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Arrow Lakes News 7
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Vol. 89 Issue 27 • Wednesday, July 4, 2012 • • 250-265-3823 • $1.25 Includes HST
Teachers vote for stand-pat deal
There were still some happy dogs and people in the crowd for the Nakusp celebrations even though they were overtaken by rain. CLAIRE PARADIS/ARROW LAKES NEWS
Nakusp 120th birthday a soggy celebration By Claire Paradis Arrow Lakes News
Beautiful weather came and went the week before the July 1 long weekend, and the variable forecasts had everyone guessing whether they’d be dressing in their vintage bathing costume or antique wellingtons. Saturday arrived at last with a good start: sun breaking through cottony clouds, but it didn’t last. By the time the dog contests were being held on Broadway, the sky had thickened with clouds and was dumping rain. Still, there were enough entries for a good show of competition from the dogs and their owners. Ranging in size from two-and-ahalf pounds (“Little Girl”) to nearly a couple hundred (“Vixen”), the dogs put on a show for the folks crowded beneath awnings and umbrellas. Every dog has his or her day, but most of the canine contestants looked like they would have preferred to have theirs on a drier day. Doggies and their owners lined up to take part in Dog Sense’s canine contest, which included most similar owner and pet, biggest and smallest dog, and tricks. The wet weather had more than one dog declining to sit, even when asked to. Others were full of pep, leaping into the air to catch a ball or jump over a leg. Fickle, the rain stopped in time for the wackiest beard contest, which was an equalopportunity event with the number of female contestants just under par with the men. Yes,
the General Store’s Wackiest Beard Contest had entrants of all ages and sexes. In fact, the winner of the weirdest beard contest, chosen by applause from the audience, was the youngest of all the contestants, and one of the more, well, female participants. She wasn’t alone, however. A long-bearded contestant, the ZZ Top of Canada (Zed Zed Top?) was also of the feminine persuasion, as was the bearer of a stylish mink beard. Talk about taking the idea of a “beard” to the next level! Way to go ladies. After that, it was time to stop and dry out as much as possible over lunch in preparation for the afternoon activities. With activities scheduled to take place in the street, but possibly at the arena if the weather was wet, there was some confusion, and a few different party-goers were spotted trekking between Broadway and the arena. The post-lunch weather was as unpredictable as the morning, and the Mat Hatter Doodlers outside Prima Materia were lucky enough to get a good dollop of sun before torrential rains poured down during the auctioning of their collaborative drawings. The doodle art sold for between $20 and $51 apiece, with some serious bidding wars breaking out over at least one piece of art. All funds raised went to the Nakusp Food Bank. Before anyone knew it, night had fallen and the band had started playing for the family dance.
Teachers are joined by other public sector union members at a legislature rally during their three-day strike in March. BLACK PRESS FILE violates their constitutional right to collecBlack Press tive bargaining. The BCTF is the last major The B.C. Teachers’ Federation executive public sector union in the province to accept recommended acceptance of an agreement the wage limits. reached with school district negotiators that “We have been able to achieve some extends most of the terms of the contract that modest improvements but, above all, we expired a year ago. succeeded in getting government to take its Teachers voted this week on the proposed concession demands off the table,” Lambert settlement, which runs until June 30, 2013. said. In all, 21,044 teachers voted, a turnout rate Abbott rejected the union’s claim that the of 52 per cent, and 75 per cent voted to ratify employer was trying to cut back professional the latest agreement-in-committee reached development provisions. The ministry wants on Tuesday, June 26. to standardize provisions that were negotiThe B.C. Public School Employers’ As- ated separately with the 60 districts before sociation, representing B.C.’s 60 school province-wide bargaining was imposed, he districts, will hold a vote for trustees next said. week. BCPSEA chair Melanie Joy said the tenThe agreement puts off a bitter dispute tative agreement standardizes provincial over government changes to hiring, layoff language for the number of leaves and esand performance evaluation of teachers. tablishes a process for determining local and Education Minister George Abbott said the provincial issues. deal includes a letter of understanding to Acceptance of the agreement will alcontinue talks on those issues. low schools to resume classes next fall with BCTF president Susan Lambert said the teachers resuming extra-curricular activiagreement includes some improvements to ties and meetings with school administrateacher benefits and leave provisions. But tion. The work-to-rule campaign extended Wednesday, Lambert announced the union throughout the school year now ending for is making the latest of many trips to court to most students, and culminated in a three-day argue that imposing a two-year wage freeze strike in March.
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2 â– Arrow Lakes News â– Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Nakusp council meeting a study in decision making By Claire Paradis Arrow Lakes News Don’t worry, they’re professionals, or at least they’re being taught by pros. The Nakusp Paddling Club brought instructors to teach water safety recently. PHOTO COURTESY BARB TOWLE
Learning how to paddle Contributed by Barb Towle
The rain showers over the June 2324 weekend did not dampen the spirits of a group of paddlers who showed up at the marina with their canoes and kayaks, determined to improve their paddling skills. The Nakusp Paddling Club (NPC) brought in two certified instructors, Neil Trouton from Kamloops and Gordon Newnes from Salmon Arm, both experienced flat water and white water paddlers. The two paddling teachers were assisted by NPC member Nat Howard. Offered at a nominal fee thanks to a grant from the Nakusp and Area Community Foundation, the main emphasis of the lessons was on water safety, including rescue equipment and how to use it. The instructors were the willing “victims� who fell into the water many times throughout the weekend and were rescued by their students. However, only one local club member
felt brave enough to enter the cold lake waters on Saturday. Although the lessons were scheduled to last three hours, the instructors were keen, and so they lasted quite a bit longer. Only the thunder and lightning on Saturday afternoon kept the paddlers off the lake. The participants ranged from those with several years experience to those who had never been in a canoe before, and fortunately the instructors were flexible, accommodating the needs of all. Everyone agreed at the end of the day that they had learned new skills, valuable new information and, in spite of the weather, had found it to be great fun! The Nakusp Paddling Club members will be taking their new-found skills out on the lake twice a week in their Voyageur canoe that can hold up to ten paddlers. If you’re interested in trying a group paddle in the Voyageur, or in joining the club, contact Barb Towle at 250-265-4225 or amtowle@
Last Nakusp council meeting held on June 25, 2012, was an exercise in how decisions are made and the kind of issues that face mayor, council and staff on a regular basis. If you are ever curious to see how decisions are directed and made at the municipal level, head over to one of the Village meetings. With very little on the agenda, it was an application for a development variance that garnered the most discussion. The application for a development variance permit for 92 6th Avenue SW was put to a vote and denied during the most recent council meeting. Both the applicants and one set of neighbours were at the meeting, and during a quick exchange, their respective concerns as well as the Village’s were brought to the table. Nakusp’s CAO Linda Tynan prefaced the discussion by pointing out that in this case,
the garage – the location of the proposed renovation – is a legally non-conforming building, and that is why a variance is needed. The variance is a request for the side parcel line setback to be decreased from ten feet to just under six. The overhang, which would extend that much further due to the decrease, is a “grey area� according to Tynan. Council did receive one letter from the owners of an adjacent property who were concerned that the renovation would affect their property adversely. In the discussion that followed, their main concerns appeared to be twofold: the potential blocking of the lake view, and the fact that light may be blocked by a vertical addition to the garage. The applicants replied that the vertical addition shouldn’t affect the view, and the incoming light that was blocked was around 4.8 feet. They also added that the addition was one way
they were looking to supplement their income. Councillor Joseph Hughes asked if the applicants had tried to create plans that maintained the ten foot setback, and one of the applicants asked how that could be done. The CAO suggested inset construction, and the applicant responded that option hadn’t been brought up by the designer. The applicants had changed the height and have moved the proposed construction north in response to a request from staff. Councillor Tom Zeleznik brought up the issue that changing the ten foot setback would set a precedent. Mayor Karen Hamling said that council must either enforce or change bylaws, and stated that she would like to send it back and get the application to conform to zoning. In the end, council voted to deny the application, with two opposed and one in favour of approving it.
POWER INTERRUPTION SETTLEMENT OF EDGEWOOD Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. When: Thursday, July 5, 2012 BC Hydro will be making improvements to its system to make sure you receive even more reliable service in the future. Graph in latest carbon tax report shows decline in overall emissions that was largely caused by recession, and increase after the economy began to recover. TOM FLETCHER/BLACK PRESS
To ensure the safety of work crews, this upgrade will require BCÂ Hydro to shut off the power:
Carbon tax working, minister insists
By Tom Fletcher
Black Press
To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from GDPDJH SOHDVH XQSOXJ DOO HOHFWURQLFV VXFK DV 79V 395V '9' SOD\HUV DQG FRPSXWHUV 3OHDVH DOVR WXUQ RII DOO OLJKWV HOHFWULF heaters and major appliances, such as your clothes or dishwasher, dryer or oven.
)RU WKH Ä…UVW KRXU DIWHU WKH SRZHU FRPHV EDFN RQ SOHDVH SOXJ LQ or turn on only what you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can.
B.C.’s greenhouse gas emissions fell 4.5 per cent in the first four years of the carbon tax on fossil fuels, but most of that drop was probably the result of a world recession rather than the steadily increasing tax. Environment Minister Terry Lake released the latest emissions report Wednesday in Kelowna, insisting that B.C. is on track to meet its interim target of a six-per-cent reduction in greenhouse gases this year. The latest federal government emission figures are for 2010, and in that year B.C. emissions crept up again after two years of decline. Lake said the global financial crisis of 2008-09 is likely responsible for a three per cent drop in emissions since the car-
bon tax took effect. The other 1.5 per cent came as B.C. residents chose to reduce their fossil fuel use, partly due to the tax and also because of the steep increase in gasoline prices. Lake acknowledged that it will be “challenging� for B.C. to meet its target of a 33 per cent reduction in emissions by 2020, especially with new liquefied natural gas development expected to include gas-fired electric power by that time. Options include carbon dioxide capture and storage from natural gas production, and the gas industry purchasing offsets to make up for extra emissions, he said. One sign that the carbon tax is working as intended is that people are twice as likely to buy a hybrid vehicle in B.C. than in Canada as a whole, Lake said. The last scheduled increase in the carbon tax takes effect July
1, bringing the tax on a litre of gasoline from six to seven cents. Similar increases take effect on diesel fuel, natural gas, coal and other fuels, offset by business and personal income tax reductions to make it revenue neutral to the government as set out in the carbon tax legislation. Finance Minister Kevin Falcon announced Wednesday that the government is seeking written submissions on the future of the carbon tax until Aug. 31. The results will be used in preparation for the budget in February. “We are beginning a comprehensive review that will cover all aspects of the carbon tax, including revenue neutrality, and will consider the impact on the competitiveness of B.C. businesses such as the agricultural sector, and in particular, B.C.’s food producers,� Falcon said.
Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012 ■ 3
Reforestation plan needed, experts say
Heather Fox has created textile marvels in hooked rug form from fruit to marmots to original abstracts and beyond. CLAIRE PARADIS/ARROW LAKES NEWS
B.C. has large forest areas damaged by wildfires and beetle infestation that do not have a reforestation plan. PHOTO COURTESY B.C. FOREST SERVICE
Black Press
One million hectares of B.C. forest land may need to be replanted to help them recover from widespread fire and bark beetle problems, according to a new report from the B.C. government’s Forest Practices Board. The report estimates the entire area that may need replanting at two million hectares, out of the 95 million hectares of total forest land in B.C. But about 500,000 hectares of that is the legal responsibility of the forest companies that logged it, and the government has plans in place to replant another 250,000 hectares. “Decisions about whether to replant areas where mountain pine beetle and fires have killed most of the trees will have an impact on the future timber supply,” board chair Al Gorley said. “At a minimum, if nature is left to take its course, the eventual crop of timber in those areas will be delayed.” The board, an independent watchdog of the B.C. government, is critical of the way the government defines
“not satisfactorily restocked” forest land. The definition only applies to areas designated for timber harvest. Even within this 22 million-hectare timber supply area, there are large areas affected by fire or pests, but the report notes that the ministry’s survey data on these areas are not sufficient to be certain of their tree survival or recovery. “There has been only a limited amount of reforestation effort directed at mature beetle-affected forests because those areas might still be harvested by the forest industry,” the report says. The ministry announced regulatory changes Tuesday to promote salvage of wood waste for producing wood pellets and other “bio-products,” including electricity, fuels, plastics, solvents, lubricants and food additives. The regulations are aimed at providing access to smaller trees, tops and branches that are piled at logging sites and roads when sawlogs are taken out. They authorize new salvage licences that do not allow the harvest of standing trees.
available through Halcyon House.
Meals On Wheels provides tasty, nutritious hot meals that are delivered to your home by volunteers between 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The cost for this service is $7.00 per meal. To arrange for Meals On Wheels please call Anne at Community Services 250-265-3674 ext. 213 between 8:30am & 4:30pm
available at Community Services.
16 professionally prepared meals for $100. Orders are to be taken on the 1st & 3rd Monday by 10 am. Pickup is 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. SEVERAL MENU CHOICES! Meals must be prepaid. Call 265-3674.
Hooking show has punch By Claire Paradis Arrow Lakes News
“My daughter tells people I teach punching to hookers,” joked artist Sara Judith, “and I sell drugs when I’m not hooking” (she’s also a pharmacist). Sex? Drugs? Where’s the rock’n’roll? Actually, none of the three were the subject of the most recent show at the Hidden Garden Gallery. Judith and her co-exhibitor Heather Fox are textile artists whose chosen medium is hooked and punched rugs, a kind of craft that utilizes traditional techniques of pulling or pushing different kinds of material through a grid backing to create beautifully designed rugs. Hooked rugs are well-known out east, particularly in the Maritime provinces and Newfoundland where the rugs were initially crafted by poor women from rags and sold to wealthy
buyers. The beauty and innovation of the designs elevated traditional rug-hooking to an art in status, and now the crafty art has made its way out west as well. Fox was introduced to hooking in Vermont and immediately fell in love with the technique. Creating her own designs as well as more traditional patterns developed by others, she has taken on a variety of subjects, with her favourite being a marmot-inspired piece. Creating an original design from a marmot researcher’s photographs, Fox made the rug as a fund raising donation for the Marmot Recovery Foundation. It didn’t take long for someone to fall in love with it. But life is rarely uncomplicated, and the would-be fund raiser soon found himself consumed with a fight against cancer. In a show of generosity, the Foundation raised the money for the rug elsewhere and in
turn gave the rug to the man. Quite the hooking story. Judith’s discovery of rug hooking was also love at first sight. Initially working in tapestry, she soon found the versatility and spontaneity of the craft immediately appealing. That joy is apparent in her rugs’ colours, patterns and themes. Combining punching with hooking, the rugs are multi-textured and vary from abstract pieces to landscapes. It’s unlikely that either artists’ rugs will ever find themselves under foot, when they make such attractive wall coverings. Not only that, but having the rugs on the wall seemed to have an effect on the sound in the small gallery during the opening, absorbing the din from the crush of people and making it easier to converse. Now that’s practical art, and much more gentle than sex, drugs and rock’n’roll.
Arrow & Slocan Lakes Community Services NEW HORIZONS
SPECIAL EVENTS AT HALCYON HOUSE All Seniors in the community welcome to attend all Activities Any questions Call Judy at 265-3056 (eve.) or 265-3692
ROTARY VILLA LOUNGE Monday: BINGO 7:00 pm at the New Lounge Thursday: Soup & Bun Day 12:00 Noon at the New Lounge
Volunteers Are The Heart of
HALCYON HOUSE ACTIVITIES Exercises/Birthday Teas – Joyce Social Time – Dawna, Karen Bingo – Delorus, Jean Cards – Caroline, Ileen Tai Chi – Barb Time Wise – Simon Church – Hilary, Bea Burton Church – Gale Always welcome new student/ adult volunteers! Contact: Karoline Moskal or Elaine Davis at 250-265-3692
MINTO HOUSE ACTIVITIES (Located at the Arrow Lakes Hospital)
Monday: Bingo 10:30 am Ice cream 1:00 pm Tuesday: Piano 10:00 am Junior Volunteers 3:30 pm Wednesday: Minto Medical Bus to Vernon Departs ALH 7:00am - Arrives Vernon 10:30 am Departs Vernon mid pm - Arrives Nakusp 6:00 pm Thursday: Church 10:30 am Friday: Exercises 10:30 am Gentlemen’s Afternoon 1:00 pm To contact the Recreation Dept. or to book a seat on the Minto Medical Bus for Vernon phone 265-3622 ext 259
4 ■ Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012
This view near the Nakusp condos on the lakefront is something all too familiar to residents this summer: clouds and wetness. PHOTO COURTESY OF GAIL MCMARTIN PHOTOGRAPHY: GMCPHOTO.CA
Atamanenko visits proposed Enbridge site Contributed by Alex Atamanenko, MP
Alex Atamanenko, MP for B.C. Southern Interior paid a visit to the Pacific Northwest to learn firsthand about the proposed Enbridge pipeline project. He, along with Federal NDP Environment critic Megan Leslie and B.C. MPs Fin Donnelly and Randall Garrison were hosted by their colleague, Nathan Cullen, MP for Skeena Bulkley Valley. The group met with elected officials from Terrace, Kitimat and Kitamaat Village. They also attend the Joint Review Panel (JRP) hearings and a public meeting in Terrace with more than 120 concerned citizens in attendance. “What we heard was an overwhelming no to the Enbridge pipeline,” said Atamanenko. “Those testifying before the JRP were emotional and passionate in their statements. They were grandmothers, teenagers, mothers and fathers, not “radicals” as portrayed by the Conservative government.” According to the B.C. Southern Interior MP, witness after witness stated that a pipeline pushed through their
pristine wilderness and supertankers in their waters would pose a very real risk of oil spills and permanent destruction of their way of life. “We also had an opportunity to take a boat trip to see firsthand where the tanker port would be. This is truly a magnificent area. One spill of raw bitumen from a supertanker would shut down the tourism and fishing economy, putting thousands out of work. This cannot be allow to happen,” concluded Atamanenko. The recently-passed Omnibus Bill C-38 basically guts the environmental assessment process for big energy projects such as the Enbridge pipeline. There is concern that even if the JRP recommends against the project that the Conservatives will attempt to push it through by way of a cabinet decision. The 1,177km pipeline would move some 525,000 barrels of raw bitumen daily from the oil sands to a new Kitimat Marine Terminal for shipping to the US and Asia by supertanker. Citizens in the Pacific Northwest as well as in other parts of B.C. and Canada are mobilizing to stop this project.
Since 1923
Arrow Lakes News Street Address: 106 Broadway St., P.O. Box 189, Nakusp, B.C. V0G 1R0 Phone: 250-265-3823 Fax: 250-265-3841
PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY 100% B.C. owned and operated by Black Press. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder.
Publisher: Mavis Cann Managing Editor: Aaron Orlando Associate Editor: Claire Paradis Sales Consultant: Sharon Bamber
It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of the Arrow Lakes News, in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser and that there shall be no liability greater than the amount paid for such advertising.
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SUBSCRIPTION RATES LOCAL: 1 Year $44.64, 2 Years $75.90 + HST NATIONAL: 1 Year $71.43, 2 Years $133.93 + HST
Trout Lake readies for seasonal summer residents
Welcome to all the seasonal residents who are making their sojourn back to the British Columbia mountains for their annual retreats. After our June drenching, we are all looking forward to a fabulous summer with plenty of recreational activities on and off the water. The Trout Lake Community Club held its spring extraordinary meeting on May 19, which was attended by 37 members. With the annual membership drive now in progress for the 2012-13 fiscal year, the Community Club anticipates the 2011-12 record of 123 members will be surpassed.
President, John Wall, announced that nominations for the 2012-2013 TLCC Director positions are now open. The positions must be filled at the annual General meeting on June 30th and if necessary, elections will be held at that time. Trout Lake Volunteer Fire Chief, Ken Christiansen, is preparing for a pre-summer fire practice at which a number of volunteers are expected to participate. The Trout Lake Community Hall’s insulation project was finally completed in May. Spray foam was added to the skirting around the building perimeter, which will definitely help with lowering winter heating costs and cool the building during the summer months. A photo memorial plaque honouring George Sawczuk will be displayed in the Community Hall. George, who passed away in April, is being recognized for his contribution as a long time resident of Trout Lake and a lifetime member of the Community Club. On behalf of the Community Club, I would like to thank Milt Parent from the Arrow Lakes
Historical Society who is kindly donating one of the photographs for the memorial. A petition to pave Highway 31 between the Beaton junction and Trout Lake is being circulated at Trout Lake and the surrounding communities. This 10-kilometre stretch of gravel is troublesome not only for travellers visiting the area, but from a safety perspective and its high maintenance costs. The petition, which has already exceeded fifty signatures, will be presented to the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this fall. The Trout Lake BC Internet Society (TLBCIS) has now completed the primary equipment installation for coverage into the Galena Bay area. Work continues at the Beaton repeater site and TLBCIS President, John Wall, expects Internet service to be activated there in July. To date, more than forty customers have subscribed to the Internet and many others are booking appointments to sign-up for the service as they arrive for their annual vacations. Cheers!
WE’VE GOT THE REGION COVERED Arrow Lakes News Classifieds: Effective and Efficient Call 250.265.3823 email: CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THURSDAY, 4:00 pm prior to next issue
The Arrow Lakes News is published by Black Press. Mailing address: P.O. Box 189, Nakusp, B.C. V0G 1R0. Street address: 106 Broadway St., Nakusp. Publisher: Mavis Cann
Arrow Lakes News â– Wednesday, July 4, 2012 â– 5
Owls a rarity, but can be found around Nakusp is certainly known to breed here. The Great Horned Owl seemed less likely since I have not seen any evidence that would suggest that this species breeds around Nakusp. On the other hand, Barred Owls are not often seen during the day, whereas Great Horned Owls are. A couple of days later, Ken Cross and I went up to the property to try and find the owls. After a considerable amount of wandering around, Ken had a good look at an adult Great Horned Owl! We did not, however see any young birds. But a few days later, Ken returned to the property and did see two young Great Horned Owls flying about with the parents. This is a very good record for our region. Generally this species does not favour the damp and relatively dense forests found in the upper portions of the Arrow Lakes valley. They are much more common in drier and more open habitats such as those found in the Okanagan and the East Kootenay. Since I moved to Nakusp in 1975, I have seen Great Horned Owls about a dozen times in this part of the valley. Owls are not always easy to find, so it is quite likely I have
missed some; but they are definitely not a common bird in our area. Barred Owls are a little smaller, and they do like dense forests. As a result, they are regulars here. But still, they are owls, and their nocturnal habits make them less visible than birds which are active during the day. Despite the fact that I know there are several breeding pairs in and around Nakusp, I still only encounter them once or twice each year. Probably our most common owl is the diminutive Northern Saw-whet Owl. This tiny predator is smaller than a robin. Whereas the two larger owls have more typical hooting calls, the saw-whet whistles. Their sometime monotonous call consists of a single whistled note repeated about once per second for minutes at a time. Not particularly loud, but definitely annoying if it decides to call outside the bedroom window in the middle of the night. There are fifteen species of owls in British Columbia. In addition to the three already mentioned, only the Northern Pygmy-Owl is seen regularly here. Twelve of the fifteen, however, have been seen in or around Nakusp at least once.
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Gary Davidson
A couple of weeks ago, I was told about a family of owls living just on the north edge of Nakusp. The property owner described the owls as being quite large. He had seen the adults a number of times during the day, and heard the young ones squawking at dusk. I suggested that there were two possibilities: Great Horned Owl or Barred Owl. I felt that the most likely candidate would be Barred Owl. This mid-sized owl is fairly common in our region and
6 ■ Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Nakusp takes 120th Birthday bash to Broadway
Little girl, winner of smallest dog, and her mom.
The belly dancers in a moment of sun during the parade line up.
Vixen and her owner.
A truly weird beard contest.
Doodlers doodled for the Food Bank, and there were happy artists everywhere.
The crowd was wet but not miserable, and roamed the main street most of the day.
13TH ANNUAL SILENT AUCTION Now gratefully accepting donations of new items. Please drop-off your donation(s) at the library. THANK YOU! Bidding Opens Friday, August 3rd (During Library Hours) Bids Close 2 p.m., Saturday, August 11th
Since 1923
Arrow Lakes News
SENIOR’S DIRECTORY Spectrum Home & Family Care West Kootenay's Home Support 250-265-3842 855-365-3842
Christopher H. Johnston & Associates Lawyer & Notary for all your Estate & Estate Planning needs 208 Broadway Street Nakusp 250-265-0108
Foot Care by Rebecca Kessler, Registered Nurse For an appointment call 250.265.3024
Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012 ■ 7
Canada Day parade begins in sun, ends in fun
These junior pirates were part of the award-winning Kal Tire float in the parade. CLAIRE PARADIS/ARROW LAKES NEWS
By Claire Paradis Arrow Lakes News
Canada Day started out with a delicious and nutritious breakfast the way only fire fighters can make it at the Emergency Services Building. The fire trucks were parked outside and replaced with tables for hungry Canadians. Across the lot, raffle tickets were being sold for a logging-truck load of firewood donated by Nacfor. Shortly after breakfast, the parade lined up in glorious weather. This year, the Brits ‘Round BC joined the parade in the English cars. The group spent Canada Day in Nakusp, and mixed into the line up nicely. Unfortunately, as the Legion-led parade turned onto Broadway, the first drops of rain began to fall. From then on, the weather was varying degrees of inclement, and many if not most floats had umbrellas as part of their ensemble. Even the ducks atop the fire truck – who threw their sweets with a shout to “duck!” – were under umbrellas. Not even good weather if you were a duck.
But it was warm enough, and the Rube Band, led by an energetic and funny Cassia Parent, didn’t seem to mind getting damp. They were able to carry along, and carry a tune too. A dragon animated by Nakusp Parkour roamed the street, eternally chasing a silver ball, and there were horses, gardens, dancers, clowns, the army, and more. The Town Crier, Pat Dion, was finally jailed, and was resourcefully canvassing the crowd for bail money as he was driven down Broadway, hopefully enough to spring himself from the joint. Kids cleaned up on the candy, flag and stuffed animal front. The Hospital Auxiliary took pity on our children’s teeth and handed out teddy bears instead, with many of the volunteers taking shelter beneath a bear before handing it over to some sodden watcher. Shortly before the parade ended, the ambulance, festooned with blue balloons, received a call and turned off Broadway, lights and sirens howling into action for work, not Canada Day. And the rain outlasted it all.
Clockwise from top left: The Legion started the parade in sunshine.; Kid meets clown, news at 11; Val and Al Ramsay with their TR3.; The Rube Band headed by Cassia Parent. The fire fighters at work over a hot grill. CLAIRE PARADIS/ARROW LAKES NEWS
Athletes the Week Week Athlete ofof the Athlete the Week
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KUSKANAX LODGE 515 Broadway St., Nakusp • 250-265-3618 Prime Rib every Friday Wing Night every Sunday
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8 ■ Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012
SMILE OF THE WEEK March 21– April 19
April 20– May 20
You are torn between two choices, Taurus. Family matters are on one side and work responsibilities are on the other. It may take a few days to work out a decision.
Sagittarius, you may be adept at finding an easy way around a difficult thing, but sometimes taking the harder road offers good life lessons along the November 22– way.
May 21– June 21
It’s difficult to contain all of your energy, Gemini, so instead you can choose to share some with others. Try tackling some other people’s projects until your energy wanes.
When money issues arise, the only way to remedy them is to stop spending. This could involve taking a hard look at your lifestyle December 22– and what you may not be able to afford. January 19
Some people may view you as being selfish this week, Cancer, but you view your actions as putting yourself first for a change. Either way, it’s a decidedly “you-centered” few days.
Everyone expects you to dole out the advice, Aquarius, but this week you will be looking for your own. It could be because you have been tackling so many projects lately.
Alan Bunnyman RHC Insurance Brokers Ltd. Toll Free: 1-877-797-5366 New Denver: 250-358-2617 CLUES ACROSS
Home Needed!
LOOKING FOR A NEW LOVING HOME. (N935F) Young, adult male.
Friendly and well socialized. If you are interested in meeting this kitty please call PALS at 250-265-3792 or email
WEEKLY SPONSOR: Selkirk Realty Kelly Roberts (250) 265-3635
1. Disrespectful speech 5. Yemen capital 10. One point S of SE 14. NE French river 15. Sews a falcon’s eyelids 16. Length X width 17. Type of berry 18. Spur wheel 19. Afghan Persian language 20. 50th state (abbr.) 21. Louis said “Hi Ho Stevarino” 22. Milliliter 23. Benniseed 27. Waist ribbons 30. Unnaturally pale 31. Provo organization 32. Free from danger 35. Idol runner-up Clay 38. Chinese mountain range 42. Santa ____ 43. Doctor of Medicine 44. Atomic #63 45. Cajan-pea 46. They speak Hmong 47. Countess equivalents 49. Load with cargo 50. Manned Orbital Laboratory 52. Supplement with difficulty 54. Threaded fasteners 56. Pleasures from another’s pain 59. Father 60. Honorable title (Turkish) 62. Exclamation of surprise 63. Arab outer garments 66. Italian opera set 68. One point E of SE 70. Give over 71. So. European dormouse 72. Gout causing acid 73. Alternative name for Irish language 74. State in N.E. India 75. Soluble ribonucleic acid
CLUES DOWN 1. “Awakenings” author 2. An invisible breath 3. Helps little firms 4. 1/100 of a Cambodian riel 5. Soviet Socialist Republic 6. Longest division of geological time 7. The Big Apple 8. Away from wind 9. Sign language 10. Unhappy 11. Division of geological time 12. Between parapet and moat 13. Cruises 24. Inspiring astonishment 25. Pa’s partner 26. Nail finishes 27. Nasal cavities 28. Atomic #18 29. A horse ready to ride 32. Fictional detective Spade 33. Tropical American cuckoo 34. Supervises flying 36. Actress Lupino 37. Snake-like fish 39. Am. Heart Assoc. 40. Not good 41. Brew 48. NYC hockey team 51. Exclamation of pain 53. Cathode (abbr.) 54. Empty area between things 55. Pole (Scottish) 57. Oral polio vaccine developer 58. Spore case of a moss 60. Highest cards in the deck 61. Dwarf buffalo 64. Promotions 65. Perceive with the eye 66. Patti Hearst’s captors 67. Modern banking machine 68. Pig genus 69. Make a mistake
Turning a hobby into something that makes money is an admirable goal, but it will take a little work, Scorpio. Don’t give up too easily as it could take a few months to solidify.
You can have all the inspiration in the world, Aries, but without solid financial backing, your enterprise will not find its wings. Spend your energy finding investors.
June 22– July 22
July 23– August 22
August 23– September 22
Lrevved up with energy, Leo, you will seem to be stuck in neutral this week. Don’t fret too much about it unless you have deadlines you need to meet.
Virgo, these next few days you will want to do activities that put yourself first. Whether it’s a date or simply alone time, enjoy it and stop neglecting your needs.
October 23– November 21
December 21
January 20– February 18
There are few things that escape your attention, Pisces. However, this week you will be blindsided by certain news. February 19– March 20
Vacations tend to bring the relaxed side out in a person, and it can be hard assimilating back into your regular routine. You, however, have no problem September 23– getting back into a October 22 groove.
T. M. Miller Developments Ltd. Sand & gravel, driveway gravel, drain rock, well rock, pea gravel and more. Burton. Delivery Available. Call Tim: 250-265-3758
24 4 hr. towing & roadside assistance
Phone: 250 250-265-4577 265 4577
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Come and see ee our qualifi qualified ed technicians beforee you head out on the open op road!
Wayne Abbott
Service, Repair & Towing 1350 13th Ave Box 1137,Nakusp, B.C., V0G 1R0 Tel: 250-265-4406 Fax: 250-265-4436
BRITISH COLUMBIA 1-800-222-4357
AUTO SALES JACOBSON .COM See our Entire Pre-Owned Inventory online 1321 VICTORIA ROAD REVELSTOKE 250-837-5284
ICBC/Private Insurance Windshield Replacements
250 265-4012
Simon Bamber AScT ROWP
Civil Technology Consultant & Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Septic Systems Water Systems Subdivisions Land Development (1) 250-265-1767 Project Management Site Inspection Drafting
Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012 ■ 9
English cars and English weather for Canada Day? By Angus Schroff
Special to the Arrow Lakes News
Sunday’s Canada Day parade was full of many things, most of them silly, some of them Canadian. One thing that stood out among the belly dancers and firemen, was a long line of 25 or so British automobiles, hailing from the glory days of cottage autos. There were Austins and MGBs, Morgans
and Morrises, and even a Caterham. These wonderful cars have sometimes passed through many pairs of hands, sometimes only one, but most share one thing in common: they have sadly outlived their parent companies. I talked to Trevor Parker, the owner of a red, 1954 Austin-Healey 100. The companies that made up Austin-Healy broke apart in 1972. He got the car when he was a teenager and he said
he’s loved it ever since. Indeed, there is another thing these cars share: their owners’ pride. A great number of said caretakers stood around and chatted, remembering the history of their cars, or simply lamenting their almost universal lack of proper tops. A strange choice, considering the weather in their country of origin. All the better to experience it when it’s sunny out, I suppose.
Speaking of rain and shine, the scale tipped, and then gushed towards the former as the parade started. Earlier, during my discussion with Trevor on the various merits of things that go “vrmmmm”, a man lamented that he had left his top in his room. That’s the problem with old cars like these: you get all the attention, but sometimes Mother Nature literally rains on your parade.
Business & Service Directory BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ACCOUNTING NEED TO LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? call The Arrow Lakes News to book your spot on this page
AUTOMOTIVE 24 4 hr. towing & roadside assistance NEED TO LET PEOPLE KNOW TOWING & REPAIR O ’BRIEN’S ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS? Phone: 250 250-265-4577 265 4577 1007 Hwy y 23 23, Nakuspp call The Arrow Lakes News to book your spot on this page
Come and see ee our qualifi qualified ed technicians beforee you head out on the open op road!
JACOBSON See our Entire Pre-Owned Inventory online 1321 VICTORIA ROAD REVELSTOKE 250-837-5284 ACCOUNTING CONSTRUCTION
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From starter websites to custom designs, we have solutions that work within every budget. Services also include domain name registrations, website hosting, existing site makeovers and on-going site maintenance. For more information call:
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CONSTRUCTION Log and Timber Frame Quality Since 1974 Homes Jim Pownall
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Licensed Builder New Homes Renovations Commercial Stucco Drywall Concrete
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ANCIENT HEALING WATERS Mineral Pools, Spa, Kingfisher Restaurant, accommodations and more 1.888.689.4699 Hwy 23, 33 km north of Nakusp HALCYON-HOTSPRINGS.COM
98- 1st St. NAKUSP, B.C. V0G 1R0 Open 6 Days a Week Ph:250-265-4911 Fx: 250-265-4972 SALES & SERVICE
MOWERS *Snapper *Lawnboy Toro *Husqvarna TRIMMERS *Stihl *Husqvarna *Toro
10 â&#x2013; Arrow Lakes News â&#x2013; Wednesday, July 4, 2012
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Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Coming Events
Education/Trade Schools
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
Misc. for Sale
Sporting Goods
FULL TIME Buncher/Processor Operators needed in the Williams Lake area. Great wage and beneďŹ ts package. Email resume to or call 250398-8216.
1998 Ford F150 extended cab 4X4 w/canopy, 4 mounted winter tires, $3950. 1999 Ford F250 extended cab w/canopy, $4850. 12â&#x20AC;? Parks thickness planer $400. 3hp stationary horizontal compressor $500. 1/2 hp Sears wood lathe w/tools $90. White drawer slides many sizes $2/pair. 9 shts 1/4â&#x20AC;? pegboard painted $2/each. 250-265-4529
For Sale - 8 HP Honda Trolling Motor With Charging System. 4 Stroke, Medium Shaft. $800 250-265-9909
CALLING ALL Jokers! Former teachers & students. John Oliver Secondaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 100th Anniversary September 21 & 22, 2012. Pre-registration required. Early Bird ends July 15th., THE ANNUAL GENERAL
MEETING of the Arrow Lakes Hospital Foundation will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 13th, 2012 in the Hospital Cafeteria. Elections will be held to ďŹ ll Director positions: 3 for 3 years. In order to vote at the Annual General Meeting, new members need to obtain their $1 card from a Director or at the hospital desk before July 13th, 2012. For further information, write to Box 284, Nakusp or call 250-265-3515
Personals CURIOUS ABOUT Men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try FREE! Call 1-888-5591255. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
Employment Business Opportunities $30,000-$400,000yr. P/t or F/t
Toll Free 1-855-406-1253 Tired of sales? Teach from home. Your ďŹ nancial future in the Health & Wellness industry, online train/support.
Career Opportunities
ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) CertiďŹ cates included are: â&#x20AC;˘ Ground Disturbance Level 2 â&#x20AC;˘ WHMIS â&#x20AC;˘ TrafďŹ c Control â&#x20AC;˘ First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! 1-866-399-3853 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535 TRAIN TO BE AN Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
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21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:
AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualiďŹ ed- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783.
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking DRIVER. Class 1 Drivers wanted. Offering top pay. Close to home. Home most weekends. Family comes 1st! 1 year ďŹ&#x201A;at deck exp. & border crossing a must. Fax resume & driver abstract to 1-604-853-4179
ATTENTION ROOFERS! Come work with the industry leader in rooďŹ ng and exteriors. We are a Calgary based Company looking to hire skilled, professional roofers with foreman experience who are seeking year round employment. Must have 5 years of experience in steep sloped rooďŹ ng, valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence, vehicle and tools. $27 $32 per hour depending on experience with potential beneďŹ ts. Subcontract crews also welcome to apply. Must have all of the above and current WCB coverage. Please call 403-366-3770 Ext. 258 or email Todd@epicrooďŹ Epic RooďŹ ng & Exteriors has been in business since 2001.
Yellowhead Road & Bridge is looking for a full-time Heavy Duty Mechanic to join our team in New Denver. The successful applicant will be required to perform routine servicing, maintenance and repair to a large ďŹ&#x201A;eet, which includes but not limited to: wheel loaders, graders, back-hoes, heavy trucks and pick-ups; and should possess a Heavy Duty Mechanic TQ, a Commercial Vehicle Inspectors License, a Class 3 drivers license with an air endorsement, and have a strong electrical, hydraulic and welding skills. Some ďŹ eld work and overtime is to be expected. Wages and beneďŹ ts are as per a BCGEU collective agreement. Submit resume along with current drivers abstract to or fax to 250-352-2172.
Trades, Technical Civil Engineering Technologist II District of Kitimat, full time permanent - wage $36.11 $43.69, over 2 years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Reporting to the Technical Services Manager, duties include a variety of infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipalityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proďŹ cient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D, and MS OfďŹ ce. Valid BC driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence required. Submit resumes by July 25, 2012, 4:30pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax: (250) 632-4995, or email
Work Wanted Available to do Cleaning and Baking on Order. Please Call: 250-265-0114
Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.
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Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cabsâ&#x20AC;?20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cabsâ&#x20AC;?20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
WANTED: Security Guards, Alarm Runners for the West Kootenay & Boundary Areas including Nakusp area. Email resume: or fax: 250-368-3177
HIRING ironworkers and welders immediately. Please email resume to:
Cards of Thanks
Cards of Thanks
Cards of Thanks
Misc. for Sale
thank you To all of our amazing friends and family who have visited, fed, hugged and kept us distracted in the days since Buntyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passing To everyone who has called, emailed and sent cards To the entire staff at Arrow Lakes Hospital for their kindness and care of Bunty and myself To The Arrow 107.1FM for airing Buntyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s radio programs around the world all day Sunday For the incredible, massive group effort which produced mountains of delicious food, ďŹ&#x201A;owers, music, laughter and stories at Buntyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Celebration. We gave him exactly the day that he requested and more. I love this community, and will never forget what you all have done. Patty, Melody and Melissa
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Real Estate Business for Sale
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ
LIVE THE Dream. Harbours End Marine, 27 year history on beautiful Salt Spring Island, BC â&#x20AC;&#x153;the best place on earth!â&#x20AC;? Owner retiring, well-established business only $129,000 email:
Obituaries LINDEN Francois Fernand
Died peacefully, holding the hands of his wife and eldest son, in the early hours of June 23, 2012. Francois was 81 years old. He is survived by his beloved family: his wife of 50 years, Irene Linden (nee Purvis); sons, Paul Linden (Shannon) of Kelowna and Alan Linden (Christine) of Regina; daughters Michelle Linden (Paul) of Victoria and Cathy Linden (Andre) of Edmonton; four grandchildren; Nicolas and Tayanna, Alexandra, and Dryden; and his sister, Annie Jacoby-Linden (Edmond) of Luxembourg. He was predeceased by his parents Josephine Marie Anne and Nicolas and brothers, Henri and Edward, all of Luxembourg; and his sweet son, two-day old Edward. Francois was born and raised in Reuland, Luxembourg. He worked as an interpreter and served with that countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s military police before venturing to Canada in his early 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. After disembarking in Halifax, Francois made his way to his uncleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home in Salmon Arm, BC. A few years later, he followed the family to Nelson, BC. Maybe it was the majestic Kootenay Mountains and the promising forests nestled in their valleysâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;or maybe it was the beautiful young nurse working at the Kootenay Lake Hospitalâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but Francois was smitten. After marrying Irene in 1962, the couple moved to the tiny town of Trout Lake, BC, where Francois proudly operated his own logging company for more than 30 years. Over time he purchased several hundred acres. Skillfully and with respect for the environment and its habitat, he logged his own land. Francois loved to sing and play the accordion, tell tales of his youth, read an array of literature, and watch his re-runs of his favourite program, M*A*S*H. His sparkling blue eyes and warm smile gave away his kind and deeply generous heart. With a soft spot for children and animals, he lovingly raised his family and innumerable cats and dogs. His Âżnal year was spent happily in Okanagan Center, spending time with family and walking his dog and cat along the scenic trails. He will be remembered for his sentimental soul, his love of the landâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;especially Trout Lakeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and his tremendous hotcakes. The family would like to extend their heart-felt thanks for the special care Francois received in the KGH Emergency Department and the Intensive Care and Cardiac Care Units. A celebration of life was held on Friday, June 29th, 2012 at SpringÂżeld Funeral Home, 2020 SpringÂżeld Road, Kelowna, BC. In lieu of Ă&#x20AC;owers, memorial donations may be made to the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation, Cardiac Care Unit. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting www.springÂż, 250 860-7077.
Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012 ■ 11
Real Estate
RV Sites
Auto Financing
AVORADO RESORT. Beautiful waterfront RV Resort. New Sites For Sale ($63,900). All season, full amenities, clubhouse & beach access. Co-op Resort w/Lifetime Ownership! Call 250-228-3586.
This Week in History This Week in History features a selection of stories from the Arrow Lakes News archives
Other Areas 20 ACRES- Only $99/mo. $0 Down, Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas, Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee! Free Color Brochure. 1-800-755-8953.
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent 2 Bedroom Apartment For Rent. Available Immediately. $550/mth + DD. 250-265-4454
Homes for Rent 1 Bdrm Apartment For Rent Furnished if needed. $600 a month. Utilities NOT included. Available July 1st. Please Phone 250-265-3420 1 Bedroom Cabin for Rent. Area for Garden. Located in Quiet Area. Available August 1st. $450/month 250-2659909
DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557
SUITE For Rent. One Mile from Nakusp. Acreage/Appliances 3 bdrm. $750. 250-575-8867
Your Cabin on the Lake The Kootenay Queen
Antiques / Classics
• • • • • • • • •
1976 30ft cabin cruiser with a 185 merc Full galley (fridge, stove, sink, furnace, toilet) Fold down table for a queen sized bed Fold up bunk beds VHF radio Hull is sound, galley is dated. Low draft 200 hrs on new engine A great boat that needs some TLC. $12,000.00 invested, will take offers starting at $9000 as is, where is Call 250-362-7681 or email monikas_2010@ for more information
Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Estate of Martin Frank Atkinson formerly of 640 Robinson Road, Edgewood, British Columbia Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that particulars of their claims should be sent to the Administrator at 301 - 1665 Ellis Street, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2B3, on or before August 8, 2012, after which date the Administrator will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it having regard to the claims of which the Administrator then has notice. Jennie Leigh Atkinson Administrator By PUSHOR MITCHELL LLP Lawyers Attention: Joni Metherell Telephone: (250) 762-2108
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The Nakusp Boys Bugle Band march past the Arrow Lakes Hospital as they parade towards the Recreation Grounds on July 1. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE ARROW LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND CRESCENT BAY CONSTRUCTION
July 7, 1932 Nakusp Notes
Mrs. Salmon and three children passed through Nakusp on her way to Kaslo. W. Brown and D. Calder both of Trail attended the Dominion Day dance here. Roy Bradley of Edgewood visited Nakusp the other day. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Parkyn of Burton were town visitors on Wednesday.
July 3, 1952 Campbell heads New Denver sports club A well-attended joint meeting of the New Denver Hockey Club and the New Denver baseball club was held Tuesday evening in the Legion rooms. This meeting resulted in the amalgamation of the two teams to be known as the New Denver Athletic Association.
July 7, 1982 Storms blast seven
BC Hydro crews have been kept busy in the off hours lately due to the unusually strong lightning storms we have experienced. On June 24, there were seven local areas hit, blowing up two transformers and on June 25 there were 18 hits blowing up five transformers, mainly in the downtown area. These storms delayed the final connections promised to 14 new customers on the Red Mountain Road south of Silverton, built under BC Hydro Rural Electrification Project. “Our thanks to these customers for their patience, assistance and leg work to bring this extension to a successful conclusion. May you all enjoy benefits that electricity can bring to rural areas,” said F. P. Flack, district manager in Nakusp.
July 1, 1992 Nakusp launch club agrees to lease marina At the regular meeting of the Village of Nakusp on June 25, the Council decided to enter into a lease agreement with the Nakusp Launch
Club for operation of the marina. Dan Santano noted that one of the key issues of contention was the establishment of the washrooms adjacent to the facility. He also said the marina is in need of an additional breakwater on the west side of the facility. Santano suggested the Village turn over the marina to the Launch Club and only retain ownership of the access ramp to the floats. Alderman Karen Hamling made a report to the council regarding the May and June water reports from the health inspectors in Nelson. “The Board of Health’s method of reporting results is terrible,” said Hamling. The May 26 report on this district’s water arrived in the third week of June from the health office in Nelson. The fecal count in the water was 32. Usually, the fecal count is, at most, one or two. The Board of Health did not contact anyone by phone.
July 4, 2002 - Ferry breakdown causes delays for long weekend The D.E.V. Galena broke a propeller when it hit a submerged stump on Wednesday evening. On Thursday a decision was made to pull it out of service to replace the prop. The Shelter Bay ferry could not keep up the schedule of the ferry loads and fell way behind before stranding many passengers when it shut down for the night. Officials in Nakusp were extremely concerned about the service interruption on the brink of one of the busiest weekends of the summer. Crews worked feverishly to get the boat back in service but discovered another problem with the pump.
Byline Burpy July 1, Canada Day in Nakusp was a great success and everyone pulled together to make it work. There were a couple of things I didn’t like. For one, the Nakusp Skateboard Park opening was not done with proper protocol. The mayor had been asked to officiate at the opening ceremony and as he was not available, councillor Len Heppner volunteered to stand in. When the official ribbon cutting and thanks to various and sundry sponsors were called out, councillor Heppner was standing right behind the mike ready to give a few words in recognition of the park from the village. He was still standing there when the demonstrations of skateboarders started to end the opening. The other thing that bothered me is how some children tormented Tony Tiger.
Arrow Lakes News Community Calendar List your community events here for FREE! Call 250-265-3823 or email
SUMMER READING CLUB FOR KIDS It’s easy: just read any-
Patrizia Menton’s photographs of Cuba will be showing at the Hidden Garden Gallery Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
thing for 15 minutes a day for July and August and receive stickers and medals. Contact the Nakusp Library for details.
THE GREAT EXCUSE CONTEST If you’re a young library patron
MEGA SPORTS CAMP A free sports camp in the mornings for kids
with fines, you can enter a contest to get them erased – if you’ve got a funny, original and really good excuse why you didn’t get your books back on time. Talk to the librarians at the Nakusp Library.
going into grades 1-7 this fall; contact Saddleback Community Church for more info.
STONE CARVING WORKSHOP Chaka Chikodzi, a stone carver
FANTASTIC FUDGE MAKING If you’re six and older, head to the library to learn how to make your own batch of chocolate fudge. There are only eight spaces, so please register at the Nakusp Library.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 - SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 originally from Zimbabwe, is coming to teach stone carving to anyone who is interested. For more information, contact Barbara Maye in Nakusp.
12 ■ Arrow Lakes News ■ Wednesday, July 4, 2012
KSCU gets dressed up in birthday suits
Les Casseroles in New Denver.
Casseroles’ clang heard in New Denver By Claire Paradis Arrow Lakes News
In one corner of the Hidden Garden Gallery, a small party of New Denver residents quietly unwrapped the pots and pans they had brought with them and took to the streets on Wednesday, June 27, 2012. The small parade was a show of solidarity
with Les Casseroles in Montréal, the movement that started as a student protest against increased tuition fees, quickly turned into a demonstration against the current economic inequity in our society and has now bloomed into a much larger statement against measures taken by the government to quell social protest.
Most readers, I’m sure, are well aware of this. But, if folks have been in the back woods or focusing on local news only, the small troupe in New Denver banged their way down the main street for their benefit, to let them know they feel the issues at stake in Montréal are also relevant here in our Kootenay home.
The staff of the Nakusp branch of Kootenay Savings and Credit Union put on some old finery Friday, June 29 to get into the spirit of the Nakusp 120th birthday celebrations. The ladies looked very elegant, and very warm, in their long gowns and hats. CLAIRE PARADIS/ARROW LAKES NEWS
Junior Golfers swing their clubs on the course
Alanna Minchin getting ready to hit the Nakusp Golf Course.
By Claire Paradis Arrow Lakes News
It was a hot, sunny day out on the golf course for the Junior Golf Tee Off on Friday, June 22. About 45 kids got out on the links and smacked balls around the course, trying out their golfing skills. Organizer and instructor Linda Henke was grateful to the sponsors who made the day happen. International Forest Products Ltd. provided money for tournament, Nakusp Golf Club donated the course for the kids, Little Summit Driving Range gave them a place to learn and practise,
The Junior Golfers had sun for their fun day on the links.
Kyle Macaulay shows great form during the tournament.
and Kal Tire kicked in too to make sure the fun tournament could take place. Food was donated by Sysco, as well as Mel and the golf club kitchen who put out a great spread for the little golfers as well as pro-golfer Burt Drysdale, Linda Henke and most of all the parents and kids. “It was about everybody,” said Henke, who gave each golfer a goody bag with a marker, tee, and a ball fixer (for the older kids), as well as home made popcorn balls and bottles of water. “It was a great season,” she enthused, “thanks to everyone!”
Families enjoyed their time out with their kids in the Junior Program. PHOTO COURTESY OF LINDA HENKE