Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 03, 2012

Page 1

downtown decorating

more from Dr. Jane

Kimberley’s downtown fire hydrants got a new paint job this summer.

More from Jane Goodall’s visit.

painting the town

WednesDAY October 3, 2012

roots to shoots

See LOCAL NEWS page 4

See LOCAL NEWS page 3

The Bulletin

Proudly serving kimberley and area since 1932 | Vol. 79, Issue 183 |

I’ve moved! Kristin Smaldon

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deer issues

Talking deer with Minister Province in no position to provide research funding, communities told C AROLYN GR ANT

Photo contributed

The grade 8 students at Selkirk are fortunate to be part of the “Know Your Watershed” program sponsored by Columbia Basin Trust this Fall. Students will take part in two classroom sessions and a full-day trip that increase their knowledge and awareness of their watersheds and water-related issues in their communities. Student Action Projects are an encouraged outcome to connect with water stewardship opportunities in the community. Above, Mr. Challborn’s French 8 class out on a full day field trip. Mr. Stewart’s and Mr. Bates’ Science 8 classes will go out for their full days this week. Thanks to CBT and Patty Kolesnichenko for facilitating such a great learning opportunity for the grade 8’s.

The common theme at UBCM C AROLYN GR ANT

If there was one over-riding theme at the UBCM conference in Victoria last week it was that the provincial government was not going to handing out a lot of money. “There was a definite theme of no money,” said Kimberley Mayor Ron McRae. “We heard it over and over. I don’t mean that



99 per person

to be critical — the province is on the ropes when it comes to finances. All the Ministers we spoke to were receptive to hearing what we had to say; at the Mayors’ Caucus we made it known that infrastructure funding was at the forefront. But there is no money.” Even Premier Christy Clark’s speech on Friday was pre-committing funds for the future,

McRae said. “That means essentially there is no capital money for two years. But they were hearing us — it’s just that given the financial constraints, they can’t commit to any funds right now.” Premier Clark announced several hundred million in future infrastructure funding for such projects as the George Massey Tunnel in Vancouver

and twinning of the Trans-Canada Highway from Kamloops to the Alberta border in her speech. Columbia River Revelstoke MLA Norm Macdonald (NDP) says that given all the talk about lack of funds at UBCM, there is a bit of a disconnect to promises of new funding.

See FUNDS, Page 5

Thanksgiving Dinner Dinner includes: Soup or salad, Turkey Dinner, Crème Brûlée Cheesecake or Sticky Toffee Pudding



1/2 litre of any specialty wine

At the Union of British Columbia Municipalities meeting in Victoria last week, Kimberley Mayor Ron McRae was in on a meeting with Minister of Environment Terry Lake and other communities facing an urban deer problem. McRae said what Mayor Ron McRae. the communities were presenting was essentially an invitation to the province to become a partner with affected communities, sponsoring research on how to better manage urban deer populations. “He listened to what we prevented, but it’s pretty clear there is no money available. He indicated that if individual communities wanted to do research, the province could help out but there is no money. He did ask us to continue to communicate and keep his Ministry updated as we move to the deer count this fall.” McRae says that in terms of a larger strategy the province isn’t in a position to provide funds. As it stands right now, Kimberley and Cranbrook are the only municipalities in the province to have done a cull. Invermere attempted one and ended up being challenged in court.

See DEER , Page 5

Sat, Oct. 6 to Mon, Oct. 8 from 4pm

Crème Brûlée Cheesecake

1417 CRANBROOK STREET N 250.426.3501

Page 2 wednesday, october 3, 2012

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Almanac Temperatures

High Low Normal ..........................15.5°.................1.2° Record......................22.4°/2003.........-5°/1999 Yesterday 17.5° 6.8° Precipitation Normal..............................................0.5mm Record...................................11.4mm/1995 Yesterday ...........................................0 mm This month to date..............................0 mm This year to date..........................349.6 mm Precipitation totals include rain and snow

A brighty sunny Sunday in Cranbrook’s Public Produce Garden, for the first annual potato picking party.


unrise 7 48 a.m. unset 7 13 p.m. oonset 12 35 p.m. oonrise 9 27 p.m.

Oct 8

Oct 21

Oct 15

Oct 29

Across the Region Tomorro w Prince George 11/-2 Edmonton 7/-5

Banff 4/-7 Kamloops 14/-1

Revelstoke 11/-2

Kelowna 14/-2 Vancouver 15/8


Celebration of the spud Townsman staff

Jasper 7/-4

Castlegar 13/-2


Yellowknife Whitehorse Vancouver Victoria Saskatoon Regina Brandon Winnipeg Thunder Bay S. Ste. Marie Toronto Windsor Ottawa Montreal Quebec City Fredericton

p.cloudy m.sunny sunny sunny showers showers showers p.sunny sunny sunny showers showers showers showers p.cloudy sunny

The World


tlanta Buenos ires etroit eneva avana ong ong iev ondon os ngeles Miami Paris Rome Singapore Sydney Tokyo Washington

p.cloudy sunny showers sunny tstorms sunny p.cloudy rain p.cloudy tshowers cloudy p.cloudy p.cloudy sunny rain tstorms

Calgary 6/-8

Cranbrook 9/-5


6/0 8/1 16/7 15/7 6/-5 7/-4 10/0 12/3 19/4 20/10 22/14 21/15 19/14 19/16 18/12 22/6

m.sunny p.cloudy sunny sunny p.cloudy p.cloudy p.cloudy cloudy rain showers cloudy p.sunny showers showers rain p.sunny

9/2 14/8 15/8 15/8 6/-9 6/-9 5/-4 5/1 9/2 19/5 22/10 23/9 21/11 22/14 15/12 17/11


26/15 17/12 18/12 17/12 32/23 29/26 21/13 13/12 23/16 31/25 18/12 24/15 32/26 26/17 21/21 28/20

p.cloudy p.cloudy p.cloudy cloudy p.cloudy p.cloudy cloudy p.cloudy p.cloudy tstorms rain sunny tstorms sunny p.cloudy cloudy

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The Weather Network 2012

Barry Coulter photo

The Cranbrook Food Action Committee celebrated the first harvest from Cranbrook’s Public Produce Garden, which was created this year. A potato picking party was held Sunday, September 30, to check out results of the garden’s first planting earlier this summer. Christian Kimber of Three Crows Farm in Cranbrook, who served as the garden’s manager, welcomed all and sundry to the event. And pointed out several partners who’d helped with the creation of the garden. These include the City of Cranbrook, the Cranbrook Rotary Club, and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. Grants were provided through the UBCM, the Rotary Club, Columbia Basin Trust and Cranbrook Foundation, to help with aspects like the fence surrounding the site and the waterlines. Kimber also praised the quality of the ground itself — a thick, black

Potatoes for all!

fertile loam. “It’s so easy to work with,” he said. “A real joy to work.” He added that the site had been created with room to expand, should the possibilities and need arise. City Councillor Gerry Warner, who brought greetings from Mayor Wayne Stetski, said one of the best things about the project was that it was community driven. “In this age where food comes from the supermarket, this gets us back in touch with where food really comes from,” Warner added. Pat Chisholm, and member of CFAC, also thanked the Community Connections Society of B.C., who provided support and infrastructure and helped with grant applications. After the speeches, the crowd set to digging, and the results proved to be true gems of the earth. Potatoes were set to boiling, and salads were created from herbs grown right on site. A composting workshop was also held.

Barry Coulter photo

Garden manager Christian Kimber harvests herbs.

Sharon Cross prepares potatoes for the feast.

Barry Coulter

Barry Coulter photo

daily townsman / daily bulletin

Local NEWS

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Page 3

Painting the town; fire hydrants get facelift For the Bulletin

Photos submitted

Above,Toni and Nigel Kitto (right and Kaity Brown provided a Star Warsthemed hydrant. outcome and would like to thank everybody for their participation and support. Christine Besold, the Arts Council’s administrator, would like to express a special “Thank You” to their summer student Kaity Brown. “She did a wonderful job organizing people and helping to paint the

hydrants during the final stages of the project. We couldn’t have done it without her.” David Bellm Insurances, BJ’s Restaurant and Togs’nToys generously sponsored prize money for the three best designs. Winners in order are: Spark’s Youth Centre (first place for “Alien”), Brittney

Bev Middlebrook with youth centre staff and youth painted an alien hydrant. Mclean (second place for her design of the

“Miner) and Christopher Kitto (third place

Cranbrook deer cull up in the air

Council is considering whether it proceeds with a second cull this winter as Invermere’s court battle continues. Sally MacDonald Townsman Staff

used – in Cranbrook, Kimberley and Invermere. So if the court decides there was something inappropriate or perhaps incomplete on that public process, potentially it would impact the future around public processes leading up to whatever decisions councils make.” In April, Cranbrook council voted five to two in favour of carrying out a second cull this winter of up to 50 deer. The decision followed a March motion that council would support relocation of urban deer if another party was prepared to pay the difference in the project’s cost. Both of those decisions still stand, Stetski said, although no group has expressed interest in a transplant. “If that is going to change – and potentially there are some reasons that may encourage council to change – we still would have to do that in a formal way.” The last count of Cranbrook’s urban deer was carried out on the morning of March 31, 2012, and recorded 121 deer within city limits – 74 mule and 47 white-tail. The average deer population density was 4.81 per square kilo-

metre. Mayor Stetski said the elected officials from several B.C. communities met with Terry Lake, Minister of Environment, last week at the annual Union of B.C. Municipalities convention. Mayors of Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere, Grand Forks and Penticton asked the minister to provide clear direction about what steps municipalities could take to deal with urban deer problems. “The province owns all the wildlife,” Stetski explained. “You need to get approval or permits to do anything with wildlife. So what we are saying to the province is: these are your deer. You need to make it very clear to municipalities what our options are, if any.” The mayors also asked the ministry to carry out research on transplants of urban deer, and for funding to help municipalities deal with urban deer. “Basically they said there is no money for funding. That part of the answer came back fairly quickly,” said Stetski.

Party on Thursday The wind up dinner for the Kootenay Rockies Tourism AGM and the retirement party for President Chris Dadson, are on Thursday, October 18, 2012 not Saturday as originally reported. The dinner will be at the Kimberley Conference and Athlete Training Centre at 6:30 p.m. You must be pre-registered for the conference to attend the dinner. The retirement party is at the Stemwinder beginning at 9 p.m.



Cranbrook may not carry out its planned second urban deer cull this winter. Mayor Wayne Stetski said Monday that council “needs to consider how we proceed” as the District of Invermere gets ready to face court over the deer cull it performed earlier this year. Last November, Cranbrook culled 25 urban deer – 11 white-tail and 14 mule – using clover traps. It was the first of three East Kootenay communities to carry out a cull with a license from the B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.

Kimberley culled 100 deer in January, and Invermere was set to cull 100 deer in February before a court injunction put a hold on the plans. The Invermere Deer Protection Society started a civil suit against the District of Invermere in February, claiming the district did not do enough public consultation prior to decided to carry out a call. The court injuction halted the cull for much of February, but the society’s request to extend the injuction failed and eventually Invermere was able to cull just 19 deer before its permit to euthanize 100 deer expired. Then in May, the Supreme Court of B.C. gave permission for the society’s civil suit against the district to continue. That case is still before the court, and it has legal implications for Cranbrook and Kimberley, according to Cranbrook Mayor Wayne Stetski. “(Invermere) has been taken to court over the public involvement process that was used by council to make the decision to cull 100 deer in Invermere’s case. That process that Invermere used is the same one that all of us

for “R2D2”). Congratulations and well done!


for a visit at Cominco Gardens: theirs got a facelift as well! City Council, the Kimberley Fire Department and the Kimberley Arts Council had to make the difficult decision of choosing 10 designs that would work and fit the criteria provided. They are very pleased with the final


While all of Kimberley’s fire hydrants got repainted with the traditional red paint this year, 10 selected hydrants in the Kimberley downtown area received special attention and ended up with a different type of facelift. This project has been in the planning stages for a while and finally, earlier this summer, an invitation was sent out to the public asking for design ideas. The actual painting of the hydrants took place during the last two weeks in August. One of people’s favourite designs is R2D2, which can be admired on the bottom of the stairway leading up to Selkirk Secondary School. By the entrance to the train station, a little miner is standing tall and an alien has “landed” at the north end of the Platzl. The hydrant across the post office is proudly covered in handprints by Kimberley volunteers, symbolizing the “Spirit of Volunteerism”. To see all of the unique designs, just take a stroll around the downtown area, and let’s not forget to stop in

Page 4 wednesday, october 3, 2012

daily bulletin

Local NEWS

Goodall encourages global connections with Roots and Shoots Jane Goodall urges youth and educators to make a difference in their communities and the world while in Cranbrook. Annalee Gr ant Townsman Staff

The stories and the opportunity to meet a living legend drew many to the Key City Theatre this past weekend to listen to Dr. Jane Goodall, but many came away inspired to make a change in their neighbourhoods. Goodall was in Cranbrook on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 thanks to the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) and a variety of local sponsors to talk about her Roots and Shoots program. Speaking to a group of local school children in school districts 5 and 6 Monday morning, Goodall encouraged them to start branches of Roots and Shoots in their schools. Goodall said Roots and Shoots began when she realized she was meeting many youth who had no hope for the future and felt their world had been harmed. “We’ve indeed compromised their future,” Goodall also told a more grown-up crowd on Sunday. “They wanted me to do something about it.” And so she did – she began empowering youth to take on three projects that could help humans, animals and the environment to learn how those three things are connected. The program blossomed from a meeting at Goodall’s home in Tanzania with 12 high school students in 1991. “It’s not true that there’s

Dr. Jane Goodall speaks to students. nothing we can do about it.” Goodall doesn’t expect everyone to make drastic changes in their lives, but rather encouraged her audiences to think about small changes they can make every day that would make a big difference. “We need to start thinking every day that what we do affects the future of our children,” she said. Through Roots and Shoots Goodall has appealed to teachers around the world asking them to simply listen to their students. She did just that at her speech to local educators on Sunday afternoon at the St. Eugene Mission, but again repeated her call for action with the public and students. The name Roots and Shoots is a symbolic one. Goodall said

Annalee Grant photo

the program is all about breaking down barriers and connecting engaged youth from around the world. She said the root and shoot of a seed can push through physical barriers to break through and grow. “Think of the rocks in the walls as all the problems we inflict on poor old Planet Earth,” Goodall said. “We love to build these barriers and Roots and Shoots is about taking them down.” All hope is not lost for Planet Earth, said Goodall. She has seen incredible things happen in the wild. “Once we let nature have a chance, it’s amazing how resilient it is,” she said. Goodall also believes in the “indomitable” human spirit, and pointed to legendary lead-

start making a ConneCtion with hi

ers like Martin Luther King Jr. Who stood up for what mattered regardless of what everyone else believed at the time. “People have stood up against the common belief,” she said. Goodall said the very youth she encourages to take action are the reason she continues to travel for more than 300 days a year. “How do you think I have the energy to travel?” she asked the group of teachers. One teacher from Nelson talked about the shooting of four grizzly bears in the area this summer. Goodall said a group of students in Africa near Mt. Kilimanjaro had a similar problem involving elephants being shot for trampling farmers’ fields. Goodall said through Roots and Shoots the two could be connected and discuss their problems together. “Roots and Shoots is about growing the family of man,” she said. A local Roots and Shoots group has already been running for several years in Canyon-Lister Elementary School. The program runs from prekindergarten all the way to university, and has been expanded for adults in prisons and seniors’ homes around the world. For more information on Roots and Shoots visit www. Susie MacDonald, program director for CBEEN’s Wild Voices for Kids addressed the group of students after Goodall and told them about local projects that fit in with the Roots and Shoots mandate available in the Columbia Basin from bat box building to stream keeping. The full list of available projects is available on cbeen. org/action.

Principal in IDPS lawsuit in breach of Securities Act Nicole Trigg Invermere Valley Echo

The face of the Invermere Deer Protection Society (IDPS) lawsuit against the District of Invermere (DOI) and his wife Monie Rahman have been found guilty of insider trading by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC). Shane Suman, who is named as one of the principals in the IDPS lawsuit filed against the DOI in February earlier this year, has been ordered by an OSC panel to surrender his illegal profits to the tune of $954,938.07and pay an administrative penalty of $250,000, and is permanently prohibited from acquiring or trading securities. Additionally, both Suman and Rahman are jointly responsible for $250,000 worth of costs awarded against them. “I think it’s relevant,” DOI mayor Gerry Taft told The Valley Echo on Wednesday (September 26). “He’s the actual person named on the lawsuit so in a legal sense he is actually the one suing the district… so also in a technical sense, if [the DOI] were to be awarded costs, if we were successful in getting the lawsuit defeated , we would have to try and get costs from him. “There’s a few other people trying to get money from him.” The panel found that Suman, who was a senior information technology professional at an Ontario reporting issuer (a company that issues documents proving ownership of investments), had tipped off his wife Rahman about his employer’s proposed acquisition of a US-listed issuer. The couple then traded the American company’s securities with knowledge of the proposed acquisition and illegally reaped almost $1 million in illegal profits. According to the OSC website, a judgment against the couple with respect to the same trading has already been obtained by the U.S. Securities and Exchange, ordering Suman and Rahman to not only surrender their illegal profits but pay civil penalties of $2 million and $1 million, respectively. “Of course I’m concerned it might discredit this case but it’s really two separate matters,” IDPS president Devin Kazakoff said. “To me, it’s something completely separate from what we’re dealing with the deer.”

See CASE , Page 5


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daily bulletin

Local NEWS

wednesday, october 3, 2012

Page 5

No funds for deer management Continued from page 1 Many communities are watching that Invermere court case, McRae says, because it potentially have repercussions for all communities considering a cull. “We are all watching and waiting to see how the Invermere challenge goes. The case is related to process not the cull itself as I understand it. But one could put two and two together and say if the challenge is successful with that particular piece, any other community could have issues as well.” McRae says it is difficult to understand exactly how this legal challenge is moving forward. “In talking with Mayor Taft the legal challenge is based around not having public hearings, but they didn’t have to have those hearings as they weren’t putting a bylaw in place. They did resolutions around the cull. To be quite honest we don’t really understand how the case proceeds under the Community Charter.” Photo contributed

The kids at Second Step Daycare in Kimberley have been learning about growing things this summer. They’ve grown all kinds of things including a rather impressive bean plant. Above, the kids celebrate harvest day.

Could have implications on DOI case, Mayor says From Page 4 He said the intention of the lawsuit is to negate the resolution the district passed in August of 2011 that states they want to reduce the deer population in Invermere to 50 by 2014. “The lawsuit is based on the fact that the DOI didn’t do the proper research before deciding on a cull and they also didn’t consult the public adequately,” Kazakoff said. “It’s not really anything to do with money.” “We’re asking for the district to do the proper research by hiring the proper wildlife biologist; it would take years of research and study to figure out migratory paths of deer and wildlife and all the implications of the decision they make so they only have now two deer counts and they’re not even properly done deer counts, so to go ahead and start killing animals without research-

ing the ramifications of it first, the lawsuit is challenging that,” he said. Rebeka Breders, the lawyer for the IDPS, said she completely concurs with Kazakoff’s view. “The concern for recouping costs is always a concern for both parties regardless of any other extraneous factors so whether Shane has a judgement against him or doesn’t, doesn’t change the fact that that concern is always there in litigation. It’s just the nature of our litigation system,” she said. “I guess I can appreciate that the district is raising that in that sense but I think that’s just a facade for what they’re really trying to do, to deflect the issues and to kind of shed some potentially bad light on a group of individuals that are really intending to do only good for the community (and)hopefully change the district conducts its animal control affairs.”

Taft said he thinks the OSC judgment is just part of the information Invermere residents should have when viewing the information coming from both Suman and Rahman regarding the deer issue. “I think it’s definitely something people should be aware of,” he said.

Blair is Back Cranbrook Physiotherapy Clinic (28-11 Ave. S. opposite to the RCMP station) is pleased to announce the return of Blair Farish to part-time active practice. Treatment is available for all WCB, ICBC and private paying patients, referred and non-referred.

For appointment: Call 250-426-7097


Infrastructure funding Continued from page 1 “The Premier is raising hopes on the Trans Canada. But the money is not in the capital plan now and it has not been made clear where the funding is coming from,” Macdonald said. He says significant work has been done on the Trans Canada and he appreciates it but would prefer to see more detail on where these funds were coming from before an announcement such as the Premier made. Doug Clovechok, who will run for the BC Liberals in this riding, is pleased about the funding announcement. “In my riding, Columbia River Revelstoke, I am absolutely ecstatic about the Trans Canada Highway an-

nouncement. I have been personally working very hard over the past year to heighten our governments and Premiers awareness of how critical this issue is. I had the opportunity to be with Premier Clark on her visits to Revelstoke and Golden and was able to show and discuss with her first hand the challenges that we face with conditions associated with the Trans Canada Highway. Her ten year commitment of $509 million dollars to the twining of the highway to the Alberta boarder, along with monies that will be matched by federal dollars, demonstrates she not only listened; she heard us loud and clear. It is an exciting time for British Columbians with lots more to come.”

© 2012 Echo Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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DAILY TOWNSMAN / DAILY BULLETIN 822 Cranbrook Street North Cranbrook, B.C. • V1C 3R9

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Ph: 250-427-5333 Fax: 250-427-5336

Published by Black Press Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays

Karen Johnston

Jenny Leiman



Barry Coulter

Carolyn Grant





PUBLISHER: Karen Johnston, ext. 204 CIRCULATION: Karrie Hall, ext. 208 ACCOUNTING: Jenny Leiman, ext. 218 CLASSIFIEDS: Marion Quennell, ext. 202 EDITOR: Barry Coulter, ext. 210 SPORTS: Trevor Crawley, ext. 212 NEWS: Sally MacDonald, ext. 219 Annalee Grant, ext. 220 ADVERTISING REPS: Dan Mills, ext. 207 Erica Morell, ext. 214 Cyndi Port, ext. 216


ADVERTISING MANAGER: Nicole Koran, ext. 206 EDITOR: Carolyn Grant IF UNSURE OF THE EXTENSION, DIAL 0. All rights reserved. Contents copyright by The Cranbrook Daily Townsman and The Kimberley Daily Bulletin. Any reproduction of material contained in this publication in whole or in part is forbidden without the expressed written consent of the Publisher. It is agreed that The Cranbrook Daily Townsman and The Kimberley Daily Bulletin will not be responsible for errors or omissions and is not liable for any amount exceeding the cost of the space used and then only such portion where the errors actually appeared. We reserve the right to edit or reject any submission or advertisement that is contrary to our Publishing guidelines.

Romney, Obama should fight it out


lot of sound and fury has sur- Patrick Brazeau taking up the gauntlet for rounded the upcoming Ameri- the Tories. The match was also a charity event, can presidential debate, but in the grand scheme of the elec- with ringside seats going for $250 and protion, it won’t do much to sway ceeds went to cancer research. I advocate this method as a way for the voters, unless a major bombshell drops. But in today’s world of scripted lines United States to pick their new president, and patented one-line zingers, that’s un- especially given that more Americans tune in to football games or reality shows than likely to happen. American President Barack Obama will book time for an event where two middleaged people argue with pit his debate skills picked each other for an hour. up at Columbia University Think of the ratings. against Republican chalIf Obama and Romney lenger Mitt Romney, who got in the ring, it would be a has an MBA from Harvard Trevor great fight. University. Crawley Obama is a former colMy point is that these lege basketball player, tall two men are very smart. I predict they will stand at their lecterns and lean, but Romney is beefier, and looks and trade barbs and nothing substantial in like he could pack a heftier punch. I’d anticipate it going something like terms of policy will come out. Americans need to have an adult con- this: Obama and Romney step into the ring to versation on the problems facing their country, and it certainly won’t happen in contend for the Presidential title, the Democrat wears blue shorts and gloves, while his the presidential debates. Republican opponent dons red colours. I can hear the zingers already. The referee brings the two together, exMy Republican opponent doesn’t care plaining the rules, which don’t really mean about 47 per cent of the country! anything to either of them. In a presidenObamacare will set up death panels! tial contest, all bets are off. C’mon. Obama has a height advantage, and will You watch them—there will be scripted moments where they wait for an oppor- do his best to dance around his opponent, tune time to fire out one-liners. Romney’s tiring him out over three rounds, while campaign as already admitted to writing Romney’s plan is to go in straight for the kill. The bell rings and the crowd roars. and stocking up on media-friendly soundInstead of raising his gloves, Obama bites. Instead of tossing verbal punches at starts an oral defence of his administraone another, they should follow a Canadi- tion’s work over the past four years. Romney politely listens, before remembering an example and get a little more physical. Liberal leadership candidate Justin the previous Republican administration’s Trudeau threw out the challenge to fight a policy of preemptive striking, and because conservative MP or Senator, with Senator it worked out so well for them last time, he

lashes out and nails Obama across the jaw with a right hook. Clearly surprised, Obama steps back, while Romney advances and swings away at the Democrat’s body, while landing a few gloves on the face, all the while muttering about tax cuts for the wealthy. Bell rings, ending the first round. Obama retreats to his corner, and trainer Bill Clinton jumps out with a towel in hand, while Romney confidently heads to his side, with Paul Ryan pumping his fist at the coaches’ table. Round two starts, but Romney is clearly tired after spending the first round throwing everything he had at Obama. The Democrat, still leery of physical violence, calls for help from Navy Seals Team Six, but soon realizes he’s on his own. He continues to dance around Romney for the rest of the round, while the Republican begins to show signs of exhaustion. After a quick respite, the two meet in the centre for the third round. Romney, determined to end things quickly, clinches his hands to fists, but starts throwing uppercuts to his own jaw. Obama, stunned, watches as his opponent starts screaming about how he doesn’t care for 47 per cent of the country or the very poor. From the side, Paul Ryan cocks his head to one side in disbelief. Fascinated, the Democrat watches his Republican opponent cannibalize himself for the remaining two minutes of the bout. The referee counts Romney out, who gave himself one black eye and a cut lip by the end of the round. Obama, the great apologizer-in-chief, looks down at his opponent and says he’s sorry.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor should be a maximum of 400 words in length. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contribution. All letters must include the name and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. The phone number will not be printed. Anonymous letters will not be published. Email letters to Mail to The Daily Townsman, 822 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 3R9. In Kimberley, email Mail to The Daily Bulletin, 335 Spokane Street, Kimberley, BC V1A 1Y9.

daily townsman / daily bulletin


wednesday, october 3, 2012

Page 7

Local artist recognized internationally What’s Up?


is always encouraging to learn of the success beyond the boundaries of the East Kootenay of one of our talented local artists. During September, well known Kimberley artist MaryAnn Bidder achieved international recognition when her watercolour painting, Lock Up, was exhibited in the International Guild of Realism’s 7th annual show at the Jones & Terwilliger Galleries in Carmel, California. An article about the exhibition and photos of MaryAnn’s painting were published in the September issue of the prestigious American Art Collector magazine. To add to her success the painting sold. Congratulations, MaryAnn.

Wednesday, October 3 We Paint Exhibition Opening yesterday in the Gallery at Centre 64 is a new exhibition of paintings by Kimberley’s We Paint group of artists. They are Gerry Forget, Ilene Lowing, Anita Iacobucci, Ruth Goodwin, Marianne Rennick, Elaine Rudser, Judy Winter, Sue “Lockup” (above) by MaryAnn Bidder (at Pighin, Mary Anne Atkins, Ellen Chase, right), was recently exhibited and sold at Jeannie Miller, and Antonia Sullivan. The the International Guild of Realism’s 7th show can be viewed Tuesdays through annual show at the Jones & Terwilliger Saturdays from 1 to 5 p.m. until October Galleries in Carmel, California. 27. An opening reception will be held on Saturday afternoon, October 13, to which the public is invited. For more information call Centre 64 at 250-427-4919. Sunday, October 7 Thanksgiving at Fort Steele Open Mic at Ric’s The 30th annual Thanksgiving CelebraAn open mic/jam session will take place this evening at 7 p.m. at Rics Lounge tion at Fort Steele Heritage Town takes place today. It includes a in the Prestige Inn, hosted potato harvest, thrashing by Heather Gemmell and and heritage trades demBrian Noer. For more inforEye on onstrations, wagon rides, mation contact Heather at entertainment gossip tours, musical enterheathergemmellmusic@ Mike tainment and a Taste of Redfern Thanksgiving at the Lambi October Showcase House. A church service In the showcase at the will take place at 2.30 p.m. Cranbrook Public Library for the month of October is a display of and Thanksgiving dinner will be served at rocks and artifacts collected by Gloria Mar- 12 noon, 1.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. for $22.95 adults, $11.95 children aged 6 to gison. 12, including park admission. Children 5 and under pay their age. Call 250-420-7518 Thursday, October 4 The Intouchables to make your dinner reservation. Karaoke at the Edge The Sunrise Rotary film series starts a There will be karaoke at the Edge Pub new season tonight at 7 p.m. in the Columbia Theatre with the French film, The In- tonight from 10 p.m. to 1.30 a.m. touchables, a subtitled comedy about the Tuesday, October 9 unlikely friendship between a handiWrite On capped millionaire and an ex-con. Tickets The Write On writing group meets this are $10 in advance from Lotus Books or evening and every second Tuesday at 7 $12 at the door. p.m. at Centre 64 in Kimberley. Anyone Babe Ruth/Pickle River Cranbrook Community Theatre kicks interested in writing for fun or in developoff its 2012-13 season tonight, tomorrow, ing their writing skills in any genre is inand Saturday night at the Stage Door with vited to attend. Contact Heather at heatha reprise of its Wildhorse Theatre summer for more informashow at Fort Steele Heritage Town, ‘Babe tion. Ruth Comes to Pickle River’ by Nelles Van Wednesday, October 10 Loon. The show is directed by Tanya Laing Land of the Kootenays Gahr and stars Lisa Aasebo and David Cranbrook & District Arts Council’s Popoff. The curtain rises each evening at 8 p.m. Tickets are $13 for CCT members/$15 photography exhibit, Land of the Kootenays, continues at the Artrageous Gallery non-members, available at Lotus Books. until today. It can be viewed Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday, October 5 The Jazz Council on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Jazz Council will perform at Ric’s Thursday, October 11 Lounge in the Prestige Inn this evening Take Back the Night starting at 6.30 p.m.. The Cranbrook Women’s Resource Mike Stenhouse Mike Stenhouse will be entertaining Centre will hold a Take Back the Night tonight and tomorrow night at the St Eu- march this evening starting at 6 p.m. in gene Casino and Golf Resort Weekend Rotary Park. Women and children are invited to gather there at 5.30 p.m. to make Showcase starting at 9 p.m. signs before marching. Call 250-426-2912 for more information. Saturday, October 6 Lucas Myers at KCT Roots Blues at Friendz Now Lucas Myers will perform the play Billy Manzik and Lisa Edberg will be playing roots and blues at the Friendz Now ‘Deck: How I Instigated Then Overcame Pub tonight starting at 9.30 p.m. an Existential Crisis Through Home Im-


provement’ at the Key City Theatre this evening starting at 7.30 p.m. Myers plays all four characters in ‘Deck’, a 16-year-old girl, a 14-year-old boy, an uptight father, and a free spirit who’s a little too free at times, all of whom are hilarious. Myers has performed other one-man plays at Centre 64 in recent seasons with great success. Tickets are $15 plus HST, available at the KCT box-office or by phone at 250-4267006. Metal at the Edge Classic metal bands Savage Blade and Sanktuary Metal will return to the Edge Pub tonight for a show starting at 9 p.m. There will be no cover charge. Saturday, October 13 Rumble in the Rockies The Cranbrook Eagles Boxing Club will host the Rumble in the Rockies boxing tournament today at the Cranbrook Eagles Hall starting at 7 p.m. Boxers from B.C., Alberta, and Montana as well as local Eagles boxers will compete. Admission at the door is $10 per person, $20 for a family of 3 or more. Sunday, October 14 Elena Yeung at Marysville Elena Yeung and her band, the Kootenay Special, will perform at the Marysville Pub today starting at 4 p.m. Monday, October 15 Rails to Trails Exhibition The Key City Gallery’s exhibition, ‘Rails to Trails’, featuring works by Alicia Herman, Karl Walker, Art Kharman, Jim Poch, Jim Robertson and Neal Panton, closes today. Meanwhile it can be viewed between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays.

See EYE , Page 13

UPCOMING 2012 FREE PUBLIC SWIM Wednesday, October 3rd, 5:00-6:00 PM is sponsored by Marysville PetroCanada. ‘Cranbrook Community Theatre and Fort Steele Heritage Town present “Babe Ruth Comes to Pickle River”. The play runs for 3 nights, October 4, 5 & 6 at The Stage Door, Cranbrook. Tickets are available at Lotus Books.’ Madd Kimbrook is holding a Bagging for Charity Fundraiser at Overwaitea on Saturday, October 6, 2012 from 10 am - 3 pm. October 10 Kimberley Garden Club is back on winter sessions. October program: Bulbs from Basement to Windowsill discussion. Selkirk High School Library 7-9 pm. New members welcome. For more info: Nola 250-427-1948. Take Back the Night March For women and children, Thursday, Oct 11. Gather at Spirit Square in Rotary Park. 5:30 sign making, March at 6:00. Call 250-426-2912 for more info The Cranbrook & District Arts Council next exhibit, Comtemporary and Impressionistic Art opens on Thursday October 11th and runs until Nov 7th. Please join us and the artists for the opening reception on October 11th from 7 - 9pm Laurie School Band students will be out collecting sponsors for their Garbathon. On Saturday, Oct. 13th they will be cleaning main areas of Cranbrook from 9:30am-12:30 pm. The students make an important contribution to the community while earning money needed for band trips and festivals. 2012 FREE FAMILY SWIM Wednesday, October 17th, 6:00-7:00 PM is sponsored by Shoppers Drug Mart - Kimberley. October 17, Wednesday Not your usual travelgue - Paddling the Columbia River Basin with Karen Proudfoot. 7:00 College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre. Hosted by Grandmothers helping Grandmothers in Africa. Admission by donation. Info: please call Norma at 250-426-6111. ONGOING The Friends of the Kimberley Public Library Used Book Store - Marysville, 424 304 St. Open Thursday & Saturday from 10:30-3:30. Books are sold by donation and the money goes towards improvements to the Kimberley Library. Everyone is welcome to SPEAK OUT with our United Way Cranbrook and Kimberley. Silence is never golden. We invite community members of all ages and backgrounds to contact us about a coffee date to express your vision for a community that cares. Call (250)-426-8833 to speak with Donna or Tanis, or email The Council of Senior Citizens Organizations (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Life” for all seniors. Contact Ernie Bayer, ph. 604-576-9734, fx. 604-576-9733. Email: for info. Baby Goose - free program for parents with babies under 1 year old at Kimberley Early Learning Centre. Rhymes, songs and stories, guest speakers. Thursday’s 10:30-12:00. Terri 250-427-2215 or Kim 250-427-4468. Bellies to Babies - Free program providing information, resources and support for families who are either expecting or parenting a new baby. Group drop-in at Kimberley Early Learning Centre on Wednesdays 5-7 pm. No appointment needed. Call Jenn 250-427-8772 for more info. Do you have the desire to stop eating compulsively? OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS (a 12-Step Program) meets Tuesdays from 7-8 pm at Cranbrook United Church, 2-12 Street S, downstairs. Contact: Family Fun Night! Eat & play with your preschooler at Kimberley Early Learning Centre Wednesdays 4:00—7:00 pm. Gina at 250-427-5309 Good Food Box – large $10 bag of fresh food subsidized by Salvation Army, for families needing to stretch their food budget. Pick up/drop off at Early Learning Centre. Diana 250-427-0716. Making Connections; 8 week program for parents with school aged children to help parents understand the learning and reading process to better support your child at school. Kimberley Early Learning Centre Kim 250-427-4468. Mark Creek Lions meet 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month (Sept-June). Meet & Greet between 6:00 & 6:30pm at the Western Lodge, supper to follow. All welcome. Info: 250427-5612, 250-427-4314. Parenting Workshops: 10-12 noon at Kimberley Early Learning Centre. Childcare and refreshments provided. Sign up required. Diana 250-427-0716 Gina 250-427-5309. Whist at Seniors Centre, Cranbrook, every Thursday night at 7:00pm. New players welcome. ICBL-Duplicate Bridge–Senior Center in Cranbrook. Mon & Wed 7pm, Thurs & Fri 1pm at Scout Hall, Marysville. Info: Maggie 250-417-2868. Place your notice in your “What’s Up?” Community Calendar FREE of charge. This column is intended for the use of clubs and non-profit organizations to publicize their coming events — provided the following requirements are met: • Notices will be accepted two weeks prior to the event. • All notices must be emailed, faxed or dropped off in person. No telephone calls please. • Notices should not exceed 30 words. • Only one notice per week from any one club or organization. • All notices must be received by the Thursday prior to publication • There is no guarantee of publication. Notices will run subject to space limitations.

CRANBROOK TOWNSMAN & KIMBERLEY BULLETIN COMMUNITY CALENDAR Drop off: 822 Cranbrook St. N. • Drop off: 335 Spokane Street E-mail: • Fax: 250-426-5003

Page 8 wednesday, october 3, 2012


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daily townsman / daily bulletin

Can breast cancer be prevented? Oftentimes, individuals diagnosed with some form of cancer ask themselves and their physicians, “Could I have done something to prevent this?”

of breast cancer, but many experts agree that certain lifestyle choices as well as genetics can increase an individual’s risk.

Women who are concerned about breast cancer also may wonder if they can prevent this potentially deadly disease, wondering if there is a pill, a vitamin or another method to keeping the cancer at bay. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer. However, there are many different steps to take that may help reduce the risk for cancer or increase the odds that if breast cancer is present, it can be found at a more treatable stage.

A woman’s risk also increases as she ages. When a woman is in her 30s, her risk of developing breast cancer is roughly 4 out of 1,000. By the time she reaches her 60s, that risk has increased to 37 out of 1,000. Though women can’t reverse the aging process, they can gain a greater understanding of additional risk factors for breast cancer and follow medical guidelines concerning breast cancer screenings.

There is no exact cause

* Family history: Having a sister, mother, daughter or two or

more close relatives with a history of breast cancer increases a woman’s risk, particularly if these diagnoses were made when the relatives were under the age of 50. Such women should begin testing for breast cancer at an early age. * Personal history: If you’ve already experienced cancer in one breast or another part of your body, you are at an increased risk of getting cancer again. Breast cancer can turn up in the other breast or even in the same breast as before.

point out mutations in these important genes.

control, there are other risk factors that you can control.

* Race: Although Caucasian women are more likely to get breast cancer than black, Hispanic or Asian women, black women typically are more susceptible to an aggressive type of breast cancer called basal-like tumor. Limited access to healthcare can also increase the risk of cancer fatality regardless of race.

* Alcohol consumption: Avoiding or limiting alcohol consumption can lower your risk for breast cancer. Drinking alcohol has been traced to higher estrogen levels in the body.

* Childbearing age: Women who first gave birth after age 30 have a greater chance of developing breast cancer than women who had children before reaching 30 years of age. Women who have never had children are also at a higher risk. Women who breast feed lower their risk for breast cancer.

* Obesity: Being overweight can also increase risk of developing breast cancer. * Inactivity: Failure to exercise can increase your risk. That’s because regular exercise and a healthy diet contribute to the body’s defense system, ensuring it is more capable of fending off disease. * Tobacco products: Use of cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco increases your risk for many different cancers.

* Inheritance of genetic mutations: Individuals * Infrequent doctor with mutations in the visits: Routine physical BRCA1 and BRCA2 check-ups by a general * Hormones: Women KIMBERLEY genes are much doctor or one who with a longer span more likely to get specializes in women’s Saluting Survivors of “high-estrogen breast cancer, says health can make the years” are more at Encouraging Awareness the National Cancer difference between risk for breast cancer. Remembering Institute. The risk also an early breast cancer This includes women Loved Ones increases for colon diagnosis, for which who had their first or ovarian cancer. In treatment is highly menstrual cycle 350 Ross Street normal cells, BRCA1 successful, or late-stage 250.427.2181 prior to age 12 and and BRCA2 help diagnosis, which is women who still ensure the stability not as easily treated. were experiencing of the cell’s genetic Those who do not menopause after age material andbreast help surgery55. Anyone undergoing go for screenings after to the EKFH on reaching their prevent uncontrolled put themselves at an hormone-replacement Y goal 1 year early! cell growth. Mutation therapy or participating elevated risk. of these genes has in estrogen-raising Breast cancer cannot been linked to the therapies also has be prevented, but there UN development of a higher risk of are many methods to Y hereditary breast and developing breast reducing risk factors ovarian cancer. A S cancer. associated with the 1525 Warren Ave, Kimberley V1A 1R4 simple blood test and disease. Never again forego fashionable tastes and choicesWhile for comfort and function! The Phone: 250-427-2313 many of these a genetic work-up can OPEN 7 DAYS 8AM TO 9PM TIL THANKSGIVING garments of the ABC T-Shirt Bra Collection are properly designed for women after factors are out of your



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daily townsman / daily bulletin

Features How to conduct a breast self-exam

Early detection of breast cancer can improve survival rates and lessen the severity of treatment options. Routine mammograms are essential to catching signs of breast cancer early on but so can home-based breast exams. Over the years there has been some debate over the effectiveness of breast self-exams, or BSEs, is effective. Different breast cancer organizations have different views on the subject. Some studies have indicated that a BSE is not effective in reducing breast cancer mortality rates. Some argue that these exams also may put women at risk -- increasing the number of potential lumps found due to uncertainty as to what is being felt in the breast. This can lead to unnecessary biopsies. Others feel that a BSE is a good practice, considering that roughly 20 percent of breast cancers are found by physical examination rather than by

mammography, according to The American Cancer Society takes the position that a BSE is an optional screening tool for breast cancer. For those who are interested in conducting self-exams, here is the proper way to do so. * Begin with a visual inspection of the breasts. Remove clothing and stand in front of a mirror. Turn and pivot so the breasts can be seen at all angles. Make a note of your breasts’ appearance. Pay special attention to any dimpling, puckering or oddness in the appearance of the skin. Check to see if there is any change in symmetry or size of the breasts. * Continue the examination with hands placed by the hips and then again with your hands elevated overhead with your palms pressed together.

* Next you will move on to a physical examination. This can be done either by reclining on a bed or the floor or any flat surface. The exam also can be done in the shower. To begin examining the breasts, place the hand and arm for the breast you will be examining behind your head. Use the pads of your pointer, middle and ring fingers to push and massage at the breast in a clockwise motion. Begin at the outer portion of the breast, slowly working inward in a circular motion until you are at the nipple. Be sure to also check the tissue under the breast and by the armpit. * Do the same process on the opposite breast. Note if there are any differences from one breast to the other. If you find any abnormalities, mark

wednesday, october 3, 2012

Did you know? Breast cancer is a disease that affects thousands of people each year. According to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 226,870 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women will be diagnosed this year (including new cases of primary breast cancer among survivors but not the recurrence of original breast cancer among survivors). There also will be 63,300 new cases of in situ breast cancer (including ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS, and lobular carcinoma in situ, or LCIS). It is estimated that there will be 39,510 breast cancer deaths in 2012.

them down on an illustration that you can bring to the doctor. Or if you can get an appointment immediately, draw a ring around the area with a pen so that you will be able to show the doctor directly where you have concern. It is a good idea to conduct a BSE once a month and not when menstruating, when breasts may change due to hormone fluctuation. Frequent

examinations will better acquaint you with what is normal with your breasts and better help you recognize if something feels abnormal.

Although breast cancer is rare among men, there are still cases that occur each year. It is estimated that there will be 2,190 new cases of breast cancer cases in men, and there could be 410 breast cancer deaths.

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$ Carla Lowden Owner Manager

Page 9

Sign-up fee Oct. 1-14, 2012

Back Row L-R: Stephanie Selby (daughter - cancer supporter), Sue Selby (breast cancer survivor) Cranbrook, BC • Marsha Plant (cancer supporter), Julie Giles (breast cancer survivor), Judy Dickson (breast cancer supporter) Creston , BC • Elva Keiver (breast cancer survivor & supporter) Heather Morissette (breast cancer survivor & supporter) Kimberley, BC • Front Row L-R: Sheila Tutty (breast cancer survivor), Stuart Tutty (cancer supporter) Invermere, BC • Lisey Lalonde (breast cancer survivor), Jason Romani (husband - breast cancer supporter) Golden, BC • Evelyn Cutts (cancer survivor), Susan Schmitz (sister - breast cancer supporter) Fernie, BC

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Page 10 wednesday, october 3, 2012

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ARIES (March 21-April 19) The more you express your flexibility, the more your associates might be willing to bend as well. When you work together, unusually creative and workable ideas pop up. Sometimes your ideas could be very similar. What do you care if someone has the same idea, if the results are the same? Tonight: Shop till you drop. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The Moon in your sign highlights you. Express your feelings to a receptive audience, and encourage a healthy exchange of feedback. People will want to honor your request. Only you can prevent this positive interaction, so be careful not to get in your own way. Tonight: Time for a child or loved one. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You might decide to retreat. Don’t worry -- ideas will flow anyway. Get together with a generous, thoughtful friend. The process of getting away and centering yourself will prepare you for some hard work and play in the near future. Tonight: Get some extra Z’s.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Should a question arise as to how you should interpret a statement or action, err on the side of optimism. News from a distance could shake you up, but ultimately it is very good. Do not fight the inevitable. Tonight: Where the action is. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) In the long run, sensitivity to those in charge will allow you to have greater independence. You quickly build others’ trust. You possess many abilities and talents, but the most effective one is your ability to magnetize others. Tonight: Out late ... very late. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Your vision defines what will occur. Use this skill and incorporate it with your ability to communicate. Your imagination comes into play when dealing with a loved one. This person has a very artistic outlook and temperament. Enjoy the results. Tonight: Feed your mind. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Let someone else make the first move. You might be overreacting and say too much, which will cause yet another problem. What you perceive as the issue might be very different from what the other

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party thinks is wrong. Incorporate your listening skills, and you might be surprised by what you hear. Tonight: Go with a suggestion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) A friend means a lot to you -- and you to him or her. Be careful, as this person’s feelings possibly could develop into more. Make sure this also is what you want. Extremes and idealism mark your thoughts. A child or loved one could delight you with his or her mischief. Tonight: Sort through possibilities. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Listen to news with an eye to applying this knowledge to your domestic life. A relative could reveal a family skeleton. Be careful about accepting this person’s story. Check it out by doing your own research, if possible. You might decide to take a stand, but only when you are ready. Tonight: Roll with the moment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your creativity remains high. Others often lure you into solving their problems. You might find that a lot of people want to tap into your ingenuity right now. Do not forget to focus on a key issue for yourself. A child, new friend or loved one

knows how to catch your interest and force your hand. Tonight: Let your imagination rock and roll. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) If you become confused, home in on the basics, with an eye to your personal life. Deal with a child or loved one directly. You will make a difference in this person’s attitude. Your logic will work better, and he or she will realize how honest and authentic you are. Your imagination helps you in a tight spot. Tonight: Invite friends over. PISCES (Feb. 18-March 20) Return calls and listen to others in regard to planning meetings and moving a project forward. A key associate attempts to make an impression in order to get some extra time with you. You might be confused by this, as you see more mixed messages than in the past. Ask questions to verify what’s going on. Tonight: Catch up on news with friends. BORN TODAY Singer/songwriter Chubby Checker (1941), musician Tommy Lee (1962), civil-rights activist Al Sharpton (1954) ***

By Lynn Johnston


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Annie’s Mailbox by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar Dear Annie: I’m writing on behalf of those of us in the “trapped” generation. We are the ones who grew up thinking Doris Day was the ideal woman. We were college-educated, but still expected to marry and have a family. Many of us limited our careers to part-time efforts. Then came our husbands’ midlife crises and no-fault divorces. For many of us who had “dumbed down” our careers to care for our husbands, we weren’t able to make ends meet once the child support payments stopped. For some of us, we had sacrificed further education or job advances for our husbands’ careers. According to the Social Security Administration, I never earned more than $10,000 per year until I was 45 years old. The divorce decree stated that I was to split the children’s college costs equally with my ex, who was making three times my salary. I’ve run up a lot of personal debt paying for my kids’ education, and now, at age 60, I’m making what my husband made 30 years ago. I work hard, but can’t seem to get ahead. Women like me are tired of struggling financially and raising kids while their fathers find new trophy wives. If your male readers are wondering where the faithful women are, we are sitting home, living with the remnants of the stresses from one-sided divorces. I continue to hope that real companionship is still a possibility. -- Thwarted Dear Thwarted: We are sure you speak for many women. But please don’t give up. Your children are grown now. If you want to meet men (or anyone), devote some time to yourself. Look into activities and organizations that are free, low-cost or volunteer, and see if you can break out of the cycle you are in. Dear Annie: I’m a middle-aged woman, living with my boyfriend. We have both been married before and have children. When I met “Doug,” we would sit and talk for hours. Since our engagement, however, everything seems to be going downhill. We have not set a wedding date, nor do we discuss it. Due to my previous marriage and some mistakes, my credit is not where it should be. The amount of money I make will never allow me to get caught up. I have been applying for new jobs, but haven’t found one yet. Doug says I need my credit to be good before he sets a date. I’m interviewing now for a job that could turn into a steady and rewarding career. He said, “Let’s see if you get it.” Whenever someone asks me, “When is the big date?” my heart sinks. I am starting to feel as though Doug is not ready to commit. He proposed and gave me a beautiful ring. Now we argue a lot. I’m no spring chicken, Annie. I feel as if I’m running out of time. What should I do? -- Want Happiness Sooner Dear Want: Doug is reluctant to take on your debts and may fear you are using him for financial security. He wants to see that you have a decent job before he marries you. This is not an unreasonable concern. The fact that you’re in a hurry only makes him more skittish. Stop worrying about what other people think. If you get a good job and Doug still won’t set a date, then reconsider the relationship. Dear Annie: “Empty Nester” said she’s looking to make friends now that her kids are out of the house. Thanks for suggesting I moved across the country and was concerned about finding friends in a new city. Since I work from home, the office is not a viable place to get to know anyone. MeetUp has been terrific. I joined a diningout group, another for women over 40 and one for dog lovers. I’ve made wonderful new friends. -- P. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at COPYRIGHT 2012 CREATORS.COM

daily townsman / daily bulletin


Thursday Afternoon/Evening

October 4

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Friday Afternoon/Evening

October 5

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Page 11

I Have Moved! KRISTIN SMALDON would like to welcome all past and new clients.

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Ice prospects hungry to prove themselves TRE VOR CR AWLEY Sports Editor


Detroit Tigers’ Miguel Cabrera points to fans after hitting a solo home run agaisnt the Kansas City Royals on Monday.

Tigers star on the cusp of reaching Triple Crown DAVE SKRE T TA Associated Press

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Miguel Cabrera sat in front of his locker in the corner of the visiting clubhouse at Kauffman Stadium on Tuesday, slinging some Spanish banter at a table full of teammates. There were no television cameras hovering over him. No microphones stuck in his face. None of the commotion that could be reasonably expected as the soft-spoken Detroit Tigers slugger closes in on baseball’s first Triple Crown in 45 years. “The entire baseball world should be here right now,” said Justin Verlander, the reigning AL MVP and Cy Young Award winner. “We’ve got, sorry to say, the regular guys. “I think he’s been relatively under the radar for what he’s done, for what he’s doing. It hasn’t happened in 40-some years,” Verlander continued, his voice rising. “It kind of annoys me. I don’t know about anybody else. I don’t know about him. It probably doesn’t annoy him.” It certainly doesn’t annoy Cabrera, who will politely answer just about any question posed to him, but would just as soon spend his time hanging

out with his buddies. The perfect example came Monday night, shortly after Cabrera had four hits and a home run in a 6-3 victory over the Royals that clinched the AL Central. He was asked about contributing so much to another division title, and Cabrera deflected the attention back on his teammates. “We got it done with the first one,” he said quietly. “That was our goal.” Now, though, the spotlight shifts squarely to the broad shoulders of Cabrera, who started at third base in Tuesday night’s 4-2 loss at Kansas City. He had a pair of singles and drove in two runs in his first two at-bats before flying out to right and leaving the game in the fifth inning. Cabrera leads the American League in batting average (.331), homers (44) and RBIs (139) - the Triple Crown, last achieved by Boston’s Carl Yastrzemski in 1967. Angels rookie Mike Trout and Twins catcher Joe Mauer are giving chase for the batting title, which Cabrera won last year, while Rangers slugger Josh Hamilton trails him by a single home run.

Cracking the Ice roster is a dream come true for defenceman Matthew Thomas. However, until recently, that dream wasn’t in reach for the 17-year-old. Thomas, who came to training camp from Calgary, was an unlisted and undrafted player, who got a personal invite from Kootenay Ice head scout Garnet Kazuik. Thomas spent last season playing with the Calgary Royals Midget AAA team in the Alberta Midget Hockey League, tallying eight assists in 34 games. He’s had relationships with other WHL teams, attending camp with the Chilliwack Bruins two years ago, and making an appearance with the Everett Silvertips at camp last year, but ended up sticking with the Ice this season. And he couldn’t be happier. “Right now it’s almost hard to believe,” said Thomas. “I wasn’t

expecting it all summer or anything, so I’m still getting used to it and still wrapping my head around the fact that I’ll be here all year. “But it’s a great feeling and I’m excited for the year.” Though Thomas wasn’t drafted, he came across the Ice’s radar via Kazuik, who runs an early morning program that the young defence man attended before school. Kazuik seemed to notice, and began talking with him about taking a shot with the Ice, Thomas said. “Around the end of the hockey season [last year], he asked me if I wanted to come to camp,” Thomas said. “…I thought I may as well come and give it a shot and see what happens.” Thomas is joined by goaltender Wyatt Hoflin, defenceman Tanner Faith and forwards Collin Shirley, Luke Philp, and Kyle O’Connor as the new rookies on the team. Adjusting to the WHL level of play has

been the main challenge for Thomas, who said he’s getting more and more acclimatized with every practice.

“Right now it’s almost hard to believe. I wasn’t expecting it all summer or anything, so I’m still getting used to it and still wrapping my head around the fact that I’ll be here all year.” Matthew Thomas “The speed is probably the biggest thing I’ve noticed, and the pace of the game, how much less time you have as a defenceman to make a decision, to make a pass or where to pass it,” Thomas said. Also hailing from Calgary is O’Connor, who managed to earn a spot as a 16-year-old after beating out the competition in training camp and the exhibi-

tion season. O’Connor was a fourth round selection by the Ice in the 2011 WHL Bantam Draft, After getting drafted, O’Connor said he spent all last hockey season and the summer preparing for a shot at making the Ice roster this year. “I did fitness testing every month to come in ready for camp,” said O’Connor. “Registered for school mid-year and I could feel that they had some decent interest in me.” Now that the roster is set, he can breathe a sigh of relief. “It feels really good, all my hard work over the summer has paid off,” O’Connor continued. “It feels really great. I’ve always wanted to play in the WHL, now I just have to prove that I belong here.” O’Connor got his first taste of regular season action in the opening game on the road in Edmonton, and he wants to use his speed and shot to contribute to the Ice’s of-

fence. “I think this will be a big development year for me and I’ll do the best I can to get as much ice and contribute offensively and defensively as best I can,” O’Connor said. Shirley is the other 16-year-old rookie, while Faith, Philp, Thomas and Hoflin are 17. Shirley is the first round selection from the 2011 draft, while Philp was late cut from last year’s team. Hoflin was the lone goaltending prospect who stuck alongside veteran Mackenzie Skapski after training camp. Faith cracked the roster after going through camp injuryfree—he got hurt last year during his first attempt and was injured again while called up halfway through the season. The prospects complement a team of 15 returning veterans and Jakub Prochazka, who comes to the Ice from the Czech Republic via the CHL Import Draft.

Missing pre-season cost NHL $100 million CHRIS JOHNSTON Canadian Press

The NHL is already seeing major revenue losses just a couple weeks into the lockout. And the numbers being thrown around now will likely end up looking like chump change by the time the sport’s latest labour dispute is settled. Talks broke off quickly between the league and NHL Players’ Assocation on Tuesday morning and deputy commissioner Bill Daly emerged from the meeting saying he didn’t have “any progress to report.” For the first time, he also revealed the extent of the damage the lockout has inflicted so far - “close to” $100 million after the cancellation of the entire pre-season schedule. “That is not going to be recouped and that’s going to cost both sides,” Daly told reporters in New York. “That’s

unfortunate but it’s a reality of where we are.” The revelation didn’t elicit much sympathy from the union. Executive director Donald Fehr pointed out the sides could have continued negotiating past the Sept. 15 expiry of the last agreement. “If this is a loss, this is a loss that is entirely of their own making,” Fehr told The Canadian Press in an interview. “They’re the ones that did this, nobody told them to.” The $100 million lost so far represents approximately three per cent of the total amount of hockey-related revenue generated last season - essentially the pool of money the sides need to agree to split up. And the 17-day lockout hasn’t yet resulted in the cancellation of any meaningful games. However, with the regular season scheduled to begin on Oct. 11, it’s

only a matter of time before that happens. “It’s something we obviously have to focus on in the short term and make an appropriate decision in the appropriate time,” said Daly. “We’re still focused on doing what we can to minimize the damage.” There are currently no other bargaining sessions planned. Fehr spoke with commissioner Gary Bettman by phone on Tuesday afternoon and is hopeful negotiations could resume in Toronto before the end of the week. The talks have seemed troubled since the beginning. A wide gulf has been evident since the NHL tabled an initial proposal that called for a flip in the way revenues are divided - with players receiving 43 per cent rather than owners and included changes to rules governing contracts. The league has since proposed seeing

the players’ share reduced to 47 per cent over the course of a sixyear deal. Meanwhile, the NHLPA’s latest offer would see it fall to approximately 52 per cent during the contract. They received 57 per cent last season. “They started out with a massive reduction in player salaries proposed and a massive reduction in player negotiating rights,” said

Fehr. “They’ve sort of inched backwards a little bit after having run away from us about as far and as hard and as fast as they could. “That’s not the way to start out to try and make an agreement.” The league is growing frustrated with the union’s unwillingness to table a new offer that includes more concessions. Daly has said repeatedly that the ball is in the NHLPA’s court.

KHL to televise games on ESPN during NHL lockout

The KHL will broadcast games in the United States during the NHL lockout. The Russian-based league announced Tuesday that it plans to air five games on ESPN3 this month and indicated that future games are “still being finalized.” Wednesday’s game between Dynamo Moscow and Ak Bars Kazan will be the first game televised. According to a release, ESPN3 is in 73 million households. The KHL has also scheduled two regular-season games at the newly opened Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., in January. Canadian Press

daily townsman / daily bulletin


wednesday, october 3, 2012

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Eye on Entertainment Continued from page 7 Monday, October 15 Incredible India The Friends of the Cranbrook Library present their first travelogue of the season this evening at 7 p.m. in the College of the Rockies lecture theatre when the Pfeiffers will take you on a journey by train and bus through Incredible India. Admission is free. Open Invitation Artists are invited to drop off their work today for entry in the Key City Gallery’s Open Invitation exhibition which will run until November 14. At least one piece of each artist’s work will be displayed, more if space permits. An opening reception will be held October 22 from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 17 Moroccan Treats You are invited to learn about the sights, people, religion and culture of Morocco in a presentation by Dave and Felicity Klassen and to taste some delicious Moroccan treats at 7 p.m. this evening at the Kimberley United Church. Admission is by donation. Clue at Centre 64 The Off Centre Players, whose recent successful productions include the comedies Little Shop of Horrors and Don’t Dress for Dinner, present another comedy, this time the murder mystery ‘Clue’, based on the board game of that name, tonight through Saturday night at 7.30 p.m. and on Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Theatre at Centre 64. For ticket information call Centre 64 at 250-427-4919. Paddling the Columbia Cranbrook Go Go Grannies present the travelogue ‘Paddling the Columbia River Basin’ with Karen Proudfoot at 7 p.m. this evening in the College of the Rockies lecture theatre. Admission is by donation and proceeds support grandmothers in Africa. For more information call Norma at 250426-6111. Thursday, October 18 The Vinyl Café Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Café of CBC Radio fame will visit Cranbrook this evening with a performance at the Key City Theatre starting at 7 p.m. For tickets call the KCT box-office at 250-426-7006. Friday, October 19 Children’s Theatre Camps Fort Steele Heritage Town offers children’s theatre camps conducted by Lisa Aasebo for kids aged 6 to 12 years at the Wildhorse Theatre on seven dates through the fall/winter/spring, the first of which is today from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Each camp will focus on one aspect of theatre performance and the cost is $25 per session. For more information email or call 250420-7154. Artisan Market The 7th annual Magic of Autumn artisan market will be held today and tomorrow at Bootleg Gap golf clubhouse, running from


to 8 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow, offering handcrafted creations by local artisans. A soup & sandwich buffet will be available on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission is $1, proceeds going to the Kimberley food bank and Clear View digital mammography. Karl Schwonik Jazz Ensemble The Karl Schwonik Jazz Ensemble will perform this evening at 7.30 p.m. at Kimberley United Church. The Karl Schwonik Jazz Ensemble features Alberta drummer Karl Schwonik and Chicago trumpet virtuoso James Davis, CBC’s Galaxie’s Chris Andrew, western Canadian bass player Kodi Hutchinson, and young saxophonist Bryan Qu. Opening for this rising star on the Canadian jazz scene will be Kimberley’s The Jazz Council and the Selkirk Jazz Choir. Tickets are $15 each, available at Just Music in Cranbrook, Black Bear Books in Kimberley, or at the door. Wine, Stein & Dine You are invited to enjoy fine Kootenay cuisine and wine and beer from south eastern BC at the JCI Wine, Stein & Dine event to be held this evening at Cranbrook Golf Club starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 each, available from EK Community Credit Union, The Bedroom Furniture Galleries and Rocky Mountain Print Solutions or by calling 250-919-7080. Saturday, October 20 Spooktacular Burlesque The Mountain Town Maulers roller derby girls will bring the Sweet Soul Burlesque troupe to the Key City Theatre this evening to perform a Spooktacular burlesque. Tickets are $20, available from the KCT box-office, and part of the proceeds will be donated to the Cranbrook Women’s Resource Centre. Bring an item for the food bank and you’ll be entered in a draw for prizes. The show will be followed by a party at Dewey’s Pub & Grill. For more information email mountaintownmaulers@ Mamma Mia Mamma Mia, a ladies’ night out at the Kimberley Convention Centre sponsored by the Kimberley Independent School, takes place this evening starting at 7 p.m. You are invited to attend dressed in ‘70s style and to have the on-site beauty salon do your make-up and hair. Enjoy gourmet appies, dancing and socializing, and singing along as the Mamma Mia movie is shown. There will be a cash bar, prizes, and an auction. Tickets are $25, available from Velvet & Ginjer and Black Bear Books in Kimberley and at Lotus Books in Cranbrook. Wednesday, October 24 World’s Water Woes Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook present Bob Sandford, chair of the United Nations Decade of Water, and Deborah Harford, executive director of Adaption to Climate Change, in a presentation at

the McKim Theatre in Kimberley this evening starting at 6.30 p.m. Bob will sign copies of his new book, Ethical Water; Valuing What Really Matters and he and Deborah will share their knowledge about the world’s water woes and issues to be faced in BC. Refreshments will be served and admission is by donation. Michelle Wright Canadian singer Michelle Wright will appear at the Key City Theatre this evening at 7.30 p.m. as part of her Songs from the Halls tour to celebrate her induction into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. Tickets are $40 inclusive, available at the KCT box-office or by calling 250-426-7006. Thursday, October 25 Mad City Chickens Wildsight’s One Planet film series continues tonight in the College of the Rockies lecture theatre in Cranbrook and tomorrow at Centre 64 in Kimberley when the film Mad City Chickens will be screened at 7.30 p.m. The 81 minute documentary film is about what’s fast becoming an international backyard chicken movement. Admission is by donation. For more information go to www. Friday, October 26 George Hogg Christmas Show George C. Hogg’s annual Christmas Studio Show will be held today, Saturday and Sunday at his studio at 554 Church Avenue in Kimberley. This popular Kimberley painter will be showing many new pieces including paintings depicting the 1874 N.W.M.P. trek across the Prairies. There will also be a selection of small unframed original acrylic works available. The studio show will be open today and tomorrow from 1 to 8 p.m. and on Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, October 27 Halloween Spooktacular Buy your tickets early for today’s Hallowe’en Spooktacular at Fort Steele Heritage Town as tickets sell out quickly. The event starts at 4 p.m. and includes all the usual thrills. Tickets are $13 each, $11 for members, available at Black Bear Books in Kimberley, Save on Foods and Safeway in Cranbrook, and the Chambers of Commerce in Cranbrook, Fernie and Invermere. Monday, October 29 National Steele at Centre 64 Kimberley Arts Council presents the National Steel Blues Emergency with Doc MacLean and Morgan Davis this evening at 8 p.m. Tickets are $18 per person, $15 for KAC members. As seating is limited at Centre 64 get your tickets early. Contact Information To get your event publicized in Wednesday’s Eye on Entertainment e-mail information to by 10 a.m. the preceding Tuesday. Events will be listed up to four weeks in advance.


Winnipeg Blue Bombers’ Buck Pierce gets hauled down by Toronto Argonauts’ Ricky Foley during a CFL game last weekend.

Buck Pierce has mild concussion but coach says he still might play Scot t Edmonds Canadian Press

WINNIPEG - Winnipeg quarterback Buck Pierce has a mild concussion but coach Tim Burke says it’s still possible he might play Monday in Montreal. “He has one more test that he has to clear before he’ll be cleared to play,” Burke said Tuesday. “He will be evaluated tomorrow and if it goes another day he’ll be evaluated after that, so however long it takes for him to pass that test is when he’s able to play.” Pierce was struck on the chin and knocked down Saturday in the first quarter by a helmet hit from Toronto Argonauts’ linebacker Brandon Isaac. He went to the dressing room but returned for a few plays before again leaving the field. He reported a headache initially that didn’t go away, although Burke said he talked to the eight-season veteran Tuesday and he said he was feeling fine. Burke also said he’s heard nothing from the CFL about any action against Isaac over the hit. The Argos received a roughing the passer call. It was only Pierce’s second game since returning from a foot injury that sidelined him July and Burke

says naturally it was disappointing to see him hurt again. “Very disappointing in the respect that he would have to take a hit like that No. 1. I don’t know how many people would have come away from that hit without having some kind of an injury. “Fortunately, it’s a mild concussion and not anything really bad or anything like that. It’s nothing that’s a career-ender by any stretch of the imagination.” There have been calls for Pierce to hang up his cleats over this, his latest in a series of injuries, but Burke says that’s a choice the player must make for himself. “Career decisions are up to Buck, not up to anybody else.” If Pierce doesn’t play Monday, Burke said backup Joey Elliott will take his place. And he says if Pierce isn’t cleared to play soon, they may have to make that decision regardless. “If it goes on towards the end of the week and he hasn’t passed it (the test), there comes a point where you have to say `We’re going with Joey’.” The 3-10 Bombers have lost any but a faint statistical chance of making the CFL post-season, after bowing 29-10 in Saturday’s game.

CFL players to wear pink to raise awareness for cancer THE C ANADIAN PRESS

TORONTO - The CFL will again look pretty in pink. For the second straight year, CFL players will be wearing pink-coloured items in league games this month in an effort to help raise awareness for women’s cancers. They’ll don various forms of pinkcoloured merchandise in games played from Oct. 12 through to Oct. 20 as part of the CFL’s initiative. The program will kick off Oct. 12 with the B.C. Lions visiting the Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Ivor Wynne Stadium and conclude with the Ticats facing the

Calgary Stampeders at McMahon Stadium nine days later. Reebok will provide CFL players with pink gloves, wrist bands, shoelaces and other items while the league will supply helmet decals. On-field officials are expected to use pink whistles while coaches and team personnel will wear pink-coloured sideline gear. Pink merchandise will be available for sale at games and team shops as well as selected Reebok stores. A portion of the proceeds will go to cancer-related charities and foundations.

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Hunter is smiling JeKIuse PeÂźs working in the shop with Daddy.

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AGREEMENT It is agreed by any display or ClassiďŹ ed Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. bcclassiďŹ cannot be responsible for errors after the ďŹ rst day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the ďŹ rst day should immediately be called to the attention of the ClassiďŹ ed Department to be corrected for the following edition. bcclassiďŹ reserves the right to revised, edit, classify or reject any advertisement and to retain any answers directed to the bcclassiďŹ Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisement and box rental. DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justiďŹ ed by a bona ďŹ de requirement for the work involved. COPYRIGHT Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of bcclassiďŹ ed. com. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law. ON THE WEB:




Mogey Mogenson


Mogoy Mogey Mogenson passed away peacefully in her home on Sept. 22, 2012. By her request, request no formal services will be held.

Pretty Amy - 30’s, independent, private, sweetie pie, fit & curvy.

In Memoriam In Loving Memory of

Bill Harvey


Time guarantee. “Cool� specials. Call (250)421-6124 KOOTENAY’S BEST ESCORTS *For your safety and comfort call the best. *Quality and V.I.P Service Guarantee *Licensed studio

November 12, 1937 October 3, 2008

*NEW - Ginger. Petite, HOT, 23 *Mia- Exotic, tanned beauty, slim-30 *Crystal-Pretty brunette, legs for days-25

Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day. No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts, always there. Elaine & family.

(250)417-2800 in/out calls daily Hiring

Coming Events ALZHEIMER Society of B.C. one-day workshop: “Tips for the Dementia Journey.� Coming to Creston, Oct. 18; Invermere, Oct. 19; Cranbrook, Oct. 20. Runs 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pre-registration required. Call Darryl Oakley at Interior Health, 250-417-6162.


Lost & Found FOUND: Left at our office; Women’s prescription sunglasses in a hot pink case. Have been here for many months and will be donated if not claimed. Cranbrook Daily Townsman.

PLAYFUL, SEXY, sweet, seductive 24 year old. In-calls and out calls Paige (778)963-0356

FOUND: On new walking trail, Townsite, Kimberley prescription glasses with patterned brown frame. “Urban Eyewear�. Can claim at Bulletin office.




Sympathy & Understanding Kootenay Monument Installations 2200 - 2nd Street South Cranbrook, BC V1C 1E1 250-426-3132 1885 Warren Avenue Kimberley, BC V1A 1R9 250-427-7221



Granite & Bronze Memorials, Dedication Plaques, Benches, Memorial Walls, Gravesite Restorations, Sales & Installations IN-HOME CONSULTATION OR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM

6379 HIGHWAY 95A TA TA CREEK, B.C. 1-800-477-9996

End of Life? Bereaved? May We Help?






To advertise using our “SERVICES GUIDE� in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Kimberley Daily Bulletin and The Valley, call us at 250-426-5201, ext. 202. 25 YEARS experience in

DRYWALL at your service.

I can help you with: Boarding. Taping Textured Ceilings. Insulation. Vapor Barrier. (250)427-2454 lovesdrywall2000@

A & A ELECTRIC “At your Service� Licensed and Bonded

DUSTAY CONSTRUCTION LTD Canadian Home Builders Association Award Winning Home Builder Available for your custom home and renovation needs.

BONDED & INSURED For Peace of Mind Home Vacancy. (250)464-9900

CONCRETE WORKS!! All aspects of concrete work done from start to finish. Any finish available (stamped, polished, etc.) Mini Excavator and Dump Truck Service.


-Window & door frames. -Patio & deck, beams/ columns/stairs. -Wood trims & fascia. -Decorative’s & shutters. -Functional vents. -Over 20 colours to choose from. Call Ken (250)919-2566. Contractors welcome.

Residential, Commercial Service Work No Job Too Small! (250)421-0175

“Sweeping the Kootenay’s Clean�


Bobcat Snowblower Backpack blower Shovel

Lawn mowing, watering, p/u mail, cat care & more.



Call for a quote. (250)427-7819 (250)581-1200

Going on holiday & need your home checked on?

For reliable, quality electrical work (250)489-6211




You dream it, we build it!

We specialize in service work and service upgrades.

Custom cladding is a Maintenance free Pre-coloured Aluminum Product, formed & fit to beautify & protect the exposed wood on your home, for years to come.

In times of grief, these caring professionals are here to serve and comfort your family.

Business/OfďŹ ce Service

Contact these business for all your service needs!

No More Painting

Ph: 250.426.6006 Fx: 250.426.6005 2104D 2nd Street S. Cranbrook, BC the

Business/OfďŹ ce Service


No job too big or too small. For free quotes call Jason (250)464-5595



Business/OfďŹ ce Service

Drop off your photo and name(s) of subject at the Cranbrook Townsman or Kimberley Bulletin office or email your high-resolution jpeg to bulletinprod@ Photographs will appear in the order they are received.




to the senior stars.


Chimney Sweeping Fireplace & Woodstove Servicing Visual Inspections and Installations Gutter Cleaning Available Call for Free Estimate from a W.E.T.T Certified Technician Richard Hedrich (250)919-3643


All Indoor and Outdoor Renovation Projects including Painting, Staining & Plumbing.



Serving the Kootenays for the past 20 years.

Steve (250)421-6830




It’s time for a tune-up! Why unplug everything, send away & wait when SuperDave comes into your home? Specializes in: *Virus/Spyware Removal, *Troubleshooting, *Installations, *PC Purchase Consulting.

Hi Folks It’s that time of year to trim your trees and shrubs which will help them grow into healthy stronger plants. Give us a call for an appointment. David and Kim

SuperDave offers affordable, superior service & most importantly; Honesty. SuperDave works Saturdays & evenings too! Call SuperDave (250)421-4044


Canal Flats


Trees and shrubs

~Arborculture and Horticulture training ~Over 25 years experience ~Local family business ~10% senior discount


David Weiler, Kimberly Hartling Forest Technologists

Join an elite preschool setting. The Little Acorn is offering limited spots for September registration. Ages 32 months to Kindergarten. Subsidies welcome.


Call Shirley Jowsey or Doreen Lethbridge (250)426-4318.


CALL: 426-5201 EXT. 202


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2012 Wednesday, October 3, 3,2012



Merchandise for Sale

Lost & Found

Career Opportunities

Misc. for Sale

Apt/Condo for Rent

Suites, Lower


1 BDRM apartments available for rent. Hydro and heat included. $450.-$625./mo. + DD. Cranbrook. (250)417-5806


#43 717 21rst AVE N. Upgraded 2bdrm. lower unit. Complete with stainless steel appliances, hardwood flooring and W/D. Storage included. $750./mo. plus utilities. N/S, N/P. Call (250)421-2590

2 bdrm, 2-4pc bathroom condo, furnished, Fairmont Riverside Resort, overlooking golf course, laundry & storage in unit. Great mountain views. 1 year lease, non-smoking, no pets. Call Sharon 250-688-1365

LOST! ‘COOLA’. Large male black dog with tan markings, lost Sept. 30th near Kimberley, in lower summer sub areaMeadowbrook (above Red’s Country Store). He is friendly and very loved. Please contact me with any information. (778)481-1905 LOST, SEPT. 27 at 1pm at the Marysville Carwash, pair of black sunglasses. Please call if found. (250)427-9337


UNIFAB Grand Forks, BC (CWB Fabrication Shop) -Welder/Fitters, -Fabricators, -Welders, - Labourers (Journeymen and Apprentices).


Competitive wages and benefits. Excellent place to raise a family and just two hours southeast of Kelowna.

CALL: 426-5201 EXT. 202

Fax (250)442-8356 or email


Children Daycare Centers FULL-TIME or part-time spot available in Registered Daycare for children aged 0-5years. Please call (250)581-1328

Employment Business Opportunities OWNER RETIRING. Heating Service Business for sale, 3400 clients, $20k inventory. Campbell River, BC. Call Alan at (250)480-6700.

Career Opportunities ATTENTION: Early Childhood Educators, ESL Teachers and Language Development Professionals; Could you coach a non-native English speaking mother how to teach English to her pre kindergarten child? Unique, new elearning company with scientific approach to early childhood language development. Initial focus on supporting moms in China. We are looking for professional, part-time online SKYPE coaches in the Kootenays. Must be native English speaking women. Morning, evening and weekend shifts. Need own computer and high speed internet connection. Good pay. Training available. Contact Paul at for more information.

S.M. QUENNELL Trucking in Cranbrook, is looking for self/load log truck drivers, based in Cranbrook. Full time work, home every night. Excellent medical, dental, pension benefits, etc. Wages competitive with union rates. Fax resume and drivers abstract to: (250)426-4610 or call (250)426-6853

20 Boxes





ESTHETICIAN REQUIRED for well established Hair Studio in Kimberley. Please call Pat, (250)427-5506


pick up at

Ph: 426-5201


Financial Services

Misc. Wanted

Need CA$H Today? Own A Vehicle?

Borrow Up To $25,000

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

Real Estate

No Credit Checks!

Cash same day, local office. 1.800.514.9399




Pets & Livestock

Misc Services

Misc Services

Feed & Hay HAY FOR Sale. Wycliffe; $125./ton; $32./bale-500lbs. 65% Alfalfa. (250)426-7668

Merchandise for Sale Firewood/Fuel

MARKET PLACE To advertise using our “MARKET PLACE� in the Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Kimberley Daily Bulletin and The Valley, call us at 250-426-5201, ext. 202.


Watkins Associate Loretta-May (250)426-4632 lorettamaystewart or at Woodland Grocery.

Biodegradable Environmentally Friendly Kosher Spices Personal Care Products Ointments/Linaments, etc **Since 1860**

Available immediately

CEDAR PARK Apartments: 1&2 Bdrm Apts. Elevator, on-site laundry, central location, live-in manager. Heat & hot water included. N/P, N/S. $675-$800/mo. (250)489-0134. LIONS MANOR, Kimberley. Seniors living, 55+. 1bdrm apartment: $450./mo plus utilities & DD. N/S, No pets, no parties. Available Nov.1/12 (250)427-2970.

822 Cranbrook St. N.

Selling Hankook 225/65/17 Winter Tires with over 90% tread life remaining. Tires are mounted on Steel Rims, 5 x 4.5� bolt pattern. Paid $1500, used less than 10,000km over one season. Asking $800. Phone: (250)919-2340

FIREWOOD, DRY Pine. $160/cord, delivered. Phone after 6pm (250)427-7180.

~Crafting~Quilting~Nails~ Catalogue Sales, etc. Calling all home based businesses. We have an opportunity to showcase your talents at very affordable prices. Let everyone in the Kootenays know what you have to offer and expand your customer base. Call Marion at (250)426-5201 ext 202 for all the details, then get ready for some new revenue!


Help Wanted

ATTENTION, Early Childhood Educators, Infant Toddler Educators, ESL Teachers and Language Development Professionals. Coaches needed to assist mothers in China who are teaching their young children to speak English. Paid Coaching is part-time evening and weekends in your home, using Skype. Own computer and high speed internet required. Training is required. Coaching support provided. Contact Paul at to attend an information session.

DO YOU HAVE A special talent?



Houses For Sale

GOLD CREEK ACREAGE 3000 sq. ft., 5 large bedrooms, 2½ baths, on 1 acre. Out of town taxes. New roof, upgraded septic system, 2 car - carport.



(250) 919-1011

Garage Sales

Duplex / 4 Plex



CALL: 426-5201 EXT. 202

Transportation Auto Accessories/Parts TRUCK Rims: Excellent condition 6 Chev 17�/8 bolt pattern Chrome slotted Mags with new set of 4 centre caps and 3 spares. Bought @ $225 each, $450 takes all. Call 250-4890113. email:

Cars - Domestic

N/S, N/Pets, N/Parties

2004 Chrysler Intrepid ES/SXT Fully serviced, safety inspected. Stk# 7214



950 /month

EK Transmission Ltd.

Phone: (250) 417-3386

1019 Kootenay St. N., $SBOCSPPL #$ t


Commercial Vehicles

Homes for Rent 4BEDROOM HOUSE in Cranbrook. F/S, W/D - $1200./mo. plus utilities + DD. (250)489-1324 FOR RENT in Canal Flats. 3 bedroom home with 2 vehicle detached garage, newly renovated, N/S, pet negotiable. Available Sept.1st, $900/mo plus utilities & DD. Phone (250) 349-5306 or (250)4898389. MARK Creek Crossing 1/2 duplex for sale, with cherry hardwood, large deck, finished basement, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. (2767 Rotary Dr) Asking $359,900. Tara Sykes, Royal LePage East Kootenay Realty, 250-427-0070, 250427-6496 cell.

Garage Sales


1998 YUTANI MD140 quick change, 2 buckets, $15,000. 1976 white Western Star, dump truck, tarper, certified, $10,000. (250)427-7880

Motorcycles JUST IN TIME FOR FALL 2012 Gas Gas ec 300 Electric start 2 stroke Enduro Race Bike. MSRP $8950 ON SALE now for $8199. Available in Kimberley @ Meadowbrook Motors. (250)427-7690

Trucks & Vans

2003 Dodge Dakota 2WD $


EK Transmission Ltd. DL#29679

Please join us for the BDO Yard Sale to raise money for our local Cranbrook food bank. Drop by on Saturday, October 6 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at 35 10th Ave South.

1. Advertise to Reach New Customers.

You’ve got to advertise to get your share of business or lose it to the stores that do. If you cut back on your advertising, you may forfeit new prospective customers to your competition.

3. Advantage Over Competitors Who Cut Back. A five year survey of more than 3,000 companies found that advertisers who maintained or expanded advertising during a troubled economy saw sales increase an average of 100%.

4. Continuous Advertising Strengthens Your Image. When people who postpone buying come back to the marketplace, you’ve got a better chance of getting their business if you’ve continued to maintain a solid, reliable image.

5. Direct Advertising is Cost Efficient. Direct has the advantages – demographic and geographic numbers to afford advertisers the best value and exposure for their advertising dollar.

6. Advertise to Generate Traffic. Continuous traffic is the first step toward sales increases and expanding your base of buyers. The more people who contact you, the more possibilities you have to make sales.

7. Advertise to Make More Sales.

Only 138,679km, Fully serviced, new battery. Stk# 9577


Top Ten Reasons to Advertise in a Newspaper

2. Your Competition Isn’t Quitting.


Want to reach new customers? We read the newspaper every day, Monday to Friday.

Your market changes constantly. Advertising is tremendously helpful in directing customers to the product and services they need, and helps put you ahead of your competition.

FOR RENT Newer 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1000 sq. ft. 4-plex. W/D, F/S, D, balcony, side lawn. Available Nov. 1, 2012. Close to Tamarack Mall.


1019 Kootenay St. N., $SBOCSPPL #$ t

Advertising works! Businesses that succeed are usually strong, steady advertisers. Look around. You’ll find the most aggressive and consistent advertisers are almost invariably the most successful.

8. Advertise Because There is Always Business to Generate. Salespeople are on the payroll. As long as you’re in business, you have overhead and you’ve got to advertise to generate a steady cash flow.

9. Advertise to Keep a Healthy Positive Image. In a troubled economy, rumors and bad news travel fast. Advertising corrects gossip, shoots down false reports and projects positively.

10. Advertise to Maintain Employee Morale.

2000 Dodge Durango

Fully serviced, new brakes, full tune-up. Stk# 5192



EK Transmission Ltd. DL#29679

1019 Kootenay St. N., $SBOCSPPL #$ t

When advertising and promotion are cut, salespeople become less motivated. They may believe the store is cutting back, even going out of business.

Call today and start advertising.


822 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook


335 Spokane St., Kimberley

daily townsman / daily bulletin

Page 16 wednesday, october 3, 2012

FREE $25 *

Coupon Effective

October 3-7

family feast $ for under 26!

gift card with $250 purchase

*With this coupon and a purchase of at least $250 before applicable taxes at Real Canadian Superstore locations (excludes purchase of tobacco, alcohol products, prescriptions, gift cards, phone cards, lottery tickets, all third party operations (post office, gas bars, dry cleaners, etc.) and any other products which are provincially regulated) we will give you a $25 President’s Choice® gift card. Limit one coupon per family and/or customer account. No cash value. No copies. Coupon must be presented to the cashier at time of purchase. $25 President’s Choice® gift card will be cancelled if product is returned at a later date and the total value of product(s) returned reduces the purchase amount below the $250 threshold (before applicable taxes). Valid from Wednesday, October 3th, until closing Sunday, October 7th, 2012. Cannot be combined with any other coupons or promotional offers. 249856

10003 07451





spend $200 and receive a


Coupon Effective

October 5-11

PC®ceramic bakeware set $19.99 value

ÕSpend $200 or more before applicable taxes at any Real Canadian Superstore location and receive free PC® ceramic bakeware set. Excludes purchase of tobacco, alcohol products, prescriptions, gift cards, phone cards, lottery tickets, all third party operations (post office, gas bars, dry cleaners, etc.) and any other products which are provincially regulated. The retail value of $19.99 will be deducted from the total amount of your purchase before sales taxes are applied. Limit one coupon per family and/or customer account. No cash value. No copies. Coupon must be presented to the cashier at time of purchase. Valid from Friday, October 5th until closing Thursday, October 11th, 2012. Cannot be combined with any other coupons or promotional offers. No substitutions, refunds or exchanges on free item. 802563

10000 02491


For Entertaining


Johnsonville breakfast sausage previously frozen, 375 g 441600




frozen utility turkey 3-5 kg 815764

cheese & pepperoni tray 10” round, 600 g 294004





chili nacho cheese tray or fiesta tray 12” round 250571 / 297387

fruit or vegetable platter made fresh in-store daily, 1.83 -1.85 kg * not exactly as illustrated 618005 / 434874


bulk, assorted varieties, mix & match 324895



fresh sweet potatoes product of USA, no. 1 grade 731854


ea fresh pineapple product of Costa Rica 722103



Bakeshop fresh buns






Weston dinner rolls

.23 EACH

white or 100% whole wheat, 20’s 615907


/lb 1.01 /kg


We also have fresh turkeys available in-store for your family feast!

Ocean Spray 100% juice

selected varieties 1.89 L 838582



Oct. 3-11 Live Atlantic lobster chick, 1-1.25 lb average 328582

2 lb BAG

Farmer’s Market™ mini carrots product of U.S.A. 735280

ea Ocean Spray

cranberry sauce

whole or jellied 348 mL 817106


Price Effective




2.09 /kg

PC® Mini Gem

ea potatoes



red or yellow, product of Canada, Canada no.1 grade, 680 g 905684 / 576661










no name® seasoned

ea stuffing





120 g 123619

PC® 4 hour firelogs 655003





742885 /421729 / 736632


.88 48

selected varieties, 450-550 g


15.39 /kg



Annette’s pies

save /lb




Prices are in effect until Sunday, October 7, 2012 or while stock lasts. >ÃÌiÀ >À`

©MasterCard & PayPass are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated. President’s Choice Back a licensee of the marks. President’s Choice Financial MasterCard is provided by President’s Choice Bank. President’s Choice Financial banking services are provided by the direct banking division of CIBC. PC points loyalty program is provided by President’s Choice Services Inc. ©PC, President’s Choice, President’s Choice Financial and Fresh Financial Thinking are registered trademarks of Loblaws Inc. Trademarks use under licence.

Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores. NO RAINCHECKS OR SUBSTITUTIONS on clearance items or where quantities are advertised as limited. Advertised pricing and product selection (flavour, colour, patterns, style) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. We are not obligated to sell items based on errors or misprints in typography or photography. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at time of purchase. Applicable taxes, deposits, or environmental surcharges are extra. No sales to retail outlets. Some items may have “plus deposit and environmental charge” where applicable. ®/TM The trademarks, service marks and logos displayed in this newspaper ad are trademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. All rights reserved. © 2012 Loblaws Inc. Customer Relations: 1-866-999-9890.

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