Golden Star, August 01, 2012

Page 1

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VOLUME 121 ISSUE 31 $1.35


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â– NEWS:

Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566

Relaxed ride

National Park Passes on sale at BCVC ...............................4


Wet n’ Wild offers family fun and more .................................9


Some riders appear to be very relaxed heading into the BC Masters Road Race Weekend held in Golden on June 28 and 29. To see more photos from the event turn to page 18 or check out The Golden Star website. Darryl Crane/Star photo

A special show at local church .............................11


A sassy time in Golden ............................ 14

Bridge to Bridge to referendum Darryl Crane A packed house was on hand at the regular Town of Golden council meeting held on July 17, with many people interested in hearing what the next step of the proposed Bridge to Bridge project would be. For the past two weeks there has been speculation on what the council would decide to do after enough signatures were gathered to potentially force the loan decision to a referendum. A recommendation was made at a meeting on July 3 for staff to present possible options for the project moving forward to council. David Allen, chief administrative officer for the Town of Golden gave a presentation to council about the history that has led up to the proposed project. After the presentation Allen put forward five pos-

sible options from staff point for council to discuss. Option 1- Council approves moving forward with the Full Bridge to Bridge Project, and directs staff to prepare a referendum question based on Loan Authorization Bylaw 1301 (up to a maximum of $2.3 million) for the September 8 By-Election. (a) Council can decide to put off the ineligible project work to a later phase, and pass a resolution limiting borrowing to up to $1.3 million for eligible project costs only, subject to a future AAP. Option 2- Council approves moving forward with the Core Bridge to Bridge Project, rescinds Loan Authorization Bylaw 1301, gives three readings to Loan Authorization Bylaw 1308, and directs staff to prepare a referendum question based on Loan Authorization Bylaw 1308 at the September 8 ByElection. Option 3- Council approves moving forward with

the Full Bridge to Bridge Project based on short term borrowing. Option 4- Council approves moving forward with the Core Bridge to Bridge Project based on short term borrowing. Option 5- Council determines not to proceed with the Kicking Horse River Dike Upgrade project at this time, and rescinds all three readings of Loan Authorization Bylaw 1301. “This is a complex project with many different options available to council,� Allen said. By focusing on the eligible project costs only, much of the proposed “beautification� part of the project would not be completed under the agreement. However Allen pointed out during the meeting that getting the wires underground in the alley is considered part of the eligible project cost. continued on page 5


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star

The Golden Star will be closed for the Civic holiday on Monday, August 6 The advertising deadline will be:

NOON on Friday, August 3

BBQ’s from:

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15 Beachcomber Hot Tub Models to chose from Water Care Products Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services Repairs of all brands of hot tubs

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Renovate with colour!

Very little was left after a fire ripped through a shed on the corner of 9th Street North and Kicking Horse Trail in the early hours of July 27. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Suspicious fire under investigation Jessica Schwitek The Golden Fire Department responded to a structure fire at the corner of 9th Street North

and Kicking Horse Trail at approximately 2:30 a.m. on Friday July 27. Golden RCMP had responded to what they originally thought was a break and enter call

at about 2:20 a.m., and arrived on scene to see the structure on fire. The shed, located beside the Louisiana Pacific office building, burned to the ground.

There was no one inside the building, that been broken into earlier in the week. The “suspicious� fire is currently under investigation.

Missing Man found safe and sound Jessica Schwitek

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Serving the Columbia Valley

Greg Winter, missing since June 2, has been found safe and sound.

The RCMP had been looking for Winter ever since he was seen walking away from his campsite at the Golden Municipal Campground.

To protect his privacy, police are not releasing details as to where he has been, but have confirmed that he is safe, and with his family.

CEA’s release nominations for two awards Darryl Crane Even though the Community Excellence Awards gala night may be a few months away, plans are already underway to make it a night to remember. Ruth Hamilton, manager of Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce, announced some of the details heading into awards season. “We have started the preliminary planning of the Community Excellence Awards and have released nominations for two of the awards. The Tourism Hospitality Award and the Culinary Award have been released for nominations,� Hamilton said. She went on to explain why those specific nominations have been opened. “The tourism is such a big factor in those two awards. If we release them in September there are a limited number of tourists around. We wanted to

release them early for this reason,� Hamilton said. Anyone interested in making a nomination for the culinary award can go to while if you are interested in nominations for the tourism hospitality award you can make a nomination at “The business community is very important to Golden. These business owners work very hard. If you have never been self employed you may not realize how hard these business owners work. We want to nominate them for doing a good job,� Hamilton said. On September 4 the rest of the categories will be opened for nominations for this year’s event. There will be many awards at this year’s gala, along with some special Golden Nuggets awards which are new this year. The Community Excellence Awards gala will be held on October 20.

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012 A3

Zoning bylaw takes another step forward Darryl Crane

LGES grateful for lake trip Submitted The Lady Grey Elementary Schools’, Blue Lake camping trip has been taking place for over a decade. As a result of the teachers’ withdrawal of extracurricular services, this year’s annual trip was in jeopardy of being cancelled. Hearing this, the parents and the community of Golden rallied together to save the trip. On June 25, 49 Grade 6 and 7 students and 12 parent chaperones traveled to Blue Lake Camp for a three-day educational camping trip. The parents and students would like to thank the following: The Golden Log Truckers Association

for donating money to pay for the bus. The Columbia Valley Rockies for the use of their bus and Jim for safely driving it. Overwaitea Foods for donating nutritious snacks and drinks. Christine Muise for sharing space at the Rec Plex during gymnastics, so the parents could have a meeting. Ian Robinson and Deb Pawlitsky for providing us with information and office resources. The Blue Lake Resource staff and Chef for helping us get the trip organized and their wonderful hospitality, good times and great food. And last but not least, all the parents and parent chaperones that helped make the trip a success.


A zoning bylaw that recently came under some criticism was given a third reading in the Town of Golden Council meeting on July 25. Gary Smith is the Manager of Development Services/Planner for the Town of Golden who gave a presentation to council about the bylaw. “The existing bylaw is a patchwork of over 74 amendments reflecting much of the planning practice though of in the 60s and 70s,” Smith said. “It is not a good document at this point and time or current for implementing the OCP (Official Community Plan) policies.” Smith said the new bylaw would not only update the existing zoning bylaw but would also provide “a dynamic base and can be amended to accommodate specific developments and standards.” In the staff report it states, “Staff has reviewed the input received during the Public Hearing and met with the individual presenters resulting in recommended changes to the draft bylaw as outlined in the appendices that do not impact land-use or density.” At a previous council meeting members of the gallery questioned how the new regulations

would affect costs of new business structures to be built in Golden in the future. Questions were raised about changes which were being proposed which may cause redundancy on rule changes between integrated secondary suites and secondary class dwellings. Other issues brought up at the meeting varied from a concern of having commercial zones backing up onto residential sites and questions over where the benefit was to changing the zoning designation to certain areas. Smith said some of the changes were acted on but others could not be changed unless there were amendments made to the OCP the changes in the bylaw would not be valid. Coun. Ron Oszust asked Smith if home-based businesses could be affected by the potential changes to zones in Golden. He wanted to make sure homebased businesses that are currently operating would still be permitted to operate in the new zones. Smith said they would be able to stay open and the rules would be grandfathered in Coun. Caleb Moss clarified that with an OCP review coming, any major decisions made in the OCP which could effect the proposed bylaw would then lead council back to updating the bylaw in

the future. Smith explained the whole idea of the bylaw is to put in a good base which staff and council can work from. Mayor Christina Benty stepped in and explained that at the end of the day, “The OCP trumps everything.” Oszust questioned the changes to parking requirement in specific zones especially on 9th Street North. “I still struggle with this one. It is too late in the game to doing that and implementing a change in that nature. Eighty-five to ninety per cent of the land in that area has been developed and to put that added burden onto those existing property owners I think is inappropriate,” Oszust said. Smith responded to this point and said, “All developments within municipal boundaries have very defined access points. “So you do not have continuous intersections along one strip. So you have about 150 parking spots that pour on to the road service which is a complete danger and is no longer supported by any developments.” He went on and explained higher speeds on the street in question has also made it more dangerous. The council eventually voted to move to the third reading of the document with the changes suggested by staff.

This summer could be a scorcher.

As part of the Columbia Valley Transmission Project, BC Hydro will be completing transmission line relocation work at the Golden Substation. In order to complete the work and to ensure the safety of work crews, it will be necessary to interrupt electrical service for approximately 4 hours, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MDT. The areas affected will be all of Golden and surrounding area, as well as the community of Field. To prepare for this interruption and protect your equipment from damage, please unplug all electronics, such as TVs, PVRs, DVD players and computers. Please also turn off all lights, electric heaters and major appliances, such as your clothes or dishwasher, dryer or oven.

Nearly half of all wildfires in British Columbia are caused by human carelessness. Please prevent and report wildfires. To report a wildfire, call *5555 on your cell.

For the first hour after the power comes back on, please plug in or turn on only what you really need. This will help ensure the electrical system does not get overloaded. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We will restore your power as soon as we can. Prepare for outages and stay informed by visiting or from your handheld device. Please call 1 888 POWERON (1 888 769 3766) if you experience any electrical difficulties or for more information. 3587

For more information, visit


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star

The Golden Star will be closed for the Civic holiday on Monday, August 6 The advertising deadline will be:

NOON on Friday, August 3

Tercon Construction Ltd. *Notice of Construction* Tercon Construction Ltd. would like to inform the travelling public of our construction project 4 km East of Golden, B.C. on the Trans Canada Highway. The project currently has an expected completion date of November 2012. We appreciate your patience during this time and request that you please watch for our crews and obey all construction signs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Site Safety OfďŹ ce at: 250-344-6768.

Staff members at the local British Columbia Visitor Centre in Golden hold up National Park Passes which went on sale at the facility for the first time on July 25. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Park Passes go on sale at local visitors centre Darryl Crane The ability to get passes to National Parks has just gotten a little easier around Golden accord-


Darryl Crane

Here’s what you can expect: ĂŁ 7\SLFDOO\ PHWHU LQVWDOODWLRQ ZLOO WDNH SODFH Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PST. ĂŁ 0HWHU LQVWDOOHUV ZLOO KDYH %& +\GUR DQG &RUL[ logos on their trucks and uniforms, and photo identification badges. ĂŁ <RX GRQĂœW QHHG WR EH KRPH DV ORQJ DV ZH have safe and clear access to your meter—please remove any physical modifications that prevent a meter exchange. ĂŁ ,Q PRVW FDVHV WKH H[FKDQJH ZLOO WDNH OHVV WKDQ PLQXWHV



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it some of the greatest parts of the park, including Wapta Falls.� Training has been completed at the centre and on the first day sales were going very well. Currently visitors can get day passes at the centre with the hope for seasonal passes to be sold there in the future. The centre has different priced passes for adults, seniors and children, plus a family or group pass which up to seven people can use. Karin Smith, the Promotions Officer for Yoho

and Kootenay National Parks, thinks this is a beneficial move for everyone. “Parks Canada is very excited to partner with Tourism BC to sell national park passes at the Visitor Centre in Golden. Golden is an important tourist destination in our region and is a great place from which to start a memorable mountain national park experience – it’s surrounded by national parks to the east, west and south, acting as a gateway to Yoho, Kootenay, Banff, Glacier

and Mount Revelstoke national parks,’�she said. Romano said this would not have happened without the ability to work very closely with Parks Canada and the benefits would be there for local people as well as visitors. “The reason why it will benefit the locals is they can pick up a pass a 4 p.m. today and go hiking at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning. As an avid hiker would know it is better to get on some of those trails by 7 a.m. Now they can do this,� she said.

From the Golden mayor’s point of view

BC Hydro is upgrading homes and businesses with new smart meters. Moving to a more efďŹ cient, modernized grid will help us meet the growing demand for electricity while continuing to deliver safe, reliable power throughout the province.

For more information about the smart meter installation process, visit

ing to Lynn Romano, the Onsite Manager of the British Columbia Visitor Centre @ Golden. “We have very exciting news. We are now able to sell National Park Passes,� Romano said. She explained thatthis will be a great benefit for visitors and local residents alike. “We have had many people come to the centre and request a National Park pass. What it means for a visitor is they will no longer have to travel to Field in order to vis-

In the second part of a series of stories looking at the challenges facing a town like Golden, Mayor Christina Benty shared her views on Golden’s future . In Benty’s opinion there are many challenges facing Golden at the moment. “Urbanization, the loss of jobs in the resource sectors and major retail purchasing drain heading to Alberta because of lower prices and taxes,� Benty said. “We are dealing with a huge gap between resources and expectations. We need to target our limited resources like never before. Roles and responsibilities of municipal government have grown and revenue tools are limited.� Benty explained the senior governments can introduce a flexibility with grants which she thinks will aid communities while also allowing them to better prioritize to meet their infrastructure needs. Benty added, “Don’t centralize government services. Even the loss of two to five decent paying jobs in a small community has a significant impact.� She also said the time had come to stop using a funding model solely based on population. “It marginalizes small rural communities with unique conditions that cannot be compared to large urban centres,� she said. Benty also believes it is important to continue to invest in post secondary education programs that focus on rural development and support young people staying in their community. More communication between the different levels of government, and the need for the Provincial and Federal governments to participate in a conversation with municipalities, is also going to be important according to Benty. “The traditional tax share of 50 per cent/42 per cent/ eight per cent (eight per cent being the local government share) is not sustainable. Municipalities desper-

ately need new and secure revenue sources.� The current economic situation also affects people in smaller communities according to the Golden mayor. “It has people very frustrated and nervous about the future. We have lost families to higher paying jobs in the oil industry in particular,� she said. “Lack of family feeding jobs in our community has resulted in a decrease in the permanent population. This amplifies the need to find the money to invest in the things that keep people in communities. Jobs attract people but even more importantly people attract jobs. It is important to create a place that people want to be in.� Benty also said it is important for the public to get involved to influence decision making. “There is a reciprocal responsibility between elected officials and the public. Informed conversations can take place when there is a common understanding of what the challenges are facing our community. It is important that the public not only react by telling us what they don’t want but, they participate in telling what they do want. This takes time, money and a willingness to be involved,� Benty said. “One of the best ways to do this is to be part of the OCP review process that will be taking place shortly. The OCP is the key guiding document for communities. It outlines the grand vision for the future from which the community to work backwards from in order to achieve it. Council is not required to do everything within the OCP. Generally the mandate is too broad. What is equally true however, it that Council cannot make decisions that contravene the community’s primary guiding document.� As for Golden she wanted to state, “With our natural surrounding, our existing structures and our resilient populace, we will survive the economic down-turn. We will continue to adjust to new and challenging economic realities and we will do so with a resoluteness that has sustained Golden through prosperity and adversity.�

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012 A5

Big Winner at Car-B-Q

Behind the Wheel Pre and Post Trip Inspections

Do you drive a truck with a GVW over 5,000 kg, a bus, any vehicle required to have a Motor Carrier or Passenger Transportation licence or a business vehicle with a GVW over 5,000 kg? If so, you or a person designated by the carrier must insure that the vehicle is mechanically fit to drive. Unless you are making a multi-day trip, these inspections must be carried out at the start and the end of each day that the vehicle is being used. At minimum, the inspection must include the brakes, steering, lights and reflectors, tires, horn, windshield wipers, mirrors, coupling devices, wheels and rims, emergency equipment and load security devices. A written report of the inspection result is not mandatory unless the vehicle meets criteria listed in Division 25 or 37 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations. These vehicles are generally heavy transports or those that carry passengers. When not required by law, company policy or personal preference may still dictate that a written report is prepared. Owners and drivers of light or non-commercial vehicles and their trailers would be wise to carry out the same inspections on their vehicles regularly as well. It may be a symptom of the heavier summer traffic, but I am seeing more disabled vehicles at the roadside lately. Perhaps an inspection may have prevented them. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

this feature sponsored by:

Johnston Meier e Insurance Agencies Ltd.

Pictured above is Ray Denis with his new barbecue, Denis was the lucky winner of the CAR-B-Q draw at Kicking Horse Ford, congrats Ray and thanks for supporting Ford and the Golden Food Bank! Photo Submitted

A vote to be taken on B2B continued from page 1 He also added the benefit of the Value Engineering exercise will add a great deal to the project. During a question period Mayor Christina Benty made a motion to move to referendum to do the core option of the project plus $500,000 with the option to pay back every 10 years. “The reason I am wanting to go with the core plus option is because I support the diking infrastructure project, and additional funds because I believe in finishing the project. Riverside development is still important and we have seen social and economic benefits from projects in our community,” Benty said. Coun. John Jackson once again stated he is against the project completely. “The back alley is the back alley. I would rather see us look at other areas of beautification in the town,” Jackson said. Coun. Hambruch explained he felt the opportunity had come to deal with a “deficit in our diking system. “I would be in support of going to a core project at this time and maximize the use of the federal grant,” Hambruch said. Coun. Caleb Moss stated he also still supports the project and the terms of long term borrowing. “Having seen the mixed reaction to the beautification component it makes sense to me to scale that back. I am supportive of your suggestion of $1.8 million but also with a high level of encouragement from council to come in much lower on that project,” Moss said.

Coun. Ron Oszust restated his opinion that the project should not move forward as it was originally presented and felt it should go to referendum. “The project needs to be weighed out with all of the other 30 years of projects that the community will or does need,” Oszust said. When asked what the question should be on the referendum Oszust stated, he had issues with the mayor’s motion of the $1.3 million plus the extra $500,000 for the non eligible part of the project. Oszust added he thought the proposal, “comes at the eleventh hour and is not appreciated in all honesty.” A motion to go to referendum for $1.8 million was voted down by council which opened the floor to a second motion. In the end council passed the following motion with Jackson opposed. “THAT based on the July 24th 2012 report from the Chief Administrative Officer, ‘Options for Proceeding with Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge to Bridge) Project,’ Council MOVE TO REFERENDUM Town of Golden Bylaw 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization to borrow up to a maximum of $1,322,235; AND THAT based upon the July 23rd, 2012 Briefing Note from the Chief Administrative Officer ‘Addendum to Options for Proceeding with Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge to Bridge) Project,’ a Value Engineering exercise of the current preliminary design, being Option 1 as presented in the above report BE CONDUCTED for the project should it pass the referendum.”

510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201

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Public Notice is given to the electors of the Town of Golden that nominations will be received for the following offices for a 2+year term – (Mid September 2012 to December 2014): Councillor

two (2)

Nominations for qualified candidates will be received by the Chief Election Officer or a designate during the following times at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Tuesday July 24th, 2012 to Friday, August 3rd, 2012 -Excluding Statutory holidays and weekendsNomination documents MUST accompany any nomination. Nomination packages will be available beginning July 16th, 2012, at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily. NOMINATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 4:00 PM, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3RD, 2012 QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE A person is qualified to be nominated, elected, and to hold office as a member of local government if they meet the following criteria: x Canadian citizen; x 18 years of age or older; x resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; x a person or the commander of an armed forces unit who has been granted freedom of the municipality, if that person is a Canadian citizen; and x not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office. FURTHER INFORMATION on the foregoing may be obtained by contacting: Jon Wilsgard, Chief Election Officer [250.344.2271] Viv Thoss, Deputy Chief Election Officer [250.344.2271] Jon Wilsgard, Chief Election Officer


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star


Hot summer debates After months of discussion, debate, chats, conversations and the occasional confrontation the decision has been made to take the Bridge to Bridge project (ever present in our everyday lives) to a referendum. The decision was made at the most recent Town of Golden council meeting in front of a large crowd of onlookers, who will surely have many different views on whether or not the right choice has been By Darryl Crane made. On one side of the argument the case will be made that the people who were collecting signatures got exactly what they signed up for. The Alternate Approval Process did not get through and the logical step is to move forward with the referendum. A concern over cost to hold the referendum seems to be relegated to the background since the logical thing to do is hold it on the same day as a byelection, which seems to be steaming forward in September. So all the Town will have to pay for is a little cash for printing, which will more than likely help a local business. Some of those against the project have made their opinion very clear in a letter to the editor on page 7 in this week’s paper. All in all, this should make for a very interesting next month in the area. Elections usually provide a great deal of debate among people, even if they consider themselves not to be political. Having the chance to vote for the people, who are not only your representatives in the town on many levels, but also the people who eventually have a great deal to do with what happens in the future, should be a concern for everyone. Even though voting in the last election was low, now with the referendum and election together people have two good reasons to get out and make an educated decision. Money and elections go hand in hand, and this one will have both. While the Bridge to Bridge project has the potential to become the only agenda on the sheet of the byelection, it should not be the only questions asked. The current state of the forestry industry is an important issue for this town. And what about the fact that months keep trudging by and there is still no solution to the lack of road rescue locally? Questions about where potential councillors see Golden in the future could be asked, and how to achieve those goals also rattle around in my head. Yes the referendum is a central point that will be brought up over the next few months, and it will be an important issue without a doubt. The issue has become one where people have drawn a line in the sand and dared others to cross it. In certain ways ,it is as if the wild west has one again returned to the mountains. If nothing else the next month or so will be very interesting once the announcement comes down on whether a byelection does get called. And if a debate or two gets held, it is safe to say passion will be in the middle of all decisions cast on those little pieces of paper. At this point we have no idea who will be running or what will happen around the bridges in Golden. But one could make the assumption that things are only just starting to heat up in the summer.

- My Way -

No place for a food vendor in Golden OK, so here it goes my rant into the way of things here in Golden in regards to the mobile food vending situation. We started our venture this summer with a food concession trailer business, taking a lot of our time and effort getting everything worked out, trying to serve great homemade food. And after dealing with some problems with this town’s rules, we managed to find a spot just out of town in the rest area about 10 kilometres east, and what a great spot it is. But with the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Transportation, we cannot put signs anywhere near the road/highway, which is preventing a lot of our business. We are new to the whole thing and kinda new to the Golden area, but we are trying something new, a way to stay in Golden year round and not have to relocate from this beautiful little town. But as winter approaches, and one of the worst summers ever traffic-wise being from either a mixture of things (the weather, economy, highway construction, whatever) it’s been hard business wise to make any money out here. So here we look, a few months before winter will come again, and realize with the town not having a by-law for mobile vending we will have no place to go. Our whole plan from the start was to vend in town, but found out fast enough that was going to happen only one day a week at the Farmers’ Market. We’re a small business, not

Bad Timing A scheduled power outage is one thing but a four-hour power outage during the busiest tourist time of the year, on a SUNDAY is absolutely outrageous. I understand that there is work that needs to be completed and this is fine, but maybe not during peak check-out times when people need to pay and places like ours need to be doing laundry! We happen to have a wedding that


weekend and there is no way for us to finish all the laundry in time for the next guests to arrive. This means we will be short beds for the next night. Who is going to compensate us for that? This is very poor planning on BC Hydro's part and I am shocked that a town which depends so heavily on tourism in the summer would allow something like this to happen.

I realize we are all very lucky to have electricity and it is not difficult to live without it for a while - but how do you explain that to our guests? What about gas stations? And all the other businesses that depend on electricity to run their business? Too bad for all of us? I guess so. Stefanie Chomiak Golden

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you support the use of chemicals to kill mosquitos?

Yes 82%

No 17%

This week’s poll question: Are you happy with council’s decision to bring Bridge to Bridge to referendum? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters







out there to take business away from other food establishments. Our menu is simple, and our food is quick. If we’re stealing anyone’s business, well McDonalds I’m sorry, but I think you’ve got all you need. We are even willing to vend outside of town on the strip at a few locations that have been approved already, but due to the No BY-LAW we cannot obtain a license. Of course we could be the bad guys and just go vend in town anyway at any location due to the fact there are no by-law officers or courts. But we don’t want to be that way and eventually get taken down. Our only option at this moment is to relocate for the rest of summer to the Okanagan Valley or surrounding areas to try and make enough to get through winter, but we would love to serve all winter long in Golden. The town has given so much support and love for us and the fries and great poutines that we serve, and we appreciate everything. We don’t want to leave the area and deprive these people of a great poutine, such a rare commodity in B.C. Golden we love you, thanks for all the support. I hope the Chamber and mayor will try to come up with a by-law soon. This kind of stuff takes a while to process and we know this. We just hope that they make up a good set of rules and regulations for vending in this great town of Golden. Thank you all. Travis Leblanc Golden


be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the










right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at




• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00).

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Golden point of view Are you happy with council’s decision to bring Bridge to Bridge to referendum?

Victoria Neigel

Rudy Branden

Gordon Coulombe

“Yes, I’m definitely happy about it. It’s something people should have their say in. And I would definitely put in my decision on that.”

“I read the paper and see all the comments from council... so I know there’s been some misunderstanding. I think a referendum would make peace with the community.”

“I don’t think it really matters. The Town is the Town, and the Town does what they want when they want.”

Go to to have your say. Northern Gateway Pipeline I am writing this so that everyone reading this paper can be aware of the struggle to participate in the Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel Hearings for public comments. I am in strong opposition of the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline, AKA Enbridge, or the development of other pipelines across BC for many undeniable reasons; contribution to climate change through the expansion of tar sands; increased tanker traffic along the delicate coastline harboring endangered and sensitive species, the fragmentation of habitat and risk of oil contamination along numerous fish-bearing streams and to unique species such as spirit bears, coastal wolves, and bald eagles; the disrespectful disregard of first nations quality of life and cultural values, Canada’s role in exporting fossil fuels, and so on and so forth. I was hesitant to participate in the Enbridge Hearing Panel as several First Nations refused to partake as the hearing was viewed as biased. The panel is largely from the energy sector. However, I believed that I should play every card and make my voice heard at the front lines where the discussion was taking place. I dutifully requested my spot before the deadline. I was informed the hearing would be in Calgary, January 2013. About three weeks ago I was informed that the hearing had been moved ahead to August 1st. I was alarmed by the change in plans and realized that several people registered would not be able to change their summer plans or work schedule as easily as the Hearing Panel could. Indeed, hearings were canceled in a few local BC communities after the date changes were announced due to not enough registered participants being able to attend on the new day. Two days ago I received and email telling me that the Calgary hearing had been cancelled for the same reason. My options are to register

somewhere else or make my statement via teleconference. The decision to go through with pipeline development across BC is one of the biggest I am facing in my lifetime. It affects my identity as a Canadian Citizen and my hopes and dreams for the future of many species. Another pipeline leak has occurred in Wisconsin, owned and operated by Enbridge. I have written the panel, encouraged others to participate, helped organize a community rally against pipeline projects, written the editor, and cried and cried and cried about our governmen’s direction towards unsustainable expansion of the energy sector through resource extraction. There is no business to be had on a dead planet. 4,500 people across B.C. registered to have their views heard by the panel, but due to panel changes to date commitments, many of those hearings have been cancelled. Let’s prevent this ecological and cultural disaster before it happens. We must ensure that we are heard in other ways. Stay engaged. You can submit your knowledge, views or concerns about the proposed project in writing as a letter of comment. The Panel reads every letter of comment that is received. Letters of comment can be submitted electronically using the online form available at Alternately, you can submit a letter of comment via mail or fax to the coordinates below: Secretary to the Joint Review Panel Joint Review Panel - Enbridge Northern Gateway Project 444 Seventh Avenue S.W.: Calgary, Alberta T2P 0X8 Facsimile: 403-292-5503, or toll free at 1-877-288-8803 The deadline to submit a letter of comment is 31 August 2012. Sadie Parr Golden

A stinger to the store owner who totally ignored a customer, who was obviously waiting for service, while he talked on the phone. A smile and acknowledgment would have gone a long way... I finally walked out and you lost a perspective sale. A disgruntled customer!

secrets. Thanks buddy, and I’ll keep ‘em a secret!

Stars to the guy who toured us around to a few of Golden’s best kept

Stars to the lady who stopped me on the street when I dropped my wallet.

Stingers to the guy who was driving the wrong way down the highway. Stingers to a lady who honked at a man for turning left in his car, when he wasn’t going to hit her.

Stars to the very nice guy who loaned me his big pretty lens to take pictures with. Stingers to my friend for calling me Patty and Selma Simpson when I lost my voice this week. Stingers to the many many people who leave their cigarette butts on the streets and trails around Golden.

Email your Stars and Stingers to Bridge to Bridge At the council meeting on July 24, David Allen CAO presented council with a comprehensive report outlining several options for council to consider following the defeat of the B2B borrowing bylaw for $2.3 million by the Alternative Approval Process. The option Council chose was to scale back the project by eliminating approximately $800,000 of beautification, prepare a new bylaw, and to seek approval to borrow up to $1.3 million. To that end council rescinded Loan Authorization Bylaw 1301 (up to $2.3 million) and gave 3 readings to Loan Authorization Bylaw 1308 ($1.3 million). Staff was directed to prepare for a referendum on this Bylaw at the Sept. 8 by-election. The “Say No to B2B” steering committee does not support this course of action. The chief concerns of the B2B Committee are as follows: 1. Any B2B project should not go forward in the absence of a comprehensive infrastructure plan for the entire Town which would prioritize infrastructure repair and development. We do know that five years ago up to $18 million of infrastructure priorities were identified and the Town sought borrowing authority of up to $6.25 million to address these infrastructure priorities, hoping to obtain grants from senior levels of government of up to $12 million. As most of the grants did not materialize, only about $4.5 million has been spent on these infra-

structure deficiencies indentified in 2007. Bridge to Bridge was not identified as one of the infrastructure priorities in 2007. Thus it would seem that there is still an infrastructure deficit of $14 million of projects which were identified in 2007 as having priority over B2B. There is therefore a case to be made that in the absence of a proper infrastructure plan the Town should not be incurring debt for one particular infrastructure project when borrowed money might be needed to fund more urgent priorities. 2. We have a concern that the Town administration views the dredging and gravel removal option as two separate issues, whereas we see them as two components of one overall plan for flood control. We are concerned that the approach to the project is piecemeal in that there is an argument that dredging and gravel removal are more important to an overall flood control plan than raising the dyke. David Allen indicated that the grant money cannot be devoted to overall flood control planning and management, and must be used strictly to raise or improve the dyke. We believe that a properly constructed plan which included gravel scalping, dredging and dyke improvement could be negotiated under the existing grant terms, as no agreement has yet been signed with the senior levels of government. David Allen suggested that a committee may be formed to undertake a value engineering

process of the existing project. We feel that a committee must be struck to deal with flood management on an ongoing basis and that aggressive and ongoing efforts must be initiated and continued to address gravel removal and dredging on a continuing basis, as opposed to being dependent on ad hoc permitting. We think that the climate for dredging and gravel removal within senior levels of government may be more supportive than previously. 3. We are concerned that the Town administration is still thinking in terms of long term structural debt to fund a project which is essentially the raising of about 330 meters of dyke. The staff report estimates a 2.2 per cent tax increase for the $1.3 million borrowing over 30 years assuming an interest rate of 5 per cent. Council and Staff were unable to answer a question about what total taxes might look like in 2013 and there certainly was no commitment from council to seek ways of pruning the budget to accommodate the increase due to this new borrowing. We must learn to live within our means. Our view is that in seeking to fund dyke improvement through structural debt, Council is simply avoiding making the hard financial decisions that are necessary in a time of acute recession in Golden. Accordingly, the B2B Committee does not support the new borrowing Bylaw. Colleen Palumbo (Say No to B2B Debt Steering Committee)


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star

The Golden Star will be closed for the Civic holiday on Monday, August 6 The advertising deadline will be:

NOON on Friday, August 3

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: The Dark Knight Rises Showing Wednesday August 1 Thursday, August 2 at 7pm.

Columbia Veterinary Services will be closed from August 1st - August 27th Clients are advised to ensure they have adequate medications and pet food for this time period. Please contact sta at 250 344 5994 during oďŹƒce hours before the above dates to preorder.

Magic Mike Showing Friday, Aug 3 to Monday, Aug 6 at 7pm. Late shows Friday & Satueday at 9:30pm. Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Showing Tuesaday, Aug 7 to Thursday, Aug 9 at 7pm.




Connect with us:

Did you know..... r The Golden Star has been the community newspaper in the Golden for over 121 years. r We deliver to almost 2,000 homes and businesses in Golden and Surrounding areas every week. r We employ more than 10 people in Golden from those delivering papers to editorial and sales staff. r Our current staff have been working at The Golden Star for almost 20 combined years with almost 30 years of combined newspaper experience. r The Golden Star has donated over a 100,000 dollars in sponsorship to non profit groups in the Golden Area in 2011 and plan to do the same in 2012. r We are BC Owned and Operated with David Black starting his first paper in Williams Lake. r gets over 5,000 unique visitors per month with almost 25,000 page views.

British Columbia Visitor Centre in Golden The Experience Factor is a series of 15-minute interpretive talks on nature, wildlife and the environment. Enter to win a prize by par ticipating in the “Ambassador Program�: attend 6 sessions and enter into a draw for a great prize package! FREE. seeking Host families

This Week The Wixon House is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1-4 pm until the end of August. Chris will be on site to provide tours. Admission by donation.

“Having Ryan here gave me time to plan for business growth and strategy. “

camp) Parents can sign up for 1 week or multiple weeks. For info call 250- 344-7393.

Public Swim at the Golden Swimming Pool From 1 to 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday. The Community Garden at the Ruth Wixon House is looking for volunteers to drop in on Tuesday afternoons from 1-3pm and Wednesdays from 8-9am. The Rocky Mountain International Student Program at Golden Secondar y School is seeking host families in Golden and area beginning Sept. 2012. For more info cantact Monica De, Homestay Coordinator, Rocky Mountain International Student Program, 250-344-2201, or email, GKHAT Early Registration online at Register before August 30 and receive the same rates as last year. Summer Climbing Camps for Kids at Dogtooth Climbing Gym in July and August. All levels welcome. To pre-rgister or for more info go to www. Girls Just Want to Have Fun Summer Camps. Two-week long camps, one for Grade 5 girls and another for Grade 6 & 7 girls. For more info go to Summer Fun Day Camp July 9th – August 31st (8 weeks of

This week's achievement award goes to...

Wed, August 1

Jam Night - Open Mic at the Rockwater Grill & Bar. Summer Kicks 2012 Down by the Bridge Series. 7-9 pm. Wednesday, August 1, Redeye Empire. Also per forming Golden’s own Travis and Larr y Pickering. Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesdays at the CP parking lot, 2pm-7pm. Local food, local art, local music. For more info email Golden Cycling Club group ride and instruction. 7 p.m. Instruction from Andy Bostock at the new Pump Track. To learn more at Also check out the Golden Cycling Club group ride and instructions. Golden Golf Club Men’s Day ever y Wednesday starting at 1:30 p.m. Mountain Prana Running Club meets at Spirit Square on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30pm. All Abilities welcome.

Thurs, August 2 Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Jackie Treehorn. A funkadelic, soultastic, rockaphonic seven piece band at the Rockwater Grill & Bar. Summer Reading Club at the library for readers aged 5-12. Free program runs Thursdays, July 5-August 2, 1:30-2:30 pm. To register of for more info call 250-344-6516.

• For more information... go to

Fri, August 3 DJ Wakcutt at The Rockwater Grill & Bar.

Sat, August 4 Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night every Saturday. Golden Farmers’ Market In the Spirit Square from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Local food, art and music. Beginner Yoga Classes, Tuesdays at 5:15pm and Saturdays at 11am. at the Centre for Peace. Classes by donation. Western Open Downhill Race on August 4, & Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Starts at 10am and goes until 10pm.

Sun, August 5 Public Swim at the Golden Swimming Pool every Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 8 p.m.

Mon, August 6 Golden History Camp. Summer camp runs 6 weeks in July & August. Starting on July 9th, July 16th, July 23rd, July 30th, August 13th, and August 20th. Camp days run from 10am-4pm. To reserve your spot, please drop by the Golden and District Museum or call 250-3445169. Mountain Prana Running Club meets at Spirit Square on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30pm. All Abilities welcome.

Tues, August 7 John Jenkins & Friends Live acoustic mountain folk, Rock, Reggae, improv. Starts at 8pm at Rockwater Grill & Bar. Golden Golf Club Ladies Day every Tuesday starting at 2:30 p.m. Beginner Yoga Classes, Tuesdays at 5:15pm and Saturdays at 11 a.m. at the Centre for Peace. Classes by donation.

Upcoming Events Soccer Camp August 7-10, 9am-noon for ages 5-10. For more info call Golden Baptist Church at 250-344-7676 (leave message), email or got to Summer Kicks 2012 Down by the Bridge Series. 7-9 pm. Wednesday, August 8, Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer. Paint in Nature! Saturday, August 11, join us on a stunning outdoor setting for a day of fun and painting with acr ylics at Sancturay Retreat at Rocky Mountain Buffalo Ranch. To preregister and info email karen@sanctuar or call 250344-4779. The Grad Class of 1972 is holding a 40 year reunion for all grads, classmates, teachers and anyone who attended GSS during the same time. Dinner at Kicking Horse Grill on August 11. For info call Anna Jean Abel, 250-426-3552, or email Summer Kicks 2012 Down by the Bridge Series. 7-9 pm. Wednesday, August 12, at the Golden Civic Centre. Chamber Kicks. Musicians from the Columbia valley Chamber Music Festival. Red Barn Petting Zoo Kicking Horse Mountain Resor t Saturday, Aug 18, 11am to 4 p.m. Saturday Sept. 1, 11 am to 4 p.m. Elliott Brood at the Golden Civic Centre on August 22. Opening, Golden’s own Willhorse. Presale tickets only $30 at Jita’s Cafe and Plain Wayne and Jane. Don’t forget the Fall Fair is coming this September. So start growing your vegetables or registering for events. If you would like to volunteer contact Colleen Palumbo at GMHA Hockey School September 10-13 To register go to For info email

Emily King for stellar attendance, working hard at practice and has been improving at her swim meets.

Stop in by August 8, 2012 to receive your small blizzard t t

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012 A9

The summer gets Wet N’ Wild in and around Golden “I think many people come to Golden because it is not as commercialized as other places, and still offers many amazing experiences,” she said. “It may be a little bit extra but they get out of the parks which gives you more freedom on the activities you are allowed to do.” As for the river and rafting, Ewing said both tourists and local people are very lucky to have the extensive quality of rapids the river provides. “It is very exciting. There is nowhere else in the world that I can think of where you can raft two and a half kilometres of continuous class four rapids like we offer in the lower canyon,” she said. Ewing went on to say the upper parts of the river are perfect for families. “It is kind of the mellow one. There aren’t too many rapids and it is nice and calm. We take kids five and up on that one,” she said. “It is amazing that it offers such an adrenaline pumping section of the river but it also offers places where kids can come out with their families and experience it

Darryl Crane Wet N’ Wild Adventures has been offering both families and adventure seekers a place to come and have a unique experience for a quarter of a century. The company offers everything from familyfriendly scenic floats to adrenalin pumping class four rapids. Jocelyn Ewing, Office Manager for Wet N’ Wild in Golden, believes a trip on the river starts with people enjoying themselves on every aspect of their journey, beginning to end. “It (the office and lodge area) is a great place. We have amazing gardens and grounds. When people come rafting with us they get to hang out in a comfortable place,” Ewing said. The business also has a 10-room lodge that people can rent so they can stay for a night or longer. Ewing explained she felt Golden has many activities that give people a reason to stop by for a visit.

as well.” She added that the site has become a great destination point for many people to take part in the activity. Another great draw for

the company is the beauty of the natural surroundings in and around Golden. “We have the Rockies on the left and the Columbias on the right. We

have the whole Columbia wetlands area. In terms of natural beauty it is pretty diverse and incredible,” Ewing said. As for why she thinks people should come by

to give rafting a try in the area, Ewing said, “Hands down this is the best river that you can do in Canada if not North America, and everybody who does it comes back laughing and

smiling...It is a really good way to get out there and experience Golden.” Anyone interested in learning more can go to or call 250-344-6546.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star

New GM hired at Credit Union Documentarian coming to Golden to speak with vets Karen Cotton submitted

Columbia Valley Credit Union’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Sharon Eddy has assumed the position of General Manager as of July 3 after an intensive executive search. Sharon brings over 15 years of leadership experience in the financial services industry and a proven track record of exceeding objectives and expectations. She began her career in the credit union system in 2006 as the Manager, Commercial Credit/Lending with VantageOne Financial Services Inc. before becoming the V.P. of Service delivery and most recently their Chief Operating Officer. Prior to this, Sharon moved through the ranks at CIBC to become General Manager first for their Southwest Saskatchewan region and moving to BC to manage the Okanagan-Kootenay area for the bank. When asked about her new role, Sharon noted that she is pleased to accept the position as General Manager for Columbia Valley Credit Union, “I look forward to working with our dedicated employees to continue to meet the needs of our members and support the community of GoldPictured are Paul Pupo and Sharon Eddy en.� Star Photo Past colleagues describe Sharon as “one of the most entrepreneurial, future-thinking individuals I’ve had the pleasure to work with,� “extreme- ations. She clearly has the credit union’s values ly dedicated, easily approachable, flexible and at heart. Columbia Valley Credit Union certainalways looking for business and for ways to ly is fortunate to find such an accomplished and energetic leader to guide the credit union for the improve. “We are delighted to have Sharon join our future.� Sharon’s appointment follows the retirement of team,� said Board Chair Paul Ricard on behalf of the Board of Directors. “Sharon has what Colum- long-time General Manager Paul Pupo who joined bia Valley Credit Union is looking for: the leader- the credit union in 1980. Under his direction, the ship and understanding of the cooperative system credit grew from $4 million to $145 million in and desire to be part of the community. She has assets. CVCU wishes him an exciting retirement already shown great initiative by becoming act- and looks forward to maintaining the strong ties he ively involved in the community and branch oper- has within the credit union and the community.

Jessica Schwitek Allan Cameron learned the hard way that some stories need to be told, and they need to be told as soon as possible. In 2001, Cameron had arranged with his uncle Pearly Cameron to do an interview, and preserve his stories and experiences as a North Nova Scotia Highlander D-Day veteran. Pearly was getting married, and was quite busy, so the two decided to postpone the interview for a couple months. "I had a gut feeling that it wasn't going to happen. And about a month and a half later I got a phone call that he had passed away," said Cameron. "That drove the point home for me that this has to be done soon, because we're losing our veterans in huge numbers, and that was 11 years ago." It was then that Cameron, a born history buff, decided that it was important to interview Canadian war veterans, and create a permanent record of their service and sacrifice to this country. In 2006 he began interviewing veterans, and in 2008 he decided to make it his full-time job, and turned it into a nonprofit. That was how Veterans Voices of Canada began. Since then, Cameron has done oncamera interviews with almost 600 veterans across the country, mostly from the Second World War, and the Korean War. He is planning a trip to Golden in mid-August to talk to some of the local vets. "A lot of veterans that I interview, they

aren't sure if they want to do the interview or not. But after they go through the process and realize it's a good thing, they're happy about it afterwards," said Cameron, who donates a DVD copy of the interview to the family members. "The fact that the families get a copy as a keepsake is as important to me as the historical and educational purposes. They'll have that for years, and that's important." The interviews also get compiled into DVDs for the Canadian school system, and become a teaching tool in history classes across the country. Through the Legion, Cameron has already arranged a few interviews with local veterans, but is hoping more people will come forward. Anyone interested in being a part of Veterans Voices of Canada, and doing an on-camera interview, should contact Susan Lucas at the Legion at 344-6868. If anyone has more questions about the process they can email Cameron at, or visit the website

New signs to help people find their way around the Rotary Trail Jessica Schwitek If you frequent the Rotary trail around Golden, either by foot or on your bike, you may have noticed the new addition

to the path. Almost 30 en-route markers (posts with “you are here� maps), have been placed at strategic places along the 10-kilometre trail. “This is part of the Vis-

itor Sign Program under RMI (resort municipality initiative), from the last five years,� said Jon Wilsgard, manager of corporate administration for the Town of Golden. “It’s just another com-

ponent of the Visitor Sign Program, to make the place as welcoming and informative as possible for visitors.� The maps have been placed on robust wooden posts, and are designed

to keep both tourists and locals from getting lost. “I’ve done lots of trails, and urban trails in communities. And there’s nothing more frustrating than bad signs. Signs are up and you still can’t tell

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how far, or where, that sort of thing. Or there’s nothing, and you really don’t know where you are,� said Wilsgard. “And the Rotary perimeter trail was like that, people were getting lost. The idea is it will be a visual cue for people walking. They can see there’s another post, and they know they’re going in the right direction.� At the moment the sign posts can only been seen along the Rotary trail, but there is the possibility of eventually expanding on the program, and placing posts along the north side of town, and up to the Trans Canada Highway. “It was nice to get them up. I’ve had the post built almost two years ago, and we had the maps and signs done late last fall, and finally we were able to get them into place this year.� The Visitor Sign Program still has a lot of projects on the go. The roundabout by the Visitor Centre is still getting it’s lighting completed, as well as some landscaping (to be done in the spring).

A new “Welcome to Golden� sign will be placed in the Canyon near Purcell Heli-Skiing. And still in the conceptual stage are some interpretive kiosks that will act as a “What’s happening in Golden� message board. They will display posters of what’s coming up around town, as well as feature some local art.

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012 A11


Crying Times Krista and the Krybabies took over the stage and put on a spirited performance at Summer Kicks on July 25. The local band played a set in between headliners Shooglenifty on a perfect day for music in Spirit Square. To see more photos from the event check out The Golden Star website. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

A chance of getting harpooned in Spirit Square Jessica Schwitek

We Want Your Pennies! Bring in your mixed coins to be put in the coin sorter and your pennies will be donated to the

It’s hard to believe that one of Canada’s edgiest blues duos stemmed from a chance meeting while recording the jingle for a Jamaican pizza restaurant commercial. But that is indeed how Matthew Rogers and Shawn Hall first found each other. But it would be years later that the two would form the Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer, who will be playing at Kicking Horse Culture’s Summer Kicks. “I was living in Montreal digging into finger style blues playing and called up Shawn one day chatting about blues and we agreed it made perfect sense that when I returned to live in Vancouver that we should start a blues duo,” said Rogers. “We were good friends and having a duo avoided all kinds of band politics and rehearsal scheduling. It was a really natural beginning.” Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer play blues for a new generation, “blues that gets you in the gut.” They’ve been influenced by the old masters like Robert Johnson, John Hurt and Sonny and Terry, and also some of the newer bands who are taking blues to new places like the Black Keys and the White Stripes. The band’s creation, the name has undoubtedly raised a few eyebrows. “We were thinking of names and I came

Golden Women’s Resource Centre

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across Kris Kristofferson’s ‘Me and Bobby McGee.’ He referred to the blues harmonica as a harpoon (I took my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana). I hadn’t heard that name for it before. That lead to Shawn being called the harpoonist,” said Rogers. “It also occurred to me that the axe is a reference to the guitar, hence I became the axe

murderer.” The duo will be performing their high energy concert on Wednesday August 8 in the Spirit Square at 7 p.m. “If we aren’t sweating after the first or second tune, we aren’t doing our job,” said Rogers. To hear a sample of their music, go to

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Celtara to perform at St. Andrew’s United Church Golden Star Staff A little bit of Ireland, Scotland and the East Coast is coming to Golden at St. Andrew’s United Church on August 14 when Celtara performs. Celtara has been part of the Celtic folk music scene since 2004 and has performed at folk clubs, concert series and festivals

with their inspired blend of traditional and original acoustic Celtic folk music. The five members of Celtara are music veterans – Bonnie Gregory (fiddle, harp, vocals), Tami Cooper (flute, pennywhistle, vocals), Andy Illig (guitar, bouzouki), Steven Bell (accordion, piano, vocals), and Mark Arnison (bodhran, djembe, percussion). Celtara’s latest album, More

Than One True Love is a collection of songs and instrumental tracks celebrating the many facets of our lives that bring us joy and energy. The album placed #7 on CKUA’s top 30 chart when it was released in January, and remained on the chart for six weeks. Tickets are on sale $15 and are available at Bacchus Books and

9¢ Wings in the lounge everyday after 4:00pm

Cafe, 409 9th Ave. N., Golden.

Trans Canada Highway, Golden


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star

Upside down world

Transit petition presented Darryl Crane

Darianna Guerrero flips a freshly made Dairy Queen Blizzard upside down on DQ Day (July 26). One dollar from every Blizzard sold that day went to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

A petition was resented to the Town of Golden council regarding the cancellation of public transitby area residents Paulette Bertrand and Jim deBolebec. In total 543 valid signatures were accepted by the Town as part of the petition. Both Bertrand and deBolebec were given the opportunity to present to the council at the meeting held on July 17. Bertrand spoke first and explained why she


believes the transit is important to the area. She explained that through Gas Tax payments and other funding she thinks there is ample funding to continue the service. “The Gas Tax Agreement and community works fund continues to provide an opportunity for you to focus on our community and local priorities. We believe our public transit is a must,” Bertrand said. She added that she felt a successful transit system requires input from the community. “Our interactions with our transit municipality contacts along with our research submissions to you of our letters, documents and other materials, have confirmed the lack of transit promotion for our municipality,” Bertrand said. She added that requests fell on deaf ears when dealing with the Town on this issue. “We understand that your jobs can get quite busy and overwhelming at times. However this is a community priority that cannot be pushed aside,” she said. After Bertrand completed her part of the presentation, deBolebec shared his view on the system being cancelled. “In regards to the petition I feel the town has failed to provide adequate signage and advertising to support this service,” deBolebec said. He went on to say that

council had been provided with different ideas on how to help the service, but instead the council decided to cancel it rather than work to make the system better. “Council has flatly refused to work with these individuals,” deBolebec said. He suggested a slight rise of ticket costs would have helped raise some of the funding the system needed. “Golden council worked hard at one time to get the service into the community. It is sad to see that subsequent councils, especially this one, have let the ball drop to the point where you have cancelled the service,” he said. “You as a council have failed in your duties.” Coun. Chris Hambruch explained that to be a part of a decision to cancel the service was not an easy one for him due to the fact he was a part of the debate on bringing it here originally. Mayor Christina Benty explained that she loves the idea of public transit on a philospohical level. “I think it is incredibly important. Don’t think the decision was made without the awareness that it would have an impact on certain segments of the population. Your job as a community is to lobby for the things that are important to you. Our job is to make decisions and sometimes very difficult decisions,” Benty said.


Visit for your chance to win a V 7 night All Inclusive holiday for 2 adults to Villa del Palmar in Cancun, Mexico! PLUS don’t d forget to visit our Community tab where you can discuss and share great deals and shopping tips on our forums!

168 athletes and 39 coaches from the Kootenays (Zone 1) competed at the 2012 BC Summer Games. Thank you to the coaches, officials, volunteers, and families who support these growing champions. See photos, videos and results at

No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of Canada excluding Quebec who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. One (1) grand prize is available to be won, consisting of a seven (7) night holiday to Cancun, Mexico including airfare and accommodation for two (2) adults at the Villa Del Palmar Cancun Beach Resort & Spa (approximate retail value of $3,000.00 CDN). Selected entrant must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest closes [Sunday, August 19th, 2012 at 11:59 PM ET]. To enter and for complete contest rules, visit


your source for FREE coupons

The Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012 A13

Golden Business Directory

“Largest plumbing and heating inventory in the area� Quality Service with Integrity t 4FOJPST %JTDPVOU o QBSUT POMZ

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Call for a free quote



819B - 9th Street N.

CONTRACTING Ltd. Box 599, Golden, BC. V0A 1H0

Get ready for spring!

“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing� Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

Phone: (250) 344-8351

Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 for a quote to have your parking lot and driveway swept with our JCB Skid Steer Sweeper Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available

Appliance Service & Repairs Backhoe, Bobcat and Mini Excavator Engineered Septic Systems Construction Oil Tank Removal

Concrete Work Landscaping Driveways Water lines

Renovations Fencing/Decks Snow Removal

Jeanette Jackson

Brian Jackson Cell: 250 344-0574 Ph: 250 344-2836 1750 Oberg Johnson Rd

Cell: 250 344-1075 Golden, BC V0A 1H1

Construction Landscaping Irrigation Lawn Care Snow Removal Junk Removal




All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652

Kelsey Korpiniski tel:250-344-0428

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Specializing in Siding, SofďŹ t, Facia, RooďŹ ng, 5â€? Continuous Eavestrough, Fencing & Decks New Home Construction

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star

Sassy’s House of Hair and Fashion opens its doors to Golden Jessica Schwitek A few years back, some of the women in Golden had to say goodbye to the hair stylist they had been going to for 25 years. And now they get to welcome her back. Sassy’s House of Hair and Fashions, owned by stylist Carolyn Anderson, has officially reopened in a new location on 9th Avenue North. “We serviced the community for 25 years,” said Anderson, who originally opened up the salon as House of Hair when she moved to Golden in 1983. She closed down her shop to start teaching in the hairdressing programs at the College of the Rockies, and Delmar College in Calgary. “I really missed my business. So I downsized (reopening the salon in a smaller space), and went back to work.” The new Sassy’s now has three stylists, and also sells clothing and accessories, which it hadn’t before. Anderson, however, has extensive retail experience as she has owned several business ventures over the past 40 years. “It is wonderful to be back though. And all my clients are coming back too,” she said. “I started in 1983, and some of my clients have been with me since 1983.” Although she is happy to be back with a pair of clippers in her hand, Anderson had found a new passion with teaching.

“I don’t want to stand behind the chair 100 per cent of the time anymore. I’d rather the teach the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years,” she said. “I really enjoy teaching, passing on my talents to young ones. It’s time for the young ones to take over. And if they’re taught properly they will.” Anderson will be teaching again at the COTR program in the fall, and is proud to be offering apprenticeship opportunities to the graduates of that program. One of Anderson’s two stylists, Meg Taylor, is joining Sassy’s after eight years of working in one of Banff’s top salons. “I have worked alongside Aveda and Redken, and I have been inspired by their precision cutting and colouring techniques,” said Taylor, who will be finishing up the busy season in Banff, then relocating to Golden full time. She will be bringing a breadth of experience and passion to the salon. “I believe hair should have a fresh look, be easy to maintain, flowing with your natural beauty and personal style,” she said. “With over 20 years of experience, my devoted time to education has left me willing to take on any challenge that is presented to me. I hold a true passion for this industry.” Sassy’s is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., by appointment only, but will stay open until 7 or 8 p.m. if it is busy.

Carolyn Anderson, above left, has reopened her salon, Sassy’s House of Hair and Fashion on 9th Avenue North, with stylists Lillian Anderson, middle, and Meg Taylor, right. Left, Taylor cuts Tristan McCullough’s hair. Darryl Crane/ Star Photo

A simple idea becomes a thriving company helping Golden residents Darryl Crane A little over three years ago a local teen who had just graduated from Golden Secondary School got the idea for a business which has gone on and expanded into a thriving local business. Golden Junk was the brainchild of Eddie Leigan who had the idea for the business while he was a high school student. After helping a friend’s mother remove some junk in the summer of 2009, Leigan put together a business plan and turned the idea into a business. “I jumped into it with both feet,” Leigan said. “I thought this would be something cool to do. I could go out and meet and talk to people while helping people out.” Over the past three years Leigan has learned many things about running his company. “Being in the junk business for a few years, I have learned the ins and outs of how to save my customers money. Quite often people are surprised when we talk about the cost of junk removal, and surprised in a good way,” he said. “We are always willing to have a look and give an estimate at absolutely no cost to our customers, we offer several types of junk removal to suit anyone’s needs, we can pick it up on the spot to make it go away fast or we can leave a bin for you so you can go through the junk at your own pace, and we are always willing to help.” Leigan explained that the company is much more than just a


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place to get rid of junk. “Golden Junk is a full service junk removal company, full service means that we do all the work. You don’t even have to take your junk to the curb, we can take the junk out of wherever it may be, garages, sheds, basements, back yard, front yard or anywhere you may have it,” he said. This year the company added a new phone number, and two

new service areas (Invermere and Field) to the junk business with the aim to help people have an easier way to contact the company, and access the service. “In the number to the business we added a word, 250-272JUNK (5865). Anyone who would like to ask questions about our services can feel free to call us at that number and we will be happy to help them,” Leigan said.


This Space

Graduated Licence Program SPECIAL RATES FOR 6/9/12 HOUR PACKAGES

Hourly Driving Lessons Available Ph: 250-344-7699 Cell: 250-344-8424



*with 12 week commitment

Call us at 344-5251.

Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012 A15

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Coming Events

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:

Attention Toyota Product Advisors

The Grad Class of 1972 is holding a 40th year Reunion! All grads, classmates, teachers, and anyone who attended Golden Secondary during that time are invited. We will be holding a dinner at Kicking Horse Grill on August 11, 2012. Please contact Anna Jean Abel 250-426-3552 or by email for more information.

Personals CURIOUS ABOUT Men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try FREE! Call 1-888-5591255. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.


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Vacation Spots Phoenix/Sun City West, AZ. Clean furnished 2-bdrm + den, age 55+ community. Available Sept-Dec/2012. 1 mth minimum. $1600-$1800/mth. Call 1(360)220-4648 or email

Employment Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE SCRATCH & Chip Repair. Lucrative. Easy to learn mobile. Exclusive territory. Income Potential $100/hr. Very low operating expenses. F/T or PT. 1(250)686-0808. Be your own boss/build a business at home/ computer required/ex hrs/free training

Career Opportunities


Western Forest Products Inc. Detailed job postings can be viewed at http://www.western -people-employment/careers

Help Wanted

• • •

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) CertiďŹ cates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • TrafďŹ c Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING CertiďŹ cate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus. Extensive study of beekeeping, queen rearing, and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable on-campus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. Call Lin 1-780-835-6630 IF YOU’RE Interested in real estate, then take Appraisal and Assessment, a specialized two-year business major at Lakeland College’s campus in Lloydminster, Alberta. Your training includes assessment principles, computerized mass appraisal valuation of properties, farmland evaluation and property analysis. Start September; 1-800-6616490, ext. 5429. INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! 1-866-399-3853 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535 TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Employment Agencies/Resumes AUSTRALIA/NEW Zealand dairy, beef, sheep, crop enterprises have opportunities for trainees ages 18-30 to live and work Down Under. Apply now for Young Adult Programs! Ph:1-888-598-4415

Help Wanted CertiďŹ ed Faller needed for a local logging contractor. Call Ed 250-344-5300.



HIRING IMMEDIATELY Relief Night Auditor Guest Services Agent


Alpine Toyota has an immediate opening for a Toyota Product Advisor. Our dealership is situated in Cranbrook B.C., the major business and recreation hub for the entire East Kootenay. We are currently looking for a Product Advisor with a track-record of success who is interested in working in a positive team environment. We offer ongoing training, a generous compensation plan and an engaged group of Team Leaders to help our Product Advisors achieve their goals. For the right applicant, relocation expenses and a guaranteed income will be considered. If you love selling Toyota products and the quality of life that can be found in the East Kootenay’s sounds interesting, please forward your resume in conďŹ dence to our Sales Team Leader by email: kdunsire@alpinetoyota or by phone at (250)4894010. If you present the qualities and values we are looking for, we will contact successful applicants for an interview. An Alberta Construction Company is hiring dozer, excavator and labour/rock truck operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete ďŹ nishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence, accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780444-7103.

AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for 10-3rd year apprentices or journey person welders. We offer best wage in industry. 3rd year apprentice $28$30/hr, journeyperson $32$35/hr, higher with tank experience. ProďŹ t sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at (ofďŹ ce) 780-8462231; (fax)780-846-2241 or send resume to:; Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform. CITY OF YELLOWKNIFE Assistant Superintendent, Solid Waste Facility. The City of Yellowknife is seeking an individual to assume the position of Assistant Superintendent, Solid Waste Facility. For more information on this position, including the required qualiďŹ cations, please refer to the City of Yellowknife’ s web page at: or contact Human Resources at (867) 920-5659. Submit resumes in conďŹ dence no later than August 10,2012, quoting competition #902-105M to: Human Resources Division, City of Yellowknife, P.O. Box 580, YK, NT, X1A 2N4; Fax (867) 669-3471 or Email: Days Inn requires Full Time Housekeepers/ Room Attendants. Apply in person or email Fax 250-344-6673 or Fax 250-344-6673. RAMADA INN requires a HOUSEKEEPER and a NIGHT AUDITOR (shifts 11pm-7am) Drop off resume or email to 1311 12 St. N. 250-439-1888

Mountain View Assisted Living Position: Assisted Living Worker – Full Time The Assisted Living worker delivers exemplary personal care services that enhance life quality and peace of mind for seniors living within the assisted living residence. Under the direction of the Assisted Living Leader delivers personal care and housekeeping, laundry, dining social/recreation programs as driven by the needs, interests, choices and abilities of assisted living residents. Education, QualiďŹ cations and Experience t Resident Care Attendant, Home Support or Assisted living CertiďŹ cate or equivalent combination of education and experience t Comfortable working alone or in a team environment t Available and willing to work shift work t Able to plan, organize and deliver care and services with minimal supervision t Current First Aid CertiďŹ cation

Prestige Inn 1049 TransCanada HWY email:

Please submit your letter of interest & resume to: Tricia Bowness, Site Manager, Mountain View Assisted Living 750 8th Avenue, Golden, BC, V0A 1H0 Fax: 250-344-7962


Applications accepted until 4 pm August 17, 2012

Please apply in person at the

Experienced COOK required Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shift. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person. EXPERIENCED PARTS Person and an Inventory Clerk are required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full beneďŹ ts and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000 sq.ft. store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: Golden Village Inn / Golden Tourist Dev. Ltd. FRONT DESK CLERK Full time, shift work - $12.45/hr 40 hours per week. Register guests, Calculate Charges & Clerical Duties. Balance cash transactions & Customer Service. Basic Computer skills, completion of High School required. No experience necessary, training available. 1439 Lafontaine Road, Golden BC V0A 1H3 Send resume to IMMEDIATE Opening for Ex. Upholster & sewers, Kelowna 250-860-0523 & 250-491-9454

Hiring Local Drivers to transport railway crews. Vehicle & training is provided. Class 4 driver’s license is required, assistance will be provided for those who require upgrade. Flexible schedule for a 24/7 operation. F/T & P/T opportunities. Contact Wolf Bigge:

Fax: (403)504-8664 Kanyon Ridge TrafďŹ c Control requires qualiďŹ ed TrafďŹ c Control persons. Must hold valid trafďŹ c control ticket. Valid class 5 drivers and nondrivers and First Aid Level 1-3. Contact Karen: 250-344-6823. Ponderosa Motor Inn requires Housekeepers. Will train. Apply in person with resume 1206 Trans Canada Hwy. Resident Caretaker (semi retired or retired couple preferred). Wanted to overlook 20 unit motel in Vernon, BC. Accommodation included. Fax resume to: 250-545-3859 or email to: silverstarmotel@

Trades, Technical EXCEL Homes is an established Calgary new home builder building in Calgary and the surrounding community. As one of Calgary’s leading builders, we provide our customers with high quality, innovative, and sustainable home solutions. Excel is looking for Framing Contractors for single family homes as well as all construction positions within the company. Make the move and build your career with Excel Homes! Contact for more information or visit our website:

Help Wanted

STORE MANAGER Golden, B.C. Are you working for the best? Are you making a difference? At Fields we are making a difference. We are improving people’s lives‌better price, better life. We are a Canadian Retail Chain of 57 stores, under new ownership and looking to grow. We are currently looking for Store Managers. The Store Manager works closely with and provides leadership to the Assistant Store Manager, and Store Associates. The Store Manager is responsible for meeting revenue targets, merchandise and inventory, employee well-being, loss prevention, health & safety, customer relationships and the ďŹ nancial aspects of running a small business. If you are interested in taking the next step in your management career, check our opportunities at www.ďŹ, or drop off your resume and references in our store at 916-10th Ave S or email to marika.kokoshke@ďŹ We offer: s /PPORTUNITIES FOR CAREER ADVANCEMENT s %XCELLENT "ENElTS AND SALARY s #HALLENGING AND ENGAGING WORK s 6ALUES ORIENTED CULTURE s /PPORTUNITIES TO MOVE BETWEEN LOCATIONS


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 Golden Star



Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate



Trades, Technical

Legal Services

Building Supplies

Misc. Wanted

Other Areas

Misc for Rent

Suites, Lower

JOURNEYMAN MACHINIST KJM Sales Ltd. is a busy Prince George based company seeking a Journeyman Machinist for full time employment. Third/Fourth Year apprentices will be considered for the position. A competitive wage and benefit package is offered. Please direct all resumes to KJMSALES@SHAW.CA NO PHONE CALLS/DROP-INS PLEASE.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Huge quantities of all types of lumber. Call 250-344-5119.

I Buy Old Coins & Collections Olympic, Gold Silver Coins etc Call Chad 250-863-3082 Local

20 ACRES- Only $99/mo. $0 Down, Owner Financing, NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas, Beautiful Mountain Views! Money Back Guarantee! Free Color Brochure. 1-800-755-8953.

In Golden; 1100 sq. ft Basement Suite. Util, w/d incl. $900/mth. Avail Aug 1. Also shared accom avail immediately. $450 all incl. 403-820-0785.

Garage Sales Sat, Aug 4, 9-11am. 1404 Deer Ridge Rd. Drive up hill at end of Pine Dr. Boys’ clothing and toys, sports gear. All in good/excellent condition.


Heavy Duty Machinery

Health Products SLIM DOWN For summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660. NEED A Business or Personal Loan? Get a Business start up Loan for up to $5 million bankruptcy. Bad credit ok, interest rate from 1.9%. Apply now at or call 1-855-937-8487.

Hairstylists Notice “Terynn” International Body Piercer is at Sassy’s on Saturday, August 4

We’re on the net at

Computer Services Mountain Trails Computer Repairs. Fast, Affordable, Satisfaction Guaranteed! Proudly serving Golden for more than 15 years. Call 250 344-5857.

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.


250-272-1194 Eavestrough, Soffit cleaning

Pets & Livestock

Pet Services Hawt Pawz N Clawz Dog and Cat Grooming. Currently no waiting period. Call Michelle 250-347-2412, Radium


509B 9th Ave, Golden

Business/Office Service

Business/Office Service

250 344-2017


SALE! When you book any classified ad into any of our East Kootenay papers, you can place the same ad into any additional paper for only 250-423-4666

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t ,PPUFOBZ "EWFSUJTFS 250-489-3455

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S lives here. It’s here in our community. Please make a difference by volunteering. Sclerosis Society of Canada S Multiple

Misc. for Sale FOR SALE: VW Jetta TDI ‘03. 235,000K. Recent service incl new MAF sensor. Black, w/sunroof $6000 obo MacBook Pro 13”, Mid 2010. 2.4Ghz, 4GB, 640GB, Applecare til 09/13. Incl Speck protective cover $800 obo 250-344-8258 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 Pacific Hot Tub for sale Deluxe model, 6 person $1000 call 250-272-0859 STEEL BUILDING - Huge clearance sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel, 1-800-668-5422. Tent Trailer For Sale Sleeps 4-6, good condition. 403-875-2752 or 250-348-2400

Real Estate Acreage for Sale 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies. Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. Contact 1-250-769-4288 or email

Business for Sale Located in the sunny warm southern interior of BC. Profitable, established Welding Shop & Power Equipment Dealeship. Turnkey Operation. Asking $529,000. Call 1 (250)453-2242 or email:

Commercial/ Industrial Property Riverfront Commercial property for sale. 403-405 9 Ave. N Golden. Great Location, Location, Location. $399,969. Open to offers. 250-344-5008 or 344-2775.

Houses For Sale Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit:

Mobile Homes & Parks 3 bdr trailer, large covered deck and carport, fenced, lots of storage, outside shed, all major appliances plus more on own lot. Open to offers, serious inquiries only. 1049 King Cres. Cell# 250-272-0084 REDUCED: 12’x68’ 2 Bdr mobile with addition. KHMHP. Large window facing Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, lots of storage space with 2 sheds. Tidy fenced in yard with firepit and sunny front deck. Oil/wood heat. Updated appliances. Great starter home! $19,999, offers considered. First 2 months pad rent Free. 250-439-9072 for more info or to view. RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Opening May 2012. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Ask us about our Free Rent option! 250-462-7055.

“We’re having a baby!”

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Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association. Email info@littlemittensanimal or call Alannah 250-290-0279 or Dianne 250-344-7691. Spotted Dog Rescue. Call 250-344-5524.

Book Early

Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.

Keep your baby safe in the car. Learn how to choose the right child car seat. Call 1-877-247-5551 or visit

Rentals Acreage Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Apt/Condo for Rent 2 Bdr Condo in Riverpointe. Laundry room on site. No pets. Ground level. $900/mth + util. Call 250-344-1771. 2 Bdr ground floor, private entrance apartment. $850/mth incl util. Call 250-344-2561 or 344-9882. 3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533.

FOR RENT In the Blaeberry Take a look- you will not be disappointed

All inclusive 2 Bdr Suite -Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site DD & References required - No Pets Phone 250-344-7299 Please leave message if no answer Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056. Twin Rivers - 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113.

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.

Commercial/ Industrial

t *OWFSNFSF 7BMMFZ &DIP 250-342-9216

t (PMEFO 4UBS 250-426-5201

Drive to Save Lives Est. 1898

Call us for more details!!!

2 bdr. house w/storage. 8-10 mins. from town. No parties, N/S. $750/mth. $375 DD. Washer Dryer hookup. 250-344-2658. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 & 5 Bdr houses. In town. Laundry. Avail immediately. Call 250-344-1340. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. Also 1 Bdr suite. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-6596 or 344-1599. 3 Bdr house, top floor. 2400 sq. ft. 3 baths. 1106 12 St. All appliances. Sun deck. No pets. Refs required. Avail Aug 1. 250-344-5691 or 344-9854. 3 Bdr mobile home for rent or sale. $600/mth. Avail Aug 1. 250-344-7163 or 344-8179. 4 Bdr home in Golden in quiet neighbourhood within town boundaries. Large deck, fire pit & hot tub and other great features. 3 references required. Please call for more details 250-344-0492. 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. Beautiful mountain home for rent. 5 Bdr, 3 bath. Spacious deck and yard. Large shed/workshop. For more info visit or call 250-439-8099.

Duplex for Rent 3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996.

Room in house avail Aug 8. All inclusive. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. $475. Call 250-290-0110.

Cottages / Cabins New 1 bdr cabin in the Blaeberry. Avail immediately. Pets considered. $800/mth incl utilities. 250-344-3055.

3 Bdr Upper & 2 Bdr Lower suite. Avail now. 250-344-5075.

Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.


Auto Financing

Homes for Rent

Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Misc for Rent



Large Mobile Home Site available now. #84 Kicking Horse Village MHP. Call Manager 250-344-6935.

1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease or rent. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876. 3 Bay Shed on Legendz property on Trans Canada Hwy. Available any time. Ideal for fruit stand. Call Legendz Diner after 3pm. 250-344-5059.

FOR RENT 3 Bdrm duplex close to park, schools, N/S, No pets. References. $800/mo. 250-348.2245 evenings


2 BDR MOBILE HOME in Moberly avail. immediately $650/mth INCL utilities 250-344-6410

House Chalet for rent $1500/mth. Fully furnished, 4Bdr, 2 Bath. 250-344-5863 Perfect for seasonal workers or vacationers. Just move in the groceries. This fully furnished home has 3 bdrs. 2 full baths, lrg laundry room and lrg covered deck with great mountain views. A must see! N/S, no pets. $1500/mth all inclusive. Short term welcome. Great backcountry access. Just 10 mins. south of Golden. Avail now. 344-0110.

Duplex / 4 Plex


Mobile Homes & Pads

2 Bdr Apt bottom floor, one step, downtown. No pets, dishwasher, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $725. Avail Sept 1. 250-344-0222.

Rooms for Rent

Shared Accommodation Room avail in fully furnished shared home. Close to all amenities. N/P, N/S. $450/mth all inclusive + DD. Avail asap. Leave message 604-356-2543.

Storage BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289.

Suites, Lower 2 Bdr downstairs Available now. Call 250-344-5075.


DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

YOU’RE APPROVED Poor, Good, OR No Credit at AUTO CREDIT NOW DL11143 Details and APPLY online OR TOLL FREE 1-877-356-0743

Cars - Domestic 2007 Ford Taurus SE four door, air, cruise, tilt steering, keyless entry, abs, driver side 6 way power seat. 147,000km. Mint condition. $5000. Contact Ed 250-4234510 or

Cars - Sports & Imports 92 Toyota Tercel - Std. New brakes, windshield, muffler. Summer & winter tires incl. $2000 OBO 250-439-9804

If you see a wildfire, report it to

1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.

Motorcycles HONDA 1988 GL1500 Motorbike for sale. If interested, contact

Reduced $1700 Firm was $3800 new. Gas Highway Bike150cc, 498 km. Kept in garage. Like new. Great commuter bike Top speed 140 km. 250-344-6002

Recreational/Sale 1991 Travelmate 24’ 5th Wheel trailer, very good cond., twin bed model, bright rear dining area, air, TV, MW, awning, radio, etc., $5700 obo. (250)428-8985

Scrap Car Removal Old vehicles lying around? Rod will remove them - FREE. Check with him for parts too. 250-344-6921 o r 344-0580.

Trucks & Vans 1996 Chevy Blazer LT 4x4. Leather interior, power doors, windows, locks,& side mirrors, 127,000 km. winter & summer tires on rims, 250-344-5184.

The Golden Star Wednesday, July 25, 2012 A17

This is the earliest known picture of the area where the town of Golden is presently situated. The area photographed would be the north part of present day Golden. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum.

Reading about the past from a collection of period writings

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

It’s fascinating for me to look back at old manuscripts, manuals and booklets, that describe life in and around Golden in the time before I was born. This excerpt comes from the British Columbia Directory from 1887. “The timber in the Upper Kootenay Valley is remarkably fine, particularly the tamarack (larch), and yellow pine species. Both of these kinds will soon come into demand down the Columbia River, where, owning to an abrupt change in the climate from a dry to a wet zone, neither of these trees are found. The Upper Kootenay Valley can be reached from Golden City, on the CPR, by the steamer Duchess, which makes the trip one day (105 miles). From the valley, several low passes (Vermil-

lion, Crow’s Nest and Kootenay Passes), lead across the North West Territory over good trails and with the best feed. In future, these routes will be the cattle trails by which the eastern cities can be gained at no expense for shipping. Likewise, can the Northern Pacific Railway be reached over easy country so that the settlers will have the choice of two routes for shipping produce and stock, the best cure for high freight rates. A Canadian company (the Eastern Columbia Railway Company) are, at date of writing, applying for a charter to build a railway between Golden City and the ‘Canal Flat,� at the head of the Upper Kootenay Valley and wrote home: “The advantages nature seems to have bestowed in this spot will render its geographical position very important at some future day and when emigration shall be penetrated, it will prove a very important point. The climate is delightful, the extremes of heat and cold are seldom known. The hand of man would transform it into a terrestrial paradise.� A few more years and the old traveller’s prophesy will have become true.

The Columbia Valley comprises the great bend of the Columbia River around the Selkirks, which is undoubtedly the most majestic group of mountains in North America. The valley, following the Columbia, is 440 miles ling; but only the upper most portions are available for agricultural or stock-raising purposes, the remainder being a densely timbered and rocky country of much future importance, however, on account of its mineral riches. The three chief places in the valley are Golden City, at the mouth of the Kicking Horse River after descending from the Rocky Mountains. It will be of some importance as the distributing point for the Kootenay Valleys. Seventeen miles farther down the Columbia is Donald, a larger place on account of its being the end of the division, and it contains roundhouse and workshops of the CPR. Finally, Farwell or Revelstoke, as the railway company calls it, which is the distributing point for the Big Bend mines where quartz mining (gold) has a bright future. Farwell, too, is the point from which the Kootenay and Athabaska Railway Co. propose to build their branch line

to tap the galena mines on Kootenay Lake. The splendid white

pine, cedar and fir timber along the CPR route through the Koo-

tenai district cannot fail to bring about an early development and the

establishment of large sawmills to supply the treeless northwest.�


Tell us what you’re up to! Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star


Top racers come to Golden

It was a great day for the first race of The Kicking Horse Cup race series being held in Golden. The top finishers in each division were (Men’s) under 30 Evan Bayer; 30-34 Jody Klassen; 35-39 Keith Batstone; 40-44 Stuart Smith; 45-49 Brent Arnholtz; 50-54 Keith Schroeder; 55-59 Olav Stana; 60-64 Derek Tripp; 65-69 Gerry Morrison; 70-74 Eric Rayson. Women’s results 30-34 Jacqui Coward; 35-39 Jill Sagan; 40-44 Aleks Maklen; 45-49 Sheila Summers; 50-54 Marie-France Lessor; 55-59 Carol Chester and 70-74 Min Rayson. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

A four day soccer camp that mixes on and off field fun Darryl Crane There will be an annual soccer camp with a little extra twist happening in Golden between August 7 and 10. Richard Campeau, one of the organizers and instructors at the camp, explained the camp is for children aged five to 10. This year the camp will run four days and give local athletes the chance to brush up on the skills on the pitch. “It is a vocation bible camp that is teamed theme. The children will have two hours of soccer instruction and scrimmage.


Then they will have one hour of snacks, bible stories and songs,” Campeau said. The camp will be held at the Keith King Memorial Park and will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. Campeau sees many great aspects to the camp for the children who attend. “We want to be a blessing to the kids. It provides something for children to do. It is an opportunity for us to teach the children bible stories and songs while being an outreach to the community,” Campeau said. He added he felt giving something back to the community is a

great thing to do as well. The camp is open to all children and there is a cost of $35 for the first child of a family to attend. If a second sibling of a family wants to attend, the cost does drop. Campeau wanted to stress that the goal of the camp is not to turn any child away who wants to attend the camp. “It is about the enjoyment of being outside with the kids and volunteers. It is a lot of fun. You get to learn soccer skills, learn bible stories, make new fiends and have a lot of fun,” Campeau said. To learn more go to or call the church at 250-344-7676.

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The Golden Star Wednesday, August 1, 2012 A19

● Administration - David Allen, Ext 228 ● Operations, Public Works - Chris Cochran, Ext 226 ● Recreation Services - Jordan Petrovics, Ext 225 ● Planning & Building - Gary Smith, Ext 235 ● Strategic Initiatives - David Love, Ext 249

810 9th Ave. S Golden B.C. V0A 1H0 250 344-2271 ● Fax 250 344-6577

The Process Forward for the Bridge 2 Bridge Project The recent Alternative Approval Process result prohibits Council from borrowing up to $2.3 million for the Bridge 2 Bridge Project as proposed by Bylaw No. 1301, 2012 unless elector assent is achieved through a referendum. Council determined at its July 24th regular meeting to move to referendum, but with a new proposed loan authorization bylaw (1308, 2012) that would allow long term borrowing of up to $1,322,235 for the project. More information about the Bridge 2 Bridge project and the forthcoming referendum will be available in the coming weeks. The referendum will be held in conjunction with the by-election scheduled to be held September 8th. Should the referendum pass, Council will then conduct a Value Engineering process to examine cost and structural efficiencies of the planned project before proceeding. For information about the Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge 2 Bridge) Project, go to: or visit our facebook page.

Deadline for Annual Permissive Tax Exemption Applications Affected property owners (i.e. not-for-profit, religious organizations, etc.) are advised that the 2013 application forms for a Permissive Tax Exemption MUST be received at Town Hall no later than 4:30pm, August 31st, 2012. Applications are available from the Finance Department.

Interface Wildfire Prevention Measures Continue Personnel from the BC Forest Service are back in the Selkirk Heights area again this week, continuing to significantly thin the forested area between Selkirk Heights homes and the Bowle-Evans Forest Service Road. The area remains strictly closed to the public during this time.

Watering Restrictions in Effect Watering of lawns and gardens is only permitted between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Permissible watering days are as follows: Odd civic address - odd calendar days Even civic address - even calendar days We all have a great responsibility to each other to use our water wisely. Our supply and the cost of getting that supply to your home and business should be your concern as well as ours. Please respect our watering times, which are subject to enforcement. In the event of a power outage, shut off all sprinklers. Draining our reservoirs depletes water to all residents, and our ability to provide fire protection!

What if YOU Had the Water Safety Skills to Save a Life? The Golden Municipal Pool is offering Bronze Cross and Bronze Medallion courses in August. Designed for people 13 years and older, these courses are the first step in becoming a lifeguard. Course Dates: Bronze Medallion (pre-requisite for Bronze Cross) August 13th – 18th 1:30pm Bronze Cross- August 21st – 24th 2:30pm Fees: $130.00 plus the Red Cross Manual (for sale at the Golden Municipal Pool) More information: 250-344-2118 or Email:

L Let’s make

water-wise changes At the Town of Golden we’re learning how to save water with new irrigation techniques and technologies for local parks and green spaces. Learn about your residential irrigation system. You could likely do better too.

Brought to you by the Town of Golden

in partnership with Columbia Basin Trust’s Water Smart Initiative For more info:

● Finance - Lisa Vass, Ext 227 ● Corporate Services - Jon Wilsgard, Ext 237 ● Fire Department - Ken McClure, 250.344.6401 ● Mayor’s Office - Christina Benty, Ext 229 Appointment hours - Tuesday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm

Highlights Town of Golden – Regular Open Council Meeting: July 24, 2012 Options for Proceeding with Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge to Bridge) Project Council moved to referendum Town of Golden Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization to borrow up to a maximum of $1,322,235. Should the project pass the referendum a Value Engineering exercise will be conducted. Proposed Amendments to Temporary License of Occupation Policy Council amended the above policy largely to allow for private events such as weddings and registration based sport events on public property for temporary license. Terms of Reference for the Select Committee on Community-Wide Energy and Emissions Reduction Council adopted the Terms of Reference and directed staff to start the recruitment process as soon as possible. ToG Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1309, 2012 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to authorize the long term borrowing of $1,800,000 to construct and improve the Kicking Horse River dike system associated with the Kicking Horse River Dike Upgrade (Bridge 2 Bridge) Project, was defeated. ToG Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to authorize the long term borrowing of up to $1,322,235 to construct and improve the Kicking Horse River dike system associated with the Kicking Horse River Dike Upgrade (Bridge 2 Bridge) Project, was given first, second, and third readings. ToG Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1301, 2012 Council rescinded first, second, and third readings of Town of Golden Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1301, 2012. ToG Zoning Bylaw No. 1294, 2011 The above bylaw, which is a bylaw to regulate the use and density of land, buildings and structures and the provision of parking, screening and landscaping, was given third reading. ToG Solid Fuel Burning Appliance Bylaw No. 1150, 2005 and ToG Solid Fuel Burning Appliance Amendment Bylaw No. 1252, 2009, Amending Bylaw No. 1150, 2005 Council moved to repeal the above bylaws and directed staff to prepare a bylaw to enable their repeal. Youth Action Group (YAG) – Vancouver Foundation Grant Request Council directed staff to make application to the Vancouver Foundation on behalf of the Golden Youth Centre and Golden Area Initiatives per the Golden Youth Engagement Project proposal submitted June 18th, 2012 by the Golden Youth Centre.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012 The Golden Star

RE/MAX of Golden 250-344-7663

Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234

Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275

$219,500 #106, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail 2 bedrooms

1 bath


$198,600 1541 Quartz Crescent

3 bedrooms

3 baths


4 bedrooms

3 baths


5 bedrooms

1 bath

2.5 baths


2.5 baths



3.5 baths




2 bedrooms

2 baths

$284,900 1 bath


$119,900 1402 Deere Ridge Road



$450,000 3 bedrooms

4.83 acres

5 bedrooms

4 bedrooms

1502 Poplar Street

Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435

#303, 1420 Palliser Trail

810 - 10th Street

.52 acre

$350,000 2122 Highway #95, South



Barry Klassen (250) 344-0262

$439,900 1513 Cedar Street

1611 Lafontaine Road 1,491sqft

Bob Tegart (250) 272-4321




1361 Pine Drive


Marlon Chambers (250) 344-0735

526 - 12th Street

713 - 9th Street 2 bedrooms

.93 acre


$359,000 1411 Spruce Drive

Flec Demmon (250) 344-8451

.35 acre



2238 Neville Road

990 Highway #95, South

80 acres

38 acres





#38 Mnt Shadows MHP

644 Golden Donald Upper Road

576 Habart Road

974 Oster Road

#16 Kicking Horse Village MHP

2 bedrooms

3 bedrooms 2 baths 1,736sqft 1.08 acre

.4 acre

3 bedrooms 1 bath 1,097sqft 6.74 acres

3 bedrooms

$179,900 Lot 2, Imler Road

$299,000 606 - 12th Street

3.4 acres

6 bedrooms

$259,000 711 - 8th Street 4 bedrooms

2 baths

4 baths

#28 Kicking Horse Village MHP

basement suite


$82,000 Lot 1, Holmes Deakin Road


914 - 14th Street 2 bedrooms

1.49 acres

2 baths

REDUCED 4 bedrooms

Commercial Land


2 bedrooms

4 bedrooms

1.5 baths

3 baths

16.8 acres

$169,900 1045 King Crescent 2 bedrooms

17.26 acres

REDUCED 3 bedrooms

2 baths


514 - 7th Street


Blaeberry Road


Southridge Road





407 Riverglen Drive 1,150sqft

#8, Parkland Gardens


3 baths


$219,900 3 bedrooms

1435 Birch Crescent

320 Fisher Road 2,200sqft


1.5 baths


$139,000 Lot 5, 1313 Campbell Road


2 acres



#1A Kicking Horse Village MHP 2 bedrooms


$1,190,000 1636 Purcell Woods Close 3 bedrooms

3 baths


#308, 1549 Kicking Horse Trail 2 bedrooms

2 baths





Lot 6, Dogtooth Close

532 Anderson Road


155 acres

SOLD $389,000 1333 Pine Drive 4 bedrooms

2 baths



$310,900 Horse Creek Mobile Home Park Mobile Home Park

#311, 1545 Kicking Horse Trail 2 bedrooms

2 baths


$899,900 802 - 9th Street Land and Building

$719,000 623 - 5th Avenue 6 bedrooms

6 baths


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