Castlegar News, June 21, 2012

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Thursday, June  • 

Vol. • Issue 

Breaking news at

Public displeasure with New crew at the helm of P.M. Bill C38 Rotary group See page A4 See Page A13 Rauni Naud

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Council balks at urban chicken plan CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Council briefs

Jo-Ann Bursey Mountainview Realty Ltd.




There were several heated exchanges at Monday’s Castlegar City Council meeting over the urban chicken debate. In the end, council voted 4-2 against permiting chickens within Castlegar city limits. Before the vote, there was another motion to table the decision on chickens until the city could have a public forum. That motion was tied at 3-3 which meant that it would not go forward. “We’re now going to have no public meeting on this issue after we said that we would,” said a heated councillor Deb McIntosh. “I think we’re really missing the boat on this. We talk about sustainability and all that. We talk the talk, we should walk the walk.” Councillor Kevin Chernoff was the strongest voice against the chickens. He said enough research was done and he didn’t think the residents

of Castlegar wanted chicken farming in the city. Councillor Chernoff received the brunt of Peter Wulowka’s angry diatribe during question period. Wulowka, who brought the urban chicken question to council in the first place, demanded Chernoff explain what he had against chickens. Also voting with McIntosh against the motion were councillors Gord Turner and Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff. “I believe we stated that we would have a public process for both sides of the coop to have their say,” said Heaton-Sherstobitoff after the meeting. “To me the staff report didn’t give the whole picture because we didn’t have that public process. I’ve had a lot of people come up to me and say, ‘we want to explore the possibility of having chickens.’ We didn’t do what we said. We said we’d have a public meeting and we didn’t.” Budget

Don Simpson of BDO Canada LLP gave a presentation at Monday’s council meeting about the city of Castlegar’s 2011 annual financial report. “Castlegar’s in great shape financially,” said Mayor Lawrence Chernoff after the meeting. “It’s really about management. The auditors clearly state that council is managing the money really well. Our staff is doing a really good job on allocating the funds. If you look at the financial statements it clearly states that we’re doing a good job and we’re keeping the city well apprised on how we’re doing things and how we’re spending our money.” Chernoff is proud of the fact that Castlegar has no long term debt. “We’re heading in the right direction,” he said. “We’re getting things done. We’re doing infrastructure projects which is great because you need to move ahead.” The mayor notes that the city is spending $3.5 million... Continued on P. 3

Former Castlegar resident granted legal right to die CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Gloria Taylor, a former Castlegar resident, can now legally ask for a physician-assisted suicide after a B.C. Supreme Court judge struck down parts of Canada’s law banning the practice. Taylor, who now lives in West Kel-

owna, suffers from ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is a debilitating and fatal neuro-degenerative disease. The 64-year-old Taylor was born and raised in Castlegar and has lived over half her life here. Her mother, Anne Fomenoff, still lives here.


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Continued on P. 3

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“She is my biggest supporter,” said Taylor. Taylor was one of several plaintiffs represented by the B.C. Civil Liberties Association (BCLA). “The court found that all their rights were infringed by the law,” said Grace Pestine, a lawyer for the BCLA.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News


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Heat helps out

July 14, 2012

Derek Sherbinin


Jo-Ann Bursey


Cpl. Gardner and Safety Bear were on hand for the Cops for Kids barbecue fundraiser at M&M Meats in Castlegar on Saturday. A total of $710.62 was raised. Submitted photo

Wayne Leggett


Kamele Davies


Bob Price


Lynnette Graham


When selling your home, exposure is extremely important. With window displays in our offices in Castlegar, Nelson, Nakusp and Kaslo, Century 21 Mountainview Realty can provide you with

Interior Health reminds you to guard against mosquito bites this summer. West Nile virus, spread from birds to humans through mosquito bites, has been present in B.C. since 2009. The virus (WNv) was first detected in B.C. in the South Okanagan during the summer of 2009. To date there have been three human cases acquired in our province - all in

the Okanagan. Several cases in IH residents also occur due to travel to nearby provinces or states with higher levels of WNv mosquito activity. “If you have been bitten by a mosquito, you do not have to be tested for WNv,” says Jennifer Jeyes, Communicable Disease Specialist with Interior Health. “Most people who become infected with the virus will have no symptoms or ill effects at all.”

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All former firefighters, firefighters from neighboring fire departments and community members and families are invited to join us for a celebration of our 30 years of providing Fire Protection and Auto Extrication services to our community.

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Richard Askew


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Chris Albert


Kelsey Ozeroff


Opening ceremonies will commence at 1:00 with some keynote speakers, firefighter introductions, followed by Fire Station tours and activities for the children. At approximately 2:30 we’ll be holding an auto extrication demonstration which will be very exciting for the entire family. Complimentary refreshment provided. Throughout the day we will also be holding a boot drive to raise funds for Muscular Dystrophy. Your donations will be greatly appreciated.

Heather Perdue


Saturday, June 23rd, 2012 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Barbie Wheaton


We look forward to a great turnout.

Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A3


Council grapples with heavy agenda at June 18 meeting Continued from P. 1

...on the water to the airport lands project. “At the end of the pipe, you have to remember there’s families, taxes, and buildings, and all those good things there. We know the economy’s tight but it’s still a good time to move on these things and get things done.” The Stats: Housing - Current number of households in Castlegar = 3,200; Average household size = 2.3 people; Homes owned = 2,405; Homes rented = 660; the majority of homes in Castlegar are single family (approx. 75 per cent), while the rest are a mix of multiple family houses, small apartments, and other types of homes. Land Use and Development - 60 per cent of residents responding to a poll feel the city should promote development by preservicing currently under-developed areas; More than 90 per cent of residents felt that diversification is necessary in the city’s permanent employment base. The financial assets for the city for 2011 are $14,765,375. The number is slightly lower than in 2010 ($15,598,727). Liabilities for 2011 are $6,519,760 versus $5,835,511 for 2010. The net financial assets for 2011 are $8,245,615, which is lower than in 2010 ($9,763,216). The accumulated surplus for Castlegar in 2011 is $73,970,351, slight-

ly more than 2010 ($73,469,865). City revenues for 2011 (actual) are $14,834,807, up from 2010 ($13,663,018). City expenses for 2011 (actual) are $14,334,322, up slightly from 2010 ($13,263,756). The tangible capital assets for Castlegar (as of Dec. 31, 2011) are $113,744,856. The largest assets are roads ($28,356,593) and sewer ($22,013,311). Embetsu Also on Monday, council members heard a presentation from the CastlegarEmbetsu Educational Exchange Committee which included group leaders Curt Kutschera, Yuri Kutschera, and Maria Burton, and student delegates Tori Apostoliuk, Dante EnewoldDeary, Kyra Gedig, Cody Sloot, and Kyle Stetsko-Kallin. The group will be heading from Castlegar to Japan on July 11 for two weeks. The first week, the group will be at Castlegar’s sister city of Embetsu. For the second week they will travel throughout Japan and visit places such as Sapporo, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Kyoto, and Kamakura. “I think it’s important for those kids,” said Mayor Chernoff. “When they get there and look outside it’s a shock. It doesn’t matter what you’ve read, when you go to a different country with a totally different cul-

als to the popular carrier.

said to council and those in attendance Monday that support among the West Kootenay communities for the WestJet proposal is very good, with the only dissenter being Trail. “I don’t think it’s non-support, it just wasn’t support,” he said. “From my point of view I don’t want to create something between Castlegar and Trail. We’re dealing with the West Kootenays, and Trail is part of the West Kootenays.”

Chernoff says that having WestJet come to Castlegar’s regional airport would be a boon to the entire region. “I’ve talked to numerous people in Trail that support WestJet (coming to Castlegar),” he said. “It’s reliability, costing, the idea is if you operate a business that’s what you’re looking for. We’re hearing from everywhere - Greenwood, Grand Forks, Midway, Kokanee Springs, Kaslo - people are interested. We’re getting ten letters a day. It’s a big economic tool. To me, it’s a huge opportunity for us to say to WestJet - ‘hey, we want you to come here for the many reasons.’ They have a great business plan; They have a great reputation. We hope we can be a part of it.” The mayor and John Malcolm, Castlegar chief administrative officer, will travel to Calgary to meet with WestJet officials on June 28. Castlegar is among 39 cities that will be making prpos-

what a horrible death that ALS is. So I definitely didn’t want to die like that. When I heard that Civil Liberties was doing a case that’s when I decided to come on board,” said Taylor in an interview Tuesday with the Castlegar News. The case has been tough on Taylor but she is glad she persevered.

“It’s not been easy, physically, mentally it’s a lot to think about, that’s for sure and to get my head around,” she said. When Taylor heard the decision, she was ecstatic. “I was really, really happy that I had won and that I, and hopefully down the road all Canadians, won’t have

to die with no dignity and we won’t have to die in extreme pain or agony of one kind or another,” she said. “Basically, it will be my call if and when I decide to go that route. I won’t know until I’m there. I live one day at a time. That’s all I can do. I might be able to make it out the duration. Who knows?”

Local students (from left) Cody Sloot, Tori Apostoliuk, Kyra Gedig, Kyle Kallin, and Dante Enewold (behind Kyle) were at Monday’s city council meeting. The five will be heading to Japan as part of the Embetsu sister city exchange. Craig Lindsay photo

ture it’s great. They’ll tour a little bit of Japan and the students will get a chance to see things they’ve never ever seen before in their lives.” The student exchange program between Castlegar and i Embetsu has been operating since 1998. Car charger At the recent FCM (Federal Municipalities of Canada) meeting, Mayor Chernoff entered a draw and won an electric car charging station for the city. “More people are going electric than ever - so we have the ability to step up,” he said. “It’s part of the city’s green program.” Chernoff said the city will look into a possible location and the costs in setting up the station. The Castlegar and District Library is one possible location. “It takes about

three or four hours to charge up a car,” said Chernoff. “So you could park it there and then go to the library and then check out the downtown core. The idea is to set things up along Highway 3. This company (Plug in BC) sees a lot of electric cars coming down the highway. The move to electric is huge in vehicles. It’ll really help tourism.” WestJet Mayor


Continued from P. 1

“Gloria was the only person seeking to have a constitutional injunction for an assisted death by a physician.” Taylor joined the lawsuit which was first filed in April of 2011. “I didn’t want to die a cruel and inhumane death. I know from the time of Sue Rodriguez


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City council awarded the contract for the Water Treatment Centre Upgrades and UV Retrofit project to the sum of $869,161 to Venture Mechanical Systems of Castlegar. Of the total cost of the project, $760,000 will come from a provincial grant the city received last year. Councillor Gord Turner noted that it’s great that the city will only have to pay $109,161 of the cost of the project. The project includes the installation of three UV reactors as well as a new chlorine injection system. In addition, a backup generator will be installed at the site and will be capable of running the facility should the power fail. The majority of the work for the project is expected to be completed in October and November.

Taylor wins landmark legal case

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Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News



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Bill C38 protest at MP’s office CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Around 25 protesters took to the sidewalk outside of MP Alex Atamanenko’s office in Castlegar on June 13 to protest Bill C-38. The House of Commons in Ottawa is currently voting on the government’s 425 page sweeping budget bill which includes more than 800 proposed opposition amendments. “Everybody here is a volunteer who has gone on the www. website,� said Traci Goertzen, one of the organizers. “We’re part of a Canada-wide movement with people gathering in front of their conservative MP’s offices and urging them to speak out.� “We’re here about the omnibus budget

Make Your Home Safe for Independent Living Are you a low-income senior or a person with a disability who wants to live safely and independently in the comfort of your home? Do you have difficulty performing day-to-day activities? Does your home need to be adapted to meet your changing needs? If so, you may be eligible for financial assistance under the Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program. Find out today if you are eligible and if you meet all of the requirements as a low-income homeowner or as a landlord applying on behalf of an eligible tenant.

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There were around two dozen protesters outside of MP Alex Atamanenko’s ofďŹ ce in Castlegar on Wednesday protesting Bill C-38. Craig Lindsay photo

bill - C-38, which in it’s original form had some 40 odd pages. It has some 400 plus pages of amendments which tear apart approximately 70 laws that would change environmental protection. “Protection of our water, nature, all our environmental overseers will be torn apart.� The protesters are also upset about the way the bill is being put through the House.

“It’s being put through by stealth - which means everything is passed in there and they’re trying to put it through as fast as possible without people knowing what’s really going on,� said Goertzen. “It will affect our social programs as well. It will affect unions and non-profit organization’s ability to speak and stand up. It is an attack on democracy.� Goertzen says they are (had been) hoping for 13 heroes to get

up and take a stand during voting which started Thursday (June 14). “We’re hoping for 13 Conservative heroes,� she said. “There are already NDP and Liberal MP’s that are against this. There are Conservative MP’s that have voiced their dislike for this. But what we need for them to do is stand up to (Prime Minister) Harper and either not show up to vote or stand up and say ‘No’.�

New program helps seniors, people with disabilities modify homes Would a new ramp, handrails or walk-in shower help you maintain your independence at home? BC Housing’s new Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program helps lowincome B.C. seniors and people with disabilities make home modiďŹ cations that will allow them to continue living at home. Through HAFI, homeowners and landlords with eligible tenants can apply for ďŹ nancial assistance of up to $20,000 for improvements that make their home more accessible and safe. The goal of the program is to enable people who have physical limitations to live at home longer. People’s physical needs change over time – sometimes, a small improvement to a home can make the difference between being able to live independently or not. Types of eligible projects include: ĂŁ +andrails in hallways or stairways, ĂŁ 5DPSV IRU HDVH RI DFFHVV ĂŁ (DV\ WR UHDFK ZRUN RU VWRUDJH areas in the kitchen, ĂŁ /HYHU KDQGOHV RQ GRRUV ĂŁ :DON LQ VKRZHUV ZLWK JUDE bars, and ĂŁ %DWKWXE JUDE EDUV DQG VHDWV The projects must be permanent and ďŹ xed to the home, although exceptions can be made for equipment that gives access to an existing part of the home (e.g. a bath lift). /DXQFKHG LQ -DQXDU\ +$),

The new Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI) program helps low-income B.C. seniors and people with disabilities make home modifications for safe, accessible and independent living.

is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia through the CanadaB.C. Affordable Housing Initiative. Through the HAFI SURJUDP million in grants or forgivable loans will be distributed to qualifying B.C. residents over the next three years. To qualify for assistance from HAFI, recipients must be a lowincome senior or person with a disability, a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and a B.C. resident. Someone in the household must have a permanent disability or loss of ability that makes it difďŹ cult to perform

day-to-day activities. As well, the total household income and assets must be below a certain limit. BC Housing can tell you the income and house value limits for your area when you apply. The program is open to both homeowners and those living in market rental accommodation where rents are at the low end of market levels; landlords must apply for improvements on behalf of eligible tenants. (OLJLELOLW\ UHTXLUHPHQWV DQ application guide and application forms are available at www.

Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A5

Education KAST AGM furnishes good report CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

The Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) held its annual general meeting on June 13 at Selkirk College in Castlegar. The AGM included a presentation from guest speaker Neil Muth, CEO of Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), as well as a “year in review” report on KAST from the organization’s executive director Kelvin Saldern. The KAST outfit is a community based, non-profit organization which works to foster a culture that values science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. “We’re an economic development organization,” said Saldern. “We have a niche role in the wide range of

economic activities that go on in the Kootenay and elsewhere. Our niche is in working in the science, technology and innovation arena. To do that we do two main things: We help people to start and grow technology and/or innovation businesses. The second thing we do is work with educators and recreational programmers and parents to get kids excited and passionate about technology.” The association has a 12 member board of directors and covers a wide range of the West Kootenay/Boundary region from Nakusp to Midway. There are several ongoing programs such as the Mentoring and Business Assistance Program (MBA) and Growing, Learning Opportu-


nities with Science (GLOWS). “With the KAST MBA program we provide coaching and mentor services to individual businesses,” said Saldern. “We work very closely with entrepreneurs and our business coaches work with them as they develop their businesses. We get mentors from all over the place – a lot from the lower mainland, some from the region, and some from the United States.” The mentors for the program are all experienced entrepreneurs who are willing to share their knowledge with young business people. “We also put on workshops and seminars,” said Saldern. “We have a big conference coming up in October - the Business and Innovation

Conference. We also have our KAST Innovation Awards coming up as well.” For the younger set, KAST offers GLOWS which is designed to inspire and stimulate interest in science and technology in West Kootenay/Boundary youth. “We have a whole range of programs under our GLOWS program including the annual Community Science Celebration which draws about 2,000 people,” said Saldern. “We have a raptors program where we bring in an organization that has wild birds. Hawks and falcons and things like that. So that’s pretty exciting.” KAST also hosts Quantum Leap, a science conference for young women in the West Kootenay/

July 14, 2012

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Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News



Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Garbage message has to continue One of the reasons people like living around here is the relatively close relationship we have with nature. That’s all fine as long as the nature we’re talking about consists of birds and fish and, maybe the odd marmot or mountain goat. But the magnificent animals that are not quite extinct continue to be a sad and dangerous problem. Bears and cougars are watching us every day. If they could, they’d probably be wondering how they can have it so good with the garbage buffet, but only until they get shot. The warnings in regard to bears and cougars are nothing new at this time of year in this part of the country. For some of us, those living where recent cougar sightings (right next door) have occurred, the warnings naturally take on a whole new level of urgency. Given the number of small children and lapdogs in the neighbourhood, the urgency only goes up. Since not all of us are well-armed, experienced survivalists, we can only do so much in the face of the threat from these familiar predators whose only crime amounts to looking for something to eat. What we can do is heed the well-delivered warnings and take care of the garbage around our homes before the COs have to kill more wild animals. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 Fax: 250-365-6390 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Fax (250) 365-6390

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

Grandview seniors moving forward I’ve been a visitor to homes in the Grandview Heights seniors subdivision several times, and I’ve been impressed with the way the homes are arranged on the landscape, some with generous views and others simply places to live and enjoy peace. I’ve also been impressed with the layout of the individual homes for those wanting to downsize—something many people getting older are considering. I recently visited the overseers of the project, the Grandview board of directors. I traveled to their sales office on the western edge of the property and wasn’t sure what to expect. When I entered the small building I felt, perhaps, I was entering the domain of the Inquisition. Grandview grand master, Elmer Verigin, however, soon set me at ease, and after a few smiles and pleasant introductions to the board members, I felt right at home. I don’t mean I want a home up there in Grandview Heights, and I’m far from needing the care centre they’d like to build, but the area, the homes, and the current planning are quite attractive. At present it is an excellent place to live and will get better when the next phase, the supportive living component, kicks in. On the day of my visit I was of secondary interest. Yes, I was heartily welcomed, but the board was clearly Craig Lindsay Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

awaiting the arrival of Hendrik Van Ryk, a revered figure in the board’s eyes, as he is the chief operations officer for H & H Total Care Services from the Lower Mainland. This company manages facilities, mostly for seniors, in a number of British Columbia cities including White Rock, Surrey, Kamloops, and Penticton. When the expected guest arrived, I knew I was in the presence of a white knight. As he stated, his company chooses the sites they manage on the basis of human considerations as much as for profits. They do make money, but they seem truly to be interested in service satisfaction. Co-operative ventures are the focus for their management group, and that fits with the Grandview Heights ideal. For the Grandview Heights board, Van Ryk outlined how his company manages the various facilities they’re involved in. Generally, they simply provide services such as hiring a manager and various workers. They look after meals, make sure housekeeping is done, and help those needing nursing care. In addition, they provide recreational services. His company, H & H Total Care Services, will take on the new supportive care activities as Grandview expands, and that will take the pressure off the volunteer board. Right now, the Chris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

Grandview Heights board has decided to move forward with building 62 supportive living units. To do so, they will pre-sell or get commitments for 31 of these units. Clearly, when that goal is reached, additional financing will follow. The entire project once was a dream, but as Grandview moves toward creating Chateau Grandview, it is closer and closer to the original goal. What they’ve done already is more than a lot of people thought possible, but what they’re undertaking now carries the dream forward. These seniors have a lot to be proud of. Units in the supportive living area are being marketed at $198,900 to $295,000 depending on the size and location that future residents prefer. The Grandview board already has about a dozen commitments and 20 more interested parties for the 31 units they want pre-sold before proceeding. They hope the rest of the prospective owners or investors can be signed up soon. That would enable construction to begin in late summer. Once the first phase of Chateau Grandview is built, then Hendrik Van Ryk gets to return and provide the services needed for supportive living. I believe it won’t be long before that happens.

Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A7


Many, many thanks To you all, we want to thank everyone who helped us through this last year and my treatment for prostate cancer. It’s been hard on all aspects of our life and all the help we’ve received has been gratefully appreciated by us both. Thanks to Peter and Noeline Brockley, Sue’s mom and dad for the use of their motorhome, including prepping it for the trip to Victoria for two months of radiation therapy and help financially for both gas and insurance for the motorhome. Also a great big thanks to Pete for all the yard and garden work he did while we were away so long. Thanks to Dennis, my brother, who came and looked after the house, Sue’s house plants and helped Pete with the mowing and other jobs around the yard. Thanks to Graham and Stacey Brockley, Sue’s brother and his wife, for help paying for our stay for two months at the Fort Victoria RV Park and also for the use of a car while we were there. Thanks also to Sue’s son Bob and Shari of the Maid Brigade for cleaning out the motorhome. Thanks to Carl Schwab and friends for organizing the fundraising to help pay for the trip to Victoria. Thanks to all those friends who donated to me directly, including Dennis Lowdermilk, Kelly and Leah

Rayne, Al and Julie Sanders, John and Tammy Green and Rick Logan. Thanks to Glade Pie Bingo Association, especially Leonna, Louella and Noni for their donation to help with financial shortfalls since we got back home. I also want to thank the West Kootenay Motorcycle Safety Association for their help both at Christmas, and again just before we left for the radiation treatment on Vancouver Island. Also to Glacier Honda, especially Ron, thanks for all the consideration and support you’ve shown to a new employee. I’m glad to be working for such an understanding company and am eager to return to work as soon as possible. Thanks also to the Canadian Cancer Society for approving us for support under their financial aid program. Thank you to Pennywise for helping us out with expert advice and an affordable rate so we could properly thank everyone. Also, a huge thank you to the Castlegar News for running this for us as a Letter to the Editor. We are absolutely thrilled that they were able to support us so much at this rough time in our lives. You’re a great asset to this community and we’re fortunate to have you here. Finally, to all of you mentioned here, and to anyone I may have missed, you need to know Sue and I are deeply grateful and thankful. This generosity you have shown us will never be forgotten, and how much you helped through

this has been a blessing. Thank you all, so very much. TJ (Terry) Hirons and Susan Starling, Glade

Get a grip on weeds On my way to work I walk along the section of Columbia Avenue from 16th to 23rd Streets. Walking enables me to have a close-up view of the landscaping of the homes and businesses on that stretch of road. Some of them do a great job of looking after their places and they are to be commended. But others are a mess. In particular, in the plaza where Shoppers Drug Mart, Andre’s and Mark’s Work Wearhouse are located, the weeds have totally taken over at the front and back of the property. Not one weed has been pulled there since they moved in. I presume these businesses make good money in our community. I know they do not own the property, but I’m sure they pay substantial rent to be there. Surely, as corporate citizens they have a responsibility to make sure they or the owners of the land look after it. Many people in our community work hard at keeping our streets free of clutter… and beautifying the public areas of our city. It is a shame and a disgrace that these businesses and others like them are not doing their part.

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I am directing this letter to the person driving the truck and trailer who ran over my cat on Wednesday evening, but it is also something that we all need to be aware of. I need for you to understand why we were so upset. You were traveling too fast as my son even got up to see what caused all the noise, probably when you hit my cat. I have a hard time believing that you did not see her being that she was a year old Siamese and they are mostly light coloured. To someone else she may have just been a cat, but to this senior she was not only a pet, but also a companion. One who made me laugh, and chased the loneliness away. And now I will no longer have that. There was no need for you to be going as fast as you were in a residential area. We have had cats for the last 15 years that we have lived here, and this was the first to be struck by a vehicle. And you were driving too fast, even when you were heading back along this road I could see that and I had to grab my cat off the road because I was scared that, even though she was dead, you would have hit her again. On top of all this when my son stopped you, you couldn’t even offer an apology. Plus had you been going slower there is a good chance she might have

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Pharmacists put auxiliary labels on prescription bottles to highlight something important about the drug within. At this time of year, you may see a label that says to avoid overexposure to the sun. It’s important to heed this warning. You can be more susceptible to sunburn due to the drug causing photo-sensitivity reactions. When you are choosing a sun screen product, look for the ones labeled broad spectrum and have a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. This will better protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Also remember to put enough lotion on the skin. To ensure you get the full benefit from your sunscreen, you need to apply at least 1 oz. Many people apply much less and the SPF rating of 15 can actually be much less. To allow the sunscreen ingredients to bind to the skin, apply at least 30 minutes before sun exposure. Many people take fish oil capsules daily for better heart health. They take them for their omega-3 fatty acid content. One of the side effects for some people is a fishy aftertaste. This can be avoided by storing the capsules in the freezer. It won’t affect their action but will eliminate that fishiness afterwards. Now more than ever, pharmacists can work with you and your doctor to make sure you’re as healthy as you can be. Talk to your pharmacist today.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News


Community Calendar

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:

Upcoming JUN. 22-24 - HAM RADIO FIELD DAYS - Pass Creek Fair Grounds

Friday June 22 setting up. Operating: 24 hours Sat. 11 a.m. to Sun.11 a.m. Operators contacting around the world.


a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Dazzling . . . thrilling . . . inspiring . . . something for everyone! Admission by donation to Castlegar & Area Food Bank. Brochures available locally or by email. Information: Nora Jukes: 250.365.6753 or Rose Cheveldave:


Mountain FM Classic Rock hosts the fourth annual golf tournament to benefit Castlegar Hospice at the Castlegar Golf Club. Enjoy 18 holes, a fabulous buffet dinner, silent and live auction, and entertainment with your hosts TJ and Heather. For information or to register contact Suzanne at 250-304-1266 or email JUN. 25 - SPECIAL OLYMPICS CASTLEGAR AGM - 7 p.m. at the

Castlegar Complex. There will be elections for the following positions: local co-ordinator, program co-ordinator, registrar, treasurer, fundraiser, volunteer co-ordinator, athlete liason, P.R. volunteer, equipment manager, birthday and thank you card committee, and event planner. JUN. 26 - CASTLEGAR’S 16TH ANNUAL ART WALK OPENING RECEPTION - From 7-9 p.m. at the

Castlegar Community Complex. Featuring entertainment and more. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. For more info call 250-365-8026.


at 1801 Connor’s Road, Castlegar (behind Dairy Queen). We are in an exciting stage this year with grants to do a much needed need and demand study. For more information contact Janet at 250-304-2075.

Jun. 27 - Concert in the Park will be evening of scottish music and dancing. Featuring the Trail Pipe Band and the Scottie’s School of Highland Dance. At Kinnaird Park starting at 7 p.m.. JUL. 1 - COME CELEBRATE CANADA DAY AT THE LEGION - Time Trip is

playing at the Castlegar Legion. Dance starts at 2 p.m. BBQ goes from 4-6 p.m. Burgers/Hotdogs with salad $5. Free cake. Everyone welcome (No Minors). JUL. 7 - BEN WIXON, DROP IN TO SKATEBOARDING CO-FOUNDER, WILL TEACH A BEGINNER SKATEBOARDER COACHING ACCREDITATION WORKSHOP - at the Castle-

gar Skatepark. For a fee of $20 participants will learn sound strategies and lesson plans for integrating safe skateboarding programs in a variety of public setting including schools, recreation programs and public skateparks. This workshop is open to all Kootenay residents and is made possible by Kootenay Family Places Summer at the Skatepark Program, Castlegar and District Recreation Centre and Columbia Basin Trust. For more information please contact Ty Smith by email at or visit the facebook event page. Spaces are limited so please confirm you spot as soon as possible. JUL. 14 - KOOTENAY FESTIVAL -

Featuring live music, dance, performances and cuisine from the diverse cultures represented in the Kootenay region. Be a part of this exciting cultural event! Go to for further details.


Creek Fairgrounds. Featuring musicians from all over Western Canada and the Northern United States. A fun family weekend with live music, great food, and camping on site. For more details google Castlegar Bluegrass Jamboree 2012 or go to


your kids ready to have a blast? Then they won’t want to miss a nanosecond of VBS. Kids will

experience a galactic adventure like no other as they enjoy songs, crafts, games, goodies and dramas. They’ll also have a close encounter with God’s Word. It takes place at Castlegar Baptist Church - 419 7th Ave. 9 a.m. – Noon /Children Grades K – 6 No charge – register at www. or 250-365-7373

gional picnic Trail, 28th Steelworks picnic Birchbank. Also: Missing - one grey resin card table. Please return to skenior’s lounge.


p.m. at Kinnaird Park in Castlegar. By donation. For info call Darlene 250-365-2155 or email

12 people. First come, first serve. Put on by the Sons of Norway. Application must be submitted by Jun. 30. For info call 250365-1017.



June 25 to September 3, Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free Drop In Skateboarding Coaching. Free Helmet and Skateboards available. ***waiver needs to be signed by parent or guardian. ONGOING: ROBSON AND BLUEBERRY STRONGSTART CENTRES are

free early learning programs for parents/caregivers with young children. Join us for snack, art, stories, gym time, and music. Robson StrongStart - Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m., Thurs 12:30-3:30 p.m. Blueberry StrongStart - Mon, Wed, Thurs, & Fri 8:30-11:30 a.m. and Tues 12:00-3 p.m. For more info call Alana at 304-6862 or 365-7201. A partnership between Robson Community School, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy and Blueberry Creek Community School.


Monday - 10:00 am Darts, 1 p.m. Whist, Tuesday - 9:30 a.m. Floor Curling/Carpet Bowling, 1 p.m. Crafts, 7 p.m. Pool, Wednesday - 9:30 a.m. Floor Curling, 1 p.m. on 6th ONLY, Bingo, 7 p.m. Rummoli, 10 a.m. 20th Raspberry Reunion, Thursday - 9:30 a.m. Floor Curling, 7th 2 p.m. General Meeting, 1 p.m. Bingo just not on the 6th, Friday - 1 p.m. Bridge/Crib, 20th Sr Re-

ffor You & Your Family


- For more information please call 250-365-2839.



raising money to purchase three Space Lab cardiac monitors, Life Pak 15 crash cart monitors/ defibrillators, and CADD Prism pump. call 250-304-1209 or mail cheque to 709 10th Street, Castlegar, BC V1N 2H7 to donate. ONGOING: CASTLEGAR GARDEN CLUB SUMMER MEETING SCHEDULE - Third Wednesday of every

month, 6 p.m. at local gardens. For a change of pace, relax over potluck appetizers in a garden setting sharing garden lore. New members always welcome. Information: Rose Cheveldave: 250-365-9600 or ONGOING: CHRONIC PAIN SELFMANAGEMENT WORKSHOPS -

Goes for six mondays starting on July 9 and ending August 13. Goes from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Castlegar and District Community Service Society, 1007 2 Street, Castlegar. To register Call or email us at toll free 1-866-902-3767 or selfmgmt@ ONGOING: TOASTMASTERS MEETINGS - The local Toastmasters

club, the Sentinel Speakers, meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fireside Inn Castlegar on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Learn speaking skills, gain confidence and have some fun. Guests warmly welcomed. For more information please call Diane Cushing at 250-3658336.


6:15-8 p.m. at Twin Rivers Elementary for Sept. 12 to May/ June. Male or Female, ages eight years and up. Registration at any meeting. Call senior sensei John Gibson 250-5763 or sensei James Welychko, 250-365-4920. ONGOING: AL-ANON MEETS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AL-ANON is for

people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Meeting every Monday 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 2224 6th Ave. (Kootenay Society for Community Living building.) For more information call Donna 3653168 or Eileen 365-3674. ONGOING: CONVERSATION CLUB.

Mondays 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. If Canada is your new home, come and meet others who have immigrated to Canada and spend time chatting and learning. At Kootenay Family Place (behind Chopsticks).


meets at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of each month (September to June) at Stanley Humphries Secondary School in Castlegar. New Members are welcome. For further information, contact Grace DeBiasio at 250-3641426 or Ingeborg Leavell at 250367-0076.


Every Tuesday at 12 p.m. at the Cadet Hall on 8th Avenue. No charge.


at 10 a.m. (phone Mike at 3658302), Tues. at 7 p.m. (phone Dennis at 365-2738), Thurs. at 8 p.m. (phone Jim at 365-6216) and Sat. at 8 p.m. (phone Leonard at 365-7805.)


Canadian Legion, 248 Columbia Ave. First draw starts 4 p.m. Free pool. Bring your friends and have an afternoon of fun. ONGOING: USCC CULTURAL INTERPRETIVE SOCIETY meets every

Monday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Doukhobor Arts and Crafts Centre, 820 Markova Rd., beside the Brilliant Cultural Centre.

Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A9

Community Please slow down

Continued from P. 7

...made it as she was almost across the road. I don’t think there is anything in life that is that urgent, unless you are sick and going to the hospital, that requires people to always be in a hurry. You just never know what heartache that you might cause a person/family. And sadly, I doubt that I will ever be able to have another cat as I would now be afraid of this happening again. This has been so difficult that I don’t think I could handle it, adding to the fact that she was a gift from family as being on a pension I am not able to afford the spaying etc.

Books for babies Pictured above, from left: Susi Thomas, chair of the Castlegar Early Childhood Advisory Council, Alana Murdoch, Community Literacy Coordinator, CBAL, with baby Lyra Thomas (recipient of the book bag), Helen Moore, vice-chair of The Friends of the Library, Heather Maisel, director, of the Castlegar & District Public Library and Darlene Kalawsky, chair of The Friends of the Library. We are very grateful for the generous contributions from the Friends of the Library for $750 and to the Castlegar Early Childhood Advisory Council for $500. With these donations we are able to continue this program for another year. Together we have made it possible so every new baby will receive a book bag. Each bag contains a board book, a Lullaby and Rhymes CD, a booklet “Babies Love Books, a Guide for Grownups,” information on the library and other literacy programs for families, and gifts from community schools and other organizations in the community.” Submitted photo

Diane Cowlin, Castlegar

Doukhobor Village Bistro needs operator(s) JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

Castlegar’s Doukhobor connection is lengthy and strong, and the Doukhobor Discovery Centre is a consistently strong draw for visitors to the area. One facet of the complex that is not up and running is the Village Bistro, and Netta Zeberoff, curator/administration would like that to change ASAP. To say there’s a demand for authentic Doukhobor cuisine at the Village would be an understatement. It’s a no-brainer that a

A well-equipped facility is ready. Call Netta Zeberoff at 250-365-5327 if interested. Jim Sinclair photo

dining option would go over big with folks on their way in or out of the museum. Zeberoff says the bistro has been in very good hands up

till now, and if there was a way the team who had run the eatery as recently as last year could continue, it would do so with her total support. But

a combination of unforseen challenges has sidetracked the crew and it appears other options must be explored. She said the bistro

grossed about $180k last season from May to October, so it’s a bona fide prospect for someone willing to work. The curator says interest in taking on the business has been expressed, but not necessarily from someone with the right blend of experience, initiative, and expertise with Russian cuisine. That entrepreneur is likely out there, just waiting to find out about this window of opportunity. If it happens to be you, check out, or phone 250-365-5327.



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Feature Artists: • Barney Bentall • Valdy • The Kimberlites • The Henry Smalls Band • Darren Johnson

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Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News

A10 • Ecosystems of the West Kootenays

June 23

• Pallium: Learning Essential Approached to

June 23 & 24

Palliative and End of Life Care • Applied Leadership Citation Program: Module 5:

It’s time to place your ad!

June 27 & 28

Coaching for Performance • Early Pregnancy


New executive for Hospital Foundation

June 27

• Golf Camp


July 9-13

• Safe Schools and Communities: Restoring the

July 9

Relational Basis Between Health and Well-Being • Summer Institute: Restorative Justice and Education • Occupational First Aid Level 1

July 9-13 July 14

• Fiddle Camp

July 16-20

• Prenatal

July 18

• Prenatal Refresher

July 25

• Breastfeeding

August 8

• Occupational First Aid Level 3

August 20-31

250.365.6397 June 23rd, 2012


usiness Awards 2012 presented by

Award Categories

The Annual General Meeting of the Castlegar and District Hospital Foundation was held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15 in the Education Room at Talarico Place. Outgoing President, Nettie Stupnikoff welcomed guests and directors to the AGM. She thanked all the Directors for their support during the year. The biggest event is “Light Up the Hospital” which is held annually on the first Friday of December which during that time we raise money for medical equipment needed at the

Pictured above, from left: Secretary – Beverley Chernoff, President – Dan Salekin, Treasurer – Nettie Stupnikoff, and Vice President – Margaret Salmon. Submitted photo

Castlegar & District Community Health Centre and/or Talarico Place. EZ Rock sponsors this event. The Foundation continues to raise money for two Space

Lab Cardiac Monitors and one Life Pak 15 Crash Cart Monitor/ Defibrillator. The Castlegar & District Hospital Auxiliary has pledged to purchase one Space

Lab Cardiac Monitor and one CADD prism pump. Thank you to all the donors who support our fund raising events. The Foundation was sponsored by Mountain FM in March during Expo at Selkirk College. This was good exposure and information session for the community and for the Foundation. Nettie thanked John Voykin for his many years of service to the Foundation. We appreciate his continued input and his guidance. Thank you to the support staff Bonny Verigin, Secretarial and Sherley Gorkoff, Finances.

The Green Award

The Green Award Business

Person of the Year

Business Person Business of the Year

Excellence Business Excellence

Business Excellence

Business Customer Excellence Service



Professional Service services excellence Award

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$45 per person | Table ofYoung 8 $350 Entrepreneur June 23rd, 2012 At the Fireside Inn Award Cocktails, Dinner Awards Starts at 6:00pm

Chamber awards more impartial than ever The Castlegar Chamber of Commerce annual awards banquet is set for Saturday, June 23 at the Fireside Inn. This year a good deal of effort and organization has been devoted to making the process as straightforward and impartial as possible. “We’ve revamped the whole business awards and the process of the system,” related Chamber Executive Director Pam McLeod on June 11. “We’ve established three different committees. The goal was to show that we were being more credible, and taking the feedback we’ve received in the past and applying that.” File photo


Celebration of Business Excellence Visit or Call 250-365-6313

July 14, 2012

Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A11


Service club salutes pioneers JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

A 50th anniversary is a big deal no matter who, or what is hitting the half-century mark. Saturday June 16 marked 50 years in which the Castlegar Knights of Columbus has been active. From their home in Victoria, The Knights of Columbus State Deputy for BC and Yukon, Wil Wilmot and his wife Val were in attendance. Along with a list of club-related procedures held over the weekend, the honouring of a group of charter members was a focal point of the occasion. Suitable respects were paid to Walter Fields who had celebrated his 91st birthday the day before. Also in line for charter kudos were Dick Paul, Herman Kemperman, and Herb Teindl who was unable to attend. Similar tributes were accepted by Lucy McBain and Ernesta Graziotto on behalf of their deceased spouses. A lot happens in 50 years and for Walter Fields it wasn’t easy to come up with a list of hightlights from the past five decades. “I was always ac-

Pictured above from left, Kerry Saari, Lucy McBain, Ernesta Graziotto and Walter Fields. Pictured below from left, Tilley and Herman Kemperman, Andrea McInnes and her father Dick Paul. See more photos from this event under the “Community” tab on our website at

Castlegar Realty Ltd Charity BBQ and Car Wash Come out and enjoy a hot dog & drink while your car is washed!

June 23 - 11am to 3pm at our office location

1761 Columbia Avenue • Castlegar, BC

Donations will be made to the Community Harvest Food Bank

tive,” said the birthday boy on June 15. “Not so much now. I’m not bed-ridden but I’ve slowed down. The biggest history was... I got baptized and married in the Catholic faith. Our wedding day was the second of June, 1947.” Over the years the Knights have been very active. As explained in supplied literature, “Since

the start of our parish, our church was moved from its location on Front Street to its present location on 7th Avenue. The Knights assisted with the building of the new church, both with labour and financial support.” Spokesperson and 4th Degree Knight Bill Jankola says the highlights have been many over the years,

but there are some that stand out – such as the group taking on the responsibility of orchestrating the annual Citizen of the Year Award and pickup hockey for families. Mr. Jankola says the group is also very supportive of youth, including its involvement by way of a scholarship at Stanley Humphries Secondary School. Now available in an easy to read downloadable and printable format. Just go to our home page & Click on our green eEdition icon at the top of our web page!

click here e for all eEditions itions ns

click here for all eEditions

Pleased to pedal Zellstoff Celgar employees participated in Bike To Work BC Week that was held May 28 to June 3. Employees biked a total of 2074 km and Zellstoff Celgar pledged dollars for each km biked. Employees have purchased an elliptical trainer with the funds that they will donate to the Outdoor Fitness Park under construction at the Millenium Park in Castlegar. Submitted photo

Catch atch us online, anytime.

Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News


NEW MENU is here! Our

Come in and try some great new food.


Twin Rivers 360 group calls it a season JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

“Duck In Waddle Out”

4370B Minto Rd. Castlegar, BC


There’s a location in Castlegar where the folks who come around can find an accepting, mostly informal environment, somewhere they can feel at ease. It’s a portable at Twin Rivers Elementary, and stopping by on June 15 gave a visitor a chance to look in on a scene that looked

a lot like home.The group of a dozen or so young people was enjoying a bit of a wind up at the end of the school year. There was pizza and juice and the kids were chowing down ahead of heading out to burn it off on the ball diamond. Three of them: Paula Reitan, Brayden Campbell and Adam Fasthuber took a moment to have a word “360” group, above, ready to play ball. Below, from left, Paula Reitan, Brayden Campbell and Adam Fasthuber. Jim Sinclair photos



CLASSIC ROCK CLASSIC 18 holes buffet dinner shotgun start at 1pm


SUNDAY, JUNE 24 CASTLEGAR GOLF CLUB silent and live auction register now: 250-304-1266

about 360 between courses. “I’ve been in the 360 program since grade 5,” said the grade 7 Paula. “I’ve been with them for a long time so it’s like an extended family… it’s pretty neat. We all get along, well, not always, but still, it’s a pretty cool thing.” Paula’s looking forward to taking part in a mentor program when she’s in high school. “We can come back and mentor the kids in 360, and I’m going to try and do that next year.” “I go pretty much every day of the week,” said Adam. We get to come here after school and hang out. We get to play games… a bit of music… it helps teach us leadership skills, that kind of thing.” With a couple of amps, guitar, bass and a set of drums in the portable it’s obvious where a good deal of the creative energy of the 360 group is directed, and the musical component is valued by Brayden who is also a devoted

mountain biker. “It’s improved me a lot with drumming,” said the player who’s been at it for about four years. “Now I’m way better.” Mentor/supervisor Kyle Burk is clearly well-suited to his role, and, just as clearly, liked and respected by the kids. “He’s nice,” said Brayden of Burk. “He likes to involve everyone. He doesn’t let anyone feel put down, and he helps them with their problems.” A few comments from Kyle Burk set the stage for a visitor’s departure and some ball being played on a beautiful mid-June afternoon. “It’s been running for five years,” Burk explained, “and the idea behind 360 is

that we’re developing well-rounded young people. We want to be able to encourage all types of kids, whether you be interested in sports, academics, arts… it’s a place to come and share those ideas.” A strong emphasis is also placed on volunteerism and community involvement, related Burk. “We want them to feel that it’s not school, it’s not home, it’s a place where they can be themselves. We still have a prime directive to encourage respectful behavior.” Kyle Burk concluded: “Ultimately they feel comfortable to be here and want to come, and they feel they’re going to come away from it with something.”

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Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A13

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P.M. Rotary Club installs new executive SUBMITTED

On Tuesday, June 19, the Castlegar P.M. Rotary Club installed their new executive for the 2012 – 2013 year. Outgoing President Dale Donald-

son was presented with a certificate of thanks for his hard work and dedication over the past year. New President Lorraine Hartson also recognized Bill and Irene Fury for their 25 years of work with

the Youth Exchange Program. Newly installed president Lorraine Hartson outlined the Club’s goals for the year. The Club has already committed $5,000 towards the

purchase of the digital mammography machine at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, and will continue with the purchase and installation of the outdoor exercise equipment at Millennium

Park. As well, Club members are looking at a new project for the community for the spring of 2013, and will also be investigating opportunities to contribute to Rotary’s International programs.



Business Administration Open House THURSDAY, JULY 5, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CASTLEGAR CAMPUS

Business Careers start here! Earn your Business Administration diploma in less than two years. Major in areas such as Accounting and Finance or Professional Management, and gain real world experience through our Co-Op education program. Attend our FREE Business Open House on July 5th to learn more about this program and what professional careers it can lead to.

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From left to right: Wayne Groutage (New Member Chair), Jo-Ann Bursey (Secretary), Mary Anne Coules (PR Chair), Lorraine Hartson (President), Ron Armbruster (Treasurer), Tim O’Doherty (Director), Kere Macgregor (Director), Chris MacPherson (Vice President) and Carmen Guido (Director). Missing is Kim Morris (Director). For more photos from this occasion please visit the “Community” tab at Submitted photo


Pay just and play Redstone Golf Resort for the rest of the season Starting July 1st.

Junior achievers Pre-school graduates from Blueberry Creek Community School’s Play to Learn program celebrate with a performance on Tuesday at the school in front of parents, grandparents, and siblings. Craig Lindsay photo

This is a great deal. As a member of Redstone you will receive proshop discounts, reciprocal discounts at other clubs in Canada and the US. Your Initiation fee will be deferred until 2013. That’s right we’ll defer initiation fees so that you can try out the course. Want a cart? We have a half season cart pass too! Just ask when you sign up to be a member.

Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News



Speed networking

Charlotte Ferreux, Thrive Consulting; Carla Marshall, Marshall and Associates; Marni Beninger, Mountain Water Spa and Wellness; and Christina Nolan, BMO, take part in speed networking at the West Kootenay Women in Business luncheon on June 14. Craig Lindsay photo

Grand gift given On June 12, five of the 14 gardeners from Grandview Neighbourhood Garden met at the garden site with Larry Bomak, operations manager of the Heritage Credit Union, to receive a $1,000.00 grant from the Heritage Credit Union Community and Environmental Fund. The money will be put toward fencing the garden to keep out deer and elk. Grandview Neighbourhood Garden, located on Kootenay Columbia Seniors Housing Cooperative land, is open to all gardeners in Castlegar and surrounding area. Gardeners coming together to grow fresh produce also “grow” a sense of community and cooperation by sharing experiences and tasks. Submitted photo

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Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A15

Arts & Culture Announcing something well worth the walk

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Community Charter, Castlegar City Council will receive the City’s 2011 Annual Report, including Audited Financial Statements, at the Regular Meeting of Council to be held Monday June 18, 2012 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, 445 13 th Avenue, Suite 101, Castlegar, British Columbia.

CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Castlegar’s Art Walk is ready to take the city by storm for the 16th straight year. The annual event features local art work displayed in local businesses from June 26 until Sept. 16. Art Walk kicks off with an exhibit/social on June 26 from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. at the Castlegar Community Complex. “We’re getting ready to have our opening celebration for Art Walk,” said organizer Jacquie Hamilton. “There’s no charge. It’s open to the public. Each artist brings one piece of work, so it’s an opening exhibit with 27 pieces we hope. There’s a little light entertainment and some non-alcoholic refreshments. Everybody has a good gabfest and we celebrate Art Walk.” This year’s Art Walk will feature 27 artists in 25 venues throughout the region. “It’s a collaboration between artists or groups of artists and businesses through-

City of Castlegar

Annual Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2011

The annual report is available for inspection at City Hall and on the City’s website at City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1G7 Email: (250) 365-7227 Fax (250) 365-4810


JUNE Jun. 21st -Joaquin Wolf, Kevin McAlister, Sweet P & Perching Crow June 22nd - Snak the Ripper, Evil This year’s Art Walk Opening Gala (as last year’s, pictured above) will be held at the Castlegar Community Complex. This year on June 26. File photo

out the community,” said Hamilton. “What the Arts Council does is invite the artist to be part of Art Walk and then goes and finds businesses that are willing to host the art for the summer.” One of the businesses hosting Castlegar Art Walk is our own Castlegar News office, which will be

featuring art from Louise Kipstead from Trail. “This is her first year in Art Walk,” said Hamilton. “She’s got maybe four or five paintings so she applied to come in. We have artists all over town from West’s Fashions downtown, to the Castlegar Sculpture Walk office,

that’s a neat office, the Castlegar & District Library, Mother Natures, and many more. Some of these businesses like Oglow’s Paints have been venues for 16 years. So the support we get is just fantastic.” The artists and the businesses pay a small amount to participate, which covers the cost

of the brochures that lead people around and the door signs. “It’s a way of getting tourists and locals around town and into different stores,” said Hamilton. In addition to the many great paintings, there are also sculptures, hand-woven fabric, jewelry, and photographs.

City of


Ebenezer, Caspian & Craver June 23rd - Five Alarm Funk w/ Cass Rhapsody

June 28th - Evade Beats Free Show June 29th - DJ Premier w/ Freddy Foxx with DJ Bryx

Jun. 30th - House Revolution w/Craig Mullin & Justin Pleasure



Sports Reporter Craig Lindsay wants to hear about your sporting event. Call Craig at 250-3656397 or email reporter@

Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News

Wave of medals for Aquanauts at Trail meet The Castlegar Aquanauts had a large contingent of swimmers take part in the Trail Stingrays Swim Meet this past weekend. “It was our biggest turnout so far this season,” said coach Mitchell Bourne. “We had over 50 competitors in the pool this weekend in Trail. Swimmers picked their four events, swam them in the morning and if they got to the top eight for their age group, raced again in the afternoon finals. In the finals, swimmers earned points for their teams,

which also went towards individual point totals for aggregate awards.” The Aquanauts had some strong individual results which resulted in the team getting 14 medals, doubling their count from Nelson. The medal winners were: Bronze: Carson Ogloff (Div 1), Cayden Cooke (Div 2), Sierra Buchanan (Div 4), Troy Negreiff (Div 5), Ashlee Martini (Div 6) & Milena Gramann (Div 7) Silver: Claire Cartwright (Div 1), Ethan Lawczynski & Bryce Anderson (Div 1), Noah Larocque (Div 3), Rachael teBulte (Div 6) & Mitchell

wichan Valley Capitals, scoring seven goals and adding six assists in 41 games. He made a number of stops as a 20-year old, beginning with the BCHL’s Alberni Valley Bulldogs and Langley Rivermen. He also saw time in the NAHL and OJHL,

notching four points in 21 games with the Dawson Creek Rage and Wellington Dukes. The 5-foot-11 winger was also a standout in the PIJHL, combining for 29 goals and 49 points in 52 games with the North Delta Devils and Richmond

CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Castlegar Aquanaut swimmers Seraphina Welychko (middle - gold) and Ashlee Martini (bronze) were part of a clean sweep for the club in the Division 6 girls category. Not pictured is silver winner Rachael teBulte. Submitted photos

Bourne (Div 8) Gold: Seraphina Welychko (Div 6) & Genevieve Jin (Div 8). Bryce Anderson broke another record in 50m breaststroke with a time of 48.92, 3.10 seconds faster than the record from 1993. Team Points: Creston Wave - 72 Colville Sharks 203 Nelson Neptunes - 248 Kimberley Seahorses - 251 Grand Forks Piranhas - 380 Castlegar Aquanauts - 624.5 Trail Stingrays 933.5

Corbin Anderson of the Castlegar Aquanauts receives a ribbon at the Trail swim meet for setting a new meet record.

The ‘Nauts are off to Creston this weekend for another meet.

The team hosts their home meet on July 14 and 15.

Speedy sniper Saretsky signs with Selkirk Saints SUBMITTED

The Selkirk College Saints Men’s Hockey program is pleased to announce a commitment from forward Stephen Saretsky (Richmond, B.C.) to attend Selkirk College and compete for the

Saints beginning in the 2012/13 B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League season. Saretsky joins the Saints following a pair of seasons playing Junior A hockey in B.C. and Ontario. He made his British Columbia Hockey League debut in 2010 with the Co-

Bocce takes centre stage at Selkirk JIM SINCLAIR Castlegar News Editor

Castlegar bocce players, from left, Brett, Frankie, Mike B., Mike C., Fred, Terry and manager Deb. Jim Sinclair photo

A day of Special Olympics qualifying bocce was played at Selkirk College in Castlegar on Saturday. The Trail four member team of Paula, Maria, Sherry and Stuart came out on top. The two-person team: the Castlegar-2 pairing of Mike and Frankie Cook. In singles, it was Charmaine of Nelson taking the honours. Information needed to be sent out of town for rankings and placings for further competition to be determined.

Former Junior A winger Stephen Saretsky will be suiting up for Selkirk College next season. Submitted photo

Sockeyes in 2009 and 2010. “Stephen has great skating ability and a high skill level that will translate into good offensive production at the college level,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois. “One of our goals in recruiting has been to improve our offensive depth and adding a player of Stephen’s calibre and experience certainly helps to accomplish that. I’m very pleased that he’s chosen to

take the next steps in his education and hockey career here at Selkirk College.” Saretsky joins a trio of incoming forwards who have spent considerable time at the Junior A level. His addition, combined with those of Logan Proulx, Thomas Hardy and Jackson Garrett, brings 348 games of BCHL experience to the Saints line-up. “I believe I have a good opportunity to further my hockey

and educational goals at Selkirk College and look forward to being a part of a very competitive team,” says Saretsky. “I bring lots of speed and a quick shot so I’m hoping I can score some goals and work hard to be the most complete player I can be. I look forward to commencing my post secondary education and helping the Saints to a BCIHL championship.”

Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A17


Big Horns win big in Creston

City of Castlegar 460 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 2L5 Phone: 250.365.7227 Fax: 250.365.4810


The Kootenay South Youth Soccer Association U14 Boys Select Soccer Team, the ‘Big Horns” has just returned from Kootenay/Columbia Playdown Competition in Creston June 9,10. The U14 team lost out last year in a shootout with Nelson, who went on to come second overall in the Provincials of 2011. This year the Big Horns returned, dominating the competition, beating out the nemesis team Nelson 5-2. Cranbrook was the second team to be conquered by The Big Horns 4-1. Creston


Your City of Castlegar 2012 Property Tax notice has now been mailed. If you have not received your Property Tax notice or have recently purchased your property and have not received a Property Tax notice, please contact City Hall at (250) 365-7227. Taxes are due 4:30 pm, July 3, 2012. In order to avoid the 10% penalty we must receive payment and your completed Home Owner Grant by this deadline. THE POSTAGE DATE STAMP IS NOT CONSIDERED AS DATE RECEIVED. You can pay using Internet, telephone or ATM banking – Please ensure your 8 digit eg: 201 01234567 account number appears in your payment information – do not include the 201 or the decimal. If paying in person, we accept cash, cheque or debit at City Hall, 8:30am to 4:30pm. CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT ACCEPTED.

RAIN BARREL & COMPOSTER PKG SWEEPSTAKES Claim your Home Owner Grant On-Line at or pay your property taxes through on-line banking, ATM or telephone banking and be automatically entered for a chance to win either a rain barrel or an outside and kitchen size composter package. Draw date is July 15, 2012.

Pictured from left, backrow: asstistant coaches Ken Nutini, Ray Earthy. Mathew Liszt, Sawyer Murdoch, Matt Alderson, Bryden Tache, Dennis Grinblats, Mike Moon, Eli Voykin, Devon Dunkley, Manager Dominic Isernia, Coach Neil Moon. Kneeling: Sean Hogarth, Kevin Nutini, Jordan Kniert, Ross Armour, Max Nutini, Blake Sidoni, Kadrian Klimchuk. Lying Down: Mike Isernia, Missing: Malcolm Macleod. Submitted photo

was crushed with a win by the Big Horns 3-0. Winning this competition has given

the team an opportunity to represent the Columbia/Kooteney region at the BC Soc-

Hulking blueliner Hildebrand joins Saints SUBMITTED

The Selkirk College Saints Men’s Hockey program is pleased to announce a commitment from defenceman Lucas Hildebrand (Vancouver, B.C.) to attend Selkirk College and compete for the Saints beginning in the 2012/13 B.C. Intercollegiate Hockey League season. Hildebrand joins the Saints following three seasons in the

Kootenay International Junior Hockey League, which he split between the Grand Forks Border Bruins and the Revelstoke Grizzlies. He was Revelstoke’s highest scoring defenceman during the 2011/12 season with seven goals and 30 assists in 49 games, helping the Grizzlies to a 37-11-0-4 record and a first place finish in the Okanagan/Shuswap Conference. He was honoured with the Grizzlies’ Best Defenceman award at the conclusion of the

Lucas Hildebrand will be joining the 2012-13 Selkirk Saints. Submitted photo

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

cer Association Boys Provincial Championship in Aldergrove BC in July 4-8.

season. “Lucas is a player we’ve been focused on for a while now and I’m very excited that he’s made the decision to pursue his education at Selkirk College,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois. “He comes to us on a very good recommendation from his coach in Revelstoke and with Vernon of the BCHL, where he played some games as a 20-year old last season.” At 6-foot-4 and 200-pounds, Hildebrand brings size and a big shot to the Saints’ blueline. “I’m excited to come to Selkirk for the opportunity to meet new people, play a high level of hockey and start a new chapter in my life,” says Hildebrand, who describes himself as a stay-at-home defenceman with a whatever-it-takes attitude. “I’m looking forward to continuing my hockey career at a great school and starting my schooling with the goal of becoming a firefighter.” Hildebrand is the fourth defenceman to commit to the Saints for the 2012/13 season, joining Brett Kipling (Melville, SJHL), Dylan Smith (Richmond, PIJHL) and Mark Strachan (Kimberley, KIJHL). “Lucas was probably the best defenseman from our division and maybe even our conference last season,” says Revelstoke head coach Kevin Kraus. “He was dominant in the corners last year and there were very few players he couldn’t outmuscle and take the puck away from.”

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Register Now for: June Drop In Fitness Schedule SUMMER COOL CAMPS

Monday & Wednesday 9:00-10:00am Circuit Strength or Deep Water Workout 5:30-6:30pm Ultimate Kickbox

Tuesday & Thursday 9:00-10:00am Step to It or Health & Recovery 7:00-8:00pm PM Aqua-Fit or Body Blast/Core & More

Friday 8:00-8:55am Step Challenge 9:00-10:00am Circuit Strength or Deep Water Workout

6-8YRS & 9-12YRS



ADMISSION TO ALL DROP IN FITNESS CLASSES IS BY: 1 - 3 – 12 month Membership Passes Fitness Tickets: - 10 passes / $50.00 + tax - drop in fee $6.50

June Public Swim Schedule Monday

10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm


2:00-4:00pm; 7:00-9:00pm

Wednesday 10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm Thursday

2:00-4:00pm; 7:00-9:00pm


10:00-12:00pm; 2:00-4:30pm & 6:30-8:30pm









Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the iinformation to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

View the 2012 Summer Leisure Guide at Lots of great summer activities for the whole family. For More Information Phone 250-365-3386 ext 0 or register On Line at RECREATION CONNECTION.

Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News








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Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A19

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Obituaries Love Laughter and Happily Ever After Congratulations

John & Nancy Sherstobitoff on Your 60th Wedding Anniversary June 21, 1952

Love you always Carol, Jean, Debbie, Rick and Families


Cong CCon Congratulations Co ngratulations ngr ng ngratulation graatulat aatttuulla llat atttiiiooonnss Congratulations to Breanna Wacheck who has graduated from Thompson Rivers University with an Honors Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration, double majoring in Human Resources and Finance. She received the TRU medal for the highest GPA in her graduating class. Breanna is working at Zellstoff Celgar and will be starting her CMA in September. We are so proud of you.

Love Mom and Dad. L Congratulations

Devon Jollimore The family of Devon Jollimore is pleased to announce he has completed the Master of Business Management program at UBCO in Kelowna and has returned to the area he loves so much. He has accepted a position at Zellstoff Celgar Pulp as Staff Apprentice and is excited to be a part of our community once again! Congratulations and welcome back!



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John Randolph McNee (Randy) October 4, 1949 - June 5, 2012

It is with great sadness to announce the passing of Randy McNee. Randy passed away peacefully in his home in Castlegar, BC with his grandson, James by his side on June 5th, 2012. A private viewing was held June 11th at Castlegar Funeral Chapel followed by cremation. Randy was retired from Pulp ‘n’ Talbot where he worked as an Electrician since graduation. Randy had many accomplishments in his life; among being a member of Squadron #581 Air Cadet, and a charter member of Gyro in Castlegar BC, he was well respected at his local Royal Canadian Legion. Randy loved the outdoors, camping & fishing being his favorite pass time; he entered every fishing derby he could. He was also a well versed man as a Readers Digest Member. Many came to know Randy as they visited his ‘Office’ for many years at the Marlane Hotel. Randy McNee was pre-deceased by his Father, Brother & Son. Survived by his Mother; 3 Sisters, Daughter, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren & Many other Relatives & Relations. Randy will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

A Celebration of Life will be held on June 29th, 2012 At the Royal Canadian Legion, Castlegar BC Between 1-3 pm

We’re on the net at

HIBERT- Helen (nee Chalovich) was born on June 9, 1939 in Toronto, Ontario and passed away peacefully on June 15, 2012 at Talarico Place after a long illness. She is predeceased by her mother and a father, her son Andrew and several siblings. She is survived by her husband of 53 years, Lee, children Lee (Susan), Paul (Elke), Michael (Holly), Cheryl-Ann (Ed), Kathryn (Mike) and 12 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild with another due in August. Helen was a strong and spirited woman who enjoyed her privacy, but she valued her family most of all. At her request, there will be an interment in Baltimore, Ontario at a later date. Gwen Ziprick of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services™ has been entrusted with arrangements. You are invited to leave a personal message of condolence at the family’s online register at www. As an expression of sympathy, your donations to the Alzheimer Society of B.C. at 300-828 West 8th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1E2 or online at would be greatly appreciated. The family would like to thank the wonderful staff at Talarico Place for their care and compassion. “Forever loved and never forgotten”

William J. Bojey The family of William John Bojey of Krestova, wishes to announce his passing at Mountain Lakes Seniors’ Community in Nelson, on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, blessed with 101 years of life. William was born in Kamsack, Saskatchewan on February 28, 1911 to parents Polly and John Bojey. He was an imaginative and inventive man who worked very well with his hands. William went from a young farm-hand and blacksmith in Alberta to a millwright, shoemaker, construction worker and painter in BC. Being a life-long thinker and inventor, he built his own tractor and wood lathe along with many other innovations. William was a dedicated family man and an extremely devoted member of the Doukhobor faith. He was predeceased by his loving wife Helen in 2005 and his brother John in 1962. Left to mourn his loss are his sons Bill (Mary) and Harry (Margy); daughters Verna (John) Woikin and Elizaveta (Fred) Makortoff and a huge extended family. Arrangements were in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. Funeral Services were officiated by Sid Malakoff in the Krestova Community Hall on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 followed by the interment in the Krestova Cemetery. The family wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful Home Support people that helped with Dad, to Mountain Lakes Seniors’ Community for their compassionate care, to the Castlegar Funeral Chapel for their always dependable excellent service, to Sid Malakoff for his quiet and dignified service, to the singers whose melodious singing is such a help at this time, to all the relatives and friends who helped out, to the Krestova Ladies’ cooking group for their superb lunch and to the gravediggers who prepared such a fine resting place for William. Thank you all.




Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

William J. (Bill) Stoochno William J. (Bill) Stoochno, life-long resident of Shoreacres, the age ppassedd away ppeacefully f ll att th of 83, on June 11 2012 with his family by his side at the Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson. Bill was born on October 29 1928 in Shoreacres. Bill is survived by his wife Emma and ďŹ ve children; son Bill (Cathy) Stoochno of Shoreacres, daughters Elaine (Steve) Malekow from Shoreacres, Linda Stoochno from Shoreacres, Sandra (Ken) Konkin from Thrums, Violet Rilko from Shoreacres. Grandchildren Misha (Sarah) Stoochno from Moscow Russia, Dasha Stoochno from Moscow Russia, Derek Konkin from Thrums, Corey Konkin from Thrums, Kristina Malekow from Shoreacres, Svetlana (Nathan) Dalla Lana from Grand Forks, Tamara (Jeremy) Childs from Abbotsford, Sarah Rilko from Grand Forks, as well as great grandchildren Oksana Stoochno and Sophia Stoochno from Moscow, and Vienna and Noah Dalla Lana from Grand Forks. In addition Bill is survived by his older sister Nora (Sam) Kotyk from Mission and younger brother George (Helen) Stoochno from Shoreacres as well as many nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, and ďŹ shing buddies. Bill was predeceased by his father John Stoochno in 1956 and by his mother Annie in 1976. Bill’s working career consisted of several years as a faller in the logging industry, followed by many years as a carpenter in the construction industry on various projects throughout the Kootenays. Bill was a lifelong ďŹ shing fanatic; born on the shores of the Slocan River in Shoreacres when the Kootenay River ran free before the construction of dams and reservoirs and salmon were still migrating to the Kootenays. Bill’s love of outdoors activities and great sense of humor was surpassed only by his lifelong unconditional support of his family; his children, doting on his grandchildren and the joy brought to him by his great grandchildren. For the past few years he lived mainly to see the growing families “one last timeâ€?. You’ve done your job well father, now may your soul rest in peace. A traditional Doukhobor funeral service, oďŹƒciated by Fred Makorto, was held at the Shoreacres Community Hall, followed by interment at the Shoreacres Doukhobor Cemetery. A traditional Doukhobor meal was served following the burial. Funeral services were entrusted to the Castlegar Funeral Chapel. Memorial donations may be made to the USCC publication ISKRA as well as the BC Lung Association.

PART-TIME INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNTING INSTRUCTOR Bring your accounting expertise to the School of Hospitality & Tourism — Nelson In this temporary, 17% part-time position— 3 instruction hours per week plus prep—you will leverage your strong accounting expertise and knowledge of the hospitality and tourism industry as you instruct first- and second-year students. Although they are offered under different names, your Fall 2012 course and your Spring 2013 course have the same curriculum and are already developed for delivery. In addition to a business degree and accounting designation, you have at least 9 years’ postsecondary education and management experience. Post-secondary teaching experience would be an asset. The term of this position is August 13, 2012 to April 20, 2013, with a possibility of renewal. Closing date: 4 pm, June 22, 2012.

For more information visit E X C E E D I N G E X P E C TAT I O N S





Tolko Industries Ltd. is a forest products company with marketing, resource management and manufacturing operations throughout Western Canada. A career with Tolko means working in an environment that encourages personal and professional development. We offer a workplace where everyone plays an essential role in the success of our Company and where individual efforts are acknowledged. We are currently seeking the following positions in the North Okanagan Region of British Columbia. Maintenance Supervisor to join our team at our Lavington Division RESPONSIBILITIES: The Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for providing supervision of maintenance crews to obtain proper operating efďŹ ciencies and achieve quality and machine safety standards. QUALIFICATIONS: • Have a good working knowledge of Worksafe BC and OH&S Regulations • Journeyman certiďŹ cation with interprovincial is required. • Minimum 3 to 5 years’ experience in forest industry. • Good organization, planning and scheduling is required. Maintenance Superintendent to join our team at our Armstrong Division RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Plant Manager and working in close connection with the production team, the Maintenance Superintendent will provide direction and leadership to the maintenance crew. As an integral part of the management team, the Maintenance Superintendent is responsible for, the safe and efďŹ cient operations in planning, organizing and operating all aspects of the maintenance department in a team environment. QUALIFICATIONS: • Minimum 10 years’ experience in all areas of Maintenance. • Strong management skills. • Knowledge and understanding of workplace safety systems and programs. • Ability to analyze data, rationalize solutions, and communicate plans. TO APPLY: If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being part of our community please visit our website at: and submit your resume by June 30, 2012 We thank all candidates for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.




Business Opportunities

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

$$$ MAKE fast cash - start your own business - driveway sealing systems, lawn aerating units, possible payback in 2 weeks. Part-time, full-time. Call today toll-free 1-800-4650024.

H&R TRANSPORT - Come drive for the best! Local company drivers required, various shifts. Home everyday. $20/hr to start. Required, CDN, CDN/USA Company, O/O singles and teams, AB/BC runs. Health beneďŹ ts, safety bonus, Hutch Thomas, 1-403-8703776, 1-800-567-7266, Carl Constam 1-780-904-1202, 1888-459-2813. Come join the Big Red Team!

Owner Operators Required

WANT to retire, need to work? Well established seafood restaurant for sale on Vancouver Island. eatmoreďŹ

Career Opportunities AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualiďŹ ed- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783.

Small ads, BIG deals! Drivers/Courier/ Trucking DRIVER. Class 1 Drivers wanted. Offering top pay. Close to home. Home most weekends. Family comes 1st! 1 year at deck exp. & border crossing a must. Fax resume & driver abstract to 1-604-853-4179


TerriďŹ c career opportunity outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Experience Needed!! Extensive paid travel, meal allowance, 4 wks. vacation & beneďŹ ts pkg. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time Valid License with air brake endorsement. High School Diploma or GED. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver DO NOT FILL IN CITY or STATE

Career Opportunities

KURT LEROY TRUCKING LTD, CAMPBELL RIVER, BC Logging Truck Drivers needed full time and part time for Campbell River, North Island and Port Alberni. BeneďŹ ts included. Must have 3 years minimum experience in the logging industry. Sub-Contract Log Haul Trucks needed, full time for Campbell River, North Island and Port Alberni.Must be Safe CertiďŹ ed, WCB. Licenced Mechanic, must have Log Truck experience, CVI ticket an asset. Full Time, beneďŹ ts included. Please fax your resume and drivers abstract to 250-287-9914 or email to

LOG HAULERS! Multiyear load/haul contract, competitive rates, 10 month season, exible delivery, HWY or off. D & J Isley and Sons, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Call Cory 780539-7580 or TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Van Kam’s Group of Companies requires Owner Operators to be based at Castlegar or Cranbrook for runs throughout BC and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving experience/training. We offer above average rates and an excellent employee beneďŹ ts package. To join our team of Professional drivers, call Bev, 604968-5488 or email a resume, current driver’s abstract and details of truck to: or fax 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank you for your interest, however only those of interest to us will be contacted.

Education/Trade Schools INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! 1-866-399-3853 TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

SUPPORT AND EDUCATION COORDINATOR West Kootenays (PT/21hrs/week) The Alzheimer Society of B.C. is dedicated to helping families build knowledge, skills and conďŹ dence to live well with dementia. The SEC is resp. for core programs and services delivery in communities through West Kootenay area. Key Duties include: education/workshops for caregivers, people with early symptoms of dementia and public; overseeing support groups for family/friend caregivers, people with early symptoms of dementia; volunteer recruitment/management; information/support (phone calls, in person). As the Society’s rep for the area, builds good working relationships with health care professionals /community agencies; represents Society in community & media. Successful candidate must have: relevant degree & min of 3-5 years exp w/ service delivery in community health or social agency; extensive knowledge with Alzheimer’s disease/dementia and with caregiving issues; proven ability with presenting structured education, volunteer mgt,group facilitation. Must have home ofďŹ ce and vehicle. Society will provide equipment, supplies, furnishings for ofďŹ ce. Willing to travel in assigned area. For more information visit: Forward cover letter that details how your qualiďŹ cations match this position and resume to:

HR, Alzheimer Society of B.C. 300-828 West 8th Ave, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1E2 or to Closes Jul 3, 2012. Pls no phonecalls to current area staff.


Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A21







Pets & Livestock

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Health Products


MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. High graduate employment rates. Low monthly payments. Be a success! Enroll now. 1-800466-1535 MUSIC PRODUCTION, performance, recording. Music Diploma/University Transfer offered at GPRC, Grande Prairie campus. Specialize in instrument, voice, production, audio engineering. State-of-the-art recording studios, current software. 1-888-999-7882; www. NOW - NEW 8 week courses covering small engine, snowmobile, quad or marine outboard repair. Take one course or all, ďŹ t your interest and your timeline. GPRC Fairview Campus. Affordable residences. 18 8 8 - 9 9 9 - 7 8 8 2 ; PAINTING, SCULPTING, Drawing. Fine Arts CertiďŹ cate/Diploma/University Transfer program. GPRC Grande Prairie campus. No portfolio no problem. Build one as you learn. 1-888-999-7882; THE ONE - The only - The one and only in Canada. Only authorized Harley Davidson Technician Program at GPRC Fairview College Campus. September, 2012. On-campus residences. 1-888-999-7882; YOUR NEW Career as close as your computer. Online Active Aging Fitness Practitioner CertiďŹ cate. Work with older adult ďŹ tness programs, coach master athletes. GPRC Grande Prairie, Alberta. 1-888539-4772;

Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. CertiďŹ ed Crane Operator required for local construction projects please email resume to

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA,CIRP 31 years experience. BDO Canada Limited Trustee in Bankruptcy, #200 -1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 9X1


Career Opportunities at Mountain Lake Seniors Community in Nelson, BC “Pride in Caringâ€? is AdvoCare’s philosophy and we welcome you to become a part of our team! We are currently recruiting casual positions with the potential to be permanent positions. CARE AIDES; The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 2 years’ exp. as a Care Aide, must be registered with the BC CARE AIDE REGISTRY and have a registration # to be considered. COOKS; Must have certiďŹ cation from an approved training program, Food Safe, and a minimum of 2 years cook experience (preferably in a resident care facility enviro.). For both positions you must be able to work variable shifts, including weekends, have WHMIS, TB Test and provide a Physician’s Clearance note. Successful candidates will undergo a Criminal Record Clearance. To apply please visit our website www. or fax: (1)250-352-0056 Castlegar Part time position knowledge of cooking, baking serving & cash handling Serve it Right & Food Safe required. Drop off resume: Pie in the Sky Cafe Castlegar Airport Driver wanted with Class 1 full time position Day shift in Trail area, 250-365-7321

Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis. No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.

Please help us.


Couple With Horses. Large Central BC Cattle Ranch seeks couple with horses to spend summer on range with cattle herd in the spectacular Chilcotin country. Travel trailer provided for housing. Low pay, but an adventure of a lifetime. Alexis Creek Ranch (425) 4818451 Email:

Customer Service Person wanted, must be physically ďŹ t and have knowledge of Castlegar/Trail/Nelson area. Respond with resume and references. Fax to: 250-365-8028 GRAPPLE YARDER ENGINEER - Experienced on 124, 120, 122 Madill & 6280 - Full time ( 10 month/yr +) - Competive rates - Dental, extended health, and pension - Camp supplied Email resumes to: or fax: 604-485-6380 MANAGER OF Track position. Kelowna PaciďŹ c Railway Ltd (KPR) has an immediate opening for our Manager of Track position. The successful candidate will become part of an experienced management team and will oversee track maintenance and track capital work while insuring regulatory compliance and safe work practices and must have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a track supervisor. KPR operates on 120 miles of Class 1 and Class 2 track in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley, between Kelowna and Kamloops. This position works out of our Vernon, BC ofďŹ ces. Please submit resumes and any questions you may have regarding this position to: Vernon Service Company requires Journeyman HVAC gasďŹ tter/Refrigeration Technician. Part time/on call $38.00 hour. Call 250-549-4444 or fax 250-549-4416 email

Lets You Live Life.

Help Wanted

Twin Rivers Chorale is seeking the services of a music director on a volunteer basis for the upcoming season. Twin Rivers Chorale is a relatively new choir singing both classical and contemporary music in four part harmony. With the help of a the music director we are hoping to grow the choir and become a true community choir. If you have the skills and are interested in leading our choir, please email: or phone 365-6057.

Medical/Dental CertiďŹ ed Dental Assistant needed for part-time employment, Send resume to: Dr. Donald W. Ellis Inc. 663 Columbia Ave Castlegar, BC, V1N 1H1 Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses Bayshore Home Health Bayshore Home Health is currently seeking Registered Nurses & Licensed Practical Nurses for night shifts in the Castlegar/ Nelson area to work with children with complex care needs. If you are an RN or LPN and love working with children and their families , we would appreciate hearing from you. Pediatric experience is an asset and we do offer client speciďŹ c training.

Please send your resume and cover letter to: pedsvancouver@ or fax to 1-866-686-7435

Now Open


Tolko Industries Ltd. is a forest products company w/ marketing & manufacturing facilities throughout Western Canada. Our commitment to excellence in the forest industry has resulted in signiďŹ cant growth. We are currently seeking a #1 CertiďŹ ed Planerman to join our progressive team at our Armstrong Division, located in the North Okanagan Region of BC. QUALIFICATIONS; ¡ #1 CertiďŹ ed Planerman or Millwright with a planerman endorsement ¡ Superior Troubleshooting Skills ¡ Excellent Organizational Skills ¡ Hydraulic and Welding experience an asset


Competitive Wages Development Opportunities On-going Training Dynamic and Challenging Environment

Strong values of Safety, Respect, Progressiveness, Open Communication, Integrity and ProďŹ t guide us at Tolko.


Retail INDIVIDUAL knowledgeable in the paint and wall/window covering industry is required for full time employment at Dulux Color Your World in Nelson. Hired applicant will posses excellent communication and people skills. Work independently and along side owners. Please drop off resume to Dulux Color Your World, 410 Stanley Street, or email for more information contact Rocky @ 250777-3411

Help Wanted

CHEVROLET BUICK GMC (1989) LTD. Castlegar BC Janitorial Services are needed for the Kalawsky Auto Group. Employment offered, ďŹ ve days per week includes shop and ofďŹ ce cleaning. High standards of cleanliness is desired so those with janitorial experience or a janitorial service are encouraged to apply. This will be a contracted position. Only those with insured bonding will be considered. Send resumes to ofďŹ No phone calls. Thank you for applying for this position. Only those shortlisted will be interviewed.

If you are interested in exploring this opportunity and being part of our community, please visit our website at;

and submit your resume by AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for Welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20 km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for ten 3rd Year Apprentices or Journeyperson Welders. We offer best wages in industry. 3rd Year Apprentice $28-$30/hour, Journey person $32-$35/hour, higher with tank experience. ProďŹ t sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at (ofďŹ ce) 780-846-2231. Fax 780-846-2241 or send resume to: Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform.

Joyce Malo Legal Assistant Thompson, LeRose & Brown Barristers and Solicitors #202 - 605 20th Street Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2P2 Phone (250) 365-7757 Fax (250) 365-7730 e-mail oďŹƒ

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750


Helping CANADIANS repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest regardless of your credit!

Qualify Now To Be Debt Free 1-877-220-3328

Licensed, Government Approved, BBB Accredited.

DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services A PARDON/WAIVER For work and/or travel? Guaranteed fast, affordable, criminal record real. Call for free consultation. Qualify today and save $250 (limited time offer). BBB accredited. 1-800-7361209, CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Concrete & Placing Building A Home or Business Want to save $$$ on the footings/walls The quote for building your foundation/walls does not always include the price of the pumper truck, and you could end up paying double the cost. Always ask or get more than one estimate Call now and save on your concrete pumper truck, we offer 112ft boom @ $160.00/hr (minimum hours are neg.) The boom is able to do 80% of jobs that a line pump can do and in less time and labour. Most homes done in less than a three hour minimum and the average cost on pumping walls is $750.00 in total. Why pay double. Call now for a free Estimate

Bookkeeper/Legal Assistant at Trail OďŹƒce Responsible for the full cycle of bookkeeping with attention to detail and a high degree of accuracy. Bookkeeping experience with Simply Accounting and PC Law program an asset. Strong communication skills, written and oral. Exceptional organizational skills and ability to work with a team and under little supervision. Receptionist/Legal Assistant at Castlegar OďŹƒce Opportunity for someone who enjoys and excels in dealing with the public. ProďŹ cient computer skills in Word and Outlook. Willing to learn new skills, able to work with a team and take on many concurrent tasks with minimal supervision.

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Pumper Larry Concrete Pumping


Larry 250-509-1452 Lawna 250-551-2635

Health Products


SLIM DOWN For summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

Gare’s Home Maintenance & Yard Care General Contracting Call 250-359-2983 or Cell 250-304-5298

Beaver Valley Animal Clinic Large & Small Animals 1956 Columbia Gardens Road, Fruitvale 365-0123

Merchandise for Sale

Furniture Sofa & Loveseat, excellent condition, Seafoam green $400 - Call 250-304-0085

Garage Sales Castlegar June 23th, 8 - noon tools, household items good stuff, No Early Birds 561 - 6th Ave CASTLEGAR Moving Sale Sat, June 23rd, 8 - 2 113 Pinewood Drive furniture for every room + patio, tools, toys, appliances 300 records, garden & pet supplies, Misc free pile

CASTLEGAR, Neighhood Yard Sale two whole blocks of Great Bargains, 3300 Block Southridge Drive Sat, June 23rd, 9 - 1 Video Store Liquidation

1000’s of DVD’s New & Old Thur & Fri 12 - 6 Sat 9 - 2, 414 - 6th Ave or call for appointment 250-304-9355

ClassiďŹ eds Get Results! Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabsâ€?20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale Bed Frames, Micro/ convection, Charcoal BBQ exercise machine, freezer & many household items Call 250-359-7603 After 6 PM CASTLEGAR Misc for sale phone for info. 250-365-8098 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDING - Huge clearance sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.

Misc. Wanted COIN Collector looking to buy Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins. Bulk Silver coins, bills etc. Call Chad 250-863-3082 (Local)

Musical Instruments Upright Krakauer Piano in good condition c/w bench asking $400 250-503-7572

Real Estate Business for Sale LIVE THE Dream. Harbours End Marine, 27 year history on beautiful Salt Spring Island, BC “the best place on earth!� Owner retiring, well-established business only $129,000 email:

Kitchen Cabinets

Houses For Sale

CASTLEGAR KITCHENS Cabinets and Countertops at Competitive pricing. Free Estimates and visuals Call 250-608-0849

CHRISTINA LAKE updated Home on Lge Lot, 2 blks from Beach & Rec Centre newer S/F, D/W, W/D & roof $175,000, 250-443-4380


Real Estate

Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News







Antiques / Classics

Auto Financing


Houses For Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

Cottages / Cabins

Homes for Rent

GENEROUS SRI INCENTIVES & now government grants for first time buyers! SRI Homes and Lake Country are offering unbelievable discounts. Lake Country Modular Homes, located next to SRI’s Winfield factory, offers custom designs, factory tours, expert advice & service and the best price! Call Don Purdie toll free at 1-866-766-2214.

DT Castlegar: 1 bdrm Apartment newer Reno’s, Air Cond, N/S, $500/mth plus util, 365-5161

Beautiful Christina Lake, BC Lakefront Cabin Property for Sale/Rent!! Would you like to share ownership of a spacious fully furnished 3 Bdrm private cabin? (boat access across from Marina). Avail.July $1,200$1300/week, includes tin boat (Sept rates vary) John & Louise Harder. Cell 1-403-809-4811

CASTLEGAR DT 2 Bdrm House Available July 1st clean, quiet , 900 sq ft, full bsmt , lrg deck/yard; new appliances, N/S, Small pet ok leave msg on 250-608-0305 or 250-354-5300.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent


Available Aug. 1 2 bdrm, laundry, parking, patio, $850 incls utils. 604-688-0830

NELSON, 2 Bdrm, 2 bath Den, secured parking storage unit, Avail July 1st 250-551-1553

Mobile Homes & Pads


ROBSON 3 Bdrm Mobile Home for rent Refer & Criminal check required Call 250-304-3430

1 bdrm, ground level suite in newer house on acreage. Quiet country living 10 minutes from Castlegar. Private entrance, FS, microwave, shared laundry, wood burning stove. NS NP. Available immediately. $800/mo plus utilities. 250365-0743.

1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS RE: Mary Gemmill, Deceased formerly of 175 Lakeview Street, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 1B6

Modular Homes JUNE SPECIAL Brand New 16’ Wide Modular Homes. From $69,000.00

Legal Notices


Your Cabin on the Lake The Kootenay Queen

Suites, Lower BLUEBERRY 1 Bdrm basement suite in ,F/S, some furniture, N/S or No parties no laundry facilities $475 + utilities, Avail July 1st 250-365-7550 •

South CASTLEGAR 1 Bdrm Basement suite fully furnished, very clean & bright private entrance, close to bus stop, suitable for college student or mature single working person, N/S, N/P, F/S Micro, No laundry, $700/mth utilities included,Avail immed references required 250-365-8419

• • • • • • • •

Legal Notices


Auto Loans or

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executor named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1, on or before July 31, 2012, after which date the Executor will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. The Executor will not be liable for any claim of which he has no notice at the time of distribution.

All Makes, All Models. New & Used Inventory.

1-888-229-0744 or apply at: Must be employed w/ $1800/mo. income w/ drivers license. DL #30526

By Polonicoff & Perehudoff, his solicitors


Auto Financing s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s

s '//$ #2%$)4 s "!$ #2%$)4 s ./ #2%$)4 s ()'( $%"4 2!4% s 34 4)-% "59%2 s "!.+2504#9 s $)6/2#%


Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

for Pre-Approval or

s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s

9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executor named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1, on or before August 3, 2012, after which date the Executor will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. The executor will not be liable for any claim of which he has no notice at the time of distribution.


We Will Pay You $1000

James Edgar Gemmill, Executor

Re: Nick Picton, deceased, formerly of 2417 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2X4

1976 30ft cabin cruiser with a 185 merc Full galley (fridge, stove, sink, furnace, toilet) Fold down table for a queen sized bed Fold up bunk beds VHF radio Hull is sound, galley is dated. Low draft 200 hrs on new engine A great boat that needs some TLC. $12,000.00 invested, will take offers starting at $9000 Call 250-362-7681 or email for more information

9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

Walter Picton, Executor By Polonicoff & Perehudoff, his solicitors

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

Rare opportunity to own one of the very popular Nelson boathouses. This boathouse has had numerous recent upgrades, including new front and back doors as well as new decking. This is a great boathouse for some family fun and a great way to take advantage of all of the fun opportunities Kootenay Lake has to offer. For more info contact Bev at 250-505-5744 or by email at



If Yes, call or email for free legal consultation and protect your right to compensation. Toll Free: 1-888-988-7052 www.



Making Money June 28th XLWH

LP 6 1HZ 6Z





• Castlegar News 250.365.6397 OPEN ROUTE # 38 Theresa Castlegar Distribution 1400 Dube Road to Schultz Crescent, Hodge Manager BLUEBERRY

Castlegar News Thursday, June 21, 2012 A23


Castlegar to host W.K. softball wind-up tournament CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Madbatter players Alexis Craig, Andrea Smithies, Trinity Kentrop, McKenna Mills, Kiya Hipwell, Selena Markin, and Hope Cwynar fight it out for the pop fly in warm-up before the team’s game June 12 against the Orange Rednecks. Craig Lindsay photo

The Castlegar Girls Softball Association will host the West Kootenay league wind-up tournament for girls seven and up. The tournament will take place on Friday, June 22 to Sunday, June 24 at Kinnaird Park fields. There will be teams from Castlegar, Salmo, Trail, and Beaver Valley. There will five teams in three divisions made up of Mites (7-10 yearolds), Junior (11-13) and Senior (14-19). There will also be a concession on hand with proceeds going

back to the association. Takaia Larsen, secretary and registrar for the Castlegar Girls Softball Association, says that girls go for softball in a big way in these parts. “Girls softball has always been popular here I think due to the fact that it is girls only,” she said. “Also, many of these girls have parents who either played fastball or slowpitch them-

selves.” Larsen says that they are always welcoming new players who want to come out and have some fun. “For those who just want to have fun, we have this West Kootenay house league (including the wind-up tournament). “For those who want to play more seriously, we offer competitive teams for travelling play.”

Junior Golf Tour wraps up in Kokanee Springs and Balfour SUBMITTED

The local Junior Golf season came to an end this past weekend at the tour championship. This year, the tour championship was a two day, 36 hole event held at two golf courses. On Saturday, the juniors teed it up at Kokanee Springs and the trio of Jordan Hoodikoff (Christina Lake), Brenan Moroney (RTCC) and Tyler McKay (RTCC) led the group. Brenan and Jordan both posted identical rounds of 75 and Tyler came in at 77. Braden McKay (RTCC) and Shawn Ellard (Kaslo) posted 82’s on the first day. The drama continued to unfold on the second day at Balfour Golf Course. Trevor Browell (Champion Lake) and Braden McKay both posted solid rounds with Trevor shooting 79 and Brady shooting 77. Ryan Page

(RTCC), played some of his best golf of the season and posted back to back rounds of 84 to take low net honors. In the race for first, Tyler made an early bogie in his round, but then an eagle and birdie helped him take a slight lead over Brenan and Jordan. The kids battled all day with all three making some mistakes and plenty of birdies, but in the end the entire season came down to the 18th hole with Brenan Moroney winning the title with a one shot victory over both Tyler and Jordan. The Sunday rounds saw Tyler post a 75 for a two day total of 152, Brenan a 76 for a 151 and Jordan a 77 for a 152 total. Ryan Fullerton took the honours for most improved in the 15 18 year division and Dugan McInnes from Nakusp won most improved in the 14 and under division. With his win Brenan won

Player of the Year, Jordan won top player 17-18 year division, Tyler top of the 15-16 year olds, and Braden McKay for the 14 and under. A special thanks needs to be given to Les

Arnold for sponsoring the Net Division. Of note, MacKenzie Field from Christina Lake has accepted a scholarship to play golf next year at SFU and Jordan Hoodikoff will be playing at a

college in Scottsdale, Arizona. Many players will be representing the region in the summer games and other BCGA events as well as some events in the USA this summer. Good luck to all the kids.

April Gariepy of the Madbatters works on her Craig Lindsay photo hitting pre-game.

Kootenay U13 boys win gold in Cranbrook


Kootenay South U13 boys. From left to right, in the back row: Coach Richard Magner, Dylan Page, Eric Pilla, Christian Macasso, Matthew Zwick, Ajeet Dhaliwal, Camilo Matamoros, Brad Baldwin, Evan Cabana, Callum O’Shea, Manager Rob Zwick Front row: Ryan Cromarty, Isaac Lunn, Jonathan Rollins, Kaedan Magner, Adam Fasthuber, Tyler Theobald, Adam Mackay, Matthew Zarr, Brandon Mock. Submitted photo

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The Kootenay U13 boys regional team went to Cranbrook for the annual Sam Steele soccer tournament last weekend. Teams participating included those from Cranbrook, Creston, Columbia Valley (Invermere), and a U12 BC summer games Kootenay allstar team, all in the tournament U13 age group. The KSYSA U13 Boys team went undefeated and took home the gold medal. The boys are now off until Provincials in July in Aldergrove.

Thursday, June 21, 2012 Castlegar News




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