Lake Country Calendar, August 08, 2012

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August 8, 2012

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The crave for fitness is taking to the water BOBBI-SUE MENARD

Feast of Fields Coming to Lake Country orchard later this month. Get your tickets before they’re sold out. ...............................


Boundary lines between Lake Country and the City of Kelowna are going to be re-assessed for possible realignment which will simplify mutual servicing and help build neighbourly relations. ...............................


Everyone enjoyed the Carr’s Landing Community Family Fun Picnic. ...............................

Flyers â– JYSK â– Rona â– Staples

Sarah Fraser, of Crave Fitness, has brought the latest summer shape up routine to Lake Country—stand up paddle board fitness. The wide boards used for paddling around lakes make the perfect platform for a core workout. The classes have proven wildly popular in cities with ready access to water, and Lake Country has the perfect location to try out the fitness craze. Stand up paddle boarding has seen a marked increase in popularity in recent years, in part because celebrities on vacation can be routinely seen participating in the sport. It is easy to learn, but takes some practise to master standing on the board as it moves through the water. Fraser’s classes take advantage of the board’s wide surface with yoga, push-ups and a light ab workout to increase personal core stability. “It is incredibly tough to do the exercises on the unstable board in the water, but the worst thing that happens is you fall in the lake,� she said. “We have people of


THE FITNESS CRAZE of exercising while balancing in the water on a stand up paddle board is taking off in Lake Country. The new fitness classes, lead by Sarah Fraser of Crave Fitness, appeal to both men and women alike. all different fitness levels come out and try it and every one tends to pick it

up quite fast.� Fraser is hosting the classes Monday and

Thursday evenings at the north end of Wood Lake across from the

Oyama General Store, with boards from Seca Marine.

Call ahead to check drop-in availability with Fraser at 250-575-8292.



District of Lake Country to run Visitor’s Centre as of 2013 BOBBI-SUE MENARD The Lake Country Chamber of Commerce has decided to not enter into a fee-for-service agreement with the District of Lake Country for the Visitor’s Centre.

t to Don’t forugteour check o


This means that, as of Dec. 31, 2012, the district will be responsible for the Visitor’s Centre and will work with Tourism BC and other funding sources to keep the centre open. The Chamber of Commerce has been either operating or contributing to the operation of the Visitor’s

Centre since 2002, as the facility is considered a solid link for local businesses to tourists and visitors to the area. The past few years have seen the district increase

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


Lake Country Fire Department

Recruitment Drive

LCFD (Oyama, Carr’s Landing and WinďŹ eld) is seeking applicants interested in becoming paid-on-call ďŹ reďŹ ghters. As a ďŹ rst step in the process, please ďŹ ll out an application and drop it off at the Fire Administration ofďŹ ce at 10591 Okanagan Centre Road East Applications are available at the address above or online at If you have any questions, please call 250-766-2327

www. lakecountry


KEITH AND SHERRI WILLIAMS and the Lake Country Building Centre staff (seen here) hosted the July 11 Lake Country Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event. The Building Centre has just finished a large renovation inside and out which includes a Benjamin Moore Paint section. Lee Ann Davenport, of La Home Staging Painting + Design, spoke about the painting side of business and about her consulting work. The event was catered by The Wooden Nickel which brought a large spread that was enjoyed by all the networking chamber members and their guests. The next event will be hosted by Nor-Val on Sept. 12.



Does heat stroke occur in dogs?

#PEZ UFNQFSBUVSFT BCPWF ¥' ¥$ without previous signs of illness are most commonly associated with exposure to excessive external or environmental heat and are often referred to as heat stroke. The most common cause of heat stroke or hyperthermia is leaving a dog in a car with inadequate ventilation. The dog’s body temperature in this situation can elevate very rapidly, often within minutes. It is important to remember that dogs cannot control their body temperature by sweating as humans do, since they only have a relatively small number of sweat glands located in their footpads. Their primary way of regulating body temperature is by panting. Other common causes of heat stroke include being left in a yard without access to shade or water on a hot day, being exposed to a hair dryer for an extended period of time, and excessive or vigorous FYFSDJTF EVSJOH IPU UFNQFSBUVSFT 'MBU GBDFE EPHT TVDI as pugs, boxers and bulldogs are at greater risk and clinical signs of heat stroke can occur when the outside temperature and humidity are only moderately elevated. Hyperthermia is an immediate medical emergency as multiple organ failure and death can happen rapidly. If your dog has been affected, seek veterinary care immediately.

Panorama Veterinary Services Ltd. )XZ / -BLF $PVOUSZ #$ 7 7 1 PS


Petrina Koltun




In the Okanagan Valley, home buyers often have an excellent choice of locations when considering a move. Typically, home buyers consider Kelowna, Lake Country and West Kelowna because of the access to the airport, amenities, schools, work and recreation. Lake country has become an increasingly attractive community for home buyers because of the availability and ease of access to these attractions and services and because it is comfortably nestled between Vernon and Kelowna. Lake Country has all of the modern conveniences needed to make the transition to the community attractive and has fantastic choices and access to restaurants, shopping and ďŹ nancial services. Lake Country has a great choice of local schools and has organized recreational programs like dance, hockey and soccer for all ages. Some of the best things about life in Lake Country are the access to water sports on Lake Okanagan, Kalamalka Lake and Wood Lake and the availability of gorgeous beaches. If you, or someone you know, is thinking about buying a home in our community, I am a proud advocate of Lake Country living and am always happy to promote our community!


Dentists How do I treat my sunburn? This is another case of prevention being the best treatment. Protecting against harmful UV radiation from the sun can signiďŹ cantly reduce the risk of sunburn. Even after sunburned skin returns to normal, UV damage can lead to

skin cancer. 8IFO ZPVS TLJO JT TVOCVSOFE JU NBZ UBLF IPVST BGUFS TVO FYQPTVSF to know the full extent of the symptoms. To effectively treat sunburn symptoms employ these measures: KEEP IT COOL - apply cold compresses or take a cool bath KEEP IT MOIST - apply aloe or a moisturizing cream. Avoid products DPOUBJOJOH BMDPIPM 6TF CFO[PDBJOF BOBFTUIFUJD BQQMJDBUJPOT XJUI DBVUJPO OPU FYDFFEJOH MBCFMMFE SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT GPS VTBHF -&"7& #-*45&34 */5"$5 CMJTUFST QSPUFDU BHBJOTU JOGFDUJPO #SFBLJOH UIF blisters can slow the skin’s healing process. If blisters open, cover then lightly with antibiotic ointment and gauze. 64& " /0/ 13&4$3*15*0/ 1"*/ 3&-*&7&3 JCVQSPGFO GPS BEVMUT BOE DIJMESFO PS BTQJSJO GPS BEVMUT POMZ EP OPU VTF JG VOEFS ZFBST PG BHF DBO reduce pain and inammation resulting from the sunburn. These can be used per package instructions until redness and soreness subside. '03 1&&-*/( 4,*/ TVOCVSOFE TLJO XJMM PGUFO QFFM BGUFS B GFX EBZT 5IJT is your body getting rid of outer layers of damaged skin. Use a moisturizing cream while skin is peeling. If the sunburn is severe, a physician should be consulted. Severe sunburn TZNQUPNT JODMVEF CMJTUFSFE TLJO DPWFSJOH B MBSHF QPSUJPO PG UIF CPEZ IJHI GFWFS PS TFWFSF QBJO OP JNQSPWFNFOU BGUFS B GFX EBZT Avoid further exposure of sunburned skin to sunlight. Drink plenty of uids to keep hydrated. Ask your pharmacist if your medication may be putting you at greater risk for sunburn. As mentioned before, sunburn prevention is JNQPSUBOU VTF TVOTDSFFO NJOJNJ[F FYQPTVSF PG TLJO UP TVOMJHIU FTQFDJBMMZ wear a wide-brimmed hat. Enjoy this Okanagan summer .. but be safe in doing so! Ask your WinďŹ eld IDA pharmacist for other sun safety advice.

WinďŹ eld

In the Cooper’s Plaza t

Dr. Lina Jung and Dr. Greg Kosar



Why consider a move to Lake Country in 2012?

What question would you like a qualified professional to answer?


What are the advantages of dental implants over dentures or a dental bridge?

t*NQSPWFE BQQFBSBODF 8IFO ZPV MPTF the entire tooth - crown and root shrinkage of the jawbone may cause your face to look older. Dental implants can stop this process. A traditional denture or dental bridge doesn’t. t1SFTFSWF OBUVSBM UFFUI 8JUI USBEJUJPOBM EFOUBM bridges, teeth adjacent to missing teeth are normally ground down to be used as anchors for a dental bridge. Dental implants often eliminate the need to modify healthy teeth. t1FSNBOFOU TPMVUJPO 5IFSF BSF OP MPPTF QBSUT UP worry about losing. The dental implant is stable BOE DPNGPSUBCMF /P BEKVTUNFOU JT OFFE BGUFS QMBDFNFOU /PSNBMMZ JU XJMM TFSWF JUT PXOFS GPS MJGF Call us today to see if you’re an ideal candidate for implants, at WinďŹ eld Dental Centre, where we VTF UIF /PCFM #JPDBSF *NQMBOU TZTUFN UIF XPSME leader in implants!


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Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 8, 2012 A3


District looks forward to review of boundary between Lake Country, Kelowna The District of Lake Country is welcoming a review by the City of Kelowna of its boundaries. Lake Country council had requested the review in the spring. “The district sees this as a welcome opportunity to work collaboratively with the City of Kelowna to tidy up some boundary issues,” said a press released issued from the office of Lake Country’ chief admin-

istrative officer Alberto De Feo In a special meeting held on July 31, Lake Country council decided to request two more adjustments. “This is a leadership opportunity for the district and the city to go even further and consider some minor changes to other areas already serviced by the district,” said De Feo, “such as the southernmost part of

Shanks Road, and a portion of Glenmore Road. “Fixing the erratic nature of our shared boundary will go a long way to simplifying our mutual servicing challenges, and serve to build lasting neighbourly relations between our municipalities.” Earlier this spring, staff from the District of Lake Country and City of Kelowna discussed the mutual benefits of a



boundary rationalization. In particular they noted that the 39.5 hec-

tare area situated to the north of Beaver Lake Road has created challenges in the past with servicing as some properties and even buildings are bisected by the shared boundary. The current boundaries were set by Kelowna prior to the incorporation of Lake Country. “Boundary relocations can be a complicated process, so it is now time to engage in more

meaningful dialogue so growth and development can be effectively managed,” said the press release. “I hope this process can resolve some jurisdictional issues and regularize the boundaries in a way that services are provided in an easier way for residents,” said Lake Country Mayor James Baker. “This is a good start to getting the boundaries

rationalized; and it really is a tripartite process considering the Okanagan Indian Band’s interests as well.” Residents and businesses in the affected areas will be asked for their input into the process. More information will be available as options regarding governance are considered by staff and councils of all three parties.


Financial uncertainty from government sources makes chamber back away from Visitor’s Centre

FARMFOLK/ CityFolk’s annual Feast of Fields will be held at Claremont Ranch Organics in Lake Country on Sunday, Aug. 12. Participants will be handed a wine glass and linen napkin when they arrive before enjoying dozens of the valley’s top chefs, winemakers and brewmasters offerings of locally-sourced, seasonal foods, often made from products grown right in the fields where the event is held. This year, 58 producers will feature products from more than 40 local farms. The idea is to help consumers make the link between the food that goes into their mouths and the farms on which it is produced. Tickets are available from Choices Market in Kelowna or online at:




Man’s body found off Carr’s Landing in Okanagan Lake The body of an Oregon man who went missing while paddleboarding near a friend’s home in Carr’s Landing Monday night was pulled from Okanagan Lake Wednesday morning, Aug. 1. Roland Walter Bachler, 73, of Boring, Oregon, went paddle

boarding by himself on Monday, July 30. The Kelowna RCMP received a report of a missing person from the 4000 block of Finch Road in Lake Country, on Tuesday July 31 at 9:30 p.m. “Apparently, a 73-year-old man from Oregon had arrived in

town the previous day to visit family,” said Kelowna RCMP Const. Kris Clark. “At approximately 7:30 p.m. Monday night, the man took a paddle board out onto the lake but didn’t return. “Unfortunately, he wasn’t noticed to be missing until the following

night. “By all accounts, the man was a strong swimmer, experienced paddle boarder and in apparent good physical health,” Clark said. “The initial searches were unsuccessful.” The body and a paddleboard were discovered in the area of

Finch Road at around 8:30 a.m. last Wednesday, and the RCMP were called in to assist. The body was confirmed to be that of Bachler and his family has been notified. The RCMP are assisting the B.C. Coroner Service with the investigation.

its financial contribution to the operating budget of the centre, but with senior levels of government putting funding at risk, the Chamber of Commerce believes the district needs to contribute more. The District of Lake Country contributed $45,000 to the centre last year. “We requested a $5,000 bump should the Service Canada (a federal agency) grant be declined,” said Marvin Farkas, president of the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce. The chamber also requested some volunteer training funds, as the sole individual able to perform training at the centre is getting on in years. “All volunteers are the centre must be certified as trained to meet Tourism BC’s requirements,” Farkas said. Tourism BC also has minimum service hour requirements—seven days a week from the May long weekend to the September long weekend. The Service Canada grant went to cover paid summer student staffing. Should that grant be denied in the future, the centre would be short hours required for Tourism BC funding which averages about $7,000

per year. The possibility of losing the federal grant and having it cascade through to the Tourism BC funding was simply too much risk for the local chamber to take on, said Farkas, especially after an in-camera session with district council discussing the issue. “We feel there wasn’t an offer of a full partnership on the table,” Farkas said. Alberto De Feo, the district’s chief administrative officer, said the issue has far more to do with the financial constraints faced by the district than anything else. “The Centre is absolutely worthwhile,” De Feo said. “It is unfortunate we have this much money to offer, but the district would like to help out and do what it can. We did increase the budget for this year by $10 000.” The situation is unfortunate, De Feo said, since the chamber has a seat at the district table on many committees and the district views the chamber as a full partner in many endeavors. “We have to be accountable to tax payers at large in our decisions,” De Feo said. “Obviously if the Chamber feels there is not enough funding, that is their choice, but we are still open for negotiation.”


Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.


Registered and practical nurses are in demand

DEADLINES Display ads and Display classified ads are accepted until NOON, FRIDAY, prior to publication. Classified word ads are accepted until noon, Monday, prior to publication.


ursing is nursing, right? Wrong, as you’ll quickly find out if you, your son or daughter are interest in a career as a nurse.

CALENDAR STAFF Karen Hill Publisher

Barry Gerding Editor

Tessa Ringness Production Manager

School’s In

Curt Jensen

Allan Coyle

Advertising Consultant 1-250-540-2974

First, there’s an array of different types of nurses and nursing specializations, but let’s focus on the most recognizable in the B.C. health care system— Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurs-

Teresa Huscroft-Brown Creative Consultant Production Designer Phone 250-766-4688 Fax 250-862-5275

OFFICE 2495 Enterprise Way Kelowna, BC V1X 7K2


OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

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Proud member of

Canadian Community Newspapers Association

British Columbia and Yukon Community Newspapers Association


Pipeline posturing won’t help anyone


he B.C. Liberal government is taking its new hard-line approach to federal environmental hearings on the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline proposal in September. Environment Minister Terry Lake has filed the B.C. government’s notice to cross-examine Enbridge, one of the world’s biggest pipeline operators. Lake outlined the “tough questions” B.C. representatives will ask about spill response capacity on land and sea, tanker escort tugboats, pipe wall thickness, and Enbridge’s sluggish response to a pipeline rupture in Michigan. That’s all fine, and to be expected after Premier Christy Clark’s high-profile confrontation with Alberta Premier Alison Redford going into the recent premiers’ meeting in Halifax. Clark’s demands for “world-leading” safety and spill response, as well

BC Views

Tom Fletcher as meeting the constitutional obligation to consult and accommodate aboriginal groups along the route, are mostly a statement of the obvious. Her call for a “fair share” of proceeds from exported oil to reflect B.C.’s risk has been assaulted from all sides. Pipeline opponents seized on Clark’s suggestion that a major oil spill might be tolerable if there was enough money in it for B.C. NDP leader Adrian Dix picked up the theme as he conducted his own belated tour of the proposed route to reiterate his op-

position. There had been earlier hints from Alberta that B.C. might need further rewards for the risk. But when Clark made the “fair share” demand public, Redford was moved to channel Margaret Thatcher, declaring: “The Premier of Alberta is not going to blink on royalties.” The lady’s not for blinking, but neither is B.C.’s Iron Snowbird, as Preston Manning dubbed Clark this spring. All this political theatre doesn’t amount to much. I’ll stand by my January prediction that the Enbridge proposal is unlikely to proceed, mainly due to the tangled state of aboriginal claims. Wealthy U.S. foundations that view the B.C. North Coast as their 500-year eco-experiment will be happy to help fund a decade of legal challenges, while continuing the mediaspinning and protest support they are doing now.

Even if some way can be found to levy a B.C. tax on revenues from the Northern Gateway pipeline, it’s no solution. For one thing, it would confer an advantage to the Trans-Mountain pipeline that has been shipping Alberta oil to Burnaby and the U.S. for more than 60 years. The competing expansion proposal by Trans-Mountain’s current owner, Kinder Morgan, shows the inconsistency of opposition to pipelines. Does anyone really believe that a new pipeline built to the highest standards ever would be too dangerous, while a 60-year-old pipeline is acceptable? Protesters have an easy target in Kinder Morgan. With a tenfold increase to 25 tankers a month proposed to sail under the Lions Gate bridge, a heavy oil spill from Second Narrows to Stanley Park would be catastrophic to Vancouver’s environment and economy. Tankers have

made that trip safely nearly 100 years, but the congested modern shipping lane offers more threat of collision, and clearing Burrard Inlet for near-daily tanker transits would disrupt the rest of B.C.’s shipping trade. An Angus Reid poll last week showed as many as half of respondents remain open-minded about the costs and benefits of new oil pipelines across B.C. Unlike B.C. politicians, they seem interested in learning more before making up their minds. Dix and the NDP ran to the front of the antipipeline parade early, as they did with the carbon tax and other issues. Clark began the Northern Gateway discussion with a principled position to wait for the result of the federal review, but that’s apparently out the window with an election looming. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press.


es. Registered nurses need to achieve a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree before writing the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination. Successful candidates can then apply for registration as a registered nurse with the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia. Licensed practical nurses have to complete a diploma program and then write the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Exam, required for licensure in B.C. The degree (registered nurse) and diploma (practical nurse) programs that lead to the designation and careers are both very popular, and despite some rigorous pre-requisits and admission requirements, there are usualSEE COYLE A5

We want to w hear your opinions on issues going on in our community

Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor w intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 8, 2012 A5


Admissions to nursing programs are highly sought after COYLE FROM A4 ly far more applicants for these popular programs than the number of spaces available. That’s with good reason, though: Employment prospects for both registered nurses and licensed practical nurses are better than good—they are excellent. Both nursing programs have been offered for decades in the Okanagan, first through Okanagan College, then Okanagan University College, and in the last seven years, through Okanagan College. The BSN program has been offered through UBC’s Okanagan campus since 2005, although its roots

go back years earlier to OUC. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program grew last year in the valley when UBC and Okanagan College teamed up on a new stream of the program which sees 24 nursing students study for their first two years of the degree at Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus and then complete their credential at UBC—it’s a great example of the cooperation that is building between the two institutions. The practical nursing program at Okanagan College, like identical programs in publicly-funded institutions around the prov-

ince, has undergone some significant changes of late. Until last fall, it used to be an intensive 12-month program but because of changes in what practical nurses are expected to be able to do in our nation’s hospitals and care settings, the College of Licensed Practical Nurses looked to Canada’s educators for a revamp of the curriculum and the program to align better with the LPNs scope of practice. That meant significant change at the college level. With a lot of work to ensure that curriculum meets professional standards, Okanagan College introduced the new diploma program in January of

this year. The length of study expanded from 12 months (including practicum) to 70 weeks, and of course, the curriculum expanded correspondingly. For the last six weeks students work in the field with a professional. The pre-requisites also changed for the course and importantly, now would-be practical nurses are expected to have the usual Eng-

lish, math and science from high school, but are also expected to have taken and passed (70 per cent or better) a college course specifically for students entering practical nursing. One of the reasons for that pre-requisite is to help ensure student success in the practical nursing program. And that’s something Okanagan College prides itself on—over the course

of the last 15 classes of practical nurses graduating from Okanagan College, nearly 100 per cent of those writing the national licensing exam have passed. (Only two students have failed.) Okanagan College offers the practical nursing program at various times at each of its campuses in Salmon Arm, Penticton, Vernon and Kelowna. The next programs students can apply for are in

January, 2013 in Penticton and Kelowna. Deadline for applications is Aug. 31. Students hoping to get into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Okanagan College will have to wait until Nov. 1 to apply for fall 2013 admission. Allan Coyle is the director of public affairs at Okanagan College.

Passionate about food


Video appears to show bucking horse in bad shape To the editor: Now that the Calgary stampede is over and everyone has had their say, I would like the last word. I was able to cut out a newspaper photo of a rodeo horse and rider in a midair buck. This photo was taken low to the ground and the horse’s feet are prominent. The horse’s hooves were in very bad condition, grossly neglected, and overgrown so long that there were wide

cracks running up into the tender part of the foot. That horse should not have been walking on those feet, never mind being forced to have the extra weight of a rider and being forced to buck. I wonder how crippled that horse was after that ride? I wonder where that horse is now, probably at the slaughter house. Yes there is a dark side to rodeos, and anyone who has ever been around them knows this.

Shame on the stampede promoters for presenting the life of rodeo animals as “very well cared for.” The truth is there is desperation in the lives of participants connected with the rodeo and winning is the all important issue not the welfare of the animals. I think the public is being lied to, and I have the picture that proves it. Joellen Broughton, Kelowna

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

news ▟ PHYSICAL THERAPY St. Francis Anglican Church /FXFOF 3PBE 8JOm FME Regular Sunday Eucharist Services begins at 11 am with Church School & Children’s Time JULY 29 REGULAR SERVICE 11 A.M.; AUG. 5 OUTDOOR SERVICE 10 A.M. AT GIBSON HOUSE, KOPJE PARK AUG. 12 – JAN. 30 2013, REGULAR SERVICE 9:30 A.M. Wardens: 3PTFNBSZ $BSUFS 3PCFSUB -PFXFO Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: 3FW 1BUSJDJB )PSSPCJO PGm DF PS

St. Edward’s Catholic Church

Mass times: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge 4BUVSEBZ QN t 4VOEBZ BN 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146

WinďŹ eld Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m. 9460 GLENMORE ROAD 250-766-2753

Pastor: Lance Duncalfe



Minister, Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP - adjacent to church 250-766-3387 Open Wed. to Sat. 10:00 to 4:00pm

3751 Woodsdale Rd. WinďŹ eld, 250-766-4458 To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please contact us at 250-766-4688 or email

CHECK OUT PAGE 11 FOR COMMUNITY EVENTS! They are placed Now you canat addno your own events to the Lake charge to all Country Calendar. NON-PROFIT Simply go to www., organizations. look for the calendar and clickinquiries, Add Your Event. For all other please email

or fax 250-766-4645

Breaking news and video:

Carpal tunnel aggravated in our busy lifestyle


ately in the clinic I’ve had a few people ask me what could be causing the numbness, tingling or shock-like pains in the palm of their hands. Everyone seems to be busy using their hands at work, in the garden or on the orchard at the moment, which could explain the influx of these complaints. If these symptoms are often aggravated at night as well as with work, it could be carpal tunnel syndrome. This syndrome is caused from compression of the nerve (median nerve) within the carpal tunnel. However, this can be caused in a multitude of different ways— thickening of the tendons or ligaments within the tunnel, bone abnormalities or swelling are probably the most common causes. This is usually the result of overuse through repetitive hand tasks in prolonged awkward

Nick Black

Keeping You Fit wrist postures. Pregnancy, diabetes, arthritis and obesity are also factors that can predispose to compression and damage to this nerve. If you turn your hand up and look at your palm, the carpal tunnel is the area just before the palm turns into the wrist. The bottom and sides of the tunnel are formed by the bones in your hand and wrist. The top is closed in by a ligament that stretches from one side to the other. Running through this tunnel are tendons, small mus-

cles and of most interest to us, the median nerve. Managing carpal tunnel syndrome can definitely be frustrating. The most important step is identifying the specific activities responsible for your symptoms and then modifying them. This could be through supporting your wrists in a straightened position, taking regular short breaks, incorporating varied wrist and hand positions within the task or even stopping the activity all together. This really does require a lot of discipline but is crucial if you are going to make a difference. It is common for symptoms to be aggravated at night due to wrist positions you adopt while sleeping. Bracing your wrist in a straightened position at night may help to alleviate this. Your local pharmacy is likely to stock a suitable brace, however it’s best that the brace holds your wrist in a straightened



position, rather than being bent. The goal of physiotherapy is to promote smooth nerve and tendon movement within the carpal tunnel, as well as promote wrist range of motion and alleviate any inflammation or scar tissue contributing to pressure within the tunnel. In persistent situa-

tions, surgery is sometimes indicated. This involves decompression of the median nerve by cutting and releasing the ligament that forms one side of the carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome is often misdiagnosed due to the range of other conditions that can cause similar symptoms in the hand. The median nerve originates at the neck and can therefore commonly be affected by the joints and muscle at the spine and shoulder. For this reason, it is always important to have your condition assessed by your doctor or physiotherapist to ensure an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Nick Black is a registered physiotherapist at Sun City Physiotherapy’s Winfield clinic. He can be contacted at 250-7662544 or by email at


Can dogs suffer from heat stroke? Body temperatures above 41 Celsius (106 Fahrenheit) without previous signs of illness are most commonly associated with exposure to excessive external or environmental heat and are often referred to as heat stroke. The most common cause of heat stroke, or hyperthermia, is leaving a dog in a car with inadequate ventilation. The dog’s body temperature in this situation can elevate very rapidly, often within minutes. It is important to remember that dogs cannot control their body temperature by sweating as humans do, since they only have a relatively small number of sweat glands located in their footpads. Their primary way of regulating body temper-

ature is by panting. Other common causes of heat stroke include being left in a yard without access to shade or water on a hot day, being exposed to a hair dryer for an extended period of time, and excessive or vigorous exercise during hot temperatures. Flat faced dogs such as pugs, boxers and bulldogs are at greater risk and clinical signs of heat stroke can occur when the outside temperature and humidity are only moderately elevated. Hyperthermia is an immediate medical emergency as multiple organ failure and death can happen rapidly. If your dog has been affected, seek veterinary care immediately. Article contributed by Panoram Veterinary Services in Kelowna.

Check it out

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 8, 2012 A7


Mercedes-Benz drops price of E Class for 2012 edition NEIL MOORE CONTRIBUTOR

I had always thought of the Mercedes-Benz EClass as a bit of a grandpa car. Kind of stodgy and non-descript, with soft feminine lines accented by swept-back round headlamps—all making a forgettable first impression. The look said ‘retirement’ and I half expected to see the Tilley hat on its list of standard content. Not so with the redesigned E-Class sedan, which bowed in 2009 for the 2010 model year. The all-new ninth generation boasted a sportier, more athletic design with standard AMG styling (from M-B’s performance division), featuring low and aggressive side sills, and front and rear aprons. The sedan’s front end, with its quad, trapezoidal headlamps, swept back dynamically, while its long flanks were punctuated by a character line that carried upward from the front wheel arch through the door handles to the pronounced rear fender. It was a tauter, more muscular look, but the familiar three-pointed star remained on the hood, where it belongs. Since then, there haven’t been many changes, other than some minor tweaks to colour, packaging and technology. And of course, the introduction of a new model: the E 300 4Matic, my tester for the week. The E 300 is a new model for 2012. It provides a lower entry point for the popular E-Class, which encompasses—with and without 4Matic AWD— coupes, wagons, cabriolets, and five sedan models from the base E 300 (MSRP $57,900) to the top-tier E 63 AMG that delivers more than twice the horsepower at just a tick under $100,000. The sedan lineup also includes the E 350 BlueTEC diesel, and later this year, the E 400 hybrid. There may not be an


THE ALL NEW 2012 Mercedes-Benz E 300 4MATIC boasts a conservative, yet athletic exterior. E-Class for every budget, but there’s plenty of variety—from mild to somewhat wild. The E 300 is more on the mild side, with its standard 3.5-litre 24-valve DOHC V6 providing 248 hp and 251 lb/ft of torque. That’s slightly detuned from last year’s 3.5 V6 (268 hp, 258 lb/ft), which in the E 350 now delivers 302 hp and 273 lb/ft of torque. But for a little less power and a few omissions on the standard content list, the E 300 4Matic comes in $9,100 less than the E 350 4Matic sedan. Sure, you don’t get the Parktronic parking guidance system, heated steering wheel and AMG

styling package (front/rear apron, side skirts) found on its pricier sibling, nor do you receive the larger 18-inch alloys (E 300 rolls on 17-inchers). But all that and more can be ordered, if you choose. What you do get for a starting MSRP of $57,900 is Thermatic automatic climate control; 14-way power and heated front seats with memory; 12-button multi-function, power tilt/telescopic steering; power windows with express up/down for all; two-stage rain-sensing wipers; sunroof; automatic headlamps and LED tail lamps. Also standard is the COMAND system, which

= ' , . / .22 U & D P S 6XHPULHPQFH HPDQ\ GDQFH VW\OHV ([S



looks and feels pretty close to the real thing, and the Premium Package, which for $3,900 seems a pretty good deal. All E-Class sedans, except for the diesel and the high-performance E 63 AMG, get 4Matic allwheel-drive. It’s 30 degrees C at the time of writing, but I’ve tested 4Matic in some truly horrid winter weather and was impressed with its capability. The system has a slight rear bias (45:55 front/rear), but can route power 30:70 or 70:30 depending on where it’s needed. The E 300 Sedan also gets the 7G-Tronic Plus seven-speed automatic transmission with steering wheel paddle shifters. This autobox is programmed to monitor and adapt to your driving style and can skip several gears when downshifting. And at the same time, it is exceptionally smooth. This powertrain is all very civilized, but the E 300 still doesn’t come up short when passing and launches with authority— zero to 100 km/h in 7.4 seconds. That’s plenty fast


for an executive sedan. There’s ample competition in this segment: BMW 5-Series, Audi A6, the Infiniti M and Lexus GS, to name a few. All are superb vehicles, and I’d be happy to park any of these in my driveway. At this level, it’s not just about content levels and performance, but brand cachet. And on that note alone, few manufacturers measure up to MercedesBenz and its iconic threepointed star.

M-B E 300 4MATIC 2012

Body Style: Mid-size luxury sedan Drive Method: frontengine, all-wheel-drive Engine: 3.5-litre 24-valve DOHC V6 (248 hp, 251 lb/ft torque) Fuel Economy: 11.1/7.0 litres/100 km (city/highway) Cargo: 540 litres Price: Base $57,900, black leather upholstery $1,990, Premium package $3,900 Website:

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features a seven-inch colour display and controls your audio system, phone, optional navigation, system functions and more. It’s relatively easy, once you get the hang of it—a crash course by M-B’s public relations rep saved me a lot of reading. And on the safety front, you get the usual complement of airbags along with electronic stability control, acceleration skid control (ASR), ABS with brake assist, brake pad wear indicator, and a couple of other items worth noting. Attention Assist uses a complex of sensors and software to create a unique driving profile during your first 20 minutes

of driving. If it later picks up any signs of drowsiness, such as erratic steering, you get an audible warning and a coffee cup icon with a Time for a Rest? message. Pre-Safe is another useful nanny. When the system senses an impending crash, it takes protective measures like automatically applying tension to the seatbelts, repositioning an overly reclined front seat, and even closing the sunroof and side windows if anticipating a rollover. Indeed, the E 300 comes standard with plenty of tech, but at its fairly steep pricetag, I was surprised by some omissions. Keyless-Go (with pushbutton start) is not included in the base package (nor is it standard on the E 350); ditto for the rearview camera. Some cars at less than half the price now come with these features. There are several packages to option up the E 300, and my tester included two of these: $1,990 for leather upholstery instead of the Artico man-made leather that



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Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


Mixing colour blending with wine tasting in the vineyard JENNIFER SMITH It’s early afternoon and, red shoes in hand, I’m about to launch into an all new adventure. No, it’s not a Hans Christian Anderson Tale—The Red Shoes is a bit of a creepy one. Rather, I’m luck enough to enjoy an afternoon of art and libations at The View Winery under the tutelage of Jennifer Pickering. Pickering is a stalwart member of Kelowna’s art scene, although painting has never been her milieu. Usually, when you think of this edgy, contemporary artist, you think of things like React 2010, the national interactive project reacting to the 2010 Olympics that garnered headlines in the Globe and Mail. Pickering was the executive director of the

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art for four-and-a-half years and has become adept at sussing out new adventures for herself with an upcoming residency in Finland and a recent curatorial stint for a show at the En’owkin Centre focused on the impending end of days (as per Mayan Calendar). But this summer, it’s others’ artistic adventures she’s developed an interest in—which is what brings us to the winery. Pickering tries to explain colour theory to us as though it’s a language. While we have hooker green and phthalo blue and a stunning turquoise that might colour our lake perfectly on another afternoon, today’s palette is all about mixing various muddy grey hues, she says. “It takes about three months to start learn-


JENNIFER PICKERING teaches the language of colour in vineyard gardens. ing a new language, to get to that point where

you’re dreaming in that language. And I like to



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look at paining like a language,” said Pickering. “People think of it as something that’s an inborn talent; but if you put the time in, it’s something you can learn.” One look at the image I’ve produced by midafternoon and it’s doubtful three months will do it. From hue to tone, we learn how to deconstruct the scene in front of us, to mix our colours to at least take a stab at creating a semblance of that Okanagan beauty—and it proves an interesting finishing note to a few participants’ vacations. While Kelowna may be known for its lakeside fun in the sun, wine and art pairings are becoming a popular attraction in the valley. Summerhill

Pyramid Winery is hosting lectures and shows, major musical performances at Cedar Creek Estate Winery and Mission Hill Winery, and the Okanagan Erotic Art Show at Ex Nihilo, to name a scant few examples. Yet, he idea for Pickering’s seminars didn’t come from the Okanagan at all. “I was visiting the South of France a whole bunch of years ago in search of this mountain Cézanne painted… and we stopped at this one winery that had a great view of the mountain and talked to the owners,” she said. “My dad explained that the mountains looked like what we were looking for, and they said, ‘Oh yeah, Cezanné

used to paint here.’” That little eurika moment has produced a series of painting workshops with a clientele ranging from locals to tourists from all over Canada. “One couple took it because he liked to paint and she liked wine. But what she produced was really good, so she’s going to take some more workshops when they go back to Toronto,” said Pickering. Pickering herself will be off to a major art adventure this fall in her Finland residency where she plans to set up a futuristic Mars Café. “The idea is really in its infancy, but it’s based on a series of projects I’ve been working on about looking at the future and how we understand the present,” said Pickering. “It’s going to be an online project…so it’s an opportunity to participate in a global conversation on some of the issues affecting our future—like the earth and our changing environment.” Meantime, she’ll be enjoying a little wine and cheese as she paints with her winery groups from now through the end of the good weather. The next workshops will be at Tantalus Vineyards (Aug. 9), Sonoran Estate Winery (Aug. 23 and 28), Arrowleaf Cellars (Sept. 6 and 11). The cost is $60 per session or three sessions for $150. To register, call 250317-7263 or email Or visit

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Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 8, 2012 A9


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BEN (clockwise from left) gets a shark painted on his face; parents and kid get creative with lots of colours to paint with; items get checked off by volunteers after the Scavenger Hunt; and kids wait for their turn in the inflatable obstacle course. There was also a jellybean count, tug of war and enough munchies to keep kids’ and parents’ energy burning. The evening Open Air Performance rounded out a perfect Saturday at Kopje Park.

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The ďŹ rst Lake Country Extreme Couponing Days will be published August 29, and will be full of money-saving coupons!

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


Insurance provider takes advantage of court time shortfall “If you want trial dollars, you’re going to have to go to trial.”


wish to be very clear; the above quote is not from an ICBC adjuster who has been assigned to the majority of my cases, nor any other adjuster I am dealing with. I have been given that quote from other personal injury lawyers, those words spoken to them by other ICBC adjusters. I have committed not to quote from adjusters I deal with. My reason for giving that commitment is to avoid interfering with the important relationship that develops between insurance adjuster and plaintiff lawyer. My ability to effectively negotiate on behalf of my clients would be impaired to the extent that adjusters I deal with are concerned that whatever they say could

Paul Hergott Achieving Justice be broadcast in my next column. But what does that quote mean? “Trial dollars” are amounts of financial compensation assessed at a trial. Trial dollars are, by definition, “fair dollars” because whether or not a settlement offer is fair is determined by whether or not the amount is what a court would likely assess at a trial. What ICBC adjusters are saying is that if you want fair compensation, you will have to go to tri-

al. They will not negotiate in good faith, when that means negotiating to achieve a fair result. It’s another of many smart ICBC policies. Remember the low velocity impact policy I’ve written about more than once before, where ICBC refuses to make any offer at all to settle a claim, however reasonable the claim might be, if the damage to the bumpers is not above a certain threshold. As ridiculously unfair as that policy may be, it’s a brilliant insurance company policy because most people will walk away without putting up the fight for fair compensation. Then there’s the policy of making low-ball settlement offers to unrepresented victims— i.e. victims who have not hired a lawyer. Adjusters lead injured victims to believe that their low-ball offers are



fair, and discourage them from seeking the legal advice that would teach them the true value of their claims. It’s another brilliant policy because most people believe what ICBC, a Crown corporation seemingly looking after their interests, is telling them. The problem with this latest policy is that along with being unfair, it is actually interfering

with the administration of justice in British Columbia. Our court system is underfunded as it is. I think it’s fair to say that anyone “in the know” will tell you that the province is shirking its responsibility to finance our court system. The insufficient funding, in itself, puts a strain on the system’s ability to handle cases that reasonably need to go to trial because two opposing parties, after bargaining in good faith, have been unable to settle their dispute. A policy by the monopoly liability insurance company to refuse to bargain in good faith, essentially forcing British Columbians to take their claims to trial to achieve fair compensation, is putting the already strained court system in crisis. Instead, it will result in countless settle-

ments at less than fair dollars. Just like unrepresented victims accepting low-ball offers without seeking legal advice, most represented victims will accept less than fair dollars to avoid the stress and expense of a trial and extensive delays arising when trials have to be adjourned because of insufficient court resources. The thing is, there are enough lawyers with the chutzpah to insist on fair results that the refusal to bargain in good faith is causing the already strained court system to crumble. It used to be unusual for trials to be adjourned because of a lack of court resources. But now, adjournments are becoming par for the course. Turning to the legal maxim “justice delayed is justice denied,” ICBC’s policy is negatively impacting on the administration of justice. It’s ironic. One arm

of government is refusing to properly fund our court system while another arm of government, ICBC, is wasting scarce court system resources with its new negotiation policy. Perhaps if the provincial government would start putting the profits it skims off of ICBC into the court system instead of into general revenue, we could end up with at least something of a balance. The alternative is going back to bargaining in W good faith. Any chance of that, ICBC?

This column is intended to provide general information about injury y claims. It is not a substitute for retaining a lawyer to provide legal advice y specifically pertaining to your case. Paul Hergott is a lawyer with Hergott Law in West Kelowna.

Walk for Memories needs you Hello! I’d like to introduce myself... My name is Curt Jensen, and I’ve recently been given the opportunity to work for the Lake Country Calendar. My enthusiasm and previous marketing experience can help your business grow in this vibrant community. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing your current marketing strategies, and maybe suggest some new ideas to help your you business thrive. In the next few weeks my intent is to stop by your place of business, introduce myself and discuss in advertising and marketing. If a you y require more immediate attention, please don’t hesitate to contact me, and we’ll arrange a meeting. I’m eager to represent this vibrant and great community of Lake Country in the pages of the Lake Country Calendar!

For nearly 10 years, Central Okanagan residents have joined together on the last Sunday in January to raise money and awareness for families impacted by dementia at the Investors Group Walk For Memories. Now, the Alzheimer

Society of B.C. is calling for volunteer leaders to help plan and coordinate this cherished community event in 2013. “The Investors Group Walk For Memories has long been a grassroots, community-driven event,” said Jean Blake, chief executive officer of


V Visit for your chance to win a 7 night All Inclusive holiday for 2 adults to Villa del Palmar in Cancun, Mexico! PLUS don’t d forget to visit our Community tab where you can discuss and share great deals and shopping tips on our forums!

No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of Canada excluding Quebec who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. One (1) grand prize is available to be won, consisting of a seven (7) night holiday to Cancun, Mexico including airfare and accommodation for two (2) adults at the Villa Del Palmar Cancun Beach Resort & Spa (approximate retail value of $3,000.00 CDN). Selected entrant must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest closes [Sunday, August 19th, 2012 at 11:59 PM ET]. To enter and for complete contest rules, visit


Curt Jensen Advertising Representative C Cell 1.250.540.2974 or 1.250.979.7324 Fax 250.862.5275 Email:

your source for FREE coupons

the Alzheimer Society of B.C. “Volunteer committees in communities around the province bring life and heart to the event, which goes a long way to aid the fight against Alzheimer’s disease while honouring local families on the dementia journey.” Participants join the walk to celebrate the life of someone who has been impacted by Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, and to raise money for Alzheimer Society of B.C. programs and services in their community that can help. Money raised is also invested into research for a cure. In 2012, the Walk for Memories held in Kelowna raised $28,000. The Alzheimer Society of B.C. organization provides training and ongoing support for Walk for Memories volunteers. For more information about volunteer positions with the 2013 Investors Group Walk for Memories, contact Janis McKell at or 1-800-6673742. For more information about the event itself, visit

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 8, 2012 A11


$0..6/*5: &7&/54



Age is no excuse to stop keeping fit “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.� —Eleanor Roosevelt


n his book Younger Next Year, Dr. Henry Lodge tells how to live strong, fit and sexy until you are 80 and beyond. Lodge firmly believes that we have the choice to age in good health! He makes a critical distinction between aging and decaying. While aging is inevitable and designed to be a slow process, decay is optional. You can actually make up your mind and tell your body you are going to live as though you are 50, and in doing so send your body different signals that can help you to

Bobbi Kittle

Seniors Fitness be functionally younger than your age. Biologically, there is no such thing as retirement or even aging. There is only growth or decay, as your body looks to you to choose between them. Our bodies are made of parts that break down over time and need to be constantly renewed. Our muscle cells are replaced

one at a time day and night every four months, with brand new muscles created three times per year. Blood cells are replaced every three months, and bones every two years. Our body is always in an active process of “throwing out� and “growing� new cells, muscle, tissue and bone. The trick is to “grow� more than you “throw out,� and exercise plays a huge factor in this process. Muscles control the growth throughout our entire body. Nerve impulses to contract a muscle send a signal to build it up and create a chemical balance between growth and decay within the muscle. If enough growth signals are sent to the rest

of your body, they overwhelm the signals to atrophy. Your body then turns on the machinery to build up the muscles, heart, capillaries, tendons, joints and so on. When we exercise hard, we stress the muscles and injure them slightly. This is good, as it tears you down to build you back up stronger, triggering repair, renewal and growth. Exercise is the master signaler to set off cycles of strengthening and repair within the muscles and joints. It’s the foundation of positive brain chemistry; insulin regulation; fat burning; heightened immune system; improved sexuality; better sleep; and less depression. SEE KITTLE A12

t5)& -",& $06/53: 1&3'03.*/( "354 40$*&5: will be holding their AGM in the Winfield Room at the District of Lake Country office on Tues., Aug. 14, 5pm. We are considering disbanding the Society this year. We have produced two concerts each year since April 2007 and new ideas and fresh faces are needed. Please attend if you have an interest in the Performing Arts or contact Nina @ 250-548-3481 before Aug. 14. t 3% "//6"- 4"4': 46..&3 "354 4$&/& For Youth arts school culminating variety showcase – Sat., Aug. 18, 2-4pm at Lake Country Creekside Theatre – 10241 Bottom Wood Lake Rd., Winfield, - “an inter-connection of the arts celebration� featuring the amazing creativity of 66 students and the distinguished SASFY 12 member faculty team. Delightful concession & unique silent auction to support the SASFY “Kids help Kids� fund. FREE ADMISSION. 250-768-1404. t-$ 4&/*034 #64 4$)&%6-& Thurs., Aug. 9, 16, 23, 30. Local Shopping. Sat., Aug. 11 Vernon Pancake Breakfast, shopping, scenic trip home. Sun., Aug. 19 - “Garlic Festival� Grindrod and surrounding area. To reserve a seat on bus phone Bobby 250766-0869 or Marian 250-861-4131. t4&/*034 $&/5&3 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Road is holding a yard sale on Sept. 29 and are accepting donations until sale time. Please call 250-766-4568 for pick up or drop off. t-",& $06/53: '"3.&34 ."3,&5 Fridays 3pm-7pm; Now until September, Winfield Memorial Arena parking lot. Come enjoy locally grown produce, freshly baked treats, handmade crafts and a bite to eat while visiting with others from the community. Facebook:; Website: t13&1"3& '03 :063 '6563& Understand Seniors’ Housing Options. August 9, September 13 (the second Thursday of each month). Ziglar Recreation Centre, Apple Valley Seniors Residence, 102- 2055 Benvoulin Court, Multipurpose Room 10am to 11:30am. Plan ahead, learn about the continuum of housing options available to you. Have your questions answered about Low Income/Subsidized Housing, Supportive Living and related programs. A Representative from Interior Health will be available to provide detailed information about Assisted Living, Residential and Complex Care. For more information, and to register, please call 250 861 6180 or email t '3&& 065%003 .64*$ $0/$&354 &7&3: 4"563%": */ +6-: "6(645 For information go to "6( ! $03"- #&"$) 6pm Carolyn Anele t QN +FOOJGFS #PBM t QN $BMVN )VHIFT "6( ! 0, $&/53& 1"3, 6pm 'JTI PO 'JWF #SBTT 2VJOUFU t QN 'BCVMPVT 'MZJOH 8FFLFOEFST t QN .PWJF in the Park, title to be announced t/&8 46..&3 )0634 '03 5)& 8*/'*&-% 6/*5&% $)63$) 5)3*'5 4)01 Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 2:00pm.


Copyright Š 2012 by Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Spaded 4. Deadly serpents 8. Barbecue attachment 12. Before, to poets 13. Gather in 14. Walk in the water 15. Completely 17. Bit of land 18. Grandma 19. Regularly 20. "Running on ____" 23. Copper coin 25. Corrode 26. Squeal

27. 30. 32. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 43. 45. 46. 50. 51.

Bustle Audience's shout Method "Bobbie ____" "____ on down the Road" Burrowing animal Plate Attain maturity Cartoon-kid Charlie ____ In the distance Ore source Creased False god Hoist

52. Rowboat accessory 53. Cheeky 54. Keats's forte 55. The old college____

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Cee's follower Vaselike vessel "I ____ Around" Draw up in order Observed Royal residence Snoop Author of "Gulliver's Travels" 9. Bygone 10. Dormant

11. 16. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 33. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 44. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Minor Emcee's speech, for short "We've ____ Just Begun" Wool producers Meal starter? Measured tread Differently For votes On the summit Printer's term Prophetic sign Harness piece Sneer Divided equally Lived Harangues Radar spot Went by car Stink Drum's accompaniment "____ Done It?" City parcel Corn spike Remove moisture from

t-",& $06/53: .64&6. 46..&3 )0634 The Lake Country Museum is open 7 days a week, from 10am to 4pm, ‘til Sept. 3, 2012. Take a step back in time through the historic Okanagan Centre School, Museum Annex, and 1906 Wentworth Cabin, research the museum archives to ďŹ nd out more about local history, and visit the museum’s gift shop and Patio Cafe. Guided tours are available, please pre-book tour groups of 10 or more at 250-766-0111 or by email to The Lake Country Museum is located at 11255 Okanagan Centre Road West, Lake Country, BC. Admission by donation. Website: t-",& $06/53: #64*/&44 $0//&$5*0/4 meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Rufe 250-548-4070. t0:"." -&(*0/ #3"/$) holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. t5)& -",& $06/53: .64&6. is open Monday & Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250-766-0111 www. t$3*##"(& 5063/".&/54 at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottomwoodlake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $12. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. (BNFT TUBSU BU BN 3FHJTUSBUJPO OPU SFRVJSFE 'PS JOGPSNBUJPO DBMM +PIO 3026. t50 "-- 8*/'*&-% $3*# 1-":&34 Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call +PIO t-$ -*/& %"/$&34 Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. #FHJOOFST BMXBZT XFMDPNF +PZ t40$*"- #3*%(& Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982.


t5)& $06/$*- 0' 4&/*03 $*5*;&/4 03("/*;"5*0/4 (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Lifeâ€? for all seniors. Senior organizations/ associations wishing to afďŹ liate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-576-9733 or for further info. t-$ 065%0034 $-6# welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufďŹ cient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit www. ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations.

For all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220


Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

Valleyview Dignity Memorial



Idleness lets the decay set in

Checksite eb our wready for liver e to d ials! spec

Aron Meier

Assistant Manager

For us, there is no higher honour than to be chosen to bring loved ones, friends and a lifetime of memories together in celebration of a special life.



Proudly oering reward miles on all pre-arrangements

Valleyview Funeral Home 6ALLEYVIEW 2OAD s


Proudly serving Lake Country, afďŹ liated with Lakeview Memorial Gardens Cemetery by the airport.

swimming, skiing, etc.) are three to five times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes at a lowmoderate level. Find an activity you enjoy and you will be more likely to make it a habit for a healthy lifestyle. Resistance training should be done two to four times weekly, resting one day between work-



Exercise provides resistance to heart attack, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol, Alzheimer’s and arthritis. But to let your muscles sit idle means decay will take over. The guidelines for cardiovascular exercise (walking, running,

outs. Always check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Start low and slow, and always listen to your body. Bobbi Kittle is a seniors’ fitness specialist and owner of Pursuit Fitness. 250-317-3508

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30


XXX Summer Operation Olympics Smile





XXX Summer Poko Olympics Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

Operation Smile

Garth-Bev Inuk

The View �

A&E Criminal Minds

YTV Erky Perky Big & Small


CBC News Now With



Machines Things You

Hates Chris How I Met

TLC Baby Story Baby Story

WTBS Millionaire Millionaire



APTN (108)

Sid Science Wild Kratts

XXX Summer Circle Olympics Exhibit A

� �

Chef/Home Debt/Part

cont’d: Boxing,

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save-Ums! Rolie Polie

The Doctors Criminal � Minds

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Mayday �

Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Paid Prog. Rm-Multiples CI

Arthur Rick Steves

cont’d: Track and

The Young Riders

� �

Noon News Hour

Athletics, Wrestling

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

Puppies Almost

River Monsters

Perry Mason Gypsy � Wedding

Nature �

Field, Volleyball,

Tam Closer

� �

House �

House �

SportsCentre The Talk � � � � CFL Football:

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

The Doctors XXX Summer Best Recipes ThisMinute � Olympics Stefano ThisMinute Young & Restless

Calgary News Stampeders � at Hamilton Tiger-Cats

� � � �

The First 48 �

CBC News Now With

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair River � Monsters

Miss Spider Berenstain

General Hospital

The First 48 �

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

Qauminiq Wapos Bay

King King

Nehiyawetan Next! Youth

Cash Cab How/Made

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

The Doctors Miss BG � Lilly

The Dr. Oz Show

The First 48 �

Almost Sidekick

Rick Mercer Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

SpongeBob Kung Fu

� �

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Jack Martha

News World News

The First 48 �

Odd Parents I Shouldn’t SpongeBob Be Alive

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Undersea

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

Mr. Young Zoink’d!

CBC News: Carfellas The National Carfellas

Wheel Jeopardy!

Cajun Cajun

Boys To Be Indie

The Nature of Things

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

� �

Amer. Dad Passport Water Polo, Name Is Earl Joy/Painting Beach

MythBusters Funny Home Gypsy � Videos Wedding

� �

Lang & O’Leary

Law Order: CI

Jim The OfďŹ ce

Gypsy Wedding

Law Order: CI

Gypsy Wedding

Charlie Rose Volleyball, � Canoeing, Curious Cat in the

Swimming �

La piqure The Young

Nerve Center Anderson � �

Here Comes Big Bang Here Comes Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl

KING 5 News

Riders Exhibit A

American Chopper

Simpsons Raymond

Say Yes Say Yes

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

APTN National News

Big Bang Two Men

Four Weddings

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Short Cuts News Next! Youth

Fast N’ Loud Big Bang � Two Men

Four Weddings

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Check Rick Steves

Magazine Olympic

SportsCentre Ent � ET Canada

XXX Summer Street Olympics: Jeopardy!

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

The Blue Planet

� Wipeout SportsCentre �

Athletics, Diving,

The Nature of Things

Big Bang Two Men

Wipeout �

Planet Earth Wipeout � �

Cajun Cajun

That’s-Weird CBC News: Nerve Center Raising Splatalot The National � Raising

Four Weddings

Family Guy Family Guy

Foyle’s War �

XXX Summer Music Olympics: Crystal

World/Poker Big Brother � �

Boxing, Soccer

Love, Hate �

Big Brother �

Big Brother �

Night James Wipeout Brown �

The First 48 �

Gags Gags

CBC News: Fast N’ Loud Glee The National � �

Four Weddings

Movie: “Observe

Doc Martin �

Track and The Mix Field, Diving, Arbor Live

The Nature of Things

News 30 Rock

Say Yes Say Yes

and Report� Movie:


Beach Volleyball,

� APTN Na-

Sunny TMZ

Here Comes “Observe Here Comes and Report�

Homeland: Immigration

Cycling �

tional News Exhibit A

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Tavis Smiley KING News Music Travels-Edge Summer Oly. MYTV

SportsCentre Rookie Blue � �

� �

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

CBC News: Person of The National Interest

Rookie Blue �

Rookie Blue The First 48 � �

Zoink’d! Boys


KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

The Hollow Tree

News Nightline

Splatalot CBC News: Carfellas That’s-Weird The National Carfellas

Letterman Highlights

ET Canada Ferguson

Lost Kingdoms

Jimmy Cajun Kimmel Live Cajun

XXX Summer Coronation Olympics Street

� �

Cajun Cajun

Hates Chris Sabrina

Lang & O’Leary

American Chopper

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill

� Cheers


By Rapid MYTV


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30











APTN (108)

The Price Is Right

World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �

Erky Perky CBC News Flying Rhino Now With

Game Machines

Hates Chris How I Met

cont’d: Basketball,

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save-Ums! Rolie Polie

The Doctors Longmire � �

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Mighty Planes

Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Paid Prog. Rm-Multiples CI

Arthur Rick Steves

� �

The Young Riders

Wrestling �

Noon News Hour

Athletics �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

Longmire �

Rated A for Almost

CBC News Now With

Carfellas Carfellas

Perry Mason Randy to the Law Order: � Rescue CI

Use Your Brain to

� �

Voices of the Land

� �

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

House �

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

Longmire �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair Fast N’ Loud Law Order: � � CI

� �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

Miss Spider Berenstain

General Hospital

Storage Storage

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

� �

The Doctors XXX Summer Best Recipes ThisMinute � Olympics Stefano ThisMinute

XXX Summer Young & Olympics Restless

The Doctors Miss BG � Lilly

The Dr. Oz Show

Storage Storage

Almost Sidekick

� �

Rick Mercer Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

SpongeBob Kung Fu

� �

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Storage Storage

Odd Parents The Nature SpongeBob of Things

� �



Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �



Football: Ent Roughriders ET Canada at Eskimos �

Housewives �

News Coronation

XXX Summer Street Olympics: Jeopardy!

� � Lang & O’Leary

Amer. Dad Change Your Name Is Earl Age

� �

Niqitsiat Illinniq

King King

Charlie Rose �

� �

Qanurli Qauminiq

Cash Cab How/Made

Name Is Earl Randy The OfďŹ ce Randy

Big Bang Big Bang

Curious Cat in the

Olympic J. Enersen

Anash The Young

Mighty Planes

Anderson �

Randy Randy

MLB Baseball:

Wild Kratts WordGirl

KING 5 News

Riders Exhibit A

Salvage Hunters

Simpsons Raymond

Randy Say Yes

Atlanta Braves at

Business World News

KING 5 News

APTN National News

New York Mets

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Rivers

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News: Pyros The National �

Big Bang Two Men

Say Yes Say Yes

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Canada �

Wheel Jeopardy!

Storage Storage

One Big Time

Love, Hate �

Big Bang Two Men

Randy to the Seinfeld Rescue Seinfeld

Mayday �

Athletics, Cycling,

InSecurity Mosque

Undercover Boss

Housewives �

Doc Martin �

Shark Tank �

Storage Storage

Movie: “Big Time

CBC News: Mighty The National Planes

Bones �

Taekwondo, Diving,

Michael Michael


Housewives �

George Gently

20/20 �

Storage Storage

Movie� Mr. Young

CBC News: Pyros The National �

� �

SportsCentre The OfďŹ ce â€? Gentleman

Canoe, Swimming

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National �

The OfďŹ ce Gentleman

� Voyage

� �

Storage Storage

Mr. Young Boys

Love, Hate �

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson


XXX Summer Coronation Olympics Street

XXX Summer Closer Olympics Exhibit A

MythBusters Funny Home Randy � Videos Randy

� Housewives SportsCentre �

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News

Say Yes Randy

Sid Science Wild Kratts


Chef/Home Debt/Part

House �

Millionaire Millionaire


cont’d: Taekwondo,

� �

Baby Story Baby Story


XXX Summer World Vision XXX Summer Poko Olympics � Olympics Doodlebops

SportsCentre The Talk � �

Longmire �


Salvage Hunters

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Canada �

News Nightline

Storage Storage

The Next Star

CBC News: Mayday The National �

Letterman Highlights

ET Canada Ferguson

Doc Martin �

Jimmy Storage Kimmel Live Storage

Big Time Movie

Lang & O’Leary

News 30 Rock Sunny TMZ

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill

Say Yes Say Yes

Family Guy Family Guy

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Wolfman News Wolfman

Connects Need

Magazine Olympic

Washington News

XXX Summer Movie: Olympics: “Hardball�

Randy to the The OfďŹ ce Rescue The OfďŹ ce

Finding Your Track and Roots Field, Diving,

Randy Say Yes

Great Performances

Browns Payne

Randy Randy

Movie: “Quigley

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Down Under�

� �

Cycling � � �

Wings Great Towns

� � � APTN National News Exhibit A

Dyer Wishes KING News Movie: FulďŹ lled Summer Oly. “Hardballâ€?


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 5 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30






XXX Summer Fishn XXX Summer ATP Tennis Olympics: Real Fishing Olympics cont’d:

College Baseball

Fishn Babar Real Fishing Shaun

Diving, Athletics,

2012 PGA Champion-

Powerboat Tradition


Health Food

Hoggers Hoggers

YTV T.U.F.F. Sidekick


CBC News CBC News

DISC Dangerous Flights


Paid Prog. Paid Prog.



Four Houses Movie: � “The Pink

KCTS Bob Builder Angelina


APTN (108)

XXX Summer Thane Olympics: Cooking

cont’d: Soccer,

U.S. Open Series:

Powerboat Tradition

Martha Wild Kratts

NASCAR Racing:

Hoggers Hoggers

Korra Beyblade

Now With Christine

Greatest Know-It-All

Kids News Paid Prog.

Dateline: Real Life

Panther� �

End of Basketball, Mishkuenita Illness-David Gymnastics, Makusham

Rhythmic Noon News Gymnastics, Hour

Athletics, Diving,

Rogers Cup, ship: Third Women’s Round

Noon News Hour

Rebus Gardens

Nationwide Hoggers Series: Zippo Hoggers

Pokemon Power



MLB Player How I Met

Dateline: Real Life

Jim Browns

Agus Dr.

Cycling, Volleyball,

Fit First Miywayawin

Taekwondo, Volleyball

Boxing �

QuarterďŹ nals & Men’s

� �

Talladega Nights: The

Parks Parks

200 at the Glen

Shipping Shipping

Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno

Salvage Hunters

Big Bang Two Men

Dateline: Real Life

King King


Wrestling, Canoeing

Movie: “Hardball�

First SemiďŹ nal

� �

Ballad of Rivers Ricky Bobby Rivers

Cash Cab Paid Prog.

Shipping Shipping

Sidekick Sidekick

National Mayday Marketplace �

Without a Trace

Dateline: Real Life

Family Guy Family Guy

KCTS 9 Cooks:

� �

� Simpsons


Paid Prog. Joint Pain?

Storage Storage

Salads �

� �

� The Young

Ape Genius �

Sea Rescue Storage Born-Explore Storage

� �

� �

Riders Exhibit A

� �

Fish Out of Next! Youth

Talladega Nights: The

SportsCentre Ballad of � Ricky Bobby � �

� Simpsons

� �

XXX Summer National Olympics ATP Tennis:

National Mansbridge

Cash Cab How/Made

House �

Dateline: Real Life

Seinfeld Seinfeld

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Cash Cab Cash Cab

Bones �

Dateline: Real Life

MLB Baseball:

Storage Storage

Squirrel Squirrel


Auction Auction

House �

Dateline: Real Life

Atlanta Braves at

Storage Storage

The Next Star

National Mansbridge

Dirty Jobs �

Big Bang Pregame

Dateline: Real Life

New York Mets

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Wheel Jeopardy!

Storage Storage

The Next Star

Italy’s MaďŹ a â€?

Sons of Guns

NFL Preseason

Dateline: Real Life

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Ed Sullivan’s News Top Olympic

Movie: “The Game

Shipping Shipping

Movie: “Radio

National American Marketplace Chopper

Football: Tennessee

Dateline: Real Life

Movie: “Resident

Performers 1966-1969

National Mansbridge

U.S. Open Series:

Volleyball, Soccer

� �

Rogers Cup, KIRO News Women’s KIRO News

Family Guy Global Nat.

Planet Earth News � World News

QuarterďŹ nals CBS News & Men’s KIRO News

News Hour �

Hope for Wildlife

KOMO 4 News

Eco Engineering Heartbeat �

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

� �

16x9 �

SportsCentre NYC 22 � � Right To Play

XXX Summer Second Olympics: SemiďŹ nal

Entertainment ’Night


Athletics, Cycling,

NYC 22 �

NYC 22 �

ďŹ fth estate â€?


Movie: “Dark

Diving, Canoe,

Marketplace 48 Hours � Mystery

Movie: “Dark

Rebus �

Plan� �

Storage Storage

Rebel� �

SportsCentre Storm� � �

Soccer �

News The Nature

48 Hours Mystery

Storm� �

Suggs’ Italian Job

Castle �

Storage Storage

Zoink’d! Italy’s MaďŹ a That’s-Weird â€?

KIRO News The Insider

News Final Ancient Trainspotting Clues

SportsCentre News Final CTV News � Trainspotting CTV News SportsCentre �

� �

of Things Being Erica

XXX Summer � Olympics Pillars

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

� �

Rebus �

� �

Sidekick Sidekick

� �

Family Guy CHBC News

� �


Squirrel Squirrel

XXX Summer Simpsons Olympics: Family Guy

� �

Sports Stars Simpsons Big World Family Guy


News Cash Cab

Storage Storage

Splatalot Splatalot

Cash Cab Cash Cab

Shipping Shipping

Radio Rebel National � Mansbridge

� �

� �

Nightly News renegade KING 5 Flame The Journey �

XXX Summer Uumatmnin Olympics: �

Dirty Jobs �

Titans at Seattle

Dateline: Real Life

Evil: Extinction�

Great Performances

Track and Arbor Live Field, Diving, �

Auction Auction

Seahawks News

Dateline: Real Life

Movie: “A Simple

� Leonard

Volleyball �

Dateline: Real Life


Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

� Payne

National Sons of Marketplace Guns

Touch �

MythBusters 30 Seconds � Hates Chris


Cohen Live in London Happiness Advantage

� �

MYTV Short Cuts Fish Out of Concerts

KING News Next! Youth Summer Oly. Flame

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 8, 2012 A13


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30















APTN (108)

XXX Summer Ancestors XXX Summer WTA Tennis: The Alt Olympics World Vision Olympics U.S. Open Games

Ancestors Wild Kratts World Vision Little Prince

Rescue Paid Prog.

Criminal Minds

Winx Club iCarly

CBC News CBC News

Salvage Hunters

Old House Jim

Four Houses Movie: � “Rat Race�

Bob Builder Wild Kratts

XXX Summer Miywayawin Olympics Vitality

XXX Summer Hour of Olympics: Power

cont’d: Basketball,

Series: 2012 PGA Rogers Cup, Champion-

Hour of Power

Little Prince Fetch! With

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Criminal Minds

Victorious Big Time

Now With Christine


30 Rock The OfďŹ ce

Hoarding: Buried Alive

McLaughlin Connects

cont’d: Basketball,

Farewell �

Boxing �

First SemiďŹ nal

Noon News Hour

Dogs With Dogs/Jobs


Cash Cab Cash Cab

Criminal Minds

Boys The Next

XXX Summer Austin XXX Summer Steven and Olympics: Powers: The Olympics: Chris

� �

Austin Undersea Powers: The Undersea

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Criminal Minds

Star Movie:

Closing Ceremony

� �

Spy Who Hope for Shagged Me Wildlife

Ball Boys Ball Boys

Criminal Minds

“Shorts� �

� �

Simpsons Simpsons

Canada �

Wipeout �

Criminal Minds

� Movie:

The Insider Pets.TV

Family Guy Family Guy

The Blue Planet

This Week �

Criminal Minds

“Zathura� �

Series: KIRO News Rogers Cup, KIRO News

Family Guy Global Nat.

Art of the Heist

News World News

Criminal Minds

â€? Italy’s MaďŹ a That’s-Weird â€?

The Glades �

� �

Noon News Hour

Spy Who Closing Shagged Me Ceremony Simpsons Simpsons

SportsCentre Family Guy XXX Summer Family Guy Olympics �

WTA Tennis �

� � Anger First Story

Family Guy W5 CHBC News


� �

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

� �

Howie Do It Cleveland

ship: Final Round

� � ATP Tennis: U.S. Open

Wilpogwad Pachamama


Mighty Ships 30 Rock � Paid Prog.

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Movie: “The

Public Matters

Volleyball, Water Polo,

Guides Tribal Treks

� �

Dangerous Flights

How I Met Raymond

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Brothers� �

3 Steps to Incredible

Wrestling, Gymnastics

Rules of Engagement

CBC News Licence to Marketplace Drill

The OfďŹ ce Two Men

Hoarding: Buried Alive

The Closer �

Health!-Joel �

The Nature of Things

Cash Cab How/Made

Big Bang Two Men

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Big Bang Big Bang

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

ďŹ fth estate â€?

MythBusters Trout TV � T. McCarver

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Big Bang Big Bang

Ed Sullivan’s Exploration Top Kids News

Riders Exhibit A

MythBusters Cops � Cops

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Movie: “Fat Albert�

Performers 1966-1969

KING 5 News

Investigates Closer

Moyers & Company

Nightly News Front Runner News �

� �

CBS News KIRO News

News Hour �

Ancient Clues

KOMO 4 News

Cloudy With CBC News: Air Jaws a Chance of The National Apocalypse

Mobbed �

Hoarding: Buried Alive

60 Minutes �

Howie Do It Cleveland

Kingdom, Blue Whale

Funny Home Longmire Videos �

Meatballs �

Amer. Dad Cleveland

Strange Sex Movie: Strange Sex “Black

The Queen’s XXX Summer Crystal Palaces Olympics Music

SportsCentre Simpsons � Big Brother

Olympics: Closing

Jeopardy! Wheel

Big Brother �

Simpsons Big Brother

New Tricks �

Secret Millionaire

Longmire �

That’s-Weird West Mr. Young �

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Faces of America

Charismatic �

Ceremony �

Dragons’ Den


� Amer. Dad

Garrow’s Law

Extreme Makeover:

Criminal Minds

Boys Zoink’d!

CBC News: Air Jaws The National Apocalypse

Family Guy Amer. Dad

Strange Sex “Black Strange Sex Dynamite�

Masterpiece Closing Mystery! Ceremony

News TMZ

Hoarding: Buried Alive

� The Closer

� Joan Miro:

� Practice

Hoarding: Buried Alive

� Cheers

Dr. Fuhrman-

KING News From Spirit Summer Oly. Medicine

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Cheers Cheers

Immunity Illness

XXX Summer Rules of Olympics Engagement

SportsCentre Amer. Dad � Cleveland

� �



Putin, Russia Baddest and the Bites

MythBusters Simpsons � Cleveland

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

Amer. Dad Cleveland

Cracker �

Weight Loss The Glades Edition �

The Next Star

Putin, Russia Baddest and the Bites

SportsCentre News Final � Ancestors

CTV News CTV News

CBC News ďŹ fth estate


News Final Ancestors

James Brown

News Movie:

Longmire �

In Real Life �


SportsCentre Paid Prog. � J. Van Impe

The Mentalist

� Canadian

Face/Nation Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. J. Van Impe

Saved Boston

“Heartburn� �

Longmire �


CBC News: MythBusters Sunny The National � Spokane



MythBusters � � Sunny

� �

� �

LazyTown � The Wiggles The Young

TBA Heartland XXX Summer �

� Amer. Dad



� �

Dynamite� Movie:

XXX Summer Rules of Olympics: Engagement � � � Spirit


10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 4 :00 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30












APTN (108)

World Vision The View � �

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �

Erky Perky CBC News Flying Rhino Now With

Licence to Drill

Hates Chris How I Met

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Dinosapien Wilpogwad

Chef/Home Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save-Ums! Rolie Polie

The Doctors Criminal � Minds

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Worst Handyman

Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Paid Prog. Rm-Multiples CI

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

Canadian Geographic

Boxing �

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Rated A for Almost

CBC News Now With

Salvage Hunters

Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

Moyers & Company

KING 5 News

Nukum Makusham

� �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Coronation Street

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair Mighty Ships Law Order: � � CI

The Talk �

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

Miss Spider Berenstain

General Hospital

The First 48 �

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

Worst Handyman

Funny Home Say Yes Videos Say Yes

The Doctors Miss BG � Lilly

The Dr. Oz Show

The First 48 �

Almost Sidekick

Power & Politics

Cash Cab How/Made

Name Is Earl Here Comes The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce Here Comes The OfďŹ ce

Young & Restless

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

SpongeBob Kung Fu

Lang & O’Leary

Mighty Ships Anderson � �

Best Recipes ThisMinute WTA Tennis: ThisMinute

Hockey: Canada-

Young & Restless

Ellen DeGe- U.S. Open neres Show Series:

Russia Challenge:


CTV News at Five


Game 3 Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News � � Interruption

Ent ET Canada

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Rogers Cup, KIRO News Final KIRO News � News

KIRO News CBS News

G. Shrinks Arthur

Early News Global Nat.

Jack Martha

News World News

Hoarders �

Odd Parents Love, Hate SpongeBob �

News Hour �

Parks Dogs

KOMO 4 News

Hoarders �

iCarly Mr. Young

CBC News: Sons of The National Guns

River Monsters

Tornado Rampage

Say Yes Say Yes

Millionaire Millionaire


� Summer X-.

SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil Pregame � �

Baby Story Baby Story


SportďŹ shing Billiards

Off Record Interruption

Criminal Minds


Law Order: CI

Amer. Dad Travels-Edge Days of our Name Is Earl Classical Strt Lives

Mishkuenita Pachamama

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

Closer-Home LĂŠgendes

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

Shaputuan Desti’Nations

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Canadian neres Show Geographic

Four Houses Big Bang � Big Bang

Simpsons Raymond

Bates Family Browns � Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Big Bang Two Men

Bates Bates

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Wapos Bay News Dinosapien

Big Tiny Big Tiny

Seinfeld Seinfeld

etalk Big Bang

Wheel Jeopardy!

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Blue Realm �

Wheel Jeopardy!

Intervention �

Boys To Be Indie

Ed Sullivan’s Magazine Top Inside Ed.

Presserebel Shaputuan

SportsCentre Hotel Hell Off Record �

Big Bang Two Men

Mr. D Ron James

How I Met Broke Girl

Hotel Hell �

Art of the Heist

Bachelor Pad

Intervention �

How to Rock CBC News: Mighty Ships Hotel Hell Splatalot The National � �

Bates Family Family Guy � Family Guy

Performers 1966-1969

Wilpogwad Pachamama

The Real Rocky

Anger Mike

Republic of Doyle

Broke Girl Mike

Stars Earn Stripes

Baroque �

Hoarders �

Funny Home CBC News: River Videos The National Monsters

Bates Bates

Movie: “Speed

Leonard Cohen Live

Big Tiny Big Tiny

Racer� �

Stars Earn Stripes

SportsCentre �

� �

Grimm �

Architects of The Glass Change House

Hoarders �

Mr. Young Boys

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News


KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

In Korea �

News Nightline

Intervention �

Splatalot CBC News: Sons of That’s-Weird The National Guns

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

Coronation Street

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

Baroque �

Jimmy Intervention Kimmel Live �

Daily Show Colbert Rep

CBC News: Hawaii FiveThe National 0

� �

� �

Hates Chris Sabrina

Tornado Rampage

Jesse James Big Bang � Two Men

APTN National News

Lang & O’Leary

Hell’s Kitchen

Jesse James News � 30 Rock Sunny TMZ

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill

in London Music of

Stars Earn Stripes � � Grimm �

Four Houses � � Movie:

Johnny Cash KING News � Jay Leno

Peter Popoff “Smart Paid Prog. People�

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Canadian Geographic Desti’Nations APTN National News Desti’Nations

� Wilpogwad Jimmy Fallon Pachamama


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 12 :00 :30 :00 1 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30







Fishing-Flats Operation Billiards Smile

The View �

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

Operation Smile

Garth-Bev Inuk

The View �

� Hockey:

Chef/Home Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save-Ums! Rolie Polie

The Doctors Criminal � Minds


Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy

The Chew �

Challenge: Game 3

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

Off Record Interruption

The Talk �

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil Pregame � �

Best Recipes ThisMinute Stefano ThisMinute

Miss Spider Berenstain

Criminal Minds

YTV Erky Perky Zigby


CBC News Now With


Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

From Spirit Exhibit A

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Young Riders

The First 48 �

Puppies Almost

CBC News Now With


Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

Ed Sullivan’s KING 5 Top News

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair Jesse James Law Order: � � CI

Law Order: CI

Amer. Dad Performers Name Is Earl 1966-1969

Days of our Lives

� Samaqan

General Hospital

The First 48 �

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

How/Made How/Made

Funny Home Say Yes Videos Say Yes

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

Our Talk By Rapid

The Dr. Oz Show

Storage Storage

Almost Sidekick

Power & Politics

Cash Cab How/Made

Jim The OfďŹ ce

Toddlers & Tiaras

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

Wapos Bay The Young

Lang & O’Leary

Birth of a Car

Anderson �

Craft Wars �

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Riders neres Show Exhibit A

When Fish Attack 3

Simpsons Raymond

Craft Wars �

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Big Bang Two Men

What Not to Wear

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Closer News Vitality

Ellen DeGe- Rick Mercer neres Show Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

SpongeBob Kung Fu

CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Storage Storage

Odd Parents Tornado SpongeBob Rampage

Game 4 Global Nat. CTV News SportsCentre CHBC News �

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Ol Pejeta

KOMO 4 News

Shipping Shipping

Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News: Ragin’ The National Cajuns

� Interruption

Street Jeopardy!

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Hope for Wildlife

Wheel Jeopardy!

Storage Storage

Boys To Be Indie

SportsCentre Hotel Hell Off Record �

Cleveland Rick Mercer Best Friends 22 Minutes


Hotel Hell �

Lost Kingdoms

The Middle Last Man

Storage Storage

That’s-Weird CBC News: How/Made Splatalot The National How/Made

2012 Nascar NCIS: Los Canadian Angeles

MasterChef �

Camelot �

NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles

Worst Company

Happy Apt. 23

Storage Storage

Funny Home CBC News: When Fish Videos The National Attack 3

MasterChef �

What Not to Wear

Movie: “Smart

� He Touched

SportsCentre In Plain � Sight

Criminal Minds

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

In Plain Sight

Prince of Pot

NY Med �

Shipping Shipping

Mr. Young Boys

News 30 Rock

What Not to Wear

People� �

Me: Elvis Presley

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News


KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Hope for Wildlife

News Nightline

Storage Storage

Splatalot CBC News: How/Made That’s-Weird The National How/Made

Sunny TMZ

Craft Wars �

Movie: “Take the

Dr. Wayne KING News Dyer: Wishes Jay Leno

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

Coronation Street

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

Worst Company

Jimmy Storage Kimmel Live Storage

Butt Lift Paid Prog.


FulďŹ lled â€?

Daily Show Colbert Rep

Voices of the Land

The Doctors Miss BG � Lilly



APTN (108)

Hates Chris How I Met

Young & Restless

etalk Big Bang


Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Paid Prog. Rm-Multiples CI

Say Yes Say Yes

Millionaire Millionaire


River Monsters


Baby Story Baby Story


Dangerous Flights

Russia Challenge:

Ent ET Canada


G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Hockey: Canada-



Hates Chris Sabrina

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Lang & O’Leary

Deadliest Catch

Deadliest Catch

APTN National News

Big Bang Two Men

What Not to Wear

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

Magazine Inside Ed.

Wabanaagig Miywayawin

Hotel Hell �

Craft Wars �

Family Guy Family Guy

Great Performances

America’s Got Talent

Medicine Gardening

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill


� � Stars Earn Stripes

Guides From Spirit Spirit APTN National News Exhibit A

� Medicine Jimmy Fallon Gardening


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 2 :00 :30 :00 3 :30 4 :00 :30 :00 5 :30 6 :00 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30










APTN (108)

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

World Vision Garth-Bev � Inuk

The View �

When Fish Attack 3

Hates Chris How I Met

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

New Canoe Exhibit A

The Marilyn Denis Show

Animal Artzooka

Young & Restless

Chef/Home Debt/Part

Save-Ums! Rolie Polie

The Doctors Criminal � Minds

G. Shrinks Carole Rescue Hero MacNeil

Auction Auction

Family Feud Baby Story Law Order: Paid Prog. Rm-Multiples CI

Arthur Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Young Riders


Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Pingu Doggy Day

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Rated A for Almost

CBC News Now With

Dangerous Flights

Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

Law Order: CI

Julia Child Memories:

KING 5 News

Cry-Loon Spirit

Challenge: Game 4

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Dragons’ Den

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Corduroy Rob Robot

Afternoon America

Hoggers Hoggers

Kid vs. Kat League/Evil

Reshmi Nair Deadliest � Catch

Law Order: CI

Amer. Dad Bon AppÊtit! Days of our Name Is Earl � Lives

Off Record Interruption

The Talk �

Anderson �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Talk Deal �

General Hospital

Hoggers Hoggers

Sidekick Squirrel

Power & Politics

Mayday �

Funny Home Say Yes Videos Say Yes

King King

Charlie Rose Anderson � �

The Mix MYTV

The Dr. Oz Show

Storage Storage

Almost Sidekick

Power & Politics

Cash Cab How/Made

Name Is Earl Toddlers & The OfďŹ ce Tiaras

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Curious Cat in the

Dr. Phil �

renegade The Young

Lang & O’Leary

Salvage Hunters

Anderson �

Here Comes Big Bang Here Comes Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl

Ellen DeGe- Riders neres Show Exhibit A

Toddlers & Tiaras

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Toddlers & Tiaras

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News Investigates News Wings

Ellen DeGe- Rick Mercer neres Show Wheel

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

G. Shrinks Arthur

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

SpongeBob Kung Fu

Portland Timbers at


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Minuscule Martha

News World News

Storage Storage

Odd Parents ďŹ fth estate SpongeBob â€?

Toronto FC �

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

News Coronation

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Parks Gardens

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

Mr. Young Mr. Young

CBC News: World The National �

etalk Big Bang

Street Jeopardy!

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Hoggers Hoggers

Boys To Be Indie

I Shouldn’t Be Alive

So You Think You

Dragons’ Den

Big Brother �

Big Brother �

School School

The Middle Hoggers Suburgatory Hoggers

That’s-Weird CBC News: Salvage Splatalot The National Hunters

SportsCentre The Glee � Project

Can Dance �

Arctic Air �

Criminal Minds

The Glee Project

Broadway: Musical

Mod Fam Storage Suburgatory Storage

Funny Home CBC News: How “Jaws� Can Dance Videos The National Changed the �

SportsCentre Psych � �

The Listener CBC News: CSI: Crime � The National Scene

Final Witness Storage � Storage

Mr. Young Boys

� �

Big Brother �

Psych �

Choir: Boys Don’t Sing

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News


KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Frontiers of News Construction Nightline

SportsCentre ET Canada � Ferguson

Coronation Street

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada Ferguson

School School

Daily Show Colbert Rep

Arbor Live �

The Doctors Miss BG � Lilly

Hockey Young & MLS Soccer: Restless

MLS Soccer Ent � ET Canada

Say Yes Say Yes

Millionaire Millionaire


Chef/Home Debt/Part


Baby Story Baby Story


World Vision The View � �

Miss Spider Berenstain

CBC News Now With


Score Golf Hockey:

Best Recipes ThisMinute Stefano ThisMinute

Erky Perky Toot


Billiards �

SportsCentre The Doctors Dr. Phil � � �

Criminal Minds


Hoggers Hoggers

Jimmy Hoggers Kimmel Live Hoggers

I Shouldn’t Be Alive

How “Jaws� Simpsons Changed the Raymond Big Bang Two Men

MythBusters Big Bang � Two Men

Undamming Magazine Travels-Edge Inside Ed.

Toddlers & Tiaras

Nature �

America’s Got Talent

Uumatmnin �

Here Comes Movie: Here Comes “Transporter


America’s Got Talent

Reel Insights �

Toddlers & Tiaras

Family Guy Family Guy

Amazing Law & Underground Order: SVU

Samaqan APTN Na-


tional News Exhibit A

Hates Chris Sabrina

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Easy Yoga for Arthritis

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill


Fish Out of renegade

Here Comes Movie: Here Comes “Transporter


News 30 Rock

Here Comes Seinfeld Here Comes Seinfeld

Splatalot CBC News: MythBusters Sunny That’s-Weird The National � TMZ Lang & O’Leary


So You Think You

APTN National News


3� �


KING News Jay Leno

� Fish Out of Jimmy Fallon renegade


Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


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In Memoriam

Career Opportunities

In Loving Memory of Nigel S. Hughes March 10, 1940 - August 4, 2007 As time goes on without you and days become years, They hold so many memories and a million silent tears, To us you were so special, what more is there to say, except to wish with all our hearts that you were here today. Love always, your family


While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Personals CURIOUS ABOUT Men? Talk Discreetly with men like you! Try FREE! Call 1-888-5591255. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.

Lost & Found FOUND; Helmet, Equestrian, extra small, black/tan, call to ID. Ok. Ctr. Rd. East. 250766-3077


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Business Opportunities Attention: We need serious & motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet/phone essential. Free online training

Career Opportunities

Journeyman Millwrights Meadow Lake, Sk. • Focus On Safety

Performance • Industry Leader In The World Markets • Competitive Compensation Packages • Sustainable Business Practices • Progressive Environment Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with opportunities for continuous growth and development?

Apply online today and build your career with us!


It Starts with You!

Build Your Career With us

EXPERIENCED PROCESSOR OPERATOR REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FOR A FULL TIME PERMANENT POSITION. 3-5 years experience with Waratah dangle head and related computer programs preferred. This is a full time, permanent position working in our post and rail yard in beautiful southern BC. Great working conditions, excellent wages, benefits and profit sharing. Please fax resume to 1250-295-7912 or email to Education/Trade Schools COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING Certificate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus. Extensive study of beekeeping, queen rearing, and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable on-campus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. Call Lin. 1-780-8356630; IF YOU’RE Interested in real estate, then take Appraisal and Assessment, a specialized two-year business major at Lakeland College’s campus in Lloydminster, Alberta. Your training includes assessment principles, computerized mass appraisal valuation of properties, farmland evaluation and property analysis. Start September; 1-800-661-6490, ext. 5429. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION Rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535

Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS Wanted for growing northern company. Competitive wages and benefits. Safety tickets needed. Fax 250-775-6227 or email: info@torqueindustr Apply online: CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS Needed for growing northern company. Competitive wages and benefits. Safety tickets necessary. Fax resume to 250-775-6227 or email: Online:





Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for 10-3rd year apprentices or journey person welders. We offer best wage in industry. 3rd yr apprentice $28$30/hr, journey person $32$35/hr, higher with tank experience. Profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at; (office)780-8462231; (fax)780-846-2241 or send resume to:; Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform.

INSERTING MACHINE Operator required for busy Alberta printing plant. Previous Alphaliner or other machine experience an asset. Mechanical & computer aptitude required;

NEUCEL SPECIALTY CELLULOSE is a softwood dissolving sulphite pulp mill, located in peaceful, picturesque Port Alice, on the majestic West Coast of BC near the Northern tip of Vancouver Island. Do you appreciate sport fishing, hockey, mountain biking, golfing, scuba diving, hiking, camping, skiing, caving? Port Alice and the surrounding areas are a home base and playground for you and your family. Port Alice is a friendly town and a great place to raise children. Currently there are exciting employment opportunities at Neucel and we are looking for qualified and committed people to fill them. • 2nd Class Power Engineer • Electrician (2) • Millwright (2) • Vibration Analyst • Process Engineer • Maintenance Purchaser • Manufacturing Support Engineer • Shift Superintendent

CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103.

PARTS AND Services representatives at Jacobson Ford Salmon Arm BC. We are looking for exciting, customer friendly, dynamic individuals capable of working in a fast paced work environment. Parts and service experience an asset but not necessary, email resume to:

Resident Manager (semi retired or retired couple preferred). Wanted to overlook 20 unit motel in Vernon, BC. Accommodation included. Fax resume to: 250-545-3859 or email to: silverstarmotel@




The link to your community

To apply for any of these positions please send your resume to: or Fax 250-284-7715.

Land Use Forester Western Forest Products Inc.

Job & application details can be viewed at: /building-value/our-people -employment/careers



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Health Products

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Financial Services

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161.

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, August 8, 2012 A15



Merchandise for Sale



Financial Services

Painting & Decorating

Misc. for Sale

Senior Assisted Living

Auto Financing

DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.


3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

Merchandise for Sale

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Suites, Lower BEACHFRONT 1bdrm $950 or 2bdrm $1150 furn., w/d., covered parking. SEASONAL Sept-June (250)766-4272

Real Estate

Heavy Duty Machinery

Legal Services

LAKE Country Lodge & Manor Independent Seniors, A great place to call home. One bedroom suites available. Rates include: 3 meals & snacks prepared by our Chefs, utilities, cable & security. Please inquire within or call 250-766-3007,

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

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COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE IN LAKE COUNTRY 1100sq’ OfďŹ ce space for lease. Reception area, four ofďŹ ces, coffee/ storage room. Located on Beaver Lake Road, 1 1/2 blocks from Highway 97. Easy access. Offstreet parking. $1100.00/month +utils. Lease negotiable. Phone:(250)766-3700

Misc. for Sale

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COMMUNITY NOTICES: Beach front property owners: If you are thinking of putting some sand on your beach front, please consider the impact to the inherent aquatic habitat along the foreshore. Before any alterations are made a Natural Environment Development Permit must be obtained from the District of Lake Country in consultation with the provincial Riparian Areas Regulations, and the federal Fisheries Act. The bottom line is that the fine sand affects spawning habitat – spawning fish need the gravel substrate. Come in to municipal hall and have a staff member help you balance the tourism and environmental interests on your property. Smart Meters: BC Hydro is in the midst of updating and upgrading the province’s electricity system to ensure that it can meet the needs of customers all over the province. Smart meter exchanges in Lake Country began in June 2012 and are scheduled to be completed by November 2012. Customers who have questions or concerns about Smart Meters should contact BC Hydro directly for more information at 1-800-224-9376 or You can also visit for comprehensive information about the Smart Metering Program.

Upcoming Fun Events for the Whole Family See Events calendar for more info August 8-14 – Padel Tri Nations Tournament at Jack Seaton Park –for more info see Saturday, August 11th – Lake Country Open Air Performance at Coral Beach Park Carolyn Anele (6-6:30pm); Jennifer Boal (6:45-7:30pm); Calum Hughes (7:45-9pm) Saturday, August 18th – Summer Jam (4-9pm) at Swalwell Park is a great FREE fun family mid-summer event with music, food, activities and demonstrations for all to enjoy! Monday, August 20th – Interior Savings and Boys & Girls Club presents SHREK moonlight movie night at Beasley Park (movie starts at dusk). No charge event, donations accepted. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets. Visit the concession, and experience the Get Hoppy Inflatables before the show starts. Saturday, August 25th – Lake Country Open Air Performance at Okanagan Centre Park – Fish on Five Brass Quintet (6-7pm); the Fabulous Flying Weekenders (7:15pm); Movie in the Park (8:15pm)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEEDED The District of Lake Country is seeking volunteer members to serve on the Agricultural Advisory Committee.

Do you, or anyone you know, have an interest in agriculture, economic development, sustainability or water service delivery and/or conservation? Would you like to provide recommendations to Council on ways to preserve, protect, enhance and improve agriculture and agricultural practices within the District, including ways to inform the community, agencies and other stakeholders on agricultural practices and matters. Please provide a letter of interest outlining your relevant background and interest in serving on this Committee to Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Services Manager, via email:, fax: 250-766-2903 or regular mail to: 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC V4V 2M1 by September 1, 2012.

Weekly Fire Danger Rating and Campfire Restrictions are posted for your information at Central Okanagan residents are reminded to prepare their families in advance for any possible evacuation as a result of emergencies such as a wildfire. You can get tips on preparing ‘Grab and Go’ kits for various emergency situations by visiting or the federal ‘Get Prepared’ website Having a family emergency plan will save time and make real situations less stressful. Have an emergency kit and be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours until emergency workers can reach you.

Lake Country Fire Department Recruitment Drive LCFD (Oyama, Carr’s Landing and Winfield) is seeking applicants interested in becoming paid-on-call firefighters. As a first step in the process, please fill out an application and drop it off at the Fire Admin Office at 10591 Okanagan Centre Road East Applications are available at the address above or online at If you have any questions, please call 250-766-2327.

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