PROFILE: Honey & beeswax for medical conditions
SPORTS: Houston Luckies tryouts coming soon
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Summer salmon harvest at Babine a success By Walter Strong Black Press
The strength of the Lake Babine Nation (LBN) sockeye harvest over the 2011 and 2012 seasons is changing the nature of the commercial salmon fishery in Northern B.C., according to Greg Taylor, an active B.C. fisheries consultant. While the supply of sockeye salmon has historically been dominated by the summer harvest of coastal fish, the band has developed an inland fishery that effectively and profitably extends the sockeye harvest past the end of July and into the middle of September. This puts the North coast sockeye fishery in the unique position of being the only fishery in North America to bring sockeye to market from the middle of June to the middle of September. For thousands of years LBN had har-
vested salmon from its own waters and had a thriving fishery until it was ordered closed by the government in 1906. They used a traditional selective method of catching fish that was sustainable, but this method of selective harvesting was not carried over into the coastal fisheries that came to dominate the industry. The coastal harvest is a ‘mixed harvest’ that does not select for the sustainability of smaller salmon runs like coho or steelhead. In 2007, the Government of Canada announced the Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (PICFI) in order to address the issues of an economically and environmentally sustainable commercial fisheries where conservation and the interests of First Nations are fundamental. LBN received funding through PICFI to help rehabili-
Submitted photos
Employees of Lake Babine Nation Fisheries Ltd. haul in their catch by two different methods: boat seine and beach seine. Both methods allow for selective harvesting as most non-salmon species are able to be removed during the catch. Government approved inspectors record all ‘bycatch,’ incidence of which is very small. tate their own historically thriving fishery. Greg Taylor is a fisheries consultant with over 30 years of industry experience. He sits
on the board of directors for Lake Babine Nations Fisheries Ltd., the independent company set up by the LBN to manage its fishery. “The LBN did not have a consistent fishery,” says Taylor, “but through PICFI they were able to use $600,000 to upgrade their facilities and through strategic partnerships with North Delta Seafoods and other partners they have taken the fishery to the next step. “Sockeye salmon harvested by the LBN is marketed and sold throughout North America and internationally through large retailers like Costco in fresh and frozen portions.
Lake Babine Nation is involved in a very important sea change in thinking concerning fishery management. “That’s what makes this interesting,” says Taylor. “The coast has been a mixed fishery for over 100 years and over-fishing has required that the coast fishery be clamped down. In doing so, a surplus has been created going up river. It’s always been a trade of between yield for economic value. We’ve changed that scenario, that scenario no longer exists. You now don’t have a trade off between economic value and conservation. It’s a very innovative step in salmon management in British Columbia to
think outside the box that you need to harvest this fish in a marine environment.” The band traditionally harvested salmon through a series of fishing ‘weirs’ that trapped salmon as they moved upstream. These weirs were wood constructs in the river that allowed for the selective harvesting of strong stock while weaker stock were free to continue their run. Harvest techniques have changed to boat and beach ‘seines’ rather than permanent weirs, but they still allow for selective harvesting. “This fishery is a very selective fishery and it takes place at the terminus where these fish are going to end up,” according to
Taylor. “Other species of concern are split off to their own tributary streams. All that is left is an identifiable surplus.” This surplus is then harvested according to need and market demand. All the other LBN fisheries (Babine fence and mid-river fishery) are selective for species in the same way. The return of the LBN selective fishery is a return to the sustainability principles that guided salmon harvesting over 100 years ago. Taylor summarizes his work with the LBN as “the best experience of my career, to be involved in something that had been taken away at the turn of the century.”
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Houston Today
The Northern Gateway Project is generating healthy debate. British Columbians are asking many important questions like, is this pipeline worth it for BC and its northern communities? The benefits that the Northern Gateway Project will bring to British Columbia are significant. It will create jobs, generate new tax revenue for BC, and strengthen the province’s economy.
New jobs will be created... Many people will be employed to build this project. Here in BC, over 3,000 high-paying construction jobs will be created during the building phase. And over 500 new long-term jobs will open up when it’s completed–jobs to monitor and maintain the pipeline, jobs at the Kitimat Marine Terminal, and indirect jobs in areas such as food and hospitality, accommodations, and transportation. And all right here in BC.
Over $800 million will be spent on local goods and services... During construction, hundreds of millions will be spent in Northern BC on equipment rentals, worker accommodations, trucking and fuel, just to name a few. Businesses will grow and new jobs will bring a steady source of family income, as well as opportunities for young people right out of school. All of this will have a positive impact on local businesses and community stability.
Local communities will have a brighter future... On top of new jobs being created, the project will generate $40 million per year in new tax revenue for BC–that’s $1.2 billion over a period of 30 years. This will make a difference to local communities who can use it to build facilities and strengthen public services.
Enbridge will also provide an additional $100 million to support communities near the pipeline in BC and Alberta. We are also committed to partnerships with Aboriginal communities–funding will be provided for community investment, scholarships and education programs, and Aboriginal business opportunities will be created.
People will learn specialized work skills... Individuals from towns near the pipeline will be given the opportunity to learn the skills needed to work in the energy industry. Enbridge has created the Gateway Education and Training Fund, a $1.5 million commitment that will support training initiatives that focus on pipeline construction skills. The knowledge and experience acquired during the construction phase will serve them well as the demand for skilled workers in the energy sector here in British Columbia, Canada and around the world continues to increase.
New global markets will open opportunities for new growth... As it stands, Canada relies on just one customer for its oil exports. The Northern Gateway Project will provide access to the growing economies and the huge markets of the Pacific Rim eager for our energy, which will increase Canada’s Gross Domestic Product by at least $270 billion over 30 years. So not only will the residents of British Columbia see an increase in tax revenue, employment and long-term job opportunities, they will see the economy strengthened in both their province and country as a new gateway to more trade partners opens up.
The project will bring significant economic benefits to BC. Discover more and join the conversation at
It’s more than a pipeline.
It’s a path to our future. ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.
Houston Today
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
New RCMP corporal from Dease Lake By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
As he settles into Houston, RCMP Corporal Aaron Geary is excited about what Houston has to offer him and his young family. “We were attracted to the size of the community and what the community had to offer,” said Geary, adding that Houston has a nice blend of small town combined with lots of recreational activities for kids like swimming lessons, ice hockey and figure skating. Geary transferred to the Houston corporal position from a Dease Lake one, he said. Dease Lake was a small, tight community of about 450 people, so Houston felt big and busy to them at first, he added. “People probably find this funny but we actually find the shopping here is a lot better than we were used to in Dease Lake,”
he said, adding that Houston’s Pharmasave is about the size of the Dease Lake grocery store - the only store in town - and the nearest shopping centre is Whitehorse or Terrace, both about seven hours away. Geary says that he and his family had a good first impression of Houston. “It seems like a vibrant community seems like people are involved and engaged and that’s important when you are raising a family,” he said. Before joining the RCMP, Geary worked for five years in prisons as a correctional officer, mostly because it was a more available job than RCMP when he graduated from the criminology program at Simon Fraser University, he said. Working in prisons has helped him to have a broad perspective of the criminal justice system, including where people end up after the RCMP has dealt with
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Jackie Lieuwen/Houston Today
New RCMP Corporal Aaron Geary, Sept. 12, is ready for the Houston challenges and looks forward to getting involved in the community. them, he said. prison,’ then I’d say, and hopes to get his It also gave him ‘you know, so have I, kids in fishing as well, confidence when just on the installment he says. dealing with the plan.’” “I love to play tougher criminals, Being in Houston, with my kids and get which was especially Geary says he and his involved in what they good for his first post family look forward to are doing,” said Geary, in Fort St. John in the getting involved in the adding that he can early 2000s,s when community. see them doing figure people from all over Geary plays hockey, skating and soccer in the country were trying rides a motorbike and the future. to stake a fortune in the used to box - which is Geary will be in oil patch, he said. one thing he is happy Houston for four “If I did encounter to let go of in Houston years and says he can guys like that, you because, he laughed, see himself extending know, who typically “it gets harder as you the contract or even like to brag that ‘oh get older.” seeking promotion in you’re arresting me? He also enjoys Houston if the spot I’ve done time in hunting and fishing opens up.
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A healthy local economy depends on you
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Canfor and Houston & District Chamber of Commerce
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
HOUSTON TODAY “Member, B.C. Press Council” Published by Black Press Upstairs Houston Mall P.O. Box 899, Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0
Houston Today
Phone: 250 845-2890 • Fax 250 845-7893 News: or: Advertising:
In our opinion:
Slow down & be aware and safe School is back in session on a full-time basis tomorrow (Sept. 6), so it means we have to be careful to make sure students get to and from school safely. Students of all ages are excited about going back to school to see their friends, meet new teachers or, perhaps, they’re embarking on a new chapter of their lives. The last thing we want to happen is to have that excitement come crashing down on them. As motorists, we have to take the initial safety steps, as we are the ones driving the vehicles that do the damage. We have to remember the maximum speed limit in a school zone is 30 km/h, and it doesn’t hurt to slow down a bit more if there are a lot of children on the sidewalks, especially near crosswalks and intersections. The 30 km/h speed limit posted in school zones is in effect from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and we should always stop for pedestrians – it’s the law. It is also important to note vehicles approaching from both directions must stop for school buses when their lights are flashing. If a vehicle is stopped in front of us, it may have yielded for a pedestrian, so we have to be prepared to stop, too. When we’re dropping children off in school zones, we should stop and allow them to exit the vehicle from the door closest to the sidewalk. We should never allow our children to cross mid-block. However, students also need to be safety wise and road wary to avoid accidents. Students must not be distracted when they are going to and from school, especially when they are walking through intersections and crosswalks. Older students need to stop texting and remove headphones or ear buds when crossing the street. They must not jaywalk as it is both dangerous and it also sets a bad example for younger children. As parents, we need to teach our children to look both ways and make eye contact with a motorist before crossing the road. These are simple safety rules and if they are practised daily, everyone will have a safe and happy day. Ken Alexander
Have an Opinion? Write to the Editor! Letters should be brief and to the point, with a maximum of 300 words. We reserve the right to withhold from print any letters which may be libelous, racist or sexist, and may edit for brevity and clarity. Letters MUST include the signature of the letter writer, a mailing address and a phone number. Only the name will be reproduced in the newspaper. Send letters to: Houston Today, Box 899, Houston, BC, V0J 1Z0. Fax to 250-845-7893 or email to
Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, Zip-a-dee-ay Forty years ago I saw a side of my grandmother I’d never seen before when my younger brother and I were invited to spend a day with her at work. I was five at the time and she was nearly 10 times my age. I hadn’t imagined that she had a real job beyond simply being our grandmother, but she did. She was the beloved grade one teacher to a room full of children who called her Mrs. White rather than Gammy, as my brother and I did. I remember at one point during that day looking over at Jeremie who was watching her play the piano, leading her class in a fun Disney classic. He looked exactly how I felt: in awe and in love. Fast forward four decades and that’s how we’re still looking
at her. “Is Gammy going to zipline?” my nine-yearold daughter asked earlier this year, when my dad treated us all to a day at Grouse Mountain to celebrate his 65th birthday. “Probably,” my 20-year-old cousin replied. “She was just quading at Jaime and Jennifer’s wedding.” The thought of my little ladylike grandmother riding around on a muddy allterrain vehicle at my other cousin’s wedding was surprising at first, and then I thought of her motive: to make her family smile. As our large group got suited up in harnesses and helmets I asked my nervouslooking grandmother how she was feeling. “I’ll be okay,” she laughed. “If the little ones can do it, I can do it too.”
And do it she did. It was a thrilling day for many reasons and my grandmother’s act of courage made the festivities even more memorable. The amazing vision of her zipping down the mountain was only a small example of the bravery she’s displayed most of her life. Suddenly faced with raising two young sons all by herself, she had to be strong, even if she didn’t always feel it. “Is Gammy your hero, Mom?” my 12-year-old son asked recently. “Yes, ” I said. “She’s endured a lot of pain in her life, but she’s never let it get the best of her. She’s risen to every challenge and has decidedly come out stronger than she was before.” I used to think that I learned how to be
an optimist from my father, but I now know that I also learned it from my grandmother. Despite her grave concerns for the state of modern civilization and her habit of worrying about others, I have only ever seen her full of hope and gratitude for her life and the lives of her loved ones. Refusing to play the victim and taking charge of her destiny is one of the many valuable examples she set for me, and I thank her for that as often as I can. “I could have done things better,” she will always say when receiving any kind of praise. “If I knew then what I know now, I would have done things better.” Of course she would have. We all would. But she was always brave in the moment,
On a brighte brighter note Lori Welbourne and she always did her best. No longer 10 times my age, Gammy turned 89 this week. Less than twice my age now, it feels like she’s getting younger as I’m getting older, and we’re eventually going to meet somewhere in the middle and be the best of friends. In actuality, we reached that point years ago. And I, along with the rest of my family, remain in awe, and in love.
Black Press Group Ltd. B.C. Owned and Operated
DISTRIBUTED EVERY WEDNESDAY HOUSTON TODAY published by Black Press “Member, B.C. Press Council”
Annual Subscriptions: Local: $38 (includes HST) Seniors: $30 (includes HST)
Reproduction of contents either in part or in whole are not permitted without prior consent Copyright Canada No. 22 Serial No. 132934
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.
M.A. Ruiter - Sales Manager Jackie Lieuwen - Reporter/Photographer Annamarie Douglas - Production Manager Otto Koldyk - Sales Representative
BC Press Council - Houston Today is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to
Houston Today
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Website Poll results Yes - 23% No - 77% Does the public school system adequately prepare students for the workplace?
This week’s Website Poll at Are you in favor of using B.C. labour to refine oil in Kitimat?
On The
Does the public school system adequately prepare students for the workplace? By B y JJackie ki Li Lieuw Lieuwen w
Letters to the
Secret ballots are the cornerstone of democracy Editor: I was shocked to hear that the NDP and their leader Adrian Dix are planning to eliminate secret ballots for union certification if the NDP are elected to form government in
this province after the next election. It gives us a glimpse into the kind of scary policies the NDP have in mind for us, policies they’ve been doing everything they can to hide from the public.
Harold Ludditt Retired
Arthur Brienen Retired
Linda Dekok Farmer
Pete Caverhill Retired
“It’s lacking in a critical area. There should be a course on money management to help kids see the value of money and the dangers of credit cards.”
“No. They don’t teach enough trades in the high schools anymore.”
“No, they need to teach them more practical things in school like resumés and budgeting.”
“I don’t know a lot about the school system but I suspect some very important life skills are not taught to the kids, like finances.”
Letters are welcomed up to a maximum of 250 words. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and legality. All letters must include the writer’s name, daytime telephone number and hometown for verification purposes. Anonymous, or pen names will not be permitted. Not all submissions will be published. Letters may be e-mailed to:, faxed to: 250-847-2995 or mailed to: P.O. Box 899, Houston B.C., V0J 1Z0.
Everyone knows that secret ballots are the cornerstone of democracy, and that despotism, bullying and intimidation thrive in the absence of secret ballots, regardless of whether it’s in a union hall or a third world dictatorship. The only ones who will benefit from a union hall show-of-hands vote are labour union bosses, not the rank and
file members. This is the same backward policy step the NDP took when they were elected to government back in 1991, and it’s as much of a slap in the face to democracy as it was back then and fundamentally undemocratic. It also shows us who is pulling the NDP’s strings and who will really be in charge if *shudder*
“ “
“Everyone knows that secret ballots are the cornerstone of democracy”
the NDP are elected to form government in this province. The people of this province deserve a straight and open answer from Adrian Dix
-Matthew Enns and the NDP on this question and we deserve that answer now. Waking up on the day after the election to discover that the BC Federation of Labour
is running the province again as it did in the 1990’s is a thought almost too scary to consider. Matthew Enns Vancouver
Hiring and pay freeze as B.C. deficit climbs T “The government has to make up for an he British Columbia government is freezing management salaries in government, Crown corporations and agencies, and is imposing a hiring freeze on direct government jobs to deal with a rising deficit forecast. Finance Minister Mike de Jong delivered his first quarterly financial update on Thursday, showing that there is a deficit forecast of up $173 million. That would bring the deficit to $1.14 billion by the end of the fiscal year next March, which
is due mainly to lost revenues from the falling natural gas prices. The hiring freeze doesn’t apply to health authorities, universities and other services beyond direct government staff, which is budgeted to shrink by 2,000 positions through attrition in the next three years. The pay freeze doesn’t apply to unionized positions, but de Jong said B.C.’s bargaining mandate for unions is also being reviewed. The current mandate calls for wage increases to be financed by savings
in other parts of unionized operations. It has so far not produced a settlement with the biggest union representing direct provincial employees, the B.C. Government and Service Employees’ Union, which has staged a series of one-day strikes since rejecting a 3.5 per cent wage increase over two years. De Jong said that he intends to present a balanced budget in February for the 2013-14 fiscal year, when the government will face a May election. To do that, the government has to make up for an
expected $389 million drop in natural gas revenue”
expected $389 million drop in natural gas revenue that year. The government uses gas price forecasts from five private sector agencies, but none of these fully accounted for the surge of shale gas production that has depressed North American prices. B.C. producers have ramped up work despite the softening
price, to prove the reserves needed for liquefied natural gas export facilities which have been proposed for the north coast. NDP finance critic Bruce Ralston said that he predicted the gas price drop last spring, but former finance minister Kevin Falcon ignore him. And Ralston
scoffed at de Jong’s claim that his ministry will find more savings in travel budgets and other discretionary spending. “Travel budgets? That’s an old movie,” he said. De Jong said that a fall legislative session is “unlikely” as he and other ministers appointed in Premier Christy
B .C. Views Tom Fletcher
Clark’s Sept. 5 cabinet shuffle learn their new jobs and work on balancing the budget.
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WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Dealer order or transfer may be required as inventory may vary by dealer. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Ford Employee Pricing (“Employee Pricing”) is available from June 14, 2012 to October 1, 2012 (the “Program Period”), on the purchase or lease of most new 2012/2013 Ford vehicles (excluding all chassis cab and cutaway body models, F-150 Raptor, Medium Trucks, Mustang Boss 302, and 2013 Shelby GT500). Employee Pricing refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Ford of Canada employees (excluding any CAW-negotiated programs). The new vehicle must be delivered or factory-ordered during the Program Period from your participating Ford Dealer. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ‡‡No purchase necessary. For full contest rules, eligible vehicle criteria, and to enter as a Ford owner, visit (follow the entry path applicable to you, complete all mandatory fields and click on ‘submit’) or visit your local Ford Dealer for details. Open only to residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority, possess a valid graduated level provincially issued driver’s license, and are owners of Ford branded vehicles (excluding fleet customers and all Lincoln and Mercury models). Eligible vehicle criteria includes requirement that it be properly registered in Canada in the contest entrant’s name (matching vehicle ownership), and properly registered/plated and insured. Non-Ford owners can enter by mailing an original 100 word essay on “what they like about Ford”, with their full name, full mailing address, email, daytime phone number (with area code) to: Vanessa Richard, Pareto Corp., 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, M3C 4G4. Contest closes at 11:59pm (PST) on the last day of the 2012 Ford Employee Pricing campaign which will be no earlier than August 31, 2012. Limit of 1 entry per person. Up to 8 prizes available to be won in Canada in 3 possible prize categories, each worth up to CAD$50,000. Chances of winning are dependent on the total number of entries received up to each 10,000 interval of unit sales under the Employee Pricing campaign (“Draw Trigger”). Odds of winning decrease as the contest progresses, more entries are made into the contest, and opportunities for Draw Triggers lessen. Skill testing question required. ▼Offer only valid from September 1 2012 to October 31, 2012 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Costco membership on or before August 31, 2012. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2012/2013 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, Transit Connect EV & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The Eligible Vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Purchase a new 2013 Escape SE FWD with 1.6L EcoBoost Engine/2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2013 Edge SEL FWD with automatic transmission/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats/2012 F-150 Platinum Super Crew 4x4 for $26,030/$28,783/$32,379/$39,714/$46,413 after Total Eligible Price Adjustment of $2,519/$11,316/$3,770/$9,485/$14,186 (Total Eligible Price Adjustment is a combination of Employee Price Adjustment of $2,019/$4,316/$2,770/$5,485/$7,186 and delivery allowance of $500/$7,000/$1,000/$4,000/$7,000) is deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Eligible Price Adjustment has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,650/$1,700/$1,650/$1,700/$1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ±Until October 1st, 2012, lease a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4X4 5.0L and get 4.99% lease annual percentage rate (LAPR) financing for up to 36 months on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest LAPR payment. Lease a vehicle with a value of $40,099 at 4.99% APR for up to 36 months with $1,600 down or equivalent trade in, monthly payment is $399, total lease obligation is $15,964 and optional buyout is $16,040. Offer includes Total Price Adjustment of $11,316. Taxes payable on full amount of lease financing price after Total Price Adjustment is deducted. Offer includes freight and air tax of $1,700, but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Some conditions and mileage restrictions of 60,000 km over 36 months apply. A charge of 16 cents per km over mileage restrictions applies, plus applicable taxes. Delivery Allowances can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Delivery Allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. Employee Pricing is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, Daily Rental Allowance and A/X/Z/D/F-Plan programs. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2013 Escape 1.6L EcoBoost FWD: [9.1L/100km (31MPG) City, 6.0L/100km (47MPG) Hwy / 2013 Edge 3.5L V6 FWD 6-speed Automatic transmission: [11.1L/100km (25MPG) City, 7.2L/100km (39MPG) Hwy / 2012 F-150 4X4 5.0L V8: [14.9L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. †When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. ††Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. comparable competitor engines. Max. horsepower of 411 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. ◆◆Projected best in class fuel economy based on competitive data available at the time of testing using Ford drive-cycle tests (in accordance with the guidelines of the Society of Automotive Engineers’ Standard J1321) of comparably equipped 2011 Ford vs. 2010 competitive models. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR. ◆Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. †††©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Houston Today
Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad
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Featuring the spirit of the local people Local honey honey and and beeswax Local beeswax benefi benefitt medical medical conditions conditions hands, he said, Ludditt alsoadding makes that several a lotion with people lanoHouston Today reported him heal that lin that tohelps the beeswax cream Natural honey and cracked and dry feet Natural honey and worked wonders, and beeswax products or hands, he said, beeswax products all the that prescription could develop a new adding several could develop a new ointments they’d tried medical branch to people reported to medical branch to didn’t do the much good. help with skin probhim that beeswax help with skin prob“I think part of the lems allergies. cream worked wonlems and and allergies. reason is that the beesCertified beemasders, and all the preCertified beemaswax has no chemicals, ter and local beekeepscription ointments ter and local beekeepnothing is in didn’t there that er, HaroldLudditt Ludditt they’d tried do er, Harold has doesn’t belong has owned bees23for much good. there,” owned bees for or said“ILudditt. 23 or 24and years think part of 24 years has and harto has and vestedharvested and sold honey, theLudditt reasonhopes is that make a cream with made candles just sold honey, and made the beeswax has no wintergreen, because recently and started candles justmakrechemicals, nothing is wintergreen causes ing hand cream makwith cently started in there that doesn’t the skin to warm up beeswax and honey, ing hand cream with belong there,” said which could be good he said. beeswax and honey, Ludditt. for arthritis, he said. he Having said. gotten into Besides hand Besides hand cream beekeeping through Having gotten into cream and honey, and honey, Ludditt a friend who raised beekeeping through Ludditt alsobeessold has alsohas sold bees as a boy, Ludditt a friend who raised beeswax candles, wax candles, made by gained his expertise bees as a boy, Ludditt made by through books, exmelting downmelting honey gained his expertise down honey combs perience, a six-week combs and pouring through books, exandwax pouring wax bees-master certificathe into the moulds, perience, six-week into moulds, he said. tion coursea at Simon Dana Giesbrecht and Harold Ludditt check the bees on Sept 13, to make sure that there is enough room on the honey combs so the he said. bees-master certificaLudditt has has never Fraser University and Dana Giesbrecht and LuddittGiesbrecht check thebought bees the on Sept 13, to makeand sure thatwith there enough room onthe thesummer honey Ludditt never keep producing andHarold don’t swarm. bees from Ludditt came himisseveral times over tion course Simon bees turned a profit for his combs so the bees keep producing and don’t swarm. Giesbrecht bought the bees from Ludditt and came with him talking withat experiturned a profit for his to visit the bees and learn all she could about beekeeping. Fraser University enced beekeepers, he several times over the summer to visit the bees and learn all she could about beekeeping. products, but but makes products, makes says.talking with exand that had survived the winter, he said. jam,” he says. the candles candles and the and loloThroughbeekeepers, his course he says. perienced Ludditt has not bought bees for 15 Last October, Ludditt also started tions for his own enjoyment, heown says.entions for his andThrough attendance the and attendance years and and he doesn’t use any any antibiotics, antibiotics, making making and own hand hand creams his atcourse and selling his own But Ludditt has sold his bees this joyment, he says. 1999 Vancouver Apimondia, the world he says, which is one of the reasons he at $3 per container, he said. at the 1999 Vancouver Apimondia, the he says, which is one of the reasons he at $3 per container, he said. spring because has of sold medical reasons, But Ludditt his bees this councilcouncil of beekeepers, Ludditt met ex- believes believes his his honey honey helps He the lotions lotions with beeswax, planning world of beekeepers, Ludditt helps with with allergies. allergies. He makes makes the with beeswax, to beofa medical consultant for Dana spring because reasons, planperienced beekeepers that he that has kept in He believes the honey has medical honey, honey, natural water and and Giesbrecht and Michael Rourke, the met experienced beekeepers he has natural oils, oils, glycerine, glycerine, water ning to be a consultant for Dana Giescontact with, he said. value for those with allergies to airborne a little Borax, sometimes adding bath oil kept in contact with, he said. He believes the honey has medical a little Borax, sometimes adding bath two amateur Houston beekeepers who brecht and Michael Rourke, the two amaFor he he lostlost 40 per pollen and the like. to give a scent, he says. For the thefirst firstfew fewyears years 40 value for those with allergies to airborne oil to give a scent, he says. teur Houston beekeepers bought his bees, he said.who bought his cent of his bees each winter, said Ludditt, “About a tablespoon a day will reduce Ludditt reports that people have found per cent of his bees each winter, said pollen and the like. he said. and Rourke will carry Giesbrecht which is on the higher end of the average your allergic reactions,” he says. his creams help with skin rashes such as bees, Ludditt, which is on the higher end of “About a tablespoon a day will reLudditt reports that people have Giesbrecht andbeekeeping Rourke will carrywith on on the Houston along expected loss, 25 to 40 per cent. And though years ago at the world eczema, said Ludditt, adding that he is theBut average expected loss, 25 to 40 per duce your allergic reactions,” he says. found his creams help with skin rashes the Houston beekeeping along with John John Siebenga and Devon McKilligan, now he has brought it down to only council of beekeepers, his honey was re- sending six containers to family friends Siebenga and local Devon beekeepers, McKilligan, said two cent. And though years ago at the world as eczema, said Ludditt, adding other five per cent lost each winter, because he quested by the ton, Ludditt himself says such on Vancouver Island who asked for more two other local beekeepers, said Ludditt. But now he has it down to council of eat beekeepers, is sending six on containers to fam- Ludditt. stopped buying beesbrought and instead raised he doesn’t the stuff.his honey was re- that after he seeing the affect their grandson’s “I’ll be here here as as sort sort of of aa consultant, consultant, only five per from cent the lostbees eachthat winter, be- quested by the ton, friends on Vancouver Island who “I’ll be new colonies had sur“I’d rather haveLudditt peanut himself butter says and ily eczema. and they’ll be carrying carrying on on the the beekeepbeekeepcause he winter, stoppedhebuying doesn’t eat the stuff. asked for more after seeing thewith affect on and they’ll be vived the said. bees and in- he jam,” he says. Ludditt also makes a lotion lanoing,” he stead raisedhas newnot colonies “I’d rather haveLudditt peanut also butter and their grandson’s Ludditt boughtfrom beesthe forbees 15 Last October, started lin that helps healeczema. cracked and dry feet or ing,” he said. said. By Jackie JackieLieuwen Lieuwen Houston Today
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Houston Today Wednesday, September 19, 2012
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Houston Today
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District of Houston
Notice of Cancelled Council Meeting The Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 2, 2012 has been cancelled. The next regular Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office, 3367 - 12th Street, Houston, B.C. Linda Poznikoff, Chief Administrative Officer Submitted photos
HSS awards
Houston Secondary School awards ceremony was held on Sept. 11 to recognize students for academic and athletic achievements in the 2011-2012 school year. ...because we live here.
Top left, Ruby Kenzle presents a community service award to Kelsey McEwen from the Houston Figure Skating Club. Top right, Andrew Bond and Chris Lukasek present Trent Siemens with the Top Male Athlete for Grade 9 award. Bottom left, Ted Beck and Chris Lukasek present Beth Saretsky with the Top Social Studies 11 student award. Bottom right, Betty-Lou Doyle presents Jamie Beck with the Grade 10 Top Scholar award. CONTESTS CONTES TS PR PRODU ODUCTS CTS ST STORE ORES S FLY FLYERS ERS DE DEALS ALS CO COUPO UPONS NS BROCHU BRO CHURES RES CA CATAL TALOGU OGUES ES CON CONTES TESTS TS PRODU PRODUCTS CTS ST STORE ORES S FLYERS FLY ERS DE DEALS ALS CO COUPO UPONS NS BRO BROCHU CHURES RES CA CATAL TALOGU OGUES ES
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Houston Today
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Houston Luckies tryouts coming soon Houston Today
Luckies gear up for another season as tryouts are coming up soon. The tryouts are on Sept. 29 and 30 and then the coach and other details will be decided, says Luckies team captain Alonzo Slaney. “We hope to have lots of people out for tryouts, lots of young kids,” Slaney said, adding that he hopes 30 to 35 people come, including the four to six players coming from Burns Lake. There are three 2012 - 2013 divisions and Houston will be with Smithers and
Vanderhoof, said Slaney. Prince Rupert and Terrace are in a division, and Lac la Hache, Williams Lake and Quesnel make up the third, Slaney added. Under new president Ray Hallock, the Central Interior Hockey League (CIHL) released the upcoming season schedule, with Luckies home opener against Lac la Hache Tomahawks on Oct. 20. Looking at the roster, Slaney says that things look promising for the Houston Luckies. “It looks like we’ll have a fairly strong squad this year,” he said.
RCMP advise of more upcoming road checks By Jackie Lieuwen Houston Today
RCMP road check on Highway 16 caught not only an impaired driver, but one with a stash of drugs in the vehicle. The driver was issued a 24 hour driving prohibition and then, doing the vehicle search, officers found drugs that were suspected as cocaine or MDMA, said Sergeant Rose of the Houston RCMP. The vehicle driver was arrested for possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking - a charge based on the drug quantity and other items found in the vehicle, said RCMP Sergeant Rose. Rose notes that roadblocks checking for sobriety is something that the community will be seeing more of, “because ultimately taking them off the road, makes the road safer for everybody that is motoring out there,” he said. *** RCMP received report on Sept. 12 at 1:15 p.m. of two young men who were creating mischief at
Jamie Baxter park, but the youth were gone by the time police arrived, said Sergeant Rose. The two young males, 15-20, had used some type of log to poke holes in the walls of the park outhouse. The youth were not identified so anyone with information is asked to call the Houston RCMP at 250-845-2204, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. *** There have been lots of false alarms at both commercial and residential properties over the past three weeks, and police have been frustrated because many of the properties do not have a named property representative, said RCMP Sergeant Rose. He asks that people with an active and monitored alarm make sure they have a property representative listed with their alarm or monitoring company, so police have someone to notify about alarms and give them building access for a walk around.
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AIR BRAKES COURSE B.V. Driving School Ltd.
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Last regular game of 2011- 2012 season, Houston Luckies verses Terrace River Kings. PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until October 31, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on and that contained on, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted. 0% finance for 72 months, upon credit approval, available on 2012 Corolla, Matrix, RAV4, and Tundra. Down payment, first monthly payment and security deposit plus HST on first payment and full down payment are due at lease inception. A security deposit is not required on approval of credit. **$8000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 Tundra Crewmax models. $3000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 Corolla Sport, LE and XRS models. $3000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 Matrix AWD and XRS models. $4000 Non-stackable Cash Back available on 2012 RAV4 V6 4WD models. Non-stackable Cash Back offers may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services lease or finance rates. Vehicle must be purchased, registered and delivered by October 31, 2012. See for complete details on all cash back offers. Informational 72 month APR: Corolla 4.36% / Matrix 5.11% / RAV4 3.88% / Tundra 7.14%. Government regulation provides that the Informational APR includes the cash customer incentive which is only available to customers who do not purchase finance/lease through Toyota Financial Services at a special rate, as a cost of borrowing. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of Cash Customer Incentives. Visit your Toyota BC Dealer or for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/sell for less.
By Jackie Lieuwen
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Houston Today
Approval greenlights pellet terminal construction By Alan S. Hale Black Press
The environmental approval last week for the Pinnacle Pellet
terminal may have removed the last major obstacle before construction begins on the $42-million project, but not all the
concerns. Both Pinnacle Renewable Energy and the Prince Rupert Authority said the approval of the project
District of Houston
NOTICE OF TAX SALE Notice is hereby given that the Tax Sale will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 24, 2012 in the Council Chamber at the Municipal Office, 3367 – 12th Street, Houston, B.C. under Section 403 of the Local Government Act and Section 5 of the Manufactured Home Tax Act. The Tax Sale will be conducted by public auction of the lands and improvements in the list set out below. The following properties will be sold on Monday, September 24, 2012 unless the delinquent taxes plus interest are paid prior to the Tax Sale. FOLIO NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION
Lot 13, Plan 9816, DL 333 PID 005-800-323
1950 Sullivan Way
Lot 14, Plan 9816, DL 333 PID 005-800-358
1940 Sullivan Way
Lot 9, Plan 9711, DL 340 PID 005-857-716
2815 3rd St W
Lot 10, Plan 9711, DL 340 PID 005-857-741
2825 3rd St W
Bay #2 Houston MHP MHR#50012
2 - 2432 Birch St
Bay #14 Houston MHP MHR#32904
14 – 2432 Birch St
Lot 2, Plan PRP47949, DL 619 PID 025-409-671
1991 Riverbank Dr
said the building of the pellet terminal will meet the demand for wood pellet shipping capacity that is badly needed by BC’s lumber industry and, in turn, the terminal will also support hundreds of other BC jobs in a hurting industry. The two organizations are also pleased with how the Environmental Assessment was conducted, and the proposed mitigation measures and regulations that the working group has come up with. “At the end of the day, I think we have achieved the right balance between the
Lot 24-26, Block 17, Plan 1005, DL 622 3337 – 6th St PID 013-741-837; 013-741-888; 013-741-918
NOTICE OF TAX SALE The following properties will be sold at Tax Sale on Monday, September 24th, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village of Granisle, #1 Village Square, under Section 403 of the Local Government Act and Section 5 of the Manufactured Home Tax Act. The Tax Sale will be conducted by public auction of the lands and improvements in the list set out below.
The following properties will be sold Monday, September 24th, 2012, unless the delinquent taxes plus interest are paid prior to the tax sale. 1. Lot 5, Block 12, Plan PRP6858, District Lot 649, Range 5, Coast Range 5 Land District, 45 Fulton Street, Granisle, B.C. ....................................upset price $8,040.60
Lot A, Plan 6804, DL 622 PID 009-575-677
3433 – 9th St 24342438 Poulton Ave
Lot 38, Plan 6227, DL 622 PID 010-007-971
3152 – 3233 Park Lane
Lot 42, Plan 6227, DL 622 & 622A PID 010-008-063
3202 Hagman Cres
Lot 1, Plan 12721, DL 622 PID 016-326-971
3443 – 9th St
Lot 34, Plan 9055, DL 622A PID 006-409-407
3368 Jewel Rd
7002.140 Bay #114 Ambassador MHP MHR#35704
114 – 3666 11th St
7002.311 Bay#131 Ambassador MHP MHR#74730
131 – 3666 11th St
These properties will be offered for auction with the upset price being the minimum price accepted. Purchasers of the tax sale property should note that the sale is not final, as the property is subject to redemption by the owner until September 24, 2013. If the property is redeemed by the owner, the tax sale purchase price, plus interest, will be returned to the purchaser. For more information please contact the District of Houston office at 250-845-2238. Tandra Bamsey, Director of Finance/Collector
is “good news” for Prince Rupert. But it appears that neighbourhood residents and city council still need some convincing. The project is expected to create 24 direct jobs at the terminal itself such as material handling workers. Pinnacle’s president and chief operating officer, Leroy Reitsma, said the company will be negotiating an employment agreement with the area First Nations, but there will be jobs open to nonaboriginal residents as well. Both Pinnacle and the Port Authority
2. Lot 23, Plan PRP7145, District Lot 649, Range 5, Coast Range 5 Land District, 67 Chapman Street, Granisle, B.C. ....................................upset price $7,571.62 3. Lot 1, Plan PRP8844, District Lot 649 & 1246, Range 5, Coast Range 5 Land District, 1 Morrison Street, Granisle, B.C. .......................................upset price $137.41 4. Strata Lot 44, Plan PRS59, District Lot 1351A 7890, Range 5, Coast Range 5 Land District, TOGETHER WITH AN INTEREST IN COMMON PROPERTY IN PROPORTION TO THE UNIT ENTITLEMENT OF THE STRATA LOT AS SHOWN ON FORM 1 OR V, AS APPROPRIATE, 50 Hagen Street, Granisle, B.C..............................upset price $1,938.30 5. Lot 16, Plan 6691, District Lot 7890, Range 5, Coast Range 5 Land District, 22 Chapman Street, Granisle , B.C. ....................................upset price $2,412.87 Properties sold are subject to the PROPERTY PURCHASE TAX ACT and therefore a 1% Federal Tax is payable on the fair market value at time of sale. Sharon Smith, Chief Administrative Officer
economic and societal demands on this project,” said Ken Veldman, Port Authority director of Public Affairs. The pellet terminal project has been met with vocal opposition from the residents of the neighbourhood near Westview Terminal, many of whom are not against having a terminal, just one so close to their homes. But Pinnacle has explained that Westview is really the only viable site, since the operation is too big for Watson Island and not big enough for Ridley Island. Even thought he public input phase os the project is now over, the port authority said it will be setting up a way for residents to make complaints about the noise or dust coming from the terminal and have them addressed by the port authority. Ken Shaw, who has spearheaded a group to voice nearby resident’s concerns, said some of the promises by the port authority to address complaints ring hollow. “If they say they want a complaints line and want to engage in dialogue, their track record isn’t that good, they promised a complaints line for train whistling years ago and that has never been addressed,” Shaw said. Both the port and Pinnacle point out that they have gone “above and beyond” what they were required to in terms of
public input during the environmental assessment. However, Shaw said the assessment disregarded what residents were telling them. Reitsma said the company has taken to heart everything that residents said during the public consultation phase of the environmental assessment, but admitted that not much of the plan has changed because of it. The City of Prince Rupert council also appears to be a bit skeptical of the pellet facility. On Tuesday, the city council decided to ask the port authority to send representatives to explain what the impact of the environmental assessment findings will be on the community. While the city has no legal power to affect the operation of the pellet plant to how the port authority oversees it, they are still wary of the concerns of the neighbourhood residents. “The city os aware that some of the adjacent neighbourhoods have concerns. And of course, the City is looking for assurances from the port that things such as noise and dust will not inhibit the quality of life there,” Mayor Jack Mussallem said. While there are still regulatory issues to be worked out, Pinnacle is optimistic that construction should begin soon and the terminal will be ready for operation late next year.
Lost/Disappeared A Push Roller Assembly was taken from Highway 16 from the right of way one (1) km East of Topley at the bottom of Janax Hill off the shoulder of the eastbound lane between the afternoon on August 28th and the morning of August 29th, 2012. This is an important part of a piece of equipment used for shouldering that Lakes District Maintenance Ltd. uses to widen out the highways. If you have any information of who picked up this piece of equipment from the side of the road or where this piece of equipment might be, please call Lakes District Maintenance Ltd. at 250-692-7766 or 250-692-0215.
Houston Today
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
99 TURKEYS ¢ lb.
Grade A Turkey
Under 7 kg. Frozen. WEEKLY HOUSEHOLD LIMIT ONE Valid Sept. 19 to Sept. 27. While supplies last.
/lb 2.18/kg
Club Price
This Friday, Sept. 21 Only!
Wheat. 675 g.
From the Deli!
Coast to Coast Italian Style Bread White or 100% Whole
1 AY
Signature CAFE Pizza
Assorted varieties. 12 Inch. 500 to 690 g. Take and Bake!
1 AY
Great ! Deal
1 AY
Blueberry Muffins
9 Count. In store made.
1 AY
Kraft Singles Cheese Slices Select varieties. Process Cheese Product. 500 g.
Select varieties. 240 mL.
lb. 4.39/kg
1 AY
Safeway Liquid Hand Soap
1 AY
Product of Mexico. No. 1 Grade.
From the ! ry Bake
4 for $5!
Product of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade. 1 lb. HOUSEHOLD LIMIT THREE.
1 AY
Assorted varieties. 915 to 930 g. HOUSEHOLD LIMIT TWO - Combined varieties.
1 AY
2 for $6
Great Deal!
Large Tin!
Nabob Coffee
Prices effective at all British Columbia Safeway stores Friday, September 21, 2012. We reserve the right to limit sales to retail quantities. Some items may not be available at all stores. All items while stocks last. Actual items may vary slightly from illustrations. Some illustrations are serving suggestions only. Advertised prices do not include GST. ®™ Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne, Inc. and Canada Safeway Limited. Extreme Specials are prices that are so low they are limited to a one time purchase to Safeway Club Card Members within a household. Each household can purchase the limited items one time during the effective dates. A household is defined by all Safeway Club Cards that are linked by the same address and phone number. Each household can purchase the EXTREME SPECIALS during the specified advertisement dates. For purchases over the household limits, regular pricing applies to overlimit purchases. On BUY ONE GET ONE FREE items, both items must be purchased. Lowest priced item is then free. Online and in-store prices, discounts, and offers may differ.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Houston Today
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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking
AL-ANON Are you affected by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon meetings are Monday, 7pm at the Houston United Church. Contact numbers are: (250) 845-3356 or (250) 8457774.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are at the Houston United Church, Monday and Thursday at 7:00pm. Contact number is:1-877-644-2266
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INDEX IN BRIEF Family Announcements .......... 001-007 Community Announcements ... 008-076 Children................................ 080-098 Employment .......................... 102-165 Services ............................... 170-387 Pets/Livestock ...................... 453-483 Items for Sale/Wanted .......... 503-595 Real Estate ........................... 603-696 Rentals ................................ 700-757 Transportation....................... 804-860 Marine.................................. 903-920 Legals ....................................... Legal
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Reach most sportsmen & women in BC advertise in the 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulation Synopsis! The largest outdoor magazine in BC, 450,000 copies plus two year edition! This is the most effective way to advertise your business in BC. Please call Annemarie at 1-800-661-6335. or email: RENOVATED HOTEL in Holland, Manitoba, 134 seat bar w/patio, 30 seat restaurant, four rooms and living quarters. Turn key operation w/equipment, $259,900 obo. Contact 1-204-799-4152.
SUTCO Contracting Ltd. requires experienced flat-bed highway drivers. Min. 2 yrs exp. hwy/mtn driving, loading and tarping. New equipment, satellite dispatch, e-logs, extended benefits & pension plan. CANADA ONLY runs avail. fax:250357-2009 Enquiries: 1-888357-2612 Ext:230
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Houston Today 250-845-2890
Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
Coming Events
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical
EDITOR. THE Sundre RoundUp, a 2,000 circulation weekly, requires an experienced editor. Sundre is 110 km northwest of Calgary. Full benefit package. Apply: Lea Smaldon, 5013 - 51 Street, Olds, AB, T4H 1P6. 403-556-7510; Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430 Resident manager wanted (couple preferred) duties include property management front desk and maintenance Apply to Scott’s Inn 551 11th Ave Kamloops BC V2C 3Y1 email or fax 250-372-9444
Income Opportunity EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate openings. Easy computer work, other positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed.
Trades, Technical BUSY LOWER Mainland Commercial Tire store is seeking Experienced tire man for shop duties. Top Wages & Benefits Paid. Please send inquiries to:
HEAVY EQUIPMENT Repair Ltd. currently has full-time positions available: H/D Truck and Transport Mechanic and Parts Counter Person. Contact Herb 780-849-3768; cell 780849-0416. Fax 780-849-4453. Email:
Coming Events
Journeyman Certified Plumber and Gas Fitter Please Phone: 250-845-7333 or email resume to:
Trades, Technical FRAMERS
Homes in Regina and Saskatoon, SK are looking for subcontractor framers to join our team! If you are looking for competitive pay, a fast paced environment and you are willing to relocate, please contact
Jeff at 306-779-2288 ext 284 or email
Help Wanted
Trades, Technical JOURNEYMAN AUTOBODY position available immediately at brand new modern dealership. Lots of work, great pay, benefits, great Northern Saskatchewan community. Apply to Rob Dron at or call 1-800-667-0511.
Help Wanted
Flooring Sales Manager Emberson Plumbing & Heating Butler Ave. Houston, B.C. V0J 1Z0 AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for welders, due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20 km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for ten 3rd Year Apprentices or Journeyperson welders. We offer best wage in industry. 3rd Year Apprentice $28-$30/hour, Journeyperson $32-$35/hour, higher with tank experience. Profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at office: 780-8462231; fax: 780-846-2241 or send resume to: Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform.
The Houston Division of Bulkley Valley Home Centre requires a sales person/manager for its flooring department. This person will have retail experience that includes measuring, estimating, ordering and selling laminate, hardwood, vinyl, carpet and ceramic. This person will have had experience working with installers. The ability to provide excellent customer service to homeowners and contractors and assist the store manager with marketing initiatives for the flooring department are key priorities. The position also requires a general knowledge of building materials and the ability to work in a computerized environment. Compensation includes salary, incentive plan and benefits. Please submit cover letter and resume to amanda@ or fax to 1-250-845-7608.
Houston Today 250-845-2890
Coming Events
Please keep your announcements as brief as possible. Deadline (faxed or mailed or delivered) is 4 p.m. Thursday. Items are printed or alternated as space permits. Items will be accepted via fax, email or dropped at the office. No phone calls please. More calendar items are listed online and can be submitted or viewed at
The Houston Figure Skating Club is having a registration night on Wednesday Sept. 19 at the Houston Secondary School Library at 7:00pm. Harvest Festival 2012 - Sat., Sept. 22 from 10-3 at Jamie Baxter Park. All vendors, exhibitors & fundraisers are invited to book a space by calling Sandy at 8452727. Deadline for bookings is Sept. 17. Houston Public Library Events... Non-Instructional Day Matinee on Sept. 21 from 2-4pm. Join us for a family friendly movie and popcorn as we present “The Lorax”. Admission is by donation and children 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Author Eric Walters Sept. 25 at 7pm. Eric Walter’s is a Canadian author of children’s literature. More information will be available soon. Book Club Meeting - Oct. 3 we will discuss “Who Has Seen The Wind” by W. O. Mitchell. Phone 250-845-2256 for more info on any of the above events or to register. The Houston Public Library will be closed on September 28th and 29th as staff will be attending the North
Coast Library Federation Conference in Smithers.
tions. No experience necessary please contact
Houston Community Services is open Mon. thru Fri. from 9am to 4pm We have clothing to give away. Byron - F/C 250-696-3348 or come to a fire Baby clothing; women’s and mens as well as children practice: Thurs. @ 1930 hrs (7:30 pm) of all ages. Come and check it out! Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. meetings every 2nd Houston Secondary School - webpage: http:// Tues. of the month at 7:30 pm. Fire practices every Thurs. at 7:30 pm. Seniors Bingo is every Tues. at 7 p.m. at Cottonwood Topley Victory Church services: 10:30 a.m. Manor. Entry is $1. Come out and enjoy a fun prize filled evening. Lots of prizes!
“Fit For Life.” Senior Exercise @ Cottonwood Manor on Mon., Wed., & Fri. @10 a.m. Call Hanne 845Granisle and District Seniors meetings are the 7414 or Bunny 845-7110.
2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month at 1pm in the
The Houston Legion Branch 249: Meeting: 2nd Mon. Seniors Centre. of the month is Executive, 4th Mon. is General Meeting (we have not been able to get a quorum in months, Granisle Volunteer Fire Department meetings members please attend) & fire practices every Tues., 7 p.m. at the Fire The Houston Retirement Housing Society is asking Hall. interested parties to provide their names for future Granisle Church of the Way services are Sun., vacancies at our Pleasant Valley Village apartments. 11 a.m. Bible study is Thurs. at 7 p.m. Please call Roberta@250-845-2257.
Community Calendar proudly sponsored by
Bulkley Valley CREDIT UNION HOUSTON & DISTRICT BRANCH 2365 Copeland Ave. P.O. Box 1480, Houston • Ph: 250-845-7117
You Belong Here
The Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club is holding their AGM on October 3, 2012 @ 7:30pm at the Houston Secondary School library. All members and guests Structural Firefighting/Hwy Rescue. Interested? Topley Volunteer Fire Dept. is accepting applicawelcome.
Donation to the Salvation Army: $930 raised in our “shop local campaign” + $250 staff contribution. Total $1180.00
Houston Today Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Where to Worship Anglican Church of St. Clement 2324 Butler Ave., Box 599, Houston 250-845-4940
Services are: 10:30 a.m. Sundays
First United Church 2106 Butler Ave., Houston
Services at 11 a.m. Contact: (Marianne Dekker) 250-845-2282 or 778-816-0039
HOUSTON PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 2024 Riverbank Drive, Box 597, Houston Phone: 845-2678 • Pastor: Mike McIntyre
Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 am Sunday Prayer Meeting: 6:30 pm Sunday School: 9:45 am Everyone Welcome
Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Association P.O. Box 1784, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Phone: 250-845-2705 Santokh Singh Manhas 250-845-2217
Houston Fellowship Baptist Church 3790 C.R. Matthews Rd. Pastor: Larry Ballantyne
Sunday Service - 10:30 am Everyone Welcome! Phone: 250-845-7810
Houston Christian Reformed Church 1959 Goold St., Box 6, Houston 250-845-7578
~ Everyone Welcome! ~
Services: 10:00 am & 3:00 pm
Houston Canadian Reformed Church SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 AM AND 2:30 PM Pastor Carl Van Dam Office Phone: 845-3537 ~ Everyone Welcome ~ 3797 Omineca Way, Box 36, Houston
Attend the church of your choice
Trades, Technical
Legal Services
Merchandise for Sale
Misc. Wanted
JOURNEYMAN HEAVY Equipment Technicians. Due to a steady growth in our industry we currently have multiple positions open for our field service division. Mining and large construction equipment experience is an asset. We offer very competitive wages and benefits. Apply:
Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town
LOCAL ROCKY Mountain House company looking for day rate and hourly Vacuum Truck Operator. Must have current oilfield tickets, up-todate drivers abstract. Benefit package. Fax 403-845-3903.
Sun Peaks Duplex For Sale
SECHELT WASTE Company seeks Heavy Duty Mechanic to manage shop operations and the maintenance of all equipment. Submit resume to 604-885-4247 or
Support Houston Shop Local
Business/Office Service
CASH BACK - $10 for every pound you lose. Lose weight quickly and safely and keep it off, results guaranteed! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800854-5176.
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Pets & Livestock
Health Products
Boxer Puppies, vet checked with all shots up to date. Parents on premises. $550. 250567-3193
Merchandise for Sale
Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB
• Spacious, well kept, tastefully decorated family home with a spectacular view of the mountains and no neighbours behind. • 9 foot ceilings, skylights, tonnes of windows and sunken living room with a gas fireplace. • Oak cabinets in kitchen, garden door off dining room to a 12x 14 deck and 10 x22 patio. • Master bedroom with huge walk in closet and en-suite. • Family room, bedroom, 3rd bath and a den in basement.
Each side: $449,000 5 bdrms. 3 bath, front & back decks. Exc. revenue opportunity We work with agents! 604-626-7100 www.
Other Areas FREE BROCHURE. Kings County “Land of Orchards, Vineyards and Tides”. Nova Scotia’s beautiful Annapolis Valley. Live! Work! Start a business! Toll-Free: 1-888865-4647,
Apt/Condo for Rent NICEST APARTMENTS: Crest Villa seeks mature, responsible tenants for large, modern, clean, one and two bedroom apartments. Near arena & pool. Downtown Location. Call: (250)-845-4037
CENTRAL RV. New and used sea containers. Best prices in B.C. Can Deliver. 20’ New $4200. Used $3000. 8’x10’ new - $2800. 10’x10’ new $4000. (250)314-9522. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997. Make money and save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info and DVD: 400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT.
Quit. Before your time runs out.
BIG SKY Montana 2008, 38.8’ immaculate, 4 slides all the extras, electric awning FP Vacuflo, Dbl fridge 3 way microwave, King bed, new tires Sacrifice $44,000. OBO (250)836-4902
Bulkley Valley Eavestroughing - Telkwa Serving the Bulkley Valley for over 16 years Willy Verhelst
250.877.6777 Website:
Saturday September 22, 2012 at 12:00 Noon At Kerrs’ Pit, Leave Highway 16 10 miles East of Telkwa Follow Kerr Road and the Auction Signs
5 full storage units to be opened Sale day Sangster 18 ft boat 120 HP Leg Oak table & 4 chairs Snow thrower ChesterÀeld, chair, & loveseat Ridgid table saw 4 wood dining chairs Tile cutter Bookshelves Craftsman table saw Chest of drawers Bench drill press HumidiÀer Ridgid toolset - circular saw, Recip-saw, drill Shop vac Homecraft wood lathe & tools Berkel meat slicer Mikita belt sander Butter churn Mikita drill Cabbage slicer Craftsman cordless drill 2 stainless steel food warmers Rockwell router Stainless steel hot dog machine Router & table Candy machine Laser level Propane turkey deep fat fryer B&S water pump Propane BBQ Alaska sawmill Antique chair & rocker
• Affordable 2 bedroom mobile all set up in the Shady Rest Mobile Home Park. • Very spacious, open kitchen and living room. • Island in kitchen, lots of windows, tonnes of cupboards. • Master features cheater en-suite. • Large addition awaiting your finishing touches. • Sundeck, storage shed, patio. • All appliances and window coverings included.
Misc. for Sale
Continuous Aluminum Gutters
If you have been considering selling your home… now would be a good time to list…
Real Estate
WE WILL design a sleek professional website for your business. Call us at 604-307-6489. YOU NEED IT!
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Pressure washer Antique wood chair Wheelbarrows Sauna Heater 8 ft Camperette OfÀce chairs Yard works lawnmower Hitachi TV Hand tools Lamps Jackalls Coffee & end tables Step ladders Lawn swing Boat rack Stereo 50 cement blocks Dutch oven 2 wooden wheel wagons 2 copper boilers 2 wooden wheels 2 wood heaters Loading ramps Antique pot belly heater Hardwood Áooring Water & gas cans Plastic & steel pipe Carpenter tools Antique crosscut saws Mechanical tools Broadaxes Lobster trap 16 hp Ride-on Lawnmower
LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! • Spacious home on huge lot at the end of a cul-de-sac. • Above ground basement with a 2 bedroom suite. • 3 bedrooms up, and 2 full bathrooms. • Oak cabinets in kitchen, garden doors off dining area to large covered deck overlooking huge private backyard. • Recently updated laminate floors on main and fresh paint.
LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS! • Unique custom built 2 storey executive home on a huge corner lot. • 4 huge bedrooms, 3 baths. Spacious living room with fireplace. • Formal dining room, family room off kitchen eating area with patio doors to deck. • Carport & garage. Beautifully treed yard. • Outside newly painted.
• Great 4 bedroom starter on a 60x120 lot. • 3 bedrooms up, 1 down, 2 bathrooms. • Enjoy the mountain views from your back deck. • Fridge, stove and blinds included.
The Hometown Experts with a World of Experience®
Lia Long 250-845-1147
Plus many items too numerous to mention Consignments welcome until Sale Time
Terms Cash No buyers fees Persons paying for major items with uncertiÀed cheque may be required to leave the item on the grounds until cheque clears the bank.
21693 Kerr Road, Telkwa, BC • Lunch on the Grounds Phone: (250) 846-5392 • Not responsible for accidents
Re/Max Houston 2436 Poulton Ave., Houston, BC e-mail:
Tanya Belsham
Call 250-845-7325
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Your Pantry Fill Specialists
Houston Today
Whole Boneless Pork Sirloin
BC Grown Peppers
4.83 per kg
2 lb bag
Rudolph’s R d l h’ M Meat LLoaf
Oven Ready Frozen
BC Grown 2 litre
each F R O Z E N S AV I N G S
Oceanwise Prawns
Western Family Frozen Fruit
Tail On, Peeled and Deveined 2 lb bag
Assorted Varieties 1.5 kg
Concord d Grapes
Mann’s Sugar Snap Peas 2 lb bag
6 each
Western Family Waffles
Swanson’s Hungryman Dinners
Highliner Signature Fillets
2 Varieties 48 count
Assorted Varieties 360-455 gram
Assorted Varieties 680 gram
Cracker Barrel Cheese Assorted Varieties 907 gram
999 Stoned Wheat Thins 1.8 kg
Western Familyy Toilet Paper Assorted Varieties 12 roll double
Liberte Yogurts Assorted Varietiess 500 gram
Becel Soft Margarine
Western Family Orange Juice
4 lb
2 Varieties 3.78 litre
Country Harvest Bread or Bagels
Coca-Cola or Pepsi Products
Excludes Raisin, Cranberry 675 gram or 6’s
12x355 ml
Jordan’s Supreme Muesli
Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee
Plus Deposit, Plus Eco-Fee
Western Family Liquid Hand Soap
Western Family Baby Wipes
2 for
2 Varieties 1 litre
Refills 576’s
2 for
Dawn Liquid Dish Soap Assorted Varieties 591-709 ml
2 for
BULKLEY VALLEY WHOLESALE 3302 Highway 16 Smithers, BC • (250) 847-3313 • 1 (800) 579-3313 • Open: Mon. to Thurs. 8 am - 7 pm • Fri. 8 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - 7 pm • Sun. 9 am - 6 pm Cash & Carry Only
Prices in effect: September 19 – September 25, 2012