Lake Country Calendar, October 10, 2012

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October 10, 2012



Urban growth a challenge to kokanee stream KEVIN PARNELL

Hunter’s body found within 600 metres of where he left his truck east of Oyama. ...............................


Lake Country council has put its support behind Kelowna’s bid to bring Ironman Canada event to the region. Penticton had been hosting the event for decades. ...............................


Donation of both fund-raised cash and donated food goes to the food bank from Kel-Lake Greenhouses. ...............................


Flyers ■ Home Depot ■ JYSK

On the surface, Wood Lake appears to be the perfect recreational lake. Its inviting waters are situated close to residents of the Okanagan, running alongside Highway 97. Water sports enthusiasts share the lake with anglers who fish for kokanee in one of the province’s last and best available kokanee fisheries. But stocks are falling for a number of reasons and many people don’t seem to care. However, the work of fisheries biologists and the local fishing club are having a big impact in trying to revive the kokanee before it’s too late and Wood Lake joins the list of kokanee lakes that are in crisis. ••• Driving past Wood Lake, it’s easy to take that body of water for granted as just another beautiful Okanagan lake. Waterskiers, jet skis and pleasure boats dot the surface through the warm summer months sharing the waters with anglers. While it’s beautiful, warm and inviting, Wood Lake is much more than just a summer recreation spot or a good fishing lake. It is home to one of the top remaining kokanee fisheries in B.C., Canada and quite possibly the entire world. But for two straight years, the number of kokanee in Wood Lake has decreased due to a number of factors, from warm water, to problems with the main stream the ko-


OCEOLA FISH AND GAME CLUB members clear forest debris from Middle Vernon Creek, which connects Wood Lake to Duck Lake in Lake Country. kanee use to spawn. It’s a trend that has fisheries biologists and local anglers worried and working towards finding solutions that will keep the kokanee healthy for generations to come. From work done by the Oceola Fish and Game Club to a new long-term project to detail the water usage in Wood Lake, the time is now to help sustain a fishery that is one-of-akind and a true Okanagan treasure. ••• Kokanee are not your normal sport fish. They

are a land-locked version of sockeye salmon with a four year life cycle. At the end of their life cycle, they return to the stream where they were born, or to the lake shore to spawn and then die. And Wood Lake is not your normal sport fishing lake. It has high nutrient levels that help produce such a great fishery with kokanee that are larger than what is normal. Fish up to two pounds are not out of the ordinary. But it is also an urban lake, situated alongside Highway 97

with easy access to boaters, residents, businesses and polluters. “Kokanee numbers have always been unstable in Wood Lake,” explains fisheries biologist Paul Askey. “The lake is a under a variety of stresses. What makes it such a high use fishery and such a great fishery is the fact that it is an urban lake. It’s got easy access. It has a lot of development around it so we have a lot of pressure on the water from different sources. “There is a lot of pollution and those kinds

of things that go with an urban environment that can impact the lake.” Last year, lake conditions were too warm for the kokanee. High levels of algae sank to the bottom and used up much of the oxygen that the kokanee needed, resulting in significant fish kill. This season, lake temperatures have been more suitable, resulting in better fishing. But numbers remain down and the fishery is in a constant state of flux. And that has fisheries biologists working

hard to keep the Wood Lake fishery intact and healthy. “Wood Lake is a recreational fishery that is currently producing a lot of value for a lot of people but it is also under a lot of stress,” says Askey. “I would say right now is the time we need to figure this out. We are already seeing numbers going down the last couple years and we need to turn that around. Hopefully we can get it SEE KOKANEE A3


Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

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Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012 A3


Anglers, biologists collaborate in attempt to save kokanee KOKANEE FROM A1

back on track.” ••• Walking around Winfield, it would be easy to dismiss the creek that runs through town as just another small stream that may or may not be home to fish. It’s called Middle Vernon Creek; it’s seven kilometres long and connects Duck Lake with Wood Lake, winding its way through Lake Country. Each spring high waters bring debris into the creek and create impassible log jams. Each year, during the hot Okanagan summer, parts of the stream go dry. Neither of those things are good for the kokanee because Middle Vernon Creek, along with Upper Vernon Creek and Winfield Creek, are the kokanee’s main spawning streams and vitally important to the success of the Wood Lake kokanee fishery. Each year, the Oceola Fish and Game Club takes it upon itself to go in and clean up the stream, removing garbage and debris and clearing a path for the kokanee to enter the stream and spawn. High water levels early this season resulted in 25 huge debris jams that took hundreds of manhours to remove. “Between July and last

weekend, we had various crews out doing their best to clear debris jams and beaver dams in order to facilitate fish passage,” says Rick Simpson, spokesperson for the Oceola Club. “This is all in aid of sustaining the Wood Lake kokanee population. If the kokanee are prevented from getting to their spawning grounds we are in trouble.” While Middle Vernon Creek suffers from low water levels each year, the work being done by the Oceola club has certainly paid off for the kokanee. Back in 1983, a fish count done on Middle Vernon Creek saw just nine kokanee in the spawning grounds. Last year, considered a low year, there were 8,000 kokanee counted in Middle Vernon Creek. Still, there are many people in the area that appear clueless as to how important the stream is for the kokanee. “The creek has suffered abuses for a very long time,” says Simpson. “We’ve found truck tires with rims still on, we found a truck canopy, shopping carts, grass clippings, all kinds of stuff that has just been thrown over the banks, sort of like out of sight, out of mind. “It’s like death by a


FOREST DEBRIS has filled Middle Vernon Creek which runs between Wood Lake and Duck Lake in Lake Country, putting kokanee in danger. Oceola game club members work to clear logs and debris from the creek. thousand cuts. Over time there is a cumulative effect of those cuts and eventually what happens is it dies a very slow, painful death.” ••• A slow, painful death of the kokanee fishery in Wood Lake is exactly what the Oceola club and fisheries biologist Paul Askey are trying to avoid. The lake and its fish bearing streams have become one of the highest priority fisheries projects for the B.C. government, which is hoping

desperately to avoid a kokanee crash that has affected lakes like Okanagan Lake and Kootenay Lake, both which used to have excellent kokanee fisheries but are now struggling to come back from the brink of collapse. Multiple projects are underway, all of them funded through the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, derived from the surcharges anglers pay when purchasing a fishing license. A five-year project looking at the daily

Hunter’s body found near his truck Friends and family of a Lake Country hunter found dead in the bush after he was reported missing Sept. 29 are awaiting the results of an autopsy to understand what happened. Tracy De Montezuma, 52, was found last Thursday by a dog team in the fifth day of an operation staged by Central Okanagan Search and Rescue. De Montezuma, a resident of Carr’s Landing who was married with one child, had gone hunting by himself for the day in the Wilma Lake area near Beaver and Dee Lake roads. He was found just 600 metres from where he had parked his truck, well hidden and dressed in camouflage, in an area that had been searched

Tracy De Montezuma several times by rescuers. De Montezumo’s family was at the scene when his body was discovered, along with many community members who had volunteered to assist with the search. Dennis Bugera, a friend of De Montezuma’s, described him as an experienced outdoorsman who “knew his stuff,” a good husband

and awesome machinest who worked for the K&S Machine Shop in Lake Country. “It was surprising how he was missed for five days before being found, yet he was so close to his truck,” Bugera said. “But I guess the autopsy will give us a better idea of what happened. He might have slipped and fell, his gun might have accidently gone off or maybe he had a heart attack. We’ll just have to wait until the autopsy is done and then we’ll know.” Jared Wilkison, president of the Oceola Fish and Game Club, said he understood that De Montezuma had been an active member in the club in past years but he didn’t know him. “What I’ve been told

from others is that he was really savvy in the bush and was in great physical shape,” Wilkison said. “It’s just one of things that happens every once in awhile. When you consider the number of man hours that hunters spend in the bush compared to the number of accidents that occur, it’s a very odd occurrence when something like this happens.” Wilkison added that De Montezuma was found in a popular area where hunters go, that is widely accessible because of the network of logging roads. “The backcountry is not as remote as it once was with all the logging that takes place, but it was a bit surprising how long it took to find him,” he said.

catch limits for kokanee is nearing its end. Askey says early indications are that over-harvesting of kokanee is a lower priority problem meaning that the two-fish-perday limit will likely stay in place. That points to the conditions in the lake and in the spawning streams that feed the lake as the top priority. A new long-term project has just started looking into the lake’s water, how much is coming in, where it’s going and how much is being used for

things like irrigation. “We need to measure the quality of the fish habitat and come up with a plan of where to get water,” says Askey. “It has to be a collaborative plan between the district of Lake Country, the province, local irrigators and local First Nations so that we can come up with a way to keep the fish healthy.” It’s likely music to the ears of many in the Oceola club, who since 1983 have been slogging into Middle Vernon Creek with an army of

volunteers trying to help the kokanee in its efforts to reproduce. Club member Rick Simpson says everyone can help if they just took the time to realize what a fantastic, unique and one-of-a-kind fishery exists right on the doorstep of Okanagan residents. “The Wood Lake kokanee fishery deserves a lot more respect and it needs to be revered and valued a lot more than it is,” says Simpson. “You can’t be driving trucks through (Middle Vernon Creek), you can’t be cutting down all the trees up to the creek, you can’t be putting in another wharf on top of spawning habitat. “If the fishery is going to continue to be healthy we have to put some effort into it. Our club has been doing its bit since the early 1980s and now I guess we’d like to reach out and make folks more aware of these things.” “When you see something everyday and grow up with it, you tend to take it for granted,” adds Askey. “I think you would be very hard pressed to find many more kokanee lakes that can produce the biomass of kokanee anywhere in the world than Wood Lake does. But we need to turn things around. And right now is the time.”


Lake Country council backs bid to bring Ironman here RICHARD ROLKE Lake Country wants to bring a major international sports event to the region. Council agreed Tuesday to endorse Kelowna’s bid to host Ironman Canada. “It will get the Okanagan more widely known,” said Mayor James Baker. Baker anticipates that besides bringing thousands of people here for the event, Ironman could lead to people selecting the Okanagan for holidays or purchasing homes here.

Council had a presentation from Jim Gabriel, Kelowna’s director of recreation and cultural services, Tuesday. There was some preliminary discussion about Lake Country’s role in Ironman. “If they run a route through Lake Country, we will make sure we give them all of the help needed and the engineering help,” said Baker. “We will select the safest routes and the most scenic routes.” Financial obligations, particularly with closing roads down for athletes, have not been discussed.

“We haven’t seen what any cost may be,” said Baker. Kelowna is in the running for Ironman Canada with Whistler and Huntsville, Ont. also making efforts to host the event. Vernon had also put forward a bid package, but it did not make the short-list. “If Vernon had been on the short-list, we’d be backing them too,” said Baker. The successful community will be announced Oct. 10 in Hawaii.

—Vernon Morning Star


Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


The Calendar, published by Black Press Group every Wednesday at Winfield, BC, has been Lake Country’s news publication since 1951.


Seeing bigger picture in a tiny fragment E

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Dix hot on subject of need for skills training in B.C.


y column on skills training a couple of weeks ago gave short shrift to the NDP position: Tax the banks and hand out grants for women’s studies, sociology and other worthless pursuits, while skilled jobs go begging. That’s a pretty crude caricature, so I sat down with NDP leader Adrian Dix in his legislature office last week to get a better sense of his thinking on the subject. Dix has been devoting a lot of time lately to skills training, in trades particularly. He meets frequently with business people now, and his recent speeches emphasize that every one of them talks about the growing shortage of skilled employees. Dix credits Premier Christy Clark and jobs minister Pat Bell with making some good moves recently, announcing equipment upgrades for vocational programs around the province.

BC Views

Tom Fletcher He says it’s because the NDP have been “pounding away at them for eight months” about freezing advanced education spending in their March budget. Dix calls that a crucial mistake and predicts the government will reverse it soon. “So I think, if we’re going to have a mission for four years as a government, if we’re elected, this is the mission: To start to address the skills shortage,” he told me. In his speech to the recent municipal convention, and again at an NDP provincial coun-

cil meeting, Dix zeroed in on B.C.’s apprenticeship system. Since the B.C. Liberals took it from trade unions and set up a Crown corporation called the Industry Training Authority in 2004, the completion rate for apprentices has fallen to 37 per cent, he said. Dix assured me he isn’t proposing to “blow up” the ITA, or hand control back to unions. They will have “a voice,” along with business. Speaking to the NDP executive, Dix referred to Phil Hochstein, president of the non-union Independent Contractors and Businesses’ Association, as the symbol of trades training decline. Not surprisingly, Hochstein has a different take. The 37 per cent figure is misleading, Hochstein said, because under the ITA there are currently 32,000 apprentices in the system, twice as many as when it was union controlled. Many drop out

in the first year, and Alberta claims a better completion rate because they don’t start counting until the second year. And when Dix touts Alberta’s “mandatory” trade system, Hochstein said he means returning to a system where all work is restricted to journeymen or registered apprentices of that trade. “What it does is impose union jurisdiction on the training system of the entire construction industry,” Hochstein said. “So multi-skilling, multi-tasking, organizing the work in the most efficient way is blown out of the water, and it’s stuck in the old craft system of training.” The marketplace has spoken on that restrictive system, he said, and unionized construction is down to about five per cent of the market, based on payroll. Hochstein said the NDP talks a great game about getting more young people into trades. But when unions have

the upper hand, they will always favour seniority. A quota of two apprentices per journeyman means another one can’t be hired. Dix agreed with me that the public school system has over-emphasized university, to the detriment of not just industrial trades but lab techs, chefs and other skilled workers that are in short supply. As B.C. Federation of Labour president Jim Sinclair recently noted, tradesmen themselves often don’t encourage their kids, because they’ve been told all their lives that they are “tool monkeys” in a dead-end job. And would NDP student grants be targeted to need? Dix’s answer was a definite maybe.

Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and


how the universe hangs together. Physicist Frithof Capra looked at a beach, and saw the Dance of Shiva—the cycle of creation and destruction— taking place. Mystic Julian of Norwich looked at a humble hazelnut and realized that it encapsulated her theology of God’s relationship with humans. v Poet William Blake wrote: To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. All these people had one thing in common— an ability to look at the part and see the whole. Not everyone can do it. SEE TAYLOR A5

We want to hear your opinions on issues going on in our community Q The Lake Country Calendar welcomes letters to the editor intended for publication but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity, legality, personal abuse, accuracy, good taste and topicality. All letters published remain the property of the the Lake Country Calendar, which is the sole judge of suitability for publication. Pen names will not be used other than in exceptional circumstances, which must first be agreed on by the Lake Country Calendar. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. To assist in verification, addresses and telephone numbers must be supplied, but will not be published.

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012 A5

opinion ▟ MP’S REPORT

‘Hold infinity in Raising awareness of Canadian the palm of your achievements in science and technology hand,’ Blake S TAYLOR FROM A4

At a men’s breakfast recently, the program organizer asked participants to describe a single significant event that had influenced the rest of their lives. Several in the group—I wasn’t keeping count—couldn’t do it. They had certainly had significant events in their lives. But they didn’t seem able to isolate one part that revealed the whole. They had to tell their whole life story—abbreviated, of course, but still starting from “I was born in‌.â€? They were like tourists who have to include the full spread of a city, the prairies, the mountains, into a single photograph. And yet a close-up of dew on a single rose may document the beauty of a garden better than a picture of the whole spread. Stiletto heels clicking on a sidewalk may say as much about a city as a panorama of soaring office towers. The concept of part and whole has been popularized recently by holographic images and fractals. If you cut an ordinary photograph into smaller bits, all you have is fragments, like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. No single piece contains the en-

tire image. But if you break the carrier of a holographic image into pieces, you will still have the whole image in each piece— not as sharp as the original, but recognizably complete. Fractals do the same, but mathematically. No matter how finely you zoom in on the output of the formula, the pattern recurs. It doesn’t necessarily repeat. Each iteration is not identical. But each is recognizably part of a coherent whole. Fractals have no beginning. And no end point. They just are. Newton and Capra, Julian and Blake, created the equivalent of fractals and holographs with words and ideas, long before such things were technically possible. So did Jesus of Nazareth, in his parables. Scholars and preachers have developed infinite interpretations of each parable. But perhaps, like fractals or holographs, they are all small representations of the same theme: “This is the way you should live.� Early Christians were known as people of The Way. But if Blake makes no sense to you, Jesus probably won’t either. Jim Taylor is an Okanagan Centre author.

cience and Technology Week in Canada will take place from Oct. 12 to 21, and provides us with a great opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of science and technology and celebrate Canada’s role as a leader in innovation. As posted at science., a recent assessment of the state of science and technology in Canada by an 18-member national and intentional expert panel has found Canadian science and technology is healthy and growing in both output and impact. Furthermore, over the past five years, real improvements have occurred in the magnitude and quality of Canadian science and technology. According to panel chair Dr. Eliot Phillipson, “There is much for Canadians to be proud of as Canada’s international reputation is strong, science and technology research is robust across the country, and globally we are considered to have world-leading research infrastructure and programs.â€? The panel found the following key findings: • The six research fields in which Canada excels are: clinical medicine, historical studies, information and communication technologies (ICT), physics and astronomy, psychology and

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Ron Cannan cognitive sciences, and visual and performing arts. • Canadian science and technology is healthy and growing in both output and impact. With less than 0.5 per cent of the world’s population, Canada produces 4.1 per cent of the world’s research papers and nearly five per cent of the world’s most frequently cited papers. • In a survey of over 5,000 leading international scientists, Canada’s scientific research enterprise was ranked fourth highest in the world, after the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany. • Canada is part of a network of international science and technology collaboration that includes the most scientifically advanced countries in the world. Canada is also attracting high-quality researchers from abroad, such that over the past decade there has been a net migration of researchers

into the country. • Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta are the powerhouses of Canadian science and technology, together accounting for 97 per cent of total Canadian output in terms of research papers. These provinces also have the best performance in patent-related measures and the highest per capita numbers of doctoral students, accounting for more than 90 per cent of doctoral graduates in Canada in 2009. • Several fields of specialization were identified in other provinces, such as: agriculture, fisheries, and forestry in Prince Edward Island and Manitoba; historical studies in New Brunswick; biology in Saskatchewan; as well as earth and environmental sciences in Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia. Our government has been criticized for failing to support science. Yet, it is clear our commitment to fund science and technology at record levels ($8 billion in new dollars since 2006), is having a real and positive impact. As taxpayers who support science and technology funding, I hope you are proud of Canada’s achievements.


The Kelowna Art

Gallery contacted my office recently to let me know about its upcoming Appetizer for Art fundraiser and auction. The event will be held Saturday, Nov. 3, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Kelowna Art Gallery. Not only will you be able to purchase art but you’ll get to enjoy some of the region’s finest culinary and spirits. For more information please go to ••• The arts and culture sectors in Kelowna-Lake Country enjoy local, provincial and federal support, which provides our community, especially school-aged children, with access to a number of music, art, dance and heritage programs, cre-

ates jobs and supports the local economy. ••• Finally, as Thanksgiving falls on Oct. 8 this year, I’ll be back working in the riding until the 14th. Perhaps I’ll see some of you down at the Gospel Mission, where my wife Cindy and I will be serving dinner, alongside other community volunteers. Don’t hesitate to contact my office at ron@ or by calling 250 470-5075 if you want to meet. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope that even in these challenging times, you can find much to be thvankful for. Ron Cannan is the Conservative Member of Parliament for KelownaLake Country.

Kelowna Shelter 3785 Casorso Road

250-861-7722 Beagle Cross Sex: Male Colour: Brown/White/Black Spayed/Neutered: Yes Age: Adult Animal ID: 280215 Ollie was surrendered to the Shelter for us to ďŹ nd him a suitable new, forever home. If you are considering adopting Ollie, we strongly recommend you have experience or be very familiar with the Beagle breed. Ollie is truly a typical Beagle... he can ďŹ nd a “kibbleâ€? bit underneath a leaf - very scent oriented! He is friendly, exuberant, playful, outgoing and yes, hounds can be vocal. Ollie has been mostly an outside dog in his short life, but we know he is searching for someone to be with and love him for what he is. He needs and wants an owner whom which he can bond and quickly develop into a good family companion. We know he would be a good walking/hiking/running partner because he is full of life and energy. Please, know and understand Ollie and give him that chance he is desperately seeking. If you wish to meet this bouncy beagle, please speak with the Kelowna SPCA Dog Staff.



Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar



Recycle your old vehicle tires at the following depots for free

Sicilian veggie treat discovered

Get rid of old tires that may be sitting around your property and help remove potential mosquito breeding habitat! The Regional District of Central Okanagan and its mosquito control program contractor BWP Consulting are providing a free, passenger tire recycling dropoff. Any old passenger vehicle tires or transport tractor-trailer tires (no agricultural tires), with or without rims, can be dropped off for recycling on the following dates and locations between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13t

George Elliot Secondary School, 10241 Bottom Lake Road, Lake Country Sunday, Oct. 14 North Glenmore Elementary School, 125 Snowsell Street North, Kelowna. Regional District communications officer Bruce Smith says, “Any water that collects inside old tires on your property is a perfect breeding ground for mosquito larvae. By getting rid of them you’re removing the breeding habitat, protecting you, your family and neighbours from mosquitoes and that reduces the potential

WinďŹ eld Community Church Sunday Morning Service for All Ages

10:15 a.m.

risk of spreading West Nile virus.� BWP’s Cheryl Phippen says, “If residents in the City of Kelowna, District of Lake Country or the Regional District Electoral Areas that participate in the mosquito control program are not able to make any of these tire recycling collection events, please call 1-866679-TIRE (8473) and book an appointment. We’ll arrange a convenient time to pick up your tires for recycling.� Last year more than 2,700 tires were dropped off at events across the region. Another 5,900 were collected through scheduled pickups. There are excellent resources available to help you and your family during the mosquito season. Visit the Mosquito Control page on the Regional District website for information about the program.


y friend Benny De Rosa, from De Rosa Vineyards and B&B on Ogden Road in West Kelowna, showed me his Sicilian serpentine squash the other day, and I can honestly say I have never seen anything like it. It’s a bit like zucchini in that it is long and thin, but that’s where the comparison ends. Benny has it growing on a trellis as if it were a cucumber vine so not only is it a great culinary item it is quite ornamental. Its leaves are about the size of a typical cucumber leaf and its flowers are pure white instead of the yellow that normally cucurbits produce; it is this trait that tells us it is actually a gourd. The fruit itself is long, averaging two to three feet, narrow and twisted like a snake. Another name for this interesting vegetable is Cucuzzi, and there are

From Ground Up

Don Burnett several interesting recipes for it to be found on the Internet. ••• We have not had a significant drop of rain since July and it is beginning to show. Hopefully, we will have enough snowfall to replenish things for next year. I was doing a walkabout recently and noticed some established trees showing signs of water stress. The only irrigation available to them was a couple of drip tubes placed at the base of the trunk. There is a common

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Winfield United Church 3751 Woodsdale Road 250-766-4458 Sunday Worship and Children’s Church

9:50 a.m. Everyone Welcome! Minister: Jim Hannah THRIFT SHOP OPEN: Tues. - Sat., 10:00 to 2:00 Thrift Shop Phone: 250-766-3387

St. Francis Anglican Church /FXFOF 3PBE 8JOm FME

Service time 9:30 am. You are invited to all services & programs! Wardens: 3PTFNBSZ $BSUFS 3PCFSUB -PFXFO Deputy Warden: Margaret Fyfe 766-3227. Priest: 3FW 1BUSJDJB )PSSPCJO PGm DF PS

St. Edward’s Catholic Church

Mass times: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am 2nd & 4th Friday 10am L.C. Lodge 4BUVSEBZ QN t 4VOEBZ BN 11123 Okanagan Centre Rd. East 250-766-3146

Smell gas? Get out, then call: FortisBC’s 24-hour Emergency Line at 1-800-663-9911, or 911. Natural gas is used safely in homes across B.C. everyday. FortisBC adds an odourant that smells like rotten eggs or sulphur. If there’s a leak, you’ll smell it.

To advertise your church services, special religious events and celebrations, please email or call 1-250-540-2974 or 250-979-7324

FortisBC uses the FortisBC Energy name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (11-001.5A 10/2012)

misconception that water is to be applied there which couldn’t be more wrong. The tree needs water over a general area from about a couple of feet from the trunk to at least the drip line; the distance to where the branches of the tree extend. We checked for moisture at the base of the trunk and it was wet, however, when we dug a few feet away the ground was bone dry. The water used on this tree was virtually wasted as it just drained down below the tree and never reached the root platter. If the same amount of water had been distributed properly the tree would not have been in stress. ••• Don’t forget to take advantage of the fabulous garden waste recycling bins provided by the municipalities. This is fall cleanup time and there are only a few more pickups before the season ends and the snow flies. Leaves, grass clippings

small prunings and the tops from all your herbaceous perennial plants can be put into the bin, however soil, turf, and large prunings should not. Also keep dog droppings, meat scraps, rocks, construction lumber and metals out of the bin. Common sense prevails. ••• I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the Goode family who recently lost their wonderful matriarch Shirley Goode tragically in an auto accident. I was honoured to be able to attend the service and was touched by the many family members who gave testimony as to the wonderful person Shirley was. In particular, when her dear granddaughter Amy described the relationship she and her grandmother shared, there was not a dry eye in the congregation. Tune in to The Don Burnett Garden Show on AM 1150 News Talk Sports Saturdays from 8 to 10 a.m.

YLW displays winning wines Coinciding with the Okanagan Fall Wine Festival, Kelowna International Airport (YLW) will showcase the 2012 Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in British Columbia Wines by having them on display in the airport’s Departure area. “We are pleased to help celebrate B.C. wines,� said Jenelle Hynes, YLW spokesperson. “With our own VQA wine shop in Departures this was a great tie-in to bring in the Lieutenant Governor’s award-winning wines and display them at YLW. Now, as our guests fly from our airport they will have one more opportunity to view some of the best wines made in our region.� As the representative of the Crown in British Columbia, the Lieutenant Governor is responsible for upholding the constitutional framework of the province, for celebrating, inspiring and connecting British Columbians and for profiling excellence and promoting the history, culture and achievements of the British Columbia and its people. In 2003, the Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Excellence in British Columbia Wines were established by then-Lieutenant Governor Iona Campagnolo to recognize and honour excellence in the province’s growing wine industry. To be eligible for the competition, wines must be made from 100 per cent grapes grown and processed within British Columbia. Wineries may enter up to four wines in the competition. A tasting panel of distinguished wine judges and critics selects eight to 12 wines that, in their view, have achieved “excellence.� As the competition has evolved, the judges have noted the growing overall quality of B.C. wines and the selection has become more difficult. The Lieutenant Governor visits the winning wineries and personally presents the awards each summer.

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prevention can



OCTOBER 7 - 13, 2012

If you woke up to a fire in your home, how much time do you think you would have to get to safety? According to the nonprofit National Fire Protection Association, one-third of households estimate they thought they would have at least six minutes before a fire in their home would become life threatening. Unfortunately, the time available is often less. That’s why the Lake Country Fire Department has teamed up with NFPA during Fire Prevention Week, Oct.7 to 13, to urge residents to adopt a fire escape plan for their homes with this motto: “Have two ways out!� Brent Penner, Lake Country assistant fire chief, says elementary school students will receive fire education lesson packages this year prepared by the B.C. Fire Commissioner’s Office that address the home escape theme. “We are trying to teach kids about having two ways out of their home, to have a central meeting place, to not go back into a burning building,� Penner said. The kids will have exercises to fill and return to their teacher, completion of which will qualify them for a draw to be selected to attend an event at the Kelowna Fire Hall No. 1 on Enterprise Way next Wednesday. A child from each participating school will get the opportunity to visit the first station, be treated to a lunch from McDonald’s and learn about fire safety. Students from across School District 23, from Peachland to Lake Country, will participate in this event. As well, one student in the school district will win a draw for a new computer. Penner added that the fire department is also often asked by seniors and other groups to give fire safety talks as well during Fire Prevention Week, as the fire safety message, how to respond to a fire and the importance of smoke alarms is universal for both young and old.

Only a working smoke alarm can save your life! FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCT. 7-14

Smoke alarms save lives “Fall backâ€? to smart home safety As most Canadians turn back the clocks on November 4, here are some timely smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) safety tips: s 7HEN YOU change your clocks, test your smoke arlam. s 9OU HAVE less than three minutes to escape a ďŹ re. So when smoke alarms sound, everyone must know what to do and where to go. Having and practising an escape plan is essential. s )NSTALL ONE SMOKE ALARM on every storey and outside BEDROOMS )NSTALL INSIDE bedrooms if you sleep with doors closed. s %NSURE ALL SMOKE ALARMS are fully powered. Never take out batteries or remove an alarm from ceiling due to a false alarm. s )F YOUR HOME HAS ANY fuel-burning devices such as a gas furnace, gas water heater, gas appliances, or an attached garage or carport, install at least one CSAapproved carbon monoxide outside all sleeping areas. One per storey is recommended.

s 2EPLACE SMOKE ALARMS EVery 10 years, and CO alarms every 7-10 years (depending on manufacturer) whether battery operated or hardwired into your home’s electrical system. Carbon monoxide is colourless, odourless and tasteless. So without a CO alarm, humans cannot detect its presence. Despite the average home having several potential sources of the deadly gas, studies show that nearly 60 per cent of Canadians have not INSTALLED A #/ ALARM )N ADdition to being impossible to detect, CO also has another nefarious trait. Symptoms of carbon monoxide exposure mimic the u, without the FEVER )T IS ROUTINELY RESPONsible for thousands of clinic and hospital visits each year, and is commonly misdiagnosed. Prolonged or extreme exposure causes nausea, dizziness, confusion, the loss of physical mobility, brain damage and ultimately, death. More home safety resources can be found on the www. web site.

Analysis was undertaken on almost 50,000 ďŹ res that occurred in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario over a 5-year period involving 663 fatalities. The ďŹ ndings demonstrated that the death rate per 1,000 ďŹ res in the absence of a present, functioning smoke alarm was 74% greater than when a functioning smoke alarm was present.

In case of ďŹ re - GET OUT AND STAY OUT – never go back into a burning building s #RAWL LOW NEAR THE mOOR TO the nearest exit maintaining contact with the wall. s 4EST THE DOOR BY FEELING IT WITH THE BACK OF YOUR HAND )F it is hot, do not open. Use an alternative route. s )F THE DOOR AND KNOB ARE cool, stay low with your shoulder against the door while opening slowly. Be ready to close the door if smoke and heat rush in. s )F TRAPPED PUT AS MANY

closed doors as possible between you and the ďŹ re, and seal all cracks in doors and windows with towels or bedding. s )F YOUR CLOTHING CATCHES ďŹ re, stop where you are, drop gently to the ground and cover your face with your hands while rolling back-and-forth to put out the ames. s #OOL MINOR BURNS WITH cold water.

Do you have two ways out of your home?

Many fatal ďŹ res start at night

No smoke alarm? No chance!

Protect your family. PWFP Ltd. 250-765-3473

)NVESTIGATIONS into home ďŹ re deaths very often ďŹ nd that a smoke alarm did not sound. )T MAY HAVE been disconnected or not in working order. The batteries may have been dead, or someone may have taken them out. Smoke alone won’t necessarILY WAKE YOU UP )N FACT THE fumes could put you into an even deeper sleep. Often, victims never wake up. Se-

niors will often need assistance from family members to put safety measures into place. As well, family members are in the best position to reinforce the precautions necessary to help their loved ones prevent or respond to a ďŹ re. Focus on these six priorities to help aging family members protect themselves against ďŹ re in the home.

N INSTALL smoke alarms inside every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement. N Larger homes may need ADDITIONAL smoke alarms to provide enough protection. N For the best protection, INTERCONNECT all smoke alarms so when one sounds they all sound. N An IONIZATION smoke alarm is generally more responsive to aming ďŹ res and a PHOTOELECTRIC smoke alarm is generally more responsive to smoldering ďŹ res. For the best protection, both types of alarms or combination ionization and photoelectric alarms (also known as dual sensor alarms) are recommended. N Smoke alarms should be INSTALLED away from the kitchen to prevent false alarms. Generally, they should be at least 10 feet (3 meters) from a cooking appliance. N REPLACE all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar




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Greenhouses, presented the Lake Country Food Bank with both a cash donation and a box of food donations. This is the third year that the Lake Country business has raised money for the food bank from the sale of greenhouse annuals when July arrives. This year the donation was $1,200, which was accepted above by Phyliss MacPherson, with the Lake Country Food Bank.

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The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has recognized Jennifer Leason and Tamil Kendall of the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences at UBC Okanagan for research initiatives aimed at improving women’s health. Leason, a PhD stu-

dent in Community, Culture and Global Studies, has received a three-year CIHR Doctoral Research Award of $35,000 per year to support her project Indigenous (First Nations, Metis & Inuit) Women’s Maternal Health Experiences in British Columbia.

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Leason’s research examines the status, access and experience of indigenous women’s maternal health in British Columbia and Canada. Focusing on the indigenous women’s perspective, Leason hopes to better understand maternity definitions and maternal health needs in pregnancy, birth and postpartum, as well as the key health determinants affecting maternal health and how priorities can be addressed. “This research is important because it documents gaps in policy, practice and services specific to Indigenous women,” said Leason, who is of Saulteaux Metis-Anishinabe decent. Her indigenous roots are from Pine Creek First Nation, Duck Bay and Camperville, Manitoba. “My research examines holistic understandings of health and incorporates indigenous theory, methods, and women’s narrative, culture and spirituality into the study of health and wellness, specific to indigenous women’s maternal and reproductive health.” Tamil Kendall, a PhD


Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012

District of Lake Country A9


TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, a Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. to hear representations on the following: 1.

Zoning Amendment (Lodge Pine Estates) Bylaw 844, 2012 (Z2012-006)



Delete DC 8 (Direct Control 8) zone Section and replace with Appendix 1; and that Schedule “A” to the District of Lake Country Zoning bylaw 561, 2007 be amended by changing the zoning classification of Lot B, District Lot 117, ODYD, Plan EPP17345: From: DC8 (Direct control 8) and P1 (Public Park and Open Space) To: DC8 (Direct Control 8)

Zoning Amendment (Agri-Tourism) Bylaw 845, 2012 (P2011-003) Immediately following the Public Hearing for Bylaw 843, 2012

This Bylaw proposes that District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 be amended by: x Updating the A1 ( Agriculture 1) zone to include a sub-classification zone: o

This Bylaw proposes that District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 be amended by: x

Municipal News

A1ta – Agriculture 1 (Agri-Tourism Accommodation)

The proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw which outlines a series of amendments would regulate the development of agri-tourism accommodation and would provide protection of agricultural land within the District of Lake Country. The A1ta zone designation would be obtained through a normal rezoning process and include an indepth review of the proposed agri-tourism accommodation use and a public hearing. This proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw also proposes to rezone 10 properties to the A1ta zone which currently have approved agri-tourism accommodation facilities located on their property.

Civic Address: Quail Road The proposed Zoning Amendment is requested to allow for four additional dwelling units in two buildings on the property. Currently, eight dwelling units in four buildings are constructed on the parcel directly north within the (DC8) – Direct Control 8 zone.


Zoning Amendment (DLC) Bylaw 843, 2012 (P2012-014) Immediately following the Public Hearing for Bylaw 844, 2012 This Bylaw proposes that District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw 561, 2007 be amended by changing: x x

4. Section 7.3 Yards and Section 7.6 Accessory Development to update site development of properties with lane access; and Section 3.3 General Definitions Kitchen, to specifically permit additional kitchen and wet bar facilities within a dwelling.

The proposed Zoning Amendment outlines minor bylaw amendments which would allow for the appropriate use of the front and rear yard of Urban Residential lots when accessed from a lane and not the fronting street. The additional kitchen and wet bar facilities amendment within a dwelling would further improve the regulatory and practicality process for kitchens. These amendments are proposed due to frequent requests that are not currently permitted in the District of Lake Country Zoning Bylaw.

Official Community Plan Amendment (Agri-Tourism) Bylaw 846, 2012 (P2011003) This Bylaw proposes that District of Lake Country Official Community Plan Bylaw 750, 2010 be amended by: x Inserting Schedule ‘A’ “Section 22.14 Agri-Tourism Accommodation DP Areas Guidelines” x Inserting Schedule ‘B’ “Map 23 Agri-Tourism Accommodation Development Permit Area” The proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw which adds “AgriTourism Accommodation Development Permit Area” has been developed for the protection of farm land and enhancement of commercial development within the community. The Development Permit Guidelines focus on siting, screening and landscaping and aim to: o Minimize the impact on arable land; o Promote compatibility with farm activities; o Minimize conflicts between on farm uses and adjacent non-farm uses; and o Encourage attractive and functional commercial developments.

If you believe your interest in property is affected by the bylaws noted above, you shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the above-referenced bylaws. nd

A copy of the proposed bylaws and relevant background material may be inspected at the Municipal Office, District of Lake Country, Development Services Department (2 Floor), 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. from Wednesday, October 3, 2012, through Tuesday, October 16, 2012, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. NO SUBMISSIONS TO COUNCIL WILL BE RECEIVED AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARINGS.

Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer Dated October 3, 2012


Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


Three Okanagan students receive education awards Three Okanagan residents were among 48 students from across B.C. to have their outstanding efforts recognized with Coast Capital Savings Education Awards this year. Kelowna resident Michael Potts was awarded the credit union’s Citizenship Award valued at

$2,000 for his achievements in juggling school, personal activities and community involvement. In addition to his outstanding academic performance, Potts is a youth leader at his church and raised thousands of dollars in humanitarian aid and participated in several mis-

sion trips abroad. Potts wants to become a medical doctor and work with Doctors Without Borders. “This is a wonderful way to kick off the start of a new school year,� said Potts, who is studying nursing at UBC Okanagan. “It is exciting to be

recognized by an organization that shares my passion and commitment for the community.� Amina Egeh, also of Kelowna, took home a $5,000 Standing Tall Award for making a positive impact on her community in the face of personal challenges.

Egeh is the president of Kelowna Secondary School’s Me to We Social Justice Club and was elected president of her graduating class. She intends to go to law school and work in politics once she completes her undergraduate degree. “I can’t express how

thankful I am to be recognized with an education award from Coast Capital Savings,� said Egeh, who is studying public affairs and policy management at Carleton University. “I know there were many deserving applicants this year and to be among such outstand-


ing recipients is a huge honour.� Philip Akins, of West Kelowna, received a Citizenship Award valued at $2,000 for his efforts in managing a demanding academic life while balancing community inSEE STUDENTS A11


Research money to students

=VaadlZZc 8dadjg^c\ 8dciZhi


Student name Grade/Teacher Name of School Phone #

Win a Halloween costume from Halloween Alley! Contest open to all children ages 2-12. Entries may be dropped off at any Lake Country elementary school. Contest closes Wednesday, October 24, 2012. Winner will be contacted Thursday, October 25, 2012. Name and photo of winner will be printed in the October 31 issue of the Lake Country Calendar.

FUNDRAISING INVITATION! It’s easy! Shop at Halloween Alley and Lake Country elementary schools will receive a cheque for 10% of your total purchase. Visit us at!/halloweenalley for more info or talk with your elementary school representative

Kelowna Business Centre


candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies, has been awarded a prestigious two-year CIHR fellowship to conduct postdoctoral work at the Harvard School of Public Health. Kendall’s research, Women’s Health Rights and Realities: Increasing Accountability for Integration of HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Mexico’s System for Social Health Protection, seeks to identify politically feasible and community-based mechanisms for improving access to sexual and reproductive health services in Mexico for socially vulnerable women, including rural indigenous women and women with HIV. “Every day around the world 7,000 people become infected with HIV—about 3,000 women and 1,000 children through motherto-child transmission— and 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth,� said Kendall. “These infections and deaths can be prevented, and doing so requires political commitment and action. My research will contribute to understanding how diverse, multilevel advocacy coalitions can improve transparency, accountability, and the effective exercise of health rights in decentralized health systems.� During her post-doctoral fellowship, Tamil will work with the internationally renowned women’s health researcher and advocate, Dr. Ana Langer, as a member of the Women and Health Initiative at the Harvard School of Public Health.


Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012


“Coast Capital Savings is committed to helping build a richer future for youth in our communities,� Lachance said. “One of our goals is to help youth succeed during their school years and through our annual Education Awards program we recognize students who have overcome personal challenges and students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to their communities while attending school. “It is an honour to support these outstanding young people.� This year Coast Capital Savings presented 48 awards totaling $144,000 to deserving students from across B.C. Coast Capital Savings also fosters student leadership through internships on its Youth Team program. Coast Capital Savings Credit Union is Canada’s second largest credit union with total assets under $13.5 billion.

volvement. Akins is currently pursuing a PhD in collaborative resource management and protected areas at the University of Victoria. He also created a volunteer group to preserve trails in Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park and was part of the committee overseeing the development plan of West Kelowna’s waterfront. “It’s great to be recognized for my hard work along with the other very deserving recipients,� said Akins. “This award will help me pursue my PhD and ease some of the financial pressure that comes with post-secondary education.� Wendy Lachance, director of community leadership for Coast Capital Savings, said the credit union received nearly 1,000 award applications this year from across the province. A11



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23. 24. 25. 28. 29. 31. 32. 33. 35. 40. 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 53. 55. 56. 57.

Official helper Open delight Equipment Charity donations ____ whiz! Dime or nickel Gap “____ the Lonely� Epidermis Ostrichlike bird Instruct Aquatic mammal Smelting waste Book leaf Graven image, e.g. Heap Betting numbers Dove’s cry Have being Pecan or mince Conclusion

Copyright Š 2012 by Penny Press

ACROSS 1. 5. 9. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 22. 25. 26. 27. 30. 34.

Ocean vessel Lose color Small jump Give a job to Sacred image Actor Vigoda Dueling sword Oak or ash Batch Flower holder Drake and stag Zoo enclosures Exercise place Canola or olive Wise person Yodeler’s feedback Fruit drinks

36. 37. 38. 39. 41. 42. 44. 46. 49. 51. 52. 54. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

Grassland Lunch hour Onion’s kin Scant Sick “____ Impossible� Legal tender Backbone Sulk Young fellow Corrosive stuff Sticky strip In the past Frigid ____ go bragh Congeal Weeding implements

63. Marsh plant

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 19. 21. 22.

$0..6/*5: &7&/54

That woman Haunch Wrath ANSWER TO PUZZLE NO. 636 Annoy Tantrums Real estate measure Fawn’s mom Foe Corridor Certain woodwind Household animals Beast of burden Hymn closer Ember

t)064*/( 015*0/4 '03 4&/*034 803,4)01 Offered the second Thursday of each month. Next workshops will be: Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 13, 10am-11:30am, 102-2055 Benvoulin Crt., Kelowna. Plan ahead and learn about the housing options available to you and seniors in your life. Information about Subsidized Housing, Supportive Living, Assisted Living, and Residential Care will be covered. To register for this free event please call 250-861-6180 or email seniors2@ t8&%/&4%": 0$5 1. Seniors Centre, 1353 Richter Street, Kelowna. Our guest speaker is Neal Klassen, Water Smart Coordinator with the City of Kelowna whose topic is: Get Water Smart! How to use our water resource in the smartest ways. Members free; visitors and guests please pay $2.00 at the door t-&(*0/ 4 1011: $".1"*(/ 70-6/5&&3 0110356/*5: The Legion is looking for volunteers to help with their annual Poppy Campaign. The Campaign begins the last week of October, and runs through to Remembrance Day. There are many areas in which you can support this very worthwhile cause; this small gesture of respect means more than you know to those who have served. Call Ron LeRoy, Poppy Campaign Chairman, Branch 26 Kelowna for information: 250-762-2961. t-$ 4&/*034 #64 4$)&%6-& Tues., Oct. 16, 23, 30 Wheels to Meals Luncheon. Sat., Oct. 13 Vernon Pancake breakfast at Schubert Centre, shopping and more. Fri., Oct. 19 Mystery trip - fall colours. Thurs., Oct. 11, 18, 25 Local Shopping - dependent on driver availability. To reserve a seat on bus phone Margaret 250-766-3227 or Marian 250-861-4131. t#&"7&34 $6#4 4$0654 7&/563&34 3&(*453"5*0/ "(. Registration is on-going for 1st Lake Country Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers (boys and girls ages 5-18). To register or for more information call Kathy at 250766-4269. t13&1"3& '03 :063 '6563& 6/%&345"/%*/( 4&/*034 )064*/( 015*0/4 Oct. 11, Nov. 8, (the second Thursday of each month), 10am to 11:30am, Ziglar Recreation Centre, Apple Valley Seniors Residence,1022055 Benvoulin Court, Kelowna, multipurpose room. Plan ahead and learn about the continuum of housing options available to you and seniors in your life. Have your questions answered about Low Income/Subsidized Housing, Supportive Living and related programs. A Representative from Interior Health will also be available to provide detailed information about Assisted Living and Residential/Complex Care. To register for this free event please call 250-861-6180 or email t8*/'*&-% 6/*5&% $)63$) 5)3*'5 4)01 hours will continue to be: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 2pm during the fall and winter. t-",& $06/53: #64*/&44 $0//&$5*0/4 meets twice monthly in the boardroom of the TD Bank Lake Country Branch. This is an opportunity for local business people to meet, share business ideas and concerns, and to provide motivation to each other. Referrals are also shared. Membership is free and is limited to one person per business category. Meetings are at 9am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. For details contact Tom Cockrell 250-766-1515 or Cleo Rufe 250-548-4070. t0:"." -&(*0/ #3"/$) holds a meat draw every Saturday afternoon at 2pm. All members and guests are welcome. t5)& -",& $06/53: .64&6. is open Monday & Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 4pm and by appointment. 11255 Okanagan Centre Rd. W. 250766-0111 t$3*##"(& 5063/".&/54 at the Seniors’ Activity Center 9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd. each third Sunday of the month. Entry fee $12. Excellent lunch, free coffee all day. Games start at 10am. Registration not required. For information call John 250-766-3026. t50 "-- 8*/'*&-% $3*# 1-":&34 Every Friday evening at 7pm at the Seniors’ Activity Centre (9832 Bottom Wood Lake Rd.). $2/evening. 8 full games with a chance of winning $12, $10 or $8. Coffee, drinks & goodies served at no charge. For info call John 250-766-3026. t-$ -*/& %"/$&34 Tuesdays, 1:30pm & Thursdays, 9:30am in the Seniors’ Centre. Beginners always welcome. Joy, 250-766-0850. t40$*"- #3*%(& Tuesdays, 7pm at the Seniors’ Centre. New players welcome. Eunice, 250-766-3982. t5)& $06/$*- 0' 4&/*03 $*5*;&/4 03("/*;"5*0/4 (COSCO) is an advocacy group devoted to improving “The Quality of Lifeâ€? for all seniors. Senior organizations/associations wishing to afďŹ liate or individuals wishing to become members please contact Ernie Bayer: 604-576-9734 fax 604-5769733 or for further info. t-$ 065%0034 $-6# welcomes new hikers. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Bring water, snacks/lunch & clothing appropriate & sufďŹ cient for the weather. For more info, to sign up for our hikes, or to post your own hikes on the forum, visit ALL COMMUNITY EVENTS will be placed at no charge to all NON-PROFIT organizations.

For all other inquiries, please email or fax 250-762-3220


Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar


Valleyview Dignity Memorial


Okanagan Y adopts new name

Checksite eb our wready for liver to de ials! spec



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The YMCA-YWCA of the Central Okanagan has a new official name—it will be called YMCA of the Okanagan. The name was approved in the wake of the decision last month for the local Y to withdraw the charity’s membership in YWCA Canada. “While we recognize

the important work of YWCA Canada, its national mandate and focus on advocacy and programs exclusively for women is very different from our own local mission, strategic plan and focus on building a healthy community for all ages, genders, beliefs and circumstances,� said Ron Steward-

son, YMCA Okanagan board president. “Not only was it very difficult to try to fulfill the very different missions of two national organizations, membership in both requires a lot of additional resources of time and funds.� The local Y will retain its membership in YMCA Canada.


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 :00 10 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30

















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Today cont’d

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Mamas Debt/Part

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Dirty Jobs �

Family Feud Gypsy Family Feud Wedding

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

� �

Arthur Peep, Big

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Squirrel Sidekick

CBC News Now With

Auction Auction

Perry Mason Gypsy � Wedding

Excused Excused

Nature �

KING 5 News

The First 48 �

Mr. Young To Be Indie

Reshmi Nair Auction � Auction

Law Order: CI

There Yet? There Yet?

Clodagh Irish Days of our Joy/Painting Lives

Power & Politics

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

NFL Live �

� �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland �

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Off Record Interruption

The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show �

Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital

Let’s Make a The Jeff Deal Probst Show

� �

Mag Fero Rolie Polie

The Doctors The First 48 � �

Almost League/Evil

SportsCentre The Ricki � Lake Show

Ellen DeGe- Coronation neres Show George S

ThisMinute ThisMinute

The Ricki Lake Show

� �

Dinosaur Arthur

The Dr. Oz Show

The First 48 �

Squirrel Sidekick

Hockey Interruption

Young & Restless

Anderson Live

Dragons’ Den

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

Sportsnet Connected

Clifford-Dog WordWorld

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

30 for 30 �


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

NFL Football:

Dive, Olly Wild Kratts

News World News

The First 48 �

� 9.79 Post

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �


SportsCentre Ent � ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

� Off Record

Last Resort �

Steven and Chris

MLB Baseball

Baby Story Baby Story

Gypsy Wedding

MythBusters Funny Home Gypsy � Videos Wedding

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil � �

Cash Cab How/Made

The Ricki Lake Show

Gypsy Wedding

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Cat in the Arthur

Ellen DeGeneres Show

Odd Parents Lang & Odd Parents O’Leary

Daily Planet �

Anderson Live

Gypsy Wedding

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl


Odd Parents CBC News Odd Parents �

Dirty Jobs �

Simpsons Raymond

Say Yes Say Yes

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

� �


News TBA

Vice Presidential

News Hour �

Pittsburgh Steelers at

Animals Rivers

Vice Presidential

The First 48 �

iCarly iCarly

CBC News: American The National Chopper

Vice Presidential

Four Weddings

Browns Payne

Vice Presidential

Vice Presidential

To Be Announced

Debate �

Ent ET Canada

Tennessee Titans

What’s That About?

Debate �

Beyond Scared

Victorious Big Time

CBC News �

Debate TBA

Little Shop of Gypsies

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Debate �

Debate �

CBC News: Mayday The National �

Big Bang Two Men

� �

Big Bang Two Men

Last Resort �


Mapping the Last Resort World �

Beyond Scared

Wipeout �

The X Factor Four � Weddings

Family Guy Family Guy

Foyle’s War �

30 Rock Up All Night

World Series The OfďŹ ce of Poker Practice

Grey’s Anatomy

� �

To Be Announced

The OfďŹ ce Practice

Baseball �

Movie: “Roger &

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

Funny Home CBC News: American Videos The National Chopper

To Be Announced

Little Shop of Gypsies

Amer. Dad Movie:

The British Beat (My

Gubernatorial Debate

SportsCentre NCIS � �

Flashpoint �


Sportsnet Connected

Me� Snapshot

News 30 Rock

Say Yes Say Yes

“Quigley Down

Music) �

Dateline NBC

Sunny TMZ

Gypsy Wedding

Under� Movie:

3 Steps to Incredible

KING News Jay Leno

The OfďŹ ce King of Hill

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

“Rat Race� �

Health!-Joel �

� Jimmy Fallon



Wheel Jeopardy!

The First 48 �

That’s-Weird CBC News Splatalot �

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

The Knock. What’s That UFC Central About?

News Nightline

Beyond Scared

Mr. Young Boys

SportsCentre ET Canada � The Talk

Coronation Q With Jian

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Talk

The Ultimate Ancient Fighter Worlds

Jimmy Beyond Kimmel Live Scared

Daily Show Colbert Rep

CBC News: The National

� �


Flying Wild Alaska


Flying Wild Alaska

CBC News: Daily Planet The National �

Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary

Dirty Jobs �

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30















NHRA Drag Racing:

The Doctors The View � �

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Soccer � �

Siamese Cat The View Mr. Moon �

The First 48 �

Sidekick Rated A for

CBC News Now With

Inventions That Shook

The OfďŹ ce How I Met

Law Order: CI

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Auto-Plus Nationals

Mamas Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

Soccer: 2014 FIFA

Joe- Jack G. Shrinks

KOMO 4 News

The First 48 �

Kid vs. Kat Rated A for

Carole MacNeil

Finding Bigfoot

Family Feud Four Family Feud Weddings

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

World Cup QualiďŹ er:

Arthur Peep, Big

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Squirrel Sidekick

CBC News Now With

American Chopper

Perry Mason Four � Weddings

Excused Excused


KING 5 News

NFL Live �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland �

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Teams TBA Pregame

Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital

Law Order: CI

Off Record Interruption

The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Jeff MLB Deal Probst Show Baseball

� �

The First 48 �

Mr. Young To Be Indie

Reshmi Nair Flying Wild � Alaska

Mag Fero Rolie Polie

The Doctors The First 48 � �

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics

There Yet? There Yet?

Everyday Days of our Joy/Painting Lives

MythBusters Funny Home Four � Videos Weddings

Four Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil � �

SportsCentre The Ricki � Lake Show

Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute neres Show Stefano ThisMinute

The Ricki Lake Show

� �

Dinosaur Arthur

The Dr. Oz Show

Criminal Minds

Squirrel Sidekick

Cash Cab How/Made

The Ricki Lake Show

Four Weddings

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Cat in the Arthur

Ellen DeGeneres Show


Young & Restless

Anderson Live

Dragons’ Den

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

� �

Clifford-Dog WordWorld

KOMO 4 News

Criminal Minds

Kung Fu Kung Fu

Lang & O’Leary

Daily Planet �

Anderson Live

Secret Princes

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl


Football: BC Lions at


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Sportsnet MLB

Dive, Olly Wild Kratts

News World News

Criminal Minds

Kung Fu Kung Fu

CBC News �

Highway Thru Hell

Simpsons Raymond

Say Yes Say Yes

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Hamilton Tiger-Cats

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

News Exchange

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Baseball �

Animals Parks

KOMO 4 News

Criminal Minds

SpongeBob SpongeBob

CBC News: Oddities The National Oddities

Big Bang Two Men

Say Yes Say Yes

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Mega Builders

Wheel Jeopardy!

Criminal Minds

SpongeBob SpongeBob

CBC News �

Big Bang Two Men

Secret Princes

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Vote 2012 Debate

Magazine Beyond Fore

Murder Myster.

Shark Tank �

Criminal Minds

Movie: “Men in

CBC News: Cash Cab The National Cash Cab

The X Factor Say Yes � Say Yes

Family Guy Family Guy

Washington News

Grimm �

Black� �

CBC News: Oddities The National Oddities

Fringe �

Secret Princes

Amer. Dad Movie:

America in Primetime

Grimm �

News 30 Rock

Say Yes Say Yes

“Rat Race� �

American Masters

Dateline NBC

Sunny TMZ

Secret Princes

� Movie:

� He Touched

KING News Jay Leno

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

“Scream 2� �

Me: Elvis Presley

� Jimmy Fallon


� Ent Engraved on ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

George S Coronation

a Nation Bones SportsCentre �


Marketplace CSI: NY Rick Mercer �

Bones �

� Sportsnet

Grimm �

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Made in Jersey

The Ultimate Silk Fighter


Made in Jersey

Formula One 16x9 Racing �

Blue Bloods �

Made in Jersey

� �


Primetime: Criminal What Would Minds

CBC News: Blue Bloods The National �


SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Knockout Mega UFC Central Builders

News Nightline

SportsCentre ET Canada � The Talk

Coronation Harry Potter

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Talk

Soccer �

Jimmy Criminal Kimmel Live Minds

The Mentalist


Sportsnet Connected

State of Play 20/20 � �

Murder Myster.

� �

Baby Story Baby Story

Criminal Minds

That’s-Weird CBC News Mr. Young �

Criminal Minds

Boys Boys

Mayday �

Highway Thru Hell

CBC News: Daily Planet The National �

Men in Black Lang & � O’Leary

MythBusters The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30

CFL Football:



Fishn SickKids Real Fishing Foundation

Stampeders Powerboat at Blue Driving TV

It Is Written Car Bnss

Bombers �

Noon News Hour

Better Living Cash Cab

CFL Football:

Howie Do It Simpsons

SportsCentre �

Roughriders Simpsons at Eskimos Simpsons � �






College Football

Movie: Kung Fu “The Pelican Korra

CBC News CBC News

Mighty Ships Paid Prog. � Paid Prog.

To Be Announced

Liberty Kids Doodlebops

Powerboat Driving TV


Sportsnet Connected

Dino Dan Wild Kratts

cont’d: Teams TBA

� �

Col. Football Noon News College Hour

Cycling: Tour of

Dogs/Jobs Dogs/Jobs

� College

� �

Football: Alabama at

Howie Do It Simpsons

Beijing �

Can. Rivers Rivers

Football: Teams TBA

Missouri �

Simpsons Simpsons

Countdown to UFC 153

Mega Builders

Movie: “The

To Be Announced

Cash Cab Cash Cab

National TBA

Way Off Broadway

To Be Announced

Sprint Cup: Bank of

� etalk CHBC News App Central

America 500 Global Nat. CTV News � CHBC News � �


Upside Dwn Miss BG

Lovett-Reid Dr. Marla &



Fishn Sportsnet Real Fishing Connected

Incredible Hulk�

renegade renegade


Doodlebops Liberty Kids

Movie: “The

� Practice SportsCentre Go On


The Nature of Things

NASCAR Racing:

� �


Sportsnet Connected

Frontiers of Construction

Sports Stars Incredible Big World Hulk�

NFL Pregame

Nat’l Geographic

� �


� Global Nat.

MLB Baseball

Mapping the Racing: World Sprint Cup:

� �

CBS News KIRO News

News Hour �

To Be Announced

Big Bang Big Bang

� �

� �

Entertainment ’Night

renegade renegade

� �

NCIS: Los Angeles

Practice Go On


� � � � � Sportsnet

Hope for Wildlife Dam Beavers


Bob Builder Angelina

Gardening Sports

Now With Christine

Canada’s Kids News 48 Hours: Worst Driver FOX College Hard Evid.

cont’d: Auburn at

Dr. Wayne Illustrated Dyer: Wishes Notre Dame

Birak �

Mayday �

College Football:

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Mississippi Payne

FulďŹ lled â€?

� �

Highway Thru Hell

Utah at UCLA

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

King King

� �

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Family Guy Family Guy

PĂŠpin Cooking

The Shawshank

Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsuno

Redemption Big Time � Big Time � �

National Issue

MythBusters �

� �

Football College Football: Stanford at Notre Dame �

Big Time Big Time

National Mansbridge

Cash Cab How/Made

� 48 Hours: FOX College Hard Evid.

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Test Kitchen Cook’s

Storage Storage

Big Time Big Time

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Cash Cab Cash Cab

College Football:

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Old House Rough Cut

Exploration Kids News

Storage Storage

Turtles Turtles

Modern Spies

Auction Auction

USC at Washington

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Movie: “Rocky

Market Warriors

KING 5 News

iCarly iCarly

National Dirty Jobs Marketplace �

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Balboa� �

The British Beat (My

KING 5 News

Movie: “Annapolis�

Exterminator iCarly Exterminator iCarly

American Chopper


48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Big Bang Two Men

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

� National That’s-Weird Mansbridge

Dirty Jobs �

Big Bang Two Men

48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Movie: “I Love You,

Zoink’d! Addicted to That’s-Weird Power

Auction Auction

News Wanted

48 Hours: Hard Evid.



48 Hours: Hard Evid.

Movie: “A Simple

Austin City Limits

KING News Saturday

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.


Alone in the Wilderness

Night Live �

Exterminator iCarly Exterminator �

A Touch of Frost

Wheel Jeopardy!

Storage Storage

Primetime: What Would

Parking Parking

Doc Zone �

� �

� �


� �

Highway Thru Hell

� Pac-12

To Be

Hawaii Five- Chicago Fire Intentional 0 � Talk

Neighbors Big Bang

Announced News

48 Hours �

Very Bad Men

Sportsnet Connected

Formula One News Final Racing: Saturday

CTV News CTV News

To Be Announced

KIRO News The Insider

News Final Saturday

European Poker Tour

For King and News Country Castle

Exterminator Splatalot Exterminator Splatalot

National Issue

American Chopper

Korean Grand Prix

Land of the Dead

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Night Live �

ICC Cricket Premier

A Touch of Frost

Exterminator iCarly Exterminator �

National Mansbridge

MythBusters 30 Seconds � 30 Rock

� Practice

College Football

Pokemon Power

SportsCentre Very Bad � Men

� �


Turtles Beywheelz

� Chicago Fire Big Bang SportsCentre � Big Bang

Night Live �


� �

Heartbeat �

� �

48 Hours: Hard Evid.



Bank of Parking America 500 Parking � �



� �



Music) �

Traveler Backroads

Call the Midwife

Revolution �

Over Hawai’i Chicago Fire � � � �

Law & Order: SVU

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012 A13


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 5 :00 :30 6 :00 :30 :00 7 :30 8 :00 :30 :00 9 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30













CFL Football:

Block NFL Football Coronation Doodlebops Lorna Dueck � Marketplace Pets.TV

Block Sportsnet Lorna Dueck Connected

Dino Dan Little Prince

Rescue Jack Hanna

Beyond Scared

Winx Club iCarly

CBC News CBC News

Salvage Hunters

Montreal Alouettes at

Hour of Power

Hour of Power

Little Prince Little Prince

Ocean Mys. Recipe

Beyond Scared

Big Time Victorious

Now With Christine

Dirty Jobs: Regional Down Under Coverage

Toronto Argonauts

Noon News Hour

Boxing �

Howie Do It Simpsons

� �

Simpsons Simpsons

� �

Steven and Chris

� �

Land & Sea Mansbridge

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Sportsnet Connected

To Be Announced

Noon News Hour

ICC Cricket Pregame

Animals Animals

Food Beyond Sea Rescue Scared

How to Rock Birak Boys �

Gold Rush �

SportsCenter Q With Jian � Ghomeshi

NFL Football:

Howie Do It Simpsons

NFL Football:

Canada �

Born-Explore Beyond Paid Prog. Scared

Mr. Young Simpson

Finding Bigfoot

Regional Coverage

Simpsons Simpsons

Teams TBA �

Question Period

Dragons’ Den

SportsCentre Movie: � “27

First Story First Story

Best Recipes Over the

Football Night

Dresses� �

Corner Gas Corner Gas

Rainbow Over the

Seahawks Postgame

Dresses� �

NFL Football:

� Engraved on Movie: CHBC News a Nation “The Lion


� Global Nat.

Green Bay Packers at

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �


CBS News KIRO News

News Hour �

� �

Frontiers of KOMO 4 Construction News

Houston Texans

Simpsons Cleveland

Heartland �

60 Minutes �

Simpsons Cleveland

� �

Great Migrations

Funny Home Shipping Videos Shipping


Once Upon a Time


� �

Movie: “27

� �

What’s That About?

Ball Boys Ball Boys

Beyond Scared

Wallace & Gromit: The

Hope for Wildlife

Shark Tank �

Beyond Scared

Curse of the Long, Hot Were-Rabbit Summer

Cash Cab How/Made

� Sportsnet

Myths and Heroes

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

Movie: “Igor�

ďŹ fth estate â€?

Auction Auction

MLB Baseball

Athens: Truth

News World News

Storage Storage

� �

Addicted to Power

To Be Announced

� �

Storage Storage


Breaking Amish

Tyler Perry’s Bob Builder Madea Goes Wild Kratts

Poppy Cat Justin Time

Secret Princes

to Jail

McLaughlin Need

LazyTown Adventure

Breaking Amish

Movie: “Yes Man�

Moyers & Company

Sports Gymnastics


Breaking Amish

� �

The Road to � Perfect Bull Riding:

Breaking Amish

The Closer �

Health �

PBR Tour �

Breaking Amish

Big Bang Big Bang

The British Beat (My

LazyTown The Wiggles

� The OT

Breaking Amish

Big Bang Big Bang

Music) �

Football Night in

MLB Baseball

Long Island Tyler Perry’s 1962 America Medium: On I Can Do World’s Fair- NFL

� �

� �

� �

Medium Medium

Bad All By Myself


Football: Green Bay

� �

Breaking Amish

Movie: “Why Did I

Pioneers of Television

Packers at Houston

To Be Announced

Medium Medium

Get Married?�

Call the Midwife

Texans 5th Quarter

Breaking Amish

The Closer �

Masterpiece KING 5 Classic News

The Amazing Over the Race Rainbow

The Amazing Canada’s Race Walk of

� Sportsnet

New Tricks �

Once Upon a Time

Shipping Shipping

League/Evil Simpson

� Mansbridge


The Good Wife

Fame 2012 �

Being: Liverpool

Dalziel and Pascoe

Revenge �

Storage Storage

Splatalot Splatalot

CBC News: The National

Dalziel and Pascoe



MythBusters �

� Motoring

Dragons’ Den


Movie: “Girl Model�

� Canada’s SportsCentre Walk of Fame 2012 �

� � NFL Football:

� MythBusters Regional Marketplace � Coverage

Madagascar: CBC News: Escape 2 The National �

NFL Football:


To Be Announced

� �

� �

SportsCentre The Good � Wife

The Mentalist

CBC News: The The National Mentalist

The Good Wife

Sportsnet Connected

666 Park Avenue

Storage Storage

Pick Movie: That’s-Weird “Girl Model�

MythBusters News � Bones

Long Island Movie: Medium: On “Van

Broadway: Musical

Dateline NBC

SportsCentre News Final � Block

CTV News CTV News

CBC News ďŹ fth estate


News Final Block

The Ultimate Movie: Fighter “Roger &

News Castle

Shipping Shipping

In Real Life �

To Be Announced

� Sunny

Breaking Amish

Helsing� �

InďŹ nity Hall Live

KING News Upfront/Mak

SportsCentre Paid Prog. � Paid Prog.

The Mentalist

� Reections

Face/Nation Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

UFC Wired �

� Burn Notice

Shipping Shipping

Madagascar CBC News: 2 The National

Sunny Spokane

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

� There Yet?

Dyer Wishes Perfect Bra FulďŹ lled Paid Prog.

Me� Snapshot

� Mansbridge

� �

MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30

SportďŹ shing Motoring



The Doctors The View � �

PBA Bowling Mamas PBA Bowling Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show





Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Sportsnet � Connected

Siamese Cat The View Mr. Moon �

Criminal Minds

Sidekick Rated A for

CBC News Now With

Mayday �

The OfďŹ ce How I Met

Baby Story Baby Story

Law Order: CI

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

Joe- Jack G. Shrinks

KOMO 4 News

Criminal Minds

Kid vs. Kat Rated A for

Carole MacNeil

Mighty Planes

Family Feud Toddlers & Family Feud Tiaras

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Chew �

Deadliest Catch

KING 5 News

Sportsnet Connected


NFL PrimeTime

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Hockeycentral at Noon

Arthur Peep, Big

NFL Live �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland �

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Soccer Central

Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital

Off Record Interruption

The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Jeff ATP HighDeal Probst Show light Show

Mag Fero Rolie Polie





The First 48 �

Squirrel Sidekick

CBC News Now With

The First 48 �

Mr. Young To Be Indie

Reshmi Nair Oddities � Oddities

The Doctors The First 48 � �

Almost League/Evil

Power & Politics





Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

Excused Excused

Vote 2012 Debate

Law Order: CI

There Yet? There Yet?

Vote-Debate Days of our Classical Strt Lives

Moonshiners Funny Home Four � Videos Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil � �

Say Yes Say Yes

SportsCentre The Ricki Monday Lake Show

Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute neres Show Stefano ThisMinute

The Ricki Lake Show

World Poker Dinosaur Tour Arthur

The Dr. Oz Show

The First 48 �

Squirrel Sidekick

Cash Cab How/Made

The Ricki Lake Show

Medium Medium

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Cat in the Arthur

Ellen DeGeneres Show

Night Countdown

Young & Restless

Anderson Live

Dragons’ Den

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

UFC Central Clifford-Dog Pregame WordWorld

KOMO 4 News

Hoarders �

SpongeBob SpongeBob

Lang & O’Leary

Daily Planet �


To Be Announced

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl



CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

Sportsnet Connected

Dive, Olly Wild Kratts

News World News

Hoarders �

SpongeBob SpongeBob

CBC News �

MythBusters Baseball � �

To Be Announced

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

News Exchange

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

Sportsnet Hockey

Animals Gardens

KOMO 4 News

Hoarders �


CBC News: Junk Raiders The National �

Undercover Boss

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

To Be Announced

Canada �

Wheel Jeopardy!



Football: Denver

Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

Broncos at San Diego

Ent ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

George S Coronation

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Chargers Movie: SportsCentre “The Ugly

Dancing With the

Over the Send Off

How I Met Partners

Movie: “The Ugly

� NFL Films

Stars: AllStars

Murdoch Mysteries

Broke Girl Mike


Truth� �


� � � Sportsnet

Intervention �

Victorious CBC News How to Rock �

Island of the Dancing Minotaur With the

Intervention �

Wipeout �

Looking for Lowry

Hoarders �

Funny Home CBC News: To Be Videos The National Announced

Stars: AllStars

SportsCentre Hawaii Five- Castle � 0 �

CBC News: Hawaii Five- Hawaii Five- Sportsnet The National 0 0 Connected

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Central Canada UFC Central �

News Nightline

SportsCentre ET Canada � The Talk

Coronation Being Erica

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Talk

The Ultimate Looking for Fighter Lowry

Jimmy Intervention Kimmel Live �

Daily Show Colbert Rep


� �


Architects of Castle Change �

Auction Auction

CBC News: Final Offer The National �

Hoarders �


Intervention �

Victorious CBC News: Daily Planet How to Rock The National �


CBC News �

Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary

Auction Auction

� � �


To Be

Undercover Boss

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Echoes of Creation

Magazine Inside Ed.

Announced �

Undercover Boss

Family Guy Family Guy

Antiques Roadshow

The Voice �

Undercover Boss

Amer. Dad Movie:

Market Warriors

News 30 Rock

To Be Announced

“Van Helsing�

Sunny TMZ

To Be Announced

� �

Moonshiners The OfďŹ ce â€? King of Hill

� �

Peter Popoff Movie: Paid Prog. “Bewitched�

� �


Revolution �

The British Beat (My

KING News Jay Leno

Music) �

� Jimmy Fallon


10 :00 :30 11 :00 :30 :00 12 :30 1 :00 :30 :00 2 :30 3 :00 :30 :00 4 :30 5 :00 :30 :00 6 :30 7 :00 :30 :00 8 :30 9 :00 :30 10 :00 :30 :00 11 :30 12 :00 :30














Lumberjacks The Doctors The View PBA Bowling � �

Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Soccer � Central

Siamese Cat The View Mr. Moon �

Criminal Minds

Sidekick Puppies

CBC News Now With

Salvage Code Red

The OfďŹ ce How I Met

Baby Story Baby Story

Law Order: CI

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Boxing �

Family Feud Extreme Family Feud Couponing

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

Excused Excused

The British Beat (My

KING 5 News

There Yet? There Yet?

Music) �

Days of our Lives

Mamas Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

Soccer: 2014 FIFA

Joe- Jack G. Shrinks

KOMO 4 News

Criminal Minds

Kid vs. Kat Rated A for

Carole MacNeil

Toughest Trucker

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

World Cup QualiďŹ er:

Arthur Peep, Big

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Squirrel Sidekick

CBC News Now With

Mighty Ships Perry Mason Extreme � � Extreme

NFL Live �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland �

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

Teams TBA �

Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital

The First 48 �

Mr. Young To Be Indie

Reshmi Nair Auction � Auction

Off Record Interruption

The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Jeff � Deal Probst Show Football

Power & Politics

� �

Mag Fero Rolie Polie

The Doctors The First 48 � �

Almost League/Evil

SportsCentre The Ricki � Lake Show

Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute neres Show Stefano ThisMinute

The Ricki Lake Show

Sportsnet Connected

Dinosaur Arthur

The Dr. Oz Show

Storage Storage

Squirrel Sidekick

Hockey Movie:

Young & Restless

Anderson Live

Dragons’ Den

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

UEFA Mag Pregame

Clifford-Dog WordWorld

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

Penguins Penguins

“Slap Shot� �


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

MLB Baseball

Dive, Olly Wild Kratts

News World News

Storage Storage

Penguins Penguins

News Exchange

Presidential Debate

Presidential Debate

� �


Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

SportsCentre Ent � ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

George S Coronation

� Off Record

Dancing/ Stars

Rick Mercer 22 Minutes


Engraved on Movie: a Nation “Grown

Anger The Big New Normal Decision

SportsCentre Ups� � �

Criminal Minds

� � NCIS

News Hour �

� �

Animals Dogs/Jobs

Ent ET Canada

� �

Hope for Wildlife


To Be Announced � �


� Sportsnet

Ancient Worlds

Dancing/ Stars

Knockout I Am a Problem UFC Central Woman Now Solvers

King King


Ragin’ Cajuns

Funny Home Extreme Videos Extreme The Ricki Lake Show

Extreme The OfďŹ ce Cheapskates The OfďŹ ce

Cat in the Arthur

Ellen DeGeneres Show

Lang & O’Leary

Daily Planet �

Anderson Live

Secret Princes

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl


CBC News �

How/Made How/Made

Simpsons Raymond

Breaking Amish

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil � �

Presidential Debate

Presidential Debate


Storage Storage

iCarly iCarly

CBC News: Yukon Men The National �

Presidential Debate

19 Kids 19 Kids

Browns Payne

Storage Storage

Mr. Young Boys

CBC News �

� Two Men

Extreme Extreme

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Storage Storage

Wipeout �

CBC News: How/Made The National How/Made

Raising Ben-Kate

19 Kids 19 Kids

Family Guy Family Guy

Race 2012 �

Storage Storage

Funny Home CBC News: Yukon Men Videos The National �

To Be Announced

Extreme Extreme

Amer. Dad Movie:

1962 The Voice World’s Fair�

Sportsnet Connected

Sanne Sannes

Wheel Jeopardy!

Storage Storage

That’s-Weird CBC News Splatalot �

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Central UEFA Mag

Hope for Wildlife

News Nightline

Storage Storage

Mr. Young Boys

SportsCentre ET Canada � The Talk

Coronation Da Vinci’s

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Talk

CONCACAF I Am a Jimmy Storage Champions Woman Now Kimmel Live Storage


Extreme Extreme


Cash Cab How/Made

� �

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News Daily Show Colbert Rep

CBC News: The National

� Movie: “Grown

� �

Law Order: CI


Highway Thru Hell

Highway Thru Hell

CBC News: Daily Planet The National �

Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary

Ragin’ Cajuns

� �

� � Gubernatorial Debate

News 30 Rock

Breaking Amish

“Bewitched� �


Dateline NBC

Sunny TMZ

Secret Princes

� Movie:


KING News Jay Leno

The OfďŹ ce King of Hill

Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

“The Tuxedo�

Tavis Smiley � Mustang Jimmy Fallon

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2012 TSN :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30 :00 1 :30 :00 2 :30 :00 3 :30 :00 4 :30 :00 5 :30 :00 6 :30 :00 7 :30 :00 8 :30 :00 9 :30 :00 10 :30 :00 11 :30 :00 12 :30



Fishing-Flats The Doctors The View Movie: � � “Slap Shot� � � �














Poko Doodlebops

The Price Is Right

The Doctors Sportsnet � Connected

Siamese Cat The View Mr. Moon �

Criminal Minds

Sidekick Rated A for

CBC News Now With

Dangerous Flights

The OfďŹ ce How I Met

Baby Story Baby Story

Law Order: CI

Sid Science Wild Kratts

Today cont’d

Mamas Debt/Part

The Marilyn Denis Show

Steven and Chris

Young & Restless

Mamas Debt/Part

Hockeycentral at Noon

Joe- Jack G. Shrinks

KOMO 4 News

Criminal Minds

Kid vs. Kat Rated A for

Carole MacNeil


Family Feud Toddlers & Family Feud Tiaras

Law Order: CI

Daniel Tiger Rick Steves

New Day Northwest

The Chew �

The First 48 �

Squirrel Sidekick

CBC News Now With

Mayday �

Perry Mason What Not to � Wear

Excused Excused

Nova KING 5 scienceNOW News

The First 48 �

Mr. Young To Be Indie

Reshmi Nair Highway � Thru Hell

MLB Baseball

There Yet? There Yet?

Cooking Joy/Painting

Power & Politics

Noon News Hour

CTV News �

CBC News Now

KIRO News Bold

Noon News Hour

Premier Pregame

Arthur Peep, Big

NFL Live �

Days of our Lives

The Dr. Oz Show

Heartland �

The Talk �

Days of our Lives

MLB Baseball

Poppetstown General Save-Ums! Hospital

Off Record Interruption

The Jeff Dr. Phil Probst Show �

Steven and Chris

Let’s Make a The Jeff Deal Probst Show

� �

Mag Fero Rolie Polie

The Doctors The First 48 � �

Almost League/Evil

Dinosaur Arthur

The Dr. Oz Show

Storage Storage

Squirrel Sidekick

� Sportsnet

Clifford-Dog WordWorld

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

SpongeBob SpongeBob

Lang & O’Leary

Daily Planet �

MLB Baseball

Dive, Olly Wild Kratts

News World News

Storage Storage

SpongeBob SpongeBob

CBC News �

To Be Announced

� �

Animals Undersea

KOMO 4 News

Storage Storage

iCarly iCarly

CBC News: The National

� �

Frontiers of Wheel Construction Jeopardy!

Duck D. Duck D.

Victorious Big Time

CBC News �

Asia’s Monarchies

The Middle Neighbors

Duck D. Duck D.

Wipeout �

CBC News: Highway The National Thru Hell

Lang Lang in

Mod Fam Storage Suburgatory Storage

Funny Home CBC News: To Be Videos The National Announced

Ellen DeGe- Best Recipes ThisMinute neres Show Stefano ThisMinute

The Ricki Lake Show

Hockey Team

Young & Restless

Anderson Live

Dragons’ Den

Judge Judy Judge Judy

Young & Restless

Canada Rewind


CTV News at Five

News News


Early News Global Nat.

News Exchange

KIRO News CBS News

News Hour �

George S Coronation

Ent The Insider

Ent ET Canada

Survivor: Philippines

Survivor: Philippines

� Sportsnet

Criminal Minds

Go On Guys-Kids

1992 Blue Jays


Global Nat. CTV News CHBC News �

SportsCentre Ent � ET Canada

etalk Big Bang

� Off Record

The X Factor Dragons’ � Den

Survivor: Philippines

World/Poker Go On � Guys-Kids

� �

Titanic: Blood

� �

SportsCentre Chicago Fire CSI: Crime � � Scene

CBC News: CSI: Crime The National Scene

Chicago Fire Sportsnet � Connected

Schonbrunn Palace

Nashville �

Storage Storage

That’s-Weird CBC News Splatalot �

SportsCentre CHBC News CTV News � Final CTV News

CBC News George S

KIRO News Late Show

News Hour Final

Central Premier

Frontiers of News Construction Nightline

Duck D. Duck D.

Mr. Young Boys

SportsCentre ET Canada � The Talk

Coronation The Tudors

Letterman Ferguson

ET Canada The Talk

Soccer Central

Asia’s Monarchies

Daily Show Colbert Rep


� �

SportsCentre The Ricki � Lake Show

� �


Jimmy Duck D. Kimmel Live Duck D.

Days of our Lives

Bering Sea Gold

� �

Four Weddings

King King

Charlie Rose Dr. Phil � �

Cash Cab How/Made

� �

Medium Medium

The OfďŹ ce The OfďŹ ce

Cat in the Arthur

Ellen DeGeneres Show

Anderson Live

Extreme Extreme

Big Bang Big Bang

Wild Kratts WordGirl


Simpsons Raymond

Hoarding: Buried Alive

Browns Payne

Business World News

KING 5 News

Big Bang Two Men

My Giant Face Tumor

Browns Payne

PBS NewsHour

Nightly News News

Addicted �

Seinfeld Seinfeld

Steves-Rome Magazine � Inside Ed.

Family Guy Family Guy

Nature �

Practice Guys-Kids

Addicted �

Amer. Dad Movie:


Law & Order: SVU

News 30 Rock

Hoarding: Buried Alive

“The Tuxedo�

Nova Chicago Fire scienceNOW �

Sunny TMZ

Extreme Extreme

� Without a


The OfďŹ ce King of Hill

Peter Popoff Paddle: Na- Tavis Smiley � Paid Prog. ture’s Calling Underground Jimmy Fallon

� �

MythBusters Big Bang � Two Men

� �

CBC News: Daily Planet The National �

Funny Home Lang & Videos O’Leary

Say Yes Say Yes

Bering Sea Gold

The X Factor My Giant � Face Tumor � �



KING News Jay Leno

A14 A14

Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

Your community. Your classifieds.

250.766.4688 fax 250.766.4645 email



It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event of failure to publish an advertisement shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for that portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only, and that there shall be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. cannot be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisement. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department to be corrected for the following edition. reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisment and to retain any answers directed to the Box Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum paid for the advertisment and box rental.


Advertisers are reminded that Provincial legislation forbids the publication of any advertisement which discriminates against any person because of race, religion, sex, color, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, or age, unless the condition is justified by a bona fide requirement for the work involved.


Copyright and/or properties subsist in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction will be subject to recourse in law.









Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Help Wanted

Health Products

Cleaning Services

BANNISTER AUTO GROUP If you are energetic, creative and motivated and have the desire to join a “Customer First Family”, then we should invite you to come grow with us. We are one of Western Canada’s fasted growing automotive companies. We have an opening at our GM store in Vernon for Sales Manager. Interested in joining our team? Contact Darryl Payeur @ 1-888-410-5761 or email resume to Bannister GM Vernon, Bannister GM Edson, Bannister Honda Vernon, Browns GM Dawson Creek, Champion GM Trail, Huber-Bannister Chevrolet Penticton, Salmon Arm GM Salmon Arm.

GET 50% off - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

CLEANING Lady Available! I bring ALL supplies. $20/hour, Discounts for seniors & repeat customers. Great references! Call Danielle 250-864-2085.

Painting & Decorating

DRIVERS WANTED: While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Lost & Found MISSING female cat ZOE, dark-grey with white nose, neck & paws, she is tattooed. Zoe is VERY SHY and likely scarred, jumped out of a car nearby Firehall on OK Centre Rd. E. Please call Mike at 250864-2361 if you see her or return her to 11231 Ok Centre Rd. E..THANK YOU.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Travel VISITING ARIZONA for the Winter? Meridian RV Resort. Good Sam-Trailer Life Top 100 RV Resorts in America. Check us out at: or call 866-770-0080.

Terrific career opportunity outstanding growth potential to learn how to locate rail defects. No Rail Experience Needed!! Extensive Paid Travel, Meal Allowance, 4 wks. Vacation & Benefits Package. Skills Needed - Ability to travel 3 months at a time Valid License with air brake endorsement. High School Diploma or GED. Apply at under careers, keyword Driver DO NOT FILL IN CITY or STATE

SYSCO Kelowna is currently seeking both Owner/Operators and regular Delivery Drivers to service our customers. Enjoy free weekends, performance awards and local based delivery runs - home every night. Owner/Operator’s average net income after expenses: $90k+. To apply, email:

Education/Trade Schools 21 WEEK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Prepare for a Career in Heavy Equipment Operation. Introducing our new Apprenticeship Program which includes: • • •

ITA Foundation ITA HEO Theory Multi Equipment Training (Apprenticeship hours logged) Certificates included are: • Ground Disturbance Level 2 • WHMIS • Traffic Control • First Aid Reserve your seat for October 22, 2012. Taylor Pro Training Ltd at 1-877-860-7627

Help Wanted

Employment Business Opportunities ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.

Small Ads work!

TWO FULL time position available immediately for Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep dealership in Salmon Arm, BC. “Dispatch /coordinator”-Applicant must possess automotive mechanical knowledge-strong work ethic, organizational skills and can multi task. “Journeyman Technician” -Applicant must have good attitude, quality workmanship. Both applicants must be able to produce in a fast paced environment. Excellent wage and benefit package. Please send resume:

Trades, Technical Civil Engineering Technologist II District of Kitimat, full time permanent - wage range $36.11 - $43.69, over 2 years. Civil Technologist diploma required. Reporting to the Technical Services Manager, duties include a variety of infrastructure investigations, surveying, design, contract preparation, inspection and material testing on projects related to the municipality’s water, sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Candidates should be proficient in using electronic survey equipment, computer assisted design using AutoCad 3D, and MS Office. Valid BC driver’s licence required. Submit resumes by October 23, 4:30 pm, to Personnel, District of Kitimat, 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2H7, Fax (250) 632-4995, or email

Financial Services DROWNING IN debts? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. or Toll Free 1 877-556-3500 GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

Career Opportunities LEARN FROM home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enroll today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535


3 Rooms For $299, 2 Coats Any Colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls. Cloverdale Premium Quality Paint. NO PAYMENT, until job is completed!

DAN-MEL MOVING SERVICES Local & long distance, 250215-0147 or 250-766-1282



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Business/Office Service DENIED CANADA Pension plan disability benefits? The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic can help. Call Allison Schmidt at 1-877-793-3222.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email:

NORTHERN ALBERTA clearing contractor seeks experienced Buncher and Skidder Operators for work in Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided; Michelle@CommandEquipment. com. Fax 780-488-3002.

(1) 250-899-3163 WWW.PAINTSPECIAL.COM

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: It’s That Simple. Your Credit / Age / Income is not an issue. 1.800.587.2161.

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

EARN EXTRA cash! - P/T, F/T Immediate Openings For Men & Women. Easy Computer Work, Other Positions Are Available. Can Be Done From Home. No Experience Needed.


The eyes have it Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

ANNIE (ANN) NIXON (NEE CRAWFORD) Passed away peacefully on September 22, 2012 at the age of 95, at the Village of Mill Creek, Kalamalka Residential Care Community, Kelowna, BC. Born December 1, 1916 in Crewe, Cheshire, England to William and Edith Crawford. Predeceased by her beloved husband John (Jack) Alexander Nixon in 2003 of Colville, SK; her parents Edith in 1969 and William in 1971 of Crewe, Cheshire, England and sister Madge Cottrell (nee Crawford) in 2008 in Crewe, Cheshire, England. Survived by her sister Alma Svatos (nee Crawford) of Mission, BC and many relatives of the Crawford and Nixon families. Annie attended school in Crewe, England. During her childhood, she walked or rode a bicycle to school and work. At age 14, she commenced in the labour force at the bakery and a printing shop, during the war years. In 1950 she came to Canada to visit her sister, Alma. She immigrated to Canada in 1954, was employed as a teller at the Credit Union in Kindersley, SK, where some relatives lived. It was here that she met her husband Jack, the love of her life and they married in 1959 in Crewe, Cheshire, England. They spent years on the farm at Colville, near Kindersley, until their retirement in 1969;then moving to Kelowna and Winfield, BC, where she resided until the present. Annie loved to bake (a passion from the years working in a bakery), cook, read and knit, which she learned during her childhood in England. She also enjoyed card games, especially Crib and Bridge. She took up swimming and painting in her retirement as well as enjoying the outdoors – her rose gardens, walking and riding a bicycle. Annie volunteered at the Anglican churches wherever she resided. Travelling with her husband took them back to England, Costa Rica and the USA to visit relatives and friends. On her trips to England, she revelled in spending time with a childhood pal, the daughter of the bakery boss, Kathleen (Badger) Rowe. Many of their winters were spent in Indo/Palm Springs, California, USA. Annie had been a resident of the Village of Mill Creek, Kalamalka Residential Care Community, Kelowna, BC since June 2010. The family would like to express gratitude and admiration to the staff for their respectful and compassionate care of Annie. They also extend their appreciation to friends for their time spent visiting and keeping in touch with Annie. In respecting Annie’s wishes, cremation and a celebratory Memorial Family Service will be held. Her final resting place will be at the Colville Cemetery, Saskatchewan. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation – Eye Care Unit, 2268 Pandosy Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 1T2 or to the Alzheimer Society of BC, 865 Bernard Avenue, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 5P6. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting, 250-860-7077.

Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Merchandise for Sale

Heavy Duty Machinery A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

While we try to ensure all advertisements appearing in the Lake Country Calendar are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to undertake due diligence when answering any advertisement, particularly when the advertiser is asking for monies up front.

Merchandise for Sale


Musical Instruments

Auto Financing

CORT acoustic steel string guitar with cutaway, grover tuners and Fishman Pickup. Beautiful wood and sound. Must be seen and played to appreciate. $650 Call 250-517-8087

Real Estate Real Estate

RIVERFRONT RESORT, Southern BC. Lots available as low as $61,900. Year round park, indoor pool & spa. Low maintenance fees. Inquiries: Jan 250-499-7887; Caroline 250-499-4233;

! * & *& " *& * % ! % % ( & ! */ #!$!% * ) /&+( '!* # !%) * . % !) * )* !%, )*$ %* !% * % ( +) &+( &$$!*$ %* - * , ( !*) )!0 -!## #' $ " % ( !)*&(/

Other Areas BUY LAND in Belize - English Commonwealth country in Central America. Caribbean Jungle lots - 3 miles from sea Starting at $11,000. All types available. For information call Patrick Snyder 778-403-1365.

Auto Financing

Auto Services

# ) &%* * .* &( $ !# *)* +%*&% % ( --- % (

BUY A car with Bad Credit! $0 Down, 24 Hour Approvals, Low Payments, No Credit OK. Approval Hotline Call 1-888222-0663 or Apply Online at

Misc. Wanted

WANTED : Used Kitchen Cupboards in good condition, for a suite. Call (778)-478-9282

% ! % % ( & ! */ +% ) * $&)* ( ) ( )+''&(*) * $&)* ' &'# % ! *) *& '( , %* ## */' ) & % (


Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670 A15 A15

Vehicle Wanted WE BUY All Cars! Not, we will Cars/Trucks/Vans. Car today with Phone call to: 8647.

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557


Running or buy it! Sell Any One Free 1-800-551-

To advertise your business here, call Michelle or Shayla @ 250-766-4688


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Lake Country Calendar

This week is: Fire Prevention Week

Oyama Front Porch Meeting - October 11th

Notice of Temporary Use Permit

Bring your comments and opinions to a Front Porch Meeting Hosted by Mayor, Council and Staff

TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, a report is being taken to the Regular Council meeting of Tuesday, October 16, 2012, at 7 p.m. (Immediately following the Public Hearing) in the District of Lake Country Municipal Hall, 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. to give consideration on the following:

Topics: ▪Water Master Plan ▪Active Transportation ▪Hwy naming ▪Transit service to Oyama ▪Heritage ▪Public comments & concerns THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th 7:00 P.M. OYAMA COMMUNITY HALL Light refreshments will be served. The meeting will be chaired by the Neighbourhood Constituency Councillor Thank you for showing an interest in your community.

Help us Name “Old Hwy 97” The new Hwy 97 construction between Winfield and Oyama is over 50% complete and the road that is currently Hwy 97 will become a local road under the jurisdiction of the District of Lake Country. We need your help to find the perfect name for this special section of road through Lake Country so that it is memorable and relevant for tourism and way-finding. Council will be making the final decision on the road name in November 2012.

1. TP2012-008 – Temporary Use Permit The applicant is seeking Council approval for a Temporary Use Permit to allow a short term vacation rental business to occur in their single family dwelling. Applicant/Agent: Owner(s): Legal Description: Civic Address: Zoning Designation:

Rob & Charmeyn Martell As Above Lot 18, Section 20 Township 14 ODYD Plan 24099 (see plan as to limited access) 18096 Juniper Cove Road RR3 (Rural Residential 3) and W1 (Recreational Water Use)

If you would like to support one of the following previously suggested names: Thomas Wood Drive; Lake Country Drive; Lakeside Way; Waterfront Avenue; Kokanee Parkway, please vote in the poll at the bottom right of the webpage or suggest another name via email to Please include your name and contact information and the reason why you think the name should be used. There will be a prize draw from among all contributors/supporters that provide contact information. Deadline: October 15, 2012.

Fire Prevention Week October 7-13 “HAVE 2 WAYS OUT” This week is Fire Prevention Week. "Have 2 Ways Out" is the theme for Fire Prevention Week 2012. This year, the campaign is all about keeping you, your family, and your community safer from fire. Fire is fast, extremely hot, and spreads rapidly; but more importantly, it creates thick black toxic smoke that is even more deadly than flames. When fire strikes, seconds are important and there is little time to stop and think. It is important that all members of the family know their Home Escape Plan, including a meeting point so everyone knows they made it out safely. SMOKE ALARMS provide the early warning of the problem and a Home Escape Plan will provide time to escape safely. Although we hope you never have to use it, planning and practicing your Home Escape Plan may one day save your life and the lives of your loved ones! Fires are real, not just events in the news or movies…

Semi-Annual Water Utility Bills

A Temporary Permit may be used for a maximum period of three years, and may be renewed once. After that time they may reapply for a new Temporary Permit. Council may specify conditions under which the Temporary Use Permit may be carried on. If you believe your interest in property is affected by the application noted above, you shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submission respecting matters contained in the above application. A copy of the proposed permit, the application and relevant background material may be inspected at the Municipal Office, District of Lake Country, Development Services Department (2nd Floor), 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, B.C. from Wednesday, October 10, 2012, through Tuesday, October 16, 2012 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Dated October 10, 2012

Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer


Semi-annual water bills for the period July 1 to December 31, 2012 have now been mailed. The bills are due and payable before 4:30 pm on Wednesday, October 31, 2012. Payments received after the close of business on October 31, 2012 will be charged a late penalty of 5% on the unpaid balance.

Oyama Lake Supply Okanagan/Beaver Lake Source Kalamalka Lake Source

Payments can be made by mail; in person at Municipal Hall 10150 Bottom Wood Lake Rd; at all major financial institutions; or via internet and telephone banking. There is an after-hours drop box to the right of the main door of Municipal Hall. Municipal office hours are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Ph. 250-766-5650

IMPORTANT NOTICE: There will be no late irrigation requests granted this year for customers on the Oyama Lake Source as work is being performed on the existing intake and supply line as part of the Kalamalka Lake Interconnect project. This work needs to be completed under low flows.

October 13th – 14th October 15th – 19th October 22nd – 26th

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