Houston Today, June 20, 2012

Page 1


NEWS: Topley road repairs nearly done

PROVINCE: Changes to drunk driving laws



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Houston Secondary School graduates celebrate at their commencement ceremony on June 15. A special section detailing the Grad 2012 classes of both Houston Secondary and Houston Christian School will be published in a future edition of the Houston Today.

Small HSS grad class promises to hit above its weight By Andrew Hudson Houston Today

Houston Secondary graduates stepped slowly past rows of proud families and friends on Friday, taking the gym stage under the inspiring words of Dr. Seuss: “Oh, the places you’ll go.”

Owen Waterhouse, who the class chose to give the valedictory address, said that although his graduating class of 34 students is small, they are sure to have as big an impact as any HSS class before them. For that, Waterhouse first thanked all the parents

“You people stick to your guns, you don’t back down.”

who cheered them through sports games or tough classes, and

- Scott Jackson who stood in as extra alarm clocks when students chose to

ignore their own. To the teachers, Waterhouse said what he will remember most, “Isn’t that they taught us about logarithms, osmosis, or how to shoot a basketball, but they taught us to learn, how to think for ourselves.” HSS Principal Scott Jackson, who students

chose as guest speaker, agreed the 2012 class is strong-willed, but said teachers can’t take all the credit. “You’re all very different,” he joked. “You can’t agree on, in Mr. Vandermark’s words, the colour of an orange.” But Jackson, who has known the 2012

class since they were in Grade 8, said that their grit and diversity will serve them well. “You people stick to your guns, you don’t back down,” he said. Jackson also praised the class for its kindness, noting how easily they mixed with other HSS students. See GRAD on Page 3



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Houston Today



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Houston Today

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



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Willow Grove Men’s Night June 6, 2012 Sponsor: John Himech Logging Men’s Night No: 5 • Number of Golfers: 37 Sunlife KP (Ron Morris): R. Leffers Food Market KP (Bob Wheaton): B. Leffers 2nd shot KP (Everyone): Mike Thom 0-14 KP: J. Epps 15+ KP: D. Anderson LD: A. Kelly jr.

Photo courtesy trevorsowersphotography.com

Houston Secondary grads pose for a final class photo at Friday’s commencement ceremony, which was decorated in the theme of the Dr. Seuss book, “Oh, the places you’ll go.” Students walked into a gym decorated with rainbow-coloured umbrellas, parasols and hot-air balloons, as well as blue and purple truffala trees and a Seussian signpost pointing to places like “Your own way.”

Low Gross 0-14: 1. R. Leffers 35 2. T. Beck 38 cb 3. E. Himech 39

Low Net 0-14: 1. B. Timms 33 2. L.Flynn 38 3. D. Grange 36

Low Gross 15+: 1. R Labadre 43 2. W. Decooman 44 3. D. Anderson 45

Low Net 15+: 1. M. Sheppard 35 2. Mike Thom 35.5 3. R. Doyle 38.5

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HSS grad class shows a range of talents GRADS from Page 1 “When you talk to the younger grades about you guys—and this is not always the case—you’re nice,” Jackson said. “And as a very wise staff member said about you recently, ‘Nice goes a long ways in life.’” Seventy eight awards were given out at Friday’s commencement ceremony, and they too reflected the diverse talents that Principal Jackson praised in the 2012 class. Jasmine Parhar earned 11 awards and scholarships, including the awards for top science student, top math student, and one for students entering pharmaceutical studies. Shaylene Proctor also came up for several awards, including one for her top marks in accounting and a NWCC entrance scholarship. Cheering her on was Proctor’s uncle, Don Wassink, who drove up from Vancouver to see her graduate. Other family members came from as far as Whitehorse, he said. Shea Long, another student to win many awards, was given a scholarship for top mechanics student from Nadina Truck Service, where he is getting set to apprentice.

Long’s twin sister Tori also earned awards, and was the only student to take the HSS stage sporting a pair of cowgirl

boots—a sign of her love for horses, she said afterwards, and of her future learning about ranching at a college in Vermillion,

Alberta. For more details on the graduating classes of Houston Secondary and Houston Christian School, including a

complete list of student awards and a transcript of the valedictoriy address, pick up the next edition of the Houston Today.


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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0

Houston Today

Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: editor@houston-today.com or: newsroom@houston-today.com Advertising: advertising@houston-today.com

In our opinion:

Dodging debate


olitics is all about debate, or at least it used to be when politicians actually debated issues. Debate, as we all know, is about arguing a position, whether we believe it or not. So when you reach the pinnacle of politics, you should be able to debate an issue. And we have a couple of the best in Prime Minister Stephen Harper and B.C. Premier Christy Clark. There is plenty of debate this week over the Conservative government’s omnibus budget bill. The government has lumped a multitude of items together into one bill in order to get them rapidly passed through the House of Commons. Debate on the actual items is severely limited. Harper and his gang aren’t the first to do this. In fact many governments have used this loophole in our due process to push items through. The Liberals did it when Harper was leader of the Official Opposition. Harper said then that lumping items together into an omnibus bill does not serve democracy. Now, he argues, it’s necessary to pass the budget so the government can get a handle on the deficit. Then there’s Premier Christy Clark. Earlier this week the provincial media pressed her to take a stand on the Northern Gateway pipeline project. She restated her position that Victoria will wait the environmental review process run its course before taking a stand. While making the comments she also praised the environmental review process as being thorough and rigorous. Who would want to prejudge the process? This is the same environmental review process that Clark panned vociferously a few months ago when it rejected the Prosperity Mine project west of Williams Lake. Yes, it is good to be able to debate both sides of an argument. But when you’re not in the debating club, it just comes across as being two-faced.

“ “When you reach the pinnacle of politics, you should be able to debate an issue.”

—Prince George Free Press

Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor! Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to newsroom@houston-today.com

Living where the grapes grow


live in the Okanagan Valley, home of some incredible world class wineries, and I know nothing about wine. Naturally when I was sent some information about “The Vinos,” a wine film festival accepting commercials from wineloving filmmakers, I produced and submitted a goofy video. I based my video on what any good storyteller does: what they know. “How can you know nothing about wine when you live in wine country?” my friend from Vancouver asked. I answered that it was the same way someone might have a limited knowledge of hockey even though

they live in Canada – which, coincidentally, is another crime I’m guilty of. “I’ve tried to get into it,” I responded. “I suppose it’s just not my thing.” And I have tried. Kind of. I have friends who own wineries and it’s their passion; others have wine cellars and love to collect; and countless more of my friends love nothing more than a glass of wine or two at the end of a hard day. Me? I’d rather have Nutella on a spoon. “I have enough vices,” I said when my pal pressed me further. “I don’t need any more.” Yet as much of a wine connoisseur that I’m not, I really do love living in wine country. One of the first things

we did when we moved to the Okanagan with our newborn almost 12 years ago was to take our little guy out on a wine tour with our out-of-town guests. “I can’t believe you live so close to beautiful wineries like this!” my friend exclaimed while sipping Pinot Noir and taking in the magnificent sunset in the beautiful vineyard. It was then that I realized that I could have an enormous appreciation for the industry without being as passionate about the product like so many of my friends were. Putting together a last minute video about something I knew nothing about proved to be more fun than I imagined. And to my surprise,


the video was a finalist in the competition. Attending “The Vinos” awards was a hoot. With so many wine lovers in attendance and such an array of wineries represented, it was great to be surrounded by their energy. The most entertaining part of the event for me was the viewing of the videos. One after another, each little film proved to be different than the last, and reminded me of how unique we all are in our artistic expression and life experience. It has always amazed me how you can give 20 people the exact same topic and ask them to write 500 words on that subject and every single story

On a brighte brighter bri hte note Lori Welbourne would be completely different. In that I find beauty. I don’t love wine. So what? Our unique likes and distastes are far more interesting than if we were all exactly the same. What kind of a world would we live in if we all ate Nutella from a spoon? More diabetic and less sophisticated for sure.

Black Press Group Ltd. B.C. Owned and Operated


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Houston Today

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Website Poll results Yes - 20% No - 80% Do you know about the no-fault system in the Workers Compensation Act?



This week’s Website Poll at www.houston-today.com Will you buy wine from other provinces now that it’s legal in B.C.?

On The


What’s next for you now that you’ve graduated from Houston Secondary? By A B Andrew d H Hud Huds Hudson d

Letters to the


Gas boom needs Site C Editor: Northern B.C.’s emerging liquefied natural gas industry

will reportedly require more energy than the entire output of the long-proposed Site C Dam. How, then, can the B.C. NDP oppose the Site C Dam and

Charmaine Roisum HSS Graduate

Shea Long HSS Graduate

Tori Long HSS Graduate

Jasmine Parhar HSS Graduate

“I’m going to work for a year and then go to college for baking and pastry arts, probably at Okanagan College.”

“I’m going to apprentice as a mechanic at Nadina Truck Service. I’ll go to school for six weeks a year, and in four years I’ll be a Red Seal mechanic. I can’t wait!”

“I’m going to Lakeland College in Vermillion, Alberta to take the western ranch and cow horse program.”

“I’m going to UNBC in Prince George to become a pharmacist or a dentist. I’ll study chemistry and molecular biology.”

Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to: editor@houstontoday.com, faxed to: 250-847-2995 or mailed to: P.O. Box 899, Houston B.C., V0J 1Z0.

other renewable energy projects, while also claiming to be in support an LNG industry in B.C.? Site C and these other projects are essential to powering a clean LNG industry in this province. LNG exports to

Asia have the potential to add $2 billion per year to the provincial treasury—funds that can go a long way towards health care, education and other needs in this province. LNG exports also have the potential to considerably reduce

coal consumption, pollution and carbon emissions in Asia. In fact, the abundance of untapped, carbon-free, renewable energy that B.C. has available from sources like the Site C Dam is unrivalled, giving B.C. a distinct

“ “It’s time to get on with building the Site C Dam”

- Fred Reemeyer

competitive advantage

in attracting an LNG industry. It’s time to get on with building the Site C Dam to ensure we have the energy we need to support a B.C. based LNG industry. Fred Reemeyer Coquitlam

Goodbye greenhouse gas goals I

n February this column asked the question: “Are B.C.’s greenhouse gas reduction targets history?” The answer is contained in a new draft plan from BC Hydro on how to meet future power demand. And while it’s not explicitly stated, the answer is yes. The draft plan was released in May for discussion purposes, but so far there hasn’t been much discussion. This is surprising given some of the r e c o m m e n d at i o n s, such as firing up the Burrard Thermal natural gas power plant more often and buying fossil fuel power from the North American market to keep up to demand.

The plan confirms a few things that have been evident for a while. Dreams of exporting B.C. hydroelectric power are gone for the foreseeable future. And with mining ramping up along with natural gas development and population growth, BC Hydro now projects electricity demand could rise by 50 per cent over the next 20 years. The emergence of huge shale gas sources in B.C. and across the United States has changed the North American energy picture dramatically, as U.S. electricity producers replace coal by burning cheaper and cleaner gas to ramp up power production. B.C. is losing gas market share in the U.S., its

only export customer for heating fuel and electricity use. Former premier Gordon Campbell’s climate goals officially remain in place: 33 per cent greenhouse gas reduction by 2020 and a whopping 80 per cent by 2050. If the gas boom proceeds as planned, B.C. domestic emissions will not be down, but up considerably by 2020. Premier Christy Clark has a new target for 2020: three liquefied natural gas production lines feeding high-pressure tankers at Kitimat, for export to Asia. Not only will B.C. need to buy gas-fired power from outside the province to keep up to industrial and

“If the gas boom proceeds as planned, B.C. domestic emissions will not be down, but up considerably by 2020.”

residential demand, but the natural gas industry will need its own new gas-fired electricity to produce LNG for export. Natural gas passed forestry as B.C.’s top resource revenue source many years ago. In 2005, the volatile gas price spiked up and produced $1 billion in windfall profits that allowed the B.C. government to buy a rare period of public sector labour peace through the 2010 Olympics.

Now a glut of shale gas has pushed the North American price down from its historic range of $4 to $6 per thousand cubic feet to about $2.40. Despite that low price, gas producers in B.C. are going flat out to develop the Horn River and Montney shale gas deposits in northeast B.C. I asked David Pryce, vice-president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, why so much gas is

being developed now. He said producers have made huge investments in B.C. shale gas drilling rights, and are in an international race to supply LNG to Asian countries where the price is currently four times higher than in North America. Whatever the domestic price, B.C. gas producers have to show LNG investors such as Mitsubishi and Korea Gas that they can fill a steady procession of LNG tankers at a competitive rate. If LNG doesn’t fly here, B.C.’s gas export market soon evaporates. Currently gas producers pay about $400 million a year in royalties, and that much again to buy

B .C. Views Tom Fletcher up shale gas drilling rights. The industry already employs about 12,000 workers in B.C. The B.C. government has little choice but to redefine its climate targets. Instead of cutting domestic emissions, it will try to take credit for displacing coal power in Asia. Fortunately, B.C.’s main coal exports are for high-grade coal used in steel-making.



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Houston Today


Sinkhole repairs nearly done By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

After one month and about $900,000 in repairs, traffic will soon flow normally along a stretch of Highway 16 just east of Topley that was damaged by a sinkhole. Ron Thompson, who is supervising the repairs, says both lanes of the highway should reopen by June 30. Dubbed the “Topley sinkhole,” the highway surface two km southeast of Topley dipped dramatically on April 26. Geotechnical surveys found that a 0.6-metre culvert channeling water beneath the road had failed, and rising spring water levels had badly eroded the ground around it. Crews quickly set up a detour around the area, but construction work was delayed four days because heavy transport trucks were unable to take that detour. The detour was replaced by an alternating single lane after engineers drilled under the highway showed that the sinkhole, which measured more than three metres wide, did not extend beneath the westbound lane. Crews have since worked steadily to replace the broken culvert with one twice the diameter—wide enough to handle future spring runoff. Thompson said the

sinkhole location is a challenging place to work. The highway is built quite high up from the valley floor at that spot, he said, and the culvert lies about 15 m under the road. It took five days to dig out the smaller culvert and another two weeks to replace it and refill the lower area. Working with two excavators and seven dump trucks, the crew is now is slowly refilling the dug-out road with gravel. Thompson explained that the stretch of highway is being refilled in six-inch layers to ensure it is firmly packed and will last for many years to come. Good weather has helped the construction move smoothly, said Thompson. The rain held off

in the early stages of the repair work, and more recent rainfall has helped to pack down the new layers of gravel. Carl Lutz, Ministry of Transportation manager for the Bulkley-Stikine district, said the overall cost of repairs is about $900,000, much of which went back to the local economy through locally hired equipment. To keep traffic moving, work crews have only closed the highway for 10 minutes at a time. “We are working hair straight back now,” said Thompson, adding that crews will be at work seven days a week until the repairs are done. For updates on the repairs, drivers can check www.drivebc.ca.

Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today

Crews spray a layer of freshly packed gravel on Highway 16 east of Topley, part of a $900,000 project to repair the highway after it was badly damaged by a sinkhole that started when a culvert failed some 15 metres below the highway.



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Willow Grove Ladies Night May 29, 2012 Sponsor: Kal Tire

Ladies Night No: 5 • Number of Golfers: 33 Raffle - Hanging Basket: Lindsay Pederson A Flight Low Gross: Bonnie Heagy Low Net: Helen Slaney B Flight Low Gross: Diana Fraser Easton Low Net: Tasha Kelly C Flight Low Gross: Marg Epps Low Net: Annie Slaney D Flight Low Gross: Kyla Eldridge Low Net: Grace Ramses Birdie Pot: Carry Over $40.00 Par Pot: Marj Epps $11.00 Bogey Pot: Annie Slaney $3.00 Putt Pots: A Flight Elsis Makowichuk 16 $6.25 B Flight Wendy V. 16 $6.25 C Flight Betty Lou Doyle $6.25 D Flight Annie Slaney $6.25 A Flight Long Drive Hole #7: Helen Slaney B Flight Long Drive Hole #8: Tasha Kelly C Flight Long Drive Hole #1: Marj Epps D Flight Long Drive Hole #8: Bonnie Edgar KP on Hole#2 - Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza: Maryn Williams KP on Hole#3 - Willow Grove: Maryn Williams KP on Hole#5 - Babine Barge: Helen Slaney KP on Hole#6 - Sunlife: Bonnie Heagy Long Putt on Hole#5 - Willow Grove Ladies: Elsie Makowichuk

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PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: *2012 Sienna LE – 7 Passenger Automatic KA3DCT(A) MSRP is $29,880 and includes $1,760 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 1.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $319 with $3,408 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $18,720. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. Applicable taxes are extra. **2012 Prius Liftback. KN3DUP (A) MSRP is $27,685 and includes $1,660 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 1.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $299 with $2,068 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $16,420. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. Applicable taxes are extra. ***2012 Yaris Hatchback 3-Door CE Manual JTUD3M(A) MSRP is $15,440 and includes $1,450 freight and pre-delivery inspection, tire levy, battery levy and air conditioning federal excise tax. Lease example: 1.9% Lease APR for 48 months. Monthly payment is $178 with $1,258 down payment. Total Lease obligation is $9,802. Lease 48 mos. based on 80,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. Applicable taxes are extra. †Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus HST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. Offers valid until July 3, 2012. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on toyotabc.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. ††0% finance for 60 months, upon credit approval, available on 2012 Yaris, Corolla, Matrix, RAV4, Tundra and Venza.‡Up to $6000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 Tundra models. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services lease or finance rates. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by July 3, 2012. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or www.toyotabc.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.

Houston Today Wednesday, June 20, 2012 www.houston-today.com

sometimes, more is more


sienna *

7 passenger SE model shown

lease from



per mo./48 mo at 1.9%



lease from



per mo./48 mo. at 1.9%

OR up to


6000 C A S H BA C K

on select vehicles ††

or :


purchase financing from†





lease from


per mo./48 mo. at 1.9%



/60 mo. on select vehicles



After a great 2011/2012 season, Houston’s Christian Hockey Club would like to thank all the sponsors who made it possible: Groot Brothers Contracting, the Bulkley Valley Credit Union, Sullivan Motor Products, 7/11, and the Houston Today. News staff/Houston Today



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Houston Today


Summer reading club offers the truly strange and strangely true Special to the Houston Today

HIGH Hurdles

Alistair McInnis/ Prince George Free Press

Haley Allen of Houston clears a hurdle on June 10 during the Prince George Track and Field Club’s annual Spruce Capital Invitational at Masich Place Stadium.

Children will be encouraged to wonder whether what they read is “Strange… But True?” when they join the 2012 Summer Reading Club for free at the Houston Public Library. This year’s reading list includes many wonderfully weird titles, from books on wildlife to world records, surprising histories to outer space. With many titles to choose from, the books are geared to readers from preschool age to 12 year-olds. Kids can sign up at the Registration Day on July 4th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and receive a fabulous free Reading Record and bookmark, as well as collect weekly stickers. Check us out for fun free programs, contests and displays

all summer. Kids who complete their Reading Record will be eligible to receive a special Summer Reading Club medal! Regular reading during the summer helps kids to maintain or even improve their reading and literacy skills and studies show that voluntary reading is the number one factor in establishing good reading habits. Summer Reading Club makes reading fun and the expert staff at the Houston Public Library can help kids find just the right book or magazine from among a wide variety of library materials. Summer Reading Club reaches over 80,000 children across British Columbia every summer and is sponsored by the British Columbia Library Association with funding assistance

from Libraries and Literacy, Ministry of Education. For more information about Summer Reading Club, visit http:// houston.bclibrary.


Terrilyn Gillies invites all her friends and customers to stop in at her new location at 2340 Butler Ave. in Razor’s Edge. Terrilyn specializes in hair care for the whole family including cuts, colors, perms and more!

A GRAND OPENING for Terrilyn’s Hair Trendz and Razor’s Edge will be held all day Friday, June 29th and as part of the Grand Opening Day Lavish is here from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. on June 29th For hair appointments with Terrilyn please call 250-845-2214

Terrilyn’s Hair Trendz 2340 Butler Avenue Houston

Summer Solstice


ca or the online Summer Reading Club at www.kidssrc. ca. Library events can also be found on the Houston Public Library Facebook page.

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ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET BUICK GMC DEALERS. BCgaragesale.com 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/‥ Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Chevrolet Cruze LS (R7A), 2012 GMC Terrain SLE-1 (R7A) and 2012 Chevrolet Silverado Ext 2WD (1SA) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC GM Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See GM dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services/ Ally Financing Services for 84/72 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Chevrolet Cruze LS/2012 GMC Terrain SLE-1 & 2012 Silverado Ext 2WD. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $119.05/ $138.89 for 84/72 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000.00. ‥Based on a 48 month lease. Rate of 0% advertised on new or demonstrator 2012 Cruze equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer OAC by GM Financial. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Other lease options available. ÂĽThunder package includes PDZ credit valued at $1,200 and PDJ credit valued at $350. Dealer trade may be required. Offer available to retail customers in Canada for vehicles delivered between May 1 and July 3, 2012. x$7,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on select 2012 Chevrolet Silverado Ext (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. ++Cruze Eco equipped with 6-speed manual transmission. Based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Ratings for the Midsize Car class. Excludes hybrid and diesel models. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ,Š The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. + For more information visit iihs.org/ratings. ÂĽÂĽ2012 Chevrolet Silverado, equipped with available Vortec™ 5.3L V8 engine and 6-speed automatic transmission and competitive fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumptions Guide and WardsAuto.com 2012 Large Pickup segment. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes hybrids and other GM models. ∞OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit onstar.ca for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions,Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. â—ŠComparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Large/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available. Excludes other GM brands. Δ2012 GMC Terrain FWD, equipped with standardd 2.4L ECOTE ECOTECÂŽ I-4 engine. Fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Competitive segment based on WardsAuto.com’s 2012 Middle Cross Utility Vehicles Segment, excludes other GM models.

Houston Today Wednesday, June 20, 2012






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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Houston Today

NEWS Thrifty shoppers say. . .

“Every Dollar Counts” And they’re right.

Every dollar you spend at an out of town merchant means less money local businesses have to support local sports groups, nonprofit organizations and youth activities. Every dollar you spend outside of your own community makes it harder for your local businesses to remain competitive, or even remain in business.

It’s true. Every dollar counts. Use each one wisely. SHOP LOCAL.


Alex Proimos/Flickr

Invasive plants, grass feed top ranchers’ agenda Special to the Houston Today

The Skeena Regional Cattlemen’s Association takes in registered ranchers from the Lakes District, Pleasant Valley and Bulkley Valley. In all, the group works for something in the neighborhood of 100 plus ranches in our region. Many of our members are visible along any and all of the highways and byways that we travel throughout our region. The cattle industry is a foundation industry of the region and continues to support communities both rural and town based. Recently the SRCA Directors met to discuss current issues among them being the development of effective, yet humane

predator control measures, and the ubiquitous canine trapping program for marauding packs of problem dogs. Both issues plague ranchers who look for solutions to problems that were in many cases not created by their own doing. Also of concern was the growing need for effective awareness of our escalating invasive weed species. The pretty orange or yellow flowers along our road beds and other species has proven to be viable and prolific in our climate and are able to spread by attaching themselves to any conveyance that they come in contact with. They grow much to the detriment of native species! We discussed ways in which we can be diligent and proactive in protecting our

native cover from this and other invasive species. We briefly discussed recent research done on the benefits of grass-fed over grainfed beef. There is significant information being collected regarding these differences being done by Dr. John Church of Thompson Rivers University. Dr. Church’s multidisciplinary team is striving to develop data that leads us towards more sustainable ranching techniques producing products higher in nutrient value and lower in “gaseous output.” The committee continues to address issues over the newly minted Waste Management proposal looking for avenues to address concerns while mitigating risk factors. Ranchers have a

voice and through the BC Cattlemen’s and our local associations, we are able to work towards change that benefits ranchers, and all other users of our environments. Bob Storey and Wayne Tofsrud, our locally elected BCCA representatives, gave brief reports from recent BCCA meetings and the Environmental S t e w a r d s h i p Committee. In particular, they spoke briefly on the increasingly popular and effective ‘Environmental Farm Plan’ and its ability

to assist ranchers in addressing problem areas, the Water Modernization Act, and the dimension fencing that aims to help ranchers discourage elk and other wildlife from compromising forage crops. The Directors completed this month’s agenda by reaffirming our two BCCA representatives, Wayne Tofsrud and Bob Storey, President Wayne Tofsrud, Vice President Matt Taylor and Secretary Treasurer Kathy McKilligan.


2980 Pearson Rd

Very well kept 4 bdrm family home with great view! Spacious living rm & dining rm, updated countertops in kitchen & main bath. Laundry on main, 3 bdrms up, updated flooring throughout. Fully fin bsmt, huge rec room w/gas fireplace, 4th bdrm & 2nd bath in bsmt, lots of storage, tidy workshop, updated N/G furnace. Asphalt roof replaced in 2003, backyard sundeck, fenced yard, lots of parking for boat/RV, storage shed, F/S/W/D/DW incl. MLS# N219633



2770 5th St W (Houston Industrial Park)

Light Industrial shop in Houston’s busy Industrial Park. 0.5 acres, partly fence, 3-phase power, 4800 sf of shop. 3 bays, 2800 sf storage/office space. Natural gas heaters in shop, gas F/A furnace upstairs, 2 pc washroom, good access, great location. MLS# N4505371

If you are buying or selling, call me today! I also offer Free Home Market Evaluations and information on the current real estate market.

Dan Hansma 250-845-8234 dan.hansma@gmail.com

Alpine Optometry Dr. Onstein Family Eye Care

New Expanded Clinic Hours Dr. Onstein and staff of Alpine Optometry are pleased to announce a change in regular clinic hours...

As of July 2012, we will be open Monday through Friday from 8:45 am to 5:30 pm. Also, the first Thursday of every month the clinic will have a late evening opening until 8 pm. In addition, every third Saturday of the month, the clinic will be open from 9 am to 3 pm. We hope that these new expanded hours will make it more convenient to book appointments and receive other eye care services. Please note that as of July 2012, the clinic will be closed on all Saturdays other than the third one of every month. Also remember that Aeroplan miles are rewarded for eye care purchases at Alpine Optometry!!

For more information see our website and Facebook page!

TURN YOUR EMPTIES INTO A NEW SET OF WHEELS. From now until September 3rd, return your empty beverage containers for a chance to win one of three eco-friendly rides! Look for the official ballot box at:

Houston Recycling Return-It™ Depot

#2 - 3767 2nd Ave, Smithers

2266 Nadina Ave., Phone: 250-845-2590 • Open: Mon.-Sat. 10am-4pm


For contest details and a list of participating depots, visit return-it.ca/winit


No purchase necessary. Open only to BC residents age 19 or over. Limit one entry per person per household per day. Contest closes September 3rd, 2012. For full contest details, visit return-it.ca/winit

Houston Today

Wednesday, June 20, 2012




Job search, assistance extended By Tom Fletcher Black press

News staff/Black Press

Police roadblock in the Lower Mainland: a different kind of roadside test is being conducted this year.

B.C. drivers tested for alcohol, drugs By Tom Fletcher Black Press

Roadside surveys are set to begin around B.C. this month to continue a research project that tests for marijuana, cocaine and other drugs as well as alcohol use by drivers. The B.C. government is spending up to $250,000 for the seventh survey of its kind in the province, part of a national program run by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. Previous surveys have shown that in random samples, about 10 per cent of drivers test positive for alcohol and seven to eight per cent have a detectable level of drugs in their systems. This year’s survey is being done in the same communities as the last one in 2010: Vancouver, Saanich, Abbotsford, Prince George and Kelowna. The roadside surveys are supervised by police and use handheld breathalyzers, but they are for information only and won’t result in charges or

suspensions. Drivers are asked to voluntarily and confidentially answer questions, provide a breath sample and also a saliva sample using a plastic stick with an absorbent pad on the end. Saliva samples are sent for lab analysis to detect marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other opiates, amphetamines and common sedatives. The test doesn’t determine if the driver was impaired by drugs, but only if there is a level detectable by the lab test. Ottawa passed legislation in 2008 to give police authority to demand physical sobriety tests and collect blood, urine or saliva samples for drug testing, but no

roadside test or legal limits currently exist for drug impairment. B.C. Justice Minister Shirley Bond said police do have options. “Police can issue a 24-hour prohibition at the roadside if they suspect drug impairment,” Bond said. “They can also take the driver into custody, so trained, certified police officers can conduct a very accurate drug recognition and evaluation exam and ask for blood tests to support Criminal Code charges.” The surveys found that while alcohol use increases late at night and on weekends, drug use by drivers is more consistently found at all times and days. The surveys were

extended to Prince George and Kelowna for the first time in 2010, and the survey company found drivers more likely to agree to the interview and samples than those in the Lower Mainland. Of the 2,480 vehicles selected for testing in 2010, 86 per cent of drivers provided a breath sample and 71 per cent agreed to give a sample of oral fluid.

The B.C. government is extending the mandatory job search for new income assistance applicants from three to five weeks, and increasing the amount of earned income people can keep without losing part of their welfare payments. Premier Christy Clark and Social Development Minister Stephanie Cadieux announced a list of reforms to the income assistance program Monday. Employable social assistance recipients will now be able to earn up to $200 per month without losing benefits, and recipients will be required to file income tax returns. Cadieux said B.C. was the only province that deducted all the earned income from

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AGM June 25th at 9AM

employable people. The $200 exemption will allow them to develop skills and take advantage of available temporary work. People receiving disability benefits will now be able to retain up to $800 a month, up from $500. The exempted earnings can also be calculated as $9,600 a year, to allow disabled people to work more when their health allows it. Families on income assistance will get an increased school startup supplement before each school year, up from $84 to $100 for each child aged five to 11, and an increase from $116 to $175 for children 12 and over

who are returning to school. Clark said the total cost to taxpayers for enhanced benefits will be about $5 million per year. The government is also easing restrictions on assets people can keep while collecting income assistance. A single person can have up to $2,000, including cash, while families are allowed to have up to $4,000 in assets. Disability assistance recipients can have up to $5,000 worth of assets for individuals and $10,000 for couples and families. Clients who are expected to work can keep a vehicle valued at up to $10,000.

District of Houston www.houston.ca

WATER MAIN FLUSHING Please note that flushing of water mains will take place from Monday, June 25th to Friday, June 29th between the hours of 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Water mains require flushing to help remove any sedimentation that may exist in the mains. This may result in discoloration and will clear if you run water prior to using. Please be mindful when doing laundry; you may wish to avoid washing light coloured clothing. During the flushing period, water pressure may fluctuate and may result in reduced water pressure. You should ensure your property is equipped with a pressure reducing valve and that precautions are taken to protect your hot water tank. Chlorine levels will be increased during this period to ensure safe potable water. You may wish to have potable water stored in containers for personal use. You may experience cloudy water for a short time after the main flushing, this will clear in a short time if you let your water run.

The Leisure Facility will be closing at 6:00 pm on Monday, June 25th due to low water pressure.

Community Futures of Nadina

RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © 2012 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved.

AGM June 25th at 10AM

Thank you for your cooperation. Michael D. Glavin, Director of Engineering & Development Services





2012 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 5.0L




Employee Price Adjustment ...........$4,316 Delivery Allowance .............................$7,000 Total Eligible Price Adjustments ....$11,316

Share our Employee Price








Offer includes $1,600 freight and air tax and all rebates.

Standard features include: • 6-Speed Automatic • 360 Horsepower • 380 LB.-Ft of Torque • Trailer Sway Control

GET YOUR EMPLOYEE PRICE AND CHANCE TO WIN AT FORD.CA OR YOUR BC FORD STORE TODAY. WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricing”) is available from June 14, 2012 to August 31, 2012 (the “Program Period”), on the purchase or lease of most new 2012/2013 Ford vehicles (excluding all chassis cab and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, Medium Trucks, Mustang Boss 302, and 2013 Shelby GT500). Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any CAW-negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ‡‡No purchase necessary. For full contest rules, eligible vehicle criteria, and to enter as a Ford owner, visit www.ford.ca/shareourpridecontest (follow the entry path applicable to you, complete all mandatory fields and click on ‘submit’) or visit your local Ford Dealer for details. Open only to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority, possess a valid graduated level provincially issued driver’s license, and are owners of Ford branded vehicles (excluding fleet customers and all Lincoln and Mercury models). Eligible vehicle criteria includes requirement that it be properly registered in Canada in the contest entrant’s name (matching vehicle ownership), and properly registered/plated and insured. Non-Ford owners can enter by mailing an original 100 word essay on “what they like about Ford”, with their full name, full mailing address, email, daytime phone number (with area code) to: Vanessa Richard, Pareto Corp., 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M3C 4G4. Contest closes at 11:59pm (PST) on the last day of the 2012 Ford Employee Pricing campaign which will be no earlier than August 31, 2012. Limit of 1 entry per person. Up to 8 prizes available to be won in Canada in 3 possible prize categories, each worth up to CAD$50,000. Chances of winning are dependent on the total number of entries received up to each 10,000 interval of unit sales under the Employee Pricing campaign (“Draw Trigger”). Odds of winning decrease as the contest progresses, more entries are made into the contest, and opportunities for Draw Triggers lessen. Skill testing question required. *Purchase a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2012 F-150 Platinum Super Crew 4x4 for $28,683/$46,313 after Total Eligible Price Adjustment of $11,316/$14,186 (Total Eligible Price Adjustment is a combination of Employee Price Adjustment of $4,316/$7,186 and Delivery Allowance of $7,000/$7,000) is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Eligible Price Adjustment has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. †When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.7L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Environment Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.



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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Houston Today

JOIN US ON JUNE 22ND & 23RD 7pm - 7am: Houston Secondary School Footloose and Fancy Free

RELAY FEVER TAKING OVER HOUSTON For the 3rd time in 4 years, Relay Fever has hit Houston! Teams are coming together to raise money for this incredibly memorable event. Throughout the month of May and June, teams are cleaning garbage, washing trucks, baking, raffling, dancing, cooking and just plain having fun in whatever way possible to raise a dollar to help fight cancer. Business’ are stepping forward and donating money, fantastic silent auction items and prizes. Artisan’s are donating beautiful hand made items towards the Silent Auction as well. At the time of writing, our Relay for Life event has gone past $25,000. It will be interesting to see if Houston can surpass Smithers which raised just over $60,000 in their Relay event. A little community to community competition is fun.... and it all goes to the same great cause. We expect over 300 people with about 20 teams. Most of the teams are jumping up to the theme of ‘Celebrating the Decades’ with teams electing the 40’s , 50’s and on into the future. Music through the night will parallel this theme. We’ve adopted a new craze.... ‘Dance walking’ with laps each our dedicated to the different music eras. Other entertainment includes the live music of Magneto, Indo Canadian dancing, youth and adult bands to name but a few. In the morning, the Firefighters will cook the whole town breakfast! The fantastic part of Relay is that, although it is themed around our fight and loss to this serious disease, people come together to celebrate what we’ve accomplished in fighting cancer.... To celebrate the survivors, to remember those we lost, and then to join together on the common mission to FIGHT BACK against this disease. Fighting back can include helping a person currently battling the disease or reducing one’s chance of getting cancer by losing some weight or using sunscreen more often.

Register yourself and come join us at Houston Secondary School on June 22 - 7pm to 7 am. It’ll be a night to remember...... please come! 7 pm .........................Opening Ceremonies Victory Lap of Survivors and Caregivers 8 to 12....................Music, Silent auction, activities and walking the track Midnight ..................Luminary Ceremony 1 to 5 am ................Music, activities, and walking the track 5 am .........................Fire fighters breakfast 6:30 am ..................Fight back ceremony 7 am .........................Time to pack up and go home! For more info contact Relay for Life Coordinator Sue Jones (250) 845-9400 or Jocelyn Bell (250) 845-2830 - houstonrelay@bc.cancer.ca.

When asked if Bulkley Valley Credit Union would be a corporate sponsor this year for the Houston Relay again this year, it was a pretty easy decision. Although the funds we raise and donate help so many it is a great time for staff to come together and provide support to one another. Bulkley Valley Credit Unions team name is Footloose and Fancy Free and this is our third time being part of Relay for Life. We have all been touched by cancer in some way, be it a family member, neighbour, friend or a member of the community. The fact that 2 out of 5 Canadians are expected to develop cancer during their lifetime and 1 in 4 Canadians will die from cancer. In 2012 it is estimated that in British Columbia alone, 9800 people will die of cancer and that 23,300 will be diagnosed with cancer. These statistics shows us that we are not exempt. It does not matter how old you are, if you are male or female, or what colour your skin is, it can happen to anyone and anytime. Being employees of Bulkley Valley Credit Union, we are committed to being an integral part of our communities that we serve and we strive on helping out when we can. Being part of something that does not only benefit the members of our community, but the lives of others is something much bigger than you and I. As part of our fundraising efforts the Bulkley Valley Credit Union staff has designed T-Shirts as part of our Relay for Life Fundraising. Our logo is “A long journey but with friends we never walk alone”. We are also selling wristbands that are embossed with “Courage & Hope” (they even glow in the dark which would be a nice touch for the midnight walk). All proceeds will be going to Relay for Life. Help support our Relay for Life Team by purchasing a T-shirt with a minimum donation of $20.00 and wristbands are a minimum donation of $5.00. If you haven’t purchased your Luminary “In Memory of” or “In Support of” please stop by Bulkley Valley Credit Union – Houston Branch. It is quite powerful to see them illuminate the track and it is a great way to show your support and memory for someone that is or has battled this disease. Luminaries are $5.00 each. The Luminary Committee has a special request for all participants. Instead of sand in the luminary bags we are asking each Relay registrant to bring 2 canned goods to weigh the bags down. At the end of the event these will be gathered and donated to the local Food Bank. Helping to make a difference is part of our goal and we hope that it is yours too. Show your support and together we can make Cancer History!

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at www.houston-today.com

The Topley 4-H club is hosting its 8th Annual Poker Ride - Sat. June 23 - Maxine Bells Ranch, Summit Lake Rd West, Houston. $25/ hand. 10am start last rider out 12pm. Basket Raffle, half the proceeds to best hand... Loads of door prizes... Hot Lunch Included!! Come out and support your local 4-H Club. For more info contact Maxine 845-2636. Babysitters course sponsored by the Houston Community Services Association is offered on July 9-10-11 and July 16-17-18. Time is from 10 a.m. to noon and located upstairs on 10th Street --across from the dentist. Please signup before July 6, 2012 and come into the office to phone: 250-845-3484. Houston Public Library Events... Baby & Me: Wed: 10-1am; Story Time: Wed: 1:302:30pm; Toddler Time: Fri: 10 to 11am; Phone 250-845-2256 for more info on any of the above events or to register. Pleasant Valley Community Market in Houston - Fridays 10AM - 3PM in Steelhead Park (Hwy 16) across from “The Flyrod”. There will be fresh produce, baking, crafts and preserves. To become a vendor or for more information contact Cindy at 250-845-2222. Community Calendar proudly sponsored by

Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Ph: 250-845-7117

The power of membership


The Houston Community Garden is now taking applications for this season. Everyone is welcome. No gardening experience is necessary. Please register early as space is limited. For more information or to make an appointment to register call the Garden Coordinator at 845-2727. Seniors Bingo is every Tues. at 7 p.m. at Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1. Come out and enjoy a fun prize filled evening. Lots of prizes! “Fit For Life.” Senior Exercise @ Cottonwood Manor on Mon., Wed., & Fri. @10 a.m. Call Hanne 845-7414 or Bunny 845-7110. The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Mon. of the month is Executive, 4th Mon. is General Meeting (we have not been able to get a quorum in months, members please attend) Houston Community Services is open Mon. thru Fri. from 9am to 4pm We have clothing to give away. Baby clothing; women’s and mens as well as children of all ages. Come and check it out! The Houston Retirement Housing Society is asking interested parties to provide their names for future vacancies at our Pleasant Valley Village apartments. Please call Roberta@250-845-2257 Houston Secondary School - http://hssweb.sd54.bc.ca


Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No experience necessary please contact Byron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a fire practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs (7:30 pm) Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Tues. of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices every Thurs. at 7:30 pm. Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m.


Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the Seniors Centre. Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & fire practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., 11 a.m. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m.

Ambulance Society of Houston – is fundraising for a CAREstream Vital Sign Monitor. This will generate a higher level of care for patients in need of medical attention. Paramedics will be able to record vital signs while in the care of the back of the ambulance. The Society is seeking support from the local business community and Bulkley Valley Credit Union was happy to donate $500 in March to assist in their cause.

Houston Today Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Houston Mall, Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Phone: (250) 845-2890 Fax: (250) 845-7893 email: advertising@houston-today.com Published Every Wednesday

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Thursday: 5:00pm


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INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements .......... 001-007 Community Announcements ... 008-076 Children................................ 080-098 Employment .......................... 102-165 Services ............................... 170-387 Pets/Livestock ...................... 453-483 Items for Sale/Wanted .......... 503-595 Real Estate ........................... 603-696 Rentals ................................ 700-757 Transportation....................... 804-860 Marine.................................. 903-920 Legals ....................................... Legal

www.houston-today.com A13







Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

$$$ MAKE fast cash - start your own business - driveway sealing systems, lawn aerating units, possible payback in 2 weeks. Part-time, full-time. Call today toll-free 1-800-4650024. www.protectasphalt.com

LOG HAULERS! Multiyear load/haul contract, competitive rates, 10 month season, flexible delivery, HWY or off. D & J Isley and Sons, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Call Cory 780539-7580 or cory@isley.ca


WANT to retire, need to work? Well established seafood restaurant for sale on Vancouver Island. eatmorefish@hotmail.ca

TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. www.RMTI.ca or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

THE ONE - The only - The one and only in Canada. Only authorized Harley Davidson Technician Program at GPRC Fairview College Campus. September, 2012. On-campus residences. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview.

AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for Welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20 km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for ten 3rd Year Apprentices or Journeyperson Welders. We offer best wages in industry. 3rd Year Apprentice $28-$30/hour, Journey person $32-$35/hour, higher with tank experience. Profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at (office) 780-846-2231. Fax 780-846-2241 or send resume to: blaine@autotanks.ca production@autotanks.ca Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform.

AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact numbers are: (250) 845-3356 or (250) 8457774. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266

Personals CURIOUS ABOUT Men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try FREE! Call 1-888-5591255. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.


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Employment Business Opportunities Be your own boss/build a business at home/ computer required/flex hrs/free training www.freedomnan.com


Career Opportunities AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783.

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking DRIVER. Class 1 Drivers wanted. Offering top pay. Close to home. Home most weekends. Family comes 1st! 1 year flat deck exp. & border crossing a must. Fax resume & driver abstract to 1-604-853-4179

DRIVERS WANTED: Terrific career opportunity outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Experience Needed!! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 wks. vacation & benefits pkg. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time Valid License with air brake endorsement. High School Diploma or GED. Apply at www.sperryrail.com under careers, keyword Driver DO NOT FILL IN CITY or STATE

Be your own boss publishing your own local entertainment / humour magazine. Javajoke publications is offering an exclusive protected license in your area. We will teach you our lucrative proven system, step by step by step to create the wealth that you want. Perfect for anyone FT / PT, from semi-retired to large scale enterprise. Call today to get your no obligation info packet. Toll FREE 1-855-406-1253

H&R TRANSPORT - Come drive for the best! Local company drivers required, various shifts. Home everyday. $20/hr to start. Required, CDN, CDN/USA Company, O/O singles and teams, AB/BC runs. Health benefits, safety bonus, Hutch Thomas, 1-403-8703776, 1-800-567-7266, Carl Constam 1-780-904-1202, 1888-459-2813. Come join the Big Red Team! www.hrtrans.com

FREE VENDING Machines. Appointing prime references now. Earn up to $100,000+ per year. Exclusive protected territories. For full details call now 1-866-668-6629, website: www.tcvend.com LIVE THE Dream. Harbours End Marine, 27 year history on beautiful Salt Spring Island, BC “the best place on earth!” Owner retiring, well-established business only $129,000 email: bjg_cormorant@shaw.ca

KURT LEROY TRUCKING LTD, CAMPBELL RIVER, BC Logging Truck Drivers needed full time and part time for Campbell River, North Island and Port Alberni. Benefits included. Must have 3 years minimum experience in the logging industry. Sub-Contract Log Haul Trucks needed, full time for Campbell River, North Island and Port Alberni.Must be Safe Certified, WCB. Licenced Mechanic, must have Log Truck experience, CVI ticket an asset. Full Time, benefits included. Please fax your resume and drivers abstract to 250-287-9914 or email to yorel@telus.net

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Looking for strong energetic individual for a small trucking company in Houston. Must have driver’s abstract, clean Class 5 licence, forklift & powerjack, excellent communication skills, great with customers. Mechanical an asset. Full time. Wage negotiable.

Fax 250-847-4251 email kavicwolf@hotmail.com

Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! IHEschool.com 1-866-399-3853 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. High graduate employment rates. Low monthly payments. Be a success! Enroll now. 1-800466-1535 www.canscribe.com admissions@canscribe.com MUSIC PRODUCTION, performance, recording. Music Diploma/University Transfer offered at GPRC, Grande Prairie campus. Specialize in instrument, voice, production, audio engineering. State-of-the-art recording studios, current software. 1-888-999-7882; www. gprc.ab.ca NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering small engine, snowmobile, quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all, fit your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview Campus. Affordable residences. 18 8 8 - 9 9 9 - 7 8 8 2 ; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview. PAINTING, SCULPTING, Drawing. Fine Arts Certificate/Diploma/University Transfer program. GPRC Grande Prairie campus. No portfolio no problem. Build one as you learn. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca

Help Wanted

YOUR NEW Career as close as your computer. Online Active Aging Fitness Practitioner Certificate. Work with older adult fitness programs, coach master athletes. GPRC Grande Prairie, Alberta. 1-888539-4772; www.gprc.ab.ca

Help Wanted JOURNEYMEN ROOFERS & APPRENTICES for Kitimat/Terrace areas. Must have torching experience. Driver’s license, safety training & relevant experience an asset. Union rates. Submit resume to

101first@101industries.com. Only selected applicants will be contacted.

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. MANAGER OF Track position. Kelowna Pacific Railway Ltd (KPR) has an immediate opening for our Manager of Track position. The successful candidate will become part of an experienced management team and will oversee track maintenance and track capital work while insuring regulatory compliance and safe work practices and must have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a track supervisor. KPR operates on 120 miles of Class 1 and Class 2 track in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley, between Kelowna and Kamloops. This position works out of our Vernon, BC offices. Please submit resumes and any questions you may have regarding this position to: info@khawk.ca

Houston Pizza Factory is accepting applications for

part-time positions

The ideal candidate would have: •2+ years related experience •Self-starter, and able to work with minimal supervision •Strong organizational skills and detail-oriented •Solid knowledge of MS Excel and computerized accounting software Submit your resume to: E-mail: hr@pinnaclepellet.com No Phone Inquiries Accepted Closing date June 30, 2012.

SANDWICH ARTIST $10.75 hr. Full Time, must speak English will train; cleaning, make subs & salads, handle cash, customer service To Apply (Box 10) 355010th Street, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Fax: 250-845-2583 shounak_c@yahoo.com

Small Ads work! Home Care/Support NURSES, Care Aides, Home Cleaners - Bayshore Home Health is hiring casual, on-call RNs, LPNs, certified care aides and experienced home cleaners. If you are: empathetic; personable; possess an outstanding work ethic; positive attitude; a passion for superior client service, and a reliable vehicle, forward your resume to shgeekie@bayshore.ca.

Trades, Technical


Health Products SLIM DOWN For summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

Financial Services DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping CANADIANS repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest regardless of your credit!

Qualify Now To Be Debt Free 1-877-220-3328 Licensed, Government Approved, BBB Accredited.

DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 www.mydebtsolution.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Licensed or Apprentice needed for General Motors dealerships. Must have Automotive/ Mechanical aptitude, computer experience, be a team player with good people skills and experience in shipping/receiving. Please apply by email to bill@sullivangm.com

Sullivan Motor Products Ltd. 2760 Highway 16 West PO Box 478 Houston B.C. V0J 1Z0 www.sullivangm.com

Please apply in person. District of Houston www.houston.ca

Temporary Head Lifeguard

Pinnacle Renewable Energy is seeking an Accounting Clerk to join our team in our Burns Lake Plant location. This is a permanent full time position that will work directly with the Plant Accountant. Responsibilities include; A/P support, data entry, and general accounting support as required.

$12 hr. Full Time, must have min. 1 yr. experience as Supervisor in Fast Food; will consider long term employment in restaurant industry.


The District of Houston is now accepting applications for the following positions to join the Leisure Services Department.

Accounting Clerk (Burns Lake)


Principle responsibilities include ensuring the safety, protection and enjoyment of those engaged in activities in or out of the water at the Houston Leisure Facility, and the instruction of the Red Cross and Lifesaving Programs. This temporary position will be for the duration of a medical and maternal leave and will end on October 05, 2013 or sooner should the incumbent return, whichever the case may be. The position works 40 hours per week which may include weekends, early mornings and evening shifts. Rate of pay is $18.89/hr as a Lifeguard, $19.74/hr as an Instructor, and $20.54 when no Aquatic Coordinator is on shift and when supervising two (2) or more staff. Successful applicants must be 17 years of age or older and will have current certification in National Lifeguard Service Award (NLS), CPR Level “C”, Standard First Aid, Water Safety Instructor (WSI), and Lifesaving Society Instructor (LSI). Experience working or volunteering in an aquatic facility will be an asset. A positive attitude and ability to work in a team environment is a must! Applications for all of the above positions will be received at the District of Houston Municipal Office, 3367 – 12th Street, Houston, BC until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27, 2012. You may request a copy of the job description by calling the Municipal Office at 250-845-2238. Interested persons should direct all inquiries to: Curtis McPhee, Director of Leisure Services Phone: (250) 845-7420 • Fax: (250) 845-3429 E-mail: leisure.services@houston.ca



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A14 www.houston-today.com

Where to Worship Anglican Church of St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston 250-845-4940

Rev. Margaret Powell Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays except 7 p.m. on the First Sunday of the month.

St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 2001 Riverbank Drive, Box 819, Houston

Phone: 845-2841 • Fax: 845-2823

Fr. Rectorino Tolentino Pastoral Assistant: Ronnie Cruz (Houston)

Mass: Sunday 11:30 a.m. Weekly activities or events announced as they occur.

First United Church 2106 Butler Ave., Houston

Services at 11 a.m. Contact: (Marianne Dekker) 250-845-2282 or 778-816-0039

HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 845-2678 • Pastor: Mike McIntyre

Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 amSunday Prayer Meeting: 6:30 pm Sunday School: 9:45 am Everyone Welcome

Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Association P.O. Box 1784, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Phone: 250-845-2705 Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2217

Houston Fellowship Baptist Church 3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne

Sunday Service - 10:30 am Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810

Houston Christian Reformed Church 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578

~ Everyone Welcome! ~

Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm

Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM AND 2:30 PM Pastor Hendrik Alkema (hendrik.alkema@canrc.org) Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston

New Beginnings Church Exploring the Hebrew roots of our Christian faith 2106 Butler Ave. (United Church Building)

Worship Service: Saturdays at 10:30 am Pastors’ Whelan Phone: 250 845-7516 Everyone Welcome


Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Houston Today


Real Estate

Financial Services

Business for Sale

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. www.pioneerwest.com

LIVE THE Dream. Harbours End Marine, 27 year history on beautiful Salt Spring Island, BC “the best place on earth!” Owner retiring, well-established business only $129,000 email: bjg_cormorant@shaw.ca

M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.


Legal Services A PARDON/WAIVER For work and/or travel? Guaranteed fast, affordable, criminal record real. Call for free consultation. Qualify today and save $250 (limited time offer). BBB accredited. 1-800-7361209, www.pardonsandwaivers.ca CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Pets & Livestock

Mobile Homes & Pads TWO BEDROOM mobile home for rent. Two baths, pellet stove/natural gas heat, very clean, no dogs, $600 per month. Located at Shady Rest Mobile Park. 1-250-845-2314

For Sale By Owner

For Sale By Owner



WELL KEPT 12X68 UPGRADED MOBILE HOME • Finished addition • extra roof for added protection and insulation • includes fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher, woodstove • front and back decks • storage shed • established gardens • quiet location. $37,000 #15 Silverthorne Mobile Home Park

Phone 250-845-2210 or Cell 250-845-9473

Auto Services

Auto Services

Modular Homes JUNE SPECIAL Brand New 16’ Wide Modular Homes. From $69,000.00 mark@eaglehomes.ca


Antiques / Classics

Equestrian HORSE FOR SALE 19 year old sorrel gelding, well trained, not a beginners horse. Used for penning at one time. $2500 obo. (250) 695-6972

AUTOBODY REPAIRS • ICBC Repairs • Frame Repairs • Body & Paint • Heavy Duty • Windshields

2340 Nadina Ave., Box 280, Houston Industrial Park Hours: 8 am - 5 pm (Monday to Friday)

Ph: 250-845-2280

See our website for more info...





Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery

HOUSTON - Where Safety is U

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

JANITORIAL/CUSTODIAL SERVICES Canfor – Houston is currently entertaining bids for contract services for the following: Janitorial/Custodial Services for the Canfor – Houston main of¿ce building located at 1397 Morice River Rd. Contractors are expected to supply their own equipment. Interested parties can contact Robbyn Emberley at 250-845-5215 to review the scope of duties prior to bidding. All bids must be submitted no later than July 15, 2012 to:

FOR SALE Track Skidsteer Cat 267B, 06 - 1680hr, A/C Cab, tracks 85%, Ser Cyc01081, Ex. condition. Peter. $34,000. (250) 845-2498 or (250) 845-7419

Canfor – Houston Attn: Robbyn Emberley Box 158 - 1397 Morice River Rd. Houston, BC V0J 1Z0

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? NEW 10 FT. Paddle Boat, 4 seater. Reg. $1,200 - Sale $895. New 8 ft. Paddle Boat, 2 seater. Reg. $1,100 - Sale $750. Canopy’s (for boats) Reg. $120 - Sale $90 each. (250) 845-2498 or (250) 8453255 -------------------------------------Camper brackets ‘front’. Fits Ford 08’ to 2010 $250. (250) 845-2498 or (250) 8453255 -------------------------------------ATV 700 Midwest 2008, Black. Reg. $7,500 - Sale $4,600. 3 month warranty. ATV 700 new 2011, red and black, 2 year warranty Astro. $6,800 (250) 845-2498 or (250) 8453255

Or faxed to: 250-845-5291 Attn: Robbyn Emberley

Legal Notices

Houston Forest Products A Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.

Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment 19 Cars - Domestic 1992 FORD Crown Victoria for sale. 136,000 km. $2,800. Call: 250-696-3278

STEEL BUILDING - Huge clearance sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca.

Houston Today 250-845-2890

Misc. Wanted COIN Collector looking to buy Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins. Bulk Silver coins, bills etc. Call Chad 250-863-3082 (Local)


Real Estate Acreage for Sale 235 Acres for sale, only 10 minutes from Vanderhoof. Great building site at 10 acre pond, fenced, 45 acres cleared. $248,000. obo (250)567-3193

Legal Notices

Quit. Before your time runs out.

Houston Forest Products has proposed an amendment to their Forest Stewardship Plan. The Tahtsa Forest Development Unit in the vicinity of Little Andrew Bay has been enlarged to accommodate future development and the measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Invasive Plants have been amended. The public is invited to view and provide written comments on this amendment. This amendment will be available for viewing at the following location from June 20, 2012 to August 20, 2012, during the office hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm: Houston Forest Products, Mile 2, Morice River Road, Houston, B.C. To ensure consideration, written comments must be received by August 20, 2012. For more information regarding this plan, to arrange a viewing, or to provide comments, please contact: Jaret van der Giessen, R.P.F. Planning Forester Houston Forest Products A Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. 1300 Morice River Road Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z1 Telephone: (250) 845-2322 Fax: (250) 845-5301

We’re on the net at www.bcclassified.com

Lending institutions will usually require you to make a down payment of at least 5% to 10% of the purchase price of the home. Lending institution policies may vary from time to time. However, as a general rule, you should make your cash down payment as large as possible. Your deposit for the real estate transaction may form part of your down payment.

YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! • Custom built 5 bedroom home on a huge lot in Ruiter Heights. • Oak cabinets in kitchen, garden doors off dining room to patio. • Laundry on main. Spacious rec room with pellet stove in basement. • 3 bathrooms, outside basement entry, single garage, fenced yard.



THE PERFECT FIRST INVESTMENT! • Cute 5 bedroom (3 up, 2 down) home located in the downtown area. • Many upgrades including flooring, paint, shingles and fence. • Attached workshop. Tastefully decorated. • Spacious family room in basement. Fenced yard, backyard access.




• Custom built 4 bedroom home on 160 acre parcel. • Adjacent to Irrigation Lake west of Houston. • Garage, 280 x 056 machine shed, 35 x 48 barn, workshop with lean-to. • New drilled well, outside wood furnace. • Fenced and cross fenced, electric stock waterer. • Spectacular Spot!




• Spacious, bright family home on a cul-de-sac close to schools. • Many recent renos including new flooring throughout main and fresh paint. • 3 bedrooms and an office on main floor. • Newly fenced yard, raised garden beds, alley access. • Detached garage. • Pellet stove in basement family room as well as 2 huge bedrooms. Workshop and cold room.



END THE SPACE RACE! • Well kept 4 bedroom home on just under 1 acre minutes from town. • Recent updates include new laminate flooring on main, new EPA approved woodstove in cozy family room. • Island in kitchen with newer cabinets, spacious living room.



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Houston Today

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad

Pioneers Courageous Battles

Serving the community of... Burns Lake

Athletes Achieving

Human Interest

Featuring the spirit of the local people Thanksgiving weekend in Nadina country One man’s journey, experiencing all the great outdoors has to offer in the local area Contributed

The solitude of forestland, miles of open spaces and autumn gold enriched colours amongst nature's beauty. What a better way to enjoy creations bounty than spending some time amongst it all? Nadina, the name is probably as old as time itself. But it's glory still stands for those who take the time to indulge in what it has to offer. Traveling up Colleymount Rd. one can see the tall Cottonwoods in full gold colour along the lake shore. The occasional bald eagle rests high, perched on tree tops waiting to catch their prize. Canada geese are present, but the deer and black bear are scarce today. A stop at Colleymount recreation site is always a must. The place is silent, except for a chattering squirrel and gentle waves lapping. The pebble beach feels like moss beneath your feet and the scrub brush are bright in colour. At the West end of Francois Lake and the Nadina River, scars from spring's high water are present.

The Nadina River comes into view along the road with it's willow banks and clear water. One kingfisher seems to be enjoying himself at a bridge crossing. Traveling now past the turn off to the Nadina River spawning channel. An old sawmill site, now only a memory. The entrance to Nadina Lake Lodge is always a welcome site after a long drive. Wendy and Brad Thompson, great hosts are always there to greet everyone. They are great people and know how to make visitors feel welcome. My cabin is the 12' Davis, equipped with a large wood cook stove, perfect for cooking a Thanksgiving dinner. Some of the other cabin names are Lucky Strike, Rainbow, Hillbilly, Lonesome Polecat, and Wild Bill's, of course this one is named after the late Bill Richmond. The first job was to build a fire, get unpacked, then go for a drive. Old Tahtsa Rd. is my goal. Grouse are in abundance and alder are slowly closing up the road. Surprisingly robins, flickers, warblers, finches, and sparrows are everywhere.

Submitted photo

Nadina Lake Lodge was the perfect destination for Thanksgiving. Twinkle Lake was my next stop. This site is surrounded with young pine and was once a base camp in the 1960s for the exploratory work done up on Berg mountain in the Sibolas. The meadows to the South are golden brown and low cloud is lingering. A small cross near the waters edge reveals the name Paul George Skender 1925 - 2006. I turned towards the Nadina River spawning channel, observing it from the top of the hill. All seemed quiet except for the workers over at the facilities. I walked down to the flowing channel over the steel bridge to the

outlet at the Nadina River. The salmon are gone now, their skeletons litter the banks. Speaking to the workers, this is the first day they haven't seen a grizzly bear. Apparently around 10 bears were here feeding on salmon after the spawn. The bears are smart, they don't like walking on the grated steel bridge deck so they sprawl their legs and walk the steel frame to get across. About 6,000 salmon were counted this year, a good recovery from the spawn four years ago of 1,200 salmon. Darkness is beginning to fall. One good thing

about this time of the year, you don't have to worry about refrigeration, the outdoor air does it for you. Day two and the previous night's wind has calmed, the skies are breaking and the sun is coming out. The Thompson's are busy today. Wendy is baking pumpkin pies for dinner. Brad is working on the propane fridge eventually getting it running. I placed the turkey in the wood cook stove oven. I had to get the stove good and hot to bring the oven temperature up to cook the bird. Took a walk on the trail over to the point

John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes 183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822

Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 E-mail: john.rustad.mla@leg.bc.ca Website: www.johnrustadmla.bc.ca

2500 Butler Avenue Houston Tel: 250-845-7770 Fax: 250-845-7780

on the southeast arm of the lake. In 1957 James Quilty operated a fuel depot on the present site of Nadina Lake Lodge. In the distance the Sibolas are fully covered in snow. The sun is low in the Southern sky. I discovered how fast a wood stove oven can lose it's heat when you are not paying attention. I needed to change the propane if Thanksgiving dinner was going to be saved. While in the cabin, it was brought to my attention of a cow moose swimming across the arm to the point where I had been earlier. The story was then told about July first when a cow and calf swam across this same area. Close behind a grizzly was in pursuit. As they swam to shoreline all the guests started yelling causing the bear to stop in the water on it's hind legs looking while the moose made their escape into the forest. Dinner is moving along quite well with mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, gravy and all the trimmings. Day three and daylight reveals a gentle snow falling outside the cabin window. The evergreen boughs are dusted lightly, but it

only lasted an hour. Time to pack up and clean both cabins before saying goodbye until next time. I traveled South on Nadina Main towards Tahtsa Reach. I'm now back on the old Tahtsa Rd. heading towards Sweeney. The road is narrow and winding in places. Sweeney, Rhine Craig, and the Tahtsa Range are covered in snow just below the timberline. But their peaks are lost in the clouds. West Sweeney recreation site is another beautiful area. Sweeney mountain stands directly above here. Sweeney is home to the historic Emerald Glacier Mine beginning in 1917 at the height of WWI producing mainly silver ore. Tahtsa Reach, the end of the road, usually wind swept but calm today. The Swing Peak Hotel or McNeil Cabin, is really showing it's age. The water at times laps against it's door opening. Old roads lead to many secluded campsites here. The lake shore is a driftwood hunters paradise and plenty of it. It's been a lovely weekend with the real world waiting outside.



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Your Pantry Fill Specialists

Houston Today



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6.59 per kg

Fresh Cherries





Rudolph’s Chorizo R Bratwurst B



C Corn rn on the Cob

110.34 per kg




/lb F R O Z E N S AV I N G S

Whole Pork Tenderloin

Western Family Blueberries

8.80 per kg






500 gram




Nugge Nugget Potatoes


or Assorted Varieties 1.5 kg

Deli World Light Rye Bread

3 for

110 for


Chapman’s Super Sandwich

Fanta Playpack k Variety Pack

or Super Cone 120 ml

Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee Fee 24x355 ml



Lindsay Large Ripe Olives

Old Dutch Restaurante Salsa

Old D Dutch t hR Restaurante t Tortillas

Western Family Shredded Cheese

6x398 ml

Assorted Varieties 400-430 ml

Assorted Varieties 300-320 gram

3 Varieties 1 kg


2 for


5 for



Western Family mily Drink rink Crystals

Tony Roma’s Barbecue Sauce

Olympic Plain Organic rganic Yogurt

Duncan Hines Premium Cake Mixes

Assorted Varieties 1.5 kg

Assorted Varieties 525 ml

1.75 kg

Assorted Varietiess 515-595 gram







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Assorted Varieties 1 litre



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