Golden Star, September 26, 2012

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VOLUME 121 ISSUE 39 $1.35



Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566

â– NEWS:

Home Sweet Home New councillors sworn in ...............................2


Wide Mouth Mason coming to Rockwater .............................13


Community celebrates Trans Canada’s 50th ................................35


Members of the Youth Action Group and some hard working volunteers, got together to celebrate the grand opening of the new youth centre with their Street Party on Sept. 23. (From left) Angie MacKinnon, Sara Nichols, Wesley Routley, Neha Virk, Olivia Wilson, Zoey Lowe, Kaitlyn Oszust, Meghan Crandall, Alex McClean, and Jarod Kotyk (in front). See more photos from the Street Party at Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Golden Council sends message to BC Hydro All the Best in the 2012/2013 season

........................ 15-22

Jessica Schwitek The Town of Golden Council has decided to send BC Hydro a letter requesting that they allow residents of the town to have "opt out" options regarding smart meter installations on their homes. Coun. Mike Pecora presented the resolution at a

council meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 18. Council decided that the matter was urgent, given that the company BC Hydro has hired to install the meters, Corix, has already begun installations in Golden. "I'm torn either way," said Pecora, who described himself as a "tech guy," who is also very health conscious. Many of the people opposed to smart meter installation are concerned about the potential harm

these meters could do to their bodies, among other things. "Golden residents have raised significant health, privacy, security, safety, cost, and other concerns, including infringement of their democratic, civil and human rights, regarding the forced installation of BC Hydro's wireless smart meters on their homes," stated the resolution. continued on page 5


Golden THE

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Officially on the job


Help Wanted

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Serving the Columbia Valley

The two newest members of the Town of Golden Council (Connie Barlow, left, and Keith Hern, right), have officially started work. They were sworn in before their first council meeting on Tuesday Sept. 18. They were sworn in by Bruce McKenzie of Ewan & McKenzie Law Office. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

ECDC asks ‘Where’s the family?’ Jessica Schwitek If it seems like families are having a harder time nowadays making ends meet, it's because they are. Or at least that's what Dr. Paul Kershaw, UBC professor and one of Canada's leading thinkers on family policy, is saying. Joanne McCullough, executive director of the Early Childhood Development Coalition, has organized an event to bring Kershaw to Golden to open up the discussion on family policy. "I think that there's a problematic feeling that families in Canada are doing just fine. Also, if you decide to have kids, then that's your problem. That isn't the

Take our quick survey and you could win! At the GOLDEN STAR we always put our readers ďŹ rst. We’d like to know you better so we can keep you informed and connected. “I COULD

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way it is in other countries," said McCullough. "He (Kershaw) is trying to entice people to get engaged around this issue." Kershaw has been travelling around the province, trying to make people understand that this is a problem, and we do have the power to change it. "There's something in our Canadian make-up that makes us not want to help families because we have this feeling that it's their own problem. And parents feel the same way," said McCullough. Her hope is that Kershaw will help people realize that building strong families, and giving children a better start at life, will benefit the entire community. "Families and kids are the backbone of our future," she said. Kershaw is advocating for three main things. First, he believes that parental leave is not long enough. Right now it is one year, but a mother often has to leave work before her child is born, which means that she has to go back to work before the child turns one. "Daycare is extremely difficult to find for children under one," said McCullough. If parental leave was 18 months, then daycare would be easier to find when parents go back to work. Second, Kershaw wants the government to offer incentives to businesses who offer more part time options, allowing parents to spend more time at home, while still working. And finally he wants to look at universal child care. "That's something that we're already seeing happen in Quebec," said McCullough. Right now the average cost of daycare in Golden is $40 per day, per child. That is out of reach for some families, especially ones with multiple children. The WTF? Party (where's the family?), will be at the Taps Pub on Friday Oct. 5, free of charge. Cocktails are at 5:30 p.m., and the discussion kicks off at 6. Dancing with DJ Mihajic touch will follow at 7 p.m.

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A3

40 Year Anniversary Saturday, Sept. 29 10:00 to 3:00

Customer Appreciation • Prize give-aways • Product discounts • Rotary BBQ: all proceeds go to Confluence Park project

15% OFF Jotul Stoves

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Contractor’s Open House Friday September 28, 4 to 7pm Heating and Cooling (250) 344-5218 808–9th Street N

Up to $500 off • Outdoor burn display • Factory reps on hand


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Mag Magnusson honoured Fire ban extended Golden Star Staff

Former Town of Golden Councillor Mag Magnusson receives the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award, presented to him by Senator Nancy Greene-Raine. The Town of Golden Council was honoured to nominate Magnusson for the award. Photo Submitted

As of Wednesday, Sept. 19, the prohibition on open fires in the Southeast Fire Centre has been extended. Category 3 open fires (large open fire more than 50 metres from combustible material) will be banned throughout the fire centre. Category 2 fires (small open fire for grass or stubble) will be banned throughout the fire centre, with the exception of the Columbia Fire Zone. These prohibitions will remain in place until Oct. 15, or until public is otherwise notified. This prohibition is intended to help prevent humancaused wildfires and protect public safety. Specifically this ban prohibits: the burning of any waste, slash or other material, and the burning of stubble or grass. This ban does not prohibit campfires that are a halfmetre high by a half-metre wide or smaller, and does not apply to cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes. Anyone lighting a campfire must maintain a fireguard by removing flammable debris from around the campfire area and must have a hand tool or at least eight litres of water available nearby to properly extinguish the fire. Campfires should not be lit or kept burning during windy conditions. Never leave a fire unattended. Make sure that the fire is completely extinguished and the ashes are cold before leaving the area. The prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown land and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of local governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by a fire department. Anyone found in contravention of an open fire prohibition may be issued a ticket for $350, or if convicted, be fined up to $100,000 and sentenced to one year in jail. Crews from the Southeast Fire Centre have responded to 193 wildfires since April 1, which have burned a total of 1,288 hectares.

There’s a new KING in town and they’re Blazing • use 33% less wood • super long burn times • extremely low emissions • 10 year combustor extended warranty • stop by our showroom and check out our burnin hot deals! King North America’s most efficient wood stove

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Chinook 30

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A5

RCMP Report: Speeder caught doing 149 km Golden Star Staff Golden RCMP received a report of fraud on Sept. 21. A local resident had received a fraudulent cheque from an out-of-country bank account. RCMP says this is the most common type of fraud they see, and are cautioning residents to beware of cheques from out-of-country bank accounts. On Sept. 19 RCMP received a report from Alexander Park Elementary School that an eight-year-old boy was missing. He got off the bus at the bus stop, and didn’t make it

home. Family and police were worried about wildlife and started searching immediately. The boy was found soon after by the bus driver. A vehicle was seized by the RCMP on Sept. 17 for excessive speeding. The vehicle was moving at 149 kilometres per hour on the main strip in town. RCMP received the call at 9:41 p.m. The vehicle will be impounded for seven days. The Town of Golden reported to the RCMP that the women’s washroom in the Spirit Square had been vandalized. Anyone

with any information is asked to contact the detachment at 250-344-2221. The Fire Department notified Golden RCMP of a bon fire in the town limits. Police went to the residence and asked them to make the fire smaller. There is no ban on fires as this time, but with the hot and dry weather residents are asked to make sure that their fires are containable. In the past week Golden RCMP dealt with four 911 hang ups, two false alarms, and five vehicle collisions, none of which were severe.

Golden Family Center Society

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, October 2, 2012 @ 5:30 pm Golden Family Center group room

421 - 9th Ave N. 250-344-2000 Public is welcome Membership fees are nominal

Golden wants smart meter options Columbia Wetlands Adventures

continued from page 1 "I'm not a fan of having things forced on me," added Pecora. There are other household items, such as microwave ovens, that emit similar frequencies. But those are consumer items that citizens chose to purchase or not purchase. Pecora's resolution is to request that BC Hydro allow consumers the option. Golden is not the first community to send such a letter. So far more than 55 municipality in British Columbia have done the same thing. "This is not a new conversation," said Coun. Caleb Moss. "It's a conversation that has been in the community and the province for over a year... The request of this motion is more or less to pay sup-

wants to invite you to our end of season Local Apprecation Day on Saturday September 29. Come enjoy a Àoat trip on the beautiful Columbia River for 50% off our regular seat prices. One day only: Adults $34.95 Kids $17.20 (HST+) Trips depart at 10:am, 1pm and 5pm Call now to reserve your seat: 1-888-244-7117

Take Back the Night An evening of inspiring, thought provoking ng words, poetry and entertainment.

Golden residents and business owners have been posting signs for months now stating that they don’t want smart meters installed. Star Photo port to those who are, in my opinion, disagreeing with a monopoly's

behaviour." Council agreed that this was an important

step to take to support the community and their concerns.

Violence the subject of GWRC event Jessica Schwitek On Friday Sept. 28 the Golden Women’s Resource Centre (GWRC) is inviting you to join them in saying “no” to violence and take back the night. “Take Back the Night is an event that happens internationally. It raises awareness for safety concerns that a lot of women have after dark, whether it’s when they’re jogging in the evening, or leaving the bar at night,” said Linley McLean, executive director of the Resource Centre. “It’s to raise awareness around that, but also to develop some empowerment around that as well.” Participants will meet in the Spirit Square at 6:30 p.m. There will be a procession across the

Pedestrian Bridge, down the path along the river, over the traffic bridge on 10th Avenue, and down 9th Avenue North back to Spirit Square. “This year we changed the route because that unlit part along river is a place where we’ve been told some women feel unsafe,” said McLean. At the Spirit Square there will be some entertainment. The Metis Jiggers will be speaking and performing, as will the Amuse Troupe. “We like having them (Amuse Troupe) incorporated in the event because there’s that element of light when they spin fire,” said McLean. In the past few years there have been some incidents of violence in Golden, and the number of reports from people being

Be a part of the solution. END VIOLENCE against women.

drugged has increased says Mclean. Even though Golden is a fairly safe community, she thinks it can always improve. In the past this event has been for women only, but this year the centre decided to open it up to the entire community. “We think that everyone has a role to play in creating safety in our community. It’s not just women who experience violence,” said McLean. Take Back the Night is also welcoming a special guest this year. Member of Parliament David Wilks will be at the event to make an announcement regarding Status of Women Canada funding. Everyone is welcome to attend, and there will be discussion and socializing in the Taps Pub afterward.

Friday September 28, 2012 6:30 pm @ The Spirit Square JOIN US! March with us in solidarity.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star


Smart meter debate The smart meters have arrived. Corix, contracted by BC Hydro, are already in Golden installing smart meters on our homes. It may or may not surprise you to know that these Corix workers have met some pretty fierce resistance in our community. The smart meter debate has Jessica Schwitek been raging in the province for S TAR R E P ORTE R a year now, and Golden is no exception. In fact, Golden actually has one of the strongest anti smart meter contingents in B.C. I have heard through the grapevine that BC Hydro, Corix and politicians have heard more smart meter resistance in Golden than in any other community up and down the Columbia Valley. For whatever reason, the people of Golden have decided that this is a fight worth fighting. They even got some support this week when council decided to send BC Hydro a letter requesting “opt out options” for Golden residents. I fear that this letter will do little to sway BC Hydro, as more than 55 other B.C. communities have already done the same. I support the people who are refusing smart meter installations, but it is not because I share in their concerns. And man do they have a lot of concerns. Some of the common fears that I am hearing from people (some substantiated, some not) are: -smart meters emit dangerous frequencies and radiation that could be harmful to our bodies -smart meters are an invasion of our privacy -smart meters have caught on fire -power bills will increase dramatically after smart meters are installed After hearing arguments from both sides, I am not convinced that any of these concerns are realistic (but I may be wrong). The reason that I support those in the anti smart meter fight is because in a free and democratic society I do not believe anything should be forced on us. I don’t have a problem with BC Hydro installing a smart meter on my apartment building, which I believe has already been done. I own a smart phone and a microwave. But I, as a consumer, chose to purchase those items. There are a lot of people who have chosen to live in a radiation-free environment. They chose not to own a cell phone or a microwave (which emit similar frequencies as the new smart meters). And they have a right to say no to smart meters as well. BC Hydro has taken away their ability to choose. In the Town Council meeting this past week, Coun. Caleb Moss said that even though BC Hydro is technically a business, he believes they should be held to certain higher standards. BC Hydro was granted a monopoly, which means that we as power consumers do not have other options. I hate to quote a movie (that’s usually Darryl’s thing), but with great power comes great responsibility. We as a province have given BC Hydro a lot of power. And in return we deserve better treatment.

Unneccesary name calling Dear Editor In reference to Bob Monroe’s letter of Wed. Sept. 19: It is clear from his letter of last week that he was very happy with the results of the recent by-election and referendum vote. I am therefore confused as to what he hoped to gain from his mean spirited comments post election. I am not familiar with the “sore winner” approach. I have lived in Golden for 61 years and have read many heated

GADSAR appreciates community support Golden and District Search and Rescue would like to thank the com-

exchanges through this paper. I must say his unnecessary name calling of last week has possibly been the most appalling. Golden Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Golden, KHMR, Town of Golden and others go to great lengths to attract visitors and newcomers to visit and live in Golden. Lets hope they missed his nasty comments. I have always been proud to call Golden home. To see those comments in print made me feel both embarrassed and ashamed. Thelma Brown Golden

munity for its support, especially at this time Martin and Chris Duijts of the Fire Pit restaurant. On Thursday 13 September 2012 the owners of the Fire Pit provided 16 members of GADSAR a meal free

LIFE Program Dear Editor: I would like to comment on Connie Watson’s submitted article on InspireHealth’s LIFE Program. In 2009 when my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, the LIFE Program was recommended to me from a fellow teacher I met at a conference I was attending in Vancouver. We did some research on InspireHealth and decided it was worth the cost to go to Vancouver for two days for the program. It is so wonderful that the BC Ministry of Health, Lions, Kinsmen, and Rotary Clubs down the valley, are providing financial support for the program to be held at Copper Point Resort. Instead of almost the $600 it cost us to attend, plus the Vancouver travel, the cost for the October 4 and 5 out-reach program will be half that.

of Charge. Again GADSAR appreciates all support from the community of Golden and surrounding areas. Kevin Weir GADSAR

This program was a life saver for us and as the article stated “is of benefit to anyone at any stage of their cancer journey…..recently diagnosed, undergoing treatment, or finished treatment and wanting to learn strategies to prevent reoccurrence.” It is really important as a participant to bring a support person with you. There were support session I attended that were so helpful. I guess in summing up InspireHealth is about ‘Wholism’ for cancer management and prevention and after the two days you have a 90 minute consultation with an InspireHealth physician to personalize your integrative cancer care. If anyone reading this decides to attend, may it be as helpful to you as it was for us. For questions and registration please call 1-888-734-7125. R. Good-May Golden

POLL OF THE WEEK Do you think that there is enough to do in Golden during the shoulder season?

Yes 60%

No 40%

This week’s poll question: Do you have concerns about BC Hydro installing a smart meter on your home? log onto to make your vote count DISCLAIMER: This web poll is informal, not scientific. It reflects opinions of site visitors who voluntarily participate. Results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. Black Press is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions expressed here.

Letters to the Editor policy

The Golden Star encourages people to write Letters to the Editor on issues that impact our community. We ask that letters

be no longer than 300 words in length. We also ask that letters be written only on issues of community interest. We reserve the

right to edit all letters for brevity, clarity, length and taste. Please address letters to: editor at















• $47.00 per year for postal boxes (within School District No. 6 Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone • $43.00 per year for pick up • $67.00 per year outside Golden’s School zone. • LOCAL Senior’s Discount 10% ($43.00). We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A7


Golden point of view Do you have concerns about BC Hydro installing a smart meter on your home? Stars to the new Source store for upgrading my birthday TV. I love it.

Randy Pearce

Cathy Braisher

Dave Trerice

“They just put them in where I’m living, and I thought if it’s something that bad they wouldn’t put them in. If there were proven health effects I’d be against for sure.”

“I don’t want one. I don’t know all the details, but I’ve heard mostly negatives about it. I’d rather not have one.”

“I don’t have any concerns. I’m a homeowner, and they just put one on my house. I guess it’s more accurate. I’m not worried.”

Go to to have your say.

A Stinger to the person who entered my home and stole my antique WWII walking cane that was given to me by my father. He got it when they stormed Hitler’s barracks. I know who you are and police have been notified. It’s in your interest to please return it to me. Stars the Chris and Martijn Duijts of the Fire

Pit restaurant for supporting Golden and District search and rescue with a free meal.

garbage on the way home from the bar. The rest of us are left to clean it up on Sunday morning.

Stars to all the people who donated funds to Willhorse to get their album made. Can’t wait til it’s done!

Stars to Tim Hortons and their staff for making Smile Cookies all week, and donating the funds to the Mother Goose program.

Stingers to whoever vandalized the women’s washroom in the Spirit Square.

Stingers to my neighbours for waking me up at 4 a.m... again!

Stingers to all the people who leave a trail of their

A Star to my coworker for all the free coffee.

Email your Stars and Stingers to

Winners and Losers Part 2 – to the longer live in a resource based town: we live in a tour- cent, after all we can protest, we can write letters of ism based town. There was a large percentage of petition to instil the values of the electorate with the core When I read the September 19th edition of the Star I was shocked by the editorials from Bob Munro and Bruce Fairley; as well as to the poll – of which I will address first. I hope you learned the first lesson in democracy: it only works if you vote. What an even greater disappointment to those who did take the time to vote and were truly disappointed. As staunch supporters of the democratic process, as Bob Munro and Bruce Fairley would have us believe they are, there is sure a lot of whining going on with the losers of past elections. Grow up. There is a very famous song by one Bob Dylan “the times they are a changing.” As a matter of fact the times have changed; we no

A question of truth Gary Peck wrote that “lies of omission are every bit as bad as lies of commission” and based upon Norm Macdonald’s recent article about citizen’s right to truth, it seems that we need to fill in some blanks. He wrote of an HST generated “tax burden on consumers” but failed in any way to provide us with any facts describing what this burden looks like and his ‘you just need to believe me’ approach to issues is wearing thin. What he also chose to omit is the fact that the BC Liberal government has done exactly what we said we would do which was to hold an HST referendum and respect the simple majority decision of British Columbians. As a result of that referendum the province is returning to the com-

the population that recognized this when we voted in the current council and Mayor, who had a vision – a Community Plan, to transition us from a lumber town into an adventure tourism town, which has since been passed into law. The Official Community Plan is our economic engine, and the Council should be applauded for the works they have done to fulfil that promise including the B2B – even if you disagree. For that is the purpose of any government – to make laws. This council did that for us. This is the purpose of democracy. The role of the sovereign individual in a democratic society is to uphold those laws – that is a just society, and only when the individual lives by those laws is he or she truly free. That is not to say that there are no avenues of des-

bination of five per cent PST and seven per cent GST system on April 1, 2013. He told us that “BC Hydro rates have increased dramatically” without telling us what dramatically actually looks like; another ‘you just need to believe me’ moment. What he omitted telling us was that one of the first actions taken by BC Liberal Premier Clark was to appoint a panel of senior government officials to conduct a formal review of BC Hydro’s operating and capital requirements. This review reaffirmed that BC currently enjoys one of the lowest electricity rates in North America. As a direct result of this panel’s work, BC Hydro will file a revised application later this year to the BC Utilities Commission with the intention of a 50% reduction to its earlier announced rate increases

will of the sovereign individual, and we can even vote in representatives. But no one can act outside the basic laws of democracy and the laws that the government mandates for if ANYONE acts outside those or thinks in some way that he or she is above the law then the system itself will claps into anarchy. I never voted for a watch dog group of witch hunting vigilantes to measure the steps MY government is taking. Maybe your energies could be spent more wisely watching the Federal Government passing omnibus bills trying to criminalize abortion – then you would really be doing us a favour.

spanning the next three years. One of the most complex tasks facing our government is balancing a provincial budget. It is fraught with agonizing decisions that must be made by a Finance Minister and staff charged with the allocation of our tax dollars. Norm, of course if you sell your home you still have to live somewhere; however, sometimes it simply makes sense to downsize. If you are smart about it, you’ll make a profit and live somewhere more manageable and suitable for your current needs plus have some money left over to help improve your lifestyle. He then offered yet another ‘you just need to believe me’ moment by telling us that MSP premiums have increased since 2001; again without offering any substantive evidence. He omitted telling us that our gov-

C. Scott Ryan Golden ernment continues to work hard to ensure that BC’s Health Care system is sustainable and will be there for our children and grandchildren. Our government has increased the total investment in healthcare by over 92% since 2001 and funding for health authorities will be increased by $1.1 billion over the next three years. And, Macdonald omitted any reference to our government’s on-going commitment of $137 million of investment to overhaul our primary healthcare system to strengthen delivery; ensuring patients are full participants in their own care and providing every British Columbian who wants a family doctor with one by 2015. Finally a glimmer of hope; he spoke a supportable truth. He told us that the actions of government could impact our financial future for decades and he

Correction In the Sept. 19 issue of the Star it was printed that the Golden Paramedics Association donated $1,000 towards a new pediatric crib. This was incorrect. It was the Ambulance Paramedics of Golden, and they donated $1,500. We apologise for the error.

is correct. He knows this because he belongs to the NDP who in 2001 left behind a $3.8 billion structural deficit. He knows that during the 1990’s the NDP brought in eight consecutive deficit budgets. He knows that the BC economic disaster of the 90’s is the only legacy left by the NDP. Finally he knows that the BC Liberals continue to stimulate a strong and measurable economic recovery from the mismanagement of the NDP 90s. So in the end and when it comes to telling the truth, Macdonald’s continuous commission of “omission” is a trait he seems to be ok with as he attempts to tell us we actually deserve the truth; I believe when telling the truth we all deserve the whole truth. Doug Clovechok Invermere



Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251

The Kikino Room at Golden Secondary High School has a request of the community of Golden! We need the following supplies to be used in our upcoming workshops: -animal hides (elk, moose, deer) -antlers If you can help us out, please call Denise Porter at 250-344-1159 Thanks everyone!

Everyone is welcome to attend The Golden Snowmobile Trail Society’s

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday, September 27th, 2012, 7:00 pm at the Canyon’s Edge

Events & Entertainment Calendar Golden Cinema Presents: Finding Nemo 3D Showing Wednesday Sept. 26 to Thursday Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Hotel Transylvannia 3D Starting Friday Oct. 5.

This Week The Community Garden at the Ruth Wixon House is looking for volunteers to drop in on Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 3 p.m. and Wednesdays from 8 to 9 a.m. Job Readiness Skills Free program running Sept. 24 to 28, daily from 9 a.m. to noon at Work BC. Program prepares adults for the workforce.

Wed, Sept. 26 Shoreline Cleanup Help clean up the shoreline at Confluence Park from 4 to 6 p.m. Pizza for all participants provided by Wildsight.

CBT LAUNCHES NEW SOCIAL GR ANTS PROGR AM %&"%-*/& 0$50#&3 Application forms are now available and guidelines can be found at . XXX DCU PSH t

Join us:

Golden Cycling Club group ride and instruction. 7 p.m. Instruction from Andy Bostock at the new Pump Track. To learn more at Also check out the Golden Cycling Club group ride and instructions. Golden Golf Club Men’s Day ever y Wednesday starting at 1:30 p.m.

Tercon Construction Ltd. *Notice of Construction* Tercon Construction Ltd. would like to inform the travelling public of our construction project 4 km East of Golden, B.C. on the Trans Canada Highway. The project currently has an expected completion date of November 2012. We appreciate your patience during this time and request that you please watch for our crews and obey all construction signs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Site Safety OfďŹ ce at: 250-344-6768.

Joel Plasket The Juno award winner will start off Kicking Horse Culture’s Live Kicks series on Sept. 26 at the Golden Civic Centre.

Thurs, Sept. 27 Men’s drop-in basketball Ever y Thursday from 8 to 10 p.m. at the Rec Plex. $8 to play. Golden Snomobile Trail Society AGM At the Canyon’s Edge at 7 p.m. Early HiBEARnation Event: Bear Aware & Dr. Sawaya Thursday September 27

This week's achievement award goes to...

Think there’s too many bears? Not enough? Learn what’s happening with Dr. Mike Sawaya, Carnivore Research Ecologist. Doors open at 6 p.m., Dr. Sawaya’s presentation will begin at 7 p.m. Start Right Free six-week program for parents and children ages three to five in the StrongStart room at APES. Learn how to support your child’s learning. Call 250439-9324 to register. Ben & Eric Jam Night at the Golden Taps Pub. Mountain Magic Quilters Guild Meets on Thursdays from 7:30 to 9 in the Golden High School’s sewing room. New members and guests always welcome, annual membership is $25. Free Belly Fit classes Every Thursday evening until end of October, Belly Fit with teacher in training at 7 p.m. at LGES gym. Times subject to change.

Fri, Sept. 28 Take Back the Night The community of Golden and the surrounding area is invited to join The Golden Women’s Resource Centre for this empowering event and demonstration. This event includes a march of solidarity, inspiring and thought provoking words, poetr y and entertainment. Friday Sept. 28, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wine and Cheese Gala Silent auction and fundraising event at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 122 on Sept. 28 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Honoured guest speaker will be Mcpl Paul Franklin, with the Amputee Coalition of Canada. Scythia Vancouver Heavy Metal Punk band on Friday September 28 at the Rockwater. Soup day at the Golden Seniors Centre on Friday, September 28 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. There are three kinds of soup, a white or brown bun with butter, coffee or tea and desert for only $5.00. Children under three years of age are free.

• For more information... go to

Golden Rockets vs Kimberley Dynamiters 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Arena

Sat, Sept. 29 Shred Kelly album release party. On Saturday September 29 at the Rockwater Grill and Bar. Karaoke Night The Mad Trapper hosts a karaoke night ever y Saturday. Local Appreciation Day at Columbia Wetlands Adventures. Half off regular seat prices. Reser ve at 1-888-244-7117. Golden Rockets vs Columbia Valley Rockies 7:30 p.m. at the Golden Arena

Sun, Sept. 30 Golden Rockets Alumni Game Players from previous Rockets teams will take on the young guns at 1 p.m. at the Golden Arena. Public Skate at the Golden Arena Every Sunday from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Come skate with family or friends. Helmets are recommended, no pucks or sticks allowed on ice during public skate.

Mon, Oct. 1 Co-ed badminton at the Mount 7 rec plex from 7-8:30 p.m.

Tues, Oct. 2 Golden Family Centre Society AGM in the Golden Family Centre group room, 421-9th Ave. N. at 5:30 p.m. Join the Cadets This free program meets ever y Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Legion Banquet Hall. For young men and women ages 12 to 18. John Jenkins & Friends Live acoustic mountain folk, Rock, Reggae, improv. This week, a special patio set from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Rockwater Grill & Bar.

Every Tuesday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Lion’s Den below the library. For students Grades 3 to 7. Just drop in. Golden Golf Club Ladies Day every Tuesday starting at 2:30 p.m. Pilates Core and More A pilates-based bone building class focusing on posture, core strength, fracture prevention and balance. Runs Tuesdays and Fridays from now to Oct. 12, noon to 1 p.m. Sign up at COTR.

Upcoming Events WTF Party at Taps Friday Oct. 5, hear Dr. Paul Kershaw talk about struggles of raising children in today’s society, and what we can do about it. Followed by dancing with DJ Mihajic. Starts at 5:30 p.m., no cost. Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Community Excellence Awards Saturday Oct 20, 2012 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. 2012 Community Excellence Awards Contact: Ruth Hamilton 250344-7125. Website: Wedding Party and Gift Show October 14 at the Golden Rec Plex. Whether you’re planning for a wedding, staff function, birthday, anniversar y celebrations or any kind of party. Vendors are now being accepted. Admission to the event will be $2 or a donation to the Golden Food Bank or Little Mittens. For more information go to or 250-342-7625 Duck Race Tickets on sale for the Lions Club fundraiser at Elite Nutricion, Nicholson Store, TRU Value, and from all Lion Club members. Only 500 tickets printed, $10 each. Race will be held on Oct. 14 at 2 p.m. Creative Seeds Explore Acr ylic Painting. Choose structured class (starting Oct. 10), or drop in (starting Oct. 5). Runs six weeks. Contact Janis Dyck at

Free Homework Help Program

Brydan Corey is a powerful athlete with a modest, insightful mind. Stop in by October 3, 2012 to receive your small blizzard • 344-2220 •

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A9

Golden Moments: A lifetime of memories in Golden Darryl Crane Orlando Pecora is a man who was born, raised, educated, and worked locally since 1936. Born at home in the CPR house just south of Nicholson, the history of the Pecora family goes well back into Golden’s past. “My family goes back to the 1890s when my mother’s uncle sponsored my father to come to the valley from Italy in 1927. My older siblings and mother joined him in 1935,� he said. Pecora grew up on a farm where he has many fond memories of his childhood. “I was very active and you had to work hard. We had cows, chickens, pigs and raised potatoes in a big garden. We were self sufficient,� he said. Pecora also remembered tobogganing by moonlight which would take him over three sets of fences due to the amount of snow on the ground. Getting power to their farm was a great benefit for his family. “It made it simpler for Mom. She had electrical equipment to help with chores and she was a very hard working women,� he said. Pecora is involved with many community groups in Golden and credits his parents for instilling the idea of giving back. Pecora remembers during the postwar years people would stop by the family farm looking for something to

eat. “Some people were veterans, others unemployed, and you never worried about them. They would come and knock at the door. Mom would make a sandwich for them and away they would go,� he said. As for Golden, Pecora said the changes over the years have made it very hard to recognize. “I can think back to when we had the wooden sidewalks which were destroyed one year when there was an ice jam. There was water and ice all over the place,� he said. Pecora worked eight years in Yoho National Park during the summer as part of the “Warden Trail Gang.� “We were responsible for cleaning the trails and fighting fires which was exciting in those days with very little equipment,� he said. He explained that fighting some fires was impossible for the crews at that time and a great deal of beautiful timber was lost. “I was caught on the side of a hill with my crew when the wind came up and whipped the fire up from the bottom of the valley to where we were. We had to run along the top of a mountain scree. It was scary because it was upon us in minutes,� he said. Pecora also had a close encounter with a grizzly bear which he has never forgotten. “We were on the trail gang and all of a sudden out of the bush came a grizzly. It came for me and the war-

den was down the trail. When he saw it was almost on top of me, he hollered and the bear went after him,� he said. The warden was Pecora’s brotherin-law who had to face off with the bear with nothing more than an axe. “The bear growled and then went into the bush. Meanwhile I went up a tree,� he said laughing. “I know it was big. To me it looked like a CPR engine.� After going to University Pecora got his first job teaching at the Columbia Valley School in 1958. He was principal at the school until leaving to work at the Edelweiss School before finishing his career at Alexander Park Elementary. “I taught for 38 years without missing a day’s work,� he said. “I enjoyed working with kids and I still do.� Pecora still enjoys seeing many local residents whom he taught when they were children. “It is nice to hear them call me by name from across the street,� he said. One of the more interesting trips Pecora took with his students was in 1967 when he, with the help of his wife, went to Montreal for Expo 67 with 28 of his students. “We were gone for most of the month of July,� he said. “There was no problem. Each crew had a job to do and they did it.� After some bus concerns the trip was on, and the groups camped their way back and forth across the country

Born and raised in Golden, Orlando Pecora has accumulated a lifetime of memories. Darryl Crane/Star Photo at a cost of $50 per student, after a little fundraising knocked down the price. The group made it as far as Quebec City before they had to turn back. Pecora also said the schools would have great carnivals and sports days


Tell us what you're up to!


which would get the whole town involved. To this day he is still heavily involved as a volunteer in the area and enjoys his time in and around Golden.






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250 344-5251

Your Community Newspaper Since 1891


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Food skills for families

Behind the Wheel Those That Can't,Those That Don't and Those That Don't Care For the sake of making my point, I’m going to divide traffic rule violators into three categories; those that don’t know the rules, those that make honest mistakes and those who are selfish and don’t think about what their actions might result in. I know that I try my best not to be in the first category and despite my best efforts am occasionally part of the second category. Hopefully I am never in the last category. The holder of a valid BC driver's licence should not be included in the first category. When we are licensed we are expected to know the rules and keep up with them even as they change. That is not always easy to do, but worth the effort because you cannot use "I didn't know!" as a defence in traffic court. We all make mistakes, even when we don't want to. I accept that and try not to repeat them when I find that I am the culprit. I am very fortunate that I have not had to ask for someone's forgiveness, nor give it, through involvement in a significant traffic incident. Thank goodness! This leaves us with the last group, those that don't want to be bothered to follow the rules unless it suits them to. Individuality, civil disobedience, I should be able to do this and other justifications have no place on our highways, they lead to collisions and they hurt people. If you drive like this, shame on you! Perhaps if you hear this often enough from others you will consider not being a bad example. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

this feature sponsored by:

Johnston Meier e Insurance Agencies Ltd. 510B - 9th Avenue N., Golden, B.C. (250) 344-5201

Have a Home Insurance Owner’s Questions? Give Denise a call - she knows how to get you the best coverage, for the best price, when it comes to tenants, homeowners, rental dwellings, condos, vacation trailers whatever your needs.

The best insurance rates.

Denise Knight

Golden Campus

With the generous donation from Home Hardware in Golden, the community kitchen at the Centre for Peace is now equipped to offer a six-week program called Food Skills for Families, sponsored by the Canadian Diabetes Association. This program assists families in learning valuable skills in the kitchen and includes the preparation and eating of a meal at each class. Contact St. Andrew’s United Church at 250-344-6117 for dates and further details. Darryl Crane/Star Photo

Putting community back in your community college! P

An Art Spot for Seniors The Art Spot is a program being delivered in partnership with Service Canada, New Horizons Program. The aim of the program is to engage seniors into the world of art education; they will learn the creative process, and be mentored by local artisans. Seniors will learn art techniques in painting, drawing, pottery, beading, coppersmithing and the like. This unique program will assist in building partnerships, expanding networks and providing inter-generational interaction, is part of the Lifelong Learning Program at College of the Rockies – Golden Campus. During the Fall of 2012 the Art Spot will offer 3 courses taught by local artists and held at the Golden Campus of the College of The Rockies. To register, please call the College at 344-5901. Marty Ryan will offer Introduction to Drawing Marty Ryan has been an artist and teacher all her life. After graduating from the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn with a degree in Industrial Design, she moved to the Columbia Valley and taught art at Golden Secondary School for more than 25 years. Since her retirement, she has focused full-time on her art. Her first love is painting, but she has worked intensively in metal over the past fifteen years, especially bronze and copper. Her art is displayed in homes all over the world, from Japan to Israel. Marty lives in Parson with her husband and her dog. Introduction to Drawing – an introductory drawing class with an emphasis on both traditional and contemporary design. This project-based course will cover concepts including elements of design, perspective, viewpoint, negative and positive space and composition among others. A drawing kit will be provided. October 3rd to October 31st , 2012 (Mondays and Wednesday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm- 16 hrs.) Free of charge for LLP members $85 for non-LLP members Dawna-Lea Ringer will offer Celebration Containers Dawna-Lea Ringer is a local artist who finds that the mountains, the water, and the wildlife offer a never ending supply of ideas to absorb and recreate in watercolour, acrylics, artist pencils and more. Her creativity has also involved painting on various substrates, art quilts,

1305 – 9th Street S., Golden BC V0A 1H0 • email: •

gourds, Metis-related creations (birch bark baskets, beaded mittens, moccasins, etc.). Her work can be viewed at Celebration Containers – This course consists of 2 parts. Before baskets and pottery containers there were gourd containers. In the first part students will explore their own creativity as they decorate a gourd container. Design books and templates will be available. Students will explore using wood burning tools, paints, artist felts and artist pencils. In the second part of this course students will celebrate our local Birch trees as they learn to diagonal plait (weave) a Birch bark basket. After completing the basket students will try their hand at decorating a small sheet of bark with porcupine quills. This decorated bark will comprise the top layer of a lid that they will make for their basket. Materials will be provided. November 5th to November 29th , 2012 (Monday and Thursday, 6:00pm to 8:00pm-16 hours) Free of charge for LLP members $85 for non-LLP members Jane Tevelein Doel will offer Finding Your Voice in Clay Jane is an experienced artist and teacher/facilitator of Clay and Firing Workshops. She has shared her passion and talents with many over the years though her numerous exhibits, her clay studio “Clayworks” which accepts commissions and offers courses and her work with youth. Jane works primarily with clay and offers students the opportunity to explore and have fun with this expressive medium. Finding Your Voice in Clay – a clay hand building class which would culminate in a Raku firing during which students would glaze and Raku fire (under supervision) a piece they have made in class. Through a series of demonstrations of hand building techniques, exercises and activities, students will begin to develop “a vocabulary of clay” and have the chance to complete several pieces using different themes and methods. November 13th to December 6th, 2012 (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00pm to 3:00pm-18 hours) Free of charge for LLP members $85 for non-LLP members

For more information call: 250-344-5901 Please register early to avoid disappointment!!

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A11

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The entire Nicholson Elementary School, students and staff, took a field trip to Emerald Lake last week and hiked around the lake. Photo Submitted

Wa s t e R e d u c t i o n RECYCLING FAIR

Nicholson Elementary School takes a trip to Emerald Lake Jan Arlt Principal of Nicholson Elementary School Nicholson Elementary is off to an awesome start to the 2012-13 school year! We like to begin and end our year with a school-wide hike. This year was no exception. With 100 students and several staff and parents, we headed off to Emerald Lake last week and enjoyed a hike around the lake. It was a beautiful day and a perfect opportunity to appreciate the National Park we live so close to, while enjoying some time together and getting some exercise! We really appreciate the parent volunteers that came along with us to help out. Our Parent Advisory is up and running this year, already making plans. Our Hot Lunch program continues this year on Mondays and we are looking forward to the delicious meals they provide for us. A fall fundraiser is started: a school cookbook. Students are asked to bring in recipes to contribute to the book and they will be

compiled and published in time for Christmas. The parents on our PAC are tireless and incredibly generous in the time they put in and the efforts they make to add to our students’ experiences at school. Our school success plan this year focuses on reading skills and strategies. This plan will be presented to the Golden Zone School Board Trustees on October 4th. Students are also busy planning our first Nicholson Talent Show, coming up in October. Entries are coming in and rehearsals are happening. Students in Gr. 2 to 7 can participate. Thanks to some of our Gr. 6/7 students for getting this underway. Floor Hockey for intermediate students happens before school on two mornings of the week. Our morning Learning Club is open to students every day with Mrs. Williams offering a healthy snack and help with homework, reading, math, and spelling skills. The library is also open a couple of mor-

nings of the week for those that would like a quiet place to enjoy a good book. Each member of our staff is focused on ensuring that students are comfortable at school; feeling safe, respected and ready to learn. We are always looking for ways to increase each student’s skills and confidence in themselves

October 13th, 2012 10am - 3pm in the parking lot across from the 7-11 Petro-Can ThisCSRD is a one day opportunity to recycle these items:

as well as their relationships with others. We rely on communication from parents to help us to do the best job we can, and encourage all of you to come in and chat if you have questions, concerns or suggestions for how we can work together for your child’s success. We are looking forward to a great year!

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5% of all labour sales during the 4 for 3 will be donated to the Golden food bank!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star


EXCELLENCE AWARDS Business Nominations

Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce 8th Annual Community Excellence Awards “Kicking Horse Barn Dance” Saturday, October 20, 2012 Thank you to our individual award sponsors:

NOMINATATION FORMS Nomination Business/Individual Name: ____________________________________ I am nominating this business for: (Please select one) □ □ □ □

Business Excellence Award - Business Tourism Hospitality Award Spirit of Good Business Award Great Place to work Award

□ Customer Excellence Award – Employee □ Culinary Award □ Trade Excellence Award

□ □ □ □

New Business Award Professional Services Award Business Beautification Award Business Entrepreneur Award

In a few words, please describe why this business should receive this award:

Golden Nuggets Awards: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

Best Merchandise Display Best Store Front Best Window Display Best Friendly Cashier Best Employee Smile Best Employee Team Spirit Best Plant or Hanging Basket Best Staff Party Best Place to Foster Success

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

Best Grand Opening Best New Website Best New Manager Best Place to Escape Mosquitoes Best Place to Propose Best Place to Steal a Kiss Best Patio Best Motivator

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

Best Pint Served Best Coffee Best Breakfast Best Financial Professional Best Health Professional Best Realtor Best New Look Best Employee Coach

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

Best Team Sponsor Best Fundraiser by a Business Best Coach Best Trades Person Best Apprentice Best Trades Slogan Best Coffee Room Best Team Builder

Business/Individual Name & Information: __________________________________ Nominations Forms can be dropped off at The Golden Star and the Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce

Thank you for your participation You can also NOMINATE ONLINE Awards sponsored by: COLUMBIA DIESEL 250-344-6647

BNW CONTRACTING 250-344-2215


The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Street Party sounds

Wide Mouth Mason is performing at the rockwater on Oct. 14. Photo Submitted

Wide Mouth Mason in Golden Golden Star Staff

Local musicians filled the streets with music on Sept. 23 at the grand opening Street Party for the new youth centre. Grade 8 student Zoey Lowe, above, played a short acoustic set. Rock band Willhorse, below, performed as well. Willhorse is entering the studio next month and hopes to have their first album out in early December. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

The Rockwater Grill and Bar will see Wide Mouth Mason perform on October 14. The band, which is made up of Shaun Verreault, Safwan Javed, and Gordie Johnson, has been performing since coming together in rural Alberta in 1995. Over the years the band has garnered fans in Canada, Europe, and China. They became one of the first North American rock bands to tour China in the 21st century. Wide Mouth Mason’s approach to jamming has earned them two invitations to the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland and tours with AC/DC, ZZ Top and The Rolling Stones. In July of 2011 the band released No Bad

Days. “We’ve called the record ‘No Bad Days’ because it perfectly describes the experience we had making it,” says singer/ guitarist Shaun Verreault. “We worked on our third record, ‘STEW’ with Gordie as producer. When we decided to make a more organic ‘live off the floor’ kind of record, we knew he was ‘That Guy’ and we couldn’t be more excited about the results!” “The band’s collective influences really came together on No Bad Days,” says producer/ bassist Gordie Johnson, “you can hear everything from The Allman Brothers to the Isley Brothers.” Previous albums have yielded such hit singles as “Midnight Rain,” “My Old Self,” “Why,” “Smile,” and “Change.” Check out more at and www.WideMouthMason. net for information, news, and gig details.

Golden is bringing the funk Golden Star Staff A unique version of the rockabilly blues will be playing at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Oct. 20 when Van Funk and the Lebarons come to Golden. Van Funk and The Lebarons are an Edmonton based blues, rockabilly, and rock band.

Jordan and Jess met at the young age of 15 and the chemistry was instantaneous. Around 12 years later the music has not died and continues to be a driving force in both their lives. The two musicians got their musical start when they went away to Luthier School to build custom acoustic guitars.

1Lb of WingsDos& Equis Dos Equis $10.00 Dos Equis WEDNESDAYS 1LbWEDNESDAYS of Wings & Dos Equis $10.00 Buckets $15.50 (4)Buckets $15.50 (4) SUNDAYS Ribquantities (while quantities last). Bloody Caesars $4.25 SUNDAYS PrimePrime Rib (while last). Bloody Caesars $4.25 Album Release Party! THURSDAYS SHRED KELLY with special guest tba. guest MONDAYS NY Steak Sandwich w/ fries or greens $7.75 MONDAYS NY Steak Sandwich w/ fries or greens $7.75 with special Personal Pizza & Moosehead or Black Lager Sleeve $10.00. OK Springs 1516 sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 Highballs OK Springs 1516 sleeves $3.75 or pitchers $12.50 Highballs Sept. ROCKWATER $10 at door Moosehead Lager or Saturday Okanagan Black Lager29. sleeves $3.75 or Eric Larocque Dbls $6.25 $3.75$3.75 Dbls $6.25 pitchers $12.50 ALBUM RELEASE PARTY!


TUESDAYS fries or$5.25 greens $5.25 TUESDAYS Bison Bison Burger Burger w/ fries w/ or greens FRIDAYS ½ Price Full Size Nachos. Sleeman Honey Brown Sleeman Original Draught sleeves $3.75 pitchers $12.50 Sleeman Original Draught sleeves $3.75 or pitchersor$12.50 or Cream Ale Btls $3.75

Saturday Sept. 29 ROCKWATER

Every night the other students got together to jam. Jordan and Jess quickly put some songs together so they could join in on the fun. Jessica loves to brag that the guitar that she built is predominantly the one they both chose to play. A nice small parlor with big sound that even the smallest hands can master.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

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If the hat fits




Nicki-Jo Wolfram with the Nicholson Fire Department helps Suraiya Qureshi try on some of the gear at the department’s barbecue. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT The Council of the Town of Golden hereby gives notice that it will consider a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit for the property noted below at its Regular Open Council Meeting held:

Golden Community Resources Society Submitted

TIME: Tuesday October 9th 2012 PLACE: Town Hall Council Chambers (810 9th Ave South) PURPOSE: A Development Variance Permit has been requested to reduce the interior side setback in the Town of Golden Zoning Bylaw 911, 1993 from 3.0m to 1.5m on the subject property to facilitate the construction of a single storey Single Detached Dwelling on the subject property. SUBJECT PROPERTY: Civic: 716 11th St South Legal: LOT 19 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 27 RANGE 22 W5M KOOTENAY PLAN 5147


A copy of the proposed Development Variance Permit and background material including Staff Reports, and the application package may be inspected at the Town Hall from Wednesday September 19th to Tuesday October 9th from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday excepting statutory holidays. All persons who consider themselves affected by the adoption of the proposed Development Variance Permit and who wish to register an opinion may do so by: a. Appearing before Council at the said Council Meeting; and/or b. Forwarding written submissions for Council consideration to the attention of the Corporate Officer by any of the following means:

By post: By fax: By email:

Local businesses help non profits with procurement

P.O. Box 350, Golden B.C V0A 1H0; 250-344-6577;

Any submission made to the Corporate Officer must be received no later than 12:00 pm (noon) on the Wednesday prior to the Council Meeting held September October 9th 2012. Dated September 19th, 2012 Jon Wilsgard, Corporate Officer

Golden and Area A's non profit and charity organizations have always depended on help from local volunteers, donors and grants. And now, they can get some help while simply doing business locally. Local non profits spend much of their limited budgets on printing for posters, registration and other stationary supplies. Stephen Dykes at DJ's Paper Place understands this reality and offers reduced rates for local non-profit groups. "Non profits can request and receive 15 per cent off on account purchases. And the more they spend on account, they more they will save," said Dykes. DJ's goes further with special requests. "We will do sponsorship too, so come in and let us know what help you need." However, the local co-operation and collaboration does not end with office supplies and photocopying. The other new non-profit efficiency can be realized when local groups host guest speakers, meetings, and workshops here in Kicking Horse Country. Non-profit staff and volunteers are often called out of town for small peer meetings and workshops with experts travelling through the Columbia Basin on speaking tours. Many of those meetings have been out of town, resulting in local non profits and their volunteers spending dollars outside of Kicking Horse Country.

Now, through the offering of a "local non profit rate," local accommodators are helping stretch our community groups' dollars further. The new rates encourage groups to bring in specialized non-profit trainers, host meetings, roundtables and events. In the long term, these non profit groups can also support tourism. Connie Barlow, executive director of Golden Community Resources Society and the project sponsor, trusts that working with Tourism Golden to encourage other accommodator participation is the most efficient way to go about creating "local non profit accommodation rate." Barlow clarifies, "We know groups are bringing in experts and the hosting organization covers their travel expenses. By saving money on accommodation, these groups will have more left over to fulfill their mission right here." So far four hotels, from downtown Golden to the Trans Canada Highway Frontage and even up at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, have offered between 30 and 50 per cent off their regular room rates (depending on availability and group size) and Rachel Wilde of Tourism Golden expects more will come forward. Whether local groups are hosting one guest speaker or a whole group for a workshop, the benefits of this new rate are real and meaningful to our local groups. If you have an upcoming non profit event, contact Tourism Golden for an up-to-date list of local non profit rate accommodators.

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012



All the Best in the 2012/2013 season Join us after the game! October Food Specials Calamari $7.99 or Bangers & Mash $7.99 505 9th Ave N. Golden 250-344-7155

Kitchen open until 11:00 pm on weekends and 10:00 pm weekdays. Bar open until 2:00 am daily.




Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

President’s Message It is my great pleasure to be a part of the fine Golden Rockets tradition and be a part of this magical 21st season. We are looking forward to many returning players as well as a fine crop of new recruits and local players this season. We also look forward to the return of our highly regarded and experienced head coach, Ty Davidson. Ty has become known as a player’s coach who is calm yet demanding of

his players. Many of you have been long-time fans and stalwart supporters of our beloved team and I truly hope to make you proud and help to lead our team to a very successful season, both in the win column but also within our community. We are developing hockey players as well as young men and our mission is to have a competitive team that is well respected and liked in the community!

Curt Thorne Rockets President


Good Luck People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251

in the new season! wishes you the best of luck 911 N 9th St, Golden (250) 344-5235


Golden THE



Rockets GO! Good luck in the playoffs


250 344 7161

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Captain’s Message To the rocket fans. My name is Brett DeFrias, I am from Kamloops, B.C. and I am 19 years old. I have just began my third year as a Golden Rocket. This will be my fourth year in the league and I am honoured to be chosen the team’s captain for 2012-13 season. Right from camp I could tell we had ourselves a special group. The management has worked hard to get new recruits for this year’s team. The camp was a very high paced couple days of action, with many new faces we haven’t seen before. The coaching staff picked out the best possible players for our team to have the highest rate of success. I am confident in what they have chosen to create a championship team. Having fifteen veteran players, we as a group understand how this year can be a very successful one. We are not scared to say that this group can win our league. Saying this, we as a team have to go and produce our product on the ice. Our team is built of character, heart, and determination.

Coach’s Message

Brett DeFrias Rockets Captain Therefor we will never give up on the ice sheet no matter the circumstance. This is a fresh new team that has just started to bond, create new friendships, and find chemistry on the ice with one another, so please be patient of our slow start to the season. Our entire team would like to thank our loyal fans, as well as our new ones. It is your enthusiasm and support that makes each of our players go the extra mile. We really appreciate you attending our games and supporting our fund raising events. We hope to keep seeing you all and that you will continue to be loud at all our games. Thank you very much, Sincerely, Brett DeFrias

Live through the ice, feel unstoppable. Goooooo Rockets!

HEATING & COOLING 808 - 9th Street N • 250-344-5218

The best of luck to you all! R3


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to another exciting year of Golden Rockets’ Hockey. This will be my third season as the Head Coach and General Manager of the Golden Rockets. My expectations and goals have never been higher. We have a strong nucleus of returning players coupled with an exciting group of new prospects. This will be one of the most experienced teams that the Golden Rockets have iced in their history. This roster will boast no fewer than 15 veteran players. Each position will be represented with a veteran presence every night. Expe-

rience is always a valuable asset to any team and the 2012/2013 edition of the Golden Rockets will have plenty of it. Each year a team must say goodbye to some of its players. Developing players on and off the ice is a priority for me and our organization. The Rockets will be moving 4 players on to either Junior A or College Hockey this upcoming season. I would like to congratulate Bryden Marsh, Jarrod Schamerhorn, Kyle Garcia and Darren Andre on their advancement. I would like to thank all of the fans, billets, sponsors, volunteers, parents, and ex-

Ty Davidon Rockets Head Coach ecutive members. Without all of your support, Golden Rockets’ Hockey would not be possible. This year promises to be very exciting and enjoyable for everyone involved with the Golden Rockets. Go Rockets Go!

Good Luck in the New Season Rockets!

Rockets Have the Best Season Ever!

906 11 Avenue South, Golden Phone: (250) 344-2566

Wendell Johnston Painting (250) 344-6411 • 1-877-644-6200 e-mail: Serving the Columbia Valley


Wednesday, y, September p 26,, 2012 The Golden Star


GO! #2

#1 DAWSON KLUSS Position: Goalie Hometown: Terrace, BC Birthday: Oct. 26, 1994 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: FUBAR

MATT MCMATH Position: Defence Hometown: Williams Lake, BC Birthday: Nov. 25, 1994 Favourite Food: Bacon Favourite Movie: 300


DANIEL DAHLIN Position: Winger Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: May 16, 1994 Favourite Food: Lasagna Movie: Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus

BLAKE RONEY Position: Centre Hometown: Black Diamond, AB Birthday: Jan. 18, 1993 Favourite Food: Lasagna Favourite Movie: Gladiator

e ac

BRAD ORR Position: Defenceman Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: Apr. 26 1993 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: Batman


#14 BOBBY KASHUBA Position: Centre Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Oct. 27, 1995 Favourite Food: Sushi Favourite Movie: FUBAR



ALEX PENNY Position: Forward Hometown: Calgary, AB Birthday: Apr. 7, 1994 Favourite Food: Spaghetti Favourite Movie: Grown-ups

to the go

CARSON GEORGE Position: Forward Hometown: Calgary, Ab Birthday: Jan. 1, 1993 Favourite Food: Beef dip Fav. Movie: The Expendables



a l!

If you dream it, you make it. If you make it, you live it.


BRETT DEFRIAS Position: Defenceman Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Apr. 30, 1993 Favourite Food: Sushi Favourite Movie: Soul Surfer



IAN DESROSIER Position: Right Wing Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: Nov. 23, 1995 Favourite Food: Everything Favourite Movie: 21 Jumpstreet

#3 COLTIN BERARD Position: Defenceman Hometown: Black Diamond, AB Birthday: Nov. 23, 1993 Favourite Food: Spaghetti Favourite Movie: Warrior



Jeanette Jackson

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Independent Consultant 250-344-1075 htps:// R5

2 1 st S E A S O N !

#6 SHANE RUTHERFORD Position: Defenceman Hometown: Charlie Lake, BC Birthday: Feb. 3, 1994 Favourite Food: Steak Favourite Movie: 21 Jumpstreet

#7 MICHAEL ANDERSON Position: Defenceman Hometown: Port Coquitlam, BC Birthday: May 16, 1993 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: Batman

#15 KEITH WAKE Position: Forward Hometown: Field, BC Birthday: June 5, 1992 Favourite Food: BBQ Chicken Fav. Movie: Remember the Titans

CARTER COCHRANE Position: Defence Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Oct. 18, 1996 Favourite Food: Panini Favourite Movie: Miracle

#16 BRAEDEN ALLKINS Position: Centre Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: Dec. 4, 1996 Favourite Food: Tacos Movie: Mega Shark vs Crocosauru

#24 MARC LEPINE Position: Centre Hometown: Edmonton, AB Birthday: Dec. 29, 1992 Favourite Food: Tacos Favourite Movie: Anchorman


#17 BRANDON SHIRLEY Position: Winger Hometown: Salmon Arm, BC Birthday: Jan. 13, 1994 Favourite Food: Tacos Favourite Movie: Batman

#25 JACOB BERGERON Position: Left Wing Hometown: Calgary, AB Birthday: Apr. 12, 1992 Favourite Food: Steak Favourite Movie: The Fighter



#9 CONNOR BEAUCHEMIN Position: Right Wing Hometown: Surrey, BC Birthday: Oct. 31, 1993 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: Taken

#18 FELIX LAROUCHE Position: Forward Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Dec. 8, 1994 Favourite Food: Poutine Favourite Movie: Avatar

#35 SKY BULLER Position: Goalie Hometown: Burns Lake, BC Birthday: Apr. 5, 1992 Favourite Food: Mac&Cheese Fav. Movie: Step Brothers


for the Stars Rockets Shoot in the new season!


902 11th ave. south


Wednesday, y, September p 26,, 2012 The Golden Star


GO! #2

#1 DAWSON KLUSS Position: Goalie Hometown: Terrace, BC Birthday: Oct. 26, 1994 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: FUBAR

MATT MCMATH Position: Defence Hometown: Williams Lake, BC Birthday: Nov. 25, 1994 Favourite Food: Bacon Favourite Movie: 300


DANIEL DAHLIN Position: Winger Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: May 16, 1994 Favourite Food: Lasagna Movie: Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus

BLAKE RONEY Position: Centre Hometown: Black Diamond, AB Birthday: Jan. 18, 1993 Favourite Food: Lasagna Favourite Movie: Gladiator

e ac

BRAD ORR Position: Defenceman Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: Apr. 26 1993 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: Batman


#14 BOBBY KASHUBA Position: Centre Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Oct. 27, 1995 Favourite Food: Sushi Favourite Movie: FUBAR



ALEX PENNY Position: Forward Hometown: Calgary, AB Birthday: Apr. 7, 1994 Favourite Food: Spaghetti Favourite Movie: Grown-ups

to the go

CARSON GEORGE Position: Forward Hometown: Calgary, Ab Birthday: Jan. 1, 1993 Favourite Food: Beef dip Fav. Movie: The Expendables



a l!

If you dream it, you make it. If you make it, you live it.


BRETT DEFRIAS Position: Defenceman Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Apr. 30, 1993 Favourite Food: Sushi Favourite Movie: Soul Surfer



IAN DESROSIER Position: Right Wing Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: Nov. 23, 1995 Favourite Food: Everything Favourite Movie: 21 Jumpstreet

#3 COLTIN BERARD Position: Defenceman Hometown: Black Diamond, AB Birthday: Nov. 23, 1993 Favourite Food: Spaghetti Favourite Movie: Warrior



Jeanette Jackson

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Independent Consultant 250-344-1075 htps:// R5

2 1 st S E A S O N !

#6 SHANE RUTHERFORD Position: Defenceman Hometown: Charlie Lake, BC Birthday: Feb. 3, 1994 Favourite Food: Steak Favourite Movie: 21 Jumpstreet

#7 MICHAEL ANDERSON Position: Defenceman Hometown: Port Coquitlam, BC Birthday: May 16, 1993 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: Batman

#15 KEITH WAKE Position: Forward Hometown: Field, BC Birthday: June 5, 1992 Favourite Food: BBQ Chicken Fav. Movie: Remember the Titans

CARTER COCHRANE Position: Defence Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Oct. 18, 1996 Favourite Food: Panini Favourite Movie: Miracle

#16 BRAEDEN ALLKINS Position: Centre Hometown: Golden, BC Birthday: Dec. 4, 1996 Favourite Food: Tacos Movie: Mega Shark vs Crocosauru

#24 MARC LEPINE Position: Centre Hometown: Edmonton, AB Birthday: Dec. 29, 1992 Favourite Food: Tacos Favourite Movie: Anchorman


#17 BRANDON SHIRLEY Position: Winger Hometown: Salmon Arm, BC Birthday: Jan. 13, 1994 Favourite Food: Tacos Favourite Movie: Batman

#25 JACOB BERGERON Position: Left Wing Hometown: Calgary, AB Birthday: Apr. 12, 1992 Favourite Food: Steak Favourite Movie: The Fighter



#9 CONNOR BEAUCHEMIN Position: Right Wing Hometown: Surrey, BC Birthday: Oct. 31, 1993 Favourite Food: Pasta Favourite Movie: Taken

#18 FELIX LAROUCHE Position: Forward Hometown: Kamloops, BC Birthday: Dec. 8, 1994 Favourite Food: Poutine Favourite Movie: Avatar

#35 SKY BULLER Position: Goalie Hometown: Burns Lake, BC Birthday: Apr. 5, 1992 Favourite Food: Mac&Cheese Fav. Movie: Step Brothers


for the Stars Rockets Shoot in the new season!


902 11th ave. south

ROCKETS Then......


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Go Rockets! Backhoe, Bobcat and Mini Excavator

Thumbs up, Rockets!

Brian Jackson Cell: 250 344-0574

Supporting the Rockets for Another Successful Season

“The feeling when you’re on the ice tastes of victory. GOOD LUCK ROCKETS!”

Jeanette Jackson Cell: 250 344-1075

Golden Installations LTD 915 11th Ave. S. 344-5566

Ph: 250 344-2836 1750 Oberg Johnson Rd, Golden

Never let a win go to your head, or a loss to your heart.

Golden THE 413A 9th Ave N 250 344-5251

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rockets ready Darryl Crane editor@thegol

ROCKETS Now...... R7

to roll over Ro


The Golden Roc kets kick of th rivals from the south as the Col e 2012-2013 season against thei on Sept. 14. umbia Valley R ockies are in to r wn It will be a star fans will be en t like never before for the Roc joying kets Events will kick a party leading up to the ga as players and me. of f at with the op run from 4-6:30 p.m. in the park ening night carnival which will ing lot of the ar There is going ena. sic and a DJ, cl to be a barbecue, outdoor be er ga owns The Golden Fir , face painting and much mor rdens, live mue e. Department can get up clos e to one of the will also be stopping by so ki fire trucks. ds Fans of the Roc ke ts w il l al so Rockets player ge t th e ch ance to sw graphs and mee ho will be at the event at 4 p. meet the Golden m. to sign auto t fans until 4:45 p. Season tickets holders will al m. so be able to pi the event. ck up their tick ets at

Blast Off

To win, you need strength that comes from being a team. Best wishes Rockets!


Have a Great Season


Trans-Canada Highway, Golden (250) 344-5059 Open until 11pm


1135 10th Ave N Reg. #22652 (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584

We Salute the Golden



Awesome new season!

Players, Coaches & Staff

“Best of luck to you all!�


Blast Off into an





SEPTEMBER 2012 Friday, Sep14 Saturday, Sep 15 Saturday, Sep 22 Friday, Sep 28 Saturday, Sep 29 OCTOBER 2012 Friday, Oct 5 Saturday, Oct 6 Friday, Oct12 Saturday, Oct 13 Sunday, Oct14 Friday, Oct 19 Saturday, Oct 20 Friday, Oct 26 Saturday, Oct 27 Sunday, Oct 28 NOVEMBER 2012 Friday, Nov 2 Saturday, Nov 3 Thursday, Nov 8 Friday, Nov 9 Saturday, -Nov10 Friday, Nov 16 Saturday Nov17 Friday, Nov 23 Friday, Nov 30 DECEMBER 2012 Saturday, Dec 1 Wednesday, Dec 5 Friday, Dec 7 Saturday, Dec 8 Tuesday, Dec 11 Thursday, Dec 13 Friday, Dec 14 Saturday, Dec 15 Sunday, Dec 16 Thursday, Dec 20 Friday, Dec 21 Saturday, Dec 29 JANUARY 2013 Wednesday, Jan 2 Friday, Jan 4 Saturday, Jan 5 Friday, Jan 11 Saturday, Jan 12 Friday, Jan 18 Friday, Jan 25 Saturday, Jan 26 FEBRUARY 2013 Friday, Feb 1 Saturday, Feb 2 Friday, Feb 8 Saturday, Feb 9 Sunday, Feb 10 Thursday, Feb 14 Saturday, Feb 16 Sunday, Feb-17

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star








7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST

Columbia Valley Rockies Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Kimberley Dynamiters Columbia Valley Rockies

Golden Rockets Columbia Valley Rockies Fernie Ghostriders Golden Rockets Golden Rockets

Golden Arena Invermere - Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena Fernie Memorial Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena

7:00P MST 7:30P MST 7:00P PST 7:35P PST 2:00P PST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 2:00P PST

Golden Rockets Kimberley Dynamiters Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Princeton Posse Creston Valley Thunder Cats Golden Rockets Golden Rockets

Kimberley Dynamiters Golden Rockets Princeton Posse Osoyoos Coyotes Penticton Lakers Fernie Ghostriders Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Fernie Ghostriders Creston Valley Thunder Cats

Kimberley Civic Centre Golden Arena Princeton & District Arena Osoyoos Sun Bowl Penticton - South Okanagan Events Center Fernie Memorial Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Fernie Memorial Arena Creston - Johnny Bucyk Arena

7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:00P PST 7:00P PST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P PST

Fernie Ghostriders Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Summerland Steam Nelson Leafs Beaver Valley Nitehawks Golden Rockets

Golden Rockets Columbia Valley Rockies Fernie Ghostriders Spokane Braves Nelson Leafs Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Creston Valley Thunder Cats

Golden Arena Invermere - Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena Fernie Memorial Arena Spokane - Eagles Ice-A-Rena Nelson Community Complex Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Creston - Johnny Bucyk Arena

7:30P MST 7:00P MST 7:30P PST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P PST 7:30P PST 1:00P PST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST

Kelowna Chiefs Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Grand Forks Border Bruins Columbia Valley Rockies Fernie Ghostriders Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Creston Valley Thunder Cats Golden Rockets Creston Valley Thunder Cats

Golden Rockets Kimberley Dynamiters Creston Valley Thunder Cats Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Grand Forks Border Bruins Castlegar Rebels Beaver Valley Nitehawks Golden Rockets Columbia Valley Rockies Golden Rockets

Golden Arena Kimberley Civic Centre Creston - Johnny Bucyk Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Grand Forks Arena Castlegar Complex Fruitvale - Beaver Valley Arena Golden Arena Invermere - Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena Golden Arena

7:00P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P PST 7:30P PST 7:00P PST

Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Columbia Valley Rockies Fernie Ghostriders Kimberley Dynamiters Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets

Kimberley Dynamiters Columbia Valley Rockies Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Creston Valley Thunder Cats Summerland Steam Kelowna Chiefs

Kimberley Civic Centre Invermere - Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Creston - Johnny Bucyk Arena Summerland Arena Kelowna - Rutland Arena

7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 4:00P MST 7:30P MST 7:30P MST 5:00P MST

Spokane Braves Castlegar Rebels Kimberley Dynamiters Creston Valley Thunder Cats Osoyoos Coyotes Fernie Ghostriders Penticton Lakers Golden Rockets

Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Golden Rockets Kimberley Dynamiters

Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Golden Arena Kimberley Civic Centre

PROUD SPONSORS OF THE CANADA IS HOCKEY! C 413A 9th Ave N Golden B.C. 250 344-5251

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A15

Teacher in training brings Belly Fit classes to Golden Jessica Schwitek For the next two months one of Canada’s fastest growing fitness trends is coming to Golden free of charge. Teacher-in-training Deborah Foley, from Canmore, is offering free weekly Belly Fit classes in Golden until she finishes her certification. Belly Fit is a holistic fitness program designed specifically for women. Developed in Victoria, Belly Fit combines the fun of dance aerobics with the mindfulness of pilates and the spiritual integrity of yoga, while drawing inspiration from Bellydance, African dance and Bollywood. “I took this course in April in Victoria. And what caught my eye was that it wasn’t just a fitness class. I go to yoga, I go to pilates, and I go to fitness classes. But each one of those is not for every woman,” said Foley. “The founder of Belly Fit, Alice, is so passionate about this. She’s combining spirituality, exercise, and a real sense of community with women. That’s what she’s trying to achieve, empowering

women through movement and cultural dances from around the world. It’s the best combination I’ve ever seen to keep women happy and healthy.” The program is designed for able-bodied women, generally between the ages of 19 and 65, with some exceptions. Belly Fit is currently working on designing classes for teenage girls and elderly women. Women with serious injuries or chronic conditions of the knee, hip, spine or neck in particular may have difficulties with Belly Fit classes. Individual instructors have the flexibility to create a class that is either high or low impact, and Foley is confident that women of most fitness levels would get something out of Belly Fit. Foley will be teaching a free class in Golden every week for the next two months. At the moment that class is scheduled for Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in the gym at Lady Grey Elementary School. Days and times are subject to change. The class is being facilitated through Nicki Mac-

Teacher-in-training Deborah Foley from Canmore will be teaching free Belly Fit classes once a week for the next two months. Check for an up-to-date schedule. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo Intosh at Shape Up Fitness. Check her website www.shapeupfitness. info, or the Shape Up Fitness Facebook page for updated schedules. At the end of the two

months Foley’s classes will end. But she is grateful for the opportunity to expose Golden to Belly Fit, and her hope is that someone local will be inspired and get certified to teach.

Rockets play in alumni game Jessica Schwitek Past and present Rockets will be coming together to play in the Golden Rockets annual alumni game on Sunday Sept. 30. For the past 20 years, Golden has hosted hockey players from around the province and country (and some out of country players as well). The annual alumni game is an opportunity to bring them back to Golden for a weekend. “I spent a lot of time over the years getting to know some of these players, and it’s very cool for us to have an opportunity for them to come back into town,” said Colleen Palumbo, who began volunteering with the Rockets society in 2001. “It gives them the opportunity to come back and play, and say thanks to the Town of Golden for everything that they were given while they were here, so it’s a pretty cool thing.” Palumbo is expecting 22 players to return to town, making up

the old Rockets team who will face off against the young guns, the current Rockets team. “Players from all over the place are coming... some of the old favourites from the 2000 era,” she said. Golden has been hosting these alumni games for about six years, and it has given players from different eras the opportunity to get to know each other. If you have been a Rockets fan over the years, you might recognize some of the names. “Grady Samson drives up every year from Vancouver for this,” said Palumbo. “While he was living in his billet home out in Horse Creek, the house caught on fire. He and the other billet that were in the house got out of the basement, went around and up over the carport and saved the woman and her daughters who were in the house. They were given a commendation by the government after that. “He’s never forgotten, and he comes back every year to Golden

for this event.” The teams will be coached by game broadcasters Gino Palumbo (coaching the old Rockets) and Tom Stanton (coaching the young guns). “In the last few years the young guns have definitely come out the winners. But this year I’m hoping for a little better result because I put this team together... And Ty’s boys will have played on Friday and Saturday night, so maybe they’ll be a little tired out,” said Palumbo. The game takes place at 1 p.m. on Sunday Oct. 30. Regular admission, and the beer gardens and concession will be open. “We hope that lots of the fans of past years come out to support the Rockets organization, and have an opportunity to say thanks to the players,” said Palumbo. “These players come back here on their own time to play in this game. They stay in our hotels and eat meals here, and continue to contribute, so I think it’s a pretty cool thing.”

Golden & District Search And Rescue Training Room for Rent • • • •

• HD Projector 2x 40” HD LCD TV’s • Large projector screen Wireless internet • $50/ day user fee Washrooms Free for not-for-profit groups

Seating for up to 20 conference Style

Email: Website: http//


ESL Cooking Club Do you love cooking? Join us as we cook up a storm of world Àavours! Each week we will prepare a dish representing a different country as we learn to speak English.

Meeting Place:Centre for Peace (United Church) Time: Mondays 9:00-12:00 Starts: October 1, 2012 Ends: November 26, 2012 For more information or to register contact Laura Cankovic 250-344-5901 extension 6104 International Flavours • ESL Cooking Club College of the Rockies ESL Settlement Assistance Program

Free for landed immigrants and permanent residents

Ph: 250.344.5901 •


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Creative Seeds Art Lessons 2 acrylic painting groups available

Group 1 Wednesdays 11am-2pm beginning October 10th

A registered, structured class for those interested in exploring acrylic painting. $180 (6 weeks)

Group 2 Fridays 11am-2pm beginning October 5th (6 weeks) A guided drop-in group for those interested in pursuing their own art with the inspiration and guidance of others. $15 drop-in fee. Instructor Janis Dyck For information or to register call 250-344-5599 or email

&2//(*( 2) 7+( 52&.,(6 *2/'(1 &$0386

English Conversation Classes September 12 to December 12, 2012 Wednesdays 5:00-7:00pm Fee: $100* *free for landed immigrants and permanent residents For more information contact: Laura Cankovic 250 344-5901


This picture shows the construction work being done on the Big Bend Highway which was in use before the opening of the Trans Canada in 1962. Photo courtesy of the Golden Museum

Looking back at the Trans Canada Today I had the pleasure of going to Spirit Square and viewing the cavalcade of old cars that were part

Free residential metal & organic waste DISPOSAL EVENT October 1st to November 10th at CSRD Land¿lls and Transfer Stations During regular hours of operation


Grass Clippings • Leaves • Prunings • Brush & Weeds • Tree Limbs up to 8” in diameter


Fridges • Air Conditioners • Freezers • Hot Water Tanks • Bath Tubs • Stoves • Clothes Washers and Dryers Fridges, freezers, water coolers, air conditioners, etc, that contain FREON will be subject to a $15/unit Freon removal fee


Barbeques • Lawn Mowers • Angle Iron • Bed Springs • Propane Tanks • Metal Doors • Metal Window Frames • Plate Steel (small pieces) • Metal Roo¿ng • Metal Siding • Old Plumbing • Bicycles • Metal Toys (wagons, etc.) • Swing Sets • Metal Yard Tools NO wood attached. NO auto parts. NO auto bodies. NO commercial wastes and NO prohibited wastes. All other refuse delivered to the refuse disposal site on these days will be assessed the applicable refuse disposal fee. All commercial loads are subject to disposal fees. For more information contact:

Columbia Shuswap Regional District 781 Marine Park Drive NE, Salmon Arm BC V1E 4P1 250-833-5950 Toll free at 1-888-248-2773

in the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Opening of the Trans Canada Highway through Rogers Pass. The cars, along with refreshments were at Spirit Square for an hour before leaving for the Donald Bridge, where the Ministry of Highways was hosting a celebration. The completion of the Trans Canada Highway 50 years ago was a huge celebration and if you want to view the official opening hosted by John Diefenbaker go to www., in to their archives and watch the video. Many people questioned the route, and millions have been spent on avalanche control and road clearing but if you had ever ridden in a car over the old Big Bend Highway you would know it was worth every penny. Below is a poem, whose author we don’t know, although it does sound like one that could have been written by John Kehow. If you know the author please give me a call at the museum so that we can credit the right person. Rogers Pass There’s those that write of the mighty ones, that lived in days gone by. Of the life they lived, the deeds, they’re done and never questioned why. Like the takes you hear of Klondike Kate or the Poem of Dan McGrue, the wander off a little bit, from what I think is true.

There’s stories told of the wind and snow, from Alaska to the pole, I have my doubts if any place can beat this snow-bound hole. The Lord must have said, “There’s a place I know where I’ll dump this snowy mess.” Then some damn fool had to blaze a trail and called it Rogers Pass. The pioneer days were tough I know, and most of the story is true. Still life today is the modern tale I’d like to tell you. We don’t have the hardships this is true, that Great Granddaddy had. The traveling fold on the road today are the ones that make me sad. You’ve been working like the devil trying to beat the snow. Then stop at bit to grease your rid. God how that wind can blow. Fingers damn near frozen, you’re a mite tired and now, some nut comes driving up and says, “Why don’t you fellows plow?” Next thing the road is slippery and everything is stuck. You’ve spent a weary hour or two, trying to help a truck. Up steps this Dude so fancy, my, ain’t his manor grand. Opens up his big fat mouth, “Where the hell’s the sand?” His tires were made for summer and he hasn’t any chains. You just can’t help but wonder what he has in place of brains. They’ll travel through the bouncing rocks, without a glance or care. Then wonders why you’re giving them such an owly glare.

- Turning Back the Pages By Colleen Palumbo

Then the day is over and it’s time to hit the sack. Tomorrow is your weekend off and you’re never coming back. You hit the road real early and barrel into town. Got a stack of troubles you’d kind of like to drown. Wander up and down the street and have a beer or two. Don’t know why I stopped in here there’s not much to do. I’m sitting having coffee, the tenth on of the day. This little blonde is smiling in a real nice friendly way. We end up at a party, we sure had us a time. Wake up next morning broke; I haven’t got a dime. I’d like to have a little shot but my bottle it’s gone dry. I’m felling kind of shaky, but I know the reason why. My head has stopped its spinning and I’m feeling better now, so I sit around and figure out just where I’m going to go. No use hanging around this place, just one thing left to do. Head down to my vehicle, the tank still has some gas. Climb aboard and point her nose, back up to the Rogers Pass.

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A17

CBAL helps hundreds of adult literacy learners in the region Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy Submitted Every year throughout the Columbia Basin and Boundary regions, hundreds of our citizens work with literacy instructors and tutors to improve their reading, writing, math, English language, and computer skills. These adults are seeking out CBAL (the Columbia Basin and Boundary not-for-profit literacy organization) programs to improve their skills, knowledge and ability so they can participate more fully in their lives and communities. The program benefits and the learners’ commitment are having a positive impact in towns and villages in our the regions. “We work closely with libraries, schools, colleges, businesses, and other community partners to develop, promote and deliver adult literacy and learning services,” said Ali Wassing, CBAL Executive Director. “The Canadian Council on Learning reported that 60 per cent of Canadians do not have the necessary literacy skills to manage their health adequately. We know the health benefits individuals and communities gain when a commitment is made to life-long learning.” The Adult Literacy and Life Skills international survey found approximately 40 per cent of Canadians need greater knowledge and skills to effectively find and use basic written information for daily work and living tasks. “Research shows us the need for increased adult literacy,” says Betty Knight, CBAL Regional Program Manager, East Kootenay. “We see the effects on individuals, families, and communities, and are committed to helping people change their lives through small group classes, one-to-one tutoring, and services at our centres.” “Our learners gain much-needed skills in reading, writing and speaking English,” said Linda Steward, Creston Community Literacy Co-ordinator. “They also find friendship and emotional support to combat the isolation immigrants experience. It is so rewarding to see them start with little or no English and within a few years be working, joining community organizations, and settling into a happy full life in our valley.”

Learners expressing their appreciation said: “Your teacher is very good teacher. I learn lots how to speak, to write and to read English.” “The ESL class helps me to practice my English and my tutor helps me with many things in my life and I have the conversations with her.” Selkirk College works with CBAL and the Kootenay Family Place in Castlegar to bring high school upgrading courses to parents. “This program is such a pleasure to be part of,” said Allison Alder, Chair, School of Academic Upgrading and Development, Selkirk College. “While instructors help parents brush up on math, learn a new biology concept or polish their writing skills, they can relax knowing their children are cared for nearby. Bringing learning opportunities to people, where and when they are comfortable, is community learning at its finest.” “The program gave me an opportunity to complete my schooling by providing excellent childcare, career counseling, and an awesome tutor. But most importantly, I received positive encouragement to follow through with my career plans,” said Charity Barbour, a past ABE program participant. In Cranbrook, CBAL partners with College of the Rockies to offer the Young Parent Education Program. Young parents, who face multiple barriers, can complete their high school education, and, focus on learning new life, work and parenting skills. “Learners make new and sustaining friendships, support each other, and, with improved self-esteem are empowered to move on to vocational, academic or employment opportunities when they graduate,” said Katherine Hough, Cranbrook Community Literacy Co-ordinator. Literacy statistics affecting our communities: Twenty-six per cent of Canadians with the lowest literacy skill levels are unemployed. Eighty per cent of those with low literacy skills earn less than $27,000 a year. Thirty-three per cent of employers report challenges because some staff need better literacy skills. On Wednesday, October 10, support literacy in your community by taking part in Black Press and CBAL’s Reach-A-Reader

Last year Golden Rockets Kyle Garcia and Darren Andre (pictured reading books on the Pedestrian Bridge) helped out with the Reach-A-Reader campaign. Star Photo campaign. Buy your local newspaper from a volunteer who will be out in the town. All proceeds raised will go to support literacy programs in your community. By learning together, we will grow strong together.

Wednesday, October 10 The Golden Star and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy are partnering on a great new event for Golden. On Wednesday, October 10, some of Golden’s highest profile people will be out on the street with our newspaper asking for donations to help support literacy initiatives in our community. Along with your donation we will give you a copy of your community newspaper for FREE (plus there might be a few extra promos to go along with that). Absolutely all funds raised from the day will go towards CBAL and all funds will stay in the community in which they are raised to support literacy programs in our community.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Parky’s celebrates 40th anniversary Jessica Schwitek Doug Parkinson and the staff down at Parky's Heating are inviting the community to come and celebrate what Doug’s father started 40 years ago. It was March of 1972 when Harold Parkinson (a.k.a. Parky) bought Pinewood Mobile Homes, located in the still empty lot near Sobey's on 7th Street North. On Saturday Sept. 29 Parky's will be celebrating their 40th anniversary with an open house at their current location on 9th Street North. Originally a mobile home store, named Parky's Mobile Homes Ltd. (which is still the parent company), Harold decided to diversify after meeting Jim Courtenay, a ticketed gas fitter, and incorporated furnace repairs and installations into the business. By 1979, Parky's decided to stop mobile home sales altogether and focus on the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). The com-

The Parky’s family (from left) Doug Parkinson, Dean Prediger, Sonja L-Heureux, Gord Faulkner, and Matt Ringheim invite you to their 40th anniversary open house on Sept. 29. pany moved to a bigger location on 11th Avenue South to accommodate the new venture. The new face of Parky's included RSF wood furnaces and stoves, RV parts sales and service, and HVAC. The 80s were good for Parky's and the business expanded down the valley. Then, in 1995, Doug was brought in to run the business side, while Har-

old continued to run the operations, until a diagnoses of Mesothelioma forced him to stop in ‘99. In the past 10 years, Parky's has recycled more than 350 old, inefficient woodstoves as a partner in the Woodstove Exchange Program, and has always tried to be as active in the community as possible, donating or helping out with high school sports, the new Youth Centre,

Kicking Horse Culture, Rotary, the Masonic Society, the Lions Club, and the Legion. On Sept. 29, come out and help Parky's celebrate at their open house from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at their current location at 808 9th St. N. There will be prize giveaways, product discounts, and a Rotary barbecue with the proceeds going to their Confluence Park Project.

Lexy Malberg stands in front of one of the t-shirt walls at Off the Wall. Not only does Off the Wall have a wide selection of graphic t-shirts, they also do custom. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Golden’s t-shirt heaven Jessica Schwitek If you need something stupid put on a shirt, this is the place to go. Off the Wall, originally a music store in the 1990s, is located on 9th Avenue North, next to CIBC. “He (owner Dale Nagao) started this place in October, 1990, so it’s been a really long time,” said store manager Tammy Hunter. “When he opened, he actually sold cassettes. In 1990 they actually still listened to cassettes.” Known now as a store with a little bit of everything, back then Off the Wall was strictly music. “It was just music, because music was huge then. Nobody downloaded anything then. Music was all he needed,” said Hunter. Over the years with the changing face of the music industry, and the changing face of Golden, Nagao had to adapt with the times. He found a niche in customizing items for his customers. “Screen printing and embroidery he’s done for about 10 or 12 years now, and he used to do it in his house,” said Hunter. “So if you want something stupid put on a shirt, we can do that.” Hunter has had a few interesting requests for customized items. “Sometimes they won’t even tell you what they want on a shirt, they have to

write it on a piece of paper. They can’t actually say it out loud,” she said. “And then there’s the nice ones that really make people happy. We get grandmothers in here who want their grandchildren’s pictures put on a shirt.” Since then, t-shirts have become a major part of Off the Wall. The store is full of shirts on almost every wall, adorning everything from NHL logos, goofy sayings, or TV shows. Music is also still a part of the business. There is a section with guitars, as well as music accessories. “He’s got a bit of everything in here, which is good, it means it’s different every day, it’s not the same,” said Hunter, one of five employees at Off the Wall. That little bit of everything attracts a fairly broad customer base, which includes locals and tourists. “We sell all those Golden shirts and the Golden stuff. So we do get tourists. But we have lots of repeat customers for screen printing and embroidery,” said Hunter. “And it’s pretty steady all year. We go from hockey to contractors buying stuff for their employees for Christmas, then you’ve got soccer. Every season has its sport, so it stays pretty busy all year round.” Off the Wall is also an outlet for UPS and Purolator. Their hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday.


The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A19

Golden Business Directory SELKIRK ELECTRIC LTD.




“Largest plumbing and heating inventory in the area� Quality Service with Integrity

All Your Electrical Needs 1135 10th Ave N (250) 344-2530 Fax 344-2584 Reg. #22652


Servicing: Lake Louise, Field, Golden, & the Columbia Valley We can help prevent chimney ďŹ res


Call or stop by our shop Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 805-9th St. N

PLUMBING LTD. 344-7209

Book your 10x10 storage unit now


Locally owned & operated. Stop at Jepson Petroleum Bulk Plant and book your space with Ladine or call today.


t t t t t t t t t

819B - 9th Street N.

Residential & Industrial Vacuum Service Hydrovac (Nondestructive Excavation) 8BUFS 5BOLFST t 7BDVVN 5SVDLT Portable High Pressure Steam Cleaner Portable Toilet Rentals Septic Tank & Field Cleaning (SFBTF 5SBQ $MFBOJOH t 8FMM DMFBOJOH Licenced Potable Water Truck Snow Removal




CONTRACTING Ltd. Box 599, Golden, BC. V0A 1H0

Call Shaun at 250-344-2215 Gravel Trucks, End Dumps, Log Haul Units Loader and Skid Steer Rentals Sand, Gravel and Landscape Materials available



250 344-6462

MILLENIUM HOME RENOVATORS LTD. Specializing in Siding, SofďŹ t, Facia, RooďŹ ng, 5â€? Continuous Eavestrough, Fencing & Decks New Home Construction Construction Landscaping Irrigation Lawn Care Snow Removal Junk Removal

Kelsey Korpiniski tel:250-344-0428


Yvon: 1 250 340-8482 1 403 660-4033

Backhoe, Bobcat and Mini Excavator Engineered Septic Systems Construction Oil Tank Removal

Concrete Work Landscaping Driveways Water lines

Brian Jackson Cell: 250 344-0574 Ph: 250 344-2836 1750 Oberg Johnson Rd

Renovations Fencing/Decks Snow Removal

Jeanette Jackson Cell: 250 344-1075 Golden, BC V0A 1H1

Sassy’s is proud to be serving the town of Golden again! Inviting all clients, old and new to come check out the new location.

“Grave marker sales, installation and refurbishing� Dave & Susan Poland P.O. Box 1741, Golden, B.C. V0A 1H0

250 - 344-2017

Phone: (250) 344-8351


This Space



*plus free profile with 12 week commitment

Call Hollie at 250-344-5251.

509 B 9th Ave North

Boarding for cats and dogs

LARGE RUNS — inside and out! SAFE • CLEAN • COMFORTABLE Tough guy or sweetie pie - We board them all. Individual care, lots of play and exercise. You will appreciate our reasonable rates.

250-344-8904 "Reliable Care since 1980"



u ko


b pro






Call for a free quote


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

PUBLIC NOTICE 2013 Proposed Permissive Tax Exemptions In accordance with the notice requirements and authority of ss. 227 and 224 of the Community Charter, the following properties are proposed by bylaw, for permissive property taxation exemption for the 2013 calendar year. Also included are required estimates of exemption amounts for the following two years. Places of worship are typically exempted for five year periods; all other properties must renew applications annually. Estimated Exempted Municipal Taxes Property Holder



Roll #




Golden Sikh Cultural Society (Sihk Temple)

Golden Sihk Cultural Society

603 13th St S





President of Lethbridge Stake (Church of Jesus Christ of the LDS)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

1529 LaFontaine Rd





Christian & Missionary Alliance

Christian & Missionary Alliance Cdn Pacific District

710 10th St S





Christian & Missionary Alliance Canadian Pacific District

Christian & Missionary Alliance Cdn Pacific District

712 10th St S





Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (Pentacostal Church)

Golden Pentacostal Tabernacal

717 10th St S





Trinity Lutheran Church of Golden

Trinity Lutheran church

909 9th St S





Synod of the Dioceses of Kootenay (St Paul's Anglican Church)

St Paul's Anglican Church

911 9th St S





Church of England (St Paul's Anglican Church)

St Paul's Anglican Church

913 9th St S





Trustees of the Congregation of the United Church of Canada

St. Andrews United Church

901 11th Ave S





Trustee-Golden Jehovah's Witness

Golden Jehovah's Witnesses

1218 South 9th Street





BC Corp. Seventh Day Adventist Church

7TH Day Adventist Church

913 11ST S





Sacred Heart Church

Sacred Heart church

808 11st S





Trustees of the Golden Baptist Church

Golden Baptist Church

1343 Pine Drive





Interior Health Authority (Golden Hospital)

Interior Health Authority

835 9th Ave S





Interior Health Authority (Durand Manor)

Interior Health Authority

803 9th St S





Interior Health Authority (Mountain View Assisted Living)

Interior Health Authority

750 8th Ave S





Interior Health Authority

Interior Health Authority

825 9th St S





Golden & District Senior Citizens' Society (Purcell Apts)

Golden & District Senior Citizens' Society (Purcell Apts)

806 12St S





Rocky Mountain Housing Society

Rocky Mountain Housing

601 11St S





Synod of the Dioceses of Kootenay (Abbeyfield House)

Abbeyfield House Society St Paul's Golden

915 9thSt S





Golden Community Resource Society (Patlar Holdings Ltd)

Golden Community Resource Society

106, 107 & 205,218 -421 9th Ave N





Golden Area Initiatives - Golden Youth Action Network (Patlar Holdings Ltd)

Golden Area Initiatives - Golden Youth Action Network

102-421 9th Ave N





Golden Family Centre Society (Patlar Holdings Ltd)

Golden Family Centre Society

208-421-9th Ave North





Kwiatek, Deborah Lynn

Golden Women's Centre Society

419C - 9th Ave N





Golden District Arts Council (0798724 BC Ltd.)

Golden District Arts Council/Kicking Horse Culture (NFP)

516 9th Ave N





Golden Light Horse Club (Golden Rodeo Grounds)

Golden Rodeo Grounds (Golden Light Horse Club)

1700 Reflection Lake Rd





Town of Golden (Golden & Region Seniors Branch #150)

Golden & Region Seniors Society

1401 9 th St S





Golden Pacific Branh #122-Royal Canadian Legion

Royal Canadian Legion #122

1011 11 Ave S





Golden & Distric Historical Society (Museum)

Golden & District Museum

1302 11th Ave S





Golden & District Chamber of Commerce (CP Railway)

Kicking Horse Chamber of Commerce

500 10Ave N





Crown Provincial (Golden & Area Community Economic Development Society)

Golden & Area Community Economic Development Society Initiatives

111 Golden Donald Upper Rd





Golden Food Bank Society (Marie Lynn Simard, Ann Elizabeth Galligan)

Golden Food Bank Society

#102 1115 9th St S





Golden & District A Search & Rescue (0767826 BC Ltd)


210 Fisher Rd





Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club (Mertex Construction Ltd.

Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club

907-10th St. N











Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star


Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A29

Your community. Your classiďŹ eds.



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Coming Events

Career Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

Help Wanted

Kicking Horse Gymnastics Club Annual AGM Thursday, Oct 11 7:30pm Alexander Park Elementary Library - All Welcome


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel VISITING ARIZONA for the Winter? Meridian RV Resort. Good Sam-Trailer Life Top 100 RV Resorts in America. Check us out at or call 866770-0080.

Employment Business Opportunities Attention: We need serious & motivated people for expanding health & wellness industry. High speed internet/phone essential. Free online training

Be your own boss/build a business at home/ computer required/ex hrs/free training

NOW HIRING HEAVY HIGHWAY/ HEAVY CIVIL PROFESSIONALS To join Flatiron at our Edmonton & Fort McMurray locations.

Help Wanted

• Labourers • Apprentice & Journeyman Carpenters • Bridge Carpenters • Concrete Finishers • Heavy Duty Mechanics • Equipment Operators • Crane Operators • Grading Foremen • Surveyors • Quality Control Techs • Safety Personnel • Civil Engineers • Superintendents

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

Flatiron is one of North America’s fastest growing heavy civil infrastructure contractors. We have landmark projects across Canada and we have established ourselves as a builder and employer of choice. Fort McMurray opportunities offer a project speciďŹ c rotational schedule and project provided ights. Our Edmonton projects will be offering competitive compensation on a 4-year project. Flatiron has been named Heavy Civil Contractor of the Year in Alberta and has been recognized as a 2012 Best Workplace in Canada.

Please apply by sending your resume to kmartella @ or fax: (1)604-244-7340. Please indicate in your email which location you are applying to. www.

BUSINESS FOR SALE Magazine publishing company for ambitious, outgoing entrepreneurs. Fun, Lucrative. Startup Capital Required. We Teach & Provide Content.

1-888-406-1253 Reach most sportsmen & women in BC advertise in the 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulation Synopsis! The largest outdoor magazine in BC, 450,000 copies plus two year edition! This is the most effective way to advertise your business in BC. Please call Annemarie at 1-800-661-6335. or email: ďŹ

TRAIN TO Be an Apartment/Condominium Manager at home! We have jobs across Canada. Thousands of graduates working. 31 years of success! Government certiďŹ ed. or 1-800-6658339, 604-681-5456.

Education/Trade Schools LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535 TAYLOR PRO TRAINING *Heavy Equipment Operator Training *Commercial Driver Training Call today 1-877-860-7627

Career Opportunities

VJ Bishop Excavating is needing a heavy duty mechanic F/T or P/T. Automotive experience is an asset but not necessary. Fax

resume to 250-341-6006

A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter.

Help Wanted

Food Counter Attendant / Production Experienced COOK and SERVERS required Full or Part Time. Days/Afternoon shift. Wage dependent on experience. Apply in person. Make extra $$$ delivering phone books The BetterBook requires a responsible and reliable person(s) to deliver phonebooks to residences and businesses in Golden and area.Reliable vehicle (van or covered pickup) is required and the ability to lift heavy bundles of phonebooks. This is a great group fundraiser! Contact Linda in our distribution department at 1-800-663-8555.

Help Wanted

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122

Managers Position Available Must be self-motivated, energetic and personable The Successful Candidate will be proficient with Simply Accounting all aspects of Office Duties and Bar Management Must be bondable and carry a "serving it right" certificate Job Sharing available but not mandatory

Drop resumes off at The Royal Canadian Legion 1011 - 11th Ave S Golden or Fax to 250-344-6243 or E-mail to Secretary@

Full time (40hrs/week) Shift Work Nights/Overnights/ Early Mornings/Weekends $10.25/hr + benefits Fax resume to 250-439-1963 or Apply in person to: Bolico Holdings Ltd. dba Tim Hortons 1421 Trans Canada Hwy. Golden, BC V0A 1H2 250 439-1964

REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY A FULL TIME BULK FUEL DELIVERY DRIVER Golden, B.C. Requirements: • Valid B.C. Class 1 or Class 3 Clean Drivers license. • Current drivers abstract • Minimum 3 years mountain winter driving experience • Previous propane and bulk fuel delivery experience preferred • A positive attitude • A commitment to safety • Excellent customer service • Above average Team Player Cal-Gas Inc. oers a competitive wage along with a comprehensive beneďŹ t plan. If you are interested in this career opportunity please fax your resume and current drivers abstract to 250-344-5823. Or email Only successful candidates will be contacted for interviews. Please no phone calls.

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #122

Bartender Positions Available Part Time


Sex and the Kitty

Help Wanted

Graymont’s Pavilion Plant is accepting applications for an Industrial Electrician. Candidate must possess current B.C. Red Seal certification. Preference will be given to well-rounded individuals willing to also perform other nonelectrical maintenance work as part of the maintenance team. A background in lime or cement industry along with computer and or PLC skills is preferred as well as a proven track record of developing and maintaining a safe work culture. Additional skills required: t &MFDUSJDJBO XJUI JOEVTUSJBM FYQFSJFODF SFRVJSFE UP XPSL BU UIF (SBZNPOU 1BWJMJPO Lime Plant. t .VTU CFDPNF FOHBHFE JO DPOUJOVPVT JNQSPWFNFOU BOE XJMMJOH UP XPSL JO B UFBN environment. t 3FHVMBS TIJGUT XJMM CF IST EBZ GSPN .POEBZ UP 'SJEBZ o TUFBEZ EBZ TIJGU t .VTU CF XJMMJOH UP XPSL PWFSUJNF XIFO SFRVJSFE t 8BHFT BOE CFOFĂśUT BT QFS UIF DPMMFDUJWF BHSFFNFOU t -PDBUFE JO 1BWJMJPO # $ TJUVBUFE CFUXFFO $BDIF $SFFL BOE -JMMPPFU # $ Qualified applicants please submit your resume to: or Graymont Pavilion Plant Attn: Dan Buis P.O. Box 187 Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0

Must be self-motivated, energetic and personable Shifts - 3 or 4 per week to be discussed at interview Wages $9.00/hour Must carry a "serving it right" certificate Drop resumes off at The Royal Canadian Legion 1011 - 11th Ave S Golden or Fax to 250-344-6243 or E-mail to Secretary@ Does your club need a meeting place? Call 250-344 -6214 Tuesdays - Free Pool Fridays - -Meat Draw - 5:30 Saturdays - Meat Draw - 5:00 All members and Bona Fide Guests Welcome


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Golden Star





Pets & Livestock

Merchandise for Sale


Home Care/Support


Trades, Technical

Trades, Technical


Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

AUTOMATED TANK Manufacturing Inc. is looking for Welders. Due to a huge expansion to our plant located in Kitscoty, Alberta, 20 km west of Lloydminster. We have openings for 10-3rd Year Apprentices or Journeyperson Welders. We offer best wage in industry. 3rd Year Apprentice $28-$30/hour, Journeyperson $32-$35/hour, higher with tank experience. Profit sharing bonus plus manufacturing bonus incentive. Full insurance package 100% paid by company. Good working environment. Join a winning team. Call Basil or Blaine at: (office)780-846-2231; (fax)780846-2241 or send resume to Keep your feet on the ground in a safe welding environment through inhole manufacturing process. No scaffolding or elevated work platform.

SOUTH ROCK is hiring for: Paving Personnel (raker, screed, general labourers); Heavy Equipment Operators. Send resume to: or 403-568-1327.

Spotted Dog Rescue. Call 250-344-5524.

Oil furnace for sale, good condition, incl. tank. 250-344-6260 SAWMILLS FROM only $3997 - Make money and save money with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info and DVD: 400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT STEEL BUILDINGS. Reduced prices now! 20x22 $4,455. 25x26 $4,995. 30x38 $7,275. 32x50 $9,800. 40x54 $13,995. 47x80 $19,600. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422.

For rent - 2 & 3 Bdr Mobile Home Apartments on 46 acres on Anderson Rd. $1000/mth incl heat & hydro. Pets welcome. 250-344-8551.

Home Share Providers needed in Golden. For more info contact Susan Nicholson @ 250-427-0540

Income Opportunity EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate openings. Easy computer work, other positions are available. can be done from home. No experience needed.

Trades, Technical Certified Utility Arborists and 2nd yr Apprentice Utility Arborists wanted immediately for clearing in and around energized lines in lower mainland & interior regions. Competitive wage & benefit package. Call Matt for details 250-308-6033.

Initial volumes to cover 4 to 6 months; longer terms available. Ideal opportunity for experienced loggers with a track record of production efficiencies i.e. production per day, on-grade output. Competitive rate package plus bonus offered. Please reply to: P. O. Box 155 C/O BC Classifieds #102-5460 152nd St. Surrey BC V3S 5J9

Help Wanted


3 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS Permanent, Full-Time, On Call, Shift, Overtime, Weekends, Days, Evenings $10.50/hr. 40 hr/week with benefits. Will train. Skills: - high school diploma - must speak, read, and write English - good communication skills and must work well with others. -good computer skills. Duties: - Refueling vehicles - Receiving payments - Performing minor vehicle service and maintenance. - Work well under pressure in a fast-paced environment. MUST BE FLEXIBLE AND RELIABLE Email of fax resume to: ATTENTION: MR. HUMAYAN ASLAM at Fax 250-344-6308

POWER tool mechanic FT position in the Okanagan valley. Mechanical aptitude necessary. Apply with resume and cover letter to PROFESSIONAL JOB Opportunities. Troyer Ventures Ltd. is a privately owned energy services company servicing Western Canada. All job opportunities include competitive wages and a comprehensive benefit plan. We are accepting applications at multiple branches for: Professional Drivers (Class 1, 3). Successful candidates will be self-motivated and eager to learn. Experience is preferred, but training is available. Valid safety tickets, clean drug test, and a drivers abstract are required. For more information and to apply on these opportunities and additional postings visit our employment webpage at: employment-opportunities

Help Wanted

School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) Quest for Quality School District No. 6 (Rocky Mountain) Golden Zone invites applications from persons interested in being on our Casual Employment List for the following classi¿cations: 1. School Bus Drivers – This is bus driving work in the operation of school buses used to transport students on prescribed routes within the School District; the employee may also participate in the busing of students on curricular and extracurricular ¿eld trips both inside and outside the district. Applicants must have completion of the 12th school grade, or equivalent, minimum 5 years driving experience and an acceptable driving abstract; valid Class 2 Drivers license for the Province of British Columbia with an air brake endorsement (may be required); First Aid training would be an asset. 2. Custodians – This is manual work involving the cleanliness and security of district buildings. The work may include dealing with public use of school facilities. Once an employee becomes familiar with a clearly de¿ned work schedule, the work is performed with minimal supervision. Usually, this job is performed after regular school hours and generally alone. Applicants must have completion of the 12th school grade, or equivalent is required as well as completion of the Board provided training program. If you are interested in being considered for the above casual position(s), please send a complete resume, including three references, by Friday, October 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. to: Meghan O’Neill Human Resources Co-ordinator P.O.Box 430 Invermere, BC V0A 1K0 (250) 342-9243 (tel) / (250) 342-6966 (fax) / e-mail: We would like to thank all applicants for their interest, but only those under consideration will be contacted. All successful applicants will be subject to a criminal record search.


Health Products OPEN HOUSE. Join this week for only $9.95 a week. Lose weight quickly and safely and keep it off, results guaranteed! Call Herbal Magic today! 1800-854-5176.

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. MONEYPROVIDER.COM $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660.

Legal Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, & Affordable. Our A+BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT & TRAVEL FREEDOM. Call for FREE INFO. BOOKLET

1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366)

Electrical AERIAL CONTRACTORS LTD. Power line systems built to BC Hydro standards. EC# 19806. 1-800-661-7622.

Misc Services Infinity’s Window Cleaning; Disc Golf; 2 Acreages for sale on North Bench. Call 250-348-2351

Merchandise for Sale

Appliances GE fridge & self-cleaning stove for sale. Good condition. $350 obo. 250-344-4777.

Firewood/Fuel FIREWOOD for sale. Call 250-344-7677. Moberly Wood Products Pellets - $235/ton - Tax incl. Birch, split & dry $40/pallet = 1/5 cord. Lots of lumber shorts, clear 1x4, good for hobby projects. 250-344-5119

Garage Sales Garage/Estate Sale at 1126 8th St S (between Sears and the Mad Trapper). Sept 29, 10am-4pm, household items, furniture, appliances, light fixtures, etc. Great Garage Sale Sat. Sep. 29th 10am - 1 pm 708 8th St. lots & lots of stuff Huge Block Garage Sale 1040 - 9 ave N (Kicking Horse Trailer Court) Sat Sept. 29th 9am - 1pm 25 to 30 sale tables Large Garage Sale Unit #7, 1117 10th Ave N (Kicking Horse trailer park) 9am-4pm Sat Sept 29th Saturday Sept 29 9:00-3:00 1309 Selkirk Dr. Household items, Christmas decorations, antiques

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs”20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB Older International TD92 6 cyl, turbo dsl,bulldozer. Goodworking, perfect for acreage, $4700. 1952 GMC 3 ton dump truck, w/grain box, new engine 2000k, mechanical and body good, $950. 250-344-6532.

Misc. for Sale

Pets & Livestock




$30/yd delivered in Golden area. Pick up at the yard - $25/yd, we load you. Also mature fine mulch & forest wood chippings. Call John 439-9798 days, 344-2160 evenings. Samples available.

Little Mittens Animal Rescue Association. Email info@littlemittensanimal or call Alannah 250-290-0279 or Dianne 250-344-7691.

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837



JERSEY/HOLSTEIN milk cow for sale with calf; excellent quality and temperament. Freshened Sept 14; second calf; $1,900 Call 250-428-6264




AT # 5 - 492 ARROW ROAD, INVERMERE, B.C. (by airport) Sat, September 29, 2012, at 11:00 a.m. SHARP! Complete liquidation of all showroom displays, appliances and interior decorating items as well as their office and lunch room fixtures and displays. All showroom items are new and were used for display only! Also up for sale are all shop contents, such as molding, side panels and cabinet doors, tools and misc. as well as 1 TCM forklift, 1992 Chevy 3500HD Cube Van and 1997 GMC 4WD pickup w/canopy. FOR COMPLETE LISTING AND PICTURES GO TO Sale conducted by HIGH COUNTRY AUCTIONS, Invermere, B.C., 250-341-5316.

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

Real Estate Acreage for Sale 11 & 1/2 acre parcel 10 mins south of Golden, east side of the Rockies. Drilled well, flat building site, good access. Survey plan available. 1-250-769-4288 or

Apt/Condos for Sale FULLY furnished, 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom newer condo at Lake Windermere Pointe, outdoor pool, 2 hot tubs, exercise room in amenities building, 2 minute walk to beach, close to shopping, restaurants. One underground parking stall. No pets, non smoking unit. Call Sandi 403-888-5318. Email

Business for Sale The Timbermill Restaurant For Sale In Golden Contact Don Rosodi 250-344-0733.

Commercial/ Industrial Property Riverfront Commercial property for sale. 403-405 9 Ave. N Golden. Great Location, Location, Location. $399,969. Open to offers. 250-344-5008 or 344-2775.

Mobile Homes & Parks 2006 mobile home, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 14x70, good condition. For sale, rent, or rent to own. Call 250-348-2105. 3 bdrm mobile home 1049 King Cr. to view or make an offer. Call 250-439-1919.

Open Houses 2 Homes on 1 acre For Sale Open House Sun Sept 30 12-5pm 903 Ryter Rd W

Townhouses #7 Parkland Gardens Completely renovated, 3 Bdr, 1 1/2 bath, new cabinets, new flooring & paint throughout. $950/mth + util - electric heat, dd $475, references required, no pets. Call 250-344-5508.

Other Areas BUY LAND In Belize. English Commonwealth country in Central America. Large land tracts, seafront properties, Caribbean lots, all types available. For information call Patrick Snyder, 778-403-1365.

Rental Units avail. Close to downtown. Call (250)344-8919 Sherri, Highland Property Management Ltd. Real Estate. ROSEWOOD Apts. 1309 12 St. S. 2 Bdr apt avail in nice location. Close to all amenities and College. Hardwood laminate throughout with storage & hot water. Laundry facilities & security entrance. Sorry no pets, N/S, no parties. 250-290-0056. Twin Rivers - 2 bdrm apts. No parties, N/S, no pets. Laundry facilities, Security doors. Best Deal in Town! 250-344-8113. Two Bdr apt available now. Non smoking. Age 55+ apartment building. Call Laura 250-344-6233.

Apartment Furnished 1&2 bdr. furnished suites. Utilities included. Close to amenities. No pets, parties. DD. Internet available. 250-344-8429, or 344-0604. CLEAN, new and nice basement suite. Furnished if needed. Avail Oct 1st. $700/month. 250-344-2246 or FULLY FURNISHED all inclusive bachelor suite. View at or call 344-7001.

Commercial/ Industrial 1400 sq. ft. Store Front retail space available for lease or rent. Beside Body Quest Gym and Turning Point. Call 250-344-7876. Golden COMMERCIAL BUILDING 3100 sq. ft. of Retail Space Located DOWNTOWN Excellent High Traffic Area Plenty of Parking 250-344-6710

Duplex / 4 Plex 3 bdr upstairs 1/2 Duplex. Clean, in town. W/D, dishwasher & garage. Avail Nov 1. $1075, util incl. Refs. No pets. 250-344-5398. Newer 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath half duplex with garage, balcony, propane fireplace. Appliances including dishwasher. $1495/month plus utilities. No pets, no parties. Long term mature reliable tenants preferred. Damage Deposit and references required. Please telephone 250-344-6710.

Misc for Rent

FOR RENT Visit our website for complete rental listings Property Management Division Alice Dahlberg, CPM 250-344-2418 or 250-344-8581 (cell) Each of¿ce is independently owned & operated.

Rentals Acreage Grazing /Farm land available for lease. Approx. 200 acres south of Golden on Highway 95. Telephone 250-344-6710.

Apt/Condo for Rent 2 Bdr ground floor, private entrance apartment. $850/mth incl util. Call 250-344-2561 or 344-9882. 3 Bdr. Apt close to Lady Grey school. Newly renovated. Avail now. $850/mth. 250-344-8205 or 344-0725

In Golden; 1100 sq. ft Basement Suite. Util, w/d incl. $900/mth. Avail Aug 1. Also shared accom avail immediately. $450 all incl. 403-820-0785.

Mobile Homes & Pads 2 Bdr Mobile Home in Nicholson with beautiful view. Easy access to Community bus. $700/mth + util. 250-344-3104.

The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A23

Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rentals Mobile Homes & Pads For Rent or Sale - Newer Mobile @ Mountain Shadows. 2 Bdr, 2 bath. Walk-in closet. W/D/F/S, DW. Very spacious, Large deck, brand new furnace. $800/mth. 250-344-1170.

Homes for Rent 2 Bdr bsmt suite 1116 12 St. (Av. immed.) 2 Bdr ground level 1112 12 St. Av. Oct 15. 250344-5626

2 Bdr House for rent, across from Overwaitea, avail. Oct 1. References required. Please call 250-344-6411 2 Bedroom house on acreage at Castledale on Hwy 95, south of Golden. $825/month plus utilities. No parties, no illegal activities. Long term mature reliable tenants preferred. References and Damage Deposit required. Please telephone 250-344-6710. 2 Bedroom renovated older house, downtown Golden. No pets or parties. References and Damage Deposit required. Long-term preferred. $950/mth + utilities. Located on a large commercial lot and is suitable for business use also. Telephone 250-344-6710. 3 Bdr house in town with fridge & stove. Also 1 Bdr suite. No pets. Avail now. Call 344-1599 or 344-8429 3 Bdr House on 6 acres for rent in Blaeberry. Great views, clean, recently reno’d. F/S/W/D. $1000 + util & DD. Pets, incl. horses negotiable. NS. References. 250-8331498 5 Bdr 2 Bath house on 2 levels in Golden. Large yard. Long term preferred. Damage Deposit and References required. $1495/mth + utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. Beautiful mountain home for rent. 5 Bdr, 3 bath. Spacious deck and yard. Large shed/workshop. For more info visit or call 250-439-8099 BEAUTIFUL NEWER HOUSE FOR RENT IN THE SLOCAN LAKE AREA. AVAILABLE OCT 1st • 4 Bedroom-2 Bath on 2 Acres • Red Mtn. Road above SILVERTON w/ Valhalla views + quiet privacy • N/S , Open to animals • 10 min. drive to Slocan Lake and Village amenities • Storage, treehouses, good access all year round • Minimum 6 mnth Lease • W/D Hookups, F/S plus Earth -Woodstove • $1100 negotiable with proper care of house, land + gardens • Open to work trades on property • References Required • Secure Income Essential • Serious Inquiries Only Call: 250-362-7681 or Mobile 250-231-2174 Email: monikas_2010@

Duplex for Rent 3 Bdrs up, 2 down. Located in residential area close to everything. Fenced yard, W/D hookup. Call 250-344-5996. For Rent - 716 8th Street Main floor 3 Bdr, 1 1/2 Bath, f/p in living rm, laundry rm downstairs, electric heat, carport, mature tenant, no pets. $1200/mth, DD $600. Call 250-344-5508 Fully furnished 3 Bdr with carport on private acreage, 7km south of Golden. Fabulous view of the valley. All util & snow removal incl. Avail Nov 1 to April 30. Dates are flexible. Rental contract @ $1200/mth, based on 2 occupants. 250-344-2422. Email





Homes for Rent

Auto Financing


Legal Notices

New 2 Bdr basement suite, clean, close to all amenities. No pets. $700/month. Please call 250-344-5648 Newer 1 Bedroom cabin with loft, sitting on a full basement on an acreage south of Golden. $925/month + utilities. No parties, no illegal activities. Long term, mature, reliable tenants preferred. References and damage deposit required.


Your Cabin on the Lake

Unique little cabin for rent on Blaeberry River. Nov 7 - Apr 30 for a quiet winter retreat. Great for one person or a couple. $750/month includes utilities. No smokers, NP, pets maybe, furnished, internet. 250-344-2114.

Rooms for Rent CLEAN rooms available. Mature adults only. No parties. 250-344-2444. Room in house. W/D, cable, wireless internet. Two blocks from all amenities. $525 all inclusive. Winter rate. Call 250-290-0110.

Storage BLAEDEN SELF STORAGE Household storage rentals. Several sizes to choose from. Competitive prices. 24 HOUR ACCESS. Phone or leave a message 250-344-2289. S TA S H YO U R S T U F F. C O M Storage spaces of different sizes starting at $40/month including heated units. 250-344-3104.

Suites, Lower 2 Bdr Apt bottom floor, 1 step, downtown. No pets, dishwasher, w/d hookup. Very clean, excellent condition. $725. Avail Sept 1. 250-344-0222. 2 Bdr. basement suite. No pets, no parties, N/S. Laundry facilities. Available Oct 1. 250-344-0604 Ground level. Excellent shape one bedroom. Located downtown. Great walking distance for all amenities. Has w/d hook up. Has dishwasher. $625. 344-0222. Lg 1 Bdr suite for rent. Private entrance, private back yard. N/P, N/S. $800/mth, dep. on occupancy + DD, references. Avail Oct 1. Leave msg 604-356-2543.

No. S127700 New Westminster Registry IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BETWEEN: Capital One Bank Plaintiff AND: Bruno Bryniarski also known as Bruno J. Bryniarski Defendant

Please telephone 250-344-6710.

The Kootenay Queen •

Motorcycles Reduced $1400 OBO was $3800 new.

Gas Highway Bike150cc, 498 km. Kept in garage. Like new. Great commuter bike Top speed 140 km. 250-344-6002


1976 30ft cabin cruiser with a 185 merc • Full galley (fridge, stove, sink, furnace, toilet) • Fold down table for a queen sized bed • Fold up bunk beds • VHF radio • Hull is sound, galley is dated. • Low draft • 200 hrs on new engine • A great boat that needs some TLC $12,000.00 invested $8000 OBO Call 250-362-7681 or Cell 250-231-2174 email monikas_2010@ 4 more information & to view

For Sale - 1998, 27’ Sportsmaster Travel Trailer. Sleeps up to 8 People. Twin Bunks, Pull-out Couch, Table Folds Down, Queen Pillow-top Mattress in Front Bedroom. Air Conditioner, 3 Burner Stove, Oven, Spacious Bathroom, 2 x 30lb Propane Tanks. Very Clean and in Excellent Condition! Asking $9,700. Located in Nakusp. Please call 250-265-9990 or email: for more info.

ADVERTISEMENT (Rule 22-3 of the Supreme Court Civil Rules applies to all forms) TO: Bruno Bryniarski also known as Bruno J. Bryniarski TAKE NOTICE THAT on August 1, 2012 an order was made for service on you of a Notice of Application to be heard November 1, 2012, Affidavit in Support, and Application Record Index issued from the New Westminster Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia in proceeding number S127700 by way of this advertisement. In the proceeding, the Plaintiff claim(s) the following relief against you: the Registrar’s Report dated January 17, 2012 be confirmed, the Defendant’s interest in lands located at 612 Habart Rd, Golden, BC, V0A 1H2 be sold and distributed in accordance to the Registrar’s Report dated January 17, 2012, and Conduct of Sale in favour of the Plaintiff. You must file a responding pleading/response to Notice Application within the period required under the Supreme Court Civil Rules failing which further proceedings may be taken against you without notice to you.


Fight Back. Volunteer your time, energy and skills today.

You may obtain from the New Westminster Registry at 651 Carnarvon Street, New Westminster, B.C., a copy of the Notice of Application, Affidavit in Support, Application Record Index and the order providing for service by this advertisement. This advertisement is placed by the Plaintiff, whose address for service is 10325 – 150th Street, Surrey, B.C., V3R 4B1, Fax 604-588-8800.

Suites, Upper 2 Bdr partially furnished. 5 mins south. $700/mth. No pets. Refs required. 250-344-2417. Bachelor suite, upper floor, balcony. Hydro, heat & Wifi incl. N/S, DD, no parties, no pets. $600 / 1 person or $650 / 2 persons. Avail. Oct 1. Call 250-355-2443 or 250-348-2591 Two Bedroom walk-out suite with garage FOR RENT. Furnished $1100 (all inclusive). Across from Nicholson school. Call Evelyn at 250-344-1372.

Townhouses 3 BDR 2 bath Townhouse. Balcony & propane fireplace. Appliances incl. dishwasher. Family preferred. References & Damage Deposit. $1495/month plus utilities. Telephone 250-344-6710. Furnished townhouse in town. Util.incl. W/D, internet, sat TV. Oct 1. Couples pref. 519-5661132 or


Auto Financing


Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices


Graphic Design

An application has been received by the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch, Victoria, BC, from Kicking Horse Adventures Ltd., operating the Winston Family Room at 1593 Cache Close, Golden, BC, to change the hours of sale from the currently approved hours between 9:00 am and 12:00 midnight, Monday through Sunday to 9:00 am and 2:00 am Monday through Sunday and to allow for patron participation entertainment.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to explore life in a growing mountain community while gaining experience as a graphic designer, this is the position for you. We are looking for a team player who isn’t afraid to take initiative. The successful candidate will have experience creating and designing advertising layouts. The selected individual will be skilled in In-Design, PhotoShop & Illustrator and have a good understanding of the printing production process. Salary will commensurate with experience. Preference will be given to candidates with recent and relevant experience. We offer an excellent benefits package (including medical/ dental ). Send resume with cover letter and work related references to:

Residents and owners of businesses located within a .8 kilometre (1/2 mile) radius of the proposed site may comment on this proposal by writing to:

PETITIONS AND FORM LETTERS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. To ensure the consideration of your views, your letter must be received on or before October 20, 2012. Your name and address must be included. DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

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HOUSE FOR RENT in Nicholson, 1 acre corner lot, 4 Bdr, 1 1/2 bath, 5 appl., propane heat, utilities not included. Avail Sept. 30th $1300/mth. Call 250-939-8116 Looking for a winter retreat? 2 Bedroom cottage on Blaeberry River perfect for peace and quiet. No smokers, NP, pets maybe, furnished, internet, woodstove. $850/month plus utilities. Available Nov 1 Apr 30. Call 250-344-2114. A31

Please note that your comments may be made available to the applicant or local government officials where disclosure is necessary to administer the licensing process.

Michele LaPointe Publisher 5IF (PMEFO 4UBS t " UI "WF / #PY (PMEFO #$ 7 " ) e-mail:


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

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The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A25

It’s skating season!

The Golden Figure Skating Club had their first practice on Sept. 4. For some it was their first time on skates. The regular skating schedule started last week, but registration is still open. Call Chantelle at 250-344-5656 for details. For these skaters it is a fast start with the first competition taking place in Kamloops on Oct. 12 to 14. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Goal to take run at championship Rockets continue to struggle early in season Darryl Crane

Jessica Schwitek After a disappointing opening weekend that saw two losses to the Columbia Valley Rockies, the Golden Rockets were hoping to turn things around on the road in Fernie against the Ghostriders. They were unsuccessful, and fell 8-2 against Fernie. The teams traded power play goals in the first period, Braeden Monk striking first for Fernie after Golden’s Felix Larouche took a penalty for boarding. Rockets Captain Brett DeFrias answered back with the man advantage less than four minutes later. An early short-handed goal from the Ghostriders in the middle frame set the tone for the rest of the game. The Ghostriders would tally three more in

the second, and another three in the third. Golden’s only other goal of the night came in the third period from Felix Larouche, short-handed. The Rocket’s did pick up their first fight of the season. Forward Connor Beauchemin squared off against Fernie’s Brendan Burge nine minutes into the third period. In the end, Golden gave up nine power plays, and were outshot by Fernie 48-22. The Rockets are returning home for two games this weekend, first against the Kimberley Dynamiters on Friday Sept. 28, and then against the Columbia Valley Rockies on Saturday Sept. 19. The team will also be playing in the Golden Rockets Alumni Game on Sunday Sept. 30. See page 23 for details.

In his second year with the Golden Rockets Brandon Shirley already sees a very different team taking to the ice. “There are fewer rookies and I think we have a better team. We may have weaknesses but they are in areas where we can work on,” Shirley said. “Experience is important. They know our power plays and penalty kill systems.” The player from Salmon Arm said he spent the summer training hard and preparing for the season. “I definitely know what to expect in the game play and speed,”

he said. “I have been looking forward to getting the season going this year,” he said. As for the goals of the team Shirley thinks everyone is expecting more from the Rockets this year. “I think our goals are higher. This is Ty’s third year coaching and he is expecting more from the team,” he said. This year Shirley is hoping to double his point total from last season, and maybe even more if things go well. “I want to win the Eddie Mountain division and hopefully the whole KIJHL.” As for coming back to Golden the returning player stressed how much he enjoys the area.

Brandon Shirley Golden Rockets “I like Golden. I like Ty as a coach. I like being here with the

guys who are nice to be around and the locals are friendly.”

Golden Rockets Alumni Game Sunday, September 30th at 1:00pm! Golden Rockets VS. Kimberley Dynamiters

Golden Rockets VS. Columbia Valley Rockies






Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

Terry Hambruch has found multiple creative outlets Darryl Crane If you’ve been to the Farmer’s Market at all this year, you’ve probably seen this local artist’s work. Terri Hambruch has taken a passion for creating and has turned it into something her whole family can get involved with. Hambruch works with a variety of mediums including beads, stained glass, knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving, decoupage, needle work and more. Hambruch said she believes she has many different interests because she is Gemini. “I get bored with something very easily. So I have a whole bunch of crafts that I cycle through,” she said. Over the past 10 years Hambruch has taken to one hobby in particular,

Local artist Terry Hambruch, pictured right, works with a variety of mediums including glass, which she uses to make jewelry, pictured above. Darryl Crane/Star Photo beading. It is definitely a passion of hers. “I like making stuff and doing something with my hands. My mom taught me to knit when I was 15. I got into doing

glasswork and it was a natural progression through stained glass to working with the beads,” she said. In her first year selling at one of the local

markets, the reaction to Hambruch’s beautiful creations has been very positive. “They really like it. Glass is such a beautiful medium. Even before

you do anything with it, it is beautiful,” she said.



This notice is published pursuant to section 4 of the Recall and Initiative Act. Approval in principle has been granted on an application for an initiative petition. The petition will be issued to proponent Dana Larsen on Monday, November 19, 2012 and signature sheets must be submitted to the Chief Electoral Officer by Monday, February 18, 2013. The Title of the Initiative is: An initiative to amend the Police Act. Summary of Initiative: The initiative draft Bill entitled, “Sensible Policing Act” proposes to amend the Police Act to no longer use provincial police resources on the enforcement of current laws in relation to simple possession and use of cannabis by adults. The draft law would prohibit the use of provincial police resources for this purpose, would require police to report in detail to the Minister of Justice any actual use of resources for this purpose and why it was necessary, and require the Minister to publish that report. The Bill also proposes that the Province would call upon the Federal Government to repeal the federal prohibition on cannabis, or give British Columbia an exemption, such that British Columbia is able to tax and regulate cannabis similar to the regulation of alcohol and tobacco. As well it proposes that British Columbia shall establish a Provincial Commission to study the means and requirements necessary for the province to establish a legal and regulated model for the production and use of cannabis by adults. Last, the Bill would make non-lawful possession and use of cannabis by minors an offence similar to possession and use of alcohol.

Initiative Advertising: Individuals or organizations who sponsor initiative advertising, other than the proponent and registered opponents, must register with the Chief Electoral Officer before they conduct or publish initiative advertising. Registration applications are available from Elections BC. Who May Sign the Petition: Registered voters as of Monday, November 19, 2012 may sign the initiative petition. Individuals may only sign the petition once, and must sign the petition sheet for the electoral district in which they are registered at the time of signing. Signed petitions are available for public inspection. For More Information: The initiative application and draft Bill are available for public inspection on the Elections BC website and at the Elections BC office at the address below. Location: Suite 100 – 1112 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C Mailing Address: PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9J6 Phone: Toll-free: Fax: Email: Website:

250-387-5305 1-800-661-8683 250-387-3578

Opponent Registration: Individuals or organizations who intend to incur expenses as opponents must apply for registration with the Chief Electoral Officer by Monday, October 22, 2012. Registration applications for opponents are available from Elections BC.

Selling at the local markets started out when Hambruch’s husband Chris and daughter Dassie realized that they enjoyed selling her work. “I decided if they enjoyed doing that then I would make things for them to sell,” she said. “Those two enjoy so much sitting at the market that I gave them something to sell.” At the end of the market season Hambruch admitted that she had

sold much more than she had originally anticipated when the idea first came up. Hambruch will be selling her glass works and other hand made items at the Christmas craft fair this year and has plans to add more items to her table in the future. Look for her table at the Christmas Craft Faire, taking place this year on November 16 and 17.



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The Golden Star Wednesday, September 26, 2012 A27

Workers from the Donald Bridge Project (pictured above), including Flat Iron’s Scott Morrison (pictured below right) came out for the 50th anniversary celebration of the Trans Canada Highway on Sept. 21. MLA Bill Bennett and MP David Wilks (pictured below left) spoke at the event, which included a vintage car show featuring cars from Golden and Revelstoke. Jessica Schwitek/Star Photo

Countless gather for Trans Canada Highway celebration Jessica Schwitek Highway workers, past and present, dignitaries and citizens from the towns of Golden and Revelstoke invaded the new Donald Bridge to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Trans Canada Highway opening. After simultaneous celebrations in both towns, which included a vintage car show, the cars travelled in a motorcade to the soon-to-be-open Donald Bridge. "Diefenbaker made history 50 years ago," said emcee MLA Bill Bennet, who described the opening of the Trans Canada as the "fulfillment of a Canadian dream." Kootenay-Columbia MP David Wilks spoke at the ceremony. As a former RCMP officer from Golden, he shared memories of countless truck drivers who didn't quite make the curve at the west entrance of the old Donald Bridge, and ended up in the river below. "Thank you to all the workers who made this bridge possible," he said. "It will undoubtedly enhance road safety." The new bridge has four lanes, and a gentler curve at the west entrance. “This is one of the most challenging winter environments anywhere,” said Bennet. “This is expensive construction, but it is important construction.” The Donald Bridge Project, part of the larger fourlaning provincial initiative from Golden to Kam-

loops, was a $63-million project ($33 million provincial funding, and $30 million federal funding), that will have taken nearly two years by the time it is completed. Bennett and Wilks unveiled two plaques at the event. One commemorated the 50th anniversary of the highway, and the other paid homage to all the workers on the Donald Bridge Project, each of whom has their name on the plaque. "Your kids and your grandkids will be able to come here and see your names on that plaque," said Bennett. "This has been a very special project for us," said Scott Morrison with Flat Iron, the company responsible for the construction of the Donald Bridge. "Ninety per cent or more of our workers came from Golden, and that makes it that much more special." The bridge will be open in a matter of weeks, and then the demolition of the old Donald Bridge will begin. The crowd on the bridge stayed after the presentation as Flat Iron hosted a barbecue on the bridge, served by Wilks and Bennett. The bridge was lined on either side with vintage cars from Golden and Revelstoke, serving as a reminder of the vehicles that drove on the Trans Canada Highway when it was opened 50 years ago by then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. Wilks quoted the former Prime Minister in his speech. “Diefenbaker said, ‘May it serve to bring Canadians closer together.’ Those words still ring true today.”

You are invited to experience chocolate like never before!

Prestige Inn the Purcell Room 1049 trans Canada Hwy Golden

September 26, 2012 Show at 6pm FREE CHOCOLATE SAMPLES For more information, please call Darlene 403-861-9543 Hosted BY ALLAN MILLER

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012 The Golden Star

RE/MAX of Golden 250-344-7663

Garry Oddy (250) 344-7234

Norma Crandall (250) 344-0275

$299,000 625 Habart Road

NEW 2 bedrooms

2 baths


545 Day Road

5.88 acres

5 bedrooms 1 bath 1,620sqft .42 acre

$338,900 1602 Gareb Road 2 baths

12 acres

3 bedrooms

3 baths


80 acres

4bdrms 1.5 baths 2,880sqft 1.73 acres


$259,000 711 - 8th Street 4 bedrooms

2 baths

2204 Holmes Deakin Road 1,170sqft


5.9 acres


1513 Cedar Street 5 bedrooms

3.5 baths


1 bath


$984,000 1614 Purcell Woods Close 3 bedrooms

2.5 baths


3 bedrooms

2bdrms 2 baths 2,600sqft 2.34 acres

3 baths



1 bath



4 bedrooms

3 Acreages Available

3 bedrooms

3 baths


1 bedroom

1.5 baths

4.83 acres

4bdrms 2 baths 2,037sqft 5.7acres

3 bedrooms

2 baths


from $149,900 to $255,000

1564 Quartz Crescent .289 acre



$499,900 7bdrms

3 baths



$235,000 7.91 acres

REDUCED 3 bedrooms

3 baths




2.5 baths


1669 Dogtooth Close

809 - 13th Street

1314 Pine Drive 3 bedrooms

.6 acre

Lot 1, Blaeberry Road




626 Habart Lower Road


6bdrms 4 baths 4,056sqft 3.19 acres


3 baths

$1,095,000 + HST 1592 Golden Avenue



$365,000 1402 Birch Crescent

Wiseman Road

2267 Neville Road


155 acres

from $189,900 to $449,000

2122 Highway #95, South


532 Anderson Road

2.45 acres

#15, 2924 Kicking Horse Road 1 acres


$269,900 1731 Highway #95, South

$299,000 3bdrms

$525,000 1956 Palumbo Heights Road

$300,000 #21, 1345 Aemmer Way

Dan Veselic (250) 344-1435


551 Highway #95, South

1309 Stoney Lane 2,200sqft

$319,900 3bdrms 1 bath




2827 Donald Road

714 Kostiuk Road


Barry Klassen (250) 344-0262

#3 Pinewood Mobile Home Park


2 baths


$299,000 2267 Holmes Deakin Road

3 baths

4 bedrooms

2 bedrooms

1618 Purcell Woods Close

Bob Tegart (250) 272-4321




4 bedrooms

1.5 baths



1435 Birch Crescent

3 bedrooms

“Side A” 1215 Alexander Drive

515, Trans Canada Highway

2477 Holmes Deakin Road 3bdrms 2 baths 2,492sqft 18.2 acres


#8, Parkland Gardens


$189,000 2890 Campbell Road

Marlon Chambers (250) 344-0735



#11, 2924 Kicking Horse Road

4 bedrooms 2 baths 2,064sqft 1.12 acres

3 bedrooms

Flec Demmon (250) 344-8451


3 bedrooms

2 baths




McMurdo Road

1556 Quartz Crescent

1735 Short Road

965 Oster Road

6 Acreages Available

.289 acre

4.94 acres

4 bedrooms 3 baths 3,600sqft 3.7 acres




1405-11th Avenue

Lot 1, Holmes Deakin Road

501 – 9th Street

Land, Buildings & Business

1.49 acres

Land and Building



2757 Big Bend Highway 2bdrms

1 bath


.43 acre

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