◆ Art inspiration P. 6 ◆ Rediscover P. 5
◆ Opinion P. 4 ◆ Summer recreation P. 2
Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759
PHONE: 996-8482
WEDNESDAY, August 15, 2012
VOL. 35 NO. 24 $1.34 inc. GST
Summer fun
Kudos for council
Mayor Rob MacDougall and councillors received a letter and some special recognition for their stand in opposition of the Northern Gateway pipeline. The Coastal First Nations-Great Bear Initiative, World Wildlife Fund and Canadians for the Great Bear sent the letter in support of the District of Fort St. James’ public stand. As the first municipality located directly on the pipeline route to take a stand in opposition to the project, the letter called the opposition “pioneering” and said the move “reflects a commitment to the values shared by Canadians for the Great Bear and by many British Columbians.” The letter bestows the title of “Canadian Great Bear Community” upon Fort St. James in acknowledgement of the move which it said helps paves the way to be “good stewards of our country’s future.”
Careful with fire The Prince George Fire Centre had responded to 32 fires since Friday, Aug. 2 as of last Thursday. Twenty-six of those fires were caused by lightning. The largest fire covers 450 hectares and is in the southern portion of the Fort Nelson Fire Zone, 60 km southeast of Fort Nelson. The area received rain yesterday. This is a modified response fire and will be actively monitored by Wildfire Management Branch personnel. Two of those fires were spot fires in the Fort St. James area, one near Cripple Lake and one near the 32 km on the Driftwood FSR. For more information on fires of note, go to
Young sailors were learning the ropes of the sport at Cottonwood Beach last week in a BC Sailing Association sailing camp brought in by the Stuart Lake Sailing Club. See for the story on the camp. Ruth Lloyd Photo
Mill owners present report Fort St. James is suggested as an alternative source of timber to help rebuild Burns Lake mill Black Press Staff Lakes District News The special committee on timber supply meetings that were held across the province wrapped up earlier this month, but not before Hampton Affiliates made a second submission to the committee during a July 11, 2012, meeting in Vancouver. Both Steve Zika, Hampton Affiliates chief executive officer and Richard Vossen, Babine Forest Products woods manager addressed the committee and presented preliminary independent report findings on timber supply to the committee. Zika also presented to the committee signatures of 1,700 people in the local community that signed a petition supporting the rebuilding of the sawmill. As reported in the Lakes District News edition of June 27, 2012, Vossen said the company was in the process of completing an independent report into the timber supply issues that will determine a rebuild of the mill, which was completely destroyed by a Jan. 20, 2012 explosion and fire. “We’ve hired an independent consultant that will do our own timber supply analysis for the lakes timber supply area.
We question some of the numbers of the chief forester and we’d like to verify them ... we’d like to see where the differences are,” Vossen said. During the July 11, 2012, Vancouver meeting Zika said, “If we don’t begin construction of a new sawmill soon, I fear for the effects on the community and our business. Burns Lake isn’t Vancouver or Prince George; it’s a small community. Babine is by far the economic engine there.” He said the mid-term timber supply could be increased from the base of 500,000 to a million cubic metres. “We are confident of that.” Zika said the committee will not be able to solve all the pine beetle issues with one process and one report. “Legislation will be required, similar to what has been done for other communities such as Mackenzie. The legislation should authorize the area licence conversion, along with new First Nations licences. Your report should also encourage the Minister of Forests to find other replacement licence volume for our big competitors, near their many other sawmills in the province and should emphasize a district-by-district approach. What is applicable in one area does not work for other areas. Additional
time for analyzing timber supply in each district should be taken, with input fromprofessional local foresters, First Nations and community leaders. The management regime in each district will be different, based on the health of the forest and other societal values as well,” he said. I’ve been there in similar situations on many occasions where we sat across from families who lost their jobs as a result of mill closures, so my heart is with you. But I think the situation here is twofold. When we were traveling in that region I did not find very many operators with 100 percent AAC attached to their mills or to feed their capacity. It seems to me that the 450,000 that you have pretty well comes to about 50 percent of your need. Committee member Harry Bains, MLA for Surrey-Newton said, “If other operators can operate with 40 percent, 20 percent or 30 percent of timber supply available to them, why can’t you? If you stop timber leaving the Lakes timber supply area, what impact will it have on the other communities and other sawmills, which they actually rely on today?” Zika said, “The only other major license holder is West Fraser. Canfor and L & M Lumber have very small licenses, so
it’s really West Fraser. There’s a possibility that maybe the Fraser Lake sawmill would lose a shift. Yes, we have 450,000 licensed today, but if truly the volume goes down in the future to 500,000 and you go in more of a traditional way that they’ve done in the past, they’re going to cut everybody, and that 450 is going to drop to 200 or less.You have to remember that the Lakes District is very small. Prince George is a massive timber supply area. They’ve got opportunities to go North to Fort St. James. They can go Northwest. They’re all still in the Prince George region. In the Lakes District we don’t have that opportunity. The road systems aren’t set up. We can’t compete in that same area and in theory, our license isn’t in that area. So they’re going to have a natural advantage over us by doing that. We’re just asking you to give us a shot. We have to make a new investment. Insurance will cover some of it, but you’re asking us as a private, family company to make another significant investment beyond insurance. You have to have some kind of security to know that there isn’t just this cliff at the end, that all of a sudden you’re going to be left with very, very little,” Zika added. Continued on Page 3
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Courier Amazing race
Lakeshore Realty NEWER CONSTRUCTED 3 bedroom single level home on 5 acres on Pinchi Road. Pellet stove with electric baseboard back up, spacious kitchen, patio doors to the 14’ x 28’ deck with fenced in play area, outbuildings. $210,000.
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FSJ Amazing Race, Musical Mayhem, and a field trip to Exploration Place in Prince George took place last week with the summer rec programs. The FSJ Amazing Race participants running around town finding clues and completing detours and road blocks. We created our own musical instruments in Musical Mayhem and had fun making lots of racket! This week we’re learning how to hula hoop, cracking a mystery at the National Historic Site, and learning how to ride a horse. We’re off to our Camp Out tomorrow at Paarens Beach, so stayed tuned for more highlights.
Phone: 250-964-3330 Or 1-877-964-3330 WEBSITE: •EMAIL: 13060 CANDIDA ROAD • PRINCE GEORGE • LOCATED IN BEAVERLY
Lisa Kabool Photo
District of Fort St. James Calendar August, 2012 SUNDAY 13
Golf For A Cure! To Sign Up 250-996-8736
WEDNESDAY 7 p.m. Beach Volleyball 6-8pm Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Beach Volleyball 6-8pm
Municipal Website:
20 Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Music on the Mountain Festival!!
9-4pm Pottery Raku! NHS Star Party & Camp Out! Beach Volleyball Tournament 9:30-3pm
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Ladies Night Golf and Dinner, 4pm
Music on the Mountain Festival!!
Music on the Mountain Festival!!
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Ladies Night Golf and Dinner, 4pm
Comm. Fndn Beer & Wine Tasting Fundraiser
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
15 Council Meeting 16
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Ladies Night Golf and Dinner, 4pm
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Omineca Mountain Adventure Horsemanship School
September 1, Are you interested in making a difference for the women in your community? 2012
August 30 – September 5
Call Kyla Pollard @ 996-8026 for more info.
NHS Metis Day & MusicFest
Want to become more involved in local issues? Fireweed Collective Society is looking for new board members to meet once a month. Please call 996-8089 for more info.
6 Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
Thanks to amazing community partners,
THE 3RD ANNUAL MUSIC ON THE MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL will take place AUG 24-26! Go to to check out this year’s stellar line-up of performers and purchase tickets! Tickets also available at Red Fox Bistro & Fine Line Studios. Want to work off your weekend pass? MOM is still looking for volunteers!
Office: 477 Stuart Drive West
Telephone: 250-996-8233
Ladies Night Golf and Dinner, 4pm
8 Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm
NHS Raspberry Jam Event
Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution. ofÀ
7th Annual Recreation Health Fair & Classic Car Show!! Monday, September 10th @ Fort Arena
Register your business/group from August 1-31st at the District Of¿ce! Table reservations are on a ¿rst come ¿rst served basis. Call 996-8233 for more info!
Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames
Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A3
NEWS Timber supply eyes on Fort St. James Courier
SCHOOL OPENING AND REGISTRATION Continued from Page 1 filiates asked Tesera Systems, volume from 140 cubic metres devastated landscapes while still Vossen agreed and said the a timber inventory consultant per hectare to 100 cubic metres protecting scenic values, which All schools will open on Tuesday, September 4, Lakes timber supply area is who’s well known in the indus- per hectare. This increased the are so important to us.” 2012, at the regular time. Parents and students probably the smallest timber try, to lower the current annual timber-harvesting land base, or Vossen said they also looked should note that on school opening day school supply area in the interior. “It is allowable cut from two million the number of hectares within at modifying the way old-growth bus runs would be as follows. also the timber supply area that cubic metres to one million cu- the timber supply area available management areas are managed. has probably has the highest liq- bic metres to conserve as much for harvest,” he said. “Like many other timber supTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 uidation of pine taken out of it to green timber as possible for the Vossen said that improving ply areas in the province, we Bus runs will begin on their regular schedule support the communities to the mid-term. the utilization standards will strongly believe that old growth in the morning and will make the return run East and West,” he added. “Recent harvest data indi- increase the use of dead pine in management areas should be immediately following school dismissal at noon. Please note that noon hours vary from Zika said, “For the last cou- cates that 27 to 40 per cent of the the short term and facilitate bet- managed non spatially rather school to school. ple of years we’ve talked about stands harvested have green fibre ter use in the mid-term. “This than spatially. Rather than havamalgamating timber supply ar- and have been harvested annu- did show us the biggest results ing a static footprint on the land WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 eas to make them a big timber ally while the dead pine is being for increased mid-term timber base, our analysis considered Wednesday, September 5, 2012, will be a full, supply area. Nobody wanted liquidated. In the Lakes timber supply. While this will increase the management of old growth regular day with regular bus runs both to do that because they already supply area, as the volume of logging costs, improved lumber values through non spatial tarmorning and afternoon. have theirs .... Canfor and West dead pine drops, the percentage markets in the future will, hope- gets. We made no changes to reFraser. They have all the money. of green non-pine timber har- fully, cover these added costs,” strictions in place to protect key Kindergarten students will begin regular They have all the licences. Of vested will increase. Lowering Vossen added. environmental values related to bus runs. For further information, see the course they don’t want to share. the short term annual allowable He said they also modeled water, important wildlife habiadvertisement re: Kindergarten. They came into the Lakes Dis- cut to one million cubic metres some modest changes to land tat or soils. Essentially, we only NOTES: trict, took the timber out. From a can conserve 300,000 cubic me- use constraints. “We didn’t re- proposed mitigation strategies With student population shifts in various business standpoint, why would tres of green fibre annually in move anything; we still want that would not jeopardize our locations, some changes in bus runs or pickthey want to change anything?” the Lakes timber supply area for to maintain high environmental high standard of environmenup locations may be required. Problems such Zika added, “The biggest by mid term timber supply.” standards. We just did some re- tal stewardship and provide the as these will be carefully studied and parents far is West Fraser. It has 340,000 Vossen said Hampton Af- laxation. On visual quality ob- greatest return for timber supply will be notified. Cooperation by all concerned metres today in the Lakes Dis- filiates also modeled the harvest jectives we relaxed the visual mitigation.” will be appreciated. If you have any questions, trict, and they have about 10 or prioritization of pure leading- quality objective by one manVossen said they used updatcontact Tracey Syrota, Transportation Manager, 15 sawmills in the province. I’m pine stands, or stands that have agement class. This maintains ed growth and yield data tables at 250-567-9618. not saying take away the volume, the highest percentage of pine, the presence of visual quality to estimate and project growth just transferring it to other areas. to utilize as much of the dead objectives in the Lakes timber on the land base. There’s no reason they can’t get pine remaining and conserve as supply area, ensuring blocks some additional tenure up in the much of the green fibre that is on still employ good visual design Fort St. James area. the land base. “We also increased at a reasonable size and scale. A Zika said if the rebuild hap- current utilization standards and modest change will allow for betpens the new mill will be state changed the minimum harvest ter use of the dead pine in beetle of the art with three or four special dust systems to capture dust. “Basically, almost all the mills up North now are SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 91 (NECHAKO LAKES) doing the best they can. We’re making a really good REGISTRATION FOR STUDENTS NEW TO THE SCHOOL DISTRICT effort, and the industry is, to mitigate dust. There will Registration for all students who are NEW to this District will take place in the school be a little bit of labour re- listed below on the dates indicated during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and duction within the sawmill 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. unless otherwise stated. Grade 7 students going to Grade 8 in itself, but you’re still going the same town and students who are returning to their same school as last year do to need people for mainte- not need to re-register. nance and cleanup and all Report cards or transfer records should be presented to the school upon registration those kind of things ... It’ll to assist in proper placement in the school. Please bring the student’s birth certificate Equipment being put in place at Mount Milligan’s processing plant. be about two-thirds the size and care card. ... that’s what we’re hoping Beginning students (Kindergarten and Grade One) who have already registered the timber will support.” should not re-register. The committee will isGRADES ENROLLED DATE With more than 900 approximately nine million camp on site. Being able to sue a report on Aug. 15, SCHOOL people currently working at cubic metres of water has offer camp accommodation 2012, to the Legislative Evelyn Dickson Elementary Kindergarten - Grade 7 August 27 - 31, 2012 Mount Milligan, construction been collected. Equipment, means employees can live in Assembly recommending of the copper and gold mine including mining haul communities such as Prince is moving rapidly. With such trucks, is being put together George and Vanderhoof and Kindergarten - Grade 7 August 27 - 31, 2012 ways in which the mid- Mapes Elementary a large team, representing in site. And, major facilities, still work at Mount Milligan. **(9:00 am to 1:30 pm) term timber supply in the many different contractors such as the processing plant, One other change under Nechako Valley Secondary Grade 8 - Grade 12 August 28 - 30, 2012 central interior can be inand companies, safety is are being built. consideration is offering a the top priority for everyone Mount Milligan is on work schedule of seven days creased. Prairiedale Elementary Kindergarten - Grade 3 August 30 - 31, 2012 involved at Mount Milligan. schedule to begin production on, seven days of. This is a Vossen said, “Since the On an industrial project in the late fall of 2013. change from the four days Sinkut View Elementary Grade 4 Grade 7 August 27 31, 2012 Burns Lake meeting we’ve such as mine construction, One of the most important on/four days off originally where there is a lot of heavy tasks currently underway preferred by the mine completed our own analy- W.L. McLeod Elementary Kindergarten - Grade 7 August 27 - 31, 2012 equipment – including is hiring the operations management team. sis of the lakes timber supcranes, large mining trucks, team. Once in production, To get local employees ply area to determine if we earth movers, and drills – Mount Milligan will create to the mine, Thompson safety comes first. Each approximately 350 full time Creek will offer a daily bus Kindergarten - Grade 7 August 27 - 31, 2012 could see improvements to Fort Fraser Elementary person working on site jobs. More than 200 of those service from Fort St. James **(9:00 am to 12:00 noon) the mid term timber supreceives safety training and positions are still to be filled. as well as from Mackenzie. ply forecast by modeling Fraser Lake Elementary Sec. Grade 4 - Grade 12 is encouraged to look out To support local people A competition is now August 27 - 31, 2012 for him or herself, as well as interested in acquiring the underway to get ideas for a a number of mitigation their colleagues. In July, the skills to work at the mine, design for these commuter scenarios to help improve Mouse Mountain Elementary Kindergarten - Grade 3 August 27 - 31, 2012 team’s commitment to safety Thompson Creek Metals is buses. Information on the **(9:00 am to 2:30 pm) the base case predictions. resulted in a remarkable working with the College contest can be found in the achievement at Mount of New Caledonia (CNC) “Community” section at It’s our primarily findings David Hoy Elementary Kindergarten - Grade 7 August 27 -31, 2012 Milligan: recording two to offer a 16-week mill that we can maintain an million hours without a lost operators course. The first annual allowable cut in the Fort St. James Secondary Grade 8 - Grade 12 August 31, 2012 time incident. session begins in September. Mount Milligan will be To date, more than The course will run again a conventional, truck-shovel lakes timber supply area at three million hours have in January. For information open-pit mine designed to Kindergarten - Grade 7 August 27 - 31, 2012 a million cubic metres on a Sowchea Elementary been worked on the project. or to register in the course, produce an average of 81 sustainable basis, if we do EBUS Academy During that time 35,000 please contact the Fort St. million pounds of copper Kindergarten - Grade 12 Online, July & cubic meters of concrete James campus of CNC. and 194,500 ounces of gold some changes to how we August, 2012 have been poured. More than To support recruitment, annually over a projected project timber supply and **NOTE TO SECONDARY STUDENTS: 5800 tonnes of steel have an application has been filed 22-year life. Additional some changes on the land been placed. The tailings with the BC Environmental information on Mount Those students who register after Friday, September 7, 2012, may have difficulty in storage dam has been Assessment Office for a Milligan is available at base,” Vossen said. registering in classes due to space availability. raised to 1045 metres and permit to build a permanent He said Hampton Af-
Mine on schedule for 2013 operations: Safety and recruiting skilled workforce top priorities
1 /
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Editorial Page The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British
Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James
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governing the province’s newspaper industry. The
Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@
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Office: Betty Johnson office@
newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from
Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@
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V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
• Editorial...
Foot-in-mouth disease Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier While Twitter may feed into the instant gratification needs of current fast-paced society, it also enhances another problematic aspect of human nature. The problem is speaking before thinking, and most of us do it from time to time, but with Twitter we can do it much more easily and instead of embarrassing ourselves in front of a room full of people or the water-cooler crowd, we can embarrass ourselves in front of hundreds, maybe thousands or even millions. If you happen to be as foolish and unlucky as Voula Papachristou was, you could become the new poster-child for bad Twitter posts. The Greek triple-jumper was kicked off the Greek Olympic team after her tweet was deemed racist. The 23-year-old athlete was a bit of a media darling before the incident, according to the stories after the fact, but her tweet did not win her any friends or fans in the black community. “With so many Africans in Greece … at least the West Nile mosquitos will eat homemade food!!!,” she wrote. The Twitter comment was after she also reposted comments by a right-wing Greek politician who criticized the country’s immigration policies. The young athlete did not think the punishment fit the crime, so she continued to eat foot instead of
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crow, and thus she is still watching the Olympics on television instead of being in them. Then there was Anthony Weiner, remember him? His wasn’t as much “foot-in-mouth” as much as it triggered a hand-over-mouth reaction instead. The U.S. Congressman resigned after admitting to using Twitter to send suggestive photos to women, none of whom were his wife. “Weinergate” some dubbed it. Both of these incidents, and a multitude of others show just how poor our judgement can be at times, and a bit of time to think and reflect on our thoughts instead of broadcasting them uncensored to millions can be a good thing. I enjoy Twitter, and partially it may be for the very reasons I am outlining above, it can be fun to read uncensored diatribes on random topics from a broad spectrum of interesting people. Especially when those diatribes are limited to 140 characters or less. It is also nicer than reading some people’s toopersonal Facebook updates with over-shared details for the same reason, less characters means less over-sharing. Now if only we could filter out the too-revealing self-portraits, especially those with the “duckface.” Or maybe even the over-sharing of every detail of a person’s offpsrig’s actions. Just a note for parents out there, we do not all need to know what your child just said, pooped or barfed, cute as it may be at the time.
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A5
Rediscover Fort St. James Riverside Repair
Riverside Repairs Highway 27, Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0
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heavy duty and automotive mechanics, and the shop is also a licensed CVSE inspection facility. More recently, the business has expanded into expediting and repair services for Mount Milligan Mine. The partnership with the mine has been a great opportunity for Riverside Repairs according to owner Arlan Gainor.
“We like working for them and they’re really great people to work with,” said Gainor. Located at 2858 Garvie Road, Riverside Repairs is your delivery and repair hub in Fort St. James. Contact them at 250-9960099, 250-996-0093 (fax) or via email at riverside@telus. net to find out what they can do for you today.
Starts in October with limited seats. Come in and fill out application forms today. Email: Website: CNC Campus @ 179 Douglas Fort St. James
Phone: 250-996-7019 Summer hours for CNC campus are 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday
THE STUART NECHAKO ADVERTISER CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS... VANDERHOOF Omineca Express office Vanderhoof Co-op Vanderhoof Co-op C Store Careb Entertainment Extra Foods Janet’s Hair Gallery Vanderhoof Post Office Riverside Place Nechako View Senior’s Home Speedway Road Mapes Blackwater Road CJ’s Trailer Court Loop Road Prairiedale Braeside Road Jones Road Sob Lake Road ENDAKO Endako Bar & Grill
CLUCULZ LAKE BROOKSIDE RESORT FRASER LAKE Par 3 Sports Fraser Lake Rexall Fraser Lake Building Supplies ENGEN Giesbrecht Frontage Road FORT FRASER Fort Fraser Petro Can FORT ST JAMES Lakeshore Realty Sana’aih Market Overwaitea Foods Fort Loonie Bin Fas Gas Plus Lakeside Pharmacy Red Fox Bistro
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Courier The art of inspiration Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier “This is the ‘Bestival,’” said Lionel Conant, with a smile on his face. Conant was at Arts Wells, the festival of all things art, with live music, visual art and workshops all filling up nine live music venues and three days with more art than you could even dream of. Arts Wells is an inspiration to Conant, co-founder of the Music on the Mountain (MoM) festival here in Fort St. James, and every year he said it helps him find artists he’d like for the following year of MoM. But he does not think of MoM and Arts Wells as being the same, even if there is some overlap and artistic similarities in the concepts. “I would never dare to compare ourselves to Arts Wells,” he said. But he would one day like to bring the same kind of variety of art to MoM, by including more of the visual arts, creative workshops, dance and yoga and other performance art the Wells event can boast. Arts Wells is a good networking opportunity for Conant, and he uses the event to help spread the word about MoM as well, through posters and word of mouth. The Wells festival sold over 1,100 tickets this year, and with around 350 artists, 120 volunteers and 80 guests, the event is pretty
huge for a town as small as Wells, B.C., with an official population of around 300 people, and brings a huge economic boost to the town. But it did not start out that way. Julie Fowler, one of the festival founders and the current executive director, said the first year was mostly locals with artists donating works and their performances. She said the idea for the festival came about fairly naturally, out of the people who were in the community and the location itself. Fowler had helped to organize a festival in Montreal at Concordia University and others involved had organized art events in Vancouver, so the idea of organizing another festival was not a leap. With the already longstanding and well-established Island Mountain Arts (IMA), which was a functional non-profit and had charitable status, it was possible to run the festival under the IMA banner. While much larger than its humble beginnings, the nine long years it has taken for the festival to get where it is today has been an advantage from Fowler’s standpoint. Each year the festival has added venues to accommodate a growing audience, and the event has become somewhat of a cross between a music festival and a fun networking
HAPPY 30TH SON Love you
opportunity for artists. The fact Wells is on a dead-end highway has also been both an advantage and a disadvantage, according to Fowler. It is an advantage because the location is a beautiful setting with a number of great venues for shows, and being able to cross-promote with the already established attraction of Barkerville. The disadvantage is it takes longer to grow the festival in such a small, out of the way location. Funding, while always a struggle, has just finally gotten to the point where ticket sales are a factor in helping to pay for the event, and each year the festival has managed to break even, thanks to the background of the staff and board members of the IMA. “We’ve never gone the
route of bringing in a big headliner,” said Fowler. They budget very conservatively, according to Fowler, and when grants fell through at times, like they did this year, the group had to step up other fundraising efforts and raised money by holding raffles, art auctions, coffeehouse events and producing a calendar. Fowler said she thinks they have succeeded by starting small, and by having consistent vision. She thinks the long-term key volunteers have helped to keep things on track because each year you learn so much. Fowler also said she hopes to make it to Music on the Mountain this year to take in a festival instead of working it. “It’d be nice to be able to sit back and enjoy the music,” said Fowler.
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3 cents a litre back to you!
642 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James B.C.
1. DAVID HOY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Fort St. James Parents should register Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 27 - 31, 2012.
SUNDAY SCHOOL..........10:30 am - 12 Noon MORNING WORSHIP ....10:30 am - 12 Noon
3. FORT FRASER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Fort Fraser Parents should register Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 27 - 31, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
4th Avenue W & Birch Street
OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am
Mom and Dad
(Across from the Petrocan Station)
Flyer in effect Friday through Thursday. A new flyer will be on available August 17th.
Earlier this year, at the first music festival of the northern summer season in Rolla, B.C., a few terms were coined for some of central B.C.’s music festivals. The Sweetwater 905 festival in Rolla, B.C. had become the first fest of the year, after it was moved from early September to now take place in midJune, and thus is now the “Firstival.” This meant the local festival Music on the Mountain would then be the last one of the season, earning it the moniker “Lastival.” But Arts Wells, the Festival of all things art, in Wells, B.C., became known as the “Bestival.”
Visit our facebook page at SafewayCanada
Ruth Lloyd Photo
Still an Oilers fan from way back
Church Office 996-7261
is now available on
Below Left: Energetic and colourful Blackberry Wood put on a fantastic performance at Arts Wells.
2. SOWCHEA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Fort St. James Parents should register Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 27 - 31, 2012.
4. MOUSE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Fraser Lake Parents should register Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 27 - 31, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 5. EVELYN DICKSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Vanderhoof Parents should register Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 27 - 31, 2012. 6. MAPES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Vanderhoof Parents should register Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 27 - 31, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 7. PRAIRIEDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Vanderhoof Parents should register Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 30 - 31, 2012. 8. W.L. MCLEOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - Vanderhoof Parents should register English or French Immersion Kindergarten pupils new to the area on August 27 - 31, 2012. 9. EBUS ACADEMY - Vanderhoof Please phone our registrar at 1-800-567-1236 any weekday during the summer to discuss how the EBUS distance learning Kindergarten program may fit your child’s needs. TRANSPORTATION: Kindergarten pupils will be transported on regular school bus runs. To request transportation for your child/children, please contact the office starting the week of August 27, 2012. Fort St. James Bus Garage: Frances Honeywell, at 250-996-7835
your source for FREE coupons
Visit our facebook page at
Vanderhoof Bus Garage: Graeme Kellem, at 250-567-9618 Fraser Lake Bus Garage: Tracey Syrota, at 250-699-6995
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A7
A Statement from Enbridge
The Facts On Pipelines Enbridge operates the largest and most complex liquids pipeline system in the world. We’re proud of what we do—helping to provide reliable energy to many millions of people across North America every single day. Over the last decade alone, we’ve transported nearly 12 billion barrels of crude oil with a safe delivery record better than 99.999 per cent. That’s good but, for us, it’s not good enough. Any incident tells us that we must do even better. We will never stop striving for 100 per cent. Operating a complex pipeline system is by its nature a challenging business. This is not new. Enbridge employees have successfully met these challenges for over 60 years—by placing safety at the heart of our operations. We constantly strive to do better. Particularly when it comes to the integrity and viability of our pipelines—which is, and must always be, our number one concern. Pipeline safety has been much in the news lately, and so it’s important to give the issue some context— to look beyond the latest headline and recognize the outstanding long-term safety record of this important energy delivery system. In fact, decades of experience have shown that pipelines are by far the safest, most efficient method of transporting large volumes of oil. Historically, pipelines have had the least amount of releases of any mode of oil transportation. As a result of strenuous efforts within our industry, releases have actually decreased over the past decade—both in terms of the number of releases and the amount of product released. Our goal at Enbridge is—and will continue to be—the prevention of all spills. In 2011 alone we invested about $400 million to ensure the safety and integrity of our system, and that amount is set to increase substantially—to more than $800 million—in 2012. Over the past two years we have doubled the number of staff dedicated to leak detection and pipeline control systems, and substantially strengthened our focus on the tools, technologies and strategies to ensure the fitness of our pipelines. This is not new, but rather part of an ongoing effort to be the best in the business. In the past decade we’ve invested more than $3 billion in safety, integrity and new technology—and we’re planning more investment going forward. We continually evaluate the condition of our pipeline system to ensure long-term reliability and integrity. Enbridge is a Canadian success story, with a hard-earned reputation as a responsible corporate citizen. In a rapidly changing world we will continue to build on that foundation by continuing to adhere to a strong set of core values that reflect what is truly important to us as a company: the safe transportation of energy that millions of people rely on in their daily lives.
Pat Daniel Chief Executive Officer
Al Monaco President
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Caledonia Courier Our Mission Statement The Fort St. James Chamber Exists to promote trade, progress, development, and the economic and civic welfare of our community in order to make it a better place to live and work
Fort St. James
Chamber Chatter Summer Student: The Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce would like to welcome Rylee Julian as our summer student who will be gaining valuable work experience. Rylee who is entering Grade 12, believes that working at the Chamber of Commerce will help pinpoint her future plans towards school. Rylee knows that working at the Chamber of Commerce will teach her a valuable lessons about the workplace and getting projects done on time. In Closing, the Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Nak’azdli (Mark Prince & Carla Howell) for this partnership to occur. This has allowed the Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce to stay open during the months of July and August and allow our summer student Rylee Julian to gain experience. Once again thank you Mark Prince, and Carla Howell.
Member Profile: River’s Edge Bed & Breakfast River’s Edge Bed and Breakfast is set on the idyllic banks of Stuart River. Guests enjoy a private accommodation and home cooked breakfast choices in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Breakfast is taken while enjoying the soothing landscape and the gently flowing river. It is common to sight silver foxes, trumpeter swans, deer, river otters, moose and even the occasional black bear meandering through the property. Hostess Hieke Fonda enjoys people, ensures their privacy, and is able to converse fluently with German guests. As a chamber member, Heike values the support given to the Rivers Edge. She Appreciates the referrals, phones calls and recommendation. The Chamber promotes this local business in its efforts to advance Fort St. James as a tourist destination. Together locally owned business and the Chamber help make Fort St. James Funded through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement, the Get Youth Working! Program offers BC employers a $2,800 Hiring Incentive when they hire an eligible youth 15 to 29 years of age. Employers can also take advantage of a $1,000 Training Fund to purchase training for their new employee. The Training Fund will ensure your new hire has the skills/certification required to perform their job duties. The Get Youth Working! Program is designed to provide youth participants with the skills that are required to be successful in the labour market through a combination of on-the-job training, work experience and formal skills development training. In order to address BC’s current and future skills shortage challenges, we need to offer job opportunities and training to our youth and maximize their skills. Funding agreements are generally 3 months in length with a payment at the end of each month. You will receive an installment after participating in a short telephone monitor regarding your placement, confirming mini-mum of 30 hours worked per week. For more information please log onto Regional Photo Contest-Give us Your Best Shot 3 Categories! 9 Areas! $125 for 1st place in each area $75 for 2nd Place in each area Categories: $50 for 3rd place in each area Activities People’s Choice Award Flora/Fauna $200 for 1st Place Events $150 for 2nd Place Contest Deadline: September 28th, 2012. $100 for 3rd Place On Facebook under “Give Us Your Best Shot Photo Contest”
Are you Interested in learning how to Sail or becoming part of the Sailing Club? Call the Stuart Lake Sailing Club at 250.996.7361
Self-Employed and in need of medical/dental coverage. Call the Chamber at 250.996.7023 for more info.
Ecofor’s archaeology team provides a full range of cultural heritage consulting services to government, industry, Aboriginal communities and others. With four offices located throughout northern BC and the Yukon, Ecofor is equipped to provide a diverse range of clients with a wide variety of services for private and public sectors.
Fort St. James 882 Stuart Drive, Box 1270 Fort St. James, BC. V0J 1P0 Phone: (250) 996-2151 Fax: (250) 996-2186 Email:
P.O. Box 1164 115 Douglas Avenue, Fort St. James, B.C V0J 1P0 Telephone: 250-996-7023 Fax: 250-996-7047 Toll Free: 1-800-608-7698 Email:
Caledonia Courier Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A9
Your community. Your classifieds.
250.567.9258 fax 250.567.2070 email Announcements
In Memoriam
Career Opportunities
P.O. Box 1298 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J 1P0
In Memoriam Donations P.O. Box 1480, 7th Ave Prince George, BC V2L 3P2
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535
250-996-8482 E-Mail: wendy@ ominecaexpress. com
MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
Health Products
CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS needed for growing northern company. Competitive wages and benefits. Safety tickets necessary. Fax resume to 250-775-6227 or email: info@torqueindustr Online: CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103. Fort St John, B.C. Licensed Plumber/Gasfitter/Sheetmetalman wanted for new construction and installations. Must have valid drivers license. Send resume to or (250)7855542 INSERTING MACHINE operator required for busy Alberta printing plant. Previous Alphaliner or other machine experience an asset. Mechanical & computer aptitude required; SHINGLE SAWYER needed in Gold River. Pendragon Forest Products Ltd. Apply to: Box 1100 Gold River B.C., V0P 1G0. Call 250-283-2111 or 604-369-3045. Or Email:
SLIM DOWN for summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.
GLENN STEWARD Natural Horsemanship Clinics (Stage 1 & Stage 3/4 and Extreme Horsemanship Competition in Smithers. Aug. 29 thu Sept,2012. Call Anika at 250846-5494 or email for more info.
Timeshare Caledonia Courier published every Wednesday Stuart/Nechako Advertiser published every Friday ADVERTISING DEADLINES Courier -- Friday, 11-noon Advertiser -- Tuesday, 12-noon
Pets & Livestock
TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertisements should be read on the first publication day. We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion. NO CASH REFUNDS AGREEMENT: It is agreed by any display or classified advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION: Advertisers are reminded that provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminated against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry, place of origin, or age unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT: Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all advertisements and in all other advertising material appearing in this edition of the Omineca Express. Permission to reproduce wholly or in any part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Trades, Technical
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
Employment Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE SCRATCH & Chip Repair. Lucrative. Easy to learn. Mobile. Exclusive territory. Income Potential $100/hr. Very low operating expenses. F/T or PT. 1(250)686-0808.
Career Opportunities
Build Your Career With us Journeyman Millwrights Meadow Lake, Sk. • Focus On Safety
Performance • Industry Leader In The World Markets • Competitive Compensation Packages • Sustainable Business Practices • Progressive Environment Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with opportunities for continuous growth and development?
Apply online today and build your career with us! IF YOU’RE interested in real estate, then take Appraisal and Assessment, a specialized two-year business major at Lakeland College’s campus in Lloydminster, Alberta. Your training includes assessment principles, computerized mass appraisal valuation of properties, farmland evaluation and property analysis. Start September; 1-800-661-6490, ext. 5429.
Selkirk Paving, part of the Interoute Construction Ltd. group of companies, located in the Kootenay region of British Columbia, is looking for a F/T Shop Supervisor to manage a fleet of over 300 pieces of construction equipment. Some travel will be required. Duties / Tasks; ·Manage shop activities ·Dispatch mechanics ·Maintain maintenance records ·Manage fleet licences ·Help purchaser w/ parts orders Knowledge / Skills; ·Knowledge of asphalt, crushing, and ready mix equipment would be an asset ·Able to create repair budgets ·Familiar with safety codes / regulations ·Fluent with Microsoft Word and Excel Experience/Education; ·Post secondary education with Heavy Duty Mechanic training Competitive Compensation Package w/ a Comprehensive Benefit & Pension Plan. The Company Offers Development Opportunities Through Tailored Training Programs. For more information visit Please send your resume stating position to the Human Resources department at: or by fax at: (1)604-575-3691 SHOP Welders Wanted Fort St. John, BC. Email resumes to Fax resumes to 1-888-731-8027. Competitive Wages & Benefits. Check us out @
AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing INC. is looking for welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for 10-3rd year apprentices or journey person welders. We offer best wage in industry. 3rd yr apprentice $28$30/hr, journey person $32$35/hr, higher with tank experience. Profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at; (office)780-8462231; (fax)780-846-2241 or send resume to; p r o d u c t i o n @ a u t o t a n k s. c a . Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform. CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS wanted for growing northern company. Competitive wages and benefits. Safety tickets needed. Fax 250-775-6227 or email: info@torqueindustr Apply online:
Career Opportunities
Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING Certificate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus. Extensive study of beekeeping, queen rearing, and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable on-campus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. Call Lin 1-780-8356630
An Aboriginal Employment Partnership JOB POSTING PTP ASEP TRAINING SOCIETY (See Website for Background:
INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! 1-866-399-3853
Qualifications: • At least three (3) years Supervisory Experience. • A combination of experience and/or Post-Secondary Education in: Trades and Workplace Training, Continuing and Adult Education, Business and Employment Counselling, Counselling and Helping Professions. • Proven Administrative Skills to manage, assess and report demographic and financial information to support decisions related to client training and employment. • Working knowledge of standard computer programs and keyboarding skills. • BC Drivers Licence, insurable, reliable transportation and willingness to travel over a wide geographic area in all seasons. • Demonstrated ability to work with a variety of stakeholders and motivate staff to meet specific performance objectives within tight time frames and budget. • Experience with First Nation communities , culture and protocols.
DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
HORSE FOR SALE 19 year old sorrel gelding, well trained, not a beginners horse. Used for penning at one time. $2500 obo. (250) 695-6972
Education/Trade Schools
Help Wanted
Financial Services
Health Products
An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. PARTS & Services Representatives at Jacobson Ford Salmon Arm BC- We are looking for exciting, customer friendly, dynamic individuals capable of working in a fast paced work environment. Parts and service experience an asset but not necessary, email resume to
Pets & Livestock
T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive benefit package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. For details visit Contact Tyson Lambert by Fax: 250-286-9502 or by
APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 4:30 P.M. AUGUST 16, 2012 Reply by email to: Attention: PTP ASEP Training Society Hiring Committee.
Feed & Hay
ROUND HAY Bales for sale. Call 250-846-5855
Boxer Puppies, vet checked with all shots up to date. $700. each Ready Aug 20 250-5673193
Merchandise for Sale
Saturday, September 8, 2012 For more info call HENRY at
All West Auctions 250-567-4842
Help Wanted
CASUAL CUSTODIANS School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) is accepting applications from those interested in employment as a casual custodian in the Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Fraser Lake and Burns Lake areas. To qualify for casual custodial work applicants must: -
provide proof of completion of Grade 12 (Dogwood Certi¿cate) successfully complete Custodial Training Course – provided by School District No. 91 hold a valid WHMIS certi¿cate (can be taken after successful completion of Custodial Training Course) be able to demonstrate pro¿ciency in English; verbally, and in writing, if requested
Applicants who successfully complete the Custodial Training Course will be required to job shadow for a minimum of 8 hours. The 8 hours of job shadowing will be paid. Resumés must be accompanied by a completed application form which is available on the website at or from the School District Administration Of¿ce in Vanderhoof or from any district school. Applications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, August 27, 2012. Please forward your applications to:
Human Resources School District No. 91(Nechako Lakes) Box 129 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Fax: (250) 567-4639 Email:
• Successful candidates will be contacted by August 17, 2012. • Interviews will take place the week of August 20th – 24th, 2012. • For further information please make your request via email to:
School District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) would like to thank all applicants in advance for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Please provide: • Covering Letter • Resume (3 pages max.)
Merchandise for Sale
Complete Dispersal Auction
Complete Dispersal Auction
Sale Conducted on Behalf of John & Olinda Wiens. August 18, 2012 Saturday @ 10:00 am Auction Located at Danskin, BC. Keefes Landing Rd, Southside of Francios Lake. Follow signs thru Burns Lake Hwy 35 south to Francios Lake ferry. Once on Southside drive straight up the hill 7 miles to Danskin BC. Properties: 6328 Hamre Road, (Part E1/2, DL 2394) located in beautiful Danskin, BC. 169.38 acres comes with a beautiful home, hay fields, spectacular view, landscaped yard, garden, fenced yard & property. First floor area 2376 sq. ft., ground level w/ basement entrance 1496 sq. ft. 6 bdrms, 3 baths, office, fireplace, kitchen, living areas. Basement has separate ensuite kitchen & living area. 2 car & 1 car attached garages. Paved parking lot, electric & oil heat, cold storage, meat locker/cooler, central vacuum. Tack, garden, sheep shed, fuel tank. 3 water system options, deep well, natural spring & community water system is available w/ hookup. Heavy equipment shop w/ drive thru bay & fuel tanks & stands. This is a turn key property. Whitney Road, (Lot 3, Plan 10574, DL 716 & Lot 8, Plan 10674, DL 716) “Choice of 2 Houses�. One is a beautifully crafted post & beam 2 level w/ loft home. The 2nd 3 level log home, also beautifully crafted. These homes are at Lock up stage. Metal roofing, fully insulated basements w/ ground access, decks, stairs, & drilled wells on both properties. Log home is 41x33 on 5 acres & a 2 side wrap deck w/ 2 additional decks above. Post & beam home is 35x27 w/ 2 sided 9 ft wrap deck and sits on 5.87 acres. Easy access to power and close to services & 5 min from the ferry. Uncha Mountain Road, (Block B, DL 1700), 151.7 acres. 1230 sq.ft. log home, heated by wood. Garage w/ concrete floor and numerous outbuildings. It also comes with an additional log cabin and gravity fed spring. 256 Murray Road, (Lot D, Plan 8466, DL 716), this property is vacant land on 5.65 acres very close to Francois Lake, ferry landing & services. CABINS: 8x12 Post & beam trappers cabin & 16x24 ft. Post & Beam cabin with 6 ft deck. Great opportunity to add one of these cabins to one of the above properties or spot of your choice. Goodwin Road, Decker Lake BC, (Lot B, Plan PRP14697, DL 2545), this lot is 6.992 acres. This property is right on Hwy 16 between Burns Lake & Decker Lake and could be zoned commercial. Location & convenience to Burns Lake would be a great asset for any business. This could be suitable for commercial truck stop or other commercial purposes. This property has numerous potential for any buyer. Come out and take a Look! This is an excellent property/land sale. Free ferry! Come early, ferry may be shuttling due to the auction traffic. Motel, Campsites, Resorts & Services (fuel, restaurants & stores) on the Southside for your convenience. If you wish to come the night before feel free to contact Moosehorn Lodge @ 250-694-3730 or Takysie Lake Resort & Motel @ 250-694-3403. Looking forward to seeing you at the Auction! Condition of sale terms: Cash & check with Identification, sorry no credit cards. Items are As Is Condition ~ Not responsible for accidents. There will be a Concession on Site. Any question please contact:
Mike Steinebach (250) 694-3497 or Cell (250) 692-6107 Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 or Cell (250) 570- 2055 E-Mail: & Website Auction continued in second Ad
Sale Conducted on Behalf of John & Olinda Wiens August 18, 2012 Saturday @ 10:00 am. Auction Located at Danskin, BC. Keefes Landing Rd, Southside of Francios Lake. Hwy. 35 south to Francios Lake ferry. Once on Southside drive straight up the hill 7 miles to Danskin BC. SAWMILLS & EQUIPMENT: #2 Coutts semi portable sawmill w/ Coutts edger with cluster & saws, has 6 110 power unit w/ steel conveyors, D&L double cut 60 HP diesel sawmill w/ mounted planer, radial arm knotcher for post & beam cabins, 2 saw SCRAG mill. Moveable saws 3-9�, 22 ft. trimmer has 60’ out feed deck, sawmill saw sharpener, asst. of timber cants, 25 bundles of ties (25/bundle). VEHICLES & TRAILERS: 2004 F350 diesel short box, aluminum truck box, high-rise truck canopy, tidy tank w/ electric pump, brand new 2005 Dodge dualy 8’ truck box, 16 ft flatdeck trailer. TOOLS/EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: R. McDougal Co metal lathe, 100 ton hydraulic press, Miller 225 AC/DC welder, Miller S-32P 12 wire feed welder, powermax 600 plasma cutter, Goodwill drill press, 7x12� metal band saw, Dewalt 770 10� radial arm saw, engine hoist, 5 ton floor jack, engine stand, Honda pump, Dewalt air compressors, 2 shop battery chargers, Makita cut off saw, acetylene cutting torch & carts, Honda & Yamaha water pumps, 100 lb Anvil, steal work benches w/ 2 vices, steel work bench on wheels, rolling tool chest, Proto tool box w/ tools, welding supplies, open end wrenches, 1/2, 3/4 & 1� electric impact wrenches, 3/4� socket set, screwdrivers, pipe wrenches, hydraulic jacks, tool boxes, chain pliers, asst. Impact sockets, chains & binders, new parts washer, imperial Eastwood hydraulic press, 3 light plants (Honda 5000, Suzuki 4000), electric motors, asst. hydraulic hoses, firefighting tools, lg supply of new steel, Magnum steam cleaner, planer, GM 453 power diesel power unit, scaffolding, Makita skillsaws, lg 16� Makita skillsaw, 2 Makita routers (1 plunge router), wood clamps, 2 sets King air nailers (brad & framing), Makita & Dewalt orbital sander, Makita planer & 6� jointer, portable tool boxes w/ tools, fertilizer spreader, PL premium insulation. HOUSEHOLD & TACK: Lg stainless steel bbq, yard swing, electric range, pine glass front cabinet, desk, 2 door wardrobe, 2 loveseats, lg pine dresser w/ mirror & night stand, entertainment center, set of 6 metal chairs, set of 2 metal chairs, 6 maple chairs, rocking chair, selection of good saddles & tack. ANTIQUES: Some coins & stamps, crosscut saws, milk cans w/ lids, seeders, Underwood & Oliver typewriter, brass tub wringer washer, washboard, broad axe, churns, coal oil lamps, silver tea pot, block planes, food press & beaters, Berkel scale, GW Todd & Co protectograph, extension table w/leaves, 1950s waterfall 3 drawer dresser, oak 2 door sideboard, upholstered seti, drop leaf table, 4 maple upholstered captains chairs, 4 oak chairs, hall stand, Morrison recliner, high back captains chair, set of 4, mahogany corner china cabinet, birch pedasil dining room table w/leaves, Singer sewing machine, burl walnut coffee & end table, table, wing chair, newly re-upholstered occasional chair, french provincial 8 drawer dresser, drop front desk w/ pigeon holes & glass front bookcase, modern danish 6 drawer dresser, china cabinet, large dining room table, 3 drawer dresser, 5 drawer pine dresser, steamer trunk, cedar lined hope chest, 6 maple chairs. Condition of sale Terms: Cash & cheque with I.D., sorry no credit cards. Items are As Is Condition. Not responsible for accidents.
Mike Steinebach (250) 694-3497 or Cell (250) 692-6107 Egon Steinebach @ (250) 694-3319 or Cell (250) 570- 2055 E-Mail: & website
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Caledonia Courier
Merchandise for Sale
Modular Homes
Modular Homes
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB Sharpening Equipment, Complete, Like New condition, $15,000. 1-(250)542-4106.
Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Silver Coins etc. Available now: 250-863-3082
Real Estate Acreage for Sale 235 Acres for sale, only 10 minutes from Vanderhoof. Comes with 560sqft new cottage. Great building site at 10 acre pond, fenced, 45 acres cleared. REDUCED! (250)5673193
Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent HILLCREST apts. Lg. 1 & 2bdrm suites. Very clean and quite. Adult orientated. 250996-8151 Lakeview Apartments 752 Stuart Dr. W. Fort St. James. 2bdrm apt. Newly renovated. Quiet, clean building. Adult oriented. no pets R.R. Avail. now 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598
Townhouses Stuart Lake Townhouses Newly renovated, family oriented, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with basement, 2 parking stalls, No dogs. Ref Req’d 250-996-4073 or 250-996-7598
WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU! • Site Preparation • Delivery • Foundations & Pilings • Set-Up and More Contact us today! TOLL FREE 1-877-737-4278
1-250-962-1733 3157 Bellamy Place Prince George, BC
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENCE WL274 June 22, 2012 Please be advised that 0701308 BC is proposing to remove PID# 011-970-383, DL: 1656 RG: 5 Part W ½, Except Plan PRP14922, & EXC PL PRP43274 (approximately 130 Hectares) and PID# 011-970-359, DL: 1649 RG: 5 Part NE Âź (approximately 65 Hectares) of private land from woodlot licence WL274 located in the vicinity of Fort St. James, British Columbia at the end of Frost Road. Inquires/comments to this proposal must be submitted to James Steeves of C/o PO Box 1747 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J1P0 by Aug 31, 2012 or one month from ďŹ rst notice or two weeks from second notice. Only written inquires received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting James Steeves of C/o PO Box 1747, Fort St. James, B.C. V0J-1P0.
LAND ACT: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CROWN LAND Take notice that Carl and Ruth Penner have made application to the Province of British Columbia for a Crown Grant for Agricultural - Extensive purposes covering the Part of SE1/4, Section 23 and part of the S1/2 Section 24, Township 1, Range 4 Coast District situated on Provincial Crown land located near Keillor Road. The File No. assigned to the application is 7409563. Written comments about this application are to be directed to Ryan Hall, Land OfďŹ cer, at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, 1044 5th Ave., Prince George, BC V2L 5G4, or Comments will be received until September 15, 2012. Additional information about the application can be obtained at the following website Be advised that any response to this ad may be provided to the public upon request.
DISTRICT OF FORT ST. JAMES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING District of Fort St. James Municipal Council intends to: • Amend OfďŹ cial Community Plan Bylaw No. 872, 2010 by changing the designation of the parcel legally described as Lot 5 Block 2 Plan 1691 District Lot 110 Range 05 Coast Range 5 Land District from “Urban Residentialâ€? to “Institutionalâ€?. • Amend Zoning Bylaw No. 738, 2001 by rezoning the parcels legally described as Lot 5 Block 2 Plan 1691 District Lot 110 Range 05 Coast Range 5 Land District from “Residential Single Family (R-1)â€? to “Social Services/Congregate Careâ€? (P-4). The proponent, Fireweed Collective Society, proposes to rezone the property, located at 241 2nd Ave West, for the purpose of housing services for women and children eeing abuse. Copies of the proposed amending bylaws, including maps, may be viewed at the District OfďŹ ce, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, from August 1through 15, 2012, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays. A public hearing on both amendments will be held in Council Chambers at the District OfďŹ ce at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15, 2012. All persons who believe their interest in property will be affected by the proposed amendments will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Kevin Crook Chief Administrative OfďŹ cer
LAND ACT: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CROWN LAND Take notice that Canyon Tree Farms Inc. has made application to the Province of British Columbia for a Crown Grant for Residential purposes covering Part of District Lot 1661, Range 5 Coast District situated on Provincial Crown land located near the Fort St. James airport. The File No. assigned to the application is 7409573. Written comments about this application are to be directed to Ryan Hall, Land OfďŹ cer, at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, 1044 5th Ave., Prince George, BC V2L 5G4, or Comments will be received until September 15, 2012. Additional information about the application can be obtained at the following website Be advised that any response to this ad may be provided to the public upon request. Be advised that any response to this notice will be part of the public record and is subject to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.
Be advised that any response to this notice will be part of the public record and is subject to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.
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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Legal Notices A11
Legal Notices
NOTICE TO REMOVE PRIVATE LAND FROM WOODLOT LICENCE WL1882 June 22, 2012 Please be advised that the owner 0701308 BC Ltd. is proposing to remove PID# 015-236-251, DL: 4671 RG: 5 ¼ section (approximately 65 Hectares) of private land from woodlot licence WL1882 located in the vicinity of Middle River at 22km on the Apollo 300 Road. Inquires/comments to this proposal must be submitted to James Steeves of C/o PO Box 1747 Fort St. James, B.C. V0J1P0 by Aug 31, 2012 or one month from first notice or two weeks from second notice. Only written inquires received by the above date will be responded to. Information about this proposal can be obtained by contacting James Steeves of C/o PO Box 1747, Fort St. James, B.C. V0J-1P0.
Invitation to Tenderers District of Fort St. James
Douglas Avenue Watermain Bridge Crossing and Fire Hall Drainage Improvements
Reference No.: D-33004.00/D-33005.00 The District of Fort St. James invites tenders for: • Project A - Douglas Avenue Watermain Bridge Crossing: The construction of a new waterline bridge crossing within Fort St. James, BC, consisting of installing approximately 39m of 200mm diameter ductile iron pipe to the existing bridge on a new alignment and connecting to the existing water supply mains. • Project B - Fire Hall Drainage Improvements: The construction of storm drainage improvements at the Fire Hall in Fort St. James, BC consisting of installing approximately 85m of 300mm diameter PVC pipe storm sewer to a new outfall structure, and approximately 31 m of 100mm diameter PVC pipe sanitary sewer connection from a new oil/water separator.
The Contract Documents are also available for viewing at: District of Fort St. James Municipal Office 477 Stuart Drive West Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Tenders are scheduled to close at: Tender Closing Time: 2:00 pm, local time Tender Closing Date: August 30th, 2012 at: Opus DaytonKnight Consultants Ltd. 100-2700 Queensway Street Prince George, BC V2L 1N2 250-562-0038 Attention: Cristina Hutchinson, P.Eng.
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Vandals hit Sowchea School
NO. 21
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Drive to Save Lives
AUGUST 1 - 31, 2012
P. 6
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X Lace-m e ammends plan P. dg X Enbri
Contract Documents are available during normal business hours at: Opus DaytonKnight Consultants Ltd. 101-2700 Queensway Street Prince George, BC V2L 1N2
NO. & EXP ________________________________
SIGNATURE _______________________________
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 Caledonia Courier
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