NEWS: Timber review coming to Houston
PROFILE: Library looks beyond the book
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Short-log switch costs contractors By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
Houston Secondary’s girls rugby team was out in force Wednesday, flipping burgers to fund their first-ever trip to provincials in North Vancouver this weekend.
Changes at Canfor’s Houston sawmill will boost its output, but the move will cost logging contractors millions in new equipment. Canfor now receives so-called “long logs,” which contractors can legally haul in at lengths up to 80 feet, often the entire height of a tree. Starting in June, Canfor will begin switching to short or “cut-to-length” logs, which contractors cut to 20 feet or shorter lengths in the bush. Canfor spokesperson Christine Kennedy says the mill has several reasons to make the switch now. “The merchandiser decks at the mill that cut long logs into shorter lengths are old,” she said. “They’re past repair, and they’re no longer capable of feed-
“ “It’s progress, at the end of the day.”
- Lorne Himech
ing the mill.” Bringing in short logs will also boost the mill’s productivity, she said, since they will arrive in more uniform lengths. Finally, Kennedy said going short means contractors can cut away defective portions of timber, something Canfor expects to see more often as it cuts into beetle-killed pine and older stands of balsam fir. Kennedy could not say how Canfor’s pay rates will change to accommodate the switch, an issue that several Houston contractors said will be negotiated over the summer. See LOGS on Page 2
Irrigation Lake dam fails B.C. safety standards, requires upgrade By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
District staff are taking a close look at the dam holding up one of Houston’s favourite swimming holes. Built before 1947, the dam on Dunalter Lake, popularly known as Irrigation Lake, no
longer complies with B.C.’s dam safety standards. Speaking to Houston councillors last week, Chelton van Geloven, dam safety officer for the Skeena region, said the dam is unlikely to break. But it does need an upgrade soon or the province will have to
“I want to make sure the District is aware of the opportunity, and the decision isn’t made without them.”
pull it down. “It seems like this dam was particu-
- Chelton van Geloven
larly well made,” van Geloven said. “There’s lots and lots of rock
on it. Water has flown over the top and we haven’t seen very much erosion.” “That said, enough water could cause it to erode and fail.” If the dam did break, Dunalter Lake and whatever debris is picked up could spill into a house downstream.
In 2010, a wall of mud destroyed five homes and several orchards near Oliver, B.C. after an earthen dam built in the 1930s suddenly failed and released two-thirds of a nearby reservoir. Soon after that, B.C.’s natural resources ministry ordered a review and annual
reports on every dam in the province. Van Geloven said that’s when Dunalter was found to be non-compliant. “We’ve definitely kept it safe since then,” he said, noting that he and a neighbouring landowner now monitor its floodgate. See DAM on Page 3
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A healthy local economy depends on you
Trucks will take wider corners LOGS from Page 1
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Houston Today
Lorne Himech says his company, John Himech Logging, will spend about $1 million to switch all its trucks to short-log trailers. “That’s just our trucks,” Himech said, noting that rigging one truck for short logs costs $80,000 to $120,000. “There’s probably between 80 and 100 trucks hauling to Canfor’s mills that it will affect,” he added. But Himech said personally, he doesn’t mind the switch. In fact, in 2007, Himech Logging was asked by Canfor to switch half its fleet to short-log trailers, and did. But technical snags with the trucks and the mill led Canfor to reverse that decision in 2010. “We sold our trailers and took a terrible beating on them,” Himech said, laughing. “But that’s life.” Contractor Andy Meints says that unlike
long-log trailers, shortlog or “hay rack” trailers can’t fold up when the truck hasn’t got a load. “Instead of carrying a trailer on top and driving it around you’re always carrying 50 feet or whatever of trailer behind you,” Meints said. “Up hills you’ll have to chain up more, and even loaded I don’t think it will pull as good. It will be harder on the trucks.” Meints also said it might be harder on drivers. Pulling hay racks means more tire chains and throwing more heavy cables to bind the logs on every run, he said. “Some of the older guys are going to retire I think,” he said. “Chaining up is not easy work.” Himech said Houston drivers will definitely notice the change on local forest service roads. “It’s going to be a huge difference, I believe,” he said. “The
roads will get rougher quicker, so road maintenance will have to change.” Meints agreed the roads will need more sand and gravel in winter, but didn’t think they would be too badly affected. However, Meints did say drivers pulling short-log trailers will have to take wider corners, since the trailers don’t track as well. “On main roads, like the Morice River road, Meints said that’s no problem, adding that most other roads are one-way only. But Meints said he wouldn’t want to haul short-log trailers up Buck Flats Road. “Even now it’s tough,” he said .”It’s just a skinny, narrow road.” Asked if he’s concerned about the move, Himech said, “Yeah, we’re concerned.” “But they’re the boss, and that’s what they want so we’re going to do it.” “It’s progress, at the end of the day.”
News staff/ Houston Today
LEGION Lift Bunny Timms rides a newly installed stair lift to the second floor of the Houston Legion, with help from fellow Ladies Auxilary volunteer and button-pusher Dawn Szydlik. The stair lift was chosen from 18 community projects for a $17,500 donation from the Bulkley Valley Credit Union as it rang in its 70th last year.
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Houston Today
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
District of Houston
Council to weigh dam options, costs DAM from Page 1 But with no spillway and less than a metre between the lake and the top of the dam, van Geloven said someone has to take action. Complicating matters is the fact no one owns Dunalter dam, although it does stand on former Crown land given to the District of Houston for a recreation site. If no one steps up to take it over and the dam is dismantled, the water level will drop two metres, van Geloven said, noting that campers at the Rough Acres and
Mountain View summer camps likely want the lake to stay at or near its current level. The lake is also a popular ice-fishing spot in winter. If the District or another owner takes over, van Geloven said they have two options. First, they could hire a professional engineer to upgrade the dam and install a spillway, allowing the lake to stay at its current height. A less costly option is to simply build a spillway, which van Geloven estimated at less than $5,000, and allow the lake to drop
The District of Houston has established a Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel to receive any complaints about the preparation of the parcel tax rolls used in the collection of parcel taxes. The District of Houston uses parcel frontage taxes for both the water and sanitary sewer systems. The parcel tax rolls for these services may be inspected from May 23, 2012 to May 31, 2012 at the District of Houston Municipal Office at 3367 12th Street, Houston, BC during regular office hours, 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. In order for a complaint to be heard, it must be received in writing by 5:00pm May 31, 2012. A person who owns a parcel included on the parcel tax roll may submit a written complaint in regard to: a) the names or address of the owners of land b) the taxable frontage of a parcel c) the inclusion or exemption of a parcel If any complaints are received, the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel will consider the written complaints received by the deadline. Further information can be obtained by phoning Tandra Bamsey, Collector for the District of Houston at 250 845 2238 or by visiting the District of Houston office during regular office hours. DATED AT HOUSTON, B.C. THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 2012 Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations photo
An aerial photo of Dunalter dam. While no records exist to show exactly what materials were used to build it, dam safety officers say it’s unlikely to fail. by a metre. Council voted to direct the issue to
Engineering Services Director Michael Glavin, who will re-
port back with more information at a June 19 council meeting.
Parents of fire victim wait for commissioner’s report By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Larry and Eleanor Carlson are looking for answers after their son Duane, 46, died alone in a trailer fire just three doors down from their own home in Granisle. Police ruled the fire accidental. Duane leaves behind three children, ages 1, 4, and 9, who live with their mother in Houston. Larry Carlson says he doubts his son’s woodstove is to blame for the fire that started April 27 around 6 a.m. “The thing is, he’s been around woodstoves since he was as tall as a wood stove,”
Carlson said, noting that neighbours who phoned 911 that morning also saw no smoke rising from Duane’s chimney. Carlson, a former Kitsault fire chief, says scorch marks around the wiring going to Duane’s trailer suggest the fire was electrical. “The line going to the trailer was very, very tight,” he said. “Duane used to complain. He said, ‘Dad, when the wind blows, I can hear it pulling on the trailer and screeching.’” A fire commissioner and a coroner are still investigating, but said Duane most likely died from inhaling fire smoke. His body was found
Duane Carlson
ting any oxygen.” Duane had both fire and carbon monoxide alarms installed, but his parents say he was extra vulnerable to inhaling smoke because he had no sense of smell. Back in Kitsault, when Duane was just eight or nine years old, Larry Carlson recalls what that lack of smell meant for the family laundry.
“He caught this great big salmon and was hugging it— he’d stink like heck and his mom would say, ‘Hey, you smell!’” “She washed his clothes, but every time she ironed them you could smell that damn fish,” he said, laughing. “But he was so proud.” Friends are welcome to phone the Carlsons at (250) 697-6294.
NOTICE Morice Forest Salvage Society
General Meeting Thursday May 24th, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Houston Public Library
15 feet from the trailer door, with his dog’s body lying in a running position just behind him. “The fire commissioner said that’s all it takes,” Carlson said. “You get a deep breath of that and then you want to suck more because you’re not get-
The winner of the May 9, 2012
Guess the Merchant Contest was
Dorothy Himech Dorothy wins a
Houston Merchants AssociaƟon GiŌ CerƟĮcate.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
Oil woes E
nbridge must be wondering why its Northern Gateway pipeline plan has become such a pitched battle for approval when another energy export project in the region has emerged unscathed. After all, the Pacific Trails pipeline and accompanying liquefied natural gas plant involves billions from large corporations, large tankers plying their way through north coast waters to and from Kitimat, a pipeline going through the same geography as would Northern Gateway and a valuable energy resource headed overseas to customers who may not have the most pristine of democratic practices. One reason is First Nations acceptance. The liquefaction plant, for example, will be built on Haisla land and the Haisla will reap revenues. It’s a given in B.C. that no major project will be developed without aboriginal acceptance and without an aboriginal economic benefit. Another is the product itself. Oil is a sticky pollutant, affixing itself equally to animals, birds and shoreline. Natural gas, by contrast, will quickly dissipate and is viewed as less of an environmental threat. Enbridge keeps saying it has more than 22 First Nations equity partners in Northern Gateway. It had better start trundling them out if it wants this project to survive. And it had better hope the technical aspects of its project are in top form as the federal review panel moves to the next phase of its work.
“ “It’s a given in B.C. that no major project will be developed without aboriginal acceptance.”
—Terrace Standard
Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor! Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to
Victoria’s timber plan is certified irony
ictoria’s suggestion to send loggers into old-growth stands and those set aside for viewscapes may soon be getting criticism from an unlikely source: logging companies. Under the guise of finding enough fibre to re-open the Hampton Affiliates mill in Burns Lake, the powers-thatbe in Victoria have been floating out the idea of going into old-growth stands and viewscapes, even overriding the authority of the chief forester. It could easily become a model for the province. However, the brain-
“The braintrust that hatched the plan didn’t really think it through.”
trust that hatched the plan didn’t really think it through. The problem? Certification. Mills throughout the province go to great pains, and expense, to ensure that the wood they produce is certified as being harvested in the most environmentally sound way. And, it’s not just a declaration, it is an International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) process. Buyers who are environmentally conscious, Home Depot for example, are looking for wood to be certified as being harvested in an environmentally-friendly way … an ISO 14000 designation. That environmentally-friendly way doesn’t include cutting down every stick of wood that is out there,
such as old-growth stands and established viewscapes and wildlife corridors. And, it most certainly doesn’t include politicians overruling decisions by the chief forester in order to simply get more wood to a mill. The impact for mills throughout B.C.that have an ISO certification designation, is that they may lose it. When they lose that certification, some markets are no longer available and that, obviously, has a negative impact. It is ironic that in its zeal to find fibre for mills to keep them operating, the opposite might occur.
Guest View Bill Phillips
It’s also ironic that the opposition may come from the mills themselves. Victoria should simply shelve the idea of opening up protected forest areas.
Black Press Group Ltd. B.C. Owned and Operated
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Houston Today
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
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Timber committee will visit Houston
By Allan Wishart & Andrew Hudson Houston Today
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Houston Today
A special legislative committee has been struck to review options for B.C.’s shrinking timber supply. Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad will convene the sevenmember committee, which is due to report by Aug. 15. “We plan to hold meetings everywhere from Smithers down to the KamloopsMerritt area, as well as out in Mackenzie and McBride,” Rustad said, noting that those are the towns most affected by the mountain pine beetle. “Houston is definitely on the list,” he said, adding that while a schedule has yet to be worked out, the committee will likely tour from June 18 to July 20. The committee will consider a series of proposals that would boost B.C.’s mid-term timber supply: increases to the harvest
rate, a switch from volume to area-based forest licences, along with some logging in protected scenic, oldgrowth, and wildlife management areas. “My hope in this is to come out with a consensus report as to the types of things that we should be looking at,” said Rustad. Members of the committee include Liberal MLAs Donna Barnett (CaribooChilcotin), Eric Foster (Vernon-Monashee) and Ben Stewart (Westside-Kelowna) as well as NDP MLAs Harry Bains (SurreyNewton), Norm Macdonald (Columbia River-Revelstoke), and Bill Routley (Cowichan Valley). Forestry experts, led by former Chief Foresters Larry Pedersen and Jim Snetsinger, will advise the committee on technical issues. It will also receive input from the public. Rustad says the committee composition was decided by
Kevin Teague/Flickr
the house leaders, who checked with their party MLAs to see if who would be willing to take part. Rustad said he would have liked to see MLA Bob Simpson (Cariboo North) join, “but the NDP didn’t want him on the committee.” Simpson was an NDP MLA before he became an independent in December 2010. Working on a related report, forestry consultant and for-
mer “beetle boss” Bob Clark met privately with Houston district councillors last Wednesday. Rustad said Clark’s work, which began after the Babine Forest Products mill fire, will focus primarily on the Lakes timber supply area, while the special committee takes a wider look. “Realistically, the challenge we have in the Lakes TSA is if we’re going to make any changes to supply it would have an
impact on mills in adjacent areas,” Rustad said. “It couldn’t be just about Houston, and it couldn’t be just about Fraser Lake. There was a cascading impact across the entire area, so that’s why we’ve decided to look at the much broader picture.” Rustad also said no provincial report has yet gone to Hampton Affiliates about whether the Lakes area has sufficient timber to rebuild its mill there.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Dealership operating hours may vary. †Until May 28, 2012, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2012 [Focus (excluding S and Electric),Fiesta (excluding S), Escape (excluding I4 manual), F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2), Super Cab (excluding Raptor), and Super Crew (excluding Raptor)] models for a
Houston Today
Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription
Hwy 16, Smithers
This is Ford Country 250-847-2237 1-800-663-7765
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Houston Today
WINNING Wolverines Houston Secondary’s girls rugby team celebrate with coach Scott Jackson after winning the northwest zones in Prince George. Heading into the B.C. finals in North Vancouver this week, the Wolverines stand undefeated at 7-0 and rank fifth in the province. The girls have plenty of know-how heading into provincials: Toni Monkman, Emily McKenzie, Ali Henrickson, and Leigh Siemens are all Grade 12 students with a full four years on the field. Submitted photo
START ASKING GE T THE FAC TS Making informed menu choices can be challenging. But with the new Informed Dining program, restaurant-goers can now get the facts when dining out. Just look for the Informed Dining logo at participating restaurants and ask your server for nutrition information to help you make healthy choices from the menu. You can now be confident when eating at participating restaurants that you’ll have access to nutrition information before you make your menu choice. Stop guessing...and start asking!
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ON NOW AT YOUR ALBERTA CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/†† Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Cruze LS (R7A) and Equinox LS (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services/ Ally Financing Services for 84/72 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Cruze LS/2012 Equinox LS. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $119.05/ $138.89 for 84/72 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000.00. ††1.99% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Financing Services for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Equinox LS. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 1.99% APR, the monthly payment is $127.63 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $720.94, total obligation is $10,720.94. ++ Cruze Eco equipped with 6-speed manual transmission. Based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Ratings for the Midsize Car class. Excludes hybrid and diesel models. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ,© The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. ¥Vehicle specification and purchase price according to the information available on the manufacturer’s website/newspaper ad at time of printing for the 2012 Chevrolet LS 6 Speed Manual (freight included, tax excluded) and a 2012 Hyundai Elantra L Sedan 6 Speed Manual (freight included, tax excluded). ¥¥For more information visit ◊2012 Chevrolet Equinox FWD, equipped with standard 2.4L ECOTEC® I-4 engine. Fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive segment based on’s 2012 Middle Cross Utility Vehicles Segment, excludes other GM models. ** Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. +OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide.
Houston Today Wednesday, May 23, 2012
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012
We are pleased to be involved with the work of the School. God bless the Christian School in the future!
Houston Today
Houston Today
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Houston Christian School 50 Anniversary Celebrations th
From 1962...
Christian World View - Planted by Streams
Psalm 1:3 “Like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding their fruit in season.”
2235 Nadina Avenue, Houston, BC
By John Siebenga
Government Vehicle Inspection Facility
or many years Houston Christian has looked to this verse in Psalm 1 as the focus and the vision to what they were doing at the school. There are a few good reasons for that. First, Houston Christian School has always been an important part of the community of Houston, right next to the Bulkley River. In a very literal sense the school is planted by waters. This Bulkley River has called students out of the classroom many times over the past 50 years to sandbag its banks and to keep it flowing away from the community’s homes. But that really is not what those involved in Houston Christian School saw in this text. Second, and for Dutch immigrants fresh off the boat from the Netherlands and the memory of all that they had there still fresh in their minds, this was most important. For almost fifty years in the Netherlands, there had been two school systems, John Sibenga a public school system and the Christian school system -Two Principal systems that had their source in two diametrically opposing world views. There was a continental divide between the two. One source flowed down into the ocean of humanism and the other stream flowed into the ocean of God-centeredness and other-centeredness. Arriving in Canada and in the town of Houston, these Dutch immigrants found only one school system, that system that had flowed down and into the ocean of secular humanism. There was no way that Dutch immigrants would or could stand for such a compromise. Whatever the cost, they needed to have their children educated in a world view that resonated with what was taught at home and with what was taught in church on Sunday. It was the stream that the school was planted beside that made all the difference – was it going to be the stream of God’s Word or the stream of John Dewey? There could be no compromise.
Group of students in the early years playing soccer.
1420 Morice River Road, Houston, B.C.
Phone: 250-845-3240 or toll free: 1-888-552-5532 CALDERWOOD
CALDERWOOD REALTY $175,900 Proud to celebrate with the MLS# N218153 Houston Christian School...
Congratulations on your anniversary! MLS# N218153 Dan Hansma Dan Hansma 250-845-8234
Landclearing to make way for the new school. On the far right is the early building of the Houston Christian Reformed Church.
Hansma 50 Years is aDanLandmark! 250-845-8234
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
HOUSTON PHARMASAVE 3429 - 10th Street, Steelhead Centre, Houston, BC
We are pleased to celebrate with the
School building in early 1960’s when the Christian School started.
Houston Christian School
Count on us for continued support!
50th Anniversary!!
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary!
on their
CountryWide Sports West Highway 16, Houston
250-845-2213 •
9th Street
Hamblin Frtg. Road
The stream that the school was to be beside was one thing but there was also another aspect which drove those early immigrants to want their own school. It was Dutch immigrants of Reformed Protestant persuasion that wanted these schools. These women and men had made vows before the Lord and His people that they would have their children taught in the ways of the Lord. These vows had been made at the baptism of their children. God had promised to be the children’s God but there was an obligation the parents promised to perform. This school, this tree had to be planted firmly in the rich soil of the covenantal promises made at the baptism of the children. Third, these parents wanted a school that would transform society – yielding fruit. It was not an education to get rich quick. It was not an education in order to perpetuate itself. It was an education that would make this a better world as we awaited the return of our Lord and Saviour. Houston Christian School was to graduate students that would make a positive impact on the society around it.
... to 2012
After fifty years, Houston Christian School can honestly say it is continuing in the way of its fore fathers and fore mothers. The conviction is still there to base every decision, every lesson, every subject in the word of God. The conviction is still there that because of the Source, the school yields fruit in season. The conviction is still there that Houston Christian School, because it is planted firmly by the streams, makes a Christian world-view a reality. May God graciously bless Houston Christian School for the next fifty years and more, remaining steadfastly “planted by steams of water, yielding fruit in season.”
TRUCK & EQUIPMENT INC. 50 years of History in our community is something to celebrate!
Congratulations to the Houston Christian School on your anniversary. We wish the best for you now, and into the future! 1-877-545-0063 or 250-845-0061 2226 N. Nadina Ave. Houston •
We applaud the pioneer struggle that realized the Houston Christian School. May future generations be inspired.....
Tower Communications Ltd. 3459 10th Street • PO Box 1330, Houston Phone: 250-845-7306 • E-mail:
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary We celebrate with you! Houston Christian School staff - L-R, back row, Marshall Duzan (High School teacher) Jacky Hielema-King (Grade ½), Ed Kronemeyer (high school teacher), Wendall Ewald (high school teacher), John Siebenga (Principal), Richard King (teacher), Front row L-R, Dorene Jaarsma (Kindergarten teacher), Dawn Bishop (special Ed. Aide) Jean Guenther, (Elementary music teacher, part time grade ½ teacher), Edna Dahlgren (Grade ¾ teacher), Nelinda Vandenberg (French teacher), and Kim Van Barneveld (Administrative/Financial Assistant). Missing Robin Euverman, (grade 2 teacher), Marnie MacLeod (learning assistant) and Denise Aziz (aide for a student in Kindergarten).
Each spring the rivers in the Bulkley Valley swell and sometimes overflow their banks. The spring runoff rejuvenates and energizes for another season. The early fore mothers and fathers wanted their school to reflect the watershed of the Bulkley River. They wanted Houston Christian School to be reformational, that is, they wanted this school, whether that was the board, the education committee, the staff and the parents, to be constantly and consistently returning to the Word of God, to align their lives accordingly with that Word, and to be rejuvenated by the living preaching and reading of that Word. The Word of God was to be the source that would guide and lead the school community, and, in a positive way, spill over through the students into the commu- Modern school building as it looks in 2012. The Houston Christian School offers kindergarten through nity into which the Bulkley River overflowed. Grade 12.
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary to the Houston Christian School
Our best wishes and congratulations on your milestone Anniversary!! The Valley’s Only Locally Owned Insurance Office
Vanderhoof & Districts Co-operative Association
Bulkley Valley Home Centre Ltd.
to the Houston Christian School on your achievement!
2920 Highway 16, Houston
2367 Copeland Ave, Houston • Phone: 250-845-7511
Phone: 250-845-7606
Auto, Home, Commercial & Travel Insurance
2920 Highway 16, Houston
• Cardlock • Propane
250 845-2303
AURORA TRUCK & TIRE CENTRE 2206 Nadina Ave. North, Houston, BC Phone: 250-845-7600
In the Pioneer Spirit of the past... we extend warm congratulations to the
Houston Christian School on their 50th Anniversary
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION The power of membership
Congratulations Houston Christian School on your 50th Anniversary!
Pleasant Valley Motel 3030 Highway 16, PO Box 1110 Houston, BC V0J 1Z0
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
We are pleased to be involved with the work of the School. God bless the Christian School in the future!
Houston Today
Houston Today
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Houston Christian School 50 Anniversary Celebrations th
From 1962...
Christian World View - Planted by Streams
Psalm 1:3 “Like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding their fruit in season.”
2235 Nadina Avenue, Houston, BC
By John Siebenga
Government Vehicle Inspection Facility
or many years Houston Christian has looked to this verse in Psalm 1 as the focus and the vision to what they were doing at the school. There are a few good reasons for that. First, Houston Christian School has always been an important part of the community of Houston, right next to the Bulkley River. In a very literal sense the school is planted by waters. This Bulkley River has called students out of the classroom many times over the past 50 years to sandbag its banks and to keep it flowing away from the community’s homes. But that really is not what those involved in Houston Christian School saw in this text. Second, and for Dutch immigrants fresh off the boat from the Netherlands and the memory of all that they had there still fresh in their minds, this was most important. For almost fifty years in the Netherlands, there had been two school systems, John Sibenga a public school system and the Christian school system -Two Principal systems that had their source in two diametrically opposing world views. There was a continental divide between the two. One source flowed down into the ocean of humanism and the other stream flowed into the ocean of God-centeredness and other-centeredness. Arriving in Canada and in the town of Houston, these Dutch immigrants found only one school system, that system that had flowed down and into the ocean of secular humanism. There was no way that Dutch immigrants would or could stand for such a compromise. Whatever the cost, they needed to have their children educated in a world view that resonated with what was taught at home and with what was taught in church on Sunday. It was the stream that the school was planted beside that made all the difference – was it going to be the stream of God’s Word or the stream of John Dewey? There could be no compromise.
Group of students in the early years playing soccer.
1420 Morice River Road, Houston, B.C.
Phone: 250-845-3240 or toll free: 1-888-552-5532 CALDERWOOD
CALDERWOOD REALTY $175,900 Proud to celebrate with the MLS# N218153 Houston Christian School...
Congratulations on your anniversary! MLS# N218153 Dan Hansma Dan Hansma 250-845-8234
Landclearing to make way for the new school. On the far right is the early building of the Houston Christian Reformed Church.
Hansma 50 Years is aDanLandmark! 250-845-8234
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
HOUSTON PHARMASAVE 3429 - 10th Street, Steelhead Centre, Houston, BC
We are pleased to celebrate with the
School building in early 1960’s when the Christian School started.
Houston Christian School
Count on us for continued support!
50th Anniversary!!
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary!
on their
CountryWide Sports West Highway 16, Houston
250-845-2213 •
9th Street
Hamblin Frtg. Road
The stream that the school was to be beside was one thing but there was also another aspect which drove those early immigrants to want their own school. It was Dutch immigrants of Reformed Protestant persuasion that wanted these schools. These women and men had made vows before the Lord and His people that they would have their children taught in the ways of the Lord. These vows had been made at the baptism of their children. God had promised to be the children’s God but there was an obligation the parents promised to perform. This school, this tree had to be planted firmly in the rich soil of the covenantal promises made at the baptism of the children. Third, these parents wanted a school that would transform society – yielding fruit. It was not an education to get rich quick. It was not an education in order to perpetuate itself. It was an education that would make this a better world as we awaited the return of our Lord and Saviour. Houston Christian School was to graduate students that would make a positive impact on the society around it.
... to 2012
After fifty years, Houston Christian School can honestly say it is continuing in the way of its fore fathers and fore mothers. The conviction is still there to base every decision, every lesson, every subject in the word of God. The conviction is still there that because of the Source, the school yields fruit in season. The conviction is still there that Houston Christian School, because it is planted firmly by the streams, makes a Christian world-view a reality. May God graciously bless Houston Christian School for the next fifty years and more, remaining steadfastly “planted by steams of water, yielding fruit in season.”
TRUCK & EQUIPMENT INC. 50 years of History in our community is something to celebrate!
Congratulations to the Houston Christian School on your anniversary. We wish the best for you now, and into the future! 1-877-545-0063 or 250-845-0061 2226 N. Nadina Ave. Houston •
We applaud the pioneer struggle that realized the Houston Christian School. May future generations be inspired.....
Tower Communications Ltd. 3459 10th Street • PO Box 1330, Houston Phone: 250-845-7306 • E-mail:
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary We celebrate with you! Houston Christian School staff - L-R, back row, Marshall Duzan (High School teacher) Jacky Hielema-King (Grade ½), Ed Kronemeyer (high school teacher), Wendall Ewald (high school teacher), John Siebenga (Principal), Richard King (teacher), Front row L-R, Dorene Jaarsma (Kindergarten teacher), Dawn Bishop (special Ed. Aide) Jean Guenther, (Elementary music teacher, part time grade ½ teacher), Edna Dahlgren (Grade ¾ teacher), Nelinda Vandenberg (French teacher), and Kim Van Barneveld (Administrative/Financial Assistant). Missing Robin Euverman, (grade 2 teacher), Marnie MacLeod (learning assistant) and Denise Aziz (aide for a student in Kindergarten).
Each spring the rivers in the Bulkley Valley swell and sometimes overflow their banks. The spring runoff rejuvenates and energizes for another season. The early fore mothers and fathers wanted their school to reflect the watershed of the Bulkley River. They wanted Houston Christian School to be reformational, that is, they wanted this school, whether that was the board, the education committee, the staff and the parents, to be constantly and consistently returning to the Word of God, to align their lives accordingly with that Word, and to be rejuvenated by the living preaching and reading of that Word. The Word of God was to be the source that would guide and lead the school community, and, in a positive way, spill over through the students into the commu- Modern school building as it looks in 2012. The Houston Christian School offers kindergarten through nity into which the Bulkley River overflowed. Grade 12.
Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary to the Houston Christian School
Our best wishes and congratulations on your milestone Anniversary!! The Valley’s Only Locally Owned Insurance Office
Vanderhoof & Districts Co-operative Association
Bulkley Valley Home Centre Ltd.
to the Houston Christian School on your achievement!
2920 Highway 16, Houston
2367 Copeland Ave, Houston • Phone: 250-845-7511
Phone: 250-845-7606
Auto, Home, Commercial & Travel Insurance
2920 Highway 16, Houston
• Cardlock • Propane
250 845-2303
AURORA TRUCK & TIRE CENTRE 2206 Nadina Ave. North, Houston, BC Phone: 250-845-7600
In the Pioneer Spirit of the past... we extend warm congratulations to the
Houston Christian School on their 50th Anniversary
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION The power of membership
Congratulations Houston Christian School on your 50th Anniversary!
Pleasant Valley Motel 3030 Highway 16, PO Box 1110 Houston, BC V0J 1Z0
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
MAY 23rd-27th, 2012
For donation pickup please call: Ann: (250) 696-3268 or (250) 845-7702 Cindy: (250) 845-2070
Canadians are living longer and costs for the Old Age Security (OAS) are rising. On April 1, 2023 the Government of Canada plans to start raising the age of eligibility for OAS and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) from 65 to 67.*
What does this mean for you? 54 or older as of March 31, 2012
You may still obtain OAS/GIS at age 65
53 or younger as of March 31, 2012
The age of eligibility for OAS/GIS will change gradually between 2023 and 2029
Starting in July 2013, Canadians who are eligible for, but not yet receiving OAS will have the flexibility to delay receiving it in exchange for a higher monthly amount at a later date.
Houston Today
Forest burn planned near Topley By News Staff Houston Today
Forestry crews will burn 45 hectares of forest in the Topley area to reduce wildlife risk. During the burn, which will take place over the next three weeks, smoke and flames may be visible near Topley and along Highway 16. According to the Northwest Fire Centre, the burn will only go ahead if the weather is ideal for quickly dispersing smoke and a low-intensity fire. “The goal is to mimic a naturally occurring fire to remove dead and combustible material and discourage insect infestations,” said the release. “It will also help fireadapted plant species reproduce, such as grasses that thrive in newly cleared areas or trees whose seeds are only released when exposed to heat.” For updates on fire activity across the province, visit www.
Tax panel welcomes input: Clark By News Staff Houston Today
The number of working-age Canadians for every senior is decreasing** 6 5
The number of working-age Canadians per senior is decreasing, placing additional pressure on the OAS program.
4 3 2 1 0 1990
**Source: 9th Actuarial Report on the Old Age Security Program
For a free brochure or more information visit or call 1 800 O-Canada (TTY 1-800-926-9105) *Subject to parliamentary approval
Premier Christy Clark says Houston and other municipalities will be fairly heard by a panel reviewing how they set business and industrial taxes. Struck in January by Finance Minister Kevin Falcon, the panel has corporate auditors, academics, executives, and business lobbyists, but no representative from a local government. In a reply sent a month after Mayor Holmberg’s March 22 letter asking for better representation, Clark said adjunct panel member Dale Wall has served as a deputy minister overseeing local governments. Clark also invited councillors to share input. The panel is due to report in August.
Houston Today
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Teens, ER crews stage mock car crash Houston Today
Texting and driving is not only illegal. It’s deadly. That message was drilled home May 11, when firefighters, paramedics, and Health Centre staff joined Houston high school students in a mock crash on Mountain View Road. Ben Riley, a Houston firefighter who helped organize the event, says while the dangers of drinking and driving are well known, texting and driving is a growing hazard.
“It’s becoming a problem,” he said. “You can stand on a street corner and count the number of people driving with a phone in their hands.” In the mock crash, three students were driving down Mountain View Road when one reached over the back seat to show a text message to the driver, sending them veering into a pair of pedestrians on the sidewalk. “We wanted to make it as real as possible,” said Riley, noting that emergency crews followed all standard protocols as the “vic-
Submitted photo
Students look on as paramedics and nurses wheel in a victim during the mock car crash.
Willow Grove Ladies Night May 15, 2012 Sponsor: Hoskins Ford/Dr. Jon Boss A Flight
Low Gross: Bonnie Heagy Low Net: Lori Saretsky
B Flight
Low Gross: Chrissy Bassani Low Net: Deb Van Bergen
C Flight
Low Gross: Kyla Eldridge Low Net: Beth Saretsky
Bogey: Cows Eye: Par Pot: Birdie Pot: A Flight B Flight C Flight
Carried Over Trish Baker Deb Van Bergen $10 Helen Slaney & Bonnie Heagy $9/each Putt Pot: Lori Saretsky (16) $12 Putt Pot: Deb Van Bergen (18) $18 Putt Pot: Kyla Eldridge (18) $4
A Flight B Flight C Flight
Long Drive Hole #7: Maryn Williams Long Drive Hole #8: Chrissy Bassani Long Drive Hole #8: Kyla Eldridge
KP on Hole#2 - Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza: Sonya Bowes KP on Hole#3 - Willow Grove: Kathy Wardrop KP on Hole#5 - Babine Barge: Kathy Wardrop KP on Hole#6 - Sunlife: Kerry Cooper
Come and join us... ...on our great full length 9 hole course
Willow Grove
Golf & Country Club Ltd. Just minutes east of Houston
tims” were taken from the crashed car using jaws of life and taken by ambulance to a mock emergency room at the Seniors Centre. Watching it all unfold were dozens of Grade 10, 11, and 12 students from both Houston high schools. Riley said make-up by Houston Secondary teacher Pat Box, a former paramedic, added a realistic look to the drama of the mock crash. “We’ve never even practiced like that, since I’ve been on the department,” Riley said. “She had good faPLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: *2012 RAV4 Base 4wd Automatic BF4DVP(A) MSRP is $29,260 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $309 with $2,768 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $17,600. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. **2012 Tundra 4x4 Double Cab 5.7L TRD Automatic UY5F1T(CA) MSRP is $43,575 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 2.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $469 with $5,388 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $25,780. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. ***2012 Tacoma 4x4 Double Cab V6 Automatic MU4FNA(A) MSRP is $31,660 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 3.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $349 with $3,348 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $20,100. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus HST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. Offers valid until May 31, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on and that contained on, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. †0% finance for 36 months, upon credit approval, available on 2012 Corolla, Matrix, RAV4 and Venza. ††Up to $6000 Cash Back available on 2012 Tundra Crewmax with $2000 in Stackable Cash and $4000 in Non-stackable cash. Up to $4000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 RAV4 V6 4WD models with $1000 in Stackable Cash and $3000 in Non-stackable Cash Back. Non-stackable cash back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services lease or finance rates. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by April 30, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. ‡Informational APR: RAV4 5.56% / Tundra 6.63%. Your rate on Tundra and RAV4 will be 2.9%. Government regulation provides that the Informational APR includes the cash customer incentive which is only available to customers who do not purchase finance/lease through Toyota Financial Services at a special rate, as a cost of borrowing. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
By News Staff
cial injuries and broken bones. You didn’t have to pretend that we were dealing with an injury.” In real life, Riley said the injury goes beyond what you can see—victims and their families can carry emotional damage for years. B.C.’s distracted driving law prohibits drivers from talking on a hand-held phone or using an electronic device. Estimates show distracted driving is associated with about 117 deaths a year in B.C. and about 1,400 hospitalizations.
Submitted photo
Houston firefighters and paramedics use the Jaws of Life to remove Houston Secondary drama students from a mock car crash on May 11.
our biggest event
ends soon 2012 *
Sport V6 4WD shown
lease from
per mo./48 mo at 2.9%
2012 lease from
(TRD model shown)
4x4 DCab 5.7L V8 TRD**
purchase financing from †
per mo./48 mo. at 2.9%
0 2012
4x4 DCab V6*** lease from
up to
6000 C A S H BA C K
on Tundra ††
per mo./48 mo. at 3.9%
% /36 mo. on select models
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Houston Today
Willowgrove Ladies Fun for Friends results Overall
Low Gross Toni Perreault & Jane Hetherington 75
Fourth A Flight B Flight Fifth A Flight B Flight C Flight
First A Flight B Flight C Flight
Kathy Wardop & Maryn Williams 76 Kerry Cooper & Bernice Euverman 82 Kim Johnson & Linda Uchatz 89
Second A Flight B Flight C Flight
Bonnie Heagy & Maureen Kinniburgh 78 Jen Williams & Leona Wood 85 Ann Hols & Deb Vanbergen 90
Sixth A Flight B Flight C Flight
Third A Flight B Flight C Flight
Dallas Edwards & Lil Kelly 78 Elsi Makowichuk & Rose Cronin 85 Chrissy Bassani & Robbyn Emberley 90
Seventh C Flight
Jackie Himech & Lori Saretsky 84 Sonya Bowes & Louise Proctor 90 Dawn Sydlik & Jane Hatfield 84 Grace Ramnes & Joy Dover 91 Bonnie Robinson & Raquel Timms 94 Helen Slaney & Betty Lou Doyle 90 Tash Kelly & Shelby Timms 99 Deanne Gagnon & Sarah Kerbrat 94 Annette Berry & Sylvia Lindaas 105
wrong pick up reference see CC053 p 8
SAVE $155
Kenmore®/MD HE laundry pair. 4.1 cu. ft. top-load washer. #21392 7 cu. ft. dryer. #61292
R2684 CC054F5 A M1
SAVE $400
42" DECK
REG. 2299.88 CRAFTSMAN®/MD yard tractor. Briggs & Stratton Platinum engine. Hydrostatic transmission. Sale price ends Thurs., June 7, 2012
Correction to May 16 edition A front-page photo in the May 16 Houston Today mistook the organizers of the Teddy Bears Picnic at the Houston Library. The event was sponsored by Early Childhood Development Committee, Success by Six and Children First.
Willow Grove Men’s Night May 16, 2012 Sponsor: Finning Men’s Night No: 1 • Number of Golfers: 34 Sunlife KP (Ron Morris): Jason Sullivan Food Market KP (Bob Wheaton): Billy Egon 2nd shot KP (Everyone): Rob Szydlik 0-14 KP: T. Beck 15+ KP: Ray Edgar WG Long Drive: Alonzo Slaney Low Gross 0-14: 1. Ted Beck 35 2. Darren Grange 40 3. Derek Fuller 40
Low Net 0-14: 1. Jesse Epps 32 2. Alonzo S. 34.5 3. Sheldon Emberly
Low Gross 15+: 1. Dwayne Ackeim 42 2. Mike Sheppard 44 3. Rod Szydlik 45
Low Net 15+: 1. Al Huls 33 2. Brent Chudik 33 3. Jason Sullivan 36.5
0-14 Birdie Pot: Larry Flynn $7 Jesse Epps $7 Ted Beck $7 Sheldon Emberly $7
15+ Birdie Pot: Rob Szydlik $40
Come and join us... ...on our great full length 9 hole course
718 460 266
* 7160266
Willow Grove
PLUS, receive a
CRAFTSMAN hat (#94035) with purchase of any tractor
Golf & Country Club Ltd. Just minutes east of Houston
POULAN® lawn tractor. Single cylinder Briggs & Stratton engine with Fender Shift.
10.5 HP
30" DECK
718 460 271
Houston Shopping Mall Open Tuesday to Saturday 6am-8pm
FRI., MAY 25 - SUN., MAY 27
SAVE 100 $
Rita’s Diner
SEARS REG. 499.88 SAVE 50% YARD PROTM 3-in-1 self-propelled mower. 22" deck. Powered by Kohler engine. Smart choke and easy pull starting systems.
Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Broccoli & Cheese
718 436 214
SEARS REG. 399.99
Steak Sandwich with Tiger Prawns
BROIL KING® gas grill. Sale price ends Sun., May 27, 2012 028 490 906
40,000 total BTU
400 sq. in. AREA
Deep Fried Cod, Pan Fried Tiger Prawns, Bacon Wrapped Scallops, served with Rice and Caesar Salad
SALE PRICES START FRI., MAY 25 & END THURS., MAY 31, 2012, unless otherwise stated, while quantities last. Look for the ENERGY STAR® logo. It shows that the product meets ENERGY STAR specifications for energy efficiency. *These savings offers exclude items with prices ending in .97 and clearance priced items. **Offer cannot be combined with Sears associate discount. Ask for details. Applicable taxes will be charged. ***When compared to the expected life standards of a Briggs & Stratton Intek with XRD engine. †Offer available in store only, while quantities last.
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are locally owned and operated by dedicated individuals serving their communities. Pat & Rick Veilleux address We carry the top major appliance brands, phone 000-0000 3490 Hwy 16, Smithers sleep sets, home appliances, home electronics 250-847-4256 hours and lawn and garden products and much more.
Jiggs Dinner - includes Turkey, Veggies, Puddins & Gravy
Hometown Store ND054D112 © 2012. Sears Canada Inc.
Call us for Reservations or Delivery!
Phone: 250-845-2766
Houston Today Wednesday, May 23, 2012 15
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.845.2890 fax 250.845.7893 email Announcements The Houston Mall, Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Phone: (250) 845-2890 Fax: (250) 845-7893 email:
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INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements .......... 001-007 Community Announcements ... 008-076 Children................................ 080-098 Employment .......................... 102-165 Services ............................... 170-387 Pets/Livestock ...................... 453-483 Items for Sale/Wanted .......... 503-595 Real Estate ........................... 603-696 Rentals ................................ 700-757 Transportation....................... 804-860 Marine.................................. 903-920 Legals ....................................... Legal
Information AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact numbers are: (250) 845-3356 or (250) 8457774.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266
Employment Business Opportunities FREE FREE Vending machines. Just collect the cash up to $100,000 + per year. Exclusive protected territories. For full details call now 1-866668-6629.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
TABER TIMES/Vauxhall Advance is seeking an editor to lead a three-person newsroom. Candidate must be able to multitask, produce a quality newspaper and maintain online presence. Send covering letter and resume to: Coleen Campbell, Publisher. Email: Deadline Thursday, May 31.
WANT TO see scenic BC! Needed immediately . Experienced Feller Buncher Operator with Chipper Head/Mower to work around Hydro Transmission Lines. Must be willing to travel throughout BC (based out of Vanderhoof). $28-$34 per hour + Benefits. For more info. e-mail: Send Resume to: SBCJOBS Box 1136 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 or Fax: 250-567-2550
An Earthmoving Company in Alberta is looking for a 3rd year or Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic. You will be part of a team maintaining and servicing our fleet of Cat dozers, graders and rock trucks plus Deere/Hitachi excavators. You will work at our Modern Shop at Edson, Alberta with some associated field work. Call Contour Construction at (780)723-5051
Call 250-845-2890 or come by our office. Hours are 9:00 - 11:00 am & 1:00 - 3:00 pm Mon. & Wed. thru Fri. (closed Tuesdays). Fax in your ad to 250-845-7893 or email:
HOW TO PAY ✔ Come to our office in
DRIVEN ENERGY is a progressive busy oilfield service company in the Midwest area (Lloydminster, Alberta) looking for experienced Pressure Truck and Semi-Vac Operators. Call 780-872-6533, fax 780-875-7847 or email: for info and to apply. JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIAN required immediately for Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep dealership in Salmon Arm, BC. Proven producer, good attitude, quality workmanship a must. Excellent wage and benefit package. Contact Pat - phone 250-832-8053, fax 250-8324545, email
Place your ad in the Classifieds
Call 250-845-2890
Linden James Sjoden
arrived February 16, 2012 weighing 9lbs A babyy brother for f Mattea. Congratulations Aireyel & Michael Sjoden
Houston Today
Help Wanted
Love Grandma & Grandpa Sjoden
WORK From home, turn 10hr./week into excellent income free online training. www.freedom (250) 286-3292
Career Opportunities AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783. HOME BASED Business. We need serious and motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet and phone essential. Free online training.
Education/Trade Schools APPLY NOW: Pennywise Scholarship For Women to attend Journalism certificate course at Langara College in Vancouver. Deadline May 30, 2012. More information: INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Sites in AB & BC. Hands on real world machine training. NO Simulators. Start any Monday. Funding Options. 1-866-399-3853 TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
JOB POSTING POSITION: CERTIFIED MECHANIC 40 hours per week Salary - $26.62 per hour LOCATION: MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT - SMITHERS QUALIFICATIONS: Reporting to the Transportation Supervisor, the Mechanic, using District vehicles, equipment and tools, provides mechanical services, repairs and maintenance to all District vehicles. • Completion of Grade 12 (Dogwood Certificate) • Valid BC Trade Certification as an Automotive or Heavy Duty Mechanic • Commercial Vehicle Inspection Certification • Valid Class II Drivers License with Air Endorsement • 4 years of experience as a Mechanic with specific background in medium, heavy duty truck and school buses • Thorough and current knowledge of the standards, practices, regulations, methods, tools and equipment of the trade • Provides the basic hand tools common to this trade • Basic knowledge of computers • Welding experience • Demonstrated ability to use initiative to determine, judge and select appropriate course of action • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Certificate and familiarity with Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) safety procedures • Valid Class 5 – BC Driver’s Licence and an exemplary driving record as demonstrated by a current drivers’ abstract • Physical capability to perform the job duties including working in inclement weather conditions STARTING DATE: August 15, 2012 CLOSING DATE: May 25, 2012 (3:00 pm) Interested persons should submit their application to: Toni Perreault Human Resources Administrator School District #54 (Bulkley Valley) PO Box 758, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
DRIVERS REQUIRED Job Description: • Full time employment based in Houston, BC • Truck / Tridem trailer units • Local fibre hauling into Houston/Burns Lake area We offer: • Competitive Compensation • Comprehensive benefit package • Year round permanent employment If you interested in this opportunity please forward drivers abstract and resume or contact Jason for further information. Westwood Hauling Ltd. PH: 250-845-8153 FX: 250-845-3619 Email:
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd. is a leading diamond drilling company operating in several provinces in Canada as well as internationally. Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd. was awarded one of the Best Workplaces in 2009 from Great Place to Work Canada. We have a culture of dedication, using initiative and innovation to solve problems and a strong team environment. Due to our recent growth we are looking for an Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk to join our team. The candidate will work primarily in Accounts Payable and provide back up for our multi-provincial payroll process. If you have 3 or more years of Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll experience, like to work in a team setting, are skilled at building relationships, able to bring solutions to problems, work under tight time pressures and pay attention to detail, you are our ideal candidate. Further information is available at www.hy-techdrilling. com/corporate/employment. Please send your application to jobapps@ no later than noon, Tuesday, June 5, 2012.
Selling your For Sale: 1/2 house? Duplex Advertise 2201 Cataline here! Court
You get a 2 column 2" displayrec ad (includes photo) 3 bedroom, open xconcept, room with wet bar, 2 running bath, Stainless appliances, 10 weeks for only new windows, doors, energy efficient furnace, + HST new hot water$tank, Cedar fenced yard, very wide paved driveway.
Asking $109,000
Call 250-845-2890 Phone: 250-845-2710 Email:
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Houston Today
Pets & Livestock
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate For Sale By Owner
Help Wanted
Misc. for Sale
SERVICE ADVISOR. Brown’s Chrysler Ltd. Westlock, Alberta is looking for an above average individual skilled in customer service. Duties to include: effective communication with customers, recommend scheduled maintenance and schedule work. Qualifications shall include: knowledge of vehicles and the automotive industry. Sales experience is considered an asset, strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills, ability to work in a fast paced environment with tight time constraints, computer literate and posses a valid drivers licence. Apply to: Dale Marshall - Service Manager. Phone 1780-349-5566. Fax 1-780-3496493 or email:
LIVESTOCK FOR sale. Registered 3 year old Black Angus Bull. For more information call (250) 696-3379
GET FAST Restless Leg Syndrome and Leg Cramp Relief. safe with medication, all natural, proven results, guaranteed!!! Sold in 75 Countries. 1800-765-8660 EST.
Trades, Technical AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN. Journeyman Automotive Service Technician required. 45 minutes North of Edmonton, Alberta. Busy flat rate Chrysler dealership. Above average wages to commensurate with training level achieved. Chrysler experience an asset but not essential. 4th year apprentice considered. Apply to: Dale Marshall - Service Manager. Phone 1-780-349-5566. Fax 1780-349-6493 or email: SEEKING experienced ROAD BUILDERS for road project Hwy 37 North. Camp job, 21 7 shift. Lodging and meals provided. Heavy equipment operators with experience only. Excavator, rock truck, dozer. Fax resume with contact information to 250-638-8144.
Health Products WAIST AWAY the summer days in a new bathing suit. Get your 1st 9 weeks for $99proven results! Call Herbal Magic right now 1-800-8545176.
Financial Services DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping CANADIANS repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest regardless of your credit!
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Business/Office Service DENIED CANADA Pension plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.
Merchandise for Sale
May 26, 2012 Saturday @ 10:00 am Topley, BC. @ Topley Garage, Hwy 16 & Junction Hwy 118 to Granisle VEHICLES Etc: 1988 Ford Motorhome (gas/propane), 20ft tandem axel car hauler trailer, 1956 GMC 6x6 Deuce & 1/2, miles tandem axle log trailer in good condition, 16 new 11R x 24.5 Continental truck tires, 2 sets new lightweight 24.5 single tire chains, set of Ford pickup mirrors, 3 sets new lightweight 24.5 triple tire chains, 4 16” hub caps, set 16” new tire chains, 86 Chevy repair quarter panels, camper jacks, RV water tank & pump, Suburban quarter panels, 4 small tires, 19 ft. KNC Cabin Cruiser w/ 6 cyl Mercury inboard tandem axel trailer 2, 9.9 Honda kicker, 21ft Fiber Form Cruiser, 250hp Mercury inboard w/ tandem axel trailer, 9.9 Honda 4 stroke long shaft outboard motor (10hrs), 1973 18’ West Wight sailboat w/ trailer. TOOL & EQUIPMENT: Miller gas Trailblazer 44G, Ingersoll Rand T-30 air compressor, Hotsy pressure washer, Ammco drum 7 rotor lathe, Snap-on tool Box, Beach tool boxes, Oxy Acetylene plate cutter, Clausing metal lathe & accessories, Delta drill press, 5hp military Briggs & Stratton, JD control valves & hydraulic pumps, Siou valve grinding machine, cable tugger, triangle reflector sets, electrical conduit, oxygen tank & gauge, 3000 gal Regal Enviro fuel double tank w/ 110 1/4hp fuel pump, nozzle, safety valve, complete on skids, 3000 gal water tank on skids - fits in back of dump truck, 500 gal RSF manufactured water tank for skidder, highway truck reflectors, electrical boxes, wooden snow shoes, Williams space heater, Coleman heater/oven, stove. CARPENTRY: Large selection of building materials, carpenters tools & lots of items for construction. Condition of Sale; Terms: Cash & Check with Identification, sorry no Credit Cards. Items are As Is condition ~ not responsible for accidents. Any question please contact:
Mike Steinebach @ (250) 694-3497 Cell (250) 692-6107 Or Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 Cell (250) 570-2055 E-Mail: & Website BC LIVESTOCK is holding a ranch equipment auction Saturday May 26th 10:30A.M. For Craig Ervin of Lone Butte. Tractors, haying equipment, backhoe, trucks, tools, saddles & tack, skidoo’s, quads, lots, lots more. View website at F.M.I. Call 250-573-3939
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale 24th ANNUAL ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SALE sponsored by the Vernon Collectors Club at Vernon Curling Rink on Fri. May 25th from 3pm-8pm & Sat. May 26th from 10am-4pm. Approx. 125 tables.$3 admission is good for both days.
**HOME PHONE Reconnect** Call 1-866-287-1348. Prepaid Long Distance Specials! Feature Package Specials! Referral Program! Don’t be without a home phone! Call to Connect! 1-866-287-1348 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDING - Blowout sale! 20x26 $5,199. 25x28 $5,799. 30x42 $8,390. 32x56 $11,700. 40x50 $14,480. 47x76 $20,325. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.
Real Estate For Sale By Owner Country Living at its best 5 acres located 5 mins to Smithers, 2400 sq.ft. home, updated, 5 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 gas fireplace, 5 appl. incl., 2 sundecks & hottub, garage and carport, wrap around driveway. Contact 250-870-6173.
5 BDRM HOME IN TELKWA FOR SALE 3200 sq ft, 4 bath, includes washer & dryer, fridge & stove, dishwasher hot tub, natural gas, contact 250-845-3315
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent NICEST APARTMENTS Crest Villa seeks mature, responsible tenants for large, modern, clean, one or two bedroom apartments. Near arena & pool. Downtown location. Call: (250) 845-4037
Modular Homes OLDER MOBILE home; 68 ft. long; full addition with vaulted ceiling; hardwood floor; must be seen to appreciate. Great for young couple starting out. Asking: $45,000. Phone: 250638-5759
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Houston Forest Products A Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.
HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC Part Time/Relief Houston Forest Products a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd., located in Houston, B.C. is accepting applications for a certified Heavy Duty Mechanic to work part time relief in our Mobile Shop. Five years experience in the sawmill industry would be preferred. This is a vacation relief shift position with a competitive wage. Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter before June 1, 2012 to: Houston Forest Products 1300 Morice River, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z1 Fax: 250-845-5301 Email: We thank all candidates for their interest; however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
Where to Worship Anglican Church of St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston 250-845-4940
Rev. Margaret Powell Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays except 7 p.m. on the First Sunday of the month.
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 2001 Riverbank Drive, Box 819, Houston
Phone: 845-2841 • Fax: 845-2823
Fr. Rectorino Tolentino Pastoral Assistant: Ronnie Cruz (Houston)
Mass: Sunday 11:30 a.m. Weekly activities or events announced as they occur.
First United Church 2106 Butler Ave., Houston
Services at 11 a.m.
Help Wanted
Smithers Community Services Association Job Posting – Competition #289 CORR Home Program - Youth Resource Worker Smithers Community Services Association has an immediate opening for a Youth Resource Worker to assist in our CORR Homes Program in Burns Lake and surrounding area. This is a part time position (approx. 10hrs per week) with a variable schedule. Position summary: The Youth Resource Worker provides support to young offenders in meeting their court appointed goals and reintegrating into their home communities. This position requires knowledge in the application of various human and social development frameworks, and demonstrated skills and competencies working with youth. Qualifications: A post secondary degree, diploma, or certiÀcate in Social Work and experience serving clients in youth criminal justice or equivalent combination of education and experience. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly and diplomatically, and be able to work independently in a high demand capacity. Additionally, applicants must undergo a criminal record check, be willing to work outside of normal business hours, and also possess a valid Class 5 driver’s license and have access to own transportation. Please apply with resume to: Competition #289 - Youth Resource WorkerBurns Lake Smithers Community Services Association 3815 – B Railway Avenue Box 3759 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 or Fax to 250-847-3712 or email: Job Description Available at Smithers Community Services Association Closing Date: May 25th, 2012
Millwrights • Electricians Heavy Duty Mechanic • Labourers Maintenance Planner/Supervisor Cariboo Region, BC
Tolko Industries Ltd. is a forest products company with manufacturing operations throughoutWestern Canada. As industry leaders in world markets we focus on a safe work environment, sustainable business practices. Our Cariboo Region manufacturing operations are always looking for employees who thrive on a dynamic and challenging environment and who seek opportunities for growth and development. For more on our exciting company, go to We offer competitive compensation packages and in some cases, we will consider relocation packages. To Join Us As We Grow Please Apply Today, Attn: Shannon Smith Fax: (1)250-398-3909 or Email: or at Tolko 180 Hodgson Road, Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3P6
Temporary/ PT/Seasonal
Temporary/ PT/Seasonal
Contact: (Marianne Dekker) 250-845-2282 or 778-816-0039
HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 845-2678 • Pastor: Mike McIntyre
Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 amSunday Prayer Meeting: 6:30 pm Sunday School: 9:45 am Everyone Welcome
Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Association P.O. Box 1784, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Phone: 250-845-2705 Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2217
Houston Fellowship Baptist Church 3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne
Sunday Service - 10:30 am Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810
HOUSTON - Where Safety is U
Houston Christian Reformed Church
1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578
Canadian Forest Products Ltd. is accepting bids for the Lawn Care/Landscaping (whipper snipping, mowing, watering Àower beds, leaf removal on lawns, etc) for the following areas:
~ Everyone Welcome! ~
• Canfor Houston main of¿ce grounds and entrance from Morice River Road to the of¿ce. • Canfor Sign at the Highway 16 / Morice River Rd Jct. • Grounds of the Canfor “White House” located at 3145 Highway 16, Houston, BC. Contractors are expected to supply their own equipment. Interested parties can contact Shannon Scott at 250845-5125 for a tour of the area prior to bidding and all bids are to be submitted to: Canfor – Houston Attn: Shannon Scott Box 158 - 1397 Morice River Rd. Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Or faxed to: 250-845-5291 Attn: Shannon Scott
DID YOU KNOW... 72 per cent of local community newspaper readers read all or most of the paper. Reach your audience by advertising in: Ph: 250-845-2890
Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm
Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM AND 2:30 PM Pastor Hendrik Alkema ( Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston
New Beginnings Church Exploring the Hebrew roots of our Christian faith 2106 Butler Ave. (United Church Building)
Worship Service: Saturdays at 10:30 am Pastors’ Whelan Phone: 250 845-7516 Everyone Welcome
Houston Today Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Auto Services
Auto Services
Homes for Rent
Saturday June 2, 2012 at 12:00 Noon
Scrap Car Removal Scrap Batteries Wanted We buy scrap batteries from cars & trucks & heavy equip. $4.00 each. Free pick-up anywhere in BC, Minimum 10. Call Toll Free 1.877.334.2288
Legal Notices
LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Rio Tinto Alcan Inc from Vancouver, BC, have applied to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Smithers, for a License of Occupation - Industrial situated on Provincial Crown land located Tahtsa Lake, ALL THAT UNSURVERYED CROWN FORESHORE BEING PART OF THE BED OF TAHTSA LAKE, RANGE 4, COAST DISTRICT, CONTAINING 1.11 HA, MORE OR LESS. The Lands File for this application is 6408400. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Nadina District Land Officer, MFLNRO, at PO Box 999 – 185 Yellowhead Hwy, BC V0J 1E0. Comments will be received by MFLNRO up to June 14, 2012. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the website at http:// then Application & Reason for Decision for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Office in Smithers.
N.H. 846 Round Baler; Monarch Enterprise Wood & Coal Range (Replica); Motor Stand & Creeper; M.F. # 9 Square Baler; General Deep Freeze; 1 1/2 Ton Come-a-long; N.H. 488 Pull Swather; Singer Treadle Sewing Machine; Nuts, Bolts, & Screws; Owatonna Pull Swather; ChesterÀeld & Chair; Calving Sled; IHC Square Baler; Small ChesterÀeld; Calf Puller; 19 ft Flat Deck T/A Trailer; RSF 75 Wood Furnace; Fence Charger; 3 pt Swather Turner; 2 Antique Chairs; 48 ft Hay Tarp; 4 Wheel Wagon; 4 Unit Bookshelf; 2 Hyd Remote Cylinders; M.F. Skid Steer Loader; China Cabinet; Chains & Binders; 76 Ford PU; Desk 2 Stands; Horse Mowers; Woodcraft Bandsaw Mill; 3 Tier Stand; Dump Rake; Kohler 20 HP Power & Power Feed; Table & 2 Dressers; Horse Discs; C/W Sharpener & Extra Blades; Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner; Rake Wheels; Cockshutt 12 ft Disc; Dehydrator; Oils & Antifreeze; Bur Grinder; Round Table & Folding Tables; Fuel Barrels & Pumps; Shulte Rock Picker; Quilt Frame; Hand Tools; Cement Mixer; Crocks & Canning Supplies; Wheel Barrows; Bale Stookers; Wash Tub; Antique Pump Jack; Stook Forks; Large Cooler; Climbing Spurs & Belt; Bale Spear Front & Back; 2 Large Mirrors; Motor Rewind Wire; Rotory Brush Mower; Window Boxes & Composter; Gardening Tools; 8 ft PU Canopy; 8 Track Tapes; 1 inch & 2 inch Lumber; Field Drag & Diamond Harrows; Antique Electric Train Set; Wood Bench on Wheels; 2 Saddles & Tack; Step Ladder Alum. & Wood; Water Trough; Ferrier Tools; DeWalt Radial Arm Saw; Stone Pipes; Harness; Rototiller - Weed Wacker; 2 Wheel Trailer; Fence Posts & Barb Wire; Leaf Blower; Polaris Snow Machine; Vanguard 12 ft Boat; Flour Grinder; JD Snow Machine; Game Fisher 1.2 HP Outboard; Kenmore BBQ; Skiboose; 2 Ton Floor Jack; 5 Piece Selkirk Chimney; Electric Supplies; Chicago 14 inch Chop saw; PowerÀst 5000 Watt Generator; Tec Cable & Triplex; Tap & Die Set to 3/4 inch; Lincoln AC Welder; Chicken Brooder Feeder & Waterers; G&H Bench Grinder; Welding Table; Antique School Bell; Sears Bench Grinder; Hand Post Driver; Engine Hoist
Plus many items too numerous to mention. Consignments welcome until sale time. Terms Cash
No buyers fees Persons paying for major items with uncertiÀed cheque may be required to leave the item on the grounds until cheque clears the bank.
AUTOBODY REPAIRS • ICBC Repairs • Frame Repairs • Body & Paint • Heavy Duty • Windshields
Hours: 8 am - 5 pm (Monday to Friday)
Trucks & Vans
Trucks & Vans
Houston Public Library Events... Community Art Show for artisans of all ages. May 22 to May 26 during library hours. Baby & Me: Wed: 10-1am; Story Time: Wed: 1:30-2:30pm; Toddler Time: Fri: 10 to 11am; Phone 250-845-2256 for more info on any of the above events or to register. The first Pleasant Valley Community Market in Houston - Fri. June 1st, 10AM - 3PM in Steelhead Park (Hwy 16) across from “The Flyrod”. There will be fresh produce, baking, crafts and preserves. To become a vendor or for more information contact Cindy at 250-845-2222.
2005 Ford F350 Super duty, crew cab, 4/4 flat deck average condition.
Asking ...
$9,000! obo
250-847-7928 Cell 250-877-2434 Mobile Homes & Parks
Mobile Homes & Parks
12 x 40 Atco Trailer with office, living room, kitchen, full bath, on natural gas
Asking ...
100% Financing available O.A.C.
250-847-7928 Cell 250-877-2434
Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the Seniors Centre. Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & fire practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., 11 a.m. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m.
Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No experience necessary please contact
CREDIT UNION HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Ph: 250-845-7117
The power of membership
• Cute 5 bedroom (3 up, 2 down) home located in the downtown area • Many upgrades including flooring, paint, shingles and fence. • Attached workshop. Tastefully decorated. • Spacious family room in basement. • Fenced yard, backyard access.
PARADISE FOUND! • Custom built 4 bedroom home on 160 acre parcel. • Adjacent to Irrigation Lake west of Houston. • Garage, 280x056 machine shed, 35 x 48 barn, workshop with lean-to. • New drilled well, outside wood furnace. • Fenced and cross fenced, electric stock waterer. • Spectacular Spot!
• Spacious, bright family home on a cul-de-sac close to schools. • Many recent renos including new flooring throughout main and fresh paint. • 3 bdrms and an office on main floor. • Newly fenced yard, raised garden beds, alley access. • Detached garage. • Pellet stove in basement, family room as well as 2 huge bdrms. Workshop & cold room.
Byron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a fire practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs (7:30 pm) Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Tues. of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices every Thurs. at 7:30 pm. Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m.
Bulkley Valley
The Topley 4-H club is hosting its 8th Annual Poker Ride - Sat. June 23 - Maxine Bells Ranch, Summit Lake Rd West, Houston. $25/ hand. 10am start last rider out 12pm. Basket Raffle, half the proceeds to best hand... Loads of door prizes... Hot Lunch Included!! Come out and support your local 4-H Club. For more info contact Maxine 845-2636. Seniors Bingo is every Tues. at 7 p.m. at Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1. Come out and enjoy a fun prize filled evening. Lots of prizes!
Community Calendar proudly sponsored by
YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! • Custom built 5 bedroom home on a huge lot in Ruiter Heights Subdivision. • Oak cabinets in kitchen, garden doors off dining room to patio. • Laundry on main. Spacious rec room with pellet stove in basement. • 3 bathrooms, outside basement entry, single garage, fenced yard.
Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at
Lending institutions will usually require you to make a down payment of at least 5% to 10% of the purchase price of the home. Lending institution policies may vary from time to time. However, as a general rule, you should make your cash down payment as large as possible. Your deposit for the real estate transaction may form part of your down payment.
100% Financing available O.A.C.
21693 Kerr Road, Telkwa, BC • Lunch on the Grounds Phone: (250) 846-5392 • Not responsible for accidents
We’re on the net at
2340 Nadina Ave., Box 280, Houston Industrial Park
Ph: 250-845-2280 See our website for more info...
Leave Highway 16 2 miles east of Telkwa onto Tyhee Lake Road, follow to Hislop Road and watch for the Auction Signs
HOME For rent: Immaculate two bedroom; two bath; W/D; No Dogs. $600. per month. Located at Shady Rest RV Park. Phone: 250-845-2332.
? 17
Ambulance Society of Houston – is fundraising for a CAREstream Vital Sign Monitor. This will generate a higher level of care for patients in need of medical attention. Paramedics will be able to record vital signs while in the care of the back of the ambulance. The Society is seeking support from the local business community and Bulkley Valley Credit Union was happy to donate $500 in March to assist in their cause.
• Well kept 4 bedroom home on just under 1 acre minutes from town. • Recent updates include new laminate flooring on main, new EPA approved woodstove in cozy family rm. • Island in kitchen w/ newer cabinets, spacious living room.
The Hometown Experts with a World of Experience®
Lia Long 250-845-1147
Re/Max Houston 2436 Poulton Ave., Houston, BC e-mail:
Tanya Belsham
Call 250-845-7325
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Houston Today
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
Pioneers Courageous Battles
Serving the community of... Houston
Athletes Achieving
Human Interest
Featuring the spirit of the local people Beyond books: Houston’s library is on the move brand-new library holds books on just a third of its floor space: the rest is set up with meeting rooms, computer tables, even a video-game cenWhat is a library? In the 1920s, the Houston “library” was actu- tre. Some university libraries already run online ally a pair of book pools: one gathered by Clara without books or a building, McKilligan says. “I think we’ll always need a building,” she Davies, wife of a hotelier, and the other by Rev. Allan Brayside, an Anglican minister. Together, says. “But libraries are not going to be places they boasted having “readers in a distance of 20 where you mainly pick up material to read.” Johnson says the idea of a book-less library miles.” By the late 1950s, postmistress Nora New- is “a bit scary.” As a girl growing up in the remote forest gard had made a library out of a few shelves in the post office, where people could easily pick ranger stations around Prince George, Johnson says she never had a library to go to. up a book with their daily mail. “I had Nancy Drew and those kinds of Until 1984, when it finally settled into a books,” she said. “But we 10,000 book collection mainly played outside, housed in a former medical morning to night.” clinic on 13th Avenue, the McKilligan, on the hand, Houston library bounced is excited to go digital, even between a private home, a if the shape of future librarbank office, a doctor’s ofies is slightly uncertain. fice, the village office, even “I hope I hang in there a safe spot tucked by the long enough to see it,” she Spiders Chyanne, Kendra and Mica enjoy a snack after reading the Itsy Bitsy Spider fire hall. says, laughing. “Don’t get and making spider hats with the Houston library’s Toddler Time group. Today, librarian Toni And with the school year winding down, me wrong. I love books. digital would make everyone’s life so much McKilligan says she loves easier,” she adds. McKilligan and Johnson are getting set to welI love the feel of them, the where she works. “The books would never be overdue. People come some 60 kids into the library’s summer turn of the pages, everything “It’s very open, very can’t drop them in the bathtub. They’re not go- reading club. about them.” inviting,” McKilligan says, Guided by the curious theme of “Strange… “But honestly, it’s inevi- ing to get left on airplanes.” sitting on a couch with “And you don’t need to worry about how to But True?” Johnson said this year’s reading club table. And I’m all for it.” program director Marlee dispose of them after they leave your shelf—it’s will lead kids through seven weeks of games, As a book buyer, McKilJohnson and speaking well crafts and story time, before wrapping up with a ligan says that for the price just ‘delete,’ and they’re gone.” above a “Shh!” voice. BeBut if libraries are becoming less about BBQ for the young readers and their parents. of one print book, she can hind them stand brightly books, they are also becoming more and more Not to be left out, adults will be treated to a now buy three digital edicoloured picture books, about people. reading by author Diana Philips on June 7, and tions. And that kind of purnew releases, DVDs, a Painted onto a cupboard door, As program coordinator, Johnson sees that can join a library book club of their own. checkers table, and several this painting will be showing as chasing power takes on exAfter a few years reading with the book club, bright windows looking part of the library’s community art tra importance given how first hand. A former daycare owner, Johnson has run three children’s programs so far this year, McKilligan says it’s been a great success. B.C.’s libraries budgets are onto Jamie Baxter Park. show from May 22 to May 26. and has plans for more. “We read a lot of books that I’d never read dwindling. But just because it’s fi“Now I’m planning programs for kids to myself. Some of them turn out to be really, re“My operating grant that I get from the provnally rooted in one spot doesn’t mean the Housince is the same today as it was in 1987,” she seniors, which I’ve never done before, and it’s ally good.” ton library is no longer on the move. As for the duds, McKilligan says she’s said. “It hasn’t changed, but the cost of books fun” she says. “I love it.” One big shift came in December 2010. This week, Johnson is organizing a commulearned a trick to a successful book club is has tripled.” “No one was prepared for it, but everybody What goes for books is also true for other ma- nity art show co-hosted by the Bulkley Valley knowing you can say, “That sucked!” and their dog got e-readers for Christmas,” said “The first year I diligently read every page McKilligan. Two weeks later, she said the li- terials, like magazines. Rather than pay $1,200 Community Arts Council. Anyone who drops by the library before the artist’s reception on of every book, and did a little background on brary’s online readership flipped from a trickle a year for the small set of print magazines the Friday night will see a show of paintings, phothe author to make sure I understood it. Now, if library subscribes to now, McKilligan says she of audiobook listeners to a steady stream of eI don’t like it, I ain’t gonna finish it,” she said, could narrow those titles and pay just $400 to tography and other works by Houston artists. book downloaders. “We’re hoping the public comes to see the smiling. “Ninety per cent of our electronic services is give readers access to some 35,000 magazines art and vote, because they’re the ones who will “There’s way too many cool books out there online. now in e-books,” she said. decide who wins in each category,” she says. to read.” “From my perspective as a librarian, going It’s a sign of a growing trend. In Surrey, a Andrew Hudson
John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes 183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822
Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 E-mail: Website:
2500 Butler Avenue Houston Tel: 250-845-7770 Fax: 250-845-7780
Houston Today
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
District of Houston
Newsletter ~ May 23rd, 2012 edition Where the welcome is warm and the wilderness beckons!
Emergency Preparedness
Next Regular Council Meetings:
The District is identifying at-risk areas to ensure adequate protective measures are being addressed. Checks of the dike system and monitoring of water levels are part of the daily routine for District Personnel.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Are you prepared should an emergency occur? It is the responsibility of every resident to ensure that they are prepared for an emergency anytime, anywhere. Know the Risks – Make a Plan – Prepare a kit – Know What to Do. Preparedness information to assist you is available on-line on the following website:
Make a Plan for what you will do in an emergency.
Council Meetings:
In an emergency, you will need some basic supplies. Be prepared to be selfsufficient for at least 72 hours. Some items you may wish to consider having ready in a grab and go kit are Food, Water, Medicines, Medical records, First aid kit, Blankets and Flashlights etc. Remember, if you have pets, they will need to be cared for also.
Council meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month commencing at 7:00pm in Council Chambers at 3367 – 12th Street
Website: Please visit the website for info on: • • • • •
Council Meeting Agendas Pool Schedule Arena Schedule Important Public Notices Tenders & Job Opportunities
Municipal Office Hours The Municipal Office located at 3367 – 12th Street is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (closed on statutory holidays) Email: Phone: 250-845-2238 Fax: 250-845-3429
For Public Works Emergencies (example: water main break) Call the Municipal Office @ 250-845-2238 for a recorded message with the contact number of the person on call.
Pool & Gym Phone: 250-845-7420 Email:
Arena Phone: 250-845-7432
Burning Permits Required All open burning within the District of Houston requires a Burning Permit all year round. To obtain a permit contact the Fire Department at 250-845-2250
Emergency Social Services If you need to evacuate your home due to an emergency situation. Emergency Social Services (ESS), sponsored by the Provincial Emergency Program (PEP), provides for basic short-term services required by people who are forced from their homes by disasters. These essential services include food, lodging, clothing, family reunification, emotional support and other specialized services. The ESS Office of the Provincial Emergency Program helps local government plan and operate these services through a province wide network of volunteers who donate their time and energy to receive extensive training, and have proven to be invaluable resources in many emergencies.
How Emergency Social Services Works In B.C., local governments are responsible for planning and operating Emergency Social Services (ESS). Which are generally provided by local ESS volunteers and staff. Some of the major tasks that the ESS teams engage in is to prepare for the immediate short-term needs of people following a disaster.
The above meetings are held at 7:00pm, in the Council Chambers, 3367 – 12th Street. Regular Council Meeting Agendas can be viewed on the District website:
LEISURE FACILITY NEWS: Yoga (Session 2) Mon Mornings: May 28-June 25 10-11:30am • $42.50 Tues Evenings: May 22-June 26 7-8:30pm • $51.00 Thurs Evenings: May 24-June 28 7-8:30pm • $51.00 $60 Punch Cards (6 passes)
Karate (Session 2) Mon & Wed May 23rd- June 27th 8-9:30pm • $44.75
Bootcamp Mon & Wed until June 27th 6:30-7:30pm • Drop in: $10.00 per class
Summer Swimming Lessons: Sign your children up today for swimming lessons! Register early to avoid cancellation! For more information, or to register please contact the Houston Leisure Facility at 250-845-7420!
2012 Property Taxation Property owners should receive their 2012 notices by mid-June. If you have not received your notice, please contact the Municipal Office. Taxes are due by 5:00 pm on July 31, 2012.
Dogs Running at Large One of the most frequent complaints received at the Municipal Office concerns dogs running at large. Dog owners are reminded that the Pound & Animal Control Bylaw regulates owners to licence dogs over six (6) months old and to not allow them to run at large. All dogs must be confined on their owner’s property and must be on a leash at all times when taken for a walk off the property. Why does my dog have to be licensed when it is never off my property? The District’s bylaw regulates that all dogs over 6 months old must be licensed. The purpose of this is: a) dog licences are recorded and therefore act as a means to identify the dog should it be found by the District’s dog control personnel; b) As the District’s bylaw makes provisions for no more than four (4) dogs to be kept or maintained on any premises unless the owner or occupier of the premises has first obtained a business licence from the Municipality to operate a kennel or a veterinary clinic in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw of the Municipality, the licensing function assists in monitoring this requirement; and c) Dog licences provide a small source of revenue to assist with dog control costs.
Building Permits It is the time of year when home owners are considering building and improving and/or repairing properties. Building Permits are required before you begin: Permits are not required for non-structural minor modifications such as cupboards, perimeter hedges, painting, landscaping, or sidewalks. Owners should ensure that all construction conforms to the Provincial Building Code and applicable District of Houston bylaws. Should you require further information on building guidelines or bylaws, please contact Michael D. Glavin, Director of Engineering & Development Services @ 250-845-2238.
Houston Public Library Phone: 250-845-2256 email: Website:
What’s Happening... Book Club – Wed, June 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. Author Diana Phillips – Thurs, June 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. Houston Hiker’s Society – Wed, June 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. Mark Zagwyn Photography – Thurs, June 21 from noon to 6 p.m. Dessert Club – Tues, June 26 from 7 to 9 p.m.
Open Burning – Air Quality Bylaw Regulations 1. All open burning (except recreational fires contained in a 36” approved pit) require a burning permit. 2. No open burning allowed on lots less than 1 ha in size. 3. All burning permits will be issued by the Houston Fire Department. 4. No backyard burning barrels allowed. 5. All approved burning shall comply with Ministry of Environment venting requirements.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Your Pantry Fill Specialists
Houston Today
Chicken Breasts
Boneless, Skinless, Superpack, ack, 12.10 per kg
Mangoes by the Casee M
Outside O id R RoundSteaks dS k
Avocados vocados
Superpack, 7.25 per kg S
4 for
Pillar’s Ball Park Weiners 450 gram
Western Family Ice Cream Assorted Varieties 1.89 litre
2 for
Everyday Low Price!
Mushrooms oms
Coca-Cola or Pepsi Products
Western Family Lasagna
Western Family Family Pak Cereals
Plus Deposit, and eco-fee 10 or 12x355 ml
2 Varieties, 2.27 kg
Assorted Varieties 907 gram
2 for
Western Family Hot Dog Buns
Campbell Cooking Campbell’s g Broths
Old Dutch Gourmet Chips
V8 Vegetable Cocktail V
Or Crustini or Sausage 6-12 ct
Assorted Varieties 900 ml
New at BV Wholesale 360 gram
224x340 ml
2 for
2 for
Danone Variety Pack ack Yogurts Assorted Varieties 24x100 gram
Western Family Grillslinger BBQ Sauce 1 litre
Huggies Diapers Giant Box, Sizes 2 thru 6 Lowest Price in the Valley! Everyday Low price
He Twin Pack Heinz ck k Ketchup Ke
C Housee Montreall Club Steak Spice
2x125 litre 2x1
825 gram
Western Family Liquid H Hand Soap
Charmin Bathroom Tissue
Finish Powerball Tablets
2 Refills 1 litre
Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee P
2 Varieties 30=75 roll
120 count
BULKLEY VALLEY WHOLESALE 3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 • Open: Mon. to Thurs. 8 am - 7 pm • Fri. 8 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - 7 pm • Sun. 9 am - 6 pm Cash & Carry Only
Prices in effect: May 23 – May 29, 2012