Hope Standard, May 09, 2012

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Standard The Hope

Runner excels in his first marathon with no training 19

Office: 604.869.2421


w w w. h o p e s t a n d a r d . c o m n e w s @ h o p e s t a n d a r d . c o m

VENDOR’S MARKET SLATED FOR HOPE Memorial Park could be the weekly outdoor setting

2 NATUROPATHIC CLINIC OPENS Shannon Feely offers natural medicine as health care option


NEW EXHIBIT AT YALE HISTORIC SITE The Mystery of the Sasquatch opens on Saturday


INSIDE Opinion . .. . . . . . . . . . 6 Community . . . . . . 9 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Classifieds . . . . . . 21 $

1.10 (HST INCL.)


Program manager Naydeen Spencer talks about the services Trails Crossing Friendship Centre will provide at the grand opening last Thursday.

Friendship centre has new location Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Trails Crossing Friendship Centre now has an office in Hope. The centre officially opened its new location on Wallace Street last Thursday with an open house celebration. “It’s a huge feeling of accomplishment,” said centre president Bonnie Milward. “It’s fantastic to be able to be more visible and accessible for community members.” Trails Crossing is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to the Aboriginal and Metis community and their families

in the Hope area. The centre also people, or they hear the stories of strives to create greater community the elders, it helps definitely bridge awareness and understanding of understanding and builds friendculture and tradiships.” tion. The centre re“The friendship cently received a “It’s fantastic to be centre really tries grant from Serto help people able to be more visible vice Canada for who aren’t necesan employment and accessible for sarily represented program, which by a local band – community members.” i n c o r p o r a t e s so they’re living many traditional in a community values into the Bonnie Milward that’s not their curriculum. The traditional tercentre also offers ritory,” said Milwork experience ward. “When people come in and placements, and traditional and they share their stories with other cultural workshops.

“We really work with all of our community partners so that people are getting the resources they need from the appropriate place,” said Milward. The friendship centre started three years ago as a way to connect people living in the area and became a registered society in 2010. Over the years, members have participated in numerous community events, including National Aboriginal Day in Memorial Park. “We get to be whatever the community needs us to be,” said Milward. “We try our best to respond to what the community and our members ask for.”

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A2 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Outdoor market proposed for Memorial Park Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard


Nancy Brown showcases some of the products available through her business Silver Creek Tea Company. She is part of a committee that is trying to organize a vendor’s market in Memorial Park every Saturday from June to September.

A new vendor’s market is in the works for downtown Hope. The Hope Mountain Market committee is currently trying to organize a market in Memorial Park every Saturday from June to September. “I think so many peo-

ple are creating these beautiful hand-crafted items in their homes and they don’t really have anywhere to sell them,” said committee president Nancy Brown. “Basically the goal is to give local business people somewhere they can sell their products in a casual outdoor setting. We want to have people coming through and





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still being worked out but we see this as an opportunity to showcase local producers and vendors, and make it into a destination type market,” said chamber president Glen Ogren. “For the community as a whole, we want to give people more options. Local businesses will also see a benefit because it gets people out of their cars and into the downtown core.” For more information or to apply as a vendor visit market.hopebc.ca, facebook.com/HopeMountainMarket, or email hopemountainmarket@gmail.com

Theft from hospital

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finding things they can’t really find anywhere else. The juried market will feature a variety of goods from local artisans, crafters, farmers, and home-based businesses. Brown said the committee will select 15-20 vendors per market. The Hope & District Chamber of Commerce identified a farmer’s market as a priority last October and Stephanie Hooker from Free Rein Associates spent several months researching different options before the committee was formed. “Details are obviously

Several items have been stolen from a storage container at Fraser Canyon Hospital. Hope RCMP believe the theft of a Mighty Quip trash/water pump, Mighty Quip portable generator, Mitsubishi portable generator, and Mighty Quip diesel generator occurred sometime between midnight and 3 p.m. on April 18. The estimated value of the items is $10,000. “This was a fairly significant theft and we are hoping that someone has information that can lead us to the suspect or suspects in this case,” said Cst. Tracy Wolbeck. Anyone with information is asked to contact Hope RCMP at 604-869-7750, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Yale Historic Site Presents: Sasquatch Exhibit The Sasquatch Mystery Grand Opening May 12 12pm - 5pm

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- Debut of Christopher L. Murphy’s new book ‘Sasquatch in British Columbia’ - The chance to meet Sasquatch researchers and authors - Sasquatch Sign Co. T-shirts, Sasquatch books and memorabilia for sale - Buy a kids ‘Sasquatch Fan Club’ pass and get a photo with Sasquatch - Fundraiser BBQ

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A3


New exhibit examines the mysterious creature


May 15th 7:30pm Eagle’s Hall

Corner of Fourth Ave. & Fort St. 604.869.2560


Bigfoot comes to Yale


Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard


Sasquatch peeks out from behind a tree at the Yale Historic Site, where he will be visiting from May 12 to Sept. 30 for an exhibit.

Bigfoot. Yeti. Sasquatch. This hairy ape-like man is known by many names around the world and is a local legend in the Fraser Canyon. Yale Historic Site examines the mystery in a new exhibit running May 12 to Sept. 30. “It’s open to interpretation,” said site supervisor Deb Zervini. “It is B.C. folklore. People know, whether they believe it or not, that it is a local legend and people just have fun with it.” The exhibit by Christopher L. Murphy consists of plaster casts of footprints, hair samples, models, sculptures and replicas, artwork, detailed charts and scientific posters. “It’s something different and unique,” said Zervini. “We like to bring new things every year to keep people interested.” Murphy will be exhibiting his collection in conjunction with the debut of his new book Sasquatch in British Columbia: A Chronology of Incidents and Important Events, which was written with local sasquatch researcher Thomas Steenburg. Both authors will be in attendance on Saturday to provide short talks along with David Hancock of Hancock House Publishers. The exhibit opens at noon and admission is by donation on May 12. There will be a fundraiser barbecue for the Yale and District Historical Society, sasquatch T-shirts on sale by Sasquatch Sign Co., and an appearance by Bigfoot. Yale Historic Site is also launching Sasquatch Kids Fan Club this weekend, which provides children with a photo and free admission to the site for the rest of the season with the purchase of a regular entrance ticket. Children will also be entered to win prizes throughout the season.

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B.C. pushes school calendar change Tom Fletcher Black Press

School districts will be able to determine their own calendar and offer online classes to students in any grade under recently presented amendments to the School Act. Education Minister George Abbott said the changes are designed to increase flexibility for schools and students. The ministry will continue to require a minimum number of instructional hours, but school boards will be able to design their own calendars. Abbott said the standard school calendar is a relic of an agrarian society where children did farm work in summer. A twomonth summer break can result in setbacks for student learning, especially those who are struggling to keep up,

he said. Abbott cited Kanaka Creek elementary school in Maple Ridge, which uses a modified calendar with shorter breaks through the year instead of the standard S e p t e m b e r - t o - Ju n e model. That has been popular with students, parents and teachers, and academic results have been encouraging, Abbott said. “What we now have is a pretty strong case that children learn better when they don’t have a long summer break, that a shorter period when they’re away from school is better,” Abbott said. Online courses are currently only allowed for grades nine and up. The amendments allow the option for any course in elementary or middle school. Abbott said that change is not designed to encourage home

schooling, but rather to offer options to students that aren’t available in smaller schools. Online learning has taken off in B.C., from

5,000 students using it five years ago to about 30,000 today, he said. School districts will have to holds consultations with the

public and staff before changing the school calendar, and the ministry has to approve changes before they can take effect.

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A4 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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News Idea exchange More than 90 sponsors, ticket holders and volunteers attended Leadercast last Friday at Grace Baptist Church. The event, hosted by Advantage Hope, was broadcast live from Atlanta, Georgia and featured 12 speakers who shared their ideas on business and leadership. The Idea Exchange series wraps up on May 16 with an interactive roundtable discussion at Hope Golf Club on financial planning, social media and exit strategies.


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B.C. Liberals try election gag law again Tom Fletcher Black Press

Public Board Meeting

Please jointhe us for the upcoming Pleasecome join and us for next

Fraser Health FraserHealth Health public board meeting Fraser Public Board Meeting Board of Directors Meeting in Langley

Date: Thursday, November 2, 2010 Date: Thursday, Thursday, 5, 2009 When: May 17,November 2012 Time: 2:00 4:00 p.m. Public Board Meeting Time: 2:00 –2:00 4:00 p.m. Public Board Meeting 4:00 -p.m. Public Board Meeting 4:00 5:00 p.m. Q&A period 5:00 p.m. Q& & A period 4:00 –4:00 5:00 -p.m. Question Answer Period Location: Delta Inn Town & Country Inn Centre Location: Pacific Resort & Conference Where: Cascades Casino,Room Coast Hotel & Convention Centre Terrace Cote D’Azur Room Cascades Ballroom 1 6005 Highway 1160 King George17 Hwy, White Rock/Surrey, B.C. 20393Delta, Fraser Highway B.C.

The B.C. government is attempting to restore limits on third-party election spending that were struck down by a judge before the 2009 vote. Attorney General Shirley Bond has introduced amendments that would put limits on spending by unions, business groups and other non-party advertisers in the 40 days before the official start of an election campaign. A previous 60-day limit was challenged by seven public sector unions, led by the B.C. Teachers’ Federation, and rejected by a B.C. Supreme Court judge as an unjustified restriction on freedom of speech. Premier Christy Clark said some spending limit on the pre-campaign period is justified, since the province went to scheduled elections in 2005. Current rules restrict party and non-party spending

during a formal 28-day election campaign, but contain no limits on spending before that period. The government intends to submit the proposed 40-day restriction to the B.C. Supreme Court before it takes effect. If a judge approves, the new restrictions would apply for the election set for May 2013. NDP justice critic Leonard Krog said the latest effort will likely be challenged again and rejected again. If the B.C. Liberals want to reform election spending, they should ban corporate and union donations to political parties as the NDP and B.C. Conservative parties have advocated, Krog said. In 2008, the B.C. Liberal government passed amendments to the B.C. Elections Act limiting spending by non-party advocacy groups to no more than $150,000 in the 60 days before the official 28day election campaign. Registered political parties were restricted to spending $2.2 million during that time.

Langley, B.C.

You are invited to observe an open meeting the Board of Directors of Fraser You are of invited to observe an open meeting of Health which will include a presentation on health care services offered the Board of Directors of Fraser Health.in After Langley. the meeting, there will be a question and answer period open to the public. The Question and Answer Period, scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m. will provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions. As the fastest growing Health Authority in the province, we are receiving provincial and Webcast: attention for how we are redesigning For those unable to attend in person,national Fraser Health is also making the meeting care practices and care settings to available via the internet. Questions our willhealth be received during the broadcast. Visit www.fraserhealth.ca for details.meet the needs of our communities. We look forward seeing you Health there! Board This is a valuable opportunity to connect directly withto the Fraser and Executive. Everyone is welcome For to participate. more information, contact us at:

For more information, contact us at: feedback@fraserhealth.ca 604-587-4600

www.fraserhealth.ca feedback@fraserhealth.ca 604-587-4600

Workshop about chronic conditions The physiotherapy department at Fraser Canyon Hospital has been quietly running a Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions workshop for adults in Hope. This free six-week program launched in June 2011 and is designed to help participants who live with ongoing health conditions such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, or any other chronic health problem take control of their health. Facilitated by a rehab assistant and a volunteer from the community, the workshop teaches strategies to control pain, deal with fatigue and frustration, get more active, handle stress and eat well to live well. Group members take part in goal setting and problem solv-

ing each week, and all participants receive a copy of the book Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions to take home. “It was a very comprehensive course covering all aspects of daily living for those individuals with chronic health conditions,” said J’nia Fowler, a Hope resident who recently attended the workshop. “The group format was both comfortable and fun. I recommend it to everyone who may be in need of healthy strategies to manage their conditions and lives.” Participants have reported greater self-confidence, more energy, less pain and fatigue, and better communication with their families and physicians. Self-management programs are available at no cost

province-wide through the University of Victoria. In addition, an online version allows people in remote areas to access the program. UVic also provides free training to become a workshop leader. Peer leaders often have a close understanding of the challenges involved, either through managing their own chronic condition or as a caregiver for a loved one. The next workshop in Hope starts on May 22 and runs for six weeks from 12:30-3 p.m. Training for peer leaders will be offered May 24, 25, 31 and June 1 at Fraser Canyon Hospital. For more information, call 1-866-902-3767, email selfmgmt@ uvic.ca, visit www.selfmanagementbc.ca

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A5

News May the fourth be with you

Salmon inquiry weighs risk

Jeff Nagel Black Press

The Cohen Inquiry into the Fraser River’s troubled sockeye salmon stocks is shifting gears to consider last-minute arguments about controversial proposed reforms to the federal Fisheries Act. Participants at the inquiry have been given until May 14 to table their submissions on the impact of the changes that critics say will gut the law that protects fish habitat. “What commission counsel has done is said if something wasn’t in your final submissions that this new bill impacts, you’re welcome to make another submission and we’ll look at those,” inquiry spokesperson Carla Shore said. The Conservative government’s budget implementation bill includes the contentious amendments to the Fisheries Act. If passed, the clause protecting fish habitat by banning “harmful alteration, disruption and destruction” of fish habitat will be removed and replaced with one that outlaws “serious harm” to stocks fished by commercial, recreational or aboriginal users. Federal officials have described it as a more practical approach that focuses more on real threats


Seven-year-old Alexis Davis gets an autograph from Darth Vader Friday afternoon at the Hope Library. Sixty kids had their picture taken with Darth Vader and his Storm Trooper as part of Star Wars Day. The duo visited Coquihalla Elementary School before stopping by the library and collected 192 entries for the Star Wars prizes, which included a Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, a Star Wars lego set donated by the Cat’s Meow, and a Stars Wars Poster.

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to productive fisheries and less on blanket protection of riparian ecosystems. Watershed Watch Salmon Society executive director Craig Orr, who chairs a coalition of conservation groups with standing at the inquiry, said he and other participants will definitely file their concerns. “It raises the threshold for what is considered to be serious harm to fish,” he said. “Without a doubt we all think this really does strike at the heart of what Cohen should be considering. It has huge implications to our ability to protect salmon.” Orr said he’s concerned the changes could mean that penalties would only be triggered if fish are killed or there is permanent harm to habitat. Justice Bruce Cohen wrapped up commission hearings in late December and had been preparing his findings on how to reverse a long-term decline of sockeye, although a recent extension now gives him until the end of September to deliver them. Ottawa says the changes won’t alter the ban on the dumping of chemicals or other dangerous pollutants into any water way. Officials also say there are provisions to establish ecologically sensitive areas where higher levels of protection can be required.

A6 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012


What’s in a name? Marc Dalton, Maple Ridge-Mission MLA, thinks his party, the B.C. Liberals, should change its name. He says the name – in place since the provincial Liberals formed in 1991 (and the one voters have elected to govern three consecutive terms) – is confusing to some centre-right voters, now that the B.C. Conservatives have surged to solid third-party status. He says those who are federal Conservatives will have a hard time voting B.C. Liberal next time. Last month, the NDP won two B.C. byelections, in ChilliwackHope and Port Moody-Coquitlam. The Liberals came second in both, the Conservatives third. The Liberals fear more vote splitting in the May 2013 provincial election. But changing the party’s name won’t prevent that. Doing so would seem even more confusing to voters, which may be the point. It’s easy to see why the Liberals would want to rebrand the party, distance itself from past scandals and failures, and try to reverse falling popularity. But whatever the Liberals come up with – the B.C. Alliance Party is being floated about – it’s still the same cast of characters who brought you the B.C. Rail and HST fiascoes. Whether or not Kevin Falcon and other cabinet ministers run again isn’t going to change that. And changing the party’s name, to something more progressive, won’t erase the past, or fool many. B.C. doesn’t need a new centre-right party – it already has two. The B.C. Conservatives beat the Liberals to the punch. Trying to decide between the two is what’s confusing. Are the Liberals about families or business? A tiger can’t change its stripes. Changing the party’s name is just painting over them. As long as the B.C. Conservatives are around, the right will be split. And that’s what the NDP is counting on. – Black Press

Oil tanker debate sinks to a new low B.C. VIEWS Tom Fletcher The B.C. NDP has ramped up its opposition to the proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline. First the party formalized objections already expressed by NDP MLAs who have spoken at hearings held by the federal review panel along the B.C. coast. Leader Adrian Dix sent an 11-page letter to the panel, then launched an attack on the B.C. Liberal government in the legislature that emphasized the letter’s top objection. Why doesn’t Premier Christy Clark stand up to Ottawa and protest the abandonment of the long-standing “moratorium and exclusion zone” on oil tankers off B.C.’s north coast, Dix and NDP energy critic Rob Fleming demanded. Clark’s answer was the same

OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

one given for many years by federal and provincial governments. The 1972 federal “moratorium” was directed at offshore oil drilling, not tankers bound for B.C. A separate Canada-U.S. agreement in 1998 calls for U.S. tankers to avoid B.C.’s Inside Passage as they transport Alaska crude oil to refineries in Washington state and further south. I asked Fleming for documentation that shows tankers are banned from B.C.’s north coast. He said it is “fragmented,” which means he doesn’t have any. Nor does the NDP’s heavily footnoted letter to the federal panel offer any source for this assertion. This argument flared up in 2006 after Methanex Corp. shut down its Kitimat methanol plant. Instead of shipping methanol out, a practice that was never questioned, it started bringing tankers into the Kitimat port loaded with a liquid natural gas by-product called condensate.

From there it is sent by rail to Alberta to dilute oil sands crude. This process led to Enbridge’s proposed double pipeline that would send condensate east and diluted crude west. The Dogwood Initiative, one

There are legitimate arguments against the Northern Gateway proposal. This hippyfantasy tanker moratorium isn’t one of them. of the multiple U.S.-funded groups that now dominate B.C.’s environmental lobby, rose to protest these early condensate shipments, saying they violate a moratorium on tankers. Wrong, said Don Rodden, superintendent of environmental response for the Canadian Coast Guard

Pacific Region. The 1972 moratorium “wouldn’t apply to vessels coming into Canadian ports like Kitimat,” Rodden told the Globe and Mail at the time. The Coast Guard would be the agency legally required to enforce such a tanker ban, if one existed. As I’ve mentioned before, there are legitimate arguments against the Northern Gateway proposal. This hippy-fantasy tanker moratorium isn’t one of them. Then there is the hypocrisy and pro-U.S. bias that is so clearly evident in the manipulated B.C. debate. The Northern Gateway pipeline would generate as many as 350 tanker trips each year to and from Kitimat. More than twice that many tankers already sail each year through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, past the Gulf and San Juan Islands. Many are heading to refinery complexes at March Point and Cherry Point in Washington.



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Display Friday 4 p.m.

Classifieds Monday 5 p.m.

These supertankers can be seen sailing past Victoria most days. Strangely, this U.S. crude traffic excites no protests. Some of the smaller tankers come in to fill up from the TransMountain pipeline in Burnaby, whose operator is preparing a bid for expansion. This attracts protests organized by people opposed to Alberta “tar sands” oil. Where do urban protesters think we get the gasoline and diesel fuel sold at B.C. filling stations? Do they think it’s all made at the little Chevron refinery in Burnaby, the last remnant of refining capacity in southern B.C.? We could use a serious debate about how B.C. handles petroleum. Instead, we see factually inaccurate claims promoted by U.S. interests to attack Canadian crude only. Our opposition politicians and media mostly just go along for the ride. tfletcher@blackpress.ca

540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Wednesday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A7


Voice from ‘decade of darkness’ Re: Harper reckless with tax dollars, Letters (April 25) I am writing to respond to the recent letter to the editor from Liberal MP John McKay regarding Canada’s military equipment purchases. The last thing any Liberal MP has any credibility on is military procurement. The Chretien-Martin governments, of which John McKay was a member, gave us used submarines that weren’t seaworthy, left us without a replacement

for our maritime helicopters and had our Canadian Forces rely on Russian rental aircraft and crews to move our equipment and personnel. They even sent our troops into a war zone in the desert of Afghanistan in forest green fatigues. It is no wonder that former chief of defence staff Gen. Rick Hillier has referred to the time that the Liberals were in office as the “decade of darkness” for our military. By abandoning the established pro-

curement process that would have given our military the equipment they needed, John McKay’s Liberal Party put lives at risk and cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. In spite of Liberal and NDP opposition, our Conservative government will continue standing up for our men and women in uniform. We will ensure that they have the equipment they need to do the job that we ask of them and that will give them the best chance of

returning home safely to their families. We will also make sure that we follow the recommendations of the auditor general when we do so. The men and women who put their lives in harm’s way deserve the support of Canadians, and their government. As long as there is a Conservative government in Ottawa, they can be assured they will have it. Mark Strahl Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon MP

Pot only a gateway drug if illegal It is good that a Lower Mainland coalition of eight mayors are asking for the decriminalization of marijuana. While there are those who oppose this move on the grounds that pot is a gateway drug to more dangerous drugs, here is my opinion as to why

they are both right and wrong. If pot were a gateway drug then a large percentage of those over 50 would be either dead from overdose, criminally supporting a habit or just totally wasted each day from their addictions. That is my argument against the ‘gateway’ concept.

On the other hand with pot as an illegal substance the only way to obtain it is through the criminal element. The pusher, like any good salesperson, will try to upsell you to a more addictive and higher profit product, because the pusher’s only interest is making money. That

then is my view supporting the idea that yes, pot is a gateway drug, but only if it is illegal. I hope the mayor’s initiative will spread to other mayors, MLAs, premiers and MPs throughout the country bringing an end to the madness. Gary Huntbatch

Third industrial revolution on its way There was a interesting article in the April 21 issue of The Economist magazine. The article covered the first two industrial revolutions, and made the prediction that we are now entering a third industrial revolution that will have a major impact on world economies. The first revolution started in Britain with the mechanization of the textile industry. Cloth was no longer made by hand. The second revolution started in the U.S. when Henry Ford invented the production line and ushered in the age of mass produc-

tion. Now a third revolution is underway. The electronic digital assembly line will practically eliminate the production line as we know it and result in all labour being run by computers, from the processing of raw materials to the final production of finished articles. The need for specialized raw material will go up. This will result in the elimination of the need to send raw materials to places such as China and the production of manufactured items at the place where they are

needed. Cheap labour and shipping costs will gradually be reduced or eliminated. A lot of the world container traffic will no longer be required. China will manufacture to satisfy its own needs, as will most countries. However, a well-educated and professional work force will be needed to get the production processes set up, and the West will start setting this up on a worldwide basis. We must get ready for another round of world prosperity, led by the West. Eric J. Bysouth

Legislation won’t curb puppy mills The private member’s bill introduced by MLA Jane Thornthwaite will not help to curb puppy mills. The bottom line for these operations is simple economics. Their sales market is pet stores. If you eliminate the market, production will stop. It is evident that this bill won’t meet the intent when it is reported that the bill is

supported by PIJAC Canada. The Pet Industries Joint Advisory Council of Canada is an association of pet store owners. I applaud Ms. Thornthwaite for her interest in curbing puppy mills, but suggest that she should work on the details more thoroughly. Seek input from the governing body for ethical breeders — the Canadian Kennel Club. Their code of ethics is stricter

Streamlining environmental assessments

I’d like to applaud the recent move to a “one project, one review” policy for environmental assessments. Having the federal and provincial governments carrying out environmental reviews that duplicate each other’s assessment processes is costly, senseless and unnecessary. Duplicate review processes have been known to take as long as a decade before approvals are granted. Not only is this a job-killer, one that seriously stunts economic growth, it also robs communities of the investment and prosperity they long to see. A “one project, one review” approach balances important environmental values with other values. It meets all environmental requirements. And it does not diminish environmental protections or safeguards in any way. Nothing is being lost by this overdue streamlining, but much is definitely being gained. Donald Leung

than what she’s asking for. As long as the public are uneducated that the “cute little doggy in the window” at the pet store that is from a puppy mill, they will continue buy them. And as long as pet stores can continue to sell them, the puppy mills will always have a place to move their merchandise. Del Beaulac



Would you support year-round schooling in Hope and Boston Bar?

Will you attend the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay celebration in Memorial Park on May 10?

To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard.com

Here’s how you responded:

Yes 17% No 82%


to all who supported our SNYP appeal at Envision Credit Union on April 20, 2012


Spay, Neuter Your Pet

Too much severance Wow, Chris Olsen making $12,500 annually is given a $67,000 severance payment after a one-year gig as press secretary for the Christy Clark government. This in a world where the typical severance is one month for each year served. But no money for raises for any of the people who actually contribute to the running of the province. Go ahead, Ms. Clark. Change the name of the party. That will definitely save your bacon. Cheryl Baron

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992. Circulation $1.10 per copy retail and 81 cents prepaid by carrier; $42 per year by carrier if prepaid; $47.50 per year by mail to Hope, Boston Bar & Yale; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA and international. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery. The Hope Standard’s mail P.A.P. registration number is 7804. Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.

Letters The Hope Standard welcomes letters from our readers. Typed or printed letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. The Standard edits letters for accuracy, taste, clarity and length. The Standard reserves the right to not publish letters.

EMAIL: news@hopestandard.com

The Province of British Columbia has proclaimed

“Health-Care Auxiliary Day” on May 10, 2012. The Honourable Keith Bracken, Administrator of Our Province of British Columbia and Shirley Bond, Minister of Justice and Attorney General have witnessed this ofÀcial day. We are proud here in Hope that the Hospital Auxiliary existed before the Hospital in 1957. We have been raising funds for over 50 Years. All the money raised remains in Hope. Thanks to the Community for their generous support all these years.

A8 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012

News McHappy Day

MAY 16 6-9PM - Round Table Discussion

Call 604.869.3111 or 604.860.0930 for more information


Topic is “Financial Planning, Social Media, Exit Strategy” Location: Hope Golf Club Individual Cost: $10


Presented by the Hope & District Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Advantage Hope


Mayor Susan Johnston hands a coffee to a passerby from Summerland last Wednesday at McDonalds in Hope. A handful of municipal staff rolled up their sleeves to participate in McHappy Day, which saw $1 from every Big Mac, Happy Meal and hot McCafe beverage donated to local children’s charities like Ronald McDonald House.

B.C. eyes motorcycle power limits Tom Fletcher


Black Press

• Fill in the grid so that every row, every column & every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. • Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.


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The B.C. government has followed through on its promise to regulate motorcycle helmets, with restrictions on the horsepower available to new riders coming in the next year. Justice Minister Shirley Bond has announced that the new helmet regulation takes effect June 1, requiring riders to wear helmets that meet Canadian and international safety standards. Many of the minimal-coverage “beanie” helmets favoured by macho bikers will soon be eligible for a $138 ticket. Regulations will also require passengers to have their feet on foot pegs or floorboards while riding. Children who can’t reach the foot pegs will no longer be allowed as passengers, and drivers will be subject to tickets for that as well. Bond said restrictions will be developed by next spring that will set a limit on the horsepower of mo-

Crossword Puzzle #603

43. Safecracker 82. Have a cold 13. Greek letter 51. Arrest 44. Specialists 83. Loud uproar 14. Type measures 54. Dissolute fellow 45. Caustic 84. DeMille film 20. Biscuit 55. Barley beard 46. “____ You Experienced?” 85. Ferrous metal 22. Theater 56. Dry 47. More benevolent 86. Calico wearer 26. Vex 57. Look inquisitively 49. Utmost 87. Notwithstanding 27. Percussion instrument 59. Queen: Sp. 52. Table scrap 88. Adam’s-apple site 30. Drifting 61. Navigational system 53. Glance slyly 89. Covered 31. Char 63. Zealous 54. File 32. Ocean bird 64. Indian lentil dish 58. Obie and Tony, e.g. 33. Firmament 65. Adorn 60. Shapely curve 34. Stout brew 67. Misrepresent DOWN 61. Look sullen 35. Equip 68. Acute abdominal pain 1. Apt 62. Nap 36. Presently, formerly 70. Vortex 2. “____ Ruth” 63. Tallies 37. Swished 71. Commensurate 3. Lab burner 65. Resilient 40. Moxie 73. Niece 4. Poignant 66. Opposed to 41. One that colors 74. Wild ox of Sulawesi 5. Rectangular 67. Undies item 42. Poet’s eternity 75. Tear to pieces 6. Cabaret 68. Beak membrane 44. Golf terms 76. Playground game 7. Like a centenarian 69. Obelisk 45. “sex, ____, and videotape” 77. Inlet 8. Onionlike plant 72. Harem chamber 47. Cover with turf 78. Annex 9. Significant periods 73. Long fish 48. More? 80. Emulate 10. Lizard 76. Foot lever 49. Chinese cabbage 81. Twitch 11. Sporting event receipts 79. Romantic greeting 50. Jacob, to Esau 12. Stereo-system part ANSWERS FOR PUZZLE 602 CROSSWORD CAN BE FOUND IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THIS PAPER

torcycles used by new riders. The new rule will be an extension of the graduated licence restrictions for all new drivers. The power restrictions were sought by Denise Lodge, who began lobbying for changes after her son Corey died in a crash in 2005. His accident on Highway 1 on Vancouver Island came the day after getting a learner’s permit and buying a modified, high-speed motorcycle. “I kept saying, if only he didn’t have such a powerful bike,” said Lodge, struggling to maintain her composure as she spoke at a news conference in Victoria. “If he only had the training. If only he had experience.” Lodge soon learned of motorcycle power restrictions in place in European countries, and began seeking similar regulations for B.C. Bond said she plans to have consultations on power limits complete by this fall, and new rules in place before motorcycle riding season next year.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A9


Naturopathic clinic opens in Hope Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard


Shannon Feely has opened a new naturopathic clinic in Hope.

Shannon Feely is hoping to fill a void in the community. The former Hope resident has opened a new naturopathic clinic to provide residents with more health care options and guidance. “The overall goal is to improve quality of life,” said Feely, who also runs a practice in Vancouver that primarily focuses on pediatric health. “I am by no means trying to replace the medical doctor. I’m a pretty conservative naturopath and I would say the most powerful medicine is using conventional plus alternative together.” Feely relies on a variety of treatments to address chronic and acute health conditions, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, clinical nutrition, massage, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, laboratory testing, and lifestyle counselling. She also uses a holistic approach with each patient to determine the root cause of an illness and manage symptoms. “You really can improve your daily life by a large degree just by making a few simple changes,” she said. Feely said natural medicine can help with digestive problems, premenstrual syndrome, low energy/fatigue, children’s respiratory issues, allergies, asthma, cold/flu prevention, ear infections and skin conditions. Feely was inspired to become a naturopath by a breast cancer survivor that she met several years ago while working as an environmental planner. “I always wanted to help people,” she said. “This

Sign up for online content Print subscribers automatically have free access As you may have noticed, readers now require a subscription to enjoy full access to The Hope Standard’s online content. The Standard joins scores of paid-circulation community newspapers in cities large and small across the country which are recognizing the value of local content. If you’re already a subscriber to our print edition, you automatically have free access to all online content. A letter was recently mailed to subscribers indicating their subscription number to activate their online account. Readers can enjoy privileges that include the ability to forward stories via email or social media accounts, and participate in online discussions. Non-subscribers still have free digital access to limited areas, such as provincial news, our website’s front page and section fronts, blogs, community calendar,

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Sunday June 10, 2012

Lace up for someone you love I walk for my overall health and to stay ahead of my MS. Janelle Member, The Hopefuls

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multi-faceted approach made so much sense to me.” Feely trained at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto before moving to England, where she spent two years running a naturopathic practice in London while teaching students at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. She also served as the director of nutrition, managing the college’s nutrition program and student clinic. Feely is currently working in Hope every third Thursday at the Hope Chiropractic Care Centre. Naturopathic doctor visits are covered under most extended medical plans. For more information, visit shannonfeely.com

Join us in Worship Community of Hope Church Directory ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA


www.anglican-hope.ca 275 Park Street

SUNDAY SERVICES 10AM The Rev. Gail Newell The Rev. Fred Tassinari


Church of the Nazarene

Sunday Celebration 5:30 pm

ANGLICAN CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION Welcomes you to Sunday Worship: 10am 345 Raab St. Rev. Don Gardner 604-823-7165 Anglican Network in Canada

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Pastor Andrew Tarrant 949-3rd Ave. • 604.869.5524 604-749-7094 “Helping people take one step 888 Third Ave. www.hopenazarene.ca

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A10 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Local medal bearers make a difference

When the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay arrives on Thursday, 14 local medal bearers will be recognized as difference makers. The relay through Hope starts at Fraser

Hope Lodge shortly after 4 p.m. and continues along Seventh Avenue towards Kawkawa Lake Road. Hope Secondary School teacher and basketball coach Tammy Nazarchuk will carry

the medal to the school board, before the relay continues on to Sixth Avenue and Old Hope Princeton Way. Johanna Coughlin of Hope will take the lead following a stop at Mc-

Donalds. For over 46 years, Coughlin has volunteered with organizations such as the Hope Otters Swim Club, the Hope Outdoors Club, the Hope Mountain Centre for Outdoor Learning,

GEARED UP TO END Our son Jeff has been diagnosed with MS and we are supporting our son every way we can, including riding in the MS Bike Tour. Riding in this event is a great way for us to give back to Jeff and other friends who are dealing with MS.

Fraser Valley Grape Escape June 2 & 3, 2012

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Vancouver Scenic City Tour August 12, 2012




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the Hope and District Recreation and Cultural Services Commission, Hope Pathway Partners and the local Chamber of Commerce. In 2009, she was recognized by the province with a Community Achievement Award. The relay continues along Old Hope Princeton Way to Third Avenue, where Dryden HamblyForman from Hope will carry the medal to the fire hall at the corner of Fort Street. The relay then makes its way to Wallace Street and up to Fourth Avenue, before Tom Romano takes over. The local resident was injured in a logging accident in 1994 and has served on the Board of Spinal Cord Injury BC since 1999. He remains very active in community disability issues, with particular interest in advocating for increased architectural accessibility. The relay then progresses to Sixth Avenue, where Amber Klewachuck of Hope carries the medal along Sixth Avenue from Commission Street to Park Street, and to the Park Street Manor. From there, the relay continues down Park Street to Fourth Avenue at the corner of Memorial Park. The final medal bearer of the day is Barbara Sharrers of Hope, who was chosen by the Rick Hansen Relay Committee to be recognized as a difference maker and lead the relay onto the park stage. Sharrers was in charge of all the paperwork and office tasks that kept Otters Swim Club running for 18 years. After retiring from her work at the Hope Health Unit, she joined the Fraser Canyon Hospice Society, volunteering at the local flu and baby clinics, and became an active member of the Friends of the Hope Library. In 2000, Sharrers became a board member of the hospice society, where she has now served almost nine years as secretary. The relay kicks off on Friday at C.E. Barry School with medal bearer Alexa Wyatt of Hope, who will lead the way along Fifth Avenue to Coquihalla Street. Hannah Chisholm then continues along Coquihalla Street to Sixth Avenue, and Coquihalla Elementary School. She is on Coquihalla’s leadership team, reading challenge


Levi Kermeen rides a longboard for his medal bearer segment through Okanagan Falls last week. There will be 14 local residents participating in the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay through Hope.

team, delivers school lunches, and helps out daily in the school’s kindergarten classes. Medal bearer Peter Flynn of Hope leads the relay from Coquihalla Elementary School to Stuart Street via Sixth Avenue, and along Fifth Avenue. He was in a car accident in late 1982 that crushed his T12 vertebrae and was taken to the old Shaughnessy Hospital, where he was in a Stryker frame for four weeks. He was later put in a body cast, released and graduated to a body frame. Now, 29 years later he is in good health and is a teacher at Coquihalla Elementary School. Hannah Evans of Hope will carry the medal along Fifth Avenue to Hope Secondary School. She was chosen to represent the school “not because she is wheelchair bound, but because despite the adversity she has had to face the last few years, she has remained incredibly positive.” After a 10-minute stop, a medal bearer from Chilliwack and Janet Henderson of Hope lead the relay along Fourth Avenue to King Street. From there, the relay continues to Hemlock Avenue, Water Avenue and the entrance of Telte Yet Campsite. The route then takes medal bearers along Water Avenue to the junction with Old Hope Princeton Way. Jacob Alan Baerg of Yale will travel on a long-

board skateboard along Flood Hope Road to Silver Creek Elementary School. In 2007, Baerg and his brother Will along with three other friends used their skills and love of longboarding to raise awareness about global warming. Taya Nodecker of Hope will then lead the relay from Silver Creek Elementary to Flood Hope Road via School Road. She was chosen to represent the school because of the long journey she’s endured since breaking both bones in her right arm in August 2010. She has undergone numerous surgeries to set her bones in place with pins, deal with an infection in her arm, and treat Volkmann’s Ischemic Contracture, which left her with little nerve and muscle control. During a follow up appointment last November, doctor’s discovered that Nodecker had once again broken her arm. The bones were considered “dead” and a bone graft was needed. Continuing along Flood Hope Road to Peter Street is medal bearer Kate Zabell of Sunshine Valley, who is a committed volunteer in the community. The relay travels to Flood Roads, over the CN Railway tracks, and along Old Yale Road before ending up at the Fraser River. From there, it crosses the water with Fraser River Raft Expeditions to the Chawathil Reserve.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A11


Got a news tip or story idea?

Family of geese

Contact Kerrie-Ann at 604-869-4992 or email:

Follow us on facebook & twitter, or 24/7 online at hopestandard.com





May 12th, 9:00pm - 1:00am featuring local band


MS Walk Pub Night May 25th at 6pm Tickets: $10 each, call 604-869-7176 Silent Auction • Toonie Toss • Door Prizes • 50/50 draw


A family of Canadian geese make their way along the Fraser River last Wednesday near Wardle Street. The B.C. River Forecast Centre is predicting a higher risk of flooding on the lower Fraser this year because of heavier-than-usual snowpacks across central and northern B.C. that have been slow to melt.






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A12 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Mothers have been around as long as people. And as long as there are children, there will be a mother nearby wiping their noses, kissing their boo-boos, and making sure they eat their veggies. (Or, at least, we hope so!) So let’s celebrate the women who, for better or worse, have shaped our lives into what they are today! It’s said that necessity is the mother of invention, but did you know that mothers have their own inventions? A Few Things Invented by Mothers: Alphabet blocks, baby jumper, Barney (the purple dinosaur), diapers, disposable diapers, flexible kite, folding crib, infant carrier (Snugli), movable doll eyes, and school desk. Special

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A13 CHINESE & CANADIAN CUISINE

Kan Yon Restaurant

Huge Mother’s Day Buffet Congratulations Jenni Halladay! Jenni is a loving mother, wife and devoted volunteer to her community through both Girl Guides and Brigade Days. She has won our Mother’s Day Makeover because she puts her family and volunteer work before herself and consequently never has any time left to spoil herself. Instead she suffers through haircuts and bad style jobs from her husband. Don’t worrry Jenni, Dawn from So Shic Studio will make the whole day about you. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 13th

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A14 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012


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Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A15


Taking libraries on the road With music booming out of their modern re-think of the traditional “bookmobile,” and a snack bar featuring a cake shaped like a 2012 Nissan Cube, the Fraser Valley Regional Library has unveiled its latest program, Library Live and on Tour. Smitty Miller, the FVRL community development librarian, described how she will drive the vehicle that inspired the cake around the library region – an area that stretches from North Delta to Boston Bar – promoting adult literacy. With the mobile library she plans to connect with community members in seniors homes, transition houses, soup kitchens and other non-traditional places. “I want to reach people who don’t think of, or normally go to, the library,” she said. The Cube, dubbed LiLi, has an eye-catching paint job, enhanced au-

dio donated by Clarion, two laptop computers with internet connectivity, XBox Kinect games and an assortment of other gadgets. Abbotsford’s 360 Fabrication donated $20,000 worth of design and equipment, from a 36-inch LCD screen installation to an “aooga” car horn. Miller said she will give away books, use the computer system to sign up new library users, promote computer skills and literacy skills, and even clear up library fines. In the work she has done in her role, she has found that fines stop borrowers for years. “That’s a big obstacle to the library, and I can take care of fines,” she said. She and LiLi are out to shatter stereotypes about libraries, librarians and library users. For more information contact libarylive@fvrl.bc.ca.


Smitty Miller, Fraser Valley Regional Library community development librarian, in the Library Live car LiLi.

History in Hope Taken from the files of The Hope Standard MAY 1952 • Village commissioners give first reading to a new bylaw that prohibits keeping horses, cows, pigs or goats on any lot less than an acre within municipal boundaries • A truck loaded with scrap iron tips over on its side on Highway 1 near Lake of the Woods, causing $400 damage • Two men are injured when speeders met head-on while travelling over a section of the Kettle Valley Railway • Hope Memorial Hall receives a $3,000 interior facelift, with the building being rewired, redecorated, and plumbing alterations completed to provide public restroom access • A river bank ceremony takes place to mark the opening of a new 60,000 volt power supply for Hope • Emil Anderson Company work crews are involved in a highway improvement project between Hope and Yale, which will greatly increase the road width for traffic MAY 1962 • About 100 people attend the official opening of the China Bar Tunnel in the Fraser Canyon • Roderick Joseph Frederick Godin is fined $100 for supplying liqour to Indians

• Al Berry and his team of square dancers came home from the annual square dance festival in Cloverdale with three first place trophies and one runner-up pennant • Two Vancouver men were uninjured when their glider crashed on Dog Mountain • Hope Hotel celebrates the completion of its new facilities, which include a kitchen, banquet room, and cozy lounge with granite rock work on the walls • Judy Roberts is crowned the North Bend May Queen MAY 1972 • An Anglican Church-sponsored proposal for a youth hostel near Hope receives approval-in-principal from Hope council • An eight-year-old boy is killed when the bicycle he was riding was hit by an automobile on Highway 1 at the Silver Creek bridge • Frederick Charles Bears, one of B.C.’s pioneers and a lifetime resident of the Hope area, passes away at the age of 87 • The store of the Fraser Canyon Trading & Development Company Ltd. and the Regent Manor Hotel are torn down in Yale, after being a landmark in the area for 37 years • Hope Secondary School is completely destroyed in a fire,

resulting in a total loss estimated at $1.8 million • A proposal for a new shopping complex in downtown Hope is presented to council, consisting of several small one-storey shops, a mall and 23 parking spaces on Third Avenue between Wallace and Fort streets MAY 1982 • A provincial government news release lists Hope as the 75th largest municipality in B.C. out of 141, according to population • Hope Cablevision is granted a $2 per month rate increase by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission • Hope council approves a $2.3 million budget, of which $900,000 is divided between the school district, Fraser Canyon Hospital, and Fraser-Cheam Regional District • Denise Hall of Kawkawa Lake is appointed the new business manager for the tourist/museum complex • The provincial government allows Carolin Mines to triple its discharge of treated effluent into Ladner Creek and the Coquihalla River • Nadine Hill wins the Coquihalla Elementary public speaking contest on the topic of parents announces a $908,000 grant for seismic upgrades to Hope Secondary School

“Celebration & Remembrance” Dance

Our “Heartfelt” thanks goes out to the Community, Families, and Friends who supported and volunteered to make this dance such a memorable success .

THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING LIST OF DONATORS & VOLUNTEERS : • Envision • Picasso Hair Design ( Betty - Ann ) • Hair Trenz ( Cathy Hayes ) • Hope Sleep Centre • Edward Jones ( Lili Seery) • Rona • CARE Transit Society • Valley Helicopters • Pharmasave • Holiday Inn and Suites ( Vancouver ) • Mission Sports Fishing Adventures ( Wayne Liscoumb) • Lucky This Fishing Outdoor Adventures ( Curtis Besse) • Shelly’s Hair stop • Hell’s Gate Airtram • Eva Esthetics ( Eva Ford) • Kent Outdoors • Undines Retreat Day Spa Inc. • Major League Roadhouse Pub • Cancer Society • Coopers # 157 • Cooper’s Staff Fund #157 • Buy and Save Foods • Emil Anderson Maintenance Co Ltd. • Royal Canadian Legion Br. 228 • Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Aux Br. 228 • Erica Press • The Hope Standard - Black Press • Hope Video – Shayla Ross • Gone Hollywood Video • Hope - ComTech Computer • Maple Leaf Consulting ( George & Sue Johnston) • Kaltire – Boston Bar ( Cathy & Ian Harry) • Hope Hotel • Savage West • Donna Meagher • Terry Raymond • Bernie Simpson ( Hoggan) • Judy Miller

• Jackie Coughlin • John Foster ( Barb) • Debbie Siddall Bacso • Shelley Besse • Diane Carter • Ross & Sharon Pringle • Bob Swain • Ken & Karen Brown • Pat McInnes – “ Odd Jobs” • Rick & Linda Limb • Robert Rowan • Ray Zanusso • Sandy Walters & Jaime – Pacific Coastal Airlines • Keith & Arlene Coulter • Lyn Besse McGinnis • Sandra Richmond • Heather & Ken Bergstrom • Cathy Harry • Marlene Schmidt • Shawn Keim • Lila Ross • Peter Carley • David Ross • Alyssa Conkin • Jessica McWilliams • Kelly Wilson • Dianne MacDonnell • George & Coral Fife • Geordie Fife • Chad Green • Ann Hoggan • Phyllis McInnes • Kent Loupret • Sherri Carrat • Mary Loupret • Jeanie Baker • Pat Besse

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped to clean up the hall Thanks from BBL- Pat Besse, Jeanie Baker and Mary Loupret and Coral Fife . We raised $16,500.00 and after expenses presented to the Canadian Cancer Society


A16 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Lucky numbers pay off for local Keno player Hope resident Kirsten Aven wonders if karma played a role in helping her win $100,000 in a Keno draw. The 53-year-old Dutchie’s Bakery clerk learned of her good fortune right after purchasing her ticket and checking her numbers at Lakeway Market on May 1 at about 10:30 a.m. “I usually go to the gas station to get gas, coffee and doggy treats,” said Aven, adding that once inside she opted to buy a $2 Keno ticket. “I decided to combine my favorite numbers, a mix of birth dates and my favourite numbers, on one ticket for two draws.”

Kirsten Aven with the $100,000 cheque she received from the B.C. Lottery Corporation.

As is the case with any big win, the lottery terminal froze when the clerk checked the ticket and Aven needed to speak to a B.C. Lottery Corporation representative. She wasn’t sure how much she had won, but was soon told she was $100,000 richer. “I stood there and my eyes started to well up,” said Aven. “The clerk even told me it couldn’t have happened to a nicer woman… it’s karma!” Aven and her husband plan to use their winnings to celebrate, purchase a new car, do some home renovations and pay off some bills.


Annual spring concert offers eclectic mix

No matter where you are!


he Hope Standard is available to subscribers in two forms – on your doorstep and wherever you access online. You can travel for work or pleasure and never miss a story. Hope Standard Premium subscribers will continue to receive full access to all content, local news, provincial news, local columnists, video, sports, contests, community info, and our eEdition - an exact replication of the printed newspaper. Only the flyers remain specific to our print newspaper. Yearly Premium Subscription price starts at




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Current subscribers, if you haven’t received your activation letter, please contact the office.

Get ready for the arrival of spring expressed in vibrant musical colours by the members of Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra and Chorus and their special guests. “The season finale is going to be an eclectic evening featuring beloved pieces,” said CSO music director Paula DeWit. Three special guests will be gracing the main stage of the Chilliwack Cultural Centre with the members of the CSO and chorus on Saturday, May 26. “We are very fortunate to have as our guest conductor, Maestro Les Dala, associate conductor of the Vancouver Opera.” He will be leading the popular symphony through a mesmerizing musical evening of guest artists and a tribute to the Queen’s 60th jubilee. The concert will open with three movements of the Pastoral Symphony, Beethoven’s 6th Symphony. It’s an ode to pastoral country life. “Neophytes can’t help but love this gorgeous piece of music.” Young Artist Contest winner Alexis VandeWeg will be performing her winning solo piece, the wonderful Beethoven Tempest Sonata (Op. 31 No. 2) third movement on piano, with the orchestra. “Bernard Blary, our principal flute arranged an incredible orchestra part to complement the brilliant Beethoven Sonata,” DeWit said. The second half will have a totally different feel to it. “We will celebrate A Night at the Proms and will be joined by award-winning accordion virtuoso Jelena Milojevich.” Milojevich is a celebrated solo accordion player who debuted at Carnegie hall and went on to perform and collaborate with some of the best in the world. Her performances have been described as “an explosion of cosmic sensuality” and she has been praised for her “brilliant virtuosity.” Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra and Chorus present Annual Spring Grand Concert on May 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the main theatre of the Cultural Centre. Tickets are $25.

Look at all we have to offer! www.hopestandard.com 604.896.2421

A story in the May 3 edition of The Hope Standard incorrectly stated that the Aid for Neema project had raised enough money to pay for a $20,000 shipping container to Kenya. The three women involved in the initiative are still trying to raise enough money to send the shipping container, which will stay in Neema to provide safe food storage for orphanage and school.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A17


will showcase their Girl Guides: We do artwork in the back tons of fun activities room of the Hope Arts Gallery until like games, crafts, May 28. camps and Àeld trips. Hope has four 604-860-4087 jpelles@telus.net units and there’s space for girls aged 4-19. Monday, May 14 2:45 p.m. Coquihalla Elementary School 455 6th Ave. 604-860-3482

Body Art for Teens: Calling all teens! Learn fabulous body art techniques with Sherry Fraser of Imagine That Art-

works. Check it out: www.imaginethatartworks.com. Wednesday, May 16 7 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313


THURSDAY Travelin’ Fun: An enjoyable morning breakfast with

like-minded gals. Speaker is astronaut mother Eva Thirsk from Cobble Hill; music by Harrison Hot Springs soprano Roseanne

Rumley; and travel tips from Christine Hemingway of Rainbow Country Tours in Chilliwack. Reservations Continued on 18

Auxiliary to Fraser Canyon Hospital/Fraser Hope Lodge: Meeting on Monday, May 14, 1 p.m. Hospital conference room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-3517 johnbirc@telus.net Hope Al-Anon Group Meeting: Al-Anon welcomes and supports friends and families of problem drinkers. Monday, May 14 8 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital meeting room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-7078 obfuskat@telus.net

TUESDAY Hope Seniors Peer Counsellors Society: Volunteers to visit with seniors in the community. Training is on Tuesdays and Thursdays until May 29. 1-888-997-9095 cspc@uniserve.com

Canadians are living longer and costs for the Old Age Security (OAS) are rising. On April 1, 2023 the Government of Canada plans to start raising the age of eligibility for OAS and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) from 65 to 67.*

What does this mean for you? 54 or older as of March 31, 2012

You may still obtain OAS/GIS at age 65

53 or younger as of March 31, 2012

The age of eligibility for OAS/GIS will change gradually between 2023 and 2029

Starting in July 2013, Canadians who are eligible for, but not yet receiving OAS will have the flexibility to delay receiving it in exchange for a higher monthly amount at a later date.

The number of working-age Canadians for every senior is decreasing** 6 5

The number of working-age Canadians per senior is decreasing, placing additional pressure on the OAS program.

4 3 2 1 0 1990

WEDNESDAY Family Jewels: This is a varied display of artwork from a talented family. Sharon Blythe (mother), Kim Woodd (daughter), and Melissa Beaupre (granddaughter)



**Source: 9th Actuarial Report on the Old Age Security Program

For a free brochure or more information visit www.ServiceCanada.gc.ca/retirement or call 1 800 O-Canada (TTY 1-800-926-9105) *Subject to parliamentary approval

A18 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012

COMMUNITY CALENDAR 604-869-8420 hopecwc@hotmail. com

From 17

necessary. Cancellations are a must! Thursday, May 10 9 a.m. Kimchi Restaurant 821A 6th Ave.

Canadian Diabetes Branch: Regular monthly meeting in

conference room. Guest speaker is Sue Lawrence. General public welcome. Thursday, May 17 7:30 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital

1275 7th Ave. 604-869-5933 dotndon@uniserve. com Chronic Pain Self Management

Classes: Six classes that will teach you all the ways you can manage your chronic pain and be more involved in your life. Top-

ics include understanding pain, emotional changes of pain, learning to move again, getting good sleep and stress management.

Thursday, May 24 4 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital 1275 7th Ave. 604-860-7703 sue.lawrence@ fraserhealth.ca



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Hope Garden Club Plant Sale: This is our seventh annual plant sale and our major fundraiser of the year. Proceeds go towards a bursary for a graduating student from Hope Secondary School. We also hold a rafÁe and sell books by donation. Saturday, May 12 9 a.m. Hope Curling Club 1055 6th Ave. 604-860-4347 2wildings@gmail. com Hospice plant/ yard sale: Lots of goodies, Mother’s Day gifts, carvings, coffee and silent auction. All proceeds go to the Fraser Canyon Hospice Society. Donations welcome – call for pick up or drop off. Saturday, May 12 9 a.m. 66462 Summer Rd. 604-869-8278 kelly_wood51@ hotmail.com Plant-a-Plant for Mom: With Mother’s Day on May 13, why not stop by the library and make a very special hand-madegift for Mom? Registration appreciated. Saturday, May 12 2 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl. bc.ca

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A19


Runner breaks the four-hour barrier in his first Vancouver Marathon

Barry Stewart

ald. “Since I’d never done it before, I wrote down six hours – but that put me in the last group of five groups. Marathon enthusiasts will listen to “They fire the gun and the first group this guy and groan. They put in a year of goes. It was almost half an hour before near-daily training, just to have a chance I could start and I was passing someat cracking the four-hour mark... and one on every stride for the first third Zane MacDonald pulls some shorts on of the race. I was weaving in and out of and gets a 3:47:28 on his first-ever marapeople.” thon, the BMO Vancouver Marathon last MacDonald made use of the water Sunday. and Gatorade that was offered at every At least there’s a bit of karma. Comkilometre – and the energy bars at the ing down from his kitchen on Monday half way point. morning, MacDonald took each step one “But by the end, I was pretty gassed,” at a time. he said. “My second half time was 12 “I didn’t really train,” admitted the 24 minutes slower than the first half. I had year-old Hope Secondary grad of 2005. something in my shoe for about half the MacDonald had been up north all race but I didn’t want to stop and take winter, clearing trees from pipeline rights it out, because I thought I might not get of way and started again.” when he got Other than the stiffness, he escaped back to Hope with no blisters and not much chaffing. on March 17, “I intend on doing it again,” said “ I had he figured he’d MacDonald, “so if I train for next year, I something in my take a week off. imagine I’ll have a big improvement.” “Then the When local running fan, Peter Holshoe for about weather was lmann heard about MacDonald’s feat, half the race but lousy,” he his first word was, “Wow!” recalled. “I’ve been trying to beat four hours,” I didn’t want to Other than he said. “I ran my first marathon in Abbotsford last year and it was four hours stop and take it playing a few games for the and thirty seconds – then in Victoria, I out, because I Hope Chopshowed up late and my chip didn’t register, so I just had my watch to go by and thought I might pers soccer team, he was it was about four hours again.” not get started laid-back Hollmann, who just turned 44, has about the runbeen putting in a lot of training since his again.” ning – though wife Kim got the whole family hooked he had to on running with the C.E. Barry Team Zane MacDonald stay in good F.I.T. club. general shape “It’s life-changing,” declared Holto pass the fitlmann, “I started three or four years ago ness test for his and after a couple of years of running, summer job of fighting forest fires. I’m feeling 10 years younger.” Keeping his 6’1” frame at 170 pounds Fifty-six-year-old Bruce Collins of was a bonus. BARRY STEWART / HOPE STANDARD Hope wasn’t feeling younger as he toiled “I’m a pretty active guy,” said MacZane MacDonald tested his unusual training regimen in last weekend’s Vancouver through his 44th marathon last weekDonald, “but since Christmas, I only ran Marathon — and finished in a very respectable 3:47:28. end. He would have been one of the one 9K and a couple of 4K runs. About a runners that MacDonald passed, though month ago, I figured I’d just try and run it neither of them knew there were two Hopers in the run. without training.” “Every part of me is as stiff as a board today,” he said on Monday from Nanaimo, Sounds like a plan! where he was on a business trip, selling commercial playground equipment. “The last couple of years, I wanted to see if I could do a marathon,” said MacDonald, Collins beat the five-hour mark by about five minutes, but he said, “It was an ugly, “then a friend of mine said she was going to go in the half marathon, so I figured I’d ugly result. just do the whole thing.” “I was hoping for four hours but I had surgery on my knee for a meniscus tear in To get a perspective on the distance he covered in Vancouver, 42.2 kilometres is October and I re-tweaked it a couple of weeks ago. It was bugging me on the run, about like running from the Hope Dairy Queen to the Peters Reserve at the west end especially the downhills,” said Collins, who has run marathons in all of the western of Laidlaw – and back. provinces – as well as the 2007 Boston Marathon. In less than four hours. “Still, it was a beautiful day, a beautiful course and there were lots of good volun“When you sign up, they ask you where you think you’d finish,” explained MacDon- teers.” Hope Standard

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A20 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A21


FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920





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Wayne & Pattie Desjardins are pleased to announce the birth of their grandson

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Hope & Area Transition Society Emergency Shelter On-Call Worker The Hope & Area Transition Society is a non-profit organization which provides programs to individuals and families afflicted by social issues. The Society is seeking applications for their Emergency Shelter Program. This program provides emergency shelter to those who are transient or in crisis. This position is for Weekend coverage and is considered to be on-call.

to Every Hunter in BC! Advertise in The BC Hunting Regulations Synopsis 2012-2014 publication. Increased circulation 250,000 copies! Tremendous Reach, Two Year Edition! Contact Annemarie at 1 800 661 6335 or hunt@blackpress.ca

Qualifications: The preferred candidate will have: • Worked with individuals who are impacted by a variety of social issues, either in a paid position or volunteer capacity • Knowledge and understanding of human relations and dynamics • Be able to demonstrate professional and personal boundaries • Excellent verbal and written communication; efficient time, organizational and stress-management skills • Ability to work as a team member, however the ability to work independently with little or no supervision is essential • The ability to be self-motivated and take initiative is required It is critical that this person be able to demonstrate ethical thinking and make sound judgments. Ability to pass and maintain security clearance. This job will require a flexible schedule to meet the needs of clients and the community.


born April 6th, 2012 weighing 8lbs. 5oz.



Sept. 7, 1946 May 6, 2011

You are missed dearly From your loving family

SALES Representative / Transportation Specialist needed for well established BC based Flatbed Trucking / Logistics Company. No Relocation required. Must Have Experience in Transportation field. Email Resume to accts@lakeenterprisestrucking.com Ph:250-3982299


WELDERS WANTED. Journeymen 2nd and 3rd year apprentices with tank manufacturing experience. Automated Tank Manufacturing Inc. Located in Kitscoty, Alberta. 20km west of Lloydminster, is looking for 15 individuals that want long term employment and a secure paycheque. Journey wages $33. $37.50/hour. Wages for apprentices based on hours and qualifications. Benefits, training programs, full insurance package 100% paid by company, profit sharing bonus. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine for an appointment or send resume to: blaine@autotanks.ca or production@autotanks.ca. 780-8462231 (Office), 780-846-2241 (Fax).

This position entails the worker to perform their position with little or no supervision.

In Memory of Sharon Adams



AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783 INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Sites in AB & BC. Hands on real world machine training. NO Simulators. Start any Monday. Funding Options. www.IHESchool.com 1-866-399-3853


Love from Harold, your daughters and family.

It’s been a year now that you have been gone from our lives, but not our hearts.

DENIED CANADA PENSION plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-7933222. www.dcac.ca

Exp’d TRUCK DRIVER wanted for BC runs. Exc wages, benefits & equipment + weekends home. Fax or email resume & drivers abstract 604-513-8004 or tridem@telus.net





CLASS 1 DRIVERS WANTED! Sign bonus $2000 for Owner/op ph: 604-598-3498/fax: 604-598-3497



Help wanted! Make money mailing brochures from home! Free supplies! Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine opportunity! No experience required. Start immediately! www.theworkinghub.com

In Loving Memory of





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To Learn To Say NO!

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Sometimes We Just Have

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Along with resume send a letter of interest indicating how you meet the qualifications stated above to:

GET IN THE GAME! Up to $20/hr Join our Marketing/ Advertising team now Busiest time of the year! Hiring 12 f/t CSR reps Must be outgoing and motivated!

Call Rochelle 604.777.2195

The Hope and Area Transition Society Executive Director Box 1761 Hope, BC V0X 1L0 Closing Date: May 18, 2012 Start Date: June 1, 2012 Only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.



A22 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 130



WHOLESALE Craft Manufacturer looking for people to make our handmade native crafts. Must be reliable and eager to work. Work from home. Free Training provided at our location in Mission. Great earning potential, ideal for stay at home Moms, semi-retired or anyone looking to supplement their income. Call 604-826-4651 to schedule your spot in one of our training sessions.


Be part of our exciting, worldclass softball tournament, which takes place from June 30 - July 9 in Surrey, BC. We are looking for volunteers in areas such as: scorekeeping, security & parking, tickets & gates, announcers, transportation, batgirls and more! We ask that each volunteer work a minimum of 20 hours.



In exchange for your time, each volunteer will receive:

COMMUNITY Support Workers are wanted to support physically and mentally challenged individuals who reside in within the Fraser Valley region. Applicants should have experience in the Community Living field and be comfortable working independently. Please mail, fax or email the following: PCCR, 1805 Scarborough Cres., Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 2R2, Fax: 604-945-6250, email: resume@pccri.com

• FREE ADMISSION to all playing venues • 1 complimentary item of event apparel • 1 complimentary meal per volunteer shift worked! For more information, visit our website at: www.canadian openfastpitch.com or contact our office at 604.536.9287 or info@canadianopen fastpitch.com And don’t forget to like us on Facebook at: http://www. facebook.com/Canadian OpenFastpitch and follow us on Twitter @CdnOpen!


• KITCHEN CABINET INSTALLERS • FINISHERS • PAINTERS Required for Surrey based Cabinet Shop.

STUCCO! Indoor/Outdoor any style. Repairs and reno’s welcome. Expert waterproofing. 604-8696415

HERBAL MAGIC Look great for summer - 1st 9 weeks for $99. Lose Weight and keep it off. Results Guaranteed! Call NOW 1-800-8545176. WANT TO SEE Scenic BC! Needed Immediately . Experienced Feller Buncher Operator with Chipper Head/Mower to work around Hydro Transmission Lines. Must be willing to travel throughout BC (based out of Vanderhoof). $28-$34 per hour + Benefits. For more info. e-mail: sbcjobs@hotmail.ca. Send Resume to: SBCJOBS Box 1136 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 or Fax: (250) 567-2550



APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information: www.bccommunitynews.com


PURE CHI. Relaxing Chinese Full Body MASSAGE ~ 604-702-9686 11am-11pm. 9263 Young Rd Chwk




Have you always wanted HOME”? to work at “HOME Come and join our family! Positions are available for:




Generous wages & benefits including medical & dental plan.


Licensed, Government Approved, Canadian Company. DROWNING IN DEBTS? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. AVOID BANKRUPTCY! Free consultation. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. www.pioneerwest.com If you own a home or real estate, ALPINE CREDITS can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is NOT an issue. 1.800.587.2161.


Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET



ALLSYS IT, new computer sales & service. 604-869-3456 or info@allsyscomputers.com




COSMOS, windows PC service & repair, virus removal. 604-860-4322 www.cosmospc.ca



BARCLAY FLETCHER CONTRACTING, complete home reno’s, additions & more. (604)869-1686

NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com




JUNK REMOVAL Recycled Earth Friendly

PUGS pure bred. 5M 1F, no papers 1st shots, dewormed, 8 wks old fawn & red $800 (604)826-1037 SPRING TIME - Springer cross pups, 6 mos, 1st shots, $450. 604823-6739, afternoons/evenings.

On Time, As Promised, Service Guaranteed!




1PRO MOVING & SHIPPING. Real Professionals, Reasonable. Rates. Different From the Rest. 604-721-4555.




1 $38/hour. Plumbing, heating, plugged drains. Big & small jobs. Local & license. Call 604-510-2155 BLUE’S PLUMBING, got the plumbing blues? Call (604)750-0159



KENLIN ELECTRIC, residential, rural, commercial, new construction, reno’s. Call (604)860-8605


YOUR ELECTRICIAN $29 Service Call Lic #89402 Same day guarn’td We love small jobs! 604-568-1899

New and Re-Roof Specialist Residential & Commercial. Shakes, Shingles and Duroid.


25 year of experience. Call for your FREE estimate.

EXCAVATING, Terry’s RV also does excavating, land clearing, dump trailer. Call (604)869-1520


CANYON CARPETS, 549 Wallace St., Hope. For all your floor covering needs! Call 604-869-2727

Jas 778-896-4065 Bell 604-339-2765 ROOFING... All work is guaranteed and over 10 years experience. Call now for a free estimate and written quote: 604-217-2879 or email: slccontracting@gmail.com THOM’S ROOFING, 18 years exp., metal facia, siding, sundecks, fencing, quality workmanship guaranteed. Call (604)206-0492


633 MOBILE HOMES & PARKS Tree removal done RIGHT!


• Tree & Stump Removal • Certified Arborists • 20 yrs exp. • 60’ Bucket Truck • Crown Reduction • Spiral Pruning • Land Clearing • Selective Logging ~ Fully Insured • Best Rates ~

1 manufactured home 14 ft. wide w/2 bdrms. Brand new. In the Lismore community, a seniors community “where the good people live”. Call Gordon for details and for an appointment to view @ (604)240-3464

604-787-5915, 604-291-7778 www.treeworksonline.ca treeworkes@yahoo.ca 10% OFF with this AD


(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring, Carpet Cleaning & Maid Service! www.paintspecial.com


WE BUY HOUSES! Older House • Damaged House Moving • Estate Sale • Just Want Out • Behind on Payments Quick Cash! • Flexible Terms! CALL US FIRST! 604-626-9647





GL ROOFING. Cedar shakes, Asphalt shingles, flat rfs. Cln Gutters $80. Liability Insur. 1-855-240-5362




3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour


1200 sq.ft. rancher, 3 beds, 2 baths, huge kitchen, large living room, fireplace, gated community indoor pool, sauna & hot tub. reduced to $289,000 604 796-1977 hickke@shaw.ca


FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514


HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?



A-TECH Services 604-996-8128 Running this ad for 8yrs

**HOME PHONE RECONNECT** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348


ROGER’S UPHOLSTERY, furniture, windows, fabric, in-home & online estimates. Call 604-860-0939

“ ABOVE THE REST “ Int. & Ext., Unbeatable Prices, Professional Crew. Free Est. Written Guarantee. No Hassle, Quick Work, Insured, WCB. Call (778)997-9582





Highest Prices Paid for Old Coins Collections, Sets, Loose Change Local Collector Call 604-701-8041


GLEN TRAUN LANDSCAPING, Commercial & Residential yard maintenance. Call 604-869-2767

• Twins • Fulls • Queens • Kings 100’s in stock! www.Direct Liquidation.ca (604)294-2331



HOME $ENSE - Reno’s / Repairs Kitchens, bathrooms, basements, decks etc. Call for an estimate. 604799-3743. Homesense@shaw.ca PRECISION EXTERIORS, roofing, siding, windows, doors and more. WCB insured. Call (604)750-8025


MATTRESSES staring at $99

STEEL BUILDING - BLOWOUT SALE! 20X26 $5,199. 25X28 $5,799. 30X42 $8,390. 32X56 $11,700. 40X50 $14,480. 47X76 $20,325. One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

• Estate Services • Electronics • Appliances • Old Furniture • Construction • Yard Waste • Concrete • Drywall • Junk • Rubbish • Mattresses & More!

STND POODLE pups 8 wks, vac, dewormed, CKC reg, parents on site, apricot $1500. 604-496-1180

DENCO VENTURES, renos, additions, new construction, free estimates. Call John @ (604)819-4986



Always! deliver Top soil, bark mulch, sand & gravel. 7days/wk. Simon 604-230-0627 will spread



Apply online @ www.tycrop.com in the careers section or email resume to recruiting@tycrop.com. We thank all applicants, however, only those requested for interview will be contacted.

SHIELDTEC heating & air, licensed, insured, & bonded. Seamus Shields (604)750-0131



Heavy Duty Mechanic: • Make mechanical repairs on engines, trailers, brake systems & air systems • Knowledgeable with air & electrical, schematics & hydraulics • Journeyman/Red Seal an asset Trailer Mechanic for Repair Division: • Inspector’s Ticket • Minimum 2 Years’ Experience ALL OF OUR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES ENJOY: • Comprehensive Medical and Dental plans • RSP • Continuing Education • Footwear Allowance

LLOYD’S UTILITIES, gas, oil & propane furnaces, class A gas fitter. (604)869-0400 or (604)869-1111

MONEYPROVIDER.COM. $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877776-1660.

1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366) RemoveYourRecord.com

Chilliwack Manufacturing Company is recruiting experienced individuals for FT positions.


INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: r.gallen@shaw.ca

Apply in person with resume to: 665 Old Hope Princeton Hwy. or email: home1bc@telus.net


GUTTER Cleaning Service, Repairs Free Est, 20 yrs exp, Rain or shine. 7 days/week. Simon 604-230-0627


LAB Yellow X Golden Retriever pups. Family/farm raised. Vet ✓, shots, short hair, parents exc temper. F$695.M $595. 604-835-0305.

Always! Pwr. raking, grass cutting, fertilizing, hedging, pruning, Rubbish rem. Free Est. 604-230-0627




LAB PUPS, Chocolate, $700. vet ch, dew-claws rem. 1st shots, dewormed. qual. lines (604)702-0217


FRANK’S LAWN SERVICE, lawn care, hedge trimming, gutters, rubbish removal. Call (604)869-1040






TRAIN TO BE AN Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. www.RMTI.ca or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.



Call FREE 1-877-220-3328

PART TIME work at sand & gravel pit near Harrison Mills. Perfect situation for retired or semi retired person with experience in heavy construction and is mechanically inclined. Call Grant at 604-308-9515.


Need STRESS relief? One easy payment makes that possible!

Getting a job couldn’t be easier!

Please call 604.897.0357


HOPE based guitar teacher taking new students my home or yours, all styles. Call Chris (604)791-3017



is accepting applications for full time, summer season, Student Interpreters. Please email a resume and cover letter to: info@historicyale.ca










ABLE AUCTIONS is currently seeking quality Estates, Antiques & Collectibles for Giant auction June 3rd www.ableauctions.ca. Tyler 604818-9473


ALUMINUM storage box, like new, with 2 locking doors, fits all trucks, $100 . Call (604)869-8401

BLUE NOSE STAFFORDSHIRE puppies, 7 wks. old, black, brown, gray colours $350. (604)723-4501

BATHTUB shower sliding door, $25. 3 occasional chairs $20 each. Call (604)869-9252

BORDER COLLIE pups born Mar 6, 2012. Registered. Strong trialing & working pedigree. Vet checked. 1st shots. $500. 604-854-6637 Abbts

CROWN MOLDING, solid maple, new, 7” w, 10’-12’ lengths, 100’ for $100. Call (604)863-2255

CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866 CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977

HORSE 15 Year old 14-3 Bay Andalusian mare. Sensitive horse for confident tactful rider. Owner retired. $8500 obo TO A GOOD HOME. Call 604-534-6152 (Langley).



UNDER $100

BLUE NOSE PITT BULLS, puppies, 1st shots, vet ✔, dewormed. $700. (604)530-0336

CAIRN Terriers. Shots, dewormed. Ready to go to good homes. Over 20 years of referrals. 604-807-5204, 604-592-5442 or 604-854-1978

New SRI *1152 s/f dblwide $77,900 *14x70 full gyproc single wide, loaded $66,900. Repossessed Mobiles & Modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960.

Interstate & A/C Delco auto/truck batteries, 3, side & top post, $100 or separately. Call(604)863-2255 PERENNIALS, great variety, $1 $5. Call 604-869-8244


SAWSALL with (604)863-2255


case. $65. Call


SET of four all season tires, P-155 80, 13” tires, $85 for set. Call (604)863-2255


UNDER $200

FIBERGLASS BOAT, paint, light weight. (604)863-2255

12’, needs $195. Call

GENERATOR, new, Power Force, 950W, never used once. $195. Call (604)863-2255

Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. Langley



CORTES ISLAND BC. Tranquility is yours for $309,500. 3 bedroom on 1.3 acres at Smelt Bay. Attached workshop. Sun deck. Fenced garden. Ocean peek. 604-789-2492

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, Hope Standard A23 RENTALS 706









1 BEDROOM APT Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.

1998 TOYOTA TACOMA 4X4 new shocks, alarm, hwy kms, good condition. $12,000 obo. 778-891-4501 2007 FORD F150 XLT 4 X 4, only 70 km, new tires & brakes, dark blue, excellent cond. $19,900. Phone 604-858-2949 2009 DODGE 150 HEMI PICK UP with canopy, rhino lined, loaded, 8000 original km’s, show room condition. 26,000 OBO. (604)613-3727

Wanted to buy a car “just like this” 1990-93 Cadillac Fleetwood Broughm D’Elegance. Must be in mint condition. Call Jake (604)823-6530 or email: unclejak@uniservice.com


Better than an apartment, no noisy neighbours on other side of the apartment wall. A 2 bedroom Mobile home in a Seniors Community in Hope. References, Criminal background check, abstainers. Call for an appointment to view, Gordon 604-869-7641

821 CARS - SPORTS & IMPORTS 2005 HONDA CIVIC SI, silver, 4 dr, 5 sp, fully loaded, 90 K, s.roof, $6,600. Call 604-551-1377. 2011 HONDA CRV 4 wd, Auto, silver. Loaded. Local car. $21,500: 10000k. Call 604-551-1377.


Coquihalla Courts


1030 3rd Ave.


2006 SUZUKI VSTROM 650DL excellent condition, low kms, many extras. $6200 obo. 604-824-6625

1 Bdrm apt. $575 2 Bdrm apt. $625 F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now.


Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077 Or Rachael 604 860 0803

Auto Loans or


All Makes, All Models. New & Used Inventory.

MOTORCYCLE HAULER, single/ dble/trpl large lockable utility box for all your gear. Wide easy load alum. ramp incl. $1250. 778-888-6805.


We Will Pay You $1000


1-888-229-0744 or apply at:

HOPE, 759 4TH AVE, retail space, approx 500 sq.ft., $540.80/mon incl. hst, hot water & garbage. Call (604)869-9763

www.greatcanadianautocredit.com Must be employed w/ $1800/mo. income w/ drivers license. DL #30526

733 MOBILE HOMES & PADS 1990 Ford 3/4 ton diesel, 248km; 1996 11’3 Western Wilderness camper, top of line, both $9800 or camper only $6500. 604-824-6146

HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203

1997 WILDWOOD 26’ 5th wheel, great cond., stored inside, new tires & fridge, A/C, micro, incl. hitch, only $7,900. Phone 604-858-2949.

VACANT PAD FOR RENT. The pad will accommodate a home up to 14 x 64. Call 604-869-7641


HOPE, 4 bdrm, split level home, $1300/mon, close to schools. Avail June 1. Call(604)869-3329evenings

SUITES, LOWER 1999 FORD 350 BPlus Motorhome with V10 motor, fully equip., exc. cond. $15,000 obo 604-462-1499

ONE BDRM suite in Aldergrove @ $650/mo includes hydro, heat, cable w/access to HD channels. Call (604)607-0481. SUNSHINE VALLEY, Deluxe 1 bdrm mainfloor suite in beautiful setting. Fully furnished including satellite TV, private driveway, patio and entrance. Also includes a completely equipped kitchenette with dishes, pots and pans and cutlery. All linens supplied. Only mature, responsible and clean people need apply. N/S, N/P. Must have a well maintained vehicle. Preferable 4 wheel drive as suite is 3000 feet in mountains.Rent is $600./month. Call Larraine (604)860-4277



Need A Ride, Drive Today. Take $500 to $5000 Cash Home. Carter Credit 1.888.688.1837

WANT A VEHICLE BUT STRESSED ABOUT YOUR CREDIT? Christmas in May, $500 cash back. We fund your future not your past. All credit situations accepted. www.creditdrivers.ca 1-888-5936095.



HOPE AUTO BODY, complete collision repair & restoration. www.hopeautobody.ca Call (604)869-5244


HOPE, 3 bdrm townhouse, 1 1/2 bath, full bsmt, No Pets, $850/mon. 1-604-858-4629


1990 CHEVY SPRINT hatchback. New tires, battery, Aircared, runs great, $950. obo. 604-854-1768


DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


www.PreApproval.cc DL# 7557

2004 ITASCA SPIRIT 29.4 ft. Class C motorhome, 50,000km. 2 slide outs, awnings, generator & ext. warranty. Exc. cond. $42,900. 604856-8177 / 604-308-5489(Aldergrv) 2010 EVERLITE RV Travel Trailerwalk around queen, 1 slide, elec. awning, TV, full cover. As new $21,000: (604)858-8087 2011 WINDRIVER 230 RKS, loaded, total length 28’9”. Asking $26,000/obo. Will take small trade & cash. Don (778)344-8047. BIG FOOT SIGHTINGS! New 2012 bigfoot Campers have arrived only at Mike Rosman RV! 1-800-6670024 www.rosmanrv.com


1986 CADILLAC SIMMARON, 2.8L auto, runs exc. nice body. $1250. Call (604)863-2255


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1998 GMC SLE pickup 134,000kms. N/S, very cln. Exc.cond. $5000obo. 604-853-5711

HOPE, 2 bdrm apt in newer building in downtown. W/D, A/C, secure, priv. balcony, covered parking, N/S, no party, suit. for mature or seniors. Call 604-855-9940



2008 PONTIAC WAVE, 4 dr sedan, auto, high kms. runs/looks good, white, $3300 firm. 604-538-9257.

604-869-1212 or 604-869-2139



2003 SUNFIRE 2/door Coupe, standard trans, CD player, Aircared, 195K, $2700/obo. 604-556-6889.




2 hr. Service www.a1casper.com (604)209-2026

1998 FORD TAURUS XL. Red. 357K. Very good condition! AirCared, $1100. 604-853-8342. 2001 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM -4 dr. V-6, loaded, local, no accid. mint. $3150 Abby. 604.556.4242 2001 CAVALIER 142K, 4 cyl, auto, 4 door, drives great, Perelli tires, just AirCared, $1900. 778-893-4866


AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

SCRAP BATTERIES WANTED We buy scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pickup anywhere in BC, Min. 10. Toll Free Call:1.877.334.2288

Pursuant to Section 892 of the Local Government Act, notice is hereby given that the District of Hope will conduct a Public Hearing with respect to District of Hope Zoning Bylaw No. 33/96, Amendment Bylaw 2012, No. 1322 (hereinafter referred to as Bylaw 1322). The purpose of Bylaw 1322 is to rezone the property legally described as Lot 5, Block 4, District Lot 7, Plan 923, PID 011-679-506, 1085 Third Avenue from Highway Commercial (C-2) to Commercial Transition (C-5) in order to permit the construction of a single family dwelling.

KEY TRACK AUTO SALES CARS & VANS: 1994 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr auto sdn ST#220 $1299 1998 HONDA ACCORD 4dr auto leather sdn ST#215 $2900 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 4dr auto st#195 $2995 2002 FORD WINDSTAR sport 7 pass auto Aircare ST#108 $3495 2002 CHEV CAVALIER 4dr auto sdn st#208 $3995 2002 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4dr sdn auto st#203 $3995 1997 ACURA LE auto 4dr sdn leather full load ST#175 $3995 2000 HONDA CIVIC 4DR auto sdn st#169 $3995 1997 HONDA CRV Aircare auto only this week ST#97 $3995 2002 FORD EXPLORER 4dr auto 7 pass leather black ST# 213 $4900 2002 BUICK GRANDVIEW 7 pass auto ST#214 $5900


199 FORD EXPLORER 4dr auto 4X4 leather ST#222 $2900 2002 GMC SONOMA EXT cab auto st#166 $4995 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER 4dr auto 4X4 runs good st#221 $4900 2004 GMC 2500HD 4x4 auto quad cab long box st#204 $7,900 2005 FORD F250 XLT quad cab 4X4 auto diesel ST#125 $8,900 2006 GMC CREW CAB 4X4 auto long box full loaded ST#198 $9900 2007 FORD F150 reg cab V6 auto long box ST#205 $10,900 2005 FORD F350 XLT crew cab 4X4 auto diesel ST#134 $10,900 2001 FORD F350 Dually 4X4 crew cab XLT 7.3L pwrstrk diesel ST#130 $11,900 2008 FORD F150 REG CAB 4x4 auto long box ST#207 $11,900 2007 FORD RANGER 4X4 auto super cab st#193 $12,900 2007 FORD F350 XLT crew cab 4X4 auto diesel ST#128 $14,900 2008 GMC 2500 HD quad cab SLE 4x4 auto fully loaded ST#145 $16,900 2007 FORD F350 crew cab Lariat 4X4 auto diesel ST#200 $17,900 2006 FORD F350 CREW CAB Lariat leather 4X$ auto diesel ST#164 $17,995

The Public Hearing will be conducted on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers at the District of Hope Municipal Hall, 325 Wallace Street. Copies of the staff report and Bylaw 1322 are available for public inspection at the District of Hope Municipal Hall between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. For further information, please contact the Planning Department at 604-869-5671. Information is also available online at www.hope.ca At this Public Hearing, all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by Bylaw 1322 will be afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the bylaw. Written submissions may also be presented to the District of Hope in advance of the hearing but must be received no later than 12:00 noon May 14, 2012. Written submissions will be read at the Public Hearing and entered into the Public Hearing record. John Fortoloczky, Chief Administrative Officer. District of Hope 325 Wallace St, 604.869.5671 www.hope.ca

Planning Department 604.869.5671

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ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA CHEVROLET DEALERS. AlbertaChevrolet.com 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/†† Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Sonic LS Sedan (R7A), 2012 Orlando LS (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Auto Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Financing Services for 84/60 months on 2012 Chevrolet Sonic/2012 Chevrolet Orlando. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $119.05/$166.67 for 84/60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight ($1,495) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ††2.49% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Financing Services for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Orlando LS. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 2.49% APR, the monthly payment is $129.85 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $907.15, total obligation is $10,907.15. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Freight ($1,495) included. License, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. +OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit onstar.ca for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. ‡2012 Chevrolet Orlando fuel consumption ratings based on GM testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Comparison based on fuel consumption ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ¥Competitive Comparison based on 2012 GM Segmentation, Compact MPV, segment includes: Kia Rondo, Mazda5, and Scion XB.

A24 Hope Standard, Wednesday, May 9, 2012




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SH(OUT) Garage Sale Hope Secondary

444 Stuart St

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