Hope Standard, October 17, 2012

Page 1

Hockey player joins team traveling to Europe next spring 5

Standard The Hope

Office: 604.869.2421 www.hopestandard.com



THRONESS EYES CHILLIWACK-HOPE Candidate seeks BC Liberal nomination in local riding again


HOPE WINS FOUR BLOOM AWARD Community recognized at national level for its plants and carvings




Construction crews work on the foundation of a new structure on the Pilot Flying J truck stop site Monday afternoon. The district has approved all building permits required to complete the project, which is located on a 3.1-acre property on Flood-Hope Road near exit 168 off Highway 1. The truck stop will feature a gas station, card-lock commercial access diesel refueling facility, Denny’s restaurant, convenience store, showers and laundry area for truck drivers. The district has also tendered the Flood-Hope sewer project, which is set to complete by March 31, but staff are waiting for confirmation on additional grant funding prior to awarding the construction contract.

Abnormal warm fall weather means forests still dry underground

Recreation upgrades will cost residents



Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community . . . . . . . 9 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Classifieds . . . . . 16 $

1.10 (HST INCL.)

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Taxpayers will be footing part of the bill for improvements to the community recreation park. The district received a $370,575 grant from the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development earlier this year for the initiative. However, the total project cost is estimated at $463,300, which means residents will be covering the $92,575 shortfall. “The district, in conjunction with other community groups, wishes to improve the quality of life and promote healthy living,” said chief ad-

ministrative officer John Fortoloczky. “This means utilizing and improving parks to allow their optimum use for recreation and sport. The community recreation park does need improvement if we are to encourage various stakeholder/ community groups and individuals to increase their usage of the space and facilities.” R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd. has been awarded the $49,162.88 contract for planning, detailed design, and preparation for tender of the improvements. This work is expected to begin before the end of October.

The project adds a new bike skills park to the area and improve the existing skatepark. The Sports Bowl will also receive upgrades to the stairs, walkways, seating and fencing to make it safer for event spectators. In addition, a walking trail with a picnic area will be constructed in the woods adjacent to the Sports Bowl and skatepark, and link to existing trail networks, creating a connection from Kawkawa Lake to the recreation centre. Hope Motorsports Group acquired 1,500 donated no post guard rails earlier this year to reinforce the terraced seating area and increase spectator capacity at the

In recognition of Small Business Week,

The Hope & Dist. Chamber of Commerce will be holding their

Business Excellence Awards on October 18. Watch for the winners in next week’s edition of The Hope Standard.

The Hope

Sports Bowl. The district has committed to using the guard rails in the project design. “The community will have input throughout the process. Their feedback is a key aspect of the whole project,” said Fortoloczky. “They will be asked what they desire of various aspects of the park and what improvements should be made. They will then be consulted on design proposals resulting from their earlier input.” The design and tender documents for improvements are expected next spring, which will allow construction to begin sometime in 2013.

A2 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Your MLA’s Community Office is Coming to Hope! Gwen O’Mahony will be meeting with you to discuss your concerns and issues. MONDAY

RCMP golf fundraiser

October 22 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Trails Crossing Friendship Centre 454 Wallace St.

Hope RCMP Cpl. Darren Rennie tees off at the Hope Golf Club last Friday for the annual RCMP golf tournament and dinner. About 25 members from Hope, Boston Bar, Chilliwack and Agassiz participated in the event, which was a fundraiser for local victim services.

For more information, call


or email Gwen.o’mahony.MLA@leg.bc.ca

Gwen O’Mahony

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit the StAndArd

MLA Chilliwack-Hope

We look forward to meeting with you.

8-12os GO8

Your Community Office:

Support. Advocate. Empower Constituency Office:

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

#101A - 8615 Young Road Chilliwack, V2P 4P3 gwen.omahony.mla@leg.bc.ca

Throness seeks BC Liberal nomination in Chilliwack-Hope Robert Freeman Black Press

it’s that

time of year again!


recipes send us your favourite holiday recipe and you could


Laurie Throness is looking forward to winning the BC Liberal nomination in ChilliwackHope and taking on NDP MLA Gwen O’Mahony one more time. O’Mahony won an April byelection that moved the riding into the NDP camp for the first time in decades. But Throness believes the NDP victory was due only to the split in the conservative vote as the upstart BC Conservative Party took votes away from the BC Liberals. “The people of Chilliwack-

Hope voted strategically to send a message to the government, and I think they will send a message again ... that they don’t want an NDP government,” he said. Throness believes voters in Chilliwack-Hope will return to the BC Liberals in the provincial election, just like his former byelection rival John Martin. Martin has now quit the BC Conservatives and is running as the BC Liberal candidate in the Chilliwack riding to replace retiring MLA John Les. In the byelection, the public expressed its mood by voting for the BC Conservatives, but Throness said he sees a change


a KitchenAid 13 cup food Processor!

recIPes Must Be IN Before WeD. NoV. 9 At 5:00PM

The District of Hope invites applications for 2013 Grants in Aid.

PLus! your recipe could be published in our festive favourites 2012 recipe Book. email recipes to sales@hopestandard.com, fax to 604-869-7351 or drop off at 540 Wallace st., Hope.

Saturday, October 27 8 pm - 12 midnight

We are looking for your holiday or everyday recipes for: • appetizers • soup/salads • main dishes • desserts/cookies

employees of the Hope standard and cooper’s foods, along with their families are not eligible to win. Judges decision is final. Maximum recipe entries is 5. No correspondence will be entered into. Prize will be accepted as awarded. No cash value. recipes will be published as space permits. 10/12W_RC17

in that mood as the party is torn with internal struggles. Which can only be good news for the BC Liberals. Throness said if he wins the BC Liberal nomination, he’s eager to get back on the campaign trail and stand by the BC Liberal government’s financial record. “It’s a government that deserves to be re-elected,” he said. “It’s going to be an epochal action,” he said about the upcoming election. “I’m looking forward to it.” No date has been set for the nomination meeting, but Throness said his candidate application was accepted by the party on Oct. 4.

$10/person Tickets available at the Eagles Hall 386 Fort St. 604-869-5430 or contact 604-869-2560 Presented by The Hope Eagles FOE #2690

courtesy of:

10/12w E10

Services of the applicant must: • strengthen and enhance the well being of our community; • promote volunteerism; • be a District of Hope and area registered nonprofit society. Services of the applicant must not: • offer direct financial assistance to individuals or families; • duplicate services that fall within the mandate of either a senior government or a local service agency; • be part of a provincial or national fundraising campaign Deadline for receipt of applications: Oct. 31, 2012. Applications are available at District Hall and on our web site @ www.hope.ca 10/12w DOH3

Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012 A3

News Water rescue

Come to Yale’s COMMUNITY CENTRE for

A car ended up in Silver Creek Saturday afternoon after hitting a hydro pole and knocking out power to about 800 homes in the area for several hours. Hope RCMP Staff Sgt. Suki Manj said there’s some indication that the out-of-town male driver had turned left onto Flood-Hope Road from Silver Skagit Road, made a u-turn before heading over the Highway 1 overpass, and then veered off the road into the creek. The man, who was not driving his own vehicle at the time, was airlifted to Royal Columbian Hospital. Manj said the crash remains under police investigation.

Dinner & Live Entertainment

Saturday, Oct. 20 Fraser Canyon Laugh or Die Stand-Up Comedy Tour Doors Open: 4:00 pm Dinner: 5:00 pm

TICKETS: $15:00 Includes Dinner

Trish @ Barry’s Trading Post in Yale Gail @ 604-863-0001 Pam @ Coopers Deli in Hope Spaghetti with meat sauce or Vegetarian Sauce Salads & desserts

Wayne DesjarDins contributor

Hope receives national award

Hope Standard

other things that were out of our control for this summer.” She believes timing was an important factor in the outcome, as the volunteer judges arrived just as the flood waters started to recede. Some of the decorative grasses were also a bit smaller than the judges would have liked to seen, which resulted in lost marks for the community. “Our ‘snapshot’ in the be-

Comics on tour in the Fraser Canyon

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

The Creative Centre Society is giving people living with mental illness an opportunity to showcase their stand-up comedy skills in the Fraser Canyon. The Laugh or Die tour features eight to 10 comics performing their own original material, which covers a range of topics including mental health. “The idea is to reach out and tell people there is hope for recovery,” said Rob Dueck, a mental health worker who is coordinating the tour.

“You can thrive, even though you have been diagnosed with something that would be considered quite severe. One of our best comics has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.” The Creative Centre Society is a nonprofit organization with clubhouses in Chilliwack and Abbotsford. It provides rehabilitation and recovery based programs and services to people with a severe and persistent mental illness. The stand-up comedy program is offered once week to clients. “It’s an incredible hit when you stand up in front of a big crowd, you tell a joke

10/12w YRP10

ginning of July was not what we had hoped for … but Communities in Bloom is so much more than plants and flowers, it is about civic pride and volunteering to make our community a better place – plants are such a small part.” Communities in Bloom is a national organization dedicated to the promotion of green spaces in community settings.

and people laugh,” said Dueck. “It’s kind of a non-pharmaceutical pleasure maker. Often one of the first things to go when you’re depressed is your sense of confidence and self-esteem.” The tour stops at North Bend Community Hall in Boston Bar on Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. On Oct. 20, comics take the stage at Yale Community Centre at 6 p.m. Tickets to this show are $15, which includes dinner at 5 p.m. For more details, contact 604-8678800 or 604-863-0001.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 Traditional German Food Beer and More... Cocktails: 6:00pm Dinner: 7:00pm

Book your holiday party now!

or at hopepharmasave.com

The Ladies Aux. to the

Royal Canadian Legion Br #228 are accepting Christmas party bookings until Dec. 15. They are also accepting bookings for weddings, parties and other functions for 2013.

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Call 604-869-2174

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Anna ELdRidgE

Mon.-Fri: 9am-7pm Saturday: 9am-6pm Sun & Holidays: 10am-5pm

In 1900, in the U.S., nearly one-third of all new babies never reached the age of five. The major diseases that took these children were whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and rheumatic fever. As well, women often died of “childbirth fever”, a serious streptococcal infection of the vagina.

Tickets: $15/person $25/couple

Royal Canadian Legion

235 Wallace st. 604-869-2486 store Hours: visit us on



Hope has received a Four Bloom rating and a special mention for wood carvings in the 2012 National Communities in Bloom competition. The community was a finalist in the 3,001 to 6,500 population category and received the award at a ceremony in Edmonton, Atla. Oct.

12-13. “Competing at the national level is always tougher than competing provincially,” said Crystal Medlock, co-chair of the local Communities in Bloom committee. “I had a gut feeling that we would get four blooms this year (instead of our usual five) because not only were we up against stiffer competition, but there were a few


Kerrie-Ann Schoenit

The drug is found in creams and ointments and is available without a prescription. Our pharmacists can advise you on the proper use of this product. Singing in a choir is good for your health. Scientific studies have proven that singers have longer lives, use fewer prescriptions, have better cognitive skills, better vision, volunteer more often and have long-lasting marriages. One more thing: 93% of choir singers vote in elections!

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Masquerade 4th annual

The Hope & District ArtsArts Council The Hope & District Councilpresents: presents:

Dine, Dance & Depart Masquerade Masquerade Masquerade 4th annual fundraiser Dine, Dine,Dance Dance Dine, Dance & Depart & Depart & Depart fundraiser fundraiser 6:00-11:00pm

at the Hope & District Recreation & Cultural Centre Conference Room

f Tickets: f Tickets: f TheTheHoodlums Hoodlums


Saturday Oct. 27, 2012 Saturday October 27, 2012 Saturday October 27, 2012 6:00-11:00pm 6:00-11:00pm

dance eaturing

6:00-11:00pm at the Hope & District Recreation


at the Hope &Centre District Recreation & Cultural Conference Room & Cultural Centre Conference Room


Vikki Hopes

table of 6, $205.00 2 for or $75.00

Owl Street Cafe

The Hoodlums

Dinner catered by the Owl Street Cafe Dinner catered by the Owl Street Cafe Silent Art Auction Silent Art Dinner catered by theAuction Owl Street Cafe Door Prizes Silent Art Auction Door Prizes No Host Bar Door Prizes No Host Bar No Host Bar

Make your own Also:

Join our masquerade Also: so: at theworkshop Art Machine


Join our masquerade & make your own mask! `

Saturday, 20, 2012 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 •October 10AM-2PM workshop masquerade Art Machine & make your own mask! Saturday, October 20, 2012 rkshop (604) 869-3400 hopearts@telus.net www.hopedistrictartscouncil.com Art Machine our own mask! $10.00/person, drop-in from 10:00am-2:00pm


District of Hope

All proceeds go to the Hope & District Arts Council $10.00/person, drop-in from 10:00am-2:00pm

Join us in Worship District of Hope

All proceeds go to the Hope & DistrictOctober Arts Council20, Saturday,



(604) 869-3400 hopearts@telus.net www.hopedistrictartscouncil.com $10.00/person, drop-in from 10:00am-2:00pm District of Hope

l proceeds go to the Hope & District Arts Council

0 hopearts@telus.net www.hopedistrictartscouncil.com

Community of Hope Church Directory District of Hope

AngliCAn ChurCh of CAnAdA

Christ ChurCh consecrated 1861

www.anglican-hope.ca 275 Park street

sundAy serviCes 10AM The Rev. Gail Newell The Rev. FRed TassiNaRi


Church of the Nazarene sunday celebration 5:30 pm

Pastor Andrew Tarrant 604-749-7094 888 Third Ave. www.hopenazarene.ca

hope pentecostal assembly Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Corner of 5th & Fort

10:30am Morning Worship & Children’s Sunday School

Pastor Jim Cornock

604-869-9717 Mt. Hope SeventH-Day aDventiSt CHurCH 1300 Ryder St.

SaturDay Morning Study Hour 9:15 a.m. Worship Hour 11:00am Prayer Meeting - Tuesday, 7pm

pastor Caleb Bru 604-869-0668

anglican church of the resurrection

Welcomes you to Sunday Worship: 10am Sunday Bible Study: 6-7pm “The Old Testament” 345 Raab St. Rev. Don Gardner 604-823-7165 Anglican Network in Canada

Local info: 604-869-1918

Grace Baptist Church “Imperfect people following a loving God”


949-3rd Ave. • 604.869.5524

“Helping people take one step closer to Jesus...”

hope united church 590 Third Ave.

Sunday Service: 10am rev. ryan Knight


a paSSion for CHriSt anD HiS KingDoM SunDay WorSHip: 10:30 aM free Store tueS/tHurS 3:00-4:30 pM

Northwest Harvest Church

888 - Third Ave. 604-869-9969 (MeSSage only)

Fall Tea

at the United Church Hall

Sat. Oct. 27 • bake table 12noon-2pm • door prizes • sing along Tickets: $6 Hope Community Choir will entertain Corner of 3rd Ave & Queen St.

Jesse Blue West told an undercover police officer posing as the boss of a crime ring that he killed 14-year-old Chelsey Acorn in 2005 to protect his son, who had “forced himself” on the teen. “I turned around to him, and said, ‘I can bury the problem,’” West said to the “crime boss” in video footage recorded as part of a “Mr. Big” undercover police sting. The 2 1/2-hour footage was shown last Tuesday at West’s first-degree murder trial in B.C. Supreme Court in Chilliwack. Video cameras had been hidden in a Calgary hotel room on March 10, 2007 during West’s meeting with a man he thought was the boss of a lucrative criminal organization. West, now 61, had been working for the fake operation – run by undercover officers posing as members of the group – for several weeks prior to the meeting, and believed the boss wanted to talk with him before permitting his involvement in an upcoming “big score.” In the footage, the “boss” told West that, although West had come with a high recommendation from one of the crew, he had heard rumors about his possible involvement in Acorn’s murder. “There are concerns. There are loose ends and there is DNA,” the boss said. “Well, they don’t have my DNA,” West said later in the conversation. Through the course of the meeting, West revealed in matter-of-fact detail the circumstances of Acorn’s murder. West, a long-haul trucker, said he had returned to his home in Surrey from a trucking job to find tension between his 19-year-old son, Dustin Moir of Abbotsford, and Acorn, whom Moir had been dating for about two weeks. The pair had been temporarily staying at West’s residence. West said Moir had either “forced himself on her or got her drunk,” and he was worried that Acorn would report the incident to police. West told Moir that he knew of a spot

where they could dig a hole and nobody would ever know what happened. The following day, the trio drove from Surrey to a wooded area off the Coquihalla Highway, near the Carolin Mines exit outside of Hope. While Moir and Acorn went for a walk, he dug a five-foot-deep hole, West told the crime boss. The couple returned to the area and Moir laid out a blanket, upon which the pair became intimate and he removed her clothes. Moir walked away to have a cigarette and West said he approached Acorn from behind, wrapped his right arm around her neck in a headlock, tilted her head back and “gave it a good squeeze.” According to West, Moir returned to the scene and dumped Acorn’s naked body in the hole. West said he then threw a layer of rocks into the hole, followed by about three feet of dirt. He said he placed about eight large rocks on the top, which he thought would keep animals from digging up the body. West told the crime boss that he left no evidence behind. He disposed of Acorn’s clothes in a dumpster in another city, and threw into the ocean the shovel used to dig the hole, as well as a machete used to cut down branches. He got rid of his car at the scrapyard. West said he also hired two women to thoroughly clean his residence, including scrubbing the walls, so that none of Acorn’s DNA evidence was left behind. Later in the footage, during further questioning by the crime boss, West said he slit the throat of a man in Ontario in the early 1970s over a drug debt, and buried the man’s body in a gravel quarry. He provided the victim’s name, but investigators later proved that the man was still living at the time of the confession. Acorn was reported missing from an Abbotsford foster home in June 2005, and her body was found by hikers in April 2006. Moir was charged as part of the same “Mr. Big” operation and received a life sentence in February 2010 with no chance of parole for 25 years.

BC Hydro is partnering with two Hope retailers in October to offer incentives for energy-efficient products during Power Smart month. Discounts are available to customers for in-store purchases of energy-efficient lighting, televisions and appliances at Cooper’s Foods and Rona. People can save up to $6 on select Energy Star com-

pact fluorescent light bulbs and up to $8 on Energy Star LED bulbs. Every year during Power Smart month, BC Hydro helps the public make smart energy use choices and save money on monthly electricity bills. The company provides increased rebates and incentives to help encourage energy conservation throughout the year.

Black Press

7:00 pm

Advantage Hope Boardroom 345 Raab St, Hope BC

dance eaturing

available at: or table of 6, $205.00 ery Hope Arts Gallery ne available at: The Art Machine Hope Stationary y Hope Arts Gallery Owl Street Cafe The Art Machine e Hope Stationary


AGM October 25

dance eaturing

$40.00 each 205.00 2 for $75.00 $40.00 each


West’s trial continues



Tickets Available FROM: Romano Photo, Toy’s Pharmacy Auxiliary Members & the Hospital Gift Shop

There will be no Live Auction this year.

• Refreshments • Scratch & Win • Door Prizes • Great Deals & LOTS MORE!

A great night of shopping & fun you won’t want to miss! 10_12W_HA17

Power Smart month in Hope


4thannual annual 4th

Saturday October 27, 2012


10/12W C3

The Hope & District Arts Council presents:

annual general meeting

A4 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012

FLUSHING OF WATER MAINS The Utilities Department will perform its annual program of hydrant maintenance and water main flushing from October 9th through November 16th, 2012. As a result of this flushing, you may notice changes in water pressure and there may be some discoloration or sediment in the water. This is a temporary condition and is not a health hazard. To avoid inconvenience, check your water before doing laundry. You may wish to keep water in the refrigerator for drinking and cooking. Any concerns should be directed to Mr. Ian Vaughan, Director of Operations at 604-869-2333. District of Hope 325 Wallace Street, PO Box 609 Hope, B.C. V0X 1L0


Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012 A5


Fire danger rating drops

Buy a coffee, get a coffee

Kerrie-Ann Schoenit Hope Standard

Several days of rain have dropped the fire danger rating in the area to “very low.” The wet weather is a welcome sight for the Coastal Fire Centre, which has been busy dealing with the consequences of an abnormally dry start to fall. “All of the fires that we’ve had in the last month and a half has made up for the lack at the beginning,” said fire information officer Donna MacPherson. “A lot of fire danger ratings have been breaking records. We’ve been finding that any fires that we have had, the crews have had to dig down to extinguish the burning material.” A crew was called out to Squeah Forest Service Road last Wednesday to tackle a fire that started 20 metres up a cliff bluff. MacPherson said there was smoke on the ground with a little bit of open flame, mostly in moss.


A helicopter drops a bucket of water on a fire on Squeah Forest Service Road last Wednesday. The fire danger rating in the area has dropped to “very low.”

A helicopter bucketed water to help extinguish the fire quickly. “There was someone in the area that did something they shouldn’t have done,” she said. “There’s still pockets that are bone dry. Everybody still needs

to be aware of the fact it’s going to take a bit of time for all of the forest to get wet. If people go and have campfire, make sure you put it out completely and make sure you situate it well - don’t put it near logs.”

Crash sends couple to hospital A serious motorcycle crash on the Hope-Princeton Highway sent a visiting Ontario couple to hospital. The 55-year-old man and his 52-year-old wife were negotiating a left curve westbound on Highway 3 approximately 40 kilometers east of Hope, when the driver lost control of his 2012

Harley Davidson on loose gravel at about 3:40 p.m. on Oct. 9. The highway was closed for a short period while the couple was airlifted to a local area hospital, where both were expected to make a full recovery. Police said speed and alcohol were not factors in the crash. “The temperature at higher

elevations is changing from hour to hour these days,” said Cpl. Robert Mc Donald of the Lower Mainland Traffic Services. “Highway crews are working hard to keep the highway safe by using sand and gravel to increase traction at higher elevations.”

Just mention this ad to enjoy a free small coffee with a purchase of any size coffee at the participating stores below during the month of October 2012 Coquihalla Chevron 587 Hope Princeton Highway (at 6th St)

© 2012 Chevron Canada Limited. All rights reserved. CHEVRON and the Chevron Hallmark are registered trademards of Chevron Intellectual Property LLC. 10/12w C2

Documentary explores oil industry

Christ Church is screening the award-winning documentary “White Water, Black Gold” this Saturday. The film follows David Lavallee on his three-year journey across western Canada in search of answers about the activities of the world’s thirstiest oil industry: the Tarsands. As a mountaineer and hiking guide, Lavallee is on the front lines of climate change. Over the past 15 years he has worked in the Columbia Icefields of the Canadian Rockies, and has noticed profound changes in the mountains. When he discovers that his province is ramping up growth in an extremely water intensive industry downstream of the icefields, he embarks on a journey to learn more about oilfields. Lavallee makes many discoveries: new science

shows that water resources in an era of climate change will be increasingly scarce (putting this industry at risk); First Nations people living downstream are contracting bizarre cancers; the upgrading of this oil threatens multiple river systems across Canada and the tailings ponds containing the waste by-products of the process threaten to befoul the third largest watershed in the world. Additionally, a planned pipeline across British Columbia brings fresh threats to B.C. Rivers and the Pacific Ocean. “White Water, Black Gold” looks at the untold costs (to water and people) associated with developing the second largest deposit of “oil” in the world. The screening on Oct. 20 starts at 7 p.m. in the church hall. There is no admission charge, although donations will be accepted. Refreshments and informative materials will also be available.

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Sterling silver charms from $30

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A6 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012


A welcome defeat

Published at Hope, Boston Bar, Yale and surrounding area by Black Press

At least one of the election gag laws has been thrown out. The B.C. Court of Appeal has decided that an attempt by the provincial government to control free speech in the period before a provincial election isn’t constitutional. This after the government tried several times to restrict how much money third parties can spend in the 60-day window before an election campaign officially begins. An attempt by Victoria to cut that down to 40 days didn’t work either. Governments and political parties have interfered in the election process far too much. Elections are not the property of politicians — they are the property of citizens. They are the one chance that citizens have to determine who is in power, what policies will be brought in and what changes can be worked towards. Yet at the federal and provincial level, election spending has been restricted for years. Not only are individual candidates restricted in their spending, which does at least level the playing field a bit, but individuals, businesses, unions and interest groups have severe restrictions on how much they can spend to send messages to voters. This is what the province was trying to do in the pre-election period — mainly to cut off messages from antigovernment groups. The BC Liberals were aiming at the B.C. Government Employees Union and the B.C. Teachers Federation, who ran pungent antigovernment messages before the 2009 election officially began. Individuals, organizations and businesses should have every right to spend money before and during campaigns. Much is being said at present about the 25th anniversary of free trade. The 1988 federal election was fought on that issue. During it, both pro- and antifree trade organizations spent a lot of money to get their messages out. It was a hard-fought election, on one big issue, and the additional messages from all the third parties were an integral part of the debate. It’s good that the Court of Appeal has struck down restrictions during the pre-election period. It would be nice if a court would strike down the restrictions which apply during federal and provincial elections as well. The only purpose they serve is to keep the election process dominated by political parties, and to severely restrict the rights of citizens during what should be a free-ranging debate. - Black Press

Fantasies won’t keep ferries afloat

B.C. Views

Tom Fletcher It was a sunny Thanksgiving weekend when I took my first all-transit trip from Victoria to Vancouver for a B.C. Lions football game. Despite all the doomsaying about people shunning ferries because of some media-determined “tipping point” in fares, you wouldn’t have guessed it that weekend. Articulated buses were jammed coming and going from the Tsawwassen terminal to the Canada Line. Returning to Vancouver Island on Sunday, I was struck by the crowds, and the low cost: SkyTrain, express bus, walk-on passenger fare and express bus to Victoria totalled about $20. This explains the surge in walk-on traffic. BC Ferries issued bulletins advis-

OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

ing first that Tsawwassen’s parking lot and then Swartz Bay’s were full. The Tsawwassen First Nation’s shuttle parking next door was overflowing, with cars tucked into every level space. And even with hourly sailings, the major route had plenty of vehicle traffic, with all available vessels running. Now the long, late summer is gone, and the political theatre resumes. Transportation Minister Mary Polak picked up where the retiring Blair Lekstrom left off, reminding people that BC Ferries is going to deal with rising costs primarily by ceasing the practice of running vessels a third full or less. This comes as “consultation” begins with smaller ferry communities on where and when these sailings will be cut. And it follows the first major price-cap decision by the newly empowered B.C. Ferry Commissioner, Gord Macatee. He now can determine service levels as well as fares,


Box 1090 Hope, B.C. VOX 1LO

which are permitted to rise about four per cent in each of the next three years. The NDP’s ferry critic, North Coast MLA Garry Coons, has also decided to transition to his government pen-

“Changes will now come to other routes that minimize shifts and overtime, rather than inflating them.” sions next year. But before he sails away, he has doubled his repertoire of outraged sound bites to two. Along with every coffee-shop know-it-all on the coast, Coons perpetually reminds us that ferries are “part of our highway system.” He remains convinced that this finan-

Standard The Hope

cially illiterate cliché somehow deals with the fact that even a subsidy approaching $200 million this year can’t keep all those boats afloat forever. A family of four on a long driving trip faces similar price increases, when you factor in tolls, insurance, food and other costs beyond the fuel tank. But for some reason the “government” is supposed to provide special relief to those who choose the most inaccessible places to live. Coons’ latest tack is that BC Ferries has lost its way, trying to be a fancy cruise ship service instead of giving people basic transportation at an affordable price. That would be terrible if it were true. But those amenities on newer vessels are there because they make money, utilizing staff who have to be on board anyway. As everyone but the NDP seems to grasp, the big costs are fuel, maintenance, and minimum crew levels to meet federal regula-

DEADLINES Display Friday 4 p.m.

Classifieds Monday 5 p.m.

E-MAIL: news@hopestandard.com




2 26

PublishEr AnDrew FrAnKlin 604-869-2421

Acting Editor Kerrie-Ann Schoenit 604-869-4992

AdvErtising PAttie DeSjArDinS 604-869-4990

540 Wallace St., Hope, B.C. every Wednesday by Black Press. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

Copyright and/or property rights subsist in all material appearing in this issue. The publisher shall not be liable for minor changes or errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions is limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or refund of monies paid for the advertisement.



tions, regardless of passenger revenue. I was reminded on the last busy weekend of the year that the new Coastal-class ferries kept vehicle capacity the same while increasing passenger space. This choice anticipated today’s travel reality nearly a decade ago. Good thing somebody was able to understand ferries as a business, as opposed to a welfare program for the reclusive and the rich. BC Ferries has already cut sailings on the Tsawwassen-Duke point route. As described in an earlier column, this needlessly long run is the biggest boondoggle in BC Ferries history, a Dave Barrett-era payoff to the union that continues today. Changes will now come to other routes that minimize shifts and overtime, rather than inflating them. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and BCLocalnews.com tfletcher@blackpress.ca

clAssifiEd/circulAtion jAnice McDonAlD 604-869-2421

BC Press Council: The Standard is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to : B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012 A7




Fans relate to Rambo character

I think the reason why First Blood has still got a hardcore fanbase is the fact that many people can relate in some way to that of the fictional character. The character of Rambo seemed scared to the very core of his soul by what he had witnessed and had been ordered to do in the Vietnam conflict (very similar to what our guys are going through now with the up to date conflicts). The difference was that the majority of the American people at the time were not patriotic towards these young men and women who were

trying to keep freedom instilled by fighting the Communists. When the character was deemed mentally unfit to serve his country he was thrown by the wayside, so he drifted from one state to another trying to reconnect himself with his only chance of connecting with humanity, who was his old army buddies. We see Rambo in the introduction walking into shot, happy and joyful with the bright sun shining down on his face, and the sound of children playing. He then finds his last chance of staying connected to conventional

life died when his friend Delmar Berry did. As he threw that brown address book away, it signified him casting away any domestic values that he did have. Wandering aimlessly we see him walk into Hope with a pensive look on his face, almost as though he was in a semiautistic state. As he walks into the town’s border, the sky is very dark and gloomy, again it’s now a reflection of the movie characters state of mind. That is why First Blood could only have been shot in Hope, the beautiful backdrop with the moun-

tains, but at the same time kind of intimidating with the surrounding mountains – a little like how Teasle was trying to bully and intimidate the Rambo character. I joined Norfolk Constabulary Police Force for four years. I left three years ago now, but because of the Rambo character not giving up, I fought hard to get into the police service, which is the hardest force to join within the UK. So that is another positive knock-on effect that this movie has had on me. Regan Greenard, United Kingdom

Celebrating small business in Hope

This week marks small business week in B.C., a time when we acknowledge the contributions of small businesses towards community. Small businesses make up 98 per cent of businesses registered in B.C. and contribute roughly 33 per cent of B.C.’s GDP. This Thursday, we celebrate the local community by acknowledging some of the best businesses Hope has to offer through the Business Excellence Awards. Some-

times in a big box society, we forget that the only people in retail chains that get rich are the shareholders. Absolutely the majority of big box chains fund worthy causes like breast cancer awareness, literacy programs, and help fund associations that help in Third World countries. However the businesses you see on main street fund the programs in your community. The small business community works hard to bring local knowledge

to their businesses. Here’s the problem that small businesses are facing – retail drift. Consumers end up leaving smaller communities for larger ones to do their shopping. And when they arrive at a larger community they invariably go to the big box store. Who can blame them, its convenient. The prices are lower because of the corporation’s huge buying power, and it’s a one stop shop. My family and I do it ourselves. The Hope and District

Successful local fundraiser

I would like to thank the many people and businesses that contributed to the fundraiser for Cory Legere (husband of Cori Hansen) at the Goldrush Pub on the weekend of Sept. 29. It was a huge success and it was great to see the support from all who attended and those who couldn’t. It is comforting to know how friends, businesses and family members pull together in a time of need like this.

Among the many hard workers, I would like to give extra thanks and appreciation to Carla Hahn, and Justin and Lara from the Goldrush Pub. You guys rock! Thank you Hope! I would like to extend a special thank you to Ryder and its many caring members. It is comforting to know that Cory has the support of this great company behind him. Thank you Ryder! Laurie Hansen and family

Chamber of Commerce has embarked on a Do Your BIT campaign, Buy In Town. Local businesses can’t offer the same discounts that big box stores offer on a daily basis, but what they can offer you is the knowledge your money is staying in the community, going towards staff who live in the community, which in turn ends up in other local stores. Glen Ogren, Hope & District Chamber of Commerce

Editorial Department To discuss any news story idea you may have – or any story we have recently published – please call the editor at 604-869-4992. Circulation $1.10 per copy retail and 81 cents prepaid by carrier; $42 per year by carrier if prepaid; $61.50 per year by mail in Canada; $185 per year by mail to the USA and international. All subscriptions are payable in advance of delivery. The Hope Standard’s mail P.A.P. registration number is 7804. Copyright Copyright or property rights subsists in all advertisements and in all other material appearing in this edition of THE HOPE STANDARD. Permission to reproduce wholly or in part and in any form whatsoever, particularly by a photographic or offset process in a publication must be obtained in writing from the publisher. Unauthorized publication will be subject to recourse by law.


Should further restrictions on third-party election advertising be permitted?

Would you regularly use a proposed BC Transit route from Hope to Chilliwack?

Proposed 2013 Permissive Property Tax Exemptions 345 Raab Street (lease) 386 Fort Street 555 Park Street 900 Golf Course Road 940 Fraser Avenue 344 Fort Street 841-4th Avenue 1055-6th Avenue 888 Third Avenue Confidential 66706 Kawkawa Lake Rd

PART-TIME ART INSTRUCTOR at The Art Machine Contact Diane at 604-869-3400 or email hopearts@telus.net 10/12w HDA17

Share your point of view! If you have a letter concerning local issues, drop it off at 540 Wallace St. or email it to: news@hopestandard.com

Follow us on facebook & twitter or 24/7 online at hopestandard.com

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Take Notice that the Council of the District of Hope proposes to adopt “2013 Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 1325” to exempt from taxation under Section 197 (1)(a) of the Community Charter, the municipal property taxes of the properties below. The property owners of the described properties have submitted evidence to the Council that, pursuant to Section 224 (1) of the Community Charter, they qualify for exemption and that the land and improvements shall be exempt for the year.

Anglican Church of the Res. – Orthodox Fraternal Order of Eagles Mt. Hope Senior Citizens Housing Hope Golf and Country Club Hope Volunteer Search & Rescue Group Hope Royal Canadian Legion Mount Hope Temple Society Hope Curling Club Hope Christian Fellowship Society / Northwest Harvest - The Hope Centre Hope and Area Transition Society Kawkawa Camp & Retreat Society

is looking for a


Notice of Property Tax Exemptions for the Year 2013

Estimated Municipal Taxes 2013

Hope and District Arts Council

Yes 55% No 45%

The District of Hope



Here’s how you responded:




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To answer, go to the home page of our website: www.hopestandard.com

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Estimated Municipal Taxes 2014

Estimated Municipal Taxes 2015

$600 $1,500 $1,700 $12,200 $4,600 $2,100 $900 $7,800

$600 $1,500 $1,800 $12,600 $4,700 $2,200 $900 $8,000

$600 $1,500 $1,900 $13,000 $4,800 $2,300 $900 $8,200

$1,700 $1,400 $2,200

$1,800 $1,400 $2,300

$1,900 $1,400 $2,400

For more information, please contact Parissa K. Aujla, CGA, Director of Finance at 604-869-5671.

FRI. OCT. 26TH - Cask Night with its British pub theme, will have three local breweries offering 3 unique brews.

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with your Harrison Beer Festival tasting mug, compare 15 of BC’s finest breweries. End the day with great music, great beer & a great time at the Oktoberfest Dance.

On the waterfront at the St. Alice Hall. For prices, tickets & event details: www.harrisonbeerfest.com 10/12w DOH17

A8 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012


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10/12w PS10

• Fill in the grid so that every row, every column & every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. • Each 3 x 3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3 x 3 box.

answers for puzzle 362

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B.C. election spending limits rejected again

Tom Fletcher Black Press

The B.C. Court of Appeal has rejected a second attempt by the B.C. Liberal government to restrict third-party election advertising before the next provincial election. In a recent ruling, the threejudge panel unanimously concluded that extending restrictions for 40 days before the formal 28-day election campaign is still an undue infringement on freedom of expression. An earlier restriction, extending 60 days before the 2009 election campaign, was struck down after a group of public sector unions challenged it in court. Attorney General Shirley Bond said the government will not appeal the latest ruling or attempt new restrictions in advance of the May 14, 2013 vote.

Bond said the latest legislation met some of the court’s tests of fairness, but the government was not able to show that third-party advertising had unduly influenced voters in B.C. She said the U.S. election system shows what can happen when unlimited spending by wealthy interest groups dominates elections. “I think the court has provided us with a very thorough analysis and clear reasons, and have concluded that any restrictions to the advertising in the pre-election period is unconstitutional,” Bond said. “We sent this case to the B.C. Court of Appeal for advice, and we are going to accept that advice.” Former attorney general Wally Oppal made the original amendments to the B.C. Elections Act in 2008, saying they

were needed to prevent election debates from being “hijacked by third parties.” The amendments limited political parties to spending $2.2 million in the 60 days before the official 28day election campaign, and advocacy groups such as unions and business groups can spend only $150,000 during that time. Oppal, his successors Mike de Jong and Bond have all argued that more restrictions are needed since B.C. went to scheduled elections every four years, which allow interest groups to time their advertising to avoid the caps imposed during a formal 28-day campaign. The B.C. Teachers’ Federation, the B.C. Nurses’ Union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators originally challenged the spending restrictions in court.

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Sonia Herregods-Blair arrived to Canada in 1960 and like an owl, she flew into Hope in 1996 to pursue a risky project. Determined to succeed, HerregodsBlair gave seven years of her life in rebuilding the Holiday Motel, nine years to the board of directors of the Hope Chamber of Commerce and helped initiate the Flight Fest event that continues today. In 2003, her passion for creating menus, food and catering became real in building the Owl Street Cafe in Silver Creek. Herregods-Blair is not afraid to take risks. Her tenacity and passion for Hope is real and is being recognized by all who meet her or visit her restaurant. Her message states a truth: “We must do everything we can to bring more people into Hope and encourage everyone to work together. No idea is too small.”

- contributed by Johanne Losier

October 17th Crossword Puzzle

29. Radiotelegraphic signal DOWN 37. Italian commune ACROSS 31. MN 55731 1. Electronic data processing 38. L. Comfort’s illuminator 1. European Common Market 32. Sun in spanish 2. Man or boy (Br.) 44. Foot digit 4. Poetic go quickly 33. Helps little firms 3. W. African nation 45. Minute tunicate genus 7. Parts per thousand (abbr.) 34. Cease living 4. Fault’s incline from vertical 46. Green regions of desert 10. Pigeon pea 39. Flames up 5. Method of birth control 48. Direct a weapon 12. Sao __, city in Brazil 40. Egyptian sacred bull 6. City founded by Xenophanes 14. Longest division of geological 49. ___ de Janeiro 41. To wit 7. Legumes 50. Equestrian animals time 42. Mire 8. Beckham’s spice girl 53. Acress Tomei 15. __ Alto, California city 43. Bring two objects together 9. Explosive 56. Head of the RCC 16. Small terrestrial viper 47. Filths 11. 1936 Nobel winner Otto 57. Twines 17. Coming after all others 50. Israeli dance 12. Greenbay teammate 59. Scientific workplace 18. Penetrate with a sharp fork 51. Oil cartel 13. Brass that looks like gold 61. Minerals 20. Still-hunt 52. A particular instance of selling 62. Hypothetical original substances 14. School graduates 22. Chinese frying pan 53. Microelectromechanical system 19. Lively, merry play 63. Hit with the open hand 23. Cave-dwelling salamander 54. Var. of 45 across 21. Make indistinct 64. Political action committee 24. Any thick messy substance 55. Goat & camel hair fabrics 65. Winged goddess of the dawn 24. Egyptian mythological figure 26. About the moon 56. Soda associated with floods 66. W. states time zone 29. AKA Tao 58. A firm’s operational head 25. Washing sponge 30. Jet cabin requirement 60. Seaport (abbr.) 27. Old name for nitrogen 35. Prince Hirobumi, 1841-1909 28. Impounds for lack of payment 36. An easy return in a high arc Answers for october 10 crossword puzzle cAn be found in the clAssified section of this pAper

Sonia HerregodS-Blair

Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012 A9


Business opportunities showcased Foreign investors learn about local advantages by the conditions of the beautiful community program (such as type of through the eyes of newinvestment and number comers, eager to see the of new employees hired) potential of a community they are then sponsored and how it could fit into by the provincial govern- their investment and imment to become a landed migration plans. immigrant. This winBuilding off of this win scenario successful profacilitates new gram is a new investment and online database job creation for of investment our province, opportuniwhile the proties called Opponent gains portunityB C business men(located at torship and www.britishconnections, as columbia.ca). well as access to Tyler This database a more stream- Mattheis is hosted and lined federal managed by immigration process. the B.C. trade and investSuch a program is ment office, which works tremendous for Hope. to attract new foreign inWe are one of the few vestment into our comcommunities that enjoy munities. both a lower investment Any person with a threshold than the Van- BCeID can load opporcouver and Abbotsford tunities onto the website; areas and close proximity after local economic deto the market base and velopment officers proof cultural amenities of the and approve the opporlarger cities. tunity, the listing is up As a result, our com- for the world to see. Not munity has fielded a only that, but this datanumber of inquiries from base is used by the B.C. individuals, immigration trade and investment ofspecialists, and real estate fices around the world to agents interested in the promote local investment unique opportunities of- opportunities and busifered by our community. nesses for sale in comIt is refreshing to see our munities throughout the

Biz on the Street

Hope’s business opportunities and locational advantages were recently presented to a group of curious foreign businesspeople learning about B.C.’s Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). The downtown Vancouver meeting room was filled with potential immigrants from Iran, Mexico, Australia, China, and other countries. All those attending were interested in the opportunities that British Columbia could offer them in terms of starting a new business, buying an existing enterprise, or expanding their current operations to our province. The PNP program is very simple in its basics. A business plan or purchase is approved, and the potential investor agrees to the parameters of the investment (minimum $200,000 for our area as opposed to $400,000 for Vancouver/Abbotsford, offering us a clear advantage to start). The business-person proceeds with implementing the business plan while in B.C. on a work visa. Once it becomes clear that the proponent is abiding

province, not just in the large urban centres such as Vancouver or Kelowna. What does this database have to do with the PNP program? They are both indicators of coordinated efforts between local communities and provincial agencies to connect investment, immigrants, and ideas to the opportunities, businesses, and resources of our province. As Hope’s (and the rest of the province’s) population ages, business succession planning, internal capacity building, and home-grown opportunities will continue to form the bedrock of future growth. These foreign investment programs are the key to ensuring that the businesses, ideas, and wealth of our communities have additional source fuels of youth, capital, and innovation to continue to grow and provide vibrant economies for our residents. Tyler Mattheis is executive director of AdvantageHOPE, Hope’s economic development agency. He can be reached at 604860-0930 or by email at info@advantagehope.ca.

Semi-truck catches fire on Highway 5 The Coquihalla Highway was shut down in both directions on Oct. 7 after a truck trailer burst into flames in the southbound lanes near Carolin Mine Road. The unit was carrying highly flammable materials and was fully engulfed when RCMP arrived

on scene at about 11 p.m. The hazardous cargo prompted an 800-metre safety radius, closing traffic in both directions for several hours. The highways department assisted the RCMP with establishing barriers. Northbound traffic was turned


around, and southbound traffic was diverted into the northbound lanes. Police said the fire started in the truck cab as a result of a mechanical failure and spread to the trailer. There were no injuries.

The War Amps





Congratulations to

Mary DeAngelis of Hope who wins

$200 cash

for correctly entering the

Rambo Adventure Contest!

Thank you to all whom entered.



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Slow down the spread of influenza - Get a flu shot. Flu shots are important for everyone. Some people are eligible for free vaccine. See your doctor, health unit, pharmacist or visit www.fraserhealth.ca for more info, or to find a flu clinic near you.

HOPE & BOSTON BAR Public Health Drop In Flu Clinics: Northwest Harvest Church 888 3rd Avenue, Hope October 23 (Tuesday) 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Boston Bar Library 47632 Old Boston Bar Road, Boston Bar October 31 (Wednesday) 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Hope Secondary School (Hope Fall Health Fair) November 3 (Saturday)) 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Northwest Harvest Church 888 3rd Avenue, Hope November 6 (Tuesday) 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Flu shots for adults, seniors and children are also available by appointment. Please contact the Hope Health Unit at: 444 Park Street, Hope Or call 604-860-7630 Hour’s office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 – 4:00 (closed @ lunch 12:00 – 1:00) 10/12W_FC17

Health Fair

Sing for your Health

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Charitable Registration No. 13196 9628 RR0001 • The War Amps does not receive government grants.

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10/12w HF10

A10 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Community CaLEnDaR monDay

Hope Al-Anon Group Meeting: Welcome and support friends and families of problem drinkers. Monday, Oct. 22

8 p.m. Fraser Canyon Hospital meeting room 1275 7th Ave. 604-869-7078


Community Choir:

We practice weekly and present one or two concerts a year, as well as participating in the Community Christmas Carol Evening. Tuesday,

Oct. 23 7 p.m. Hope United Church 310 Queen St. 604-869-8435 atlast@uniserve.com The Construction

of the Fraser-Hope Bridge (1913-1915): Joe Smuin, author of Canadian Pacific’s Kettle Valley Railway and Kettle Valley Railway

Mileboards: An Historical Field Guide to the KVR, will present a fascinating photoessay on the history of the construction of the KVR River


bridge at Hope. Most of these photos have not been published so the audience is in for a real treat! Tuesday, Oct. 23 7 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl. bc.ca



o t p u r o f y f i l a u q d l u You co

R E H C U O V 0 $450

200 Canadian Heroines: Author Merna Forster talks about her new book 100 More Canadian Heroines at this celebration of famous (and forgotten) Canadian women. Merna is also the author of 100 Canadian Heroines. Discover some famous Canadian women at this women’s history month event! Wednesday, Oct. 17 7 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313 deb.ireland@fvrl. bc.ca


What is the CASH FOR CLUNKERS Program? Helps consumers buy or lease a more environmentally friendly vehicle Consumers will be able to take advantage of this program and receive up to a $4500 voucher 2002 or older vehicles Getting under 20 mpg on your current vehicle Vehicle almost not driveble PLEASE CALL PROGRAM HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR VOUCHER ASK FOR PROGRAM 31163 OR 31164




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Bunny Hop Book Club for Little Readers: It’s about stories. It’s about crafts. It’s about discussing the books our youngest readers have enjoyed, either as part of the Bunny Hop Book Club or at home with their families. Cosponsored by Hope and District Cultural and Leisure Services. Thursday, Oct. 18 1 p.m. Hope Library 1005 6th Ave. 604-869-2313


Halloween Party: Costumes optional, prizes. $10 at the door. Friday, Oct. 26 7 p.m. Hope Station House, 111 Old Hope Princeton Way. 604-869-9799

Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012 A11

Take our short survey and you could win!


At The Hope Standard we always put our readers first. We’d like to know you better so we can keep you informed and connected.

* 1. How do you generally read your local paper?

*7. Do you...?

☐ The printed newspaper ☐ Online on my computer or laptop

Research online prior to store purchase? Make online purchases?

☐ On my tablet ☐ On my smartphone

Use your smart phone for shopping?

* 2. How many people in your household (including yourself) read the paper?

*8. Do you ever...?

Female 18-24 ............ 25-34 ............ 35-44 ............ 45-54 ............ 55-65 ............ 65+ Male.....18-24 ............ 25-34 ............ 35-44 ............ 45-54 ............ 55-65 ............ 65+

1 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

2 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

3 ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

4 or more ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Never ☐ ☐

Never ☐ ☐ ☐

* 9. Are you or someone in your household planning to purchase a new or pre-owned vehicle in the near future? (If no, jump to Q13) ☐ Yes

☐ No

* 10. Will it be a new or preowned vehicle? ☐ Pre-owned

☐ Less than 10 minutes ☐ 10 - 20 minutes ☐ 21- 30 minutes ☐ 30 minutes +

* 4. Which advertising offers are you most interested in?

☐ New

* 11. What type of vehicle are you considering and when do you plan to purchase? Car

Next 3 months ☐

Next 6 months ☐

Next year ☐

Minivan Pickup truck SUV

☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐


Occasionally ☐

Never ☐

☐ Economy ☐ Midrange

Discount, bargain or dollar store Clothing, accessories and footwear Computers, tablets, phones, cameras Fast Food Furniture, rugs and beds

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ Luxury ☐ Hybrid

Groceries Health, personal care and make-up

☐ ☐

☐ ☐

☐ ☐

Office supplies Tools, home & yard improvement Toys & games, arts & crafts Computers, tablets, phones, cameras TV, stereo, PVR, Satellite

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

* 5. Please check the stores you shop at ☐ Army & Navy ☐ Bargain! Shop ☐ Best Buy ☐ Buy Low

☐ Jysk ☐ Kin’s Farm Market ☐ London Drugs ☐ Lululemon

☐ Safeway ☐ Save-on-Foods ☐ Sears ☐ Shoppers Drug Mart

☐ Canadian Tire ☐ Chapters ☐ Choices Market ☐ Coopers

☐ M&M Meats ☐ Mark’s Work Wearhouse ☐ Marketplace IGA ☐ Nesters

☐ Sport Chek or Sport Mart ☐ Staples ☐ Starbucks ☐ T&T Supermarket

☐ Dollar Giant ☐ Dollarama

☐ Overwaitea ☐ Pharmasave

☐ The Bay ☐ The Brick

☐ Extra Foods ☐ Future Shop ☐ Home Depot ☐ Home Hardware ☐ Ikea

☐ PriceSmart ☐ Real Canadian Superstore ☐ Reitmans ☐ Rexall ☐ Rona

☐ The Source ☐ Tim Hortons ☐ Walmart ☐ Winners ☐ XS Cargo

* 6. What most influences your decision when choosing a grocery store?

Frequently ☐ ☐

Occasionally ☐ ☐

Never ☐ ☐

Fitness membership Further education or courses

☐ ☐

☐ ☐

☐ ☐

Gourmet foods or desserts Home improvement less than $500

☐ ☐

☐ ☐

☐ ☐

Home improvement over $500 Live theatre or festivals Manicure, pedicure, hair styling Movie downloads, Pay per view, movie channels Movie theatre Restaurant dining Scratch and lottery tickets

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Trips to a casino

* 14. Are you planning to travel in the near future? No plans to travel ☐

Getaway of less than 3 days to the USA ☐ Longer trip within Canada by car ☐

☐ ☐

☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Longer trip within Canada by plane Longer trip to the USA by car Longer trip to the USA by plane Longer trip outside of North America

☐ Your first home purchase? ☐ Upsize? ☐ Downsize?

* 17. What type of real estate are you looking at? Single detached

Newly built ☐

Townhouse Condo Resort property

☐ ☐ ☐

Previously owned ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

* 18. Are you planning any financial transactions? Please check all that apply. ☐ Consolidate your debt load ☐ Pay off a loan ☐ Pay off your mortgage ☐ Remortgage your property ☐ Renew your mortgage ☐ Secure a loan ☐ Seek financial planning advice ☐ Set up a line of credit ☐ Switch banks or credit union ☐ None of the above

* 20. In which city/municipality do you currently live?

Car detailing Fast food

For pleasure ☐

* 16. Will this be..?

☐ Less than $35,000 ☐ $35,000 to less than $50,000 ☐ $50,000 to less than $75,000 ☐ $75,000 to less than $100,000 ☐ $100,000 to less than $150,000 ☐ $150,000 or more

* 13. Which ‘extra’ items are you likely to spend on in your household?

For business In Canada for less than 3 days by plane ☐

- a tribute to the Beatles.

* 19. In which category does your annual household income fall?

* 12. Is your next vehicle most likely to be...?

Frequently ☐

Loyalty to the chain Closest to home Best deals/offers/coupons Rewards or credit card program

Occasionally ☐ ☐

Frequently Occasionally Compromise on quality to save money? ☐ ☐ Forego a brand name to save money? ☐ ☐ Wait for the item to go on sale? ☐ ☐

* 3. How much time do you typically spend reading the newspaper, its stories, advertising and flyers?

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Frequently ☐ ☐

Take our survey and you could win....

2 tickets to the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre performance of Rain on Nov 3rd


* 21. How far will you drive from your home to use a business or service? ☐ 16-30 minutes ☐ 31-60 minutes ☐ 1 hours ☐ 2 hours ☐ 3 hours ☐ More than 4 hours ☐ I don’t shop outside of my own community

* 22. Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. If you’d like to be entered into the prize draw, please leave us your first and last name and your email address. We will contact the winner via email or daytime phone number at the close of the study.

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* 15. Does anyone in your household plan to sell or buy real estate in the near future? If no, jump to Q18)

or daytime phone ________________________________________

☐ Yes ☐ No

Tear out this page — mail or drop off your entry to 540 Wallace Street, Hope Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HopeStandard to take this survey online … ENTRY DEADLINE: OCT 24, 2012

ope Standard - August 20, 2010

ON NOW AT YOUR BC BUICK GMC DEALERS. GMC.GM.CA 1-800-GM-DRIVE. GMC is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */††Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Sierra Light Duty Crew Cab, Terrain SLE-1, based on a purchase price of $26,295, equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. Purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Financing Services/Ally Credit. 2.99% financing offered on new or demonstrator Terrain SLE-1 models for 84 months. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 2.99% APR, the monthly payment is $132 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $1,088, total obligation is $11,088. ▼Based on GM Testing in accordance with approved Transport Canada test methods. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. +The Best Buy seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. ^* For more information visit iihs.org/ratings. ^5 year/160,000 km (whichever comes first) Powertrain Component warranty. Conditions and limitations apply. Based on most recent published competitive data available for WardsAuto.com 2012 Large Pickup segmentation. See dealer for details. ¥¥ 2012 GMC Terrain FWD equipped with standard 2.4L ECOTEC® I-4 engine. Comparison based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Guide and Ward’s Middle Cross/Utility Segment. Excludes other GM models. *†Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available, and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. u$11,500/$3,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on the 2012 Sierra Light Duty Crew Cab/Terrain for retail customers only and are tax exclusive. Other cash credits available on most models. See your GMC dealer for details. †*To qualify for GMCL’s Cash For Clunkers incentive, you must: (1) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured in your name for the last 3 months (2) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured under a small business name for the last 3 months. GMCL will provide eligible consumers with a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) to be used towards the purchase/finance/lease of a new eligible 2012 or 2013 MY Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon, Chevrolet Silverado, GMC Sierra, or Chevrolet Avalanche delivered between October 2, 2012 and January 2, 2013. Incentive ranges from $1500 to $3,000, depending on model purchased. Incentive may not be combined with certain other offers. By participating in the Cash For Clunkers program you will not be eligible for any trade-in value for your vehicle. See your participating GM dealer for additional program conditions and details. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate program in whole or in part at any time without notice.

A12 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012










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Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012 A13

Hope hockey player named to exchange team Canadian AAA Explorers travel to Europe next spring for 16 days

Barry Stewart

Republic and emigrated to Quebec as a youth and now speaks Czech, They looked long and hard to French, German and English, which find 38 of the best peewee hockey he says makes it much easier to deal players in B.C., Alberta, Saskatch- with overseas parties. Lumir has organized hockey ewan and the Northwest Territories schools in the Czech Republic and — then they pared the 38 down to in Canada, started the Bow Valley just 18. When it was all done, 11-year- Eagles junior hockey team and has old Brandon Pennell made the cut run the international exchanges for and will be traveling to Europe next 20 years. “But please don’t talk about me,” spring with the Canadian AAA Exsaid Lumir. plorers hockey exchange team. “It is Brandon who was selected Pennell was part of last year’s Hope Wildcat atom rep team and for this team. He is the star. “There were four boys chosen was scouted at a tournament in Abbotsford during the Christmas from B.C. and he is one of only five 11 year olds on the team.” break. The scout Even in his game invited the young at Prospera Cendefenceman to a tre in Chilliwack pre-tryout camp in “If the players have a on Monday, PenMarch in Bashaw, nell was one of the Alberta (northeast good attitude, then we smallest on the ice of Red Deer). can have fun, which — though he held Pennell went to that camp, then makes it easier to win.” his own against a talented Abbotswas invited back Peter Lumir ford squad. Body for the August checking has been camp, where playtaken out of houseers were divided league hockey in onto two teams for scrimmages, while evaluators B.C. this year but it’s still in full force in the rep divisions. watched. “There will be body contact in Then the long wait began. Europe, too,” said Pennell. “If I can Finally, the call came on the Thanksgiving weekend and the handle A-1 here, I can handle it over there.” good news started spreading. He will be leaving for Munich on “Happy Thanksgiving!” said the email from Pennell’s mom, Terri- March 24, accompanied by his mom Lynne. “I just wanted to let you and family friend Lynn Ortis. There will be plenty of hockey know that Brandon made the team to go to Europe! We are still in during the 16-day trip — including a tournament in Munich that starts shock, LOL.” “My dad [Larry] got the phone on the same day that they land — call,” said Pennell on Monday. “I though sightseeing and shopping are also scheduled into the trip. was pretty happy and excited.” “From Munich, we go to InnsThe Grade 6 C.E. Barry student has had other good news this year, bruck, Austria and then to Italy for like when he was selected to Chilli- a tournament,” said Lumir. “Then we will be visiting the wack’s A-1 rep team — despite being UNESCO-protected ancient village an out-of-town first-year peewee. Evaluators must have seen some- of Barborka in Bohemia. “Next day, we are going to visit an thing that others didn’t have... as did the coaches for the traveling team. ancient castle, then to Prague for a “My number one concern is the single game and on to the northern attitude of the boy,” said Peter Lu- Czech Republic for our third and mir, executive director of the Inter- fourth tournaments. We will also national Hockey Exchange, based in visit a Second World War concenBashaw. tration camp at Terezin. “Then comes speed, passing and “On the way back to Frankfurt, team work. If the players have a we will visit the spa town of Karlogood attitude, then we can have fun, vy Vary, where we play a game and which makes it easier to win.” on April 8, we will be leaving from Lumir was born in the Czech Frankfurt for home.” Hope Standard


Brandon Pennell has been chosen for an elite traveling team that will be visiting several European countries next spring. The 11-year-old defenceman is playing on the Chilliwack A-1 squad this season.

upcoming events at the rec centre “Tween” Halloween Dance Friday, October 26 10 – 12 yrs

Fashion Illustrations and Drawings Saturdays, Nov. 3 – Nov. 24 Mad Hatter’s Tea Party 9 – 17 yrs Saturday, October 27 3 – 6 yrs

Kid Chefs Mondays, Nov. 6 - 26 6 – 12 yrs Craftabulous Wednesdays, Nov. 7 - 28 6 – 12 yrs

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Saturday, October 27


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10/12W HR17

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A14 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012


OctOct. obe25 r 25 77:00pm :00pm Show and Sponsor Color this page have a chance to win tickets to Stage Contest Return Address Fright - The Thrillusion show by John Kaplan Thursday, Oct. 25 at Colouring Contest Draw Date 7pm Hope Secondary School Ticket Hotline Show Location

1st prize - Family of 4 2nd prize - 2 Student tickets 3rd prize - 1 student ticket

Name:____________________________Age:________ Phone:________________________________________ Drop your entries off at The Hope Standard, 540 Wallace St. by October 19 at 5:00pm. Winners will be determined by random draw and no further correspondence will be entered into.

sponsored by:

Hope Mountain Black Bear Committee

The Hope

10/12w HS10

Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012 A15





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A16 Hope Standard, Wednesday, October 17, 2012


INDEX IN BRIEF FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . . . . . . 1-8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS . . . . 9-57 TRAVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-76 CHILDREN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80-98 EMPLOYMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-198 BUSINESS SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 203-387 PETS & LIVESTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . 453-483 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE . . . . . . 503-587 REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603-696 RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-757 AUTOMOTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804-862 MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903-920




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Show & Sale Sat. Oct. 27 10 AM - 5 PM Sun. Oct. 28 10 AM - 4 PM Abby. Exhibition Park 32470 Haida Dr. in the Cadet Building • Adults $6 • Kids $4 • Children under 5 Free • Family $12 (2 adults & up to 3 kids) Visit: www.bcreptileclub.ca (1)-604-836-6080


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Bukowski, Zbigniew (John)

May 10, 1936 - October 8, 2012 It is with great sadness to announce John's sudden peaceful passing at home on October 8th, 2012. Father to daughter Misha and son John, son-in-law to Maria and former spouse to Isabel. John will be forever loved and greatly missed by his best friend and life partner, Donna Byrn along with all his family and friends. John was born on May 10th, 1936 in Poland. At the age of 3, in 1939 his family was deported to the Soviet. Under the amnesty agreement in 1941, 389,000 Polish citizens were freed from the Soviet. He recalls his father being in the military however had no memories of his mother. John at the age of 5 without parents along with other Poles were part of the evacuation that made the long journey from the Soviet to a Polish Orphanage Camp in India. He lived in India until he was 12. In 1948 he left Bombay by ship for the U.K. as arranged by England's Red Cross. He lived at boarding schools in England then attended Lilford Technical School graduating as a Machinist. He lived and worked in London. Around 1960 he came to Canada by ship. In Montreal he got a position with Air Canada. After his first winter he decided to drive Route 66 to California. Spent some time in LA before taking the train to Vancouver. Started working in logging camps when he arrived in B.C. In 1967, he married and had two children he was most proud of and lived in Burnaby, B.C. Worked several years with Finning Tractor before starting his own business and then retired. John enjoyed playing shuffleboard. Many players called him "Golden Arm". He enjoyed times with friends at Army Navy Clubs #314, #298 and #100, RC Legion #48, #83, #228, Hope Eagles and the Firefighters Club with many years of membership. In 2009, John moved from Burnaby to Yale, B.C. He enjoyed the outdoors and gardening. Avid fan of all sports. In John's eyes, the Polish teams were always the best. A Celebration of John's Life will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 24th 2:00 pm at the Firefighters Club on 6315 Bonsor Ave., Burnaby, B.C. Donations may be made to a Children's Charity. Gone from our sight but not from our Hearts. 10/12W_OB17

We have a position available for a Sales Coordinator in our Surrey Positioning Technology Division. Primary responsibilities include: inside sales, sales support and branch administration, shipping and receiving, and inventory control. Experience in the Surveying or Construction Industries would be considered an asset, but not a requirement. The successful candidate will be self disciplined and highly organized, as well as computer literate. We offer a competitive package and in – house training. Brandt Tractor is the world’s largest privately held John Deere Construction & Forestry Equipment dealer and a Platinum member of the Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies Program. Find out more about our exciting career opportunities at www. brandtjobs.com or by calling (306) 791-8923 Email resume indicating position title and location to hr@brandttractor.com or fax (306) 791-5986.

SALES MANAGER We have a position available for a Sales Manager in our Surrey location. This position is responsible for the sales management of the commercial worksite products department. The Sales Manager will be responsible for achieving sales growth and profitability of the department; managing and developing the sales staff; and assisting in managing branch account receivables. The ideal candidate will have proven sales experience (preferably within the construction/forestry industry), significant management experience, and the ability to develop sound, positive relationships with both internal and external clients. Brandt Tractor is the world’s largest privately held John Deere Construction & Forestry Equipment dealer and a Platinum member of the Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies Program. Find out more about our exciting career opportunities at www. brandtjobs.com or by calling (306) 791-8923. Email resume indicating position title and location to hr@brandttractor.com or fax (306) 791-5986.

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An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012, Hope Standard A17 EMPLOYMENT/EDUCATION 130


KITCHEN HELPER needed for Hope Pizza Place, f/t. Drop off resume and references at Hope Pizza Place, 468 Wallace St. Hope BC. no phone inquires please.

TEMPORARY HELPER Part time, Building Maintenance Apply in person

Slumberlodge Motel 250 Fort St. Hope THE LEMARE GROUP is accepting resumes for the following positions: •Coastal Certified Hand Fallers-Camp Positions Avail. •Coastal Certified Bull Buckers-Includes vehicle/accommodations •Off Highway Logging Truck Drivers •Line Machine Operator •Grapple Yarder Operators •Hooktenders •Chasers •Heavy Duty Mechanics •Driller Blasters •Excavator Operators Fulltime with union rates/benefits. Please send resumes by fax to 250-956-4888 or email to office@lemare.ca.




2 ETHNIC COOK req’d.; Sal: $14.50/hr. F/T, Pmt, 2+ yrs. exp. Duties: Prepare and cook complete meals or individual dishes and foods. Schedule and supervise kitchen helpers. Oversee kitchen operations. May clean kitchen and work area. Determine size of food portions. Est. food requirements. Lang: English, Punjabi as assets. Contact Taranjit from Sakoon Indian Cuisine Ltd. at Hope, BC. Apply: sak_oon@yahoo.ca or fax 604.869.0043




ADMIN Secretary for Abbotsford church, 31 hrs/wk. Professional, self-starter, excellent MS Office, 40 wpm, social media. Details at stmatthewsabbotsford.com. Send resume cweleanor1@gmail.com subject line “St Matthew” by Oct 20, 2012. Police CRC

Experienced Commercial Mechanic wanted for lead hand position in Langley shop. CVI ticket a must, Cummins ISX engine knowledge an asset. Top wages and benefits. Send resume to: Tridem@telus.net or 604-513-8004.


Marquise is looking for casual Food Service Workers (FSW) & Housekeepers to join our team at Fraser Canyon Hospital in Hope, BC. Previous exp. in a healthcare setting an asset. FSW require a Food Safe Level 1 cert. Housekeepers require previous cleaning exp. Candidates are required to complete a Criminal Record Check & TB test. Please forward resumes to: Email: 1126.marquise@ hiredesk.net or Fax: 1-866-272-9632


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3 rooms for $299, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls Cloverdale Premium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. Ask us about our Laminate Flooring & Maid Services.

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GL ROOFING. Cedar shakes, asphalt shingles, flat rfs. Cln gutters $80. Ins. BBB. Seniors, 10% off. 1-855-240-5362. www.glroofing.ca

www.PitStopLoans.com 604-777-5046


CHEAM TREE SERVICES, falling, topping, etc. We’ll beat all competitor’s quotes. Call (604)860-4606

PHILLIPS TREE SERVICES, Removals, Toppings. Free estimates & Fully Insured. Call 604-869-9990


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No purchase rchase necessary. Cont Contest open to residents of Canada excluding Quebec who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. One (1) grand prize is available to be won, consisting of a White 16G Apple iPhone 5 (approximate retail value of up to $799.00 CDN including taxes and shipping). Selected entrant must correctly answer, unaided, a mathematical skill-testing question to be declared a winner. Contest closes Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 11:59 PM ET. To enter and for complete contest rules, visit http://vancouver.flyerland.ca/contests under the contest tab.

Riley thinks it’s fun being a paper carrier.

Thanks to Panago for helping us honour our carriers.

iPhone 5 Sponsored By:

from The Hope Standard, 540 Wallace St. 604-869-2421

X )5

Only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted.



Along with resume send a letter of interest indicating how you meet the qualifications stated above to: The Hope and Area Transition Society &YFDVUJWF %JSFDUPS #PY )PQF #$ 7 9 -




The Hope & Area Transition Society is a non-profit organization which provides programs to individuals and families afflicted by social issues. The Society is seeking applications for their Extreme Weather Program. This program provides shelter those who are homeless during periods of extreme wet or cold weather. This position is for the period of time from November to March; agency will be hiring several people for this position.

Closing Date: 0DUPCFS Start Date: /PWFNCFS


FRANK’S LAWN SERVICE, lawn care, hedge trimming, gutters, rubbish removal. Call (604)869-1040

Experienced House Cleaner available. Call Bev (604)749-7181

Hope & Area Transition Society

Extreme Weather On-Call Worker


GUTTER Cleaning Service, Repairs Free Est, 20 yrs exp, Rain or shine. 7 days/week. Simon 604-230-0627


Please contact Ken for more details on wages & benefits at 604.430.3388 or email: agents@smw280.org

We Offer:



Journeyman Deckers, Cladders, & Sheeters




Wanted Immediately Out Of Town Camp Job

ERNIE O’S RESTAURANT and Pub Edson, Alberta requires line cooks. $13 - $16 per hour. Subsidized housing available. Fax resume to 780-723-3603 or email: ernieos.doug@telus.net

FOOD Service Workers & Housekeepers


A18 Hope Standard, Wednesday, October 17, 2012 HOME/BUSINESS SERVICES 374


Tree removal done RIGHT! • Tree & Stump Removal • CertiďŹ ed Arborists • 20 yrs exp. • 60’ Bucket Truck • Crown Reduction • Spiral Pruning • Land Clearing • Selective Logging ~ Fully Insured • Best Rates ~

604-787-5915, 604-291-7778 www.treeworksonline.ca treeworkes@yahoo.ca 10% OFF with this AD



PETS 477


CATS OF ALL DESCRIPTION in need of caring homes! All cats are Spayed, neutered, vaccinated and dewormed. Visit us at fraservalleyhumanesociety.com or call 1 (604)820-2977 GOLDENDOODLE pups for sale. $1000. Black, blonde, brown. Vet checked, dewormed. Great family dog, no shedding. 778-888-9132 MINI DACHSHUND. P.B. Wire hair. Health guaranteed. Ready now. $800. Phone (604)538-5433. NEED A GOOD HOME for a good dog or a good dog for a good home? We adopt dogs! Call 604856-3647 or www.856-dogs.com



UNDER $200

KING SIZE BED, with bedding, $200. Call (604)869-9455



A New Pillowtop Mattress Set Still in Packaging! Can Deliver! $100 - Call: 604-484-0379


1 manufactured home 14 ft. wide w/2 bdrms. Brand New. In the Lismore community, a seniors community “Where the Good People live�. Call Gordon for details & for an appointment to view @ (604) 240-3464


Boston Terriers pups, ckc reg, vet checked, reputable breeder, excellent pedigree. (604)794-3786 CAT FREE to GOOD HOME young male, orange & white, found Columbia St. Mission Aug. 8th, neutered, tattooed, vaccinated (604)820-1217 STANDARD POODLE PUPPIES 8 weeks old. Black & dark brown Please call 604-514-3340

STEEL BUILDINGS - CANADIAN MADE! - REDUCED PRICES NOW! 20X22 $4,455. 25X26 $4,995. 30X38 $7,275. 32X50 $9,800. 40X54 $13,995. 47X80 $19,600. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca.

New SRI *1152 sq/ft Double wide $77,900. *14x70 Full gyproc single wide - loaded $66,900. Repossessed mobile, manufactured & modulars. Chuck 604-830-1960. Glenbrookhomes.net




DALMATIANS, 2M, born july 9, ckc reg., shots, dewormed, $1000-$1500 obo. (604)793-5130, (604)723-2232

615 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY HOPE - restaurant for lease, about 3000 sq. ft. good downtown location. Call 1 (604)307-8988 or yatong@yahoo.com





In a Seniors community in Hope. Mobile homes for sale from $17,000 to a brand new one for $74,000. 2- Vacant pads for rents.

Adult complex, fridge, stove, N/P, drapes, laundry facilities. Ref’s req’d.

604-869-1212 or 604-869-2139 HOPE, 2 bdrm apt in newer building in downtown. W/D, A/C, secure, priv. balcony, covered parking, N/S, no party, suit. for mature or seniors. Call 604-855-9940


Better than an apartment, no noisy neighbours on other side of the wall. A 2 bedroom Mobile home in a Seniors Community in Hope. References. One pet under 20lbs. allowed. Call for an appointment to view, Gordon 604-869-7641

Coquihalla Courts 1030 3rd Ave.


2 Bdrm apt. $650

Advertise across the lower mainland in the 17 best-read community newspapers. ON THE WEB: bcclassified.com

F/S, coin laund, cable incl., secure prkg. Avail Now.




WE BUY HOUSES! Older House • Damaged House Moving • Estate Sale • Just Want Out • Behind on Payments Quick Cash! • Flexible Terms! CALL US FIRST! 604-657-9422

L VE YOUR PET Photo Contest

The winning photos will be displayed on a calendar produced by SNYP Spay Neuter Your Pet. A society for dogs and cats. t Amateurs only. No previously published print

or web photos t 1IPUP NBZ CF DPMPS CMBDL XIJUF PS TFQJB t &OUFS BT PGUFO BT ZPV MJLF t 8JOOFST XJMM CF DIPTFO CZ B QBOFM PG UISFF KVEHFT t )PQF 4UBOEBSE BOE 4/:1 XJMM IBWF UIF DPQZSJHIUT to the photos and they may appear on the website BOE GBDFCPPL QBHFT PG UIF )PQF 4UBOEBSE BOE )PQF Pharmasave. t 4VCNJTTJPOT NBZ CF NBEF JO QFSTPO BU 5IF )PQF 4UBOEBSE PGĂĽ DF 8BMMBDF 4U PS BU )PQF 1IBSNBTBWF 8BMMBDF 4U PS CZ F NBJM UP sales@hopestandard.com accompanied by the entry form below. t %FBEMJOF GPS FOUSZ JT 0DUPCFS Name: _______________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________ Winners will be notified by phone and no further correspondence will be entered into. Employees of Hope Pharmasave and the Hope Standard may not enter. The Hope Standard, Hope Pharmasave and SNYP are not responsible for lost or damaged photos.



HOPE, 1 bdrm apt., newer, $600/ mon., includes hot water, N/S. Avail Oct 1. Call 1 (604)794-7132 or 604-819-6122


Large 2 bdrm apt., oak kitchen, gas fireplace, adult oriented, n/p, resident caretaker. $795/mo. Avail. Nov 1. 604-860-4559


HOPE, Silver Hope Mobile Park. Cabin, Mobile homes, and R/V pads for monthly rentals, cable included. Call (604)869-1203


Need A Vehicle! Guaranteed Auto Loan. Apply Now, 1.877.680.1231 www.UapplyUdrive.ca

HOPE, 21241 Kettle Valley Rd 4 BDRM 3 bath newer home, good cond., 2 car garage, 5 appl., fenced yard, hardwood floors, avail now. pet neg. $1100/m. Call Ross Fullbrook, Royal LePage, (604)7920077 HOPE, 2 bedroom, 651 Wallace St. $850/mon. Avail. Oct. 1st. Ref. & DD Req’d. 1-604-792-0232 HOPE, 3 bdrm house with unfinished bsmt in Silver Creek, incl. 4 appl., N/S, completely reno’d. Tenant must be tidy with good ref. $1100+util. 604-302-5100 Hope, 535 Queens St. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appl, garage, wood f/p, pets negot. Avail. Nov. 15, $1100/m Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage, 604792-0077










Hope, 564 Wallace St. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, 4 appl., fenced yard, pet negot, Avail. Nov. 15 $800/m Ross Fullbrook, Royal Lepage, 604-7920077 HOPE - 5 bdrm, 2 1/2 baths, large rec. room, big lot, 5 appl., close to schools, N/S, pets neg. $1250/mon. Avail. Nov. 1. Call 1-604-845-5572 KAWKAWA LAKE, 3 bdrm home, stunning views of lake, floor to ceiling reno’s just completed, water access 100 yds away, W/D, $1290/mo. Avail immed. Call 1-604505-1077 or 1-604-267-7473


Ross Fullbrook Royal LePage 604-792-0077 CHECK CLASSIFIEDS bcclassified.com 604-869-2421


Call Gordon 604-240-3464


Call (604)860-5009 or (604)869-6599 or (604)796-0069





HOPE - 3 bdrm up, 2 bdrm down, 2 bath, downtown location, central vac,garage. 1 (604)309-7993



3 bedroom townhouse, 5 appl., soundproof, radiant heat, blinds, fenced yard, patio, 658 Coquihalla St., sunny side of town, N/S, no dogs, D/D Ref’s req. Avail now.


HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper?




• Twins • Fulls • Queens • Kings 100’s in stock! www.Direct Liquidation.ca (604)294-2331


CATS GALORE, TLC has for adoption spayed & neutered adult cats. 604-309-5388 / 604-856-4866


ABLE AUCTIONS Vancouver is currently accepting fine Estates, Jewellery & Collectibles for our Fall Auctions. Call 604-818-9473 Appraisals www.ableauctions.ca


MATTRESSES starting at $99

FRASER CANYON GLASS, for all your glass repairs, windshields domestic & imports. (604)869-9514





N. Delta 96Av/116St. New Clean, 2 Bdrm, Full Bath, Priv/entry, Gr/Lvl, 4 Kit App, HDTV, Internet & more $950 (Utilities incl). 604-594-8190


HOPE AUTO BODY, complete collision repair & restoration. www.hopeautobody.ca Call (604)869-5244



2011 Ford Fiesta SEL 4dr sedan auto fully loaded only 22K local $10,900 obo. 604-218-9795




DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

HOPE, Newly reno’d commercial storefront in centre of town for rent or lease, 1200 sq ft, avail immed. Further reno’s to suite negotiable. Call 1-604-505-1077 or 1-604-2677473





www.PreApproval.cc DL# 7557



Sell your Home! with the &ODVViÀeG

Power Pack‌

1996 VW JETTA, 4 door, p/b, p/w, sunroof, a/c, cruise, heated seats, etc. Mech. good, clean inside. Must be seen. $5,499. 604-746-7559


2001 Travelaire 25 ft class C, M/H on Ford E450, most factory options, except generator, new trans @ 50,000km, new tires @ 100,000km super clean, well maintained 108,000km, $20,000, 604-792-0235


LiPiteG Time Offer!

Sell your home FAST in the highest read community newspapers & largest online sites!


SURREY: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hardwood oors throughout and new roof. $549,000. 604-575-5555.



Size not exactly as shown


Power Pack iQcluGeV HoSe StaQGarG PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.


ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!


ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!

Call 604.575-5555 Standard The Hope


SCRAP CARS & METALS - CA$H for CARS Up to $300. No Wheels - No Problem! Friendly & Professional Service. Servicing the Fraser Valley 1-855-771-2855


Wednesday, October 17, 2012, Hope Standard A19 TRANSPORTATION 845




851 2 hr. Service www.a1casper.com (604)209-2026


2006 Ford F250 4x4, 5.4L 163,k, trailer tow pckg, Alpine stereo, 5th whl hitch, $9995. 604-819-3610 2006 FORD FREESTAR SE - ext. van, 130K, 7 pass. loaded, exc. cond. Only $6250! (604)309.3135


The District of Hope









523 Wallace St

529 Douglas St

Sat., Oct 20 8 am - 2 pm

Sat., Oct 20 9:00 - ???

enter at 5th & Commission

RAIN OR SHINE power tools, more household odds & ends, tools, free stuff

Autos • Trucks • Equipment Removal FREE TOWING 7 days/wk. We pay Up To $500 CA$H Rick Goodchild 604.551.9022


Metal Recycling Ltd. We Pay CA$H For •Auto •Scrap Metals •Batteries •Machinery •Lead

Scotty 604-313-1887 The Scrapper

AAA SCRAP CAR REMOVAL Minimum $150 cash for full size vehicles, any cond. 604-518-3673

Whereas ASSALY ZOE ELIZABETH KANDRO of 422 Cres W, Qualicum Beach BC V9J 1K5, is indebted to HOPE TOWING LTD for the sum of $1607.20 for storage, parts, labour, towing plus publication of this notice, on a 1994 DODGE PICKUP, VIN # 1B7JC26Z4RS683271 and the said sum ought to have been paid and have not been paid, notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of October 2012, a date not less than 14 days after the first publication of this notice at 1:00 in the afternoon the vehicle will be sold. Bids on the aforementioned vehicle will be received by the office of Hope Towing Ltd, 1290 6th Ave, Hope BC, up to 1:00 pm on Oct 31, 2012. The vehicle may be inspected at 1290 6th Ave, Hope BC. Dated at the District of Hope, Province of British Columbia, this 17th day of October 2012.

Searching for your dream home or selling it? This is the location. Listings include everything from acreage, farms/ranches to condos and waterfront homes.






Sell your Car! with the &ODVViÀeG

Power Pack‌

LiPiteG Time Offer!

Sell your vehicle FAST in the highest read community newspapers & largest online sites!


2010 VENZA: Like new, only 20,000 kms, fully loaded, automatic, 6 cylinder, dvd system. $22,800. 604-575-5555.



Size not exactly as shown


Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest [CLCCF] is moving forward with the implementation of their Community Forest Management Plan and will be starting the road development of harvesting plans during Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. As part of our commitment to the Communities we are looking to build an “eligibilityâ€? list of logging, road building and hauling companies that are in the Chilliwack to Yale area. If you are interested in having your company added to this list please forward your resume to deanna@yalefirstnation.ca by October 31st, 2012 for consideration. Please note that only those successful on making the eligibility list will be contacted to further understand eligibility and fit to the harvesting and road building program.Â

The District of Hope is requesting proposals for their purchase of a used Excavator for the Public Works Department. Responses and queries are to be submitted in writing on or before 4:00 P.M. October 23, 2012, to the attention of: Ian Vaughan, Director of Operations District of Hope, 325 Wallace Street, PO Box 609, Hope, BC, V0X 1L0 'BY t XXX IPQF DB 1. Submission Details a. Two (2) copies of the responses are to be in sealed envelopes or packages marked with the Respondent’s Name, Title and marked “Used Excavator RFP #PW-201207�. b. The District reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposal for any reason without any liability to any proponent or to waive irregularities at their own discretion. c. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept the proposal deemed most favourable to the interests of the District. d. The District will not entertain any claims for costs related to the preparation and/or presentation of the proposals. e. The District is NOT contractually bound to any matters until such time as the District has negotiated a separate contract that is totally independent of the RFP process. f. The proposal must meet the requirements as stated in Item 2 in the complete RFP document. The complete RFP document is located on the District of Hope webpage at www.hope. ca under the Governance Tab; scroll down to the left side of the screen and click on “Documents�. Also copies are available for pick up at the District Hall office located at 325 Wallace Street, Hope, BC, V0X 1L0, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. 10/12W_DOH10

FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL DISTRICT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 892 of the Local Government Act, the Fraser Valley Regional District will conduct a Public Hearing with respect to Fraser Valley Regional District Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 0864, 2009 [hereinafter referred to as Bylaw 0864]. The Public Hearing will be conducted on Tuesday October 30, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Chawathil First Nation Te Lalemtset 60814 Lougheed Highway, Hope B.C. The purpose of the Bylaw 0864 is to amend the map and text of the "Regional District of Fraser-Cheam Bylaw No. 801, 1989" to permit the construction of a pet cemetery and pet crematorium for the disposal of domestic household pets on a portion of the property legally described as Lot 2 District Lot 58 Group 1 Yale Division Yale District Plan 67189 (PID 002-119803). The public hearing on Bylaw 0864 is to be held by a delegate of the FVRD Board. Copies of the Board resolution making the delegation and copies of Bylaw 0864 are available for public inspection until October 30, 2012 at the Fraser Valley Regional District, 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1N6 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday). For further information, please contact the Planning Department at 604-702-5052, toll free 1-800-528-0061, or by email at planninginfo@fvrd.bc.ca. Information is also available online at: http://www.fvrd. bc.ca/INSIDETHEFVRD/DEVELOPMENTAPPROVALS/Pages/CurrentApplications.aspx

10/12w CLCCF10

Power Pack iQcluGeV +oSe StaQGarG


PRINT AD: Includes photo and 3-lines for one week.


Forest Stewardship Plan – Chilliwack Forest District

ONLINE AD: BC-wide reach! For one week!


ONLINE AD: Local reach — until you cancel it!

Call 604.575-5555 Standard The Hope

The BC Timber Sales Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) is to be amended to include the additional agreement holder: Cascades Lower Canyon Community Forest General Partnership Corp. (CLCCF). The Community Forest Agreement K3J, held by the CLCCF will adhere to the prescribed requirements and the applicable results or strategies outlined in the BCTS Chinook Business Area’s Forest Stewardship Plan within the Chilliwack Forest District. No amendments have been made that materially change the content or intent of the approved FSP. In accordance with the Forest and Range Practices Act, the FSP amendment is available for public review and comment from October 12, 2012 to December 12, 2012 (60 days). The document can be viewed at the following website: http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/bcts/areas/TCH/FSP_ CHI.htm or during regular working hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays) at: British Columbia Timber Sales, Chinook Business Area 46360 Airport Road Chilliwack, BC V2P 1A5 Phone: (604) 702-5748 To ensure that a representative is available to discuss the FSP amendment, any interested parties should contact Enrique Sanchez to arrange a viewing time. Please address any comments or inquiries in writing to Enrique Sanchez at the address noted above or by email to Enrique.Sanchez@gov.bc.ca. 10/12W_TSP10

Map Reference: 92H033.3.1 Land Title O ce: New Westminster

LEGEND FROM Rural Resource (R-4) TO Industrial (I-1)

At this public hearing, all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw will be afforded an opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the Bylaw that is the subject of the hearing. Written submission may also be submitted to Fraser Valley Regional District in advance of the hearing but must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. October 30, 2012. Written submissions will be entered into the public hearing record. Dated this 16th day of October, 2012 George Murray Chief Administrative Officer

Standard - August 19, 2010

NOW AT YOUR BC CHEVROLET DEALERS. Chevrolet.ca 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. */†Offers apply to the purchase of a 2012 Silverado 1500 Crew Cab (Light Duty), 2012 Cruze LS (R7A), equipped as described. Freight included ($1,495). License, insurance, registration, PPSA, administration fees and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers, and are subject to change without notice. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the BC Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only. Limited quantities of 2012 models available - Dealer trade may be required. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See Chevrolet dealer for details. †0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by Ally Credit/TD Auto Financing for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Chevrolet Cruze. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $119 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10,000. 0% financing offers are unconditionally interest-free. u$11,500 manufacturer to dealer delivery credit available on 2012 Silverado Light Duty Crew Cab (tax exclusive) for retail customers only. Other credits available on most models. ◊To qualify for GMCL’s Cash For Clunkers incentive, you must: (1) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured in your name for the last 3 months (2) turn in a 2006 or older MY vehicle that is in running condition and has been registered and properly insured under a small business name for the last 3 months. GMCL will provide eligible consumers with a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) to be used towards the purchase/finance/lease of a new eligible 2012 or 2013 MY Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon, Chevrolet Silverado, GMC Sierra, or Chevrolet Avalanche delivered between October 2, 2012 and January 2, 2013. Incentive ranges from $1500 to $3,000, depending on model purchased. Incentive may not be combined with certain other offers. By participating in the Cash For Clunkers program you will not be eligible for any trade-in value for your vehicle. See your participating GM dealer for additional program conditions and details. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate program in whole or in part at any time without notice. †*Whichever comes first. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. Comparison based on latest competitive data available at time of printing. ✲The Best Buy seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. +For more information visit iihs.org/ratings. ¥Based on retail registrations in the 12 months following launch. ¥¥Cruze LS equipped with 6-speed manual transmission. Based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Ratings for the Compact Car class. Excludes hybrid and diesel models. Your actual fuel consumption may vary.

A20 Hope Standard Wednesday, October 17, 2012





2690.10.MMW.4C.indd 1

PHONE: 604-869-9511 PARTS: 604-869-2002


GM SBCC0138 2690.10.MMW.4C 10” x 145L (10.357”) Gotham Family, Klavika Family 220 dpi See MRF TAB 1 12.10.12


Call Gardner Chevrolet Buick GMC at 604-869-9511, or visit us at 945 Water Avenue, Hope. [License #7287]



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Note to Publication: PLEASE examine this material upon receipt. If it is deficient or does not comply with your requirements, contact: Amberlea Schaab - Production Director 604-601-8573 Adam Buechler - Production Artist 604-601-8577




$89 ††






Recycle your 2006 model year or older vehicle and receive up to $3,000 towards the cash purchase, financing or leasing of an eligible 2012 or 2013 Chevrolet Silverado.


- Fastest Growing Nameplate in Canada¥ - Best-In-Class Highway Fuel Efficiency¥¥ - 2012 IIHS Top Safety Pick†



LTZ modeL shown



12-10-12 4:38 PM


Production Artist:

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L Production T D Director: .


Account Manager:


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