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August 29, 2012 Vol. 56 Issue 35
Crews fighting fire west of Fairmont
Kicking Horse Coffee re-energizes with wind
Page A5
Page A11
Heli of a view
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO This photo, taken from a helicopter on Wednesday, August 22, shows the continued blaze of the fire on Octopus Mountain in Kootenay National Park. As of Monday (August 27), the fire had reached 676 hectares in size and Parks Canada employees were monitoring the blaze closely. For the full story, turn to page A2.
Edgewater mill closed until deal is struck WoodEx waiting on timber supply agreement with Canfor since March STEVE JESSEL
Workers at the family-owned and operated WoodEx mill in Edgewater have been in limbo for quite some
time pending a long-term fibre supply agreement with forestry giant Canfor, but Columbia River-Revelstoke BC Liberal candidate Doug Clovechok said that after a concerted effort by himself and Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett, the two sides are closer to a deal than ever before. “If everything goes the way we intended it to go, we’re going to see WoodEx back up and running shortly,” Clovechok said.
When Canfor completed its acquisition of Tembec Industries Ltd.’s Kootenay sawmills and associated Crown tenures in March of this year, Minister of Forests Steve Thomson stated Canfor would be required to negotiate a long-term timber supply agreement with WoodEx as to not unduly restrict competition in the area. Details on exactly how much fibre was to be CONTINUES TO 'NEGOTIATIONS' ON PAGE A4
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Registration for New Students in District Students who are new to the District are asked to pre-register at their school on August 27, 28, 30 or 31. If unsure which school to attend, please call the School Board Office at 342-9243. Any student unable to be present the first day of school, September 4, should phone the school prior to, or on September 4, to be registered.
School Opening Rocky Mountain School District (Windermere) welcomes students back to school on Tuesday, September 4, 2012. Students will attend school during the morning only of September 4, with buses leaving schools 3 hours earlier than the usual pick-up time (see below for dismissal times). Regular hours of operation will commence on Wednesday, September 5, 2012. All students, on their first day of attendance, must possess a pen/pencil and paper, or appropriate supplies from the school’s supply list. Dismissal Times for September 4 only: Edgewater Elementary 11:30 a.m. David Thompson Secondary 10:30-12:30 p.m. Eileen Madson Primary 12:05 p.m. Windermere Elementary 11:45 a.m. J. Alfred Laird Elementary 12:06 p.m. Martin Morigeau Elementary 12:00 p.m. Regular Hours of Operation (commencing September 5) Edgewater Elementary K - 7 8:19 - 11:41 and 12:30 - 2:30 (Mon - Thurs) 8:20 - 12:30 (Fri) Eileen Madson Primary K - 3 8:48 - 12:00 and 12:55 - 3:05 (Mon - Thurs) 8:46 - 1:00 (Fri) J. Alfred Laird Elementary 4 - 7 8:45 - 12:00 and 12:55 - 3:06 (Mon - Thurs) 8:45 - 1:06 (Fri) David Thompson Secondary 8 - 12 8:50 - 12:30 and 1:15 - 3:30 (Mon - Thurs) 8:50 - 10:55 and 11:25 - 1:30 (Fri) Windermere Elementary K - 7 8:35 - 12:00 and 12:50 - 2:45 (Mon - Thurs) 8:35 - 12:40 (Fri) Martin Morigeau Elementary K - 7 8:38 - 12:00 and 12:50 - 3:00 (Mon - Thurs) 8:38 - 12:00 (Fri) Rocky Mountain Distributed Learning School Programs - for more information please contact Becky Blakley ( r-FBSOJOH!)PNF ,JOEFSHBSUFO UP (SBEF 3FHJTUFS POMJOF BU XXX HFUTNBSUCD DB PS JO person), students should ideally be registered before September 28th. r3PDLZ .PVOUBJO %JTUSJCVUFE -FBSOJOH 4DIPPM 3FHJTUFS POMJOF BU XXX HFUTNBSUCD DB PS JO person. Continual intake over the school year for grades 10, 11, and 12, including adults.
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF COURTESY BUS STUDENTS Courtesy bus students are students not attending their age appropriate or program appropriate school or they live within the prescribed walk limits as per Board Policy 3600. Transportation for these students is the responsibility of the parents/guardians. If you wish a ride on an existing bus route for your child/children, a written request (e-mail) for a courtesy ride must be submitted annually to the Transportation Department. Although every effort is made to expedite processing, these requests may not be approved until September 30th. Until such time as your request is approved or denied parents must provide transportation for their child/children. Please do not send your child/children to the bus stop unless you have received approval for a courtesy ride. If you would like to request transportation for the 2012/2013 school year, please do so by sending a written request to Norm Julien, Operations Supervisor at in September. For further information regarding transportation of students please refer to Board Policy 3600 on the School District website at, or contact Norm Julien, Operations Supervisor at 250-342-6814.
TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE September 2012 to June 2013 Transportation Assistance is available with respect to the conveyance of pupils: rXIP BSF FOSPMMFE JO ,JOEFSHBSUFO UP (SBEF JODMVTJWF BOE XIP MJWF NPSF UIBO LN GSPN the nearest school or bus stop; or rXIP BSF FOSPMMFE JO (SBEF UP (SBEF BOE MJWF NPSF UIBO LN GSPN UIF OFBSFTU school bus stop. Transportation Assistance must be requested annually. Parents transporting their children to bus stops beyond distances stated above are asked to notify the undersigned: Norm Julien, Operations Supervisor e-mail: Phone: 250-342-6814
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO The forest ďŹ re on Octopus Mountain, classiďŹ ed as a modiďŹ ed response ďŹ re, was at one point estimated to be growing by 50 hectares per day.
Park fire spreads A forest fire in Kootenay National Park is growing but remains under control STEVE JESSEL
A forest fire continues to burn on Octopus Mountain in Kootenay National Park and had reached 676 hectares in size by Monday (August 27). “Right now the fire is doing exactly what we expected it to do, moving in the direction that we thought it would,� said Parks Canada fire information officer Dani McIntosh. “It’s well within the containment area that we're looking at.� First discovered on the evening of August 12, the fire is suspected to have started much earlier as a result of a holdover fire from a lightning strike. Thanks to the wet summer conditions Kootenay National Park has seen, it’s unlikely to grow to a truly massive size, and McIntosh said that with cooler temperatures incoming they were expecting the trend of the 50-hectare-aday growth of the fire to cease. “We have a lot of room to let it play out in the landscape because there is no threat to public safety
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or infrastructure,� McIntosh said. “We’ll closely monitor it to make sure that doesn’t change, but in the meantime letting it play out on the landscape a bit really helps to meet our ecological objectives.� About 15 personnel are attending the fire, split between an eight-person ground crew and an overarching logistical team. As the fire falls into what is known as a “green� zone, McIntosh said that current action involves monitoring the fire closely to ensure it doesn’t behave unexpectedly, but otherwise letting the fire burn unabated. There are two other zones the fire could fall into, largely dependant on proximity to any sort of development — yellow zones require some action while red zones require immediate action. Currently, the Parks Canada team are using three helicopters to monitor the Octopus Mountain fire and have done a small amount of bucketing to keep the fire boundaries in check. The fire has also spilled over into Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, allowing BC Parks personnel to also assist with monitoring efforts. McIntosh said there have been eight reported fires in Kootenay National Park since the beginning of August. For fire updates from the Southeast Fire Centre, visit
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo A3
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Page Three
Local landscaper helping salvage memorial tree Windermere family hopeful vandalized tree can be saved STEVE JESSEL The Valley Echo
After vandals severely damaged a memorial tree at Windermere Beach Regional Park several weeks ago, a local landscaper has stepped up to help, and members of the family who planted the tree are hopeful it might make it after all. “You just feel sick... it was shocking that anyone would do that, just shocking,” said Betti Carscadden, whose son Jay passed away in January of this year. “And then you get kind of feel mad, like who would do that?” The tree, a greenspire linden tree, was planted in June in memory of the Carscadden’s son Jay. The family first noticed the tree had been damaged on the evening of August
SUBMITTED PHOTO A group of family and friends who swam across Lake Windermere in honour of Jay Carscadden in July pose before the swim in front of the tree at Windermere beach that was planted in Jay's memory.
11, and quickly reported the incident to the RCMP. Soon after, Rick Ferrier from Ferrier’s Landscaping contacted the family
and initially offered to replace it. However, after inspecting the tree, Ferrier told them that while it may
never look quite the same, he felt it had a good chance of survival with the proper care and sealant. “It needs more TLC of
course, but we’re hopeful,” Betti said. “We’re really, very very appreciative (for Ferrier’s help,) and I’m really surprised... that was
really nice of him.” In July, the Carscadden family also organized a swim in Jay’s memory, as he was an avid swimmer and taught swimming lessons at Windermere Beach. Because Jay would regularly make swims across Lake Windermere in preparation of the annual Heart of the Rockies triathlon, his family decided a group swim across the lake with friends and family was in order. About 30 swimmers, almost entirely close friends and family, participated and Betti said they are looking to make it an annual tradition each year on the weekend before the triathlon. Swimmers were wellmarked, wearing identical caps and escorted by powerboats so that other boaters would be aware of their presence. “It was neat, because people got that it wasn’t a race,” Betti said. “It was really fun, and it was a beautiful morning.”
Invermere fire department seeks new volunteer firefighters Men and women interested in adventure and fitness are asked to get involved NICOLE TRIGG
If crawling through confined spaces or lifting heavy equipment sounds like a fun way to spend your spare time, volunteering for the Invermere Fire Rescue could be right up your alley. Every Tuesday night, a weekly training session at the Invermere Fire Hall takes place and adventurous types keen to
serve their community and volunteer as a firefighter are asked to drop by the hall between 7 to 9 p.m. to get involved. “They can come in any Tuesday night and sign up and they can participate and watch so they can actually see how things are done and they get to work at it also before they do their exam,” said Invermere fire chief Roger Ekman. The physical exam is comprised of several elements including a dummy pull, a hose pull, and a confined space challenge whereby an applicant outfitted in full turnout fear and a breathing apparatus has to climb through a two by two foot tunnel 16 feet long without panicking. The hose pull consists of lifting a 60
pound roll of 2.5 inch hose hand over hand from the top of the hall to the ground three times. For the dummy pull, applicants will be shown how to lift a real person properly and pull them about 50 feet. Time isn’t something they’re too concerned about, Ekman said. “We do time it but we don’t use the time as a factor,” he said, “because, being that they’re all volunteers, they’re not Charles Atlas so it’s something that they can work up to.” The training happens every Tuesday night, and every fifth Sunday, and is ongoing. It usually takes new recruits eight to 12 months before they complete their initial training and are issued a radio,
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making them available for calls. The timeframe depends on an individual’s progress and performance, said Ekman. “We don’t stamp our foot down because we know that not everybody is the same, everybody works at a different pace,” he said. “They are volunteers, they’re not career so you can only expect what you can get out of the person.” No experience is necessary and applicants can be men or women, but must be 19 years or older with a medical clearance form from their doctor before they do the physical. For more information, call Ekman at 250-342-3200 or email invermerefire@
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Negotiations are ongoing spokesperson Brennan Clarke told The Valley Echo in an email. “The ministry is hopeful that supplied were apparently never Canfor and Woodex are able to finalized, however, as the initial reach an agreement soon; howamount they received was not ever, it’s worth noting that Canfor enough to keep the mill running, isn’t the only potential source of fisaid WoodEx president and CEO bre,� he said. "Woodex, as it has in Douglas Riddell. the past, can also continue to bid The WoodEx mill in Edgewater on BC Timber Sales." employs 60 workers directly and anActive negotiations between other 120 indirectly, and has been Canfor and Woodex are ongoing, closed for several months as negotia- and the ministry sees this as a postions continue. For Columbia River- itive direction, said Clarke. Riddell Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald, said WoodEx was hopeful Canfor who has been instrumental in draw- would be willing to support smalling attention to the issue since the er independent sawmills and “help mill was first forced to cut its num- maintain an open and healthy log ber of shifts, the market.� failure to reach “Minister Thomson... had When conan agreement to tacted for comkeep those work- obligations... to make sure that ment, a Canfor ers employed employment in our valley is spokesperson falls directly on retained.� said the comthe shoulders pany will not of the Minister NORM MACDONALD be addressing MLA COLUMBIA RIVER-REVELSTOKE of Forests, Steve its relationship Thomson. with WoodEx “What I have said from the be- with the media at this time. ginning is that Minister Thomson “We’re absolutely thrilled that had obligations during the sale (of Canfor is reopening the Radium Tembec) to do the work one would mill and is putting money into the expect him to, to make sure that Canal Flats mill... to have both of employment in our valley is re- those operations up and running tained,� Macdonald said. “We’ve for our valley is incredibly imporgone through an extended disrup- tant and we’re grateful for that,� tion for WoodEx... my expectation Clovechok said, who helped faciliis that we would try and get the tate a meeting between Riddell and most jobs that we can out of the Thomson. “On the other hand, we public resource that we have, and want to make sure the smaller mills that has to be the priority.� aren’t adversely affected... We cerThe Ministry of Forests, Lands tainly don’t want to get involved and Natural Resource Operations with negotiating a private enteris encouraging Canfor and Woo- prise deal, that’s not what governdex to continue to negotiate a fi- ment is there for, but what governbre supply agreement, ministry ment is there for is to mediate.�
Volunteer jubilation
Columbia Valley Rockies Day Saturday, September 15 • Fun Run at 9 a.m. 3 or 5 km run • Alumni Challenge Game • Classic VW Beetle draw • Tailgate party • Home opener against Golden Rockets at 7 p.m. For more information about the Columbia Valley Rockies Day and the upcoming hockey season, check out the website:
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE VALLEY ECHO Kootenay Columbia MP David Wilks was on hand to present the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal to Windermere resident Anne Picton (center) and Radium resident Phyllis Jackson (center right) at a ceremony on August 24. RDEK Director Wendy Booth (center left) and Radium mayor Dee Conklin (right) were also on hand to offer their congratulations.
Public invited to meet with MLA Constituents are encouraged to discuss any issues NICOLE TRIGG
Columbia River – Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald will be in Invermere on Thursday (September 6) to meet with local residents for a catch-up session after his busy summer schedule. As the Deputy Chair of the Special Committee on Timber Supply, Macdonald has
been travelling throughout the province since May 17, holding consultations in 16 interior communities and deliberating with the Timber Supply committee. The committee’s final report, complete with recommendations, was delivered on August 15. “I am looking forward to having more time this fall to meet with constituents and attend events in my communities,� said Macdonald in a news release. “It was a very busy summer as the work of the Timber Supply Committee had me travelling throughout
530 - 13 Street, Invermere 0H s WWW INVERMEREVALLEYECHO CA
the province. While it was important work, it meant missing many local events over the last three months.� Individual constituents as well as representatives of community groups are invited to meet with Macdonald to discuss any issues that matter to them. To make an appointment, call 1-866-870-4188 or email norm.macdonald.mla@ Constituency staff are also available to help the public with any questions or concerns during regular office hours, Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo A5
Fruit swap program a go Bear Aware plan to reduce attractants needs trees, pickers NICOLE TRIGG
Columbia Valley residents hoping for a more fruitful way to deter bears from their communitiy over the next couple of months are in luck. The 2nd annual Columbia Valley Fruit Swap program is underway and anyone who has a fruit tree — or who wishes they had one — are encouraged to get involved. From August through to October, hundreds of fruit trees in the valley are ripening with fruit falling to the ground. As fruit is an ideal food source for foraging bears, local Bear Aware community co-ordinator Crystal Leonard wants to see the fruit picked before it becomes a problem. The way the swap works is those people who have fruit trees on their property but aren’t in the habit of picking them — whether due to inaccessibility issues or they just don’t feel the need — are ask to contact Leonard with the type(s) of tree and how many. Additionally, anyone wishing to acquire handpicked fruit, for baking purposes or jams for example, are also asked to contact Leonard with what kind of fruit they want. Leonard’s job is then to match fruit pickers with fruit tree owners and create a mutually beneficial relationship that stands to benefit the entire community as a whole. Last year was the first time Leonard organized the fruit swap, and
she said it attracted about 20 to 30 pickers and almost as many tree offers. But this year she’s hoping for a much bigger involvement. “The challenge was matching those who want a certain type of fruit with those who have the appropriate fruit tree,” she said. While the majority of fruit trees called in last year were regular apples and crabapples, there were also pears and even apricots. Cherries were also popular, but they’re almost at the end of their season by now, depending the type of cherry, Leonard said. Underway since August 1, the fruit swap happens on a first come first serve basis and most of the people involved so far this year were involved last year. “One thing I noticed last year is people called about their fruit trees and expected someone to come out right then and pick their fruit tree,” said Leonard. “I’m trying to emphasize that it’s not guaranteed; it’s depending on the fruit and the type of fruit and what kind of quality it is too.” Although pickers should be prepared to use their own ladder, sometimes fruit tree owners will have a ladder handy that can be used while some trees don’t need a ladder and the fruit can be picked from the ground. Leonard is looking to acquire an apple press in early September that will be available to fruit swap participants for making their own fresh apple juice. The fruit swap runs to October 15. For more information or to get involved, call Leonard at 250-6880561 or email
SUBMITTED PHOTO BY SOUTHEAST FIRE CENTRE A 25-hectare fire at Brewer Creek is being attended by about 40 personnel.
Crews battle local forest fire Firefighters contain a forest fire west of Fairmont STEVE JESSEL
Forest fire season continues as Southeast Fire Centre personnel battle a roughly 25 hectare fire at Brewer Creek, 10 kilometres west of Fairmont Hot Springs and south of Invermere. “It’s really a day-to-day process looking at what is currently happening, what
is predicted to happen and making a plan from there,” Southeast Fire Centre fire information officer Fionna Tollovsen said. The fire, which was first reported on August 20, is currently being attended by 38 personnel, and supported by two helicopters and five pieces of heavy equipment. As of Wednesday, August 22, the fire was reported to have been contained on the east side and crews were hard at work to build a fuel-free barrier to prevent the fire from growing any further. Tollovsen added at the
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time that the smoke was heading straight up into the air, which would help alleviate any smoke issues in surrounding communities. The fire is believed to have started as a result of a lightning strike, and there is currently no threat to any properties or infrastructure. Tollovsen was unable to give a timeline for how long it would take to have the fire completely contained as changing weather and shifting winds can either help personnel or make fire suppression efforts more difficult.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
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Opinions and Letters Crafting consensus NICOLE TRIGG
It should come as no surprise that the Columbia Valley Recreation Access Coalition (CVRAC)'s attempt to instill some kind of control mechanisms over backcountry and forecountry use in the valley has hit a roadblock. Various local groups are already on tenderhooks due to years of conflict over the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort. It was probably only a matter of time before these coalition talks — albeit of a completely different nature to the Jumbo debate yet involving similar diametrically opposed views — became so mired in strife that the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations decided to put its fringe involvment on hold until things cool down. The provincial government has made it clear there is no money at this point in time for a sanctioned plan of this sort, but some community members are so concerned about irresponsible users running roughshod here, there and everywhere that they decided to take matters into their own hands and get a head start on the process for when funds finally do become available. Their intention is a wise one and can't be faulted. Many successful outdoor destinations have access management plans. Take Whistler, for instance. Known internationally for its recreation and wilderness, different user groups work together because it's generally understood that all business in the valley benefits from their cooperation, ultimately creating a stronger business community and engendering more opportunities. Once a management plan is agreed upon and in place, this sets the foundation for marketing solutions directed at target consumers, and clear regional signage. Users clearly understand what they can do, where, making for a more purposeful and well-planned experience. The key is finding a common ground, and while this is what CVRAC honourably set out to do, the process that unfolded appears to not have been a popular one. This doesn't mean it's game over and people should sit on their hands and wait for the ministry to take over at some indeterminate point in the future. It's just time to go back to the drawing board and design a process that is not so administrative-laden, is more acceptable to the community at large, and begins with a basic map that users can relate to.
Something on your mind? The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR What's in a name? Dear Editor, Re: “Ministry withdraws from back country talks,” The Valley Echo, July 25, 2012. In today’s world, what does a name mean? What is it worth? Have you ever been asked to sign an attendance sheet at a community gathering and subsequently found out that your name was included in a grant application without your knowledge or permission? I am fairly new to the valley and I read the papers. Out of interest, I made a New Year's resolution to go to some community meetings to find out what is going on and how things work around Invermere. One of the meetings I attended as an “interested citizen” was the Backcountry Recreation Access Coalition, or CVRAC. I was asked to sign an attendance sheet with my name, sector and email. I was reluctant as I was not with a sector but was told it was so I “could receive the minutes of the meeting.” It came to light a few meetings later that the attendance sheet had been taken and attached to a grant application for Wildsight — a completely separate organization. Wildsight listed CVRAC as a “sponsored” organi-
zation. My name was taken and used without my knowledge, permission or approval. Outraged and concerned, I subsequently wrote a letter asking for written confirmation from CVRAC and Wildsight that my name has not or will not be shared/used for any other applications or purposes. I have yet to receive this written confirmation from Wildsight. This causes me concern. Not getting written answers to my very specific questions has led to more questions — ones I hope the government will ask. The grant system is big business and a list of names attached gives credibility to applications. Some charitable organizations have paid staff (professionals) who spend a good amount of their time just applying for grants. In many cases, grants come from our tax dollars. It would be presumptuous for charities to assume everyone agrees with their agendas. Should our local government and Canada Revenue Agency look a lot closer at how these organizations do business? When protest letters, postcards and grants are submitted, how do we know whose names are on them? If we put our name on a simple sign-in sheet, how do we know where ours names have gone? Where is the disclosure?
T he
The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley
530 13th Street • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-9216 Fax: 250-342-3930
Sheila Tutty PUBLISHER
In Absentia
Steve Jessel
publisher@nvermere editor@invermere
Jessica de Groot
Renice Oaks
Nicole Trigg
If this is the way business is done, I am glad the ministry has withdrawn from the backcountry talks. Mary Anne Csokonay Invermere
Community ethics Dear Editor, Richard Branson, when interviewed a while ago, was asked about ethics and business. His reply was “Business is just business: a scramble for profit. Right? Well, that might describe crime, it certainly doesn’t describe business. Ethics aren’t just important in business. They are the whole point of business.” I have been involved with the Columbia Valley Recreation Advisory Council (CVRAC) Steering Committee to help administer and offer guidance for the process. The reason I started with the quote at the beginning of this letter is it points to what has been lost by some groups and people attending the meetings of the CVRAC – ethics! The idea of bringing locals together to discuss problems, some conflicts and future needs for recreational use of the Crown land was hatched by locals. In good faith, many wanted to CONTINUES TO 'LETTERS' ON PAGE A7
NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC PRESS COUNCIL – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
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The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012
have this discussion and came to meetings. As expected, there were doubters and skeptics who were upfront with their concerns but have hung in there and are providing input. Then there are the unprincipled who have lost sight of community ethics. Some have written articles in the paper while others have sought to undermine a local process by various other means and outside influences. Is it for self esteem, want to suppress locals voicing their concerns or trying to dominate we “country bumpkins” — whatever it is, very concerning! Our area is a great place to live and as the world moves to adding 2 billion more people by 2050 I can’t help but think how our community will be affected. I am not only concerned how our urban area will be shaped, but as well uneasy how our green spaces next to the community will be impacted and changed. That is the reason I believe so many local groups want to have this discussion on recreation use take place. To have a few narrow-minded and self-centred individuals try to take away that right is completely unacceptable. As much as I hope the community can retain its rural values in the future, we simply live in too nice an area so we need to lay down some guidelines and principles on how to use and respect our natural capital. It is both a need and a responsibility for a sustainable community. “At every stage there is a threat of mutiny, of rebellious individualism that might destroy the collective spirit” — Matt Ridley, 1966. Richard Hoar Invermere
Law prohibits eco-damage Dear Editor, Frances Ryan’s memorial service was held in Nanaimo on Saturday, August 18. We weren’t able to attend, but our hearts were with Fran and her family as we helped out with the Columbia Valley Chamber Music Festival in Invermere. Fran lived here for several years and could always be counted on to help out with community events and activities. Her energy and sense of fun were infectious. She loved costumes, colour, puppetry, and performing arts of all kinds. She would have approved of the music festival ensemble that popped up with exuberant Mozart in the farmers’ market on Saturday morning. She would have grooved to the beautiful music they played at their concert that evening. Thanks so much to Lauren Robinson, Jeff White and all the wonderful musicians who made Saturday a day to remember. All through the day we remembered Fran fondly, sending her off with the joy of music — an absolutely perfect farewell for our dear friend. Geraldine Gibson, Invermere Anne Jardine, Edgewater
Memories and music Dear Editor, I was more than a little disappointed that my remarks about the widely acknowledged need
Fiorentino Bros. Contracting Ltd. has 3 full time job openings in the Invermere area for a
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Ballfest donation for developing a responsible-use policy in our big backyard would have elicited such an overthe-top response from Dave McGrath. The story, illustrated by a photo of donut tracks burned by a four-wheel joyrider into the delicate shoreline of the Columbia Valley wetlands, was about how Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson pulled ministry employees from the CVRAC consensus-based process. That’s the second time our Minister has let the citizens of this valley down in the past few months. Judging from the tone of his response, I question whether Dave understands that the Columbia Valley Recreation Access Coalition’s primary goal is not to restrict access. Its intention was, from the beginning, to address the growing concerns of many user groups that our environment is being trashed by mechanized “enthusiasts” who have no idea of the etiquette of land use. Ask rural land owners between Canal Flats and Brisco how they feel about the barrage of weekend warriors trespassing on quads, dirt bikes, mountain bikes and four wheel drives, knocking down fences and gates, and shredding the public range land they depend on for their livestock. Take a walk along either side of the Westside road south of Invermere and north of Wilmer to see for yourself the damage wrought by mud boggers in marshy areas, joyriders on the open slopes above, and the garbage and charred remains of trees and shrubs left by partiers. Hike up into sub alpine areas like Brewer basin, Mt. Bruce, the delicate meadows on the slopes above McLean Lake, and the lovely open forests on the lower slopes of Four Corners mountain to see the tracks left by high-marking dirt bikers. You read right, high-marking dirt bikers. Damaging the environment is prohibited by law in our province. Individuals who are caught desecrating an ecosystem on Crown land (wetlands, grasslands and alpine areas) are subject to a fine of up to $100,000, a year in jail, or both. The Ministry of Forests and Range is very clear when it offers instructions to those who would break the law: “Whenever you drive off-road, you are disrupting the ecological foundation of our natural areas. In sensitive sites, the damage can be catastrophic. Know your obligations under the law to protect the environment. The goal is to prevent damage to the environment, not stop all recreational activities.” CONTINUES TO 'LETTERS' ON PAGE A8
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SUBMITTED PHOTO Lindsay Johnston of Fundamental Event Marketing Inc. (middle) presents RDEK Electoral Area F Director Wendy Booth (left) with a cheque for $1,800 for the Crossroads Ballpark. The funds were raised at the 2012 Ballfest Tournament, and includes a donation from Julie St. Amand (right) who contributed 10 per cent of her party sales. The RDEK is grateful for this generous donation and will use the funds to make improvements to the infield play area.
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The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A8
LETTERS continued...
Columbia Valley detachment welcomes new officers Butler, Mazerolle both new to valley life, hold strong community values STEVE JESSEL
The Columbia Valley RCMP detachment is opening its arms to welcome two new officers when constables Christine Steffler and Dustin Burch leave the detachment to pursue other opportunities following the September long weekend. Constables Danny Butler and Francois Mazerolle will be taking their place and Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac is confident each will be able to adapt to their new surroundings. “I’m happy that we’re getting bodies in,” Shehovac said. “We’re getting some new faces, and some of the old ones are leaving for other adventures, and that’s part of being in the RCMP, is the constant moving around.” Butler, who was born in raised in the West Kootenay, has spent the last five years in Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island serving as a general duty police officer after graduating from the RCMP Academy in Regina. He says he’s glad to return to the mountains where he was raised and, while he isn’t completely familiar with Invermere, he feels like he won’t have any real difficulty adjusting. “I love it here, I know it’s a place I’m not going to want to leave already... it’s not going to take long before it definitely becomes home,” Butler said. “It can be a little overwhelming at first, but work is work no matter where you go.” An avid outdoorsman, Butler said that being able to come back to the Kootenays
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO The Columbia Valley RCMP detachment is welcomeing two new constables in Cst. Francois Mazerolle (left) and Cst. Danny Butler.
was a major draw for him and that he was looking forward to becoming more familiar with the community, and becoming more involved in general. “(Becoming involved) is a huge part, I’m the same sort of mindset as [Shehovac], you’re not just another cop in a big city,” Butler said. “People start to ask for you, you gain trust and you gain respect and it makes things go smoothly... I like to get involved and get out there.” For Mazerolle, this marks his first detachment placement after earning a bachelor in policing at the University of Montreal then graduating from the RCMP Academy. Hailing from Quebec, this is Mazerolle’s first time in British Columbia, and he said he is already looking forward to getting to know the community. “It’s awesome, it seems full of challenges and the people have been really nice,” Mazerolle said. “The whole Co-
lumbia Valley just looks awesome, and I’m really looking forward to it.” Mazerolle will spend the first six months being trained by Constable Andrew Michaud, to help him get adjusted to his first assignment. Mazerolle said he feels he has an incredible amount to learn as everything is new to him, and that he also has strong feelings about what it means to be an RCMP officer in a small community. “I think that when you do policing, you do it for the community, so if you’re not part of the community you kind of miss the point,” Mazerolle said. “I think it’s really important... to be part of the community and be able to understand it while being a part of it.” The detachment will also welcome a new cadet come October and Shehovac said that after she has been trained for roughly six months they will have a full complement of officers.
And here’s the kicker: “Stay on managed or designated trails and roads.” I hope Dave doesn’t fly off the handle over that last line. It’s a crying shame that Dave and those in his circle have indicated they are unwilling to sit at a table, in a civilized manner, and work out a solution. User groups have successfully done this in the Cranbrook and Golden forestry divisions, not to mention countless jurisdictions outside the region. Why not here? The Echo has posted some graphic photos on their website, similar to the one they ran with last week’s story, to show the types of damage being inflicted on our ecosystem. If you have any photos to share, please send them in so it will help pave the way for better “responsible use” practices in our once pristine backyard. Pat Morrow Wilmer
Coalition questioned Dear Editor, Re: “Ministry withdraws from backcountry talks,” The Valley Echo, July 25, 2012. As co-chair of the Kootenay Snowsports Society, we have been reluctant participants in the backcountry coalition since January. We heard a rumour Kat Hartwig from Wildsight was organizing this group and were immediately concerned that backcountry access restrictions could occur if we didn’t attend. Like a number of participants, we were there not because we believed in a backcountry plan or that there was anything wrong with not having a plan. We were there under duress. Wildsight also initiated a plan for the Golden area which some backcountry enthusiasts there describe as a “travesty.” A number of incidents have called the integrity of this coalition into question, the first being the grants that were applied for by Wildsight, saying they were “sponsoring” the coalition and using all of our names, without the knowledge or consent of many of us. The
East Kootenay Roller Derby League presents 2012 League Championships
“Back in Black and Blue”
Marysville Arena, Saturday, September 15 Look for our posters and on our Facebook page for information coming soon for a ticket deal for Bus, Bout and Beer!
coalition’s steering committee treated concerns about this as frivolous. It is also of note that whilst coalition members have made it clear on a number of occasions to the various politicians that their participation is welcome only as observers, Gerry Wilkie (RDEK director and former president of Wildsight, Invermere chapter) and Paul Denchuk (District of Invermere councillor) have taken spots on the steering committee. Three other Wildsight members have also attended steering committee meetings. Now we have the issue of government representatives being withdrawn by the ministry. News in The Echo will be the first most coalition members hear of this, although the steering committee has known about it since July 23. Minutes of the steering committee meeting of that date circulated to coalition members strangely omit the discussion that took place. Why? Gerry Wilkie seems to be a self-appointed spokesperson for the coalition, as does Pat Morrow, who is listed as “Wildsight” on coalition sign-in sheets. Minutes for all coalition and steering committee meetings are taken by a Wildsight member. Coalition facilitator Dennis Hamilton is supposed to be “neutral” yet Dennis is speaking to the press about an issue that most coalition members haven’t even heard about or discussed. Think twice. Who is really running this show? All is not as it is crafted to appear for public consumption. The government is correct in withdrawing its support for what is not an unbiased process. User groups will have a greater chance of having their access issues dealt with fairly and without bias by ministry staff rather than dealing with a coalition driven by a small group of radical environmental activists. It is for these reasons the Kootenay Snowsports Society has left the CVRAC and encourages other stakeholders to do the same. Cheryl Willard Kootenay Snowsports Society Invermere A9
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Dr. Jane Goodall The Valley Echo welcomes coming to Cranbrook new interim publisher BLACK PRESS STAFF Special to The Valley Echo
The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) is thrilled to announce that world-renowned primatologist, conservationist and humanitarian, Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, will be in Cranbrook from September 29 to October 1, 2012. Dr. Goodall is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), and a UN Messenger for Peace. She will be offering her widely acclaimed ‘Reason for Hope’ presentation at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook on Sunday, September 30, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 and can be purchased from the Key City Theatre Box Office (250342-7006). Following the presentation, Dr. Goodall will be available for a question and answer period and book signing. In addition to her public presentation, Dr. Goodall will also be speaking to a select group of students and educators about JGI’s Roots & Shoots — a global program that empowers youth to take positive action on environmental and humanitarian issues. This will complement the work CBEEN is already doing as an umbrella network for environmental education in the Columbia Basin. CBEEN’s Wild Voices for Kids (WVFK) program offers students free programs and field trips with local experts to promote stewardship and a conservation ethic through direct experience of ecologically and culturally significant areas in their own back yard. “To host Dr. Goodall’s first visit to the Kootenays is truly an honor for CBEEN. She travels extensively to share her story and message with leaders and citizens across the
world� commented Duncan Whittick, CBEEN’S Executive Director. “We anticipate with great excitement the spark that Dr. Goodall will kindle in environmental education in the Columbia Basin.� CBEEN is grateful for the generous support from their premier sponsor, Kicking Horse Coffee, along with feature sponsors Kootenay Savings Credit Union, Columbia Basin Trust and the Black Press East Kootenay Group. CBEEN would also like to recognize the important role of their supporting sponsors in making this event a reality, including St. Eugene Mission Resort, Key City Theatre, Cranbrook Photo, Wildsight, Kootenay Kwik Print and Lotus Books. The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) was founded in 2002 and is a registered charity and an umbrella network for environmental educators in the Columbia Basin. CBEEN encourages environmental stewardship and sustainability in the Columbia Basin by supporting environmental education initiatives through capacity building, information sharing and educational programs. For regular updates on this event as well as our other activities, please visit The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada (JGI) was founded in 1994 and is part of a dynamic network of Jane Goodall Institutes around the world. JGI supports habitat conservation and chimpanzee protection programs in Africa and runs Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots here in Canada — a powerful, global program that inspires and empowers youth to be active global citizens and to take action to create sustainable and positive change. For more information, please visit
The Valley Echo welcomes a new member to its award-winning team. Dave Hamilton has been appointed as the new Interim Publisher and is excited to contribute his expertise and experience to the Columbia Valley community. “The Valley Echo is an extraordinary community paper with so much history and providing quality news to the Columbia Valley for over half a century,� said Hamilton. Hamilton has a strong business background with six years working with Black Press, including roles as publisher of the Golden Star and Fernie Free Press, sales consulting on Vancouver Island, five SUBMITTED PHOTO years as a business resource manager in Dave Hamilton is the new interim publisher for The economic development, seven years as Valley Echo and looks forward to strengthening ties a regional director for the BCSPCA with with the local business community. two years served on the executive and strategic planning committee, and has Hamilton has also completed his third been elected to four Chamber of Com- year of his Bachelor of Business Adminmerce Boards across B.C., in which he istration (Accounting Designation) and has taken on numerous leadership roles. strives to learn each day. Hamilton said he “I am eager to comlooks forward to municate with the “When I was given the meeting the commucommunity so both the nity and trying a little chance to publish a paper in paper and businesses snowboarding in his the Columbia Valley, I jumped develop its strengths,� free time. he said. “I want to at it.� “I could not be hapmeet with all the busiDAVE HAMILTON pier,� said Hamilton. ness owners and manVALLEY ECHO INTERIM PUBLISHER “When I was given agers in the area to find the chance to publish out what makes each a paper in the Columbia Valley, I jumped business in the area tick. With a better at it. Many people travel great distances understanding of their needs, I hope we to vacation here; I now get to experience can provide novel solutions to their marit too." keting needs. Hamilton grew up on Vancouver Island, “I would like to welcome all Columbia and went to school at Vancouver Island Valley residents and business owners to University in Nanaimo where he com- visit with me and share your ideas and pleted his bachelor degree in marketing suggestions to assist The Valley Echo staff with a double minor in human resources in creating the very best weekly commuand economics. nity newspaper we can.�
Did you know..... •
The Valley Echo has won many provincial and national awards including most recently 2012 Best Ad Design in two categories for both BC and the Yukon The Valley Echo has donated over a $100,000 in sponsorship to non profit groups in the Columbia Valley in 2011 and plan to do more in 2012. We deliver to 2,000 homes and businesses across the Columbia Valley from Canal Flats to Spillimacheen every week.
The Valley Echo has been the Columbia Valley’s first choice for community news since 1956
Black Press is BC owned and operated, started its first newspaper in Williams Lake in the Late 1970’s now with 170 Community Newspapers with 90 of them operating in BC
Regional District of East Kootenay WATER SYSTEM FLUSHING Windermere, Holland Creek, Timber Ridge and Edgewater The Regional District of East Kootenay will be doing its annual water system flushing between now and the end of October. Users in Windermere, Holland Creek, Timber Ridge and Edgewater may notice temporary water discolouration for a short period of time. If there is any discolouration of water, please run your cold water taps until the water is clear. For more information on the flushing program, contact: Brian Funke, RDEK Engineering Services Manager 250-489-2791 or toll free 1-888-478-7335 or
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
*,ma :ggnZe Pbg]^kf^k^ ?Zee ?Zbk L\Zk^\khp ?^lmboZe Sunday, September 16, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. We welcome all craftspeople, astisans and makers of home goods. Great times for the whole family! s ,OTS OF CHILDRENS activities s 3CARECROW PARADE s %NTERTAINMENT Contact Call Gracie Boake 250-342-0589
Behind the
Wh ee
Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge
Are You Smarter Than a Learner Driver?
My mother learned to drive on the prairies as a teenager. She paid her two dollars, was given a driver’s licence and then learned to drive. I learned in my teens as well, studying the driving guide, took a twenty question test, spent some time as a learner, passed a 20 minute road test and I had my licence. My children both took driver training during their Learner stage because I could afford it and felt it was an important life skill. They passed a 25 question test, spent time in the Learner stage, were tested, moved on to the Novice stage, were tested and then got their full licence. Quite a difference, isn’t it? I would be willing to bet that all of us, the middle aged or older better than average driver crowd, would be hard pressed to equal or better the score of a newly minted class 5 driver on ICBC’s on line driver’s test. I base that remark on what I see happening around me when I drive and the correspondence that I have had with visitors to my DriveSmartBC web site. Many drivers have failed to maintain the knowledge of the road rules that they need to drive safely and properly. In addition, the rules have changed since I obtained my class 5. I challenge you! Visit and look for the link to the Practice Knowledge Test on the home page below the green tab labelled New Driver. Take the full test and answer all 25 questions that will be presented to you at random. Did you answer at least 80% of the questions correctly? If not and you were trying to obtain your Learner’s, you would be told to go home and study some more because you didn’t have sufďŹ cient knowledge of the rules to start learning to drive. Good luck!
Police Files — Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac
Semi-trailer truck rolls over August 15 At 3 p.m., the Columbia Valley detachment was made aware of a backpack left unattended at Panorama Mountain Village. Forty dollars and a cell phone was stolen from the pack. August 16 A number of unlocked vehicles were rummaged through in the 1600 block of 10th Avenue. Fortunately, no valuables were in the vehicles. People are reminded to lock their cars. At 6 p.m., a citizen reported seeing an orange semi-trailer truck traveling northbound from Invermere towards Golden. The load of lumber was not balanced properly on the trailer and the wheels of the trailer were observed to lift off the ground. The 2012 Peterbuilt was easily located when, 20 minutes later, the detachment received a report of a semi rollover on Highway 93/95 near Edgewater. All the lumber had spilled onto the road. The 30-year-old driver from Abbotsford received minor injuries. The driver was charged with insecure load and speeding, as witnesses estimated the truck travelling at speeds of 120 kilometres per hour. Immediately after this accident, Corporal Simpson advised he then went searching for what was called in as an intoxicated male chasing a sheep in Radium. Simpson advised he quickly cleared from the accident scene with the spilled lumber as soon as possible as he did not know what the intentions were of this intoxicated male and believed if anything it would not be consensual. No male was located. August 17 At 11:48 p.m., a Columbia Valley detachment member was parked stationary at 7th Avenue and 9th Street, monitoring the intersection when a blue Ford Ranger failed to stop for the stop sign. The 62-year-old driver displayed signs of having had some drinks. An ASD demand was read and the driver blew a warn. This resulted in his licence being suspended for three days. The driver was also charged with failing to stop for the stop sign. August 18 The Columbia Valley detachment received a report of a possible sail plane losing control and crashing. The crash was not observed but the person reporting the incident was concerned with the dive he observed. A quick check with the Soaring Centre and a check-in with all pilots determined that all was safe and no one was reported missing or in any difficulties. Better safe than sorry and we appreciated the call.
The author is a retired constable with many years of trafďŹ c law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit
101A 1028 7 Avenue PO Box 130 Invermere BC t 1IPOF t 'BY
@ orrm t e i d o e invvealleyech
At 9 p.m., the Columbia Valley detachment received reports of damage to the Playland buildings at the Dry Gulch campground area. Windows were smashed and damage was reported inside the building. There was also a report of a lost Blackberry curve phone with blue case near the Blue Dog Cafe in Invermere. Anyone who locates it, please turn it into the detachment. August 19 The detachment works with a number of volunteers and groups in the community. One very important group that partners up with the detachment is our range patrol volunteers, a group of people in the farming community who know the backcountry very well. They are our eyes and ears in places we have difficulty getting to. On this date, they spotted and recovered a homemade utility trailer that was reported stolen on August 10. The trailer was reunited with its owner. A big thanks to our range patrol.
On a Personal Note... Raging Grandma Part II Get assaulted once in the arena, shame on you, but to allow raging grandma to strike again, shame on me. A while back I told you how I got assaulted in the arena by Keira's grandmother. Had to do with the fact I advocate putting stress on kids from ages six and up to prepare them for the big times. Never to young to teach them to drop the gloves. I got whacked in the leg by this peace activist who deplores stress and violence on the ice but resorts to physical violence in the stands. That should jar your memory. I thought that after that writeup I would get a little retaliation back, but for almost a year I heard nothing and figured I was safe. Until I wander over to Tony's Greek Grill recently, order my food then start walking over to my fellow officers seated at a table. I make eye contact with a sweet little lady and she appears to acknowledge me, so being the polite person, I say hello back and as I walk by — whack — I'm hit in the leg and all I hear is, "Remember me?" Obviously not or I would have taken a wide berth to get to my friends. Memory came back fast however. I was impressed that she would wait this long: lull me to sleep, allow me to let my guard down before she would put the hit out and strike again. Very impressed. We briefly discussed our last meeting while I drilled into my memory facial recognition. When I got to my fellow officers at the table they asked what that was all about. I advised them nothing serious, we just have history.
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The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A11
More individuals are turning to renewable solutions Solar, wind energy is spreading through the Columbia Valley NICOLE TRIGG
Editor's note: This is the third and final story in a three-part series examining energy supply systems in the Columbia Valley. A community energy system based on solar or wind may not be in the immediate future for valley residents, but more and more individuals are making the leap to renewable energy technologies for their own personal use. Take Nancy Lorass as an example. Lorass is a dual resident, with a home in Calgary as well as one in Columere Park in Invermere since the 1990s. She is currently collecting quotes from various suppliers to cost out what it would take to go more green. In Calgary, her plan is to supplement her grid power with solar, and for her B.C. home, she is interested in becoming as self-reliant as possible with BC Hydro strictly as a backup power source. "If you think back to something like drinking and driving, it became a problem and then there was all this publicity nationwide, and pretty soon we created a culture of people who are much more aware, young people are approaching it much differently than our parents did, so I have the same philosophy about energy," said Lorass. She's looking at both wind and solar options for her house in Columere Park, which tends to be quite a windy place, and is exploring the possibility of setting up a battery bank so that, in theory, she would only need
to draw on BC Hydro during peak times. "If more people do that, we're going to start to take the strain off the power system," said Lorass. "I think we're at a time in the world where people have to start changing the way they think about it instead of taking it for granted; I think people need to start looking at what can they do." She said she's in a position right now to put the money forward and looks forward to having a little more influence with respect to her own energy generation. "To me, it's a step — if more people did that it would become more common place," she said, "and hopefully encourage other people to do the same and increase the awareness." Bill Swan has been working to increase awareness ever since he started installing solar energy systems over six years ago. As Greenman Sustainable Solutions, he works mostly with solar thermal hot water heating, which can be used for both domestic hot water and space heating, but installs a fair bit of solar photovoltaic as well. His work can be found all over the valley, in schools, homes, and commercial and public buildings. "For commercial outlets it's really very effective because typically restaurants, the commercial sector, is busy during the day when the hot water is being made, so there's a really strong correlation between production and use which is what you're trying to do with renewables," Swan said. For residents, it's still a good option as in the valley about nine months of the year are covered, with 100 per cent of domestic water covered certainly for six months. "To me, the revolution in
home and commercial heating is going to come from making our buildings far more energy efficient in terms of their insulation envelope and the way they interact with the natural environment," he said. "Homes of old… (aren't) going to cut it. We have to radically transform how we are building buildings to make them much more energy efficient and demand less energy to function then you can start to address that heating curve with technologies like renewable energy and solar and so on." The challenge now, he said, is to retrofit existing buildings to make them more enery efficient, and Swan recommends that homeowners check how much heat their house is losing before trying to determine how much energy they need to make. In 2010, Greenman Sustainable Solutions facilitated the installation of a solar hot water heating system at the Kicking Horse Coffee Café in Invermere. Today, Kicking Horse Coffee president Leo Johnson is counting down the days before the ten new wind turbines newly installed on the roof of his factory begin to power operations in the building. The installation of the solar hot water heater for the cafe has already paid for itself, he said, and the turbines will pay for themselves in about five years. "I feel that companies should be responsible for their waste and energy consumption and I do my best to implement initiatives that help us manage our waste and reduce our energy cost," Johnson told The Valley Echo in an email. "It's more than about the money. To me it's about doing our part and showing people and companies that anyone can participate."
Rotary of Radium Hot Springs meets at Radium Resort, Wednesdays at 7 a.m. Ongoing fundraising is going towards the Bicycle Pump Track. Rotary Club of Invermere meets every Thursday at 11:45 a.m. at the Best Western Invermere Inn. The meeting on Aug 30 will be a social golf event at Copper Point Golf course. Pictured is YEO Ken Fisher and outbound exchange student Skyla Sam.
SUBMITTED PHOTO Kicking Horse Coffee president Leo Johnson stands next to one of the ten new wind turbines recently installed on the roof of the factory. He said they will begin producing power over the next couple of weeks.
Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network In partnership with:
the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada
PR owned World-ren ationist nserv co fe li d il w essenger and UN M ce ea P for
Dr. JANE GOODALL ‘Reason for Hope’ Presentation 7:00 p.m. Sunday, September 30 Key City Theatre, Cranbrook $50.00 at Key City Theatre Box Office or by calling 250.426.7006 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION
East Kootenay Group Cranbrook Daily Townsman Creston Valley Advance Fernie Free Press Kimberley Daily Bulletin Kootenay Advertiser Invermere Valley Echo
Proudly Serving Our Communities
Rotary International
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Community Calendar FRI AUG 31 •Bugaboo Blast, LWDRGC, Radium Shooting Range SAT SEPT 1 •Art from the Attic, Invermere Community Hall, 9 - 4. Drop donations at Pynelogs or Invermere Thrift Store. •Fairmont Community Association AGM, Pine Room, Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, membership renewal 9:15 a.m., meeting at 10 a.m. TUES, SEPT 4 •First day of school, Windermere Zone schools WED SEPT 5 •Panorama Foundation AGM, 5 p.m., CV Chamber of Commerce Hall. SEPT 14 & 15 •Columbia Valley Classic Car Show & Shine. Registration on Friday and various events on Saturday. SAT, SEPT 15 •CV Rockies Day, lots of activites, home opener at 7 p.m. against Golden Rockets. •Championship for Killer Rollbots, Marysville Arena, 7:30 p.m. SUN, SEPT 16 •WCA Fall Fair and Scarecrow Festival, Windermere •Parkinson SuperWalk, 1 p.m. Pothole Park EVERY SUNDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5.
•Radium Seniors’ Carpet Bowling, 1:30 p.m., Hall. •Invermere Library open Noon-4p.m. EVERY MONDAY •Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Centre. •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-3411509. •Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/ person. Visitors welcome. •EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674. 1st & 3rd TUESDAY •OPT clinic, 6:308:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit, 850-10th Ave. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing. 1st TUESDAY •Invermere Camera Club 7 p.m. Tanya, tanyadeleeuw65@ EVERY TUESDAY •Yoga THRIVE- Yoga for Cancer Survivors. Hot springs studio, Fairmont Village Mall. For info Jan Klimek 250-3421195. EVERY THURSDAY •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-3411509. •Children's Air Rifle Program, with the LWDRGC, Inv. Com-
Program offers inspiration SHEILA TUTTY munity Hall, 7 - 8:30 p.m., free of charge, ages 6-15. Learn safety, marksmanship, equipment provided. 1st WEDNESDAY •1st Wednesday of every month. Scrabble Night at Invermere Public Library. 6 - 8 p.m. Bring your boards! Call 250-342-6416. EVERY FRIDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit invermere. •Market on Main, Radium, 4 - 9 p.m. •Music on Main, Radium, 7 - 9 p.m. EVERY SATURDAY •Farmer's Market, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., downtown Invermere •Edgewater Legion Open Market, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For tables, Doreen at 250-347-9550. •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Hip Hop Flip Flop class, Scrappy Do's, 5:30 p.m. •Music on Main, Radium, 7 - 9 p.m. EVERY SUNDAY •Edgewater Legion Pancake Breakfast, 9 to 11 a.m. until Labour Day Weekend. 2nd SUNDAY •LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-3429580.
Special to The Valley Echo
Anyone who has been there knows the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with a cancer diagnosis. What happens now?… What should I do?… Who can I talk to?… What are my options? InspireHealth, an integrative cancer care centre based out of Vancouver, has helped over 6,500 British Columbians since it began in 1997. They are a world leader in integrative cancer care programs that optimize recovery and survival by combining healthful nutrition, exercise, methods for stress reduction, and emotional and immune support. And now the people of the Columbia Valley will be able to benefit from it without having to travel to Vancouver. InspireHealth will be bringing two of their doctors to deliver their two-day LIFE program specifically designed for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, along with their caregivers or supporters. If you feel uncertain or overwhelmed by your diagnosis, want guidance as to your options, want to take charge of your life and your health, want cutting-edge research on the latest development in integrative cancer care, and want to stay on the path of healing and recovery, this program is just for you. Topics include nutrition, appropriate exercise, the importance of emotional and spiritual support, stress reduction techniques, shared learning groups and integrating complementary therapies. The two-day workshop is much more than an information session — it includes experimental and social learning exercises, provides hands-on tools, and helps to develop a local community of support. Whether you have just been diagnosed; are undergoing treatment; have just finished treatment; want to prevent
Parkinson SuperWalk Invermere! Sunday, September 16, 2012 Pothole Park Registration: 1 p.m. Walk: 1:30 p.m. For information contact Grace, 250-342-6764
SUBMITTED PHOTO (l-r) Donna Taillon, Donna Slobodzian, Sue Engelbracht and Connie Watson are all cancer survivors who have taken the two day InspireHealth's LIFE program and are working to bring this cancer care program to the valley.
recurrence; or are a family member, friend or health care provider and want to participate; it is open to all. I know of a number of people in the Columbia Valley who have travelled to Vancouver to take part in this two-day program, myself and my daughter included. To say it was life changing is an understatement. Sue Engelbracht of Invermere attended the two-day workshop last year and says, “Taking the Inspire LIFE Program was the icing on the cake for me. I had incorporated several lifestyles and dietary changes that I felt supported my cancer treatment program, but it was Inspire LIFE that brought my beliefs and practices into a clear focus. Today I maintain an optimism that I am on the best path to healing and recovery, thanks to the Inspire LIFE philosophy of integrated cancer care. “It was two days of learning that has impacted my life forever.” Donna Slobodzian of Fairmont was so inspired by InspireHealth that she not only continues to go there as a patient, but also volunteers at the centre. She says, “The B.C. Cancer Agency counsellor suggested I contact InspireHealth upon my cancer diagnosis in 2009. It was very important to me
that I received traditional medical care along with holistic and integrative care for my well-being. The doctors and support staff at InspireHealth gave me much needed hope and support. They taught me to become proactive and provided me with the necessary tools to implement each waking day. I wish I had this knowledge when I was much younger as the techniques have made a very positive change in my life along with my family’s lives.” For Connie Watson, InspireHealth was a lifeline. "I am thankful for the knowledge and support I received from the InspireHealth staff and believe it allowed me to travel this cancer road with faith that I would become healthier and committed to helping others learn about this wonderful program." The two-day LIFE program will be held at Copper Point Resort in Invermere on Thursday, October 4 and Friday, October 5. The early registration cost is $150 if you register before September 15, and $250 after that date. Supporters and health care providers attend for $95. For more information call Connie Watson at 250-3426688 or Sue Engelbracht at 250-342-6846. To register, call InspireHealth at 1-888-734-7125.
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurological disorder that affects 11,000 individuals in B.C. and more than 100,000 in Canada. There is hope in our walk. There is a cure in our future.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A13
Who and what is living in Lake Windermere? DANNY OSBORNE, KIRSTEN HARMA Lake Windermere Ambassadors
Largemouth bass (micropterus salmoides) are a sport fish occurring in relatively high numbers in Lake Windermere. Bass fishing in the United States and Canada is very popular, ranging from casual recreational angling to professional tournament angling. Yet bass are not native to this region. This means they didn’t evolve in our lake, but rather were introduced into Lake Windermere by humans at some time in history. Introductions of non-native fish have typically been found to be detrimental to indigenous fish populations. What do they look like? Largemouth bass are green to olive green on top, and white or yellow on their bellies. Vertical stripes composed of dark blotches cross their bodies. To distinguish between a smallmouth and a largemouth bass, look at their closed mouth. A largemouth bass’s mouth extends out further than its eyes, while a small mouth bass’s mouth does not. A largemouth bass has been recorded to reach up to 95 centimetres in length though it’s an average of 40 cm long. The average weight of a bass varies with location. A world-record size bass was caught in Japan in 2009 weighing in at 10.12 kilograms. In Lake Windermere, it
is not uncommon to catch largemouth bass 1.5 kilograms and upward. What do they eat? Baby bass (fry) feed on aquatic insects and plankton. Adults prey on small fish and crayfish – and even eat others of their own species! In Lake Windermere, they likely consume redside shiners (a small fish) since they are an abundant prey. Where/when do they reproduce? Bass spawn in the spring when water temperature approaches 15 degrees Celsius. To spawn, the fish need direct access to the sun’s rays, but lakes — particularly larger ones — don’t warm up uniformly. Therefore, not all the bass in a lake will spawn at the same time. Bass need shallow areas away from rough water to spawn. They prefer to spawn on smaller gravel beds next to solid objects such as wood, boulders and weeds. Where do they live? Lake Windermere’s warm waters, soft substrates and well-vegetated shoreline provide largemouth bass good places to live. They like to inhabit shady, well-vegetated, shallow, clean, and clear water. They even like to spend time near human-made structures like docks — so keep and eye out when peering over your dock! Are they good neighbours? These non-native fish are very inva-
sive and can have devastating effects on our freshwater environment, threatening British Columbia’s world-class native fisheries. Their invasive spread into new water bodies is considered a threat to freshwater biodiversity and to the species currently supporting commercial, recreational, and native food fisheries. Unfortunately, there is essentially no way of eliminating these fish from a system once they have been introduced. You might find it interesting that our lake and wetlands contain a wide variety of sports fish and other fish species — all competing for habitat and food. Along with bass, you can expect to find mountain whitefish, burbot, northern pikeminnow, longnose suckers and many others. How can I catch them? Because of their preference for vegetated hiding places, catching them can be tricky, requiring special lures that are less likely to get tangled in aquatic plants. You will need a licence in order to fish for bass. The licence can be obtained online or at the Service BC offices in Invermere. Although they are considered invasive and non-native, there is a daily catch quota for bass in place at the present time. Fishing for bass is encouraged in order to control their population and allow other native species to flourish.
Largemouth Bass
Last one this Friday!
on Main
Fridays June 29 through September 1 • 4:00 – 9:00 p.m. Radium Information Centre NEW LOCATION 7556 Main St East Radium Hot Springs
Lake Windermere Pulse Check #9*
The Lake Windermere Ambassadors took the winner of the "Fish of Lake Windermere" trivia contest, Jim Jenkinson, along with his wife Nancy and daughter Jaime, for an interpretive lake tour on August 21. With what turned out to be a beautiful evening to accompany our scientific and social musings, the night was a success and one to remember. After learning lake trivia, Nancy commented: “I was surprised at how long it takes the water to travel through the lake and also at the depth of the lake. I had no idea.� Trivia master Jim commented that he was “surprised that in the 14 years we’ve been here there’s been so much development and so many more buoys around the lake.� Jim also commented “I’m grateful that you guys [Lake Windermere Ambassadors] are monitoring water quality because we will then learn the impact of the development.�
Volunteers of the Week: (l-r) Raegan Mallinson, Jaime Jenkinson
$PNF PVU BOE TVQQPSU UIF 1BOPSBNB 'PVOEBUJPO Giving from Peak to Valley Everyone Welcome!
*To volunteer, call (250) 341-6898 or email
1610 10A Ave, Invermere $329,000 Compare this property’s exceptional value and you will know it is priced to sell today! 4 bdrm/3bth family home in Wilder Subdivision, close to beach, downtown & schools. Upgrades throughout, good sized kitchen with new wrap around deck, family room with wood burning fireplace and potential for in-law suite. Large lot with fenced back yard & 1 car garage. MLSŽK210736
OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, SEPT 2nd 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Cell: 250-342-5115
ROSS NEWHOUSE Cell: 250-342-5247
455 B 4th Ave, Athalmer $219,000
Affordable, spacious & low maintenance 3bdrm/2bth duplex within walking distance to the beach. Perfect for EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY full time or recreational ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST owner! MLSÂŽK212786
Cell: 250-341-5747
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
The Valley Echo has put together a 12 month community calendar for the Columbia Valley. Each month, we'll print the following month's page. To add your community event to the page, email the date, time and location to by the third Sunday in each month. For additional information about the calendar and participating in the 2013 edition, please call 250-342-9216.
Photo by Jeanette Hendricks
Fall and winter are coming... ďŹ ll your tank with
Superior Propane today!
September 2012 Monday
Wednesday Thursday
Saturday Art From the Attic Treasures & Bargains Recycled Art Sale, 9-4, Inv. Comm. Hall Fairmont Comm. As’n AGM, Pine Rm, Fairmont, 9:15 a.m.
Cliffhanger Shoot-Out, Greywolf Golf Course Family Drive-In Movie, “Brave�, Radium Golf Course Rd, gates at 6, movie at 8
Labour Day
Parkinson’s Superwalk, Pothole Park
Bingo, Canal Flats Civic Centre, 7 p.m.
WCA Fall Fair & Scarecrow Festival, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. LWDRGC Fall 23Solstice Mini
Sporting Clays
Day at Inv. 12 11 Seniors’ Library, 1 - 2:15 p.m.
Shuswap Bingo, open at 5:30, early bird at 7. Big white tent on Capilo Way.
Shuswap Bingo, open at 5:30, early bird at 7. Big white tent on Capilo Way.
Bus provided
Scrabble Night at Inv. Library, 6 - 8 p.m.
Seniors’ Day at Inv. Library, 1 - 2:15 p.m. Bus provided
Shuswap Bingo, open at 5:30, early bird at 7. Big white tent on Capilo Way. Family Resource Centre AGM, Veterans Hall, Inv. Legion
Pre-School Storytime, Inv. Public Library, 10:30 a.m Rockin’ on Main, Radium 4-9 p.m. Show n’ Shine Reg, Radium Seniors’ Hall, 7 -9 p.m. Pre-School Storytime, Inv. Public Library, 10:30 a.m
Rockin’ on Main, 3-9 p.m.
CV Classic Car Show & Shine, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Springs Golf Course 50’s Dance, Inv. Curling Club, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m.
wine tasting, 22 21 CasaVino 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Pre-School Storytime, Inv. Public Library, 10:30 a.m
CasaVino wine tasting, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
530 13 Street, Box 70, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 r JOWFSNFSFWBMMFZFDIP DPN 250-342-2175
CasaVino wine tasting, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Part of your community
Certified Financial Planner
Pre-School Storytime, Inv. Public Library, 10:30 a.m
Panorama Foundation AGM, CV Chamber of Commerce, 5 p.m.
Shuswap Bingo, open at 5:30, early bird at 7. Big white tent on Capilo Way.
Walter J. Pearce
Scrabble Night at Inv. Library, 6 - 8 p.m.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A15
Arts & Entertainment Art From the Attic fundraising sale is back Something for everyone at annual event NICOLE TRIGG The Valley Echo
If the art on your walls no longer holds any appeal or has already found a permanent storage space in your basement or garage, your opportunity to oust the old and bring in the new is just around the corner. The annual art lovers bonanza, Art From the Attic, is set to take place on Saturday (September 1) at the community centre in Invermere where hundreds of paintings, prints, photographs and more will be on sale — all of it donated for two great local causes. The event is a collaborative effort be-
ECHO FILE PHOTO Art lovers peruse the inventory of last year's Art From the Attic art sale at the Invermere Community Hall.
tween the Columbia Valley Arts Council (CVAC) and the Invermere Health Care Auxiliary to raise funds for two of the community’s most valued establish-
ments — the Pynelogs Cultural Centre and the Invermere & District Hospital. Keeping in mind that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure, there
is bound to be something on sale that appeals to every type of style and taste, from thrift shop and vintage paintings to original and classic creations. Whether
it’s paint-by-number sets, movie posters, signed prints or needlework, you stand an excellent chance of finding your own personal treasure among the abundant selection. Donations are still being accepted, and for anyone keen to divest themselves of art that no longer holds any inspiration for them personally, the drop off locations are either the Invermere Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shop at 1313 7th Avenue or the Pynelogs Art Gallery next to Kinsmen Beach. “Last year we drew 1,200 customers and raised more than $15,000,� said Art From the Attic event manager Elinor Florence. “Buyers were thrilled to purchase art at affordable prices, and to search for that elusive masterpiece.�
Free pickup in Calgary is also being offered so any friends or relatives there who want to contribute art to a worthy cause are invited to do so. The event will start on Saturday at 9 a.m. and run through to 4
p.m. at the Invermere Community Hall located at 709 10th Street. For more information or for free pickup, please call Florence at 250-342-1621 or email, or visit Art From the Attic on Facebook.
Music on Main Friday, August 31 Entertainment: The Dos Equis Evening Sponsor: Elk Park Ranch
Saturday, September 1 Entertainment: the Halfsacks Evening Sponsor: Scott Sauermann – Royal LePage Rockies West
Radium Visitor Centre 7556 Main St. East Radium Hot Springs Friday & Saturday 7 – 9 p.m.
Go retro with Radium Hot Springs Drive-In movie night Who’s watching your property?
Event returns with animated blockbuster for entire family
The Village of Radium Hot Springs Drive-In movie night makes its return for the third year, and features the animated blockbuster Brave as the main event of the evening. “It’s meant to be a family activity where you can bring your kids and dress up in your pajamas if you want,� said Heather Perkull of the Radium Events Committee. CONTINUES TO 'SPACE' ON PAGE A16
Sales and Delivery Top Soil Sand & Gravel Products Screened Black Alberta Loam Composted Bark Mulch Landscape Bark Nuggets
t t
Licensed Property #111, 880 Lakeview Dr, Windermere Management Services For Owners: 20 years’ experience, focused on ďŹ nding the right tenants for your home or cottage. For Tenants: see our selection of condos, cottages and homes available for long-term tenancy. Eric Redeker 250-342-5914
Dave McGrath Cathy McGrath 250-341-1967 250-342-1642
959 Westridge Drive, Invermere
Luxurious ground oor, 2bedr/2bath at Copperside! - Enjoy the good life.
Premier family neighborhood. Many upgrades, lots of storage, parking, and living space for your family.
MLS#K215059 MLS#K214988
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Pynelogs' plethora of artistic talent continues JOSHUA ESTABROOKS Columbia Valley Arts Council
As we all scramble to make the most of the best part of summer, make sure you remember that our art shows are going strong down here at Pynelogs Cultural Centre. Our sixth juried artist showcase is up now, and includes five incredible talents from up and down
this wonderful valley. Nelson’s Bryn Stevenson was born into a family of working artists, and has been practicing his own brand of oil painting for many years. He draws his inspiration from his backcountry explorations, classifying his works as an impressionistic form
or realism. Panorama ski instructor by day and prolific acrylic painter by days off, Jon Howlett has done well in establishing his style as one of the more unique and stylistic artists in the valley today. Howlett’s unmistakable works express his passion for the natural world around him in a way that is truly his own. Vittorio, or Vic, Pa-
nei lives and works in Fairmont Hot Springs. He purchased his very first camera in 1967, and hasn’t looked back. Never leaving home without his camera, Vic’s photographs capture some of the most breathtaking scenery and backcountry moments you will ever see. A compulsive artist, Calgary’s Colin Bell paints in a variety of mediums including
oils, acrylics and watercolours. He was born and educated in Argentina as an architect, but retired in 1994. Since then he has been capturing inspiring landscapes as much as possible, often times painting on location, or “En plein air.” Known for her vivid use of colour, watercolour artist Lori Lees-Stout will be showing a collection
SUBMITTED IMAGE Family Picnic by Lori Lees Stout, on display at Pynelogs.
of her most recent works. She describes her style as taking what she sees in front of her and changing the colour and intensity to what she feels it should be. Her unique varnishing process allows her watercolours to be framed with or without glass. The show began at Pynelogs on Tuesday (August 28) and will be
on display until Sunday, September 9. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. The Artist Opening Event is tonight (August 29) from 7 to 9 p.m. These events have become wildly popular and are a unique chance to meet with the artists themselves and have a beverage while you peruse the freshly hung works of art.
Space is limited CONTINUED FROM PAGE A15
Taking place on Sunday (September 2), the night will feature a massive 10-storey inflatable screen at the junction of Highway 93/95 and Radium Golf Course Road. Perkull said there is space for about 120 cars, and while admission is $25 per car, moviegoers are more than welcome to fill up each vehicle with as many people as they’d like. There will be vendors on hand offering traditional movie munchies — including popcorn — and the gates open at 6 p.m. with the movie starting at dusk, at around 8 p.m.
VENDORS WANTED Windermere Fall Fair & Scarecrow Festival
9 am to 4 pm, Saturday, Sept. 1 Invermere Community Hall, 709 -10th St, Invermere Drop donations now at Pynelogs Art Gallery or the Invermere Thrift Store. For free pickup: 250-342-1621 or email
Visit Art From the Attic on Facebook for more info.
Sunday, September 16 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Windermere Community Hall • Get your Space now! $25 per space. • Homemade/handcrafted, arts, educational, holistic, take-home foods, non-profit, and community organizations Call or email Gracie at 250-342-0589 or for a registration form, donations or questions.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A17
Sports Fancy footwork
Ace shot underage Hole-in-one wins tournament but not grand prize STEVE JESSEL
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/ THE ECHO Ella Haynes looks to take possession of the ball during the Soccer Quest Soccer camp, which took place in Invermere from August 13 to 17. The camp followed a Vancouver Whitecaps FC approved curriculum as part of their partnership with Soccer Quest.
Rockies players need homes Billet families benefit by helping out local hockey team STEVE JESSEL
The Columbia Valley Rockies will soon be gearing up to hit the ice, and Rockies billet co-ordinator Angie Mackenzie is looking for families to help house players for the upcoming season. “The neat thing for us was being able to go watch their games, and be a part of their hockey life,” Mackenzie said. “We’re not hockey parents at all... so we’d watch hockey on TV, but we weren’t big into the scene like a lot of the other hockey parents around here,
but now we are, and we love it.” year, said she had an amazing Mackenzie is looking for experience and, as a whole, last roughly 12 more homes to help year went quite well for all the billet players once training families involved. camp starts on Monday (Sep“We had a great experience, tember 3), and she already has the neat thing was that even about nine homes to help house the families and parents (of the the 23 odd players the Rock- players), we bonded with them ies will field as well,” she this upcom- “It was a very positive said. “It was ing season. a very posiexperience... our [billets] said Families can tive experitake mul- it felt like home.” ence... our tiple players [billets] said ANGIE MACKENZIE if they wish, it felt like ROCKIES BILLET CO-ORDINATOR and are given home.” $550 per month per player to While players are staying in a help cover food and other asso- billet family’s home, they have ciated costs. stringent team rules they must The commitment lasts until follow, and Mackenzie said the end of the season in Febru- it was important for them to ary, or slightly longer should the have rules around the house team make the playoffs. Mack- as well, like cleaning up after enzie, who started billeting last themselves and behaving in a
Piper is 1 yr old pitbull/ boxer x. She is spayed, and vaccinated. Piper loves to play but also settles down when asked. Piper loves to sleep in her crate and when the door is open, she will also go in to chew her bully sticks. Piper is a sweetheart and will melt your heart when you meet her!
Sonnet is a 1 yr old Border Collie/Shepard x. Sonnet is from a recent spay and neuter clinic we attended and was living at the dump. It was decided that she was much too nice of a girl to return there and she would flourish in a home setting. Which she has!
respectful manner. Team rules from the past have included a 9 p.m. curfew that Mackenzie said she’s not sure will return, but regardless, the players conducting themselves in a respectful manner in and around the community is a must, as they represent both themselves and the hockey team to the general public. There are also opportunities to move players around in case of conflicting personalities, but Mackenzie said it doesn’t happen very often. “Families know that they can always come to me with any little issue, whether they think it’s big or not,” she said. “It’s important that the families are happy, as well as the players too.” To learn more about becoming a billet family, contact Mackenzie by emailing Pet overpopulation, surrender to shelters and animal euthanization are preventable problems with a rational solution: SPAY & NEUTER! Find us on Facebook, and see who else we have up for adoption!
A brief moment of exhilaration turned into disappointment when James Eastham of the United Kingdom scored a hole-in-one at the recent Lions’ Club Tournament at Copper Point Golf Club on July 17, only to learn that since he was only 18, he wasn’t eligible for the grand prize of $5,000. “It was great for a moment with all the celebration, but once we found out he was 18 I felt horrible,” said Jason Peters of the Investor’s Group, who put up the prize money. In the end, everything worked out for all the parties involved, as the Investor’s Group and Copper Point both gave Eastham a variety of consolation prizes and, on Eastham’s request, the Investor’s Group also made a donation to the Lake Windermere and District Lions’ Club in the amount of $250. “At least some good came out of it and we were able to get some extra cash to the Lions’ Club,” Peters said. “It would’ve been nice to give him a cheque for $5,000, but he’s coming back next year and hopefully he can repeat.” The Investor’s Group regularly sponsors holes at many local tournaments, including the Verge for Youth tournament and the recent Kelly Hrudey and Friends Golf Charity Classic. “It’s just a great way to get out and meet some people and add some excitement to some local tournaments,” Peters said.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Golf Hole-in-one payback
ANN WAY Windermere Valley Ladies' Golf Club
On August 21 and 22, the golf club held its club championship in hot and sunny weather.The club champion was Susan Nikirk and the winner of the overall Low Net was Pauline Haltman. Other winners were, in first flight, Coreen Ruault in Low Gross, and Low Net was Pat Andruschuk; in second flight, Low Gross was Barb Journault and Low Net was Ruth Gordon; and in third flight, Low Gross was Deb Plato and Low Net was Oris Hanson. For the skills prizes, the closest to the line (all golfers) was won by Sandra Howard. In closest to the pin: Flight #1, the winner was Coreen Ruault, Flight #2 was Nora Efford and Flight #3 was Pauline Haultman. For longest drive: Flight #1, the winner was Sandra Howard, Flight #2 was Nora Efford and Flight #3 was Oris Hanson. On August 21, the deuce winner was Pauline Haltman and, on August 22, Mary Jean Anakin had two deuces. Congratulations to all the winners. All the golfers enjoyed the friendship and the game of golf, and that is what it is all about.
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO Jason Peters with the Investors Group presents a cheque for $250 to Lake WIndermere and DIstrict Lions' Club past president Al Larratt on August 24 as part of James Easthams' hole in one prize. For the full story, turn to page A17.
BARRY JONAS Fairmont Mountainside Men's Club
All You Can Play - EVERYDAY!
Now you can play as many holes as you like EACH DAY for one low green fee price. Incredible value! Go online or phone for details of this amazing offer.
250 ¡ 344 ¡ 2700
Before a quick summary of our recent competition highlights, I would like to extend on behalf of our membership a sincere thank you to the Riverside golf organization. Following the unfortunate mudslide, which in part shut down the Mountainside Golf Course, our club’s golf activities were quickly accommodated by Riverside. A great deal of gratitude must be offered to the administration and
The Springs at Radium Sun-Thurs Fri & Sat
the Valley Echo
tees, the team of Cal MacPherson, Tom Gerald, Jim Villeneuve and Barry Sangster won the day in another low net competition. Barry also got the lone deuce. On a very hot and sunny July 18, the foursome of Cal (now a familiar sharpshooter), Jim Gibb, Fred Maye and rising star Paul Neilson won the team competition. There was no halting Bill Bergman during our July 25th monthly cup tournament. Bill came in with a lovely 64 net score. Congrats to John Aitken, Dale MacDonald and Sam Shachnowich who were runners-up.
Sizzling Summer Specials
after 2 p.m. 18 holes: $45
staff at all levels for their generous response. Congratulations to new member Jim Gibb who won our Archie Guthrie Senior Championship held on August 8 and 9. Earlier in July during our interclub competition, the team of Jim Bussard, Steve Scheult, Paul Neilson and yours truly won the four men, two best net feature. Ed English and Ken Monroe rolled in deuces while Jim captured two KPs with Ed and Gary Thompson winning one apiece. On July 11, playing from the blue
after 2 p.m. 18 holes: $65
Radium Resort Course Sun-Thurs Fri & Sat after 2 p.m. 18 holes: $32
after 2 p.m. 18 holes: $39
Tee Times: 250-342-3004
Prices exclude taxes.
Book tee times online at or call The Springs 250-347-6200 The Resort Course 250-347-6266 LN FBTU PG )XZ PO UIF 8JOEFSNFSF -PPQ 3PBE
Res.: 1-250-342-0562 Toll Free: 1-877-877-3889
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A19
$100,000 up for grabs Coveted prize has not been won since Cliffhanger shootout competition began STEVE JESSEL
PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO The Kelly Hrudey and Friends Golf Charity Classic has raised $80,000 in its inaugural year, and tournament co-chair Joanne Gray would like to send out a special thank you to a few friends of the tournament in RIck Braund and family, W. Brett Wilson, Allan Markin, John and Ann Dielwart, and Cheree and Slade Stephenson.
Heartbeats will be racing and palms will be sweaty next month when over a hundred golfers take their shot at the Greywolf Golf Course $100,000 Cliffhanger Shootout. “I like hanging out on hole six and watching the excitement,” said Greywolf marketing consultant Scott Morgan. “People of course get pretty nervous before their shot... I like the adrenaline of shooting for $100,000, it’s pretty neat.” To enter, golfers simply have to book a tee time for the day, and when they get to hole number six they’ll have an opportunity to win $100,000, provided of course they can make a hole-in-one. The event is now entering its 11th year, and while no one has won yet, Morgan said he’s seen a number of close calls. “It’s a pretty exciting thing if it’s getting close to the hole,” Morgan said. “We’d love someone to win, but it hasn’t happened yet.” The event is a partnership between Greywolf Golf Course and the Panorama Foundation, and all proceeds will be donated to Access in the Community for Equality (ACE). ACE is a local organization that strives to create a universally accessible and barrier-free community, and funds from this event will be used to
purchase a Mobi-Chair, which is a amphibious beach wheelchair that will allow wheelchair users to be able to traverse the beach and even the water. Entry for the event is $25 plus greens fees, and the Panorama Foundation will match every entry with $25 of their own. “We haven’t had anyone win the big prize in the 10 previous years we’ve hosted this event, so we figure we’re due to have someone win the hundred grand” said Steve Sims, Greywolf’s Head Professional in a media release. “We’re looking forward to another fun day for everyone and we’re excited to help out such a great cause.” There will also be food stations and other prizes scattered throughout the golf course, and you can book a tee time for the event right up until the day by calling 1-888-473-9965. Past organizations to benefit from the event include the Panorama Fire Department, the Columbia Valley Arts Centre and Cops for Kids.
Bike race attracts over 60 riders NIPIKA MOUNTAIN RESORT Special to The Valley Echo
Under beautiful sunny skies and hot temperatures, the 3rd Annual Kootenay Krusher 50 Kilometre Endurance Mountain Bike Race was held at Nipika Mountain Resort and the Cross River Canyon Mountain Bike Trails on Saturday, August 18. Over 60 bikers from western Canada challenged the spectacular single track mountain bike course in the 50 km and 25 km distances. The fastest time of the day was recorded by Stefan Widmer of Vancouver, covering the course in 2:50:57.7, a new course record. Widmer defended his title as King of the Kootenay Krusher for the third year in a row. He is just coming off of a prestigious win in the
gruelling Transrockies seven-day stage race last week. Second place in the 50 km was Travis Hauck from Nelson in a time of 2:59:44.2. Third place went to Canadian 24-hour endurance champion Leighton Poidivan of Canmore, Alberta who completed the scenic and challenging course in 3:00:21.2. The ladies’ champion for her second year in a row was Calgary’s Trish Grajczyk, covering the course in 3:38:00.3. A number of Columbia Valley local riders fared very well in Saturday’s event. Doug Burland was the winner of the 50-year-old category in a time of 3:58:37.0. Mark Dyck was en route to a great result until a broken chain derailed his efforts just a few kilometres from the finish line. In the 25-km race, well-known local rider Kim Kitching was the class
of the ladies, winning that event in 1:54:34.9. The mens’ race in the 50 plus category was hotly contested amongst the local riders — fighting hard for bragging rights were winner Dave Lammerse [1:57:57.0] beating out Fairmont Hot Springs Ian Robbins [2:01:43.7] and Tony Helmer [2:02:40.7] and Richard Unger, finishing in 2:25:24.0. In the kids’ categories, the Andruschuk boys Jack and Tobias participated and all the kids had a great time in their first mountain bike race. The Kootenay Krusher Endurance Mountain Bike Race was organized by Nipika Mountain Resort with the Columbia Valley Bike Society. A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who came out to help make the event a great success, and to the local businesses who sponsor this race.
PODIATRY CLINIC with Dr. Joanne Lih Friday, September 7, 2012 at the Invermere Medical Clinic 937 7 Avenue Invermere
Effective Solutions For: Heel pain, arch pain, heel spurs, bunions, corns, calluses, and toenails Including Orthotics and Preventative routine care
For appointments, please call
T he
Thanks to Don Steinwand for helping show new archers the lay of the land during the Rod and Gun Club Family Fun Day August 26. If you have a volunteer you'd like to celebrate, let us know at
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Springing from gymnastics to multi-sportsplex Operator of Glacier Peaks Gymnastics Centre wants to see facility evolve and embrace entire community NICOLE TRIGG
One woman’s dream to open a gymnastics club has morphed into a community’s vision for a multi-purpose sportsplex that could very well end up servicing the entire Columbia Valley. Offering new gymnastics programs as of September 24, the Glacier Peaks Gymnastic Centre is the brainchild of TC Rogers and her husband Eric, who have just moved to the valley now that their dream to open their own gymnastics club has finally been realized. “Our initiative immediately is just to get the gym club in there first and get action happening and then to develop a model,” TC said. “There’s a group of people that are pulling together to help put the initiative forward and get the multi-sport complex moving.” A level three certified women’s gymnastics coach, a level two trampoline and tumbling coach, and a level two men’s gymnastic coach, TC has been coaching gymnastics for 23 years. She competed up to regional championships as an artistic gymnast in the United States before turning to coaching. She moved to Canada in 1993 and continued her coaching in Calgary, as well as developing creative training programs for kids. What drew her to the Columbia Valley was the advertisement put out by the Columbia Valley gymnastics club in Radium Hot Springs for a new coach. When TC inquired, she discovered the volunteer-run club was proving to be too much of a commitment for the parents involved, and offered to buy the club’s equipment and start a new gym in a bigger space. The location she managed to secure is the Paul Sam multi-purpose complex just off Highway 93/95 north of Invermere's Crossroads — about 20,000 square feet — and soon thereafter she was introduced to a group of parents who were beginning talks about forming a non-profit board in order to move the idea of a multi-purpose sportplex forward. Already committed to opening a gym in the new facility, TC and her
PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO The Paul Sam multi-purpose complex just off Highway 93/95 north of Invermere's crossroads is the location of the new Glacier Peaks Gymnastic Centre that will see classes for all ages and skill levels begin on September 24. The Shuswap Band will also have access to the complex for cultural events.
husband decided it would be ideal to using the facility to practice earlier this open the building up to other sports and year, has indicated they would remain offered to co-ordinate the multi-sport and were supportive of the initiative. project with the reasoning they had al- Current coaches and parents running ready taken over the facility and would other sport organizations are encourbe there all the time regardless. aged to contact TC to figure out how to “The only things we really want to wor- get involved. ry about is get the building covered for The gymnastic centre is registrationrent and let’s get the utilities covered, ready and has launched a new website and above and beyond that my husband with program details, coaches’ bios, regand I are not looking istration and contact to make money off information, and the of running the multi “The whole goal is to make it Fall 2012 brochure. sport complex idea; a community-based program, Programs for all levthat’s not our goal,” so there's a hub for all these els will be offered to TC told The Valley all ages from walking Echo enthusiastically. kids.” to senior, and will run “Our goal is to be able seven days a week. TC ROGERS GLACIER PEAKS GYMNASTIC CENTRE to provide a facility “There will be all for the Columbia Valkinds of mats, vaults, ley to be able to have a comprehensive bars, uneven bars, balance beam and recreation facility so that it’s all in one floor exercises and then we also have a shot, kind of a one-stop shop instead of brand new state of the art competitive having everyone spread out all over the trampoline that’s going to be coming,” place, and that way there’s kind of a cen- said TC. “It’s huge, it’s massive, comtral hub.” plete with end decks (for spotting).” The Glacier Peaks Gymnastic Centre Glacier Peaks will feature all the equipwill require about 7,800 square feet, ment from the Radium club that’s shutshe said, adding that Invermere’s Killer ting down now that another program is Rollbots roller derby team, which began in place, in addition to a 40 by 40 foot
dance floor. While perhaps not in time for when classes start up, the centre will also be getting a 40 by 40 foot Olympicsized gymnastics floor as well. “The thing is, if we’re going to do it, we have to do it well,” TC said. “We have to come out with a big bang, and we have to make it so that everybody wants to be a part of this.” Coming up, TC plans to hold a grand opening when members of the public can drop by for a few hours to check out the gym. She said her long-term vision includes the whole gamut, from outdoor soccer pitches to football fields around the building. “The whole goal is to make it a community based program, so there’s hub for all these kids,” she said, citing recent statistics whereby children are becoming increasingly more obese and not as active. “If we can work it so we’re puttying some good back into the community, I think that’s going to be our next step.” To contact TC, email or call 250-2700273. Visit Glacier Peak Gymnastics Centre online at www.glacierpeaks
MLA Meeting Day Thursday, September 6 Please call 1 866 870 4188 to book an appointment
Norm Macdonald MLA
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The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012
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Career Opportunities
Al-Anon - Are you concerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open.
Have your say. Get Paid. Voice your opinion on issues that matter and receive cash incentives for doing so.
Also, participate to win one of 10 prizes totalling $1000!
Gentleman, 59, would like to meet nice happy lady for long walks, bike rides, sit by a campďŹ re & have a glass of wine. Reply to Box 235, c/o Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd St N., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 GET PAID To lose weight. $5,000 For Your Success Story. Personal Image TV Show. Call to qualify: 1-888-7717607. MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699 MEET SINGLES right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now 1-888-744-3699
Sports & Recreation Lady curlers - if you’re over the age of 50 and interested in joining a competitive ladies team in the East Kootenay, please call 250-688-8835.
Travel CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.
Travel VISITING ARIZONA for the Winter? Meridian RV Resort. Good Sam-Trailer Life Top 100 RV Resorts in America. Check us out at: or call 1-866-770-0080.
HSSE Supervisor Competition #BU12-0012 We have an immediate opening for a Health, Safety, Security & Environment Supervisor in BC. The successful candidate can be located in either lower mainland or Okanagan area. Responsibilites: Health, Safety, Security and Environment support to the Ready Mix, Aggregate, and Landscape divisions in Metro Vancouver, Okanagan Valley, the Shuswapp and Central BC, not limited to these locations. Duties: promote job safety and environment awareness; implement acceptable working methods and practices; compliant with Safety responsibilities; and champion on deďŹ ned HSSE topics. You will have 5 years of HSSE experience and have excellent verbal and written skills. Must be able to deal with sensitive issues and conďŹ dential information. QualiďŹ cations should include: Construction Safety OfďŹ cer and a combination of education and experience. Extensive travel will be required. Submit your resume by quoting competition number by August 31, 2012 to: BURNCO Rock Products Ltd Fax: (403) 440-3454 Attention: Human Resources OR E-mail: Visit We thank all applicants for their in- terest. Only those chosen for an in- terview will be contacted.
Childcare Windermere Valley Child Care Society Career Opportunity Infant - Toddler Educator Invermere, B.C.
Automotive 1999 Toyota 4 runner SR5, one owner, great condition, $5500 Call 250-342-5309
Business Opportunities Be your own boss/build a business at home/ computer required/ex hrs/free training
-Full Time, permanent position -Start Date: as soon as possible -Pension plan and beneďŹ ts -Starting wage is $18.25/hour -Infant Toddler Program -Come join our positive team oriented group Call Arlee or Silvia at 250-342-3168 or fax resume to 250-342-3359 or email to
Drivers/Courier/ Trucking VJ Bishop Excavating needs truck drivers. Must be experienced. Prefer Class 1. Fax resume to 250-341-6006.
Education/Trade Schools 21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes: • • •
ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) CertiďŹ cates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • TrafďŹ c Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING CertiďŹ cate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Extensive study of beekeeping, Queen rearing and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable on-campus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. 1-780-835-6630; LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enroll today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535. TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. BANNISTER HONDA Maintenance Technician Looking for a motivated, reliable, quality person to perform maintenance on Honda and other manufacture vehicles. Please apply with drivers license and drivers abstract. Attn: Grant Kitzman, 6425-Hwy 97N, Vernon, B.C. 250-545-0531 Black Forest Restaurant is hiring Cook. $12 - $14 per hour 40 hours per week. Email resume to: careers@ or drop off resume between Noon-5:00pm. Black Forest Restaurant is looking for part time kitchen help. Call 250-342-9417 or drop off resume. DOMINOS PIZZA is now hiring delivery drivers and in-store personnel. Earn $12$15/hr. Paid cash daily. Please apply to 1000B, Cranbrook St. N. EXPERIENCED servers and cooks required at The Farside Pub in Fairmont. Resumes to steve.kuf INVERMERE PETRO CANADA is currently accepting applications for full time and part time employment. Apply in person to 185 Laurier Street, Invermere, BC between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
LOCAL COMPANY seeking skilled trades people in the Cranbrook area for the following full-time positions: -Commercial/Transport Mechanic -Welder/Fabricator -Millwright Competitive salary and beneďŹ t package, weekday shifts. Submit resume with references to: Box ‘E’, Cranbrook Daily Townsman, 822 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC. V1C 7C3 SUTCO Contracting Ltd. has increased our eet. We have openings for experienced drivers in our atbed division. Late model equipment, steady work, extended beneďŹ ts, satellite dispatch, e-logs and fully assigned tractors. We need drivers experienced with at-bed work, US capable an asset, some Canada Only runs available. Please fax resume and current abstract 1250-357-2009. Contact 1-888-3572612 Ext 230 or check us out
VJ Bishop Excavating is needing a heavy duty mechanic F/T or P/T. Automotive experience is an asset but not necessary. Fax
resume to 250-341-6006 WE require a semi retired couple for the position of a live on site manager for a mini storage. Require knowledge of Simply Accounting program and capable of some minor repairs and maintenance. Lovely 1200 sq ft apartment is supplied as part of the package. Interested parties please contract Bob or Darlene @250426-7366
Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services
Call Old Salzburg at 347-6553
PRESTIGE Hotels & Resorts require full-time Room Attendants to clean and prepare rooms for hotel guests at: • Prestige Harbourfront Resort, 251 Harbourfront Dr., Salmon Arm • Prestige Inn Radium, 7493 Main St., Radium • Prestige Rocky Mtn Resort, 209 Van Horne St., Cranbrook • Best Western Cranbrook Hotel, 1019 Cranbrook St. North, Cranbrook • Prestige Lakeside Resort, 701 Lakeside Dr., Nelson • Prestige Mountain Resort, 1919 Columbia Ave., Rossland. No experience required. Applicant must have basic English. Conditions: Full Time, Shift, Weekend and Weekday. Wage: $12.89/hour. To apply, complete employment application found on w w w. p r e s t i g e h o t e l s a n d r e sor and submit with your resume to
Kool Country Towing is looking for a Tow Truck Operator. Experience an asset or will train the right individual. Full time. Start immediately. Class 5 with Air Brakes. Wages depending upon experience. Apply in person with resume at Kool Country in the Industrial Park or call Ivan 250-342-1700
Restaurant help required Dishwashers & front end help required full and part-time. Join a young, energetic team for busy summer!
Some jobs may be suitable for retired person looking for part time work.
Josef Martin Camenzind February 14, 1926 August 17, 2012 Joe was born in Gersau, Switzerland on February 14, 1926, one of nine children. He immigrated to Canada in 1950 and moved to Invermere in 1959 where he was employed in the sawmill industry. In 1962 he married Agnes Huebschi, a compatriot. Joe and Agnes were among the early investors of the Panorama Ski Lift. They built a new home in Juniper Heights in 1981. Agnes passed away in on February 24, 2006. Joe is survived by one brother, one sister and 24 nieces and nephews all living in Switzerland.
HOME SUPPORT NURSE NEEDED FOR MATERNITY LEAVE (INVERMERE, B.C.) This position requires an individual who is task-oriented, reliable, flexible, physically fit, has a positive attitude and is a team player. Must have: -RCA Certification or Better -A drivers licence -Own Transportation r Work is involved, including cooking lunches, dinners and preparing snacks r 3PUBUJOH TDIFEVMF EBZT PO EBZT PĈ r 5ZQJDBM XPSL IPVST B N m Q N r .VTU CF BO BOJNBM MPWFS BT DMJFOU PXOT DBUT BOE B CJSE r 8BHF OFHPUJBCMF XJUI FYQFSJFODF r $PWFSBHF UP CFHJO 0DUPCFS PS FBSMJFS GPS POF ZFBS "DDPNNPEBUJPO BWBJMBCMF JG OFDFTTBSZ Please submit resume, certificates and references by email to:
Part-time Auto Representative Invermere Branch
Join a team that values and recognizes the power you have to create success . We offer the stability and resources of a leading locally based organization ,an employee focused culture that values your individual contribution and encourages work/life balance plus a commitment to serving and helping our community. The ideal candidate will possess a combination of skills, ability, education, experience, and motivation: t -FWFM * *OTVSBODF -JDFOTF t .JOJNVN ZFBS FYQFSJFODF TFMMJOH *$#$ QSPEVDUT t "WBJMBCMF UP EBZT QFS XFFL JODMVEJOH TPNF 4BUVSEBZT Kootenay Insurance Services offers a competitive wage and beneďŹ t package. Forward Resumes by September 7, 2012 to Kerry Reilly – Branch Manager 250-342-2175 101a 1028 7 Avenue Invermere B.C.
Part-time Employment Opportunity StrongStart Outreach Facilitator September 2012 – June 2013 $20-22/hour The StrongStart facilitator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the StrongStart B.C. Outreach Program at Eileen Madson Primary and Edgewater Elementary schools. StrongStart is funded by the B.C. Ministry of Education and is a parent-and-child program that focuses on healthy early childhood development and school readiness for children from birth to school age. This is approximately a half-time position. The qualified candidate will have: r &$& DFSUJėDBUJPO XJUI B -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF PS CF registered in an ECE program working towards licensing. r FYQFSJFODF XJUI PS BO VOEFSTUBOEJOH PG GBNJMZ CBTFE program delivery. r ESJWFS T MJDFOTF BOE B SFMJBCMF WFIJDMF r LOPXMFEHF PG DPNNVOJUZ TFSWJDFT JO UIF 8JOEFSNFSF 7BMMFZ r FYDFMMFOU DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT UIF BCJMJUZ UP XPSL BT QBSU PG B UFBN DVMUVSBM TFOTJUJWJUZ DSFBUJWJUZ BOE SFTPVSDFGVMOFTT rCBTJD DPNQVUFS TLJMMT Please apply via e-mail by sending introductory letter and resumÊ to Katie Andruschuk at
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Merchandise for Sale
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. for Sale
Trades, Technical
Trades, Technical
Financial Services
Hauling & Salvage
Window Cleaning
Garage Sales
ALBERTA BASED Company looking for qualiďŹ ed & experienced: Equipment Operators, Mulcher, Feller Buncher & Processor Operators. Out of town & camp work. Safety tickets & drivers abstract required. Email resume: Fax 780-488-3002.
Journeyman Mechanic Do you love the outdoors? OK Tire in Terrace, B.C. NOW HIRING! Excellent renumeration for successful applicant. Fax resume to (1)-250-635-5367 Attn. General Manager or Email:
DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500
ODD JOBS ENT. HAULING garbage, brush & construction disposal, mulch deliveries Call Dale Hunt 250-342-3569
WINDOW CLEANING? Call Jim Triple J Window Cleaning. 250-349-7546. New Gutter Vac Gutter Cleaning. 15% off Aug 15-Sept 30/12
Home Improvements Red Rock Contracting
Pets & Livestock
GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.
Garage sale and carport sale Dining room set-large table, 2 ext. with 6 chairs & china cabinet, kitchen table & 4 chairs, 4 chrome/brass end tables, 3 bedroom suites, patio table & 6 chairs w/glass top, Fri Aug 31and Sat Sept 1 start 8 a.m. and goes all day. Great selection of goods! Gerry & Velm 520-13th ave Invermere Moving Sale Sept 1 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 1137 Hilltop Rd. Furniture & household goods.
• DRILLERS • BLASTERS • POWDERMEN • CONCRETE LABOURERS VK MASON Local Union Underground Contractor is seeking experienced labor for remote camp job near Kitimat. Looking to hire immediately! Please contact Ashley Halden at 778-724-2500 or ashley.halden@
We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ
Help Wanted
LOUISIANA-PACIFIC Canada Ltd. requires an experienced Mechanical Supervisor for our EWP Operation in Golden B.C. Email resume to: or fax to 250-344-8859 QUALITY CONTROL Person experienced with Piping & Structural Welding needed for a growing Northern Company. Competitive wages & beneďŹ ts. Please email resume to: info@torqueindustr Fax 250-775-6227 or apply online:
M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.
Legal Services
Health Products CASH BACK- $10 for every pound you lose. Lose weight quickly and safely and keep it off, results guaranteed! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176.
ClassiďŹ eds Get Results! CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption, property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.
Help Wanted
Reporter Full Time The Free Press, Fernie, BC The Free Press newspaper has an immediate opening for a full time reporter. We are looking for someone with a journalism degree/ diploma and at least one year of newspaper experience. The quali¿ed applicant must have experience with Indesign and Photoshop and will be expected to work independently, reporting to the Editor. We are seeking that true journalist who loves to cover everything from the seniors’ bake sale and city council to junior B hockey and school plays. The reporter is expected to work Àexible hours, including weekends, and must own a car and be prepared to travel across the Elk Valley. The successful candidate will receive a very competitive salary, car allowance, and an excellent bene¿t package. Black Press has over 170 community newspapers across Canada and the United States and for the proven candidate the opportunities are endless. If you have an interest in the community, excellent writing skills and experience in journalism, and the ability to work to strict deadlines, please send a cover letter, resume, and examples of your writing and photography work to: Angela Treharne Editor The Free Press 342 Second Avenue Box 2350 Fernie, BC V0B 1M0 Fax: (250) 423-3110 Email: Only those selected for interview will receive a response.
Masonry work, river rocks, rock veneer, glass blocks, etc. Tile and slate installations, interlocking paving stones, retaining wall systems, repairs etc. For estimates 250-341-6869 cell 250-341-1220.
Havanese pups, non shed, hypo allergenic, excellent companions, CKC registered, ready now (250)424-5229
Valley Framing & Contracting Everything from roofs & decks Major renovations 250-342-7517
Fruit & Vegetables
Misc Services Cresteel RV Services Appliances, accessories, parts and repairs Mobile Service
Merchandise for Sale
FARM FRESH SUPER SWEET CORN Locally grown in Creston, taking bulk orders now. Avail. starting Aug 28th 250-428-0044 or cell 250-254-8390
Garage Sales
HAVE A PILE OF GARBAGE to get rid of? Give Odd Jobs Ent. a call. 250-342-3569
Garage Sale at Spur Valley Aug 31, Sept 1 & 2, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 79 Pinnacle Place (1 Block north of golf course on Hwy 95) Garage Sale Sat. Sept 1 8:30noon at Coulters 4909 Meadows Crescent, Fairmont Hot Springs
Floor ReďŹ nishing/ Installations
Floor ReďŹ nishing/ Installations
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
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STEEL BUILDINGHuge Clearance Sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.
Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Silver Coins etc. Available now: 250-863-3082
Musical Instruments Invest in Music: Seiler grand piano for sale, maintained and used with care in Edgewater Hall concerts. Please type in in your internet browser for more info.
Real Estate Houses For Sale
House for Sale
Acreage for Sale Acreages “�
Apt/Condos for Sale 2 brm suite, furnished, 5 appliances, adults, no pets, N/S. Quiet neighbourhood, walking distance to downtown. Available Sept 1 $750/mth + utilities 250-342-7096
Duplex/4 Plex DUPLEX FOR SALE: Newer, good materials, good location. 2B., 2 1/2 bath, air, partially ďŹ nished basement, attached garage. Lot included. No Condo Fees!!! 250-347-6469, 250341-5905.
Houses For Sale
This could be the best available property in this price range. You really do have to visit this property; impossible to drive by and get any idea of the features or what this home has to offer. Asking $590,000. Please call 250-342-8773 to view.
Exclusive MOUNTAIN HOME For Sale - Visit:
Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Ask us about our Free Rent option! Please cal 250-462-7055.
RV Sites AVORADO RESORT. Beautiful waterfront RV Resort. New Sites For Sale ($63,900). All season, full amenities, clubhouse & beach access. Co-op Resort w/Lifetime Ownership! Call 250-228-3586.
Kingsgate - BEAUTIFUL RENO’D 4/bdrm (2up/2dn) 2400sq/ft home, french drs from din/rm & m/bdrm to 12x50’ fully covered deck, spacious kitchen w/island, l/rm with bay window looking out onto lndsc yd. 6x30’ front deck. Full walkout bsmt. Patio drs to yd. All on 2.9 acres. 1 mile from US border. $249,000 Financing avail. w/15% down. Rent to own, no interest for 2 yrs. 250-424-5360
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A23
Rent To Own
Homes for Rent
Auto Services
Legal Notices
Yahk- FULL RENO’D 2/bdrm mobile; completely redone inside and out - wiring, plumbing, floors. On 2.9 acres, lots of trees & great soil for gardening. $149,000 Financing avail. w/15% down. Rent to own, no interest for 2 yrs. 250424-5360
FOR RENT in Canal Flats. 3bedroom home with 2vehicle detached garage, N/S, small pet okay. Available Aug.1st, $900/mo plus utilities & DD. Phone (250) 349-5306 or (250)489-8389.
Autowyze Services RE-OPENED. Available for all your automotive, maintenance, & repair needs, diagnostic, upgrades, pre-sale inspections. 250-342-6614
Windermere Orchards Limited - Proposed Discharge of Reservations
Apt/Condo for Rent AKISKINOOK resort - 1 bdrm fully furnished condo, indoor pool, hot tub. $750/ month includes cable. Call 403-281-3991
Available immediately 2 bdrm, 2-4pc bathroom condo, furnished, Fairmont Riverside Resort, overlooking golf course, laundry & storage in unit. Great mountain views. 1 year lease, non-smoking, no pets. Call Sharon 250-688-1365 Condo for rent Invermere - 1 block from downtown. Fully Furnished, 2 bdm, 2 bath, 2 level condo. Avail Sept 20. $1000/mth plus utilities. N/S, N/P. References please 250342-6440 or 403-251-4556 Downtown Invermere, 2 bedrm, unfurnished, shared laundry, N/S, N/P. 250-3423155 between 10 am-6 pm.
Invermere 2 bdrm, pet friendly house, fenced yard, W/D $1050/mo 250-341-5427 avail Sept 15 INVERMERE Westridge drive. 4 br, 3 bath. Fireplace, hot tub, garage, fenced yard. Perfect for a family. Close to schools. $1600/mo. plus utilities. Avail now. Newer 4 bdrm, 2 baths, open and bright, central location, fenced yard, N/S, pets negotiable, $1100/mth, plus util & D/D 250-352-3388 Avail immediately.
Suites, Lower Lovely large 2 bdrm suite in Invermere. Very close to downtown and schools. W/D/F/S $675 + util. Jeff 250-688-1105
Transportation A
1994 Harley Springer soft tail, 19,000 km, airbrushed wolf on tank, custom covers, good cond, reduced $8000. Call (250)428-5640 email for pics
Recreational/Sale 2011 ARCTIC FOX 29.5ft 5th wheel, 2 lg slides, 4 season, 2 - 80 watt solar panels, extended frame w/lg aluminum storage box $34,000 immaculate cond. Call Marvin 250-4284260
Auto Financing Need
RADIUM-FURNISHED condo, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1045 sq ft, A/C, fireplace, laundry, U/G parking + storage, $1200 mo incls utils. Lease req’d for Sept 1st. Call 403-608-4652.
MUST SELL!! 1992 16ft Vanguard open-bow ski boat. 85HP Yamaha motor. Lots of extras, fish finder, tow ropes, knee board, tube, air pump. First reasonable offer takes it. Asking $3000./obo (250)417-5813
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Land Act:Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land
The Province of BC intends to discharge reservations number 17019D (29155) and V18729 (9433I) formerly held by Windermere Orchards Limited, which vested in the Province in 1958, when Windermere Orchards Ltd. dissolved. The reservations gave the company the right to purchase land for irrigation.
FrontCounter BC Cranbrook has accepted an application made by Golden AE Clean Power Inc., of Port Coquitlam, B.C., on behalf of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Kootenay Region, for an Investigative License for the purpose of windpower situation on Provincial Crown land near Canal Flats, BC and containing, 3,433.8 hectares more or less. The MFLNRO File Number has been established for this application is 4405250. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to FrontCounter BC, 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, B.C., V1C 7G1 or email to: Comments will be received by FrontCounter BC until September 29, 2012. FrontCounter BC may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please refer to our website: http:// -> Search -> Search by File Number: insert Lands File Number for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations regional ofÀce in Cranbrook.
Anyone having an objection to the discharge of these reservations should contact: The Escheats Office Legal Services Branch Ministry of Justice PO Box 9289 STN PROV GOVT 400 -1675 Douglas St., Victoria, BC V8W 9J7 Phone: 250-356-8819 Fax: 250-387-0700 On or before
September 21, 2012.
Misc for Rent
Super Summer
WALK TO DOWNTOWN & KINSMEN BEACH: 3 bdrm, main floor of house, separate entrance, 5 appliances, deck, view, shed, yard, N/P, N/S, no partiers, references/deposit required. Rent negotiable, water, hydro, heat included. Available Oct 1. 250-342-7590
Homes for Rent BEAUTIFUL NEWER HOUSE FOR RENT IN THE SLOCAN LAKE AREA. AVAILABLE OCT 1st • 4 Bedroom-2 Bath on 2 Acres • Red Mtn. Road above SILVERTON w/ Valhalla views + quiet privacy • N/S , Open to keeping animals • 10 min. drive to Slocan Lake and Village amenities • Storage, treehouses, good access all year round • Minimum 1 Yr Lease • W/D Hookups, F/S plus Earth -Woodstove • $1250 negotiable with proper care of house, land + gardens • References Required • Secure Income Essential • Serious Inquiries Only Call: 250-362-7681 or Mobile 250-231-2174 Email: monikas_2010@
When you book any classified ad into any of our East Kootenay papers, you can place the same ad into any additional paper for only
DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals
1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557
t 5IF 'SFF 1SFTT &ML 7BMMFZ 250-423-4666
t $SBOCSPPL %BJMZ 5PXOTNBO 250-426-5201
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t $SFTUPO 7BMMFZ "EWBODF 250-428-2266
$2 * per p
t *OWFSNFSF 7BMMFZ &DIP 250-342-9216
t (PMEFO 4UBS 250-344-5251
EDGEWATER 3 acres 6 bdrms 4 full baths 2 kitchens 2 living rooms 10 appliances. $1150/mth. 403-650-8654
Est. 1898
Call us for more details!!!
CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564
WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin
9 a.m. Worship at All Saints, Edgewater 10:30 a.m. Worship at Christ Church Trinity,Invermere Worship at St. Peter’s, Windermere; 1st Sunday (7 p.m.) and 3rd Sunday (9 a.m.) of the month May-Oct.
Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father James McHugh 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Sunday at 5 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats
Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)
RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.
326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor
VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke
Sunday, September 2nd 10:30 a.m. “Concert Of Prayer” … Pastor Trevor leading.
Sunday Service 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided
No “K.I.D.S” Church provided today.
Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information.
Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Brain Games Canadiana Crossword Lines on Labour By Bernice Rosella and James Kilner
ACROSS 1 Quiet please 4 Part 1 of a comment by CPR builder W. Van Horne 7 Stamps league 10 Golf’s Dawn ___ Jones 11 Receptor 12 Central Asian sea 14 Blakeney and Fotheringham 15 Part 7 of a Labour Day quotation 18 Trusses 20 Wedding words 21 S. Harper or P. Martin command centre 22 Genetic info 23 Ms Lennon 24 Spirit 25 Agile 27 Norse god 28 Competent 29 Part 4 of a Labour Day
quotation 30 Honey, to Henriette 31 Show horse 32 Disney lioness 33 Center or gram preceder 34 Flying mammal 37 Mineral deposit 38 Goop 39 Ordinance 41 Part 9 of a Labour Day quotation 44 Many a grocery store 45 Turfs 46 Part 5 of a Labour Day quotation 47 Part 6 of a Labour Day quotation 48 After expenses 49 Wager 50 Suffix for left or essay
DOWN 1 Part 2 of a Labour Day quotation 2 Renewed a shoe 3 Part 8 of a Labour Day quotation 4 Hardy heroine 5 Vietnamese coinage 6 Weasel 7 Roman statesman 8 Calendar ref. 9 Ridicule 13 Prosimian 16 Japanese seat of government 17 Roman sun god 19 Part 3 of a Labour Day quotation 23 Mineral bearing material 24 Squalid 26 Each and every 27 Red Rose or
Earl Grey 28 Airfoil 29 High tech. medical scanner 30 Equines 31 Sang-froid 32 Japanese theatre 33 Euro. economic alliance 35 Proof of one’s whereabouts 36 Portuguese
River 38 Essence 39 Natural talent 40 Steam engine inventor 42 Browning or Keats creation 43 No, to MacCrimmon
Answer to August 22:
Horoscope First week of September
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Friday August 31 Sunny, isolated showers o Temp: 21 C Low: 6oC Precip: 1 mm
ARIES You are on a roll, Aries, and now it is just a matter of maintaining the momentum for a few more days. Don’t let anyone slow you down this week.
CANCER Now is not the time for dawdling, Cancer. You have a full plate of things to tackle and it seems like the hours will be slipping away. Recharge and get focused.
TAURUS Taurus, there are many opportunities within your reach, but you are not sure which way to go. Seek advice from Sagittarius when you get a spare moment.
LEO Leo, don’t let anyone discourage you when tackling a big project. As you have proven time and again, you simply need to establish a goal and your efforts will help you achieve it.
GEMINI Others can see you haven’t been yourself lately, Gemini. So relax and take a break from something that’s been bothering you, and you will return to being your old self. You won’t be disappointed.
VIRGO Virgo, though you may not know where your path will lead this week, you are deeply aware that an adventure is in store. Take some time to prepare your mind and body.
LIBRA Libra, no one will know who you truly are unless you share a few secrets. You don’t have to give everything away, but allow others in by sharing some personal information. SCORPIO Scorpio, though you don’t shy away from challenges, you do know when to pick your battles. When something inconsequential comes up this week, let it pass. SAGITTARIUS Sagittarius, when a past conflict resurfaces this week, push it aside because that is ancient history. It is better to focus on the positive things that are in store for you.
September 1
September 2
CAPRICORN Capricorn, when you love someone, it can be difficult to step aside and let this person make his or her own choices. But this is what you have to do for lessons to be learned. AQUARIUS Your eyes are bigger than your stomach at work this week, Aquarius. Delegate some tasks so everything goes smoothly and your project is completed on time. PISCES Learning from your weaknesses can help you to grow stronger, Pisces. Accept a challenge that is presented this week, even if it scares you.
Temp: 22 C Low: 6oC Precip: none
Temp: 24 C o Low: 8 C Precip: none
250-342-9216 general@
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A25
Valley Life
PHOTOS BY STEVE JESSEL/THE VALLEY ECHO The valley was a busy place over the last week, as great food and fun activities offered plenty for families to enjoy. (Clockwise from top) Tim Morris smiles as he reloads his ďŹ rearm while shooting targets during the Rod and Gun Club Family Fun Day at Homestead Ranch on Sunday, August 26; Marc Leblanc of Birchwood Restaurant carefully prepares a dish during the Edible Acres Pig Out event on Sunday, August 26; Pat and Ron Cope show off their decorated pig head during the Legion annual Pig Roast on Friday, August 24; Four year old Nya Connell gets a little help drawing a bow from mother Dee Connell, also during the Rod and Gun Club Family Fun Day August 26.
Columbia Valley Classic Car Show & Shine 4FQUFNCFS
8dajbW^V KVaaZn H]dl H]^cZ GZ\^higVi^dc GVY^jb HZc^dgh =Vaa ,/%%"./%% e#b#
EVcXV`Z 7gZV`[Vhi! GVY^jb HZc^dgh =Vaa ,/%%"&%/%% V#b# H]dl H]^cZ! Heg^c\h 9g^k^c\ GVc\Z! &%/%% V#b# ¡ )/%% e#b# 8gj^hZ id >ckZgbZgZ! )/%% e#b# 9VcXZ ¡ ;ZVijg^c\ 8gdhh ;^gZ! >ckZgbZgZ 8jga^c\ 8ajW! -/%% e#b# ¡ &/%% V#b#
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
Remember When?
ECHO FILE PHOTO August 2008 — Invermere resident Peter Jansen had been playing the bagpipes in the field behind the School District office, overlooking Lake Windermere, on Sunday evenings.
A look back at what's happened in the valley over the last 50 years STEVE JESSEL
50 years ago: The East Kootenay Historical Society was set to visit some Windermere landmarks. Scheduled visits included St. Pauls Shuswap Church, which housed the historic Cross of the Nativity of Father Pieter De Smet (1845), the ruins of an older Shuswap church and if there was time, planned to visit an "Indian" cemetery. 45 years ago: A new hormone scheme gave doctors a chance to aid those afflicted with pituitary dwarfism, or growth hormone deficiency. One of six pituitary dwarfs in British Columbia lived in Invermere, a five year old boy.
The boy had been born a normal size, but was lacking essential growth hormones in order to continue to grow at a normal rate. Children required an average of three to four growth hormone injections a week, an amount that had previously been unavailable, but the Canadian Medical Research Council had begun on a study on the condition, opening up hormone resources. 35 years ago: The Bud's Annual Challenge Cup Raft Race was held amid great hilarity and enthusiasm from the many competitors, some who came from as far as Calgary just for the event. The atmosphere was tense with expectations as a huge variety of homemade crafts took to the water, often with varying amounts of success as pirate ships plied the waters to ensure no one gained to great of an advantage. 25 years ago: Windermere Watersports Inc. won their court case against the District of Invermere and had been issued a business license for theit jet ski operation. The district had originally
refused to issue a license for the jet ski portion of their business on the basis that jet skis were unsafe, a hazard to swimmers and also constituted a noise hazard on the lake. The case was heard in the B.C. Supreme Court, and the vice president of Windermere Watersports called the ruling a benefit to the entire area. 20 years ago: 31 marijuana plants were seized from an Edgewater residence, as RCMP responded to a confidential tip. The plants, averaging four feet in height, were scattered across the property, and RCMP estimated that they had a street value of approximately $3,000. According to the arresting officer, it was his third cultivation charge in the last four months, and he said that lots" of marijuana was being grown in the detachment area. 15 years ago: An initiative by an Invermere youth to establish a skateboard park in the district rolled into municipal ears. Grade 12 David Thompson Secondary School student Heather Walker
530 - 13 Street, Invermere 250-342-9216 •
Was your photo in the Echo? We can print it for you!
appealed council for their support for the project, which could come in the form of a donation of public land. Offered reasons to build a skatepark were many, including giving out of town visitors to take their children which would in turn encourage further tourism to the area. The appeal was made during a council meeting at Pynelogs Cultural Centre, and was attended by more than a dozen "skateboard clutching" youth. Initial reactions from council members showed strong support for the idea. 5 years ago: A public meeting was held in the Village of Radium Hot Springs to discuss plans for the village to borrow $2.1 million to expand the sewage system in anticipation of tourism growth. Some residents were opposed to the idea of further growth, as they felt that the current infrastructure couldn't handle any further load, but Radium mayor Greg Deck outlined his plan of dense development within the community as a way of minimizing costs of infrastructure for new roads and services.
The Valley Echo Wednesday, August 29, 2012 A27
Building Your Wealth Market Update
Weekly change
Oil US$/B
Stop bumbling around There are times it seems strange that we allow wishes to take the place of real awareness. We do it all the time when we can’t think our way through a problem or when one thought, though less real, is one we prefer over another. Of course, it’s a trap. When we do this we almost always make decisions that are inadequate, wrong or even harmful to our own best interests. The least we can say is that we are ‘fooling ourselves.’ The worst we can say is we don’t care that we are making our own lives and our futures more unlivable. We really do have a habit of doing this all the time. Whether it’s our fitness, our illness, our toys, or our recreations, we rarely look at things straight on with wide-open eyes. For the most part, we bumble through to have reasonable lives, sometimes even good lives, and without recognizing the damage we are doing, we just continue on. We bumble around and eventually everything either works out or we delude ourselves that we are alright. However, there are times when our bumbling around can be highly self-destructive. We would be far better off to make choices on the basis of clear goals. I’m sure you have seen it in people all around you, not recognizing the damage they are doing to their lives. Even in your own life, sometimes you don’t realize it clearly, but just feel there is something out of whack. Financially, this shows up is in our economic decisions, and one of the places where this can be seen most commonly is in the investment decisions we make. This issue is actually very common and you can see it all the time in the stock market. It’s not just a problem in our western world, but
happens in every stock market in the world. In fact, quite a few methods have been created and put in place to lessen this problem. Some of these methods are in the form of how personal money is invested. Some of them are in the form of software, to lessen the problem by making mathematical formulas about when to buy, when to hold, and when to sell. Nothing, so far, has done away with the problem. I was particularly struck this past week as I watched the stock markets react in wild and unpredictable ways, as people tried to figure out how the world would react to the latest stats. When the world economic engines stumbled, the markets froze as questions were asked about what was coming next. Would there be another recession? What decisions would be made to re-start the recovery? Would world leaders be forced to provide another stimulus to the economy? Would China, which had seemed an utter behemoth on its way to being the world’s leading economy, where everything had been growing so rapidly, and where there suddenly were clear signs that it has been growing too fast, regain its momentum? At the same time, Europe, which has shown some signs of working toward solving its financial problems, suffered another hiccupping step into what has now become a genuine recession. There is talk about the possibility of an economic ‘North-South Wall’ to replace the old political East-West Wall that has been destroyed. The southern nations of the Eurozone continue to have problems cutting spending down to what the can actually afford to pay for. Even in North America, which had seemed like it was moving toward an improved econ-
omy, stumbled on the steps of job-creation and caused doubts about whether they will be able to make their way forward. People very often make decisions at these times based on what they wish to see rather than on what they clearly see. The upshot of all this is the necessity to make investment decisions, as I suggest you make all decisions, using the criterion of your own deepest beliefs and values. Investments in useful education will generally pay off for the kids – whether it does for you or not. You do that because you want your kids to have the best possible future, which includes economic benefit along with a whole host of other values that are part of caring for kids. But greed, or even ‘a good retirement nestegg,’ doesn’t provide the correct motivation for investment decisions. Invest in the things you really care about. Spend your money on things that are important. Contain both your greed and your enjoyment of toys. Plan. Think. Most of all, make everything count toward to same ends as a part of your life and the lives of those closest to you. You are responsible for yourself and your family. You are responsible for the funds that provide your kids with education and the funds that will get you through retirement. Work with a Certified Financial Planner® that will keep their clients best interests in the forefront of their mind. If you have done some of this thinking already, it can make the planning part of the job easier – but the most important part is to get started. Plan your economic life, don’t leave it to chance. Speak with your local CFP®, this is what they like to do… and it shows.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 The Valley Echo
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