Invermere Valley Echo, August 15, 2012

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August 15, 201 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 33

Shuswap Day Gathering will mystify

Terrorist victim embraces Loop the Lake

Page A11

Page A17




Flex fuel

PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO The 17th annual Loop the Lake took place in and around Windermere and Invermere this past weekend on Saturday (August 11). Over 700 participants came out to run in the early morning hours in support of the Rotary Club of Invermere's largest fundraiser of the year. For more photos of this and the Lakeside Fly-In Event, also on Saturday, turn to page A13.

Ministry withdraws from backcountry talks Columbia Valley still without access management plan for upper valley NICOLE TRIGG

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations has pulled its staff out of talks to do with

beginning a recreational access management plan for the upper Columbia Valley and local Columbia Valley Recreation Access Coalition (CVRAC) supporters are scrambling to find out why. The decision to no longer permit Ministry staff to attend CVRAC meetings was a surprise move, says Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Electoral G Area director Gerry Wilkie, seeing as the ministry had been informed about the grassroots approach to es-

tablishing a recreational access management plan for the region and had even suggested that staff attend the monthly meetings in an advisory capacity when they first started. “They had been attending right from day one,” said Wilkie. “They were knowledgable when it comes to land use and they were simply sitting in the back; when CONTINUES TO 'TALKS' ON PAGE A2

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo

83 honeys

SUBMITTED PHOTO BY KIMBERLEY RAE SANDERSON Arrowhead Brewing Company's 100 Honeys photo shoot went off without a hitch on Saturday (August 11). The idea was to gather together over 100 women over the age of 19 and dressed in 1950s pinup or rockabilly style for a photograph that will be featured on the label of Arrowhead's planned honey ale next summer. The final number of women will make up the beer's name — 83 Honeys.


Talks intended to decrease conflict between user groups CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1

questions came about this or that, they were able to answer them and it really helped the process a lot but they didn’t participate.” That the upper Columbia Valley is the only backcountry region in the East Kootenay without a government sanctioned recreational access management plan has been the cause of some concern for years — both Golden and Cranbrook have one. Almost a year ago, a group — now known as CVRAC — began meeting to establish the beginnings of one. CVRAC’s focus is a timber harvesting area called TFL #14, which extends from Spillimacheen in the north to Wasa Provincial Park in the southeast. “The whole idea is to decrease conflicts and encourage habitat respect in the use of crown land,” Wilkie said. “Time and time again this area has been promised a plan and each time the ministry has said, ‘Well you’re on our list but there’s no money.’ I have championed this right from day one when I was elected director of the regional district back in 2009.” The epidemic of environmental degradation brought on by mechanized and non-mechanized users going off road and off trail in both the front and back country — on both public and private land — was the reason why CVRAC formed in the first place, according to the chairman of the Conrad Kain Centennial Society, Pat Morrow. “There are two types of off-road, off-trail users: those who innocently do it without being aware they are destroying the landscape with their tires, horses hooves or vibraum soles, and jackasses who deliberately get a thrill from leaving their own tracks in

sensitive areas that stand to last a lifetime,” he said. “The group is wanting to carry on with the task at “Through the CVRAC process, we need to introduce, hand and [is wanting] some confirmation from the promote and call upon government to enforce a code government that the recommendations that will come of ethics for all kinds of front or back country users. out of the group will be considered by the government If done properly, we can share many of the trails and in their decision-making,” said Hamilton. “We’ve roadways and where this isn’t possible, reduce con- heard from a number of people stakeholders, sectors, flict through avoidance. There are some compelling saying the process itself is going to continue.” examples of this happening in other parts of the UnitThomson’s decision to cancel the approval for staff ed States and Canada.” participation in the CVRAC process is part of a conA point reaffirmed by Wilkie, who said “My feeling tinuing pattern of removing local people from land is we’re not planning for restrictions; we’re planning use decision-making, said Columbia River-Revelstoke for use.” MLA and NDP Forest Critic Norm The regional district Columbia Macdonald. “The group is wanting to Valley directors committee had “People in this area have indisupported the process from the cated their concern that there has carry on with the task at outset, said Wilkie, which led to been interference in the process; hand and [is wanting] some the hiring of Dennis Hamilton as that there are a few connected confirmation from the the facilitator by the Columbia Bapeople in this area that don’t sin Trust. want community members to degovernment that the “Then whammo, two weeks ago, velop a back country access plan, recommendations... will be the directive came out from the and those people managed to get ministry that the staff were no the ear of the minister,” he said. considered.” longer able to participate and “The minister’s willingness to reDENNIS HAMILTON we’re trying to find out why,” Wilkspond to that interference is really CVRAC FACILITATOR ie said. troublesome. On his prompting, the RDEK “I believe strongly that governboard will be sending a letter to the Minister of For- ment needs to provide the necessary support to assist ests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations request- community members to come to an agreement on the ing an explanation as to why as well as requesting use of the land base. It is only through these collabreconfirmation that Minister Steve Thomson still sup- orative processes that we reach good decisions, and ports the coalition’s consensus-based process. Fur- ultimately, it is the responsibility of government to thermore, the board will be inquiring whether or not ensure that those agreements are implemented.” any recommendations stemming from the coalition The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource will still be considered for recreational access plan- Operations could not be reached for comment by ning in the Invermere timber supply area. press deadline on Monday (August 13).

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo A3

have a news tip?

Page Three

Partnership creates legacy for Akisqnuknik Nation Legacy Project finally underway after years of planning NICOLE TRIGG

A unique career opportunity is underway for a select group of First Nation students from the Columbia Valley. Beginning on Tuesday (August 7) and continuing for the next 12 weeks, eight students in the College of the Rockies Introduction to Carpentry Continuing Education Program will complete the expansion of the Eva Joseph Family Centre and build an arbour structure at the Lakeshore Resort Campground as part of a new private-public partnership that aims to create a legacy of learning for the Akisqnuknik First Nation. “This is a big project, it’s something that’s been looked at for quite some time,” said Akisqnuknik First Nation chief Lorne Shovar when he spoke to the crowd gathered at the centre on Tuesday where a special celebration honouring the students as well as the program’s various partners took place. According to Akisqnuknik Development Corporation director Lillian Rose, the program sets the stage for future Akisqnuknik First Nation economic development because the students’ on-the-job training will prepare them to work

to designing the arbour at the Lakeshore Resort Campground. Both the expansion and the arbour are on Akisqnuknik First Nation land and will be owned by the nation when done. “From the board’s perspective, we are the College of the Rockies for all people for all things,” said COTR Board of Governors chair Orest Federko, also present at the celebration. “The project that is being demonstrated here today is really, really speaks loudly as far as a community approach to something that is going to be here for decades to come.” COTR Invermere campus manager Doug Clovechok thanked Rose for her vision and tenacity in helping get the program off the ground, and PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO acknowledged Fairmont Ridge Renovation owner Celebrating the kick off of the Legacy Project on Tuesday, August 7 at the Akisqnuknik First Nation Eva Joseph Family Centre were: (back David Ridge and conrow, l-r) Doug Clovechok, Marguerite Cooper, Nicholas Sam, Dominique Sam, Steven Nicholas, Aaron Nicholas, Martina Shovar, Harley Joe, Nicole Shovar, Brandon Sam, Theresa Kains, (front row, l-r) Orest Federko, Dr. Nicholas Rubidge, Lorne Shovar, David Ridge, Wendy Rockafel- struction manager Cory Stuart for their invaluable low, Lillian Rose and Corey Stewart. contribution. on any future projects will be contributed by tion needs really fit re- based on the internation“Our resources are limthe development corpo- COTR while Akisqnuknik ally nicely together,” said ally-renowned Montes- ited, not only is Dave going ration is planning, such First Nation will make up Rubidge to the group. “In sori curriculum. Due to to be supervising the work as upgrades to existing most of the difference. this particular case, we’re the success of the centre, from his company’s perbuildings and the evenAt the celebration, COTR going to build something overcrowding has be- spective but he also shaved tual build out of a com- president and CEO Dr. and it’s going to be here come a problem. off literally thousands and mercial park. Nicholas Rubidge congrat- and it’s going to be someThis was predicted early thousands of dollars in reThe enterprise, known ulated everyone who had thing that you guys can on, said Rose, so the ex- lationship to this project,” as the Legacy Project and helped make the Legacy be proud of every time pansion was worked into said Clovechok. developed thanks to a Project come to fruition. you drive past.” the centre’s original blueIn addition to the partnership between the “It’s been part of our The Eva Joseph Family prints with the roof of the hands-on experience, Akisqnuknik First Nation, mandate to try and find Centre, located on High- new classroom having the students — four fethe Akisqnuknik Devel- ways to build partner- way 93/95 just south of been installed when the male, four male — will opment Corporation, the ships and improve our the turn off to the Wind- centre was first built. spend one day each week College of the Rockies relationships and keep ermere Golf Course, has The students will be in the classroom learn(COTR) Invermere Cam- on doing that with the been in operation since working around the al- ing theory and will have pus and Fairmont Ridge Ktunaxa and I think this 2007 and is home to both ready-completed roof certificates in safe chainRenovation, is estimated is a really great example the Little Badger and according to a pre-set de- saw and skid-steer opto cost $205,000, of which of where the community Baby Badger early learn- sign, but will have full cre- erations by the end of the approximately $120,000 needs and the educa- ing programs, which are ative reign when it comes 12 weeks.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo


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Village of Radium Hot Springs mayor Dee Conklin holds up the ďŹ rst smart meter to be installed in the Radium-Invermere area at the Women's Town Hall on July 31. The new metering system will measure hourly consumption rates, giving BC Hydro customers unprecendented wide-ranging understanding of their energy usage.

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Smarter than ever before

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BC Hydro smart meters first major step towards energy consumption awareness NICOLE TRIGG

WE’LL BE IN INVERMERE, EXCHANGING THE OLD BC HYDRO METER ON YOUR HOME WITH A NEW SMART METER. BC Hydro is upgrading homes and businesses with new smart meters. Moving to a more efďŹ cient, modernized grid will help us meet the growing demand for electricity while continuing to deliver safe, reliable power throughout the province. Here’s what you can expect: ĂŁ 7\SLFDOO\ PHWHU LQVWDOODWLRQ ZLOO WDNH SODFH Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PST. ĂŁ 0HWHU LQVWDOOHUV ZLOO KDYH %& +\GUR DQG &RUL[ logos on their trucks and uniforms, and photo identification badges. ĂŁ <RX GRQĂœW QHHG WR EH KRPH DV ORQJ DV ZH have safe and clear access to your meter—please remove any physical modifications that prevent a meter exchange. ĂŁ ,Q PRVW FDVHV WKH H[FKDQJH ZLOO WDNH OHVV WKDQ PLQXWHV

For more information about the smart meter installation process, visit

For 50 years, BC Hydro has been providing clean, reliable electricity to you. Today we are planning for the next 50 years by investing in new projects, upgrading existing facilities and working with you to conserve energy through Power Smart.



Editor's note: This is the first of a three-part series examining energy supply systems in the Columbia Valley. Smart meters have finally arrived in the Columbia Valley and residents harbouring any lingering doubts about them need not worry, says Gary Murphy, BC Hydro’s chief project officer for smart metering. Recent news linking two house fires in B.C. to smart meters is unfounded, Murphy told The Valley Echo, and although the fires took place after the new meters were installed, they had nothing to do with the new system. “Those fires are still under investigation,� said Murphy. “Investigation is actually leaning towards an overloaded circuit inside the customers’ homes.� The first smart meter in the Columbia Valley was installed at Casa Vino Wine Bar, the business owned by Radium Hot Springs mayor Dee Conklin, on July 28. The meters plug into what’s commonly referred to as a base plate, meter board or meter socket, which is part of the customer’s equipment. Murphy said that out of the 1.5 million meters installed throughout B.C. to date, BC Hydro has had to fix approximately 1,000 base plates, and that the vast majority are fine. “We find very, very few meter board issues,� he said. After removing the old meter, an inspection is performed to look for any anomalies. If a problem is discovered, the customer is notified. “What we’re doing differently here as part of customer service with regard to the smart metering program is we are fixing those [problems] on the spot for the customer on our expense,� Murphy said, “which is not typical policy but we believe here it’s an opportunity to really refresh the grid in a lot of ways and identify problems that may be sitting dormant and manifest themselves sometime down the road.� Updating the grid is long overdue, said Cindy

Verschoor, the communications manager for BC Hydro’s Smart Meter program who was in Radium for the first smart meter installation in the Radium-Invermere area. “The reason we’re doing this is our electricity system hasn’t been upgraded since it was built in the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s,� Verschoor said. “We’re plugging 21st century technology into last century’s grid and yet we continue to expect it to deliver the power that we need for all of the modern things that we’re plugging in today.� While a house in the '50s maybe had a toaster, a fridge and an oven, today everything is automated. Not only do the meters in people’s homes need to be replaced but the entire grid is in need of modernization in order to keep up with the energy-intensive demands. “So the meter on the home is the part the customer sees, but it’s actually the end point of the grid,� said Vershoor, “so we’ll be installing other new technology and IT systems on the grid and in our organization to actually modernize the grid and improve our service to our customers.� Improvements will include replacing transmission lines, upgrading existing facilities — such as seismic upgrades on dams — and addressing issues in communities like Radium Hot Springs where there is just one line in. “So if that line has actually got a fault on it, it means everybody is out of power,� Verschoor said, “so we have several communities like that around the province as well where we’re working on creating some redundancy so that not everybody’s lights in the town goes out, then we can get the lights on faster.� Since their introduction, smart meters have been the focus of controversy with respect to the frequency they give off and its effect on human health. Verschoor confirmed the meters do emit a frequency, similar to radios and TVs which, she pointed out, have been used safely for years. “In terms of the radio, the radio in the meter is a 900 mega herz radio and uses the power of one watt, and it communicates for about a second and a half a day in total,� she said. “We’ve had them independently tested and certified and sealed by engineers that it is in fact the case.� “If you stood next to your smart meter for 20 CONTINUES TO 'BC HYDRO' ON PAGE A5

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A5


BC Hydro guarantees safety Dry Gulch water stays status quo CONTINUED FROM PAGE A4

years, it’s the equivalent than less than a 30 minute cell phone call,” she added. “It’s very, very low power, low emissions — federal, provincial and international health authorities have confirmed that the meters are safe.” What the new smart meters will do for customers is record consumption by the hour. Customers will now be able to, for example, see what the home renovations or the party on the weekend cost them, or even what it’s costing them to have devices plugged in even when they’re turned off. “It gives customers a whole lot more information about what’s going on in their home and actually puts them in a position to make some small changes that can save a lot of electricity and of course money on their bill,” said Verschoor. Other advantages to the new meters include their ability to send BC Hydro a notification as soon as the power is out — the current system relies on phone calls by customers — and, by putting meters on the grid system itself, BC Hydro will be able to determine where electricity is going missing. “Electricity theft is actually a grow-

ing problem in BC,” said Verschoor. “We’re seeing increasingly dangerous tampering with the grid and we have a responsibility to make sure the grid is safe and we protect revenue for our customers because when people steal, that costs everybody.” By the end of the year, 1.87 million smart meters will have been installed throughout the province, and the expectation is for overall energy usage in British Columbia to decrease. Residents will be notified in advance by letter that a meter installer is coming to their area. While they don’t have to be home unless special access to the meter is required, anyone with questions or concerns can schedule an appointment by calling the dedicated smart meter call centre at 1-800-224-9376 or by emailing smartmeters@bchydro. com. More information, including the independent reporting that’s been done, can be found on the webiste at www. “For the first time [customers will] be able to make intelligent choices and have knowledge about how much energy they’re using, when,” said Murphy, “and it’s been proven over and over again that when you arm customers with information, they do take action.”

Upgrade to community water system too costly for owners NICOLE TRIGG

Almost $1.8 million in provincial government funding intended for an upgraded water system in Dry Gulch will have to be reallocated now that the project has proved to be too costly for the tiny community. At a Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board meeting on August 3, the decision was made not to proceed to a second petition process for the Dry Gulch water proposal and RDEK staff will now work to seek the approval of the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development for changing the scope of the project and begin discussions with the Wilmer and Spur Valley communities instead, two other Area G communities also in need of water system upgrades. "It’s very disappointing to me personally because the whole project had been dropped for a number of years simply because there didn’t seem to be a way," RDEK Electoral Area G director Gerry Wilkie told The Valley Echo. "When I became elected, I thought I’d try and resurrect it and see what could happen but after two years of working on all the angles and different ideas, it

just boils down to the fact that it’s too small a service area to be affordable. "There’s hundreds of these small systems throughout the province that are in the same boat." The current Dry Gulch water system does not meet Interior Health standards and, as such, has remained on a boil water advisory. The community is comprised of just 49 land parcels and property owners had turned down the proposal last fall because they felt they couldn't afford the cost of building the new system, which would require substantially higher monthly user fees as well as a yearly parcel tax. When, at that time, the RDEK board decided to pursue a reallocation of the funds, the community then requested additional time to look into other potential options and a second petition process. "We recognize how important an upgraded water system is to many people in Dry Gulch," Wilkie said in an official RDEK release. "Both staff and community champions have looked into options, and the unfortunate reality is… it's unaffordable and based on the feedback I received from the community, a second petition would not be supported." With a March 2013 deadline on the funding, Wilkie said it's important to explore whether the funding could be used for other potential projects rather than lose it altogether.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo

something to say? email

Opinions and Letters Olympic figures NICOLE TRIGG

One gold, five silver, a dozen bronze. Eighteen medals in total put Canada in 13th place when the London 2012 Olympic Games drew to a close. While Canadian news coverage of the Games has been flooded with reports of the "disappointing" performances by many of Canada's top athletes and gold medal contenders, our Olympians actually fared better overall this time around than in Beijing four years ago, when Canada finished 15th. Also, it always pays to keep in mind population numbers when analyzing the outcome. Of the countries that finished in the top nine, Canada's population is decidedly the smallest with the exception of Australia: (1) United States — 314,000,000; (2) China — 1,347,000,000; (3) Russia —143,000,000; (4) United Kingdom —62,000,000; (5) Germany — 82,000,000; (6) Japan — 128,000,000; (7) Australia — 23,000,000; (8) France — 65,000,000; (9) South Korea — 50,000,000... and Canada, in 13th place — 35,000,000. Seeing that Australia doesn't experience much of a winter, it's no wonder that our cousins below the equator came out ahead. Interesting to note that of the 18 medals, British Columbians pulled in half of the nation's total. According to a B.C. governement news release: "Of Canada's 18 medals, athletes who are either from B.C., or train in the province, earned nine (50 per cent), including six bronze and three silver. At the Beijing 2008 Olympic Summer Games, B.C. athletes won 39 per cent of Canadian medals. At the Athens 2004 Olympic Summer Games, B.C. won 25 per cent, and at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Summer Games, B.C. earned 21 per cent of Canada's total medal count. "B.C. sent 110 athletes to the Games to compete in 22 sports. The British Columbia contingent accounted for 40 per cent of the Canadian Olympic Team. Of those athletes, 67 were born and raised in B.C.; the other 43 received substantial training and support through the B.C. sport system." For a province that stunned the world with an exceptionally brilliant 2010 Winter Olympic Games, B.C. is now proving itself to be an ideal training ground for summer athletes as well. Now, doesn't that provide some interesting opportunities?

Something on your mind? The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Kudos to Ktnuxa Dear Editor, I am full of respect and admiration for the Ktunaxa First Nation for their courage and determination to challenge the B.C. government’s decision to approve the development of Jumbo Glacier Resort. There are some places where the culture of wealth should not enter and exploit, especially in light of scientific evidence of the fragility of ecosystems in this area. Let alone to spoil that that can still uplift the spirit in ancient communal memory above this crazy, materialistic-driven world we now have to live in. Margaret O’Sullivan Invermere

From idea to reality Editor’s note: The following is a letter to Radium Hot Springs mayor Dee Conklin and the Columbia Valley Cycling Association that was copied to The Valley Echo for publication. In March 2011 at Edgewater Elementary, we had a Grade 6 student, Braden Pederson. The students in his class were asked to write a persuasive essay. I enjoyed reading them but I was especially taken with Braden’s. Originally he wanted Radium to build a skateboard park. His essay was ad-


dressed to Radium Rotary and here are some excerpts from it... “I know that Radium Hot Springs should have a skate park. I think this because it would bring more people to Radium. It would keep more people from skating in unwanted places, and not everyone can go to Invermere. ...A lot of people visit Radium for holiday time and a skateboard park would be a good idea for their kids. It would keep kids that skateboard together. ...A little bike park would also be a good idea.” Sincerely, Braden Pederson I took this idea to Radium Rotary and we soon realized that a skateboard park would be too costly. But after talking to Adrian Bergles from the Columbia Cycling Club, we realized that a bike pump track was doable! I enjoyed giving Braden progress updates and we were really excited to watch the Bike Track video. The rest is history — the collaboration of Radium Rotary, the Cycling Club and the Village of Radium made this park a reality. It is amazing how good ideas come from our young people. Braden finished Grade 7 this year and he is on his way to high school. He is truly a wonderful young man who deserves credit for his original idea. Thanks so much Braden!

T he


The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley

530 13th Street • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-9216 Fax: 250-342-3930

Sheila Tutty

Marilyn Berry

Nicole Trigg

Steve Jessel

Jessica de Groot

Renice Oaks







In Absentia



reporter1@invermere production@inverm-

Sharlene Scofield Principal, Edgewater Elementary President, Radium Hot Springs Rotary Radium Hot Springs

Delving deeper in GMOs Dear Editor, In response”In defence of GM crops” (Letters to the Editor, August 1, The Valley Echo), I feel it is important for readers to know that CropLife is founded and funded by leading biotech companies such as Monsanto, Dupont and Bayer. So Ms. Hepworth would tend towards support of GMOs. I am not a scientist, a doctor or even an environmentalist — it is only after watching documentaries and hours of tirelessly researching the truth of the matter to form my own conclusions. I am still learning and researching to further understand this complex issue. It seems that the “misinformation” tactic used by Ms. Hepworth is ironic. The misinformation, or missing information, that is occurring is coming from the biotech companies themselves. Ms. Hepworth alleges that “GM crops enjoy a remarkable food safety record” and “regulatory agencies around the world endorse the safety of GM crops.” And yet there are CONTINUES TO 'LETTERS' ON PAGE A8

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Local $45.30 (Seniors $34.50) Canada $62.25 (Seniors $56.00)

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. A7

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Talent on tour

Community Calendar FRI AUGUST 17 •Music on Main, 7556 Main St E, featuring John Cronin and Perry Jacobson 7 p.m.

PHOTO BY RENICE OAKS/THE ECHO Artist June Thomsen had her work on display at the home of Lise and John Niddrie on Westside Road in Invermere for this year's Tour of the Arts, which took place on Sunday, August 5. The artwork of dozens of artists was on display at five different locations, where local musicians were also on hand to provide live entertainment to guests.

View from the Hill — MP David Wilks

Supporting families The Government of Canada is committed to supporting parents and families. To this end, on August 7, 2012, Prime Minister Harper announced a proposed new Employment Insurance (EI) special benefit for parents of critically ill children. The Government recognizes the emotional and financial challenges faced by parents when a child has a life-threatening illness or injury and the vital role parents play in a child’s recovery. Once implemented, this new EI special benefit will provide income support for up to 35 weeks to parents or legal guardians of minor children (under 18 years of age) with a life-threatening illness or injury. As with other EI special benefits, applicants (parents or legal guardians) will need to have worked a minimum

of 600 hours in the last year and take leave from their employment. Self-employed workers who have opted into the EI program will need to have earned income in the previous calendar year ($6,222 in 2012) to be eligible for the benefit. All applicants will also need to submit a medical certificate signed by a Canadian-certified pediatrician or medical specialist. Benefits may be combined with other benefits, such as the compassionate care benefit and parental benefit, or shared between parents and may also be used at any time within a 52-week period. Benefits will end once the maximum of 35 weeks of benefits have been paid, the 52-week benefit period ends, once the child’s condition improves or in the unfortunate event that the child passes away.

For the purposes of this new special benefit, a critically ill child is defined as one who has a life-threatening illness or injury for which continued parental care or support is required. The new EI special benefit for parents of critically ill children is expected to be available in June 2013 and will help an estimated 6,000 families per year. This new EI special benefit will ease the financial pressure on parents who take time off work to care for their critically ill or injured children when they need it the most. As the Member of Parliament for Kootenay Columbia, I am pleased that our government has taken this further initiative to assist and support families. For more information, call 613-995-7246 or email

Do you know there are only 5 months until Christmas? Join us for a free, live 1 hour interactive webinar

Disjtunbt!xjuipvu!Dsfeju" August 28 , 7:00 p.m. at the Veterans Hall of the Invermere Legion Snacks provided Anyone can register by calling 250-342-5566 Hosted by: The Family Resource Centre of Invermere and My Money

SAT AUGUST 18 •Shuswap Band hosts one day gathering, white tent on Capilo Way on Shuswap Reserve, 11 a.m., everyone welcome! • Kootenay Krusher bike race, Nipika Mountain Resort. • Whitehouse Classic Golf Tournament, 4 p.m., 250-342-3819. SUN AUGUST 19 •Family Fun Day Edgewater Community Hall 11 a.m to 4 p.m. Proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation WED AUG 22 •Killer Rollbots present "Derby Baby!" at Bud's Bar & Lounge, $10, 8 p.m. SAT SEPT 1 •Fairmont Community Association AGM, Pine Room, Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, membership renewal 9:15 a.m., meeting at 10 a.m. EVERY SUNDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Radium Seniors’ Carpet Bowling, 1:30 p.m., Hall. •Invermere Library open Noon-4p.m. EVERY MONDAY •Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30

p.m., Seniors' Centre. •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509. •Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/ person. Visitors welcome. •EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674. 1st & 3rd TUESDAY •OPT clinic, 6:308:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit, 850-10th Ave. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing. 1st TUESDAY •Invermere Camera Club 7 p.m. Tanya, tanyadeleeuw65@ EVERY TUESDAY •Yoga THRIVE- Yoga for Cancer Survivors. Hot springs studio, Fairmont Village Mall. For info Jan Klimek 250-3421195. EVERY THURSDAY •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509. •Children's Air Rifle Program, with the LWDRGC, Inv. Community Hall, 7 - 8:30 p.m., free of charge, ages 6-15. Learn safety, marksmanship, equipment provided.

Rotary of Radium Hot Springs meets at Radium Resort, Wednesdays at 7 a.m. Ongoing fundraising is going towards the Bicycle Pump Track. Rotary Club of Invermere meets every Thursday at 11:45 a.m. at the Best Western Invermere Inn. The agenda for the meeting on August 13 is to be determined. 17th Annual Loop The Lake - a family affair!

Way to go to all participants from Loop the Lake!

Rotary International

1st WEDNESDAY •1st Wednesday of every month. Scrabble Night at Invermere Public Library. 6 - 8 p.m. Bring your boards! Call 250-342-6416. EVERY FRIDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit invermere. •Market on Main, Radium, 4 - 9 p.m. •Music on Main, Radium, 7 - 9 p.m. EVERY SATURDAY •Farmer's Market, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., downtown Invermere •Edgewater Legion Open Market, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For tables, Doreen at 250-347-9550. •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Hip Hop Flip Flop class, Scrappy Do's, 5:30 p.m. •Music on Main, Radium, 7 - 9 p.m. EVERY SUNDAY •Edgewater Legion Pancake Breakfast, 9 to 11 a.m. until Labour Day Weekend. 2nd SUNDAY •LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-3429580.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo

Forest fire

Ridge Course @ Copper Point Windermere, BC





25, 2012 Saturday, August

m Shot-Gun @ 1:00p

All proceeds to the $1 million fundraising goal for a digital stereotactic mammography unit at EK Regional Hospital. Together our hearts are in the fight against breast cancer!

$125.00 entry fee includes: 18-Hole Four-Person “Shamble� Hole in One, KP & Door Prizes

Tee Gifts for all Participants Dinner @The View Restaurant

Opportunity to bid on Fantastic Silent Auction Items To register contact Darren Ottenbreit at Copper Point by calling 250.341.3392 ext#1 or email or the East Kootenay Foundation for Health at 1.877.489.6481.

Behind the

Wh ee


Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge Your Courtesy is Appreciated

I watched a commercial truck begin to leave the brake check as I approached the summit of Highway 4 outside of Port Alberni today. I knew that if the driver accelerated as he was entitled to I would have to follow him for a few kilometers of downhill grade at speeds signiďŹ cantly lower than the 80 km/h speed limit. I wasn’t in a hurry, but I wasn’t looking forward to this either. This driver was watching his mirrors and saw me approach. Instead of continuing to accelerate he maintained his speed instead and let me by before pulling into the through lane. I waved my thanks as I got close to the cab and received a wave in return. This driver was a true gentleman and put my convenience ahead of his right of way. The incident was a small one in the great scheme of things, but I appreciated the gesture and felt good that this driver would care enough to do something nice for a stranger. It is deďŹ nitely a stark contrast to the usual selďŹ sh driving behaviours that I see going on around me every day as I drive. Why can’t we all be like this man? Driver psychology is very difďŹ cult to inuence. TrafďŹ c tickets, advertising campaigns and learning from the experience of others may not have a strong effect as we are all better than average drivers and can easily blame others as the source of the problem. However, if we could all try to follow this fellow’s example our highways could be a better and safer place to be. The author is a retired constable with many years of trafďŹ c law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

101A 1028 7 Avenue PO Box 130 Invermere BC t 1IPOF t 'BY


SUBMITTED PHOTO BY KAREN LASSEN/PARKS CANADA A ďŹ re on Octopus Mountain in Kootenay National Park was ďŹ rst reported at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday (August 12). Caused by a holdover ďŹ re from lightning earlier in the week, this is the largest of eight ďŹ res burning in the park with a surface area of approximataely 42 hectares as of August 12, and moving upslope, up the Lachine Creek drainage toward Assiniboine Provincial Park.


numerous independent studies reporting just the opposite. Food Sovereignty’s report from 2011: “Recent research also links glyphosate herbicides to miscarriages, cancer, and damage to DNA and reproductive organs. This reinforces local community testimonies from Argentina about the harmful effects of herbicides and agrochemicals on their health and environment.� (Glyphosate is found in Roundup, a weed and grass killer). Also noteworthy is the study from the University of Sherbrooke in Quebec that found toxic levels of Cry1Ab “resulting in organ failures, complications in reproduction and mutations within DNA resulting in new and unknown allergens.� To read more on this report, check out the Reproductive Toxicology journal or israel/Global/israel/image/2012/07/ReproductiveToxicology-%20GMO.pdf. On Environment Canada’s website it says: “Environmental scientists do not yet know what long-term impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function could result from dispersing GMOs and related products such as herbicides and Bt toxins (Bacillus thuringiensis toxins) in the environment, what effects they could have on indigenous microorganisms and invertebrates in streams and soils, and what threats they might pose to water quality.� Another publication states: “In Europe, public opposition to GMOs is rising and the area of agricultural land dedicated to GM crops is declining. Sixty-one per cent of EU citizens are opposed to GMOs. The area planted with GM crops declined by 23 per cent between 2008 and 2010. GM crop bans on Monsanto’s MON 810 maize are now in place in France, Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary and Luxembourg, and there is a de facto ban on all GM crops in Bulgaria. The European Commission’s 2010 approval of a new GM potato, Amflora, resulted in bans on the potato in Austria, Luxembourg and Hungary.� ( publications/pdfs/2011/who-benefits-fromgm-crops-2011/view) As for the opinion that farmers “overwhelming choose to grow genetically ‘improved’ crops,� read

the numerous reports of farmers across the U.S. and Canada who are suing the very same companies that CropLife represents. Indian farmers, who after five years of growing BT cotton, are now faced with the realities of super pests requiring higher levels of pesticides and lower yields. And India is in the process of suing Monsanto for violating the country’s biodiversity laws. To discover more about the health safety of GMO products, all one has to do is search online, or read books such as Seeds of Deception, or watch the documentaries “The World According to Monsanto� and “Scientists Under Attack� (a documentary outlining how independent research on GMOs is being quashed). The actions of these companies has been to create their own policies, and then promote their employees to government positions to pass regulatory bills. My concerns regarding GMOs are not just about the safety of our food; it extends to our social well-being, the health of our soils, air, water and the biodiversity linking it all together. Ray Vowels Invermere

Food for thought Dear Editor, Here is a topic that many do not want to address but that society might and should consider; should a government, be it national, provincial or municipal, go against the collective “wisdom� and raise taxes? Yes, raise taxes. Raise our income tax rates, provincial, personal, corporate taxes, and our municipal school and land taxes. Why would any government raise taxes when we in the Kootenays have one of the lowest provincial personal tax rates, the second lowest provincial small business rate and, in Radium, the lowest municipal tax rate? Why raise taxes, you and I might ask? It will impact my own overspending! It will put me into the poor house! The collective wisdom to date is that lowering taxes increases job growth and employment, but we still have about eight per cent unemployment and close to 20 plus per cent in the under 25-year-old category. We had these rates 20 and 30 years ago. CONTINUES TO 'LETTERS' ON PAGE A9 A9

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012

In the house

PHOTOS BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO (l-r) Jasaed Ward, 9, came out to Columbia House on Tuesday (August 7) to support her cousin Sarah Kloos, 13, and friends Kaitlyn Raven, 12, and Jade Tardiff, 13 who put on a ukelele performance for patients gathered in the outdoor courtyard, followed by an acoustic set by Kurt Reichel and Bill Cropper.


“Let’s lower taxes again,” is the collective wisdom and we still get the same result, eight per cent and 25 per cent unemployment. When our tax base was so much higher, guess what we had for unemployment — seven per cent and 15 per cent unemployment. So now our collective governments, at all levels, have accepted the concept of lowering taxes and we will get more companies and hence more employment and hence more tax revenues. Ooops. This does not seem to be happening does it. And this is documented through Stats Canada data. One of the unintended consequences of lowering taxes close to zero, for all intents and purposes, is that the three levels of government don’t have the monies to supply the services that we expect in life and are clamouring for — schools,

paved roads, welfare, housing, medical, sidewalks and, and... Oh yes, we can obtain all of those through greater efficiencies in process, or through borrowing to the nostrils and fobbing the cost onto our kids and grandkids. Those are the three alternatives governments have to deliver services; raise taxes, borrow to the nose, or reduce taxes or, horrors, raise taxes. To date, we have had a low, very low, taxation base and reduced services and rising and falling unemployment. Yes, we all recognize there are economic and world factors involved in the daily or weekly ups and downs of our lives. But how long is this current paradigm going to continue of low taxes and low service levels? It’s like Dilbert in the cartoons checking each photocopy to make sure each copy says the same thing. Hoping against hope that the next copy will give a different result, to paraphrase, and we continue with our paradigm that low taxes will increase this

and that function of society. Doing the same thing time after time and hoping for a different result is called what? So if this low taxation paradigm does not work, why not raise taxes? A simple question for you and I the tax payers. I, for one, do not want to saddle my kids and grandkids with another withering debt load to pay for our current needs and desires. The previous NDP government did that and put the province of B.C. into the poor house. I for one do not want to continue in the current underemployed or partially unemployed state that happens here and so often in the Kootenays and in B.C. and in Canada. If we want the toys, if we want the services, if we want the employment, and our municipal and provincial and national coffers are sucking air, let we as society pay the piper today through greater taxation at all levels. Let us change the paradigm. We have to take responsibility for

our own desires to have these services. In other words, we have to pay now, for what we receive now. Ahh, but the current collective wisdom says we have to lower taxes to get employment and jobs and attract business and residents. Does Mr. Dilbert come to mind again, per chance? Maybe we have to change the paradigm and pay now for services now and take on our own costs rather than fobbing those costs off to others, that which is our immediate benefit. We might pay the piper now through increased taxation and employment will follow as will services and less government debt. Stats Canada has shown that history for Canada and B.C. Should we raise taxes across the board against the collective Wisdom? Food for thought for the folks of B.C. and Canada and, most importantly, the Kootenays, both east and west. David R Pacey Radium Hot Springs

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If these and other questions have you concerned, come talk to our experts.

Jim Scott, CLU Financial Advisor East Kootenay Region 250.427.1658


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo


E : O ING 25 T S S O ST L C GU U A R

Columbia Valley RCMP Report


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Police files from the Columbia Valley RCMP detachment

Columbia Valley RCMP responded to 73 calls for service over this past August long weekend. A few of the more noteworthy calls are listed below. In addition to these calls, there were many more complaints police attended to involving alcoholrelated offences, fights/assaults, noisy parties, erratic and/or impaired drivers, disturbances, mischief and vandalism. August 3 A local male attended the detachment at 8 a.m. to report his work truck stolen. The complainant hand not used the truck since January because the heater wasn’t working. It could possibly have been taken over the weekend but he wasn’t sure. The keys were in the vehicle and two tires were almost flat. The vehicle is a 1999 Ford F250 pickup, green in colour, bearing B.C. licence plate 9686EW, and without valid insurance. Police are requesting anyone with information regarding this theft to contact them or Crimestoppers. Volunteers of the local thrift store attended the detachment at 2:48 p.m. to report a theft from the donations left behind at the business. On July 31 at 10:23 p.m., surveillance footage shows two females going through the donations and taking several items. The females left in a red Chrysler Lebaron with a black top, the plate clearly visible in the surveillance tape. Police continue to investigate and are asking anyone with any further information to contact them. At 4:24 p.m., Columbia Valley RCMP responded to a complaint of a two-vehicle collision that occurred .5 kilometres north of the Hoodoos Bridge on Highway 93/95 in Fairmont Hot Springs. A local male was driving north in his 1985 Ford Bronco, heading to Fairmont when his left front wheel came off at highway speed upon entering the corner before the bridge to the south. The tire and rim crossed the lane and hit a southbound 2006 Pontiac Pursuit, damaging the headlights, grill, hood and radiator. The female driver of the Pursuit reported some whiplash. The male driver had already secured his spare tire and rim on his truck and took full responsibility. At 5:20 p.m., several residents of Edgewater contacted police to report possible shots fired around the 4800 block of Riverview Drive. They reported hearing gun shots over the last couple days, and thought it might be an automatic weapon or someone skeet shooting. Police were also informed that fireworks have been heard over the past few days in the same area. Police patrolled the area but did not hear or see anything. August 4 At 2:42 a.m., Columbia Valley RCMP were dispatched to the T-Bar pub in Panorama for a complaint of an motor vehicle incident involving a possible impaired driver. Checks on the registered owner of the vehicle indicated outstanding warrants out of Clearwater, B.C. along with several out of Alberta. The 33-year-old Alberta vehicle owner was located, arrested, and returned to Invermere detachment cells where he was held pending a bail hearing. At 9:36 a.m., several complaints were received from Windermere residents reporting thefts over-

night from their vehicles — all unlocked. Items stolen ranged from credit cards and cash to expensive electronic devices such as laptops and cameras. Police are reminding vehicle owners to lock their vehicles. At approximately 4:21 p.m., a single motorcycle motor vehicle accident with a lone female rider from Alberta was reported north of Kootenay Crossing on Highway 93 in Kootenay National Park. The female rider was traveling southbound at approximately 100 kilometres per hour approaching a curve and went into a slight speed “wobble� causing her to travel straight off the highway into the ditch area in which she crashed. She sustained moderate facial injuries including abrasions and lacerations. She was transported to the Invermere & District Hospital via EHS for treatment. The motorcycle sustained damage to the front fairing and left side. August 5 A Canal Flats resident called the RCMP at 6:46 a.m. to report a motor vehicle accident at her residence. She said that she heard a loud noise at 1 a.m. and at 6:46 a.m. she left her house and found a blue Pontiac car crashed through her fence. Police attended and learned that the vehicle belonged to a 18-year-old Windermere male. Police found the registered owner’s cell phone in the passenger seat of the vehicle along with the keys in the ignition. The vehicle was towed from the scene. The vehicle owner was asked to attend the detachment and provide a statement. He did so and told police that he went to a party and was drinking heavily. He admitted to driving intoxicated away from the party to the elementary school, where he went for a walk and fell asleep in the park. When he woke up his vehicle was gone. He advised that he has multiple witnesses to verify that his vehicle was missing. The male was charged under drive without due care and attention due to his admission of driving while intoxicated. At 4:01 p.m., a female visiting from Kelowna called the RCMP to report that a man in a light blue semi truck with “R105� on the back with a B.C. marker of 4GE4577 just tried to lure two tenyear-old girls into his truck. The woman stopped and the man left eastbound on Highway 93. The woman gave the girls a lift to their residence where their mother was. The woman provided no address for the residence, and no details of the girls except their age. The plate provided by the woman was not a valid plate number due to the number of characters. A request was forwarded to southern Alberta detachments to be on the lookout for the described semi truck. August 7 At 3:27 a.m., a Fairmont man reported a non-injury hit and run in the 5000 block of Wills Road in Fairmont Hot Springs involving three vehicles in total. A blue 2002 Chevrolet pickup registered to a 20-year-old Cranbrook woman travelling at excess speed eastbound on Wills Road onto northbound Hot Springs Road lost control while taking the left turn, striking a utility pole and a parked Oldsmobile which in turn struck the vehicle parked next it, a 2000 Toyota Camry. Registered owners of the latter two vehicles stated the driver had fled, returned and fled again prior to police arrival. The Cranbrook female later attended the detachment to report the incident during regular business hours. She was issued violation tickets for No insurance and speed relative to conditions. — Submitted by Cpl. Grant Simpson Columbia Valley RCMP

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A11


Shuswap Day Gathering a magical affair One-day gathering hosted by Shuswap First Nation will leave you spellbound NICOLE TRIGG

The Shuswap First Nation is welcoming anyone in search of a slice of the paranormal life to come to their reserve in Invermere on Saturday (August 18) for a special one-day gathering. In addition to traditional pow wow dancing, drumming and live music, two special other-worldly performances by First Nations showmen will be featured. Just 16 years old, The Amazing Jeremy is already a role model for the Shuswap community. Having practiced magic since he was five years old, when his grandfather showed him his first magic trick, Jeremy went on to attend his first magic camp in Calgary the summer of 2010. There he studied with two renowned names in the world of magic — Sean Watson, Master of Illusions, who has since gone on to perform regular shows in Las Vegas, and Brent Smith, the owner of the Vanishing

SUBMITTED IMAGE Mind master and premier First Nations hypnotist Kiit will be one of the main acts on Saturday (August 18) at the Shuswap Day Gathering.

Rabbit Magic Shop in Calgary. Now an established aboriginal magician in his own right, Jeremy has performed magic shows in Bonners Ferry, Idaho as well as Calgary and here locally in the Columbia Valley. Following the magic act, audience members will be treated to a hilarious familyfriendly hypnosis show by a premier First Nations hypnotist who goes by the stage name Kiit Hypnotist — Mind Master. A hit among First Nations communities, Kiit delivers a powerful message of limitless possibilities. Audience participation is key to the success of his show, and volun-

teers can expect to be invited on stage and leave with a more positive attitude and a lasting impression. Traditional hoop dancer Stacy DaSilva will also be making a appearance. Stacy, whose First Nations name is Sunrise Eagle Woman, has 17 years experience acting in theatre and has pursed a career in film and television for the past 16 years with roles in such notable productions as the CBC television series North of 60. Her most recent accomplishment is winning the prestigious award for “Best Actress” at the American Indian Film Festival in San Francisco for the feature

Local toddler's diagnosis makes fun day meaningful Logan was diagnosed, Christina approached the group with the idea of making it an awareness-raising event for her son’s disease, as well as a fundraiser. “We didn’t even know it was in our family,” said Christina. “Nobody still knows, we don’t know where it came from.” NICOLE TRIGG Early childhood testing for cystic fibrosis only just began in B.C. in the last couple of Families wanting to have some good ol’ fash- years, and with early detection, many of the ioned fun can head to the Edgewater Com- symptoms can be prevented. While Logan’s munity Hall on Sunday (August 19) for the condition isn’t severe enough to warrant medcommunity’s 3rd annual Family Fun Day. The ication, most children diagnosed with cystic offerings of the day will include a tasty barbe- fibrosis must stay on antibiotics to counter the buildup of bacteria. cue, hilarious family games, “We have to do physio on a dunk tank, horse rides and a silent auction, with “It's our first time ever really his chest twice a day, like percussion,” Christina said. all proceeds from the event talking about it.” “It’s our first time ever really going towards a very special talking about it.” CHRISTINA PODBROSKY cause, in honour of a special FAMILY FUN DAY CO-ORGANIZER All proceeds from the event valley resident, 11-monthwill be donated to Cystic Fiold Logan Podbrosky. brosis Canada. Logan was recently diagThis year's Family Fun Day is thanks to a colnosed with cystic fibrosis, a genetic lung and digestive disease that causes sticky mucus laboration between Christina and the Edgethroughout the body’s system and tends to water Recreation Society. Families can look be fatal. Luckily in Logan’s case, he has a rare forward to a hilarious time with games ranggenetic combination that pulls his case to the ing from a dime toss and spin the wheel to the Edgewater special — chicken poop bingo. milder end of the spectrum. The fun starts at 11 a.m. and goes until 4 p.m. “I think awareness needs to grow because I had no clue before he was diagnosed,” said The community hall is located at 4818 Selkirk Logan’s mother, Christina. “Unless some- in Edgewater. For more information or to donate items to body’s had it in their family, everyone goes, the silent auction, contact Christina at 250“Well, what’s cystic fibrosis?” The annual fun day is normally organized by 347-0077. For more information on cystic fithe Edgewater Recreation Society, but after brosis, visit www.

All proceeds from Edgewater's Family Fun Day will go towards cystic fibrosis research

length film, Hank Williams First Nation. Starting at 11 a.m., head towards the big white tent for the grand entry. Group dancing will take place from noon to 4 p.m., with Stacy's hoop dancing performance from 4 to 4:30 p.m. A taco dinner from 5 to 6 p.m. will be followed by the Amazing Jeremy and Kiit HypnotistMind Master from 6 to 9 p.m. The day will finish off with drumming and a live band from 9 to 10 p.m. The Shuswap Reserve is located on Capilo Way in Invermere. There will also be door prizes, raffles, T-shirts and crafts, and everyone is welcome.

RDEK Public Hearing Notice BYLAW 2376

Bylaw Amendment - Columbia Lake

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Columere Park Developments Ltd. to amend the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. If approved, the amendment will change the zoning designation of the surface of the water to facilitate a proposed swimming area and day-use dock. The subject area is located on Columbia Lake and is shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2376 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 271, 2012 (Columbia Lake / Columere Park Developments Ltd.)” will amend the zoning designation of 0.38 ha of lake surface from WR-1, Water Resource Zone to WR-2, Water Resource Community Zone. A public hearing will be held at: Fairmont Hot Springs Resort (Spruce Room) 5225 Fairmont Resort Road Fairmont Hot Springs, BC Thursday, August 23, 2012 at 7:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F, Electoral Area G and the Village of Canal Flats. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: t inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; t mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or t present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Jean Terpsma, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0314, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email 19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335 Email: Website:


Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo

Remember When?




t t VENDORS WANTED Windermere Fall Fair & Scarecrow Festival Sunday, September 16 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Windermere Community Hall • Get your Space now! $25 per space. • Homemade/handcrafted, arts, educational, holistic, take-home foods, non-profit, and community organizations Call or email Gracie at 250-342-0589 or for a registration form, donations or questions.

ECHO FILE PHOTO August 2008 — With temperatures creeping into the 30s, plenty of residents and visitors took to the lakes to get a reprieve from the heat. These two youngsters enjoyed a paddle on Columbia Lake, at the Spirits Reach Lake House.

A look back at what's happened in the valley over the last 50 years STEVE JESSEL

50 years ago: Calgary fun addicts invaded Windermere. The groups, consisting of a number of happy square dancers from Calgary who came to the Columbia Valley each year included the Sunalta Ramblers and the Queens and Jacks. 45 years ago: Miss Windermere. Miss Edgewater, Miss Invermere and Miss Brisco were set to compete for the title of Fall Fair Queen.

Other visiting queens attending the competition included the Snow Fiesta Queen on Kimberley and Kelowna's Lady of the Lake. The winning contestant, the new Miss Windermere Valley and her princess attendants were set to recieve a powerboat trip across the lake to attend a fundraiser fore the Invermere Hospital Aid. 35 years ago: A 13-year old Calgary boy took heroic action to save four younger children from a fire. The boy, Kurt Wood was awoken by the smell of fire, and after exiting the house went back inside to rescue the four children sleeping in upstairs bedrooms. As he went upstairs, fire closed off the staircase forcing Wood to take the children

to an upstairs balcony. Quick thinking neighbours then moved a motorhome beneath them so that they could jump to safety. 20 years ago: Panorama Resort was preparing for a three-month shutdown. Some 128 layoff notices were handed out to Panorama employees for what management called a "shutdown mode for the off season." The goal was to cut costs to the bare minimum as management said they were only operating at three per cent capacity. The owner was said to have injected two million dollars a year to keep the resort alive at the time. 15 years ago: The owners of the Lakeside Inn were hoping to rebuild from the

ashes of their devastated business. The building was destroyed in a fire by what police called a case of arson, and had been closed since 1996 after the owners failed to resolve a dispute over sewage with the District of Invermere. In light of the potential rebuild, the Columbia Valley Figure Skating Club renamed their Farewell to Lakeside Garden fundraiser to better reflect the current situation. 5 years ago: Valley tourism was unfazed by rising gasoline prices, as Invermere business owners reported similar numbers to past years. A then recent BCAA survey reported that nearly 60 per cent were planning on reducing their travel time over the summer.

Windermere Community Garage Sale Fundraiser Saturday, August 25 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Windermere Community Hall • Get your space now! $15 per space. • Sell your own garage sale items, homemade or handcrafted items, Tupperware, Scentsy and Epicure to name a few! • Donate your good, clean and useful items to WCA. Call or email Gracie at 250-342-0589 or for a registration form, donations or questions.


Thanks to Vaughn Riches for volunteering during Loop the Lake. If you have a volunteer you'd like to celebrate, let us know at editor@

QUALITY ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES FROM CANADA, AND w w w. t EUROPE e pa pa nui . c oASIA. m ARCHITECTURAL ITEMS FOR HOME AND GARDEN. Monday to Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 11-4 Industrial Park • Invermere (just off the road to Panorama) Telephone: 250-342-0707 • Email:

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A13

Valley Sports

tell us about your event •


LAKE LIFE: Invermere was a hive of athletic activity on Saturday (August 11) when two annual events made their return to the area. Loop the Lake — a locals' favourite running event comprised of a 10 kilometre and a half marathon course — and the Lakeside Event which saw paragliders and hang gliders descend from Mount Swansea to land and water targets near Lakeside Pub.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo


Beach restoration a success Steamboat

Mountain Music bursary fund established

SUBMITTED Special to The Valley Echo

As many beach-goers have noticed, the exceptionally high waters this spring and summer have led to abnormally soggy conditions on Kinsmen Beach. On the east side of the beach, high waters swept away many of the native plants added to the shoreline as part of the Kinsmen Beach Restoration Project. The project, a joint effort of the District of Invermere and the Lake Windermere Ambassadors, aimed to prevent further erosion of the beach while adding natural elements back to the shoreline to improve fish and wildlife habitat. “The climate conditions this year were unfortunate,” says Lake Windermere Ambassadors Program Coordinator Kirsten Harma. “Given a few years to grow, the plants could have developed a strong root system. Since plant roots help stabilize shoreline soil, they would have eventually helped buffer the impact caused by high water during years like this one.” Despite the plant losses, many consider the restoration project a net gain to Kinsmen Beach.

SUBMITTED Special to The Valley Echo

SUBMITTED PHOTO Restoration work done to the shoreline at Kinsmen Beach helped decrease erosion during the flooding that occurred earlier in the summer.

Mayor Gerry Taft commented: “by partnering with the Lake Windermere Ambassadors on foreshore improvements at Kinsmen Beach, the District of Invermere was able to both decrease erosion and increase people’s access and enjoyment of a large portion of the beach, as well as help to protect the environment. Considering the high water this year, had the foreshore work not been completed, significant damage, erosion and potential tree loss would likely have occurred.” Peter Holmes, Ministry of For-

ests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations agrees: “Rocks placed near the steeply eroded bank and around the cottonwoods helped deflect some of the energy of the waves and kept it from eroding the shoreline. The large cottonwoods down there would likely have become further compromised by the high water this year without the new protections in place.” For more information, or to volunteer, contact the Lake Windermere Ambassadors at info@ or 341-6898. — Submitted by Kirsten Harma

The weather was warm and sunny. The program was a celebration of local and regional music. The volunteers were enthusiastic and numerous, and the audience turned out in good numbers. All these elements added up to a successful July 7th music festival in Edgewater. Now that the bills are all paid, Steamboat Mountain Music Society has a modest sum of $750 with which to set up a bursary to assist musicians with their musical education and development. These bursary funds may be used for musical programs of all types: short workshops, music camps, courses, individual or group lessons, master classes, college or university music programs. All forms of music, all types of musical

learning aspirations, are included —playing technique and theory, composing, performing. Rental or upgrading cost of a musical instrument may also be considered. Applicants must live in the Columbia Valley in the region from Parson to Canal Flats. Musicians of all levels will be considered — beginners as well as experienced players of any age may apply. Applications must be submitted no later than September 30, and candidates will be notified by October 31, 2012. Funds awarded must be used by the recipient before the end of the 2013 calendar year. For further information, please phone Anne at 250347-9860. Application forms and full information are available at —Submitted by Anne Jardine

Canadiana Crossword Name the Nickname By Bernice Rosella and James Kilner

ACROSS 1 Soaked 4 Chooses 8 Hourly pay 12 Before, to Browning 13 Farriere’s tool 14 Metis icon 15 Bus. designation 16 Calgary alias_____ City 18 Treatment centre 20 Possesses 21 Feint 24 St. Marys alias ____ City 28 Kelowna alias _____ City 31 Litigates 32 Coastal indent 33 Musteline mammal 36 Use a taser 37 Pear 39 Cornwall alias _____ City 41 Hamilton alias ____ City 43 Calendar ref. 44 Skeletal muscle 46 Synthetic fabric 50 Brantford alias _____ City 55 Writing paper 56 Gum 57 Particle 58 Ref 59 Bloody 60 Conservative 61 Appeasement DOWN 1 Low dam 2 Oceanic raptor 3 ATM etc. 4 Far-out 5 Con’s mate 6 Overly 7 Eve’s third son



8 Joints 9 Garlic 10 Goop 11 The “Big Easy” 17 Owns 19 Antidiuretic hormone abbr. 22 Malaysian Isthmus 23 Enlighten 25 Greek libation 26 Proximate 27 Sight 28 Globes 29 Civil disorder 30 Carton 34 One time Ontario Premier

35 School 38 Armstrong alias _____ City 40 Endeavor 42 Once around the oval 45 This and ____ 47 Mind, to Plato 48 St. ____ ‘s Fire 49 Reindeer herder 50 Child’s play 51 Sense of self 52 Roman household god 53 Word element meaning ear 54 Neither

Answer to August 1:

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A15

What to do... Chamber music

ECHO FILE PHOTO The final installment of the Chamber Music Festival concert series takes place at Christ Church Trinity on Saturday, August 18 at 7:30 p.m. Entry is $20 at the door.

Fun Events in the Valley • Wednesday, August 15: Drop-in Scrabble night at Invermere Public Library, 6 - 8 p.m. • Augusut 15-16: Kelly Hrudey and Friends Celebrity Charity Golf Tournament, Copper Point Golf Club. • Friday, August 17: Summer Reading Club, grades 1-5, Invermere Public Library, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

A taste of the Columbia Valley in the Àelds of Edible Acres at Winderberry

Sunday 26 August 2012 • 2 - 5 pm

• Friday, August 17: Music on Main, 7556 Main St E, featuring John Cronin and Perry Jacobson 7 p.m. • Saturday, August 18: Kootenay Krusher bike race, Nipika Mountain Resort. • Saturday, August 18: Mexican Day at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort • Saturday, August 18: Shuswap Band hosts one-day gathering at white tent building on Capilo Way, Shuswap Reserve. • Saturday, August 18: Whitehouse Classic Golf Tournament, 4 p.m., 250-342-3819. • Saturday, August 18: Barn dance at Elk Park Upper Ranch, north of Radium, 6 - 11 p.m. 250-341-7987. •Saturday Aug 18: Music on Main, 7556 Main St. E, featuring Valley Forged 7 p.m.

• Sunday Aug 19: Family Fun Day, Edgewater Community Hall, silent auction, entertainment, all proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 11 a.m.-4 p.m. • Wednesday, August 22: Bud's Bar & Lounge and Killer Rollbots present roller derby documentary "Derby, Baby!" at Bud's, 8 p.m. $10.

Music on Main Friday, August 17 Entertainment: John Cronin & Perry Jacobson Evening Sponsor: Kootenay River Runners

Saturday, August 18 Entertainment: Valley Forged Evening Sponsor: Apple Tree Inn

Radium Visitor Centre 7556 Main St. East Radium Hot Springs Friday & Saturday 7 – 9 p.m.

Enjoy the bounty of local food, specially prepared by chefs, as you wander in the Àelds of veggies and Áowers Tickets

Tickets at

Local Fun

$45 Slow Food Member $55 Non Slow Food Member $35 Kids 7 - 12 years Free Kids under 7 Cash Bar

Edible Acres booths at the Invermere & Fairmont Farmers Market Winderberry Nursery Circle Health Foods

Food by local chefs Music by local musicians An event put on by Slow Food Columbia Valley and Edible Acres

on Main Fridays June 29 through September 1 • 4:00 – 9:00 p.m. Radium Information Centre NEW LOCATION 7556 Main St East Radium Hot Springs

Art For All Your Senses at Pynelogs Art Gallery

Art From the Attic

What does ART mean to you? Sat Sept 1st from 9 to 4 pm

Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.

G ro w & eat i an l o c a l & o rg


• Saturday, August 18: Final installment of Chamber Music Festival concert series, Christ Church Trinity, 7:30 p.m., $20.

Columbia Valley

Send in your event listings to production@ to be included in our What to do... listings!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo

Building Your Wealth Market Update


Weekly change













Oil US$/B









The RESP: a useful tool for planning Two weeks ago I wrote about doing a personal audit as a tool you can use for developing a personal and family plan for how to handle your money. A personal audit allows you a means by which to ensure you and your family are really doing and spending your money on the things you really want to. After all, your time and your money are your largest assets - other than yourself. One of the biggest items of concern in almost every family is making sure you have the funds you need to pay for the education of the younger members of the family. In every family I have ever known one of the greatest values held by the adult family members is ensuring the children have the opportunity to create for themselves as good a life as possible. For most families this means a life at least a step up the ladder of success from where the parents work. There was a time when the best way to ensure this was to give the young person an opportunity to ‘go to university.’ Because of the increase in the pace, speed and range of change in our society today, added to the increase in the cost of university, this is not quite as easy as it once was. There have been a lot of articles written, describing how education is not as valuable as it once was and even suggesting that it was necessary to re-evaluate the entire desire for any kind of advanced education after high school. There is certainly something to be said for this argument. However, it’s not complete, since it ignores changes that have taken place in the world of work. These articles are usually focused on the

need for ‘traditional’ jobs. That need has changed and that there is not the opportunity there was at one time. As long as you consider ‘traditional’ professions, the need for workers with good credentials to fill openings has certainly declined. It is at the same time important to note that in place of those jobs others have been developing as the nature of work changes. New kinds of opportunities are taking shape and each of them will require its own form of knowledge and skill somewhat different from the training of the past. Thus, education is taking shape in new forms, even as old forms diminish. The same types of changes are taking place in training for trades as well as in work that requires university qualifications. Since new jobs are coming on quickly, with each of them demanding its own knowledge and skill, universities, places of trade training and all other education institutions are changing and doing so very rapidly in order to adapt to new needs. This all means that the need for education and training is not diminishing to the point of being unnecessary. Instead, university, trade training and other kinds of work-related development of skills and knowledge are even more significant than ever. As work and jobs become more sophisticated this will only accelerate. All this means that the need for saving for the education of children is growing, not declining. A tool that is of great help in making this work out is the Registered Education Saving Program (RESP). At its most basic level an RESP has people involved: the person whose education is be-

ing saved for (i.e. the child) is called the beneficiary. The person who sets up the RESP is called the subscriber. RESPs are a tool that can help you achieve the goal of sending a child to most any post-secondary school that provides the learning that the young person needs. RESPs are similar to their cousins, the RRSP, in that they are an investment in which your funds can grow tax-free. The main difference is that RESPs use after-tax dollars, while RRSPs use beforetax dollars, so there are no up-front tax savings. The tax savings come as the funds in the RESP grow and multiply but do not attract tax. And the best part… The government will contribute 20% or more of anything you put into the plan, up to certain limits! It is important to realize that RESPs can be used to fund apprenticeships and programs offered by any sort of trade school, CEGEP, college or university. Usually a qualified educational program is a course of study that lasts at least three weeks in a row, with at least 10 hours of instruction or work each week. A program at an educational institution outside of Canada must last at least 13 weeks. What’s more, RESP funds can be used for fulltime or part-time study! So they provide a useful and very significant tool that is available to you as part of your planning. We understand that these plans are very challenging and complex to set up. That’s a part of what we are here to do. We are able to help make it all line up in a sensible and useful program that can be a great help to you.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A17

Determined to live NICOLE TRIGG

Dianne Reed survived a terrorist attack in Saudi Arabia in 2004 that left her for dead. After ten surgeries over six years to reconstruct the leg she almost lost, she celebrated her life and remembered those who lost theirs by running the Dubai marathon in 2010. Her passion for running brought her to the Columbia Valley this past weekend when she ran the Loop the Lake half marathon on the shores of Lake Windermere. Here is her story.


he 17th annual Loop the Lake welcomed a special participant, who stands out because of how she came to run in this year’s event. It’s a tale international in scope that, amazingly enough, ties the complex religious tensions of the Middle East to the beauty and calm of Lake Windermere, and tells of incredible human courage, strength and determination in the face of violence and adversity. Dianne Reed is a survivor. Not the type one would normally encounter in the Columbia Valley, where many have survived debilitating cancers, car accidents, strokes and more. At the source of Dianne's survival story is a terrorist attack, one that took place in Saudi Arabia eight years ago. A trained social worker and counsellor originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Dianne grew up travelling the world because of her father's military career. No stranger to foreign lands, she moved to Saudi Arabia in 1996 after her husband accepted a position managing environmental health and safety for the largest desalination plant in the Persian Gulf at that time. They had been there nine years when, one day, four Al Quaeda operatives entered the housing compound in the city of Kobar where they lived, armed with high velocity weapons. "They killed 22 people, and I’m one of two survivors," Dianne said softly with a wistful smile. "For the most part, they were very upset about the Western influence because Saudi Arabia, to many Muslims, it’s like the last bastion of Islam because you have Medina and Mecca, which are highly religious and important to the Muslim faith, so the extremists really didn’t want Westerners there — period… so it became very tenuous." Dianne had just returned home after the gym and was preparing to jump in the shower, when a friend called to let her know their lunch plans were cancelled — there had been a terrorist shooting nearby. It was about 8 a.m. in the morning, and Dianne's husband was already at work. She called him immediately to tell him the news, and he got off the phone in order to contact the American consulate. Then she heard bullets around her house. "What these four did was target an American business first," said Dianne. "They started there and then they came around… saw that the back gate of our compound didn’t have armed guards or any military presence to secure the compound, so they basically came through the back and started going house to house." She called her husband again, whose advice struck a chill in her heart. "He just said, 'Honey, if you go to the back where the laundry room is, there are no windows, it's highly insulated back there and quiet,' but then he said, 'Or do what your gut says,'" said Dianne in a hushed tone. 'And that inner voice that we all have just said, 'Get out.' I knew I didn't want to be a hostage, that’s not me. If you ask anybody who knows me, that’s not how I roll. So I thought I would have a better shot of running away and dealing with that issue than I would for them to come in."

Do your part!

PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO Dianne Reed (left) and Kimberley Dittrich (right) before the Loop the Lake half marathon start on Saturday (August 11).

Split second thinking took over when she heard the front door getting kicked in. Running out the back, Dianne was quickly spotted by the gunman because of her villa corner's location. "It was basically that fast; he just started shooting like a madman, I was like GI Jane, dodging bullets," she said. Hit twice in both calves, Diane fell to the ground. "He was about 50 yards away rom me and that’s when I did what I guess people think might have saved my life, that’s just me but I looked at him and said, 'You idiot, I can’t believe you just shot me.' "I don’t know if he spoke English but I think he knew in the tone of my voice that I wasn’t, if I ended up losing my life that day physically, I wasn’t going to be weak about it. I was going to be the person I always was," said Diane, her blue green eyes flashing. Then she put her head down, played dead for a few minutes, and when all she heard was silence, she looked up and the Al Quaeda terrorist was gone. It was then that she realized she was bleeding to death. "AK47s are designed to do more damage as they exit the body," said Dianne. "The damage was my right lower calf… I had a compound fracture of the tibia, I had no fibula left." After dragging herself to a security building in hopes that the cameras inside would let someone know she was injured, Dianne reached up only to discover the door was locked. "It was like one of those I Love Lucy episodes," she said. "That's when I had my prayer, my moment with god, and I just thought, 'I know who I am and I really

don’t want to die here but if this is the way it is, that's fine but I could really use your help' — it was most sincere, it was coming from a place of faith." In that instant, a friend came around the corner with her two children and panicked upon seeing Dianne dying. Dianne remembers telling her what to do and soon she was inside the building with a Saudi security guard and a scarf around her leg like a tourniquet with an ambulance on the way. The doctor who operated on her later told her husband that in the moment of her arrival at the hospital, she had two minutes to live. He also reminded her of what she told him all the way up to the operating theatre. "'He said, 'You kept repeating do not cut my leg off, do not cut my leg off.' And he said, 'You know what Diane, you fought so hard, I’ve never seen anyone who could be conscious losing 7.5 units of blood and still cognicent enough to speak.'" Her fighting spirit convinced the doctor to do everything he could to save her leg. "And we found out later in the States that if I had gone with the same injury to the States... they would have amputated the leg," she said. Dianne and her husband stayed in Saudi Arabia, only returning to the U.S. to visit family, then relocated to Abu Dhabi a year later in 2005, where they still live today. It was there that, after years of surgeries, that Dianne decided to do the 2010 Dubai Marathon. "I remember thinking... 22 people lost their lives and a ten-year-old child died, I need to do something and it came to me," she said. With the support of two close friends, she finished the race on January 22, 2010. "I have never done anything that was so exhausintg and exhilarating," she said. Her connection to Loop the Lake came through Kimberley Dittrich. Kimberley, who also lives in Abu Dhabi with her husband and returns to Invermere every summer where she has owned a cottage for the past 20 years, had read about Dianne's miraculous story, which inspired her to start doing the Loop the Lake half marathons after being a kidney donor. When the two women coincidentally met one day in a restaurant, they became fast friends and Kimberley invited Dianne to Canada to do Loop the Lake as part of her amazing journey. Dianne is currently working on a book entitled Dying to Live: Surviving Terror in Saudi Arabia and wants to become a motivational speaker for children in the Middle East. "I tell people the decision I made that day was already made for me, it was tied up in who I am as a person and it's all about the values I learned from my family and what I try to teach kids," she said. "If you automatically say, 'No, I can’t do this,' what does that say? You have to fight... And I think if you surround yourself by good people constantly, positive people who encourage you and who you can encourage, that's part of being strong. Tapping her forehead with her finger, Dianne said with a grin: "Just like the running, it’s all up here,"

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo

ARTS Whazzup at Pynelogs — Joshua Estabrooks, Columbia Valley Arts Council

Pynelogs presents eclectic display of creativity As summer keeps sizzling along, the art keeps getting hotter down here at the Pynelogs Art Gallery. Like a wondrous whirlwind of whimsy, our art shows keep getting better and better, and our fifth juried artist showcase is no exception. Once again, six local artists will have their masterpieces on display, exploring every medium imaginable. This show will include acrylic and oil painting, photography, mixed media and kiln-cast glass work. The show runs from August 15 to 26, with an artist opening event on Wednesday (August 15) from 7 to 9 p.m. at Pynelogs. Kent Shoemaker lives in Invermere, but has studied and practiced his art in various

locations throughout the continent. After a six-year hiatus from his main form of creative expression, acrylic painting, he is back with a new body of work that has been fermenting in his mind for some time. Calgary-based acrylic painter Angelique Gillespie has a very unique take on the figurative form. Her portraits have recently taken on a new energy after stepping away from figuratives for a number of years, and the results of her experimentations will be included in this show. Golden painter Janis Dyck will be presenting a body of work she has been working on since her children were born.

Varanasi by Cheryl Goodwin


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The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A19


Mystery and myth Donate 'used' art for a good cause CONTINUED FROM PAGE A18

Her goal is to communicate a sense of connection to nature, mystery, the unknown and myth. Photographer Cheryl Goodwin lives in Fairmont Hot Springs and is now a well-known name in the photography world. Her offerings for this show, entitled “The Streets of India,� focus on a two-month backpacking adventure through the country where she witnessed many memorable and photographable sights. Cheryl will be presenting a slide show on her trip to India on Saturday, August 25 at 7 p.m. This presentation will compliment Cheryl’s art show hanging in Pynelogs. Admission will be by donation. Invermere’s Robyn Oliver has a background in pottery, but a future in oils. The theme for her show involves patterns and bicycles, and will include oil and mixed media. Robyn currently teaches art at David Thompson Secondary School. Glass art master Leslie Rowe-Israelson recently returned from a trip to Portland where she was working in residency at the Uroboros Glass Company on some very large and impressive glass works. Her offerings for this show reflect her 20 years living in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, by creating four large panels that connect through a common horizon line. “Reaction to the Rockies and Purcells� is the theme of her work for this show, and utilizes reactive glass and colour bar techniques.

Art from the Attic event is seeking art donations of any and all kinds SUBMITTED Special to The Valley Echo

For a second year in a row, Art From the Attic will be taking place in Invermere at the Community Centre. The event, which raises much needed funds to support the Columbia Valley Arts Council and the Invermere Health Care Auxiliary, is a giant one-day sale of new and recycled art donations. Held for the first time last year, Art From the Attic drew approximately 1,000 pieces of art and more than 1,200 eager art buyers looking to find an art bargain or an undiscovered masterpiece. Volunteers are predicting an even greater number of donations this year. Last year the sale raised $15,400, which was divided equally between CV Arts and the Health Care Auxiliary. Currently, organizers are accepting everything from empty frames and inexpensive department store prints to one-of-a-kind original paintings, essentially

anything that will hang on a wall, including needlepoint and collector plates. Among the treasures sold at last year’s event were a signed silkscreen print by aboriginal artist Clarence Wescoupe that sold for $160, two large silkscreen prints prepared for the 1988 Olympic Games in Calgary that sold for $250 each, and a Patrick Roy hockey jersey that sold for $400, plus hundreds of vintage and contemporary prints, photographs and paintings. To help facilitate the donation process, organizers are offering free pickup of donations in Calgary as well as in and around the Columbia Valley. Drop off points have been set up at the Invermere Thrift Store or the Pynelogs Cultural Centre. The sale will take place on September 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Invermere Community Centre. The sale will accept cash or cheques only and during the last hour of the sale everything will be sold at half-price. For more information, call 250-342-0444 or email for free pickup. You may also visit the Art From the Attic page on Facebook, or check under Events on the new Columbia Valley Arts Council Facebook page at —Submitted by Joshua Estabrooks, CV Arts Kf X[m\ik`j\# ZXcc1 ),'$*+)$0)(-


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo


Killer Rollbots advance to derby league finals Invermere team will take on Fernie's Avalanche City Roller Girls in final September bout NICOLE TRIGG

SUBMITTED PHOTO BY PLATZL PICS Puma Thurman jukes the opposition to break out of the pack at the semi-finals held in Fernie on August 4. Killer Rollbots took the win 267-145 and will play for first place in the finals.

The Valley Echo is pleased to produce the information package for Rocky Mountain School District No. 6. This booklet contains all the pertinent information for all parents of children attending any of the schools in our district. It will include school phone numbers and addresses, school opening dates, school attendance boundaries, a calendar for the year, and much more. These booklets will be inserted into the August 29, 2012 Valley Echo just prior to school opening, as well as given to each student at the start of the school year. Each student is encouraged to keep the booklet for the year as it contains important information valid for the whole school year. By placing your ad in this informative section, you will be ensured of reaching potential customers that would benefit from your service or selection. Your choice of ad sizes are (full colour): •1/4 page, $125 •1/2 page, $200 •Full page, $375 a to contact a If you require further information, please do not h hesitate us before August 21.

Marilyn Berry Office: 250-342-9216 Fax: 250-342-3930

The Invermere Killer Rollbots have done it again and while the roller derby team is advancing to the league finals thanks to a forfeit, they still managed to prove their worth by winning an unofficial bout in the East Kootenay Roller Derby League (EKRDL) semi-finals that took place on August 4. Called “Scrap to the Future” and held at the Fernie Memorial Arena, the semi-finals saw the four EKRDL teams fight for victory in two different games. Ranked second because of a loss in the regular season to the Fernie Avalanche City Roller Girls, the Killer Rollbots were matched against the Kimberley Bavarian Barbarians — third in the league — who forfeited the game because they were short too many of their strong players. By forfeiting, the Barbarians were granted the right to recruit players from another team for an unofficial game, and brought in help from Creston, the newest team in the league, to fill up their roster. “We went to this game with pretty much no pressure because we’d already won and we knew we were going on to the finals against Fernie,” said Rollbots captain and EKRDL media representative Jess ‘DeVotchka Thrash’ de Groot. “Because we didn’t have that pressure of having to win, we worked a lot better as a team; we could just focus on executing what we’ve learned and playing well instead of freaking out and worrying about the score… so I think that really helped clear our minds going into this game.” Seven of the Rollbots recently returned from RollerCon, a world- “I think we're going to just wide roller-derby conference in focus on a few strategies and Las Vegas, and will be applying what they’ve learned in the next we're just going to practice month leading up to the EKRDL them a lot.” finals, which are set for SeptemJESS DE GROOT ber 15 in Marysville. KILLER ROLLBOTS TEAM CAPTAIN “I think we’re going to just focus on a few strategies and we’re just going to practice them a lot over the next month so we can execute them, and more teamwork,” said de Groot. “We’ve discovered that working in smaller teams within the team helps us a lot.” In the finals, the Rollbots will face the team in the league that forced them to suffer their only loss of the season, mainly due to penalties. Penalties, said de Groot, tend to happen when a player is not moving her feet fast enough and illegally lunges after a jammer who is getting by, usually resulting in an elbow call. “Part of [decreasing penalties] is learning to clean up your play,” said de Groot. “You have to constantly be aware where that jammer is, where your other blockers are and be ready to move; you’re waiting for them but you can spring any moment to get where you need to be — those penalties go down a lot once you keep your feet moving.” For the big bout, the team is planning to rent a van or bus to help bring local fans out to the game, similar to what was done last year when fans could purchase a combination ticket that included transportation, entry to the bout, and a drink. “We’ll definitely be doing something like that again, getting a fan bus together so that we can get a whole bunch of people together and support us,” de Groot said. Another way to support the team is coming up on Wednesday, August 22 at Bud’s Bar and Lounge in Invermere when the Killer Rollbots present a movie called Derby, Baby! as a team fundraiser. The feature length documentary explores the culture around roller derby, now considered the fastest growing women’s sport in the world, and is narrated by actress/musician Juliette Lewis. “It’s really good, it’s fantastic,” de Groot said. “The whole idea behind it is to show to people who are not involved in roller derby why it’s so addictive, the women that are a part of it, and just how amazing the sport is.” Tickets will be available at the door for $10, with the film starting at 8 p.m. For more information on Invermere’s Killer Rollbots, and the upcoming league finals in September, like the TheKillerRollbots page on Facebook.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.








Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

911611 BC Ltd. o/a

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

Al-Anon - Are you concerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open.

Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.

Lost & Found Found-Silver Cross necklace in the water at Kinsmen Beach. Call 342-9216 to ID. Lost set of black keys, by Fairmont Goldsmith. Has gold key with #23 and 2 rings on it. Call 250-341-6140 room 23.

Sports & Recreation Lady curlers - if you’re over the age of 50 and interested in joining a competitive ladies team in the East Kootenay, please call 250-688-8835.

Build Your Career With us

Automotive 1999 Toyota 4 runner SR5, one owner, great condition, $5500 Call 250-342-5309

Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE SCRATCH & Chip Repair. Lucrative. Easy to learn. Mobile. Exclusive territory. Income Potential $100/hr. Very low operating expenses. F/T or PT. 1(250)686-0808. Be your own boss/build a business at home/ computer required/ex hrs/free training

Career Opportunities IF YOU’RE interested in real estate, then take Appraisal and Assessment, a specialized two-year business major at Lakeland College’s campus in Lloydminster, Alberta. Your training includes assessment principles, computerized mass appraisal valuation of properties, farmland evaluation and property analysis. Start September; 1-800-661-6490, ext. 5429. SHOP Welders Wanted Fort St. John, BC. Email resumes to Fax resumes to 1-888-731-8027. Competitive Wages & BeneďŹ ts. Check us out @


Selkirk Paving, part of the Interoute Construction Ltd. group of companies, located in the Kootenay region of British Columbia, is looking for a F/T Shop Supervisor to manage a eet of over 300 pieces of construction equipment. Some travel will be required.

• Focus On Safety

Performance • Industry Leader In The World Markets • Competitive Compensation Packages • Sustainable Business Practices • Progressive Environment

Duties / Tasks; ¡Manage shop activities ¡Dispatch mechanics ¡Maintain maintenance records ¡Manage eet licences ¡Help purchaser w/ parts orders Knowledge / Skills; ¡Knowledge of asphalt, crushing, and ready mix equipment would be an asset ¡Able to create repair budgets ¡Familiar with safety codes / regulations ¡Fluent with Microsoft Word and Excel

Do you thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment with opportunities for continuous growth and development?

Apply online today and build your career with us!

Experience/Education; ¡Post secondary education with Heavy Duty Mechanic training MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535

Competitive Compensation Package w/ a Comprehensive BeneďŹ t & Pension Plan. The Company Offers Development Opportunities Through Tailored Training Programs. For more information visit Please send your resume stating position to the Human Resources department at: or by fax at: (1)604-575-3691

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking




Journeyman Millwrights Meadow Lake, Sk.

Travel CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! 1-866-399-3853

VJ Bishop Excavating needs truck drivers. Must be experienced. Prefer Class 1. Fax resume to 250-341-6006.


Help Wanted

Welcome Wagon is hiring! We are looking for a motivated, organized, and enthusiastic individual to visit new families, new parents, and the newly engaged. Car and computer required. Sales experience an asset. Email all questions and resumĂŠs to cwickenheiser@

Tim Hortons

496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Food Service Supervisors 1 year to 2 years experience required $12.05/hr, Full time/Shift work Nights/Overnights/ Early Mornings/Weekends Apply via email: or fax (250)341-3177

Black Forest Restaurant is hiring

EXPERIENCED servers and cooks required at The Farside Pub in Fairmont. Resumes to steve.kuf

Cook. $12 - $14 per hour 40 hours per week.

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ



Robert Lawrence Callander January 29,1934 – August 10,2012


Tim Hortons or by fax (250)341-3177

Black Forest Restaurant is looking for part time kitchen help. Call 250-342-9417 or drop off resume.

Career Opportunities

Email resume to: careers@ or drop off resume between Noon-5:00pm.

ClassiďŹ eds Get Results!

911611 BC Ltd. o/a 496 Highway 93/95 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 Food counter attendants 1 year to 2 years industry experience required. $10.25/hr, Full time/Shift work Nights/overnights/ early mornings/weekends Apply via email:


It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of our loving husband, father and grandfather. Bob went peacefully, and now resides with his Lord and Saviour. Bob is lovingly remembered by his wife of 59 years, Bea; children: Darrell (Denise) and Cheryl (Dwain); grandchildren: Aaron, Tasha (Humam), Brendan (Kylie) and Jason, as well as three great grandsons. A Celebration of Robert’s life was held on Tuesday, August 14 at Millwoods Community Church, 2304-38 Street, Edmonton, Alberta.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities


Frances Veronica Ryan July 9, 1930 - August 6, 2012

Frances passed away peacefully with her family by her side on August 6 at Nanaimo Palliative Care Unit. She will be greatly missed by her children Dawna (Don), Leigh (Gerald), Jennifer (Peter), Anna (Ken), April (Grant), Mark (Sue); grandchildren Sarah, Sam, Wyatt, Emma, Brendon, Rene, Jordan, Grace, Geena, Jane, Adrienne, Harrison; great-grandchildren Esme, Jackson, Isabella, Henry and Kael. Frances loved life, laughter and people. She made friends wherever she went and was happiest when giving to others. Thank you for the excellent care and compassion shown by the staff at the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria and the Palliative Unit in Nanaimo. Please join us for a Celebration of Life on Saturday, August 18 from 2 to 4 p.m. at her daughter’s home - 949 Terrien Way, Parksville. Your smile and laughter will be with us forever.


GROW Interior Health COOK Occupational Shuswap Lake General Hospital Therapist Would you like to join our dietary team to assist in the to

Are you an Occupational Therapist to at make a difference preparation of menu items for the looking residents Shuswap Lake in your community? Join our caring team of Rehab Professionals General Hospital? Do you have experience working in a large and make aenvironment? difference in the livesanswered of others! “yesâ€?, we have an restaurant If you exciting casual opportunity you inan Salmon Arm.Occupational Invermere District Hospital isfor seeking Acute Care Therapist to work on a permanent, part time basis. We offer Candidates for this position must haveoftheir Grade plus a advanced technology and communities practice with12 excellent recognized 12-month program in cooking. Please upload your educational opportunities for continuous learning. Competitive certificate with your application. Hourly Rate: $20.22 wages, a comprehensive beneďŹ ts plan, and incomparable vacation time make Interior Health the right choice for you. WR [[[ [[[#LQWHULRUKHDOWK FD To find a more detailed description of this position and apply RU FDOO ;;; ;;;; Apply today! online, visit$SSOLFDWLRQV ZLOO EH DFFHSWHG us at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled (Competition # 00

To ďŹ nd a more detailed description of this position and to apply XQWLO WKH SRVLWLRQ LV ILOOHG online, visit us at Applications will be accepted until the position is ďŹ lled (Competition # 00415440) Please know that only applicants selected will be contacted.

Please know that only applicants selected will be contacted. w w w.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo







Merchandise for Sale

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Health Products

Home Improvements

Misc. for Sale

Blue Dog Cafe Invermere F/T Food Counter Attendant Duties include: prepare, heat & ďŹ nish cooking menu items & serve customers. Must also clear, wash & clean kitchen areas. Secondary school required & experience preferred. Wage $10.25/hr. Contact Jen or deliver resume to 1213 7th Avenue Invermere B.C.


Malwa Motels Inc o/a Days Inn in Golden is hiring: 5 Full Time Housekeeping Room Attendants - no exp needed, duties incl. sweeping, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, etc. $13.75/hr, 40hrs/wk Housekeeping Supervisor 1 yr similar exp req., duties incl. scheduling, supervising and coordinating activities of workers, inspecting facilities to ensure safety and cleanliness standards are met, etc. $14.50/hr, 40hrs/wk Front Desk Clerks & Relief Night Auditor- exp. an asset, duties incl. taking reservations and cancellations, registering guests, assigning rooms, processing telephone calls, providing information on hotel facilities and services, calculating charges and processing payments, etc. $13.00/hr, 40hrs/wk Full Time Maintenance Worker 1-2 yrs exp. Duties include trouble shoot and perform minor repair on plumbing & elelctrical systems, minor repair of appliances, paint, ooring, repair drywall and perform routine maintenance etc. $15.50/hr, 40hrs/wk FAX RESUMES 250-344-6673 T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive beneďŹ t package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. For details visit Contact Tyson Lambert by Fax: 250-286-9502 or by

AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing INC. is looking for welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for 10-3rd year apprentices or journey person welders. We offer best wage in industry. 3rd yr apprentice $28$30/hr, journey person $32$35/hr, higher with tank experience. ProďŹ t sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at; (ofďŹ ce)780-8462231; (fax)780-846-2241 or send resume to; p r o d u c t i o n @ a u t o t a n k s. c a . Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform. CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS wanted for growing northern company. Competitive wages and beneďŹ ts. Safety tickets needed. Fax 250-775-6227 or email: info@torqueindustr Apply online: CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS needed for growing northern company. Competitive wages and beneďŹ ts. Safety tickets necessary. Fax resume to 250-775-6227 or email: info@torqueindustr Online: CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete ďŹ nishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103. INSERTING MACHINE operator required for busy Alberta printing plant. Previous Alphaliner or other machine experience an asset. Mechanical & computer aptitude required; SHINGLE SAWYER needed in Gold River. Pendragon Forest Products Ltd. Apply to: Box 1100 Gold River B.C., V0P 1G0. Call 250-283-2111 or 604-369-3045. Or Email:

COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING CertiďŹ cate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus. Extensive study of beekeeping, queen rearing, and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable on-campus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. Call Lin 1-780-8356630

Red Rock Contracting Masonry work, river rocks, rock veneer, glass blocks, etc. Tile and slate installations, interlocking paving stones, retaining wall systems, repairs etc. For estimates 250-341-6869 cell 250-341-1220.

1986 Volkswagen Cabriolet Convertible, red, gas 4-cyl, fuel injected 5-spd, asking $3500. Variometers, Ball 500H & ight designs, $250/each. Sterioscope by Sokkisha, Model MS27, $350. Call (250)423-0328 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 MOVING SALE 1993 Mazda Miata $4000; 1993 Ford Mustang convertible, auto $3000; 1985 4wd Bronco $500; 1982 Honda 650cc Blackhawk $600; 1981 Kawasaki LTD 550cc $1200; GTX Touring Skidoo $1750; Sears lawn tractor w/grass cutter & snowblower $500; Gasoline generator 110/220 $800; Lg Dining table $300; Chest freezer 15 cu ft $75; 27â€? Poulan Pro Snowblower $600; Sears 10â€? Craftsman radial arm saw w/work table $250; 32â€? Westinghouse at screen TV $150; Homemade doll house $25; Crib $25; Homemade crib $60; TV Stand $60; Bookshelves $75; Propane bar fridge $75; Sm microwave $40; JVC Stereo, tape deck, receiver, CD, speakers $150;Kenwood amp, CD, speakers, remote $100; Akai stereo, receiver, turntable, speakers, CD, remote $120 PH: 250-344-4665 Royal Albert “Memory Laneâ€? china, 8 dinner, salad, bread & butter plates, 8 cups & saucers, 5 coffee mugs, 1-pr salt & pepper, 2-pc gravy boat, 3-pc cream & sugar, tea pot, asking $600. (250)426-4986

Busy Stucco & Plaster company in Invermere is looking for a F/T stucco & plaster applicator. Duties include lathing & oating cement, stucco application & ďŹ nishing & scaffold & framework erection. Valid driver’s licence, own transportation, completion of secondary school is required. Some experience & French language is preferred. Wage $25/hr. Contact Johnathan with resume at 2207 Westside Park Ave. Invermere, B.C. or email Garbage Truck Driver VP Waste Solutions in Golden, BC is seeking a permanent F/T class 3 driver. Responsibilities incl. driving routes, container and vehicle maintenance, and customer service. Competitive wage ($17-$25/hr) Fax resumes 250-439-1119 TRULY CANADIAN

is currently accepting applications for full time and part time employment. Apply in person to 185 Laurier Street, Invermere, BC between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. PARTS & Services Representatives at Jacobson Ford Salmon Arm BC- We are looking for exciting, customer friendly, dynamic individuals capable of working in a fast paced work environment. Parts and service experience an asset but not necessary, email resume to

Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430

Restaurant help required Dishwashers & front end help required full and part-time. Join a young, energetic team for busy summer!

Some jobs may be suitable for retired person looking for part time work. Call Old Salzburg at 347-6553

North Star Hardware & Building Supplies Ltd. Independently owned


Full-time Inside Contractor Inside Contractor Sales Position Experience preferred. Apply in person with resumĂŠ to Chris. 410 Borden Street

Administrative Assistant Busy Property Management ofďŹ ce requires an Administrative Assistant, to start immediately. The successful candidate will be a highly organized, exible and energetic team player with excellent computer skills that include MS Word, Excel and Outlook. This position would be full time and remuneration includes a beneďŹ ts package. Please send resumĂŠ, with salary expectations, to or mail to Box 249, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0.

Part-time Employment Opportunity StrongStart Outreach Facilitator September 2012 – June 2013 $20-22/hour The StrongStart facilitator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the StrongStart B.C. Outreach Program at Eileen Madson Primary and Edgewater Elementary schools. StrongStart is funded by the B.C. Ministry of Education and is a parent-and-child program that focuses on healthy early childhood development and school readiness for children from birth to school age. This is approximately a half-time position. The qualified candidate will have: r &$& DFSUJėDBUJPO XJUI B -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF PS CF registered in an ECE program working towards licensing. r FYQFSJFODF XJUI PS BO VOEFSTUBOEJOH PG GBNJMZ CBTFE program delivery. r ESJWFS T MJDFOTF BOE B SFMJBCMF WFIJDMF r LOPXMFEHF PG DPNNVOJUZ TFSWJDFT JO UIF 8JOEFSNFSF 7BMMFZ r FYDFMMFOU DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT UIF BCJMJUZ UP XPSL BT QBSU PG B UFBN DVMUVSBM TFOTJUJWJUZ DSFBUJWJUZ BOE SFTPVSDFGVMOFTT rCBTJD DPNQVUFS TLJMMT Please apply via e-mail by sending introductory letter and resumÊ to Katie Andruschuk at

VJ Bishop Excavating is needing a heavy duty mechanic F/T or P/T. Automotive experience is an asset but not necessary. Fax

resume to 250-341-6006

OfÀce Support Lost 1 key on blue hook key ring call 342-0718 or 688-1995

Trades, Technical Fort St John, B.C. Licensed Plumber/Gasfitter/Sheetmetalman wanted for new construction and installations. Must have valid drivers license. Send resume to or (250)7855542

Help Wanted

Help Wanted Services

SLIM DOWN for summer! Lose up to 20 lbs in just 8 weeks. Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

Misc Services

Financial Services

Cresteel RV Services

DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Hauling & Salvage ODD JOBS ENT. HAULING garbage, brush & construction disposal, mulch deliveries Call Dale Hunt 250-342-3569

Home Improvements Valley Framing & Contracting Everything from roofs & decks Major renovations 250-342-7517

Help Wanted

Reporter Full Time The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press newspaper has an immediate opening for a full time reporter. We are looking for someone with a journalism degree/ diploma and at least one year of newspaper experience. The quali¿ed applicant must have experience with Indesign and Photoshop and will be expected to work independently, reporting to the Editor. We are seeking that true journalist who loves to cover everything from the seniors’ bake sale and city council to junior B hockey and school plays. The reporter is expected to work Àexible hours, including weekends, and must own a car and be prepared to travel across the Elk Valley. The successful candidate will receive a very competitive salary, car allowance, and an excellent bene¿t package. Black Press has over 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. If you have an interest in the community, excellent writing skills and experience in journalism, and the ability to work to strict deadlines, please send a cover letter, resume, and examples of your writing and photography work to: Angela Treharne Editor The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Fax: (250) 423-3110 Email: Only those selected for interview will receive a response.

Appliances, accessories, parts and repairs Mobile Service

250-342-6312 HAVE A PILE OF GARBAGE to get rid of? Give Odd Jobs Ent. a call. 250-342-3569

Window Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING? Call Jim Triple J Window Cleaning. 250-349-7546. New Gutter Vac Gutter Cleaning. 15% off Aug 15-Sept 30/12

Pets & Livestock

Feed & Hay Hay for sale, $50/rounds, $3.50/smalls squares. Call Dennis, (250)529-7404 Hay for sale, Wycliffe, $125/ton, $32/bale, 500lb bales, in ďŹ eld. (250)426-7668

Livestock “Mammoth Sale�, friendly donkeys to ride, pack, drive, etc. Fort Steele, BC (250)489-0173

Pets Havanese pups, non shed, hypo allergenic, excellent companions, CKC registered, ready now (250)424-5229

Merchandise for Sale

Garage Sales Monster Garage Sale...705 15th St. (end of 7th Ave on way to Kinsmen Beach) Fieldstone Glen. 8 a.m. - Noon Sat Aug 18th.

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Silver Coins etc. Available now: 250-863-3082

Musical Instruments Invest in Music. Seiler grand piano for sale, maintained & used with care in Edgewater Hall concerts for 10 years. Can be seen & heard at the Columbia Valley Chamber Music Festival Concerts so far & Saturday Aug 18, 7:30 p.m. Christ Church Trinity, Invermere. Please contact Barry Moore, 250-347-9668

Real Estate Acreage for Sale Acreages “�

Apt/Condos for Sale 2 brm suite, furnished, 5 appliances, adults, no pets, N/S. Quiet neighbourhood, walking distance to downtown. Available Sept 1 $750/mth + utilities 250-342-7096

Houses For Sale Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit:

Sharpening Equipment, Complete, Like New condition, $15,000. 1-(250)542-4106.

Floor ReďŹ nishing/ Installations

Floor ReďŹ nishing/ Installations



Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning

Krystal Klear Window Washing & Snow Plowing

250-342-0450 Serving the Valley for over a decade!

The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rentals Apt/Condo for Rent Available immediately 2 bdrm, 2-4pc bathroom condo, furnished, Fairmont Riverside Resort, overlooking golf course, laundry & storage in unit. Great mountain views. 1 year lease, non-smoking, no pets. Call Sharon 250-688-1365 Downtown Invermere, 2 bedrm, unfurnished, shared laundry, N/S, N/P. 250-3423155 between 10 am-6 pm. Invermere, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, executive fully furnished downtown condo with dream kitchen, open concept includes all appliances. Heated floors in both bathrooms. Fireplace & BBQ $1200/mth, includes utilities. Avail. Sept. 1 Email or call 416-709-4590 A23




Homes for Rent

Auto Financing


FOR RENT in Canal Flats. 3bedroom home with 2vehicle detached garage, N/S, small pet okay. Available Aug.1st, $900/mo plus utilities & DD. Phone (250) 349-5306 or (250)489-8389. Indian Beach Estates-lovely large master, small loft bdrm + den. 2 min from beach, wonderful light and views. N/S, $1000/mth plus util & references. Avail Sept 1. email or call 435901-1600.


Auto Financing

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231

Radium - Two units Pinewood W building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, nicely, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail now. $900/mth/$1100/mth. Call Lina @ 403-239-6389 or 403-999-2783

Cars - Domestic 2007 Ford Taurus SE four door, air, cruise, tilt steering, keyless entry, abs, driver side 6 way power seat. 147,000km. Mint condition. $5000. Contact Ed 250-4234510 or

Homes for Rent EDGEWATER 3 acres 6 bdrms 4 full baths 2 kitchens 2 living rooms 10 appliances. $1150/mth. 403-650-8654


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Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application on behalf of the Ministry of Forests,Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for a License of Occupation for the purpose of Adventure Tourism (hiking and Backpacking), and Intercultural Sharing Programs between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in conjunction with various Western Canadian non-profit and community organizations. The application was made by Cross River Corporation Inc. of Calgary, AB and includes Provincial Crown Land near Cross River, Albert River, CrossRiver Wilderness Centre, and Mt. Assiniboine. It contains approximately 96 kilometres of trail and 4.9 hectares encompassing two intensive use sites more or less. The MFLNRO file number that has been established for this application is 4405235. Written comments concerning this application should be emailed to, or by mail to: FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 7G1. Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until August 26,2012. FrontCounter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. For more information please refer to our website: applicationposting/index.isp, then use the “Search by File Number” option by inserting the Lands File Number. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For further information, contact the FOI Advisor at the MFLNRO regional office in Cranbrook.


CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

9 a.m. Worship at All Saints, Edgewater 10:30 a.m. Worship at Christ Church Trinity,Invermere Worship at St. Peter’s, Windermere; 1st Sunday (7 p.m.) and 3rd Sunday (9 a.m.) of the month May-Oct.

CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC CHURCH Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father James McHugh 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Sunday at 5 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.

LAKE WINDERMERE ALLIANCE CHURCH 326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke

Sunday, August 19th Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. 10 a.m. Worship & Word Worship and Life Instruction, Kid’s Church Provided “You Mean I Have To Love Others?” … Special speaker Call the office at 250-342-9511 Mr. Matt Wilks. for more information. “K.I.D.S.” Church, for children ages 3-7, during the Morning Service.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit


Wednesday, August 15, 2012 The Valley Echo


Soccer academy has small communities in mind SUBMITTED Special to The Valley Echo

Youth soccer players across the Kootenay will have an opportunity to take their game to the next level fostered through a partnership between the Vancouver Whitecaps and Nelson’s Soccer Quest. At the end of the month, the Whitecap's FC Academy will kick off with two evaluation camps to be held in Cranbrook on August 21 and 22, and Nelson on August 28 and 29. “We have recognized that over the past few years that it is very difficult for certain regions to get exposure,” said Dan Lenarduzzi, director of youth development for the Whitecaps. “The academy is meant to give players that are already with clubs supplemental training, but also for us to identify players in hopes of moving them up to our more professionalized programs.” The academy will include four age groups for girls and boys: U11/12, U13/14, U15/16 and U17/18. Its reach extends to both the East and West Kootenay, plus the Boundary. The program runs for seven months starting in September and ending in April (there is a two-month winter break in December and January). The training includes eight weekends at Nelson’s Soccer Quest indoor facility. Four travel events per age group will also be part of the academy. “It’s a major move for Soccer Quest and for the Kootenays,” said Soccer Quest’s

Dave Spendlove. Soccer Quest set up its indoor facility in Nelson five years ago. Two years ago Spendlove started both a boys and girls regional program for 16 to 18 year old players. Those teams travelled to high performance tournaments throughout Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest. The program resulted in 11 post-secondary scholarship offers. The partnership with the Whitecaps is an extension of this. “The Whitecaps are wanting to extend their brand and their development across Canada,” said Lenarduzzi. “To do that we are looking at setting up academy centres in different locations.” The Whitecaps feel the academy route is an opportunity try and even the pitch for young players living in rural BC. “There are great places to live all over B.C. and all over Canada,” said Lenarduzzi. “Unfortunately, sometimes where people live is a bit of a problem because they are not close enough to some of the larger opportunities... It’s a real good opportunity for us to reach more kids in areas that don’t normally get exposure.” The academy will include monthly coaching visits from Whitecaps staff, led by Whitecaps Okanagan regional head coach David Broadhurst. It will also include Soccer Quest coaches working with approved Whitecaps academy curriculum. Some of that curriculum includes technical development, strength training, nutrition and

sport psychology. Starting the academy at a younger age is also an opportunity to immerse players into a soccer culture sooner. “In other countries they start even younger with high performance programs,” said Lenarduzzi. “We feel that if we are going to make a difference in the game we need to start getting kids into these environments sooner... It’s about growing the base and starting that pyramid a little bit earlier.” Both Lenarduzzi and Spendlove stress that the academy is a regional program. The hope is to gather together the best players from Invermere to Grand Forks. Both men realize this will take a commitment on behalf of families. Each age level will take 16 players for both male and female. And though the academy is looking for the best, they want to see as many hopefuls at the camps later this month. “Rather than saying elite, we are looking for the really motivated players,” said Lenarduzzi. “We want players who want to get to the next level. If you really want to get better and you have the physical ability, then we want to have those kids in the program. I think we can make those players better.” Registration for the evaluation camps can only be done online at whitecapsfc. com/kootenay. For more information call Soccer Quest at 250-352-4625 (coach@ or the Whitecaps at 778330-1354 ( —Submitted by Bob Hall

Get krushed NICOLE TRIGG

Cyclists ready to test their metal can still sign up for the mountain bike race that has put the Columbia Valley on the map for endurance enthusiasts.The Kootenay Krusher is taking place on Saturday (August 18) with different distances to choose from, depending on how challenging a course you’re willing to take on. Hosted by Nipika Mountain Resort in Radium Hot Springs — the race location — and the Columbia Valley Cycling Society, this epic cycling venture is open to everyone with kids 14 and under encouraged to ride for free. Both men’s and women’s categories are being offered for the following ages: 15 to 19, 20 to 39, 40 to 49 and over 50 and a family-fun riding day is set for the day after the race on Sunday (August 19). The main event itself on Saturday will consist of 25 kilometre and 50 km distances for the above categories, and three and five kilometre distances for kids, as well as single track courses. To find our more, visit or www.columbiavalleycyclingsociety. org, and to register go to www.zone4. ca. Entry is $75 and racers will receive an event t-shirt, a post-race meal, and a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

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