Kootenay News Advertiser, October 15, 2012

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Paddling the Columbia Basin

Preventing bullying

ICE name team captain

The GoGo Grannies are presenting a unique travelogue.

Just what makes a bully and what makes a victim.

Drew Czerwonka is taking on the role again this season.

page A24

page A2

page A7

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Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

Seeing the Columbia Basin at water level Photo Karen Proudfoot

Paddling the Columbia Basin shows on October 17.

Paddling the Columbia Basin is a 90 minute travelogue in word and picture that should excite all those who live

in and near the Columbia/Kootenay River Basin, especially outdoor enthusiasts and history buffs.

This is a 2012 award winning canoeing video. The audience will have an opportunity to look at memorabilia, equipment, newspaper articles and books that Karen Proudfoot will bring to the program. As well, Frank Hastings will show interested

people how to gather information about their ancestors in the B.C. fur trade. Please call Norma at 250 - 426 - 6111 for further information. The travelogue is being hosted by the GoGo Grannies and will take place at the College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre on October 17

at 7 p.m. The GoGo Grannies group raises funds for the Stephen Lewis Foundation to help grandmothers raising their grandchildren in Africa. Admission is by donation.


Thursday, October 18th to Sunday, October 21st


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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

Jobs Fair at COTR As part of the BC Jobs Plan, the BC Jobs Start Here Job Fair is one of 24 to be held across BC between now and November. The fair will connect British Columbians who are looking

for work with employers looking for qualified employees. Postsecondary educational institutions, industry associations, training and health authorities will also be present at the

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A3 job fairs. The fair takes place at the College of the Rockies gymnasium, in the Kootenay Centre on Friday, October 19 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. The BC Jobs Start Here Job Fair is part of Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan, the

Government of British Columbia’s plan to promote economic development and job

growth in the province. The plan builds on the Province’s solid foundation of prudent fiscal

management to attract investment and open new markets for B.C. products and services,

and to create jobs for British Columbians.


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Sterling silver charms from $30

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*Offer valid from 8/1/2012 until 10/26/2012 and is subject to change without notice at any time. Offer subject to availability and may be discontinued or modified at any time. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight and preparation charges not included. Suggested retail price only and price is subject to change without notice at any time. Dealer may sell for less. Attachments and implements sold separately. See dealer for details. **Offer valid from 8/21/2012 until 10/26/2012. Subject to John Deere Financial approval and dealer participation. In the event you default on this or any John Deere Financial Multi-Use Account transaction, interest on all outstanding balances on your Multi-Use Accounts (including on this and all special term transactions on your Multi-Use Account) will begin to accrue immediately at 19.75% AIR from the date of default until paid in full, and you will be required to make monthly payments on your Multi-Use Account equal to 2.5% (personal use); 3.0% (commercial use) of the original amounts financed plus interest. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight and preparation charges not included and may increase price or monthly payment(s). Minimum purchase and finance amount may be required. See your dealer for details. Program subject to change without notice at any time. For purchases on your John Deere Financial Multi-Use Account for personal use only. Offer is unconditionally interest-free for the first 12 months. After the 12-month period, for eligible purchases of goods and services: 1) a minimum monthly payment of $379.13 is required; and 2) finance charges will begin to accrue immediately on amount financed at 17.9% per annum until paid in full. ^Offer valid from 8/1/2012 until 10/26/2012 and is subject to change without notice at any time. Get $700 off the Gator™ XUV 825i. Excludes all TX Turf, ProGators and all heavy-duty XUV power-steering models. Prices and model availability may vary. Offer subject to availability and may be discontinued or modified at any time. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight and preparation charges not included. Suggested retail price only and price is subject to change without notice at any time. Dealer may sell for less. Attachments and implements sold separately. See dealer for details. ^^Offer valid from 8/1/2012 until 10/26/2012. Subject to John Deere Financial approval and dealer participation. In the event you default on this or any John Deere Financial Multi-Use Account transaction, interest on all outstanding balances on your Multi-Use Accounts (including on this and all special term transactions on your Multi-Use Account) will begin to accrue immediately at 19.75% AIR from the date of default until paid in full, and you will be required to make monthly payments on your Multi-Use Account equal to 2.5% (personal use); 3.0% (commercial use) of the original amounts financed plus interest. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight and preparation charges not included and may increase price or monthly payment(s). Minimum purchase and finance amount may be required. See your dealer for details. Program subject to change without notice at any time. For purchases on your Multi- Use Account for personal, agricultural and commercial use. For eligible purchases of goods and services: 1) a minimum monthly payment of $312.44 is required; and 2) finance charges will begin to accrue immediately on amount financed at 2.90% per annum until paid in full. AGR5x71015KNA-4C

*Before taxes. Good while supplies last, limit one per customer. Charms shown on bracelet are sold separately. See our store for details.

Denise's Weekly Features

Look what’s new at Nutters


Wed., Oct. 17 7pm at GF Oliver Funeral Home 225-15th Avenue RSVP (250)428-2611

Lychee - Mango Chews All natural super fruit soft chews. Powered with Green tea. Rich in plyphenols (nature’s most potent antioxidents). 250 mg of super concentrated Lychee and Mango per chew.

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Keeping a little more of your cash at home

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser A remarkable success story, born in the US, is moving north of the border to take root in

the City of Cranbrook thanks to the Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce.

Protecting our province from the harmful effects of used oil and antifreeze must be a responsibility we all share, together. So please, next time you look to dispose of used oil or antifreeze materials, find a collection facility near you. Here are three easy ways to do so:

implement the 10 Percent Initiative in Cranbrook over the next two years. To kick off the ed-

In a continued effort to encourage higher rates of recovery, BCUOMA has built a strong support network across the province. Today, participation includes 209 brand-owner members, 39 collectors and processors, 520+ return collection facilities and more than 4,000 generators. In addition, BCUOMA is reprising its successful ambassador program this summer – with two ambassadors touring the province to educate and raise awareness of the importance of used oil and antifreeze recycling.

Although it’s commonly accepted that oil and antifreeze are not household garbage we can simply throw out, more than one million litres of used oil ends up in BC landfills every year. When you consider that it only takes one drop of oil to contaminate a million drops of water, the problem is clear: there’s just too many drops to count, too many to ignore. BCUOMA is a non-for-profit organization that encourages British Columbians to responsibly recycle used oil, oil filters, oil containers, used antifreeze and antifreeze containers. Since the launch of the program in 2003, British Columbians have done an exceptional job of recycling their used oil materials.

The Retail Committee of the Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce is looking to

one drop makes a difference. 2011 recovery rates

By recycling your used oil and antifreeze products, you’re playing an important role in preserving our environment for future generations. As of July 1, 2011 antifreeze and antifreeze containers have been included within the broader recycling program. From the 10 million litres of automotive antifreeze sold in BC each year, about 45% will be available for collection and recycling. Please check for a collection facility near you.

• Visit usedoilrecycling.com • Call 1.800.667.4321 • Call 604.RECYCLE

for the Lower Mainland

To arrange for a bulk pick-up of used oil (more than 30 litres), please call 1.866.254.0555 Note: Please make sure to return your used oil materials during regular business hours for proper disposal and to avoid any spills and further contamination to the environment.

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Used oil & antifreeze containers





Check out the BC Recyclepedia App to find over 1,000 drop-off locations and recycling options for over 70 materials across BC.


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ucation and awareness campaign, the Chamber, in partnership with the Columbia Basin Trust, the College of the Rockies and a number of local businesses are hosting Kathy Callies from Howard, South Dakota, who was involved in the initiative since its inception, to speak in Cranbrook on October 16 and 17. “This was a story I came across in a book I was reading,” says Connor Stewart, Chair of the Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce Retail Committee. “It caught my attention right away as it completely related to a number of things we were beginning to investigate. I am very excited to have Kathy come to speak to our community and tell the story in more depth. Born in the community of Howard, South Dakota in 1995, a group of high school students were trying to find ways to stop the out migration of people, jobs and money and revive their dying community. After much work and research, students presented their recommendations to the public and leaders in the County and also provided one simple, surprising fact: if the residents of Howard spent just 10 per cent more of their disposable income at home, they would boost the local economy by $7 million. Locals responded and one year later South Dakota’s Department of Revenue released a shocking number – the amount of money spent in Minor County had increased by $15.6 million, more than double the increase the students had expected. This initiative also ties into all four pillars that support our entire community as identified by the Cranbrook Connected document. Kathy Callies will be making a presentation targeting youth at the College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre on Tuesday October 15, 2012 at 7 p.m. Her second presentation will be at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon on October 17, 2012 at noon at the Prestige Inn, as part of Small Business Week.

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A5 ticket prizes, including; a Diamond & Sapphire Ring with Earrings, a Beauty & Wellness package from Vanity Room/Exhale Yoga and New Pro Fitness, and a Romance Package from

St Eugene Mission. Tickets for this great evening are $25, which includes a glass of wine and appetizers. There are a limited number of tickets which may be purchased at the CHCA


Enjoy the Famous Colombo Spagheti/Meatballs & Chicken with Potatoes with Salad, & Dessert Tickets $30 per person Dance to Live Music December 8th & December 15th

Thrift Store at 30-8th Avenue South, and at the Gift Shop located in the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. You may also

book tables of eight in advance by contacting Eldene at 250-489-4003 or at dsmedsted@shaw. ca. All proceeds go to

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For Tickets Call Giacomo or Anna

Photo Submitted

Rachel Christie, a Director with the CHCA, modeling a gown at a recent Fashion Show.

Thrift Store Fashion Show coming soon The Cranbrook Health Care Auxiliary is once again hosting its annual Thrift Store Fashion Show this October 25th at the Prestige Inn in Cranbrook, beginning at 6 p.m. Planning has been

under way for many months to ensure a quality and entertaining experience for everyone attending. As always, expect this event to be full of fun, fashions, gift draws, a silent auction and three fabulous raffle

Answers for Friday, October 12 Crossword C O D D U E T R E E P L P R E S E A S E N W T T S T A R T I R I A G R E R E A D T R Y D A S P E R A I S R U N E O V E R W E S T







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Find the Right Diet for You Our body is the temple of our soul

and it is our duty to take good care of it as long as we live. In that regard we need to feed it with foods that have the best nutritive value, that are free of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics etc… In order to gain muscle mass, to avoid sickness and to feel great we need to become conscious customers. Lots of people take tons of Aurélie vitamins, minerals and other Wiedemann supplements thinking that it will compensate for their poor diet, this is nonsense! You can’t eat junk food thinking that because you take lots of supplements you can get away with it. Theoretically you should find everything you need in your diet if you choose a great variety of organic proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and eat according to the ratios that your digestive system is designed to process. However, sometimes even if you eat properly you might have to take a few supplements, especially if the organic vegetables you consume are imported from a far away country and ripen in the truck… (Another great argument in favour of growing your own vegetables and/or buying local organic products). William Wolcott and Trish Fahey, in their book “The Metabolic Typing Diet” show that everybody is different and thus able to digest more or less proteins, more or less carbohydrates/ vegetables, and more or less fat. If you take Inuits for example, their diet is exclusively composed of proteins and fat: feed them lots of vegetables and carbohydrates and they will probably get sick, they have almost become carnivores because their environment led them to evolve that way. Some tribes in South America have access to lots and lots of vegetables and almost no meat, just like the Inuit, they have adapted to their environment and became vegetarian. While dissecting their bodies you can see how their digestive tract has evolved, the shape of the stomach of an Inuit is quite different from the shape of the stomach of someone who has inherited a body from a vegetarian lineage. Similarly our genetic heritage is very specific and we need to find the right ratio of protein versus carbs/vegetables and fats necessary to balance our own bodies’ chemistry. This is why protein diets or carbohydrate diets only work with a certain ratio of the population, people need to find what works for them! Once we discover how we should eat, we do not need to count calories anymore, but we have to listen to our bodies to feel when we are full. We have been conditioned to finish our plates and this is one of the greatest mistakes we can make. Sometimes our bodies don’t need anymore fuel, so it is completely useless to feed it more because the plate isn’t empty: food that isn’t needed is stored as fat! This is quite hard especially in North America where the portions are excessively big. It is better to bring food home and finish it later or the next day than to force it down one’s throat and feel horrible at the end of the meal. For more information on nutrition, metabolic typing and/ or exercise programs contact me at 250-464-4046 or e-mail me at sattvatraining@gmail.com to book your free consultation

the purchase of hospital equipment for the East Kootenay Regional Hospital.

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Postural Assessments | Detection & Correction of Muscular Imbalances | Functional Exercises | Holistic Lifestyle Coaching | Nutrition

Sattva Training Centre Aurélie Wiedemann Personal Trainer, Certified Exercise Coach, CHEK Practitioner Level 1/BCRPA Certified Trainer Visits by appointment only Tel: 250-464-4046 sattvatraining@gmail.com • www.sattvatraining.com

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1500 Cranbrook ST. n. 489-5818

A6 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

◗ community

An Italian evening in Naramata

www.kootenayadvertiser.com 1510 - 2nd Street North, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2 Telephone (250) 489-3455 Fax (250) 489-3743 Toll Free 1-800-665-2382 Classified E-Mail: classifieds@kootenayadvertiser.com Advertising E-Mail: sales@kootenayadvertiser.com Editorial E-Mail: editor@kootenayadvertiser.com Distribution Email: circulation@kootenayadvertiser.com

La Dolce Vita By Lorne Eckersley

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The Kootenay News Advertiser is a community East Kootenay newspaper featuring news of the best buys in the East Kootenay. Published every Monday and Friday at Cranbrook, BC by Black Press Group Ltd. Subscription rates for mailing outside the East Kootenay: $170 per year, $85 per 6 months and $42.50 per 3 month GST inclued. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by Kootenay News Advertiser. (Registration No. 164 Serial No. 271043). Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or part is forbidden without written permission by the publisher. AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that Kootenay News Advertiser will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. Kootenay News Advertiser is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements or letters to the editor criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in Kootenay News Advertiser are not necessarily those of the publisher. Printed in Canada

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We didn’t know quite what to expect when we drove to Naramata last week to join five other couples for an Italian dinner and vertical wine tasting at D’Angelo Estate Winery. During a stay in the summer at the winery’s bed and breakfast we seemed to have learned about the dinner by chance while we were chatting with owner Sal D’Angelo. It sounded too good to pass up, so I made sure our names went on the guest list immediately. The first surprise came when we walked into Sal’s dining room. We were among the last to arrive—having made the two-minute walk from our B and B room— and there sat Sal, at the table with the other guests. I had expected that he would be busy in the kitchen, as he had told me that he would be cooking the dinner. Nope. His 82-year-old mom was visiting from Ontario and had taken over kitchen duties, like any self-respecting Italian matriarch. As I took my seat beside Sal, huge trays arrived, borne by his lovely daughter Steph, who runs the tasting room and looks after much of the winery’s voluminous paperwork. Salumi, cheese, olives, crackers, vegetables—typical Italian appies, abounded. A prosciutto made by Sal’s dad back in Ontario was a big hit. Paper thin slices of cured pork, but without a hint of fat. His slow-baked porcetta was equally delicious. Lined up at each place setting were five wine glasses, each awaiting a sample of one of five vintages of Pinot Noir that have been produced under the D’Angelo label in Naramata (Sal also still has his first winery in On-

tario, where his son has now assumed winemaking duties). Once we all had our samples, Sal led us through a tasting of each, but not before dropping a teaser. Three of the first four years (2005-2008) had won gold medals, the other a bronze (the 2009 vintage hasn’t been released yet). Which, he asked, did we think hadn’t won gold? Eventually, not at all to my surprise, only a couple of guests got it right. My choice got the majority of votes, and we were wrong. It was a great indication that individual taste plays a huge role in the popularity of any wine, and a good reason not to take awards and ratings too seriously. Soon the dinner began to arrive. Bowls of pasta with tomato sauce, plates of sausages and pork, salads, lots of seasonal veggies, the works, all served family style, just as one would expect from a family of Italian heritage. Once we were all happily enjoying the food and a variety of other “surprise” wines that Sal opened, Mama d’Angelo pulled up a chair and joined us. Throughout the twoand-a-half hours or so that we sat, Sal regaled us with information about wine and winemaking, anecdotes from his decades in the industry and his history in Ontario (where he established the first winery in the Amherstberg area—there are now about 20). The electrician-come-college instructor and amateur wine-maker was seen by many as a lunatic, not least because of his enthusiasm for putting up Wine Route signs on roads in the area. Highways employees would remove them and Sal would replace them in what became an on-going battle. D’Angelo Estate Winery is exactly the sort of operation that Angela and I have come to seek out

in our travels. Small production with the handson operation of a jack(or jill) of-all-trades. Sal is the winemaker and vineyard manager. Each day he’s usually working out among the vines, at least until harvest, when his attention turns to turning the fruit into wine. Our conversations continued, with enthusiastic participation from everyone at the table, until the subject rolled around to a dessert wine that was sitting in oak barrels out in the winery building, aging until a targeted spring release. We should do a barrel tasting, Sal said and, like the Pied Piper, he led his followers out into the chilly night air (the temperature would drop to -6 degrees C that night, effectively stopping further development of grapes in the vineyard), through the dark yard and into the winery. He didn’t bother looking for a wine thief (the traditional glass tube used to extract samples through a barrel’s bunghole), instead using a clean length of tubing to siphon a half litre of the Port-like liquid into a glass beaker. Soon we were all sampling this delicious, not too sweet elixir. We learned that, wanting to remain authentic in his production, Sal had transported barrels of his Merlot to a Pentiction distillery, which turned the wine into brandy. It was that brandy that he used to fortify the sweet wine. We also got to provide input into what it would be called on the label. Port is a name that can only be used for products produced in a specific region of Portugal. The dinner came to an end and another twominute walk took us back to our cozy B and B room (the Petit Verdot), where we would spend two nights, taking the opportunity to visit other wineries in the area.

You could win!

Take the paper that goes everywhere on your travels and you could win $1000 in travel clothing from High Country Sportswear and a $1000 travel voucher from Mountain City Travel: a Carlson Wagonlit Agency. Send a good quality photograph to: Kootenay News Advertiser, 1510 2 St. N., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 3L2; or email digital shots to editor@kootenayadvertiser.com Please include phone number and place of residence.



The Fernie Fire Department and Fernie McDonald’s Restaurant once again teamed up for the Fire Chief of the Day Contest. (From left) Dave Kurschenska (Firefighter and Fire Prevention Officer), with Fire Chief of the Day winners Jordan Zweeink, Tessa Hutchinson, Olivia Fairchild, Courtney Magro, (Community Relations Representative, McDonald’s Restaurant), and Lieutenant Tom Hopkins.

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A7

Czerwonka to captain the Kootenay Ice for second year running – 2001-2002, Colin Sinclair – 2002-2003, Nigel Dawes – 20032005, Adam Cracknell – 2005-2006, Ryan Russell – 2006-2007, Steve DaSilva – 2007-

2008, Andrew Bailey – 2008-2009, Dustin Sylvester – 2009-2010, Brayden McNabb 2010-2011). The Assistant Captains will be Joey



Leach, Brock Montgomery and Sam Reinhart. “Leadership is important on any team and it comes from within. When you have a young


team it is even more important to have players that know what it takes to win and develop that winning culture. All four players wearing letters were a part of



Drew Czerwonka will lead the Kootenay Ice again this year.

for the ICE is tonight against Prince George and Friday against Saskatoon both at 7:00 pm. Tickets for both games are available at the Kootenay ICE Office.

Our community-minded Canadian Tire is here to provide efficient customer service and deliver an exceptional shopping experience.



our 2011 Championship Team and understand the standard of excellence we strive to accomplish” added Chynoweth. Next home action

Submitted Jeff Chynoweth, General Manager of the Kootenay ICE Hockey Club, today announced the club has named 20-year-old Drew Czerwonka as Captain of the 2012-2013 team. Czerwonka is just the third player in franchise history to be team captain for two consecutive seasons (John Kachur – 19961997, Steve McCarthy – 1998-2000, Mike Green – 2000, Mike Comrie – 2000, Dean Arsene – 2000-2001, Jason Jaffray – 20012002, Jarret Stoll




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Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser


RDEK Public Hearing Notice Bylaw 2389 & 2390


TO PLACE A LISTING in our community news section: 1. Open to all clubs and non-profit organizations. 2. Post your event online at www.kootenayadvertiser.com (calendar). Events appear on our website ONLY. If you wish your event to be published in the paper please submit by fax (250)4893743 or to our front desk or email: advertising@ kootenayadvertiser.com 3. Notices are published as space permits and for the current week only. This is not a guarantee of publication. We reserve the right to edit information..

Mumbai ending at Goa.



Bylaw Amendment - Baynes Lake The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering an application by Karen Bergman and Dwight Grymaloski to amend the Baynes Lake Official Community Plan and the South Country Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw. If approved, the amendments will amend the OCP and Zoning designation of the subject property to accommodate a two lot subdivision. The subject property is located on Sanborn Road in Baynes Lake as shown on the attached map. Bylaw No. 2389 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Baynes Lake Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2319, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2012 (Palmer Road / Bergman - Grymaloski)” will amend the designation of Lot 3, Block 17, District Lot 132, Kootenay District, Plan 1181 from MH, Medium Holdings to SH, Small Holdings. Bylaw No. 2390 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – South Country Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2320, 2011 – Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2012 (Palmer Road / Bergman - Grymaloski)” will amend the designation of Lot 3, Block 17, District Lot 132, Kootenay District, Plan 1181 from RR-2, Rural Residential (Small Holding) Zone to RR-1, Rural Residential (Estate) Zone. A public hearing will be held at: Baynes Lake Community Hall 468 Jaffray-Baynes Lake Road Baynes Lake, BC Monday, October 22, 2012 at 4:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area B and the Electoral Area A. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Tracy Van de Wiel, Planning Technician, at 250-489-0306, toll free at 1-888-478-7335, or email tvandewiel@rdek.bc.ca. 19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8

Phone: 250-489-2791 Toll Free: 1-888-478-7335 Email: info@rdek.bc.ca Website: www.rdek.bc.ca


The Friends of the Cranbrook Library are presenting their first travelogue of the season at 7pm in the Lecture Theatre at College of the Rockies. The travelogue is on Incredible India where the Pfeiffers take you from Delhi to Varansai, by train to Agra and bus to Jodhpur and

FREE FAMILY SWIM at Kimberley Aquatic Centre. (Persons 18 & under must be accompanied by an adult) Wednesday 6;00 – 7:00 pm Sponsored by Shoppers Drug Mart (Kimberley) NOT YOUR USUAL TRAVELGUE - Paddling the Columbia River Basin with Karen Proudfoot.7:00 College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre. Hosted by Grandmothers helping Grandmothers in Africa. Admission by donation. For more information, please call Norma at 250-426-6111


FLU CLINICS Tamarack Mall: Thursday, Oct. 18 @ 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM; Wednesday, Oct. 24 @ 9:00 AM – 4: 30 PM; Friday, Oct. 26 @ 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM. Cranbrook Health Unit: Friday, Nov. 9 @ 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.



All members, which include players, parents, coaches, umpires and volunteers are requested to attend to select and offer support to the 2012 board of directors, of your minor ball program. We value your input and encourage you to come out and assist in strengthening the Cranbrook Minor Ball program. Contact info: cranbrookminorball@hotmail.com Or Directors phone numbers: www.cranbrookminorball.net

HOPE WE WILL SEE YOU THERE “We acknowledge the support of the Province of British Columbia”

Take our quick survey and you could win! At the Kootenay Advertiser we always put our readers first. We’d like to know you better so we can keep you informed and connected.

"NORMAL CHRISTIAN LIFE" Conference. October 19-21 at House of Hope Church in Cranbrook. Registration and Info. www.ihopecranbrook. ca or 250-421-3784 THE MAGIC OF 'AUTUMN, Artisan Market at ootleg Gp Golf Course, Kimberley, 3pm-8pm on Friday & 9am-4pm on Sat., Oc.to 20. In support of the Kimberley Food Bank & the Cler View Digitl Mammography Campaign. Elke, 250-427-3209.


MS SOCIETY BC & YUKON DIVISION will be hosting a public session, Living Well with Multiple Sclerosis at 1:30 to 3:00 pm at the Manual Training Centre, 1212 – 2nd St. N., Cranbrook. Sheila Marshall, RPT, will be discussing Exercise and MS, as well as the role Occupation Therapist play in supporting people with MS. There will also be a MS Caregivers Session on Wednesday October 17th, at 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Senior Citizens Hall 125 17th Ave, in Cranbrook. For more information or to register call 1-800268-7582 or email Debbie.irwin@mssociety.ca October 20, 2012 HOME-BASED BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURS are invited to participate in the 2012 Home Based Business Fair to be held. Table set up, Friday October 19 from 2 to 4 pm and evening 7 to 9 pm. Table rentals, $10. Call 250-426-2022 to reserve your table. The fair will open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, October 20. No admission charge. Coffee and muffins available by donation.


HAVE CAMERA WILL TRAVEL.... Join Pamela & Jeff Cooper - "The Wonders of Churchill - Polar Bears & Other Visions" at Centre 64, Kimberley at 7:30 pm. Admission by Donation. Proceeds to Kimberley Arts Council & Expansion Project..


Click www.surveymonkey.com/s/Kootenay

FLU CLINICS Tamarack Mall: T; Wednesday, Oct. 24 @ 9:00 AM – 4: 30 PM; Friday, Oct. 26 @ 10:30 AM – 6:30 PM. Cranbrook Health Unit: Friday, Nov. 9 @ 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM STORM WARNING, Water security in a changing west. A joint presentation by Bob Sandford & Deborah Harford. Entry by donation. 6:30 pm at McKim Auditorium, Kimberley. Refreshments, mix & mingle, book signing in lobby, 7:45 speakers

One survey and entry per household. Must be 19 years or older to participate. Prize accepted as awarded. Winner will be a random draw of all survey entries.



WIN $ ” 500

Take our survey and you could win one of the following: 1) $500 cash 2) 3 month gym membership - Core Fitness 3) Patio serving cart - Great Canadian Liquor Warehouse 4) 2 tickets to Kootenay ICE game

CRANBROOK HEALTH CARE AUXILIARY THRIFT STORE FASHION SHOW is at the Prestige Inn. Doors open at 6pm and tickets are available in advance. Please RSVP to Eldene at 250-489-4003 KIMBERLEY FLU CLINIC. Free flu shots for those who qualify on Oct. 25 from 9am-4pm & Nov. 8 from 1-6 pm at Centennial Centre, 100 4th Ave., Kimberley. No appointments necessary. Please bring your Care Card & wear short sleeves. Info., Kimberley Public Health Nursing, 427-2215 THE BIRTH SERIES' LECTURE BY FRANÇOIS AMIGUES, OSTEOPATH: 'Foetusses' Developments and Needs'. Family Connections, 47, 17th Ave S Cranbrook 7-9pm. By donation . More information: 250-429-3333


HOME GROWN COFFEE HOUSE. Home Grown Music Society presents the first Coffee House of the 30th season at Centre 64 at 8:00 pm. Tickets $7 at The Snowdrift Cafe, Kimberley.. LEGION OKTOBERFEST, 6-7pm. Dance: 8 pm Brad and the Boys Serving: Bratwurst. sauerkraut, Potato Salad and a Bun. $10 per person Contact: 250-4268531 or 250-426-4572


"THE CANADIAN FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN Cranbrook Club welcome you to their 27th annual Christmas Artisan Bazaar at the Cranbrook Golf Club on 2nd Street South. Doors open at10am & close at 4pm. Artisans offer things from honey to borscht to yummy Panforte (a traditional Tuscany Confection), chocolate to silver & gold jewellery, sun catchers & much more. Your $2.00 door ticket will get you 30 chances to win a gift from the artisans! All proceeds go to the bursary and scholarship programmes of the Cranbrook CFUW at MBSS & College of the Rockies. See our ad or go on-line for more details at www. cfuw-cranbrook.com. FUNDRAISER FOR THE CANADIAN AVALANCHE CENTRE. We are showing the new Jeremy Jones Snowboard Video 'Further' at the Key City Theater. Tickets are $15, and they are available at The Choice, 816 Baker St Cranbrook, and The Key City Theater, 20 14th Ave Cranbrook. There will be lots of prizes, a silent auction full


Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012


www.kootenayadvertiser.com A9

communitycalendar of snowboard and back country gear, and a Jones split board raffle. All proceeds go the the CAC.


Do you hAve A heArt for ChAnge? Join Clear Sky Center and other life-long learners to engage in lively, discerning, and practical approaches to paths of awakening and meditation. Beginners are welcome. Classes in Cranbrook every tuesday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm at exhale yoga Studio. Call 240-429-3929 to find out more.We are a non-profit charity, this program is by donation. AL Anon In KIMBerLey. Joyce, 250-427-7135 or Cynthia 778-481-1972. you’re InvIteD: the Jaffray united Church meets every second & last Sunday of the month at 11:00am. rev. Jack Lindquist. Contact Dorothy 250-429-3603 for any changes to service. BIngo nIte In the Wardner hall. first thursday of every month. opens at 6:30 pm. Kathy, 429-4194. ADDICtIonS Support reCovery group thurs. 2 – 3:15 pm eK regional hospital psych outpatient Dep’t Conference or group room for info 417-6171 CrISIS LIne IS looking for compassionate people, 98% of our calls are about listening and offering a shoulder to someone reaching out, no need to leave your home, free training, times are flexible volunteer resource Centre at 426-8019. So you thInK you can skate? 7 pm every thursday in July at the Cranbrook Skatepark, free BBQ. the SCLeroDerMA SoCIety of CAnADA requests your help by dropping off your empty laser & inkjet printer cartridges in specially marked boxes at the following locations: Cranbrook, Mitech Business Systems, Credit union and the Kootenay news Advertiser. Creston at the public library & Kootenay Internet office. Kimberley, health unit office. fernie, Bill’s Stereo. CrAnBrooK fIrSt toAStMASterS, College of the rockies, 2700 College Way, Cranbrook, BC. Meets every 2nd & 4th thursdays, room 210 or tBD (follow signs). Contact: Kathy at 250489-2526 or 250-4894464 email: twosimons@ shaw.ca InverMere SenIorS, 1St & 3rd tuesday of every month, potluck, 6 pm & meeting 7 pm. 1st Wednesday, carpet bowling, 1:30 pm, 2nd & 3rd thursday, bingo, 7 pm, 1st & 3rd friday, crib, 7 pm. ChooSIng WeLLneSS every Monday at 10:30am at the Sr.

Citizens hall, bring a bag lunch, Irene 426-4793. KIMBerLey youth SKAteBoArD society, help fundraiser for youth park, all ages welcome to support project, meetings every tuesday at 6:30pm, Lee haskell youth Centre. 427-7017. KIMBerLey eMergenCy SoCIAL ServICeS (eSS) invites you to learn how to help your community during a disaster. Betty, 427-3503 for time & date or email: bettyaitchison@monarch.net fAMILy hIStory Centre (genealogy), 2210-2nd St.n., Cranbrook, 4264614. hours: tues. & thurs. 10am-8pm & Sat. 10am-1pm. open to public for genealogical research. eASt KootenAy hoMe eDuCAtorS is a support group for home schooling parents. If you are considering to home school your children and have questions, or would like to be involved in home schooling group activities, contact Doug 489-5779 or doug@02ws.com CrAnBrooK ChILDren’S ChoIr rehearse under the guidance of Choir Master Chuck Bissett. Children ages 7-14. An-

Kootenay Ice Fan Club AGM Thursday October 18th 7:00 pm at Western Financial Place Meeting Room

drea, 489-5575. get ConneCteD the Kimberley family Centre provides a one-stop information service by providing assistance in obtaining information for Seniors services, government agencies, support groups or any other resource info. 427-2449. InverMere SenIorS every tuesday, floor curling, 1:30 pm, every Wednesday, singing, 10 am. every thursday, dropin, 1 pm. eASt KootenAy BAhA’IS welcome you to interfaith devotional gatherings which include prayers & readings from all the world’s religions; interspersed with music. for times & place in your area please contact: 417-0223, 426-4081, 3446991, www.bahai.org, LSAcranbrook@shaw.ca

reCoverIng froM the losses of Life, a Christian grief course, offered online, free of charge, by the eK Lutheran parish (Mt. Zion Lutheran Church). www. eklutheran.ca, click grief course. KootenAy Bug ChuCKerS are looking to expand their membership. If you are interested in fishing of any kind. Want to expand your knowledge of the local fishing spots. try out new methods. for more information Contact James at a local number 778-9630337 SCoutS CAnADA SeeKS adult & youth for its exciting programs programs include: Beavers: ages 5-7, Cubs: 8-10, Scouts; 11-14, venturers: 14-17 & rovers: 18-26 years. to join or

2nd Annual Community

Harvest Hoe-Down

Wed., Oct. 31 • 3:30-6:30pm

An event designed especially for KIDS FREE for everyone Drop in anytime between 3:30 and 6:30, y’all can come ‘n’ go as it tickles yer fancy This is an event for all families of our community with children ages toddler to grade six, to come and enjoy games, treats, animals, live music and more! Y’all are invited on out to this FREE event; be ready to have FUN! Whether you come dressed up or not, come ready to have a family-good time! See y’all there! This HARVEST HOE-DOWN is being hosted in the Cranbrook Alliance Church gymnasium, 1200 Kootenay St. N.

In Search Of...

P Pictures of your friends and loved ones who served in the Canadian Armed Forces during the Boer War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War or United Nations peacekeeping operations.

Help us remembe remember those from our region who served their country in our annual November 11 special edition. Submit photographs of veterans of the Boer War, World War I and II, the Korean conflict, and United Nations peacekeeping operations and Canadians in Afghanistan. Please provide the name and regiment of the veteran, and additional details whenever possible. We also need a name, phone number and mailing address from those submitting photographs. Please note: Photographs which appeared in previous editions are still in our files and

do not need to be re-submitted.

You must be willing to drop off and pick up your photographs at our office or mail them to 1510 2 St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 or email: editor@kootenayadvertiser.com This popular issue is one of the best-read editions of the year. Make sure your loved ones are recognized. Deadline for submissions is October 31

Name of Veteran: ________________________ Regiment: ________________________ Years of Service: ________________________ Other details: ________________________ Contact Name: ________________________ Address: ________________________ Daytime phone number: _____________________

1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 489-3455 • Fax 489-3743 • 1-800-665-2382

ing CheerleadK s Camp for id

The Mount Baker Wild Cheerleaders are holding a cheerleading camp for kids at Mount Baker High School Oct. 19 - Grades 1-3 at 9am-12pm • Grades 4-6 at 1pm-4pm If your interested in learning how to become a cheerleader contact Stacey at 250-489-0180 or stacycormier@hotmail.com



apply to be a volunteer: 1-888-726-8876 or www. scouts.ca Intersted In books and people? kimberley Friends of the Library invite volunteers to join in supporting the kimberley Public Library. Urgent need for someone interested in marketing/publicity. Call Liz at 250-427-7078. CrAnbrook GArden CLUb MeetInG, we are now on our spring & summer program from May-August and meet at various locations for workshops & tours. Come out & join us. new members always welcome. Anna, 250-489-2443. the CrAnbrook eArLy ChILdhood development Committee meets the 1st tuesday of every month from 1-3pm

at the Cranbrook Family Connections Centre (beside Cranbrook skatepark). Parents, grandparents, caregivers, service providers and businesses are always welcome. Children: our Foundation for success!. 250-489-4246 CrAnbrook Fe¯ PUbLIC health nurses weekdays from 8:30-4:30 at kimberley north star dream team. bAby And Me drop in for parents with babes in arms, tuesdays 10-12, Cranbrook Family Connections 46-17th Ave s (next to skateboard park) niki, 421-8096. In these ChALLenGInG tIMes your support of the Ms Walk is more important than ever. each walker, team captain and volunteer who partici-


communitycalendar pates is a vital partner in providing research. Join the movement to end Ms by registering today, set a goal and multiply your impact by recruiting friends and family to walk with you as a Ms walk team heArts In MotIon Walking Club meet Mon, Wed, Fri at the Cranbrook rec Plex 9am. Walk inside or out, all ages welcome. Marion 250426-4529 or Jeanette 250426-2393 kIMberLey senIors brAnCh #14 General Meeting 1st tuesday of each month, 10 am. All seniors welcome. 427-2805. Are yoU Interested In turning rocks into gems...? Cbk rock and Gems of the kootenays is interested in new members. Frank 421-1177,

barb 426-5623. CoMe And JoIn us at the senior Centre in Cranbrook for an afternoon of bingo every Wed. at 1 pm. the CrAnbrook GUArdIAn At www. liveablecranbrookblogspot.com for tidbits and snippets relative to Cranbrook. Visit us - updated daily. you never know what you might find. bored thIs sUMMer? Looking for something to do? two non-profit societies are looking for help at evening bingo’s. no special training required. For more information contact stacey at 250-489-3114 ext 227 book donAtIons WAnted: Friends of the

31st Annual Senior Citizens Dinner Compliments of the Colombo Lodge and Cranbrook Rotary Club

Colombo Lodge Wed., Dec. 5, 2012 Cocktails 5:00pm Dinner 5:30pm sharp! Dancing to follow Admission $5.00 Tickets available at Heritage Inn

October 10 - 31, 2012


Buy 3 beads get a 4th silver bead at No Charge

Buy a Pink Chamilia Bead and Delamonts will donate

Cranbrook Public Library & the sunrise rotary club are accepting donations of books, videos, dVd’s Cd’s cassettes & maps (all in good cond). no encyclopedias. drop off at the Library during reg opening hrs. CoMMUnIty sPonsored PUbLIC swims first Wed. or every month, 5-6 pm. kimberley Aquatic Centre. CoMMUnIty sPonsors FAMILy swims, Wednesdays, 6-7 pm (persons 18 & younger must be accompanied by an adult). eVeryone Is WeLCoMe to sPeAk oUt with our United Way Cranbrook and kimberley. silence is never golden. We invite community members of all ages and backgrounds to contact us about a coffee date to express your vision for a community that cares. Call (250)-426-8833 to speak with donna or tanis, or email crankimbunitedway@shaw.ca Creston VALLey GuildQUILter’s Wednesday meetings and workshops (alternating) start 9 am. Anglican Church basement 422-7th Ave n Creston.. new members welcome. Contact Info 250 866 5409, em ail:crestonvalleyquiltersgu ild@shaw.ca. senIors heLPInG senIors. the Friendly Visitor Program in supporting the quality of life is offering visits for seniors wanting companionship, transportation as well as support for those caring for seniors. . 4272449. Are yoU FeeLInG AP-

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Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

PreCIAted, valued & empowered? do you work with people who enjoy teamwork & a fun environment? you must be a United Way of Cranbrook and kimberley volunteer! We need you! donna, 426-8833. LAdIes AUxILIAry to royal Canadian Legion branch 24, the royal Canadian Legion meets second tuesday of each month, september to June, at 1 pm at the telus building on 11th Ave. new members welcome. Melanie, (250)426-3430. For Arts reLAted eVents, galleries, grants/awards, education & etc. check out the news and events section of Cranbrook & district Arts Council’s website: www. theartscouncil.ca bAby Goose - free program for parents with babies under one-year-old at kimberley early Leaning Centre. rhymes, songs and stories, guest speakers. thursdays, 10:30 to 11:30. Call terri 250-427-2215 or kim 250-427-4466 FAMILy FUn nIGht! eat & play with your preschooler at kimberley early Learning Centre thursdays 4 to 7 pm. Please call Gina at 250-427-5309 FernIe royAL Canadian Legion br #36 general meetings will be held on the 3rd tuesday of each month at 7 pm. eLko PArks And reCreAtIon FUndrAIsers (proceeds toward hall operations): Pancake breakfast is the 2nd sunday monthly. Incl. pancakes, sausage patties & eggs, o/juice & ‘all you want’ coffee For $7.00 and kids 10&under $3.00 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at elko Community hall CrAnbrook’s neW thrIFt store, bFM open tues.-sat., 10-5pm. donated items greatefully accepted. 824 kootenay st. n. CALL to ArtIsts and Craftsmen – the

kimberley Arts Council is now accepting applications from crafts people and artisans for Creative Finds … an Artisan boutique. If you or someone you know would like to participate in Creative Finds or would like further details, call us at 427-4919 or email:kimberleyarts@ cyberlink.bc.ca CrAnbrook’s bibles For Missions thrift store – open late thursdays til 7 pm. tues. – sat. 10 – 5 pm. Many new items & brand names to choose from. Fall clothing for the entire family. 824 kootenay st. n. Come volunteer with us. treasure hunters welcome. We are now wheelchair friendly. trIton sWIM CLUb, accepting registration for children ages 6 & up at anytime. Gretchen, 4894365. do yoU hAVe WooL? Local group is looking for donations of wool to make items for the shelters. Call 250-417-0894 for more information. sPArWood reCreAtIon dePArtMent free swimming, Fridays, 4-5:30 pm. Food AddICts In reCoVery Anonymous is a program for individuals recovering from addictive eating behavior. there are no dues or fees at our meetings. there are no weigh-ins. Please feel free to contact the FA office for more information at 781321-9118. the following meeting is held in trail, bC every week: Monday and thursday of every week, Gateway Christian Centre trail, bC (across from Wall Mart) Monday @10:00 AM thUrsdAy @ 7:00 PM Call Connie 250-364-2013 or email rwhanson@shaw.ca VoLUnteer senIors’ CoUnseLLor norm Weitzel can assist seniors with government forms, applications & General advocacy. 426-

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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

2637. Cranbrook Quilters’ Guild will be holding their meetings on the 2nd and 4th tuesdays of each month at 7:15 pm, upstairs in the seniors’ Hall, 125 17th ave. s. everyone welcome. For more information, contact June at 250-426-8817. Cranbrook FlY FisHers Club meets 2nd tuesday of every month at the real Canadian superstore, 7 pm. kimberleY PiPe band is looking for new members. anyone inter-

ested in joining, learning pipes and/or drums with the kimberley Pipe band are encouraged to call dave 427-3092, Jock, 421-9157 or Gerry, 4277963. stonG start bC & Play & learn kimberley Family drop in Programs: monday’s Play & learn 10-12pm lindsay Park school, tuesday’s strong start baby Goose 9-12pm & 10:30-11:30 early learning Centre, Wednesday’s strong start 9-12pm early learning Centre, thursday’s Play

calendar www.kootenayadvertiser.com A11

communitycalendar & learn strongstart 1012pm & 1-4pm marysville school, Friday’s strongstart 9-12pm early learning Centre, saturday’s strong start 9-12pm early learning Centre. 250-4274468 Free immunizations. PeoPle 65 years of age can receive pneumococcal 23. all people should have a tetanus/ diphtheria booster every ten years. Protect yourself from vaccine preventable diseases with these free vaccines. Please call the Public Health nursing

at your local health unit (Cranbrook 420-2207) for all appointments. FullY renovated Hall and kitchen for rent. 120 person capacity. Great rates! kimberley elks Club. 250-427-2343 meat draw every sat. @ 5pm ek CounCil oF Canadians Chapter meeting monthly, 2nd tuesday evening of the month. Call for time & location, 427-0514. tHe bisset CHoir, a mixed mens, women’s choir of all ages from high

school to adult, meets every thursday evening, 7 pm at Christ the servant Church, 14th ave. s., Cranbrook. new members always welcome. 4893942. keeP You & your horse active, Willowgrove ranch Horsemanship Clinics, limited room, so book your spot. Fmi Jodi savage 426-6596. Parent/tot Fun times, a drop in program for parents & their children ages 6 & under. monday mornings 9:30noon, mountain view

elementary school. old baseball PHotos? tHe Home run society would like to archive your photos and stories for future generations of baseball fans. Contact Garry 417-3236 or e-mail: garry@slonowski.com sCleroderma suPPort GrouP, Call betty (250)428-8875, bev, 427-

5033 in kootenay region. kootenaY Horses is online, your equine community clubs & events listing. www.kootenayhorses.com, marie, 426-5530. native FriendsHiP Centre monthly meetings, 7 pm, last thursday of month. mt baker secondary school, room 100, everyone welcome.

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Tips for the Dementia Journey Please join the Alzheimer Society of B.C. for a workshop discussing tips for the dementia journey. The workshop covers the following topics: • • • •

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we do have bins available for your yard & business clean-up used tires for sale

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Please Join us in celebration of the 100th Birthday of Olga Johns. An open house to be held at Joseph Creek Village

1901 Willowbrook Dr

Cranbrook BC on Oct. 20, 2012 between 1pm & 3pm in the Green Room No Gifts Please


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Childcare Available

Business Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

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Alliance Friendship Place Daycare Centre & Preschool is a licensed centre serving children 3 yrs to pre-kindergarten age. We have full and part time spaces available immediately, contact us for further information. Email daycare@ cranbrookalliancechurch.com (250)489-4526 1200 Kootenay Street N (located in the Cranbrook Alliance Church) Alliance Friendship Place Daycare Centre & Preschool is a licensed centre serving children 3 yrs to pre-kindergarten age. We have full and part time spaces available immediately, contact us for further information. Email daycare@ cranbrookalliancechurch.com (250)489-4526 1200 Kootenay Street N (located in the Cranbrook Alliance Church) Full time spot available, 2-yrs & up, licensed, subsidies welcome. (250)489-4668

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Lost & Found Lost: black shooting bag, has some ammo & magazines in it, at the Cranbrook Rod & Gun club shooting range. Reward offered. (250)417-3432


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Wedding Announcement Marsha Loff to Lee Blom Wedding took place July 14, 2012 at the Bull River Ranch Cars - Domestic

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Drivers/Courier/ Trucking

Employment Opportunity Experienced Truck Drivers

Drivers License Class 1 or 3 with air Snowplow experience not required but would be an assest. As & When Positions for winter months in Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere, Yahk, Jaffray, Fernie & Sparwood. Mail or fax resume to: Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting L.P. 258 Industrial Road F, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6N8, Fax # 250-417-4641or 250-423-6070

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Terry Groleau, aka Big “T�, is pleased to announce that he has joined the Dodge Boys at Cranbrook Dodge. Born and raised in Cranbrook, you may remember Terry from Safeway, where he worked for 13 years, Terry’s Garden Market or the School District where he worked for 20 years. Through these past ventures, Terry has made many acquaintances. He’d like to invite friends, former customers, colleagues and students to stop by where there’s always a big smile waiting for you. Let Big “T� show you the huge selection of new and pre-owned vehicles offered up here at Cranbrook Dodge. You’ll be sure to find just what you’re looking for. With deals like these, Terry plans on using his tag line alot, “It’s a pleasure doing business with you.�

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Become a Psychiatric Nurse in your own community There is an urgent need for more Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPN), particularly outside the urban areas of the province. And with the workforce aging – the average age of a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in BC is 47 years – the number of retirees from the profession is exceeding the number of graduates. Entry-level earnings start at $30.79/hour to $40.42/hour. Train Locally – The only program of its kind in BC, students can learn within their local communities via distance education, local and/or regional clinical placements, and some regional classroom delivery. This 23 month program is accredited by the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC (CRPNBC). Government student loans, Employment & Labour Market Services (ELMS), band funding & other ďŹ nancing options available to qualiďŹ ed applicants.

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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

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Eye Health

Waste Management

Tips to remember

1) Have regular comprehensive dilated eye exams. 2) Know your family’s eye health history. 3) Eat right to protect your sight. A varied diet that includes fruits and vegetables is good for your eyes as ell as your body. 4) Maintain a healthy weight. 5) Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or other activi-

ties. 6) Wear sunglasses to protect from harmful UV radiation. 7) Give your eyes a rest if you work at a computer. 8) Clean your hands often to avoid getting harmful bacteria and particles in your eye. 9) Practice workplace eye safety and encourage others to do the same.

Students learn importance of water conservation

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Kimberley Vision Care • Eye Health Care • Vision Examinations • Contact Lenses

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Grade eight students visit the Town of Golden’s waste water treatment facility. Submitted Students from Golden’s three grade eight classes spent a day travelling around the town and area in order to learn first-hand where their water comes from, where it goes after it’s used and how important it is to look after water and keep watersheds healthy. The field trip was part of Know Your Watershed, a water stewardship program developed by Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) and local environmental educators. The students toured the town’s water facili-

ties, learning how water gets from underground aquifers to Golden’s homes and businesses, then what happens to the used water before it flows back into the Columbia River. The day included stops at a well near Alexander Park Elementary School, the town’s water reservoirs near the sports fields and the waste water treatment facility. The students also visited North Hospital Creek to perform water quality tests of their own, plus discover what organisms live in the creek and what they tell about the health of the creek.

“A huge thank you to the Town of Golden, especially Al Taylor, Water Systems Operator, who led us on our tour of the municipal water facilities; not only is he knowledgeable, but also able to convey the information to the students in a relevant and engaging way,” said Sanne van der Ros, Know Your Watershed educator. “We also want to thank the volunteers who came out to help, who shared great knowledge and enthusiasm for water and healthy watersheds.” The students learned many fascinating facts, such as: • Golden is one of the few BC communities that doesn’t need to add chlorine to its drinking water as it already meets health standards; • Town staff sample the water 307 times a year to make sure it continues to meet standards; • Under the town, there are 39 kilometres of pipes for clean water, plus 36 km of pipes for sewage; if laid end to end down the valley, these would lead from Golden all the way past Parson and back; • Golden residents and businesses collectively use an average of four swimming pools of water per day. “It’s important to actively engage youth in

water issues in the Basin,” said Rick Allen, CBT Program Manager, Water and Environment. “Through Know Your Watershed, students are learning the important role water plays in our lives.” The Know Your Watershed program includes two classroom sessions and a full-day field trip that increase students’ knowledge and awareness of their



watershed and waterrelated issues in their community. Students are also encouraged to take part in a local water action project that expands on the classroom and field-trip learning. To learn more about Know Your Watershed, visit www.cbt. org/waterstewardship.

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A14 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Waste Matters Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

What You Need to Know About Glass

What To Do With Batteries

Medications Return

The glass recycling bins in the East Kootenay are for food grade container glass ONLY. That means only container glass that holds food and beverages. Some examples include: ü Jam jars ü Cheez whiz jars ü Pickle jars ü Olive oil jars Metal lids on ü Ice tea or wine bottles jars CANNOT be These containers must be well rinsed recycled. Please with lids removed. make sure you remove the lids The following are NOT accepted in the before putting glass bins: glass containers × Shower doors in the recycling × Lightbulbs bin. × Windshields × Picture frame glass × Dishes of any kind (clear drinking glasses, pyrex dishes, corel ware, pottery, plates, etc). No dishes! × Glass trinkets and knick knacks (like candlestick holders)

Both your alkaline and rechargeable batteries are recyclable!

Unused and expired medicines can be returned to pharmacies participating in the Medications Return Program.

From AAA to odd size batteries (like the ones in your portable phone), batteries can be recycled in many communities around the region. Drop off locations include:

What’s accepted:

Flip Your Lid!

Cranbrook: Cranbrook Photo Staples The Source Kootenay Communications Elk Valley: City of Fernie Fernie Aquatic Centre Columbia Valley: Selkirk TV & Appliance, Invermere

Recycling 101

Milk Carton Recycling

Mixed paper – including paper, phone books, magazines, envelopes, post it notes, flyers, soft and hard cover books, and newspapers. If it’s made of paper, it goes in the yellow bin. Aluminum or tin cans – this includes all beverage and food cans (ie/ soup, tuna). Cans should be well rinsed. Remove labels if possible. Cardboard – from big boxes to cereal, toothpaste, and cracker boxes. Please flatten all boxes. The only time cardboard can’t be recycled is if it is covered with wax, foil, or food waste. Examples include pizza boxes and milk cartons. These items should NOT go in the recycling bin. They belong in the garbage. Milk cartons can go to the Bottle Depot for recycling. Grocery Bags – make sure there are no receipts or other garbage and that the bags are clean. Plastics #1-#6 – plastic must be clean and must have a number on it. No Styrofoam (even though it is marked #6). See below for more information.

The Blue Bag Curbside Programs in Invermere and Fernie accept the same materials as the yellow bins.

Plastics Basics Only plastics #1-#6 are accepted. If you are unsure of whether a piece of plastic can go in the bin – check to see the number. If it’s between 1 and 6, it can be recycled. If it’s not, reuse it or throw it in the garbage. All plastics MUST be numbered.

What’s NOT accepted: × Styrofoam – even though Styrofoam is marked with a #6, it is NOT recyclable in our program.

× Unmarked plastics – if it doesn’t have a number on it, it can’t go in the bin. Often the lids are made out of different plastics than the containers, so you have to check carefully. Each piece must be numbered. × #7 plastics – #7 plastic is NOT recyclable through the RDEK’s program. × Dirty plastics - Plastics must be clean. That means conditioner and shampoo bottles need to be rinsed out so there’s no residue left in the bottle. All food containers (like ketchup, mustard, peanut butter, etc.) should be thoroughly rinsed and milk jugs must have the caps removed and be well rinsed before being placed in the bin. If you have a plastic with some kind of handle (ie/ an ice cream pail with a metal handle), the handle should be removed – even if it’s made of plastic.

Milk cartons are NOT accepted in the yellow bins; however milk cartons and all milk substitutes (soy, rice, etc) can be recycled at the Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere and Fernie Bottle Depots. It’s a free drop off (you don’t get a deposit back). Plastic milk jugs can go to the bottle depot or the yellow bins.

The RDEK’s Transfer Stations and Landfills will be closed on November 11, 2012 for Remembrance Day.

Electronics Recycling Electronics recycling in BC has expanded to include a wide range of new products. E-Waste Recycling Depots are located at the Cranbrook and Fernie Bottle Depots. These depots are for small volumes only. The following items can be dropped off FREE OF CHARGE for recycling:

Thermostats and Smoke Detectors There are now programs in place for recycling your old Thermostats and Smoke Detectors. An older thermostat can contain approximately 2.5-10 grams of mercury. Thermostats can be recycled through the “Switch the Stat” program and the only depot in the East Kootenay is Emco, which is located at 756 Industrial Road #2 in Cranbrook. AlarmRecycle is a recycling program for used or expired smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms. There are two depots in the East Kootenay: • Home Hardware in Cranbrook • Invermere Fire Department (only Tue 7:30 am-9 pm Sun 10 am-12 pm)

No Charges The following items can be taken to the Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie, Sparwood and Elkford Transfer Stations and the Central Subregion and Columbia Valley Landfills FREE OF CHARGE: Clean Wood Waste Yard and Garden Waste Appliances (including ones with freon) Scrap Metal Mattresses and Boxsprings Auto Batteries Propane Tanks (under 100lbs) Regular Household Garbage

ü All prescription drugs ü Non-prescription medication ü Herbal products ü Vitamin and Mineral Supplements ü Throat lozenges

There are over 945 used medications collections sites in BC

What’s NOT accepted:

× Cosmetics, skin care products × Disinfectants/cleaners × Contact lens disinfectants × Sunscreen/suntan lotion × Mouthwashes and toothpastes For more information visit www.medicationsreturn.ca.

Change in Hours

The yellow bins in the RDEK and the curbside programs in Fernie and Invermere all take the following:

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Computers – both desktop and laptops Monitors Keyboards and Computer Mice Printers Televisions Fax Machines Scanners DVD and VHS players Stereos and MP3 docking stations Radios Discman, Walkman, MP3 players Earphones Microphones Speakers Cable, satellite and PVR boxes Vehicle audio and video systems The Bottle Depots are also the drop off locations for the ElectroRecycle Program, which accepts more than 120 small electrical appliances ranging in size from electric toothbrushes to microwaves. Products are divided into the following categories:

Columbia V alley Electronics Round Up Saturday, October 27 , 2012 10am-3pm Public park ing lot beh ind E d d ie Mtn. On July 1st, the Program expanded to include: Memorial A rena Power tools Invermere Kitchen countertop Time measurement Weight measurement Garment care Air treatment Floor care Personal care

Sewing machines Exercise machines (like treadmills)

For more information, visit electrorecycle.ca

Paint and Household Hazardous Wastes There are currently four paint collection depots in the East Kootenay. The Cranbrook Bottle Depot and Fernie Bottle Depot accept paint products during regular business hours. In Invermere, paint can be taken to Northstar Hardware and Building Supplies on Borden Street during regular business hours or to the Invermere Fire Department on Tuesday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm and on Sunday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. The Cranbrook Bottle Depot is also the only household hazardous waste depot for the East Kootenay. Accepted wastes include flammable liquids, pesticides and gasoline. It is recommended you call ahead to make sure the product you have is accepted. The Cranbrook Bottle Depot’s phone number is 250-417-0306. For more information visit Product Care’s website at www.productcare.org.

Used Oil and Antifreeze The BC Used Oil Management Association runs the collection system for used oil and antifreeze in BC. Depots accept oil, filters, and containers. For a depot location near you, visit their website at usedoilrecycling. com or contact the RDEK. Used oil and antifreeze are NOT accepted at any of the transfer stations or landfills in the RDEK.

Reduce REUSE Recycle Recycling is probably the most talked about of the 3 R’s; however, reduce and reuse are actually more important. The RDEK has Reuse Centres at the Cranbrook, Kimberley, Sparwood and Elkford Transfer Stations and Columbia Valley Landfill. These Reuse Centres take household items in good working condition. It’s a free drop off and free pick up!

Fluorescent Light Recycling LightRecycle is the new BC fluorescent light recycling program. Each recycling location will accept your burnt out compact fluorescent and tube fluorescent light bulbs, free of charge. The recycling program is for residentially generated lights only. There are currently two LightRecycle Depots in the East Kootenay: Cranbrook Home Hardware, 1901 McPhee Road Fernie Home Building Centre, 300 Manitou Road

For more information contact the RDEK at 250-489-2791 or 1-888-478-7335

A14 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Waste Matters Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

What You Need to Know About Glass

What To Do With Batteries

Medications Return

The glass recycling bins in the East Kootenay are for food grade container glass ONLY. That means only container glass that holds food and beverages. Some examples include: ü Jam jars ü Cheez whiz jars ü Pickle jars ü Olive oil jars Metal lids on ü Ice tea or wine bottles jars CANNOT be These containers must be well rinsed recycled. Please with lids removed. make sure you remove the lids The following are NOT accepted in the before putting glass bins: glass containers × Shower doors in the recycling × Lightbulbs bin. × Windshields × Picture frame glass × Dishes of any kind (clear drinking glasses, pyrex dishes, corel ware, pottery, plates, etc). No dishes! × Glass trinkets and knick knacks (like candlestick holders)

Both your alkaline and rechargeable batteries are recyclable!

Unused and expired medicines can be returned to pharmacies participating in the Medications Return Program.

From AAA to odd size batteries (like the ones in your portable phone), batteries can be recycled in many communities around the region. Drop off locations include:

What’s accepted:

Flip Your Lid!

Cranbrook: Cranbrook Photo Staples The Source Kootenay Communications Elk Valley: City of Fernie Fernie Aquatic Centre Columbia Valley: Selkirk TV & Appliance, Invermere

Recycling 101

Milk Carton Recycling

Mixed paper – including paper, phone books, magazines, envelopes, post it notes, flyers, soft and hard cover books, and newspapers. If it’s made of paper, it goes in the yellow bin. Aluminum or tin cans – this includes all beverage and food cans (ie/ soup, tuna). Cans should be well rinsed. Remove labels if possible. Cardboard – from big boxes to cereal, toothpaste, and cracker boxes. Please flatten all boxes. The only time cardboard can’t be recycled is if it is covered with wax, foil, or food waste. Examples include pizza boxes and milk cartons. These items should NOT go in the recycling bin. They belong in the garbage. Milk cartons can go to the Bottle Depot for recycling. Grocery Bags – make sure there are no receipts or other garbage and that the bags are clean. Plastics #1-#6 – plastic must be clean and must have a number on it. No Styrofoam (even though it is marked #6). See below for more information.

The Blue Bag Curbside Programs in Invermere and Fernie accept the same materials as the yellow bins.

Plastics Basics Only plastics #1-#6 are accepted. If you are unsure of whether a piece of plastic can go in the bin – check to see the number. If it’s between 1 and 6, it can be recycled. If it’s not, reuse it or throw it in the garbage. All plastics MUST be numbered.

What’s NOT accepted: × Styrofoam – even though Styrofoam is marked with a #6, it is NOT recyclable in our program.

× Unmarked plastics – if it doesn’t have a number on it, it can’t go in the bin. Often the lids are made out of different plastics than the containers, so you have to check carefully. Each piece must be numbered. × #7 plastics – #7 plastic is NOT recyclable through the RDEK’s program. × Dirty plastics - Plastics must be clean. That means conditioner and shampoo bottles need to be rinsed out so there’s no residue left in the bottle. All food containers (like ketchup, mustard, peanut butter, etc.) should be thoroughly rinsed and milk jugs must have the caps removed and be well rinsed before being placed in the bin. If you have a plastic with some kind of handle (ie/ an ice cream pail with a metal handle), the handle should be removed – even if it’s made of plastic.

Milk cartons are NOT accepted in the yellow bins; however milk cartons and all milk substitutes (soy, rice, etc) can be recycled at the Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere and Fernie Bottle Depots. It’s a free drop off (you don’t get a deposit back). Plastic milk jugs can go to the bottle depot or the yellow bins.

The RDEK’s Transfer Stations and Landfills will be closed on November 11, 2012 for Remembrance Day.

Electronics Recycling Electronics recycling in BC has expanded to include a wide range of new products. E-Waste Recycling Depots are located at the Cranbrook and Fernie Bottle Depots. These depots are for small volumes only. The following items can be dropped off FREE OF CHARGE for recycling:

Thermostats and Smoke Detectors There are now programs in place for recycling your old Thermostats and Smoke Detectors. An older thermostat can contain approximately 2.5-10 grams of mercury. Thermostats can be recycled through the “Switch the Stat” program and the only depot in the East Kootenay is Emco, which is located at 756 Industrial Road #2 in Cranbrook. AlarmRecycle is a recycling program for used or expired smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms. There are two depots in the East Kootenay: • Home Hardware in Cranbrook • Invermere Fire Department (only Tue 7:30 am-9 pm Sun 10 am-12 pm)

No Charges The following items can be taken to the Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie, Sparwood and Elkford Transfer Stations and the Central Subregion and Columbia Valley Landfills FREE OF CHARGE: Clean Wood Waste Yard and Garden Waste Appliances (including ones with freon) Scrap Metal Mattresses and Boxsprings Auto Batteries Propane Tanks (under 100lbs) Regular Household Garbage

ü All prescription drugs ü Non-prescription medication ü Herbal products ü Vitamin and Mineral Supplements ü Throat lozenges

There are over 945 used medications collections sites in BC

What’s NOT accepted:

× Cosmetics, skin care products × Disinfectants/cleaners × Contact lens disinfectants × Sunscreen/suntan lotion × Mouthwashes and toothpastes For more information visit www.medicationsreturn.ca.

Change in Hours

The yellow bins in the RDEK and the curbside programs in Fernie and Invermere all take the following:

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A15

Computers – both desktop and laptops Monitors Keyboards and Computer Mice Printers Televisions Fax Machines Scanners DVD and VHS players Stereos and MP3 docking stations Radios Discman, Walkman, MP3 players Earphones Microphones Speakers Cable, satellite and PVR boxes Vehicle audio and video systems The Bottle Depots are also the drop off locations for the ElectroRecycle Program, which accepts more than 120 small electrical appliances ranging in size from electric toothbrushes to microwaves. Products are divided into the following categories:

Columbia V alley Electronics Round Up Saturday, October 27 , 2012 10am-3pm Public park ing lot beh ind E d d ie Mtn. On July 1st, the Program expanded to include: Memorial A rena Power tools Invermere Kitchen countertop Time measurement Weight measurement Garment care Air treatment Floor care Personal care

Sewing machines Exercise machines (like treadmills)

For more information, visit electrorecycle.ca

Paint and Household Hazardous Wastes There are currently four paint collection depots in the East Kootenay. The Cranbrook Bottle Depot and Fernie Bottle Depot accept paint products during regular business hours. In Invermere, paint can be taken to Northstar Hardware and Building Supplies on Borden Street during regular business hours or to the Invermere Fire Department on Tuesday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm and on Sunday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. The Cranbrook Bottle Depot is also the only household hazardous waste depot for the East Kootenay. Accepted wastes include flammable liquids, pesticides and gasoline. It is recommended you call ahead to make sure the product you have is accepted. The Cranbrook Bottle Depot’s phone number is 250-417-0306. For more information visit Product Care’s website at www.productcare.org.

Used Oil and Antifreeze The BC Used Oil Management Association runs the collection system for used oil and antifreeze in BC. Depots accept oil, filters, and containers. For a depot location near you, visit their website at usedoilrecycling. com or contact the RDEK. Used oil and antifreeze are NOT accepted at any of the transfer stations or landfills in the RDEK.

Reduce REUSE Recycle Recycling is probably the most talked about of the 3 R’s; however, reduce and reuse are actually more important. The RDEK has Reuse Centres at the Cranbrook, Kimberley, Sparwood and Elkford Transfer Stations and Columbia Valley Landfill. These Reuse Centres take household items in good working condition. It’s a free drop off and free pick up!

Fluorescent Light Recycling LightRecycle is the new BC fluorescent light recycling program. Each recycling location will accept your burnt out compact fluorescent and tube fluorescent light bulbs, free of charge. The recycling program is for residentially generated lights only. There are currently two LightRecycle Depots in the East Kootenay: Cranbrook Home Hardware, 1901 McPhee Road Fernie Home Building Centre, 300 Manitou Road

For more information contact the RDEK at 250-489-2791 or 1-888-478-7335

A16 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

Event at Arrow Motors

2013 CC Sportline

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Arrow Motors Discount

$39,320 †1,000* 1,000

Includes sunroof


2013 Jetta TDI Highline


to choose from V55286/V54600/V63113

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Genuine Accessory Bonus up to

$31,230 †1,000* 500


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2013 Golf Trendline Wagon 2.5


MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Genuine Accessory Bonus up to

$29,685 †1,000* 500

Includes automatic

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Genuine Accessory Bonus up to

$24,690 †1,000* 500

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Genuine Accessory Bonus up to

$26,045 †1,000* 500



Includes automatic, Navigation pkg.

2013 Jetta TDI Highline

2013 Jetta TDI Comfortline

Automatic, Cold weather pkg

2012 Tiguan Trendline AWD


to choose from

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Arrow Motors Discount Discount inlieu of VW Special Lease or Finance Rates 1st Finance Payment Contribution up to

$33,130 †1,000* 750 3000** 500



2013 Tiguan Comfortline AWD

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Genuine Accessory Bonus up to

$36,785 †1,000* 500



2013 Golf Wagon TDI Comfortline


2012 Golf TDI Wagon Highline

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Genuine Accessory Bonus up to

Automatic, connectivity pkg

Arrow Motors Volkswagen

$30,595 †1,000* 500

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Arrow Motors Discount Discount inlieu of VW Special Lease or Finance Rates 1st Finance Payment Contribution up to

1,500** 500

Navigation pkg

2012 EOS Comfortline


$35,150 †1,000* 750

MSRP VW Loyalty Discount Arrow Motors Discount Discount inlieu of VW Special Lease or Finance Rates 1st Finance Payment Contribution up to

$42,640 †1,000* 1,000 2,000** 500

Sport pkg

2034 Cranbrook Street, N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3T1 250-489-4327 • Toll Free 1-877-689-4327 • Fax 250-426-5635 www.arrowvw.ca DL#5467

†Prices include freight and PDI. HST, applicable taxes, tire levy and $639 admin. fee extra * Volkswagen is offering a $1000 cash loyalty bonus to current Volkswagen owners. See dealer for details. ** Volkswagen offers excellent ďŹ nance and lease rates on their new cars. If the special rates are not used on 2012 models, there is a cash incentive in lieu of. See dealer for full details.


2016 Cranbrook St., Cranbrook, BC

t www.subaruofcranbrook.com

DL #10523

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A17

home owner’s building ~ buying ~ renovating Attention: First Time Home Buyers! First 2 Buildings Sold! Construction started on Buildings 3&4

First time ay m ho e buyers m 0 00 0, $1 qualify for in rebates

Prices Starting at $259,000 inc. HST!* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Brand new 3 bedroom townhomes Attached garage Granite countertops 6 GE appliances New Home Warranty Built Green - GOLD

1840 Kelowna Crescent, Cranbrook

250.489.1519 newdawndevelopments.com *all rebates to Developer

Attention first time home buyers!

Time still remains to take advantage of the New Home Buyers Tax Credit offered by the BC Government. With this program, first time home buyers can qualify for up to $10,000 in rebates on new home construction. Fisher Peak Townhomes by New Dawn Developments provides the perfect fit for this rebate program. Starting at just $259,000 including HST, the brand new three-bedroom home design includes features such as an attached garage, granite counter tops and a full GE appliance package. An open concept kitchen, dining and living room offers plenty of space for everyday life. All bedrooms are spacious, and two of the three bedrooms offer walk-in closets. There is a twopiece powder room in the main living area and a full bath including a linen closet on the upper floor. Granite bathroom counters and bright lighting add to the feeling of quality. A bonus walk-out area on the entry level is developed and can be used as a fourth bedroom, media room, exercise area, play room...the list goes on. Two-inch faux wood window blinds are included throughout. Fisher Peak Townhomes were constructed to the specifications of “Built Green - Gold Level.” This signifies that the homes have improved air quality,

are energy efficient, and have reduced water consumption and low-maintenance exteriors. And, with a recycling program in place for waste materials during construction, and recycled-content in materials throughout the homes, owners have a lot to feel good about in their new home. Nestled in the established neighbourhood of Kelowna Crescent in Cranbrook, Fisher Peak Townhomes supports urban development rather than sprawl. You will save 10% on CMHC fees thanks to the Built Green Energuide Rating of Fisher Peak plus you will notice the cost to operate your home will be up to 60% lower than a home build without Built Green Specifications. The first two buildings at Fisher Peak are sold out and construction has begun on buildings three and four. Upon completion, the full Fisher Peak Townhomes development will encompass eight buildings with a total of 24 townhome units. New Dawn Developments has been building throughout the East Kootenay for over 30 years. Specializing in custom homes of all sizes as well as commercial, multi-family and renovation and projects, New Dawn promises to finish your project on time and on budget. Call 250-489-1519 to learn more on Fisher Peak Townhomes – where style and price meet.

A18 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

home owner’s building ~ buying ~ renovating

Don’t forget the stairwell when you are decorating your home

Even though decorating a stairwell can be problematic because of its central position in a home, it really does deserve all your attention. Indeed, if there’s one part of the house where you should be more daring, this is it! In order to harmonize colours and style, the first thing you should take into consideration is the décor of the rooms that are accessed from the staircase. Secondly, stairs leading from one floor to

another can tend to feel cramped, and the higher the wall the more your choice of colour will affect the final look. Light, neutral colours will help the space appear more open, while darker tones will make a staircase seem more enclosed. Applying a single colour to the walls will create a marked contrast with the colour of the staircase and emphasize the height of the walls. Another option is to apply a band of

a different colour to divide the wall several feet from the ground, running parallel to the angle of the stairs. This will draw attention away from the height of the wall. The effect can be accentuated by replacing a traditional balustrade with stainless steel cables to create more transparency. The walls of a stairwell are perfect for displaying family photographs or paintings arranged in a staggered vertical pattern fol-

lowing the contour of the stairs. Ensure that the frames are visually pleasing when grouped together and add one or two wall lamps to illuminate them. In this way, each stair can become a place to stop and admire a picture. A carpet can also give new life to a worn staircase, and if the stairs are wide enough, decorative objects placed here and there can create points of interest.

Photo submitted

Your stairwell is the perfect spot to be bold in your decorating decisions, so long as you can keep the rest of the design of the home in mind.

Free In Home Consultation Decorating Tip of the Month When hanging a piece of artwork, the center of the piece should be 58 inches from the floor.

250-489-9563 • adriennesdesigns@gmail.com • adriennesdesigns.com

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Visit our “Virtual Decorator” at

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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

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Play EVERY WEEK! It’s FREE! Rules: 1) For the series of NFL games listed below, simply circle the teams you think will win. 2) Should we have a tie for the most games won, we will use Monday night’s game as a tie breaker. Total score. 3) The person picking the most games correct each week wins $25. If there is no clear winner after the tiebreaker game, the money will be split. 4) Contest runs every Monday in the Kootenay Advertiser. 5) Contest is open to everyone except employees of the Kootenay Advertiser Entries are limited to two per household per week (one per person).

NFL Contest Entry Form This Week’s Games Thurs. Seahawks & 49ers


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1994 King St., Cranbrook, BC Call Don: Office: 250-489-5222 Cell: 250-421-1980

Tie Breaker Game:

Monday, Oct. 22 Lions at Bears Total score________________________

Your Name: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Drop original or a photocopy of entry form off to the Kootenay Advertiser, 1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC or fax to 250-489-3743 (must be legible). Deadline weekly is 5 pm Thursdays. All entries will be put into draw box for chance to win a grand prize

SALES CARS • TRUCKS • VANS • SUV’s 1725 Cranbrook St., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3S9 • DIESEL HEAVY DUTY • 4x4’s • RV’s • HUGE SELECTION OF PREMIUM Phone: 250-426-6614 •1-800-663-2268 DL#30708 PRE-OWNED VEHICLES www.cranbrookdodge.com

Arrow Motors Volkswagen 250-426-6661 • 1-888-426-6665 2034 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook

PARTS & SERVICE Genuine Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge & Ram parts and accessories. Great Selection of tires from Goodyear, Dunlop, Kelly Tires, Michelin, BF Goodrich, Uniroyal, Bridgestone, Firestone & Continental. Full Mechanical Service, electrical, transmission, suspension, tires, and more.

A20 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Lot Attendant

Must be physically fit and highly motivated. The right person will be in charge of stock taking of inventory and inventory maintenance as well as being someone that can be organized and someone who takes pride in their job. Please fax resumes to 250-426-5200 or email to steve@cranbrookdodge.com attention Steve Mercandelli (MFO 5SBOTQPSU JT BO JOOPWBUJWF USVDLJOH DPNQBOZ XIP WBMVFT JUT FNQMPZFFT 8F QBZ DPNQFUJUJWF XBHFT BOE IBWF BO FYDFMMFOU NFEJDBM BOE 3341 CFOFĂśUT QSPHSBN Commercial Trailer Mechanic t .FDIBOJD SFRVJSFE UP XPSL PO XPPE ĂśCSF USBJMFST 'BY KPCT!HMFOUSBOTQPSU DPN XXX HMFOUSBOTQPSU DPN

Product Support Manager Caliper Machine & Hydraulics is an innovative company that offers machining, hydraulics, welding and fabricating services. We custom design and manufacture all types of mining equipment modifications and improvements. Caliper also offers heavy equipment after market products to improve or compliment OEM equipment. With our recent increase in product lines, we need to fill the position of Product Support Manager. We are looking for an individual who is organized, energetic and hardworking with a pleasant personality and a minimum of 2-5 years mining sales experience. Post secondary education and/or journeyman tradesman qualification would be desirable assets. No phone calls please. Please forward resume by: Fax: 250-426-5888 or email: mike@calipermachine.com

Full Time General Manager

What are you saving for? Cranbrook Routes Available Rte 13142 100-300 block 7th - 8th Avenue South Rte 13062 800-1000 block 14th St S 1100-1400 block Larch Drive & Spruce Drive

What are you waiting for? Call 250-489-3455 today!

OUR CLIENT, a well established Cranbrook based business to business and service operation, requires a full-time General Manager to: t 1SPWJEF MFBEFSTIJQ BOE WJTJPO UP UIF PSHBOJ[BUJPO t &OTVSF BOE FOIBODF POHPJOH QSPÜUBCJMJUZ t &TUBCMJTI ÜOBODJBM SFTPVSDJOH UFSSJUPSJBM BOE customer development plans t &WBMVBUF FTUBCMJTI NFBTVSF BOE FWBMVBUF corporate and staff goals and objectives t 1SPWJEF NBOBHFNFOU PG TBMFT BOE TFSWJDF departments t - FBE DPSQPSBUF CVTJOFTT EFWFMPQNFOU JOJUJBUJWFT t 1SPWJEF DVTUPNFS BOE DPNNVOJUZ SFMBUJPOTIJQ leadership The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate relevant experience in and will possess: t 1SPWFO MFBEFSTIJQ BCJMJUJFT t 4BMFT NBOBHFNFOU FYQFSJFODF t 1SPWFO UFBN NBOBHFNFOU BOE EJSFDUJPO BCJMJUJFT t 5IF BCJMJUZ UP XPSL JOEFQFOEFOUMZ JO B TFOJPS DBQBDJUZ t &YQFSJFODF JO EFWFMPQJOH BOE JNQMFNFOUJOH business strategies t 1SPCMFN TPMWJOH BOE DPOøJDU NBOBHFNFOU TLJMMT Our client offers a competitive remuneration QBDLBHF DPNQMFUF XJUI FNQMPZFF CFOFÜU QMBO BOE performance bonus structure. 1MFBTF GPSXBSE XSJUUFO SFTVNFT UP .S #SVDF )SZDJVL '$(" )SZDJVL (BMMJOHFS $FSUJÜFE (FOFSBM "DDPVOUBOUT #BOLFS 4USFFU Cranbrook, BC 7 $ " Email: info@hg-co.com Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.



Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

CALENDAR CLUB now hiring full & part time seasonal positions, experience an asset but not a must. Please forward resume w/references to calendarclub2012@gmail.com attention Lynn

The Heritage Inn is looking for a line cook, must have experience. Please apply within, 803 Cranbrook St. Ticketed welder & pipe fitter needed for 6 month job, non union. Call for details, (250)417-7244 (250)417-7245

(PSOR\PHQW 2SSRUWXQLW\ The College of the Rockies is a learner-centered institution. We invite all qualified applicants who value high quality program delivery and customer service excellence to apply for‌

&DPSXV 0DQDJHU Term, Fernie Campus

Please quote competition numbers: 12 MN 03 For a full description of these job postings and instructions on how to apply visit:

www.cotr.bc.ca/hrd/postings.asp ‡ ‡ ZZZ FRWU EF FD

Automobile Technician

We are currently in need of a Journeyman Automotive Technician for Full-time employment. Experience with Imports would be a definite asset but not mandatory. 3rd or 4th year apprentices will also be considered. We are a growing full service dealerhsip offering competitive wages and benefits. If you have a positive, team attitude and want to be part of a growing, customer service oriented dealership, we’d like to hear from you. Please email your resume to: parts@cranbrookkia.com

Cranbrook Kia 1101 Victoria Avenue, Cranbrook

REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 5 ton truck driver (class 5+) Full-time with EeQeÂżtV Experience preIerreG 3leDVe VenG Rr GRp RII reVume tR


&rDnErRRN 6t 1 &rDnErRRN %& V1C 5M6 Attn: Manager (NO phone calls please)

WANTED Salesperson ‡ *reat enYironment ‡ Full time ‡ Sale experience an aVVet ‡ MuVt haYe excellent cuVtomer VerYice VkillV $ppl\ within to Clint at


217 Cranbrook St. N.

Help Wanted

Golden Life Management, the Kootenays’ largest seniors care provider, is seeking high caliber, dedicated and energetic individuals to join our growing team as we expand our campus of care at Columbia Garden Village in Invermere.

Job Posting - Social Planning Coordinator

The Social Planning Society of Cranbrook & Area (SPSCA) is a non-profit organization which strives to bring the people of Cranbrook and area together to actively improve the quality of life of our community, through coordinated research, collaborative engagement and strategic action. The SPSCA is looking for a dynamic individual to work with existing agencies and programs to identify gaps that are creating barriers to collaborative participation. The successful candidate will work with the Society and other community contacts to; Build connections and communication systems among the Social Sector; • Identify gaps and opportunities • Develop an operations plan to tackle social gaps and opportunities • Identify strategies for coordination of the social sector that will support the Social Planning Society of Cranbrook and Area Our ideal Social Planning Coordinator will have a: • Post-secondary degree from a recognized university related to community development, social planning, social work, political science or combination of related education and experience. This is a contract term position; supervised and supported by the SPSCA with grant support of the Columbia Basin Trust. For a complete job description and to submit a resume please contact; Donna Brady Fields; 250 426-8833, Fax. 250 426-5455 Email: crankimbunitedway@shaw.ca 930 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC V1C 4J2 Closing Date: October 18, 2012 Project Start date: November 5, 2012


Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund Request for Proposals The East Kootenay Conservation Program (EKCP) and Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) are seeking proposals for projects that will benefit conservation in the area from Spillimacheen to Canal Flats utilizing the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund (CVLCF). To apply for funding go to www.ekcp.ca and click on the CVLCF tab. Review the Terms of Reference paying particular attention to Section 8 – Fund Design and then apply using the application form provided. CVLCF funding is available for conservation projects that result in the reduction to a known threat to biodiversity. Projects that are technically sound and effective, and provide value for money through partnerships with other funders will have priority. Proponents must be a registered not-for-profit organization, First Nations band, or local government. Unqualified groups or organizations may partner with a qualified organization. Multi-year projects are acceptable to a maximum three years. A Technical Review Committee will review project proposals and make recommendations to the RDEK for final funding approval. Closing dates for project submissions is midnight October 31, 2012. Projects specific to land acquisition and/or conservation covenants may be submitted at any time during the year. Project proposals must be submitted in writing and delivered by mail or email to: Dave Hillary Program Manager East Kootenay Conservation Program P.O. Box 2767 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0

Phone: 250-688-1508 Email: dave@ekcp.ca

Director of Clinical Care • Leads the team, develops and monitors clinical care and staff performance, complies and analyses data for reports, makes recommendations for improvement, manages time, ďƒžnancial and human resources. • Integrates best practice guidelines.

• Leads, coordinates and liaises with interdisciplinary team members to ensure comprehensive care delivery for residents. • Participates in care conferences, with other agencies, practitioners and the CQI team. • Assists with P&P development.

Recreation Therapist • Develops therapeutic programs in accordance with resident need and capability. • Facilitates, encourages and supports residents to participate in activities and programs.

• Leads the recreation team and volunteers. • Participates in resident, family and community councils. • Demonstrates progressive and innovative activity programming

To apply: Interested applicants are asked to view our website at goldenlife.ca/ careers to ďƒžnd out more about these positions and submit a resume to careers@glm.ca

Golden Life Management Fax: 250-489-2673 or email: careers@glm.ca

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A21







Pets & Livestock

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Financial Services

Home Improvements


Newspaper carriers required to provide holiday cover

OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE UniFirst is “one of the Top 30 best sales organizations” to be with (as ranked by Selling Power Magazine). We are one of the largest and fastest growing uniform and facility services rental companies in North America. We are seeking a dynamic business-to-business, outside professional who combines an outgoing personality with a willingness to learn and grow with us for the Cranbrook market area. Do you have these traits? * A strong work ethic? * Competitive and love to win? * Not intimidated introducing yourself to new people? * A natural ability to persuade and lead? * Willingness to be mentored and a quick learner? * Motivated by achievements with an internal drive to succeed? If this describes who you are then this is your opportunity! You will be supported with professional, comprehensive training, base salary, commissions/incentives, mileage reimbursement and benefit package. Please forward your resume, list of achievements and a short cover letter stating why you feel you would be successful joining UniFirst to: Rick Wentz, General Manager: rwentz@unifirst.com

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. www.pioneerwest.com

Glen Transport is an innovative trucking company who values its employees. We pay competitive wages and have an excellent medical and RRSP benefits program. Drivers & Lease Operators GlenTransport is actively recruiting Company Class 1 Drivers and Owner Operators. Home daily routes available. Class 1 Drivers please complete our driver application (www.glentransport.com) and send resume and copy of current Driver’s abstract. Owner Operators please contact us for a complete Owner Operator package, details on tractor specifications, hauls available, and rates. Fax: 250.422.3545 jobs@glentransport.com www.glentransport.com


Home Depot is currently looking to fill Sales associate and cashier positions Are you interested in building a career and like working with people? Home Depot offers all the challenge, opportunity, diversity and growth you may be looking for. Great careers can, and are built at Home Depot! We are currently looking for sales associates for various departments.

More savings, more doing

Contact Human Resources with a resume, at 2000 McPhee Road, Cranbrook or apply online at: homedepot.ca

Various areas, enhanced rate of pay. Contact Charlene

1-800-665-2382 or (250)489-3455 An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. Looking for full time Licensed Early Childhood educator for warm, friendly, licensed childcare facility in Cranbrook. Starting wage $15.50. Please submit resume to Carla at #39 - 13th Ave S., Cranbrook, BC, V1C 6T1. Fax to 250-4262134 or email cmcdonald@cmhakootenays.org

Permanent Part time Property Manager in Sparwood, BC required for management of rental townhouses. Administrative & record keeping skills, integrity, trustworthiness & common sense required. Send qualifications history to fax: 1-204-633-8945 or email primeprop@mymts.net Wanted: self loading log trucks, steady work till March 2013, must be BC Safe Certified. Dennis, call 1(250)3495415 or fax 1(250)349-7522 We are looking for LPN’s or Care Aides to join an energetic team of health care providers caring for a ventilator dependent quadriplegic. Excellent pay & interesting work! Please send your resume to quadriplegiccare@hotmail.com

BETTS Electric Penticton requires an experienced Industrial Controls Tech for our CSA Panel shop. visit www.betts.bc.ca for details. send Resume to resume@betts.bc.ca or Fax 250492-3343


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Looking for a job? or need to fill a job vacancy?

Trades, Technical

Robert Osborne 250-365-8070 Toll Free1-877-765-8070 Email roberto@4pillars.ca www.kootenaydebt.ca

We are Not Trustees

Garage Sales

Garage Sales

Check out the help wanted and career section in the Kootenay Advertiser


A single unspayed cat can produce 470,000 offspring in just seven years. Sadly, most of them end up abandoned at BC SPCA shelters or condemned to a grim life on the streets. Be responsible - don’t litter. www.spca.bc.ca

Borrow Up To $25,000

No Credit Checks!

Cash same day, local office.

www.PitStopLoans.com 1.800.514.9399

Huge Sale, two plus buildings full of deals, tools, materials, 1000’s of items, many new/gently used, Fri, Oct 26, 3pm-7pm, Sat, Oct 27, 8am4pm, Sun, Oct 28, 9am-3pm, 905 18A Ave. N., Cranbrook

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 2101 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC (250) 489.4555


Jake #279582

Breed: Border Collie Cross Color: Black/White Sex: Male Age: Young Adult

Please call to adopt

EKSPCA (250)426-6751

Fitness/Exercise COME SEE the expanded show room at Flaman Fitness, we have Bow Flex gyms, Nautilus treadmills, bikes and elipticals. Plus we have a huge clearance section upstairs. We’re located on the strip downtown Cranbrook. Just look for the 7’ tall running man out front www.flamanfitness.com 250-426-2691

Medical Health

Complete Foot Care Certified Foot Care Nurse Donna Greer, LPN

Nursing foot care is provided in your home, hospital, care home, or in my Foot Care Clinic. Each foot care treatment includes: • Assessment & Education

(to help clients understand their risk factors & identify any foot problem)

• Nail cutting & filing • Corn & callus care • Ingrown toe nail care • Dry cracked heels Finishing with a foot massage which encourages circulation. Nursing foot care is for all ages having trouble cutting their toenails, may have thick nails, corns, calluses, sore tired feet, athlete’s feet, diabetics, physically impaired, vision impaired & seniors. Regular Nursing foot care will significantly improve general health of your feet, comfort & mobility. The goals being health promotion, safety & comfort. Our feet are vital to our health & mobility.

250-919-3335 to book your appointment, In home or clinic.

Feed & Hay

Oct. 15 Oct. 21

Rolled Barley Cracked Scratch no mol. $ 20 kg.............

Now offer in addition to rough custom cuts also planed & tongue and grooved lumber

Give a pet a forever home

Keep Fido Warm


Tobacco Plains Indian Band

Fax for quotes at 887 3424 (250) 887-3424

FEED FOR LESS with heated pet beds and bowls, insulated dog houses and cozy winter coats.

250-426-6461 is now offering K9 Day Camp & a pick up /drop off service proud to sponsor

(250) 887-3461

Please call

Home based business fair, Cranbrook United Church, Oct 20, 10-4, no admission, door prize, refreshments available.

Sex and the Kitty

Need CA$H Today? Own A Vehicle?

One of the Family Pet Centre Inc. 1996

89 20 kg.............

Swimming Pools/ Hot Tubs BEACHCOMBER HOT TUBS save up to $4010 at the factory year end clearance event while stock lasts, plus we have 8 reconditioned hot tubs starting as low as $800. This month save 20% off HOT TUB COVERS. 100 Van Horne Street North Cranbrook 250426-7999 www.beachcomberhottubs.com and RELAX IT’S A BEACHCOMBER

Water Services Culligan can fix that nasty white build up on your taps or cure that annoying red staining in bath tub or laundry. Call Culligan Cranbrook today and let us fix your water right the first time! Call (250)426-2691 or visit our website www.culligancranbrook.com And remember at Culligan we will always come to your home and test your water for free!

COCKER Spaniel puppies, very unique colors. $350. Call 250-429-3380 Jaffray. Ready to go Oct 20. Reduced: Boston Terriers, brindle & white females, 1st shots, dewormed, 1 yr congenital health guarantee, $700/each. (250)421-0384 or 426-8560

Merchandise for Sale

Building Supplies 1/2 price, brand new plumbing parts (water) for your RV Park, Campground, or Mobile Home Park. (250)344-5751 4 Vented VELUX SKYLIGHTS 39” x 31” - $150ea OBO (250)344-5751 Clear red cedar strips, 16’x2’’x1/4’’, destined for a boat. Tongue & groove lumber, 13’x3-1/2’’x3/4’’. Best offer. (250)489-9439

$100 & Under

Buying horses. Buy, sell, trade, give me a call. Quality weanling colts, $400/each obo. (250)464-5471 Buying old or unwanted horses. Call Rob, (250)489-4293 or (250)464-1372

2 BF Goodrich LT265/70/R17” Rugged Trail TA, 10 ply, $35/each. (250)417-6603 2 Toyo 235/60/R17”. 2 Hankook 215/65/R16”, off of van. 2 Nokian 175/70/R14”. 4 P175/65/R14”. All have snowflake icon, all are $25/each. (250)417-6603 Crane/lift for rear of p/u truck, 1000 lb, extendaboom & hand crank, $100. 1 (250)417-6603 Dryer, 5-yrs old, $100. 30” bath vanity & cabinet, new, $100. (250)489-1929

Feed & Hay


Pets & Livestock


5’x5’ round bales mixed hay, no rain, $60/each. Take all for $50/each. 2nd cut rounds also available. Creston Valley, (250)428-2242 HAY: PREMIUM quality horse hay, small squares. Call 250887-3444 Grasmere Organic Small square bales, 65-75lbs $6/ea., 4’-5’ rounds. $75. Delivery available. (250)417-9291 Small square bales grass hay, shedded, $3/bale. Call (250)429-3530

WANTED: RIFLES, shotguns, restricted weapons, reloading equipment, decoys or any other shooting related items. Fully licensed. Glen 250-428-6750


Free Items

Lowline Angus, great for small properties, 5 cow/calf pairs, 2-yr old bull, calves are 3 steers, 2 heifers. Call Wayne, 250)427-2210


WE PAY CA$H FOSR USED FIREARM ividuals) tate, Collections & Ind


Mountain Man Outdoors

250-426-2717 1-800-796-4666

Free barn kittens to good home. (250)427-7499

Fruit & Vegetables

Purebred German Shepherd puppies, $300. (250)464-5471

Tons of potatoes, no pesticides or fertilizers, naturally grown, $50 per 100 lbs. (250)426-2684

Misc. for Sale

Misc. for Sale



With our PackTite Closet™ System Call us Today!! Safe, non-chemical treatment for luggage and personal items

A Member of www.cranbrookpestcontrol.com Better Cranbrook Pest Control Business Bureau


A22 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

Merchandise for Sale

Merchandise for Sale







Swap & Trade

Apt/Condo for Rent

Homes for Rent

Auto Financing

Auto Financing

Vintage piano to trade for something of equal value (250)489-5441


2-bdrm house, quiet street, close to downtown, Rec plex, n/s, available, $800/m + util. (250)426-5760

Auto Accessories/Parts Four Toyo Open Country winter tires, 245/70R/17, $500 obo. Call (250)426-8177 Hankook Pike RW11 winter tires, used 1 season, P275/65R18, $500. Call (250)489-3189 Snow tires, steel wheels, hub caps, Yokohama, 216/70/R16, used on 2010 Hyundai Tuscon, $500. (250)489-2220 Winter tires, 225/60/R16 Nordic, balanced on rims, inc. wire chains for same, Buick or Chev, $200. (250)426-8346


DRY FIREWOOD 250-421-9729 Dry Fir & Larch mix, $200 for full cord. Split & delivered in Cranbrook. (250)919-1563 For Sale, Larch Firewood, $150/stacked pickup load. Delivered. Call (250)417-2037 Now delivering logging truck loads dry Fir and Pine, $1000. All Fir, $1200. Small diameter. Call Vic, cell (250)423-1560 or (250)423-4662 Order early, limited supply, Pine firewood, standing dry, BIG 7 axle loads, delivered Cranbrook, Kimberley, Fernie areas, $1200 per load. (250)429-3248

Misc. for Sale Antique wood cookstove, for cabin, etc. Antique pantry cabinets. Large flour bin. 2 like new computer desks. Steel desks. Modern big easy chair, rockers. Older working TVs, good cond. Wine equipment. (250)417-6626 Are you moving? Need boxes? Call The Kootenay Advertiser. $5.00 for a bundle of ten Great for small items or dishes or books. (250)489-3455

Real Estate For Sale By Owner



$18,500 obo 250-421-9729

Bungalow home. 3-bdrm, 1bath, newly renovated, security system, fenced yard, close to downtown, $210,900 obo. Call to view (250)4262333 or (250)919-5146 Home & beautiful 2.15 acres, in sunny Cranbrook .5 miles from downtown. 2 storey + 2 car detached garage & out buildings, $269,900. Call to view Cell 1-509-344-9090 Quick Possession!! 308 2nd Ave S., 2-bdrm home sitting on three lots on one title. Four appliances in good order, 100 Ampere electric. Large, detached, unfinished garage. Close to school & bus. Asking $216,600. (250)417-1112

Houses For Sale

Racks, brown, white, taxidermy, antiques. Cash paid. Kelly, (250)426-6993

FOR Sale! Mark Creek Crossing 1/2 duplex with cherry hardwood, large deck, finished basement, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. (2767 Rotary Dr) Asking $359,900. Tara Sykes, Royal LePage East Kootenay Realty, 250-427-0070, 250427-6496 cell. www.tarasykes.com Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 storey. Home on 33.9 acres, heavily wooded & private yet just minutes to Eureka, Mont. Amazing mountain views. For more info. call 406-291-3113 after 2pm.

Misc. Wanted


Composted manure, top soil, electrical sand, delivery available (250)421-7399 John Deere 172 tractor, mower, snowblower, ex. cond., $1800. (250)489-5350

Wanted: Antlers & Horns

Antlers Wanted, Sets, Elk & Deer. 250-422-3444

Sheds & Call Rick

Musical Instruments DJ SERVICE & KARAOKE Weddings (complete), anniversaries, birthdays & family reunions. Will travel throughout area. *Not expensive - No time limit or extra costs. One price 20+ years of entertaining. Families & guests. CALL ME! Leave Message 250-421-3298,Lily.

Sporting Goods

MORTGAGES!! Lower than posted bank rates. No application fee. Mortgage renewal, reÂżnancing, debt consolidation & pre-qualiÂżcation. Private Mortgages. John Magis 1-877-489-1691 MORTGAGE INTELLIGENCE

FOR RENT • 1& 2 Bedroom units • Security Buildings • On-site Manager • Fridge, stove & hot water included • Centrally located near malls, schools, college & hospital


106 1850 2nd St. N., Cranbrook Phone (250) 489-5160 (250) 417-1260 3-bdrm condo, close to schools, newly renovated, $925/mth. (250)426-3244 leave message Available: Three 1-bdrm spacious apartments!!! F/S, blinds, no pets, references, close to all amenities. Ranging in price from $425-$700 (250)489-1906 or (250)9192075 CONDO for Rent in Creston. Larger end unit, across from recreation center, $800/mo, includes water and condo fees. Contact 780-456-2442 CRANBROOK 1-bdrm apartment, $450, incl utilities. Call (250)417-5806 Hampshire Apartments, quiet convenient location, inc heat & hot water, n/s, n/p, 1bdrm, $600/m, 2-bdrm, no stairs, $775/m. (250)417-7379 Secure Clean Affordable Well maintained and managed. Close to all amenities. No pets, n/parties, no smoking, reference/credit check required. Ask about our October move-in specials! Norbury Place, 1501 Baker Street, 2-bdrms, $725/mth, covered parking. Galbraith manor, 1825 4th St N., 2-bdrm, $695/mth. (250)919-2713 WILSHIRE Apartments, central location, incl heat, hot water, games room, sauna, hot tub, n/p, n/s, n/parties, 2bdrm, $725-$800, 1-bdrm, $650. Call 250-417-7379

3-bdrm house, mature couple, n/c, n/s, n/p, references required, reasonable rent. After 5pm, (250)426-3965 3-bdrm house, with large fenced yard, pets OK, $1000/m. (250)489-5441 BRENTWOOD BAY. 3 BDRM, 2 bath, new appliances, $1000 + util/mon. 250-365-1005 Canyon3/BDRM HOUSE 11/2 bath, fenced yard. $950/mo + util. Avail. Nov 1. 250-428-2440 FOR Rent: 1200 sf, 3bdrm, 1.5 bath, lower level 4 plex separate walkout entrance into Carport. $725.00/mth & Hydro. No Pets. Washer/Dryer hookups... close to all amenities. Over 25 yrs old apply. 1-403-948-9652 Remodeled 2-bdrm house, ideal for mature couple, close to Elizabeth Lake & park, 5-appl, blinds, deck, fenced yard, n/s, n/p, n/parties. Avail Nov 1. (250)489-1906

Room & Board Room & board, $600/m. For more info (250)489-8139

Rooms for Rent Furnished room for rent, close to College of the Rockies Gold Creek Campus, $550/mo plus DD, avail immediately, n/s, n/p, n/parties. Call (250)489-5016 or email dipsy_d43@hotmail.com

Shared Accommodation 1 bdrm avail in bright, 2 bdrm, downtown apartment. Close to all amenities. $425 incl heat, power, internet. Avail immed. 1-250-608-0527, 1-250-2267277.


RV Storage in Marysville

$20/month 250-417-7081 10 acres available for parking RV’s & trailers. 2500 9th St S. Monthly & yearly rates. (250)489-3090

Suites, Upper CRESTON - Bachelor Suite, Spacious, Private, Ground level, $500/mo. Call 250-4278874 or 250-432-5501

Men’s hockey equipment, bag on wheels, size 9-1/2 skates, shin pads, elbow pads, helmet, pants, shoulder pads, black & white jerseys, all in ex. cond., $300 for all. Call (250)919-0958


Homes for Rent


Apt/Condo for Rent

Auto Accessories/Parts

Commercial/ Industrial

1-bdrm suite, Forest Park Estates, f/s, w/d, parking $700/m + $350 DD. Rod (250)9198889

2-BDRM bungalow 10km west of Cbk, on hwy 3/95, $550/mth + hydro, satellite, available immediately (250)489-2376

FOR LEASE 1558 Sq.Ft 1227 Cranbrook St. N.

‡ /ocateG on the buVieVt interVection at Victoria $Yenue anG Cranbrook Street. ‡ Excellent ViJnaJe expoVure on pole ViJn anG builGinJ IrontaJe. ‡ CompetitiYe leaVe rate GepenGinJ on leaVe term. ConVtruction perioG conceVVionV. ‡ *ooG VoliG builGinJ with 4ui]noV $lleJra 5eVtaurant anG *re\hounG aV VharinJ tenantV.

Contact Fred at 250-421-1226

OfďŹ ce/Retail

4 used snow tires, on Alloy rims, for Toyota Matrix, 205/55/R16, $250. Call (250)426-4765

Retail or ofÂżce space available for lease Approx. 1200 sq.ft.

in the Bridge Interiors building (250)417-9942


Bankruptcy No credit Divorce No problem

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

Cars - Domestic

Cars - Domestic

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A23

Cars - Domestic

Have something that every hunter wants/needs?

Cars - Domestic



Auto Financing

Auto Financing


Cars - Domestic

Management and staff at Melody Motors are pleased to announce the arrival of

Sell it with our Hunter’s Special. We will run your 3 line ad for riÀes, bows, quads, trucks, campers, tents.... etc in a border for only $5/issue. Call Shannon today to make some fast cash

Doug Blain

to our award winning sales staff Doug would like to thank all of his customers and invite them to take the short drive to Melody Motors.

Cars - Domestic

Cars COST LESS in Kimberley

1510-2nd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3L2 489-3455 • 1-800-665-2382


1982 Camaro, (250)417-5806

Cars - Sports & Imports


DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1997 Mercedes Benz E420 Sedan, very nice condition, 190,000km, runs great, $3900. (250)919-0958

www.PreApproval.cc DL# 7557

1998 Buick Century. $1000 obo. Runs. Needs tlc. 250426-5233


Located in Kimberley, Hwy 95A, BC • Since 1953 250-427-4224 • Toll Free 888-703-2211

Cars - Sports & Imports


Sport Utility Vehicle

Sport Utility Vehicle

Hot Deals Hot Deals Cool Wheels Cool Wheels NEW

2009 Dodge Journey SXT V6, back-up camera, Sirius/ Bluetooth, enabled, roof rack, 7 seats and remote start! Stk#712362B

Jeff Kirkhope

“Very low kms!!�

“Under 26,000 kms.� Jase Clear


Ryan Casey

“Subaru’s World Rally Cup car. This won’t last long, only a certain number of these in Western Canada. 305 hp @ 6000 rpm"

7erry *roleau

SALE $29,995


*incl. frt & PDI. Taxes extra

"Only 635 kms..... REALLY!"

2016 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC 489-4325 1-888-489-4325 DL#10523




Rolf’s Pick of the Week “Here to fulfill your transportation needs� 2010 NISSAN CUBE 1.8 KROM

2032 Cranbrook St. N. Cranbrook, BC 489-0903 1-888-734-7744 DL#30315


Hot Deals Cool Wheels

1.8L 4-cyl, auto, air, temp control, Rockford Fosgate sound system, back up camera, 19,601 km. StkN00729A

Jimmy's Notes 2009 VW TIGUAN 2.0T HIGHLINE

“Fun, spacious, head turning�

AWD, auto, 4 cyl., Turbo w/200HP, dual zone climate control, panoramic sunroof, only 55,281 kms & more. Reg. $29,995 Stk #A08680

SALE $17,995

Check out our full inventory at importautogroup.com



Book an appointment today 250-426-6661 1-888-426-6665 DL#30313 www.importautogroup.com


MSRP $57,730

Demo Special $


Sale $26,995

“Ask me about the VW certified program!�

2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland 4WD, All the lu[ury features , fully loaded Stk#81669 “Come see BIG�T� for some big deals!�

Fully loaded with leathrr interior, power sunroof, factory warranty. LIKE NEW!


2013 Keystone Outback 312BH Full outside kitchen, sleeps 9. SLtk# RV0024 “Great for the entire family!�


2.5L dual overhead cam. Horizontally opposed 4 cyl Subaru Boxer High performance engine w/turbo charger & intercooler


2012 Dodge Charger V6, soft touch interior, enter and go system, get a little heritage in your new car!! Stk#81641

Pete's Notes 2013 SUBARU IMPREZA STI

Steve’s Pick of the Week “Here to fulfill your transportation needs�

Arrow Motors Volkswagen 2034 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook t DL#5467 t XXX JNQPSUBVUPHSPVQ DPN


I<>@JK<I KF;8P





Economical 1.8L/6 spd manual, sun roof, suprisingly spacious, and fun to drive. Stk#N65021

Now $18,680*

2012 Dodge Journey 7 passenger, heated seats, only 12,421 kms.

7D: H;9;?L; =H;7J :;7BI ED IJK<< JE :E" FB79;I JE ;7J 7D: J>?D=I JE I;;

Register Online at www.bcdailydeals.com


Check out our full inventory at importautogroup.com


“Good as new at a used price!�

Book an appointment today 250-426-6661 1-888-426-6665 DL#30313 steve@importautogroup.com

Vehicle Wanted WE BUY All Cars! Not, we will Cars/Trucks/Vans. Car today with Phone call to: 8647.

Running or buy it! Sell Any One Free 1-800-551-

Off Road Vehicles 2003 FORD EXPEDITION 4X4 Loaded expedition SUV with push button fold down 3rd row seat, seats 8, HEATED leather seats, sunroof, chrome package, pw, pd, pm, keyless entry, running boards... 160,000km asking $8000 OBO 250-423-0211

Recreational/Sale 1978 FRONTIER camper, 8-1/2’, 1-owner, ex. cond., $1000. (250)417-0974 1995 Snowbird truck camper, 8’4�, very good cond., F/S, oven, shower, queensize bed, $5800 obo. (250)428-0552 1999 34’ Commander motor home, winter pkg, new tires, Banks power, reduced to $21,000 firm, must sell will take Class C in trade. (250)428-4216 8’ aluminum canopy, $350. (250)427-2482 Kustom Koach 5th Wheel, 27’4�, like new. We are the original owners. Only used 2 weekends. Slide-out, air, awning, furnace, gas/electric fridge, loaded w/options, worth $51,900, asking $16,500 obo. (250)427-4435 ONLINE RV DEALS www.VoyagerRV.ca Over 200 new & used motorhomes, 5th wheels, trailers & campers. 0 down financing. Trades accepted. BC’s LARGEST Dealer. Voyager RV Centre, Hwy 97 Winfield. Toll free 1-800-668-1447 Reduced 1997 24.5 ft Terry 5th Wheel pristine condition, aluminum frame, sofa slide, private island queen bed, sleeps 6, full kitchen. Dual fridge. Propane stove & oven, microwave, A/C, full bath. Lots of storage, stored in garage. $8000 obo. 250-344-5751. Westfalia, great condition. (250)424-5438 www.jonesboysboats.com

Sport Utility Vehicle

*MRSP & Freight PDE. Taxes extra.

1725 Cranbrook St., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3S9 3hone: 426-6614 ‡ 1-800-663-2268 DL#30708 www.cranbrookdodge.com

2004 Grande Am, $4500. (250)426-4122 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis, 79,800 km, remote starter, new cond., $8900. Call (250)489-5350 2005 Grand Am, 4-dr, auto, loaded, 175,000km, c/w 2 winters, good reliable car, $5000 (250)426-6481 2007 Chevy Cobalt LS, 82,500 km, 5-spd manual, air, ex. cond., $9200 obo. Call (250)489-9548 leave msg. VW Beetle .....RED 2004 DIESEL TDI BEETLE ...139,000 kms , sunroof power windows , manual transmission...cloth interior , heated seats ....very clean , well maintained , a steal at $8995.....contact Giselle..... giselle.jigsaw@gmail.com

$27,495 *Plus tax and $399 admin fee


1101 Victoria Ave

250-426-3133 1-888-616-1555

A healthy local economy depends on you



Trucks & Vans We Finance GOOD, BAD or UGLY Credit Ugly Trucks 250-417-0539 1995 GMC 1500 4x4 pick-up w/6.5 Diesel, $2700 Call (250)428-0841 1997 GMC Sierra SLE 4x4, 5.7L V8, tow pkg, p/w, p/dl, p/seats, never off road, 287,000 km, $4000 obo. (250)489-1704 1998 Chevy Silverado 6.5L Diesel 250K Xtended cab with camper! $2900. 1986 Thunderbird 270 hp 5.0L V8 159k $750. 250-426-0029 2003 Grand Caravan, $6500 obo, 96,000 km. Phone after 5, or leave msg (250)426-4332

A24 www.kootenayadvertiser.com

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

What makes your child a bully and what makes a victim Submitted from RCMP SOS children’s safety magazine. What makes a Bully? Bullying behaviour can be identified as early as pre-school age, and some children who are bullies continue this behaviour into adulthood. Most children learn to control their anger and fighting instincts as they grow older, but not the bully. These children have

Napa auto parts because there are no unimportant parts


proud to support BuLLY aWarENEss MoNtH

Napa auto parts

1001 Industrial Rd. 2 426-8282 •Fax: 426-7259

PO Box 2409, #3 - 755 13 St. Invermere, BC, VOA 1K0 Ph: (250) 342-6978 • Fx: (250) 342-3091

special characterisitics. Children who systematically bully others usually have a group of children they bully regularly while other bullies randomly target a variety of students. Bullies have particular behaviour and personality traits. Such as: Greater than average aggressive behaviour patterns The desire to dominate peers The need to feel in control, to win

No sense of remorse for hurting another child A refusal to accept responsibility for his/her behaviour Parent(s) of bullies usually support their child’s aggressive behaviour toward other children and often bully their child. What makes a victim?

Why aren’t all children victims? Research on bullying

states that sixty percent of all students are never involved in any kind of bullying incidents, either as victims or as bullies. However, every day in schools, many students witness bullying incidents as they happen, and this forces their involvement. Often, these students do not realize that what they are witnessing is, in fact, bullying. Good natured teasing and roughhousing are only fun if both parties involved agree that it is fun. The power differ-

The choices you make today determine who you are tomorrow Steelworkers 1-405 Kootenays

Toll Free:1-888-982-8888 • Email: tvlworld@telus.net

SANDOR Rental Equipment Ltd.

Kootenay Boundary

250 Slater Rd, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 5C8

(250) 426-6600

Fax: (250) 489-2400 Toll Free 1-800-6640 cranbrook@medichair.ca

2450 Cranbrook Street North, Cranbrook, B.C.


Toll Free: 1-800-561-5254 www.sandorrentals.com


#101 425 Victoria Ave. N. Cranbrook, B.C.

Selkirk Forest Products Co. Highway 3 & 93 Galloway, BC Ph: 250-429-3493

Proud to be part of the forest industry. Buyers of cedar & pine poles. We sell treated poles.

PROUD TO SUPPORT YOUTH Ph. 346-3315 Fax: 346-3218 Scale - 346-3241

Cranbrook District Teachers’ Association

A Union of Professionals


The Cranbrook District Teachers’ Association supports Bully Awareness because we realize that teaching children the consequences of bullying will help them make wise choices.

1725 Cranbrook St., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3S9 Phone: 426-6614 • 1-800-663-2268 DL#30708 www.cranbrookdodge.com

1804 Canyon St Creston, BC 250-428-9800

Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

www.kootenayadvertiser.com A25

October is National Bullying Prevention Month ence between bullies and victims determines the nature of the interaction. Most children are approached by a bully early in their school career, and/or when they change schools. It is often the child’s reaction to that first encounter with being bul-

lied which determines whether or not he/she will be approached again. Children who are victimized tend to display “vulnerable behaviours.” People who are identified as being highly vulnerable are often singled out as victims.

Reasons why we must take action against bullying: By age 24, 60% of identified bullies have a criminal conviction. Children who are repeatedly victimized sometimes see suicide as their only escape. Bullying is one of the

most underrated and enduring problems in schools today. Schools are a prime location for bullying. Bullies lose their popularity as they get older and are eventually disliked by the majority of students. Many adults do not

know how to intervene in bullying situations, therefore bullying is often overlooked. Bullying occurs once every seven minutes. On average, bullying episodes are brief, approximately 37 seconds long. The emotional scars

from bullying can last a lifetime. Only 25% of students report that teachers intervene in bullying situations, while 71% of teachers believe they always intervene. We believe that bulling can be significantly reduced in schools if

teachers, support staff, parent groups, student councils and administrators join together to take action against bullying.

Treat people people the the Treat way you you want want way to be be treated treated to 1816 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC Phone: Local or Long Distance 1-866-475-8593 www.northstargm.com

1200 Baker Street, Cranbrook, BC

Looking for a way out?

Lost in the maze of alcohol or other drug use? East Kootenay Addiction Services Society can help.


OCTOBER IS BULLY AWARENESS MONTH This message brought to you by:

We provide free confidential counselling for individuals and families. Please contact us at: Cranbrook & Kimberley (250)489-4344 Invermere (250)342-3868 Golden (250)-344-2000 Elk Valley (250)423-4423 Creston (250)428-5547 Toll Free 1-877-489-4344 www.ekass.com

*A component of CPEC

East Kootenay Realty

A26 www.kootenayadvertiser.com


Trucks & Vans

Trucks & Vans

Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser

Trucks & Vans

Cars - Sports & Imports

Cars - Sports & Imports

Cars - Sports & Imports

Cars - Sports & Imports

Hot Deals Cool Wheels Shalon's Notes


2007 Kia Sedona EX Front wheel drive, 97,300 kms Silver exterior, grey leather interior. Heated seats, sunroof, DVD, dual power side sliding doors, power lift gate, dual climate front seats. Climate control in 2nd row seating, 2nd row windows go down, 3rd row seats fold flat, key with auto recognition drivers seat position,power steering and windows, it’s the loaded one!! Asking $12,495


2003 Ford 350 diesel, standard, 53,000km, like new, serious inquires only, $18,500. (250)919-2672 2 sled decks for 8’ box, $300 & $500. Aluminum headache rack for 8’ box, $350. 8’ aluminum checker plate box liner, $350. Hardtop cover for F150 shortbox (white), $400. F250 8’ box (like new), $2000. Ford F250 rear bumper, $200. 8’ Scamper camper, $300. 1999 Arctic Cat 500 quad (parts), $300. 2001 Ford F150 4x4 Ext cab, $3000. 1999 Ford F350 4x4, $3000. 2000 Ford F350 diesel 4x4 Ext cab, $3800. 2002 Ford F150 4x4 Ext cab, $2800. Various 2006/2007 Ford F150 4x4’s, $5200/each. 1996 Panther 440 snowmobile, $1000. Call & ask for John or Irv, (250)489-0005


V6, auto, 7 passenger, power group, 1 owner, great for the family. VW certified available. StkV17236A

SALE $15,995*

“This people mover is nice as new with a used price!�

*Includes frt & PDI. Taxes & fees extra.

Arrow Motors Volkswagen 2034 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook 489-4327 • 1-877-689-4327 DL#5467 • www.importautogroup.com

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

NOTICE OF DISPOSITION Pursuant to the authority of Section 26 of the Community Charter, the City of Cranbrook intends to enter into a Licence of Occupation with the Scout Properties (BC/Yukon) Ltd. for the use of certain lands within Idlewild Park located at 3601-9th Street South and legally described as a portion of Lots 22, 23, and 24, Plan 1241, District Lot 3556, Kootenay District. The term of the license shall be from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015. In consideration of the license, the Scout Properties (BC/Yukon) Ltd shall pay rent in the amount of $1.00 per year during the course of the term of the license. Municipal Clerk

Your Cabin on the Lake

The Kootenay Queen •

1976 30ft cabin cruiser with a 185 merc • Full galley (fridge, stove, sink, furnace, toilet) • Fold down table for a queen sized bed • Fold up bunk beds • VHF radio • Hull is sound, galley is dated. • Low draft • 200 hrs on new engine • A great boat that needs some TLC $12,000.00 invested $8000 OBO Call 250-362-7681 or Cell 250-231-2174 email monikas_2010@ hotmail.com 4 more information & to view




Tenders Christ the Servant Church

is accepting bids for winter snow removal, located at 1100-14th Avenue S Please submit bids to: SMPCTS@yahoo.ca


Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-3:00


2032 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, BC t %- www.hillcresthyundai.com 1IPOF

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Kootenay News Advertiser Monday, October 15, 2012

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Monday, October 15, 2012 Kootenay News Advertiser



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