Invermere Valley Echo, October 31, 2012

Page 1

The Columbia Valley’s Newspaper Since 1956

From Canal Flats to Spillimacheen


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Countdown to 'Catch the Freeze' contest Page A9

Radium Resort goes seasonal

Vol. 56 Issue 44

Birthday boy holds community party for a cause Page A11



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Bring on the treats!

Operational change will see resort close through winter months, reopen in the spring STEVE JESSEL

In an effort to continue to provide the best quality service to its clients, Radium Resort will be switching from year-round operations to a seasonal basis this coming winter. As of November 1, 2012 the resort will switch to seasonal operations and close for the winter, reopening on March 28, 2013, the day before the Easter long weekend. “Our business has been built around our golf courses, yet over the winter months our hospitality business cannot be sustained at the high level we wish to provide our guests,” Radium Resort general manager Wilda Schab wrote in an email. “Therefore, after careful consideration we decided to build on the successes of our golf courses, and that success takes place in the spring, summer and fall.” The resort employs up to 160 workers during peak seasons, and while 19 will stay on over the winter to attend to normal off-season repairs and maintenance, preparations for upcoming capital projects and advancement of marketing CONTINUES TO 'THIRTEEN' ON PAGE A4

PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO Cora Fitzpatrick (front) and May Hall were just two of the kids who showed off their best and brightest costumes during the Radium Events Committee's Halloween Howler on Saturday, October 27 at the Eaton House. For more Halloween photos and fun, turn to page A14-15.



Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

Under pressure

We’re ready... are you?

PHOTO BY NICOLE TRIGG/THE ECHO Registered nurse Jessie McKersie with Home Care Nursing checks Invermere resident Helga Boker's blood pressure at the busy flu clinic at Invermere Community hall on Thursday (October 25).

Invermere transfer station reopens Yard, construction waste still not permitted at facility STEVE JESSEL

The transfer station in the Invermere Industrial Park reopens Thursday (November 1) after being closed for nearly a month and a half due to improper garbage handling and increased bear

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sightings as a result. Now with the valley shifting into winter, the threat of bears is diminishing with every passing day and community bear aware co-ordinator Crystal Leonard says the timing for reopening the transfer station is pretty good. “Definitely now it’s not bad timing; there’s a slight chance a bear could come upon it, but there hasn’t really been any sightings, so it’s unlikely,” she said. CONTINUES TO 'NEW' ON PAGE A3

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“RAiSe the Roof” of a much needed Rescue and Adoption Centre.

Friday, November 23, 2012 Invermere Community Hall Doors Open 6:00 pm • Dinner & Show 7:00 pm

News delivered to you! Subscribe to the Valley Echo today! 250.342.9216

MC Bill Cropper • Catering by Anne Riches • Ages 19 Years & Over

RAiSe the Roof!

Dinner • Comedians • Silent Auction • Surprise Balloon Prizes

Capital Campaign: ICAN Rescue and Adoption Centre

Tickets only $40 • After October 23, $45

Tickets: The Book Bar • One Hour Photo • Invermere Vet Hospital • Furry Companions • Smoking Waters Coffee Co.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo A3

Page Three

Have a news tip? or 250-342-9216

Helping feed a community Photo by Steve Jessel/The Echo Say hello to the new owners of Sobeys in Invermere. Brad and Andrea Bromley have taken ownership of the store, effective as of October 21. The husband and wife team from Leduc, Alberta say they're excited to be an active part of the community. "We feel like we're small-town people and we're just excited to be involved, and have our kids involved," Andrea said. "We're really looking forward to getting to know everybody and being a big part of the community."

EAST KOOTENAY BRAIN INJURY THANKS • Golden and Invermere for their great support • Queen-size quilt donated by Phyllis Armstrong, won by Brad Logan • Table cloth donated by Dusty, won by Pat Roome • NutCase Helmit donated by EKBIA, won by Dan Wall • 50/50 winners: Maxine Tress and Terri Baker For info on head injury support, call Debbie at 250-344-5674 or email Colbin Armstrong and his mother Collette drawing our prize winners. Remember: Brain injury hurts.

District of invermere

914 - 8 Avenue • Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Tel: 250.342.9281 • Fax: 250.342.2934

2013 DOI Budget Survey

Get ready to welcome it back How to ready yourself for the return of the PST STEVE JESSEL

With the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) replacing the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) next spring, the Ministry of Finance is making new tools and information available for businesses regarding steps to take to ensure a smooth transition. Before PST is reintroduced on April 1, 2013, businesses will have a number of opportunities to engage in online webinars and in-person seminars. The provincial government is also reaching out to chambers of commerce and business associations to help offer the information businesses will need for the transition. A new provincial sales tax notice, General Transitional Rules for the Re-Implementation of the Provincial Sales Tax, has been recently introduced, and it describes how and when PST applies to transactions that straddle April 1, 2013. Businesses with further questions also have the opportunity for one-on-one consultations with a ministry tax spe-

cialist by calling their toll-free line with questions about the new PST (1-877-388-4440), or they can email questions to Registration for PST will start on January 2, 2013, and a further bulletin, Registering to Collect PST, has recently been issued to help businesses understand whether they need to register. These bulletins and notices, the online sign-up form for the one-on-one consultations, and the federal transitional rules can be found in the business section of A new e-services option, eTaxBC, will also be available for online registration, return filing and payment and account maintenance. The new online service is one of the improvements that will make administration of the sales tax easier for businesses. This service will be live on January 2, 2013. As committed, the PST is being re-implemented with all permanent exemptions. Consumers will pay PST only on those goods and services that were subject to the tax before July 1, 2010. Consumers will again not pay PST on purchases like food, restaurant meals, bicycles, gym memberships, movie tickets and others, nor for personal services like haircuts.

New illegal dumping bylaw in effect Continued from Page A2

Although there have been bear sightings reported in Windermere and Fairmont Hot Springs, Leonard said there have not been any in Invermere in nearly three weeks. The transfer station was initially closed due to a number of bears in the area and, with the station not being very bear-resistant,

Invermere council came to a decision to close it at a meeting on September 11. Since that time, district staff have been asked to craft a new illegal dumping bylaw, and district Chief Administrative Officer Chris Prosser would like to remind the public about proper usage of the facility. “It’s meant for domestic refuse and household garbage, not for construction waste or yard waste,” he said.

A full list of acceptable items is posted within the transfer station. Prosser said during the period the station was closed, he had numerous reports of improper dumping all around Invermere, including Kinsmen Beach, behind the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena, and in the backcountry. The district is in the process of making the transfer station more bear-resistant so the problem doesn’t happen again next summer.

It is budget time again and the District wants to know your opinions and views to assist us in finalizing the 2013-2017 Financial Plan. This annual survey provides you with an opportunity to outline your priorities as it relates to the DOI budgeting process and projects that are being considered by Council. Your participation is important and is a key part of our process for developing the 2013-2017 budget plans, assisting us in allocating funds and services and determining tax rates. Surveys are available online at www.invermere. net. For residents who may not have a computer or access to one, you can pick-up a hard copy of the survey from the DOI Municipal Office at 914 - 8th Avenue. Please submit or return surveys to the District office by November 16th, 2012

The Valley Echo is putting together our annual community calendar for 2013, and we need your photos! All of the Columbia Valley’s community events will be on the calendar. We need photos for each month, and we’re looking to our Valley’s photographers to help us out! Submit a photo and we’ll select 12 and publish them in the calendar. Our favourite of all the entries will make it to the cover! Email your digital photo to: or bring in a high-quality 8”x10” print to our office to be scanned. For more info, call us at 250-342-9216.

Happy snapping!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo


World Polio Day

New deer counts coming up Three planned for November, IDPS to participate STEVE JESSEL

Photo by Steve Jessel/The Echo

Special guest Rotary District Governor Michelle Lee was on hand at Radium Resort on Saturday, October 27 to address members of the Invermere and Radium Rotary clubs as part of an annual visit. As the day of her visit also coincided with World Polio Day, a portion of her presentation focused on the Rotary International PolioPlus fund.

It’s been nearly nine months since the Invermere Deer Protection Society (IDPS) claimed that the Invermere Deer Committees’ deer counts were improperly done. IDPS members will now have the chance to witness how the counts are done with their own eyes as the District of Invermere (DOI) has invited them to join in on the next round of counts taking place in November. “At the end of the day, I dispute their claims in regards to the count and how it was done,” DOI Chief Administrative Officer Chris Prosser said. “It’s the standard procedure that any count has followed — I’ve never been part of the count, so I can’t comment, but certainly the comments coming from the IDPS offended those people who were out there counting, and have been involved in other wildlife counts as well.” The Invermere Deer Committee (IDC) will hold three separate counts this November, occurring over three Saturdays, and IDPS president Devin Kazakoff said his soci-

ety will gladly take the district up on their offer to have IDPS members join the count. Kazakoff was a former member of the IDC before being removed by the district. In June, he said that from his firsthand experience, the counts were done by unqualified persons and in some cases, he claimed, even by children. “The first and foremost thing is to have the proper research done by the proper people,” Kazakoff said at the time. “We advocate for non-lethal solutions if it is determined there are too many deer in town, which we don’t even know if that’s the case.” Prosser declined to respond to those claims at the time, and said this year there will be no major changes to the way the count is held. He said that from his understanding the district would be split into “quadrants,” and that IDC members and their volunteers would drive through those areas by car. Each car would have at least two occupants, a driver and an observer, and the observer would tally every deer they spotted, young or old, and attempt to make the distinction as to whether they were male or female. Prosser said this particular method is what has been recommended by provincial wildlife biologist Irene Teske, and that she will

also be present for two of the counts as an observer. Neither Teske or IDC members are permitted to talk to the media — Teske by the province, and the IDC by the district. “We have to remember too that these are volunteers, and they aren’t in tune with all the council policy decisions,” Prosser said of the IDC members. “At the end of the day, they’re here to recommend actions to council, not to be accountable to the public.” Given the way the count is being conducted, when asked if there was anything he would do differently, Kazakoff had one main issue. He argues that counts should be performed every three months in order to get a more accurate representation of population, and that there should be a total of five or six counts before a final estimate is made. He also questions the term “overpopulation” and said it hasn’t been made clear exactly how many deer would be termed as an overpopulation by the district. “We feel that it’s necessary to do a count every season versus just one or two a year, because you’re not going to get an accurate number,” he said. “Populations fluctuate up and down, and it would probably take five or six counts before you… gauge the population properly.”

Thirteen resort employees affected Continued from Page A1


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and sales activities for the forthcoming season, Schab said that regrettably there are 13 employees affected by the move. However, she added the resort has asked each and every one of their front-line employees to consider returning to the resort once it reopens. “While our operational change will affect local employment over the next five months, our commitment to the Radium area and to building the resort as a premier destination is unaffected,” Schab wrote. “We are committed to the future success of the Springs and Resort golf courses and the Resort hospitality facilities.” In 2009, the resort entered into a partnership in order to revitalize its golf course and hospitality venues, and in the three years since have committed to extensive capital investments for improving all aspects of the resort. One advantage Village of Radium Hot Springs mayor Dee Conklin sees in the closure is that it will allow the resort to continue with its improvements without disturbing customers, and Conklin said that Radium has more than enough accommodations to house any displaced tourists who normally spend their winter at the resort.

“Sometimes I call it short-term pain for longterm gain,” Conklin said. “I wish them luck and look forward to Easter, it will be here before we know it.” According to a resort press release, some of the future improvements they are looking at include master planning of both the Springs Golf Course and Radium Resort Golf Course; residential development on the Springs Golf Course; clubhouse renovations at the Springs Golf Course; lodge, accommodation and recreation facility renovations at Radium Resort; a new golf cart fleet; new golf course maintenance equipment, and three new golf holes at Radium Golf Course. “Over the last three years, the resort’s partners have committed extensive capital to improve the golf resort facilities and expand developments complementary to the golf course and hospitality venues,” Schab said. “These decisions have injected millions of dollars into the economy of the Columbia Valley over and above the economic benefits Radium Resort delivers for tourism and employment.” Although the resort will close for the winter, Radium Resort’s spa, Rising Sun Massage, will remain open seven days a week. Anyone interested in booking an appointment is asked to call 250-341-5668 or email

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo A5


Wanna-be 'Street Kings' gang under control: RCMP had set a trial Park beBriefs from the District of goal to idening a part of Invermere council meeting on tify and have that initiative. ten charges Hawes also October 23 before the raised the courts involvconcern of NICOLE TRIGG ing prolific open drinkoffenders for Marko Shehovac ing at the fiscal year men Beach In his quarterly re- Detachment mem- starting in April and that took place over port to District of In- bers were doing the are already up to 22, the summer. Shevermere (DOI) coun- patrols on their days the majority of which hovac said more cil, Staff Sgt. Marko off and the money are drug-related or RCMP visibility was Shehovac said three was used to pay for breaching condi- key in deterring this. new members means their overtime. She- tions, he said. “Drugs and alcohol the detachment is fi- hovac is hoping for “Our job at the De- will never go away,” nally operating again another $10,000 next tachment is to make he said. “It will alat full strength. year, not the $8,000 life safe and comfort- ways be a problem.” The experience is he’s received in pre- able for the citizens in although somewhat vious years. He ex- the Valley while mak- Lake zoning limited given the pects about $2,000 ing life very uncomCouncil unanitwo junior officers for the winter season, fortable for those who mously voted to give recently graduated which will go towards wish to be involved in first reading to the from the RCMP acad- snowmobile patrols. criminal activity,” She- new bylaw that initiemy in Regina and The detachment’s hovac told council. ates surface zoning are required to spend priorities remain drug “Our work with target- of Lake Windermere six months working and alcohol abuse, ing our prolific offend- and to hold a public with a senior officer education and aware- ers seems to winning hearing on the zoning before their train- ness as well as traffic some battles.” amendment bylaw. ing is considered safety, he said. The deAs for the Citizens DOI chief adminiscomplete. tachment made a real on Patrol in Inver- trative officer Chris The number of calls effort to get out of the mere, it’s stagnant Prosser said the goal received by the dewas to see the bytachment compared law adopted before “Compared to gangs in the Lower to this time last year the end of the year has gone up, Shehovac Mainland, they're in diapers.” of shortly after the reported. From Janunew year in order to marko shehovac ary 1 to September 30, columbia valley staff sgt. implement it in early calls have increased 2013. By protecting from 433 to 620, and in office and on the road Shehovac said. “Our the water and habitat the last quarter from in this most recent priority is to get that of Lake Windermere, July 1 to September 30, quarter, and mem- program active again he said the bylaw is they’ve jumped from bers were encouraged in Invermere,” he said. consistent with the 150 to 230, but the in- to join community A question by Coun- DOI’s Integrated crease is not actually groups and participate cillor Spring Hawes Community Sustaindue to more incidents, in various events. about unusual traffic ability Plan, Imaghe stated. Rather, the As for crime, the de- checks in the Indus- ine Invermere 2030, system for managing tachment’s focus has trial Area, brought up and it also addresses calls has been cor- been on prolific of- the subject of the Street economic viability. rected and now the fenders, or repeat of- Kings, a group of in- While the bylaw will recorded number is fenders, he said. dividuals engaging in not take away anyactually accurate. “The majority of criminal activity in the one’s rights, it will It was a busy sum- crime is done by a valley who have been eliminate a number mer for the detach- minority of people,” using intimidation tac- of buoys, he said. ment, he went on to Shehovac said. One tics against people al- Whereas the majorsay, which accord- group is particular, ready known to police. ity of buoys in the ing to police begins jokingly referred to Shehovac referred Fort Point and Kinsin the valley on May by Shehovac as the to them as “a bunch men Beach areas are long weekend and “French Connection” of punks and bullies in compliance with runs through to the as they were connect- who have not grown Transport Canada’s weekend of the Ra- ed to Montreal, was up” and who are Navigable Waters dium car show. no longer in town, he brave in groups but Protection Program, “Every weekend said, and most of the “cry like babies when there does not appear there’s a demand for group is facing charg- in cellblocks.” to be a single one in special events,” She- es and outstanding “We put on the heat, compliance along the hovac said, “and we warrants. Should any they disappear,” he CPR tracks, where did a fairly good job.” of these individuals told council. “Com- there are anywhere The extra $10,000 wish to return to the pared to gangs in between 50 and 75 in seasonal policing valley, they will be the Lower Mainland, buoys, he said. In orfunds allocated to the once again identified they’re in diapers.” der to comply, buoys detachment for the as prolific offenders RCMP have been need to be the colour summer paid for 15 and garner the same targeting their ac- orange and a certain extra patrols and 132 attention, he said. tivity, more traffic size, be properly anextra patrol hours. The detachment checks in the Indus- chored, have a 40 feet

swing, be 40 feet from the foreshore, and be identifiable with the owner’s address. Prosser said an influx of buoys has occurred since August out of fear of regulation, resulting in an overabundance. Hawes raised her concern that given the time of year the public hearing would be held, second home owners would not be able to attend and give their input. Prosser replied that of the 20 people who attended the open house on lake zoning in July, zero second home owners were present.

Laneway OK'd Council unanimously approved the placement of a propane service line across DOI lane way in order to accommodate a new propane tank for AG Foods that is located on an adjacent piece of private property. Furthermore, council directed district staff to investigate any interest in the purchase of the lane way, which is currently serving no district-related purpose.

Drinking water Council unanimously voted to adopt the recommendations in the groundwater, Goldie Creek and Paddy Ryan reservoir protection plans and implement them immediately. “This is global protection, not just one system at a time,” said Prosser, adding the overall protection plans also fulfils the operating requirements set by the Interior Health Authority and is consistent with Imagine Invermere 2030 in that it assure safe and reliable drinking water for the community. Councillor Paul Denchuk asked if there had been any savings set aside for this, to

which Prosser replied: “Some, not a lot.” The district’s acquifer, located in the Athalmer area from which water is drawn, is 260 feet deep. An important part of the project would be counting every single well in Athalmer and measuring their depth — “we have to reduce the number of straws to the watermelon” — as well as implementing

more fencing around the reservoir systems to reduce access. “There were some comments but nothing significant that would cause us to change from the course that we’re on,” said Prosser about the open house that took place in September. District staff will continue to communicate with affected landowners.

Correction Notice The following error appears in our October 31, 2012 flyer. Page #5 Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010 Edition sku #870581 is $348.00, not $248.00 as advertised. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you.

Issued October 24, 2012

District of invermere

914 - 8 Avenue • Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Tel: 250.342.9281 • Fax: 250.342.2934

Invitation for Proposals Bylaw Enforcement Services The District of Invermere (“Owner”) invites Proposals for 2013 Bylaw Enforcement Services. Documents may be viewed at or obtained from the Municipal office at 914 8th Avenue Invermere, B.C. Proposals delivered no later than end of the day, November 15th, 2012 clearly marked Bylaw Enforcement Services Proposals in a sealed envelope. Proposals received after the stipulated time will be rejected and returned to the individual unopened. Faxed and emailed proposals are acceptable as long as they are followed up with a hard copy. If mailed use the address provided below: District of Invermere 914 – 8th Avenue Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 There will be no public opening for this Invitation for Proposal. Proposals will be opened privately by District of Invermere after the closing time specified for receipt of Proposals. If you wish to contact District of Invermere in response to the awarding, please do so after the closing time specified above. The Owner reserves the right not to award a contract at all, and the highest or any Proposal will not necessarily be accepted. Chris Prosser Chief Administrative Officer District of Invermere Office: 250-342-9281 ext. 225



Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

Opinions and Letters

Something to say? email

Options, options NICOLE TRIGG

Thankfully, it turns out the unfriendly fire that was the topic of last week's Valley Echo editorial was a lot friendlier than what we were initially led to believe. While neither the Invermere Conservation Officer Service nor the Columbia Valley RCMP detachment had any files about the November 19 shooting on record by last week's press time, it has since been confirmed the deer was shot by an RCMP member with South East Traffic Services, who put the deer down after it was wounded in a vehicle accident. We're grateful this incident is not yet another example of the blatant poaching that was taking place within district boundaries several weeks prior, whereby four deer of varying ages and sizes were killed as a result of either bullets or arrows. When reporting on those poaching incidents in our October 17 issue, the Valley Echo learned District of Invermere mayor Gerry Taft suspected they were linked to disgruntled residents who were "taking matters into their own hands" when it came to managing Invermere's urban deer situation because nothing was being done at the community level. As winter approaches, it seems more and more deer appear on our streets every day. There are those that graze alone, and those that move in a large herd through neighbourhoods, sometimes numbering up to six or eight. Some of the deer appear non-threatening, gentle even, while others stand in threatening stances, staring menacingly at passers-by. Throw a dog into the mix and kiss the Bambi myth goodbye. Even a leashed canine can inspire aggressive behaviour — just talk to any dog owner in town. The Invermere Deer Protection Society advocates leaving these animals be, and controlling their numbers via contraception. However, if the number of mule deer is on the decline, as Sue Saunders points out in her letter to the editor, and conservation efforts are required, how does contraception work within this paradigm, or conversely, the indiscriminate nature of Clover traps and bolt guns? Yet giving the local deer population more rights than our domesticated pets is clearly not working. It's currently open season on the four-point bucks (as in antlers) wandering through town. How far a cry is it to bring in a highly trained RCMP sniper to corner and hunt them according to the curent hunting regulations, then tag and truck the rest to a wildlife conservancy area for monitoring?

Something on your mind? The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letter challenged Dear Editor, Re: Letter to the Editor, “Beyond the beetle” (Valley Echo, October 24) by Doug Clovechok. As a retired professional forester who led the provincial forestry program dealing with insects and disease, I am compelled to correct Doug Clovechok’s outlandish and misleading statements. The Mountain Pine Beetle is endemic to interior pine forests; this means it is ever-present feeding away. Clovechok’s claim that if we had dealt with the beetle outbreak in Tweedsmuir Park, we would have stopped the vast scale of the infestation is unsupported by science. It is wrong and nothing but crass political opportunism. In my 40-year career as a professional forester, I have never seen such a betrayal of public trust in the management of B.C.’s publicly owned forests as I have witnessed over the last decade. Having disbanded the world renowned forest research branch, eviscerated the B.C. Forest Service, slashed funding for compliance and enforcement, for inventory and for reforestation of forests disturbed by fire and insects, Clovechok and his

government are now advocating for the privatization of public forests through area-based Tree Farm Licences. If Clovechok wishes to fight an honest election campaign, which he has apparently started, he is best advised to steer clear of his government’s abject failings, in particular the mismanagement of our parks, forests and environment and the disposal of public assets (now forests). Anthony Britneff Victoria

Thankful trail users Dear Editor, I would like to provide a big thank you to the folks who did some major trail re-routing near the top of the local Mount Swansea hiking trail. Their work has provided a much better ascent trail, complete with switchbacks past a very difficult section of the old trail. I believe the work was done by the local cycling society in co-operation with the Forestry Department. At any rate, my wife and I just did the Mount Swansea hike yesterday and heartily approve of the improvements. Yours truly, Brian Wesley Windermere


The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley

530 13th Street • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-9216 Rose-Marie Regitnig publisher


Nicole Trigg editor


Steve Jessel

Angela Krebs




Dean Midyette

Jessica de Groot



Renice Oaks

dean@cv-pioneer. com

customerservice@inver- In Absentia


Sheila Tutty


Mule deer in decline Dear Editor: In June 2010, some of us began our individual protest by talking to council members, writing letters and forming the first anti-cull Facebook page. The Invermere Deer Protection Society came together in January 2012 with the shocking Christmas announcement that District of Invermere would start killing deer. We’d naïvely expected common sense would prevail, but the district made the misguided decision to slaughter deer in a doomed attempt to resolve growing fear and impatience with wildlife. From a viral video, an inflammatory Union of B.C. Municipalities resolution, a Ministry of Environment response and reports, eight short deer committee meetings, a biased opinion survey, and “revisions” of the Kimberley final report — they never questioned the myth of “too many urban deer”. They ignored the Ministry of Environment’s advice regarding collaboration and focused all funds and effort toward killing, no matter what the cost to our community. They misused unreliable survey results, Continues to 'letters' on Page A7

Notice of Copyright: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC Press Council – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.


The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A7

It's official View from the Hill — MP David Wilks

Pension plan changes

SUBMITTED PHOTO Norm Macdonald accepts the nomination for NDP candidate for Columbia River-Revelstoke in Kimberley on Sunday (October 28). Macdonald was first elected MLA in 2005 and serves as the Opposition Critic for Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Caucus Chair.


referenced anecdotes, and ignored thoughtful protest to justify, defend and promote killing. Even before the first committee was formed, it was assumed slaughter would please the majority throughout. In the East Kootenays and all northwestern U.S. states, mule deer populations are declining. All efforts are now focused towards increasing their numbers. There is no overpopulation in Invermere, and because the slaughterhouse killing method was never meant to be used outside of controlled conditions, culling is not “euthanasia” (killing animals humanely to relieve their suffering). The district argues that one benefit of killing is the provision of meat. Unwitting Invermere taxpayers then participated in a covert, non-

profit, seasonal meat processing industry including slaughter, butchering and meat distribution. This is agriculture, not wildlife management. So we are left with property damage and fear of injury as reasons to kill. Yes, there is risk and managing risk is an established science. Reducing the number of deer may reduce the likelihood of an encounter or damage, but will not reduce severity. Like the provincial government, the district is not responsible or liable for the behaviour of wildlife. If we fence to exclude, educate and implement humane, long-term, non-lethal measures we can successfully reduce the already low risk. If it is merely our intolerance at issue, the district has done little to educate citizens to live with, accommodate and protect wildlife. In a 2009 species

at risk report, Invermere’s official community plan is criticized because there is “minimal allowance for wildlife habitat and movement corridors within the plan”. When our injunction stopped the killing, rather than ending the conflict, council chose to fight on and vilify the deer protection society in their determination to slaughter even a few. We hope the district will show leadership by rethinking the value of wildlife to foster tolerance and co-existence for wildlife. We recently joined with other groups to form the B.C. Deer Protection Coalition. Our mission remains “advocating and supporting non-lethal deer management through education, research and political action”. Sue Saunders Invermere Deer Protection Society

Rotary of Radium Hot Springs meets at Radium Resort, Wednesdays at 7 a.m. Ongoing fundraising is going towards the Bicycle Pump Track. Rotary Club of Invermere meets every Thursday at 11:45 a.m. at the Best Western Invermere Inn.

Rotary International

The Conservative Government is committed to keeping taxes low, returning to balanced budgets and respecting taxpayers’ dollars. The reforms, introduced in the Jobs and Growth Act, 2012, will see contribution rates for public service employees, MPs and Senators moving to a 50-50 cost-sharing model. These landmark reforms bring public sector and MP pensions more in line with the private sector, resulting in substantial savings for taxpayers. Having Members of Parliament and the public sector pay their fair share of pension contributions is the right thing to do, and I am proud to be part of the government that ushered in these changes. Public service employees will go from paying 37 per cent of their pensions to 50 per cent by 2017. The age of retirement for new federal workers will also increase from 60 to 65 years of age in recognition of the country’s changing demographics. Canadian Forces and RCMP contributions will also increase in alignment with the rest of the

public service. Members of Parliament will see their contributions rise from 14 per cent to a 50-50 per cent cost-sharing over the same five year period. In concrete terms, a MP will go from paying $11,060 of his or her pre-tax salary in pension contributions, to $38,769 by 2017. The age at which a MP can begin collecting a full pension will also rise from 55 to 65 by 2016. These important changes not only ensure the public sector and MPs are paying their fair share, but will result in billions in savings. By 2017, the changes to MP pensions will garner $29-million in combined savings. Changes to the 420,000-strong public sector pension regime will bring total cumulative savings to $2.6 billion in taxpayer dollars over the same period. These reforms mark a seachange in public pension management and underscore our continued commitment to returning to balanced budget, low taxes and respect for your tax dollars.

MLA Report — Norm Macdonald

Better lives for seniors In the last weeks, a number of my communities have lost highly respected elders whose lives were celebrated in memorial services that outlined years of service to community and a commitment to future generations. It is a tremendous reminder of the important contribution that seniors make to our society. And I believe that we must honour that contribution by enhancing our democracy, protecting the things we hold in common, and ensuring opportunity for our children. And we must be sure that we make choices that show seniors just how deeply we value what they have given and what they continue to give to our communities. But I am concerned that too frequently the way our seniors are treated shows very little respect. Programs like DriveABLE, which caused tremendous and unnecessary strain on seniors, showed a real lack of care for se-

niors. Although the BC Liberals will claim that they’ve “fixed” the program, the very fact that they would force this program, which was so poorly thought out, onto seniors shows that seniors are not a BC Liberal priority. Other actions of government have caused real difficulties for seniors such as the increases to residential care fees, the limiting of health care services and closure of rural health facilities such as the Kimberley Hospital which was closed shortly after the BC Liberals took power. We need to make life better for seniors. We need to invest in ensuring that seniors are comfortable and cared for. This is what I hear from the people I represent. People in this area are very clear that they want the best for the elders in our society. And I agree. Who we are as a province is measured by the way we treat our seniors. And, in British Columbia, we simply have to do better.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A8


More volunteers needed for Citizens on Patrol Briefs from the Radium council meeting on October 24 STEVE JESSEL

District of invermere

914 - 8 Avenue • Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Tel: 250.342.9281 • Fax: 250.342.2934

Local Government Assistance (Grants-in-Aid)

Pursuant to section 176 of the Local Government Act, the District of Invermere has authority to provide financial assistance to community groups. Council invites applications for financial assistance in preparation of its 2013 budget. The total budget allocation for grants is $10,000. Those groups or organizations wishing to apply for financial assistance are requested to make written application to the Council before November 10, 2012. Application forms are available at the Municipal Office or our website

Columbia Valley RCMP Staff Sgt. Marko Shehovac delivered his quarterly report (see Invermere council briefs on A5 for bulk of report) and the proposed Citizens On Patrol (COP) program for the Village of Radium Hot Springs was raised. It was noted that three people had stepped forward so far, and Shehovac

said that he would like to see another three volunteers (to bring the total to six) before beginning training. Council noted that there should be no difficulty getting three more volunteers, and mayor Dee Conklin said the business community would be a likely source, as the COP program would probably focus on patrol-

914 - 8 Avenue • Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Tel: 250.342.9281 • Fax: 250.342.2934

2012 Public Budget Meeting Council will be holding a public consultation meeting on the evening of November 13th, 2012 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers (914 – 8th Avenue) for the 20132017 Financial Plan. We invite residents and community organizations to share their opinions and comments and provide input on budget and how services are delivered in our community. This will provide Council with very important information regarding community expectations for the upcoming year. Respectfully, Mayor Gerry Taft

Regional district awards assessment contract for Windermere Creek

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is taking steps to correct the flow of Windermere Creek after sediment buildup at the bottom of the creek forced a significant number of landowners to deal with high water levels on their property this past summer. A Windermere Creek Assessment contract had been awarded to Northwest Hydraulics Ltd. for a total price of $24,400, excluding HST. The decision was made at the October 5 RDEK

F l on we p imit or a ins ay ed ta the tim lle 5 e d fi % rep PST lac es


• We specialize in sales of Napoleon and Lennox quality fireplaces. • We repair all makes of gas and wood burning stoves, fireplaces and inserts.

Fall specials • $250 credit off the installed price when you trade in your old, inefficient wood-burning stove for a new EPA stove. • Service special $80 clean and service on any gas burning fireplace.


With a number of visitors spending Christmas in the valley, Conklin said she had been contacted by several motel owners who were worried about the lack of dining accommodations for visitors. With so many restaurants closing for Christmas,

Play safe As part of the Com-

munity Infrastructure Improvement Fund, the Village of Radium Hot Springs is set to receive $77,800 to replace about half of its current playground equipment. MP David Wilks is due to visit Radium during the first week of November to present the funds intended to upgrade and improve Radium's playground safety overall.

board meeting. “I believe the creek has moved from one channel to a different channel, and in doing so it’s been eroding gravel and depositing it downstream,” RDEK engineering services manager Brian Funke said. “So they’re going to look at what they can do to correct that erosion, and why it was caused.” Most notably, Shadybrook Resort in Windermere had the province declare a state of emergency in July, after the creek overflowed its natural barriers and rerouted directly through the resort, causing thousands of dollars in damages. This marked the second consecutive year the creek has overflowed at Shadybrook due to sediment buildup in the creek, although the flooding this past summer was much more severe.

“Properties did see some effects of that deposition of the creek,” Funke said. “More than just Shadybrook, there were other properties on both sides of the creek that had some effects of what was occurring.” The root of the problem is upstream, east of Highway 93/95 in Windermere, and part of the assessment will be to determine where the gravel — that is being deposited at the bottom of the creek — originates from. Funke said the consultant will spend roughly the next month putting together a report, which should be delivered to the RDEK directors before the end of the year. The report will also offer potential solutions cost estimates for each, so that the RDEK can apply for provincial funding to help correct the problem.

Impaired drivers charged, theft of tools Police files from the week of October 19 to 25

Now serving the Columbia Valley!

Dinner plans

the idea was brought forward to hold a community Christmas dinner at the community hall in Radium. There was also discussion about a village Christmas party on December 7 at the CasaVino Wine bar in Radium. Details for both events will be finalized at a later date.

Creek sediment buildup to be examined

STEVE JESSEL District of invermere

ling in the area of Radium businesses.

Columbia Valley RCMP Detachment

There were 60 calls for police service between Friday, October 19 and Thursday, October 25. On October 20 at approximately 10:55 p.m., Columbia Valley RCMP were in Radium Hot Springs and noted a dark coloured pickup truck pull out of a parking lot at a high rate of speed. The vehicle did not stop for two stop signs. then mildly went into a fish tale when making a turn. The lone driver was stopped and identified, and advised police they had consumed about three or four drinks. RCMP noted the driver had glossy eyes and an odour of liquor of their breath. The Approved Screening Device (ASD) demand was read and the driver provided a sample, which read a fail. The driver has been charged with impaired driving and over 0.08. On October 20, it was reported to the Columbia Valley RCMP that a seasonal residence was broken into in the Indian

Beach Estates area sometime between October 13 and 20, and damage was sustained. Any new information about this case can be relayed to the Columbia Valley Detachment quoting file 2012-2732. On October 21 at approximately 1:30 a.m., members of the Columbia Valley detachment were walking amongst people outside Bud's Bar in Invermere. A subject well-known to police and connected to a problematic group of people in the area was in front of the bar. The officers knew this individual is under a condition of no alcohol consumption. The subject had red eyes and admitted to having consumed alcoholic beverages and was subsequently arrested. Charges have been forwarded for Crown Council’s decision. On October 22, it was reported to the Columbia Valley RCMP that there was a theft of tools (approximate value $400) and a SIRIUS radio receiver from trucks parked at the residence in the Holland Creek Estates area. On October 22, a timber stamping hammer was found on a landing near Steamboat Lake. The number on one side of the hammer is 462-8773 and on the other side is the word MIDAN ,

added to CPIC with the stamp imprint EY7 151. The hammer is presently at the Columbia Valley detachment and will remain here for 90 days. On October 20 at 2:25 a.m., Columbia Valley RCMP were on patrol in Invermere along the downtown strip. Members noted a truck drive by them on 7th Avenue and approach the intersection at 9th Street. The vehicle had a burntout taillight on the passenger side. A traffic stop was conducted to notify the driver and members noticed the driver had glossy eyes and an odour of liquor on their breath. The driver admitted to having a "few drinks". The investigating officer formed the reasonable suspicion that the driver had liquor in his body and was driving a motor vehicle. The ASD demand was read, understood and the driver stated they would provide a sample, which resulted in a warn. The officer explained the right to a second test and that the lower result prevailed. The driver understood and requested the second test. The result was a warn. The three-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition was issued. The drivers' licence was seized and the vehicle was impounded for three days to prevent continuation.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A9


'Catch the Freeze' contest a go Guess the day the lake will freeze over to win a free T-shirt NICOLE TRIGG

If your prediction for the first snowfall of the winter was way off the mark, the Lake Windermere Ambassadors (LWA) are offering you the chance to redeem yourself. Their new contest called “Catch the Freeze” is about guessing what date the lake is going to freeze over by and anyone who gets it right will win a special edition “I Love My Lake” T-shirt, courtesy of the Ambassadors. There is a hidden motive behind the contest besides giving away cool clothing, said LWA program co-ordinator Kirsten Harma.

Submitted photo (l-r) Raegan Mallinson, Victoria Gordon, Kirsten Harma and Patricia Rock show off the 'I Love My Lake' T-shirts that will be given to contest winners.

“It’s about getting people down to the lake to check up on it,” she said. One thing for people to keep in mind is that some of the last places to freeze over are likely those that have a surface water or groundwa-

ter contribution. Harma’s advice for tracking groundwater is to visit different parts of the lake and notice where the ice forms last — that’s where warming groundwater inputs are greatest; note the deeper areas as deeper

... And everyone is invited! Local youngster is using his birthday to help others

Pap night on Tuesday NICOLE TRIGG

According to the BC Cancer Agency, about 65 per cent of women diagnosed with squamous cell cervical cancer in B.C. had not had a Pap test in the past three years. This is why Options for Sexual Health will be holding a Pap evening on Tuesday (November 6) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Health Unit in Invermere. Two female doctors will be available and no appointment is necessary. Women are asked to avoid contraception creams or jellies for 48 hours before the exam, and testing is not recommended during menstruation. The appointment will take about ten minutes. Pap tests are recommended for sexually active women three years after becoming sexually active or over the age of 21, and help prevent cervical cancer by detecting early abnormal cells. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, and the Pap test is one of the most effective screening tests ever devised.

District of invermere

914 - 8 Avenue • Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 Tel: 250.342.9281 • Fax: 250.342.2934


Are you an avid reader? Would you like to see a new library? Would you like to be a part of your library’s future?


When Braeden Gagatek turns nine years old on Saturday, November 10, he wants everyone in the community to come to his birthday party, and instead of presents, he’s asking for donations to the East Kootenay Brain Injury Society. Braeden's father Norm suffers from disabilities as a result of a brain stem stroke, and his parents couldn't be more proud of their son for thinking of others on his special day. “My initial thought was just to cry,” Braeden’s mother Kimberley Harris told The Valley Echo. “The fact that we’ve been through a lot over these last four years as a family, that was pretty impressive that this little boy decided to just think of somebody else besides us.” The Invermere Community Hall will be the venue for Braeden’s community party and literally every person in the Columbia Valley is invited. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the hall will be a hive of activity with a bouncy castle, face paint-

water takes longer to freeze; and lastly, note where the lake might be shaded during most of the day since shaded areas freeze earlier. “I’m looking for surface, edge to edge ice covering the lake,” she said. “It doesn’t matter how thick it is.” Mayor of Invermere Gerry Taft is the judge who will officially determine the first day the lake freezes over. Everyone who guesses the correct date will be contacted to receive their prize as well as meet for a group photo that will be published in The Valley Echo along with the contest’s results. To enter the contest, all participants have to do is email the date they think the lake will freeze over to Harma at The winning guessers will be contacted as soon as the freeze is official.

Test your cervix

In accordance with the Library Act, the District of Invermere is inviting applications for membership on the Invermere Public Library Board. Membership on the Board will be for a two year term, commencing January, 1 2013. To be eligible, you must be a resident or elector of the District of Invermere.

Members of the Invermere District Council, employees of the District of Invermere and employees of the existing Library Board are not eligible.

Members of the Invermere Public Library Board are guardians of a “public trust”. They have a legal and moral obligation to ensure that the public library provides relevant and efficient service to the community that it supports. Successful candidates must possess a strong sense of community service, willingness to work respectfully as part of a team and have good communication skills. Normal Board activities include:

*Assuring that adequate funding is available; *Assessing the needs of the community and advocating for the library; *The development and revision of library policy; *The development and implementation of a vision and strategic plan; *Assisting the Library Director in implementation of the strategic plan in accordance with Policy.

submitted photo Braeden Gagatek holds the poster for his community birthday party and wears the glow-in-the-dark bike helmet that will be raffled off at the event.

New board members must be willing to attend training and information sessions designed to assist them in the work they undertake on behalf of the Invermere Library Board.

ers, carnival games, a birthday cake and more. The family is asking for donations to the East Kootenay Brain Injury Society, but if anyone forgets and brings a present instead, their gift will be donated to the

Kindry Luyendyk Corporate Officer Box 339 Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 or to

local Christmas Bureau. “In his mind, it’s that a lot of people have helped us, so we need to start helping other people,” Harris said. “It’s kind of just a day to have fun and blow off some steam.”

Interested persons are invited to submit written applications on or before November 16th, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. to:


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

Building Your Wealth Market Update


Weekly change













Oil US$/B









Inheritance doesn't have to wait Baby Boomers are making history all over the place and, as usual, we don’t really know where it will lead us. There are a lot of unknowns. This generation is already starting to make the largest retirement migration ever seen. Consequently, one of the changes now beginning to take place is the appearance of a variety of ways to pass money and property to children and grandchildren. It’s the parents of the Boomers, however, who actually hold the greatest accumulation of wealth. By virtue of living longer, they have accumulated a lot of money and property to pass on. All that money, by the way, amounts to well in excess of a trillion dollars! It’s about to shift hands. Some of the recipients may be Boomers, but it is equally possible it may skip a generation or two. The Baby Boomers are getting up toward retirement as well and may have already made provisions for their own needs. As a result, there is a strong probability we are about to see some big changes in the way inheritance traditionally works. In fact at least some of the changes have already begun, providing new and different ways to give wealth to younger generations. More than half of the Baby Boomers are expecting to share in this great wealth transfer, though, either through inheritance or while their parents are still alive. They, in turn then, will need to consider whether they will hold on to that wealth and pass it at their death or give it to their kids before then. There is a good chance you will live a long life as well. Therefore, it is critically important for you to ensure you have more than enough assets to meet your own needs in retirement before you pass funds on to the next generation. You should include a sufficient amount to provide a cushion against market volatility, emergencies, long term care, and your own possibly increased longevity. Assuming this is all in place, you could then consider the advantages of gifting your wealth to your kids and grandkids, as well as your favorite

charities, while you are still alive. There is good reason for this consideration, especially the possibility of rather substantial decreases in taxes. In Canada, we don’t have estate or inheritance tax. However, your estate could be faced with a capital gains tax upon your death. You may have some excess tax-paid cash on hand, you can give to children or grandchildren now without tax consequences as long as it is a gift and has no “strings” attached to it. Most people want to see money, even when given to their own descendants, used wisely.

They try to tie it up. Whatever you give to your children or grandchildren must be a complete gift with no restrictions. They may use as they see fit, whether or not you agree with their decisions. If your practice is to invest your cash, there may

be taxes owing on investment income at your death. These taxes may be at the highest marginal rate, if that is where you are now. If, however, your children were to have the cash as a gift and they invested it, the income would be taxed at their rates, which might be lower than yours. That would leave more to be reinvested for future growth. Another way to give money to children or grandchildren is to use any excess cash you may have to provide them with an RRSP contribution if they have enough room in their plan. Many young families use all their own money for living and don’t have anything left over to provide themselves with an RRSP. More grandparents are sending money along by taking advantage of the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). They can contribute up to $2,500 each year, which adds up over time to quite a sum. Another factor to consider is this contribution may also trigger a federal grant of $500. There may also be provincial grants available to add to an RESP. Life insurance has always been an effective method of wealth transfer, used for many years already. Instead of giving cash, you might fully fund a life insurance policy that would eventually provide a multiple of the cash, tax free, to your heirs. As you can see, inheritance is not simple. It is an important consideration for both you and your descendants. Before embarking upon any wealth transfer, it would be extremely important to communicate your plan to your children and any affected family members. They need to know why you are doing it and what your vision is as it relates to family wealth. The larger the estate, the more planning is needed and the greater the impact may be and the more communication is needed. However, smaller estates can also benefit greatly from this planning. Planning is a major tool for the passage of inheritance to anyone and could create a lot of extra wealth.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A11


Making great strides in a wheelchair District of Invermere councillor Spring Hawes lives life to the fullest KATE GIBBS The Valley Echo

It can be very shocking how someone’s life can change so quickly after an accident. Just ask District of Invermere councillor Spring Hawes. She is the perfect example of someone whose life was changed drastically by a biking accident, but overcame the barriers it presented with flying colours. Several years ago, Spring was in a severe biking accident. She was riding over a high obstacle and took a wrong turn. She fell off her bike and landed on her head, which left Spring unconscious. An ambulance rushed her to a hospital. “I kind of remember the ambulance coming,” reflected Spring. “I didn’t really think too much.”

submitted photo District of Invermere councilor Spring Hawes became a quadriplegic after a biking accident.

Spring’s biking accident resulted in her becoming a quadriplegic. She is now confined to a motorized chair and has

little use of her arms, and no use of her fingers or legs. The biking accident had changed Spring’s life forever. It is now a

lot harder for her to do things, and she can’t continue to enjoy her old hobbies, like riding her bike. Spring doesn’t look at the changes as being all bad, though. She has learnt a lot of new skills. Having mobility challenges also makes learning certain tasks in life very rewarding. Spring has recently learnt to drive her own wheelchair-accessible van with the help of some adapted equipment. “It’s pretty neat that I can drive again after my accident,” said Spring with a smile. With an accessible van, and a newly built accessible house, Spring can live her life to the fullest, no matter what challenges she has. Spring has not only done things to make her own life easier, she loves to help other people thrive in this valley as well. She has been a volunteer for A.C.E. (Access in the Community for Everyone) and along with the rest of the committee, Spring helps make the town of Invermere an accessible and enjoyable place for people of all abilities.

'Biggest Loser' comes to Copper Point Resort gain an education,” Atkinson said. “It’s not just that you’re here for 10 weeks, we’re providing lots of learning tools as far as healthier diet and how to incorpo-

Local fitness gurus adapt hit TV show for locals STEVE JESSEL

5:30 p.m. There are only a few spots left and anyone interested is asked to contact Schaal immediately at 250-342-1777 or at


The Valley Echo

Copper Point Golf Club and Fitness For Life are trying a decidedly new direction this November as they introduce “The Biggest Loser Copper Point.” “We thought we’d try something different and see what happens,” said Copper Point general manager Brian Schaal. Beginning November 1, Copper Point will play host to its very own version of the hit TV show “The Biggest Loser” but with a slightly different format. While weekly weigh-ins and measurements will still be a big part of the program, there won’t be any eliminations as Fitness For Life fitness guru Kate Atkinson said this isn’t the aim of the program. “(It’s about) working together towards a common goal,” At-

rate regular exercise into your lifestyle.” The program runs every Thursday night from November 1 to January 17 (including a break over the holidays) starting at

Photo by Steve Jessel/The Echo (L to R) Kate Atkinson, Brian Schaal and Chantry Charette show off some of the new Nike athletic gear on display at Copper Point Golf Club on Friday October 26, ahead of the Biggest Loser Copper Point kicking off on November 1.

kinson said. “It’s sort of a different way motivate people to get fit and get out there.” For those unfamiliar with the concept, The Biggest Loser is a hit weight-loss TV show whereby contestants are generally split into two teams that attempt to lose the most weight over a period of time. For Biggest Loser Copper Point, the team aspect will remain and at the end of the 10-week pro-

gram, prizes will be given out to those who have lost the most weight, both on an individual and a team basis. “We thought it would be a great way to bring the community together in a different capacity,” Atkinson said. A large part of the program will be educational. Each week, everyone will be measured and weighed before they start a 60-minute workout

led by Atkinson and fellow trainer Chantry Charette. Following the workout, there will be lessons on healthy and lifestyles, taught through mediums such as cooking classes and celebrity guest speakers. Participants will also be provided with a clean eating guide, healthy eating tips, physical activity readiness questionnaire and a sample six day meal plan. “We’re really trying to push people to



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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

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The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A13

Bear Aware — Crystal Leonard, Community Co-ordinator

Bear sightings down, deer sightings on the rise There have been very few bear sightings reported in to the RAPP line the last few weeks and so I thought I would take this opportunity to talk about a more prevalent animal in the valley. You guessed it, deer! There are two species of deer in the valley — mule deer and white-tailed deer. The main differences between the two are: white-tailed deer, as their name suggests, have a white patch underneath their tail, while mule deer have slim black-tipped tails and large mule-like ears. The most common deer seen in Invermere are mule deer. Only bucks (males) grow antlers and, as you can see, the antlers are getting quite large on many of the

bucks around town. Rutting season, also called mating season, is from October to January. During this time bucks show increased displays of dominance. This includes circling rivals with deliberate steps, arched back, low head and flickering tail; marking areas with urine; and rubbing scent from antlers on trees and bushes. The bucks will also engage in head fights where the winner will breed with the doe (female). This time of year it’s especially important to keep your distance from deer, bucks in particular as they are far more aggressive. Keep all dogs on leash and if you are charged by a deer let go of the leash and defend yourself by obtaining any rocks or sticks near-

by. Whenever possible try to go into a building or behind a structure. It’s also important to note that, same as bears, deer are attracted to food in our yard such as birdfeed, fruit trees, and also garbage. Of course, even grass is a deer attractant but limiting other food for deer will cause their population to decrease. Visit and search for information on deterring deer and deer-resistant plants. It is also important to note that if you have been charged by a deer or have noticed an aggressive deer, to call it into the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277. If you have any questions on managing deer attractants please call the WildSafe Co-ordinator at 250-688-0561.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

Happy Halloween!

Geoff Hill Sales Representative MaxWell Realty Invermere





Wear a poppy in Remembrance and support the 2012 Poppy Campaign.

Winter Wonderland Market Friday, November 23 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, November 24 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Invermere Legion Vendors contact Elizabeth at 250-688-0640

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As part of the LACE campaign, Options for Sexual Health will be holding a Pap night:

Tuesday, November 6 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Health Unit No appointment necessary, we have two female doctors available. Pap tests are recomended for sexually active women from age 21 years or 3 years after becomming sexually active and helps to prevent cervical cancer by detecting abnormal cells early.

PHOTOS BY STEVE JESSEL & ZACH FARRELL The weekend before Halloween was a busy place in the Columbia Valley, and Radium Hot Springs and Canal Flats each had a community celebration. (Clockwise from top left) Four-year-old Cole Feldmann and grandparent Meghan O'Neill had no trouble finding a pumpkin during the Halloween Howler in Radium on October 27; Madeline Gerlach carefully paints a pumpkin of her own; Three-year-old Benjamin Morsette takes aim as a popular cartoon character; the Canal Flats Cake Walk had a record number of cakes entered this year; six year olds Emersynn and Trinaty showed off their costumes in Canal Flats; the DTSS leadership class manned the haunted house in Radium.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A15

Happy Halloween! Halloween trick-or-treating safety tips CONTRIBUTED Special to the Echo

Every year children anxiously count down the days until they are able to put on their costumes and head out into the neighborhood in search of candy. Although Halloween is meant to be a fun occasion for the young and the old alike, it can also be unsafe. Costumes may impair a child's vision and motor function. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says that studies indicate Halloween is in the top three among holidays that produce the most visits to hospital emergency rooms. Finger and hand injuries account for 17.6 percent of injuries, and children ages 10 to 14 sustain the greatest proportion of Halloween injuries. Trips and falls also account for a high number of injuries on Halloween night. There are also a good deal of children who become injured before Halloween arrives, many of whom sustain lacerations when carving pumpkins. To make Halloween a safe holiday, children and adults can heed these suggestions. • Wear comfortable, sturdy shoes. Although kids might want to wear shoes that match the costume, shoes that fit well and are comfortable are a safer bet. This will help prevent tripping and falling over cumbersome shoes. It also reduces the risk of developing blisters and discomfort when walking from home to home. • Go trick-or-treating in groups. Children should not be allowed to go out in search of candy alone. Going in a

group means that someone can get help if need be. Also, there is safety in numbers. Predators won't view a child as an easy target if he or she is with fellow trick-or-treaters. • Be visible. Since daylight saving time begins shortly after Halloween, there are fewer hours of daylight for trick-ortreating. When Halloween falls on a weekday, children have to wait until after school to venture out, and it can quickly become dark. Therefore, make sure that children are equipped with flashlights and put reflective tape on their costumes so they will be more visible to fellow pedestrians and motorists. • Stick to the sidewalks. Children should stay on sidewalks and cross the street only at established crosswalks. • Do not enter homes. Unless a child is with an adult and the home is owned by a trusted friend, kids should not enter homes for treats. • Avoid candles and jack-o-lanterns. A costume can easily catch on fire, so it is best to steer clear of candles, luminaries and lit pumpkins. • Bring water. Costumes can become hot and uncomfortable, especially when worn for long periods of time. Be sure children have water to rehydrate themselves. • Accessorize safely. Select flexible swords and knives if they are accompanying a costume. Avoid rigid items that can cause injuries. • Examine all candy before eating. Before kids have their first bite, parents should inspect candy wrappers to determine if there has been any tampering. Also, avoid homemade treats from homes unless you know the people who prepared the items.

Have a safe Halloween!


The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley

ICAN – Invermere Companion Animal Network SOFFIT • Soffit is a perfect little lady. She is almost 6 months of age, and wishing for a home to call her own. She is a loving, quiet kitten, although does enjoy roughhousing with her roommates at ICAN. Soffit has jet black short fur, and is very sleek.She would love to be able to show you her affections.

Invermere Companion Animal Network

Adoption Fee: $100 (to help offset spay/neuter and vet bills) 250-341-7888

If you wish to visit please contact us. Photo courtesy of Tanya De Leeuw Photography

Thank You!

en! e w o l l a H y p p a H ! e r u t c i p s i h t r Colou

The Columbia Valley Rockies would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the volunteers for your ongoing efforts in rebuilding the Columbia Valley Rockies organization. An especially large thank you and recognition to Graeme and Noelene Anderson for their countless hours of commitment in creating a great experience for players and fans alike.

Al Miller

Columbia Valley Rockies President


Hello? Is it derby you’re looking for? Thursday, November 8

Invermere Community Hall

7 p.m.

Please keep your pets safe inside tonight

Join the Killer Rollbots for a super chill evening of derby talk, skate fittings and free pizza! • Learn about roller derby and becoming a derby girl • Q&A with the Killer Rollbots • Try on some skates EKRDL 2012 Champions • Free pizza! • Bring a friend! Skate fittings by

Invermere Companion Animal Network



Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

The Valley Echo has put together a 12 month community calendar for the Columbia Valley. Each month, we'll print the following month's page. To add your community event to the page, email the date, time and location to by the third Sunday in each month. For additional information about the calendar and participating in the 2013 edition, please call 250-342-9216.

Photo by: JD Jeffery

November 2012



LWDRGC Remembrance Day Clays Shoot



Bingo, 5 Shuswap 6 July 2012 Shuswap Indian Band

Bingo, Canal Flats Civic Centre, 7 p.m.

office, 5:30 p.m.

Pap tests, Health Unit, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., drop-in Remembrance Day

Baseball Shuswap Bingo, August 11 WVAGM,Minor 122012 13 Eddie Mtn. Shuswap Indian Band Memorial Arena Mezzanine, 7:30 p.m.

LWDRGC Charity Clays Shoot


office, 5:30 p.m.

Bingo, 20 19 Shuswap September 2012 Shuswap Indian Band

Bingo, Canal Flats Civic Centre, 7 p.m.

office, 5:30 p.m.


Shuswap Bingo, 26 2012 27 Shuswap Indian Band October office, 5:30 p.m.

530 - 13 Street, Box 70 Invermere, B.C. Wednesday V0A 1K0 Thursday 250-342-9216 Cousins +1 concert, 1 Bud’s Bar & Lounge


Scrabble Night at Inv. Library, 6 - 8 p.m. Junior Curling begins, Inv. Curling Club, 3:30 p.m. Wilmer Community Club, AGM, Wilmer Community Hall, 7 p.m. Seniors’ Day Tea at Inv. Library, 1:15 - 2:15 p.m. Bus provided

Scrabble Night at Inv. Library, 6 - 8 p.m.

Seniors’ Day Tea at Inv. Library, 1:15 - 2:15 p.m. Bus provided

Killer Rollbots roller derby recruitment and info night, Inv. Comm. Hall, 7 p.m.









Cousins +1 concert, Pynelogs



Independently owned 410 Borden Street • Athalmer 250-342-6226

Dec 2012


Braeden Gagatek birthday party brain injury fundraiser, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Inv. Comm. Hall

Adventure Club Murder Mystery, Inv. Public Library, grades 5-7, 2 - 4 p.m.

Light Up Night, 5 p.m. Santa Claus Parade, 6 p.m.

Steamboat Mountain Music Festival AGM, Edgewater Comm. Hall, 7 p.m. Raise the Woof! ICAN fundraiser, 6 p.m., Inv. Comm. Hall, $45

Bake Sale and Friends of the Library Silent Auction begins




Winter Wonderland Market, Invermere Legion I.C.C. Grey Cup Bonspiel Edgewater Legion Soup and a Bun, $6, 12 p.m.


Walter J. Pearce

Nov 2012

North Star Hardware & Building Supplies Ltd.


11th Annual EK Wine Festival, Fairmont

Part of your community


Saturday WVSC Ski Swap, Inv. Comm. Hall

Certified Financial Planner


250-342-2175 250-342-7566



530 13 Street, Box 70, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 250-342-9216 •

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A17

Arts & Entertainment

SUBMITTED PHOTO Arrowhead Brewing Company's Bombshell Blonde Ale.

Things are hopping at Broken Down Suitcase sets down Arrowhead at Station Neighbourhood Pub submitted photo Golden-based band Broken Down Suitcase is playing a multi-set show at the Station Neighbourhood Pub in Invermere on Friday (November 2).


Golden-based duo revives old songs with high-energy rhythm, harmony NICOLE TRIGG

Anyone who has suffered from the travel bug should take a particular interest in the next group to raise the roof at Invermere’s Station Neighbourhood Pub. Broken Down Suitcase is a roots-inspired folk duo comprised of a Kiwi and a Canuck who will be delivering meaningful music with soul when they place their show on Friday (November 2). “Basically we call it old

time banjo pickin harmony it’s only in the last five years singing,” said Ben Caldwell. that his appreciation of it Born and raised in New deepened. Zealand, Caldwell grew up His vision for folk music listening to his father’s vi- preservation was shared by nyl collection, realizing his Caldwell and the two devellove of music through such oped a range of styles from greats as Simon and Gar- Americana, blues and trafunkle, and Fleetwood Mac. ditional folk to rock and roll M ovand ining to “We call it ol' time banjo die rock. Golden Since in 2008 pickin' harmony singing.” formben caldwell solidiing, the broken down suitcase fied his group folk and h a s roots sound when met To- played just over 1,000 shows. ronto-born musician Eric “It’s a lot of traditional Larocque and the two start- songs that we’ve revamped ed Broken Down Suitcase. and made a little more Larocque, who plays guitar, lively,” Caldwell said, “but banjo, mandolin and har- there’s a lot of blues thrown monica, has been playing in there as well.” music most of his life, but Caldwell plays mandolin,

banjo and guitar, and uses a stomp box to provide a backbeat to the duo’s different sound. He and Larocque released their first self-titled album in June before leaving for a summer European tour that included the U.K., Scotland, Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. Broken Down Suitcase will bring you on a journey back in time to bygone eras of musical history so come prepared for high energy songs loaded with stories, timeless melodies and contemporary harmonies. The multi-set show will start at 9 p.m. and there’s no cover. To listen to their music, visit.

Cousins + 1 Concert featuring John Cronin, Mac Walter & Sean Cronin • 2 Shows - 2 Venues

What does ART Thursday Nov 1 at Bud’s and Friday Nov 2 at Pynelogs mean to you? Call for tickets 250-342-4423 Visit for our current events calendar, or call 250-342-4423.

Special to The Valley Echo

Hear ye! Hear ye! Arrowhead Brewing Company has officially opened its doors to the public. After a quiet pre-release of their first trial brew, bars in the valley have been selling out which means production at the brewery has been ramping up. Located at 481 Arrow Road, across from Kicking Horse Coffee, the brewery has an initial selection of retail merchandise and of course, our Bombshell Blonde Ale, available in a 1.89 L “growler” for a very affordable refill price of $13. Samples are available! We will be making our Blackjack Dark Ale shortly as well, and we even have some extra special secret blends in the works. Keep your eyes peeled for our distinctive Arrow tap handle at your local watering hole. For more information please call 778526-BREW (2739)... Yes, that is a local number! Thanks for your patience. We “hop” to see you soon!


Wednesday, October31, 2012 The Valley Echo


Community Calendar Submit your events:

WED OCTOBER 31 •Halloween! Stay safe while trick or treating! •Halloween Booktacular at Invermere Public Library, 4 - 8 p.m. •The Chimney Swallows play at the Station Pub, 7:30 p.m. Nov 1-2 •11th Annual East Kootenay Wine Festival, Fairmont Hot Springs Resort THurs NOV 1 •Flu shot clinic, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.,Canal Flats Civic Centre •Cousins +1 play at Bud's Bar, 8:30 p.m. $20 at the door, $18 in advance Fri nov 2 •Cousins +1 play at Pynelogs sat nov 3 •WVSC Ski Swap, Inv. Community Hall •Home Hardware Beef on a Bun, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. •CV Rockies play Golden Rockets, Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena, 7:30 p.m. tues nov 6 •LACE Campaign Free pap tests, Health Unit, 6:30 8:30 p.m., no appointment necessary wed nov 7 •Junior Curling begins for novice curlers, Invermere Curling Club, $40 for 15 weeks. 250-3423315 •Wilmer Community Club, AGM, Wilmer Community Hall, 7 p.m. Thurs Nov 8 •Killer Rollbots roller derby recruitment and info night, Invermere Community Hall, 7 p.m. Info, skate fittings, free pizza and more!

250-342-5321 sat nov 10 • Braeden Gagatek birthday party brain injury fundraiser, all gifts will go to the Christmas Bureau, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Inv. Comm. Hall EVERY SUNDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Radium Seniors’ Carpet Bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Hall 2nd SUNDAY •LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-3429580 EVERY MONDAY •Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Centre •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509. •Beavers (5-7 year olds) weekly meetings, JA Laird 6 -7p.m. •Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/ person. Visitors welcome •EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674 1st & 3rd TUESDAY •OPT clinic, 6:308:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit, 85010th Ave. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing 1st TUESDAY •Invermere Camera Club 7 p.m. Tanya, tanyadeleeuw65@ EVERY TUESDAY •Yoga THRIVEYoga for Cancer Survivors. Hot springs studio, Fairmont

Effusion Art Gallery presents 'Sparkle' exhibit

Village Mall. For info Local gallery call Jan Klimek at 250-342-1195 presents its •Shuswap Bingo at the Shuswap Indian annual jewelry Band Office downexhibition stairs, doors open at 5:30 p.m., early bird at 6:45 p.m., regular EFFUSION ART games at 7 p.m. GALLERY • Cubs (8-10 year Special to The Valley Echo olds), JA Laird 6 - 7 p.m. Jeweller Karyn 1st & 3rd WED •Scrabble Night at Invermere Public Library. 6 - 8 p.m. Bring your boards! Call 250-342-6416 2nd & 4th WED •Seniors' Day at the Invermere Library. Bus transportation provided EVERY THURSDAY •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509 •Children's Air Rifle Program, with the LWDRGC, Inv. Community Hall, 7 - 8:30 p.m., free of charge, ages 6-15. Learn safety, marksmanship, equipment provided EVERY FRIDAY •Baby Goose program for parents and babies up to 18 months. 9:3011:30 a.m. at Eileen Madson Primary. kandruschuk@cbal. org •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit EVERY SATURDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. Thrift Store •Thursdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, 1 - 4 p.m.

Chopik's 2012 fall collection at the Effusion Art Gallery on Saturday, November 10 is called Temptations. Artist Karyn Chopik initially struggled with the name as it is a daring statement, but rather than fight it, she decided to own it. 
 Temptations is a bold, sultry collection oozing with sex appeal. It has a powerful energy that draws you in. Chopik is passionate about this line and feels it is her strongest collection to date. The jewelry is alluring, old world and mysterious. The velvety texture of faceted tiger’s-eye feels warm and supple against your skin. It is a tantalizing contrast to the cool teasing touch of the citrine. Tiger’s- eye enhances sexual-

Submitted photo Effusion Art Gallery presents its annual jewelry exhibition “Sparkle” featuring jewelry by Karyn Chopik on Saturday, November 10 at 9 a.m.

ity and determination. Citrine makes one feel alluring and self confident . It helps the wearer own their power; together they will spellbound you. Be even hotter with

the additional layering of other pieces like Ganesh, the Indian symbol for removing obstacles, hanging suspended from smokey sterling silver chains. When you


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wear Chopik’s jewelry, you will feel luxurious and lush. 
 Woven throughout the line is a replica of large antique Tibetan key Chopik purchased in her travels. It was used to open temple doors. Let it open the door to your hearts desire and discover the secrets waiting patiently inside. Be prepared to be tempted. —Contribued by Daryl DaCosta, Effusion Art Gallery Art Director

Wilmer Community Club Annual General Meeting Wilmer Community Hall Wednesday, November 7 7 p.m.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A19


Have a sports tip? or 250-342-9216

Mixed results for Columbia Valley Rockies Ski swap Rockies fall to bottom of Saturday KIJHL Eddie Mountain Division standings



It's been another up-and-down week for the Rockies as coming off a huge comefrom behind victory over Fernie, the Rockies were unable to capitalize on their momentum, and ended up losing their next two games to Spokane and Beaver Valley, respectively. "(We played) inconsistently," Rockies head coach Ross Bidinger said. "That would be the best way to generalize it, I guess." The Rockies kicked off this past week when they hosted the Fernie Ghostriders on Tuesday, October 23. Having already lost two fairly lopsided games to the Ghostriders this season, the first period looked to be more of the same for the Rockies as they quickly dug themselves into a 3-0 deficit by the time the frame was up. It would've been a perfect opportunity for the Rockies to pack it in and call it a night, but the team decided they had other ideas, and they opened the second period with their first of four powerplay goals on the evening, scored by forward Ryan Henderson. This would open a veritable floodgate for the Rockies, as five different players would score consecutive goals stretching into the third period, and what was once a 3-0 lead for Fernie became a 5-3 lead for the Rockies. The onslaught seemed to finally wake the high-powered Fernie offence out of their slumber, and they narrowed the gap to one with a third period goal of their own. The teams would trade goals until the final minutes, but every time Fernie drew close the Rockies would again add to the scoresheet, winning by a final score of 7-6

Photo by steve jessel/the echo Rockies rookie Jake Farode battles with a Fernie skater in front of the Rockies net during the first period of the Rockies 7-6 comeback victory on Tuesday, October 23.

in a thriller. Rockies forward James Price was named first star of the game with a goal and two assists, and leads the team with 17 points in 18 games. "It was big, we scored a bunch of goals which we've had trouble doing, and our

powerplay was working really well," Bidinger said. "It was a good bounce-back, (the team) responded well and competed well." The Rockies had a few days of rest before Continues to 'Spokane' on Page A25

With winter practically on our doorsteps and the heavy snows not far behind, it's time to start thinking about the equipment you'll need to shred the powder this ski season. On Saturday (November 3) at the Invermere Community Hall, prepare to feast your eyes on a wide assortment of skis, snowboards, helmets, bindings, boots and everything in between, as the Windermere Valley Ski Club Ski Swap returns for the umpteenth year. An annual tradition in Invermere, the swap draws hundreds of winter sports enthusiasts from around the region to peruse a massive selection of used gear from a huge number of private owners. Ski Club members will be on hand to price items for anyone who needs help, and the club keeps 20 per cent commission on all sales to help pay for general club activities over the year. Equipment drop-off is from 9 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, November 3 and the sale kicks off at noon sharp. If you want the best deals make sure to get there early, as people will be lining up to see if they can snag that one special piece of equipment.

Columbia Valley Rockies Home Games: Saturday, November 3 7:30 p.m.


Thank you to our major sponsors

Friday, November 9 7:30 P.M.



Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo


Invermere roller derby team looking for new recruits STEVE JESSEL

anyone who is interested in joining the team. You don’t need any skating skill whatsoever, most of us couldn’t skate at all when we started,” said Rollbots team captain Jess de Groot. The Rollbots will be

The East Kootenay Roller Derby League champion Killer Rollbots are looking for some new players to bolster their roster and help defend their championship title next season. “We are looking for

taking over the Invermere Community Hall on November 8 at 7 p.m. Anyone who has ever been interested in seeing what derby is all about is encouraged to drop by, keeping in mind that the team is women-only, and all participants must be over 19 years of age. “Roller derby is a re-

ally fun sport for women to play that has a lot of contact, a lot of skill, and a great camaraderie between women, teams, and leagues that is unusual in other sports,” said de Groot. During the introduction night, Nerd Roller Skates from Calgary will do skate fittings and bring new gear, including skates, hel-

Kootenay soccer travels to Vancouver VANCOUVER WHITECAPS FC Special to The Valley Echo

The weekend of October 20 and 21, Whitecaps FC Kootenay Academy — which includes two players from Invermere — travelled to Vancouver for training, games, and the big Whitecaps FC vs. Portland Timbers MLS match at BC Place. Invermere is represented at the Kootenay academy by Emmett McDonald, 10, and Graycen Oliver, 11. The academy also includes players from Castlegar, Cranbrook, Fernie, Greenwood, Kaslo, Midway, Nakusp, Nelson, Rossland, Slocan and Trail. Over 100 players and staff took in a training session with Whitecaps FC Vancouver technical staff at the ‘Caps training facility on Saturday, October 20 and then on Sunday, October 21 they played games against Whitecaps FC Vancouver Academy and other selected local opposition. Finally, on Sunday it was off to the ‘Caps MLS

KIJHL Standings Kootenay Conference - Eddie Mountain Division Team






Kimberley Dynamiters






Fernie Ghostriders






Golden Rockets






Creston Valley






Columbia Valley Rockies






Kootenay Conference - Neil Murdoch Division Team






Nelson Leafs






Castlegar Rebels






Beaver Valley






Spokane Braves






Grand Forks Border Bruins






Windermere Valley Minor Baseball Annual General Meeting Monday, November 12, 2012 7:30 p.m. Eddie Mountain Memorial Mezzanine

match at home to Portland, where Academy members were special guests pitch-side on BC Place field with Whitecaps FC players Greg Klazura and Michael Nanchoff to watch the warmup and meet some special guests. “This is part of our inaugural year for the Kootenay Academy, and what a way to kick off this program with a great MLS weekend in Vancouver,” said Whitecaps FC director of soccer development Dan Lenarduzzi. “This was a great opportunity to bring our regional Academy Centre programs into Vancouver to get a taste of training and games in Vancouver with our staff and of course, to be our guests at BC Place to see a big MLS game.” Seven boys and girls Prospects training groups from U-11 to U-17 were selected this fall to take part in the Whitecaps FC Kootenay Academy program, which runs for seven months from September through April and includes eight training weekends in Nelson and four travel events. All sessions are developed by Whitecaps FC professional coaching staff and delivered in partnership with Soccer Quest. This includes monthly coaching visits from Whitecaps FC staff, including regional head coach David Broadhurst. “There’s a real buzz in the Kootenays about this program,” said David Spendlove, director of Whitecaps FC local partner Soccer Quest. “This Academy — and weekends like this — really grow the game and help bring young players from all areas of the Kootenays into the Whitecaps FC soccer network to connect them to opportunities they otherwise would not get to be part of.” The Kootenay Academy is part of the network of Whitecaps FC Academy Centres, including locations in the Okanagan and Vancouver. Additional centres will be added over the next year. For more information, please visit

Oldtimer Hockey Standings Regular Season Team






Inside Edge






Warwick Interiors






Kicking Horse






Radium Petro












Finish Line


















mets, wrist guards and knee pads. There will be general information provided during the event and the Rollbots will go over practices and general requirements to be a part of the team, as well as discuss how to play the game safely to avoid injury.

Those interested in joining the team will be put through a sixweek training program where they will learn how to skate and the basics of the game so that the entire team can skate together once practices kick off in January. “Derby takes people

from all walks of life, and all athletic skills,” de Groot said. “It develops the skills they need so that they can be a skater.” For more information on the Rollbots, visit their facebook page at

Blast Off — Jill Andrews, Hayley Wilson and Kate Atkinson

Sleep to get fit You’ve likely heard that when it comes to sleep, getting seven to nine hours per night should be your goal. Sleep is a necessary part of life and when we lack it our bodies struggle, especially when it comes to exercise. Did you know that sleep, or lack thereof, can have a huge impact on your workout efforts? When you’re tired usually your motivation and energy levels tend to suffer, but your post-workout recovery period and even your muscle development can be affected as well. As important as diet and exercise are, without enough sleep the results you are looking for will be even tougher to achieve. Having trouble losing that last 10 pounds? Not getting enough sleep can actually cause you to gain weight. When we sleep, two of the hormones we produce — leptin and ghrelin — can have a direct impact on what types of foods we eat and how often we feel hungry. Leptin is a hormone that is responsible for making you feel full and ghrelin is a hormone that increases your appetite. According to an article in the journal Best Practice and Research: Clinical Endrocrinology and Metabolism, lack of sleep decreases your level of leptin (meaning it’ll take you longer to feel full) and increases your levels of ghrelin (meaning your appetite will likely increase as well). That’s two strikes against weight-loss! Thankfully the opposite is also true: sufficient sleep helps decrease hunger and can therefore help you to lose weight. When you work on resistance training, in order for your muscles to develop and become stronger, they depend on growth hormones to repair

and recuperate. This is because you actually cause tiny tears in your muscle fibres when you lift weights. As a result, your body needs ample time to recover and glorious sleep is the perfect solution! During sleep, the pituitary gland releases far more growth hormones than when you are awake, and the more growth hormones you have, the quicker your muscles will recover. The next step is figuring out how to get a full seven to nine hours of sleep. For some of you, this is a walk in the park. For others, however, this can seem like a daunting task that is easier said than done. When is comes to bedtime, establishing a routine is a good place to start. Once that clock turns 9:30 p.m., turn your focus away from stimulating electronics such as TV and other devices and pick up a book, listen to calming music, or meditate. By the time 10 p.m. rolls around, your eyelids should start to feel heavy and you should be ready for sleep. Try to have complete darkness in your room, including covering the light from your alarm clock. It may take a while, but be patient and eventually you’ll fall into a blissful sleep routine that will leave you feeling ready to take on the next day’s workout. Wondering how else you can improve your sleep? Exercise! Fitness 4 Life offers many different types of programs such as personal training, group training and aquatic bootcamps, all suited to your individual needs. Contact us today and book your free consult and fitness assessment by logging on to our website at

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012



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Coming Events

Education/Trade Schools

Windermere Hall is hosting a Halloween party with a haunted house Oct 31st. 3-5:30 is games, face painting ($2) & concession (pizza $3). Entry by food bank donation. 5pm sharp for costume judging and 5:30 - 6 is the haunted house.

Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ Al-Anon - Are you con-

cerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open.

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LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enrol today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535

Employment Opportunity Experienced Truck Drivers

Drivers License Class 1 or 3 with air Snowplow experience not required but would be an assest. As & When Positions for winter months in Cranbrook, Kimberley, Invermere, Yahk, Jaffray, Fernie & Sparwood. Mail or fax resume to: Mainroad East Kootenay Contracting L.P. 258 Industrial Road F, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6N8, Fax # 250-417-4641or 250-423-6070

Room to

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking



Interior Health

COOK Capital Accountant, Shuswap Lake General Permanent FullHospital Time

Hospital Would youInvermere like to join & ourDistrict dietary team to assist in the preparation of menu items for the residents at Shuswap Lake The Capital Accountant is responsible for the capital budgeting General Hospital? Do you have experience working in a large process, assisting in providing leadership within the Capital restaurant environment? If you answered “yesâ€?, we have an Accounting Department, coordinating the financial/management exciting casual opportunity for you in Salmon Arm. reporting functions (internally and externally), the recording and tracking of all capital asset acquisitions and disposals within IH.   Candidates for this position must have their Grade 12 plus a Qualifications: recognized 12-month program in cooking. Please upload your -certificate Professional designation required; such as CMA, withaccounting your application. HourlyisRate: $20.22 CGA, or CA WR [[[ [[[#LQWHULRUKHDOWK FD -To Five (5)ayears of detailed relevant experience find more description of this position and apply RU FDOO ;;; ;;;; -online, Provenvisitproblem solving and analyticalApplications skills & will sound be us at $SSOLFDWLRQV ZLOO EH DFFHSWHG understanding of current health care issues accepted until the position is filled (Competition # 00

XQWLO WKH SRVLWLRQ LV ILOOHG For a more detailed description of this position and to apply online, visit us at Please know that only applicants selected will be contacted. (Competition # 00445973) Applications accepted until November 6, 2012 w w w.

Education/Trade Schools

Drivers/Courier/ Trucking


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo






Merchandise for Sale

Real Estate

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Trades, Technical

Financial Services

Misc. for Sale


An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. Blue Dog Cafe Invermere F/T Food Counter Attendant Duties include: prepare, heat & finish cooking menu items & serve customers. Must also clear, wash & clean kitchen areas. Will train. Wage $10.25/hr. Contact Jen or deliver resume to 1213 7th Avenue Invermere B.C. ONLINE MEDIA Consultant Needed: Do you specialize in PPC, SEO, and Social Media? Apply to our job posting at

MEAT MANAGER, Jasper Super A. Jasper Super A is looking for an experienced Retail Meat Manager. As Meat Manager you will be responsible for all aspects of the managing the department, including cutting meat. You must have working knowledge of gross margins, expense controls and human resources management. The successful candidate must have Grade 12 (or equivalent) and be able to provide a “clear� security clearance. If you have the skills and abilities please forward your resume to our Head Office, The Grocery People Ltd. (TGP) in confidence to: Human Resources Officer, The Grocery People Ltd., 14505 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, AB, T5L 3C4. Fax 780-447-5781. Email:

RANCH MANAGER wanted. Responsible for oversight & maintenance of property and equipment. No animal care. Near Invermere/Fairmont Hot Springs. Pay negotiable depending on schedule. Send response/resume to

JOURNEYMAN TECHNICIAN required immediately for Chrysler/ Dodge/ Jeep dealership in Salmon Arm, BC. Proven producer, good attitude, quality workmanship a must. Excellent wage and benefit package. Contact Pat 250832-8053,

GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420.

FIREWOOD Support Rockies Hockey. Fir,Pine, & Larch. Phone 250-342-6908

Radium - Two units Pinewood W building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, nicely, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail now. $120.00/night Call Lina @ 403-239-6389 or 403-2642782

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Help Wanted

VJ Bishop Excavating needs drivers and snow shovellers for winter in Fairmont, Radium and Invermere. Must be experienced. Fax resumĂŠ to 250-341-6006

Fairmont Creek Property Rentals

We need enthusiastic, experienced cleaners. ~ Full-time ~ Flexible hours ~ Competitive Compensation Package Attention to detail, the ability to work in a high-paced environment. Send your resume to or call us at 1-877-646-5890. t

StrongStart Outreach Facilitator Invermere & Edgewater, B.C. $20-22/hour, DOE

Perfect for an ECE student, parent or part-time children’s educator, this approximately half-time position is a rewarding opportunity to plan and deliver family-based programming to kids from birth to school age and their caregivers. With a focus on early childhood development and school readiness, this popular programme operates at Eileen Madson Primary and Edgewater Elementary schools. The qualified candidate will have: r &BSMZ $IJMEIPPE &EVDBUJPO DFSUJÄ—DBUJPO XJUI B -JDFOTF UP 1SBDUJDF PS CF SFHJTUFSFE JO BO &$& QSPHSBN XPSLJOH UPXBSET MJDFOTJOH Costs associated with learning and licensing can be reimbursed. r FYQFSJFODF XJUI PS BO VOEFSTUBOEJOH PG GBNJMZ CBTFE QSPHSBN EFMJWFSZ rESJWFS T MJDFODF BOE B SFMJBCMF WFIJDMF r LOPXMFEHF PG DPNNVOJUZ TFSWJDFT JO UIF 8JOEFSNFSF 7BMMFZ r FYDFMMFOU DPNNVOJDBUJPO TLJMMT UIF BCJMJUZ UP XPSL BT QBSU PG B UFBN DVMUVSBM TFOTJUJWJUZ DSFBUJWJUZ BOE SFTPVSDFGVMOFTT r CBTJD DPNQVUFS TLJMMT 1MFBTF BQQMZ WJB F NBJM CZ TFOEJOH JOUSPEVDUPSZ MFĨFS BOE SFTVNĂŠ UP ,BUJF "OESVTDIVL BU LBOESVTDIVL!DCBM PSH

Receptionist required for 1 year leave of absence in a busy dental practice. 2/3 days week. Strong computer skills necessary. Knowledge of Dentrix an asset. Only those selected for interview will be contacted. Email resume to:

Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430 The Radium Esso has an employment opportunity in its automotive repair shop. The successful applicant will enjoy flexible hours and the potential for full-time year-round employment. Experience an asset. Apply in person with resume or fax to 250-347-9894

Income Opportunity EARN EXTRA Cash! - P/T, F/T immediate openings. Easy Computer work, other positions are available. Can be done from home. No experience needed.

JOURNEYPERSON MEAT CUTTER Buy-Low Foods, grocery store in Osoyoos, is recruiting for a part time Journeyperson Meat Cutter. The successful candidates will have previous, relevant grocery experience and post-secondary Meat Cutting training. Please reply in confidence to: Human Resources: Fax: (604)8825161 e-mail: We look forward to hearing from you! SIBOLA MOUNTAIN FALLING is looking for Certified Fallers for seismic work in BC & Alberta. For more info contact Jordan at 250-5969488 or

Trades, Technical ESTABLISHED FAST growing high volume siding/trim company looking for installers/carpenters to fill busy and long term schedule. Single & multi-family new home construction with several major Calgary home builders. If you are a sider but don’t have the full set of tools or have experience and want to go on your own we can get you started. Please call Chris at 1-403971-3351. FALLERS needed for Seismic Line Cutting: Must be BC or Enform Level 3 Certified. Start mid to late November until March 2013. Call (250)2294709


Health Products GET 50% OFF - Join Herbal Magic this week and get 50% Off. Lose weight quickly, safely and keep it off, proven results! Call Herbal Magic today! 1-800-854-5176.

Financial Services DROWNING IN Debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll Free 1 877-5563500

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Barney Weismiller June 17, 1952 - October 30, 2009 We cried when you passed away. We still cry today. Although we loved you dearly, we couldn’t make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, he only takes the best. Love from, Kathy, Tristan, Derek, Tara (Shane), Amanda (Chad), Allison, and grandchildren.

Columbia Valley Golf Trail

The Columbia Valley Golf Association requires a marketing manager. This is a contract position requiring about 20 hours per week on average, 12 months a year. The position reports to the Executive Director. The position includes: t $SFBUJOH BOE JNQMFNFOUJOH BO BOOVBM NBSLFUJOH QMBO t 8FCTJUF NBOBHFNFOU t 8PSLJOH XJUI QBSUOFS NBSLFUJOH HSPVQT t %BUB DPMMFDUJPO BOE BOBMZTJT t "UUFOEBODF BU HPMG NBSLFUJOH TIPXT t 0UIFS EVUJFT BT SFRVJSFE GSPN UJNF UP UJNF UP QSPNPUF UIF $7(5 Interested parties will email a resumĂŠ to The Columbia Valley Golf Association is an association representing 9 golf courses in the Columbia Valley from Radium Hot Springs to Fairmont Hot Springs and operates under the name of Columbia Valley Golf Trail. More information can be found at Questions can be forwarded to

IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. M O N E Y P R OV I D E R . C O M . $500 Loan and +. No Credit Refused. Fast, Easy, 100% Secure. 1-877-776-1660. NEED MONEY? No credit checks! No upfront fees! Immediate response! Electronic deposits and payments! 1 (866) 499-5629

Home Care Emphatic Care Service, private care and companionship. Certificates, services, and references available upon request. 250-347-9982.

Legal Services

HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 STEEL BUILDINGS - Canadian made! - Reduced prices now! 20x22 $4,455. 25x26 $4,995. 30x38 $7,275. 32x50 $9,800. 40x54 $13,995. 47x80 $19,600. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-6685422. Woodfired Boiler. Tarm Innova 50 controls & storage. 250-344-2603 evenings.

Misc. Wanted Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town

Musical Instruments Professional Concert Instrument

CRIMINAL RECORD? Don’t let it block employment, travel, education, professional, certification, adoption property rental opportunities. For peace of mind & a free consultation call 1-800-347-2540. 250-347-9668


Real Estate

Furnace and Heat Pump Installation Service and Repair

Acreage for Sale

Pets & Livestock

Lessons/Training Piano lessons-classical, entertainment, accompaniment. 250-347-9668

Merchandise for Sale

Furniture Adjustable leisure bed “Invacare� twin model. Lifts head and feet and massage feature. Good condition. 250-342-6188

Misc. for Sale 1996 Silverado extended cab, long box, low mileage $3500. Call 250-341-6996

Acreage Spectacular Riverside Ranch or Eco-lodge Development, 250-347-9660

Apt/Condo for Rent AKISKINOOK resort - 1 bdrm fully furnished condo, indoor pool, hot tub. $725/ month includes cable. Call 403-281-3991

Radium: Furnished 2 bdm condo for rent. Newer, very attractive, 1 block from hwy. All appliances included. Underground parking, N/S, N/P. Avail now. $1000/mth call 403860-1740 Radium - Two units Pinewood W building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, nicely, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail now. $900/mth/$1100/mth. Call Lina @ 403-239-6389 or 403-264-2782

Sporting Goods Goalie Pads: Velocity 3 7500 ‘36 + 1’ inch. 2 season use. Excellent condition. $500.00 250-342-9247



Acreages “�

Apt/Condos for Sale 2 brm suite, furnished, 5 appliances, adults, no pets, N/S. Quiet neighbourhood, walking distance to downtown. Available now $750/mth + utilities 250-342-7096

For Sale By Owner Mobile for sale-must be moved 250-542-0060

Mobile Homes & Parks MODULAR HOMES and park model homes factory direct wholesale. New single wides $37,209 doubles $73,486 Special winter discounts! Call The Home Boys 877-976-3737 or

Commercial/ Industrial 240SQFT commercial space in dt Invermere for lease. 2nd floor, renovated building on Main St. $450p/m inc utilities. Call Ben 250-688-0362. FOR LEASE: 1900 sq. ft. of prime space in Invermere Industrial Park. Presently used as a wood working shop. Lease rate is $7.50 per sq. ft., plus triple net, HST and Hydro. Available Jan 1st. Call Gerry (250)341-1202

Homes for Rent 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath house. #4, Lochend Lane, right behind Sobey’s. 2-storey, full basement, large master bedroom with ensuite, walk in closet. 5 appliances plus garburator, covered front porch, fully fenced backyard patio. Single attached garage. Built 2005. Mature couple or single, kids ok, N/P, N/S. $1100/mth + Utilities & $1100 D.D. Available immediately. Call 403-472-6684 3 Bedroom, Fully Furnished Log Home in Invermere, available immediately. $1250 plus 1/2 utilities. Cable/Internet included. N/S DD Call 403819-8121.

19,951 That’s how many companion animals will need loving, new homes this year. Will you open your home to one?

Fetch a Friend from the SPCA today!

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Homes for Rent

Auto Financing

ATHALMER: house for rent. 2-bdrm, 1-bath. Furnished, no pets. Avail Nov. 1st, $800/mo + hydro and DD. 250-3423956 FOR RENT in Canal Flats. 3 bedroom home with 2 vehicle detached garage, newly renovated, N/S, pet negotiable. Available Sept.1st, $900/mo plus utilities & DD. Phone (250) 349-5306 or (250)4898389. GYRO Park. 3 large main floor bedrooms. Fireplace, fridge, stove, w/d. Large rec rm in bsmt & lots of storage. Clean & tidy home. Large fenced yard, carport. Very quiet neighborhood. $1300/month + utilities. Well-behaved pets welcome. Avail. now. 250-4232685 Large 4 bdrm, 2 bathroom house, large yard, downtown Inv, W/D, DW, MW, N/S, fireplace, internet, $1200 + util, Nov 1. 250-341-1650 Returning mill worker: Wanted to rent long term 1 to 2 bedroom cabin. Very quiet, mature, single guy. Excellent local references. Gord 403250-9449 (collect) Windermere, newer 2 bdrm w/ garage on 11 acres, 2 bth, $1000/mth Mark 403-519-0252

Shared Accommodation Required mature roommate for Nov 1st. N/P. Must have car! 250-341-7238

Suites, Lower A23

Recreational/Sale 10’ Alaskan cabover pop up truck camper built in December 2007. Under 2000 lbs. Excellent condition with boat rack, jacks, stairs, colour stripe, and awning on the exterior. Oven, 3 burner cooktop, fridge, large sink, 2 power roof fans, furnace, porta potti, side dinette model on inside. Camper $19000 with some negotiation room. 250-489-2747


Wilder subdivision: 1-bdrm + den, lower suite of renovated home. Includes kitchen, W/D, fenced yard and shed. Avail immediately. $700/month plus utilities. 250-341-7701.

Your Cabin on the Lake



Auto Financing

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

The Kootenay Queen 1976 30ft cabin cruiser with a 185 merc • Full galley (fridge, stove, sink, furnace, toilet) • Fold down table for a queen sized bed • Fold up bunk beds • VHF radio • Hull is sound, galley is dated. • Low draft • 200 hrs on new engine • A great boat that needs some TLC $12,000.00 invested $8000 OBO Call 250-362-7681 or Cell 250-231-2174 email monikas_2010@ 4 more information & to view •

We’re on the net at

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

9 a.m.: Worship at All Saint’s, Edgewater. (1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday) 9:30 a.m.: God’s Breakfast Club 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere. (Every Sunday)


Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Sunday at 5 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

Sunday, November 5th 10:30 a.m.

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke

Sunday Service Worship and Life Instruction, 10 a.m. Worship & Word “Truth For Today From The Old Kid’s Church Provided Testament: God The Lawgiver” … Pastor Trevor ministering. “K.I.D.S.” Church, for children Call the office at 250-342-9511 for more information. Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grade 2 to Grade 5, during the Morning Service.

Sharing Truth Showing Love Following the Spirit


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo


Tech career opportunities booming in B.C. Renewed efforts needed to build student confidence, skills in math and science BLACK PRESS Special to The Valley Echo

“British Columbia has a ready source of great jobs and careers in technology. Our education programs need to keep up with that demand.” John Leech, executive director of the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC), explains that “every system we rely on — water, roads and transportation, telecommunications and Internet, hydro and natural gas, environment, health, forestry, and many more — utilizes engineering and applied science technology professionals working in the background. B.C.’s telecom and IT, animation and many other sectors produce new careers every month.” ASTTBC has more than 10,000 members currently working in thousands of careers available to graduates of twoyear diploma programs available at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and other B.C. colleges and institutes. “Our members enjoy rewarding, wellpaid and often recession-proof careers

SUBMITTED PHOTO Paul O'Neill is a recent ASTTBC technology award recipient who works in the FortisBC Electricity Calibration Lab in Penticton.

in public service and the private sector alike,” Leech states. “For huge numbers of young men and women, technology is the answer. In B.C. and across Canada, technology permeates every workplace and job. We need to get capable students involved and engaged in applied sciences and head off workforce shortages by building a B.C. ‘Science and Technology Culture’.” Leech calls on government for renewed efforts to build student skills and confidence in math and science programming. “We especially need to interest young

students in science and how things work,” Leech says. “Young students use technology every day — smart phones, iPads and computers. They play video games, even build robots.” Leech lauds the recent “Year of Science” program that encouraged students toward so-called “STEM” subjects — science, technology, engineering and math. Citing the recent $6 million B.C. campaign to encourage careers in trades, Leech urges a similar effort to build awareness of engineering technology education and careers.

BC Technology Industries Association employers like Telus and BC Hydro and many smaller technology-rich companies say the single most important position they now struggle to fill is Specialty Technician/Technologist. Even the Canadian Council of Chief Executives expressed concern that only 37 per cent of 16- to 18-year-olds were interested in taking even one post-secondary course in sciences, according to a recent Angus Reid survey. Leech says the opportunities for those seeking work in the technology field are considerable given a wave of retirements of present-generation B.C. technology professionals that is already underway. “Half of our membership is now middle-aged at 45-plus, and 22 per cent are over age 55!” he says. “Every region of B.C. shows growing demand,” Leech concludes. “New twoyear technology diploma programs are still needed in the north and central B.C. However, young people are investing to travel so they can earn the necessary tech qualifications.” It would appear their investment is a smart move, as it will result in a broad range of career opportunities. Industries in all regions of B.C. support programs for local trainees to fill engineering and applied science technologist, technician and technical specialist positions.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo A25

Remember When Looking for a new home? Find the real estate listings online at:


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Echo file photo 2008 — Two-year-old Kamryn Joubert shows off her Halloween moxy outside her home in Radium Hot Springs.

A look back at what's happened in the valley over the last 50 years KATE GIBBS The Valley Echo

50 years ago: All children in the Invermere district were invited to attend a Halloween party at the Lake Windermere Memorial Community Centre. There was a costume parade that offered some of the best prizes given out yet. It was a fun-filled night

of games, refreshments, movie and spooky socializing for everyone. 45 years ago: Guy Messerli and Fritz Zehnder, the owners of Panorama, had agreed to renovations of Panorama ski hill. Runs were widened and groomed in hopes to attract more Calgarian tourists. A new ski hut was built, new runs were made and parking lots were made bigger so there would be more space for other vehicles. These new changes helped to create the Panorama that we all enjoy skiing at today. They made it bigger and better. 35 years ago: Another Halloween Party was set up for everyone to come

bob for apples, dress up and listen to music. Teachers from the valley provided entertainment and everyone sang and danced all night. It was a good old community holiday celebration that was fun for all. 25 years ago: For Halloween, the Invermere Public Library held a Trick-or-Treat event for books. Every child was allowed to borrow one of the new “Trick or Treat books” as long the supply lasted. A grant was administered through British Columbia’s Library association and given to libraries across the province, as a new Halloween-related bursary.

'Spokane is a tough place to play': Bidinger Continued from Page A19

they travelled to Spokane to take on the Braves on Saturday, October 27 and it appears they may have forgotten to take their offence along with them for the trip. The Rockies were shutout 1-0 by the Braves, and despite a stellar performance from goaltender Brody Nelson who stopped 37 shots, were unable to crack Spokane netminder Matt Zenzola, who recorded his first shutout of the season in just his second game played. "Spokane is a tough place to play no matter what, and it's very inconsistent reffing, which we knew going in there," Bidinger said. "We had a lot of penalties in the first period… we killed them off which was good, but it just didn't seem like we got any momentum going after that." Finally, the Rockies closed their week with a visit to Beaver Valley to take on the reigning KIJHL champion Beaver Valley

Nitehawks. Beaver Valley played an extremely disciplined game, committing only three penalties, and while the Rockies would be able to score their only goal of the night on the powerplay, it wasn't enough to overcome the Nitehawks. Three second period Nitehawks markers would be more than enough cushion for Beaver Valley, and they would come away the victor with a 4-1 win. "We played well for 50 minutes of the game, and we went to sleep for about ten (minutes)," Bidinger said. "They scored three goals in those 10 minutes." The Rockies have now fallen to last place in the Eddie Mountain Division following the week's results, and sit on 13 points with a 6-11-0-1 record through 18 games, but it's already a better record than last year after just a month and a half of regular season games. Next up for the Rockies is a visit to Kimberley to take on the division-leading Dynamiters on November 2, before they return home to face the Golden Rockets on Saturday, November 3.

your source for FREE coupons

The Valley Echo needs your community event information! The Valley Echo is publishing our annual community event calendar for 2013 and need your input. If you are planning or have planned an event for 2013, send us the details and we will include it on our calendar. This includes established Valley events; don’t assume we know what next year’s date(s) will be. This will be a current calendar that can be used as an important resource for those planning new events as well as for those that plan to attend. Send the information to production For more information call our office: 250-342-9216.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

Brain Games Friday Saturday Columbia Valley Weekend Weather

November 2

November 3

Cloudy, sunny breaks Temp: 7oC Low: 3oC Precip: none

Variable cloudiness Temp: 5oC Low: 0oC Precip: none

Crossword October 31, 2012

CLUES ACROSS 1. Mother (var.) 4. Not happy 7. Reciprocal of a sine 10. Periods of time 12. Relating to wings 14. Alias 15. Hebrew lawgiver 17. Beget 18. Middle East chieftain 19. Worldly and refined 22. Having a distinct existence 23. Mexican painter Frida 24. Showing sound judgment 25. Surrounding circle of light 26. 1/6-inch printing unit 27. Atomic #28 28. Spreads grass for drying 30. Common



November 4

Variable cloudiness o Temp: 7 C Low: -2oC Precip: none

animal parasite 32. Nursing degree 33. Prefix for again 34. Circle width (abbr.) 36. Freshwater duck genus 39. English philosopher 1285-1349 41. Opposite of 24 across 43. Angina medication 46. Political action committees 47. Those mentioned 48. Pops 50. Rt. angle building wing 51. Capital of Yemen 52. Fish traps 53. Alternate H. S. diploma 54. Pitch 55. Soak flax

CLUES DOWN 1. 13th Hebrew letter 2. Got up 3. Bricklayers 4. Impertinent 5. Perched 6. Afghan Persian 7. Massee Lane Garden flower 8. 23 ___: Go away 9. Automobile 11. Thin dividing membranes 13. Take heed 16. Polished 18. Colorless, odorless gas used as fuel 20. Single units 21. Express pleasure 28. Barcelona gestural theatre 29. Makes into law 30. Old French monetary unit

250-342-9216 general@

31. Eyeglasses 34. Magnate Trump 35. Blemish or spoil 37. Moses’ elder brother 38. Twisted Sister’s Dee 40. Bon ___: witty remarks 41. 8th Jewish month 42. Related on

the mother’s side 44. Stairs leading down to a river in India 45. Songstress Horne 46. Pirate’s prosthesis 49. Very fast airplane

Answer to October 24:

Horoscope First week of November

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Last week’s Sudoku answer -->:

ARIES Aries, you will know how to smooth over an embarrassing situation this week. You come across assertive and dominant, and others naturally listen to you.

CANCER Cancer, things you say have a greater impact on others than you may realize. Therefore, think through what you say to make sure your words come across as intended.

LIBRA This is the ideal time to move forward in your career, Libra. Be assertive and things will fall into place. Embrace a new opportunity and make the most of it.

CAPRICORN CCapricorn, you have enough enthusiasm to get things done, but getting things off the ground is more difficult. It’s time to buckle down and work through tasks.

TAURUS Taurus, your plan to modify a project this week will meet with great results. You may become interested in an organization that showcases your skills.

LEO Leo, now is the time focus so that your dreams and plans can become a reality. Put all of your efforts into realizing your goals, and you won’t be sorry for having done so.

SCORPIO Scorpio, you have enough drive and enthusiasm to get through a challenging time. There may be a few opportunities to go above and beyond in your business ventures.

AQUARIUS You prefer to be in control of a situation, Aquarius. However, sometimes you have to relinquish control to someone else. Do so with grace and humility.

GEMINI Gemini, the time has come to reevaluate a certain situation, but you are up for the challenge. It may be hard to communicate your goals to others, but your persistence will pay off.

VIRGO Virgo, pay particular attention to your financial records. Otherwise, you may find yourself struggling to reconcile all of your accounts at year’s end.

SAGITTARIUS Self-discipline is something you will need in excess this week, Sagittarius. Use this to your advantage when you work with others to plan recreational activities.

PISCES Now is the time to make progress in something that has been on your mind for quite some time, Pisces. Take action before it’s too late.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, October 31, 2012 A27

Business Profile

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Towing company is covering all the angles With a new 30-ton wrecker equipped with a hydraulic lift, owner is ready to tow STEVE JESSEL

The challenging geography of the Columbia Valley can present problems for a tow truck driver, but Blair Mooney of All Angles Towing says as long as you have the right equipment, nothing is impossible. “There are certainly times when people go into some places they shouldn’t, up in the backroads and in the logging areas,” Mooney said. “There are definitely times when you need to use your head. Sometimes you literally need to go in there with your pickup truck and chains and cables and do it by hand because you can’t get in with a tow truck, but as long as you have the right equipment you shouldn’t have any problems.” While Mooney is fully equipped to All Angles Towing owner Blair Mooney has added to his fleet to provide his customers with more options. handle someone stuck in the backcountry, he’s also made a recent move direction.” to acquire two new tow trucks to help Mooney started All Angles Towing with some of the more mundane tows about two and a half years ago as more as well. Mooney is now the proud own- of a part-time endeavour, but after reer of a fleet of three tow trucks after covering from a shoulder injury said recently purchasing a 30-ton wrecker he’s ready to make a go of it as a fullwith a hydraulic lift and a three-ton time tow truck business operator. medium duty tow truck to go along with As the purchase of the two trucks is his lighter duty flatbed. quite new, Mooney is still in the proThe 30-ton wrecker is truly the crown cess of hiring some additional employjewel of the bunch, however, as the ees, but said he always has help nearby massive machine now gives him the should he need it. In addition to offerability to perform damage-free recov- ing recovery services, Mooney also oferies on vehicles as fers general roadside large as semis and assistance, such as “It's a good feeling to help even buses. fuel delivery and tire “With the older (people) out and get them in changes, but says trucks you just hook a warm, safe place.” towing is what most a cable on it and drag people call him for. blair mooney it out of the ditch, “There’s not a lot all angles towing owner and hope for the of battery boosting best. With this new and stuff like that. A truck, you have a lot more options,” lot of times when somebody can’t get Mooney said. their vehicle started they just have a tow Mooney said his hydraulic lift is one- truck take it to the shop,” Mooney said. of-a-kind in the Columbia Valley, and One other big development for All that while some other companies have Angles Towing is that Mooney is mov30-ton wreckers, no one else has the ing into a new location — the old hydraulic lift capabilities that he now Mickey’s Auto Body Shop, located at possesses. With the addition of the two 4836 Athalmer Road in Invermere. new trucks, Mooney now has the abil- Aside from allowing him to work on his ity to tow practically any size of vehicle, trucks, the space also includes about 10 which in turn helps him do what he acres of room for Mooney to start taking loves best. in old cars for recycling in an environ“I just enjoy helping people, it’s a good mentally-friendly way. feeling,” he said. “Sometimes they’re All Angles Towing operates 24 hours not the happiest when their car is half- a day, seven days a week, and generwrecked in the ditch, but it’s a good ally serves from Spillimacheen to Canal feeling to help them out and get them Flats although they will go outside that in a warm, safe place, and get them area, and can be reached by calling 250on their way again pointed in the right 341-5711.

photo by steve jessel/the echo

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 The Valley Echo

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