Golden Star, May 23, 2012

Page 1

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â– NEWS:

New face in Golden Recreation .............................. 5


Spillimacheen will host street fair ................................10


A night at the Rockwater with Buck 65 ............................ 15


Graham Mann and Sandy Campbell from A&W put on their game faces when they joined up with the team from Sobeys for the Heart and Stroke Foundation Big Bike event in Golden. The event raised $11,161.11 this year. To learn more about the event go to page 12 and go to the Golden Star website to see more pictures from the event. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Transmission Project right on schedule Darryl Crane

A different kind of golf found in Parson .............................20


The Columbia Valley Transmission Project is moving ahead both on schedule and on budget. This project which according to the BC Hydro website “is the most significant investment that BC Hydro has made in the upper Columbia Valley’s electrical system in almost 50 years. It will increase reliability of the electrical supply in communities from Invermere to Field and meet the area’s growing demand for power.� Judy Dobrowolski is a Capital Projects Communications and Consultatant for BC Hydro said all components of the project will be in-service in October 2012.


“The new transmission line means safe and reliable electricity for businesses and residents for the next 30 years and beyond. In addition to bringing a much needed reliable supply of electricity to the region, the project has brought economic benefit to the region as local companies and contractors have provided services on several aspects of the project to date, including survey work and right-of-way clearing,� Dobrowolski said. “Construction of the project has also generated employment opportunities in construction, supply of construction material, and indirectly to businesses within the surrounding communities. The project has already contributed over $24 million into the local economy through local contractors providing goods


and services for the project. We have seen positive impacts of this project on the local economy already.� As the project continues Dobrowolski feels the importance of local companies will still be valued. “Services provided by local companies has been pivotal to the success of this project. The local companies and businesses have been involved in providing services such as right-of-way clearing and access construction and supply of material such as gravel, concrete, culverts, barrels etc. to fuel, accommodation, office supplies, food etc. Moving forward, local companies and businesses will continue to provide services and supply material as the project moves towards completion,� she said. continued on page 5


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

Wall work has begun Golden’s G ld ’ Class Cl off 20 2012 12 R Runs JUNE 2012, THE GOLDEN STAR For info email

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(PMEFOÂľT )FBMUIZ -BXO BOE (BSEFO 'BJS .BZ UI BN UP QN (PMEFO $JWJD $FOUSF Are you interested in local businesses/organizations that offer sustainable services for a healthy lawn and garden, or in free workshops to help you go pesticide-free or become more food sustainable? If so, this fair is for you. 'SFF 8PSLTIPQT 1:00 pm: Holistic Tree Care 1:30 pm: Seed Sprouting for Food 2:00 pm: How to Attract Native Mason Bees 2:30 pm: Worm Composting 3:00 pm: Organic Lawn Care Musical entertainment by John Jenkins Great door prizes including two Earth Composters!

/FFE JOGP $BMM PS XXX XJMETJHIU DB Program Supported by:

Program Funded by:

A large new retaining wall is being built four kilometres east of town to expand another stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway to four lanes and eliminate tight curves. Tercon began work on Monday, May 14 and is expected to have a crew of 15 on the site at peak times until completion in the fall. During construction, please remember to respect the “cone zone� --- watch out for workers and obey posted signs, markers and personnel at all times. Ongoing updates and additional information on the project are posted at Photo submitted

Committee says no to provincial ban Jessica Schwitek The B.C. Liberal majority on a legislative committee has recommended against a province-wide ban on cosmetic pesticide use, after a year of hearing from farmers, foresters, environmental organizations and interested citizens. Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett chaired the committee whose four B.C. Liberal members outvoted three NDP members calling for a province-wide ban on common household herbicides, insecticides and fungicides STORES FLYERS DEALS COUPONS BROCHURES CATALOGUES CONTESTS PRODUCTS STORES FLYERS DEALS DEA LS COU COUPON PONS S BROC BROCHUR HURES ES CAT CATALO ALOGUE GUES S CONT CONTEST ESTS S PRODUC PRO DUCTS DUC TS STO STORES RES FLY FLYERS ERS DE DEALS ALS CO COUPO UPONS UPO NS BRO BROCHU CHURES CHU RES

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used for visual effect. “We waited years for the B.C. government to follow the lead of other provinces and B.C. municipalities, and this is the result? The report was slow in coming and is weak in content. It is disappointing overall,� said Barbara Kaminsky, CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society, B.C. and Yukon. The majority recommended that retail sales should be treated similar to tobacco, kept out of sight and available only by request from someone with training in how to use the chemicals. The province-wide ban would have standardized the regulations across B.C., where currently some municipalities have a ban, and some don’t. As of last year, Golden has a ban. “It really only works effectively if you have provincewide participation. It can be somewhat effective within the community, but to truly have an impact, it has to have provincial participation,� said Columbia RiverRevelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald. “I think it’s a mistake, and the people I represent feel it’s a mistake.� Bennett said the most compelling testimony came from a representative of Health Canada, which approves such products for use across the country. The committee was told that B.C. was the first province to ask Health Canada before considering such a ban, and that imposing one would be a political rather than a public health choice, Bennett said. Bennett noted that only five per cent of pesticide application is by household users, using products diluted 100 times or more below the level that shows effects in the most sensitive animal species. The widespread belief that common lawn and garden products cause harm when used as directed is based on “chemophobia� and a lack of scientific literacy, Bennett said. “The majority of the committee concluded that we could not justify second-guessing the 350 scientists who work at Health Canada,� Bennett said. Macdonald added that Premier Christy Clark had publicly agreed with NDP lead Adrian Dix, that there should be a province-wide ban. However Bennett said he discussed the recommendations with Clark before she left on a trade mission to Asia, and she offered no objections.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A3

Bridge to Bridge process continues Darryl Crane The next step of the Bridge to Bridge project in Golden is moving forward as the Alternative Approval Process is about to begin. In this situation, the local governments must obtain the assent of the electors in order to borrow money. The method by which the electors express their opinion is by signing an Elector Response Form and submitting it to their local government by a given deadline. If less than 10 per cent of electors state their opposition, the Council may proceed with its proposed action. In a fact package sent out by the Town of Golden the reasons for the upgrade are stated. It said “In recent years recurring ice jams and high flood water levels in the Kicking Horse River have threatened the security of the community core.� Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Golden, David Allen, said this is a very important project for the town. “We are now advertising according to the requirements of the legislation,� Allen said. “We are going to go through the process. People will be able to fill out the forms which are available at town hall.� While acknowledging there are some people who are against the project Allen is also trying to make sure the correct information is making its way to the public. “I would say from what I have seen there seems to

be some confusion about the beautification part of the project,� Allen said. “Over 90 per cent of the projects expense is earmarked to the flood protection work and not the beautification.� Allen went on to explain some of the beautification costs will be covered by part of a grant from the provincial and federal governments along with grants from BC Hydro and Telus.� “By enlarge people seen to agree the flood protection work is needed and valuable,� Allen said. He went on to stress the most important part of the project is to get the flood protection work done in the timeline which has been given to them by the province. Allen also wanted to make sure people realize that all of the designs which can be seen currently are conceptional designs. “There are some people who are saying, ‘couldn’t you do this in a different way which would cost less money?’ We have not explored those options yet but this will happen if we get the money for the project,� Allen said. “The detailed design is where we take a serious look at the project. You do not look at this up front because it costs money but if we get approval we will then look at those options.� Anyone interested in reading the Elector Response Forms can pick one up at the Town Office and they will be accepted in person at Town Hall (810 9th Ave. S.) no later than 4 p.m. on Friday June 29.

Police look for information on plant theft Darryl Crane On May 15 the Golden/Field Royal Canadian Mounted Police received a report of six stolen Juni-

per plants from outside a local business on 9th Street North in Golden. The theft occurred between May 13 and the morning of the 15. The original purchase price of these plants was $30 each.

Anyone with information is being asked to call the Golden/Field RCMP at 250-344-2221, the East Kootenay Crime Stoppers at 1-800222-8477 or at

Golden R.C.M.P. 27th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, June 11th, 2012 Shotgun Start at 9:00 am

Proceeds to GSS Scholarship Fund $95.00 - Non Golf Club Members $60.00 - Golf Club Members

Entry fee includes: 18 Holes of R.C.M.P. Scramble Golf Dinner and Prizes for all. Golf carts included Pay early to guarantee a spot. Maximum 100 golfers. Registration, starting placement & to request a member to golf on your team, contact Sharon at the Golden R.C.M.P. detachment at 344-2221.






Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

Mayor’s call for better use of resources Jessica Schwitek

Vandals scratched a tag into the freshly painted door at Apostoles Greek Restaurant last week. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Vandals hit local business Jessica Schwitek If you’ve driven down 10th Avenue South lately, you’ve probably noticed that one of Golden’s most popular restaurants, Apostoles Greek Restaurant, has been upgrading its outer appearance. Well the vandals noticed too. “We are trying to do our share of beautification of Golden,” said Cathy Tsantilas who owns the restaurant with her husband Nico. “We haven’t even finished, or paid for anything, and this is what has already happened.” For two weeks now, Apostoles has been going through some renovations, including a bright new paint job. And one morning when Tsantilas was working on the building, she noticed that the back door (on 9th Street South), had already been tagged. “The town is frustrated right now, trying to find a way to beautify the community on the tax payers money. I’m doing this on personal money,” she said, adding that the paint job on the exterior of the building alone is costing

them close to $10,000. “This is huge money we’re putting into this. And stuff like this (vandalism), comes out of your own pocket.” This is the first time the restaurant has ever experienced vandalism. But the town has seen a slight increase in these types of crimes over the past month. In a press release issued on April 24, after a weekend with a number of mischief complaints, the Golden RCMP said that the detachment is starting to see an increase in mischief to property, theft and break and enter occurrences in the Golden area due to the warmer weather. That weekend alone the RCMP responded to complaints of graffiti, vehicles with broken windows, vehicles that were keyed, and broken windows on various properties. The most common break and enter/ theft occurring in the Golden area is the result of unlocked buildings or vehicles. Anyone with information about the vandalism on Apostoles Restaurant, or any similar incidents call call the Golden/Field RCMP Detachment at 3442221.

At the close of the inaugural meeting, 86 mayors from across British Columbia are calling for an immediate discussion, beginning with the Premier and Cabinet, to examine the state of B.C. communities, and specifically, for a more efficient use of existing resources to better address the challenges facing residents. “There was strong agreement that local governments across the province are all facing downloading without consultation and mandate creep,” said Golden Mayor Christina Benty who was in attendance at the meeting in Penticton. “Municipalitiesreceive eight per cent of every tax dollar that is collected, and lack the resources to meet the service expectations of our citizens.” Benty and the other mayors at the caucus are concerned about the financial impact that downloading, or the passing of certain responsibilities, from upper level governments onto municipalities. Several other areas of concern were raised including: the cost sharing formula for significant infrastructure projects, sustainable revenue sources, the deliv-

Mayor Christina Benty of Golden participates in the inaugural BC Mayors’ Caucus happening in Penticton, B.C. from May 16 to 18. Photo Submitted ery of social services, and the possibility of creating a Premier’s roundtable with the BC Mayors Caucus to discuss policy changes, among others. “The caucus was a productive and worthwhile time. We intend to reconvene again in conjunction with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) in order to follow up with the agreed upon action items and keep the momentum of this movement going,”

said Benty. The Mayors’ Caucus also decided to move forward as an annual event, and by the end of the meeting had agreed upon the following statement as their mandate: “BC communities are frontline service providers for our citizens and we are seeking a new partnership with the provincial and federal governments in the best interests of all of our communities. The BC Mayors’ Caucus requests

an immediate discussion on the efficient use of existing resources to better address the challenges our residents face.” The BC Mayors’ Caucus is structured after successful models across North America and Europe including the Alberta Mayors’ Caucus, the Big Cities Mayors’ Caucus (Canada), Atlantic Mayors’ Congress (Canada), Metropolitan Mayors’ Caucus (United States) and the Summit of Mayors (EU).

B.C. launches Columbia River Treaty Review consultation Golden Star Staff editor@thegoldenstar. net The Province will consult with First Nations and residents of the Columbia River Basin to ensure regional interests help shape the future of the Columbia River Treaty. “The Columbia River Treaty has brought flood control, power generation and economic benefits to British Columbia,” said Rich Coleman, Minister of Energy and Mines. “We want to hear from people who live in the Columbia Basin. Residents can help shape the future of the

treaty by providing input in person at our spring and fall community meetings, through a website or by mail.” The provincial Columbia River Treaty 2014 Review will conduct economic, environmental, social, financial, legal and hydrological analyses in order to make a decision on whether to continue, amend or terminate the Columbia River Treaty with the United States. “We need people to know that we’re listening because we really are. It’s essential that we shape the future of the treaty and the basin with input from all those who are involved,” said Bill Ben-

nett, MLA Kootenay East. “Our government is using feedback from British Columbians in a way that’s never been seen before and that is a trademark of our administration. It’s important people are aware of that.” Columbia Basin Trust Board chair, Garry Merkel said, “Columbia Basin Trust’s primary role is to act as a resource for basin residents and local governments. That’s why we’re working with the Columbia River Treaty Local Governments’ Committee and the Province to ensure this region and its residents are informed and actively engaged in Treaty-related issues.”

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As part of the Review, the Province in collaboration with the Columbia River Treaty Local Governments’ Committee and Columbia Basin Trust is holding seven information sessions and consultation workshops in Jaffray, Creston, Nakusp, Castlegar, Valemount, Golden and Revelstoke from May 29 to June 20. The meeting in will be held in Golden on June 19. Further consultations are planned for fall 2012 and separate consultations with First Nations will also be conducted over the same period.

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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Until July 3, 2012, purchase a new 2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission $21,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Until July 3, 2012, choose 5.99% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a new 2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission for a maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $315 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $145 with a down payment of $3,000 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $3,665.06 or APR of 5.99% and total to be repaid is $22,664.06. Offer includes a Manufacturer Rebate of $5,000 and freight and air tax of $1,600 but excludes variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. †From May 3, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $5,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual) (all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded). This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ▲Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 Escape 2.5L I4 6-speed Automatic transmission: [10.0L/100km (28MPG) City, 7.1L/100km (40MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A5

Finding a home in recreation with the Town of Golden Darryl Crane The Town of Golden has a new Recreation Services Co-ordinator. Kim Bryan was hired and will work year round at different facilities in the town. One of the main areas she will work at in the summer will be with the staff at the Golden Swimming Pool and in the winter the main focus will be on programming at the arena. “I love it. It is a great match for me. I get to apply my educational experience,” she said. Bryan has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Recreation and Health Education from the University of Victoria. She said the program was very broad and was a great building block for the job with the town. Starting at the pool has made the adjustment to her new position an easy one for Bryan who was a competitive swimmer for a number of years. “I have been doing a lot

of front line jobs before taking this position. I enjoy interacting with a slew of different people,” she said. Bryan’s background was one of the factors that made her a great fit for the position according to Town of Golden Manager of Recreational Services, Jordan Petrovics. “What we did with this position was that we took two existing positions which were part time and seasonal and combined them into one year round job. We did not increase the labour budget for the town,” Petrovics said. “This was a great opportunity to get someone in a year round role. Across the province in small towns finding someone with a good aquatic background to work at a seasonal pool is quite challenging. We are very happy with Kim.” Petrovics went on to say that having someone hired full-time, year round will open up what can be done in the town while creating consistency

The Town of Golden has a new Recreation Services Co-ordinator. Kim Bryan is looking forward to getting the summer started off with a bang at the Golden Municipal Swimming Pool. Darryl Crane/Star Photo at recreational facilities in town. This challenge of having many different parts of the job is something Bryan is looking forward to. “Having this job with different areas is something that interests me,”

she said. As for what is coming next, Petrovics felt working with the community is key to moving forward. “Moving forward with our recreation program one of the goals we have is working with the partner-

ship with existing organizations and working proactivily with them...we want to be able to create the opportunity for those groups to succeed,” Petrovics said. Bryan went on to talk about a couple of the

many programs which will be offered at the pool. “We have a great team of lifeguards at the pool who will be running swim lessons for kids or adults. We are also going to try and get youth involved with being lifeguards.

Our mentoring programs will be called the lifeguard club for children eight-twelve. They can drop in for $10 and we will have a lifeguard running through fun based drills and games with a focus on lifeguards,” Bryan said.

Transmission project looks to support local companies continued from page 1 The project is comprised of four main areas of construction: a new 230 kilovolt transmission line which is approximately 112 km long, a new 230/69kV Kicking Horse Substation, a new 69 kilovolt transmission line that will deliver power from the new Kicking Horse Substation to the existing Golden Substation and the expansion of the Golden and Invermere Substations and modification at Cranbrook Substation. Dobrowolski explained why this is a project which has to be completed for the Golden area “We feel that this project is very important to the Golden area. This feeling is also shared by many businesses and residents in the area. For businesses and residents, the CVT Project will provide the region with the reliable electricity needed to meet increasing demand and power economic development. It’s the same driving factor behind the project as when project consultation began in early 2009,” she said.

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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be changed or cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. **Until July 3, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $38,999 at 4.99% LAPR for up to 36 months with $2,925 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $352, total lease obligation is $15,597 and optional buyout is $15,990. Offer includes Manufacturer Rebate of $8,000. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. †††Until July 3, 2012, Security Deposit payment is waived on a lease (Red Carpet leases, on approved credit from Ford Credit) of a new 2012 or 2013 model (excluding Shelby GT 500, Boss 302, Boss 302 Laguna Seca, E-Series, Transit Connect Electric, F-150 Raptor, F-Series Chassis Cabs, Medium trucks). Security Deposit may be required by Ford Credit based on customer credit terms and conditions. †From May 3, 2012 to July 3, 2012, receive $8,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L (all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded). This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ††Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2012 F-150 4X4 3.7L V6: [13.4L/100km (21MPG) City, 9.7L/100km (29MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star


Roundabout confusion Anyone working, or even spending any time up at the Golden Visitor’s Centre, is treated to a special form of local entertainment - watching motorists try to navigate their way through Golden’s first and only traffic circle. Europe started using them decades ago, and Greater Vancouver is now littered with them but Golden has but one. The traffic circle, or roundJessica Schwitek about, is part of a growing S TAR R E P ORTE R trend in Canada called “traffic calming measures.” Although I had become accustomed to driving through these confusing intersections when visiting larger cities, the first time I came across a roundabout in my everyday life was three years ago when one was built near my parents home in Kamloops. Everyday I watched confused drivers either ignore the yield sign and drive strait in regardless of oncoming traffic, or stop dead inside the roundabout to let people in, even when they had the right of way. In many cases, I even saw vehicles turn left into the one-way circle. I was so confused as to why the city would install a traffic circle that nobody knew how to use, when the previous four-way stop was doing the job just fine. So I did some research. As it turns out, the modern roundabout has several benefits that four-way stops and traffic lights do not - assuming people know how to use them. They slow traffic without requiring every vehicle to stop, which reduces braking, idling, engine noise, air pollution, and fuel consumption. And their maintenance costs are lower than those of traffic lights. They are also expected to reduce the number of accidents, and the severity of those that do take place. The angle at which a vehicle enters a roundabout eliminates the possibility of a head-on collision or a right-angle collision, otherwise known as a t-bone. Even the most reckless of drivers must reduce their speed to pass through a roundabout because a circular median restricts motorists from driving straight through. So it would seem that the roundabout is the logical choice. The problem, however, is that the navigation of these roundabouts is neither taught in most rural driving schools, nor tested during liscensing examinations. I spoke to a Young Drivers instructor in Kamloops during my research, and he told me that he loved the idea of installing more roundabouts in town, and that he thought they were safer. Most of the new drivers he was teaching got the hang of it quite quickly, but he noted that they did throw off many of the more experienced drivers. So it is no surprise to me that many of the more experienced drivers in Golden are very uncomfortable with the traffic circle that has been in town for almost a year now at the intersection of Golden Donald Upper Road and Lafontaine Road. One woman even told me that she refuses to drive up to the intersection because she is too nervous to drive through the roundabout. To my knowledge, there are no plans to install more of these roundabouts in town. But in towns all over the country, more and more of these circles are popping up, and eventually people are going to have to get used to them. What do you think? Do you like the trend towards traffic circles, or should city planners revert back to the familiar fourway stop?

Fairness is key to providing supports Stephanie Cadieux Minister of Social Development I wanted to take this opportunity to clear up some confusion that has been swirling around regarding supports and services provided by the Ministry of Social Development. British Columbia has a solid system of income and disability assistance supports that provides temporary help to those who can work, and longer-term assistance to those who through disability or other barriers cannot work or have difficulty working full-time. Our government spends approximately $1.6 billion a year providing income assistance to over 180,000 people. We have a responsibility to ensure that this assistance is provided in a fair, transparent and fiscally prudent manner to ensure that dollars are being spent where they are most needed. This means that not everyone is eligible for every benefit - the line has to be drawn somewhere. Every benefit, service and support has specific eligibility criteria that clients must meet in order to receive the benefit. These requirements must be clear and applied fairly to everyone. Our front-line staff work diligently to assess and work with each client


those in our community that need a little extra assistance. My ministry works closely with these community groups to ensure that we maximize the supports and benefits available to our clients with no unintended consequences on their monthly provincial support. There are times when situations arise that expose unnecessary complexity in our system. Such a situation arose last week around nutritional supplements. A review of the situation highlighted the complex set of regulatory rules that our staff must consider every day while assisting people in challenging circumstances. To me, the rules seem a little too complex and I have directed staff to review and suggest how to simplify eligibility requirements for nutritional supplements so that in future, others in similar situations don’t experience the same challenges. I can assure you that the ministry is committed to assisting our clients to address their health needs while dealing with extreme illness. I encourage anyone unsatisfied with a decision by the ministry to apply for reconsideration, or to reapply for support if their condition has changed over time. In the meantime, we will continue to work hard to provide the best supports possible to British Columbians in their greatest time of need.

POLL OF THE WEEK Are you happy with the changes to the Golden Outdoor Swimming Pool Schedule?

Yes 29%

No 70%

This week’s poll question: Do you want a Smart Meter on your house? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters







to ensure that they are receiving the appropriate supports and services for which they are eligible. For those who are expected to work - approximately 34,000 cases - we provide a comprehensive system of supports that are designed to help them find a job and regain their independence. We believe that people would rather work than be on assistance, so our focus for these individuals is to support work plans, provide training and assistance, and help them get back on their feet as quickly as possible. More than 98,000 individuals are receiving disability assistance in B.C. These individuals receive an enhanced benefit package that includes a higher support rate and a broad system of supports. These benefits include low-cost annual bus passes, free MSP coverage, non-deductable PharmaCare, moving and transportation costs, and a number of health supplements including medical equipment, dental coverage and nutritional supplements. Staff rely on information provided by individuals and their physicians to identify need and establish eligibility for health supplements. It’s very important that people work closely with their doctors to ensure the information provided to the ministry is accurate and comprehensive. As well, there are many organizations and non-profits that provide additional supports and services to


be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the










right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at




• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00).

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Bridge to Bridge

Smart Meters

The debate about the bridge to bridge project (B2B) is beginning to heat up as the implications of the heavy debt load start to add up. The town is looking to borrow $2.3 million to cover its share of the total B2B project costs of $4.5 million; the balance, $2.2 million, being paid from provincial and federal income taxes. The Town’s current borrowing capacity is about $11 million. This project will reduce the borrowing capacity by about 20 percent and will reduce the Town’s ability to manage its other assets and infrastructure (roads, water, and sewer etc). Mayor Benty and David Allen, the Chief Administration Officer for the town, have, on several occasions, expressed the need to save more of our property tax contributions to ensure the town has the enough money to repair and maintain the town’s aging infrastructure. I agree! The extent of the infrastructure deficit is unknown, however the town is preparing a Capital Asset Management plan which should detail how much money is required to maintain the town’s existing infrastructure. Until this report is completed, it is fiscally irresponsible to commit $2.3 million of our limited borrowing capacity to the B2B project. The total debt for the town has increased from $1.4 million in 2006 to $3.9 million in 2011. The total reserves to fund replacement of, or upgrades to, existing capital assets and infrastructure have declined from $3.4 million in 2006 to $2.2 million in 2011. In the 5-years from 2006 to 2011 the town has gone from a net surplus (reserve funds minus debt) of $1.2 million to a net debt of $2.5 million. Borrowing $2.3 million for the B2B project will almost double the town’s net debt. Property taxes were increased by 5% this year. Property taxes will increase significantly again next year to pay the additional debt servicing costs resulting from the B2B project. Having such a large impact on our debt position and property taxes for the next 30 years, I believe any project of this magnitude should go to referendum. To say there is no time for a referendum shows a lack of respect for the electorate or at the very least poor planning. Keith W Hern. Golden expansion of services in Cranbrook. Another point that must be clarified is that government funding of DriveABLE services is done under a fee for service arrangement. Independent service providers who are licensed to deliver DriveABLE assessments are reimbursed for their assessments. These service providers, such as Holy Family Hospital, are certified and licensed to deliver DriveABLE assessments, based upon the same standards that are used across Canada and North America. This government is committed to ensuring an accessible and fair process to assess driver safety. It is my goal to keep our roads safe and to help seniors drive as long as safely possible. Shirley Bond Minister of Justice and Attorney General

Response: DriveABLE I would like to address the blatant inaccuracies written by MLA Norm MacDonald about DriveABLE. (Seniors not fooled by changes to DriveABLE, May 16). DriveABLE is not a test for all seniors. It is only for a small number of drivers who have been identified by their physician as having a cognitive impairment. Of 3.1 million B.C. drivers – 84,000 of whom are over 80 – only about two per cent take a DriveABLE assessment each year. The vast majority of seniors will continue to drive for a long time. Our government clearly heard concerns from the public about DriveABLE, especially the challenge that travelling long distances creates for seniors. We are taking steps to expand DriveABLE service centres to better serve rural communities, including a recent Response: Bridge 2 Bridge I am writing this in response to two letters to the editor that appeared in the May 16 Star regarding the proposed Kicking Horse River Dike Upgrade Project (Bridge to Bridge) that I believe misrepresent key aspects of the proposed project. While I think everyone will agree that local electors have the right to approve (or not) long term borrowing, these decisions should be based on accurate information. Sue Ellen stated her opposition to the beautification component, but A7


acknowledges the value of the flood protection part of the project stating, “..raising the height of the flood protection makes sense to me..”, but fails to identify the costs. The total cost of the beautification component of the project is about $725,000 of which $300,000 is from a Resort Municipality Program grant. The total project cost is estimated to be about $4.5 million (this includes a 35 percent contingency, or risk factor which may not be required), meaning that the actual impact to local taxpayers for the beautification part of the project is $430,000. This is less than 10 per-

Add your Event to our online Calender

Its Free!

bmissions will The best online su ts Calendar of en be placed in the Ev newspaper. The Golden Star

On May 10 I attended the presentation on Smart Meters. There are many concerns with the Smart Meters. Some of these (concerns brought up at the meeting) are the increase cost from 30-100 percent for most customers in their hydro bill. There have been 800 fires in home to date in which these Smart Meters have been installed and these meters

are not CSA approved. There are also numerous health issues with radiation. I feel that we need to get more information before we allow these Smart Meters into our communities. We can go to to find out more. Kerri Duce Golden

Re: The Little Mittens article building? This is where our municipal govDear Editor, ernment can help but with bylaws I am a person where for me and education officers/enforcers alike, who can work together with words create pictures. So as I read the “Little Mittens” pet groups such as Little Mittens for kittens rescue group plea for a Rescue Group and the Spotted larger location to house more cats I Dog Rescue as well as with local immediately pictured cats in paja- veterinarians and related business within our own community and mas with matching mittens. Once I got past this image, it surrounding rural area in order to sounded to me like creating a place “snip” pet overpopulation where it to house even more cats and was counts. I could list bylaws and feline/ missing the point of why a pet rescue group would be created in the canine solutions implemented successfully throughout other Canfirst place. Pet overpopulation is probably adian communities but the point due to uneducated pet owners and would be to come up with our own the lack of animal control based bylaws and solutions regarding bylaws within a municipality/com- animal control and overpopulation in our community in conjuncmunity. I do have great respect for animal tion with the rescue groups. What’s in it for me, you ask. rescue groups and the people who And “me” being “you,” the cominitiate them as well as the many volunteers and supporters offering munity as a whole, and each individual in it. their time and or funding. Well look around you and After all, it is “We the people” who make great things happen on observe just how many people in our small community have pets this planet, not governments. So why ask the government for a and how many. Family Day Blues Do you have family and friends living in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba? Did you ever think it would be nice if you could all get together for a long weekend in February? Did you ever think how nice it would be have a long weekend in February to show case and share some of our local and provincial winter wonders with your family and friends from other parts of the country? Well if Tourism Golden and some of the other quasi government tourism groups have their way you won’t be able to share a February long weekend with friends and family from other parts of Canada. Instead of signing on to what is already a recognized winter holiday on the third Monday of February in the three above mentioned provinces plus Manitoba and PEI; Tourism Golden and other tourism groups want to have the new holiday on the second Monday of February.

cent of the total project costs, with the remaining 90 percent going toward flood protection improvements. Bruce Fairley stated that his questions about the project remain unanswered. In fact on Friday May 18 the Town distributed a 16 page project description information package that includes answers to all five of his questions (and a number of other frequently asked questions raised by the public over the last few weeks), and I personally emailed this document to Mr. Fairley on May 19. In his letter Mr. Fairley incorrectly stated that, “…$800,000 is

Add to that the recent travel statistics popping of on our local news suggesting families are choosing to travel local within Canada and their neighbouring provinces along with their pets. Picture now as I do a place where tourists and locals alike get out to explore and enjoy with their whole families, kids, canines and felines! Of course, now picture the reality to this, millions or at least a lot of pregnant abandoned friendly, possible feral, felines/canines spreading fleas and STD’s... puppies and dogs running ownerless, chasing small children? So, with that pictured in my mind, I will conclude that “yes” we do need and should support Little Mittens Rescue, and the Spotted Dog Rescue as well as our local municipal government bylaws for animal control, existing and yet to come. Truly, Alison Payne Golden/Parson SPCA Animal Welfare Certified

These tourism groups don’t care about you, your family or your friends. They are only interested in trying to generate more business for themselves. By the time you read this letter it will already be too late to participate in Nanny Premier Clark’s citizen Family Day Feedback program. However it’s not too late to phone or write your MLA or MLAs from the Liberal Party and let them know you want to have family day celebrated on the same day from coast to coast. Let us truly put family’s first and business interests second. This February lets be in a position to invite family and friends from across Canada to B.C. to celebrate both our new winter holiday and the natural wonders that surround us.

not budget for dyke improvement but other amenities, such as buried power lines and pedestrian walkways.” In fact the cost of burying the power lines and other lines on the poles adjacent to the 330 meters of dyke is included in the eligible project costs (not the beatification component). As stated in the Editor’s note at the end of Mr. Fairley’s letter 2/3rds of the cost of removing the unsightly poles and lines is covered by the federal/ provincial grant, $100,000 comes from a BC Hydro grant, and $37,000 from a Telus grant. Finally, the designs depicted in the

Bob Munro Le Beausoleil Bed and Breakfast Golden, B.C. information package, and other related documents are conceptual only. Detailed engineering will begin only after the alternate approval process, Town Council has determined how the project funds should be raised, and an environmental assessment for the project has been completed. It is at that stage that the final design options will be considered, including when and how the beautification component of the project will be undertaken. David Allen Chief Administrative Officer Town of Golden

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: t Event submissions are FREE. t Once your request is submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar. t Events may also appear in our print calendar at the editor’s discretion. t Please do not submit events publicizing a business-oriented sale. t We also reserve the right to refuse any event. t Go to


Wednesday, May 23 2012 The Golden Star


Servicing: Lake Louise, Field, Golden & the Columbia Valley We can help prevent chimney fires






ENTIRE STORE Thurs & Fri May 24 & 25

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents Dark Shadows Showing Wednesday May 23 to Thursday, May 24 at 7pm. Battleship Showing: Friday May 25 - Thursday May 31 at 7pm. Late shows Friday & Saturday at 9:15 p.m.

This Week Monday and Wednesday Night Badminton- Monday 7-8:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Rec Plex. Adults & students welcome. $7 for adults, $5 for seniors and students. A.P.E.S. After School Program Ever y Monday to Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementar y. For more info or to register, please contact the After School Program manager at 272-0425. Pilates-for better bones, balance and strength. Session starts Monday May 7 thru Friday, June 1. Every Monday & Friday at the Rec Plex. For info and registration call College of the Rockies, 250-344-5901.

Wed, May 23

Ronald's Rave Review

GKHAT BBQ Fundraiser at Kardash Plumbing and Heating's

20th Anniversary Open House Saturday, May 26 11am to 5pm - Special Deals! 805 9th St. N.

Attention non-profit groups - Dan Lindsay of McDonalds Golden is pleased to sponsor this spot to present your event.

Trans-Canada Hwy, Golden 344-4515 We accept competitors coupons!

Jam Night with Jeremy Open Mic at the RockwaterBring your instrument or your voice. Golden & District Community Foundation’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) Everyone is invited on Wednesday May 23, 2012 at 7pm at The Island Restaurant, 101 - 10th Ave, Golden. Guest Speaker: Larry Sparks, Executive Director, KRIC Positive Discipline A free parenting education program ever y Wednesday from 3:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementar y, Strong Start room for children, Music room for parents. (Snacks and childcare provided for children). The program starts April 11, and will run until June 6. For more info, or to register contact Rachel or Carrie at the Golden Family Centre - 250-344-2000. Afterschool Shakeup – FREE homework help for students

This week's achievement award goes to...

in grades 8 to 12. Ever y Wednesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. in the Golden Secondar y School por table from now until June 2012. Call 250-439-9665 for more information.

Thurs, May 24 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Youth Action Group Thursdays from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Golden Secondary portable from now until June 2012. This free program aims to create more opportunities for youth in Golden! Call 250-439-9665 for more information. Parents Reading, Children Succeeding - FREE 6-week program for children ages 3 to 5 and their parents, April 26 to May 31, 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. in the StrongStart room. Call 439-9324 for info and to register. Golden’s Youth Action Group in collaboration with the GSS Leadership class are hosting an “Amazing Race� style event. The youth of Golden Secondary School are getting ready to be amazed on May 24. To read more about the event go to page 9.

Fri, May 25 DJ Momentum Top 40 all request DJ, hip hop, rock, dance, club at Rockwater Grill and Bar. Soup Day at the Senior’s Centre 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. $5/person, children under 3 years free. Everyone is welcome.

Sat, May 26 Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night every Saturday. Healthy Lawn and Garden Fair at the Golden Civic Centre Saturday May 26, 11 am to 4 pm. Wildsight Golden in partnership with The Town of Golden and supporting group the Canadian Cancer Society, host 2012’s HealthyLawn and Garden Fair. Please join us and register! Free to attend. Broken Down Suitcase will be

• For more information... go to

celebrating their latest musical accomplishment with their friends at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Tickets are $15, which gets you entry as well as a copy of Broken Down Suitcase’s new album. Grad BBQ Fundraiser 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at Jepson Petroleum Ltd (Petro Canada) Bulk Plant. In support of the 2012 Grad Class.

Sun, May 27 Junior Climbing Club Sundays 12:30-2pm. Cost $45 for a 4 session punch card. Booking is recommended, call Ian or Rachel, 250-344-6444. www. Creating Abundance Retreat To preregister or more info contact Hindmarh at 250-3445206, or email

Mon, May 28 Grief and loss support group Mondays, 7:30pm at the Pentacostal Church, 717 10th St. Call Jim, 250-344-2459. Creating Abundance Retreat To preregister or more info contact Hindmarh at 250-3445206, or email

Tues, May 29 John Jenkins & Friends Live acoustic mountain folk, Rock, Reggae, improv. Starts at 8pm at Rockwater Grill & Bar. Afterschool Shakedown – FREE homework help for students in Grades 3 to 7. Every Tuesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the Lion’s Den (below the public library) from now until June 2012. This program aims to help students with homework and areas of difficulty such as reading, writing and math. Call 4399665 for more information.

Upcoming Events InspireHealth is hosting an informational session online on May 29 from 12:15 to 1 p.m. This webinar will provide information about the LIFE Program that could be coming to Invermere on October 11 and 12,

depending on the response they get from this webinar. You can reach Sue Engelbracht at 250342-6846; Donna Slobodzian via email at twinoakd@shaw. ca; Connie Watson at 250-3426688; or visit their website at Historical Society regular monthly meeting, May 30 at 6:30pm. Call Colleen palumbo for info 250-344-5169. Spillimacheen Arts and Crafts Street Fair, Saturday, June 2. Call 250-346-3160 or email for more info. Teddy Bear Picnic Thursday, June 7, from 10:30am12pm. at Kinsmen (Clown) Park, 0-6 years. Music, live entertainment, a little snack. Buck 65 at Rockwater Grill & Bar Friday, June 8. Doors open at 9:30pm. First 50 tickets $20 then $25, at the door $30. Tickets available at Plain Wayne & Jane and Jitas Cafe or www. Golden R.C.M.P. 27th Annual Charity Golf Tournament. June 11. Shotgun start at 9am. Please contact the RCMP Detachment at 344-2221 for more info. Nature’s WIld Edible Foods Saturday June 16, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Registration is limited to 15 people so get your spot soon. Cost is $15 for WIldsight members and $20 for nonmembers. To register, please contact or 250-344-4961. Sneak a Peak Weekend at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Kick off summer operations early, Saturday June 23rd & Sunday June 24th. Bike the trails, hike the peaks, and have scenic lunch at Eagles Eye. Master Composting Workshop The Columbia Shuswap Regional Disctict (CSRD) Master Composting Program, Wildsight Golden is a supporting partner in this event. Contact or 250344-4961 to register for this free workshop. Kicking Horse Cup / BC Road Masters Race, June 28 and 29. This 13.8 km course, with an 11 km UCI Category 2 Climb. Contact: Kicking Horse Cup. Website: www.kickinghorsecup. com.

Devon Gottler is a conscientous student and deserves this award.

Stop in by May 30, 2012 to receive your small blizzard t t

The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) has developed a Business Waste Audit Tool Kit that is available for any business within the Regional District to borrow. “The kit has step-by-step instructions and everything you need to

0 %




2012 F-150









do the audit,” says Waste Reduction Facilitator Carmen Fennell. “It is geared for any type of commercial business, whether it is an office, retail, or food based.” The audit involves going through one day’s worth (or several days’ worth) of refuse and sorting it into appropriate piles. The kit provides a tarp, gloves, bags, labels, a scale and





0 72



an assessment form. “Once you realize how much material can be diverted by recycling, the amount of waste can often be reduced drastically. Not only does that mean saving money by taking fewer loads to the landfill, but it also helps the environment by diverting material that can be recycled,” says Fennell. After a few months, the process is




4,500 ††



2012 FIESTA $







repeated to gauge improvements. Helping businesses find ways of waste reduction was one of the recommendations of the 2009 Solid Waste Reduction Plan. “This is one way the CSRD is supporting businesses decrease what they’re sending to the landfill. We’re even prepared to help if it’s needed.” The CSRD will publicly recognize






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72 †




2012 FOCUS $

2,000 ††







maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $25,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 72 months, monthly payment is $347.22, cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $25,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. ††Until May 28, 2012, receive $500/ $1,000/$1,250/$1,500/$2,000/$3,000/$3,500/$4,000/$4,500 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 [Focus S, Fiesta S]/2012 [Fiesta (excluding S), Escape I4 Manual]/ 2012 [Focus (excluding S)]/ 2012 [Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)]/ 2012 [Escape V6, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2 (Value Leader) all engines]/ 2012 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L]/ 2012 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L]/2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L]/ 2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L] - all Focus Electric, Raptor, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. All offers include applicable Manufacturer Rebate and $1,600 air tax & freight, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. *Offer only valid from April 3, 2012 to May 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before March 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. **©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

Leah Blain CSRD

WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Dealership operating hours may vary. †Until May 28, 2012, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2012 [Focus (excluding S and Electric),Fiesta (excluding S), Escape (excluding I4 manual), F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2), Super Cab (excluding Raptor), and Super Crew (excluding Raptor)] models for a

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A9

A Business Waste Audit tool kit is now available to borrrow a business that has taken the time and effort to do the audit and shows they’re sending less refuse to the landfill. “The CSRD will be creating and presenting a ‘Sustainability Award’ to the business that takes a real leadership role in promoting sustainability.” For more info on the Business Waste Audit Tool Kit visit the CSRD website or contact Fennell at 250-833-5936.


Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

Everyone is welcome at the street fair in Spillimacheen Darryl Crane June 2

will see the

streets of Spillimacheen filled with people as the third annual “Spillimacheen Arts and Crafts

Street Fair” will once again be coming to town. Hosted by the Spilli Bean and Beeland, the

Golden Area Initiatives supports the efforts and vision of the people of Kicking Horse Country by leading and facilitating community priorities for community economic development. GAI is recruiting individuals to be members of it’s Board of Directors. Deadline is 4:00 pm, May 28th, 2012 Please contact: Suzanne McCrimmon 250-344-2420

event will combine great artists, crafts people and some wonderful food. “We are hoping we can make our own thing with the street festival. We want to include things like the arts and crafts. We are going to have information sessions and people coming by for lunch and coffee,” said one of the owners of the Spilli Bean Donna Ford Morley Winnick who has been spurring the event for the past few

years said people from all over the Columbia Valley and beyond come to the event. “We have lined up painters, crafts people, phenomenal leather workmen, jewellery, and buckle makers. It is a family event where there will be something for everyone,” he said. This year also coincides with the 100-year anniversary of the trading posts which is situated at the site of the fair.

“We are also going to have a telescope set up for people to look at the mountains and do an information session about the Bugaboos,” Ford said. Winnick felt this event is something everyone should come to. “To have a good time and celebrate the arts and crafts and good food. The cafe will be offering up specials and we always give away free ice cream sundaes with our honey Saskatoon ice cream top-

ping.” Both businesses wanted to thank the people who come down from Golden both for the event and also for the support they show the businesses. “We get huge support from the people in Golden so we want to invite people to come to this celebration this year,” Winnick said. Anyone interested in learning more about the event can call 250-3463160 or email service@

Thank You! Thank you to the many friends & great people of Golden who rallied together to make our benefit and yard sale for Phil Tonnellier a smashing success. Special thanks to our major donators & contributors of good stuff; Tom Batten, Gil & Jerry, Hidi & Alex, Jinky & Dwayne, Connie, Aurora, Gilbert & Jane, Tim Potvan & Family, Corina Leslie and granddaughters Sidney & Haley, Don Keller, Richard Humperville, Marlene & Garth Thompson, Brenda Feuz & Family. Also the many people who walked in and just donated money. And to the good people like John, Tom Jobin & wife who donated and bought stuff. Again, Thank You a million times and


An application for an outdoor patio has been received by the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch from OMEGA BAR & GRILL located at 902-11th Avenue South in Golden. The current licensed hours are between 11 AM to 2 AM on Monday to Saturday and 11 AM to Midnight on Sunday. The interior is licensed for 93 persons currently. The proposed patio area will accommodate 38 persons. Residents and owners of businesses located within a .5 mile (0.8 km) radius of the proposed site may comment on this proposal by 1) in writing to: THE GENERAL MANAGER C/O Senior Licensing Analyst LIQUOR CONTROL AND LICENSING BRANCH PO BOX 9292 Victoria, BC V8W 9J8 2) by email: PETITIONS AND FORM LETTERS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED To ensure the consideration of your views, your comments, name and address must be received on or before June 16, 2012. Please note that your comments may be made available to the applicant or local government officials where disclosure is necessary to administer the licensing process.

Pictured above are the owners of the Spilli Bean Coffee Shop Sharon Jamieson, Donna Ford, Shirley Griese and Morley Winnick who is one of the Beeland Operators. The two Spillimacheen businesses have come together to host a street fair on June 2 in the town. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Nominations for Diamond Jubilee Medal David Wilks, M.P. submitted David Wilks, Member of Parliament for Kootenay Columbia delivered the following statement today. On February 6, 2012 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II marked the 60th anniversary of her accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada – an occasion marked only once before by her great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria in 1887. To celebrate Her Majesty’s 60 years of selfless service and devotion to duty, Governor General David Johnston has announced the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal as a visible and tangible way to recognize outstanding Canadians of all ages and from all walks of life. These medals provide an opportunity to honour exceptional Canadians for their contributions to their fellow citizens, to our communities and our country. To that end, as the Member of Parliament for Kootenay Columbia, I have been invited by the Governor General to become a partner in this program by nominating 30 eligible candidates to receive this national hon-

our from our constituency. I invite all constituents to contact my office to recommend potential candidates for the medal. To be eligible for this honour, a person must: -Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, but need not necessarily reside in Canada; - Have made a significant contribution to a particular province, territory, region or community within Canada, or an achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada; and - Be alive on February 6 , 2012, the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to the Throne. The medal can be awarded posthumously, as long as the recipient was alive on that date. For those wishing to nominate an individual for this honour please call my office at 250-417-2250 or email and we will be pleased to provide you with the nomination form. Forms are also available on my website: www. All forms must be submitted by June 1, 2012. The dates and locations of the presentation of the jubilee medals will be announced following the conclusion of the nomination process.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A11

The Big Bike Ride brought out a great deal of community support in 2012. Faith Dusevic (pictured left) gives two thumbs up before starting her ride while RCMP Cst. Nicki-Jo Wolfram was still smiling part way through her ride. Organizers and volunteers Brandy Benary, Jan Dicaire, Jacquie Goldie Maxine Morris, Christine Ferguson and Nancy Liknes get prepared for the next group. See more online. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Putting their hearts into a special Big Bike ride in Golden Darryl Crane The Heart & Stroke Big Bike ride had a very successful turnout in Golden this year with more teams coming out and more money raised. The event was held in Golden on May 14 and gave participants the chance to go for a bike ride through the downtown area on a bicycle built for 30. Jacquie Goldie is the co-ordinator for

the event in Golden who said the turn out for the event this year was fantastic. “We had three new teams this year from Sobeys, LP and Shape Up Fitness. Along with the other great teams we raised $11, 161.11. We could not have asked for a better time and the turnout was great. This is the 19th year Goldie has been involved with the ride and she said seeing so many people coming out to help was very inspiring.


GOLF DIAMOND Golden Masonic Centre Society

PLATINUM Alpine Helicopters Ltd. Columbia Extreme Contracting DCT - Chambers Trucking Fountain Tire GKJim farms (Jim Pittman) Golden Installations Ltd. HR Pacific KVC Developments Ltd Momentive Specialty Chemicals Verge For Youth Society GOLD A&W Apostoles Restaurant Belterra Black Press The Golden Star Blaeden Contracting Ltd. Bootleg Gap Brisco Wood Preservers Ltd. Fairmont Hot Springs (Mountainside or Riverside) Glacier Rafting Co Ltd Golden Transport Ltd Goldply Community Assn Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd

McDonalds Restaurant (Cardison Enterprises) Signode Canada Turning Point, Omega, ABC SILVER Alpine Rafting Copper Point Golf Club Ewan & McKenzie Fairley & Scott Home Hardware & Building Centre Johnston Meier Insurance NAPA Auto Parts Golden Overwaitea Patlar Holdings Ltd. VP Waste Solutions BRONZE Alpine Auto Centre Applied Industrial Technologies Canada (Darren Redlick) Blaeberry Valley Plumbing BNW Contracting Ltd. Bottle Depot Phil Dockerty Brandsource Cal Desrosier Waste Management Inc. Centurion Lumber Man. 1983 Ltd. Century Vallen CIPA Lumber Ltd.

“I enjoy doing this. It is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. The people contribute to something important,” Goldie said. “It is a fun event. I think the eldest person we have had on there was 79.” This year there were also many younger aged people who came out for the ride. “They are nice to see. We also get the leadership class at Golden Secondary School to help and the Shape Up Fitness group had many kids

this year,” Goldie said. “Many of them said they are going to come back next year as well.” Goldie did have a final message for the people who got involved with the event. “I am so proud of them and all of the people who have supported the event over the years have been wonderful. We have many regulars and people in town who help. Thank you to all the teams and riders and people who donated. Thank you for a lovely year,” she said.

Shriner’s 16th Annual Charity Golf

THANK YOU to our Sponsors Together we raised $22,000 to HELP THE KIDS! CKGR Eazy Rock Columbia Diesel Ltd. Columbia Lodge # 38 Columbia Valley Credit Union Dogtooth Log & Timber Products Donkin, Keith & Sheila Downtown enterprises (Auto Wash) Dr. Tim Styles DT Fire Protection E.N. Elkington Ltd. Fabulous “Falbo” Foursome Falkins Insurance Golden Forbo Adhesives Canada G. Keenlyside Construction Glenn & Joanne Birnie Glenn Tress Contracting Ltd. Golden Bakery Ltd. Golden Dental Centre Golden Grizzly Cookhouse H&R Sheetmetal Harvey S. Delaney Law Corporation International Timberframes Inc. InterWrap Inc Jackson Contracting (Brian Jackson) Jepson Petroleum / Propane Ltd. Kal Tire

Ken and Liz Lautrup Kevin Lapp Real Estate Team Kicking Horse Appraisals Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Kinbasket Massage Kootenay Pumping La Cabina Ristorante Lambart Kipp Pharmacy Ltd Lambert Insurance Agencies Len & Terry Pettman Magnusson, Mag Marjack Leasing Mistaya Lodge NAPA Auto Parts- Revelstoke OK Tire & Auto Service Olson Construction Order of the Eastern Star Chapter # 25 Parky’s Petro Canada Highway Service (Soomal) Prestige Inn - Radium Prime Drywall (Toby & Tanya Barber) Raute Wood Reddi Mart 501661 Alta Ltd Remax of Golden Roand Ra Holdings Ltd Sears Golden

Selkirk Electric Selkirk Glass Ltd. Signature Clothing Simonds International Sobeys Solutech Water Management Inc. Stay Cool Radiators Steelworkers local 1-405 Superior Propane Systematic Mill Installations The Back Porch The Golden Taps Tim Hortons (Bolico Holdings Ltd) Timbermill Restaurant TRU Edelweiss Enterprises Vandenbilt Auto Body Ltd. Vaughan, Michael & Judy Vivian Financial Planning Warren A. Schier Container Sales Weatherall Services Ltd. Wendell Johnston Painting Westwood Companies Willamette Valley Company HOLE IN ONE SPONSORS Finning Canada Kicking Horse Ford Mountain Motor Sports Inc, (Yamaha)


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

More than food to be found at Mountain Pure Foods Darryl Crane Rich and Barb Davies recently bought Genuine Organics which is now been reopened as Mountain Pure Foods. The couple, who came to Golden from Alberta, saw this as a great chance to combine their interests while being able to provide an important store for the area. Rich has taken the experience of running a similar business in Calgary and brought what he learned in the past to Golden. “We had a supplement store selling primarily vitamins and minerals but when my family and I moved to Golden last fall we wanted access to organic food. We thought this was a good fit for us,” Rich said. Rich is trained as a naturopathic doctor and his wife Barb is a holistic nutritionist. As for the product sold at the store Rich feels they offer many benefits for those who eat or use them. “The organic movement is gaining popularity. People are becoming more aware about where their food is coming from,” Rich said. “We have to be more aware of what we are ingesting.

You could say it is food the way nature intended without added or synthetic chemicals, genetically modified plants or pesticides. It is much healthier for our body to eat.” The store has many fresh products but also has a selection of frozen food, organic bulk products and superfoods. “We have a very good selection for a smaller space. We are trying to fill the needs of the community. Many people here are like minded. They eat healthy and stay well so they can be active outdoors,” Rich said. He went on to say the plan is to bring in new products at the store and they have been talking to people in the community about what they would like to see in stock. “What people want us to have is what we want to bring in because we are here to serve the community” The store also has some body care products as well. “You have to be aware of the chemicals you are putting on your skin. We carry a lot of natural and organic body care products,” Rich said. There are also a selection of grocery items in the store which are more speciality items. Rich explained there is a push for people to eat gluten free so they are attempting to have a selection of those products in the store as well.

Owner of Mountainside Pure Foods, Rich Davies is looking forward to bringing more of what people want to the Golden area. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A13

Renovate with colour!

Sobeys steps up to help Heart and Stroke Darryl Crane Sobeys in Golden has stepped up in multiple ways to help raise money for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. The store started running the campaign by selling paper hearts at the tills for a $2 donation, from April 13 until May 12. In total this program raised $1,386. Employees were given the option to purchase a green t-shirt with the Heart & Stroke Logo and the team name on it for $20. Off the Wall in Golden generously gave Sobeys a deal on the t-shirts, so the remaining funds from the t-shirt sales also went to the foundation. Employees were also given the option to pay $20 to wear their jeans to work, every shift, for the duration of the campaign. The combined amount eaised by the jeans and t-shirt options was $412.45. Between April 30 until May 7 employees could buy tickets for $2 to “Win a Day Off with Pay� which raised $170. From May 7 until May 14 employees were able to buy ballots for 50 cents each to vote for a manager to receive a “Cream Pie in the Face.� The group raised $136 from the pie effort. On Friday May 11, store workers decided to hold a fundraising barbecue outside the store. The workers wanted to thank Grimms for donating the smokies, Canada Bread for donating the buns, Frito Lays for donating the chips, and Pepsi for donating the pop for the barbecue which raised $220.36. Finally the group took part in the Big Bike Ride which was held in Golden on May 14. This resulted in two riders from A&W joining the team, who also campaigned for donations which led to a donation from A&W Head Office. The total raised by Golden Sobeys was $3,232.98. Sobeys Capital has chosen to donate $2,500 as well. That leaves a combined total of $5,732.98 “The response I received from the Sobeys employees, from the very first staff memo posted, was exceptional. I was overwhelmed at the responses from staff,

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Brad Tatayrn took a pie in the face from Lucy Vollman as part of a fundraising effort at Sobeys. Darryl Crane/Star Photo so the campaigning just kept getting bigger and bigger. I have always known that I work with a wonderful bunch of people, but the response was over and above what I had hoped for. We really came together as a team throughout this campaign and are extremely proud of the total raised for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. We would like to thank all our customers for buying hearts and giving pledges, as well as the staff for taking part in all of the events. It will be a tough total to beat next year, but we are certainly going to try,� said Store Administrator of Sobeys in Golden Carol Higginson.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star


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The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A15


High School Musical

The Golden Secondary School beginner and advanced (pictured) bands made the trip out to Nicholson on Friday May 18 to play a concert for the students at the elementary school. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Buck 65 brings a unique sound to the Rockwater in Golden Golden Star Staff From getting minimal airplay on college radio stations in his home province of Nova Scotia, to recording with a major label in France, Buck 65 has just about done it all in his 20-year career. The east coast hip hop artist is set to play the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Friday June 8. It all started with a song in 1990 called “The Rhyme Has to be Good.” Buck 65, also known as

Richard Terfry, mad the beat, rapped and did the scratches on the track himself, and teaching himself those skills in his bedroom. “Ironically, given the title, that first song isn’t very good at all. But we all have to start somewhere,” he said. From there, slowly and steadily, Buck 65 honed his talents and started building a local audience. Near the tail end of the decade, with some help from the internet, his audience began to cross borders. And by 2002, “I had a career on

my hands.” He was now making enough money from music to live off of, and in 2002 he signed a record deal with Warner and moved to France. “Since then I’ve worked with musicians from all over the world – some with big names, some with no name at all. And I’ve continued to work with my old friends from my hometown too,” he said. Over the years, Buck 65’s music has changed and grown into something different, and he has

redefined what people call “hip hop.” “I often hear hip hop where other people might not. Sometimes I hear it in pre-war blues songs.” His more recent work has incorporated influences from fold, blues and electronica. Some of his music was even featured in the TV show Trailer Park Boys. This is Buck 65’s first show in Golden since 2008. The Rockwater recommends you get your tickets early. Early bird rates are $20, in advance $25, and at the door $30.

Changing the world one song at a time at special show in Golden Purcell Mountain Orchestra submitted Since February of this year both the Purcell Mountain Orchestra and the Golden Secondary School Choir have been rehearsing a wide range of musical repertoire to be performed on June 1 in Golden and June 2 in Invermere. The members of the orchestra are excited to showcase their program for the first time outside of Golden by taking the PMO (Purcell Mountain Orchestra) “on the road.” The collective, consisting of the orchestra and the choir, have been working hard to get the selection of songs solidified and performance ready. Jackie Ohnander, Musical Director states: “Both groups began rehearsing on their own and have now come together. Many changes were necessary as the scores we have were not originally for both choir and orchestra. It has been a bit of a challenge to arrange the pieces but quite a good learning opportunity

for everyone involved.” As Ohnander and Barbara Ulrich of the Purcell Mountain Orchestra had a vision to include young singers in the spring concert, this undertaking also took a tremendous commitment from the GSS choir director Gloria Lowe. Ohnader mentions: “It has been a great opportunity to play with the GSS choir. Featuring voices with the orchestra forces the PMO to listen and determine our role in the ensemble, as we do not have the melody the entire time. As a musician, anything that challenges you to listen more can only be a good thing.” Generally the orchestra plays a classical repertoire for the Christmas concert and a more contemporary selection at their spring concerts. The theme for this years June performance is “Changing the world one song at time” featuring a selection of uplifting songs focusing on a positive outlook during the somewhat economically challenging times. This collaboration showcases how different community groups can work together and

SUNDAYS Prime Rib (while quantities last). Bloody Caesars $4.25 MONDAYS NY Steak Sandwich w/ fries or greens $7.75 OK Springs 1516 sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 Highballs $3.75 Dbls $6.25 TUESDAYS Bison Burger w/ fries or greens $5.25 Sleeman Original Draught sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50

build strong relations between generations with culturally different interests. “As we are considering the future of any of our local musical groups and keeping a long-term goal in sight, it made good sense to include the young singers of the GSS Choir. The members of the orchestra provide mentorship and a supportive environment for these talented students,” Ulrich commented. The PMO and GSS Choir look forward to performing at the newly renovated Civic Center in Golden on June 1 at 7 p.m. and on June 2 at 5 p.m. in Invermere at the Christ Church Trinity. This has been made possible with the financial support of a Grant-InAid from the Town of Golden as well as the generous sponsorship of the Golden Dental Center. Concert admission is by donation. For more information on the Purcell Mountain Orchestra please visit: find us on Facebook email us at:

WEDNESDAYS 1Lb of Wings & Dos Equis $10.00 Dos Equis Buckets $15.50 (4) THURSDAYS Personal Pizza & Moosehead or Black Lager Sleeve $10 Moosehead Lager or Okanagan Black Lager sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 FRIDAYS ½ Price Full Size Nachos. Sleeman Honey Brown or Cream Ale Btls $3.75 HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 7 TVs and the Big Screen – Surround Sound – EVERY NIGHT. Come watch your favourite team and enjoy game day specials.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

Another successful year for the hazardous waste roundup Carmen Fennell Waste Reduction Facilitator CSRD The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) Hazardous Waste Round Up events in Sicamous and Golden brought in some of their highest numbers to date.







Many people turned up to drop off waste (pictured far left) and tires (picture above) at the CSRD 2012 round up. Photo Submitted computers and toasters. The feedback we receive at these events show that residents really appreciate this service,” says Fen-

nell. “And we appreciate people taking the time to dispose of their hazardous material responsibly.”

Golden Fields has new owner



“We collected 300 tires in Sicamous,” says CSRD Carmen Fennell Waste Reduction Facilitator. “The last time we collected tires, 65 were brought in.” Altogether in Sicamous, two full five-tonne trucks full of waste and small appliances were collected. The event in Golden brought in 750 tires and 21 drums of hazardous waste (50 gallons or 210 litres) and six pails (five gallons or 18 litres). “Golden residents consistently take advantage of these round up events. They’re always well attended. It was busy all day and even though there were line-ups, people were patient.” Revelstoke also had impressive numbers: 11 drums of hazardous waste and 15 pails were collected. “We did see a variety of materials at these events, from adhesives, light ballasts and paint to tires,

Golden Star Staff


For some communities, the local Fields Store is their lifeline, and until recently, many towns were facing difficult days ahead with the news that their Fields store would be closing. But communities like this one can breathe a little easier these days, as FHC Holdings Ltd. has purchased 57 Fields stores, including the Fields in Golden, in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, and plans to remain a strong member of each of these communities for many years to come. “Fields has been an integral part of many communities across Western Canada for many years,” says FHC President, Jason McDougall. “Our team is very excited at the prospect of serving the 57 communities in which it has acquired stores, and will work to ensure people continue to be able to get what they need in their local communities.” Fields has been part of the landscape of Western Canada for over 60 years, with the first store opened in Vancouver in 1950. A fixture in small towns for decades,

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Fields will continue to proudly serve the small communities that have been acquired by FHC, and will work with each of them to further ensure they are meeting and exceeding the needs of its customers. “Our focus always goes back to how we can best serve the customer in our communities,” continues McDougall. “The goal is to bring in the merchandise that makes the most sense for each community we serve, and we’re looking forward to bringing in a selection of great products and merchandise to communities across the West. Our stores will be focused on more everyday low prices, providing more value through deals on a regular basis and will continue to provide an assortment of those everyday items customers have always expected as well.” FHC President, Jason McDougall, is eager to get to know the store managers and people in the communities, and will be traveling around to each store in the near future to ensure the company is truly engaged at every level. And as a further demonstration of Fields commitment to the communities, a percentage of profits will go to support various initiatives and charities within each community.

Summer Kicks set to return Darryl Crane

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Kicking Horse Culture will once again be hosting their hugely popular Summer Kicks live shows again this years. Starting in June the shows will bring a wide variety of musicians from all over the world to Golden for special performances in Spirit Square. The evening shows area a great place to bring your lawn chair and sit back and enjoy the music, the mountain views and the Golden sunsets. Keep an eye out in The Golden Star throughout the summer for concert information and the full list of performers.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A17

The chase is on Retreat teaches how to find joy Jessica Schwitek

Taylor McKeeman, lleft, and Constantin Melching battle it out for the ball at U-18 soccer on May 15. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Learn how to "create abundance" and consciously create the life you want at the Creating Abundance Retreat. Liza Hindmarch, operator of Munay Holistics, is offering the retreat for people to "gain understanding of universal principles that underpin all that we create and experience in life, thereby giving them the freedom to consciously create the life they want." After immigrating from England to Canada in 2001 and settling in Golden, Hindmarch set up her homeopathy practice. She found her passion, helping people uncover the old limiting beliefs, and hidden unconscious patterns that block them from the life they truly want. "The retreat offers people a chance to do a deep spring clean of all the old patterns that lie buried deep inside us all ~ the fears, the ‘not feeling good enoughs’, the ‘yes, but’s’, the low self worth, the negative beliefs ~ all that holds us back so often in life," said Hindmarch. "At this retreat we finish with these old patterns leaving us free to welcome the enormous abundance the universe has to offer. People learn how to be part of the co-creative dance of manifesting abundance and living in joy." If you want more out of life, more loving relationships, more job satisfaction, more creativity, more peace and joy, more financial prosperity…..more abundance of anything then this is the workshop for you. The workshop runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday May 27 or Monday May 28. There will be small group sizes, a maximum of 10 people, and pre-regis-

tration is required. If you're interested you can contact Hindmarch at 344-5206, or

Grad BBQ Fundraiser May 26, 2012 11am to 3 pm At The Jepson Petroleum Ltd (Petro Canada) Bulk Plant

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

Columbia Valley invites you to Relay for Life in Invermere Sheila Tutty Relay for Life coordinator This year, is the Columbia Valley’s 10th anniversary of Relay for Life and we want to

make it a special one. You do not have to be family or a friend of someone who has had cancer, in order to participate in Relay. Come and join us to help raise

research funds so cures can be found for the over 200 kinds of cancer, before it affects you or loved ones. The residents of Columbia Valley wish to

extend to all Golden and area residents to join us on Saturday, June 16 at the David Thompson Secodary School track in Invermere. We have made some

major changes to our June 16th event. First, and the most exciting, is our early start. In order to facilitate families with children, and working people, we have imple-

PUBLIC NOTICE Alternative Approval Process LOAN AUTHORIZATION BYLAW NO. 1301, 2012 Associated with the Kicking Horse River Dike Upgrade (Bridge2Bridge) Project In almost all situations, local governments must obtain the assent of the electors in order to borrow money. Local governments can use the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to do so as it is less expensive than a referendum to gauge public opinion. Some electors favour the AAP over a referendum because they have more time (at least 30 days) to express their opinion instead of the two days (advance poll and voting day) that are available to vote in a referendum. The method by which the electors express their opinion is by signing an Elector Response Form and submitting it to their local government by a given deadline. If less than 10% of electors state their opposition, a Council may proceed with its proposed action. More information about the AAP can be found at:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Council of the Town of Golden proposes to borrow a sum not exceeding Two

million, three hundred thousand dollars ($2,300,000.00) from the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA) in accordance with Bylaw No. 1301, 2012 "Loan Authorization”. The bylaw is associated with the Kicking Horse River Dike Upgrade (Bridge2Bridge) Project. The potential project budget is up to $4.5 million, of which up to $2.24 million has been awarded through the Building Canada Fund – Flood Protection Program in federal/provincial funding. If adopted, the bylaw will authorize Council to borrow and amortize a loan for up to thirty (30) years. The estimated rate of interest is 5.00%. Pursuant to the Community Charter, in order to adopt the loan authorization bylaw the Council of the Town of Golden must obtain the approval of its electors. The Council of the Town of Golden may adopt Bylaw No. 1301, 2012 “Loan Authorization" if, after the deadline, less than 10% of the eligible electors in the Town have signed and submitted individual Elector Response Forms. If after the deadline at least 10% of the eligible electors in the Town have signed and submitted Elector Response Forms, the Council may not adopt the same bylaw, unless it receives assent of the electors in a voting proceeding (referendum) which the Council may opt to then undertake. The number of Elector Response Forms equalling 10% of the eligible electors in the Town is two hundred seventy four (274).

Elector Response Forms

The response of the electors must be in the form established by the Town of Golden. Forms are available at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South, may be printed from the website at (click on Local Government and look under “What’s New”) or on the Town’s facebook page. For an Elector Response Form to be accepted it must: x x x x x

Be submitted only by an eligible elector of the Town of Golden to Town Hall; Include the full name of the elector; State the residential address of the elector; Be signed by the elector; If applicable, state the address of the property in relation to which the person is entitled to vote as a non-resident property elector; and x Be submitted to the Corporate Officer before the deadline.

mented a start of 3 p.m. This will enable those that do not feel they can stay all night, the chance to participate. Our entertainment crew is working at many activities to keep everyone entertained while not on the track. There will be such games as Minute to Win It, Family Feud etc, as well as live entertainment, with lots of stuff for kids. There is an ‘after midnight’ crew who are very busy planning activities to help those that stay all night. Your overnight participation is encouraged, but it is certainly not mandatory. However, there are plenty of tenting opportunities, as well as two parking lots for your trailer, RV or camper. Survivor chair Terri Lightfoot will be welcoming all survivors and their caregivers to join in the Survivors’ Victory Lap, and then to socialize after in the Survivors’ Tent where you will enjoy beverages and snacks. If you are a survivor, please make sure that Terri knows who you are. You can contact her via email at terri.lightfoot@ or by phone at 250-342-9541. The more yellow shirts we see at Relay, the better! It shows everyone that cancer can be beaten, and we have done it. Please also register online at www. The power point pres-

entation that plays during the Luminary Ceremony features people who have had cancer. If you are a cancer survivor or have a loved one who is no longer with us, I invite you to send a photo and something about yourself or them to me at sheilatutty@ Each participant is asked to raise at least $100. The average for our area is $300 per person. You can use whatever means available to you, and we have lots of ideas to share with you. On Saturday, June 2 we will be hosting Rally for Relay at the Cenotaph Park in downtown Invermere. This event will include the opportunity to learn more about Relay, register yourself or your team, enjoy a BBQ hosted by the ladies of Kootenay Savings Credit Union, and baking from the Moonwalkers team, and raise money for your team. We will provide tables and all you and your team have to do, is bring all your unwanted items and sell them in a garage-sale-like event. All monies you raise can be donated to your team fundraising. For more information, contact Sheila at 250342-9059 or email So come on down, and help us make this Relay for Life the biggest and best to date. Cancer can be beaten, and you can help.


Elector Response Forms will be accepted in person at Town Hall (810 9th Avenue South) NO LATER THAN 4:00 P.M. ON FRIDAY, JUNE 29TH, 2012.

Eligible Elector

An eligible elector for the purpose of this Alternative Approval Process is a resident who meets the following criteria: x is age eighteen (18) or older; x is a Canadian citizen; x has been a resident of British Columbia for at least six (6) months; x has been a resident of the Town of Golden for at least thirty (30) days upon the date of form submission; and, x is not disqualified from voting by the Local Government Act or any other act. A non-resident property elector who meets the following criteria is also an eligible elector: x is not entitled to register as a resident elector for the Town of Golden; x is age eighteen (18) or older; x is a Canadian citizen; x has been a resident of British Columbia for at least the past six (6) months; x has been a registered named owner of real property in the Town of Golden for at least the past thirty (30) days prior to the date of form submission; and x is not disqualified from voting by the Local Government Act or any other act. Corporations are not entitled to vote nor are lands held in a corporate name eligible to vote. In the case of multiple owners of a parcel, only one person may vote as a non-resident property elector, with the written consent of the majority of the owners. Questions may be directed to Jon Wilsgard, Corporate Officer at 250.344.2271 or by email to Dated this 18th day of May, 2012 Jon Wilsgard Corporate Officer

Participants of a previous Relay for Life event run down an illuminated street in the evening. Photo Submitted.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A19



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Jayne Baun of the Plain Wayne and Jane Naturals runs to first base during her game with the Legendary Sportsmen on May 17. Her team beat the Sportsmen 17 to 2. See more photos at Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star


Partners In Brine Seafood! Orion’s Fish Bus will be in Golden at the Petro-Can card lock next week, Friday, June 1st

70 peeled Tiger Prawns $20! 2/$35!! 3/$50!!! Stop by the truck and join our email list to get tasty Seafood Recipes and a FREE BONUS every $100! Health approved. Good prices. Great selection. Really Good Seafood!

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Kicking Horse gearing up for summer Jessica Schwitek There is still snow covering the peaks of the mountains surrounding Golden, but the mountain bikers are itching to get up there anyways. Kicking Horse Mountain Resort has some of the best trails around, and the resort is gearing up for a great season.

United we stand, divided we fall Aesop, Greek author (620 - 560 BC)

"We're going to have a preview weekend on June 23 and 24, and then our regular operations will begin on June 29," said Matt Mosteller, VP of marketing and sales for Resorts of the Canadian Rockies. "We're really excited about it. It's going to be a great summer." The hill has some hardcore terrain, which seems to suit most people in Golden just fine, said Mosteller. But there are some beginner trails for

the novice mountain biker, and plenty of activities for the non-adredaline junkies in the area. A ride to the top of the mountain in the gondola gives you access so some breathtaking views, and exhilarating hiking trails. "You can't beat riding the gondola, taking a hike or soaking up the sun while you're sitting on top of the world," said Mosteller. "I'm blown away by that awe-inspiring view every time I'm up there."

And don't forget to take a peek at Boo. Golden's favourite grizzly bear has had a very restful winter and is ready to go. He slept for five months strait. "It's definitely a community favourite," said Mosteller of the Grizzly Bear Refuge that Boo calls his home. It opens the same time as regular operations. Tours start at 9 a.m. every day, and they're held every hour on the hour for the entire season.

The refuge will be open until 4 p.m. The Eagle's Eye Restaurant will be open for lunch service seven days a week until 4 p.m., reservations are recommended. But if you're up at the hill later in the evening you still have several dining options to chose from. Peaks Grill and the Winston Saloon will be open late all summer. For more information on activities and hours of operation, go to www.

Retired BC Government employees and their partners are invited to join the BCGREA - the British Columbia Government Retired Employees Association whose primary goal is to obtain benefits for our members and strive to prevent erosion of these benefits. Our participation has been successful in obtaining many benefits for pensioners such as: Extended Health coverage; Cost of Living Increases; Subsidized Bus Passes; Discount Hotel Rates; Group Insurance Rates; Travel - Out of Province Insurance; House (Residential) Insurance; and Life Insurance. Joining the BCGREA also provides an opportunity for retired government workers and their spouses to talk to other retirees about pension issues, meet former co-workers, make new friends and have a voice about your Public Service Pension Plan pension. The BCGREA elects a trustee to the Public Service Pension Board of Trustees. Dues are a mere $20 a year. For more information, please visit our website at where you can download an application form, or contact us at BCGREA, PO Box 791, Station A, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5M2 Toll free: 1-866-729-9299


Behind the Wheel

The Better Than Average Driver Using Stop Signs to Control Speed Have you ever met anyone who would admit to being less than a better than average driver? The next time you are having a casual conversation in a group ask this question. Changes are good that the majority of the people there will rate themselves as better than average, something that cannot be as half of us have to be less than average drivers. Why does this overconfidence occur? It’s something known as the optimism bias or comparative optimism. Both neuroscience and social science suggest that we are more optimistic than realistic. From the point of view of a driver, this may mean that it is unlikely that we will cause or be involved in a collision, that we can drink and drive safely or that we won’t get caught by police if we fail to follow the rules. The optimism bias can be positively influenced by training in situations where the driver perceives that risks can be controlled by their driving skills. In contrast, training has no influence over situations where the driver believes that circumstances are not in their control such as weather conditions or a sudden flat tire. Maybe this explains why I see four wheel drive vehicles pass by me at speed when traction is poor! Where does this all fit in with Canada’s Road Safety Week, May 14 to 21, 2012? It’s the perfect time to pay attention to what all the advertising is telling you about what happens when you make mistakes in high control situations. Maybe it will be a positive influence. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

this feature sponsored by:

e Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201

Have a Home Insurance Owner’s Questions? Give Denise a call - she knows how to get you the best coverage, for the best price, when it comes to tenants, homeowners, rental dwellings, condos, vacation trailers whatever your needs.

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Infinity Solstice - Bright Wizard of Destiny points down the fairway at his disc golf course. The course features several targets including the sign from the old Packers Place, and is located on a sports ranch that includes several sporting activities. See more photos at Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Disc golf takes players to infinity and beyond at ranch Jessica Schwitek What has to be one of the most beautiful disc golf courses in the province is tucked away in our own backyard. The Organic Sports Ranch, located in Parson just 10 minutes from the highway, has 51 holes spread out over acres of hilly terrain amongst the trees, with a breathtaking mountain view as the backdrop. I had the privilege of playing some tennis and a few holes of disc golf on the 60-acre ranch with owner and operator Infinity Solstice - Bright Wizard of Destiny. "Look at the view from here. This is probably my favourite tennis court in the whole world," said Infinity, who bought the raw piece of land 34 years ago.

Since then, with his wife Rhonda Smith, he has developed the land to include his home, a barn for the goats, a separate two-storey structure that includes an art gallery on the top floor, 51 holes of disc golf, a tennis court, a volleyball court, a pingpong table (which is made of cement), and a very large garden. "There was nothing when I first got here. I keep adding things. Building the tennis court was quite a huge project, I didn't know anything about it. But it worked out really well," said Infinity. After rallying the tennis ball back and forth, we walked along the property, and into the trees towards the disc golf course. I made the rookie mistake of showing up in flip-flops... not recommended. "There's 38 holes on the

course that are marked, and those are self-guided. And then there's a secret 13. Sometimes I'll come down after a group has played a round and I'll turn them onto the secret 13, it's kinda fun." Infinity has a stock of discs in the clubhouse, some drivers and some putters. The goal is to stand on the tea box, just like in regular golf, and try to hit the target/hole. "That's the traditional hole," he said pointing to a metal basket. "Normally that's what you see, you go to a course and see 25 of those. Well I have one. I have 50 targets instead." Over the years the targets have been donated or acquired through various means, and each one is different. During my short time at the Organic Sports Ranch, I threw my disc at a large dreamcatcher,

some wind chimes, an old tire, some old oil drums, a shopping cart, and the old wooden sign from Packers Place (now called the Rockwater). The ranch sees quite a few tourists come out (there is space to camp on the property), but there are countless groups from Golden who make the disc golf course a must-do activity during the summer. "Every year there's a new little cluster of addicted people who come out. It's fantastic to see," said Infinity. For more information about the ranch, or to book a time to play a round of golf (not always necessary, but can be helpful during busy days), go to And to see more pictures from the ranch, go to www.

The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A21

A look back at the history and times of Thomas O’ Brian

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

It seems impossible that I could have been here this long, but I started at the Golden Museum in May of 1990. When I first came I was fresh from my job at Star Video Rentals where I had on a daily basis worked with everything new and leading edge so I must admit it was a bit of culture shock for me to take on this job where all of a sudden I was working with everything old. My first request for information came from the Glenbow Museum. They were looking for information on a lawyer named Thomas O’Brien, who defended a murderer in Golden in 1900. Having no idea what

was in the archives, I set their request aside while I learned my way around. Within a few days I came across Thomas’ name several times, but not enough information to determine if he had any relatives somewhere. Two weeks after starting this job I came across Thomas O’Brien’s obituary. It contained the information that the Glenbow Museum was looking for. They were trying to locate a relative to whom the Canadian government could give a medal of recognition. It seems Thomas had been an important person in Manitoba’s history and they wanted to finally say thank you. I sent the information and received a thank you back. Since that time I have come across a great deal of information, enough to consider myself a friend of someone who died 47 years before I was born. Each year at Easter I make the pilgrimage up to the Golden Cemetery to take flowers to important people in my life, my grandmother, Jenny Allen, my mother Jenny Barbour, my mother-in-

law, Lorraine Palumbo. It seems that every year the list grows but Thomas is always on it. A man who gave to Golden the best he had and left no one to remember him. Thomas was born near Liverpool, England in 1872. He came to Canada and became private secretary to the Hon. Sir John Schultz, Lieut. Gov. of Manitoba, afterwards moving to Calgary where he was associated with the law office of Senator J.A. Lougheed and was an alderman on the city council. He moved to Golden in 1897 and a check with the Law Society of BC shows he was admitted to the Bar in 1899. His name began to appear in the police court and this ad was a regular insert in the Golden Star: “Thomas O’Brien, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc. Office in the Upper Columbia Navigation and Tramway Company Building, Golden, BC.” Thomas took and active part in all aspects of Golden social life. He was a member of the Mason-

Mines Act: Notice of Works and Reclamation (Sand and Gravel) FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by Golden Designers Choice Holdings Ltd. of 2145 Mitchell Road, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H4, on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Kootenay Region, for a Notice of Work and Reclamation Program for the purpose of extracting sand and gravel situated on private land near Golden and containing 2.5 hectares more or less, located at 498 Highway 1, Golden, B.C. The MEM File Number that has been established for this application is 1630612 (mines). Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, B.C., V1C 7G1 or email to: Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until June 29, 2012. FrontCounter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. These applications will be available for viewing at FrontCounter BC in Revelstoke and at the Service BC Center in Golden, B.C. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations regional office in Cranbrook.

ic Lodge. He was also involved with the curling club, the hospital, the Board of Trade and was politically active with the Conservative Association. His exceptional ability as a lawyer helped him fulfill his love of travel and he traveled all over Canada and the USA. He contributed money to many causes but any that dealt with children were sure to get his attention. He was quite involved in business as well and for several years was the owner of the Golden Star. He also had interests in several mining companies and a hotel. Sounds like a pretty good life, until you look a little deeper. He suffered from terrible bouts with pneumonia and was often hospitalized both here in Golden and in Vancouver. Thomas never married nor did he have any family here, but from everything that I have found he had many close friends in Golden.

The fourth person from the left is Thomas O’Brien. Photo Courtesy Golden Museum While on a trip to Spokane, Wash., in Sept of 1908, Thomas died of pneumonia at the age of 36. His body was brought

back to Golden, and he was buried in the Municipal Cemetery with all the ceremony due a VIP. I went to the cemetery to

look for his grave. It sits alone under a tree and reads, Thomas O’Brien – Died Sept 4, 1908, aged 36 years.

FREE DISPOSAL DAYS May 1-June 9, 2012



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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

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Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A23

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Coming Events

Career Opportunities AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualiďŹ ed- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783. HOME BASED Business. We need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training.


It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.

Education/Trade Schools

Business Opportunities

APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certiďŹ cate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information: INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Sites in AB & BC. Hands on real world machine training. NO Simulators. Start any Monday. Funding Options. 1-866-399-3853 TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

FREE FREE Vending machines. Just collect the cash up to $100,000 + per year. Exclusive protected territories. For full details call now 1-866668-6629.

Campground Attendants required. Live-in accommodation provided. Call 250-3447636 or 344-0606.



Lost & Found Found: Set of keys downtown Golden. Body Quest gym pass attached. Call 250-344-5251 to identify. Trailer ramp found on Hwy 1 west of Golden. Call Jim at 250-344-3600.

Children Childcare Available Kellie’s Family Daycare Part time spots available starting in September for ages 1 year and up. Call today to reserve your child’s spot. Kellie Gulliford 250-344-8961.


Help Wanted




Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Mountain Sports Distribution. Sales and Marketing position FT with PT periods. Experience in Sales and Marketing is an asset. Some physical work required. Send resume to chuck@mountainsports or call 250-344-5060.

WANT TO see scenic BC! Needed immediately . Experienced Feller Buncher Operator with Chipper Head/Mower to work around Hydro Transmission Lines. Must be willing to travel throughout BC (based out of Vanderhoof). $28-$34 per hour + BeneďŹ ts. For more info. e-mail: Send Resume to: SBCJOBS Box 1136 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 or Fax: 250-567-2550

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. An Earthmoving Company in Alberta is looking for a 3rd year or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. You will be part of a team maintaining and servicing our eet of Cat dozers, graders and rock trucks plus Deere/Hitachi excavators. You will work at our Modern Shop at Edson, Alberta with some associated ďŹ eld work. Call Contour Construction at (780)723-5051 DRIVEN ENERGY is a progressive busy oilďŹ eld service company in the Midwest area (Lloydminster, Alberta) looking for experienced Pressure Truck and Semi-Vac Operators. Call 780-872-6533, fax 780-875-7847 or email: for info and to apply. Hey Housekeepers! Stop right here. Park Inn wants you. New Management. Employee Incentives, Competitive wages. Come help us make a difference. Call Laura 250-272-0343 or Andrew 250-344-6315.

Experienced COOK required Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shift. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person. G Tress Contracting in Golden BC has an immediate opening for a Mechanic. Offering competitive salary and full beneďŹ ts. Send resume to Fax 250-344-7362 or Call 250-344-0014. JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIAN required immediately for Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep dealership in Salmon Arm, BC. Proven producer, good attitude, quality workmanship a must. Excellent wage and beneďŹ t package. Contact Pat - phone 250-832-8053, fax 250-8324545, email

Help Wanted

Opa Joe passed away at the age of 92 years. Predeceased by his daughter (Elisabeth Praskey) and two wives of 25+ years each (Maria and Ruth), he will be sadly missed by his son-in-law (Doug), two granddaughters (Lisa Verot and Kristina Cameron) and 4 great grandchildren – Jenna, Kenzie, Damon and Asher – as well as extended family in Germany. Having moved to Golden in the 1970s, Joe established a very successful cabinet making business. Dozens of homes in the area are blessed with his talented work. He was an amazing carpenter with an incredible spirit.

TABER TIMES/Vauxhall Advance is seeking an editor to lead a three-person newsroom. Candidate must be able to multitask, produce a quality newspaper and maintain online presence. Send covering letter and resume to: Coleen Campbell, Publisher. Email: Deadline Thursday, May 31.

Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™

Help Wanted

The Wildhorse Theatre at Fort Steele Heritage Town

wants YOU! We are currently holding auditions for the following exciting summer positions:



HEAD CHEF The Regent Hotel; CMH Base Lodge in the winter months is looking for an Inspiring Kitchen Leader. 5 years min as Chef in similar role. Fax: 250.837.9669

Location: Golden Museum, 1302 - 11th Ave S. Golden, B.C.

Josef Bickl February 29, 1920 – May 10, 2012


The Regent Hotel

Job Posting - Golden Museum History Camp Counsellor X 2


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.


Closing Date: June 8, 2012 with review of applications until the position is ¿lled. 3roMect will run from June 18, 2012 thru Aug 26, 2012. Project: To work with museum staff to provide History Camp for Kids throughout the 2012 Summer Season. 4Xali¿cations: Ideally you will be a college of university student with an interest in history or museums or both as well as an interest in teaching and children. Ability to work independently and as a part of a team. At ease working with children aged 6 to 12 years in a challenging environment. Exceptional organizational and problem-solving skills. The candidate must meet all of the eligibility requirements of the <C: 3rograms, including registration on the <C: website. Responsibilities: The successful candidate should be a college or university student with an interest in history or museums or both as well as an interest in teaching children. You will be responsible for ensuring that the campers follow a program of health, happiness, discipline, cleanliness, safety and routine duties, character and skill development. You will be responsible for the social well being of every camper and will promote camper participatoion in all activities. Level of Education: University, or Community College. The successful candidate will be mature 16 to 30 year old student returning to school in the fall, Àexible with an interest in history. Salary: $12.00 per hour. Submit a letter of application with your resume to: Golden Museum - History Camp Counsellor Box 992 Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 or Fax to: 344-5169 or email These positions are dependant on the museum’s ability to secure funding from Young Canada Works in Heritage.

The Golden Golf Club is now accepting resumes for a Pro Shop Attendant. Position to start immediately. Please forward resumes to: Graeme Kreiner, Head Golf Professional 250-344-2922 Fax: 250-344-2700 or drop off at the Pro Shop


A convenient place to work. If you’re outgoing, enthusiastic and share our commitment to customer service, we’d like to have you on our team. We offer you training, bene¿ts to those who qualify, competitive wages and a friendly, supportive environment. Join our winning team. Visit our store to ¿ll out an application and attach your resume. Resumes can also be sent to: Box 869, Golden, BC V0A 1H0. We are an equal opportunity employer. We thank all applicants for responding, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.


Help Wanted

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Golden Star

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Customer Service Representative Falkins Insurance Group’s Golden location has an opening for a Customer Service Representative in the Autoplan/Motor Vehicle department. This position is a permanent/full time position. Closing date 4:00 pm May 25, 2012 Duties include (but are not limited to): r r r r

ICBC Autoplan Motor Vehicle/Drivers Licensing Private Autoplan Out of Province Medical



Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Help Wanted

Legal Services

Garage Sales

Misc. Wanted

SERVICE ADVISOR. Brown’s Chrysler Ltd. Westlock, Alberta is looking for an above average individual skilled in customer service. Duties to include: effective communication with customers, recommend scheduled maintenance and schedule work. Qualifications shall include: knowledge of vehicles and the automotive industry. Sales experience is considered an asset, strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills, ability to work in a fast paced environment with tight time constraints, computer literate and posses a valid drivers licence. Apply to: Dale Marshall - Service Manager. Phone 1780-349-5566. Fax 1-780-3496493 or email:

Trades, Technical

Successful candidate will: r Provide outstanding customer-focused service to clients in person and over the phone r Have good knowledge of Microsoft Word/Excel r Be a team player with excellent communication skills. r Be well organized and able to work in a fast paced environment. r Be available to work 5 days/week (including alternating Saturdays) r Be required to study and complete necessary insurance licensing courses Preference will be given to licensed candidates with previous insurance experience. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Deanna Lacasse 511-9th Ave, PO Box 1035, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 Phone: 250.344.7161 Fax: 250.344.2286 Toll Free: 1.866.345.7161 Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Reporter Full Time

AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN. Journeyman Automotive Service Technician required. 45 minutes North of Edmonton, Alberta. Busy flat rate Chrysler dealership. Above average wages to commensurate with training level achieved. Chrysler experience an asset but not essential. 4th year apprentice considered. Apply to: Dale Marshall - Service Manager. Phone 1-780-349-5566. Fax 1780-349-6493 or email:

Work Wanted Will do yard work, odd jobs etc. Phone Patrick 250-272-0878.


Health Products WAIST AWAY the summer days in a new bathing suit. Get your 1st 9 weeks for $99proven results! Call Herbal Magic right now 1-800-8545176.

Financial Services

The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press newspaper has an immediate opening for a full time reporter. We are looking for someone with a journalism degree/ diploma and at least one year of newspaper experience. The quali¿ed applicant must have experience with Indesign and Photoshop and will be expected to work independently, reporting to the Editor. We are seeking that true journalist who loves to cover everything from the seniors’ bake sale and city council to junior B hockey and school plays. The reporter is expected to work Àexible hours, including weekends, and must own a car and be prepared to travel across the Elk Valley. The successful candidate will receive a very competitive salary, car allowance, and an excellent bene¿t package. Black Press has over 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. If you have an interest in the community, excellent writing skills and experience in journalism, and the ability to work to strict deadlines, please send a cover letter, resume, and examples of your writing and photography work to: Angela Treharne Editor The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Fax: (250) 423-3110 Email: Only those selected for interview will receive a response.

DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping CANADIANS repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest regardless of your credit!

Qualify Now To Be Debt Free 1-877-220-3328 Licensed, Government Approved, BBB Accredited.

DROWNING IN Debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services

Barrister & Solicitor Golden, BC

250 439-8262 Adopt a Shelter Cat! The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.

Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET

Accepting clients in family law, elder law, wills and estates. CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Real Estate

1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Business/Office Service DENIED CANADA Pension plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Acreage for Sale DEADLINE FRIDAY Noon Starting rate $8.75

Phone 250-344-5251 Email classifieds@the

or stop by the office. Hours: 8:30-5:00

I<>@JK<I KF;8P 7D: H;9;?L;

6 Acres with creek running through. 40x60 shop with hoist. Land has power, water & sewer. Ready for your new home. Call 250-344-2028 or 250-344-5799.

Business for Sale The Timbermill Restaurant in Golden is for Sale OR Business for sale - Land & Building for lease. Contact Don Rosodi 250-344-0733.

Mobile Homes & Parks

=H;7J :;7BI ED IJK<< JE :E" FB79;I JE ;7J 7D: J>?D=I JE I;; Register Online at

BCDaily Misc Services Infinity’s Window Cleaning; Disc Golf; 2 Acreages for sale on North Bench. Call 250-348-2351.

Roofing & Skylights Cliff’s Exteriors. Shingle, metal & rubber roofing soffit, fascia & siding. Wade Nolin 250-344-5103, 344-1561 cell.

Pets & Livestock

Pet Services Hawt Pawz N Clawz Dog and Cat Grooming. Currently no waiting period. Call Michelle 250-347-2412, Radium

Pets Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association. Email info@littlemittensanimal or call Alannah 250-290-0279 or Dianne 250-344-7691. Spotted Dog Rescue. Call 250-344-5524.

Merchandise for Sale

Auctions BC LIVESTOCK is holding a ranch equipment auction Saturday May 26th 10:30A.M. For Craig Ervin of Lone Butte. Tractors, haying equipment, backhoe, trucks, tools, saddles & tack, skidoo’s, quads, lots, lots more. View website at F.M.I. Call 250-573-3939

Food Products

Amber van Drielen

Will collect all your old cars, stoves, washers & dryers lawn mowers and anything metal. Please call 250-344-5873. Collecting scrap metal for over 10 years.


All natural, grass fed, local lean beef. Government inspected. Call 250-344-7669.

Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.

Garage Sales 1302 Pine Dr. Saturday May 26th. 9-2. Lots of good stuff! 514 10 St. S. Sunday May 27 10am - 2pm. In Basement. 811 Almberg Rd. Saturday May 26th from 9-2. 3999 & 4020 Hwy 95 S, Parson. Sat., May 26 Multifamily, rain or shine, indoor. 9am-1pm. Tack, tools, furniture, toys, small appliances & more.

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB Heavy Duty Machinery Wanted. Will pay cash for scrap steal, logging, mining & farm equip. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217.

Misc. for Sale 24th ANNUAL ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SALE sponsored by the Vernon Collectors Club at Vernon Curling Rink on Fri. May 25th from 3pm-8pm & Sat. May 26th from 10am-4pm. Approx. 125 tables.$3 admission is good for both days.

BLACK LOAM ORGANIC SCREENED TOP SOIL. $30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. GET FAST Restless Leg Syndrome and Leg Cramp Relief. safe with medication, all natural, proven results, guaranteed!!! Sold in 75 Countries. 1800-765-8660 EST. Good Organic Black Topsoil. Great for gardens and lawns. $20/yd loaded. Bernie 250-344-4646. **HOME PHONE Reconnect** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDING - Blowout sale! 20x26 $5,199. 25x28 $5,799. 30x42 $8,390. 32x56 $11,700. 40x50 $14,480. 47x76 $20,325. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.

12’ x 68’ 2 Bdr Mobile with addition. KHMHP Large window facing ski hill, lots of storage space with 2 sheds. Tidy fenced in yard with firepit and sunny front deck. Oil/wood heat. Updated appliances. Great starter home! $21,999 Offers considered Call 250-439-9072 for more info or viewing.

Rentals Acreage Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Apt/Condo for Rent 1 bdr suite. Downtown location. 806 Park Dr. Large back deck, yard, and garage for storage. Great place for couple or single. Appliances & hydro incl. $750/mth. Call 250-439-8427. 2 Bdr Condo in Riverpointe. Mature tenants only. No pets. Ground level. $900/mth + util. 250-344-1771. Avail June 1. 3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail May 15th. $900/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533. Bright spacious 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bathroom apartment. Centrally located, newly renovated, F/S + Laundry hookups. N/S, no parties, selective pets considered. $750/mth + Utilities and DD. References required. Avail June 1st. For inquiries 250-344-5277. LARGE Newly reno’d 2 bdrm apt. N/S, no pets, no parties, laundry facilities. Walking distance to all amen. Util inc.DD req. (1-250)344-0780 Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056. Twin Rivers - 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113.

Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A25





Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent

Suites, Lower

FOR RENT In the Blaeberry

3 & 2 Bdr open concept new house in town. Laundry. Avail now. Call 250-344-1340.


Sunshine basement suite. 2 Bdr newly renovated. Centrally located. Large fenced back yard with garden plot. Private covered entrance. Walk-in closet. Very cool rental suite, a must see! Avail June 1. No pets, N/S. One year lease minimum. $725/mth. Please call Mike 250-344-8385 or Lee 250-348-2242.

Take a look- you will not be disappointed

All inclusive Larger 2 Bdr Suite $900/month -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site DD & References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233. Upper & Lower Single bedroom apts with easy walking distance to town. Newly renovated, new flooring, fresh paint, new appliances. No pets, N/S. $550/mth + utilities & DD. Call Dwayne 250-344-5582 after 6 pm.

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. 250-344-8429, 344-0209 or 344-0604.

Commercial/ Industrial 1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease or rent. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876. 3 Bay shed on Legendz property on Trans Canada Hwy. Available anytime. Ideal for fruit stand. Call Legendz Diner after 3 pm 250-344-2059. Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Cottages / Cabins New 1 bdr cabin in the Blaeberry. Avail immediately. Pets considered. $800/mth incl utilities. 250-344-3055.

Duplex / 4 Plex Quiet 2 Bdr apartment in 4 Plex. Clean, downtown. W/D, N/S. No pets. $800/mth. DD $400. References req. 250-344-6238.

3 bdr house close to Fields store. One bath. 914 10 St. No parties. 250-344-2144. 3 Bdr house. F/S, laundry rm but no washer/dryer. Large fenced yard. Call Chuck 250-344-3967. 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom house, renovated, central location, fenced yard / garden, woodstove, deck, 1500 sq feet, laundry. $1200 per month, 250-344-8516 4 Bdr 2 baths house in Golden. Close to all amenities. No pets, no parties. Avail immed. Call 250-344-8429 after 3pm. 4 Bdr family home in Nicholson. Clean, bright, sunny, nice kitchen. Quality appliances. Hardwood & tile. 2 full bathrooms, jacuzzi tub, laundry, built-in vacuum, finished basement. On acreage with orchard, greenhouse, garden. Big sunny deck. Great place at a great price. $1345/mth + hydro. Can be furnished. Refs. Avail July 1. 250-939-8935. 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. 5 Bdr, 2 bath house on Alexander Drive. Available June 1. Nice fenced back yard. N/S, No pets. $1300/mth. 250-688-0036. 5 Bdr 3 bath home. Spacious deck and yard. Large shed/workshop. Avail July 1. $1500/mth. No pets, N/S. DD and refs required. Call 250-439-8099. Centrally located, fresh, beautiful 3 BDR home. Fenced private yard with treehouse, deck, large garage/workshop with woodstove. New dishwasher. W/D, wood fireplace. Half block to Overwaitea. Long term rental, would suit couple or small family. N/S. Cat considered. DD & refs required. $1075/mth + utilities. Call 403-613-6073. 3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996. Perfect for seasonal workers or vacationers. Just move in the groceries. This fully furnished home has 3 bdrs. 2 full baths, lrg laundry room and lrg covered deck with great mountain views. A must see! N/S, no pets. $1500/mth all inclusive. Short term welcome. Great backcountry access. Just 10 mins. south of Golden. Avail now. 344-5376.

Large Mobile Home Site available now. #84 Kicking Horse Village MHP. Call Manager 250-344-6935.

Homes for Rent 1 Bdr Log House with loft. Fireplace, great deck. Oster Rd. W/D. N/S, no pets. $725/mth. 250-272-5151. 2 Bdr 1/2 Duplex. 1 1/2 baths, W/D, Satellite dish. N/S, no pets. Refs. $700 + util. Avail now. 344-7163 or 344-8179. 2 Bdr older house on large lot in Nicholson. Wood/electric heat, large dog kennel, garden area. $850/mth. Avail June 1st. 250-344-6553.

3 BR 2 Bath Bright & spacious upper level. Selective pets, N/S, $900/mth. 2 BR Suite Newly renovated, $625/mth.


1 & 2 BR Apts Spacious, laundry, inside cat considered. 4 BR 2 Bath Home Lge family room, fur nished/unfur nished, laminate flooring. 2 BR Luxury Condo KHMR. Hot tub, fireplace, beautifully furnished, lge deck, spectacular views. $1500/mth all inclusive. 2 BR 2 Bath Luxury Condo KHMR. Fully furnished, hot tub, exercise room, 2 deck entrances. $1200/mth all inclusive.

Suites, Upper 2 BDR newly renovated suite. New kitchen, flooring, window coverings. Util incl. 250-344-2731. 3 Bdr Upper Suite available March 1. Call 250-344-5075. Clean, quiet 2 Bdr suite. Sun deck, w/d, wood stove. $700/mth. 5 mins south. Sorry no pets. 250-344-2417.

Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.


Auto Financing Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231

3 BR 2 Bath Country Home 10 mins south on 6 acres. Open concept, wood/propane heat, pets considered. $1200/mth 3 BR 2 Bath Executive Home Fully furnished. Fireplace, loft/games room, in-floor heating, dbl garage. __________________ Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or

250-344-8581 (cell) Each office is independently owned & operated.

Shared Accommodation

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

Room available in home in Blaeberry. Shared kitchen, all facilities available. $375/mth all incl. 250-344-2740. DL# 7557


Room avail in fully furnished shared home. Close to all amenities. N/P, N/S. $450/mth all inclusive + DD. Avail asap. Leave message 604-356-2543.

3 Bdr Upper & 2 Bdr Lower suite. Avail now. 250-344-5075.

2 Bdr 2 full bath new clean mobile home. Huge sunny deck, shed, W/D, D/W. $1050 + util. 250-939-9944. 2 bedroom mobile home. F/S/D, W/D Pets ok. $450.00 + UT. #30 Mountain Shadows MHP 1-519-683-6489

Duplex for Rent

Misc for Rent

Mobile Homes & Pads

Visit our website for complete rental listings


Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289. Heated indoor secure storage available. Single door entry. Rates negotiable. Call 250-344-1065.

Suites, Lower 1BDR basement suite. New clean comfy. $700 + hydro. 250 344 2246 2 Bdr downstairs Available now. Call 250-344-5075.


INVERMERE Bright, spacious 2 bedroom lower suite for rent. Big bright windows all around - lots of natural light. Located just around the corner from Sobey’s - you can walk everywhere! Large yard (maintained by landscaper), off street parking. Looking for quiet , clean, long term tenants. Available now. $700 + utilities N/S, N/P, W/D 403-609-6643.

Off Road Vehicles 2003 Bombardier Outlander. 2040 kms. Good running order. $3200. 250-344-2108.

Scrap Car Removal FREE CAR REMOVAL Will haul your old Junkers away. Call Rod 250-344-6921 or 250-344-0580. Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288

Trucks & Vans 1991 Chev Cavalier, 4 door, 2.2 L auto $600. Call 250 344-2827.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the AGM results of the 2012 election to the Board of Directors. Pictured left are Kris King, Jessica Joy, Flec Demmon, Brandy Beliveau, Lynne Romano, Dallas Matheson, Lori Baxendale, David Hamilton, Suzanne McCrimmon, Atma Sandher and Ruth Hamilton. Missing from photo are Keith Hern and Stefani Chomiak. The board thanked Jordan Petrovics, Shawna Degagne, James Acton and Debbie Chabot whose terms have come to an end at the Chamber and they will be leaving the Board. They worked tirelessly for the KHCCC, their dedicated service and expertise will be missed. Golden Star Photo


START ASKING GE T THE FAC TS Making informed menu choices can be challenging. But with the new Informed Dining program, restaurant-goers can now get the facts when dining out. Just look for the Informed Dining logo at participating restaurants and ask your server for nutrition information to help you make healthy choices from the menu. You can now be confident when eating at participating restaurants that you’ll have access to nutrition information before you make your menu choice. Stop guessing...and start asking!

WIN BIG! Enter now for a chance to win great prizes, including a Grand Prize worth $2,500! Other prizes include $150 prize packs to featured Informed Dining restaurants across B.C. Enter weekly for more chances to win! Learn more and enter today at


The Golden Star Wednesday, May 23, 2012 A27


FRESHened up for you! THE


Join us May 26th for FREE Cake! Noon till 2pm

Delissio Pizza Selected Varieties, Frozen, 397 g - 931 g, Limit 4, Over Limit $5.99





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Limit one same coupon per person. One offer per coupon. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase and cannot be combined with any other same minimum spend/receive offer. No reproductions or photocopies accepted. Minimum purchases do not include deposit, enviro charges, tobacco, gift cards, bus passes, lottery purchases, postal services, custom cut freezer orders, Tim Hortons® coffee, tax, prescriptions, Western Union. No refunds or exchanges or time extensions of expired offers. Offer valid at Sobeys Golden only. Club Sobeys card must be swiped with coupon to receive offer. Restrictions apply. See for program rules, privacy commitment. Valid May 25 - May 31, 2012.




Jumbo Cinnamon Buns Traditional or With Cream Cheese, 650 g, Package of 4, Baked In-Store Fresh Daily




Winnipeg Bread Sourdough or Light Rye Bread, Baked In-Store Fresh Daily, 454 g



Cantaloupe Product of USA or Mexico, No. 1 Grade





4” Potted Vegetable Plant Selected Varieties

Golden Sobeys 624 - 9th Avenue South 250-344-2361



Strawberries Product of USA, No. 1 Grade, 1 lb Clamshell


25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Prices in effect from: Friday, May 25 to Thursday, May 31, 2012.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012 The Golden Star

RE/MAX of Golden 250-344-7663

Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234

$375,000 615 Lower Habart Lower Road 4bdrms

3 baths

Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275




$399,000 2 bedrooms

$289,000 1735 Oberg Johnson Road 1 bath


1.5 acres

2 baths


$317,900 2 baths

$124,900 Lot 1, Mitchell Road


.63 acre


1 bath



.43 acre




3 baths

18 acres

3 baths

2 bedrooms

2 baths


1 bath


4 bedrooms

3 baths



.289 acre

$750,000 789 Golden Donald Upper Road



1 bath


2 baths


985 McBeath Road 40 acres



501 – 9th Street

Lot 2, Maple Street

75’ x 115’

Land and Building

75’ x 115’


143 acres


$329,900 2 bedrooms

1 acre

1564 Quart Crescent

#303, 1420 Palliser Trail

Land, Building & Business




Lot 14, Hemlock Street







#304, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail

1141 - 10th Avenue 770sqft

Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435

1320 Highway #95, South

1402 Birch Crescent


Barry Klassen (250) 344-0262


4 bedrooms

647 Bench Road

1 bath




$300,000 2 bedrooms

2564 Highway #95, South 1 bath


Bob Tegart (250) 272-4321

1615 Gareb Road

2757 Big Bend Highway

#21, 1345 Aemmer Way

2 acres



2 baths


809 - 13th Street 3 bedrooms


3 bedrooms

#301, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail

71’ x 180’

Marlon Chambers (250) 344-0735

1602 Gareb Road


$157,000 1608 Gareb Road



Lot 6, Dogtooth Close

.53 acre

Flec Demmon (250) 344-8451

$239,000 731 Kinsey Road 3bdrms

1.5 baths



.5 acre


Golden Donald Upper Road

#37 Kicking Horse Village MHP

#38 Mnt Shadows MHP

#16 Kicking Horse Village MHP

Lot 3, Highway #95, South

9.48 acres

4 bedrooms

2 bedrooms

3 bedrooms

36.33 acres



4 bedrooms

3 baths



4bdrms 2 baths

4bdrms 2.5 baths


645 Lower Habart Road 2,376sqft


1.12 acres

5bdrms 3 baths

1.12 acres


25 acres




2.97 acres





.92 acre


2 baths


2 baths



.66 acre

$110,000 .62 acre


1402 Trans Canada Highway

729 Nicholson Frontage Road 2,440sqft

3 bedrooms



2 baths


#7, 411 - 5th Avenue

3071 Tegart Road

1114 - 11 Street 5 bedrooms

3 baths


3 baths


874 East Ryter Road

509 - 7th Street

2307 Holmes Deakin Road 20 acres




1132 Golden Donald Upper Road

Land and Building

4bdrms 3 baths


1761 Short Road


$297,000 802 Park Drive



625 Habart Road

1308 Pine Drive

Land and Building



#308, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail 2 bedrooms

2 baths


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