KELOWNA ROCKETS have traded their scoring leader for the past two seasons to Saskatoon Blades for 18-year-old centre Ryan Olsen.
THE NEW general manager hired this week for the Rotary Centre for the Arts is being sued for misappropriation of funds by her last employer, The Art Gallery of Calgary.
WATERING DOWN the federal Fisheries Act fish habitat protection measures sends the wrong message about our environment, says Trail Mix columnist Judie Steeves.
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elowna masters soccer player Walter Morel wasn’t actually on the field when a teammate of his suf-fered a heart attack at City Park during a game of over-45 soccer last month. Morel himself was suffering from an asthma attack and had decided not to play, instead watched from the sidelines so as not to miss out on the social aspect of the weekly game. But that was when his teammate was struck by a sudden heart attack, dropping on the field in need of emergency assistance. “I saw him fall out of the corner of my eye,” recalled Morel. “I watched him hit the ground. Luckily we had a firstaid attendant and a doctor on the team and they immediately started doing CPR.” It would take the arrival of two ambulances and more emergency CPR before life returned to his fallen teammate, who was rushed to hospital and later released to go home. The incident would stick with Morel and the rest of his team for much longer. “It took me two days to get to sleep,” he said. “I just kept hearing him hit the ground and hearing the air expelling from his lungs when he hit. It gets you thinking. We’re all these weekend warriors and we like to think we’re in shape but the body is telling us something different.” See story on A3.
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A3
Aging athletes need to minimize injury risk
from A1 Morel and the rest of his over-45 soccer teammates are no different than thousands of other masters athletes; those weekend warriors who jump from work or family life into a recreational sport. Most players have suffered injuries along the way. Most of those injuries are more moderate such as muscle strains or general pain and stiffness. More rare is the serious heart attack that struck Morel’s teammate. But health experts say the benefits of continuing to play sports far outweigh the negatives. “All the science out there shows that exercise is beneficial, especially as you age,” said Randy Goodman, of Pinnacle Physiotherapy. “If you look at risk and reward, the reward of being active and involved
as you age far outweighs the risk.” ••• One of the founders of Big White ski hill, former MLA Cliff Serwa certainly knows the benefits of athletics. Now 76, Serwa still plays recreational basketball in Kelowna once a week and will play up to three times a week when he vacations in Palm Springs. Recently, Serwa started dabbling in a new recreation, jumping on a motorbike and touring around the Okanagan. “Busy people are happy people I think,” said Serwa, prior to heading out for 18 holes on the golf course. “I like challenges and I enjoy learning something new. The one thing I’ve noticed about people who participate in athletics is you can learn a lot through athletics. You spend thousands of hours
trying to improve. “Nothing comes easy. You learn about teamwork and the ability to focus.” During his 10-year stint as an MLA while in Victoria, Serwa also used athletics as a way to relieve stress and to make things happen. An MLA of the Social Credit Party at the time, Serwa took part in regular basketball games at the legislature, featuring members of all political parties including thenpremier Mike Harcourt. The NDP at the time were considering a location for a new cancer unit, trying to decide whether it would be located in Kelowna or Kamloops. Serwa used those basketball games as a way to build relationships and make friends, even in the cutthroat world of B.C. politics. The basketball court became a place where
FORMER KELOWNA MLA Cliff Serwa maintains a healthy lifestyle by playing basketball once a week and going for road rides on his new touring motorbike. political affiliation was thrown out the window. Serwa made friends with Harcourt and the NDP would bring the cancer clinic to Kelowna. “The New Democrats made the decision that it would come to Kelowna,” he said.
Proper hydration key to easing aches and pains Contrary to what you might think if you observe the actions of sports teams following adult sports, drinking beer is not a proper way to hydrate following athletics. In fact, alcohol will continue the process of dehydration following your sport and could contribute to stiffness and general soreness. Proper hydration before and after an event is key to the body’s recovery. So add this routine to your preand post-game activity for better results: • Two to three hours prior to
exercise: Drink 500/750 ml (two to threecups) of fluids. This allows enough time for fluid to be lost through urine • 30 minutes before exercise: Drink 125-250 ml (1/2 to 1 cup) of fluids. There is no benefit to drinking more than this • During exercise: Drink 125-250 ml of cool fluids every 15 minutes. This is about five to 10 gulps of fluid • After exercise: Drink 2 1/2 cups of fluid for every pound lost during exercise. This usually means at least four cups of fluid
• Quenching thirst does not satisfy the body’s need for fluid: Thirst is a sign of dehydration. A small volume of urine dark in colour indicates dehydration • Cool water is best for events one hour or less or for light activity • Beverages with six to eight per cent carbohydrate plus some sodium are beneficial for moderate to heavy exercise, especially if lasting longer than one hour. Commercial sports drinks are formulated to deliver the proper mix of carbohydrates and electrolytes.
“Part of it was the establishment of my credibility through the friendship we made on the basketball court. They were able to talk to me and I was able to talk to them, not as New Democrats or Socreds but as friends.” The social aspect of masters athletics might be the single biggest factor in why so many people still take part in adult sports. Ask those folks why they play and the time spent after the game socializing would be at the top of a lot of people’s lists. But it’s that focus on fun instead of some simple preparation that lands many people in a physio clinic with pulled muscles. “Part of the problem is you see someone playing a recreational sport and
they are late getting there or are running in from work,” said Pinnacle’s Goodman. “They drive into the parking lot, pull on their shoes and jump into the game right away. Pretty soon they have a blown hamstring.” Goodman says a simple 10 minute dynamic warm-up to raise your heart rate would alleviate many of the problems weekend warriors run into. “You’ve been sitting around all day so you need to give your body a chance,” he said. “A lot of injuries are preventable. Make sure you’re hydrated so you don’t get cramps. Make sure you warm up so that you minimize the risk of injuries. “If you do get hurt you need to get to someone
who knows what they are doing to help you manage the injury as well as possible. “The longer you delay the harder it gets to rehab.” Goodman says serious injuries such as the heart attack suffered by the over-45 soccer league player, are in the minority, although each year there are serious injuries suffered by masters athletes. But he cites the more positive benefits. “Generally those people who suffer a heart attack during sports were going to have a heart attack anyways,” said Goodman. “Regular exercise decreases the risk of heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure.
See Injury A4
2011 CX9 Mazda and Kelowna Motors have teamed up to offer the 2011 CX9s at very special pricing! starting from…
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A4 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Keeping up lifestyle routine Lawsuit by former employer Injury from A3
“It decreases the risk of diabetes and obesity which leads to a bunch of other diseases. If you keep active and keep your mind active you are going to see positive effects.â€? ••• A couple of weeks after Walter Morel’s teammate was rushed to hospital after collapsing during his team’s over-45 soccer game, his teammate was out of hospital and back on the sidelines, watching his team play. It was a health scare that sent a ripple effect through many of the players on the team, some of whom were playing on two different soccer teams, both at the over-45 and over-55 level. “It makes you think,â€? said Morel. “Some of us were wondering whether we should still exert ourselves. As bad as
it was, it was an eye opener.� Still the draw of being among good friends and getting a good workout is what keeps masters sports going. “I’ve been playing soccer since I was 10 years-old,� said Morel. “It’s the camaraderie. It’s just part of your life, part of your routine. Then, you know, it’s an excuse to go for a beer after the game. If we didn’t play a lot of us wouldn’t be working out. It’s a good thing.� Goodman agreed adding that athletes who help themselves will have longer recreational careers. “Take 10 minutes to warm-up and 10 minutes to cool down,� he said. “You’re standing around talking with people anyhow so why not stretch. “I think masters sports is a huge positive to the community. It’s also a thing called enjoyment. It’s way more fun to go out and do something than to sit and watch it on TV.�
Your parents helped you cross the street safely, learn to ride a bike and drive a car Join us May 10th at 11:30 am for an information session on ‘Supporting your Aging Parent’ with special guest speaker from the RCMP. Light lunch and refreshments served. Please RSVP to
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trails new general manager Jennifer Smith STAFF REPORTER
The woman slated to become the new general manager of the Rotary Centre for the Arts is being sued over allegedly misappropriating funds from her last employer, The Art Gallery of Calgary. Late Thursday afternoon, stories from Fast Forward Magazine revealed Valerie Cooper, the former president and CEO of the Art Gallery of Calgary, a public art gallery run by a non-profit organization, is being sued by the gallery to retrieve $500,000 in falsified expenses. The article indicates affidavits with The Court of the Queen’s Bench in Alberta state the gallery is suing for $185,129 for art work and gallery services purchased that cannot be
adequately traced; nearly $67,000 in travel expenses the AGC board of directors claims it did not approve; and over $19,000 worth of massages, monthly parking, credit card fees, home maintenance and clothing allegedly purchased by the gallery for Cooper without the gallery’s knowledge. According to earlier articles from the magazine, Cooper took over the gallery in 2004 with only $50 in its accounts and a mounting pile of bills and appeared to be turning its fortunes around— although not without controversy. The 2008 article reveals a series of alleged problems with artists, curatorial and administrative staff, largely pegging Cooper as one to put profits before the gallery’s purpose and alleging some art
had been damaged under her tenure. As of Wednesday, the magazine only had an article stating Cooper left her position this past March without explanation, four years into a five-year contract. But Thursday afternoon it had obtained AGC board chair Gwen Randall’s affadavit alleging Cooper charged the gallery for $12,126 worth of artwork for her own condo and the $89,250 to rent for the condo space—plus $185,129 of “fictitious framing.� The affidavit reportedly details a nonexistent loan repayment to the tune of $124,000. The Rotary Centre for the Arts is a city-owned facility, but no one at the City of Kelowna was aware the new manager was facing the lawsuit. “We were not aware
of this situation until the Capital News forwarded the story from the Calgary Herald,� said Tom Wilson, City of Kelowna communications supervisor. “If the news story is correct, it could be a really unfortunate setback for the RCA, which has been through a traumatic time in the last five months and was poised to move forward in a positive direction. “We don’t want to comment further until we’ve had a chance to discuss this with the board of directors and its hiring committee,� Efforts to contact the board of directors for the Rotary Centre for the Arts went unanswered at press deadline. The previous person to hold the position, Tracie Ward, recently passed away from cancer.
Local connection to Revelstoke vehicle theft A trail of evidence from a theft in Revelstoke has led Mounties to the Central Okanagan. “An estimated $100,000 worth of equipment is still outstanding from a recovered a truck and trailer that was stolen out of Revelstoke last week and recovered in West Kelowna yesterday,� said Const. Kris
Clark, noting much of the gear missing would be emblazoned with a Flow World Freestyle Festival logo. The White Ford F350 with Idaho plates went missing April 25 at 3 a.m., pulling a 28-foot Charmac enclosed trailer was stolen from the back parking lot of the Revelstoke Sandman Hotel.
“Video surveillance showed two men and a possible suspect vehicle associated to the theft,� said Clark. A 2008 Camo coloured Polaris snowmobile, computer, photography and video equipment, along with a vast array of tools, clothing, climbing gear and snowboarding equipment remains outstanding.
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A5
Scottsdale warms up to business relationship with Kelowna the Capital News that at a meeting with city and business representatives there, it was decided to hold two symposiums— one in Kelowna in August and another in Scottsdale next February—to introduce officials to each city. “It will be like a home and home series,” said Gray, stressing the relationship being investigated will be strictly busi-
Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray’s quick trip to Scottsdale yesterday to investigate the possibility of a future business relationship between his city and its Arizona counterpart has already yielded results. Contacted in Scottsdale Thursday afternoon, Gray told
ness and not a sister-city relationship such as the cultural and social ones Kelowna has with Kasugai, Japan and Veendam, Holland. Gray said in addition to the meeting with Scottsdale Mayor Jim Laine, he also attended a meeting organized by the Kelowna-Scottsdale Business Council, a group of Scottsdale businesspeople, some with ties
City in Action Father Pandosy Sculpture
Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Section 124(3) of the Community Charter, that Kelowna City Council intends on amending the Council Procedures Bylaw No. 9200 with updated miscellaneous housekeeping amendments as well as to include an increase to the allocated presentation time when representatives of a recognized Neigbourhood Association, speaking on behalf of their members, are addressing Council at a Public Hearing.
Council endorsed food services contracts for the next three years for concession and mobile vending at Stuart Park, Waterfront Park and Gyro Beach. Mexi-Cana Restaurant Ltd. will provide concession services at Waterfront Park and at The Apple in Gyro Park. The Rolling Stove will provide mobile concession services at Stuart Park.
Watermain Flushing Utility crews continue their watermain flushing program to ensure the distribution system is refreshed and healthy. Poplar Point Drive to KLO Road from Okanagan Lake to Gordon Drive May 7 – May 30 During this period, lower than normal water pressure may be experienced. If water is discoloured, run the cold water until clear. INFO: 250-469-8600
Attention Pool Owners Did you know that improper discharge could result in a fine of up to $2,000? The City’s Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Regulation Bylaw restricts the discharge of swimming pool or hot tub water that contains disinfectants such as Chlorine or Bromine. You may drain your pool to a dry area on your own lot over a long period of time. However, if you intend to drain your pool into the storm drain or sanitary sewer, there is a procedure you must follow: 1. Dechlorinate the water in your pool. Products are available at local retail outlets for this purpose. 2. Contact the City of Kelowna Water Quality Staff. They may wish to check the chlorine levels in the water and approve discharge to the storm drain or sanitary sewer. INFO: 250 469-8896
Presentations at the public meeting are limited to a maximum of five minutes. If a person has additional information they shall be given further opportunity to address Council after all other members of the public have been heard a first time. No representation will be received by Council after the conclusion of the public meeting.
The current Council Procedure Bylaw No. 9200 proposed amendments are available for viewing at the Office of the City Clerk, 3r Floor, City Hall, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna. The Council Procedure Bylaw No. 9200 and the staff report to Council are both available at kelowna.ca for viewing purposes.
Correspondence, petitions and e-mails relating to this application must include your name and civic address. Petitions should be signed by each individual and show the address and/or legal description of the property he or she believes would be affected by the proposal. Correspondence and petitions received between April 27, 2012 and 4pm on Monday, May 14, 2012 shall be copied and circulated to City Council for consideration at the public meeting.
INFO: 250 469-8645 cityclerk@kelowna.ca kelowna.ca/council
Any submissions received after 4pm on Monday, May 14, 2012 will not be accepted.
The public may review copies of the Council reports and related materials online at kelowna.ca/council or at the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall from 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday, as of April 27, 2012 and up to and including May 15, 2012.
as golf courses and wineries. Gray noted as an example of the familiarity many here have with the Scottdale area, 55 per cent of the residents of the Gallagher’s Canyon golf resort area are “snowbirds” and 65 per cent of them spend time in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area every winter. As well, WestJet offers service between Kelowna and Scottsdale in the winter.
Amendment to Council Procedure Bylaw
Concession, Vendor Contracts
“This would all be about business but often the way you make someone think about business is by familiarizing them with your area, and that is often done first by being a tourist,” said Gray. So, to the end, he said when the representatives from Scottsdale come here, they will be shown many of the recreational attractions this area offers such
City Hall 1435 Water Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J4 250 469-8500
COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS A Kelowna artist’s sculpture commemorating the 150th anniversary of the founding of the first European Canadian settlement in the Okanagan Valley will be installed at the Father Pandosy Mission site. Council approved $5,000 from the Public Art fund to install the 6-foot, 8-inch sculpture of Father Charles Pandosy at the Mission location, which is a registered federal, provincial and City heritage site. The sculpture will be unveiled May 26.
to Canada. Present at the meeting was the Canadian consul and senior trade representative whose area includes Arizona. Gray said he came away from the meeting encouraged by the reception he, Central Okanagan economic development commissioner Robert Fine and city councillors Andre Blanleil and Colin Basran received.
Notice is given that City Council will hold a public meeting on: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 6pm Kelowna City Hall, 1435 Water Street Council Chambers In compliance with Council Policy No. 359, the following liquor primary license amendment application is currently under consideration by Kelowna City Council:
4320 Gallaghers Drive West Lot 2 Section 2 Township 26 Osoyoos Division Yale District Plan KAP82436, and an undivided 1/32 share in common Lot 1 Plan Plan KAP63646 (See Plan as to limited access) and an undivided 1/384 share in common Lot G Plan KAP53116 (See Plan as to limited access) and an undivided 1/24 share in common Lot 7 Plan KAP71295 (see plan as to limited access) LL12-0003 The applicant is requesting Council support for the proposed amendments to an existing Liquor Primary License. Proposed Change in Capacity: From a current capacity of 63 persons (existing indoor capacity) to a proposed capacity of 171 persons (91 indoor and 80 outdoor). Owner/Applicant: Gallagher’s Canyon Golf & Country Club Comments can be made in person at the public meeting, or submitted online by email to cityclerk@kelowna.ca, or by letter to the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J4.
PUBLIC HEARING Notice is given that City Council will hold a public hearing on: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 6pm Kelowna City Hall, 1435 Water Street Council Chambers Council will hear representations from the public who deem an interest in the properties affected by proposed amendments to Zoning Bylaw 8000 for:
545 All Star Court Lot 6, Section 27, Township 26, ODYD, Plan KAP74409 Bylaw No. 10693 (Z12-0016) The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property in order to legalize a secondary suite within a single family dwelling. Requested zoning change: from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1s – Large Lot Housing with Secondary Suite zone. Owner/Applicant: Jaswinder Bhatti, Bakhshi Ram Bhatti and Satyawati Bhatti / Jaswinder Bhatti
The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property in order to legalize a secondary suite within a single family dwelling. Requested zoning change: from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1s – Large Lot Housing with Secondary Suite zone. Owner/Applicant: Patricia Rust
652 Royal Pine Drive Lot 10, Section 30, Township 26, ODYD, Plan 43005 Bylaw No. 10695 (Z12-0010) The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property in order to construct a secondary suite within a portion of the lower floor of an existing dwelling. Requested zoning change: from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1s – Large Lot Housing with Secondary Suite zone. Owner/Applicant: Giuseppina GuariniPugliese Comments can be made in person at the public hearing, or submitted online by email to cityclerk@kelowna.ca, or by letter to the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J4. Presentations at the public hearing are limited to a maximum of five minutes. If a person has additional information they shall be given further opportunity to address Council after all other members of the public have been heard a first time. No representation will be received by Council after the conclusion of the public hearing. Correspondence, petitions and e-mails relating to this application must include your name and civic address. Petitions should be signed by each individual and show the address and/or legal description of the property he or she believes would be affected by the proposal. Correspondence and petitions received between April 27, 2012 and 4pm on Monday, May 14, 2012 shall be copied and circulated to City Council for consideration at the public hearing. Any submissions received after 4pm on Monday, May 14, 2012 will not be accepted. The public may review copies of the proposed bylaws, Council reports and related materials online at kelowna.ca/council or at the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall from 8am-4pm, Monday to Friday, as of April 27, 2012 and up to and including May 15, 2012.
120 Klassen Road Lot 2, Section 35, Township 26, ODYD, Plan 20195 Bylaw No. 10694 (Z12-0018)
INFO: 250-469-8645 kelowna.ca/council
A6 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Being prepared for an emergency Property owners warned to Kathy Michaels
cordemergency.ca and has specific information about preparing your family in the event of floods, interface fires or other potential disasters. As well, a selection of pamphlets are also available at the regional district office, main Kelowna Fire Hall and local government offices.
What would you do if floods or fire threatened your home? It’s a question city officials want Okanagan residents to ask themselves as they head into Emergency Preparedness Week, which runs from May 6 to 12. “Talk with your family. Ask, ‘What would we do, or how would we get in touch if there was an emergency?’” said Jason Brolund, regional emergency program coordinator, pointing out it’s not unheard of for a crisis to strike. In 2003, 30,000 Kelowna residents were evacuated from their homes. Even last year, a West Kelowna fire sent locals into the care of emergency services. It’s an unfortunate occurrence that’s made locals more crisis-savvy.
PARTICIPANTS IN the emergency preparedness workshop staged by the regional district on Thursday. “In our region there’s a high level of awareness because of forest fires, but we can tell which families are prepared,” he said. Those are the ones who have a plan that can keep them sustained for the 72 hours following a disaster, he said, although it’s rare that’s necessary. Bruce Smith, communications officer of the Central Okanagan
Regional District, pointed out there’s a checklist that can help preparedness. “Know your risk, get a plan, make a kit with anything you need from money to prescriptions, and sign up on the Emergency Operation website,” he said. Then alerts can be delivered to smart phones or home computers. The website is www.
Judie Steeves
He also warned people to stay away from high flowing creeks, and boaters to be aware of increased levels of debris in Okanagan residents can expect more Okanagan Lake (see story on A7). flooding this year due to the combination There are an amazing number of of rainfall with warm overnight temperdeadheads and logs out in the lake this atures that will cause snow to melt day year already, said Brolund, who said he’s and night. seen aerial photos of the debris. Jason Brolund, assistSnow has continued to ant fire chief in Kelowaccumulate high up in the na and Central OkanagMission Creek watershed an Emergency Program in the past week, but that coordinator, said Mission is expected to begin to UNLESS IT MELTS Creek is already up higher melt in the coming week. GRADUALLY, than last year, along with There is 20 per cent more McDougall Creek in West snow than normal for that MISSION CREEK Kelowna and Mill Creek watershed, so when it WON’T BE ABLE TO in Kelowna. starts to melt, it’s critical CONTAIN ALL THE Trepanier Creek in to flood forecasting how WATER. Peachland is also high quickly it melts. and so is Whiteman Creek Unless it melts gradup north Westside Road, ually, Mission Creek he warned. won’t be able to contain all the water. It’s weeks earlier than last year, but At the other end, Okanagan Lake is local creeks are full and snow at higher currently 62 centimeters below full pool, elevations around the valley is forecast to but it rose 22 cm in just the past week, rebegin to melt with warmer temperatures ports Brolund. this weekend. The flooding situation is now totally Brolund said it’s the responsibility of dependent on weather, he reiterated. property owners to prepare for flooding, Temperatures next week are forecast so if you have seen flooding before near to reach 25 C by Tuesday, with an overyour property you should take steps now night temperature of 10 C Wednesday. to protect yourself. Sunshine is the order of the day from Sandbags are available at local fireSaturday to next Wednesday, which is as halls, but sand is the responsibility of the far as the Environment Canada forecast property owner. extends at this point. STAFF REPORTER
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A7
Lake debris a headache for yacht club Alistair Waters ASSISTANT EDITOR
More debris than usual is washing into Okanagan Lake thanks to a mixture of the warmer weather, the annual spring runoff, last week’s torrential rain and the subsequent flooding it caused. As a result, the larger amount of lake debris has prompted the Central Okanagan Regional District to issue a warning to boaters to be on the lookout for logs, debris and deadheads floating on, or just below, the water’s surface. “At this time of year, Central Okanagan residents are asked to use caution around all local water
bodies,” said CORD spokesman Bruce Smith. “Creeks and streams throughout the Central Okanagan have slightly receded, since last week’s isolated flooding. However, while water levels are lower, there’s a lot of debris that has made its way into Okanagan Lake from area water courses.” Jim Kay, general manager of the Kelowna Yacht Club, said the debris is playing havoc at his facility’s marina. Logs, branches and other shoreline material has been floating into the yacht club marina and getting into boat props, as well as clogging up the marina’s
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alleyways. Currently, the KYC has about 400 boats berthed at its marina, about half the total number it can handle. The problem also has the marina trying to figure out how to design a piece of equipment to act as a huge skimmer to help capture the debris at the marina. “We are scratching our heads trying to come up the right tool to do the work,” said Kay, adding the debris problem in the lake is as bad as anyone there can remember it being. Smith said while the regional district and area municipalities have received calls about the lar-
ger amount of debris floating in the lake, there is little that can be done until water levels recede. And he warned the situation will likely get worse before it gets better. “There is still a lot of snowpack (water) to come down yet,” said Smith. He said usually CORD advises that debris washed down from creeks into the lake, and the debris pulled off the lake shore by rising water levels and shoreline erosion, be left to wash up and stay in place so it can help reduce further erosion during the high-water period. It can then be removed when lake and stream water levels drop later in the summer.
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A8 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
OPINION The Capital News is a division of Black Press, at 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2
Facebook sets the share price for its initial public offering at between $28 and $35 per share, valuing the company at $85 billion to $95 billion. (bbc. co.uk/news/business)
Aspirin could be as effective as far more expensive drugs for most patients with heart failure, according to an international team of researchers. (bbc.co.uk/ news/health)
Two British men who have been blind for many years have been able to perceive light and some shapes after surgery to fit an innovative retina implant. (bbc. co.uk/news/health)
Research shows some plants flower up to eight times faster in warm temperatures than global warming models anticipate, though some say the studies are flawed. (bbc. co.uk/news/science)
KAREN HILL Publisher/Advertising Manager BARRY GERDING Managing Editor ALAN MONK Real Estate Weekly Manager TESSA RINGNESS Production Manager GLENN BEAUDRY Regional Circulation/ National Account Manager RACHEL DEKKER Office Manager
letter of the week Police over-react to reports of toy gun play
To the editor: According to studies, 25 per cent of any population supports authoritarianism such as excessive police enforcement. Tom Maxted (Police Must Take Report of Any Kind of Gun Seriously, May 1 Capital News) denies the fact that police are routinely busting kids for playing with toy guns. Moreover, he believes that all taxpayers expect police to do so. He thinks that the gangster killed in Kelowna was the exclusive target, as if he knows something police, media and the public don’t know. He foolishly argues that automatic weapons that fire 600 rounds per minute are easier for the untrained to operate than pistols, when the exact opposite is true. The truth is that real gangsters in B.C. do not wave their guns around in public like kids playing would; that fearmongering and a paranoid public is within police self-in-
Newsroom: Sean Connor, Warren Henderson, Kathy Michaels, Kevin Parnell, Wade Paterson, Jean Russell, Jennifer Smith, Judie Steeves, Alistair Waters, Cheryl Wierda Advertising: Amber Coyle, Cindy Draper, Marvin Farkas, Colleen Groat, Ron Harding, Antony Hutton, Sheri Jackson, Curt Jensen, Wayne Woollett Classified: Kayla Araujo, Shayla Graf, Michelle Trudeau, Emily Vergnano Production: Nancy Blow, Judy Colvey, Mary Matthews, Kiana Haner-Wilk, Teresa Huscroft-Brown, Christine Karpinsky, Laura Millsip, Kelly Ulmer, Becky Webb Accounting: Sam Corless, Rachel Dekker, Real Estate Weekly: Terry Matthews, Tanya Terrace Distribution: Mark Carviel, Richard Dahle, Sharon Holmes
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See Toy Guns A9 E-MAIL
Newsroom edit@kelownacapnews.com Production prod@kelownacapnews.com Classified classified@kelownacapnews.com
WEBSITE www.kelownacapnews.com General Advertising Regulations This newspaper reserves the right to reject any advertising which it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages arising out of error in classified, classified display or retail display advertisements in which the error is due to the negligence of its servants or otherwise for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.
Member of the British Columbia Press Council
Must prosperity be at expense of fish and forest?
year ago this week my computer performed a bit of magic and proved that big, sloppy tears could transform into pixels. Stephen Harper won a majority and between crying jags my friends offered one-liners on Facebook and Twitter outlining fears that he’d sink into right wing extremism and ruin Canada. Women’s reproductive rights would be stripped away, gay men and women would suffer and kittens would be killed—well, only a few suggested the latter option. Contrary to their prognostications, however, Canada weathered this government and the continuation of a global economic shemozzle with few casualties, animal or otherwise. Some say we’ve done swimmingly as a mat-
ter of fact, and it’s because of the current government. Harper went a step further in a self congratulatory speech on Wednesday. He said Kathy Canadians gave ConMichaels servatives a “mandate to secure their prosperity.” “And this, my friends, we are doing— we are doing every day, every way and everywhere and in every way in which we can,” he said. It nearly sounds like a Seuss-ism, except it doesn’t have that folksy ring of truth. Canadians may not have gone down in an economic shame cycle the same way Greeks have, but are we prospering? To me, that’s about more than staying afloat under a pile of debt. It’s about being an educated, evolved society with plans for the future.
And, as much as I like to pooh-pooh my friends histrionics when it comes to Harper, I can’t say that I see a prosperous future for Canadians if we keep heading in the direction we’ve headed. I could ramble on about how I think cuts to Statistics Canada are diminishing our society’s chances for healthy self analysis. I could even mention the fact we have a massive crime bill being pushed forward, despite the fact that crime is on the decline in Canada. Most worth mentioning, however, is the way the current government is addressing environmental issues. We’ve all heard by now about how scientists are being muzzled, but that’s nothing compared to the environmental protections that are being lanced in the name of economic progress. Among the highlights, Harper’s government has given the National Energy Board jurisdiction over endangered species and navigable waters,
if they are in the way of any proposed pipeline. Meanwhile the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act has fallen, and in its wake a new law is being created to restrict the study of impacts of major projects. Former Tory cabinet minister Tom Siddon best highlighted the current government’s problematic view on the environment when highlighting the gutting of the Fisheries Act: “The minister of fisheries is the one remaining and most powerful person in Canada to protect this marvellous, historically important resource we have in Canada— our fishery. That’s his job.” That failure on the job is enough to inspire cause to cap the bubbly and pull out the Kleenex. It’s clear our prosperity is not being pursued “every day, in every way.” Kathy Michaels is a reporter with the Capital News. kmichaels@kelownacapnews.com
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A9
Decriminalizing pot is the intelligent thing to do To the editor: I wasn’t in the least bit surprised to read our mayor (Walter Gray) chose not to sign a letter in support of decriminalization of marijuana. (Mayor Steers Clear of Legal Pot Debate, May 1 Capital News) After all, Kelow-
na is a right-leaning community and he believes he needs to pander to his base. However, the mayors of towns like Lake Country and Vernon signed the letter, and their inhabitants aren’t more liberal in their views than we are. It just
appears these mayors are willing to take a progressive position on it. They’re joining attorneys-general, senators and other intelligent people in speaking out in favour of decriminalization. Spending billions of dollars enforcing a pro-
hibition that doesn’t work is wasteful beyond words. When compared to tobacco or alcohol, neither of which has ever been prescribed as medicine, it seems a fairly benign substance. If pot is decriminalized, people like my son’s
friend’s mom with cancer, could grow her own to alleviate her symptoms. Instead, her son has to go to the Hell’s Angels for pot. How this makes any sense, I don’t know.
SATURDAY & SUNDAY MAY 19TH & 20TH Volunteer Course Workers Needed For more information contact 250-878-8128 or email knoxhillclimbvolunteers@gmail.com www.knoxmtnhillclimb.ca
Moni Schiller Kelowna
Ballet Kelowna appreciates receiving funds from BC Gaming Commission pot of gold To the editor: As artistic director of Ballet Kelowna I would publicly like to thank our civic- minded MLAs Norm Letnick, Ben Stewart and Steve Thomson,
for their support of all the agencies that were the successful applicants for support from the BC Gaming Commission. It was in large part due to their perseverance in
championing the positive impact that all our organizations have on the community, that we are able to once again access funds that will assist each of us in continuing to provide
quality services that enrich all our lives. Kelowna should be most thankful for and proud of each of these incredibly committed gentlemen.
Ballet Kelowna proudly applauds their most appreciated efforts on our behalf. David LaHay, artistic director, Ballet Kelowna
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Reacting to toys serves to keep citizens paranoid Toy Guns from A8
rterest. Justifying excessive police response, Kelowna RCMP Supt. Bill McKinnon argued with me that police must take all reports of gun sightings as if confronting a terrorist or
experienced gangland hitman. Heavily armed paranoid cops going Rambo on kids? And Maxted supports this without question? Wow! The point is that police are routinely seizing legitimate toys to assuage a paranoid segment that is so terrified of the very idea of an
March 26, 2012 Dear Mr. Stewart: Please find enclosed my whistle. Take it as a token of my crushed spirit. I will no longer be needing it, as I have decided to no longer coach for the school at which I work. Despite having
ing rugby, volunteering to be the first aid attendant on five-day Outdoor Education excursions, and voluntarily running a Homework Club at 7:30 a.m. twice a week all year are over. I had the misfortune of reading your recent submission to a local paper, defending Bill 22. I suppose, with no children in the public education system, it’s easy for
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Teacher will give up volunteering time for students coached for 13 of the 15 years I’ve enjoyed this career, your government has driven me to this desperate measure. Clearly you have no idea of the amount you rely on teacher “good will” to make the education system in this province work. From coaching to academic support, to outdoor excursions, to celebrations, countless hours are freely donated by teachers to provide students with a full, rich, educational experience. Through the recent (and not-so-recent, come to think of it) actions of your government, you have exhausted my good will. It is gone. I feel absolutely attacked and violated by my employer, and as such, I will limit my school involvement to that which is absolutely necessary and nothing more. I will continue to do my contractually obligated duties, and do them well of course, but my days of voluntarily coach-
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Gregory Teleglow, Kelowna
Perhaps it’s your evident disdain or complete lack of respect for public school educators that compelled you not to respond to my letter. Or perhaps, due to the presence of my old coaching whistle in the envelope it was deemed “suspicious,” and had to be destroyed (though I think I may have heard mention of that in the news). If the reason is indeed the latter, I thought I would take advantage of your penchant for writing in newspapers, and post my original letter in this one, hoping you may see it. If so, I look forward finally receiving your response.
Glenmore Medical Building 1615 Gordon Dr., Kelowna
armed citizen that they uncritically support authoritarianism and excessive police enforcement. Over toys no less!
▼ BILL 22
Open letter to Ben Stewart, MLA Westside- Kelowna: It has been five weeks now since I put aside some precious time to write you a letter expressing my concerns regarding your and the BC Liberals’ position on Bill 22 (Education Improvement Act). Since that time, one thing that has happened is that George Abbott appointed a hopelessly biased, unqualified patsy in the lame-duck role of a mediator who does not have the power to offer anything in the mediation. One thing that has not happened, however, was my receipt of any kind of response to my letter. I would have thought that the thoughts and opinions of your constituents would matter enough to you to warrant a response, even if it were only a form-letter type of “Thank-you for taking the time to write… Your opinion matters to me…” sort of thing, but I guess not.
No Referral Necessary
you to support such a destructive piece of legislation. More than I worry about its impact on my career, I worry about its impact on my young children currently in elementary school. Shame on you and your party for your continued attack on public education, and those who deliver it. James Pengilly, Kelowna
Express yourself We welcome letters that comment in a timely manner about stories and editorials published in the Capital News. Letters under 200 words will be given priority in considering them for publication. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. Letters sent directly to reporters may be treated as letters to the editor. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer. Names will be withheld at the editor’s discretion, only under exceptional circumstances. E-mail letters to edit@kelownacapnews.com, fax to 763-8469 or mail to The Editor, Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C., V1X 7K2.
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A10 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
NEWS A Black Mountain Drive street light copper thief left behind a live wire that could have caused serious injury, say Kelowna RCMP. On Wednesday at1:20 p.m., the Mounties received a report that the street lights on Black Mountain Drive showed signs of tampering. Police found that wires had been exposed and called in an electrical expert to assist in the investigation. Police say about 270 metres of cop-
per wire had been removed from an electrical kiosk in addition to wire taken from several light standards. As well, a loose wire was found to be live and posed a potentially significant hazard to the public. While the investigation is continuing, police remind the public that tampering with street lights or electrical boxes is dangerous and can cause grievous injury or death, and to steer clear of any exposed/live wires or downed cables.
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Youngsters invited to ‘Go Fish’ Wade Paterson STAFF REPORTER
Catching your first fish is a memory that can stick with you for a lifetime. The Go Fish recreational fishing program is attempting to share that good feeling with as many young people as possible throughout the month of May. This weekend the Go Fish grand opening will take place at the Hall Road pond in Mission Creek Regional Park on Saturday and at the netted fishing area in Shannon Lake Regional Park on Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Regional parks staff and volunteers from local fish and game clubs will be on hand to provide a barbecue and refreshments while young people cast their lines and hope for the best. During the weekends in May following the kick off event, kids are invited to come and try to catch a rainbow trout at the two locations. No fishing licence is required for children under 16. Each Saturday volunteers from the Kelowna and District Fish and Game Club and Lonely Loons Flyfishers Society will provide equipment and expert fishing guidance at the Hall Road pond.
Members of the Peachland Sportsmen’s Association will lend their fishing expertise each Saturday in the south end of Shannon Lake in Shannon Lake Regional Park. Regional park services staff will provide equipment and assistance on Sundays at the two locations. Al Springer, past president of the Peachland Sportsmen’s Association, came up with the Go Fish concept several years ago. “About seven or eight years ago, I talked to our club—we felt that there really wasn’t a place to take kids fishing,� said Springer. He said that he knew Shannon Lake would be an ideal location to put a stocked net across the bay. “I talked to the Ministry of Environment about it. (Fisheries biologist) Brian Jantz came down to the lake and he couldn’t see any reason why we couldn’t do it. That’s where it started.� Springer said that the Go Fish program has been “well attended� over the years, with people coming out all day long. “We have about 50 fishing rods and we have a number of people that will replace hooks, put bait on for the kids and show them how to fish.� According to Spring-
SHANNON LAKE Elementary School students watch Craig Schelter, manager of the Summerland Trout Hatchery, stock a netted portion of Shannon Lake with 600 rainbow trout on Thursday. er, some excellent young anglers have honed their skills through the Go Fish program. “They’re only allowed to take one (fish) a day, but some kids will catch 20 in a day. “There are other kids that have trouble, but we’ve kind of got it figured out and we try to make it so they can catch a fish.� Teaching kids about fishing, and the outdoors in general, is important to Springer. “In this day and age, you have to have a reason for going outside. Everybody is inside watching TV and playing on computers. This is a way of introducing a different type of entertainment.�
He added that young people will likely fish later in life if they can build the basic skills at an early age. On Thursday, representatives from the Freshwater Fisheries Society of B.C. were at the netted portion in Shannon Lake, stocking the area with hundreds of rainbow trout. Springer said that the net will stay in Shannon Lake until the end of June to accommodate a family fishing derby on June 16 and other children’s fishing events. Although fishing equipment will be available to use, those who have their own equipment are encouraged to bring it. wpaterson@kelownacapnews.com
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Copper thief leaves behind public hazard
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A11
A12 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Capital News business columnist and local hotelier Maxine DeHart is giving her support to the 6th annual Hike For Hospice on Sunday at Mission Creek Regional Park. The Central Okanagan Hospice Association has raised close to $100,000 from this event over the past decade, and has a target this year of raising $30,000. The event starts with a warm-up at 10:45 a.m., followed by the start of the walk at 11 a.m. Registration forms are available at the COHA office, 104-1456 St. Paul St. or call 250-763-5511. DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR
Kelowna man missing with his truck and ATV
25 + 10
A 49-year-old Kelowna man went missing late last week, along with his truck and ATV. On April 30 at 2:15 p.m., the Kelowna RCMP received a report of a missing person from a residence on the 1400 block of Cherry Crescent. The report indicated that William Hermakin has not been seen since April 26 at about 10 a.m. Hermakin is under medical care and requires medication for his condition. He left no indication as to where he may have been headed or when he might return. It was later determined that he had picked up his ATV from the storage fa-
William Hermakin
cility where it is normally kept. Hermakin was last seen wearing a white and green dress shirt with blue jeans. His vehicle is a green 1996 Ford F150 with B.C. plates 1978KB and may be pulling an ATV on a u-built trailer.
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A13
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Wine fest kicks off with awards
Only three local wines took top medals in the Best of Varietal awards
this year. The winners were announced Thursday afternoon at an event kicking off the 18th annual Spring Okanagan Wine Festi-
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val, which continues to May 13 with more than 85 events throughout the Okanagan. Judges for these awards are the winemakers from among the 112 member wineries of the Okanagan Wine Festivals Society, who judged more than 360 wines last week for this year’s competition. In the fall festival, professional judges are brought in. Judging Chair for the society Rhys Pender said the awards help showcase the depth in grape varietals now available in the valley and help consumers choose a favourite wine with confidence. In all, 23 winners were announced in 22 categories, including CedarCreek Estate Winery, which took the top award for its 2011 Rose. Arrowleaf Cellars was tops with its 2011 Pinot Gris and Sandhill took the Red Single Varieties category with its Small Lot Sangiovese Sandhill Estate Vineyard 2009. Central Okanagan finalists included Ancient Hill Vineyards of Kelowna with its 2009 Pinot Noir; and Gray Monk Estate Winery with its 2011 Odyssey White Meritage. Mission Hill Family
THE OKANAGAN’S top Pinot Gris—the second most-planted wine grape varietal in the valley—is made by winemaker Manuel Zuppiger, whose family owns Arrowleaf Cellars in Lake Country. He’s pictured here with Okanagan Wine Festival organizer Christina Ferriera at Thursday’s awards event at the Laurel. Estate had two finalists in the Red Meritage Blends category, its 2009 Five Vineyards Cabernet Merlot and 2008 Compendium, while, in the same category, Sandhill’s 2009 Small Lots Two Sandhill Estate Vineyard.
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The View’s 2011 Riesling and Mission Hill’s 2010 Reserve Riesling both were finalists and Mission Hill’s 2009 SLC Syrah was a finalist in that category. Finalists in the Pinot Gris category were the 2011 CedarCreek and 2011 Gray Monk, while Sandhill was a finalist in the Viognier category for its 2011 Small Lots Viognier Osprey Ridge Vineyard. Sandhill was also a finalist in the Red Blend category with its 2009 Small Lots One Phantom Creek Vineyard. In White Single Varieties, Gray Monk’s 2011 Ehrenfelser and CedarCreek’s 2011 Ehrenfelser were both finalists, while CedarCreek’s 2011 Gewurztraminer also placed in that category. Both Mission Hill’s 2009 SLC Merlot and neighbouring Volcanic Hills Estate Winery’s 2008 Merlot were finalists in that category, while Volcanic Hills’ 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon placed in that category as well. The wine festival continues with the Westjet Wine Tastings Friday and Saturday evenings at the Rotary Centre for the Arts and All You Need is Cheese...And Some Wine at the Lurel Packinghouse May 12. Tickets are available from selectyourtickets. com. A brochure listing all the events is available on the festival website at: www.thewinefestivals. com or at local wineries, liquor outlets or tourism desks. jsteeves@kelownacapnews.com
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
Water quality advisory Increased turbidity has prompted the GlenmoreEllison Irrigation District to issue a water quality advisory for water users in the McKinley Landing area. The warning is now in effect and will be until further notice. Affected area water users are advised to boil the tap water they use for drinking, washing fruits and vegetables, making beverages and ice and brushing teeth. Interior Health says water should be boiled for one minute and can be then be refrigerated in clean, covered containers. Due to an increase in Okanagan Lake turbidity, which was measured and reconfirmed during daily testing on May 1, both Interior Heath and GEID say the extra precautions should be taken until the advisory is removed. The advisory was issued in accordance with Interior Health’s guidelines for turbidity reporting. Turbidity is the presence of minute particles in the water, such as silt and other micro organisms. People with compromised immune systems, the elderly and young children could be considered at risk from higher turbidity levels in source water.
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Skilled centre Rockets’ first choice in WHL draft selection
Rockets deal McColgan to Blades, acquire Olsen Trade intended to improve Rockets’ status at draft table. Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER
Shane McColgan’s days in a Kelowna Rockets uniform are over. The WHL club dealt the California-born centre, along with fellow forward Jessey Astles, to the Saskatoon Blades Thursday in exchange for 18-yearold centre Ryan Olsen, and second and fifth round picks in the Western Hockey League bantam draft. McColgan led the Rockets in scoring in each of the last two seasons, scoring 18 goals and adding 46 assists in 70 games in 2011-12. The deal was made, in part, to help the Rockets improve their status at the draft table on Thursday, and to address a size deficiency up front. Heading into the draft, Kelowna didn’t own a second round pick. Meanwhile, Olsen a 6-foot-2 centre and native of Tsawwassen had 15 goals and 32 points last season with the Blades, his second full season in the WHL. “We were looking for
KELOWNA ROCKETS acquired 18-year-old forward Ryan Olsen and two draft picks from the Saskatoon Blades. a big forward and Ryan has good size,” said Rockets general manager and president Bruce Hamilton. “We wanted to add size and this trade also addresses our needs at this draft. We have a second round pick and we think Ryan is going to be a great addition.” While the trade was entirely unexpected for Olsen, he’s happy with his new destination. “I was a little surprised to get traded during the draft, but I’m excited about being a Rocket,” said Olsen. “It’s closer to home for me, and I know the Rockets are a great organization. I’m looking forward to it.” McColgan and Astles each played three seasons with the Rockets. For both players, departing Kelowna for Saskatoon will mean a shot at a Memor-
ial Cup title as the Blades play host to the CHL championship in 2013. “Really excited to be in a great organization like the Saskatoon Blades,” McColgan wrote on his Twitter account. “I wanna thank the Kelowna Rockets for four great years.” “In losing Shane, we’re losing our leading scorer,” added Hamilton. “I think a fresh start will be good for him. With Jessey, we have a number of guys that play like him and that allowed us to move him. We wish both players all the best.” McColgan finished his Rockets career with 202 points in 212 egular season games, and 25 points in 30 playoff contests. Astles had 16 points and 241 penalty minutes in 157 games over three seasons.
With a deep crop of forwards available at the 2012 Western Hockey League bantam draft, the Kelowna Rockets were reasonably certain they’d land a solid player with their first choice. And Lorne Frey wasn’t disappointed when he grabbed talented centre Nick Merkley with the ninth pick overall Thursday morning in Calgary. Merkley played last season with the Calgary bantam AA Bisons and scored 118 points in 56 regular season games. The 5-foot-9, 162-pound Calgary native was also named an all-star at the 2012 Alberta Cup, a showcase tournament for the province’s top bantam-aged players. “He’s a highly-skilled, dynamic young player,” said Lorne Frey, the Rockets director of player personnel and assistant GM. “He’s quick and very unselfish. He moves the puck very, very well. We’re excited. We think we got another dynamic young player.” Merkley’s older brother, Jay, plays for the Lethbridge Hurricanes of the WHL. In the second round, 34th overall, the
Rockets took defenceman Joe Gatenby from the Pursuit of Excellence program in Kelowna. The 5-foot-11, 150-pound Gatenby is a native of Calgary. “He’s mobile, an excellent skater with good size, your typical modern-day defenceman,” Frey said. The Rockets also had the first pick of the third round—acquired from the Prince Albert Raiders—and chose Chris Seto, a left winger from Surrey who played with the Cloverdale bantam tier 1 team. In round 4, Kelowna took Christian Cakebread, a 5-foot-11, 155-pound right winger from Chandler, Arizona. In the fifth round, Kelowna opted for Jake Morrisey, a goalie from Calgary, while the club took Port Moody defenceman Lucas Johansen in the sixth round. Any choices made after the sixth round do not appear in today’s issue due to the Capital News deadline. Look for updates at kelownacapnews. com.
Local players, POE show well in draft Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER
West Kelowna and Kelowna products were a sought-after commodity at the WHL draft on Thursday as five local players were chosen in the first four rounds. West Kelowna’s Brad Morrison was taken seventh overall in the opening round by the Everett Silvertips. A 5-foot-9, 130-pound centre, Morrison played this past season with the Okanagan Hockey Academy bantams based in Penticton. He registered 93 goals and 159 points in 63 games during the 201112 campaign. “It’s no surprise to me that Brad was a high pick,” said OHA bantam
tier 1 coach Mike Needham. “He’s tremendously talented, he hunts for the net and loves to score. He’s one of those dynamic, gifted kids that teams are looking for.” Another West Kelowna product, defenceman Chaz Reddekopp, went 13th overall to the Saskatoon Blades. The 6-foot2, 188-pound Reddekopp played last season with Kelowna’s Pursuit of Excellence program. “He’s a big, strong kid, and physically and emotionally mature,” POE bantam coach Kevin MacKay said of Reddekopp. “He shoots the puck hard and skates really well. He’s the most WHL-ready player we had.” In the second round,
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Kelowna product Tanner Browne was chosen 35th overall by the Brandon Wheat Kings. A 5-foot11, 195-pound defenceman, Browne played with the POE bantam program in 2011-12. Kelowna’s Austin Wellsby, a right winger who played with POE, was chosen in the fourth round, 76th overall by the
Kootenay Ice. Westside bantam tier 2 defenceman Jesse Mills, who stands in a 6-foot4, was chosen 88th overall by the Edmonton Oil Kings. Other POE players chosen in the first four rounds of the draft were: defenceman Ethan Bear (Whitewood, Sask.) 25th overall by Seattle; defenceman Joe Gatenby (Calgary), 34th overall by the Kelowna Rockets; and centre Jordan Kawaguchi (Abbotsford), 80th overall by the Spokane Chiefs. POE had nine players chosen in the first five rounds. Any selections beyond the fourth round do not appear due to the Capital News deadline on Thursday.
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
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Moras delivers fight stopper Kevin Parnell STAFF REPORTER
In a sport dominated by men, Sarah “Cheesecake” Moras has proven that women can fight too. Late last month Moras increased her combined mixed martial arts record to a perfect 5-0 with a victory over previously undefeated Julianna Pena (71) of Spokane, Washington. Heading into the fight, Pena, who was ranked k15th in the world amongst female fighters, had finished every one of her opponents. But then she ran into Moras, Team Toshido’s lone professional female fighter. Moras tstopped Pena at the end of round two with a devastatring armlock which broke Pena’s arm at the elbow, forcing the ringside doctor to stop the bout. “I am so proud of
Sarah,” stated Toshido MMA head coach David Lea. “Just like her teammate Rory MacDonald has already done in the UFC, Sarah is just a few fights away from becoming a household name in the sport of women’s MMA.” Moras, 24, first began training in mixed martial arts more than five years ago, first taking it up as a way to stay in shape. Soon she realized she had a passion for MMA and began taking on fights. She moved from her native Chilliwack to England to train overseas, before arriving in Kelowna and taking up a spot with Toshido’s fight team. “It’s a really challenging sport,” she said. “There is always something to be learned. You can never be perfect. I like to be the best at everything I do and I like the chal-
lenge. There is nothing I have come across that is more challenging than this.” One of the challenging aspects of being a female mixed martial artist is finding opponents. As a sport, mixed martial arts is dominated by male fighters. Finding women that want to step into the cage can be difficult. Then you have to take in weight class and experience to find the right match-ups. “A lot of shows really want women fighters,” said Moras. “We were the main event for my last fight. But there is definitely a shortage of female fighters. I’ve trained in a lot of gyms and there aren’t many females you run into that take it seriously.” Currently the UFC doesn’t allow women to compete however according to Lea, the UFC’s sis-
TOSHIDO fight club member Sarah Moras recently improved her MMA record to 5-0. Also pictured is her coach David Lea.
ter promotion Strikeforce already has Moras on their radar and he adds that her recent win take Moras one step closer to becoming a top female fighter. Moras’ next bout is tentatively scheduled for
July 21 in Kansas City, Kansas, at the all female MMA promotion Invicta Fighting Championships. To find out more about Sarah Moras or Toshido MMA checkout www.toshido.ca.
points total broke the program’s record for most in a season by a freshman at the Division I level, topping Anthony Canzoneri’s mark of 31 in the 2005-06 season. “It’s an absolute honour to be named to this team in my freshman year,” says Grieve. “Playing for Bentley and Coach Ryan Soderquest really helped me progress as a hockey player and as a person. I am looking forward to next year already.”
Grieve finished the season as Atlantic Hockey’s leader in both goals and points among rookies (one ahead of teammate Brett Switzer in both categories), and overall, was fifth in the league in points and tied for eighth in goals. In three seasons with the BCHL’s Warriors, Grieve scored 69 goals and had 158 points in 169 games. This summer Grieve will spend time between West Kelowna and Cal-
Stevenson (Kelowna) continued his good scor-
ing form, making no mistake from the spot.
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EX-WARRIOR Alex Grieve has been named an gary preparing for next
Stay tuned for
On the stroke of halftime, Mountain evened
See TOFC A20
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Contact sports reporter
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Thompson Okanagan U18 boys undefeated
The Thompson Okanagan U18 boys will put their B.C. Soccer Premier League unbeaten record ton the line this weekend at home. TOFC, with six wins and two ties in eight starts, will take on Fusion FC for two games. TOFC will play the Fusion 94 team on Saturday in Vernon, and the Fusion 95s on Sunday in Rutland. A pair of wins on home pitch over Mountain FC last weekend pushed the TOFC boys into top spot. On Saturday, the local boys downed the Mountain FC U18 squad 2-1. TOFC opened the scoring midway through the first half from the penalty spot after Cole Kingzett (Penticton) was tripped as he ran in on Mountain’s goal. Andrew
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Ex-Warrior an all-American
Former Westside Warriors captain Alex Grieve has been named to Inside College Hockey’s Freshman All-America second rteam. A forward with Bentley University (NCAA Div. 1) near Boston, Grieve was also named Atlantic Hockey’s Rookie of the Year, and to the rAHA All-Rookie team on March 15. r He finished his freshman campaign with 15 goals and 19 assists for 34 points and was +16. His
The Capital News also welcomes contributed photos and write-ups from parents & coaches.
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Kelowna United soccer results wrap up Kelowna United soccer teams had another good weekend last week, playing teams from around the Okanagan Valley. Here’s a look back at the results from April 28 and 29.
U13 GIRLS The KU girls came out strong and were able to score in the first seven minutes of the game as Courtney Peissard scored on an assist from Mackenzie Schwinghamer. The girls continued to dominate the play by keeping the ball in the Shuswap end for much of the half but Shuswap would tie the game 1-1 despite the pressure. Kelowna poured on the offense in the second half and ran to a 5-1 win. Schwinghamer added her second while other goals came from Angelia Ostrom, Paige Krivoshein and Kiera Baldwin. Strong play by the
defense line of Courtney Gunn, Natalie Hope, Brianna Tataryn, Antonia Weiler and Erin Thomas kept the ball out of the KU end and fed it up to the mids and forwards. In their second game of the day the Kelowna United U-13s came up against a tough Penticton squad and lost 5-2. Strong goaltending from Hannah Allan kept Kelowna in the game in the first half but Penticton out-scored Kelowna in the second. KU goal scorers were Angelia Ostrom and, Danika Lee.
U15 GIRLS In an evenly matched game, Kelowna and Penticton both came out strong and showed some great ball possession, passing and strong defence that ultimately led to several scoring chances. It wasn’t until a few minutes before the half that KU’s Emma John-
Miranda led the strong effort from the back-end. A trio of Kelowna players scored twice as Connor Sandrin, Blaise Beauchemin and Nicholas Macdonnell each found the back of the net twice in a 6-0 win.
CAIN MOORE of Kelowna United (right) tries to get the ball. The KU Under-11 Wolfpack split two games last weekend, losing to Vernon and beating Revelstoke. son made a superb cross to Kiana Ajamzadeh at the front of the net to score the first goal of the game. Second half play saw the Penticton team continue to pressure KU but excellent defending by Jazlyn Lazar, Abbey Nyberg, Jenna Labossiere and Hayley Slade managed to shut down any scoring opportunities by the opposition. Right before the final whistle a well placed shot
by Jaedyn Penkala saw the back of the net to give KU the 2-0 win. Avery Watson in net made some excellent saves for the shut out.
U13 BOYS The Kelowna United Under-13 boys came out with a clean sheet, shutting out Shuswap 6-0. Defensive players Gurkamal Kaloty, Oliver Perry, Evan Callahan, Nicolas Smith, Kane Logan and Noah
The KU Under-15 boys came on strong with a solid first half against Vernon’s Under-15 team. Aaron Obedkoff scored seven minutes in for the first goal of the game and KU maintained control for the better part of the first half with some great passing and defense. Ronel Kayal and Jacob Dunn also scored for Kelowna in what would end up a 3-0 win. Penticton was unable to beat goalkeeper Dawson Colluney as the U-15 boys remained unbeaten on the season.
U16 BOYS Kelowna and Vernon played a fair and well fought game with Kelowna taking over in the second half. KU led 2-1 at the half before scoring five more in the second half in a 7-2 win. Goals were scored Dylan Wagner, Bryden DelMedico, Mitchell Marrs and Josh Ugyan.
Rugby League skills camp at UBCO With the new British Columbia Rugby League competition starting on Saturday, May 12, a lot of work will be required to get the Kelowna Crows’ team ready for their historic first game. With that in mind, a Rugby League skills camp will be held this Saturday at UBC Okanagan as the coaching staff will run through the differences between Union and League. Andy Blackburn, the head coach of B.C. Bulldogs representative squad, will conduct a camp for senior players beginning at 1 p.m. at Nonis Field. It’s an opportunity to impress the head coach before the season starts, and to hear what he is looking for from players interested in playing for the Bulldogs. Earlier in the day, beginning at 9 a.m., Blackburn will hold a skills session for younger players in Grades 10 to 12. It’s both an instructional session and a means of finding out what opportunities await young players in Rugby League play. Rugby League is a fast, exciting version of rugby and is played along simi-
lar rules to Touch Rugby except full body contact is allowed. The attacking side has six completed tackles to progress the ball down the field. There are no rucks or lineouts, and scrums are not contested adding to the speed of the game. The season will be scheduled around the Rugby Union season to not cause any conflict, and to give players the opportunity to play both codes of rugby. Rugby League is a major sport in Australia, U.K,. and New Zealand. Canada was recently voted the No. 1 developing country in the world outside of the main three countries in Rugby League. In two years Canada has moved up to 21st ranking in the world, using only players from Ontario. This year will see many players from British Columbia prove their selection and have opportunities to play Representative Rugby League. For more inforvmation, contact Canada Rugby League development manager Paul O’Keefe at paulo@ canadarugbyleague.com, or call 778-214-9191.
TOFC take back lost lead
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the score when, against the run of play, they scored from a free kick outside the box. Despite being disappointed at losing their lead, TOFC showed great character to come out in the second half and resumed control of most of the play. They soon had their reward when Lex Phillips (Penticton) put
campaign has raised over $5 million for our hospital. The month of May will celebrate the completion of this amazing campaign and with your generous support we can reach our goal of $6 million. The money raised will help purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment needed to advance the quality of patient care in the new Centennial Building which
them back in front to stay with a fine header. On Sunday, TOFC took down Mountain’s U17 squad 1-0. Midway through the first half, TOFC stunned Mountain with a well taken goal from Robin Whittaker (Kelowna) who had only entered the field as a substitute moments before, despite having a broken toe. Mountain immedi-
ately looked to level the game, and the pattern of play resumed as they pushed hard for an equalizer. Jake Bainas had to produce several fine saves one after the other as the pressure intensified leading up to halftime. TOFC held off Mountain in the second half to record the win, pushing their unbeaten record this season to six wins and two draws.
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A21
ENTERTAINMENT Swirl into spring with a WAM!: Wine, Art and Music Jennifer Smith
Billie Beck, drawing in big enough crowds with her ostrich-feather fans and nude body suit to save the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair—though it got her arrested several times in the process. Cheesecake is only one part of WAM! The multifaceted night of entertainment includes the Kinshira Performance Group and world-class pianist Andrew Johns. Life drawing demonstrations and artists from Potter’s Addict, Angela
WAM!—as in Wine, Art and Music—may be the name of next week’s Rotary Centre for the Arts big ‘to do’, but it’s also the way a few of the performers hit their cue. With a thud, a clash of thunder and a roar of laughter, the Cheesecake Burlesque Review returns to Kelowna for the Spring Wine Festival, swirling and twirling their tassels in a show that intermingles with the crowd in a “all tease, no sleaze” approach to the art form. “Everyone has a profession as well, so we are also regular ladies and I think that’s what makes us relatable,” said Champagne Sparkles, who does her interviews with the stage-name she acquired in her first burlesque seminar. The Cheesecake Burlesque Review, critically acclaimed and lauded by arts organizations as a party favourite wherever they are booked, was formed by Sparkles and a
Bonten, Trina Ganson, Livessence, HeART fit and the Okanagan Photo Star will be on hand. And of course, there will be wine. This year’s selection includes tastings from House of Rose, Summerhill Pyramid Winery, Tinhorn Creek, Nk’Mip Cellars, Cedar Creek Estate Winery, Quails’ Gate, 8th Generation Vineyard, La Frenz Winery, Ex Nihilo Vineyards, Tree Brewing, Okanagan Spirits—and there’s food.
Tastings will come from Delta Grand Hotel chef Stuart Klassen, Carmelis Goat Cheese, Happy Cow Catering, Poppadoms, The Chopped Leaf, Lebanese cuisine, The Village Cheese Company and Cherry Hill Coffee. The event runs Saturday, May 12 from 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets are $89 or six for $500 and can be purchased through Select Your Tickets, www.selectyourtickets.com jsmith@kelownacapnews.com
CHAMPAGNE SPARKLES (front row, left) got her name in her first burlesque seminar. Champagne is her drink of choice, she loves sparkles and jumps at any chance to don a little bling. couple of friends in 2006. The group took a one day workshop with Little Woo, a dancer out of Vancouver, for a birthday celebration. The burlesque bug bit the Victoria-based crew hard and they followed it up with another birthday burlesque celebration in the Lower Mainland. Soon all the pasty-fixing and tassel twirling had them spin-
ning plans for their own troop. The Cheesecake Burlesque Review includes women from 20 to 40 and all different shapes and sizes, focusing on the parody aspect of the art. Burlesque began as a form of comedic theatre used by the lower classes to mock the pastimes of the upperclass, like Opera and Theatre. The nudity
component only arrived in the late 1800s and early 1900s, gradually working from adding women onto the stage to more risqué moves like showing an ankle, a leg and eventually semi-clad or questionably clad women. Burlesque performers became famous the world over with acts like Sally Rand, who performed under the name
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A22 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Underwood delivers another album of potential cross-over hits
CARRIE UNDERWOOD: BLOWN AWAY (19/ ARISTA) Last week’s feature review was of the Jack White solo album Blunderbuss that hit the No.1 spot on the album sales charts on the first day of its release. This new Carrie Underwood CD and the following Smash soundtrack are both contenders to equal White’s phenom-
Bruce Mitchell enal feat. Underwood is an extraordinarily popular country-pop crossover artist and Blown Away, her fourth studio album,
sounds much more like a pop album than a country release. This new offering was three years in the making and features a variety of styles starting off with the hard rocking, guitar-driven Good Girl followed closely by the radio friendly pop rock of the title track that no one would label as country. It isn’t until the fifth track Do You Think About Me that Under-
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wood introduces a mandolin to the rootsy ballad while pedal steel and fiddle accent the mellow Forever Changed. Underwood also plays around with some island rhythms on the breezy Nobody Ever Told You that would have made a nice duet with Zac Brown while Underwood goes all out reggae on the sweet sounding One Way Ticket. There are 14 tracks on this generous offering that holds up nicely and committed fans will enjoy this new album where Underwood, on the liner graphics, seems to be copying Angelina Jolie at the latest Academy Awards with her ‘power’ thigh thrusting through her high-cut evening gown. Note that Underwood has postponed her support tour until mid June so I am guessing she is thinking hubby Mike Fisher of the NHL’s Nashville Predators is going all the way to the cup final. C+
THE MUSIC OF SMASH: (COLUMBIA) I’ve never seen an episode of this popular Royal Canadian Legion branch 26: Flag Day In Honour of our veterans, Tuesday, May 8, 10:30 a.m., Lakeview Memorial Gardens, 2850 Dry Valley Road. Call 250-762-4117. RCAF Aviation Awards dinner put on by 883 (Kelowna) RCAF Wing of the Air Force Association of Canada, May 4 at Coast Capri Hotel.
NBC series but the premise, as I understand it, is a TV show about rehearsal competitions as to whom will be the Marilyn Monroe character in a Broadway musical to be titled Bombshell. So I would have guessed that a few of Monroe’s most famous songs, such as Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend or My Heart Belongs To Daddy or Happy Birthday Mr. President, would be covered—but they are not. Instead, these are mostly all original songs as taken from the TV series with songs written by tried and true stars such as Ryan Tedder (OneRepublic) and Carrie Underwood and hence the grab bag approach to this eclectic album. Things start off with the Lady GaGa-like dance pop Touch Me as sung by one of the two main ‘Monroe’ contenders, Katherine McPhee, while the understudy, Megan Hilty, offers up the power ballad Who Are You?. The rest of this disc is all over the musical map with erstwhile doo wop
Community Calendar IN THE LOOP
Reception 6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m. Guest speaker Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray. Tickets $45/plate in advance by April 24. Call Hugh Rose at 250-7120022 or Bill Stewart 250764-8664.
of the closing History Is Made At Night, the Afro Cuban rhythms of The 20th Century Fox Mambo along with a few very busy songs that sound like musical theatre numbers with full ensemble cast. There is a solid and faithful cover of Christina Aquilera’s evergreen Beautiful while the short take of Michael Buble’s Haven’t Met You Yet is surprisingly flat and underdeveloped at barely two minutes in duration. But how could there be no nuggets from the fairly large and well known catalogue of Monroe film songs included on this so-called soundtrack? C+
SANTANA: GREATEST HITS, LIVE AT MONTREUX 2011 (EAGLE) Fans of Carlos Santana and his band will delight in this recent two disc, 200+ minute concert recorded just last year at the famous Montreux Festival. There are just too many smash hits here to mention as Santana works his way through his huge catalogue of hits from Walk for Lupus, 1 p May 5 at Mission p.m. Creek Park on SpringC field. Lupus is a complex aautoimmune disease that ccan affect any system of tthe body, with no known cause or cure. Research has shown it can be controlled and funds will help further the research. Kelowna Liedertafel Choir presents its annual dance and concert, May
the ’60s re: Black Magic Woman, Oye Como Va, Evil Ways, Soul Sacrifice to later gems such as Smooth, Maria Maria and Into The Night. Santana also offers up a cool remake of Cream’s Sunshine Of Your Love while Butch Trucks and Susan Tedeschi make a nice cameo on a couple of tunes. Loaded for the big Santana fan. B
T Bone Burnett: Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend Before he became the elder statesman and ace producer of roots Americana music (re: the Oh! Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack) Burnett was an interesting rocker with the Alpha Band and some cool solo albums. His rollicking rockabilly makeover of the Marilyn Monroe classic makes for a great party track and lends a cool, new perspective and maybe this is the sort of tune that should have graced the SMASH soundtrack. mooseman19@telus.net
5, at Parkinson Recreation Centre. Guest Concordia Choir Vancouver along with Al Pichler Band. Doors open 6 p.m., concert 7:30 p.m. Tickets $18 from Illichmann’s or choir members. Call 250764-6188. Herb to Wellness open house May 5, 2 to 5 p.m., 434 Cedar Ave. Donations accepted for Kelowna Women’s Shelter. Door prizes, demonstrations on alternative health treatments such as herb remedies, acupuncture and aromatherapy. Call 778-464-7225. Kelowna Bonsai Club meets at 7 p.m. May 7 at Reid Hall in Benvoulin Church, 2279 Benvoulin Rd. Call 250-8683368 or 250-763-2339. Central Okanagan Naturalist Club meets May 8, 7 p.m., at Evangel Church, 3261 Gordon Dr. Guest speaker Simon Fraser University professor Rob Butler, an expert in ornithology, environment studies and a founding member of the Young Naturalist Club. Email edit@kelownacapnews.com or fax 250-763-8469.
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A23
Water-wise shrubs create interesting as well as low-maintenance garden GARDENING WITH NATURE
Gwen Steele
here are many beautiful shrubs that are suitable for water-wise Okanagan gardens. A mass planting of shrubs with a three inch mulch of organic matter (such as Ogogrow, Glengrow, compost) or wood chip or bark mulch will be a long-lasting, very low maintenance landscape. If space allows, a mixture of shrubs could be used to create a hedgerow instead of planting waterthirsty cedar hedging. A front or back yard could be changed to a low-maintenance, magical place by planting a broad selection of larger shrubs and possibly one or two small trees. A meandering mulched path through them, with a garden seat or two to sit and enjoy the birds, adds enjoyment and a place to relish time saved with no lawn to tend mow. It is vital to allow for mature size when planting shrubs. Ensure they will not overgrow a path, grow into another plant or building, obscure a desirable view, or be too tall under wires. This will allow the shrub to grow to its full glory and minimize pruning tasks. The landscape will be a bit sparse until shrubs mature. In the meantime, to fill in, perennials and/or ornamental grasses can be planted in empty spaces. These can be moved to another garden as the shrubs fill in. When selecting shrubs, choose ones that bloom at different times
TWO VARIETIES of berberis provide contrasting burgundy and lime-green foliage all season. In September the burning bush in the background will turn flame-red for three weeks. The garden is mulched with Ogogrow. to extend enjoyment and provide continuing nectar and pollen for bees and hummingbirds. The plant database at www.okanaganxeriscape.org has 22 search criteria such as height and spread, water and light requirements, bloom time and colour, plus photos, to help decide what to plant. When choosing plants, consider what they look like in each of the four seasons. The spectacular blooming period is usually over in three weeks but good contrast in foliage colour and texture will give three seasons of enjoyment. Also consider the shape and structure of the shrub. What will it look like in winter? The database has both fall colour and winter interest as selection criteria. Look for such things as bark colour and texture. Add in a few evergreen shrubs for winter interest and for the birds. Shrubs with berries or seeds will keep birds in the winter garden. Adding bird feeders will increase the number of visitors. Low-water shrubs will need to be watered regularly for about two to
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three years to get established. Watering can gradually be decreased until they just need a good soak during a long dry spell. Drip irrigation is the most efficient method for this. To avoid having to irrigate once plants are established, choose ones that are in the lowest water category in the database. This will include most of our native shrubs. Always take the full Latin name to the nursery when buying plants to ensure you get the right plant. Gwen Steele is exec-
utive director of the nonprofit Okanagan Xeriscape Association. Learn more about Gardening with Nature and plants for the Okanagan at the website www.okanaganxeriscape.org.
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A24 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Habitat protection remains vital I
t’s simply an excellent argument for conservation and it was the theme for the 56th annual general meeting of the B.C. Wildlife Federation last weekend: A Land Fit for Wildlife is a Land Fit for People. It’s particularly true of fish habitat, and is one of the best arguments I can think of why we should not be watering down the federal Fisheries Act by removing the requirement to protect fish habitat.
Judie Steeves In general terms, habitat that’s safe and healthy for fish is water that’s safe and healthy for people to drink, (except that neither giardia nor cryptosporidia parasites seem to
bother aquatic critters but they sure can harm us.) It’s in our own best interest to protect fish habitat, yet the federal government is proposing to gut both the Fisheries Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Former fisheries minister Tom Siddon believes this will be part of an omnibus bill that will be rushed through the House of Commons within the next few weeks, so if our objections are to have
REGIONAL D ISTRICT NEWS 1450 K.L.O. Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1W 3Z4 • 763-4918 • Fax 763-0606 • www.regionaldistrict.com NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Regional Board of the Regional District of Central Okanagan will hold a Public Hearing to hear representations of interested person or persons who deem their interest in property affected by the below-mentioned bylaw. The Public Hearing shall take place on Monday, the 14th of May, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the City of Kelowna Council Chambers, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna, B.C. SOUTH SLOPES OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN BYLAW NO. 1304 (File: 6480-85)
any effect, we must take a stand immediately. Let your MP and current fisheries minister Keith Ashfield know that you object strenuously to such changes to legislation that protects fish and wildlife and their habitat. These amendments would cut the legs out from under our conservation officers and other enforcement staff, who rely on the current legislation as their tool to prevent destruction of habitat. From all accounts this year’s BCWF convention was a good one, and locals are all delighted that long-time local conservationist, hunter and angler Ron Taylor was presented with the top award the BCWF can present: the Ted Barsby Conservationist of the Year award. I can’t think of anyone more deserving. Congratulations Ron. Congrats as well to Bill Bosch, who has taken on the federation’s top job as president. It’s going to be a busy year for him. Both are long-time members and hard-working volunteers with the Oceola Fish and Game
Club, which has one other director on the BCWF board, Jesse Zeman, another really articulate and knowledgeable advocate for fish and wildlife. I see the Oceola club has a new website at www.oceola.ca. It looks pretty neat. And so does the website for the Peachland Sportsmen’s Association—www.peachlandsportsmens.ca. The next big convention locally is the annual general meeting for
City trail re-opens
The city has re-opened the trail at Brandt Creek Linear Park after closing a portion of it temporarily last week due to flooding in the area. The portion of the trail between Yates Road and Kane Road was closed follow-
NATURAL SHORELINE is one habitat it’s important to protect, both for fish and for people, and this will be preserved thanks to the efforts of the regional district and the Central Okanagan Land Trust. It will be one of the field trips for B.C. Nature delegates next week. B.C. Nature, which is being hosted by the Central Okanagan Naturalists’ Club at Okanagan College next week. It starts off with a preconference field trip to the South Okanagan Thursday, followed by evening owling on the Westside. Following early morning birding Friday morning, conference presentations will focus on fire and its ecosystem impacts. Eight field trips follow that afternoon. More early morning
birding starts off Saturday, followed by field trips and directors meetings and the annual general meeting. Scott Alexander will talk about rattlesnakes at the banquet that evening. Further outings are planned for Sunday morning. Details are on the website www.okanagannature.org Judie Steeves writes about outdoors issues for the Capital News. jsteeves@kelownacapnews.com
ing a mixture of heavy spring run-off and heavy rain at the same time. With some rain in the forecast this week, park users are being advised to still use caution on trails along the creek banks.
DAYS The South Slopes Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1304 is intended to provide guidance as to what type of new development, if any, is appropriate and sustainable for the area over the long-term. In addition, the OCP incorporates environmental Development Permit (DP) requirements that currently do not apply to the South Slopes area. Specifically, Environmental DP Area designations have been developed and identified (Aquatic Ecosystem, Sensitive Terrestrial, Hillside, and Wildfire).
Friday, May 4th Saturday, May 5th open 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Copies of the bylaw, information, correspondence and reports may be inspected at the offices of the Development Services Department (Planning Counter) of the Regional District of Central Okanagan, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, B.C., (Phone 250-469-6227) during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays), from the date of this notice up to and including the date of the Public Hearing.
At the Public Hearing all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaw.
Date: May 4, 2012 at Kelowna, B.C.
Dan Plamondon Director of Development Services
DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1W 3Z4 Phone: (250) 469-6227 Fax: (250) 762-7011
No representation will be received by the Regional Board after the conclusion of the Public Hearing.
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A25
Study reveals how we might delay onset of dementia T he Archives of Internal Medicine published an article this week that demonstrated resistance training in its ability to delay the onset of dementia. This is a timely article in a population where the majority is entering their golden years.
we learn and remember through using the motor part of our brain, known as the cerebellum. This study indicates the importance of movement, exer-
cise and consistent training and maintaining cognitive health. Dementia and degenerate brain states have been demonstrated to im-
prove through actively exercising not only our body but our brain. This is well reported in the literature. Previous studies have considered the application
of learning a musical instrument or a second language in the latter years of life in an attempt to improve cognitive function and reduce the incidence
of dementia. This is the first study that has considered the importance of physical training in the form of resistance training and its
contributory effect in mental health as we age. Markus Thiel is a chiropractor practicing in Kelowna. askdrthiel@shaw.ca
Markus Thiel Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose, with the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of British Columbia, found that resistance training performed twice-weekly improved executive function, associative memory and regional patterns of functional brain plasticity in older women who were susceptible to a mild cognitive impairment. “We provide novel evidence that resistance training can benefit multiple domains and those at risk for dementia,� summarized the article writer Megan Brooks. The same researcher previously conducted a study that analyzed the effects of resistance training and cognitive function over a 12 month period. That study demonstrated significant improvement after only six months in those with mild cognitive impairment. On average, individuals with mild cognitive impairment will develop dementia within the next five years. This study demonstrates that the onset of dementia may not only be delayed, but may be avoided. The study involved 86 females over the age of 70. Twenty-eight women were designated to an exercise twice weekly group, 28 other women were designated to aerobic training or balance training with 60 being the control group. Ninety per cent of the 86 females completed the trial, and 22 of those individuals had MRI analysis completed at the end of the study. After six months, the activity group showed a significant improvement in cognitive testing and conflict resolution. Memory tasks also improved significantly. MRI studies correlated those findings. When we are young
Canadians are living longer and costs for the Old Age Security (OAS) are rising. On April 1, 2023 the Government of Canada plans to start raising the age of eligibility for OAS and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) from 65 to 67.*
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A26 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Walls of San Juan are full of history Bob Downing CONTRIBUTOR
The walls around Old San Juan in Puerto Rico are tall and very imposing. They are as tall as 42 feet and as thick as 45 feet
at the base, 2 feet at the top. The muralla or city wall features two walls of sandstone blocks, filled with sand, mortar, limestone and water. The walls served San Juan well, thwarting pirates and foreign invad-
ers for hundreds of years. That includes the English, the Dutch and the Americans. Slaves began building them in 1630 and continued for 150 years. The walls feel military and medieval, and ooze hist-
The Natural Place To Call Home
THE DISTINCTIVE sentry posts along the wall in San Juan are called garitas. The boxes have become a symbol of Puerto Rico. ory. Today, San Juan is known as La Ciudad Amurallada (the walled city). It was, along with Havana, Cuba, and Cartagena, Colombia, among the Spanish colonial cities with the most formidable walls. One of the best ways to view the fortress-like walls of San Juan is to stroll El Paseo del Morro, a national recreational trail between Old San Juan and
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the harbor. The 1.5-mile roundtrip walkway runs outside the walls and next to San Juan Bay and the city’s harbor. It was built in 1999 on a dirt trail used to reach the walls for repairs. You won’t be alone on El Paseo del Morro. You will be sharing the trail with the city’s most famous occupants: Old San Juan’s feral cats. Hundreds of stray cats live in Old San Juan
and roam the streets and the waterfront. The cats are typically found on the trail, in surrounding brush and along the rocks between the trail and the water. They’re everywhere. Some are said to have descended from Spanish cats. A grass-roots group, Save a Gato (cat), manages the feral cats along the trail. That includes providing food and water, plus trapping, neutering,
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vaccinating and releasing them. The northern terminus of the trail is next to the Castillo de San Felipe del Morro, the Castle of St. Philip of the Headland. It was one of two great forts built by the Spanish to protect San Juan. It is known locally as El Morro. There are plans to extend the trail to run along the northern side of El Morro, and to the east to the Puerto Rico territorial capital. The walkway by the water takes you within the shadow of El Morro, a fort that towers 140 feet above the water and guards the San Juan harbor with 16-foot-thick walls. It is the biggest attraction in Old San Juan and is managed by the National Park Service. Built from 1539 to 1786, it is a sprawling, sixlevel complex of weathered sandstone with ramparts, gun rooms, storerooms, barracks, ramps, vaulted rooms, a chapel and large interior courtroom. It was staffed by up to 250 Spanish troops. The fort is studded with small circular sentry posts called garitas, which have become a symbol of Puerto Rico. Strangely, it
See Puerto RicoA27
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com A27
Puerto Rico A26
is topped by a New England-style lighthouse that was built in 1908. El Morro was attacked by England’s Sir Francis Drake in 1595 and was captured by the English in 1598. Admission to the fort is $3 per day. For National Park Service information, call 787-729-6777 or check out www.nps. gov/saju. The fort and surrounding grounds cover 74 acres. You can get to the trail south of El Morro at the red-painted San Juan Gate with its heavy wooden doors. It was built in 1520 and provided access to the city to Spanish dignitaries and well-to-do arrivals disembarking from ships. Less prominent arrivals used one of the five other gates found in San Juan’s 3.4 miles of walls. The gates all closed at sundown. San Juan is the only surviving original town gate. The new arrivals would climb up the hill to the Gothic-styled Cathedral de San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist) to give thanks for a safe ocean crossing. The original church was destroyed by winds in 1540. Today’s cathedral was built in the 19th century. The church is the home of the marble tomb of explorer Ponce de Leon, who played a big role in settling Puerto Rico. In 1508, he arrived on the island with a company of soldiers and a famously vicious dog named Becerillo. He founded Caparra, now known as Pueblo Viego, west of the current metropolitan area. He vanquished the natives, the Tainos, and was
the first governor of Puerto Rico. He scrapped his original colony and moved to the current site of Old San Juan, a windy, defensible headland. He later went to Florida in search of the Fountain of Youth. From the San Juan Gate, you can proceed south along the walkway but it is not part of the designated El Paseo del Morro. It will take you to the Raices Fountain and the wide boulevard of the Paseo de la Princesa. You will even find an alcove in the wall that is filled with giant artistic spikes that rise into the sky. The Paseo de la Princesa is a tree-lined, restored 19thcentury esplanade by the harbor. Today San Juan— the oldest city under a United States flag—has about 400,000 residents. It is the most vibrant city in the Caribbean, drawing big crowds of tourists on cruises. Old San Juan is a compact, colorful neighborhood made for walking, in the heart of modern San Juan. Old San Juan is only three square miles, with narrow streets. It is dominated by 400 Spanish colonial-style buildings from the 16th and 17th centuries and the two forts: El Morro and Castillo de San Cristobal, less than a mile apart. San Cristobal is the biggest fort built by Spain in the New World. It covers 27 acres and includes five bastions. Work on the fort began in 1634 and was completed in 1771. The two forts feature tunnels, plazas, dungeons, batteries and even accounts of ghosts. They offer great vistas of the city and the coastline. They
2nd annual
Trunk Sale Saturday, May 26th, 2012 8am to noon
are part of the San Juan National Historic Site that was established in 1949 and are U.N. World Heritage Sites. They get 2 million visitors a year. In Old San Juan, visitors will find museums and impressive buildings like La Fortaleza, the governor’s home built in 1540. There is a museum to musician Pablo Casals, and the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico is another attraction. The Convento Dominico was built in 1523 by Dominican friars; the white-domed building is now a museum. The Casa Blanca is the house built in the 1520s for de Leon, although he never lived there. It is now the Juan Ponce de Leon Museum. Old San Juan is filled with plazas, parks, monuments and fountains. There are hotels, shops, casinos, restaurants, clubs and galleries. It’s a happening place during the day and even more so after dark. Check out the restaurants and clubs in the SOFO (South of Fortaleza Street) district. Today, the streets of Old San Juan are lined with deep-blue cobblestones that were used as ballast on Spanish ships.
There are overhanging ironwork balconies, pastel facades and courtyards. Puerto Rico is 110 miles long and 40 miles wide. It has nearly 4 million residents. It is a United States territory, so no passports are needed for Americans. It is known for its pricey resorts with beaches that line the island’s north coast. Condado and Ocean Park are beachfront areas known for hotels and restaurants. You can tour the Bacardi rum distillery in Catano, a San Juan suburb. Other attractions include the 28,000-acre El Yunque rain forest about 35 minutes east of San Juan. Officially called the Caribbean National Forest, it is the only rain forest in the U.S. forest system. Head for the El Portal Rain Forest Center. There are 13 trails that cover 17 miles. It’s really another world. It is home to the rare Puerto Rican parrot, plus 240 species of tropical trees, 50 ferns and 20 orchids. Nearby are Culebra and Vieques, two small islands that are big tourist attractions. You can get to their sparkling beaches via ferries. Christopher Colum-
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EL MORRO, a fort built from 1539 to 1786, is the biggest attraction in San Juan. It is a six-level complex that protected the city from pirates and foreign invaders. bus discovered Puerto Rico on his second voyage in 1493. He called the island, known by locals as Borinquen or the Land of
the Valiant Lord, San Juan Bautista after St. John the Baptist. The Puerto Rico name came later. For San Juan tourist
information, call 787-7212400 or 800-866-7827, or go to www.welcome. topuertorico.org or www. seepuertorico.com.
A28 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
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THE JOHN COOPER WORKS HATCHBACK (left) and Roadster Cooper S (right) add to the growing pantheon of MINI models for 2012 with two more in the pipeline. MINI Canada expects to sell its 40,000th car this spring.
MINI keeps rolling out the fun with new model cars Jim Robinson CONTRIBUTOR
Every automaker talks about making its cars fun to drive but few ever make it happen. Of the handful I can think of, MINI is certainly
the most prolific in terms of models available. You’d think there isn’t a lot you can do with a shape that is basically a square and one that shouldn’t be tampered with at that, because it is truly iconic.
There is the basic MINI three-door hatch followed by the Coupe, Convertible, Clubman (wagon), Countryman (minivan/CUV) and now the Roadster and that doesn’t include Special Editions (Bayswater, Highgate and
Baker Street). And, MINI just keeps on rolling out new wrinkles seemingly with no end in sight. This year expect to see the Paceman, a Range Rover Evoquesque wagon and the race-tuned GP2.
MINI doesn’t market its products as practical, utilitarian or ideal for the growing family. They sell the MINI as fun, fun, fun and cheeky fun at that. Two perfect examples are the 2012 JCW (John
Cooper Works) Hatchback and the brand new Roadster. And while they may be based on the same car, the personalities are totally different. All MINIs have the same 1.6-litre, twincam
MSRP $17,598
MSRP $21,698
~ 4 Wheel ABS ~ Side Curtain Air Bags ~ Driver Knee Air Bags ~ Active Stability Control
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~ 2.0L Mivec Engine 148 hp ~ Power Mirrors & Windows ~ Tilt Steering ~ Tire Pressure Monitoring System
inline four-cylinder engine driving the front wheels (except the AWD ALL4 Countryman) but after that, it can be a bit confusing. The basic MINI
~ 4 Wheel ABS ~ Power Windows / Locks / Heated Seats ~ Keyless Entry ~ TPMS
~ 3.8L Mivec Engine 265 hp ~ 6 speed Manual ~ Climate Control / Leather Seats ~ 18” Alloy Wheels
~ 6 Way Power Seat ~ 650 Watt Rockford Sound System ~ Bluetooth Hands Free ~ Rearview Back Up Camera
1. 84 month, bi-weekly @ 1.9 + taxes with $1500 down. Total paid $12,711. 2. 84 month, bi-weekly @ 1.9 + taxes with $1500 down. Total paid $29,862. 3. 84 month, bi-weekly @ 1.9 + taxes with $1500 down. Total paid $23,625. 4. 84 month, bi-weekly @ 1.9 + taxes with $1500 down. Total paid $42,525. Insurance extra.
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Cooper Classic and MINI Cooper have the naturally aspirated version producing 121 hp and 114 lb/ft of torque. With a sixspeed manual or six-speed automatic, fuel consumption is rated respectively at 6.1/6.4L/100 km combined. Step up to the MINI Cooper S and the engine gets a twin-scroll turbocharger tacked on with a bump in power to 181 hp and 177 lb/ft of torque. Transmission choices are the same with respective fuel ratings of 6.7/7.0L/100 km combined. The John Cooper
FUEL ECONOMY* City 8.2L/100 km Hwy. 5.6L/100 km
*5 speed, manual
MINI from B1
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FUEL ECONOMY* City 9.5L/100 km Hwy. 6.9L/100 km
Works trim level takes the MINI Cooper S to the next level. Power is increased to 208 hp and 192 ft/lb of torque. The only transmission is a six-speed manual with a combined fuel rating of 6.7L/100 km. FYI, all three trim levels are named Cooper and if you’re wondering where the Cooper part comes from, it’s a charming story. John Cooper and his father, Charles, were racecar constructors in the 1950s and created what were the first successful rear-engined cars. They won the FI title in 1959 and 1960. But where
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PART OF THE JCW package across the MINI line is the bottom rocker panel with air intakes.
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012 www.kelownacapnews.com B3
MINI offers Roadster model MINI from B2
they made their greatest impact was souping up Minis that, with a surprising power-to-weight ratio, beat up on everything they came across and, on the way, garnered multiple wins in the Monte Carlo Rally when winning was
like winning at Indy or LeMans today. In 1994 BMW Group stepped in to buy what was then known as Rover Group that also included the Mini and tried to turn it around. But it didn’t stop the rot and BMW sold the business but kept Mini. When production
ceased in 2000, BMW announced it had a successor ready in the form of the new MINI (with words now all in upper case). Through it all, BMW kept on the Cooper name and that included John’s son, Mike and the Cooper See MINI B5
2012 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 3.7L $ $ @ 9.7L /100km 29MPG HWY*** 13.4L /100km 21MPG CITY***
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Western Edition package includes: • Reverse Camera * • Tailgate Step • Sync®‡‡ • Foglamps • Black Platform Running Boards • 18" Bright Machined Aluminum Wheels
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be changed or cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Until July 3, 2012, purchase a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L/F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats for $28,999/$40,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500/$6,500. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500/$6,500 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ± Until July 3, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L/F-150 XLT Super Crew 4X4 5.0L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $38,999/$41,899 at 4.99% LAPR for up to 36 months with $3,425 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $352/$378, total lease obligation is $16,907/$17,033 and optional buyout is $15,990/$18,017. Offer includes Manufacturer Rebate of $7,500/$8,000. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ^Until July 3, 2012, Security Deposit payment is waived on a lease (Red Carpet leases, on approved credit from Ford Credit) of a new 2012 or 2013 model (excluding Shelby GT 500, Boss 302, Boss 302 Laguna Seca, E-Series, Transit Connect Electric, F-150 Raptor, F-Series Chassis Cabs, Medium trucks). Security Deposit may be required by Ford Credit based on customer credit terms and conditions. †From May 2, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $500/$1,000/$1,250/$1,500/$1,750/$2,000/$3,000/$4,000/ $4,500/$5,000/$5,500/$6,500/$7,000/ $7,500/$8,000/$8500 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Focus S, 2012 Fiesta S, 2012 Explorer (excluding Base)/2012 Fiesta (excluding S), 2012 Edge SE, 2012 Flex SE, 2012 Escape I4 Manual, E-Series/2012 Focus (excluding S)/Transit Connect (excluding Electric), 2012 F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 Value Leader/2012 Mustang Value Leader/2012 Taurus SE, 2012 F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/2012 Fusion S, 2012 Flex (excluding SE)/2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader), 2012 Edge AWD (excluding SE)/ 2012 Expedition/2012 Fusion Hybrid, 2012 Mustang GT (excluding GT500 and Boss 302), 2012 Taurus (excluding SE), 2012 Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)/2012 Fusion (excluding S and Hybrid), 2012 Edge FWD (excluding SE), 2012 Escape V6/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L, 2012 F-250 to F-450 Gas engine (excluding Chassis Cabs)/2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L/2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L, /2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L/2012 F-250 to F-450 Diesel engine (excluding Chassis Cabs) - all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]/2012 F-150 4X4 3.7L V6: [13.4L/100km (21MPG) City, 9.7L/100km (29MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ◆F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 46 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2011. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.7L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Environment Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ◆◆When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ‡‡Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check www.syncmyride.com for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††© 2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
B4 www.kelownacapnews.com Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
to the 2012 MINI model lineup is the Roadster available in three trim levels (Cooper S shown) with a manual or power soft top. CONTRIBUTED
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Giant-sized speedometer with retro style rocker switches MINI from B4
Body Style: Compact two-seat roadster/compact three-door hatchback Drive Method: frontengine, front-wheel-drive. Engine: 1.6-litre DOHC twin scroll turbo inline four-cylinder, Cooper S (181 hp, 177 lb/ ft). JCW (208 hp, 192 lb/ ft) Fuel Economy: (Premium) Roadster Cooper S six-speed manu-
al, 7.7/5.3/6.7L/100 km city/highway/combined; JCW six-speed manual, 7.7/5.6/6.7L/100 km city/ highway/combined Cargo: Roadster, 250 litres; JCW 160 litres behind back seat, 680 litres seat folded Price: Roadster Cooper S, $32,900, as tested, $38,670; JCW, $36,900, as tested, $42,830. Both as tested include $1,595 shipping fee Website: mini.ca WheelsTalk.com
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THE 2012 MINI John Cooper Works really deserves the moniker of “hot hatch” with its 208 hp twin-scroll turbo
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engine and 192 lb/ft of torque and hunkered down body that just skirts the ground.
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2012 FH&P Lawyers LLP Special Olympics Kelowna
(9th) Annual Fundraising Golf Classic CONTRIBUTED
THE INTERIOR of the MINI Roadster features the same retro time and switchgear including the huge centre speedo.You can just make out a gauge attached to the tack on the steering wheel column that counts how long the top is down. ball glove. Big pedals on such a little car are spaced for those who still remember how to heel and toe. The extra power and torque requires the fatter tires that are part of the JCW package. What you feel as a driver is a sense of being seated right in the centre of the wheelbase.
Flick the wheel to the left and it’s like you are seated on the fulcrum of the action. Hit the little “power” button on the transmission tunnel and turn off the traction control and then go and find a secluded road and the fun really begins. Despite the need for
premium fuel, covering close to 300 km at mostly highway speeded in the Roadster resulted in an average fuel consumption figure of 8.8L/100 km which was a nice surprise Yes, it’s true. Good things really do come in small packages.
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factory known in English slang as the Works, thus the name. I will always treasure going there in 2003 meeting Mike, his wife, daughter and sister who treated me like an old family friend. I found out his name was actually John Michael Cooper. He was called Mike because John Sr. named him after England’s first FI champion, Mike Hawthorn. Available in Cooper ($28,900), Cooper S ($32,900) and JCW ($39,900) forms, the new Roadster comes standard with a manual soft top that can be swung up or down with one hand. A power top is a $750 option and takes up no more trunk space than the cloth version. Trunk space is 250 litres. Inside it is the same mix of function and whimsy that helps set the MINI apart. There is the dinner plate sized speedo and secondary readouts smack in the middle of the dash with retro style rocker switches for everything. Attached on the left side of the steering wheel shaft mounted tach is a gauge that counts the hours and minutes the top is down. A recessed, powered spoiler on the rear deck deploys at 80 km/h and retracts at 60 km/h. There is a manual override switch for the driver so Mr. Policeman won’t know if you’ve been naughty. MINI brags, justifiably, about go-kart like handling and the Roadster is no different. Tested here is the Cooper S version with six-speed manual. While the automatic is available, MINI believes the Roadster will sell primarily to males who want a stick. It is very slick box to use and, with the also instant response from the turbo, the Roadster squirts out of low-speed corners and stays on song right up to the top of the rev range. Just looking at the JCW Hatchback and you know this ain’t no girlie car. There is a monster spoiler jutting rearward at the top of the liftgate. The spidery blacked out alloy wheels with blood red brake calipers and the body kit with rocker panel air strakes let you know this is a serious piece of kit. The JCW bolstered seats cup you like a base-
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Dodge takes aim at compact segment with all-new Dart Neil Moore CONTRIBUTOR
The return of the Dodge Dart has generated plenty of buzzâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;especially among those old enough to remember the original. The first Darts were full-size, but in 1963, the third-generation modelâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;available as a sedan, coupe, wagon or convertibleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;was built on what was then considered a compact platform. Although Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not old enough to have had much contact with early Darts, we had plenty of wellworn fourth-generation models (â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;67-â&#x20AC;&#x2122;76) in our high school parking lot. Many were tricked out to resemble muscle cars, but few had muscle, most having the ubiquitous 225 cubic inch slant six under the hood. Some had the 318 cu. in. V8, and a few were Dart â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Swingersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; which came standard with the 340. The optional 383 or 440 powerplants were less common. Unfortunately federal emission regulations sucked the life from the car, and it was replaced by the horrendous Plymouth Volare and Dodge Aspen. I still remember
the cheesy commercials with Italian-American tenor Sergio Franchi singing a modified version of his signature song. But I do reminisce fondly about the Dart, and was pleased when it was announced that Chrysler was bringing back the nameplate. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the same nostalgia play as Charger or Challengerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; as the new Dart is nothing like the original. For starters, and thanks to its Italian partners, this Dodge is based upon the Alfa Romeo Giulietta, a model known for its road holding and agility, not to mention its chic design. But the company took a different tack in designing its North American compact, stretching the Alfa platform about a foot and widening it two inches. The new architectureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s low, wide and long dimensions favour a stable, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;body-in, wheelsoutâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; stance with all four pushed to the corners. The new car has a 106 inch (2703 mm) wheelbaseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;just shy of the 1975 Dart, which was, overall, about 19 inches longer. The new model also has more interior volume. Indeed, the company has learned much in 37
years about these kinds of efficiencies, and in a compact footprint have carved out mid-size interior space. The Dart appears to be near or at the top of its segment in terms of overall volume, and has more rear leg room than some mid-size cars like the Optima and Sonata. The Dartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new underpinnings, however, are about more than providing a commodious cabin; the structure also uses 68 per cent high-strength steel, resulting in an architecture that is lightweight and solid. Good for safety, as well as NVH (noise/ vibration/harshness), ride and handling. So too is the independent suspension with MacPherson struts and stabilizer bar in front, and multi-link with link-type stabilizer in rear. Over rough roads and in tight turns, the Dart felt solid and composed. I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t able to drive a toptrim R/T with sport-tuned suspension, but found the others delivered a ride that was compliant, but not mushy in hard cornering. Thestandard-equipped electric power steering was quick and responsive, nicely weighted, and provided decent feedback.
it smooth and quiet, although lacking in punch. Acceleration from stop was leisurely, with matters improving once you get out of first gear. My preference would be the 16-valve, 1.4-litre MultiAir turbo engine, which despite its small displacement delivers 160 hp and 184 lb/ft of torque.
THE 2013 DODGE DART is based on the Alfa Romeo Giulietta, only longer and wider. This all-new compact sedan gets a toned-down crosshair grille, coupe-like silhouette and clean sheet metal for a sporty, yet sophisticated look. Unlike some early EPS systems. And while the carâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stiff structure contributes to a quiet cabin, much of that can also be credited to the honing of exterior shapes from more than 600 hours spent in wind tunnel testing, not to mention the liberal use of sound-deadening materials and improved seals. Look under the Dart and instead of greasy bits, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find smooth composite panels from stem to stern. These also reduce drag and help block road noise. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also abundant foam and acoustic baffles tucked into pillars and other body cavities. All of which result in a cabin that is as hushed as many premium sedans Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve driven.
Aerodynamics also play a big role in the Dartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s front-end design. This is the first Dodge vehicle to use an active grille shutter system, which closes to stop airflow at highway speeds (when less cooling is needed), and opens in hot city driving. The front end is also where the Dart makes its strongest style statement. This varies by trim level, with its main featureâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the split crosshair grilleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;being toned down from earlier Dodge vehicles for a more sophisticated look. The grille comes in four variations, and is flanked by projector headlamps in either hyper black or chrome. From the side, the Dart has a coupe-like silhouette with steeply-raked front
and rear windshields, and clean sheet metal with no excess bling. Subtle bulges over the large wheel openings enhance the vehicleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s planted look, as do the available 17- and 18-inch alloys. From the rear, the Dartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wrap-around taillampsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;which include 152 LEDsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;are a nod to big brother Charger. Below are available fascia-mounted dual exhaust tips for a more polished look than expected in this segment. There are three engine choices, starting with the base â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Tigersharkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 16-valve, 2.0-litre inline four cylinder that delivers 160 hp and 148 lb/ft of torque. I drove this with the available six-speed automatic, and found
Body Style: compact sedan Drive Method: frontengine, front-wheel-drive Engines: 16-valve, DOHC 2.0-litre (160 hp, 148 lb/ft); 16-valve, SOHC 1.4-litre MultiAir turbo (160 hp, 184 lb/ft); 16-valve, DOHC 2.4-litre MultiAir (184 hp; 171 lb/ ft) Transmissions: 6-speed manual; 6-speed automatic; 6-speed dual dry clutch Cargo Capacity: 371 litres Fuel Economy: 2.0-litre with manual 8.1/5.4 L/100 km (city/ hwy); 1.4-litre turbo with manual 7.4/4.9 L/100 km (city/hwy); Dart Aero package (when available) 4.7 L/100 km (hwy) Price: SE $15,995; SXT $17,995; Ralleye $19,495; Limited $23,245; R/T $23,995 Website: www.dodge. ca Wheelstalk.com
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Passed away suddenly on April 19th, 2012. Born July 27, 1958 in Innisfil Alberta came to Westbank in 1972. Where he attended George Pringle High. He worked as a driller and blaster for 30 years or more through the Okanagan & North. Survived by his wife Shirley, three brothers, Vern, Roger and Aron, two sisters, Doreen & Lorene, numerous neices and nephews, two stepchildren, Chris & Kerry, four grandchildren Daniel, David, Alex & Elizabeth. Predeceased by his sister Char. A story time and toast will be held at 354 Totom Industrial Crt. Saturday, May 12 between 1pm and 3pm. Lifes riches can’t compare with the love Tamir had to share and the friendships he shared with all. Always Loved & Missed Dearly, Rest In Peace.
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On May 2, 2012 Betty Mae Cooper passed away peacefully at the age of 84 after a short battle with cancer. Betty was born to Bert and Jesse Cooper at her grandfather’s home on Pendozi on November 13, 1927. Betty is survived by 3 loving sisters, Helen Smith, Carol Hammond, and Heather Morra. She was predeceased by her twin brother Bert, and brothers Jack and Dick. She will be fondly remembered by 10 nieces and nephews and their children who all knew her as their special Auntie Betty. Family graveside service to be held Monday, May 7th at 2:30 pm at the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Central Okanagan Hospice Association 104 – 1456 St. Paul Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2E6. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com, 250-860-7077.
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Obituaries DAVIS, MARGARET (nee Cartlidge) Passed away peacefully on May 2, 2012 in Kelowna, BC at the age of 80. Predeceased by her parents Eliza and Harry Cartlidge and survived by her brother Harry Cartlidge of Powell River, BC, numerous other family and friends. After a long career with Vancouver Centre Development, Margaret retired to Powell River; enjoying time with friends, family and travelling. Thank you to the wonderful staff on Ethel Glen Unit at Cottonwoods; you have all been amazing. Thank you also to Nola Schweitzer and Dr. David Whiting. At Margaret’s request, no service will take place. Condolences may be sent to the family by visitingwww.springfieldfuneralhome.com, 250-860-7077.
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George William King was born on April 3rd, 1921 in Lethbridge, Alberta and died on April 23rd, 2012 in the Vernon Jubilee Hospital at the age of 91 years. George will be lovingly remembered by his wife Kaye; one son, Kevin (Judith); and two grandchildren, Ruaidhri and Gabriele. He is Grandmas Celtic Warrior and will be greatly missed by his family and friends. Cremation preceded the Funeral Mass which will be celebrated at St. James Catholic Church on Saturday, May 5th, 2012 at 11:00 A.M. with Reverend Father Tony Ackerman of¿ciating. Interment will follow in the Pleasant Valley Cemetery.
FIRST MEMORIAL FUNERAL SERVICE To find out the many benefits of pre-arranging please call 762-2299
As an expression of sympathy, those who wish to do so may send donations in memory of George to the B.C. Heart & Stroke Foundation, #4-1551 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9M9. Terance Coderre Assistant Manager
1211 SUTHERLAND AVENUE www.firstmemorialkelowna.com
Funeral arrangements have been made with BETHEL FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD., 5605-27th Street, Vernon, B.C. V1T 8Z5 250-542-1187
It’s with much sadness we announce the passing of our dear Shirley, mother, sister and friend to so many. She was a bright light to all that knew her, and we will miss her terribly. Survived by her loving partner of 23 years Llew Machan, her son Scott Owen, her sister Mary Brown, grandchildren John, Samatha, Chris, Daniell, Tyler and Nate, three great grandchildren Jonah, Emily and Ethan. Shirley is also survived by step-children Debbie(Rob) Ratcliffe, Andrew(Jen) Ratcliffe, Jenny, Dasa, Angie, Brayden; Amy Ratcliffe, Dale Machan, Doug (Camilla), Brittany(Frances); Cheryl Machan and her son Jason, brother-in-law Rudy Carline, several nieces and nephews with a special nieces Debbie(Dave) Bryden who have been our special helpmates since coming to Kelowna. Shirley was born in Vancouver, where she resided until moving to Kelowna in 1989. Predeceased by husband John Owen and husband Harvey Foxhall, sisters Joyce (Alex) Dewar, Pat (Ken) Jester, Nancy Carline. She loved her golf playing at Kelowna Springs for as long as she was able, where she met and made many good friends. Shirley will be always missed and remembered, in lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to the Kelowna General Hospital Cancer Clinic in memory of Shirley. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.mem.com, clicking on stories and typing in Shirley Foxhall. A Celebration of Shirley’s Life will be held on Friday, May 11th, 2012 at 11:00 AM from the Chapel of First Memorial Funeral Services, 1211 Sutherland Ave, Kelowna. Arrangements entrusted with First Memorial Funeral Services, Kelowna, B.C. 250-762-2299
GRAHAM, EDITH CAROLINE (NEE RAUCH) Edith Caroline Graham passed away on April 28th, 2012 in her 96 year. She was born on November 11th, 1915 in Neudorf, Saskatchewan, the second child of John and Mathilda Rauch. She moved to Leader, SK at a very young age entering grade one when she was only 4 years old. After graduating, Edith took her teacher’s training in Moose Jaw, Sask. She received her Master’s Degree in Education at U.B.C. She began her teaching career in Saskatchewan, but moved to B.C. in 1945 after serving two years in the Airforce. She taught high school in Ladner, BC and then Richmond, BC. She retired from teaching in 1981. Edith moved to Kelowna in 1986 and lived at Wedgewood Retirement home for many years. After a short illness, she moved to the Village at Mill Creek and her last days were spent in Orchard Manor. Edith was pre-deceased by her husband Bill, in 1958, her brothers: John, Fred and Harold (& sister-in-law Esther), sisters: Betty Olson (Bill), Laura Lucier (Phil) and Elsie McRobert as well as brother-in-law Walter Locke. Survived by her sisters: Vi Locke and Ruby Fedoruk, sisters-in-law: Irma Rauch and Rose Rauch, brothers-in-law: Perry McRobert and Henry Fedoruk, as well as many nieces and nephews. She will be deeply missed by her loving family and friends. A family graveside service will be held. In lieu of flowers donations in memory of Edith to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.mem.com. and searching Edith Graham under stories. Arrangements in care of First Memorial Funeral Services, (250) 762-2299.
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Business Opportunities
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
COLLECTION AGENCY Franchise territory available if you are an Entrepreneur or have a Business, Accounting, Financial or Banking background, we offer you a proven 20 year concept. An ideal Franchise Opportunity for motivated business professionals, investment required. Contact: fcis@sasktel.net or www.falconnorthamerica.com 306-352-0775
Class 1 Drivers to haul dry vans Western Canada & US. Only drivers with 2 years exp. & US border crossing capability. Local Drivers also required. Dedicated tractors, paid drops, direct deposit. No phone calls Fax 250-546-0600
GIFT BASKET FRANCHISE FOR SALE. Home based in Kelowna, (Okanagan Territory) $13,500 Includes gift baskets, product, ribbon etc. Also website, email, head office support, gift basket designs, selling & accounting etc. Serious enquiries only, Please Call 778-753-4500
Education/Trade Schools
THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.
Lost & Found FOUND cell phone, in Dilworth Mtn Park, evening of May 2nd Call to identify & claim (250)762-2794 LOST ATV seat while driving from Black Mountain/Hwy 33/ Hwy 97 to West Kelowna. Call (250)-767-6507 LOST Black Cat answers to “Tiny”. Male 3yrs.Neutered/Micro chip. Mission area/Dehart. Last seen April 25th. Reward. $50. Please call(778)477-4922 LOST: Set of keys. Oval, glass key chain with blue fish inside. Lost around Apr. 5. Call 250-861-6021
Children Childcare Available
AT TIGGER & ME Too Daycare: Spots available for 21/2 5 yr olds & After school care. Rutland Area. Call (250)-7654900
Daycare Centers GREEN GABLES DAYCARE HAS EXPANDED! Now open in the Mission Area! Childcare program for children Birth-5years. Fun, loving structured environment with qualified staff. Located 4574 Raymer RD. Call or email Jennifer to book your tour! 250-863-8931 g r e e n g a b l e s d a y care@live.com
NEW Online Franchise Sales & Marketing Included No experience Required myglobalincomealliance.com 250-718-1847
• • •
EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to operate a Mini-Office Outlet from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income,www.123bossfree.com LOWER Mission coffee bar for sale. Rent $325/month. Moving must sell. $32,000 obo. Financing avail. 778-753-3735
HARINDERJIT SIDHU 7782 Hwy 97N Kelowna, BC. V4V1T3 Requires seasonal workers for thinning, picking & pruning from June 20th - Oct. 50/hrs/Week $10.25/Hr Call Cell 250-718-1975
Choosing a Daycare or Preschool Advertise your Daycare spaces available here the 1st Tuesday of every month in the Kelowna Capital News and reach 50,000 homes each edition. $99 per issue + HST Full color.
Business Opportunities
‘BUSINESS LOANS’ Can’t get the attention of your banker? For a new start up or expansion loans, contact Community Futures Developement Corp. Dave Scott, Loan Manager, 250-868-2132 ext 227
Farm Workers
to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or hunt@blackpress.ca
ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for June 4, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 www.taylorprotraining.com
WEST Kelowna - Licensed Family Daycare has 1 part time space available for a child 4 years old or for after school care. Transportation from Rose Valley Elementary is available. I provide a fun, safe and activity filled day in my bright, clean and spacious home. Please call Kristi at 250-769-7902.
21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:
Contact Michelle mtrudeau@kelownacapnews.com Phone 250-763-7114
Career Opportunities
Farm Workers
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Landmark Technology Centre 110-1632 Dickson Ave., Kelowna BC
A BUSINESS BOOMING Our expanding Kelowna company needs TEAM players for F/T work. NO experience necessary. Great opportunity for those willing to grow with our company.
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
KARMJIT GILL ORCHARDS looking for Seasonal Workers in Kelowna. Pruning, Thinning & Picking. $10.25/hr, 40hrswk. Piece work. June 12 - Oct 30. Call (250)-860-9737 OLIVER Fruit House, 3496 Fitzgerald Rd, Kelowna is looking for farm workers for cherry harvest & general farm work. Seasonal, 40hrs/wk minimum, 7 days/wk weather permitting. $10.25/hr, Cherry harvest at piece rate. Email resumes to oliverfruithouse@shaw.ca
Haircare Professionals
Business Plan Development Programs Evaluate your opportunity with the 2 Day Entrepreneur Assessment Program $160 Prepare for start-up with the 4 Week Business Plan Development Program $800 (2 day program is a pre-requisite for applications and acceptance)
EXPERIENCED Hairstylist Required for FT. / PT. in West Kelowna. Call (250)-862-1744 Fusion Hair Studio in Lake Country is hiring for F/T or P/T exp’d stylist or chair rental. 766-2099, fusionstudio@shaw.ca
Financial assistance for eligible unemployed participants who want to start or purchase a business may be available.
Help Wanted
Call 250-868-2132
ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call 250-979-4357 to set up your FREE consultation in Kelowna Donna Mihalcheon CA,CIRP 31 years experience. BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy, #200 -1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 9X1
Building Community Our Recreation & Cultural Services department provides over 5,000 programs and services that support the health, fitness and leisure pursuits of residents of Kelowna. With your cash handling and computerized data entry experience, you will provide general administrative support to the Department, process facility rentals, membership pass sales, program registrations and maintain customer account data. Great customer service skills and problem-solving are essential to assisting customers of all ages, along with the flexibility to work varied shifts (days, evenings & weekends) and locations (Parkinson Recreation Centre, Sport Kelowna, Glenmore Office and Kelowna Community Theatre etc.). Qualifications: • Customer Service • Bondable/cash handling • Teamwork & Flexibility • Computer Literacy & Communications • BC Drivers License - Class 5
building maintenance@gmail.com
P/T or F/T Employment needed, pizza maker/prep cook, general duties. 250-864-6669
EI CLAIM Denied? Need Help? 18yrs Exp. As an EI Officer. Will prepare & Present Appeals. Reasonable Rates. Call Bernie Hughes, Toll Free at 1-877-581-1122.
Are you into exercise, motivated and wanting some extra income? Capital News is looking for a person or persons with a reliable vehicle to deliver newspapers door to door in the Kelowna and Westside areas. Various sized routes on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Your papers would be dropped at your home early in the morning, and you would have the whole day to complete your deliveries. Work as much or as little as you want. To apply for this position, please call Capital News Circulation at 250-763-7575 and ask for Richard.
Enjoy a creative environment? Understand the power of advertising? The Kelowna Capital News is on the hunt for a full-time salesperson. For 82 years, the Capital News has been an essential part of Kelowna and the surrounding area—now you can be an essential part of the Capital News. We are looking for an exceptional sales person that’s as comfortable talking to tattoo artists as boardroom executives. You are creative, persuasive, fearless and have passion in everything you do. Every day you will take our incredible brand out into the Kelowna market and convey the many benefits of advertising with the Capital News. Valid driver’s license and vehicle in good working order required for this position. For the right individual this could be the best job in the Okanagan. If you’re ready for a sales challenge and all the benefits that come with it, send your resume by Friday, May 18th, 2012.
This is a CUPE bargaining unit position and offers an hourly rate of $22.20 per hour plus 14% in lieu of vacations, benefits and statutory holidays.
Attention: Karen Hill Publisher, Kelowna Capital News 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2 fax: 250-862-5275 email: khill@kelownacapnews.com
Apply online at kelowna.ca/careers by May 11, 2012
No phone calls please.
Applicants not contacted within three weeks of the competition closing date are thanked for their interest. kelowna.ca/careers
250-860-3590 PT Care Aid Req’ed for Seniors. Wage dependant on Exp. Call Susan (250)864-5004
Funding provided through the CanadaBritish Columbia Labour Market Agreement
Part-time position
Students Welcome.
Experienced Janitors needed for office cleaning immed. Transportation req’d. Fax resume to: 250-764-6460, Tel: 250-764-6466 Email: evergreen-
Information sessions held every Friday from 10 -11am.
Career Opportunities
Recreation Clerk
2,500+/mo to start!
NOW Canada Society NOW Canada is looking to employ a caring and compassionate House Director for its mom and child safe home. NOW’s safe homes offer accommodation to women and youth who have experienced exploitation, addictions and abuse. This is a live-in position. House Directors ensure the home offers a safe environment so participants can concentrate on their recovery. They assist participants in developing their personal skills such as self-esteem, respect, tolerance and communication. They enforce a drug and alcohol free environment and make sure participants remain respectful towards each other. Parenting experience is essential and experience of working with Ministry of Children and Family Development is an asset. Applicants need to be excellent team players, have a great amount of patience and understanding and display a professional attitude and good boundaries. Good working knowledge of street-related/drug addiction/mental health issues and recovery are also essential. This posting will remain open until 15th May or until a suitable candidate has been found. Please send your resume and cover letter to: NOW Canada Society 2970 Tutt Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8Z5 E-mail: info@nowcanada.ca Fax: 250 868 3876
CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT Wales McLelland is an award winning General Contractor specializing in the delivery of Design Build Projects. Due to our continued growth, opportunities exist for an experienced Superintendent. The ideal candidate will have signi¿cant experience in supervising Commercial Projects in the $5 million to $10 million range. We offer a competitive salary and bene¿ts package as well as a stimulating work environment. If you are interested in joining our team, please fax or email your resume to: Wales McLelland Construction Attention: Jim Skirda, M.Sc., P.Eng. Manager of Operations jim@walesmclelland.com Fax 604-638-1211 www.walesmclelland.com
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com B9
We never stop moving®
Lovely South-West exposed back decks + yard in this very open, spacious rancher walk-out; 5 bed 4 bath. Lakeview + peaceful backyard. Triple garage with a workshop area; room for boat or RV inside. Kirschner Mountain Estates. Call Marnie Perrier at 250-212-8552 or go to www.marnieperrier.com. MLS®10044584, $619,000, 1444 Kloppenburg Road.
In a quiet area, modern walkout rancher w/large great room, vaulted ceilings, skylights, over 3400 sq ft, 3 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 large decks, extra parking, shop, nicely landscaped, garden, on city sewer, great area. Call Cecile Guilbault to view at 250-212-2654 or for more info go to www.cecileguilbault.com. MLS®10044896, $569,000, 6519 Sherburn Road.
Absolutely spectacular views from this 4 bedroom plus den home. Large sundeck to enjoy the city and lake views. Quiet neighborhood on no thru road. Cement driveway, double garage, landscaped lot. Close to skiing and golf. Call Bill Raine at 250-870-6210 to view or go to www.BillRaine.Info. MLS®10044952, $479,000, 1255 Hartman Road.
OVER 2500 SQ. FT. FOR $289,900
Original show suite, end unit with beautiful views. Features skylights, stone faced gas fireplace, glass solarium. Updated throughout with new paint, cork and ceramic tile flooring on main. Walking distance to everything. Call 250-860-7500 and Make Your Best Deal with Karen McNeill or visit www.dealwithmcneill.com. MLS®10044051, #27-2433 Ingram Road.
Featuring 4 Bdrms, 2.5 Bths, 1,800+sq.ft. Living room and front deck enjoys scenic golf and mountain views. Inside you’ll love the ‘pet friendly’ laminate floors, updated paint/carpets and a bonus family room downstairs. A private backyard features hot tub, terraced rock gardens, accent lighting and covered deck perfect for enjoying Okanagan summer ‘al fresco dining’or entertaining! All located on a quiet nothrough road near Shannon Lake Golf Course and Shannon Lake Elementary School. For more information call Jaime Briggs, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty at 250-860-7500 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes. com. MLS®10046102, $414,000, 2500 Shannon View Drive.
3 level home with self contained suite with sep/entrance. 2 large balconies. 4 beds on top 2 floors and bed plus den in suite. Japanese walnut floors, vaulted ceilings, ceramic tiles. Quiet setting with landscaped yard. Call Bill Raine at 250-870-6210 to view or go to www.BillRaine.Info. MLS®10045775, $599,000, 1519 Longley Crescent.
Vol. 9 No. 4
Perched on the mountainside with spectacular lake, mountain and city views. Excellent building site(s). Build your own dream home in this peaceful natural setting. Call Bill Raine at 250-870-6210 to view or go to www.BillRaine.Info. MLS®10044937, $399,000, Lot #1 Pada Road.
4 bed, 4 bath, 2826 sq ft walkout rancher w/stunning lakeviews. Huge lot, .68 acre shows like a dream. Silestone counters, Sub Zero fridge, gas range, hardwood floors, an extra 360 sq ft for a studio suite or shop. Call Cecile Guilbault to view at 250-212-2654 or for more info go to www.cecileguilbault.com. MLS®10045030, $598,000, 6297 Thompson Drive.
Walk right across the street to play in Hartwick Park, or swing your tennis racket! This 2 bedroom bungalow with 2 bedroom suite is right beside a park, and walking distance to two great schools! Please call Jennifer Bregolisse for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10045164, $389,900, 1469 Lambert Avenue.
In the heart of the most vibrant and developing center in Kelowna. Close to hospital, schools, shopping, coffee houses, restaurants, pubs, parks and beaches - a first class neighborhood and lifestyle for you! Call John Mandoli or Brian Wright to view at 250-860-7500. MLS®10045555, $489,000, #111-457 West Avenue.
The ultimate wine country location. This immaculately kept 1.5 story home features main floor living, gourmet island kitchen, lofty ceilings and incredible, bright windows. Xeriscaped rock gardens for easy care! Please call Jennifer Bregolisse & Gary August for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10044844, $669,900, 3240 Vineyard View Drive.
4 Bdrms (3+1), 3 Bths, 2,015 sq.ft. finished, plus 1,015 sq.ft. unfinished in large walkout basement. 4-S/S appliances, soaring 20ft. vaulted ceilings in living room, lakeviews, triple garage. $622,230 incl net HST. For more information call Jaime Briggs, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty at 250-860-7500 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com. MLS®10046196, 3103 Sageview Road. We never stop moving®
Standard message rates may apply. HORIZON REALTY
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Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com B11
LESS THAN $459,900
LESS THAN $439,900
LESS THAN $400,000
TOP FLOOR 2 bdrm 2 bath spacious condo in quiet building close to shopping, park and bus route. Bright kitchen, separate dining room, large living room with GSD to 15x8 enclosed balcony. Good sized laundry/storage and Charlene five appliances. Secure parking with extra storage. Bring Bertrand an offer! Call Charlene Bertrand at 250-870-1870. 250-870-1870 MLS®10037513.
Incredible lakeview in this peaceful rural setting, upside lot, semi lakeshore with access to tennis courts and boat launch on Okanagan Lake on a no thru road. No time frame to build, septic permit required, plus HST. For more details, call Roma Niessen at 250-860-7500. MLS®10030084, $199,900, Lot #47 Coral Beach Road.
Roma Niessen 250-860-7500
2 bed/2 bath with loft townhome. Stainless appliances. Terrific location between downtown, Glenmore and Orchard Park. Low strata fees, single garage, quiet tree lined street off of Bernard. Immediate possession. Please call Tanis Read at 250-215-2121 for more information. MLS®10037626, $279,900, #212-1390 Dilworth Crescent.
Tanis Read 250-215-2121
John Mandoli 250-718-1864
Adult oriented 55+, safe, flat yard, gas fireplace, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, no step rancher in a well run gated community. Backing on fantastic backyard with a relaxing waterscape. Single car garage. Freehold. Call John or Brian to view. MLS®10041996, $305,000, #112-4035 Gellatly Road.
Brian Wright 250-681-0198
Charming little dollhouse tucked down a private lane. 2 bdrms, 1 bath, fenced yard. Home was completely rebuilt in 2005, yet still retains original character. Great condo or townhouse alternative yet no strata rules. For more information Jaime call Jaime Briggs, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty at Briggs 250-860-7500 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com. MLS®10042046, $389,000, 527 Buckland Avenue. 250-860-7500
Many updates. Close to schools, bus & shopping. This 3 bed, 3 bath T/H has a fully finished bsmt w/ RI bath & the possibility of another bedroom. Single car garage, on-site playground & walk to school. Call now. Call Paige Paige Guernsey for more info at 250-862-6464 or visit Guernsey www.kelownahome.com. MLS®10038045, 250-862-6464 $319,900, #6-1853 Edgehill Avenue.
Large lot on beautiful waterway, close to clubhouse, updated 2 bedroom 2 bathroom. Vaulted ceiling, dining room, living room and family room. Modern island kitchenfresh throughout. Enjoy adult community life in this great Richard well-managed complex. For more details, call Richard Paterson at 250-869-2610. MLS®10045310, $399,000, Paterson #140-2330 Butt Road. 250-869-2610
GATED COMMUNITY! • • • • • • • • • • •
Charming detached townhome. Upgraded rancher with beautiful sunroom. Leisure Village, a 55+ community in West Kelowna. Call Larry Guilbault at 250-826-2407 or for more information go to kelownaokanaganrealestate. com. MLS®10039447, $388,000, #212-3360 Old Okanagan Highway.
Larry Guilbault 250-826-2047
LESS THAN $599,900
$169,900 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
$599,900 AND UP
LESS THAN $389,000
LESS THAN $280,000
Every Home Has A Story... Write its next chapter with Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty
PASTORAL VIEW! • • • • • • • • • • • • •
In this contemporary home, you’ll appreciate the tasteful updates including modern baths with designer fixtures and quartz countertop. Open hickory island kitchen and a dream basement with high ceilings & wet bar! Please call Jennifer Bregolisse for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10042367, $519,900, 2087 Horizon Drive.
Jennifer Bregolisse 860-7500
Jennifer Bregolisse SE Unit, lake & mountain view, bright, open concept, sound 860-7500
CENTURIA’S 15TH FLOOR • • • • • • •
system, 1468 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, den, balcony, cork floors, granite countertop, fireplace, heating included in strata fees, 2 parking stalls, storage, pool and fitness Roma center in award winning Centuria, rentals and pets allowed. Niessen For more details, call Roma Niessen at 250-860-7500. MLS®10043644, $599,900, #1506-1160 Bernard Avenue. 250-860-7500
Big 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house located on quiet street, excellent value, won’t last long. New roof less than 6 months old, a spacious family home. A large deck overlooking Okanagan Lake. Call Larry Guilbault Larry at 250-826-2407 or for more information go to Guilbault kelownaokanaganrealestate.com. MLS®10044086, 250-826-2407 $399,000, 4705 Minto Street.
Modern & stylish townhome located just minutes to downtown, beaches & KGH. Newly renovated with quality finishings, high end appliances, spa like ensuite, hardwood and travertine. Double garage. Jane Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or Hoffman visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. 250-860-7500 MLS®10037445, $529,000.
We never stop moving®
HIGH END • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
4 bdrm/3 bath quality crafted home with soaring vaulted ceilings overlooking the park and pond. Very private beautiful yard. Immaculate open concept, SS appls, hardwood & top notch throughout. Huge John professionally designed 3 car garage. Call John Mandoli Mandoli to view at 250-718-1864. MLS®10042823, 250-718-1864 $599,900, 1635 Autumn Road.
Traditional floor plan that has space for the entire family! Formal living/dining, 4 bdrms up plus bonus room. Large deck w/mountain & lakeviews. A gardener’s paradise in the backyard. Easy to inlaw suite. For more information Jaime call Jaime Briggs, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty at Briggs 250-860-7500 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com. 250-860-7500 MLS®10043791, $544,000, 1691 Large Avenue.
Gary August 250-860-7500
NEW PRICE! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
LUXURIOUS! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Attention to detail. Granite + fabulous tiling! Hardwood floors. Open kitchen/living room. An Oasis for Master Bedroom. Upstairs laundry. Lake & valley views, large deck. Entertain? $$ in Home-Media. Susp-slab Garage. 600 sq.ft. Christian bonus space. LEGAL Suite! Call Christian Kirschke at Kirschke 250-863-2000 or go to www.KelownaHomeChoice.ca. 250-863-2000 MLS®10030645, $1,299,999, 1145 Steele Court.
Simply the most premier penthouse in the city, this two level, nearly 5000 square foot residence was designed with quality and luxury in mind. Designed by an internationally recognized designer, this home is extraordinary! Please call Jennifer Bregolisse & Gary August for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10040415, Jennifer Bregolisse $2,495,000, #1701-1947 Underhill Street. 250-870-1870
STUNNING VALLEY VIEWS• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
WILDEN FAMILY HOME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Custom built residence. Over 3000 sq.ft. with 5 bdrms & 4 baths. Open concept with beautiful finishing, gourmet kitchen, full wet bar and media room. Situated in quiet area yet close to golf, dining and shopping. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10045213, $549,000.
A beautiful, well priced home complete with 2 bedroom inlaw suite, lots of parking & quality finishings. Master on the main floor, vaulted ceilings, private yard and hardwood floors. 2 sets of appliances included. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10042171, $568,000.
Brian Wright 250-681-0198
3 bedroom, 3 bathroom with a den townhouse. Great location on the quiet side of Dilworth. Private patio off of master bedroom, plus front deck with outstanding mountain views. Gas fireplace, built in vac, central air. Call Brian or John to view. MLS®10044249, $417,000, #252325 Silver Place.
CENTRALLY LOCATED • • • • • • • • • •
John Mandoli 250-718-1864
Flat, half acre home-site. 5 bed home w/2 kitchens, 2 laundry stackers. 2 separate living spaces. Lot provides room for many uses & vehicles/RVs. Enough space for home business. Sewer connected. 2 garages/sheds + Christian garden. Call Christian Kirschke at 250-863-2000 or Kirschke go to www.KelownaHomeChoice.ca. MLS®10045743, 250-863-2000 $425,000, 10910 Bottom Wood Lake Road.
This hard to find 4 bedroom, 3 bath home is in a fantastic location close to beaches, bus, schools, shopping and both H20 Aquatic Center and The Cap News Center. Formerly a show home, the garage has been converted to 400 extra square feet of main floor living area and is easily converted back to double garage. Spacious island kitchen, coved ceilings and sunken family room with glass sliders leading to low maintenance, private interlocking brick back yard. Call Paige Guernsey for more info at 250-862-6464 or visit www.kelownahome.com. MLS®10041350, $439,900, 1133 Windermere Court.
Lake, mountain, vineyard and valley views from this bright open 5 bdrm 5 bath home. Brand new addition in 2006, hardwood, vaulted bonus room, covered patio w/ outdoor fireplace. Rear yard has engineered retaining wall for pool. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10022100, $798,000.
Paige Guernsey 250-862-6464
UNPARALLELED LAKE VIEW • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bright open floor plan with large entertainment areas. Opulant main floor master, lower level with suite. Beautiful sundeck with covered eating area. Finest in quality and finishings. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10042947, $999,000.
Unique architecturally designed custom built residence. Gleaming hardwood floors, high ceilings, granite, crown mouldings, floor to ceiling windows. 4 car garage. Salt water pool w/large deck space. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10045211, $1,895,000.
PROPERTY & STRATA MANAGEMENT Do you require a Property or Strata Manager for your property? Call our office for a presentation. Gary August 250-860-7500
PERFECT FOR A SHOP! • • • • • • • • •
Over 1/2 acre corner lot in Crawford Estates. Two bedroom plus den home with a one bedroom in-law suite. Very funky design with interesting angles. Updated kitchen, laminate and more! Circular drive plus one below. Please call Jennifer Bregolisse & Gary August for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10041400, Jennifer Bregolisse $439,900, 1400 Mission Ridge Drive. 250-870-1870
Located in premium central location! Professionally developed up and down. Features 4 bedrooms + den, formal dining room, 3 baths, gas fireplace, summer kitchen with dining area, walk in pantry, family room, central air & vaulted ceilings. New roof, furnace & water heater. Double garage. An excellent buy at $449,900. Call Renate Boucher to view 250-470-1388. MLS®10043748.
LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS • • • • • • • • • • •
Renate Boucher 250-470-1388
Prestigious Thacker Drive, 2650 sq ft, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, one gas, one wood, 2 laundry, vaulted ceiling in great room, separate entry, could be suited, 1/3 of an acre, private yard, room to park all your vehicles, boat, RV. Vacant, measurements are approximate. Quarterly levies, Sewer Roma $72.36, Garbage $54.71, Water $42.00. Sewer is in, levy on taxes. For Niessen more details, call Roma Niessen at 250-860-7500. MLS®10043650, 250-860-7500 $459,900, 2650 Thacker Drive.
Kevin Cheale
Dave Collins
Property Manager
Property & Strata Manager
praise our overall performance.
would recommend us to a friend.
More than
would use Coldwell Banker again.
Property Manager
Gunnar Forsstrom Strata Manager
Kelowna Residential 14-1470 Harvey Ave. (250) 860-7500
Customer Satisfaction. The Measurement That Matters. The Numbers Tell The Story... Over
Christie Fisher
10 Years In A Row.
Judith Gregson
Mike Makin Strata Manager
Strata Manager
Westside Residential 101-3500 Carrington Rd. (250) 768-8001
Janet McDonald Managing Broker
Peter McKenzie
250-860-1411 Res. 250-860-1420, Comm.
Property & Strata Manager
Quail Ridge 3A-3185 Via Centrale (250)765-4282
www.KelownaRealEstate.com w
Glen Mehus
Shirley Mehus
Joy Ross
Andrew Sliz
Commercial Property Manager
Commercial Property & Strata Manager
Property & Strata Manager
Strata Manager
Water Street 1332 Water St. (250) 860-7500
Property & Strata Management (250) 860-1411 res. • (250) 860-1420 comm.
Peachland 5878E Beach Ave. (250) 767-2744 Toll Free 1-877-856-0625
Revelstoke Office
Peter Weber Property Manager
Revelstoke 217 MacKenzie Ave. (250) 837-2251 Toll Free 1-866-385-2013
Kelowna Commercial (250) 763-4343 Westside Commercial (250) 768-8395
B10 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com B11
LESS THAN $459,900
LESS THAN $439,900
LESS THAN $400,000
TOP FLOOR 2 bdrm 2 bath spacious condo in quiet building close to shopping, park and bus route. Bright kitchen, separate dining room, large living room with GSD to 15x8 enclosed balcony. Good sized laundry/storage and Charlene five appliances. Secure parking with extra storage. Bring Bertrand an offer! Call Charlene Bertrand at 250-870-1870. 250-870-1870 MLS®10037513.
Incredible lakeview in this peaceful rural setting, upside lot, semi lakeshore with access to tennis courts and boat launch on Okanagan Lake on a no thru road. No time frame to build, septic permit required, plus HST. For more details, call Roma Niessen at 250-860-7500. MLS®10030084, $199,900, Lot #47 Coral Beach Road.
Roma Niessen 250-860-7500
2 bed/2 bath with loft townhome. Stainless appliances. Terrific location between downtown, Glenmore and Orchard Park. Low strata fees, single garage, quiet tree lined street off of Bernard. Immediate possession. Please call Tanis Read at 250-215-2121 for more information. MLS®10037626, $279,900, #212-1390 Dilworth Crescent.
Tanis Read 250-215-2121
John Mandoli 250-718-1864
Adult oriented 55+, safe, flat yard, gas fireplace, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, no step rancher in a well run gated community. Backing on fantastic backyard with a relaxing waterscape. Single car garage. Freehold. Call John or Brian to view. MLS®10041996, $305,000, #112-4035 Gellatly Road.
Brian Wright 250-681-0198
Charming little dollhouse tucked down a private lane. 2 bdrms, 1 bath, fenced yard. Home was completely rebuilt in 2005, yet still retains original character. Great condo or townhouse alternative yet no strata rules. For more information Jaime call Jaime Briggs, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty at Briggs 250-860-7500 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com. MLS®10042046, $389,000, 527 Buckland Avenue. 250-860-7500
Many updates. Close to schools, bus & shopping. This 3 bed, 3 bath T/H has a fully finished bsmt w/ RI bath & the possibility of another bedroom. Single car garage, on-site playground & walk to school. Call now. Call Paige Paige Guernsey for more info at 250-862-6464 or visit Guernsey www.kelownahome.com. MLS®10038045, 250-862-6464 $319,900, #6-1853 Edgehill Avenue.
Large lot on beautiful waterway, close to clubhouse, updated 2 bedroom 2 bathroom. Vaulted ceiling, dining room, living room and family room. Modern island kitchenfresh throughout. Enjoy adult community life in this great Richard well-managed complex. For more details, call Richard Paterson at 250-869-2610. MLS®10045310, $399,000, Paterson #140-2330 Butt Road. 250-869-2610
GATED COMMUNITY! • • • • • • • • • • •
Charming detached townhome. Upgraded rancher with beautiful sunroom. Leisure Village, a 55+ community in West Kelowna. Call Larry Guilbault at 250-826-2407 or for more information go to kelownaokanaganrealestate. com. MLS®10039447, $388,000, #212-3360 Old Okanagan Highway.
Larry Guilbault 250-826-2047
LESS THAN $599,900
$169,900 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
$599,900 AND UP
LESS THAN $389,000
LESS THAN $280,000
Every Home Has A Story... Write its next chapter with Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty
PASTORAL VIEW! • • • • • • • • • • • • •
In this contemporary home, you’ll appreciate the tasteful updates including modern baths with designer fixtures and quartz countertop. Open hickory island kitchen and a dream basement with high ceilings & wet bar! Please call Jennifer Bregolisse for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10042367, $519,900, 2087 Horizon Drive.
Jennifer Bregolisse 860-7500
Jennifer Bregolisse SE Unit, lake & mountain view, bright, open concept, sound 860-7500
CENTURIA’S 15TH FLOOR • • • • • • •
system, 1468 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, den, balcony, cork floors, granite countertop, fireplace, heating included in strata fees, 2 parking stalls, storage, pool and fitness Roma center in award winning Centuria, rentals and pets allowed. Niessen For more details, call Roma Niessen at 250-860-7500. MLS®10043644, $599,900, #1506-1160 Bernard Avenue. 250-860-7500
Big 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house located on quiet street, excellent value, won’t last long. New roof less than 6 months old, a spacious family home. A large deck overlooking Okanagan Lake. Call Larry Guilbault Larry at 250-826-2407 or for more information go to Guilbault kelownaokanaganrealestate.com. MLS®10044086, 250-826-2407 $399,000, 4705 Minto Street.
Modern & stylish townhome located just minutes to downtown, beaches & KGH. Newly renovated with quality finishings, high end appliances, spa like ensuite, hardwood and travertine. Double garage. Jane Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or Hoffman visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. 250-860-7500 MLS®10037445, $529,000.
We never stop moving®
HIGH END • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
4 bdrm/3 bath quality crafted home with soaring vaulted ceilings overlooking the park and pond. Very private beautiful yard. Immaculate open concept, SS appls, hardwood & top notch throughout. Huge John professionally designed 3 car garage. Call John Mandoli Mandoli to view at 250-718-1864. MLS®10042823, 250-718-1864 $599,900, 1635 Autumn Road.
Traditional floor plan that has space for the entire family! Formal living/dining, 4 bdrms up plus bonus room. Large deck w/mountain & lakeviews. A gardener’s paradise in the backyard. Easy to inlaw suite. For more information Jaime call Jaime Briggs, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty at Briggs 250-860-7500 or go to www.BriggsOnHomes.com. 250-860-7500 MLS®10043791, $544,000, 1691 Large Avenue.
Gary August 250-860-7500
NEW PRICE! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
LUXURIOUS! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Attention to detail. Granite + fabulous tiling! Hardwood floors. Open kitchen/living room. An Oasis for Master Bedroom. Upstairs laundry. Lake & valley views, large deck. Entertain? $$ in Home-Media. Susp-slab Garage. 600 sq.ft. Christian bonus space. LEGAL Suite! Call Christian Kirschke at Kirschke 250-863-2000 or go to www.KelownaHomeChoice.ca. 250-863-2000 MLS®10030645, $1,299,999, 1145 Steele Court.
Simply the most premier penthouse in the city, this two level, nearly 5000 square foot residence was designed with quality and luxury in mind. Designed by an internationally recognized designer, this home is extraordinary! Please call Jennifer Bregolisse & Gary August for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10040415, Jennifer Bregolisse $2,495,000, #1701-1947 Underhill Street. 250-870-1870
STUNNING VALLEY VIEWS• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
WILDEN FAMILY HOME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Custom built residence. Over 3000 sq.ft. with 5 bdrms & 4 baths. Open concept with beautiful finishing, gourmet kitchen, full wet bar and media room. Situated in quiet area yet close to golf, dining and shopping. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10045213, $549,000.
A beautiful, well priced home complete with 2 bedroom inlaw suite, lots of parking & quality finishings. Master on the main floor, vaulted ceilings, private yard and hardwood floors. 2 sets of appliances included. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10042171, $568,000.
Brian Wright 250-681-0198
3 bedroom, 3 bathroom with a den townhouse. Great location on the quiet side of Dilworth. Private patio off of master bedroom, plus front deck with outstanding mountain views. Gas fireplace, built in vac, central air. Call Brian or John to view. MLS®10044249, $417,000, #252325 Silver Place.
CENTRALLY LOCATED • • • • • • • • • •
John Mandoli 250-718-1864
Flat, half acre home-site. 5 bed home w/2 kitchens, 2 laundry stackers. 2 separate living spaces. Lot provides room for many uses & vehicles/RVs. Enough space for home business. Sewer connected. 2 garages/sheds + Christian garden. Call Christian Kirschke at 250-863-2000 or Kirschke go to www.KelownaHomeChoice.ca. MLS®10045743, 250-863-2000 $425,000, 10910 Bottom Wood Lake Road.
This hard to find 4 bedroom, 3 bath home is in a fantastic location close to beaches, bus, schools, shopping and both H20 Aquatic Center and The Cap News Center. Formerly a show home, the garage has been converted to 400 extra square feet of main floor living area and is easily converted back to double garage. Spacious island kitchen, coved ceilings and sunken family room with glass sliders leading to low maintenance, private interlocking brick back yard. Call Paige Guernsey for more info at 250-862-6464 or visit www.kelownahome.com. MLS®10041350, $439,900, 1133 Windermere Court.
Lake, mountain, vineyard and valley views from this bright open 5 bdrm 5 bath home. Brand new addition in 2006, hardwood, vaulted bonus room, covered patio w/ outdoor fireplace. Rear yard has engineered retaining wall for pool. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10022100, $798,000.
Paige Guernsey 250-862-6464
UNPARALLELED LAKE VIEW • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bright open floor plan with large entertainment areas. Opulant main floor master, lower level with suite. Beautiful sundeck with covered eating area. Finest in quality and finishings. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10042947, $999,000.
Unique architecturally designed custom built residence. Gleaming hardwood floors, high ceilings, granite, crown mouldings, floor to ceiling windows. 4 car garage. Salt water pool w/large deck space. Call Jane for more details at 250-860-7500 or visit www.janehoffman.com for more pictures. MLS®10045211, $1,895,000.
PROPERTY & STRATA MANAGEMENT Do you require a Property or Strata Manager for your property? Call our office for a presentation. Gary August 250-860-7500
PERFECT FOR A SHOP! • • • • • • • • •
Over 1/2 acre corner lot in Crawford Estates. Two bedroom plus den home with a one bedroom in-law suite. Very funky design with interesting angles. Updated kitchen, laminate and more! Circular drive plus one below. Please call Jennifer Bregolisse & Gary August for more information at 250-860-7500. MLS®10041400, Jennifer Bregolisse $439,900, 1400 Mission Ridge Drive. 250-870-1870
Located in premium central location! Professionally developed up and down. Features 4 bedrooms + den, formal dining room, 3 baths, gas fireplace, summer kitchen with dining area, walk in pantry, family room, central air & vaulted ceilings. New roof, furnace & water heater. Double garage. An excellent buy at $449,900. Call Renate Boucher to view 250-470-1388. MLS®10043748.
LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS • • • • • • • • • • •
Renate Boucher 250-470-1388
Prestigious Thacker Drive, 2650 sq ft, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, one gas, one wood, 2 laundry, vaulted ceiling in great room, separate entry, could be suited, 1/3 of an acre, private yard, room to park all your vehicles, boat, RV. Vacant, measurements are approximate. Quarterly levies, Sewer Roma $72.36, Garbage $54.71, Water $42.00. Sewer is in, levy on taxes. For Niessen more details, call Roma Niessen at 250-860-7500. MLS®10043650, 250-860-7500 $459,900, 2650 Thacker Drive.
Kevin Cheale
Dave Collins
Property Manager
Property & Strata Manager
praise our overall performance.
would recommend us to a friend.
More than
would use Coldwell Banker again.
Property Manager
Gunnar Forsstrom Strata Manager
Kelowna Residential 14-1470 Harvey Ave. (250) 860-7500
Customer Satisfaction. The Measurement That Matters. The Numbers Tell The Story... Over
Christie Fisher
10 Years In A Row.
Judith Gregson
Mike Makin Strata Manager
Strata Manager
Westside Residential 101-3500 Carrington Rd. (250) 768-8001
Janet McDonald Managing Broker
Peter McKenzie
250-860-1411 Res. 250-860-1420, Comm.
Property & Strata Manager
Quail Ridge 3A-3185 Via Centrale (250)765-4282
www.KelownaRealEstate.com w
Glen Mehus
Shirley Mehus
Joy Ross
Andrew Sliz
Commercial Property Manager
Commercial Property & Strata Manager
Property & Strata Manager
Strata Manager
Water Street 1332 Water St. (250) 860-7500
Property & Strata Management (250) 860-1411 res. • (250) 860-1420 comm.
Peachland 5878E Beach Ave. (250) 767-2744 Toll Free 1-877-856-0625
Revelstoke Office
Peter Weber Property Manager
Revelstoke 217 MacKenzie Ave. (250) 837-2251 Toll Free 1-866-385-2013
Kelowna Commercial (250) 763-4343 Westside Commercial (250) 768-8395
B12 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Gary August
Malcolm Bellinger
Allyn Bentz
Charlene Bertrand
Leigh Bjornson
Cheryl Bobbie
Mark Boppre
Renate Boucher
Gary Bowker
Al Boyle
Marlene Braun
Jennifer Bregolisse
Jaime Briggs
Frank Buckland
Trish Cenci
Carole Ceron
Cathy Cherka
Ellen Churchill
Dave Collins
Leah Delisle
Bob Dirks
Eric Drouin
Greg Dusik
Katherine Dusik
Glen Fraser
Mike Fredrickson
Brian Gatzke
Shirley Geiger
Paige Guernsey
Cecile Guilbault
Larry Guilbault
Karen Guy
James Hache
Steven Hampton
Jane Hoffman
Sally Hollingsworth
Mark Houston
Kristy Huber
Christian Kirschke
Jason Koverchuk
Gillian Krol
Harold Kullman
Tracey Lang
Steve Lenarduzzi
Gary Loverin
Ron Maguire
John Mandoli
Janis Marsden
Shae McEachnie
Peter McKenzie
Karen McNeill
Hugh Mervyn
David Mossey
Tiffany Munsey
Tanis Read
Walt Reglin
Blake Roberts
Mike Romei
David Sargent
Rudy Schoenfeld
Dean Simonelli
Rita St. Jean
Sherrin Stewart
David Sutherland
Steve Tate
Susan Tough
Saverio Tumato
Barret Watson
Ian Watson
Jennifer Williamson
Ilse Winzer
Brian Wright
Murray Neuman
Now We Can Build The Mortgage That Fits
For More InformaƟon, please call or visit our website:
250-768-6833 250-861-4663 The Right Mortgage is the one We build Together
Roma Niessen
Darcy Nyrose
Richard Paterson
Marnie Perrier
Lora Proskiw
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Corp. Oĸces: 14-1470
An independently owned and operated franchise of the Mortgage Alliance Network.
Kathryn Newell
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
Employment Help Wanted
www.kelownacapnews.com B13
YOUTH MEANS BUSINESS A new business development program targeting youth 18-29 is now taking applications. Applicants must not be receiving EI or have established an EI claim in past 3 years (5 years for maternity). This unique program will help you examine your business opportunity, develop your business idea and complete a business plan to get ready for start-up. Up to a $5,000 grant is available to those that are selected. Attend a free Information Session: Fridays from 10am —12 noon
Call 250-868-2132 Funding provided through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement
DENTAL HYGIENIST. Have you always wanted to have the time you need to spend with your patients to attain a healthy result? We have a full time MATERNITY LEAVE position available in our modern, well-equipped office, with the possibility of continued work after. Please call 545-5604, or drop off a resume to Dr. Rex Hawthorne at 101-4005 27th street Vernon BC V1T4X9. FORESTRY - Local logging company requires experienced full-time danglehead operator. Call 250-864-6886 or fax resume to 250-768-0353 GRANITE shop F/T position Fabricating & polishing. Starting wages per week $1000. dep. on exp. Bill 250-763-8303 JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! No experience necessary, we will train. Must be 18+yrs. of age. Students Welcome. 250-8603590 Email:info@plazio.ca SAND BLASTER wanted in Winfield. Experienced. Please fax resume to 250-766-1350 or phone 250-862-1345 SRI Homes - Production Work Factory Builder looking for workers with construction experience including carpet laying, dry wall, boarding, painting and framing. Full time. Fax resumes to (250) 766-0599 or in person at 9500 Jim Bailey Road, Kelowna (Lake Country). SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Panorama Mountain Village is looking to fill a variety of summer positions. To see full job descriptions and apply go to www.panoramaresort.com/ employment TIRE TECHNICIAN- experienced to car passenger light trucks. Drop resume in person to KP Tirecraft #6-1952 Spall Rd.
Home Care/Support NURSES, Care Aides, Home Cleaners - Bayshore Home Health is hiring casual, on-call RNs, LPNs, certified care aides and experienced home cleaners. If you are: empathetic; personable; possess an outstanding work ethic; a “can do” attitude; a passion for superior client service, and a reliable vehicle, forward your resume to shgeekie@bayshore.ca.
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services BIG E ‘s is looking for exper’ed Bartenders & Servers to work evenings & weekends. Must have Serving It Right. Please Apply in person to Hwy97 Peachland Center Mall BIG E ‘s is looking for exper’ed PT/FT Line cook to join our team. We offer competitve wages & flexible schedule. Must be able to work evenings, weekends. Apply in person to Hwy 97 Peachland, Center Mall Olympia is hiring FT/PT Exp’d line & pizza cooks. Apply with resume to 145 Hwy 33 W.
Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs
Home Repairs
PSYCHIATRIC office requires
REFACE Countertops. 1/2 the Cost of Replacing. Granite & Corian Designs. 470-2235.
LARRY’S Handyman & Reno Serv., Lg. & Sm. jobs, Graffitti Removal etc., 250-718-8879
Landmark III Building #110-1632 Dickson Ave. Kelowna, BC www.cfdcco.bc.ca
Must be proficient in dictatyping and MSP billings. Excellent computer and personal skills required. Send resume to: (250) 712-9805 or kpc.reception@shawbiz.ca RNS - Bayshore Home Health is recruiting casual on-call nurses. Assessment, supervision, foot care, IV drug therapy or training experience preferred. Weekday afternoon availability ideal. Competitive salary and benefits. Resumes and references to shgeekie@bayshore.ca.
Trades, Technical VACUUM TECHNICIAN Repair, Sales & Service Vacuums. Send resumes to: chevs10@gmail.com. 250-540-7777
Kitchen Cabinets
DRYWALL Taping, Texture, Painting. Call Klaus, 250-8603296 PESL DRYWALL Service Inc. Renovations, new construction and repairs. Boarding, taping, textured ceilings. Call Tomas at 250-212-4483 or 860-3495. Quality Taping & Ceiling Texture Small - Med. jobs. 23yrs Exp. Call Jeff 250-869-9583 Small Repairs/Reno’s. Drywall, Framing, Painting, Fin’d Carpentry etc. Ken, 250-212-9588
MARYANNE’S Kitchen Designs. Dealer for kitchen craft, Merit & Leelynn.250-317-7523
Mind Body Spirit
ALAN Dignam Electric. Resid/ Comm. Service calls, Reno’s, Upgrades. lic’d, bonded & Insured. Alan 250-808-6595 A&S ELECTRIC. Resid/Comm Wiring. New constr, renov. & service changes. lic’d & bonded. Steve 864-2099 (cont #90929) EKKO Electrical Installations. Residential Renovations. Service calls (778)-215-3553
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Computer Services 12/7 A MOBILE COMPUTER TECH. Certified computer technician, virus removal, repairs, upgrades. Let me come to you. (250)-717-6520.
Contractors KSK Framing & Foundations. Quality workmanship at reas rates. Free est 250-979-8948
Garden & Lawn 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing bracing, trimming, pruning, sculpturing & removing of hedges & trees. Fully Insured.Free Estimates. Dave (250)-212-1716 AAA Lawn & Yard. Great Spring Specials, power raking, fertilizer, yard clean-up, mowing, landscaping, excavation. Father & Son. 250-212-7512 CUSTOM Rototilling. Veggie & flower gardens. Large & Small. 250-862-0821 CUT & Chuck Landscaping. Spring Clean Up, Aeration & Power Raking. (250)212-2692 Don’t call anyone about Lawn cutting, power raking, aeration, or pruning until you speak with us! Serving Kelowna & Area for over 7yrs. Ryan, 250-4691288. www.vantagekelowna.com Gordon’s Quality Lawn Care. Pruning Dethatching. Aerating & Clean Ups 250-863-8935 I WANT TO CUT Your Lawn! Plain & simple, your lawn needs cutting, and I cut lawns. I’m asking for your business, and in exchange, you will receive both excellent value and exceptional service, GUARANTEED! Weekly maintenance, power raking, pruning, aerating, spring clean-ups, etc. Senior’s discounts, all inquiries welcome! 250-878-7283 ...Common Sense Yard Care... KATH’S Yard Care. Lawn Mowing. Call (250)212-7003 LITZ LAWN CARE, weekly mowing, fertilizing, pwr. raking, hedge trimming & gen. yrd. clean-ups. Free Est. 764-6404 M&S Lawn & Garden. Full yard maint & landscaping. Free Est. Jim 250-861-3693 Quality Topsoil, garden mix bark mulch, sand,gravel, decorative rock. Ensign Bros. Pickup Mon-Sat. 250-769-7298
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Heat, Air, Refrig. SOMMERFELD Heating. Replace/install AC’s, heat pumps fireplaces etc. Lic’d. 215-6767
Home Improvements #1 WELLERMADE. Additions, Reno’s, Sun-decks, Bsmt. stes., etc.878-6967, 870-6011 BUILDING? Renovating? See www.buildmyhouse.org. Only the best trades!
Landscaping #1 STOP FOR ROCKS. www.bcrocks.com. Please call 250-862-0862 ASPEN Landscaping. Retaining walls, Patios, Irrigation, etc. 250-317-7773 Cattle manure for sale, composted or fresh. Fir bark mulch.$20 per yard on orders over 30 yards. 250-838-6630. EMERALD CEDAR EDGING Buy Direct From Grower, 6ft.-10 for $240, Planting + Delivery available. Call Budget Nurseries 250-498-2189 FULL landscaping, rock walls, soil screening. Tremblay’s Excavating. 250-979-8033 GLM Landscaping & Irrigation 12% Discount!!! Custom landscaping 250-864-5450 MADAHAR Landscaping. Spring clean-up. Pruning, hedge trimming, power raking, aerating, mowing & shrub removal. Call 250-212-1024 Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery. Topsoil, Ogo Grow, Bark Mulch, Sand. Visa, Debit Mastercard. 250-870-1138
Machining & Metal Work GET BENT Metal Fab, fences, gates, railings, security bars, 863-4418www.getbentmetalfab.ca
Moving & Storage AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. FLAT Rates long dist. Weekly trips BC/AB. 250-861-3400 DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, also Fifth Wheel moving. 250-2150147 or 250-766-1282 FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687 JOE’S MOVING.reasble rates fully equip’d trucks, local-long dist, no job too small470-8194 NORTH END Moving Service Local/Long Distance. Free Estimates 250-470-9498
Painting & Decorating ACE OF TRADES Painting, Drywall, Tile Carpentry, Laminate, Hardy Plank Spring Special on Repaints-Int/Ext. Free Estimate-250-878-5540 DALE’S PAINTING Service. Painting Kelowna a better place since 1982. 862-9333 D & M Painting. 50 yrs exper. Repaints & Restoration work. Insured & WCB. 250-826-0101
Plumbing BAYSIDE Plumbing & Gas Fitting Service. H/W tanks. Qualified & Reliable. 250-317-2279 DREGER MECH. Plumbing, Gasfitting, comm/res & reno, ins’d, 24hr. Call 250-575-5878.
Pressure Washing OKANAGAN Pressure Washing. Commercial/Residential. Fully insured. 14 years exp. Call Dave at 250-863-0306
Roofing & Skylights RIGHT Way Roofing. Specializing in repairs & re-roofs. Much more!Ask 250-808-1473 RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free est, ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’ 250-7653191.
Stucco/Siding DESIGN Stucco & Stone. New homes, reno’s & repairs. No job too small. Clean, quality work. Zoltan 250-864-9798.
Sundecks KELOWNA DECK & RAIL. Vinyl, Mod. Flooring, Alum., GlassTopless/Picket 878-2483
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
$100 & Under
TILE Setter. Artistic Ceramics. Custom tile setting. Call 250870-1009
BC LIVESTOCK is holding a ranch equipment auction Saturday May 12th 11A.M. @ The Johnson’s on Duck Range Rd. Pritchard. Equipment is showroom quality. Tractors, haying equipment, tools, tack, lots of good antiques. View Website at www.bclivestock.bc.ca F.M.I Call 250-573-3939
Tree Services
$100 & Under
60” steel bed frame, adjustable. $45. Call 250-7626519 ANTIQUE Brass, Glass Coffee Table w/ 2 end tables, $60. 250-979-7642 ASSORTED Canning Jars, 24 jars for $10 250-979-7642 BABY Stroller, Very Good Condition, $25. Call 250-9797642 BLENDER $10. Call 250-9797642 EXECUTIVE Fabric Office Chair $25 (778)478-9400
1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing bracing, trimming, pruning, sculpturing & removing of hedges & trees. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Dave (250)-212-1716 JAN Dutch Tree Service. Dangerous tree removal, stump grinding, 60’ Boom Truck, fully insured, WCB coverage, free est., 250-826-3638 ROB’S Tree Care Ltd 1975. For all your tree care needs. Ins. & Cert. WCB. 212-8656 SAMEDAY Tree Service.Certified Arbourist. Firewood sales too. Call Kevin(250)-979-8019
3 lamp track (250)765-8411
Garage Sales
Garage Sales
Trucking/ Bull Dozing TNT TRUCKING. No load too small. Junk removal, sand, gravel, etc. (250)862-0821 (250)765-2778.
Window Cleaning Window Cleaning. Gutter Cleaning. Pressure Washing. Call Wayne 250-826-5363
Pets & Livestock
Feed & Hay HAS to sell 300 round bale silage bales 4 ft 1000 + lbs Alfalfa grass mix Asking $ 30.00 or best offer Enderby Phone 250838-6684 roell@nowcom.ca HAY For sale. Alfalfa/Grass Mix $6/bale. (100 left) Call (250)-764-2613 HAY FOR SALE; Grass or Grass Alfalfa mix, Round bales $70 each, approx. 800lbs. Large square bales, 3x3x8, $160/ton. Delivery avail. on larger orders. 250838-6630 *HAY-SALES-GUARANTEED Quality Grass, Alfalfa, Mixed square bales, round bales & Silage bales. Delivery avail. (250)804-6081,(250)833-6763. McLeery Ranch, Armstrong. Alfalfa/Alfalfa Grass small squares, exc hay $6. Haylage $40., Dry Rounds $50.; 1250-546-0420, 250-503-8184
Hauling ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.
Livestock Foundation Bred Buckskin Quarter Horse Stud (cutting line), Kruggerrand Black Angus Bull & grass Calves for sale. (250)546-9766 Top Quality purebred 2 year old Hereford Bulls. 1-(250)577-3779 Pritchard BC
Pets Adorable Shih tzu puppies, 1st shots, dewormed, vet cleared, ready to go. $400.ea 1(250)545-9199 DOBERMAN pups, Ready May 2. Females & males, $400.ea (778)212-2468 Free kittens to a good home. (250)878-8017 PUG pups, 3 females. 2 males, 1st shots. Ready May 10.$750.eaFirm 250-503-2354 SHELTIE puppies, CKC Reg. 12wks, 2nd shots, dewormed, Micro chipped. 250-542-4977
Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™
421 Merrifield Sat & Sun 9am3pm. tv’s couch futon chair appliances dvd’s childrens toys clothes And MUCH MORE!!! 457 Poplar Point. Sat & Sun 9am-3pm. trailer mirrors,gem trees,(semi precious stones) chairs,misc hshld items etc... 833 & 837 Westview Way Sat. May 5 8am 4pm Antiques hshld goods, garden tools etc. CENTRAL, SPCA (Aux) Sale. Sat. May 05, 10-1. Lunch. White elephant, linen, books clothes, jewellery, baking. First United Church, 721 Bernard DOWNSIZING, hshld items, books, china collectables, antiques, old trunks, furniture, pictures, commode sets, piano, old wooden doors & windows & peddle boat. 4145 June Springs Rd. May 4, 5 & 6, 8:30am-4:30pm. ESTATE/Garage Sale Sat., May 5th 8am-2pm 12 Bellow Rd. Maple table/chairs, desk, hshld item, tools, pictures, antiques, books & much MORE!! GARAGE Sales, Treasure View Estates, 2025 Shannon Lake Rd. Westbank. May 5, Saturday, 8am-1pm. GLENROSA. 3861 Woodell Rd. Large yard sale. Bedding plants, fishing & camping supplies, jewelery, something for everyone, lots of free items. Saturday & Sunday, 8-6. GOLFVIEW ESTATES Saturday, May 5th 9am -2pm 2020 Golfview Rd., 905 Eagle Dr., 995 Nassau Cres., 251 St Andrews. Shop tools Elliptical trainer & Much More! LARGE Yard Sale. R Lawnmower, small quad, lots of tools, fish boxes, weed eater. Come along, old scale & many more! Fri & Sat, May 4 & 5, 8-4. 1320 Belgo Rd. MONASHEE PEAKS Opens the Garages for the 1st Time Ever!! 880 Christina Place. (Dilworth Mtn.) SAT., May 5th. Gates open 8am – 2pm. Look for Open Garage Doors! Quality housewares, tools, antiques, light fixtures, art glass, china, dinnerware, FREE stuff and MORE. Make the drive to the top of Christina Place & LOOK for the OPEN GATES. FREE COFFEE. MONSTER YARD SALE May 5-6. 8am-2pm 355 Cornish Rd. 25 years includes household, decor, art, furniture, garden, farm, tools, tires, rims. COLLECTIONS in vintage, retro, kitsch and MORE! 100’s of books. Crafting stuff, sew mach, serger. Water and snow ski’s, boards, skates, x-c. golf, boat rope, bouys, pfd’s. Way way more! MOVING Sale May 5 th 8am4pm 5043 Princeton Ave. Peachland. Antiques, Furniture hshld items tools & More. MOVING Sale, Sat, May 5, 8-12. Tools, hshld, furniture & garden equipment. 300 Avonlea Way in Magic Estates. MULTI FAMILY Garage Sale Sat May 5, 8am to 1pm. 820 McKenzie Rd. Multi family sale. Sat., May5th 8am-12pm Golden Homes Westbank 2098 Boucherie Rd MULTI Family Yard Sale, Sat & Sun, 9am-3pm. 230, 240, 245 Felix Rd. 12ft. aluminum boat, 7.5 Merc, garden items & lots of miscellaneous!
Neighbourhood(Dilworth) Nahanni Place. Fri & Sat. 8:30am Furniture, plants, hshld & more OLD Glenmore. Good quality items, furniture, some antiques, art prints, flower pots, sport items, collectibles & lots of misc. 1101 Kelview St. 9-2 Saturday May 5th. RUTLAND 422 Dougall Rd. S. Saturday, 7am-2pm. Dressers, headboards, 2 dryers, 2 ovens, 1 washer, armoire, couch, chair, 2 single beds w/ frames & some electronics. RUTLAND Carport @ 315 Primrose Rd. May 5, 8am. No early birds. Lots of Misc! RUTLAND. May 5/6, 8-2. 140 Husch Rd. 2-family garage sale. Hsehld, books, plants, car, unused lumber, etc. RUTLAND. Multi-Family Sat May 5. 7-3. 550 Mugford Rd. Collectibles, tools, Harley stuff, elec motors, kids stuff, tires, gen set, etc. RUTLAND. Yard Sale, May 4, 5, 6. Fri 2-7, Sat 8-3, Sun 9-12. 1255 Belgo Rd. See castanet garage sale ad for detail SAT & Sun, 9am-3pm @ 2652 Springfield Rd. Furn, hshld items, small appliances etc. Saturday, May 5th 8am-1pm 504 Sarsons Rd. Family sale. SPRINGVALLEY. 580 Gerstmar Rd. Many household items, toys/tools. May 5/6, 8-3.
SUNRISE VILLAGE ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Gordon Dr &Raymer Ave. Saturday May 5th 8am- 1pm Something for everyone UPPER Mission. 536 Mica Crt. Sat May 5, 7:30-2pm. Tools, yard & boat items, household, clothing & misc. WESTBANK Multi Family Garage Sale to be held on Saturday, May 5th at Westlake Gardens Complex from 8am until 12:00. Corner of Louis and Butt Rd. WEST Kelowna. Community Yard Sale. The Pointe. 4074 Gellatly Rd. Sat May 5, 8-1. 20+ homes participating. Hot dogs available. WEST Kelowna. Sat & Sun May 5 & 6th, 9-3. 164-1999 Hwy 97 South. Tools, etc. WESTSIDE. 2098 Boucherie Rd. Golden Homes MHP. 5family, Sat May 5, 8:30-1:30 W.KELOWNA Multi Family Sale 1624 Braeburn Crt. Saturday 8-3 No early Birds! WORRIED ABOUT THE WEATHER? Purchase Rain Insurance on your Garage Sale ad for $3. If it rains we’ll run your ad again for
FREE! You must call by the following Thursday to book your ad for another day. (Valid through September)
B14 www.kelownacapnews.com p
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News y, y , p
Sales & Service Directory DECKS & FENCING
9.95 LF
starting at
starting at
1630 Innovation Dr. Kelowna, BC V1V 2Y5 P 250.765.3004 | F 250.491.1773
59.00 SF
On select colors only | Installation available
Natural Stone Surfaces All One Piece Laminate
Visit our showroom at THE AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Family owned & operated for over 40 years
Residential & Commercial Wiring, New Construction, Renovations & Service Changes. Complete telephone & data cabling services, Prompt quality service. Licensed & Bonded Call Steve 250-864-2099 (cont#90929)
778-215-3553 email ekko@shaw.ca
Licensed & Bonded #101341 •MAINTENANCE FSR#98603
GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS Kelowna Gutter Cleaning & Repair MAINTENANCE “Your Freedom Is In Our Hands” Wayne Crockett 250-826-5363 handsfreemaintenance@gmail.com
10% OFF WITH THIS AD www.okanagancountertopsystem.com
Reliable Contractor, over 20 yrs. experience. Book by April 10 and be entered for a 1 in 5 chance for a new 55” LED TV!! References available. Call Today!! 250-769-7603 www.vantagekelowna.com
• Fix leaks • 20 years. experience • Fascia soffit repairs • Downpipes • Re-Slope
• Snow Removal • Full Landscaping • Rock Retaining Walls • Portable Soil Screener CELL: (250) 979-8033 BUS: (250) 861-1500
Double C Renovations Hardwood, engineering, laminate flooring and tile setting. Fully insured. Call Chris
Landscaping, irrigation, patios, retaining walls & water features. 250-317-7773 www.aspenlandscaping.ca
Ken 250-212-9588
Save LOTS of MONEY!! Low Maintenance Landscapes & Irrigation Call Ryan 250-469-1288
OVERHEAD DOORS We install, service, & repair all makes of doors & openers. FREE ESTIMATES • INSURANCE CLAIMS Call for appointment
250-878-2911 abcohdoors@gmail.com
Maryanne’s Kitchen Design
Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery
Larry’s Handyman & Renovation Services • Interior & Exterior Renovations • Carpentry • Painting • Small Repairs • Pressure Washing
• Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades • Yard Maintenance • Fences, Decks • Tile • Graffiti Removal
Specializing in furnished replacements, new construction, fireplaces, a/c, heat pumps, lic. bonded. Serving the Kelowna area for 35 years. Call Wayne Sommerfeld
Building? ng? RenovatiSee www.buildmyhouse.org Only the Best Trades
• Local/long distance • Storage Available • No job too small • Free Estimates Call Joe Anytime 250-470-8194
Our 1st 10 customers save their HST! Landscaping, irrigation, patios, retaining walls & water features.
Deck & Rail Serving the Okanagan 14 yrs. Vinyl Decking up to 80 mil., Modular Flooring, Aluminum, Glass, Topless, Picket Railings, Fences & Gates. Free Estimates
250-878-2483 www.kelownadeckandrail.com kelownadeckandrail.com
We accept “When the Big Guys are Too Big We Deliver”
Dethatching, Aerating, Hedge & Tree Trimming. Full maintenance services. RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Free Estimates
•Spring Clean-Up • General Yard Maintenance • Aeration & Power Raking • Mulch Refreshing • Commercial • Residential • Contracts Available
North End Moving AAA Services BEST RATE MOVING $59+. FLAT rates for long distance. Weekly trips between BC/AB. Why pay more?
Local or Long Distance Polite & Professional
Ph: 250-869-0697 Cell 250-470-9498
862-9333 PAINTING KELOWNA A BETTER PLACE SINCE 1982 www.dalespaintingservice.ca
• Bath Remodels • Decks • Drywall
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Canadian Homebuilders Association
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Licensed, Bonded & Insured Independently Owned and Locally Operated
Deck & Rail Serving the Okanagan 14 yrs. Vinyl Decking up to 80 mil., Modular Flooring, Aluminum, Glass, Topless, Picket Railings, Fences & Gates. Free Estimates
250-878-2483 www.kelownadeckandrail.com
RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free estimates, senior discounts,
Artistic Ceramics.
Get Featured!
Call 250-870-1009
member of B.B.B. Fully insured, WCB coverage. All types of shingle roofing & torch on roofing systems. ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’
TREE SERVICES SAME DAY TREE SERVICE FIREWOOD SALES Kevin Bennie - Certified Arbourist TREE REMOVAL • HEDGE TRIMMING 250-979-8019 250-870-7997 thebennies@live.com
Complete Tree Removal | Shaping | Thinning Crown Reduction | Stump Grinding Fully ins’t WCB Free Est.
250 212-8656
Bayside Plumbing & Gas Fitting
Top Soil • Ogo Gro • Bark Mulch • Gravel• Sand We remove: yard refuse, junk CHUCK 250-870-1138 neighborhoodtrucking.ca
PLUMBING Qualified, reliable, bonded. Over 30 years exp. res./comm. service renovations, new installations, h/water tanks, dishwashers, washers, dryers. 250-317-2279
Dealer for Kitchen Kraft, Merit & Leelynn We do all facets of your renovations 250-317-7523
MOVING/STORAGE “The Professionals”
and speak with a classified rep today! LANDSCAPING
Joe’s Moving Service
“Dare to be Different”
LAWN AND GARDEN M&S LAWN & GARDEN Power Raking, Mowing, Pruning, Yard Clean-up, General Maintenance, Irrigation, Complete Landscaping, Retainer Walls, Water Features. Free Estimates Jim 250-861-3693
Boarding, taping & texture, framing, painting, finishing, carpentry, etc.
To book your space, call
A & S Electric
REFACE DON’T REPLACE 1/2 the cost of replacing Corain & Granite Designs. The Green Alternative.
TILE SETTER Custom tile setting. Travertine, marble, granite & ceramic. Decks, kitchen, baths. Guaranteed work.
No load too small • BARK MULCH • SAND • GRAVEL • YARD CLEAN-UP • JUNK REMOVAL LIGHT FLAT-DECK Nick Nixon - Trish Nebot Cell 250-862-0821 Office 250-765-2778
METAL FABRICATION LTD. Fences • Gates • Railings • Security Bars • Cargo Racks • Rollcages • Boat Railings & more. Tube Bending Specialists www.getbentmetalfab.ca
D&M Painting 50 years experience. Repaints and restoration work, spraying, stain and lacquers. Insurance & W.C.B.
Senior’s Specials Experience & Quality New Homes & Repaints Ceilings Bondable. Insurance Work Call Terry
Duane 250-826-0101
250-863-9830 or 250-768-1098
ellermade W Additions, Renovations Sun-decks, Bsmt. suites, etc. Call Dave @ 250-878-6967 Dal @ 250-870-6011
Tar Gravel/Repairs/Torch On/All types of roofs/Sun decks. Much more, just ask. JOHN BROOKE
REFACE DON’T REPLACE 1/2 the cost of replacing Corain & Granite Designs. The Green Alternative.
10% OFF WITH THIS AD www.okanagancountertopsystem.com
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
www.kelownacapnews.com B15
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
$100 & Under
$300 & Under
HIDDEN hitch, ďŹ ts 2000-2004 Mazda MPV. $100. 250-8995833 LADIES Golf Clubs, with bag & wood head cover. $100. Very good cond.250-979-7642 Lrg.Computer Desk Drawer & 2 Tiers for Monitor & Printer $100 (778)478-9400 MENS Golf Clubs with bag & wood head cover, very good cond. $100 250-979-7642 Patio Set, table w/4 chairs. Brown color. Like New Condition. $50 (250)766-3814 PLYWOOD box 48â&#x20AC;?x52â&#x20AC;?x26â&#x20AC;? high with lid to lock. Ideal for truck box $40 (250)765-8411 PLYWOOD yard sale table with folding legs. 30x72. $20. 250-860-2101 Ryobi Miter Saw Stand $50 Brand new in box. 250-861-8880 SEARS 71/4 Hand Saw $10 (250)765-8411 SMALL Fridge, Igloo, 18x18.5. Used 10 months, $60.00. 250763-3495 USED Golf Balls, 50 balls for $10 . Call 250-979-7642 VEGETABLE Juicer, $10. Call 250-979-7642 WINE Bottles for reďŹ ll, over 100. $40, 250-979-7642
TIRES 205 55 15 $285.00. 250-860-8127.
STAR Stores now buying quality furniture,antiques,estates, household, misc. Free est. & free pick-up. Call 250-868-3255 or drop in at #9-1753 Dolphin Ave.Kelowna(corner of Kirschner & Dolphin)
$200 & Under CORNER computer desk 2 horiz. drawers, ďŹ ling cab. key board tray $150 862-7662 HUMMEL 1947 OlderMark (latest news) $150. 250-8602101 RYOBI 12â&#x20AC;? Compound Miter Saw Brand new w/ Adjustable Laser, $125, 250-861-8880. SOFA & Loveseat, Leaf design, light shade, Excellentcondition, $150. 250-979-7642 STRESSLESS Leather Swivel Recliner & Footstool. Forest Green.$200 (778)478-9400 TIRES 185 75 14 $175.00. 250-860-8127. TIRES 205 70 15 $190.00. 250-860-8127. TWO Bunkbeds, Wood Frames. Very Good Condition $200 (250)766-3814
$400 & Under 2 HP Yamaha Outboard Motor ($1200) less than a gal gas since new.$350(778)478-9400
$500 & Under SOFA/LOVESEAT Medium Brown. Excellent condition. $450 (250)-764-9167
Farm Equipment Cherry Hydro cooler, 2 compressors, 7.5hp & 5hp, stainless steel tank, 40-50 boxes per hour, good condition, $50,000obo, (250)498-9696
Firearms HUNTING RiďŹ&#x201A;e, 7mm Browning, Semi-auto, comes with Leopold Scope, Vari - 3.5x10 (lifetime warranty) & lots of extras. $1200 OBO, 707-0664
Free Items FREE: 26â&#x20AC;? Toshiba older model TV. Excellent Condition, corner entertainment center. 250-762-0850 FREE: 30 Gal aquarium, 24 tropical fresh water ďŹ sh & all the goodies. Call 250-7187157 FREE: Camping Equipment & Wine Making Equipment. 250470-7849, Call after 7:00pm. Free pickup, of aluminum windows, wire, pipe, air conditioners & batteries. 250-717-0581 FREE Pick-up of used bicycles that you no longer want. Ok if need repair 604-800-2104 FREE P/U- Appliances, Rads, Batteries, Old machinery, vehicles. Harley 778-821-1317
6 Foot SOFA -4 months old.light tan fabric (New $1100) Asking $300 (778)478-9400
#1 Solid Wood Used Furniture. OK Estates Furniture & More. 3292 Hwy 97N, Kelowna (1.5 Kms North of McCurdy) 11-5 Tues-Sat OKestates.ca (250)-807-7775 OLDER Dark Coloured Bedroom Suite. Includes 9 drawer dresser & mirror, 4 drawer chest, two 1 drawer night tables & adjustable bed frame. $250 OBO. 250-448-9895
Fruit & Vegetables
Fruit & Vegetables
$300 & Under
Fresh From the Fields
ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the ďŹ rst day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the ďŹ rst day should immediately be called to the attention of the ClassiďŹ ed Department to be corrected for the following edition.
WESTERN STAR AUCTIONS. Buying Estates, Tools, Collectableâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Furniture. Cash Paid or Consignment to Auction. #8-730 Stremel Rd. (778)753-5580
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?
Heavy Duty Machinery 1998 Komatsu 5000lb Forklift, 4 cylinder, automatic, looks good, runs like new. $3895 OBO. 250-491-4239
MAYTAG fridge & stove $450.00. 24â&#x20AC;? fridge $185.00. Mirror,assorted. Coffee & two end tables.King bed, queen bed, double bed, single bed. 250-860-8127.
A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cabsâ&#x20AC;?20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com
SPRINKLER Pipes, aluminum, 50 lengths, 2â&#x20AC;?x30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/heads, $20ea. Sprinkler pump, 2hp elec, $200. 250-762-8617
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.
Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217
Medical Supplies RES Med Complete Sleep Solutions. CPAP plus humidiďŹ er. Call 250-765-0613
Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.
Misc. for Sale 1991 Knight Car Dolly $1,000 OBO. Perfect for towing mid to small vehicles. Recently rewired, repacked bearings, 2 sets of straps, 13â&#x20AC;? & 15â&#x20AC;?. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ugly but works great & tows wonderfully. Located in Nelson. Call 250-354-7471. ASSORTED â&#x20AC;&#x153;Blue Willowâ&#x20AC;? dishes. + 15 misc china cups & saucers + old cake plates. Call (250)765-0873
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Real Estate
Misc. Wanted
Houses For Sale
Local Coin Collector buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic, Gold & Silver Coins. Call Chad 250-863-3082
3BD updated rancher with attached garage, newer roof, furnace & AC, quiet street, great buy at $315,000. Exclusive listing. Larry Slemko, Realty Executives. 250-861-5122
Mobile Homes & Parks
Sporting Goods FUN for all ages: Is shooting a ďŹ rearm on your bucket list? Try it on Sunday May 6, 10-2 at the Kelowna & District Fish & Game Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;JUG SHOOTâ&#x20AC;? Sponsored by The Best Little Gun Shop Around, Weber & Markin, 4-1691 Powick Rd, Kel 250-762-7575. Tues-Sat, 10-6.
Real Estate Acreage for Sale
3 Acres, Whitevale Area, Lumby. Flat, trees, drilled well, Services to driveway. Price $230,000.00 + HST OBO. 250-547-6932. HOBBY FARM 9.96 Acres, 3-bdrm, log house, full basement, all cleared land, $459,900 10min Northwest of Vernon. (250)546-8630
Community Newspapers Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at the heart of thingsâ&#x201E;˘
Apt/Condos for Sale SPOTLESS 1 bdrm 1 bath condo in the lower mission close to shopping and the beach. Small and quiet building. One small pet allowed. Gas ďŹ replace, deck, underground parking, personal storage unit, and community exercise and entertaining rooms. In-home washer/dryer and dishwasher. Built in 2003. $197,500. If interested, contact: gammy9@yahoo.com.
Okanagan FOR
Twin Bathroom Sinks Get ready in the morning with less hassle and more space. (house included) www.royallepagekelowna.com
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
Only $23 (+HST)
per column inch
(Online ad included)
CONDO Downtown Kelowna with Beautiful Lake View on the 11th ďŹ&#x201A;oor. 2bdrm + Den. Priced to sell, 1284sqft, 6 appliances, cork ďŹ&#x201A;oor, granite countertops, pool, hottub, 2 saunas, exercise room, 2 secure underground parking spots + locker. Quiet steel & concrete building. Bus stop outside door, 250-762-4484.
2996 SW Description of vehicle here.
PRICE Contact Info
AREA Description of home here.
for 3 insertions!
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Lower Mission 180° Lakeview
Approx 4500 sq.ft with mortgage helper. Suitepays $200,000 of the mortgage. Granite, updated ďŹ&#x201A;oor coverings and trim. Fuel efďŹ cient furnace & A/C. 6bdrm, 4 bath with skylights throughout. 2 lg decks, hot tub, double garage & new roof. Asking $710,000. Call Gary at 250-764-7572
HILLSIDE PROPERTY. Privately situated with 4 bdrms 3 baths. Dormer style house. Short drive to all amenities, with a priceless Lakeview. North Glenmore area.
Price $595,000 Call (250)- 215-1324
To book your ad call your sales representative at 250-763-7114.
Logsided house Built in 1995. 10 Acres, 2400 sqft, 2bdrms, walkout basement & upstairs. 200 Amp panel, 3 heating systems, own well, 5GPM, Excellent water quality. Large country kitchen. 2 bay garage, 20x25. Greenhouse & Excellent view of lake & city. $825,000. Call after 5pm, 250-765-6998
1 col x 2â&#x20AC;? size with or without picture for 3 insertions
THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.
Watch for our monthly
Fresh From the Fields is back.
Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more to lose than justâ&#x20AC;Ś
OPEN HOUSE Saturday 1pm3pm 510 Eldorado Road. Lower Mission. MLS#10045198 OPEN HOUSE Sunday,1pm3pm #479-663 Denali Court. MLS#10042328 Come check out this Beautiful property at the top of Denali Ridge.
Bruce Duggan 250-766-2628
Open Houses
THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.
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THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.
$164,020 11.8 acres cabin Arrow Lakes area 250-269-7328 Picâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s email selkirk8@telus.net
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Local Produce at Your Doorstepâ&#x20AC;?
******* OKHomeseller.com Where smart sellers meet smart buyers! View Thompson Okanagan properties for sale.// Selling? No Commission. (250) 545-2383 or 1-877-291-7576
$1228/MO O.A.C. $7995 DOWN. HOME Ownership IS POSSIBLE at SIERRAS 1317, 2440 Old Okanagan Hwy. 3bdrm, 2bth $159.900 TAX IN. Accent Homes (250)-769-6614 PET & FAMILY FRIENDLY Westpoint. 3bd, 1bth, lovely fenced yard w/storage shed, $5000 down, $900/mo including pad rent, OAC or $99,000, no HST. ACCENT HOMES, Call (250)-769-6614 RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New, Opening May 2012. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC 250-462-7055. www.copperridge.ca
THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.
B16 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Rentals Commercial/ Industrial
Apt/Condo for Rent
Apt/Condo for Rent
Apt/Condo for Rent
1 & 2 BDRM Apartments For Rent, very spacious, close to Capri Centre Mall, in newly reno’d building. Close to all ammens, includes fridge, stove, A/C, hot water, UG secured parking & laundry facilities, rent $735/$875. Avail Immed. For more info or to arrange viewing call 250-860-7416
BROCKTON MANOR. 1 & 2 bedrooms. The large, bright units are a short walk to downtown, hospital, beach & shopping. Transit is right outside the door. Please call us at 250-860-4836
MILL CREEK ESTATES. Various floor plans avail. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms within walking distance of the Parkinson rec center, Apple Bowl, Kelowna Golf & Country Club & Spall Plaza. 250-860-4836. millcreekestates@shaw.ca
1 Month FREE! 1Bdrm Apt, $775. 55+, NS, ND, NP, Appliances. Excellent condition. Gordon Manor near Capri Centre. Includes Strata Fee! Call (250)764-5151 2BD, 1bth Condo, 5appls, AC, balcony, very clean & quiet, NS, NP. Baron Rd/ Leckie area. $950. Call 250-763-1992 2-bdrm BELGO AREA, Rutland Rd. S. $900 + hydro, f/s/w/d, NO PETS, on bus rte. 250-491-3345, 250-869-9788 2 BR 2 Bath + Den. West K. 1140 sq. ft. condo. 12ft. ceiling. Maple cabinets, granite counters and SS ppl. W/D. Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Guest Suite, Locker, U/G storage. Heat, A/C and water included. N/S. $1250. 250-7680611
FAIRLANE CRT. 2 & 3 bdrms, heat & hot water incl. Located on Lawrence near Gordon, close to downtown & Capri shopping mall. Please call 250-860-4836 FURNISHED Large 1 Bedroom Condo. Ambrosi Road, 3rd Floor, Large Deck with Great View, Gym, 2 Underground Parking Stalls, NO Pets/Smoking. Available early May, $1400 Monthly Rent, Negotiable Depending on Length of Stay. Call 778-478-2224 Lower Mission Avail. June 1st. Luxury 2bdrm corner Condo. 1350 sq ft in H2O/Capital New area w/access to beach nearby Beautiful Hardwood floors in living, dining & familyrooms, ensuite laundry electric FP., wrap around deck & Secure parking/storage $1325 + utilities. (250)762-4964
WILLOW PARK MANOR. Aurora and Hollywood. 1 & 2 bdrms. Steps away from Willow Park shopping center, transit & the other shops of Rutland. Direct bus route to UBCO. 12-15mins. 250-8604836 CENTRE of Kelowna. New affordable lux 1&2bd, 5appls, ug prking, NS/NP. 250-763-6600. www.rentcentrepoint.com
Commercial/ Industrial 1500sq/ft. shop 22ft ceilings Shop on 1/4 acre, fully serviced & fenced, $1500/mo + triple net. Light or heavy industrial use & storage. Fully Serviced. WESTBANK INDUSTRIAL PARK, (250)769-7424
COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE IN LAKE COUNTRY 1100sq’ Office space for lease. Reception area, four offices, coffee/ storage room. Located on Beaver Lake Road, 1 1/2 blocks from Highway 97. Easy access. Offstreet parking. $1100.00/month +utils. Lease negotiable. Phone:(250)766-3700
BEST DEALS IN KELOWNA! Affordable 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms. AC, near schools, shopping & bus route. Insuite laundry H.Up’s. Across from Park. Clean Quiet & Spacious. Sorry NO Pets. Well Managed Building (250)-861-5605 or (250)-861-5657
NOW RENTING Luxury and location. Modern suites from 765 sq’-1,500 sq’
One year lease
Kelowna’s newest and finest selection of rental suites. 773 Glenmore Road, corner of Glenmore & Summit.
Call for appointment to view 778-484-5847 or inquire at info@kelownaconservatory.com
FOR LEASE 600 sq.ft. Office Trailer fully serviced on fenced 1/2 acre. Zoned Heavy Industrial Including Auto Wrecking. $2500 triple net incl. Fenced 1/2 to 1 acre serviced industrial lots available. Central Westside Location. will build to suit. 250-769-7424
Apt/Condo for Rent
Starting ting May 1st, all ads in the Rentals category will be
1/2 PRICE! apartments • condos • commercial • industrial • duplexes • 4 plexes • miscellaneous • homes • office • retail • rooms • shared accommodation • suites • wanted
AD MUST BE BOOKED TO START BETWEEN MAY 1ST AND 31ST. No refunds if cancelled Must book min. 4 weeks Cannot be combined with any other special. No changes permitted with the exception of price.
Call 250.763.7114 to book
MECHANIC Shop Bay w/hoist & compressed air, $40/hour. Call 250-899-5833
Cottages / Cabins 1BD Cabin overlooking orchard. June 1. $700 incl utils. NS, NP. Covered carport. Call 250-765-1797
Duplex / 4 Plex 2BD, 1 full bath, livingrm, diningrm, kitchen, 4appls, all window blinds, porch and carport NP. Available Now. Call 250-860-8583 2BDRM Duplex, fridge, stove, big yard, near shops, school & bus. Westbank, $850 + hydro. NS, NP. Immed 250-766-3782 3BD, bbq, FP, laundry. OldGlenmore Resp.tenant. $1180 +utils. Avail Now. 763-7869. 5BD 1/2 duplex, 2bth, 2 kitchen, 2 lndry, prking, $1500+DD. Call 250-859-6784 AVAILABLE JUNE 1ST. 2bd Duplex Belgo area. Bright, clean, FS, WD/HU’s. NS, NP. $725+utils. Call 250-491-0303
Misc for Rent MONTH to Month parking. Christleton Ave, directly south of the KGH parkade. $56/mo. Contact Robert at 250-7636789, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm.
Mobile Homes & Pads MOBILE for rent, $765 to $795. Westside. NP. Call 250768-5080, 250-717-1033
Homes for Rent 2 BDRM 1.5 Bath. S/S duplex on Mission Creek. Quiet street in Rutland. Carport. Central air. Fireplace. $945 Ph. 778 753-5707 275B Nickel Rd, 2bdrm, 1bath down stairs, livingroom, kitchen & 275A Nickel Rd. 3bdrm, dining room, kitchen, living room & 1bdrm in bsmnt. (250)860-2930
2Bd Carriage house, $1200+ utils. NP, NS, Nparties. Lower Mission. 764-8297, 826-6824 387 Fizit Ave 4Bdrm, 2 baths Big Fam/rm ,w/ FP. Sundeck, country style kit, din/rm, liv/rm 5appls, full garage, NP NS nPrty’s, good worker + good person. $1400/mth w/monthly inspections, shared yard maint. Avail now (250)7654594 or(250)317-4015 3BDRM House, close to all ammenities, $1200. NS, NP. Old Glenmore. 250-470-7291 3BDRM House in Westbank, Quiet Neighborhood, 5 appls, NS, NP. Avail Immed. $1250. 250-718-0358 3or4 bdrm home, Shannon Lk Rd. Dbl Gar, f/s, d/w, w/d, a/c, close to elementary school, Available May 1, no pets, $1625+util 250-869-9788 3 or 4 bdrm, Winfield area, $1575+util, backs onto Range land, f/s, d/w, w/d, a/c, May 1, Prefer no pets, but might consider some. 250-869-9788 Close to KGH, 2bds, Avail. May 25, $1050 + utils, NP. Prefer small family. 864-0406 CUTE 2 Bdrm House. Great Location. F/S, W/D, Clean & Cozy. Walking distance to Downtown, Cultural District, Lake & Knox Mountain. $1150/month. AVAILABLE JUNE 1st Call (250)-762-6960 DT Home 3bdrm 2bath. A/C 3 blocks to beach. New deck, on bus route & bike path. Close to schools. Available June1st. $1500+DD. Utils extra. Pets negot. 250-826-0244 MAINFLR of 2bd house, Wilson/Gordon Dr area, 1.5bth, incl utils, WD, FS. $1300. Avail mid-May. NS, NP. Call 250717-1372 Newer 4bd, 3baths, 2700sqft. Lake & City Views, Large master w/ ensuite, NS, NP, $1650 +utils. 250-808-8003 RUTLAND. May 1. 3bd, 1bth, incl utils, shr’d lndry, NP, NS. Close to amens, reno’d. $1400. 250-215-1182 TOP floor, 3bd, 2.5bath, garage, kitchen, lndry, $1500 OR include 1bdrm basement for $1800/mo + utils. Available June 1. 250-765-6031 and 250-878-3553 Winfield, 3 bdrm, 2 bath house, quiet area, $1295 + util.,n/s, n/p,250-548-3378. WOOD Lk view. 3 level, 3bd, 3bth, den, appls, carport, garage/workshp. $1250+ 2/3utils. NS, NP. 778-215-1914
Homes for Rent
Suites, Lower
Auto Financing
The City of Kelowna has the following houses for rent:Central 3-Bedrm Bungalow, 1 large main bathrm, laundry room, fenced yard -$1200/mth; and Rutland Bungalow - 2 Bedrm up, 1 Bedrm down, 1bathrm,large yard-$1200/mth Utilities not included. Applications can be obtained online at www.kelowna.ca under the quick link to Rental Properties or between 8 am & 4 pm on the 4th Floor at City Hall, 1435 Water St, Kelowna, Real Estate & Building Services. Applications can also be faxed to 250-862-3349 or dropped off at City Hall by deadline of 4:00 pm on Friday, May 18, 2012.
2BD close to bus, shops, lam. flrs, priv backyard, NS, NP, Refs, $750 incl utils. (250)864-7502
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion. THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.
Recreation Water Front lot (50’x100’) for rent year round. North end Okanagan Lake (604)7943318 or 250-542-2517 Mike
Rooms for Rent #1 Affordable furnished room DT area, cable, w/d, w.int, quiet, avail immed. 862-9223 FURN’D ROOM for clean, mature, N/S student, working person. Near KLO Campus. Refs & DD req. 250-862-2950. Room for rent. Furn’d bdrm, mature male only. $475/mo. 250-317-2546 ROOMS from $450. No drugs NP No parties. 250-860-8106, 250-801-7749, 250-763-2727 RUTLAND. 1bdrm $375 all utils incl, w/d, cbl. NS, NP, NB, Near bus.(250)-862-9749 or (250)-575-9109 RUTLAND furnished room for working man, 30+, livingroom, TV, kitchen, laundry, utils incl, $490+DD. Call 250-215-1561
Shared Accommodation 1Bdrm in Westbank, Share Kitchen, W/D, Cable, Int. & Utils Incl’d. $575 + DD. Call (250)-768-8930 1 great modern, bright room. KLO Campus, shopping, bus. Furn’d - share TV, Internet, kitchen, living room..No drugs, booze or parties. Wayne 7632727
2BD, New, Bright nr Hosp. ns/np, laundry. Mature & resp. adults w/ref. $875/mo. Avail May 1. Call 250-801-9900. 2BDRM Suite Avail. Mission. Near school & bus. NP, NS. $900 incl. utils. 250-317-3462 2Bdrm Winfield. Priv. entry NS. NP. Fridge, stove,suitable for working persons. $750 incl. utils. (250)766-3395 2BD S.Rutland, near amens. May 1st. No lndry. utils/cbl incl. NS/NP/NP.Wrking person 250-899-2195, 250-448-4843 3BD a/c, priv laundry,driveway bus school cble wireless utils incl’d NS NP $1100 Avail immed. 250-826-2233 Bachelor to look after property. Very large 1bdrm furn’d bsmt Beautiful view, Lakeview Heights. Share electricity & gas. NP $600 (250)-769-4929 LARGE 1bdrm suite, NS, NP, references, utils incl, $750/mo. Peachland. 250-768-4399 LOWER suite, 2bd, 1bth, WD, all utils incl. Mallach Rd area. Call 250-763-6917 NEWER 2bd suite, avail immed. Own ent, prking, nice yard. $800 incl utils. Quiet area. NS, NP. 250-869-9663 or (afternoon) 250-317-2318 RUTLAND- 2bdrm gr level, priv entry, 5appls,FP, heat, nr bus route. NS. NP, NP. ND, ideal for wrkng/couple, Avail immed. $1000 250 762-6519 RUTLAND. May 1. 1bd utils incl, shr’d lndry, FP, NS, NP, $750. 250-215-1182
Suites, Upper ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.
1990 Chevrolet Camaro RS $2500 OBO. A daily driver with class - 260k Km on 6Cyl automatic. T-roof, low miles on newer tranny, two full sets of lightly used tires. Body in very good rust-free condition. A reliable sports car that runs very well. Call 250-308-7662 or email terdunok@uniserve.com
1990 Oldsmobile 88, 166,000 orig kms, running cond., $1200 obo. 250-717-3980 2000 Pontiac Grand Am 2 dr silver Pwr everthing V6 runs excellent. $2200 or trade for van Call / Text (250)215-3138 2004 Z06 Corvette 405 hp 6 speed 29,000. kms 37,500. phone 542-8317.
AUTOMOTIVE SPECIAL ONLY $59.99 plus HST 1 col x 2” size with or without picture for 3 insertions (Reg. price $196.25)
Br, Cozy, Furn, 1bd. ste. Pandosy, Lake, Shops, Colg. NS, NP, $695 Inc. 762-0317 6rings
Call your classified representative today!
LARGE 1bd, Black Mtn, Country setting, 4 appl’s. $900 utils incl’d, 808-6848 & 765-1939 PEACHLAND 3bdrm, newly painted, garage, view, $1100+ 2/3 utils. NP, NS, NP, ref’s, Call 250-768-4399
Auto Accessories/Parts LYLE’S TOWING. Free Removal of unwanted vehicles. Pay up to $1000 for good vehicles. Lots of used parts for sale. (250)-765-8537 SCRAP Car Removal. $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days/week Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593
Auto Financing Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231 www.UapplyUdrive.ca
While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.
Cars - Sports & Imports
Suites, Lower 1bd, Close to shopping, bus stop, UBCO & community park. NS, NP, $750 utils, cable & int. included. Well kept & very clean above ground. Avail. Now, 250-864-6669 1BD modern suite in grnd lvl 4-plex, $775 incl utils. NP. June 1. 250-762-4951 1BDRM bsmt. Rutland, near bus, shopping. NS, NP. Includes utils. $675/mo. Avail May 15. 250-491-2176 1lrg bd suite, $700+DD. N. Rutland, incl utils/cbl. NS/NP. Single wrking person. Ref’s req’d. Avail Now. Call 250491-9739 or txt 250-864-0150 2BD bsmt suite in N. Rutland. Near schools & shops. NS, NP, no laundry, $850 incl utils. Call 250-491-1829 2BDRM, 1bath, $975 utils not included. WD incl, NS, NP, Rutland area. 250-763-9693
Cars - Domestic
DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
www.PreApproval.cc DL# 7557
Auto Loans or We Will Pay You $1000
All Makes, All Models. New & Used Inventory.
1-888-229-0744 or apply at: www.greatcanadianautocredit.com Must be employed w/ $1800/mo. income w/ drivers license. DL #30526
1991 Mazda Miata, very good condition, new clutch assembly, other new parts. Runs great. $5000. 250-762-6915 2005 Honda S2000, 82K, car cover, service manual, exc/ cond $20,995. (250)542-6915 2005 Volkswagen Jetta 4dr Auto Loaded Leather 128K $7200 Call (250)548-3484
2001 Yamaha Road Star 1600, completely custom show bike, custom paint, wheels, raked, 250 rear tire, Avon tires, Bob pipes, Dakota speedo/tach, over $30,000 invested, $9900, 250-490-6046
1972 8FT Camper, rebuilt w/ stove, oven, fridge, porta potty. $800 obo. (250)768-7084
Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com B17
Sport Utility Vehicle
1981 Chevy 18’, ClassC motorhome, 145,000kms, nice condition, $7500, 250-558-7888 1987 Travelair 5th Wheel, 25ft, A/C, awning, sleeps 4, full bath. Half ton towable, Excellent Condition. $4795. 250870-3568 or 250-769-3569 1988 Vanguard/Ford 460 FI. Class C, 27ft., rear bdrm, twin beds. Must see, exceptional condition for age. Very clean, comfortable, many new items ie: Coach battery, near new tires, 96,000km. Asking $10,500 OBO. Call 250-7638004 or edwatson@shaw.ca 1991 27’ Ford Vanguard Motorhome. very clean, all appl work perfectly, Flat screen tv, walk around bed, mechanically mint condition, Automatic transmission/overdrive. Only 91,000kms, Asking price $9,950 (250)545-3238 1991 Dutchmen 27’ Fifth Wheel. New fridge, Laminate floors, A/C, Micro, Super Layout. Sleeps 6. Must be seen. $5800 OBO (250)448-9895 1995 25’ Centurion 5th Wheel. Sleeps 6, full bath, new tires & micro, A/C, TV, side awnings, tripod, flow through tailgate & truck hitch incl. $7500, 250762-9526 1997 Ford 460, 29ft Motorhome. Class A, rare queen bed walk-around, ready for the road! All new tires, $16,000. 250-869-1863 1998 21 ft Four Winds, low kms, chev chassy, $24,000. obo Call Rod. (250)540-2655 1998 5th Wheel. 3 slide outs, stationary use only, all appliances in good condition, regular toilet, electric heater, 13” colour TV, radio/cd & microwave. $15,700, 250-766-0623 2009 28’ Cougar 5th wheel. 1 super slide, Arctic pkg, transferable warrenty. $26,000. 250-765-1633 9.5ft Camper with 3-Way Fridge, 3-Burner Stove, Flush Toilet, Awning.Sleeps 4, Good Condition. $3,200 OBO 250765-7958
Scrap Car Removal 1AA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Min $60 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 250-899-0460 ARMOUR Towing. Scrap Car Removal., Up to $100 CASH 7 days/week (250)-801-4199 Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288
SCRAP Car Removal, $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days a week. Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593
2007 Trail Rated
Jeep Liberty. High & Low range 4 wheel drive. 6 cyl. 3.7 litre. Auto. Power Steering, Brakes & Windows. Low 36841 Km. Immaculate Condition. Full Chrome Pkg. $14,499 (250)717-5807
BEACH BUNNIES Be Spoiled At Kelowna’s Only 5 Star Men’s Spa #32-2789 Hwy 97 Blue Heights www.beachbunnies.ca 250-448-8854 CINDY 46DDD, is Back! Massage Dom. Duos. GFE. Kelowna area (250)-503-8105 DIVA DANA: 1 FOXY LADY Spring Specials, Gfe/Massage Playful & Professional In/Out. Discreet Call 250-859-6689 ENJOY a sensual, discreet, tryst with a sexy, beauty in/out Lydia 250-448-2894
KAILY Memorable Long Dark Haired Beauty. Mon.-Thurs. 9am-6pm 250- 718-3527 Krista, Begging for attention, Please take a chance on me. Body massages. 1-250-8708710. MALE 4 Male Erotic Massage $95, waxing, intimate grooming & skin care for the face & back. Winfield, 9-9 Daily 250-766-2048
THE DOLLHOUSE. Kelowna’s erotic hot spot! (250)448-4305 www.thedollhouse.info
Trucks & Vans 1993 S15 Long box, V6, exc. cond, 150 km. $4950. 250860-8127. 2007 Pontiac Montana 3.9 V6, ac/pw/pl, 7 pass, 191,000 kms, $5900 obo 250-307-0002 Dodge Dakota Sport 2001, standard, 4x4,V6 180,000kms, $6200. 250-308-4337 Hank. RARE 2000 GMC Big Block 2500 Super Cab. 158km. Near Mint cond., mechanical inspection incl’d. Must be seen. $11,500 OBO (250)448-9895
Boats 12’ aluminum fishing boat, Sears with 4hp Evanrude & elec front boat loader, factory made, $1600/all. 250-7638645 2011 Honda 5 HP OUTBOARD 4 stroke with motor stand $1500 (250)707-0929 22FT MacGregor Trailer Sailer. 3 sails motor/Johnson 9.9 trailer sleeps 2 adults 2-3 children easy to sail/trailer. Very good cond. $4500 call (250)766-3154 after 6pm
Ms. Emily Marie Upscale Companion
Sensual & Petite 34B~26~38
Park Security Contractor Services The Regional District is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualified independent resident contractors to provide Security Contractor Services at Kaloya Regional Park. The consideration to be paid for the services provided shall be reduced rent for the home located in the Park for use by the Security Contractor as their residence. An expression of interest including a résumé listing relevant experience and references will be received at the Regional District of Central Okanagan, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC up until 12:00 pm, Local Time, May 18th, 2012. The Regional District reserves the right to reject any or all responses, and to accept any proposal or offer which it may consider to be in the best interest of the Regional District. Full details on the service requirements are available by contacting Parks Services at 250-469-6232 or from the Regional District’s website at: www.regionaldistrict. com/purchasing or from the Regional District of Central Okanagan, Parks Services, 2nd floor, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4.
Legal Notices WAREHOUSEMAN’S Lien Act. Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, Goods and Personal Property of this person listed below, deposited at Sexsmith Self Storage Ltd., have been seized and will be sold, to recover the cost for unpaid storage rent. Name: Unit # Darcy Ewashko 201 Tyler Peace 298
Avail. May 9th (4pm) to May 11th (10am) Luxurious hotel incall
SEXY, 42 DDD, 28/32 brown eyed brunette. Sexy & Sweet, Discreet. Enjoys couples & dom, GFE. Kelly 765-1098.
SEXY Hot Asian Girl. old, 110lbs 5’4”, 34C Friendly, lovely girl. Erotic massage. No In/Out. (250)-878-1250
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS T12-054 City Hall Workspace Renovation Design Sealed proposals clearly marked on the outside of the envelope with the words “T12-054 City Hall Workspace Renovation Design” will be received at the Office of the City Clerk, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna, BC up until 3pm, Local Time, May 22, 2012. The Request for Proposal (RFP) will not be opened publicly. There is a Proponent Meeting on May 7, 2012 at 3:45 pm PST at City Hall, 4th floor, Knox Mtn meeting room. The City reserves the right to reject any or all responses, to waive defects in any bid or tender documents and to accept any tender or offer which it may consider to be in the best interest of the City. The lowest or any tender or offer will not necessarily be accepted. RFP documents may be obtained at no charge from the City of Kelowna website or from the City of Kelowna Purchasing Branch, 1435 Water Street, Kelowna BC V1Y 1J4. kelowna.ca
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B18 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
. 97 S
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McKenzie McKenzie
N n Rd. N. Rutland
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Black Mountain & Joe Rich
(250) 863.7253
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1933 Ambrosi Road 3:00-5:00PM WEEKDAYS 1:30-5:00PM WEEKENDS
4 3
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For information call the developer at 250-859-0146
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600 Sherwood Road from $319,900 9 West Kelowna Estates OPEN SAT & SUN 1-4PM Darcy Nyrose 250-575-1946 Coldwell Banker 1057 Aurora Heights $649,000 BY AP APPOINTMENT 250-575-6467 5 SOPA Square
H&H Homes in Smith Creek
Tower Ranch
Stonewater on the Lake
5235 Buchanan Rd $1,399,000 - $1,579,000 250 86 250-864-3773 - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 30
Eagles View
4350 Ponderosa Drive from $348,000 from $399,900 APPOINTMENT ONLY 1-866-767-3245 www.discovereaglesview.com
23 Summit at Selkirk starting at $474,900 588 Harrogate Lane OPEN 12-5PM daily except Friday 250-861-8989 www.DilworthHomes.com
Gardena in Kettle Valley
328 Providence Ave. Remax 250-717-5000 Lin Schierling/ Jane Matejka www.GardenaLiving.com from $399,900 www 3 Bellamy Homes Heweston (Upper) Crt ROSEDALE MODEL HOME IN THE PONDS 250-470-2429 www.bellamyhomes.ca 250-47
13310 Lakehill Dr., Lake Country
5498 Mountainside Dr $980,000 incl HST VIEWING BY APPT. ONLY 250-764-2199 VIEW 2
Gold Tommie Award Winning Show Home
Eagle Crest
772 Rutland Road $190,000 BY APPOINTMENT 250-765-4185 www.legacykelowna.com
F Kentland Homes
Destination Homes
Tallus Ridge at Shannon Lake
Tower Ranch/North Pointe 1836 Tower Ranch Blvd. OPEN SAT-THURS 12-5PM 250-491-2918 250 49 www.towerranch.com
3359 Cougar Rd (Treasure Chest for Toys)
Open Sat.-Thur. from 11-4 pm
Eagle Terrace
2283 Shannon Heights Crt starting at $379,900 OPEN SUNDAYS 1-4 PM 250-862-1369 250 86 www.eaglecrestkelowna.com
from $159,900
3103 Sageview Rd - $579,000+HST 3107 Sageview Road - $599,000+HST Jaime Briggs 250-860-7500 Coldwell Banker
Martin Lofts
2470 Tuscany Drive OPEN NOON-4PM SAT-THURS 250-768-5622 250 76
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SHANNON LAKE/SMITH CREEK SHA A 55+ adult gated community
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Bridges at Glenview Pond
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3865 Truswell Rd.
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1777 Water Street OPEN SUNDAY 1-4PM Jackie Bear 250-317-1699
Glenvalley on Clifton
14 Radius#112-2142 Vasile Rd from $299,000 incl HST OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12-4PM 250-575-5851 250 57 www.pentarhomes.com
Showhome open: Wed-Fri 1-4pm Sat/Sun 12-4pm
Seasons at Kettle Valley
from $329,900
433 McCarren Avenue from $379,900 OPEN SATURDAY-THURSDAY 12-5PM Darcy Nyrose 250-575-1946 Coldwell Banker
Two Bed - 2 Bath from $279,900
The Water’s Edge
Pearwood Corner
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Centre Point
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Roth Homes
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To Big White e & Joe Rich
Map by Fred Armstrong © The Kelowna Capital News
31 Q 52 32 Hwy 33
Kelowna’s most complete guide to local showhomes
Cityhomes with private rooftop sundecks.
East Kelowna
3 Bedroom Townhomes in South Glenmore
511 Yates Road OPEN SAT-SUN 1-4PM Ryan Mayne 250-860-0303
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#2210-3834 ##2 2 Brown Rd. from $249,000 VIEW BY APPOINTMENT 250-878-8118 V LLast ast D Developers Suite to be Sold! SHOW HOMES OPEN 1-5PM WED-SUN S 250-763-6622 www.westharbourkelowna.com 25
Scenic route to Vernon
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Sage Creek
1651 Lynrick Rd. $295,000 inc net HST 250-718-1368 www.the gatekelowna.com
3433 Kingfisher Rd. from $255,000 3013 Pandosy Street from $351,000 10 Tuscany Villas OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 12-4PM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 12-4PM 2070 Boucherie Road from $289,900 250-707-3801 www.sagecreek.com 250-762-5818 www.sopasquare.com BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 1-866-930-3572 www.TuscanyVillas.ca
The Gate Townhomes
OUTSIDE OUT OF AREA 33 Predator Ridge
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Capital News Friday, May 4, 2012
www.kelownacapnews.com B19
Advantages of building a new home
Outlining a construction timeline
Home from B20 munities. New developments are designed to foster a spirit of neighbourliness by carefully balancing private and public areas—welcoming home designs, green recreational areas, playgrounds for children, safe and attractive roads and pathways. Today’s new homes combine function and style, with open, inviting living areas, lots of light, well-planned work spaces and built-in convenience. Flexible layouts make it easy to accommodate future changes to your household. New homes allow for the use the most advanced building components. From construction materials to heating systems, the technology built into every new home ensures high performance, durability and long-term satisfaction. New home builders offer a wide selection of
standard and upgrade options—you can pick and choose what best suits your lifestyle, personality and budget. Thanks to advanced construction, higher levels of insulation and energyefficient heating and cooling systems, you not only save money on your energy bills, you also enjoy a far more comfortable home. Clean air, a comfortable moisture level and no mold or lingering odours—new homes are designed to give you and your family the best possible indoor living environment. And one of the great advantages of buying a brand new home is the warranty that comes with it. Professional builders stand behind their work with an after-sales service program and a guaranteed third-party warranty. Contributed by the Central Okanagan chapter of the Canadian Home Builders Association.
Most home buyers have a lot of questions about the construction of their home Here is an outline of the typical construction process today. Bear in mind the process and schedule will also be affected by many factors such as the size and style of the house; the lot; the construction techniques used; the amount of customization required; the number of municipal inspections; whether the home is located in a large development; and the availability of labour.
PRE-CONSTRUCTION Before any construction begins, plans for your home are developed, finalized and submitted to the municipal building permit office for review. Permits may be required for all or some of the following work: building, electrical, plumbing, septic system and sewer connection. Prior to this, a number of site tests may be conducted to examine the water table, the soil and
the bearing capacity of the ground and to conduct environmental tests. With this information, final engineering adjustments can be made to the plans.
FOUNDATION Your house is staked out and the land is prepared. Often, the topsoil is removed and piled elsewhere for later use. Excavation is done, and the footings (concrete slabs to support the foundation walls) are formed and poured. Water, electricity, telephone and cable services may be brought in at this time. The foundation walls are erected (may use poured concrete in temporary wooden forms or permanent insulated blocks, concrete blocks or preserved wood, for instance). The foundation may be insulated and damp-proofed. Weeping tiles are installed to drain ground moisture away from the house. A municipal inspection of the foundation may be conducted before the outside perim-
from $159,900
eter is backfilled. At this time, the builder may ask you to begin making your selections— deciding on flooring, tiles, cabinets, etc. While it will be weeks before these items are installed, they must be ordered early to prevent delays later.
FRAMING Exterior walls, interior partitions and the roof are assembled. This usually means erecting a framing skeleton and applying an exterior sheeting; or another framing technique may be used. Frames are built on the floor, one wall at a time and then lifted in place. Roof trusses are most often brought to the site ready for installation, and roofing is completed as quickly as possible to prevent accidental damage as work progresses on the lower parts of the home. Windows and doors are installed. The builder’s aim is to get to “lock-up” as quickly as possible to protect the structure from the elements.
The basement floor is installed. Electrical and plumbing services are roughed in, and ducting for heating, cooling and ventilation is put in place. At this time, the municipality will probably require a structural inspection to ensure that the home is being built according to building code requirements. Electrical and plumbing inspections will likely be conducted as well.
INTERIOR/EXTERIOR WORK For the next several weeks, a great deal of work will happen inside and out, much of it at the same time, or overlapping. Proper scheduling is key to smooth progress. The exterior walls and the roof are insulated, and a vapour barrier is applied. Heating and cooling systems are installed, including fireplaces. Walls and ceilings are painted, flooring is laid, and kitchen and bathroom cabinets are installed. Plumbing and electrical fixtures are put in, trim is applied, and in-
terior doors are hung. Siding is applied on the outside, along with eavestroughing, and porches and decks are installed. Final lot grading is done, and the driveway and walkways are put in. Several additional municipal inspections may occur—for instance, after completion of the interior to check stairs, handrails and other health and safety related items, and/ or after final grading outside. Plumbing and electrical work will probably require final inspection.
At this point, your builder and crew are busy completing the final touches and cleaning up. You will be asked to do a walk-through of your home with the builder. Any last-minute touchups will be done. On the date of possession, you will be handed the keysthe home is now yours. Contributed by the Central Okanagan chapter of the Canadian Home Builders Association.
B20 www.kelownacapnews.com
Friday, May 4, 2012 Capital News
Turning an iconic house into a home
Alana Semuels /CONTRIBUTOR
Beth Howard sits at her kitchen table on a Sunday morning and pulls back the curtain to peer at a group of rosyrcheeked youths taking pictures on her front lawn. They pair off to stand side by side in the pose familiar to millions— rthe dour farmer with a pitchfork, the unsmiling woman beside him in front of the white house. No one notices the woman in flannel pajamas sitting inside. “People seldom know that people live here, much less that there’s someone watching them from the other side of the curtain,” says Howard, who rents the house in the small rural hamlet of Eldon, Iowa, made famous in Grant Wood’s painting “American Gothic.” Living in a tourist destination means while the interior of the house is offlimits to visitors, she has to be nice to tourist interlopers. Those who peek inside see hardwood floors decorated with throw rugs, brightly coloured couches and a collage depicting the Gothic house above the kitchen sink. The house, which has appeared in countless parodies, has captivated Howard. She misses it when she’s away and said that when she went to see Wood’s painting at the Art Institute of Chicago, she wanted to jump into the painting and go home (a security guard had to ask her to step away from the artwork). “You can smell the
BETH HOWARD stands in front of her home, the house featured in the 1930 painting “American Gothic.” history,” she said of her adopted home. “It’s very soothing—I feel connected to my ancestors.” The dwelling had inspired Grant Wood, just returned from making art in France and Italy, to paint a tribute to his native state. The 700-square-foot house was built in 1881 and sold to Charles and Catherine Dibble, who lost it after failing to pay taxes. It is now creaky and old. Square nails poke out of the wooden floorboards, the paint is peeling and the stairway is so small it’s a better fit for a child than an adult. It was the big gothic window on the second story that struck Wood in 1930, when he was driving through Eldon with a friend.
The intricate window, ordered from a Sears catalogue, looked out of place in the modest house on the prairie. Wood immediately wanted to paint the plain house and its fancy frill. For Howard, 49, embracing the Midwest has been a bit more of a challenge. Living in a centuryold house miles from the nearest city is a new experience for Howard, who spent her 20s and 30s in the faster-paced world of the West Coast. Last summer, a sixfoot-long bull snake crawled into the bathroom and draped itself over the doorknob. Howard also ran over a snapping turtle in her Mini Cooper. Tourists sometimes tramp into the house, ignoring the sign that says
“Private residence. Please do not disturb.” At night, they’ll train their headlights on the house and pose for pictures. Then again, the rent is just $250 a month. *** Howard grew up in Ottumwa, Iowa, just 25 kilometres from the “American Gothic” house, and she couldn’t escape from the Midwest fast enough. She left home to attend Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash. After that, she worked as a publicist for TV shows, including Beverly Hills 90210; lived in Hawaii while working at a resort, and had enough money for exotic travel and adventure sports. “I remember thinking she had it made,”
said childhood friend Nan Schmid, who visited Howard in Malibu. “The beach was down a set of stairs. She was making a lot of money.” When she was 39, Howard took a trip to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon, where she met Marcus Iken, an executive with German automaker Daimler, which builds Mercedes-Benzes. The two hit it off, and, after riding motorcycles across Italy and dating long-distance for two years, decided to get married. Iken died of a ruptured aorta in 2009. At the time, the couple was living apart, thinking of divorce. Howard, plagued with guilt and grief, set out two years ago from Portland
on a cross-country trip in a recreational vehicle her husband had left her. Three weeks into her trip, driving along U.S. Route 34 in Iowa, Howard saw a sign that read: “American Gothic House. Six miles.” On a whim, she turned off the highway. At the visitor centre in Eldon, she learned that the house had been lived in over the years. Feeling deep down that she was meant to live in this tiny space, and with nowhere else to go, she asked if she could move in. Howard would leave behind a hip, urban life and move to Eldon, a town of 900 with no stop lights, no restaurants and no supermarket. Family and friends thought she was crazy. But Howard has thrived. She says the house and community have given her a way of life that she thought existed only in the past. Howard said she was in Los Angeles recently on her book tour and that the noise of leaf-blowers and garbage trucks set her on edge. “I walk the dogs at night, and talk to my husband up in the sky out loud,” she said. Sure, it’s strange knowing that the nearest Starbucks is 100 kms away, but when Howard’s mother asks when she’ll move back to Southern California, the answer is always the same: Not any time soon. “I thought I was going to be here temporarily,” she says. “Now I’m not planning on going anywhere else.”
Upside to a brand new home
When you buy a brand new home, you get the best of both worlds—all the traditional value you expect in a home, plus the advantages that only a newly built home can provide. First, it is the opportunity to get what you want in a house. There are numerous home models to consider, and builders to choose from to make that dream a reality. When you buy a brand new home, you get to choose your builder based on their reputation and track record. You know what you get. With a new home, you know how the house was built and what went into it—both what you can see and what is behind the walls. And if you have questions later, your builder will be there to give you helpful and accurate information. The quality of your new home is based on solid construction and attention to details. Professional new home builders combine the latest construction techniques with timeless craftsmanship to create homes that are comfortable, attractive and great to live in. Well-designed comSee Home B19
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