Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal, September 04, 2012

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Back to school!


Volume 119 No 36 PM # 400121123


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Serving Clinton, Spences Bridge, Lytton, Savona, Walhachin and surrounding areas Since 1895

$1.34 includes HST


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Lost stargazer found along river

Fusa Teshima, Ben Roy receive special medal Senator Nancy Greene-Raine was in Cache Creek last week to present a very special medal to two very special people. Cache Creek’s Ben Roy and Ashcroft’s Fusa Teshima were chosen to receive the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for their significant contributions to their communities. Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta nominated Roy for the award, listing over 30 years of service to Cache Creek. Fusa Teshima’s nephew, James Teshima, nominated her for the award. Ashcroft Mayor Andy Anderson called her a “tireless volunteer that no one really knows about”, who is involved in just about everything. The medals were presented by Senator Greene-Raine in a ceremony held at the Cache Creek Village Office on Aug. 29 with family and friends in attendance. (Above): Ashcroft Mayor Andy Anderson, Fusa Teshima, Ben Roy, Cache Creek Mayor John Ranta and Senator Nancy GreeneRaine.

A missing Grande Prairie woman who was the subject of four days of searches by family, friends and police, was found safe and uninjured last week. She told police that she parked her car and left it to do some stargazing and got lost. Suzie Duguay, 37, was driving from Vancouver to Williams Lake to visit family and friends, who were expecting her on Aug. 24. When she didn’t arrive, they contacted police and put posters up around the area. Her black 2010 Mazda 3 was found on Aug. 23, parked at the Ashcroft hospital. It contained her bags, wallet and cash, and cell phone. Video surveillance showed Duguay walking away from her car alone towards the highway at approximately 10:45 p.m. Duguay was spotted on Aug. 27 at approximately 10 p.m. along the banks of the Thompson River, about 10 km south of Ashcroft by a member of the Ashcroft Indian Band. He gave her a ride back into town after realizing who she was. Duguay had some food with her and said she drank some water from the river. As a precaution, she was taken to Kamloops hospital for medical assessment and released.

Container bylaw passes second reading Ashcroft Council gave a second reading to Bylaw 776 to amend Zoning Bylaw 738 (2005) to include a definition of cargo containers and their permitted uses. Administrator Michelle Allen told Council that most rules put into place through a bylaw in respect to zoning could be reviewed and changed at a later date through variance. Coun. Jackie Tegart asked to have the bylaw read for a second time later on in the meeting after learning that containers currently situated on properties are “grandfathered”. She said she was concerned about comments made by Fire Chief Henderson at the July 23 public meeting regarding combustibles stored in some cargo containers left near houses. “We can amend later if we have to,” she said. “I would rather begin this and move forward rather than leave a window of opportunity.” Council approved the second reading. Coun. Alice Durksen voted against it, saying she wanted more information before voting again.


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A 2

Motorcycle madness


.POEBZ 4FQUFNCFS Hope to see you all there! $BDIF $SFFL $PNNVOJUZ )BMM r %PPST 0QFO QN


4FQU 2 pm: The United Church Women will meet in the church hall to plan their activities for the fall. All interested ladies are very welcome to join us as a visitor or as a member. There are no dues. Highlights of the 50th anniversary celebration will be shared (by a member who attended). 4FQU The next Cache Creek Council meeting is 7 pm in the Village OfďŹ ce. 4FQU Fall Tennis Lessons Sept. 11, 13, 18 and 20. For all ages from 9 years old and up and all skill levels. For more information call 253-453-9391 4FQU “Hello Friendâ€? drop in - ďŹ rst Thursday every month, 2 - 4 p.m. Ashcroft Library, (201 Brink St.) Ages 50+. Refreshments, games and visiting. 1PTUQPOFE GSPN 4FQU 4FQU Zion Movie Night - “Lord of the Ringsâ€? 7 p.m. Free admission, refreshments by donation. 4FQU Terry Fox Run, 10 a.m. Heritage Park (register at Gazebo). For info call Debbie or Cam 250-453-0063 4FQU Ashcroft branding process Community Forum to review branding 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Ashcroft Community Hall. "TIDSPGU $IBNCFS PG $PNNFSDF NFFUJOHT MBTU 5IVSTEBZ PG FBDI NPOUI Q N BU UIF $IBNCFS 0GmDF 7JMMBHF .BMM

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion FRI., SEPT. 7 t QN Oven BBQ Chicken $9.00/plate Visitors Welcome

MEAT DRAW Every Saturday ~ 3:00 pm




Aug. 23 at 8:30 am a Traffic Services members stopped a 2000 Suzuki motorcycle on Hwy 99 as it was travelling 134 kph in the 80 kph zone. The 30 year old driver from London, Ont. was given a ticket for excessive speed and his bike was impounded for seven days.

Time out called Aug. 23 at 8:30 pm police were called to a Cache Creek apartment where aa young couple were having a loud argument. There was no violence involved and both parties were co-operative with police. The young women left the apartment to stay with her parents in Ashcroft.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 The Journal

no located. No further problems were reported.



Trailer and ATV stolen

Wendy Coomber

Aug. 26 a Cache Creek resident reported the theft of a white flatdeck trailer and custom-modified red Honda 1995 five-wheeled ATV. An exacmination of the scene showed that the thief towed the trailer with the ATV on board from the owner’s yard on Quartz Rd., down to Hwy 97 and headed north. Clinton RCMP were notified, but neither the trailer nor the ATV were located. The matter is still under investigation.

Excessive speed Car versus horse Aug. 24 at 10 pm police received a report of a single vehicle accident involving a car and a horse on Goble Frontage Rd. just off Hwy 97 by Maiden Creek. The driver, a 52 year old woman from Pasco, Washington, was not injured and the horse walked away with a slight limp. Both were gone by the time police arrived. The vehicle suffered minor damage and the horse’s owner reported that his steed suffered minor scrapes.

Aug. 26 at 3:50 pm a Traffic Services member stopped a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire on Hwy 1 south of Lytton for driving at 125 kph in an 80 kph zone. The 20 year old Prince George man was given a ticket for excessive speed and his car was impounded for seven days.

Banjo on his knee

Aug. 26 at 7 pm a Traffic Services member driving on Hwy 1 near Lytton passed a transport truck and saw something so unbelievable that he had to go back for another look. A second Drunk family members Aug. 25 at 1:30 am police pass confirmed that the drivwere called to assist a 27 year er was playing a banjo while old Cache Creek woman in driving the truck. The truck dealing with her intoxicaat- was pulled over and the drived 22 year old brother who er, a 58 year old man from was causing problems inside Buffalo Creek, was issued her home. He was gone be- a ticket for driving without fore police arrived and was due care and attention. The ticket comes with a $368 Police Telephone #s pricetag.

Ashcroft: 250-453-2216 Clinton: 250-459-2221 Lytton: 250-455-2225 Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

Lost cell phone returned Aug. 27 at 9 am a cell phone

found on Railway Ave. was turned in to the RCMP Detachment. Police found the owner’s phone number stored in the cell phone’s memory and called the 58 year old Osoyoos woman who was visiting in Cache Creek.

Collie in its own yard. The collie was not seriously injured. The investigation was turned over to Ashcrofts Animal Control Officer.

GPS made her do it

Aug. 28 just after midnight police were called to a domestic disturbance on the Ashcroft Reserve where a couple were engaged in a lively argument. They had finished by the time RCMP arrived. Police determined that there was no violence involved, but a 25 year old man agreed to stay at a relative’s home for the rest of the night.

Aug. 28 at 5 pm police were called to a two vehicle collision on Hwy 99 near Hat Creek Ranch after a westbound 2007 Honda Odyssey attempting a U-turn was clipped by a dump truck. No one was injured. The driver of the Odyssey, a 51 year old Port Alberni woman, was following GPS instructions to get to Vancouver. She said first it told her to turn onto Hwy 99 from Hwy 97, and then it told her to turn around and go back. She was issued a ticket for making an unsafe U-turn and her vehicle was towed for repairs. The dump truck was undamaged. Police say this is a common problem with southbound traffic relying on GPS to get them to Vancouver because Hwy 99 is full of curves, which, at certain points, takes the driver further away from Vancouver. At those points the GPS redirects them back to Hwy 97 towards the Fraser Canyon, which it deems closer to Vancouver.

Speeding Frontier

High price for speeding

Aug. 28 at 3:10 pm a Traffic Services officer stopped a Nissan Frontier on Hwy 99 near the Graymont plant for driving at 135 kph in the 80 kph zone. The 35 year old Coquitlam man was given a ticket for excessive speed and his vehicle was impounded for seven days.

Aug. 29 at 9 am a Traffic Services officer stopped a GMC pickup on Hwy 1 near Spences Bridge for driving at 115 kph in the 70 kph zone. The Surey man was given a ticket for excessive speed and his truck was impounded for seven days. At 11:50 am a Jeep Cherokee was stopped on Hwy 1 near Lytton for travelling at 122 kph in the 70 kph zone. The 30 year old Vancouver man was issued a ticket for excessive speed and his vehicle was impounded for seven days.

Blood on the tracks Aug. 27 at 8 pm police received a report of a possible accident at the southern CPR crossing in Ashcroft where a bloody sock was found, with droplets of blood nearby. Police searched the scene and found no further evidence of an accident.

Loud argument

Dogs on the loose Aug. 28 at 8:30 am police received a complaint of three aggressive loose dogs roaming Tingley St. The complainant reported that one of the dogs, a St. Bernard, had attacked a Border

is excited to announce that we will be publishing on Thursdays starting September 13, 2012 New hours: Tuesday to Friday 10-3


The Journal Tuesday, September 4, 2012 A 3

Johannsson brings home a silver medal

Gabriele Johannsson with her silver medal from the BC Summer Games

Ashcroft sea cadet Gabriele Johannsson had a summer this year more special than others. Not only did she compete in this year’s Summer Games, but she returned with a silver medal in Sailing. All of Johannsson’s sailing opportunities have come through her involvement with 347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Avenger in Ashcroft. Petty Officer First Class Johannsson got her first taste of sailing at CFB Comox three years ago when

she was 13. Now it’s all she wants to do. She was selected to compete in the Games as one of seven two-person teams. She and her team mate Emily Roberts from Vancouver competed with 12 other boats in their class. “We were pretty excited just to be there and see what was happening,” she said. “It turned out pretty good!” Her next goal is to qualify for the annual National Regatta at the Royal Military College in Kingston on Lake Ontario.

A good day to be on the greens Gisella and Herb Hofer, Travis Fisil and Willy Ghostkeeper were the winners of the Fourth Annual Lions Golf Tournament. Forty-four golfers came out to the tournament. It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed a dinner of steak or chicken, salads and garlic bread cooked by Lions Burt Mazerall and George Harvie. Everyone received a prize, all of which were donated by individuals or businesses in the communities. The Lions thank everyone who participated.

BC Transit report shows ridership, revenue decrease From the Ashcroft Council meeting on Aug. 27. Roll Call: Mayor Andy Anderson and councillors Alice Durksen, Helen Kormendy and Jackie Tegart. Missing: Coun. Jerry Fiddick.

A S H C RO F T Council Briefs

Gas Tax revenue The Village was notified that it will receive $58,540 as the first of two Community Works Fund payments for the 2012 fiscal year. These funds are limited to use for eligible capacity building projects, public transit, community energy, water, wastewater or solid waste infrastructure projects that contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, cleaner water or cleaner air.

Climate Action Recognition

It’s a dog’s life Jet, 6, walks his owners Brent Close and son Talon at the first annual dog show for the Extended Care residents at the hospital.

The Green Communities Committee notified the Village that it was creating a Climate Action Recognition Program with UBCM for BC local governments. Coun. Helen Kormendy wondered if the solar panels installed at the seimming pool qualified for their program. Administrator Michelle Allen said she would have to investigate the program and report back to Council. The committee wrote that communities who signed the BC Climate Action Charter would be recognized annual for their measured progress on the Charter’s commitments and achievement of carbon neutrality.

BC Transit report Council received an Annual Performance Summary 2011/12 for the local Community Bus. The report indicated that ridership was down by 25 per cent from the year before, and that revenue had decreased by 11 per cent. On the other hand, operating costs had increased 3.5 per cent and actual total costs were 19 per cent above what was budgeted - mainly due to fuel and maintenance costs. Administrator Allen advised Council that BC Transit will be sending a representative to the area this month to ride the bus and talk to people about the bus service. Coun. Kormendy said she was pleased that BC Transit was supporting the communities in helping them make the bus system work and hopefully increase the ridership numbers and revenues.

Merritt Show and Shine Council agreed to close Railway Ave. between 6th and 7th streets to traffic on Sept. 9 between 10 am and 4 pm so the the Merritt Chapter of the Vintage Car Club of Canada could park their old cars by Heritage Place Park for a Show and Shine.

Backyard burning Council adopted Bylaw 777 which limits backyard burning to Oct. 1-14 with a permit from the Village.

Next meeting Sept. 10 at 4:30 pm in the Village Office.

A 4 Published every Tuesday in Ashcroft by Black Press Ltd. Founded in 1895 Editor: Wendy Coomber



Tuesday, September 4, 2012 The Journal

Guest Editorial


See you again next Thursday Things change, even in Ashcroft - and we aren’t talking about the weather. We’ve had a lot of changes at The Journal office in recent years, not all of which we’ve been excited about in a good way. But this is one of the good ones. This is the last Tuesday issue of The Journal. After this one hits the streets, we switch gears and start publishing on Thursdays. After all, we wouldn’t want our readers to get complacent! Last week I was thinking, 119 years has a lot of weight if The Journal has always published on a Tuesday. So I looked at some of the random issues we have around the office. Apparently, we’ve tried out many publishing days over the years. We were also a Thursday paper in the 1940s and didn’t change to Tuesdays until somewhere in the 1970s. At the turn of the century, we came out on Saturdays! (Back when the Publisher/Editor/Printer handcranked it out himself.) There was also a Wednesday publishing date in those old issues somewhere. So, we’re not breaking new ground here, but it’ll be new to most of us. It’s been a Tuesday paper in the 10 years that I’ve been here, even if my deadlines have changed and even if Dave, our distribution guy, gets it out on the street on Mondays after he brings it back from the pressroom in Williams Lake. But, no more. Don’t call us on Sept. 11 wondering where your Journal is, because it’s not coming out until the 13th. Instead of seeing the weekend events that just happened, you’ll be hearing about them just before they happen. Local government and police news will be more current - as current as a weekly newspaper can be.. Editorial and advertising deadlines will change for those of you who pay attention to such things, and we’re going back to Monday closure and Friday opening. We’re still wondering exactly how this is all going to affect us here in the office, and nothing is ever absolute. But we’re expecting the good to outshine the bad. And we hope that you’ll all be more than pleased with the outcome.

A SECRET WRAPPED UP BY MOTHER NATURE - a sunflower in development VICTORIA – I was as surprised as anyone to hear about the plan by this newspaper’s owner, David Black, to begin regulatory work on an oil refinery for Kitimat. I’ll leave it to others to comment on the practicality of that plan, and whether it would make the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline project more acceptable to B.C.’s government and population. Whatever the merits of the refinery idea, it has advanced the debate over pipelines and the place of oil in our society. And that’s a good thing, because as someone with a basic knowledge of chemistry and some experience in oil refining, I have noticed a lot of ignorance about the subject. Today I’d like to address some of the main misconceptions, which have been exploited by some opponents. The first one is oil pollution in general and how it gets into the environment. A global study by the Smithsonian Institution in 1995 calculated the amount of oil making its way into oceans this way: Big tanker spills accounted for 37 mil-

of the polluting. It’s you and me. Then there is the propaTom Fletcher ganda about greenhouse gas emissions from the oil sands lion gallons a year, about five per cent of the total mar- crude. The facts are clear. The most widely cited source ine oil pollution identified. By far the largest source is a graph prepared by Camwas oil runoff from land into bridge Energy Research Asdrains, from oil changes, mu- sociates, which shows that nicipal and industrial wastes 75 per cent of greenhouse and other sources: 363 mil- gases from all types of crude lion gallons. Bilge cleaning occur when the gasoline, jet and other routine ship main- fuel and diesel are burned by tenance added 137 million the end user. Yes, there are variations gallons, four times the tankin emissions on the remainer spill average. Air pollution from ing quarter. Emissions from vehicles and industry de- mined oil sands crude are posited hydrocarbon par- slightly higher than steam ticles equal to another 97 extraction, which is slightmillion gallons; natural ly higher than conventionalseeps added 62 million gal- ly drilled and pumped crude. lons; offshore drilling dis- The most greenhouse gas-incharges accounted for 15 tensive crude used in North America is California heavy million gallons. So that’s the first thing crude, which is conventionto understand. It’s not tank- ally drilled. Burning coal produces ers and pipelines doing most


Separating oil from manure





Advertising: Editorial:

A division of Black Press Est. 1895

402-4th Street, Ashcroft, BC PO Box 190, V0K 1A0 Ph: 250-453-2261 or 250-453-2655 Fax: 250-453-9625



Terry Daniels

Wendy Coomber



Anne Blake

Barbara Roden

far more greenhouse gases than oil, as University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver has calculated. Two U.S. environmental groups have lately been promoting a study that suggests oil sands crude is more corrosive to pipelines. False, says the industry, showing analysis of pipes that have carried diluted bitumen for decades. The Trans-Mountain pipeline has been carrying crude from Alberta to Burnaby and Washington state for more than 60 years. It has periodically carried heavy crude for 40 years, and diluted bitumen for 25 years. Some of that crude is refined in Washington and the gasoline and diesel barged up to supply B.C. gas stations. And of course Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii and all other B.C. islands depend on marine fuel shipments. And let’s not forget the most common heavy oil used in B.C. It’s called asphalt. -Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and

Subscribe to The Journal 1 Year Subscription: $47.04 (HST included) Senior Rate: $40.32 (HST included) Out of area subscriptions pay a $16.80 mailing surcharge The Journal is a politically independent community newspaper. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.


The Journal Tuesday, September 4, 2012 A 5

Venues provide outlets for local musical talent Enjoy an oldfashioned Fall Fair See where your food comes from at the Ashcroft Fall Fair this weekend! With our theme, “We’ve Got a Good Thing Growing”, you’ll learn where it comes from, how it grows and how you can grow it. A fun day for the whole family, with activities for both kids and adults! Come down and enjoy an old-fashioned fair on Sunday, Sept. 9 from 10 am to 5 pm at the Drylands Arena. There will be live music, lots of great food and plenty to see and do! The Fair Stage runs from 10:30 am to 4 pm. Acts throughout the day include Nadine & Friends, Kamloops Old Time Fiddlers, and a stellar line up of local and regional musicians who make up a blues-roots-rock group called Mudville and headliners from Saskia & Darrel. Canadian duo Saskia and Darrel will once again return to Ashcroft. Their performance at the Fair will no doubt include a little folk roots Celtic music as well as some bluegrass and possibly even yodelling, according to a release from Saskia and Darrel. While they currently reside on Vancou-


Local Choirs start up in September

as well. The local Bell Choir under the direction of Carmen Ranta. Contact her for more details and start date at

Mark your calendars now the Sage Sound Nadine Singers Com- Log Cabin Jam in Davenport munity Choir Spences Bridge creativecurrent@ Spences Bridge Log starts on day, Sept. 17. Cabin Pub Jam Nights have The Choir prac- started up. You never know tices take place what you’re going to find at ver Island, Saskia is from at the Ashcroft our jam sessions on Thursthe Netherlands and Dar- Elementary School on Mon- day nights, say Lori and rel was born in the Prairies. days from 7-9 pm. Please John. Check out a great varThey write about Canadian remember to donate to the iety of amateurs and profeslife and culture; tell stories Second Time Around thrift sionals every Thursday night about Louis Riel, war brides, shop, one of their key sup- from 8 pm on. There’s a full journeys across the sea, min- porters. Contact Michelle at drum set always waiting for ing towns, dance girls, voya- if you are a drummer, next to the Hamgeurs and rodeos. interested in joining this sea- mond organ (also waiting). This year’s Ashcroft Fall son. Lots of fun for all levels There’s a PA system, too! Fair promises to be bigger of singing. Bring your music maker and and better than ever, packed Another Community with all the frolic and mer- Choir starts up in September See CURRENT on p. 6 riment you would expect from a hometown event. OrRESTAURANT ganizers enAND courage you to HISTORIC SITE support your OPEN town in some good, old-fash9 am - 5 pm ioned fun. For Daily more informaCOMMUNITY DAY tion, visit www. September 15th from 9 am till 3 pm ashcroftfallfair. Free Admission for our Community Members net or pick up a from Cache Creek and Ashcroft. Fall Fair bookWe are welcoming our local crafters to come out on that let around town. day to set up their stands in the orchard for a small fee. See you at the Junction of Highways 97 & 99 11 km north of Cach Cache Creek Fair! 250-457-9722

Car show in Ashcroft

The Vintage Car Club of Canada - Merritt Chapter will be holding another show ‘n shine in Ashcroft on Sept. 9 from 10 am to 4 pm on Railway Ave. in conjunction with the Ashcroft Fall Fair.

I would like to thank all the businesses and friends that helped make my last 19 summers at Brookside Campsite a success. Nicola French and John Bundus will be taking over Brookside Campsite as of August 30, and I wish them the best in their new endeavor. Ben Fuglestveit


1103 Collins Road, Cache Creek 4FQUFNCFS UI t 9:00 am Ben and Karen invite you to drop in for coffee and goodies New hours: 9 am - 8 pm daily Thursdays until 10 pm Bring in this ad for 1 FREE load of wash on Sept. 6th and 7th

Looking for something different this fall? There are lots of things to do in our community! Volunteer with one of many service clubs, or take a course or get fit! If you want to advertise your service club, community group, sports group, etc., give us a call to find out how.


KARATE Registration & tryouts for new students

Sept 4 (Tues) & Sept 6 (Thurs) 6:00 pm for 8 to 12 years 7:30 for 13 & over Ashcroft Elementary School AGE: 8 years & over FEE: $35 per month

Karate Practice Tues & Thurs 6:00 - 7:30 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm

For info contact Akio Kanamaru at 453-9258

347 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps AVENGER The Cadet Program Offers: Foreign exchanges, scholarships, high school credits, summer camps, and ...did we mention you get PAID when you attend summer camp! And best of all ... there is NO COST to become a cadet! 347 Avenger adventures include: • Sailing • Marksmanship • Survival Weekends • Sports Weekends • X-Country skiing & • Trips to Victoria tubing • Trips on Navy Ships • Scuba diving • and much more!

We are always looking for new people with new ideas about how to keep the arts alive in Ashcroft.

First Parade Night September 6, 2012- 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Ashcroft Secondary School Parents must attend to ¿ll out registration paper work. For more information contact Lt (N) Darrin Curran 250-319-3461

SEA CADETS... Come join us for the adventure of a lifetime.

E-Mail: windingriversarts We meet the second Monday of every month.


A 6

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 The Journal

WRAP expands Dessert Concerts line-up to five for coming season CURRENT from p. 5

help fill the room with harmony or just sit and take in the tunes. For more info call (250) 458-2215

WRAP’s Fall & Spring Dessert Concerts confirmed A Fall and Spring line up

for the 2012/13 Dessert Concert season organized by Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society begins its third season of concerts at St Albans in downtown Ashcroft. You can look forward to five upcoming Dessert Concerts, and you can buy all five shows as a package deal.

Ashcroft Early Learning Program “A Licensed Quality Program” Open to Children Ages 3-5


When: -ONDAY 3EPTEMBER s AM PM Where: !SHCROFT %LEMENTARY 3CHOOL 2OOM For more information contact: Program Phone: Caroline Paulos: Tanya Sabyan: #ELL Registration Packages Available

Visit the WRAP Society table at the Fall Fair to buy seasons tickets. A slight change for the first concert scheduled for mid-September than previously reported: Cousin Harley will not be coming to town due to the band’s whole tour being cancelled. WRAP is happy to announce a unique show that many will no doubt want to attend. Classical Pianist Dimiter Terziev and a cello/ harp duo called Crossbow will share the bill, as WRAP presents a classical Sunday Matinee presentation on Sunday, Sept. 30 at 2 pm. Originally from Bulgaria now residing in Kamloops, Dimiter Terziev has performed numerous piano and chamber recitals in Canada and abroad. He has also performed with several Bulgarian orchestras and

Notice of Intent Proposed Closure of Deer Lane Road in Spences Bridge Notice is given pursuant to Section 60(2) of the Transportation Act that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has proposed intent to proceed with the permanent closure of a portion of Deer Lane Road (No. 2255) and that such closed road be vested pursuant to Section 60(2) of the Transportation Act.

the Kamloops Symphony. As well, he is the Pianist for the local Community Choir in Ashcroft. Also from Kamloops, Crossbow are Neil Burnett (Celtic harp, penny whistle, etc.) and Christina Zaenker (cello and voice) who make music from a new recipe for 38 strings, ringing timber, and assorted sonic spices. The Society is excited about the musical which has just been finalized and includes the return of Juno Award Winner Steve Dawson on Sunday, Oct. 14 for an evening show. Steve is one of the most innovative resonator guitar stylists in North America. On Nov. 4 you can look forward to the return of one of last year’s favourites, a quartet of violin virtuosos - Infinitus, for a Sunday afternoon matinee. Coming on Friday, March 22 is a husband/wife duo with some old-time sweet harmony. Pharis and Jason Romero live in Horsefly, BC, where Jason makes his own guitars and banjos. You can expect some beautiful, striking duet singing with acoustic and National guitar and banjo on originals and wellloved songs from others.

For the final show of the Season on April 27, you can look forward to Vancouver-based sextet, Company B Jazz Band. They are a vintage vocal harmony swing band in the style of the Andrews and Boswell Sisters plus other renditions of classics from the 1920s through 1950s. Loaded with personality, the harmonies of the female vocal trio are well-complemented by an instrumental trio of clarinet/sax, guitar, and upright bass.

More from WRAP Don’t forget in January and February WRAP will be presenting a comedy improve weekend workshop, followed by four Wednesday night performances of improv and stand up comedy. Step out of the winters blues and get your improv boots on! WRAP will also be holding a Halloween Dance with live music, and producing a community play in November. Auditions for the play will be held in mid-January. Check out for information on all the upcoming artists and their music.

The road will be consolidated with: 1. District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, excluding the following: • Part on Plan attached to DD 21186; • Part outlined in red on Plans B3291, B1079 and A243; • Plans 4919, 5629, 8694, 11578 and H671; • Part lying north of the Trans-Canada Highway shown on Plan H671; • Plan H416; 2. Lot 32, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 5629; 3. Lot A, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 8078; 4. Lot 34, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 5629, (excluding Plan 8078); 5. Lot 2, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 8694; 6. Parcel B (LA81070), District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 5629; 7. Lot 3, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 8694; 8. Lot 39, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 5629; 9. Lot 4, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 8694; 10. Lot 40, District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 5629; and 11. Parcel A (being a consolidation of Lots 41, 42 and 43, see LA74465), District Lot 369, Kamloops Division Yale District, Plan 5629. The plan showing the proposed road closure can be viewed from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Service BC, 318 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft, BC. Any persons wanting to provide comments of support or objection to this application for road closure should do so in writing no later than September 13, 2012, to the following ministry contact:

Monica Ferguson, Development Technician Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure 640 Borland Street, Suite 301, Williams Lake, BC V2G 1K7 Phone: 250 398-4523 Fax: 250 398-4454 E-mail:


Mon. - Wed. & Sat. 9:30a.m.-5:30p.m. Thur. & Fri. 9:30a.m.-9:00p.m. Sunday Noon - 5:00p.m. 929 - Proposed Closure Deer Lane V3.indd 1

2012-08-09 11:19:47 AM

2121 East Trans Canada Hwy. VALLEYVIEW • 250-374-3360

Fabricland Sewing Club Members Value Hotline 1-866-R-FABRIC 1-866-732-2742


The Journal Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Post Desert Daze relaxation - sort of


the dots. Watch this space for further updates!

right now – so grab your rod!

Annual General Meeting Steelhead fishery

The Spences Bridge Community Club The Spences Bridge will be holding its Annual General MeetSteelhead Advocacy Asso- ing on Sept. 12 at Clemmes Hall at 7 pm. in Spences Bridge ciation is sending two rep- Please consider joining the club and perresentatives to meet with haps taking on a position on the execuMinister of Natural Resour- tive. New members are very welcome! Mavourneen ces the honourable Steve A whopping $2 yearly membership fee Varcoe-Ryan Thompson. They will be dis- is due at this meeting (and one must be cussing issues surrounding a member in good standing in order to the decline in the stocks of vote). the Thompson Steelthe municipalities for the stage! head. At this time the river is closed So why do we work so hard to to steelhead fishing until it is deput on a festival? Hundreds of voltermined that there are enough reunteer hours and thousands of dolZION UNITED turning fi sh to warrant an opening. lars go into Desert Daze – why? Sunday Worship 10:50 am Well, it’s a labour of love for However, on the bright side, there 401 Bancroft, Ashcroft, BC • 250-453-9511 sure; bringing very talented musi- are many reports of excellent trout Security guy Thomas Lowe at the Desert Daze and spring salmon fi shing on the cians to the area for all to enjoy. watermelon tent. United Church of Canada Supporting and promoting in- Thompson around Spences Bridge Alice Watson, CS Well, so long summer and hello back dependent Canadian to school and routines. The evenings musicians (including our seemed to cool off quite suddenly, but the very own local musicians!) SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10 am KIDZ MONDAY SCHOOL: 3:30 pm warm sunny days are stretching on. Now is another reason. Attracting it seems canning and preserving is in full folks here to showcase SpenSt. Alban’s swing. ces Bridge and the surround501 Brink St, Ashcroft ~ 250-453-9909 ing area; the landscape, the Anglican Church of Canada Desert Daze haze wildlife (the bighorn sheep REV. DAN HINES OR DEACON LOIS PETTY The Desert Daze Festival can only be were at the festival again this regarded as a success! Fantastic music year!) the fabulous fruit and and workshops, great vendors, wonderful veggies, and of course, the Cache Creek Pentecostal Church volunteers, and stinking hot desert weath- friendly folks from these here Welcomes everyone to worship Sundays 10 a.m. er! I’d like to thank all the dedicated vol- parts! 1551 Stage Rd. Cache Creek B.C. unteers who put so much into making this Putting on a community For information please call: festival a success – great work guys! event brings folks out togethDeacon Myrna Critchley 250-453-9110 Thanks so much to our local sponsors: er to celebrate the arts, enjoy Deacon Pauline Goring 250-457-9939 Spences Bridge Improvement District, some food and beverages, Petra Perkins and Lyndon Bateman were TNRD, Highland Valley Copper, Belko- dance under the desert sun rp, H.E. Mining and Excavation, Second (man, it was hot!) is just the flipping burgers at the Desert Daze barbecue. Time Around thrift store, WRAPS, ASC beginning... One more reaAutomotive, The Packing House, Cook’s son we do it - it’s fun! Ferry Indian Band, Ashcroft Indian Band, I]dbehdc Arrow Transport, Community Futures TV tower D`VcV\Vc Sun Country, Roadhouse Towing, AshThe T.V. tower saga croft IRLY, The Inn at Spences Bridge, moves forward with small The Thompson Okanagan and of course the Ashcroft-Cache Creek steps. The A/C is in; the towTourism Association is Journal! Thanks also to all the businesses er is here, now we’re waiting accepting digital photo that donated raffle prizes, and SD74 and for the technician to connect submissions of the Thompson Okanagan area for the 2013 Travel Experiences Guide.

Church Directory

call for submissions

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to showcase your photographic talent. Submissions must be received by 5pm Friday, Sept. 14th, 2012 to garner consideration. Go to for more details

Ashcroft - 10:00 am Heritage Park (register at the gazebo) EVERYONE welcome Bring the whole family - all ages ‘Company Challenges’ encouraged 2km or 5km or 10km Refreshments after the race Walk - Wheel - Ride - Run ... along Railway to Slough (Evans) Road ** Pledge sheets available at Interior Savings Credit Union or Ashcroft Irly or or call Debbie or Cam at 250-453-0063 Check our facebook

If you would like to know which type of traveler you are, just scan the QR code and take the short quiz. Upon completion, you will be provided with a brief profile of your traveler type. Submitted photos become the sole property of the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association for all intent and purpose and may be published in multiple formats.


For specific digital file requirements please email:

send us your photos!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012 TheJournal

TheJournal Tuesday, September 4, 2012 A9

Ashcroft & District Fall Fair Sunday, Sept. 9th - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Drylands Arena in Ashcroft We’ve Got A Good Thing Growing

photos r e b m Coo Wendy

Admission: Adults $5.00 • Students $3.00 Children under 5 - FREE Entries will be accepted Friday Sept 7, 3-7pm and Saturday Sept 8 from 9am-noon


The Ashcroft & District Fall Fair has something for everyone!

For more info and booklets:

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion

250-453-9411 Highland Valley Road, Ashcroft



Get down to the Fall Fair for a fun-filled weekend! Ashcroft Irly Building Centre

250-453-2423 ~ Branch 113 - 300 Brink St.

ENTERTAINMENT LINE-UP MAIN STAGE 11:00 - 11:30 Nadine & Friends 12:00 - 1:00 Old Time Fiddlers 1:30 - 2:00 Mudville 2:30 - 3:15 Saskia & Darrel 3:30 - 4:00 Saskia & Darrel



For all your Electronic needs

On the corner of Railway & 5th, Ashcroft


Good luck to all the Fall Fair partipants you are all champs!

$ B DI F $ SF F L


S afety Mart FOODS

Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 250-453-9343

Wishing all the participants best of luck at the Fall Fair

1002 Trans Canada Hwy, Cache Creek


Good luck to all the participants in this years Ashcroft & District Fall Fair

Highway 97, Cache Creek

It’s Fall Fair weekend! Good luck to all participants.

Credit Union 201 Railway Ave. Ashcroft

250 453-2219

Check out the fun at the Ashcroft & District Fall Fair!

Ashcroft Dental Clinic 411 Brink St., Ashcroft

==2 :C19 B= /:: B63 >/@B717>/<BA 7< B67A G3/@A /:: /7@

Enjoy the Fair!


Ashcroft’s River Inn Ashcroft on the River! UNDER THE BRIDGE

Right beside the river ~ First left over the bridge


Golden Country Real Estate Services 250-453-2225

Hope to see you all at the Fall Fair! Ashcroft family medical PRACTICE 250-453-9353

The Ashcroft & District Fall Fair has something for everyone!

AUTOMOTIVE 201 Railway Ave, Ashcroft


Desert Inn

Come out and see what the Fall Fair is all about!

Have fun and enjoy Ashcroft & District’s 2012 Fall Fair! Your Complete Automotive Care Centre


See you at the Fair!

Have fun at the Fair!

Thompson Valley Funeral Home

Bill Perry 250-453-9802 or 1-800-295-5138

Considering a career in agriculture?


(250) 457-6226 Cache Creek, BC.

Helping you is what we do

110 B Railway Ave. Ashcroft 1-888-900-9880

Proud supporters of the Ashcroft & District Fall Fair

Check out the courses at TRU

310 Railway Avenue Ashcroft 250-453-9999

128 -4th Street, Ashcroft


Have a wonderful time at the Fall Fair!

403 Railway Ave, Ashcroft 250-453-2553


Tuesday, September 4, 2012 TheJournal

TheJournal Tuesday, September 4, 2012 A9

Ashcroft & District Fall Fair Sunday, Sept. 9th - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Drylands Arena in Ashcroft We’ve Got A Good Thing Growing

photos r e b m Coo Wendy

Admission: Adults $5.00 • Students $3.00 Children under 5 - FREE Entries will be accepted Friday Sept 7, 3-7pm and Saturday Sept 8 from 9am-noon


The Ashcroft & District Fall Fair has something for everyone!

For more info and booklets:

Ashcroft Royal Canadian Legion

250-453-9411 Highland Valley Road, Ashcroft



Get down to the Fall Fair for a fun-filled weekend! Ashcroft Irly Building Centre

250-453-2423 ~ Branch 113 - 300 Brink St.

ENTERTAINMENT LINE-UP MAIN STAGE 11:00 - 11:30 Nadine & Friends 12:00 - 1:00 Old Time Fiddlers 1:30 - 2:00 Mudville 2:30 - 3:15 Saskia & Darrel 3:30 - 4:00 Saskia & Darrel



For all your Electronic needs

On the corner of Railway & 5th, Ashcroft


Good luck to all the Fall Fair partipants you are all champs!

$ B DI F $ SF F L


S afety Mart FOODS

Railway Avenue, Ashcroft 250-453-9343

Wishing all the participants best of luck at the Fall Fair

1002 Trans Canada Hwy, Cache Creek


Good luck to all the participants in this years Ashcroft & District Fall Fair

Highway 97, Cache Creek

It’s Fall Fair weekend! Good luck to all participants.

Credit Union 201 Railway Ave. Ashcroft

250 453-2219

Check out the fun at the Ashcroft & District Fall Fair!

Ashcroft Dental Clinic 411 Brink St., Ashcroft

==2 :C19 B= /:: B63 >/@B717>/<BA 7< B67A G3/@A /:: /7@

Enjoy the Fair!


Ashcroft’s River Inn Ashcroft on the River! UNDER THE BRIDGE

Right beside the river ~ First left over the bridge


Golden Country Real Estate Services 250-453-2225

Hope to see you all at the Fall Fair! Ashcroft family medical PRACTICE 250-453-9353

The Ashcroft & District Fall Fair has something for everyone!

AUTOMOTIVE 201 Railway Ave, Ashcroft


Desert Inn

Come out and see what the Fall Fair is all about!

Have fun and enjoy Ashcroft & District’s 2012 Fall Fair! Your Complete Automotive Care Centre


See you at the Fair!

Have fun at the Fair!

Thompson Valley Funeral Home

Bill Perry 250-453-9802 or 1-800-295-5138

Considering a career in agriculture?


(250) 457-6226 Cache Creek, BC.

Helping you is what we do

110 B Railway Ave. Ashcroft 1-888-900-9880

Proud supporters of the Ashcroft & District Fall Fair

Check out the courses at TRU

310 Railway Avenue Ashcroft 250-453-9999

128 -4th Street, Ashcroft


Have a wonderful time at the Fall Fair!

403 Railway Ave, Ashcroft 250-453-2553


A 10

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 The Journal

Desert Daze festival sizzles for third summer in a row

Desert Daze festival-goers enjoyed the live music from their shaded seats.

EXPERT OF THE WEEK Golden Country Real Estate Services RE/MAX Golden Country Ltd., this areas oldest real estate office, with 18 years of successful history, welcomes you to Gold County! Conveniently located in the heart of downtown Ashcroft at 401 Railway Avenue, Ashcroft. RE/MAX has expanded in many ways! We have 4 FOUR licenced professional Realtors, all working as a TEAM to provide you with the highest quality service you expect from a professional Realtor. There is always a professional in attendance to service all your Real Estate needs! For the many years we have been in business, we serviced the areas of Ashcroft, Cache Creek, Clinton, Spences Bridge and Loon Lake. We continue to offer you FREE Real Estate Market Evaluations to keep you in touch with your Real Estate investments. RE/MAX continues to have one of largest International Networks for both Buyers and Sellers. Our office has an extensive client list of prospective Buyers and Investors that we are in touch with on a regular basis. Our International websites have proven throughout the years to be a very successful marketing item - - giving us and the client, the results you expect from a Professional Realtor. Check out the website: and our highly successful Home Page @www.goldencountry. ca. RE/MAX continues to provide You the client with Professional RESULTS with the Highest Quality of Service you EXPECT‌.all based on “Old Fashioned Values with Today’s Technology!â€? Come home to RE/MAX, your Home Town Professional Real Estate Team. 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355 or email:


Kelly Adamski Broker/Owner

Cindy Adamski Broker/Owner

Bob Cunningham Representative

ASHCROFT BOTTLE DEPOT Purity Feed Building, Downtown Ashcroft

Mick Adamski Representative

During the hottest weekend of the summer, 20 musical acts performed over three days on a double stage at the 3rd Annual Desert Daze Festival in Spences Bridge as vendors, musicians, festival-goers and volunteers braved the intense heat. The drumming and voices of the Siska Indian Band drummers reverberated throughout the valley to open the festivities. Under the setting sun, fans of The Boom Booms danced well into Friday night. The Boom Booms, a six-piece latin-fusionfunk-reggae band from East Vancouver, played the festival for the second consecutive year. Their success defined by their charm, good looks, talent, and strong advocacy for the arts and environment. The resident Bighorn sheep visited the site as a large 11-metre show kite lifted into the skies. Passionate kite-flyer

Three licenced techs, no apprentices

AUTOMOTIVE 488 Trans Canada Hwy, Ashcroft





Terry Daniels Publisher OfďŹ ce: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 e-mail: TH 3TREET !SHCROFT "# s 6 + !




Smoking Cessation Aids Available

Get ready for our new golf season

** some restrictions apply **


was also a highlight among attendees. The watermelon-seed spitting and apple-bobbing contest saw a number of competitors on Saturday. The peaches and tomatoes were a hit, particularly with many of the musicians, who left with boxes of fresh produce to help sustain them through the remainder of their busy summer tours. The festival committee was pleased with the turn-out and were happy to see so many locals supporting the festival. They’re always looking for more volunteers and planning committee members. Keep in touch with Desert Daze on Twitter, Facebook or visit The festival would not have been possible without the financial support of the sponsors, including a Canadian Heritage grant Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage. Maya Chang

$FMFCSBUJOH :FBST Come to the place with experience

Please remember: Caps off - Labels on! We now accept milk cartons (please rinse first, no refund) TUESDAY TO SATURDAY 10 - 4 250-457-7026

Dale Pattison visited the festival all the way from Smithers. There was just enough wind for lift-off and a show for those passing by on the Trans-Canada highway. Workshops indoors on both Saturday and Sunday were popular and also a welcome retreat from the forty-degree heat. The drum workshop with Milton Randall and historic rhythm bones workshop with Vancouver-based band Maria in the Shower had participants leaving with toe-tapping rhythms and smiles on their faces. Randall, known to many teachers and young students from the school district, delivered an inspiring hands-on session with djembes (pronounced jem-be) for all to play. Local talent pooled from Lytton, Ashcroft and Spences Bridge included crowd-favourites Richie and the Fendermen, Flat Busted and Mudville. The local produce

P.O. Box 1060 403 Railway Avenue Ashcroft, B.C. V0K 1A0

Tel: (250) 453-2553 Fax: (250) 453-2404 Email: Website:


453-9247 Golden Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Kelly Adamski - Bob Cunningham Cindy Adamski - Mick Adamski t 5PMM 'SFF PICTURE PERFECT FAMILY HOME! Very lovely 3 bedroom split level home situated on a spacious corner lot within walking distance to both schools, pool and park. From the moment you walk through the door you will want to call this home! Spacious layout with large living room, separate dining room, kitchen with island and loads of cupboard space. Upper level with bedrooms; lower level features family room with gas ďŹ replace and storage areas. Many updates including; newer ooring; paint, central air conditioning and sprinkler system. Very good value here! $219,900. PRISTINE SANDS RANCH AT LOON LAKE: This very unique, private and special property is quaintly located off Loon Lake Road with nature abound! Beautiful log home - - all new as of 6 years ago. 153 acres, two titles, Loon Creek running through the property, water rights, hay ďŹ elds, fenced and cross fenced, outbuildings and a second 2-bedroom home. $849,900. CUSTOM BUILT HOME IN CLINTON: Situated on a ½ acre lot featuring 3 bedrooms, three bathrooms, open concept with 22 foot vaulted ceilings. Beautiful oor to ceiling rock ďŹ replace, stainless steel appliances, high efďŹ ciency furnace, nice landscaping with green house and wrap around deck. $289,900. View photos of these properties and more at 250-453-2225 1-800-557-7355


The Journal Tuesday, September 4, 2012 A 11

Coyotes, beaver dams and the season’s harvest

Putting food by August is harvest month in my garden and for many of the ranching community it is about getting in the last hay crop, and moving the cattle down off the summer grazing range. Every year as I rush around to preserve the small amount of produce from my garden I am reminded of the women of a previous generation who did absolute mountains of preserving – mostly canning and drying. There was no electricity until the BC Hydro line was installed in the late 60’s. My mother and grandmother prepared hundreds of jars - berries and fruit became syrups, jams, jellies, sauces and preserves; vegetables were canned and pickled. Even salmon, chicken and game were preserved for those days in winter and spring when fresh food was scarce and a trip to town was not feasible. My family still talks about my mother’s canned chicken as one of their favourites. Not having a pressure canner the jars were boiled in a water bath for over two hours on a hot stove on what seemed to be the hottest days in August. The time and energy they put into ensuring the family had sufficient stored food for the winter months was really amazing. The work was hard and a vegetable peeler, a sharp knife, a jam pot, a jelly bag and a canner were the basic tools used along with a big wood stove. Jars had thick glass lids and were carefully kept from season to season, with new rubber rings used each canning session. Herbs were hung and garlic and onions laid out to dry. In addition root vegetable were harvested later and stored in a big root cellar. This work was a major contribution to the economy of the family and ensured a supply of fruits, vegetables and meat not easily found in local stores at the time. Now people say they don’t have time for doing such things and they can just go to the store and buy what they need. Ah, but where can you buy that delicious canned chicken or chokecherry syrup or for that matter good dill pickles, baked rhubarb preserve or red currant jelly? Homemade is still best in my opinion.

Signs of Winter A quick trip out to the wild berry picking patches was somewhat disappointing. A patch up along the 3300 Road that was a good producer of huckleberries has been logged so it will be some years before the bushes are back in full production. We did find some of the low bush blueberries and

went walking outside. Beavers are also affecting our lives here at Loon Lake with a huge beaver lodge and dam built at the outlet of Loon Lake. As a result, the lake water is very high and people have lost what little beach area they had along the lake, while the creek below the dam has so little water in it that fish can hardly swim there. I have contacted the Ministry of Environment in Kamloops and the wildlife biologist I spoke to said they might send someone out to look at it. I would suggest that all those who are worried about damage from ice and water to their properties as a result of the high water levels to contact the Ministry of Environment in Kamloops - otherwise nothing will be done.

FROM LOON LAKE ROAD Barbara Hendricks they are carefully packed away for enjoyment some cold winter day. At this time of the year “old timers” are always on the outlook for indicators of what kind of winter will we can expect. Well, my mountain ash trees are loaded with berries and the garden has produced really well – whatever that means. My old favourite is the woolly bear caterpillar and how long the centre brown section is. I recently observed one munching away on the leaves of one of my rugosa roses. It had a somewhat longer central brown section – so does that mean a somewhat colder winter? I wonder! However it would be a wise move to ensure the garden is heavily mulched when frost sets in the ground to protect the shrubs and perennials from freeze and thaw cycles.



Local government at work Three Loon Lake residents attended the TNRD meeting in Clinton on Aug 23. In my observation, the meeting went well and the group of elected officials appeared to be working well together and giving serious consideration to issues affecting their local residents. Much of the discussion dealt with the changes in the boundaries of federal ridings and how that will affect residents, especially those in our electoral area. I was disappointed that so people bothered to attend as this is the once a year effort by the TNRD to hold a meeting outside of Kamloops to be more accessible to local communities. If we don’t show an interest in what the TNRD is doing in our area, the elected officials can assume we don’t care what they do. Do we care about what happens in our communities?

Beaver dams and flooding Wildlife at Loon Lake is often the topic of discussion. Lately around where I live there has been a lot of “discussion” among the coyote population. Once they start their howling, they get all the dogs along the valley going as well. One morning when the coyotes were particularly vocal, I had some young family members staying here. We went out to listen to the coyotes but the boys became afraid that the coyotes would come and eat them (they are 6 and 7 years old) so I told them it was wise when they went out for a walk in the forest to carry a big walking stick. So we had to go out and get us some sticks, trim and sand them down and then paint them. After that the sticks were carried every when they




















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What a great month it has been. We have had many perfect summer days – sunny and hot. Now as the days shorten noticeably there is also a chill in the wind and frosty nights are just around the corner. When the sun goes behind the mountain to the west it is time to pull out the jackets and long pants. Mars has literally been the “star” of the night especially early in the month. At Loon Lake we are fortunate to have no light pollution so we can enjoy beautiful night skies deeply dark and filled with twinkling stars.

TERRY FOX RUN Heritage Place Park in Ashcroft Sept. 16 - Registration 9 am

8/24/12 12:36 PM


Tuesday, September 4, 2012 TheJournal



anging upside down and pleading to get off the colourful, yet horrendous ride called the Sky Diver at Silverwood Theme Park in Idaho was my least gleeful moment of the summer. My 12 year old son agreed. “Let us down!” Sam begged the unhearing ride operator as his knee bled from being tossed and turned in every direction possible for what seemed like hours. “I’m going to throw up!” Having witnessed his episodes of car-sickness numerous times over the years, I knew he was serious about his feelings of nausea and prayed to the amusement park gods not to

have a power outage as we hung helpless, eighty feet above ground. Luckily, my prayers were answered and we soon descended and escaped the bright purple cage that held us captive. Once we were safely standing, we swore off that particular ride for good. “Do you want to go on a rollercoaster?” I asked, eager to erase that memory and replace it with a truly exhilarating experience instead. “No,” Sam said, white as a ghost. “I need to do nothing for awhile.” It was an understandable reaction from a kid who had just

spent five minutes trying not to squish his mom or lose his lunch. It was also our last day at the jam-packed park and he was ready for some downtime. We all were. After waiting in line for countless hours and eating overpriced junk food for three days straight, my husband and I discussed how we could have made our amusement park experience a little more amusing. “We could have smuggled in some healthy snacks,” I suggested as I munched on another tub of stale, salty popcorn.

January 19

January 20– February 18

you seek.

Your eyes are bigger than Attention, Aquarius. your stomach Someone closeattowork this Aquarius. youweek, has something Delegate some to say, and theytasks needso everything goes you to listen. A smoothly home and your project is improvement project completed on time. turns out better than expected.

March 21– April 19

April 20– May 20

Please, Aries. You You are on a roll, Aries, are now a go-getter, and it is justbut a sometimes you go too matter of maintaining far.momentum Keep that in the formind a thismore weekdays. as you work few Don’t let with others to get a anyone slow you down project this the ground.

Taurus, there areyour many Stop dragging opportunities within feet, Taurus. You your youtoare knowreach, whatbut needs not to be sure done,which so doway it. The go. Seekyou advice fromthe sooner finish, Sagittarius you get sooner youwhen can move aon spare moment. you to something really want to do.

June 22– July 22

July 23– August 22


Clarify, Cancer. Now is not the time for Make certain you You dawdling, Cancer. are understood have a full plateon of all things accounts this itweek. to tackle and seems like Leave nothing to slipping the hours will be chance. A friendand drops away. Recharge get by with an unusual focused. request.

reviews just in time.

Others can see you Pragmatic Gemini. haven’t yourself You’rebeen always looking lately, So relax to getGemini. things done and a break from welltake in the shortest something that’sbutbeen time possible, bothering you sometimesyou, justand won’t will return to being your work. Patience is key. old self. You won’t be disappointed.

Clam up, Libra, Libra, no one willand you will it. are know whoregret you truly Prepare to share present your unless you a few idea and watch secrets. You don’tthehave fly. The to-do tosparks give everything away, list allow nears others completion but in by with an some addition. sharing personal September 23– information.

October 22

Leo, don’t rarely let anyone Bickering solves discourage anything, soyou putwhen a stop tackling a big project. to the madness the firstAs you haveyou proven time and chance get, Leo. again, youget simply need You will nothing to establish goal and done if you adon’t. your efforts will help you October 23– achieve it.

One quick turn... and it’s all over for this dog! Learning It’s a tall from order,your Pisces, weaknesses help you but it’s not can impossible. toGather grow your stronger, Pisces. supplies Accept challenge and theatroops and that is presented thisAweek, get crackin’. reporteven ifreceives it scaresglowing you.

Virgo, you A lovedthough one has a may not know where your meltdown, and you’re path lead left towill pick upthis the week, you are You deeply pieces. canaware do it, that an and adventure is in Virgo, you will do store. somedotime it well.Take A new liftsto prepare spirits inyour moremind waysand body. than one.

Scorpio, you A changethough in attitude don’t fromand picksshy up away the pace, challenges, you dowell the team finishes know to pick your aheadwhen of schedule. battles. something Bravo, When Scorpio. Your inconsequential efforts won’t gocomes up this week, let it pass. unnoticed.

November 21 Sagittarius, What’s that,when a past conflict resurfaces Sagittarius? Your this week, push iton aside pleas are falling because thatPerhaps is ancient deaf ears? history. is betterofto it’s yourItmethod focus on the positive presentation. Be bold, things that get are what in store and you’ll November 22– for youyou. seek.

February 19– May 21– August 23– ogs are easily jolted out of open pick-ups and March 20 June 21 September 22 December 21 en suffer crippling injuries death. Use a otective kennel secured to the ck bed, or better yet, let your Is this any way to treat your best friend? Dogs are easily jolted out of open pick-ups and often st friend ride safely in the cab. suffer crippling injuries or death. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY

Already forgetting the frustrating long line-ups they had previously complained about, they were now left with precious moments of pure delight, exactly the way my husband and I seemed to remember our amusement park days as children. “I’m done with theme parks,” my friend commented when we got back home. “They might be fun for kids, but they’re torture for parents. A relaxing vacation it’s not.” Okay, I have to agree, they’re not relaxing and some of it felt like torture to me too. Yet a lot of it was so much fun, and watching the kids faces light up when they first found out about our surprise trip was something I’ll never forget. Next time we’ll just try to visit when it’s less crowded and we’ll do our best to avoid terrible rides like the Sky Diver. But the stale, salty popcorn? I’ll be eating that again for sure. More columns, blogs, cartoons and videos can be found at

M a y 2 0 12012 2 —- Week W e e 1k September You don’t like pitch Capricorn, whentoyou a fit,someone, but if youit want love can be to be heard, that’s difficult to step aside whatletyou’re going make and this person to have do. Make his or hertoown choices. yourthis stance known, But is what you have Only to then toCapricorn. do for lessons be December 22– learned. will you get the action

“And we could have come the following week when the American kids were back in school,” my husband said. Simple things we should have remembered from our trip to Disneyland two years prior. Yet as we talked in private of other things we could do differently so the next trip would be better, our kids only talked about what they loved. “That was the best trip ever!” our nine year old daughter exclaimed on our way home. “Especially the water park!” “It was,” Sam chimed in. “Can we go again next year?”

Is this any way to treat your best friend?

Dogs are easily jolted ou of open pick-ups and often suffer crippling injuries or death.

Use a protective kennel secured to the truck bed, or better yet, let your best friend ride safely in the cab.

Why not let your dog ride


The Journal Tuesday, September 4, 2012 A 13

Make a positive difference in the world

Clemes Hall, Spences Bridge’s community hall, will receive up to $80,000 for energy-efficient upgrades

Clemes Hall receives funding The ThompsonNicola Regional District recently approved the expenditure of up to $80,000 from the Federal Gas Tax Community Works Fund to go towards energy-efficient upgrades at the Archie Clemes Community Hall in Spences Bridge. With the funding, the Spences Bridge Community Club (SBCC) will upgrade the hall’s heating equipment, exterior doors, lighting, bathroom fixtures as well as ceiling insulation.

“The money is going to great use as it will make the Community Hall, which is more than 100 years old, more energy efficient, as well as more functional,” said Steven Rice, Electoral Area “I” (Blue Sky Country) director. The Archie Clemes Community Hall is owned and operated by the SBCC. Under an amendment to the Gas Tax Agreement, buildings and infrastructure owned by non-government organizations can be

eligible for funding so long as the NGO abides by the terms and conditions of the Gas Tax agreement. To date, the Thompson-Nicola Regional District has approved $2.64 million for 63 projects under the Federal Gas Tax Fund, which provides funding in support of municipal infrastructure that contributes to cleaner air, cleaner water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Submitted


A wuzzle is a saying/phrase that is made up of a display of words, in an interesting way. The object is to try to figure out the well-known saying, person, place, or thing that each wuzzle is meant to represent. Answers below.

Hope that you have all had a relaxing summer! At times the weather was unbearably hot but the summer heat did wonders for local gardens. Produce from my neighbour has been plentiful and delicious. Thank you, John! Mosquitos were terrible at the cabin but fishing was good - can’t have everything! We saw long-time Clinton seniors, Ray and Mildred Luce leave this summer to take up residence in Kamloops. They will be sorely missed and we wish them happiness and good health in their new surroundings. Sometimes we are so busy

ROCKIN’ & TALKIN’ Clinton Seniors Association Zee Chevalier adding up our troubles that we forget to count our blessings. Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture or word you can change a person’s life for better or for worse. God puts us all in each other’s lives to impact one another in some way. Look for good in others. - author unknown Regular activities and meetings will resume for the Fall with the first General Meeting being held Sept. 20 at the

Clinton Seniors Centre 217 Smith Ave. following a noon Potluck lunch. Come and join us! Fees are $15 annually. There will be no fund raising activity until the Nov. 3 Market Place, formerly known as the Flea Market, always held in the Clinton Memorial Hall. Mildred Luce and Marge Zimmerlee, if you’re reading this, Happy Birthday Sept. 1 and 22 respectively. “The age of a woman doesn’t mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Community Volunteer Groups The Royal Canadian Legion #113 301 Brink St., Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 Phone: 250-453-2423 Fax # 250-453-9625

South Cariboo Elizabeth Fry Society 601 Bancroft St. Box 603, Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0 250-453-9656

Ashcroft and District Fall Fair Contact Person: Janna 250-457-6614 Contact Person: Jessica 250-453-2352

Soups On

Sage & Sand Pony Club District Commissioner: Sandy Agatiello

Ashcroft-Cache Creek Rotary Club Contact Person: Denise Fiddick Phone 250-453-9547

Desert Spokes Cycle Society Phone 250-457-9348

Ashcroft Curling Club Phone 250-453-2341

St. Alban’s Anglican Church Hall, 501 Brink Street Tel: 250-453-9909 or 250-453-2053 - All Welcome

Ducks Unlimited Canada Ashcroft/Cache Creek Volunteer Chapter Phone 250-374-8307

Ashcroft & District Rodeo Association Phone: 250-457-9390

Ashcroft Volunteer Fire Department

Ashcroft and Masonic Lodge Zarthan Lodge No#105

Phone 250-453-2233

Contact Person: Fred Dewick

Cache Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Phone 250-453-2415

Ashcroft & District Tennis Association Contact Person: Maria Russell Martin Phone 250-453-9391

Phone 250-457-9967

South Cariboo Sportsmen Assc. #3366 Attn: Marian Pitt, Box 341, Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0

Ashcroft & District Lions Club Contact Person: Lion Vivian Phone 250-453-9077

Soccer Association Contact: Sandi Harry

Phone 250-457-9366

Ashcroft-Cache Creek Seniors Assc. 601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9762

The Ashcroft & District Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Store

Minor Hockey Association Contact: Lisa Tegart Phone 250-453-9881 Email:

601 Bancroft St., Ashcroft, BC Phone 250-453-9944

Historic Hat Creek Ranch

Royal Canadian Sea Cadet

Contact: Jack Jeyes

Contact Person: SLt. Curran 250-453-2082 Patty Newman, Navy League President 250-457-9575 Email:

Kinsmen Club of South Cariboo

Ashcroft Communities in Bloom Contact Persons: Andrea Walker 250-453-9402 or Marijke Stott 250-453-0050

Phone 250-453-2259

Contact Person: Dave 250-453-9062

Cache Creek Recreation Society Contact Person: Jackie

Phone 250-457-9122

Taoist Tai Chi Contact Person: Danita Howard Phone 250-453-9907 e-mail:

Ashcroft Royal Purple Phone 250-457-9122

Ashcroft Hospice Program

Bridging to Literacy

Shirley 250-453-9202 or Marijke 250-453-0050

Contact Person: Ann Belcham 250-453-9417

Winding Rivers Arts and Performance Society Contact Person: Jessica 250.453.2352 or Nadine 450.453.9100

Canadian Red Cross - Health Equipment Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)

The “Purpose of Sunday” Car Club President: Tom Lowe 240-457-6564

SCI Thompson River, B.C. Chapter Ken Brown - Phone: 250-453-9415

Ashcroft Hospital - 250-453-2244

Desert Bells Handbell Choir Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

Ashcroft Yoga Group Call Marijke - Phone: 250-453-0050

Sage Sound Singers Adult Community Choir Michelle Reid 250-457-9676

Second Time Around

Cache Creek Beautification Society

Cache Creek Communities in Bloom Committee Carmen Ranta 250-457-9119

(and Farmers Market) Judy Davison 250-457-6693

201 Railway Ave., Ashcroft BC Anne Bonter 250-457-9781

ANSWERS: 1. Bermuda Triangle 2. All Kidding Aside 3. Late in the Evening 4. Bump in the Night 5. Baa Baa Black Sheep 6. Super Bowl 7.Bi-Weekly 8. Hi Rise Apartments 9. Boxing Ring


Tuesday, September 4, 2012 Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal

Your community. Your classifieds.

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ADVERTISING DEADLINES WORD CLASSIFIEDS Thurs - 11:00 am the preceding issue cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors after the first day of publication any advertisement. Notice or errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention on the classified department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the Box Replay Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental.

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DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, colour, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.

COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.

Ph: 250-453-2261 Fax: 250-453-9625 Sales: Editorial: Producation: 128-4th Street P.O. Box 190, Ashcroft, B.C.

Education/Trade Schools

Have your say. Get Paid.


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Voice your opinion on issues that matter and receive cash incentives for doing so.

Thurs - 11:00 am the preceding issue



AL-ANON: Does someone’s drinking bother you? Meeting Wed at 8:00pm at the Cache Creek Elementary Sch Library. Contact: Val 250.299.7470


Family Announcements Community Announcements Employment Business Services Pets & Livestock Merchandise for Sale Real Estate Rentals Automotive Legals


Education/Trade Schools 21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes: • • •

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for August 13, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627 COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING Certificate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Extensive study of beekeeping, Queen rearing and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable on-campus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. 1-780-835-6630; INTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR SCHOOL. NO Simulators. In-the-seat training. Real world tasks. Weekly start dates. Job board! Funding options. Apply online! 1-866-399-3853

COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPING Certificate Program. GPRC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Extensive study of beekeeping, queen rearing and honey business. Paid work experience. Affordable oncampus residences. Starts January 7, 2013. 1-780-8356630; KNOW SOMEONE with a WCB claim? Retraining for a high-paid career with Canada’s best heavy equipment operator school, job placement assistance, $70K+ per year. Limited seating, government licensed. Talk to your WCB worker about funding then call 1-866-963-4766; LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enroll today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535. LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enroll today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535 TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certified. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. BANNISTER HONDA Maintenance Technician Looking for a motivated, reliable, quality person to perform maintenance on Honda and other manufacture vehicles. Please apply with drivers license and drivers abstract. Attn: Grant Kitzman, 6425-Hwy 97N, Vernon, B.C. 250-545-0531





Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Big Sky Station needs a Part time Cashier Weekends and Night Shift Only. Fax resume to 250-373-0053 or drop off at Big Sky in Savona

CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS needed for growing northern company. Competitive wages and benefits. Safety tickets necessary. Fax resume to 250-775-6227 or email:

QUALITY CONTROL Person experienced with Piping and Structural Welding needed for a growing northern company. Competitive wages & benefits. Please email resume to: Fax 250-775-6227 or apply online: QUALITY CONTROL Person experienced with Piping & Structural Welding needed for a growing Northern Company. Competitive wages & benefits. Please email resume to: info@torqueindustr Fax 250-775-6227 or apply online:

DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500

Big Sky Station needs a Part time Short Order Cook, Weekends and Night Shift Only. Salary based on experience. Fax resume to 250-373-0053 or drop off at Big Sky, Savona Forestry Hooktender/Spotter Required. Prefer experience but will to train. Must be physically fit, able to work all weather conditions. Fax:250-503-1148 Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430 WANTED: Buncher/Skidder operator to start immediately in Merritt area. Call Mark (604)819-3393

• DRILLERS • BLASTERS • POWDERMEN • CONCRETE LABOURERS VK MASON Local Union Underground Contractor is seeking experienced labor for remote camp job near Kitimat. Looking to hire immediately!

Volunteers The British Columbia Press Council

is seeking three persons to serve as public directors on its 11-member Board of Directors. Public Directors serve two-year terms and are eligible to serve four terms. A nominal per diem is paid for meetings. Candidates should have a record of community involvement and an interest in print and online media issues. Applications together with names of two references and telephone numbers should be submitted by Sept. 30, 2012, to: The B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. See for information about the Press Council.

Please contact Ashley Halden at 778-724-2500 or ashley.halden@

Professional/ Management LIVE-IN Manager for Self Storage Warehouse in South Surrey. Couple preferred. Generous salary plus two bdrm apartment. Send resumes and cover letter to:

Trades, Technical ALBERTA BASED Company looking for qualified & experienced: Equipment Operators, Mulcher, Feller Buncher & Processor Operators. Out of town & camp work. Safety tickets & drivers abstract required. Email resume: Fax 780-488-3002. ALBERTA BASED Company looking for qualified & experienced: Equipment Operators, Mulcher, Feller Buncher & Processor Operators. Out of town & camp work. Safety tickets & drivers abstract required. Email resume: Fax 780-488-3002. CERTIFIED ELECTRICIANS wanted for growing northern company. Competitive wages and benefits. Safety tickets needed. Fax 250-775-6227 or email:

• Heavy Duty Mechanics • Automotive Mechanics or • Millwrights

(engine exp. an asset) The successful candidate will be operating a service vehicle in Fox Creek, Northern Alberta. Must be willing to work overtime. Exp. in natural gas compression is an asset. The successful candidate is not required to reside in Fox Creek, shift work negotiable.


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A 16

For news items or events, call Wendy at 250-453-2261 or email her at Deadline for editorial submissions is now Monday 9 am.

FUN FALL ACTIVITIES! Bocce Ball September 17 – October 12 At the Cache Creek Park Mondays and Fridays from 9:30-10:30 AM Participate in Tournament and win prizes!

Walk to be Fit Starts September 17th At the Cache Creek Park (until weather is too cool, then at the CC Community Hall) Monday and Fridays from 9:30-10:30 AM $18/month or $4 drop-in

Coming Soon! ❤ Line Dancing ❤ Stretch Class ❤ Healthy Living Conference To Register or for More Information Contact Vicky Trill at (250) 457-7038 Or


Proud to Support Canadian Growers Visit to view this week’s flyer Valid Friday through Thursday

Clinton receives NDIT funding for brochure Striking a Balance in Clinton Well folks, here we go again. This is for all the people in Clinton, Cache Creek, Ashcroft and, yes, even Spences Bridge who said they missed my column. Some said they never know what is going on in Clinton any more. And we just can’t have that as there is always something going on in Clinton. While I was attempting to come up with a title for my column (Around Clinton just sounds so lame!) I happened upon Lori Welbourne’s column in last week’s Journal. And there it was, “Striking a Balance”. I hope Lori doesn’t mind. This perfectly describes what I will have to do in order to get my columns out to you. I will have to strike a balance between my personal life, my business, my public life on Clinton Council and the time it takes to produce this column. Although I cannot commit to a weekly column, I will submit a column whenever I can. I will once again try to keep you informed as to what is happening in Clinton. To those who encouraged me to take this on again, I thank you. I am humbled that so many people actually read my ramblings and seem to appreciate it. And to the person who told me that they never would have voted for me had they known I was going to quit the column when I was elected, well, this is for you, too. It’s good to be back.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012 The Journal

About 90 enthusiastic geocachers attended the kick off of several new caches in Clinton and area on Sunday, Aug. 26. The comfort station was crowded with people as the coordinates for the sites were provided. On hand to congratulate Gold Country and welcome

Develop- Village of Clinton Historicment In- al Walking Tour Brochure. Coun. Diana Guerin preitiative Trust for sented the cheque to RobEconom- in Fennell, president of the ic De- Clinton & District Economic Development Society on velopSusan Swan Aug. 29. ment and 459-2224 or 2325 The Historical Walking one porcountrysquire@ Tour Brochure was the braintion was for col- child of the now-defunct Clinton & District Chamlaborative eco- ber of Commerce. Visitors to participants were MP Cathy McLeod, Clinton Mayor Jim nomic development. It was Clinton can take a self-guidRivett and Clinton council- presented in the amount of ed tour using the brochure as lors Diana Guerin, Wayne $2,750 to the Clinton and a guide. Arrangements can District Economic Develop- also be made for a guided Marchant and Susan Swan. There were people at- ment Society to cover part tour of the historical sites in tending from Vancouver, of the printing costs of the Clinton. Langley, Chilliwack, Big Lake and Prince George as well as areas in between. Once they had received the coordinates on their GPS units or lap top computers many were off at a run. The race was on to be the first to find the new sites. Although I had never tried this before, my son and I got wrapped up in the enthusiasm and found Robin Fennell, president of the Clinton & District Economic Development Society, accepts the NDI cheque from Coun. Diana Guerin. a couple of the nearby caches (without the use of a GPS unit). I can certainly see where this would be a fun and exciting adventure for families. Kudos to Gold Country for this popular activity that brings so many people to our region.


NDI Cheque Received The Village of Clinton received funding Eager geocachers crowded into the concession stand at Reg Conn Park from Northern last week to hunt for Clinton’s new geocaches.

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