Kelowna Capital News, July 05, 2012

Page 1




TRAINED AS A classical pianist, Jenie Thai is making her breakthrough into the Canadian music scene playing gritty blues.

COLUMNIST Maxine DeHart reports on a special anniversary celebrated this month at O Spa in Kelowna.

POTENTIAL future stars on the international tennis circuit will be playing in a tennis tournament this week in Kelowna with the hopes of improving on their world rankings.


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THURSDAY July 5, 2012 The Central Okanagan’s Best-Read Newspaper


TEMPERATURE RISING‌The preferred words that weather watchers want to hear as the summer gets into swing—a high pressure ridge is building across the province—is being forecast for this weekend as local residents and tourists are starting to return to their favourite Okanagan summer haunts such as Hot Sands Beach in Kelowna City Park.


June’s rain expected to give way to July’s heat Now the worst storms have passed, it’s time to look at the sunny side of Kelowna’s rainy season. Among the highlights are the novelty of a record breaking year, lessened risk of wildfire in the immediate future, a robust Okanagan Lake and a solid start to storing up water for the coming dry season. Traditionally the wettest month of the year, Environment Canada meteorologist Doug Lundquist explained June’s showers washed away previous Kelowna records.

Total rainfall measured 107 millimetres, which is more than double the average 41 mm June rainfall and beyond the 1990 record of 103 mm. “We had extra storms,� said Lundquist. “Not everyone in the Interior got them, but we did.� Temperatures were correspondingly lower than normal, as well, coming in at an average of 14.6 C compared to the normal 16.3 C. That said, a corner has been turned and sunnier skies and higher temperatures are ahead. “The heat south of the border is rebounding and heading into our area,� Lundquist said.

“By early next week we should see temperatures in the mid 30s. It could be pushing the 40s in Osoyoos and Lytton.� It’s the type of weather that usually prompts the masses to head into the forests for various forms of outdoor fun. It also usually leads to a litany of warnings, but Kevin Skrepnek, a fire information officer with the Kamloops Fire Centre, said things are looking pretty good at the moment. “The fire rating changes from day to day,� he said. “Kelowna and most of the Okanagan is sitting at a low danger rating.� Skrepnek also pointed out that

when it comes to drying out the forest floor, a few hot days can be enough to spark trouble. “Weather forecasts across the board are calling for temperatures to skyrocket,� he said. “Chances are we will find the danger rating climb as it gets hotter.� Fact is, history indicates that a wet lead-in to summer doesn’t necessarily herald a smoke-free season. “The caution I’d offer is we’ve seen years, such as 2003, where the fire season was bookended by floods,� he said. “In the next 10 days, there’s not much if any precipitation, so we could be (back to) square one despite

having a wet month.� Water purveyors are a little less dire about what lies ahead, however, reporting no concern of shortages. One of the most vulnerable to drought is the South East Kelowna Irrigation District. Its water source is divvied up between agricultural and domestic use, with 80 per cent going to farms and 20 per cent to households. “We have a small watershed so we’ve had problems over the years when there’s been drought,� said Toby Pike, manager of SEKID.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A3


New vice-chancellor opens her doors to the Okanagan Jennifer Smith

sity’s own academic achievement—it’s research and opportunities. Rather, Buszard seemed to have a Seven years to the day after UBC very clear understanding of the need to Okanagan administrators took over the develop a university culture, a campus keys to the campus, the latest person to culture, and of the impact the university lead the institution, vice-chancellor and will have on the region moving forward. principal Deborah Buszard, opened her Noting McGill was originally built doors to meet the surrounding communon farmland, when asked about the rural/ ity via the media. urban cultural divide Buszard acknowThe last vice-chancellor and princiledge the unprecedented position UBC pal, Doug Owram, officially retired last finds itself in with this new campus. week and Buszard, whose “What we have is a appointment was antruly unique development, nounced in February, took a new campus of one of over the position Tuesday. the world’s top 25 univerComing from a postsities, growing in a coming as a professor of enmunity in the Interior of vironmental science at British Columbia. This is Dalhousie University, something that hasn’t hapBuszard’s life work is in pened anywhere else befood, with a focus on crefore,” she said. ating sustainable food sysAnd while she wasn’t tems and an interdiscientirely prepared to speak plinary approach to eduon the reputation the cation that saw her more school has developed as Deborah Buszard recent classes involve coa bit of a party school just teaching with an architect yet, or the makeup of a and an economist in classes that epitomstudent body she’s barely had a chance to ized what that word sustainability truly meet, she was definitely enthused by the means. response she’s received while getting out “One of the things I would like to see to meet some of the community leaders is ways that we will be bringing the com- and hear their reaction to the institution. munity onto the campus now that we “Going forward what I see is that have these beautiful buildthis campus and the Okaings,” she said, as she setnagan region will grow tled into her new office in together and what I’m inthe administration buildterested in is the impact ing. that this institution is goGOING FORWARD “We’ll be looking for ing to have this year, 50 ways to ensure everyyears from now, 100 years WHAT I SEE IS THAT one has an ability to come from now,” she said. THIS CAMPUS AND on campus, participate in Beyond the 1,300 jobs THE OKANAGAN university related activit now offers, beyond the REGION WILL ities, some of which are economic buoy buildGROW TOGETHER going on downtown and out of the new campus ofothers on the campus.” fered, Buszard says she AND WHAT I’M By this, she means believes UBCO will very INTERESTED IN IS more than the Distinsoon become an economTHE IMPACT THAT guished Speakers Seric hub where industry THIS INSTITUTION ies the university has dewants to locate and acaveloped to bring academdemics feel free to propaIS GOING TO ics, largely from outside gate the ideas that just HAVE THIS YEAR, the area, into the public might put the Okanagan 50 YEARS FROM purview. on the world map. NOW, 100 YEARS And she means more than the annual campus FROM NOW. open house held each fall Deborah Buszard to showcase the STAFF REPORTER



RENOVATIONS TO PROCEED…Kelowna-Lake CountryMP Ron Cannan (left), Rutland Seniors Centre treasurer Dorren Chrin and Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray were among those on hand for a ceremony on Wednesday as the city accepted a federal grant of $21,530 to pay for improvements to the seniors’ facility. “This project was initiated by members of the Rutland Seniors Centre Society who identified a need within the facility and approached us to see how this work could be accomplished,” said Louise Roberts-Taylor, manager of community neighbourhood programs. “The involvement of the society has not stopped there. Members have had input in the development of a concept design for the renovated space, and once the renovation is complete, the society will utilize the space to manage their volunteer program and as a reception area for the programs they deliver.”

Life of Barry Urness celebrated Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

The profound and lasting impact Dr. Barry Urness had on his community, his friends and family during his lifetime was celebrated on Wednesday afternoon at Kelowna’s Trinity Baptist Church. More than 800 people attended one of the largest memorial services held at the local church to honour the memory of Urness, who passed away June 21 in Kelowna. He was 69. In delivering the eulogy, Barry’s nephew, Marc Urness, spoke of his uncle’s strength and spirit, his kindness and love for his family. “What I’ll remember is Barry’s tenacity, his endless enthusiasm, his belief in kindness as it pertained

Barry Urness to other people,” said Marc Urness. “Barry’s impact on his province and community is evidenced in many awards and accomplishments, but most importantly, his legacy lives in the family he loved so much, and the way he conducted and lived his life.” A founder of the Okanagan Sun junior football team, Urness was a tireless builder and volun-

teer in the community for more than three decades in Kelowna. Called a “visionary” by many who worked with him closely, Urness served as president of the Kelowna Amatuer Sports Society for 10 years, and also worked on the Kelowna Civic Awards Committee for 25 years. In 2008, he founded the Central Okanagan Sports Hall of Fame Museum and last month was named an inductee. Outside of the realm of sports, Urness was involved in many civic and community endeavors, including serving as provincial director of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and sitting as the honourary chairman for the first two phases of the Mission Creek Greenway project. He was named winner

of the City of Kelowna’s 2011 Anita Tozer Award for making a positive contribution to the quality of life in Kelowna. Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray summed up Urness’s contributions to the community this way: “The DNA of Barry Urness is all over this great city of Kelowna,” Gray said. “The inspiration, energy and spirit he instilled in others will be his legacy.” A chiropractor in Kelowna for more than 40 years, Urness was also recognized by the Government of Canada with a Commemorative Medallion in honour of the 125th anniversary of Confederation. Barry Urness is survived by his wife Betty, sons David and Dean, and five grandchildren.


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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


Survey says genetically modified fruit spells trouble

richard rolke


Okanagan orchardists say they have the required proof to fight genetically modified fruit. A national survey indicates 69 per cent of the 1,501 respondents are not in favour of a genetically engineered apple. “We are not in favour of genetically modified food because of the market risk,” said Glen Lucas, B.C. Fruit Growers Association general manager. “The survey validated growers’ concerns that there could be a possible backlash against genetically modified apples.” Lucas says there are several examples of genetically modified organisms being developed and negatively impacting market conditions. Beyond domestic consumers, there is a concern some international customers could stop buying Okanagan apples if genetically modified organisms are allowed. “Europe doesn’t like this kind of product,” said Lucas. The survey was commissioned by B.C. and Quebec orchardists after an Okanagan biotech company applied to have a genetically modified apple approved by the government. When cut, the apple does not brown. Seventy-six per cent of respondents stated the federal government has not

provided adequate information about genetically modified food. A further nine per cent said they had not heard of genetically modified food prior to the survey. Ninety-one per cent of respondents agreed that mandatory labelling of genetically modified food should be required by the federal government. If the food was clearly labelled as being genetically modified, 14 per cent of respondents would purchase the food without hesitating, 45 per cent said it would depend on the type of food being purchased, and 35 per cent said that nothing could convince them to purchase genetically modified food. Seventy-one per cent of the survey respondents indicated they are in favour of having a special category of food (e.g. milk, apples, pablum, fruits and vegetables) that should not be genetically engineered or be free of genetically engineered ingredients. The survey results will be sent to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the federal health and agriculture ministers. “We want to express our concerns about the current regulations on genetically modified products,” said Lucas. “People want more information. We would like the government to postpone further introductions (of genetically modified fruit) until they get their act together and have better public discussion on the issue.”


BAD TIMING…With more typical Okanagan summer weather almost upon us, the sight of this catamaran bobbing in the lake upside down in Sutherland Bay couldn’t have been a positive sight for the boat’s owner.


Bernard upgrade contract awarded Alistair Waters ASSISTANT EDITOR

Kelowna has awarded the construction contract for one of its most high-profile, and at times controversial, construction projects the city has undertaken in several years. The $11-million contract to replace aging utilities under the city’s main downtown street, Bernard

Avenue, rebuild the road and revitalize the streetscape above ground has been awarded to Vernonbased CGL Contracting Ltd., city hall announced Wednesday afternoon. The entire project will cost about $13.5 million when all costs are factored in. Businesses in the area will contribute about 25 per cent of the cost of the streetscape portion of the

project, which is expected to be about $4 million of the total. The facelift of the road is expected to radically change the look of Kelowna’s main downtown thoroughfare. The work will encompass the stretch of Bernard from the Sails sculpture on the lakeshore up to just west of the intersection with Richter Street. The Bernard Avenue


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Harvest Celebration

Revitalization project will be carried out in three phases, the first this fall, the second next spring and the third in the fall of 2013. Completion of all work is slated the summer of 2014, following landscaping work in the spring of 2014 following the road reconstruction . The reason for the phased work is to accommodate businesses located on Bernard Avenue that don’t want to have the street torn up and their business directly affected during the busy summer and Christmas shopping months. “The civil works are not, for the most part, that challenging but the schedule in order to accommodate the businesses in the area is,” said Purvez Irani, the city manager of roads, drainage and solid waste projects. See Contract A7

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Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A5


Water conservation not forgotten in spite of high dose of rain


HIGH WATER impacts docks along Okanagan Lake (above) and along Mission Creek (left) between Lakeshore Road and the entrance to Okanagan Lake.


DEBRIS WASHES UP ON the wheelchair ramp at Rotary Beach in Kelowna. Heat from A1 “So, the water manager’s constant neurosis is running out of water, and this year I’m sleeping well.” Pike explained that June’s rain did two things—it filled up local reservoirs and lowered demand. “With all of this rain, it’s lowered our demand and it’s made sure we have plenty of supply in the future.” Robust supply, however, shouldn’t lead to wasteful behaviour, cautioned Anna Warwick Sears, executive director

of the Okanagan Basin Water Board. “We should work toward water conservation,” she said. “There’s a lot of reason for conserving water, including cost of treatment and delivery.” She also pointed out that the work the board has done indicates that the weather we’ve seen this year may be a sign of what’s to come. “The work we’ve done on climate change suggests we’re going to have more wet years and more dry years and we have to prepare for both,” she said. DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR

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79 HEAVY equipment worked along the shoreline at City Park this week to continue clearing away debris washed down into Okanagan Lake. DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR


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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News




Police take on hotel blaze investigation

Bringing the voters under the ‘blue tent’

Kathy Michaels


Mounties have yet to catch the firebug who sparked flames on two floors of the Coast Capri Hotel, but they’re sifting through a “mountain of information” to get there. “Our general investigation section has been hard at work and we will continue to look over surveillance video and talk to witnesses,” said Const. Kris Clark, noting that he’s loath to label the fire an arson, just yet. “There’s a lot of information. There’s surveillance video and you have to consider there were hundreds of guests of the hotel, and we have to sift through all of them to see if there’s any relevant information. It’s not like a fight in the backyard where there are three people.” In total, more than 380 guests had to be evacuated from the hotel from the fire that broke out sometime after 1: 30 a.m. Saturday. Only one injury—to a firefighter—was reported. Coast Capri staff have said the damage will cost in excess of $100,000 to repair, and much of it was caused by water used to fight the flames, as well as by the smoke. The third and fourth floors of the hotel’s tower are expected to re-open later this week and the fifth floor a short time later. The six and seventh floors, where the fires started, will take longer as they sustained the most damage.


Political parties, especially coalitions, like to use the analogy of being a big tent when appealing to members of other parties to join them. The standard line is there’s room in their tent for all. Well, it may not be big, but the Central Okanagan’s three Liberal MLAs now have their own tent and they plan to use it make themselves more accessible at events through out the community. Norm Letnick (Kelowna-Lake Country), Steve Thomson (KelownaMission) and Ben Stewart (Westside-Kelowna) all pitched in with funds from their respective office budgets to buy the tent that they plan to share and set up at events throughout Kelowna, Lake Country, West Kelowna and Peachland from now on in

a bid to meet constituents and help anyone looking for information from government. “We felt it was a way of inviting people to come talk to us without having them come to the office,” said Letnick. Along with Thomson, Letnick manned the tent last Sunday in Kelowna during the Canada Day celebrations in Waterfront Park. He said the three MLAs, who often describe themselves as working as a team, will take turns using the tent and set it up at events in their respective ridings throughout the year. In addition to the MLAs, members of their office staffs will also be on hand to provide constituents with information and help. Letnick said because the effort is being paid for with taxpayer dollars, none of the information provided will be partisan,


LOCAL MLAs Norm Letnick (leaning over table) and Steve Thomson man the tent the two, along with MLA Ben Stewart, put up as an information booth at public events, such as last Sunday’s Canada Day celebration in Kelowna. but rather be the same sort of help provided to constituents by their elected representatives through

FortisBC’s new residential conservation rate FortisBC introduced a new residential two-tier conservation rate for electricity customers on July 1, 2012.

the local MLA’s office. The blue tent, which sports all three MLA’s names in white, along with the legislative coat of arms, does not include a B.C. Liberal Party logo or Liberal party signs. “We wanted to find a way of being more accessible,” said Letnick, adding he personally feels more comfortable letting local residents come to him to ask questions, provide input or seek help rather than walking up to people at crowded events, telling them who he is and asking about their concerns. That is often done through more formal of-

About 75 per cent of electricity customers will pay about the same or less on this new rate, with some paying more based on electricity consumption.

fice mailouts. Elected representatives manning tents or booths at public events, while not new, has not been used extensively here in the past. Coincidentally, at West Kelowna’s Westside Daze event on the weekend, the local NDP had a tent, as did the B.C. Conservatives. Letnick said the new tent made its first appearance two months ago at Rutland’s May Days event, which is held in his riding. On Saturday, it was at Westside Daze, which is in Stewart’s riding.


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Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A7


Grant to assist city’s homeless Kathy Michaels STAFF REPORTER

Kelowna’s frontline workers banded together and managed to get $1.2 million from the federal government to help the area’s homeless population get on their feet over the next two years. “Basically, with this money the focus we have is to engage people who have the most challenges physically and emotionally,” said Christene Walsh, of the Regional District of Central Okanagan—one of the members of the Kelowna Community Advisory Board on Homelessness that applied for funds from the federal government’s Homelessness Partnering Strategy. “These are the people who utilize the highest level of services and can be the hardest to engage—this money is going to be used for the most complex people.” Once those people have been engaged, some of those dollars will be earmarked for providing housing or the services that will help someone on the brink of homelessness, stay afloat. Funds will also be used to create a database that will catalogue what services and resources are available so frontline workers are most effective. “That will help get information to the people who need it,” Walsh said. Kelowna’s homelessness prob-

lem has been long lamented, which is why the city’s community groups have benefitted from federal funding in various forms for over 12 years. At last count in 2009—which Walsh thinks could still stand today—there were an estimated 625 homeless residents of Kelowna. Many of those, however, are considered “hidden homeless” as they’re not street people. They’re without their own address, couch surfing and piecemealing together what they need to survive. Those are the ones that may be tapping into services at the Gospel Mission, which is one of the beneficiaries of federal funding. With the recession taking a bite out of the financial stability of many, Randy Benson at the mission has seen significant changes. “From the shelter point of view, our numbers have remained the same, which I think that in part is credited to the fact we’re able to house more people,” he said. There are several housing projects constructed in recent years have created space for hundreds of people who would otherwise be homeless, he explained. There are also more case workers in the city helping those who have fallen through the cracks get on their feet. “We’ve been making good strides,” he said. “That said, we’ve

seen an increase in the number of people needing food. Even though people are getting housed, the challenge is to get through the other months, with other things.” With that in mind, the mission will be using its allocation of funds for outreach work, but each of the seven community partners involved are working on a different leg of the problem. Among those getting funding are the Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society, Kelowna Gospel Mission, Kelowna Community Resources, Canadian Mental Health Association, John Howard Society of the Central and South Okanagan, Okanagan Boys & Girls Clubs, and Inn from the Cold . These community partners are receiving a total of $227,300 (one Aboriginal Homelessness agreement at $49,283 and six Designated Communities agreements at $178,017). In addition, on June 4 the Central Okanagan Foundation received approval to be the Community Entity under the HPS’s new Community Entity Model. Over the next two years, the Central Okanagan Foundation will distribute HPS funding of $981,174 to local organizations for the development of housing and support services. This represents $779,948 in Designated Communities funding and $201,266 in Aboriginal Homelessness funding.

Bernard Avenue construction project set to start this fall Contract from A4 Irani said the “fine details” of the construction schedule will now be worked out with CGL, and the company will be offered the opportunity to do some preliminary work at the intersection of Bernard Avenue and Richter Street, which is technically just outside of the revitalization project area. One of the challenges will be putting the road back in drivable condition following the first two phases of the work, and also losing the prime construction months of July and August next year. The city said four “prequalified” tenders were received for the construction contract, with CGL’s bid the most competitive. “The next steps will see the construction schedule finalized with the contractor, including the traffic management plan and the other details the business community is interested in knowing,” said Bill Berry, Kelowna director of design and construction services. “It’s a priority for us to keep businesses and residents informed as we move forward in delivering this significant revitalization project.” Some businesses are still concerned about the effect the work will have on their financial bottom lines over the next few years despite many public meetings and discussions with the city over the last 18 months. While some agree with the multi-phased approach, others lobbied to

have the work done in one sustained period, arguing it was better to get it over and done with, rather than drag it out. Still others wanted the work fasttracked and work done during the winter, a move the city said would add millions of dollars to the cost. Some business owners feel the city should provide financial compensation for lost trade, a call the city has rejected. Meanwhile, the city also announced that one of its own communications officers, Kelly Kay, will serve as the business liaison for the project, to support local businesses during the construction work. Kay, who joined the city’s communications team in the spring, is described as a public relations practitioner with a journalism degree who used to work for one of the largest law firms in Saskatoon and has also operated her own small business. Last year, the city hired the communications firm that handled the communications plan for Banff when it launched a revitalization project for its very busy main street a few years ago. The Kelowna communications plan is expected to keep the public, and area merchants, aware of what is happening and when different aspects of the work will be done. The city has said it will provide ongoing updates through the media and on its own website once the construction gets underway.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News



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The Capital News is a division of Black Press, at 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7K2



KAREN HILL Publisher/Advertising Manager BARRY GERDING Managing Editor ALAN MONK Real Estate Weekly Manager TESSA RINGNESS Production Manager GLENN BEAUDRY Flyer Delivery Manager RACHEL DEKKER Office Manager MAIN SWITCHBOARD 250-763-3212


Respect the wrath of Mother Nature


he allure of the Fraser River is a powerful thing, especially as it approaches levels not seen here in 40 years. But it can also be dangerous. Both city and provincial officials are urging residents to stay away from the swollen rivers. And with good reason. We’ve already seen one death in B.C. Edward Posnikoff, 72, was standing on a bridge that was

swept away near his home in the Crescent Valley near Nelson a week ago. That tragedy prompted Chris Duffy of Emergency Management B.C. to highlight the danger of high river levels, unstable banks and debris. He’s warning people to stay clear of streams and rivers. His concern echoes what authorities have been saying all last week. The river banks are no place for curious onlookers.

Said emergency co-ordinator Jim MacDonald: “What looks like stable ground, may not in fact be stable. “When our staff are required to work on dicey ground like that they are wearing life jackets. That’s how seriously we take it.” Even under normal conditions a river can be a dangerous place. Nearly every year there are reports of fishermen being swept away after slipping on the muddy banks.

With the Fraser running as fast as it is, one mistake could be fatal. True, the Fraser River is an awesome sight right now. And even though water levels have stabilized and even receded slightly, the currents are still swift and immensely powerful. The river needs to be treated with respect. Getting a closer look is not worth a lost life. – Black Press

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TUESDAY’S QUESTION: Do you support the federal government step of limiting the debt Canadians can incur to buy a house?


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THURSDAY’S QUESTION: Do you think there should be a bridge built across George Strait to connect the mainland to the Gulf Islands and reduce the need for a ferry service? See Tom Fletcher column below. To register your opinion on the Sound Off question, go to or call 250-979-7303. Results will be tabulated until 2 p.m. Monday.

Member of the British Columbia Press Council

Rough seas ahead predicted for troubled BC Ferries Corp.


C Ferries has begun its summer schedule, ramping up sailings for the vacation season that is crucial to the fleet’s bottom line. It’s been rough sailing for BC Ferries so far this year. The corporation released its financial results in June, reporting a net loss of $16.5 million, compared to net earnings of $3.8 million the previous year. Last year’s earnings were boosted by the sale of the former corporate headquarters for $9.3 million, preventing a loss there as well. In the fiscal year that ended March 31, vehicle traffic was down 3.5 per cent and walk-on passengers were down 2.8 per cent. As a result, BC

Ferries is forecasting a “small loss” for this year as well. The spring Coast Saver sale has just ended. That’s a 37-per-cent discount offered Fridays through Mondays, May 25 to June 25 on the major runs from the mainland to Victoria and Nanaimo. The discounts allowed a foot passenger to cross for $9.95 and a car and driver for $39.95. I asked BC Ferries CEO Mike Corrigan last week how the sale went. He didn’t have final figures yet, but he allowed that the boost in traffic was

VICTORIA “marginal.” It’s the second VIEWS year that the spring sale has been offered over weekends, when people are more likely to travel. But instead of Tom generating additional Fletcher trips, Corrigan said the main effect has been to shift traffic from midweek to weekends. One of the primary reasons for this spring’s poor performance is the lousy weather that kept people at home. Gasoline at $1.40 a litre is another big one. Hotels and other tourism services tell the same story. Here’s another problem: Stu-

dent traffic on the ferries was down by a third this spring, because teachers cancelled field trips as part of their lengthy work-to-rule campaign. The simplistic political debate about ferry service starts and ends with rising fares, with occasional fits of temper over executive salaries, and ignores the other factors. Just cut the fares and increase the taxpayer subsidy, say the NDP and their local echo chambers. Of course, taxpayers are already pitching in an extra $80 million this year, bringing the subsidy to the ferries close to $200 million. That’s how Transportation Minister Blair Lekstrom sweetened the pot as he unveiled new powers for B.C. Ferry

Commissioner Gord Macatee to set service levels as well as regulate fares. Macatee’s task now is to travel the coast and endure the demands of island dwellers who want the rest of us to subsidize their splendid isolation. The proposition for them will boil down to this: You can pay more or you can have fewer sailings. And where the boat is a third full, you will have fewer sailings. This consultation period is an opportunity to ask some hard questions. For instance, does Saltspring Island really need three ferry terminals? And why is there no passenger-only service?

See FletcherA9

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A9



Displaced guest misses wedding ceremony lect our smoky belongings. The front desk crew graciously put us up in a new hotel and apologized for the mayhem. Sadly, we were in town for a wedding and now had no clothes whatsoever that we’re not ruined by the smoke. We had to do a

quick shopping trip to the mall to get a new suit and dress, as well as clothes to wear until we could get ours cleaned. We had to throw out our luggage as the smell was noxious and completely embedded in every fiber of the bags. Due to all of this, we

missed the ceremony but were able to make it to the reception. My husband sat at a local laundromat laundering our clothes while I sat in a stylist’s chair getting my hair done. The stylist told me (her theory of events at the hotel before the fire). I will definitely say

that if it turns out that the selfish acts of one of those kids caused my husband and I to have to miss the ceremony of our good friends’ wedding, I will be appalled and disgusted. Rhonda Cain, Alberta



No alarm bells rang on fourth floor on night of fire, says Coast Capri hotel guest To the editor: Re: Kelowna Hotel Fires Now A Police Investigation ( July 2) For the record all was not as organized as set out in these stories. We were in room 449 of this hotel the night of the fire. My daughter, her husband and two youngsters were with us. We went to bed at 10:30 p.m. My husband woke to use the wash-

room and woke me up as he smelled smoke. I too smelled smoke. I checked the bathroom where there was a heat lamp, but the smoke odor was coming from the air conditioning unit. I ran to the door to the hallway and discovered thick smoke. I yelled that the hotel was on fire and we tossed our belongings in the suitcases and found the fire stairs to exit.

The stairwell had dirty water running from under doors. There was no fire alarm sounding in the wing in which our room was in. There were no smoke detectors in the room. My husband pulled the fire alarms on the way to the stairs as we headed for the exit. They still didn’t ring. So no, all was not as rosy as is being painted by the hotel staff.

The male staff member at the door did nothing when I advised him that no fire alarms were sounding by our room and there might be people up there still. The RCMP officer did nothing when I said the fire alarm was not sounding outside our room and that there may be others up on the fourth. We were quite shocked when we entered the parking lot to find it

full of people. We were all very angry that we had not been wakened by an alarm or fire department personnel. What would have happened if my husband had not gotten up? The alarms on that floor definitely need updating. Gary and Sylvia Dionne, Prince George

of seismic requirement. Here are some examples of my statement. Richmond General Hospital, in the early 1970s, was granted permission to add another floor to its existing building. Because of changes in the then building code, the existing hospital no longer complied with the then current code. The result of this was the hospital had to straddle the existing building with new pile foundation because the nature of the sub-strata was not suit-


Ferries CEO sees no quick fixes Fletcher from A8 Macatee’s term as commissioner started with a detailed review last year that pointed to some other ways to save serious money. But CEO Corrigan says there are no quick fixes. FortisBC has offered an $11-million incentive for conversion of

marine vessels to natural gas, which would give the fleet significant relief from spiraling fuel costs. But a ferry conversion would take six months or more, and another vessel would be needed in the meantime. Another promising suggestion is overhauling the ferry reservation service, making reservations


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Build floors now, finish interiors as needed my long experience in the control of hospital costs for 20 years from 1970. First, the problem is when the approval of the fourth floor is issued in the future there is great possibility that the BC Building Code will have changed. The lower three floors have been built to the current building code. Then what will be required to build the fourth floor would be to straddle the existing building because the current Building Code is no longer in force but has been changed because




To the editor: In the Capital News July 3 edition is a column by Alistair Waters regarding the fourth floor construction of the Interior Heart and Surgical Centre at the Kelowna General Hospital. (Rejection of Fourth Floor Addition Appears to be Shortsighted) This rejection is stupid and will cost at least 20 per cent extra over what it would cost if it was constructed now. Why do I say this? The answer comes from

A Gift in Memory Makes a Difference

free and charging extra for those who just show up. Corrigan says a computer reservation overhaul is underway, but it will take three years. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

able and steel was used for the upper structure strong enough to support the extra floor added to the pile foundations. When Vancouver General Hospital was in the throes of upgrading, the basement and first floor were built. The provincial government gave approval of the upper floors two floors at a time. This was objected to by me because of cost. My recommendation was to build the total tower under the then current building code; finish the second and third floors

only; and complete the remaining floors as money became available. This is what was done and within five years the unfinished floors had been finished. Similar things occurred at St. Paul’s and Royal Columbian. My total hospital experiences stretch over many years and included the present day Children’s Hospital which is why I make suggestion on various points to spend the funds wisely. John C. Downward, Kelowna

Express yourself We welcome letters that comment in a timely manner about stories and editorials published in the Capital News. Letters under 200 words will be given priority in considering them for publication. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, brevity, legality and taste. Letters sent directly to reporters may be treated as letters to the editor.

Georg Rieder

Master Chef

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To the editor: Having been one of the displaced hotel guests at the Coast Capri in Kelowna the night of the fire, I was pretty impressed with the efficiency and generosity of the staff the following morning as we were escorted by a fire fighter to our room to col-

Please be advised that the fine print listed on page 16 of the June 29 flyer related to the "Get $10 Toward Any Game In August with Purchase of The Secret World or Final Fantasy Theatrhythm" offer (WebCodes: 10207775 / 10208010) lists an incorrect gaming credit. The CORRECT gaming credit is $10 NOT $20, as previously advertised. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.


Harvey Ave.

Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer. Names will be withheld at the editor’s discretion, only under exceptional circumstances. E-mail letters to, fax to 763-8469 or mail to The Editor, Capital News, 2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, B.C., V1X 7K2.



Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


Ten steps on how to get the most out of psychiatric care I

t’s not easy to get an appointment to see a psychiatrist. With current shortages, patients are often faced with a wait time of many months, which can feel like a very long time when struggling with a mental health issue. Here are a few simple tips that will help you get the most from your psychiatrist and will also make it easier for your psychiatrist to help you. 1. Be able and will-


Paul Latimer ing to talk openly about the problem or issue for which you’re seeking advice. As you may have guessed, your doctor cannot be expected to read

your mind. If you truly want help, you have to be willing to talk. 2. Bring a list with the names and doses of all current medications. This information is very important to get an accurate picture of your medical history and is essential before your psychiatrist can recommend an action plan going forward. 3. Bring a list of medications and other therapies you have already

tried. For the same reasons as above, it is very helpful to know what treatments you may have tried and why they were discontinued. 4. Find out if anyone else among your biological relatives has a psychiatric condition including suicide and drug abuse. Most psychiatric conditions do have a strong genetic component and it helps to know a family history. 5. Bring relevant past

records if possible or know where these can be obtained. Again, the more complete a picture you are able to provide, the more accurately your psychiatrist will be able to diagnose and recommend next steps. If you don’t have your medical records, it is still helpful to provide the names of previous doctors where information could be found. 6. If you have had lab

DAYS of CARING OUR FURRY FRIENDS NEED YOUR HELP! The Responsible Animal Care Society (TRACS) is looking for groups of volunteers to help build and maintain shelter facilities for rescued animals.Tasks include dismantling wood structures, helping to dig ditches, and construction/maintenance of shelter structures.

work done (eg: blood, urine, brain scans etc.), bring the results or have your doctor forward them to the psychiatrist. 7. Complete any preinterview questionnaires. Some psychiatrists will ask you to complete detailed questionnaires prior to your first interview. Although they might seem lengthy, these provide important background information and help to give an idea of potential issues at the outset of a working relationship. 8. Be prepared to stop smoking cannabis, drinking excessively or using other non-prescription drugs. If you are serious about receiving treatment for a mental health issue, drug and alcohol abuse are only going to be barriers for you. If you’re not willing to stop, it will be difficult for a psychiatrist to help you. 9. Be prepared to meet

without children, spouses, friends, other counselors or lawyers in the room. In order for an effective doctor/patient relationship to be built, there needs to be an atmosphere of calm and trust without interruptions. Psychiatric interviews often include discussion of topics that are very personal and can be inappropriate for children or friends. If you are interested in family or couples therapy, this should be discussed with your psychiatrist ahead of time. 10. Be sure to arrive for your appointment on time. Aside from being courteous, arriving on time will help ensure you receive your full interview in an unhurried manner. Paul Latimer is a psychiatrist and president of Okanagan Clinical Trials. 250-862-8141


Mission dog park users urged to take canines elsewhere

Mission dog park is not recommended for use at this time due to recent heavy rains that have left large areas of standing water. Users are advised to visit another dog park until the water in Mission Recreation Park subsides. Visit to discover other dog park locations. The adjacent sport fields at Mission Recreation Park also remains closed at this time due to the high water table in the area. Regional park services has consulted with a local veterinarian who advises that the health risk to dogs from the standing water is likely very low. This advisory is based more on the wet and muddy conditions.

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We require a few homes in your area to display our lifetime metal roofing system. Select homes will be chosen to demonstrate why this product is fast replacing conventional roofing materials. Should your home be used, you will qualify for substantial savings. This offer is time limited. If you have ever considered a permanent, eco-friendly roof for your home, don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Re-roof today and save!

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of the Central and South Okanagan / Similkameen

Telling your story most accurately —the Capital News

sa le

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A11


Dragon’s Den style entrepreneur competition award handed out The winners were recently announced for the 2012 Dragons’ Den Edition of the Young Entrepreneur Program at a special awards dinner hosted by Okanagan College. The program, now in its 18th year, is a joint initiative between the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission, School District 23 Career Life Programs, and the Okanagan College School of Business for students in Grades 7 to 12. The 2012 award winners were:

SECONDARY SCHOOL 1st Place Winner— $1800; Calor from Kelowna Secondary School; Terry Lee and Aaron Gubeli; product—Gas/electric hybrid stovetop apparatus 2nd Place Winner— $1,000; Moneymint Solutions from Kelowna Secondary School; Liam McGoran and Bronson Majoros-Le; product— iWallet lets you use your phone as your wallet 3rd Place Winner,

$500; Boat Boys Detailing from Okanagan Mission Secondary; Carson Benedict, Brayden Oliver, Connor Mckinley, and Garret Ferrier; product— Mobile detailing service that comes to your home, or work location.

MIDDLE SCHOOL 1st Place Winner— $1,000; The Penzations from Rutland Middle School; Andrew Fredrick and Chelsea Thorsteinsson; product—Tradable pen components 2nd Place Winner— $750; Heat N’ Play from Glenrosa Middle School; Zac Callaghan and Tate Borg; product—Knee pad combining a removable hot or cold compress 3rd Place Winner— $500; Wicked Wands from KLO Middle School; Kiana Pazdernik and Gillian Smith; product—Unique handmade wands Innovation Awards were provided to the team that showed the most creativity and innovation in the development of their business idea. Secondary School In-

novation Award of $500 sponsored by Sheldon Gardiner—Plus21 Boards from Okanagan Mission Secondary; Johnny Ken; prodoct—Long Board company developing high quality long boards Middle School Innovation Award Winner of $250 sponsored by School District No. 23 Career Life Programs— FOLLOW-me from KLO Middle School and Kelowna Waldorf School; Jenai Fichtner and Chris Goldammer; product— Bike hitch allows one bike to tow another bike Trade Show Awards were provided to the teams with the best display and promotion of their product or service. Secondary School Trade Show Award Winner of $250 sponsored by Booster Juice—Cole’s Summer Lawn Care from Kelowna Senior Secondary; Bronson Watt and Cole Weber; product— Specialize in small yard and eco-friendly work Middle School Trade Show Award Winner of $250 sponsored by Cen-

tral Okanagan Economic Development Commission—Binder Bags from Dr. Knox Middle School; Saphira Dugas, Hana Hamaguchi, Kaytlin Herriman and Laurel Maja; product—Designer Bag/Binder to help organize your life The awards wouldn’t be possible without the support of many corporate sponsors: Platinum & Gold Sponsor—QHR Technologies Silver Sponsors— Bliss Bakery Bistro, Kalala Organic Estate Winery Bronze Sponsors—Sa Avani Skin Care, Integra Tire, Community Futures, and Women’s Enterprise Centre Innovation Award Sponsors—Sheldon Gardiner and School District 23 Career Life Programs Trade Show Award Sponsors—Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission and Booster Juice Awards Dinner Sponsor—Okanagan College culinary arts program.

A new English Foundation Program (EFP) will be offered this September at UBC Okanagan. The program is dedicated to providing university access and support to students who meet academic requirements necessary for admission, yet do not meet its English language admission standards. The program is designed for international students whose academic credentials would otherwise be suitable for admission, aside from a lack of English proficiency. EFP will allow students to develop language proficiency skills that will foster their overall success in a degree program at UBC Okanagan. The EFP is offered in September, January and May. See

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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A13

Keep the Kids Busy! Do you want to banish the words, “I’m bored” from your kid’s vocabulary? Check out all of the great activities that will keep your kids entertained this summer!

Farmer for a day at Davison Orchards



250-717-8260 #3-1960 Springfield Rd, Kelowna BC

Come on out and get your hands dirty! Kids are invited to join Linda McVeigh (Davison) to learn what it’s like to be a farmer for a day. The kids will meet 3 generations of working farmers as they experience a day of hands-on learning and fun. New this year, our first ever “Farmer for a Day” program was offered early in the season to kids seeking a fun, interactive, and authentic farm experience and was a resounding success. We are thrilled to announce four additional dates for our tremendously popular “Farmer for a Day ” program. “Our summer programs will reflect the seasonal activities on the farm,” explains Linda McVeigh, the program facilitator. “Kids will be kept busy exploring the crops in various stages of growth, learning about

irrigation, and harvesting in-season produce.” The day will start with a visit to the barns and animals, followed by a tour of the farm facilities including the apple peeling machines and the juicing room. Walking along the edges of the farm will provide kids a chance to observe animal trails, beehives, and learn to identify some of the natural vegetation common to the area. After lunch, kids will take a ride on our Johnny Popper tractor-train through the fields and plantings, where the eager farmers-in-training will learn about irrigation techniques and the process of harvesting under the watchful eye of Farmer Tom. Because farm life can’t be all work and no play, the day will be rounded out with a playtime in the


Crazy Cow Kid’s Corral, a great farm-themed play area. Kids will also be served real fruit ice cream as a special treat for all their hard work at the farm. Each child attending the program in July and August will harvest fruit and vegetables to take home to their families. “Many children haven’t experienced a vegetable garden in the back yard,” says Linda. “To pick produce fresh from the vine or branch connects us to our food in such a basic way.” “Farmer for a Day” is designed for children ages 5-8, and will be held at Davison Orchards this summer on July 11th, 25th, August 8th, and 22nd from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Registration is $50 /day which includes lunch and snacks. For more information or to register, call 250-549-3266 or e-mail

Acting up this summer The Kelowna Actors Studio has something for your budding thespian this summer. Register early as these camps fill up quickly. The studio is located at 1379 Ellis Street, or check out their website: Gleeks - The Making of a Music Video Mon. July 9 - Fri. July 20 Ages 11-18 Performing selections from the hit television series “Glee,” you will form your own glee club of proud, quirky musical theatre thespians and be featured in the production of your own music video. A screening will take place on the last day of class. Instructor: Nathan Flavel | Fee: $459

Hey kids, get ready to race on foot for over 2 hours of action packed fun in downtown Kelowna! Score points for taking photos, solving questions and completing hilarious challenges as your team explores 12 different landmarks in this interactive sight seeing game. Check out the website to order your

FAMILY FUN PACKAGE ~ only $75 for up to 6 people! An unforgettable summer afternoon!

Immerse yourself in the playful, powerful and precious world of water at Okanagan Science Centre’s new ED special exhibition LIMITWEEKLY MP Y& Waterworks: Soak up the Science. DAIL ENCE CAILL I T C S S OTS SP ILABLE AVA

Polson Park, Vernon non o (250) 545-3644

• k i

Alternative birthday party idea

Fiddler On the Roof Mon. July 23 - Fri. August 3 Ages 11 to 18 This special edition of one of Broadway’s great masterpieces, Fiddler covers the full range of human emotions, presenting performers with unique acting challenges - with some of the most memorable and rewarding roles in musical theatre. Rich in historical and ethnic detail, Fiddler has touched audiences around the world with its humour, warmth and honesty. The universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of race, class, nationality and religion, leaving audiences crying tears of laughter, joy and sadness. Instructor: Randy Leslie Norene Morrow | Fee: $459 Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Tues. August 7 - Fri. August 17 Ages 7 - 12 (children must be able to read) It’s Princess Aurora’s birthday, and Flora,

Fauna and Merryweather must use their fairy magic to save her from the spell of evil sorceress Maleficent! This classic fairytale told Disney-style has many roles for a large chorus, from King Stefan and Queen Stefanie’s Loyal Subjects to Maleficent’s slimy goons. Songs from the beloved film, including “Once Upon a Dream,” accompany fun new songs like “Maleficent!” and “A Little Magic Now” to bring a fresh telling of the story to a new generation of kids and families. Instructor: Vivian Hughes | Fee: $459

Funvelopes is a great birthday party idea...definitely not the same old boring cake and ice cream party! Perfect for an active and hilarious afternoon with face to face time for families! Fresh, fun and dynamic - there’s nothing like it in Kelowna! Two to three hours of making memories! Check out our website:

Something for kids & parents Starting July 6, the Sunplex Kids Coliseum will be open from 12 pm to 5 pm every Monday and Wednesday, and every Friday from 9 to 5. The arena will be a kids’ play centre filled with toys and activities, including a ball hockey area. The playing area is safe and protected from the elements – it is completely enclosed and covered with a canvas structure. It is designed for ages two to 10, and parents or guardians can watch from comfortable seating, have a snack or a drink, and make use of free wireless internet in the building. Cost is $2.50 per child, and is by drop-in only. Sunplex is located at 1155 Ellis Street.


Theatrical Triple Treat Mon. Aug. 20 - Fri. Aug. 24 Ages 7 to 12 (Children must be able to read) One of our most popular summer classes is back! Come try it all! Theatre, film and TV. Students participate in games, improv, dramatic/comedy scripts, scenes and on camera instruction. Students work acting techniques, auditioning skills, improvisation, cold readings and more! Using theatre, film and TV scripts, students perform their favourite scenes including scripts like Harry Potter. Instructor: Margaret Gobie/James Long | Fee: $239 Improv! Theatre Sports Mon. August 27 - Fri. Aug. 31 Ages 11-17 One of our students favourite classes and a great way to wind up the summer. Participants will flex their funny bones by developing characters, timing, and instincts useful to all forms of theatre. You’re a man eating spaghettini with a tarantula! Go! Instructor: Mark Reinelt | Fee: $299

Enrol in our


We Learn, We Build, We Play with... LEGO® Bricks LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO® Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse these programs

K Kids have a blast & parents relax!

JULY 7 • 1-4 PM Okanagan Mission Community Hall (Limited Spaces)

•Farm Animals •Crazy Cow Kids Corral •Orchard Tours Tours Everyday • 11am-4pm Archery Canoeing

Crafts & Drama Water Trampoline Obstacle Course

Swimming & Fishing Adventure & Sports Geocaching & Hiking

Questions or to register? 375 Hartman Road Kelowna BC


Check out our website for


Movie Making, Jr. Robotics, Remote Control Mania, Animal “Grossology”, Space Adventure and more!

We host hassle-free


Birthday Parties!

Karen Peters 250.546.0630

Open Daily 250-549-3266 Vernon, BC


Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A13

Keep the Kids Busy! Do you want to banish the words, “I’m bored” from your kid’s vocabulary? Check out all of the great activities that will keep your kids entertained this summer!

Farmer for a day at Davison Orchards



250-717-8260 #3-1960 Springfield Rd, Kelowna BC

Come on out and get your hands dirty! Kids are invited to join Linda McVeigh (Davison) to learn what it’s like to be a farmer for a day. The kids will meet 3 generations of working farmers as they experience a day of hands-on learning and fun. New this year, our first ever “Farmer for a Day” program was offered early in the season to kids seeking a fun, interactive, and authentic farm experience and was a resounding success. We are thrilled to announce four additional dates for our tremendously popular “Farmer for a Day ” program. “Our summer programs will reflect the seasonal activities on the farm,” explains Linda McVeigh, the program facilitator. “Kids will be kept busy exploring the crops in various stages of growth, learning about

irrigation, and harvesting in-season produce.” The day will start with a visit to the barns and animals, followed by a tour of the farm facilities including the apple peeling machines and the juicing room. Walking along the edges of the farm will provide kids a chance to observe animal trails, beehives, and learn to identify some of the natural vegetation common to the area. After lunch, kids will take a ride on our Johnny Popper tractor-train through the fields and plantings, where the eager farmers-in-training will learn about irrigation techniques and the process of harvesting under the watchful eye of Farmer Tom. Because farm life can’t be all work and no play, the day will be rounded out with a playtime in the


Crazy Cow Kid’s Corral, a great farm-themed play area. Kids will also be served real fruit ice cream as a special treat for all their hard work at the farm. Each child attending the program in July and August will harvest fruit and vegetables to take home to their families. “Many children haven’t experienced a vegetable garden in the back yard,” says Linda. “To pick produce fresh from the vine or branch connects us to our food in such a basic way.” “Farmer for a Day” is designed for children ages 5-8, and will be held at Davison Orchards this summer on July 11th, 25th, August 8th, and 22nd from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Registration is $50 /day which includes lunch and snacks. For more information or to register, call 250-549-3266 or e-mail

Acting up this summer The Kelowna Actors Studio has something for your budding thespian this summer. Register early as these camps fill up quickly. The studio is located at 1379 Ellis Street, or check out their website: Gleeks - The Making of a Music Video Mon. July 9 - Fri. July 20 Ages 11-18 Performing selections from the hit television series “Glee,” you will form your own glee club of proud, quirky musical theatre thespians and be featured in the production of your own music video. A screening will take place on the last day of class. Instructor: Nathan Flavel | Fee: $459

Hey kids, get ready to race on foot for over 2 hours of action packed fun in downtown Kelowna! Score points for taking photos, solving questions and completing hilarious challenges as your team explores 12 different landmarks in this interactive sight seeing game. Check out the website to order your

FAMILY FUN PACKAGE ~ only $75 for up to 6 people! An unforgettable summer afternoon!

Immerse yourself in the playful, powerful and precious world of water at Okanagan Science Centre’s new ED special exhibition LIMITWEEKLY MP Y& Waterworks: Soak up the Science. DAIL ENCE CAILL I T C S S OTS SP ILABLE AVA

Polson Park, Vernon non o (250) 545-3644

• k i

Alternative birthday party idea

Fiddler On the Roof Mon. July 23 - Fri. August 3 Ages 11 to 18 This special edition of one of Broadway’s great masterpieces, Fiddler covers the full range of human emotions, presenting performers with unique acting challenges - with some of the most memorable and rewarding roles in musical theatre. Rich in historical and ethnic detail, Fiddler has touched audiences around the world with its humour, warmth and honesty. The universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of race, class, nationality and religion, leaving audiences crying tears of laughter, joy and sadness. Instructor: Randy Leslie Norene Morrow | Fee: $459 Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Tues. August 7 - Fri. August 17 Ages 7 - 12 (children must be able to read) It’s Princess Aurora’s birthday, and Flora,

Fauna and Merryweather must use their fairy magic to save her from the spell of evil sorceress Maleficent! This classic fairytale told Disney-style has many roles for a large chorus, from King Stefan and Queen Stefanie’s Loyal Subjects to Maleficent’s slimy goons. Songs from the beloved film, including “Once Upon a Dream,” accompany fun new songs like “Maleficent!” and “A Little Magic Now” to bring a fresh telling of the story to a new generation of kids and families. Instructor: Vivian Hughes | Fee: $459

Funvelopes is a great birthday party idea...definitely not the same old boring cake and ice cream party! Perfect for an active and hilarious afternoon with face to face time for families! Fresh, fun and dynamic - there’s nothing like it in Kelowna! Two to three hours of making memories! Check out our website:

Something for kids & parents Starting July 6, the Sunplex Kids Coliseum will be open from 12 pm to 5 pm every Monday and Wednesday, and every Friday from 9 to 5. The arena will be a kids’ play centre filled with toys and activities, including a ball hockey area. The playing area is safe and protected from the elements – it is completely enclosed and covered with a canvas structure. It is designed for ages two to 10, and parents or guardians can watch from comfortable seating, have a snack or a drink, and make use of free wireless internet in the building. Cost is $2.50 per child, and is by drop-in only. Sunplex is located at 1155 Ellis Street.


Theatrical Triple Treat Mon. Aug. 20 - Fri. Aug. 24 Ages 7 to 12 (Children must be able to read) One of our most popular summer classes is back! Come try it all! Theatre, film and TV. Students participate in games, improv, dramatic/comedy scripts, scenes and on camera instruction. Students work acting techniques, auditioning skills, improvisation, cold readings and more! Using theatre, film and TV scripts, students perform their favourite scenes including scripts like Harry Potter. Instructor: Margaret Gobie/James Long | Fee: $239 Improv! Theatre Sports Mon. August 27 - Fri. Aug. 31 Ages 11-17 One of our students favourite classes and a great way to wind up the summer. Participants will flex their funny bones by developing characters, timing, and instincts useful to all forms of theatre. You’re a man eating spaghettini with a tarantula! Go! Instructor: Mark Reinelt | Fee: $299

Enrol in our


We Learn, We Build, We Play with... LEGO® Bricks LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO® Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse these programs

K Kids have a blast & parents relax!

JULY 7 • 1-4 PM Okanagan Mission Community Hall (Limited Spaces)

•Farm Animals •Crazy Cow Kids Corral •Orchard Tours Tours Everyday • 11am-4pm Archery Canoeing

Crafts & Drama Water Trampoline Obstacle Course

Swimming & Fishing Adventure & Sports Geocaching & Hiking

Questions or to register? 375 Hartman Road Kelowna BC


Check out our website for


Movie Making, Jr. Robotics, Remote Control Mania, Animal “Grossology”, Space Adventure and more!

We host hassle-free


Birthday Parties!

Karen Peters 250.546.0630

Open Daily 250-549-3266 Vernon, BC


Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News




New facial treatment to mark 10th anniversary C

elebrating a 10th anniversary in business this week is the O Spa at 1081912 Enterprise Way. Owned and operated by Pattie and Ulli Onsorge, the shop offers the global skin care lines of Luzern, Comfort Zone and Glimpse, exclusive to O Spa in the valley. Their newest product is a facial treatment by Luzern Laboratories called Oxygen Dermal Rejuvenation. Used by celebrities, spas, dermatologists and plastic surgeons worldwide, Luzern’s pure blue 02 infuses pure medical grade oxygen and a proprietary complex throughout the epidermis to achieve skin rejuvenation at a cellular level. Your skin is left looking fresh, flawless and absolutely glowing. The oxygen facials enhance skin health and radiance by improving cellular detoxification, accelerating derma collagen production, assisting cells in using water and nutrients more effectively, reducing redness, inflammation and acne-causing bacteria. I had the pleasure of a treatment and it was absolutely wonderful. They also carry the exclusive line of Alessandro hand and foot care products. Call 250-712-1112. Tim Dekker, recently relocating from Red Deer, is the new regional managing partner and executive vice-president in B.C. for Meyers Norris Penny LLP, Chartered Accountants, 600 -1628 Dickson Ave. Call 250-763-8919; Local Kelowna athletes Brent McMahon and William Dean will compete in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. McMahon, a past elite champion of the


Maxine DeHart Kelowna Pushor Mitchell Apple Triathlon, will represent Canada in the triathlon while Dean is in the Men’s Rowing 4. Zellers Restaurant is closing on July 7. In light of this, Donna Barnett, manager of The Bay Kelowna Restaurant (Café Bon Appetit), has reached out to invite all former Zellers customers to try Café Bon Appetit. Starting July 9, the restaurant will be opening at 8 a.m. from Monday to Saturday and also offer a brunch starting at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Café Bon Appetit is located on the main floor of The Bay, with both an outside and inside entrance next to the men’s shoe department. Darla Strutt is the new general manager of The Bay Kelowna. Call 250-8602483. Accelerate Okanagan CEO Jeff Keen has announced that a co-working game development space is now open for business at the Kelowna Innovation Centre, 1405 St. Paul St. The Accelerate Okanagan Game Lab is a fully furnished open-concept space offering Internet access, private meeting rooms and a fully equipped lounge and kitchen. The shared environment will provide developers the opportunity to collaborate on projects, engage with like-minded people and gain access to other technology entrepreneurs and early stage technol-

ogy companies. Call 250870-9028; Kit Polley is the new account representative for Okanagan Map Guides, a 22-year-old locally owned publication. Polley started in sales with CKOV/ CJOV in 1974. He then opened Ortho Sleep Centre in Dilworth Centre, later expanding to Vernon and Kamloops. He then worked for CKIQ, Shaw Televisual, Castanet, Auto RV World Publication and working in sales. John Caetano is the publisher of the guide, which distributes 325,000 copies of the Kelowna Guide, 125,000 of the Vernon Guide, 90,000 West Kelowna/Peachland and 50,000 Big White. The map guide is also distributed to more than 1,000 locations in the valley as well as across Western Canada and Washington State. Paola Turner’s Zia’s Italian Fine Foods, 1913 Kent Rd., now carries artisan gelato. Some of the 12 flavours are Nutella, tiramisu, spumoni, Oero and hazelnut, along with lime, lemon and strawberry sorbetto. Call 250763-01040. Monica McParland has joined the team at Pushor Mitchell LLP working in the areas of criminal law and general civil litigation. Her years in the legal sector include previous years working for other law firms and working as counsel for Public Prosecution Service of Canada. Call 250869-1120. The Travellodge, at 1627 Abbott St., has been renamed The Abbott Villa on the Lake. Rita Pluta is the general manager. Colleen O’Hare has won the Qilak Award, the


ULLI AND PATTIE Onsorge, owners of O Spa, at the front reception area for the popular Kelowna spa treatment centre on Enterprise Way, celebrating its 10th anniversary this month. inaugural Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Outreach and Communication Award for making astronomy understandable and approachable for the public. O’Hare is the outreach director for the society. Intrigue Wines in Lake Country at 2291 Goldie Rd. (off Highway 97) has opened a new wine shop and tasting room. Partners Roger and Jillian Wong and Ross and Geri Davis offer a portfolio of six wines, including their award winning and hugely popular Focus Riesling and Gewurtztraminer. Corey Zieske is the wine shop manager. Open Monday to Sunday. Call 1-877474-3754; Received a note from SOPA Square stating that one-third of their homes have sold. The development has created two new townhome floor plans that can be viewed at 3013 Pandosy St. The commercial retailers in the project are to open their doors in October 2012 and the lifestyle homes will be ready to move into in 2013. Call 250-762-5818.

Happy 46th anniversary to Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray and his wife Doreen (July 2). RFind Systems Inc. has announced the acquisition of its business by the Trapeze Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Constellation Software Inc. CEO of RFind, Sharon Barnes, states that the combination of their product offering with Trapeze makes this an all-around win for their customers, their employees and the passenger transport industry. Call 250-862-3412; sbarnes@ After 33 years, Dejong Printing Ltd. has changed its name to nexGen Grafix Inc. to better reflect their industry leading nature. Doug Cater is the district manager, based in Kelowna. Call 250-470-2210; Big thanks to server Yaana Smith at the Kelowna Yacht Club for making our Canada Day a great experience. Speaking of Canada Day, I think that the display of Canada Day fireworks was one of the best we have

We’re on your side. East or west, you’ve now got two ways to fix your damaged vehicle. Our new shop in West Kelowna brings the same amazing quality and service as Kelowna’s first Craftsman location on Springfield Rd. – as well as 27 other BC Craftsman locations. No wonder we’re BC’s favourite collision repair. We’re always on your side. AIR MILES® and Bigger Smiles ÜÜÜ°ÊVÀ>vÌà > V à °V ÊUÊ7iÃÌÊ i Ü >\Ê­Óxä®ÊÇÈ { xÆÊ i Ü >Ê­Óxä®ÊnÈ£ È£ £

ever seen. We thoroughly enjoyed the Kelowna Pops Orchestra, hosted by the Kelowna Canada Day Concerts Society with Maestro Leonard Camplin, conducting. Mark it in your calendar for next year—you won’t want to miss it. Congrats to Rob Mudge, Glenn Paley, Ryan Pellett, John Pinoli, Peter Stantic and Lou Wilde who earned a Sustainability Award for Canada’s first green fire truck. Everyone is welcome to the 50th anniversary of Village at Mill Creek (formerly Still Waters Private Hospital) on July 12, celebrating with an afternoon of fun and a classic car show from 1 to 4 p.m. In 1957, Rev. Joseph Kornalewski and his wife Adele built a residence on Pandosy Street that housed 14 people who needed assistance. In 1962, they built Still Waters Private Hospital and welcomed 13 residents. In 1965, Rev. Kornalewski died suddenly and the family went ahead with another building, the Joseph Benjamin Residence, to hon-

our his memory. Over the years, many upgrades have been made to Still Waters eventually leading to the original building replaced by Village at Mill Creek. The new building was built in phases; Joseph Benjamin Residence (2004, 50 suites); Chandler Residence (2007, 96 beds) and lastly Sutherland Residence (2008, 46 suites). The neat thing is that Kornalewski’s wife, Adele Northan, is presently living in Sutherland Residence. Congrats to millwright Henry Kohout and operators Mike Humes and Mark Casler, who each brought home trophies from operator challenge events at the B.C. Wastewater Association’s annual conference. The Kelowna Airport’s fire chief Neil Booth is celebrating over 30 years of service. Born and raised in Kelowna, Booth started with the Ellison Volunteer Fire Department in the 1980s when it was created. He was hired at YLW as an airport firefighter in 1990

See DeHart B15

Kelowna West Kelowna

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A15


Organic Okanagan Festival seeks exhibitors Exhibitor registration for the seventh annual Organic Okanagan Festival is now available on-ine at The festival takes place Sunday, Sept. 23, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Summerhill Pyramid Winery, 4870 Chute Lake Rd., in Kelowna, staged by the Okanagan Greens Society.


ADELE NORTHAN is now a resident at the seniors facility, Village at Mill Creek,

which she founded with her husband 50 years ago under the original name of Still Waters Private Hospital. DeHart from B14

and in April 2009, he was appointed as airport fire chief. Lukas Bichler, assistant professor of engineering at UBC Okanagan, has received The Brimacombe Award, a national award given by the Metallurgy and Materials Society to young achievers who bring people together to collaborate on innovative research and significantly advance research in the field of materials science. Last April, Rick Pogue filled a steel container with new and used baseball gloves, bats, balls and children’s clothing that was shipped to the poorest area of southeast Cuba, which took four months to get there. Pogue is again seeking donations for another container to be shipped in 2013. If you have any of the mentioned items, contact him at 250-8643310 or Perhaps after ball season there might be an abundance of good used equipment that will no longer be needed and could be donated.

The Caribbean Festival is July 21, from 1 to 8 p.m., in City Park. This free event will be filled with Caribbean and reggae music, live band performances, lessons on Caribbean dance, hair braiding, face painting, food booths, and entertainment suitable for the entire family. The festival is hosted by The House of the Caribbean Food Supply, 557 Bernard Ave., owned and operated by Jack Taylor and Melinda Berenyi and the Caribbean community. If you would like to sponsor or participate in this event, call 250-575-6251 or 778484-5520. The classic stage production of My Fair Lady opens July 18 and plays until Aug. 4 at the Kelowna Actors Studio. Register now for summer classes and fall performance troupe including rent, Sleeping Beauty, Make a GLEE Music Video, Fiddler on the Roof and more. Full day summer camps with lunch are also available for ages 3 to 18. Call 250-862-2867. The Uptown Rutland Business Association will host Art at the Rox-

by Outdoor Art Gallery every weekend throughout the summer from June 30 to Aug. 26 at the Roxby Plaza in Rutland. Art at the Roxby is a unique event that is not currently offered anywhere else in the city. The ooutdoor gallery is open to the public, displaying a wide range of mediums from local artists, and providing an existing opportunity for artists not only to display and sell their work, but also to put on workshops and demonstrations, while bringing art and culture to Rutland. Birthdays of the week: Happy 70th Garry Ford (July 6); happy 30th Crystal Fields, Metro Laundry (July 2); Cam Dick (July 5); Ian Robertson, Kelowna Springs (July 5); Gladys McCulloch (July 5); Dennis Gerace (July 7); John Walker (July 7); Donna Good (July 10); Sherry Huva, my niece, (July 10); and Shirley Hutt (July 10). Maxine DeHart is a Kelowna hotelier. Phone her at 250-979-4546, fax 250-860-3173, email

Many Happy Returns A Gala Fundraising Dinner & Auction Celebrating an Historical Salmon Return to Okanagan River Thursday, August 2, 2012 The Delta Grand Okanagan Resort & Conference Centre Reception: 5:30 p.m. Okanagan Chef Salmon Appetizer Creative Stations Dinner: 7:30 p.m. Live Auction: 8:30 p.m. Followed by exciting entertainment Tickets $100.00 per person Contact: Tracey Bussanich 250.707.0095 ext. 130 or 250.470.7048 email:

Take time to read with your children

To date, the festival has showcased more than 70 exhibitors, collected over $9,000 in food and funds for the Kelowna Community Food Bank. If your company or organization can be classified as a certified organic farm or reselling business, natural (non-GMO, additive/preser-

vative free), ethical or fair trade, local and sustainable, natural health care, eco-friendly, alternative energy, ‘green’ building, recycling or recycled goods artisan then you are invited. To register, contact Wendy Wright at 250-469-1881 or email


Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


Inspired to follow road to better health Making better group decisions H ‘‘ M

ealth and fitness is riding a wave of serious popularity as more people of all ages and backgrounds look at how they could lead healthier lives. Our nation has identified in study after study that many Canadians are not regularly active. Plus, our nutritional body intake leaves us with a roller coaster ride toward questionable longevity. The good news is that Canadians are noticing the need for healthier lifestyles and turning to health and fitness to bring us back to reality. New entrepreneur minded people have taken advantage of this rapidly growing demand to promote health-consciousness in our communities. I am pleased this week to present to you a story of one such person who passionately proclaims: “If I can, you can too…” Let’s visit with Ryan Brown, one of Okanagan’s elite personal trainers through his IdolFit venture and examine how he blended his vision to help humanity get on the


Joel Young fitness and health track. Brown was born into a non-business family with one sister to share his vision of the future. He told me he had embraced a dream early on to be directly involved in the health industry. During the 1998 to 2002 academic years at Medicine Hat College, he spent considerable time working in the recreation centre atmosphere also dabbling in the personal fitness regime. Ironically, for someone who has risen to the fitness industry level he has attained, Brown let his guard down over these years and ballooned to 270 lbs while arriving at the milestone of his life for an entrepreneurial plateau—becoming genuinely entrepreneurial in his mindset. I know each of us has

heard of and, in some miraculous cases, experienced or witnessed overwhelming life changes. I am so very happy to advise that Ryan Brown has dropped, with his new life fitness commitment, from 270 to 165 lbs. Wow! Are we jealous? This incredible personal mindset change in Brown transformed him into a new unique person with an altered attitude about his health, his fitness and his life. So much so, that in short order, he obtained a gold medal in Canadian powerlifting, quite an amazing accomplishment by itself. Over a five year period from 1998 to 2002, while Brown obtained his degree at Medicine Hat College, he began to dabble in providing personal fitness training, consulting and coaching to a wide range of clients. During that time, he met and fell in love with his sweetheart and got married in 2001. They moved to Kelowna in 2002 to pursue the Okanagan lifestyle. Once here, Brown


went back to college for an additional educational supplement in audio engineering while continuing part-time personal training. The entrepreneur, he told me, was burning inside him as Brown was finding it very difficult to remove himself from the joyful experiences he was enduring helping others explore their personal changes in health and fitness. When Brown completed his audio engineering program in 2004, he realized that his future truly lent itself to contributing to making a difference in people’s lives inspiring them to take health and fitness seriously. During 2006 and 2007, Brown arrived at a pivotal point in his life— he became a full-time personal trainer. He has since helped thousands of people strive to reach their optimum fit-

ness levels. With his earlier technical background, Brown had learned the skills to begin preparing databases, trade marking names and zeroing in on an online fitness concept model that would allow you and I to perform sophisticated fitness routines in the privacy of our homes, offices, beachfronts, something relatively unheard of back then. What is also very exciting about Brown’s new online fitness model is that you and I can obtain instant messaging with the health instructors who can advise us on the effectiveness of the exercise we have just performed. All of this novelty for merely $1/day, and you and I can actually make some residual cash engaging others to join in with this online fitness model. I am so pleased to present this online model and encourage everyone to explore Ryan Brown’s fitness tool at which was officially launched on June 1, for the global market to embrace. You can be assured that here is a fitness entrepreneur who not only knows exactly what he is doing, but is totally committed to our health and happiness. Joel Young is an entrepreneurial leadership coach, consultant and educator and founder, Okanagan Valley Entrepreneurs Society.

Do you have an opinion to share? E-mail your letter to

aking personal decisions can be challenging and other times, it seems remarkably easy. Each of us has a natural approach for working our way towards a final decision on something, whether or not we are consciously aware of it. Whatever road we take to get to a final decision, for everyone it will ultimately come down to either the head or the heart winning out. Things get really interesting in the workplace, when groups (committees for example) are required to make decisions together. There will always be a mix of styles in the group and the challenge is to find common ground. It is worth the effort to do so because the result will be better quality decisions and more buy-in for their implementation. Some people are just more logical when they make decisions. Their contribution to group decisions is their natural ability to objectively analyze options. This may include a critique of past practice and/or potential flaws in a new idea. Once they have looked at all the pros and cons they will decide based on what makes the most sense (to them). In contrast other individuals will give much more weight to how a decision will affect people, both immediately and in the long term. Equally important will be how a particular decision fits with their personal values and beliefs. If those are violated or

Recycle Your Small Electrical Appliances, Power Tools & More As of July 1st, you can recycle more than 300 different household electrical products such as small appliances, power tools, exercise equipment and sewing machines at one of over 120 ElectroRecycle drop-off locations across B.C. For a complete list of accepted products or to find a drop-off location near you, visit or call the Recycling Council of BC’s hotline at 1-800-667-4321 or 604-732-9253 in the Lower Mainland.

100+ FREE Drop-Off Locations Across B.C.


Laurie Mills ignored, they may withhold support for the decision (either openly or behind the scenes). While logical types may consider this latter approach to be overly emotional, taking the human impact into account is simply the other side of the decision-making coin. The ideal is to find a balanced approach that draws on the strengths of both sides—the head and the heart. If you are reading this and wondering, what is the point here? Head, heart, whatever—let’s just make a decision and move on because we have work to do. Sure, sometimes that strategy works just fine. It doesn’t, however, work every time. If decisions get made too quickly, there is a risk that key information will be missed or people will be negatively impacted. That can lead to unpleasant backlash and ineffective action plans, sometimes at great cost to an organization. Sometimes too, group decisions are not really that at all. It could be that the stronger personalities in a group always seem to get their way. When that happens regularly, the rest of the group may become apathetic about the decision or resist buying into it if they disagree or feel bullied. It takes real skill to lead a group through a process that will generate great ideas and smart decisions. It involves facilitating open discussion, working through points of disagreement, generating viable options and getting agreement on a final decision. Making quality decisions as a group takes a lot of practice to get it right. That’s OK because trial and error can be a great teacher. It’s the willingness to learn from our mistakes that matters. Laurie Mills is a certified executive coach and human resource professional. Her company is Lighthouse Professional Development Consulting Services. 250-869-7523

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A17




Future stars at Kelowna tourney Kelowna Falcons host Corvallis Knights Friday Warren Henderson STAFF REPORTER

Since playing in his first competitive match at age 11, Pavel Krainik hasn’t wavered from his dream one iota. Playing tennis for a living at the game’s highest level—like his idol Roger Federer—remains the 19-year-old Canadian’s ultimate goal. Krainik, from Toronto, is among 55 players who travelled to Kelowna this week for the ITF Kelowna Futures Tennis Tournament. The $15,000 event at the Parkinson Rec Centre courts is an opportunity for singles and doubles players—both professional and NCAA Div. 1—to earn valuable points towards one day competing on the ATP tour. Krainik, who is currently ranked 938th in the world, says tour stops such as the one in Kelowna is a vital part of the process in reaching the game’s top level. “You have to be able to get past stages like this to play in big tournaments like the (World Tour) Masters, the ATP and ultimately, the Grand Slams,” said Krainik, the fifthranked player in singles at the Kelowna tournament. “Everybody at these tournaments knows how to play and everybody’s hungry to win. This is a necessary step all the best players in the world have had to take before, so being successful at this level is important.” With a win in Kelowna, a player of Krainik’s status could move up anywhere from 200 to 300 spots in the rankings, another indication of the value of winning on tennis’ secondary circuits. Most of the players this week are ranked between No. 200 and No, 1,200 in the world. As for the skill and level of competition at a Futures events, tournament organizer Joachim Nierfeld said fans are witnessing a quality of tennis never seen before in Kelowna. “This is world class tennis, these kids coming here are usually between 18 and 23 and are trying to make it to the next

The Kelowna Falcons will kick off a six-game West Coast League home stand Friday night against the Corvallis Knights. First pitch at Elks Stadium is 6:35 p.m. The Falcons and Knights will meet again Saturday for a doubleheader, with the opener set to go at 5:05 p.m. On Monday, Kelowna will open a three-game series against the Klamath Falls Gems.

Game time each night is 6:35 p.m. The Gems swept the Falcons last week in a three-game series in Klamath Falls. Kelowna closed out a three-game set Wednesday night in Bend, Ore. against the Elks. A final score was not available at deadline. On Tuesday night, the Falcons (13-10) watched their losing streak reach five games with an 8-3

loss in Bend. After a solid five innings of work from starter Phil Maton—six hits and two runs allowed—the Falcons held a 3-2 lead. But the Kelowna bullpen was touched up for six runs and seven hits in the sixth inning as the Elks pulled ahead to stay. Kyle Pearson had two hits for Kelowna and continues to lead the team in hitting with a .421 average and 21 RBIs.

Rockets open new season vs Blazers


VANCOUVER’S George Jecminek makes a difficult backhand return during his opening round match against American Nikita Kryvonos Tuesday at the ITF Kelowna Futures Tennis Tournament at the Parkinson Rec Centre. level which is the challenger level or even up to the ATP tournaments,” said Nierfeld, a former tennis pro from 1990 to 1998. “For the unused or untrained eyes, we wouldn’t even notice a differrence between them and the top 20 players in the world. They’re hitting it just as hard, just not as often between the lines as the top players do.” If all goes as planned for Nierfeld and the organizing committee, the Futures Tournament will become an annual event in the Okanagan. Both the ITF and Tennis Canada would like a three-year commitment from Kelowna and Nierfeld would like to oblige, both for the benefit of local tennis community and the growth of the sport in general. “The real meaning for us is to grow tennis and

create an awareness of how great the sport is,” said Nierfeld, who has had help from 65 volunteers in staging the event. “It’s a healthy sport for kids for adults for seniors, a sport a four-year-old can play and a 90-year-old can play. It’s a very inexpensive sport, so the goal is really to grow the sport.” The Kelowna Futures Tennis Tournament is a true international event with athletes competing from several countries including Canada, the U.S, Germany, Argentina, Israel, Trinidad, South Africa and South Africa. The top singles seed heading into the tournament was Montreal’s Erik Chvojka. Ranked 232nd in the world, Chvojka was one set away from qualifying for Wimbledon this year, before making the trip to Kelowna.

Also making the stop in Kelowna is Slovakian Dominik Hrbaty, a doubles finalist at the French Open in 2005. The singles quarterfinals will be played on Friday, the semifinals on Saturday at 2 p.m., and the final on Sunday beginning at 1 p.m. Adult passes for Friday and Saturday are $10 each day, and $15 for Sunday. Youth passes (under 18) are $5 for Friday and Saturday, and $8 on Sunday. Tickets are available at the Harvest Golf Club, Cedar Creek Winery, NuFloors, the Mission and Lakeview Heights Tennis Clubs, and Global Fitness. For more information on the ITP Kelowna Futures Tennis Tournament, visit

One of their biggest rivals will provide the opposition as the Kelowna Rockets open the 2012-13 Western Hockey League regular season with a home-and-home set on the third weekend of September. The Rockets will battle the Blazers in Kamloops on Friday, Sept. 21, then the teams will meet for a rematch on Saturday, Sept. 22 at Prospera Place. The Rockets’ home opener is the only game the team will play at home in September as the team will head for two games in Portland to close out the month. In October the Rockets will continue to play more games away from home with eight road contests versus just four at home. November features eight home games and four on the road before the Rockets head out on its usual December road trip to Alberta, closing its preChristmas schedule Dec. 16 in Calgary. Kelowna fans will have two chances to see the home team in late December and early January as Kelowna hosts Everett on Dec. 30 and Victoria on Jan. 2 but will not play on New Years Day as it has in the past few years. The team closes out the WHL regular season with a home and home set with the Vancouver Giants: March 15 in Vancouver and March 16 in Kelowna.


Swimmers take to the open waters Along with the running of the 30th annual Apple Triathlon in August this year, the Okanagan Masters Swim Club (OMSC) will once again be hosting the FINA accredited Kelowna Apple Open Water Swim Invitational in the pristine waters of Okanagan Lake as part of the triathlon weekend. The event continues to grow with the masters swim club hosting a firstclass event and organizers

are looking to build up the event more. “Okanagan Masters Swim Club, as host for the event, plans to build the Kelowna Apple Open Water Swim Invitational into one of the leading open water swimming events in Canada,” said Jeanette Hoft, spokesperson for OMSC. The swim events take place on August 17 and 18. In addition to the 1.5 kilometer and 5 kilometer events, a 500 meter event

has been introduced to attract younger competitors and others who may be new to open water swimming. One of the feature competitors from out of town who will be taking part are Calgary’s golden swim couple, Glenn and Jeanne Carlsen, back for another year. Jeanne has won the Womens’ 5km event at the Apple Open Water Swim Invitational See Open Water A18


Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


Pretty girls, nice weather are all a player needs Each week during the Pacific Coast Soccer League season, Capital News freelance reporter Drew Pihlainen profiles a member of the 2012 Okanagan Challenge. Today, John Hodnett. John played with the Challenge last year and rejoined the team this week after spending some time at home in England. Q: What drew you to soccer?


John Hodnett Position: Striker or midfielder Hometown: Wolverhampton, UK University team: Simon Fraser Age: 21 A: Soccer’s the biggest thing in England, like hockey here in Canada. Most kids grow up playing “football.” Q: So you haven’t been here long, but what are your first impressions

about the season so far? A: Well I know a lot of the guys from last year. I’ve heard it’s been pretty tough this season: We’ve had a few more losses than we’d like, but I’m just here to have fun and hopefully win the last few games of the season. Q: How did you end up playing for the Challenge? A: Carson (Gill, team manager) was one of my friends from university (SFU), and he had asked a couple of the players to come play here. Q: What do you like about being in the Okanagan? A: The girls are a lot prettier here than they are in England…The weather’s a bit better as well. Q: How do people respond back home when you tell them you’re playing for a team called the Okanagan Challenge ? A: Well they don’t

The best prices paid for your gold and silver. Always buying jewellery, watches, bullion bars and coins. 250-763-2428 104-1125 Bernard Ave., across from Nesters Market Open Mon.-Sat. 10-5 •

know anything about it, to be honest. But my parents are always keen and wanting to know what’s going on. Q: What do you like most about playing with the Challenge? A: The guys: it was a good laugh last season playing with them, especially because we went all the way to win the championship. Q: What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you in a soccer match? A: One time, a goalkeeper was about to kick the ball out and I ran past as he was about to take the kick and headed it out of his hands. Everyone just stopped, but the ref said “play on” so I just passed it in the net and scored. Q: Anything else you’d like to say? A: I just want to go to bed, to be honest—I’m a bit jet-lagged.

Canadian half dollar up to $7,000


THE CHALLENGE ALUMNI LEGENDS: (front, left to right) Steve Rowe, Matt Arruda, TJ Sugars, Scott Seiben, Nilton Praticante, Eric Ladner, Ricardo Alves, Fernando Alves, Sandro Costa, (back), Eric Vivian, John Saufferer, Josh Leins, Morgan Marrs, Ben Petrie, Ian Bridge, Kyle Bilinski and Troy Mamchur.


Seasoned experience takes the Tasker Cup Age and experience won the day as the Okanagan Challenge alumni squad defeated the

Canadian Silver Dollar up to $12,000

Apple Bowl. Morgan Marrs and

See Challenge A19

Carlsens back for more Open Water A17

Canadian Centennial Gold $850

2012 edition of the Pacific Coast Soccer League team in the annual Tasker Cup, held June 24 at the

for the last couple of years. She recently took first position in the three kilometer open water event for the 50 to 54 age group at the 14th FINA World Masters Championships in Riccione, Italy. Swimming

Our thanks to Brian King!

Congratulations to Calvin! On Saturday, May 29th, Canadian Tire Kelowna held a fundraiser in the parking lot, raising money and awareness for Jumpstart, a charitable program that helps kids in ¿nancial need participate in sports and recreation such as soccer, dance, hockey and swimming. During the fundraiser, Canadian Tire rafÀed a bike and the lucky winner, Brian King, decided to re-donate the bike! We were lucky to ¿nd Calvin, a student from Springvalley Middle School, who was given the bike after his was recently stolen. Calvin is very excited to start his summer vacation with his new bike!

out of the Calgary Masters Swim Club, husband Glenn took the three kilometer event in the 55 to 59 age group. “Swimming in the ocean is very different than swimming in the lake,” said Jeanne. “There was a bit of a chop which made it difficult to sight throughout the race. Swimming in the lake in Kelowna is a pleasure.” For the World Masters Championships open water swim there were so

many entries that more than 2,300 participants were spread over 45 heats in two days to swim the threekilometer long track in the Adriatic Sea. Okanagan Lake promises a calmer swim at Tugboat Beach. You can register online at http://okmasters. com/meets/2012-appleopen-water-invitational and find all the information online at the OMSC website at




featured in the sports pages of the


Contact sports reporter

WARREN HENDERSON at or call 250.763.3212 The Capital News also welcomes contributed photos and write-ups from parents & coaches.

Keith Gostlin, owner of Canadian Tire Kelowna, alongside Calvin and his new bike.

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A19





July 3

Langley Blaze Nanaimo Pirates Okanagan Athletics Victoria Mariners Abbotsford Cardinals Coquitlam Reds Victoria Eagles North Shore Twins North Delta Blue Jays Vancouver Cannons Whalley Chiefs White Rock Tritons Parksville Royals

W 29 29 27 20 22 19 17 13 12 11 9 10 8

L 6 8 9 9 15 20 22 17 22 25 22 28 23

PCT 0.829 0.784 0.750 0.690 0.595 0.487 0.436 0.433 0.353 0.306 0.290 0.263 0.258

GBL 1 2.5 6 8 12 14 13.5 16.5 18.5 18 20.5 19

STK 5W 3W 1W 1L 1W 3L 1L 3L 1L 4L 1W 1L 4L

LAST 10 8-2 7-3 6-4 8-2 8-2 5-5 4-6 4-6 3-7 3-7 4-6 3-7 2-8





North Shore North Shore North Shore North Shore Athletics Mariners Athletics Mariners Athletics Cardinals Athletics Cardinals

Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Mariners Athletics Mariners Athletics Cardinals Athletics Cardinals Athletics

Wed, July 4 Wed, July 4 Thu, July 5 Thu, July 5 Sat, Jul 7 Sat, Jul 7 Sun, Jul 8 Sun, Jul 8 Sat, Jul 14 Sat, Jul 14 Sun, Jul 15 Sun, Jul 15

10:00 AM 12:30 PM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 3:30 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 11:00 AM 1:30 PM

Elks Elks Elks Elks Henderson Henderson Henderson Henderson Delair Park Delair Park Delair Park Delair Park

June Away Kelowna Kelowna Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Klamath Klamath Klamath Kelowna Kelowna Kelowna Kelowna

Home Bend Bend Kelowna Kelowna Kelowna Kelowna Kelowna Kelowna Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee

Date Time Tue, Jul 3 6:35 PM Wed, Jul 4 6:35 PM Fri, Jul 6 5:05 PM Sat, Jul 7 5:05 PM Sat, Jul 7 7:05 PM Mon, Jul 9 6:35 PM Tue, Jul 10 6:35 PM Wed, Jul 11 6:35 PM Thu, Jul 12 7:05 PM Fri, Jul 13 7:05 PM Sat, Jul 14 7:05 PM Sun, Jul 15 6:05 PM

Field Vince Genna Vince Genna Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Elks Stadium Paul Thomas Paul Thomas Paul Thomas Paul Thomas

KELOWNA MAJOR MEN’S FASTBALL ASSOCIATION July 1 W L T PCT GBL Okanagan Merchants 9 4 0 .692 ___ Colts 8 4 0 .667 0.5 Andres 8 6 0 .571 1.5 Centennials 4 8 1 .346 4.5 Cardinals 4 9 1 .321 5.0

L 1 5 3 4 5 5 9 7 9

T 2 0 2 2 3 3 2 1 1

GF 31 27 26 24 22 22 24 19 17

GA 10 22 17 17 23 26 32 29 38

PTS 32 24 20 20 15 15 14 13 7

GP Vancouver Whitecaps 9 Coquitlam Metro-Ford 11 Vancouver Thunderbirds 9 Fraser Valley Action 8 TSS Academy 11 Peninsula Co-op 10 Surrey United SC 8 Kamloops Heat 8 Abbotsford MF 11 West Van FC 8 Okanagan FC 9 NSGSC Eagles 8

W 6 5 6 5 4 4 3 3 1 2 2 0

L 1 1 2 1 5 5 3 3 4 4 6 6

T 2 5 1 2 2 1 2 2 6 2 1 2

GF 19 24 15 20 19 13 18 11 17 10 8 7

GA 5 15 6 7 19 15 15 16 23 16 18 25

PTS 20 20 19 17 14 13 11 11 9 8 7 2

P 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

W 11 10 6 6 5 3 3 3 1 0

D 0 0 2 1 2 3 1 1 4 0

L 0 1 3 4 4 5 7 7 6 11

F 59 40 29 30 24 21 17 17 13 5

A 11 11 23 19 21 19 30 33 32 56

GD 48 29 6 11 3 2 -13 -16 -19 -51

Pts 33 30 20 19 17 12 10 10 7 0

P 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12

W 9 9 7 7 7 5 3 3 2 1 1

D 1 0 3 2 2 5 3 1 1 2 2

L 2 3 2 3 2 2 6 8 9 8 9

F 59 38 40 44 30 39 19 20 21 9 23

A 26 14 22 26 17 27 34 47 52 26 51

GD 33 24 18 18 13 12 -15 -27 -31 -17 -28

Pts 28 27 24 23 23 20 12 10 7 5 5

P NCA Lakers 10 Royal Star 11 Brewsers FC 11 Watson Brothers 10 Internazionale 11 Warthogs FC 11 Old Milwaukees 11 Apna FC 10 Baxters 11 Rhinos FC 10 Div. 3 B P Frenzy FC 11 Topline Selections 11 Red Devils 11 United 11 Dangleberries 11 Attitude FC 11 Big Surf FC 11 Seca Marine 11 Phantoms FC 11 Brewhahas 11

W 9 7 7 5 6 4 4 3 1 0

D 0 1 0 4 0 3 1 2 2 1

L 1 3 4 1 5 4 6 5 8 9

F 37 30 25 35 27 25 19 20 10 5

A 5 25 24 19 21 19 28 21 32 39

GD 32 5 1 16 6 6 -9 -1 -22 -34

Pts 27 22 21 19 18 15 13 11 5 1

W 9 7 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 0

D 1 3 2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0

L 1 1 2 4 5 4 7 6 8 11

F 62 48 28 34 25 30 14 18 22 15

A 22 10 17 29 32 30 33 25 43 55

GD 40 38 11 5 -7 0 -19 -7 -21 -40

Pts 28 24 23 19 18 17 12 11 7 0

Saturday, June 30 7 p.m. UBCO Challenge 1 PoCo City FC 0 Saturday, July 7 Challenge @ Victoria United Sunday, July 8 Challenge @ Langley Athletic Saturday, July 14 7 p.m Apple Bowl Victoria United @ Challenge Sunday, July 15 2 p.m.. Apple Bowl Langley Athletic @ Challenge

Division 1

Invisi-Bulls FBFC Iris Optometry Yolo FC Euro FC Lifeworks Chiro Spartan Metal Gunners FC LCSC Athletic Barcekelona Fresh Air FC Div. 3 A


W 10 8 6 6 4 4 4 4 2

KELOWNA MEN’S SOCCER LEAGUE Modern Furniture Brandt’s Creek Dakoda’s Celtic Ecora FC Illegal Aliens Woody’s Pub KonKast Stallions Subcity/Exec SOB FC Boca Juniors Division 2


GP Vancouver Thunderbirds 13 Bellingham United 13 Coquitlam Metro-Ford 11 PoCo City FC 12 Langley Athletic 12 Khalsa Sporting Club 12 Victoria Highlanders FC 15 Victoria United FC 12 Okanagan Challenge 12

KELOWNA WOMEN’S SOCCER LEAGUE Premier W Mark V / Royal Star 9 Campionesse FC 5 RPM Automotive 4 Boston Pizza Diablos 2 Peacock Sheridan Group 2 Killin’ It 2 Div 1 Voyager RV Foxes 7 OK Hardwood Fusion 4 Racers FC 4 Attackers 3 Addicted Fitness 3 Mario’s Wreckers 3 Athletic Football Club 2 Surge 1 Div. 2 Kelowna Sting 9 Ball Snatchers 9 Brew Crew Kickers 7 Rebels 7 Nature Works Wave 7 Victorious Secret 6 Chatty Beavers 4 Mickie’s Divas 3 Wasa Thunder 1 Viper Lightning 2 Div 3 Dallas’ Cowgirls 10 Hustlers 8 Cheeky Chicks 8 Crush FC 8 Panthers 5 Petal to the Metal 4 Shane’s Shooters 3 Blood, Sweat & Beers 3 Turf Queens 2 Kryptonite 0 Masters W Wasa Shooters 7 Gray Monk Lakers 5 Forever Kicking 4 Hot Tomales 1 TeamFitness Euro 0

L 0 3 4 5 5 7

T 0 2 1 3 2 0

GF 36 16 22 27 18 13

GA 4 14 22 32 26 34

GD 32 2 0 -5 -8 -21

PTS 27 17 13 9 8 6

1 2 3 2 4 4 6 5

0 2 1 3 1 1 0 2

30 10 17 17 15 8 7 7

11 4 18 10 18 12 22 16

19 6 -1 7 -3 -4 -15 -9

21 14 13 12 10 10 6

3 3 3 4 5 4 7 9 7 10

0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 4 0

42 26 40 22 18 33 17 10 10 9

20 17 20 14 21 21 29 35 21 29

22 9 20 8 -3 12 -12 -25 -11 -20

27 27 23 22 21 20 13 9 7 6

0 1 1 3 5 7 6 9 7 12

2 3 2 1 2 1 3 0 2 0

55 39 39 44 21 20 21 25 20 4

8 10 12 18 20 32 33 38 43 74

47 29 27 26 1 -12 -12 -13 -23 -70

32 27 26 25 17 13 12 9 8 0

L 0 2 3 5 7

T 0 0 0 1 1

GF 42 23 14 7 6

GA 7 8 19 18 40

GD 35 15 -5 -11 -34

Pts 21 15 12 4 1

OKANAGAN FC WOMEN’S PCSL Saturday, July 7—Noon, Windsor Sec. Okanagan FC @ North Shore Eagles Sunday, July 8 2 p.m. Ambleside Okanagan FC @ West Vanc FC Wednesday, July 11—7:30 UBCO Kamloops Heat @ Challenge

PROVINCIAL B CUP SOCCER @ Kelowna Kelowna United teams in action Thursday, July 8: • U13 United vs Saanich FC—9 a.m. @ Mission 73

• U14 United vs Powell River—9 a.m. @ Mission 68 • U15 United vs Terrace—3 p.m. @ Mission 69

• U16 United vs North Coast—3 p.m. @ Mission 71 • U18 United vs Gorge FC—1 p.m. @ Mission Turf

We welcome submissions to our scorecard weekly feature from all local sports leagues in Kelowna and the Westside. Statistics must be submitted by 5 p.m. Monday to either whenderson@kelownacapnews. com.


Marrs member in long standing Challenge from A18 Kyle Bilinski scored twice each to lead the alumni team to a 6-4 victory. Marrs, who played from 1994 to 2008, is the longest standing Challenge member of all time. Other alumni members from as far back as the early 1990s, and as recent as 2010, suited up for the game. Another notable alumni player was Ian Bridge, a member of Canada’s national team for the World Cup in Mexico in 1986. Bridge has coached inter-

nationally at various levels and was a former player in Europe. The annual game— in the name of Challenge founder Eric Tasker—featured a dinner and silent auction, with funds raised

going to pay for team expenses. Meanwhile, the 2012 Challenge return to PCSL action this weekend with two games on the road. On Saturday, the Challenge visits Victoria United,

before taking on Langley Athletic on Sunday afternoon. The Challenge (2-91) picked up their second win of the season last weekend, 1-0 by default over PoCo City FC.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


B.C. Sailing Champs good for COSA

Members of the Central Okanagan Sailing Association (COSA) race team were in top form in reaching the podium at the B.C. Sailing Championships last weekend on Nicola Lake near Merritt. After two days of heavy wind racing, with gusts sometimes exceeding 30 knots (55 km/h), the COSA team battled sailors from around the Pacific Northwest, most of whom had considerably more experience in high wind sailing. Despite the difficult conditions, COSA team members earned top finishes in several divisions. Robbie Stevens, who finished second at the B.C.’s last year, had to settle for third, as teammate Thomas Hardy out-sailed a majority of the competitive Laser fleet to finish second this year. Hardy and Stevens traded races for much of the regatta, but could not keep up to first place fin-

isher, and former Olympic team member, Kevin Grierson of Vancouver. The Radial fleet was led by Mexican Olympic sailing team hopeful, Natalie Montemayor, who trains out of Vancouver. Top Kelowna finishes came from COSA Race Team members, Adam Sorensen in sixth and Elizabeth Hardy in 11th place. Hardy also earned recognition as being the third fastest female at the regatta, while Sorensen was the fourth fastest male in the Radial division. The Optimist fleet was scattered around the lake in the heavy breeze. Despite struggling to successfully complete the courses, and after being swept overboard at least four times, new COSA racer, Sam Carson, was awarded top sailor in the Optimist Green Fleet. Fellow team member, Alex Roberts, also received a few soakings courtesy of some rogue


COSA’S Adam Sorensen (left) rounds a mark at the B.C. Sailing Championships last weekend on Nicola Lake. waves, but was still recognized as the top sailor in the Optimist Blue fleet. COSA’s Gage Flint and Connor Durham were within reach of a third

place finish in the 420 fleet, but repeated swamping of their sailboat led to a failure in their starboard mast stay, forcing them out of the event early. Remarkably, the pair was able to sail their boat back to shore in the stormy conditions without causing any further damage to the boat or themselves. With the 2012 BC Summer Games around the corner, the top finishes by the COSA Racers bodes well for Kelowna. B.C. Championship medalists Thomas Hardy, Elizabeth Hardy, and Alex Roberts will team with additional COSA Team Member, Devin Araujo, to represent the region under the coaching guidance of COSA Sailing Director Devin Rubadeau. This will be the Hardy’s second B.C. Games for Sailing, and Rubadeau’s 13th. For more about sailing in Kelowna, call COSA at 250-764-2203.



OKANAGAN ATHLETIC CLUB member Rhianne McWilliam competes in the long jump event during the Jack Brow Memorial Track Meet Saturday at the Apple Bowl.

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Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A21

Even more electronics can now be recycled PORTABLE COMPUTERS + ACCESSORIES










Starting July 1, the Electronic Products Recycling Association’s (EPRA) electronic stewardship program has expanded to include even mor e ele ct r on ic it em s. Consumers and businesses in BC have an environmentally sound recycling option. You can drop off your electronic products at designated Collection Sites throughout the province without charge. Since EPRA’s program began in 2007, more than 75,000 metric tonnes of unwanted electronics have been recycled. That’s over 75,000 metric tonnes that did not end up in our landfills and were not exported illegally to become someone else’s problem. Who runs the program? The EPRA is a not-for-profit extended producer responsibility association. It was set up by the

Where Return-It comes in: Encorp Pacific (Canada) runs the Return-It Electronics™ program. They have been contracted by EPRA to manage the electronics stewardship program. How electronics are recycled: Electronics collected in BC for recycling are sent to approved primary recyclers in North America. These items are broken down using various manual and mechanical processes. Products such as batteries and mercury lamps, which require special processing to recover materials, are removed. The

Effective July 1, 2012, the Return-It Electronics recycling program is expanding so that more than 260 different types of electronics will be accepted. The following items can be recycled free of charge at any Return-It Electronics Collection Site:

E-readers Electronic Dictionaries Global Positioning Systems (GPS)


major producers and retailers of electronics to provide industry-led and regulated recycling programs for unwanted electronics. Members of EPRA include Electronic Product Stewardship Canada (EPSC) and the Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and their members.


Console gaming systems and accessories


Last year alone, more than 21,000 metric tonnes of electronics were kept out of our landfills and recycled responsibly.

remaining products are separated into their individual components for recovery. Through a variety of refining and smelting processes, the materials reclaimed from unwanted electronics are used as raw materials in the manufacturing of new products. Why is this important: The Return-It Electronics recycling program provides an environmentally sound recycling option for unwanted electronics. It ensures these items

will not be landfilled or illegally exported. You can drop off any of the acceptable products at designated Return-It Electronics Collection Sites without charge and be assured they will be recycled responsibly. For large volumes: Pick up services for large volumes (i.e. three pallets or more) of unwanted electronics is provided at no cost as long as certain requirements have been met. Requirements can be found at

Calculators Display Devices Desktop Computers Portable Computers

HOW TO FIND A COLLECTION SITE: There are more than 125 convenient locations in BC. To find a Collection Site near you, visit or call 1-800-330-9767

Printers and Fax Machines

Find a full list of acceptable products at ADVERTORIAL

Members of the host Ogopogo Summer Swim Club turned in some promising results at the club’s 65th annual swim meet last weekend at the H20 Centre in Kelowna. More than 300 swimmers from across the province competed in the twoday invitational event. Many Ogopogo swimmers destroyed their previous best times. Some noteworthy swims came from Anders Fahlgren who took 26 seconds off of his 100 freestyle, Malaya Galigan (18 seconds 50 free, 62 seconds 100 free), Alex Mace (20 seconds in 100 free, 15 seconds 50 back, and 23 seconds 100 free), Zach-




0 ary Minor ( 58 seconds, 100 IM), Caleb SollidGagner (37 seconds 50 free), Will Sollid-Ganger (23 seconds, 50 free). Some other outstanding results were achieved by Nathalie Vandenberg, Kaelin Urness, Matt Tran, Jillion Taillon, Chloe Sollid-Gangner, Alex Nebendahl, Theo Mohammed, Zachary Minor, Sarah McIntyre, Lindsey Mace, Alex Mace, Michelle Kraetzer, Tia Keeley, Connor Hobbs, Makenna Haight, Malaya Galigan, Jenae Fierbach, Sydeny Dunn, Oliver Dickieson, Clara Dickieson, Cordell Dickie, Maddox Crumb, Madeline Cloutier, Isabelle Cloutier,

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1 000 ECO-CREDIT ON RACHEL SCHUELER of the host club competes at the Ogopogo swim meet last DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR

weekend at H2O in Kelowna.

and Justine Andruchow, who all swam 100 per cent


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Includes delivery, destination and fees of $1,577, $4,500 cash savings and $750 Loyalty Bonus ¥. BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $20,172. Offer based on Forte LX “PLUS” AT.

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hauer, Jayden fierbach, Jenae Fierbach, Logan Lalonde, Theo Mohammed, Alex Nebendahl, Julia Nickerson, Aaron Obedkoff, Emalie Schueler, and Matt Tran all swam to first-place finishes and brought in many points for the team!The gold medal winners were Emalie Schuler (div.4), Julia Nickerson (ocat 1), Logan Lalonde (div.2), Denzel Mohammed (ocat 2), Theo Mohammed (ocat 1). The silver medal winners were Mary Koehle (div. 6), and Matt Tran (div.6). The Bronze medal winners were Michelle Kraetzer (div.2), Ealin Ran (div.5), and Katelyn Fay (ocat 1).

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Sorento SX shownU


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Includes delivery, destination and fees of $1,772 and $3,850 cash savings. BASED ON A PURCHASE PRICE OF $25,767. Offer based on Sorento LX MT.



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Offer(s) available on select new 2012/2013 models through participating dealers to qualified customers who take delivery by July 31, 2012. Dealers may sell or lease for less. Some conditions apply. Offers are subject to change without notice. See dealer for complete details. Vehicle images shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. All offers exclude licensing, registration, insurance, other taxes and down payment (if applicable). Other dealer charges may be required at the time of purchase. Other lease and financing options also available. **0% purchase financing is available on select 2012 Kia models on approved credit (OAC). Terms vary by model and trim, see dealer for complete details. Representative financing example based on 2012 Optima LX MT (OP541C) with a selling price of $23,572 [includes delivery and destination fees of $1,455, other fees and certain taxes (including tire levies) and A/C tax ($100, where applicable)] financed at 0% APR for 60 months. Bi-weekly payments equal $162 with a down payment/equivalent trade of $2,000. License, insurance, applicable taxes, variable dealer administration fees (up to $699), PPSA and registration fees are extra. Cost of borrowing of $0, for a total obligation of $23,572. Financing example includes $500 competitive bonus and $0 loan savings that is deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes. Retailer may sell for less. See dealer for full details. “Don’t Pay Until Fall” on select models (90-day payment deferral) applies to purchase financing offers on select 2012 and 2013 models on approved credit (OAC) (2012/2013 Sportage/Sorento/ Sedona excluded). No interest will accrue during the first 60 days of the finance contract. After this period, interest starts to accrue and the purchaser will repay the principal interest monthly over the term of the contract. \Cash purchase price for 2012 Sorento LX MT (SR55AC)/2012 Forte Sedan LX “PLUS” AT (FO74PC) is $21,917/$14,922 and includes a cash savings of $3,850/$4,500 (which is deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers), a loyalty bonus of $0/$750, delivery and destination fees of $1,650/$1,455, other fees and certain taxes (including tire levies) and A/C tax ($100, where applicable). License, insurance, applicable taxes, PPSA, admin fee up to $699 and registration fees are extra. Based on the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price of $25,767/$20,172. Retailer may sell for less. Available at participating dealers. See dealer for full details. &Bi-weekly finance payment for 2012 Optima LX MT (OP541C) based on a selling price of $23,572 is $127 with an APR of 0% for 60 months, amortized over an 84-month period. Estimated remaining principal balance of $6,592 plus applicable taxes due at end of 60-month period. Offer includes a competitive bonus of $500. Delivery and destination fees of $1,455, other fees and certain taxes (including tire levies) and A/C tax ($100, where applicable) are included. License, insurance, applicable taxes, PPSA, admin fee (up to $699) and registration fees are extra. See dealer for full details. ¥Loyalty Bonus offer available on 2012 Forte at a value of $750 for any current Kia owners towards the purchase, finance or lease of a new 2012MY Forte. Current Kia vehicle must be registered and licensed for the last 90 days. Loyalty Bonus offer applicable between July 3 and July 31, 2012. Offer is transferrable within same household only (must provide proof of address). Limit of one bonus per customer or household. Certain restrictions apply. See dealer for details. >ECO-Credit for 2012 Optima Hybrid is $1,000 and is applicable to the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Kia Optima Hybrid. Available at participating dealers. Certain restrictions apply. See dealer for details. ††Competitive Bonus offer available on the purchase or lease of new 2012 Optima (excluding Hybrid) models at a value of $500 (deducted before tax) for owners of a Honda Accord, Toyota Camry or Mazda6 with proof of ownership. Certain restrictions apply. Offer is transferrable within same household (must provide proof of address). Limit of one bonus per customer or household. Offer not combinable with any other loyalty/conquest offers. Offer ends July 31, 2012. ^2012 Kia Sorento/2012 Kia Forte Sedan awarded the Top Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Visit for full details. UModel shown cash purchase price for 2012 Sorento 3.5L SX AWD (SR75XC)/2012 Optima SX Turbo (OP748C)/2012 Forte Sedan SX MT (FO542C) is $39,267/$34,972/$18,122 and includes a cash savings of $3,500/$0/$4,500 (which is deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and finance offers), a competitive bonus of $0/$500/$0, $0/$0/$750 loyalty bonus, delivery and destination fees of $1,650/$1,455/$1,455, other fees of and certain taxes (including tire levies) and A/C tax ($100, where applicable). License, insurance, applicable taxes, variable dealer administration fees (up to $699), PPSA and registration fees are extra. Based on the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price of $42,745/$35,450/$23,372. Retailer may sell for less. See dealer for full details. Available at participating dealers. ÈHighway/city fuel consumption of these vehicles may vary. These estimates are based on Transport Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. Refer to the Government of Canada’s EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide. Your actual fuel consumption will vary. Some conditions apply to the $500 Grad Rebate Program. See dealer for details. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of print. For more information on our 5-year warranty coverage, visit or call us at 1-877-542-2886. KIA is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.

A22 Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


Ogopogo Swim Club weekend results “The Ogopogo swimmers and parents, who helped to make the meet a success, displayed excellent team spirit throughout the entire meet,” said club president David Haight. “The Ogos have been working hard throughout the last two months, and it certainly showed on the weekend as the swimmers achieved excellent results,” Haight said. Overall, the Ogopogos had another very successful meet. The swimmers have a tough week of training ahead of them as they will be travelling to Golden, Revelstoke and Salmon Arm in the next three weeks. Visit to learn more.

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 A23


GranFondo Kelowna to alter traffic patterns on July 14

On Saturday, July 14, more than 1,000 cyclists participating in the second annual RBC GranFondo Kelowna will experience a scenic Okanagan journey as they tackle the challenging rolling hills and undulating terrains of the region. An event like this is not possible without a few road closures along the course in the early hours of the day. Traffic modifications will be in effect all along the course route. Motorists that need to travel on July 14 are advised to plan ahead as there will be delays on some routes. The 122 km event starts at the Delta Grand Okanagan and runs north to Vernon along Okanagan Lake and returns to Kelowna through Lake Country.


• Water Street will be closed all day Saturday, July 14 until 6 p.m. • In the early morning of July 14, there will be impacts and closures from approximately 6:45 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. along Clem-

ent Ave and Glenmore Road • When the riders return to Kelowna, there will be impacts and closures from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. along Glenmore Road, Scenic Road, Valley Road, Summit Drive, High Road, Clifton Road and Clement Ave.

To learn more about the specific traffic impact details on event day go to Local residents are encouraged to take in the event. The RBC FamilyFundo is a free event that

takes place on Friday, July 13, 5:30 p.m. Future GranFondo riders (children 9 and under) will congregate by the Dolphin statues at Waterfront Park to take part in a fun children’s bike ride along

the promenade. Bring your bike and helmet to participate. All participants will receive a special recognition item at the finish. Register online or in person at the event.

On the day of the event, spectators are encouraged to view and support the cyclists along the route.

For more about the festivities surrounding the RBC GranFondo Kelowna can be found at www.

LAKE COUNTRY IMPACTS • There will be morning impacts from approximately 7 to 9:30 a.m. along Okanagan Center Road West, Carrs Landing and Commonage Road • From 9 a.m. until approximately 1 p.m., impacts will be experienced along Oyama Road, Woodsdale Road, Oceola Road, Okanagan Centre Road East, Bond Road, Dick Road, Chase Road and Seaton Road • Oyama boat launch closed 9 a.m. to noon • Safe harbour boat launch closed 7 to 9 a.m. • There will be lane closures and a 70 km/h speed zone will be in effect along Hwy 97 from Lake Country to Vernon from approximately 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


AWARD WINNER…Jan Johnson, co-owner of Tigerlilly Fashions and a column contributor to the Capital News, was the recipient of the Downtown Kelowna Association President’s Award, presented to her by current DKA president Dallas Gray.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News

3 FOR 100%SALE BC Owned and Operated Prices Effective Thursday, July 5 to Wednesday, July 11, 2012 We reserve the right to limit quantities. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

Meat Department

Grocery Department R.W. Knudsen Fruit Spritzers

Kicking Horse Organic Fair Trade Coffee assorted varieties

3/33.00 454g • product of Canada




4/311ml +deposit +eco fee product of USA


Food Should Taste Good Tortilla Chips

assorted varieties

assorted varieties


650g • product of B.C.

California Grown

4.99lb/ 11.00kg

1.98lb/ 4.37kg



Olympic Yogurt


Organic Yellow and White Peaches

Whole Organic Chickens

assorted varieties


Produce Department

Spring Creek Beef Tenderloin Steaks

Hot House Red, Yellow or Orange Bell Peppers B.C. Grown

29.99lb/ 66.12kg

1.98lb/ 4.37kg



156g • product of USA

Endangered Species Chocolate Bars

St. Dalfour Gourmet Spreads

assorted varieties

assorted varieties



2.98lb/ 6.57kg

Zorba’s Spanakopitas


85g • product of USA

225ml • product of France

Organic Seedless Green Grapes

Deli Department

2.49 each 180g • reg 3.99

Nature's Path Organic Boxed Cereals

Bulk Department

Haribo Gummies

assorted varieties

assorted varieties


3/4.98 175g product of Germany

284-400g • product of Canada

Grana Padano Oro Del Tempo Cheese

Organic Pasta Pearls

4.69/ 100g

20% off regular retail price

bags and bins

reg 5.69

Silver Hills Sprouted Grains Bread assorted varieties

Di Martino Organic and Whole Wheat Pasta assorted varieties



500g • product of Italy

600-615g product of Canada

Eco Max Ultra Dishwashing Liquid

Bakery Department



740ml product of Canada

product of Canada


1.50 off

Vega Sport Line Drive

15% off

entire Sport Line THE FIRST COMPLETE, NATURAL, PLANT-BASED SPORT PERFORMANCE SYSTEM Vega Sport is the first complete, natural, plant-based sport performance system specifically developed to help athletes perform at their best – before, during and after training and competition.


Earth's Choice Organic Canned Tomatoes

assorted varieties

assorted varieties 200-310g • product of Germany


398ml • product of USA

LaraBar Energy Bars

Blue Monkey Coconut Water

assorted varieties

with or without pulp

45g • product of USA


Rice Bakery Nuts and Honey Breakfast Bread




Dapis Gel relieves the pain, itching and swelling of insect bites and hives. The non-greasy, easy-to-apply gel formulation promotes fast absorption and a cooling effect.

Sourdough Multiseed Bread




Blueberry Oatmeal or Raspberry Oatmeal Muffins

Raspberry – 3 pack , Blueberry – 6 pack

assorted varieties


Boiron Dapis Gel

regular retail price Marinelli Pasta Sauce

assorted varieties

Wasa Crispbreads

Health Care Department

A.Vogel Menopause





90 tabs

Improves menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, nightly sweats and excessive sweating.


300ml • +deposit +eco fee

product of Thailand

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Re-purpose your pennies by donating them to Pennies for Peru! Choices is supporting this project to help


small scale farmers recover from recent rainfalls that have left 1000’s of hectares of farmland flooded. All of Choices Fair Trade bananas as well as seasonal mango, avocado and quinoa crops come from these regions.

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Invitation to McCartney school set aside to perform Born in Chiang Mai, raised on classical piano, Jenie Thai is breaking into the Canadian music scene with gritty blues Jennifer Smith STAFF REPORTER

If adventure can flow through the veins like music through the fingers on a keyboard, Jenie Thai, born in Chiang Mai, was birthed with the call of the wild. The young Edmontonian hasn’t even released a full-length album yet, but her song, Lady Flower, from her 2011 EP of the same name, won an honourable mention in The International Songwriter’s Competition, plucked from a field of 16,000 entrants. Considered by the New York Times critics to be the top songwriting competition in the world, it’s judged by celebrities like Tegan and Sara, bluesman James Cotton (who played with Muddy Waters), Spanish singer/songwriter and Latin Grammy Award winner Alejandro Sanz and the gravel-voiced Tom Waits. “I’m a huge, huge, huge Tom Waits fan. So I just entered to see if I could get him to hear my music,” she said. “I even

called to see if he would be the one judging it, but they said they couldn’t release that information.” Spunky, but not one bit punky, this classically trained pianist took her Royal Conservatory training, for which she received the highest marks in the country the year she completed, and went straight into Grant MacEwan University to study jazz and contemporary music. She landed a spot in The Paul McCartney School of Music after graduation, but the blues beast growing within just couldn’t be tamed. “I wanted to play music as a full-time musician, not study music,” she explained, and never made it to The Beatles academy. Instead she managed a “lickety splickly” Tom Waits-style adventure out onto the open road with the release of that first EP at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. After hearing about the organization Home Routes (, which organizes house concerts in communities across North Ame-


CANADIAN KID Jenie Thai to drive the blues home in Kelowna. rica for musicians, she set up her own couch tour— Home Routes was booked through 2014—using the aptly named CouchSurfing (www.couchsurfing. org), a website for general travellers. As such, Jenie Thai

played a gig in a Kelowna living room last year, but her trip to the Minstrel Café on Monday, July 9 will be the first time she showcases her bluesy, jazzy, funk music in an actual Central Okanagan venue. And she couldn’t be

happier about it. Speaking to the Capital News via cell en route from Banff, one could hear the off-beat staccato excitement that peppers her lyrics ringing through the phone. Asked to describe her show, she

answered with the frank delivery of someone who, frankly, knows how to deliver. “High energy,” she said. And one listen to her songs proves the point. Three months into her mother’s pregnancy with

her—her first pregnancy—Jenie’s father decided the couple should travel through India. Her mother became so sick she weighed less at six months pregnant than when Jenie was conceived. This is how Jenie, who does not disclose her real name, came into the world in Thailand, an area her parents figured safe enough for her to be born. It doesn’t sound like there was any random Italian detours along the way, but one can hear the “allegro, allegro, allegro” pounding in this young woman’s soul as she kicks her way through the long piano runs of her first songs: Monkey, Sedusa, It’s Only You (That I Want) and Stop. Who knows where the wild things go when unleashed to the power of creativity, but for now Jenie Thai comes to Kelowna’s front door. Jenie Thai plays the Minstrel Café this Monday, July 9, 8 p.m. There is a $5 cover charge.

‘80s music icons hit the road Muralists get busy in Kelowna City Park The rock’n roll revival tour that will feature Journey, Pat Benetar and Loverboy tentatively will include a tour stop Saturday, Dec. 1, at Prospera Place in Kelowna. While the Kelowna tour date is part of the tour’s promotional announcement, negotiations with Prospera Place have not yet been finalized. For Loverboy, the tour will also offer the band a chance to promote a new album with three new songs and re-recordings of some of their classic past hits such as Turn Me Loose, Working For

The Weekend and Lovin’ Every Minute Of It. Benetar has been touring for years with her band on the club circuit, featuring her husband guitarist Neil Giraldo. The current edition of Journey features long-time band members Ross Valory, Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain, joined by Arnel Pineda and Deen Castronovo. Missing from the original lineup is singer Steve Perry and drummer Steve Smith. No date has been announced yet for tickets to go on sale.

The Kelowna Art Gallery has enlisted the talent of 12 gifted local youth to create a new mural for City Park this weekend. Working under the supervision of two dynamic mural artists from Vancouver, David and Jorden Doody, the group will paint the mural on the lake-side (west-facing) wall of an existing building on Hot Sands Beach.

Drawing inspiration from the Kelowna Art Gallery’s new exhibition Bearing Witness, the work will have a multicultural theme, featuring dynamic imagery that is representative of the participants’ cultures. The mural will replace the existing artwork that currently adorns the building, created by children in 2007. This art project as it

happens on Saturday, July 14, and Sunday, July 15, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This art project is a partnership between the Kelowna Art Gallery and the City of Kelowna’s Park Services Department, and is made possible through funding provided by Kelowna Community Resources, and with the generous dona-

tion of all paint provided by Golden Paints. The exhibition Bearing Witness is on view at the Kelowna Art Gallery through Aug. 19, and is organized and circulated by the Vancouver Art Gallery, with the generous support of The Killy Foundation and Odlum Brown Limited. For more visit www.


Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


Grand 10 Landmark

BRAVE (3D) Nightly at 7:10 & 9:20, Daily Matinees at 1:10 & 3:20 (G) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* THE AMAZING SPIDER MAN (3D) Nightly at 6:45, 7:00, 9:45 & 9:50, Daily Matinees at 12:45, 1:00, 3:45 & 3:50 (PG) *NO PASSES ACCEPTED (until July 17th) – G.C’s always accepted* *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* KATY PERRY: PART OF ME (3D) Nightly at 7:15 & 9:40, Daily Matinees at 1:15 only (G) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* KATY PERRY: PART OF ME (2D) Daily Matinees at 3:40 only (G) BRAVE (2D) Nightly at 6:50 & 9:10, Daily Matinees at 12:50 & 3:10 (G) MEN IN BLACK 3 (2D) Nightly at 6:30 & 9:15, Daily Matinees at 12:30 & 3:15 (PG) TED Nightly at 7:05, 7:20, 9:30 & 9:55, Daily Matinees at 1:05, 1:20, 3:30, 3:55 (14A) *NO PASSES ACCEPTED (until July 13th) – G.C’s always accepted* THE AMAZING SPIDER MAN (2D) Nightly at 6:40 & 9:35, Daily Matinees at 12:40 & 3:35 (PG) *NO PASSES ACCEPTED (until July 17th) – G.C’s always accepted* PROMETHEUS (3D) Nightly at 6:35 & 9:25 only, Daily Matinees at 12:35 only (14A) *3D PRICING IN EFFECT* PROMETHEUS (2D) Daily Matinees at 3:25 only (14A) “ONE TICKET TUESDAY” Promotion: $11.99 (Including HST) for your movie ticket, a medium pop & a medium popcorn ($3.00 more for 3D)

Paramount Landmark THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL G 7:00 & 9:40; daily mats @ 3:40; Sat & Sun mats @ 1:00 & 3:40 THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN PG 6:50 & 9:45; daily mats @ 3:45; Sat & Sun mats @ 12:50 & 3:45 On Kelowna’s largest screen! *No passes accepted.* MOONRISE KINGDOM PG 7:10 & 9:30; Daily mats @ 3:30; Sat & Sun mats @ 1:10 & 3:30 Every TUESDAY is ONE TICKET TUESDAY! Admission - $5.00 ($8.00 for 3D) or Admission, Pop, Popcorn for $11.99 ($14.99 for 3D)

Orchard Plaza 5 Cineplex

We’re open for all Matinees on Sat & Sun, and late Matinees on Fri & Mon to Thurs MADAGASCAR 3 (NOT 3D) (G) [1:43] Matinees 12:55 MADAGASCAR 3 (3D) (G) [1:43] 6:55 & 9:20; Matinees 3:20 MAGIC MIKE (14A) [2:02] 7:15 & 10:00; Matinees 12:45 & 3:30 PEOPLE LIKE US (PG) [2:07] 7:25 & 10:15; Matinees 1:00 & 3:50 THE AVENGERS (NOT 3D) (PG) [2:35] Matinees 12:30 THE AVENGERS (3D) (PG) [2:35] 6:45 & 9:55; Matinees 3:35 SAVAGES (18A) [2:23] 7:05 & 10:05; Matinees 12:35 & 3:45 FAMILY FUN DAY: SATURDAY JULY 7TH at 11 AM. There will be a showing of the SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS. Admission tickets are $2.50 each


2727 Hwy. 97 N., Kelowna • 860-3199


Landmark Cinemas 8 West Kelowna BRAVE 3D 7:15 & 9:30; Fri Matinees 12:30 & 2:45; Sat-Thurs Matinees 1:05 & 3:25 BRAVE (Not in 3D) 6:55 & 9:35; Daily Matinees 12:55 & 3:15 MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED (Not in 3D) 7:45 only; Daily Matinees 1:35 & 3:50 PROMETHEUS (Not in 3D) 10:00pm only Under 14 Must be Accompanied by an Adult MAGIC MIKE 6:35 & 9:40; Daily Matinees 12:35 & 3:20 Under 14 Must be Accompanied by an Adult TED 7:25 & 9:55; Daily Matinees 1:15 & 3:45 No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) Under 14 Must be Accompanied by an Adult THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Extreme 3D) 6:45 & 9:45; Daily Matinees 12:30 & 3:30 No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) KATY PERRY: PART OF ME 3D 7:35 & 9:50; Daily Matinees 1:25 only KATY PERRY: PART OF ME (Not in 3D) Daily Matinees 3:40 only SAVAGES 7:05 & 10:00; Daily Matinees 12:45 & 3:35 Under 18 Must Be Accompanied By An Adult: Photo I.D. is Required No Passes Accepted (Gift Certificates are Always Accepted) “ONE TICKET TUESDAY” Admission, medium pop & medium popcorn all for $11.99 (incl. H.S.T) (Add $3.00 for 3D movies)


BLAKE LIVELY (left) and Benicio Del Toro star in Oliver Stone’s Savages.


Spiderman redux, Perry backstage, Stone his usual Savage self


ast weekend was a great one at the movies with both Ted and Magic Mike doing stronger business than expected and Brave coming in a close third. All three helped make it the biggest June weekend ever. And the hits just keep coming, because there is much more to come in the month of July. The Amazing Spiderman is one of the reasons why my time is short. Opening this past Monday, the business it has already done indicates that it could be on par with its predecessors. And considering it is more-orless a remake of the ori-


Rick Davis ginal that came out just a decade ago, it will be interesting to see if it does indeed do as much or more business. Its appealing cast includes Andrew Garfield (The Social Network), Emma Stone (The Help), Martin Sheen, Sally Field and Dennis Leary and retells the original story of how Peter Parker (Garfield) became the web-


Encore Cinemas Capitol Theatre Westbank Landmark General Admission: Matinees $3.00* Evenings $4.00* (*Add $3.00 for 3D Performances) We are now open daily 12:00 pm – 10:30 pm!

THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (3D) G Daily 1:20, 5:20, & 7:20 THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS (2D) G Daily 3:20 SNOW WHITE & THE HUNTSMAN PG Daily 1:05, 3:45, & 7:20 THE HUNGER GAMES PG Daily 1:00, 3:55, 6:50, & 9:45 CHERNOBYL DIARIES 14A Nightly 9:20 THAT’S MY BOY 14A Nightly 10:00 ROCK OF AGES PG Daily 12:40, 3:25, 6:45, & 9:30 MEN IN BLACK 3 (3D) PG Daily 12:55, 5:35, 7:55, & 10:15 MEN IN BLACK 3 (2D) PG Daily 3:15

EVERY THURSDAY IS TOONIE THURSDAY! All tickets $2.00 ($5.00 for 3D)

K’naan with Opening Guest … MOKA ONLY


slinger with some variation to both the comic book story and the first movie. In this one, Gwen Stacy (Stone) is his love interest and his nemesis is The Lizard (Rhys Ifans). It happened for the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana and Justin Bieber and now there is a 3D musical documentary about Katy Perry. Katy Perry: Part of Me is a backstage pass, front row seat and intimate look at the fun, glamorous, heartbreaking, inspiring, crazy, magical, passionate and honest mad diary of Katy. This one looks like it will appeal to the fans, but also for fans of celebrity culture as it sounds like it gives good insight to her life under the bright lights. One man who does not shy away from the spotlight of scrutiny is Oliver Stone. Every one of his films seem to cause controversy, whether warranted or not. In Savages he takes on the illegal drug trade. Kelowna’s Taylor Kitch (who seems to be in everything these days) stars as a Laguna Beach entrepreneur who, along with his best friend, run a lucrative, home-grown industry raising some of the best marijuana ever developed. They also share

a one-of-a-kind love with the extraordinary beauty Ophelia (Blake Lively). Life is idyllic in their Southern California town until the Mexican Baja j cartel decides to move in and demands that the trio partners with them. The merciless head of the cartel, Elena (Salma Hayek) and her brutal enforcer, Lado (Benicio Del Toro), underestimate the unbreakable bond among these three friends and with the help of a sleazy DEA agent (John Travolta), the three fight back. Early word is that this is yet another powerful Oliver Stone movie, but like his earlier works, do not expect a nice, light summer flick. And don’t forget that if you missed some movies from earlier this summer, or want to see one of your early favourites again, check out the newly reinvented Capitol Theatre now called the Landmark Encore in West Kelowna. For those of you who live in Kelowna, it is a short drive for a great deal. Go to www. for more details. Rick Davis is the general manager of Landmark Cinemas 8 in West Kelowna. landmarkwk_gm

Doors 7:00 pm — Show 8:00 pm Tickets: $31.50 to $43.50 + service charges Available at: Select Your Tickets 1223 Water Street, Kelowna by phoning 250-762-5050 or online at

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 B3


Work underway to restore sockeye salmon to Okanagan


id you know that once upon a time we had sockeye salmon living in Okanagan Lake? With the annual salmon run en route to Osoyoos (they would be half way up the Columbia River now), I sat down with Jon Crofts from Codfathers Seafood Market in Kelowna for a history lesson on this delicious fish and the conservation efforts being made to return its natural habitat. So what happened to the native salmon species in Okanagan Lake? About 100 years ago man began tampering with the river channels, straightening them from their natural, winding routes between the lakes (ie. Penticton Channel). Dams were also built in the south, which set up obvious barriers for the salmon. Unfortunately, the sockeye slowly became blocked from returning home and eventually, the “genetically distinct run that returns to the Okanagan” began ending its journey in Osoyoos Lake. The number of salmon returning a decade ago were down to a few thousand for a few reasons including the fact that Osoyoos Lake is too small and too warm for the smolts (baby salmon) to survive. This staggering drop had conservationists fearing for its extinction. However, he recovery has been gradual over the last few years with numbers last year over 100,000. Now for the good news. Through the conservation work of the Okanagan Nations Alliance (ONA) 500,000 salmon are expected to return this year. The Okanagan Sockeye Reintroduction Program was set up in 1997 under the direction of elders and began work to bring the sockeye salmon back into Okanagan Lake. The ONA has been working on restoring the river channels to their natural state and reopening the path for the salmon. Their mission is to continue this work allowing the salmon population back into Skaha Lake and then hopefully into Okanagan Lake. Can you imagine? One day we may be able to fish for sockeye salmon here. Jon and Anne-Marie

mon conservation, restoration and enhancement in the Okanagan region. The gala dinner and auction will be held on Thursday, Aug. 2 at the Delta Grand Okanagan Hotel in Kelowna. The theme for the dinner is Many Happy Returns and will celebrate the historical return of sockeye salmon to the Okanagan region. All net proceeds raised at this event will be directed towards Pacific salmon conservation, restoration and enhancement in the Okanagan. Tickets are $100 per person, available through the Okanagan Nation Alliance office. For more information, to purchase tickets, or to offer a donation or sponsorship, please contact Tracey Bussanich at 250707-0095 ext. 130 or 250470-7048. Tracey can be reached by email at


Jennifer Schell Crofts have become involved with this conservation work and have signed an agreement with the ONA allowing Jon to process and distribute the salmon in the valley. They are working on setting up a direct sales site in Osoyoos and Jon has trained a new staff of fishmongers to work there. They will also be building a special processing room at the back of Codfathers current shop on Gordon Drive in Kelowna to exclusively handle these local fish. Jon is thrilled to be a part of this exciting project. “This is a really good thing for the Valley,” he said. “It’s not very often that you get to see such a dramatic effect following conservation efforts.” Jon wants “to make sure that the fish are respected, taken care of and managed locally,” and


THE PLAN for the Okanagan is to restore habitat so sockeye salmon can re-establish their run into the valley lakes. comments that this initiative will also “secure local this food source for the Valley for years to come”. Interesting fact: Did you know that the kokanee found in Okanagan Lake are genetically the

same species as the sockeye salmon? Once upon a time, perhaps blocked by ice, some of the salmon became landlocked in Okanagan Lake and could not leave for the run. These

fish then evolved into kokanee. How can you get involved? The Pacific Salmon

Foundation and Okanagan Nation Alliance have joined forces to host a gala dinner and auction to raise funds for Pacific sal-

Jennifer Schell is editor of B.C. Wine Trails Magazine.

Light Classics for a Summer Evening…

2009 2012

Entertainment Season presented by

Parks Alive! event schedule July 10th – 14th, 2012 Community Music Tuesdays Location: Quilchena Park (Kettle Valley) - “A Night of Variety” - July 10th 6:30 Six Feet Up (Classic Pop) 7:30 Journeymen Duo (Oldies covers) Be sure to watch for Park n’Play onsite

Thursday, July 12th 7:00 pm St. Michael’s Cathedral Church

K96.3 Wednesday Night Showcase Location: Island Stage - “Folk” – July 11th 6:00 Leah West (trio; Pop/Folk) 7:00 Jimmy Balfour (duo; Folk) 8:00 ASH (4 piece; Contemporary Folk)

Program info here

Thursday Legacy Series Location: Rutland Lions Park - “Rock N’Roll” - July 12th 6:00 Bryan Adams Tribute Band 7:00 Gorgeous Priceless (Indie Rock) 8:00 Flashback (Rock)


Beethoven, Mozart, Dvorak, Handel

101.5 EZ Rock Theme Weekends Location: Kerry Park - “Honky Tonk Country” - July 13th 6:30 Twyla Spittle (solo; contemporary country) 7:30 Kenny Byrka and Rachel Ashley (4 piece; country/pop) 8:30 K-Town Drifters (5 piece; country/folk) 9:30 Pam Ferens and Levi (5 piece; contemporary country)

F E AT U R I N G : • Rosemary Thomson • Calvin Dyck • Pascal Piché • Joel Stobbe • Elizabeth Lupton • John Suderman

July 14th 6:30 Eve and the Oneders (3 piece; contemporary country/pop) 7:20 Jesse Mast (solo; acoustic country) 7:30 Dag and Dez (duo; Opry country) 8:30 Mean Donna (4 piece; alternative country/Americana) 9:30 Sister Girl (5 piece; country/roots)

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A Production of


Get home safely: Don’t drink and drive

Admission: 12/$6 (at the door)


608 Sutherland Ave., Kelowna • For Information: 250-770-7668


Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


Canada’s best sellers Michael Neill’s list of best selling books are compiled from sales at independent bookstores across Canada. HARDCOVER FICTION 1 Canada R Ford $29.99 2 A Dance with Dragons G.R.R. Martin $38 3 In One Person John Irving $34.95 4 Gone Girl Gillian Flynn $29.95 5 The Wind Through the Keyhole: A Dark Tower Novel Stephen King $29.99 6 Why Men Lie Linden MacIntyre $32 7 The Headmaster’s Wager Vincent Lam $32.95 8 The Sins of the Father Jeffrey Archer $29.99 9 Calico Joe John Grisham $28.95 10 Deadlocked Charlaine Harris $29.50 11 Wicked Business Janet Evanovich $29.95 12 The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection Alexander McCall Smith $29.95 13 The Storm Clive Cussler $29.50 14 The Red House Mark Haddon $29.95 15 Kiss the Dead Laurell K. Hamilton $29.50

HARDCOVER NON-FICTION 1 Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail Cheryl Strayed $29 2 Darth Vader and Son Jeffrey Brown $16.95 3 The End of Growth Jeff Rubin $29.95 4 Go the F**K to Sleep Adam Mansbach & Ricardo Cortes $16.95 5 Eating Dirt: Deep Forests, Big Timber, and Life with the Tree-Planting Tribe Charlotte Gill $29.95 6 Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing Anita Moorjani



Think back to school and make a difference

Y Michael Neill $24.95 7 A Thousand Farewell Nahlah Ayed $32 8 Tecumseh and Brock: The War of 1812 J Laxer $29.95 9 Goodnight iPad Ann Droyd $17.50 10 Steve Jobs W Isaacson $36.99 11 Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News Dan Rather $29.99 12 Escape from Camp 14 B Harden $28.50 13 The Woman Who Changed Her Brain B ArrowsmithYoung $29.99 14 Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) J Lawson $27.50 15 Into the Silence: The Great War, Mallory and the Conquest of Everest Wade Davis $35

NEW RELEASES 1 The Litigators John Grisham $11.99 2 Rules of Civility Amor Towles $17 3 The Virgin Cure Ami Mckay $22 4 Bloodline James Rollins $19.99 5 Safe Haven Nicholas Sparks $8.99 6 Those in Peril Wilbur Smith $10.99 7 Between the Lines Jodi Picoult $22.99 8 Private Games James Patterson $10.99 9 Afraid to Die Lisa Jackson $9.99 10 Room Emma Donoghue $10.99 11 Warriors: Enter the Clans Erin Hunter $8.99 12 A Gold Star for Zog Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler $18.99 13 The Silent Girl: A Rizzoli & Isles Novel T Gerritsen $11.99 14 Victory and Honor W.E.B. Griffin & William E. Butterworth $10.99 15 The Burning Soul John Connolly $9.99

ou celebrated Canada Day in style and the weather is warmer so you are thinking about summer fun. Right? So why I am bothering to write about back to school? Well, could you pull off a 50th wedding anniversary for 100 people in two weeks? Not likely. Special events that make our community so rich with activity and caring for one another take months of planning. Planning is well underway for the 9th annual Back to School Bash to be held on Saturday,

Aug. 25 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Parkinson Recreation Centre. You can watch a clip from last year to get in the mood. It is found at vlf@ under VLF Special Events. This year the goal is 750 backpacks and that means 1,200 guests. There will be free hotdogs, haircuts for children, new and used cloth-

ing, backpacks, children’s activities, games, entertainment and prizes. The event is really a mini carnival. How can you help? You can get involved by donating cash or online gifts. Every $20 covers the cost for one child to attend and receive a Bentley’s backpack. Sort through your closet and give clean,

good quality clothing. Provide a door prize. These donations can be dropped off by August 23 at the Victory Life office, 1634 Bertram St. or LA-Z-Boy Furniture 1031850 Spall Rd. Are you a hair stylist? Offer your skills for the evening. Other hands-on ways for you to make a difference include operating a children’s activity booth like sponge toss, face painting, animal balloons and cotton candy to name a few. Volunteers also help with greeting, security, parking, food, prizes and

clothing. There are lots of roles needed to make this a safe, family friendly event for our community. Contact organizers by email at, phone 250-862-3044, or visit the website at www. Dawn Wilkinson manages the Community Information and Volunteer Centre at Kelowna Community Resources. Go to and click on Volunteer Opportunities Search to create your volunteer profile. View all the Volunteer Centre columns at: 250-763-8008, ext 24


Renown Phantom performs in Kelowna Broadway and London West End musical theatre legend Peter Karrie, best known for his portrayal of The Phantom in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera performs in Kelowna July 23. Karrie will be joined by coloratura soprano Melina Moore, who will play Christine to Mr. Karrie’s Phantom in an intimate concert setting. The Phantom of the Opera Returns, features all the hits of Phantom of

the Opera and other selections from Karrie’s bestknown roles. Hailing from Wales, Karrie first played The Phantom at Her Majesty’s Theatre, London, and went on to play the role in Toronto, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vancouver and on the Millennium tour of Great Britain. His performances earned him the title of The World’s Most Popular Phantom by The Worldwide Phantom of the

Opera Appreciation Society. His other acclaimed and award-winning roles have included the original Che in Evita for the first national tour of Britain, Jean Valjean in Les Miserables for more than a decade at London’s Palace Theatre, Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palace Theatre, John Blackthorn in James Clavell’s Shogun on Broadway in NYC, Fagin’ in the acclaimed Cameron Mac-

intosh production of Oliver!, Don Quixote in Man of La Mancha, Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof and Joby ‘Peg Leg’ Churchill in the box office smash The Contender. Argentine-born coloratura soprano Melina Moore received her training at The Juilliard School in New York City, and presently makes her home in Vernon. She debuted as Susanna in The Marriage of Figaro with Manhattan’s Bel Aria Opera Company. In NewYork, she appeared as a soloist in the Alice Tully Hall opera concert series, the Juilliard Opera Center and the Maxwell von Gluck Fellowship in the roles of Despina in Cosi Fan Tutte, Gretel in Hansel and Gretel, Adele in Die Fledermaus, Oscar in Un Ballo in Masche-

ra, Nanetta in Falstaff, Zerlina in Don Giovanni, Papagena in The Magic Flute and many musical theatre productions on and off Broadway. The local performance is at 7:30 p.m., July 23, at Summerhill Pyramid Estate Winery on the South Slopes of Kelowna. For tickets to the performance visit Other B.C. performances of The Phantom of the Opera Returns are: • Tuesday, July 24: Haney Heritage Village Park, 7 p.m. (Salmon Arm) • Wednesday, July 25: Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre, 7p.m. (Osoyoos) • Thursday, July 26: Soaring Eagle Winery, 7 p.m. (Naramata) • Friday, July 27: Sparkling Hill Wellness Resort, 7 p.m. (Vernon).

The Battle of Swinging the blues Santiago Thursday, July 12 7:30pm $ 0 . * / ( 4 0 0 /






Opening Act Jeff Piattelli

for more information & tickets call 250 250-766-9309 766 9309

at Gatzke Orchards

It’s going to be a bouncing good time when recent Maple Blues Award recipient’s Sabrina Weeks and Swing Cat Bounce roll into Oyama on July 8 for an afternoon of bouncing boogie Blues & BBQ. The band has been named the best new blues act in Canada after winning the title at the 2012 Maple Blues Awards. While the front of the farm displays and sells the bounty of the orchard, the area behind the market provides an opportunity for guests to experience the music in the iconic Okanagan setting in the vibrant community of Oyama, just 20 minutes north of Kelowna. Weeks and Swing Cat Bounce released their debut CD Tales from Lenny’s Diner in 2010. The CD debuted at No. 1 in Canada and peaked at No. 6 on the global blues charts before reaching the top 100 for most radio plays globally for 2011. Tickets are $10 for the 5 p.m. July 8 event at Gatzke Farm Markets, Hwy 97N in Kelowna. Visit or phone 250808-3628.

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 B5


Take the time to help yourself balance your life


ith a busy work schedule, it seems as though the days morph into weeks and before I know it an entire month can come and go and I wonder what I have done with my time? It feels great to be so passionate and inspired with something, yet at the same time there is an inner yearning for quiet and solitude. I have to be careful not to lose myself in what I call “doing” mode and remember to create time for relaxation and balance. This can be very challenging at times, especially when I am being called so passionately in a clear direction. But if I do not create a sense of balance in my life, it is easy to forget what I am really working for and why it’s so important. I can get caught up in deadlines and the perceived sense of urgency. Yet, ultimately what is more important than listening to that inner voice within me? The voice that says: “Slow down, take time to breathe and remember what connects and sustains you.” When I am in “doing” mode, I can forget what it means to just “be.” My mind races with thoughts of the endless


Annie Hopper things that need to be done, the deadlines, the people I need to call, the emails that need to be returned, the speaking engagements that need to be confirmed, etc. When I get caught up in “doing” mode I can forget about this deeper connection to my inner self that comes with slowing down and “being” with life. In some way it would be easy to just stay in “doing” mode and there are times when I delude myself into thinking that I cannot afford to take a break. Yet there is a deeper part of me that knows that in order to refuel I need to take some down time. So, I slap on some sun screen and throw my knapsack in the car and head to the beach. On the drive there I am still thinking about the endless “to do” list and find the traffic irritating and I can get annoyed with other drivers. I finally arrive at the beach and as soon as I am step out of my car it is

like I’ve entered a different world. As my feet slowly sink into the warm, soft sand I can almost hear an inner sigh. With each step my mind starts to let go and I relax more and more into my heart and my body. The beauty of the moment starts to take over and it’s as if a part of me is saying “Ah, here I am… yes, now I remember who I am.” Slowing down and reconnecting to nature has proven to be a consistent reminder for me of who I really am and a great reminder of what’s really important. Within an hour I have gone from feeling irritated to an inner sense of deep gratitude. And all it took was a walk on the beach. It seems so obvious in that moment how important it is to reconnect and take that sacred time for myself. For me, walking at the beach gets me out of my head and into my heart. It fills my inner resources and in these moments I am reminded of the vastness of life and my connection to a source that is much greater than me.

10 to 11:30 a.m. A representative from Interior Health will be available to provide detailed information about assisted living, residential and complex care. For more information, and to register, please call 250-861-6180 or email

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as the club marks its 85th anniversary this year. In the photo (from left to right) are: (back row) Dick Dumond, Robin Smith, Ross Gilley, Dennis Campbell, John Walker, Ken Laloge, Vonnie Lavers, Gordon Savage and Harold Hemming; (front row) Peter Schultz, president Derek Bottomley and Ernie Patterson. Missing is Vern Nielsen, the assistant district governor.

City Park mural to be created by local youth The Kelowna Art Gallery has enlisted the talents of 12 gifted local youth to create a new mural for City Park this weekend. Working under the supervision of two mural artists from Vancouver, David and Jorden Doody, the group will paint the new mural on the west-facing (lake side) wall of an existing building on Hot Sands

Beach in City Park. Drawing inspiration from the Kelowna Art Gallery’s new exhibition Bearing Witness, the work will have a multicultural theme, featuring dynamic imagery that is representative of the participants’ cultures. The mural will replace the existing artwork that currently adorns

Annie Hopper is a limbic system rehabilitation specialist.

Housing options for seniors A series of upcoming public forums will take place to help seniors prepare for different housing options. The forums takes place July 12, Aug. 9 and Sept. 13 (the second Thursday of each month), at the Ziglar Recreation Centre in the Apple Valley Seniors Residence, 102-2055 Benvoulin Court, from


NEW EXECUTIVE…The Rotary Club of Kelowna’s new board of directors was sworn in July 3

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the building, created by children in 2007. This art project is a partnership between the art gallery and the city parks department, and is made possible through funding provided by Kelowna Community Resources, with the donation of all paint provided by Golden Paints. Learn more at

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Kelowna South & Mission #KC02007500 – 39 Papers Abbott St. 2061 to 2150, Burne Ave. 273 to 380, Cadder Ave. 315 to 486, Long St. 2030 to 2076, Pandosy St. 2024 to 2124 Even Side Only #KC02008001 – 77 Papers Glenwood Ave. 900 to 1099, Gordon Dr. 2200 Only #KC03013402 – 45 Papers Crawford Rd. 1415 to 1535, Mission Ridge Rd, Mission Ridge Dr. 1383 to 1549, Westridge Dr. 4570 to 4590 #KC03013603 – 59 Papers Canyon Falls Crt, Canyon Ridge Cres, Canyon Ridge Crt, Canyon View Crt, Mid Ridge Crt, Westridge Dr. 4920 Only #KC03013800 – 28 Papers Okaview Rd. 459 to 499 #KC03013900 – 66 Papers Curlew Dr. 500 to 565, Curlew Crt, Iron Horse Dr, Lark St, Wren Pl. #KC03014001 – 54 Papers Curlew Dr. 405 to 499 #KC03014002 – 73 Papers Providence Ave. 412 to 435, Quilchena Dr. 351 to 453, Quilchena Cres, Thalia St. #KC03014203 – 50 Papers Cobble Cres, Cobble Crt. #KC03014301 – 37 Papers Phoebe Crt, Raven Dr, Tanager Crt. #KC03014303 – 21 Papers Sandpiper Crt, Sandpiper St, Thrasher Ave. #KC03014701 – 45 Papers Fairhall Rd, Packers Rd. 2513 to 2635, Packers Crt. #KC03014702 – 44 Papers Packers Rd. 2410 to 2485, O’Reilly Rd. 2400 to 2584, O’Reilly Crt.

#KC03014901 – 38 Papers Alberta Crt, Johnson Rd, Manitoba Pl, O’Reilly Lane, O’Reilly Rd. 2622 to 2722 #KC03015600 – 57 Papers Claxton Crt, Flower Crt, Kekuli Crt, Kimatouche Rd, Mowitch Crt, Tillicum Crt.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News




School named after West Kelowna pioneer

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Busy year for Pincushion Quilt Guild Susan Driussi CONTRIBUTOR


PINCUSHION Quilt Guild members display 17 quilts donated to the Kelowna Art Gallery. with a quilt for their staff to use while waiting for “the call” to service. We also donated numerous quilted Christmas stockings to the Kelowna General Hospital for sale in the Gift Shop to enable them to raise funds for the Hospital Foundation.


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Our latest endeavour this spring was completing 17 quilts which were donated to the Kelowna Women’s’ Shelter. These quilts will go “home” with their clients. What fun we had with our production line type workshop!

As well as our charity work, we have brought in several instructors during the year. We have learned new techniques, one of which was an Open House workshop held during Peachland’s HeArt Festival in February. Members of our guild have also put on several mini workshops. We are an amazing group of ladies, with all levels of expertise, willing to share knowledge with each other and anyone else that would like to listen. We are grateful that we can accomplish worthwhile community projects, enjoy new, and lasting, friendships and have fun while learning. Happy stitching. Susan Driussi is a member of the Pincushion Quilt Guild.


What is a Pincushion Quilt Guild, you might ask. Well, we are a group of thirty women that meet at the Peachland Community Centre on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from September to June. Our mission statement is to promote and encourage interest in the art of quilting to the benefit of its members and the general public and, to provide a venue for our members to work together and provide opportunities for education in the art of quilting. We started planning our charity work in September. In November, we presented our Peachland Ambulance Service group

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halls at the 61st U.S. National Square Dance Convention in Spokane,Wash., were Eileen and Jim Buttenham of West Kelowna. See story on B7.




DANCERS CONVENE… Joining some of the 5,588 registered dancers in just one of the larger




The Central Okanagan’s newest school will be named after a pioneer in the local Chinese Canadian community. The Central Okanagan Board of Education has approved a plan to name the elementary school it wants to build on McDougall Road in the Rose Valley area of West Kelowna after Jok Mar, who once owned the land that the school will be built on. The plan to build the school is currently in the final stages and is awaiting final approval and funding from the B.C. Ministry of Education. School district secretary-treasurer Larry Paul said the name of the school will be Mar Jok Elementary, using the traditional Chinese presentation of a formal name that puts the family name first, then the given name. Paul said the $15 million school, which will have space for 450 kindergarten to Grade 6 students, would alleviate growing pressure on three other West Kelowna elementary schools—nearby Rose Valley and Hudson Road elementaries as well as Shannon Lake elementary. He said the board of education wants to have the school built in time for the 2014-15 school year. Jok Mar’s name was chosen for the new school because of his long history in the community helping others, both as a businessman and as a volunteer. According to the Okanagan Historical Society Jok Mar arrived in Canada from Canton, China to join his family at age of 11 in 1910. His father, who had worked on the railroad, opened a laundry in Revelstoke a short time later. Jok Mar graduated from school there and because he excelled in English, was frequently hired to translate in court cases involving Chinese immigrants. In 1927, he moved to Kelowna with his brother Fee, and opened the Star Cafe on Water Street. Three years later he built a first class restaurant called the Golden Pheasant at the corner of Ellis Street and Bernard Avenue, at what was then the edge of Kelowna’s Chinatown. The restaurant was popular with both the Chinese and non-Chinese community. During the depression years, he ran a soup kitchen after hours from the back door of the restaurant to help feed the

hungry. He became leader in the Chinese-Candian community, helped start the Chinese Cultural Society and was known as a man who never turned away anyone in need. Jok Mar loved children and passed on his own athletic and gymnastic knowledge by instructing the First Kelowna Boy Scout troop, a group he was instrumental in starting. He also sponsored a local basketball team. In the mid-1950s, Mar and his brother bought 365 acres of land on the west side of Okanagan Lake, land that would one day become part of the District of West Kelowna. While only 60 acres was suitable for farming, Mar loved the land and after he retired in 1968, turned his attention to farming full-time with his daughter May. At a party marking his retirement in 1968, then Kelowna mayor Dick Parkinson praised Mar for his many years of service to the community. He died in 1983 and at his memorial service, attended by many, he was remembered as a man who while deeply committed to the Chinese culture and traditions, but who was a also a proud Canadian. “He was a kind, generous and considerate person, a protective father and a man of high morals,” said well-known former Kelowna city councillor Ben Lee during the eulogy. The new school that will bear his name will, fittingly, be built on land that Mar once owned, said Paul. With a growing need for space at the elementary school level, the school district has identified the Westside as a key area of growth. The district, currently the fifth largest in B.C. has about 21,500 students but expects that to start gowning by 100 to 200 per year soon as youngster join the school system. Paul said there are currently eight portable classrooms is use at Rose Valley Elementary, four at Hudson Road and another two at Shannon Lake, despite the fact that school recently was expanded with an eight-classroom addition. “That’s 350 kids right there who could go to the new school,” said Paul. The district is currently putting together a report for the ministry of education to show exactly how much the school would cost so the ministry can approve funding.

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Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 B7


Fantasy camp gives participants chance to skate with NHL alumni The fifth annual NHL Hockey Greats Fantasy Camp is coming to Kelowna July 20 to 23 to benefit the Bourne Family & Friends Foundation. This yearly event brings the best NHL legends to Kelowna such as Dave Semenko, Theo Fluery, Bryan Trottier, Glenn Anderson, Bob Bourne and more to participate in the Hockey Greats Fantasy Camp, Celebrity Golf Tournament and fundraising dinner at Cabana Bar & Grille. NHL legend and fourtime Stanley Cup champion Bob Bourne, who now lives in West Kelowna, founded the NHL Hockey Greats Fantasy Camp and the Bourne Family & Friends Foundation. He is inspired by his son Jeff, who was born with Spina Bifida, Scoliosis, and Hydrocephalus to create a fundraising initiative that would shed light to those living


NHL LEGEND Bryan Trottier shown above during his playing days with the NewYork Islanders will be among the former players participating in the Hockey Greats Fantasy Camp in Kelowna on July 20 to 23. in un-adapted homes and raise funds to transition them into adapted living homes. All funds raised will go to local organizations like the Kelowna & District Society for Community Living. “This is a-once-in-alifetime opportunity for the avid hockey fan to come together with NHL legends for a relaxed weekend of hockey, golf, and mingling with some

Bob Bourne of the NHL’s past heroes,” said Bourne.

“For $3,500, guests can participate in all activities or they can choose to golf at our Celebrity Golf Tournament on July 23rd at Gallagher’s Canyon Golf & Country Club or join us at our fundraising dinner at Cabana Bar & Grille on Saturday, July 21.” A limited number of tickets are available for the celebrity golf tournament and dinner at Cabana Bar & Grille. Tickets are $250 for the celebrity golf tournament and $200 for the dinner at Cabana Bar & Grille. “The NHL Hockey Greats Fantasy Camp weekend is a definite hsaid said Bourne. “It is amazing to everyone come together while raising funds to provide better living conditions for so many. “Let’s help them recapture their independence and make their lives more livable.”

Music in the Park series to begin at Memorial Take in free concerts, and enjoy the exceptional talents of Okanagan artists at the first Music in the Park concert series in West Kelowna’s Memorial Park this summer. Performances take place every Friday, from 7 to 9 p.m., from July 6 through Aug. 31. Music lovers will enjoy a variety of genres including folk, pop, funk, and more! The headline act at the first Music in the Park event on July 6 will be the Duelling Pianos. The opening act will be Watasun. Each week a featured youth performer will also take the stage. Other headliners this summer will include: • Robert Fine and the Dreamland Band, July 13 • Daisy and the Sparrow, July 20 • Scissor Kick, July 27 • LP & the 45’s, Aug. 3 • Cod Gone Wild, Aug. 10 • Moni Funk and the Groove Machine, Aug. 17 • Shawn Hook, Aug. 24 • Jimmy Leguiloux, Aug. 31


Westsyde Squares attend U.S. convention Many members of the Westsyde Squares dance club of West Kelowna were counted in the 5,588 dancers registered at the 61st U.S. National Square Dance Convention in Spokane June 27 to 30. The four-day annual event moves around the U.S., so its proximity to B.C. this time presented an opportunity for our province’s dancers to go. While the convention was 99 per cent non-competitive, just for fun and learning, they’ve introduced a small competitive element. Named The Last Square Standing, it’s for those who want to see if they can square dance flawlessly and be the last team on the dance floor with that status. Several Westsyders enjoyed the opening day option of a picnic barbeque at Spokane’s Riverfront Park followed by a musical retrospective in the opera house covering the 1950s through ’80s, featuring the Victoria band The Timebenders. Club president Lynda Bjalek, of Kelowna, was impressed at how well everything was organized. The Spokane Con-

vention Centre was completely utilized over its full length from the opera house to the exhibit halls. Ten dance halls presented not only various programs of square dancing but also round dancing, clog dancing and contra dancing. There were also specialty halls for pre-teens and teens and handicapable dancers. In addition, clinics and workshops helped the dancers either learn a new dance form or brush up on what they currently enjoy. Westsyde dancer Brian Elmer, attended many

of the educational panels and seminars while his wife, Rosalyn Garnett, enjoyed the sewing seminars and the big fashion show. Dustin McGifford, Westsyde Squares’ 20year-old caller attending fall/winter sessions at Okanagan College in Kelowna, was on the program as well as the club’s round dance cuer, Regine Anderson of Penticton. Everyone pays their way to a U.S. National and that includes the professional-level square dance callers who make a living from entertaining. Many such callers

were in attendance to the delight of the dancers. If you’d like to join the fun and laughter on the square dance floor, perhaps even with a goal of attending the National Convention in Oklahoma next year, the Westsyde Squares club is presenting three free new dancer sessions in September to try it out. Mark your calendar starting Thursday, Sept. 6, when the three Monday and Thursday evening sessions come to the Westbank United Church Hall. Come as you are; no


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previous dance experience needed. Young McGifford will instruct. Call 250-7690927 or email ronnjan@

Part of the community connection will happen through Facebook. Join the conversation through the Facebook link on the District of West Kelowna homepage at Music in the Park will also be featured under Events & Meetings on the District of West Kelowna homepage throughout the summer. The District of West Kelowna would like to thank the supporters of the inaugural Music in the Park program led by the premier event sponsor, the Central Okanagan Foundation, and other corpo-

rate sponsors BC Hydro, Interior Savings, SPL Sound, Tourism BC and, Valley First Credit Union. Now you can use the Internet to add your own non-profit event to the Capital News Stuff to Do. Simply go to, look for the calendar and click on Add Event.


Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


High school choir part of choral festival in Ottawa Alistair Waters ASSISTANT EDITOR

The national Canada Day celebrations in Ottawa this year had an Okanagan presence as a high school choir from Mount Boucherie Secondary represented B.C. at a prestigious choral festival held last weekend at the National Arts Centre. The 25-member strong Mount Boucherie Chamber choir, made up of Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, was participating in the 16th annual Unisong Choral Festival with choirs from across the country. The local choir was invited to participate by organizers of Unisong and is believed to be the first choir from outside of the Lower Mainland invited to represent the province at the festival. Despite the hard work preparing, the months of fundraising and a schedule that saw the students rehearsing two to three times a day while in Ottawa, choir teacher Kim Kleineberg said it was all

worth it. “It was amazing,� she said. “When they were up there singing as part of a 400-voice massed choir with the National Arts Centre orchestra, I was just falling apart. It was beautiful.� In addition to singing as part of the massed choir, the students also had the limelight to themselves on several occasions, including a recital in the rotunda of the House of Commons, on stage at the NAC earlier on Sunday, prior to the night-time concert that also featured well-known Maritime fiddler Natalie McMaster and noted Canadian classical pianist Alain Lefevbre. “The acoustics (in the House of Commons) are incredible,� said Kleineberg. The students also sang outside the National Arts Centre, drawing attention from many passers-by. “People would just stop, walk over to listen and others would stop their bikes, hop off and listen,� she said. The massed choir fea-

tured at the Canada Day evening concert was led by guest conductor Elroy Frisen, a music instructor at the University of Manitoba. But Kleineberg said it was not all work for her students. In addition to the rehearsals, recitals and concert performances in front of a packed house at the NAC, the students got to see several sights in the nation’s capital, including the House of Commons, the Museum of Nature, and a trip across the Ottawa River to nearby Hull, Quebec, as well as watching the Canada Day fireworks display on Parliament Hill that brought the festivities in Ottawa to a close. But it was the music that brought the choirs together and Kleineberg described the repertoire and the organization of the event as “incredible.� The Unisong event takes place during the national Canada Day celebrations each year and choirs representing each province are invited to



MOUNT BOUCHERIE Chamber Choir members joined singers of all ages from across the country on the weekend at the 16th annual Unisong Choral Festival in Ottawa. The Sunday evening concert was part of the national Canada Day celebrations and took place at the National Arts Centre. take part. It’s billed as an event that brings Canadians together through song. Despite singing a raft of Canadian works with little time to prepare, Kleineberg said her sing-

ers carried it off beautifully and she was very proud of them, especially given that they had travelled the greatest distance to participate. “It’s not the greatest timing for a teacher

(given it occurred right at the end of the school year when marks are due and reports need to written) but I would do it again in a heart-beat,� she said. As for the students, she said while they were

kept busy throughout their visit, they also seemed to enjoy the experience. “With all the history in Ottawa, the French and English culture, it felt like being in another country,� she said.

New principal for aboriginal education program Joanne De Guevara is the new principal of aboriginal education in the Central Okanagan School District. De Guevara is presently the principal at Sensisyusten Elementary School operated by the Westbank First Nation.

She has been working in aboriginal education for the past nine years with Sensisyusten School and the WFN as both a teacher and principal. In March 2008, she received the Premier’s Teaching Award of Excellence for outstanding edu-

cational leadership. De Guevara and her family have been living on the WFN Reserve for 21 years and she is closely connected to the community. She looks forward to continuing her passion and journey in helping all

aboriginal students attain success in the classroom. “It is with honour that I will be working with the Central Okanagan School District in the capacity of principal of the Aboriginal Education Program. Way’ Limlemt. Thank you,� De Guevara said.

Glass recycling depot opens in Peachland


9/5 =;H >I CN

Recycling in Peachland has become much easier. A new glass recycling depot has opened this week at the Public Works Yard on Princeton Avenue.

The new depot gives residents a location within the community to dispose of excess glass recyclables over and above the service provided by the recycling facility on Asquith Road in West Kelowna

and the Boucherie Bottle Depot on Kyle Road in West Kelowna. The depot operates five days a week. The glass recycling collection bin is set up at the municipal public works yard,

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5379 Princeton Ave., and os open from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Glass is being collected in a separate bin at the depot so that broken glass doesn’t contaminate the other materials collected in your curbside recycling cart, or injure workers. Glass should be clean (rinsed and empty) before taking it to the depot. The glass depot will accept all glass jars and bottles, but no windows, mirrors, cookware or other non-glass recyclables. For more information on this project visit, or call the Regional Waste Reduction office at 250-469-6250.

News from your community Capital News

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 B9


Personal injury client tips: Be honest, try to get better I

sometimes wonder if those consulting with me are disappointed by the straightforward legal advice that I give them. Some seem to be looking for clever tactical pointers. Certainly, a personal injury lawyer must have a few tricks up his or her sleeve, right? We have heard the stern warnings some lawyers give when advertising their services, as if a personal injury claim is a high stakes poker game and you need an expert wheeler-dealer to help


Paul Hergott play your hand. I will erupt with legal advice if you get me going. Heck, I’ve been writing this weekly column for 5 1/2 years now and I don’t feel I’m coming close to running out of advice. Imagine the verbal barrage you would be in-

undated with if you got me on the phone! You will not be coached on trickery, though. My key advice— and I expect that it is the key advice that most experienced personal injury lawyers would offer— boils down to two basic points. If you were raised right, they’re easy to follow. The most important is to be honest. Complete honesty, every step of the way of a personal injury claim, whether dealing with your doctor, employer, and even the insurance company processing

your claim, is absolutely essential. The other is to try your best. Try your best to get better, to get back to work, and to get back to as normal a life as you can live. Review my archive and you will find that these two points are threads that regularly weave through my columns. Please be reassured that my lack of tactical

So participants will need to prioritize what elements they’d like to see in each park in order to stay within the municipality’s available budget. West Kelowna is planning improvements to the aging Springer Park as part of ongoing efforts to revitalize the Westbank Centre. In keeping with the new Waterfront Plan, adopted in October, Paddlewheeler Park on Pritchard Drive and Osprey Park on Green Bay Road are being upgraded this year. Both parks are currently undeveloped lake accesses.

smoke and mirrors trickery. That information and advice is offered as a shield, to protect you from the unfair tactics of an insurance company, not to give you a tactical advantage. It all stems back to my very first column published Jan. 7, 2007, titled It’s Not About Screwing the Insurance Company. The very best result personal injury victims

can hope for, and quite frankly this is what they consistently ask for, is a fair result, no more and no less. This column is intended to provide general information about injury claims .It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.

EVEREST RESTAURANT Indian & Nepalese Cuisine

Help design parks improvements West Kelowna residents are being asked to participate in a unique online survey that will allow them to select design elements for three park improvements that the district will complete later this year. The survey is available via a link on municipality’s homepage at under Events & Meetings. The public has the opportunity to select from a list of proposed amenities for each park; but, there’s a catch. Each item has a price associated with it.

wizardry is not a deficiency resulting from my Saskatchewan farm boy roots. It is tried and true. Interesting how following those two points also seems to be effective for life in general. There is definitely some very important information and advice that every innocent victim of a crash needs to hear, but you will be disappointed if you are looking for





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Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News

Your community. Your classifieds.



Coming Events



In Memoriam

ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.


Childcare Available

SEEKING BETTY! On May 5, Betty left Vancouver for Manchester on Air Transit Flight TS254. We were seated in the club seat section & I was seated next to her. She was visiting friends in Britain and then they were going on a tour of France. She lives in Kelowna & we are both seniors. If you recognize Betty please call her and give her this message. Please call Ron at 250-9967505

AFTER School Childcare. Cozy:) Pick Up.D.W.E + A.M.E 250-764-6109or 250-470-1449

DONNA Marie Ryce - July 6, 2011. I miss you so-o-o-o-o much. Love, Lynda



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DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.

COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.




While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

day Happy BirthJean Manning *(nee) Pederson -XO\ UG

Gonna Be N To Be 50!ifty /RYH




GORDON, COLLEEN M. Died on Sunday, July 1, 2012 at the age of 79. She is survived by her daughters Kathleen (Tom) Escovar of Bellingham, WA, Joanne (Robert) Heslop of Burnaby, BC, son Robert Gordon (Barry Hofley) of Summerland, BC, two grandchildren Christina and Katelyn Heslop, brothers Terry (Elizabeth) Harnett of Horsley, NSW, Australia, Brian (Mary) Harnett of Penrith, NSW, Australia, sister Maureen (Kevin) Collins of Sydney, NSW, Australia, and numerous nieces and nephews. Sadly predeceased by her husband Charles Athol Gordon and her daughter Margaret Currie. Funeral service will be held on Friday, July 6, 2012 at 11:00 am at Holy Child Roman Catholic Church in Summerland, Rosedale Ave and Quinpool Rd, with Father Ferdinan Nalitan officiating. Cremation to follow. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society: 202-1835 Gordon Drive, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 3H5. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.

“Memories made to last”

Toll Free: 1-800-665-4143 (BC)

15818 Industrial Ave. Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6

Lost & Found FOUND Black & white male cat white paws/chin/chest, reddish fur on back, yellow eyes. nr. Ford Rd. Rutland, call 250765-0616 FOUND: Hat in City Park. Call to identify: 250-769-7633 FOUND small tan cat w/dark stripe. Extremely friendly, black collar w/jewels/pawprints. Shasta Trailer Park in the Mission. Call (250)7657795 or 250-767-6590

AT TIGGER & ME Too Daycare: Spots available for 21/2 5 yr olds & After school care. Rutland Area. Call (250)-7654900 Looking for Early Childhood Educator to start July 16th FT. Must have ECE certificate & First Aid. (250)-878-8444


PARKER (STABLER) ELIZABETH DOREENE (nee ROSE) April 13, 1924 - June 17, 2012 Celebration Of Life for Elizabeth will be held on July 7th, 2012 at 10am at the Salvation Army, 1480 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna. Elizabeth was loved by her family and friends. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Hospice House at 104-1456 St. Pauls St., Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 2E6




Peacefully, on June 29th, 2012, at her much-loved home, and in the company of family and friends, Tammy Jean Henry (nee Wallace) ended her years-long and valiant battle with breast cancer. Her fortitude and unwavering sense of humour throughout her journey was an inspiration to all those whose lives she touched. She will be deeply missed by her devoted husband Dean, of Lake Country, BC, sisters Dale Wallace of Oshawa, ON, Louise (Jean) Bourque of Sherbrooke, PQ, and Cheryl (Terry) Armstrong of Pickering, ON. She will also be lovingly remembered by nieces Jennifer Armstrong and Megan Armstrong and nephew Nathan Armstrong. Also mourning her loss is her constant canine companion, Radar. Tammy was predeceased by her mother, Glenna Van Allen and her stepfather Robert Van Allen. Tammy was most recently an instructor at Focus Training Institute in Kelowna. She will be missed dearly by her friends there and across the country. Tammy was cared for in Calgary, Lake Country, Vernon and Kelowna from scores of practitioners too numerous to mention. The love and attention she received was incredible and the family is forever appreciative of the kindness and compassion exhibited by her team of professionals. A celebration of Tammy’s life was held on July 4th at her favourite place in the world – her home. In memory of Tammy, donations may be made to the BC Cancer Center for the Southern Interior or to the Tom Baker Cancer Center in Calgary. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.

Space available for 2 years or older. Available August 7. Large home w/bright, clean & spacious play area, crafts, outdoor play time & planned activities in a fun & loving environment. Call Kristi: 250-769-7902

FOUND, Sm. Parrot in Peachland area, please call to I.D. Parrot Island 250-767-9030




ROBINSON, DOUGLAS 1935 ~ 2012 Doug passed away on June 27, 2012 after a lengthy illness. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife Meryal; and daughters, Sheila (Greg), Debbie. He also leaves 2 sons and 9 grandchildren, and was predeceased by one bother and one sister. Doug was a very talented man; he was known for his beautiful carpentry and carving. There will be no service at Doug’s request, in lieu of flowers donations in his memory may be made to the S.P.C.A. 3785 Casorso Road Kelowna, BC. V1W 4M7. Arrangements entrusted to Valleyview Funeral Home, Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial 250-765-3147 Condolences may be made to the family by visiting

BUEHLER, ANITA Passed away after a courageous battle with cancer on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at the age of 58. Survived by her loving family, two daughters: Janelle Buehler (Jason), Jenna Buehler (Thomas); son Dustyn Buehler; her father Jack Thirkettle; brother Doug Thirkettle (Alda) of Prince George, BC and numerous nieces, nephews and extended family. Sadly predeceased by her husband Chris and mother Audrey. Anita was full of love and life and she was very quick witted. Her story telling had the rare ability to both enthrall and amuse. She was a very devoted, giving and loving mother and friend. Many who had the honor and privilege of her friendship will miss her. Those wishing to pay your last respects may do so on Wednesday, July 4th from 7:00 – 8:00 pm at Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, BC. A celebration of Anita’s life will be held on Thursday, July 5th at 10:00 am at the Oyama Community Hall, 15710 Oyama Road, Oyama, with refreshments to follow. It was Anita’s wish that everyone wear white or lighter colored clothing to her service. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-7077.

KOLISNYK, STEPHEN It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Stephen Kolisnyk on Sunday, July 1, 2012 at Kelowna General Hospital at the age of 95. Steve was born on January 9, 1917 in Sclater, Manitoba to Jacob and Mary (nee Hlady) Kolisnyk. Steve is survived by his wife of 72 years, Victoria, daughter Stella (Rowbotham), sons Victor (Lauretta) and Edward (Roseanne), 8 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews and extended family. He was predeceased by his parents Jacob and Mary; sisters Annie (Pacholuk), Jessie (Harasymow), Nancy and Nellie; brothers Michael and John; and son-in-law Allan Rowbotham. Prayers will be offered on Friday, July 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Springfield Funeral Home, 2020 Springfield Road, Kelowna, B.C. Funeral of Divine Liturgy will be held on Saturday, July 7, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the Ukrainian Catholic Church at 1091 Coronation Ave., Kelowna, B.C. with Father Andriy Werbowy officiating. Interment following at the Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery. Pallbearers – James Kolisnyk, David Rowbotham, Jeffrey Kolisnyk, Christopher Kolisnyk, Bradley Rowbotham and Alexander Horner. In lieu of flowers, those wishing to remember Steve may honour his memory by making donations to the B.C. Heart and Stroke Foundation, #4-1551 Sutherland Avenue , Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 9M9 or online at Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-7077.

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012



WATSON, STEVE (YAKIMISHYN) Steve passed away June 29, 2012 in Kelowna, B.C. Steve was born on July 25, 1923 in Lavoy (Plain Lake) Alberta, the eldest child of Joseph and Mary Yakimishyn. He is survived by his daughter Judy and husband Denis Ringuette, grandchildren Danielle and Paul Ringuette; his daughter Lynn and husband Willie Perez, grandchildren Justine and Allison Mellor, and Andreas Perez. Also survived by his sister Sandra and husband Val Osinchuk, his brother Frank, Mike and wife Joan, Louis and wife Shirley, Sam and wife Deanna, John and wife Lil, many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents, sister Kasandra and her husband Danie Cerman, his brothers Paul, Peter, Victor and Victor’s wife Lillian. There will be no service by Steve’s request. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-6440

GILLIES , MARY ELIZABETH (BETTY) April 4, 1919 - June 28, 2012 An adventurous and young spirited “Lady”, raised in Vancouver, served with the RCAF in WW2, married in Whitehorse, Yukon. She raised her family in Dawson Creek, moved to Kelowna in 1978 until her passing. Predeceased by her 3 sisters and husband Glenn Gillies. Betty traveled the world having great adventures. Survived by her 3 sons Jack W. Gillies of Dease Lake, BC, Wayne H. Gillies of Fort St. John, BC, and Malcolm G. Gillies of Innisfail, AB, Daughter in-law Karen Gillies of Innisfail AB, three grand children, Glenn, Jesse and Hanna Gillies of Innisfail, her pride and joys. An inspiring, caring lady who touched many lives with her dedication, strength and happy sense of being. A remarkable journey of life she will continue to inspire those who knew her well, to always try to do their best. Memorial service was held on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 Saint Paul’s United Church 1:00 pm. Expressions of sympathy may be made to The Heart & Stroke Foundation.

COULDWELL, JANE Passed away on Friday, June 29, 2012 at the age of 87. Survived by her loving husband George of 65 years; four daughters: Pamela MacKenzie (Paul) of Kelowna, Margo Couldwell (Sheila Denysiuk) of Saskatoon, Sheila Froggatt (Jim) of Edson, AB, Katherine Kirkup (Thomas) of Okotoks, AB; two grandchildren: Ryan (Kristine) and Laura; two great grandchildren: Solenne and Mac; brother Bill Prentice (Betty) of Vancouver; sister Betty Bennett (Ken) of Winfield and numerous nieces and nephews. Sadly predeceased by grandson Todd Kirkup. Jane was born July 11, 1924 in Camrose Alberta. She graduated from North Battleford Collegiate in 1940 and attended one year at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Upon returning to Canada, Jane met George in Edmonton and after a year of courtship married on August 30, 1947. Jane and George raised their four daughters in Prince Albert and Regina. Jane was an active member of the IODE and the CWL (Catholic Women’s League). She was an avid and excellent bridge player and enjoyed many sports including hiking, tennis and skiing. Jane was most passionate about golf earning three holes in one and holding the captaincy of the women’s clubs in both Prince Albert and Regina. Jane was a lifelong learner, attending classes at the University of Regina. Jane and George enjoyed worldwide travel and spent 15 winters in Arizona. They loved to include their grandchildren on special trips to Disneyland. Jane was a loving caring and compassionate mother and spouse. A service to Celebrate Jane’s life will be held Thursday, July 5th at 1pm at St. Pius X Church, 1077 Fuller Avenue, Kelowna. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Salvation Army. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting 250-860-7077.

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools B11






Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

LOWER Mission coffee bar for sale. Moving must sell. Only $16,000 down. Ask about free rent until 2013. 778-753-3735

21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:


P/T or F/T

Magazine Publishing Business For Fun Energetic Entrepreneurs! Exclusive Protected License. We Teach You & Provide Content!

• • •

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627

Toll Free 1-855-406-1253 ‘BUSINESS LOANS’ Can’t get the attention of your banker? For a new start up or expansion loans, contact Community Futures Developement Corp. Dave Scott, Loan Manager, 250-868-2132 ext 227 EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to operate a Mini-Office Outlet from home. Free online training, flexible hours, great income,


Information Choosing a Daycare or Preschool Advertise your Daycare spaces available here the 1st Tuesday of every month in the Kelowna Capital News and reach 50,000 homes each edition.

2,500+/mo to start!

Students Welcome.

250-860-3590 2% Realty is expanding to the Okanagan and we are looking for Realtors to join our team! 85/15% commission structure.. 2% realtors are currently averaging $120,000+/year. Stand out in the real estate market. Work with a fun, energetic team. Send your resume to: D a v i d l @ 2 p e r c e n t r e a l t y. c a

Contact Michelle Phone 250-763-7114

Childcare Available

Ages 1-8

Farm Workers

Phone: 250-808-4429 | Email:

FARM Workers needed, FT/PT, $10.25/hr. Call 250863-6801, 250-765-0722 Kelowna, BC. G&U Orchard Apple Pickers for September 1st. 2711 Lakha Rd. $10.25hr 250-491-9608

Help Wanted EXP’D. Residential PT/FT cleaners, vehical req’d, 250491-8177 Pls. leave message.

Senior Executive Long Term Care Director

Golden Life Management, the Kootenays’ largest seniors care provider, is looking to hire a high caliber, dedicated and energetic individual for the position of Senior Executive - Long Term Care Director for its flagship location Joseph Creek Village.

Key Responsibilities Facilitates the development of community relation strategies Monitors departmental budgets and oversees site managers Provide leadership for Human Resources Monitors quarterly and annual

A BUSINESS BOOMING Our expanding Kelowna company needs TEAM players for F/T work. NO experience necessary. Great opportunity for those willing to grow with our company. $

$99 per issue + HST Full color.

Childcare Available

ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! call 250-979-4357 to set up your FREE consultation in Kelowna. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 31 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. #200-1628 Dickson Avenue. Kelowna, BC V1Y 9X1

reports Supports department management Oversees the development, implementation and evaluation of housing/ care communication plans. Monitors and leads the campus marketing plan

How to Apply Interested applicants are asked to view our website at to find out more about this position and send in a resume to the following email address.

Golden Life Management Ph: (250) 489-0667 Email:

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

ATTENTION ROOFERS! Come work with the industry leader in roofing and exteriors. We are a Calgary based Company looking to hire skilled, professional roofers with foreman experience who are seeking year round employment. Must have 5 years of experience in steep sloped roofing, valid driver’s licence, vehicle and tools. $27 $32 per hour depending on experience with potential benefits. Subcontract crews also welcome to apply. Must have all of the above and current WCB coverage. Please call 403-366-3770 Ext. 258 or email Epic Roofing & Exteriors has been in business since 2001.


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Exper’d, Mature, P/T Sales Person Required in taxi industry in Kelowna area. Contact or Fax: 250-491-5278

EXPERIENCED Landscape Maintenance Workers required immediately. Commercial lawn care, equipment experience & crew management an asset. Valid drivers licence, reliable vehicle req’d. Email resume to r $15-$22/hr.

GENERAL VINEYARD LABOURERS Gray Monk Cellars Ltd. is seeking temporary vineyard labourers, in Lake Country and surrounding area, to start work September 17, 2012. Candidates must be willing to work outdoors and in all seasonal conditions. On the job training is provided, duties include picking, processing, grounds and vineyard maintenance. Starting wage $10.25/hour, approx 40-50 hours per week. Please fax resume to 250-766-3390 or email We thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.

JOB FAIR - PRODUCTION WORKER Location: 880 Vaughan Ave, Kelowna Date/Time: Wed July 4 8am12pm Okanagan Tree Fruit Coop looking for Production Workers. Shift work, including evenings/wkds; steel toed boots required. Interviews conducted on site. Crim check required.

JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! No experience necessary, we will train. Must be 18+yrs. of age. Students Welcome. 250-8603590

LYONS Landscaping Ltd. Is seeking a Full Time Professional Hardscaper Responsibilities include project management and quality control of projects. Minimum 3 years experience constructing retaining walls and paving stone installations. Valid drivers licence, strong work ethic. Attention to detail a must have. Benefits and possibility of year round employment to right individual. Benefits available and wage negotiable depending on experience. Email applications to:

PEACHLAND Liquor Store is looking PT help to work a variety of shifts, prev. liquor store exp. is an asset, potential for FT employment. Must Have “Serving it Right”. Please apply in person, Hwy 97, Peachland Centre Mall

Benson Law LLP is currently looking for full-time legal assistants with at least 3 years experience in the area of litigation and family law. If you would like to be part of our team, please send your resume and covering letter, in CONFIDENCE to Joy Ziehe at Benson Law LLP, via fax: (250) 491-0266 or email:

SRI Homes - Production Work Factory Builder looking for employees in all aspects of construction. Healthy, energetic & able to learn. Full time. Fax resumes to(250) 766-0599 or in person at 9500 Jim Bailey Road, Kelowna (Lake Country). CHEF’S Edge requires a retail sales professional to join our great team. This is a part time position, including weekends. No evenings. Apply with resume to 2445 Highway 97 N, Kelowna

HOST families wanted for Japanese youth. Renumeration offered. 250-868-4827

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

Home Stay Families

Become a Psychiatric Nurse in your own community There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN), particularly outside the urban areas of the province. And with the workforce aging – the average age of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in BC is 47 years – the number of retirees from the profession is exceeding the number of graduates. Entry-level earnings start at $30.79/hour to $40.42/hour. Train Locally – The only program of its kind in BC, students can learn within their local communities via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements, and some regional classroom delivery. This 23 month program is accredited by the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC (CRPNBC). Government student loans, Employment & Labour Market Services (ELMS), band funding & other financing options available to qualified applicants.

Toll Free:



Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News








Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services

Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

Cleaning Services


Tree Services

Big E’s Bar & Grill in Peachland BC. Requires Line Cook, 2-3 yrs exp. Wages $12.70$14.00/hr. FT position. Shifts include evening & weekends. Duties include food prep, line cooking & cleaning. Please apply to Susan or Mike Hwy 97 Peachland Center Mall.or Fax (250)-767-1968

THE Mediterranean Bakery is hiring a Mediterranean Chef contact Adel @ 778-753-4333 YAMATO Restaurant, West Kelowna. 2 Ethnic Food Cooks FT perm. 40hrs/wk $15/hr. 2-3 Yrs Exp., in Asian Style Cooking Resume to: 2575 Hwy 97N

Armstrong Collision is accepting resumes for Journeyman Autobody Technicians or 2nd & 3rd year apprentices for immediate employment. Phone 250-546-3300 or resumes can be sent to fax: 250546-3376 or email:

WEEKLY, Bi-weekly, organizing, elderly welcome, reliable & flexible, Call 250-448-1786 WILL Do All Types of Cleaning, Experienced. $18/hour. Call (778)-753-3326

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Civil Engineering Technologist II District of Kitimat, full time permanent - wage $36.11 $43.69, over 2 years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Reporting to the Technical Services Manager, duties include a variety of infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D, and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s licence required. Submit resumes by July 25, 2012, 4:30pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax: (250) 632-4995, or email HIRING ironworkers and welders immediately. Please email resume to: Stucco Applicator with own tools & transportation. Should know how to apply sand & cement. Call (250)-215-4747 STUCCO Labourer. With Own transportation. Dependable. Call (250)-215-4747 WELL Established Glass Company looking for experienced installer of vinyl windows, aluminum patio covers & sun rooms. Should have some carpentry experience. 250-717-7530 or 763-1600

#1 STOP FOR ROCKS. Please call 250-862-0862 ASPEN Landscaping. Retaining walls, Patios, Irrigation, etc. 250-317-7773 Branford Pruning & Small Tree Service. An eye for detail. Call Curtis: 250-469-0684 FULL landscaping, rock walls, soil screening. Tremblay’s Excavating. 250-979-8033 Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery. Topsoil, Ogo Grow, Bark Mulch, Sand. Visa, Debit Mastercard. 250-870-1138

1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing bracing, trimming, pruning, sculpturing & removing of hedges & trees. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Dave (250)-212-1716 JAN Dutch Tree Service. Dangerous tree removal, stump grinding, 60’ Boom Truck, fully insured, WCB coverage, free est., 250-826-3638 ROB’S Tree Care Ltd For all your tree care needs. Ins. & Cert. WCB. 250-212-8656

Exp’d Band-saw Sawyer required for Polson Band Mill 250-317-2807, 250-765-7479

Help Wanted

Golden Life Management, the Kootenays’ largest seniors care provider, is looking to hire high caliber, dedicated and energetic individuals for the following positions at its newest Campus of Care in Grand Forks: Silver Kettle Village.

Director of Care Key Responsibilities • Leadership: promotes a healthy workplace, ethical decision making care, implemetation of policy and protocols • Promotes ongoing professional development of self and others • Manages time, human and financial

• •

resources Supervising responsibilities of others Leads, coordinates and liaisons with interdisciplinary team members to ensure comprehensive care delivery for residents Integrates best practice guidelines

Recreational Therapist Key Responsibilities • Develops therapeutic programs in accordance to resident needs • Participates as a member of the interdisciplinary team • Facilitates, encourages, and supports residents to participate in activities and therapeutic programs • Provides directions for volunteers

• • • •

Maintains inventory of equipment, tools, and materials Participates in Community, Family and Resident Councils Respects and promotes dignity and individuality of each resident Demonstrates progressive and innovative activity programming

How to Apply Interested applicants are asked to view our website at to find out more about these positions and send in a resume to the following email address.

Golden Life Management Ph: (250) 489-0667 Email:

Services Mind Body Spirit #1 for a reason. Paradise Massage. Where men come to relax. 778-477-5050 Kelowna AFFORDABLE, Excellent F/B Massage. New! Neuro-Activating Touch. Linda 862-3929. ALWAYS AMAZING Bodysage, convenient, private, studio, 778-484-1582 AROMATHERAPY/SHIATSU A soothing touch. 8am-9pm. (250)-768-8999 ASIAN Massage. Lovely, Peaceful Setting, $60/hr. Call (250)-317-3575 BLISS Massage 4 your every need. 10 yrs exp. men only . Call 4 appt. 250-215-7755 MAGIC HANDS! Full body relaxation. Lessons & prostate massage avail. Ladies & Men. 20 yrs. exp. 250-801-8079 THAI Massage. Totally relax & energize your body & mind. Open 7 days/wk 250-801-7188 ✸TOTAL ZEN MASSAGE✸ Relaxation to the Fullest. Mens/Ladies (250)-869-5116

Holistic Health CASE Studies needed. Our students are ready for: Mani. or Pedi $20/ea., Reflexology $29., Massage $29. 868-3114

Financial Services GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. REDUCE DEBT by up to 70% Avoid bankruptcy. Free consultation. BBB accredited.

Legal Services

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1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Carpentry/ Woodwork DAVE Woolmer’s Carpentry, decks, windows, doors, finishing, 40yrs. exp. 250-870-1105

Cleaning Services 360º Clean Premium Quality, Professional & Reliable. Making U House Proud. 215-1073 SHOW Home Cleaning. Let us shine for you. Residential/ Commercial, office/ construction. Bonded & insured. Call 250-212-6101

Computer Services 12/7 A MOBILE COMPUTER TECH. Certified computer technician, virus removal, repairs, upgrades. Let me come to you. (250)-717-6520.

Contractors DCR Cont., Nw. const., addons, reno’s, patios, concrete drives, decks, steps, 862-1746 KSK Framing & Foundations. Quality workmanship at reas rates. Free est 250-979-8948

Countertops REFACE Countertops. 1/2 the Cost of Replacing. Granite & Corian Designs. 470-2235.

Drafting & Design Design & Draw all kinds of buildings., Phone: 250-718-0264

Drywall J&C Drywall, + Sm. reno’s., Tbar, taping, tex. ceilings, free est., ref’s avail., 778-821-1850 PESL DRYWALL Service Inc. Renovations, new construction and repairs. Boarding, taping, textured ceilings. Call Tomas at 250-212-4483 or 860-3495. Small Repairs/Reno’s. Drywall, Framing, Painting, Fin’d Carpentry etc. Ken, 250-212-9588

Electrical ALAN Dignam Electric. Resid/ Comm. Service calls, Reno’s, Upgrades. lic’d, bonded & Insured. Alan 250-808-6595 A&S ELECTRIC. Resid/Comm Wiring. New constr, renov. & service changes. lic’d & bonded. Steve 864-2099 (cont #90929)

Garage Door Services GARAGE Doors- install, service, repair all makes of doors & openers. 250-878-2911

Garden & Lawn 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1All Exterior Hedge & Tree Specialist. Downsizing bracing, trimming, pruning, sculpturing & removing of hedges & trees. Fully Insured.Free Estimates. Dave (250)-212-1716 1-1-1 Aerating; mowing; yard maintenance; hedge, shrub & tree care; Phone: 250-869-5349 AAA Lawn & Garden, Specializing in irrigation, landscaping, grass cutting, yard maintenance, excavation. Father & Son 250-212-5320 Ace of Spades. Tree, hedge & shrub pruning & Rototilling. 250-878-1315, 250-765-7825 CUT & Chuck Landscaping. Spring Clean Up, Aeration & Power Raking. (250)212-2692 CUT & Chuck Landscaping. Yard Clean Up, Aeration & Power Raking. (250)212-2692 Don’t call anyone about Lawn cutting, yard clean-ups, or pruning until you speak with us! Serving Kelowna & Area for over 7yrs. Ryan, 250-4691288. LITZ LAWN CARE, weekly mowing, fertilizing, pwr. raking, hedge trimming & gen. yrd. clean-ups. Free Est. 764-6404 TAM’S Gardening. Clean-ups/ Maint. Planting, weeding, pruning & more. 250-575-3750

Gutters & Downspouts KELOWNA GUTTER Cleaning and repairs, re-slope gutters,etc Richard 250-718-6718

Handypersons A-Z HANDYMAN, domestic wizard, furniture assembly, all repairs & reno’s.250-859-4486

Machining & Metal Work

Trucking/ Bull Dozing

GET BENT Metal Fab, fences, gates, railings, security bars,

TNT TRUCKING. No load too small. Junk removal, sand, gravel, etc. (250)862-0821 (250)765-2778.

Masonry & Brickwork

Pets & Livestock

GIL’S Masonry, Over 30 years experience, Quality gauranteed. Call Gil 250-862-2266

Moving & Storage AAA Best Rates Moving $59+. FLAT Rates long dist. Weekly trips BC/AB. 250-861-3400 DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, also Fifth Wheel moving. 250-2150147 or 250-766-1282 FAMILY Movers. Moving? Anything, anywhere. Local and long distance trips. Packing service available, weekly trips to Vancouver, Alberta, full and partial loads. Cheapest rates in the valley. Free Estimates, 250-493-2687 JOE’S MOVING.reasble rates fully equip’d trucks, local-long dist, no job too small470-8194 MOVING, Recycling, Disposal & Delivery, any size move. Anything goes. 250-808-8818 NORTH END Moving Service Local/Long Distance. Free Estimates 250-470-9498

Painting & Decorating A-TECH SERVICES (1) 250-899-3163 WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

DALE’S PAINTING Service. Painting Kelowna a better place since 1982. 862-9333

Plumbing BAYSIDE Plumbing & Gas Fitting Service. H/W tanks. Qualified & Reliable. 250-317-2279 DREGER MECH. Plumbing, Gasfitting, comm/res & reno, ins’d, 24hr. Call 250-575-5878.

Pressure Washing OKANAGAN Pressure Washing. Commercial/Residential. Fully insured. 14 years exp. Call Dave at 250-863-0306

Roofing & Skylights GERMAN MASTER ROOFER. Over 30yrs exp. on all kinds of roofs. New Reroof & Repair. Free estimate. Call Steffen, 250-863-8224 Master & Visa Welcome RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free estimates, ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’ 250765-3191. WILDERNESS Custom Exteriors Ltd. Roofing Special. Best price in town. 250-215-8201

Rubbish Removal ED-SON’S 1 Ton Dump Truck. “Anything you can’t haul, give me a call”!(250)-718-1595

Sundecks #1 WELLERMADE. Additions, Reno’s, Sun-decks, Basement Suites,etc. 878-6967,870-6011 LAKESIDE Deck & Rail, vinyl & composite decks, aluminum picket & glass rails, 826-0625

Kitchen Cabinets


MARYANNE’S Kitchen Designs. Dealer for kitchen craft, Merit & Leelynn.250-317-7523

TILE Setter. Artistic Ceramics. Custom tile setting. Call 250870-1009


Horses for sale & Stallion service for Appaloosa, Paint & Quarter horse, 250-499-5397

Feed & Hay

HAY FOR SALE; Grass or Grass Alfalfa mix, Round bales $70 each, approx. 800lbs. Large square bales, 3x3x8, $160/ton. Delivery avail. on larger orders. 250838-6630

Hauling ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition.


Australian Shepherd black-tri male & female puppies, ready July 9, 1st shots, vet checked, $450 each, (250)499-5397, email: BEAUTIFUL bouncy cute male chihuahua, 8 wks, ready to go! 768-8526 & 869-2715 Bichon-Shih-tzu pups, great disposition, litter trained, 1st shots, dewormed, available immediately. For more information call. 1 (250)832-4923 PET Grooming NOW Open at Bone Appetit in Glenmore, 111-1940 Kane Rd. 862-2663

Merchandise for Sale

$100 & Under

50 Used Golf Balls, Good Condition, $8. Call 250-9797642 BABY Stroller, Excellent Condition, Preggo, $15. Call 250979-7642 BBQ, Table top, propane, just like new, $75.00 250-8602185 CHEST of Drawers (4), good condition, $35 OBO. Call 250861-3646 DOUBLE Quilt with shams. Blue/white patchwork. $20 (250)860-7602 FLOOR lamp- solid brass. Tri switch $25 (250)860-7602 G.E. white microwave turntable oven. 800 watts. $20 (250)860-7602 In/Out Patio carpet, used only 3 months, light brown color, like new, $30. 250-979-7642 LADIES & Men Golf Clubs, both excellent cond., w/ bag & wool head, $99. 250-979-7642 LARGE Homemade food dehydrator, 24”x24”, 6 shelves, new cond., $90. 250-454-6756 PATIO table & 4 chairs with umbrella. $80, 250-979-7642 QUEEN size self power pump inflating mattress. Used once. $40. 250448-4309, 801-2934 ROYAL micro shredder & waste basket.(10) $35 (250)860-7602 TEAK magazine end table $10 (250)860-7602 TEA Wagon, oak, good condition, $80.00 250-860-2185 TIRES (4) 17” Michelin $60. for all. Call 250-763-4766 WINDOW Air Conditioner, 5000btu’s, good cond. $75.00. 250-860-2185

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 B13

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

$100 & Under

$400 & Under

Free Items

Free Items




WINE 4 - 54 litre damijam for sale, $100. Call 250-765-3831

QUEEN Hide-a-bed, super comfortable, exc cond., floral/strip. $350. 250-768-3629

FREE Panasonic Microwave & 8 cubic ft G.E chest Freezer. Both work great.250-868-8969 FREE pick up , appliances or any kind of metal. Call (250)765-9303, 250-212-3122 GOLF Set, Men’s, good for beginner 250-470-7849

FREE Pick-up of used bicycles that you no longer want. Ok if need repair 604-800-2104

#1 Solid Wood Used Furniture. OK Estates Furniture & More. 3292 Hwy 97N, Kelowna (1.5 Kms North of McCurdy) 11-5 Tues-Sat (250)-807-7775

STAR STORES IS NOW BUYING quality used furniture, estates, complete households, misc., collectibles, antiques, tools etc. Get a free estimate and pick up. Phone 250-8683255 or drop in at #9-1753 Dolphin Ave Kelowna

WESTERN STAR AUCTIONS. Buying Estates, Tools, Collectible’s & Furniture. Cash Paid or Consignment to Auction. #8-730 Stremel Rd. (778)753-5580

$200 & Under Diving Gear Reg. BC boots 3 flippers 3 masks 2 snorkels etc $110. 448-4309, 801-2934

SOFA & Loveseat, burgundy colour, 3yrs old, excellent condition. $350, 250-979-7642

FREE P/U- Appliances, Rads, Batteries, Old machinery, vehicles. Harley 778-821-1317

We’re on the net at

Sales & Service Directory CONTRACTORS


c. 250.862.1746 Nw. constr., add-ons, reno’s, patios, concrete drives, decks, steps.





starting at

DCR Contracting e.


starting at

1630 Innovation Dr. Kelowna, BC V1V 2Y5 P 250.765.3004 | F 250.491.1773

14.95 LF

59.00 SF

On select colors only | Installation available

Natural Stone Surfaces All One Piece Laminate

Visit our showroom at THE AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Family owned & operated for over 40 years


REFACE DON’T REPLACE 1/2 the cost of replacing Corain & Granite Designs. The Green Alternative.






J & C Drywall

A & S Electric


• Drywall • T-Bar • Taping • • Textured Ceilings • Steel Studs • SMALL RENOVATIONS • FREE ESTIMATES • REFERENCES AVAILABLE

JERRY 778-821-1850

Residential & Commercial Wiring, New Construction, Renovations & Service Changes. Complete telephone & data cabling services, Prompt quality service. Licensed & Bonded Call Steve 250-864-2099 (cont#90929)

• Full Landscaping • Rock Retaining Walls • Portable Soil Screener CELL: (250) 979-8033 BUS: (250) 861-1500

FRAMING ksk Framing & Foundations Quality workmanship at reasonable rates. Free estimates 250.979.8948

LAKESIDE DECK & RAIL Serving the Okanagan Valley • Vinyl Decking • Composite Decks • Deck Repairs • Aluminum Picket & Glass Rail Quality Service • Free Estimates New Construction & Renovations


Top Soil • Ogo Gro • Bark Mulch • Gravel• Sand We remove: yard refuse, junk CHUCK 250-870-1138 We accept “When the Big Guys are Too Big We Deliver”


Landscaping, irrigation, patios, retaining walls & water features. 250-317-7773

MOVING/ HAULING TYLER’S MOVING RECYCLING Moving, recycling, disposal & delivery. Any size move. Anything goes.




MOVING/STORAGE Joe’s Moving Service “The Professionals”

• Local/long distance • Storage Available • No job too small • Free Estimates Call Joe Anytime 250-470-8194

Local or Long Distance Polite & Professional

Ph: 250-869-0697 Cell 250-470-9498


Senior’s Specials Experience & Quality New Homes & Repaints Ceilings Bondable. Insurance Work Call Terry

250-863-9830 or 250-768-1098

Electrical, plumbing, drywall finishing, tile & flooring. Remodels & painting (int & ext) 250-870-1105 40 yrs. experience. Competitive pricing & seniors discount


Deck & Rail Serving the Okanagan 14 yrs. Vinyl Decking up to 80 mil., Modular Flooring, Aluminum, Glass, Topless, Picket Railings, Fences & Gates. Free Estimates

250-878--2483 250-878 www.


Maryanne’s Kitchen Design Design supply & install kitchens, bathrooms & counter tops. Prices to suit any budget.




• Bath Remodels • Decks • Drywall

• Kitchen Remodels • Painting • Plumbing

250-718-0264 1960 Springfield Rd.

• Electrical • Tile Work • To-Do Lists • Much More

Kelowna • 250-717-5500


Canadian Homebuilders Association

Licensed, Bonded & Insured Independently Owned and Locally Operated

TRY THE SALES & SERVICE INTRO PRICE $ 157.25 tax incl. 12 inserts for new clients only please. Please call a classified representative at


Boarding, taping & texture, framing, painting, finishing, carpentry, etc.

Ken 250-212-9588


We install, service, & repair all makes of doors & openers. FREE ESTIMATES • INSURANCE CLAIMS Call for appointment

• Fix leaks • 20 years. experience • Fascia soffit repairs • Downpipes • Re-Slope

Design supply & install kitchens, bathrooms & counter tops. Prices to suit any budget.













•Yard Clean-Up • General Yard Maintenance • Aeration & Power Raking • Mulch Refreshing • Commercial • Residential • Contracts Available


PLUMBING Bayside Plumbing & Gas Fitting Qualified, reliable, bonded. Over 30 years exp. res./comm. service renovations, new installations, h/water tanks, dishwashers, washers, dryers. 250-317-2279




Maryanne’s Kitchen Design


North End Moving Services


Kelowna Gutter Cleaning & Repair

An eye for detail and ensuring your satisfaction





Before you think about



LANDSCAPING Neighborhood Trucking & Delivery





No load too small • BARK MULCH • SAND • GRAVEL • YARD CLEAN-UP • JUNK REMOVAL LIGHT FLAT-DECK Nick Nixon - Trish Nebot Cell 250-862-0821 Office 250-765-2778

WELDING METAL FABRICATION LTD. Fences • Gates • Railings • Security Bars • Cargo Racks • Rollcages • Boat Railings & more. Tube Bending Specialists


250-862-2266 Check out the website

REMODELING llermade We

Additions, Renovations Sun-decks, Bsmt. suites, etc. Call Dave @ 250-878-6967 Dal @ 250-870-6011


RYDER ROOFING LTD. Free estimates, senior discounts, member of B.B.B. Fully insured, WCB coverage. All types of shingle roofing & torch on roofing systems. ‘From a hole in your roof to a whole new roof.’

Stone, brick, blocks, fireplaces. Over 30 years experience. Quality guaranteed. Special custom work

TILE SETTER Artistic Ceramics.

Roofing special: BEAT ANY COMPETITOR’S PRICE BY 5%! Best price in town All types of roofing


Custom tile setting. Travertine, marble, granite & ceramic. Decks, kitchen, baths. Guaranteed work.

Call 250-870-1009


J & C Drywall • Drywall • T-Bar • Taping • • Textured Ceilings • Steel Studs • SMALL RENOVATIONS • FREE ESTIMATES • REFERENCES AVAILABLE

JERRY 778-821-1850


Fruit & Vegetables

Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News

Fruit & Vegetables

Fresh From the Fields “Local Produce at Your Doorstep�

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery

Misc. for Sale

FORK LIFTS For sale, 18 to choose from, Toyota, Cat., & Hyster, 250-861-9171 Will pay cash for oversized scrap steel, cats, yarders, saw mill equipment, farm equipment, etc. All insurance in place to work on your property. 250-260-0217

To place an the Kelowna Capital News




Fresh peas & many other fresh vegetables available!


To verify days & time of picking, call

(250)-860-2964 BIG FRESH JUICY Okanagan CHERRIES available June 26 on 417 Valley Road 9:30 am5pm phone number (250)8696564

Open Everyday, 10am-6pm. 250-860-1121 621 Glenmore Rd N.

Medical Supplies MOBILITY Scooters. 1 used, $500, 1 new, $700. Call (250)767-6009 Shoprider Mobility Scooters & Powerchairs, new & used, Used center dr. power chairs in stock: Shoprider 10� $2500. 888WNLS 8� $2500. UL8W Portable $1400; Quantam 600E 14� $2500.; Jet 3 10� Kel: 250-764-7757 $1800.; Vernon: 250-542-3745 TF 888542-3745



Misc. for Sale

We take bulk orders

Available now at


ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the ďŹ rst day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the ďŹ rst day should immediately be called to the attention of the ClassiďŹ ed Department to be corrected for the following edition.

Lake Country

417 Valley Rd., Glenmore Everyday 9:00am-5:00pm. (250)869-6564

250-766-3131 250-212-8770

For orders OPENING JULY 12TH


YOUR AD HERE! Fresh From the Fields is back.

Phone Bruce Duggan

250-766-2628 STRAWBERRIES U PICK $ 2.00 /lb or place order for $2.50 /lb 758 WALLACE RD. (250)-765-8592 Bring your own containers :)

For Sale By Owner

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Lets You Live Life. Misc. Wanted I Buy Old Coins & Collections Olympic, Gold Silver Coins etc Call Chad 250-863-3082 Local PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

For Sale By Owner

1 col x 2� ad space for

Call 250-763-7114


3254 McCulloch Rd. 250-869-0871


HOURS: May, June & Sept 10-4:30 daily July & August 9-5 daily

Growers, Producers & Distillers of Fine Quality Lavender Products Retail shop & CafĂŠ ANNUAL LAVENDER DISCOVERY DAY - JULY 7 Self-Guided Garden Tours until October 7th 4380 Takla Road, corner of Takla & Saucier Roads in South Kelowna

2BD. 900sf bungelow on Duck Lake, new roof, deck & ac asking $279,000. 250-766-5581 2bdrm, 2bath Condo, Meadow Brook Estates. Leaving country, For Sale By Owner. Save thousands! $236,000. Great location. 778-478-7634 3BDRM 1bath home near hospital & parks in Vernon. Completely upgraded and wheelchair accessible. $279,500. Call Nattie to book a showing! 250-307-7811.


OLD MEADOWS CERTIFIED FARM MARKET 4213 GORDON DRIVE 0QFO GPS UIF 4FBTPO +VOF t .PO 4BU t 4VO Ready Now: our Beets, Spinach, Strawberries, Lettuce & Apple Juice Taking Orders For: Blueberries, Raspberries & Blackberries.

ALSO: Fresh Local Non-Organic Produce, Blackberry Dairy, Breads, Pastries, Organic Coffee & Tea, Body Products, Jams & Jellies & much MORE!


ALSO: Vintage drinks Fresh homemade juices & jam and a variety of chips

FOR SALE BY OWNER SPECIAL Save on Real Estate Fees!



Mobile Homes & Parks

Musical Instruments

BUYER Wants proďŹ table business in Kelowna area. Have Cash. Grant Good Assoc. Broker PC Realty (250)862-6436

Duplex/4 Plex CASH Buyer, Quick close, Triplex or 4Plex or ? Grant Assoc. Broker Premier Canadian Properties.(250)862-6436

YAMAHA Electone D-85 electric organ. Has 3 keyboards, plus pedals. Roll top model. Has many extra sound features. In perfect condition. Comes with manuals and bench. Asking $500 obo. Call 250-765-8283 before 9pm.

Sporting Goods Celebrate Diversity: Buy a different Gun as often as you can! Quality ďŹ rearms Buy & Sell. Weber & Markin Gunsmiths, The best little gunshop around. 4-1691 Powick Rd. Kel. 250-762-7575, T-Sat 10-6

Acreage for Sale $97,500 10.4 acres Lot H Arrow Lakes area 250-269-7328 Pic’s email

Apt/Condos for Sale

Duplex 4bd, 3ba, DTown, big lot, cls to hosp. $329,000, reduced $100,000.250-979-0250

Houses For Sale 3Bdrm Excellent View. Well kept. 2 car garage, new roof. Westbank area. $365,000. Call for details. (250)768-4634 BUYING or SELLING? For professional info call Grant Assoc.Broker, PC Realty, 250862-6436, FREE Evaluation MORTGAGES LOW RATES. 10YR. 3.99% 5 YR. 2.99% Trish at 250-470-8324 ******* Where smart sellers meet smart buyers! View Thompson Okanagan properties for sale.// Selling? No Commission. (250) 545-2383 or 1-877-291-7576 THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

SPOTLESS 1 bdrm 1 bath condo at The Homestead in the lower mission. Modern colors, open plan, very clean and neat. Small and quiet building. One small pet allowed. Gas ďŹ replace, deck, underground parking, personal storage unit, and community rooms. Inhome washer/dryer and dishwasher. Built in 2003. $185,000. If interested, contact (250) 864-6730. THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

$$$ $73,353.00 TAX IN!!! $$$ 2012 2Bdrm 2Bath. PALM HARBOR Just Arrived!! Call Accent Homes (250)-769-6614

Sporting Goods

Sporting Goods

Mobile Homes & Parks

PANORAMIC Lake & City Views @ SIERRAS, 2440 Old Okanagan Hwy., 3 bedrm/2 bath, 6 appliances. 4 spaces available. Move in ready! $169,900 tax included! Accent Homes 250-769-6614

FOR SALE - ROAD BICYCLES 2012 Norco CRR-SL Med SRAM Red, Mavic wheels, 16.5 lbs, full carbon, $2400 2013 Felt AR2 54cm, SRAM Red (Black), SRAM Wheels, 16 lbs, aero proďŹ le, great road/TT combo or Tri-bike conversion, $4200 Contact 250-462-4441 or

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

ONLY $74.99 plus HST

(Reg Price $196.25)

A MUST SEE!!!!! OPEN HOUSE: Sat., July 7, 12pm- 4pm 726 Renshaw Rd. Exceptional, 3165 sq. ft. 4bd, 3bath, bi-level, in family neighbourhood, Det/heated workshop w/ 10 ft ceiling, summer kitchen, 3FP’s, lower level w/o, deck, patio, sunroom with vaulted ceiling, carport, UG Irrigation, R/V prking. Near schools, shopping, bus, water park. Ideal for family/ daycare or B&B. OFFERS. (code 218654)

PRIME LAKEVIEW LOTS from $140,000. Also: 1 precious 3 acre parcel, owner ďŹ nancing. 250-558-7888 URGENT! FURNISHED 3BDR 3 BATH COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. A WONDERFUL FAMILY COMMUNITY GREAT FOR CHILDREN AND PETS. $425,000. EMAIL LIGHTMM@TELUS.NET. THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.


VERY UNIQUE- YOU New price! CAN’T BEAT THE $619,900 PRICE! Views everywhere - Steps to the Beach, 3,184 sq.ft. “High style designer home� with dramatic “open concept.� Atrium style entry with huge skylight. Very quick easy access to downtown Kelowna.

250-215-4866 ~ view at ID#140111

DOWNSIZED already. Oak coffee and end tables, computer desks, chairs, area rug, lamps, vacuum cleaner, 2 chain saws, router, wet tile saw, workmate & misc. household items. 1352 Industrial Rd., June 30, 8-3 p.m. JULY 5-7, 9-4:30 pm Daily. 963 Purcell Drive (on Dilworth Mountain).Thurs/Fri- evenings. HUGE Variety of household & novelty items, tools, jewelry, books, silk plants, kids oaties, new hardwood ooring,ETC!! LWR. Mission: 771 Raymer Ave. Fri, Sat, & Sun. 9am3pm. Boat motor Bikes.. SONOMA PINES: WESTSIDE: THE BIG ONE: 25 SEPARATE SALES IN ONE COMPLEX TOOLS, FURNITURE, CLOTHING, BIKES, TOYS, SPORTS STUFF, COLLECTIBLES, PONTOON BOAT, HAMMOCK, BAND SAW, CHINA, ETC. ENTER COMPLEX OFF BUTT RD. BEHIND CANADIAN TIRE. SAT. JULY 7TH, 9-4 P.M.

PET & FAMILY FRIENDLY Westpoint. 3bd, 1bth, lovely fenced yard w/storage shed, $5000 down, $909/mo including pad rent, OAC or $99,000, no HST. ACCENT HOMES, Call (250)-769-6614


Mr. Mobile Home CertiďŹ ed Factory Outlet. Spaces Available, Your location or crawlspace/basement models. Show homes 1680 Ross Rd. Kelowna 250-769-6614

SRI HOMES in Belaire Estates with Great incentives & new government grants! Hurry only 7 lots left! Turn key pricing from $110.950.00 Call Don @ Lake Country Modular, 515 Beaver Lake Road, Kelowna Toll Free Today! 1-866-7662214


ZERO Down payment, Lowest Rates, FREE advice. Linda Renaud, Accredited Mortgage Professional (250)878-6706

Recreational Rustic Cabin at Beaver Lake, 800 square feet, 2 bedrooms/sleeps 8 $129,900.00 O.B.O. For more info please call 250-717-7282


1 col x 2� size with or without picture for 3 insertions


FRESH cherries, strawberries, nugget potatoes, kale, spinach, baby carrots, Walla Walla onions, broccoli, peas, lettuce, garlic, asparagus, rhubarb, Swiss chard, beets, free range eggs, mushrooms NOW

Business for Sale


DON O’ RAY VEGETABLES 3443 Benvoulin Rd. 250-860-2557 250-575-7806

Misc. Wanted

Call your classiďŹ ed representative today!

~ Fruit & Vegetables ~ U-pick $1.25/lb. or we pick. Open 8 am-7 pm every day. No appointment necessary. 420 Cornish Rd. (o of Rutland Rd.) 250-212-2634

Real Estate

Real Estate

$28.56/day, $69.00/week, $230.00/mth (+tax)

Open 7 days a week, 10-6, Sunday 10-5 Cherries, raspberries, and all sorts of veggies. Come meet the Friendly Farmer & the Grumpy Wife!

Real Estate

RECORDS Wanted, Pandosy Books #138-1889 SpringďŹ eld Rd. nr. Bulk Foods, 861-4995


The Friendly Farmer Fruit Stand

Merchandise for Sale

THE BIG ONE IS BACK Sat., July 7th at Sonoma Pines Developement, Westside, off Butt Rd... behind Canadian Tire: Multi Family Yard Sales...Patio & other furniture, clothing (new & used), sporting goods (new & used) bikes, antiques & collectibles, pontoon boat, bandsaw, hammock, tools, toys, china & other treasures...over 15 locations in one developement.. Don’t Miss This One! WORRIED ABOUT THE WEATHER? Purchase Rain Insurance on your Garage Sale ad for $3. If it rains we’ll run your ad again for

FREE! You must call by the following Thursday to book your ad for another day. (Valid through September)

THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a conďŹ dential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent

1BD Pandosy, Very clean. Fresh paint. Adult Building. NS. NP. Walk to DT or Hospital. Laundry facilities and utils incl’d. Avail now, $795. 250878-0119 or 250-878-0136 2-bdrm BELGO AREA, Rutland Rd. S. $900 + hydro, f/s/w/d, NO PETS, on bus rte. 250-491-3345, 250-869-9788 BROCKTON MANOR. 1 & 2 bedrooms. The large, bright units are a short walk to downtown, hospital, beach & shopping. Transit is right outside the door. Please call us at 250-860-5220 FAIRLANE CRT. 2 & 3 bdrms, heat & hot water incl. Located on Lawrence near Gordon, close to downtown & Capri shopping mall. Please call 250-860-4836 MILL CREEK ESTATES. Various oor plans avail. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms within walking distance of the Parkinson rec center, Apple Bowl, Kelowna Golf & Country Club & Spall Plaza. 250-860-4836. ON UBCO TRANSIT ROUTE 1 or 2 bdrm suite $1092 & $1344 fully equipped & furnished Sept. to May. Linda 250-878-4981 WILLOW PARK MANOR. Aurora and Hollywood. 1 & 2 bdrms. Steps away from Willow Park shopping center, transit & the other shops of Rutland. Direct bus route to UBCO. 12-15mins. 250-7633654 625 Rowcliffe Ave. 2bd, 1bth condo on the 2nd r, close to hosp, college & downtown, Avail immed. 250-861-8435 CENTRE of Kelowna. New affordable lux 1&2bd, 5appls, ug prking, NS/NP. 250-763-6600.

Commercial/ Industrial

For Lease, The Gun Barrel Saloon & Restaurant at Apex Mountain Resort, The Gun Barrel is voted #1 Apres Ski Bar in Canada, The Long Shot Cafeteria & Bar are also available under the same lease, for info contact James Shalman at Apex Mountain Reesort, (250)490-6172 KELOWNA Spring warehouse w/ofďŹ ce & washroom, approx. 1050sqft., $ 764-1749

Capital News Thursday, July 5, 2012 B15








Commercial/ Industrial

Homes for Rent

Homes for Rent

Suites, Lower

Cars - Domestic

Trucks & Vans



1992 FORD F-150 XLT

1*AAA* Kelowna’s Finest Mature Lady Hot Busty Blonde *Independant* Daily Specials. BRANDY (250)-826-8615

COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE IN LAKE COUNTRY 1100sq’ Office space for lease. Reception area, four offices, coffee/ storage room. Located on Beaver Lake Road, 1 1/2 blocks from Highway 97. Easy access. Offstreet parking. $1100.00/month +utils. Lease negotiable. Phone:(250)766-3700 HWY 97 N. 1500 - 3300sqft. of Industrial area, overhead door, compressor, hoist & a compounded yard. 250-765-3295

Duplex / 4 Plex 2BD. 5-appl, cls. amens., WKel., sm pets/kids welcome, $900. + utils., ref’s req’d, DD, Aug. 1st. Phone 250-769-6515 2BDRMS. Great Location. Reno’d, clean & spacious, inunit w/d & storage, $900. + utils. Avail. now(250)470-0000 Vernon (Harwood) Newly reno’d 3bdrm, 1.5bath, f/s, w/d h-up fenced yard n/s n/p Avail Now. $1100. 250-766-1428

Homes for Rent

2Bdrm RANCHER shows like new, is very clean, bright & quiet. Secluded along Mission Creek. Only 5 min drive to Orchard Park. Max 2 people. Sm pet negot. NS $875 + utils. Avail. Immed (250)762-6627 3BD, 2ba., w/master bdrm, lg. LR, kit, office, + 2bd. suite + 1 ba downstairs, $1600. 250878-9303 or 250-765-3884 3or4 bdrm home, Shannon Lk Rd. Dbl Gar, f/s, d/w, w/d, a/c, close to elementary school, Available May 1, no pets, $1625+util 250-869-9788 3 or 4 bdrm, Winfield area, $1575+util, backs onto Range land, f/s, d/w, w/d, a/c, Avail now, no pets. 250-869-9788 5BD House in Rutland w/bsmnt, sep ent, close to elem school, $1700+utils & DD. 250-859-6784 Beautiful new home for rent in the lakes in Winfield. Incl all appliances, f/p, a/c, 2 car garage, 4 brdms, 2 full baths, fully land scaped, $1675 incl until. 250-550-4096 RUTLAND July 1, 3bd, 1bth, incl utils, shr’d lndry, NP, NS. Close to amens, reno’d. $1400. 250-215-1182 THINKING OF SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? For a confidential, no obligation, FREE market evaluation of your property call Mark Jontz, Royal Lepage 250-861-6002 or cell 250-717-6330 anytime.

2BD. 1.5ba, den, fr & lrm, 5appl, quiet treed country setting, np,ns, $1200m 860-5516 2BD Carriage house, $1100+ utils. NP, NS, Nparties. Lower Mission. 764-8297, 826-6824 2bd house in orchard, new reno, electric & wood fire place heat, $800/mo + utils. Avail Now. 863-6801 or 765-0722 2BD Mobile on private property, newly reno’d, KLO area, working couple pref, max 2 people, NS, small pet neg. $875+utils. 250-762-6627


Apt/Condo for Rent

Apt/Condo for Rent

S lives here. It’s here in our community. Please make a difference by volunteering.


Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

BEST DEALS IN KELOWNA! Affordable 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms. AC, near schools, shopping & bus route. Insuite laundry H.Up’s. Across from Park. Clean Quiet & Spacious. Sorry NO Pets. Well Managed Building (250)-861-5605 or (250)-861-5657

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front. Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Office/Retail 1500 sqft. Downtown Pentiction. Ideal for Office,Accounting, Salon, or Notory office $1200/mo (250)460-2499 HWY 97 North, 1800sq’ of retail, & Rutland 1000 - 2000sq’ Retail. 250-765-3295

TOTALLY renovated 1bdrm above ground bsmt suite. cls to college/bus stop/2 malls 4appls, new w/d. all utils. incl’d $840/mo + DD Avail. now. No Pets. Call 250-212-3299 WINFIELD. 2bd. beautiful, country setting, 6appl, ns, np, fp, sing/prof. cpl, $950 utils/cbl incl. Avail. now 250-317-2279

Suites, Upper 2BD suite for rent in Westbank. $975+utils. Avail immed. For more info call 768-2269 3bd, 1.5bth, 5 appl’s, smoking ok, one cat. $1200, Avail now, Glenrosa area. 778-754-0795 3BD, 1bth, Rutland,NS, NP, not suitable for younger children. $1050+utils WD incl. 250-763-9693 ATTENTION The Capital News cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. QUIET 2bdrm, 4plex behind Plaza 33. 5 appliances, carport & storage. NS, No Dogs. $830/mo Call 250-451-9923

Buy D & Sav irect e $$$

GIANT AUTO AUCTION Buy Direct and Save Thousands on your next vehicle purchase.

Over 175

Cars, Trucks, 4x4’s & SUV’s

Bailiff Repo’s, Police Recoveries, Lease Backs, Fleet Returns, Bankruptcies Come see for yourself, you’ll be amazed at the HUGE SAVINGS

$AVE Saturday $AVE July 7 @ 11 am 3953 Hwy 97 North • 250-765-5282 Gates open @ 9am

most units sold unreserved

(Reg. price $196.25)

Call your classified representative today!

250-763-7114 PRIVATE ESTATE Liquidation all OBO & must be sold by July 7th. View eve/wknd or by appt. 2007 Nissan Murano 89km bumper to bmpr. wrnty $21K 2007 Mercedes CLK550 convert. 105km Mint $28.5K 2005 Mercedes CLK500 convert. 85km Mint $24.5K 2006 Ford Escape AWDLeather 95km $14.2KSOLD! 2001 Jimmy 4Dr 4X4 hitch 158k Ex Cond. $4.8K SOLD! 2001 Durango 5.9R/T Htd. Lther 208k Ex. Cond. $5.8K Buyers welcome, no test pilots please. Email for details... or text/phone 250-870-2474.

Rooms for Rent 1 BDRM to rent in 2 bdrm condo. Shared kitchen & bathroom. Capri area on bus route. $450/mo. utilities incl. Working male please. Avail. Immed. 250-862-3530. ROOM for rent. Furn’d bdrm, mature male only.$450 Also trailer $500/mo 250-317-2546 ROOMS from $450. No drugs NP No parties. 250-860-8106, 250-718-3968, 250-899-5070

Seasonal Acommodation


Auto Accessories/Parts

BEAUTIFUL Okanagan Lake House weekly rental - Vernon Two bedroom two bath, fully furnished and equipped, dock, boat lift, private 300’ of lakefront, $2000/week plus HST avail. July 6-July 14; August 26-Sept. 3. 250-309-0675

LYLE’S TOWING. Free Removal of unwanted vehicles. Pay up to $1000 for good vehicles. Lots of used parts for sale. (250)-765-8537 SCRAP Car Removal. $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days/week Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593

Shared Accommodation

Auto Financing

1 BDRM to rent in 2 bdrm condo. Shared kitchen & bathroom. Capri area on bus route. $450/mo. utilities incl. Working male please. Avail. immed. 250-862-3530.

irect Buy D $$$ e v & Sa

ONLY $59.99 plus HST 1 col x 2” size with or without picture for 3 insertions

Refund Policy Our ads are non-refundable when booked for less than 4 weeks (12 issues), when cancelling a 4 week ad you will be refunded in weekly increments only, calculated at the appropriate discount level. Refunds not available for 1/2 price promotion.

Cars - Sports & Imports 2005 Jetta GLS, 4dr, auto, leather, $6500 & 2004 Nissan Maxima SE, fully loaded, well main., $7500. 250-548-3484

Suites, Lower 1bd Bachelor. Cent. Rutland, f/s, wireless, shared laundry, incl. util/sat. tv. ns, np, $750. Avail now. 250-808-5771 1BD. Furn’d., with den, Avail July 1, w/o bsmt, sm. pet ok, incl. cbl/int/util., ac, w & d, cls. to bus & Greenway, nr. Springfield, fnc’d. yrd, sep. prkng., grdn space, sing. $850. or dbl. $1050. call/text Sheila 250-300-3397 1BD. Legal, 900sf, ns, np, $850.+dd, incl. utils, cls. to schools & bus, July 1, 250765-0707 or 250-864-7377 1BD near Hosp/bus. Priv. ent/ prkg., 1 prsn., f/s, w/d, patio, in/out strge, NS, NP, $750 incl utils. 250-868-1139 1BD. W/O Totally reno’d., Upr. Glenrosa (W/Kel.). Lg. rms, w/d, utils incl., $800. Avail., 250-869-6577 & 250-768-7958 2BD legal suite Rutland. Nr. bus & shopping. 4appl, ns, np. $900 + utils. Avail Aug. 1st. Call 250-863-1155 3BD a/c, priv laundry,driveway bus school cble wireless utils incl’d NS NP $1050 Avail immed. 250-826-2233 693 Mayfair Crt. 1bd suite, ground level, NP, NS, Nparties, avail now. $700 all incl. Every month inspection. Working person. 250-765-4594, 250-317-4015 NEW & Bright Bachelor suite, $725 & 1bdrm suite behind Costco, $850 utils, int, cable incl’d. NP, no pets, Call 250763-7553 NEWER 2bdrm suite, avail immediately. Own entrance parking & nice yard. $800 incl utils. Quiet area in East Kelowna, NS, NP. 250-869-9663 or (afternoons) 250-317-2318

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Kelowna Capital News are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

REDUCED: 5.8L, V8, automatic, 2 wheel drive, two tone, with canopy. 230,000 kms. Comes with extra tires. Asking $1500 obo. Call 250-765-8283 before 9 pm. 1994 GMC Sonoma, V6, 4x4 air, cruise/tilt, auto, w/canopy, ex. cond., $4600. 1994 Ford Ranger, ex. cab. 4x4, 4L, 5sp., $2000. 250-317-2546 2001 Chevrolet Silverado LS 2500 HD. 4x4, short box, extended cab, one owner, low mileage - 195,000km., tow package & soft tonneau cover, dark carmina red. $12,999. Call 250-491-0199 2003 Ford F350 Ex cab, lb, dually, diesel auto, 200k, exc cond $10900 250-307-5665 2004 4x4 Diesel regular cab, pick-up. Lots of extras, $8500. Call evenings 250-860-5375 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab, Hemi, 218 highway K, custom chrome rims, leveling kit & leather interier . $9950 obo 1-250-260-0329 2007 Pontiac Montana 3.9 V6, ac/pw/pl, 7 pass, 191,000 kms, $4900 obo 250-307-0002

Boats 15ft. Pinecraft on trailer, 3HP Mercury, electric motor, lots of extras, $2250 OBO. 317-2882 1991 MACGREGOR 26’ Sailboat, 3 sails, 9.9 Merc electric start, trailer, surveyed, $9900. Call Ron (250)764-2690. 1995 Ski Pro Xtreem Footer, Tops for barefooting, wakeboarding, tricking, barely broken in! $18,000. 250-765-5204 2002 20ft. Crownline, open bow, 200hrs, 350HO, Burgundy & white, stereo, tandum axel matching trailer. Both in excellent cond. $20,000 obo. 250-718-1454 Hummingbird Fish Finder 160. Charger & battery. Brand new $145. 778-475-4041 MOORAGE Incl. 23ft Campion Cabin Cruiser, fresh motor & leg, loaded, $6500 obo. Test rides. 250-212-8204

The PHOEBE ANN on Shuswap Lake is for sale 39 Passenger Vessel

Motorcycles DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals


1986 1100 Honda Shadow, . Excellent Condition, can be licensed as a collectors. 250-308-0977 or250-545-4653 2000 Honda Valkyrie, 90,000 kms mint $8100 250-306-4782

Contact Narrows Village @ DL# 7557



1994 32” Motor Home “Triple E Edition” Perfect Cond. Low Mileage, price for quick sale $12,000. 250-358-7296 1997 Embassy Triple E, 29ft, all new rubber, 4000 generator, 83,000 km., walk-around queen bed. $16,500. Firm 250-869-1863 2006 10.6 Okanagan Camper, loaded, slide, A/C, microwave, two 6V batteries, solar panel, fantastic fan, electric jacks, swing out for dually, topper & rear awnings, bsmnt storage. $19,500 OBO. 250-766-4012 2006 Star Craft tent trailer, 2000gvw, sleeps 6, fridge, furnace, stove, convertor, $4100.obo. 778-754-5650 2007 Holiday Rambler Endeavor Motorhome, 40ft, 4 slides, Cummins 400 6spd, loaded. Would consider trade for late model Class C. $119,900 (AB registration) 403-793-5876

Auto Loans or We Will Pay You $1000

All Makes, All Models. New & Used Inventory.

1-888-229-0744 or apply at: Must be employed w/ $1800/mo. income w/ drivers license. DL #30526

Cars - Domestic 1991 Caprice Classic 125K 305 Auto. A/C.,Fully loaded 4 new summer & 4 new winter tires. $3195 OBO. CALL (250)-765-3128 1997 Lincoln Cartier Sedan, 94,000km, 1 owner, showroom condition, Asking $6000 OBO. 250-707-0274 for more details 2001 Mazda Protege, only about 15,000km. $8,500. 250769-7830 2003 Cavalier, 4dr, 5spd, immaculate, only 105,000kms, $3,950. 250-938-2241. 2004 Grand Am, 4 door, V6, Automatic, Hwy kms, Good on gas, Clean & Reliable. Asking $3900. Call 250-718-4969 2004 Sebring, 4 dr, auto, loaded, exc cond, 120k $4400. 250-540-7307

$2 million replacement value, will sell for $1 million

Scrap Car Removal 1AA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Min $60 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 250-899-0460 SCRAP Car Removal, $100 cash paid for unwanted vehicles. 7 days a week. Call Paul Haul (250)808-9593

250-804-6496 Legal

Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS RE: THE ESTATE OF JAMES HALES GRAHAM DRUMMOND, DECEASED, Formerly of 309-3645 Carrington Road, West Kelowna, BC, V4T 2E6. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of James Hales Graham Drummond are hereby notified under section 38 of the Trustee Act that the particulars of their claims should be sent to the Executor at 434 Glenwood Avenue, Keowna, BC, V1Y 5M1 on or before August 3, 2012, after which date the Executor will be distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, having regard to the claims of which the Executor then has notice. Paula Bennett, Executrix c/o Geoffrey W. White, Solicitor GEOFFREY W. WHITE LAW CORPORATION Barristers and Solicitors 434 Glenwood Avenue, Kelowna, BC. V1Y 5M1

#1 *ALYSSA* GFE. Open Minded Firey Redhead. Men’s Mag Model. 250-300-2399 24HRS A BRUNETTE BEAUTY, 36C-28- 35, Long Hair, 26 yrs, 5’5. 127lbs. Clean & Discreet. Ph# (250)-681-8369 AN Open Minded Mature Sexy Busty Blonde, Ready To PLEASE YOU! GFE. Independant. 250-808-9673 BEACH BUNNIES Be Spoiled At Kelowna’s Only 5 Star Men’s Spa #32-2789 Hwy 97 Blue Heights 250-448-8854 CINDY 44D Loves to Play. Massage. Dom. GFE. Kelowna area. (250)-503-8105 FOXY & SEXY BRUNETTE Sizzling Specials! Hot GFE, Nice Massage Private In/Out. Sweet Candy 250-300-8883 MALE 4 Male Erotic Massage $95, waxing, intimate grooming & skin care for the face & back. Winfield, 9-9 Daily 250-766-2048

✮1 A Sexy Blue Eyed Beauty, In/Out Sessions. Call Saphire (250)-215-8682 SEXY, 42 DDD, 28/32 brown eyed brunette. Sexy & Sweet, Discreet. Enjoys couples & dom, GFE. Kelly 765-1098. SOOO SEXY SANDY The Original K-Town Girl. 38D, 29, 34. Come Play! 878-1514

THE DOLLHOUSE. Kelowna’s erotic hot spot! (250)448-4305 VERNON’S BEST ESCORTS. In/Out calls. Gina 45, tall blonde, busty, Brooke 22, petite,brunette, Savanna 26, tall slim blonde, Jessica 30 B.B.W. Real G.F.E. Upscale. private. 250-307-8174. Hiring.

Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

Thursday, July 5, 2012 Capital News


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Ask your professional RE/MAX Kelowna Westside Agent for any additional information regarding HST and Real Estate.



,9 99


#103-2205 Louie Dr. West Kelowna, V4T 3C3


,0 80



,9 99


3949 MILFORD RD (Off Pritchard) Okanagan living at its very best. Gorgeous “Nantucket” styled home with 4 bdrms, soaring ceilings, chef’s kitchen, waterfront on the canal, RV parking and so much more. Only $980,000. Waterfront dreams at a bargain price! Call Jennifer Wiancko 250-899-0889. MLS®


Seller wants this sold! This three bedroom, two bath home is located on a desirable large lot backing on Glen Canyon Park and hiking trails. Great quiet family friendly neighbourhood close to elementary school. There is a huge lower level family room with wet bar and direct access to rear patio, and large covered deck for outdoor summer living. The garage is over sized to accommodate storage or workshop area. Priced to sell with quick possession possible. RV parking plus room to build a shop in the rear yard. Call Brenda for your appointment to view. MLS®10046213






,9 79 3 $


,0 29


Fantastic Family home in great area in Lakeview Heights. Well designed with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms up, kitchen, dining and den on the main floor, and a full unfinished basement. Huge pool sized yard with plenty of room for outdoor entertaining. Centrally located, this home is a short drive to all the amenities of Kelowna and West Kelowna. This home is being offered at over $100,000 below the current tax assessed value. Some creative financing options may be available for the right Buyer including VTB. MLS®10045223


3820 GLEN CANYON DRIVE Coveted corner lot hosts this 3 bedroom 2 bath gem surrounded by lush landscaping. Enjoy the private back yard with serene water feature while relaxing on the private patio! MLS®10044085


5 beds and 3 baths on 2 levels. Quiet cul de sac! Tons of renovations completed in the past few years. Landscaped, fully fenced yard and close to all amenities. Backs onto an orchard with lake and mnt views. Bonus Huge 900 sq ft shop that is drywalled and insulated with sep panel. MLS®10050279

TROY FISCHER 250-878-0626




0 9,0





GORGEOUS Upper Mission CUSTOM built 5 bed 4 bath home with SALT WATER POOL in fantastic neighbourhood. State of the art features & quality craftsmanship throughout! Versatile floor plan for growing family. Hardwood floors, stone fireplace, silestone countertops, superior SS appliances. Extra parking for RV or boat! MLS® 10043272

00 ,6,0800 5 3 $$923


4950 Trepanier Road, Peachland – If you have dreamt of living on an acreage in the country, look no further! Wake up to gorgeous mountain views on this private flat 10 acre property with 5 bed/ 3 bath family home. Great outbuildings incl. huge heated detached workshop, hay shed with corral, boat and storage shed and more! Presently zoned A1 and allowing for accessory building. Call Tracey for a FREE Market Evaluation! MLS®10030394

DARCY ELDER 250-869-2345


,0 89


2497 THACKER DRIVE LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS 3158SQFT 5 BED & 4 BATH ON 1.41 ACRES WITH FULL IN-GROUND POOL WE DON’T SEE THIS EVERYDAY!! Over 3158 sqft of neatly appointed in a West Coast contemporary home. Situated on 1.41 acres over looking and backing on to Casa Palmero Park! The home boasts an enormous in-ground pool with multileveled decks. Private property that is nothing short of living on an acreage. For your private tour, contact Eric at 250-718-8677 or visit for more info. MLS®10047064.









,0 35

0 9,0







2854 AUBURN ROAD Families wanted for a newer home in a convenient location! Custom entry level walk up home with 3 bedrooms & 2 full baths, gorgeous maple kitchen with pantry and stainless steel appliances. Vaulted ceilings, double garage, engineered hardwood floors, tile, C/A and more! MLS®10045279


2545 BOUCHERIE ROAD Investor Alert!! Income generating property, rent up and down, garage is fully wired for phone and internet to operate small business. lots of parking. MLS®10050139





ARE YOU READY TO BUY A HOME? FIRST - do you have the financial resources? You should have five percent of the purchase price of a home for the down payment, but ideally even more. Are there other priorities in your life e.g. starting a new business, which require your savings? If not, buying a home should be on your radar. SECOND - do you expect to stay in your new home for some time? Moving can be expensive and you will want to build some equity before having to relocate. Your job and home life should be stable.

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