Castlegar News, August 23, 2012

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Thursday, August  • 

Vol. • Issue 

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Shopping primer for back Service club makes generous to school needs donation See Page A5 See Page A4

Mariah makes it

Rauni Naud

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CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Castlegar resident Mariah Morris was named Saturday as one of three B.C. Ambassadors at a pageant held in Merritt. The pageant featured 12 candidates from throughout the province competing for the three spots. “It was amazing,” said Morris, who was Miss Castlegar in 2010. “I came with what I prepared for. All the candidates did great and I was fortunate enough to place. It was such a win for Castlegar. It was more

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Coaches Mitchell Bourne and Genevieve Jim pose on the podium at Provincials with the gold medal winning Castlegar Aquanauts relay team. Details on page A13.

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than just myself.” On her way to the coronation Morris picked up several accolades. She won the talent award, the community presentation award, the public speaking award, and the B.C. knowledge award. It was a long week for Morris as she and her team arrived in Merritt early to prepare. “We were there on Monday,” she said. “It was really great to meet all the girls and build our friendship up before the pageant.” Continued on P. A10

Local resident assaults fire chief, faces charges CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Castlegar Fire Chief Gerry Rempel received an unpleasant surprise when he checked out a complaint about an illegal fire on Aug. 15. The resident was none too pleased about having the fire department come out and attempt to extinguish his ille-

gal fire and proceeded to assault the fire chief. “People complained about the smell and the black smoke from a fire,” said Rempel. “So I attended the fire at around 9 p.m. A fellow was burning quite a number of prohibited materials. I told him we’d put the fire out and bill him for the call.”

Rempel, who was attending the fire alone, called a crew to take care of the blaze. “The guys were just stretching the hose out when an altercation ensued,” he said. Rempel was not taken to the hospital, but was shaken up and sore for a few days. The RCMP were called and the assailant, who has not


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been named, was arrested and spent several hours in lock-up. Castlegar RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew confirmed police will recommend charges against the individual. “When police arrived, the fellow had been detained by the fire department,” she said. “He was burning odd things like a couch which is, of

Rempel says he and the fire department are familiar with the address, having paid previous visits. “It’s not the first time we’ve attended the property,” he said. “It doesn’t happen very often that people get that angry. You get the odd upset person if they’re doing something wrong. This one went pretty far.”

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course, against fire regulations. They went there to put out the fire and he started to spray them with his garden hose. A small scuffle ensued and the fire chief was assaulted. Minor assault - but an assault. The fellow was arrested and brought in to custody. We will be submitting charges of assault against him.”

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Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News


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Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012 A3

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Black Press head makes proposal for Kitimat oil refinery TOM FLETCHER Black Press

VANCOUVER – A Victoria businessman is heading up a proposal to build a $13-billion oil refinery in Kitimat. David Black, chairman and owner of Black Press, announced last Friday he wants to build a world scale oil refinery at Kitimat, B.C. Black told a news conference in Vancouver Friday he is submitting an environmental assessment application to build a “world scale” oil refinery on behalf of Kitimat Clean Ltd., a company owned by Black. The application to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office is expected this fall. The proposed refinery would be big enough to process all the diluted bitumen carried by Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway pipeline. Black said he has had extensive discussions with Enbridge and other players in the Canadian oil industry, but none has so far offered to back the project. Black said he will use his own money to finance the proposal through environmental assessment, which he expects to cost sev-

David Black - Chairman/Owner - Black Press File photo

eral million dollars. After that, he said investors would be needed to complete it, assuming both the refinery and the pipeline receive approval. He has had preliminary meetings with Kitimat and Terrace councils, as well as the Haisla and Kitselas First Nations in the region. The proposed site is a 3,000-hectare Crown industrial property between Terrace and Kitimat. Kitimat Mayor Joanne Monaghan spoke by phone to the news conference, offering encouragement for the proposal. But Black acknowledged he does not yet have formal support from communities or investors. “I see myself as a catalyst to make this happen,” said Black, who first proposed the idea to the prov-

ince and the industry seven years ago when he was chairman of the B.C. Progress Board. Black is working with Glenn McGinnis, a consulting engineer and former manager of the Ioco oil refinery in Port Moody. “We want it [the Kitimat refinery] to be the cleanest and greenest upgrading and refining site in the world,” McGinnis said. The refinery would produce 240,000 barrels per day of diesel, 100,000 barrels per day of gasoline and 50,000 barrels per day of kerosene or aviation fuel, refined from heavy oil. Among those attending the news conference was Art Sterritt, executive director of the Coastal First Nations, a group in the Kitimat area that

has strongly opposed the pipeline proposal. Sterritt disputed Black’s assertion that a B.C. refinery “solves half of the problem” with exported oil by shipping refined gasoline, jet fuel and diesel in tankers instead of heavy crude. Those products have their own risks, Sterritt said. Black pointed out that without marine shipments of those fuels, the remote coastal communities Sterritt represents would not be able to function. The lighter fuel products are still an environmental hazard, but they dissipate much more quickly and do not persist for many years like spilled heavy crude, he said. NDP energy critic John Horgan was also skeptical. “At this point, it’s a proposal without business partners and without First Nations and local community support,” Horgan said. “It doesn’t change our position [opposing] the Enbridge Northern Gateway project.” Black said the refinery will mean nearly 6,000 construction jobs over a five-year period, 3,000 permanent jobs at the refinery and tax revenue for various levels of government.

Official welcome District Governor Michelle Lee was on hand Tuesday at the Castlegar Rotary Club’s meeting. Flanking Lee are Sunrise 2000 president Brenda Balahura (left) and PM group president Lorraine Hartson. Lee, from Colville, Washington, was the guest of honour at a combined Rotary meeting in Castlegar with members from both the morning and evening groups. Lee talked about attracting new Rotarians and the importance of donating time and money to important Rotary projects such as Rotoplast. Craig Lindsay photo

Motorist avoids serious injury Castlegar RCMP reported no serious injuries in a single vehicle crash, about 6 p.m. on Saturday on Highway 22 south of Castlegar at Fairview. According to police, a lone occupant of a southbound Mercury Grand Marquis had left the roadway in an attempt to dodge a vehicle which had just made a left turn, northbound on Highway 22. The Mercury ended up on its roof in the ditch on the east side of the highway. The driver was treated and released from hospital following the incident. Jim Sinclair photo

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Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News


Attend a public information session To discuss a new project in your community FortisBC is developing a plan to construct a new RIoFH EXLOGLQJ DQG ZDUHKRXVH LQ WKH 2RWLVFKHQLD area of Castlegar to replace existing aging facilities LQ WKH .RRWHQD\V XQLI\ )RUWLV%& ORQJ WHUP VSDFH requirements and meet our commitment to our FXVWRPHUV DQG HPSOR\HHV 3OHDVH DWWHQG RXU LQIRUPDWLRQ VHVVLRQ WR OHDUQ PRUH 2RWLVFKHQLD &RPPXQLW\ +DOO &ROXPELD 5G Date $XJXVW Time S P q S P ,I \RX FDQQRW DWWHQG WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ VHVVLRQ please OHDUQ PRUH DERXW WKH SURMHFW DW )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH FDOO )RUWLV%& at 1-866-436-7847 FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-237 08/2012)

News Heritage/HG workers await ‘last offer’ CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Workers at Heritage Credit Union and HG Insurance in Castlegar and Slocan Park are in a legal strike position after issuing 72 hour strike notice on August 17. The employer, however, has applied for and been granted a Last Offer Vote under the BC Labour Code, which means workers will have to delay any possible strike action. Employer’s have the ability to apply for such a vote only once during any set of negotiations. “The membership turned down the employer’s final offer July 18,� said Jeff Bromley, financial secretary for USW Local 1-405 which bargains for

Contract negotiations have been underway since May between Heritage Credit Union/HG Insurance and their employees. Jim Sinclair photo

the 35 members at the Heritage Credit Union and HG Insurance. “The employer’s ‘last offer’ is to be voted upon by workers on Friday (August 24) at the Heritage Credit Union and HG Insurance in Castlegar and Slocan Park. The two offers are identical and to date, no changes or improvements to the July 18 offer have

been made.� The workers at the two branches will honour the request and will not exercise any job action until after the vote and then will evaluate their next course of action, said Bromley. Heritage Credit Union representative Larry Bomak said the stores have contingency plans in place

in case of any potential strike action. “If they vote no, they could go on strike,� he said. “We’d have reduced hours at the branch but we’d still offer our full services. Our ATM’s, telephone, and onlline banking would still be operational. People could still make deposits, pay bills, whatever.�

Valuable gifts Ron Armbruster (left) and Chris MacPherson (2nd from left) of the Castlegar Rotary Club, along with Red Cross volunteers, inspect the ďŹ ve new wheelchairs purchased by the Castlegar Rotary Club for the Red Cross. The wheelchairs will be used to replace older ones that are worn out, and will be made available to people in need.

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Fees: $100 for 1 day a week or $150 for 2 days a week MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS from Oct.1st until Dec.10th, 2012. Pool time is from 4:00pm-6:00pm A Width program is being oered for all those swimmers who are ready to transition from the AquaGator program (in the wading pool) to the regular Aquanauts program. This program will be run with the focus on stroke development, with the target ages being between 5 and 8 years old. 60 minute sessions ($100 for 1 day or $150 for 2 days a week) The AquaGator learn to swim program will run at the same time: (Must be 4 yrs old) 30 minute sessions ($60 for 1 day or $90 for 2 days a week)

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Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012 A5

Back to School/Community

A list of ‘must-haves’ for heading back in September CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Horticulture helps Rose Cheveldave (L), new president of the Castlegar Garden Club, presented a cheque last week for the proceeds of the group’s June 24 tour to Deb McIntosh of the Community Havest Food Bank. The amount was a much-appreciated $400. Jim Sinclair photo

For the love of felines Walter Kanigan (R) got the jump on the Kootenay Animal Assistance Program (KAAP) cat adoption clinic in Castlegar (and also Nelson) on August 19. With Walter, holding a cage with a one-year old Sylvester-type cat from the Shoreacres area, is Daryl Torres of KAAP. Jim Sinclair photo

Despite the protests of couch-ridden kids across Canada, summer will not last forever. This being late-August, school is just around the corner. That, of course, means back to school shopping for school supplies, clothes, and even electronics. Shopper’s Drug Mart in Castlegar is one of many stores in town with a wide array of school supplies. “Kids are looking for pencils, pens, binders,” said Kelsea Derosz, photo technician for Shopper’s Drug Mart. “We’ve got backpacks and pretty much everything you need for back to school.” Derosz says Bic is always a popular brand for writing implements such as pens and pencils. The Shopper’s brand, Get, is also very popular. “It’s a more affordable brand that we sell,” she said. “Five Star is also popular for binders. We’ve also got paper, pencil cases, books, glue sticks, calculators including scientific calculators.” For the college-age students, Shopper’s sells mini-fridges, microwaves, and fans that fit nicely into dorm rooms. For tech-savvy students, Andre’s Audiotronics has a wide

Kelsea Dorosz of Shopper’s Drug Mart is ready to help students with their back to school shopping needs. Craig Lindsay photo

range of electronics such as phones, car audio, televisions, and more. “Seems like the younger set is getting more and more iPhones and any kind of smart phones,” said Steve Hoodicoff, installer at Andre’s. “Android phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S3 are getting more popular. They come with big, huge screens and the new Jelly Bean operating systems. “They convince their parents they need them for school for classes and scheduling but really they’re watching videos and looking at Facebook and playing games.” Hoodicoff said kids are looking at picking up nice headphones so they can listen to the mp3’s on their fancy new phones. “Beats by Dre that Monster makes are really popular,” he said. “They’re in magazines and on TV and kids want to pick them up. There are higher end headphones as

well like the ones that Focal makes. If you put a lot of music on your phone you want it to sound good as well.” For the older students who can drive, car audio is always popular. “Kids get their cars when they’re 16 or 17,” said Hoodicoff. “A lot of the units have Blutooth built in so you won’t get in trouble for talking or texting on your phone. In addition, a lot of kids like to have bass in their trunk. I always try to convince them to get good speakers too because you can’t really hear anything because otherwise all the sound gets drowned out.” Sounding good is great, but looking good is another matter. Students spend a lot of time and money on clothes and accessories so they can look good when they go back to school. “It’s all over the board,” said Joni Tomlin, sales associate at J.J.’s Fashion in Castlegar, when asked


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what’s popular this year. “But there’s still the trend of the skinny jeans. Colour denim is another thing everyone seems to want to get on board. Sweaters that are more like Cardigans. Lots of colours. Backpacks for the 10-15 year-old group. They like the bright colours and anything that has pockets.” Tomlin says jeans continue to be popular for guys as well. “The silhouettes for jeans are trimming down again. They’re not as wide,” she said. “We don’t seem to be selling a lot of skinnys for guys. More of the straighter cuts, not so full. A lot of plaids, coloured shirts are popular.” Hoodies are still popular, but not as much as before. “We’re selling more zip-ups,” said Tomlin. “They seem to be going more into the fashion items like the sweaters and the zipups than just a straight hoodie. We still do carry a lot of hoods. A lot of t-shirts. Colours are big again, logos not so much.” Handbags are popular among female customers. “It seems like they want one of every colour,” she said. “Girls are girls.” The three most popular jean brands this year at J.J.’s are Silver, Mavi, and Ripcurler, and Quik Silver for the guys.

Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News



Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

The good, the bad and the slippery Here are three things of note in this third week of August with the first signs of fall suggesting they may soon show up. The three incidents indicate that we in the West Kootenay are no different than anyone when it comes to being affected by everyday events. Where we may be different, thankfully, is that the bad events don’t necessarily happen everyday. The Bad: Fire Chief Gerry Remple getting into a physical confrontation with a resident over differing ideas of what’s okay to burn. It’s a nasty part of dealing daily with the public and we can all be grateful the situation didn’t go further. Kudos to our public servants who step regularly into unknown scenarios. The Slippery: This one is the minor oil spill into the Columbia river earlier this week during military exercises, which is bad whatever the volume happens to be, but maybe not so bad when compared to major spills that happen so often elsewhere. Ending on a good note: The realtor in Nelson (see story in this week’s West Kootenay Advertiser) who is committing 10 per cent of his commissions to charities designated by clients. Wouldn’t it be great if there were 10 per cent more people who were that generous? We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 Fax: 250-365-6390 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Fax (250) 365-6390

Off the Line - Karen Haviland

Blame it on Canada I thought times were changing, but I guess I was wrong. For many years I lived in Canadian border towns and, especially when our dollar’s value rivaled theirs, enjoyed shopping forays into the States. Those ventures were always exciting, especially prior to the start of the school year. We knew mom and dad would get more bang for their buck Stateside and in return, our school clothes and supplies would be more plentiful thanks to the huge savings. Even now, however, I can remember the grudging look and service that Americans gave us and the constant simmering animosity between Americans and Canadians. While I’m not a huge cross-border shopper now, preferring to support local economy, I do have to admit that with the weak American dollar, it can be pretty tempting to take our money across the border. I understand that there are many Canadians who will heartily partake of deals on gas and milk (especially when milk is half price). Apparently, some people from the Lower Mainland are doing just that in Bellingham, Wa. and that has created quite a stir. According to a story on www.cnn. com the Bellingham store was so inunCraig Lindsay Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

dated with Canadians, that one American took a picture of the long lineups and post it on a Facebook page created solely to complain about the situation. The creators of the page suggested that Costco should have Americansonly hours in order to avoid the crush of “milk piranhas” (according to one of the page’s respondents) from invading the store. I got to read some of the shocking comments on that page before it was widely publicized and the creators (I’m speculating) pulled the page. What I read there was disgusting and polarizing, not to mention out and out hate-filled. Trust me, it was stereotyping at its worst, and sadly to say, it wasn’t just Americans who were hurling the insults and negativity. Here are some excerpts from that page. “You all been there. its [sic] hard to find a parking spot. Them Canadians can be rude. The lines are crazy. We aren’t on a vacation and have an RV to hang out in like those Canadians. We just want to go shopping, not go on an adventure. Costco used to have special opening hours for preferred customers. Why cant [sic] they do that for us loyal American customers?” Canadians on the page responded Chris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

by calling the Americans “Ugly Americans” and called them fat, lazy and stupid, among other things. The whole page was nothing more than an angry cesspool of hate. Growing up close to the American border as well as actually living in the States as a kid gives me, I believe, a bit of a front row seat when it comes to Canadian/American relations. I do remember a time when simmering animosity between the two countries was evident. While we didn’t go out of our way to provoke the other, the general sentiment, in my opinion, was at best, one of tolerance. Sort of how we shudder when a creepy crawly meanders by – we shiver and then warily step aside. While I still hear the occasional negative comment from both Americans and Canadians, I simply view that as being born out of ignorance and don’t believe that is the general feeling on either part. But it saddens me when a page such as the aforementioned receives over 3,000 likes. It makes me wonder if we, the human race, really have moved forward and embraced people of all races, genders, abilities, religions and preferences. As George Carlin said, “Can’t we all just get along?” Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012 A7

Castlegar News Reporter

On the hottest part of what was likely the hottest day of the year (Aug. 19). Phil Shaw of Quebec proved he’s not afraid of a bit of intense training. The hardcore cross-country skier said he’d been through hotter situations lately in the Okanagan. Headed east, Phil said he’s not planning to ski across the country, but only for several hours a day. More on Phil and what he’s up to, at http:// Jim Sinclair photo

How cool is this? Charlie (L) and brother Oliver cool their heels Aug. 17 at Kinsmen Park. Jim Sinclair photo






+ +


Rolling east

-H.J. Kemperman, Castlegar

Shambhala retrospective Shambhala Music Festival returned this past weekend and that meant the West Kootenay grew by 10,000 pretty much overnight. That’s the number of tickets sold to the four-day event, which took place near Salmo and wrapped up Monday morning (Aug. 13). The famous music festival featured six stages with mostly techno acts that rotated virtually 24 hours a day during the event. “This is our 15th anniversary,� said Ricardo Hubbs, creative cultural director for Shambhala. “It started with around 500 people. Back then we really didn’t count heads so who knows for sure. It was much smaller back then.� Hubbs said the idea behind Shambhala was to celebrate arts and culture in the Kootenays and getting together and dancing and being young. He atttributes the huge success of the festival to a couple of factors. “Shambhala Music Festival was born at a time when electronic music was coming into being and also the internet at the very same time,� he said. “So we had this advantage where we



and Nelson need to realize that all our actions have their consequences.



question marks as to the suitability of the Element to sponsor any community activity. Anyone attending the proposed happenings in Castlegar

1 in 25 carries the F\VWLF ຨEURVLV JHQH

+ + + + + + + + +

Re: Element Club to provide venue for Castlegar pride event - Council briefs. Boarded store windows at times near the Element pose



Letter to the Editor Thoughts on “Pride� event


2328B-6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC Tel. 250-365-2289 Fax 250-365-2275


August Aug 24th - Knight Riderz & Moontricks Live Aug 25th - Yan Zombie, Gnomesayer & VS FREE SHOW! Aug 31st- Top 40 Night w/ DJ Hibbs Vancouver

September Sept. 1st- Pride Weekend Tret Fure Performance then Drag Show Razor burn would appear to be this Superman’s kryponite as he enjoys the sun at Shambhala on Aug. 10. Craig Lindsay photo

had a festival in a very unique, but isolated, beautiful location and the internet allowed us to use social media to spread images and real testimony.� Hubbs said they don’t even advertise for Shambhala, the success has come through word of mouth. With 10,000 festival-goers, the farm on Salmo River is among the largest centres in the West Kootenays for one weekend each year. The logistics of

operating a major city in an isolated area with no power isn’t easy. “We work hard and have a lot of strategizing sessions,� said Hubbs. “Also, experience has been a good teacher. There’s nothing like the school of life. The owners and the executive producers actively engaged in larger festival associations so they can get information on how to run such a large multimillion dollar company.�

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Sept 5th - Dub Fx w/ Flower Fairy with Cade & Snarephobe Sept 7th - Rich Rabnett Live Collective w/ Kashoo & Vs.

Super Summer

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Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News





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Community Calendar

Upcoming Don’t miss our full page Community Calendar in next weeks issue.

A AUG. 27 - SEPT. 1 - THE CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREAD SSURE SHOP BACK TO SCHOOL SALE 2210 - 11th Avenue (across from the Libbrary) Please phone ahead 250-365-7317 AUG. 29 - OPEN HOUSE AT BLUEBERRY A CCREEK COMMUNITY SCHOOL - at 6pm. Call 250-365-7201 for more information. C SSEPT. 5 - SPECIAL OLYMPICS BC CCASTLEGAR REGISTRATION DAY - Castleggar Community Complex between 5 and

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:

7 p.m. Call Tiffany at 250-513-0133 or email: SEPT. 6 - REHEARSALS BEGIN FOR TWIN RIVERS CHORALE Rehearsals begin Thursday, Sept. 6, at 7 p.m. at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (713 4th Street, Castlegar). Phone Helga at 250-365-6057 or email SEPT. 8 - BACK TO SCHOOL SWIM PARTY! - Castlegar Aquatic Centre. 2 - 4 p.m. SEPT. 9-13 - THE 13TH ANNUAL SLOCAN

VALLEY FALL FAIR AT WINLAW HALL For further details regarding the fair, fair exhibits, vendors, music jamboree, or chili cook-off please contact Carey at 250-226-7702. SEPT. 13 - THE BEST OF CARE: GETTING IT RIGHT FOR SENIORS IN BC. A free event with BC Ombudsperson Kim Carter, 12 noon to 2pm, Castlegar Recreation Complex. Info: 250-365-5077 or 350365-3126.

SEPT. 22 - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GARLIC DINNER at St. Rita’s Hall. Tickets are $25. They may be obtained from the knights, at the church office, or at Joey ‘s. For more information call Fred at 3042790 or John at 365-0747. SEPT. 22/23 - 17TH ANNUAL FALL FAIR PASS CREEK EXHIBITION GROUNDS. For more information log onto www.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012 A9


Bridging boat capsizes near Syringa during army exercises step to protect the environment by containing the scene and calling in the experts. We didn’t rush to get

CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

A bridging boat foundered on Tuesday during exercises near Syringa Provincial Park. An army official said the boat took on water, forcing the two on-board soldiers, who were uninjured, to flee. “At approximately noon yesterday, one of three bridging boats that was involved in moving a pontoon bridge on Lower Arrow Lake started taking on water which settled by the stern,” said Major Dan Thomas of the Canadian Forces. “The two soldiers on board stayed on board as long as they could then had to bail out and were picked up very quickly by a safety boat.” Major Thomas said another bridging boat tied onto the sinking

the boat out of the water. We’re going to do it carefully.” The boats are part of Kootenay Castor,

a joint training exercise between the Canadian Army and the Washington Army National Guard.

Don’t miss next week’s issue of the West Kootenay Advertiser to ¿nd out who is the...


Combat engineers paddle assault boats during the watermanship training exercise on the Columbia River between Castlegar and Trail, Aug. 17 during Kootenay Castor 2012. Submitted photo

boat and towed it to shore at Syringa Provincial Park. “A containment boom was immediately deployed because we carry spill response equipment with us wherever we go,” he said. “Additional spill response equipment was brought up from Trail. At this point there’s been very limited loss of any fluid.” As of Tuesday afternoon, the boat was still in the water

awaiting a crane to pull it out. “We have called in professional environmental emergency response people with a crane,” said Major Thomas. “We intend to pull it out of the lake today (Tuesday) as carefully as possible.” Major Thomas said the bridging boat uses vegetable oil for hydraulic fuel, which is biodegradable as is the antifreeze. “They are propelled

Don’t Miss Out! Deadline for booking the Fall issue is September 7!


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by low sulphur diesel but immediately we were paying attention to any kind of leakage,” he said. “There was some minor spots yesterday that quickly dispersed and there’s been to further leakage since then. There was no injury to troops. We’re taking every possible




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Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News


Below Assessed Value : $776,000

Community Productive pageant for Castlegar’s Morris Continued from P.A1

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After a few days of preparation and getting to know everyone, the candidates were ready for the competition. “At the pageant we did all the things we prepared for,” she said. “On Friday afternoon we performed our personal choice speeches and we did our community presentation. “We showed off our community tables to the public. Friday night we came back and there were community speeches and talent. Saturday was our personal interview and then the evening gown walk, impromptu question, and coronation.” Morris is the first Castlegar candidate to appear in the BC Ambassador program. Trail’s Carley Henninger was also selected as a BC Ambassador, as was

Mariah Morris (middle) celebrates her coronation with Miss Castlegar 2012 Danielle DeGit (second from left) and Catherine Zaitsoff, Carol Sommerville, and Brenda Basran of the Castlegar Queen Committee. Submitted photo

Kamloops’ Acacia Schmietenknop. “It was exciting because Carley was the first girl ever to run from Trail as well,” said Morris. “So it was so nice for us to come and represent the Kootenays for the first time and for both of us to

place was phenomenal.” Morris and the other BC Ambassadors will travel to Oliver this weekend for their ambassador pageant ceremony. “We’ll be going to different communities throughout the province and pro-

moting the program’s mandate of motivation, self-esteem, and education,” she said. In September Morris will attend UBC - Okanagan in Kelowna where she will take the pre-Pharmacy program. Morris received $8,500 in scholarships

which means her first year of schooling is essentially paid for. Morris would like to thank all of her sponsors including the Castlegar Queen Committee for supporting her and also the City of Castlegar for sponsorship it provided.

High river flows can have eco benefits - BC Hydro SUBMITTED

This year’s higher than normal snowpack, precipitation and runoff in the Columbia Basin led to some challenging circumstances, but for the Columbia River ecosystem it may be a welcome change. “From an ecological perspective, rivers can potentially benefit from high water levels,” said James Baxter, Natural Resource Specialist at BC Hydro. “High flows can add nutrients to the waterscour and clean sediments from the river bottom, and add habitat in terms of large woody debris and new channel features. “ Most fish don’t live in the middle of a river; they live near the shoreline where there is lots of food, debris, and cover to hide under – so when the river floods, water spreads

Reduction in flow from the Keenleyside Dam was carried out over a three day period, rather than one day which would have jeopardized fish. File photo

out over the land and creates more places for fish to live. Even after the water levels recede, the high flows will have changed the shape of the river and likely created new habitat. During the period of high flows on the Columbia River this year, BC Hydro carefully monitored

the environmental impacts of the flow changes. In order to manage the high levels on Arrow Lakes reservoir, BC Hydro had to pass significant flows through the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam. When floods or droughts occur in a river that hasn’t been dammed, the water levels can change

quite drastically. On a dammed river, however, the flow changes can be managed and the impacts on the river’s ecosystem are taken into consideration. For example, when the discharge from Keenleyside Dam was eventually reduced, the change was made over three days rather than one.

This pattern of flow decrease, called flow ramping, is a proven technique to reduce impacts, and allowed fish to swim to deeper water and avoid being stranded. In addition to these precautions, BC Hydro has implemented a flow reduction strategy. This means that as water levels drop, BC Hydro will be out monitoring the river and assessing potential impacts on fish. “In both natural and dammed rivers fish can become stranded when water levels drop and pools are created that are cut off from the river. To address this issue we try to make flow reductions that limit stranding, and where needed will actually salvage fish and return them to the river” said Baxter. By Grace Pickell

Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012 A11


Summer music recap CRAIG LINDSAY With Matt Williams

With summer winding down, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on the summer music scene. What were the top songs to listen to at the lake or in the car? Who were the breakthrough bands? What were the big music events in the Kootenays? To help me out, I’ve enlisted Mountain FM afternoon DJ Matt Williams. Craig: Alright, I’ll start with the Bob Dylan concert in Cranbrook. Obviously, you don’t see legends like that touring small towns very often. I didn’t get to go, but from what I’ve heard the show was decent but Bob’s getting even harder to understand as he gets older. The other major musical event around the Kootenays was Shambhala, which, unfortunately, was overshadowed by the death of a 23 yearold from Sidney. I got to go on the Friday and caught hip-hop star Chali 2Na, who is known as part of Jurassic 5. Chali (Mr. 2Na?) put on a great show and really had the audience going. So Matt, what are some of the concerts and events you caught this summer? Matt: I’m surprised you didn’t get an interpreter at the Bob Dylan concert to decode all his lyrics. Either that, or a giant LED screen behind him so you can sing along. One of the musical highlights of my summer was catching the band ‘Zeus’ at The Royal in Nelson. Think of them like the Sheepdogs before all the fame, and with a tad less facial hair. Even though they’re

Historical happening A special event was held Sunday evening at the Castlegar Library for the opening of an exhibit by Walter Volovsek – a tribute to Edward Mahon. Volovsek has delved heavily into the historical significance of Mr. Mahon - known widely as the Father of Castlegar. Volovsek is pictured with Marolyn Mahon of Mercer Island WA., daughterin-law of the visionary Mr. Mahon. The exhibit is currently on display at the Castlegar Public Library. Jim Sinclair photo

relatively new to the music scene, they sound like a classic rock supergroup out of 1972. I also had the chance to bring local band ‘Roy has Fire’ on my show on Mountain FM, and they were a delight. Plus, they have a ton of talent. They were all over the West Kootenays this summer performing at various chartiable events. Last but not least, I made the trip to Kelowna for ‘Keloha’. Great music, scorching weather, and it was on a beach. Which, for a bachelor like myself, had all the ingredients for a great weekend. Craig: I saw Roy Has Fire at the Canada Day party at the complex. Very talented teens, that’s for sure. Okay, let’s talk about top songs for the summer of 2012. If you’re talking about ubiquitous ear candy, you look no further than Call Me, Maybe from Vancouver’s own Carly Rae Jepsen. The song is everywhere. Even hot “it” couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez can be found lip-syncing on YouTube to the song. Other inescapable summer jams were Gotye’s Someone That I Used to Know and Fun’s We Are Young. Hey Matt, did you notice at the start of that Fun song, the singer says, “My seats been taken by some sunglasses, asking about a scar. And I know I gave it to you months ago. I know you’re trying to forget.” So is this song about something deeper than just being young and partying? Is there an underlying tone of abuse here that perhaps the singer is trying to forget by drinking? How’s that for a happy, summer tune? Continued on P. A12

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Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News



This week’s ArtWalk Profile: Kari Burk SUBMITTED

The most recent rain storms have highlighted the problems caused by the dumping of yard waste over embankments. Several dumpsites that were on dead end roads caused major damage as piled yard waste retains a lot of moisture and can become very unstable. In a number of areas, no dumping signs have been posted but dumping continues. If you need to dispose of yard waste, the following alternatives are available to you. x The City’s yard waste facility at the Community Complex. x The Ootischenia Landfill. x The City’s twice annual curbside yard waste collection – for 2012, October 16 & 17 and October 30 & 31. x Back yard composting – there are many great websites providing excellent advice including

The City appreciates your cooperation. Please contact Castlegar Civic Works at 250365-5979 if you have any questions.

Artist Name: Kari Burk Exhibit Location: Castlegar Airport Terminal: West Kootenay Regional Airport (Location 24) Photo: Collages 5 Artist City: Castlegar, BC Medium: Photographs, poetry Statement: For me, art can be a visual language about connection. When I’m making art, I like to leave plenty of room for what might happen, as opposed to saying “this is what

is going to happen.” I like to investigate gratitude, action, adventure and love in art… and sometimes stuff that might make me or someone else, have a good laugh or cry. With this exhibition, I combined my photographs with lines from poems I have written. It is similar to other types of art I like to do: drawing comics and making graphic novels. The use of words with images makes for a really full-bodied expression for me.

Looking back on a summer full of tune Continued from P. A11

Matt: I think with a band name like ‘Fun’ you could write about the darkest top-

Our local Castlegar Rebels are looking forward to the upcoming season and are inviting motivated, positive, community members to join our organization. Duties we are looking to fill: • Billet homes • Security at games • Off ice officials • Score keeper • Time keeper • Door attendants If you are interested in joining our family or think you have a great idea to contribute please contact:

Vice President Tom Campbell 250-304-9055 Secretary Sandy Terlecki 250 365 2182

ics and still have the song come out sounding like a Pop-Ballad. Plus, Nate Ruess (the lead singer) sounds like a dead-ringer for Freddy Mercury. Sans-moustache. On the rock side of things, it’s a tie between the Tragically Hip and Big Wreck. How could you not love a new tune from The Hip, this time naming their new tune ‘At Transformation’? Craig, do you think this name could be a sign of things to come? Maybe Gord Downie and the boys are at a ‘genre-bending crossroads’ in their musical career. Though I wouldn’t expect to see them lip-syncing to Carly Rae Jepsen anytime soon. Their rock competition? Big Wreck and their new tune ‘Wolves’. It’s nice to hear Big Wreck reunited, not so nice to hear every girl I talk to say they have a crush on leading man Ian Thornley. Maybe my chances would be better if I picked up a guitar as a kid, instead of a Clarinet? Craig: Don’t underestimate the rock star potential of the clarinet. I mean if Jethro Tull can make flutes popular, why

Matt Williams L, and Craig Lindsay discuss their favourite subject

not clarinets? Some great Canadiana there. Maybe the two bands can merge and become Tragic Wreck. Or Big Hip? For rock, I really like the Black Keys Gold on the Ceiling. Lots of crunchy, power chords. Perfect summer tune. As is Flo Rida’s Whistle. Such subtlety there with his double entendres. Also, you can’t miss Maroon 5’s supercatchy Payphone featuring Wiz Khalifa. Although, part of it is because I just like to say Wiz Khalifa. That’s a great name. How could he not be a star? Back to Fun, that’s a lot of pressure to put on your band having that name. People just expect a great, energetic show. My other favourite band names:

Of Monster and Men - Little Talks is a cool, catchy song with some great sax in it, and Five Finger Death Punch. Darn, looks like we’re running out of time to discuss One Direction. Matt: Then it looks like I won’t have time to talk about my One Direction doll set. I mean... album collection. You mentioned some definite tongue twisters though Craig. Another musician’s name that’s fun to say is ‘Dan Mangan.’ Try saying that 10 times fast. I had the chance to catch him in Kelowna, and his show was as high energy as you can get singing about trees, and memory loss. It’s not often you see a folk-rock singer crowd surfing over a thousand

people, while he belts out a full tune. That’s usually reserved for the punk rockers, and Dave Grohl. That’s one of the reasons I’m excited for Mangan’s appearance in Nelson come November. His music is my excuse for an attempt to grow a lame beard, and my fascination with hiking and granola. Where I get my pop inspired wardrobe? That comes from the One Direction ‘Albums’. Craig: I’ll have to check out Mangan. As for your doll collection, the less said the better I think. And at that note, we’re out of time and room. Thanks for your input Matt. this was a lot of fun. Hopefully, we can do this again some time.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012 A13


Castlegar swimmers strike gold at Provincials!

The division 1 boys relay team of Ethan Lawczynski, Bryce Anderson, Carson Ogloff, and Lynden Hanvold won gold in div1. 100 m free and Submitted photos

CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar Aquanauts made quite a splash at the BC Provincial Summer Swimming Championship this weekend. The ‘Nauts travelled to Nanaimo to compete with the province’s best swimmers and came back with four golds as well as several silver and bronze medals. “The BCSSA Provincial Championships in Nanaimo this year may have been one of the best meets that I can remember, all things considered,” said Aquanauts head coach Mitchell Bourne. “The organizers did a fantastic job of ensuring volunteer positions were all filled and the races went through as scheduled. There were no major issues that arose, at least none that involved the Kootenay Region. And though this year may have not been the largest team that the Aquanauts sent, those who did attend swam unbelievably well.” Results:

Bryce Anderson 100 I.M. - 7th place 50 butterfly - 9th place 50 breaststroke Gold medal (personal best -4.79 seconds) 200 medley relay Gold medal 200 freestyle relay Gold medal 200 regional relay Gold medal Corbin Anderson 100 I.M. - 20th place 50 butterfly - 21st place 50 backstroke - 23rd place (personal best -2.84 seconds) 100 freestyle - 18th place (personal best -0.09 seconds) 200 regional relay 8th place Mitchell Bourne 50 freestyle - 12th place 200 regional relay 7th place Claire Cartwright 100 I.M - 8th place 50 freestyle - 5th place (personal best -3.38 seconds) 50 backstroke - 6th place (personal best -2.34 seconds) 100 freestyle - 4th place (personal best -6.29 seconds) 200 regional relay 7th place

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Gabrielle Hanvold 50 freestyle - Silver medal (personal best -1.42 seconds) 100 butterfly - 4th place (personal best -6.54 seconds) 50 butterfly - Bronze medal (personal best -0.33 seconds) 100 freestyle - personal best -1.07 seconds Lynden Hanvold 50 freestyle - 9th place (personal best -3.99 seconds) 100 freestyle - personal best -7.53 seconds 200 medley relay Gold medal 200 freestyle relay Gold medal Genevieve Jin 200 I.M. - Bronze medal (personal best -5.61 seconds) 100 backstroke - 5th place (personal best -1.99 seconds) Emma Lawczynski 50 backstroke - 15th place (personal best -2.53 seconds) 50 breaststroke 18th place (personal best -1.77 seconds) 200 regional relay 7th place Ethan Lawczynski 100 I.M. - 10th place (personal best -0.88 seconds)

50 freestyle - 13th place (personal best -2.95 seconds) 50 backstroke - 6th place (personal best -3.09 seconds) 50 breaststroke - 4th place (persona best -3.34 seconds) 200 medley relay Gold medal 200 freestyle relay Gold medal 200 regional relay Gold medal Ashlee Martini 50 freestyle - 19th place (personal best -0.82 seconds) 50 butterfly - 21st place 100 breaststroke 21st place 100 freestyle - 21st place (personal best -1.09 seconds) 200 regional relay 7th place Carson Ogloff 50 freestyle - Silver medal (personal best -3.77 seconds) 50 butterfly - 6th place (personal best -5.84 seconds) 50 backstroke Bronze medal (personal best -4.23 seconds) 100 freestyle - Silver medal (personal best -7.23 seconds) 200 medley relay Gold medal 200 freestyle relay Gold medal 200 regional relay Gold medal Logan Ogloff 100 freestyle - 21st place (personal best -27.58 seconds) 200 regional relay 7th place “It’s always incredible to see how much faster everyone swam at this meet compared to all of the other meets,” said Bourne. “It is nice to see the swimmers’ hard work throughout the season pay off so hugely at the

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provincial championships. And the division 1 boys who had a tough break with a controversial disqualification last year came through to claim gold medals in all three of their relays. It’s been a super season! Good job Aquanauts!”

The TLA principal and Kootenays teacher are hosting a homeschool information session and fun science activity:

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Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News


REGISTRATION DAY Wednesday, September 5, 2012 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Sports Rebels hit the ice for training camp

CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COMPLEX Calling all Special Olympics Athletes! We are pleased to announce that SOBC – Castlegar programs are up and running again! We hope you can join us at the Castlegar and District Community Complex between 5:00pm and 7:00pm on September 5, 2012 to register for sports programs and enter your name in a draw. The following sports will be offered in the Fall/ Winter: Bowling Mondays from 3:30pm – 5:00pm starting September 10, 2012. Floor Hockey Tuesdays from 6:00pm – 8:00pm starting September 18, 2012 (second day TBA). Swimming Tuesdays from 12:30 – 1:30pm starting October 2, 2012. Rhythmic Gymnastics Tuesdays from 2:00pm – 2:45pm starting September 25, 2012. Cost for Registration is $25.00 for the first sport and $10.00 per additional sport. For more information, questions and concerns please contact: Tiffany Vanderstar - Local Coordinator 250-513-0133 or We look forward to seeing you at REGISTRATION DAY!!

Castlegar Rebels head coach Steve Junker goes over drills with potential players at the team’s training camp on Aug. 17. Jim Sinclair photo

Wood named captain of Selkirk Saints SUBMITTED

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Annual Pool Maintenance Shutdown



Pool will be closed: August 20 – September 3 Weight Room will be closed: August 25 – September 3 (limited hours August 20 – 24th mis isss 8:30am-7:00pm $3.00 admission)


The Selkirk College Saints Men’s Hockey program is pleased to announce that second-year forward Jordan Wood (Cloverdale, B.C.) has been named the team’s captain for the upcoming 2012/13 British Columbia Intercollegiate Hockey League season. “Jordan is a top player in our league and his leadership skills will be heavily relied upon this season,” says Saints head coach Jeff Dubois. “He’s a hard-working, dedicated student athlete who is committed to setting the proper tone for his

teammates on and off the ice and helping to create a winning environment. We’re very pleased to have a young man of his ability and character to lead our group this season.” Wood enjoyed a superb rookie season with the Saints in 2011/12, leading the team in scoring with 23 goals and 43 points in 24 games. His points total placed him third amongst BCIHL scorers and earned him a spot on the league’s First All-Star team. The 21-year old was one of the league’s most consistent offensive performers, picking up points in 21 of the Saints’ 24 regular sea-



FALL LEISURE GUIDE will be in the mail August 30th Registration starts August 27th Check out all our new programs. Register On Line at hit the Recreation Connection Button to register.

FREE FITNESS CLASSES – SEPT 4 – 8TH • TUES.SEPT 4 ......................................... -LUNCH BLASTER 12:10-12:50PM -LIQUID BOOT CAMP 6PM-7PM • WED. SEPT 5 ......................................... -AQUA CIRCUIT 9AM-10AM -YOGA FIT 5:30-6:30PM • THURS. SEPT 6 ...................................... -ROLLER DERBY CONDITIONING 6:10AM-7AM -YOGA 6PM-7PM -ZUMBA FIT 7PM-8PM • FRI. SEPT 7 ........................................... -STEP CHALLENGE 8AM-8:55AM -CIRCUIT STRENGTH 9AM-10AM • SAT. SEPT 8........................................... -SATURDAY SPIN 8AM-9AM IF YOU TRY IT FREE AND REGISTER FOR THAT CLASS THE SAME DAY – RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR REGISTRATION.

Notice to all Community Groups and Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

Fun at the Skatepark

Linda Reitan works on her skateboarding at the Summer at the Skatepark program. The program, which is run by Kootenay Family Place in partnership with the rec centre and is funded by a grant from BC Gaming, has two weeks left and has already hit their target of Submitted photo 160 kids.

After a stellar rookie season with the Saints, Jordan Wood has been named captain for the Submitted photo upcoming season.

son contests. He totalled 16 multi-point games and a pair of hat tricks, including one in Selkirk’s first-ever win against Thompson Rivers University on February 18. A Business diploma student, Wood came to Selkirk following a stellar junior career that saw him collect 55 goals and 125 points over three seasons with the KIJHL’s Kelowna Chiefs. He also suited up for the British Columbia Hockey League’s Westside Warriors during the 2010/11 season. “I’m honoured to be named the Saints’ captain and I’m looking forward to being part of a winning team this season,” says Wood, who is one of just four players returning from last year’s squad. “With so many quality new players coming in I feel like we

have the opportunity to be successful and challenge to be a top team in our league.” The Saints begin training camp on Saturday at the Castlegar Recreation Complex and will be on the ice daily until August 30. Saturday and Sunday ice sessions are scheduled from 4:306 p.m. while Monday to Thursday sessions are set for 6-7:30 p.m. The public is welcome at all ice times to get an early look at the 2012/13 Saints roster. Selkirk’s regular season begins Friday, October 5 on Vancouver Island against the University of Victoria. Their home opener is set for Friday, October 12 at the Castlegar Community Complex, when they’ll suit up for a game against Trinity Western University from Langley.

Kootenay Swim Club AGM - Sept. 4 at 6 p.m. at the Castlegar Complex. For more info - www. or email

Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012 A15

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Sept 15, 1938 July 20. 2012 A Celebration of Life will be held on Aug 30, 2012 at the Legion from 1:00 pm

Coming Events Grand Forks Farms: Wed: 402 Baker St, beside the Full Circle Cafe, Thur: Kinnaird Church of God parking lot, 2404 Columbia Ave. Castlegar. Sat: Cottonwoods Market, Nelson. Freestone peaches $1.00/lb in 20 lb boxes, vine-ripened field tomatoes $0.80/lb in 40 lb boxes, Keremeos organic apple juice $5.00/1.9 lt. Grand Forks broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet onions. Okanagan new crop apples, pimento peppers, hot peppers, pickling cukes, and much more. Family friendly prices. Terry, Val & Erran Rilkoff 250-442-3514

HAVE YOU SEEN THE BC OMBUDSPERSON? Nelson Farm & Artisan Markets EcoSociety presents: Cottonwood Community Market Saturdays 9:30 am - 3:00 pm May 19th - Oct 27th Cottonwood Falls Park Nelson Downtown Local Market Wednesdays 9:30 am - 3:00 pm June 13th Sept 26th 400 block of Baker Street

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In Memoriam


VISITING ARIZONA for the Winter? Meridian RV Resort. Good Sam-Trailer Life Top 100 RV Resorts in America. Check us out at or call 866-770-0080.

In Memoriam

Missing You


Florence Swetlikoff Sadly the family of Florence Swetlikoff of Castlegar wishes to announce her passing, with her loved ones at her side, at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital on Sunday, August 12, 2012, blessed with 85 years of life. Florence was born in Krestova, BC on February 3, 1927, and was raised, along with her siblings Walter, Helen, Steve and Bill, by parents Mable and Steve Swetlishoff . Florence married Nick Swetlikoff on May 16, 1946 and lived in Slocan Park where John, Phillip and Elaine were born, then later moved to South Slocan where Nick, Bob and Ron were born. After Florence lost her husband Nick to an accident in 1970, she moved to Castlegar where she lived for the remainder of her life. Florence’s entire life was devoted to her home and family followed by her love of flowers. She was most at peace when she tended her garden and her last days were spent doing what she loved most. Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren have benefited from her ability to knit beautiful blankets. Florence will be remembered for her love and generosity. She has touched the hearts of everyone that she met. We love her dearly and will always treasure the memories that she has left us.


NANCY September 4th, 1932 – August 24th, 2002 BILL May 20th, 1923 – April 1st, 2004 Life is not measured by the years that you lived But the love that you gave and the things that you did. This day is remembered and forever kept Words are not needed, we will never forget!

With love Your children and families

Betty Jean Corbin passed away July, 2012 in Trail, British Columbia, Canada, after an extended battle with heart disease. She was born January, 1926 to Earl and Glenola (Stattner) Grove near Cloverdale, Indiana. She was the oldest of eight children. As the oldest child, she was very busy in the home and on the farm. She graduated from Cloverdale High School in 1944 and attended Purdue University for a year. In January, 1946, she married Clarence Chesterman. They made their home and farmed in Zook, Kansas, until they moved to Washington State in 1959. They began farming near Royal City in 1961. Over the years, Betty supplemented the family income with jobs at Chef Ready in Othello and then worked for many years for Grant County Community Action Council in Royal City and Moses Lake. After divorcing and retiring, she married Jim Corbin February, 1991 and moved to Castlegar, BC, Canada.

Betty loved her family and especially enjoyed the large gatherings around the holidays. The meals she prepared were legendary. She liked to travel, loved to watch figure skating, enjoyed reading, music and sewing.

Donations in Florence’s Memory may be made to Greater Trail Hospice Society, Kiro Wellness Centre, Suite 7 – 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail BC V1R 1J9. Arrangements were in care of Castlegar Funeral Chapel. Funeral Services were officiated by Mike A. Kanigan and were held at Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Thursday, August 16, 2012 followed by interment at Park Memorial Cemetery.

In Memoriam

She is survived by her children: Marcia (Rick) Osborne, Richland, WA; Daryl (Sharon) Chesterman, Royal City, WA; Diana (John) Palm, Colville, WA; Janet (Vince) Tortomasi, Kettle Falls, WA and Bruce (Rebecca) Chesterman, Spokane, WA; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Also surviving are a brother, three sisters and her husband Jim. She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers and former husband, Clarence Chesterman. We will all miss her. Memorial service will be in Castlegar at the Castlegar United Church September 8th at 2 PM. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Habitat for Humanity.

Forever in Our Hearts ~ Jacques Antoine Dillen

Leeda Plotnikoff Born May 18 18, 1963 Passed away August 24, 2007

January, 1926 - July, 2012

Florence will be missed and dearly remembered by her sons John (Lillian), Phillip (Rosalie) and Ron; her daughter Elaine (Alan) Kinakin: 11 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren; a large extended family and many friends.

In Memoriam

In memory of

…show it!

Betty Jean Corbin

She was predeceased by her husband Nick, two sons Nick (2000) and Bob (2011) and siblings Walter, Helen and Bill.



She was a very active member in the United Methodist Church in Zook, Royal City and Moses Lake, and in the United Church of Canada in Castlegar. She volunteered at Saint David’s Thrift Store in Castlegar for several years.

Obituaries continued... please see next page

MarketFest 6:00 - 10:30 pm June 29th, July 27th & Aug 24th Baker Street


No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God can tell us why. A sadness still comes over us, Tears in silence flow, Memory keeps you ever near us, Though you died five years ago. We love you and miss you very much

Mom, Dad & family

February 23, 1938 – August 23, 2011 Loving husband, devoted father, doting grandfather, protective warrior and tender romantic. The sands of 365 days have passed through the hourglass of time since the angels lifted you heavenward; leaving our breaking hearts to grieve. At times, it seems like it was just yesterday that you were cracking a joke, passionately playing your Flamenco guitar and solving the problems of the world over breakfast. At other times, it seems a lifetime ago that we were all together singing, laughing, loving. We miss you more than ever but time has also been a healer for our souls. Life has gone on… not without you…but because of you. Your grandchildren are growing, all exhibiting one facet or another of your compassion and spirit. Your sons cherish your memory and every day reflect a bit more of their father’s heart and soul. The man whom you gave your blessing to is now the beloved husband of your daughter and their joy is boundless. Your beautiful bride of 50 years grows ever more radiant and strong - living life to the full the way you’d want her too. Though celestial shores are now your home, you are always in our thoughts and forever in our hearts! We love you and miss you! Big Hugs and Kisses for both you and Kevin!


Kathy, Cyndi & Mark, Benjamin, Jacob & Elizabeth, Rebekka, Jesse, Hayley, Tyneil, Cheyenne, and Gabriel




Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

John Sofonoff October 9, 1920 - August 1, 2012

It is with great sadness that we announce that on the 1st day of August, John Sofonoff passed away peacefully at the age of 91. John was born in Winlaw, BC, on October 9, 1920, to parents John N. and Tanya Sofonoff. He grew up in Champion Creek and while living there he met and fell in love with Nora Postnikoff. On November 10, 1944, they were married and began their family. John and Nora had three children; two sons, John and Micheal, and a daughter, Susie. For years they lived and farmed in Champion Creek and Fruitvale. They finally settled in South Castlegar, to raise their three children in the home they built together. As a young adult, John worked on the railroads, in logging camps, as a carpenter on housing projects, and then later at Cominco as a carpenter. After 13 years, he left to join the Carpenter Union and work on the Hydro Projects, building dams until his retirement. He was a member of the Canadian Doukobor Society and served as a Chairman on the committee. John was an active fisherman and also enjoyed building small projects around his home and the homes of his children. He loved to garden and with Nora they could often be found out in their back yard tending to the vegetables and fruit trees. John and Nora enjoyed taking care of their grandchildren and spending time with their family. John could be found driving them to school, music lessons and sport activities. On June 28, 2008, the love of his life, Nora suddenly passed away. She was missed very much by him. Family was important to John and today his family will carry a piece of his love in their hearts forever. John was predeceased by his parents John N. and Tanya, brother Alec, sister Mary, and loving wife of 64 years, Nora. Left to mourn him are his sons, John Sofonoff, Micheal (Marcia) Sofonoff, his daughter, Susie (Craig) Burton, his grandchildren, Ernie (Robyn) Sofonoff, Justin Sofonoff, Ryan (Jennifer) Burton, Lindsay Burton, and his three great-grandchildren, Michelle and Braydin Sofonoff, and Isaac Burton. He is survived by his sisters, Tina Samarodin, Ann (Koozma) Pereversoff, and Maria Hadikin, as well as many other relatives and friends A private family funeral service was held at the Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Wednesday August 8, 2012, followed by the burial at the Brilliant Cemetery and a luncheon at the Fireside Inn. Arrangements were entrusted to Castlegar Funeral Chapel. John’s family would like to thank everyone who gave help and support at this time.

May John rest in peace in “God’s Heavenly Kingdom.” We will miss you forever Dad, Deda and brother, John.

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Van Kam’s group of companies requires Owner Operators to be based at Castlegar or Cranbrook for runs throughout B.C. and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and mountain, driving experience/ PRINCE GEORGE training. Van-Kam Freightways’ Group of Companies We offer above average rates, excellent employee benefits and requiresBONUS Owner Operators for runs out of our SIGNING Prince Terminal.drivers, call Bev, 604-968-5488 or To join ourGeorge team of Professional email resume, driver’s to abstract and details of truck to: Van aKam is current committed Employment Equity and W ff ll t t or fax Wi604-587-9889 t /M t i Environmental Responsibility. Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank you for your interest in Van-Kam, however only those of interest to us will be contacted.



Florence Zoobkoff Wi h sadd andd heavy With h hhearts the family of Florence Zoobkoff, long time resident of Slocan Park, B.C. wishes to announce her sudden passing on July 24th 2 2012 at the age of 73 years. Florence was born June 17th 1939 at Slocan Park to parents Nick & Florence (Pereversoff) Poohachoff. She was predeceased by her husband of 46 years, Bill Zoobkoff 2007, her father Nick Sr. Poohachoff 1970 and brother Nick Poohachoff 2012. Florence touched our lives deeply with her kindness and generosity. Most of all she loved to laugh and never had a negative outlook of life. She enjoyed gardening, canning, cooking, fishing and having a great time with family and friends. Left to mourn her loss are her daughters, Loretta (Jack) VanRoie, Valerie (David) Hurn and son, Ron (Shelley) Zoobkoff, her grandchildren, Rachel and Jacob VanRoie, Melissa and Kyle Zoobkoff, Mother, Florence Poohachoff , Sister, Mary Davidoff and nieces and nephews. The family would like to express appreciation and gratitude to Bill Striaeff and Peter Zaytsoff of Castlegar Funeral Chapel, Gerry Planidin and his crew for preparing the grave site, Leona Sherbinin, for Florence’s Biography and to the pallbearers, Ron Zoobkoff, Jacob VanRoie, Adam Poohachoff, Wes Poohachoff, Todd Markin and Brad Markin. Following the Interment, the family, relatives and friends had a fellowship and luncheon in Florence’s honor at the Valleyview Golf Course. “MAY THE LORD GOD ACCEPT HER INTO HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM” “VECHNAYA PAMYAT”

When you use the Castlegar News Classifieds to find a job, you will be going up, the corporate ladder, that is. In the Classifieds, you will find thousands of jobs and just maybe one of them will take you right up the corporate ladder of success.




Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

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CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540. Distribution franchise with a national food supplier in the beautiful Castlegar area. Offers good income and steady reliable work. Requires investment, good physical condition and a class 3 with air. contact at 250-304-1838 EARN EXTRA cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Other Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed.

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Career Opportunities G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS CURRENT OPPORTUNITY: SCREENING OFFICER – CASTLEGAR AIRPORT Basic Duties: Customer service to passengers. Verification of documents. Report suspicious activity. Search passengers, non-passengers and baggage. APPLY TODAY AT: MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION rated #2 for at-home jobs. Start training today. Graduates are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payments. 1-800-466-1535


Automotive Service Technician Do you thrive on repairing vehicles using the latest tools and technology? Then you’ll love working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires a licensed technician to maintain and repair all makes and models in our new and fully equipped repair facility. Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and benefits, paid training opportunities, a supportive team and the opportunity to advance. When it comes to service, our top priority is customer satisfaction, and we understand the importance of quality technicians in meeting that goal. Come explore what we have to offer. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Craig Kalawsky 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Fax: (250) 365-2752 Email:

Start something that lasts

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Valuing safe and respectful care for people with disabilities. Sept 10 - Dec 10, 2012. An interactive 14 week online program. $750. for more info, 250-365-1208 to register

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 31 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. ARCTIC CO-OPERATIVES LTD is currently recruiting Line Cooks for Inns North hotels in Nunavut. We provide meal allowances, subsidized accommodations, and relocation assistance. Please forward your resume to:

or fax to: (204) 632-8575. Visit for more information.

Career Opportunities at Mountain Lake Seniors Community in Nelson, BC “Pride in Caring” is AdvoCare’s philosophy and we welcome you to become a part of our team! We are currently recruiting casual positions with the potential to be permanent positions.

• CARE AIDES • COOKS • RECREATION / REHABILITATION AIDE For all positions you must be able to work variable shifts, including weekends, have WHMIS, TB Test & provide a Physician’s Clearance note. Successful candidates will undergo a Criminal Record Clearance. To apply, please go to our website or fax resume to (1)250-352-0056

Project Manager The Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice is seeking a project manager responsible for developing, guiding, facilitating and implementing a project to help attract and recruit physicians and locums to communities in the Kootenay Boundary region. The activities of the project manager will include, but will not be limited to: • Establishing and maintaining effective relations with varied stakeholders in physician resource planning and GP/locum recruitment in the region and the province. • Developing resources to support KB communities and GPs in recruitment. • Overseeing the development of a website and social media resources that will highlight professional and lifestyle opportunities for physicians and families in the region. • Developing orientation materials for new physicians and locums in the region. • Providing support and advice to communities and individual physicians on recruitment issues. This six-month contract position will involve an average of 13.5 hours per week. For a full job description, please visit To apply, please send your resume and covering letter to the Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice at: PLEASE REFERENCE: Project Manager position

Closing date: Friday, August 31, at 5 p.m.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Emcon Services Inc.

Position Available Certified H/D Mechanic for the Castlegar/Trail Area to start immediately. Good fabricating & welding skills given preference. For information on qualifications and applications email Holly Borisenkoff A17






Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Financial Services

Part time Cashier wanted at Castlegar Chevron Town Pantry. Must be available to work flexible shifts and have great customer service skills & cash handling ability. Submit resume in person to 1928 Columbia Ave

RESIDENTIAL manager for 41 unit apartment building in Nelson BC. Resume to 100 3525 Laburnum Dr. Trail BC V1R 2S9

EXPERIENCED PARTS person and an Inventory Clerk are required for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000ft2 store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email:

Professional/ Management

Help Wanted

Trail BC

We require a


OPERATIONS ANALYST Trail Operations is seeking an Operations Analyst. This position will lead and assist with systems planning, architecture, analysis, design, installation, and support activities related to Trail Operations process data historian (PDH) systems. Applicants must have a university Degree in Computer Science or a Diploma from an accredited technical school with a specialization in computer systems and networks. A minimum of 5 years demonstrated experience with process data historian systems is also required. For detailed responsibilities and more information on this opportunity at Teck Metals Ltd. or to apply, please visit our Careers page at and select Trail Operations. Qualified individuals are encouraged to forward their resume by September 15, 2012.

Janitor or Janitorial Services Janitorial Services are needed for the Kalawsky Auto Group. Employment offered is for five days per week and includes shop and office cleaning. High standards of cleanliness are desired so those with janitorial experience or a janitorial service are encouraged to apply. This will be a contract position. Only those who are insured will be considered. Send resumes to or fax them to (250) 365-3949. No phone calls. Only those shortlisted will be interviewed.


CAREER OPPORTUNITY Asset Operations Manager As part of the Operations group, and reporting to the Director, Operations, the successful candidate will ensure the long term value of Columbia Power Corporation managed assets through compliant, reliable and cost effective operations. The Asset Operations Manager maintains expert operational knowledge and guides all aspects of operations planning for the hydro electric facilities, including developing and implementing operational processes and procedures. This position also provides operational direction to the facility operations and maintenance contractors; operational advice to facility related planning committees and corporate business units and represents the facility Owner on various operating committees. The ideal candidate will have an Engineering degree in Electrical (preferred) or Mechanical engineering with 8-12 years of relevant engineering experience, preferably in hydroelectric facilities. Candidates must be registered or be eligible to register with APEGBC. Demonstrated communication and project management skills, and the ability to interpret and analyze technical information are essential. Qualified applicants interested in joining a dynamic team are encouraged to visit the Careers section of our website at Closing date for this position is August 31, 2012. Please refer to Job #1209 when submitting your application.

Red Seal certified, preferably with GM experience. Please send or email resume with complete work history and references to: Chad Stewart 2880 Highway Drive, Trail BC V1R 2T3


to work in a fast paced, expanding shop. Please send or email resume with complete work history and references to: Carlos DeFrais 250-368-9134 or Marc Cabana 2880 Highway Drive, Trail BC V1R 2T3

CAREER OPPORTUNITY Environmental Specialist Temporary Part-Time Position Reporting to the Director, Environment, the Environmental Specialist supports Columbia Power in its role of Asset Manager of three operating hydroelectric facilities and Owner’s Representative for the construction of the Waneta Expansion Project. This position requires an intimate knowledge of the environmental risks and management controls associated with hydro facility operations and major construction projects. This position is responsible for providing specialist support to Columbia Power’s Environment Managers and project managers. The Position will involve working closely with O&M and construction contractors. Duties will include conducting inspections on hydro facilities and construction projects, invasive plant management, contaminated site management, environmental risk assessment, planning environmental audits and managing contracts. The ideal candidate will have a University degree in environmental sciences, natural resource management, environmental engineering or a related discipline and a minimum of 5 years experience in the environmental management or regulatory field with at least 3 in the power industry. Experience working with major civil construction contractors on environmental management issues and knowledge of environmental legislation is essential. Qualified applicants interested in joining a dynamic team are encouraged to visit the Careers section of our website at Closing date for this position is August 24, 2012. This is a temporary 60%, 7 month position starting September 2012 and ending no later than March 31, 2013.

MANAGEMENT opportunity for a full or 3/4 time manager, with flexibility on your side. This is a great opportunity for the right individual, if you are motivated and have great organizational skills you can call Deb @ 250 365-3267 or email your resume and contact information to Qualified appliance repair technician required for busy retail store located in Nelson,BC. Competitive wage with medical plan. Drivers abstract and a criminal record check required. Call 1-888-761-3301 or email resume to Attention Jim Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430 Retailer Merchandiser wanted immediately. Merchandise stationary products in Nelson & Trail. permanent, 5 hours a month; hourly wage and mileage paid. send resume to

T-MAR INDUSTRIES located in Campbell River is hiring for the position of Heavy Duty Mechanic. Position comes with a competitive benefit package and applicant must possess a valid driver’s license. For details visit Contact Tyson Lambert by Fax: 250-286-9502 or by

CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR. Chwk Bridge Const Co has an immediate opening for an exp and energetic estimator. The successful candidate will be able to analyze and prepare estimates for bridges, precast products and earthworks. This is a full time position. Wages TBD with experience. Must be selfmotivated and able to work independently. Email resume with a handwritten cover letter to or fax to 604702-0620. No phone calls.

Trades, Technical ALBERTA BASED Company looking for qualified & experienced: Equipment Operators, Mulcher, Feller Buncher & Processor Operators. Out of town & camp work. Safety tickets & drivers abstract required. Email resume: Fax 780-488-3002. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN needed for Chrysler dealership in Nelson, BC. Must be a productive team player with a positive attitude. Hourly wages $24.00 - $30.00 depending on experience and training. Chrysler experience an asset but not required. Contact Nelson Chrysler, 250-352-5348. Resumes accepted in person, by fax: 250-352-6695 or by email CONCRETE FINISHERS and Form Setters. Edmonton based company seeks experienced concrete finishers and form setters for work in Edmonton and northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780444-7103. QUALITY CONTROL person experienced with Piping & Structural Welding needed for a growing Northern Company. Competitive wages & benefits. Please email resume to: Fax 250-775-6227 or apply online: WANTED: Class 1 truck drivers and/or Owner Operators to haul logs in the Mackenzie area for Duz Cho Logging. Must submit resume along with driver’s abstract and be able to meet all safety standards. Please send application to or fax 250-997-5430.


Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services NEALY O’Briens Pub, P/T Cook; Nealy’s Liquor Store, P/T Clerk. Drop resume to pub or store

Medical/Dental CERTIFIED DENTAL Assistant wanted for 4 days a week. Minimum 2 years experience. E-mail Resume or inquiries to

Please refer to Job #1210 when submitting your application.

Help Wanted

Health Products

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

EXECUTIVE LEAD The Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice is seeking a skilled, teamoriented executive lead to work closely with the Board of Directors to ensure the delivery of the Division’s stated strategic objectives and goals. The Division aims to increase primary care capacity and improve patient and population health outcomes through program development and/or assisting in the redesign of programs and services that will positively affect patients, their families and the community at large. The Division works on behalf of, and in partnership with, family physicians and nurse practitioners in the Kootenay Boundary region. Duties would include: • day-to-day leadership of the Division • overall operational and financial planning and management • working collaboratively with, and giving leadership to, the other consultants working for the Division • oversight and leadership in Division projects and project development • engagement of multiple internal and external stakeholders and partners • communications, engagement, and community development activities • consulting to the Board regarding strategy and board development This is a contract position for approximately 30 hours per week. For a full job description, please visit Submit your resume and cover letter to PLEASE REFERENCE: Executive Lead position

Closing date: Friday, August 31, at 5 p.m.

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Legal Services

Misc Services KOOTENAY HOME Maintenance & Handyman Services. Please contact Jeff @ 250-505-9693

Pets & Livestock

Pets English Mastiff puppies, ready Aug 30, gentle giants, need responsible owners, 1st shot, dewormed, 1-yr congenital health guarantee, $850. (250)426-8560 (250)421-0384

Now Open

Beaver Valley Animal Clinic Large & Small Animals 1956 Columbia Gardens Road, Fruitvale 250-367-0123

Merchandise for Sale

Garage Sales CASTLEGAR, Household items, kids toys, electronics baby items, books & comics toys collectables 2206 - 10th Ave, Sat & Sun Aug 25 & 26, 9 - 4 GENELLE, Estate Sale Tools, Household & Misc Sat & Sun, Aug 25 & 26 102 - 12th Ave, 6:30 - ? Sat, Aug 25th, 5747 - 7th Ave 8-2 Sat, Aug 25th, 8-1, tools, dvd household items, in garage in rear, 414 - 6th Ave Slocan Park, Moving Sale Lot of great quality household items, antique diningroom table & chairs, rugs, tools, lawn trimmer, power saw, chain saw, computer desk & chair, colour printer, Subaru bike rack & dog barrier gate rattan round table & chairs/glass top, & much much more Sat & Sun, Aug 25 & 26, 9-4 Slocan Valley Medical Clinic parking lot in Slocan Park

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale 1986 Volkswagen Cabriolet Convertible, red, gas 4-cyl, fuel injected 5-spd, asking $3500. Variometers, Ball 500H & flight designs, $250/each. Sterioscope by Sokkisha, Model MS27, $350. Call (250)423-0328


Real Estate


Misc. for Sale

For Sale By Owner

Homes for Rent

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

Starter home, smaller 850 sq.ft. house for sale in Cranbrook, close to all amenities, 2-bdrm, 1-bath, remodelled kitchen/bathroom, solid Birch hardwood floors, new 100 amp service, check Kijiji Cranbrook for photos, asking $137,900. (250)427-7820

S/S double sink w/taps $75, 2 bathtubs 1 blue $50 each, lots of windows double pane some OK others for Hot House, sliding glass doors $50, older air compressor $35, older walk-in freezer or cooler 7 1/6x11’ complete $1500 OBO 229-4265 STEEL BUILDING - Huge clearance sale! 20X24 $4,658. 25X28 $5,295. 30X40 $7,790. 32X54 $10,600. 40X58 $14,895. 47X78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Silver Coins etc. Available now: 250-863-3082 Wanted: Genset 250 kw to 300 kw, 3-phase, 480 volt. (250)417-9291

Heavy duty Mechanic retired selling tools & boxes, package offer for $5,000 willing to accept reasonable offer Phone 250-304-2149

Real Estate Acreage for Sale 3.29 Flat Acre in Krestova with water, 25 mins to Nelson or Castlegar 250-359-7861



Lake. 4 k to Ashram 4 k to Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug. appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call : 1-780-566-0707

Apt/Condo for Rent CASTLEGAR, 1 Bdrm Apt $550/mth, utilities incl, N/S, N/P, 250-608-3930 ROSSLAND, bach. apt. Golden City Manor. Over 55. N/S. N/P. Subsidized. 250-3623385, 250-362-5030.

SELKIRK MANOR CEDAR MANOR 1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034

Apartment Furnished 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment. New bathroom, view of the river close to downtown. $750 includes utilities, internet and laundry. No pets please. 250-687-1386

Mobile Homes & Pads Grand Forks: older clean motor home, h/c running water on 5 acres, w/power. $450 month. 250-442-0122, 250-493-1807.

Christina Lake: Taking applications for yearly RV trailer sites at Totem Resort. Phone 250-447-9322.

Senior Assisted Living Newly opened!

Broadacres Assisted Living at Grand Forks is now taking applications for respite, short or long term care. No wait list. Rural setting. Home cooked meals. Professional staff.

Trucks & Vans 1999 Pontiac Transport under 200,000 K runs great 2 sets of tires & wheels & compressor $2000 OBO 229-4265

Small ads, BIG deals!

FOR SALE: 1992 Dodge Dakota. Good working order. $800 250-357-0056

Suites, Upper

Townhouses BC HOUSING is accepting applications for family rental units in Castlegar. Tenants pay no more then 30% of their gross monthly income for rent. For information on eligibility & applications please call 250365-2667 or 1-800-834-7149 or check out our website at

1995 Mazda 626, 3 L, V-6, auto, A/C, leather interior, P/seats, runs exc. $2,200. 250-442-0122.

Legal Notices

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Call Dennis, Shawn or Paul

for Pre-Approval or

1997 VW Golf GTI, 2L, 4 cyl, 5 spd, complete new brakes, 2 dr coupe, leather, 202,000 km. $3,400. 250-493-1807, 250442-0122.

2003 Honda Accord V-6, 172,000 km, 4 new summers, 4 studded winters, A/C, exc cond. Asking $6,995. 250-442-5769.

9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$

Motorcycles No time to ride. 2008 Victory Kingpin, 36,000km, Stage 1, bags, shield, 100, $15,000 firm. No tire kickers, Serious inquiries only. Call (250)427-5162 TWO 2008 CRF230L. 900 miles and 2900 miles. Street legal. Like new, $4300 each. 250-428-0816

Homes for Rent

ROBSON,2 Bdrm small house $560/mth N/S, N/P, F/S Avail Sept 1st, 250-365-1999

Cars - Sports & Imports

Castlegar 2 Bdrm Apartment Bright & Spacious, F/S Laundry on site, close to amenities, N/S, N/P, $725/mth + utilities, Call 359-7819

250-442-6778 / 250-443-4233.


Shared Accommodation

2000 Sportsman 30’ Travel Trailer, fully loaded with slide & Arizona room, new fridge + 2 new propane tanks $10,000 open to offers 229-4265

2 Bdrm Apt, $350/mth + 1/2 Utilities, 250-365-5404

5th wheel 18 ft, 1986 Lance, exc cond, F/S, bathroom, queen bed, furnace, sleeps 4. $3,000. 250-442-1248.

CASTLEGAR, Seeking responsible individual to share large fully furnished Home perfect for student or working person, N/P, N/S please call 250-304-2380 FURNISHED room for rent in newer South Castlegar home. Private bath and living area with TV, fridge, wireless internet. Shared laundry and kitchen. Utilities included, NS, NP. Available Sept 1st. $500/mo 365-0006 ROOMMATE to share home with 32yr woman, cat, dog. $450/m incl, furn. Shannon 250-608-2567


Cars - Domestic 2007 Toyota Corolla, approx. 164,000 km, great student or commuter car, $8000. Call (250)829-0630

ROBSON Mobile Home for rent, Refer & Criminal check required, Call 250-304-3430

1 bdrm large spacious suite Castlegar, super central Location near Tim Horton’s bus and shopping. F/S, W/D private entrance and storage great neighborhood $525/mth,utilities incl, Avail Sept 1st, 250-399-4351 CASTLEGAR DT, Cozy 2 Bdrm home lrg yard, N/S, N/P, Avail Sept 1st, $800/mth + utilities, 250-226-7609 C 365-4644 CASTLEGAR South 2 Bdrm W/D, F/S, Furnished or unfurnished, $500/mth + utilities, Avail Aug 15th Call 250-365-5393 Mobile Home, 2 bdrm, F/S, W/D, deck, in Thrums, no dogs over 15 lbs. 250-359-7178 or 304-9273


Suites, Lower

Auto Financing RV Pads


BLUEBERRY, 1 Bdrm Bsmt suite, Unfurnished, F/S New carpets, need vacuum cleaner, N/S, N/P, $475/mth + utilities pictures on request References please Call 250-365-7550

s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s



BEAUTIFUL NEWER HOUSE FOR RENT IN THE SLOCAN LAKE AREA. AVAILABLE OCT 1st • 4 Bedroom-2 Bath on 2 Acres • Red Mtn. Road above SILVERTON w/ Valhalla views + quiet privacy • N/S , Open to keeping animals • 10 min. drive to Slocan Lake and Village amenities • Storage, treehouses, good access all year round • Minimum 1 Yr Lease • W/D Hookups, F/S plus Earth -Woodstove • $1250 negotiable with proper care of house, land + gardens • References Required • Secure Income Essential • Serious Inquiries Only Call: 250-362-7681 or Mobile 250-231-2174 Email: monikas_2010@



s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s 9/5 2% !002/6%$ s

Merchandise for Sale

Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

For Sale - 1998, 27’ Sportsmaster Trailer. Sleeps up to 8 People. Twin Bunks, Pull-out Couch, Table Folds Down and Queen Pillow-top Mattress in Front Bedroom. Air Conditioner, 3 Burner Stove, Oven, Large Bathroom with Tub, 2 x 30lb Propane Tanks. Very Clean and in Excellent Condition! Asking $9,700. Located in Nakusp. Please call 250-265-9990 or email: for more info.

Fight back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

Legal Notices

BAILIFF SALE 2010 Chev. Camaro SS 2dr cpe, 6.2 L3 motor V8 6 spd, fully loaded, sun roof s/n 2G1FT1EW5A9132322 29064 kms - Orange As is - where is. Viewing by Appt. Offers subject to approval Call Bob 250-365-6516

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Sam Soukoreff, also known as Sam George Soukoreff, deceased formerly of 1015 Columbia Road, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 4K5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above deceased are hereby required to send particulars thereof to the Executrix named hereunder at 1115 3rd Street, Castlegar, British Columbia V1N 2A1, on or before September 21, 2012, after which date the Executrix will distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executrix then has notice. The Executrix will not be liable for any claim of which she has no notice at the time of distribution. Annie Soukoreff, Executrix By Polonicoff Law Firm, her solicitors

ON NOW AT YOUR BC GMC DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */x/†Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Sierra Ext Cab (1SA) and 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext (R7H) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer available to retail customers in Canada. See Dealer for details. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See GMC dealer for details. x$7,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on 2012 Sierra Ext Cab 1SA & 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GM dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit for 72 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Sierra Ext Cab 1SA & 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext. 0.99% purchase financing offer on approved credit by Ally Finance Services for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Sierra Nevada Ext & Crew. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $138.89 for 72 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000.00. Example: $10,000 at 0.99% APR, the monthly payment is $123.27 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $354.62, total obligation is $10,354.62. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ∞OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery) wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (1-888-466-7827) or visit for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and details and system limitations. Additional information can be found in the OnStar Owner’s Guide. ÂĽWhichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. Based on latest competitive data available. ÂĽÂĽBased on current website competitive information at time of printing. â—Š$1,000 ‘GM Truck Owner Loyalty/Conquest Bonus’ incentive is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive). Example: $10,000 purchase price, after tax price is $11,200 ($10,000 plus $1,200 applicable taxes).After applying $1,000 bonus, after tax price is $10,200 ($880 reduced purchase price plus $120 applicable taxes), with the $1,000 credit being the $880 reduction from the purchase price and the $120 reduction in taxes which would have otherwise been payable on the full purchase price. $1,000 bonus is available only to customers who currently own a GM or Competitive Pickup Truck registered and insured (in Canada) in their name for the previous consecutive six months. The bonus may be applied towards the purchase/finance/lease of an eligible new 2012/2013 Model Year Chevrolet Silverado/GMC Sierra, 2012 MY Chevrolet Colorado/GMC Canyon delivered between August 4, 2012 and August 31, 2012. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). The $1000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. Offer applies to new or demonstrator models. Dealer order or trade may be required. As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and may contact GM to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash. This offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. See your local GM dealer for details. GM reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer and/or the program for any reason in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 23, 2012

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Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917]

Thursday, August 23, 2012 Castlegar News




200-1965 Columbia Ave. 2153 Springfield Road (250) 365-6455 (250) 860-2600


WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927



Chahko Mika Mall (250) 352-7258

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