Lake Country Calendar, July 11, 2012

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July 11, 2012

District council approves location for food bank building



Feel the spirit from the Summer of Love when the music of Woodstock is recalled at Gatzke Orchards this Sunday ...............................


The Lake Country Food Bank has moved one step closer to a new permanent location. At the June 3 District of Lake country council meeting, council passed a motion approving the relocation of the food bank to district land immediately east of the Lake Country Senior’s Centre. The currently empty lot is now the future home of the food bank, awaiting a successful fundraising campaign in order to begin building. A feasibility study for the location including a concept design were presented to council. The decision did face some opposition from the public at the council meeting. Tom Cockrell spoke as a representative of the Seniors’ Centre Society.

Cockrell began his remarks by noting that many in the seniors’ society felt the matter had been rushed as the group was only informed of the possibility of their future neighbour six weeks ago. The society has three main concerns—parking, future expansion of the seniors’ centre building and placing an ‘institutional’ facility such as the food bank in a recreational area. Cockrell pointed out that many seniors have difficulty walking and any potential diminishment of accessible parking would have a big impact on seniors with mobility issues. Food bank volunteer and supporter Stewart Deschen also spoke during the public comment period to council, saying that many food bank clients are seniors and the

need for the food bank is continues to grow. Deschen bluntly described the condition of the current food bank location as “disgraceful.� It is well known in the community that a team of dedicated volunteers make the best of a tight situation in a location on the north side of

the Okanagan Boys and Girls Club. Many elements of the feasibility study for the food bank incorporated and responded to the concerns of the Senior’s Society. The feasibility study was conducted on behalf of the District by Bruce Carscadden Architects

and the parking issue was addressed. There are already 27 more parking stalls in the lot than required by the district, plus the food bank will be operating during hours when the arena is not in peak use. The second main concern, future expansion of the seniors’ centre, was

addressed by resituating the food bank building closer to the property line and further from the centre. The complete feasibility study including architectural renderings of the proposed building, verbatim transcripts of concerns, and study notes, is online at Go to the council agendas section, and look in the June 3 agenda for the pdf. The next phase for the relocation of the food bank is a fundraising drive which will be spearheaded by the Rotary Club. Already donations of time and skills for construction have come in and some cash donations. If you feel you can help, contact fundraising organizer Bob Rymarchuk, who is with the Rotary Club of Lake Country.

Kids benefit from GranFondo BOBBI-SUE MENARD

Construction progresses on the comprehensive remake of Lodge Road at Bottom Wood Lake Road with a roundabout and safety enhancements being installed. ...............................

Flyers â– JYSK â– Rona


The RBC GranFondo Kelowna will be held July 14 and the growing event has several new elements that involve Lake Country. The GranFondo is part of the growing sport tourism sector and thousands of people are expected to come to the Okanagan over the July 14 weekend to participate as riders, spectators or volunteers. Two young people in Lake Country have already experienced tangible benefits from the race. Base funding of $1,000 was donated to the Lake Country chap-

ter of KidSport to purchase bikes and helmets for two deserving young riders from Lake Country Cycle. Kyle Zachodnik has already been enjoying his new gear. “We hope that with the bike and helmet provided, the children will be able to find a passion and develop skills in cycling that lead them on the path of a healthy lifestyle,� said Sheila Gunn, committee member of Lake Country KidSport. “We anticipate upcoming Lake Country youths to have sights set on completing in a GranFondo in the future.� There is the chance

that a third bike will be given to a Lake Country child, but that is on the volunteer shoulders of Lake Country’s new Economic Development officer, Ryan Roycroft. Roycroft put on his game face and volunteered to be the staff member to participate in a friendly competition between Kelowna, Vernon and Lake Country to see which community could win a ‘medio’ or half GranFondo race. Roycroft will be racing the southern portion of the GranFondo loop from Vernon to Kelowna. The prospect of pedaling the large hills has him slightly con-

cerned. “The first thing I did after volunteering was email around the office and see if anyone had a bike I could borrow,� said Roycroft. He has been training since the July long weekend and right now his goal is to simply finish the race. “It will be a good challenge, a manager or councilor was invited to participate and this is a really neat opportunity to showcase the community.� For the safety of all the GranFondo participants, the route will involve some temporary road closures. SEE GRANFONDO A3


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KYLE ZACHODNIK with his mom Adriana Zachodnik and Cam Donald from Lake Country Cycle, with his new bike and helmet provided by GranFondo Kelowna through the Lake Country chapter of KidSport.


etrina Koltun REALTORÂŽ

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar







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Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 11, 2012 A3


Road closures in effect July 14

Revisit the Summer of Love BOBBI-SUE MENARD If you groove to the sounds of Woodstock, Gatzke Orchard is your destination this Sunday, July 15. As part of Gatzke’s summer line-up of events, they have launched the inaugural Woodstock and the Summer of Love festival. A great line-up of B.C. artists had been organized to perform on stage. As well, there will be vendors and activities for kids at this familyfriendly event. The day has been de-

signed to rekindle the spirit of the times and classic guitar rock of the late 1960s. Organizers are hoping guests will heed the informal dress code and compete to be the best dressed hippie. “Hopefully people will be in the spirit of things and dress up and come have a good time,� said organizer William Holzer. The Jason Buie band is headlining the event. Buie went out of his way to invite artists who are well known on the B.C. festival circuit who have a love for the rock and

roll that was at the heart of Woodstock. “Ellie Johnson, LindaSue Wilson, Dan Engelland and Kathy Frank will be there,� Buie said. “They are all excellent artists who really play this music well.� The musicians will perform a long rotation of sets culminating in Buie’s signature sound of guitar rock. After Buie, the plan is for all the artists to take to the stage and provide some high energy, impromptu performances, delivering even more of the kinetic, adventurous sounds of Woodstock.

“We aren’t tribute bands, we’re musicians who love the music,� Buie said. The day-long festival has limited Sunday night camping for those festival goers who would like to pitch a tent and wake up to a pancake breakfast the next morning. The family-friendly day kicks off at noon on July 15 and tickets are $15. Find the Gatzke’s page on Facebook for more information or stop by the Gatzke Orchard store at 15590 Highway 97 in Oyama to purchase tickets.



JASON BUIE brings his band to play music from the Woodstock era at the Summer of Love festival at Gatzke Orchard on Sunday, July 15.

Shift at the gallery BOBBI-SUE MENARD


Lodge Road and Bottom Wood Lake Road are in the midst of a major overhaul intended to improve safety for pedestrians and drivers. There will be a roundabout at the intersection of Lodge and Bottom Wood Lake, a sidewalk, bike lanes, speed humps, street lighting and a pedestrian bridge at Vernon Creek. The road is closed to through traffic, with only local residents gaining access. Construction is scheduled to be complete by Sept. 15 DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR

This summer the Lake Country Art Gallery is going in a new direction. Featuring the art of Lake Country artist Cindy Marshall and Kelowna’s Roja Aslani, the summer show, Shift, is meant to shift your point of view about language, culture and how the two interact to create new trends and directions in everyday life. Shift is an exhibition exploring words and culture—light as the air of talk yet weighty in discovering how words shape the world we live in. Shift offers the chance to meet and interact with artists in a new way, through the impact of language. What does this mean?

Get ready to talk, to think about words and how what we say changes us and the world around us in profound ways. Thinking of the shift between ancient Egyptian tablets and the electronic devices of today is just one way to consider the changes in the display and use of language in culture. Shift will have text based and traditional art techniques mixed with contemporary methods. Both artists will be at the show’s opening night. There is an artist walk and talk scheduled for 6:15 p.m. with the reception from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Lake Country Art Gallery. Admission to the artist talk, opening reception and exhibition are free.

District of Lake Country easing up on permit process Depending on your location and proposed project, obtaining a development permit from the District of Lake Country just got a little easier.

Under the direction of council the district is moving to development permits, particularly for smaller hillside projects, that allow staff review and approval, without

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having to wait to get on council’s public meeting agenda. This is a slight adjustment to the original procedures in the OCP addressing permits for projects locat-

ed in development permit areas. “Council wants to rework the process in place to strike a balance between process and necessary protections,� said

Mark Koch, director of planning and development at the district. What this means for home owners depends on the type of projects brought forward for con-

sideration. According to recommendations, staff will be able to, “issue development permits for low risk permits which do not address aesthetic or architectural issues.�


ROAD CLOSURES: • Safe Harbour from approximately 10 p.m. July13 to 9 a.m. July 14. • Okanagan Centre Road West 7-9 a.m. July 14. No left turns permitted from Camp Road onto Okanagan Centre Road West until all event participants have passed. • Carr’s Landing Road northbound between Okanagan Centre Rd & Commonage Rd. 7:309:30 a.m. • Commanage Road northbound between Carr’s Landing Road and Lake Country boundary 7:30-9:30 a.m. • Hwy 97 to Oyama: southbound shoulder lane from Vernon to Old Mission Road in Lake Country closed 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Hwy 97 southbound lanes speed reduced to 70 km/h. • Oyama Road eastbound and southbound 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. No turning onto Oyama Road from the highway. • Woodsdale Road westbound and Oceola northbound 9 a.m.12:30 p.m. . • Okanagan Centre Road East, Davidson, Bond, Chase, Dick, Seaton eastbound lanes 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Intersection of Hwy 97 and Oceola Road in Flash 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Check for an interactive traffic map of the full route.



Longest store hours in Lake Country, for your convenience!

The route is 122 km long and will touch on three major Okanagan lakes. Lake Country will host the route on its northward swing through Okanagan Centre and Carr’s Landing. On the southward portion of the route, it will proceed through Oyama and Winfield.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.


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DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Life and Faith

Barry Gerding

Jim Taylor



hat is it about wild land that offends us? I’ve just come back from a walk in the woods, on the ridge that rises above our house. When we first moved here, almost 20 years ago, one of the things that I particularly loved about this area—especially since we had just moved from the concrete suburbs of Toronto—was the walking trails along

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Nuggets from Barlee’s gold pan of B.C. history

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

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Shortly after word came of the death of B.C. historian and politician Bill Barlee, my wife searched through her seemingly endless trove of B.C. books and produced half a dozen of his original self-published quarterlies, known as Canada West magazine. The earliest one is Winter 1970, where the publisher’s note advises that subscription rates were increasing 20 cents per year to $2.95. Subscriptions were up to more than 1,600 and counter sales were increasing, but costs were also up and Barlee refused to accept either display advertising or U.S. subscriptions. The only colour pages in the issue are highquality prints of four majestic paintings commissioned for the magazine. Irvine Adams’ scenes of sacred aboriginal sites in the Okanagan-Similkameen include The Gateway to Inkameep, where Barlee remarks: “To-

BC Views

Tom Fletcher day that stream which once teemed with redfish no longer surrenders its once-valued harvest and the perimeter of the desert is gradually being eroded by man’s questionable progress.” With the typography of Old West wanted posters, Barlee provided tightly sourced accounts of B.C.’s legends. Lost Gold Mine at Pitt Lake analyzes and adds to earlier accounts that begin with an aboriginal miner known as Slumach, who would periodically arrive in New Westminster to

squander a small fortune in gold, then disappear up the remote tidal lake. Slumach was hanged for murder in 1891 and in the next 70 years, 11 more men would die trying to find his secret. A scientist as well as a storyteller, Barlee concluded that the area’s geology is wrong and the fabled gold-laden creek “probably does not exist.” A passion for prospecting runs through the magazines and hints at Barlee’s aversion to treasure-seeking Americans. They overran B.C. in historic waves to take gold, and according to Nelson Star reporter Greg Nesteroff, Barlee believed they continued to loot Canadian heritage sites. Nesteroff was inspired by Barlee’s work, and traced his lonely mission to restore the ghost town of Sandon, “the mining capital of the Silvery Slocan.” Barlee bought a surviving block of build-

ings in an effort to make Sandon another Barkerville, but heavy snow collapsed them. As tourism minister, Barlee found money to build replicas, and construction began on three. But Barlee lost his Penticton seat to Bill Barisoff in the 1996 election, and today only halfbuilt shells remain. “He was still selling Sandon’s restoration as an economic saviour for the region when he ran for federal office in 2000,” Nesteroff writes. “But by then he was ridiculed for it, and finished a distant second.” Barlee’s 1972 Canada West profile of the boomtown of Hedley would resonate in his career as an NDP MLA and cabinet minister in the 1990s. Hedley’s Nickel Plate and Mascot mines produced fortunes in gold, silver and copper before they played out, and Barlee led the fight to preserve their history.

Today, you can tour the Mascot mine, a proud historical site with a spectacular climb up the rock face that serves as the Grouse Grind of the B.C. desert. I first discovered Barlee as a reporter at the Capital News in the early 1980s, when he did a weekly history show on CHBC television called Gold Trails and Ghost Towns. A bare-bones studio affair with tales and artifacts displayed for host Mike Roberts, the show lasted a decade. Barlee didn’t lack courage, quitting a teaching career in Trail and Penticton in 1969 to start his magazine. On subscription fees and a few classified ads, he built a life’s work that allowed him to walk the boardwalks of history and the halls of power. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and


this untouched, unimproved, undeveloped ridge. But the pristine environment has been whittled away, lot by lot. One favoured trail got literally blasted out of existence—dynamited and leveled for a house. Another owner strung fences across a walking path used by generations, to contain his horses. On today’s walk I passed a property where the owner had bulldozed every v single tree. I don’t question the owner’s legal right to do what they want with their property. If I owned that land, I would want that same right, although I probably would not do what they did. I do question the apparently unchallenged assumption that land


We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 11, 2012 A5

opinion â–ź FAITH COLUMN

Advice tips: Be honest, try to get better Land only worth I

something if it makes money TAYLOR FROM A4 has value only when it is cleared, farmed, paved, or covered with buildings. I’ve yet to hear of a municipality that assigns any value to wild land in calculating its assets. Wild land is seen only as a potential site for houses, golf courses, or industrial parks. It has no value as a habitat for owls and squirrels, as a sponge for retaining rain, as a sanctuary where diversity can flower. In urban planners’ eyes, a paved parking lot that grows nothing has economic value. An endless ocean of warehouse roofs has value. Even a landfill site that will remain toxic for centuries has value. But untouched woods are worth nothing. Nature, as friend and former minister Bob Thompson observes, shows an amazing ability to heal its wounds. Healing, he argues, is the underlying principle of existence. Over time, polluted streams clean themselves. New seedlings green the blackened ruins of a forest fire. Granted, nature itself can do enormous damage. Barely 400 years ago, a volcano devastated the Nass River Valley in northern B.C. Whitehot lava flows seared the valley bottom, sealing it in solid rock. Ash smothered upstream benches. But nature eventually healed its own devastation. Lichens and moss-

es muted the harsh lava. Seeds found crevices to root in. All that ash later made soils incredibly fertile. As far as I know, nature’s efforts to recover have never made things worse. Nature seems to have no auto-immune diseases, no necrotizing fasciitis that consumes



its host. Except us. Nature has been so thoroughly expurgated from the festering cores of Mexico City, Manila, or Mumbai, that healing would now require excising humans from the equation. Of course those are extreme examples. But they’re a direct extension of the mindset that land has value only when developed for human use. When we view land as wasted until humans exploit it, we make Manila our Holy Grail. Sometimes I’m almost glad I’m growing old. With any luck, I won’t be around to see “my� wooded ridge stripped bare and paved over. Jim Taylor is an Okanagan Centre author.

sometimes wonder if those consulting with me are disappointed by the straightforward legal advice that I give them. Some seem to be looking for clever tactical pointers. Certainly, a personal injury lawyer must have a few tricks up his or her sleeve, right? We have heard the stern warnings some lawyers give when advertising their services, as if a personal injury claim is a high stakes poker game and you need an expert wheeler-dealer to help play your hand. I will erupt with legal advice if you get me going. Heck, I’ve been writing this weekly col-

Achieving Justice umn for 5 1/2 years now and I don’t feel I’m coming close to running out of advice. Imagine the verbal barrage you would be inundated with if you got me on the phone! You will not be coached on trickery, though. My key advice—

these two points are threads that regularly weave through my columns. Please be reassured that my lack of tactical wizardry is not a deficiency resulting from my Saskatchewan farm boy roots. It is tried and true. Interesting how following those two points also seems to be effective for life in general. There is definitely some very important information and advice that every innocent victim of a crash needs to hear, but you will be disappointed if you are looking for smoke and mirrors trickery. That information and advice is offered as

a shield, to protect you from the unfair tactics of an insurance company, not to give you a tactical advantage. It all stems back to my very first column published Jan. 7, 2007, titled It’s Not About Screwing the Insurance Company. The very best result personal injury victims can hope for, and quite frankly this is what they consistently ask for, is a fair result, no more and no less. This is intended to provide general information about injury claims .It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer. Paul Hergott is a lawyer at Hergott Law in West Kelowna.

Making better group decisions in the workplace


aking personal decisions can be challenging and other times, it seems remarkably easy. Each of us has a natural approach for working our way towards a final decision on something, whether or not we are consciously aware of it. Whatever road we take to get to a final decision, for everyone it will ultimately come down to either the head or the heart winning out. Things get really interesting in the workplace, when groups (committees for example) are required to make decisions together. There will always be a mix of styles in the group and the challenge is to find common ground. It is worth the effort to do so because the result will be better quality decisions and more buyin for their implementation. Some people are just more logical when they

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Paul Hergott

and I expect that it is the key advice that most experienced personal injury lawyers would offer— boils down to two basic points. If you were raised right, they’re easy to follow. The most important is to be honest. Complete honesty, every step of the way of a personal injury claim, whether dealing with your doctor, employer, and even the insurance company processing your claim, is absolutely essential. The other is to try your best. Try your best to get better, to get back to work, and to get back to as normal a life as you can live. Review my archive and you will find that

Hi there! My name is Beau and I was found as a stray. Very nice people were taking care of me as I am declawed and they were concerned. I am a LOVEABLE boy! I would do well with anyone as I am very mellow and love to be fussed over. Since I am declawed, I should have a home where my people understand the dangers of letting a declawed cat outdoors. I am at the Kelowna SPCA if you would like to meet me.


Laurie Mills

Work Life make decisions. Their contribution to group decisions is their natural ability to objectively analyze options. This may include a critique of past practice and/or potential flaws in a new idea. Once they have looked at the pros and cons they will decide based on what makes the most sense (to them).

In contrast other individuals will give much more weight to how a decision will affect people, both immediately and in the long term. Equally important will be how a particular decision fits with their personal values and beliefs. If those are violated or ignored, they may withhold support for the decision (either openly or behind the scenes). While logical types may consider this latter approach to be overly emotional, taking the human impact into account is simply the other side of the decisionmaking coin. The ideal is to find a balanced approach that draws on the strengths of both sides—the head

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and the heart. If you are reading this and wondering, what is the point here? Head, heart, whatever—let’s just make a decision and move on because we

have work to do. Sure, sometimes that strategy works just fine. It doesn’t, however, work every time. SEE MILLS A7

John Mandoli B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Licenced REALTORÂŽ


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SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.23 (Central Okanagan) SD 23 IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR HOMESTAYS FOR THE 2012/2013 SCHOOL YEAR. FAMILIES ARE NEEDED FOR GLENMORE, MISSION, RUTLAND, AND LAKE COUNTRY AREAS. The International Student Program is seeking families to host short term (5 month) or full year (10 month) international high school students. Our students come from a variety of countries including Mexico, Brazil, Western Europe and Asia. Host family compensation is $750 per month.


For program information, please visit our website at

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For more information or to obtain an application form and arrange for a home visit, please contact:

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#21-10051 Hwy. 97N

250-766-4310 or 250-861-1099 XXX QBOPSBNBWFU DPN

•Maris Schoepp at 250-860-9729 (ext. 7306) email: for the Rutland Senior catchment area •Jennifer White at 250-860-9729 (ext. 4822) email: for the Kelowna Secondary, George Elliot Secondary and Okanagan Mission Secondary catchment area.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


Survey shows Take action to solve your problems with headaches genetically H modified fruit not OK with buyers eadaches. If you’ve had one, you understand how debilitating it can be. Did you know that migraine headaches alone are estimated to cost the Canadian economy $500 million annually in lost productivity and absenteeism? (Angus Reid Poll, 1990). This doesn’t even include other types of headaches such as sinus, cluster, or tension.

Shelly Prosko

Keeping You Fit If headaches are so common, why do they

St. Francis Anglican Church /FXFOF 3PBE 8JOm FME

Regular Sunday Eucharist Services begins at 11 am with Church School & Children’s Time Wardens: 3PTFNBSZ $BSUFS 3PCFSUB -PFXFO Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: 3FW 1BUSJDJB )PSSPCJO PGm DF PS

St. Edward’s Catholic Church

Mass times: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge 4BUVSEBZ QN t 4VOEBZ BN 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146

WinďŹ eld Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m.


Pastor: Lance Duncalfe


appear to be so poorly managed? Chronic headache sufferers frequently do not receive the proper treatment and education on management because it can be very challenging for a health care practitioner to determine the root cause of the pain. Paying close attention to your headaches, including location, how long they last, quality of the pain and what reduces or triggers the pain, will help your doctor identify the type of headache you are experiencing, which will result in better overall treatment. Headaches can be caused by a number of triggers such as hormone imbalances, sleep disturbances, foods, odors, smoking, alcohol, light or temperature sensitivities, weather sensitivities, sinus problems, poor postural alignment, muscle tension and the most common trigger— stress. One of the most effective ways to manage your headaches is to avoid or address these triggers. This is easier said than done; however, finding and knowing what your triggers are is an essential step to successful management. Sometimes finding your headache triggers may result in different choices or even lifestyle changes you need to make. Other times, it may appear that there

is nothing you can do to avoid your triggers. If this is truly the case, then at least your physician can still use your triggers as a guide for a more successful treatment. The most common type of headache pain is due to tension (Blanda, 2012) and tension headaches are what we treat most as physiotherapists. A tension headache is often associated with tightened muscles of the head and neck and can feel like a dull pain or pressure encircling the head, or at the base of the skull. It will likely be no surprise to you that the most effective way to treat tension headaches is to find out what is causing the muscle tension and then address it. There could be many reasons why your head and neck muscles are tense. Here are just a few: • Muscular imbalances: Weak and/or shortened postural muscles from poor postural habits or ergonomics can cause inappropriate head position. This places undue strain on the muscles of the head and neck, causing chronic tension and lack of blood flow to these muscles • If the joints in your neck or your jaw are not moving properly or are stiff, they can cause the surrounding musculature to become tight or guarded • Vision problems can

cause your eyes to strain and as a result, your facial muscles become chronically tense (when is the last time you had your eyes checked?) • Poor stress management. Even mild, daily stress can cause chronic tension in the head and neck muscles if you do not have effective stress management techniques. The most common cause of headaches is prolonged tension or stress (MediResource, 2012). Finding effective stress reduction methods that work for you in your daily life are essential in fighting the battle against tension headaches. When you can give your physician valuable details about your headaches, he or she can then recommend an appropriate treatment approach which may include a referral to a specialized health care professional (neurologist, physiotherapist, pain specialist, massage therapist, yoga therapist, counsellor) to help educate and empower you to take an active role in the management of your headaches. This column is not intended to diagnose or treat. Please consult with your physician. Shelly Prosko is a registered physiotherapist and yoga therapist at Sun City Physiotherapy in Winfield. 250-766-2544 winfield

Expression of Interest

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CHECK OUT PAGE 11 FOR COMMUNITY EVENTS! They are placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations. For all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-766-4645

The Regional District is seeking Expressions of Interest from qualified independent resident contractors to provide Security Contractor Services at Reiswig Regional Park.


Okanagan orchardists say they have the required proof to fight genetically modified fruit. A national survey indicates 69 per cent of the 1,501 respondents are not in favour of a genetically engineered apple. “We are not in favour of genetically modified food because of the market risk,� said Glen Lucas, B.C. Fruit Growers Association general manager. “The survey validated growers’ concerns that there could be a possible backlash against genetically modified apples.� Lucas says there are several examples of genetically modified organisms being developed and negatively impacting market conditions. Beyond domestic consumers, there is a concern some international customers could stop buying Okanagan apples if genetically modified organisms are allowed. “Europe doesn’t like this kind of product,� said Lucas. The survey was commissioned by B.C. and Quebec orchardists after an Okanagan biotech company applied to have a genetically modified apple approved by the government. When cut, the apple does not brown. Seventy-six per cent of respondents stated the federal government has not provided adequate information about genetically modified food.

A further nine per cent said they had not heard of genetically modified food prior to the survey. Ninety-one per cent of respondents agreed that mandatory labelling of genetically modified food should be required by the federal government. If the food was clearly labelled as being genetically modified, 14 per cent of respondents would purchase the food without hesitating, 45 per cent said it would depend on the type of food being purchased, and 35 per cent said that nothing could convince them to purchase genetically modified food. Seventy-one per cent of the survey respondents indicated they are in favour of having a special category of food (e.g. milk, apples, pablum, fruits and vegetables) that should not be genetically engineered or be free of genetically engineered ingredients. The survey results will be sent to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the federal health and agriculture ministers. “We want to express our concerns about the current regulations on genetically modified products,� said Lucas. “People want more information. “We would like the government to postpone further introductions (of genetically modified fruit) until they get their act together and have better public discussion on the issue.�

The consideration to be paid for the services provided shall be reduced rent for the home located in the Park for use by the Security Contractor as their residence. An expression of interest including a rÊsumÊ listing relevant experience and references will be received at the Regional District of Central Okanagan, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC up until 12:00 pm, Local Time, July 13th, 2012. The Regional District reserves the right to reject any or all responses, and to accept any proposal or offer which it may consider to be in the best interest of the Regional District. Full details on the service requirements are available by contacting Parks Services at 250-469-6232 or from the Regional District’s website at: or from the Regional District of Central Okanagan, Parks Services, 2nd floor, 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3Z4.



Seniors Receive



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Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 11, 2012 A7


Early morning fire at Quail Road duplex BOBBI-SUE MENARD Three trucks and 14 firefighters from the Lake Country Fire Department responded to a 2:30 a.m. call on Thursday, July 5. The duplex on Quail Road had two families living in it, both recent renters at the property. Upstairs was a family with three young children, while in the lower portion of the home was a mother and her

adult son. The adult son came home after work to find the lower unit full of smoke. Fire Chief Steve Windsor said the occupant did the right thing when he went upstairs to wake the young family and get them out of the home and then woke his mother and got her out of their side of the duplex. “The fire hadn’t progressed at that point, it was strictly smoke,� Windsor explained. “It

was a good thing he got everyone out of the house.� The fire was slow moving because it was inside the walls. Windsor said the fire started in an older fireplace and embers fell through the chimney into the lower walls of the home. “It appears to be a defect in the structure of the fireplace, embers escaped into the walls.� It is uncertain why the fireplace was in use,

but Windsor speculates the occupants were simply trying it out. “It (the defect) might not have been picked up in an inspection and the fireplace may not have been used in a lot of years,� Windsor said. Both families were assisted by emergency social services and provided with hotel rooms in Kelowna for up to 72 hours. On Friday, Windsor wasn’t certain if they had tenant’s contents

insurance, but the department covered much of the contents of the homes before attacking the fire inside the walls, and damage to the property was limited. It is unclear why the smoke alarm in the basement did not go off and the LCFD is investigating the subject. The upstairs of the home did not have enough smoke when the fire was discovered to have activated the alarm.



The Battle of Santiago



saw its fair share of golfers during the sunny weather last week. The popular golf course is located at 10303 Bottom Wood Lake Rd, in Winfield. DOUG FARROW/CONTRIBUTOR



Get all key information before making a decision MILLS FROM A5 If decisions get made too quickly, there is a risk that key information will be missed or people will be negatively impacted. That can lead to unpleasant backlash and ineffective action plans, sometimes at great cost

to an organization. Sometimes too, group decisions are not really that at all. It could be that the stronger personalities in a group always seem to get their way. When that happens regularly, the rest of the group may become apathetic about the deci-

sion or resist buying into it if they disagree or feel bullied. It takes real skill to lead a group through a process that will generate great ideas and smart decisions. It involves facilitating open discussion, working through points of disagreement,

generating viable options and getting agreement on a final decision. Making quality decisions as a group takes a lot of practice to get it right. That’s OK because trial and error can be a great teacher. It’s the willingness to learn from our mistakes that matters.

Laurie Mills is a certified executive coach and human resource professional. Her company is Lighthouse Professional Development Consulting Services. 250-869-7523



'FBUVSF "DU 8*/%'"-for more information & tickets call


Water Wise Landscaping...


Irrigation & Landscaping

ask us how!


Lake Country Life. The Okanagan Way.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar



Chipping in for a very worthy cause

Central Okanagan Foundation hires new exec director

The annual Pihl Law Corporation Golf Marathon in support of BrainTrust Canada and brain injury education and prevention takes place Friday, Sept. 7, at the Okanagan Golf Club Bear golf course. This event offers the ultimate day of golf—12 hours to play 100 holes from dawn until dusk, with a total of $50,000 in hole in ones courtesy

of Capri Insurance, Harmony Honda, Avalon Event Rentals and a special One Million Dollar Hole In One for four randomly drawn players courtesy of RBC Dominion Securities. There will also be valuable prizes such as the grand prize of a golf package at the award winning Golf BC courses Olympic View Golf Club and Arbutus

of the Okanagan



Alyson “Aly” Powers 250-808-2573

Ridge, accommodations in Victoria and rental courtesy of Valley Mitsubishi. There will also be prizes for the top three fundraisers including a getaway to the Prestige Oceanfront Resort courtesy of Prestige Hotels and Resort. The title sponsor, Pihl Law Corporation, is joined by gold sponsors Valley Mitsubishi and Adams, Heymen Owen; silver sponsors BDO, ICBC and Viewpoint Medical Assessment Services, a Centric Health Company; and media sponsors the Capital News, The Daily Courier, Global TV, Shaw Communications, K96.3, SUN FM/AM 1150/EZ Rock, Power 104/Q103.1 and Okanagan Life. Corporate supporter Aspire Media Works will provide promotional printing services, while Karen Guy, of Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty, and M&M Meat Shops

Thinking of Buying or Selling? :Xcc pfli Yfie iX`j\[ cfZXc i\Xc \jkXk\ jg\Z`Xc`jk%%%

Christina Grebinski

on Harvey Avenue will host the barbecue lunch. “Brain injury is one of the least understood issues we have today,” said Sean Pihl of Pihl Law Corporation. “People need to realize that brain injury can happen in the blink of an eye—but can last a lifetime. “It can result from traumatic causes such as motor vehicle crashes, i.e. inattention while driving, drinking and driving, from sports related causes such as not wearing the proper gear such as helmets; or from non-traumatic causes such as stroke, tumors or excessive drug and alcohol use.” Pihl Law Corporation handles personal injury cases relating to brain injury and we see the profound impact that brain injury has on family, friends and community. “The long-term care costs for just one person with serious brain injury is in excess of $4 million and the best cure is prevention and education,” said Pihl. “Canada in our community—they have a variety of initiatives to bring awareness to this serious issue, and also provide community rehabilitation to persons with brain injury in the Okanagan.” “This golf marathon is our most sig-

nificant fundraising event of the year,” added Magda Kapp, director of communications for BrainTrust Canada. “All proceeds go to brain injury awareness programs, especially for our youth who are the highest risk for brain injury. The marathon itself is the ultimate day of golf, not only for the golf itself, but also meals and snacks all day, fun activities on most of the holes around the course, great prizes for all golfers, and even a massage for the aching muscles at the end of the day. “We can only allow a maximum of 50 golfers for the day, so those interested should contact our office at 250762-3233 or visit the golf marathon section of as soon as possible.” BrainTrust Canada is a progressive community rehabilitation organization dedicated to being a leader in injury prevention, as well as maximizing independence for persons with brain injury. Brain injury has been labelled by some as an epidemic, and is the leading cause of death and disability under the age of 45. One person in Canada sustains brain injury every three minute— that equates to 480 people a day.

Bruce Davies has been appointed the new executive director of the Central Okanagan Foundation. For Davies, his new job brings him back to the Okanagan, after having lived in Kelowna as a teenager. His education and a career took him away from the community he had grown to love after graduating high school. “School and growing my career have taken me across the country and back, and around the world to a certain extent, but I always wanted to be back in Kelowna,” Davies said. “It’s an amazing community and I’m delighted to be here.” Davies started in the not-for-profit sector 25 I BELIEVE years ago when he accepted a position with THE CENTRAL the United Way of the OKANAGAN Lower Mainland. FOUNDATION During 13 years with IS WELLthe organization, Davies worked in campaigns, POSITIONED IN community services and THE COMMUNITY planned giving. TO CONTINUE He also spent five GROWING. years with the United Bruce Davies Way in Halifax followed by a position with the Telus World of Science in Calgary. Prior to being hired by COF, Davies spent time travelling to and from South America working with United Way Brazil. Davies says his passion—and what has driven his career in the not-for-profit sector—is working with volunteers and donors, saying he’s always “pleasantly astonished” by the many acts of generosity and selflessness. “I believe the Central Okanagan Foundation is well-positioned in the community to continue growing and bringing donors and charities together to support the community,” Davies said.






Rural Liquor Agency 16020 Oyama Road

Good Luck! Athletes, Coaches, and Officials from the Thompson-Okanagan (Zone 2) will be at the Surrey 2012 BC Summer Games July 19-22 Follow the results at

Stay in the know.

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 11, 2012 A9



SAVE 10 to 20 on all ROAD BIKES FREE GEAR S U L from Specialized and Giant!




Sale ends July29


Tour de France

PROMOTION The 2012 RBC GranFondo Kelowna will bring together passionate cyclists from across Canada and the US as they ride in one of Canada’s most scenic regions, the Okanagan Valley. Features of this ride include a climb up Predator Ridge, a tour through Vernon and breathtaking views of three Okanagan lakes – all on a dedicated lane for cyclists. Come out to cheer on the riders and be part of this community engaging experience.


Receive a package

50 70


with the purchase of any





C heer on cyclists as they tackle the K ing & Queen of the Mountain (KOM) at Predator Ridge.


C heck out the Medio Star t in Ver non (30 Ave & 34 St). 9:00am at Vernon Military Camp is also a great place to see the action.

There will be no parking along the event route for spectators, so we encourage you to walk or ride.


Spectators are advised to plan their trips accordingly and come out early to the event.


Reminder: No on course support by spectators for riders.

110 10 50

Route Map Key

GranFondo Start & Route



There is paid parking at Prospera Place on Water Street, adjacent to the Start/Finish area.




W atch the star t of the r ide on W ater Street in downtown Kelowna.

10:15am – 3:00pm: Join in on the celebr ation at W ater front Par k beside the Delta Grand Hotel.

d Lak e



la Ka


Wo o

O k a n agan Lake


Copyright © 2012 GranFondo Canada (a division of Toit Events Inc.). All Rights Reserved.





of up to


If you don’t live along the route, organizers suggest the following locations to view the spectacle.




You too can be a part of the RBC GranFondo Kelowna experience! Residents and businesses along the route will have front row seats as over 1,000 cyclists challenge themselves in this second annual event.

120 Medio Start & Route

T o provide the best experience for cyclists, the organizers of RBC GranFondo Kelowna have prepared a dedicated lane for cyclists from start to finish. This however would not be possible without a few brief road closures along the route in the early hours of the day. We value the ongoing support from the community and would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation on event day.

For residents wishing to see traffic impacts in their neighbourhood, please visit

Lake Country Life. The OkanaganWay.


2211 - 48th Ave. Vernon BC • 250-542-9684 NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Mon to Fri 10 - 6 • Sat 9 - 5 • Sun 12 - 5


Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

news â–ź VISUAL ART

Tour art studios in Carr’s Landing The Carr’s Landing Art Tour goes Aug. 4 and 5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visual art in the form of original paintings, sculptures, photography and jewelry will all be on the tour scattered over its

various locations. It is impossible to escape the influence of art in our society and even more difficult to imagine a world without it. This is the eighth rendition of the Carr’s Landing tour, and brings




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with it a unique view with a kind of “personality� that is distinctive and special. Being surrounded by art brings joy and comfort. It can help turn a house into a home. An empty space finds voice when it includes art. With its beautiful lake vistas, rolling hills, mountain panoramas and flowering gardens, the Okanagan is a natural muse for artists from across Canada and the world. On Aug. 4 and 5 you’re invited into the studios of the artists who have settled in the Carr’s Landing community. Their art represents a diverse range of experiences, cultures and styles, but they all call this particular 10-kilometre stretch of road home. The Art Tour is an incredible opportunity for visitors and locals to get to know the artists behind the work, see their work environments, ask questions and discover their motivations. In the process they’ll

have the chance to purchase paintings, sculptures, jewelry and photography directly from the artists who created them. Come out to see what this community inspires, find that new piece you’ve been looking for or simply enjoy hearing the artists’ stories and seeing their techniques in action. Bring along friends and start experimenting with your own artistic taste. Artists in attendance include: • Laine Lowe and Dale, 12858 Pixton Rd. • Virginia May-Brown and Janet Stalenhoff, 16950 Coral Beach Rd. • Chris Malmkvist and Doug Morgan, 16766 Carr’s Landing Rd. • Tina Knooihuizen, 1457 Barkley Rd. • Wendy Klein, 16392 Barkley Rd. • John Waite, 147 Commonage Rd. For more information visit the website at www.


THE ART OF WATER WARS is practiced by Mekhica Brown as she ambushes Warrick Portwood in the cool waters of Kalamalka Lake in the bay of Kaloya Regional Park over the weekend.

GSFRVFOUMZ!BTLFE!RVFTUJPOT Dr. Susan Wales, DVM Veterinary Acupuncturist Veterinary Chiropractor


My dog keeps gaining weight although he is on a calorie control food. What can I do to have him lose weight?

There are many diets now marketed for dogs that are “lightâ€? or “low fatâ€?. They claim that their formulas are lower in fat and higher in ďŹ ber than other pet foods. Those of you who are nutritionally savvy have probably already caught on to the fact that human foods advertised as low in fat are often high in carbohydrates. Dogs actually need a diet low in carbohydrates as their regular diet. Also dogs have no biological requirement for the type of ďŹ ber in many processed pet foods. The problem with pet foods marketed as “lightâ€? or “dietâ€? is: compared to what exactly? The American Vet Medical Assoc. released a report detailing the tremendous calorie ranges for pet foods marketed as “dietâ€? or “lightâ€?. Calories per cup ranged from 200 to 700, obviously your pet would lose weight on 200 calorie per cup food but not likely on a 700 per calorie cup food. Please read your pet food labels before making a diet choice for your dog. In these confusing times of marketing and advertising hype please contact a veterinarian who has a special interest in nutrition to help you plan a weight loss program for your pet.


Petrina Koltun

Danielle Schaeffer



What are some things that make a home stand out for you and your clients when you are working with buyers?

First impressions are HUGE! I have personally experienced potential buyers that have entered my seller’s homes and they have instantly been thrilled the moment they have walked through the door. The reasons why? My sellers have a clean and bright home. The driveway is swept, the grass is freshly cut, edges are trimmed and when you enter the home all lights on and it is clean and uncluttered. Other details that instantly impress potential buyers are; having fresh cut owers on the counter and all lights on, having light background music on and making fresh baked cookies available. I am proud to spend time with my clients, coaching them on presentation details, and the positive feedback that my clients receive always helps the sales process. To book time with me for your real estate needs, and for your home staging advice, call me today!

Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. )XZ / -BLF $PVOUSZ #$ 7 7 1 PS

Dr. Lina Jung Dr. Kosar Dentists


What is the best treatment for mosquito bites?

Products like After Bite work well if applied almost immediately after the bite. However they have limited effect following that initial time frame. Antihistamines can help reduce itch and redness and are available as either pills or creams. Hydrocortisone cream can also be effective at relieving itch and helping to reduce swelling. One more alternative is topical anaesthetics which numb the area and therefore help with itch. Bites that are frequently scratched can become infected, although it is rare. Mosquito bites that increase in size, become warm to the touch or have pus in them may be infected and a EPDUPS TIPVME CF DPOTVMUFE 3FNFNCFS UIF best ways to avoid mosquito bites are to wear light coloured clothing, limit the amount of perfumed products on your body, avoid dawn and dusk, and if needed wear a repellant that contains DEET.

WinďŹ eld

In the Cooper’s Plaza t

What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?


I have a space that’s very noticeable in my smile; what is the best treatment choice to make my smile look natural again? If you have only one missing tooth, a dental crown on a dental implant is probably your best choice. Like the natural root, a dental implant provides the foundation for a dental crown, in this DBTF B OFX BMM DFSBNJD EFOUBM DSPXO " /PCFM Biocare all-ceramic (all-white) dental crown on a dental implant looks and functions very much like the missing tooth did. It looks the most natural, is the strongest and most durable option with the best TVDDFTT SBUF GPS SFQMBDJOH B NJTTJOH UPPUI /PCFM Biocare has a forty-year history of success stories using dental implants and dental crowns, and leads the dental implant market. Hence, at WinďŹ eld Dental $FOUSF XF IBWF DIPTFO UP VTF UIF /PCFM #JPDBSF Implant system, which is top-notch and best-rated, just like with all of our dental products (we do an annual review to ensure this). In fact Dr. Jung and Dr. Kosar originally trained in Toronto with one of the leading specialists in the world in developing implants. $BMM VT UPEBZ UP BTL JG ZPV SF B DBOEJEBUF GPS B /PCFM Biocare dental implant and all-ceramic dental crown!

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Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 11, 2012 A11


$0..6/*5: &7&/54



Time to cleanup your perennial garden


ith the unusually wet spring, plants have flourished and bloomed abundantly. Now it looks like we’re in for a sudden blast of hot, summer weather. The abrupt change will be hard on plants and flowers will fade quickly. Now is the time I like to do a midseason, major garden clean-up. Then there will just be some dead-heading and weeding a few times until fall clean-up after frost. Here are some tips on early summer care for your perennials. If your soil is wet, and anything other than sand, try to minimize stepping on it to avoid compaction. Early spring blooming evergreen plants

Natural Garden

Gwen Steele such as Phlox, Aubretia (rock cress), Ayssum, and Iberis (perennial candytuft) can be cut back by up to one half to encourage fresh new compact growth. Cutting them later removes next year’s flower buds. All compact early bloomers such as Armeria (thrift) and Dianthus ‘Tiny Rubies’ can have the dead flowers

sheared off down to the foliage. Larger plants whose foliage becomes messy after bloom, such as oriental poppies and geranium ‘Johnson’s blue,’ can be cut back to the new growth. Deadhead German iris. These tough, drought-tolerant plants can be divided almost anytime. After dividing, cut back foliage to one half and leave the top of the rhizome exposed to the air. Deadhead peonies down into the foliage. Deadhead anything that tends to self-seed as soon as flowers finish— e.g. blue fescue grass and cerastium (snow-insummer). To encourage reblooming, keep dead flowers cut off repeat

bloomers such as Achillea (yarrow), Salvia, Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Coreopsis, and Gaillardia. My two favourite tools for dead-heading are long-bladed shears, for when the whole plant is being cut back, and grape pruners. These are small shears that fit my hand well. They act like scissors for cutting individual stems but have a spring to open the blades, saving half the hand work. Years ago my husband gave me a wonderful gift of a tool caddy that fits over a large plastic pail. In it, I have all my hand tools including my favourite weeding tools: an ergonomic trowel and a dandelion digger. There’s also room for SEE STEELE A12

PUZZLE NO. 623 10. 11. 19. 21. 22. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 33. 36. 38. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. 51. 52.

Onion's kin Matched collections Peak: abbr. Smallest chess piece Concert solo List component Real-estate unit Hurt Coating Animal's home ____ out (barely made) Board-cutting tool Greatest Hole in ____ Scarf Inkling On the ocean General's assistant Feed swill to Give (a party) Herbal beverage Hog's haven

Copyright Š 2012 by Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Maui memento 4. Suggestion-box opening 8. Mineo and Bando 12. In the distance 13. Hot stuff 14. Busy as ____ 15. Finale 16. Church response 17. Shoes' occupants 18. Get on a ship 20. Probes 21. Treaty 23. Basketball's content 25. Field of action

27. 31. 32. 34. 35. 37. 39. 40. 41. 44. 48. 49. 50.

Newspaper story Gain a victory Scold Acorn tree Instinctive Flick Bowling number Dull person Fraudulent scheme Dancer's partner Likewise Farm tower Common contraction 53. Seeks damages at law 54. Uproars

55. 56. 57. 58.

Circus safeguard Warmth Wailed Merry

DOWN 1. Drain-opener chemical 2. Chunk of eternity 3. Improper 4. Thick chunk of concrete 5. Tibetan holyman 6. In excess of 7. Drinking vessel 8. Hunting expedition 9. Lincoln and Burrows


t-",& $06/53: '"3.&34 ."3,&5 Fridays 3pm-7pm; June thru September, Winfield Memorial Arena parking lot. Come enjoy locally grown produce, freshly baked treats, handmade crafts and a bite to eat while visiting with others from the community. Facebook: LakeCountryFarmersMarket; Website: t-",& $06/53: 5&//*4 '6/ 5063/".&/5 Fri., July 13, 6-10pm Woodsdale Rd courts. Mixed doubles/random draw. Pre-registration only - deadline July 11. $5 members/$9 non-members. Max 30 entrants. BYO chair, water. Tennis balls provided. BBQ for $5. PRIZES! Questions or to register, contact Marlene at 766-2471 or t13&1"3& '03 :063 '6563& July 12, August 9, September 13 (the second Thursday of each month). Ziglar Recreation Centre, Apple Valley Seniors Residence, 102- 2055 Benvoulin Court, Multipurpose Room 10am to 11:30am. Plan ahead, learn about the continuum of housing options available to you. Have your questions answered about Low Income/Subsidized Housing, Supportive Living and related programs. A Representative from Interior Health will be available to provide detailed information about Assisted Living, Residential and Complex Care. For more information, and to register, please call 250 861 6180 or email senior2@ t '3&& 065%003 .64*$ $0/$&354 &7&3: 4"563%": */ +6-: "6(645 For information go to +6-: ! 48"-8&-- 1"3, QN 2ZJBOOBI t QN -BLF $PVOUSZ #JH #BOE t QN +FGG 1JLF +6-: ! 0:"." $0..6/*5: )"-- QN -FBI 8FTU t QN 4UFWF 4UBJST t QN 4JEFTIPX "UUSBDUJPO +6-: ! ,01+& 3&(*0/"- 6pm 4UFQ $MPTFS t QN +BOF &BNPO t QN 4JTUB # BOE UIF #PZ[ $"33 4 -"/%*/( '".*-: '6/ 1*$/*$ 2:30pm-5:30pm: Games, bounce house, hot dogs. "6( ! +"$, 4&"50/ 1"3, QN +FGG $IJNOFZ t QN #FY 5SPPDL t QN " 4 ) "6( ! $03"- #&"$) 6pm Carolyn "OFMF t QN +FOOJGFS #PBM t QN $BMVN )VHIFT "6( ! 0, $&/53& 1"3, QN 'JTI PO 'JWF #SBTT 2VJOUFU t QN 'BCVMPVT 'MZJOH 8FFLFOEFST t QN .PWJF JO UIF 1BSL UJUMF UP CF BOOPVODFE t-$ 4&/*03 #64 4$)&%6-& Sat., July 14 - Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping, casino. Thurs., July 19 - local shopping. Thurs., July 26 - scenic tour to Summerland Research Station and surrounding areas. To reserve a seat on bus phone Margaret 250-766-3227. t/&8 46..&3 )0634 '03 5)& 8*/'*&-% 6/*5&% $)63$) 5)3*'5 4)01 July and August the shop will be open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 2:00pm. t-",& $06/53: .64&6. 46..&3 )0634 The Lake Country Museum is open 7 days a week, from 10am to 4pm, May 14 to Sept. 3, 2012. Take a step back in time through the historic Okanagan Centre School, Museum Annex, and 1906 Wentworth Cabin, research the museum archives to ďŹ nd out more about local history, and visit the museum’s gift shop and Patio Cafe. Guided tours are available, please pre-book tour groups of 10 or more at 250-766-0111 or by email to The Lake Country Museum is located at 11255 Okanagan Centre Road West, Lake Country, BC. Admission by donation. Website: t-",& $06/53: #64*/&44 $0//&$5*0/4 meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Rufe 250-548-4070. t0:"." -&(*0/ #3"/$) holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. t5)& -",& $06/53: .64&6. is open Monday & Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250766-0111 t$3*##"(& 5063/".&/54 at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottomwoodlake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $12. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. t50 "-- 8*/'*&-% $3*# 1-":&34 Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. t-$ -*/& %"/$&34 Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. t40$*"- #3*%(& Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. t5)& $06/$*- 0' 4&/*03 $*5*;&/4 03("/*;"5*0/4 (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Lifeâ€? for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to afďŹ liate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-5769733 or for further info. t-$ 065%0034 $-6# welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufďŹ cient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations.

For all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220


Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

Valleyview Dignity Memorial



Learn from other gardeners

Checksite eb our wready for liver e to d ials! spec




Aron Meier

Assistant Manager

For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together in celebration of a special life.

Proudly oering reward miles on all pre-arrangements

Valleyview Funeral Home 6ALLEYVIEW 2OAD s


Proudly serving Lake Country, afďŹ liated with Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery by the airport.


my water bottle, garden notebook, and camera. Everything is close at hand. As the gardening season evolves, I encourage you to take photos and make notes of changes you want to make. It is easier now, to see what will need dividing or moving, than it will

be in spring. An excellent reference for getting the maximum performance from your plants is The Well-Tended Perennial Garden by Tracy diSabato-Aust. ••• If you have a xeriscape garden, I strongly encourage you to enter OXA’s Xeriscape Garden contest. Details are

on the events page of the website. There are two categories for home gardeners and two for professionals—one residential and one commercial. Gwen Steele is executive director of the non-profit Okanagan Xeriscape Association.


10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30






Fishing-Flats World Vision The View Rally � �

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �


A&E Criminal Minds

YTV Erky Perky Big & Small


CBC News Now With



Inventions That Shook

Hates Chris How I Met

TLC Baby Story Baby Story

WTBS Millionaire Millionaire



APTN (108)

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Wings Exhibit A

Chef/Home Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save Ums Rolie Polie

The Doctors Criminal � Minds

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Mayday �

Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Family Feud Rm-Multiples CI

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Young Riders

X Games �

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Puppies Almost

CBC News Now With

Titanic: The Aftermath

Perry Mason Undercover � Boss

Law Order: CI

Nature �

KING 5 News

Tam Closer

X Games �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair �

Law Order: CI

Off Record Interruption

The Talk �

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

Miss Spider Berenstain

General Hospital

The First 48 �

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

The Dr. Oz Show

The First 48 �

Almost Sidekick


SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil � � �

Best Recipes Rachael Ray The Doctors Miss BG Stefano � � Lilly

� �


Young & Restless

Ellen DeGe- Rick Mercer neres Show Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

SpongeBob Kung Fu

Football: Calgary


CTV News at Five


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Long Island Serial Killer

Odd Parents The Human SpongeBob Journey


News News

Lang & O’Leary

Amer. Dad Passport Days of our Name Is Earl Joy/Painting Lives

Qauminiq Wapos Bay

MythBusters Funny Home Undercover � Videos Boss

� �

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

Nehiyawetan Next! Youth

Cash Cab How/Made

Undercover Boss

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

La piqure The Young

Nerve Center Anderson � �

Undercover Boss

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Riders neres Show Exhibit A

American Chopper

Undercover Boss

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Stampeders Global Nat. CTV News at Montreal CHBC News �

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Undersea

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

iCarly Zoink’d!

CBC News: Deadliest The National Catch

Alouettes Ent SportsCentre ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

Street Jeopardy!

The Social7 with Jenni

Ent ET Canada

The Blue Planet

Wheel Jeopardy!

Cajun Cajun

Boys To Be Indie

The Nature of Things

Big Bang Big Bang

The Nature of Things

Big Bang Big Bang


Planet Earth Duets � �

Cajun Cajun

Big Brother �

Big Brother �

Yusuf Islam- Wipeout Good Songs �

Long Island Serial Killer

� � The Real Rocky

Duets � Big Brother �

Saving Hope Doc Zone � �


SportsCentre Rookie Blue CSI: Crime � � Scene

CBC News: Person of The National Interest

Rookie Blue The Blues � �

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News

Calgary Stampede

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Architects of News Change Nightline

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

Lost Kingdoms

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

Daily Show StroumbouColbert Rep lopoulos

Rookie Blue The First 48 � � Cajun Cajun

Jimmy Cajun Kimmel Live Cajun

Jim The OfďŹ ce

Simpsons Raymond

APTN National News

On the Fly On the Fly

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Short Cuts News Next! Youth

D.U.I. D.U.I.

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Check Rick Steves

Magazine Inside Ed.

By Rapid MYTV

That’s-Weird CBC News: Nerve Center Take Me Out On the Fly Splatalot The National � � On the Fly

Family Guy Family Guy

Foyle’s War �

The OfďŹ ce Parks

Music Crystal

Gags Gags

CBC News: Fast N’ Loud The Choice The National � �

D.U.I. D.U.I.

Movie: “Dead Man

Doc Martin �

Saving Hope The Mix � Arbor Live

Zoink’d! Boys

The Nature of Things

News 30 Rock

Undercover Boss

on Campus� POV � �

Rock Center � � APTN Na-

Sunny TMZ

Undercover Boss

Movie: “Election�

KING News Jay Leno

Fast N’ Loud Big Bang � Two Men

American Chopper

Splatalot CBC News: Deadliest That’s-Weird The National Catch Hates Chris Sabrina

Lang & O’Leary

Big Bang Two Men

Undercover Boss

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

� �

Joann Sfar Draws

tional News Exhibit A

Tavis Smiley � Music Travels-Edge Jimmy Fallon MYTV


10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30



Fishing-Flats World Vision The View Unguarded � � � �

Chef/Home Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show




Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

The Doctors Cajun � Cajun

Save Ums Rolie Polie

A&E Cajun Cajun





Hates Chris How I Met

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Closer Exhibit A

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Young Riders

Deadliest Catch


KING 5 News

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

Cajun Cajun

Rated A for Almost

CBC News Now With

The Dr. Oz Show

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

Cajun Cajun

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair Fast N’ Loud Law Order: � � CI

Off Record Interruption

The Talk �

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

Miss Spider Berenstain

General Hospital

Cajun Cajun

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

Young & Restless

SportsCentre News CFL Pre �

Best Recipes Rachael Ray The Doctors Miss BG Stefano � � Lilly

The Dr. Oz Show

Barter Kings Almost Barter Kings Sidekick

Ellen DeGe- Rick Mercer neres Show Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

Barter Kings SpongeBob Barter Kings Kung Fu

CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Barter Kings Odd Parents The Nature Barter Kings SpongeBob of Things

� � Lang & O’Leary

Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

Voices of the Land Niqitsiat Illinniq

MythBusters Funny Home Say Yes � Videos Say Yes

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

Qanurli Qauminiq

Cash Cab How/Made

Name Is Earl Toddlers & The OfďŹ ce Tiaras

The OfďŹ ce Big Bang

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

Anash The Young

Mighty Planes

Anderson �

Randy to the Big Bang Rescue MLB

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Riders neres Show Exhibit A

Salvage Hunters

Simpsons Raymond

Say Yes Say Yes

Baseball: New York

Business World News

KING 5 News

Big Bang Two Men

Say Yes Say Yes

Mets at Atlanta

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Cooking News Cooking

Connects Need

Magazine Inside Ed.

Washington News

Whitney Community

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Rivers

KOMO 4 News

Barter Kings iCarly Barter Kings Boys

CBC News: Pyros The National �

Blue Bombers at

Ent ET Canada

Street Jeopardy!

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Marine Machines

Wheel Jeopardy!

Barter Kings Victorious Barter Kings Big Time

Doc Zone �

Eskimos �

Housewives �

I Didn’t Do It Big Bang � Two Men

Say Yes Say Yes

Law Order: CI

Amer. Dad Check Days of our Name Is Earl Joy/Painting Lives

CFL Football:

etalk Big Bang

APTN (108)

Game Machines

Days of our Lives

Hockey Interruption


Mighty Ships Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: � Family Feud Rm-Multiples CI

Noon News Hour

Millionaire Millionaire


Erky Perky CBC News Flying Rhino Now With

X Games �

Baby Story Baby Story


G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

X Games �

SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil � � �


Randy to the Braves Rescue Seinfeld

Wings Great Towns

Whitney Up All Night

InSecurity Mosque

Undercover Boss

Housewives �

Doc Martin �

Shark Tank �

Barter Kings Movie: CBC News: Mighty Barter Kings “Cheaper by The National Planes

House �

Say Yes Say Yes

SportsCentre Wipeout � �


Michael Comedy


Wipeout �



CBC News: Pyros The National �

Bones �

Randy to the Seinfeld Rescue The OfďŹ ce

Finding Your Dateline Roots NBC

World 2� �

SportsCentre Lost Girl � �

Blue Bloods �

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National �

Lost Girl �

News 30 Rock

Say Yes Say Yes

John Leguizamo-Tale

Samaqan APTN Na-

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News

Stampede Wrap Up

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Marine Machines

News Nightline

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson


Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

Doc Martin �

Jimmy Barter Kings Cheaper by Lang & Kimmel Live Barter Kings the Dozen 2 O’Leary

The Mentalist



Barter Kings the Dozen Barter Kings 2�

� �

� �

Barter Kings Mr. Young Barter Kings Boys

Doc Zone �

Barter Kings The Next Barter Kings Star

CBC News: I Didn’t Do It Sunny The National � TMZ

Salvage Hunters

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill

Family Guy Family Guy

APTN National News

Browns Payne

� �

Movie: “Wayne’s

Randy to the Movie: Rescue “Fool’s

Front Row Center

KING News Jay Leno

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.


Alone in the Wilderness

� Wayne’s Jimmy Fallon World 2




tional News Exhibit A


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30





Summer X-. Score Golf

Fishn Children When North Real Fishing Stratusphere Goes South

Television CFL Pre

Powerboat Tradition

It Is Written Car Bnss

CFL Football:

News PGA Tour

SportsCentre � � Calgary Canada’s Stampede: Worst Driver Wild Card

Deere Classic,

Lions at Golf: John Roughriders Deere � �

Classic, Worst Third Round Handyman

Equestrian �

Doodlebops Paid Prog.

CHAN KNOW KOMO Fishn Babar Real Fishing Hedgehog

Health Food

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Powerboat Tradition

Martha Wild Kratts

PGA Tour Golf: John

News PGA Tour

Gardens Gardens

Golf: John Deere

Parks Parks

Saturday �

Third Round Classic, Can. Rivers � Third Round Rivers





Licence to Drill

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Four Houses Movie: � “The

Bob Builder Angelina

Sea Rescue Family Born-Explore Jewels

Korra Beyblade

Now With Christine

Greatest Know-It-All

Kids News Paid Prog.

Lottery Changed

Brothers Solomon�

Dr. Wayne Series Dyer: Wishes �

Mishkuenita Makusham

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Family Jewels

Pokemon Power



MLB Player Pregame

Lottery Changed

Jim Browns

FulďŹ lled â€?

Fit First Miywayawin

Ball Boys Ball Boys

Jewels Jewels

Salvage Hunters

MLB Baseball:

Lottery Changed

King King

� �

� �

Movie: “Wayne’s

Regional Coverage

Undercover Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

KCTS Cooks �

� �

World 2� �

Cajun Cajun

Sidekick Sidekick

National Mansbridge

Cash Cab How/Made

� �

Undercover Boss

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

� �

Poppy Cat Justin Time

renegade The Young

Storage Storage

Almost Almost

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Cash Cab Cash Cab

House �

Undercover Boss

Seinfeld Seinfeld

� �

Exploration Kids News

Riders Exhibit A

Dogs & More Dogs

� �

KING 5 News

Fish Out of Next! Youth

Dragons’ Den

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Life Is a Highway

Sports Stars Family Guy Big World Family Guy

Monkeys �

Toronto Family Guy Movie Night Argonauts at CHBC News etalk

Land & Sea Mansbridge


Family Guy Global Nat.

Planet Earth News � World News

Storage Storage

Almost Almost

Auction Auction

The OfďŹ ce Raymond

Undercover Boss

Street Fighter: The

Hamilton Tiger-Cats

National CBS News Marketplace KIRO News

News Hour �

Hope for Wildlife

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

That’s-Weird National That’s-Weird Mansbridge

Deadliest Catch

Big Bang Two Men

Undercover Boss

Legend of Chun-Li

Calgary Stampede

Entertainment ’Night


Eco Engineering

Wheel Jeopardy!

Storage Storage

That’s-Weird Himalayas That’s-Weird �

The Devils Ride

Big Bang Two Men

Undercover Boss

The Moments to International Remember:

NYC 22 �

NYC 22 �

Heartbeat �

Extreme Makeover

Barter Kings Movie: Barter Kings “Batman�

National American Marketplace Chopper

Cops Cops

Undercover Boss

National Mansbridge

Movie: “Batman

NYC 22 �

Returns� �

� �

NYC 22 �

� �

� �


Cash Cab Cash Cab


National Mayday Marketplace �

TBA App Central

� Tennis

� �

� �



Thane Cooking

Sidekick Sidekick

ESPN Sports Cajun Saturday Cajun

Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno


Red Bull Signature

APTN (108)

CBC News CBC News

The Marilyn Denis Show

SportsCentre 16x9 � �


T.U.F.F. Sidekick

CFL Football:

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

Blue Realm �

Jewels Jewels


SportsCentre Simpsons � Simpsons Family Guy Family Guy

Simpsons Simpsons


The Nature of Things

NYC 22 �

NYC 22 �

Rebus �

Ball Boys Ball Boys

Storage Storage

SportsCentre Final 24 � �

Comedy Comedy

News ďŹ fth estate

48 Hours Mystery

Final 24 �

Suggs’ Italian Job

Castle �

Storage Storage

� Himalayas That’s-Weird �

� �

SportsCentre News Final � Saturday

CTV News CTV News

� Winnipeg

KIRO News The Insider

News Final Saturday

Ancient Clues

News Cash Cab

Storage Storage

Splatalot Splatalot

SportsCentre Night Live � �

The Machinist

Comedy Being Erica

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Night Live �

Rebus �

Cash Cab Cash Cab

Barter Kings Movie: Barter Kings “Batman�

Nightly News renegade News Flame Traveler Backroads

My Music American Number 204 Girl:

The Journey � Uumatmnin �

Deadliest Catch

Mobbed �

Undercover Boss

Movie: � “Never Back Oscar

McKenna Shoots

Arbor Live �

Auction Auction

News Wanted

Undercover Boss

Down� �

Hammerstein The Firm -- Out �

MYTV Short Cuts

The Finder �

Undercover Boss

Movie: “Into the

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Fish Out of Concerts

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Blue 2: The Reef�

Dyer Wishes Night Live FulďŹ lled â€?

National The Devils Marketplace Ride National Mansbridge

� �

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

MythBusters 30 Seconds � Hates Chris

KING News Saturday

Next! Youth Flame

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 11, 2012 A13

SUNDAY, JULY 15, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30















APTN (108)

Gardening Triathlon

Miywayawin Vitality


Ancestors Operation Lorna Dueck Smile

Coronation Street

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Ancestors Wild Kratts Lorna Dueck Little Prince

Rescue Paid Prog.

The Sopranos

iCarly Mr. Young

CBC News CBC News

Mighty Planes

Old House Jim

Randy to the Movie: Rescue “Eye of the

Bob Builder Wild Kratts

cont’d: Sprint Cup:

Hour of Power

Canada’s Coronation Worst Driver Street

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Hour of Power

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Criminal Minds

Victorious Big Time

Now With Christine

Salvage Code Red

30 Rock The OfďŹ ce

Dateline: Real Life

McLaughlin Connects

LENOX Industrial

News PGA Tour

SportsCentre Land & Sea � Mansbridge

PGA Tour Golf: John

News PGA Tour



Calgary Stampede:

Deere Golf: John Classic, Final Deere

Showdown Sunday

Round �

Tools 301 Golf: John SportsCentre Deere E:60 �


Classic, Final In Fashion Round First Story

Little Prince Fetch! With Dogs Dogs/Jobs

Cash Cab Cash Cab

Criminal Minds

Boys Zoink’d!

Undersea Undersea

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Criminal Minds

Agent Cody Banks 2:

Classic, Final Hope for Round Wildlife

Ball Boys Ball Boys

Criminal Minds

Destination London

� � �

Beholder� �

Mighty Planes

30 Rock Paid Prog.

Dateline: Real Life

Lemony Snicket’s

Check, Pl’se Golf Conver


Guides Tribal Treks

How I Met How I Met

Dateline: Real Life

Series of Unfortunate

3 Steps to Incredible

� �

Movie: “Double

Dateline: Real Life

The Closer �

Health!-Joel �

� �

Jeopardy� �

Dateline: Real Life

Big Bang Big Bang

Dr. Wayne LazyTown â€? Dyer: Wishes The Wiggles The Young FulďŹ lled â€?


SportsCentre Simpsons � Simpsons

Movie: “Double

Dragons’ Den

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Simpsons Simpsons

Marine Machines

Trust Us-Life Criminal Trust Us-Life Minds

That’s-Weird The Nature Movie: of Things

Cash Cab How/Made

The Dotted Line

Simpsons Family Guy

Frame� �

Jeopardy! Wheel

The Insider Pets.TV

Simpsons Family Guy

The Blue Planet

Cash Cab Criminal Back-Future Minds

“Home Alone 3�

MythBusters Trout TV � T. McCarver

Dateline: Real Life

Big Bang Big Bang

2012 Tour de France:

Family Guy First Story Movie CHBC News Fashion Tele �


Family Guy Global Nat.

Art of the Heist

News World News

Criminal Minds

� Himalayas That’s-Weird �

Last Day of the

House �

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Movie: “Head of

Stage 14 High

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

The Glades �

Bones �

Hoarding: Buried Alive


Mountains �

Amer. Dad Cleveland

CBS News KIRO News

News Hour �

Ancient Clues

KOMO 4 News

Movie: “Home

CBC News: Dinosaurs The National Things You

The Listener Stampede � 100!

60 Minutes �

Amer. Dad Cleveland

Kangaroo Kaos

Funny Home Longmire Videos �

Alone 2: Lost in New

Force of Nature: The

SportsCentre Big Brother � �

Law & Order: SVU

Big Brother �

Big Brother �

New Tricks �

Secret Millionaire

Longmire �

York� David Suzuki Last Day of That’s-Weird Movie the

X Games �

Saving Hope �

The Good Wife

Family Guy Simpsons

Garrow’s Law

Extreme Makeover:

Criminal Minds

Boys Zoink’d!

CBC News: Dinosaurs The National Things You

Family Guy Simpsons

� �

Calgary Stampede � �

Bones �

MythBusters Amer. Dad � Cleveland

SportsCentre The Good � Wife

The Mentalist

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

The Good Wife

Cracker �

Weight Loss The Glades Edition �

The Next Star

Force of Nature: The

SportsCentre News Final � Ancestors

CTV News CTV News

News ďŹ fth estate


News Final Ancestors

Yusuf Islam -- A Few

News Stephen

In Real Life �

David Suzuki Last Day of Movie the

SportsCentre Paid Prog. � J. Van Impe

The Mentalist

� Canadian

Face/Nation Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. J. Van Impe

Good Songs King’s Silver Longmire � Bullet �

Longmire �

Wilpogwad Pachamama


� Mighty Ships Without a Marketplace � Trace

ďŹ fth estate â€?

� �

Moyers & Company

Poppy Cat Justin Time

Riders Exhibit A

KING 5 News

Investigates Closer

Nightly News Reel Insights News �

Strange Sex Movie: Strange Sex “I Think I

Monarchy: Dateline Royal Family NBC

Crystal Music

Simpsons Simpsons

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Queen & Country

Movie: “Double

Family Guy Family Guy

Strange Sex Movie: Strange Sex “Madea’s

Masterpiece America’s Mystery! Got Talent

Jeopardy� � Spirit

MythBusters News � TMZ

Home Alone CBC News: Dinosaurs 2 The National Things You


� �

Love My Wife�

� �

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Family Reunion�

� Nazis on

� Sunny

Dateline: Real Life

The Closer �

Trial Oscar

� �

Sunny Spokane

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Cheers Cheers

Hammerstein Paid Prog. -- Out Paid Prog.

KING News Upfront

� From Spirit Medicine Double Jeopardy

MONDAY, JULY 16, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30






SportďŹ shing X Games

World Vision The View � �

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �

Billiards �

Chef/Home Debt/Part

A&E Criminal Minds





Erky Perky CBC News Flying Rhino Now With

Licence to Drill

Hates Chris How I Met

TLC Baby Story Baby Story

WTBS Millionaire Millionaire



APTN (108)

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Wabanaagig Exhibit A

The Marilyn Denis Show

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save Ums Rolie Polie

The Doctors Criminal � Minds

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Worst Handyman

Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Family Feud Rm-Multiples CI

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Young Riders

Motoring Noon News Auto Racing Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Rated A for Almost

CBC News Now With

Salvage Hunters

Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

Law Order: CI

Moyers & Company

KING 5 News

Our-Elders Miywayawin

Truth in 24 II Days of our � Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair Mayday � �

Law Order: CI

Amer. Dad Travels-Edge Days of our Name Is Earl Classical Strt Lives

New Canoe Cry-Loon

Off Record Interruption

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

Miss Spider Berenstain

General Hospital

The First 48 �

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

Worst Handyman

Funny Home Four Videos Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

With Nature Next! Youth

Name Is Earl Toddlers & The OfďŹ ce Tiaras

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

C’Est parti The Young

The Talk �

SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil � � �

The Dr. Oz Show

The First 48 �

Almost Sidekick

Power & Politics

Cash Cab How/Made

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

Hockey Interruption

Young & Restless

Ellen DeGe- Rick Mercer neres Show Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

SpongeBob Kung Fu

Lang & O’Leary

Mighty Ships Anderson � �

Four Houses Big Bang � Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Riders neres Show Exhibit A

2012 Tour de France:


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Jewels Jewels

Odd Parents Doc Zone SpongeBob �

MythBusters Simpsons � Raymond

Stage 15 Plain

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Dogs

KOMO 4 News

Jewels Jewels

iCarly Mr. Young

Ent ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

Street Jeopardy!

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Blue Realm �

Wheel Jeopardy!

Barter Kings The Next Barter Kings Star

SportsCentre Psych � �

Mike Two Men

Mr. D Ron James

How I Met Broke Girl

Psych �

Art of the Heist

The Barter Kings Movie Bachelorette Barter Kings �

X Games �

MasterChef �

Republic of Doyle

Two Men Mike

House �

Visions of Space

� �


House �

Best Recipes Rachael Ray The Doctors Miss BG Stefano � � Lilly

Four Weddings

� �


Cake Boss Cake Boss

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

CBC News: The Devils The National Ride

Big Bang Two Men

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Our Talk News Guides

Secret Pakistan

Big Bang Two Men

Four Houses Seinfeld � Seinfeld

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Magazine Inside Ed.

Uumatmnin �

CBC News: Mighty Ships Hell’s The National � Kitchen

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

Fear Factor �

Call of the Wild

Cake Boss Cake Boss

Movie: “I Think I

Market Warriors

American renegade Ninja Warrior By Rapid

American Chopper

Jewels Jewels


CBC News: MythBusters MasterChef The National � �

The Next Star

Secret Pakistan

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- The Glass � 0 House

CBC News: Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- The Aga The National 0 0 Khan

The Glass House

Jewels Jewels

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News


KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

BattleďŹ eld Mysteries

News Nightline

Barter Kings Splatalot CBC News: The Devils Barter Kings That’s-Weird The National Ride

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

Coronation Street

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

Visions of Space

Jimmy Barter Kings Movie Kimmel Live Barter Kings �

Daily Show Colbert Rep

Lang & O’Leary

American Chopper

APTN National News

News 30 Rock

Four Houses Love My � Wife�

Pioneers in Aviation

Grimm �


Sunny TMZ

Four Houses Journey to � the Center

Moments to Remember:

KING News Jay Leno

tional News Exhibit A

Peter Popoff of the Earth Paid Prog. �

My Music � Rez Bluez Number 204 Jimmy Fallon �

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill

TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30







Fins Skins Summer X-.

World Vision The View � �

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �

Score Golf Television

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

The Doctors Criminal � Minds

Boxing �

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

� �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

The Talk �

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

Off Record Interruption

The Marilyn Denis Show

SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil � � �

Save Ums Rolie Polie

Miss Spider Berenstain

Best Recipes Rachael Ray The Doctors Miss BG Stefano � � Lilly

Criminal Minds

YTV Erky Perky Zigby


CBC News Now With



Natural Born Hates Chris Dealers How I Met

TLC Baby Story Baby Story

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Greatest Know-It-All

The First 48 �

Puppies Almost

CBC News Now With

Canada’s Perry Mason What Not to Worst Driver � Wear

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair American � Chopper

WTBS Millionaire Millionaire

Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Family Feud Rm-Multiples CI

Law Order: CI

Law Order: CI



APTN (108)

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Down2Earth Exhibit A

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Young Riders

Oscar KING 5 Hammerstein News

Randy to the Amer. Dad -- Out Days of our Rescue Name Is Earl Victor Borge Lives

Voices of the Land Wabanaagig Samaqan

General Hospital

The First 48 �

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

How/Made How/Made

Funny Home Four Videos Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

Our Talk By the Rapid

The Dr. Oz Show

Storage Storage

Almost Sidekick

Power & Politics

Cash Cab How/Made

Jim The OfďŹ ce

Toddlers & Tiaras

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

Chic Choc The Young

Lang & O’Leary

How/Made How/Made

Anderson �

Craft Wars �

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Riders neres Show Exhibit A

How/Made How/Made

Hockey Interruption

Young & Restless

Ellen DeGe- Rick Mercer neres Show Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

SpongeBob Kung Fu

2012 Tour de France


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Storage Storage

Odd Parents Secret SpongeBob Pakistan

Simpsons Raymond

What Not to Wear

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Prime Time �

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Ol Pej

KOMO 4 News

Barter Kings iCarly Barter Kings Mr. Young

CBC News: Ragin’ The National Cajuns

Big Bang Two Men

What Not to Wear

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Closer News Vitality

etalk Big Bang

Street Jeopardy!

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Hope for Wildlife

Wheel Jeopardy!

Storage Storage

Boys To Be Indie

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Big Bang Two Men

Craft Wars �

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Outd’r Idaho Magazine Rick Steves Inside Ed.

Wabanaagig Miywayawin

Cleveland Bent

Rick Mercer 22 Minutes


Wipeout �

Lost Kingdoms

Wipeout �

Storage Storage

That’s-Weird CBC News: How/Made Splatalot The National How/Made

Hell’s Kitchen

What Not to Wear

Family Guy Family Guy

Story of England

Medicine Gardening

MasterChef �

Camelot �

NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles

Sayed Kashua

Trust Us-Life Storage Trust Us-Life Storage

Love in the Wild

CBC News: Person of The National Interest

In Plain Sight

Saved Geometry

NY Med �

Barter Kings Mr. Young Barter Kings Boys

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News


KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hope for Wildlife

News Nightline

Storage Storage

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

Coronation Street

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

Sayed Kashua

Jimmy Storage Kimmel Live Storage


� Ent SportsCentre ET Canada � � X Games �

Wipeout � NCIS: Los Angeles

SportsCentre In Plain � Sight

Daily Show Colbert Rep


Deadliest Catch

Funny Home CBC News: Ragin’ Videos The National Cajuns ďŹ fth estate â€?

Deadliest Catch

Splatalot CBC News: How/Made That’s-Weird The National How/Made Hates Chris Sabrina

Lang & O’Leary

MasterChef �

What Not to Wear

Movie: “Lakeview

History Detectives

News 30 Rock

Craft Wars �

Terrace� �

Frontline �

Sunny TMZ

Craft Wars �

Movie: Afropop: “The Perfect Cultural

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.


MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill


America’s Got Talent � �

APTN National News

Guides From Spirit

Love in the Wild

Storytellers APTN Na-

KING News Jay Leno

tional News Exhibit A

Tavis Smiley � Medicine Old House Jimmy Fallon Gardening

WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30



Fishing-Flats World Vision The View Score Golf � �



Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

CHAN KNOW KOMO World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �

A&E Criminal Minds

YTV Erky Perky Toot


CBC News Now With

DISC Mayday �


Hates Chris How I Met

TLC Baby Story Baby Story

WTBS Millionaire Millionaire



APTN (108)

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Mighty River Exhibit A

Open Cham- Chef/Home pionship Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save Ums Rolie Polie

The Doctors Criminal � Minds

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Nerve Center Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: � Family Feud Rm-Multiples CI

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Young Riders

The Fab Five Noon News � Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy Day

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Rated A for Almost

CBC News Now With

Dangerous Flights

Use Your Brain to

KING 5 News

Cry-Loon Mighty River

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair Deadliest � Catch

The Talk �

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

� � Off Record Interruption

SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil � � �

Miss Spider Berenstain

Best Recipes Rachael Ray The Doctors Miss BG Stefano � � Lilly

Arbor Live �

The First 48 �

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

Mayday �

Funny Home Four Videos Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

The Mix MYTV

Almost Sidekick

Power & Politics

Cash Cab How/Made

Name Is Earl Toddlers & The OfďŹ ce Tiaras

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

La CitĂŠ The Young

Lang & O’Leary

Salvage Hunters

Anderson �

Cheer Perfection

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Riders neres Show Exhibit A

Last Day of the

Simpsons Raymond

Toddlers & Tiaras

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Big Bang Two Men

Toddlers & Tiaras

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Investigates News Tribal Treks

MythBusters Big Bang � Two Men

Ellen DeGe- Rick Mercer neres Show Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

SpongeBob Kung Fu


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Storage Storage

Odd Parents ďŹ fth estate SpongeBob â€?

Bombers at Argonauts

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Gardens

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

iCarly Mr. Young

CBC News: Dinosaurs The National Things You

Storage Storage

Boys To Be Indie

Dolphin Boy �

Score Golf Television

Amer. Dad Change Your Days of our Name Is Earl Age Lives

Four Weddings

Storage Storage

Young & Restless

� �

Law Order: CI

General Hospital

Football: Blue

� Ent SportsCentre ET Canada

Law Order: CI

The Dr. Oz Show



Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

APTN National News

etalk Big Bang

Street Jeopardy!

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

The Virgin Diaries

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Field Guide Magazine Travels-Edge Inside Ed.

Fish Out of renegade

Big Brother �

So You Think You

Dragons’ Den

Big Brother �

Big Brother �

Barefoot Doctor

The Middle Storage Suburgatory Storage

That’s-Weird CBC News: Salvage Splatalot The National Hunters

So You Think You

Toddlers & Tiaras

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature �

Off-Rockers Up All Night

Uumatmnin �

The Glee Project

Can Dance �

Arctic Air �

Criminal Minds

The Glee Project

Matthew Bourne’s

Mod Fam Apt. 23

Funny Home CBC News: Last Day of Videos The National the

Can Dance �

The Virgin Diaries

Movie: NOVA “The Perfect �

America’s Got Talent



Nutcracker Concierto

Final Witness Storage � Storage

Mr. Young Boys

News 30 Rock

Decade of Discovery

Law & Order: SVU

Samaqan APTN Na-


KING News Jay Leno

tional News Exhibit A

SportsCentre Glee � �

The Listener CBC News: CSI: Crime � The National Scene


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News


KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Frontiers of News Construction Nightline

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

Coronation Street

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

Barefoot Doctor

Daily Show Colbert Rep

Storage Storage

Storage Storage

Jimmy Storage Kimmel Live Storage

Toddlers & Tiaras


Splatalot CBC News: MythBusters Sunny That’s-Weird The National � TMZ

Dolphin Boy �

Cheer Perfection

Movie: “Rat Race�

Hates Chris Sabrina

Peter Popoff Paid Prog.

Lang & O’Leary

Dinosaurs Things You

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill


� �


Tavis Smiley � Fish Out of Greener Jimmy Fallon renegade


Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.




While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Personals CURIOUS ABOUT Men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try FREE! Call 1-888-5591255. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

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Toll Free 1-855-406-1253

Career Opportunities AIRLINES ARE Hiring- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (877)818-0783.

Education/Trade Schools MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535

Farm Workers AUSTRALIA, NEW Zealand dairy, beef, sheep, crop enterprises have opportunities for trainees to live and work Down Under. Apply now! 1-888-5984415

Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. EAGLEHOMES.CA Rewarding Sales Career Salary, Group Benefits Excellent team support


Merchandise for Sale

Help Wanted

Health Products

Fruit & Vegetables

Couple With Horses. Large Central BC Cattle Ranch seeks couple with horses to spend summer on range with cattle herd in the spectacular Chilcotin country. Travel trailer provided for housing. Low pay, but an adventure of a lifetime. Alexis Creek Ranch (425) 4818451 Email:

SLIM DOWN For summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.


Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd Has vacancies in the following job: 1)Heavy Duty Mechanic 2)Driller/Blaster 3)Loader Operator, for Town Jobs. Details can be seen at Fax resume to 250287-9259 LANDS & RESOURCES COORDINATOR: F/T position with Kwakiutl Band Council in Port Hardy. Senior position. Email for job description: casey.larochelle@kwakiutl.bc. ca or call 250-949-6012 Deadline 07/27/12

Income Opportunity HOMEWORKERS NEEDED! Earn extra cash! P/T, F/T Immediate openings, no experience needed. Get paid daily!!! Easy at home computer work, instant acceptance, free registration.

Professional/ Management GROCERY MANAGER. Jasper Super A. The Grocery People Ltd. (TGP) provides goods and services to a large, independent grocery and food service industry and manages a number of Super A Food Stores. Located in scenic Jasper, Alberta, you will be responsible for all aspects of managing a grocery department including marketing, merchandising, controlling and human resources management. Applicants need five years grocery department management experience. The successful candidate must be customer service focused, show self initiative and leadership to achieve the required results. TGP offers a competitive compensation and benefit package as well as the opportunity for personal and professional development. To apply, send a resume, stating salary expectations to: Director, Human Resources, The Grocery People Ltd., 14505 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, AB, T5L 3C4. Fax 780-447-5781. We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.


Financial Services

Phone Bruce Duggan

DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500


GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

ALL NEW Queen MATTRESS SET Still in Original Plastic! Must Sell. $150 - CALL: 604484-0379

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services A PARDON/WAIVER for work and/or travel? Guaranteed fast, affordable, criminal record removal. Call for free consultation. Qualify today and save $250 (limited time offer). BBB Accredited. 1-800-7361209, CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.



Garage Sales 1 Location Multi-family, Sat. July 14th & Sun. July 15th, 8-5pm, 9233 Mountview Rd.

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale FOR RESTLESS or Cramping Legs. A fast acting remedy since 1981, sleep at night, proven for 31 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660.

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate

Misc. for Sale

Other Areas

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

20 ACRES- Only $99/mo. $0 Down, Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas, Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee! Free Color Brochure. 1-800-755-8953.

STEEL BUILDING, Huge clearance sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Rentals Commercial/ Industrial COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE IN LAKE COUNTRY 1100sq’ Office space for lease. Reception area, four offices, coffee/ storage room. Located on Beaver Lake Road, 1 1/2 blocks from Highway 97. Easy access. Offstreet parking. $1100.00/month +utils. Lease negotiable. Phone:(250)766-3700

KELOWNA Spring warehouse w/office & washroom, approx. 1050sqft., $ 764-1749

Suites, Lower Misc. Wanted I am a Private Collector and I want to buy some collector coins. New ones & old ones. Todd 250-864-3521 I Buy Old Coins & Collections Olympic, Gold Silver Coins etc Call Chad 250-863-3082 Local PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

BEACHFRONT 1bdrm Villa furn. W/D SEASONAL SeptJune $1000 (250)766-4272 BRIGHT, open plan, 1bdrm suite. Property overlooks Lake Okanagan on private acreage in OK Centre (Winfield). Available July 15th W/D incl’d $750/mo + utils. Will consider pets. 250-718-4000

We’re on the net at

Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET

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Moving & Storage DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, also Fifth Wheel moving. 250-2150147 or 250-766-1282

Painting & Decorating A-TECH SERVICES (1) 250-899-3163 WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour

Trades, Technical

(Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

The eyes have it

Pets & Livestock

Pets Bichon-Shih-tzu pups, great disposition, litter trained, 1st shots, dewormed, available immediately. For more information call. 1 (250)832-4923 PET Grooming NOW Open at Bone Appetit in Glenmore, 111-1940 Kane Rd. 862-2663

Merchandise for Sale

$300 & Under Delta 10” Construction Table Saw, Excellent Cond. $275. Replaced motor,250-766-3026

Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, July 11, 2012



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Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

ENJOY THE WATER SAFELY Local marine law enforcement officers in the Okanagan-Shuswap will be hitting the water this summer to educate everyone on the risks of boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Boaters are also being warned to be cautious of high water levels, to be mindful of their boat wake and its effect on lake and river banks. The wake from boats or personal water craft can displace the water levels as much as two feet and could damage homes. Sgt. Josh Lockwood of the Conservation Officer Service warns, “we will be actively enforcing the 10 km/hr speed restriction within 30 meters of shore on interior lakes during our vessel patrols.”

Safely enjoy the water

Municipal Hall Development Services Department 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 t: 250-766-6674 f: 250-766-0200


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, a Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. to hear representations on the following: 1.

Official Community Plan Amendment (DLC) Bylaw 833, 2012 The purpose of this proposed amendment is to: x Separate the current Stability/Erosion Permit Area into two separate areas, Stability Hazard Area and Erosion Hazard Area, which would reduce costs and timelines for applicants; x Add additional Development Permit exemptions to Development Permit Areas; x Add additional provisions to the Development Permit Area guidelines to provide clarification on bylaw variances that support the Development Permit guidelines; x Reduce the Hillside Development Permit Area shown on Map 18. District of Lake Country Official Community Plan Bylaw (2010-2030) 750, 2010 is hereby amended as follows: a) Deleting “Section 22 – Development Permit Areas” in its entirety; b) Inserting Schedule ‘A’ “Section 22 - Development Permit Areas”; c) Deleting “Map 19 Stability/Erosion Development Permit Area”; d) Inserting Schedule ‘B’ “Map 19 Stability Hazard Development Permit Area”; e) Inserting Schedule ‘C’ Map 20 Erosion Hazard Development Permit Area”; f) Deleting “Map 18 Hillside Development Permit Area” ; g) Inserting Schedule ‘D’ “Map 18 Hillside Development Permit Area”; and h) Renumbering subsequent maps.

If you believe your interest in property is affected by the bylaw noted above, you shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the above-referenced bylaw. A copy of the proposed bylaw and relevant background material may be inspected at the Municipal Office, District of Lake Country, Planning and Development Department

While the Lodge Road Upgrade project will provide an improved multi-modal transportation network, there will be a brief period of inconvenience this summer as traffic is re-routed around the project. Pay attention to signage and traffic flagging personnel. Plan your route and travel time to consider possible delays. Transit Service: regular route #23 will continue with the addition of the shuttle service running Monday to Friday. The shuttle bus starts at the Berry Exchange (Bottom Wood Lake Rd, right on Woodsdale Rd, right on Lodge Rd, turn around at Quail Rd, follow same route back to Berry Exchange). The times the shuttle departs Berry Rd are as follows: 6:42, 6:59, 7:20, 7:52, 8:21, 8:53, 9:24 15:21, 15:51, 16:23, 16:53, 17:23, 17:52. For further information please call the transit information line at 250-860-8121.

JULY 14 RBC GRANFONDO KELOWNA CYCLE EVENT On Saturday July 14th, over 1,000 cyclists participating in the RBC GranFondo Kelowna will cycle the challenging rolling hills and undulating terrains of the region.

(2 Floor), 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. from Friday, July 6, 2012, through Tuesday, July 17, 2012, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays.

Traffic modifications will be in effect all along the course route. Motorists that need to travel on July 14th are advised to plan ahead as there will be delays and road closures on some routes. Always use caution around cyclists and obey traffic marshals.


Lake Country residents and visitors please take note of Boat Launch closures: Safe Harbour CLOSED from 10pm Friday night to 9am Saturday, July 14th Oyama Boat Launch CLOSED from 9am to 12noon July 14th


Corporate Officer


To learn more about the specific traffic impact details on event day go to and click on the interactive google map.

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