Castlegar News, August 30, 2012

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CASTLEGAR NEWS Your Horoscope For the Week with Michael O’Connor inside the West Kootenay Advertiser

Thursday, August  • 

Vol. • Issue 

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More than 100 players com- “Vicious” answers the bell and pete in local soccer tourney saves the day See Page A17 See Page A5 Rauni Naud

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College to get funding boost


Castlegar News Reporter

Selkirk College has announced it has received funding in the amount of $556,000 for upgrades as part of the provincial government’s investment in B.C.’s post-secondary infrastructure. The upgrades will ensure infrastructure and operation systems will function at optimal levels this year at Castlegar and Nelson campuses. “We received some one time funding in the spring - it’s very helpful,” said Angus Graeme, Selkirk College president and CEO. “We’ve had an infusion in our capital funding. The number $556,000 is the grand total. Normally, we would get somewhere in the neighbourhood of $350,000. So it’s added some money to that. It’s a very welcome relief to our maintenance deficit that we have. We operate in six campuses and some of our buildings are aging and require extensive maintenance and upkeep.” Graeme said the extra money will help cross off some of the

necessary items on the college’s to-do list. “It’ll help us to put in some new technology, fix some of the safety issues for the workplace and students,” he said. “We’re going to fix some of the areas that need upgrading to current standards. As well, we’re going to address a couple of capital maintenance issues at the Castlegar campus and the Nelson 10th Street campus.” The college is also going to make modifications to its library system at Castlegar to make it more modern. “We want it to be more of a learning commons approach,” said Graeme. “We want to modernize it and convert it to more of a 21st century library and learning environment. The other big one, and it’s related to safety as well, is an update to the phone system in Castlegar. We’ve already done that work in Nelson. We’ll be going to VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). It’ll allow us to incorporate more safety features around each phone. It’ll make for a much more efficient use of

China Creek resident’s disaster Fire crews from the Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Department were on hand Thursday morning at a house fire in China Creek. One firefighter was injured. For details visit Submitted photo

our phone system.” The college and government also announced recently how $457,000 in one-time funding will be used to offer short-term training in the region. The college expects to create seats in a variety of fields over the coming year, including administrative skills, early childhood education, and introduction to practical nursing, along with trades foundation programs. “Those are one time monies again, they’re not ongoing,” said Graeme. “I’m always pushing for ongoing and more increases

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to our annual budget. But I’m certainly appreciative of this onetime money to address the real training needs in the community that employers have identified as high needs.” According to a government press release, B.C. taxpayers are providing close to $26 million for Selkirk’s operations this year - including an allowance for general infrastructure maintenance - up from $20.3 million in 200102. The number of funded student spaces at the college has increased over six per cent over that time. Thursday Aug 30 9:00am - 5:30pm Friday Aug 31 9:00am - 5:30pm Saturday Sept 01 9:00am - 5:30pm Sunday Sept 02 11:00am - 4:00pm


With less than a week to go until classes start, Graeme says enrolment is similar to last year. “There’s still some room for improvement. I’d like to see enrolments continue to expand. It’s kind of become job one for all of us at the college to really look at our program offerings and the health of our programs. (We need to) look at how we’re marketing and engaging students to come to the college. I’d like to see that enrolment continue to increase over time.” Kootenay West

MLA Katrine Conroy is pleased to see the Liberal government investing in education in the region. “It’s great news,” she said. “We’ve been saying for years that we need more money in the trades and things like admin skills, and especially for practical nursing. “It’s great they’re recognizing that we need to keep seats for kids in this region at the college.” Conroy is also glad to see money being invested into the campuses themselves. Continued on P. A14

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Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News




News Chances’ report upbeat following first year CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

West Kootenay Advertiser classifieds and display ads Friday August 31 • 5pm Castlegar News classifieds and display ads Tuesday September 4 • 10am

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The British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) has released it’s most recent earnings report for Chances Casino in Castlegar and although there is room for improvement, management is pleased. “Chances Castlegar had a good start,” said Troy Bilodeau, director of operations for Berezan Hospitality Group, the company that owns Chances. “Basically they (BCLC) released an eight month operating report and the earnings were $4.9 million in revenue. Revenues were not as high as some comparable facilities but the operation is just a year old and we’re still growing and get-

July 26, 2011 was the official grand opening date of Chances Castlegar gaming centre. File photo

ting established in the community.” Bilodeau says they expect bingo revenue to pick up at the casino in the fall. “We’re really working on that,” he said. “We’re going to begin a new program shortly with a lot lower prices and lot better games offered.” The casino also has a found money pro-

gram, whereby any leftover vouchers are given to charity. “They range from a penny up to $20,” said Bilodeau. “That money is given back to the community. Some of the groups that have benefitted from that are the Kootenay Animal Assistance Program (KAAP), Castlegar Rotary Clubs, Ross-

land Light Opera players. There’s been thousands of dollars donated.” Chances recently gave the City of Castlegar around $396,000 for hosting the facility. The payment is part of an agreement between the two parties and amounts to 10 per cent of Chances’ net profit.

“It goes into a gaming centre reserve fund,” said John Malcolm, City of Castlegar Chief Administrative Officer. “Council passed a resolution saying we wouldn’t use that income to support operational issues because if the gaming centre shuts down we’d be in an exposed situation. So it’s put into a reserve. From that reserve it goes for infrastructure payment service like water and sewer pipes etc.” Malcolm says the casino has been very supportive of the community. “Things have been going very smoothly,” he said. “We see they’ve been supporting some of the local non-profit groups. “They’ve been very good that way.”

Holding pattern in Heritage/HG negotiations CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Workers at Heritage Credit Union and HG Insurance voted last Friday to reject their employers’ last offer. Although in a legal strike position, the workers, who are represented by United Steelworkers Local 1-405, have been avoiding that route, hoping the vote will be enough to spur the employers to come up with a better deal. “A week prior, we served 72 hour strike notice,” said Jeff Bromley, financial secretary for USW Local 1-405. “We came into legal strike position

Heritage Credit Union/HG Insurance has branches in Castlegar and Slocan Park. File photo

a week ago Monday (Aug. 20). At that time, the employer applied for a last offer vote, which they have the right to. Their offer was exactly the same as the deal we took to the membership on July 18 that was turned down. The results of this

vote on Friday, with a 76 per cent rejection, were not surprising. We expected the membership to defeat it pretty resoundingly and that’s what we thought happened. We’re hoping the result of the vote will spur the employer to either come back to

the bargaining table or improve their offer.” Bromley says that the bargaining committee has been in negotiations with the employer. “We are in discussions,” he said. “The results of the vote have spurred the employer and we are in discussions along with the help of a mediator.” Though promising, Bromley says there are many more hoops to jump through before an agreement can be made. “There is still the potential for job action,” he said. “Right now we are cautioning our members that

there won’t be any job action because it looks like the employer is making an effort to improve upon their offer. Whether that’s enough - we’ll have to take it back to the bargaining committee and then the membership for a vote.” The biggest issue for the workers is the pension issue. “They’ve made some unilateral decisions that greatly affected our members,” said Bromley. “They increased the age of retirement from 60 to 62. They increased the penalty for early retirement - essentially doubling it. Continued on P. A14

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Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A3

The health care system in B.C. can be daunting at the best of times, for Aboriginal people the experience can be even more frustrating. Fortunately, in the West Kootenay there is an Aboriginal Patient Navigator (APN) whose job it is to help Aboriginal clients by providing support during hospital stays and clinic visits. “I ensure that First Nations people who are in the area and come to the hospital here are able to access culturally relevant, competent, and safe health care,” said Anni Muhlegg, Aboriginal Patient Navigator, Kootenay Boundary. “I help address cultural issues, needs, things like that.” Muhlegg provides assistance for her clients and their families by communicating with physicians and nurses about patient/ client care, advocacy, and provision of and linkage to services. “For example, if someone comes to

Aboriginal patient navigator Anni Muhlegg finds challenges and rewards. Craig Lindsay photo

the ER and if they feel that they’ve been discriminated against, they have a questionnaire they have to fill out. Sometimes folks feel that the practices aren’t safe for them in terms of their culture. I also deal with complaints. I’ll meet with the person and find out about the history and what happened.” Muhlegg is available at the Castlegar Health Centre on Mondays, Wednesday mornings, and Fridays. She also works as a mental health and substance use counsellor at Salmo Community Resources Society. “My role is very wide,” she said. “I do

everything from supportive counselling to application processes for benefits for First Nations people who need coverage.” Muhlegg has been in the position for just over seven months and really enjoys the diversity of her job. “It’s exciting,” she said. “It’s challenging at times because it’s a very Euro-centric medical system, but at the same time there are efforts within Interior Health (IH) to help address that and a lot of good work is being done.” She also travels a lot in her job as she meets clients at various hospitals and health care

Boat reported stolen Castlegar RCMP has received a call regarding a boat which has been stolen from a home past Sunshine Bay on Lower Arrow Lake. It is believed the boat went missing overnight on July 30. The boat is red aluminum with “G.P.” painted in black on

either end of the bottom of the boat. There is no motor or seats in the boat. The red paint is fading and peeling in spots. The boat is of sentimental value to its owner, so if anyone knows what may have happened to it, they are asked to call the Castlegar RCMP.







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Missing boat, pictured above, right, is believed to have been stolen late last month. Submitted photo

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space.” That transformation could include bringing in elders for specific ceremonies that a First Nations person might have requested. “If someone is in the hospital and they’re in acute care, they may wwant to have a family gathering and have some smudging done,” she said. “So there’s cultural practices like this - examples that are not part of the mainstream system and have not historically been included. So part of my role is to educate myself and to be as inclusive as possible, so patients can feel that they’ve been treated fairly.” Anyone who selfidentifies as Aboriginal can use the Aboriginal Patient Navigator’s services. “Having an APN increases access and helps bridge gaps,” said Muhlegg. “The APN serves in a wide role and this includes helping educate about stigma, discrimination and marginalization First Nations individuals and communities still face today.”


+ +

Castlegar News Reporter

facilities throughout the Boundary area. “I get a lot of referrals by phone,” she said. “At the Castlegar Health Centre I get referrals from the ER. I usually do lots of follow-ups. I also will meet people in the office if they’re comfortable.” Historically, First Nations people have been marginalized through the colonization process and the unfortunate legacy of residential schools for example, says Muhlegg. “This has impacted their overall health as they are survivors of multi-generational trauma.” “Folks are often not comfortable coming to the institutions themselves. So I make sure to give them the choice,” she said. “Part of my practice is, hopefully, to be working from an antioppressive perspective so they feel as safe as possible. My role very much includes that, to address issues of safety and to make space so that the system itself can be transformed into more of a safe



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Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News




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Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A5


Pet dog repels cougar attack in Trail TIMOTHY SCHAFER Trail Daily Times

The hair on Angie Prime’s head stood on end when she turned around. The 35-year-old lower Sunningdale resident had just hung up the phone on Saturday evening with her husband, Matt, in her home on Glen Drive when something caught her eye. She saw movement and when she turned an adult cougar was stalking out of the dark reaches of her home and into her living room. It was a cougar looking for an easy meal, and had slipped into the home through an open screen door in the back. Within the span of a heartbeat the cat leapt at Prime and she acted quickly, jumping and bringing up her arms to shield her face and her knee to block the cat’s pounce. The cat raked her claws across Prime’s thigh but her attack was thwarted. Prime’s

Angie Prime and Vicious seek the comfort of their couch after a harrowing encounter with a cougar on Saturday. Timothy Schafer, Trail Daily Times

11-year-old border collie, Vicious, lived up to her name and jumped off a nearby couch and came to her aid, snapping at the cougar, turning it away from the fourfoot-two-inch Prime. The cougar ran out of the house with Vicious in close pursuit, chasing it back into the forested strip running along the alley behind the house. “You are not thinking to run at that moment when you see a

cat,� Prime said Tuesday. As Vicious and the cougar disappeared into the woods help began to arrive. Next door neighbours heard her screaming and her neighbour across the street heard and came running out. Prime felt very lucky the way it ended, with only a couple of puncture marks on her thigh from the cat’s claws—and the needle mark from

the resultant tetanus shot. “It’s a chance in a million that (a cat attack) would ever happen in a home,â€? she said. “But if it wasn’t for (Vicious) I would have been mauled.â€? B.C. Conservation operations inspector Aaron Canuel agreed. He said it was an extremely old female, around nine, near the lifespan extent for a big wild cat and it was emaciated at around 50 pounds, well below the average female cat’s weight of 120 pounds. “It is extremely rare and unusual for a cat to go into somebody’s residence and do that,â€? he said. “But in saying that, when a cougar is in poor physical condition and it can no longer hunt its regular prey like deer and elk ‌ it reverts to prey that are a lot easier captured.â€? Like house pets. Prime figured the cat was hanging out in the neighbourhood and her dogs were a draw for it. When conservation

officers canvassed the area the next day after the attack people reported seeing the cougar in the neighbourhood for the past several weeks. “Unfortunately, no one called it in,� Canuel said. “That’s one thing we encourage people to do is that if they see a cougar in the neighbourhood consistently to phone us so we can take action.� Operating on a tip from a passerby, officers located the cougar 400 metres from the attack location Monday morning and they surmised that it would come back. They set their hounds on it and they were successful in cornering and eventually destroying the animal, said Canuel. “It has changed its behaviour from attacking regular prey to attacking humans,� he said. Canuel did not rule out the possibility of another attack by a cougar in the neighbourhood since “that whole area holds potential.�

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Bear encounters unnerving, but harmless STAFF WRITER Castlegar News

Lessons in the value of not taking things for granted have been learned by a pair of local residents. For example, leaving doors open, even while you’re right there, can turn out badly. Sergeant Laurel Mathew of the Castlegar RCMP detachment relates a couple

of frightening recent encounters: “Two Castlegar residents experienced a young black bear up close and personal last night, August 27th, in the south end of Castlegar,� the Sergeant stated in a press release. “At 9:15 p.m. Castlegar RCMP received a call from a man on 12th avenue, stating that there was a bear in his house.

He had been sitting at his computer, with the patio door open, when he noticed a young black bear enter. He ran out of the house and opened other doors, and called police and conservation. “The bear had left the house prior to police and conservation’s arrival and was not located.� The press release continued.

“At around 9:30 p.m. an off duty RCMP officer was working in his garage, several blocks from where the first encounter occurred, and had the door open. “A vehicle pulled up, stopped, and someone in the car told the officer that there was a bear in the garage with him, just on the other side of the parked car. The officer looked over

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the hood of his car, and came face to face with ‘a big fuzzy head.’ The bear noticed him at the same time, and ambled out of the garage.� No one was attacked or harmed in either incident, but police remind people to be alert to the possible presence of bears, and to remember that they are wild animals and can be unpredictable.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News



Editor: Jim Sinclair Publisher: Chris Hopkyns Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Publication Mail Agreement Number 40012905

Not to belabour the point... One of the top weekends of the year for taking it easy is coming up, and the reason so many of us have the chance to relax is the organized labour movement early in the last century. It is a tribute to the brave people who made a stand for better treatment that Labour Day now exists. Recent statistics indicate that, these days, union membership among the Canadian workforce is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 22 per cent. The percentage of organized workers has dropped and some would question whether unions have outlived their usefulness. If everything is going well between workers and their employers... if people are happy with their paycheques and working conditions then union representation may seem unnecessary. In some cases, however, those same cheerful conditions may have a direct link to struggles in the past, when folks battled for a better situation in the workplace: things like a 40-hour week, overtime pay, etc. It doesn’t take a lot of research to find out how tough things used to be. So nowadays it’s good to remember how we got to where we are, and give a respectful thought to the men and women who dug in their heels way back when, insisting enough exploitation was enough. We want to hear from you.

Letters Policy

The Castlegar News welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, accuracy and topicality. Letters should typically be in the range of 300 words in length. Anonymous letters will not be published. To assist in verification, name, address and telephone number must be supplied, but will not be published. E-MAIL LETTERS TO: DROP OFF/MAIL: Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue Castlegar, B.C. V1N 2Y4 Phone: 250-365-6397 Fax: 250-365-6390 The Castlegar News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Is a subsidiary of Unit 2 - 1810 8th Avenue, Castlegar, British Columbia Phone (250) 365-6397

Fax (250) 365-6390

Spots in Time - Gord Turner

Rules in Sport and Life I watched a lot of the London 2012 Olympics. And like you, I was dismayed when the Canadian Women’s soccer team was penalized near the end of the match and subsequently lost the game. I couldn’t believe the referee would call a goalie delay of game penalty when the game was so close and so near the end. This is a penalty that’s rarely called and then only after several warnings. I was angry—as were hundreds of thousands of Canadians who were watching, On the other hand, when the delay of game sequence was replayed, it was clear the Canadian goalie, Erin McLeod, held the ball for more than 12 seconds. By the rules, the ball had to be put back in play within six seconds. In a game so close and so near the end as the U.S.-Canada match was, holding the ball longer would be a disadvantage to the U.S. team. The rule was there. The referee invoked it—and the rest is Olympic history. That doesn’t mean we have to like the decision. If asked, I’m sure Erin McLeod did not intend to hold the ball for so long. But intentions don’t have a place in higher-level sport—as they often don’t have in life. Craig Lindsay Reporter

Jim Sinclair Editor

I remember driving home from Grand Forks after teaching a course at Selkirk College’s Grand Forks Centre. I was happy to be finished the course and was driving along casually. In fact, when several people passed, I said to myself, “Let them go. I’m going to stay within the speed limit.” I was listening to jazz on the radio and reflecting on my plans for the rest of the summer. As I cleared the top of the pass and began to descend, I came around a corner and met a police car. I looked down at my speedometer, which read 107 km/ hour. The policeman pointed at me and waved me over. As he began to write out the ticket, I told him I had not intended to speed. I told him I had been driving below the speed limit, and that it was accidental that I was speeding. He looked me in the eye and said, “How do I know what you intended? You were driving over the speed limit—and here’s your ticket.” When the Canadian men’s 4x100 relay team at the Olympics was disqualified, they were probably more devastated than the Women’s Soccer team. At least the women soccer players were able to move on to another match. Chris Hopkyns Publisher

Cindy Amaral Production Manager

The men won the bronze but then were disqualified because one team member, Jared Connaughton, stepped on the line of an adjoining lane. Clearly, he never intended on stepping on the line. In fact, his stepping on the line really didn’t help the team finish any faster. During the after-race interview, Connaughton took full responsibility for his error. He said it was just a misstep, but he also admitted that the “rule about lines is unforgiving.” He did it. It was observed. The team was stripped of its medal. There is a strictness of rules in many sports. I’m certain the Saskatchewan Roughrider team in the last few seconds of the 2009 Grey Cup never intended to have 13 players on the field when the Montreal Alouettes’ field goal was tried and missed. But 13 players is viewed as unfair to the other team—so a penalty was called, the kick was tried again, and Saskatchewan lost the Grey Cup. When you’ve broken a rule and never intended it, sometimes in life a person in authority might excuse you or let you off. But in sports, that’s not the case— as we Canadians witnessed during the recent Olympics. Sandy Leonard Production

Theresa Hodge Office Manager

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A7

News/Community Getting it right for seniors in B.C. SUBMITTED

British Columbia Ombudsperson Kim Carter is visiting Castlegar and Nelson September 12 and 13 to present her findings in regard to improving seniors’ care in B.C., with special reference to the West Kootenay area. Those organizing her visit to the area have scheduled events both Nelson and Castlegar at different times of the day in the hope that as many people as possible will be able to hear her important recommendations for change.

B.C. Ombudsperson Kim Carter

In Nelson, she will speak on Wednesday, September 12 at 7 p.m. in the Nelson United Church Hall, 602 Silica Street. The following day, on Thursday, September 13 she’ll make a similar presentation

in Castlegar from noon to 2 p.m. at the Castlegar Recreation Centre, 2101 6th Avenue. An optional lunch, by donation, will be available at 11:30 a.m. Both presentations are free of charge. The B.C. Government has been given a unique opportunity to improve the lives of seniors in the province if it follows the 176 recommendations made by Ms. Carter in her recently released report “The Best of Care: Getting it Right for Seniors in B.C.” However, according to Castlegar

Health Watch member and event organizer, Bud Godderis, “The government needs encouragement to fully implement the report’s recommendations. The public is encouraged to come out to meet the B.C. Ombudsperson, learn about her report and find out what concerned citizens can do to urge immediate government action.” To read the full report go to www. b c ombu d s p e r s on . For a 14-page summary of the report go to

I would like to wish all workers and their families a safe and relaxing Labour Day. We honour your commitment to make our community strong and prosperous. Katrine Conroy, MLA Kootenay West 1-888-755-0556


Summer Savings


% Off

Fruit & Ornament Trees All Evergreen & Flowering Shrubs Perennials & Vines Pottery & Statutory

Excluding soils, manures and fertilizers


Columbia Valley Garden Centre


Carmen Guido of Castlegar (pictured above left) brought her friend Marta Geli, who lives in Italy, to her Rotary club dinner on Aug. 21. The two went to school together in Chile but hadn’t seen each other in 50 years. Guido found her friend through Facebook and the two were able to meet up when Geli travelled to Canada. “We wrote and exchanged stories about our lives,” said Guido. “She married an Italian and I a Canadian. I invited her to visit me, so she did and after 50 years we met at the Vancouver Airport.” Even after half a century, Guido said she recognized her friend right away. “She looks the same to me, and the bond we once had has not been broken,” she said. “We laugh as much, talk as much, tease each other as much as we did when we were 16. Regardless of the outside changes that the years have made - we are the same and age is just a number.” Craig Lindsay photo

Kootenay kudos given An upbeat occasion was enjoyed Aug. 22 at the Castlegar Community Complex as Kootenay Festival Sponsors were officially recognized. Barb Sinclair photo


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Seems like yesterday

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O OPEN CASTLEGAR 7 DAYS 1415 Columbia Ave Old Waneta Rd 250-368-8191 2 A WEEK 250-365-8461

Fall Classes begin

Sept. 17th

Hip Hop • n er d Mo cal Theater • Balle • z z i t • Ja us •M o r c A • Pre-school combo (3&4yrs) Kinderdance combo (4&5yrs)

Register in person: Tuesday, September 4th and

Thursday, September 6th 2:00pm-7:00pm at the studio or Wednesday, September 5th 5:00pm-7:30pm at the Castlegar Complex Parade of Programs

Contact Us At: 250•365•5046 Email: or visit our website


Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News

Community Calendar

Tell us about your upcoming event, email:


For more information please call Tiffany at 250-513-0133 or email



enue (across from the Library) is having a 2 for 1 Back To School Sale starting Monday, August 27 to Saturday, September 1, 2012. Please note: we will revert to our usual fall/winter/spring hours of operation as follows: Mondays thru Thursday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays & Saturdays 10 a..m. to 2 p.m. Please phone ahead 250-3657317 prior to dropping off your wonderful donations due to lack of adequate space from time to time.


- at 6 p.m. for families to come into the centre and see what we will have to offer this up coming year. There will be a light dinner of hot dogs and watermelon provided. This will give you an opportunity to check out our daycare, preschool, and StrongStart rooms as well as our outside, gym and library space. This will NOT replace our Preschool Orientation days. That will happen the week after the long weekend and you will receive a phone call with specific times. Hope to see everyone out on the 30th. Call 250-365-7201 for more information. SEPT. 4 - PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON PROPOSED REVITALIZATION TAX BYLAW - 6 p.m. at the Castlegar

forum, prior to regular City of Castlegar council meeting.

SEPT. 4 - KOOTENAY SWIM CLUB AGM - 6 p.m. at the Castlegar

and District Community Complex located at 2101 6th Avenue. Registration for all ages starts September 2012. If you have any inquiries please visit our website at www.thekootenayswimclub. com or email SEPT. 5 - SPECIAL OLYMPICS B.C .- CASTLEGAR REGISTRATION DAY

- Castlegar Community Complex between 5 and 7 p.m. The following sports will be offered in the fall/winter: bowling, floor hockey, swimming, and rhythmic gymnastics.

Chorale, under the direction of Christna Nolan, welcomes new and returning members for the 2012/13 choral season. The choir sings both classical and contemporary music in harmony. We are especially in need of tenor and bass voices as well as a volunteer piano accompanist. Rehearsals begin Thursday, sept. 6, at 7 p.m. at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (713 4th Street, Castlegar). FMI phone Helga at 250-3656057 or email

SEPT. 8 - BACK TO SCHOOL SWIM PARTY! - Castlegar Aquatic Cen-

tre. 2 - 4 p.m. Everyone welcome! Swim and play on the giant iceberg. Popcorn and drinks will be served. Regular admission.


Toonie entrance – includes all rides and games or attend Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and get a free entrance ticket. 10:30 a.m. Church Service in front parking lot with Carnival begining at 1 p.m. with carnival games and bounce houses. Great food, friends and fun, everyone is welcome.


and come on down to a good old fashion country fair. Fun activities include Giant Pumpkin Contest, agricultural & craft displays, local country musicians, antique engines, heritage displays, vendors. New this year is a chili cook-off where all entrants will receive an apron and the winner will receive a cash prizes and a ribbon. All exhibits will be judged Saturday September 8th so please ensure your exhibits are dropped off at Winlaw Hall between noon and 4pm. Please bring your lawn chair and leave your pets home and come enjoy. For further details regarding the fair, fair exhibits, vendors, music jamboree, or chili cook-off please contact Carey at 250-226-7702.


Humphries Secondary School, 720-7th Avenue, Castlegar. Summer Genealogy Discoveries. Come & share where your family history research took you this summer. We share ideas & materials related to researching family history & promote the collection, publication & preservation of those materials relevant to the promotion of ethical principles, scientific methods, & effective techniques in genealogical & historical research. Annual membership dues for the 2012/2013 season: $10.00 SEPT. 13 - THE BEST OF CARE: GETTING IT RIGHT FOR SENIORS IN BC. A

free event with BC Ombudsperson Kim Carter, 12 noon to 2pm, Castlegar Recreation Complex. Please come out to learn about & support recommendations for improving seniors’ care in the West Kootenay and throughout BC. Optional lunch by donation at 11:30am. Sponsored By Castlegar Health Watch, Trail SPCA and Nelson Area Health Advocacy Groups. Info: 250365-5077 or 350-365-3126. SEPT. 15 - A COURSE IN BASIC NORWEGIAN LANGUAGE sponsored

by the Sons of Norway is being planned to start again. Please call 250-365-1017 for information. SEPT. 17 - THE WEST KOOTENAY OSTOMY SUPPORT GROUP will meet

at 2 pm at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail. Guest speaker: Ken Siemens, Topic: “Through the Valley of Grief.” Please feel free to join us! For further info, please call 250368-9827 or 250-365-6276. SEPT. 22 - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GARLIC DINNER - You are invited

to a garlic feast. The Knights of Columbus are hosting a garlic dinner at St. Rita’s Hall. The dinner will include baked garlic and brie, borscht, shish-kabobs, perogies and more. Need some work done around the house! Try our silent auction. We have several trades men who would love to help. It will also include one of a kind. No garden! Try our market for

produce that others will sharefruit, vegetables, jam, pies, and pickles. Two dinners for 8 will be raffled off. The winners will invite seven of their friends to a five course dinner. It will be served in the hall. Tickets are $25. They may be obtained from the knights, at the church office, or at Joey ‘s. For more information call Fred at 304-2790 or John at 365-0747. SEPT. 22/23 - 17TH ANNUAL FALL FAIR - PASS CREEK EXHIBITION GROUNDS. Main attraction

this year will be Dirty Digger Weekend sponsored by Chris & Liz Popoff of Dirty Diggers, where children can help operate equipment with professional operators. Antique car show, dog show, horse show, children’s games, bouncy house. Lot’s of new vendors. Prize money for children exhibit entries. Live entertainment on stage all weekend. Competition between Trail, Castlegar & Nelson for best wine and beer entries. Name the baby alpaca contest with a great prize for a great name. For more information log onto OCT. 13/14 (RESCHEDULED)- A 2ND WORKSHOP ON TRADITIONAL NORWEGIAN ROSEMALING DECORATIV ART hosted by the Sons of

Norway and sponsored by The Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance is inviting interested persons to apply. Tel. 250 365 1017 . A workshop on Chip Carving is also being arranged on the same date and place .


Castlegar Community Centre Fri. Oct. 19 Noon - 6pm Sat. Oct. 20 10am - 5pm Sun. Oct 21 10am - 4pm Quilt Displays, Demos, Merchant Mall, Door Prizes, Quilt Raffle. Come and enjoy some wonderful quilting! Information: Val Dingwall 250-359-7622 OCT. 19-20 - CASTLEGAR SENIOR’S CRAFT SALE - At the Community

Complex. Friday, Oct. 19th from 12-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20th from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All hand made crafts. Info Verna

Keraiff 250-365-8287.



Castlegar Complex. Monday - 10am darts, 1pm whist. Tuesday - 9:30am floor curling/ carpet bowling, 1pm crafts, 7pm pool. Wedneasday - 9:30am floor curling, 1pm (ON 5th ONLY) bingo, 7pm rummoli, 10pm 19th Raspberry Reunion. Thursday - 9:30am floor curling, 6th 2pm general meeting, 1pm bingo (NOT on the 6th), 20th 2pm tea dance “Red Robin”. Friday - 1pm bridge/crib.


ties in Bloom invite you to build a Scarecrow for our Scarecrow Contest at this year’s Pass Creek Fall Fair Sept 22/23. Enteries may be dropped off at 48 King Ave by Friday Sept 21 or befor 11AM Sat Sept 22 at our booth at the Fair. Cash Prises. For more information call Marilyn 250608-1035. ONGOING: TRAIL & DISTRICT HARMONY CHOIR LOOKING FOR MEMBERS - Would you like to sing in

a non-auditioned, mixed community choir? The Trail and District Harmony Choir, celebrating 25+ years of music, is starting the 201213 season, bringing together residents of Castlegar, Warfield, Rossland, Trail, Montrose, Fruitvale, and Salmo to sing and perform a wide range of music. Directed by Audrey Bisset and accompanied by Maureen Lewis, the choir starts Wed. September 5, 2012 and will meet each Wednesday until April, 2013 from 7:30 to 9:30 at Trail`s J. Lloyd Crowe Secondary School in the Music Room. The choir performs several times throughout the year and strives to create an atmosphere of fun and friendship as well as focus on choral singing. Join us this September. For more detailed information on the choir go to: or if you have questions contact Liz at 512-8021.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A9


Dishing out the gear

A Public Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 4, 2012 at 6pm NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT REVITALIZATION TAX EXEMPTION BYLAW, NO 1160 The Council of the City of Castlegar wishes to establish a revitalization tax exemption program in order to create an economic stimulus that will encourage capital investment, expand the commercial property tax base, enhance the visual appeal of commercial properties within the City and create economic growth opportunities throughout the City. The program is intended to accomplish this objective by providing a tax exemption to commercial class 6, properties throughout the City. The exemption will apply to renovation, alteration or expansion projects. Commercial properties that engage in these types of projects may be exempted from municipal taxes on the new assessment value attributable to the renovation, alteration or expansion of their building. It is proposed that the bylaw provide a tax exemption for six years as follows: • Year 1-3: 100% of the assessed value attributable to the alteration or expansion; • Year 4 – 80% of the assessed value attributable to the alteration or expansion; • Year 5 – 60% of the assessed value attributable to the alteration or expansion; • Year 6 – 40% of the assessed value attributable to the alteration or expansion.

Scott Benesh, territory manager for Brandt, above left, hands the keys to a backhoe to Chris Popoff of Dirty Diggers for the “Dirty Digger for a Day” event at Pass Creek Fall Fair. Craig Lindsay photos

The amount of the annual tax exemption will be equal to that part of the municipal portion of property taxes imposed under Section 197(1)(a) of the Community Charter calculated by deducting the baseline assessment (BC Assessment’s last published land and improvements assessed value immediately before the commencement of the project) from the current assessed value and applying the difference to the current municipal tax rate. It is proposed that the bylaw provide an exemption on the first $750,000 of a project and it is estimated that the maximum tax saving incentive that the bylaw would provide is approximately $40,200. Further information is available on the City’s website at: A public meeting to discuss the bylaw will be held on Tuesday September 4, 2012 at the Community Forum, 445 13th Avenue, at 6 pm.

Jim Adrain, above left, owner of West K Concrete, will donate equipment for the Dirty Diggers, represented by Chris Popoff, Dig for a Day event at the Pass Creek Fall Fair on Sept. 22/23.

(L-R) Chris Popoff from Dirty Diggers and Rick Smith from the Pass Creek Fall Fair accept a cheque for $50 from Gary Popoff, John Maloff, and Brenden Oglow from Interfor on Tuesday. See story “Can you Dig it?” on page A14.

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News


Kootenay-Columbia School District No.20

Bus Schedule 2012/2013 MORNING RUNS Rte #1AM (Bus 9200) from: Robson Stop Name

Rte #4AM (Bus 0200A) to: Robson, Twin Rivers, SHSS

Time Stop Name

Broadwater/McLean .......7:38 Allendale Crescent...........7:43 4251 Broadwater Road ...7:51 3969 Broadwater Road ...7:53 3768 Broadwater Road ...7:54 3561 Broadwater Road ...7:55 3385 Broadwater Road ...7:58 Robson ............................8:01 Stanley Humphries .........8:13 Castlegar Primary ...........8:15 Twin Rivers......................8:19


Robson Fire Hall .............. 8:04 Colview Road.................. 8:06 Relkoff Road ................... 8:07 Castle Theatre ................. 8:09 Stanley Humphries ......... 8:13

Stop Name

Stop Name

Time Stop Name


32nd Street ..................... 7:55 5th & 27th (old VV School) . 7:57 6th & 24th (park) ............ 8:00 6th & 20th (Complex) .... 8:01 Castlegar Primary .............. 8:08 Twin Rivers ..................... 8:09 RCS – transfer to Rte 3


Smith & 16th................... 7:47 Whispering Pines ............ 7:48 12th/15th ....................... 7:40 Tempo ............................. 7:52 Oasis/Highway (Rte 13) . 8:02 Crowe ............................. 8:12 TMS................................. 8:19 SHSS ................................ 8:52

from: Glade, Shoreacres from: S Castlegar

to: Castlegar Primary, Robson, SHSS, Twin Rivers to: SHSS

Bus Garage Gate .............6:48 Thrums – East Road (courtesy) 7:02 1817 Highway 3A (courtesy)..7:02 Glade/Division.................7:13 Antler Road .....................7:15 Morraine Road ................7:18 Shoreacres – Bird Road....7:29

Shoreacres – McHardy Road 7:35 Voykin Subdivision .......... 7:41 Kelly Road ....................... 7:42 Goose Creek Road .......... 7:43 Doukhobour Road .......... 7:44 Highway 3A/Glade Esso . 7:45 2995 Highway 3A .......... 7:46

Stop Name

Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Vine Street (CP/TR only) 7:56 Colview Road (CP/TR only) 7:57 Relkoff Road (CP/TR only) 7:58 Arrow Lakes Drive (CP/TR/RCS)8:00 King Avenue (CP/TR/RCS) 8:03 Castlegar Primary ........... 8:08 Twin Rivers ..................... 8:12 Transfers from Rte 2, 5, 6, 11

Time Stop Name

Time Stop Name


Jenisa Road ..................... 7:47 Castlegar Primary ........... 8:07 Twin Rivers (RCS to Rte 3) 8:09 SHSS ................................ 8:11 32nd Street...................... 8:21 5th & 27th ...................... 8:22 SHSS ................................ 8:32

Rte #6AM (Bus 0200)

Rte #3AM (Bus 5200)

1884 Pass Creek Road ....7:33 1806 Pass Creek Road ....7:34 1696 Pass Creek Road ....7:35 1647 Pass Creek Road ....7:37 1558 Pass Creek Road ....7:39 1454 Pass Creek Road ....7:40 1124 Pass Creek Road ....7:42 Bayview Mailboxes .........7:47 Relkoff Road (RCS only)..7:48 Colview Road (RCS only) 7:49 Robson ............................7:55 SHSS ................................8:07 Castlegar Primary ...........8:08 Twin Rivers......................8:12

Time Stop Name

Monashee/15th .............. 7:25 Stellar Place (transit stop) 7:30 Columbia/34th ............... 7:32 Blueberry Creek Park ...... 7:36 Fairview ........................... 7:40 China Creek Shell ............ 7:43 Home Goods Road OR RR transit stop (winter) 7:45

from: Ootischenia (S side of Highway 3) to: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, SHSS, Twin Rivers from: Woodland Park to: Castlegar Primary, Twin Rivers

from: lower Pass Creek to: SHSS from: lower Pass Creek, lower Robson to: Castlegar Primary, Robson, Twin Rivers from: N Castlegar to: Robson Stop Name

to: Crowe, TMS to: Crowe

Rte #5AM (Bus 9201A) to: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, SHSS, Twin Rivers to: Castlegar Primary, Twin Rivers to: Castlegar Primary, SHSS, Twin Rivers

SPL...................................7:25 China Creek Shell ............7:27 Smith Crescent & 16th ....7:30 Whispering Pines.............7:32 12th & 15th Junction ......7:34 Tempo .............................7:36 Wide spot prior to SPL Road 7:37 Fairview ...........................7:40 Kinnaird (meet Route 7) .7:50 Castlegar Primary ...........8:08 Twin Rivers......................8:09 Stanley Humphries .........8:12

Time Stop Name

Thrums Auction (Mon-Wed) 6:59 1923 Irving Road (mailboxes) 7:02 1595 Highway 3A (Mon-Thu) 7:04 1503 Highway 3A...........7:05 Bottom of Pass Creek Road 7:08 Broadwater/Bayview (Fri) 7:12 Lion’s Head......................7:14 Stanley Humphries ..........7:21

Rte #2AM (Bus A0202) from: Genelle from: S. Castlegar from: Route #7

Rte #9AM (Bus 8200A)

from: Castlegar, Genelle, Robson, Thrums from: Route 13


Arrow Lakes Drive........... 8:00 King Avenue.................... 8:03 Castlegar Primary ........... 8:08 Twin Rivers ..................... 8:12 Robson............................ 8:19

Time Stop Name

1014 Bridgeview .............7:34 1058 Bridgeview .............7:36 Bridgeview Mailbox Road 7:38 Duke Road & Waterloo Road 7:39 822 Waterloo Road.........7:40 D-D Ranch ......................7:42 Waterloo Crescent...........7:45

Time Stop Name


833 Columbia Road........ 7:48 Edgewood (CP/TR)......... 8:06 Hillview/Dump Road ...... 7:50 Castlegar Primary ........... 8:11 Hillview/Mailbox............. 7:52 Twin Rivers ..................... 8:12 Kinnaird .......................... 8:01 Castlegar Primary ........... 8:11 Twin Rivers ..................... 8:12 SHSS................................ 8:14

Rte #7AM (Bus A0202) from: Grosvenor to: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, Twin Rivers from: Highland Drive to: Castlegar Primary, Twin Rivers from: Blueberry, S Castlegar to: Kinnaird, SHSS Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Crestview Crescent..........7:27 Grosvenor/Forest Road ...7:29 Killough Road (Labatts)...7:30 Bonanza Pass Sign........... Highland Drive (CP/TR) ..7:42 Kinnaird...........................7:50

Time Stop Name

Trowelex Road ................ 7:58 Blueberry Creek Park (KE/SHSS)8:02 32nd Street (KE).............. 8:06 Kinnaird (meet Route 2) . 8:11

from: N Ootischenia to: Castlegar Primary, SHSS, Twin Rivers from: Edgewood, S Castlegar to: Kinnaird from: S Castlegar to: SHSS Stop Name


Time Stop Name


Cone Hill Park ................. 8:01 24th & 6th Street ............ 8:20 Southridge & 14th .......... 8:05 5th & 20th (Complex) .... 8:21 14th & 37th .................... 8:06 SHSS ................................ 8:30 Kinnaird .......................... 8:15

Rte #10AM (Bus5201) from: upper Pass Creek

to: Castlegar Primary, Robson, SHSS, Twin Rivers from: lower Robson, Grosvenor area, Highland Drive, 17th to: SHSS Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Piljek Road .......................7:25 Robson Fire Hall .............. 7:52 Goose Creek Road ..........7:26 Vine Street....................... 7:54 McDaniels Road ..............7:28 SHSS................................ 7:59 2170 Pass Creek Road ....7:29 Raven Road .....................7:31 2070 Pass Creek Road ....7:33 1989 Pass Creek Road ....7:34 1948 Pass Creek Road ....7:35 1844 Pass Creek Road ....7:37 Vine Street .......................7:47 Robson ............................7:50 SHSS ................................7:59 Castlegar Primary ...........8:02 Twin Rivers......................8:03


Crestview Crescent ......... 8:10 Grosvenor/Forest Road... 8:12 Killough Road (Labatts)... 8:13 Highland Drive ................ 8:16 17th Street (behind Safeway)8:20 SHSS ................................ 8:27

Rte #11AM (Bus7201A - Specialty Bus) from: Blueberry, S Castlegar Stop Name

Cone Hill Park ................. 8:15 Southridge & 14th .......... 8:18 14th & 37th .................... 8:20 27th & Columbia ............ 8:25 SHSS ................................ 8:32

Time Stop Name

Rosedale & Campus Road7:34 Top of Trailer Court Road 7:36 Ootischenia/Columbia ....7:39 Columbia Road/Aaron Road 7:40 Columbia Road/McPhee Road 7:41 Lark Road ........................7:42 Columbia & Ootischenia .7:43 Castlegar Primary ...........7:50 Twin Rivers......................7:52 SHSS ................................7:53

to: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, SHSS, Twin Rivers

Time Stop Name

Blueberry Creek Park (CP/TR) 7:36 100th Street (special).......7:38 Cone Hill Park (CP/TR courtesy)7:43 Southridge & 14th (CP/TR) 7:46 14th & 37th (CP/TR) ......7:47 Castlegar Primary ...........7:58 Twin Rivers......................8:00

Time Stop Name

Edgewood ....................... 8:06 5th Avenue (special) ....... 8:12 5th/27th (KE) .................. Kinnaird .......................... 8:16


6th Avenue (M,T,Th) (special) 8:20 Highland Drive (special) .. 8:25 SHSS ................................ 8:34 Crestview Crescent (special) 8:42 Kinnaird .......................... 8:50

Rte #12AM (Bus6201) from: Tarrys, Thrums Stop Name

to: Castlegar Primary, Robson, SHSS, Twin Rivers

Time Stop Name

Loff Road.........................7:35 2039 Loff Road ...............7:37 Tarrys Road......................7:38 Irving Road ......................7:39 1817 Highway 3A...........7:41 1739 Highway 3A...........7:42

Time Stop Name

Moran Road (Thrums Market) 7:43 1595 Highway 3A .......... 7:44 1503 Highway 3A .......... 7:45 Lookout Road (RCS) ....... 7:46 1867 Robson Access Road 7:50 Brilliant Road ................... 7:53


Trubetskoff Road............. 7:54 Cultural Road .................. 7:55 Robson............................ 8:01 Castlegar Primary ........... 8:09 Twin Rivers ..................... 8:10 SHSS ................................ 8:12

AFTERNOON RUNS Rte #1PM (Bus 9200) from: Castlegar Primary, Robson, Twin Rivers from: SHSS Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ...........2:15 Twin Rivers......................2:18 Mitchell Tunnel................2:21 King Street .......................2:22 3385 Broadwater Road ...2:34 3561 Broadwater Road ...2:35 3748 Broadwater Road ...2:36 3969 Broadwater Road ...2:37 4251 Broadwater Road ...2:39 McLean Road ..................2:49 Allendale Crescent...........2:50

to: N Castlegar, Robson to: Robson

Time Stop Name

Robson............................ 2:29 3385 Broadwater Road... 2:34 3561 Broadwater Road... 2:35 3748 Broadwater Road... 2:36 3969 Broadwater Road... 2:37 4251 Broadwater Road... 2:39 McLean Road.................. 2:49 Allendale Crescent .......... 2:50


SHSS ................................ 3:08 Vine Street....................... 3:20 Robson Fire Hall .............. 3:23 3385 Broadwater Road... 3:25 3561 Broadwater Road... 3:26 3748 Broadwater Road... 3:27 3969 Broadwater Road... 3:28 4337 Broadwater Road... 3:30 McLean Road................... Allendale Crescent .......... 3:38

Rte #2PM (Bus A0203) from: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, Twin Rivers from: Castlegar Primary, Twin Rivers from: SHSS Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ...........2:13 Twin Rivers......................2:15 Kinnaird (transfer to Route 9) 2:25 Fairview ...........................2:34 China Creek Shell ............2:41 Smith Crescent/16th .......2:45 Whispering Pines.............2:48 12th/15th Junction .........2:50 Tempo .............................2:52 Wide spot prior to SPL Road 2:55

to: Genelle to: Cone Hill Park, Southridge, 14th to: Genelle

Time Stop Name

SHSS................................ 3:20 6th/20th (Complex) ....... Fairview ........................... 3:29 SPL .................................. 3:31 China Creek Shell ............ 3:32 Home Goods & Railway . 3:33 Smith Crescent/16th....... 3:34 Whispering Pines ............ 3:36 12th/15th Junction ......... 3:37 Tempo (transfer from Rte 14) 3:39 Wide spot prior to SPL Road 3:42


Transfers from Route 14 .... 3:39 Blueberry Creek................ Fairview ............................ 32nd Street...................... 3:46 Columbia/24th ................ 17th Street (behind Safeway) 3:50

Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ...........2:13 Twin Rivers......................2:15 Robson ............................2:25 1121 Pass Creek Road ....2:33 1273 Pass Creek Road ....2:34 1406 Pass Creek Road ....2:35 1454 Pass Creek Road ....2:36 1558 Pass Creek Road ....2:38 1674 Pass Creek Road ....2:40 1696 Pass Creek Road ....2:41

Stop Name

to: Pass Creek to: S Castlegar


SHSS ................................ 3:12 6th & 24th Street ............ 3:22 27th & 5th Street ............ 3:25 32nd Street...................... 3:27

Time Stop Name

Time Stop Name

1969 Highway 3A .......... 2:41 Tarrys Road entrance ...... 2:44 2039 Loff Road ............... 2:46 Loff Road Mailboxes....... 2:47 Jenisa Road (Glade Auto) 2:48 2295 Highway 3A .......... 2:53 Filipoff Road .................... 2:54 Shoreacres – Alexis Road 2:55 Shoreacres – McHardy Road 2:56 Voykin Subdivision .......... 3:03


Kelly Road ....................... 3:04 Goose Creek Road (Mon,Thu) 3:05 Glade/Division (mailboxes)3:14 Antler Road ..................... 3:15 Morraine Road ................ 3:16 Glade Esso ....................... 3:18 Russell Auction ................ 3:20 1817 Highway 3A........... 3:25 MS Steel .......................... 3:30 Thrums Market ............... 3:33

Rte #6PM (Bus 0200) from: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, Twin Rivers from: SHSS Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ...........2:15 Twin Rivers......................2:18 Kinnaird...........................2:29 Waterloo Crescent...........2:36 Mailbox Road..................2:37 1014 Bridgeview Crescent 2:38 1058 Bridgeview Crescent 2:39 Duke Road ......................2:40 822 Waterloo Road.........2:41 D-D Ranch ......................2:43 833 Columbia Road ........2:44

to: Ootischenia to: Blueberry, S Castlegar

Time Stop Name

Hillview/Dump Road ...... 2:47 Hillview Road Mailboxes 2:48 Columbia Road/Ootischenia 2:50 Lark Road/Columbia....... 2:51 Columbia Road/McPhee Road 2:52 Columbia Road/Aaron Road 2:53 Ootischenia/Columbia.... 2:54 Rosedale/Campus........... 2:55 Frank Beinder Way & Doukhobour Museum Road 2:58

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ...........2:15 Twin Rivers......................2:18 Edgewood .......................2:25 Stellar Place......................2:28 Crestview Crescent..........2:41 Grosvenor/Forest Road ...2:43 Killough Road ..................2:44 Highland Drive (CP/KE) ..2:54

SHSS ................................ 3:10 Cone Hill Park ................. 3:20 Southridge & 14th .......... 3:23 14th & 37th .................... 3:25 Trowelex (courtesy)......... 3:28 Blueberry Creek Park ...... 3:30

from: Kinnaird from: SHSS Stop Name

Time Stop Name


Columbia/32nd............... 3:26 2241 Columbia Avenue .. 3:29 17th Street (behind Safeway) 3:32 SHSS ................................ 3:35 Bayview/Broadwater ...... 3:40 Lion’s Head...................... 3:42

to: S Castlegar to: 17th, Ootischenia

Time Stop Name

Kinnaird (transfer from Route 2) 2:25 Cone Hill Park..................2:32 Southridge & 14th...........2:34 14th & 37th.....................2:35

Time Stop Name


Time Stop Name


SHSS................................ 2:57 17th................................. 3:01 Waterloo Crescent .......... 3:20 Bridgeview Road ............. 1014 Bridgeview Crescent 3:23 1058 Bridgeview Crescent 3:25 Bridgeview Road/Mailbox Rd 3:26 Duke Road ...................... 3:27 817 Waterloo Road ........ D-D Ranch ...................... 3:28

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ...........2:15 Twin Rivers ......................2:18 2118 6th Street ...............2:28 2327 6th Avenue ............2:28 Kinnaird ...........................2:30 4400 Minto Road............2:35 Trowelex Road ................2:38 Blueberry Creek Park.......2:41 32nd Street......................2:45

Time Stop Name

SHSS................................ 3:05 Relkoff Road ................... 3:09 Colview Road.................. 3:10 Bayview Mailboxes ......... 3:14 1138 Pass Creek Road .... 3:16 1401 Pass Creek Road .... 3:18 1454 Pass Creek Road .... 3:19 1558 Pass Creek Road .... 3:21 1647 Pass Creek Road .... 3:22 1696 Pass Creek Road .... 3:23


1806 Pass Creek Road .... 3:24 1884 Pass Creek Road .... 3:25 1989 Pass Creek Road .... 3:26 2066 Pass Creek Road .... 3:27 2110 Pass Creek Road .... 3:28 2170 Pass Creek Road .... 3:29 McDaniel Road ............... 3:30 Goose Creek Road .......... 3:31 2392 Piljek Road ............. 3:32

from: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, Twin Rivers, SHSS from: SHSS Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary (special) 2:00 Twin Rivers (special)...........2:12 Kinnaird (special) ................2:20 5th & 27th.......................2:27 100th Street (special).......2:32 Crestview Crescent (special) 2:43

to: Blueberry, Grosvenor, S Castlegar to: S Castlegar

Time Stop Name


SHSS (special) ................. 2:56 Highland Drive (special) .. 3:10 SHSS.....................................2:58 6th Avenue (special) ....... 3:15 Youth Centre................... 3:04 5th Avenue (special) ....... 3:18 17th/Plaza....................... 3:07

Rte #12PM (Bus6201)

to: Edgewood, Grosvenor area to: Grosvenor area, Highland Dr., S Castlegar

Kinnaird .......................... 2:30 Edgewood ....................... 2:38 Crestview Crescent ......... 2:41 Grosvenor/Forest Road... 2:43 Killough Road.................. 2:44 Highland Drive ................ 2:54

Stop Name

to: S Castlegar to: Blueberry, S Castlegar to: lower Robson, Pass Creek

Rte #11PM (Bus7201A - Specialty Bus) Time

SHSS ................................ 3:05 Grosvenor/Forest Road... 3:12 Killough Road.................. 3:13 Highland Drive ................ 3:16 Coffee Shop .................... 3:20 Kinnaird Elementary ........ 3:35 27th & Columbia ............ 3:37

Rte #9PM (Bus 8200A)

to: Castlegar, Genelle

Webster (transfer Rte 19)..2:29 Crowe (Casino to Rte 19) .2:48 TMS .................................2:40 Home Goods Road ......... 3:05 2nd Avenue (Handy Store)2:42 Smith & 16th................... 3:08 Whispering Pines ............ 3:09 12th/15th Junction ......... 3:12 Tempo ............................. 3:13 China Creek Shell ............ 3:16

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ...........2:13 Twin Rivers......................2:15 Robson ............................2:24 1867 Robson Access Road 2:26 Lookout Road..................2:30 1503 Highway 3A...........2:32 1595 Highway 3A...........2:33 Moran Road ....................2:34 1739 Highway 3A...........2:36 1817 Highway 3A...........2:38

Stop Name

Rte #4PM (Bus 0200A) from: Crowe, TMS, Webster

Stop Name

Rte #7PM (Bus A0202)

Time Stop Name

1833 Pass Creek Road .... 2:42 1884 Pass Creek Road .... 2:43 1954 Pass Creek Road .... 2:44 1989 Pass Creek Road .... 2:45 2070 Pass Creek Road .... 2:47 Raven Road..................... 2:48 McDaniel Road ............... 2:49 Goose Creek Road .......... 2:51 Piljek Road....................... 2:52

Rte #10PM (Bus5201) from: Castlegar Primary from: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, Twin Rivers from: SHSS

from: Castlegar Primary, Kinnaird, Twin Rivers from: SHSS

Rte #3PM (Bus 5200) from: Castlegar Primary, Robson, Twin Rivers from: SHSS

Rte #5PM (Bus 9201A) from: Castlegar Primary, Robson, Twin Rivers to: Glade, Shoreacres, Tarrys, Thrums

833 Columbia .................. Hillview/Dump Road ...... 3:35 Hillview/Mailboxes ......... 3:36 Columbia Road/Ootischenia 3:37 Lark Road ........................ 3:38 Columbia/McPhee.......... 3:39 Golf Course Road............ 3:40 Columbia/Ootischenia.... 3:41 Rosedale/Campus Road . 3:45

from: Castlegar Primary, Twin Rivers to: Brilliant, lower Robson from: Robson to: Brilliant, lower Robson, N Castlegar from: SHSS to: Brilliant, Glade, Shoreacres, Tarrys, Thrums Stop Name

Time Stop Name

Castlegar Primary ............2:16 Twin Rivers ......................2:18 Relkoff Road....................2:23 Colview Road ..................2:24 Vine Street .......................2:26 Robson ............................2:30 Vine Street .......................2:33 Colview Road ..................2:34 Relkoff Road....................2:36 Bayview/Mailboxes.........2:37 Trubetskoff Road .............2:40 Arrow Lakes Drive ...........2:45 King Avenue ....................2:47

Time Stop Name

SHSS................................ 2:55 Old Theatre..................... Brilliant Junction .............. 3:03 Robson Access Road....... 3:04 Lookout Road ................. 3:08 1504 Highway 3A .......... 3:10 1595 Highway 3A .......... 3:11 Moran Road.................... 3:12 1739 Hwy 3A/Thrums East Rd 3:13 1817 Highway 3A .......... 3:14 1969 Highway 3A .......... 3:16 Tarrys Road entrance ...... 3:17 2039 Loff Road ............... 3:18 Loff Road Mailboxes....... 3:19 Jenisa Road/Glade Auto . 3:20


2995 Highway 3A........... 3:22 Top of Glade Ferry Road . 3:23 Glade/Division ................ 3:33 Antler Road ..................... 3:34 Morraine Road ................ 3:37 Filipoff Road .................... 3:47 Shoreacres – Bird Road ... 3:48 Shoreacres – McHardy Road 3:49 Voykin Subdivision .......... 3:55 Kelly Road ....................... 3:56 Goose Creek Road .......... 3:57 Doukhobour Road .......... 3:58 Tarrys Road ...................... 1817 Highway 3A............ Lookout Road ..................

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A11 REGISTRATION DAY Wednesday, September 5, 2012 5:00pm – 7:00pm CASTLEGAR & DISTRICT COMMUNITY COMPLEX Calling all Special Olympics Athletes! We are pleased to announce that SOBC – Castlegar programs are up and running again! We hope you can join us at the Castlegar and District Community Complex between 5:00pm and 7:00pm on September 5, 2012 to register for sports programs and enter your name in a draw. The following sports will be offered in the Fall/ Winter: Bowling Mondays from 3:30pm – 5:00pm starting September 10, 2012. Floor Hockey Tuesdays from 6:00pm – 8:00pm starting September 18, 2012 (second day TBA). Swimming Tuesdays from 12:30 – 1:30pm starting October 2, 2012. Rhythmic Gymnastics Tuesdays from 2:00pm – 2:45pm starting September 25, 2012. Cost for Registration is $25.00 for the first sport and $10.00 per additional sport.

Achievement on display The Turning Pointe Dance Studio staged a day-long program earlier this month, revealing for family and friends just how much has been learned by the 75-80 young people who have been working so hard at the academy. Pictured above, from left, are Emma; Isabel; Claire: Hannah; Hannah; Bri-Anne; Andie and Amanda. Jim Sinclair photo

For more information, questions and concerns please contact: Tiffany Vanderstar - Local Coordinator 250-513-0133 or We look forward to seeing you at REGISTRATION DAY!!

Kootenay-Columbia School District No.20

School Opening Information 2012/2013

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 Superintendent’s Message Hard to believe but we are nearing the end of the school summer break. The Labour Day weekend in September marks the end of summer for students and staff. September is an exciting time for schools as we get back to working with all our students to help them on their learning journey. We encourage all of our community to be actively involved with your schools. Talk to your child’s teacher and principal and find a way to stay involved and connected. Parental involvement really can make a difference in student achievement. All schools will be open at 8:00 a.m. September 4th for the registration of students new to the district and for any local Kindergarten and Grade One pupils not previously registered. Students will report for instruction on Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at times noted. September 4th will be a shortened day for students. Shortening the day will allow students an opportunity to become acquainted with their school, while at the same time enabling teachers to finalize their preparations for Wednesday, September 5th, the first full day of instruction. Kindergarten students will have gradual entry over the first week and a half so please contact your school for those times. To our existing students and families welcome back! To our new students and families, whether you are just starting kindergarten or moved here over the summer, a special warm welcome to your new school and district.

Home Schooled Students

As per the School Act and Regulations, parents/guardians who choose to school their children at home are advised that they MUST register their children by September 30th with a public school in the school district, a distance education school or an independent school in the province.

Trail/Castlegar & Area School Buses

For bussing information, please call 250-365-8331 or 250-364-2224. Bus schedules may also be viewed on the district website ( – Transportation).

TRANSPORTATION: STUDENT CONDUCT To be eligible to ride the school bus a Student Transportation Request form must be filled out and returned to your school. If you have not filled in a form for the 2012-2013 school year one can be obtained on the district website or from your school. Bussing information and schedules can also be found on the district Website @ or you can contact the transportation department at 250-3658331 or 250-364-2224. Please note that all bus routes are subject to minor changes. If you need to determine the bus stop and/or time your student is registered for please contact your school or the transportation department. 1. Students must: a) Follow the driver’s directions the FIRST time they are given. b) Keep their hands, feet and objects to themselves. c) Stay in their seat unless directed to do otherwise. d) Talk quietly, using only appropriate language. e) Be at the bus stop 5 minutes before scheduled leave time. f) Not eat or drink on the bus.

g) Not bully or intimidate others. h) NOT SMOKE, take drugs or alcohol on the bus and/or at the bus stop. 2. Non-registered students MUST provide a note from their parent/ guardian, signed by the school staff/ principal, to ride on a school bus. 3. Elementary students wanting to disembark at a stop other than their designated stop must provide a permission slip, signed by the principal. A student whose behaviour contravenes these values or whose actions distract the driver, cause to have the potential to cause harm or discomfort to self or others, is subject to disciplinary action, which may include the following: 1. Verbal warning from the bus driver (initially in routine situations). 2. Issue of a School Bus Incident Report: a) Written warning. b) Suspension of bus privileges. Some examples of actions that could result in suspension for an undetermined length of time are as follows: issued for repeated offences or for striking another person, fighting,

School Opening: September 4, 2012 Regular start times with dismissal as follows:

Regular School Times Beginning September 5, 2012

Castlegar Primary 8:20 am to 10:50 am 8:20 am to 2:05 pm Fruitvale Elementary 8:15 am to 10:45 am 8:15 am to 2:15 pm Glenmerry Elementary 8:20 am to 10:50 am 8:20 am to 2:20 pm JL Crowe Secondary 8:38 am to 11:08 am 8:38 am to 2:38 pm Kinnaird Elementary 8:20 am to 10:50 am 8:20 am to 2:20 pm MacLean Elementary 8:40 am to 11:10 am 8:40 am to 2:40 pm Robson Community 8:25 am to 10:55 am 8:25 am to 2:15 pm Rossland Secondary 8:38 am to 11:08 am 8:38 am to 2:43 pm Stanley Humphries Secondary 8:38 am to 11:08 am 8:38 am to 2:47 pm Twin Rivers Elementary 8:25 am to 10:55 am 8:25 am to 2:10 pm Webster Elementary 8:30 am to 10:55 am 8:30 am to 2:30 pm Alternate Programs (Jr. Alternate/Transitions, Please contact program directly for start-up procedures Cooperative Education, On-Line Learning)

School Fees Schools may charge fees for: school supplies; the rental of musical instruments; tools, equipment and materials for personal use or for participation in a trades program; optional field trips and special events; and, specialty ‘academy’ costs. Each school has a financial hardship policy – please contact your principal for more information. School fees and school supply lists may be viewed on the district website (www. – Parents/Public – School Fees & Supplies OR Schools).

vandalism, spitting, throwing objects out bus windows, lighting matches or other flammable objects, possession/ use of laser pointer, possession/ use of weapons, unauthorized use of emergency equipment, unauthorized exit through rear emergency door, and other serious contraventions of the bus rules. If a student receives a suspension an interview with school district staff may occur. Incidents of a serious nature may result in immediate action. CONVEYANCE OF NON-ENTITLED (COURTESY) STUDENTS Pupils wishing transportation must provide the driver with a signed note from their parent or guardian. School conduct and rules apply to these students using the bus service. Students without SIGNED PERMISSION will be denied a ride. The school district reserves the right to deny ridership to an individual. SCHOOL BUSSING – NOTES TO PARENTS 1. Late Arrival to Bus Stop: Students should be at their bus stop 5 minutes ahead of the scheduled departure time. Buses DO NOT wait for tardy students. Drivers may

notify transportation office with a “School Bus Incident Report” if a student has arrived late for the bus on more than one occasion. 2. Under no circumstances should children run to catch the bus. 3. Provide the necessary safety precautions for your children when going to and from the bus stop. 4. Make certain that your children are properly dressed, in case of emergencies during cold or wet weather. 5. Accept responsibility for the proper conduct of your children before boarding a bus, during the daily trips and upon discharge. 6. Parents will be responsible for any damage to a bus by their children. 7. Encourage children to obey all traffic rules and school bus regulations. 8. Students are to use only their assigned bus and regular bus stop, unless they are a courtesy rider with the necessary documentation. 9. Children should know their bus route numbers. 10. Children are expected to proceed directly from the bus stop to their destination.

BULLYING AND HARASSMENT OF OTHERS ON THE BUS OR AT THE BUS STOPS WILL BE TREATED SERIOUSLY! TRANSPORTATION OF EQUIPMENT ON BUSES Acceptable Items 1. Skates 2. Small musical instruments 3. Golf clubs (3-4 clubs, not a set with a golf bag) 4. Field hockey sticks 5. Hockey sticks 6. Baseball bats 7. Skateboards Unacceptable Items 1. Skis and poles 2. Sleighs, toboggans 3. Furniture or other large items 4. Large musical instruments

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News



Super Summer



Summer reading is FUN

When you book any classified ad into any of our West Kootenay papers, you can place the same ad into any additional paper for only

* maximum six additional papers

• Nelson Star • Trail Daily Times • Castlegar News • Grand Forks Gazette • Rossland News

$2 * per p



50s live for the cause There were plenty of classic cars, including this gorgeous Ford (left) and ‘58 Chev, on hand at the Castlegar A&W for Cruising for a Cause, a benefit for MS research last Thursday.

Obviously keen on what they do, these two leaders (in the big hats) Samantha Rigby, left, and Stesha Amos get the Castlegar Library Summer Reading Club together for a photo on August 16. Jim Sinclair photo

Craig Lindsay photo

Call your community paper for more details!!!



On July 26, 2012, pursuant to the Utilities Commission Act (Act), FortisBC Inc. (FortisBC) filed an application (Application) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project (AMI Project). FortisBC requests approval of a revised depreciation rate of five percent for the proposed AMI meters. The AMI Project has an estimated capital cost of approximately $47.7 million and is expected to commence in late 2013 and be complete by 2015. FortisBC proposes to install 115,000 residential and commercial AMI meters.

Participants and other parties are requested to submit comments prior to Friday, September 7, 2012 on the need for Community (Public) Input Sessions in the areas of Trail, Osoyoos, and Kelowna. A Procedural Conference will be scheduled to address the process by which to continue the review of the Application after and if Community Input Sessions are held.

INTERVENTIONS Persons wishing to actively participate in the FortisBC proceeding must register as Interveners through the Commission’s website at or in writing, by Friday, September 7, 2012. In their registration, Interveners must identify the issues that they intend to pursue, and indicate the extent of their anticipated involvement in the review process. Interveners will each receive a copy of all non-confidential correspondence and filed documentation, and must provide an email address if available. Persons not expecting to actively participate, but who have an interest in the proceeding, should register as Interested Parties through the Commission’s website or in writing, by Friday, September 7, 2012, identifying their interest in the proceeding. By participating and/or providing comment on the application, you agree that all submissions and/or correspondence received relating to the Application will be placed on the public record and posted on the Commission’s website.

An initial regulatory timetable for review of the Application is outlined in Appendix A of Order G-105-12. In order to maintain firm contract pricing on the AMI system, FortisBC requests Commission approval of the proposed CPCN by July 20, 2013. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE DOCUMENTS The Application and supporting documents will be available for viewing on FortisBC’s website at and on the Commission’s website at The Application and supporting documents will also be made available for inspection at FortisBC’s Head Office at Suite 100, 1975 Springfield Road, Kelowna, B.C., V1Y 7V7, and at the BC Utilities Commission office, Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 2N3. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, please contact Ms. Erica Hamilton, Commission Secretary, by telephone (604) 660-4700 or BC Toll Free at 1-800-663-1385, by fax (604) 660-1102, or by email

ON NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†/‥/xOffers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Cruze LS (R7A) equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Dealer order or trade may be required. GMCL, Ally Credit or TD Financing Services may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Cruze LT &LTZ. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $119.05 for 84months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000.00. ††3.49% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Financing Services for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Cruze LS. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 3.49% APR, the monthly payment is $135.45 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $1,285.65, total obligation is $11,285.65. ‥Based on a 48 month lease. Rate of 0% advertised on new or demonstrator 2012 Cruze LT & LTZ equipped as described. Annual kilometer limit of 20,000km, $0.16 per excess kilometer OAC by GM Financial. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. Other lease options available. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $208.33 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. x$1,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on select 2012 Cruze LS(tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other cash credits available on most models. WBased on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. ,Š The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. + For more information visit ÂĽBased on 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control, and StabiliTrakÂŽ. ÂĽÂĽ2012 Cruze Eco equipped with 6-speed manual transmission. Based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Guide for the Midsize Car class. Excludes hybrid and diesel models. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. â—ŠBased on retail registrations in the 12 months following launch. **Vehicle specifications and purchase price based on information on the manufacturer’s website ad at time of posting for the 2012 Chevrolet Cruze LS, 2012 Hyundai Elantra L Sedan and 2012 Honda Civic LX. All models with 6-speed manual transmission (freight included, tax excluded).

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012

Artist Name: Mirja Vahala Exhibit Location: Soap ‘n Suds Laundromat – Kootenay Crossing Mall (Location 22) Artist City: Robson, BC Medium: Acrylics Years Active: nine Contact: Photo: Chorus Line 2011


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Arts & Culture Art Walk 2012 profile: Mirja Vahala

The 16th Annual Castlegar Art Walk runs from now until September 16, 2012 and features 27 different artists on display at 25 venues throughout the community. For brochures and information visit the Castlegar Chamber of Commerce at www. or 1995 6th Avenue, Castlegar (250.365.6313). Here is just one of the delightful artists featured this year. Our local Castlegar Rebels are looking forward to the upcoming season and are inviting motivated, positive, community members to join our organization.

Duties we are looking to ďŹ ll: • Billet homes • Security at games • Off ice ofďŹ cials • Score keeper • Time keeper • Door attendants

ChorusLine 2011 by Mirja Vahala

Statement: As I paint, I strive to convey a sense of life’s beauty and meaning through the messages I see within nature. Ideas come to me from our common well of human needs and experiences: how we relate to time, change and mortality. I also create artwork as a way to be visi-

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Submitted photo

ble—and to connect with people who, like me, thrive on stories that lie beyond the surface of things. Walking in the West Kootenay outdoors with my husband and dogs, I see stories in the surrounding landscape. I see lightning strike a tree and think about how a forest needs fire


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to flourish, just as we need hardship to become our best beings. In my imagination I see a tree, struck by lightning, transforming into birds. With this image in my heart and mind’s eye, I feel that flutter in my belly. I return to my studio and begin again to paint.






If you are interested in joining our family or think you have a great idea to contribute please contact:

Vice President Tom Campbell 250-304-9055

Secretary Sandy Terlecki 250 365 2182


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Based on latest available competitive information**


Call Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC at 250-365-2155, or visit us at 1700 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar. [License #8917] ,

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News


The Source proudly opens its newest location in Castlegar

Canadian owned and operated consumer electronics and wireless retailer, The Source, is proud to announce the Grand Opening of its newest location in beautiful Castlegar. Managing the store is Laura Lindquist, who has over 2 years experience serving customers with consumer electronics. “My staff and I are honoured to be able to open the doors of our new store to our community,” said Lindquist. “We take great pride in providing helpful, friendly service to our customers, in addition to offering a great selection of the latest and greatest consumer electronics products and services, right here at home.”

Located in Castlegar, the store offers a variety of National Brands such as Sony, Samsung, and LG, and provides a great assortment of product categories aimed at helping customers make their lives easier while on the go, in the home or at work. Our product and service lineup includes the latest selection of smartphones, HDTVs, laptops, headphones and the essentials including batteries and ink cartridges. The Source’s knowledgeable staff look forward to assisting you find the products you want and providing the help you need, to make the most of your electronics.

The electronics you want. The help you need. Trade-mark of The Source (Bell) Electronics Inc.


Sizzling Science Sizzling Science camp at Blueberry Creek Community School Hub, with School District #20 and Kootenay Association of Science and Technology, was a hit the week of August 13-17! In all, 13 school age children participated in science experiments. Submitted photo Appearance varies by location

With approximately

700 locations

across Canada The Source proudly participates each year in fundraising campaigns and charitable donations to support great causes. It is through working with our communities that we enable both our associates and customers the opportunity to make a difference in both our environment, and the lives of people across the country. “For over 40 years, The Source has been dedicated to serving our customers and communities by offering great value for great products and backing it up with helpful service that keeps customers coming back,” said Charles Brown, President, The Source. “At The Source, one of our greatest assets is our people. We pride ourselves on hiring the best talent and creating an engaging environment where skills are utilized, ideas and opinions are taken to heart, and fun is encouraged. In the fast-paced world of technology and retail, The Source is prepared to take on new challenges and build new successes through innovation, commitment to service excellence, and investing in our stores and people.” We invite you to join us in the celebration of our new Grand Opening in Kootenay Crossing, 1983 Columbia Ave., August 30September 2, to experience our new store, to meet Laura and her staff, and enter for your chance to win a TOSHIBA 55” LED Passive 3D bundle. Interested in working at The Source? For information on jobs at The Source visit

Can you dig it? CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Gone but not forgotten, the City of Castlegar Dig Dirt Days were very popular as kids got to ride around and try out various equipment at the city works yard. Dirty Diggers Excavating company is bringing the idea back with Dirty Digger for a Day event, which will take place at the Pass Creek Fall Fair on Sept. 22 and 23. “It’s going to be for the kids to come and

play on the equipment and operate it with an operator inside, of course, and dig up some dirt and see how the machines work,” said Chris Popoff of Dirty Diggers.” The event will take place from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., but Popoff says they won’t leave if there are kids waiting at 3. “If we have a big line-up at 3, we’ll stay there until every kid has had a chance,” he said. Dirty Digger for a

Day will also feature prizes and temporary tattoos for the kids. “We’ve got lots of prizes that we’ve donated as well as Interfor, which donated money, and BC Hydro, which donated material,” said Popoff. “Everybody’s got together to donate to help this event be a success. West K Concrete is donating the sand and gravel. Brandt Tractor is donating any equipment we may need for the weekend. It should be a good time.”

Selkirk College upgrades Continued from P. A1

“The funding for the infrastructure work is really good too,” she said. “It’s the oldest community col-

lege in the province. It definitely needs some upgrading. “It’s good news for the region, for the people going to do the work on the building;

and good news for the students who want to take that type of training right here in their home community and not have to leave,” said Conroy.

Heritage/HG talks ongoing Continued from P. A2

They also unilaterally increased the pension contributions of the members by 1.5 per cent. So it’s in that that we lost a great deal. So going into bargaining that was our number one issue identified by our membership that we had to try and deal with. “There are a couple of issues, but we’re definitely trying hard to get this resolved.” Heritage Credit Union management is still hoping to come to an agreement with its workers.

“We are still hoping to resolve a collective agreement without any strike action,” said human resources manager Charlene Covington. “We’re considering what, if anything, can be done next. It’ll take us a couple of days to look at our options.” Covington says they have contingency plans in place in case of any potential job action. “We have our management and nonunion employees ready to provide service to our clients in the event of a strike,” she said. “Our in per-

son services will be reduced but will continue. “Other services should be able to remain in place uninterrupted.” The Castlegar branch would remain open, while the Slocan Park branch would be closed in the event of job action. “The Slocan branch would not be open to in-person banking or insurance business,” said Covington. “People could still use the ATM and night depository. Of course, online and telephone banking would remain open.”

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A15


Aug. 30-Sept. 2


The Source Kootenay Crossing Castlegar, BC

Building on 40 years of excellence, The Source is proud to serve your community SAVE 60%

SAVE 70%

SAVE 60%








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The selection and brands you want, plus the helpful advice you need to make it all work

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Meet store manager Laura Lindquist and her staff and enjoy complimentary coffee and donuts Saturday and Sunday, September 1-2 while you browse the store for the brands you love and chat with the experts you trust.

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Kootenay Crossing 1983 Columbia Ave. Castlegar, BC 250-365-2413 Offers valid Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2012 at this location only. Offers accurate at press time. May be subject to change. The Source does not accept liability for pictorial or typographical errors. Taxes not included. ™Trade-mark of The Source (Bell) Electronics Inc. Cell phone bonus offer: Available with compatible devices within coverage areas available from Bell and its international partners’ coverage areas where technology permits. Other monthly fees, e.g., 9-1-1, and one-time device activation ($35) apply. Paper bill service charge ($2/mo.) applies unless you register for e-bill and cancel your paper bill. Upon early termination, price adjustments apply; see your Service Agreement for details. Subject to change without notice. Taxes extra. May not be available in all locations. Other conditions apply. (1) With new activation of select devices (excluding iPhones) on a 3-yr. contract on a post-paid voice plan. Gift Cards/Bonuses must accompany any returns. (2) Offer excludes iPhones. With new activation on a post-paid voice plan and a data feature with a total min. value of $50/mo. You must keep a min. $50/mo. post-paid voice and data plan for 12 months after activation. Upon early termination, price adjustments apply; see your Service Agreement for details. BlackBerry, RIM, Research In Motion and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. Used under license from Research In Motion Limited. Samsung Galaxy Nexus™ and Samsung Galaxy S II are trademarks of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., used in Canada under licence. Note that an Advanced Environmental disposal surcharge applies in the province of BC. See store or for complete details. *Available to new Bell Satellite TV residential customers, where access and line of sight permit. Subject to change without notice; not combinable with any other offers, discounts or promotions. Taxes extra. Other conditions apply. Only one HDTV discount discount per account. TV must be purchased at the same time as the Bell TV receiver. Taxes extra; customer must pay taxes. For any TV purchased under the value of $200, no additional credit or cash refunds apply. A monthly digital service fee ($3 per account) applies. Early termination fees apply. Available with a new account on a rental choice plan or 2-year contract. New subscribers only, with a new account and purchase of a system; customer must purchase receiver(s) between Aug. 30-Sept. 2, 2012, book installation by Sept. 17, 2012 and activate receiver(s) within 60 days. Covers basic professional installation of the primary system on a 2-year contract only. For eligibility see For rentals, a one-time activation charge of $29.95 applies. See store for details.

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News


Rotary Work Party Pictured at left, from left are: Tim O’Doherty, Ron Armbruster, Fred Hughes, Mike Cassidy, Rick Miller and Don McDowell. The crew was working on the Green Gym at Millennium Park on Saturday, Aug. 18. Craig Lindsay photo

Southeast Fire Centre report SUBMITTED

Smoke has been showing up from time to time over the past while, says a report from the Southeast Fire Centre. The smoke has been blown northeastwards from fires burning in Washington, Idaho, California and Oregon. “None of these fires is close to the Canada/ US border,” said Karlie Shaughnessey, fire information officer. “There are currently no fires burning near

any communities or structures.” The closest recent fire was located north of Skookumchuk near Cranbrook and was 1.3 hectares wide. “So far this season, the Southeast Fire Centre has seen 157 fires which have burned 997 hectares,” said Shaugnessey. “Of those fires, 40 are person-caused and the rest are lightningcaused.” Last year at this time, there were 97 fires to date and 39 hectares burned.

Blueberry Windup A whole pile of pleased students is what is pictured above, during the recent wrap-up of the summer reading program at Blueberry Creek Community School. It was a productive experience for the children, one they’re proud of – as the blue certificates of achievement indicate. Submitted photo


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August/September Aug 31st- Top 40 Night w/ DJ Hibbs Vancouver Sept. 1st- Pride Weekend Tret Fure Performance then Drag Show Sept 5th - Dub Fx w/ Flower Fairy

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with Cade & Snarephobe Sept 7th - Rich Rabnett Live Collective w/ Kashoo & Vs. Sept. 8th- Val Kilmer & The New Coke Live 80’s Band

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A17


Sports Reporter Craig Lindsay wants to hear about your sporting event. Call Craig at 250-3656397 or email reporter@

Young soccer players Storm the Field at Twin Rivers Park CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Featuring teams from all over the Kootenays and even the U.S., Storm the Field U12 Youth Soccer Festival took over Twin Rivers/Millennium Park in Castlegar this weekend. The tournament was put on by the Kootenay South Youth Soccer Association and featured 12 teams and more than 120 kids participating. “We’re hosting teams from as far away as Sandpoint, Idaho, Cranbrook, Kimberley, Nelson, as well as teams from Kootenay South including Castlegar, Rossland, Trail and Fruitvale,” said festival chair Roger Carlson. “We had a record

setting water gun fight on Saturday to break up the day and get the kids out of the sun. We loaded the kids with water guns and spent a good half hour running around and soaking each other. The parents were involved as were the coaches, which was great to see and a lot of fun.” This is the first year for the tournament and Carlson hopes to see it grow and expand. The tournament is divided into three divisions: U10, U11, and U12. “We like to target those three age groups, because they’re not often included in competitive, fun soccer,” he said. “Next year, we’d like to have our second annual and add more

teams and more fields. In the past, Kootenay South has hosted a tournament from the U11 to U18 group. Unfortunately, this year it didn’t occur. This event is targetted specifically for the U12 and under age group. We’re hoping that next year we can build on it and move forward from here.” Scores for individual games are recorded, but no overall standings are recorded. The focus of the tournament is having fun and competing hard as is the mandate from BC Soccer at this age group. “BC Soccer wants to promote the sport at its grass roots level,” said Carlson. “It’s what’s called a nonresults based tournament, where they

Caleb Carlson of the Kootenay South U11 boys team tries to keep the ball away from Sandpoint’s Seth Graham as teammate Nicholas Fidgett (right) offers support. The Kootenay South Craig Lindsay photo team came from behind to win 6-4 over their American opponents.

expect and want the kids to go out and battle hard and compete each game but when the game’s over it

has no impact on the overall tournament. If you win or lose or tie, the next game is a new game. A new day as it

were. They’re promoting the game without the added pressure of having to win to move on to the playoffs and

PPWC Local 1 Is Hosting the Labour Day Family Picnic At the Pass Creek Park September 3, 2012 11am to 3 pm Come enjoy food, live entertainment, prize draws, also activities and games for the kids.



For PPWC Local #1, Local #15 and Local #26 Members and Retiree’s For Additional Information Contact Jennifer Driutti at 250.365.0427

that.” - For more pictures see page 27 and our website at

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News









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Prices effective at all British Columbia Safeway stores Tuesday, September 4 thru Thursday, September 6, 2012. We reserve the right to limit sales to retail quantities. Some items may not be available at all stores. All items while stocks last. Actual items may vary slightly from illustrations. Some illustrations are serving suggestions only. Advertised prices do not include GST. ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Canada Safeway Limited. Extreme Specials are prices that are so low they are limited to a one time purchase to Safeway Club Card Members within a household. Each household can purchase the limited items one time during the effective dates. A household is defined by all Safeway Club Cards that are linked by the same address and phone number. Each household can purchase the EXTREME SPECIALS during the specified advertisement dates. For purchases over the household limits, regular pricing applies to overlimit purchases. On BUY ONE GET ONE FREE items, both items must be purchased. Lowest priced item is then free. Online and in-store prices, discounts, and offers may differ.

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A19


New Saints impress at training camp

Selkirk Saints players stretch it out after camp on Thursday at the Castlegar Complex. CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

The Selkirk Saints men’s hockey team is off to a good start after several days of training at the Castlegar Recreation Complex. With a new coach/general manager (GM) and 22 new faces at camp, it’s a totally re-done hockey team with lofty aspirations. “I think it’s going well,” said coach/GM

Jeff Dubois. “We knew coming in that we had the challenge of evaluating 22 new players. We’re obviously short on returning guys. So really this week is about getting the conditioning level back to where we want it and expect it to be and getting a sense of the guys and where they’re going to fit in.” Dubois says he and assistant coach Jamie

Freiss have seen the incoming players at the junior level, but it’s different when you get them out together. “We like the team speed,” he said. “Certainly the attitude of the group is good. We’ve got some first year guys quickly emerging as leaders. We can see there’s guys that when they open up their mouths, they’re getting immediate respect from

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Craig Lindsay photos

their teammates. I’d say we’re happy with how it’s gone so far.” Although the coaches won’t to make any big judgments after a couple of days of camp, Dubois says there have been several standouts so far. “Mason Spear, who played down in Beaver Valley, is a guy who’s stuck out,” he said. “Lucas Hildebrand, who played in Revelstoke and played some games

for the Vernon Vipers (Junior A) last year, even from day one he jumped out at Jamie and I. Alex Sirard, one of our goalie recruits who spent some time in the Western Hockey League and played Junior A out in Saskatchewan, he looked really good the first day. He actually got injured during our fitness testing yesterday (Tuesday). He’s got a wrist injury that’ll probably keep him out the rest of the week. But good first impression from him.” The coaches have also been impressed with returning allstar forward Jordan Wood. Last year’s top scorer is one of only four returning players for the Saints. “Jordan, who’s going to be our captain, is probably our leader

both off-ice and in terms of on-ice performance and probably, in all likelihood, our leading scorer,” said Dubois. “He looks really good. He’s kind of taken the bull by the horns in terms of getting guys organized. So he’s been really impressive.” The coaches have been working on putting the players onto lines for the upcom-

ing season, which starts Oct. 5 with a trip to Vancouver Island to play the University of Victoria. “We’re starting to see the chemistry and who fits with whom,” said Dubois. The Saints will be hitting the ice in Fruitvale on Friday and Saturday where they will be scrimContinued on P. A27

Cody Fidgett tries to deke goaltender Stephen Wolff during camp Thursday.

This summer could be a scorcher.

Nearly half of all wildfires in British Columbia are caused by human carelessness. Please prevent and report wildfires. To report a wildfire, call *5555 on your cell. For more information, visit

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Reporter with files from the Trail Times

Castlegar & District Recreation Department Annual Pool Maintenance Shutdown

Pool & Fitness Studio will reopen Sept. 4th

Free Fitness Classes Sept 4 – 8th Castlegar Complex Tues. Sept. 4 ........................................................ -Lunch Blaster 12:10-12:50pm -Liquid Boot camp 6pm-7pm Wed. Sept. 5 ......................................................... -Aqua Circuit 9am-10am -Yoga Fit 5:30-6:30pm Thurs. Sept. 6 ...................................................... -Roller Derby Conditioning 6:10am-7am -Yoga 6pm-7pm -Zumba Fit 7pm-8pm Fri. Sept. 7 ............................................................ -Step Challenge 8am-8:55am -Circuit Strength 9am-10am Sat. Sept. 8 ........................................................... -Saturday Spin 8am-9am


If you try it free and register for that class the same day – receive 10% off your registration.


The B.C. Senior Games came to a close on Sunday in Burnaby with the Zone 6 West Kootenay Boundary Team putting in a great effort despite its numbers. Predictably a much smaller contingent of athletes attended the Burnaby Games than did the 2011 Senior Games held in Trail, Castlegar and Nelson, nevertheless the team won an impressive 64 medals in all, with 20 gold, 25 silver, and 19 bronze to finish eighth out of 13 zones. Several Castlegar athletes had strong results at the senior games. Cheryl Closkey took home an amazing five medals in Track and Field. She

won Silver in Weight Pentathlon, Weight Throw and Hammer Throw, and picked up Bronze in Javelin and Discus, and grabbed fourth in Shot Put. Peter Johnstone won Gold in the 10K Road Race. Randy Grant grabbed bronze in Archery in the Compound with Sight and with Release division. Marilyn Johnstone had some strong results in the pool. She picked up bronze in the 100M Freestyle and came fourth in the 50M Backstroke. Glen Baber grabbed two fourth place finishes in Track and Field in the 1500M and 10KM Road Race. Gordon Gibson grabbed a Silver medal in the Hammer Throw and a Bronze medal in the Weight Throw. He

Sandrelle Fraser Sandrelle received a certificate for the Kootenay Centre Cinemas.


Kootenay Centre Cinemas


1940 6th Avenue, Castlegar


Registration Has Started! Register On line, In Person or By Phone! Check out all our new programs. Register On Line at


Notice N ti tto all ll C Community it G Groups and d Organizations. If you would like you event mentioned in this event calendar please e-mail the information to Castlegar Recreation Department at or call 365-3386 ext 0.

Cheryl Closkey, here with her coach/husband Jack, brought home a bounty of medals from the BC Senior Games. Submitted photo

also placed fourth in the Javelin and sixth in the Discus. The Castlegar duo of Monique Pellerin and Linda Chmielewski won Bronze in tennis. James Ross and Wayne Abietkoff, both of Castlegar, helped the West Kootenay softball team win Bronze.

Castlegar News Carrier of the Month


FALL LEISURE GUIDE is in the mail!

For more information, please check us out on facebook or email us at!

Local athletes excel at BC Senior Games CRAIG LINDSAY

Building a Healthy Community Castlegar Recreation Complex 2101 - 6th Avenue, Castlegar, BC 250-365-3386

We offer kindergym to competitive classes. We also have birthday parties on Saturdays!

Sandrelle has been delivering papers for a couple of years. Her favorite part of being a carrier is people, she enjoys saying good morning to people she meets. Different seasons don’t phase her in the least.

Congratulations Sandrelle!

Slocan’s Don Currie won Gold in both the 10K Road Walk and the 5000M Power Walk. He also grabbed Silver in the 200M. The Lower Mainland came first overall with 433 medals that included 220 gold, 121 silver, and 92 bronze, followed by Fraser Valley, 371, and Van. Island North, 209. Registration: Castlegar & District Rec. Complex Wednesday Sept. 5th, 2012 5pm – 7:30pm

•Improve swim skills •Build endurance technique •Improve lung capacity

•Get great coaching •Develop proper stroke •Make new friends

It’s Healthy and it’s Fun, Fun, Fun!!

Fees: $100 for 1 day a week or $150 for 2 days a week MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS from Oct.1st until Dec.10th, 2012. Pool time is from 4:00pm-6:00pm A Width program is being offered for all those swimmers who are ready to transition from the AquaGator program (in the wading pool) to the regular Aquanauts program. This program will be run with the focus on stroke development, with the target ages being between 5 and 8 years old. 60 minute sessions ($100 for 1 day or $150 for 2 days a week) The AquaGator learn to swim program will run at the same time: (Must be 4 yrs old) 30 minute sessions ($60 for 1 day or $90 for 2 days a week)

Please bring Care Card

(New members must pay $25 for BCSSA insurance... good for the winter session as well) Family Fundraising Fee $50 / $75 max (Separate Cheque Please) Family fee apply to all. PAYMENT IN FULL required at time of registration. For further information contact: Brad Ashton at 365-2255 Come and join the


Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A21


Rebels release schedule

Dams fall in semi-final

CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

The Castlegar Rebels Junior A Hockey Club has released its 2012-13 schedule. The Rebels kick off with four exhibition games starting on Sept. 16 against archrival Nelson at the Castlegar Complex. The two teams travel to the Queen City the next night for a rematch. On Sept. 23, the Rebs play in Grand Forks. The exhibition schedule concludes with a Sunday game, Sept. 25, versus Kelowna at the Complex. The Rebels open up their regular season on Friday, Sept. 30 with a home game against the Kimberley Dynamiters. The next night, Oct. 1, the Okanagan Division champion Osoyoos Coyotes come to town. In all the Rebels are set to play eight regular season games in the month of September, including four home dates.


CRAIG LINDSAY Castlegar News Reporter

Gnarlie’s Angels from Rossland doubled up on Castlegar’s

The final day of the Summer of the Skatepark Program is Friday, Aug. 31. We will be giving away prizes, drink and food from 11a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone is welcome. (L - submitted) Ty Smith helps Neko Wong-Cornish ride the rail at the Skatepark.

U1 ccer 2 Fest So iv



If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mary Anne Coules at 250 365 4565.

• Dr Yuro Ihns / Kootenay Smile Studio • Castlegar CIBC • Selkirk College • Castlegar & District Recreation & Aquatic Centre • City of Castlegar • Castlegar Chamber of Commerce • Van Hellemond Sporte Ltd • Castlegar M&M Meat Shops • Castlegar RCMP • BC Soccer • Castlegar News • Roger Carlson - DundeeWealth

The finally here!


O F regular reta r retail etai ta ail F

s o cia tio n

• Kootenay Market • Castlegar Pharmasave • Rob Voykin - Nelson Wal-Mart • Saputo • Coke • Pepsi • Castlegar A & W • Castlegar McDonalds • Castlegar Arby’s •Castlegar Dairy Queen • Kalawsky Chevrolet Buick GMC • Castlegar Golf Club & RV Park • Mallard’s Source for Sports • Castlegar Super 8 • Frito Lay Canada






The win means the Angels move on to the league final against Salmo’s Babes of Brutality on Sept. 9 in Rossland.

Skate program wraps up

The Organizing Committee for BC Soccer U12 Festival Presented By Castlegar Minor Soccer Association would like to thank all our parents, coaches, refs, linesmen, and finally players for making our Ca “STORM THE FIELD” c c s tl soccer tournament on eg ar in or So M August 25/26, 2012, a huge success! We would also like to sincerely recognize our generous community, and specifically the following - without whose help this wouldn’t have been possible:


Dam City Rollers 215-100 in the West Kootenay Roller Derby League semi-final which was played Saturday in Rossland.

We recognize the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and support while this work is completed.


Pantsoff and Pro-Pain Paula of the Castlegar Dam City Rollers combine to close the door on Cee-keen Destroy of the Rossland Gnarlies Angels. Jeremy Marczak/Bearded Man Photography

Please be advised that the Navigational Lock at the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam will be out of service from Friday, September 14 to Monday, October 1, 2012. This outage is necessary to conduct annual preventative maintenance work. During this time, the earthfill portion of the dam and the Navigational Lock viewing area will be closed to the public.

CASTLEGAR MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION HOCKEY SWAP Saturday Sept 8th from 10-2pm in the monashee room Castlegar complex.


Equipment drop off - 8:30-9:30am Equipment swap- 10-2pm Equipment and sale $ collection 2pm. Contact Laura-Lynn Mackinnon at for details.

Come to Pharmasave Downtown Castlegar to see the large SELECTION of SUNDRESSES

Phone: 365-7813 or visit us at 1128 3rd St. Castlegar

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News



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Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012 A23

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.365.6397 fax 250.365.6390 email

How to place a


Classified Ad with


Cards of Thanks

Coming Events

B.C. Ambassador Mariah Morris & the Castlegar Queen Committee would like to thank the following Sponsors: City of Castlegar Pharmasave Allen Markin RHC Insurance Johnny’s Grocery Trowlex Rentals & Sales Mike RV Apple Glass Riverside Hair Ely’s Boutique Michelle Supply Peter Lawcznski Sun Life Financial Cafe Michael Castlegar Borscht Hut Mallard’s Coke Rick Morris Ken Morris Dr. Ellis Castlegar Medical Clinic Debri Resources Ltd. Boston Pizza Sandman Shell (Uptown) Mountain View Realty Ltd.

On the Marks Graphic Solutions Inc.

McEwan Law Forest Service Evergreen Ltd

Nelson Farm & Artisan Markets EcoSociety presents: Cottonwood Community Market Saturdays 9:30 am - 3:00 pm May 19th - Oct 27th Cottonwood Falls Park Nelson Downtown Local Market Wednesdays 9:30 am - 3:00 pm June 13th Sept 26th 400 block of Baker Street

Special Thank-You’s Castlegar Queen Committe City of Castlegar Ambassador Team Acacia Schmietenknop of Kamloops Carley Henniger of Trail Well deserved and sincere Thank You to the CASTLEGAR FIRE FIGHTERS for their expedite response to both incidents on 3rd Ave. Your support & commended effort was greatly appreciated. Thank You to the City of Castlegar for their timely response, open communication and assistance. Gawryletz Families

FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN THE CLASSIFIEDS Coming Events Grand Forks Farms: Wed: 402 Baker St, beside the Full Circle Cafe, Thur: Kinnaird Church of God parking lot, 2404 Columbia Ave. Castlegar. Sat: Cottonwoods Market, Nelson. Freestone peaches $1.00/lb in 20 lb boxes, vine-ripened field tomatoes $0.80/lb in 40 lb boxes, Keremeos organic apple juice $5.00/1.9 lt. Grand Forks broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet onions. Okanagan new crop apples, pimento peppers, hot peppers, pickling cukes, and much more. Family friendly prices. Terry, Val & Erran Rilkoff 250-442-3514



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In Memoriam

Derek Quiding November 5, 1981 – September 1, 2002 ~ Our Loving Son ~ We think of you so often Not a day does it go by A memory, a photograph Sometimes a silent cry The pennies, they keep falling From heaven you have sent Your messages are loud and clear We know that’s your intent Your laughter has been silent, Your hugs we long to feel 10 years ago you left this earth It still seems so unreal Some days it feels a lifetime And others, not so long “Wish You Were Here” was just some words But now it’s forever our song We know you’re watching over us We always feel you near You keep us safe, our angel now As we pass another year Forever In Our Hearts Lovingly remembered by Dad, Carol, Kristen, Devin, Daphne & Grey

VERZUH, Patricia Lilian

November 12th, 1915 - September 1st, 2011 Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain; To have, to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one’s heart. Time may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never The memory of those happy days When we were all together.

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Tony Sandrin Tempo Gas


Sophie Horlick

Have your say. Get Paid.

Voice your opinion on issues that matter and receive cash incentives for doing so.



In Memoriam


Call Or Drop by our office at Unit #2, 1810 8th Ave. Castlegar, BC 8:30-5:00 Monday - Friday Classified Deadline 4pm Monday

In Memoriam

We miss you in so many ways, We miss the things you used to say, And when old times we do recall, It’s then we miss you most of all. Bev, Ron, Elaine



Ray Joseph Lee

Pat was born February 3, 1927 in Calgary, AB. to Bessie & Gordon Clark. She started school in Vancouver, moved to Holden AB. then to Erickson and Creston, BC where she played the drums in the Creston school band prior to graduating. After working in the telephone office for 3 years she married Joseph Fodor (construction worker) in July 1948. They lived in many areas of the east and west Kootenays including 3 years at the Waneta Dam. They proceeded to Destruction Bay, Yukon where their son Frank was born in Whitehorse. Returning to the Kootenays they lived in Nelson, then moved to Castlegar where daughters Fay and Gail were born. In 1971 Pat took a Practical Nursing course and worked the next 10 years in the Trail and Castlegar hospitals. In 1977 she married Mike Verzuh, who had a son Ron and daughter Niki and they spent the next 30+ years living in Castlegar.

January 1, 1924 - August 4, 2012 Ray was born near Kingston, Ontario, lived on a dairy farm, and joined the Canadian Air Force from High School. He couldn’t fly because of an eye problem, so served as a “grease monkey” as he put it. Ray had a varied career, working as a logger, a mechanic, on road construction, in the pulp and paper industry. Was for a time a partner in a Guiding Service and at one time played bow fiddle in a small band “The Sons of the Selkirk”. He also wrote poetry under the name of “Doughbelly Lee”. He was a long time member of the Legion, Castlegar Pistol Club and the Castlegar and District Wildlife Association. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, the outdoors, target shooting and photography. His slide shows of his canoe trips on the Bowron Lakes circuit were enjoyed by many. Ray lived in various places across Canada settling in Robson for many years before moving to Castlewood Village in 2006. Ray leaves his wife Mina of 17 years, his son Ronald, 4 grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren. There was no funeral by his request.

(nee Clark, Fodor) Passed away peacefully on August 25, 2012 at the Trail Hospital with her family by her side.

Pat was a Past President of the Trail Eagles #2828 and Castlegar Pythians sister, a 37 year member of the Castlegar Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion and 9 years as Secretary of the Castlegar Seniors including becoming a Life Member she also enjoyed memory competitions while an Eagle. She enjoyed hobbies such as biking, swimming, knitting, crocheting, golfing, curling, dancing, playing cards and socializing at the Seniors. Her travels took her to many areas of the US including Hawaii as well as Australia, Dominican Republic, New Zealand, Ireland and Scotland. She also toured 5 countries while on a cruise down the Danube River as well as cruising Alaska and the Panama Canal. Pat will lovingly be remembered by son Frank (Cindy)-Castlegar, grandsons Casey-Toronto, Dallas-New Westminster, daughters Fay (Bob)-Nanoose Bay and Gail (Dave)-Calgary, granddaughters Tamara (Richard, great-grandsons Jesson, and Colby-Calgary) and Beth (Nat) - Edmonton, son Ron (Leola)-Eugene, Oregon, Alexandra (London, UK) and daughter Niki (Neale) Madiera Park, brother Joe (Norma)-Qualicum, brother-in-law Stan KeyserSacramento, numerous nieces and nephews and best friend Gerry Corbett. Pat was predeceased by mothers Bessie (1930), Ray (1957), father Gordon (1974), brother Russell (1943), husbands Joe (1979), Mike (2007). A celebration of life will be held for immediate family at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the charity of your choice

Adopt a Shelter Cat! The BC SPCA cares for thousands of orphaned and abandoned cats each year. If you can give a homeless cat a second chance at happiness, please visit your local shelter today.




John Sofonoff October 9, 1920 - August 1, 2012

It is with great sadness that we announce that on the 1st day of August, John Sofonoff passed away peacefully at the age of 91. John was born in Winlaw, BC, on October 9, 1920, to parents John N. and Tanya Sofonoff. He grew up in Champion Creek and while living there he met and fell in love with Nora Postnikoff. On November 10, 1944, they were married and began their family. John and Nora had three children: two sons, John and Micheal, and a daughter, Susie. For years they lived and farmed in Champion Creek and Fruitvale. They finally settled in South Castlegar, to raise their three children in the home they built together. As a young adult, John worked on the railroads, in logging camps, as a carpenter on housing projects, and then later at Cominco as a carpenter. After 13 years, he left to join the Carpenter Union to work on Hydro Projects, building dams until his retirement. He was a member of the Canadian Doukobor Society and served as a Chairman on the committee. John was an active fisherman and also enjoyed building small projects around his home and the homes of his children. He loved to garden and with Nora they could often be found out in their backyard tending to the vegetables and fruit trees. John and Nora enjoyed taking care of their grandchildren and spending time with their family. John could be found driving them to school, music lessons and sport activities. On June 28, 2008, the love of his life, Nora suddenly passed away. She was missed very much by him. Family was important to John and today his family will carry a piece of his love in their hearts forever. John was predeceased by his parents John N. and Tanya, brother Alec, sister Mary, and loving wife of 64 years, Nora. Left to mourn him are his sons, John Sofonoff, Micheal (Marcia) Sofonoff, his daughter, Susie (Craig) Burton, his grandchildren, Ernie (Robyn) Sofonoff, Justin Sofonoff, Ryan (Jennifer) Burton, Lindsay Burton, and his three greatgrandchildren, Michelle and Braydin Sofonoff, and Isaac Burton. He is survived by his sisters, Tina Samarodin, Ann (Koozma) Pereversoff, and Maria Hadikin, as well as many other relatives and friends A private family funeral service was held at the Castlegar Funeral Chapel on Wednesday August 8, 2012, followed by the burial at the Brilliant Cemetery and a luncheon at the Fireside Inn. Arrangements were entrusted to Castlegar Funeral Chapel. John’s family would like to thank everyone who gave help and support at this time.

May John rest in peace in “God’s Heavenly Kingdom.” We will miss you forever Dad, Deda and brother, John.

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News




Career Opportunities

CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. No risk program. Stop mortgage and maintenance Payments today. 100% Money back guarantee. Free consultation. Call us now. We can help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel VISITING ARIZONA for the Winter? Meridian RV Resort. Good Sam-Trailer Life Top 100 RV Resorts in America. Check us out at: or call 1-866-770-0080.

Employment Business Opportunities Distribution franchise with a national food supplier in the beautiful Castlegar area. Offers good income and steady reliable work. Requires investment, good physical condition and a class 3 with air. contact at 250-304-1838

G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS CURRENT OPPORTUNITY: SCREENING OFFICER – CASTLEGAR AIRPORT Basic Duties: Customer service to passengers. Verification of documents. Report suspicious activity. Search passengers, non-passengers and baggage. APPLY TODAY AT:

Education/Trade Schools COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING Certificate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Extensive study of beekeeping, Queen rearing and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable on-campus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. 1-780-835-6630;


Career Opportunities HSSE Supervisor Competition #BU12-0012 We have an immediate opening for a Health, Safety, Security & Environment Supervisor in BC. The successful candidate can be located in either lower mainland or Okanagan area. Responsibilites: Health, Safety, Security and Environment support to the Ready Mix, Aggregate, and Landscape divisions in Metro Vancouver, Okanagan Valley, the Shuswapp and Central BC, not limited to these locations. Duties: promote job safety and environment awareness; implement acceptable working methods and practices; compliant with Safety responsibilities; and champion on defined HSSE topics. You will have 5 years of HSSE experience and have excellent verbal and written skills. Must be able to deal with sensitive issues and confidential information. Qualifications should include: Construction Safety Officer and a combination of education and experience. Extensive travel will be required. Submit your resume by quoting competition number by August 31, 2012 to: BURNCO Rock Products Ltd Fax: (403) 440-3454 Attention: Human Resources OR E-mail: Visit We thank all applicants for their in- terest. Only those chosen for an in- terview will be contacted.

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking



Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools

21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes:

LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enroll today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535.

• • •

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Automotive Service Technician Do you thrive on repairing vehicles using the latest tools and technology? Then you’ll love working with us. Castlegar Toyota requires a licensed technician to maintain and repair all makes and models in our new and fully equipped repair facility. Our dealership is focused on hiring and retaining the best. As such, we offer market-leading pay and benefits, paid training opportunities, a supportive team and the opportunity to advance. When it comes to service, our top priority is customer satisfaction, and we understand the importance of quality technicians in meeting that goal. Come explore what we have to offer. Please send your resume and cover letter to: Craig Kalawsky 1530 Columbia Avenue Castlegar, BC V1N 1H9 Fax: (250) 365-2752 Email:

Established 1947 Established 1947

Hauling Freight for Friends for60 65Years Years Hauling Freight for Friends for Over




Van Kam’s group of companies requires Owner Operators to be based at Castlegar or Cranbrook for runs throughout B.C. PRINCE GEORGE and Alberta. Applicants must have winter and Group mountain,of driving experience/ Van-Kam Freightways’ Companies training. requires Owner Operators for runs out of our We offer above average rates and excellent employee benefits. Prince George Terminal. To join our team of Professional drivers, call Bev, 604-968-5488 or email current and details W a resume, ff ll driver’s t tabstractWi t / ofMtruck to: t i or fax 604-587-9889 Van-Kam is committed to Employment Equity and Environmental Responsibility. We thank you for your interest in Van-Kam, however only those of interest to us will be contacted.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities


Book Your Classified Ad 250-365-6397 Now!




A short-term, 20% position delivering an innovative national program In this short-term position, you will deliver our innovative IBDE program, which is a fully online program that is national in scope and is jointly offered by Selkirk College and the Canadian Society for Social Development. As you manage and deliver this hands-on, practical program via email, IM, web camera and telephone, you will combine your extensive technical and business experience with the ability to communicate complex and detailed concepts verbally and in writing. With a related two-year diploma and at least 7 years’ experience, you have built an impressive array of skills including experience in online instruction and knowledge of SEO, social networking/blogging and web servers, as well as programs such as XHTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Experience with PHP, MySQL, Javascript, designing for mobile and working with people with disabilities would be an asset. This position runs from October 29, 2012 to April 26, 2013, with the possibility of extension for subsequent teaching periods. Closing date: 4 pm, September 5, 2012.


For more information visit E X C E E D I N G E X P E C TAT I O N S

ShelterGuides Home Share & Respite Care Training: Valuing safe and respectful care for people with disabilities. Sept 10 - Dec 10, 2012. An interactive 14 week online program. $750. for more info, 250-365-1208 to register TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted ARE YOU EXPERIENCING FINANCIAL DISTRESS? Relief is only a call away! Call Shelley Cameron Estate Administrator at 877-797-4357 today, to set up your FREE consultation in Nelson. Donna Mihalcheon CA, CIRP 31 years experience. BDO Canada Limited. Trustee in Bankruptcy. 200-1628 Dickson Avenue, Kelowna , BC V1Y 9X1

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. BANNISTER HONDA Maintenance Technician Looking for a motivated, reliable, quality person to perform maintenance on Honda and other manufacture vehicles. Please apply with drivers license and drivers abstract. Attn: Grant Kitzman, 6425-Hwy 97N, Vernon, B.C. 250-545-0531

DOMINOS PIZZA is now hiring delivery drivers and in-store personnel. Earn $12$15/hr. Paid cash daily. Please apply to 1000B, Cranbrook St. N. Full time afternoon cook required for Sept 1. Must have food safe and prefer some experience. Drop resume at Mile 0 Diner, Midway BC, or email to LOCAL COMPANY seeking skilled trades people in the Cranbrook area for the following full-time positions: -Commercial/Transport Mechanic -Welder/Fabricator -Millwright Competitive salary and benefit package, weekday shifts. Submit resume with references to: Box ‘E’, Cranbrook Daily Townsman, 822 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC. V1C 7C3


MANAGEMENT INC. is looking for the following positions: Machinists,Planners with Piping experience,Carpenters,Pipefitters,Masons, Scaffolders,Equipment Operators,Millwrights, Welders,Labourers, Safety Officers. We encourage you to apply in confidence to with your resume, identifying the position title in the subject line. NiRA clients offer a comprehensive and competitive salary and benefits program. Only those candidates who meet our qualifications will be contacted for an interview. Shoes for the Soul is looking for a professional energetic Sales person 3 days a week

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Emcon Services Inc.

Position Available CertiďŹ ed H/D Mechanic for the Castlegar/Trail Area to start immediately. Good fabricating & welding skills given preference. For information on qualiďŹ cations and applications email Holly Borisenkoff A25






Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Trades, Technical

Health Products

Optician/ Clinical Assistant Busy clinic in Trail has an immediate opening for a part time Optician/ Clinical Assistant. Some ofďŹ ce experience will be an asset. Please send resume to Box 550 C/O Trail Daily Times, 1163 Cedar Ave., Trail, BC V1R 4B8

SUTCO Contracting Ltd. has increased our eet. We have openings for experienced drivers in our atbed division. Late model equipment, steady work, extended beneďŹ ts, satellite dispatch, e-logs and fully assigned tractors. We need drivers experienced with at-bed work, US capable an asset, some Canada Only runs available. Please fax resume and current abstract 1250-357-2009. Contact 1-888-3572612 Ext 230 or check us out

KOOTENAY Optometry Clinic in Castlegar is seeking an experienced optometric assistant or optician for a full time position. Salary commensurate with experience. Reply to by Sep 9th.

LOUISIANA-PACIFIC Canada Ltd. requires an experienced Mechanical Supervisor for our EWP Operation in Golden B.C. Email resume to: or fax to 250-344-8859

CASH BACK- $10 for every pound you lose. Lose weight quickly and safely and keep it off, results guaranteed! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176.

Prep Cook/Dishwasher Part/fulltime needed Immediately Apply in person to Mulligans 872 Waterloo Rd, Castlegar (Little Bear Golf Course) RESIDENTIAL manager for 41 unit apartment building in Nelson BC. Resume to 100 3525 Laburnum Dr. Trail BC V1R 2S9

Trail BC

We require a


Red Seal certiďŹ ed, preferably with GM experience. Please send or email resume with complete work history and references to: Chad Stewart 2880 Highway Drive, Trail BC V1R 2T3


to work in a fast paced, expanding shop. Please send or email resume with complete work history and references to: Carlos DeFrais 250-368-9134 or Marc Cabana 2880 Highway Drive, Trail BC V1R 2T3

Strata Council KAS 2204 (7129 Riverside Dr) is seeking an Expression of Interest from an experienced maintenance manager. 15 unit condo building. Email Stylist, full or part-time wanted at Renaissance Hair Co. in Nelson. Chair rental option available. Call Diana 505-3098

Book Your ClassiďŹ ed Ad Now


Hotel, Restaurant, Food Services NEALY O’Briens Pub, P/T Cook; Nealy’s Liquor Store, P/T Clerk. Drop resume to pub or store

Help Wanted

Employment Opportunity

Independent Respiratory Services is currently seeking applications for the position of Revenue Accountant at our Shared Services Centre in Castlegar, BC. This position is a 12 month temporary full-time position, which could develop into a permanent role for the right candidate. QualiÀcations: • Current enrollment in a recognized accounting program (CGA, CMA, CA) • Preference will be given to those with Accounts Receivable experience • Experience in dealing with insurance companies & other third party beneÀts providers • Excellent computer skills, including Word, Excel and Outlook (2007/2010) • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral • Excellent organizational skills and an ability to multi-task • Very strong customer service orientation • Ability to work independently • Strong team player • Motivated to improve processes within an organization If you’re qualiÀed for this challenge and are interested in experiencing a place that offers world class recreational opportunities and an affordable cost of living, please, apply in conÀdence to:

IRS Independent Respiratory Services Inc. Attention: Human Resources 865 Columbia Avenue, Castlegar, BC, V1N 1H3 Fax: 1-888 713-6505 Email:

We sincerely thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. For more information about our company, please visit: Closing date: September 10, 2012

Trades, Technical ALBERTA BASED Company looking for qualiďŹ ed & experienced: Equipment Operators, Mulcher, Feller Buncher & Processor Operators. Out of town & camp work. Safety tickets & drivers abstract required. Email resume: Fax 780-488-3002.

Volunteers Ducks Unlimited Canada ( is looking for volunteers for its upcoming Fundraiser Dinner and Auctions. Have fun, meet new people, gain experience and help a great cause. If interested contact: Fred Bourcier at 778-484-5447 or email


Kootenay Chrysler in Trail, BC is growing and as a result we are looking for another experienced professional Business Manager to join our Sales team. A VSA certified salesperson with business office experience would also be considered.

• DRILLERS • BLASTERS • POWDERMEN • CONCRETE LABOURERS VK MASON Local Union Underground Contractor is seeking experienced labor for remote camp job near Kitimat. Looking to hire immediately! Please contact Ashley Halden at 778-724-2500 or ashley.halden@

Please email resume with references to or fax to 250.368.8254

Journeyman Mechanic Do you love the outdoors? OK Tire in Terrace, B.C. NOW HIRING! Excellent renumeration for successful applicant. Fax resume to (1)-250-635-5367 Attn. General Manager or Email:


When you’re in the Kootenays, You’re in Kootenay Chrysler Country


Health Products

OREGA-FIRST Organic Oregano Oil

Buy One Get One



Downtown Castlegar 250.365.7750

Pets Rest In Peace



Independent Respiratory Services is a BC-owned and operated full service respiratory homecare company. We have been providing sleep apnea and home oxygen therapy to British Columbians since 1996. Our mission is to provide the highest standard of healthcare to our clients, and honesty and integrity are the foundation of the company. Our success is reà ected in our clients’ satisfaction.

Shop from home!

QUALITY CONTROL Person experienced with Piping & Structural Welding needed for a growing Northern Company. Competitive wages & beneďŹ ts. Please email resume to: info@torqueindustr Fax 250-775-6227 or apply online:


We are looking for a flexible, energetic team player who cares about customer service and satisfaction.

Revenue Accountant for Castlegar, BC

PART Time to possibly Full Time, long term receptionist required for active dental practice in Nelson. Dental experience an asset, must be computer literate, able to multi task, and outgoing. Send resume to: 556 Josephine Street Nelson BC V1L 1W5

January 12th, 1996 - September 1st. 2011

CAREER OPPORTUNITY Asset Operations Manager As part of the Operations group, and reporting to the Director, Operations, the successful candidate will ensure the long term value of Columbia Power Corporation managed assets through compliant, reliable and cost effective operations. The Asset Operations Manager maintains expert operational knowledge and guides all aspects of operations planning for the hydro electric facilities, including developing and implementing operational processes and procedures. This position also provides operational direction to the facility operations and maintenance contractors; operational advice to facility related planning committees and corporate business units and represents the facility Owner on various operating committees.

God’s ďŹ ngers touched him, and he slept.

Help Wanted

Yoga - Fall Sessions begins Sept 17th Register/Drop In NEW Restorative Yoga

Therapy Janice Ferraro 365-5428

Financial Services Attract money like a magnet for a Free CD Call 250-304-4040 DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. M O N E Y P ROV I D E R . C O M $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certiďŹ cation, adoption, property rental opportunities. For peace of mind and a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

Misc Services KOOTENAY HOME Maintenance & Handyman Services. Please contact Jeff @ 250-505-9693

Pets & Livestock

Lessons/Training OBEDIENCE CLASSES Starting Sept 19, 2012 Instructed by a certiďŹ ed Master Trainer Classes include: Beginner & intermediate levels Hand Signals Distance control Small classes insure one on one instruction For more info or to register call Angie 250-365-7370 or 365-4924

Pets Chihuahua puppies, many colours, healthy, very small dogs. 250-442-2604. Havanese pups, non shed, hypo allergenic, excellent companions, CKC registered, ready now (250)424-5229

Help Wanted


Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd. Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd. provides a full line of insurance products and services in the Kootenays with locaĆ&#x;ons in Cranbrook, Crawford Bay, Nelson, Trail and Invermere, BC

The ideal candidate will have an Engineering degree in Electrical (preferred) or Mechanical engineering with 8-12 years of relevant engineering experience, preferably in hydroelectric facilities. Candidates must be registered or be eligible to register with APEGBC. Demonstrated communication and project management skills, and the ability to interpret and analyze technical information are essential.

Resumes By September 7,2012

Qualified applicants interested in joining a dynamic team are encouraged to visit the Careers section of our website at Closing date for this position is August 31, 2012.


Please refer to Job #1209 when submitting your application.

Help Wanted


Branch Manager Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd. 999 Farwell Street Trail, BC V1R 3V1

Join a team that values you and recognizes the power you have to create success for yourself and for Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd (KIS). We oÄŤer the stability and resources of a leading, locally-based organizaĆ&#x;on, an employee focused culture that values your individual contribuĆ&#x;on and encourages work/life balance, plus a commitment to serving and helping our community. The ideal candidate will possess a combinaĆ&#x;on of skills, ability, educaĆ&#x;on, experience, and moĆ&#x;vaĆ&#x;on: • Level I Insurance License • Minimum 1 year experience in an insurance environment with Autoplan Sales experience and some exposure to general lines products and services • Ability to communicate well in a sales and service environment, both verbally and in wriĆ&#x;ng, and to provide service oriented soluĆ&#x;ons to clients • Ability to organize work to meet deadlines within an environment of constantly changing prioriĆ&#x;es • CompeĆ&#x;Ć&#x;ve wage, pension and beneÄŽt package Kootenay Insurance Services Ltd. is owned in equal partnership by East Kootenay Community, Kootenay Savings, and Nelson & District credit unions


Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate





Senior Assisted Living

Auto Financing

Cars - Sports & Imports


Misc. for Sale

Houses For Sale

Homes for Rent

Good Used Furnishing Warehouse, Trail, Complete Household furnishing, Second Hand Store & Warehouse Call 250-367-9939 anytime Help Recycle

FOR RESTLESS or cramping legs. A fast acting remedy since 1981, sleep at night, proven for 31 years. Mon-Fri 8-4 EST 1-800-765-8660

1 bdrm furnished house for one college student between Castlegar & Nelson 250-359-7308

Garage Sales

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 Kenmore dryer $200; Whirlpool ceramic top stove $500 obo; Karrite car top carrier $35. 250-442-2159. SOLID OAK Pedestal, leaf table, 4 chairs, tile inlay. $500. obo. 250-368-3668 Lve msge. STEEL BUILDINGHuge Clearance Sale! 20x24 $4,658. 25x28 $5,295. 30x40 $7,790. 32x54 $10,600. 40x58 $14,895. 47x78 $19,838. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422.

Grand Forks: For sale by owner. Beautiful retirement living in a 55+ gated community (Clifton Estates). Built in 2008, this well built 2 bdrm rancher, with 2.5 baths, hardwood flrs, gas fireplace, central air, all amenities close within walking distance. Great for snowbirds. Beautiful landscaping with westerly views of valley. By Appt only. $279,900. Call or leave msg. 250-442-6975.

CASTLEGAR Massive garage Sale, estate items something for everyone Sat, Sept 1st, 7 am - 1 pm 1104 Wildrose Rd, Raspberry GENELLE Not your ordinary garage sale, Partylite Candles & Letasia jeweler 50% off & some Avon stuff, blow out pricing, Misc items 718 - 16 Ave, Sept 1, 8-11 THRUMS, Don’t miss this one! Estate sale & antiques something for everyone 1472 Thrums West Road Aug 31st & Sept 1 & 2, 8-3 YARD SALE, Sat, Sept 1ST 7 - noon, 1120 - 7th Ave

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Silver Coins etc. Available now: 250-863-3082

Sporting Goods Browning 7MM Mag BBR 3x9 Tasco scope, extras $400.00 250-365-2957 Used 13’ Canoe including 2 paddles + vest + brackets to store $250 352-6804

ROBSON 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Riverview near school & bus Renovated 1200 sq ft main, 780 upper open floor comes with all appliances & extra Fridge & freezer hardwood floors throughout Beautifully landscaped patio & firepit, deck & 2 shops asking $240,000. Phone 250-365-1166

Mobile Homes & Parks RETIRE IN Beautiful Southern BC, Brand New Park. Affordable Housing. COPPER RIDGE. Manufactured Home Park, New Home Sales. Keremeos, BC. Ask us about our Free Rent option! Please cal 250-462-7055.


Real Estate

Okanagan Highlands up Christian Valley 25 kms from Westbridge, B.C. Buy your own piece of paradise 3 - 4 acres on east Kettle River. 250-446-2761.

Misc. for Sale

Acreage for Sale

RV Sites

2 SENIOR Lift Chairs. Both A1 condition. 250-367-9770 30’ Tri-Axle Flat deck Goose neck, Brand new, reeve hitch Call Harley 250-442-3386 or after 6 pm & weekend 250-444-0168

3.29 Flat Acre in Krestova with water, 25 mins to Nelson or Castlegar 250-359-7861

For Sale By Owner

Lake. 4 k to Ashram 4 k to Riondel & beach. 2 3/4 acres & 2 storey unfinished (but furnished) “Small is Beautiful” cabin. Good benches for building, one with lake view. In Aug. appraised at $170,000 but older, flexible vendor open to offers & might carry part of mortgage for suitable person or couple. For info & viewing please call : 1-780-566-0707

CASTLEGAR - 2 Bdrm, dbl carport private. NS/NP. 2 mins from DT. $900/mth + utilities. No pets Available immediately 304-8185 or 365-6471

CASTLEGAR N. 2 Bdrm House (Main floor) near schools & bus stop, suitable for college students or mature adults, F/S, N/P, N/S, $700/mth + shared utilities, Avail Sept 29th, references required 250-513-1950 CASTLEGAR Spacious 4 Bdrm house, available Sept 1st. Located on Columbia Ave, 2.5 Bathrooms garage & large backyard. $1350/mth + utilities For more information please call: 250-304-8088


1 & 2 Bedroom Apt Call 250-304-3026 250-365-3034 TRAIL newly renovated 1bd suite in triplex. NP. Ref req. $450/mo 250-428-7351 or 250-428-6788

Mobile Homes & Pads ROBSON Mobile Home for rent, Refer & Criminal check required, Call 250-304-3430

Room for Rent In a beautiful established 10 yr hair salon, great Baker St location. Ideal for Esthetics or Massage 550/m includes shared reception laundry, heat, hot water, phone & air conditioning. Contact Diana @ 250 352-1955 or evenings 250 505-3098

RV Pads Christina Lake: Taking applications for yearly RV trailer sites at Totem Resort. Phone 250-447-9322.

HD accessories: Nylon touring luggage system w/day bag PN 94733-02. Fits over passenger back rest $250; 2 up luggage rack PN 53743-97 quick detachable style $200; passenger back rest PN 52933-98B + back rest pad PN 52886-98B, quick detachable style $225 both; detachable items do not come with docking kits. All items in as new condition. 250-442-7345.

Shared Accommodation


Shared Accommodation Fully furnished 3 bdrm Home located across from Complex amenities close by includes transit, shopping, restaurants & recreation centre Call FYI 250-365-2839

5th wheel 18 ft, 1986 Lance, exc cond, F/S, bathroom, queen bed, furnace, sleeps 4. $3,000. 250-442-1248. For Sale - 1998, 27’ Sportsmaster Trailer. Sleeps up to 8 People. Twin Bunks, Pull-out Couch, Table Folds Down and Queen Pillow-top Mattress in Front Bedroom. Air Conditioner, 3 Burner Stove, Oven, Large Bathroom with Tub, 2 x 30lb Propane Tanks. Very Clean and in Excellent Condition! Asking $9,700. Located in Nakusp. Please call 250-265-9990 or email: for more info.

Suites, Lower ROBSON, 1 Bdrm basement suite, W/D, internet, Cable & utilities incl, Avail Sept 1st $660/mth, 250-365-2915

Townhouses BC HOUSING is accepting applications for family rental units in Castlegar. Tenants pay no more then 30% of their gross monthly income for rent. For information on eligibility & applications please call 250365-2667 or 1-800-834-7149 or check out our website at

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Cars - Domestic 1997 Buick Regal GS. Leather, runs well, good cond. Must sell. $2,500. 250-442-3850.





250-442-6778 / 250-443-4233.

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AVORADO RESORT. Beautiful waterfront RV Resort. New Sites For Sale ($63,900). All season, full amenities, clubhouse & beach access. Co-op Resort w/Lifetime Ownership! Call 250-228-3586.

BEAUTIFUL NEWER HOUSE FOR RENT IN THE SLOCAN LAKE AREA. AVAILABLE OCT 1st • 4 Bedroom-2 Bath on 2 Acres • Red Mtn. Road above SILVERTON w/ Valhalla views + quiet privacy • N/S , Open to keeping animals • 10 min. drive to Slocan Lake and Village amenities • Storage, treehouses, good access all year round • Minimum 1 Yr Lease • W/D Hookups, F/S plus Earth -Woodstove • $1250 negotiable with proper care of house, land + gardens • References Required • Secure Income Essential • Serious Inquiries Only Call: 250-362-7681 or Mobile 250-231-2174 Email: monikas_2010@

2005 HONDA Accord IMA Hybrid, 82,500kms, climate control, heated leather, new timing belt, 4dr sedan, auto, silver. Asking $12,000. 250-362-3308

Newly opened!

Broadacres Assisted Living at Grand Forks is now taking applications for respite, short or long term care. No wait list. Rural setting. Home cooked meals. Professional staff.

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Merchandise for Sale

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News DL# 7557

1991 VW Golf 4 dr sedan, 4 cyl, 5 spd, very reliable, but is 3 different colours. $1,300 obo. 250-493-1807, 250-4420122.

**WANTED** Looking for small short box truck camper or camperette in good shape. Phone 250-6938883, leave message.

Sport Utility Vehicle 2005 FORD Escape AWD, 4cyl. Auto, Air, good shape, + extras. $7,500. 250-364-1823

Trucks & Vans 1988 Ford 4x4 w/canopy. Exc cond. Asking $2,500. 250-4423850. 2000 Ford Explorer XLS, P/W, V6 auto, 170,000 km, very clean. $5,300 obo. 250-4420122, 250-493-1807.

1995 Mazda 626, 3 L, V-6, auto, A/C, leather interior, P/seats, runs exc. $2,200. 250-442-0122. 2003 SAAB 9-3, 2.0L, 4cyl., leather, loaded, summer and winters, roof rack - very nice car. 95000mi. $7,800. obo. Call 250-368-1868

Boats MUST SELL!! 1992 16ft

Vanguard open-bow ski boat. 85HP Yamaha motor. Lots of extras, fish finder, tow ropes, knee board, tube, air pump. First reasonable offer takes it. Asking $3000./obo (250)417-5813

Get the Read the Castlegar News every Thursday!

Castlegar News Thursday, August 30, 2012

Storm the Field! (Left) Tara Horning of the Teck Selects tries to keep the ball away from the Castlegar Tigers defender Ryan Pearce. The Tigers won the game 5-0. (Right) Nathan Hernandez kicks the ball into the net during the tournament’s fastest shot contest.

Saints Continued from P. A19

-maging against the Beaver Valley Nitehawks’ split squads. “We’re doing a mini-tournament down in Beaver Valley where we split the guys into two teams,” said Dubois. “Guys in training camp here aren’t trying to lay each other out with big hits. It’s different at college than junior where guys are trying to make a spot and so they play with more of a physical edge. I don’t expect them to go full on against some 16 and 17 year-old kids, but it gives the players a chance to see some new competition and the coaches get to watch and evaluate.” Trail product Logan Proulx, who started last season with the Smoke Eaters and ended with Cowichan Valley, said that camp has gone well and the team is starting to gell. “It’s going really well,” he said. “The boys are shaking a little rust off and getting back into the swing of it. We’re doing some basic stuff out there and getting a feel for each other and getting our legs moving.” Proulx, who also played two seasons in the WHL with the Edmonton Oil Kings, is confident the team will do well this year. “I think we’re pretty strong all around,” he said. “We’ve got a lot of guys coming in who have a lot of experience. So I think it’ll be a good year.” With just a week before school starts, Proulx is looking forward to getting into the swing of the college life where he is taking the Fish and Wildlife Management program.

JOBFEST2012.CA Coming to a town near you, this free event showcases B.C. career opportunities for young job seekers. Check out interactive career exploration games, inspirational speakers, cool giveaways, and hot indie bands like

Bend Sinister, Halfway to Hollywood, Oh No! Yoko, and Acres of Lions. Visit for the full tour schedule and to audition to perform onstage.

JOBFEST 2012 WILL BE TOURING YOUR AREA ON THESE DATES: Castlegar: September 4 Cranbrook: September 8

Nelson: September 6 Revelstoke: September 11 A27

Thursday, August 30, 2012 Castlegar News


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200-1965 Columbia Ave. 2153 Springfield Road (250) 365-6455 (250) 860-2600


WEST KELOWNA #200 - 2180 Elk Rd. (250) 707-2600


101 Kootenay St. North (250) 426-8927



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