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â– NEWS:
Golden Fall Fair coming back this year .............................. 4
Old mill getting a cleaner look ................................10
GSS Choir performed at the Civic Centre ............................ 16
Performer Salena Gaetz watches Wayne Clark and Amiina van Beers show off a great sense of balance at the Dance Oasis event held at the Golden Seniors Centre and hosted by the Golden Navel Academy. To see more photos from the night go to The Golden Star website. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
No deal found on road rescue
Darryl Crane
Golden Dolphins start their season .............................18
The Town of Golden has rejected a plan that would have seen the Golden Fire Department take over providing road rescue service on highways around Golden. It has been more than a month since Golden and District Search and Rescue (GADSAR) stopped providing the service, and the hope of getting a deal completed was dashed at a regular council meeting, when Golden Mayor Christina Benty issued the following statement as a resolution from a closed session. “Council rejects entering into a pilot project with
the Province under the terms currently offered to provide regional road rescue services based on the current provincial model for delivery.� In a statement released after the meeting, Benty explained why this decision was made by council. “Given the high volume of traffic that travels to and through our community along the highways 12 months of the year, road rescue services are critical. The Golden Town Council has made it very clear that they do not want property tax dollars going to providing what they strongly feel is a provincial responsibility,� she said. Minister of Justice and Attorney General Shirley Bond, whose department has been working with the
Town to develop a solution to this problem, released the following statement after hearing the news of the decision made by the Golden Council. “We are disappointed with the Council’s decision to not expand their current road rescue services delivered by the Fire Department inside the city limits to the areas directly outside the city limits. Road rescue requires specialized training and equipment, we were hoping to leverage the training and experience that already exists in Golden and augment it with greater resources to help them in deploying to the areas just outside their current jurisdiction,� Bond said. continued on page 5
Downtown Golden
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
RV SUPPLIES In Stock!! t t t t t t
Water Heaters Propane Fridges Electrical Parts Toilet Chemicals Replacement Lids Plumbing Parts
HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218 Pictured in the back row are Rick Mathews, Rhonda Kepke, Randy Hamilton and Collin Salsbury. (Front row) Len Oszust (propane manager), Katelyn Oszust, Sarah Hunt, Ladine Salsbury (operations manager, Courtney Mcleod, Megan Crandall and Julie-Anne Pearson. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Jepson Helps support local grads Golden Star Staff
Community Golf Day
*FREE GOLF* Tuesday, June 12 - All Day Call 344-2700 to book your tee time Thank you Golden for your continued Support! t To show our gratitude we will be offering *Golden & Area A* residents a free round of golf on June 12th - donations to t the Food Bank will be collected. t Golden Eagle Grill will host a $5 BBQ Burger Bar with all proceeds going to the Food Bank.
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Jepson Petroleum Ltd. held a barbecue in support of the Golden Secondary School 2012 Graduation Class.
In total $1,731.50 was raised at the barbecue. There were also three raffle items at the event. Chris DeBoer won the first prize of a campfire fire pit, second prize was won by Steve Swaffield who took home 100 litres of fuel and third prize was a 20-pound propane cylinder won by Kay DeBoer.
Chamber to poll members on Bridge2Bridge Darryl Crane The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors held a special meeting on May 30 with the main task of looking at the Bridge to Bridge project which has been proposed by the Town of Golden. With most directors in attendance, the group discussed the pros and cons of the project, while also looking at the best way to proceed in regards to taking an official stance, from a business perspective, on the issue. The manager of the chamber, Ruth Hamilton, explained that many people within the community have been coming up to her and asking what the position of the chamber is on this particular issue. The discussion at the meeting centred around whether or not the members had enough information on the issue to make an official statement, and what the next step for the chamber should be.
Another point that was raised was if the board was even in a position to make a statement about the proposed project at this time. The board agreed this is a very important topic, both for the businesses and people in Golden. During the nearly two-hour discussion, board members talked about the project and the potential effect it may have on local businesses. Some members felt it was the type of project that would amplify the vibrance of the downtown core while others were still unsure if, at the end of the day, the costs were worth the money which would be invested. “The members voted us in to these positions and I think it is up to us to make decisions on their behalf,� said board member Flec Demon. He went on to say that on an important issue like this, gauging the membership is key before making any statement. At the end of the meeting the decision was made to send out a short questionnaire to the members to find out what their feelings are on the project.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A3
AquaVan comes to Golden
Madame Pitcher and her grade one french immersion class get ready for some fun and learning with members of the Vancouver Aquarium’s AquaVan staff. The AquaVan was in Golden as part of an educational initiative featuring live animals, props and activities for the students. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Trains start rolling again after back to work legislation passes Golden Star Staff After receiving Royal Assent on the backto-work legislation the trains began moving again on Friday June 1, officially ending the CP rail workers 10-day strike. The legislation was introduced to the House of Commons by Labour Minister Lisa Raitt on May 28, was passed by the House on May 30, and later by the Senate on May 31. The Federal government put the cost of the strike to the Canadian
economy to about $540 million per week. The officers of the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) disagree with the back-towork legislation forcing some 4,800 Canadian Pacific (CP) workers to report for work. Still, the union has advised members to obey the law. The legislation forces the striking CP workers back to work and calls for an arbitrator to determine a new labour agreement. There are heavy fines for violations. It turned out that the
company strategy was to wait until the government stepped in to legislate employees back to work. The strike lasted 10 days but failed to resolve important issues for CP rail workers. “The drastic cut in pensions angered our members,� said TCRC vice-president and chief negotiator Doug Finnson, referring to the biggest issue CP workers were arguing, with the company looking to roll back pensions by as much as 40 per cent. “A pension plan is a deferred salary, not just
money the company can distribute to its shareholders and managers without being accountable to anyone.� Work rules and fatigue management are also key issues. The Teamsters Union plans to systematically inform the public of all railway incidents associated with fatigue management. “We’re not going to let Canadian Pacific endanger the lives of our members and of people living close to railroad tracks,� cautioned Teamsters Canada president Robert Bouvier.
A tale of two bridges in Golden Darryl Crane The proposed Bridge to Bridge project has raised many question about the overall effect it will have on the community. One of the questions has been about the tax implications it will have on Golden. Town of Golden Chief Administrative Officer, David Allen, explained what the potential effects would be. “It’s important that people have the right information about the tax implications associated with the proposed Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge to Bridge) Project. We plan on undertaking short term borrowing at a rate of 1.73 per cent until the project is completed, with long term borrowing at a rate of five per cent starting in either the spring or fall of 2014. As noted in the B2B information package that we sent out two weeks ago, the estimated impact on residential property taxes is expected to be about 2.5 per cent starting in 2014,� he said. Since the announcement was made about the proposed project many people have been voicing their
opinions on what the best course of action should be. “I think it is a huge benefit to the community of Golden. I fully believe it will be a benefit to all the businesses and the entire town because it will bring tourists. We do not have the big businesses anymore so we need to work on doing things that will bring in the tourists and visitors and keep them in the downtown area.� said Coun. Mike Pecora. Coun. Caleb Moss also thinks the project is something that needs to be completed for the benefit of the community as a whole. “To reiterate what has been said in the past and is being carried forward, this is an important infrastructure for the community. Ideally it is a safety issue and it is a social responsibility issue to address these issues,� Moss said. “Going forward, if the current process is dictated by the public saying borrowing over the long term is not the best way to address this, then we will have to address this in other manners. Be that short term borrowing or reallocation of resources to address it... because it is our responsibility, because it is something that has to be done.�
“We’re going to keep fighting until CP respects its workers and
gives them the rest they need.� The Minister will
appoint a mediator, who will have 90 days to settle the dispute.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
Supportive Sobeys Fall Faire prepares for a comeback Jessica Schwitek
Golden Sobeys recently ran an Easter Round Up Campaign and through donations made by customers raised $870.09 for the Golden Food Bank. Pictured are manager of Golden Sobeys Cam Dawes and co-ordinator of the Golden Food Bank Barb Davies. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
After a one-year hiatus the Golden Fall Faire is coming back for its fifth year. “It was a great and popular event in Golden, and we had other organizations and representatives from the Town of Golden come to us and say ‘would you be willing to be involved if we were able to promise you more help.’ And we said yes,” said Colleen Palumbo with the Golden Historical Society. For the past two months the society has been working on bringing back one of Golden’s favourite events, based on the old fashioned fall faires from back in the day. “We started it originally as a celebration event to show people what an old fashioned faire could look like. And as a result, boom. Next year everybody said we have to do this again because it was awesome,” said Palumbo. All the old favourite competitions will be making a comeback, including the tractor racing, the wife carry, bail stacking and the tug-of-war. The indoor events like the best apple pie, best mud pie making competition, and don’t forget
the best produce competitions. Awards will be given out for the biggest pumpkin, zucchini, and tomato etc., as well as the oddest shaped vegetables. So start tending to your gardens now. They are also bringing back the Kettle Valley Breakman to play a live show. The band was there for the first faire six years ago, and the society had received several requests to bring them back. “We’re doing a new competition this year called Chopped Golden,” said Palumbo. “So on the Friday night, the people who want to be involved in the cooking competition need to come to the fair building to pick up their bag of mystery ingredients that they can
take home and prepare a dish to bring back for judging the next day.” The support from Golden has been overwhelming so far says Palumbo. And she is approached almost daily by people telling her how happy they are that the fair is coming back this year.The community involvement in the event in the past has been inspiring, with competitions bringing people together in friendly competition. “We do the tug-of-war between the local businesses, it can be pretty fun. If you have a business with heavy-duty men you’re going to win,” said Denice Darbyshire, president of the Golden Historical Society. “Our very first year,
the best competition that was held, was a tug-ofwar between the RCMP and the Fire Department. The Fire Department won, but then there was a group of young kids in the crowd who wanted to take on the fire department. Puny little people,” said Palumbo. “When they got pulling on the rope it was fairly apparent the fire department was going to win. And it was the most amazing community spirited thing you’ve ever seen. People just came in from the crowd, got on the kids’ side and pulled the fire department over. It was awesome.” Look our for the fair books around town, they should be printed by June 15.
Positive meeting in Field but Parks cuts will still come Darryl Crane A group of almost 50 residents turned up to a meeting in Field to ask questions to Dave McDonough, Parks Canada superintendent for the Yoho and Kootenay field unit about how cutbacks to services in Field are going to affect the community moving forward. After a meeting the previous week with MP David Wilks concerned citizens had the chance to hear information provided by McDonough. “I thought it was a good meeting. It was well attended by the residents of Field. There were some very thoughtful, and sincere questions,” McDonough said. Some of the main concerns raised by the residents at the meet-
ing were linked to the sustainability of the town and how the cutbacks were going to affect the area. “The questions centre around this and how the effects could be mitigated. I explained in the terms of a national approach that Parks Canada has had to deal with significant reductions as many departments did. We want to focus our resources on the time of year when the parks are the busiest,” he said. In McDonough’s opinion this means serving as many customers as possible during the busiest times of the year in the parks. “We have invited the business community in Field to take part in a workshop where we focus on how can we move forward to promote the winter in Yoho and Field. We are working towards that,” McDonough said. He went on to explain Parks is also looking at how to promote
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local products at the Visitors Centre in the form of a kiosk that would be in the area where the bathrooms, and remain open in the winter months along with better signage on the highway. As for the cross country ski trails, McDonough said talks are continuing on the issue. “We have initiated a process for an alternative way track setting could be done in Yoho. We as Parks Canada would not be in a position to actively do it, but we certainly want to work with stakeholders to find a way it could be done.” As for the hope of reversing the decision to close the Visitors Centre in the winter months, McDonough did not see Parks Canada changing their position at this time. “We have to find those savings and we look at visitation patterns. Visitation is quite low in the winter time. We are not looking at re-opening it,” McDonough said.
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The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A5
Grand Opening
Ahmed Raza, far right, and his family hold the ribbon for the Grand Opening of the new Rockies Dollar Shop and Gift Gallery on May 29, while Mayor Christina Benty does the official ribbon cutting. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Financial issues play a hand in coming up with rescue solution continued from page 1 Bond went on to explain the Province, on May 1, proposed a one-year pilot project that ensured 100 per cent full reimbursement of costs, plus offered the town $10,000 for their administrative costs to deliver the service for the year. “The normal reimbursement rates for things like WorkSafe BC and third party insurance coverage, as well as equipment replacement costs, would still apply. EMBC also offered to support the Fire Department’s application for gaming grants to help them acquire any new capital assets that would supplement what would already be transferred to them from the GADSAR group,” she said. “We believe that the area would be best served by a group that is in or near Golden since response times can be critical to survival.” The Province has been working with local MLA Norm Macdonald to try and find a suitable solution to the current situation according to Bond. Macdonald said the current situation has to get rectified as soon as possible for the safety of all the people who travel in the area. “The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General is a combination of what used to be two ministries. It is a file which is incredibly busy...Shirley Bond is widely seen as very effective and my
dealings with Minister Bond have been positive,” Macdonald said. “Since March we have been working on this issue. I met with all the staff in Victoria who are working on this issue three weeks ago and they were confident that they had a solution...clearly they don’t. This is a provincial responsibility. This is a fairly unique situation. This is a highway that sees a tremendous number of accidents.” Macdonald added there are many issues that make this section of road a dangerous one to drive on at times, and a solution needs to be found as soon as possible. “I do not put any blame on anyone but the fact is there has to be a permanent solution and the province ultimately has to find a solution,” Macdonald said. Macdonald explained that issues like this have been in the area since his time as mayor. “The realities are you cannot take on that vast area as a town responsibility. You simply cannot do it. I don’t think that is what the province is asking us to do. They know we all need to work together. The discussions I have had have been hugely respectful to the community,” Macdonald said. Coun. Mike Pecora had been a part of the Golden Fire Department for over a decade before being elected to council. “I do not think it is a benefit to the town the way the province
has it structured and wants to give it to us. If that was tweaked where there was absolutely no cost to the local tax payers and was a benefit to the local fire department where the department was fully supported and the Province wanted to give them new rescue vehicles and cover the cost of the equipment then I would back that 1000 per cent,” Pecora said. According to David Allen, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Golden, the numbers simply did not add up to make this project happen under the current system. “The proposed project was based on the current system of compensation. The purpose of the pilot was to test and get data to see whether the compensation through that policy was adequate to cover the costs of providing the service,” Allen said. “It would top up any lack of compensation so that it would be a break even proposition for the town. However it did not include the capital costs.” Allen explained that under the current system the society within the fire department would have to apply for grants from the province for the extra costs. In the end there was no answer from the provincial representatives on where any extra money needed would come from Allen explained. Golden Fire Department Fire Chief Ken McClure said, “I am hopeful the town and province can come to an agreement that is both beneficial for all parties involved and the motoring public.”
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
Debating the issues Debates are important. The right to debate and have opposing opinions is part of what makes being a Canadian great. I have always found the process of how decisions get made to be interesting. People who are passionate on two different sides of an issue can both have public and private debates. In the end you hope that after looking at all the points, the best decision made can be By Darryl Crane reached. This does not mean everyone will get what they want, because realistically, those situations rarely happen. The purpose of the debate is to have the chance to voice your opinion. The reason for the process is so people do not have rules, regulations or bylaws thrust upon them. Since coming to British Columbia I have witnessed a few issues that have severely split the people who eventually could be affected by the choices made on their behalf. The province as a whole was up in arms over the HST, and a group of people got together and made their voices heard. While living in Invermere, deer and Jumbo come to mind. The resort, which was in the news for over twenty years, became a life-long battle for some of the residents in the area, a fight which continues to this day. This issue, at times, put people on two sides of an invisible line which could have led to debates that got out of hand. When a voicing of opinions gets to this poin, sadly, the message which is very important, is lost on all the people trying to decipher what is being said. When the G-20 met in Toronto do you remember the message of the protesters, or the photo of a police car on fire? Currently in Golden things are heated on many issues. In my opinion, they are all important to the town on varying levels, and it has been interesting hearing people speak on them and seeing the passion in their eyes and heard in their voices. For a long time, especially around election time, it has been said that the populous has become too apathetic, too filled with cynicism or just don’t care about the issues. That certainly is not the case in Golden and its surrounding areas. Residents are showing a desire to learn about the issues, and people are showing their civic desire to have their voices heard. This is the way it should be. However, the one thing that should not be lost in any of the debates, disagreements, discussions and chats, is respect. Nothing is accomplished when respect is lost on either side of the issue. If respect is taken from the equation then the community has already lost. People do not have to give up there beliefs, and they should feel free to make their points. Just remember that many of these issues have nothing to do with people personally. It is either a difference in politics, finances, ethics or desires which lead to a variety of opinions being formed, and that is the way it should be. I feel safe in saying there are no issues that can be brought before a town with 100 per cent of the population in agreement. Some things never change. But if people voice their opinions in a rational and respectful way, so much more can be accomplished. So continue debating but watch out for the low blows that never help get your point across.
- My Way -
Representing Golden Recently there have been accusations and allegations that Council is, among other things, trying to slide the Bridge to Bridge project financing through the back door. Pasted below is text copied from the Community Charter, the legal frame work we must abide by, regarding the Alternative Approval Process. Local governments can use the Alternative Approval Process under Part 4, Division 2 of the Community Charter as a method to gauge public opinion in regard to certain types of proposed bylaws, agreements, or other matters. It is most commonly used in relation to long-term borrowing bylaws. It is a less expensive option than using a referendum to gauge public opinion. It can be used whenever the legislation requires a local government to obtain the approval of the electors. So, no back doors, side doors or closed
Seriously? To the Editor; Seriously? No Public Swim Times Monday thru Friday during the month of June. Seriously? No evening Public Swim times during the week. Ever. Seriously? Replacing kids with kayaks. Bahh! Who is the swimming pool for? Certainly not for the children and families of Golden. Kids are taking the hit yet again. Shame on you! Strong families make for a strong community. Evening Public Swims allow families, mine included, to cool off
that this plan will be in place by spring of 2013. Currently everything Town owned is operational that should be and scheduled maintenance and repairs are done regularly. The reality is that the $2.240,000 grant for the dyke upgrade is available and if we accept it we must spend it by the end of 2013. Thus the reason for the short timeline. We are asking the electorate if they support long term borrowing to finance the Town portion of this project. If 10 per cent say no then we can either go to referendum to find out how many people are in favour or opposed, use short term borrowing, find other alternatives or say no to the $2.240,000 grant. Either way, public input is an essential part of our actions. We are all people and residents of Golden and want the best for Golden just like you do. Chris Hambruch Councillor
and play together after supper when the work day is done. The Golden Swimming Pool is a service to the community and as such should serve all members of the community as equitably as possible. The planners of this year’s schedule seem to have forgotten this. Operating facilities that do not have family and child friendly programming is … is… is … There is no word for it. To clarify, there is ALWAYS a lane made available to swimmers during Public Swim times, however, there is no option for children and families to swim and play during Lane Swim times. As both a pool user and a former Head Lifeguard at the pool I know that there are options in pro-
gramming that can accommodate the community’s diverse needs. As a tax payer I believe in the importance of recreation in our community. It is a must and not a nice-to-have. It is my hope that the Leisure Services Manager and the Town Councillors are open to community feedback and discussion about options for the schedule. There are different solutions that do not put children at the bottom of the list. Seriously. Caroline Carl-Osborne Golden Formerly – Head Lifeguard/ Swim Instructor Currently - Mom
POLL OF THE WEEK Is back to work legislation fair to unions?
Yes 37%
No 62%
This week’s poll question: Are you well informed about the Bridge2Bridge project? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters
doors. A legitimate process allowed in the legislation we, Council and Staff, must, and do, operate within. As for the project itself, since there is currently no staff that has the knowledge or expertise to undertake a project like this, we rely on people and organizations that are qualified. There are also no staff members still employed that were engaged with Urban Systems when this plan was put together. Bottom line, professional people like the ones employed by the Town, won’t give answers to questions they don’t know the answer to. Sounds like what my expectations of people are. Are there other things other than Bridge to Bridge to spend the estimated $2.3 million Town share on? Quite likely. How much is the future work required to maintain and repair existing infrastructure going to cost? No idea. We are currently putting together a Capital Asset Management Plan to assess the entire Town owned infrastructure. We are hopeful
be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the
right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at
• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00).
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A7
Bridge to Bridge Bridge to Bridge, that’s a very small distance when you consider that the last flood starting from overflow was in the municipal campground area, back in the early 1970s. Then approximately three years ago, an ice build up caused quite a scare, but no flood. That started up in the canyon, and if a local trucker had not phoned the town police, it may have been pretty bad. So, to build up the dykes, and making things look pretty for a short distance between the bridges, to me, doesn’t make any sense, when it could happen anywhere along the river, from the campground to the Columbia. The area called Golden, was a natural flood area, before it was inhabited by people. Then, the people started dyking and moving the water channels, to suit themselves, so they wouldn’t be flooded. Then, the dyking started in earnest, right up to today. Fifty years from now, you will have to climb a set of stair up 10 to 20 feet, to get a look at the Kicking Horse River, because the gravel and the silt will not stop coming down the river. I think you have to lower the river every now and then, and the present dykes would handle the water. The environmentalists say no, but to me it makes sense. You say beautify it too. Tourists and the travelling public driving across the main bridge can’t stop to view the river, or I hope they wouldn’t. One way to beautify the approach into Golden, might be to beautify the bowl by the overpass for all to see, whether working or driving. And it may be a lot cheaper. Just some thoughts and opinions, Russell and Romana Elliott Golden Brick Thanks Hi, I would like to personally apologize for this short notice; The Brick location in Golden will be closing on June 14. This decision came to us as a surprise, and we apologize to our customers for any inconvenience. When this opportunity was presented to me, I was reassured that the commitment for this location was at least two years, which is obviously not the case. When the franchise group presented this opportunity to me, they asked me to associate my name as store owner/ operator, which wasn’t quite the case either. We have been told that customers will be referred to the Canmore location for any warranty problem. If you have any questions or problem with one of our products, please call (403)609-6002, or (800)972-7425. Thank you for your support, and again we sincerly apologize for any inconvenience. Rene Cote The Brick in Golden
A dog’s life “Its a Halti, a head collar, you now like horses wear” is a phrase that I am frequently saying when I’m out for walks with my dogs! All four of my dogs wear head collars and a lot of people mistake them for muzzles. You often see people
taking a wide berth around my dog’s, (much to my dogs disgust as they love attention) and I’ve even had one person stop in their car and tell me I shouldn’t be walking dangerous dogs. The head collar is a simple device that fits over the dog’s muzzle and it gives the owner more control
over the dogs, and believe it or not, head collars are far more humane than a choke chain. Dogs wearing these can still carry balls and toys, drink, eat and pant. A lot of my dog training clients are now using head collars and are also getting the same reaction from the public.
This is just a quick letter explaining what they are and please don’t be scared of us, we’re just good dog’s owners trying to control our dogs. The photo is of my dog Bodi wearing his Halti head collar, as you can see its not a muzzle as his mouth is wide open showing his big smile!
Lisa Harvey Rocky Mountain Bed-nBiscuit
Front Country Access I was saddened and disheartened when I saw for myself the damage done to the local Mountain Shadows trail network at the base of Mt. Seven – presumably by the woodlot licensee. To be clear these were ‘illegal’ trails but the vindictive way in which the damage was carried out – often destroyed by an excavator with no logging intentions in sight – was alarming. From the home page of the FBCWA: “The Federation of BC Woodlot Associations (FBCWA) promotes the economic and social interests of woodlot licensees, private forest landowners, and others involved in small-scale forest management
in British Columbia. The FBCWA’s mission is for all its members to practice exemplary forest and natural resources management in a socially, economically, and environmentally responsible manner.” My dictionary defines responsible as “able to be counted on owing to qualities of conscientiousness and trustworthiness.” Exemplary: “so good or admirable that others would do well to copy it.” Although the Golden Cycling Club has asked all users to refrain from using these trails, I would invite people to take a hike to sample this forest stewardship. (Oddly, stewardship isn’t in my dictionary.) When there is
not active logging of course. This situation is part of a broader issue concerning access to our commons. Recently, the application for an independent power project (IPP) on Redburn Creek was made public, bringing the total in our area to some 27. Whoa. Cutting Ministry and Parks Canada staff and weakening environmental standards is not helping things. I have always found our MLA to be very receptive to our concerns. Voicing these could be the start to a broader discussion. norm. Chris Brazeau Golden
Wilks attacking our charities Dear Editor, The Conservative Government’s continued attack on Canadian charities is premeditated and chilling. Over the past two years they have cut funding, publicly slandered or intimidated those in civil society who have dared to speak out against them. It started with the government quietly cutting funding to vocal organizations like KAIROS, Development and Peace, the Mennonite Central Committee, the Canadian Center for International Cooperation, Rights and Democracy and the Canadian Council on Social Development and others. Now the attack is more overt with Conservative Ministers and Senators publicly slandering those who disagree with them, accusing respected charities of “influence peddling” and “money laundering,” and labelling them as “foreign radicals.” It is all part of a disturbing larger agenda to silence dissent, and delegitimize anyone who has opinions contrary to Conservative ideology. Those that are specifically
attacked by the Conservative government are either shut down or marginalized. Those that aren’t attacked directly learn very quickly that silence is golden. It is causing a chill in Canadian civil society. Buried in the Conservatives’ omnibus budget bill are changes to the Income Tax Act, amending the rules on how charities can engage in public policy advocacy and when their charitable status can be reviewed. Ordinarily an amendment which provides “guidance” would be a welcome clarification of the law. However, now everyone is wondering what kind of impact this may have: if they speak out against Conservative ideas, will they catch the unwelcome attention of government auditors? The consequences of this chill are enormous. Civil society is not only about dissenting views, but also about alternative points of view – which are the real life blood of a democracy. Alternative voices make the powerful question themselves, but when the powerful controls the executive branch and the legislative
branch of the government as they do in Canada, the only voices left to ask these questions are in civil society. On June 4, the Liberal Party will darken our website in support of the Speak Out/Black Out Campaign opposing these changes. Conservatives like MP David Wilks need to know it is highly inappropriate for the government to muzzle charities and civil society. The organizations that are being silenced are ones that millions of Canadians have supported for years, and up until now organizations that Canadian governments of all political stripes have worked with to better the lives of those in our communities and abroad Development of effective public policy is difficult at the best of times, but when a government intentionally demonizes those who try to speak for the poor and disadvantaged both at home and abroad, we are all impoverished. Yours sincerely, John McKay, MP Mobina Jaffer, Senator Liberal Party of Canada
For the brightest future in Golden Our job as a council is to provide leadership in municipal affairs. We take our stewardship responsibilities as custodians for the future very seriously. Sometimes that means we have to make difficult choices that are not arrived at lightly. I hope that the citizens of this community would trust that their elected representatives are good people with good intentions and that we
do not make decisions based on self interest. Over the years, the Town of Golden has applied for numerous grants to meet community priorities including road repair and infrastructure upgrades. Sometimes our grant applications have been successful and sometimes they haven’t. It would be more desirable to have sustainable funding and be able to better plan for
the future. With regards to the Bridge2Bridge project, it is our desire to engage in a public dialogue about a matter that affects us all and to provide the information so that the implications of borrowing for this project are well thought out. That is why we are making an effort to communicate as much as possible. From the political pro-
spective, the momentum for this project grew after a serious flood and ice event that happened a few years ago. Although the river is within provincial jurisdiction, the responsibility for the dike falls to the municipality. A breach in the dike could mean economic and social disaster and cripple the community’s operating systems that would cost tens of millions to address. Council has
been lobbying the provincial government at UBCM to secure funds for the necessary dyke improvements that are critical to our historical downtown along the river. Every year, we have knocked firmly at the door of the province to deal with this safety risk. The primary objective is safety and flood control improvements to bring the dyke up to the 200 year flood level providing protection for the
north Downtown. The majority of the funding will go to address the flood risk but also we will have the opportunity to landscape a key part of our community. I would anticipate that there are a variety of opinions about this project. I hope that as a community we will keep the dialogue respectful. If you vote against long term borrowing, please do so after having well researched the issue.
Mayor’s Report By Christina Benty
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
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Ronald's Rave Review Teddy Bear's Picnic Thursday, June 7 10:30am - 12:00pm Children birth to six Come to Kinsmen "Clown" Park for fun activities, music, live entertainment, and a little snack! Don't forget your Teddy! Attention non-profit groups - Dan Lindsay of McDonalds Golden is pleased to sponsor this spot to present your event.
Trans-Canada Hwy, Golden 344-4515 We accept competitors coupons!
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents Men in Black 3 (3D) Friday June 1st-Thursday June 7th at 7pm. late shows Friday & Saturday at 9:15pm. Snow White & the Huntsmen Friday June 8th-Thursday June 14th at 7pm. Late shows Friday & Saturday at 9:30pm.
This Week The Golden Family Center new office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm with lunch at the same time, from 12pm to 1pm. A.P.E.S. After School Program Ever y Monday to Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementar y. For more info or to register, please contact the After School Program manager at 272-0425.
Wed, June 6
Fire Fighting Training by Columbia Extreme at the Parson Hall on June 7 & 8. For more info or to book call 250-348-2234. Youth Action Group Thursdays from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Golden Secondary portable from now until June 2012. This free program aims to create more opportunities for youth in Golden! Call 250-439-9665 for more information.
Fri, June 8 Buck 65 at Rockwater Grill & Bar Friday, June 8. Doors open at 9:30pm. First 50 tickets $20 then $25, at the door $30. Tickets available at Plain Wayne & Jane and Jitas Cafe or www.
Sat, June 9 Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night every Saturday.
Jam Night - Open Mic with local musicians at the Rockwater Grill & Bar.
DJ Mike the Ripper Punk, Funk & Hip Hop at the Rockwater Grill and Bar.
Positive Discipline A free parenting education program ever y Wednesday from 3:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Alexander Park Elementar y, Strong Start room for children, Music room for parents. (Snacks and childcare provided for children). For more info Rachel or Carrie at the Golden Family Centre - 250-3442000.
Golden Wants to Dance Garage Sale Combo Bake Sale fundraiser, Saturday June 9, 9am-1pm. Donations can be made at the Rec Plex on Thursday , June 7 & Friday, June 8 between 7-9pm or call Deb 250344-5560 or Shawna 250-2720865 for pick up.
Afterschool Shakeup – FREE homework help for students in grades 8 to 12. Ever y Wednesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. in the Golden Secondar y School por table from now until June 2012. Call 250-439-9665 for more information.
Thurs, June 7 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Teddy Bear Picnic Thursday, June 7, from 10:30am-12pm. at Kinsmen (Clown) Park, 0-6 years. Music, live entertainment, a little snack. For more info call Golden CCRR 250-3444996 or email jkccrr@gmail. com.
This week's achievement award goes to...
Durand Manor on
Sun, June 10
Catholic Church of Sacred Heart 808-11th St. S. Summer Mass schedule, Saturday 7pm, Sunday 10am. Weekday Masses are posted at the church. Junior Climbing Club Sundays 12:30-2pm. Cost $45 for a 4 session punch card. Booking is recommended, call Ian or Rachel, 250-344-6444. www.
Mon, June 11 Golden R.C.M.P. 27th Annual Charity Golf Tournament. June 11. Shotgun start at 9am. Please contact the RCMP Detachment at 344-2221 for more info. Grief and loss support group Mondays, 7:30pm at the
• For more information... go to
Pentacostal Church, 717 10th St. Call Jim, 250-344-2459. Community Plan for a Public System of Integrated Early Care Learning Presentation. A new vision for childcare in B.C. Monday, June 11 at Kicking Horse River Lodge. Doors open 5:30, presentation 6-7pm. Free hors d’oeuvres, free onsite childminding. RSVP
Tues, June 12 John Jenkins & Friends Live acoustic mountain folk, Rock, Reggae, improv. Starts at 8pm at Rockwater Grill & Bar. Golden Golf Club-Community FREE Day. Golf by donation to the Food Bank on Tuesday, June 12, all day. Afterschool Shakedown – FREE homework help for students in Grades 3 to 7. Every Tuesday, 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the Lion’s Den (below the public library) from now until June 2012. This program aims to help students with homework and areas of difficulty such as reading, writing and math. Call 4399665 for more information.
Upcoming Events Golden Farmer’s Market Wednesdays staring June 13 through to August 29 at the CP parking lot, 2pm-7pm. Local food, local art, local music. For more info Golden Citizens on Patrol AGM Wed. June 13, 7pm at the Ramada Meeting Room. New members welcome. Rotary Club of Golden AGM Thursday, June 14, Canyon’s Edge Restaurant. RSVP to Bob Finnie 250-344-2171. Nature’s WIld Edible Foods Saturday June 16, 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Registration is limited to 15 people so get your spot soon. Cost is $15 for WIldsight members and $20 for nonmembers. To register, please contact or 250-344-4961. Golden Local Season Pass Sale ends June 16. Call 1-800-258SNOW(7669) or email
GMSA Wind-Up Tournament & BBQ at Keith King Memorial Fields, Sat & Sun, June 16 & 17 at 11am. Columbia Electoral Area ‘A’ Telivision AGM Saturday, June 16 at noon open to the public. Golden Cycling Club Volunteer Day. Columbia River/Kicking Horse Bridge, Saturday, June 16, 9am-1pm. CBT Mainline trail work with lunch provided. Strength in Numbers-Bike Movie at the Golden Cinema, Saturday, June16, 9-11pm. $10 or $9 for Bike Club Membersbring ID. Legion Annual Father’s Day Golf Tournament, Sunday, June 17. Signup @ the Legion. Dinner and prizes to follow. For more info call 250-344-6214 or email Golden Women’s Resource Centre, AGM Wednesday, June 20 at KickingHorse River Lodge, 6pm mingle, 6:30pm AGM starts. For more info contact Linley at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre, 250-344-5317. Kicking Horse Culture Presents Summer Kicks 2012 Down by the Bridge Concerts Wednesday, June 20 The Boom Booms. Tuesday, June 26 Faye Blais. All ages FREE, shows 7-9pm. GADSAR Open House Saturday, June 23 from 11am-4pm. Burgers, hotdogs and beverages by donation. HETS(helicopter long line) demonstration at 1pm. New facility is located at 210 Fisher Rd. (airport). Everyone welcome! Sneak a Peak Weekend at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Kick off summer operations early, Saturday June 23rd & Sunday June 24th. Bike the trails, hike the peaks, and have scenic lunch at Eagles Eye. Master Composting Workshop The Columbia Shuswap Regional Disctict (CSRD) Master Composting Program, Wildsight Golden is a supporting partner in this event. Contact or 250344-4961 to register for this free workshop. Kicking Horse Cup / BC Road Masters Race, June 28 and 29.
Adam Archibald for helping students with soccer at lunch time. Stop in by June 13, 2012 to receive your small blizzard t t
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A9
Graduates from Introduction to Trades celebrate at COTR Darryl Crane The Intro to Trades program at the Golden Campus of the College of the Rockies saw eight students celebrate a graduation from the program on May 31. “This is a celebration of the students and the program and it is important to look at what they have achieved at the College,” said the Manager of the College of the Rockies in Golden Karen Cathcart. Cathcart pointed out that only half of the students who graduated could be in attendance because many of the students had already started working and that was a sign of how important courses like this were for students. “The aim of our courses are to lead students to employment,” Cathcart said. As for the students who could make the ceremony, all of them talked about how wonderful their experience had been working with the school, instructors and each other. “This was fun. We learned many new things. It was widespread through all of the trades. It gave you enough to know what you want to do,” said Craig Hysuick. Another graduate, Tyler Monsen, saw the course as a great place to start a career. “I think everyone should try and get into it. It gives you so much and brings you into every trade and helps you get a job. So many people have already gotten a job,” said Monsen who is hoping to take his experience to a school which will eventually lead to a career working as an electrician. “It was a fun program to do. I was excited to wake up and go to school. I wanted to come to this and get the tickets and get the information about the trades.” Susan Poland wanted to see what she could learn about many different trades. As a women in the program Poland felt this was a great chance to see what was out there for women who are interested in the trades but not sure how to learn more. “I would highly recommend it and for women should definitely take the course because it is an eye opener,” Poland said. “I think it was more than I expected. I have nothing but praise for this course. Poland went on to explain it was something where every day she would rush to school because she knew she was bound to learn many new things before the day was done.
Pictured are the people involved with the Introduction to Trades Program at the College of the Rockies in Golden; Steve Weppler, Tyler Monsen, Tyler Gulliford, Christina Benty, Karen Cathcart, Chris Robinson, Craig Hysuick, Susan Poland, Sigi Liebmann,Carol Loader, Duncan Bedford, Horst Neumann, Tracey Whiting, Ken Hoeppner, Gloria Hiraoka, and James Acton. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Citizens on Patrol does their part to make sure Golden is safe Jessica Schwitek For almost 12 years now a quiet group of volunteers have been donating their time to make sure the streets of Golden are safe. The Citizens on Patrol have been out until 3 a.m. every weekend, operating as an “extra pair of eyes” for the local law enforcement. “At the time (when the group was formed) we saw that there was quite a bit of vandalism and graffiti. Communities in Bloom had planted all these flower boxes, and they were, on a regular basis, getting thrown out onto the street. Just
general vandalism, that was one of the main reasons for getting this started,” said Chris Hambruch, a longtime volunteer and one of the founding members. The group, which currently has around eight members, goes out on patrols in groups of two, mainly on the weekends, for shifts that usually go from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. In the years that Citizens on Patrol has been out in the streets, members have caught a few vandals in the act. But the group seems to have more of a preventative presence. “It’s tough to say, but I think it’s making a difference,” said Martin Wilson, volunteer and
head of the Citizens on Patrol board. “There’s enough people in town who know our vehicles now, and they see us driving around, and quite often we’ll just see people moving along after they see us. Quite often it’s a matter of being in the right place at the right time.” They used to use a Chevy pick-up that had RCMP striping on it, but volunteers tended to prefer to use their own vehicles. “I think it’s as much of a deterrent for that sort of thing because they know we’re there,” said Hambruch. The group provides a community service,
but the members enjoy the work as well. “It can be quite entertaining. You get to see some of the night time antics, and frivolity that goes on in the community,” said Hambruch. The Citizens on Patrol are always looking for more volunteers. The process of joining is fairly simple, you can pick up an application at the RCMP detachment, then there’s a background check, and interview, and three training shifts. After that, you’re part of the club. Anyone with more questions about the Citizens on Patrol can email Hambruch at
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
Would you like to join a team in Invermere and participate in the Invermere Relay for Life, June 16, 2012? Please call Sue 344-5251 (days) or 344-3667(evenings).
Golden Women’s Resource Centre Annual General Meeting Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 6:00pm at Kicking Horse River Lodge t 6:00pm: Food & mingle t 6:30pm: AGM business t 6:45pm: Board election Guest Speakers, Renew your Membership, Nominations, Vote for 2012/2013 Board of Directors, Network. Learn more about the GWRC in our community. Call to check in regarding Child Minding for your little ones during the event. For more information please contact Linley at the Golden Women’s Resource Centre: 250-344-5317
Columbia Electoral Area ‘A’ Television Rebroadcasting Society
AGM Saturday, June 16th at Noon Rm 102 @ College of the Rockies Meeting is open to the public. Area ‘A’ residents are welcome.
BC Seniors Games Anniversary
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Aug. 21 to 25, 2012
BURNABY Over 3500 BC 55+ Seniors Expected! Go to our website and click on “Zones” to find someone in your area who can help you become part of our
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AArchery h Athletics Badminton Bocce Bridge Carpet Bowling Cribbage Cycling Darts Dragon Boats Five Pin Bowling Floor Curling Golf Horseshoes Ice Curling Ice Hockey Lawn Bowling One-Act Plays Pickleball Slo-Pitch Snooker Soccer Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Whist
Pictured are volunteers Chris Brown, Colleen Palumbo, Ron Oszust, Irv Graham, Mike Torrence, Eddie Leigan (Oszust and Leigan were at the clean up as representatives of the Rotary Club of Golden). Also present but not in the picture was Denis Chamberlain. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Old mill gets a fresh spring cleaning Darryl Crane A group headed up by members from the Golden Museum gathered at the Old CRL Mill site on May 31 to take part in a cleanup of garbage from around the site. Headed up by Colleen Palumbo, Executive Director of The Golden Museum, a group of volunteers helped remove garbage from both in and around the building which is nearing 100
years old. "We are going to try and clean up the site of the old mill and make it safe for the many visitors who come in here every year," Palumbo said. "When the Columbia River Lumber company pulled up stakes over here, everything was left the way it was." Palumbo explained the Town of Golden had arranged for a garbage bin to be dropped for the group to use. "We are thrilled that the Town
of Golden staff is aiding us in the cleanup," she said. The Town of Golden have also been doing some metal recovery and fill some dangerous open holes which are on the site. "I have managed to round up a half dozen young people to come give us a hand but would certainly appreciate any time that anyone who would like to come out to help does so," Palumbo said. She added shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows and gloves would
also be appreciated. Palumbo said she is hopeful this kind of clean up will continue into the future. "I do want this to continue. It is a place where people are visiting. They are marvelling at this great old building and encourages them to be interested in the history of not only the company but also the history in the area." Anyone interested in helping out can contact the Golden Museum at 250-344-5169.
GADSAR invites community out for a BBQ Darryl Crane Come one, come all to a special day ats the Golden and District Search and Rescue group is holding an open house at the group’s new Search and Rescue facility. The event will take place on Saturday, June 23 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. It will give residents a chance to drop by for a tour of the new facility and equip-
ment while there will also be a barbecue and refreshments and a live helicopter sling rescue(HETS) demonstration. "This is not necessarily an annual event. Although we do try and hold a barbecue/ recruitment drive once a year," said President of GADSAR, Shauna Speers. "We are holding the open house to pay tribute to all the contributors and supporters we have had in our bid to purchase the facility and upgrade it. This will be our first
public event since moving into the facility last year." Speers went on and said the open house will give the public an opportunity to come view the new facility, check out our equipment, interact with the volunteers and view a HETS demonstration (heli long lining). "The majority of our membership should be in attendance. Hopefully the public will learn a little more about what GADSAR does and how we are set up," Speers added.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A11
Links to royalty in Golden’s history Behind the Wheel ition in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and the United Kingdom. Elizabeth is only the second monarch to reach this Anniversary, the last being Queen Victoria and I think it is fairly accurate to say that there is no one alive today that will see this happen again. Golden has been fortunate to have several Royal visits over the years, the following article came from the Golden Star, July 23, 1959, when Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip stopped in Golden. 1000 See Queen Here
This photo was taken in Field BC of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth I on their Royal trip through the valley. Photo credit - Golden Museum This weekend marked the Silver Anniversary of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Queen Elizabeth is the head of the Commonwealth in Canada, and holds the same pos-
A crowd of approximately 1,000 persons, many of whom came from southern communities, gathered at the CPR Station at Golden on Friday, July 10th, to welcome Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, and His Highness Prince Philip. Justice Minister E.D. Fulton, who accompanied the Royal couple, presented Mr. Geo. E. Marrs, chairman of the Village Council, and Mrs. Marrs. Mr. Marrs then presented the mayors and council chair-
Stay Between the Lines
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
man from the communities to the south and the Royal couple signed the village guest book. (The guest book is now in the Golden Museum). Following the presentation of a bouquet to the Queen by Miss Gayle Foyston, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip walked the length of the platform to speak briefly to the two troops of Wolf Cubs who formed a guard of honor. The couple paused briefly to chat with several persons and everyone present was afforded an excellent view of Her Majesty. Upon boarding the train for the resumption of their trip the Queen and her Consort stood on the rear platform and waved to the crowd as the train pulled away.
Plant a Row, Grow a Row for Food Bank Barb Davies Director Golden Food Bank Society Donna Attewell Community Garden Manager The Plant a Row • Grow a Row program is an annual initiative of the Golden Food Bank helping to ensure fresh produce is available for those in need in our community. This program builds on the long-standing tradition of gardeners loving to share their harvest with others. The Food Bank encourages gardeners to grow a little extra and donate the produce to the Food Bank. It’s an easy way to share extra fruit, berries and vegetables with the rest of the community. Surplus produce can be dropped off at the Food Bank on Tuesday mornings before 12 p.m. The Food Bank is located at 1115 9th St. S. In 2011, the Food Bank received 1,293 kilograms of produce donations through this program. This was in addition to the 300 kg that was grown at the Ruth Wixon Community Garden. A local grower, Henry Larwill, in the Blaeberry donated 150 kg of potatoes that were used in Food Hampers through October and November of 2011. The Golden Secondary School Grad Committee donated 195 kg of apples that were leftover from their Pie Sale last fall. These examples highlight the initiative of a few that make a difference for many in our community. The Plant a Row • Grow a Row program supports our mission to “nourish our community by providing food solutions for those in need while collaborating with partners in the community working towards food security.” Plant a Row • Grow a Row is a national program in partnership with Food Banks Canada to aid
local food banks in reaping the rewards of the harvest from vegetable gardens in their areas. The Grow-A-Row program started in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1986, initiated by Ron and Eunice O’Donovan. That year they produced more potatoes in their backyard garden than their family could consume. They donated the excess to their local food bank, Winnipeg Harvest. Their idea was met with such enthusiasm that the O’Donovan’s encouraged their friends and neighbours to also donate their surplus produce. Since then, over 1.4 million pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables have been given to Winnipeg Harvest through the Grow-A-Row program. Another initiative of the Golden Food Bank is the Community Garden at the Ruth Wixon House. In partnership with the Town of Golden and the Golden Historical Society the Community Garden grows and harvests fresh produce that supplements Food Hampers from July through December each year. The Community Garden would not be possible without the generous support of Mountainside Gardens who donated the majority of the seeds and plants to start the season. As well, thank you to many of the grade two students at Alexander Park Elementary School who started seedlings for the Garden. The seeds planted by the students were donated by True Value. If you have any extra seeds or plants please bring them by the Garden on Tuesday afternoons for planting. Any eager gardeners are welcome to spend time in the Community Garden. Volunteer hours are on Tuesday afternoons from 1-3 p.m. The Ruth Wixon Community Garden is located at 812 8th St. S.
One sure sign of growing up when we were young was the ability to use our crayons and stay between the lines. An important skill for a “grown up” driver is also the ability to stay between the lines. Judging by the e-mails that I have received lately from readers who state that this is their main pet peeve, there is a sizable number of drivers out there who need to do a bit more skill growing. If you haven’t been on the inside of a curve lately and met an oncoming driver part way over the center line into your lane, a quick look at the lines painted on the road will tell you that many tires have passed over the paint and worn it away. It shouldn’t matter if you cross over the lines when no one is coming should it? Well, it’s both illegal in that situation and will end up in a collision the first time you fail to see the oncoming vehicle and will be really interesting if that driver is doing the same thing! Perhaps more common still is the encroachment onto the shoulder when drivers go around a corner. This territory is the domain of pedestrians and cyclists, your vehicle does not belong there. It’s hardly likely that you would be injured or killed in a collision here but the same cannot be said for the unprotected shoulder users. So, show a little pride in your ability to be a mature, skillful driver. Keep your vehicle inside that 2.6 meter wide space between the lines. This will also show your respect for other road users and help to keep them safe. If you cannot, it’s time to put your crayons back in the box and let someone else do the driving. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
this feature sponsored by:
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
International students prepare to say goodbye to Golden Darryl Crane As the school year draws to a close some of the students at Golden Secondary School are preparing for a journey that will take them back to their homes in countries all over the world. International students have become a fixture at the school in recent years as local families open their doors to take in students who come to Golden as part of an international program. Three of the students who came to Golden this year recently sat down to talk about the year they have had in Golden and what the experience has meant to them. Sarlota Salacova came to the area from the Czech Republic. “It has been really good. I would have to say it has been the best year of my life so far,� Salacova said. “It has been really fun but has gone by so fast. It seems like it was only October recently and now it is June.� Salacova said she has been torn between being excited to go home while also wanting to stay in Golden. “I enjoyed the school and friends. People here are G OLDEN CCRR’ S A NNUAL
T EDDY B EAR ’ S P ICNIC T HURSDAY , J UNE 7, 2012 10:30 am-12:00 pm Kinsmen “Clown� Park Children birth-six bring your parents, grandparents, caregivers etc., down to the park for fun activities, music, live entertainment, and a little snack. For more information contact Golden CCRR at 250-344-4996 or at
really friendly and I have made many friends in a short period of time. Skiing was fun,� Salacova said. Going to Vancouver with her host family was also one of the great memories Salacova will be taking home with her. Sayaka Nozaki is from Japan and for her the experience has left her with a desire to return to Canada someday. Although she has had many great experiences during her time in Golden she did explain Christmas was one of her favourite memories she will take home. “I am having fun. Especially around Christmas, in Japan it is not such a big event. It was so good,� Nozaki said. Fernanda Bernal of Mexico took advantage of the year to meet many new friends and learn some new skills. “Snowboarding is very cool. I was wake boarding before but that was not like snowboarding,� Bernal said. “The guys here are super friendly and it has been fun. It will be tough missing my friends and host family.� According to the co-ordinator for the program, Monica De, about 75 per cent of our host families are returning for next year which is important for a program which has seen a 40 per cent growth over the last four years. Some of the reasons why host families decide to participate in the program included an interest to get to know someone from another culture and share their enthusiasm for the community of Golden and the fact that people who have been involved with the program in the past have loved the experience. While in Canada the group had many different trips which ranged from dog sledding, horseback riding and a three day trip to Edmonton. “I think it is the best experience you can do,� Salacova said. As for their impending trip home Bernal said, “If I could bring all the people from here home with me it would be easier to go home. “
Sarlota Salacova, Fernanda Bernal and Sayaka Nozaki were three of the international students who attended Golden Secondary School this year. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Mosquito Control Program ready to roll Columbia Shuswap Regional District, Town of Golden Mosquito Control Area Morrow BioScience Ltd. – Mosquito Con-
trol Contractor John Jackson – Mosquito Control Technician The 2012 Town of Golden Mosquito Control Pro-
August 3rd - 5th, 2012 Taj Mahal Trio Five Alarm Funk Gabriel Palatchi Band Phil Dwyer Band Septeto Santiguero Kirby Sewell Band Altered Laws Jimmy Bowskill Hornography The Harpoonist & the Axe Murderer Bessie & the Back Eddies Electric Monk Laura Landsberg & Homeward Bound BananaFish Dance Orchestra | 250-353-7548
gram is now underway. Mosquitoes go through four distinct stages of development during their life: egg, larvae, pupa and adult. Eggs are laid on the surface of standing water or on soil that is prone to flooding. Eggs of some species can remain dormant for many years before hatching. When in contact with water during the spring and summer, the eggs hatch as larvae, which feed on plant material and quickly develop into pupae. The pupae then mature into adult mosquitoes, which emerge from the surface of the water. Following mating, adult females search for a blood meal to complete egg development. Rainfall, snow melt, and rising river heights in the spring and summer result in the flooding of many low lying areas which can serve as mosquito development sites. Site monitoring by the Mosquito Control Contractor’s staff is conducted on a continuous basis throughout the late spring and summer to determine the species, number, and level of maturity of mosquito larvae present dur-
ing this period. Morrow BioScience Ltd. will undertake biological control efforts directed at the mosquitoes in the larval stage. This is achieved by identifying and monitoring sites where mosquito larvae are present and applying a granular mosquito larvicide, Aquabac 200G. This larvicide contains a naturally occurring bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis) known as Bti, which targets mosquito larvae but does not harm birds, mammals, beneficial insects or amphibians. This product is registered for this use in Canada. Larvicide applications are made by hand, blower, or helicopter. Effective mosquito control must combine the efforts of individual Land / Home Owners with those of a competent Mosquito Control Contractor in seeking to eliminate mosquitoes before they emerge as adults. Where possible, Home / Land Owners should try to eliminate areas where water can collect such as clogged gutters, old tires, discarded containers, wheelbarrows, trays under flower pots,
stored boats & canoes, etc., as these all serve as ideal habitat for mosquito development. Further, residents should drain and refill display ponds, wading pools, bird baths, outside pet dishes, and livestock troughs frequently. Individuals may protect themselves from adult mosquito annoyance by putting a barrier between them and those mosquitoes. Ensure good screens are in place on all windows & doors, limit outdoor activity during dusk & dawn, wear light-coloured long pants & shirts which are loose-fitting. If more protection is desired, wear an approved repellent. Look for repellents that have a PCP number on the label as this means that the product has been tested for efficacy and safety (when used according to the directions on the label). Residents are encouraged to call the local Morrow BioScience Ltd. Mosquito Hotline to report potential mosquito development sites or for more information regarding the Mosquito Control Program.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A13
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Owen MacIntosh reaches up to look at the belt buckles at the CG Designs booth at the Spillimacheen Arts and Crafts Street Fair on June 2. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
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The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A15
Golden kicking summer into high gear Darryl Crane Summer is coming to the Golden and Kicking Horse Culture has put together a spectacular line up for summer shows in Spirit Square. The season will kick off on June 20 when The Boom Booms come to town. The Boom Booms are a six-piece Latin-soul-funk-rock-reggae band, forged from friendships born on the school yards, soccer fields, cafe patios and eventually bars of East Vancouver. On June 26 Faye Blais with Willhorse will be performing. Sudbury’s Faye Blais is spreading her new material around the globe, on a series of International Tours. Songwriting and personality are showcased beautifully through her impressive jazzy-bluesy folk style, on acoustic and electric guitars, and keys, with stunning, dynamic vocals. July 6 will see John Reischman & the Jaybirds bring their blend of story-telling and side-show humour provides the backdrop to their studied performance of original songs, instrumentals, and newly arranged traditional material. Los Gaiteros de San Jacinto will bring the sound of Columbia to Golden on July 11 followed up on July 19 by Tambura Rasa. On July 25 the sound of Scotland invades the square as Shooglenifty combines traditional tunes with contemporary dance rhythms. August 1 sees Redeye in town with Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer playing on August 8. The Columbia Valley Chamber Music Festival Concert will be hosting a special show on August 12 and the last show of the season will be on August 16 when Shuffle Demons bring their unique sound to Golden.
Boom Booms start it off Golden Star Staff Kicking Horse Culture has decided to start off their summer with bang . The Boom Booms will be kicking off the season on Wednesday June 20 at 7 p.m.
Founded by lifelong friends Aaron Ross and Geordie Hart, the six-piece Latin-soul-funkrock-reggae band makes music that people want to dance to. Ross and Hart found their passion for Latin music and culture during their journey through Cuba and Mexico when they were 20. As a result, many of their songs (lyrics by Ross) were written and sung in Spanish. The Vancouver band has drawn their inspiration from musical acts like Damian Marley, Otis
Redding, Marvin Gaye, Paul Simon, the Budos Band and Gregory Isaacs, all of whom’s essence can be heard in the Boom Booms’ music. Their first release in 2007, Butterfly Man, spawned the feel-good party anthem When the Night, which made it to number six on the Much More Music countdown in 2008, and was also optioned for an episode of the television series 90210. The Boom Booms have travelled the globe, playing shows on the streets of Paris and Brus-
sels, and the stage at the infamous Edinburgh Fringe Festival. They are fresh off a three-month long tour of Brazil, and are making the Spirit Square in Golden one of their first stops back in Canada. They will also be back in the Columbia Shuswap region later in the summer when they will be taking the stage at the Salmon Arm Roots and Blues Festival. Check out a sample of their music at
Brass takes over the Rockwater Darryl Crane The Canadian funked out jazz band The Heavyweights Brass Band are on a Western Canadian tour and the group will be playing in Golden on June 22 at The Rockwater Bar & Grill. With their New Orleansstyled jazz sound the band takes their live show to new levels with high-energy performances which have garnered rave reviews. Formed in 2009, the Heavyweights have been playing shows and festivals around
SUNDAYS Prime Rib (while quantities last). Bloody Caesars $4.25 MONDAYS NY Steak Sandwich w/ fries or greens $7.75 OK Springs 1516 sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 Highballs $3.75 Dbls $6.25 TUESDAYS Bison Burger w/ fries or greens $5.25 Sleeman Original Draught sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50
Toronto and opened for the biggest names in New Orleans music including Galactic, Trombone Shorty, and Preservation Hall. The band’s individual members - Chris Butcher (trombone), Paul Metcalfe (saxophones), Jon Challoner (trumpet), Rob Teehan (sousaphone) and Lowell Whitty (drums) have taken their vast experience and brought it together for a sound for the ages. Their 13-track debut album “Don’t Bring Me Down” was recorded at famed Studio 211 at the CBC in Toronto, with engineer Dennis
WEDNESDAYS 1Lb of Wings & Dos Equis $10.00 Dos Equis Buckets $15.50 (4) THURSDAYS Personal Pizza & Moosehead or Black Lager Sleeve $10 Moosehead Lager or Okanagan Black Lager sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 FRIDAYS ½ Price Full Size Nachos. Sleeman Honey Brown or Cream Ale Btls $3.75 HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 7 TVs and the Big Screen – Surround Sound – EVERY NIGHT. Come watch your favourite team and enjoy game day specials.
Patterson (Mariah Carey, Deborah Cox) at the helm. It was mixed by Juno Award winner John “Beetle” Bailey (Molly Johnson, Harry Manx) at “The Drive Shed” studio. The Heavyweights’ track ‘Nueva Orleans’ was featured on the recent criticallyacclaimed release of “Havana Cultura: The Search Continues”, by international tastemaker BBC DJ Gilles Peterson. The Heavyweights also contributed two new tracks to Canadian saxophone star Jane Bunnett’s newest release, “Mundo: The World of Jane Bunnett.”
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
Singing Students The Golden Secondary School Choir took to the stage at the Golden Civic Centre on June 1, with the Purcell Mountain Orchestra. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
If you missed our Open House come stop by the show room any time Monday to Friday 8 am - 5 pm
We are located at 805-9th St. N.
START ASKING GE T THE FAC TS Making informed menu choices can be challenging. But with the new Informed Dining program, restaurant-goers can now get the facts when dining out. Just look for the Informed Dining logo at participating restaurants and ask your server for nutrition information to help you make healthy choices from the menu. You can now be confident when eating at participating restaurants that you’ll have access to nutrition information before you make your menu choice. Stop guessing...and start asking!
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The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A17
Gymnasts have great showing in final competitions Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club submitted The Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club had a very successful competition month in May. On the weekend of May 5 and 6, the Performance Plus and Provincial Level 1 athletes attended Zone Championships in Nelson. Performance Plus Athletes compete for Gold, Silver, Bronze awards based on their personal performance, not on a ranking system. Emma Russell, Ayra McCarthy, Marika Sutter, Mara Parkinson and Morgan Wharton improved on all the apparatus: floor, beam, bars and vault. Provincial Level Athletes compete in age categories and are ranked. Kayla Lush competed in the Argo Provincial Level 1 Division and ranked third on vault, fourth on bars, sixth on beam, fourth on floor and fourth All Around. Zara Johnson competed in the Novice Provincial Level 1 Division and ranked third on vault, fifth on bars, sixth on beam, fifth on floor and sixth All Around. Provincial Level 2 Athletes, Kelsey Lloyd, Makayla Beam and Jasmine Wan competed in the Open Category. Kelsey placed seventh on vault, fourth on bars, ninth on beam, fourth on floor and seventh All Around. Makayla placed first on vault, sixth on bars, sixth on beam, ninth on floor and eighth All Around. Jasmine placed sixth on vault, eighth on bars, third on beam, eighth on floor and tenth All Around. They all worked hard and performed very well. To end off the competition season, Kicking Horse Gymnastics was well represented at Kimberley Gymnastics Club’s Coconut Cup on Saturday May 26 with 24 athletes participating. The first session of the day saw Emilie Lessor, Sierra Crowe, Noah Ure, Cora Robertson, Hannah LaRoy, Hayley Plonka, Chloe Hood, Tige Lussier and Kiki Ovenden perform in the Girls Interclub Division, an advanced recreational division where gymnasts showcase their skills on vault, bars, beam and floor. The athletes worked hard learning and per-
Pictured are Mackenzie Lush, Midori Nagao, Jasmine Wan and Makayla Beam, four local gymnasts with the Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club who recently competed in the Performance Plus and Provincial Level 1. Darryl Crane/Star Photo forming their routines and did a marvellous job. The second session was Performance Plus gymnasts who are becoming seasoned competitors. Emma Russell, Marika Sutter, Ayra McCarthy, Madyson Oslund and Morgan Wharton did very well. Morgan Wharton had the highest score of her division when she received a perfect 10 for her awesome bar routine. The third session was the competitive Provincial Athletes who had one of the best meets of their careers to end the season. The athletes were pleased with having their whole team make it through their routines on beam and bars without falling off once! Kayla Lush had an amazing meet, she placed first on vault, second on bars, second on beam, third on floor and second All Around with a total score of 46.8 (only .3 away from the athlete in first). Meghan Oslund had a strong competition in the Tyro Division and came home with first on everything with a total score of 45.5. Zara Johnson and Midori Nagao went head to head in the Novice Division with hardly a point between each of their scores, Midori placed second on all events and overall with a strong 45.1 total score while Zara placed first
on all events and overall with a strong 47.3 total score. Jasmine Wan and Makayla Beam had a blast going head to head in the Open Division where Jasmine placed first on vault, second on bars, second on beam, first on floor and first All Around with the highest total score of all provincial competitors at 48.3. Makayla placed second on vault, first on bars, first on beam, second on floor and second All Around with a total score of 47.1. The competitive athletes train six to nine hours a week and their dedication and hard work is showing in their ever-improving performances. The final flight of the day was the Premiere of Kicking Horse Gymnastics Boys Program. Mackenzie Lush, Saw-
yer Millward, Walker Lapins, Garrett Kardash and Matthew Chaluck gave it their all as they performed for the first time in the Boys Interclub Division. The boys showcased their skills on the floor, high bar, vault, parallel bars, rings and the mushroom (pommel horse preparation). The adjudicator was impressed by their strong tumbling, their strength, power, dedication and that they were really having a fun time. Kicking Horse Gymnastics is finishing off its Winter-Spring Session in the coming weeks and we will be offering some camps in the summer. Parents/ guardians are encouraged to come and participate in the last week of classes with their child/children. For information about
G o l d e n Nav e l Acade my would like to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the Golden Navel Academy Dance Oasis show! We appreciate your support.
Apostoles Restaurant, Bacchus Books, Big Bend Cafe and Bugaboo Cafe, Dr. Tim Styles, Dairy Queen, Golden Taps Pub, Moon River Gallery, Moose Trax, Lois Ricard – Kinbasket M Massage, Overwaitea, Sobeys, Scentsy- Jeanette Jackson, Whitetooth Bistro
various programming or to enquire about our Fall 2012 programming contact the club via email at or
phone coach Christine at 344-0682. The club was pleased to receive Columbia Basin Trust funding for some new equip-
ment that is on its way and is pleased to also have received notice of a Gaming Grant for equipment and facility rental.
Golden R.C.M.P. 27th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, June 11th, 2012 Shotgun Start at 9:00 am
Proceeds to GSS Scholarship Fund $95.00 - Non Golf Club Members $60.00 - Golf Club Members
Entry fee includes: 18 Holes of R.C.M.P. Scramble Golf Dinner and Prizes for all. Golf carts included Pay early to guarantee a spot. Maximum 100 golfers. Registration, starting placement & to request a member to golf on your team, contact Sharon at the Golden R.C.M.P. detachment at 344-2221.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
Motocross madness
Free golf for everyone Jessica Schwitek
Golden boys Skylar Hillier, left, and Justin Palumbo, right, take first and second place in the second race of the day at Wildrose Motocross Park, in Calgary, June 2. The pair are competing in the Wildrose Motocross Spring series, in the GP beginner class. Photo Submitted
Golden has one of the most beautiful golf courses in the province, and the Golden Golf Club wants to make sure that everyone in the community has the opportunity to enjoy it. On Tuesday June 12, the Golden Golf Club will be hosting their second Community Golf Day. That means that any resident of Golden and Area A can come out to enjoy a free round of golf. "This is the second year we've hosted a Community Day. Last year was our 25th anniversary and the start of this event," said Patrick Chury. "It was very well received last year, and that's what pushed us to do it again this year."
The golf club is dedicating the entire day to Golden, but tee times will be booking up fast so make sure you call ahead. "I strongly suggest that people call for a tee time before hand," said Chury. The Community Golf Day is not only a way to thank Golden for the continued support, but is also a way to help out the local Food Bank. The club will be collecting donations for the food bank, and will also be putting on a $5 barbecue burger bar, hosted by the Golden Eagle Grill, with all the proceeds going to the Food Bank. "Everyone is welcome, so bring a friend and enjoy a day on the ‘links.’ We are looking forward to a full day day out on the course," said Chury. Call the Golden Golf Club at 344-2700 to book your tee time.
Dolphins of all levels take to the pool Darryl Crane The Golden Dolphin Swim Club has hit the waves for another busy season of learning and competition. Kyle Morrow, the head coach of the team this year, is thrilled to be in Golden and working with the swimmers of all levels. “This is my second year with the Dolphins and my fourth year of competitive coaching,” Morrow said. At the time of going to press just under 100 swimmers had been registered for the season with people still able to join up. One of the new additions to the programs offered this year is Dare to be a Dolphin. “Some of the younger kids who are just getting started can get in the water and develop good fundamentals that will be used to develop their strokes down the road,” Morrow said. Being a coach of the Dolphin’s gives Morrow the chance to pass on what he has learned to a younger group of passionate swimmers.
“We have a huge number of new swimmers come into the club this year so we are getting into the swing of things for our first meet,” Morrow said. The group will be travelling all around B.C. to take part in many meets leading to provincials. Morrow explained this program has something for swimmers of all different levels. “The social aspect is huge. We have kids who joined the swim club because their friends had fun last year,” he said. “We have many athletes who are cross training for other sports as well in our upper levels. It is a fun time and a great way to spend your summer.” The Golden team is one of the largest teams in B.C. according to Morrow. “They (former coaches, executives) have built a fundamental base for the team,” he said. Anyone interested in registering for the team can go to or drop by the Golden Swimming Pool from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
The Golden Dolphins Swim Club (the Dolphins 1 group and some of their coaches pictured above), have started their 2012 season. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A19
The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122 Golden
Annual Father's Day Golf Tournament June 17 2012 Signup at the Legion
Cost: $95.00 per player - includes Green Fees - 1/2 Golf Cart - Dinner at the Legion - Prizes Signup and payment by June 13 Golfing at the Golden Golf Club First Tee Time: 1:00 PM
PRIZES Galore!! Closest to the pin (Men & Women) Longest Drive (Men & Women)
Dinner and Prizes to follow at Royal Canadian Legion The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122 1011 11th Ave S Golden BC PH: 250-344-6214
Pictured above is Golden resident Paige Ellerton with the Toronto Blue Jays Mascot BJ Birdy during a visit to the Roger’s Centre in Toronto. Ellerton is the Golden British Columbia Youth Leadership graduate representative from Tim Hortons Children Foundation. After having the chance to go to the camp for a number of years the local teen is now finding new ways to give back to a project which she said has given a great deal to her in her life. Photo submitted
Camp Day returns to Tim’s Darryl Crane Tim Hortons Camp Day, an annual fundraiser that helps send economically disadvantaged kids to camp, will take place on Wednesday, June 6. On Camp Day, Tim Hortons restaurant owners donate all proceeds from coffee sales to the Tim Hortons Children’s Foundation (THCF), which helps send more than 15,000 kids each year on a fun-filled camping adventure. Paige Ellerton from Golden is the Golden British Columbia Youth Leadership graduate representative from the Tim Hortons Children Foundation. Ellerton first attended camp when she was in Grade 7. Six years later she has successfully graduated from high school, and is working towards her nursing degree. She credits camp for giving her the confidence and leadership skills that she uses in her daily life. “It is like a getaway. It is always full of adventure and you get to meet new people. It is something I could not ever see a kid turn down. It is an exciting place to be,” Ellerton said. “There is so much positivity and encouragement.” Last summer was the last time Ellerton could go to camp as a participant, but she is hopeful to get involved in other ways as the years pass. Ellerton recently started working at the Tim Hortons in Golden and said she is very excited about being involved in the Camp Day event at the store this year. “I can be a part of the helping and encouraging kids to be a part of it. I can’t see camp ending because it is so important to so many people,” she said. If Ellerton could give a message to someone thinking about attending this camp, it would be, “take it and run with it. Enjoy every experience and take what they have learned back home in use it in their everyday lives.” The Tim Hortons Children’s Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1974 that is committed to providing an enriched and memorable camp experience for children and youth living in economically disadvantaged homes. The Foundation’s funding comes from Tim Hortons Camp Day, fundraising activities, special events, and year-round public donations collected through counter and drive-thru coin boxes, as well as other donations. Since 1975, more than 175,000 children have attended a Foundation camp at no cost to themselves or their families.
FREE DISPOSAL DAYS May 1-June 9, 2012
MISC. ITEMS • bbqs • lawnmowers • angle iron • plate steel (sm. pieces) • bed springs • metal doors • propane tanks • metal window frames • metal siding • metal roofing • old plumbing • bicycles • metal toys (wagons, etc.) • swing sets • metal yard tools
• Grass Clippings • Leaves • Prunings • Brush/Weeds • Tree Limbs (up p to 8” in diameter))
WHITE GOODS • fridges • freezers • air conditioners • hot water tanks • bathtubs • stoves • clothes washer & dryers
NO wood attached. NO auto parts. NO auto bodies. NO commercial wastes and NO prohibited wastes.
All other refuse delivered to the refuse disposal site on these days will be assessed the applicable refuse disposal fee. All commercial loads are subject to disposal fees. To avoid delays and confusion during all events, please take the time to segregate incoming loads.
At the Golden Landfill and Parson Transfer Station Facility during regular operating hours For further information contact: THE COLUMBIA SHUSWAP REGIONAL DISTRICT 250 832-8194 • 1-888-248-2773 (toll free) or go to
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
Auxilary support The Hospital Ladies Auxilary hosted their annual garage sale at Durand Manor on June 2. Volunteers Susy Alfano, from left, Lynne Auer, Stephanie Braul and Helen Weissenborn came to help out. Darryl Crane/Star Photo STORES FLYERS DEALS COUPONS BROCHURES CATALOGUES CONTESTS PRODUCTS STORES FLYERS DEALS DEA LS COU COUPON PONS S BROC BROCHUR HURES ES CAT CATALO ALOGUE GUES S C CONT ONTEST ESTS S PRO ODUC UCTS TS S STO S ORES RES S FLY FLYERS ERS S DEALS DEALS S CO COUPO U ONS UPO NS S BRO OCHU C URES RES S
- Spread the Word! Share this with friends and help us make a difference -
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Plus, YOU could WIN a Summer Gift Pack from Rexall™ Pharma Plus which will include their exclusive line of organic skin care products, and much more!
To enter, visit our facebook page at app_160731467314127 Not a Facebook user? Scan this code to enter the contest
Class of 2012
Business Grad Ads Deadline: Friday, June 8 Prices include full colour!
Ad Sizes & Prices: Business Card
1/2 Banner (large) 5”x 3” Full Banner (large) 10.25”x 3” 1/2 Page
10.25”x 7”
Full Page
10.25”x 13.25”
Front Banner
10.25”x 3”
60.00 $ 95.00 $ 150.00 $
275.00 $ 500.00 $ 200.00 $
250 344-5251
It’s time to be Bear Aware Bear Aware submitted There have already been numerous sightings of black bears just outside of Golden. Sadie Parr, Golden’s Bear Aware community co-ordinator, said residents should know bears are now trying to make up the 30 per cent of body weight that they have lost over their long winter’s hibernation. “Bears are hungry and looking for food wherever they can get it,” said Parr. “Now is the time to keep bears from developing bad habits by practicing some good habits of our own.” Please remember to: • Store garbage and recycling bins cleanly and securely with lids down • Only put bins on curbside the morning of collection, after 6am • Barbeque season is backkeep your barbeque covered and clean, no dirty utensils or food left outside • Bring birdfeeders inside for spring and summer. To attract birds plant native flowers or use bird baths • Bring pet food inside and store indoors • Turn compost regularly and cover with a lid. Add browns EACH TIME you add fruits or veggies. Parr will be setting up a Bear Aware display at the Golden Library for people to check out between
June 5 – June 12. Parr’s next public events include a table at the CCRR Teddy Bear Picnic June 7, a presentation at the Northern Lights Wolf Centre Open House June 16, and a presentation and display at the Master Composting Workshop on June 23. She encourages the public to come out and meet her to learn more about what they can do to help reduce human-bear conflicts in the Golden Area. Golden Bear Aware is kicking off a colouring contest with the help of the Golden Star Newspaper. Colouring sheets can be picked up at the Golden Star office and returned before June 30 to be eligible for a prize. All entries will be displayed in the front window.
To learn more about managing wildlife attractants visit the Bear Aware website www.bearaware. You can also reach Sadie Parr at 250-290-1222 or Bear Aware gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Columbia Basin Trust, a regional corporation created to deliver social, economic, and environmental benefits to residents of the Columbia Basin. The Bear Aware program is supported by the BC Conservation Foundation, the BC Ministry of Environment, and the Town of Golden. To report a bear sighting or wildlife incident, call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.
Jessica Schwitek
It’s the beer out here, or so they say. “They” being Labatt Breweries, the makers of Kokanee beer, and “here” referring of course to one of Western Canada’s greatest natural wonders, the Rocky Mountains. Well “they” are offering the people out “here” the opportunity to see themselves on the big screen, and be part of a new movie. “For any Golden residents that have dreamed of being part of a movie, Kokanee is now giving them a chance to make their dreams come true,” said Alix Herman with Labatt
Breweries of Canada. “Kokanee will be featured in a new buddy comedy The Movie Out Here and wants Western Canadians to get involved.” It is a great opportunity for anyone with a knack for acting to strut their stuff and show off their Western Canadian Pride. It’s as simple as turning on your camera and letting your talent shine. All you have to do is find a recording device, which can be anything from a fancy HD camera to your smart phone, or even your webcam. Get into character and audition as the Kokanee Ranger or a hiker who has spotted the Sasquach. If you want to get really creative you can come up with your own role.
2012 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 $ $ @
27,999 349 4.99 ±
25 ±
$ %
3.7L V6 FFV Engine 6-Speed Automatic 302 Horsepower 278 LB.-FT of Torque AdvanceTrac®‡ with RSC® (Roll Stability Contol™) Trailer Tow with 4-Pin Connector
10.5L/100km 27MPG HWY*** 15.0L /100km 19MPG CITY***
9.7L /100km 29MPG HWY*** 13.4L /100km 21MPG CITY***
5.0L V8 FFV Engine 6-Speed Automatic 360 Horsepower 380 LB.-FT of Torque 60/40 Split One-touch Flip-up Rear Seat Trailer Sway Control
Western Edition package includes: Reverse Camera Tailgate Step Sync®‡‡ Foglamps Black Platform Running Boards 18" Bright Machined Aluminum Wheels
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be changed or cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Until July 3, 2012, purchase a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L/F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats for $27,999/$40,999 after Total Manufacturer Rebate of $8,500/$6,500. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $8,500/$6,500and freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. *Until July 3, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 3.7L/F-150 XLT Super Crew 4X4 5.0L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $38,999/$41,899 at 4.99% LAPR for up to 36 months with $2,550 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $349/$374, total lease obligation is $15,114/$16,014 and optional buyout is $15,990/$18,017. Offer includes Manufacturer Rebate of $8,500/$9,000. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Manufacturer Rebate is deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude optional features, administration and registration fees (administration fees may vary by dealer), fuel fill charge and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ^Until July 3, 2012, Security Deposit payment is waived on a lease (Red Carpet leases, on approved credit from Ford Credit) of a new 2012 or 2013 model (excluding Shelby GT 500, Boss 302, Boss 302 Laguna Seca, E-Series, Transit Connect Electric, F-150 Raptor, F-Series Chassis Cabs, Medium trucks). Security Deposit may be required by Ford Credit based on customer credit terms and conditions. †Until July 3, 2012, receive $500/$1,000/$1,250/$1,500/$1,750/$2,000/$3,000/$4,000/$4,500/$5,000/$5,500/ $6,500/ $7,500/$8,000/$8,500/$9,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 [Focus S, Fiesta S, Explorer AWD (excluding base)], 2013 [Mustang Value Leader, Taurus SE] /2012 [Fiesta (excluding S), Edge SE, Flex SE, Explorer Base FWD, Escape I4 Manual, E-Series], 2013 [Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader)]/ 2012 [Focus (excluding S)]/ 2012 [Explorer FWD (excluding Base), Transit Connect], 2013 [Taurus (excluding SE), Edge FWD (excluding SE)]/2012 [Mustang Value Leader]/2012 [Taurus SE,F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2(Value Leader) all engines, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs], 2013 [Mustang GT]/ 2012 [Fusion S, Flex (excluding SE)]/2012 [Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader), Edge AWD (excluding SE)]/ 2012 [Expedition]/2012 [Fusion Hybrid, Mustang GT, Taurus (excluding SE), Escape and Hybrid (excluding I4 Manual)]/ 2012 [Fusion (excluding S and Hybrid), Edge FWD (excluding SE), Escape V6]/2012 [F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) gas engines]/2012 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non- 5.0L]/ 2012 [F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L]/2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non 5.0L, F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) diesel engines]/2012 [F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L]- all Focus Electric, Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [15.0L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]/2012 F-150 4X4 3.7L V6: [13.4L/100km (21MPG) City, 9.7L/100km (29MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. ♦F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 46 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales report, December 2011. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.7L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Environment Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ♦♦When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ‡‡Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††© 2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A21
A chance to hit the big screen with some natural wonders Then edit it in any way you want, and upload it to their website. “If they receive 25 or more votes from those Kokanee fans, they’ll qualify for the chance to win a spot in the movie,” said Herman. If you don’t think you’re quite Oscar winner material, there are a few other ways you can participate. “For those with musical ambitions, Kokanee is looking for local bands to appear on the big screen and on the movie’s soundtrack. Bands can submit their tracks online for the chance to be featured,” said Herman. For more information about how to audition, or to vote on those who have already auditioned, go to
Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
Golden Business Directory ONE CALL DOES IT ALL!
t t t t t t t t t
Residential & Industrial Vacuum Service Hydrovac (Nondestructive Excavation) 8BUFS 5BOLFST t 7BDVVN 5SVDLT Portable High Pressure Steam Cleaner Portable Toilet Rentals Septic Tank & Field Cleaning (SFBTF 5SBQ $MFBOJOH t 8FMM DMFBOJOH Licenced Potable Water Truck Snow Removal
Keith Dondaneau 8BUFS t 4FXFS t $VMWFSU 5IBXJOH
Steve Swaffield
CONTRACTING Ltd. Box 599, Golden, BC. V0A 1H0
Get ready for spring! Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway swept with our JCB Skid Steer Sweeper Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available
PENNACRES KENNELS Boarding for cats and dogs
LARGE RUNS — inside and out! SAFE • CLEAN • COMFORTABLE Tough guy or sweetie pie - We board them all. Individual care, lots of play and exercise. You will appreciate our reasonable rates.
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Steve’s Kitchen & Bath Renovations
All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652
Bed-n-Biscuit Boarding Kennel Doggy Daycare Overnight Boarding Agility & Obedience
Book your 10x10 storage unit now
“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing�
Call Lisa
250 344 4551
Locally owned & operated. Stop at Jepson Petroleum Bulk Plant and book your space with Ladine or call today.
1224 Horse Creek S (110 Mins South)
Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
Phone: (250) 344-8351
Supplying Propane * Delivering Service
Journeymen Gasfitters on Staff
250 344-6462
1021-11th Ave. N. Phone 344-6102 Toll Free 1-877-422-5427
Construction Landscaping Irrigation Lawn Care Snow Removal Junk Removal
Kelsey Korpiniski tel:250-344-0428
Hourly Driving Lessons Available Ph: 250-344-7699 Cell: 250-344-8424
5SVDLJOH &YDBWBUJOH t -BOE %FWFMPQNFOU 4FQUJD 4ZTUFNT t 3PBE #VJMEJOH t 4OPX 3FNPWBM 250-344-2289 ph 250-244-8159 cell 250-344-2281 fax Box 437 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 mjmai
This Space
*with 12 week commitment
Call us at 344-5251.
PLUMBING LTD. 344-7209
819B - 9th Street N.
“Largest plumbing and heating inventory in the area� Quality Service with Integrity t 4FOJPST %JTDPVOU o QBSUT POMZ
Call or stop by our shop Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 805-9th St. N
Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A23
Your community. Your classifieds.
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Career Opportunities
Education/Trade Schools
Help Wanted
AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783.
21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:
CURIOUS ABOUT Men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try FREE! Call 1-888-5591255. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.
Lost & Found
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. High graduate employment rates. Low monthly payments. Be a success! Enroll now. 1-800466-1535
Found: Southtown Hyundai key. Please stop by The Golden Star office or call 250-344-5251 to claim. Missing...2 black cats from Habart Subdivision. ‘Chong’ is 10 years old, extra toes on front feet. ‘Spyder’ is 5 years old. Please call 250-344-5706 or 272-0526 with any info. Note: 3 cats have gone missing in 13 days. First one found dead, please keep an eye on your pets in this area.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Technical Advisor, Wood Products - India Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. is seeking a Technical Advisor, Wood Products for a one to two year contract based in Mumbai, India. The successful candidate will have extensive knowledge of BC softwood species and appropriate application of BC wood products. For further information, interested candidates are asked to view the job description and qualifications at under Contract and Employment Opportunities.
• • •
ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Help Wanted
Employment Business Opportunities BUSINESS FOR SALE Be your own boss publishing your own local entertainment / humour magazine. Javajoke publications is offering an exclusive protected license in your area. We will teach you our lucrative proven system, step by step by step to create the wealth that you want. Perfect for anyone FT / PT, from semi-retired to large scale enterprise. Call today to get your no obligation info packet. Toll FREE 1-855-406-1253
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking F/T, P/T Tractor Only. Owner Operators needed for Line Haul Contract starting July 1, 2012. Servicing East and West Kootenays. Year round work, Pd GPS mileage rate, + fuel,+ drops. FMI contact Ken at 250-417-2988 or email resume
Education/Trade Schools
WORK IN Canada’s Arctic. Hiring Co-op Management and Cook positions. Career Fair to be held at Inn at Laurel Point in Victoria Thursday, June 14, 2012 10am to 5pm. Drop in or e-mail your resume to: human
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. Sites in AB & BC. Hands on real world machine training. NO Simulators. Start any Monday. Funding Options. 1-866-399-3853
An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
Experienced COOK required Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shift. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person. Hey Housekeepers! Stop right here. Park Inn wants you. New Management. Employee Incentives, Competitive wages. Come help us make a difference. Call Laura 250-272-0343 or Andrew 250-344-6315. Journeyman Painter required ASAP. Must have minimum 5 years experience, tools, vehicle. Wages Depending on experience. Email resume to thompsonvalleypainting or call 250-372-9923. Mountain Sports Distribution. Sales and Marketing position FT with PT periods. Experience in Sales and Marketing is an asset. Some physical work required. Send resume to chuck@mountainsports or call 250-344-5060.
- HD MECHANIC Fernie Alpine Resort, RCR Inc. 3rd year apprentice or journeyman. Full time yearround. Apply to Steve Wall, Vehicle Maintenance Mgr.
The Best Western Mountain View Inn requires Housekeeping staff. Please apply in person. 1024 11 St. N.
Cards of Thanks
Cards of Thanks
Brian Wesley Fletcher Thank you to all the organizations, the businesses, the many people and friends of Golden, and the individuals who put forth many hours to assist the family during this time.
The Fletcher family
We are proud to announce the arrival of
when your pet is lost? Community Newspapers We’re at the heart of things™
Emmett Mathew Durning On April 13, 2012
Weight 7 lbs 5.9 oz
Proud Parents Matt & Ashley Durning Thank you to the Doctors and Staff at the Golden & District General Hospital.
Help Wanted
Now Hiring Full time & Part-time
Storefront/Customer Service & Baker (Production) Positions Day, evening and late night shifts available Wages start at $10.46/hr (negotiable)
The support for the family was overwhelming. The generosity from the community was very much appreciated.
Help Wanted
Apply in person with resume at:
Tim Hortons 1421 Trans Canada Hwy. Golden, BC 250 439 1964
Columbia Shuswap Regional District Is seeking a highly motivated individual to fill the following position
Bylaw Enforcement Officer The CSRD is seeking a qualified Bylaw Enforcement Officer to join our Development Services Team to be responsible for investigating complaints of infractions of the regional district’s bylaws and regulations, and undertaking appropriate action to ensure compliance. The successful candidate will have completed post-secondary, education courses related to Bylaw Enforcement and three (3) years relevant experience in investigation and/or law enforcement work, preferably in a unionized, local government environment; or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. A valid BC Driver’s License is a requirement of the job. Based on operational needs, this position may work a variety of shifts including days, evenings, and weekends. The normal work week (35 hours) will consist of 5 consecutive days, followed by 2 consecutive days off. To find out more about this position visit our website at www.csrd.bc.a Interested candidates should submit a covering letter and resume by 4:00 PM on Friday, June 15, 2012 to: Colleen Goodey, Administrative/HR Assistant Columbia Shuswap Regional District 781 Marine Park Drive NE Box 978 SALMON ARM, BC, V1E 4P1 Telephone: (250) 833-5922 Fax: (250) 832-9774 E-mail: We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 Golden Star
Pets & Livestock
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
Financial Services
Prestige Inn requires Housekeeping staff Beer Store Clerk Guest Services Agent Please apply in person with resume. 1049 Trans Canada Hwy.
T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive beneďŹ t package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. Contact Tyson Lambert. Mail: 5791 Duncan Bay Road, Campbell River BC V9H 1N6 Fax: 250286-9502.
Professional/ Management
GRANDE PRAIRIE Regional College, Fairview Campus has an exciting opportunity for a full-time Welding Instructor located in Fairview, Alberta (the Heart of the Peace River region in northwestern Alberta). For more information visit our website at Due to apprenticeship enrollment increases we are expanding our stafďŹ ng so we Need Instructors in this program! PARTS TECHNICIAN, licensed or apprentice required for Peace River Alberta GM dealer. Automotive knowledge an asset. $3,000 to $5,000 per month. Fax resume to 780624-4124 or email: Attention: Parts Manager. SHOP FOREMAN required at busy GM Dealership in Central Alberta. Minimum 5 years of Journeyman experience. Please send your resume to: Adams Chevrolet Wetaskiwin, Alberta.
DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid Bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500
Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association. Email info@littlemittensanimal or call Alannah 250-290-0279 or Dianne 250-344-7691.
Local service based business accepting applications for BOOKKEEPER/ RECEPTIONIST. Must be familiar with Simply Accounting. Part time position/ Full time position for right applicant. Wage based on experience. Send resume including experience & references to Bookkeeper/Receptionist Box 149, Golden BC, V0A 1H0
Red Tomato Pies in Golden is now hiring in-store personnel and delivery drivers. Delivery drivers must have valid D/L & own vehicle. Please bring resume to 519A 9th Ave. N (Beside Darkside) back door of restaurant between 4 & 6. Fast paced environment.
Help Wanted
Medical/Dental MARIPOSA GARDENS (in Osoyoos BC) seeking RCAs. ($17.34/hr) email: becky.marlatt
Help Wanted
DL Baker Construction Canada is looking for Project Engineer in Kitimat, BC, Canada. The Project Engineer will possess competency in the followign areas in order to perform his/her role in a safe, productive, and effective manner Oversees the Administration of Contract (Accepted Bid Package) and Information Management - Assists with Project Administration and Cash Flow Ensures a safe work environement - Bachelor’s degree from four-year college or university; or 2 to 4 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience - Ability to work in a team environment -Ability to deďŹ ne problems, gather data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. Send Resume to:
DL Baker Construction Canada is looking for QAQC Manager in Kitimat, BC, Canada. The QA QC Manager will have knowledge in the following: Responsible for all inspection activities - Assign qualiďŹ ed inspection and test personnel to perform their applicable quality related activities - Responsible for review and approval of test controls and test results, inspection records and welding inspections. - Document nonconformances - Bachelor’s degree in an engineering, scientiďŹ c, or construction-related discipline from four-year college or university; or 2 to 4 years related experience and/ or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience in the civil discipline Knowledge of construction practices (i.e., formwork, rebar, concrete placing, etc) is preferred -Demonstrated skill and knowledge with applicable Quality codes. - Must have knowledge of the general structure of quality assurance programs, especially of inspection and testing procedures under those programs. Please send resume to
Career Opportunity
Employment Opportunity
Help Wanted
Work Wanted Will do yard work, odd jobs etc. Phone Patrick 250-272-0878.
The position requires a very good working knowledge of computers and vehicles as well as strong communication skills. Training will be provided. Full beneďŹ ts, a competitive salary with possible bonuses available. Please Apply In Person Or E-Mail Resumes To: No phone calls please.
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Health Products DO YOU want to lose? Shed those extra pounds for summer for only $11/wk for the 1st 9 wks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.
Financial Services DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping CANADIANS repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest regardless of your credit!
Qualify Now To Be Debt Free 1-877-220-3328 Licensed, Government Approved, BBB Accredited.
Help Wanted
Golden Home Hardware is seeking mature, energetic, outgoing and reliable persons to join our team.
Sales Associates, Paint Experts, Customer Service Full and Part time Paint, Plumbing, Electrical experience an asset. If you are looking for rewarding job experience with room for growth. Please email resume to:, Fax to 250-344-5561 or apply in store. Senior applicants welcome
4U 4 t
Kicking Horse Ford has a great opportunity in their busy Parts & Service department for a Service Advisor. This is a full time position, Monday to Friday. The right candidate needs to be a customer driven, team player with a positive attitude.
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
One year maternity leave posiĆ&#x;on (with possibility of a one year extension)
FAMILY SUPPORT/CHILD & YOUTH CARE WORKER 32.75 hrs/week (requiring BCGEU membership) StarĆ&#x;ng salary: $16.72 We are looking for knowledge and experĆ&#x;se in working with youth, families and groups; a Bachelour’s degree in a related human/social service ÄŽeld; one year recent related experience or an equivalent combinaĆ&#x;on of educaĆ&#x;on, training and experience; parenĆ&#x;ng skills are an asset. Access to a vehicle is required.
Contractors Interior Renos, Drywall & Ceiling Repair, Painting, Minor Construction. 30+ years experience. 250-439-0961 or 439-0962.
Looking for a good home for an Albino Corn Snake. Comes with terrarium. Call 250-344-2655.
Shih-Tzu Poodle puppies. $350 each. Call 250-348-2287. Spotted Dog Rescue. Call 250-344-5524.
Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Garage Sales 1001 King Cres. Sat. June 9th 9-2. Rain or shine. 1336 Selkirk Dr. Saturday June 9th. 9am. Kids and Household. 686 Hwy 95 S. (Spillimacheen) at Mary Yadernuk’s. Sat June 9th 9-1. Traps, stretchers, knives, misc. household, and collectibles. 701 12 St. S. Sat June 9th & Sun June 10th starting at 8am. 3 room tent and Odds & Ends. 838 Canyon Creek Rd. Multi family. Sat. June 9th from 9am - 3pm. Everything from Trucks to Dolls, we have it all! Anderson Rd. Mega yard sale. Sat June 9th & Sun June 10th 10am-4pm. Come and see the great selection of home, gardening & automotive supplies, kids toys and more.
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Misc Services InďŹ nity’s Window Cleaning; Disc Golf; 2 Acreages for sale on North Bench. Call 250-348-2351.
RooďŹ ng & Skylights Cliff’s Exteriors. Shingle, metal & rubber rooďŹ ng sofďŹ t, fascia & siding. Wade Nolin 250-344-5103, 344-1561 cell.
Pets & Livestock
DEADLINE FRIDAY Noon Starting rate $8.75 Phone 250-344-5251 Email classiďŹ eds@the or stop by the ofďŹ ce. Hours: 8:30-5:00
Pet Services
GARAGE Sale for non-proďŹ t group. 9 am to 1 pm, no early birds. 1306 13th Street S.
Hawt Pawz N Clawz Dog and Cat Grooming. Currently no waiting period. Call Michelle 250-347-2412, Radium
S O S. Sales on Sixth. 6th Street South. 2nd annual neighbourhood garage sale. Saturday June 9th. 9am to ???
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Well Established Shop requires a
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted Detailed job descripĆ&#x;on is available Closing date: June 11, 2012, at noon Expected start date: July 23, 2012
with experience in all aspects of residential plumbing. Experience related to hot water heating installations,pumps & water conditioning will be a deďŹ nite plus. Competive wages & beneďŹ t package oered.
Golden Family Center Box 415, Golden BC V0A1H0 Phone 250-344-2000 / Fax 250-344-5225 /
E-mail resume including experience & references to or mail to Box 69 - Golden
Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A25
Merchandise for Sale
Real Estate
Garage Sales
Acreage for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
Modular Homes
Mt. 7 Rec Plex. Garage Sale Combo Bake Sale Furndraiser Saturday June 9th. 9-1. Anyone interested in donating items please feel free to drop them off at the Rec Plex Thurs June 7th & Fri June 8th between 7 & 9 pm. Call Deb 344-5560 or Shauna 272-0865 for pick up or information.
55 Subdividable acres. Views, cabin, 3 creeks, outbuildings, timber, trails connecting to Crown, zoned multi-dwelling, 20 kms. south. $595,000. Call 250-348-2569.
ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056.
2 Bdr modular home on Hartley Road available immediately. Newly renovated and can be furnished. Washer/dryer and fridge/stove. Also includes snowplowing, garbage pick up and power. $750/mth. Call Keith 250-344-3599.
Upper & Lower Single bedroom apts with easy walking distance to town. Newly renovated, new flooring, fresh paint, new appliances. No pets, N/S. $550/mth + utilities & DD. Call Dwayne 250-344-5582 after 6 pm.
Homes for Rent
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB Heavy Duty Machinery Wanted. Will pay cash for scrap steal, logging, mining & farm equip. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217.
Misc. for Sale BLACK LOAM ORGANIC SCREENED TOP SOIL. $30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. Good Organic Black Topsoil. Great for gardens and lawns. $20/yd loaded. Bernie 250-344-4646. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 Misc: Wine making equipment/supplies, hockey cards, ski training machine, pictures, prints and oak desk. 250-344-2335. Moving Sale. 2010 Chev Colorado, 8000 kms $13,000. 2001 Nissan Pathfinder LE, $6000. 1993 Mazda Miata, convertible with hard top, $5000. 1993 Ford Mustang Convertible, $3000. 1985 Bronco, $1000. 1982 Honda 650cc Blackhawk, project $800. 1981 Kawasaki LTD, 550cc accessories $1000. 1935 Ferguson TEA tractor, FE loader, PTL, $3500. GTX Touring Skidoos. 1978 Olympic Skidoo, $500. 15 ft. older aluminum boat and trailer, two 10 hp Evinrude motors, $1000. Sears lawn tractor with grass cutter and snowblower, $750. Gas generator, 110/220, $1000. Large dining room table, $200. Timberframe table, $500. Offers will be considered. 250-344-4665. Ooo La La! Fabulous jewelry for Graduation and special occasions at Moon River Gift Gallery.
Mobile Homes & Parks 12’ x 68’ 2 Bdr Mobile with addition. KHMHP. Large window facing ski hill, lots of storage space with 2 sheds. Tidy fenced in yard with firepit and sunny front deck. Oil/wood heat. Updated appliances. Great starter home! $21,999 Offers considered. Call 250-439-9072 for more info or viewing. 2006 Moduline for sale by owner. 14x66, 2 Bdr, 2 bath. New flooring. Cheap to heat. Must be moved. $65,000. Call 250-348-2105.
Recreational 2 bed, 1 bath, fully furnished, sleeps 7. 403-271-2270 or email for pictures.
Rentals Acreage Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Apt/Condo for Rent 2 Bdr Condo in Riverpointe. Mature tenants only. No pets. Ground level. $900/mth + util. 250-344-1771. Avail June 1. 3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail May 15th. $900/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533. Bright spacious 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bathroom apartment. Centrally located, newly renovated, F/S + Laundry hookups. N/S, no parties, selective pets considered. $750/mth + Utilities and DD. References required. Avail June 1st. For inquiries 250-344-5277.
FOR RENT In the Blaeberry Take a look- you will not be disappointed
All inclusive Larger 2 Bdr Suite $900/month -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site DD & References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer LARGE Newly reno’d 2 bdrm apt. N/S, no pets, no parties, laundry facilities. Walking distance to all amen. Util inc.DD req. (1-250)344-0780 Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate. Twin Rivers - 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. 250-344-8429, 344-0209 or 344-0604.
Commercial/ Industrial 1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease or rent. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876. 3 Bay shed on Legendz property on Trans Canada Hwy. Available anytime. Ideal for fruit stand. Call Legendz Diner after 3 pm 250-344-2059. Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins New 1 bdr cabin in the Blaeberry. Avail immediately. Pets considered. $800/mth incl utilities. 250-344-3055.
Duplex / 4 Plex 2 bdr. 1/2 duplex. 604-12 St. Nice & clean. No pets. Avail July 1. 344-5629 or 344-3535. Quiet 2 Bdr apartment in 4 Plex. Clean, downtown. W/D, N/S. No pets. $750/mth. DD $325. References req. 250-344-6238.
Misc for Rent 3 Bdr Upper & 2 Bdr Lower suite. Avail now. 250-344-5075. In town field space for rent. Ideal for equipment, RVs, etc. Call 250-344-6234.
Mobile Homes & Pads 2 bedroom mobile home. F/S/D, W/D Pets ok. $450.00 + UT. #30 Mountain Shadows MHP 1-519-683-6489 3 Bdr Mobile Home on 46 acres on Anderson Rd. $1000/mth incl heat & hydro. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551.
Large Mobile Home Site available now. #84 Kicking Horse Village MHP. Call Manager 250-344-6935.
2 Bdr 1/2 Duplex. 1 1/2 baths, W/D, Satellite dish. N/S, no pets. Refs. $700 + util. Avail now. 344-7163 or 344-8179. 2 bdrm home in Nicholson. Bright, cheery, many upgrades, new kitchen cabinets, open concept. Big yard w/fruit trees & flower beds. Covered parking, well maintained. Must see to appreciate. $690/mth. Call 250-939-8935. 2 bdrm house in town. Very nice. Quiet neighbourhood. Close to all amenities. 250-344-5450. 3 & 2 Bdr open concept new house in town. Laundry. Avail now. Call 250-344-1340. 3 Bdr house. 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets. Also 2 Bdr ground level suite, 1112 12 St. No pets. N/S. Avail now. 250-344-5626. 3 bdr house close to Fields store. One bath. 914 10 St. No parties. 250-344-2144. 3 Bdr house. F/S, laundry rm but no washer/dryer. Large fenced yard. Call Chuck 250-344-3967. 3 Bdr house on 14 St. Available now. 250-344-2616 or 344-5634. 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom house, renovated, central location, fenced yard / garden, woodstove, deck, 1500 sq feet, laundry. $1200 per month, 250-344-8516 4 Bdr 2 baths house in Golden. Close to all amenities. No pets, no parties. Avail immed. Call 250-344-8429 after 3pm. 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. 5 Bdr 3 bath home. Spacious deck and yard. Large shed/workshop. Avail July 1. $1500/mth. No pets, N/S. DD and refs required. Call 250-439-8099.
Duplex for Rent 3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996.
Would you like to swallow 20 pills every day, just to digest your food? If you had cystic fibrosis, you’d have no choice.
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Houses For Sale
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Heated indoor secure storage available. Single door entry. Rates negotiable. Call 250-344-1065.
Visit our website for 3 BR 2 Bath Bright & spacious upper level. Selective pets, N/S, $900/mth. 2 BR Suite Newly renovated, $625/mth.
4 BR 2 Bath Home Lge family room, fur nished/unfur nished, laminate flooring. 2 BR Luxury Condo KHMR. Hot tub, fireplace, beautifully furnished, lge deck, spectacular views. $1500/mth all inclusive. 2 BR 2 Bath Luxury Condo KHMR. Fully furnished, hot tub, exercise room, 2 deck entrances. $1200/mth all inclusive.
2 Bdr downstairs Available now. Call 250-344-5075.
INVERMERE Bright, spacious 2 bedroom lower suite for rent. Big bright windows all around - lots of natural light. Located just around the corner from Sobey’s - you can walk everywhere! Large yard (maintained by landscaper), off street parking. Looking for quiet , clean, long term tenants. Available now. $700 + utilities N/S, N/P, W/D 403-609-6643.
NEW, clean, comfy 1 bdrm basement suite. Beautiful garden. Furnished or unfurnished. $650/month. 250-344-2246 Sunshine basement suite. 2 Bdr newly renovated. Centrally located. Large fenced back yard with garden plot. Private covered entrance. Walk-in closet. Very cool rental suite, a must see! Avail June 1. No pets, N/S. One year lease minimum. $725/mth. Please call Mike 250-344-8385 or Lee 250-348-2242.
Suites, Upper Clean, quiet 2 Bdr suite. Sun deck, w/d, wood stove. $700/mth. 5 mins south. Sorry no pets. 250-344-2417.
3 BR 2 Bath Executive Home Fully furnished. Fireplace, loft/games room, in-floor heating, dbl garage. __________________ Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM
DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557
Cars - Domestic 1987 Lincoln Town car. 109,488 kms. Mint shape. Never winter driven. 344-6545.
Recreational/Sale 1984 Ford Travelaire 21ft motorhome. 9.5 miles/gallon. $10,000 obo. Excellent cond. 250-344-6405.
Sport Utility Vehicle 2005 Blazer. Well maintained. Great condition. Tow package. New studded winter tires. $5500 obo. Call 250-344-7298.
3 BR 2 Bath Country Home 10 mins south on 6 acres. Open concept, wood/propane heat, pets considered. $1200/mth
Trucks & Vans 1989 Dodge 15 passenger van. Runs great. $1500. Call 250-344-6546.
Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Transportation 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each office is independently owned & operated.
Shared Accommodation Room available in home in Blaeberry. Shared kitchen, all facilities available. $375/mth all incl. 250-344-2740. Room avail in fully furnished shared home. Close to all amenities. N/P, N/S. $450/mth all inclusive + DD. Avail asap. Leave message 604-356-2543.
BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289.
Houses For Sale
Your Cabin on the Lake The Kootenay Queen
Auto Accessories/Parts Four Bridgestone winter Dueller tires on rims. P215/75/R15. Thread 9/32. Bolt pattern 5x114.3mm. 5 holes. Used on 2003 GMC Sonoma. $500 obo. Email
Auto Financing
• • • • • • • • •
1402 Birch Crescent
1976 30ft cabin cruiser with a 185 merc Full galley (fridge, stove, sink, furnace, toilet) Fold down table for a queen sized bed Fold up bunk beds VHF radio Hull is sound, galley is dated. Low draft 200 hrs on new engine A great boat that needs some TLC. $12,000.00 invested, will take offers starting at $9000 Call 250-362-7681 or email for more information
Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Notice to Creditors and Others Re: The Estate of Brian Wesley Fletcher, Deceased, formerly of 60-1400 12th St. N., Golden, BC V0A 1H1
$379,000 4 bed 3 bath
Misc. Wanted COIN Collector looking to buy Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins. Bulk Silver coins, bills etc. Call Chad 250-863-3082 (Local)
1 & 2 BR Apts Spacious, laundry, inside cat considered.
Ricoh Photo Copy/Fax Machine. Free standing. $100. Desk Top Fax machine, $50. Call 250-344-5251. Utility trailers for sale. 250-344-5064.
Suites, Lower
complete rental listings
512 9th Ave. North, Golden, B.C. (250)344-7663
Re/Max of Golden 250-344-0735
Each office is independently owned and operated.
Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Brian Wesley Fletcher, also known as Brian Fletcher, are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Administrator, Lorne Fletcher, c/o Ewan & McKenzie, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 429, 515 9th Avenue North, Golden, BC V0A 1H0 on or before July 18, 2012 after which date the Administrator will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the Administrator then has notice.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
The right side of the Trax
Mike Pecora stands in the new location of Elite Nutrition, a business he started 20 years ago as of June 1. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Elite celebrates a milestone Jessica Schwitek
Moose Trax held its official grand opening as Town of Golden Mayor Christina Benty (centre) cut a ribbon held by store owner Janet Crandall-Swaffield (right) and her daughter Madison Lynn Crandall-Swaffield. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
For the past 20 years, Mike Pecora has been doing his part to maintain the health and fitness of the community. As a 25-year-old Pecora opened a health food store (originally attached to a fitness centre), and despite many changes over the years, Elite Nutrition has just celebrated its 20th anniversary on June 1. "I love having a retail store. Between this and my music company I get to see completely different groups of people all the time," said Pecora, who also serves as a Town councillor, and is the owner and operator of Elite Sound and Light. "I sell supplements by day, and I get to help people party by night. I get the best of both worlds. I see you at your best and your worst. So that's been pretty entertaining."
Originally called Golden Health Foods, Elite Nutrition has operated out of a few different locations, the most recent move putting them beside Bacchus Books on 9th Avenue North. "Over the years it's definitely evolved and changed. That's just the way the Golden market is, you always have to adapt," said Pecora. "This location here has been fantastic. We got the chance to expand our lines, and business has literally doubled since the move (in late March)." Not only has he been able to expand some of his existing lines, Pecora has also started bringing in food and gluten-free products, an area of the business that he says will continue to grow. You don't survive 20 years in the retail world by luck, and over the years Pecora has found a very simple formula to which he attributes his success. "You deal with the needs of the
community, and deal with the customers. That's your life blood," he said. Elite supplies its shelves based on the needs and requests of the customers, as well as the extensive product knowledge Pecora has gained from years of classes and seminars. They tend to steer away from fads, and stick to product lines that Pecora has researched and knows to be effective. But in the end, it all comes back to the customers. "I've got some very loyal customers. I've got a group of ladies that have supported me right from the get-go. I pretty much know what they want when they walk in the store," said Pecora. "I'm like a good bartender, I know what a person wants to drink before they order. If I see them parking out front, I can usually have their products on the counter before they walk in the door. I haven't been wrong too often."
Come and find out what all the excitement is about, a new vision for child care in BC, a solution to the current child care crisis, featuring $10 a day child care and average wages of $25 an hour.
Monday June 11, 2012 Kicking Horse River Lodge Doors Open 5:30pm Presentation 6:00 -7:00pm *Free hors d'oeuvres
*Free onsite Childminding
The Golden Star Wednesday, June 6, 2012 A27
● Administration - David Allen, Ext 228 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Recreation Services - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 ● Planning & Building - Gary Smith, Ext 235 ● Strategic Initiatives - David Love, Ext 249
810 9th Ave. S Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 250 344-2271 ● Fax 250 344-6577 Watering Restrictions Now in Effect Watering of lawns and gardens is only permitted between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Permissible watering days are as follows: Odd civic address - odd calendar days Even civic address - even calendar days We all have a great responsibility to each other to use our water wisely. Our water consumption in the Town of Golden during July and August is 2 ½ times the yearly average. Our supply and the cost of getting that supply to your home and business should be your concern as well as ours. Please respect our watering times, which are subject to enforcement. In the event of a power outage, shut off all sprinklers. Draining our reservoirs unnecessarily depletes water to all residents, and our ability to provide fire protection! “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, (1706-1790), Poor Richard's Almanac, 174
Pool and Spray Park Now Open The Golden Swimming Pool is now open seven days a week for summer operations! Registration for the summer swimming lessons begins on Wednesday June 27th at 4:30pm at the pool. For more information call the pool at 250-344-2118 or e-mail Gushers Spray Park is now open for the summer season! Swing down to cool off as the park is free to use and open daily.
2012 Property Taxes Mailed Out Property Tax Notices for the Town of Golden have now been mailed to all property owners on record. Taxes are due on July 3rd, after which time a 10% penalty will be added to any unpaid current taxes. Home Owner Grants (HOG) may be claimed even if current taxes are not paid in full. Penalties apply to Home Owner Grants not claimed by July 3rd. To help you avoid the last minute rush, we accept post-dated cheques. We also accept Interac Debit Card payments. Payment may also be made telephone/pc banking and through most financial institutions. You must still claim the Home Owner Grant (HOG) at Town Hall or on-line via the link on the website. Click on Local Government and Town Hall.
Resort Municipality Initiative Update This year watch for the completion of “Woodhenge” in the roundabout, a new town entrance sign in the canyon, graphics on the backs of our directional signs in town, and placement of route maps along the Rotary Trails. RMI funds supported the completion of the Nordic Centre this year and will contribute toward snowmobile trail grooming in the area for the next 5 years. Planning for improvements to the highway commercial area will be a part of the Official Community Plan review this fall and we are starting design of a new iconic sign at the junction of Highway 1 and 95 as well as interpretive kiosks around town. RMI funding is provided annually by the Province toward projects we have identified in our 5-year Resort Development Strategy. Call us if you’d like to know more.
L Let’s make
water-wise changes At the Town of Golden we’re learning how to save water with new irrigation techniques and technologies for local parks and green spaces. Learn about your residential irrigation system. You could likely do better too.
Brought to you by the Town of Golden
in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust’s Water Smart Initiative For more info:
● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Corporate Services - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Highlights Town of Golden – Regular Open Council Meeting: May 29, 2012 Access Awareness Day - June 2, 2012 Council proclaimed June 2, 2012 Access Awareness Day in Golden. Bylaw # 1294, 2011 – Town of Golden Zoning Bylaw No. 1294, 2011 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to regulate the use and density of land, buildings and structures and the provision of parking, screening and landscaping, was given second reading. Community Economic Development Services Agreement Council gave Notice of Termination of this Agreement to the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and the Golden and Area Community Economic Development Society. Council invited the CSRD to explore joint and alternative means for the delivery of such services in the Golden area. Golden and Area Community Economic Development Society Board Appointments Council appointed Mr. Bryce Piggot as its singular appointee to the board of directors of the society for the 2012/2013 period, and jointly appointed with the Electoral Area Director, Mr. Steve Paccagnan, Mr. Darren Dusevic, and Mr. David James for the same period. Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award Council agreed to nominate Mr. Magnus Magnusson for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award. Road Rescue Council rejected entering into a pilot project with the Province under terms currently offered to provide regional road rescue services based upon the current provincial model for delivery. Town of Golden Building Regulation Bylaw No. 1299, 2012 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to regulate, prohibit, and impose requirements for the construction, alteration, repair or demolition of buildings and other structures was adopted.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 The Golden Star
RE/MAX of Golden 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
Lot 2, Kettleson Road
1065 King Crescent
40 acres
4 bedrooms
3 baths
2 baths
$199,500 1 bath
3 baths
.43 acre
6 bedrooms
$289,000 2 baths
3bdrms 2 baths 2,240sqft 2.22 acres
3 bedrooms
3 baths
2154 Holmes Deakin Road
2 bedrooms
3bdrms 2 baths 2,392sqft 5.2 acres
$224,900 #17, 1333 Aemmer Way 1 bedroom
1 bath
1363 Golden Donald Upper Road
3.23 acres
3 baths
2280 Neville Road
4bdrms 2 baths 2,037sqft 5.7 acres
$1,895,000 1668 Dogtooth Close 4 bedrooms
4 baths
from $139,900 to $209,900
Canyon Ridge
Black Bear Drive
25 Lots Available
8 Lots Available
4bdrms 2.5 baths 2,897sqft 10.47 acres
3 baths
$319,900 3 bedrooms
1.5 baths
1636 Purcell Woods Close 3 baths
1 bath
REDUCED 6 bedrooms
$139,900 #3, 1248 Campbell Road 3 bedrooms
$399,900 + HST #112, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail 3 bedrooms
1213 Golden Donald Upper Road
4.4 acres
4bdrms 1 bath 2,500sqft 3.68 acres
$599,900 626 Habart Lower Road 7bdrms
2 bath
Lot 4, Imler Road
from $100,000 to $163,999
4bdrms 2 baths 2,512sqft 5.03 acres
3.6 acres
.6 acre
Lot 1, Imler Road
.54 acre
3 baths
3brms 3 baths 2,530sqft 5.28 acres
962 McBeath Road
852 Highway #95, South 3bdrms 2 baths 2,436sqft
802 Nicholson Frontage Road
$369,500 2 bedrooms
1 bath
Lot 4, Castledale View Estates
#55, 1290 Haesler BB
$1,190,000 3 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
4 bedrooms
514 - 7th Street
$169,900 1061 King Crescent
1436 Hemlock Street
1357 Campbell Road
503 - 5th Street
4bdrms 2 baths 2,366sqft 18.5 acres
$387,700 2267 Neville Road
from $90,000 to $280,000
5 bedrooms 2 baths
$399,900 80 acres
514 - 10th Street
4.15 acres
$1,077,700 1669 Dogtooth Close
2bdrms 2 baths 1,296sqft 2.87 acres
5bdrms 3 baths 2,180sqft
Lot 3, Imler Road
3 baths 2,704sqft 40 acres
3 bedrooms
Lot 4, McMurdo Estates
$595,900 3bdrms
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
3 bedrooms
#1, 1248 Campbell Road
Barry Klassen (250) 344-0262
Remainder, Kettleson Road
$1,095,000 + HST 1592 Golden Avenue
700 Kotiuk Road
Bob Tegart (250) 272-4321
2029 Birchlands Road
1208 Alexander Drive
560 Grey Crescent 3brms
3 bedrooms
Marlon Chambers (250) 344-0735
#10 Swiss Village MHP
1506 - 14th Avenue
1074 King Crescent 5 bedrooms
Flec Demmon (250) 344-8451
3 baths
$795,000 1605 Purcell Woods Close
.6 acre
3 bedrooms
802 - 9th Street
8 Lots Available
Land and Building
Bear’s Paw Heights
2 baths
2726 Golden Donald Upper Road 9bdrms
5 baths 5,540sqft
20 acres