Invermere Valley Echo, May 16, 2012

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T he

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May 16, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 20

Oh, What A Feeling — Kelly Jay performs

Find a friend at the ICAN adoption event

Page A12

Page A17

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Local officials oppose Bill 41 Invermere councillors voice concern legislation could mean appointed council, lack of public process for Jumbo development

Getting pumped up


District of Invermere council passed a resolution on Tuesday (May 8) voicing opposition to a change in the Local Government Act that will allow the creation of a mountain resort municipality in an area with no residents at the time of incorporation. The proposed amendment was buried in a miscellaneous list under Bill 41, which was introduced for first reading to the B.C. Legislature on May 1. “This isn’t about opposing or not opposing Jumbo, that’s not the issue,” Mayor Gerry Taft said at Tuesday’s council meeting. ‘It’s about governance.” The resolution, penned by Coun. Paul Denchuk, states “the District of Invermere opposes the creation of an undemocratic Mountain Resort Municipality in the Jumbo Valley and in any other region of the province” based on council’s understanding that if a mountain resort municipality in the Jumbo Valley were to be incorporated, it would have a provincially appointed council for an indeterminate length of time with no set election date and may be granted all the powers of a normal municipality, including a seat at the Regional District of East Kootenay. It passed with Taft, Denchuk and Coun. Spring Hawes in favour while councillors

PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE VALLEY ECHO Panorama resident and Columbia Valley Cycling Association trail building crew member Owen Peters tries out the new pump track in Radium Hot Springs on Wednesday, May 16. The track will be ready to go for the May long weekend. For the full story, turn to Page 19.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


Council vote split CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1

Greg Anderson and Justin Atterbury were opposed. “I’d like to be clear I’m neither for nor against Jumbo,” Anderson said. “We have to ensure the optimum outcome for businesses and residents of Invermere.” He questioned why council was treating a change in provincial legislation as a local issue, stating he felt the resolution was more appropriate for the regional district level. “Approving the resolution [at the district level] isn’t going to make a difference,” he said. “I believe we should represent our constituents,” Denchuk replied. “The answer [to Jumbo Glacier Resort] is still no and that has not changed — approving the master agreement has only galvanized everybody; it’s not over until it’s over.” Agreeing with Jumbo is “beside the case,” said Hawes. “I think the issue is much, much larger than Jumbo,” she said. “It’s happening really fast, before anyone realizes how changes in legislation will affect how local government operates now and into the future.” Atterbury expressed concern that council was voicing opposition just to “keep throwing sticks in front of the train.” “We want [Jumbo] to happen in an ethical and economically sustainable matter,” replied Hawes. “Not in any way undermining our democratic process.” A spokesperson for the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development., which oversees local governments under the Local Government Act, told The Valley Echo in an email on Thursday (May 10) that “while these amendments are not specific or limited to the Jumbo project, they could be used in relation to the proposed resort at that site.” In the email, the ministry spokesperson confirmed that “in the case of a mountain resort municipality that is incorporated prior to the arrival of residents, all council members, including the • • • • •

mayor, would be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council or by the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development” and that “the most appropriate council size and composition would be determined after careful consideration of the particular municipality’s needs.” “In my opinion, this is an attempt… to rubber stamp the master plan and zoning,” Taft said at the meeting, adding he’s already worried about the proposed scale and density of the Jumbo Glacier Resort development, and questions how an appointed council — whose responsibility will be to the Province and the proponent — will deal with these concerns. The relevance to Invermere lay in the fact that the district could one day become next-door neighbours with the new type of mountain resort municipality in question, Taft said. “The province won’t consider incorporating small communities such as Fairmont and Windermere to allow them to become municipalities, but [will] an area with zero population and zero economic activity?” he asked. “If the real estate was so sound, why take these steps?” “A municipality’s function is to provide a governance structure for its residents. Changing the rules so that a municipality can be created out of thin air makes a mockery of democratic principles,” Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald stated in a May 3 media release. “Despite the fact that the majority of residents in the area do not support the development of a ski resort in the Jumbo Valley, the BC Liberals are determined to push ahead. And they are willing to go to incredible lengths to make that happen.” The ministry confirmed on Thursday (May 10) that Bill 41 had been given second reading and was currently in committee stage. “Each line of the section regarding mountain resort municipalities was debated during committee stage on Wednesday, May 9,” wrote the spokesperson in the email. “We do not yet know when the bill will go to third reading.”

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ECHO FILE PHOTO Water from flooding has been known to spill over the Athalmer roadway, as seen here in a photo from 2007.

Water level advisory issued Higher temperatures causing rapid snowmelt, rising river levels STEVE JESSEL

Although Invermere and its surrounding communities don’t carry much risk of floods, in light of the recent flooding in Kimberley that saw 11 homes evacuated and 33 people set up in temporary lodging, and the high streamflow advisory for the East Kootenay region just issued by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, it’s never a bad idea to take precautions. “We push that people be prepared,” Emergency Program Co-ordinator for the Columbia Valley Emergency Program Gary Burford said. On Thursday (May 10), the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations issued a “High Streamflow Advisory” for small and medium sized rivers in the East Kootenay region. Several days of warm weather have seen a “transition in mountain snowpacks,” and as temperatures soar over the next several days, river levels are expected to rise in response to the rapid snowmelt, the advisory stated. According to Burford, likely the last time Invermere saw any serious flooding was in 2007, when water from the Columbia River ran over the roadway in the Athalmer area. Burford also noted an instance, also about five years ago, when a small creek running beneath a road near Panorama saw massive increases in water level and ended up taking out a section of the roadway. However, Burford said these areas have been well diked since and that the dikes are checked at least

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once a year. “Sometimes we’ll get flash flooding,” he said. “Quite often it’s a little creek that you wouldn’t even recognize.” Floods are most likely to happen during June, when the snow melt and runoff from the mountains combines with the highest concentration of rainy days, sometimes leading to increased water levels in the Columbia and Kootenay rivers. However, said Burford, the Columbia River rarely gives them any problems. “The bottom line is that Lake Windermere is so big, and will take a lot of water,” he said. Still, Burford keeps a constant eye on weather reports and water levels in all the major waterways, from the two major rivers to Toby Creek and Dutch Creek. One of the major advantages the Columbia Valley has is that there are very few homes along these waterways. There are a few homes along Lake Windermere that are built dangerously low, but Burford said a major part of preventing flood damage is for the owners to take preventative measures. The Columbia Valley Emergency Program does keep plenty of sandbags on hand, although they did just send 10,000 to Kimberley to help with flood control there. “There’s no one area that is really bad or gives us problems every year,” said Burford. “The challenge in this valley is that half of the homes, people don’t live year-round in them.” Burford cautions families to watch weather reports for excessive rain and to watch water levels in nearby creeks and rivers. According to the Provincial Emergency Program website, in case of possible flooding, families should have an emergency plan, an emergency supply kit, a plan for protecting your home and a full tank of gas in your vehicle. For more information about the Provincial Emergency Program, visit www.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo A3

Page Three Invermere crossroads renewed News Briefs Small Business Friendly Awards

Project finally realized with Ministry of Transportation assistance NICOLE TRIGG

The intersection of Althamer Road and Highway 93/95 is no longer at a crossroads now that the fill is in and the flowers are planted. The Rotary Club of Invermere’s crossroads beautification project, which began last year in September, has transformed the turnoff to Invermere from an unsightly area of dirt patches and painted lines into a manicured roadside plant bed complete with curbs and sidewalks. “The Ministry of Transportation (MOT) has been incredibly helpful,” Rotary member and crossroads project co-ordinator Rod Turnbull said. “When we approached them about doing it, they were really excited, they thought this was just a wonderful idea.” Because the intersection is MOT — not District of Invermere — property, the rules and regulations around the project seemed to go on forever, but it was MOT Rocky Mountain district operations technician Stephanie Daniels who helped the project along by going over and above the call of duty, said Turnbull. “This woman has been a jewel,” he said. “She has helped get through the bureaucratic hoops, which are huge, absolutely huge.” As a result of Daniels’ efforts, not only did the MOT offer to take care of the sidewalk and curbing work, which was done last fall, but the ministry also supplied the fill and a loader to move it from a gravel pit in Windermere. On Monday, May 7, the final stretch of the project began with VJ Bishop Excavating hauling the gravel fill from the pit to the crossroads site where Rotary volunteers waited with shovels. “Butch Bishop from VJ Bishop Excavating was absolutely incredible,” said Turnbull. “He supplied us with four trucks and a loader operator to run [the MOT loader] in.”

PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE VALLEY ECHO Rotary Crossroads project co-ordinator Rod Turnbull directs a top soil delivery to the intersection of Athalmer Road and Highway 93/95 on Wednesday, May 9.

Bishop also provided an operator to run the two skid-steers with different size buckets that were supplied by Home Hardware and Diesel and Dusk Contracting. Top soil donated by Copper Ridge Golf Course and Windermere Water and Sewer was brought in Wednesday (May 9) by a front end loader and operator provided by Rona. When the ignition on the loader died halfway through the day, Max Helmer Construction provided a second one as backup while Bishop sent in another truck to prevent the project from falling behind schedule. Don Clowers with Club Towing donated all the flagging services throughout the week. “We couldn’t have done it without their help,” said Turnbull. “It’s amazing how many people, how many companies in the community have stepped forward and said, ‘Hey we can do a little bit here, a little bit there.’” After the landscape fabric was put in place on Friday (May 11), planting day was a Rotary Club group effort on Saturday (May 12) with planting guidelines and directions given by Elizabeth Shopland, a local horticulturalist and owner of Homefront Es-

sentials Gardening. The 2,000 plants were purchased from Tipi Mountain Native Plants in Cranbrook. “All the plants are zero-scape plants meaning they don’t have to be watered or looked after [beyond] the first year,” said Turnbull. “It’ll take two years before it looks really full.” Placing the bark mulch, which was purchased very affordably from Winderberry Nursery, took place Monday (May 13). “The only thing we haven’t managed to resolved yet is the watering,” said Turnbull, adding the club was waiting to hear back from the District of Invermere on that point. “If this [project] was contracted out, it would be in excess of $50,000,” he noted. “When it’s all said and done, I think we’ll be at less than $20,000.” All the project’s funding comes from the Rotary Club, “money raised through the community and given back to the community,” Turnbull said. The highway crossroads beautification project is the first of two community initiatives which the Rotary Club of Invermere decided to undertake last year — the second being a waterpark, which is currently in the works.

In recognition of B.C.’s small business sector, communities that consider themselves champions of small business are invited to submit an application for the second annual B.C.’s Most Small Business Friendly Community Award. Eight small, business-friendly communities across the province will be chosen based on the following: reducing regulatory barriers, enhancing small business competitiveness, recognizing the contribution of small business to their community and supporting climate action initiatives which benefit small business.Three finalists per region will be selected by August with the awards being announced during Small Business Month in October. Last year’s award winners were Surrey, Kamloops, Ladysmith, Prince Rupert, Quesnel and Rossland. This year’s deadline for submissions is Saturday, June 30. For more information, visit

Welcome to Info Fest 2012 All local businesses and employees are encouraged to attend Info Fest 2012 for a chance to learn about and network with other members of Tourism Radium. The information trade fair, which is set to take place on Wednesday, May 23 in the Palliser Room at Radium Resort, is free to exhibit and attend. To register as a business for the opportunity to set up a table or display at the fair, email Anyone who attends will receive a coupon that allows them to check out some of Radium’s best experiences. For more information, contact Victoria at the above email address or call (250) 347-9331.

And the grant goes to... The Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) has granted $4,600 to the Radium Hot Springs Seniors Club for the replacement of the club’s carpet bowling carpets and for the purchase of a pickleball game. “Our government recognizes the diversity of skills, knowledge and experience that seniors contribute to our society and the economy,” Member of Parliament for Kootenay Columbia David Wilks said in a press release. “Through initiatives such as the [NHSP], we are helping to ensure that seniors maintain a high quality of life and continue as active, participating members of their communities.”


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Expressive artists to hold show at effusion

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo

SUBMITTED Special to The Valley Echo

effusion art gallery is pleased to present Janice Tanton and Tresa Gibson. Both artists will be in the gallery on Saturday (May 19) from 11 to 4 p.m., creating art on canvases.

Janice Tanton, an adopted member of the Siksika First Nation, has worked as an artist for over 22 years. She began to work in a new vein of artistic exploration of these crosscultural relationships through oils, film and a melding of performance arts practices. Janice retired from her Banff Centre

role to devote her time solely to her studio work once again. She continues her strong relationships with aboriginal communities and leaders across Canada. Tresa Gibson can be described through her energy, passion and free expression. Gibson's art often presents a

simultaneous sense of order and chaos, drawing out unique emotions from her viewers. Gibson best expresses herself with a palette knife, using oil on canvas, and she enjoys creating works that balance colour and depth. Gibson's inspiration comes from many years of travelling and research.

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The Valley Echo Wednesday, May 16, 2012 A5


Radium council raises Parks Canada concerns Parks superintendant all ears at May 9 council meeting NICOLE TRIGG

Budget cuts to Parks Canada will mean a shorter operating season for the smaller campgrounds in Radium Hot Springs and the Visitor Information Centre may see a decrease in hours. Parks Canada superintendent for Kootenay and Yoho national parks David McDonough made an appearance at the Village of Radium Hot Springs (VRHS) council meeting on Wednesday (May 9) to offer an update on how the recent budget decisions will affect the Kootenay area. “The whole thing is to really focus our resources on when the peak visitor period is on,� McDonough said. The Marble Canyon and McLeod Meadows campgrounds will see a change of two weeks on either end of their regular season, opening the week before the May long weekend and closing after Labour Day. Parks is looking at contracting out the cleaning services, said McDonough, and the visitor centre’s hours may decrease with a later opening time. The recent announcement that Radium’s hot pools operations were designated for privatization was foremost on Coun-

cillor Ron meet and draft up a list of Ver b o o m’s concerns the village has. mind, who “I think that would be very took the helpful,� McDonough said. meeting with In reply to questions by VerMcDonough boom and Conklin on whethas an op- er or not the funding that had portunity to been allocated to complete RON VERBOOM ask what the the half-finished resurfacing changeover to a private op- on the hill leading to the park erator would look like, but Mc- gates was still in place, McDonough couldn’t answer his Donough said engineering questions, saying the details problems had been encounof the transfer had yet to be tered halfway through the determined. project so the money was then Parks guidelines will have to used to fix another infrastrucbe respected and the new op- ture project but that “we’re still erator will have to live within committed to finishing that.� those guideCouncilllor lines, Mc- “We have a great asset Karen LarDonough said. sen expressed here and it's looking Mayor Dee concern that if Conklin ex- pretty tired.� this and other pressed concleanup projDEE CONKLIN cern that a new ects weren’t VILLAGE OF RADIUM MAYOR operator may handled before not keep the pools open 365 the transfer to a new operator, it days a year, as is the case now. would only drive up user costs “It’s something we’re very for the hot springs in the future. proud of,� she told McAmong other points brought Donough. ‘It’s a huge concern up by Verboom were the promfor a tourist town.� ises of improved signage for Appearing somewhat unpre- both Yoho and Kootenay and pared for council’s concerns, of a metre to ensure proper which also included questions monitoring of Parks sewage, on the proposed length of con- which the VRHS had taken tract the new operator would on last year. Currently, VRHS be offered and any yardsticks charges for the service based that would be put in place to on an estimation provided by guarantee performance as parks, and McDonough said well as changes in cost and he was unaware of this. appearance of the pools, and “Whatever you can do to push what the privatization would us to the top of the list, we have a mean for the local swim club, great asset here and it’s looking McDonough asked: “Do you pretty tired,� Conklin told him. have other input like this?� “We can’t keep apologizing for Conklin said council would it because it’s not ours to fix.�

Valley appreciation leader needed The 25th anniversary of Valley Appreciation Days (VAD) needs an event co-ordinator to take it to the next level. The Invermere Business Committee (IBC) is seeking a candidate skilled in organization, community and multi-tasking to help plan and co-ordinate this important summer event. Formerly known as Visitor Apprecia-

tion Day, VAD will be taking place this year on Saturday, July 21. The deadline for submitting resumes is Friday, May 25. For more information, contact Alita at (250) 341-3775 or send your resume to the attention of the IBC Steering Committee via fax to (250) 341-3783 or email

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo

Opinions and Letters Wise development NICOLE TRIGG

The decision made by the District of Invermere council to refuse the rezoning needed for a gas bar and commercial space development on 13th Avenue may ruffle a few feathers but it's precisely this type of cautious approach that's needed as Invermere continues to grow and flourish. Slapping up commercial blocks here, there and everywhere on a perceived need basis without giving due thought to the very real consequences is an affliction that many growing communities across the province have and council is right to think of what social impacts a gas bar will have on what's otherwise a fairly rural zone. Not that another gas station wouldn't be welcome by Invermere residents, who currently have to drive out of town and down the highway to check out competitors' prices, but it's in everyone's best interests for council to carefully pick and choose from the proposed projects developers bring to the table, of which there will be many more in the coming years as the economy continues to improve and the number of visitors to the valley increases. Councillor Paul Denchuk's point that the focus for commercial development needs to stay on downtown is a valuable one. What tends to happen when a commericial development is introduced into a residential area is that, ultimately, it takes traffic away from the community's traditional economic centre — the downtown — since it's considered more convenient and accesssible. How many times have we seen a community's quaint downtown core fall into disarray after commercial developments are introduced on major roadways? Not only is the unique character of the area lost, but businesses and, in turn, residents, suffer as a result of this fragmentation. Keeping a check on commercial development, especially in an area such as this, one world-renowned for its viewscapes, wilderness and slower pace of life, is a wise move. Invermere locals can rest assured their local governance is in good hands with its eye on the big picture and on residents' quality of life.

Something on your mind? The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to editor@

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Private operators cannot be trusted with hot springs Dear Editor: I take issue with the Parks Canada manager’s assessment that the Hot Spring Enterprise Unit is best served as a contracted-out entity, as compared to being run in-house by Parks Canada Agency. Any tendered proposal has to meet a set of criteria in order for the proposal to be viable: start-up costs, staffing; ongoing maintenance costs; procurement; capital reinvestment; profit margin; and Parks Canada monitoring the contract. The marketing strategy will additionally have hurdles to overcome, owing to the fact that the Government of Canada is once again trying to off its hot springs, which is identifiable as the origin of the National Parks sytem within Canada. It is a treasured place — iconic in the Canadian identity for generations. Who better to provide a quality public service then the very employees that do it now, and not-for-profit? Visitation would be on the decline, knowing that these locations are neither being run nor managed by Parks Canada staff, regardless of what mar-


Community theatre not for personal profit Dear Editor: In May, the Lake Windermere Players will present “The Good Doctor” by Neil Simon. As this is the first play

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keting strategy is developed. All told, the private costs of the contract will be greater than continuing the services as they are presently. As the profit margin of the private enterprise dwindles, the profit margin would have to be maintained in order for the enterprise to remain viable. That means service standards would have to drop, or other corners would need to be cut. It appears that the hot springs operations are destined to become a greater expenditure to taxpayers of Canada than having those services performed in-house. This should be challenged. I suggest this venture: proposed private enterprise in “partnership” with Parks Canada needs to throw in the towel. Kevin King Regional Vice President Union of National Employees Public Service Alliance of Canada Calgary, AB

Sheila Tutty

Marilyn Berry

Nicole Trigg

Steve Jessel

Jessica de Groot






In Absentia




for the group in many years, newer residents of the community may not be aware of the long history of dramatic entertainment in the Columbia Valley. The Lake Windermere Players (LWP) is an amateur theatre group that has been performing since at least 1936 and often stages its plays in the Invermere Community Hall. In the past, LWP productions have received wide recognition in the Kootenay Zone regional theatre festival as well as the B.C. Mainstage festival, held annually in various B.C. locations. Actors from other towns have been known to wish they could be members of the LWP. While the group does not have official non-profit status, it does operate on a non-profit basis. As the LWP does not have outside financing, it relies on door receipts to fund its productions. Once the considerable costs of production are covered, any extra monies are used to purchase technical equipment and insurance and to fund future productions. They have also in the past been used to provide bursaries to high school drama students or to contribute to worthwhile causes. Members donate their time and expertise and CONTINUES TO 'LETTERS' ON PAGE A8

NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a selfregulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to


Local $45.30 (Seniors $34.50) Canada $62.25 (Seniors $56.00) A7

The Valley Echo Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cash in the bank

Community Calendar THURS MAY 17 •Special Olympics BC AGM, 7 p.m. District of Invermere office FRIDAY, MAY 18 •Master painters Min Ma and Neil Patterson opening at Artym, 6 -9 p.m. Show runs until May 27.

STEVE JESSEL/THE VALLEY ECHO Ray Kolochuk, president of the Fairmont and District Lion's Club presented a cheque for $2,500 to Don Pawlyshyn of the Columbia Valley Food Bank on Friday (May 11).

Ramble On — Marilyn Berry, Publisher

MAY 1820

•Backwoods Blues

Let's roll with derby Let’s start with hearty congratulations to the Invermere Killer Rollbots. These ladies, with the help of coach Chris Corey have put the area on the map for yet another reason. The East Kootenay Roller Derby League held its debut bout for the season in Cranbrook last Saturday night and the team performed extremely well, outscoring their Cranbrook opponents by over 150 points. What I see is another group of ambassadors for the valley. They will host their own bout in the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena on June 2. There were over 500 tickets sold to the event in Cranbrook with approximately 200 others in atten-

dance as players/officials/ media, etc. The capacity for tickets sales in the Eddie will be about 800. I believe that, as more people learn more about the sport, they could sell out. Amazing, isn’t it? I hope team members are recognized for creating yet another reason for visitors to come here and for their contributions to the community. I encourage you to ask a player about their sport and how it works. Come out to the bout, it’s an awesome atmosphere and don’t be shy about asking someone next to you about exactly what’s going on and how the scoring works. If you enjoy watching a

MAY 1819 •Rotary Club of Invermere's GIGANTIC Garage Sale. Deck's Storage on Friday (4:30 - 8:30 p.m.) and next to the courthouse on Saturday (7 a.m. 12:30 p.m.)

Music Festival, Horse Thief Hideout. SAT MAY 19 •Underwear Affair Garage and Bake Sale, 1215 - 10 Ave, 8 a.m. onwards. •Art demonstration, effusion art gallery and glass studio, 11 - 4 p.m. •Valley GoGo Sisters African handmade Kazuri Jewellery Sale, 1 - 4 p.m. Pynelogs Cultural Centre. •Fairmont Beach Resort and Waterski Park Open House, 2 - 6 p.m. Bring swim gear!

fast-paced, physical sport, you’ll love roller derby! We’re a little later getting information out on the 4th Annual Giving Back Golf Tournament this year. Rest assured, however, that it’s taking place on Sunday, June 24. The beneficiary of the funds raised this year will be the Rotary Club of Invermere and will go towards their Water Park Project at Kinsmen Beach. Stay tuned to the Echo for more information, and please come out and join in the fun as we bat the ball around the Windermere Valley Golf Course and raise money for a very worthy cause. Get your entries in early too, to take advantage of a super low rate.

MAY 1920, 2526, 27 •Lake Windermere Players perform "The Good Doctor", Invermere Community Hall, 8 p.m. (May 27 show is at 2 p.m.) SUNDAY, MAY 20 •Garage Sale in support of Canadian Can-

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cer Society's Relay for Life, Columbia Ridge Community Hall, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. •12 - 4 p.m. Purcell Mountain Painters meet and greet at Pynelogs Art Gallery. •Louise Rose performs, Edgewater Hall, 2 p.m. SAT MAY 26 •ICAN Adoption Event, 455 Panorama Drive, 2 - 6 p.m. EVERY SUNDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Radium Seniors’ Carpet Bowling, 1:30 p.m., Hall. EVERY MONDAY •Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Centre. •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250341-1509. •Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/person. Visitors welcome. •EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-3445674. 1st & 3rd TUESDAY •OPT clinic, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit, 850-10th Ave. Confidential service: lowcost birth control, and STI testing. 1st TUESDAY •Invermere Camera Club 7 p.m. Tanya, tanyadeleeuw65@

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THERE’S NO COMPARISON OR COMPROMISE. ONLY AT YOUR BC FORD STORE. EVERY TUESDAY •Yoga THRIVE- Yoga for Cancer Survivors. Hot springs studio, Fairmont Village Mall. For info Jan Klimek 250-342-1195. EVERY THURSDAY •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250341-1509. •Children's Air Rifle Program, with the LWDRGC, Inv. Community Hall, 7 - 8:30 p.m., free of charge, ages 6-15. Learn safety, marksmanship, equipment provided. 1st WEDNESDAY •1st Wednesday of every month. Scrabble Night at Invermere Public Library. 6 - 8 p.m. Bring your boards! Call 250-3426416. EVERY FRIDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit EVERY SATURDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. 2nd SUNDAY •LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-342-9580.




WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Until July 3, 2012, purchase a new 2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission $21,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Until July 3, 2012, choose 5.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a new 2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission for a maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $315 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $145 with a down payment of $3,000 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $3,665.06 or APR of 5.99% and total to be repaid is $22,664.06. Offer includes a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but excludes variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. †From May 3, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $5,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual) (all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded). This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 Escape 2.5L I4 6-speed Automatic transmission: [10.0L/100km (28MPG) City, 7.1L/100km (40MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


Gas bar development denied in rural area

Gone but not forgotten

Briefs from District of Invermere council meeting on May 8 NICOLE TRIGG

District of Invermere council was unanimous in its support of district staff ’s recommendation to veto the rezoning required for a proposed gas bar and commercial space development on 13th Avenue during its regular meeting on Tuesday (May 8). Reasons cited by the district’s director of development services Rory Hromadnik as to why he couldn’t support the project through to third reading included the speculative nature of the gas bar (i.e. the lack of vendor and/or lease), the significant change it would have on the local neighbourhood, and the unknown impacts of gas vapour, noise and lights on such a rural area. “Ultimately, it’s an arterial road and ultimately it’s going to get busier [but] the proposal is ahead of its time,” said Councillor Greg Anderson in support of Hromadnik’s recommendation.

STEVE JESSEL/THE VALLEY ECHO Members of Georgina DuBois's family were on hand to help dedicate the aerobics wing of the Valley Fitness Centre on Friday (May 11). DuBois passed away in October 2011 and was a well-known driving force for fitness in the valley.

The rest of council agreed and Councillor Paul Denchuk noted that “[the neighbourhood] is very rural and very much residential.” “I’d like to see a focus on the downtown area rather than spreading it out at this time,” Denchuk said, also adding the developer should be commended for his effort and not discouraged from bring more ideas forward as his projects were “beneficial to the community.”

Request invites new policy A request by the Windermere Valley Early Childhood Development Team to place a permanent sign on the back of the District of Invermere sign by the Athalmer bridge was unanimously turned down by council. Mayor Gerry Taft said a policy was needed to avoid such oneoff requests. Denchuk agreed, saying “otherwise, we’re plastering the town with signs.” Chief administrative officer Christopher Prosser raised the point that other backs of signs in Invermere already had website names. The motion to table the request until a policy was in place at which time other signs would also be reviewed was passed.

Letters to the Editor continued... CONTINUED FROM PAGE A6

often contribute it in the form of costumes, props and construction materials as well. The LWP also relies on the generosity and goodwill of various local individuals and business who are interested in the continuance of local theatre. There are many volunteers “behind the scenes” without whom the LWP could not function. The LWP welcomes new members and anyone interested in participating in future productions. Bruce Robinson LWP Interim President, Producer of “The Good Doctor” Invermere

Taking note of ticks Dear Editor: Would you please print this note about what bit I know about wood ticks. There are two types here, the Rocky Mountain and the Black Legged. The latter can carry the Lyme disease bacteria. In April 1996 I removed a tick that was firmly attached to me. In a few days, the bitten area was circled by a rash and very itchy. Dr. Walsh at the Duthie Clinic diagnosed it as a Lyme disease infection and gave me an antibiotic. An old timer here, the late Jim Dilworth, used to say there were no wood ticks in the upper Kootenay Valley north of the Sinclair Pass. This may be true as I lived for 24

years at Crook’s Meadow in Kootenay National Park and never saw one. Also, there were no black-tailed deer there, which is the primary host of the wood tick. Do not neglect any tick bite if it’s circled by a target type rash or a rash of any kind. See your doctor as Lyme disease has many unpleasant side effects. Ray Crook Invermere

Ladies bridge club wind-up Dear Editor: The brain-child of Barbara Kester, this club was formed in the fall of 1980 and has been going strong ever since. As you can imagine, players have changed, some

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moved on, and sadly too many have passed away. However, it is of note that there are still seven of the 24 charter members playing: Barbara Kester, Joyce Millar, Avy Nicholson, Alice Pawlynshyn, Kelly Stuart-Hill and Mary Root. Winning this year were Donna Tunnacliffe and Mary-Jean Anakin; second, Gerrianne Donahue and Louise Frame; a close third were Alice Pawlyshyn and Joyce Liebel; and honourable mention to the duo of Fran Jeffery and Martha Christie. Our thanks to Gerrianne and Louise for arranging the wind-up and special thanks to all the staff at Strands for a truly scrumptious meal. Kelly Stuart-Hill Invermere





WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be changed or cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. **Until July 3, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $38,999 at 4.99% LAPR for up to 36 months with $2,925 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $352, total lease obligation is $15,597 and optional buyout is $15,990. Offer includes Manufacturer Rebate of $8,000. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. †††Until July 3, 2012, Security Deposit payment is waived on a lease (Red Carpet leases, on approved credit from Ford Credit) of a new 2012 or 2013 model (excluding Shelby GT 500, Boss 302, Boss 302 Laguna Seca, E-Series, Transit Connect Electric, F-150 Raptor, F-Series Chassis Cabs, Medium trucks). Security Deposit may be required by Ford Credit based on customer credit terms and conditions. †From May 3, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $8,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L (all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded). This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ††Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2012 F-150 4X4 3.7L V6: [13.4L/100km (21MPG) City, 9.7L/100km (29MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. A9

The Valley Echo Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Planting the seeds of tomorrow PHOTOS BY (L) KIRSTEN JOY HARMA/SUBMITTED; (R) NICOLE TRIGG/THE VALLEY ECHO David Thompson Secondary School teacher Selena Ewen took her Gr. 8 'Growing Green' class to Kinsmen Beach on Wednesday, May 16 for a planting project directed by Lake Windermere Ambassadors co-ordinator Kirsten Joy Harma. The focus of the class is to learn about farming and agriculture.

MLA’s Report — Norm Macdonald

As many of you will know, one of the biggest issues for seniors right now is the implementation of the DriveABLE driver testing requirements for seniors in British Columbia. I’ve spoken with hundreds of seniors in the region who have real concerns about the accessibility and the validity of the test. DriveABLE is a private company that has been contracted by the B.C. government to test seniors’ fitness to drive. The first step in the testing procedure is a touch-screen computer test. The second is a driving test in a company vehicle. And neither of these tests are available in the communities I represent. Seniors are required to go to Kelowna, Nelson, and now Cranbrook for these tests, and the tests do not take place on the same day. From the start, the government put in place a testing system that placed an unfair burden on seniors to travel a great distance, often overnight at their own expense, to take an assessment test that has not been proven to be based on good science, and a failure to pass this test resulting in the withdrawal of a person’s licence to drive. In some cases, seniors simply had to give up their licences because they could not afford the trip to Kelowna. It is too long a story to lay out in this piece, all the twists and turns of how the government chose this private company to contract this service and the government’s complete mismanagement of this program, but I do want to respond to some claims that have been recently made by local BC Liberal supporters.

The latest talking points from the BC Liberals have a local spokesperson saying that the government has responded to the concerns raised by seniors about the DriveABLE computer testing program. I have to say that that is categorically untrue. Seniors still have to travel long distances to take this test. While every young person who wishes to get a driver’s licence has access to testing in their own community, seniors still have to drive up to three hours to a testing location. Seniors are still being required to take a driver’s fitness test that has not been scientifically proven. The government has only recently said that they are requiring a peer review of the program, something that most would assume had been done long before any government agency would have signed a multi-million dollar contract. For the BC Liberals to say that they have listened to seniors is an insult. Every concern raised by seniors was self-evident, and these basic issues should have been resolved before any government signed a contract. Seniors in this area are not fooled by the BC Liberal government’s tinkering around the edges and know the changes to B.C.’s driver assessment program for seniors was misguided from the start, and that a full-scale change needs to be made to make it right. While none of us want unsafe or unqualified drivers on the road, we all believe that every adult, regardless of their age, should be entitled to an assessment process that is equally accessible and based on the best science.

NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUPTION INVERMERE, WINDERMERE, RADIUM HOT SPRINGS AND SURROUNDING AREAS Time: 5:30am—9:00am Mountain Daylight Time When: Sunday, May 27, 2012 We will be making electrical system improvements to Athalmer substation on Sunday, May 27, 2012. To ensure the safety of our work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately 3 1/2 hours, from 5:30am to 9:00am. The areas affected are: ã

Highway 93/95 south from Athalmer substation on east side of Windermere Lake down to Windermere, including Windermere Loop Rd. and Kootenay No 3 Rd., south to Hyllestad Rd.


Highway 93/95 north from Athalmer Sinclair Creek Rd. including downtown Radium and Highway 93 to Radium Hot Spring Pools,western portion of Forrester Landing Rd., Decrespigny Rd., Shuswap Creek Juniper Heights. South from Athalmer Rd. including Timber Ridge Rd. and Baltac Rd.


West side of Invermere, Athalmer, Lillian Lake, Westside Rd., south to Rushmere Rd., Wilmer and Castle Rock south. West of Athalmer substation on both sides of Columbia River and Windermere Lake; east side of Invermere including downtown, Lakeview Rd., and Eagle Ranch Trail.

To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please unplug all electronics, such as TVs, PVRs, DVD players and computers. Please also turn off all lights, electric heaters and major appliances, such as your clothes or dishwasher, dryer or oven. For the first hour after the power comes back on, please plug in or turn on only what you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can. Prepare for outages and stay informed by visiting or from your handheld device. Please call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) if you experience any electrical difficulties or for more information.


Seniors not fooled


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo

MLA Meeting Day Wednesday, May 23 Please call 1 866 870 4188 to book an appointment

Norm Macdonald MLA

Parr Utilities Ltd. Water Restrictions In order to conserve water, Windermere Water and Parr Utilities have adopted the Regional District of East Kootenay watering restrictions for the months of May through October. We are asking that residents restrict the amount of water used for watering lawns and gardens. Watering times will be restricted to the cooler parts of the day from 6:00am - 10:00am and 7:00pm - 11:00pm on alternating days as follows: Residents living in even numbered homes may water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Residents living in odd numbered homes may water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. We would like to thank-you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

RDEK Public Hearing Notice BYLAW 2367

Bylaw Amendment - Cross River The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Calstar Building Corporation Ltd. to amend the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the amendment will change the zoning designation of the subject property to facilitate a proposed two lot subdivision. The subject property is located at 9272 Cross River Forest Service Road as shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2367 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 268, 2012 (Cross River / Calstar Building Corp. Ltd.)” will amend the zoning designation of the subject property from A-1, Rural Resource Zone to A-2, Rural Residential (Country) Zone. A public hearing will be held at: Windermere Community Hall 4726 North Street Windermere, BC Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 7:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F and Electoral Area G and the Village of Radium Hot Springs. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: t inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; t mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or t present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email 19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335 Email: Website:

Police Files — Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac

All welcome to open house The second annual detachment open house will be held on May 24 between 5 and 8 p.m. This is an opportunity for community members to attend the detachment and it was a big hit last year with the kids. All of our toys will be out for display and for the kids to jump on, the Lions Club will be hosting a barbecue, and Tim Hortons and Restorative Justice volunteers will be supplying police food along with drinks. All the grade three classes in the valley will have posters plastered all over the wall. Prizes sponsored by Home Hardware and Canadian Tire will provide one student in each class with a prize. If he is not on a call, our police dog handler Cpl. Sullivan will be here with Rambo as well as Cst. Chris Ralph with his police puppy-in-training at 6 p.m. and Cpl. Simpson will gear up in his riot gear. May 11 As a result of being on the look out for a suspicious vehicle, an SUV was located at 2:30 a.m. and the driver displayed signs of having consumed liquor. An ASD demand was read and the male driver blew a "warn," resulting in his drivers licence being suspended for three days. The Columbia Valley detachment attended to a complaint at 11 a.m. of a break and enter in the 1300 block of 12th Ave. Entry was gained via a back window. At the time of the investigation nothing was reported stolen. May 12 At 3:53 a.m., the Columbia Valley detachment received a call from a male who reported he and his friend were both highly intoxicated in Fairmont and advised they may not be able to carry on and locate their condo. Both

males were from the Calgary area. A Columbia Valley detachment member called back the concerned male and advised a taxi could be called to assist them. At this time, the males advised they had located their condo and required no further assistance. At 12:30 p.m., Canadian Pacific Railway police out of Golden contacted the Columbia Valley detachment to report two males had jumped on a train and were headed to Invermere. A Columbia Valley detachment member attended to the train tracks around the time the train arrived and a search was conducted. CP police were also in attendance. No males were located. At 11:40 p.m., Columbia Valley detachment members responded to a complaint of a large group of males fighting in the area of Stanley St. in Radium. The disturbance had ended by the time police arrived. It was learned that a group of males that had been drinking got into a scuffle. The group was from the Prince George and Calgary areas. All were sent on their way. Over a two-day period in Radium and in the Fairmont area, the detachment received reports of a suspicious male walking on the highway. Police had checked the male the previous day and learned he was homeless and en route to Cranbrook. The behavior of the male certainly was strange and we appreciate the concern and reporting. May 13 The Columbia Valley detachment received a complaint of theft of money from a wallet left on the dashboard of an unlocked vehicle in the 2000 block of Pine Ridge Drive.

On a Personal Note... Insider trading information There must be added stress on the son or daughter whose parents are police officers in a small community. However there are some advantages. One of the advantages and pleasures I had in Golden was my relationship with the youth in the community. My son started in Golden in Grade 1 and graduated there. As a result of being involved with his activities, the interaction and relationships established during those 13 years with the youth were the best experience of my career to date. My son, in his partying days (still ongoing), happened to be with a large group at a house party. Unfortunately for the kids, it was just a few houses from me and was getting noisy and out of hand. I requested the officers working to attend the house and tell them to keep it quiet. The response back was the young man holding the party was not co-operating. So, Sheriff of Mayberry kicks in. I phone the house in question and request they put my son on the phone. My instructions to him were brief. “You have ten minutes to decide who your best friends are and leave the house.” No uniform required. I walk over to the house where uniformed police officers were waiting. I follow some party goers into the house and announce the party is over. I stood at the door as they were leaving and felt like a steward for people getting off a plane. Thanks for coming, bye, bye. Thanks for coming bye, bye. Some kid obviously new to town demands, “Don’t you need a warrant to do this?” My response, “Not in Golden, thanks for coming bye, bye.” Love small town policing.

Windermere Valley Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting

Thursday, May 17, 2011 District of Invermere Office 914 - 8 Avenue, Invermere 7:30 p.m.

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The Valley Echo Wednesday, May 16, 2012 A11

Rotary Citizen of the Year recognized Chris Evans known for his contribution to the arts in the valley STEVE JESSEL

2012 Rotary Citizen of the Year Chris Evans has a very simple motto when it comes to his work in the community. “I just really believe that our communities are what we make of them,� Evans explained. “I was very surprised and very grateful (to win), but I’m very conscious of the fact that the rePHOTO BY MARILYN BERRY/THE VALLEY ECHO ality is this (award) is about a whole group of 2012 Rotary Citizen of the Year Chris Evans with his award at a luncheon on Thursday (May 10). With him are (l-r) Kerripeople.� Anne Thomas, Rotary Community Chair, Evans' wife Charlene with Rotary President Peter Evans on the far right. Evans, who has served as the Columbia Valley Arts Council president for the past six years, said he didn’t even know that he had been nominated. Evans first got involved when the former arts council president invited him to and, since then, has been involved in a whole gamut of projects on behalf of CV Arts, from helping raise money to renovate Pynelogs several years ago to helping organize the multitude of concerts, art shows and film series that have graced Pynelogs since. “It started with the people, and my good wife,� Evans said. “I really respect the cross section of people that are here, whether it’s old-timers or new folks in the valley who have come here and made it their own and have given a lot of themselves.� Over his years as CV Arts president, Evans says he’s learned a lot about how to drive people and projects forward. He feels that when it comes to work within the community, it’s best to let people do what interests them, and feels it’s important not to get bogged down by micromanaging. “The challenge is with the nature of the job, you can spend as much time, or as little,� Evans said. “What I’ve learned is that if people show an interest, let them do what they want to do... if people have a passion, let them run with it.� Evans said he was saddened by the cancellations of the school-based art shows at Pynelogs this year, as one of his favourite things is to see the children come in and browse the art gallery. He feels it’s important that the arts council continues to facilitate art and culture in the valley in the coming years and, as such, invites anyone interested to volunteer with CV Arts, as he’s always looking for fresh ideas. “I believe we are defined by the arts and culture FUNDRAISER FOR that we support in the valley,� said Evans. “I’m very honoured that I would be recognized.�

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Drop recycled art now at Pynelogs Art Gallery or the Invermere Thrift Store. For free pickup: 250-342-1621 or email


t t

The sale will take place Saturday, Sept. 1 ¡ 9 am to 4 pm Invermere Community Hall, 709 -10th Street, Invermere

Visit Art From the Attic on Facebook for more info.


Open house birthday celebration Victoria Biela Gordon’s 80th birthday Saturday May 19 2-5 p.m. Windermere Hall

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


Festival welcomes Canadian icon Hall of Fame inductee brings his music to Backwoods Blues STEVE JESSEL

RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) ARE YOU 18 TO 25 YEARS OLD? OR DO YOU KNOW A YOUNG ADULT WHO POSSESSES an OBVIOUS (or perhaps not-so-obvious) POTENTIAL FOR LEADERSHIP? The Rotary Club of Invermere offers a scholarship to attend a one-week leadership training program, with all expenses, accommodations, meals and transportation provided. The camp will be held at Selkirk College Campus in Castlegar, B.C., June 30 to July 7, 2012. To qualify. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25, have graduated from high school, and have the whole week, Saturday, June 30 to Saturday, July 7 to attend RYLA. Deadline to apply: May 28, 2012. If you would like further details, please contact any Invermere Rotary Club member or Andy Stuart-Hill at 250-342-0186 or pick up a RYLA application at Invermere Public Library. RYLA c/o Rotary Club of Invermere, Attn: A. Stuart-Hill P.O. Box 76 Invermere B.C. V0A 1K0

ICAN – Invermere’s Companion Animal Network MO AND %",05" t These %", two youngsters tw are quite the brat pack! They bra are indoor-only ar siblingswho like to help with the chores all the time. They race around arou the house, lleaping i and d bbouncing i over everything and have us in stitches every single day! Adoption Fee: $100 (to help offset spay/neuter and vet bills) 250-341-7888 If you wish to visit please contact us. Sponsored by the Artym Gallery 250-342-7566

When the Backwoods Blues Festival comes to Horsethief Hideout, a massive line-up of incredible blues musicians will take the stage during the threeday event, which starts Friday (May 18). One of those acts happens to be Blake “Kelly Jay’” Fordham, who just last year was inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame for his 1971 number one hit “Oh, What A Feeling” as a member of popular 70s rock band Crowbar. “I often say I’ve been in this business for 50 years, and I’ve made hundreds and hundreds of dollars,” Fordham said in an interview with The Valley Echo on Saturday (May 12). “I started off with nothing, and I’ve got most of it left.” Fordham says that his musical journey began when he grew up listening to the sounds of Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Elvis Presley during his childhood in Ontario. At the time, he says he always wanted to be like rockabilly singer Ronnie Hawkins. “I could never understand bigotism and intolerance when my heroes were black,” Fordham says. “I always just wanted to be a stand-up guy.” Fordham got his big break as a member of what was known at the time as And Many Others, formed in the summer of 1969 as a backup

SUBMITTED PHOTO Blake 'Kelly Jay' Fordham, a Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee with his song 'Oh, What A Feeling,' is hitting the stage at this year's inaugural Backwoods Blues Festival, which runs May 18 to 20.

band for Hawkins. However, in early 1970, Hawkins fired the band, telling them that they were so crazy they could mess up a crowbar in three seconds. Crowbar was born. Their first album came later that year, entitled Official Music. The band was known as King Biscuit Boy and Crowbar but, following a successful year of touring, King Biscuit Boy left the band to pursue other projects. Crowbar then released their debut album Bad Manors to widespread critical acclaim. Crowbar was the first act to launch a record following legislation forcing radio stations to play 30 per cent Canadian content, and led with their breakout hit “Oh, What A Feeling” as their first single, which was eventually inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame. “I like the idea that songwriter and poet are in my resume,” Fordham says. “It’s a great honour.” Crowbar disbanded in 1975, but is still known to

this day as one of Canada’s most popular touring bands of the early 1970s. Fast forward some 40 years later, and these days Fordham says he mostly plays with fellow musician Amos Garrett along with a number of solo performances. For his performance at the Backwoods Blues Festival, Fordham is especially complimentary of his fellow acts that will take the stage throughout the May long weekend. “I believe this festival is being built on musicianship, and not on popularity,” Fordham says. “These guys that are running the Backwoods Blues Festival are extremely knowledgeable in their music, simply because of the people they have hired. To bring all these musicians together in an area where the natural beauty is unparalleled, I think is a very gutsy thing to do.” Fordham doesn’t perform as much as he used to, but still makes a point of playing Canada Day in Canmore each year, where

he estimates they’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the local food bank over the years. Fordham, now a resident of Calgary, says he still has plans to continue performing in the future, but would also like some time to take it easy and play with his grandkids, and for now still makes regular appearances at various Calgary venues. “Even Justin Bieber eventually will end up going to play the Stratford Arms Hotel jam session on a Saturday afternoon,” Fordham joked. “Everyone eventually ends up on the scrapheap — it’s about how shiny you are when you’re on that scrapheap.” The Backwoods Blues Festival takes place from Friday (May18) through to Sunday (May 20) at the Horsethief Hideout located at 8250 Westside Road in Invermere. Tickets can be purchased either online or at the gate. To buy tickets online and for more information on the festival, visit


A big thanks goes to Chris Evans this week for all the great work he does with CV Arts. If you have a volunteer you'd like to celebrate, let us know at editor@

QUALITY ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES FROM CANADA, EUROPE AND ASIA. ARCHITECTURAL ITEMS FOR HOME AND GARDEN. Wednesday to Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 11-4 Industrial Park • Invermere (just off the road to Panorama) Telephone: 250-342-0707 • Email:

w w w. t e pa pa nui . c o m

The Valley Echo Wednesday, May 16, 2012 A13


Local artist collective on display Purcell Mountain Painters are showing at Pynelogs Art Gallery until May 27 NICOLE TRIGG

A mix of art by aspiring and professional painters will be on display at the Pynelogs Art Gallery and Cultural Centre from May 15 to 27. The two-week long exhibition showcases the creative work of the Purcell Mountain Painters, a local collective that’s dedicated to supporting the development of artists from all walks of life in the Columbia Valley. “It’s an eclectic group, different styles, there’s always a fair bit of landscape but some of the members are into portraiture as well,� said Laila Jensen, a Purcell Mountain Painter member and the facilitator of this year’s showing. The painters are an informal group that meets on a regular basis for workshops and painting sessions. With a focus of fostering emerging and local hobby artists, the group also includes more established artists who have had showings in other galleries. “There are 18 artists in the show this year,� said Jensen. “It should be a really good show; I’m excited about it.� As Pynelogs can hold up to about 100 pieces of art work, the group’s members are providing between four to seven pieces each in a variety of styles including oils, acrylics and watercolours, she said. Jensen’s own contribution will include mixed media.

Opening night takes place Wednesday (May 16) between 7 and 9 p.m. at the gallery with several artists in attendance and a cash bar providing drinks and snacks. This is the group’s fourth show, said Pynelogs manager Jami Scheffer. “Purcell Mountain Painters in an emerging artist group,� Scheffer said. “Because we’re a non-profit local community art council, we support what they’re doing and we have the facility for them.� All the artwork is available for purchase with the gallery managing the sales transactions. As with other shows, Pynelogs will be taking a 30 per cent commission from any sales with the artists receiving 70 per cent of the asking price. The Purcell Mountain Painters are also holding a complimentary tea and treats day at the gallery on Sunday, May 20 between noon and 4 p.m. The afternoon will feature at least one live painting demonstration and many of the painters will be present. “So people can drop by, look at the art and chat with some of the artists, and enjoy tea and coffee and snacks,� Jensen said. The Purcell Mountain Painters art exhibit runs from Tuesday (May 15) through to Sunday, May 27 at the Pynelogs Art Gallery, which is located adjacent to Kinsmen Beach in Invermere, at 1720 4th Avenue. The gallery and cafe is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and admission is free. For more information on the painters, visit their blog at Visit www.columbiavalleyarts. com to learn more about the arts in the Columbia Valley and other upcoming exhibits.


We’re There! bcclassified .com DISTRICT OF INVERMERE "WFOVF r #PY *OWFSNFSF # $ 7 " , 5FM r 'BY

Invitation for Proposals Kinsmen Beach Concession The District of Invermere (“Owner�) invites Proposals for the 2012 to 2015 Kinsmen Beach concession contract. The proposal to include potential “winter� operations to support the Lake Windermere Whiteway. Documents may be viewed at or obtained from the Municipal office at 914 8th Avenue Invermere, B.C. Proposals delivered no later than 4:00 p.m. local time, June 4, 2012 clearly marked Kinsmen Beach Concession Proposals in a sealed envelope. Proposals received after the stipulated time will be rejected and returned to the individual unopened. Faxed Proposals are not acceptable and will be rejected. If mailed use the address provided below: District of Invermere 914 – 8th Avenue Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 The municipality is organizing a mandatory Bidders’ Meeting to be held at the concession stand on Friday May 25, 2012 at 2:00 pm local time. There will be no public opening for this Invitation for Proposal. Proposals will be opened privately by the District of Invermere after the closing time specified for receipt of Proposals. If you wish to contact District of Invermere in response to the awarding, please do so after the closing time specified above. The District reserves the right not to award a contract at all, and the highest or any Proposal will not necessarily be accepted.

SUBMITTED IMAGE Winter Creek in Moonlight is a painting by local artist Laila Jensen whose work will be on display in the Pynelogs Art Gallery as part of the Purcell Mountain Painters exhibit.

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online videos of local events!

The following criteria will be determining factors in the award of the contract: • food safe certification • hours of operation • previous experience • type of service offered • number of jobs created • amount offered Chris Prosser Chief Administrative Officer District of Invermere Office: (250) 342-9281 ext. 225

New work by Janice Tanton and Tresa Gibson

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


Caring through Kazuri jewelry Master painters presented Exceptional landscape artists at the Artym

African-made jewelry supports grandmothers in Kenya STEVE JESSEL


Special to The Valley Echo

In what has become a yearly tradition, the Valley GoGo Sisters will hold their third Kazuri Jewelry event on Saturday (May 19) at the Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Kazuri jewelry is handmade, hand-painted ceramic bracelets, necklaces, earrings and chokers made in the Kazuri workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. The story behind the jewelry began in 1975 when Lady Susan Wood started a small project aimed at finding a few African women solid employment. As word of the handcrafted jewelry began to spread, the facility was able to expand. Today, the workshop employs roughly 400 women in a part of the world that regularly sees unemployment rates of 65 per cent and higher. The jewelry is then imported to Canada at fair trade costs, where one of over 250 grandmother groups across Canada has the responsibility of sending out the jewelry to be sold by other groups. Most of the money raised from these sales supports the fair trade costs, and whatever is left over is donated to the Stephen Lewis Foundation “Grandmothers to Grandmothers” campaign. “We see the need to support these African grandmothers,” said Luana Gilles of the Valley GoGo Sisters. “They know what they need to care for these children and all they need is the financial support to make it happen.” The Stephen Lewis Grandmothers Campaign

ECHO FILE PHOTO Members of the Valley GoGo Sisters show off some of the jewelry at the 2011 sale. This year's takes place on May 19.

has raised $13.5 million for African grandmothers over the last six years. African grandmothers play a vital role in many communities, caring for millions of children orphaned by AIDS, and Gilles said that she can’t even imagine having to care for sometimes as many as 10 children on her own. “They show such resilience and commitment, that it’s an easy task to try and raise money for them,” she said. The community has been extremely supportive of the sale over the last couple years, said Gilles. “We’re always extremely appreciative of the community support we get from the Columbia Valley,” she said. “It’s all part of just being a global citizen, and this is a very concrete way that we can provide that support.” An exclusive luncheon will be held at the Pyne logs Cafe before the sale, giving those that attend an opportunity to preview and purchase jewelry before it goes on sale to the general public during the event. Tickets are $20 for the luncheon and are available at One-Hour Photo. The sale itself runs from 1 to 4 p.m. and admission is free.

Canadiana Crossword

Worth While Williams By Bernice Rosella and James Kilner

ACROSS 1 Hindu avatar 5 A BMW, for one 8 Animal Drs. 12 Responsibility 13 Islet, to Giselle 14 Larger than life 15 William O. _____ ( Saskatchewan novelist) 17 _____ MacNeil 18 Ermine 19 William _____ (Neuromancer author) 21 Rogers sports net. 22 Heaps 23 Statute 26 Bachelor’s digs 28 Dr. William ___ (Medical visionary born 1849) 31 Balkans native 33 ____ Miniver 35 Disturbingly odd 36 William____ ( X Files actor) 38 That lady 40 Perceive 41 Prefix denoting outer 43 Be ill 45 William ____ (WWI air ace) 47 Walk heavily 50 Remorseful one 51 Deny 54 Being, to Brigitte 55 Born as 56 Expression of sorrow or pity 57 Optimistic 58 Boy, to Benoit 59 Bird’s house DOWN 1 PC memory 2 Black cuckoos 3 Mongrel 4 Cravat

The Artym Gallery in Invermere is pleased to present an exhibition featuring two master painters — Min Ma and Neil Patterson. The exhibition opens Friday (May 18) with an opening reception from 6 to 9 p.m. with Neil Patterson in attendance, and will continue until Sunday, May 27. Min Ma received his training in China and was a professor of art at the Beijing academy of art. Since his move to Canada in 1986, Min has been capturing and creating stunning Western landscapes. Ma’s understanding of colour and light sets him apart as an artist; those who paint are especially in awe of his ability to transform a rather ordinary scene into an extraordinary painting. Neil Patterson is an icon in the western Canadian art scene. He has taught literally thousands of students, is a member of the prestigious Salmagundi Club in New York, was the first Canadian artist to gain signature

membership in Oil Painters of America, went on to become the first Canadian master recognized by that organization and is now the president. To top it off, Neil recently received a lifetime achievement award from the Federation of Canadian artists, which, Neil jokes “usually you only receive after you die.” Patterson paints his “own little world”. His technique and approach is all about painting places that touch his imagination and soul. “I paint places that I’d like to be, places that I’d like to go.” He also notes that colour is very important in his pieces: “We are warm-blooded creatures, so we like warm things; we relate better to warm colours – it’s human nature.” His style of work, impressionism, is all about giving indication, but not specifics; “I don’t draw on my paintings,” Neil explains, “I just put down colour marks… a certain colour would show as a building in the distance.” These two artists are exceptional landscape painters and are considered masters in their field. With over half a century of experience between them, this is a show not to be missed. The show can also be viewed online at —Deanna Berrington

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While you’re there you can also... so o.. .... Vot Vote Vo o in our new online poll! UÊ-VÀ Ê` Ü ÊÌ iÊ > Ê« «>}iÊÌ ÊÃiiÊÌ iÊ« ° Clic Click C li l through photo galleries! s! UÊ ÞÊÌ iÊ« Ì ÃÊ ÊÌ iÊ« «>«iÀÊ vvÊ V> ÊiÛi Ìö 6 à ÌÊÌ iÊà ÌiÊÌ ÊÃiiÊ Ài iÊ« « Ì Ãð UÊ ` `Ê ÕÌÊÜ >̽ÃÊ >««i }Ê> >À Õ `ÊÌÌ iÊ6> iÞ > `Ê> >``ÊÞ ÕÀÊ Ü Êi iÛi Ìð

5 Asian Nation 6 !2th alphabet letter 7 German given name meaning pious 8 Long-winded 9 Sacred texts 10 Yugoslavian leader 11 Look at 16 Lock part 20 International labour org, 23 Sixties halucinogen, for short 24 Flower petals 25 Ambivalent ones 27 MDs 29 Before, to Chaucer 30 Canadian whiskey

www ww ww. w. 32 William ____ (1996 Nobelist in economics) 34 William _____ ( Played Captain Kirk in Star Trek) 37 ____ Agathe 39 Irish Free State 42 Great ape 44 William ____ (Namesake of Canada’s tallest mountain) 45 ____ Rabbit 46 Prefix for mobile or pilot 48 Bull or stallion 49 Pesetas, abbr. 52 Beatrice, to friends 53 Ont. time zone

Answer to May 9:



Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo

What To Do.... Fun Events in the Valley

'Tis the season

• Friday, May 18: Master painters Min Ma and Neil Patterson opening at Artym, 6 -9 p.m. Show runs until May 27. • May 18-19: Rotary Club of Invermere's GIGANTIC Garage Sale. Deck's Storage on Friday (4:30 - 8:30 p.m.) and next to the courthouse on Saturday (7 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) • May 18-20: Backwoods Blues Music Festival, Horsethief Hideout. • Saturday, May 19: Underwear Affair Garage and Bake Sale, 1215 - 10 Ave, 8 a.m. onwards. • Saturday, May 19: Art demonstration, effusion art gallery and glass studio, 11 - 4 p.m. • Saturday, May 19: Valley GoGo Sisters African handmade Kazuri Jewellery Sale, 1 - 4 p.m. Pynelogs Cultural Centre. • Saturday, May 19: Fairmont Beach Resort and Waterski Park Open House, 2 - 6 p.m. Bring swim gear! • May 19-20, 25-26, 27: Lake Windermere Players perform "The Good Doctor", Invermere Community Hall, 8 p.m. (May 27 show is at 2 p.m.) • Sunday, May 20: Garage Sale in support of Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life, Columbia Ridge Community Hall, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Sunday, May 20: 12 - 4 p.m. Purcell Mountain Painters meet and greet at Pynelogs Art Gallery. • Sunday, May 20: Louise Rose performs, Edgewater Hall, 2 p.m. • Saturday, May 26: ICAN adoption event, 455 Panorama Drive, 2 - 6 p.m.

Lake Windermere Players will perform Neil Simon’s

THE Good Doctor

More and more garage sales are popping up as the weather gets warmer. This weekend there are numerous garage sales benefiting non-profit groups in the area. Rotary Club of Invermere's takes place both Friday and Saturday, Underwear Affair's is on Saturday morning and one in support of the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life takes place Sunday morning. Find yourself some new treasures while helping others! ECHO FILE PHOTO

Master Painters Min Ma & Neil Patterson

May 19, 20, 25, 26 - 8 p.m. May 27 only - 2 p.m. Invermere Community Hall Tickets $15 available at: Ti The Book Bar, One Hour T Photo, Radium Video, Fairmont Pizza, La Galeria in Fairmont and at the door. Produced by arrangment with Samuel French Inc.

Send in your event listings to to be included in our What to do... listings!

Long weekend exhibition May 18-27 Opening reception with Neil Patterson Friday 6-9pm view show online at downtown Invermere ~ 250-342-7566

Purcell Mountain Painters Show May 15 to 27 Kazuri Bead Sale at Pynelogs · Sat May 19

What does ART mean to you? Tickets & more info call 342-8392 or 342-6688

Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


WIN Star volunteers share their stories

You could 1 of 5 $100 Esso Gas Cards

Volunteer of the Year for Areas G, F reveal the secret to their success STEVE JESSEL

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If there’s one thing the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) volunteers of the year for areas G and F share, it’s a sense of humility. “It’s almost a little embarrassing to win,� said Sharon Wass, Area G Volunteer of the Year. “You don’t do these things because you want recognition, you do it because it’s just what you do.� “I didn’t volunteer to win a prize,� Area F Volunteer of the Year Norm Hendricks echoed. “I volunteered to help out the community, and I think all volunteers should be recognized.� On May 4, the RDEK formally announced the recipients of the annual award for each of the six electoral areas. The nomination period ended in March, and nominees had to be residents of the electoral area who made voluntary con-

tributions to the spirit, culture or people of the community. For Wass’s part, she is well-known around Invermere for her Sharon Wass work with both the local schools as well as a number of organizations, including youth soccer, boy scouts and girl guides. She said she was surprised to Norm Hendricks be nominated for the award at all because she considers what she does as “nothing extraordinary.� “My parents were probably the initial influence, they were role models,� said Wass. “You just kind of assume that when there is a community park clean up or something, you help, you don’t think it’s something extra you’re doing.� As for Hendricks, he volunteered for a number of years at the Lake Windermere District Rod and Gun Club teaching classes for kids, and has also been a major proponent for the Boulder Creek Diversion project. Hendricks didn’t even know he had been

nominated at all, and would like to thank whoever took the time to do so. “There’s lots of people out there in the valley that volunteer as much, or more than I do,� Hendricks said. “I want to thank all the other volunteers that help out in our communities.� Both Wass and Hendricks consider volunteer work an essential part of the communities they live in. Both feel there simply isn’t enough funding on the government level to address all the issues in their communities, and so it falls to volunteers to help out where they can. “Volunteer work is important in our community because there is so much of it [to be done], and so many people benefit from it,� Hendricks said. “Volunteers have to step up.� “I just think that volunteer work is vital, you can’t depend on someone else to do something for you all the time,� Wass said. “We need to pitch in and do things for ourselves... you pitch in where you can.� Wass, Hendricks and the other winners will be presented with their awards at an appreciation dinner in June.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


ICAN adoption event coming up Time to prepare for those wanting to help NICOLE TRIGG

With the annual Invermere Companion Animal Network (ICAN) adoption event right around the corner, now is the time to start prepping your home if you are thinking of welcoming a little furry pet into your life. For the third year in a row, the lovely ladies at ICAN are opening their doors to the public in hopes that many of the felines in their care will find new homes. “(People) come and wander around and get to know some kitties, and hopefully fall in love with somebody and take them home,� said ICAN shelter staff member Sylvia Schultz. At the moment, the shelter has 17 adult cats up for adoption, which are close to a year old or over, and 18 kittens at different stages. As kittens need to be at least eight weeks old before getting spayed or neutered — and the

shelter has a policy of performing the surgeries before adopting out pets — only three of the kittens will be ready to go in time for the event. Four litters of babies two to four weeks old that are still in foster care will not be ready, but their photographs will be on hand for anyone interested in reserving one. “They can certainly book and we will hold the kittens if they decide to take them,� said Schultz. This is the one day each year that the fee to adopt a new best friend is lowered. While the adoption rate is normally $100 — which covers all the necessary startup health care costs and means your precious new pet comes to you spayed or neutered, dewormed and with first vaccinations — collecting a cat on the day of the adoption event will make just a $75 dent in your wallet. Potential pet owners are asked to bring their own carry cage for transporting their new family member home. Home preparations for the new arrival should also be taken care of well beforehand with food, litter box and toys ready to go. Kitten-proofing a

house is also important, which online resources can help with. “It’s not a good idea for people to come here spur of the moment and say ‘Oh, I’m going to take this cat home,’ and they go home and they’re not prepared at home for it,� Schultz said. As ICAN staff love seeing cats that have developed a special bond leave together, a special price is available for pairs, to be discussed at time of purchase. While the shelter currently houses only cats, staff are on the hunt for a new location that will allow ICAN to expand to include dogs in the future as well. The event takes place on Saturday, May 26 from 2 to 6 p.m. at the ICAN shelter at 455 Panorama Drive in Athalmer. Not only will refreshments be served, there will be face painting for kids, free samples of cat and kitten food, and the option to have a photograph taken at no extra charge of you and your newfound cat companion. For more information, call the ICAN shelter at (250) 341-7888, email info@ or visit the shelter’s website at

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo

Wings Over the Rockies Wrap Up Taking flight

PHOTO BY THE VALLEY ECHO STAFF (Clockwise from top) The grand prize for best bird costume at the Windermere Community Association's 2012 Bird Sing-along Dinner at the Windermere Community Hall on Tuesday, May 8 went to the dinner's founder Bill Ayrton from Calgary, who has a place in Windermere, and Invermere resident Shirley Thode-Hamilton; Bird watchers have an early start to their day while taking in one of the first birding expeditions of the festival on Monday, May 7; Andy Dzilumus and Jocelyn MacGregor of BC Rockies Adventures led a group kayaking adventure on the Columbia River on Tuesday, May 8; The Kootenay River Runners out of Radium Hot Springs took birders and sightseers alike on an interpretative canoe trip onto the Columbia River wetlands on Friday May 11.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


Invermere Killer Rollbots take Cranbrook Local teams wins league season opener STEVE JESSEL

The East Kootenay Roller Derby League opened its season on Saturday (May 12) night and, in a thrilling doubleheader, Invermere’s own Killer Rollbots defeated their rival team out of Cranbrook, the Mountain Town Maulers, by a score of 257 to 96. For those unfamiliar with the budding sport of roller derby, each side fields five skaters at a time. Four of these skaters are designated as blockers, while one skater from each team, who is usually a little quicker on their feet, is designated a jammer. Jammers score points by passing members of the opposing team. “I didn’t expect to win by this much,” Rollbots captain Jess ‘DeVotchka Thrash’ de Groot said.

PHOTO BY SCOTT JONES/SPECIAL TO THE VALLEY ECHO The Invermere women's roller derby team, Killer Rollbots, had a resounding victory over their rivals, Cranbrook's Mountain Town Maulers, at the season opener bout in Cranbrook on Satuday (May 12).

“Now we know we’re going in the right direction, so we’re going to keep working on it so we can do even better next time.” A typical roller derby team consists of 14 players, but the Rollbots only brought ten to the bout, losing one skater due to injury not

long after. This left skaters playing positions they didn’t normally play, but de Groot says as a whole the team responded well. The sport has evolved from its early days where the physical aspect was much more emphasized, she said, and teams have

started developing more and more complex strategies since familiarizing themselves with the rules. She feels her team’s overall grasp of strategy was the deciding factor in their victorious opening bout of the season. “Although [Cranbrook] hit us

hard, for sure,” de Groot said. “We definitely have some bruises.” As the team has been preparing for the season’s opening bout for over a year, de Groot said it was particularly gratifying to see the skills and techniques they have been practising for so long actually work in a game situation. While she feels there are things for the team to improve on before their next appearance in Invermere on June 2, as a whole, she thought the team had an exceptional performance. “I think overall the team did really well,” de Groot said. “We worked together instead of skating as individuals out there; we communicated and worked together.” While de Groot feels her team has the chops to make it to the championship match this season, she wants to stay humble and just focus on one bout at a time. “The goal is to be number one,” she said. “We’re playing for first place.”

Community effort creates Radium pump track New bike skills area ready to go for May long weekend NICOLE TRIGG

Anticipation is building in the Columbia Valley cycling community with construction of a new pump track in Radium Hot Springs underway and the May long weekend scheduled as the official opening. “It’s a skills improvement area,” Columbia Valley Cycling Society president Adrian Bergles said. “It’s designed to handle undulating terrain and bermed corners, and really just allow people to become more solid bike riders and better bike handlers and have some fun doing it as well.” The pump track, a partnership between the Columbia Valley Cycling Society (CVCS), the Rotary Club of Radium and the Village of Radium (VOR), is located on land donated by the Village of Radium below Rotary Park with an entrance on Foresters Landing road. “We were originally approached by the Radium Rotary Club who wanted to create a little bit of a jump area

for kids,” Bergles said, “so we came up with the idea of doing a pump track.” More than sixty dumptruck loads of dirt have so far been transported to the site where a two-person CVCS professional trail building crew has been hard at work shaping jumps with the help of an operator running a mini excavator and a bobcat. The crew, comprised of Simon Kessler and Owen Peters, has had a lot of help from volunteer Jamie King while Alex Grandmaison from Rock Works Landscape has been manning the heavy equipment required for the project. “We’d like to have the pump track operational, maybe not 100 per cent complete, but operational by the May long weekend,” said Bergles. Designed by Kessler, CVCS’s lead trail builder, the pump track will offer riders of all ages and ability the opportunity to hone their skills and perfect their technique, with an adjacent “grom” loop for kids and beginners. “It’s not designed to be too intimidating, it’s designed to be open for all levels of riders,” said Bergles. “Obviously, the better rider would probably be able to make it look a little more stylish than a more basic rider.” The pump track is actually the initial phase of a two-

GIGANTIC Rotary Garage Sale Two locations - two dates! Friday May 18 - 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Unit 118, Deck’s Storage in Athalmer Saturday May 19 - 7 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. next to courthouse, opposite Sobeys

part project that will see phase two follow with extra dirt jumps and a more advanced skills area with raised bridges and structures. The $23,000 budget for phase one is thanks to a $7,500 donation by the Radium Rotary Club with the remainder made up by the VOR. “It’s amazing that both those groups are so supportive and keen to work with the cycling society and just to promote cycling in the valley,” said Bergles. “It’s tremendous.” The CVCS is a seven-year-old trail advocacy club with trails strictly on Crown land although the club is hoping to branch out its trail network onto private land where they are invited to do so, Bergles said. New to the local trail network this year is the Kloosifier trail on Toby Bench, the result of a month-long trail building effort in April. Updated maps are available at all local bike stores and both the Radium and Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce. The next CVCS event is a trail maintenance day on Mt. Swansea on Sunday, May 27. Participants are asked to bring a rake and shovel, as well as their bike and a friend, and to meet at the Swansea parking lot at 9 a.m. Following the hard labour, a barbecue and riding will take place. For more on the CVCS, visit their website at

Rotary of Radium Hot Springs Winter meeting place change until April 2012. Higher Ground Coffee Shop, Wednesdays, 7 a.m. Rotary Club of Invermere meets every Thursday at 11:45 a.m. at the Best Western Invermere Inn. On Thursday May 17 there will be a club assembly. Pictured is Claude Campbell who has been awarded multiple Paul Harris fellowships.

Proceeds go to sponsorship of Invermere’s Studen Exchange Programs Rotary Club of Invermere

Rotary International


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo

Building Your Wealth Market Update

Weekly change














Oil US$/B









Worry-free travel What does it mean to be Canadian? If you said the ability to walk across ice, a serious taste for maple syrup and/or knowledge of how to pass very long winter nights then you would be partially correct. A quality that most would agree forms part of our national identity is universal healthcare. Brain surgery in this country costs exactly $0. However there are gaps in our healthcare coverage. This column will focus upon the gaps in coverage when travelling between provinces, and also when travelling internationally. When you visit a physician in another province, he/she will likely bill the provincial health plan in that province. The provinces recover the funding monthly between each other. The exception is Québec. There you will likely have to pay up front, and seek reimbursement from B.C. MSP later. This sounds all very well and good, but the ‘devil is in the details’, as they say. The B.C. government’s website states “PharmaCare does not provide coverage for prescription drugs

or medical supplies when obtained outside B.C.” So, plan ahead. Fair enough, but what about emergencies? It seems you’ll be left holding the bag for some costs you couldn’t predict.

sal healthcare is beginning to seem less and less universal. The situation becomes all the more hazardous when we shift our attention off travelling to an-

Reimbursement does not exceed the amount payable had the same services been performed in B.C. Any excess cost is the responsibility of the beneficiary.” One would assume that

Also from their website: “the Ministry of Health does not subsidize fees charged for ambulance service obtained outside B.C. (…) Fees range from several hundred to several thousand dollars.” All of a sudden, B.C.’s univer-

other province in Canada, and focus on travel to foreign countries. B.C. MSP says it will cover your costs “provided the services are medically required, rendered by a licensed physician and normally insured by MSP. (…)

B.C. would not want to be covering (through MSP, remember) any sort of nonessential procedures. No one would seriously argue this one. Universal healthcare does not mean that the public system should be on the hook for cosmetic pro-

cedures, for example. However there are large gaps in the coverage B.C. have been quoted talking about above. And they admit it: “You should be aware that your provincial coverage may not pay for all the health care costs you may incur outside the province, and the difference can be substantial. For example, B.C. pays $75 (Cdn) a day for emergency in-patient hospital care, while the average cost in the U.S. often exceeds $1,000 (US) a day, and can be as high as $10,000 (US) a day. (...) The cost of medical care outside Canada can be much higher than the amounts payable by MSP and extended health care plans. For complete protection, additional medical insurance should be purchased from a private insurance company, even if you only plan to leave the country for a day.” Moral of the story: come see your local independent insurance advisors the next time you plan on leaving the country (or province). You can gloat about your upcoming trip, and we can help you protect your family.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, May 16, 2012 A21








Coming Events

Business Opportunities

Caretakers/ Residential Managers

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

As a celebration of Edgewater Townsite Plan’s 100th, we are starring Louise Rose on the Seiler Grand. Come out and enjoy great piano and gospel-blues music in the community hall! Sunday May 20 at 2 P.M. Info 347-9668, 347-9860

Radium Hot Springs for Rent or Lease Full Service Licenced Restaurant Turn Key Operation Prime location Main Street Outdoor patio & balcony Views of the valley and mountains. Includes manager’s upstairs suite. Please call 250-342-5755 or email

Career Opportunities AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualiďŹ ed- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783. HOME BASED Business. We need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training.

Employment Adult Care Licensed Caregivers Needed F/T and P/T caregivers needed to help man in his 40s. Must have current ďŹ rst aid, criminal record check, and references. Busy house with two young children as well. Call Kim at 250-688-0950 for info.


Prevent E. coli Infection (“Hamburger Disease�) Cook all ground beef until there is No Pink AND the juices run clear!

RESIDENTIAL CARE WORKER Casual position available, Human Service Worker, Health Care Assistant or equivalent education required. Union membership-HEU. For more information please contact Manager, Donna Jefferson at 250-342-3699 or email

1–866-506-6806 Fairmont Bungalows Full and part-time positions maintenance/ housekeeping/front desk, suitable for male and female students We provide training and free accommodation for staff. Forward resume to or call 250-345-6365.


The link to your community

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking VJ Bishop Excavating needs truck drivers. Must be experienced. Prefer Class 1. Fax resume to 250-341-6006.

Education/Trade Schools APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certiďŹ cate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information:


If you are experiencing delays in the processing of your EI, CPP, OAS, Veterans Affairs, or CIC claims, please call the “OfďŹ ce For Client Satisfactionâ€?




Randy Lee Martin October 24, 1973 - May 9, 2012 It is with great sadness we announce the sudden passing of Randy (Spanks) Martin. Randy was born in Brewster, Washington and was the first ¿rst born son of Dean and Pam Martin. When he was six, his family moved to Canada and soon after he called the Shuswap Reserve his home. Randy’s passion passion of for sports came naturally. Growing up around sports came naturally. Growing up around ball ball fields hockey arenas only made himwant wanttotoplay play the the games ¿elds and and hockey arenas only made him more. At the age of 16, Randy’s love of baseball led him to Corona, California, where he played on a state champion team. After graduation, he returned to Invermere where his love of sports continued as he spent his time playing golf, softball, hockey, and fast pitch. In 2004, 2004,Randy Randymet methishis fiancÊe Sierre Stump. In September, ¿ancÊ Sierre Stump. In September, 2005, 2005, theyblessed were blessed with a beautiful baby boy. Gage became quickly they were with a beautiful baby boy. Gage quickly became theof centre of Randy’s world. Through the together, years together, the centre Randy’s world. Through the years there there were ball manytournaments, ball tournaments, tournaments, and were many hockey hockey tournaments, and travels. travels. Randyloved alwaystoloved be on go.took Thishis took his family to Randy always be ontothe go.the This family to many many tomany makefriends many friends in Canada the placesplaces and ledand himled tohim make in Canada and theand United United States. States. Randy always enjoyed organizing, coaching and playing sports. His love of sports was passed on to his son who will continue to be his living legacy. Randy is survived by Sierra, son son Gage, mother Pam, by his his fiancÊe ¿ancÊ Sierra, father Dean, brother Hawk (Chayton), brother Richard (Kristal and Memphis), Grandmother Alice Sam, Grandfather Paul Sam, and Grandmother Era Sherman. A celebration of life will be held Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at the old Golden Timber Frame.


Help Wanted 33 YEARS established Ford dealer on beautiful Sunshine Coast, looking for an experienced Automotive Salesperson with proven track record. Please send resume to 1-800-5384504.

Career Opportunities

Restaurant help required Full and part time front end service, prep and dishwashers

Some jobs may be suitable for retired person looking for part time work.

CAREERS AT CBT CBT has two openings: t Analyst, Planning and Development t Program Manager, Water and Environment A detailed description of duties, skills and qualifications can be viewed at or requested from Debra Stewart at 1.800.505.8998. Please forward resumes to by OPPO 1BDJĂśD .BZ GPS DPOTJEFSBUJPO

Call Old Salzburg at 347-6553

Career Opportunities


Join us:

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ

The next LPN Day is about 365 days away. Let’s thank them every day until then. May 13 was Licensed Practical Nurses Day in BC. It’s the day we celebrated LPNs’ contribution to nursing teams and to the health of our communities. Join us in thanking them, every day of the year.

Uniting nurses for quality healthcare


Help Wanted

Wanted: A Beancounter with Attitude Good attitude, that is! You hold an accounting designation (or very close to it), but your friends and coworkers don’t really think of you as an “accountant�. You know your numbers instinctively, but are keenly interested in being a part of the business’ operations. You always take personal pride in the quality of the information you produce and you can effectively keep many balls in the air at one time in a busy, multi-organization entity. Those are the critical success factors for the Group Controller that will join our team – along with a great sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself. You are an accountant, after all. We are a group of companies that includes Windermere Water & Sewer, Parr Utilities Ltd., Point Developments and NanoFibre Networks. We are involved in everything from water and sewer utilities to residential and commercial land development and every day puts a different challenge on the desk. Your attention to detail and passion for doing things right the first time is what differentiates you from others. In addition, you will be fluent in a fully computerized environment, willing to dive into research whenever required and be knowledgeable of and up to date on current financial reporting standards in a private company environment. If you’re interested in being part of our team, please get that resume into our hands. This is a full time role with significant flexibility, but requires a commitment to meeting the deadlines related to our businesses.






Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

An Earthmoving Company in Alberta is looking for a 3rd year or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. You will be part of a team maintaining and servicing our eet of Cat dozers, graders and rock trucks plus Deere/Hitachi excavators. You will work at our Modern Shop at Edson, Alberta with some associated ďŹ eld work. Call Contour Construction at (780)723-5051

PROFESSIONAL JOB Opportunities. Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned, uid transport company servicing Northern BC and Alberta. We are an equal opportunity employer now accepting applications at various branches for: Mechanics (Commercial Transport or equivalent). Wage Range: $25-$40/hour. Minimum experience required: second year apprenticeship or equivalent. Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3). Wage Range: $25-$35/hour. Minimum experience required: six months professional driving. Field Supervisors. Annual Salary Range: $90-$110,000 (based on qualiďŹ cations). Minimum experience required: previous supervisory experience. Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, and drivers abstract are required. We encourage candidates of aboriginal ancestry, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities to apply. For more information and to apply for these opportunities, visit our employment webpage at:

TRANSPORTATION MECHANIC Required in Nakusp, BC (West Kootenay Area) Applicant must be red seal certiďŹ ed and able to work on a variety of makes and models of trucks, trailers and components. A CVIP certiďŹ cate and welding skills an asset. Full time position. Group beneďŹ t plan available. Competitive wages. Fax or email resumes to: 250-265-3853 or

Welcome Wagon is hiring! We are looking for a motivated, organized, and enthusiastic individual to visit new families, new parents, and the newly engaged. Car and computer required. Sales experience an asset. Email all questions and resumĂŠs to cwickenheiser@

HAIR STYLIST Wanted For well established salon in Invermere, B.C. Enjoy outdoor recreation at its ďŹ nest! Please call 250-342-6355

Love Golf? Positive outgoing person required for part time sales and promo work at local golf course. Flexible hours. 250-308-1163

Help Wanted

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ

Seniors Housing, Care & Services


Invermere Cranbrook Creston Fernie


Part-Time Position Casual Positions Casual Positions Casual Positions

Email: Phone: 250-489-0667 Fax: 250-489-2673

For more information visit


Help Wanted

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo


Adopt a Shelter Cat! The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.


Employment Opportunity • Full employee required • Downtown Invermere • Duties to depend on experience Apply with resumÊ to or fax 403-609-2588.

JASPER SUPER A is currently recruiting a candidate with good interpersonal and communication skills, with a positive energetic attitude for the position of Full-time Permanent - Premium Clerk. The primary duties include scanning, ordering, receiving, merchandising, replenishing stock, inventory and facing shelves. Candidates require the skills and ability to maintain operational objectives in the Manager’s absence. Computer literacy is a must. Candidates must have the exibility to work a variety of shifts including days, evenings, nights and weekends. A grade 12 Diploma and a clean Security Clearance are also required. Jasper Super A offers competitive compensation, rental accommodations and health beneďŹ ts package to eligible employees, as well as the opportunity for personal and professional development. If you believe that you are prepared for this challenging position and have an interest in working within a dynamic organization, please submit your resume, in conďŹ dence to: Jasper Super A, P.O. Box 818, 601 Patricia Street, Jasper, AB, T0E 1E0. Fax 780-852-5491. Email: We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. WANT TO see Scenic BC? Needed immediately . Experienced Feller Buncher Operator with Chipper Head/Mower to work around Hydro Transmission Lines. Must be willing to travel throughout BC (based out of Vanderhoof). $28-$34 per hour + BeneďŹ ts. For more info e-mail: Send Resume to: SBCJOBS Box 1136, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 or Fax: 250-567-2550

Medical/Dental RN, RPN or LPN Needed to work nights 1:1 in home with a medically fragile baby in the Invermere area. Union wages, bene¿ts and full support provided. If you want to make a difference in a child’s life please fax your resume to 1-250-762-9898 Attention Debra Leverrier or email SEEKING Experienced Emergency Room Nurses for contracted assignments throughout Western Canada. Assignments vary from 2 weeks to 3 months. Great way to travel Canada and have your travel and housing paid. Apply online at or by calling 1 866 355 8355.

Trades, Technical

Help Wanted

WELDERS, FITTERS required for busy Edmonton FCAW structural steel shop. $2733/hour base plus beneďŹ ts, OT, indoor heated work, paid ight. Fax: 780-939-2181, Email:


Health Products WAIST AWAY the summer days in a new bathing suit. Get your 1st 9 weeks for $99 Proven Results! Call Herbal Magic now 1-800-854-5176.

Education/Tutoring Wanted: Russian speaking individual to teach & translate conversations. 250-341-1617.

Financial Services DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping CANADIANS repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest regardless of your credit!

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Reporter Full Time

Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. ConďŹ dential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET

The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press newspaper has an immediate opening for a full time reporter. We are looking for someone with a journalism degree/ diploma and at least one year of newspaper experience. The quali¿ed applicant must have experience with Indesign and Photoshop and will be expected to work independently, reporting to the Editor. We are seeking that true journalist who loves to cover everything from the seniors’ bake sale and city council to junior B hockey and school plays. The reporter is expected to work Àexible hours, including weekends, and must own a car and be prepared to travel across the Elk Valley. The successful candidate will receive a very competitive salary, car allowance, and an excellent bene¿t package. Black Press has over 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. If you have an interest in the community, excellent writing skills and experience in journalism, and the ability to work to strict deadlines, please send a cover letter, resume, and examples of your writing and photography work to: Angela Treharne Editor The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Fax: (250) 423-3110 Email: Only those selected for interview will receive a response.


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Lets You Live Life.

Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical


CertiďŹ ed Millwrights & Electricians Across British Columbia TOLKO INDUSTRIES LTD. is currently seeking CertiďŹ ed Millwrights and Electricians to join our teams across BC. We are an equal opportunity employer and this position offers an excellent pension and beneďŹ t program.

MILLWRIGHTS • Interprovincial Journeyperson CertiďŹ cate required • Mill experience a deďŹ nite asset • Welding certiďŹ cate would be a beneďŹ t

ELECTRICIANS • Interprovincial Journeyperson CertiďŹ cate required • PLC experience a deďŹ nite asset • Industrial construction experience a plus Strong values of Safety, Respect, Progressiveness, Open Communication, Integrity and ProďŹ t guide us at Tolko. READY TO APPLY YOURSELF? If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being part of our community, please visit our website at: and submit your resume by May 21, 2012 or fax: (1)250.546.2240

The Valley Echo Wednesday, May 16, 2012 A23


Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Legal Services


Garage Sales

Misc. for Sale

817-12th Ave Invermere. Something for everyone. Plants, tools, furniture, fabrics, household items, washer & dryer. May 19 & 20 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Amber van Drielen Barrister & Solicitor Golden, BC

1 877-871-2080 250 439-8262 Accepting clients in family law, elder law and child protection. CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Hauling & Salvage ODD JOBS ENT. HAULING garbage, brush & construction disposal, mulch deliveries Call Dale Hunt 250-342-3569

Misc Services

“Note Date Change� ONSITE AUCTION CONDUCTED BY REAL STORAGE Take notice that miscellaneous goods and chattels belonging to the following persons and stored at Real Storage LP (Windermere) will be sold due to unpaid charges:

Don & Tanya Clutterham Shawn Obetkoff The sale will be on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at Real Storage LP (Windermere), 1508 Hwy 93/95, Windermere, B.C. V0B 2L1 The goods may be viewed at 12:00pm. All bids are sealed and are for entire contents of the storage unit. Contents must be paid for and removed by 5:00 p.m. onJune 2, 2012. Call 250-342-4494 for more information.

Cresteel RV Services Appliances, accessories, parts and repairs Mobile Service

250-342-6312 HAVE A PILE OF GARBAGE to get rid of? Give Odd Jobs Ent. a call. 250-342-3569

Pets & Livestock

Pet Services Hawt Pawz N Clawz Dog and Cat Grooming. Currently no waiting period. Call Michelle 250-347-2412, Radium

Garage Sales 1409 12A Avenue Invermere 9 a.m. May 19 The Cottage Crafters are showing their work insidequilts, pillows, art, cards, jewelry hangers, necklaces, purses, plants, items made from recycled plastic bags, soap, wood work...and more. The Garage Sale is outside-electronics, lap tops, tires, (and???)

Floor ReďŹ nishing/ Installations



Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning

Krystal Klear Window Washing & Snow Plowing

250-342-0450 Serving the Valley for over a decade!

MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Sunday, May 20th 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Columbia Ridge Community Hall 10 min south of Fairmont. Proceeds supporting “Relay for Life�. Furniture, sporting goods, clothing, books, household & garden items, building material, toys & more. Food & beverages for sale.

For Sale: 26’ 2009 Springdale Trailer. Seldom used. Low km, walk-around queen bed, 6’ slide-out, AC, In-Floor heat, stereo w/outside speakers, showers in & out side. $15,500 incl hitch 250-342-3169 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 Men’s LH golf clubs. Granite shafts. Incl. Odyssey putter & 6 woods. $200 250-342-9548 WINDOW CLEANING? Call Jim Triple J Window Cleaning. 250-349-7546.

ROTARY GIGANTIC SALE Two locations, two dates!

Misc. Wanted

Friday May 18 4:30-8:30 p.m. Unit 118 Deck’s Storage Athalmer

Wanted: Children’s outdoor playset and/or playhouse 250-342-3201

Saturday May 19 7 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. next to courthouse opposite Sobeys. Proceeds towards sponsoring Invermere’s Student Exchange Program. Saturday May 19 9:30 a.m. 4935 Timber Way Lots for everyone! Come and have fun!

Real Estate

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Acreage for Sale Acreages “� Beautiful acreage on Columbia River, suitable for small ranch with horse riding, cycling & canoeing right at hand in Edgewater Settlement District. Call 347-9668 for info.

For Sale By Owner Juniper Heights 3.59 acres, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, ďŹ replace, in oor heating, den, garage, workshop, 2 covered decks, underground sprinkler system. Fully furnished, complete with dishes, cutlery, towels, linen, furniture, riding tractor, 1995 Yukon, all gardening tools. Phone 250-342-3559 cell 250-342-1228




Apt/Condo for Rent

Suites, Lower

Auto Financing


conveniently located behind Sobeys within walking distance to downtown. Two bdrm townhouse units, outside entrance. Sliding glass doors open onto balcony overlook private courtyard. Fireplace and WD included in each unit. Long term preferred. $800/month DD. Available now. Utilities extra 250-270-0729 Lake Windermere Pointe condos starting at $1000 plus utilities. Several choice properties available. Contact Eric Redeker at First Choice Realty at 250-342-5914 for an appointment. RADIUM - Cozy 1 bdrm, 1 bath condo over 800 sq ft for rent at the Peaks available immediately. 7 appliances, underground parking, pool, indoor and outdoor hot tub. NS, Deposit required. Asking $799/ month. 403-285-4759, 403-2914804

Duplex / 4 Plex


Windermere 2 bdrm suite, recently renovated,4 appliances, large deck, large yard, view of lake, separate entrance, ample parking, 3 blocks from beach. Avail immediately $700/mth. Call or text 250-409-7435 or

Incredible Deal!

Located in central Invermere 2 year old, 3 bedroom house, 2.5 baths, lots of upgrades.

Misc. for Sale

RV Sites

24th ANNUAL ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SALE sponsored by the Vernon Collectors Club at Vernon Curling Rink on Fri. May 25th from 3pm-8pm & Sat. May 26th from 10am-4pm. Approx. 125 tables.$3 admission is good for both days. 800 w Honda generator $250 14 foot canoe $250, 3 HP chop saw $150, headset for pilots $50 21ft Prowler trailer excellent condition call 250342-6846 BARGAINS 6â€? Rockwell jointer 3/4 Hp with extra knives $100, Inglis super capacity washer new condition $100, Inglis Citation dryer $50 Roper 2 speed washer $50, Inglis dishwasher blk front $50, cabinet grade oak sunshine ceiling includes ďŹ xtures $50, 16 Hp Craftsman riding mower with catcher $100 250-342-6136

AVORADO RESORT. Beautiful waterfront RV Resort. New Sites For Sale ($63,900). All season, full amenities, clubhouse & beach access. Co-op Resort w/Lifetime Ownership! Call 250-228-3586.

Other Areas FREE BROCHURE- Kings County - “Land of Orchards, Vineyards & Tides� - Nova Scotia’s beautiful Annapolis Valley. Live! Work! Start a business! Toll-Free: 1-888865-4647

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent AKISKINOOK resort - 1 bdrm fully furnished condo, indoor pool, hot tub. $750/ month includes cable. Call 403-281-3991


Auto Financing Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231

Recreational/Sale 2007 Crossroads Cruiser RF25RL Hardwall 5th Wheel Full size and 1/2 ton towable. 7’ Slide. One owner. All the amenities. Sleeps 5-6. Great layout. Immaculate, a must see! $18,799. Phone (250) 489-3556 or email BIGFOOT SIGHTINGS! New 2012 Bigfoot Campers have arrived only at Mike Rosman RV! 1-800-667-0024

Scrap Car Removal Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Homes for Rent

Reduced - Two homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Kijiji 370618987. Phone 250-344-5772 or 344-0553.

Open Houses

FULLY Furnished 2 bdrm, 1 1/2 baths. Garage, all appliances & A/C. Cable, internet and utilities incl. Call 778-2141744 or visit Long term rates available.

WINDERMERE Bright 2 bedroom upper unit quiet 4-plex with beautiful view, large yard separate parking & entrance $700/mth plus electricity plus D/D. N/P Available immediately to mature & responsible tenants. References required. Call 403-258-3132

Houses For Sale

OPEN HOUSE Invermere 231 Pine Tree Rd. May 16-20, 10 am - 4 pm. 780-913-7316.

Radium Hot Springs Available July 1st. Large, bright 1 bdrm walkout suite in newer home. Includes 6 appliances, in-oor radiant heat, large bdrm, lots of windows w/private entrance & large patio. Rent is $650/mth & incl water, you pay all other utilities. No pets, N/S, DD $325. Ph. 403-651-9346 RADIUM - Spacious bright 2-bdrm, 1 bath, shared laundry, shared large back yard. $600/mth + D/D + hydro. 250-347-9970. Two bdrm, close to Kinbeach & d/t. $1k incl util, F/F 6 apl 250-342-8787. N/S, no pets Windermere 2 bdrm, 4 plex, walkout, recently renovated & painted, 6 appl, large deck, large yard, views of lake, sep. entrances, ample parking, 3 blocks from beach, large wood burning stove, pets considered. Available immediately. $800/mth Call or text 250-409-7435 or email

For details and pictures please go to Ad ID 370074280 or call 250-342-6956 MagniďŹ cent 3035 sq ft 5 bdrm 3 bath home for rent at Castle Rock in Invermere. Quiet location, beautiful wood & slate features. Double garage, amazing views. Close to schools & town. $1650/mnth + util. Call Ben Green, Green Door Property Management at 250-688-0362. ad ID 375847688 Two bdrm, downtown Invermere, Avail. June 1. $700/mth + utilities. 250-342-9779.

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

OfďŹ ce/Retail DL# 7557

OfďŹ ce space in downtown Invermere for rent. 230 sq ft, ďŹ rst oor, newly renovated space. Contact Ben Green Green Door Property Management at 250-688-0362 for more information



Auto Loans or We Will Pay You $1000

All Makes, All Models. New & Used Inventory.

1-888-229-0744 or apply at: Must be employed w/ $1800/mo. income w/ drivers license. DL #30526

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564



Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father James McHugh 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass 9 a.m. Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Worship at Saturday at 7 p.m. All Saint’s, Edgewater; Sunday at 9 a.m. 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays St. Joseph Church 9:30 a.m. Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs God’s Breakfast Club Sunday at 11 a.m. for Children and Youth Sacred Heart Parish 10:30 a.m. 808 - 11 Street, Golden Worship at Christ Church Sunday at 5 p.m. Trinity, Invermere; Every Sunday St. Anthony’s Mission 7:00 p.m. 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

Worship at St. Peter’s, Windermere; 1st Sunday of the month May-Oct

Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

Sunday, May 20th 10:30 a.m. Worship and Life Instruction “The Journey: Our Helper and Guide - The WHY NOT!� Pastor Trevor ministering. “K.I.D.S.� Church, for children Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grade 2 to Grade 5, during the Morning Service.

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit

Giving Back


Wednesday, May 16, 2012 The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo and Rotary Club of Invermere present


Golf Tournament

Sunday, June 24, 2012 at the Windermere Valley Golf Course

Early Bird Special! Until May 29, fees are only $50! Includes golf, cart and dinner! Must be paid in full before May 29. Fees are $85 after May 29.

Call The Valley Echo with any questions. 250-342-9216 bird y l r a E l! specia $50 y 29! Ma e r o f e b

Registration Form 2012

Regist a team er as o indivi r an dual!

Texas Scramble

Sunday, June 24, 2012 Windermere Valley Golf Course

Team Name: Player Name

Phone Number



Pymt Type

Player One: Player Two: Player Three: Player Four:

The early bird tournament fee per person is $50, but only until May 29! After which, the fee is $85 per person. Fee includes round of golf, cart (per team), and dinner. Register as a team or an individual. Cheques can be made out to the Valley Echo. Silent auction items can be dropped off at the Valley Echo, 530 - 13 Street, Invermere. All proceeds of the Giving Back Community Golf Tournament will go to Rotary Club of Invermere for the Water Park project at Kinsmen Beach. Please call the Valley Echo with any questions at 250-342-9216.

Rotary Club of Invermere

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