CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser
Thursday, May •
West Kootenay hoopsters off to Kamloops See Page 19 Rauni Naud
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Castlegar News Editor
Mountainview Realty Ltd.
10” 2 Topping Pizza’s your choice
$ D
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Llama leads a merry chase through town See Page 3
School District budget breezes through in Blueberry JIM SINCLAIR
Jo-Ann Bursey
Vol. • Issue
Breaking news at
The topic and the atmosphere in the gymnasium of Blueberry Elementary School were anything but pleasant on Monday night as the board of School District 20 (Kootenay Columbia) dealt with further steps involved in passing a budget. Attempting to hammer out a workable document from which to run the district for the next year, while trimming available funds by about a million and a half dollars, the board was unanimously in agreement on most agenda items on this evening. There were, in fact, only three items at the heart of the proceedings: • Second reading of an Annual Facilities Grant Bylaw – an allocation of $110 million from the Ministry of Education for this year and next. As stated in agenda
attachments, school districts must provide project funding and spending plans prior to any such funds being allocated. The board voted to give the bylaw second reading, with trustees Mickey Kinakin (RDCK Electoral Areas I and part of J) and Jen Carter (City of Castlegar and part of RDCK Area J (Robson) opposed. There was not much debate over the course of the evening, more like trustees declaring before the votes how they felt about it, and why. • The bylaw pertaining to school reconfiguration/closure (with two of three scenarios in the first half of the question involving the closure of MacLean Elementary) was passed with a wide majority. With the second half of the item shifting the focus north to Castlegar, the question was whether to consider making Twin Rivers Elemen-
Kootenay Columbia Teachers’ Union Spokesperson Andy Davidoff, standing, at left, makes a point during public comment portion of Monday’s budget meeting at Blueberry Elementary. Timothy Schafer, Black Press photo
tary kindergarten to grade 7 and closing Castlegar Primary... or combining the schools while using two physical campuses. These both passed, with Jen Carter and Mickey Kinakin opposing the Castlegar choice. It was emphasized during the meeting that the vote did not necessarily mean the schools would close, only that the moves be considered. • The budget bylaw itself. Prior to the votes, Mr. Kinakin expressed frustration over the entire process, and he later clarified some of
the sources of his dissatisfaction. “What happened at this meeting that’s disappointing,” said the trustee, “is that the whole bunch of different issues were rolled into one, as a budget issue. The facilities grant, for instance, is outside of the budget and it determines which schools get fixed and which ones don’t.” Kinakin bemoaned the process as frustrating. “Then you’ve got the next motions of whether we’re closing or not closing a school. That’s a planning-for-the-future report, that has noth-
ing to do with the budget.” Back to the agenda, first and second reading of the budget bylaw itself were easily carried. Kootenay Teachers’ representative Andy Davidoff led the way in the public comment portion, first slamming the process for its lack of agenda packages for the public to look over. Board Chair Darrel Ganzert apologized for this oversight. Davidoff took the board to task over whether it had done sufficient preliminary costing of certain hypothetical outcomes. Superintendent Greg
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Luterbach responded with a number of figures, including a statement of $88,000, mentioned in relation to savings associated with the closing of Castlegar Primary. Davidoff made a number of other points before leaving the meeting. He took issue with some who have been critical of the amount of sick time being taken by teachers, who have suggested some of it may be inappropriate. The Kootenay Columbia Teachers’ Union spokesperson expressed frustration over this,
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Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
News CBT initiatives funding grants dispersed
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July 14, 2012
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Adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Centre and the Kootenay Gallery Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the diverse cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Be part of this exciting cultural event! COST: $2.00 Bring a lawn chair and blanket and spend the day on Heritage Way.
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You’re Invited...
Our strategic plan wants your input! Communities are key stakeholders in our college: the foundation upon which we’ve grown and the people we serve. Help us remain relevant, responsive, and reflective of our communities’ needs.
CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
CBT funding At a special meeting on Monday, Castlegar city council supported a motion to recommend that Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Funding be allocated to 23 different groups to the amount of $102,168.90. “We had more people requesting grants than prior years,” said councillor Kevin
Chernoff. In all, 33 groups requested grants for a total of close to $200,000. “Some applications weren’t completed,” he said. “That takes care of some of them. We like to see grants that go to support our community that offer meaningful contributions to our community.” Some of the successful applicants include: Castlegar Sculpture Walk $18,700, Castlegar
Arts Council (Kootenay Festival - Let’s Celebrate) $17,000, Castlegar and District Recreation Centre (Summer Cool Camps 2012) $9,300, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 170 CastlegarRobson (Heating and air conditioning upgrade) - $9,000, and Kootenay Gallery of Art (Marketing and social media development) $7,200. Swimming pool Also on Monday,
council agreed to amend the city budget to allow for the building of the natural outdoor swimming project at Millennium Park. The project received $400,000 from the provincial government’s Community Recreation Program. The total cost of the project, which includes three pools connected by a lazy river, is $1.3 million. “The rest of the money will come out of the city reserves,”
said Chernoff. “That money will be paid back over time.” The project is expected to start later this year and be completed in 2013. “It’s important to note that this is the catalyst project for everything that is going to happen down at the park,” he said. “We want to get a lot of the infrastructure in that will provide servicing for things like the Rotary outdoor gym and some of the other projects.”
Last chance to sponsor a sculpture coming up SUBMITTED
Wednesday May 9 is the last day to sponsor a sculpture in this year’s SculptureWalk, then it’s full steam ahead to the Installation Day and Opening Gala on May 26. We will soon be welcoming 30 new sculptures into Castlegar’s downtown core – our biggest event yet. It’s a stellar crop this year, featuring unique, stunning works of art created by talented artists from across North America. Each sculpture is avail-
Last year’s sculptures are on their way to new homes.
able for sponsorship at a price of $1000/ year (less than $2.75/
day). Your name, or business name, will be engraved on the
File photo
sculpture’s nameplate, prominently featured on our website and
brochure, and you will receive complimentary tickets to our Opening Gala and Closing Awards Ceremony, where many of the artists will be in attendance. Join us in creating a vital, vibrant downtown filled with art and art appreciators. Together, we’re making a difference to the community and the region, one sculpture at a time To sponsor a piece, please contact Joy Barrett, Executive Director, at
Reverential observance
CHOOSE YOUR COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE 4 PM – 6 PM April 23 Grand Forks Learning Centre May 2 Nelson Tenth Street Campus, Scholar’s Dining Room May 7 Kaslo Learning Centre May 10 Castlegar Campus, Staff Lounge May 15 Trail Campus, Muriel Griffiths Recital Room May 16 Nakusp Learning Centre
April 28 marked the date of a Day of Mourning for workers killed, injured or made ill on the job. The event is an International one and was held in Castlegar at Kinsmen Park.
For details call 1.888.953.1133 or visit
Jim Sinclair photo
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Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 3
Airport lands project on task
Village Bistro
Opportunity to operate the Village Bistro Restaurant May 1 - Sept. 30, 2012 112 Heritage Way, Castlegar, B.C. e-mail to or call leave message 250-365-5327
CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
Llama on the lam Forgive Castlegar Fire Chief Gerry Rempel if he did a double take Tuesday morning when he found out there was a llama running around Castlegar. “I didn’t think when I got up this morning that I’d be chasing a llama around town,” he said. “That’s the beauty of this job. You never know what’s going to be happening.” The llama took the fire department, police, members of the media, and several residents on quite a chase through Castlegar from near Safeway to the community centre and out to the airport. “He’s back home safe now (in Ootischenia),” said Rempel. “We chased him around town and eventually were able to pen him in at the airport with the help of Rick Smith, the animal control officer, and the owners.” Submitted photo
Affordable Housing info session held CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
The Fireside Inn in Castlegar hosted an Affordable Rental Housing Initiative information session on Friday. Aimee Ambrosone from CBT and Dana Locke from B.C. Housing gave a power point presentation and then answered questions from the nearly 50 people in attendance. The initiative is funded by CBT (Columbia Basin Trust), the provincial government, and the federal government. “It’s an initiative to create new supply of affordable rental
Aimee Ambrosone of Columbia Basin Trust was one of the presenters at the Affordable Housing Initative forum at the Fireside Inn on Friday. Craig Lindsay photo
housing in the Columbia Basin,” said Ambrosone. “We’re talking about the current request for pre-qualifications where communities can submit their proposals for projects in their com-
munities to receive funding through that initiative.” The initiative was announced in March of this year. The information sessions were held in April throughout the basin area.
“We are asking for submissions to be received by May 30 in this call for submissions,” she said. “There will be a second call for submissions next Spring.” BC Housing has posted the Request for Pre-Qualification (RFPQ) of Affordable Rental Housing proposals which can be viewed at: Calls/Interior_Region All queries and information requests about the RFPQ are to be made in writing only to the BC Housing contact Mike Lachocki via email at”
The massive infrastructure project to bring water and sewer to the Airport Lands from Castlegar is progressing according to schedule, says Chris Barlow, director of Transportation and Civic Works for Castlegar. “The project is going very well,” he said. “It’s progressing on schedule. Overall, we’re at about 25 per cent completion.” Barlow said they’ve finished putting in all the augers under the highway for the water line. “We’ve got all the water casings completed and four sewer casings to go,” he said. “The casing is just a heavy duty, hollow, steel, pipe that they pound through the material and they auger and clean the dirt out from inside of it. They slide the new water main or new sewer main inside of that pipe in case they’re are any problems, the old pipe can just be pulled out and a new one slid in its place. That way we can replace a pipe under the highway without disturbing the highway, without having to cut open the roads.” The whole project is expected to be completed by August of this year.
Emergency First Aid with CPR C
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Occupational First Aid Level 1
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Trees and Plants of the West Kootenays
May 26, 2012
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Castlegar News Carrier of the Month
Emily Postnikoff Emily received a certificate for the Castlegar Rec Centre.
Selkirk College honours its extended family SUBMITTED
A tradition has been established at Selkirk College. Each year on the evening prior to the annual graduation ceremony, the Board of Governors gathers to recognize individuals who have distinguished themselves in various
walks of life. The recipients of these Board Awards are in very good company with past award winners including exMLA Corky Evans, Nelson Mayor John Dooley, Chartered Accountant Ron Anderson and J.J.Verigin Jr., head of the Union of Spiritual Com-
munities of Christ (USCC). The college awards honorary diplomas, recognizes distinguished educators and distinguished alumni. “It is through these awards that Selkirk College is able to formally recognize members of what we
consider to be our extended family and honour the impact they have had on Selkirk and on the lives of others,” said Angus Graeme, college President and CEO. On the evening of April 19, members of the college’s board and administration, award recipients, their
families and nominators gathered on the Castlegar campus to present the awards to the 2012 recipients. The first award, the Honorary Diploma, was awarded to an individual with deep roots at Selkirk College. Continued on P. 17
May 15 & 16, 2012
Emily has been delivering papers for 3 years and enjoys the nice people and exercise while delivering the Castlegar News. She is saving her earnings and likes horseback riding. Congratulations Emily!
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 5
Ready to pad to bottom line
Zellstoff Celgar is looking for landowners, preferably with 2 or more acres within 55 kms that would benefit from using Biosolids as soil amendment. Zellstoff Celgar to cover the costs of the consultant to perform the soil sampling, obtaining government authorization and the delivery costs of the raw Biosolids based on access with a large truck/pup combination. The landowner is responsible for the spreading and incorporating the Biosolids into their soil.
JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor
Positive news for everyone who cares about Castlegar’s image is being made in the downtown core. An ambitious young entrepreneur is answering the legions of local residents who have called for a shoe store for the community. Derek Kittson has renovations well-underway for the business to be known as Central City Shoes. Kittson said on April 27 that he’d seen a need, and the desire to meet it sprouted within him and grew with each month the former home of Fourth Street Video had languished in a vacant state at the corner of 4th and Columbia. Arguably the city’s top location in terms of visibility, the sizable storefront is just the sort that any town would want to be occupied and successful. Kittson intends to make that happen. “If there’s such thing as a regional shoe store, hopefully this will be the one,” he said over the clatter of flooring being installed by “old friend and contractor” Dean Diciano. He says there’s nothing in the area, from Nelson to Trail, like what he has in mind. “We’ll have something for everyone,” said the soon-to-be merchant – a Castlegar native who had returned following
Contact: Jim McLaren Email Phone 250-365-1636
the opera Music by Don Macdonald | Libretto by Nicola Harwood
Saturday, May 12, 2012, 7:30 pm CHARLES BAILEY THEATRE, TRAIL, BC Tickets available at the Charles Bailey Theatre Box office, 1501 Cedar Avenue, Trail, BC or by phone at 250-368-9669. Adults $25/Seniors and Students $20
Composters Reduce your household waste and help the environment by composting at home! The City of Castlegar in partnership with Waste Management, Fortis BC and Columbia Power Corporation is selling Indoor/Outdoor composter packages through a special program for its residents.
Derek Kittson, above left, and “Old friend and contractor” Dean Diciano outside the 4th & Columbia store set to open in June. Jim Sinclair photo
the best part of a decade in Vancouver, “... men’s, women’s childrens, jogging, flipflops, sandals, highheels... everything.” Kittson says the pleas for a shoe store in town had been noticed since the the closing of a store called Eremenko’s in the ‘90s. He plans to fill a void – the chasm between bargain and high-end, but strive for good quality at the same time. “Prices will be between $19 and $99. I
don’t want anything over $100 unless it’s a pair of boots,” he explained. When he saw the for-lease sign he knew he was in a position to go for it. He said the commitment was made on February 1. Making his future success all the more plausible was an accommodation by the City of Castlegar, paving the way for the proprietor to reside in the lower level. “My commute will be 14 stairs,” he said
Composters are available to City of Castlegar residents for $35. To purchase an indoor/outdoor composter package, payment must be made at City Hall (460 Columbia Avenue) Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. With proof of purchase your Composters can be picked up at the City of Castlegar Booth at the Castlegar Garden and Nature Fest on May 19, 2012 from 9:00am – 2:00pm at Millennium Park. After that date, composters can be picked up from the Civic Works Yard, (4500 Minto Road). For more information contact 250-365-7227. LIMIT OF ONE PER HOUSEHOLD, CASTLEGAR RESIDENTS ONLY.
purchasing Power
with a
with a grin. The product itself shows all kinds of potential. “Shoes are always either wearing out, going out of style or being outgrown,” Kittson said, “and when they find something they like, some people want five pairs in all five different colours.” There is no shortage of optimism in Derek Kittson, who is hoping for a June opening date for Central City Shoes.
line of credit online:
Castlegar #100 - 630 - 17th Street, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 4G7 phone: 250-365-7232 Fax: 250-365-2913
Slocan valley 3014 Hwy 6, P.O. Box 39, Slocan Park, B.C. V0G 2E0 Tel: 250-226-7212 Fax: 250-226-7351
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905
Ladies and gentlemen, play hockey! Three-on-three ball hockey seems like the sort of wholesome, energetic action that Castlegar could conceivably go places with, without actually going anywhere at all. This is just a random idea, hatched following the spectacular success of last weekend’s Spring Fling here in our downtown core, but it seems like, steered properly, it could grow. Participation in ball hockey doubled over last year at the ‘fling. If this trend were to continue, could a massive event be too far off? If a certain number of factors were to line up in the right way, this kind of thing could theoretically blossom to become a regional hit. Let’s not rule it out. Take the Grand Forks International, for example – one of the best examples of a well-run event – adding to municipal prestige (and, hopefully, coffers) year after year after year. The thing to remember is that it has evolved into a venerable showcase of baseball talent... portraying the city in a positive light, all around the world. This ball-hockey idea is, of course, in the earliest stages of pre-infancy but everything’s got to start somewhere. The concept of guiding it toward some sort of organized effort could be the way to go... if... for example, the number of teams entered at next year’s Spring Fling doubles again, to somewhere around 60. It’ll be fun to see what happens. We want to hear from you.
Letters Policy
The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 Fax: 250-365-6390 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397
Fax (250) 365-6390
Off the Line - Karen Haviland
Living in the moment The older I get, the more I realize I am not all grown up now and I can still find life lessons if I choose to open my mind and explore things beyond their face value. I realize life itself is a lesson and thus learning is critical in working toward being a happy and well-adjusted person. One of the most recent grown-up discoveries I made is that I am not always in the moment. I’m the kind of person who usually has her next step on the mind and so I overlook the golden opportunities and moments which make up our lives. This hit home a couple of weeks ago. My brother was at my sister’s home visiting with his two sisters and our spouses. We had a great day swimming in the pool and just generally enjoying each other’s company. We shared lots of laughs and childhood memories. It was a perfect day. The opportunity for the three of us to be together is rare, and so it was a special time, indeed. It finally became time for me and my husband to leave. Knowing I would be back to see my brother and sister in a couple of days, the parting Craig Lindsay Reporter
Jim Sinclair Editor
was easy. I gave them both a hug, a kiss and whispered “I love you” to both of them, fully confident that I would see them again. Had I had known it was the last time I would see my brother for over six months, I am certain I would have lingered a little and made that parting extra special. But, instead, those last few minutes I wasn’t fully in the moment. Being the planner that I am, I was already thinking ahead to the longish drive home and the freeway we would be traveling. Although I was physically present, I was far from being fully present, mind, body and soul. But I didn’t know. Instead of seeing my brother in a couple of days, I was informed a couple of days later that he had an emergency family situation in his Seattle home to deal with and had to fly back home. I never did get to say a proper goodbye to him. It was then I recognized my failure to be in the moment, not just that moment, but the many moments in life. The moments which are never duplicated, the moments which enrich our lives and frame our fondest memories. Chris Hopkyns Publisher
Cindy Amaral Production Manager
What if that last moment with my brother was truly my last moment with him? What if I never had another chance to say a proper goodbye to him? Or to my sister, for that matter? What about those other moments with those I care about? What if those were my last moments with them? It was with great sadness I realized that many opportunities have passed me by and I have miserably failed to treat each and every precious moment with the respect and attention they deserve. No, my brother didn’t die, but he could. It could be tomorrow, next month, next year or years from now. But that’s not the point. If I’m lucky I will see him this fall, and we will have many wonderful times and create more beautiful memories. Until then, I have the duty to myself and to those who love me, to learn to live in the moment and to learn how to savour the minutes and seconds of life. It’s incumbent that I do, for in doing so, I not only honour myself, but more so, I honour those whom I love. Sandy Leonard Production
Theresa Hodge Office Manager
Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 7
Mayor needed at home Once again it is spring in the land of Happlily Ever After and mayor’s (king’s) thoughts turn to travel. Some time ago in his not-so-peaceful court he was rebuked for his travel plans to a distant kingdom. However, being kingof the land, he said to his court ‘Nay, I shall bring this back to court and I shall take even more of you on
our journey.’ Now, with the prospect of travel on their minds, who shall be the lucky ones to go on this great adventure? The king thought long and hard, ‘how shall I accomplish this? Ah, I have an idea, I shall request my trusted advisor to come up with a plan to reintroduce this for a vote and wait until one of my opponents is missing and then I shall have my trip.’ ‘Once this is accomplished, whom shall I choose? In case of emergency I shall
take our fire specialist, you never know where or when his skills may be needed, but, whom else? Ah, I have it, a scholarly person to help the king with the right words.’ And there we have it, there will be peace in the kingdom, or so the king thinks. Methinks he has made a bad choice. The people of the realm are dissatisfied with his decision and will most certainly let him know. All is not well in the land of Happily Ever After. It’s time the king
looked after his kingdom, started playing by the rules, started considering others. You did not get elected to travel and skirt the rules of order. You lost the vote and you have brought the issue back against all rules of order. We have issues in the kingdom, Mr. Mayor. You should be looking after these and not traveling halfway around the world to look at a firehall. Please reconsider your decision, -Barry Ehman, Castlegar
The Castlegar & District Community Justice Program will be providing training for Facilitators
Place: Columbia Basin Trust Building, 101 13th Ave. Castlegar (behind the RCMP station) Dates: Friday June 22, 2012 to Sunday June 24, 2012 Times: Friday 3:15 p.m. to 9:p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Cost: Free. Your only cost is the commitment of your time Food: Friday coffee break and dinner will be provided Saturday and Sunday coffee breaks and lunch will be provided Qualifications: A desire to support the youth in our community and to successfully clear a criminal recordcheck. Please consider being a facilitator in this most worthy and rewarding program of Restorative Justice in our Community. For information and registration phone: Inga Lamont at 250 365 7500 Deadline for registration is May 9, 2012.
AGM MAY 16, 2012 7:00 at the Castlegar Sandmann Inn
Thank you...
all of our past seasons sponsors, volunteers, families and billet families.
Many hands eager to help the kids Kalesnikoff Lumber’s Resource Team Leader Pete Bloodoff (third from left) and Tom Carew (crouching), a Kalesnikoff employee and volunteer director with Kootenay Family Place, arranged the Saturday work party. Jim Sinclair photo
We are looking for volunteers for the upcoming season such as webmaster, Pay per View announcer and webcaster, blogger, billet families, security, off-ice officials.
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
Community Calendar
Tell us about your upcoming event, email:
formation about Health Watch go to our website
MAY 6 - FLEA MARKET AT ROBSON HALL 8 am to 11 am with break-
Brilliant Cultural Centre. Proceeds go the the Castlegar Relay for Life. Tickets $15.00. Live Hillbilly Band, comedian, youth singing and playing instruments. Hosted by the Vision of Peace Youth Choir. Relay for Life Fundraiser. Call 365-4997 to reserve tickets. Guaranteed to make you laugh! MAY 5 - CASTLEGAR GARDEN CLUB ANNUAL PLANT SALE - 9:00 a.m.
– 12:00 noon. Castlegar Station Museum, 400 – 13th Avenue. A dazzling blend of garden treasurers will cast a new light on your garden. Share an exhilarating, scintillating and sublime morning sojourn. Garden experts will be on hand to answer your questions. Information: Rose Cheveldave: 250.365.9600 or castlegargardenclub@shaw. ca. MAY 5 - SPRING CONCERT , PRESENTED BY THE TRAIL AND DISTRICT HARMONY CHOIR, DIRECTED BY AUDREY BISSET - Come and
enjoy the music of the Harmony Choir, Women`s Chorale,Wind River Quartet, vocal soloists and more. Also featured are the Kate E. Shaw Highland Dancers. This concert will be at the Charles Bailey Theatre on May 5th at 7 PM. Tickets are $15.00 and available at the Charles Bailey box office. MAY 5 - ST. DAVID’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ANNUAL GARAGE/PLANT/ BAKE SALE - from 8 a.m. to
12 noon. 614 Christina Place, Castlegar.
guest speaker will be Edena Brown from Katrine Conroy’s Constituency Office. She will speak on the controversial DriveAble cognitive test for drivers. Questions from the audience are invited and there will be handouts about this programme. The general public is invited. No admission fee. 2:00 p.m. at the Kootenay Room, Castlegar Community Complex Sunday, May 6th. For more in-
fast sponsored by Relay for Life
the Health Unit to make an appointment: 365-7711 or 3654310. Limited spaces available. Certified Child Passenger Safety Educators with assistance from the Castlegar Public Health Nurses. MAY 10 TION DAY DISTRICT TREASURE
the Library) extends a warm welcome to all our Community and surrounding areas to attend our official Auxiliary Proclamation Day / Customer Appreciation Day Thursday, May 10, 2012 commencing at 10 a.m. with His Honor Mayor Lawrence Chernoff in attendance. Light refreshments will be served as well as random gift draws will be made during this celebration. Please visit us at this special time and enjoy the party!
nual lobster dinner and dance. Tickets may be obtained at Joeys restaurant or from Fred at 304-2790.
turing local performers. 12th at 7:30 PM at the Charles Bailey Theatre in Trail. Adults $25.00 and Students $20.00, tickets available at the Charles Bailey Box Office. MAY 13 - PULSAR MUTT STRUT -
at Birchbank on Sunday, May 13th from 11:00am (early registration at 10:00am) to 2:00pm. All of the information regarding costs, registration prizes (ie. Pulsar is donating a years supply of dog food!!!), and competitions, etc. can be found on our website www.heartdogrescue. com.
MAY 13 - FLEA MARKET AT ROBSON HALL 8 am to 11 am with break-
fast sponsored by Slice of Life.
it’s last meeting until September at 2 pm at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail. Open discussion. Pizza and refreshments will be served. For further info, please call 250-368-9827 or 250-3656276. MAY 15 - SEE ME, MEET ME, HEAR ME - 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Sel-
kirk College gym in Castlegar. A youth dialogue project that will bring increased awareness on issues of discrimination to residents of the West Kootenay/ Boundary area. A light lunch will be provided and transportation if needed. For more information contact Kayla MacKinnon at kaylaFg@ or call 250-608-1348.
MAY 16 - NEXT BOOK CLUB - at 7 p.m. at Castlegar United Church (next to the Kinnaird Medical Clinic). We will be discussing “The Secret Daughter� by Shilpi Somaya and everyone is invited to join us. It is available at the Castlegar Library. MAY 17 - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF THE CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT PUBLIC LIBRARY - At 5pm in the library
meeting room. Light refreshments will be served. Become an advocate for our Library ..BE A Friend‌Volunteer! Information: Darlene Kalawsky 250365-2155. Everyone Welcome! MAY 19 - 3RD ANNUAL CASTLEGAR GARDEN AND NATURE FEST - Situ-
ated on the beautiful Columbia River, this open air festival celebrates growing with 30-plus vendors selling a large array of plants, bushes, herbs, trees, shrubs, garden art, and treasures of all kinds. Free admission. If you are interested in being a vendor of have any questions, contact 250-399-4439 or email MAY 19 - THE COLUMBIA CANOE AND KAYAK CLUB is holding its
annual Spring tune up on the Columbia River, May19th. Bring your canoe or kayak and enjoy a casual 3-4 hour, class 2, paddle from Robson to South Castlegar. Informal instruction and questions are welcome from non-members wishing to
ffor You & Your Family
join the paddle and the following potluck. For more information phone Bert Port at 250 365-6056. MAY 19-21 - FAMILY FISHING DERBY - With over $2,000 in prizes,
the derby is the place to be on the May long weekend. The derby goes from 8 a.m. on Saturday until 1 p.m. on Monday with pre-registration on Friday from 5-8 p.m. At the Arrow Yacht Club at 5540 Broadwater Road. Call 250-231-2489 for more information.
from all over Western Canada and the Northern United States. A fun family weekend with live music, great food, and camping on site. For more details google Castlegar Bluegrass Jamboree 2012 or go to
- Ready, Set, Learn is a provincial Ministry of Education initiative that introduces families with preschool children to their local schools and helps them to make positive school connections. These events will include crafts, activities, a healthy snack, and take home gifts. Join us at Castlegar Primary School on May 25 at 9-11 am, Kinnaird Elementary School on May 23rd at 9-11 am, and Robson Community School on May 14th at 9-11 am. For more info call Alana at 250.304.6862.
parent-caregiver participation program for children from birth to age five. This free dropin program follows the seasons with weekly themes and related activities. Families join facilitator Hayley Mattes for daily activities including arts & crafts, science and nature, imagination play, snack, circle (stories, rhymes and songs), gym days on Tuesdays and Fridays, outdoor playtime, Music Mondays and parent-caregiver workshops. Come and check us out! Hours of operation are Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and Tues 12-3 p.m. Phone 250-365-7201 for more information.
MAY 26/27 - PASS CREEK GARAGE SALE - Multi-family huge garage
sale at Pass Creek Campground. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. We are accepting vendors. Call Debbie 250-3044602. MAY 27 - FLEA MARKET AT ROBSON HALL 8 am to 11 am with break-
fast sponsored by Robson Fire Department Auxiliary. To book a table please call Cathy 250365-3796.
JUN. 2 - ROLLER DERBY - Castlegar’s Dam City Rollers take on Nelson’s Lumber Jackies in a double header at the Castlegar Complex. Go to for tickets. information. JUL. 14 - KOOTENAY FESTIVAL -
Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the diverse cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting cultural event! Go to for further details.
Creek Fair. Featuring musicians
Monday - 10:00 am Darts, 1:00 pm Whist, Tuesday - 9:30 am Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling, 1:00 pm Crafts, 7:00 pm Pool, Wednesday - 9:30 am Floor Curling, 1:00 pm on 2nd ONLY, Bingo, 7:00 pm Rummoli, 10:00 am 16th Raspberry Reunion, Thursday - 9:30 am Floor Curling, 3rd 2:00 pm General Meeting, 1:00 pm Bingo just not on the 3rd, Friday - 1:00 pm Bridge/ Crib, 11th Dinner Dance 6:00 pm tickets @ Complex $20 & $25
for literacy is anyone who has made a contribution to literacy in Castlegar and area, including individuals, groups or organizations. Nomination forms can be found at the Castlegar & District Public Library or at www. Deadline for nominations is May 31st. For more info call Alana, Community Literacy Coordinator for Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy at 250.304.6862.
Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 9
Community L I V E W E L L W I T H PHARMASAVE Morris aims for Ambassador status CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
Mariah Morris is setting her sights on becoming the next B.C. youth ambassador. Morris, who was Miss Castlegar in 2010, was selected to participate in the B.C. Ambassador Program, which takes place on August 17 and 18 in Merritt. “There are 15 girls in the pageant this year,” she said. “Unfortunately, there are no guys this year. The candidates are from throughout British Columbia. There’s one from New Westminster, Kelowna, Kamloops, Trail, it’s quite spread out.” Morris has met many of her competitors from her year as Miss Castlegar. “It’s nice to have a couple of friends there,” she said. “It’s going to be a tough competition.” The B.C. Ambassador Program has been around since 1999 and is open to young men and women aged 17-24 who have held an ambassador/royal title in the province. The mandate for the program is to nurture provincial leaders of the future, promote and assist with the expenses of postsecondary education,
Mariah Morris has a lot of ambition and the ambassador project is only a part of it. Craig Lindsay photo
and to forge links of friendship and understanding throughout British Columbia. From the pageant in Merritt, three are crowned as B.C. Youth Ambassadors. “Those three get a $1,500 scholarship for being a B.C. ambassador,” said Morris. “They will represent B.C. for the upcoming year as a youth ambassador going around the province representing the mandate of the program.” The pageant goes for two days and Morris and the other can-
didates will be judged on general knowledge of B.C., personal interviews with the judges, presentation skills, public speaking, and talent. “I’m very excited about competing,” said Morris. “I wanted to participate last year but I was too young. This year I’m really excited to go.” In addition to preparing for the pageant, Morris is busy preparing for her graduation at Stanley Humphries Secondary School. She has been accepted into U.B.C. Oka-
nagan in Kelowna for pre-pharmacy and is excited about that as well. It that isn’t enough, she’s also a very accomplished singer and musician. You might’ve heard her singing the national anthem at the Castlegar Rebels’ games or performing at the Rick Hansen Relay celebration. “I love singing and playing guitar,” she said. “I’ve been doing that since I was eight years-old. It’s kind of taken a back seat, unfortunately, with everything going on.” Morris hopes her time as Miss Castlegar helps her at the B.C. Youth Ambassador pageant. “It was a great experience,” she said. “It was so much fun. I got to meet so many new people and experience so many different things. I got to see how beautiful Castlegar really is and got to volunteer at so many events around town such as SunFest.” Morris is very thankful to her sponsors, the city of Castlegar, RHC Insurance, Allen Markin CGA, and Castlegar Pharmasave for helping her with the expenses of attending the event.
C apsule C omments
Phil Angrignon
Allergies to medications can be a serious issue. The symptoms for an allergy to penicillin-like drugs can range from mild rash to very severe breathing problems. If you have a known drug allergy, make sure you tell your pharmacist and doctor. Many people see doctors in a walk-in clinic or hospital setting so it’s important to share your allergy information with them. Some people use transdermal patches on the skin as a drug delivery system. There are patches for estrogen, pain drugs and nicotine replacement for quitting smoking. There is some evidence that exposing these patches to heat can release more drug into the body causing side effects. If you use these medication patches, use caution with electric blankets, hot tubs, saunas, heat lamps or hot water bottles. Losing weight has many advantages. It could help people who “leak” urine. Urinary incontinence can be embarrassing and cause emotional stress. Losing weight just might help this situation. The internet can be a free-for-all when it comes to medical advice. It’s important to know whether the advice is reliable or not. If you have a concern about medication or a health treatment seen on the web, you can rely on our pharmacist staff to help you determine the validity of the advice. Our pharmacists’ primary role is to provide you with accurate information about your medications and matters pertaining to your health. Don’t hesitate to use them as a reliable information source.
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Bidding for Bieber Connie Popoff and Carrie Bell from Shoppers Drug Mart take time from their busy day to take a picture with Justin Bieber. The “Biebs,” or at least his cardboard cut-out twin shown here, will be auctioned off on Saturday. Craig Lindsay photo
• Trail • Castlegar • Nelson • Rossland • Grandforks • Creston • Cranbrook • Golden • Fernie • Invermere • Sparwood
TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT CONTACT CHRIS at 1.877.443.2191 ext:206 or email
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
Community Vaisakhi Festival celebrated locally Starlab visits local schools CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
More than 50 Sikhs from throughout the Kootenay boundary area attended the Vaisakhi Fesival at Genelle Hall on Saturday. The event included food, dancing, and a turban making contest. Vaisakhi (also known as Baisahki, Vaishakhi, or Vasakhi) is an ancient harvest festival celebrated
across the northern Indian subcontinent, especially in the Punjab region by the Sikh nation as this day commemorates the establishment of the Khalsa. Vaisakhi is the festival which celebrates the founding of the Sikh comuninity of Khalsa. it is celebrated on April 14 each year. On Vaisakhi Day in 1699, Guru Gobind Singh (the 10th Guru
of Sikhs) summoned Sikhs from all over India to the city of Anandpur Sahib. At the gathering, the Guru called upon Sikhs to uphold their faith and preserve the Sikh religion. Guru Gobind Singh gave the Khalsa a unique identity with five distinctive symbols of purity and courage, known today as the Five K’s. The Guru gave all Khalsa men the sur-
name of Singh (lion) as a reminder to be courageous. Women took on the surname of Kaur (princess) to emphasize dignity. With the distinct Khalsa identity, Guru Gobind Singh gave all Sikhs the opportunity to live lives of courage, sacrifice, and equality. These Sikhs were to dedicate their lives to the service of others and the pursuit of justice.
Over 400 students from Robson Community School, Twin Rivers Elementary School, and Kinnaird Elementary School participated in a local tour of a portable planetarium, called the
Starlab. The Starlab tour is an outreach programme from the National Science Research Council funded ‘Centre of the Universe near Victoria, BC. The tour was in celebration of International Astronomy Month (April) and allowed
younger students to experience stars the night sky and their associated constellations. Starlab was funded jointly by Columbia Basin Trust, Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) and School District No. 20.
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Dancers add excitement to the recent Vaisakhi festival held Saturday in Genelle.
Make Your Home Safe for Independent Living Are you a low-income senior or a person with a disability who wants to live safely and independently in the comfort of your home? Do you have difficulty performing day-to-day activities? Does your home need to be adapted to meet your changing needs? If so, you may be eligible for financial assistance under the Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program. Find out today if you are eligible and if you meet all of the requirements as a low-income homeowner or as a landlord applying on behalf of an eligible tenant.
To apply or learn more, visit You can also contact BC Housing: Phone: 604-646-7055 Toll-free: 1-800-407-7757 (ext. 7055)
Submitted photo
New program helps seniors, people with disabilities modify homes Would a new ramp, handrails or walk-in shower help you maintain your independence at home? BC Housing’s new Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program helps lowincome B.C. seniors and people with disabilities make home modiďŹ cations that will allow them to continue living at home. Through HAFI, homeowners and landlords with eligible tenants can apply for ďŹ nancial assistance of up to $20,000 for improvements that make their home more accessible and safe. The goal of the program is to enable people who have physical limitations to live at home longer. People’s physical needs change over time – sometimes, a small improvement to a home can make the difference between being able to live independently or not. Types of eligible projects include: ĂŁ +andrails in hallways or stairways, ĂŁ 5DPSV IRU HDVH RI DFFHVV ĂŁ (DV\ WR UHDFK ZRUN RU VWRUDJH areas in the kitchen, ĂŁ /HYHU KDQGOHV RQ GRRUV ĂŁ :DON LQ VKRZHUV ZLWK JUDE bars, and ĂŁ %DWKWXE JUDE EDUV DQG VHDWV The projects must be permanent and ďŹ xed to the home, although exceptions can be made for equipment that gives access to an existing part of the home (e.g. a bath lift). /DXQFKHG LQ -DQXDU\ +$),
The new Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program helps low-income B.C. seniors and people with disabilities make home modifications for safe, accessible and independent living.
is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia through the CanadaB.C. Affordable Housing Initiative. Through the HAFI SURJUDP million in grants or forgivable loans will be distributed to qualifying B.C. residents over the next three years. To qualify for assistance from HAFI, recipients must be a lowincome senior or person with a disability, a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and a B.C. resident. Someone in the household must have a permanent disability or loss of ability that makes it difďŹ cult to perform
day-to-day activities. As well, the total household income and assets must be below a certain limit. BC Housing can tell you the income and house value limits for your area when you apply. The program is open to both homeowners and those living in market rental accommodation where rents are at the low end of market levels; landlords must apply for improvements on behalf of eligible tenants. (OLJLELOLW\ UHTXLUHPHQWV DQ application guide and application forms are available at www.
Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 11
Spring Fling a real wing ding winner
Clowntastic pals Laffy and Taffy were on hand Saturday to spread cheer.
Abery, Tegan, and Dawn Leeworthy enjoy the fun times and sunshine at the Spring Fling on Saturday at Kinsmen Park in downtown Castlegar. Craig Lindsay photos
The 3 on 3 Street Hockey Tournament at Spring Fling proved to be very popular. (Above) Goalie Trevor Saprikin readies to make the save in the youth division. (Below) Darren Medeiros goes to shoot the ball as Mountain FM’s Matt Williams (right) looks on in the open division.
Mia Ready prepares to knock down the pins at the kids games area at Spring Fling. Operating the games were members of the Castlegar Queen committee.
For More Photos go to
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
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Talented troubadour back in town, this time with solo set STAFF WRITER Castlegar News
If you remember taking in, or reading about a duo going by the name “The Brights” at a house
concert in Castlegar last fall, the good news is the duo is coming halfway back, or, half the duo will be all here again... soon! Singer/Songwriter Don Bray, a wizard
on guitar and mandolin, has another Castlegar visit on his schedule, and, as before, the venue will be the intimate environs of a private home. The show is at 7 p.m. on
Sunday May 6. Call 250-365-0369 for location details or email Suggested donation will be $20 for the performer, all proceeds to the performer.
Monday - Saturday • May 7 - 12 UP TO
Don Bray intends to build on last fall’s strong performance. File photo
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Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 13
Business/Community Mothers Day
Timing right for auto shop evolution CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
There are plenty of new changes at Columbia Auto in Castlegar, but one thing that won’t change is the great service. Back in February of this year Tim and Lydia Strelieff purchased the business from long-time owners Phil Zaytsoff and Larry Webster. The business is now a true family affair with Tim being joined in the garage by son-inlaw Brandon Black. Brandon’s wife, Ashley (Lydia and Tim’s daughter), and one year-old son Beau can also occasionally be seen around the office helping out. Prior to purchasing Columbia Auto, Tim owned and operated Queen City Radiator in Nelson which he bought in 2003. Before that, Tim worked with his father and then brother at Mike’s Radiator Shop in Trail. “When Columbia Auto came up for sale this was the perfect opportunity for Tim to diversify and centralize his location,” said Lydia. “It was time to diversify the radiator business and get into the mechanical aspect,” said Tim. “My son-in-law (Brandon) is a mechanic so one and one makes two. “ The purchase of the business gave Tim and Lydia’s daughter Ashley and her husband Brandon and son Beau the perfect opportunity to move back to the Kootenays from Kamloops where Brandon worked as a
Tim Strelieff, above left, and Brandon Black are ready to service your vehicle at Columbia Auto in Castlegar. Craig Lindsay photo
Specialty Diesel Tech for Dearborn Ford. “Brandon is our new mechanic and runs the automotive part of the business,” said Lydia. “I’ve always wanted to have my own shop,” said Brandon. “I was with Ford at the big dealership level for 10 years. My dream was always to have my own shop, but with the economy and the dollar amounts I never could. It’s a big undertaking. This opportunity came up with Tim taking over - It’s worked out pretty good.” Brandon has worked a great deal on engine repair, engine rebuilding, diesels, gasoline, suspension steering. “the whole works,” he says. Brandon, who was born and raised in Nelson, is glad to be back in the West Kootenay with his family. Although Brandon
specializes in Fords and domestics, Columbia Auto services all different makes and models. “We can do brakes, tune-ups, engines, tires, brakes, oil changes, suspensions,” said Brandon. “We do big gas tanks. With Tim’s business, we can do big heavy equipment gas tank
repairs and stuff.” With a big parking lot area, Columbia Auto is able to have big trucks come in and turn around and drop them off on the lot. Tim, Lydia, and Brandon all agree that the key to a strong business is customer service. “We want to treat the customer right,” said Brandon. “We’re not about turning over quantity, we’re not about cranking out big numbers. We just want quality work. Something we can put our name behind. That’s why it’s just Tim and I right now. We want to control the quality. “We want to be a good, old-fashioned automotive shop that treats people fair. We’re not here to push snake oil. We’re not here to sell nitrogen in the tires. We just want to have a nice shop that people can bring their vehicle to and not feel ripped off.” The new owners
realize they have big shoes to fill and hope to maintain the same great service as the previous Columbia Auto owners. “They (Phil Zaytsoff and Larry Webster) were here since 1976,” said Tim. “They started across from the old RCMP station when they first started. Then they bought here. They retired this year.” Phil and Larry would like to thank all their clients and customers from throughout the years. Tim would like to thank his customers from the Nelson area from Queen City Radiators and urges them to check out his new location in Castlegar. Columbia Auto and Radiator Services is located at 1050 Columbia Avenue. The shop is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30-4:30 p.m. and Saturdays by appointment. To book an appointment please call 250-365-5422 or 250-352-1838.
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Service runs in the family
Miss Sunrise Rotary Hailey Gardner and her father Cpl. Gardner paid a visit to the Castlegar Sunrise Rotary Club on April 26.
Explore our amazing selection of ceramic pots, statuary and garden accents. Just a short, scenic drive 5 min West of Nelson on Granite Road • 250-352-3468 Mon to Sat 8-5:30 • Open Sundays 9-4
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
Harmonious visit Cara-Lee Malange, (in photo above right) Continuing Education Coordinator at Selkirk College, and part of the MIR Advisory Council, right, accepts the gift of books and the harmony torch from Alberta native Brahmata Michael. At left is Sarvagata of Ukraine. A number of runners, from Slovakia, Ukraine and Canada made the stop in Castlegar as part of the World Harmony Run, started a man named Sri Chinmoy some 25 years ago. Jim Sinclair photos
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School District budget meeting in Blueberry Continued from P. 1
...given that medical issues are something no one likes to talk about. Several members of the public then spoke their minds, including seven-year Genelle, and now Castlegar resident Charity Barber who worries about the future of the Blueberry pre-school, given the budget considerations. “There’s been years of children going through this program,” she said, “right from newborns all the way up to when they start school.” Barber cited anecdotal evidence suggesting the good job done at the pre-school. She added that she heard nothing in the coarse of a couple of budget meetings to make her feel any better about the facility’s chances of survival. “They’re not really giving a straight answer about whether the programs that are non-profit would be able to stay.” Darlene Schultz of Robson, a school bus driver, had concerns as well and expressed them to the board and to the 50 or so at
the public meeting. “To call the meeting tonight a debate is laughable,” said Schultz. “Normally when you have a debate, people introduce a topic, there are pros and cons and after some discussion people make a decision. Unfortunately what ended up happening with this, was the Superintendent provided a list of recommendations last week. I was concerned that they (the board) were generally lazy. They trusted that the information he gave them was correct. In some cases it was, in some cases it wasn’t.” Following the meeting, Board Chair Darrel Ganzert summarized what will likely lie ahead in terms of fitting within the new budget. “We’ll take a look at Rossland in its totality, Castlegar Primary, Twin Rivers... with all the options open for us,” the Chair stated. “In September we’ll start a process of looking at what is needed, what we have, and what the public wants. All that will take place between September and December.”
Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 15
Palliative Care: TheFinal Chapter SUBMITTED
Joe and Yvonne an elderly couple from Castlegar had a very close relationship. They spent their days together cooking, gardening, fishing, and golfing. Then, after they had been married for 65 years Yvonne was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a type of cancer in the lymph nodes. Yvonne’s illness did not slow her down immediately; she was a very strong woman who took pride in doing things independently. As time progressed, Yvonne could not do as many things and she required more assistance from Joe. When Yvonne’s condition worsened they sold their house and moved into an assisted living apartment where they could receive more support. The support included cleaning and meal
preparation, as well as nursing care provided by homecare nurses. During the last three weeks of her life, Yvonne stayed at home with visits from a nurse who provided nursing care that included pain control and other comfort measures to ease her suffering. Family members took turns staying with her and provided comfort to both Yvonne and Joe. Yvonne had a peaceful death, relatively free of pain and with her family at her side to support her. During this most difficult of times, Yvonne and Joe were the recipients of what is commonly referred to as “palliative care�. Familiar to some, many are unsure of what exactly the term entails. Palliative care is an approach in which a patient’s quality of life is improved during the end of life by providing emo-
tional, physical, and spiritual support. It also assists patients suffering from cancer, chronic disease, and other progressive illnesses and is the last journey an individual will take. Professionals trained in palliative care can support families and patients so that they have a dignified and peaceful death. Moreover, palliative care does not end when someone dies. It is available for the family after a death occurs if they require support during the grieving process. Dr. Marnie Jacobsen, a local physician in the Trail area, has been working with palliative patients for eight years. Her interest began when her parents both received palliative care. “When palliative care is done well, it isn’t a bad ending for the patient and their
family� she says. “It takes a team of people to write the last chapter; we are treating more than just the patient, we are treating the family as well.� Anna Koochin, a nurse of 22 years describes palliative care nursing as honoring the patient’s views of how they want to depart the world. She explains that she initially found it very difficult to care for palliative patients in acute care settings because the care was very medically based. A recent Selkirk College nursing graduate, Natalie Weeks, stated that she has cared for a number of palliative clients. She described palliative care as providing nursing care according to the needs and wishes of that patient and their family. From April 18 – 20 a Regional Palliative Care course was held in Rossland.
This course was designed at an advance practice level for primary care physicians, nurses, pharmacists and social workers. Dr. Deb Braithwaite and Linda Cliff from Victoria Hospice Society were the keynote speakers. Some of the topics covered were advanced pain management, delirium, sedation, care of nontraditional diagnosis such as lung disease and heart failure, and dying at home. This course was provided to support health care professionals in understanding and managing symptoms and to provide information on holistic support for palliative patients in the Kootenay’s. Rylee Brodman and Jessie Longston Third Year Nursing Students at Selkirk College/University of Victoria
The BV Avalanche Hockey Club would like to thank the following businesses. Because of their generosity we were able to raise and donate $4300 towards the KBRH Health Foundation’s campaign to bring Digital Mammography to the West Kootenay’s during our 38th Annual Hockey Tournament. Special thanks to the Top Line Supporters: t " + #PEZ 4IPQ t 3FEXPPE &OHJOFFSJOH t $PMBOEFS 3FTUBVSBOU t (FSJDL $ZDMF 4QPSU t " 1MVT &MFDUSJD t ,PPUFOBZ 5FDIOJDBM 4VSWFZ t 3%,# t .PMTPO $BOBEB t ,3, %FTJHOT *OD t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t
t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t
Also, thanks to the participating teams for their outstanding support. t t t t
t t t t t t t t t t
CIBC garage sale to support kids’ hospital STAFF WRITER Castlegar News Reporter
On Saturday May 5, 2012 CIBC staff in Castlegar are holding their annual garage sale to raise money
the Castlegar CIBC. “We’re hoping for sunshine,� said organizer Colleen Buchanan, financial advisor at CIBC. “Otherwise, we’ll move it inside the branch.�
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Standalone Art BMO Bank of Montreal held a garage sale on Saturday in their parking lot with proceeds going to the Canadian Cancer Society. Pictured facing camera, from left, are BMO staff members Debbie Cawte, Joanne New, and Evelyn Campos.
for B.C. Children’s Hospital. Garage sale times are from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a hot dog sale around lunch time. Donations for the garage sale can be dropped off at the Castlegar CIBC on Friday May 4, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. or the morning of May 5th. This event will take place rain or shine at
Buchanan urges residents to come out and check out the garage sale and support a great cause. “All the proceeds go to B.C. Children’s Hospital,� she said. “CIBC runs a campaign every year so it fits right in with that.� Helping Buchanan with the garage sale is Tammy Kellendonk.
The Castlegar News the month of offers low classiďŹ ed May! rates and great readership. You can choose the area of coverage in the West Kootenay and we are always happy to assist you to make your advertising as economical as possible. Deadline is Monday at 10.00 am.
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Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 17
Community Opening Day Celebrations at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre Village Museum SUBMITTED
Sunday April 29, was a typical spring day; there was sunshine streaming through the clouds at random times, the rain sprinkled the flowers and lush lawn and birds were flying and singing their songs. However, it was not a typical day at the D.D.C.V.M. We were blessed to have the Brilliant Children’s Choir hold its inspir-
ing Molenye service in front of Tolstoy’s statue. Which was followed by heart-felt words, revelations and blessings from Honourable Mayor Lawrence Chernoff, Honourable J.J Verigen, Fred Makortoff, Ernie Verigen, Natasha Voykin, and Alex Wishlow. The air was filled with melodious and harmonious singing created by the Brilliant Children’s Choir, the G.S.T. Choir, Netta and
Toinya, The Ewashen Brothers and the congregation. Food was generously donated by Fomi’s Bakery, Kootenay Market, No Frills and Safeway. Save-On Foods donated lovely flowers. Thank you Ruthie and Nick for lending and setting up the sound system. Thank you to all our contributors, volunteers and guests for helping and celebrating this day with us. Well being to all and love triumphant.
The Ewashen Brothers (photo above left) performed for the occasion, using sound equipment donated by Ruth and Nick Kozub (photo above, right). There was beautiful chorale singing and the centre had a brand new roof installed in time for the festivities. Submitted photos
Selkirk College honours past contributors Continued from P. 3
Dr. Leo Perra was a long time president of Selkirk College and has remained a strong supporter since his departure in 2000. He received his Honorary Diploma in Contemporary Music and Technology in recognition of initiating the development of the music program for the college in the late 1980’s. It was the first program of its kind at the time and a model on which many others have been fashioned. It continues to be one of Selkirk’s most successful programs today. The Distinguished
Alumnus Award went to Garry Merkel, a class of 1979 Forestry graduate. Since graduation Mr. Merkel has distinguished himself nationally and internationally in the fields of business development, First Nations capacity building, education and nation governance. He is the Chair of the Columbia Basin Trust and the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation and has committed personal time over the past 15 years to speak to Selkirk students concerning First Nations treaty negotiations and capacity building. This year, the nominees for Dis-
tinguished Educator were of such high caliber that it was not possible to select one over the other. As a result, Distinguished Educator awards were presented to both Mr. Don Wilson and Mr. Fred Wah. Mr. Wilson’s postsecondary teaching career spanned over a period of 38 years, and traces the history of post-secondary education in the West Kootenay region. An English instructor, he began teaching at Notre Dame University in 1965 and continued until his retirement from Selkirk College in 2004. During that time he taught more than
7,000 students in 31 different courses. Mr. Wilson left his mark on many with his innovative and creative teaching style. Mr. Wah began his teaching career in 1967, the very first days of Selkirk College and continued through till 1989. Mr. Wah built a reputation as a pioneer of innovative teaching methods and theories of higher education. He distinguished himself, and made Selkirk very proud, when appointed as Canada’s Parliamentary Poet Laureate. Aside from making important contributions to Canadian literary arts,
he continues to support Selkirk College; this summer he will participate in the Elephant Mountain Literary Arts Festival in Nelson. The Board Award recipients were again honoured the following day at the graduation ceremony. The recognition of these distinguished individuals at this ceremony seemed very appropriate as the college celebrated students who have successfully completed their studies and at the same time those who have gone before and done so with such a positive impact on the college and the community.
MAY May. 4th - Neighbour Home Breakin’ Records
May. 5th - Tantrum Desire with DJ Cain & Four20MC May. 11th - ill.Gates with Dubconscious May. 12th - R&B Showcase May. 18th - The Librarian BC Bass Music with Soul (Opening Set by Naasko)
May. 19th - Big Jules & Friends May 26th - RAKIM with Conscience
Sports Reporter Craig Lindsay wants to hear about your sporting event. Call Craig at 250-3656397 or email reporter@
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
Castlegar minor hockey doles out awards CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
Castlegar’s Bantam House team, coached by Jason Simpson, won the Team of the Year award. Submitted photo
Jesse Cooper (left) receives the Player of Distinction award from her coach Jeremiah Benbow. Submitted photo
The Castlegar minor hockey assn. (CMHA) held its annual awards banquet on April 4 at the Community Complex. The association thanks Dale Donaldson for MCing the event and gives thanks to all the executive board, coaches, officials, and parents for making the 2011-12 hockey season a success. List of award win-
ners: Most Inspirational Player awards for each division: Atoms - Grayson Dietrich, Caleb Carlson, and A.J. Roberts Pee Wee House: Nate Laberge and Matthew Zwick. Pee Wee Rep - Luke Madge. Bantam House Bonn Johnston and Greg McLean; Bantam Rep - Kadrian Klimchuk and Eddie Lindsay. Bantam Female Stephanie McAuley.
Devon Reid (middle), with Kelly Johnson and Dale Donaldson, receives an award for Outstanding Contribution to CMHA. Submitted photo
CMHA major awards: Official of the year Drake Voykin. Most Improved Bantam - Kirsten Renz and Kali Horner Coach of the Year Jason Simpson. Team of the Year Bantam House - Jason Simpson’s team came out of nowhere to win the West Kootenay banner. Player of Distinction - presented to the player who goes beyond just playing to be a leader in every other area and also represents the CMHA values throughout the year - Jesse Cooper. Outstanding Contribution to CMHA Devon Reid - Devon is not only an executive member but also stepped up to coach two teams this year. He also helped organize and implement and lead a goaltending program. Kalesnikoff award presented to Bantam Rep Most Improved Kirsten Renz and Kali Horner Barb Junker award - presented to Bantam Rep Most Valuable Player - Eric Vanderhoer
Castlegar hurler pitches two-hitter in win for Thompson Rivers University SUBMITTED
The Thompson Rivers University WolfPack had a very
successful weekend in the Canadian College Baseball Conference. The WolfPack
wound up hosting the University of Calgary Dinos and the Vancouver Island Baseball Institute
Mariners at Norbrock Stadium (April 27-29) after the Dinos field was made unplayable because
of high winds. The results saw the Pack take the Dinos twice and split with the Mariners.
On Sunday, (Apr 29), the WolfPack downed the Mariners 4-1. It was TRU’s sec-
ond win in six tries against the team from Nanaimo, BC this regular season.
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Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 19
W.K. Bulls hope to stomp the comp in ‘Loops CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter
(Above) Under 16 player Jared Lynn (white shirt facing) sets a screen for teammate Jerome Santiago (#23) as Bjorn Morris waits to pass. (Below) West Kootenay Bulls U16 players listen attentively to coach Craig Lindsay photos Mike Lynn at practice on Tuesday.
The West Kootenay Bulls boys basketball club program is sending two teams to Kamloops this weekend for a tournament at Thompson Rivers University. The two teams, which have been practicing twice a week since March 26 under the tutelage of coach Mike Lynn, feature players from throughout the West Kootenay area divided into Under 12 and Under 16. The U16 team started with 20 players which was pared down to 12, while the U12 team was able to keep all 11 players who started. “In six weeks the team has progessed extremely well,” said Lynn. “The focus for this group has not been so much team play as much as individual skill. The goal for the program was individual improvement with one tournament to measure how kids are improv-
Avalanche rolls through the competition in Osoyoos
ing individually.” The tournament at Thompson Rivers University features teams from throughout B.C. in divisions ranging from U12 to U17. “It’s a good opportunity for the university coaches to scout talent from the junior through to the senior level,” said Lynn. “There’s great talent from all across the interior of B.C. There’s club teams, select teams, and school teams that play as club teams.” Lynn says that the goals for both groups
are not winning or losing but competing hard. “With the U12 group, it was to introduce them to basketball and show them how basketball is being played in the province and raise their awareness and interest level,” he said. The long range goal, Lynn says, is to return West Kootenay basketball to the glory days of the 1970’s and 80’s when local teams regularly competed with the province’s best. “For the U16 group, the goal is similar - to
get them ready for senior ball, or for the younger players have them return to junior and be dominant,” he said. “I don’t expect to win either side, but I do expect to be competitive.” The U12 boys tip off Friday at 5 p.m. against Vernon and then play Kamloops and Salmon Arm on Saturday. The U16 squad faces Mission and Valleyview on Friday night at 6:15 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. respectively. Their final roundrobin game is Sunday against Vanderhoof.
Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386
Castlegar & District Recreation Department Spring Drop In Fitness Schedule Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am Circuit Strength or Deep Water Workout 10:15-11:15am Fabulous 50+ 5:30-6:30pm
Ultimate Kickbox
Upcoming Programs SKATEBOARDING FOR BEGINNERS (5-ADULT) SATURDAY MAY 5 – 26TH 9:00-10:30AM $49.00
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am Step to It or Health & Recovery 6:00-7:00pm
PM Aqua-Fit or Body Blast/Core & More
BRONZE CROSS SAT & SUN MAY 5, 6 & 12 & 13 1:00-6:00PM
Friday 8:00-8:55am
Step Challenge
9:00-10:00am Circuit Strength or Deep Water Workout 10:15-11:15am Fabulous 50+
ZUMBA TUESDAYS MAY 15 – JUNE 19 5:00-6:00PM $48.00
ADMISSION TO ALL DROP IN FITNESS CLASSES IS BY: 1 - 3 – 12 month Membership Passes Fitness Tickets: - 10 passes / $50.00 + tax - drop in fee $6.50
LEARN TO KAYAK SUN. MAY 13, 27, JUNE 3 & 10 11:00-1:00AM $125.00 AQUATIC CENTRE
Spring Public Swim Schedule Monday
10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
2:00-4:00pm; 7:00-9:00pm
Wednesday 10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
The Kootenay Avalanche, a club hockey team consisting of the top 2002-born players from Castlegar, Nelson, Trail, Grand Forks, Cranbrook, and Spokane, took first place in a tournament in Osoyoos on April 20-22. Submitted photo
2:00-4:00pm; 7:00-9:00pm
10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:30pm & 6:30-8:30pm
Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the iinformation to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.
C tl Castlegar R Recreation ti D Department t t Spring S i Leisure L i Guide G id Now N Available. A Registration taking place for lots of great upcoming programs. View and Register On Line at
Did you know that you can register for CDRD recreation programs ON LINE.
Go to and hit the RECREATION CONNECTION BUTTON and all the programs are at your fingertips.
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
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Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012 A21
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Coming Events
Lost & Found FOUND MALE CAT by Selkirk Manor, Castlegar Friday, Apr 13th, all yellow very friendly please call 250-365-0433
Employment Business Opportunities ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION TRACK MEET & BC Summer Games Zone 1 Trials Sat. May5/12 10:00-5:00 Haley Park-Trail Open to athletes born in 2003 and earlier Info: 250-368-5291
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Career Opportunities
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Education/Trade Schools
Education/Trade Schools
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Distributors DRIVER, KOOTENAYS (Castlegar based) Sysco Kelowna has an opportunity for a full time delivery driver. This position provides timely and accurate delivery of products to our customers. Candidate Qualifications: - Class 1 driver’s license with a clean driver’s abstract. - Previous driving experience is an asset. - Mid to high level of physical exertion: lifting up to 45 kg (100 lbs) is required. Qualified candidates may email cover letter and resume to: TNT Marketing Looking for Reps to Service Existing Routes. Must have Car/Van. Must be willing to do some Travel (Kootenays) Must have good Credit. Must be able to do Mild Lifting No Investment Required! Benefits available! Great Income! Various Comp plans to choose from. For more info visit: Fax Resume to: 780939-7587
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Nick & Elsie Koochin
Paul & Natalie Zeabin together with Darrell & Maria St.Denis are proud to announce the marriage of their children
Kristina & Dustin
The wedding to take place on May 19, 2012 at the Watermark Beach Resort in Osoyoos.
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Help Wanted
Violet McLuckie The family of Violet McLuckie would like to sincerely thank all their friends and family for all the love and support in our loss of Vi (January 17,2012). We would like to invite friends and family to join us (Dawn & Rod Killough and Debbie & LLoyd Cooper) for a memorial service May 14, 2012 at the Castlegar Cemetary, 11:00 am, there will be a reception at St David’s Anglican church following the service.
Thornton Anthony Sanford Sadly the family of Terry Sanford wishes to announce his passing at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail, BC, on Sunday, April 22, 2012, blessed with 91 years of life. Terry was born in Burlington, Nova Scotia on May 9, 1920 to parents Lillian and Robie Sanford. He was a WW II veteran, who became an electrician and worked in the construction industry for 45 years. Terry married Alice Heslop in Yellowknife, NWT on September 24, 1952 and they raised 3 children.
Cremation has taken place in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel.
Happy Anniversary, from your family!!! PS. Happy Birthday Mom.
• • •
Left to mourn his loss is his loving wife of 59 years, Alice; daughters Dawne (Gordon) Parslow and Lynne (Don) Bollinger; son James (Grace) Sanford; 5 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
Will be celebrating 60 years of marriage on May 3, 2012.
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Education/Trade Schools
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A Celebration of Life was offiated by Reverend John Ruder at the Royal Canadian Legion in Castlegar with the interment in the Robson Cemetery. Donations in Terry’s memory may be made to the Royal Canadian Legion, Castlegar Branch, 248 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar BC V1N 1G4.
Obituaries continued... please see next page
ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA,CIRP 31 years experience. BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy, #200 -1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 9X1
CASTLEGAR Town Pantry Chevron looking for part time cashier. Must be able to work all shifts. Apply in person by May 11th CONCRETE Pump Operator required in Salmon Arm area. Must have experience Call Pete (1-250)833-5722
OFFICE ASSISTANT Required - entry level position. Part-time with possibility of full time. Knowledge of Microsoft Office and Sage Timberline an asset. Forward resumes to or fax to 250-365-3390
Lorne Ashman
May 27, 1930 - January 14, 2012. Sadly missed - to all who knew him we’ll cherish forever his love, loyalty, ever-present smile and humour. The Ashman family welcomes anyone wishing to join them for Lorne’s “Celebration of Life,” Saturday, May 19, 2012 at the Warfield Community Hall from 4pm to 8pm. Reverend Keith Simmonds will lead us in a service celebrating Lorne’s life. Followed by family memories, refreshments, music, slides and an exchange of stories are most encouraged for a most joyful evening. For more information call Pat at 250-367-7299.
Lillian Grace Perepolkin Withh sadd & hheavy hhearts the Wi h family of Lillian Grace Perepolkin of Thrums, B.C. wishes to announce her sudden passing at her home on April 22, 2012 at the age of 69. Lillian was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on July 8, 1942 to parents Sas Fred & Annie Semenoff. During her life the family raised 4 sons. Lillian loved teaching, making ceramics, crocheting, reading, watching hummingbirds, volunteering for the Castlegar Hospital Auxillary, bowling & being surrounded by her family & many friends. Lillian was predeceased by her father Fred Semenoff & her mother Annie Semenoff. Left to mourn her loss are her husband Joe Perepolkin, her sons Dan (Fran), Kim (Melanie), Chris (Mary), Tim (Lynn), her grandchildren Nicole (Chris), Terra, Feliesha, Jerika, Jordan, Ryan, great granddaughter Jayde, sister Pat (Paul) Gretchin, brother Charlie Semenoff and numerous cousins, nieces & nephews. Private family services were held at the Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Friday April 27, 2012. Thank-you to all who sent flowers, food & condolences. Donations can be made to The Heart & Stroke Foundation. You will live on in all of our hearts forever. Rest in peace. We love you.
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
PLOTNIKOFF, William Robert “Bill” Passed away on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at the age of 75. Survived by his loving wife Marianne of 51 years, his sons: Robert (Anna) of Bonney Lake, WA, Todd (Jennifer) of Sylvan Lake, AB; his grandchildren: BriƩany, Brandon, Jenna and Cydnee; his brother Peter (Gail) of Grand Forks, BC, sister Olga (Don) Baron of Vernon and their families. Sadly predeceased by his parents William and Molly, his brother Harry and sister-in-law Elaine.
A private Family Service will be held at a later date. In lieu of Ňowers, memorial donaƟons may be made to Canadian Cancer Society, 202 – 1835 Gordon Ave., Kelowna, BC V1Y 3H5 or the Canadian Diabetes AssociaƟon, 1589 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna, BC V1Y 5Y7. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiƟng www.springĮ, 250-860-7077.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
The City of Castlegar is a community of 7,500 people, located on the scenic confluence of the Columbia and Kootenay Rivers. If you enjoy outdoor activities, our surrounding mountains and lakes provide excellent year-round recreational opportunities for you and your family.
CHIEF TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR An opportunity exists with the City of Castlegar’s Civic Works Department for a Chief Treatment Plant Operator. Reporting to the Civic Works Utilities Manager, the Chief Operator will be responsible for ensuring the operation and maintenance of the City’s water and sewer facilities to meet provincial standards, the City’s operational certificates and WorkSafe BC regulations.
The ideal candidate will have:
Level II Waste Water Collection EOCP certification; Level II or III Waste Water Treatment EOCP certification; Level III Water Distribution EOCP certification; Successfully completed a Water Treatment Technology Program or equivalent; Strong leadership skills with a proven ability to manage, mentor, organize and train employees; Understanding of occupational hazards, safety and health precautions applicable in this work environment; Strong verbal and written communication skills; Computer skills, including MS Office and familiarity with SCADA systems; Flexibility – mandatory participation in standby rotation and ability to respond to after hours water and sewer emergencies is required; Valid class 5 BC Drivers’ License; Ability to read and understand blueprints is an asset.
This is a full-time (40 hours per week) union position, working a once monthly ten (10) days on, four (4) days off rotation, at an hourly wage of $32.30 (as of March 1, 2012) plus a certification premium of $0.20 per hour for each level of each certificate obtained. Benefits are as per the Collective Agreement and relocation assistance will be provided as required. If you wish to pursue this exciting opportunity please submit your resume along with a cover letter by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 25, 2012 to: The City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Attention: Personnel Officer Phone: (250) 365-7227 Fax: (250) 365-4810 E-mail: We wish to express our appreciation to all applicants for their interest and effort in applying for this position and advise that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Until there's a cure, there's us.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103.
JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIAN required immediately for Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep dealership in Salmon Arm, BC. Proven producer, good attitude, quality workmanship a must. Excellent wage and benefit package. Contact Pat - phone 250-832-8053, fax 250-8324545, email:
Appliance Sales / Warehouse Person
Bill was raised in Castlegar, BC, working with his family-owned general contracƟng Įrm. His earliest interest included building Ňying model airplanes. This keen interest led to an educaƟon at the University of Washington in SeaƩle in AeronauƟcal Engineering (1961). He returned to BriƟsh Columbia and accepted a teaching posiƟon at Grand Forks Secondary School. Bill taught math and sciences unƟl he assumed the Head of the VocaƟonal Programs. He focused on teaching construcƟon and cabinet making that brought him back to his roots. Bill followed his reƟrement from Secondary teaching with residenƟal and commercial real estate sales. He knew the construcƟon pracƟces in the community and was a staunch advocate for his customers. Bill had a keen interest in boats and built two beauƟful houseboats that resided at ChrisƟna Lake, BC. The Įrst boat was a pontoon houseboat with the second a larger single hull boat. Both were well-known on ChrisƟna Lake where “Captain Bill” hosted the annual houseboat convenƟon every Labour Day weekend. Bill loved his valley, home, and his family. His family received a lifeƟme of joy and love and are forever grateful for their husband, father and grandfather.
Help Wanted
- Sell quality GE appliances - Warehouse & delivery duties - Must be physically fit Apply in person with resume to: Wests Home Hardware & GE Appliance Centre 652-18th Street Castlegar
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
International Forest Products Ltd. is looking for ticketed electricians, millwrights and a mobile mechanic to join our lumber manufacturing facility in Castlegar, BC. The skilled individuals must be self motivated, able to work on their own, and in a team environment. Preference will be given to those Journeyman with Level 3 First Aid ticket. Applicants must be flexible with shift scheduling and trade lines. Interfor offers a competitive wage and benefits package as outlined in the USW Southern Interior Master Agreement. Interested candidates are invited to submit resumes by April 26, 2012 to Interfor’s front office in Castlegar. Candidates can also submit their resume by mail, fax, or email to : PO Box 3728, Castlegar BC, V1N 3W4 Fax #: 1-604-422-3252 Email: We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
#1 Modular Homes Dealer in BC is seeking a Sales Representative & Sales Assistant for our Castlegar Division Must have a positive entrepreneurial attitude. Able and willing to create endless traf¿c on their own. No sales experience necessary, will train the right person. Exceptional computer skills an asset. Apply by email only at:
Employment Trades, Technical AUTOMOTIVE Technician Required for North Vancouver Island GM Dealer. Full time. Wage Benefits pkg. Competitive wage with bonus plan. Great small town to bring up a family. email resume to
Health Products
OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil
Buy One Get One
Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750
SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Panorama Mountain Village is looking to fill a variety of summer positions. To see full job descriptions and apply go to employment
HERBAL MAGIC Look great for summer - 1st 9 weeks for $99. Lose Weight and keep it off. Results Guaranteed! Call now 1-800-854-5176.
Home Care/Support
Financial Services
Elder Care Services
is accepting new Clients Certificate Care Aid with references Will provide: Home Care Cooking, Cleaning, Shopping Transportation to appointments Please call Vicki 250-304-5730
Call FREE 1-877-220-3328
NURSES, Care Aides, Home Cleaners - Bayshore Home Health is hiring casual, on-call RNs, LPNs, certified care aides and experienced home cleaners. If you are: empathetic; personable; possess an outstanding work ethic; a “can do” attitude; a passion for superior client service, and a reliable vehicle, forward your resume to
DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500
Medical/Dental Certified Dental Assistant needed for part-time employment, Send resume to: Dr. Donald W. Ellis Inc. 663 Columbia Ave Castlegar, BC, V1N 1H1 RNS - Bayshore Home Health is recruiting casual on-call nurses. Assessment, supervision, foot care, IV drug therapy or training experience preferred. Weekday afternoon availability ideal. Competitive salary and benefits. Resumes and references to
Trades, Technical
Need STRESS relief? One easy payment makes that possible!
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GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET
1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)
Cleaning Services CLEANING SERVICES Done to perfection! #5 Year experience in Superior Resident Cleaning Services. EXCELLENT REFERENCES. Limited Space available Call now to Book. 250-608-6778
Paving/Seal/ Coating SEALCOATING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS - OIL BASED why settle for a rubberized plastic coating. Fully Insured with WCB Coverage. Free Estimates 250 354-7140
Small ads, BIG deals! Tree Services FULL TREE CARE Tree preservation, Dangerous tree removal, fruit trees, full clean up, references, certified Insurance, 250-687-0734 or 250-399-4400
Castlegar News Thursday, May 3, 2012
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Garage Sales
Misc. for Sale
GARAGE Sale 1412 Meadowbrook Drive Castlegar, Sat. may 5 and Sun. may 6, 10am to 4pm
CAN’T GET Up Your Stairs? Acorn Stairlifts can help. Call Acorn Stairlifts now! Mention this ad and get 10% off your new Stairlift! Call 1-866-9815991. DIY STEEL Building deals! Many sizes and models. Make an offer on clearance buildings today and save thousands of dollars. Free brochure - 1-800668-5111 ext. 170. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Merchandise for Sale
Antiques / Vintage Antiques:over 300 pieces currently in stock. View inventory info online at
Garage Sales Annual Grandview Heights Castlegar Multi-Family Garage/Bake Sale Sat, May 5th, 8 am - 1 pm Rain or Shine. Fresh Lapsha Pyrahi, Muffins & More made by the Ladies Circle of Grandview CASTLEGAR, Multi Family Misc items, Stove Fridge, Dishwasher Sat, May 5th, 8 - 1 1400 Meadowbrook Drive CASTLEGAR Multi Family Sat, May 5th, 8 - 2 1308 Grosvenor Pl, Toys, Kids clothes, furniture, books, tires roof ventilators & more CASTLEGAR South Multi Family moving Sale Sat, May 5th, 8 - 3 408 - 28th St FROM Baba’s stuff to baby’s stuff! Sat. May 5, 9am-4pm; May 6, 9am-2pm. 3728 Pass Creek Road, Crescent Valley
GENELLE 815 - 16th Ave Sat, May 3rd, 8 - 1
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale 1991 Knight Car Dolly $1,000 OBO. Perfect for towing mid to small vehicles. Recently rewired, repacked bearings, 2 sets of straps, 13” & 15”. It’s ugly but works great & tows wonderfully. Located in Nelson. Call 250-354-7471. Antique Buffet real beauty $850, 14’ Deep Freeze $90 250-365-6316 Hot Tub 2010 Arctic Spa Yukon Signature with Onzen systems & new cover $5900 250-608+3930
Garage Sales
SALE 1305 Grosvenor Place
May 4th Friday, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM May 5th Saturday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Jewellery, crafts, tools, books,wine making equip. and household items SPECIAL FEATURE: Plants Galore From Arabis to Zinnias Hostas & Geraniums Abound, Veggies and Herbs Too.
All Plant Sales will BeneÀt the Local SPCA in MEMORY OF SUNNY
MOVING must sell
Drill Press $100 Lrg China Cabinet $800 Single bed/mattress $40 Office desk $40 Lrg Barbie House $75 250-365-7627 ONE STOP shopping, get a million different products here. High quality, 20% less than Walmart, vitamins, health, nutrition, cosmetics, jewelry, cleaners, soaps, shampoos, guaranteed; SAWMILLS FROM only $3997. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info and DVD: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT
Misc. Wanted Local Coin Collector buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic, Gold & Silver Coins. Call Chad 250-499-0251 Wanted Dble Box Spring Mattress in good Condition 250-357-2402 leave massage
Legal Notices
RENATA Lovely 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Country Cottage 1 1/3 Acres. Includes Truck & Boat, Travel Trailer sleeps 4. Large Shop/ Garage, Solar System Internet & Phone in Home. $239,700 - email: or Call 1-208-779-7606
Lots LAST WATERVIEW LOT Twin Rivers Subdivision Castlegar, this will not last long priced to sell 250-365-6316
Apt/Condo for Rent
Suites, Upper
Auto Financing
Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apt 900 sq ft. F/S, D/W, laundry on site, grassed fenced yard one parking stall per apt. Clean bright and quiet. Ground level N/S, N/P $700/mth + utilities, 365-5070, leave msg
Castlegar Central, 2 Bdrm Suite on main floor, avail May 1st, $950/mth includes utilities except phone, N/S prefer working couple or 2 students, Phone 250-365-7440 after 5 PM
Auto Loans or
CASTLEGAR Large bright 2 Bdrm in quiet bldg close to downtown, F/S, Laundry on site, N/S, N/P, $800 utilities included, 250-505-3609
1-888-229-0744 or apply at:
South Castlegar 1 bdrm fully furnished with dishes includes utilities, internet N/P, N/S, W/D. Suitable for one person. Available June 1st, Call 250-304-9299
Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New, Opening May 2012. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC 250-462-7055.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 bdrm, open living area, bright, quiet house. On bus route, lrg yard, and patio. Best suited for 1-2 people. NS, NP, ref upon req. $700/mo, incl util, and laundry. June 1. 250513-0535. CASTLEGAR, 1 Bdrm Apt $550/mth, Fresh paint & floor 2 Bdrm Basement suite, DT $725/mth All Include Utilities N/S, N/P 250-608-3930
Legal Notices
BAILIFF SALE 2008 Chrysler Aspen Limited 5.7 Hemi V8 - 4x4 (TC), SUV s/n 1A8HW58248F143913 84316 kms - Black full load - 5 spd auto,TV, DVD, GPS leather interior. As is - where is. Viewing by Appt. Offers subject to approval Call Bob 250-365-6516
It takes 31 muscles to fold up this newspaper
Mobile Homes & Pads
GUARANTEED We Will Pay You $1000
All Makes, All Models. New & Used Inventory. Must be employed w/ $1800/mo. income w/ drivers license. DL #30526
Auto Financing 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$
s '//$ #2%$)4 s "!$ #2%$)4 s ./ #2%$)4 s ()'( $%"4 2!4% s 34 4)-% "59%2 s "!.+2504#9 s $)6/2#%
Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul
for Pre-Approval or
s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s
Pets 3 Babies Love Birds ready for new home, $60 each, or $50 each for 2 or 3 250-352-9365
s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s
Pets & Livestock A23
9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$
ROBSON 3 Bdrm Mobile Home for rent Refer & Criminal check required Call 250-304-3430
Homes for Rent CASTLEGAR 3 Bdrm House 550 - 9th Ave, $1,200/mth + utilities, Ph 250-365-7867
Shared Accommodation CASTLEGAR Seeking Responsible individual to share large fully furnished Home. Perfect for student or working person N/P, N/S please call 304-2380
Cars - Sports & Imports 1996 Fully loaded RL 3.5 Acura excellent cond $5,500 250-365-6316
Recreational/Sale 1998 26’ 5th Wheel in pristine condition, queen bed, sleeps up to 6, includes 5th wheel, adjusting sliding hinge ($2000 value) also 2004 Dodge Ram quad cab, fully loaded, dealer mat with retraceable tonneau cover, 5th wheel $9500, truck + 5th Wheel $22,500 OBO Call 250-505-6303 2007 Crossroads Cruiser RF25RL Hardwall 5th Wheel 1/2 ton towable. 7’ Slide. One owner. All the amenities. Sleeps 5-6. Great layout. Immaculate, a must see! $18,799. Phone (250) 4893556 or email BIG FOOT Sightings! New 2012 Bigfoot Campers have arrived only at Mike Rosman RV! 1-800-667-0024
ROBSON Roommate wanted to share House on acreage 250-365-6510
Will Store Boats & RV’s on Robson property below Dam - 250-365-6510
Suites, Lower
Scrap Car Removal
CASTLEGAR, 1 Bdrm Basement Suite, DT, N/S,N/P No partiers, All utilities included, $600/mth Avail May 1st, Call 250-304-3600
Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288
CASTLEGAR Clean & Bright Bach suite, fully Furn & equip. $585/mth, Utilities, Internet Laundry & TV included close to shopping & park 250-365-7400 or 509-675-5476 CASTLEGAR South 1 bdrm ground level Suite, $700/mth + utilities, Call 250-304-4910
DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557
Sport Utility Vehicle 2009 Toyota Highlander like new condition. Original owner Leather interior, sun roof, keyless startup, lg entertainment centre, to many features to list. 75000 km. Call for information 250-693-5412
Don’t take your muscles for granted. Over 50,000 Canadians with muscular dystrophy take them very seriously. Learn more at
Thursday, May 3, 2012 Castlegar News
$ 59p Widescreen Samsung Plasma TV Series 5
Full HD 1080p 3D TV q 6DPVXQJnV 3ODVPD p q 3D HyperRHDOu Engine
for 48 months
LG 42LV5400
LQFK 79 q FXOO +' 3 q +] q /(' 79 q 6PDUW 79
$20.67 for 48 months
Home Solutions
Home Audio Installations TV Mounting Residential Commercial Pre-Wiring Home Automation Home Delivery * additional charges may apply
32" LED/DVD combo Television
Display Size: p q Display Resolution: 1920x1080 (Full HD 1080p) q Refresh Rate: 60Hz q Backlight: LED q HDMI Inputs: 2 (rear) (Supports 1080p/24/60), HDMI-&(& q 86% Ports 1 (side)
Enjoy your iPod/iPhone at home
Keep your iPod/iPhone handy while hearing music from a powerful speaker unit in a different location. Easy operation (auto power on/off and volume control sync) q Cradle for setting the iPod/iPhone on a table, etc.
200-1965 Columbia Ave. 2153 Springfield Road (250) 365-6455 (250) 860-2600
WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600
101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927
Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258