COMMUNITY: Gospel Festival fills park with song
PROFILE: RCMP Sergeant to push officer training up a notch
Proudly serving Houston and District - Home of Canada’s Largest Fly Rod
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Wood waste industry hopes to boost supply By Andrew Hudson Houston Today
Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
RODEO Royalty
Houston’s Adele Murray, Amber Gregorowich and Becky Dallaire sport sequins and smiles at the first-ever Smithers Rodeo Queen contest on Friday. Savannah Davies, their mentor and 2010 Williams Lake Stampede Queen, says rodeo queens combine poise, public speaking, and Western-style horsemanship. “I can speak in front of crowds now without batting an eye,” she said. Whoever is crowned queen will preside over the Bulkley Valley Fall Fair and go on to compete at Miss Rodeo Canada.
Lack of easy access to waste wood is driving one small Houston business to Burns Lake. James Tompkins says in three years he’s had no trouble getting orders for his product—fenceposts made from the log tops that sawmills can’t use. But without enough Houston loggers who can deliver tops to his yard on Morice River Road, Tompkins says he and his three-man crew will have to move to Burns Lake. “I didn’t want to go because I’ve got a nice shop and everything here,” he said. “But I need the timber supply.” Canfor, which runs Houston’s largest sawmill, did offer Tompkins access to their waste-wood piles
“ “I’m going to have to move to Burns Lake to keep going.”
- James Tompkins
on Gold Road. But Tompkins said a business his size is too small to haul wood in by itself. Instead, he offered loggers a premium—$50 per cubic metre of wood, compared to the $40 to $45 the mills are offering—if they could deliver to his yard. Lately only Tahtsa Timber, a logging contractor based in Burns Lake, will do drop-offs, and Tompkins said it’s better if he relocates near their core operation. See WOOD on Page 3
Burning ban, careful campers can lower risk, officials say By Samantha Garvey & Andrew Hudson Black Press
Dry, hot weather has northwest fire officials to ban open fires until August 13. Fire danger ratings have already reached “high” for Houston and for several other towns along Highway
16 corridor. “Even though it has been a quiet forest fire season so far, people should not become complacent about campfire use or open fires,” said a release by the Northwest Fire Centre. So far, 352 wildfires have been reported across B.C., 18 in the
“Reporting is the key to our success.”
northwest. That’s one more than was reported the same time last year.
- Stephanie Little But those fires have burned through just 15 hectares of forest—a far cry from the 11,000
hectares that burned last year, mostly due to Tisigar Lake fire in June 2011. People, not lightning strikes or other natural causes, sparked 70 per cent of northwest wildfires in 2011, the Northwest Fire Centre reports. That number jumps to 100 per cent for this
summer. The open-fire ban targets fires burning waste, logging slash, stubble or grass, as well as the use of fireworks and fire barrels. While the open-fire ban does not prohibit camp fires, fire officials are reminding campers to burn their fires away from branches, wood
or other combustible materials. Campers should also keep enough people and water nearby to control the fire, watch how the wind is blowing, and be sure the fire is fully out and its embers are cold before leaving a campsite. See FIRE on Page 3
A healthy local economy depends on you
SHOP LOCALLY Benefit Poker Ride for Adele Murray
July 28th in Houston up on the North Road.
Signs will be posted for directions.
First rider out at 10 last rider out at 12. The poker hands will cost $25.00 each. Half the money to the winning hand and the other half to Adele. The ride will be around 2 hours. Snacks and drinks will be available along the trail. Donations welcome.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Houston Today
Natural gas prices drop across northwest By News Staff Terrace Standard
Northwest residents received a bit of good news for their pockets books as of July 1. An application by Pacific Northern Gas to lower the residential rate for natural gas was accepted by the BC Utilities Commission. Pacific Northern Gas (PNG) cut the rate it charges for natural gas itself by 50 cents a gigajoule – from $4.06 a gigajoule to $3.56 –
or 12 per cent. That drops the overall rate to $15.027 a gigajoule or three per cent, once the delivery cost is factored in, and would be the second rate reduction this year. The first was as of January 1 and both reductions reflect the continuing drop in the price of natural gas caused by an increase in supply. PNG is a delivery utility and passes through what it pays
for natural gas to its customers. It cannot add to the price of the gas. There is no change to the delivery cost of natural gas in the area. PNG has for some time been hedging the price of the natural gas it buys – essentially fixing a future price now to avoid the possibility of having to pay more if it is bought on the open market at that future date.
But the utility stopped doing that a year ago and all of its hedge agreements will be finished this fall, says PNG official Janet Kennedy. It means PNG could apply to lower the rate it charges for natural gas itself even more as those hedge agreements end and as current prices for natural gas fall. “The current wellhead price for gas in northeast BC is approximately
$1.80/GJ and reflects supply and demand fundamentals that currently exist in the marketplace,” said Kennedy. “PNG is not able to forecast future gas costs (which are passed on to our customers with no mark-up), but there continues to be substantial media coverage regarding the significant (and growing) supply situation of natural gas in Northeast BC and across the continent.”
Northwest B.C. real estate sales are up across the board For more information please contact Tori Long @ 250-845-3500
Childreionn’s Vacat Bible School
Houston Canadian Reformed Church 3797 Omineca Way (Avalon subdivision)
Monday - Thursday, July 23-26, 2012 Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Registration: 9:00 a.m. Monday July 23, 2012 Age: 5-12
By Rebecca Billard Lakes District News
The BC Northern Real Estate Board reports that real estate sales are up in most areas of B.C. this quarter. BCNREB president Joni Brown said, “Sales are up pretty much across the board and listing inventory is down slightly. Prices have increased some, but not drastically and show the steady and healthy trend of a stable market.” She added, “All indicators from the economists are that northern B.C. will maintain a healthy level of growth. Interest rates are still on the historical low end while prices remain reasonable,
Community Luncheon Meeting Thursday, July 19th
at noon at the Elements Restaurant Ellen Clements, president and CEO of New Nadina Explorations Limited will share with you the recent Copper, Moly, Gold and Porphyry discovery at the Silver Queen Property near Owen Lake. The Silver Queen property was last in production through the Bradina Joint Venture. Since the ¶60·s there have been many companies, including Kennecott and Placer in the search for the porphyry. New modern techniques and a female with a ¶mission· have found the hidden treasures. Ellen is a new member of the Chamber.
Join us to hear the story of hopes and plans.
making it a great time for investors to build their portfolios in the real estate sector, and for homeowners to upgrade, or enter the market.” In the Bulkley Nechako region, the BCNREB report that sales have remained consistent. In Houston, 25 properties worth $4.1 million have changed hands so far this year, compared to 20 properties worth $3.3 million in 2011. As of June 30, 60 properties of all types were listed for sale in the Houston area. During the first six months of 2012, 32 properties worth $4.2 million were sold in the Burns Lake area, compared to 33 properties worth $3.5 million in the same time period last year. The Smithers area reported 142 sales with a value of $35.2 million in the first six months of 2012, compared to 125 sales worth $26.2 million at this time last year. Half of the 74 single family homes sold so far this year, sold for less than $250,000 and took, on average, 75 days to sell. As of June 30, 193 properties were for sale in and around Smithers.
Sales have increased in the Vanderhoof area with 54 sales worth $10.7 million occurring in the first six months of the year, compared to 36 sales worth $6.8 million to June 30, 2011. As of June 30, 173 properties of all types were for sale in the
Vanderhoof area. Fort St. James has seen a slight decrease in property sales, with 17 properties worth $3.6 million selling in the area so far this year, compared with 22 properties worth $3.2 million in the first six months of 2011. At the end of June
there were 65 properties for sale in the Fort St. James area. Property sales in Prince George have dramatically increased this year with 659 properties worth $154.7 million changing hands so far, compared to 592 properties at the time last year.
Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
Children at the Houston library dance to a pirate tune by Darryl Robb, of the Down by the Docks children’s band. With Diggy the blue iguana and several other puppet companions, the show featured many “strange but true tales” that fit the theme of the library’s summer reading club.
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Houston Today
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
New tenures to help wood waste industry WOOD from Page 1 It’s frustrating, Tompkins added, to leave Houston knowing that the wood he needs is piled up on forestry roads here, and will likely go up in smoke. Klaus Posselt, owner of Tahtsa Timber, says it’s been difficult, but his wastewood operation in Burns Lake is starting to grow. “For the last two years, I’ve kept half a dozen guys busy here just with wood that came off of burn piles,” he said. While quality wood goes for $30 to $45 per cubic metre at local sawmills, Posselt he can still get about half that—$18 to $25 per cubic metre—at the pellet plants near Burns Lake. Based on those numbers, and the steady supply of beetle-killed pine in Burns Lake, Posselt sees more growth ahead. “We intend to expand our enterprise, and other small enterprises like James’ can nest around it,” he
said. In June, Victoria announced two new forest tenures intended to help small businesses access more logging slash and other waste wood left by major forestry companies. “These tenures will increase opportunities to turn slash piles and unwanted fibre into energy, wood pellets and other bioproducts,” said Steve Thompson, Minister of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations. “Improved use of logging leftovers and residual wood provides jobs and economic benefits for rural communities, especially those affected by the mountain pine beetle infestation.” One of the new tenures gives operators access to a few cut blocks worth of waste wood, the other to a much larger area. Neither allows operators to log their own trees. At Pinnacle Pellet, which has plants in Houston and Burns Lake, Vice President
or unattended campfire in B.C., call *5555 on a cell phone or 1-800-663-5555. “Reporting is key to our success,” says Stephanie Little at the Northwest Fire Centre. Earlier this fire season, B.C. firefighters were sent to other parts of the country
Curried Thai Chicken Pizza Our own flavourful curried sauce with bite sized chicken, green pepper and onions topped with Mozza, Feta and curried Thai cheese.
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Save Gas. Shop Local. News staff/Houston Today
Craig Lodge, says it’s too early to judge how much the new tenures will help. “I think the real question is wading through the fine print and determining how much volume will be made available under these tenures, and the timelines to make that happen,” he said. At Tahtsa, Posselt said the new tenures add some security to existing business to
business contracts, but no new volume. Posselt would like B.C.’s forests ministry to stop requiring major forestry companies to quickly clear log piles off their tenures. Instead, he said, the ministry should take ownership of the piles for four or five years, giving pellet plants and others time to collect them and make good on their value. “What’s the rush on
the ministry’s part to force people to burn these piles when they have the potential to create a lot of jobs, and a lot of tax revenue,” he said, noting that B.C.’s pellet industry has steady demand and all the sites, rail links, and power it needs to expand. “No country in Europe would go out and burn these piles— and they’re buying our pellets,” he said.
Hot, dry summer adds to fire risk across Canada FIRE from Page 1 Anyone planning a large-scale, Category 3 burn must call 1-888797-1717 for a burn registration number before they start, and venting conditions should be checked at to comply with provincial regulations. To report a wildfire
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that needed assistance, she said. Now all of Canada is in the same situation: hot and dry. Last year, the B.C. government spent more than $3 million fighting forest fires, and the Northwest Fire Centre has spent approximately $180,000 this year to date.
Joan and John Lombardi would like to extend a sincere and warm THANK YOU to the many customers who patronized our Car Wash, Rental and Repair facility for the past 17 years. We would like to wish Traction Tire & Car Wash (Bill & Trudy Woelders) all the best as they have now taken ownership of the facility.
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Houston Recycling Return-It™ Depot 2266 Nadina Ave., Phone: 250-845-2590 • Open: Mon.-Sat. 10am-4pm For contest details and a list of participating depots, visit No purchase necessary. Open only to BC residents age 19 or over. Limit one entry per person per household per day. Contest closes September 3rd, 2012. For full contest details, visit
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
The value of time off A
s I head out for a much-anticipated twoweek vacation, I’m reminded of how important these time-outs are to most working people (and that includes the unpaid people who also toil at home.) Whether you slug it out in a factory or strain your brain in a think tank, time away from the everyday grind is critical. It provides a chance to rest, rejuvenate and recharge those important internal batteries that enable us to get up every day and make the trek into our jobs. I remember a vacation, many years ago, when I realized about 100 miles into my journey, I’d forgotten my watch. In conversation with my sister (first stop on the trip) she reminded me I was on vacation and time was of little consequence. She told me to relax and spend my time enjoying every minute, not counting them. At the time I was working as a radio producer and every second was carefully scripted, even trips to the washroom had to be closely timed. By the end of the vacation I couldn’t care less about wearing a watch. That changed when I realized I was usually late getting my children to various events and was becoming known as tardy. Now, with deadlines more closely connected to days rather than minutes, I’ve again abandoned my watch. There’s plenty of clocks in this world to keep me loosely on track. Other than an occasional ferry schedule I must keep, this trip is about going where I want and arriving when I get there. Mindful of the worriers in my world, I will stay close enough to my estimated time of arrival so no one calls the police, but if a roadside attraction appeals to me I might just stop for a few moments. How many? That will be determined by how the spirit moves me. So, take the time to heals the wounds of a hectic life, prepare for the next year of dedication and job expectations and make memories that will sustain you through winter and get you to your next vacation. Quesnel Cariboo Observer
Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor! Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to
Is B.C. shaping up for a political shift?
t’s natural for a political party to see several of its sitting members retire shortly before an election. With an election set in British Columbia for May of next year, unless Premier Christy Clark decides to extend the Liberals’ mandate, it’s not unexpected that several Liberals have announced they will not be seeking reelection. Most recently Dave Hayer announced he will not seeking re-election in May. He joins Kash Heed, Kevin Krueger and Harry Bloy on the list of MLAs not returning and Barry Penner and Iain Black who resigned from office in past year,
“Stay tuned, it’s going to be an interesting year in British Columbia politics.”
plus rumblings from pundits that Kevin Falcon and Rich Coleman may join that list. Depending on which side of the political fence you’re on, you either view the announcements as those with foresight getting out while the getting’s good or MLAs who, in the case of some of them, have been in political life for a long time and have decided to let someone else in. If the latter is the case, it makes sense to
announce now so there is time to get a good candidate in place prior to next May’s election. However, Hayer’s announcement came a day before a new poll suggesting MLAs’ motivation might be the former. An Angus Reid online poll of 801 British Columbians suggested that 45 per cent of decided voters and leaners (-5 since May) would support the NDP candidate in their constituency in the next provincial
election. The BC Liberals are still at 23 per cent, while the BC Conservatives have gained three points (22 per cent). The BC Greens are fourth with eight per cent (+2). The NDP continues to lead in all four regions of the province, with the support of at least two-in-five decided voters in the Interior (41 per cent), Vancouver Island (46 per cent), Metro Vancouver (47 per cent) and the North (48 per cent). The BC Liberals are second in the North (29 per cent) and Vancouver Island (26 per cent), while the BC Conservatives are ahead of the governing party in the
Interior (27 per cent) and Metro Vancouver (24 per cent). That kind of support would put the NDP in power with a healthy majority. Even though the BC Conservatives are gaining ground, realistically, holding the balance of power in a minority government would be a crowning achievement. But even that may be out of reach. However, the election is nine months away and in politics, that’s a lifetime. Stay tuned, it’s going to be an interesting year in British Columbia politics … as they always are. Prince George Free Press
Black Press Group Ltd. B.C. Owned and Operated
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Houston Today
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Website Poll results Yes - 55% No - 45% Do you think Highway 16 is hitting its trucking capacity?
This week’s Website Poll at Will Houston’s forest industry process more of its waste wood soon?
On The
What do you enjoy most about going to summer camp at Rock Nest Ranch? By B y JJackie ki Li Lieuw Lieuwen w
Letters to the
Forestry must adapt Aggressive harvesting gone on in the Lakes District for 50 years. However, unlike
Judy Stratton’s futuristic forest and flood Armageddon, you may not even notice that clear-cut harvesting occurred. Although, with all the dead pine surrounding old cut blocks, they are easier to see since
Gavin George Camper
Daniel Koster Camp counsellor
Malee John Director’s assistant
Natalie Joseph Camper
“The games, the chapel, and the food. And all the new people I get to meet.”
“Loving people because God loves me and he commanded me to love others.”
“Meeting the new campers and all kids who are here.”
“The staff because they are so nice and the food is really good.”
Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to:, faxed to: 250-847-2995 or mailed to: P.O. Box 899, Houston B.C., V0J 1Z0.
they are generally the only green spaces left. In my 25 plus years of basically living on clear cuts, I have grown to view them as vibrant forest landscapes that critters like mule deer use as new habitats and corridors more often than adjacent mature stands.
Human harvesting of the forest works much like wildfire, even better since we tie up the carbon dioxide by building with a renewable resource. After the forest practices code came in, our watersheds have been carefully managed, and those riparian corridors are
heavier in spruce and aspen not targeted by salvage logging. If dead pine represents a 62 per cent increase to flooding, it would be most effective to reduce that risk by following aggressive harvesting with aggressive silviculture to ensure immediate green up.
The real threat to our watersheds are fire storms like the Binta fire and projects like the Northern Gateway Pipeline. Dead-tree huggers and armchair environmentalists have become a great asset to big oil companies, who are out of sync with the natural world
and will cross our landscapes without accountability. Let’s live in the forest and adapt our lives, industries and economics to be in harmony with its natural cycles. Chris Paulson Burns Lake
Nuggets from Bill Barlee’s gold pan S
hortly after word came of the death of B.C. historian and politician Bill Barlee, my wife searched through her seemingly endless trove of B.C. books and produced half a dozen of his original self-published quarterlies, known as Canada West magazine. The earliest one is Winter 1970, where the publisher’s note advises that subscription rates were increasing 20 cents per year to $2.95. Subscriptions were up to more than 1,600 and counter sales were increasing, but costs were also up and Barlee refused to accept either display advertising or U.S. subscriptions. The only colour pages in the issue are
high-quality prints of four majestic paintings commissioned for the magazine. Irvine Adams’ scenes of sacred aboriginal sites in the OkanaganSimilkameen include The Gateway to Inkameep, where Barlee remarks: “Today that stream which once teemed with redfish no longer surrenders its oncevalued harvest and the perimeter of the desert is gradually being eroded by man’s questionable progress.” With the typography of Old West wanted posters, Barlee gave tightly sourced accounts of B.C.’s legends. “Lost gold mine at Pitt Lake” analyzes and adds to earlier accounts that begin with
an aboriginal miner known as Slumach, who would periodically arrive in New Westminster to squander a small fortune in gold, then disappear up the remote tidal lake. Slumach was hanged for murder in 1891 and in the next 70 years, 11 more men would die trying to find his secret. A scientist as well as a storyteller, Barlee concluded that the area’s geology is wrong and the fabled gold-laden creek “probably does not exist.” A passion for prospecting runs through the magazines, and hints at Barlee’s aversion to treasure-seeking Americans. They overran B.C. in historic waves to take gold, and according to
“With the typography of Old West wanted posters, Barlee gave tightly sourced accounts of B.C.’s legends.”
Nelson Star reporter Greg Nesteroff, Barlee believed they continued to loot Canadian heritage sites. Nesteroff was inspired by Barlee’s work, and traced his lonely mission to restore the ghost town of Sandon, “the mining capital of the Silvery Slocan.” Barlee bought a surviving block of buildings in an effort to make Sandon another Barkerville, but heavy snow collapsed them. As tourism minister, Barlee found money to build replicas, and
construction began on three. But Barlee lost his Penticton seat to Bill Barisoff in the 1996 election, and today only half-built shells remain. “He was still selling Sandon’s restoration as an economic saviour for the region when he ran for federal office in 2000,” Nesteroff writes. “But by then he was ridiculed for it, and finished a distant second.” Barlee’s 1972 Canada West profile of the boomtown of Hedley would reso-
nate in his career as an NDP MLA and cabinet minister in the 1990s. Hedley’s Nickel Plate and Mascot mines produced fortunes in gold, silver and copper before they played out, and Barlee led the fight to preserve their history. Today you can tour the Mascot mine, a proud historical site with a spectacular climb up the rock face that serves as the Grouse Grind of the B.C. desert. I first discovered Barlee as a reporter at the Kelowna Capital News in the early 1980s, when he did a weekly history show on CHBC television called Gold Trails and Ghost Towns. A bare-bones studio af-
B .C. Views Tom Fletcher fair with tales and artifacts displayed for host Mike Roberts, the show lasted a decade. Barlee didn’t lack courage, quitting a teaching career in Trail and Penticton in 1969 to start his magazine. On subscription fees and a few classified ads, he built a life’s work that allowed him to walk the boardwalks of history and the halls of power.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Houston Today
First-ever Gospel Festival unites Houston churches in song By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until July 31, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on and that contained on, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. *0% finance for 60 months, upon credit approval, available on 2012 Yaris, Corolla, Matrix, RAV4, Tundra and Venza. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus HST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. †$8000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 Tundra Crewmax models. $3000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 Corolla Sport, LE and XRS models. $3000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 Matrix AWD and XRS models. $4000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 RAV4 V6 4WD models. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services lease or finance rates. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by July 31, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. ‡Informational 60 month APR: Corolla 6.43% / Matrix 5.35% / RAV4 4.11% / Tundra 8.55%. Government regulation provides that the Informational APR includes the cash customer incentive which is only available to customers who do not purchase finance/lease through Toyota Financial Services at a special rate, as a cost of borrowing. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
“We’ve never had something like this in Houston before,” says Gerrit Keegstra, two days before Gospel Festival. “I’m very excited.” Gospel music, skits, and messages from local pastors filled the Jamie Baxter bandstand last weekend. Keegstra, one of two main festival organizers, says that the idea was inspired by a similar festival in Kitimat.
“We were really inspired by how simple it could be and yet really uplifting,” he said. The idea gather steam after Keegstra heard musician Karen Cruise play Vanderhoof’s in Cowboy Church last November. Keegstra asked her then and there whether she might play in Houston. When she agreed, Keegstra said, the festival had a headline act to build around. Along with Cruise, the Houston Baptist
Church worship band took the stage. So did Veneration X, a Christian alternative-rock band from Vanderhoof. Veneration X drew several youth to their Saturday night concert, including some who had heard them play at camps and other events in the area. “They are such a passionate and talented band,” said April Lieuwen, 15. Two pastors delivered on-stage messages throughout the weekend: Ken Penner from Telkwa,
and Gerry Farmer from Topley. “I always get excited talking about Jesus,” said Farmer, as he began to speak Friday night about the love and forgiveness God shows to broken people. Several different Houston churches helped to put on the Gospel Festival, Keegstra said, adding that it highlighted “more the things we Christians have in common rather than the things that separate us.”
Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
Above, Edna Dahlgren, Margaret Omlokole, and Marlene Shoesmith enjoy a sunny moment at Gospel Festival July 13. Below, Cindy Verbeek, Darrell Whelan, and Stephanie Farmer play the bandstand at Jamie Baxter Park.
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Houston Today
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Houston Today
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
Pioneers Courageous Battles
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Featuring the spirit of the local people Sergeant puts RCMP training to the test Andrew Hudson RCMP cadets who trained with Sergeant Sean Wadelius got the same question: “How are your elbows?” Drill sergeants, who got tired of bloodstains ruining their shirt elbows, knew the answer. As a defence tactics instructor at the RCMP training depot in Regina, Sgt. Wadelius had a signature drill—making cadets twist across a gym on their bellies, using only their elbows to pull ahead. That drill, and others like it, earned Wadelius a couple of the gifts from cadets he now keeps in his Houston office: a toy train thats spell P-A-I-N with a matching ball cap that reads “Pain Train Conductor.” Jokes aside, such drills carry a heavy goal. If an RCMP officer gets shot, they must get to safety, he explains, even if they can’t move their arms or legs. “There’s no quitting on me,” Wadelius says. Wadelius added that hard training also shows cadets the kind of effort expected from them in years ahead. “In our organization, like any other, you have hard rowers and then some that are just along for the ride.” If nothing else, he says, pushing thousands of cadets through the elbows drill gave him the satisfaction of showing any “minimalists” what it’s like to carry dead weight. To judge by his career so far, Wadelius is no easy rider. In 2008, when he left Regina to lead the Houston/Granisle RCMP, the town was still deeply shaken by the in-custody death of Ian Bush three years before. No one, it seemed, wanted the Houston post. It went unfilled twice before Wadelius put his name in. But in key ways, he felt like he’d been prepared for the job. Growing up in The Pas, a northern Manitoba mill town of 5,500, Wadelius wanted either to fly a jet fighter or join the RCMP. His math skills made that choice easy.
“Apparently they’re not going beating on the bad-mouthed to trust you with an $80-million thief. plane if you have to use a calcu“In training, they’d never lator for everything,” he says. been exposed to that type of After a B.A. degree in sothing before,” Wadelius said, ciology and psychology and noting that the scenario was two years as a correctional ofbased on a real case, from Terficer, Wadelius got through his race. own cadet training and onto his “You look at power dynamfirst RCMP posting in Prince ics, the rank structure of the George. force.” “It was a frontier—logging, In his time here, Wadelius drugs, drinking and fighting,” oversaw an amalgamation he says. “I spent my formative with Granisle and major renofirst five years in that pressurevations to the Houston detachcooker environment, which was ment building. good.” Linda Bush was immensely From Prince George, he helpful in that effort, he said, moved to a post in Fort St. by putting pressure on the James, then back to Prince right people to knock out walls George to take on homicides and make other upgrades that with the North District’s Major allowed video cameras to surCrimes Unit. vey the entire area. That post took Wadelius to RCMP Sergeant Sean Wadelius with the “pain train,” a gift from Wadelius also ran a kaHouston and across the north- cadets he trained in self-defence. “I get constant feedback, to rate club twice a week for his west as he investigated the this day, from former cadets who say the training saved their four years here, and recently murder of Deana Lynne-Brane life,” he says. “It makes up for those days like the anniversary graduated his first black-belt in Quesnel, Highway of Tears of Mayerthorpe because Brock Myrol was one of my cadets.” student. cases, a triple murder in VanderIn the coming weeks, hoof and the murder of Pirkko Wadelius will leave Houston Most early learning demos featured a Skolos in Topley. “bad guy” in a padded suit who show some for a new post in Chilliwack, where he has After that, and another few years as threat, and a cadet would have to handle a unique chance to push RCMP training anwatch commander of the Terrace drug team, them one-on-one. other notch. Wadelius felt ready to hit a big goal on his Now that all working RCMP officers have Wadelius turned the model on its head. career list—training cadets. In one scenario he wrote, he had a pair to get re-certified on defensive tactics every “I looked back at my training days and of cadets go to make an arrest, which better three years, a brand-new facility is going up my crazy self-defence instructor, and I reflected the reality of the job. in Chilliwack for all the B.C. members. thought that would be something I would Wadelius will have a leading role in One cadet played a young officer makreally enjoy doing,” he says. ing their first arrest, and Wadelius privately shaping the new training program, and he But when he got back to depot, now with warned them that the suspect, wanted for will also coordinate investigations into casstreet experience, Wadelius and other in- petty theft, would quickly hurl all kinds of es where the RCMP’s use of force comes structors wanted to do more than push ca- foul language at them. into question. dets hard. Once again, he says he’s not expecting The other cadet played an older superviThey also wanted to push the RCMP’s sor. Wadelius told them to hang back, and an easy start. training model toward more realistic, sce- didn’t give any heads-up about the suspect. “E Division, they always said, marches nario-based learning. “This was a social experiment,” he says. to the beat of its own drum,” he said. Back in his day, Wadelius said self-de“Well, that’s what they’re afraid of down It had a striking result. fence training mostly meant a list of isoTime after time, when a “supervisor” south because I’m bringing a new drum, and lated skills—karate and jiujitsu, wielding a saw the younger officer get badmouthed, a new beat.” baton, a Taser, pepper spray or a gun—that they lost their cool. Even with a foam train“Our organization needs leaders,” he were easily forgotten. ing baton, they over-reacted, laying a heavy added.
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Houston Today Wednesday, July 18, 2012
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Houston Today
Rock Nest sparks devoted campers
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“Nothing’s better than weekends playing in the yard, ...that’s why we insure our home through Western Financial Group.”
Houston Today
“Rock Nest is the best camp,” says Malee John, watching a group of boys joking as they wait for a turn on the zip line. “It’s like family here.” Every week through July and August, 40 to 50 campers stay at Rock Nest Ranch, a Bible camp just north of Houston. Run by United Indian Mission International, the camp hosts First Nations children from towns between Prince George and Prince Rupert. For campers, a typical day starts with breakfast, cabin cleanup, and a service in the chapel followed by activities— wall climbing, zip lining, canoeing, and a giant swing. Next comes lunch, “cabin Zzzs,” and free time before supper, more games, chapel and a campfire. Many Rock Nest campers and staff have come back every summer for years. “This is my twelfth year,” says Natalie Joseph, a camper from Vanderhoof. In her first year, Joseph came because her mom signed her up. Since then, she came back because she liked it so much. Campers say one reason they enjoy Rock Nest is the volunteer staff. For his part, staffer Michael Lavoie says he goes to camp to encourage the boys. “I just want to be an example for them and help them out as best I can,” he said. Many Rock Nest staff come from the U.S. Wendell and Heather Garrison are fulltime Christian missionaries from Colorado who moved to Houston to run the camp in 2005.
Andrew Hudson/Houston Today
Bianca Dennis tackles the climbing wall at Rock Nest Ranch. Camp nurse Brenda Rolfe (nick-named “Belle” for Southern belle) is from Alabama, but found two weeks to work at Rock Nest for the last five years. Between teasing and talking with the campers around her, Rolfe said she enjoys the kids, and gets a kick when a few pick up her accent. “I would give anything to be a bug on the water when they go home and their parents hear their southern drawl,” she said, laughing. Heather Redknap is started coming to Rock Nest in 2001, first as a camper and now as a photographer. Asked why Rock Nest is so loved, Redknap paused and took a deep breath. “It’s hard to put into a few words,” she said. At first, Redknap thought the camp counsellors at Rock
Nest picture-perfect lives, and that was why they were so happy and wanted to be Christians. But as she got to know them, she realized they faced struggles too. “They were just people,” she said. Heather paused and glanced out over the camp. “It’s just God,” she said. “God is here and that is the biggest thing.” The future of Rock Nest looks bright, as staff finish expanding a lodge that will seat 250 to 300 people, be wheelchair accessible, and stay open year-round. Nearly $900,000 has been raised for the lodge so far, says Wendell Garrison, and about 80 per cent of its construction has been done by volunteers. Garrison hopes to use the lodge next summer, and have it winter-ready in 2014.
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Houston Today
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
RIDLEY TERMINALS INC. CALL FOR ART PROPOSALS Ridley Terminals Inc. will be purchasing $50,000 worth of artwork from artists residing in northern BC. Northern BC consists of areas from Prince Rupert, north to the BC/Yukon border, east to the BC/Alberta border, south to Prince George, and west to Haida Gwaii. Email to get a proposal package. Only submissions following the proposal procedure will be accepted. Deadline for submissions is July 30, 2012.
Houston Link to Learning photo
Belinda Lacombe, centre, and Lana Wright, right divvy up some cucumbers during a food skills course run by Houston Link to Learning on July 5.
An adjudication committee of qualified people will make the final selection of art to be purchased. Only artists with successful proposals will be notified.
Farmers’ market to start first coupon program By News Staff Houston Today
Twelve families and three Houston seniors will get more fresh produce in their kitchens this summer thanks to a coupon program run by the B.C. government and the Houston farmer’s market. Starting Friday, seniors and families who join food-skills workshops at the Houston Community Garden will receive market coupons good
for between $12 and $15 of fresh veggies, meat, dairy and eggs. “There’s lots of the early stuff out there already,” says organizer Sandy Wetterstrom. “We’ve seen rhubarb already, and I know the ladies from Decker Lake will be bringing chard, tomatoes, onions and we’ve seen lots of radishes.” The workshops, which look at cooking and nutrition skills, will be organized by Houston Link to Learning.
Willow Grove Men’s Night
IRONMAN NIGHT July 11, 2012 Sponsor: Sullivan Motor Products Number of Golfers: 39 Sunlife KP (Ron Morris): Ryan Leffers Food Market KP (Bob Wheaton): Derrek Fuller 2nd Shot KP (Everyone): 0-14 KP: Brendan Leffers 15+ KP: Dallas Olson LD: Muscle Shirt Low Gross 0-14: 1. Ryan Leffers 41 2. Derrek Fuller 45 3. Andrew Leffers 48
Low Net 0-14: 1. Erv Himech 38 2. Glen Saretsky 41 3. John Kushnerik 43.5
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Houston Today
Deadline looms for timber decision ing supermills and logging like crazy,” Husband said. “Everyone knew it couldn’t last, and we’ve know this for a long time. It seems like we’re coming to the end and suddenly trying to find a Band-Aid solution.” She warned that opening up protected areas to increase the annual allowable cut would risk B.C.’s international forest certification, and create “false hope” in forestdependent communities that the high level of timber harvest can continue. Committee members questioned whether maintaining pre-epidemic protected areas hit by beetle kill is the best thing for forest health. “If we don’t go in and manage those and put the health of the forest first … and don’t go into these particular reserves, viewscapes, old-growth management areas, we will have more disease,” Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett said. Cowichan Valley MLA Bill Routley was sympathetic to the submission from Burns Lake, where residents pleaded for a solution that would allow their largest employer to rebuild. “It’s six First Nations that are supportive of a plan, a
By Tom Fletcher Black Press
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Damage to the Smithers Snowmobile Association Snowcat
The Smithers Snowmobile Association is offering a reward of $4675 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for the theft and vandalism of our BR400 snowcat trail groomer. The machine was taken from the Onion Mountain parking lot on Old Babine Lake Road. Email if you have any information regarding this incident, or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-2220-TIPS (8477) for total anonymity and up to a further $2000 reward.
The B.C. legislative committee studying timber supply in the wake of the Interior pine beetle epidemic is holding its final hearings this week, with an Aug. 15 deadline to recommend whether to open up more areas to logging as the forest recovers. At hearings in Vancouver this week, MLAs heard conflicting advice from industry and environmental interests, after a tour of the communities hardest hit by the beetle kill. Their task is to see if there is enough timber available to rebuild the Burns Lake sawmill destroyed by fire in January, and to decide if affected areas protected for old growth, wildlife or visual values should be considered for harvesting. Long-time B.C. environmentalist Vicky Husband told the committee the “elephant in the room” is mill overcapacity, built to deal with the huge areas with dead trees that are approaching the end. “The result was a perfect storm of events – beetles ravaging one billion mature pine trees and an industry build-
Special Committee on Timber Supply photo
MLAs and foresters tour a beetle-affected forest with a mixture of dead and live trees. company, a chamber of commerce, the workers’ representatives, on and on,” Routley said. Representatives of the Forest Fibre Alliance of B.C. called for change to existing timber licences to allow access to non-sawlog wood to make fuel pellets, fibreboard and other products from wood now going to waste. Association member Jim Burbee said non-sawlog producers have had to buy their own sawlog licences to get access to wood for their products, because existing saw-
log licence holders have no incentive to trade wood that isn’t suitable for sawmills. Columbia RiverRevelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald, the NDP’s forestry critic, said the committee’s tour of the Quesnel area revealed a “disturbing” amount of waste wood piled for burning after salvage harvesting for sawlogs. The committee completes its hearings with stops in Merritt and Kamloops on Thursday, and is accepting written submissions until July 20.
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Houston Today
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
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Coming Events Third Annual Grassy Plains Country & Bluegrass Festival July 27, 28, & 29th. For more info please call 1-250-2206087. A host of great Entertainers. Rough camping on Site.
65th Wedding Anniversary Albert and Maria Seinen were married July 18, 1947.
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They were married in Holland and immigrated to Canada in 1949. They came straight to Houston, living first in a logging camp, then in a house in town Dad built. His dream was to become a farmer, and in a few years he bought land and moved to the property where the mill now known as Canfor was later built.
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Dad became a dairy farmer, one of the few in the area to acquire a Grade A dairy licence, which enabled him to sell bottled milk to local customers for many years. Mom and Dad both worked in the dairy. Later, after the mill was built, they moved to their present house by the river west of Houston, and Dad turned to beef farming.
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Please submit resumes to: Annette Morgan 1188 Main St Smithers BC, PO Box 2920 V0J 2N0 or electronically to
Your path to a better job starts here.
Robert Robert Hesse Hesse passed passed away away at atthe theage ageof of82 82in inSmithers Hospital Smitherson Hospital on February February25, 25,2012. 2012. Born Bornon onApril April12, 12, 1929 1929atatGeorgswalde, Georgswalde, Sudetenland, Sudetenland, (Czechoslovakia) (Czechoslovakia) Robert Robertimmigrated immigrated totoCanada Canadainin1954 1954 where wherehe hetook tookaajob job atatAlcan AlcanininKitimat Kitimatinin the theRemelt RemeltDepartment. Department. Was Wasemployed employedthere theretill till 1969. 1969.He Hewas wasthen thenemployed at Northwood Pulp and Timber employed at Northwood Pulp in Houston trackmobile operator andoperator brakeman. and Timber as in aHouston as a trackmobile and After 22 years at Northwood he retired he retired brakeman. After 22 years at Northwood in 1993. Robert was predeceased by his wife Maria in September 2007. Robert was known for both for an independent spirit and for a kind heart shown in his willingness to give of his time to others. He was well loved and respected by family, friends and co-workers. Robert enjoyed the outdoors and enjoyed hunting, fishing, kayaking, and hiking. He made numerous trips throughout Northern B.C., the Yukon and N.W.T. “He will live forever in the hearts of his family and friends.”
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Homes for Rent TWO BEDROOM, two baths, natural gas heat, very clean. No dogs. $600 a month. Located at Shady Rest Park. Call: 1-250-845-2314
Auto Financing
Auto Services
Auto Services
CANOES FOR SALE: Clipper Prospector, 16’, red fiberglass w/black trim, bench seats, excellent shape $1000. Mad River St. Croix, 14’6”, Triple Tough, knee pads & lash tie downs installed, green, great shape $600. Wenonah Jensen 18’6”, painted Kevlar, sliding bow & stern seats, stern footbrace, white, super fast, light & in good shape $900. Hellman Kootenay 16’6”, lightweight, Duralite, orange with black trim, immaculate shape - like new, $1200. Pics available. Please call Ted 250-692-2372.
Poor, Good, OR No Credit at AUTO CREDIT NOW DL11143 Details and APPLY online OR TOLL FREE 1-877-356-0743
Antiques / Classics
AUTOBODY REPAIRS • ICBC Repairs • Frame Repairs • Body & Paint • Heavy Duty • Windshields
2340 Nadina Ave., Box 280, Houston Industrial Park Hours: 8 am - 5 pm (Monday to Friday)
Ph: 250-845-2280
See our website for more info...
Legal Notices
250.877.6777 Website:
For Sale By Owner
For Sale By Owner
A Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd.
Forest Stewardship Plan Amendment 19 Houston Forest Products has proposed an amendment to their Forest Stewardship Plan. The Tahtsa Forest Development Unit in the vicinity of Little Andrew Bay has been enlarged to accommodate future development and the measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Invasive Plants have been amended. The public is invited to view and provide written comments on this amendment. This amendment will be available for viewing at the following location from June 20, 2012 to August 20, 2012, during the office hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm: Houston Forest Products, Mile 2, Morice River Road, Houston, B.C. To ensure consideration, written comments must be received by August 20, 2012. For more information regarding this plan, to arrange a viewing, or to provide comments, please contact: Jaret van der Giessen, R.P.F. Planning Forester Houston Forest Products A Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. 1300 Morice River Road Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z1 Telephone: (250) 845-2322 Fax: (250) 845-5301
WELL KEPT 12X68 UPGRADED MOBILE HOME • Finished addition • extra roof for added protection and insulation • includes fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher, woodstove • front and back decks • storage shed • established gardens • quiet location. $36,900 obo #15 Silverthorne Mobile Home Park
Phone 250-845-2210 or Cell 250-845-9473
Legal Notices
Houston Forest Products
Coming Events
Coming Events
Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at
Houston Secondary School - Office hours for the summer are: August 20 – August 31 (8:30am – 3pm) Counsellor hours are August 27 – August 30. 1st day of school is Tuesday, Sept. 4. HSS webpage: Houston Public Library Events... Join us for a Geocaching Session. What is Geocaching??? Geocaching is a sport where we use billion dollar satellites to find Tupperware in the woods. Bring your GPS (we have extras), small treasures and the kids to the Houston Public Library at 7:00 pm on July 19, 2012. Go to for more information and to learn how to use your GPS and find your first Geocache. Baby & Me: Wed: 10-1am; Story Time: Wed: 1:30-2:30pm; Toddler Time: Fri: 10 to 11am; Phone 250-845-2256 for more info on any of the above events or to register. Houston Community Services is open Mon. thru Fri. from 9am to 4pm We have clothing to give away. Baby clothing; women’s and mens as well as children of all ages. Come and check it out!
Pleasant Valley Community Market in Houston Fridays 10AM - 3PM in Steelhead Park (Hwy 16) across from “The Flyrod”. There will be fresh produce, baking, crafts and preserves. To become a vendor Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley or for more information contact Cindy at 250-845Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applications. No expe2222. rience necessary please contact Byron - F/C 250-696The Houston Community Garden - Everyone is invited 3348 or come to a fire practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs to attend free Yoga classes at the Community Garden (7:30 pm) (3rd and Copeland) from July 9 - August 16. Monday 1-3 and Wednesday 10-12. Childcare is available. Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Tues. For more information please call Sandy 250-845- of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices every Thurs. at 7:30 pm. 2727. Seniors Bingo is every Tues. at 7 p.m. at Cottonwood Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m. Manor. Entry is $1. Come out and enjoy a fun prize filled evening. Lots of prizes! “Fit For Life.” Senior Exercise @ Cottonwood Manor on Mon., Wed., & Fri. @10 a.m. Call Hanne 8457414 or Bunny 845-7110.
Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the 2nd and The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Mon. 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the Seniors Centre. of the month is Executive, 4th Mon. is General Meeting (we have not been able to get a quorum in months, Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings & fire members please attend) practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. The Houston Retirement Housing Society is asking interested parties to provide their names for future Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., 11 a.m. vacancies at our Pleasant Valley Village apartments. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m. Please call Roberta@250-845-2257.
Houston Today
There are last minute costs, such as taxes, legal fees, appraisal fees, moving expenses and home insurance to pay before you are finally in your new home.
DREAM STARTER! • 2 yr old manufactured home set up in Ambassador park. • 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. • Very open floor plan with spacious living rm & kitchen/ dining. • Oak cabinets, eating bar, vaulted ceilings. • Patio doors off dining to a 12’ x 16’ deck. • All energy efficient appliances and window coverings included.
SEEKING THE ULTIMATE IN A HOME? • Custom built 7 yr old home on a private 5 acres mins from town. • High vaulted pine ceilings, floor to ceiling windows, ceramic tile in kitchen, hall & entrance. • Oak cabinets in kitchen with island and eating bar. • Master w/ensuite in loft with doors to private deck. • Full finished basement with family room, 2 bdrms, laundry & full bath.
• Spacious, bright family home on a cul-de-sac close to schools. • Many recent renos including new flooring throughout main and fresh paint. • 3 bedrooms and an office on main floor. • Newly fenced yard, raised garden beds, alley access. • Detached garage. • Pellet stove in basement family room as well as 2 huge bedrooms. Workshop and cold room.
• Recently renovated, cute, 2 bedroom cabin on scenic 10 acre lot east of Topley. • Tile floors in kitchen and bath, fresh paint. • Laminate in living, dining and master. • New siding and metal roof.
LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS! • Unique custom built 2 storey executive home on a huge corner lot. • 4 huge bedrooms, 3 baths. Spacious living room with fireplace. • Formal dining room, family room off kitchen eating area with patio doors to deck. • Carport and garage. Beautifully treed yard.
The Hometown Experts with a World of Experience®
Lia Long 250-845-1147
Community Calendar proudly sponsored by
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Ph: 250-845-7117
The power of membership
Re/Max Houston 2436 Poulton Ave., Houston, BC e-mail:
Tanya Belsham
Call 250-845-7325
Houston Today
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Where to Worship
Merchandise for Sale
Help Wanted
Heavy Duty Machinery
Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd/ Newcastle Timber Have vacancies in the following job: 1)Heavy Duty Mechanic 2)Driller/Blaster 3)Swamper 4)Hydraulic Log Loader Operator 5)Yarder Operator. Details can be seen at Fax resume to 250-287-9259
Anglican Church of St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston 250-845-4940
A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
2001 Riverbank Drive, Box 819, Houston
Phone: 845-2841 • Fax: 845-2823
Fr. Rectorino Tolentino Pastoral Assistant: Ronnie Cruz (Houston)
Mass: Sunday 11:30 a.m. Weekly activities or events announced as they occur.
First United Church 2106 Butler Ave., Houston
Services at 11 a.m. Contact: (Marianne Dekker) 250-845-2282 or 778-816-0039
HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 845-2678 • Pastor: Mike McIntyre
Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 amSunday Prayer Meeting: 6:30 pm Sunday School: 9:45 am Everyone Welcome
Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Association P.O. Box 1784, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Phone: 250-845-2705 Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2217
Houston Fellowship Baptist Church 3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne
Sunday Service - 10:30 am Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810
Houston Christian Reformed Church 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578
~ Everyone Welcome! ~
Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm
Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM AND 2:30 PM Pastor Hendrik Alkema ( Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston
Misc. for Sale
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Misc. Wanted I Buy Old Coins & Collections Olympic, Gold Silver Coins etc Call Chad 250-863-3082 Local
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent
Rev. Margaret Powell Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays except 7 p.m. on the First Sunday of the month.
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
Merchandise for Sale
Trades, Technical
Help Wanted
NICEST APARTMENTS: Crest Villa seeks mature, responsible tenants for large, modern, clean, one and two bedroom apartments. Near arena & pool. Downtown Location. Call: (250)-845-4037
QUAD L ENTERPRISES LTD. has job openings for: Certified Utility Arborist’s and Mulcher Operators Please submit resumes to: or fax (780)538-3949
Pleasant Valley Motel
Financial Services
Apply in person or please email resume to:
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email:
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET
1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)
is hiring for or call: 1-250-845-2246 for information.
HORSE FOR SALE 19 year old sorrel gelding, well trained, not a beginners horse. Used for penning at one time. $2500 obo. (250) 695-6972
Merchandise for Sale
Auctions RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AUCTION (New & Used) Wed, July 18th @ 6:00pm, preview same day 9-6, 3953 Hwy 97 N, Kelowna, 1-800-556-5945
Marketing/Quality Administrator - Smithers, BC You will be supporting the AWG Northern Industries/All-West Glass Senior Management team with various projects, events and day-to-day items. You are a results oriented self-starter who is meticulously detail-oriented, able to manage multiple projects at once, possesses excellent time management and problem solving skills and demonstrates an eagerness to embrace new challenges. Responsibilities: Manage inventory control of all clothing, promotional and sample materials Support independent dealer requests and content delivery Maintain and update website, internal site and social media sites Participate in the planning of staff and client events including trade shows Research and copy development for various projects including newsletters Assisting with various external and internal marketing and quality projects including campaign planning, execution, brand awareness and quality programs The successful candidate will have: A passion for marketing, merchandising and promotions Post-secondary education in Administration, Business or Marketing Prior experience in a fast-paced marketing/merchandising role Social Media understanding and experience (Facebook, Twitter) Experience in the construction or automotive industries an asset Strong graphics and computer skills Adobe CS, Microsoft Excel Strong team player; motivated self-starter with the ability to work under minimal supervision and able to provide consistent reports Contact: Laura Stanton, AWG Northern Industries Inc. Box 850, 3424 Highway 16, Smithers, BC. V0J 2N0 Email: Fax: 250-877-7610
HOUSTON FOOD MARKET 3428 - 9th Street, Houston • Customer service making subs and pitas. • Kitchen prep work as required. • Must be able to work weekends and nights as required. • 40 hours per week. Rate: $10.25 - $11.50 per hour
Pets & Livestock
Tahtsa Timber Ltd. is looking for full time
PROCESSOR, & LOADER OPERATORS for work in the Burns Lake area.
TRUCK DRIVING POSITION available in the Burns Lake & Houston area. Top rates and bene¿ts package. Fax resumes to 250-692-7140 or email to
Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted Job Title: Position Type: Reports To: Subordinate Staff: Level/Salary Range:
Help Wanted
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Full-time TCC-Executive All Tahltan Central Council (TCC) Employees To Commensurate with Education and Experience
Chief Administrative Officer POSITION SUMMARY Reporting to the Tahltan Central Council Government Executive, primarily the President, the CAO is responsible for the day-to-day management of TCC’s operations. The CAO is responsible for the financial management and support to the Council, its committees and agencies. The CAO is responsible for coordinating the activities of all employees to ensure efficient delivery of public services approved by the Council. PRINCIPLE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES t Manages the day to day affairs of the councils, based on approved policies and bylaws of the Council. t Coordinates the development of policies and bylaws of the Council. t Prepares agendas and attends meetings of the Council and Council Committees. t Provides advice as required to the Council on matters of policy and finance. t Coordinates activities of TCC solicitor and other hired experts. t Ensures that risks are properly insured through the insurance provider. t Prepares and maintains current policies dealing with Council governance and management, e.g., finance, human resources, workplace safety, etc. t Coordinates information technology required by the operations. t Posts entries on a timely basis to the ledger. t Prepares monthly bank reconciliation for all bank accounts. t Prepares regular financial reports for the Council and staff. t Prepares working papers for the auditor as required. t Prepares and presents draft budgets to the Council. t Monitors budgets regularly and takes action on variances. t Prepares applications and claims for all grants available to the TCC. t Prepares and submits the annual reports to government agencies as required. t Administers employee benefit program. t Performs all other assigned duties. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS t University degree with studies in Public or Business Administration; and t Two or more years in a senior public sector management position. The position will be based in Dease Lake, British Columbia at the TCC office. Dease Lake is located in the Northwest Region of British Columbia, approximately 600km north of Terrace and Smithers, BC via Highway 37. Please visit our website at for more information on the Tahltan Central Council Please submit your Resume and Cover Letter, or CV to the address below: Attention: Annita Mcphee, President Email: Or Fax: 250-771-3020 Tahltan Central Council PO Box #69 Dease Lake, BC VOC 1LO Phone: 250-771-3274 Deadline is August 3, 2012
, 1
, 1- , 9
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Your Pantry Fill Specialists
Houston Today
Top Sirloin Steak
Superpack Canadian AAA 10.78KG
Red Seedless Grapes
Dolly’s D olly’s Red Snapper
Fresh Corn Fres rn on the Cob
15.63KG 15
/lb F R O Z E N S AV I N G S
Rudolph’s Smokie Smokies
Top Choice Chicken Breasts
Boneless, Skinless 4 kg
10 for
Who Whole Watermelons
Coca Cola or Pepsi Products
Magnum Ice Cream Barss
Que Pasa Tortilla Chips
Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Feee 10 or 12x355 ml
or Haagen Dazs Bars 3x100 ml
2 for
De Cecco Pasta Does not include Specialty Pasta 500 gram
3 for
2 Varieties 800-908 gram
499 Emma Italian Ita Peeled Tomatoes
Cortina Canned Beans
796 ml
Assorted Varieties 540 ml
3 for
3 for
Reese’s King Size Bars Assorted Varieties and sizes
2 for
Casa Mendosa Tortillas
La Restaurantee Salsa
W Western Familyy EEnglish Muffins
Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Assorted Varieties 10”
1.89 litre
A Assorted Varieties 6 count
Assorted Varieties 250 gram
2 for
2 for
Alpo Dog Food
Western Family ily Hand Soap
P Pampers Baby Wipes
Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner
Cookhouse Classics 16 kg
Refills, Two Varieties 1 litre
2 Varieties 640-720 count
with Free Spray Bottle 3.8 litre
BULKLEY VALLEY WHOLESALE 3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 • Open: Mon. to Thurs. 8 am - 7 pm • Fri. 8 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - 7 pm • Sun. 9 am - 6 pm Cash & Carry Only
Prices in effect: July 18 – July 24, 2012