabotaging the Parliamentary process’ This issue of the F-35 jets and the Harper government’s refusal to produce figures, forced the unnecessary election of 2011. Last week, the Auditor General of Canada released a scathing report, revealing that the Harper government apparently has two sets of books for the purchase of these F-35 jets. One set of books quotes the jet procurement at $9 billion. This is the figure given to Canadians, the figure the Harper government campaigned on. The F-35 jets would in fact cost $25 bil-

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Feds sees environment as impediment


To the editor: Re: Conservatives Declare War on the Environment. Stephen Harper’s decision to reduce the number of departments and agencies that complete environmental reviews from 40 to just three is shortsighted and carries long term consequences. Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver argues

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that the government’s plan will hasten approvals for projects that will bolster Canada’s economy. Yes, development is crucial and jobs will be created, but to say we have to choose between the economy and the environment is a false dichotomy. The choice is economic development with or without environmental protection. A strong econ-

omy doesn’t require us to sacrifice our environmental and social strengths— they’re actually deeply intertwined. Scientists and environmental experts can help us minimize the ecological impact of our development to preserve the planet for future generations. Companies need to perform their due diligence to minimize or reverse the

damage their operations cause, and they will only do so when regulators require them to act responsibly. Furthermore, reviews from different provinces are critical, as these issues are trans-boundary and actually global. As a science student I feel we should embrace scientific findings and use quality research-based predictions to guide our

economic development. Instead, the Conservatives’ consistent neglect of evidence and information is taking us backwards. Clearly the environment is being regarded as an impediment. Tim Krupa, president, UBCO Young Liberals of Canada

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Democracy shaken by robocall shenanigans To the editor: On Saturday, April 29, I will for the third time in as many months, be making the trip from Summerland to Kelowna. I will be exhausted from a busy week. I am a stay at home mother of two whom we home school and I run a day care for other children. My days, they are full. But all the fatigue in the world will not stop me from getting to my destination. During the last federal election, I was troubled to hear reports on the news that some Canadians had received phone calls, directing them to go to the wrong polling station to cast their votes. I knew not who these folks were, or who they had planned on voting for, but with voter apathy at an all-time high I appreciated their efforts and was upset by the thought of someone purposely trying to undermine those efforts, especially for political gain. That type of thing doesn’t happen here in Canada, I thought. Stephen Harper won his coveted majority that

night and wasted no time putting into motion all he had envisioned for Canada. And while Canadians were rejoicing or coming to peace with this outcome, the folks at Elections Canada would receive over 700 specific complaints of fraudulent or improper phone calls placed during our election. With “isolated” now becoming “widespread,” and as more details emerged, it was becoming very clear that this wasn’t the handiwork of an individual, but rather a network of people. Still unclear of whom was behind these calls and who they targeted, 31,000 people of all political persuasions would voice their concerns to Elections Canada. We Canadians are a practical bunch that way. We understand that participating in a democracy such as ours is a partisan affair, while protecting it is a bipartisan one. Pre-meditated and well executed tactics aside, the bottom line is that our democracy was tampered with. Someone

out there thinks so little of you that, had you lived in the right riding, you too would have received a call attempting to deceive and deter you from exercising your most basic, most important right as a Canadian—your right to vote. These calls were indiscriminate. And while our veteran and first-time voters alike still try to make sense of it all, an already apathetic audience sinks deeper into apathy while watching it all unfold on the news. I can’t do that though. I can’t ignore the sacrifices made by my own countrymen and women abroad to assure our freedom and democracy remains intact here at home. I can’t ignore what the people in Burma are willing to sacrifice, to have what we have here at home. I can’t let my children bear witness to this and decide long before they are old enough to vote that, come the time, it won’t matter. Perhaps the bigger crime here is that this scandal has now forced us to think in these ways. With now 200 of the

308 ridings alleging some form of election fraud has taken place, could the scale of this operation have affected the outcome of our election? Absolutely. Noticeably absent from this unprecedented attack on our democracy, is outrage. Almost as disturbing as what has taken place, is what is not taking place. Why am I standing amongst only a handful of people at rallies demanding a full inquiry of these most serious charges’ What could possibly take

precedence over restoring the validity, fairness and safety to our elections’ A democracy seemingly on life support requires public support and it is with that in mind that I will make the time to drive to Kerry Park in Kelowna on April 29. From 1 to 4 p.m. concerned Canadians will unite in a nationwide rally demanding those responsible are held accountable. Canada, your country needs you! Hope to see you there. Kristin Staley, Summerland

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Northwestern Air

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


City utility billing is now online

Kelowna utility customers can now get their bills over the Internet. City customers will be able to sign up for eCare, which will provide online billing and electronic notification options, starting

today, according to officials at City Hall. While some local residents have utility service provided by FortisBC, B.C. Hydro and any of several water providers— such as Black Mountain

Irrigation District, Glenmore-Ellison Improvement District, Rutland Waterworks District and South East Kelowna Irrigation District—residents who receive utility bills from the city for elec-

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tricity, sewer or water are eligible for the new service. “Customers of City of Kelowna utilities will be able to access their account information easier than ever,” said George King, Kelowna’s revenue manager. “You can view your account information, current and past bills, usage, rates and even help us

Any questions, comments or concerns about the eCare online billing system can be forwarded to the Corix customer care department at 250-9794928. For more information about City of Kelowna utilities, eCare online billing and to view the service area maps of eligible residents, go to utilities.



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save some trees by going paperless.” Login web links for the new eCare system can be found at utilities or can be directly accessed through https:// Residents unsure as to whether they are City of Kelowna utility customers can check out the service area maps for electrical and water.



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has announced it will expand the number of beds for men’s residential treatment by 15 in June. “We are responding to the demand in our community and in our province for qualified and supported addiction treatment,” said Crossroads executive director Shelley Gilmore. “Through a significant renovation, we are able to provide a safe and comfortable environment for 15 more men to reside with us for 42 days at a time and receive the comprehensive counselling and support needed for them to move into recovery.” Crossroads is just one of a handful of licensed residential treatment centers in B.C. that provides both publicly funded and privately funded treatment options to individuals and families dealing with addiction. Operating as a not-forprofit charity, Crossroads has operated here for 36 years out of its Rutland fa-

cility, providing services for both men and women in the areas of detox and withdrawal management, residential treatment, outpatient counselling, and family support counselling . But Gilmore conceded the demand continues to outstrip available services. “The reality is that there are always more people that need access to services than there are services available,” she said, adding as a not-for-profit organization, Crossroads is always looking for innovative ways to meet the needs in the community through fund development and solid service delivery.” “We are confident that with this expansion we will be in a position to provide not only more beds but expanded services and programming to those that need help to overcome addiction. “Our goal is to transform the lives of individuals and families—one life at a time.”

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


College students polish up for studio woodworking exhibit There’s more to wood than meets the eye, particularly when that eye has a flair for the artistic. That artistic bent will be on display Saturday, May 12 when students from Okanagan College’s Studio Woodworking program host their second annual exhibit, Raising the Grain, at the Tutt Street Gallery in Kelowna. “This show is the product of eight months of work for these students,” said instructor Tim Diebert who has worked in high-end wood craftsmanship for decades, turning out custom guitars, furniture, spiral staircases and even yacht interiors. Visitors to the gallery will see a wide display of craftsmanship, with influences ranging from the contemporary back to the pivotal American Arts and Crafts movement of the early 1900s. “These were important transition years when wood-based furniture design went from very fussy high detail to cleaner, softer, simpler, modern,” Diebert said. “It was the leaping off point to much of the design we know to-

day.” Pam Ehrecke, from Penticton, entered the 35week full-time program after a lifetime spent pining to work with wood. “I was a custom dressmaker, but I always had an interest in wood and I wasn’t encouraged to do it because I was a girl,” she said. Now she, along with a dozen other students, will be at the show to share both their work and their passion. Ehrecke’s pieces include a Greene & Greene inspired telephone table, well-polished handcrafted boxes made of hardwood and a veneered cube featuring the image of a scorpion made using marquetry techniques. The scorpion itself is made up of tiny pieces of wood that has been carefully burned using a technique called sand shading. “The College here is so beautifully set up that I can learn anything I want and none of us have been able to stump Tim yet,” she said. “What I’m hoping is that the show opens people’s eyes to the fact that

there are far more options for people who love wood than making kitchen cabinets,” said Diebert, who uses a collection of videos to show the work of masters from a variety of fields, most recently a harpsichord maker, just to make his point. While the course is foundational, students come into it with a widerange of experience. Some have entered directly from high school; others have been working in their home shop for years, creating highly complex pieces. Diebert said no matter what, studio woodwork-

ing reflects a way of thinking as much as a practical skill. “It’s really an attitude, a way of life,” he said. “People spend a lot of time on their pieces and want to feel proud of the stuff that comes off their bench. Attending the show is a great way to support the students, who have worked so hard to bring their ideas to life.” The show runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tutt Street Gallery, 9 – 3045 Tutt Street, in Kelowna. Items displayed will be available for sale and admission to the show is free.


PAM EHRECKE will display some of the items she has created at Okanagan College at the Raising the Grain exhibit on Saturday, May 12 at the Tutt Street Gallery.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


Awareness of people Hanson’s legacy: Drouin Alistair Waters ASSISTANT EDITOR

In 1987, Mary Jane Drouin was part of the “honour guard” that accompanied B.C.’s Man In Motion, Rick Hansen, as he rolled his wheelchair into Vancouver to complete an astounding 40,000-kilometre, around-the-world tour to raise money for, and awareness about, spinal chord injury. Propelling himself through 34 countries over 26 months, Hansen raised $26 million for spinal chord injury research and brought worldwide attention to what people in wheelchairs can do, rather than what they can’t. And according to Drouin, it also helped make people in wheelchairs more visible, especially in other countries, where for many years they had been “hidden” away. “When Rick was in China, you did not see many other people in wheelchairs but his appearance had people there asking ‘where are our people like that,’” said Drouin. It was that awareness that she feels was the real legacy of Hansen’s world tour. On Saturday, she will accompany Hansen once again, this time in Kelowna, to help celebra-

te the 25th anniversary of his momentous feat. “It’s amazing to think it was so long ago,” said Drouin, 57, a former celebrated athlete in her own right, who competed for Canada in wheelchair basketball at the 1972, 1976 and 1988 Paralympic Games and who helped this country’s women’s wheelchair basketball team win gold at the 1985 PanAmerican Games. “It seems just like yesterday I was helping organize the events for him coming through town (on the original tour),” she said. Now the corporate services co-ordiator for the Central Okanagan Regional District, Drouin (nee Waugh) has seen the result of Hansen’s effort 25 years ago translate not only into a recognition of the need for better access for people in wheelchairs, but also measures that benefit more than just people in wheelchairs. Many of the accessibility measures put in place also help able-bodied people, such as parents pushing small children in strollers and people riding bicycles. But it was the lasting legacy of awareness about spinal chord injury that Drouin finds most amazing about Hansen’s tour a quarter of a century ago.


MARY JANE DROUIN, a former Canadian Paralympian who now works for the Central Okanagan Regional District, will help welcome Rick Hansen to Kelowna Saturday on the 25th anniversary of Hansen’s Man In Motion world tour. And that, she said, is in great part to the fact that he did not simply complete his Man In Motion World Tour and step away from what he was trying to do. Hansen, like Drouin, went on to marry and raise a family and he also continued his work as president of the Rick Hansen Foundation, which has now generated more than $200 million for spinal chord injury related programs. Drouin will be one of 45 people here selected to carry a special medal created to mark the 25th anniversary of the tour by the Canadian Mint. She said she is looking forward to seeing Hansen

again, as the last time they met was 14 years ago in Ottawa. She said back then, when she was competing in basketball, she knew Hansen as he was also a wheelchair athlete and the wheelchair athletic community was fairly small and interconnected. “We all know each other back then.” Drouin, who is originally from Saskatchewan, was injured in a car accident when she was 14. She moved to Kelowna for the first time in 1980 but spent a few years in Ottawa in the late 1990s before returning. A widow for the last 14 years, she raised her

two children as a single mom, working at one time as former Kelowna Senator Ross Fitzpatrick’s assistant and then moving on to the regional district 11 years ago. She said while she is in a wheelchair, she does not consider herself particularly “disabled.” “You have to get on with your life. You can’t let a disability define you,” she said. Having never felt discriminated against because of her disability, she said she finds Kelowna to be an accessible place for people in a wheelchair. Drouin said she lives her life as any other person would, working for a living, enjoying her community and friends, raising her children, driving and experiencing what life has to offer. She will be proud to participate in Saturday’s event, in part because it honours her friend and his achievement but also because it furthers what he showed people who may be starting their life in a wheelchair. She said for many, the first feeling can be that their life, as they know it, is over. “But that’s not the case. And that’s what Rick did. He gave people who are injured hope.”


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Medal marks Hansen’s journey Alistair Waters ASSISTANT EDITOR

Kelowna will mark the 25th anniversary of Rick Hansen’s Man In Motion World Tour with a free public celebration this Saturday at the Rotary Centre For the Arts. In addition to a relay by 45 medal bearers carrying a special medal created by the Canadian Mint to mark the occasion, the city will host the community celebration starting at 4 p.m. featuring displays of wheelchair basketball and soccer, special equipment that helps the disabled, food, entertainment and booths set up by community organizations. At 5 p.m. the last of the local medal bearers— or difference makers as the city has rechristened them—will arrive at the site prior to local dignitaries taking to the stage and welcoming Hansen. Following the celebration, a private reception will be held inside the RCA for the medal bearers and Hansen. “It’s really about community and being a community celebration,” said local organizer Alison Thompson with the city. “It’s a community driven event.” She said the work to organize the celebration—as Kelowna is one of hundreds of stops on the anniversary tour— has been done by volunteers. Part of that work was setting up a Facebook page that allowed residents to share their stories of inspiration. Hansen’s historic Man In Motion tour, is a nine-month,

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12,000-kilometre journey across the country. It started in Cape Spear, Newfoundland, on Aug. 24, 2011, and will end in Vancouver May 22, just as the original tour did in 1987. But, unlike 25 years ago, when Hansen was the solitary man in motion, this time, he is inspiring many in motion, as more than 7,000 people were selected to carry the medal during the crosscountry relay. In Kelowna, 45 people will carry it, starting around 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon on Highway 33 when the medal enters the city east of Rutland. The medal bearers, all people who have made a difference in the lives of others, will carry it throughout the city, prior to the celebration outside the RCA downtown later in the day. “Rick Hansen has inspired many Canadians with his personal journey and through this tour has the opportunity to inspire a new generation,” said Kelowna’s community and neighbourhood programs manager Louise Roberts-Taylor. “The difference in this tour, Rick is not doing it alone. Difference makers have been chosen to help move the relay medal across Canada.” She said the difference makers here in Kelowna have helped to make the city more accessible and inclusive, have overcome adversity or live the tour’s credo “anything is possible.” After the celebration, the city will present the stories and photos collected on the Facebook site and during the day to the Rick Hansen Foundation as a Kelowna keepsake. A version will also be available for the public to download on the city’s website, Since completing his Man In Motion world tour in 1987, when he powered his wheelchair 40,000 kilometres over 26 months through 34 countries and raised $26 million for spinal chord injury research and awareness, Hansen’s foundation has raised another $200 million for the cause.

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A15 Saturday, April 28th, 2012 • 2-5 pm • Hwy. 33 to RCA with stop at Parkinson Rec. Centre and ending @ RCA for Celebration Wednesday, May 2, 2012 • 9-11 am • Leaving RCA to KSS back to Water St. Boat Launch for kayak departure (see additional map)

RICK HANSEN 25th Anniversary Relay

41 Medal Bearers in Kelowna Each Medal Bearer will walk/run 250 meters. RCMP dedicated escort Support vehicle convoy consists of 4 vehicles: o 2 RCMP (Lead & Anchor) o Honda Vehicle (sponsor) o 33’ Motorhome

Relay will enter City Roadways via Highway 33 & travel the following route: From Hwy 33 onto Springfield Road Travel on Springfield Turning north onto Spall Road At Highway 97, relay will turn left Stop at Parkinson Recreation Park to acknowledge Rick Hansen Playground Continue west on Highway 97 Turning north onto Gordon Drive Turning west onto Bernard Ave Turning north onto Ellis Street Turning into Library Parkade Driveway to RCA Art Walk to RCA Commom

9:00 a.m. Depart RCA on Cawston Ave. South on Richter St East on Raymer Ave Stop @ KSS Continue on Campus Way West on KLO Road / Cedar Ave North on Abbott St East on Beach Ave North on Pandosy Ave / Water St Arrive @ Water Street Boat Launch Departure by small boat across OK Lake

Proudly Supports Rick Hansen Man In Motion Relay

End of Day Celebration Schedule 4–5:00 Community Celebration: wheelchair basketball, powered soccer, bouncy castle, community organizations with booths, and various equipment 5:00

Ceremony begins with final Difference Maker wheeling onto Rotary Centre for the Arts stage. The Difference Maker will take a few minutes to tell his story to the audience.


Dignitaries are introduced and give short speeches, including MP Ron Cannon and Mayor Gray


Rick Hansen takes the stage!


Participation medal presentation to the community


Final words


Celebration officially over with photo opportunities

– to be received by the City



250-769-0571 2053 Campbell Rd., Kelowna



Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News




New concept for the motorcycle crowd


pening May 1, the Kelowna Honda Powerhouse concept is a bold retail move in Kelowna. Basically, anything with a Honda engine excluding cars but including Honda motorcycles, ATVs, generators, marine, lawnmowers and clippers, will be available at the new store, located at 858 McCurdy Rd. All this with a price match guarantee— if you find the same model elsewhere, they will match the price guaranteed. Honda Powerhouse store owner Alan Harvey stated that all the staff had input in the new store design. While it had to conform to Honda’s “national look,” store staff had the opportunity to provide input on the interior layout. Their goal was a dealership that will provide a new level of innovation to better meet the needs of their customers. The Kelowna store has incorporated features like drive-in service, multiple in-ground lifts, plus a jib and gantry crane system to lessen the technician’s load (figuratively speaking!). With an 11,000 square foot showroom,


Maxine DeHart Honda Powerhouse will not have to move all the motorcycles and ATVs in and out every day. Call 250-860-1111. I am delighted to have been asked to be a medal bearer and part of the journey for the 25th anniversary Rick Hansen Man In Motion Relay Community Celebration on Saturday, April 28, from 4 to 6 p.m. (see stories on A14 and 15.) I will be carrying the Rick Hansen medal starting from Harvey Avenue near the BCAA/Cora Restaurant site at 4:25 p.m. It’s a day of possibilities. Rick Hansen, the Man in Motion himself, will also be taking the stage at the Rotary Centre for the Arts to greet the last medal bearer at 5 p.m. Bring the entire family and visit the children’s fun zone, a visit from Ronald McDonald, community displays, entertainment and refreshments. See you there! At the Canadian Association of Home & Property Inspectors spring conference and annual general meeting held in Kelowna, the association members elected Craig Hostland, owner of Pillar to Post Home Inspection, as their new president. Hostland also re-

ceived the association’s prestigious Bill Hopen Award for furthering the development of the home inspection profession in B.C. CAHPI’s head office is located in Kelowna at 5-3304 Appaloosa Rd. There are now 286 licensed home inspectors in B.C. with about 40 in Kelowna. Helene Barton is the executive director of the association. Call 250491-3979. Andrea Anderson is the new communications coordinator for the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. Caroline Grover is the chief executive officer. Call 250-861-3627. If you are wondering what’s happening adjacent to Okanagan Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge (Highway 97 and Enterprise) where the former Elite Auto Centre on Highway 97 was located, demolition is underway to make way for the dealership to expand. Owner Dean McAuley says his dealership is bursting at the seams so there was a need for the expansion. After nearly 25 years as a claims manager at the local ICBC claim center, Vic Nykiforuk is retiring May 1. Vic and his wife Joy intend to travel and reside part-time in London, England, where their son Reed currently resides. Congratulations to long-time resident Barry Urness on receiving the Anita Tozer Memorial Award, presented at the City of Kelowna’s 37th annual Civic & Commu-


ALAN HARVEY outside his new business the Kelowna Honda Powerhouse store on McCurdy Road (above); national Honda representative Bob Butler (right) visited the new store on Tuesday. nity Awards Gala. Kim Mikoula is a new marine safety consultant in our area. Her business, Marine Safety Consulting—Keeping You Safe on the Water, was recently accepted by the Community Futures Self Employment Program. Her training comes from working with Transport Canada Marine for three years with one of her mentors, senior marine inspector Gavin Brown. Mikoula’s business services include inspecting safety equipment on boats; checking the boats condition (no mechanical); ensuring correct certification and for pleasure boats, checking for the correct seating, life jackets, etc. Look her up at the boat show this weekend. Call 250-317-5850; Speaking of boats, the annual Boat & Leisure

Show is this weekend at the Kelowna Yacht Club. Haworth Jewellers, 545 Bernard Ave., has reopened after being closed for seven months due to a flood. Heather Haworth says that she has not changed the layout of the store significantly except for new paint colours. Call 250-762-2827. Kelowna locals Grace Pontes, Richard Takai, Khalil Ho and Robin Jones are partners in the new company COLORWRX Technologies Inc. They have designed and manufactured a revolutionary new painting system called the QuikBrush designed to change the way you paint. They have been selected to pitch this on the Dragon’s Den this week (my favourite show). They have approval for their product to be featured in Canadian Tire in Burlington and are in


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the process of seeking approval with Canadian Tire in Kelowna to carry QuikBrush. Chris Rowe, with Quest Martial Arts Academy at 2280 Leckie Rd., celebrates his one year anniversary in business this month. Rowe previously owned the company with Dan Zaleski, but has now taken on full ownership. In honour of this, he is offering all new students the introductory rate of two months and a uniform for $99. Visit him for a free class. Call 250-869-0111; www.kelownamartialarts. com. Mickie’s Pub, located in the Ramada Hotel at 2170 Harvey Ave., will host a performance by a comedian you won’t want to miss. Simon King will be entertaining in the pub crowd on Saturday, April 28, 8 p.m. King is well known in many medi-


ans, including the Top Ten Comedy Album 2010, HBO, Comedy Now, CBC, Winnipeg Comedy Festival, CTV, TBS, Las Vegas Festival and the list goes on and on. No cover charge. Call 250-9794548. Happy 60th anniversary Rhena and Gord Funnell on May 16. Helen Day, a physiotherapist and acupuncturist, is the owner of See DeHart A17


All you can eat

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This week’s column is dedicated to Roy Adams who passed away in Kelowna at the age of 96. Roy was a very dear long-time friend, who I have known dating back to when I was 19 and living in Calgary. He and his wife Betty, who has since passed away, retired here several years ago.

with the purchase of any


This coupon can be redeemed for one FREE 12 oz. cup of coffee, with the purchase of any pastry item at Bon Appétit Café - located on the main floor of the Bay - Orchard Park Shopping Centre; cannot be used towards specialty hot beverages; cannot be combined with any other offer; no cash value. Limit 1 coupon per customer. Please present to cashier. Offer expires June 30, 2012.

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A17


The trick of investment is to find under-priced assets A re you a speculator or an investor? Do you understand what the difference is? As I mention to any one even the slightest bit interested, my opinion is that successful investment always has been and always will be about the search for assets that are cheaper than their current price. An investment generates a cash flow that can be evaluated for its predictability of it continuing and then discounted appropriately to account for the risks involved. We can then calculate our opinion of that investment’s worth. If we think the in-


Robert Oleksyn vestment is substantially worth more than the market does, we buy it. If we think the investment is worth less than the market does, we sell it. Speculating is nothing remote. Speculation is the buying or selling of an asset on the forecast of a future price change of that asset. My tongue in cheek

definition of a ‘forecast’ is a guess about the future made by an educated and experienced expert. My point is that an educated guess is still a guess. While no one can predict the future, anyone can make a guess about the future. As a result, the ability for that person to distinguish between investment and speculation becomes critical to their financial success. As such, here are a few examples of speculation. Have you ever done any of these? • Buying a company that has no or negative earnings. If the company cannot

currently generate a profit, it cannot be an investment. We can only speculate that they will make enough money in the future to compensate us for the risk of buying it. • Trading. A trader is interested in quick changes in prices and is therefore always a speculator. They have no interest whatsoever in the fundamental value of the securities or commodities that they are trading and are only interested in the relationship of the current prices compared to their speculation of what those prices will be in the future. • Precious objects.

A gold mining company is an investment because it’s a business that could be generating cash flow and profits. Buying gold bullion is a speculation because bullion does not generate any earnings or income. Buying gold bullion is exactly the same as collecting other precious objects like residential homes, diamonds, wine, art or antiques. They are only valuable because fashion and custom has speculated that they are


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Consult, Educate and Treat. She has practiced in Kelowna for 20 years and has relocated her office to 990 Borden Ave. (west of Capri Mall), taking on clients by appointment only. She will host an open house on May 12 from 1 to 5 p.m. and draw for a free one hour chronic pain or F.A.C.E.S treatment. She will also be signing her recently released book Beauty Without Injection, which talks about the health of the face as the all-natural repair of the aging face. Day gives a series of lectures: Wednesday on chronic pain and Saturdays on the F.A.C.E.S. program starting May 2 and May 5 respectively. Book early as space is limited with quality one on one sessions. Call 250-4480438;; The African Dance Party with African dance instructor Ivy Branff is held every Wednesday evening, 7 p.m., at the Rotary Centre for the Arts. Branff teaches authentic African dancing from Ghana, Africa. Stephen Cipes’ drumming group does the drumming as coached by the late Kossi Dom, who is also from Ghana. There are five drummers and they usually have 20 or more dancers for a $5 drop-in fee.

There is plenty of room for more dancers and a fun opportunity for guys, gals and kids. For more info call 778-480-4345. It’s the 10th anniversary in business for the International Gateway Kelowna on May 11. The school is the oldest English as a Second Language school in the city, offering a wide range of ESL programs and instructional summer camps. Over the past 10 years, International Gateway has hosted students ages 6 to 80 from more than 20 countries. Dale Lockhart is the director of International Gateway Kelowna. Certified personal trainer Rebecca Liedtke has joined the team at Vo2 Max Personal Training and Group Fitness. Liedtke has been personal training and teaching group fitness for seven years in the Okanagan. She has a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology with a concentration in clinical exercise physiology, and trains a variety of clientele, from rehabilitation and weight loss to sport specific training. She is starting a Learn to Run Clinic that is geared for beginners to advanced runners with other programs being offered throughout the summer. Call 778-754-5553; The Uptown Rutland Business Association After Hours is May 2 at

It’s new,nd a y s a e s ’ it it’s freepe!ning in your

hat is hap w f o p o t n o Stay wn upcoming o r u o y d d a r community o r online calendar event to ou RG E! A H C F O FREE

The Animal House Pet Store, 106125 Highway 33, 5 to 7 p.m. Shoppers Drug Mart in Orchard Park will host a Cosmetic Pretty Little Party on May 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a portion of the proceeds to the Look Good Feel Better Foundation. Shoppers will offer complimentary make-up application, skin car consultations, reflexology for your feet, refreshments, goody bags, draw baskets, fragrance sampling, Art Knapp potted plant demo, fashion show, hot dog and Slurpee sales. Tickets available at the store. Birthdays of the week: In memory of Peter Dick (April 26); happy 90th Bernice Sanderson (April 27); happy 70th Dan (Blackie) Code (April, 20); happy 40th Chris Rowe, Quest Martial Arts Academy (April 25); Phyllis and Con Litz (yes, both on April 27); Chuck Dixon (April 27); Carol Glenn (April 27); Daniel Bibby, Delta Grand (April 27); lawyer Ron Labossiere (April 28); Dave MacLean, MacLean Group Marketing (April 29); Lily Legatto (April 29); John McCormack (April 30); Harry Grossmith, United Way (May 1). Maxine DeHart is a Kelowna hotelier. Phone her at 250-9794546.




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an investment. • Trend or momentum following. The proponents of trend following or momentum investing are the essence of speculators. Momentum seekers are only interested in identifying and buying assets that are going up because they are forecasting that they will continue to go up. Robert Oleksyn is an investment advisor with BMO Nesbitt Burns in Kelowna.


ESL school celebrates first decade

valuable. They do not have an income source. At one time, saffron, beaver pelts and tulip bulbs were also collected as prized possessions and used as currency. What is their value now that fashions and customs have changed? • Technical analysis. Technical analysis, whatever and however used, is only a forecast tool for someone to predict the future. It is not a fundamental analysis of


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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News



RDCO director catching heat over rising water rates richard rolke CONTRIBUTOR

Westside director Jim Edgson is drawing fire for his handling of soaring water rates. Both the North Westside Communities Associ-

ation and the North Westside Ratepayers Association are fighting a 190 per cent increase in fees by the Regional District of Central Okanagan. “People are very concerned with the lack of consultation,” said Marsa-

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li MacIver, NWCA president. “Our director did not consult with people in a public way. There were no public meetings before the RDCO board had a vote. A lot of people were blind sided by this.” There is a consumption based rate (35 cents per cubic metre for all water used in excess of 235 cubic metres during a three-month billing period) for the utilities for Killiney Beach, Westshore and Upper Fintry/Shalal Road/Valley of the Sun. There is also a user fee and an asset renewal fee.

For Westshore Estates, the user and asset fees amounts to $632 per property, while it will be $682 for Killiney Beach and $600 for Upper Fintry/Shalal Road/Valley of the Sun residents. Both associations held a joint meeting April 18 and while Edgson was invited, he did not attend. RDCO has stated it will respond to the groups’ concerns by May 28. “We consider that a deadline,” said MacIver. “If there are no substantive changes or a response, we will consider our options. We could

pursue legal options but we don’t want to do that.” The North Westside Ratepayers Association is circulating a petition urging rates be reduced. “It’s time for people to speak out,” said Diane Baldwin, NWRA president, adding RDCO has been reluctant to discuss the issue. “We’ve never had a written reply or anyone who has picked up the phone.” Baldwin says some hike in water rates is necessary and the primary concern is with process. “Jim should have had

a town hall meeting before the bylaw was voted on,” she said. “We’re asking for consultation, communication and accountability.” Edgson insists the process to replace aging infrastructure has been open. “I have gone around the community, even before I was elected, and I saw people not being served well by the water system,” he said. “I warned people fourand-a-half years ago that it would cost a lot and they didn’t care.” Edgson admits there were no public input ses-

sions before the rates were adopted March 30, but the looming 2012 budget created a tight timeline. “If we didn’t do it now, we’d have to wait another year. Ten years we’ve been at this.” As for not attending the associations’ April 18 meeting, Edgson says the groups knew RDCO had already scheduled an open house in the same hall. “They wanted to control the situation and I’m sorry, we don’t do that,” he said. “We had something set up with all of the information. All they had to do was come in to get it.”

Parking for boat show Landlubbers will have to find somewhere else to park their land-yachts this weekend if they venture down to the Kelowna Yacht Clubs annual boat and leisure show. Starting at noon on Friday and running until 7 p.m. Sunday, the Kelowna Yacht Club’s parking lot will be closed because of the boat show. On-street parking will also be restricted along the west side of Water Street, from the Water Street boat launch to Doyle Avenue. For the safety of motorists, flaggers will be at the intersection of Water Street and Doyle Avenue on Friday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


GETTING IN SHAPE…The Apple Bowl is undergoing some spring improvements to get ready for another busy year of use for the rest of 2012.

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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A19



Scott rink recruits curler from Manitoba Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

For much of the last decade, Sarah Wazney has been watching Kelowna’s Kelly Scott rink thrive on the national women’s curling scene. So when the invitation was extended to join the two-time Canadian champions, the 25-yearold from Winnipeg didn’t hesitate. Wazney will move into the lead position with the Scott team in 201213, taking over for Jacquie Armstrong who stepped aside this spring to devote more time to work and family. “To have a chance to curl with Kelly Scott, Jeanna Schraeder (third), and Sasha Carter (second), that’s an opportunity you just can’t pass up,” said Wazney. “They’re among the top girls in Canada, the goals they have, the knowledge and experience, the commitment they have is really second to none. It’s similar to what I want to achieve in

curling, so that’s why I’m excited about this.” Wazney brings with her a healthy curling resume, which includes a gold medal win at the Canadian junior women’s curling championship and later a bronze at the junior worlds with Manitoba’s Kaitlyn Lawes in 2008. She also has national experience at the mixed, university and Canada Games levels. Still, it wasn’t just her curling pedigree that sold the Scott team on adding Wazney. “Sarah had a mix of everything we were looking for in a lead and a new teammate,” said skip Kelly Scott. “Her curling ability, her attitude, her personality and enthusiasm, she’s someone we can see fitting right in. She also has that experience at the national and international levels. “We’re really happy with our decision to bring her on.” While moving from Winnipeg to Kelowna will be no small exercise, it’s

a commitment Wazney was more than willing to make for a chance to play with one of Canada’s elite teams. The timing couldn’t be much better either, as Wazney recently completed her degree in recreational management and community development at the University of Manitoba. Wazney, who plans to move to Kelowna this summer, said her new teammates are already helping to make the transition smooth. For starters, Scott and Carter, both natives of Winnipeg, made the same move west years earlier. “The girls are also so open and nice and friendly, they put me at ease,” said Wazney, who played last season with the Jill Thurston rink. “In talking to them, they assured me I wouldn’t have anything to be scared of. Kelowna’s going to be a little quieter than Winnipeg, but I’m going to be able to play with them on tour and compete at the high-


WINNIPEG’S Sarah Wazney is the newest member of Kelly Scott’s Kelowna curling team. est level. “This is a great opportunity for me, so it’s a move I’m not hesitant about, at all.” With the Scott rink firmly committed to making a run at the Olympics,

Wazney admits a potential trip to Sochi, Russia in 2014 is an enticing notion. Still, she’s being careful not to look too far ahead. “Of course that’s the

ultimate goal for every curler, but I’m not letting myself think about that right now. It’s going one bonspiel at a time for me, getting comfortable with my new team and getting in a groove. I’m excited to

get started.” Wazney expects to arrive in Kelowna, with her boyfriend and puppy, sometime in August. The 2012-13 curling season begins for the Scott team in mid-September.


Turner to compete for Canada at worlds in Spain Kelowna’s James Turner has qualified for this summer’s world junior track and field championships in Barcelona, Spain. Turner, the 2011 Canadian junior decathlon champ and national record holder for the youth octathlon, was also recently named to Canada’s Olympic development team. Turner, a product of the Okanagan Athletics PEN!! NOW O SITE B SEE WE FOR S DETAIL

Club, attends the University of Texas at Arlington on a full athletic scholarship. He completed his fifth decathlon while competing at the prestigious Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays and his final point total was 6,886 (standard was 6,875). The Texas Relays attracted more than 39,000 spectators over the four-day meet at the end of March. On Day 1, the high-

James Turner light was his 100-metre sprint, where he set a

new personal best with a time of 11.01 seconds. His other events included long jump (6.87 metres), shot put (11.93 metres), 400 metres (51.12) and high jump (1.81 metres). On day two, James posted personal bests in discuss (41.32 metres) and 110 metre hurdles (15.85 seconds). The highlight of day two was James’ last event —the 1500-metre run. James had calculated his

points and knew the time he would have to run to meet the qualifying standard for World Championships. In order to meet the standard, James would have to put in a personal best performance by eight full seconds. He started his race with a conservative first 300 metres, after which he began to pick up pace. With 250 metres left, James began his kick,

picking it up at the 100 metre mark for a sprint in. James finished the 1500 metres in a time of 4:39.60, which qualified him for the World Championships. “Decathlon is a difficult competition to master, competing in a total of 10 events in two days. It is both physically demanding and a true test of mental toughness,” said Pat Ledding, head coach with the Okanagan Ath-

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letics Club. “A high level of focus is required. Many of the events are relatively new to James, especially the pole vault,” Ledding said. Though James is a second year junior athlete at University of Texas, he is competing with senior weight implements and hurdle heights. Turner will return to Kelowna in May and will continue to train with the Okanagan Athletics Club.




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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News



Raiders douse Nyhus thrives playing v’ball in Denmark Flames in TOJLL opener

Her introduction to the professional ranks in Denmark turned out to be both productive and satisfying for former Heat setter Caitlyn Nyhus. Following her five years with the women’s volleyball program at UBC Okanagan, Nyhus played this season in Copenhagen for Holte IF of Denmark’s top pro circuit. Nyhus and her Holte teammates capped off a triumphant season last week, winning the Danish national title in straight matches (3-0) over Brondby. Nyhus was the latest Heat alumna to take the leap into the pro leagues, following in the footsteps of former teammate Sheila McNee (1st division in Spain) and another former UBC Okanagan player Marisa Field (SV Sinsheim, Germany),

who went on to play for the UBC Thunderbirds and still competes with the Canadian national team. “When the Holte IF coach, Sven-Erik Lauridsen, contacted me to talk about Caitlin he explained to me that he was looking for a very specific type of player,� said Steve Manuel, who is Nyhus’ former coach and longtime coach of the Heat. “He needed a setter,� Manuel said, “but more importantly he was looking for a player with a strong work ethic both on and off the court that would put the team first. That made it easy for me to recommend Cait, because that’s what she gave us for five years.� Holte IF recruited Nyhus to add depth to the setting position, but she found herself quickly promoted to the starting setter role.


FORMER UBC Okanagan player Caitlin Nyhus began her pro volleyball career this season in Copengahen, Denmark. “I just practiced and tried learning the different style of volleyball as

quick as I could,� said Nyhus from Copenhagen. “It’s a little bit fast-

er and I had to learn a few new sets and a different style of defense. All in all, I learned pretty quickly and I had the starting spot by our second tournament.� “It’s great to see Caitlin doing so well and continuing to develop now that she has graduated from our program,� continues Manuel. “We want to provide our student athletes with all the tools necessary to succeed while they are with us and continue on once they leave. Caitlin is doing exactly that and I am extremely proud of her.� “My time here has been amazing,� adds Nyhus. “I live right in downtown Copenhagen, so I have gotten to experience a very different culture and be right in the center of Denmark’s largest city. Everything has exceeded my expectations.�

Three players connected for hat-tricks to lead the Kelowna Raiders to victory in their opening game of the Thompson Okanagan Junior Lacrosse League season. Riley MacLennan, Jordan Laverock and Scott Renner scored three times each as the Raiders downed the South Okanagan Flames 15-9 Monday night in Penticton. Rookie Cory Teichrob, with two, fellow rookie Jaman Heslop and Nick Evans rounded out the scoring for Kelowna. Evan Richtfeld was steady in the Raiders’ net to earn the win. With high turnover

from last year’s team—including seven graduates— the Raiders have a different look this season and are in the process of forming a new identity under the watchful eye of coach Travis Wray. “I can see the guys coming together early and See Lacrosse A21




featured in the sports pages of the


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Dane Carriere (right) of the Thompson Okanagan FC boys U14 teams gets possession of the ball against Surrey United in B.C. Soccer Premier League action Saturday at on the CNC artificial turf. Surrey won the game 2-0. or call 250.763.3212 The Capital News also welcomes contributed photos and write-ups from parents & coaches.


KELOWNA YACHT CLUB enu M t a Gre in the se u bho u l C

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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A21



April 24

W 9 6 6 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1

Okanagan Athletics Victoria Mariners Nanaimo Pirates Langley Blaze Victoria Eagles North Shore Twins Coquitlam Reds North Delta Blue Jays Abbotsford Cardinals White Rock Tritons Parksville Royals Vancouver Cannons Whalley Chiefs

L 3 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 9 7

PCT 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.636 0.600 0.556 0.444 0.444 0.429 0.375 0.375 0.182 0.125

GBL 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 4 6.5 6

STK 3W 2W 1L 1L 1L 4W 4L 1W 1W 1W 3L 5L 6L

LAST 10 7-3 6-2 6-2 6-4 6-4 5-4 4-5 4-5 3-4 3-5 3-5 2-8 1-7






North Delta North Delta North Delta North Delta Tritons Tritons Tritons Tritons Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Chiefs

Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Coquitlam Coquitlam Coquitlam Coquitlam Coquitlam Chiefs Athletics

Sat, Apr 28 Sat, Apr 28 Sun, Apr 29 Sun, Apr 29 Sat, May 12 Sat, May 12 Sun, May 13 Sun, May 13 Sat, May 19 Sat, May 19 Sat, May 19 Sun, May 20 Sun, May 20 Sat, Jun 2 Sat, Jun 2

1:00 PM 3:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM

Elks Elks Elks Elks Elks Elks Elks Elks Mundy Mundy Mundy Mundy Mundy Whalley Whalley

Okanagan College Van. Island Baseball Institute

PCT GB 0.500 0.450 1





LAST 10 6-4 5-5



13 11 5

5 9 13

0.722 0.550 3 0.278 8

Chris Reitsma Division Prairie Baseball Academy Thompson Rivers University University of Calgary

3W 1L 9L

W 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2

F 10 4 5 5 4 2 2 2 1 0

A 0 0 2 2 3 3 5 6 5 9

GD 10 4 3 3 1 -1 -3 -4 -4 -9

Pts 6 6 4 4 4 1 1 1 0

P 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2

W 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 2

F 10 7 6 6 4 2 1 2 2 2 1

A 2 3 2 3 5 2 1 4 6 4 11

GD 8 4 4 3 -1 0 0 -2 -4 -2 -10

Pts 6 6 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2

10 5 3 3 4 2 4 2 0 0

1 2 1 2 2 2 7 5 4 7

9 3 2 1 2 0 -3 -3 -4 -7

6 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 0 0

Div. 3 B Frenzy FC 2 Topline Selections 2 Dangleberries 1 Big Surf FC 2 United 2 Red Devils 2 Phantoms FC 2 Attitude FC 2 Seca Marine 1 Brewhahas 2

2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

11 7 5 4 5 5 5 4 1 3

4 1 1 3 5 5 9 8 4 10

7 6 4 1 0 0 -4 -4 -3 -7

6 6 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0

Division 2

NCA ` Old Milwaukees Watson Bros Apna FC Internazionale Brewsers FC Royal Star Warthogs FC Rhinos FC Baxters

Larry Walker Division L 10 11

P Modern Furniture 2 Brandt’s Creek 2 Kelowna Celtic 2 Woody’s Pub 2 Illegal Aliens 2 Ecora FC 2 SOB FC 2 KonKast Stallions 2 Subcity/Executive 2 Boca Juniors 2

Div. 3 A


W 10 9

Division 1

Invisi-Bulls Euro FC Iris Optometry Yolo FC Lifeworks Chiro Fresh Air FC Barcekelona LCSC Athletic Spartan Metal FBFC Gunners FC


7-3 6-4 1-9


KELOWNA WOMEN’S SOCCER LEAGUE 2012 Standings Premier W RPM Automotive 2 Boston Pizza Diablos 1 Peacock Sheridan Group 1 Campionesse FC 1 Mark V / Royal Star 0 Killin’ It 0

L 0 0 0 1 2 2

T 0 1 1 0 0 0

GF 5 12 9 6 2 1

GA 3 6 5 2 7 12

GD 2 6 4 4 -5 -11

Pts 6 4 4 3 0 0

Div 1 OK Hardwood Fusion 2 Voyager RV Foxes 1 Addicted Fitness All Stars 1 Surge 1 Attackers 1 Mario’s Wreckers 1 Racers FC 0 Athletic Football Club 0

0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

6 6 3 3 1 2 0 1

0 1 1 3 2 4 4 7

6 5 2 0 -1 -2 -4 -6

6 4 4 3 3 3 0 0

Div 2

Saturday, May 12 Okanagan Challenge @ Khalsa Sunday, May 13—7 p.m. Apple Okanagan Challenge @ Bellingham Sunday, May 20 Challenge @ Poco City FC Saturday, May 26 — 7 p.m. Apple Bellingham United @ Challenge Sunday, May 27 —2 p.m. Apple Bowl Vancouver Thunderbirds@ Challenge Saturday, June 2 Challenge @ Victoria Highlanders Saturday, June 9—2 p.m. UBCO Coquitlam Metro Ford @ Challenge

Ball Snatchers Brew Crew Kickers Victorious Secret Rebels Kelowna Sting Viper Lightning Chatty Beavers Nature Works Wave Wasa Kelowna Thunder Mickie’s Divas

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

7 3 4 3 5 2 3 4 1 0

0 2 3 2 5 2 4 6 5 3

7 1 1 1 0 0 -1 -2 -4 -3

6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0

Sunday, June 10—2 p.m. UBCO Khalsa Sporting Club @ Challenge

Div 3 Hustlers Panthers Prospera Crush FC Dallas’ Cowgirls Cheeky Chicks Blood, Sweat & Beers Shane’s Shooters Petal to the Metal Turf Queens Kryptonite

2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2

0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

9 7 7 6 6 7 1 1 3 0

0 1 1 1 1 8 5 8 12 10

9 6 6 5 5 -1 -4 -7 -9 -10

6 6 4 4 4 3 1 0 0 0

Sunday, July 24 2 p.m Apple Bowl Challenge vs. Challenge Alumni

Masters Wasa Shooters Hot Tomales Forever Kicking Gray Monk Lakers TeamFitness Euro

2 1 1 0 0

0 1 0 1 2

0 0 0 0 0

14 4 1 2 2

3 2 0 5 13

11 2 1 -3 -11

6 3 3 0 0

Saturday, July 14 7 p.m Apple Bowl Victoria United @ Challenge

Saturday, June 16 Challenge @ Van.Thunderbirds Sunday, June 17 Challenege @ Coquitlam Metro Ford Saturday, June 23, 7 p.m. Apple Bowl Victoria Highlanders @ Challenge

Saturday, June 30 7 p.m. UBCO PoCo City FC @ Challenge Saturday, July 7 Challenge @ Victoria United Sunday, July 8 Challenge @ Langley Athletic

Sunday, July 15 2 p.m.. Apple Bowl Langley Athletic @ Challenge


‘Little mistakes’ put KSS Owls back at rugby provincials Marfleet said the Owls were led all weekend by Cole Mosychuk and Joey Wallick. For the second time in three years, KSS won the sportsmanship award.

HIGH SCHOOL GOLF… Lionel Taylor turned in the day’s best score to help the Rutland Voodoos earn a tie for the team title with Immaculata at the latest stop on the Central Okanagan high school golf circuit. Taylor carded a round of 70 as the Voodoos and Mustangs each finished with a team total of 322 Monday at the Black Mountain Golf Club. Steven Lee and Michael Lee led Immaculata with rounds of 72 to tie for second in the individu-

Kelowna Raiders a ‘run & gun’ team

Lacrosse from A20 bonding as a team,” said Wray. “I’m hoping we’re going to be a run-and-gun team and that’s what we saw in Monday’s game. I also expect us to play a strong defensive and physical game.” The Raiders’ home opener slated for this Thursday against the

Kamloops Venom has been postponed, likely until sometime in June. Kelowna will return to action Thursday, May 3 at home to the Armstrong Shamrocks. Meawnhile, the Kelowna Raiders senior team will host Vernon Friday in TOSLL action at Memorial Arena. The Raiders are 1-1 this season.

al standings. KSS was a close third at 324, with George Elliot taking fourth at 327. Brett Moore of Mt. Boucherie and Kelowna Secondary’s Trevor Perverzoff tied for fourth with 73. The girls’ top scorer was Rutland’s Madison Kapchisnky with a 74, while Jessica Claggett of KSS had an 82. The next stop on the tour is Monday, April 30 at Sunset Ranch.

JOYCES ON TRACK… Adele and Elisa Joyce

turned in personal best performances last weekend at the Oregon Relays track meet in Eugene, Ore. Adele established PBs in both the 100 metres (12.58 seconds, sixth overall) and 200 metres (26.00, fifth overall). Elisa ran a PB in the 100m (12.40, fourth overall) and the 200m (25.56, fourth overall) With the exception of one runner from North Carolina, the Joyce girls were the fastest Grade 11 competitors at the event. Meanwhile, old-





In their fifth consecutive appearance at the B.C. high school rugby sevens championship, the Kelowna Owls settled for 11th place overall. The Owls held their own against the province’s best last weekend at St. George’s, including posting two convincing wins over West Vancouver, 33-7 and 43-5. Narrow defeats for KSS came against Burnaby North (17-10) and Glenlyon Norfolk (1917), St, Michael’s (17-10) and lastly to Lord Byng, 29-12. “We had a great weekend, very good competition at the coast,” said Owls coach Dave Marfleet. “The boys placed very well, little mistakes hurt our placings.”

er brother Keefer Joyce was in California for two meets. At the Brian Clay competition, he was third in his heat and 16th over-

all in the 100 metres in 10.75 seconds. Keefer was first in heat six in the 200 metres and 30th overall in 21.94. At the Long Beach In-

vitational, he was 30th out of 81 competitors in the 100 metres in 10.84, and 45th out of 90 in the 200 metres in 22.18.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


50 Years: Rutland Minor Baseball Association celebrates

Doug Farrow photos The Rutland Minor Baseball Association celebrated its 50th anniversary with a day of games and activities last Saturday at Edith Gay Park.

UPCOMING ROUTES AVAILABLE 3 DAYS A WEEK / NO EARLY MORNINGS / NO WEEKENDS Kelowna North & Glenmore Rutland South & Rutland North #KC04020200 – 75 Papers Monashee Pl, Monashee Crt, Dilworth Dr. 905 Only, Christina Pl. #KC04020307 – 65 Papers Selkirk Dr. 2441 to 2583, Selkirk Crt, Harrogate Lane, Fairmont Ave.

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#KC05023500 – 72 Papers Dillman Rd, Holbrook Rd E. 115 to 290, Prior Rd. S. 285 to 340, Robson Rd. E, Spartan Rd, Rutland Rd. S. 275 to 465 Odd Side Only #KC05024501 – 89 Papers Lynrick Rd. 1931 to 2287, Lynx Rd, Sunrise Rd. 1687 to 1773, Sunrise Lane #KC05025004 – 71 Papers Kendra Crt, Longley Cres, Loseth Dr. 1211 to 1342 #KC06028300 – 50 Papers Rutland Rd. N. 1666 to 2195, Commercial Dr. 140 to 171, Hy. 97 N. 3677 to 3837 Odd Side Only

West Kelowna #KC07001114 – 69 Papers McDougall Rd, Rose Ann Crt, Rose Tree Rd. 2077 to 2096, Rosealee Lane 1933 to 1950, Rosemeadow Dr. 1450 to 1528 #KC08002510 – 76 Papers Boucherie Rd. 3110 to 3191, McCartney Rd, Montigny Rd, Wales Rd, Thacker Dr. 3015 to 3131 #KC08002810 – 70 Papers Allison Pl, Aubrey Rd, Bazett Rd, Holmes Rd, Kelly Dr, Perley Rd, Willis Rd, Sunnyside Rd. 3333 to 3356 #KC09006510 – 59 Papers Sundance Dr, Sundance Crt. #KC09006812 – 35 Papers Alexandria Way #KC10006912 – 80 Papers Copper Ridge Crt, Copper Ridge Dr, Copper Ridge Pl, Copper Ridge Way, Whispering Hills Dr. #KC10007310 – 40 Papers Glenford Rd, Glenview Rd, Woodell Rd, Lower Glenrosa Rd. 2841 to 2869 Odd Side Only #KC10007510 – 76 Papers Glenway Rd. 3701 to 3806, Lower Glenrosa Rd. 2746 to 2758, Pleasantview Rd, Salloum Rd. 3704 to 3813 #KC10010310 – 27 Papers Country Pines Dr, Country Pines Gate, Country Pines Way

For information, contact our circulation department ~ 250-763-7575

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A23


Farmers, restauranteurs join forces brochure from A1

end user isn’t new, but the connection for visitors to the area is a new concept here. The farm and studio brochure has been really popular with visitors and with outside media who have come to the area for the past few years, says Frechette, but adding eight restaurants to it this year completes the circle. “Visiting news media have found they can meet people who are passionate about what they’re growing or creating, which means visitors will be interested too,� said Frechette. The Okanagan is already drawing people who are interested in fine food and wine, so it just made sense to package it up. “We have it all here. The food culture is already happening in Ke-

weeks,� he explained. “They taste better fresh and I can support local farmers at the same time. Both me and my customers benefit,� he said. “I’m always looking for interesting products.� At the same time, he believes farmers need to begin to be business people to survive; they need to find out what products chefs and other consumers want. In fact, some of his suppliers meet with him over the winter months, and they pore over seed catalogues together. Sometimes he requests miniature vegetables or micro greens, or a particular size order of a particular product. This working together of producers and the

lowna. We’re building a reputation around food interests‌people can celebrate it all here. They’re already coming because they’re interested in it,â€? she commented. The farm and studio brochure began as a selfguided tour of particular areas, such as East Kelowna, South Kelowna, Kelowna-Lake Country, downtown central Kelowna and West Kelowna. Stops include farms, orchards, wineries, artist’s studios, gift galleries, museums, farm markets, cheese makers, a jam factory—and now restaurants. Nancy Cameron, president of Tourism Kelowna, said, “One added bonus of the new farm-totable component is additional cross marketing and distribution of the bro-

Business break-ins leave behind trail of building damage A string of commercial break-ins this morning probably caused more damage than loss of property. Several businesses were broken into in the areas of Banks Road, Keehn Road and Kirschner Road on Wednesday, between 4:20 a.m. and 5 a.m. “The Kelowna Carpet Superstore, Van Kel Irrigation, Yuppie Puppy and Springfield Automotive were all hit during a short period of time and in a similar fashion, leading police to believe the break-ins are connected,� said Const. Kris Clark.

“The suspects apparently only managed to get a very small amount of cash, but likely caused hundreds or even thousands of dollars in total damage.� There are no suspects at this time, but police are hoping the public may have seen something. If anyone has any information, contact the Kelowna RCMP at 250-7623300. Anonymity is protected by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or going online at to report.





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chure for all participants. “If a farm is a supplier to one or more of these restaurants then they will now have a new story to tell customers about how their products are used by Kelowna’s top chefs; and the restaurants also have the reciprocal story to tell, and can encourage their diners to visit these farms. “In short, the farm-totable experience is now accessible and consumable for our customers.�


CATHERINE FRECHETTE, with Tourism Kelowna, holds up copies of a new brochure promoting restaurants that use local food sources.


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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News




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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A25


Wilkins receives Kelowna Green Business Award Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

When you’re talking about turning over a new leaf, it’s fitting to make it green. Or at least that was the case for local entrepreneur C.J. Wilkins, anyway.



Wilkins, who was the recipient of the Kelowna Green Business Award for innovation, was coming off a lengthy stint working in public relations for the Alberta oil and gas industry when a couple revelationary “moments” spurred an eco-friendly transformation. “We had a sour gas plant explosion, and I had to phone the hospital and find out about the worker who was injured,” he recalled, after the Wednesday afternoon award ceremony where four businesses were honoured for being green by the Chamber of Commerce and SIFE Okanagan. “I decided to focus my

efforts then, on creating change.” It meant moving west, for one thing, and figuring out a new way to make a living, for another. “We moved to the valley and decided to buy a sign shop,” he said, noting he and h is partner bought Optic Signs and Marketing Inc. “We didn’t have a clue what we were doing.” It’s that “naivety” that gave them the best fresh start they could hope for. Realizing that the materials used for his print company were toxic they decided to go a new route. They purchased the only printer in the B.C. Interior that used water-based eco-friendly ink. It cost more to purchase the equipment than it did to buy the whole business, but it was a worth investment, said Wilkins. Not only is his conscience clean, the environment is a little better off and the choices he’s made have paid off. He can now boast a loyal clientele eager to make more environmentally conscientious choices with everything from signs to wallpaper. Although Wilkin’s story highlighted the big financial risk needed for a totally green transformation, everyone honoured had made sacrifices to support their business ideals. Lisa McIntosh’s Urban Harvest Delivery has

been operating for 12 years, delivering high quality, locally grown produce to homes throughout the Central Okanagan. The business has been acknowledged many times as a success—this time winning the Sustainable Leader of the Year



award—but McIntosh pointed out that the biggest lesson they’ve learned over time is that sustainability is not just about green practices. In her case, it also required stemming growth so they could maintain a high quality product. “We wanted to be part of a good food system, link growers with eaters and create jobs for ourselves,” she explained. “There are so many directions we could expand ourselves, but we can’t be everything for everybody.” It’s that understanding, she said, that’s kept the business a pleasure to maintain.

Four Green Business awards were handed out by the Kelowna Chamber

of Commerce and Students In Free Enterprise Wednesday. In additi-

on to the aforementioned awards, Cintas Canada Ltd won in the large bu-

siness category and Sunshine Farms won the small business category.

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Bench unveiled Friday to mark Day of Mourning Kelowna will mark the annual Day of Mourning on Friday, commemorating workers killed or injured on the job or who have suffered illness as a result of their jobs. Scheduled for Ben Lee Park in Rutland, the North Okanagan Labour Council and WorkSafeBC will mark the day with a ceremony and the unveiling of a memorial bench in the park. Last year in B.C., 142 workers died

and 103,798 were injured or became ill. The Day of Mourning ceremonies have been held across the country since the Canadian Labour Congress initiated a national Day of Mourning ceremony on April 28, 1984. This year, public ceremonies will be held on April 27 in communities across the province. In Kelowna, the ceremony will start at noon.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


Edgson: Incorporation dream would come at a huge cost Rural from A1 Jim Edgson, director of the Central Okanagan west electoral area, didn’t agree with Hanson’s assertion. “I was caught extremely off guard by those statements,” said Edgson. “I’ve never been so informed in all my life; I’m very confused as to why Patty (Hanson) would say that.” Edgson said he has no problems with Hobson’s

leadership. “I have full confidence in chair Hobson and I think the board, as a whole, does too,” said Edgson. “He’s always there to help; he always gives direction; he’s never failed me…this is an extremely knowledgeable man.” Similar to how Hanson currently feels, Edgson said that when he became west electoral area director four and a half years ago, he came in

Doug Findlater

Robert Hobson

with the idea that his area was being singled out. “We were getting no-

where; we weren’t getting grants; we weren’t getting water systems,” Edg-

son said. “I felt left out, but I got in there and I sat down and worked with staff, worked with the chief administrative officer and worked with the board, and, ‘Guess what?,’ I got a tremendous amount of stuff.” He suggested that Hanson’s plan to look into incorporation likely won’t fix the area’s problems. “People think of incorporation as a way of escaping the regional dis-

The ‘Take Care, Take Part’ campaign to raise $6 million will help purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment needed to advance the quality of patient care in the new Centennial Building and to support the transition of KGH to a full teaching hospital. Funds raised will help support the following: A A new new Emergency Emergency Department Department that that will will be be four four times times its its current current size size and and include include aa specialized specialized pediatric pediatric support support area, area, aa mental mental illness/addictions illness/addictions treatment treatment area, area, an an increased increased space space for for patient patient examinations examinations and and an an improved improved waiting waiting area area for for the the comfort comfort of of families families and and caregivers. caregivers.

trict. They are in for a real surprise and a real huge cost.” Despite the heated dispute, Edgson said he doesn’t believe this incident will affect the board’s ability to cooperate in the future. “This is the most functional regional district in the province. “I have full confidence that the board will come out of this stronger than ever.” West Kelowna Mayor Doug Findlater said the whole issue “has become very contentious. “This development and the relationship may heat up and people may very well have lawyers involved.” When asked whether or not he felt he was misled on details about the Kelowna Mountain project, Findlater said, “I’m not going to comment on that one. “That’s something that the board will need to collectively take a look at and reach an understanding of what was said and what wasn’t said and review the report.” He said that he did make one public comment after Hanson spoke on Monday’s meeting. “I indicated that, at a certain point, communities that are in electoral areas of the regional district (may) feel they need to chart their own course.

“They do have an option: To incorporate as a municipality,” said Findlater. “That’s what we did here, I think quite successfully.” According to the regional district’s 2011 statistics, the population of the east electoral area is 3,795. Findlater said that the “huge difference” in scale between the east electoral area and West Kelowna makes it tough for him to speculate whether or not incorporation would be a viable option for Hanson’s constituents. “The first step is that the community has to get together if they feel strongly and talk about that,” Findlater suggested. “They need to have a community consensus that they need to look at this, run the numbers, look at the services, see how it would work and talk with the province. There is funding available for those kinds of restructures.” Hanson claims the Kelowna Mountain project will generate significant tax benefits for her constituents. She added that the majority of those residing in her area are proponents of the project. Hobson left for vacation on Tuesday; therefore, wasn’t available for comment.

A A new new streamlined streamlined Ambulatory Ambulatory Care Care Department Department where where all all day day surgery surgery procedures procedures will be performed, enabling staff to improve efficiencies in all procedures. will be performed, enabling staff to improve efficiencies in all procedures. A A new new 180 180 seat seat state-of-the-art state-of-the-art Lecture Lecture Theatre Theatre in in the the new new UBC UBC Clinical Clinical Academic Academic Campus Campus located located next to KGH. This high-tech theatre will advance medical care by providing unique educational next to KGH. This high-tech theatre will advance medical care by providing unique educational opportunities opportunities to to UBC UBC medical medical students, students, KGH KGH physicians physicians and and nursing nursing staff. staff.


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More Power. Less Fuel. Great Value is a comparison between the 2012 and the 2011 Chrysler Canada product lineups. 40 MPG or greater claim is based on 2012 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption estimates. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors. See your dealer for additional EnerGuide details. Wise customers read the fine print: •, *, ‡, ∞, § The Canada’s Fastest Growing Automaker Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating dealers on or after April 3, 2012. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. See participating dealers for complete details and conditions. •$19,998 Purchase Price applies to 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package (29E+CL9) only and includes $8,000 Consumer Cash Discount. Pricing includes freight ($1,400–$1,500) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See participating dealers for complete details. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select new 2012 vehicles and are manufacturer-to-dealer incentives, which are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Amounts vary by vehicle. See your dealer for complete details. ‡4.99% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Ultimate Family Package models to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, TD Auto Finance and Ally Credit Canada. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. See your dealer for complete details. Example: 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Ultimate Family Package with a Purchase Price of $26,998 (including applicable Consumer Cash and Ultimate Family Bonus Cash Discounts) financed at 4.99% over 96 months with $0 down payment equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $158 with a cost of borrowing of $5,772 and a total obligation of $32,770. Pricing includes freight ($1,400–$1,500) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. ∞Ultimate Family Van Bonus Cash is available to retail customers on purchase/lease at participating dealers of a new 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan model (excluding Canada Value Package models) or any new 2012 Chrysler Town & Country model. The Bonus Cash amount ($1,250 for models equipped with a DVD player; $750 for all other models) will be deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. An additional $750 will be subtracted from the invoice price at time of purchase/lease. Some conditions apply. See your dealer for complete details. §2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew shown. Price including applicable Consumer Cash Discount: $27,395. Pricing includes freight ($1,400–$1,500) and excludes licence, insurance, registration, any dealer administration fees and other applicable fees and applicable taxes. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Dealer may sell for less. °Based on Year-To-Date this year versus last year (Oct YTD 2011 versus Oct YTD 2010) R. L. Polk Canada, Inc. Canadian National Total NVR Market Share and volume gains data by brand. ^Based on overall cargo and passenger carry capacity, features, and seating and cargo configurations. ■Based on Ward’s 2012 Small Van Segmentation. Excludes other Chrysler Group LLC designed and/or manufactured vehicles. ¤Based on 2012 EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Ratings. Transport Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel economy will vary based on driving habits and other factors. 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package – Hwy: 7.9 L/100 KM and City: 12.2 L/100 KM. The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications LLC, used under licence. ®SIRIUS and the dog logo are registered trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012



2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew shown.§







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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News

WEEKLY SPECIALS 100% BC Owned and Operated Prices Effective Thursday, April 26 to Wednesday, May 2, 2012 We reserve the right to limit quantities. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

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assorted varieties

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2/7.00 100g

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ENTERTAINMENT Time for imagining a world onto canvas Jennifer Smith STAFF REPORTER

At the very end of Boucherie Road in West Kelowna, where the lake and the sun collide, Erica Hawkes puts the finishing touches on a sushi lunch. She folds the hairlinethin carrots in with uniform red pepper squares and cucumber stacked like railroad ties to form a composition lovely enough for canvas. Thankfully, this is one artist with a practical vein and it doesn’t take long before we’re sitting down to eat at a kitchen table flanked by three pencildrawn portraits. The detail on the beard in one is particularly impressive, each hair separate from the other. “I call him the prophet. It’s just because he kind of draws you in; he’s got that look,” says Hawkes. “He’s just an old man from Russia I found in a book. I really liked his whiskers and thought they would be fun to draw. They took a really long time.” Time is something Hawkes spends wisely. Growing up in Prince George, with a stay-athome mom and strict rules around television, there were hours to learn to be creative, trapped indoors by mosquitoes and


ERICA HAWKES has just started selling in galleries. Her work features acrylics done in a style she terms cubist impressionism. Her first series are on the Okanagan and she’s now developing work for Vancouver.

WORKS OF ART by Erica Hawkes (clockwise from top left) Blue Pire, A Thawing Wind, Gold Tones, Evening Shades, Kinsmen Park, Elysium, Warm Snow, Almost Gone, Ethereal. snow. Hawkes learned to build her imagery early. There’s a turtle she met in a dream once on her bedroom wall to prove it. “I love the turn-of-the century artists like John

Singer Sargent. They always had a theme and a reason to what they were doing. It just makes you more interested in the content and the story or the idea behind it,” she explains.

Her turtle is part of a portrait of a young girl, almost a period piece, with the turtle floating above her head. Daughter Ella’s favourite painting, meanwhile, is a red acrylic

done from photo manipulated flowers. It fits the five-year-old’s colour palette—hot pink, reds and purple. This particular piece is part of a graphic designinspired, monotone col-

lection. From Japanese minimalism to black and white photographs there doesn’t seem to be anything Hawkes won’t tackle. This is what happens when you spend a

lifetime training to become an artist, but only launch after winding through several paths, she says. “The galleries are a new thing, so I’m what you would call an emerging artist,” Hawkes admits. That’s not to dismiss the art school in Colorado, design degree in Vancouver, commissions for portraits and stack of books she’s illustrated, but it seems to underplay her experience nonetheless. Hawkes doesn’t seem to care. Noting she’s terrible at marketing herself, she says she’s utterly thrilled her latest style, cubist impressionism, developed to showcase the cities where she’s lived, should be easy for the gallery to move. It’s fresh and new and full of colour and life, like the other acrylics and oils galleries are selling these days. On the other hand, Hawkes leaves one with the impression she could find the time to make anything special and there’s no shortage of unique in the endless stream of work she’s compiled. Her first gallery show, Water Land and Sky, opens May 3, 7-9 p.m., at 9-3043 Tutt St., and runs through May 12.


KAG hosts social commentary in video installation


merging artist Melanie Daniel has been spending time visiting Kelowna this year away from her adopted home of Israel. Daniel regularly works as a painter, but when the opportunity arose to show her work at the Kelowna Art Gallery, she was keen to exhibit two works in video rather than her canvases.

While her longer video piece, ON VIEW Jerome, has been screened inter-

Liz Wylie

nationally, neither of these works in video have ever been shown in Kelowna. Inside the Kelowna Art Gallery’s small, darkened Mardell G. Reynolds gallery the two complementary works in video are being displayed concurrently. One

is a short, silent loop on a TV monitor, of a back hoe fitted with toothed jaws demolishing a condemned crack house in Kelowna. Daniel shot the video one day as she just happened to come upon it. Its title is Crack Shack and it was made earlier this year. The longer piece, titled Jerome, was completed in 2007. Projected on a wall in the space it runs for about nine minutes. It centres on one man and his monologue about the illegal drug

culture in Kelowna. While the footage was shot by Daniel five years ago, viewers will quickly come to the conclusion that it is not a dated work, and if anything, the situation in this city has escalated, just as Jerome outlines and predicts on camera Daniel’s paintings also deal with social/political issues, particularly those relevant to Israel,

See Wylie B3


Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News



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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 B3


Apr. 27 - May 3

Grand 10 Landmark

MELANIE DANIEL still from Jerome, 2007. CONTRIBUTED

Hard-hitting message in video Wylie from B1 where Daniel has lived since 1995. But the references in her paintings are made more obliquely and through the vocabulary of visual form. The videos are utterly direct and Jerome’s thoughts are pretty hard hitting. He delivers these ideas in an engaging, almost entertaining manner, which serves to disarm the viewer and have us more readily take in and consider his ideas. This might not be the case with another format, for example, a lecture from a law enforcement officer. Indeed, Jerome is eminently watchable, and at nine minutes, it does not require a huge time commitment from a gallery visitor to sit through its entirety. The footage of the Jerome character speaking is cut in with still images shot by Daniel showing us the underside of Kelowna—graffiti, trash and other random urban detritus without a winery or lake panorama in sight. Jerome opens with footage of a young man cutting his lawn on a summer day. He finishes up with a smile, and moves inside his house, the camera following him. Sitting in his front room, he shows the viewer an ankle monitor—he is under house arrest for allegedly participating in a grow op in Kelowna. He seems to have given a great deal of thought to his own situation and that of the city in which he lives. He is also articulate and well spoken, which makes for strong viewer interest. Ultimately, what will

gallery visitors take away from this exhibition? There are no solutions suggested in the Jerome video to the social problems that plaque Kelowna and include a gang presence and activity in illegal drug sales.

But there is certainly ample food for thought presented and hopefully the show will provoke some discussion at various community levels. Daniel’s exhibition is accompanied by a blackand-white publication

ady Get your pool re for SUMMER!!

that is free to visitors. The show runs at the Kelowna Art Gallery until Sunday, May 27. Liz Wylie is the curator at the Kelowna Art Gallery. 250-762-2226


APRIL 26-28

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THE FIVE-YEAR ENGAGEMENT Nightly at 6:50 & 9:35, Sat & Sun Matinees at 12:50 & 3:35, (14A) *No Passes Accepted (until May 10th) – G.C’s always accepted* PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (3D) Nightly at 7:10 & 9:25, Sat & Sun Matinees at 1:10 only, (G)*3D PRICING IN EFFECT**No Passes Accepted (until May 10th) – G.C’s always accepted* PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (2D) Sat & Sun Matinees at 3:25 only (G) *No Passes Accepted (until May 10th) – G.C’s always accepted* WRATH OF THE TITANS (3D) Nightly at 7:05 & 9:50, Sat & Sun Matinees at 1:05 only (14A) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* WRATH OF THE TITANS (2D) Sat & Sun Matinees at 3:50 only (14A) THE HUNGER GAMES Nightly at 6:45 & 9:45, Sat & Sun Matinees at 12:45 & 3:45 (PG) LOCKOUT Nightly at 7:15 & 9:30, Sat & Sun Matinees at 1:15 & 3:30 (14A) CHIMPANZEE Nightly at 6:40 & 9:15, Sat & Sun Matinees at 12:40 & 3:25 (G) SAFE HOUSE Nightly at 7:00 & 9:40, Sat & Sun Matinees at 1:00 & 3:40 (PG) SAFE Nightly at 7:20 & 9:55 Sat & Sun Matinees at 1:20 & 3:55, (14A) DR. SEUSS: THE LORAX (3D) Sat & Sun Matinees at 12:35 only (G) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* TITANIC (3D) Nightly at 7:30 only, Sat & Sun Matinee at 3:00 only (14A) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* THE LUCKY ONE Nightly at 6:55 & 9:20, Sat & Sun Matinees at 12:55 & 3:20 (PG) “ONE TICKET TUESDAY” Promotion: $11.25 (Including HST) for your movie ticket, a medium pop & a medium popcorn ($3.50 more for 3D)

Paramount Landmark THE HUNGER GAMES PG 7:30; Sat & Sun Matinee 2:00 SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN PG 7:10 & 9:30; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:10 & 3:30 THE FIVE-YEAR ENGAGEMENT 14A 6:50 & 9:30; Sat & Sun Matinees 12:50 & 3:30 No Passes Accepted EVERY TUESDAY IS ONE TICKET TUESDAY! – Admission $5.00 ($8.50 for 3D) or Admission, Pop, Popcorn for $11.99 ($15.49 for 3D movies)

Orchard Plaza 5 Cineplex THE CABIN IN THE WOODS (18A) [1:46] 7:25 & 10:00; Sat. - Sun. Matinees 1:30 & 3:55 THE RAVEN (18A) [2:01] 7:15 & 9:55; Sat. - Sun. Matinees 1:20 & 4:05 AMERICAN REUNION (18A) [2:03] 6:45 & 9:25; Sat. - Sun. Matinees 1:10 & 3:45 21 JUMP STREET (14A) [2:00] 6:55 & 9:35; Sat. - Sun. Matinees 1:00 & 3:35 MIRROR MIRROR (PG) [1:56] 7:05 & 9:45; Sat. - Sun. Matinees 1:40 & 4:15 FAMILY FUN DAY: SATURDAY APRIL 28TH at 11 AM. There will be a showing of the (2005) MADAGASCAR movie. Admission tickets are $2.50 each


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Capitol Westbank Landmark HUNGER GAMES PG 6:45 & 9:40; Sat & Sun Matinees 12:45 & 3:40 THE LUCKY ONE PG 7:15 & 9:50; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:15 & 3:50 THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS 3D 7:25: 9:30; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:25 only *3D PRICING IS IN EFFECT* *No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted)* THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (Not in 3D) Sat & Sun Matinees 3:30 only *No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted)* THE FIVE-YEAR ENGAGEMENT 7:05 & 9:50; Sat & Sun Matinees 1:05 & 3:50 *No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted)* Under 14 Must Be Accompanied By An Adult THE RAVEN 6:55 & 9:30; Sat & Sun Matinees 12:55 & 3:30 UNDER 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT: PHOTO I.D. REQUIRED ONE TICKET TUESDAYS – Admission, medium pop, & medium popcorn all for $11.99 (incl. H.S.T) (Add $3.50 for 3D movies)


Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


Leave the men at home: Lucky One best seen with girlfriends THE LUCKY ONE



here wasn’t much to choose from this weekend as far as new releases were concerned and so there I was, late Sunday night, watching the new chick flick starring Zac Efron as Logan Thibault, the story of a young Marine whose

Susan Steen luck was to find a photo of a girl who he had to

meet when he returned to the real world—a world that he did not fit into after his third tour of duty. This romance, directed by Scott Hicks, has not much comedy but does have a fair amount of predictability. Predictability in that boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, but it’s not smooth

sailing. Well, I guess if all went well, the show would be 10 minutes long. And yes, you know it’s summer when the best they can do is a soldier, a girl and a bully of an exhusband, played by Jay Ferguson. Bullies, by the way, don’t go away, they just

grow up to be bigger, uglier bullies. The Lucky One is a watchable 110 minutes, and was better than I had expected it to be. Blythe Danner, plays Ellie, Beth’s grandmother, and who, apart from being Gweneth Paltrow’s mother, is always a delight and has more acting cred-

its to her name than I can list here. Efron is OK for this more mature part, but he is a bit one dimensional (except of course during the love scenes and then he’s very watchable). Taylor Schilling plays Beth well and so does Riley Thomas Stewart as her son Ben. This movie is not bad—sure it won’t win any awards but it’s not an awful way to spend an evening. But, even with the Marine scenes, I don’t think guys will love it, so take a girlfriend and as a date movie, go see Men In Black, or better yet The Dark Knight Rises (the finale of the franchise), both in theatres in the near future. Best line: “When you’ve lived long enough, you learn to appreciate the

memories you have, and stop begrudging the ones you never got to make.” This show starts out to be about fate and ends being about fate, and choices. I’ll leave you with two of my favourite quotes about fate. First a proverb.: “One meets his destiny often on the road he takes to avoid it.” And the second from Marcus Aurelius: “Everything that exists is in a manner, the seed of that which will be.” It’s late and I’m waxing philosophical. Send me your favourite quote and I’ll try to use it. I give The Lucky One 2 1/2 reels. Susan Steen is a local non-profit executive and a movie buff.

Canada’s best sellers Michael Neill’s list of best selling books are compiled from sales at independent bookstores across Canada.

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Michael Neill



1 Why Men Lie L MacIntyre $32 2 The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection A.M. Smith $29.95 3 A Dance with Dragons G.R.R. Martin $38 4 Sacre Bleu: A Comedy D’art C Moore $29.99 5 The Cat’s Table M Ondaatje $32

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HARDCOVER NON-FICTION 1 Dying to Be Me: My Journey Cancer, Near Death, True Healing A Moorjani $24.95 2 Go the F**K to Sleep Mansbach & Cortes $16.95 3 A Thousand Farewells: Reporter’s Journey Refugee Camp to Arav Spring Nahlah Ayed $32 4 Eating Dirt…Life with the TreePlanting Tribe C Gill $29.95 5 Bringing Up Bebe: American Mother Discovers…French Parenting P Druckerman $27.50

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 B5


Ricardo never stops adding to his food and life menu L ake Country’s restaurant gem, Ricardo’s Mediterranean Kitchen, after recently releasing a best selling cookbook has now hit the cooking show circuit. Shaw Cable has signed up dynamic owners Ricardo Scebba and Sue Miller and they are currently shooting the series named for their book That’s Amore. The show is being filmed at gorgeous Ex Nihilo Winery in Lake Country. Known for its affiliation with the Rolling Stones, the venue provides a perfect rock n’ roll edge for the couple’s schtick last episode. Recently, Canadian rock legend Barney Bentall, a friend of Ricardo and Sue’s and fan

ing out with a new solo album soon. After this gig, Bentall left for Europe to hook up with the winning bidder of the amazing live auction item offered at the Culinary Championships in Kelowna last February. The Under the Tuscan Sun package included a week in Tuscany with Juno Award winner Jim Cuddy, the legendary Barney Bentall and fiddler Anne Lindsay. Joining them will be Olympic medalists Marnie McBean, Curt Harnett and Chandra Crawford and Olympian Devon Kershaw. The package offered: “A once-in-a-lifetime private concert under the Tuscan stars with Canada’s own Jim Cuddy, Barney Bentall, and Anne


Jennifer Schell of their new cookbook, joined them for a taping. Singer Wendy Bird, who is part of Bentall’s new seven-member band The High Bar Gang also joined the set. As Wendy recounted her recipe testing from “her new favorite cookbook” during rehearsals, Barney chatted about food, wine and then brought out his guitar. Sue tweeted: “finished filming, they sang a song, we ate, drank wine


RICARDO and staff of Ricardo’s Mediterranean Kitchen, with Barney Bentall (left). & shared stories! #bestdayever.” There really is never a dull moment with this fun couple.

The High Bar Gang, were in town recently performing their gospel/blue grass music at the Dream Café in Penticton and the

Rotary Centre for the Arts in Kelowna. Stay tuned as they are currently working on their first album. Bentall is also com-

Lindsay. Last year, guests overwhelmingly declared this one of the best concert experiences ever. They conclude with cycling, led by local cyclists, alongside some of the world’s most decorated Olympians on the beautiful country roads of Chianti. Imagine biking among the vineyards lined with majestic olive trees, stopping for a cappuccino in a quaint square, all set between the famed cities of Siena and Florence. It’s considered some of the best cycling in the world!” Sounds unbelievable! Looking forward to hearing the details when they all return. Jennifer Schell is editor of B.C. Wine Trails.


Romantic comedy, pirates, intellectual mystery, action F

our years ago, writer Jason Segel, producer Judd Apatow and director Nicholas Stoller gave us the crude but charming sleeper hit Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which also resulted in the successful spin-off Get Him to the Greek). They now re-team for The Five-Year Engagement, in which Segel and Emily Blunt star as a couple whose relationship becomes strained when their engagement is continually extended. While it may not get the attention of Forgetting Sarah Marshall, it has a very good chance of becoming a classic like it and other Apatow productions such as The 40-YearOld Virgin and Knocked


Rick Davis Up, which I think should be given the sub-genre title of fractured romantic comedies. Early reviews already note the chemistry between Segel and Blunt but also the scene-stealing supporting cast. Although Aardman Animations has not done a stop motion animated feature since Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, they have been busy with the com-

Lace up for someone you love

puter animated Flushed Away and Arthur Christmas. They make their (hopefully) triumphant return to stop motion with The Pirates! Band of Misfits, from Aardman co-founder Peter Lord, director of Chicken Run. Featuring the voices of Hugh Grant, Salma Hayek, Jeremy Piven, Imelda Staunton and Brendan Gleeson, it is the story of a crew of amateur pirates and their equally inexperienced captain who try to plunder ships so the captain can accomplish his dream of winning the Pirate of the Year Award. To do so, he must defeat his bitter rivals Black Bellamy and Cutlass Liz, but after vari-

ous failed raids on useless ships, his dream of winning the prize seems to be out of reach until he hijacks a ship with Charles Darwin aboard. Like previous Aardman releases, it will have the daffy British humour that is not just for kids and is getting strong critical reviews because of it. In The Raven, John Cusak stars as fictionalized Edgar Allen Poe who joins forces with a young Baltimore detective to hunt down a mad serial killer who’s using Poe’s own works as the basis in a string of brutal murders. At first, he is a suspect, but as Poe is questioned by the police, another grisly murder occurs. And when it appears

someone close to him may become the murderer’s next victim, the stakes become even higher. Directed by James McTeigue (V for Vendetta). In Safe, action star Jason Statham stars as a second-rate cage fighter on the mixed martial arts circuit whose family

is murdered by the Russian Mafia after he blows a rigged fight. Knowing that he will always be watched and anyone he comes close to will be killed, he wanders the streets of New York destitute and haunted by guilt. But when he witnesses a 12-yearold girl being pursued

by the same gangsters who killed his wife, he swears to protect her, even though it throws him into the heart of a deadly highstakes war. Directed by Boaz Yakin (Remember The Titans). Rick Davis is the manager of the Capitol Theatre in West Kelowna.



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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


Amber necklace theory untested


s pediatric dentists, we ares often asked: “Do the amber teething necklaces work?” The amber teething necklaces work if you feel that they work. Yes that sounds a vague answer, but that’s done on purpose. Baltic amber, the most common variety used for teething necklaces, is believed to contain succinic acid. The theory behind the use of amber teething necklaces is that when placed around a baby’s neck on their warm skin, succinic acid—the believed medicinal component of the amber—is released potentially providing an analgesic or pain relieving effect. Sounds great in theory but there are some points for parents to consider. Is wearing a necklace on a baby safe? I admit to not having examined very many necklace models, but the string should release under tension thus eliminating the strangulation hazard. The beads are also knotted individually so they won’t all be released should the necklace come apart. And did the necklace did come apart, would a baby put a bead in their


Alan Milnes & Terry Farquhar mouth and choke on it. Baltic amber is also very hard—somewhere between tin and gold on the hardness scale. And how much succinic acid, or any component, would be released from a material that has undergone countless heating/cooling cycles over thousands—or millions— of years against a baby’s skin? Truth is, there is no way to measure it. Is there any scientific support for the theory of relieving teething pain? Unfortunately, there are no published scientific studies that offer any support to the use of amber for the relief of teething pain. In fact, there are no studies that support the use of succinic acid itself as an analgesic or anti-inflammatory. Babies experience teething pain. No one disputes this. The question is what do we, as parents (or pediatric dentists), do about it? My first recommen-

dation for symptomatic relief is the use of teething toys, even better, cold teething toys. Cool moist cloths work as well (if supervised). The cold of a teething toy kept in the freezer can alleviate inflammation/tenderness associated with teething, and babies respond well to the pressure with the cold item of your choosing. Alternatively, ibuprofen based medications (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen based medications (Tylenol) work well to relieve discomfort systemically. The use of these medications should be used in children under the age of two, on the advice of a medical doctor or dentist. The use of orajel or other topical local anesthetics can be used to temporarily relieve discomfort, however, there is a risk of overdose given the temporary nature of these medications and the absorption of the active medication in the bloodstream. Use these medications with caution so speak with your health care provider first. These are the tried tested and true methods with a strong scientific ba-

sis for their use. The thing about a lack of scientific evidence supporting the use of amber necklaces is there are also no studies denying their efficacy. I have spoken to many parents who swear by the necklaces and have stories of how their child was happier, more easily contented, and slept better wearing an amber necklace. However, I have not spoken to anyone who have tried the experiment of removing the necklace to see if the baby responds negatively. So what’s the bottom line? To use a colloquialism from where I trained in the Maritimes, “Whatever floats your boat.” If you’re not against it, try it. If you’re against it, don’t. There are going to be believers and naysayers, but given the dearth of evidence in support or denial of effectiveness, it’s in your court, the one losing sleep at night. Drs. Terry Farquhar and Alan Milnes specialize in pediatric dentisty in Kelowna. 250-763-5101

BC HYDRO ELECTRICAL SYSTEM UPGRADE BC Hydro Crews are working to improve reliability to customers in the area of Old Okanagan Highway to Daimler Road. Between April and September 2012, crews will be working in the area Monday to Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and occasionally on weekends.

To meet required safety clearances, the installation of a new double circuit power line requires replacing the existing poles with taller, newly designed poles. To complete provided in advance of planned power outages.

illness and hospitals was a new and unsettling event for me. I was admitted to a unit called 3F, That is where I met many nurses, doctors, other patients and youth and family social directors. “I’ve been in a couple of different hospitals, but the thing that really makes children’s hospital stand out for me was the people. The doctors who where passionate about finding answers, and making me well again, and the nurses that really cared and always found time to comfort their patients. “Although the doctors and nurses where amazing and the reason I was in that hospital, the people that truly stand out in my memory are Linda, the chaplain, who came to spend time with me, keep me company, and do fun little crafts with me. “Another person who stands out in my memory was Kathy, the children’s event coordinator. She would fill mine and the other patients’ days with fun and activities. Basically it was her job to make being in the hospital not suck so much. Kathy would give us splash guards and allow us to have warm water fights on the deck in the summer, paint flower pots with us in the fall, or build gingerbread houses with us during Christmas. “The staff at Children’s really have a respect for what each patient is going through, for each person’s pain, for each person’s suffering…When I think of my time at Children’s Hospital, thanks to the efforts of the staff, I don’t think of the daily needles, painful tests, the long surgeries, with even longer recovery times, or the uncertainty of dealing with a sever illness, and not knowing what’s wrong with me, or how they’re going to make me better. I think about the good times I have had there, and all the nice people I’ve met. Please do your part to support our Children’s Hospital. For you never know when you, your family or your friend might need it.”

Does your mom know how much she means to you? Purchase a space in our Mother’s Day feature and let her know.

As a result of recent growth in West Kelowna, this work is necessary to ensure continued reliable electrical service for BC Hydro customers in the area.


If you have any questions or concerns please call BC Hydro at 250 549 8581.

Learn more at

The Studio 9 Independent School of the Arts students are honouring B.C. Children’s Hospital in a unique way today. Since the school, formerly known as Vedanta Academy, has always supported fund raising efforts for B.C. Children’s Hospital because many of its students have been treated at the Vancouver facility for various health issues. Students sought out some way to make Jeans Day work for raising donations. The idea they came up with is Vital Vittles Day. Students who buy a Jeans Day button for today will then receive a buffet lunch from foods donated by staff and parents. Grade 11 student Michelle Belliveau’s at the Studio 9 school also urged her fellow students to help out. “B.C. Children’s Hospital takes care of sick kids from around British Columbia as well as the Yukon. Over the last four years, I have personally spent over 13 months as a patient in the hospital. A good majority of those months have been at Children’s Hospital in Vancouver,” Belliveau said in a speech to her school. “Most of us think if we get sick we can go to the doctor, they will see us and give us a medication to make us feel better. Most of the time this is the reality. “For some people this is not their realty. A simple medicine will not make them better. For some people their community can not support the needs of their illness requires, so for that specialized care, there is Children’s hospital. “At Children’s Hospital, they have special doctors, who have both the special training as well as theses doctors being special caring people. “When I was 13 years old, I got sick. Our local hospital, Kelowna General Hospital could not provide the specialized tests, surgeries and treatments I needed. Arriving at Children’s Hospital with minimal experience with doctors,

MAY 13

that work safely it will be necessary to have planned power outages. Notification will be

For 50 years, BC Hydro has been providing clean, reliable electricity to our customers. Today we are planning for the next 50 years by investing in new projects, upgrading existing facilities and working with our customers to conserve energy through Power Smart.

Students raise money for Children’s Hospital

Mother’s Day

For the safety of the public and of work crews, Old Okanagan Highway from Shannon Lake Road to Daimler Road will be single lane alternating traffic until September 2012. Power line work may require occasional access and temporary traffic adjustments.

BC Hydro appreciates your understanding while completing this work and making public and worker safety a priority.


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PUBLISHES: FRIDAY, MAY 11 DEADLINE: TUESDAY, MAY 8 • NOON Contact: Capital News classifieds at 250-763-7114 or to book.

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 B7


Suspect convicted for selling 17 stolen vehicles on Craigslist Seventeen unsuspecting buyers of stolen cars on Craigslist were victimized over a two year period in the Lower Mainland in a cloned vehicle scam. Commencing in early 2010, a suspect began fraudulently putting Vehicle Identification Number plates from wrecked vehicles on to other similar type vehicles that had been freshly stolen-to-order. This process is commonly known as “cloning.”

The Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team became involved in the summer of 2011 when an anonymous tip was received. A lengthy investigation revealed that a suspect using several false identities was using Craigslist to sell the stolen vehicles. He would always meet buyers in public locations and insisted on cash sales only. Victims typically paid between

$3,000 and $12,000 for the cars. The investigation eventually led to an apartment building in the Oakridge area of Vancouver where the male suspect was arrested on Dec. 19, 2011 while driving a stolen Audi. A subsequent search warrant was executed on his residence and a large quantity of false identification and fraudulent documents were seized as evidence. On Feb. 29 of this year, 33 year


old Jonathan Allan Duck, also known as William John Pierce, pleaded guilty to trafficking in stolen property over $5,000 and was sentenced to 14 months in jail and one year of probation. There are things that the public can do to avoid being the victim of such crimes: • Avoid paying cash. A bank draft or certified cheque at least creates a paper trail.

• Avoid meeting sellers in anonymous public places. • In the Lower Mainland, buyers can also check the Aircare history of the vehicle at and compare the latest mileage entry to the actual mileage of the vehicle being purchased to make sure they are close. • Purchase a vehicle history report from ICBC. • Have the vehicle inspected by a certified mechanic.

WƵďůŝĐ ŶŽƟĐĞ͗ ƌŝƟƐŚ ŽůƵŵďŝĂ hƟůŝƟĞƐ ŽŵŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ FORTISBC ENERGY UTILITIES INTEND TO AMALGAMATE NATURAL GAS SERVICE IN B.C. AND IMPLEMENT COMMON RATES On April 11, 2012, the FortisBC Energy Utilities applied to the British Columbia Utilities Commission to amalgamate their natural gas utilities across the province and to implement common rates and services across their service areas starting January 1, 2014. Currently, FortisBC Energy Utilities is made up of three separate natural gas companies, operating in six service areas. The companies have their own services, service agreements (tariffs) and rates. If approved, the application would combine the three companies into one, under a single tariff, with common rates for the various regions. This Application has different implications for customers in each service area. If approved, customers in the Vancouver Island and Whistler service areas will see rate decreases, while customers in the Lower Mainland, Columbia, Inland, and Fort Nelson service areas will see an overall rate increase. PUBLIC REVIEW PROCESS The Commission is initiating a review of FortisBC Energy Utilities’ Application. To view the timetable for this hearing and the Application go to select “Current Applications” under “Quick Links” and scroll to “FEU Common Rates, Amalgamation and Rate Design.” HOW TO GET INVOLVED If you wish to participate actively in the review process, you may register as an Intervener or an Interested Party with the Commission Secretary in writing, using the contact information at the end of this notice. All submissions and/or correspondence received from active participants or the general public relating to the Application will be placed on the public record and posted to the Commission’s website. If you wish to attend the Public Workshop or the Procedural Conference please register with the Commission Secretary using the contact information at the end of this Notice. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER For more information please contact Ms. Alanna Gillis, Acting Commission Secretary at or using the Commission contact information.

WORKSHOP FortisBC Energy will explain the Application and answer questions. Date



Monday, April 30, 2012

9:00 am

Commission Hearing Room 12th Floor, 1125 Howe Street Vancouver, BC

PROCEDURAL CONFERENCE The Commission will consider the regulatory process to review the Application. Date



Friday, June 15, 2012

9:00 am

Commission Hearing Room 12th Floor, 1125 Howe Street Vancouver, BC

VIEW THE APPLICATION The Application and all supporting documentation are available on the Commission’s website on the Current Applications page ( and on the FortisBC website ( If you would like to review the material in hard copy, it is available at the locations below: FortisBC Energy Utilities Inc. Head Office 16705 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V4N 0E8

FortisBC Energy Utilities Inc. Kelowna Office 1975 Springfield Road Kelowna, BC V1Y 7V7

FortisBC Energy Utilities Inc. Victoria Office 320 Garbally Road Victoria, BC V8T 2K1

FortisBC Energy Utilities Inc. Fort Nelson Office 3901 Nahanni Drive Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0

British Columbia Utilities Commission Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2N3 Fax: 604-660-1102

Your major source of truly local community news, in print, on line, and Twitter:



Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News

Back alleys don’t recycle unwanted electronics Environmental

Consumers and businesses in British Columbia have an environmentally sound recycling option.You can drop off a range of acceptable products at designated Collection Sites throughout the province without charge (see “Acceptable Products” list for details). The Electronics Products Recycling Association (EPRA) is a national, not-for-profit extended producer responsibility program. EPRA has contracted Encorp Pacific (Canada) to deliver the stewardship program under the Return-It™ Electronics brand in BC. The program works to recover and recycle all regulated electronics in a responsible, cost effective manner. The Return-It system also ensures BC’s unwanted electronics are collected and recycled in an environmentally and socially responsible manner by using the Recycler Qualification Program (RQP). Since 2007, the EPRA program, previously run by ESABC, has diverted over 70.6 million kilograms of electronics out of BC landfills and illegal export, while recovering precious metals and other materials for use in future products. How Electronics are Recycled: Electronics collected in BC are sent to approved recyclers in North America. The items are broken down using various manual and mechanical processes. The remaining products are separated into their individual components for recovery. Through a variety of refining and smelting processes, the

ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS The following items can be recycled free of charge at any Encorp Return-It Electronics™ Collection Site: Display Devices Desktop Computers Portable Computers Computer Peripherals (Keyboards and Mice) Computer Scanners Printers and Fax Machines Non-Cellular Phones and Answering Machines Vehicle Audio and Video Systems (Aftermarket) Home Audio and Video Recording/Playback Systems Personal or Portable Audio and Video Recording/Playback Systems Find a full list of acceptable products at electronics/acceptable.

Those unwanted electronics in your basement contain valuable resources.

materials re-claimed from unwanted electronics are used as raw materials in the manufacturing of new products. It’s the Responsible Thing to Do: Those useless electronics in your basement contain valuable resources. Steel, leaded glass, copper, aluminum, plastic and precious metals can be extracted and recycled into new products. Province Wide Network: More than 125 permanent

Return-It Electronics™ Collection Sites cover over 97.4% of the province. Drop-off events are organized and held in convenient locations in the communities where Collection Sites have not yet been established. How to Find a Collection Site: There are over 125 convenient locations in BC. Find a Collection Site or drop-off event near you at electronics/locations


GET READY New products are being added to the Return-It Electronics Program on July 1st, 2012.

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 B9


Rules to protect environment should be better, not easier F ew people would argue against making environmental review processes and regulations more efficient—as long as they’re effective. But changes announced in the recent federal budget don’t do that. Instead, they make it easier for the federal government and industry to push through projects that could harm the environment and the economy and limit the ability of ordinary Canadian citizens to have a say in matters of national importance. Based on the budget announcement you’d think delays and duplication in the environmental review process are the biggest issues. They’re not. As the Pembina Institute points out, the equivalent of one major oil sands mine has been approved in each of the past five years and the pace is increasing. Some people, including former Alberta premier Peter Lougheed, suggest we’d benefit by slowing down—for economic and environmental reasons. When there are setbacks in the review process, they’re often caused by industry’s reluctance to provide timely data or by a lack of capacity within the government itself. The latter is getting worse as funding for basic monitoring and enforcement is subject to further cuts. Eliminating environmental reviews for some projects altogether, shifting responsibility to the provinces and severely cutting back on staff and agencies that provide management and information are not ways to make processes more efficient. These are ways to accelerate approval of major projects, making the


David Suzuki short-term interests of industry a higher priority than protecting the air, land and water we all need to stay healthy. Provincial regulations are not always consistent, they’re often weaker than federal rules and they don’t necessarily take into account the impact of decisions in one province on people in others. Remember also that B.C. approved a mining company’s proposal to destroy Fish Lake near Williams Lake, but a subsequent federal review rejected it. Other changes that could profoundly affect the way industrial and environmental concerns are considered include a move to restrict participation in environmental hearings to those “directly affected” and a proposal to shift decision-making authority for major energy projects, including the Northern Gateway Pipeline, from the National Energy Board to the federal cabinet. This could mean these decisions will become increasingly political rather than based on the best scientific information, expert advice and public concern. A democratic government committed to openness and transparency will ensure our shared resources are used—or not—in a way that provides maximum benefit and minimum harm to its citizens. That requires listening to what experts, community members and the organizations that represent them have to say. That’s true regardless

Kelowna will walk to end multiple sclerosis B.C. has the third highest concentration of people with MS in Canada with an estimated 7,300 to 10,000 living with this neurological disease. The Okanagan MS Clinic at Kelowna General Hospital has more than 800 patients on its client list. At 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 29, the 2012 Scotiabank MS Walk will take place in Kelowna as an estimated 400 people will be ready to walk, run or roll to end MS, a neurological disease that impacts young people The walk will start from Kinsmen Fieldhouse at the Mission Sports Field and will follow a scooter and wheelchair accessible route.

of whether those organizations speak for the interests of people who see the environment as a priority or those whose biggest concern is tax dollars. Besides putting the environment and the human health that depends on it at risk, these changes to policy and regulation could actually make review processes more inefficient and time-consuming. If people lose trust, we could see more conflict and court chal-

lenges. Recently, the Nuxalk First Nation of Bella Coola withdrew from the Northern Gateway hearings—hereditary Chief Charlie Nelson argued that the government has already made up its mind to approve the project. Instead, aboriginal leaders say they will consider going to court to defend their rights and stop the project. The government should work to make en-

vironmental rules more effective, improving efficiency as one of a number of objectives. A consultative and transparent process that engages a range of interests, information and expertise would work best. The opportunity to achieve this was there when a parliamentary standing committee was charged with reviewing the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act last year.

But the Canadian Environmental Law Association says that process was “rushed, poorly implemented and anything but ‘comprehensive’ in nature.” We all want a free and democratic country with a healthy environment and strong economy. The best way to guarantee that is to encourage scientific research and knowledge, open discourse and respect for a range of viewpoints.

There are ways we can improve efficiency of decision-making, such as clearer environmental rules. Sometimes—but not always—it may take longer to reach a decision, but at least we’d be confident it is made in the best interests of all Canadians. Written with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation editorial and communications specialist Ian Hanington.

DAYS of CARING UNITED WAY’S COMMUNITY PARTNER CHARITIES are seeking skilled professionals from the community to serve on Boards of Directors!

REACHOUT YOUTH COUNSELLING Sharon Marshall 250-763-7892

KELOWNA FAMILY CENTRE Lisa Binnie 250-860-3181

marketing, special events, fundraising, program development, strategic planning, finances, maintenance, technology skills

community input, management skills


CNIB Carrie Broughton 250-763-1191

policy, web marketing, fund development skills

non-profit board experience, marketing, finance, legal skills

If your non-profit organization has a project, or your organization is interested in volunteering for a Day of Caring, please contact Avril Paice at 250.860.2356

or email


Of the Central and South Okanagan Similkameen

Receive e-matches and get involved. Individuals create volunteer profiles. Organizations create volunteer opportunities. Go to, click ‘Volunteer Opportunities Search’ or call Dawn at 250-763-8008 ext 25.


Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


Addressing the issue of excessive menstrual bleeding M

enorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods in which bleeding is abnormally heavy or prolonged. Officially, the flow of more than 80 ml per menstrual period is considered menorrhagia, however a flow of 45-60 ml per period can actually be considered menorrhagia as well. Menorrhagia can also include a very long period of a week or longer, and


James Kaufman passing large blood clots. Anemia is also common in women with menorrhagia and there may be symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath.

The cause for menorrhagia is not clear. Most women with menorrhagia report regular periods and have been shown to have normal estrogen and progesterone levels. However, menorrhagia is most common in teens and in perimenopause, times in the lifecycle when estrogen levels tend to be higher and progesterone levels to be lower. Also, even with regular periods, there may be

menstrual cycles without ovulation. In a normal cycle, the release of an egg from the ovaries stimulates the body’s production of progesterone, the female hormone most responsible for keeping periods regular. When no egg is released, insufficient progesterone can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. This suggests that menorrhagia may be related to increased estro-

gen action before flow. Very rarely is menorrhagia caused by a primary bleeding disorder. Fibroids are commonly associated with menorrhagia but rarely a reason for it. Treatment that is effective for very heavy flow includes ibuprofen, drinking extra salty fluids during heavy flow, increasing dietary or supplemental iron and cyclic progesterone therapy. Additional therapies

include tranexamic acid (which encourages blood clotting) and the use of a progestin-releasing IUD. In Chinese medicine, any irregularities in a woman’s reproductive cycle whether they be PMS, painful periods, irregular periods, or heavy periods, are a sign of a health imbalance that requires addressing. Menorrhagia is considered a type of abnormal bleeding and may be caused by heat (which interferes with the body’s function of storing blood and controlling blood flow), empty qi-energy (which may be caused by damage to the spleen so that it is unable to perform its function of restraining the blood), or blood stasis. The most common causes for these imbalances are emotional stress, especially depression and excessive emotions, excessive worry and anxiety, poor diet, particularly too much hot, spicy, or greasing foods or consuming alcohol, or lack of exercise. Imbalances can also arise due to excessive fatigue or due to a deficiency of kidney yin energy. The good news is that acupuncture and Chinese medicine treat menorrhagia quite effectively and regardless of the causes, it responds positively to treatment. An acupuncturist will first work on treating the immediate symptoms, we call this treating the

branch. Once the heavy bleeding is under control, we focus treatment on the root cause, whether it is heat, empty qi-energy, or blood stasis, and address this imbalance in order to prevent menorrhagia in the future and to break the pattern of a chronic condition. As the body becomes healthier, we can expect other symptoms to lessen or resolve as well, such as problems sleeping, period cramps or lower back pain, fatigue, and physical and emotional symptoms that relate to the cycle. Chinese medicine also has valuable lifestyle principles to prevent menstrual disorders. These include eating and drinking a moderate and balanced diet, maintaining a regular sleepwake routine, managing stress and emotions, and not dwelling on negative thoughts and frustrations. Also, it is wise to overdo it prior and during menstruation, which may mean cutting back on long work hours, avoiding stress, and doing lighter exercise during this time. While these may seem like common sense habits, they can have real and measurable effects on our health and wellbeing. James Kaufman is a Registered Acupuncturist at Okanagan Acupuncture Centre in Kelowna. www.okanaganacupuncture. com.


Change studded tires before May 1

The Kelowna RCMP are sending out a friendly reminder to everyone that their studded tires need to be removed by May 1. The restriction on studded tires starts on May 1st and extends until Sept. 30. Everyone is asked to removed their studded tires prior to the May 1deadline to avoid a violation. The fine for having studded tires during restrictions is $109 under the Motor Vehicle Act.

Do you have an opinion or comment to share with 100,000 readers in the Central Okanagan? E-mail a letter to the Capital News at B11


Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012


good care of

your wheels and they will take good care of you!

Hitting the road in an RV, safe and insured

r Credit ‘Direct gCoat even aurus Truck-o-vsed’ appro

ance Group advise the following: • Be cautious and allow more time to brake, change lanes, turn and merge into traffic • Be sure your vehicle can handle the trailer you are towing. Most SUVs, light-duty trucks and full and mid-size family cars can pull an RV trailer, but be sure to check the maximum weight and factor in any of your belongings inside the trailer. • Use the right trailer hitch, connect brake and signal lights and make sure they are synchronized with your vehicle. • Be aware of the height of your vehicle. You wouldn’t want to ruin your vacation by getting your RV stuck or damaged by a tree branch or sign. • If you’ve never pulled a trailer before, you’ll probably find that backing up is the biggest challenge. If possible, get some practice with the help of someone experienced with trailers before heading out on your holiday. And always ask someone to stand outside the vehicle when reversing

to avoid any obstacles not seen in your mirrors. Whether you own or rent your mobile vacation home, it is important to make sure you have adequate insurance coverage before heading out into traffic, according to the Desjardins General Insurance Group advisors. They suggest that you contact your insurance company with all the details well in advance of your vacation. Recreational vehicles are

manufactured by many different companies with a wide assortment of extras and options, all of which should be taken into account in the insurance coverage. Basically, your RV insurance policy protects you from financial and other losses that may result in the event of an accident or other unforeseen event. It will typically cover three main areas: damage to your vehicle and trailer including your personal property in the

unit, public liability and medical coverage. With the proper insurance coverage, and a sensible, safetyfirst approach to driving, an RV holiday on the open road could provide a wonderful adventure and memories that last a lifetime. For more RV insurance information and for a quote, visit Desjardins General Insurance at

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Across the country, the Victoria Day long-weekend tends to be the official launch of summer. It’s the time of year when everyone throws off their winter coats and quickly dons shorts and tees, even if Environment Canada warns of -5 C with blowing snow. Regardless, Canadians everywhere are itching to get outside and get away. For a growing number of Canadians, that means hitting the road in a recreational vehicle. There’s a wide assortment to choose from these days – everything from expensive bus-like motor-homes, to towable travel trailers, to camper vans, to relatively inexpensive pop-up camping trailers. Recreational vehicles are growing in popularity mainly because they’re fun, and provide a greater sense of freedom and adventure compared to standard holiday trips. Although you don’t need a special license to drive most recreational vehicles, it isn’t the same as driving the family car. The experts at Desjardins General Insur-


Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A13




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Save your tires: think alignment!

The return of warm weather marks the return of road trips for millions of motorists across the country. Whether going to the beach or heading off to parts unknown, hitting the open road with the windows down is a time-honored tradition for drivers of all ages. But such road trips can prove disastrous if drivers don’t take the right steps to prepare their vehicles for spring and summer travel. The following are a few ways motorists can ensure their car is ready to tackle the open road. * Tighten things up.

Loose parts, such as exhaust clamps, license plates, and interior trim panels, can create rattles and cause parts to get damaged or fall off. What’s more, rattling sounds can be a noisy nuisance for drivers and passengers alike. Permatex Threadlockers can be used to keep the nuts and bolts from coming loose and save parts replacement costs. They also have a threadlocker for plastic fasteners, which vehicle manufacturers have grown to rely on more and more. * Wash your car. A newly washed car not

only looks good, but it’s often much safer as well. Take your car to a car wash a few days before the trip and have the vehicle thoroughly cleaned. A thorough cleaning will remove dirt and grime from the vehicle’s undercarriage, not to mention unsightly bird droppings and water spots or salt stains leftover from winter. * Fix foggy headlight lenses. Many spring and summer road trippers travel at night so their days can be spent soaking up some sun at the beach or lake. Before heading off for parts unknown,

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Star Cracks



motorists should inspect their headlight lenses to reduce risk of accident. If the lenses are yellowed and foggy, that’s likely because salt, ozone and road debris has dulled them to a point where vision can be impaired, placing drivers and their passengers at risk. But foggy lenses don’t mandate an expensive headlight replacement. In fact, The Permatex Lens Renew Kit makes it easy to clean up and polish dull headlight lenses and restore them to like new condition, improving your car’s lighting and driver visibility. * Check the battery. Over time, battery terminals and cables will start to corrode. Such corrosion will eventually eat away at the battery’s parts, creating a bad connection that sooner or later will require the battery be replaced. Check the battery before your trip and remember to clean the battery periodically as part of routine vehicle maintenance. * Address windshield nicks and bullseyes. Nicks and chips in the windshields are a common problem regardless of the season. But such damage is most prevalent in the winter because of the extra debris that’s on the road. These nicks and cracks need to get fixed as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading and resulting in the need for a windshield replacement. Oftentimes, motorists can address nicks and bullseyes in their own driveways in a matter of minutes. For example, the Permatex Bullseye Windshield Repair kit is tailor made for do-ityourselfers, requiring no heating or mixing while ensuring each repair is virtually undetectable. More information on easy repairs that you can do yourself can be found at

Long Cracks

Winter takes its toll on any car or truck if you live in a cold weather climate. During the cold season, roads heave with the frost and grow cracks and potholes that seem impossible for drivers to avoid. The result? Wheels become unbalanced and a car’s steering gets slightly misaligned. Northern drivers know what that means: the tires on their vehicles begin to wear out irregularly and wheels start jiggling around. The car doesn’t steer straight and driving becomes more tedious. When all that happens, it is time to get the

wheels balanced and the steering aligned. Spending a bit of money on this kind of maintenance is well worth the investment. For starters, a car out of alignment wears out its tires in an incorrect way. You can detect this yourself by simply looking at your tires. If you only see wear on a part of one of the front tires, on the inside or outside of the tire, that means that your vehicle really needs an alignment. With newer tires, running your hand along the tread can reveal any sharp edges, another telltale

sign of misalignment. If you feel the steering wheel jumping slightly in your hands, that means the front wheels need balancing. If there is a vibration in the floorpan of the vehicle, most probably the rear wheels need balancing. And if both occur, well, you get the drift. Just remember that jumpy wheels cause irreparable damage to the tires, including irregular wear and flat spots, and they must be replaced. And that is more expensive that balancing them in the first place.

Freshen up your A/C system Maybe you’ve owned the same vehicle for a few years and have recently started to notice a funny smell inside. If the smell is strongest when you start using the air conditioning, it’s a sure sign that your A/C system needs to be serviced or cleaned. The first thing to do is check to see if your vehicle has a cabin filter. If it does, begin by either cleaning or changing the filter. If you discover it’s quite dirty, chances are the air ducts in the A/C system are also lined with dirt of some kind. You could try dismantling the A/C system to clean those ducts, valves, and doors by yourself, and you could deodorize your interior with an aftermarket product, but there is no way you will get it cleaned up as thoroughly as a professional shop could. In fact, it’s a good idea to have the whole system checked by a professional. In many cases, older vehicles have lost some of their refrigerant, a special cooling gas that is essential to the system. This gas is not meant to be released into the air, as it pollutes the atmosphere. A professional shop will be able to identify leaks, make the necessary repairs, and top off the system with the proper gas. Be sure to get your A/C work done now, though. Don’t wait for those hot days to arrive to make you realize how important air conditioning is in your car!

Do You Need



Announcing our

If you don’t have your car wheels aligned and balanced, you might have to change your tires sooner rather than later.



Ready your car for spring and summer travel

[ service ]



[ mobile service ]

Motorists should perform routine maintenance before beginning a spring or summer road trip, such as fixing windshield nicks, and restoring cloudy headlight lenses.


#9-2670 Enterprise Way (across from OK Dodge)

250-763-2762 Dealer Inquiries Welcome


…cannot be inspected into a repair.

It must be built into the process. State-of-the-art equipment and highly trained technicians allow us to restore your vehicle to pre-accident condition.

For service and trust you can depend on, see the team at Jacobsen Collision.


free zone


From accidents to...

Jacobsen Collision Centre 1110 Leathead Road Kelowna Collision Centre 250-860-7788

24-HOUR HELP: 250-878-8830


Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 A13




SERVICE PACKAGE Peace of Mind Maintenance Service Package - Includes up to 5 litres of a Mopar Oil Filter, rotation of 4 tires, and Peace-of-Mind Inspection levels, electronic battery test, front and rear brake systems, exhaust suspension system and provide the customer with a written report card form. The price of this service is $69.95 during the promotion period.



Valid until June 9, 2012.


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Save your tires: think alignment!

The return of warm weather marks the return of road trips for millions of motorists across the country. Whether going to the beach or heading off to parts unknown, hitting the open road with the windows down is a time-honored tradition for drivers of all ages. But such road trips can prove disastrous if drivers don’t take the right steps to prepare their vehicles for spring and summer travel. The following are a few ways motorists can ensure their car is ready to tackle the open road. * Tighten things up.

Loose parts, such as exhaust clamps, license plates, and interior trim panels, can create rattles and cause parts to get damaged or fall off. What’s more, rattling sounds can be a noisy nuisance for drivers and passengers alike. Permatex Threadlockers can be used to keep the nuts and bolts from coming loose and save parts replacement costs. They also have a threadlocker for plastic fasteners, which vehicle manufacturers have grown to rely on more and more. * Wash your car. A newly washed car not

only looks good, but it’s often much safer as well. Take your car to a car wash a few days before the trip and have the vehicle thoroughly cleaned. A thorough cleaning will remove dirt and grime from the vehicle’s undercarriage, not to mention unsightly bird droppings and water spots or salt stains leftover from winter. * Fix foggy headlight lenses. Many spring and summer road trippers travel at night so their days can be spent soaking up some sun at the beach or lake. Before heading off for parts unknown,

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Star Cracks



motorists should inspect their headlight lenses to reduce risk of accident. If the lenses are yellowed and foggy, that’s likely because salt, ozone and road debris has dulled them to a point where vision can be impaired, placing drivers and their passengers at risk. But foggy lenses don’t mandate an expensive headlight replacement. In fact, The Permatex Lens Renew Kit makes it easy to clean up and polish dull headlight lenses and restore them to like new condition, improving your car’s lighting and driver visibility. * Check the battery. Over time, battery terminals and cables will start to corrode. Such corrosion will eventually eat away at the battery’s parts, creating a bad connection that sooner or later will require the battery be replaced. Check the battery before your trip and remember to clean the battery periodically as part of routine vehicle maintenance. * Address windshield nicks and bullseyes. Nicks and chips in the windshields are a common problem regardless of the season. But such damage is most prevalent in the winter because of the extra debris that’s on the road. These nicks and cracks need to get fixed as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading and resulting in the need for a windshield replacement. Oftentimes, motorists can address nicks and bullseyes in their own driveways in a matter of minutes. For example, the Permatex Bullseye Windshield Repair kit is tailor made for do-ityourselfers, requiring no heating or mixing while ensuring each repair is virtually undetectable. More information on easy repairs that you can do yourself can be found at

Long Cracks

Winter takes its toll on any car or truck if you live in a cold weather climate. During the cold season, roads heave with the frost and grow cracks and potholes that seem impossible for drivers to avoid. The result? Wheels become unbalanced and a car’s steering gets slightly misaligned. Northern drivers know what that means: the tires on their vehicles begin to wear out irregularly and wheels start jiggling around. The car doesn’t steer straight and driving becomes more tedious. When all that happens, it is time to get the

wheels balanced and the steering aligned. Spending a bit of money on this kind of maintenance is well worth the investment. For starters, a car out of alignment wears out its tires in an incorrect way. You can detect this yourself by simply looking at your tires. If you only see wear on a part of one of the front tires, on the inside or outside of the tire, that means that your vehicle really needs an alignment. With newer tires, running your hand along the tread can reveal any sharp edges, another telltale

sign of misalignment. If you feel the steering wheel jumping slightly in your hands, that means the front wheels need balancing. If there is a vibration in the floorpan of the vehicle, most probably the rear wheels need balancing. And if both occur, well, you get the drift. Just remember that jumpy wheels cause irreparable damage to the tires, including irregular wear and flat spots, and they must be replaced. And that is more expensive that balancing them in the first place.

Freshen up your A/C system Maybe you’ve owned the same vehicle for a few years and have recently started to notice a funny smell inside. If the smell is strongest when you start using the air conditioning, it’s a sure sign that your A/C system needs to be serviced or cleaned. The first thing to do is check to see if your vehicle has a cabin filter. If it does, begin by either cleaning or changing the filter. If you discover it’s quite dirty, chances are the air ducts in the A/C system are also lined with dirt of some kind. You could try dismantling the A/C system to clean those ducts, valves, and doors by yourself, and you could deodorize your interior with an aftermarket product, but there is no way you will get it cleaned up as thoroughly as a professional shop could. In fact, it’s a good idea to have the whole system checked by a professional. In many cases, older vehicles have lost some of their refrigerant, a special cooling gas that is essential to the system. This gas is not meant to be released into the air, as it pollutes the atmosphere. A professional shop will be able to identify leaks, make the necessary repairs, and top off the system with the proper gas. Be sure to get your A/C work done now, though. Don’t wait for those hot days to arrive to make you realize how important air conditioning is in your car!

Do You Need



Announcing our

If you don’t have your car wheels aligned and balanced, you might have to change your tires sooner rather than later.



Ready your car for spring and summer travel

[ service ]



[ mobile service ]

Motorists should perform routine maintenance before beginning a spring or summer road trip, such as fixing windshield nicks, and restoring cloudy headlight lenses.


#9-2670 Enterprise Way (across from OK Dodge)

250-763-2762 Dealer Inquiries Welcome


…cannot be inspected into a repair.

It must be built into the process. State-of-the-art equipment and highly trained technicians allow us to restore your vehicle to pre-accident condition.

For service and trust you can depend on, see the team at Jacobsen Collision.


free zone


From accidents to...

Jacobsen Collision Centre 1110 Leathead Road Kelowna Collision Centre 250-860-7788

24-HOUR HELP: 250-878-8830

Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News



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Lakeview townhouse Full Basement! This large 3 bed & den, 3 bath freehold T/H is over 2600 sq.ft., full basement, A/C, F/P, 1 car garage & private lot. Leisure Gardens is a great 55+ complex close to shopping, J/B Pool & the lake. Reduced to $299,900. Call Dave 250-7177803. MLS®10039379 00 ,6,9800 9 0 $$123


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244-2001 Highway 97 S, West Kelowna – Seller wants this SOLD! Spacious updated 2 bed + den/2 bath home in friendly Berkley Estates. Great open concept with modern touches puts this home at the top of your list. Bright kitchen, eating nook, and spacious living room with walkout to large covered private patio. Enjoy the very private fenced backyard surrounded by shrubs and trees...your own little oasis! MLS®10045220










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Lakeview home w/double garage/detached shop c/w 220 power! BRAND NEW ROOF. Tons of parking: RV, boat+2 cov’d spots; 3 bdrms+1 bdrm INLAW SUITE ; b/i vac, c/air, large deck, flat backyard w/fruit trees; vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors. A must see! MLS®10038282

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Here is affordable living in a quiet adult strata community just minutes from West Kelowna amenities. This two bedroom home in “Pinewoods Villa” has been well maintained, with new flooring, roof, decking and glassed-in sunroom. Lots of large windows, vaulted ceilings and open plan created a spacious feel. Fully fenced yard and small pets are welcome. Lots of easy access flat parking and great storage room in 15x5 addition. Call Brenda for details and appointment to view. MLS®1004123


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Beautiful Paradise Valley acreage. A rare offering of a 12.83 acre parcel located minutes from all the amenities of Peachland and West Kelowna. A good sized 3 bedroom home already on-site, ready for your updates and finishing touches. Ultimate privacy and tons of potential. Zoned RU2. Call today for more details or for a private viewing. MLS®10045376




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Enjoy the spectacular unobstructed lake, mountain and city views from this lovely newly constructed Cape cod style family home overlooking Kalamoir Park. Features 18’ vaulted great room ceiling, hardwood and tile flooring, granite counters, floor to ceiling picture windows to soak in the views and salt water in-ground swimming pool. MLS@10042641 $1,215,000.



Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 B15

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FOR RENT; Hall for Meetings or small events, Holds 90 people, full kitchen facility. 250762-0900, or 250-878-3619

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

BRENDA LYNN JAEGER (STUBBS) April 26, 1964 - Oct. 25, 2011

You were taken from the ones that loved you way before your time. You were always thinking of other peoples feelings before your own right to the end. Brenda we all miss you and think of you everyday. Love always, Stewart, Jeff, Kristy, Albert, Cindy, Caleb, Zach Stubbs



GABOR, MAGDOLNA “MAGDI” Passed away April 21, 2012 at her home in Brandt’s Creek Mews in Kelowna, BC at the age of 72. She was a loving mother of Theodore and Anita; grandmother to her adored grandchildren: Lisa Marie, Matthew and Karlie. “Grandma, we will miss you and hold you in our hearts; along with the many memories we shared.” Born August 31, 1939 in Sepsiszentgyorgy (St. George) Romania, Magdi immigrated to Canada in 1961. She enjoyed a career of over 26 years with the Kelowna Home Support Society and the Interior Health Authority. Magdi touched the lives of many clients she loved so dearly. Our family extends much appreciation for the level of loving care she herself received during the past four years. Magdi found great joy in the presence of her grandchildren, days in the park being a part of nature, swimming and walks. Magdi loved animals and they knew and loved her in return. A Memorial Gathering will be held on Saturday, April 28th at 2:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home Family Centre, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to either of the two causes that were dear to her heart: The Multiple Sclerosis Society, 230-1855 Kirschner Road, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 4N7 or The Kelowna SPCA, 3785 Casorso Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 4M7. “You’ve left us with your laughter in the wind and your presence in our hearts.” Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.

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WEBBER, JEAN PATRICIA (BROWNE) Born July 10, 1919 in Medicine Hat, Alberta; died in Kelowna, on April 17, 2012. Devoted wife of Bernard, her husband of almost 60 years who died in 2000, and beloved mother of Rosemary Spendlove (David) of Ottawa; Philip Webber (Miriam) of Vancouver; Elizabeth Daley (Andrew) of Kelowna; Christopher Webber (Marie) of Ottawa; Jeremy Webber (Carolyn) of Victoria. She is also survived by her 9 loving grandchildren Norm, Paul, Shoshanah, Alison, Nigel, Ben, Mike, Katie and Megan, and by 10 great-grandchildren. Pre-deceased by brother Hugh Browne and sister Elaine Dickson. Jean will be missed by her family, both immediate and extended, and by her many friends. Jean’s life has been shaped by her lifelong involvement in education; her work in the community in support of the arts and the Okanagan Historical Society; and her deep commitment to family and church. Jean was an accomplished gardener and painter with a great attachment to the landscape of the Okanagan. After graduating from high school in Nelson, Jean attended the Provincial Normal School in Victoria, where she met Bernard. Following graduation she was hired to teach rural classrooms, first in Renata on the Arrow Lakes and then in Okanagan Centre. Jean and Bernard were married on July 1, 1941 in the Coldstream. Later that same year Bernard was elected to the BC Legislature as the MLA for Similkameen from 1941-45. Jean was very much his partner in campaign and constituency work. After several moves and the birth of a number of their children, Jean returned to teaching, first at Koksilah on Vancouver Island in 1952-53, and then at the Provincial Model School in Vancouver. She earned Bachelor and Master degrees in English at UBC in the 1950s and 1960s. She taught at the Vernon Centre of the new Okanagan College in the late 1960s and high school in Kitimat in 1974-75. She was involved in voluntary educational activities in every community in which they lived. For several years, Jean was secretary of the Vernon Community Arts Council. As part of its work, the council would receive applications from local artists and organizations and distribute provincial arts funding in the community. When the Okanagan Mainline Regional Arts Council was created in the early 1970’s, Jean became its first elected president. The first goal of this regional council was to create a regional arts festival. Later Jean was also part of the planning committee for the Arts B.C. Conference in 1974. Jean’s contributions to BC history include serving on the executive of the Okanagan Historical Society; serving as Editor of the Report of the Society for six years; researching and writing many articles in the Report and BC Historical News; co-editing with the En’owkin Centre Okanagan Sources, a source book on Okanagan First Nations history; and editing and compiling the book A Rich and Fruitful Land, a history of the Okanagan, Similkameen and Shuswap valleys. In recognition of this voluntary work, the Okanagan Historical Society nominated her for the Order of BC. Family life was always central to Jean’s life. A sense of family extended to those in need in her communities and to church. She served the Christian Science church in many capacities, pursuing her own spiritual journey and assisting others in pursuing theirs in an ecumenical spirit. A service will be held on the July 1st weekend. Details to be given closer to that time. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Okanagan Historical Society, the Okanagan School of the Arts, or an active arts organization in your community. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting Arrangements entrusted to First Memorial Funeral Services Kelowna, BC. 250-762-2299

SILCOCK, THOMAS MAURICE Passed away peacefully at Cottonwoods Extended Care on April 20, 2012 at the age of 82 years. Predeceased by his son Maurice; survived by his loving wife Evelyn; children Carol, Donna and Tom Jr.; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; four brothers and one sister. There will be a private family service. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting and searching his name under stories. Arrangements entrusted to First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna, BC (250)762-2299.

MCGRUTHER, DOREEN IRIS August 11, 1932 – April 21, 2012 Doreen passed away at her home in Strathmore, Alberta on April 21, 2012. She is survived by her children: Ross of Kelowna, Karen McDougall (Douglas) of Calgary, John of Millarville, and Mike (Cindy) of Strathmore; two grandchildren Stephen and Lindsay. She was predeceased by her husband Ross in 2008. A memorial service will be held on Friday, April 27, 2012 at Lord of All Lutheran Church, Strathmore at 2:00 p.m. To send condolences, please visit In lieu of flowers, donations may be made directly to the Alberta Heart & Stroke Foundation (100, 119 – 14 St. NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1Z6). WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-934-5666

RIBALKIN, DORA 1921 - 2012 Ribalkin, Dora passed away in Kelowna on April 6, 2012 at the age of 90 years. Dora will be lovingly remembered by her family: children Winnie (Larry) Needoba, Nick (Donna) Ribalkin, Walt (Colleen) Ribalkin, and Laura Eldstrom; many grandchildren, great grandchildren; two sisters and numerous nieces and nephews. She was sadly predeceased by her husband Nicholai. Dora was a member of Club55 in Rutland; well known for her borscht and her love of cards particularly crib. A Memorial Service will be held at 1:00 PM, Saturday April 28, 2012 in the chapel of Valleyview Funeral Home, 165 Valleyview Road, Kelowna, BC. Memorial donations in Dora’s name to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Box 22037 Capri Centre P.O., Kelowna, BC V1Y 9N9 would be appreciated. Condolences may be sent to the family at Funeral arrangements entrusted to VALLEYVIEW FUNERAL HOME, Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial. (250) 765-3147.

Obituaries continued... please see next page




SPATARI, ANNE OLGA (STEFFANICK) August 18, 1920 – April 17, 2012 Our wonderful Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandma passed away peacefully at home with family at her side. Just four months before her 92nd birthday, never complaining, she quietly slipped away from us after a brief struggle with cancer. Born to Olga and William Steffanick, Mom was born and raised in Kindersley, Sask. As times changed and the siblings grew, they scattered throughout the provinces like seeds on the wind, but still enjoyed getting together for family reunions throughout the years. Mom was sadly predeceased by her parents, and siblings Fred, Mary, Sophie and Mike. Married to the late Charles (Blackie) Spatari, Anne raised two children in the Rossland/Trail area where she resided until the early sixties. Anne then moved to Toronto, where she remained until joining her daughter and family in Kelowna in 1994. She is survived by her youngest sister Doris Bowden of Kindersley, Sask., daughter Carol (Larry) Lenarduzzi of Kelowna, BC, son Michael (Norma) Spatari of Trail, BC, six grandchildren (Butch, Lawrence, Victor, Vincent, Deanna and Mike Jr), as well as several great grandchildren in Canada and England. We will miss her gentle nature, love of family and enjoyment of her four legged friends. Mom appreciated the beauty of BC and was thrilled every time she saw a flock of geese flying overhead. In her younger days she enjoyed music and loved to dance. She could jive or polka with the best of them! Living in Kelowna with her daughter and son-in-law for the past 18 years gave Mom the chance to be close to family and enjoy seeing some of her great grandchildren grow. Mom had the opportunity to experience bus trips to Reno, seeing events in and around Kelowna and spent many a morning puttering in the garden. She was able to make one last visit home to Kindersley in 2009 to reunite with her sister, numerous nieces and nephews and their families. A special thank you to the many people that offered their love and support to all of us during Mom’s final journey. Dr. Tersia Lichtenstein and staff, the nurses at KGH Ambulatory Care, Palliative Home Care and Community Home Care, friends Anne Wahl (and staff), Jan Matsuda, Grace Naka, Tammy Hoover and Martin McDermott. To Mom’s nephew Ross Bowden in Kindersley for his support over the last few years as Mom’s memories began to fade, for the sharing of stories and photos that will now become a lasting reminder of family and the bond that they share, no matter where they are. Respecting Mom’s wishes, no service will be held and cremation will take place with Today’s Choice Alternative Funeral Services. In Mom’s memory, please make a donation to the charity of your choice. Mothers are special – we will miss you deeply, but memories last a lifetime. You are indeed the wind beneath our wings.

Announce the arrival of your new bundle of joy!

Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News


Information While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.




Business Opportunities

MATURE MALE WILL PROVIDE A NON-SEXUAL FULL BODY TANTRIC MASSAGE, TO EXPERIENCE AND REMEMBER. ALL GENDERS WELCOME. CONVENIENT TIME SLOTS AVAILABLE, CALL 250-448-5112 THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

Lost & Found FOUND: Small purse found near Bibles for Missions. Please call to identify. 250764-2445 LOST: iPhone4s, white, green otter case, lost April 18th around Cadillac Lounge Rutland. Reward. Call 250-8700898

Children Childcare Available


AT TIGGER & ME Too Daycare: Spots available for 21/2 5 yr olds & After school care. Rutland Area. Call 250-8788444

BEARDSELL, CLARA Passed away peacefully in her home on Saturday, April 21, 2012 at the age of 82. Predeceased by her husband Leslie, in 1995. She leaves to mourn, her loving family: daughter Carla Beardsell of Calgary; son: Ian (Katherine) and grandson Joshua of North Vancouver. Also survived by brothers and sisters-in-law; numerous nieces, nephews, grand nieces and grand nephews, both here in Canada and Holland. Clara valued and appreciated relationships as she leaves to mourn a large and special group of friends and neighbours – all of who were very dear to her. Her Funeral Service will be held on Friday, April 27th at 1:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. Should family and friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to the Arthritis Society of BC, 150A – 1855 Kirschner Road, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 4N7 or the BC Heart & Stroke Foundation, #4 – 1551 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna, BC V1Y 9M9. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.

KEFUL, WILLIAM CASPER On Sunday April 22, 2012 at the age of 68. Survived by his loving family: wife, BettyLou of Kelowna; sons, Kelly (Shauna) and Dean (Linda); daughters, Jody (Garry) and Nonie (Terry); nine grandchildren; two great grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, brothers and sisters. A service of remembrance will be held at 11am on Friday, April 27, 2012 at Everden Rust Funeral Services, 1910 Windsor Road, Kelowna. Arrangements in care of Everden Rust Funeral Services, (250) 860-6440. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting

ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or ‘BUSINESS LOANS’ Can’t get the attention of your banker? For a new start up or expansion loans, contact Community Futures Developement Corp. Dave Scott, Loan Manager, 250-868-2132 ext 227 COLLECTION AGENCY Franchise territory available if you are an Entrepreneur or have a Business, Accounting, Financial or Banking background, we offer you a proven 20 year concept. An ideal Franchise Opportunity for motivated business professionals, investment required. Contact: or 306-352-0775 EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to operate a Mini-Office Outlet from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income, LOWER Mission coffee bar for sale. Rent $325/month. Moving must sell. $32,000 obo. Financing avail. 778-753-3735

Farm Workers HARINDERJIT SIDHU 7782 Hwy 97N Kelowna, BC. V4V1T3 Requires seasonal workers for thinning, picking & pruning from June 20th - Oct. 50/hrs/Week $10.25/Hr Call Cell 250-718-1975 KARMJIT GILL ORCHARDS looking for Seasonal Workers in Kelowna. Pruning, Thinning & Picking. $10.25/hr, 40hrswk. Piece work. June 12 - Oct 30. Call (250)-860-9737

Education/Trade Schools



Farm Workers

Help Wanted

OLIVER Fruit House, 3496 Fitzgerald Rd, Kelowna is looking for farm workers for cherry harvest & general farm work. Seasonal, 40hrs/wk minimum, 7 days/wk weather permitting. $10.25/hr, Cherry harvest at piece rate. Email resumes to

Haircare Professionals Fusion Hair Studio in Lake Country is hiring for F/T or P/T exp’d stylist or chair rental. 766-2099,

Help Wanted A BUSINESS BOOMING Our expanding Kelowna company needs TEAM players for F/T work. NO experience necessary. Great opportunity for those willing to grow with our company. 2,500+/mo to start!


Students Welcome.

250-860-3590 ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call 250-979-4357 to set up your FREE consultation in Kelowna Donna Mihalcheon CA,CIRP 31 years experience. BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy, #200 -1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 9X1 CONCRETE Pump Operator required in Salmon Arm area. Must have experience Call Pete (1-250)833-5722 Experienced Janitors needed for office cleaning immed. Transportation req’d. Fax resume to: 250-764-6460, Tel: 250-764-6466 Email: evergreenbuilding

Education/Trade Schools


BECOME A PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLOR Earn Your Diploma in 1 Year $1000 Tuition Allowance for qualified on-campus applicants Online programs also available CALL TODAY for information Chelsea Stowers Graduate 2008





Career Opportunities


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

EXPERIENCED SERVICE PROVIDER for Chrysler dealership in Salmon Arm. Strong customer satisfaction skills. Able to work in a fast paced environment. Excellent wage/benefit package. Fax resume 1-250-832-4545. email:

FARM Workers, $10.25/hr, 40hrs/week. May 25 - end of November. 250-212-0413 FARM Workers, $10.25/hr, 40hrs week. May 25 - end of November. 250-212-3452 FORESTRY - Local logging company requires experienced full-time danglehead operator. Call 250-864-6886 or fax resume to 250-768-0353 Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd Has vacancies in the following job: 1)Heavy Duty Mechanic. Details can be seen at Fax resume to 250-287-9259 JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! No experience necessary, we will train. Must be 18+yrs. of age. Students Welcome. 250-8603590 LABOURER required for heavy duty truck repair shop. Must possess class 3 w/air. Duties include washing trucks, light greasing, shop & yard maint. Afternoon/night shift. $16/hr. Fax resume & abstract to Armand 250-765-3234 or email LABOURERS Wanted, Vehicle Required, Will Train. 250764-7438 LOOKING to hire a ticketed automotive mechanic in a busy 2 bay shop for part time employment with opportunities of full time. CVIP licence and light diesel truck experience an asset. Wages based on experience. May consider 3rd or 4th year apprentice. Drop off resume at 3-656 Willow Park Road, Kelowna or email to P/T or F/T Employment needed, pizza maker/prep cook, general duties. 250-864-6669 QUALIFIED Roofers. Roof Smart Projects Ltd req’s Lead Hand & Crew. Must have min 10yrs exp, truck & own tools. 250-878-8744 SRI Homes - Production Work Factory Builder looking for workers with construction experience including carpet laying, dry wall, boarding, painting and framing. Full time. Fax resumes to (250) 766-0599 or in person at 9500 Jim Bailey Road, Kelowna (Lake Country).

Career Opportunities

South East Kelowna Irrigation District

WATER DISTRIBUTION OPERATOR The South East Kelowna Irrigation District is looking for a Water Distribution Operator. The successful candidate will be part of an Operations Team and will contribute to the ongoing operations and maintenance of a Class IV Water Distribution System.

Call a Classified Representative Today


Qualifications: Completion of Grade 12 Certification as a System Operator Level 1 or higher. Preference given to an individual with a proven track record with a minimum of two years experience in the various facets of water distribution operations including chlorine handling, water meters, PRV operations and maintenance, and watermain/water service repairs and installations. Possession of a Chlorine Handlers Certificate. Mechanical and equipment knowledge is required. Possession of a valid Class 5 British Columbia Drivers License and the ability to secure a Class 3 License and an air brake endorsement. Must be available for weekend, on-call and stand-by shifts. The job comes with an excellent benefit package. Those interested are invited to forward resumes by May 5, 2012 in confidence to the South East Kelowna Irrigation District, PO Box 28064 RPO East Kelowna, BC V1W 4A6 or email to: info@ SEKID would like to thank all applicants for their interest and resumes. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012



Help Wanted

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

SweetWater Springs requires a self-motivated, BOTTLED WATER DELIVERY DRIVER, $17.50/hr for the Kelowna area. Computer skills required. Must be a self-starter, with exemplary customer service skills and will be expected to pass drug and abilities test. Email resumes: Welder/Fabricator, full time, competitive wages & benefits package offered. Reply to Box 20 c/o The Morning Star, 4407-25 Ave, Vernon, BC, V1T 1P5

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services BIG E ‘s is looking for exper’ed Bartenders & Servers to work evenings & weekends. Must have Serving It Right. Please Apply in person to Hwy97 Peachland Center Mall

MANAGER, COOKS, 2 KITCHEN HELPERS - A popular restaurant & busy fast food Restaurant in Kelowna urgently requires the following staff: Restaurant Manager (1 position), F/T, $16/hr. Qualified & experienced Cooks (2 positions), F/T, $14.15/hr. Food counter attendants/kitchen helpers (2 positions), F/T, $11/hr. For positions of restaurant Manager & Cooks applicants must be qualified as a Manager/Cook and have minimum of 2 years of relevant work experience in the Hotel/Food industry. Please send resume to M & R Deol Holdings Ltd/New York Fries 445 2271 Harvey Ave, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 6H2. Fax to: 1-778477-1126. Email:

Medical/Dental MARIPOSA Gardens in Osoyoos seeking FT Recreational Therapist/Manager. Resume & Cover to

BIG E ‘s is looking for exper’ed PT/FT Line cook to join our team. We offer competitve wages & flexible schedule. Must be able to work evenings, weekends. Apply in person to Hwy 97 Peachland, Center Mall

Looking for Exp. Erectors for Pre Engineered Steel Buildings. Send Resume, via fax: 250-717-5751 or Email :

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Are you into exercise, motivated and wanting some extra income? Capital News is looking for a person or persons with a reliable vehicle to deliver newspapers door to door in the Kelowna and Westside areas. Various sized routes on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Your papers would be dropped at your home early in the morning, and you would have the whole day to complete your deliveries. Work as much or as little as you want. To apply for this position, please call Capital News Circulation at 250-763-7575 and ask for Richard. B17


Kelowna Capital News c/o Tessa Ringness 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 Fax: (250) 762-3220 Email:

Closing date for submissions: April 27, 2012


Cleaning Services

Garden & Lawn


Roofing & Skylights

MAK Residential Cleaning Service. Exceptional Service, Impeccable Results. We do move in/outs, show home cleaning, spring cleaning, basic cleaning, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and one time. Don’t delay and book now as the days fill very quickly. Call 250718-6437 or email

1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing bracing, trimming, pruning, sculpturing & removing of hedges & trees. Fully Insured.Free Estimates. Dave (250)-212-1716

APM Tile & Stone. Hire Installer Directly & Save $$$. For Free Est Call 250-808-3227

AAA Lawn & Yard. Great Spring Specials, power raking, fertilizer, yard clean-up, mowing, landscaping, excavation. Father & Son. 250-212-7512 Ace of Spades. Tree, hedge & shrub pruning. Aeration & Power Raking. Rototilling & Mowing. 250-878-1315 ASHTON’S Lawncare. Clean ups, power raking, aerating, fertilizing & weekly cuts. Call 250-717-0562, 250-470-2373 CUSTOM Rototilling. Veggie & flower gardens. Large & Small. 250-862-0821 CUT & Chuck Landscaping. Spring Clean Up, Aeration & Power Raking. (250)212-2692 Don’t call anyone about Lawn cutting, power raking, aeration, or pruning until you speak with us! Serving Kelowna & Area for over 7yrs. Ryan, 250-4691288. Gordon’s Quality Lawn Care. Pruning Dethatching. Aerating & Clean Ups 250-863-8935 JIM’S MOWING. Book your Spring Clean up Now. 310-JIMS (5467) LITZ LAWN CARE, weekly mowing, fertilizing, pwr. raking, hedge trimming & gen. yrd. clean-ups. Free Est. 764-6404 M&S Lawn & Garden. Full yard maint & landscaping. Free Est. Jim 250-861-3693 SPRING Rototilling. Free est. 28yrs exp., $28+up. Gord, 250-762-8930 Top quality topsoil, garden mix bark mulch, sand & gravel, decorative rock. Ensign Bros. Pickup Mon-Sat 250-769-7298

Cattle manure for sale, composted or fresh. Fir bark mulch.$20 per yard on orders over 30 yards. 250-838-6630. EMERALD CEDAR EDGING Buy Direct From Grower, 6ft.-10 for $240, Planting + Delivery available. Call Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 FULL landscaping, rock walls, soil screening. Tremblay’s Excavating. 250-979-8033 GLM Landscaping & Irrigation 12% Discount!!! Custom landscaping 250-864-5450 Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery. Topsoil, Ogo Grow, Bark Mulch, Sand. Visa, Debit Mastercard. 250-870-1138

GERMAN MASTER ROOFER. Over 30yrs exp. on all kinds of roofs. New Reroof & Repair. Free estimate. Call Steffen, 250-863-8224 Master & Visa Welcome RIGHT Way Roofing. Specializing in repairs & re-roofs. Much more!Ask 250-808-1473 RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free est, ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’ 250-7653191.


Computer Services

Services Mind Body Spirit AFFORDABLE, Excellent F/B Massage. New! Neuro-Activating Touch. Linda 862-3929. ASIAN Massage. Lovely, Peaceful Setting, $60/hr. Call (250)-317-3575 BLISS Massage 4 your every need. 10 yrs exp. men only . Call 4 appt. 250-215-7755 MAGIC HANDS! Full body relaxation. Lessons & prostate massage avail. Ladies & Men. 20 yrs. exp. 250-801-8079 THAI Massage. Totally relax & energize your body & mind. Call 250-801-7188 ✸TOTAL ZEN MASSAGE✸ Relaxation to the Fullest. Mens/Ladies (250)-869-5116

Financial Services NEED HELP MANAGING YOUR DEBT? Need STRESS relief? One easy payment makes that possible!

Call FREE 1-877-220-3328 Licensed, Government Approved, Canadian Company.

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. REDUCE DEBT by up to 70% Avoid bankruptcy. Free consultation. BBB accredited. 250-860-1653

Hairstylists FIRSTCLASSS Barber shop. 513 Lawrence Ave. 250-8642421. Bob & Judy


12/7 A MOBILE COMPUTER TECH. Certified computer technician, virus removal, repairs, upgrades. Let me come to you. (250)-717-6520.

Concrete & Placing Lake Concrete Ground Prep, Forming & Finishing. Full Service Concrete Pro. 212-2630

Contractors KSK Framing & Foundations. Quality workmanship at reas rates. Free est 250-979-8948

Countertops REFACE Countertops. 1/2 the Cost of Replacing. Granite & Corian Designs. 470-2235.

Drywall ARCADE Contracting. Boarding, Taping, Texturing & Steel Studs. 250-870-6301 PESL DRYWALL Service Inc. Renovations, new construction and repairs. Boarding, taping, textured ceilings. Call Tomas at 250-212-4483 or 860-3495. Quality Taping & Ceiling Texture Small - Med. jobs. 23yrs Exp. Call Jeff 250-869-9583

Electrical ALAN Dignam Electric. Resid/ Comm. Service calls, Reno’s, Upgrades. lic’d, bonded & Insured. Alan 250-808-6595 A&S ELECTRIC. Resid/Comm Wiring. New constr, renov. & service changes. lic’d & bonded. Steve 864-2099 (cont #90929) JRS ELECTRIC: Licns’d, bnded & insr’d. From new builds & renos to service calls. Russ 250-801-7178 (cont:98365)

Fencing CEDAR Panels, Gates, Custom fencing & Decks. Quality Work. Josef 250-864-7755. CEDAR Panels, Gates, Custom fencing & Decks. Quality Work. Josef 250-864-7755.

Floor Refinishing/ Installations DOUBLE C Renovations, All types of flooring! Fully insured. Call Chris at 250-718-0709.

Cleaning Services

Garage Door Services

360º Clean. We’ll Make U House Proud Premium Quality Guaranteed 250-215-1073

GARAGE Doors- install, service, repair all makes of doors & openers. 250-878-2911

Gutters & Downspouts KELOWNA GUTTER Cleaning and repairs, re-slope gutters,etc Richard 250-718-6718

Home Improvements #1 WELLERMADE. Additions, Reno’s, Sun-decks, Bsmt. stes., etc.878-6967, 870-6011 BUILDING? Renovating? See Only the best trades!

Home Repairs LARRY’S Handyman & Reno Serv., Lg. & Sm. jobs, Graffitti Removal etc., 250-718-8879

Kitchen Cabinets

ASPEN Landscaping. Retaining walls, Patios, Irrigation, etc. 250-317-7773

Machining & Metal Work GET BENT Metal Fab, fences, gates, railings, security bars,

Moving & Storage AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. FLAT Rates long dist. Weekly trips BC/AB. 250-861-3400 DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, also Fifth Wheel moving. 250-2150147 or 250-766-1282 FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687 JOE’S MOVING.reasble rates fully equip’d trucks, local-long dist, no job too small470-8194 NORTH END Moving Service Local/Long Distance. Free Estimates 250-470-9498

Painting & Decorating ACE OF TRADES Painting, Drywall, Tile Carpentry, Laminate, Hardy Plank Spring Special on Repaints-Int/Ext. Free Estimate-250-878-5540 DALE’S PAINTING Service. Painting Kelowna a better place since 1982. 862-9333 D & M Painting. 50 yrs exper. Repaints & Restoration work. Insured & WCB. 250-826-0101 RADAS Custom Painting. 24 yrs exp., Prof. and Clean. DJ 250-808-5555, Rada 863-7606

MARYANNE’S Kitchen Designs. Dealer for kitchen craft, Merit & Leelynn.250-317-7523



BAYSIDE Plumbing & Gas Fitting Service. H/W tanks. Qualified & Reliable. 250-317-2279

#1 STOP FOR call 250-862-0862

ROCKS. Please

DREGER MECH. Plumbing, Gasfitting, comm/res & reno, ins’d, 24hr. Call 250-575-5878.

Rubbish Removal

ED-SON’S 1 Ton Dump Truck. “Anything you can’t haul, give me a call”!(250)-718-1595


KELOWNA DECK & RAIL. Vinyl, Mod. Flooring, Alum., GlassTopless/Picket 878-2483


TILE Setter. Artistic Ceramics. Custom tile setting. Call 250870-1009

Tree Services

1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing bracing, trimming, pruning, sculpturing & removing of hedges & trees. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Dave (250)-212-1716 JAN Dutch Tree Service. Dangerous tree removal, stump grinding, 60’ Boom Truck, fully insured, WCB coverage, free est., 250-826-3638 ROB’S Tree Care Ltd 1975. For all your tree care needs. Ins. & Cert. WCB. 212-8656 SAMEDAY Tree Service.Certified Arbourist. Firewood sales too. Call Kevin(250)-979-8019

Trucking/ Bull Dozing

TNT TRUCKING. No load too small. Junk removal, sand, gravel, etc. (250)862-0821 (250)765-2778.

Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning. Gutter Cleaning. Pressure Washing. Call Wayne 250-826-5363

Pets & Livestock

Feed & Hay

HAY FOR SALE; Grass or Grass Alfalfa mix, Round bales $70 each, approx. 800lbs. Large square bales, 3x3x8, $160/ton. Delivery avail. on larger orders. 250838-6630 *HAY-SALES-GUARANTEED Quality Grass, Alfalfa, Mixed square bales, round bales & Silage bales. Delivery avail. (250)804-6081,(250)833-6763. McLeery Ranch, Armstrong. Alfalfa/Alfalfa Grass small squares, exc hay $6. Haylage $40., Dry Rounds $50.; 1250-546-0420, 250-503-8184

Support Juvenile Diabetes

Purchase an ad topper for ONLY $2 or come down to the Kelowna Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way to make a donation. Proceeds will benefit JDRF

Absolutely no phone calls please.


Purchase a “Sneaker” to show your support


Work Wanted

1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Are you wanting to get your foot in the door at an award-winning newspaper? We are looking to fill a full time position in our production department. Are you proficient in Adobe InDesign CS3, Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe Photoshop in a Mac environment? Are you experienced with e-mail and internet programs? Do you have great proofreading skills? If so, an opportunity exists for you to complement our fast-paced production department. We are seeking a well organized, creative team player to join our newspaper. The successful candidate will have strong design skills, excellent grammar and spelling, be a quick and accurate typist, and have a keen eye for detail. Interested applicants may apply by letter, fax or email to:


HARD working man seeking office employment. Skills include: strong computer proficiency (especially with Word and Excel), education in Simply Accounting and similar business courses. Phone Kenton at 250-768-3736.

Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET

Join our Creative Team



Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News

Sales & Service Directory CLEANING



250-859-8073 | 250-260-0187



Gemini Cleaning

For all your concrete needs, ground prep, forming & finishing driveways, sidewalks & pads

Residential & commercial | Licensed & insured

Chelley | Maryanne

Call Jason 250-212-2630

DECKS & FENCING Reliable Contractor, over 20 yrs. experience. Book by April 10 and be entered for a 1 in 5 chance for a new 55” LED TV!! References available. Call Today!! 250-769-7603




A & S Electric

Boarding, taping & texture, framing, painting, finishing, carpentry, etc.

Ken 250-212-9588

GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS Kelowna Gutter Cleaning & Repair MAINTENANCE “Your Freedom Is In Our Hands” Wayne Crockett 250-826-5363

• Fix leaks • 20 years. experience • Fascia soffit repairs • Downpipes • Re-Slope


Residential & Commercial Wiring, New Construction, Renovations & Service Changes. Complete telephone & data cabling services, Prompt quality service. Licensed & Bonded Call Steve 250-864-2099 (cont#90929)


513 Lawrence Ave. 250-864-2421 Bob & Judy offer Traditional Barber Services & Fair Prices

Finishing, millwork, garage organization, decks, improvements, etc. Scott 250-300-3250



starting at

1630 Innovation Dr. Kelowna, BC V1V 2Y5 P 250.765.3004 | F 250.491.1773

“Dare to be Different”

Landscaping, irrigation, patios, retaining walls & water features. 250-317-7773

Low Maintenance Landscapes & Irrigation Call Ryan 250-469-1288

**NO HST**

Save LOTS of MONEY!!

All One Piece Laminate

M&S LAWN & GARDEN Power Raking, Mowing, Pruning, Yard Clean-up, General Maintenance, Irrigation, Complete Landscaping, Retainer Walls, Water Features. Free Estimates Jim 250-861-3693


• Snow Removal • Full Landscaping • Rock Retaining Walls • Portable Soil Screener CELL: (250) 979-8033 BUS: (250) 861-1500

Double C Renovations Hardwood, engineering, laminate flooring and tile setting. Fully insured. Call Chris


HOME HANDYMAN IMPROVEMENT Larry’s Handyman & Renovation Services • Interior & Exterior Renovations • Carpentry • Painting • Small Repairs • Pressure Washing

• Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades • Yard Maintenance • Fences, Decks • Tile • Graffiti Removal


Building? ng? RenovatiSee Only the Best Trades

“The Professionals”

• Local/long distance • Storage Available • No job too small • Free Estimates Call Joe Anytime 250-470-8194



RADAS Custom Painting

Bayside Plumbing & Gas Fitting

24 yrs. exp., prof. and clean. Interior and exterior specialists. Senior discount. Many references. Call DJ (250) 808-5555 Call Rada (250) 863-7606

Qualified, reliable, bonded. Over 30 years exp. res./comm. service renovations, new installations, h/water tanks, dishwashers, washers, dryers. 250-317-2279


North End Moving Services Local or Long Distance Polite & Professional

Ph: 250-869-0697 Cell 250-470-9498

REFACE DON’T REPLACE 1/2 the cost of replacing Corain & Granite Designs. The Green Alternative.


250-470-2235 To book your space, call



We install, service, & repair all makes of doors & openers. FREE ESTIMATES • INSURANCE CLAIMS Call for appointment

and speak with a classified rep today!





Maryanne’s Kitchen Design

Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery

Dealer for Kitchen Kraft, Merit & Leelynn We do all facets of your renovations 250-317-7523

Top Soil • Ogo Gro • Bark Mulch • Gravel• Sand We remove: yard refuse, junk CHUCK 250-870-1138 We accept “When the Big Guys are Too Big We Deliver”

LAWN AND GARDEN GLM ENTERPRISES Our 1st 10 customers save their HST! Landscaping, irrigation, patios, retaining walls & water features.

Dethatching, Aerating, Hedge & Tree Trimming. Full maintenance services. RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Free Estimates


BOOK YOU SPRING CLEAN-UP NOW! Lawn Maintenance, Clean-ups, Pruning/ Hedges, Rubbish Removal, Fertilizing, Aeration, Odd Jobs.

Call 310-JIMS (5467)


Local or Long Distance Polite & Professional

Ph: 250-869-0697 Cell 250-470-9498





• Bath Remodels • Decks • Drywall

• Kitchen Remodels • Painting • Plumbing

• Electrical • Tile Work • To-Do Lists • Much More


Canadian Homebuilders Association

Kelowna • 250-717-5500


Licensed, Bonded & Insured Independently Owned and Locally Operated


•Spring Clean-Up • General Yard Maintenance • Aeration & Power Raking • Mulch Refreshing • Commercial • Residential • Contracts Available


250 212-8656

Custom tile setting. Travertine, marble, granite & ceramic. Decks, kitchen, baths. Guaranteed work.

Call 250-870-1009



No load too small • BARK MULCH • SAND • GRAVEL • YARD CLEAN-UP • JUNK REMOVAL LIGHT FLAT-DECK Nick Nixon - Trish Nebot Cell 250-862-0821 Office 250-765-2778

D&M Painting 50 years experience. Repaints and restoration work, spraying, stain and lacquers. Insurance & W.C.B.


Senior’s Specials Experience & Quality New Homes & Repaints Ceilings Bondable. Insurance Work Call Terry

Duane 250-826-0101

250-863-9830 or 250-768-1098



ellermade W Additions, Renovations Sun-decks, Bsmt. suites, etc. Call Dave @ 250-878-6967 Dal @ 250-870-6011


Tar Gravel/Repairs/Torch On/All types of roofs/Sun decks. Much more, just ask. JOHN BROOKE





Kevin Bennie - Certified Arbourist 2440C Old Okanagan Hwy, Westbank 250-979-8019 250-870-7997

Serving the Okanagan 14 yrs. Vinyl Decking up to 80 mil., Modular Flooring, Aluminum, Glass, Topless, Picket Railings, Fences & Gates. Free Estimates

Artistic Ceramics.

member of B.B.B. Fully insured, WCB coverage. All types of shingle roofing & torch on roofing systems. ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’



Deck & Rail


RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free estimates, senior discounts,



Complete Tree Removal | Shaping | Thinning Crown Reduction | Stump Grinding Fully ins’t WCB Free Est.


North End Moving AAA Services BEST RATE MOVING $59+. FLAT rates for long distance. Weekly trips between BC/AB. Why pay more?



MOVING/STORAGE Joe’s Moving Service

Visit our showroom at THE AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Family owned & operated for over 40 years




59.00 SF


On select colors only | Installation available

Natural Stone Surfaces


9.95 LF


starting at


WELDING METAL FABRICATION LTD. Fences • Gates • Railings • Security Bars • Cargo Racks • Rollcages • Boat Railings & more. Tube Bending Specialists



250-864-2421 Bob & Judy offer Traditional Barber Services & Fair Prices

Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pets & Livestock B19

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate


Misc. for Sale

Mobile Homes & Parks

Commercial/ Industrial

$1228/MO O.A.C. $7995 DOWN. HOME Ownership IS POSSIBLE at SIERRAS 1317, 2440 Old Okanagan Hwy. 3bdrm, 2bth $159.900 TAX IN. Accent Homes (250)-769-6614 PET & FAMILY FRIENDLY Westpoint. 3bd, 1bth, lovely fenced yard w/storage shed, $5000 down, $900/mo including pad rent, OAC or $99,000, no HST. ACCENT HOMES, Call (250)-769-6614

COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE IN LAKE COUNTRY 1100sq’ Office space for lease. Reception area, four offices, coffee/ storage room. Located on Beaver Lake Road, 1 1/2 blocks from Highway 97. Easy access. Offstreet parking. $1100.00/month +utils. Lease negotiable. Phone:(250)766-3700



$100 & Under


ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.

WESTERN STAR AUCTIONS. Shop Auction. Saturday April 28, 11am. 2530 Ross Rd. West Kelowna. Honda generators, tools, tool boxes, shelving, new product, camper. Check out our 2 regular weekly auctions, Tuesday, 161 Ellis St. Penticton & Thursday #8-730 Stremel Rd, Kelowna. call 778-753-5580

WHITE Pocketrod lace Shears, 84”. $5/panel. 250860-7602

STAR STORES NOW OPEN BRING IN THIS AD & GET 10% OFF Any item in the store #9-1753 Dolphin Ave, Kel. (corner Kirshner & Dolphin) LOOK for the RED AWNINGS. 250-868-3255 COME IN & BROWSE; Antiques, furniture, tools, hardware, paint & much more. Top Quality acrylic paint & stain - 5 gal $44, 1 gal $12, Garden Tools - $8-$12 Now buying quality items, estates & household furniture.

Livestock Foundation Bred Buckskin Quarter Horse Stud (cutting line), Krugerrand Black Angus Bull (250)546-9766

Pets Aussie/Shepherd/Border Collie X. Merles tri-color,bi-color pups. $500.( 250)-769-6795 DOBERMAN pups, Ready May 2. Females & males, $400.ea (778)212-2468

PUG pups, 3 females. 2 males, 1st shots. Ready May 10.$750.eaFirm 250-503-2354 WOLF Hybrid Cubs. Reserve now. Sun Valley Wolf Kennels Kelowna (250)-765-4996

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions BIG M AUCTION Sat Apr 28th 11am @ 2970 Station Rd Falkland. Antiques, Colletibles, Tools, Saddles & Tack, Gift ware, Household Goods & More. Consignments Wanted 250-379-2078, 604-850-4238

$100 & Under 1 new wardrobe box. $10. Call 250-491-3231 3 pocket rods extends to 84” 3 for $10 Call (250)860-7602 60” steel bed frame, adjustable. $45. Call 250-7626519 6ft 2x6 Picnic Table, $50. Call 250-765-2745 8FT. Roller Sunshade (New) $50, 250-448-6253 Antique Mantel Clock, Croydon model. $75 Call (250)860-7602 ASSORTMENT of bowls. $20 Call (250)860-7602 Black & Decker white 12 cup coffee maker $10 call (250)860-7602 FUTON, 2 years old, wooden rails & sides. $50, 250-4911466 NEW velour upholstery fabric, 165x56”, rich multi burgundy tones, $20. 250-860-7602 ROUND Oak Coffee Table, 5 Spindle legs. $25, 250-4911466 TWO Leather Nook Benches, $40. Call 250-765-2745

Garage Sales

HUGE YARD SALE!!! Friday April 27th

250-76 50-762-2422 2-2422 1095 Ellis St. Kelowna BC Floorcovering Department: • Engineered Oak Hardwood starting @ $.99sf • Engineered Exotic Hardwood @ $3.49sf • 3/4” Solid Hand Scraped Oak @ $3.49sf • Engineered Bamboo Flooring @ $3.29sf • Engineered Hand Scraped Hickory @ $3.69sf • 12mil Laminate @ “BLOW OUT” Prices Hundreds of sqft of IN-STOCK Hardwoods & Laminates @ “BLOW OUT” Prices!!! Hand Tools: Blow Out Pricing on Red Tagged tools!!! We had to make room for our 30’ STANLEY TOOL WALL. Insulation: R12x24” @ $35 Bundle 144sf (Stock Only). Windows: & Glass Garden Doors (in stock) (MUST GO PRICING). LOTS MORE: Too Many Things to List.

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

$200 & Under 24” white elec stove & 24” newer white fridge. $150/both. Call 250-762-4951 MEDICAL Walker with seat & basket. $120 Call (250)-7636281 SIX 6ft. Post Shores, extend to 12ft, $150 OBO. Call 250-7652745 WHEELCHAIR $120 Call (250)763-6281

$300 & Under

WESTERN STAR AUCTIONS. Buying Estates, Tools, Collectable’s and Furniture. Cash Paid or Consignment to Auction. #8-730 Stremel Rd. (778)753-5580

CENTRAL vaccuum, powerful, new attachments. $299. Will install. 869-2947or 762-3468

Heavy Duty Machinery

Free Items

Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217

3 Free Kittens 2 male 1 female 8 weeks to good home call after 5pm (250)860-1978 FREE: BBQ, you pick up, propane tank not included. Call 778-478-1890 FREE: Camping Equipment & Wine Making Equipment. 250470-7849, Call after 7:00pm. FREE horse manure. Dilworth area. You load or we load. Call 250-762-4600 Free pickup, of aluminum windows, wire, pipe, air conditioners & batteries. 250-717-0581 FREE Pick-up of used bicycles that you no longer want. Ok if need repair 604-800-2104


FIREWOOD. Fir $185/crd, Jack Pine $150/cd, Ponderosa, $125. Jim, 250-762-5469

Furniture BOWRING MERCER 3 seat Sofa. Moonlight Stone Color. Asking $650 OBO. Nearly New. (250)768-2580 DINING Room Table & 6 Chairs & Hutch with China Cabinet. Excellent Condition! $1200. 250-860-9737

Medical Supplies Shoprider Mobility Scooters & Powerchairs. New & Used, New Stair & Platform Lifts, Kel: 250-764-7757 Vernon: 250542-3745 T-free 888-542-3745

Misc. for Sale FOR


Charming Gas Fireplace Perfect for curling up of Perfect for curling up in front in front of with that with that special someone. (house someone. included) special (house included) ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.

HUGE MEGA SALE @ OK Estates Furniture We are seriously OVERSTOCKED with COOL Mid Century Modern Home Furnishings. MORE Arriving Weekly!! 3292 Hwy 97N, 1.5km N of McCurdy. 250-807-7775 11-5 Tues-Sat USED OFFICE FURNITURE! Over Stocked with all sizes of Metal Filing Cabinets, Task Chairs, Desks and Tables. All items are in GREAT condition! Visit our showroom Mon. to Fri. 8.00am to 4.30pm daily, at TOTAL OFFICE, 420 Banks Rd. Kel. 250-717-1626.

CAN’T GET Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1-866-9815991. SOLID Oak Dining Room Set & Hutch, 6 Chairs & Cushions, 2 leafs. $2000 obo. 7 drawer dress, 2 end tables (cherry wood) $150 obo. 765-2745 White couch & loveseat, $500. Roxton diningrm table & chairs, $800. Craftsman lawnmower, $25. Double boxspring & mattress, $25. Blackberry 9780, $100. 250-859-5455

For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic, Gold & Silver Coins. Call Chad 250-863-3082

MASSIVE ESTATE SALE Liquidation. Rain or Shine. SATURDAY, APRIL 28th at OK ESTATES FURNITURE & MORE! 3292 HWY 97N (Beside The Sheepskin Boutique.) WORRIED ABOUT THE WEATHER? Purchase Rain Insurance on your Garage Sale ad for $3. If it rains we’ll run your ad again for

FREE! You must call by the following Thursday to book your ad for another day. (Valid through September)


FOR SALE BY OWNER SPECIAL Save on Real Estate Fees!

ONLY $74.99 plus HST

THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

1 Month FREE! 1Bdrm Apt, $775. 55+, NS, ND, NP, Appliances. Excellent condition. Gordon Manor near Capri Centre. Includes Strata Fee! Call (250)764-5151 2BD lakeview Winfield, priv ent/deck, new reno/appl, lndry rm, AC, NS, NP. Adults $850 incl utils/cbl/int. 250-547-6624 2BDRM, 2bath, 7 appls, secured parking, storage, southwest corner, 2nd floor, close to all ammens, NS, NP, Asher Place in upper Rutland, Kelowna. $1000mo, will lease. 250-765-6436. 2-bdrm BELGO AREA, Rutland Rd. S. $900 + hydro, f/s/w/d, NO PETS, on bus rte. 250-491-3345, 250-869-9788 2 bedrm, 2 bathrm condo in a well maintained Lower Mission apartment complex, $900, NS, NP, 250-317-8990. BROCKTON MANOR. 1 & 2 bedrooms. The large, bright units are a short walk to downtown, hospital, beach & shopping. Transit is right outside the door. Please call us at 250-860-4836 FAIRLANE CRT. 2 & 3 bdrms, heat & hot water incl. Located on Lawrence near Gordon, close to downtown & Capri shopping mall. Please call 250-860-4836 Lower Mission Avail. June 1st. Luxury 2bdrm corner Condo. 1350 sq ft in H2O/Capital News area w/extras to beach nearby Beauriful Hardwood floors in living, dining & familyrooms, ensuite laundry electric FP., wrap aound deck,& Secure parking/storage $1325 + utilities. (250)762-4964 MILL CREEK ESTATES. Various floor plans avail. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms within walking distance of the Parkinson rec center, Apple Bowl, Kelowna Golf & Country Club & Spall Plaza. 250-860-4836. WILLOW PARK MANOR. Aurora and Hollywood. 1 & 2 bdrms. Steps away from Willow Park shopping center, transit & the other shops of Rutland. Direct bus route to UBCO. 12-15mins. 250-8604836

WESTERN STAR AUCTIONS. Shop Auction. Saturday April 28, 11am. 2530 Ross Rd. West Kelowna. Honda generators, tools, tool boxes, shelving, new product, camper. Check out our 2 regular weekly auctions, Tuesday, 161 Ellis St. Penticton & Thursday #8-730 Stremel Rd, Kelowna. call 778-753-5580

Real Estate Acreage for Sale $164,020 11.8 acres cabin Arrow Lakes area 250-269-7328 Pic’s email 3 Acres, Whitevale Area, Lumby. Flat, trees, drilled well, Services to driveway. Price $230,000.00 + HST OBO. 250-547-6932.

VERY PRIVATE HOBBY FARM 9.96 Acres, 3-bdrm, log house, full basement, all cleared land, $459,900 10min Northwest of Vernon. 4855 Miller Rd. Spallumcheen, (250)546-8630

MORTGAGES LOW RATES. 3YR. 2.99% 5 YR. 3.29% Trish at 250-470-8324 ******* Where smart sellers meet smart buyers! View Thompson Okanagan properties for sale.// Selling? No Commission. (250) 545-2383 or 1-877-291-7576 THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

1 col x 2” size with or without picture for 3 insertions (Reg Price $196.25)

Call your classified representative today!



GRANITE tools & access., clamp dolly & lifting clamps. Scot, 250-212-8204

Houses For Sale 250-763-7114

THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

Apt/Condo for Rent

THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

LARGE Garage Sale Indoors @ Unitarian Church 1310 Bertram St., at Cawston Ave. Friday April 27th Noon-6pm Saturday April 28th 8am-3pm.



Apt/Condos for Sale

170 Leo Rd. Kelowna. April 28, 8am. Household, furniture, golf clubs, Lectronic caddy etc. BLACK Mountain Community Treasure Sale. Sat, Apr 28, 11-2 @Blk Mtn School, 1650 Gallagher. New/used items & BBQ! FAMILY Garage Sale, 358 Poonian St. Sat, April 28 from 8am-3pm. Hshld and furniture. GARAGE Sale 2057 Fisher Road A ton-o-stuff. Housewares, building supplies,and good old fashion junk! Saturday April 28 Sunday April 29 8:30am to 2pm Garage sale 410 Monterey Rd.Fri & Sat 8am-3pm Hockey stuff,rabbit cage electronics ... HUGE 5 family Sale!! Lots of good stuff new items added daily!! April 26, 27,28 29 & 30. 8am- 4pm 2161 Gallagher Rd. Black Mtn. W. Kelowna. Garage Sale Sat/Sun.April 28/29. 9-2.Hshld items. 3624 Brenda Lee Rd.

Mr. Mobile Home Certified Factory Outlet. Spaces Available, Your location or crawlspace/basement models. Show homes 1680 Ross Rd. Kelowna 250-769-6614

Lots FINTRY up, build your dream home. Lake, creek, Provincial park close by. $79,900. 250860-1038.

Commercial/ Industrial 1500sq/ft. shop 22ft ceilings Shop on 1/4 acre, fully serviced & fenced, $1500/mo + triple net. Light or heavy industrial use & storage. Fully Serviced. WESTBANK INDUSTRIAL PARK, (250)769-7424 850 SF 2nd floor office or studio w/ shared fenced compound. 991 Richter. Attractive leaseholds, long or short term. Lease at $900, 250-861-0545 FOR LEASE 600 sq.ft. Office Trailer fully serviced on fenced 1/2 acre. Zoned Heavy Industrial Including Auto Wrecking. $2500 triple net incl. Fenced 1/2 to 1 acre serviced industrial lots available. Central Westside Location. will build to suit. 250-769-7424

Duplex / 4 Plex

2BD, 1 full bath, livingrm, diningrm, kitchen, 4appls, all window blinds, porch and carport NP. Available Now. Call 250-860-8583 2BD duplex for rent 1371 Sylvania Crst. Sundeck. $825. NP. 2 wrking people or retired. Close to Cosco. Call 250-7631558, 250-575-8154 2BDRMS. Great Location. WD, big yard,free prking. Reno’d. Beautiful area. $900 + utils.Avail May1(250)470-0000 3BD, bbq, FP, laundry. OldGlenmore Resp.tenant. $1180 +utils. Avail Now. 763-7869. 3BD w/bsmnt, reno’d, nr school, 4 appliances, Rutland, NS, NP, ref req’d, $900+utils. 250-861-1059 6-8 pm. 5BD 1/2 duplex, 2bth, 2 kitchen, 2 lndry, prking, $1500+DD. Call 250-859-6784 GOOD side x side duplex near Cosco, ideal for responsible family, 4bd+den, 2bth, rec room, appliances, blinds, fenced yard, NS, NP, $1225 /mo. Call 250-769-5871 NEWLY built large 2bdrm duplex, 5appls, 2 full baths, close to Hospital. Avail. May 1st, $1275. 250-862-1701

Misc for Rent

MONTH to Month parking. Christleton Ave, directly south of the KGH parkade. $56/mo. Contact Robert at 250-7636789, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm.

Mobile Homes & Pads

2BDRM dbl wide on 3acres, horse stables & pasture, looking for clean, responsible couple, have room for a couple horses. No indoor pets, non-smoking. Call 764-2656 ask for Stan MOBILE for rent, $650 to $910. Westside. NP. Call 250768-5080, 250-717-1033

Homes for Rent

2BD, 1bth, Ellison area, close to dog park. No dogs. $700 +utils. Call (250)-869-2186 2bd Mobile Rutland. May 1. in town on 2acr. Mature people pref. $900+utils, 250-575-4366

2 BDRM 1.5 Bath. S/S duplex on Mission Creek. Quiet street in Rutland. Carport. Central air. Fireplace. Will suit mature couple. $945 Ph. (778) 753-5707

3BDRM House, close to all ammenities, $1200. NS, NP. Old Glenmore. 250-470-7291 3BD Upper House. Near DT. $1150+utils. May 1st. 1396 Highland Dr. 863-5270 3or4bd house, $1400 or $450 for room. Call 250-860-8106 3or4 bdrm home, Shannon Lk Rd. Dbl Gar, f/s, d/w, w/d, a/c, close to elementary school, Available May 1, no pets, $1625+util 250-869-9788 3 or 4 bdrm, Winfield area, $1575+util, backs onto Range land, f/s, d/w, w/d, a/c, May 1, Prefer no pets, but might consider some. 250-869-9788 RUTLAND in Orchard 2bdrm house, 1.5bath, $1100 + utils. Avail Immed. 765-3002 & 8635616 RUTLAND. May 1. 3bd, 1bth, incl utils, shr’d lndry, NP, NS. Close to amens, reno’d. $1400. 250-215-1182 Winfield, 3 bdrm, 2 bath house, quiet area, $1300 + util.,n/s, n/p,250-548-3378. THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.




Homes for Rent While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Office/Retail HWY 97 North, 1800sq’ of retail, 1500-3300sq’ of indust. & compound. Rutland 10002000sq’ Retail. 250-765-3295 NEWLY reno’d office space, w/lake view. 700sq.ft. $750 + T.N. 250-768-9083 Westbank

Recreation Water Front lot (50’x100’) for rent year round. North end Okanagan Lake (604)7943318 or 250-542-2517 Mike

Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News




Auto Financing

Cars - Domestic

Rooms for Rent

Suites, Lower

Suites, Upper

FURNISHED bedroom & kitchen, private entry, NS student or wrking female pref. $500. 250-861-6587

2BD bsmnt suite, w/o, 5appls, NS, NP. Ref’s. $750 + utils. May 1st. Call 250-317-0373 2BD bsmt suite in N. Rutland. Near schools & shops. NS, NP, no laundry, $850 incl utils. Call 250-491-1829 2BD legal suite Rutland. Nr. bus & shopping. 4appl, ns, np. $900 + utils. Avail Apr 1st. Call 250-863-1155 2BD, New, Bright nr Hosp. ns/np, laundry. Mature & resp. adults w/ref. $875/mo. Avail May 1. Call 250-801-9900. 2BDRM, 1bath, Rutland, close to school & bus stop, Avail now. $850, NS, NP, 864-1341 2BDRM Suite Avail. Mission. Near school & bus. NP, NS. $900 incl. utils. 250-317-3462 2BD S.Rutland, near amens. May 1st. No lndry. utils/cbl incl. NS/NP/NP.Wrking person 250-899-2195, 250-448-4843 3BD a/c, priv laundry,driveway bus school cble wireless utils incl’d NS NP $1100 Avail May 1. 250-826-2233 BRAND New 1bdrm Behind Costco, Utilities & Cable Included. No Parties. NP. $800/mo.Call (250)-763-7553 Bright 2bdrm Newly Reno’d 5 apppls includes utils, covered parking, storage,central air $1000/mo (250)717-3580 Executive suite priv. level entry. View. appls. NP. NS. All inclusive $875 (250)-717-1033 LARGE 1bdrm suite, NS, NP, references, utils incl, $750/mo. Peachland. 250-768-4399 NEWER 2bd suite, avail immed. Own ent, prking, nice yard. $800 incl utils. Quiet area. NS, NP. 1bd suite also avail. 250-869-9663 or 250215-2085 RUTLAND- 2bdrm gr level, priv entry, 5appls,FP, heat, nr bus route. NS. NP, NP. ND, ideal for wrkng/couple, Avail immed. $1000 250 762-6519 RUTLAND. May 1. 1bd utils incl, shr’d lndry, FP, NS, NP, $750. 250-215-1182 WINFIELD. 2bdrm beautiful, country setting, ns, np, fp, 6appl, sing/prof. cpl, $950 utils & cbl incl. 250-317-2279

2BD.Upper 4 Plex Unit in quiet area of Rutland. 5 appliances, carport & storage. NS. NP. No Parties. Older adults preferred. $830/mo + utilities. D.D.Req’d Call 250-451-9923

Room for rent. Furn’d bdrm, mature male only. $475/mo. 250-317-2546 RUTLAND furnished room for working man, 30+, livingroom, TV, kitchen, laundry, utils incl, $490+DD. Call 250-215-1561

Seasonal Acommodation LACASA RESORT on the lake for rent, sleeps 8, Elegant & Modern 2bdrm, den, May $750/wk, June $1000/wk, $150/day min. 3 days. July $1500/wk, August $1750/wk. MIN 3 250-491-0823 ON Beautiful Sandy Beach, Furn’d Cottage near Eldorado. daily/weekly. 250-878-4259.

Storage FALCON Self Storage, 747 Fitzpatrick Rd. has gated and secure space avail for your boats & vehicles and all your storage needs. Vehicle storage starting at $85/month. Please call 250-765-1477

Suites, Lower 1bd above grnd, large,priv ent, sep patio, sep WD, A/C, gas FP, $800 incl sat. TV, wifi & utils NS,NP. Avail now,762-9726.

#1 Accesible address. DT area, furn’d, cable, w/d,, quiet, avail immed. 862-9223 #1 Available, Furn’d. Quiet DT area,Int,Cbl/Utils. WD. Wrking/ studnt/senior $400+ 861-5757

1BDRM furn’d suite, $750 all utils incl. parking for 1 vehiccle, bus stop near by, recently reno’d, clean and bright, NS, NP. 250-878-5780 2bd, 1bath, Close to shopping, school & bus. Newly reno’d, NP, NS. $850. Westbank, 250212-8282 2BD, 272 Asher Rd. Avail. now. near Plaza 33, NP, spacious/bright. $850. all incl. 250-878-3553

Apt/Condo for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent

Rooms for Rent


BEST DEALS IN KELOWNA! Affordable 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms. AC, near schools, shopping & bus route. Insuite laundry H.Up’s. Across from Park. Clean Quiet & Spacious. Sorry NO Pets. Well Managed Building (250)-861-5605 or (250)-861-5657

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

Suites, Upper 1&2bd suites avail. Sep ent. upper 2bd+office, $1000 or 1bd lower w/ gas FP. $700. Each has FS, shr’d lndry, utils incl. ns, np. May 1st. 868-0750 2BD. Newly reno’d, Rutland, private, utils/cbl./wifi/lndry incl., np, ns, $900.+DD. Call 250807-7864, 250-718-4167

Tenders irect Buy D $$$ e v & Sa

Buy D & Sav irect e $$$

GIANT AUTO AUCTION Buy Direct and Save Thousands on your next vehicle purchase.

Over 175

Cars, Trucks, 4x4’s & SUV’s

Bailiff Repo’s, Police Recoveries, Lease Backs, Fleet Returns, Bankruptcies Come see for yourself, you’ll be amazed at the HUGE SAVINGS

$AVE Saturday $AVE April 28 @ 11 am

ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. BIG 2bdrm, 2bth, w/d, NS, NP, utils included. Central area. $1200/mo. Call 250-864-4562 CENTRALLY located on bus route. 2bd upper, FS, DW, NS, NP, Nparties, $1000+DD & utils. Call 250-763-3165 Cozy, 1bd. Cottage, Miss. Lakeview& Access. NS, Resp. Adlt, Ref. $745 Inc. 764-3108 PEACHLAND 3bdrm, newly painted, garage, view, $1100+ 2/3 utils. NP, NS, NP, ref’s, Call 250-768-4399


Auto Loans or We Will Pay You $1000

All Makes, All Models. New & Used Inventory.

1-888-229-0744 or apply at: Must be employed w/ $1800/mo. income w/ drivers license. DL #30526

Antiques / Classics

Auto Accessories/Parts LYLE’S TOWING. Free Removal of unwanted vehicles. Pay up to $1000 for good vehicles. Lots of used parts for sale. (250)-765-8537 SCRAP Car Removal. $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days/week Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593

Cars - Domestic 2004 Z06 Corvette 405 hp 6 speed 29,000. kms 37,500. phone 542-8317.

AUTOMOTIVE SPECIAL ONLY $59.99 plus HST 1 col x 2” size with or without picture for 3 insertions

Auto Financing DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

1991 Mazda Miata, very good condition, new clutch assembly, other new parts. Runs great. $5000. 250-762-6915 1994 Isuzu Trooper, 4x4, auto, air, loaded, A-1 cond. $3975.; 2007 Toyota Yaris 2dr, Hatchback, a/c pw/pm, 5spd $6975.; 2006 Harley Sportster, leather bags ready to go $4975. obo; 2006 Yamaha Vino 49cu $1375.; Government Inspected Rebuilt Vehicles, Lego Auto Sales Vernon (250)260-4415 1996 Cavalier LS, Convertible $3000 obo (250)260-3098 2000 Mercedes C230, 88K never winter driven, $10,000 250-542-9150, 250-545-7513

Motorcycles 2001 Yamaha Road Star 1600, completely custom show bike, custom paint, wheels, raked, 250 rear tire, Avon tires, Bob pipes, Dakota speedo/tach, over $30,000 invested, $9900, 250-490-6046 Yamaha 750 Maxum, ready to ride. Asking $1800 obo, also 2 sets of riding gear available. (250)545-5597

Call your classified representative today!

Recreational/Sale DL# 7557




1994 Ford 350 27’ Motorhome rear queen bedroom, $11,500. obo. 250-306-3943 1997 Ford 460, 29ft Motorhome. Class A, rare queen bed walk-around, ready for the road! All new tires, $16,000. 250-869-1863 1997 Islander, wide body camper van. Excellent condition, $25,000. 250-707-1272 1998 5th Wheel. 3 slide outs, used in summer only, all appliances in good condition, regular toilet, electric heater, 13” colour TV, radio/cd & microwave. $16,700, 250-766-0623 2008 36’ Monaco diesel, 2-slides, 13,000 miles, immaculate. 250-768-9831 22ft. 1985 Class C Elite Motorhome. 350 GMC motor, A/C, awning. $6,500 OBO. 250768-3608 or 250-470-7100 A-CLASS Motorhome. 2001 Fleetwood Flair, 30’ extra wide body. Excl cond. Loaded. $21,500. 250-317-3768 ROADMASTER Brake Buddy, $475. 30 Amp Cord, $25. Roadmaster fold-away tow bar, $100. 250-448-6253 Tim Hortons 40th anniversary Schwin cruiser bike, $350. 1981 camperized van. $6500.250-309-0737.


REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) R12-014 Diesel Gensets – Fintry, Morden, East Trunk Sealed proposals clearly marked on the outside of the envelope with the words “R12-014 Diesel Gensets – Fintry, Morden, East Trunk RFP” will be received at the Regional District of Central Okanagan Reception, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC up until 3pm, Local Time, May 10th, 2012. The Request for Proposal (RFP) will not be opened publicly. The Regional District reserves the right to reject any or all responses, to waive defects in any bid or proposal document and to accept any proposal or offer which it may consider to be in the best interest of the Regional District. The lowest price proposal or offer will not necessarily be accepted. RFP documents may be obtained at no charge from the Regional District of Central Okanagan website ( or from the Regional District of Central Okanagan Reception, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) R12-012 Fire Pumper Trucks Sealed proposals clearly marked on the outside of the envelope with the words “R12-012 Fire Pumper Trucks RFP” will be received at the Regional District of Central Okanagan Reception, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC up until 3pm, Local Time, May 15th, 2012. The Request for Proposal (RFP) will not be opened publicly.

3953 Hwy 97 North • 250-765-5282

The Regional District reserves the right to reject any or all responses, to waive defects in any bid or proposal document and to accept any proposal or offer which it may consider to be in the best interest of the Regional District. The lowest price proposal or offer will not necessarily be accepted. Gates open @ 9am

RFP documents may be obtained at no charge from the Regional District of Central Okanagan website ( or from the Regional District of Central Okanagan Reception, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4.

most units sold unreserved

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Cars - Sports & Imports


88 Volvo 240DL, 2.3L Red Engine, Alloy Rims, New Stereo, 4DR, Immac $2500, 549-0606

Sport Utility Vehicle

1998 RAV4 AWD $2900. manual. 328,600kms. well maintained. yakima roof rack. hitch mount. call 306-2655.

Quiet, Br, Upper 1bd. Furn ste Lake/Colg/Pand Shops, NS Adlt, NP. $725 Incl. 762-0317 6 rings

1961 Ford Falcon Deluxe 2dr, new paint, motor & interior. $9500 obo. Must Sell. 250542-9150, 250-542-7513


Scrap Car Removal 1AA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Min $60 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 250-899-0460 ARMOUR Towing. Scrap Car Removal., Up to $100 CASH 7 days/week (250)-801-4199 Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288 SCRAP Car Removal, $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days a week. Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593

2005 GMC Jimmy, 4wd, 2dr, AC, leather, low mileage (82,000kms) $9,500 obo. Call 250-448-6604

Trucks & Vans

2008 Honda Odyssey EX, 7pass, 23,000 original Kms, 1owner, exc/cond, $24,995, (250)546-9993


2002 20ft. Crownline, open bow, 200hrs, 350HO, Burgundy & white, stereo, tandum axel matching trailer. Both in excellent cond. $20,000 obo. 250-718-1454 21.5 Campion Sport Utility, fresh motor & leg, all access. $4000obo. Scot,250-212-8204


Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Estate of NORMA LILLIAN CARLSON, also known as NORMA CARLSON, Deceased, formerly of #205 3767 Brown Road, West Kelowna, British Columbia. Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of NORMA LILLIAN CARLSON, also known as NORMA CARLSON, are hereby notified under Section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Executor at #221--3011 Louie Drive, Westbank, BC., V4T 3E3, on or before May 17, 2012, after which date the Executor will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. CHARLEY MAXWELL HUTCHINSON, Executor by Porrelli Law., Barristers and Solicitors, Attention: Nancy E. Fish, Telephone: (250)7680717

Adult Adult Entertainment

Come discover my secret garden & taste the forbidden fruit of this sin-fully sweet package of maturity. 250-317-4315


1*AAA* Kelowna’s Finest Mature Lady Hot Busty Blonde *Independant* Daily Specials. BRANDY (250)-826-8615 1 and only Garden of Eden. Voted #1 in Customer Satisfaction. Only agency in Kelowna open 24/7 and accepting credit cards. GFE avail. 250868-9439 Now Hiring A BRUNETTE BEAUTY, 36C-28- 35, Long Hair, 26 yrs, 5’5. 127lbs. Clean & Discreet. Ph# (250)-681-8369 AN Open Minded Mature Sexy Busty Blonde, Ready To PLEASE YOU! GFE. Independant. 250-808-9673 ENJOY a sensual, discreet, tryst with a sexy, beauty in/out Lydia 250-448-2894

KAILY Memorable Long Dark Haired Beauty. Mon.-Thurs. 9am-6pm 250- 718-3527 MALE 4 Male Erotic Massage $95, waxing, intimate grooming & skin care for the face & back. Winfield, 9-9 Daily 250-766-2048 SEXY Hot Asian Girl. 22yrs old, 110lbs 5’4”, 34C 25/36. Friendly, lovely girl. Pretty. Erotic massage. No rush. In/Out. (250)-878-1250 THE DOLLHOUSE. Kelowna’s erotic hot spot! (250)448-4305

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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 B21




Regional transit plan endorsed by council Wade Paterson STAFF REPORTER

West Kelowna’s transit future is in line with the rest of the Central Okanagan. Michelle Orfield, senior urban transportation planner for B.C. Transit, attended Tuesday’s council meeting to share some details of the Central Okanagan Transit Future Plan. According to Orfield, the purpose of the plan is to collect a unified vision that directs all future transit investment. “It’s also key in making sure that transit is in line with land use planning,” said Orfield. Orfield said that the 25-year vision will influence urban form by providing a high-quality, affordable service that puts the customer first. The goals of the plan are to attract new riders, deliver operational excellence, improve transit sustainability and improve custom transit utilization. She said it is anticipated that ridership will quadruple in the Central Okanagan by 2035. Ongoing initiatives include addressing existing service needs, matching vehicle type to local service demand, improving customer information, improving transit facilities and making transit more accessible. Next steps in B.C. Transit’s process include getting approval from Westbank First Nation and the Regional District of Central Okanagan. After that, the B.C. Transit board approval will be needed before the plan is published and distributed. Mayor Doug Findlater said he is curious about the fact the Transit Future Plan is a 25-year document. “What does this really commit us to? Is this just a nice statement, or are we putting a future council on the hook for something here?” Findlater asked Orfield. “I don’t think this puts a future council on the hook for much. The intention is to update these plans every five years. It’s really just to get the whole region in agreement on one direction for the big picture,” said Orfield. Council unanimously decided to endorse the Transit Future Plan.


THE 15TH annual World of Wheels Show and Shine rolls into Peachland on May 20.


Preparations underway for Show & Shine Over the last 15 years, Peachland’s famous show and shine car show has grown from hundreds of eyes looking at a handful of cars to more than 10,000 people gazing over 500 vehicles. The 15th annual World of Wheels Show and Shine rolls into Peachland on Sunday, May 20, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. “World of Wheels has grown so big that it can’t

get much bigger,” said Pam Cunningham, chair of the World of Wheels committee. “This year our goal is to have a simple car show in the best location anywhere. We’ll still have (about) 500 really neat cars, trucks and antique boats.” Two parks and six blocks of Beach Avenue will be converted into a pedestrian paradise sur-

rounding the coolest antique and classic cars in the valley. More than 20 sponsors have stepped forward to make sure World of Wheels will be a success. For the eighth year in a row, realtor Roger Cyr will fund two passenger buses to transport spectators downtown from the Peachland Centre Mall and Gateway areas. “I have to thank Peach-

land residents and businesses for always being behind the car show,” said Cunningham. “They give up their town for the day (and) do so enthusiastically.” Early registration is now open for World of Wheels entrants at www. peachlandworldofwheels. ca. The first 500 entries get a dash plaque and all entrants receive a draw ticket, breakfast ticket

and vehicle information sheets. Entry registration will also take place on May 20 at both entrances of the car show. Volunteers to help park the hundreds of entries on car show day and take care of other details are needed. The committee can be reached at inquiries@ peachlandworldofwheels. ca.


Boucherie Road winery route upgrade to begin in June

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widths—in the case of breakdowns or stranded vehicles in winter conditions—and poor sight lines due to median trees and landscaping. See Winery B23


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gard to the wine route upgrades, which was hosted by the district on April 8. About 90 per cent of those in attendance were in support of the proposed improvements. Some concerns with the project included fears of excessive vehicle speeds, narrow lane





some time,” said Findlater. Highlights of the upgrade include a 2.2-metre wide sidewalk, a 1.8-metre wide median with trees and lampposts and bike lanes in both directions. Approximately 60 Westside residents attended an open house with re-


West Kelowna Mayor Doug Findlater is hopeful that five months of growing pains will result in a “beautiful route.”

Construction along Boucherie Road—from Highway 97 to Stuart Road—is set to commence in June. “Hopefully everybody is prepared to deal with that, as they have done in the past and will have to do again this year on Gellatly. These things take




Wade Paterson

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News




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Capital News Thursday, April 26, 2012 B23


Achieving fair compensation from an insurance company


have written before about how important it is to obtain legal advice before negotiating a settlement of a personal injury claim with an insurance company. All you want is fair compensation. I define “fair compensation” as the amount of financial compensation a court would require the insurance company to pay to compensate you for your injuries and other losses. With seat belts and air bags, the vast majority of injuries sustained in car crashes are soft tissue in nature. That simply means that there are no fractures. Fair compensation for one soft tissue injury might be completely different from fair compensation for another. For example, let’s say there is a rear-ender crash. There are three injured victims—a husband, wife and a friend. None of them suffer fractures, their injuries are soft tissue in nature. The wife misses only a day or two of work, has perhaps a dozen therapy sessions and her symptoms completely resolve within six months. Fair compensation for her injuries and losses might be less than $10,000. The friend misses very little time from work as well, but he undergoes more treatment because his symptoms are more

Road gets upgrade Winery from B21 Gary O’Rourke, director of engineering with the district, said that criticisms expressed at the open house resulted in immediate revisions to the planned upgrades. Coun. Gord Milsom said that he is happy to see residents providing the district with constructive criticism at the open house. “The public consultation step is really important and it has proven to pay dividends in this case,” said Milsom. The wine route upgrade is being done in conjunction with the Lakeview Heights Phase Seven Sewer Servicing Strategy project. The entire upgrade is anticipated to be complete by November, at cost to the district of $2,602,000.


Paul Hergott persistent. Even with the more extensive treatment, his symptoms never fully resolve. He is able to get back to many, but not all of the activities he previously enjoyed. Fair compensation for his injuries might be close to $100,000. The husband isn’t so lucky. Try as he might, his symptoms prevent him from ever returning to his physical job. He undergoes extensive therapies without significant benefit. He is left with symptoms that never go away. Fair compensation for his injuries might be over $750,000. As you can see, asking around to find out what other people have settled their soft tissue claims for is completely unreliable, because no two claims are alike. You can access actual court judgments online now, but again no two claims are alike. It takes a lawyer to be able to interpret and apply the case law to your particular injuries and losses. The least reliable source of advice about what is fair is the insurance company represent-

ative who is negotiating against you. That’s sort of like handing a blank cheque to a Mexican street vendor, although at least a Mexican street vendor is unlikely to take you for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The only way to get reliable advice about what compensation is fair for personal injury losses is to consult with a personal injury lawyer. That advice is typically free, by the way. There is an added complication I am going to share with you. Let’s say the insurance company makes their standard $5,000 to $10,000 offer for your soft tissue injury and you consult with a lawyer who tells you it’s unfair. You hire the lawyer and he or she is able to negotiate the claim up to approximately $100,000. Excellent job, right? Not necessarily. What if even 10 times the initial insurance company offer isn’t fair? What if the lawyer tells you that the much higher offer is fair compensation, but it really isn’t? Perhaps the lawyer has made an error when assessing the case. Legal opinions are just that— opinions. And opinions can be wrong. You wouldn’t know any better. You aren’t a lawyer. You thought the $5,000 to $10,000 offer might have been fair. I have just learned of a real case where this hap-

pened. The first lawyer on the case managed to negotiate the insurance company up to approximately $100,000. He strongly advised his client to accept the offer. His client wasn’t so sure and sought a second opinion. It’s not easy to find a lawyer to take a case over from another lawyer. The first lawyer this client consulted for a second opinion turned him down. However, he got lucky with the next one, an excellent lawyer in Surrey by the name of Edmund Caissie, who just settled the case for $475,000. That wasn’t a “runaway jury” or overly sympathetic judge. That was a settlement agreed to by the insurance company to compensate an injured victim for very real losses arising from soft tissue injuries. What’s the lesson in that? Perhaps to really do your homework before you choose the personal injury lawyer to handle your case. I recommend to anyone who sees me for an initial consultation to interview a number of lawyers, ask doctors, therapists and others in the medical community, as well as friends and coworkers for recommendations, so that the right choice of lawyer is made in the beginning. Regardless of who you hire to assist you with your goal of achieving fair

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compensation, consider seeking a second opinion before accepting a settlement offer to give you the peace of mind that you are making the right de-

cision. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer

to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012 Capital News

Mt. Boucherie Secondary School Community Connection April 2012 Q MBSS Global Service Club

Help for Haiti, education for Ecuador BY RACHAEL LESOSKY During the week of April 10th to 13th, the Global Service Club at MBSS organized the Take Action Week. A weeklong campaign was put on to bring awareness to issues both locally and globally as well as ways to get involved in making a difference. It began on Tuesday, when Youth in Motion presented an assembly called Leading the Way, which encouraged students to lead by example. Inspiring youth from the Top 20 Under 20 program shared motivating stories to show kids that there is no limit to how they can create change in the world. After being inspired to be the best they can be, students could participate in a Non-Government Organization fair in the multi-purpose room to learn of more ways to get involved in making a difference. The following day, Wednesday, brought awareness to the world’s most popular food source: rice. A Rice-Raiser was put on and bags of rice could be

bought for $5. The $5 went directly to the famine relief in Haiti, while the local food bank received the bags of rice. The Culinary Arts program at MBSS sold stir fry to go along with the theme, and all proceeds from the day went towards the famine relief. The next day, Thursday, April 12th was Zinc Deficiency Awareness Day. Children around the world suffer from zinc deficiency due to malnutrition, and because of this many will not live to see their fifth birthday. Students donated their old batteries, from which zinc can be salvaged to aid the children. The week ended with MBSS’ first ever Drive-Thru Breakfast. Hungry commuter’s driving through West Kelowna could stop at the Canadian Tire parking lot for muffins, yogurt, coffee and bagels for only $5. $1700 was raised from the breakfast alone, with all proceeds going towards the Mount Boucherie’s Adopt a Village project for a primary school for impoverished, indigenous villages in Ecuador.

BY BRIANNE MOORE Mount Boucherie’s Global Service Club is currently working on lifting a community out of poverty in Ecuador. Doing so by proving education, clean water, alternative income, and health care. The club’s goal is to raise a total of $25 000, which they are half way towards reaching. On April 13, the Global Service club hosted a community drive thru breakfast within the Canadian Tire parking lot. Hoping to catch everyone’s attention. Several of the group’s members were seen flashing, catchy signs along the highway. An abundance of support was seen by the community, stopping by on there way to work. A total of $1,700 was raised which will go towards the village in Ecuador. The breakfast would not have been as big of a success if it wasn’t for the donations that were made by local businesses.

Thank you

Canadian Tire Great Canadian Super Store Tim Horton’s Bread Co. Cobs Bread

Kelowna Packing House Matterhorn Bakery Lakeview Heights G&H Old Country Bakery

Rugby team’s inaugural tournament Annual MBSS BY ALLISON BROWN Eighteen girls from the Mount Boucherie rugby team made the journey to Vancouver April 13 and 14 for British Columbia’s Rugby High School Girls’ Provincial Sevens championship. This was Boucherie’s first year attending the tournament and they placed ninth out of 16 teams in the first pool of the round-robin play. Player Delaney McLean, who played a variety of positions at the tournament including prop, hooker, inside centre and wing said, “I’m very proud of the girls. Going up against teams that practice twice as much as we do and having the season only start two weeks ago, we held our own, it gives me high hopes for this season.”

The girls played a total of six games against mainland teams in UBC’s Thunderbirds stadium. Carson Graham High School girls’ rugby team hosted the Mount Boucherie Bears while in North Vancouver. This tournament varied from the usual Fifteens Tournament that occurs with the other teams in the entire province. The Sevens tournament has only seven players on the field at a time, the usual being fifteen. Each game is made up of two halves, each 7 minutes long, with players ranging in grades from eight to 12. The Boucherie team underwent ‘rebuilding’ this year, which consists of recruiting new players. “Our team is really built,” explains Delaney, “Our vets are built and our rookies have a lot

of talent.” New players are still being recruited. The tournament was definitely a first time success for the Bears, not only in rugby, but surprisingly dance as well. Delaney explains that the team loves to” bust a move” at practice for warm up. This made for some excellent dancers, which was not overlooked by the other players, “Music was playing and we couldn’t help ourselves,” Delaney explained, grinning, “a reporter wanted to take a video of us dancing, but our game was about to start.” The Boucherie Bears rugby girls haven proven their skills on and off the field and will be bringing their talent and Boucherie spirit to their future games. Go Bears!

grad breakfast BY NICOLE NAIRISMAGI The annual celebration of Grad Breakfast took place Wednesday, April 18th. Graduates and teachers gathered to celebrate and grow closer as a grad class. With the lively Kelly Taverner hosting, the morning progressed as dozens of prizes were handed out, including: one month memberships to Bodyfit, household appliances to prepare for next year, and several movie passes and gift cards. Looking forward, the Mount Boucherie grads of 2012 are looking forward to the Grand March, coming up on May 13th. Afterwards, they will begin the final stretch to the cap and gown ceremony in June. The grads would like to say a big thanks to Ms. Benko for all her hard work, and show their appreciation for all she’s done.

mbss student opinion...

Shall I compare thee? BY JAMIE NEARING It is commonly known that high school is meant to be a time of self-discovery, change and an increase of independence. We seek to find balance, security and confidence, knowing that our beloved ego is ready to define us. It would seemingly be easy, right? Uncover where our passions or virtues truly lie. And once we have found it, our animosities diminish, and we find ourselves ready to take on the future… Ha! We all know that life was never wired together to be so simple. No one ever gave us a personal “Instructions for Life”

manual, so we only have ourselves and the people around us to learn by. Even so, we tend to spend less time on the here and now, ourselves, and who we are presently; we look to those we want to be, and not who we already are. This past month someone asked me what it meant to be yourself. Initially, I wanted to say: “it means to be yourself.” But then, what does it mean to be yourself? I found myself questioning, why are we burdened with the mere thought of our personal existence and the connotations woven throughout the very term? A thought linked to the familiar, yet elusive idea of personal-

ity, which attaches itself to the animation of others. The true victor is not to the one who stands enlightened at their good intentions or influence, but the one who understands that “existing” means to exemplify the virtues that strings you together. Not your neighbor’s presence or the people we admire high above yourself, but you. You, and only you. So… why do we compare ourselves? Why do we look to the left or right before we look to ourselves? Have we lost our virtue, or forgotten to look? Ostensibly, we have become more prone to relying on others to define who we are, who we should be, and

who we should become. When questioned about the essence of who I am, and the meaning of my existence, I hesitated to answer—recognizing that often I create meaning from what I can produce as a human; an individual who desires to be authentic. Not a wired robot with the personality or dignitary society desires. Is it easy? No, and no one told us that it would be. From infants to seniors, it is a struggle for many. Take the time to value yourself, love others and find representation of who you are. Depart on the self-seeking journey, where only you are responsible for your genuine self.

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