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Happy Halloween?
A special wish come true for teen .............................. 5
A time to brood in Golden .................................9
A new phase starts for rod and gun .............................11
It was Halloween in July as children from the Summer Fun Day Camp took to the streets of Golden. The camp runs from Monday to Friday and spaces are still open. Michele LaPointe/Star Photo
A look to the future of small town Darryl Crane
A natural soap made locally ............................ 12
The future of smaller municipalities, and how they are going to have to adjust to keep moving forward in the future, is often debated, discussed and questioned. This week Jon Wilsgard Manager of Corporate Administration for the Town of Golden shared his thoughts on the issues that will face municipalities in the future. Wilsgard has worked in two levels of government for more than 20 years and sees great changes in the future for smaller towns to flourish going forward. “A real social reconciliation of what is important for services provided by local government. The scope
and range of services plus what does society deem as necessary and essential,� he said. “I think we are coming to a point, due to limits in taxation and less money out there, along with decreasing populations, there will have to be a reconciliation (for the first time) of what’s truly important.� Wilsgard pointed to the decision by local government in Golden to discontinue the local transit system, as one of the signs of this new kind of thinking. “There is a real motherhood type of service to provide once you get into it people expect it to be an essential service. Well we lost it. Why? because the value for the tax dollar was not there for council. It was not there for a variety of reasons,� Wilsgard said. “More and more local governments are faced with demands upon
them that people expect. But there are costs to everything and where is the funding to cover services going to come from if they do not come from taxation?� Wilsgard felt there is an expectation from the public for grants to provide a wide variety of services, but he feels at some point a wall will be hit and small communities are going to have to decide how best to move forward. “It is not going to be pretty. We are seeing this in the United States where cities down there are doing things like shutting down the lights on streets. Whether or not that is a temporary result of the recession I do not know, but you cannot go on forever with this expansion of services,� he said. Continued on page 2
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
New GM at Credit Union
Olivia Hein is proud to present her brand new baby brother
Riley William Hein born Saturday, July 14, 2012 to ecstatic parents, Kim & Brent. Very excited grandparents are Sue & Jim Hein.
Pictured are Paul Pupo and Sharon Eddy. Pupo was the former General Manager of the Columbia Valley Credit Union, a position recently taken over by Eddy after Pupo retired. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Engagement a key for small towns to move forward continued from page 1 Wilsgard went on to explain that the way things have been going have forced towns to take a very serious look at the infrastructure gap and see where it truly is. “Serious discussions have to be had to decide where we are going to sink money or get funded because those are some
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of the primary essential services that could be at risk,” he said. As for other challenges he said the population shift could also radically alter the future. “We are seeing a return to urbanization. Cities are growing massively and people are not coming to rural municipalities...I think stabilizing a population is going to be a challenge,” he said. When asked about the possibility that some small towns may not be viable in the future Wilsgard said , “I have thought about this before. As you go through an economic reconciliation province wide, you look at society and some long time established communities in the province and you think will there come a point where they are just
not sustainable,” he said. “You have to have economic anchors out there that support you. If you start losing those, then it is pretty tough.” As for what can be done Wilsgard shared a system that works and one where he would like to see changes. One idea he believes has been a success is the Resort Municipality Initiative. He felt this is a “stellar example” of the provincial government seeing 14 communities in B.C. where tourism is such an important part of a town’s livelihood that the government has come up with money for these communities to help them continue to develop. Wilsgard added he felt a movement away from having so many govern-
ment workers in Victoria would also be beneficial for the province. “They have a massive outlay of offices. If the provincial government could decentralize itself and relocate itself into communities like ours it would be fabulous...what an economic boom to certain places,” he said. Another area Wilsgard thinks change is needed, is communities getting a greater share of consumptive taxes from the province. “Having a more planned form of revenue streams from higher level governments would also help,” he said. “Ultimately if you make your community liveable people will come to live.” Wilsgard was also open about something that is difficult to understand for him.
“I think my greatest disappointment in my few years working for local government, and I think it may be partly a function of our society, is how non-engaged the public is. That’s the most disappointing thing. The only thing we have engagement over is this singular issue of flood control. But maybe this issue could be avoided if we had a lot more interested people in our community paying attention to what we do on a regular basis,” he said. Wilsgard hopes this could be a side effect of the reconciliation which he sees coming in the future. “I know we are not going to go anywhere with what we can do without civic engagement and I know it goes both ways,” Wilsgard said.
RCMP on the lookout for vandals Cpl. Watson Golden RCMP Sometime during the evening of June 19, and early morning hours of June 20, a number of businesses and signs located on 9th Avenue North in Golden were
spray painted. Golden RCMP are requesting assistance from the public in determining who is responsible for this crime, and ask that anyone who has information on this or any other crime, please contact them at 250-344-2221, or through Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477).
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A3
Kootenay Paving
Golden gift
August 3rd - 5th, 2012 Taj Mahal Trio Five Alarm Funk Gabriel Palatchi Band Phil Dwyer Band Septeto Santiguero Kirby Sewell Band Altered Laws Jimmy Bowskill Hornography The Harpoonist & the Axe Murderer Bessie & the Back Eddies Electric Monk Laura Landsberg & Homeward Bound BananaFish Dance Orchestra | 250-353-7548
Erik Oosthoek, right (pictured with Golden Golf Club Pro Graeme Kreiner) was the recipient of a very special gift, a set of Golf Clubs from recently deceased and long- time Golden resident Rene Bouchard. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Youth look for council support Darryl Crane Kailyn Trask of the Youth Advisory Committee presented to the Town of Golden council to garner support as part of an application for funding to the Vancouver Foundation. The foundation is a non-profit organization that distributes more than $40 million each year across British Columbia. Trask explained that the group has been working towards opening a youth centre in Golden to provide a safe fun place for local youth. “We have been working hard over the past year,� Trask said. She went on to explain they have had some previous success with grants through the Columbia Basin Trust and after that funding was garnered the group determined what the main concern of
youth were in the area. The group has also put together a committee to look at the options that are available in the town for the proposed youth centre. She went on to explain about the funding and how it could effect the groups future plans. “This is very important for us. This will enable us to keep our doors open for 2013 and 2014. It addition it will also help us maintain our enthusiasm and drive for the next two years,� she said. The group is applying for a $50,000 grant as part of the youth engagement project with a deadline approaching for a letter of intent which must be submitted before the end of the July. Council directed staff to quickly look at the request for the letter of support to give the group time to use the letter for the application.
Policy gets cleaned up Darryl Crane In what was described as a matter of “housekeeping� by Manager of Corporate Services Jon Wilsgard to the Town of Golden, Council made a recommendation to alter some of the policies to the Temporary License of Occupation Policy. In April of 2010 Council approved a Temporary License of Occupation (TLO) Policy which governs and regulates the
temporary occupation of certain public spaces. According to Wilsgard the policy has been very successful in streamlining and fast tracking approvals, facilitating the animation of public spaces for a variety of activities. In the staff report to council it states, “The authorization mechanism was originally proposed and remains as a corporate policy versus a bylaw because it continues to evolve; having said this, at some point an author-
izing bylaw should be in place once there is confidence that the policy is suitably comprehensive.� There have been new requests made to staff for wedding ceremonies (in Spirit Square specifically), sporting events (such as a race start for road bikes – also in Spirit Square), and temporary merchant encroachments in parking stalls. Council voted to authorize the changes in the staff report.
Public Notice is given to the electors of the Town of Golden that nominations will be received for the following offices for a 2+year term – (Mid September 2012 to December 2014): Councillor
two (2)
Nominations for qualified candidates will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designate during the following times at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Tuesday July 24th, 2012 to Friday, August 3rd, 2012 -Excluding Statutory holidays and weekendsNomination documents MUST accompany any nomination. Nomination packages will be available beginning July 16th, 2012, at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily. NOMINATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 4:00 PM, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 2012 QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: x Canadian citizen; x 18 years of age or older; x resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; x a person or the commander of an armed forces unit who has been granted freedom of the municipality, if that person is a Canadian citizen; and x not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office. FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting: Jon Wilsgard, Chief Election Officer [250.344.2271] Viv Thoss, Deputy Chief Election Officer [250.344.2271] Jon Wilsgard, Chief Election Officer
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
Fire hazard removed from Golden Jessica Schwitek
GADSAR open house success Kevin Weir GADSAR Information Officer Golden and District Search and Rescue would like to thank the community of Golden and Area A for the support at our open house on 23 June. GADSAR is extremely appreciative of the support from local businesses and the community. With the support we have been able to relocate to a new location
that will allow us to keep operating in our full capacity. GADSAR enjoyed sharing our new home and equipment with all those members of the public who attended our open house. Again we would like to thank all the people that made our new home possible, the picture is of a new plaque that will permanently be on our new building to show appreciation for our supporters.
Behind the Wheel
Stopped by the Police - What do I do Now? We live in a wonderful country where violence is still something relatively rare. If we are stopped by the police we tend not to worry and dig out our driver’s license and vehicle registration wherever it might be in the vehicle. Some people even get out and walk back to the police car to see what is going on. These actions are meant to be polite and save time but today are not the right thing to do. The police perspective is a difficult one. Officers realize that people mean well, and that almost always these actions are not threatening. On the other hand, police stop people every day in British Columbia that have significant criminal records and may present a very real threat. These circumstances are not known in advance and each vehicle stop must be approached with care to avoid violence, but not upset those who are honest, well meaning people. You can play a big part in making every vehicle stop a safe experience. Stop promptly and instruct everyone in your vehicle to sit still and be quiet. Keep your hands in clear view. If it is dark, turn on your interior light. Wait for the officer to approach and explain why you have been stopped, then follow his requests. Stay in your vehicle and continue to be still and quiet until the stop is concluded. In short, don’t do anything that might be mistaken as a possible threat. If your first reaction is that this column sounds ridiculous, I would like to agree with you, but times are changing. The problem today is that officers cannot immediately determine who is and isn’t a threat, and for their own safety must consider all the potentials and be prepared to deal with them. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
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A unit crew from the BC Forest Service was in town, clearing out some potentially hazardous natural materials in the Selkirk Heights area. The Monashee Unit Crew from Revelstoke was conducting fuel management between the Selkirk Heights area and the Bowle-Evans Forest Service Road on Thursday July 19. They were originally supposed to stay for five days, but left after one when they were bumped to number one on the emergency response list. “What we’re doing here is fuel management, and we do it in order to limit fire activity in certain areas, especially areas surrounding communities like the development up here. So it’s a way of protecting the neighbourhood,” said Jacob Henson, crew leader. The initiative (Fuel Management Prescription), represents a multi-year planning and implementation project supported in part by provincial funding and required of communities with significant interface wildfire potential within their boundaries. The acquisition of BC Forest Service firefighting personnel to undertake this portion of the initiative this year represents an approximate $44,000 in savings to the Town of Golden in costs to the overall project, according to the Town. “Golden actually needs it. Golden has all this dry, what we call ladder fuels. When fire climbs up the trees, it’s these ladder fuels that bring it up there.
And there’s a ton of really dense ladder fuels all around Golden. So if a fire was to encroach around Golden, we’d have a hard time stopping it because of the kind of steam it could build. So what we’re doing is limiting it’s ability to move,” said Henson. The five-day plan included removing all the dead brush and trees in the area. Thursday the crew’s job was to remove all the pine beetle wood, which will later get bucked for firewood. “It opens the area up, and give it more of a parkesque look, in the sense that it won’t be so dense that you can’t see through it. It will be pretty open, you’ll be able to see the big trees, and they’ll have more room to grow,” said Henson. “From a local standpoint it’s nice because with the animals that stay close to town, you’ve got a bigger sight line. So for people who walk around here, especially with their kids, you can see more than the edge of the trail, you’ll be able to see a ways into the bush as well. So it’s fire prevention, but then it also has other benefits as well.” After a wet and cold spring and early summer, the fire season is starting to heat up. All over B.C. and North America it is starting to get hot and dry. But before too many fires start up, the crews are finding plenty of preventative work to keep them busy. “When there’s no fires in B.C., it’s nice to have stuff like this to do. In Revelstoke we’re building bike trails, and we’re helping with rec sites, but it’s nice to be able to get into the bush and do some work that helps the town as well,” said Henson.
New staff member joins the Star Jessica Schwitek The Golden Star would like to welcome its newest member to the team, Hollie Tataryn. Originally from Alberta, Tataryn joins us after the desire for a lifestyle change prompted a move from Saskatchewan just over a year ago. “My husband and I just wanted to be near the mountains again, but knew that we didn’t want to go back to Calgary,” said Tataryn. The small town, surrounded by mountains turned out to be the perfect fit. “We love Golden so far. Love it, love it, love it.” Their first year in Golden has been a busy one for the Tataryn family. The couple, along with their nine-year-old son, just purchased a home in Nicholson, and have been enjoying hiking, biking, camping,
and just having the active lifestyle they were seeking. “We needed a lifestyle change. And we could have done that lifestyle change in Saskatchewan, but we just weren’t... Since we’ve been here my husband and I have lost a ton of weight, we’re outside all the time, I’m doing running clinics, and I teach yoga.” The Golden Star is fortunate to have Tataryn coming into the office. Her strong background in sales, office administration, and contract management will be an asset in the front office. “I very much enjoy jobs where I’m interacting with people. I’m a people person, very chatty. And that’s another reason I like small towns, which is partly what brought us here in the first place,” she said. In her short time in Golden, Tataryn has already immersed her-
Hollie Tataryn self in the community, teaching yoga at the Centre for Peace, and doing running clinics three times a week. She is also a board member for the Golden Food Bank, and has volunteered some of her time with the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce.
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A5
New York teen fulfills wish in Golden Jessica Schwitek New York City is a long way from Golden, but when the Make a Wish Foundation asked 16-year-old Christina Heinzer where she wanted to go, she knew the answer. "They came to the house and did an interview, asked her where she wanted to go. They were somewhat shocked because usually kids her age like to go to Disney World, things like that. And here she was, asking to go to Canada," said Christina's dad, Peter Heinzer, who made the trip to Canada with her. Christina, who has been coping with a diagnosis of Ewings Sarcoma, has been interested in wild animals her whole life, with a particular fascination for wolves. "I've always liked wild species of dogs and cats," said Christina. "So I really wanted to see wolves in Canada." "We talked about it, I said 'where do you want to go for your makea-wish trip.' She said she wanted to go to Northern Lights Wolf Centre in Golden Canada," said Peter, who had never heard of the place before. But Christina knew what she wanted, and did all the research herself to find the Northern Light Wolf Centre. While at the centre she got to play with a couple wolf puppies, before heading out on a hike to walk with the wolves. But before heading to the wolf centre on Monday July 23, Christina and Peter took a drive up to Kicking
Horse Mountain Resort to visit Boo the bear. "That was the first time I'd seen a grizzly bear," said Christina. "It was great, just beautiful country up here," said Peter. After leaving Golden, the pair will head to Calgary for a special visit to the Calgary Zoo. They have arranged for Christina to feed some of the animals there. And if there's time, they might make a trip up to Drumheller to see the dinosaur capital of the world, before heading back to their home just outside of Manhattan. Christina has had a trip she will not soon forget. "She was telling me as we were driving over the highway, she said 'Dad, you wouldn't mind if I wanted to live here would you?'" said Peter. Christina’s wish was granted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Suffolk Country, assisted by Make-AWish BC who is helping with local arrangements. Make-A-Wish BC assists with approximately 20 wishes a year for kids who want to visit B.C. for their wish. “Sixty-two per cent of our wish assists this year are tourism related as B.C. is a tremendous draw for people around the world. Whether it’s to see wolves or Orcas in the wild, go salmon fishing or skiing, wish kids and their families love to visit B.C.,” said Ross Hetherington, Executive Director for the BC Chapter. Since 1983, Make-A-Wish BC & Yukon has made almost 1,500 wishes come true for kids battling a lifethreatening medical condition.
Make-a-wish teen Christina Meinzer spends some time with the wolf puppies at the Northern Lights Wolf Centre. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Kicking Horse Country Transit
Service Change Thank you for riding the bus. Service ends July 27, 2012 Other options include: t Kootenay Rideshare, (throughout Kootenays) t Mount & Taxi, 250·344·5237 (Golden and surrounding area) t BC Transit Health Connections, (to Cranbrook) For details visit
Town of Golden Transit Info 250·344·5237 t
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
Voices can be heard Things were flowing along nicely on another Monday morning when once again a power interruption in Golden completely threw my thought process out the window. Like many people in the area we have to be looking forward to a time when this situation is hopefully a thing of the past. Power outages like this should be forgotten once the new power lines finally reach us and then as a town all of the By Darryl Crane residents concerns and power disruptions should be a part of our distant memories. Now to focus on Golden today and what is the talk of the town. This will be a busy week in the area with an interesting council meeting to determine the next move on the Bridge to Bridge project that will be happening between the time I write this and the day the paper comes out. Will the project go to a referendum? It seems likely this will happen and soon we will know what the possible choices might be, and if it does go this way it will of course be a hot topic in the byelection. This of course is dependent on having more than two people stepping up to trying win one of the two open spots which are currently available on council. I for one have never been a fan of the whole acclamation idea. Just getting two signatures on a piece of paper does not make you a qualified person for any position in government where decisions on millions of dollars will be held in the checks and balances. It would be like winning the leadership in a country by having only the ballots from one city counted. We have seen a commitment to voices being heard over the past few months and that passion can be a good thing but if no more than two people step up to run for the open spots on council then I feel the choice has been taken away from the residents to choose who they wish to represent them. Getting in through a loop hole is not what is best for society and if a person really wants change then they have to get off the sofa and be willing to work for it. Complaining about or supporting the decisions made regarding how your money is spent by those who are making the decisions comes with a price tag. It is fine to be engaged but if the changes you see are not happening then the time may be ripe to pop by and pick up one of those packets so that you can get involved and be a part of a solution which hopefully in the end will benefit not only yourself but also those around you. This decision is never easy and I am sure if you ask the current council they will say they have their good and bad days. But they did sign up for the position and they all had a strong enough feeling to run and represent. That is something not everyone has the strength or desire to be a part of. Putting yourself out there to be judged by other is a challenge for both the mind and soul. It is easy to take pot shots at those who sit behind a table at council and it most certainly is not a place where everyone could handle the responsibility, pressure, commitment, debates, arguments and everything else that come with the position. But without choices residents loose their say for who they want to be in the seats as their representatives.
- My Way -
Bridge to Bridge It is not my intention, nor a habit of mine, to get mixed too deeply in local matters, but one disappointing experience, and a recent exchange in the Golden Star, has provoked me to do so. I was walking in downtown Golden about six weeks ago, and I noticed people under a canopy tent in front of the Post Office. One of them gestured for me to come over with his hand. They informed me that this was my opportunity to sign a petition against the development of the river front, and prevent the Town from going into debt. I told them that I had recently come from a trip across England, Scotland and Ireland, where I, along with locals and visitors from around the world, loved to stroll along beautifully
It was because of this opinion, and my reluctance to sign the uncompromising petition, one of the older group members asked me to go away. So for me, this possibly healthy opposition lost some of its appeal and credibility. For everyone who has seen some of the world, it is clear that a sensitive amalgamation of protection and beautification of the water fronts has blossomed in some of the most lovely towns and cities built by man on this planet. Milan Netuka Golden
Stars and Stingers A field full of Stars to the volunteers that worked on a much needed project.
even though it was busy, from the margarita drinking debit payers.
Stingers to people who think it’s alright to text during movies at the theatre... not cool.
Stingers to all the people who haven’t been able to fix the road rescue situation around Golden.
Stingers to anyone who thinks flipping the bird while driving their vehicles is a good idea.
Stars to all the people who have been supporting Cops for Kids.
Stars to the bartender who took the time to make blended drinks
Stars to the travelling Yeti for his donation to the food bank.
Stingers to cars that don’t stop for people at crosswalks. Stars to my aunt for
filling my fridge up this week. Stars to the motorists who give the bikers lots of room on the highway. Stars to Ford, for no other reason than calling it a Car-B-Q. Stingers to all the evil power outages.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think there’s enough summer programming for families in Golden?
Yes 70%
No 30%
This week’s poll question: Do you support the use of chemicals to kill mosquitos? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters
developed river fronts in places like London, Cambridge, York, Belfast, Londonderry, Drogheda and Dublin. But I also agreed with them that the cost was an issue, and suggested that there may be a reasonable compromise.
be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the
right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at
• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00).
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A7
Food for thought
From left, Jim Mitchell, Joyce Mitchell, Rhonda Smith, Nicole Traverse, Mike Hull, Troy Durand, Doug Booi and Elijah Parish all came out to support the latest Cops for Kids fundraising barbecue at Overwaitea on Saturday July 21. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
When planning a Summer vacation away think of the bears at home Sadie Parr Golden Bear Aware Community Coordinator Several residents in and around the Golden area take summer as an opportunity to “get away from it all.” If you are going to be away from your residence, travel plans should include bear-proofing your home. Over the past week there have been at least two homes just south of Golden that have been “broken into” by bears motivated by hunger searching for an easy meal. Experts agree that the careful management of bear attractants is
the first and most important step in reducing this conflict between humans and bears. Sadie Parr, Golden’s Bear Aware Community Coordinator asks that all vacationers thoroughly check their property for attractants before leaving so that they can remove or address them. She feels that it is also very important to ensure that all windows and doors are securely closed and locked. “A screened window may help to keep the air flowing, but it is not a barrier that will keep a bear out. Imagine your unattended home as a campsite in rich bear habitat and practice due diligence,” advises Parr.
She adds, “Property damage resulting from a bear in your home can be expensive for the owner, and ultimately end up costing the bears its life. “ Parr would also like to encourage people going away to ask their friends and neighbours to help them ensure that garbage is only put on the curbside the morning of collection. “Just ‘taking care of garbage’ by making sure it gets to the curb is not good enough when there are bears awake and searching for food. Secure and clean storage of garbage is also a requirement when in Bear Country.” To learn more about managing wildlife attract-
ants visit the Bear Aware website Contact Sadie Parr within Golden if you have any questions. She can be reached at 250-290-1222 or Bear Aware gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Columbia Basin Trust, a regional corporation created to deliver social, economic, and environmental benefits for residents of the Columbia Basin. Bear Aware would also like to thank its sponsors: the B.C. Conservation Foundation, the B.C. Ministry of Environment, and the Town of Golden. To report a bear sighting or wildlife incident, call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.
A time to catch up with the past at Golden Secondary School Jessica Schwitek The 40th reunion is coming up for graduates from Golden Secondary School. For those of you who don’t feel like doing the math, that means everyone who graduated in 1972 will be getting together to catch up with old friends. “We don’t get many chances to see and talk to the people from our past and for me it is fun and interesting to see and talk to the people I went to school with. Some of us have kept in touch but there are also those you only get to see at reunions,” said one of the
Add your Event to our online Calender
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bmissions will The best online su ents Calendar of be placed in the Ev newspaper. The Golden Star
organizers, Anna Jean Abel, now residing in Cranbrook. “It is fun to see and talk to the people who were such a big part of your life growing up. It’s interesting to see how those people are 40 years later.” Sometime last fall Abel was talking to fellow organizer Margaret Nelmes, and they decided to contact Jean Persson in Golden, who was key in organizing these events in the past. “Fortunately we have had previous reunions, I think the last one was our 25th anniversary. We did have a list of names and addresses but many had moved, some have passed away and some we never did have contact with,” said Abel. “Margaret spent many many hours on the
internet and telephone. We really have her to thank for the number of people we were able to contact because she worked at it.” The reunion is open to anyone who attended school during that time, as well as teachers. It is taking place at the Kicking Horse Grill on August 11, starting with cocktail hour, and dinner after that. The restaurant is booked until midnight. Then on Sunday morning Persson has invited everyone up to her house starting at about 10 a.m., and they are planning coffee, tea and muffins. Anyone interested in attending can contact Abel at 250-426-3552 (early evening is best) or at In order to give the restaurant adequate notice, people can register until August 3.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: t Event submissions are FREE. t Once your request is submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar. t Events may also appear in our print calendar at the editor’s discretion. t Please do not submit events publicizing a business-oriented sale. t We also reserve the right to refuse any event. t Go to
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
Events & Entertainment Calendar
Please be sure to
Golden Cinema Presents: ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT (3D) Showing Friday, July 20 Thursday, July 26 at 7pm. Matinee’s on Friday, Saturday & Sunday at 2pm.
Columbia Veterinary Services will be closed from August 1st - August 27th Clients are advised to ensure they have adequate medications and pet food for this time period. Please contact sta at 250 344 5994 during oďŹƒce hours before the above dates to preorder.
Penny Power sponsored by
Donate your pennies to help the Golden Women’s Resource Centre
Every jar/container qualiďŹ es for a ticket to
WIN a Tablet!! (Draw date by the end of 2012)
Tickets available at the reception desk 511 Main Street, Golden
Tercon Construction Ltd. *Notice of Construction* Tercon Construction Ltd. would like to inform the travelling public of our construction project 4 km East of Golden, B.C. on the Trans Canada Highway. The project currently has an expected completion date of November 2012. We appreciate your patience during this time and request that you please watch for our crews and obey all construction signs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Site Safety OfďŹ ce at: 250-344-6768.
The Dark Night Rises Showing Friday, July 27 at 5pm & 8:30pm. Saturday, July 28th at 1pm, 5pm & 8:30pm. Sunday July 29 at 2pm & 7pm. Monday July 30- Thursday, August 2 at 7pm.
This Week
9th – August 31st (8 weeks of camp) Parents can sign up for 1 week or multiple weeks. For info call 250- 344-7393. British Columbia Visitor Centre in Golden The Experience Factor is a series of 15-minute interpretive talks on nature, wildlife and the environment. Enter to win a prize by participating in the “Ambassador Program�: attend 6 sessions and enter into a draw for a great prize package! FREE and run almost daily on weekdays in the late afternoon or early evening. seeking Host families
The Wixon House is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1-4 pm until the end of August. Chris will be on site to provide tours. Admission by donation. Public Swim at the Golden Swimming Pool From 1 to 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday. The Community Garden at the Ruth Wixon House is looking for volunteers to drop in on Tuesday afternoons from 1-3pm and Wednesdays from 8-9am. The Rocky Mountain International Student Program at Golden Secondar y School is seeking host families in Golden and area beginning Sept. 2012. For more info cantact Monica De, Homestay Coordinator, Rocky Mountain International Student Program, 250-344-2201, or email, GKHAT Early Registration online at Register before August 30 and receive the same rates as last year. Summer Climbing Camps for Kids at Dogtooth Climbing Gym in July and August. All levels welcome. To pre-rgister or for more info go to www. Girls Just Want to Have Fun Summer Camps. Two-week long camps, one for Grade 5 girls and another for Grade 6 & 7 girls. For more info go to Summer Fun Day Camp July
This week's achievement award goes to...
Wed, July 25
Jam Night - Open Mic at the Rockwater Grill & Bar. Summer Kicks 2012 Down by the Bridge Series. 7-9 pm. Wednesday, July 25 Shooglenifty. Also per forming Krista and the Kr ybabies Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesdays at the CP parking lot, 2pm-7pm. Local food, local art, local music. For more info email Golden Cycling Club group ride and instruction. 7 p.m. Instruction from Andy Bostock at the new Pump Track. To learn more at Also check out the Golden Cycling Club group ride and instructions. Golden Golf Club Men’s Day ever y Wednesday starting at 1:30 p.m.
Thurs, July 26 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. 24th Street Wailers (Blues, Funk, Rock) at the Rockwater Grill & Bar. 10pm Annual DQ Miracle Treat Day Thursday, July 26. Proceeds from ever y Blizzard sold will go to BC Children’s Hospital. Summer Reading Club at the library for readers aged 5-12. Free program runs Thursdays, July 5-August 2, 1:30-2:30 pm. To register of for more info call 250-344-6516.
• For more information... go to
Fri, July 27 Phlox Field, hard rock n roll band at The Rockwater Grill & Bar, Friday, July 27.
Sat, July 28 Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night every Saturday. Golden Farmers’ Market In the Spirit Square from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Local food, art and music. Uncle Sid with Cindy Lou PotterPunk Rock, at the Rockwater Grill & Bar, Saturday july 28. Kicking Horse Cup / BC Road Masters Race, July 28 and 29. Test your power on this 13.8 km course, with an 11 km UCI Categor y 2 Climb. Contact Kicking Horse Cup. Starts at the scenic Spirit Square and on to crossing the Kicking Horse River, get ready to grind it out for 10km Carpenter Conference July 28 at the Mad Trapper
Sun, July 29 Public Swim at the Golden Swimming Pool every Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 8 p.m. The Hog Open Golf Professionals, amatuers, celebrities, proceeds going to underprivileged Golden youth in sport. July 29 and 30. Go to www. for more info.
Mon, July 30
John Jenkins & Friends Live acoustic mountain folk, Rock, Reggae, improv. Starts at 8pm at Rockwater Grill & Bar. Golden Golf Club Ladies Day every Tuesday starting at 2:30 p.m.
Upcoming Events Summer Kicks 2012 Down by the Bridge Series. 7-9 pm. Wednesday, August 1, Redeye Empire. Also per forming Golden’s own Travis and Larr y Pickering. Soccer Camp August 7-10, 9am-noon for ages 5-10. For more info call Golden Baptist Church at 250-344-7676 (leave message), email or got to Paint in Nature! Saturday, August 11, join us on a stunning outdoor setting for a day of fun and painting with acr ylics at Sancturay Retreat at Rocky Mountain Buffalo Ranch. To preregister and info email karen@sanctuar or call 250344-4779. The Grad Class of 1972 is holding a 40 year reunion for all grads, classmates, teachers and anyone who attended GSS during the same time. Dinner at Kicking Horse Grill on August 11. For info call Anna Jean Abel, 250-426-3552, or email Red Barn Petting Zoo Kicking Horse Mountain Resor t Saturday, Aug 18, 11am to 4 p.m. Saturday Sept. 1, 11 am to 4 p.m.
The Shrugs (Pop, Rock Acoustic Set) at The Rockwater Grill & Bar, Monday, July 30 at 8pm.
Elliott Brood at the Golden Civic Centre on August 22. Opening, Golden’s own Willhorse. Presale tickets only $30 at Jita’s Cafe and Plain Wayne and Jane.
Golden History Camp. Summer camp runs 6 weeks in July & August. Starting on July 9th, July 16th, July 23rd, July 30th, August 13th, and August 20th. Camp days run from 10am-4pm. To reserve your spot, please drop by the Golden and District Museum or call 250-3445169.
Don’t forget the Fall Fair is coming this September. So start growing your vegetables or registering for events. If you would like to volunteer contact Colleen Palumbo at
Tues, July 30
GMHA Hockey School September 10-13 To register go to For info email
Molly Zabel for being a good listener and working hard at Gymnastics Camp. Stop in by August 1, 2012 to receive your small blizzard t t
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 18, 2012 A9
Tambura Rasa
World music band Tambura Rasa played at the Spirit Square for the Summer Kicks concert series on July 19.
Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
An empire looks to open music lovers eyes at Summer Kicks Golden Star Staff Redeye Empire is the next up in Kicking Horse Culture’s Summer Kicks lineup. The west coast band has a unique blend of reggae, ska, rock and hip-hop, that has been blowing fans away across North America since their first show six years ago. Longtime friends Mike Redmond and Gabe Davis spent
much of their childhood playing music together. They both headed off pursuing their own adventures, Davis searching for waves in Hawii and Redmond sought endless winter in the coastal mountains. When they returned to Vancouver in 2007, they were determined to pick up where they left off, and Redeye Empire was born. Band members Eric Stephenson, Ryan Davis and Jay Juatco joined
the team. Since their first album was released in 2007 (first of four), and multiple tours, their fan base has skyrocketed. The opportunity for Redeye Empire to display their unique and distinctive style has reached sold out crowds from Rhode Island to California and everywhere in between. When they are not playing music, the boys of Redeye Empire can generally be found taking
advantage of everything the West Coast of BC has to offer. Be it skiing, surfing, mountain biking or relaxing with a couple of guitars by a lake Redeye Empire truly represent a laid back, west coast lifestyle where the good times rarely cease. They’re playing Wednesday August 1 at the Spirit Square at 7 p.m. Also performing will be Golden’s own Travis and Larry Pickering.
Elliot Brood set to play their alternative sound Golden Star Staff The alternative country band that is known to make the past feel present, is coming to Golden in August. Toronto’s Elliott Brood will be playing at the Golden Civic Centre on Aug. 22. The trio, made up of Mark Sasso on lead vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, harmonica, and kazoo, Casey Laforet on guitar, lead vocals, backing vocals, bass pedals, keys, and ukulele, and Stephen Pitkin on percussion, sampler, and backing vocals, formed in 2002 at the Toronto club, Holy Joes. Also described as “death country,” or “frontier rock,” Elliott Brood
produces a dark, gritty folk soul music built around whiskey-drenched vocals and lyrics evoking images of love, loss and murder. Their first EP, Tin Type, was released in 2004, packaged in a brown paper bag containing a handmade photobook done in the style of America’s “Old West.” Their most recent album, 2011’s Days Into Years, has produced singles Northern Air, and If I Get Old. The band has toured extensively throughout Canada and internationally, opening for acts like Wilco, War on Drugs, Blue Rodeo, the Black Crowes, Corb Lund and the Sadies. They had a big year in 2010 when they played the stage at the Olympic
Welcome Jake Arsenault! Our New General Manager Jake would like you to know about his
available after 8am everyday
1099 Seniors $ 99 6 Kids (10 & under)
Bring in this ad for
Village and Whistler for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. It was also the year they wrote the score for the film Grown Up Movie Star, and won a Genie Award for Achieve-
ment in Music: Original Song, for their single West End Sky. They are returning to Golden on August 22 with opening act, Golden’s own Willhorse. Tickets
are presale only for $30, and are available now at Jita’s Cafe, and Plain Wayne and Jane. To hear some of Elliott Brood’s music, go to
9¢ Wings in the lounge everyday after 4:00pm
Some limitations apply Offer expires July 31/12
Trans Canada Highway, Golden
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
Thank you to all of our gracious sponsors for supporting the 4th Annual Aman Virk Memorial Golf Tournament. The event raised over $10,000 to benefit the Aman Virk Memorial Scholarship Fund, the Medical Assistance Fund and the Rotary Community Projects. This year’s Rotary Bursary Winner is Zachery McClean and the Aman Virk Memorial Scholarship Winner is Rex Putney. Silent Auction Donors:
Platinum Sponsors:
Golden Truss Plus CPR Kicking Horse Appraisals Snow Peak Rentals ReMax -Bob T Sportsmen Lodge- Rav Golden Star Lordco Golden Grizzly Cathedral Mountain Resort Canada Post Mountain Contracting Inc Tim Parker Financial Services Golden Dental Center Tru Hardware
Golden Star FlatIron
Prize Donors: Subway Restaurant Moose Trax Platinum Pacific Financial Sobeys 7-Eleven Apostoles Restaurant CBT Sharan Virk (Virk Family)
Gold Sponsors: Selkirk Paving Valley Blacktop OK Aggregrates RS Line Jepson Propane Blaeden Contracting Norm MacDonald, MLA Columbia Valley Credit Union Younger Estates Mountain Iron Contracting Tercon Construction Golden Taps Pub DJ’s Paper Place Golden Concrete
Silver Sponsors: Emil Anderson Construction Kootenay Gradall Kal Tire Remax Back Porch Dog Tooth Log and Timber
Travelodge Roy and Rhonda Patrick Fairley and Scott Law Kicking Horse Appraisals Kicking Horse Mountain Resort Parky’s Heating and Ventilation Canyon’s Edge Overwaitea Golden Dental Centre Lori Baxendale Chatter Creek Holdings
Bronze Sponsors: Paul and Ingrid Hambruch Wendell Johnson Painting Golden Transfer Whistle’s Stop Outpost Alpine Auto Shell Select CIBC
Hole in One Sponsors: Sportsman Lodge Selkirk Electric Legendz Diner Paul Deutsch PetroCanada- Trans Canada Hwy
Cl b members b andd volunteers l f making this event a huge success! Thank you to the participants, Rotary Club for
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A11
Dolphins flourish at meet
Pictured are swimmers from the Golden Dolphin Swim Club who won aggregate medals at the Revelstoke swim meet held on July 14 and 15. From left to right they are Meghan Oslund – Bronze Medal Div. 2, Zara Johnson – Gold Medal Div. 4, Josh Hiraoka – Bronze Medal Div. 5, Lochlan Noble – Gold Medal Div. 7 and Ben Arlt – Silver Medal Div. 7. Photo submitted
Golden District Rod and Gun start work on a new skeet range Darryl Crane The Golden District Rod and Gun Club has started work on a project that it feels will have a positive benefit for the entire area. John Stewart, President of the Golden District Rod and Gun Club, shared the news of the beginning of the proposed project. “We are pleased to announce we have started breaking ground on the new skeet range on the Rod and Gun Club property,” he said. The idea has been in the works for almost two years and the club has recently received a grant through Columbia Basin Trust. “We are truly grateful. We cannot thank them enough because without them we could not have started this project,” Stewart said. He added he felt the project was not only a benefit for the club, but also for the community as well. “We hope it will bring people from outside the area to shoot at the new facility and within the next year there will be more clay pigeon facilities as
well so we can have registered competitions here. This will attract hopefully between 60-100 people, which will be good for the club and the people in Golden,” he said. “Golden will benefit over time. By doing this and making more facilities for a new sport, we are hoping to attract more people who will come out and enjoy.” Stewart, who has only been president of the club since February, said it has been a busy time for the club. He explained that the beginning clearing of the range should only take a few weeks, and then the club will have to get into the area for a final clean up. Then marking of the range will begin. “Hopefully, if we can get a little more money and sponsors, we will get the houses built and we will be completed and running as soon as we can,” Stewart said. The club is open to new members or people who would like to help in some way with the project. Anyone interested in learning more can go to
President of the Golden District Rod and Gun Club, John Stewart, stands in front of a path created by an excavator (in the background) which is clearing land for a new skeet range being developed on the Rod and Gun Club property. This is the first stage of upgrades happening at the facility which was partially made possible by funding from the Columbia Basin Trust. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo
Columbia Basin Trust grant gives a hole-in-one to the Golden Golf Club Patrick Chury General Manager Golden Golf Club The Golden Golf Club gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Columbia Basin Trust which supports efforts by the people of the Basin to deliver social, economic
and environmental benefits to the residents of the Columbia Basin. CBT was instrumental in the Golden Golf Club’s purchase of a deep aerator in July of this year. Without CBT support, the Club would continue to hire a contractor to perform a deep tine aeration of our greens. The Club can now
conduct this important maintenance practice on its own thereby reducing the annualized cost to improve the overall condition and capacity of our greens to withstand the pressures from extreme weather conditions throughout the fourseasons. The mission of the Golden Golf Club is to
provide a valued golf experience in harmony with nature. For more information on the CBT support of the Golden Golf Club or of the deep aerator purchased, please contact Patrick Chury, General Manager, Golden Golf Club at 250.344.3646.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
Kicking Horse Ford Car-B-Q
Kicking Horse Ford held a special “Car-B-Q” on Friday July 20 in support of the Golden Food Bank. (Left) Darryl Wallace (son-in-law of managing partner Naomi Maisonneuve) volunteered his time to flip burgers. (Right) Barb Davies, director of the Golden Food Bank, receives a cheque from sales and leasing consultant Brent Johnson. Dealer Principal Dan Maisonneuve was thrilled with the turnout, the weather, and the generosity of his customers, friends and neighbours.
Danny “Hurricane” Halmo rode through town dressed like a Yeti, making a donation to the food bank. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
Bigfoot takes big journey Jessica Schwitek
A healthy way to keep clean in Golden Jessica Schwitek Local artisan Catherine Parent has found a way to stay clean in the most natural way, and she has been making her organic line of soaps, Willowbank Soap Co., for almost eight years. “I wanted something natural, and the stuff in the store tends to be expensive. And this way I can choose whatever I want to put in it,” said Parent as she was setting up her booth at the Saturday Farmers’ Market in Golden’s Spirit Square. “So I started making soap at home for myself, and for my friends.” Parent’s line of products has grown over the years, and now includes a variety of soaps, men’s shaving soap, lip balm, and body balm made mostly with organic shea and cocoa butters. “I have some natural bug repellant now. And I’ve also made a bug repellant soap and shampoo all in one, so you can use that camping,” she said.
“Also new this year is dog shampoo. So just get your dog wet, and lather it up (with the bar).” The location of Golden, and it’s natural resources, is the inspiration for much of the Willowbank Soap. “Lots of my stuff, I try to use local ingredients. So there’s catnip from my garden, glacial silt from one of the local rivers, chamomile from my garden, juniper berries infused in olive oil, and sage from my garden,” said Parent. And if you return the containers after you use the product (with the bug spray and body balm), you get a refund with your next purchase. The soap and shampoo bars only have labels on them, which Parent has put her personal touch on. “Then I hand colour all the labels with pencil crayon. In the winter time I do that while my husband watches hockey, in the summer time it’s just whenever I have the chance,” she said. You can find Willowbank Soap products every week at the Farmers’ Market, as well as at the Art Gallery of Golden, Mountain Pure, and Elite Nutrition.
If you saw big foot rolling through town on Friday, no, you weren’t losing your mind. And you can rest easy, he’s not here to steal your beer. Danny “Hurricane” Halmo drove through town on an electric scooter, dressed as a yeti, making a special delivery to the Golden Food Bank. “I’m doing this to raise awareness for the four main disabilities; physical, mental, legal and financial,” said Halmo, still dressed as a yeti while handing over cases of food to the food bank. He has several costumes that he dons in different towns across Canada. “I thought a yeti riding around in the Rocky Mountains was fitting.” He is driving across Canada, on an electric scooter, to raise awareness, help out local food banks along the way, and hopefully make a Guinness world record while he’s at it. Diagnosed with bi-polar disorder in 2003, Halmo has had to face many challenges, and now lives with all four of
these disabilities. He tried this Food-Bank-A-Thon last year, starting in Windsor, Ontario, but was stopped by an accident just a couple hundred kilometres short of the record. This year he started in Vancouver, and is making his way to North Bay, Ontario. By the time he gets there, he will have surpassed 3,044 km, giving him the new world record. Green vehicles, like the GIO e-bike that Halmo drives, are often used by people with disabilities, as they have difficulty getting drivers licenses, and cannot afford gas-gussling vehicles. “Doctors should be prescribing these bikes for anyone suffering from depression,” said Halmo, with a huge grin on his face. “Riding this bike is the best anti-depressant, mood stabilizer I’ve ever had.” And the reason he is incorporating food banks into his journey is because many of the people frequenting the food banks are suffering from some form of disability. Golden was Halmo’s last stop in B.C., and he headed off for Banff after his stop at the Golden Food Bank.
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A13
Golden Business Directory GOLDEN JUNK
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Get ready for spring! Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway swept with our JCB Skid Steer Sweeper Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available
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Jeanette Jackson
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Cell: 250 344-1075 Golden, BC V0A 1H1
PLUMBING LTD. 344-7209
819B - 9th Street N.
All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652
250 344-6462
Appliance Service & Repairs
Graduated Licence Program “Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing� Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
Hourly Driving Lessons Available Ph: 250-344-7699 Cell: 250-344-8424
Phone: (250) 344-8351
ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! Book your 10x10 storage unit now Locally owned & operated. Stop at Jepson Petroleum Bulk Plant and book your space with Ladine or call today.
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Total Eligible Price Adjustments ... $9,485
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Offer includes $1,600 freight and air tax and all rebates.
Offer includes $1,600 freight and air tax and all rebates.
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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricing”) is available from June 14, 2012 to August 31, 2012 (the “Program Period”), on the purchase or lease of most new 2012/2013 Ford vehicles (excluding all chassis cab and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, Medium Trucks, Mustang Boss 302, and 2013 Shelby GT500). Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any CAW-negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ‡‡No purchase necessary. For full contest rules, eligible vehicle criteria, and to enter as a Ford owner, visit (follow the entry path applicable to you, complete all mandatory fields and click on ‘submit’) or visit your local Ford Dealer for details. Open only to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority, possess a valid graduated level provincially issued driver’s license, and are owners of Ford branded vehicles (excluding fleet customers and all Lincoln and Mercury models). Eligible vehicle criteria includes requirement that it be properly registered in Canada in the contest entrant’s name (matching vehicle ownership), and properly registered/ plated and insured. Non-Ford owners can enter by mailing an original 100 word essay on “what they like about Ford”, with their full name, full mailing address, email, daytime phone number (with area code) to: Vanessa Richard, Pareto Corp., 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M3C 4G4. Contest closes at 11:59pm (PST) on the last day of the 2012 Ford Employee Pricing campaign which will be no earlier than August 31, 2012. Limit of 1 entry per person. Up to 8 prizes available to be won in Canada in 3 possible prize categories, each worth up to CAD$50,000. Chances of winning are dependent on the total number of entries received up to each 10,000 interval of unit sales under the Employee Pricing campaign (“Draw Trigger”). Odds of winning decrease as the contest progresses, more entries are made into the contest, and opportunities for Draw Triggers lessen. Skill testing question required. *Purchase a new 2012 Escape XLT I4 FWD with automatic transmission/2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats/2012 F-150 Platinum Super Crew 4x4 for $22,253/$28,683/$32,329/$39,614/$46,313 after Total Eligible Price Adjustment of $5,446/$11,316/$3,770/$9,485/$14,313 (Total Eligible Price Adjustment is a combination of Employee Price Adjustment of $1,946/$4,316/$2,770 /$5,485/$7,186 and delivery allowance of $3,500/$7,000/$1,000/$4,000/$7,000) is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Eligible Price Adjustment has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,600 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ±Until August 31, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 5.0L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $39,999 at 4.99% LAPR for up to 36 months with $1,550 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $399, total lease obligation is $15,914 and optional buyout is $16,000. Offer includes Total Price Adjustment of $11,316. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Total Price Adjustment is deducted. Offer includes freight and air tax of $1,600, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2012 Escape 2.5L I4 6-speed Automatic transmission: [10.0L/100km (28MPG) City, 7.1L/100km (40MPG) Hwy / 2013 Edge 3.5L V6 FWD 6-speed Automatic transmission: [11.1L/100km (25MPG) City, 7.2L/100km (39MPG) Hwy / 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [14.9L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. †When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.7L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Environment Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ◆◆Projected best in class fuel economy based on competitive data available at the time of testing using Ford drive-cycle tests (in accordance with the guidelines of the Society of Automotive Engineers’ Standard J1321) of comparably equipped 2011 Ford vs. 2010 competitive models. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ◆Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
A14 Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
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Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A15
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Education/Trade Schools
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Kanyon Ridge Traffic Control requires qualified Traffic Control persons. Must hold valid traffic control ticket. Valid class 5 drivers and nondrivers and First Aid Level 1-3. Contact Karen: 250-344-6823.
Ponderosa Motor Inn requires Housekeepers. Will train. Apply in person with resume 1206 Trans Canada Hwy.
Experienced COOK required Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shift. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person.
Golden Village Inn / Golden Tourist Dev. Ltd. FRONT DESK CLERK Full time, shift work - $12.45/hr 40 hours per week. Register guests, Calculate Charges & Clerical Duties. Balance cash transactions & Customer Service. Basic Computer skills, completion of High School required. No experience necessary, training available. 1439 Lafontaine Road, Golden BC V0A 1H3 Send resume to
The Grad Class of 1972 is holding a 40th year Reunion! All grads, classmates, teachers, and anyone who attended Golden Secondary during that time are invited. We will be holding a dinner at Kicking Horse Grill on August 11, 2012. Please contact Anna Jean Abel 250-426-3552 or by email for more information.
It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.
Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.
Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Personals CURIOUS ABOUT Men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try FREE! Call 1-888-5591255. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.
Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities Be your own boss/build a business at home/ computer required/flex hrs/free training
IF YOU’RE Interested in real estate, then take Appraisal and Assessment, a specialized two-year business major at Lakeland College’s campus in Lloydminster, Alberta. Your training includes assessment principles, computerized mass appraisal valuation of properties, farmland evaluation and property analysis. Start September; 1-800-661-6490, ext. 5429. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535 TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627
Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. Certified Faller needed for a local logging contractor. Call Ed 250-344-5300. Days Inn requires Full Time Housekeepers/ Room Attendants. Apply in person or email Fax 250-344-6673 or Fax 250-344-6673.
BUSINESS FOR SALE Magazine publishing company for ambitious, outgoing entrepreneurs. Fun, Lucrative. Startup Capital Required. We Teach & Provide Content.
1-888-406-1253 Tired of sales? Teach from home. Your financial future in the Health & Wellness industry, online train/support.
In Memoriam
EXPERIENCED STONE MASON with oven, block & timber integration experience. Hourly rate, range from $18 to $25 per hour. Fax Resume to 250-344-3993.
In Memoriam
Forestry - Skidder Operator needed for Vernon, BC area. Experience required. Fax Resume with experience and references: 250-503-1148. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Hiring Local Drivers to transport railway crews. Vehicle & training is provided. Class 4 driver’s license is required, assistance will be provided for those who require upgrade. Flexible schedule for a 24/7 operation. F/T & P/T opportunities. Contact Wolf Bigge:
Fax: (403)504-8664
Obituaries Deloria Yvonne (Del) Webber Dec 17th, 1937 - July 16th, 2012
Deloria Yvonne (Del) Webber passed away at the Golden & District General Hospital on Monday, July 16th, 2012 at the age of 74 years. A Funeral Service was held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Golden on Monday afternoon, July 23rd with Mr. Ben Fyfe officiating. Pallbearers were Del’s grandchildren: Levi, Beau, Harley, Kris, Scott and Kurtis. Interment followed in the Golden Community Cemetery. Del was born in Birch Hills, Saskatchewan on December 17, 1937 and had been a resident of Golden since 1955. She loved sewing and doing craftwork and embroidery. Del was very interested in genealogy and enjoyed tracing her family tree. Del was predeceased by her parents, husband Larry in 1996, daughter-in-law Laura in 1997 and her brother Gordon Larsen. She is survived by four children: Dale Webber (Denice Darbyshire) of Golden, Debbie (Allan) White of Golden, Luann (Norman) Buhler of Golden and Kevin (Maxine) Webber of Delisle, Saskatchewan; 16 grandchildren; 21 great grandchildren; two brothers: Carl (Charlotte) Larson and Marlin (Karen) Larsen of both of Jaffray; sister-in-law Jeannine Larsen of Winnipeg, Manitoba as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Messages of condolence may be sent to the family by visiting Del’s obituary at Arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden.
Small Ads work! Obituaries
Alexander “Al” Hall Sept 1, 1930 - May 10, 2012 Alexander “Al” William Hall, passed away peacefully May 10, 2012 at McKenney Creek Hospice in Maple Ridge, BC. Al was born September 1, 1930 in Whitewood, SK to William and Helen (Kerr) Hall. Fun-loving and adventurous, he found his passion dismantling and rebuilding automobiles. Al found his sweetheart, Ann Dorma, in the New Finland settlement north-east of Whitewood, SK and they married November 21, 1953 in Lethbridge, Alberta. In 1954, Al and his wife moved to Shaunavon, SK. Al found work as an automotive mechanic. He opened the “Hardy and Hall Repair Shop” with a fellow mechanic. After several successful years, Al sold the business and in 1966, he became Shop Foreman for the Shaunavon School District bus garage. He oversaw the garage operations with precision and excellence for 18 years. Al and Ann were blessed with 11 children. The desire to provide for the interests of their family, saw them move to an acreage west of Shaunavon near Dollard in 1969. They moved in 1988 to Golden, BC, where he again worked as a mechanic in the school bus garage until retirement. In 1996, Al and Ann retired back to their acreage near Dollard, where they lived to the present. Al will be remembered as an easy-going, kind, patient, honest, and humble man. He was always willing to go out of his way to help others and did not complain. He also enjoyed singing and playing his guitar, and could often be heard whistling a gospel tune. Al was predeceased by his parents and two infant brothers, Edward and Clifford; two brothers-in-law, Hank Graveland and Jack Greer; and his daughter-inlaw, Brenda Hall. He leaves to cherish his memory and celebrate his living; his beloved wife, Ann Hall; his children, Don (Marie) Hall, Darlene (Karl) Kienle, Lawrence (Rhonda) Hall, Brian (Lois) Hall, Mark (Claudia) Hall, Sharon Hall, Ruth (Ron) Boldt, Curtis (Jennifer) Hall, Clair (Shannon) Hall, Connie (Martin) Netuka, and Janet (Sean) Corry; 42 grandchildren; five step grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; six step greatgrandchildren; two sisters, Pearl Graveland and Irene Greer; one brother Glen (Greta) Hall; and a host of other relatives and friends. We will miss Al’s witty sayings, clever story-telling, and the opportunity to go to him for advice. We will never forget his wonderful disposition, warm smile, great sense of humour and the handsome twinkle in his eyes.
I<>@JK<I KF;8P
It’s a great, big, broad land ‘way up yonder. It’s the forests where silence has lease; It’s beauty that thrills me with wonder, It’s the stillness that fills me with peace. In loving memory of son, brother, and friend
Lenny Gary McLaren
7D: H;9;?L; =H;7J :;7BI ED IJK<< JE :E" FB79;I JE ;7J 7D: J>?D=I JE I;;
Register Online at
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Golden Star
Help Wanted
Health Products
Building Supplies
RAMADA INN requires FRONT DESK staff Full/Part time. Leave resume at the front desk or ask for Mike. 1311 12 St. N. 250-439-1888
SLIM DOWN For Summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176
Huge quantities of all types of lumber. Call 250-344-5119.
Shop from home!
Book Early
Trades, Technical AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for 10-3rd year apprentices or journey person welders. We offer best wage in industry. 3rd year apprentice $28$30/hr, Journeyperson $32$35/hr, higher with tank experience. Profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at; (office)780-8462231; (fax)780-846-2241 or send resume to: p r o d u c t i o n @ a u t o t a n k s. c a . Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform.
“Terynn” International Body Piercer is at Sassy’s on Saturday, August 4
250 344-2017
Financial Services
509B 9th Ave, Golden
DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500
Legal Services
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
HEAVY Duty Mechanic required with certified inspection license; competitive wages; benefit package; full time; located in Rossland Trail area. Please send resume and or request for further detail to email: or by fax 250-364-9956.
NEED A Business or Personal Loan? Get a Business start up Loan for up to $5 million bankruptcy. Bad credit ok, interest rate from 1.9%. Apply now at or call 1-855-937-8487.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
ONE DAY Polar Bear Tours Calgary/Edmonton departures this fall. Jet to Churchill and experience 6 hours on a Polar Bear Safari; 1-866-460-1415;
Computer Services Mountain Trails Computer Repairs. Fast, Affordable, Satisfaction Guaranteed! Proudly serving Golden for more than 15 years. Call 250 344-5857.
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Pets & Livestock
Pet Services Hawt Pawz N Clawz Dog and Cat Grooming. Currently no waiting period. Call Michelle 250-347-2412, Radium
Caretaker/Tenant Wanted
Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association. Email info@littlemittensanimal or call Alannah 250-290-0279 or Dianne 250-344-7691. Spotted Dog Rescue. Call 250-344-5524.
The Golden Nordic Ski Club requires caretakers/ tenants beginning September 2012 for the Dawn Mountain Chalet 2 BR Suite. Preference given to responsible nordic skiers with skills which benefit the club including: t USBJM HSPPNJOH t DPBDIJOH t NBOBHJOH QSPHSBNT For more info please email your proposal to:
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Merchandise for Sale
Appliances Danby Energy Star apartment size fridge. 2 years old. Excellent condition. $300 obo. Call 250-348-2481.
Auctions RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AUCTION (New & Used) Wed, July 18th @ 6:00pm, preview same day 9-6, 3953 Hwy 97 N, Kelowna, 1-800-556-5945
Trades, Technical
Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic Valley Blacktop, part of the Interoute Construction Ltd. (ICL Ltd.) group, is seeking a Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic for its Revelstoke operations. ICL Ltd. is a leader in the construction industry in British Columbia. Reporting to the Area Manager, you will provide support to complete daily repairs and preventive maintenance and perform related assigned tasks and duties under limited supervision. Travel to operations and project sites will be required upon request. Duties / Tasks: • Perform equipment repairs and preventive maintenance in a timely manner • Assist in completing all maintenance inspections • Ensure all repairs completed are documented • Record any equipment deÀciencies
Merchandise for Sale
Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Garage Sales 563 Habart Rd. Saturday July 28. 9am - 1pm. Household items, kids’ toys & things, renovation items. Sat, July 28 rain or shine 9-2 1211 13 St S.
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale BLACK LOAM ORGANIC SCREENED TOP SOIL. $30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. Good Organic Black Topsoil. Great for gardens and lawns. $20/yd loaded. Bernie 250-344-4646. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDINGHuge clearance sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.
Acreage for Sale
Other Areas
11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies. Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. Contact 1-250-769-4288 or email
20 ACRES- Only $99/mo. $0 Down, Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas, Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee! Free Color Brochure. 1-800-755-8953.
Commercial/ Industrial
Apt/Condos for Sale 2 Bedroom Furnished Condo Enjoy the stunning views of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort from the 24 ft. 3rd floor balcony. Perfect for all season outdoor enthusiasts; Golfing, biking, hiking, skiing. Condo is move-in ready. Stainless steel appliances. Most furniture new within 2-3 yrs. FP in LR with custom queen sofa bed for extra guests. Lots of storage. Well maintained bldg with elevator. Situated next to the Kicking Horse River in a quiet location near Spirit Square and covered Pedestrian Bridge. $204,500. Condo price unfurnished $199, 500. Call 250-344-7430 or 250-272-0434.
Commercial/ Industrial Property
Rentals Acreage Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Apt/Condo for Rent 2 Bdr Condo in Riverpointe. Laundry room on site. No pets. Ground level. $900/mth + util. Call 250-344-1771. 2 Bdr ground floor, private entrance apartment. $850/mth incl util. Call 250-344-2561 or 344-9882. 3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533.
FOR RENT In the Blaeberry
Riverfront Commercial property for sale. 403-405 9 Ave. N Golden. Great Location, Location, Location. $399,969. Open to offers. 250-344-5008 or 344-2775.
Take a look- you will not be disappointed
Houses For Sale
-Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site DD & References required - No Pets
Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit: Reduced - Two homes and a shop in Golden for sale. Kijiji 370618987. Phone 250-344-5772 or 344-0553.
Mobile Homes & Parks
I Buy Old Coins & Collections Olympic, Gold Silver Coins etc Call Chad 250-863-3082 Local
Business/Office Service
Business/Office Service
Misc. Wanted
All inclusive 2 Bdr Suite
Salary: $30/hr
Start date: As soon as possible.
t ,PPUFOBZ "EWFSUJTFS 250-489-3455
t $SFTUPO 7BMMFZ "EWBODF 250-428-2266
$2 * per p
Cottages / Cabins New 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom fully furnished cabin in the Blaeberry. Heat, hydro, sat incl. $900/mo + DD. 344-1075. New 1 bdr cabin in the Blaeberry. Avail immediately. Pets considered. $800/mth incl utilities. 250-344-3055.
Duplex / 4 Plex FOR RENT 3 Bdrm duplex close to park, schools, N/S, No pets. References. $800/mo. 250-348.2245 evenings
Mobile Homes & Pads Large Mobile Home Site available now. #84 Kicking Horse Village MHP. Call Manager 250-344-6935.
Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056. Twin Rivers - 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Upper & Lower Single bedroom apts with easy walking distance to town. Newly renovated, new flooring, fresh paint, new appliances. No pets, N/S. $550/mth + utilities & DD. Call Dwayne 250-344-5582 after 6 pm.
2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Homes for Rent
1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. MOUNTAINEER Lodge, 3rd Floor mountain view, 2 bedroom (with lock-off). $750/month, all utilities, TV, internet, etc. included. Available immediately through Nov 30/12. Contact Hans: or 403-616-4691.
When you book any classified ad into any of our East Kootenay papers, you can place the same ad into any additional paper for only
3 Bay Shed on Legendz property on Trans Canada Hwy. Available any time. Ideal for fruit stand. Call Legendz Diner after 3pm. 250-344-5059.
Please leave message if no answer
Apartment Furnished
1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease or rent. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876.
Phone 250-344-7299
Super Summer
Please send your resume in conÀdence stating your position in the subject line to or fax it to (250) 837-9656.
Real Estate
REDUCED: 12’x68’ 2 Bdr mobile with addition. KHMHP. Large window facing Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, lots of storage space with 2 sheds. Tidy fenced in yard with firepit and sunny front deck. Oil/wood heat. Updated appliances. Great starter home! $19,999, offers considered. First 2 months pad rent Free. 250-439-9072 for more info or to view.
QualiÀcations/ Experience: • Journeyman Heavy Duty Mechanic ticket • Minimum of 5 years experience as a Heavy Duty Mechanic • Strong technical knowledge and mechanical aptitude to perform service on various equipment ranging from heavy duty equipment to small engine and parts • Ability to work independently with minimal direction • Strong attention to detail and the ability to multitask is a must • Team player
We offer a competitive compensation package with a comprehensive beneÀt plan and a registered pension plan.
Real Estate
3 & 5 Bdr houses. In town. Laundry. Avail immediately. Call 250-344-1340. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. Also 1 Bdr suite. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-6596 or 344-1599. 3 Bdr mobile home for rent or sale. $600/mth. Avail Aug 1. 250-344-7163 or 344-8179. 4 Bdr home in Golden in quiet neighbourhood within town boundaries. Large deck, fire pit & hot tub and other great features. 3 references required. Please call for more details 250-344-0492. 4 Bdr house, top floor. 2400 sq. ft. 3 baths. 1106 12 St. All appliances. Sun deck. No pets. Refs required. Avail Aug 1. 250-344-5691 or 344-9854. 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. Beautiful mountain home for rent. 5 Bdr, 3 bath. Spacious deck and yard. Large shed/workshop. For more info visit or call 250-439-8099.
Sex and the Kitty A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter.
t *OWFSNFSF 7BMMFZ &DIP 250-342-9216 250-344-5251 250-426-5201
Est. 1898
Call us for more details!!!
Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A17
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
Duplex for Rent
BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289.
3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996.
Suites, Lower
Visit our website for
2 Bdr Apt bottom ďŹ&#x201A;oor, one step, downtown. No pets, dishwasher, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $725. Avail Sept 1. 250-344-0222. 2 Bdr downstairs suite. Available now. Call 250-344-5075.
complete rental listings Creekside Cabins and Apts One 2 Bdr cabin and three 2 Bdr apts. Call Dan 250-344-1435. KHMR Luxury Aspens Condo 2BR 1 Bath - fully furnished large deck, spectacular views, hot tub all inclusive $1300/mth 4BR 2 Bath Centrally located home, new ďŹ&#x201A;ooring, family room, wood/oil heat, garage, south deck
Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane ďŹ replace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Antiques / Classics Cars - Domestic 2000 Hyundai Sonata. V6. Runs well. Extra set of tires. $1100 obo. 250-348-2275.
3 BR Country Home 10 mins South. Open concept, vaulted ceilings, wood stove, pet friendly. $1200/mth.
3 BR Executive Home Beautifully furnished, hardwood ďŹ&#x201A;oors, sun room, slate decks, rec room, pellet stove, sauna, private yard, garage, NS, selective pets. Rent negotiable. 3 BR 2 Bath Bright & spacious upper level. Selective pets, N/S, $900/mth. 2 BR Suite Newly renovated. $600/mth.
Motorcycles 2001 Suzuki Bandit motorbike. Excel cond. 37,000 kms, lots of extras. $3700. 1996 Yamaha 200 Enduro. 7,000 kms, street legal. Excel cond. $2100. 250-344-8371.
1 & 2 BR Apts Spacious, laundry, inside cat considered. $570-$660/mth __________________ Property Management
Reduced $1700 Firm Gas Highway Bike 150cc, 498 km. Kept in garage. Like new. Great commuter bike. Top speed 140 km. 250-344-6002.
Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each ofďŹ ce is independently owned & operated. 3 bdrm house in Golden. Very nice neighbourhood, close to schools and parks. Hardwood ďŹ&#x201A;oors, lg kitchen, bright livingroom and full basement. Big backyard, lots of trees, garden, storage shed & parking. $1200/mo. Call 250-344-0316. Perfect for seasonal workers or vacationers. Just move in the groceries. This fully furnished home has 3 bdrs. 2 full baths, lrg laundry room and lrg covered deck with great mountain views. A must see! N/S, no pets. $1500/mth all inclusive. Short term welcome. Great backcountry access. Just 10 mins. south of Golden. Avail now. 344-0110.
Recreational/Sale 24 ft. Rustler travel trailer. Sleeps 6, bunk model. A/C, full bath, microwave. Very good condition. $7200 obo. 250-344-2270 Golden.
Scrap Car Removal Auto Financing DreamCatcher Auto Loans â&#x20AC;&#x153;0â&#x20AC;? Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557
YOUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;RE APPROVED Poor, Good, OR No Credit at AUTO CREDIT NOW DL11143 Details and APPLY online OR TOLL FREE 1-877-356-0743
Old vehicles lying around? Rod will remove them - FREE. Check with him for parts too. 250-344-6921 o r 344-0580.
Trucks & Vans 1996 Chevy Blazer LT 4x4. Leather interior, power doors, windows, locks,& side mirrors, 127,000 km. winter & summer tires on rims, 250-344-5184.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
The attached picture is of the Fall Faire in the early days of operation after 1911, when it was still held in the curling rink.
Golden Museum and Archives
The past and future Fall Faire in Golden NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUPTION GOLDEN AND SURROUNDING AREA, INCLUDING FIELD Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MDT When: Sunday, August 12, 2012 As part of the Columbia Valley Transmission Project, BC Hydro will be completing transmission line relocation work at the Golden Substation. In order to complete the work and to ensure the safety of work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately 4 hours, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MDT. The areas affected will be all of Golden and surrounding area, as well as the community of Field. To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please unplug all electronics, such as TVs, PVRs, DVD players and computers. Please also turn off all lights, electric heaters and major appliances, such as your clothes or dishwasher, dryer or oven. For the first hour after the power comes back on, please plug in or turn on only what you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can. Prepare for outages and stay informed by visiting or from your handheld device. Please call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) if you experience any electrical difficulties or for more information.
In 2011 the Board of Directors of the Golden Museum felt that the effort expended by Museum staff and volunteers was not netting the desired results of raising awareness for the museum. Efforts were put forward to find another non-profit willing to take over the event. That didn’t happen, so unfortunately the Faire didn’t take place in 2011. Since that time the Museum President, Denice Darbyshire and I met with Jordan Petrovics from the Town of Golden and the museum was convinced to take it on for one more year. We continue to look for someone to take the project on as it seems like the people of Golden really want to have a Fall Faire. The Board of Directors feel that it’s too far outside the Museum’s mandate to continue after this year. The first Fall Faire was held in 1911 and came to an end in the late 1950’s. Like many events, the Faire ran in cycles, and the energy of the people involved comes and goes. Many of you may not know that the Golden Museum was the event planner for the 2007 Fall Faire. The event was intended to give the community a glimpse of the Old Fashioned Faire and showcase the museums ability to bring large events of historical significance. It was supposed to be a onetime event but the community had other ideas. Perhaps it’s time to form a Kicking Horse Country Fall Faire
Society? Would you like to see the Faire continue? If so would you be willing to sit on a board to get that going? Here we are just eight weeks away from the 2012 Kicking Horse Country Fall Faire and the last minute details are being nailed down! There will be some new activities at the Faire this year and we are so pleased to have such a great response. This week we are working on the competition handbook to get it out to the printer so that everyone can have a peak and be reminded of some of the old standby events that we have held in the past. Look forward soon to receiving information on the event that will follow the Faire on September 9th. The Kla-how-ya River Race, is being fashioned around the River Raft races of the 1970’s and will run from the Nicholson Bridge to Confluence Park. We are pleased to announce that the Red Barn Petting Zoo will be back at the Faire this year. There will be a Stomp Down competition, Lawn Tractor Racing, the Wife Carry, a Rockets Road Hockey Tournament, Tug of War (so get your teams ready) and many more. If we can get someone to run the event there will also be a Strongman Competition, and a Chopped Golden cooking competition. The Quilters are joining us in the main building and the Farmers Market is on board as well! We continue to work to bring
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
the Fall Faire to Golden without any kind of charge at the gate, including great local talent but as a result of the Faire not taking place last year our funders didn’t fund to the same level, so this year the Faire is running on a tight budget. Despite this we look forward to providing you with a day filled with excitement that gives us a chance to celebrate as a community. Please do your part by baking, crafting, painting, canning, wood crafting and all of the other things that make the Faire a success! If you are able to volunteer an hour or two to the Faire please contact the Museum at 344-5169 and let us know. Your efforts will make a difference! Also look for the museum’s tent and purchase some tickets on the BBQ that we will be raffling. This raffle is the only money that the museum makes out of the Faire for the huge effort they put in, so please support the raffle! Tickets will be available soon from any Historical Society member or by dropping by the
The Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A19
Born to climb From left, Jonah Quinn, Ian Archbold, Dallas Mason, Julian Hudson, Sanne van der Ros, Tye Zimmer, Seth Michener, Devin Tress, Alex Kostiuk, Leo McKnight, Chase Stewart, Odin Chistakos, and Jarod Kotyk, all with the Golden Outdoor Camp pose for a photo in the bouldering room at the Dogtooth Climbing gym on July 20. There were 10 kids, ages eight to 12, participating in the camp that week. They also went mountain biking, canoeing, kayaking and much more. Jessica Schwitek/ Star Photo
Sportsmanship on display Cheyenne Bergenhenegouwen: Special to Black Press One of the more fantastic aspects of the BC Summer Games is the unity and friendship that is formed, not only between team members, but between all the athletes. Many of the teams such as Cariboo-North East (Zone 8), the Kootenays (Zone 1), and North West
(Zone 7) have players that live in different cities and towns that are quite spread out from each other. “Geography and weather have played a huge role in affecting the amount of practice the team has had,” said Kootenays girls’ soccer coach Geoff Byford. Some teams have had as little as five to six practices together, like the Kootenays team. Despite this,
the girls, united by their yellow Kootenays jerseys, reveal a solid bond of friendship, something that can be found among all the girls’ soccer teams. Maggie Larocque, captain of the Fraser RiverDelta (Zone 4) girls’ soccer team, shared a bit of her experience, “Not only have I made friends with my team, but I am making friends with all the teams.”
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Cheers for Kootenays golf Daya Karunita Wimalasuriya Special to Black Press For most teenagers who play in BC’s Summer Games, it’s not unusual for their siblings to be among the spectators cheering them on. For Kimberley’s Dereniwsky sisters, Julia and Kira, from the Kootenays (Zone 1), their cheering sibling is much closer than for most other athletes. She’s probably waiting at the next hole. Under the coaching of Tom Vold, both Julia and Kira have improved their game to qualify for the BC Summer Games (the golf is being played at Surrey’s Hazelmere Golf & Country Club) by qualifying in the Cranbrook BC Junior Open and the Junior Qualifier in Cranbrook BC, respectively. Their regular visits to the driving range, sometimes three-tofour times a week, have paid dividends by propelling them to the BC Summer Games. Julia aims to shoot her best and help Zone 1 come up in the game. “I hope to shoot in the low 80s or high
70s,” she said. “That would make us finish in a good position in girls division.” Taking up challenging assignments is not new to Julia as she was the only female in her school golf team (with four males), a team which recently won the gold medal at the Golf East Kootenay Tournament. Outside golf, Julia managed to become the overall top academic in Grade 9 in her school, showing her talent is not limited to the golf course. Following the footsteps of her sister, Kira believes involvement in golf and in other athletics has a positive impact on her. “Sports makes me keep fit and I just like have fun while playing golf,” she said. As a junior player who undoubtedly might wish to emulate her sister, Kira hopes she could do her best in the BC Summer Games this time. With years of golfing and academics ahead of them, this might not be the last time we hear about the Dereniwsky sisters.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012 The Golden Star
RE/MAX of Golden 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
$249,900 772 Nicholson Frontage Road 3bdrms 2 baths
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
.35 acre
NEW 3bdrms
1 bath
3bdrms 1 bath
Kootenay Ridge 5 Acreages Available
5.9 acres
$317,900 3 bedrooms
2 baths
3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
Barry Klassen (250) 344-0262
1 bath
2.45 acres
551 Highway #95, South 6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres
965 Oster Road
561 Anderson Road
4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,600sqft 3.7 acres
27.26 acres
1402 Birch Crescent 3,768sqft
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
$450,000 1502 Poplar Street
from $219,900 to $239,900
809 - 13th Street
1074 King Crescent
Bob Tegart (250) 272-4321
1731 Highway #95, South
5 bedrooms 1 bath 1,620sqft .42 acre
$210,000 2 baths
545 Day Road
2204 Holmes Deakin Road
8.24 acres
5 bedrooms
.58 acre
Marlon Chambers (250) 344-0735
888 Canyon Creek Road
Lot A, Dejordie Road
Flec Demmon (250) 344-8451
4 bedrooms
3 baths
1421 Birch Crescent 2,123sqft
5 bedrooms
2.5 baths
Golden Donald Upper Road
3071 Tegart Road
625 Habart Road
647 Bench Road
Highway #95, South
72 acres
5 bedrooms 2 baths 2,060sqft .66 acre
4 bedrooms 2 baths 2,064sqft 1.12 acres
3 bedrooms 3 baths 2,398sqft 18 acres
5.8 acres
$274,900 #7, 411 - 5th Avenue 3 bedrooms
2 baths
$395,000 523 - 9th Street
3 bedrooms
3 baths
3 bedrooms
2 baths
509 - 7th Street
529 - 8th Street 1,876sqft
$390,000 1,882sqft
4 bedrooms
3 baths
914 - 14th Street 1,980sqft
2 bedrooms
2 baths
3009 Golden Donald Upper Road
527 - 8th Street
2267 Neville Road
1608 Gareb Road
Blaeberry Road
23.2 acres
50’ x 130’
4bdrms 2 baths 2,037sqft 5.7 acres
71’ x 180’
155 acres
$399,900 1129 Golden Donald Upper Road 3bdrms
3 baths
1 acre
$399,900 985 McBeath Road 40 acres
from $149,900 to $255,000
McMurdo Road
904 McBeath Road
2bdrms 2 baths 2,600sqft 2.34 acres
6 Acreages Available
3bdrms 2 baths 2,700sqft 3.6 acres
1309 Stoney Lane 3 bedrooms
2 baths
2477 Holmes Deakin Road 3bdrms 2 baths 2,492sqft 18.2 acres
1956 Palumbo Heights Road
1320 Highway #95, South 2bdrms
1 bath
1 acre
1121 Horse Creek Road
Lot 1, Mitchell Road
3 bedrooms 2 bath 2,400sqft 5.38 acres
2 acres
SOLD $694,900
2166 Blaeberry Road
1735 Oberg Johnson Road
2 Homes on 8.4 acres
3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,788sqft 1.5 acres
$309,500 645 Lower Habart Road 4bdrms
3 baths
1.12 acres
$499,900 626 Habart Lower Road
628 Lafontaine Road 4bdrms 3 baths 3,456sqft 5.72 acres
3 baths
.6 acre