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â– NEWS:
One last kick at summer Council candidates take position on B2B ...............................3
Scaling rock around Golden .................................9
â– ARTS & CULTURE: Almost 30 local children took part in a special vocation bible and soccer camp in Golden. The camp combined soccer skills, music and stories for the participants. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Lineup for Live Kicks has been announced .............................13
Horse Club hosted Sunday funday ............................ 22
Candidates prepare for forum Darryl Crane As the 2012 Town of Golden Byelection gets closer the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce is preparing to host an All Candidates Forum to be held at the Golden Senior Centre on Thursday August 23. Doors for the event will open at 6:30 p.m. with the forum running from 7 to 9 p.m. Manager of the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Ruth Hamilton explained why the date was chosen to host the event. “We wanted to ensure that those voting in the Advance Poll on Wednesday, August 29 had the same opportunities to hear the candidates as those voting on September 8,� she said. Hamilton also explained the rules and procedures for the forum. Between 6 to 6:30 p.m. there will be a number of tables available for the candidates to set up information and posters. Doors will open to the public at 6:30 p.m. Candi-
dates will then be asked to present themselves to the chairperson at the head table promptly at 6:45 p.m. to draw for order of speaking. The meeting will be called to order promptly at 7 p.m. and the candidates will be seated alphabetically at the speakers table before they are introduced in this order. Each candidate will be allotted two minutes to make an opening statement in response to a question from the Forum Moderator provided in advance of the forum. Each candidate will receive three “wild cards� to be used to answer questions that have been directed to other candidates, if they so choose. During a question and answer period, questions will be received from the floor in oral form. Questions from the floor must be directed to an individual candidate, the moderator will have the responsibility of ensuring that questions are directed to the appropriate candidate. The candidate has one minute to answer the question and then additional candidates may also reply to a
question using one of their “wild cards.� The chairperson will rule out of order any person who attempts to use the meeting as a platform for expressing a point-of-view on any issue. Questions from the floor will be limited to one per individual to ensure as wide of a participation from the community as possible. The forum will adjourn at 9 p.m. with time given to the candidates to make themselves available to the public until 9:30 p.m. to answer any questions. Hamilton explained why she felt it is an important event to attend. “There will also be a wide variety of questions asked from the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce and from the floor. The open mike provides Golden voters a chance to ask questions directly to the candidates and in addition learn about the five candidates from other questions submitted from the floor,� she said. “The forum is the perfect opportunity to discover how knowledgeable these candidates are in all matters of our community and the value they believe they can bring to the position if elected.�
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Golden and District Lions get ready to roar at CNIB tournament Darryl Crane As August comes to a close the Golden and District Lions Club are preparing to host their annual golf tournament in aid of the CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind). Gary Bjarnason has organized the event and this year it will be held at the Golden Golf
Club on Aug. 27 with a start time of 11 a.m. “It is a fun deal. It is a scramble event so everyone gets to tee off and you pick the one you want from there,” he said. This year will mark the tournament’s 18th year. Bjarnason said over the years the tournament has received a great deal of support from the community. “The businesses give more than you can expect. I am flab-
bergasted. The businesses are always willing to help out,” Bjarnason said. Bjarnason also said people have been helping in many ways and some people who cannot golf are looking for ways to make donations. Bjarnason added this is a great way for people to help the Lions help people. “You realize that we have 16 to 18 legally blind people in the
Golden area. We try to raise funds to help people,” he said. Bjarnason also said golfers who are playing in their 10th tournament receive a special prize for their commitment to the tournament. Anyone interested in taking part in the tournament or learning more about the event can call Bjarnason at 250-3442336 or contact the Golden Golf Club at 250-344-2700.
As for why he feels people should come out to the event Bjarnason said, “You can come out and enjoy yourself while helping the CNIB with their cost of an important service. Everyone wins a prize and it is a win win situation for everyone,” he said. “The Lions Club thanks everyone for their participation because without it nothing could happen in the community.”
Gary Bjarnason Darryl Crane/Star Photo
• Passionate about Golden
• Committed to serving the Community
Town Council • September 8
Kids of all ages will be out for the Weekend of Wheels in Golden.
Star Photo
Weekend of Wheels returns to Golden Darryl Crane It will be a fun weekend of shiny cars and motorcycles as the Weekend of Wheels returns to Golden. For the second year in a row the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122 and Rocky Mountain Cruiser’s Car Club of Golden Show and Shine event will partner with the 5th Annual Golden Triangle Memorial Poker Run for a great weekend. The Show and Shine will be held on Saturday August 25 on the street in front of the Golden Legion. The street will be blocked off for a Car/ Bike Show and Shine on that day. There will be also vendors and an afternoon barbecue at the event. After the event the Legion Meat
Draw will be held and there will be a barbecue steak dinner and music. Registration for the event will happen in the morning of the show and shine. On Sunday, August 26 the 5th Annual Golden Triangle Memorial Poker Run will be held. This year the run will once again be held in memory of Bryan Englehart Riders will meet at the Golden Legion at 8:30 a.m. for a “Meet and Greet.” There will be coffee and muffins for the riders. Riders will go from Golden to Castle Junction on to Edgewater then a stop near Parson and back to Golden. The riders will stop at the Braisher Creek Rest Stop where two minutes
of silence will be observed to honour Englehart and any other fallen riders that we know. After everyone gets settled back in, a presentation will take place for the best hand which will receive a cash prize. The 2nd and 3rd place hands will win a rafting trips complements of Canadian Rockies Rafting. There will also be door prizes and 50/50 draw. “If you have a vehicle that you can shine up and are proud of then come by and show it off. If you like looking at them then you should drop by as well. It is a family event,” one of the organizers for the event Terry Hickey said. If you have any questions or suggestions you can call 250-272-6782.
Advanced polling date set for byelection Darryl Crane
Sale Ends September 30th
HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218
As the byelection in the Town of Golden get closer, a date has been set for people to take part in the advanced polling Jon Wilsgard is the Manager of Corporate Administration for the Town of Golden and the Chief Election Officer for the byelection. “The advance polling is on August 29 and will be held from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Council Chambers,” Wilsgard said. There is no pre-day registration for the election so people will be able to come to the the chamber to vote with the proper identification. “Everyone needs to remember to bring your ID. You have to prove who you are and where you live,” Wilsgard said. He explained the two best IDs people use are a drivers license and BC Care Card because one proves
who you are and where you live while the second also proves who you are with a signature. He added passports are not typically accepted because they can be changed or renewed. An interesting part of the election this year is that this year there will be a referendum held as well as the byelection. “People need to be prepared because they will be issued two ballots. One for the byelection and one for the referendum,” he said. Wilsgard said he hoped people would come out to vote as a way to exercise their democratic right. “We need to be so utterly thankful that we live in a democratic society in which we have the freedom to vote for those that govern our society,” he said. “This is the most accessible level of government that there is and in my mind the most accountable. That governing body deserves to have an electorate that cares about it.”
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012 A3
Candidates for 2012 Town of Golden Byelection Question of the week: What is your stand on the proposed Bridge to Bridge project?
Connie Barlow
Lori Baxendale
Andrew Commons
Jim deBolebec
Keith Hern
I am pleased to see that the future of this project will be decided by referendum. While I personally did not sign the counter petition, I can understand why so many in the community felt that the decision required more input. And I think that this level of community engagement is always a good thing. I believe that we have a responsibility to examine the process that brought our community to this point. I believe that we can always make improvements on how decisions are made, and great care needs to be taken with projects of this magnitude.
B2B is scaled back, seeking 1.3 million rather than 2.5. Candidates have a say only by voting in the referendum. I have supported the project since 2010 when I first saw it presented. To me it encompasses everything that should be considered including infrastructure and liability protection, risk management, and yes, beautification. Although the beautification is currently cut, it previously represented only approximately 10% of the budget. The current proposal will cost residential taxpayers, whose average tax bill is $2000, an additional approximately, $50 per year. It will be up to residents to decide if their pockets can accommodate that.
I am completely opposed to the borrowing of $1.3 million in this economic climate for the Bridge to Bridge project. I am not against flood alleviation when the budget allows. Council should examine more cost effective alternatives, and any future dike improvements should be in conjunction with an on going program of gravel removal and bar scalping. Increasing the Town’s debt on a lower priority project simply does not make sense. With $14 million worth of infrastructure projects having already been identified we must prioritize those first. You the electorate will now have the final say. Please vote No.
Personally opposed. Raising dike a short term measure requiring future work again, prefer dredging (not requiring extensive dyke work), bridge to bridge not on towns original infrastructure priority list, and in a struggling economy not the time to take on such a debt load. However, if elected as councillor, my position would have to take into consideration the will of the town’s people. With a project of this size ($) I expect the town to educate people on various options, pros and cons, and take it to a town vote. After all tax payer should have a say.
Opposed! Dike improvement should be one component of an integrated infrastructure management plan. There are $13.5 million in road, water, and sewer projects with priority over B2B. When the HWY95 bridge is repaired/ replaced, it might make sense to do B2B at that time. Flood control must include dredging as a major component. The scaled-back budget at $3.5 million is still much-too-much for 330m of dyke. The town’s balance sheet should not be burdened with more debt in this economic climate. There are far more effective ways of beautifying the town, at much less cost, than paving a back alley.
Tell us what you’re up to!
Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Smooth crossing
ALL CANDIDATES FORUM Join the nominated candidates for the
Town of Golden Council Thursday, August 23, 2012 Doors open 6:30 p.m. and Forum will take place from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Golden Seniors Centre Sponsored by:
Workers were on site to upgrade the Canadian Pacific railway crossing on 10th Avenue in front of the LP Engineered Wood Products in Golden. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
ECDC to take the classroom outdoors Jessica Schwitek
Behind the Wheel
Are You Smarter Than a Learner Driver?
My mother learned to drive on the prairies as a teenager. She paid her two dollars, was given a driver’s licence and then learned to drive. I learned in my teens as well, studying the driving guide, took a twenty question test, spent some time as a learner, passed a 20 minute road test and I had my licence. My children both took driver training during their Learner stage because I could afford it and felt it was an important life skill. They passed a 25 question test, spent time in the Learner stage, were tested, moved on to the Novice stage, were tested and then got their full licence. Quite a difference, isn’t it? I would be willing to bet that all of us, the middle aged or older better than average driver crowd, would be hard pressed to equal or better the score of a newly minted class 5 driver on ICBC’s on line driver’s test. I base that remark on what I see happening around me when I drive and the correspondence that I have had with visitors to my DriveSmartBC web site. Many drivers have failed to maintain the knowledge of the road rules that they need to drive safely and properly. In addition, the rules have changed since I obtained my class 5. I challenge you! Visit and look for the link to the Practice Knowledge Test on the home page below the green tab labelled New Driver. Take the full test and answer all 25 questions that will be presented to you at random. Did you answer at least 80% of the questions correctly? If not and you were trying to obtain your Learner’s, you would be told to go home and study some more because you didn’t have sufficient knowledge of the rules to start learning to drive. Good luck! The author is a retired constable with many years of experience in traffic law enforcement. To comment or learn more, please visit
this feature sponsored by:
e Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201
Have a ICBC Question? Give Jan a call - she knows how to get you the best coverage, for the best price, when it comes to automobile insurance whatever your needs.
The best insurance rates.
Jan Dicaire
Outside time used to be just for recess, but a workshop hosted by Golden’s Early Childhood Development Coalition is suggesting that nature aids in education and development as well. “If you want to teach math, you don’t have to do it in a classroom setting. You can do it in nature, counting pine cones and counting types of trees. The research has indicated quite clearly that children require interaction with the natural environment,” said Joanne McCullough, co-ordinator for the ECDC. “It’s very good for their social and emotional development, their physical development, their problem solving. It’s physically good for their bodies to be in nature.”
The ECDC is bringing in the workshop, called Growing up Wild, and hopes that educators, child care providers, and parents will find it informative and helpful. “It’s an American educational program that’s been adopted by a group in B.C. called Wild B.C. out of Victoria. They have facilitators around the province who teach this course for them,” said McCullough. “The intent of this workshop is to inform early childhood educators and child care providers, and parents how to utilize the natural environment as an educational tool.” In the past, children were placed in classroom with fluorescent lighting, removing them from nature, says McCullough. And even though schools and teachers have made an effort to bring natural elements into
the classroom, it can be taken one step further. “This is more of a push to take them out of the classroom, out of the child care centre, and into nature. Regardless of the weather and season, there’s opportunities to be outside all the time,” said McCullough. “I think parents could really benefit from this, parents with young children, because it’s going to give them tools to take their children into nature, and use these tools to engage them.” The workshop is taking place on Thursday August 30 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the College of the Rockies. The cost is $40, and includes reference materials to take home. For more information or to register, go to, or email
A new site for the town of Golden Darryl Crane The Town of Golden has launched a new town website which will help both visitors and local residents learn more about what is happening in Golden. David Allen, the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town, explained the new site will have many benefits for many people. Allen said the new site is a great improvement over the previous site in both a visual and content management program. “We are able to do a lot of the changes internally whereas in the past we would have had to go out to the IT consultants to make the changes. Now we can manage most of the contact,” he said. Allen said the changes can also be useful to provide information to residents. One example of how it can
be used is the special sections with information which may be discussed in the current byelection and referendum. “What we have here is a ‘What’s New’ section. One part of that (for example) deals with the Bridge to Bridge project and the council and byelection page,” he said. “What we have is a webpage in the site specifically dedicated to both the project and the election. There are messages, the question in the referendum and a great deal of information if people are interested.” The new site will allow a great deal more information that was on the previous site so that people will be able to stay more up to date with what is happening in the community. It will also have links to Kicking Horse Culture, Tourism Golden, The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce and other local sites. “They are all there and connected to our site,” he said. To check out the new site go to
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A5
Brain injury support
RCMP Report: Thefts from vehicles Golden Star Staff In a 24 hour period on August 11 there were three separate incidents where impaired drivers were picked up by members of the Golden RCMP Detachment. This number is described as high for the area. Two of the impaired drivers were from Alberta and one was a local. In the afternoon of August 11 a driver approximately five kilometres east of Golden was attempting to pull off of the road to rest. During his attempt to pull off the road the driver ended up in a ditch. On August 12 the RCMP had to deal with a man who had been previously warned about having open liquor in public. A few hours after his warning the man was found staggering around Spirit Square and was incapable of caring for himself. RCMP took the man in custody for the evening before releasing him the following morning with a violation ticket.
Golden Ladies Golf Club supports East Kootenay Brain Injury at Tuesday ladies day golf Aug. 20. Members of Ladies Golf along with EKBIA members enjoyed this fun filled day at the Golden Golf Club. EKBIA thanks all the ladies that gave their support and donations. For information regarding EKBIA support call 250-344-5674 Golden/Invermere area. Photo Submitted
On August 15 members of the Golden RCMP Detachment arrested two males who were trafficking in a controlled substance. A hearing has been held and both men are still in police custody, and will remain so, at least until a court appearance in Cranbrook on August 20.
Parks Canada has reached an agreement with several organizations and volunteers in Yoho National Park that will see Emerald Lake Lodge, Kicking Horse Ski Club, and Emerald Lake Sport and Gifts provide Nordic ski trail grooming services in Yoho National Park beginning this November. Parks Canada will support these organizations and volunteers by supplying grooming equipment and training, servi-
cing repairs, providing avalanche safety advice and offering other in-kind support. The new agreement will focus on trail grooming in the Emerald Lake area, Yoho’s most popular cross-country ski destination. Parks Canada hopes the announcement will reinforce their long-term commitment to work with residents and businesses to encourage quality visitor experiences in Yoho National Park. This agreement will reestablish approximately 15 kilometres of track set
trails in Yoho and there will also likely be a loop established on the ice surface of Emerald Lake, adding another five km to the offer. While fewer kilometres will be track set than in the past, 34 km were track set last year, and trails that were formerly groomed by Parks Canada may be added in the future if all parties concerned are in agreement. This agreement is established for the period of November 15, 2012 to April 15, 2013, and may be renewed with the agreement of all parties.
Risk of wildfires increases in the Southeast Fire Centre Golden Star Staff Recently the Southeast Fire Centre has responded to 47 new wildfires with 43 being caused by lightning. Since April 1, the centre has responded to 95 fires, 34 per cent of which were human caused. Person-caused fires draw valuable resources away from naturally occurring fires. With the increasing number of fires occurring across the centre, the public is asked to be careful so that resources can focus on naturally occurring
wildfires. Although there are several active fires within the southeast, it should not have any significant fires that would produce the amount of smoke being seen across the centre. The fire danger rating is moderate to high across most of the centre with pockets of extreme danger in the Arrow, Kootenay Lake, Boundary, Invermere and Cranbrook zones. For the latest information on current wildfire activity including burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, go to http://
A bicycle was stolen in Golden. The red and white Airwalk mountain bicycle was stolen from a yard in the south area of town. The Bowling Alley in Golden had the front door smashed in. RCMP were informed that someone tried to break into a travel trailer in the area. Residents are reminded to keep their car doors locked, keep their windows rolled up and do not leave valuables in their vehicles. Anyone with any information can contact the Golden RCMP detachment at (250) 344-2221
Connie Barlow
Parks Canada comes to agreement on ski trails Golden Star Staff
Between midnight and and the early morning hours of August 17 there were upwards of 20 thefts from vehicles. The majority of the vehicles were left unlocked with items which could be seen through the windows. A variety of items were taken from the vehicles ranging from clothing to electronic items. There was one theft of a vehicle where the vehicle was moved from a residence down the block. There was no damage to the vehicle. In one vehicle someone had vomited on the drivers seat. (The window was open). Many of the vehicles were between the area of Alexander Park and Selkirk Hill with other incidents occuring in the south end of Golden.
for Town Council 250 439 9097
Experience Commitment
2012 Referendum (Other Voting) NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR SCRUTINEERS On Saturday, September 8th, 2012, qualified electors within the Town of Golden will be voting on the following question: “Do you approve of Council for the Town of Golden adopting Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization, which will authorize Council to borrow on the credit of the municipality a sum not exceeding $1,322,235 in order to facilitate the completion of the Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge 2 Bridge) Project?” Scrutineers for and against the question must be appointed if applications are received from persons who wish to volunteer for the positions. Only persons entitled to vote as electors on the question shown above are entitled to act as scrutineers. One scrutineer for and one scrutineer against the question will be appointed if sufficient applications are received. Applications to act as a scrutineer will be received by the Chief Election Officer or designate at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South during the following period: 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 15th, 2012 to 4:00 p.m. Friday, August 24th, 2012 Applications will only be received during regular office days and hours during this period. Application forms are available at Town Hall. Interested persons can obtain information on the requirements and procedures for making an application by contacting the following persons at the Town of Golden (phone: 250-344-2271): Jon Wilsgard, Chief Election Officer Viv Thoss, Deputy Chief Election Officer
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Taken for granted
New publisher named at The Golden Star
I always found it fascinating while in a journalism program in university that so many of my classmates had little or no interest in anything political. Very few of them would try and learn about an election and even fewer wanted to drop by a debate or all candidates forum. It was odd to me, partially because quite often it was at these forums where I would make my decision on who I would cast my ballot for. These events give the voters By Darryl Crane the chance to get up close and talk to the candidates, hear their opinions and decide who they believe is trustworthy. On August 23, the byelection all candidates forum will be held at the Senior Centre in Golden. This is your chance to hear the question you want answered. For two hours candidates will sit in front of the voters and answer their questions about whatever you think is important. This is a luxury you should never take for granted . In too many countries around the world people do not have this freedom to question those people who want to represent them on any level of government. It is not a right, it is a privilege. We get to go in and ask the questions we want to know the answers to and listen to the responses from the candidates’ mouths. These forums also give use the chance to chat with the five runners after the event is over. There are no handlers, no one in their ear telling them what to say and no one attempting to stifle what is being asked. It is perhaps the most honest form of politics there is. The voters get access to candidates they know and some they may only just be learning about. Then the judgement begins. After all that is part of the reason we attend these events. We are all political critics at those moments. We critique what each of these candidates say, and how they say it. We sit there slowly building an opinion about the people who have tossed their names into a very tough arena. While some people slowly build an opinion, others go to an event like this with their minds already made up. That is the nature of the beast. All is fair in love and politics, isn’t it? Though a few people came out to the last debate, many people are wondering if there will be more out at this byelection forum than usual. Many issues have polarized the area as of late. Between the space between bridges, buses, finances and to burn or not to burn one thing is for sure. There are many questions that can and should be asked to this group of candidates. We are lucky to have a chance like this and that can and should not be forgotten. This is your time as a voter. This is your time as a resident of the Town of Golden. This is your chance to ask the questions that you need to know the answers to. This is the candidates’ chance to stand up and share their honest opinions and ideas which could lead not only Golden, but this whole area, into a brighter future. But for this to happen you need to get out and show up to the event. If only a few people come to ask their questions then yet again you the voters have taken your democratic right for granted and that is a waste. Many people in the world would like to have the chance which we are given so easily. Here is hoping you come by, so that a rational choice can be made in September.
- My Way -
It has almost been six months now since I have moved to Golden from Invermere. I have settled in at the newspaper, I am starting to meet some wonderful people and I have made some new friends. I hope to become involved even more in the community in the coming months. My goal for the Golden Star is to really focus on the community and to participate in, and help out at as many local events as possible. I believe a small town newspaper should focus entirely on the local com-
munity and only that. We are lucky to have such a lively arts community as well as many great outdoor adventures. I have been out on the Moonraker Trails, which are fantastic. I went hiking up at Kicking Horse Mountain and ate at the Eagle’s Eye Restaurant. I still haven’t been up to Mount 7, but I have seen the 7, and I do hope to get up there in the next couple of weeks. The assortment of music and live entertainment I have seen here is amazing. I will be at the Elliott Brood concert tonight (Aug. 22). My
Showing support On September 8, I will be voting for Lori Baxendale for Council. Lori has attended more Council meet-
Gasoline Golden
To the community of Golden and Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce. Can you explain why gasoline prices
friends from Invermere are even coming out to these events. I have made some changes at the newspaper since I have been here, and there are still more to come.I would appreciate your feedback. As a community newspaper we rely on you to let us know what you would like in your paper. Please come by and say hello, our door is always open. I am looking forward to learning more about this beautiful Town of Golden and about the people who live here. But I should add that what
Michele LaPointe S TAR P U B LI S H E R
I am looking forward to most of all, is the upcoming ski season!
ings in the last year than any other candidate. This demonstrates her commitment to the Community and her desire to be informed about the business of the Town
of Golden. September 8 your vote for Lori will be a vote for a positive future for Golden. Chris Hambruch Councillor
are always the highest price in Golden? Last week when I passed through (notepassed through, no way would I “gas-up” in Golden), the prices were 20 cents higher than Calgary, and seven cents higher than Revelstoke. Total rip-off. The majority of people I know always figure out their gas so that
they don’t have to stop in Golden. It is costing your community dearly. I would be interested in your comments. Thanks. Keith J. Garner Calgary
POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think it is a good idea the solid fuel burning bylaw (involving wood stoves) is being repealed?
Yes 64%
No 35%
This week’s poll question: Are you happy it is time for children to go back to school soon? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.
Letters to the Editor policy
The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters
be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the
right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at
• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00). We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 15, 2012 A7
Golden point of view Are you happy to see the kids going back to school soon?
Lynn Coulombe
Alyson Marjerrison
Danielle Lafleur
“Ya, it’s good for them I think... My grandchildren are coming today, so one last quick trip before they head back to school.”
“I guess I’m happy. I have a two-week old and a 15-month old. So it’s few years before I’ll start having to worry about that.”
“It doesn’t affect me, my son is too young for school yet. I think it’s good though, then the kids aren’t hanging around doing nothing.”
Go to to have your say.
Carbon Neutral I was surprised to learn that the Town of Golden is planning to become “carbon neutral” by purchasing carbon offsets from Pacific Carbon Trust. The current price of offsets is $25 per tonne, and is expected to increase in the future. I understand that the Town plans to spend about $14,000 on these offsets in 2012. The Pacific Carbon Trust is a Crown Corporation which trades carbon offsets. It buys them from its clients who have made changes in their operations resulting on reduced Carbon emissions. They verify that the carbon emissions are real and then sell them to those seeking to become carbon neutral. Their clients range from lodges that have put in more efficient furnaces to large industries such as agriculture, forestry, oil and gas and cement production. It is hard to say how many of these carbon reduction projects
Stingers to the four ATVers with winches who left the family stranded in a mudhole on the way to Wapta Falls. For future reference it is customary in Canada to lend a hand when you can.
sugar in my truck Saturday night while it was parked downtown. We will meet.
Stars the cool and funky MC who hosted the Summer Kicks shows.
Stingers to whoever leaves their pizza boxes lying around downtown. There are garbage cans all over town.
Stingers A gas tank full of stingers to the yellow belly coward who put water and
Stars to my friend for making me her Maid of Honour.
Stars to my friend for not
wasting a good drink, moth and all. Stingers to the taxi who would not pick up a mother and her infant at 10:30 at night because the one driver who was working wanted to go off shift. Stingers to people who think riding a bicycle down the middle of the road while chatting away on a cell is a good thing to do.
Email your Stars and Stingers to
have been influenced by the sale of carbon offsets. They have all resulted in increased efficiencies and it is likely that many of them would have gone forward without the support from the sale of carbon offsets. There is no doubt that a portion of the Town’s proposed expenditure will not affect carbon emissions but will go to reduce the cost of corporate projects. The balance is so small that it will have no measurable effect on carbon emissions. I wonder if there is any benefit in spending taxpayer’s money on carbon offsets. It might be wise to reconsider this expenditure before making a final commitment. I assume the Town has carried out a complete energy audit including cutting out all unnecessary travel. George Ross Golden
Corrections In the August 15 paper it was stated in “The Bean Bag makes award list” that Patty Lim was Stan Lim’s daughter. In fact Patty is Stan’s Wife. Also in “Golden Moments with Stan Lim” Stan’s job was stated as being a systems agent. The actual title was Assessment Agent. He also felt it was important to state that Tom Sime was a great mentor for local hockey players and for some of the success of minor hockey in Golden. In the story “Anglers of all ages come to enjoy a fisherman’s paradise” the person in the photo was John Shapperd Sr. not Bill Shapperd Sr. Mr. Shapperd also asked that we recognize Bill Smith as the photographer. We apologize for the errors.
British Columbians demand a reinvestment in our forest lands As the deputy chair of the Special Committee on Timber Supply, I have spent the last three months involved in intensive consultation which has now resulted in 22 recommendations to address the issue of mid-term timber supply and forest health. The impetus of the formation of this committee arose from the tragic fire of January 21 when the community of Burns Lake lost its mill. But that crisis also highlighted other serious challenges facing the forest industry in British Columbia: drastically declining timber supplies, continued destruction by forest pests, inadequate knowledge about the state of our forests and the
government’s lack of commitment to job protection. Over the course of the 6-week consultation period, the committee received 650 submissions. And through that input, British Columbian’s stated their passion for our forest lands and their commitment to the sustainable use of that land. British Columbians understand that we rely on our forests not only for timber but for numerous other values including ecological services such as recreation and climate change mitigation. Presenters told the committee that improving and supporting forest health is of critical importance. British Colum-
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bmissions will The best online su ents Calendar of be placed in the Ev newspaper. The Golden Star
bians expect the government to set high standards for sustainable practices on the land base, and to enforce them. Experts told us we also must take significant action on wildfire mitigation and fuel management in the wildland-urban interface. Government needs to allocate a portion of its fire fighting budget to reducing forest fuels and fire risks on the land base to protect communities as well as future timber supply. Presenters also stated that government has a responsibility to ensure that every tree harvested results in the best use of the fibre and highest number of jobs for British Columbians. In times of declining access to
timber supply, we must reduce raw log exports, find new uses for fibre that is currently being wasted, and encourage manufacturing that puts British Columbians to work. The overwhelming response to this committee’s consultation process indicates the importance of community engagement in land use decisions. The level of knowledge and clarity of perspective on the issue of timber supply and forest health proved that much of the wisdom to make the best decisions is in the communities that will be most affected. The direction that the government should take on managing our forests for the future
has been very clearly articulated by British Columbians through this process. And the NDP MLAs on the Timber Supply Committee have worked hard to ensure that the people’s vision is evident within the recommendations put forward in the final report. New Democrats believe that forestry has a great future in British Columbia. But it is only through a renewed commitment to sustainable forest practices and a respect for non-timber values that we can ensure that our Crown lands continue to provide environmental, social and economic benefit both now and into the future.
- MLA Report By Norm Macdonald
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: t Event submissions are FREE. t Once your request is submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar. t Events may also appear in our print calendar at the editor’s discretion. t Please do not submit events publicizing a business-oriented sale. t We also reserve the right to refuse any event. t Go to
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Sell it in the classifieds Partners In Brine Seafood! Orion’s Fish Bus will be in Golden at the Petro-Can card lock this week, Friday, August 24th
70 peeled Tiger Prawns $20! 2/$35!! 3/$50!!! Stop by the truck and join our email list to get tasty Seafood Recipes and a FREE BONUS every $100! Health approved. Good prices. Great selection. Really Good Seafood!
Columbia Veterinary Services will be closed from August 1st - August 27th Clients are advised to ensure they have adequate medications and pet food for this time period. Please contact sta at 250 344 5994 during oďŹƒce hours before the above dates to preorder.
Come in and renew your subscription. Every new subscription includes a FREE classified. s 9EAR $47 s 3ENIORS $43 s 9EAR OUT OF TOWN $67 !LL PRICES INCLUDE (34
! TH !VE . s
Tercon Construction Ltd. *Notice of Construction* Tercon Construction Ltd. would like to inform the travelling public of our construction project 4 km East of Golden, B.C. on the Trans Canada Highway. The project currently has an expected completion date of November 2012. We appreciate your patience during this time and request that you please watch for our crews and obey all construction signs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Site Safety OfďŹ ce at: 250-344-6768.
Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: The Campaign Showing Wednesday Aug. 22 to Thursday Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. Hope Springs Showing at 7pm every night between Friday Aug. 24 to Thursday Aug. 30 p.m.
This Week The Wixon House is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1 to 4 p.m. until the end of August. Chris will be on site to provide tours. Admission by donation. Public Swim at the Golden Swimming Pool From 1 to 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 8 p.m., Monday to Friday. The Community Garden at the Ruth Wixon House is looking for volunteers to drop in on Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 3 p.m. and Wednesdays from 8 to 9 a.m. The Rocky Mountain International Student Program at Golden Secondar y School is seeking host families in Golden and area beginning Sept. 2012. For more info cantact Monica De, Homestay Coordinator, Rocky Mountain International Student Program, 250-344-2201, or email, GKHAT Early Registration online at Register before August 30 and receive the same rates as last year. Summer Climbing Camps for Kids at Dogtooth Climbing Gym in July and August. All levels welcome. To pre-register or for more info go to www. Girls Just Want to Have Fun Summer Camps. Two-week long camps, one for Grade 5 girls and another for Grade 6 & 7 girls. For more info go to Summer Fun Day Camp July 9th – August 31st (8 weeks of camp) Parents can sign up for 1 week or multiple weeks. For
This week's achievement award goes to...
info call 250- 344-7393. British Columbia Visitor Centre in Golden The Experience Factor is a series of 15-minute interpretive talks on nature, wildlife and the environment. Enter to win a prize by par ticipating in the “Ambassador Program�: attend 6 sessions and enter into a draw for a great prize package! FREE. seeking Host families
Wed, August 22
Elliott Brood at the Golden Civic Centre on August 22. Opening, Golden’s own Willhorse. Presale tickets only $30 at Jita’s Cafe and Plain Wayne and Jane. Golden Farmers’ Market Wednesdays at the CP parking lot, 2 to 7 p.m. Local food, local art, local music. For more info email Kids Night at the Golden Swimming Pool from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Golden Cycling Club group ride and instruction. 7 p.m. Instruction from Andy Bostock at the new Pump Track. To learn more at Also check out the Golden Cycling Club group ride and instructions. Golden Golf Club Men’s Day ever y Wednesday starting at 1:30 p.m. Mountain Prana Running Club meets at Spirit Square on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30pm. All Abilities welcome.
Thurs, August 23 All Candidates Forum Come hear where your local candidates for council stand on the issues. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. at the Golden Seniors Centre, with the forum running from 7 to 9 p.m. Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Lifeguard Club At the Golden Swimming Pool Thursdays Aug. 23 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
• For more information... go to
Fri, August 24 Waterpolo at the Golden Swimming Pool from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Bears and Berries Come to the Golden Visitors Information Centre to learn about the interdependence of these two species. Put on by Golden Bear Aware, the event goes from 12:05 to 5:30 p.m.
tion, so just show up with proper identification. Liam Titcomb at the Rockwater Toronto singer/songwriter Titcomb will be playing a patio set at the Rockwater on Friday Aug. 31 at 8 p.m.
Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night every Saturday.
Art From the Attic A giant one-day sale of donated art, will offer hundreds of vintage and contemporary prints, paintings, photographs, needlework and even empty frames. This year’s event, to be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday September 1 at the Invermere Community Hall, will offer even more great bargains.
Golden Farmers’ Market In the Spirit Square from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Local food, art and music.
John Antoniuk Formerly known as Smokekiller, Antoniuk will be playing at the Rockwater on Sept. 6.
Beginner Yoga Classes, Tuesdays at 5:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 11 a.m. at the Centre for Peace. Classes by donation.
Sloan...In Concert! Friday, Sept.7 at the Rockwater Grill & Bar. Tickets available at Rockwater Bar, Plain Wayne & Jane, Her Public Boutique (Invermere).
Sat, August 25
Sun, August 26 Public Swim at the Golden Swimming Pool every Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 8 p.m.
Mon, August 27 Mountain Prana Running Club meets at Spirit Square on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. All Abilities welcome.
Tues, August 28 John Jenkins & Friends Live acoustic mountain folk, Rock, Reggae, improv. This week, a special patio set from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Rockwater Grill & Bar. Golden Golf Club Ladies Day every Tuesday starting at 2:30 p.m. Beginner Yoga Classes, Tuesdays at 5:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 11 a.m. at the Centre for Peace. Classes by donation.
Upcoming Events Advanced Polling for the Golden byelection will be held on Aug. 29 in the Council Chambers from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. There is no pre-day registra-
Don’t forget the Fall Faire is coming this September. So start growing your vegetables or registering for events. If you would like to volunteer contact Colleen Palumbo at Byelection and referendum vote at the College of the Rockies on Sept. 8 GMHA Hockey School September 10-13 To register go to For info email The Golden Rockets open up their season on September 14 with a game against the Columbia Valley Rockies at the Golden Arena. Pre-game festivities start at 4 p.m. 54-40 ....Gold, Guts & Glory Tour. Saturday, September 15 at the Rockwater Grill & Bar. Tickets on sale now! The Golden Light Horse Club has a funday on Saturday Sept. 15 star time 10 a.m. barbecue fundraiser at noon! Riders of English and western are welcome. Contact Shelley Black for more info 250-344-1425 or 344-6798.
Tristan McCullough for participating in many events in Golden including Summer Kicks and pool activities..
Stop in by August 22, 2012 to receive your small blizzard t t
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012 A9
Making friends Golden Moments with Paul Hambruch wife and daughter out from Germany. Realizing that he didn’t have the capital to get started farming, he worked several years in the bush and in mining. In 1957, Ingrid and Paul bought a house on 5 ½ acres in Brisco for the princely sum of $2,500. Of course, with wages at $1.50 an hour, it still was quite an investment. When they first looked at the house, Ingrid asked the owner where the water tap was, since there was a sink in the kitchen. His reply: “Young lady, there is a creek right behind the house.â€? Living in the area gave Hambruch the unique knowledge of the back country around Brisco. “There wasn’t much competition back then. We were quite upset if there was someone out where we were on our trips back there,â€? he said laughing. Since there were no greenhouses in the area, they decided to build their own greenhouse and found that they could sell
Darryl Crane Born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1927, Paul Hambruch spent most of his youth in the spa town of Baden-Baden. In 1943, he was drafted into the German army and in May 1945 became an American prisoner of war. Discharged in June 1945, he was unable to go home because Baden-Baden was occupied by the French, so he started work on a farm in Bavaria. This lead to a proper German apprenticeship and a degree in agriculture. After earning his degree, he spent two years working on farms in France. Because of the possibility he might be drafted into the newly re-formed German army, and a desire to see more of the world, he decided to take an offer to emigrate to Canada, which is how he ended up in Brisco, B.C. “I fell in love with the valley the very first day I was here and I have been in the valley ever since.� In 1956 he brought his
Lauryn Mollerud reaches down from her mother Corrie’s arms to say hi to one of the animals from the Red Barn Petting Farm which was at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
certs we now have great progress. Going into the future, Hambruch said he is worried about what will happen after highway re-construction is finished. “What will drive the economy next? What will happen to the forest industry? We can’t rely on expanding out cities forever.� He said he no longer enjoys travelling to places like Vancouver even though he used to love to visit the lower mainland, due to the population explosion.
Paul Hambruch Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Tell us what you're up to!
any surplus. This lead to them opening the Golden Flower Shop on March 2, 1961, followed by the purchase of the Valley Flower Shop in Invermere in 1968. The greenhouse was heated by using coal. He burned around 150 tonnes of coal a year to keep the greenhouses warm. One of the biggest changes Paul has noticed is in the economy of the area. All the small sawmills are gone. And most of the land on both sides of the highway between Brisco and Invermere was privately owned and close to a million Christmas trees were shipped all over North America. Some of the smaller sawmills shut down from September to the end of November to allow the workers to go cutting Christmas trees. Golden has changed a lot over the years, with many of the changes happening over the last 15 years. Organized garbage pickup and recycling was big progress for Golden. He considers Spirit Square, the rebirth of the Civic Centre and the con-
LAST WEEKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ANSWERS 5
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Professional Development Workshop Growing Up WILD: Exploring Nature with Young Children is an early childhood education activity guide that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them. Through a wide range of activities and experiences, it provides a foundation for developing positive impressions about nature while also building lifelong social and cognitive skills. Workshop participants will receive a copy of the guide. Get Growing Up WILD: Date: Thursday Aug. 30, 2012 Time: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Location: College of the Rockies, Golden BC. 1305 9th Street South.
Workshop fee: $40.00 To register: e-mail or
Ages 3-7
GOLDEN SECONDARY SCHOOL OPENING DAY NOTICE Students with Incomplete Schedules may come to the School for assistance: Monday, August 27: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 30: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Grade 8 & New Student Orientation Day Friday, August 31: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. New Parent Orientation - 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Lunch for both students and parents from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. All lockers come equipped with school locks that students are required to use. Students need to bring $10.00 so they can be assigned their lock/locker.
Block “1” Class Lists for all Grades will be in the School windows by Friday p.m., August 31
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Buses will pick students up 1 hour later in the morning All Students must be present at 9:50 a.m. at the School All lockers come equipped with school locks that students are required to use. Students need to bring $10.00 so they can be assigned their lock/locker. Exception: If student had locker last year and lock was returned/locker left in clean condition.
Buses will leave the School at 12:30 p.m. REGULAR CLASSES begin Wednesday, September 5 at 8:45 a.m. with Block “3” (warning bell rings at 8:40 a.m.)
Kelly Lind stands behind the Apple Islands Naturals table at the Farmers’ Market in Golden. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
A beautiful way to use natural products Darryl Crane Five years ago Kathy Lind started reading about natural body products and the interest she took in them has led to the running of a successful local business. Five years later Apple Island Naturals is sold in many different places and, as of a few months ago, kicked off the start of the company’s website. “I have always used natural things. I then decided to start making it,” Lind said. As for why she feels it is important to use natural products, Lind explained it is about having control over what people use on their bodies. “I just like how I get to control what goes on my skin. There are so many chemicals in so many things that you buy at stores, even the things that say they are natural, but if you read the labels they are not,” she said. “I just like to make things that are good for people.” Over the years Lind has expanded her product line to include 30 soap products and lip balms, and 50 different essential oils along with many other products. She said the number of products is constantly changing as
Golden Rotary DARE to educate Gary Cleave D.A.R.E. BC Development Officer
Public Notice Annual Nomination Call for Community Volunteer Award Once again Town Council is seeking to honour an exceptional individual who has contributed to the well-being of Golden through outstanding volunteerism and community commitment. If you feel that someone in our community deserves this award, please send a letter of nomination with the reasons you feel qualify them to Golden Town Council. Nomination letters should be titled “Community Volunteer Award” and may be dropped off at Town Hall, mailed to Box 350, Golden, V0A 1H0, or e-mailed to The award will be given at the annual Chamber of Commerce Community Excellence Awards night on Saturday, October 20th, 2012. The past recipients of the award have been Garry Bjarnason, Paul Hambruch, Colleen Palumbo, Terry Schiesser, Anne Galligan, Roy Nixon, Joyce Nixon, Orlando Pecora, Wendy Pecora, Lawrence Charlton, Delbert Johnson, Shauna Robinson, May Yurik, and Glen Ewan. The deadline for submission of nominations is Friday, September 14th, 2012.
she develops more. “I constantly have them going in my head,” she said. A couple of lines of products she is looking into for the future would be a line of mineral makeup and some baby and pregnancy items. Lind is grateful for the amount of support she has received over the years. “It has been great. Golden has just been awesome in supporting not just me but all of the vendors (in the farmers’ market). It is a great place to start a small business,” she said. Dealing with the customers to produce a product they want is part of the process Lind enjoys. “I am kind of a shy person so this has drawn me out which is good. I am still getting used to it. I really like to develop products with people in mind. Some of the products were developed after talking to people and hearing what they wanted,” she said. Most of the products she sells are vegan friendly with others being vegetarian friendly. To see more of her products or learn more about the types of products she makes you can go to
The Rotary Club of Golden donated $800 to help Golden RCMP teach the internationally recognized Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program to 80 local Grade 5 school children. Staff Sergeant Anthony Choy, the Non-Commissioned Officer in charge of the RCMP Drug and Organized Crime Awareness Service which oversees the Golden D.A.R.E. program, said that over 250 police officers teach D.A.R.E. to thousands of school children in over 90 communities throughout British Columbia. “The D.A.R.E. program equips our children with the critical thinking and life skills necessary to choose a
drug-free life,” he said. “While police officers teach the program, the cost of the student learning materials is covered by community donations so the program can be offered free to all students. The learning materials cost approximately $10 per student.” S/Sgt. Choy said D.A.R.E. BC is their main partner on the D.A.R.E. program. D.A.R.E. BC is a registered charitable organization responsible for raising funds from within each community to cover the cost of the student learning materials. “We are very grateful to the Rotary Club for their generous donation which covered the cost of learning materials for 80 students who took
the program during the 2011-2012 school year,” he said. The founder of D.A.R.E. BC, retired RCMP Staff Sergeant Chuck Doucette said next year’s DARE program starts in September and we will need to raise another $800 in Golden to cover the cost of learning materials for the 80 students who are expected to take the D.A.R.E. program. We are appealing to the citizens of Golden to help provide the financial support needed to empower Golden’s school children in choosing a drug-free healthy lifestyle. Donations to the project can still be made on line by visiting the D.A.R.E.BC website at www.
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012 A11
Seeing the challenge of rock climbing in and around Golden Darryl Crane Ian Archbold is a man who enjoys setting goals and reaching for new heights. Archbold is the owner of the Dogtooth Climbing Gym in Golden who likes to go outdoors for a climb when the conditions are right. He started climbing around seven years ago after making the decision to open the gym in Golden. “I started climbing and enjoyed it. I moved ahead with the climbing gym,” he said. “It is a physical challenge and is fun.” Another thing Archbold said he enjoys about the sport is that it takes him to some beautiful spots. He said that climbing is also a very social sport. “It is fun to hang out with friends and climb while working on climbing problems,” he said. “Half of it is figuring out what you are supposed to do during a climb.” When going out climbing Archbold said he will usually be in groups that range from two to six people in size.
“Some people go in bigger groups as well,” he said while adding the length and difficultly of the climb will sometimes decide the amount of people who you climb with. Locally, Archbold has climbed all over the Golden area over the years and he said it has something for climbers of many different levels. “Most people do what is called ‘sport climbing,’ and this is when all the anchors and safety devices are bolted into the rock already... If you want to do sport climbing then Spillimacheen is a great spot,” he said. “After that there is a spot in the Kicking Horse Canyon near the Ten Mile Bridge where you can find between 20 to 30 routes of generally harder grades.” Archbold also said there are some bolted routes on Mount Seven and other areas which are a little further drive away. He said the nice part about many of the local climbs are how close they are to Golden. People can leave town and be climbing within the hour in many cases.
Climbers Tom Little and Ian Archbold (facing camera) enjoy the view when climbing at Takakkaw Falls. Photo Submitted “It is nice to get somewhere quiet. I like it when it is more peaceful with you and your friends,” he
said. Archbold said he thinks it is important for people to develop their skills
indoors and then take them outside. As for why he feels the area is a great place for
people to come and rock climb he said, “We have many great areas. It is a good base to do lots of
climbing. There is also good mountaineering as well as being a great destination for ice climbing.”
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Rotary Raffle
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Eddie Leigan prepares the tickets for the Golden Rotary Raffle. The progressive 50/50 raffle tickets are being sold from now up until the draw at the Fall Faire on Sept. 8. Tickets are $2 each, and the prize draw could be up to $4,999 (if all tickets are sold). Tickets are available at the Golden Star, through Leigan, or any Golden Rotarian, and will also be sold at the at the Faire. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
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Welcome to our monthly column on what's going on with the Golden Rotaryclub. As the 2012/2013 President, one of my first goals is to dispel some myths about Rotary. You wouldn't believe the number of times I have been approached with the same question "What? You're in Rotary? I thought Rotary was a club full of grey-haired old men who go for lunch?" Trust me. It's not like that at all. Golden Rotary is a volunteer organization representing an excellent cross-section of our community - professional and business leaders from all walks of life - all contributing their passion and strengths to building better communities. The common goal that unites us? Helping others - and having fun while doing it. It's Humanity in Motion. Looking forward to the upcoming year, we are working on developing the Confluence Park Project, improving and expanding the Rotary Trails network and continued support of a broad variety of local community needs. We also continue with our focus on youth - supporting both inbound and outbound student exchanges as well as both the Aman Virk Scholarship and the Rotary Bursary. Internationally we continue to support Rotary's ongoing efforts to End Polio Now. With just three countries left where polio is endemic, Rotary is so close to eradicating this terrible disease forever.
Greg Ehman Rotary Club President We are also actively looking for new members to contribute with new energies and new ideas. It's not a huge time or financial commitment, but the rewards are abundant. If you are interested in being part, would like to put your talents to work, or simply interested in hearing more, either approach a local Rotarian or join us for lunch at 12 p.m. at the ABC in the Prestige any Thursday. In the coming months, be on the lookout to purchase our new 50/50 Plus tickets and be part of Golden's biggest 50/50 draw. The final draw will take place at the Fall Faire on September 8. Don't be the only one without a ticket. See you next month and stay tuned for exciting things Golden Rotary is doing in our community. Check us out online at www.facebook. com/RotaryGoldenBc.
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012 A13
Duane, Suzy and Jane
In the last outdoor performance in the Summer Kicks concert series, local musicians Duane Amudrud, Suzy Raudaschl and Jane Fearing played an intermission set for the Shuffle Demons at Spirit Square. Darryl Crane/Star Photo
Golden prepares for Live Kicks Darryl Crane When September rolls around that means Live Kicks is preparing to start in Golden. Once again this year Kicking Horse Culture has put together a uniquely diverse line-up to entertain everyone who goes to any of the shows. Executive director of Kicking Horse Culture Bill Usher said, "I am always guided by creating diversity," he said. "With the new restored civic centre there are shows we can put in there now." Usher looks not only to shows that he may have seen himself but also works within schedules of performers to bring the best shows the Kicking Horse Culture group can to the area. This year will see live music, different styles of dance and theatre troupes coming to Golden. "We are supported by many groups. Ballet Kelowna have been here before but this will be their first show since the civic centre reopened," Usher said. He added the group was there to help when the reconstruction was happening at the hall to give advice about different aspects. "They are really looking forward to it," he said. Usher feels there will be a nice mix for people to come out and see through the fall and winter. He went to say that he hopes people come out and get their membership because of the great deals that come with it. "We get phenomenal support from the community and we are thankful for it," he said. The season will kick off with Juno award winner Joel Plaskett on on Sept. 26. October will see the return of Ballet Kelowna on Oct. 15 and David Myles from New Brunswick will make his way to town on Nov. 3. At the end of November, West African Summit with Alpha Ya Ya Diallo will combine song and dance for an energetic show. The Banff Mountain Film Festival will be shown on Dec. 7 leading into the first show of 2013 on Jan. 25 when The Travelling Mabels play at The Golden Civic Centre. Feb. 15 will see some of the most outstanding masques and gowns that Golden has to offer as Oka play the Masque Costume Ball one night before the annual
Snow Kings Parade. Canadian blues legend Rita Chiarelli will be in town on March 7 and Flamenco will be on the stage on April 13. A family affair will be on cue for April 28 as Rick Scott performs before the season ends with a Mother's Day Matinee on May 12 starring Vancouver pianist Sarah Hagen. Even though the shows have not started for this season Usher said he has started looking at the 2014 shows already because opportunities come along or they will be missed. The schedule is currently set, however other shows may be added before the season is done. For more information check out
Ballet Kelowna is on the list of exciting performances coming to Golden for Live Kicks. Photo Submitted
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Singer/songwriter Liam Titcomb playing patio show in Golden Golden Star Staff Fresh off the release of his brand new album Cicada, singer/songwriter and actor Liam Titcomb will be on the patio at the Rockwater playing an acoustic set as the sun goes down. He was 16 years old
when the Toronto-based artist released his first album, and now at 25 he can already look back on a career that features some pretty spectacular highlights. He toured alongside established artists such as Great Big Sea, Tom Cochrane, David Usher and Colin James. In 2006, he
even received a nomination for "Best New Group" or "Solo Artist" at the Canadian Radio Music Awards. His new album Cicada, however, is truly his proper introduction to the rest of the world. In 2010, shortly after ending an intense relationship, Titcomb stole
away to London for a month-long songwriting retreat. Exploring everything the UK had to offer and forging some incredible friendships in the process, he hit his stride as a writer and began penning the material that would eventually become his latest offering. He decided to name the
When it comes to the
album after those "prehistoric looking bugs," that emit a high-pitched buzzing sound in the summer. Certain cicada's have a 13-year cycle, disappearing underground for years, then emerging in a massive swarm. "This record captures a feeling of re-emergence for me. The album has been a long time coming, and that's one of the reasons I called it Cicada," said Titcomb. It was recorded in a Nashville studio with producer Jay Joyce, who has worked with artists like the Wallflowers, Cage the Elephant and Patty Griffin. It took less than a month, and he returned to Toronto, record in hand. The album's first single, "Love don't let me down," is a collaboration with Joyce, who wrote the song, which was actually years in the making. Titcomb always wanted to record it, but the tim-
Singer/songwriter Liam Titcomb is coming to Golden. Photo Submitted ing was never right− until 31. To listen to "Love now. don't let me down," and Titcomb's patio set other songs from the new begins at the Rockwater album, go to www.liamtitat 8 p.m. on Friday August
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John Antoniuk, formerly known as Smokekiller, is playing the Rockwater on Sept. 4. Photo Submitted
Rockwater hosts Smokekiller
Golden Star Staff
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GOLDEN_STAR 5.813X11.429_NTL_4GSAT_2C AUG12.indd 1
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The former Smokekiller has decided to reclaim his birth name, and release his third album under the name John Antoniuk. It is very fitting that the singer/songwriter, coming to Golden in September, is returning to the name his mother gave him, given that the new album is full of material dedicated to her. The album "Always with You," an ode to Antoniuk's mother, Marlene, comes after she passed away in October 2010. "I know it's kind of confusing but it just felt like I should release this album as 'me', out of respect for my mother, " he said. "When I'm performing with a full band, I still consider that collective to be called Smokekiller but to make it less complicated we'll be calling them The Smokekiller Band when they perform with me." Antoniuk's music draws a diverse
range of comparisons− from Teenage Fanclub and Weezer to Ryan Adams and Neil Young. His first two albums, released under the moniker Smokekiller, earned him a selection as a National Finalist in the 2009 Radiostar Songwriting Competition. In 2011, he was awarded a 10K20 project grant from Rawlco Radio, which allowed him to record "Always with You," with producer and folk-rocker Leeroy Stagger. Antoniuk will be hitting the road with the five-piece Smokekiller Band for a string of Western Canadian dates, starting in Saskatoon on September 1, and coming through Golden on September 6 for a show at the Rockwater. Opening for him on this tour will be his wife and fellow musician, Jen Lane, who will also be performing with a full backing band. "Always with You” will be available for purchase in stores and online on September 4. To hear a sample of Antoniuk's music, go to
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012 A15
Little bits and pieces makes up for an interesting History
- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo
Tidbits! Here I am sitting with the Golden Star for 1958. I was looking through the pages for something to inspire me to write a piece for this week, I kept getting distracted by the small bits of news that are prophetic or poetic or just tell the events of the day. Some make me smile, some make me sad and some astonish me in their clarity of vision. Let me share some of them with you. January 4, 1958 – The centennial year was ushered in at Golden by a gala at the Civic Centre when 414 persons paid admission to dance to the music of two orchestras. (The second orchestra didn’t begin until 1 a.m.
– Apparently they knew how to party). The movie playing at the Yoho Theatre on Jan. 6, 1958 was “Love in the Afternoon” with Gary Cooper and Audrey Hepburn. January 23, 1958 – Letters to the Editor – Dear Sir: We are now starting the new year, 1958. After listening to Radio, Television and reading the newspapers there is very little one can add that concerns the immediate future. It may therefore be interesting to recall in our memory some very fantastic forecasts that have been made in regards to scientific possibilities. In addition to these other forecasts there also exist ideas which if applied could go a long way to saving the Western World from going the same way as the Roman Empire and other dynasties and civilizations before it. Perhaps the following could be used as a rough guide, without any country having to sacrifice their present worthwhile freedoms, nor affecting their social ideological
make up. 1.) Call an immediate halt to the cold war and nuclear tests. 2.) Call a six month halt on arms production but continue to pay workers wages. 3.) Admit Red China to U.N. 4.) Obtain agreement for a neutral zone embracing West and East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungry. Later add Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Greece and Albania completing the neutral belt from the Mediterranean to the Artic. 5.) Extend the free trading area of Western Europe to embrace every country in the world willing to come in. 6.) Each country or region set up a license board to control imports and exports replacing tariff walls and establish a U.N. Commission to coordinate world trade. 7.) Set up within the U.N. a world planning board working as co-ordinator with planning boards in each country and region. 8.) Combine Disarma-
ment with the local and U.N. planning boards to facilitate a gradual transition from military planning and arms production to peaceful planning and production. 9.) Financing to be provided from Defence budgets at present amounting to over $100.00 billions each year. To the above suggestions, it must be remembered, are very humbly presented and off the cuff. Consequently very crude and incomplete and must seem unrealistic at present, but in 10 or 15 years we may wish we had begun to work on something like this at an earlier date. The future is moving toward us fast in this atomic and sputnik age. What will be done is entirely in the hands of the people, who, after all are the ones who elect Governments. People ought to use their democratic right to save what has been accomplished and continue to build for a better future. Written by W. Dalhberg
The attached picture is the original Golden Star building before the name was changed from the Golden Era (often called the Golden Error) to the Golden Star. Photo courtesy of The Golden Museum February 13, 1958 – A Motorists Lament – I think that I shall never see – From Golden into Calgary – The road complete with pavement shine, No gravelled stretch, no roadwork sign. They tear, repair all summer thru’ – Then leave it rough for winter too.
I’ve travelled it for these past two years – I must have shed a million tears. I’ve dodged machinery, breathed in dust, At 20 miles per hour, I’ve cussed. I really hoped the day would come – When all the road work would be done. But now, I’m getting old and grey – My time is
short, I only pray. That my grandchild e’er he should die. May be more fortunate that I. That he may drive and drive with ease, At least as far as Lake Louise. (No author is listed but I’d certainly be interested in knowing who wrote this.) 54 Years ago and yet the headlines could have been written this week!
Kicking Horse Country Saturday, September 8, 2012
FALL FAIRE Sep tem 8, 2 ber 012
8 - 9 am: Flori-culture and Fresh Cooked Food 9:00 - 10:00 am: Building closed for judging 11:00 am: Faire opens to the public 11:00 am - 5:00 pm: Red Barn Petting Zoo 11:00 am - 5:00 pm: Rotary BBQ 11:30 am - 12:00 pm: Dog agility Demonstration 11:30 am - 12:00 pm: Nail Driving Competition 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm: A & W Face Painting 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Scouts Building Rockets 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Golden Rockets Road Hockey Tournament 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm: Mountain Motorsports Strongman Competition 1:30 pm: Whistle Stop Survivor-style Fire Lighting Competition 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Fish Pond 2:00 pm: Tug of War 2:00 pm: Stomp Down begins 3:00 pm: Home Hardware Lawn Tractor Racing 4:00 pm: The Canyon’s Edge Wife Carry 5:00 pm: The Competition Building Closes
Bring your lawn chairs. There will be music on the stage all day long!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Golden company working hard to keep area trees healthy Jessica Schwitek Out of an economic downturn in his industry, Golden's Scott Kells was able to find a new passion. "My background is in forestry, and I had trained with a tree care company out of Alberta for many years before working forestry in the valley for 10 years," said Kells, owner and operator of Green Leaf Tree Services. "With the downturn in things, it was looking like the opportune time to do something a little bit different. It all worked out at the right time. I was doing work for friends, and they told me I should think about doing this on my own. It all kind of stemmed from there." Kells was able to take his knowledge and experience with trees, and use it to provide a service for home owners, business owners, and even municipalities and Parks Canada. Green Leaf offers a variety of services that includes: pruning, tree removal, tree falling (with WCB certified hand fallers), stump grinding, consulting and diagnoses for pests and diseases, fire smart assessments, and urban forest management plans, among many others. It all sounds very straight forward, but Kells still enjoys the more exciting aspects of the job. "You can't really beat being 100 feet in the air and getting the wind blowing," he said. "Climbing and cutting for sure I like. Tree climbing, there's quite an art to it, which I didn't really understand until I had gotten into the profession." Although he does enjoy the adrenaline
rush of being strapped to the top of a 100-foot tree, he is especially passionate about Canada's forests, trees, and their health. "We try to promote good overall care," said Kells. "It's similar to people, if you take care of the trees and make sure they're well watered and well fertilized they'll be healthier, just like people who are well fed and take their vitamins." It is important, especially when dealing with pests and diseases, to pay attention to the trees and look out for signs of a potential problem. "Any change in the colour of their leaves, if they're losing their leaves early. Or if there's a big insect population you might see lots of feeding on the leaves, or infested mites would completely cover the branches," said Kells. Green Leaf Tree Services has now been operating for six years, now with a team of four that includes two certified arborists. It is this experience and knowledge that gives his customers piece of mind says Kells. "We sell the piece of mind that we're trained certified arborists with full insurance, the right equipment to do the job, especially with tree removals," he said, adding that people are often lured by lower prices and soon realize they've hired someone either without the proper skills, or without adequate insurance incase of an accident. "We bring a lot of knowledge and experience, as far as what's the proper course of action for the trees. We're not going to tell you to remove a tree unless there's a good reason for it. We like to save big mature trees if we can." For more information on Green Leaf’s services, go to
Green Leaf offers various services involving trees, which often has their certified arborists climbing to the top of them. Photo Submitted
Selkirk Electric stays busy while celebrating twenty years in Golden Darryl Crane Selkirk Electric has had a few homes in Golden over the years but twenty years after the business began things are still busy. Joe Devlin, the owner, along with being an electrician, started the company originally out of his house. After moving to Golden many years ago Devlin started doing electrical work. After people started talking about what he was doing, the business started growing until eventually the decision was made to move into a more permanent site. He started an apprenticeship in 1975 and after working in a few other places, he made the decision to move to Golden with his wife who was
originally from the area. “I like doing it. The work is good. Golden is a good place to be. We raised three kids here and it has been great,” Devlin said. “When I came back to Golden I thought I would be working out of town but after starting my own business I have been busy ever since.” Gary Ottoson is the District Manager at Selkirk. After spending many years working for another business in Golden he made the decision to move to Selkirk about five years ago. Ottoson explained he enjoys the work partially because it has given him the chance to learn more things about electrical departments. The company offers many services to people including but not limit-
ed to retail and wholesale sales, construction, renovations and lighting upgrades. He explained people over the years have changed the way they shop for the services the company offers. “I find most of the time people who are building their own houses or changing something around, can go on the internet and learn quite a bit about what they want and how much they want to pay.” The electrical and hardware industries change all of the time and this is something workers at Selkirk try to keep up to date with, Ottoson said. One area which has been developing quickly in recent times according to Ottoson is the green friendly part of the industry. “Like lighting and insulation for
Selkirk Electric Ltd. is located at 1135 10th Ave. N. in Golden. houses people are trying to upgrade. People are more conscientious and more efficient with their houses,” he said. He went on to explain another reason why this work is so important to him. “I find it rewarding to work with people. It is a nice part of this for me. There are a lot of good
Public Notice Deadline for Annual Permissive Tax Exemption Applications Affected property owners (i.e. not-for-profit, religious organizations, etc.) are advised that the 2013 application forms for a Permissive Tax Exemption MUST be received at Town Hall no later than 4:30pm, August 31st, 2012. Applications are available from the Finance Department.
people in Golden and if I can help them out one way or another then that is an accomplishment,” Ottoson said. Ottoson also said that
the company has been working hard with their service and doing everything they can to make sure their customers are always satisfied.
Photo Submitted Anyone interested in speaking to someone at the office can drop by 1135 10th Ave. N., or give them a call at 250344-2530.
Public Notice Presentation of the 2011 Annual Report In accordance with Section 98 of the Community Charter, the 2011 Annual Report for the Town of Golden is now available for public review. Copies are available for the public at Town Hall by request or for viewing on the municipal website at The Annual Report will be reviewed and presented by Town Council during its Regular Meeting held at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 at Town Hall. Public commentary and questions will be invited at this time. Jon Wilsgard Manager of Corporate Services
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012 A17
Golden Business Directory
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Brian Jackson
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Cell: 250 344-0574 Ph: 250 344-2836 1750 Oberg Johnson Rd
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishingâ&#x20AC;? Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0
Phone: (250) 344-8351
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Construction Landscaping Irrigation Lawn Care Snow Removal Junk Removal
Steve Swaffield
Services offered ...
Box 599, Golden, BC. V0A 1H0
Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available
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Call Shaun at 250-344-2215
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250 344-6462
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PLUMBING LTD. 344-7209
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Appliance Service & Repairs
Steveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kitchen & Bath Renovations
Kelsey Korpiniski tel:250-344-0428
819B - 9th Street N.
This Space
*with 12 week commitment
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Employee Price Adjustment ...........$4,316 Delivery Allowance .............................$7,000 Employee Price Adjustment ...........$2,770 Delivery Allowance .............................$1,000
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You’ll get an additional $1,000 in loyalty/ conquest customer cash on the purchase or lease of most new 2012/2013 F-Series (F-150 to F-550) models if you are a current owner or lessee of any Ford or competitive model pickup truck.
SINCE 2005
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricing”) is available from June 14, 2012 to August 31, 2012 (the “Program Period”), on the purchase or lease of most new 2012/2013 Ford vehicles (excluding allchassis cab and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, Medium Trucks, Mustang Boss 302, and 2013 Shelby GT500).Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any CAW-negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford at either the time of factory order or delivery, but notboth. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ‡‡No purchase necessary. For full contest rules, eligible vehicle criteria,and to enter as a Ford owner, visit (follow the entry path applicable to you, complete all mandatory fields and click on ‘submit’) or visit your local Ford Dealer for details. Open only to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority, possess a validgraduated level provincially issued driver’s license, and are owners of Ford branded vehicles (excluding fleet customers and all Lincoln andMercury models). Eligible vehicle criteria includes requirement that it be properly registered in Canada in the contest entrant’sname (matching vehicle ownership), and properly registered/plated and insured. Non-Ford owners can enter by mailing an original 100 word essay on “what they like about Ford”, with their full name, full mailing address, email, daytime phone number (with area code) to:Vanessa Richard, Pareto Corp., 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M3C 4G4. Contest closes at 11:59pm (PST) on the last day of the 2012 Ford Employee Pricing campaign which will be no earlier than August 31, 2012. Limit of 1 entry per person.Up to 8 prizes available to be won in Canada in 3 possible prize categories, each worth up to CAD$50,000. Chancesof winning are dependent on the total numberof entries received up to each 10,000 interval of unit sales under the Employee Pricing campaign (“Draw Trigger”). Odds of winning decrease as the contest progresses, more entries are made into the contest, and opportunities for Draw Triggers lessen. Skill testing question required. ▲Offer only valid from August 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012(the “Program Period”) to Canadian resident customers who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a Ford Ranger, Explorer Sport Trac, or F-150 to F-550 (each a “Qualifying Loyalty Model”), or any competitive pickup truck with a pickup bed (each a “Qualifying Conquest Model”) and purchase, lease, orfactory order (during the Program Period) a new 2012/2013 Ford F-150 to F-550 (excluding Raptor) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”).Qualifying customers will receive CAD$1,000 (the “Incentive”) towards the purchase or lease of the Eligible Vehicle, which must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participatingFord dealer during the Program Period. Limit one (1) Incentive per Eligible Vehicle sale, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales, per Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model. Each customer will be required to provide proof of ownership/registration of the applicable Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model and the ownership/registration address must match the address on the new Buyer’s Agreement or Lease Agreement for the Eligible Vehicle sale. The offer is transferable only to persons living within the same household as theeligible customer. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory-order or delivery (but not both). This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, or any other Targeted Loyalty Programs. Taxes payable before Incentive is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less.This offer is subject to vehicle availability and may be cancelled at any time without notice. See dealerfor details. *Purchase a new 2013 Escape SE FWD with automatic transmission/2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats/2012 F-150 Platinum Super Crew 4x4 for $26,030/$28,783/$32,379/$39,714/$46,413 after Total Eligible Price Adjustment of $2,519/$11,316/$3,770/$9,485/$14,186 (Total Eligible Price Adjustment is a combination of Employee Price Adjustment of $2,019/$4,316/$2,770/$5,485/$7,186 and delivery allowance of $500/$7,000/$1,000/$4,000/$7,000) is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Eligible Price Adjustment has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,650/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can beused in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable withCPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ±Until August 31, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150XLT Super Cab 4X4 5.0L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $40,099 at 4.99% APR for up to 36 months with $1,600 down or equivalent trade in,monthly payment is $399, total lease obligation is $15,964 and optional buyout is $16,040. Offer includes Total Price Adjustment of $11,316. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing priceafter Total Price Adjustment is deducted. Offer includes freight and air tax of $1,700, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable),registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration,security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply.A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery,but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with anyfleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2013Escape 1.6L EcoBoost FWD: [9.1L/100km (31MPG) City, 6.0L/100km (47MPG) Hwy / 2013 Edge 3.5L V6 FWD 6-speed Automatic transmission: [11.1L/100km (25MPG) City, 7.2L/100km (39MPG) Hwy / 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [14.9L/100km (19MPG) City,10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. †When properly equipped. Max. towing of11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines.Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.7L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Environment Canada approved testmethods. Actual fuel consumption will varybased on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ◆◆Projected best in class fuel economy based on competitive data available at the time of testing using Ford drive-cycle tests (in accordance with the guidelines of the Society of Automotive Engineers’ Standard J1321) of comparably equipped 2011 Ford vs. 2010 competitive models. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ◆Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible –check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channelnames and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. andare used under licence. ©2012 Ford MotorCompany of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
A18 Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
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Golden Star Wednesday, AugustAugust 22, 2012 The Golden Star Wednesday, 22, 2012 A19
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Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.
Business Opportunities
Business Opportunities
Career Opportunities
TRAIN TO be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535
Sports & Recreation
Mike & Margaret Penno are proud to announce the birth of their ďŹ rst grandson, Corbin Scott Penno born on Aug. 11, 2012 to Brendan Penno and Kerri Etienne
Celebration of Life George Le Cerf Come & Go Tea Golden Seniorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Centre Friday, August 24 2-4pm All are welcome!
Lady curlers - if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re over the age of 50 and interested in joining a competitive ladies team in the East Kootenay, please call 250-688-8835.
In Memoriam Christina Greengoe Sept 1, 1943 - Aug 25, 2011 Her charming laugh & smiling face Are always a pleasure to recall, She had a kindly word for each, And she passed on beloved by all
Forever remembered by Ebe, Ray, Ingrid & Family In Loving Memory of Dusty Rohrer April 15, 1926 - August 23, 2003 We thought of you with love today But that was nothing new We thought about you yesterday And the days before that too We think of you in silence We often speak your name Now all we have are memories And your picture in a frame Your memory is our keepsake Which we will never part God has you up in heaven We have you in our heart ~Remembered by Dolores & family
Coming Events Columbia Valley Dog Club, working with local dog owners since 1979, invites you to join them for an evening of â&#x20AC;&#x153;talking dogâ&#x20AC;?. For more information, please call Brandy Benary 250-348-2582
Information Have your say. Get Paid. Voice your opinion on issues that matter and receive cash incentives for doing so.
Also, participate to win one of 10 prizes totalling $1000! TrafďŹ c Control Course. Sept 6 & 7. CertiďŹ cation by the BCCSA (3 years). Call 250-344-0271 to register.
Personals MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699.
Attention: We need serious & motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet/phone essential. Free online training
Be your own boss/build a business at home/ computer required/ďŹ&#x201A;ex hrs/free training
CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Travel VISITING ARIZONA for the Winter? Meridian RV Resort. Good Sam-Trailer Life Top 100 RV Resorts in America. Check us out at or call 866-770-0080.
EARN EXTRA cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Other Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed.
Andrzej Jozef (AndrĂŠ) Kowalski Lawrencetown, NS
Gary Richard Landry Jan 3, 1958 - July 30, 2012 Gary Richard Landry passed away at the Golden & District General Hospital on Monday, July 30th, 2012 at the age of 54 years. A Memorial Service was held at the Golden Seniorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center on Tuesday afternoon, August 7th with family and friends attending. In lieu of ďŹ&#x201A;owers, memorial contributions may be made to the Golden Food Bank, in memory of Gary. Gary was born in Kamloops, B.C. on January 3, 1958 and had been a resident of Golden for 42 years. Gary spent 4 of his younger years with his beloved maternal grandparents in Procter, BC. Gary was employed for 16+ years as a labourer and foreman at Evans Products where he gained many lasting friends. He was later employed by Mountain Minerals for several years and obtained many mining and safety CertiďŹ cates. Gary enjoyed doing woodwork, monkey wrenching and bodywork on vehicles. He was an avid NHL Hockey fan with the Canucks being his favourite team. He was a great fan of Gretzky in his prime and, in Garyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s younger days, he loved the Canadiens, especially Yvan Cournoyer. Gary enjoyed playing crib, darts, board games and doing crossword puzzles. He also enjoyed the outdoors, ďŹ shing and collecting ďŹ rewood. He was an animal lover who especially enjoyed his dog Frisky. Garyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s long-time desire in life was to own a Corvette and he was ďŹ nally able to accomplish this with the purchase of his prized 1989 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vetâ&#x20AC;?. He was a people person who was very generous, giving and kind to his family and friends. Gary was very appreciative of all he had in life and oft times shared his home with friends who were down and out. Gary was predeceased by his grandparents, and his uncle, Marty Mucha. He is survived by his mother and stepfather Cecile (Richard) Anderson of Salmon Arm; his dad Ron Landry of Golden; three siblings: Julie Landry of Salmon Arm, Joanne Landry (Barry Klassen) of Golden and Kenny (Joanne) Landry of Fort McMurray, Alberta, stepbrother Terry (Kerry) Anderson of Edson, Alberta and stepsister Launa Anderson (Johnny Sutton) of Victoria; 12 nieces and nephews: J.D., Jolene, Mitchell, Cache, Wyatt, Shaela, Cheyenne, Chase, Brittany, Kaitlyn, Mackenzie and Hannah; great niece Thia-lyn as well as numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Messages of condolence may be sent to the family by viewing Garyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obituary at Cremation arrangements were in the care of Hindman Bowers Funeral Home, Golden.
KOWALSKI, Andrzej Jozef (AndrĂŠ) 60 - passed away peacefully at Soldiers Memorial Hospital August 10th, 2012. He was born on May 3, 1952 in Arvida, Quebec. He Âżrst moved to Nova Scotia in his teens attending trade school in Middleton. It was there he met his future wife Ruth Hamilton. After a few years in N.S. they moved west in 1976, they married in 1978 and eventually settled in Golden, BC 1984. They opened Selkirk Glass and later H.G. Parson House B & B. He was a well- known businessman/tradesman. AndrĂŠ was a skilled jack of all trades, and had many interests. He was an avid outdoorsman and loved to Âżsh, hunt and golf. He was involved with the Kinsmen, and Golden Search & Rescue for many years. In 1990 they became guardians to Gaylena Hansen, who stole their hearts and quickly became a part of their familyâ&#x20AC;Ś their daughter. In 2004 AndrĂŠ returned to N.S. with Jaki Fraser, bought a house in Lawrencetown, Annapolis County, built a 4plex and began renting to local college students, and together they met and made many new friends. In 2006 AndrĂŠ would say he had a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;visionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to become a blueberry farmer; they bought property in Clarence and began to develop that dream â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Windycreekâ&#x20AC;?. AndrĂŠ was predeceased by his parents Tadeusz and Zophia, brothers, Pawul and Romek. He is survived by his partner Jaki Fraser, daughter Gaylena Hansen (Ryan MacDonald), granddaughter Gemma of Golden, sister, Ann of Arvida, nieces and one nephew. AndrĂŠ wanted there to be no memorial service and to be cremated. A very special thank you to Dr. Grant Goodine and the staff of the third Ă&#x20AC;oor medical unit Soldiers Memorial Hospital for their care and compassion. Arrangements have been entrusted to Middleton Funeral Home, 398 Main Street (902)825-3448. Messages of condolence may be sent to the family by viewing his obituary and signing the online guest book at:
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking VJ Bishop Excavating needs truck drivers. Must be experienced. Prefer Class 1. Fax resume to 250-341-6006.
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Employment Education/Trade Schools TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627
Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES LTD is currently recruiting Line Cooks for Inns North hotels in Nunavut. We provide meal allowances, subsidized accommodations, and relocation assistance. Please forward your resume to:
or fax to: (204) 632-8575. Visit for more information. Certified Dental Assistant required 1-2 days per week. Please call 250-344-5864. EXPERIENCED PARTS person and an Inventory Clerk are required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Golden Star Star
Pets & Livestock
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
Financial Services
Malwa Motels Inc o/a Days Inn in Golden is hiring: 5 Full Time Housekeeping Room Attendants - no exp needed, duties incl. sweeping, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, etc. $13.75/hr, 40hrs/wk Housekeeping Supervisor 1 yr similar exp req., duties incl. scheduling, supervising and coordinating activities of workers, inspecting facilities to ensure safety and cleanliness standards are met, etc. $14.50/hr, 40hrs/wk Front Desk Clerks & Relief Night Auditor- exp. an asset, duties incl. taking reservations and cancellations, registering guests, assigning rooms, processing telephone calls, providing information on hotel facilities and services, calculating charges and processing payments, etc. $13.00/hr, 40hrs/wk Full Time Maintenance Worker 1-2 yrs exp. Duties include trouble shoot and perform minor repair on plumbing & elelctrical systems, minor repair of appliances, paint, flooring, repair drywall and perform routine maintenance etc. $15.50/hr, 40hrs/wk FAX RESUMES 250-344-6673
T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive benefit package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. For details visit Contact Tyson Lambert by Fax: 250-286-9502 or by
CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780444-7103.
IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.
English Mastiff puppies, ready Aug 30, gentle giants, need responsible owners, 1st shot, dewormed, 1-yr congenital health guarantee, $850. (250)426-8560 (250)421-0384 Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association. Email info@littlemittensanimal or call Alannah 250-290-0279 or Dianne 250-344-7691. Spotted Dog Rescue. Call 250-344-5524.
Experienced COOK required Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shift. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person. Garbage Truck Driver VP Waste Solutions in Golden, BC is seeking a permanent F/T class 3 driver. Responsibilities incl. driving routes, container and vehicle maintenance, and customer service. Competitive wage ($17-$25/hr) Fax resumes 250-439-1119 Ponderosa Motor Inn requires Front Desk Clerk. Position avail. immediately. Exp. preferred, but will train. Apply in person with resume 1206 Trans Canada Hwy, ask for Kathy.
0700797 BC Ltd. your country ... your restaurant 1049A Trans Canada Hwy 1 250-344-7661 IT’S THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT!
NOW HIRING: Experienced Cooks $10.90 - $15.00 hourly, depending on experience. 40 hours/week. Please send resume to: 1049A Trans Canada Hwy 1, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H2 or by email: Abc.Country.Restaurant@, or by fax: 250-344-7613
BANNISTER AUTO GROUP If you are energetic, creative, motivated and have the desire to join a “Customer First Family”, then we would invite you to come grow with us. We are one of Western Canada’s fasted growing automotive companies. We have openings in several of our locations for SALES MANAGERS, SALES PEOPLE AND QUALIFIED TECHNICIANS. Interested in joining our team? Contact Dick Rosman at 1-888-410-5761 or Email your resume to:
Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430 VJ Bishop Excavating is needing a heavy duty mechanic F/T or P/T. Automotive experience is an asset but not necessary. Fax
Medical/Dental CERTIFIED DENTAL Assistant wanted for 4 days a week. Minimum 2 years experience. E-mail Resume or inquiries to
Professional/ Management CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR. Chwk Bridge Const Co has an immediate opening for an exp and energetic estimator. The successful candidate will be able to analyze and prepare estimates for bridges, precast products and earthworks. This is a full time position. Wages TBD with experience. Must be selfmotivated and able to work independently. Email resume with a handwritten cover letter to or fax to 604702-0620. No phone calls.
Trades, Technical ALBERTA BASED Company looking for qualified & experienced: Equipment Operators, Mulcher, Feller Buncher & Processor Operators. Out of town & camp work. Safety tickets & drivers abstract required. Email resume: Fax 780-488-3002.
resume to 250-341-6006
Help Wanted
The Golden Youth Centre
n te onptpoo rptp mppl olyomyem ee m u noirt yt u
Graphic Designer The Golden Star has an opening for a full-time graphic designer for the production of our weekly publication.
If you’re looking for an opportunity to explore life in a growing mountain community while gaining experience as a graphic designer, this is the position for you. We are looking for a team player who isn’t afraid to take initiative. You will be organized, self-motivated, able to generate clean, well designed ads.
The successful candidate will have experience creating and designing advertising layouts. The selected individual will be skilled in In-Design, PhotoShop & Illustrator and have a good understanding of the printing production process. Other skills require the individual to work in a team environment, have developed computer and typing skills, be highly motivated and organized. Salary will commensurate with experience. Preference will be offer given to candidates with recent and relevant experience. We offer benefits package (including medical / dental and an excellent benefits profit sharing after one year) including a few unique perks upon profit completion of the standard three-month probationary period. 24th, 2012 Please submit your resume by Friday, August 17th, Michele Lapointe, Associate Publisher The Golden Star 413A 9th Ave. N Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0 Email:
is opening in fall 2012 and are recruiting: Youth Coordinator: 15-20 hour per week to start (closes Aug. 29) Volunteers: To commit to one evening per month For more information visit our website at: Or look at our posting at the WorkBC Employment Services Centre.
QUALITY CONTROL person experienced with Piping & Structural Welding needed for a growing Northern Company. Competitive wages & benefits. Please email resume to: Fax 250-775-6227 or apply online:
INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email: M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services
WANTED: Class 1 truck drivers and/or Owner Operators to haul logs in the Mackenzie area for Duz Cho Logging. Must submit resume along with driver’s abstract and be able to meet all safety standards. Please send application to or fax 250-997-5430.
Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677.
Furniture Motorized lift chair, used less than one year. Excellent condition. Asking $550 OBO Was $1200 new Call 250 344-5886.
Garage Sales
Garage Sale - 1331 Pine Drive Sat Aug 25 9am-1pm
Health Products
Heavy Duty Machinery
CASH BACK - $10 for every pound you lose. Lose weight quickly and safely and keep it off, results guaranteed! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176. GET PAID to lose weight. $5,000 For Your Success Story. Personal Image TV Show. Call to Qualify: 1.888.771.7607.
Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500
Computer Services Mountain Trails Computer Repairs. Fast, Affordable, Satisfaction Guaranteed! Proudly serving Golden for more than 15 years. Call 250 344-5857.
Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.
Misc Services
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.
Help Wanted
Pets & Livestock
Reporter Full Time The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press newspaper has an immediate opening for a full time reporter. We are looking for someone with a journalism degree/ diploma and at least one year of newspaper experience. The quali¿ed applicant must have experience with Indesign and Photoshop and will be expected to work independently, reporting to the Editor. We are seeking that true journalist who loves to cover everything from the seniors’ bake sale and city council to junior B hockey and school plays. The reporter is expected to work Àexible hours, including weekends, and must own a car and be prepared to travel across the Elk Valley. The successful candidate will receive a very competitive salary, car allowance, and an excellent bene¿t package. Black Press has over 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. If you have an interest in the community, excellent writing skills and experience in journalism, and the ability to work to strict deadlines, please send a cover letter, resume, and examples of your writing and photography work to: Angela Treharne Editor The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Fax: (250) 423-3110 Email: Only those selected for interview will receive a response.
250-272-1194 Eavestrough, Soffit cleaning
Pet Services Obedience Classes for you and your dog with Columbia Valley Dog Club trainer Helena Moorehouse. $60 for 8 weeks beginning Sep. 5. For information & pre-registration phone 250-344-6451
A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
Misc. for Sale 1986 Volkswagen Cabriolet Convertible, red, gas 4-cyl, fuel injected 5-spd, asking $3500. Variometers, Ball 500H & flight designs, $250/each. Sterioscope by Sokkisha, Model MS27, $350. Call (250)423-0328
BLACK LOAM ORGANIC SCREENED TOP SOIL. $30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available. Pallet Jack $200 obo 250-344-8205 / 250-344-6533
Business/Office Service
Super Summer
SALE! When you book any classified ad into any of our East Kootenay papers, you can place the same ad into any additional paper for only t 5IF 'SFF 1SFTT &ML 7BMMFZ 250-423-4666
t $SBOCSPPL %BJMZ 5PXOTNBO 250-426-5201
t ,PPUFOBZ "EWFSUJTFS 250-489-3455
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$2 * per p
t *OWFSNFSF 7BMMFZ &DIP 250-342-9216
t (PMEFO 4UBS 250-344-5251
Est. 1898
Call us for more details!!!
The Golden Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Golden Star Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Merchandise for Sale
Rentals A21 A21
Misc. for Sale
Apt/Condo for Rent
Misc for Rent
Homes for Rent
Auto Financing
BUILDING materials for sale Aug 11 from 9AM until Noon at 125 Industrial Road # 2. Includes doors, windows, garage doors, plumbing fixtures, tile, lumber, etc.
3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-6533.
In Golden; 1100 sq. ft Basement Suite. Util, w/d incl. $900/mth. Avail Aug 1. Also shared accom avail immediately. $450 all incl. 403-820-0785.
HOUSE FOR RENT - 6 Bdr, 2 Bath. Newly renovated home near downtown with lots of storage, parking. Great deck and a huge fenced yard. N/S. $1500/mth + utilities. email or call 403-678-2717
3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710.
DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
2001 Yamaha Mountain Max 700, very low kms, like new condition. Asking $3800 obo 250-344-8205 / 250-344-6533
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 KITCHEN RANGE, ceramic top, convection oven, selfcleaning, warming drawer. Excellent condition. $600. call 250-344-7685 STEEL BUILDING - Huge clearance sale! 20X24 $4,658. 25X28 $5,295. 30X40 $7,790. 32X54 $10,600. 40X58 $14,895. 47X78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Silver Coins etc. Available now: 250-863-3082 Wanted: Genset 250 kw to 300 kw, 3-phase, 480 volt. (250)417-9291
Real Estate
AKISKINOOK resort - 1 bdrm fully furnished condo, indoor pool, hot tub. $750/ month includes cable. Call 403-281-3991
Available immediately 2 bdrm, 2-4pc bathroom condo, furnished, Fairmont Riverside Resort, overlooking golf course, laundry & storage in unit. Great mountain views. 1 year lease, non-smoking, no pets. Call Sharon 250-688-1365
All inclusive 2 Bdr Suite
Homes for Rent
-Fully furnished -Utilities Included -Satellite TV -High Speed Internet -Laundromat on site DD & References required - No Pets
2 Bdr bsmt suite 1116 12 St. Newly renovated. W/D, F/S. No pets. Av. Oct 1. 250-344-5626. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house & 2 Bdr Suite. In town. Laundry, d/w. Avail Aug 15. Call Troy at 344-1340 3 Bdr mobile home for rent or sale. $600/mth. Avail Aug 1. 250-344-7163 or 344-8179.
FOR RENT In the Blaeberry Take a look- you will not be disappointed
Business for Sale
Please leave message if no answer
The Timbermill Restaurant For Sale
Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate.
Commercial/ Industrial Property Riverfront Commercial property for sale. 403-405 9 Ave. N Golden. Great Location, Location, Location. $399,969. Open to offers. 250-344-5008 or 344-2775.
For Sale By Owner Starter home, smaller 850 sq.ft. house for sale in Cranbrook, close to all amenities, 2-bdrm, 1-bath, remodelled kitchen/bathroom, solid Birch hardwood floors, new 100 amp service, check Kijiji Cranbrook for photos, asking $137,900. (250)427-7820
ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056. Twin Rivers - 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.
Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604.
Houses For Sale
Commercial/ Industrial
Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit:
1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease or rent. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876.
Mobile Homes & Parks 3 bdr trailer, large covered deck and carport, fenced, lots of storage, outside shed, all major appliances plus more on own lot. Open to offers, serious inquiries only. 1049 King Cres. Cell# 250-272-0084
Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710
Cottages / Cabins
1 Bdr cabin. Cozy & quiet. Furnished, N/P, available Sept 20. Call 250-348-2311.
Rent To Own
Misc for Rent
Kingsgate - BEAUTIFUL RENO’D 4/bdrm (2up/2dn) 2400sq/ft home, french drs from din/rm & m/bdrm to 12x50’ fully covered deck, spacious kitchen w/island, l/rm with bay window looking out onto lndsc yd. 6x30’ front deck. Full walkout bsmt. Patio drs to yd. All on 2.9 acres. 1 mile from US border. $249,000 Financing avail. w/15% down. Rent to own, no interest for 2 yrs. 250-424-5360 Yahk- FULL RENO’D 2/bdrm mobile; completely redone inside and out - wiring, plumbing, floors. On 2.9 acres, lots of trees & great soil for gardening. $149,000 Financing avail. w/15% down. Rent to own, no interest for 2 yrs. 250424-5360
Acreage Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.
Available now - Newer Mobile @ Mountain Shadows. 2 Bdr, 2 bath. Walk-in closet. W/D/F/S, DW. Very spacious, Large deck, brand new furnace. $850/mth.250-344-1170.
Large Mobile Home Site available now. #84 Kicking Horse Village MHP. Call Manager 250-344-6935.
Phone 250-344-7299
In Golden Contact Don Rosodi 250-344-0733.
Mobile Homes & Pads
4 Bdr 2 baths house in Golden. Close to all amenities. No pets, no parties. Avail immed. Call 250-344-8429 after 3pm. 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. Beautiful mountain home for rent. 5 Bdr, 3 bath. Spacious deck and yard. Large shed/workshop. For more info visit or call 250-439-8099 BEAUTIFUL NEWER HOUSE FOR RENT IN THE SLOCAN LAKE AREA. AVAILABLE OCT 1st • 4 Bedroom-2 Bath on 2 Acres • Red Mtn. Road above SILVERTON w/ Valhalla views + quiet privacy • N/S , Open to keeping animals • 10 min. drive to Slocan Lake and Village amenities • Storage, treehouses, good access all year round • Minimum 1 Yr Lease • W/D Hookups, F/S plus Earth -Woodstove • $1250 negotiable with proper care of house, land + gardens • References Required • Secure Income Essential • Serious Inquiries Only Call: 250-362-7681 or Mobile 250-231-2174 Email: monikas_2010@ Chalets available by the week or month, starting at $175 per week, utilities included fully furnished. Call Lorne 344.2282
Duplex for Rent
FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each of¿ce is independently owned & operated.
3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996. FOR RENT 4 Bdr home on 1/2 acre in Habart subdivision. References will be checked, damage deposit required. Pets negotiable. $1500 plus utilities. Rent to own considered. Information at or contact Mark 250-817-4468 For Rent - 716 8th Street Main floor 3 Bdr, 1 1/2 Bath, f/p in living rm, laundry rm downstairs, electric heat, carport, mature tenant, no pets. $1200/mth, DD $600. Call 250-344-5508 3 bdrm house in Golden. Very nice neighbourhood, close to schools and parks. Hardwood floors, lg kitchen, bright livingroom and full basement. Big backyard, lots of trees, garden, storage shed & parking. $1100/mo. Call 250-344-0316.
Rooms for Rent Room in house avail Aug 8. All inclusive. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. $475. Call 250-290-0110.
Storage BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289.
Suites, Lower 1 bdr basement suite. $600/mth +util. Avail. Sept 1. Call 344-4565. 2 Bdr Apt bottom floor, one step, downtown. No pets, dishwasher, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $725. Avail Sept 1. 250-344-0222. 2 Bdr basement suite. Quiet street, 5 mins from town. Separate entrance. W/D, fireplace, all appliances. $700/mth. N/P. 250-344-2446.
Suites, Upper 2 Bdr fully furnished. 5 mins south. $800/mth. No pets. Refs required. 250-344-2417.
Auto Financing
1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557
Auto Services Autowyze Services RE-OPENED. Available for all your maintenance needs. Repair, diagnostic, upgrades, pre-sale inspections.
Utility Trailers Tow Dolly asking $800 obo 250-344-8205 / 250-344-6533
Cars - Domestic 2007 Toyota Corolla, approx. 164,000 km, great student or commuter car, $8000. Call (250)829-0630
Small Ads work! Motorcycles No time to ride. 2008 Victory Kingpin, 36,000km, Stage 1, bags, shield, 100, $15,000 firm. No tire kickers, Serious inquiries only. Call (250)427-5162 TWO 2008 CRF230L. 900 miles and 2900 miles. Street legal. Like new, $4300 each. 250-428-0816
Recreational/Sale FOR SALE: 1988 Chev Crew Cab 3/4 ton air bags - $1000 91/2 ft Camper, fridge, stove, shower, toilet, furnace, a/c $3000 8 ft Camper, fridge, stove, furnace $1500 call 250-344-1120
Our classified ads are on the net! Check it out at
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
Dolphins continue to shine
Pictured are Golden Dolphin swimmers who recently won medals at the Regional meet that was held in Kamloops. Approximately 25 swimmers took part in the meet. Photo Submitted
Riders come out for a fun day with the Golden Light Horse Club Jessica Schwitek The Golden Light Horse Club hosted a funday on Sunday August 19 at the rodeo grounds.
The purpose of these fundays, hosted throughout the season, is to bring people who have horses together, and learn from each other. During the event on
Aug. 19, riders participated in various fun competitions including “apple picking,” where riders have to pick up apples one by one off of one barrel, and drop them in a
Golden Lions Club CNIB/Sight First 18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, August 27, 2012 Starts at 11:00 am • Form your own team of four or come as a single/couple. • Texas Scramble 18 holes of Golf (two drives per person)
Entry Fee: $80 per person Entry Fee Includes: Green Fees, Golf Cart, Dinner and Prizes • Hole in One Prizes Total $4000 #4, #7, #13, #16 $1000 each sponsored by the Golden Lions Club • Putting Contest
To Register: Contact Gary Bjarnason at 250-344-2336 or register at the Golden Golf Course
Monies Raised Go To The CNIB To Service Blind Patrons in Golden & District
bucket on another barrel (pictured). The next funday will be on Saturday September 15 at 10 a.m. Although you do need a horse to participate in these fun days, the community is always invited to come out and watch, and to partake in the barbecue lunches. To learn more about the club and their upcoming events, go to their Facebook site at
Eva Pfisterer leans over to grab an apple off of a barrel at the Golden Light Horse Club’s Sunday Funday. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo
New home for gymnastics in Golden Golden Star Staff The Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club has found a new space to call home. The club’s Board of Directors met and voted to go forward with signing a lease which will lead the group to moving out of the Rec Plex. The Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club is relocating 907 10th St. N., the building behind Kal Tire. “This is an exciting time for us as a club. We will be able to offer more programming, a more consistent schedule and we will no longer need to strain the equipment with set-
up and take-down,” said Christine Muise, the club’s head coach. Muise said the group will go through a three-phase action plan that they would appreciate community assistance with. First they will be removing shelving, a wooden overhang and a nonstructural wall in the main shop area, which they think could be done in a couple of days with about 10 people, but they would need a B.C. licensed electrician who can uninstall several unnecessary light units. This work needs to be done as soon as possible (Aug. 18 to 25), so if you feel like you can offer help please email or phone Muise at 344-0682,
and Then they need a painting and cleaning crew to prepare the space for moving in (they predict this will take another 10 people during the week of Aug. 26 to 31). And finally they will need help moving in their heavy and challenging equipment. Lots of people and vehicles will be needed for this phase (Aug. 31 to Sept. 6). The club is currently working on organizing for the September session, and is working with the intention forms that were given back in the spring. Muise is optimistic that they will be able to start their first week of gymnastics on Sept. 10.
The Golden Star Wednesday, August 22, 2012 A23
2012 By-Election and Referendum NOTICE OF ELECTION BY VOTING PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the electors of the Town of Golden that an election by voting is necessary to elect two (2) Councillors for a two+ year term commencing mid September 2012 and terminating December 2014, and that the persons nominated as candidates and for whom votes will be received are:
Usual Names Connie Lori Andy Jim Keith W.
Jurisdiction of Residence
1624 Purcell Woods Close, Golden, BC 518 6th Street South, Golden, BC 721 Hefti Road, Golden, BC 23 – 1422 Golden View Rd, Golden, BC 6 – 1360 Pine Drive, Golden, BC
PUBLIC NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on the same day, September 8th, 2012, a bylaw referendum will be held to submit for the assent of the electors Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization. The question that is to be voted on is as follows: “Do you approve of Council for the Town of Golden adopting Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization, which will authorize Council to borrow on the credit of the municipality a sum not exceeding $1,322,235 in order to facilitate the completion of the Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge 2 Bridge) Project?” The voting area is the Town of Golden, including all qualified resident and non-resident property electors also eligible to vote in the by-election. A synopsis of Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization is as follows: “Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization authorizes Council to borrow on the credit of the municipality a sum not exceeding $1,322,235 in order to facilitate the completion of the Kicking Horse River Dyke Upgrade (Bridge 2 Bridge) Project. The maximum term for which debentures may be issued to secure the debt under Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 is 30 years”. Bylaw No. 1308, 2012 Loan Authorization may be inspected at Town Hall located at 810 9th Avenue South in Golden during regular office hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays.
VOTING DATES AND LOCATIONS GENERAL VOTING will be open to qualified electors of the Town of Golden on: Saturday, September 8th, 2012 - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm College of the Rockies (1305 9th Street South)
ADVANCE VOTING will be available to qualified electors as follows: Wednesday, August 29th, 2012 - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Town Hall, Council Chambers (810 9th Avenue South)
SPECIAL VOTING will be available to qualified electors at the following locations who are patients, tenants, or staff at the time of voting on:
Saturday, September 8th, 2012 - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Golden and District General Hospital (835 9th Avenue South) Henry M Durrand Manor (835 9th Avenue South) Mountainview Assisted Living (750 8th Avenue South) Abbeyfield House (915 9th Street South)
ELECTOR REGISTRATION There is no need to pre-register to vote as the registration of all electors for this election will take place at the time of voting. You will be required to make a declaration that you meet the following requirements: 18 years of age or older Canadian citizen resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding voting day resident of OR registered owner of real property in the Town of Golden for at least 30 days immediately preceding voting day, and not otherwise disqualified by law from voting. RESIDENT ELECTORS will also be required to produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary, but is preferred. Identification must prove both where you live and who you are. NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY ELECTORS must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) as well as a special Non Resident Property Elector Registration Form and (if applicable) a Multiple Owner Consent Form to election officials at the voting place. Jon Wilsgard Chief Election Officer
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 The Golden Star
RE/MAX of Golden 250-344-7663
Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234
Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275
Flec Demmon (250) 344-8451
Marlon Chambers (250) 344-0735
Bob Tegart (250) 272-4321
Barry Klassen (250) 344-0262
Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435
1121 Horse Creek Road
1405-11th Avenue
#2 Swiss Village MHP
448 Althoff Road
714 Kostiuk Road
3 bedrooms 2 bath 2,400sqft 5.38 acres
Land, Buildings & Business
2 bedrooms
Land & Buildings
4bdrms 1.5 baths 2,880sqft 1.73 acres
from $189,900 to $209,900
$124,600 1286 Horse Creek Road 1.026 acres
3 Acreages Available
9.76 acres
2 bedrooms
1 bath
$239,600 2062 Highway #1, West
3bdrms 2 baths 2,200sqft 1.57 acres
1602 Gareb Road
2 baths
1 acre
3 bedrooms
2 baths
$219,900 1160 Highway #95, South 20 acres
2 bedrooms
2 baths
$640,300 1500 Quartz Crescent 3 bedrooms
2.5 baths
527 - 8th Street 50’ x 130’
4.94 acres
$115,000 1564 Quart Crescent .289 acre
1.5 baths
4 acres
3 baths
523 – 5th Avenue 4 bedrooms
3 baths
3 baths
#28, 2779 Dejordie Road 3,094sqft
$319,900 508 - 5th Street 4 bedrooms
2 baths
2 bedrooms
REDUCED 2 bedrooms
$1,095,000 + HST 1592 Golden Avenue 3 bedrooms
3 baths
2 baths
1614 Purcell Woods Close 2.5 baths
2.5 baths
3 bedrooms
1 bath
71’ x 180’
1669 Dogtooth Close 3 baths
$85,000 515, Trans Canada Highway
$1,077,700 3 bedrooms
$984,000 3 bedrooms
1501 Quartz Crescent
1608 Gareb Road 1,464sqft
720 - 8th Street 1,146sqft
7.76 acres
1 bath
4 bedrooms
515 - 5th Street 4 bedrooms
718 - 10th Street 2,100sqft
1.5 baths
3 bedrooms
901 - 11th Street
1 bedroom
3 bedrooms
6 bedrooms
2 bedrooms
2410 Trans Canada Hwy #1
#10 Golden Mobile Home Park
2 baths
#15, 2924 Kicking Horse Road
#101 Kicking Horse Village MHP
3 bedrooms
$127,000 75’ x 150’
$429,000 1521 Fir Crescent
$369,900 4 bedrooms
1416 Deere Ridge Road
38.6 acres
1615 Gareb Road
7 Acreages Available
7 acres
4012 Beard’s Creek Road
from $147,900 to $209,900
$149,900 1735 Short Road
$369,600 2166 Blaeberry Road
#8 Golden Mobile Home Park
1 bath
$329,500 #3, 433 - 5th Avenue
1 bath
Black Bear Drive 1,900sqft
1567 Campbell Road 1bdrm
1792 Short Road
$269,900 554 Day Road
NEW 2 bedrooms
2393 Kettleston Road
$149,900 1026 King Crescent
Imler Road
12 acres
$115,000 1556 Quartz Crescent .289 acre