Volume 57 No. 34
Task force ferry feasability study Sean Glanville A feasibility study is now underway for a proposed ferry service based out of Kitimat. The proposed project would provide an inter-coastal ferry services from Kitimat to and from the remote villages of Hartley Bay, Klemtu and Bella Bella as destinations. A local task force has recently completed a feasibility study, which they have sent to various B.C. Ministries. Kitimat Mayor Joanne Monaghan mentions that the next step is bringing this proposal to the Ministries involved and getting their guidance. “We hope the government departments will be able to provide feedback on the proposed project as well as some funding,” said Monaghan. Monaghan feels access to ferry transportation would be a huge step forward for people living in the villages as it would put them in reach of necessary educational and employment opportunities along with basic amenities. “Ferry service would provide a means of reaching educational facilities in Kitimat and access to finding jobs in Kitimat as there is plenty of unemployment in the villages,” said Monaghan. Ferry service would also provide essential medical treatment and allow seafood to reach market quicker. “Service would also allow access to hospital and medical supplies for places such as Klemtu, Bella Bella and Hartley Bay and additionally supply food for their crustacean farms and getting the product to market quickly.” Monaghan mentions that the task force that produced the study was funded through the Northern Development Initiative Trust and the feasibility study which was completed last week suggests the ferry would run three days a week. At this stage, the main concern is getting the ferry service up and running and Monaghan mentions ideas such as incorporating industry or tourism are not a main concern at this point. “The service will have very little to do with tourism or industry at this stage. Perhaps down the road if the villages want to incorporate some type of cultural tourism that may work for them in the future,” explained Monaghan. Monaghan also notes as far as industry is concerned, the ferry service could perhaps provide transportation of workers and goods to projects in the area at some point.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Thirteen billion dollar oil refinery proposed for the Kitimat Valley Shaun Thomas As Enbridge continues to move forward with its plans for a pipeline to ship oil through Kitimat to Asia, David Black - the owner and president of Black Press which owns newspapers throughout BC including the Kitimat Northern Sentinel - announced this morning plans to construct a $13 billion oil refinery in the Kitimat area. Black incorporated a company called Kitimat Clean Ltd., which plans to build a refinery 25 kilometres north of Kitimat and 25 kilometres south of Terrace large enough to process all of the capacity from the Northern Gateway pipeline prior to it being shipped through the Douglas Channel. The plant would process up to 550,000 barrels per day of dibit to be shipped back to Edmonton, 240,000 barrels per day of diesel, 100,000 barrels per day of gasoline and 50,000 barrels per day of kerosene. closing in the next few decades,” he said. With work on the Kitimat ModernizaThe product would then be shipped to a marine terminal site in Kitimat that is cur- tion winding down at about the same time rently planned to be used for the Enbridge as the construction of this project gets underway, Black says there could be a large crude oil shipping terminal. “The refinery will eliminate any labour force here in the northwest. “If all the projects chance of a crude move ahead, the temoil spill from ship... a company called porary construction ping through Kitimat. jobs could move into Gasoline, kerosene Kitimat Clean Ltd., full-time as people and diesel, which are which plans to build a move from one projthe products from the ect to another,” he refinery 25 kilometres refinery all float and said, noting the 2,100 are all evaporative,” north of Kitimat ... people at the modernexplained Black. ization camp would be “We want it to be available for this or the the cleanest and the greenest operating refinery in the world...Because Canada has proposed LNG plants move ahead. “I don’t see Kitimat as a Fort McMursuch stringent environmental regulations, ray. When kids need work they zip up to it will likely be the cleanest refinery built Fort McMurray and then back, whereas in the world in the next 20 years.” According to Black, processing the I can see people looking at Kitimat as oil before it is shipped out will remove the a place they could move to and make a threat of offshore pollution from heavy home.” So far, prior to the submission of the cruise due to the evaporative properties of environmental assessment application earkerosene, gasoline and diesel. Construction plans call for ground- lier this morning, Kitimat Clean Ltd. has breaking in 2014, with the facility com- spoken to the different levels of governplete in 2020. During the five year con- ment about the project, have reviewed the struction period, an estimated 6,000 project with investment bankers and been workers would be needed, while another told the revenues and profits are enough 3,000 permanent jobs would be created to enable equity and debt financing, have during operation, with half of those being discussed the plans with Enbridge and other oil sands producers and brought provided through private contractors. “I really believe all of these jobs are on-board a refinery consultant. However, needed for the next generation and for the $13 billion for the construction of the those in communities where mills may be project has not been confirmed.
“The money for the environmental assessment has been put up. It will take about two years for the assessment, and while we’re doing that we’ll be talking to industry and customers in Asia and getting the rest of the financing in place,” said Black, noting that not all of the partners in the Northern Gateway project are in favour of a refinery as opposed to shipping the oil. “If there is no Enbridge pipeline there is no refinery. And if we don’t believe the pipeline can be built in a way that ensures any leaks will be immaterial then it shouldn’t be built.” However serious discussions with the Haisla and the Kitselas, on whose traditional territories the terminal and refinery would be located respectively, have not taken place. Art Sterritt of the Coastal First Nations, however, says more work needs to be done with other groups along the shipping line. “The air pollution and impact from this refinery will have the same impact on the area, and removing the problem for the Skeena and the Nass is not solving half of the problem...You’re going to be polluting that area even more so,” said Art Sterrit of the Coastal First Nations. “If you’re serious about doing business in the north, you need to be out there talking to the First Nations in the region.” Black also said the refinery would help address concerns from the province about an economic benefit to BC from the pipeline.
Response to $13 billion refinery...page 3
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Kitimat RCMP with the assistance of the Quesnel RCMP laid charges in the November 11, 2011 robberies at the Shell Gas Station and Tony’s Grocery Story in Kitimat. On November 11, 2011, just after midnight, a male wearing a mask and brandishing a knife robbed the Shell Gas Station. Later on that day, Tony’s Grocery Store was also robbed at knife point. A lengthy and thorough investigation was conducted following these incidents which resulted in a suspect being identified. On August 9, 2012, the Quesnel RCMP executed an
arrest warrant on 31-year-old Nicholas Flint Law. Law is currently in custody at this time. In other RCMP news, on August 13, 2012, at approximately 4 a.m., the Kitimat RCMP made an arrest of a male on Haisla Boulevard near the overpass. The male was found in possession of property believed to have been stolen from the Albatross area. The Kitimat RCMP are asking the public that if they have had their vehicle, garage or property entered and items taken, to contact the Kitimat RCMP to report this and to check if the RCMP have your property.
RCMP make Tony’s and Shell robberies arrest Currently, the male is in custody. To contact the Kitimat RCMP call (250)632-7111. In other news, the Kitimat RCMP is requesting assistance in identifying the owner of a Jon Boat located below the treatment plant off of the Dyke Rd in Kitimat. The boat was located on August 10, 2012. The Kitimat RCMP would like to ask the public to provide any information they may have on the matter by calling the Kitimat RCMP at (250)6327111. If you wish to remain anonymous about this or any other crime, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222TIPS (8477).
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012 3
port, there’s an awful lot of activity taking place up north and of course you’ve got the Kitimat Modernization, which is ramping up on a monthly basis as well.” Burnett adds the increased revenue being generated by that traffic... is enough to get a head-start on some airport projects. One of which is resurfacing the main runway within the next five-to-ten years. He says that project will be a major hit in the millions of dollars
Haisla and Kitselas First Nations in the region. The proposed site is a 3,000-hectare Crown industrial property between Terrace and Kitimat. Kitimat Mayor Joanne Monaghan spoke by phone to the news conference, offering encouragement for the proposal. But Black acknowledged he does not yet have formal support from communities or investors. “I see myself as a catalyst to make this happen,” said Black, who first proposed the idea to the province and the industry seven years ago when he was chairman of the B.C. Progress Board. Black is working with Glenn McGinnis, a consulting engineer and former manager of the Ioco oil refinery in Port Moody. “We want it [the Kitimat refinery] to be the cleanest and greenest upgrading and refining site in the world,” McGinnis said. The refinery would produce 240,000 barrels per day of diesel, 100,000 barrels per day of gasoline and 50,000 barrels per day of kerosene or aviation
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Green Campfires!
The Northwest Regional Airport is breaking passenger records this year. The Airport that services Terrace and Kitimat has seen an incline in passenger numbers.. and the numbers for July were the highest in the airport’s history. The Terrace-Kitimat Airport Society President credits the industrial activity in the area. “Attribute it to the increased economic activity north and south of the air-
Tom Fletcher
Airport sets record
fuel, refined from heavy oil. Among those attending the news conference was Art Sterritt, executive director of the Coastal First Nations, a group in the Kitimat area that has strongly opposed the pipeline proposal. Sterritt disputed Black’s assertion that a B.C. refinery “solves half of the problem” with exported oil by shipping refined gasoline, jet fuel and diesel in tankers instead of heavy crude. Those products have their own risks, Sterritt said. Black pointed out that without marine shipments of those fuels, the remote coastal communities Sterritt represents would not be able to function. The lighter fuel products are still an environmental hazard, but they dissipate much more quickly and do not persist for many years like spilled heavy crude, he said. NDP energy critic John Horgan was also skeptical. “At this point, it’s a proposal without business partners and without First Nations and local community support,” Horgan said. “It doesn’t change our position [opposing] the Enbridge Northern Gateway project.” Black said the refinery will mean nearly 6,000 construction jobs over a five-year period, 3,000 permanent jobs at the refinery and tax revenue for various levels of government.
From the Legislature
“I think this is a great day in history.” Terrace mayor Dave Pernarowski said he too was glad to hear of the proposal, but was waiting to hear more about it before taking a position. “The City of Terrace is always open to new business and job creation opportunities. Mr. Black is a highly respected and successful businessman in B.C. and, as the owner of one of our key media outlets, the Terrace Standard, he is a valued member of our growing business community,” he said in an e-mail to Black Press. “At this time, we don’t know enough about the project to comment one way or another about it, but we look forward to working with Mr. Black in the future and engaging with our citizens regarding any major investments that could create jobs and help grow our amazing city.” Kitselas chief councillor Judy Gerow said the band would be taking a wait-and-see approach on a project that would be located on their territory. “We don’t want to make any kind of statement of endorsement. We are still conducting the independent study so I think it would be too soon,” she said, noting the Black did meet with her prior to the announcement. “We didn’t talk about partnership...We don’t want to go there now.” For its part, Enbridge was trying to keep a low profile on the day and released a simple statement about the Northern Gateway pipeline project. “Enbridge Northern Gateway remains committed to the regulatory process reviewing our application for the project. The Formal Hearings as part of the Joint Review Panel process are set to begin September 4 where issues related to the project are to be reviewed in public and in detail,” said company spokesperson Todd Nogier.
VA N C O U V E R – A Victoria businessman is heading up a proposal to build a $13-billion oil refinery in Kitimat. David Black, chairman and owner of Black Press, announced Friday he wants to build a world scale oil refinery at Kitimat, B.C. Black told a news conference in Vancouver Friday he is submitting an environmental assessment application to build a “world scale” oil refinery on behalf of Kitimat Clean Ltd., a company owned by Black. The application to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office is expected this fall. The proposed refinery would be big enough to process all the diluted bitumen carried by Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline Black said he has had extensive discussions with Enbridge and other players in the Canadian oil industry, but none has so far offered to back the project. Black said he will use his own money to finance the proposal through environmental assessment, which he expects to cost several million dollars. After that, he said investors would be needed to complete it, assuming both the refinery and the pipeline receive approval. He has had preliminary meetings with Kitimat and Terrace councils, as well as the
Shaun Thomas Skeena - Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen says he would “be very, very surprised” to seean oil refinery in the Kitimat-Terrace area come to fruition. “It’s another chapter in a story that is increasingly becoming more and more ridiculous. This wasn’t in Enbridge’s plans, it’s not in China’s plans, it’s not in the Prime Minister’s plans so I don’t know where it came from...He’s making an announcement with no money, no local support and no support from First Nations so it is very hard to take seriously,” he said. Black said he will use his own money to finance the proposal through the B.C. environmental assessment, which he expects to cost several million dollars. After that, he said investors would be needed to complete it, assuming both the refinery and the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline receive approval. “There is a reason nobody is backing this...For a newspaper baron to say how the oil industry should be running when nobody in the oil industry is doing this themselves is ridiculous,” added Cullen. Skeena MLA Robin Austin says while the project is ambitious, it doesn’t change the risks associated with the Northern Gateway pipeline. “There is nothing wrong with the principle of trying to add value or economic benefit to the project, but the potential for disaster with the pipeline is unchanged,” said Austin. “Northern communities know the risks are too great, and that’s why they oppose the project.” Kitimat mayor Joanne Monaghan, who called in and was the only elected official to participate in the announcement, said she was excited to hear about the plan. “This project will probably, if it goes ahead and we are hopeful it does, change the face of the northwest forever,” she said.
Proposal for Kitimat
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Response to plans for 13 billion dollar refinery
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $44.39 Senior $39.99 Mail: out of town or business $64.39. Includes tax.
Canadian soccer women fabulous I’m back in Williams Lake after a wonderful summer experience in Kitimat. Despite my short stint in the community it left a positive impression on me and I hope to return soon. During the London 2012 Olympics the moment that stands out for many Canadians was our women’s soccer team’s 4-3 loss to the USA in the semi-final. Christine Sinclair provided one of the greatest performances ever by a female soccer player. Not bad for a Burnaby girl. I’ve officiated hundreds of soccer games through the years, especially through university to help keep me in pocket money, so the onesided officiating in the Canada vs USA game irked me more than the average fan. In the countless soccer games televised over the years I have never seen a goalie penalized for holding the ball for longer than six seconds. It’s in the rulebook but it’s a call officials don’t make. The punishment is so harsh, an indirect free kick from the spot of the infraction, which of course is always inside the 18-yard-box. Getting shafted once by the Norwegian official was bad enough but she compounded her error with another poor call. When a ball is kicked at a player and hit’s them in the hand the referee has to deem whether the player had sufficient time and distance to pull their hands away. In this case on the ensuing free kick the ball was blasted at the Canadian defender who had no time to get out of the away as it hit her hand and the ref placed the ball on the penalty spot, which led to the tying goal. I was apalled by the Americans lack of grace as post- game USA goalkeeper Hope Solo was asked about Sinclair’s performance. Instead of commending her she instead credited her goals on poor defending. Thus, managing to insult both Sinclair and her teammates. Perhaps the tackiest moment of the Olympics was after the USA defeated Japan for the gold medal they ran into their locker room and returned to the field wearing Nike t-shirts with the slogan ‘Greatness Has Been Found.’ The Twitter world erupted with comments like ‘no wonder nobody cheers for the USA’ and even major American media outlets like NBC had comments like ‘take those awful shirts off.’ Our Canadian girls could’ve took such a demoralizing loss as an excuse to fold in the bronze medal game, but hey showed tremendous courage to defeat France 1-0 for bronze. They were an inspiration to the entire country and spurred on the next generation of young girls playing soccer in Canada. Sean Glanville
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.
Doubts cast on speed of B.C. LNG Prominent U.S.-based news website, the Huffington Post, has become the latest organization to cast doubts on the speed of progress on numerous northern B.C. LNG projects, expected to be based and up and running in CZ "MMBO )FXJUTPO Kitimat over the next seven years. Nevertheless, the Post article is While the August 16 article explores the Kitimat-B.C. LNG disturbing. It points out, as has been picture in a fairly lengthy and detailed done repeatedly, that B.C. comes late manner, the website was unable to ex- into the LNG game and trailing various tract from two major proponents, Kiti- other countries making faster progress mat LNG (Apache-EOG-Encana) or or already in business shipping LNG Royal Dutch Shell, any specific time to supposedly-hungry Asian markets. It quotes Energy and Mines Minline for a commitment of major capital ister Rich Coleman’s office, which reor construction. Both have NEB perfused an interview for the article, but mits to export LNG. e-mailed the ministry view that there To support the case for doubt, Huffington Post writer, Rachel Mendleson, are “currently no concerns” about the offers the opinions of Canadian Cen- effect of other LNG projects around ter for Policy Alternatives researcher, the world on the economic viability of Ben Parfitt, who states, “ It is not at all those planned for B.C. So let’s see this fall whether there clear to me that we’re actually going to end up with liquefied natural gas is a reason for concern in Kitimat. Personally I’ve been looking for similar plants in Western Canada.” Now, the CCPA claims to be “an commitments for some time. On another matter, I cannot say independent, non-partisan research inhow strongly I support the latest call, stitute concerned with issues of social this time from the Canadian Taxpayand economic justice,” however its ers’ Federation, for the scrapping of home page endorsement by Ed BroadB.C.’s pervasive carbon tax legislabent probably speaks volumes about tion. the Center’s leanings. A meander I would say it has been fairly acthrough the website tends to reflect curately described as everything from support for NDP policies and views.
an abject failure to a blatant rip-off of the taxpayer – particularly the individual B.C. vehicle driver. Introduced with typical Gordon Campbell “green spin” in 2008, the carbon tax has become akin to a giant squid with its greedy tentacles sucking cash out of the citizenry of B.C. through annual gas price increases at the pump, increases on domestic heating bills, on B.C. Ferry fares, public transportation fares, at grocery stores and really “across the board,” as shipping costs inevitably rose. But it is at the gas pump that everyday citizens see the impact of the carbon tax – now up to 6.67 cents per litre. Add the HST – it makes gas seven cents a litre more expensive in B.C. than anywhere else in Canada, notwithstanding local impacts on price. That amounts to something around $3.50 extra on a regular car fill up or closer to $7 on the average truck fillup, which makes it even more costly for many northern drivers who can’t just slip across to Bellingham and take advantage of U.S. gas prices or who can’t jump on the Skytrain to commute to work. The tax is also applied to diesel and all oil-based fuels, as well as natural gas and coal, and has jumped every July 1 since 2008. Continued on Page 5
BC Press Council – This Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012 5
North West has highest unemployment
Revitalization a fantastic idea I was delighted to see that council is pursuing the idea of using Section 226 of the Community Charter to create revitalisation zones that would give commercial property owners the opportunity to upgrade their premises without being penalised for doing so. As any property owner well knows, upgrade your property and your assessed value goes up. Which means your tax bill, which is tied to your assessed value, goes up in lock step. Invoking 226 gives the city the opportunity to give such property owners a “holiday” in as much as for whatever period of time council decides - usually five years - the owner will pay taxes only on his pre-improvement assessed value until the expiry of that term. In other words city tax revenue remains the same as before the improvement.
Baxyard Banter
nailing a business in its downtown area. If, as I have asked before, they can do it, why can’t we?
by Malcolm Baxter
Back in 2005 the City of Quesnel used that device to secure a $100 million new West Fraser sawmill. More recently Terrace has used it to encourage improvements in a section of its downtown core with some success. In the case of Kitimat, better late than never. But this, as I mentioned in one of many editorials on the subject, is only the carrot. To achieve what I assume is council’s goal of repairing the image of the community, it also needs a stick - and that means having the intestinal fortitude to take action to remove hideous eye-
sores. Prime candidates are, of the course, the rusted, boarded up disaster on Enterprise Avenue and the onetime Shop Easy in the Nechako Centre. In the case of the former, consider this: the owners of the Kitimat Hotel have spent Lord knows how many dollars to spruce their place up only to have their guests gaze out on an ugly hovel across the street. Where is the logic in allowing that state of affairs to continue? And don’t tell me it cannot be done. Prince Rupert has been lowering the boom for at least three years and that included
of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project. He is described as “a long-standing, colourful critic of prevailing climate science.” The article also notes the Berkeley project was heavily funded by the Charles Koch Charitable Foundation which has “a considerable history of backing groups that deny climate change.” But Muller has done a complete turnabout, declaring, “Humans are almost entirely the cause.” Predictably, the believers of the Church of Climate Change prepared the fatted calf to honour the prodigal son. While the so-call sceptics heaped scorn on his conclusions. All of which suggests to me that things are not as clear cut as some would have us believe.
Last time my column revolved around Fritz Vahrenholt, regarded as one of the fathers of the environmental movement in Germany who walked the talk by founding one of Europe’s largest renewable energy companies. And how he was now having second thoughts about the assertion that man was wholly responsible for global warming. In response, a reader kindly referred me to an article in the Los Angeles Times about a similar conversion but in the opposite direction. Richard A. Muller is professor of physics at Berkeley, MacArthur Fellow and co-founder
Shaun Thomas Northwest BC has the highest unemployment rate in the province, according to stats released on August 10 by the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, and it is the only region in BC in double digits. The unemployment rate for the North Coast and Nechako region, which covers just west of Vanderhoof to Haida Gwaii, was 11.9 per cent this July. That number was down slightly from the 12.2 per cent in June but is the third highest rate this year. When compared to last July’s 7.7 per cent unemployment figure, the number is up 4.2 per cent. For the first six months of 2012 the average unemployment rate in the region was 11.9 per cent com-
pared to 8.2 per cent for the first six months of 2011. In terms of the number of people employed, that figure has fallen from 44,300 last July to 38,400, a loss of 5,900 employed people in the northwest. So far this year the number of people employed in the region is down 7.9 per cent while provincially the figure has risen 1.9 per cent. The next highest unemployment rate is in the Cariboo, which has an unemployment rate of 8.1 per cent, followed by the Kootenay region at 6.8 per cent. The lowest unemployment rate in the province was in the Northeast, with an unemployment rate of just 4.3 per cent, while the provincial number is 6.9 per cent.
Miscellaneous cont’d. From Page 4 Government has defended the carbon tax vehemently for several years – and B.C. Liberal finance minister Keven Falcon constantly responds to calls to cut the tax by quoting the various additional actions the government has taken to ensure the much-acclaimed “revenue neutrality” of its carbon tax, including income tax cuts. But the taxpayers’ group insists income tax cuts only cover $228 million of the $1.2 billion the carbon tax rakes in every year, and repeats its contention that the average citizen can’t get other compensating tax breaks such as venture capital and industrial property credits, or research and experimental development grants. I have to agree also that the tax has failed in its efforts to drive motorists to alternative green transport options that would result
in lowered overall gasoline sales. Sales of gasoline are up, up, up -along with the costs. Seniors on fixed income have to consider the tax an extreme and onerous burden and given Falcon’s point of view we can be sure there’s no relief in sight. There’s probably little left for the B.C. Liberals to gain by giving in to the demand – and the question will likely come down to the perception of a new government, NDP or Conservative. In my experience there’s little chance that the Liberals will concede in this are as we approach the 2013 election. There is so much distraction in the political future – LNG, Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan issues, health, education and jobs that this will simply join the HST under the carpet for the next few months. ahewitson@telus.net
Shell announces LNG partnershi p
Marathon relay runner proves he has sole K I T I M
s stable
Houses selling fast, price
Council considers
recyling options
Trustees adopt two week spring break
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3939 Seniors Includes HST
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ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. bcgmcdealers.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */x/†Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Sierra Ext Cab (1SA) and 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext (R7H) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See GMC dealer for details. x$7,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on 2012 Sierra Ext Cab 1SA & 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit for 72 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Sierra Ext Cab 1SA & 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext. 0.99% purchase financing offer on approved credit by Ally Finance Services for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext & Crew. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $138.89 for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000.00. Example: $10,000 at 0.99% APR, the monthly payment is $123.27 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $354.62, total obligation is $10,354.62. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ∞OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit onstar.ca for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. ÂĽWhichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. Based on latest competitive data available. ÂĽÂĽBased on current website competitive information at time of printing. â—Š$1,000 ‘GM Truck Owner Loyalty/Conquest Bonus’ incentive is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive). Example: $10,000 purchase price, after tax price is $11,200 ($10,000 plus $1,200 applicable taxes). After applying $1,000 bonus, after tax price is $10,200 ($880 reduced purchase price plus $120 applicable taxes), with the $1,000 credit being the $880 reduction from the purchase price and the $120 reduction in taxes which would have otherwise been payable on the full purchase price. $1,000 bonus is available only to customers who currently own a GM or Competitive Pickup Truck registered and insured (in Canada) in their name for the previous consecutive six months. The bonus may be applied towards the purchase/finance/lease of an eligible new 2012/2013 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado/GMC Sierra, 2012 MY Chevrolet Colorado/GMC Canyon delivered between August 4, 2012 and August 31, 2012. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). The $1000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. Offer applies to new or demonstrator models. Dealer order or trade may be required. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and may contact GM to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash. This offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. See your local GM dealer for details. GM reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer and/or the program for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.
6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Some lessons from Noah Genesis 9:17
Genesis 9:17, “God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the Earth.â€? The Biblical account of Noah and the Ark is one of the most well known accounts in the world. But when most people think about Noah and the Ark, they focus on the furry animals marching two by two. What people don’t like to focus on is why God sent the flood in the 1st place. The question emerges, “Why would a loving God cause every living thing He had created to be destroyed?â€? This is the same question people ask when there are catastrophes or even when there is sickness and hardship in people’s lives. Well, the 1st thing we learn about God from Noah is this: “God’s holiness demands judgment.â€? You see, God is 100% pure and holy, and as such, He cannot abide our sin. When He created the world He declared it “Very goodâ€?‌perfect. But man in our pride rebelled against God’s perfect provisions for us, so that by
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the time of Noah, we read “The Lord was sorry that He had made man upon the earth and it grieved Him to His heart.�
From the Pulpit Redeemer Lutheran Church
Pastor Clint Magnus
The fact that our sin breaks His heart is important, because it shows us that He is not mean and vengeful, but loving and compassionate. And so, the 2nd thing we learn from Noah is this: “When God’s holiness demands judgment, His love delivers grace.� And so God told Noah that He
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would put His bow in the sky as a promise. So what is a bow? Well, a bow is a weapon, and when we read the Bible, we see that God’s bow was drawn in Genesis, and the arrow was let fly in the New Testament. That arrow is God’s Son Jesus Christ, who came to live a sinless life and give it freely on the cross as our substitute‌so that all who repent of their sin and believe on Him as their Savior will be forgiven and receive God’s free gift of eternal life. At the cross, God resolved the problem between His holiness that demands judgment, and His love that delivers grace. So, what kind of a God do you believe in? The truth is, if your God is not so holy and pure that your sin breaks His heart; then your God does not love you enough to send His Son to die for you. Jesus did not come to judge. He came so that, by believing in Him, when you stand before God one day you will not face the God of judgment, but rather the God of Grace. This is His gift offered freely to you and to me‌amen.
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Call MacCarthy Motors at 250-635-4941, or visit us at 5004 Highway 16 West, Terrace. [License #5893]
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012 7
Kitimat Modernization Project Building the future together
1+ million safe hours achieved on the Kitimat Modernization Project!
Rio Tinto Alcan congratulates all of the KMP employees, contractors, and suppliers for their focus and dedication to reach this outstanding achievement. We are proud to make health, safety and the environment our top priority in the workplace.
Lightning to blame for 18 area fires
The Northwest Fire Centre has responded to 18 fires this week, all of which were caused by lightning. The majority of these fires are small in size, with very few of them larger than a hectare in size. The largest fire has reached a size of approxi-
Lease For Only
mately 7.5 hectares and the smoke may be visible from Good Hope Lake. A wildfire burning near Copper River Road east of Terrace is currently being monitored. This fire is burning in steep, inaccessible terrain that would be too dangerous for firefighters
28,783 *
Offer includes $1,700 freight and air tax and all rebates.
a month for 36 months with $1,600 down payment.
399 4.99% ±
10.5L/100km 27MPG HWY *** 14.9L/100km 19MPG CITY ***
to work in. The fire will be continuously monitored and if it expands into a more accessible area, crews then will actively work on the fire. Smoke from this fire will be visible to those travelling along Copper River Road. The Northwest Fire Centre would like to thank
GET YOUR EMPLOYEE PRICE AND CHANCE TO WIN AT FORD.CA OR YOUR BC FORD STORE TODAY. everyone who reported wildfires this week. Early reporting is an important step in ensuring our success in extinguishing fires while they are still small. We anticipate that other fires have started as a result of the recent lightning, but have not been detected yet.
32,379 *
• Heated Front Seats • Reverse Sensing System
7.2L/100km 39MPG HWY *** 11.1L/100km 25MPG CITY ***
3 5 1 89
To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, please call *5555 on your cell phone or call 1-800-663-5555 tollfree. For the latest information on fire activity, conditions and prohibitions, visit our website www.bcwildfire. ca.
1,000 ▲
2012 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 5.0L 2013 EDGE SEL FWD AUTO
Employee Price Adjustment ...........$4,316 Delivery Allowance .............................$7,000 Employee Price Adjustment ...........$2,770 Delivery Allowance .............................$1,000
Employee Price Adjustment ..........$5,485 Delivery Allowance ............................$4,000
Total Eligible Price Adjustments ....$11,316 Total Eligible Price Adjustments .... $3,770
Total Eligible Price Adjustments ... $9,485
Share our Employee Price Share our Employee Price
Share our Employee Price
Offer includes $1,650 freight and air tax and all rebates.
Offer includes $1,700 freight and air tax and all rebates.
Standard features include:
Western Edition package includes:
• 3.5L V6 Engine • 285 Horsepower • 18” Aluminum Wheels
• Reverse Camera • Tailgate Step • Sync®◆ • Foglamps • Black Platform Running Boards • 18" Bright Machined Aluminum Wheels
You’ll get an additional $1,000 in loyalty/ conquest customer cash on the purchase or lease of most new 2012/2013 F-Series (F-150 to F-550) models if you are a current owner or lessee of any Ford or competitive model pickup truck.
SINCE 2005
WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricing”) is available from June 14, 2012 to August 31, 2012 (the “Program Period”), on the purchase or lease of most new 2012/2013 Ford vehicles (excluding all chassis cab and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, Medium Trucks, Mustang Boss 302, and 2013 Shelby GT500). Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any CAW-negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ‡‡No purchase necessary. For full contest rules, eligible vehicle criteria, and to enter as a Ford owner, visit www.ford.ca/shareourpridecontest (follow the entry path applicable to you, complete all mandatory fields and click on ‘submit’) or visit your local Ford Dealer for details. Open only to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority, possess a valid graduated level provincially issued driver’s license, and are owners of Ford branded vehicles (excluding fleet customers and all Lincoln and Mercury models). Eligible vehicle criteria includes requirement that it be properly registered in Canada in the contest entrant’s name (matching vehicle ownership), and properly registered/plated and insured. Non-Ford owners can enter by mailing an original 100 word essay on “what they like about Ford”, with their full name, full mailing address, email, daytime phone number (with area code) to: Vanessa Richard, Pareto Corp., 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M3C 4G4. Contest closes at 11:59pm (PST) on the last day of the 2012 Ford Employee Pricing campaign which will be no earlier than August 31, 2012. Limit of 1 entry per person. Up to 8 prizes available to be won in Canada in 3 possible prize categories, each worth up to CAD$50,000. Chances of winning are dependent on the total number of entries received up to each 10,000 interval of unit sales under the Employee Pricing campaign (“Draw Trigger”). Odds of winning decrease as the contest progresses, more entries are made into the contest, and opportunities for Draw Triggers lessen. Skill testing question required. ▲Offer only valid from August 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012 (the “Program Period”) to Canadian resident customers who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) a Ford Ranger, Explorer Sport Trac, or F-150 to F-550 (each a “Qualifying Loyalty Model”), or any competitive pickup truck with a pickup bed (each a “Qualifying Conquest Model”) and purchase, lease, or factory order (during the Program Period) a new 2012/2013 Ford F-150 to F-550 (excluding Raptor) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Qualifying customers will receive CAD$1,000 (the “Incentive”) towards the purchase or lease of the Eligible Vehicle, which must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer during the Program Period. Limit one (1) Incentive per Eligible Vehicle sale, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales, per Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model. Each customer will be required to provide proof of ownership/registration of the applicable Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model and the ownership/registration address must match the address on the new Buyer’s Agreement or Lease Agreement for the Eligible Vehicle sale. The offer is transferable only to persons living within the same household as the eligible customer. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory-order or delivery (but not both). This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances, or any other Targeted Loyalty Programs. Taxes payable before Incentive is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. This offer is subject to vehicle availability and may be cancelled at any time without notice. See dealer for details. *Purchase a new 2013 Escape SE FWD with automatic transmission/2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats/2012 F-150 Platinum Super Crew 4x4 for $26,030/$28,783/$32,379/$39,714/$46,413 after Total Eligible Price Adjustment of $2,519/$11,316/$3,770/$9,485/$14,186 (Total Eligible Price Adjustment is a combination of Employee Price Adjustment of $2,019/$4,316/$2,770/$5,485/$7,186 and delivery allowance of $500/$7,000/$1,000/$4,000/$7,000) is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Eligible Price Adjustment has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,650/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ±Until August 31, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 5.0L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $40,099 at 4.99% APR for up to 36 months with $1,600 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $399, total lease obligation is $15,964 and optional buyout is $16,040. Offer includes Total Price Adjustment of $11,316. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Total Price Adjustment is deducted. Offer includes freight and air tax of $1,700, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2013 Escape 1.6L EcoBoost FWD: [9.1L/100km (31MPG) City, 6.0L/100km (47MPG) Hwy / 2013 Edge 3.5L V6 FWD 6-speed Automatic transmission: [11.1L/100km (25MPG) City, 7.2L/100km (39MPG) Hwy / 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [14.9L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. †When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2012 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.7L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Environment Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ◆◆Projected best in class fuel economy based on competitive data available at the time of testing using Ford drive-cycle tests (in accordance with the guidelines of the Society of Automotive Engineers’ Standard J1321) of comparably equipped 2011 Ford vs. 2010 competitive models. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ◆Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check www.syncmyride.com for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012
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Sizes from
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Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012 9
Kitimat Valley Institute
Job and Career Fair • Are you unemployed, under employed or changing your career path? • Would you like the opportunity to meet with the region’s premier employers in industry, construction and camp services? Supported by Kitimat Valley Institute and the Skilled Trades Employment Program this Job and Career Fair provides local job seekers the opportunity to meet with employers that are committed to hiring local residents.
This KVI Job and Career Fair will allow you to
EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 1:00 - 4:00 PM Please call 250-631-6726 or 250-639-9199 ext 31 for further information or to confirm your attendance.
10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012
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Education/Trade Schools
KITIMAT Can’t wait for delivery? The Northern Connector is available for pickup at the Kitimat Northern Sentinel, 626 Enterprise Ave. Friday Mornings by 8:30am DROPBOX pickup at Home Hardware and Riverlodge after 10:30am Cablecar Subdivision 14 Greyling Ave. after 5pm.
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Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES LTD is currently recruiting Line Cooks for Inns North hotels in Nunavut. We provide meal allowances, subsidized accommodations, and relocation assistance. Please forward your resume to: humanresources@arcticco-op.com
or fax to: (204) 632-8575. Visit www.innsnorth.com for more information. BANNISTER AUTO GROUP If you are energetic, creative, motivated and have the desire to join a “Customer First Family”, then we would invite you to come grow with us. We are one of Western Canada’s fasted growing automotive companies. We have openings in several of our locations for SALES MANAGERS, SALES PEOPLE AND QUALIFIED TECHNICIANS. Interested in joining our team? Contact Dick Rosman at 1-888-410-5761 or Email your resume to: humanresources@bannisters.com EXPERIENCED PARTS person and an Inventory Clerk are required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at LacLaBicheRegion.com. Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: hr@sapphireinc.net.
Business Opportunities
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Lost & Found Kitimat - Lost August 11. Pair of black framed prescription glasses. By the river near the bridge. 250-632-1902
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Full and Part time for Coastal Taxi. We are also hiring part time dispatchers. Send resume & drivers abstract to PO Box 56 Kitimat, BC V8C 2G6 No phone calls KITIMAT - P/T WAITRESS wanted. Food Safe & Serving it Right preferred. Drop off resume in person at Chop Suey Kitchen 424 Enterprise Ave. after 4 p.m.
PIZZARAMA in Kitimat is now hiring Cooks & Drivers. Must be able to multi task, have good communication skills & work well in a fast paced environment. Bring resume to PIZZARAMA 171 Nechako Centre after 2pm. No phone calls please Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430
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Heavy Duty Machinery
Apt/Condo for Rent
SHOPPERS DRUG MART Kitimat - Is looking to fill the following positions: • Merchandiser • Cashier • Pharmacy Assistant • Bookkeeper Please drop off your resume at 120 City Centre, Kitimat.
The Kitimat Hotel is looking for part-time help in the following positions: waitress, bouncer, DJ, chambermaid and cashier. Drop of resume with the owner Mark or email to kitimathotel@hotmail.com T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive benefit package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. For details visit www.t-mar.com Contact Tyson Lambert by Fax: 250-286-9502 or by Email:tysonlambert@t-mar.com Wonderful Opportunity in a busy restaurant.
Rosario’s Restaurant
has openings for full time SERVERS Days and Evenings. Please email cdrabik@telus.net or bring resume to Rosario’s in Kitimat. No phone calls please
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HOT WATER Bachelor 1 and 2 bedroom
APARTMENTS Largest, Brightest Suites Shiny Hardwood Floors Unfurnished & Furnished Daily - Weekly - Monthly
RENT starting from $575 INCLUDES HEAT!
OCEANVIEW APTS (250)632-2822 Kitimat
Misc. for Sale FOR SALE Kitimat - 2004 Craftsman Snowblower. 9.5hp, 27”, 2 stage thrower, electric start. $700obo. Woods Upright Freezer. 17.7cu ft. Frost free, excellent condition. $300obo. 250-6327247
1631 Haisla Blvd. Kitimat, BC 2 bedroom suites security building New: dishwasher, appliances & cabinets. All New: windows, plumbing, electrical, drywall, kitchen & bathroom - sound insulated - electric heat. 1 yr lease Starting at $995 per month N/S, N/P For complete details or to request an application, please call 250.632.7814
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? Kitimat - Bedroom Suite, includes headboard and footboard with frame, Dresser with mirror, 2 side tables and chest of drawers $600. Coffee table and 2 end tables $99 each. 250-632-4872 Kitimat - Set of two Blizzak P235/75 R15 tires on rims. $200 250-632-4872. STEEL BUILDING - Huge clearance sale! 20X24 $4,658. 25X28 $5,295. 30X40 $7,790. 32X54 $10,600. 40X58 $14,895. 47X78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca.
• • • • •
Starting at $550 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Email: www.apartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
Misc. Wanted Professional/ Management
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Silver Coins etc. Available now: 250-863-3082 KITIMAT
Real Estate
CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR. Chwk Bridge Const Co has an immediate opening for an exp and energetic estimator. The successful candidate will be able to analyze and prepare estimates for bridges, precast products and earthworks. This is a full time position. Wages TBD with experience. Must be selfmotivated and able to work independently. Email resume with a handwritten cover letter to info@iotaconstruction.com or fax to 604702-0620. No phone calls.
Trades, Technical ALBERTA BASED Company looking for qualified & experienced: Equipment Operators, Mulcher, Feller Buncher & Processor Operators. Out of town & camp work. Safety tickets & drivers abstract required. Email resume: jobs@commandequipment.com Fax 780-488-3002. CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; john@raidersconcrete.com Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780444-7103. QUALITY CONTROL person experienced with Piping & Structural Welding needed for a growing Northern Company. Competitive wages & benefits. Please email resume to: info@torqueindustrial.com Fax 250-775-6227 or apply online: www.torqueindustrial.com SHINGLE SAWYER needed in Gold River. Pendragon Forest Products Ltd. Apply to: Box 1100 Gold River B.C., V0P 1G0. Call 250-283-2111 or 604-369-3045. Or Email: pendragonfp@xplornet.com
For Sale By Owner
Classifieds Get Results! Pets & Livestock
Equestrian GLENN STEW ART Natural Horsemanship Clinics (Stage 1 & Stage 3/4 and Extreme Horsemanship Competition in Smithers. Aug. 29 thru Sept. 2,2012. Call Anika at 250-8465494 or email gattiker@telus.net for more info.
FOR sale by owner - no agents please Well located 3 bedroom rancher style home on a quite street. Cozy and private, ready to move in, this 3 bedroom rancher offers many updates twin seal windows, laminate flooring, updated kitchen cabinets. All that and plenty of storage space in attached garage, outbuilding, wine cellar and greenhouse, plus you can enjoy the private fenced back yard. Hot water tank replaced 2010, furnace fully serviced in 2011. $139,900 obo For an appointment to view call 250 632 5056
52 Brant Street. $30,000 as is or $40,000 with demolition done.
HORSE FOR SALE 19 year old sorrel gelding, well trained, not a beginners horse. Used for penning at one time. $2500 obo. (250) 695-6972
Feed & Hay
Apt/Condo for Rent
ROUND HAY Bales for sale. Call 250-846-5855
Pets KITIMAT - FREE Two beautiful indoor spayed cats desperately seeking a new home with lots of love. 250-632-5004
Hillcrest Place Apartments Two bedrooms No Smoking, No Pets Starting at $675 monthly 250.632.7814 Kitimat
Free heat & Free Hot Water Furnished & Unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms Security Entrances No Pets. No Smoking
250.632.7179 QUATSINO APTS KITIMAT • • • •
Downtown location Balconies Security Entrances Some furnished suites Call for an appointment 250.632.4511
SANDPIPER APTS KITIMAT Newer Buildings Elevators Security Entrances Covered Parking Balconies www.kitimatapartments.com
Kitimat 1,2,3 bdrms Clean & Quiet Heat & hot water included Call (250)632-2824 or email www.jasebudgel@hotmail.ca
Kitimat 1,2,3 bdrms Clean & Quiet Heat & hot water included Call (250)632-2824 or email www.jasebudgell@hotmail.ca
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11
Duplex / 4 Plex
Cars - Domestic
Trucks & Vans
Kitimat - 3 bedroom duplex close to Nechako Elementary. F/S W/D. Rental and work references required. $950/mo plus utilities. 250-279-0207
Homes for Rent HOUSE FOR RENT Kitimat - Whitesail. 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Backs onto greenbelt. Garden area with greenhouse. Hot tub optional. $1,500/mo ($1,800/mo furnished). Damage Deposit required. Available September 1. 250-639-1509 Kitimat - 1 bedroom duplex, fully furnished. $950/mo. Everything included: heat, hydro, cable, internet. Available September 1. 250-632-1329 or 250-632-2490 Kitimat - 2 bedroom duplex, fully furnished. $1,250/mo. Everything included: heat, hydro, cable, internet. Available September 1. 250-632-1329 or 250-632-2490 KITIMAT 3 Bedroom Rancher with garage. F/S, W/D included. NO smoking. Reference Required. $1,200 per month. Call 250.639.9757 KITIMAT HOMES FOR RENT #17 Kootenay Street, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $1,150/mo. #10 Carswell Street, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $1,580/mo Photos on kitimathousing.com 250-639-4439
‘67 Pontiac Parisienne This beautiful restored Emerald Turquoise Convertible is ready to Drive, Show and Enjoy! Insurance with collector plates $234 yearly. $19,900. Terrace 250-635-6128
2006 SOFTAIL STANDARD FXTL CUSTOM Kitimat - Silver and black with chrome all over. 9000 miles on odometer. 14” Ape hangers with brand new lines. $15,900 obo. Call Cole or Amanda 250-639-9711 for more information and to view. Email: colin931@gmail.com
1989 TRAVELAIR 19’ 5th WHEEL Sleeps 4, washroom and shower $3700 obo Must Sell
Falcon 125 CC new condition $900 obo Ph: (250) 279-1757 Kitimat 1993 FORD AEROSTAR Kitimat - 3 litre, 4 cyl. good running condition. Winter tires on rims. 125,000km $1,000 obo. 250-632-7247 1995 FORD 4x4 Kitimat - Eddie Bauer extended cab. 5.8 litre, power windows, air conditioning. 193,000km. Very clean, some rust. Needs rear brakes. Engine in good running condition. Comes with winter tires on rims and canopy. $1,500. 250-632-5715 or 250-6394534 2000 Econoline 150 series 1989 Econoline 150 series with raised roof. Both run well, good work trucks. $1500 obo Ph: TI-MAT Ent. 250-632-7272
TOWNHOMES in KITIMAT 3 bdrm, 1 ½ bath, carport Start $700. Sorry no Pets. Call Greg 639-0110 WEDEENE, 2 bdrm Townhouse. Avail immed, $1050 mo including utils. Call Larry 250-279-0042.
With heated grips & centre stand. Only 700km. Beautiful blue colour. Like New Condition. Asking $6,000 obo Call 250.632.4294 KITIMAT
Cars - Domestic
2001 PONTIAC GRAND AM Kitimat - 230,000 km. Good condition. Asking $3,800 obo. 250-632-3456. 2004 Honda Civic 105,000km, 4 door, A/C, 2 sets of tires w/ rims, 5 spd, remote entry. Great running condition. Very clean, well maintained. $9500 Ph:250-632-2897
Comes with tri axle trailer. Very good condition. Volvo Penta twin Chevy 350 inboard gas. Sleeps 4 comfortably. Call for pictures. $26,500 Call 250.639.9757 Kitimat
Townhouses Kitimat - 3 bedroom townhouse. Bright, clean, spacious. Newly renovated. Walk to town/amenities. $850/mo. 250-632-7767
28’ CALGAN FIBREGLASS CRUISER 180hp Cat V8 diesel engine with twin disk clutch and reduction gear. Enclosed bridge. 2 station controls. 2 vhf radios, chart plotter. Electric anchor winch, 2 anchors, chain and line. 9 ft inflatable with 5hp Merc. Washroom/toilet/shower. Fridge, 4 burner stove. Electric downriggers/trap puller. Cleats, fenders and mooring lines. Much more. Located in Ladysmith, BC. $35,000. 250-245-4942(eves) or email sea-dog@shaw.ca
2006 CITATION 26 RKSE Supreme interior plus may more options. 12 foot slide w/awning. Air cond. etc. Come and view the best RV built. Excellent condition. $24,900. 250-635-6128.
2010 Travel Trailer Kitimat - 26’ Forest River. $18,000 obo. 250-632-4210
2006 Buick Allure Kitimat - 82,000km. Air conditioning, dual airbags, keyless entry, power steering, power seat/windows/door locks, CD, AM/FM stereo and more. Mounted summer and winter tires. New front brakes in Feb. Was $10,500, now $9,500. 250-632-5639
Kitimat - 1994 Ford Travelaire 24’, 120,000km. Generator. Large fridge/freezer, microwave, stove with oven. A/C. Lots of storage. Must be seen. $7,900 obo. 250-279-8005.
Modular Homes
Modular Homes
14’ ZODIAC Kitimat - Aluminum floorboards, 40HP Mariner and 15HP Mariner. Trailer. $5,500. 250-632-6797
21’ Fibreform Cabincruiser Kitimat - 5.7L - V8 Mercruiser with Alpha 1 leg. Great running condition. Brand new exhaust manifolds, batteries and starter (over $2000 spent). Stringers and floor replaced. 40 gal alum gas tank. Sleeps 3 comfortably. Heavy duty double axle trailer included. Priced for quick sale @ $6,900 Ph: 250-632-5673
SYLVAN EXPEDITION 1600 Kitimat - Single console, 50hp fuel injected Johnson, electric trolling motor. Live well. Shorelander trailer. And much more. Excellent condition. 250-632-5922
Vehicle Lease / Rent
32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT 370hp 8.1L John Deere Engine, 1500hrs on engine. Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering. 2 Hydraulic Deep lines, Hydraulic Trap Puller, 3 Sounders, Radar, 8’ Dinghy, 2 Radios. Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop. Can be seen at MK BayMarina. Assessed at $84,400. Contact Warren Poff at 250.242.4445 or 250.242.1789 MAKE AN OFFER!
BADGER 30’ SUNDOWNER TUG 100hp turbo charged Yanmar Diesel, sleeps 6, shower, f/s, autopilot, radar, colour depth sounder, GPS, VHS, am/fm 2000w inverter/charger, 9’ dingy. Moorage at MK Bay Marine. (250) 632-6575 Kitimat
Vehicle Lease / Rent
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Dodge 3500 Crewcabs 3046 Highway 16 West Smithers, BC Email • shawn@frontierchrysler.net
Shawn Bradford Bus: 250-877-7769
COMING EVENTS Aug. 17-Sept. 15 REFLECTIONS - WHERE I AM The Kitimat Museum & Archives presents an exhibition of art pieces created in a variety of media and subject matter - where the artist from the Northwest region of British Columbia is at this moment, in his or her life, community, and world. Visit to vote for the “People’s Choice Award.” Museum Hours Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday, August 23-30 KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY – Intro to Guitar workshops with Bill Vollrath. Every Thursday in August from 3:00 – 4:30 pm. These workshops are for youth aged 12 to 17. Age 18+ can register to a wait list. Registration is a must, and a valid Library membership card is required. Please bring your own guitar. Call 250 632 8985. Sept 15-Nov 17 STRENGTHENING FAMILIES TOGETHER A FREE education course for the families, friends and caregivers of people living with mental illness. Gain knowledge, support, and practical tools to manage and restore balance in your life. Kitimat, Sept 15-Nov 17, 10am – 12:30pm. Limited seating. Registration required.250-635-8206 toll free: 1-866-326-7877 September 13 THE KITIMAT SENIORS, Branch 129 will hold their monthly meeting September 13 at 1 pm in the Senior Center. Ongoing KITIMAT PUBLIC LIBRARY – Digital magazines and recorded books now available online through Zinio, the world’s largest newsstand. Find and read popular magazines at home or on a mobile device anytime, anywhere. Registration is quick and easy! To get started, visit us online at www.kitimatpubliclibrary.org and click the Zinio banner. For information contact the Library at 250 632 8985. SILLY YAKS (CELIAC) SUPPORT GROUP supporting gluten free eating and helping people with celiac disease feel well and healthy. Participate in discussions around safe foods, foods to avoid, cross contamination, recipe ideas, etc. The first meeting will be held Aug. 23 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room at the Kitimat General Hospital. The group is open to anyone interested in learning about celiac disease. For more information please call 250632-3063 KITIMAT SENIORS BAND is looking for new members. If you have time in the day and would love an opportunity to play music with others, you need us and we need you. Call Lisa Frazer at 250-632-3475 for more info. CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Family Fun Spot Drop-In Monday and Friday afternoons 1-3 p.m., Wednesday mornings 10:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. Ages 0-5 welcome “A Great place for families to meet over coffee and toys!” Contact 250-6323144 for more information. KITIMAT FIBRE ARTS GUILD: Interested in knitting, spinning, weaving, or any other fibre? For more information phone Maureen 250-632-5444. KITIMAT MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS - I have M.S. but M.S. does not have me. You are not alone, male or female, and the Kitimat M.S. group would like to be here for you. Total confidentiality. For more information contact Mary at 250-639-6016. AGLOW OF KITIMAT: All are welcome at our Care Group and Bible Study for men and women, singles or married, Thursdays at 7 p.m. For information phone Brenda at 250-6325771 or Wendi at 250-632-5673. DID YOU KNOW that literacy is more than just being able to read? The Kitimat Adult Literacy Program provides FREE tutoring services for adult interested in improving their reading, writing, math, communication, and information technology skills. Is English NOT your first language? We provide FREE tutoring and small group English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. For more information please call Brandi at 250-632-7393 or to see what’s happening at the Community Corner check us out at www.kitimatcommunityservices.ca/KALP.html or find us on facebook. DO YOU HAVE DIABETES? We offer individual and group counseling. Certification for blood glucose strips is available. Make an appointment and bring your meter. The Good Food Box is part of our program. Forms for this can be picked up at the Living Well Program or at the hospital main desk. Donations for this worthwhile program are always accepted. For more info call 250-632-8313 during operating hours - Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. to noon, Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - or leave message on our voice mail. We are located on the second floor of the Kitimat Hospital in the Home Support offices. PRAYER CANADA KITIMAT meets upstairs at the fire hall Tuesdays, from noon - 1:00 p.m. All are welcome to pray for our city council and those in positions of authority in Kitimat, for the government of BC and of Canada. For information call Lesley at 250-632-4554. The Northern Sentinel will publish all neatly handwritten or e-mailed Coming Events for two consecutive weeks if space permits. Coming Events must be free to the public (no money exchange of any kind). If you wish to have your event run longer, you must resubmit it; • in person: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm • mail: 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • e-mail: newsroom@ northernsentinel.com, or • fax: 639-9373. No phone calls please.
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sports & Leisure Moran takes Kitimat Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Open Jamie Moran fired a 137 over the weekend to win this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kitimat Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Open Golf tournament. The pro at the Hirsch Creek course finished three strokes ahead of A-flight winner Scott Rigler. The overall low net winner was John Parsons, who ended up with a 132, finishing nine strokes better than Clayton Harris who had the low net score in the A-Flight after a countback. 66 men from Prince Rupert, Terrace, Smithers and Kitimat played in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Open. In other news from the weekend in Kitimat, there was a couple of holesin-one registered Monday. Bob Reid aced Hole Number Two while fellow Kitimat golfer Garrett Whittle turned the trick on Hole 17.
Here are the complete results of the Kitimat Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Open: Overall low gross winner was Jamie Moran with a score of 137 and overall low net winner was John Parsons with a score of 132. Winners by flight were; A Flight low gross winners: 1st low gross - Scott Rigler (Terr) with a score of 140, 2nd low gross - Steve Venman â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 148, 3rd low gross - Harold Fedderson - 148 (Terr). A Flight low net winners: 1st low net - Clayton Harris - 141 (on a countback), 2nd low net - Nelson Almeida â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 141, 3rd low net - Ron Venman- 142. B Flight low gross winners: 1st low gross - Grant Frater â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 163, 2nd low gross - Bill Blair â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 170, 3rd low gross - Jeremy Morden â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 171.
Kitimat Public Market opening a success Sean Glanville Around 500 people dropped by the Kitimat Public Market during its trial opening Sunday. It was a major success as 35 vendors from across the North West sold their goods. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were thrilled with the turnout, it was so successful many of the vendors actually ran out of food,â&#x20AC;? said Kitimat Food-share and Community Services Coordinator Elizabeth Botz. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a really carnival-like atmosphere and we had a number of people sitting on the grass eating their lunch. People were coming down in droves and we got a lot of the after-church crowd.â&#x20AC;? Local dignitaries including Mayor Joanne Monaghan and Councilor Rob Goffinet were on hand for the event. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I thought it went well, thanks to the organizers and hopefully this can continue. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great addition to Kitimat,â&#x20AC;? said Monaghan. The public market is scheduled for every second Sunday from 11am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3pm at Mountainview Square. The official grand opening event will be held at the next public market in two weeks. They hope to run this summer and fall up until Sunday, October 7 weather permitting. Next year they hope to open some time in April as insurance and liability issues caused them to delay the opening this year until Sunday. There have been farmers markets in Kitimat in the past unable to be sustained primarily due to being entirely volunteer-based. With the current public market there are a number of organizations involved and funding from the community to
help ensure long-term success. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the past the public market was completely volunteer-based and this time with the Kitimat Community Services (KCS) and food-share programs the organization aspect is much easier since itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not all volunteer,â&#x20AC;? said Botz. The KCS is working with the District of Kitimat on the foodshare program, public market, and are in the organizational stages of building a community garden. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This three step strategy is all part of our goal to help end poverty in Kitimat,â&#x20AC;? said Botz. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we presented to Council they gave us their full support to work with their planners.â&#x20AC;? Botz mentioned she hopes the new community garden will also be located near Mountainview Square with its ideal location. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We like the idea of having it at Mountainview Square as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so central and near the hospital so we could have some raised garden beds for the patients to enjoy.â&#x20AC;? Some of the vendors included Happy Pick Organic Farm from Smithers, Vegan Fibres of Terrace, Missy-Lou Handbags and Accessories, Woolcraft and Jewelry, Adrian Glass, as well as plenty of canned and homemade goods. There were also plenty of activities on hand for youth including a bouncy castle and a table set up for painting ceramics. Organizers also mentioned they had numerous requests for East Indian food at the market and welcome any potential vendors. They are always looking for fresh fruit and vegetables regionally grown.
B Flight low net winners: 1st low net - Tern Yamamoto - 135 (Pr. Rup), 2nd low net - Jean Guy Gaudet â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 139, 3rd low net - Colin Zenuk â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 142. C Flight low gross winners: 1st low gross - Ed Martin â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 179, 2nd low gross - Greg Saunders â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 182, 3rd low gross - Frank Thomas â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 185. C Flight low net winners: 1st low net - Tonie Readman â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 139, 2nd low net - Paul Zenuk â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 145, 3rd low net Pat Gallagher - 148 (Smithers). Closest to the pin on winners Saturday included Scott Rigler (Terr), Robin Cloutier and Joe Bruno, Steve Venman, John Parsons and Cliff Yoland. Closest to the pin winners on Sunday were Nelson Almeida, Denys Baldock, Frank Thomas, Bob Reid, Colin Zenuk and James Horne (Terr).
Jamie Moran, the pro at Hirsch Creek Golf Club in Kitimat captured the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open title with a two-day score of 137. photo submitted
newsroom@northernsentinel.com or drop off at The Kitimat Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Avenue.
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