Houston Today, July 04, 2012

Page 1

SPECIAL: Bright lights in the class o f 2012

PROFILE: Scandinavian students sign off on a wild year

PAGES 11-17



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HCS grads kick off cowboy style By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today

Andrew Hudson/Houston Today


Tyler Delege gets a leg-up thanks to his nine Houston Christian School classmates, whose June 28 graduation ceremony rolled out Clydesdale-style in a horse-drawn carriage. Unseen is HCS grad Laura Leffers, who is pictured on page 2.

One tuxedoed young man and nine gowned ladies graduated on the Houston Christian School stage June 28. Walking up the school’s front steps was like walking into an old Western bar, with weather-worn walls and swinging saloon doors. A row of “Wanted” posters hung inside, each showing a graduate’s face with “charges” printed below. Under Cassandra Barden’s was the line: “Fer completin’ high school and abusin’ the iPod.” During the ceremony, graduates sat on hay bales under a canopy of lights and a Grad 2012 sign with hand-painted names. Several academic awards went to Ruth

Hamblin, who also got a mention for her fullride basketball scholarship at Oregon State University. Allison Sienen also won an award for athletic ability. Both Lauren Vandenberg and Kimberly Keegstra earned several academic awards as well, and Laura Leffers won the award for art and music. An honourable mention went to Juanita Dieleman for her “servant heart” and all the volunteering she did with elementary students. Teacher Ed Kronemeyer presented Justine Vander Mooren with a unique award for thriftiness. Kronemeyer had promised the girls $20 if any could get a graduation dress for under $100. See GRADS on Page 2

Irrigation Lake users asked to speak up and save dam By Andrew Hudson Houston Today

People who fish, swim, or camp at Irrigation Lake are being asked to speak up and save it before the province has to pull the plug on its dam. Built before 1947, the dam no longer complies with B.C.

safety standards, although provincial officials say it’s unlikely to break. If neither the District of Houston nor the Regional District of Bulkley Nechako takes control of the dam, provincial officials say they will have to dismantle it—a move that would lower

“The rest had no idea there was a potential the dam would come down.”

the lake by about two metres. “Speaking to the people in our area, I’ve met one who knew what was happen-

- Rob Newell ing,” says Rob Newell, RDBN director for the rural area where the dam is located, about 15 km north of Houston.

“The rest had no idea there was a potential the dam would come down.” Newell is asking people who want to keep the dam to write the District of Houston and RDBN—not to complain, he said, but to suggest ideas on how to fundraise for a dam upgrade.

On Thursday, RDBN directors voted to have staff find out the likely long-term cost of maintaining the dam, how much money the District of Houston is requesting, and the impact of the dam’s removal. On that last point, Newell says if the dam goes, there is a clear

loss in recreation value. The lake plays host to an annual ice-fishing derby that brings out several dozen fishermen. But Newell says the biggest impact would be felt by kids at the adjoining Rough Acres and Mountain View summer camps. See LAKE on Page 6



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Houston Today


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Andrew Hudson/Houston Today

Laura Leffers blows a kiss to friends and family as her grad class rolls through Steelhead Park.

Grads celebrated for love, helpfulness



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HCS from Page 1 Kronemeyer joked that her recently received engagement ring must have cost more than $100, but “she wouldn’t go for it.” A theme throughout the night was the love shown by the 2012 grads. Dillon TenBrinke, a Grade 2 student with a communication disability, was presented with an iPad, a gift from the class. Dawn Bishop, Dillon’s assistant teacher, tearfully thanked them, saying it had already made a huge differences. “Dillon has always struggled to express himself,” she said, “and this has given him a voice.” Tyler Delege, the only male in the grad class, was the brunt of many jokes. The crowd roared when they saw a video of a PE dance class where Tyler Delege was unknowingly abandoned on the dance floor.

They had worn art masks for the dance, and Delege couldn’t see that his class had stopped dancing. He danced alone for almost a full minute before he realized what had happened. The class verse was Joshua 1:9, which says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” In her speech, parent Nelinda Vandenberg showed why parents so value the school. “It takes a community to raise a child,” she said to the grads, “and we wanted to raise you in the way of the Lord.” “We have all failed in many ways,” she said, “so we put our hope in God.” Vandenberg closed by encouraging the graduating students to follow the way of the Lord. Then, she said, “the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


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Wednesday, July 4, 2012


HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0

Houston Today

Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: editor@houston-today.com or: newsroom@houston-today.com Advertising: advertising@houston-today.com

In our opinion:

Blackout T

here’s an element of discrimination in BC Hydro’s treatment of its residential customers because of its two-tier pricing system. In areas of the province where lights come on earlier and go off later because of winter’s darkness or where electricity is the primary heat source, that first tier is easily reached. The alternative is to fumble your way around in the dark and install a wood stove, hardly something that BC Hydro’s owners, who are its customers because this is a Crown corporation, should expect. The problem is that providing electricity is a monopoly. The vast, vast majority of residential customers have no option but BC Hydro. And BC Hydro, with no realistic competitor, has no urgent reason to change its ways. It’s ironic that BC Hydro is spending $1 billion and change to promote its smart meters as something that is good for residents when it’s not. Smart meters will certainly help BC Hydro by, for example, accurately pinpointing outages. All they will do for residents is tell them on which hour of which day they will start paying more for power. Now, if BC Hydro’s smart meters gave consumers choices, say, about when to use power based on rates tied to time-of-day use, that would be something else. But if BC Hydro has either no market driven or technical need to do so, consumers suffer in the end.

“ “BC Hydro, with no realistic competitor, has no urgent reason to change its ways.”

—Terrace Standard

Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor! Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to newsroom@houston-today.com

War of 1812 offers Canada Day lessons


his past weekend, Canadians from sea to sea to sea will have participated in our ongoing attempt at nation building. Canada Day celebrations were everywhere and even more prevalent than usual this year, on the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. Like every country, ours is founded on myths. Some of Canada’s earliest heroes – Laura Secord and Issac Brock – date back to that war, which established that North America would be home to a distinctly British nation as well as an American republic. In classrooms, Canadians learn to

“Like all myths, it can be difficult to determine the historic reality from the ‘messaging’ written after the hostilities ended.”

take pride in the defence of our homeland and how our nation was forged by our battles against a much larger army of American invaders. And like all myths, it can be difficult to determine historic reality from the “messaging” written after the hostilities ended. Thankfully, the bicentennial of that war has prompted both government and media to dig deeper into the

history of the muddied narrative of the War of 1812. The documentaries and reenactments will bring the lessons of this conflict to new generations who may know little about the significance of this war. The books and newspaper features will dig up new information from the archives that will shed more light on how events actually unfolded.


But, as happens every time we really look at ourselves in the mirror, we will see things we might wish we hadn’t. For as much as our earliest settlers stood nobly against the African slave trade and raids on aboriginal lands, those early Canadians also closed off the country to the spirit of development and innovation that allowed the U.S. to blossom. After the War of 1812, as both countries went their separate ways, we spent decades as a country that severely restricted many of the rights – such as religious freedom and democratic principles – that are cherished today.

Guest View

But from that tyranny of conformity emerged a character that would eventually come to be known as among the most tolerant and peaceful in the world: Canada. Goldstream News Gazzette

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Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Website Poll results Yes - 92% No - 8% Despite some important problems, Canada is the best country in the world.



This week’s Website Poll at www.houston-today.com Should Houston’s public schools switch to full-year schooling?

On The


What do you plan to do now that you’ve graduated from Houston Christian School? By A B Andrew d H Hud Huds Hudson d

Letters to the


Primary health is key

Editor: The recently published Canadian Wait Time Alliance Report Card on wait times for medical care in Canada contains two findings that should make members of the public and policy makers take

Tyler Delege

Cassandra Barden

Justine VanderMooren

Kim Keegstra

“I plan to work here with Cornerstone Carpentry, and then I might become a heavy duty mechanic.”

“I plan to go to Saskatchewan and learn how to teach English in China, or else travel to Korea and teach it there.”

“I’ll be working in Houston.”

“I’m going to Redeemer College to learn more about God, and then I’ll become a nurse.”

Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to: editor@houstontoday.com, faxed to: 250-847-2995 or mailed to: P.O. Box 899, Houston B.C., V0J 1Z0.

note. The report estimates that one in six hospital beds are now occupied by patients who do not require acute care services but who end up in hospital due to a shortage of preventative, community-based health services. Wait times are

best addressed by improving the entire health care continuum and investing in primary health care services, including home support and residential care, that will improve quality of care for seniors and keep them out of expensive and inappropriate hospital

beds. The report also notes the important role played by the federal government in setting national health strategies and facilitating their implementation. Much progress has been made in reducing wait times in the five areas

identified as priorities by federal, provincial and territorial governments under the 2004 Health Accord. Unfortunately, the federal government has stated that after the current Health Accord expires in 2014, it will continue to provide some funding, but no

leadership for health care. This isn’t good enough. Our publicly funded health care system requires the shared commitment and cooperation of Ottawa and the provinces. Rick Turner Co-chair BC Health Coalition

‘Poverty’ declines, nobody notices Y

ou probably didn’t hear this on TV, but the percentage of Canadians deemed “low income” went down slightly in 2010, according to the latest Statistics Canada analysis. This news was delivered in the annual “Income of Canadians” report. The share of people who fall below the federal Low-Income CutOff (LICO) went from 9.5 per cent to 9.0. The CBC couldn’t bring itself to admit any actual improvement, reporting on its website that the number of people with “low income” was about three million, “virtually unchanged from 2009.” Other media outlets followed

the unwritten rule that nothing remotely positive must be presented as news, particularly if it reflects positively on a right-wing government. (Plus they had the Montreal bodyparts case to update each day.) This information likely won’t have any effect on the political discussion about “poverty” in B.C. The LICO survey will continue to be used as a measure of absolute poverty, despite the fact that it isn’t. It’s a relative measure that will always designate the same share of people at the low end of the scale. BC Stats, the provincial equivalent of the federal agency, explained this problem in a special report last

year. “To illustrate,” the report said, “take a hypothetical future Canada where every citizen earns no less than $100,000 (and assume there has not been rampant inflation in the meantime, such that buying power is not dissimilar to what exists today) and millionaires are common. “In that kind of Canada, those at the low end of the income scale (that is, those earning ‘merely’ $100,000) would be considered poor if LICOs were used as a measure of poverty.” Math aside, that’s the alleged “poverty line” routinely cited by the usual media authorities, like B.C. Federation of Labour president Jim Sinclair.

“Other media outlets followed the unwritten rule that nothing remotely positive must be presented as news...”

Sinclair campaigned for years to get the B.C. government to raise the minimum wage from $8 to $10 an hour. They did, in three increments, and on May 1 it increased to $10.25 an hour. As soon as the series of three increases was announced last November, Sinclair called a news conference to announce it’s not enough. To get to the LICO level, the minimum wage should be $11.50 an hour, Sinclair said.

Of course, if B.C. businesses ponied up for that, the goalposts would shift again and the same proportion of “poverty” would magically still exist. The B.C. NDP government-in-waiting continues to demand an “action plan” on poverty, with annual goals. All the progressive provinces have one, which I guess is why poverty is all but eradicated in enlightened places like Manitoba. There are signs of

the reality behind this political smokescreen. Here’s one. For what may be the first time in history, we now have a North American society where one of the most reliable indicators of poverty is obesity. This often gets explained away with a popular theory that poor people are somehow forced to eat fast food and drink pop because they can’t afford healthy food. People who advance this theory presumably don’t do much grocery shopping. There are plenty of processed, sugary, fat-laden choices at the supermarket too. But there is also whole wheat bread, rice and fresh or frozen vegetables that are as cheap as

B .C. Views Tom Fletcher anywhere in the world. Given basic cooking skills and some effort, it’s easy to demonstrate which diet is cheaper as well as healthier. Most immigrants know this. Which diet you choose isn’t a function of money, but rather one of education and selfdiscipline. There is genuine poverty in our society. One of the things that’s needed is a useful way to define it.



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Houston Today


Trout-stocked lake popular for summer camps, ice fishing LAKE from Page 1 A two-metre drop in the lake level would hurt the fish it’s stocked with, Newell said, and leave the camp docks in open air.

“But the real thing is, because of the gradual slope going down to the water, we would have 20 to 30 feet of mud between the sandy beach and the water,” he added.

Willow Grove Ladies Night June 26, 2012 Sponsor: Bassani Fuels Inc. & Canfor

Number of Golfers: 41 Raffles - 50/50: Kathy $60 A Flight Low Gross: Maryn 46 Low Net: Lori Saretsky 35 B Flight Low Gross: Ann Huls 48 Low Net: Robbyn Emberley 33.5 C Flight Low Gross: Rose 54 Low Net: Kim 32 D Flight Low Gross: Kyla Eldridge 59 Low Net: Bonnie Edgar 35.5 Birdie Pot: Wendy Van Barnaveld $28.00 Par Pot: Annette & Debbie Vanbergen $10.00 each Bogey Pot: Bonnie Edgar & Annie Slaney $2.00/ea Putt Pots: A Flight Dallas Edwards 15 $12.00 B Flight Ann Huls 16 $10.00 C Flight Kim 15 $7.00 D Flight Bonnie Edgar 17 $6.00 A Flight Long Drive Hole #7: Lori Saretsky B Flight Long Drive Hole #8: Tasha Kelly C Flight Long Drive Hole #1: Marj Epps D Flight Long Drive Hole #8: Bonnie Edgar KP on Hole#2 - Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza: Kerry Cooper KP on Hole#3 - Willow Grove: Wendy Van Barnaveld KP on Hole#5 - Babine Barge: Dawn Szydlik KP on Hole#6 - Sunlife: Elsi Makowichuk Long Putt on Hole#9 - Willow Grove Ladies: Jenn Grange Cows Eye: Robbyn Emberley

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Ric Wheeler, who caught a trout weighing 2.4 pounds there two weeks ago, and a 3.8-pound trout last summer, says it would be a shame to see the lake drop after all the work the province has done to stock it. “It is without a doubt the most popular fishing lake nearby,” he said, noting that it’s particularly popular ice fishing spot for families in midwinter. A drop at Irrigation Lake would also concern B.C.’s fisheries department, says Paddy Hirschfield, a

said bringing the dam to code may cost $25,000 to $38,000. Showing a photo of the dam—a threemetre wide, threemetre long berm made of rock and compacted dirt—Glavin pointed out three places where lake water now flows overtop and is eroding the old dam. “With all this erosion here, there’s probably some work to re-shoulder the banks,” he said. Glavin said the rock needed to do that could cost up to $20,000. Next most expensive is the geotechnical engineering study

needed to okay any upgrades, which could cost up to $10,000. But those are rough numbers, Glavin said, especially since it’s unclear at this point whether fisheries rules might create extra costs. To complicate matters, Irrigation Lake and a picnic and camping area on its eastern shore were gifted to the District of Houston by the province as a recreation site. The site is owned by the District, although an access road to the dam is not, and it all lies well outside its municipal boundaries

in the Regional District. Glavin said the District has several options—picking up the entire cost of the dam upgrade, removing it, reverting ownership to the province, cost-sharing with the Regional District, or asking it to take over entirely. The dam at Dunalter Lake was inspected as part of a B.C.-wide survey that followed the 2010 break of a privately owned, earthen dam near Oliver, B.C. No lives were lost, but a wall of mud destroyed five homes and several orchards.

Smoke, dust levels on downward trend By Andrew Hudson Houston Today

Residents can breathe a little easier knowing that smoke and road dust levels are dropping in Houston and other towns along Highway 16. “It seems like everywhere we study, air quality is getting better,” says Ben Weinstein, air quality meteorologist at the Smithers office of the Ministry of Environment.

Pacific Trail Pipelines invites you to our Community Open House. Drop in on Wednesday, July 4th to meet Pacific Trail Pipelines representatives, learn about our project, and enjoy some snacks and refreshments. WHAT: Community Open House WHEN: Wednesday, July 4th 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm WHERE: Houston Community Hall, 2302 Butler Avenue For more information about Pacific Trail Pipelines, please visit www.pacifictrailpipelines.com


biologist with B.C.’s natural resources ministry. Irrigation Lake is restocked with cutthroat trout every two years, he said, and the dam acts as a barrier to keep those stocked fish isolated from surrounding waterways. “If we stock fish that can breed and mix with native fisheries, then we’re promoting genetic dilution, and that’s something we very much don’t want to do.” At a June 21 council meeting, Michael Glavin, the District of Houston’s director of engineering services,

After more than 10 years, data from a monitor on the Houston firehall roof show a steady decline in PM2.5—particulate matter that, at 1/30th the width of a human hair, can lodge deeply in the lungs. Monitors in towns from the Hazeltons to Burns Lake show similar declines, but none so steep as the post-2007 drop seen in Houston after it got rid of its beehive burners. But Houston is also home to the region’s smokiest spot—the Ambassador mobile home park, which sees heavy smoke from wood stoves every winter and fall. Fittingly, on June 21, Weinstein led a meeting of the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District Airshed Management Society at the Houston Community Hall just beside the park. An April 11 story in the Houston Today reported that only two homes in the Ambassador park had switched from older wood stoves for newer, cleaner-burning models using the $250 rebates offered by the airshed society. In fact, nine homes made the switch in the years 2008 to 2011. After the meeting, Weinstein said air quality is improving in the region largely because of that wood stove exchange and better management of

Andrew Hudson/Houston Today

Gail Millar demonstrates a new air-quality sensor to members of the Bulkley Valley and Lakes District’s airshed management society at the Houston community hall. Behind are town maps showing where residents have switched out smoky old wood stoves for newer, clean-burning models. forestry-related slash burning. Since 2006, 111 old stoves have been switched out in Houston, and 634 across the Bulkley Valley. That’s roughly 15 to 20 per cent of all the stoves in the region, says program coordinator Colin McLeod. Weinstein said forestry companies that burn slash piles are also reducing their emissions by burning hotter, more fully combusted fires. What smoke they do emit is also have less of an impact, he said, because meteorologists now give highly localized forecasts for the best venting conditions. Also speaking at the

society meeting was Gail Millar, a UNBC student who did her Master’s thesis on the effects of the Bulkley Valley wood stove exchange program. By driving slowly around Houston and other towns with a mobile air quality monitor, Millar was able to map, street by street, where residents were likely to see the most smoke—a test that will be repeated in future. At the meeting, Millar showed off the society’s latest tool— new sensors that capture much better readings of fine particulate matter. Two of the $35,000 monitors are already running in Smithers and Telkwa this sum-

mer, and two more will be installed in Houston and Burns Lake this fall. “They read a much higher particulate concentration in the air because the technology’s better,” says Weinstein. That may mean a “bit of a shock” this fall, he added, since the new monitors may record up to a 100 per cent more particulate matter. But that doesn’t change the trend, Weinstein says. “We’re at recordlow concentrations right now,” Weinstein said. “No matter what instruments we use to measure them, we’re still improving.”

Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012





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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Damage to the Smithers Snowmobile Association Snowcat

Houston Today


SHAKIN, BAKIN Grade 7 students graduating from Twain Sullivan elementary laugh as music teacher David Conway played a recording of them singing the song “Shakin’ Bakin Mama” at the intermediate awards for Grades 4 to 7 students on Thursday.

The Smithers Snowmobile Association is offering a reward of $4675 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for the theft and vandalism of our BR400 snowcat trail groomer. The machine was taken from the Onion Mountain parking lot on Old Babine Lake Road. Email snowmobilesmithers@gmail.com if you have any information regarding this incident, or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2220-TIPS (8477) for total anonymity and up to a further $2000 reward.

Andrew Hudson/Houston Today

Rise ‘N Shiners top Cancer Society relay

A healthy local economy depends on you

By Andrew Hudson


Houston Today

Willow Grove Men’s Night June 27, 2012 Sponsor: Kal Tire Men’s Night No: 7 • Number of Golfers: 32 Sunlife KP (Ron Morris): S. Emberly Food Market KP (Bob Wheaton): B. Timms 2nd shot KP (Everyone): T. Beck 0-14 KP: P. Doyle 15+ KP: B. Mayer LD: J. Cook Low Gross 0-14: 1. T. Beck 36 2. B. Maser 37 CB 3. G. Kelly 37 CB

Low Net 0-14: 1. J. Cook 30 2. P. Slaney 31 3. J. Mills 31.5

Low Gross 15+: 1. A. Huls 41 2. D. Anderson 42 3. B. Mayer 44

Low Net 15+: 1. D. Olson 32.5 2. G. Hay 32.5 3. B. Egan 33.5

0-14 Birdie Pot: $40 c/o

15+ Birdie Pot: D. Anderson $30

Deuce Pot: B. Maser $30 S. Emberly $30

Come and join us...

Andrew Hudson/Houston Today

Cancer survivor Debi Smith salutes Relay for Life volunteers early on June 23 after they walked the whole night long. As “Sergeant Smith,” she gave a rousing drill on healthy ways to lower cancer risk.

...on our great full length 9 hole course


CORRECTION A Relay night photo printed in the June 27 paper was taken by Simon Jeffries.

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Golf & Country Club Ltd.

We have! moved!

officer, “Sergeant” Smith delivered a tough drill on how to lower cancer risk. “You look the sorriest bunch of dogooders I ever laid eyes on,” she began. “A tablespoon of brown flax seed is not going to help you if you’re still enjoying too many alcoholic drinks a week; if you are overweight, stressed, smoking, or regularly eating empty-calorie foods like refined sugar, deepfried anything, white flour, and not getting exercise every day.” Avoid all that, says the Canadian Cancer Society, plus exposure to UV rays and hazardous goods at work, and people can significantly reduce their risk of contracting some cancers.


Willow Grove Just minutes east of Houston

After besting a “tempest” and moving the entire Relay for Life fundraiser to a drier park the day before, organizer Sue Jones looked up to see the sky on fire. “No one really knew what was going on,” she says. “There was fire in the sky and it was just mesmerizing.” As it turns out, a Relay volunteer had sold several 30-inch paper lanterns that day to help her team raise money for the Cancer Society event, and several people started sending them into the air after midnight. It was a beautiful sight, Jones said, once she realized what it was, especially when the Relay DJ matched it to the song Fireflies. “She just nailed the song,” Jones said. “I’ll never forget

that moment.” Jones said the lanterns could easily be a new tradition for the next relay two years from now, along with hosting the all-night event at Four Seasons Park. Altogether, the Houston Relay raised $67,489.33—the effort of just over 200 people. Topping the list of the 20 fundraising teams that signed up this year were the Rise ‘N Shiners, who at the last minute beat out former champions Charter Chicks with a grand total of $7,495.35 raised. After a well-earned pancake breakfast on the morning of June 23, the Relay participants gathered one last time to hear a closing speech from cancer survivor Debi Smith. Dressed in camouflage gear and sporting the drawl of a Southern U.S. army


www.houston-today.com Ph: 250-845-2890

As of July 1st, we’ve moved to the

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HORN Warmers

Andrew Hudson/Houston Today

Houston got a warm surprise Wednesday when its Robbie Bell statue, above, fly rod statue and salmon fountain were all “yarn-bombed.”

Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012




SMASHING SEASON Houston’s under-18 soccer team looks sharp after winning their final game 6-2 against Smithers last Tuesday night. In this league season, the team finished with four wins, two losses and a draw. The team would like to recognize graduating players Chel Anderson, Brock Henrickson, Adam Ells, and Jarred Bishop for their great play. Thanks also go out to James Fenema, Henry Barendregt, and Paul Doyle for officiating games. Standing in the back row, from left, are coach Ted Beck, Rebecca Ells, Hank Vantunen, Brock Henrickson, Jarred Bishop, Chel Anderson, Delainey Larocque, Ivar Knain, Shad Anderson, Sheldon Kingcott, Jacob Maser, and Evan Kenzle. In front are, from left to right, Leilah Wiebe, Lucas Bishop, Peter Tuovinen, Jamie Beck, Harpreet Parmar, Adam Ells, Lisa Groth, Jesse Denommee, and Travis Meints. Submitted photo

Luckies looking to beef up team 2013 By Andrew Hudson Houston Today

Luckies players grill hot dogs and burgers at the grand opening of the new Sullivan Motor Products on Sept. 17.

Every summer, the smell of a Houston Luckies jersey goes from the rich scent of locker-room sweat to the more savoury smell of fundraiser BBQs. But as the team dons those jerseys for their first 2013 fundraiser this week—a bottle drive—they’re out for more than money. “We’re going to need some more help,” says Alonzo Slaney, a Luckies player of 12 years and team presi-

dent for the last four. “We love helping out the community and having this team, but without extra help there is a chance there won’t be a team next year.” The Luckies need a head coach and few executives to take the lead on advertising and fundraising, he said. Casual volunteers are also needed for Luckies home games—things like manning the ticket gate and mid-game puck toss. The CIHL season runs October to March, and with only

nine home games, Slaney said, many volunteer spots don’t take much time. The Luckies are also putting out an early invite to new players. Five or six players from Burns Lake look set to join next year, plus one or two Houston players who were in Juniors. But the Luckies are always out for new recruits. “I think the thought before tended to be, ‘Well, the team’s picked,’” Slaney said. “But the team’s never picked.” Luckies super-fan Cody Longpre gets behind the bench as honorary head coach at a Luckies benefit game against the Burns Lake Braves on Feb. 25. Proceeds from the game netted $4,200 for the Burns Lake Tragedy Fund.

Andrew Hudson photos /Houston Today

The Luckies tied the Terrace River Kings for fifth in the 10-team CIHL last year, with an 8-10 record in the regular season. “We were never out of any game,” Slaney said, noting that more

players (and goalies) would give them a stronger edge for away games. “It gives the kids something to do after Midget” he said. “It’s competitive. It’s hard, good hockey.”

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To our customers for purchasing Pharmasave brand products between March 1- April 30. The combined efforts of the Houston and Burns Lake Pharmasave raised a TOTAL OF $1173.00. 50¢ from every Pharmasave brand product sold during that time is being donated to the Burns Lake Tragedy Fund.

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Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Houston Secondary School Graduation 2012

Chel Andersen

Austin Berg

Jesa Boettger

Desiree Bowes

Nolan Bowes

Allan Davidson

Adam Ells

Hi, I’m Chel Andersen. I was born in Prince George B.C. on May 8. I enjoy playing hockey and soccer and working out. I also like hanging out with my friends. After graduation I’m going to try to go as far as I can in hockey, and if that doesn’t work out then I’m going to go to University to receive my teaching degree. Ten years from now I plan to be a retired NHL all-star, with tons of money, living the rest of my days with my supermodel wife.

Hi, I’m Austin Berg. I was born in Smithers B.C. on February 2. My hobbies are playing hockey, snowmobiling and hanging out with friends. After graduation I plan to work until I get accepted to the RCMP Depot and become a police officer. Ten years from now I plan to be patrolling the streets and fighting crime.

Hi, I’m Jesa Boettger. I was born in Lethbridge, Alberta on March 27. My hobbies are playing rugby, hanging out with friends, watching movies and gaming. After graduation I plan to go to UNBC for General Studies. Ten years from now I plan to be living in a city with warm weather and be successful with a job that I love.

Hi, I’m Desiree Bowes. I was born in Smithers B.C. on July 14. I like summertime and everything comes with it, such as swimming, camping, fishing, reading, driving, and hanging out. After graduation I plan to (hopefully) travel lots and attend a college to become a child and youth worker. Ten years from now I see myself happily married with two children. I assume I will be far away from Houston, on a hot sandy beach drinking a martini, living the dream!

Hi, I’m Nolan Bowes. I was born in Smithers B.C. on June 2. My hobbies include basketball, guitar and weight lifting. After graduation I plan to do the electrical program at CNC in Prince George. Ten years from now I plan to be a successful electrician.

Hi, I’m Allan Davidson. I was born in Smithers B.C. on January 3. My hobbies include going to the gym, hanging out with friends, hunting, fishing and camping. After graduation I plan to get a good paying job or go to school to get my welding ticket. Ten years from now I see myself living in Miami in my big house overlooking the beach, drinking beer and barbequing with my friends and family.

Hi, I’m Adam Ells. I was born in Smithers B.C. on April 11. I enjoy figure skating, drama, reading, writing and playing soccer and basketball. After graduation I plan on working and figuring out which direction I want to take with my life. Ten years from now I see myself somewhere, doing something with someone, and with some luck, I’ll be happy!



Chel Andersen

“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”

& all the Grads of 2012!


- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Congratulations and Best Wishes to...

Shea Long

Tori Long

Tyler Wardrop

Ruth Hamblin

Kim Keegstra

and to all the Grads of 2012! May all your future endeavours be successful!

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Darien Gomez

Joseph Hak

Brock Henrickson

Kerrin Henrickson

Austin (A.J.) Houlihan

Brandon Kingcott

Hi, I’m Darien Gomez. I was born in Prince Rupert, B.C. on March 18. My hobbies include quading, reading and playing video games. After graduation I plan to do my second year in culinary arts.

Hi, my name is Joseph Robert Hak. I was born in Smithers B.C. on July 5. I enjoy sleeping, working out, and more sleeping. After graduation I plan to work and make money and take my level 2 cooking course. Ten years from now I will be sitting at home drinking beer and watching Star Wars on my wall to wall T.V.

Hi, my name is Brock Henrickson. I was born in Prince George B.C. on March 9. My hobbies include playing hockey and soccer, and hanging out with friends. After graduation I plan to see what I can do with playing hockey. Then attend school for carpentry to start my working life. Ten years from now I will have my own house with a nice truck (Ford of course) and living life with not a worry in the world.

Hi, I’m Kerrin Ali Henrickson. I was born in Prince George, B.C. on March 9. I like camping and spending time outdoors with my friends and family. I also like to watch and play sports. After graduation I plan on working and attending Thompson Rivers University. After completion of the Human Service Diploma course, I plan on getting hired as a social worker, working off my loans, then going back to school to get a degree and specialize in child welfare. Ten years from now I will have all my schooling completed, be a great social worker making the world a better place, have a nice house with a huge backyard for my kids to play in while my gorgeous husband and I watch them from the porch sipping on tea.

Hi, I’m A.J. Houlihan. I was born in Fort St. John, B.C. on October 17. My hobbies/interests include playing music guitar and Grand Theft Auto, and moles. After graduation I plan to travel the world. Ten years from now I’m going to have cash, see the world and live my life.

Hi, I’m Brandon Kingcott. I was born in Nanaimo on July 16. My hobbies include playing hockey, soccer and golf, and I enjoy cruising and work. After graduation I plan to go to CNC in Prince George for my nursing diploma. Ten years from now I plan to be a RN (“Registered Nurse”) and be able to live somewhere warm and tropical.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2012 “Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” ~Jim Fox Wilson Bros. Enterprises Ltd.

Phone: 250-845-7702



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Houston Today

Houston Secondary School Graduation 2012

Shea Long

Tori Long

Emily McKenzie

Gagandeep Minhas

Toni Monkman

Dillon Morgan

Adele Murray

Hi, I’m Shea Aaron Long. I was born in Prince George B.C. on February 8. I enjoy playing hockey, soccer and baseball. I enjoy snowmobiling, hanging out with friends, fishing, mechanics, 4X4ing, coaching hockey or helping younger kids. After graduation I plan on working full time at Nadina Truck Service and working on my apprenticeship. Ten years from now I see myself as a ticketed mechanic, settled down, married and starting a family. Hopefully I’ll be somewhere other than Houston, but you never know. Houston does have all the things that I enjoy surrounding the town.

I’m Tori Long. I was born in Prince George on February 8. I enjoy horses, rodeo, 4-H, showing cattle and farming (mainly rodeo and animals). I am also interested in photography, art and painting. After graduation I plan on working full time and rodeoing. I plan on attending college and taking an agricultural course. This summer I plan on going to the hundredth anniversary of the Calgary Stampede with some friends. I look forward to travel, rodeo and work. Ten years from now I hope to have established my own small herd of Polled Herefords, be running my grandfather’s ranch and have a few horses for breeding. I will be settling down with the “tall, dark and handsome” cowboy of my dreams and pursuing my dream of rodeo. I’ll be enjoying all the ranch work, BSing around the branding fire, enjoying some Rocky Mountain Oysters and a cold beer.

Hi, my name is Emily McKenzie. I was born in Smithers B.C. on January 17. I enjoy rugby, being with friends, and ignoring the future. After graduation I plan to work to raise enough money to go to school. Ten years from now I plan to not be in Houston.

Hi, my name is Gagan Minhas. I was born in Smithers B.C. on August 13. I enjoy basketball, volleyball, rugby, skiing and snowboarding. After graduation I plan to go to UNBC and become a nurse. Ten years from now I see myself being a registered nurse in Vancouver, who wins lotto 649.

Hello, I’m Toni Monkman. I was born in Smithers B.C. on September 29. I enjoy ringette and hanging out with friends. After graduation I plan to go to university to become a nurse. Ten years from now I hope to be a registered nurse, living and working Australia or New Zealand.

Hi, I’m Dillon Morgan. I was born in Smithers B.C. on November 7. I enjoy hunting, fishing, rugby, soccer, working, mud bogging, chillin’ with my Mom, dirt biking, four wheeling and sledding. After graduation I plan to work as a welder or be a heavy duty mechanic. Ten years from now I plan to be very wealthy.

Hi, my name is Adele Murray. I was born in Prince George B.C. on June 5. I enjoy horse riding, drawing and reading. After graduation I plan to stay in Houston and work, then go to school for something connected with equine studies. Ten years from now I’ll be 25 years old. I hope to own a ranch with beautiful horses, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll have kids.


Congratulations... & Best Wishes to all the Grads of 2012!

Congratulations to

Dillon Morgan & all the Graduates of 2012! Gagandeep Minhas

Follow Your Dreams to Success and Happiness!

& all the GraduaƟng

Class of 2012!

All that stands between the graduate and the top of the ladder is the ladder. ~ Author Unknown

Shea Long

Tori Long

Emily McKenzie

Highway 16, Houston • jhlog@bulkley.net • 250-845-2353


Highway 16, Houston

Phone: 250-845-7555

Jasmine Parhar

Shaylene Proctor

Ashley Quance

Charmaine Roisum

Leigh Siemens

Tyson Stoltenberg

Hi, I’m Jasmine Kaur Parhar. I was born in Smithers B.C. on January 29. I enjoy reading, swimming, watching T.V. and playing badminton. After graduation I plan on going to UNBC in Prince George to study and become a pharmacist. Ten years from now I will be working as a pharmacist. I will be married and have two kids.

Hi, I’m Shaylene Proctor. I was born in Smithers B.C. on August 24. My hobbies/ interests are playing sports like ringette and baseball, hanging out with my friends and family and playing cards with my grandpa. I plan to go to school and work after graduation. Ten years from now I plan to be graduated from university and working at a school as a secretary.

Hi, I’m Ashley-Lynn Quance. I was born in Smithers B.C. on June 5. I enjoy reading a good book, curling up to a good movie, going for walks on sunny days and cooking. After graduation I plan to get a job in Kitchener, get enough hours for PC2, then continue with PC3. Ten years from now I’m not sure which town or city but away from here with a job I love.

Hi, I’m Charmaine Roisum. I was born in Hazelton B.C. on March 15. I enjoy baking, reading, animals, Library assistant. After graduation I plan to stay home for half a year to a year and then go to a pastry/baking school. Ten years from now I hope to have my own bakery and bake up billions of yummies.

Hi, I’m Leigh Siemens. I was born in Houston B.C. on May 10. I enjoy fast pitch, figure skating, rugby, photography, camping and spending time with friends and family. After graduation I plan on moving to Nanaimo or P.G. to begin a nursing career. Once I’m a registered nurse I am planning on traveling to New Zealand, Australia and Britain. Ten years from now I’ll hopefully be settling down somewhere making tons of cash with a family.

Hi, my name is Tyson Stoltenberg. I was born in Smithers B.C. on September 20. I enjoy digging, baseball and hanging out with the trailer park crew. After graduation I plan to complete my apprenticeship and drive across North America. Ten years from now I will hopefully be out of Houston, owning a service truck.


Brittany O’Halligan

Shaylene Proctor

& to all the Graduates of 2012!

& all the Grads of 2012!!


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PHONE: 250-845-2660 OPEN 8 AM-8 PM - 7 DAYS A WEEK

Shaylene Proctor



Brittany O’Halligan Hi, I’m Brittany Leigh O’Halligan. I was born in Smithers B.C. on January 28. I enjoy swimming, driving, Psychology and art. After graduation I have no clue what I will be doing. Ten years from now I will be living a well earned and established life not in Houston.

& all the Grads of 2012!

PRIORITY TRAVEL SERVICES Cruise Specialists Houston Shopping Centre Phone: 845-7044 email: willtravel@telus.net


Best Wishes to Ashley Quance & all the Grads of 2012!

Congratulations & Best Wishes go out to all the Grads of 2012!

Shannon Clarke BComm, CGA 2005 Nadina Avenue

Phone: 250-845-3221 email: denommee@telus.net

Congratulations to Tyson Stoltenberg

Leigh Siemens

and all the Grads of 2012!




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& all the Grads of 2012!

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Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Houston Secondary School Graduation 2012

Loni Sweet

Erin Vanderwiel

Tanisha Vincent

Taylor Wandler

Tyler Wardrop

Owen Waterhouse

Ashley West

Hi, my name is Loni Sweet. I was born in Smithers B.C. on April 22. I enjoy softball, ringette and hanging out with friends. After graduation I am hoping to go into an early childhood education program or travel. Ten years from now I hope to be through school, married with children, and possibly owning my own daycare.

Hi, I’m Erin Vanderwiel. I was born in Burns Lake, B.C. on March 9. I enjoy camping, fishing, shooting guns, playing baseball, and having campfires. After graduation I plan on travelling lots and lots and working until I find the career that best suits me. Ten years from now I see myself married, maybe with a few babies running around, and having a nice house to grow them in. I see myself with a good paying job that I earned my way up to and going on multiple vacations to hot places with beaches.

Hi, I’m Tanisha Vincent. I was born in Fort St. James on December 12. I enjoy reading and drawing. After graduation I plan on going to an art school in Vancouver. Ten years from now I will hopefully have a steady job.

Hi, I’m Taylor Robert Wandler. I was born in Smithers B.C. on October 1. I enjoy fishing, dirt biking, hunting, and playing hockey and baseball. After graduation I plan to have a full time job and go to school or post-secondary education. Ten years from now I will be working eight warm months of the year. The rest I will spend on vacation, most likely on a beach. I will be living life with no regrets.

Hi, my name is Tyler Wardrop. I was born in Burns Lake, B.C. on September 13. I enjoy watching movies, reading and walking. After graduation I plan to go on a small holiday and then start work. Ten years from now... is to be determined.

Hi, I’m Owen Waterhouse. I was born in Smithers B.C. on October 22. I enjoy playing music, playing video games and eating. After graduation I plan to move to Kamloops and hopefully work for a year. I would like to attend TRU in the fall of 2013. Ten years from now I am aiming to be a biologist, but if in ten years I am flipping burgers, that would be fine. Burgers are delicious!

Hi, I’m Ashley West. I was born in Lumby B.C. on April 25. I enjoy drawing, writing, riding horses, RPGs, vehicles, playing guitar and playing video games. After graduation I plan on working for a while, probably at a mill. I was planning on travelling to Japan for a month or so. I might move to Vancouver. Ten years from now I’m planning on becoming an author, so I hope to have sold a few books. I would also like to become a mechanic.

Congratulations Loni Sweet

CONGRATULATIONS to all the 2012 Grads!

& all the Grads of 2012!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. - Henry David Thoreau

Best Wishes to

Tyler Wardrop

& all the Grads of 2012!

& the Grads of 2012!

I was born in Vancouver in February of 1995, but I’ve lived in the warm and loving community of Houston for most of my life. I’m extremely passionate about music, English literature, and learning languages. I love playing the piano and violin, singing, and doing musical theatre and opera. I’m bilingual (English and Farsi/Persian), working towards fluency in French, and learning Spanish and German. After graduation, I will be attending UNBC in Prince George to study English and political science, and I hope to eventually pursue law. Ten years from now, I will be a successful attorney starting a family in Prince George or Vancouver, and I will have played Maria in West Side Story.


A.J. Houlihan

Grads of 2012!


to the

Graduating Class of 2012...

Downtown Houston Phone: 250-845-2413

Good Luck with your future endeavours.

3462 - 9th Street, Houston

Wilson Bros. Enterprises Ltd.

Phone: 250-845-2419


Reitsma’s Home Hardware

Congratulations to the

Graduating Class of 2012 Good Luck with your future endeavours.

Wilson Bros. Enterprises Ltd.

Phone: 250-845-7702


HOUSTON SECONDARY SCHOOL Box 1600, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Tel: 250-845-7217

Congratulations ... to all the Graduates of 2012!

Best Wishes from the staff at Houston Secondary School! Principal: Scott Jackson

& all the


from all the staff at

1777 3rd Avenue, Prince George, B.C. V2L 3G7 Phone (250) 563-7771 • Fax (250) 563-0274 Toll Free 1-800-565-3641

North Coast Distance Education School Graduate

Indra Egan

Tyler Wardrop

Steelworkers Local 1-424

Downtown Houston Phone: 250-845-2413

Indra Egan


Mr. Dwayne Anderson Mr. Paul Batley Mrs. Jo-Ann Beaudette Mr. Ted Beck Mrs. Samantha Birkedal Mr. Andrew Bond Mr. James Burns Mrs. Amanda Clee Mrs. Pat Cox Mrs. Maria Deteves Mrs. Betty-Lou Doyle Mrs. Debra Gionette Mrs. Christine Jang Mrs. Ruby Kenzle Mrs. Margaret Letkeman Mr. Chris Lukasek

Vice Principal: Jaksun Grice Mr. Cam Malkinson Mrs. Margaret Murphy Mrs. Kari-Lee Niven Mr. Jeff Nordstrom Mrs. Cindy O’Halligan Mrs. Kulwinder Parmar Mrs. Catherine Quanstrom Mrs. Eva Rees Mrs. Aimee Richmond Mrs. Val Roisum Mrs. Jocelyn Rourke Mrs. Wendy Siemens Mrs. Amy Slaney Mrs. Donna Stanyer Mrs. Carrie Wardrop Mrs. Melissa Winsor

Congratulations to all the Grads of 2012... Enjoy your path to success!

Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION The power of membership




Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Congratulations to all the 2012 Grads!

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HSS Awards & Scholarships

Houston Forest Products (A division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.) Scholarship ...Jasmine Parhar Corey Galvao Memorial Award .. Erin Vanderwiel To the Son or Daughter of an employee, or a student who works there, who has a high Grade A deserving, hard-working student who is going Point Average. onto post-secondary and who shows determinaHouston Ringette Association ..Shaylene Proctor tion, maturity and strength of purpose in their Abe Wiens Memorial Award ............... Shea Long chosen path. Someone who has put a lot of effort Must have been with Houston Ringette for 5 years; 3 of which must have included high school. Must A student who is planning to attend a postinto their work. secondary institution within one year of graduation, Country-Wide Printing Scholarship...Toni Monkman be currently participating in Houston Ringette Association. and who has played minor hockey for the past 2 the Top Geography Student yrs; or a student who has been involved in minor Houston Ringette Association .....Toni Monkman D&M Industrial Supplies hockey. Scholarship......................................Nolan Bowes Must have been with Houston Ringette for 5 years; Aboriginal Education Council A student who is enrolled in a welding or machin- 3 of which must have included high school. Must be currently participating in Houston Ringette Award - Leadership ..................Shaylene Proctor ing/fabricating trades school, or another trades Association. A graduating student, by application, of aboriginal program. heritage, who has demonstrated leadership in their Houston Ringette Association ...........Loni Sweet Dario Peinado Memorial school and community. Note: Aboriginal Heritage Scholarship ..................................Jasmine Parhar Must have been with Houston Ringette for 5 years; includes Metis. 3 of which must have included highschool. Must the Top Science Student be currently participating in Houston Ringette Andy Meints Contracting Scholarship ..Shea Long DH Manufacturing ...................Tyson Stoltenberg Association. A graduating student who is pursuing a forestryStudent must be going onto further education in related profession. Recipient must show good the trades field (electrical, millwright or mechanical Houston Secondary Staff effort, good community involvement, and respect Scholarship 1.................................Tyler Wardrop field). for the school and staff. A deserving student at the discretion of contributDistrict of Houston ................... Shaylene Proctor ing staff members. Bulkley Valley Community Preferable: A deserving student entering postFoundation..................................Jasmine Parhar secondary education in either Office administration Houston Secondary Staff Based on high academic standing for a student Scholarship 2..............................Erin Vanderwiel or public administration. Secondary: A deserving going onto post-secondary in any field significant A deserving student at the discretion of contributstudent entering post-secondary education in a to them or the community. ing staff members. business career. Bulkley Valley Credit Union-Houston District of Houston ....................... Toni Monkman Houston Secondary Staff Scholarship................................... Toni Monkman Scholarship 3..............................Tanisha Vincent Preferable: A deserving student, entering Is awarded to the individual who has presented A deserving student at the discretion of contributpost-secondary education in the medical field. their strengths via literary, visual, or artistic format. ing staff members. Secondary: A deserving student entering postApplicants are also recognized for their varied secondary education in a Natural resources career. Houston Secondary Staff community involvements. Scholarship 4..............................Emily McKenzie Dungate Community Forest Bulkley Valley Home Centre Athletic Scholarship...................................Desiree Bowes A deserving student at the discretion of contributScholarship................................... Leigh Siemens ing staff members. Student must be going onto Post-Secondary A student who has made a significant contribution Houston Secondary Staff and be receiving little or no other scholarship or to the high school’s athletic program with his/ Scholarship 5................................Ashley Quance bursary. Student may be going into any field. her athletic ability and good sportsmanship; has A deserving student at the discretion of contributEileen Hatlevik Bursary ............Shaylene Proctor a good scholastic record and will attend a posting staff members. A student who works hard, regardless of ability, secondary institution full time. HSS Fine Arts Scholarship ...................Adam Ells and has an enthusiastic and positive attitude. BVTU Award ................................ Jasmine Parhar Finning (Canada) Scholarship ............Shea Long The student has had to have participated in at A student with exceptional academic or technical least 2 genres of Fine Arts within HSS: Drama, any A graduating student who is pursuing a Heavy Duty aptitude. of the Art photography courses, music, graphic Mechanic Apprenticeship. Recipient must show C.U.P.E. Bursary .....................Charmaine Roisum design, metal art jewellery. good effort, good community involvement and A child or grandchild of a CUPE Local 2145 HSS Foods Scholarship........ Charmaine Roisum respect for the school and staff. employee, who will be attending post-secondary A student who is a high achiever in Grades 11 education and who has achieved the best essay or Flora and Twain Sullivan Award..Leigh Siemens and 12 Foods. The Top Athlete - excels at a variety of sports oral presentation. Abe Wiens Memorial Award ...Brock Henrickson A student who is planning to attend a postsecondary institution within one year of graduation, and who has played minor hockey for the past two years; or a student who has been involved in minor hockey.

Canfor Corporation Scholarship-1... Toni Monkman The son or daughter of a Canfor employee who has demonstrated ACADEMIC excellence (high GPA), and is planning to go on to an accredited postsecondary educational facility. STUDENT CANFOR WORKER DOES NOT QUALIFY! Canfor Corporation Scholarship-2 ...... Adam Ells The son or daughter of a Canfor employee who has demonstrated ATHLETIC excellence, and is planning to go on to an accredited post-secondary educational facility. STUDENT CANFOR WORKER DOES NOT QUALIFY! Canfor Corporation Scholarship-3 ........................Charmaine Roisum Goes to any student who has demonstrated ACADEMIC excellence (high GPA), and is planning to go on to an accredited post-secondary educational facility.

The top citizen in the graduating class. The award is an engraved watch.

within the school community and including intramural sports; PE classes and team sports. Geography 12 Achievement Award............................................. Tyler Wardrop A student who has demonstrated a strong understanding of the wonders of geography over the past two years. George Carroll Memorial Award..Ali Henrickson A graduating student chosen at the discretion of Ms. Scott. George Carroll Memorial Award...................................... Brock Henrickson A graduating student chosen at the discretion of Ms. Scott.

George Rhoades Memorial ...................Tori Long A graduating student whom has a passion & aptitude for photography and an interest in becoming a professional photographer. Recipient must show Carter’s Jewellers Award .........Erin Vanderwiel good effort, community involvement & respect for the school, staff & students.

Congratulations ...to our Employees and all the Houston Grads of 2012!!

Harris & Company LLP Law 12 Scholarship.................................Jasmine Parhar the Top Law Student Houston Chamber of Commerce UNBC Scholarship ................ Gagandeep Minhas A student with a greater than 70% average, with extra-curricular involvement. Must be accepted, enrolled and registered as a full-time student at UNBC for the following year.

Houston Forest Products (A division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.) Scholarship ........... Nolan Bowes A deserving student with a high Grade Point Average.

Jesa Boettger

Austin Berg

Adam Ells

Ministry of Education District Scholarship 3........................ Gagandeep Minhas For graduating students who excel in any of the following non-academic areas: Fine Arts; Applied Skills; Physical Activity; or Second Languages.

Nadina Truck Service Scholarship ..... Shea Long The Top Forestry Student, or Top Mechanics Student. Northern Ringette League.................. Loni Sweet Must be currently playing in the Northern Ringette League. NWCC Entrance Scholarship ...Shaylene Proctor A graduating student with a minimum 3.0 GPA enrolling with NWCC. Pharmasave................................Jasmine Parhar A student going into Pharmaceutical studies or the medical field. Based on need & marks. Rio Tinto Alcan Scholarship ...Charmaine Roisum The Top Academic - to the student with the best GPA based on class marks from all Grades 11 and 12 courses, excluding PE11 Involvement in Community Service is desirable. Safe Grad Scholarship 1 ...............Darien Gomez Name drawn from list of kids who participated in Safe grad. Proof of registration to Mrs. Kenzle. Safe Grad Scholarship 2 ........ Brock Henrickson Name drawn from list of kids who participated in Safe grad. Proof of registration to Mrs. Kenzle. Safe Grad Scholarship 3 .......Brittany O’Halligan Name drawn from list of kids who participated in Safe grad. Proof of registration to Mrs. Kenzle. Safe Grad Scholarship 4 ............Erin Vanderwiel Name drawn from list of kids who participated in Safe grad. Proof of registration to Mrs. Kenzle. Safe Grad Scholarship 5 ...............Tyler Wardrop Name drawn from list of kids who participated in Safe grad. Proof of registration to Mrs. Kenzle. Shannon Clarke Accounting Scholarship...............................Shaylene Proctor A student who will be entering the accounting field or a business administration program. Silverthorne PAC Scholarship......Ali Henrickson A student who was educated at Silverthorne Elementary school for most of their elementary years. The student must have exemplified a positive attitude & commitment towards education.

Sir Winston Churchill Scholarship........................... Charmaine Roisum To the Top English Student (based on top class HSS PAC Award ........................... Desiree Bowes mark) going on to post-secondary education. A student who works hard regardless of ability & Smithers Exploration Group .........Dillon Morgan has an enthusiastic & positive attitude. Student planning on attending post-secondary in HSS PAC Award ........................Shaylene Proctor any field which may lead to a career in any aspect A student who works hard regardless of ability & of the Sciences, Trades, or in any field which has an enthusiastic & positive attitude. may lead to a career in any aspect of the mineral Huckleberry Mines Scholarship 1 ..Jasmine Parhar industry. Committee open to consideration of A student who will study in: engineering - mining or any program. metals, environmental studies, chemistry, sciences. Steelworkers Local 1-424 Ian Bush Memorial Scholarship ........Shea Long Scholarship.................................Jasmine Parhar A student who has displayed an enthusiasm for A son or daughter of a Steelworker member, who life, a willingness to help, kindness, a caring, has a high G.P.A., and has other qualities that positive attitude and a general thoughtfulness indicate special achievement or promise. without expectation of reward, throughout their Sullivan Motor Products Award .........Shea Long high school years. The top Auto Student or a student planning on goInnovation & Science Council ing on to a trade-related post-secondary program. of B.C. Science............................Jasmine Parhar Topley Sports & Recreation The Top Science student and is awarded by the Bursary .......................................Erin Vanderwiel Science Council of BC. Only available for Topley students: Must submit Jason Erhardt Memorial a 100 word essay on how sports has affected Scholarship...................................Ashley Quance their lives. A graduating student with a “C/B” average who Twain Sullivan Elementary School works hard to achieve. PAC Scholarship .......................Shaylene Proctor

John Himech Logging Ltd. Scholarship..........................................Shea Long A student who will be pursuing a career in one of the following professions: Heavy Duty Mechanic, Welder, Millwright, Cabinet Maker, Truck & Transport Mechanic, Machinist, Carpenter, Houston Figure Skating Club............... Adam Ells Industrial Electrician. Must have participated in the Houston Figure Margaret Bowes Bursary............... Nolan Bowes Skating Club for 5 years, 3 of which must have A student who works hard, regardless of ability & included high school. has an enthusiastic & positive attitude. Houston Figure Skating Club.......Leigh Siemens Ministry of Education District Must have participated in the Houston Figure Scholarship 1.........................................Tori Long Skating Club for 5 years, 3 of which must have For graduating students who excel in any of the included high school. following non-academic areas: Fine Arts; Applied Houston Food Market/ Mr Sub Award................................. Jasmine Parhar the top student in Mathematics 12 and Calculus 12

Chel Andersen

Houston Today

A student who completed most of their elementary years at Twain Sullivan Elementary School. The student must have a high academic achievement with a commitment to helping younger students at school and in our community. Vanderhoof & Districts Co-op Bursary ..Joey Hak The son or daughter of a Co-op member who is not receiving any other bursary or scholarships.

Western Communities Foundation Exceptional Achievement Citation & Bursary Award ..............................Dillon Morgan Overcome adversity (mental/physical disability, financial hardship, family issues); and/or displayed outstanding community and/or school spirit as an organizer, participant or volunteer; and/or Skills; Physical Activity; or Second Languages. demonstrated inspirational conduct - heroism or Ministry of Education District Scholarship 2..............................Jasmine Parhar leadership. Wilson Bros. Contracting ....... Brock Henrickson For graduating students who excel in any of the A student who will be entering into a forestry following non-academic areas: Fine Arts; Applied related program. Skills; Physical Activity; or Second Languages.

Alpine Optometry Dr. Onstein Family Eye Care

New Expanded Clinic Hours Dr. Onstein and staff of Alpine Optometry are pleased to announce a change in regular clinic hours...

As of July 2012, we will be open Monday through Friday from 8:45 am to 5:30 pm. Joseph Hak

Brock Henrickson

Kerrin Henrickson

Brandon Kingcott

Also, the first Thursday of every month the clinic will have a late evening opening until 8 pm. In addition, every third Saturday of the month, the clinic will be open from 9 am to 3 pm. We hope that these new expanded hours will make it more convenient to book appointments and receive other eye care services. Please note that as of July 2012, the clinic will be closed on all Saturdays other than the third one of every month. Also remember that Aeroplan miles are rewarded for eye care purchases at Alpine Optometry!!

For more information see our website and Facebook page! Jasmine Parhar

Loni Sweet

Owen Waterhouse

Good Luck with all your future endeavours! Canadian Forest Products Ltd.

#2 - 3767 2nd Ave, Smithers

250-847-5025 www.alpineoptometry.ca

Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Houston Christian School Graduation 2012

Tyler Delege

Ruth Hamblin

Kaitlyn Hansma

Juanita Dieleman

Kim Keegstra

Laura Leffers

Hi, I’m Tyler Delege. I was born in Smithers B.C. in August. I enjoy hunting, playing sports and camping. After graduation I plan to work for the summer and then in the fall start an apprenticeship program as a heavy duty mechanic. Ten years from now I plan to be a trained heavy duty mechanic living in Houston and starting a family of my own.

Hi, I’m Ruth Hamblin and I was born in Smithers B.C. in June. I enjoy 4-H, basketball, horsemanship and Physics. After graduation I plan to attend Oregon State University and take Engineering. Ten years from now I will be studying the atomical effects of dribbling a basketball amidst playing basketball overseas while my tall, Christian, Texan, Football playing, cowboy husband cheers me on with our two children.

Hi, I’m Katie Hansma. I was born in Smithers B.C. on January 31. I enjoy hanging out with friends and family, watching Disney movies and beating Brandon at 21! After graduation I plan to work at a summer camp, find a job and save up to do mission work. Ten years from now I plan to be married, doing missionary work and living in Africa with a bunch of kids.

Hi, I’m Juanita Dieleman and I was born in Smithers B.C. in April. I enjoy playing sports, including volleyball, basketball and rugby. After graduation I plan on working and travelling around the world. Ten years from now I will hopefully be married with a couple of kids.

Hi, I’m Kim Keegstra. I was born in Smithers B.C. in August. I like cooking and baking, being outdoors, helping others and travelling. I enjoy working at Bible camps so that is what I plan on doing this summer. I also plan to spend as much time as I can with my family, whether it’s camping or at home. Then it’s off to university to get my nursing degree and learn more about God! In ten years I’d really like to be happily married! Maybe a few kids and waking up to beautiful sunrises wherever I am and living in God’s love!

Hi, I’m Laura Leffers. I was born in Smithers B.C. in November. I love sports, mainly baseball, basketball, and volleyball. I also like reading and making music. After graduation I plan to work for a year while doing correspondence through TRU. Then I’d like to transfer my courses and attend UFU to become a teacher. Ten years from now I will be wherever the Lord puts me, but I’d like to be teaching both school and piano.


Cassandra Barden Hi, I’m Cassandra Barden. I was born in Prince George on March 7. I have a lot of hobbies such as baking, swimming, reading, travelling, drawing, and working at Rock Nest Ranch. My plans after graduation are to go to Saskatchewan and freeze – I mean, go to college there. Then I might travel around the world. Ten years from now I plan to be married with one son and teaching someone to teaching English. I love and will miss HCS.

Tyler Delege

Congratulations Congratulations to Tyler Delege

& all the Grads of 2012!

& all the Grads of 2012!


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Juanita Dieleman

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The Employees of

Huckleberry Mines Ltd. would like to congratulate

Allison Seinen

Lauren Vandenberg

Justine Vandermooren

Hi, I’m Allison Seinen. I was born in Smithers B.C. in March. I enjoy being outdoors, handing out with friends and family, playing sports, having movie nights and playing grounders. After graduation I plan on attending UNBC to play basketball and to get my Bachelor of Education. Ten years from now I plan to be married and teaching, maybe in another country or back at HCS (Superman is awesome!).

‘ello chums! My name is Lauren Vandenberg and I was born in Smithers B.C. on October 20. I love my crazy family and friends all over the Bulkley Valley and beyond. I love God, reading, singing and playing piano. I enjoy being outside in the sunshine, burning my already red face. I like driving to Telkwa a couple of times a week and I love working at Rough Acres Bible Camp. This fall I’ll be at Redeemer University College. Ten years from now (Lord willing) I will either be in Africa teaching small children, or married with kids – or both. Audios!

Hi, I’m Justine Louise VanderMooren. I was born in Smithers B.C. on February 13. I enjoy playing sports and hanging out with friends (Batman rocks!). After graduation I’m planning to stay in this good ol’ town and work. Ten years from now I plan to be married to an awesome guy who is tall and handsome and we will have many children and live happily ever after!

Congratulations Brittany O’Halligan

Our Best Wishes to...

Tanisha Vincent

& all the

Houston Graduates of 2012! We wish you the best of luck in the future.

Allison Seinen

and all the Grads of 2012!


Shea Long

Tori Long

& all the Grads of 2012... We wish you all the best!

Turcotte Bros Contracting Ltd. 250-845-0085



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Houston Today

Houston Christian School Valedictorian Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9.


elcome grads, family, and friends tonight as we celebrate how this class of 2012 has grown over the years, yes there have been some storms along the way, but there have also been many days where the sun shone brighter than anyone could imagine. 13 years ago, our parents made the choice to send their children to the Houston Christian School. Their prayer was that their children would solidify their roots in the streams of the living God. Time has passed, and we’ve grown a lot, but at the end here, as we look back we realize just how deep our roots are, in this school, and in our community. From the beginning we were always building, whether it was a milk carton igloo in grade two or 3D islands from the novel ‘The

Cay”. But we weren’t just building physical things; we were building friendships with our classmates that we will never forget, we were building respect for the teachers who care for us like their own children, and we were building our foundation on the Rock of Ages. Our class has been building a tradition of love, and the huge heart it possesses is evident; from shoveling a driveway for someone in need, cleaning up a crashed produce truck, or sandbagging during flood season, we have shown our ability to work hard and help where needed. The tradition of love is the same reason why we decided to fundraise for an iPad for Dillon… which eventually turned into two iPads – one for Dillon and one for the school, to help with learning. And just like

Ruth Hamblin it is engraved on the back of the school’s iPad- ‘Every child deserves a voice’, our class have given the school a way to help students that they couldn’t help before. What a great legacy to leave at the school, the same school that has impacted our lives in so many ways. During the growth of our roots, we’ve left marks on this school, as you can see, the gym walls are more decorated thanks to the athletic teams we’ve been a part of, and we even added a splash of colour here and there. Personally, I think the blue adds a very nice touch! But the marks extend far beyond banners; for instance, Tyler has left his mark in Mr.

D’s classroom. Thanks to an intense round of the ‘Map Game’, Tyler’s knee is well acquainted with the wall. As a class, we have also left marks on the teachers; Mr. Duzan has really begun to embrace the Nerd within, as he became the Mayor of Nerdville this past year; and Mr. Ewald finally discovered his inner woodsman – even though his lovely wife mourned the loss of his clean-shaven cheeks. Speaking of cleanshaven, thanks to the iPad deal generated between the principal and the grad class–after all these years Mr. Siebenga has finally felt the wind on his cheeks. This school has taught us a lot. And that teaching reaches far beyond what a textbook ever could teach us. We learned to not only hear, but to apply. We learned to bring God into everything, into Thursday morning sings, into Biology 12, and even more importantly, into our hearts. We learned that there are no easy answers to all the questions in life, and that it’s okay to ask tough questions. I think of all those biology, bible, and other classes where the morning devotion took the whole class – even though it meant we got a bit behind on the curriculum, we were miles ahead in the

course of life. We’ve all been growing by the river since kindergarten, and now we’re at the point where our branches are developed- and they’re starting to bear fruit. Every one of these young graduates whom I call my friends are unique in the way God made them, and that pertains to the way they bear fruit. If I were to list all the fruits of my peers I would be here all night, so tonight I will restrict myself to identifying one fruit in each of my classmates as is seen in those around them. In Cassandra Barden I see the fruit of Loyalty, because from start to finish she will be by your side and is always there for you. Tyler DeLege I see in you the fruit of Manilness. He went completely uncontested in this grad class- he topped all the charts even though he was the only one on them. O, fine… if you don’t count ‘Manliness’ as a fruit, we can also acknowledge him with the fruit of ‘Diligence’ because he is always helping and never complaining.

Scholarships & Bursaries 2012

Reitsma Home Hardware Scholarship Valedictorian –$500.......................................... Ruth Hamblin Passport to Education $500 ...Ruth Hamblin, Katie Hansma Governor General’s Award............................. Ruth Hamblin Bulkley Valley Foundation – $1000...............Katie Hansma Bulkley Valley Credit Union - $1000.00 ........Katie Hansma CanFor – $500 ..................................................Laura Leffers Finning - $500 ................................................... Tyler Delege Groot Brothers Contracting Scholarship – $500...............................Lauren Vandenberg Houston Flying Club - $1000 ......................... Ruth Hamblin Houston Forest Products Scholarship $1000.00 .......................................................... Kim Keegstra Dungate Community Forest $500.00 ...Lauren Vandenberg

In Juanita Dieleman I see the fruit of Determination, this girl is the epitome of ‘where there is a will, there is a way’. And with her, there most certainly is a will. These next two girls are tied for their fruit, because they both have hearts that overflow with love. Kaitlynn Hansma and Kimberley Keegstra – I see in you the fruit of the ‘Compassionate Heart’. You have both shown everyone around you God’s love through both your words and your actions. In Laura Leffers I see the fruit of ‘Friendliness’. Wherever we go – whether on a basketball or volleyball tournament, or even in a mall – Laura is always making new friends, and not just temporary friends right Laura? You still talk to Tyler Coperours do you not? In Allison Seinen I see the fruit of the ‘Willing Heart’. It must be genetic from the “Willing Worker” in her Mother Susan, but this girl is always willing to help, and even goes out of her way to do so with energy and enthusiasm. In Lauren Vandenberg

I see the fruit of Thoughtfulness, this light hearted girl has a very deep side to her, perhaps she is a distant relative of an ancient philosopher. You never know right? And, last but not least, the gift of Cheerfulness is what I see in Justine Vandermooren. I can hardly remember a time when this girl wasn’t smiling. She sees the good in almost every situation. The purpose of fruit is to pass something on; in the instance of trees they are passing on their heritage, and we too as fruit bearers are passing on our heritage, a heritage of God’s love and mercy, a heritage of joy that overflows, and a heritage of knowing we never face anything alone. So graduates of 2012, remember this. Wherever we go, whether it be in Houston, Europe, Africa, or anywhere, we should not Fear. Why not? Because the God who made this world, and holds it in his hands, will be with each and every one of us wherever we go. Be Strong and Courageous.

Congratulations to the NVSS Grads of 2012 VANDERHOOF & DISTRICTS CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Bulk Petroleum - Food Floor - Home & Agro Centre

Emberson Plumbing Scholarship $200.00 ..................................................Lauren Vandenberg Bulkley Valley Home Centre Scholarship $500.00 ........................................................... Allison Seinen Hols Enterprises Scholarship – $350.00........Laura Leffers Merkley Scholarship – $500.00...........Lauren Vandenberg Nadina Truck Service Scholarship $250.00 .............................................................. Tyler Delege Science Award – $750.00 .............................. Ruth Hamblin Sullivan Pontiac Buick Scholarship $250.00 .............................................................Laura Leffers District of Houston Scholarship - $250 ....... Allison Seinen Fruit of the Spirit – $300.00 ............Justine VanderMooren Waylon Barden Memorial Award - $500 ...... Kim Keegstra

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Mayor & Council of the District of Houston are pleased to congratulate the

Graduation Class of 2012! Good Luck to the following Grads who are associated with the District... Chel Andersen employee

Tori Long employee

Emily McKenzie employee

Adele Murray employee

Jasmine Parhar employee

Charmaine Roisum employee

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Leigh Siemens employee

Houston Today

Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Houston Secondary School Valedictorian

“Live long & prosper” ood afternoon, my name is Owen Waterhouse, and I was chosen valedictorian by my peers to represent the HSS grad class of 2012. Sitting in front of you is an extraordinary group of young adults, who have just spent five of the best years of their lives waiting for this precise moment in time. It’s an honor that my grad class chose me to make a speech in front of such a large group of people, though to be honest, imagining you all in your underwear isn’t making this much easier. In fact, I believe some things are best not to be thought about; no offense Dad. It’s hard to believe that it has been five years since we first came through the front doors of the high school, nervous, yet excited at the same time. It was something totally new, totally different. We had to learn to follow the schedule, take notes, study; we had to learn how to mature, and become more like adults, and there is no way any of us could have done this by ourselves. First and foremost, on behalf of the grad class, I would like to thank the parents. Simply thanking the parents may possibly be one of the greatest understatements I will make in my life, for without our parents I doubt any of us would be up here today. Our parents have done so much; they have supported us, and taught us to be the best that we can be; they cheered us on during sporting events, watched


Owen Waterhouse our performances, and woke us up on those days when we decided, “You know what alarm clock? You don’t tell me what to do!” On those days when we were down, our parents were there. On those nights when we needed rides home late at night, or early in the morning, our parents were there. You guys were there whenever we needed, and for this we are thankful. Next I would like the teachers, who put in enormous effort in making sure we got here today. The thing I will remember most about the teachers isn’t that they taught us about logarithms, osmosis, or how to shoot a basketball, but they taught us how to learn, how to think for ourselves. I think it’s fair to say we were a lucky grad class, being the first HSS grad class to have Mr. Jackson for the whole five years. Not only is he an amazing rugby coach, but he has to have some of the best rants I have heard in my life. We had Mr. Beck who started every class with

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a handshake, a simple gesture, yet taught us respect and courtesy. We had Mrs. Rourke, who showed us the virtues of reading, and was always up for a discussion about a good book. Mr. Batley, who could always see the positive aspects of things, taught us to stay optimistic, and always had a witty joke ready for whatever occasion. Each of our teachers taught us important attributes that will stick with us forever, and for that we thank you. As you may have noticed, our grad class this year is quite small, packing a whopping 34 students on the graduating list. Though these stands are nice, I’m sure just getting us all to stand on a bench would have worked just perfectly.

But in all honesty, I don’t think that the amount of people in our grad class takes away from the good times we all had together, nor how great the accomplishments any of us could achieve if we set our minds too it. As a whole, this grad class will leave just as big of an impact as any of the ones before us. Now is the part where the valedictorian is to give advice to the rest of the grad class, but I find it hard giving advice about something that I haven’t done myself. So, my advice is this, when it all comes down to it, being successful is to be happy, so live your life, be what you want to be, and you will find success. In the words of the great Leonard Nimoy: “Live long and prosper.” Thank you.


to the Class of 2012 Houston Secondary School & Babine Elementary Secondary

John RUSTAD, MLA Nechako Lakes Phone: 250-567-6820 1-877-964-5650 Fax: 250-567-6822 E-mail: John.rustad.mla@leg.bc.ca Website: www.johnrustadmla.bc.ca


“All that stands between the graduate and the top of the ladder is the ladder. ~ Author Unknown

BEANSTALK CARE CENTRE GRAD CEREMONIES On June 21st the Beanstalk Child Care Centre held their Preschool Graduation Ceremonies. Lots of parents, siblings, grandparents and great grandparents attended. After the ceremonies everyone enjoyed refreshments brought by the parents. We said goodbye to Miss Marilynn who after 111 years is moving back to Nova Scotia and we say welcome to our new teacher, Back row L-R: Miss Marilynn, Lakelynn, Kaylee, Brevan, Leyton, Laura, Tristin, Galya and Miss Kelly. Miss Emma. (Submitted Article) (Missing when the photo was taken were Nik, Chelle, Chayse, Geoffrey and Kate-Lynn)

Back row L-R: Miss Marilynn, Breanna, Lakelynn, Kaylee, Brevan, Layton, Tristin, Galya, Myles and Miss Kelly. (Missing when the photo was taken were Reid, Abner and Declan) Photos Submitted



Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Houston Today


Reforestation plan needed, experts say By Tom Fletcher Black Press

One million hectares of B.C. forest land may need to be replanted to help them recover from widespread fire and bark beetle problems, according to a new report from the B.C. government’s Forest Practices Board. The report estimates the entire area that may need replanting at two million hectares, out of the 95 million hectares of total forest land in B.C. But about 500,000 hectares of that is the legal responsibility of the forest companies that logged it, and the government has plans in place to replant another 250,000 hectares. “Decisions about whether to replant areas where mountain pine beetle and fires have killed most of the trees will have an impact on the future timber supply,” board chair Al Gorley said. “At a minimum, if nature is left to take its course, the eventual crop of timber in those areas will be delayed.” The board, an independent watchdog of the B.C. government, is critical of the way the government

B.C. Provincial Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report

Graph in latest carbon tax report shows overall emissions declined largely because of recession, and increased after the economy began to recover.

B.C. Forest Service

B.C. has large forest areas damaged by wildfires and beetle infestation that do not have a reforestation plan. defines “not satisfac- or recovery. and other “bio-prodtorily restocked” forest “There has been ucts,” including elecland. The definition only a limited amount tricity, fuels, plastics, only applies to areas of reforestation ef- solvents, lubricants designated for timber fort directed at mature and food additives. harvest. beetle-affected forests The regulations are Even within this 22 because those areas aimed at providing acmillion-hectare timber might still be harvested cess to smaller trees, supply area, there are by the forest industry,” tops and branches that large areas affected by the report says. are piled at logging fire or pests, but the The ministry an- sites and roads when report notes that the nounced regulatory sawlogs are taken out. ministry’s survey data changes Tuesday to They authorize new on these areas are not promote salvage of salvage licences that sufficient to be certain wood waste for pro- do not allow the harof their tree survival ducing wood pellets vest of standing trees.

B.C.’s carbon tax is working, minister says By Tom Fletcher Black Press

B.C.’s greenhouse gas emissions fell 4.5 per cent in the first four years of the carbon tax on fossil fuels, but most of that drop was probably the result of a world recession rather than the steadily increasing tax. Environment Minister Terry Lake released the latest emissions report Wednesday in


Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at www.houston-today.com

Babysitters course sponsored by the Houston Community Services Association is offered on July 9-10-11 and July 16-17-18. Time is from 10 a.m. to noon and located upstairs on 10th Street --across from the dentist. Please signup before July 6, 2012 and come into the office to phone: 250-845-3484. Houston Secondary School - Office hours for the summer are: July 3 – July 13; August 20 – August 31 (8:30am – 3pm) Counsellor hours are August 27 – August 30. 1st day of school for the 2012 is Tuesday, Sept. 4. HSS webpage: http://hssweb. sd54.bc.ca Houston Public Library Events... Baby & Me: Wed: 10-1am; Story Time: Wed: 1:30-2:30pm; Toddler Time: Fri: 10 to 11am; Phone 250-845-2256 for more info on any of the above events or to register. Houston Community Services is open Mon. thru Fri. from 9am to 4pm We have clothing to give away. Baby clothing; women’s and mens as well as children of all ages. Come and check it out!


Pleasant Valley Community Market in Houston Fridays 10AM - 3PM in Steelhead Park (Hwy 16) across from “The Flyrod”. There will be fresh produce, baking, crafts and preserves. To become a vendor Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? or for more information contact Cindy at 250-845- Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applica2222. tions. No experience necessary please contact The Houston Community Garden - For more Byron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a fire information or to make an appointment to register call practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs (7:30 pm) the Garden Coordinator at 845-2727. Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Tues. of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices evSeniors Bingo is every Tues. at 7 p.m. at Cottonwood Manor. Entry is $1. Come out and enjoy a fun prize ery Thurs. at 7:30 pm. Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m. filled evening. Lots of prizes! “Fit For Life.” Senior Exercise @ Cottonwood Manor on Mon., Wed., & Fri. @10 a.m. Call Hanne 8457414 or Bunny 845-7110.


Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Mon. 2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the of the month is Executive, 4th Mon. is General Meeting Seniors Centre. (we have not been able to get a quorum in months, Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & members please attend) fire practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. The Houston Retirement Housing Society is asking Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., interested parties to provide their names for future 11 a.m. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m. vacancies at our Pleasant Valley Village apartments. Please call Roberta@250-845-2257.

Community Calendar proudly sponsored by

Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Ph: 250-845-7117

The power of membership


Salvation Army – Food bank donation of $1180.

Kelowna, insisting that B.C. is on track to meet its interim target of a six-per-cent reduction in greenhouse gases this year. The latest federal government emission figures are for 2010, and in that year B.C. emissions crept up again after two years of decline. Lake said the global financial crisis of 200809 is likely responsible for a three per cent drop in emissions since the carbon tax took effect. The other 1.5 per cent came as B.C. residents chose to reduce their fossil fuel use, partly due to the tax and also because of the steep increase in gasoline prices. Lake acknowledged that it will be “challenging” for B.C. to meet its target of a 33 per cent reduction in emissions by 2020, especially with new liquefied natural gas development expected to include gas-fired electric power by that time. Options include carbon dioxide capture and storage from natural gas production, and the gas industry purchasing offsets to make up for extra emissions, he said. One sign that the carbon tax is working as intended is that people are twice as likely to buy a hybrid vehicle in B.C. than in Canada as a whole, Lake said. The last scheduled increase in the carbon tax takes effect July 1, bringing the tax on a

litre of gasoline from six to seven cents. Similar increases take effect on diesel fuel, natural gas, coal and other fuels, offset by business and personal income tax reductions to make it revenue neutral to the government as set out in the carbon tax legislation.

“ “However, four years in, the revenue-neutral carbon tax remains the only one of its kind in North America ...”

- Kevin Falcon

Finance Minister Kevin Falcon announced Wednesday that the government is seeking written submissions on the future of the carbon tax until Aug. 31. The results will be used in preparation for the budget in February. “We are beginning a comprehensive review that will cover all aspects of the carbon tax, including revenue neutrality, and will consider the impact on the competitiveness of B.C. businesses such as the agricultural sector, and in particular, B.C.’s food producers,” Falcon said.

Houston Today Wednesday, July 4, 2012

www.houston-today.com 19

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Education/Trade Schools


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• • •

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AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact numbers are: (250) 845-3356 or (250) 8457774. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266


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Thursday: 5:00pm


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Business Opportunities

Help Wanted

DRIVER. Class 1 Drivers wanted. Offering top pay. Close to home. Home most weekends. Family comes 1st! 1 year flat deck exp. & border crossing a must. Fax resume & driver abstract to 1-604-853-4179

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! IHEschool.com 1-866-399-3853

Extra charge for additional words

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 www.taylorprotraining.com


We would like to thank all the businesses from Houston who donated prizes for the

5th Annual Ernie Michell Golf Memorial Tournament:

• • • • •

Farm Workers AUSTRALIA/NEW Zealand dairy, beef, sheep, crop enterprises have opportunities for trainees to live & work Down Under. Apply now! Ph:1-888598-4415 www.agriventure.com

Help Wanted

Do You Possess...

A desire to provide customer service through sales tire replacement and repair A desire to exceed in customer service The attitude to successfully work in a team atmosphere The ability to excel in a physically demanding environment An entrepreneurial spirit

Then Kal Tire wants you to consider becoming a part of our team. With over 250 locations, Kal Tire is the largest independently owned tire dealer in Canada. We offer a clean safe work environment in a motivating and fun atmosphere, empowering and supportive work culture and a comprehensive on the job-training program for advancement. With competitive salary and benefits programs, as well as the opportunity to participate in profit sharing (bonus).

HIRING RIGHT NOW !! If you are looking for full time steady days, bonus, benefits and a long term career, please apply in the Houston Branch.

Kal Tire is proud to give back to the community. Tweedie Road Industrial Site, Houston 250-845-7341

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

D & M Industrial Royal Bank Bulkley Valley Credit Union Frontier Chrysler Mr. & Mrs. Tiljoe Mr. & Mrs. M. Sheperd Mr. & Mrs. P. Mann Lorne Tiljoe Dean & Ruby Tiljoe Conrad Michell Karmel Michell Brad Michell Kari-Ann Hay Michell Terry & Lill Also Shelly Irvine & others to witness the hole in one. Willowgrove Golf Course donated $100 to diabetes

We would like to thank all 34 friends and family who supported the Michell family and made donations to diabetes in Houston.

PARTS MANAGER We have a position available for a Parts Manager in our Smithers, BC location. This position will manage parts operations within the branch to maximize return on investment through; optimizing Parts Dept processes to ensure internal and external customer satisfaction, growing profitable parts sales, exercising disciplined expense control and retaining effective engaged department personnel.


Houston Industrial Park, Houston, BC

Please send resume or apply in person at Nadina Truck. Call 250.845.2212 and ask for Henry or John. WESTERN STAR/STERLING TRUCKS

Huckleberry Mines Ltd. is a 19,000 TPD open pit copper molybdenum mine located approximately two hours driving time from Houston, B.C. The mine has been in operation since in September 1997 and closure is planned for 2021. We are currently looking to add the following positions to our team.

Safety Officer Reporting to the Safety Coordinator, the successful candidate will be required to work with minimal supervision. The responsibilities will include but not limited to: safety orientations for new hires and contractors, general workplace safety monitoring, conducting job hazard assessments, safety inspections, over seeing Occupational Health & Safety Committee meetings, attending general site safety meetings. Qualifications: Preference will be given to candidates possessing a background in safety, first aid and mine rescue. • Work independently and safely with minimal supervision • Solid computer skills including MS Office • Previous experience in a mining or industrial setting • Must have a valid BC driver’s license

Human Resources Assistant Under the direction of the Human Resources Specialist, the HR Assistant provides administrative and technical support to the HR Section and other company departments by delivering a full array of HR functions and ensuring policies and procedures are applied consistently. We are looking for someone with strong computer skills with the ability to prioritize and multi-task and work independently. Experience in benefit administration, recruitment and HRIS will be considered an asset. The work schedule for these positions is 4 days on followed by 3 days off (Monday to Thursday). Transportation to and from the mine site is provided from Houston and Smithers by bus and while at the mine site all meals and accommodations are provided free of charge to employees.

We thank all applicants for their interest in Huckleberry Mines Ltd., but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Qualified candidates can submit their resumes in confidence to:

Human Resources Department Huckleberry Mines Ltd. P.O. Box 3000, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Fax: (604) 517-4701 Email: HR@HuckleberryMines.com

The ideal candidate will have previous leadership experience in a parts department. A Journeyman Partsperson ticket would be considered an asset. Brandt Tractor is the world’s largest privately held John Deere Construction & Forestry Equipment dealer and a Platinum member of the Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies Program. Find out more about our exciting career opportunities at www. brandtjobs.com or by calling (306) 791-8923.

A total of $181.22 was raised for diabetes.

Love, the Michell Family

Help Wanted

Huckleberry Mines Ltd. offers a competitive salary and a full range of benefits including medical, life, disability income and RRSP savings plan.

Sullivan Motor Products (for the Hole-in-One 2012 Car) Emberson Plumbing & Heating Kal Tire Lee’s Garden Home Hardware Andy Meints Contracting Ltd. Pharmasave Houston Food Market Vybz Brewstir’s 1st Choice Fashions Mike’s Audio A&W Castle Building Centre Co-op All West Glass 7-11 BV Foods Happy Jack’s Pub Driftwood Veterinary Clinic

Help Wanted

Email resume indicating position title and location to hr@brandttractor.com or fax (306) 791-5986.

DID YOU KNOW... 64 per cent of people listened to a radio station yesterday - to achieve this reach, an advertiser would have to buy spots all day long in all local stations. Reach your audience by advertising in: www.houston-today.com Ph: 250-845-2890

20 www.houston-today.com

Anglican Church of St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston 250-845-4940

Rev. Margaret Powell Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays except 7 p.m. on the First Sunday of the month.

St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 2001 Riverbank Drive, Box 819, Houston

Phone: 845-2841 • Fax: 845-2823

Fr. Rectorino Tolentino Pastoral Assistant: Ronnie Cruz (Houston)

Mass: Sunday 11:30 a.m. Weekly activities or events announced as they occur.

First United Church 2106 Butler Ave., Houston

Services at 11 a.m. Contact: (Marianne Dekker) 250-845-2282 or 778-816-0039

HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 845-2678 • Pastor: Mike McIntyre

Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 amSunday Prayer Meeting: 6:30 pm Sunday School: 9:45 am Everyone Welcome



Help Wanted

Health Products

Bulkley Valley Home Centre Ltd (Houston) requires a full time

SLIM DOWN For summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176


Trades, Technical CABLE PLOW and Drill Operator. Well-established company provides underground telecommunication installations throughout Alberta. Experience required. Accommodation and meal per diem provided. Email resume; catearmstrong@ grahamsbackhoe.com Civil Engineering Technologist II District of Kitimat, full time permanent - wage $36.11 $43.69, over 2 years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Reporting to the Technical Services Manager, duties include a variety of infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D, and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s licence required. Submit resumes by July 25, 2012, 4:30pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax: (250) 632-4995, or email dok@kitimat.ca FULL TIME Buncher/Processor Operators needed in the Williams Lake area. Great wage and benefits package. Email resume to smallpinelogging@yahoo.ca or call 250398-8216.

HIRING ironworkers and welders immediately. Please email resume to: snoel@tru-steel.ca Houston Today


Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 www.mydebtsolution.com GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. www.pioneerwest.com IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

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Applications are being accepted for

P.O. Box 1784, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Phone: 250-845-2705 Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2217

Part Time Employment

3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne

Sunday Service - 10:30 am Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810

Houston Christian Reformed Church 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578

~ Everyone Welcome! ~

Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm

Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM AND 2:30 PM Pastor Hendrik Alkema (hendrik.alkema@canrc.org) Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston

Help Wanted

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Association

Houston Fellowship Baptist Church

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Millwright Reporting to the Mill Maintenance Supervisor and working closely with other tradesmen and the operating department, the successful applicant will be responsible for maintenance work in the mill, crusher and other areas of the mine. Duties will include planned and preventative maintenance on the SAG mill, ball mills, crusher, conveyor belts, pumps and other equipment.


The successful candidate must possess a journeyman’s trade qualification and have a minimum of five years experience in an industrial environment. Preference will be given to applicants with mining experience and individuals who are also licensed or experienced in welding. Good interpersonal and communication skills are essential for this position.

Huckleberry Mines Ltd. is a 18,000 TPD open pit copper molybdenum mine located 120 km south of Houston in west central British Columbia. We are currently recruiting for the following positions to join our Mine Operations team:


Huckleberry Mines is a remote mine where its employees live in a camp environment on their days of work. The Millwright position works a 7 x 7 schedule (7 days in, 7 days out). While at the mine site all meals and accommodations are provided free of charge to employees. Transportation is provided from Houston.

Reporting to the Mine General Foreman, the successful applicant will be responsible all blasting in an open pit mine. Duties include: • • • •

Priming, loading and stemming holes Operating a 416 loader Assisting in guarding blasts Assisting in loading an emulsion truck

Huckleberry Mines Ltd. offers a competitive salary and a full range of benefits including medical, life, disability income and RRSP savings plan.

Applicants require an open pit blasting certificate, have a minimum of 2 years open pit blasting experience, experience working with IKON, and hold a valid class 5 drivers license. A copy of the blasting certificate must be included with the resume. Experience operating other pieces of mine surface equipment would be considered an asset.

We thank all applicants for their interest in Huckleberry Mines Ltd., but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Qualified applicants can submit their resumes in confidence to:

Huckleberry Mines is located approximately two hours driving time from Houston, British Columbia. Employees live in a camp environment on their days of work. The work schedule for this position is 4 days on followed by 4 days off. Transportation to and from the mine site is provided from Houston and Smithers by bus and while at the mine site all meals and accommodations are provided free of charge to employees. Houston and Smithers are located in the scenic Bulkley Valley on TransCanada Highway 16, an excellent area to raise a family and has exceptional outdoor recreational activities. More information on the area is available at www.smithers.ca, www.houston.ca and www. rdbn.bc.ca.

Human Resources Department Huckleberry Mines Ltd. P.O. Box 3000, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Email: HR@HuckleberryMines.com

MORE Lost & Found

Huckleberry Mines Ltd. offers a competitive salary and a full range of benefits including medical, life, disability income and RRSP savings plan.

LOST The eyes have it

We thank all applicants for their interest in Huckleberry Mines Ltd., but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Qualified candidates can submit their resumes in confidence to:

Please drop off resume at the

Human Resources Department Huckleberry Mines Ltd. P.O. Box 3000, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0

Houston Pizza Factory

Fax: (604) 517-4701 Email: HR@HuckleberryMines.com

$150 REWARDFetch a Friend

from the SPCA today! spca.bc.ca

GERMAN SHEPHERD-LAB cross dog, brown and black, name is“Tyson” Lost Wed. June 27 in Houston.

HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Reach over 1,500 people by advertising in Houston Today. Call 250-845-2890

MORE Obituaries Sherman, Howard James February 19, 1966 – June 15, 2012

Howard was born in Trail, BC. He grew up in Topley, and made friends with everyone he met. In 2008 he moved to Houston with his dad (Sam Sherman), and became a ¿xture around the hockey arena and baseball diamonds. Howard canvassed extensively for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and was passionate about his job at the Bulkley Valley Credit Union. He is survived by his father, Samuel Sherman; aunt Brenda (Vic) Lepitsky; brothers Bud (Rita) and Steve (Val) Sherman; nieces Jody (Jon) LeVos, Jessica (Shane) Nedohin, and Jennifer (Alan) Kydd; great nephews Jack and Jace LeVos; and great niece Emily Nedohin. He was predeceased by his mother, Clarice Sherman. Howard passed away peacefully in his sleep, and was laid to rest in the Topley Cemetery by his family on Friday, June 22nd. The family wishes to thank all of Howard’s home support workers, care workers, coworkers, and friends in the community.

Trades, Technical

Huckleberry Mines Ltd. is a 19,000 TPD open pit copper molybdenum mine located 120 kilometers south of Houston in west central British Columbia. The mine has been in operation since in September 1997 and closure is planned for 2021. We are currently recruiting for the following position:

Duties include yard clean up, customer service and deliveries. Must have class 5 Drivers license and clean driving record. Experience in retail and building supplies an asset, but not essential. Competitive wage and benefit packages available. Please fax resume to Amanda at 250-845-7608 or email amanda@bvhome.ca

Call: 250-845-2628 or 250-845-8251 MORE Cards of Thanks HIGHWAY

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Where to Worship

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 Houston Today

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Houston Today Smithers Interior News Terrace Standard District Silverthorne Grade Lakes Five Class Kitimat Sentinel News would like to extend a warm Princeyou Rupert George thank to BrentPrince Marshall Northern View Free Press and Northland Dodge Northern Vanderhoof for several generous donations to Connector Omineca Express our fundraising efforts. The Northern & Fort St. James Northland DailyDodge supports Caledoniathe Courier

Northland Dodge Pediatric Ward, the Kordyban Lodge, and Northern BC Heroes as well.

for Adele Murray

July 28th in Houston up on the North Road. for only...

Signs will be posted for directions.




First rider out at 10 last rider out at 12. The poker hands will cost+HST $25.00 each. Half the money to the winning hand and the 3The lines ride will be around other half to Adele. (No changes) 2 hours. Snacks and runs drinks 1 week will be available in all 11 papers along the trail. Donations welcome.

P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 Phone: 250-845-2890 • Fax: 250-845-7893 advertising@houston-today.com

For more information please www.houston-today.com contact Tori Long @ 250-845-3500

Houston Today Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pets & Livestock




Antiques / Classics

HORSE FOR SALE 19 year old sorrel gelding, well trained, not a beginners horse. Used for penning at one time. $2500 obo. (250) 695-6972

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Canfor – Houston is currently entertaining bids for contract services for the following: Janitorial/Custodial Services for the Canfor – Houston main of¿ce building located at 1397 Morice River Rd. Contractors are expected to supply their own equipment.

District of Houston www.houston.ca

Equipment for Sale Take notice that the District of Houston is selling one (1) 1970 – Ford Pumper Truck. Basic SpeciďŹ cations of the Pumper Truck are:

• • • • •




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For Sale By Owner

1970 Ford 750 Chassis 390 cu.in. Gas Engine Poly Tank – 1,000 Gallons 22,800 Miles Thibault Body

Details on the Truck and the bidding process may be found on the bcbid.gov.bc.ca website

Houston Today


For Sale By Owner

Interested persons may direct all inquiries to: Jim Daigneault, Fire Chief Ph # 250-845-2250

Breathe through a straw for 60 seconds. That’s what breathing is like with cystic fibrosis.


RV Sites

Other Areas


The mortgage lender will require you to purchase an insurance policy which guarantees that, in the event of ďŹ re, the lender will receive the balance owing on the loan before you receive any insurance proceeds.

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Acreage for Sale

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Or faxed to: 250-845-5291 Attn: Robbyn Emberley

Real Estate

Business for Sale


Canfor – Houston Attn: Robbyn Emberley Box 158 - 1397 Morice River Rd. Houston, BC V0J 1Z0

Misc. for Sale

LIVE THE Dream. Harbours End Marine, 27 year history on beautiful Salt Spring Island, BC “the best place on earth!� Owner retiring, well-established business only $129,000 email: bjg_cormorant@shaw.ca


Interested parties can contact Robbyn Emberley at 250-845-5215 to review the scope of duties prior to bidding. All bids must be submitted no later than July 15, 2012 to:

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com FOR SALE Track Skidsteer Cat 267B, 06 - 1680hr, A/C Cab, tracks 85%, Ser Cyc01081, Ex. condition. Peter. $34,000. (250) 845-2498 or (250) 845-7419

235 Acres for sale, only 10 minutes from Vanderhoof. Great building site at 10 acre pond, fenced, 45 acres cleared. $248,000. obo (250)567-3193


Boats CANOES FOR SALE: Clipper Prospector, 16’, red ďŹ berglass w/black trim, bench seats, excellent shape $1000. Mad River St. Croix, 14’6â€?, Triple Tough, knee pads & lash tie downs installed, green, great shape $600. Wenonah Jensen 18’6â€?, painted Kevlar, sliding bow & stern seats, stern footbrace, white, super fast, light & in good shape $900. Hellman Kootenay 16’6â€?, lightweight, Duralite, orange with black trim, immaculate shape - like new, $1200. Pics available. Please call Ted 250-692-2372.

Merchandise for Sale

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? STEEL BUILDING - Huge clearance sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca.


www.houston-today.com 21

WELL KEPT 12X68 UPGRADED MOBILE HOME • Finished addition • extra roof for added protection and insulation • includes fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher, woodstove • front and back decks • storage shed • established gardens • quiet location. $36,900 obo #15 Silverthorne Mobile Home Park

No wonder so many people with CF stop breathing in their early 30s.





• 1996 14 x 70 mobile with a 10 x 40 addition on just over a third of an acre. 3 bedrooms, potential for more in the unďŹ nished addition. • 2 full bathrooms, skylights in kitchen and main bath. • Laminate ooring in the living room and one bdrm, laminate for second will be left. • Fire pit, area fenced for a horse, drilled well, storage shed.






• Spacious, well kept, tastefully decorated family home with a spectacular view of the mountains & no neighbours behind. • 9 foot ceilings, skylights, tonnes of windows and sunken living room with a gas ďŹ replace. • Oak cabinets in kitchen, garden door off dining room to a 12x 14 deck and 10 x22 patio. • Master bdrm with huge walk in closet & en-suite. • Family room, bdrm, 3rd bath & a den in basement.




COUNTRY COMFORT! • Spacious 3 bedroom rancher on 5.4 acres on Lund Road. • Bay window in living room, cozy family room with a woodstove & laminate oor. • Main bath features jetted tub and separate shower. • Recent renos in the huge country kitchen/ dining area. • Large deck, fenced for horses, RV storage, small workshop.




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Auto Services

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Houston Today

Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad

Pioneers Courageous Battles

Serving the community of... Houston

Athletes Achieving

Human Interest

Featuring the spirit of the local people Hockey, salmon, and bears: Scandinavian students reflect on their year in Houston Andrew Hudson Flaming cars and rioting Canucks fans—the last B.C. story to make TV news in Finland and Norway painted a pretty wild picture for exchange students Petteri Tuovinen and Ivar Knain. “It was like, ‘Okay mom, here’s where I’m going!” says Knain. Lucky for their parents, no new riots broke out when the boys touched down at the Vancouver airport last August. But they did survive one small disaster—sleeping through their flight up north. Sue Stringfellow, who with her husband has hosted the boys through their Grade 12 year at Houston secondary, says both looked more than a little jet-lagged when they finally arrived, smack in the middle of Fall Fair weekend. “My daughter’s shown 4-H sheep all of her life at the fair, so for us it’s a really big deal,” Stringfellow said. But for the boys, she said, “It was like, ‘Where did I land?’” “I think it would be a different story now.” Now, Knain and Tuovinen have a whole Houston year under their belts. Sitting on a deck outside the Stringfellow’s hobby farm off Buck Flats Road, they look at home with the cats, the pigs and the sheep all around. It’s is a far cry from Knain’s hometown of Trondheim, a fjordside city of about 180,000 people, known throughout Norway for its high-tech university. Back home, he said, Norwegians’ view of Canada is rich in stereotypes. “All the big ones are from American TV shows where they make fun of you, right?” Knain said. “So it’s basically hockey, beer, lumberjacks, and beavers.” On hockey at least, Knain says, Canada has more than lived up to its reputation, and made him a fan. Norway, where ski-jumping and biathlon are TV sports, is more into skis than skates, he explains. Stringfellow says that was clear after taking Knain up to the Morice nordic trails last winter, where the skis were “like extensions of his feet.” “Of course! I’m Norwegian,” he said, adding that the Morice trails were better than expected, and “easily on par with most of the trails at home.” But he’s a hockey fan now. After skating just three or four times in his life, Knain got to train up with Houston’s Midget team. But foreign students can’t play games in B.C.’s minor hockey league ever since a Surrey team stacked their bench with a whole squad of Russian ringers. “They didn’t want me to play because they were scared of my skills,” Knain joked. But when teammate Austin Sullivan hurt his back shortly before

Between learning how to fly-fish the Morice River in his Outdoor Recreation class at HSS, and a chance to see his favourite hockey team, Tuovinen hasn’t been disappointed either. Unlike Norway, Finland is a hard-core hockey country, Tuovinen says, where fans manage to watch live NHL games at 3 a.m. Most watch for Swedish players, who have a stronger league than Finland or Russia, he says. And many of the best Swedish stars have wound up on Tuovinen’s favourite team—the Detroit Red Wings. Along with trips to Vancouver, Victoria, and Whistler, Tuovinen said his big highlight this year was when the Stringfellows took him and Knain to Edmonton for a Red Wings game and Coldplay concert. “It was awesome,” he said. Besides live NHL and playing Houston’s recreation hockey league, Tuovinen says he’s been well impressed by the wildlife here. “It’s crazy,” he says. “I’ve seen a wolverine, black wolf, grizzly, black bear—everything.” “If you see a bear in Finland, it’s in the newspaper.” Houston is a friendly place, said the boys, and both plan to visit again in a few years. Although both finished Grade 12 at HSS, they still have more high school at home. In Finland, students start at a new school after Grade 9—a two-year trades school or a three-year pre-university or college school. In Norway, it’s a similar system, starting in Grade 10. “Our school is more like university now,” said Tuovinen, who wants to study biology or earth sciences. “You have to study by yourself. Although he likes the Finnish system, he said, “The teachers there are not your friends, like in Houston. “They’re teachers, and after a class you don’t talk with them.” For his part, Knain would like to study engineering at univerPetteri Tuovinen and Ivar Knain stand by their pig com- sity. He made some headway this year, taking his first dedicated physics course through an online course hosted at NWCC. panions at the Stringfellow’s home in Houston. “Sandy at the college is fabulous,” said Stringfellow, referring a Terrace tournament, Knain got his one-and-only chance. to Sandra Lavallie, who guided Knain through his course. He dressed in Sullivan’s jersey, crashed the net, and came away Knain and Tuovinen arrived in Houston through Shecana, a with two goals and three assists. Prince-George based exchange program that takes in high school Now, he’s ready to retire. and gap-year students aged 14 to 25. “I’ve got a five-point average,” he says, laughing. Hosting Shecana kids is a lot of fun, said Stringfellow, who got Petteri Tuovinen hails from just outside Helsinki, a port city of involved at the request of her travel-keen daughter. nearly 600,000 where he lives right on the coast. “Really, the kids become part of your family,” she said. It’s a busy place, Tuovinen says, but he was ready for rural Hous“I think the hardest thing is letting them go.” ton after several summers fishing walleye and trout at a cottage in “Before you come, you’re always a little bit afraid because you eastern Finland. don’t know about the family,” said Tuovinen. “Why choose Canada? Because of hockey and fishing,” he says, “But we had good luck. NHL game, Coldplay, good host family, smiling. fishing—perfect.”

John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes 183 First Street Vanderhoof Tel: 250-567-6820 Fax: 250-567-6822

Toll Free: 1-877-964-5650 E-mail: john.rustad.mla@leg.bc.ca Website: www.johnrustadmla.bc.ca

2500 Butler Avenue Houston Tel: 250-845-7770 Fax: 250-845-7780

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Houston Today Wednesday, July 4, 2012


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Houston Today



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