Caledonia Courier, October 31, 2012

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u Inadvertant oppression P. 4 u Crime prevention P. 5

u Downtown discussion P. 6 u Local project wins award P. 9

Publications Mail Contract #: 40007759

WEDNESDAY, October 31, 2012

PHONE: 996-8482

VOL. 35 NO. 35 $1.34 inc. GST


Turn back time!

Daylight savings time ends on Sunday, Nov. 4 this year. At 2 a.m. on Sunday, the clock will jump back one hour to 1 a.m.. Turn back the clocks one hour when you go to bed and enjoy a little bit more sleep!

Stuart Lake ER to be open most of November The Stuart Lake Hospital emergency room will be open for most of November. The change is thanks to a combination of locum physicians and the newly arrived Dr. Meyer, who will be starting work in the community. Throughout most of November, there will be a physician on call to respond to emergencies. The ER will only be closed on: Nov. 13, 16-18, 20, 28 and 30. The ER is open thre rest of the month. Dr. Meyer will be joined by the two Dr. Van Zyls in January. Dr. Putter has also signed on to come to the community and will be coming here sometime after, potentially in March.

A rally in Spirit Square on Oct. 24 saw nearly 40 people brave a chilling wind to link arms in opposition to tankers on the British Columbia coast and the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline.

Fort residents rally in solidarity Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Community members rallied in Spirit Square, braving freezing temperatures as part of a province-wide day of action. The “Defend Our Coast” day of action was taking place across British Columbia, and the Fort St. James event was one of 68 registered actions taking place to show opposition for tar sands pipelines and tankers on the B.C. coast. Around 40 people attended the lunchtime event in downtown Fort St. James, some holding signs, some speaking out and a few putting up 25 metres of black ribbon as a symbolic “wall of opposition” to the proposed

Northern Gateway pipeline which would cross the Stuart and Necoslie Rivers. “We can’t risk our rivers and our salmon,” said Rosemarie Sam, a band councillor for Nak’azdli. She said the reliance of the Nak’azdli and other area First Nations on the salmon for food means they can not afford any risk to the resource. Peter Erickson, known also by his hereditary name as Tsoh Dih, stressed the importance of protecting what he called “the last unspoiled territory in Canada.” “British Columbia is the last threshold,” he said. “It’s really important that we take a stand.” “It’s time to warrior-up,” he said. Organizer Kyla Pollard spoke briefly about the province-wide action taking place and thanked the commu-

Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

nity members who have spent so much time and effort researching the pipeline proposal to act as intervenors for the Fort St. James Sustainability Group, which Pollard is a member of. Members of the group traveled to Prince Georg to participate in the final hearings and will be questioning Enbridge in front of the joint review panel starting Oct. 29. “I feel proud to be part of this unity and solidarity,” said Pollard at the rally. Also at the rally was Sussanne Skidmore Hewlett, who is seeking the nomination to be the NDP candidate for Nechako-Lakes. Hewlett spoke briefly about her opposition to the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline and its lack of benefit to northern communities.

Drug-related home invasion Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Last week, several suspects entered a home on the Nak’azdli reserve in what RCMP believe is a drug-related home invasion. RCMP responded to the incident at a home on the Lower Road at 1:51 a.m. on Oct. 23 Three people were in the home at the time and were assaulted at the time and cash and drugs are believed to have been stolen. While the thieves did have weapons, no firearms were involved in the incident, and only minor injuries resulted from the home invasion.

The house was reportedly known to RCMP, who also believe the incident to be targeted, and based on the items stolen, the suspects are also likely involved in the drug trade. RCMP do not believe others in the community who are not involved in the drug trade will be at risk of these types of incidents. The victims in the case have so far been uncooperative with the RCMP in their investigation. “We’re trying to do our part,” said Staff Sergeant Thalhofer. “We’d like to do more.” Anyone with any information is asked to call the Fort St. James RCMP at 996-8269 or Crime Stoppers.


Chimney Swallows


Child Abuse Prevention Month Prevent Child Abuse America 312-663-3520 BeaverOnGolfCourseC0804.EPS

Hot Retail Co-op Categories Bicycles, Accessories and Supplies Lawn and Garden Motorcycles and Snowmobiles Outdoor Furnishings Recreational Vehicles

National Car Care Month Car Care Council 240-333-1088 National Donate Life Month U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 202-619-0257

Hot Manufacturer Co-op Benjamin Moore Paints Camp Healthcare Grasshopper Mowers Rolex Watch Whirlpool Corporation

National Lawn Care Month PLANET, Professional Landcare Network 800-395-2522

680 HeatHmont 3 bedroom 2 bath family home with attached carport, fenced yard, paving stone driveway, oak kitchen and bath cabinets, pantry, wood windows and small deck off dining room. Daylight basement is unfinished allowing for future development the new owner desires. $169,000.

You’ll find us at 169 STUART DRIVE, FSJ 250-996-8618

Correction Notice DaffodilsHC0804.EPS

The following error appears in our October 31, 2012 flyer. Page #5 Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010 Edition sku #870581 is $348.00, not $248.00 as advertised. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you.


AdBuilder® Special Section Builder Themes • Financial • Planning a Garden • Earth Day • Easter

National Parkinson Awareness Month National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. 800-327-4545

Lakeshore Realty The Chimney Swallows (Left: Corwin Fox, Right: Raghu Lokanathan) performed with Dave Soroka at a house concert on Oct. 25. The live, acoustic show provided e n te r ta i n m e n t for the Fort St. James crowd. The night before the three musicians had played a show in Vanderhoof as well. Soroka stayed to perform another night at the home on Friday. All three were at Music on the Mountain in August.

Month-long Events Alcohol Awareness Month National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. 212-269-7797

Jazz Appreciation Month Smithsonian National Museum of American History 202-633-3129

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Caledonia Courier



Ruth Lloyd/ Caledonia Courier

Special Events NCAA Men’s Final Four Championship NCAA Women’s Final Four Championship National Stress Awareness Day National Volunteer Week Week of the Young Child Boston Marathon National Jelly Bean Day Take Our Daughters/Sons to Work Day

Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700

4&6 5&7 16 19–25 19–25 20 22 23

Issued October 24, 2012 ManPlayingGolfC0804.EPS

District of Fort St. James Calendar October, 2012

SUNDAY March 2009 28

Municipal Website:

M 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

W 4 11 18 25

T 5 12 19 26

F 6 13 20 27

S 7 14 21 28

5 Palm Sunday


2009 Ctr Lunch 30 Seniors 29May M 11:30 T W- 2pm T F S 1 2 3 4 ER5 Open 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Crime Prevention 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Planning Session 24 25 26@27Music 28 29 30 4-8pm 31 Makers S

Dart Turkey Shoot 11am @ Legion ER Open


Easter Monday (Australia & Canada)

7 15 Tax Day


Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm

Lunch Provided

2 Good Friday 91First 10 Day of Passover Exploring Ways To Revitalize Our Commmunities Seniors Ctr Lunch Session 1: 12-2pm @ 11:30 - 2pm Seniors Centre Session 2: 5:30-7pm @ District Office 8 16




26 38th Annual Craft Fair 11-3pm @ FSJSS

20 Taurus Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm





24 Arbor Day Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm

25 Anzac Day (Australia) 38th Annual Craft Fair 10-4pm @ FSJSS

20 Workers Mourning Day





21 Crime Prevention Planning Session 4-8pm @ Music Makers

Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm

Office: 477 Stuart Drive West

22 Earth Day Administrative Seniors Ctr Lunch Professionals 11:30 Day - 2pm FREE Assertiveness Program 1:15-3pm

29Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm FREE Assertiveness Program 1:15-3pm



Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm


7pm Snr Omenica Ice Hockey Game!

Halloween Spooktacular!

‘BuildingIgniting Connections’ Your Ad Sales Weekly Drop-In

Mondays 1-3pm starting October 29th at the Northern Health Mental Health & Additions Office Snacks and Refreshments provided.

10 18


28 (Canada)


9 17

3 11

Seniors Ctr Lunch 11:30 - 2pm

FREE Assertiveness Program 1:15-3pm



9-3pm@ Nak’azdli Justice Center

FREE Assertiveness Program 1:15-3pm

7 6 November, 20128



HALLOWEEN 131 2 3 4 April Fool’s Day Wednesday October 31st Halloween 6-8pm at Kwah Hall ‘Capturing The Passion’ - Exploring Ways Seniors Ctr Lunch To Revitalize Our Communities 11:30 - 2pm

*All Wednesdays Hoopdance 6:45-7:45pm @ Sowchea *FSJ Fire Training Centre is collecting wood pallets! Call 996-8670 today! *The Community Foundation NEW Balance is now $73,310.11! 4 Easter 12


Please submit all events by Wednesday for the next Wednesday paper distribution.

S 1 8 15 22 29


• AdBuilder® Retail October 31st 4-8pm at Kwah Hall! • AdBuilder® Classified Carvings~Haunted House~Cake Walk~Candy~Hot Chocolate~Hot Dogs • Co-opPumpkin Sales Ideas

Thank you to our community partners: Nak’azdli, Overwaitea Foods, Integris Credit Union, Conifex, KDL Group

Telephone: 250-996-8233

Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames

Like us at Facebook: District of Fort St. James


Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Technical and applied career opportunities are growing “British Columbia has a ready source of great jobs and careers in technology. Our education programs need to keep up with that demand. John Leech, Executive Director of the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC, explains that, “Every system we rely on – water, roads and transportation, telecommunications and Internet, hydro and natural gas, environment, health, forestry, and many more – utilizes engineering and applied science technology professionals working in the background. BC’s telecom and IT, animation and many other sectors produce new careers every month.” ASTTBC has more than 10,000 members currently working in thousands of careers available to graduates of two-year diploma programs available at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and other B.C. colleges and institutes. The local campus of the College of New Caledonia (CNC) is already thinking “outside the box” in developing ways to help train the workers area industry needs now and in the future, according to Ann McCormick, Fort St. James campus supervisor. The campus has developed innovative ways to offer programs, despite having a lack of building capacity to house some of their courses. The college has just rented a building to provide a millwright program, another skill in demand in the region, but one the local campus doesn’t have the capacity to house under their current roof. In partnership with Mt. Milligan, the campus is offering a minerals processing certificate program

so when students finish, they will provide a pool of workers with the necessary skills for the mine to draw from. As well, in response to shifts in the local workforce due to industry changes, CNC is also offering a lumber manufacturing program to help train workers interested in learning the safety training, work ethic and other essentials to working in area mills. This is in response to some mill workers moving to different jobs, especially in the mining industry. “We work with industry to ensure we meet their needs,” said McCormick. “Our members enjoy rewarding, well-paid and often recession-proof careers in public service and the private sector alike,” Leech states. “For huge numbers of young men and women, technology is the answer. In B.C. and across Canada, technology permeates every workplace and job. We need to get capable students involved and engaged in applied sciences and head off workforce shortages by building a B.C. ‘Science and Technology Culture’.” Leech calls on government for renewed efforts to build student skills and confidence in math and science programming. “We especially need to interest young students in science and how things work,” Leech says. “Young students use technology every day – smart phones, iPads and computers. They play video games, even build robots.” Leech lauds the recent “Year of Science” program that encouraged students toward so-called “STEM”

subjects – science, technology, engineering and math. Citing the recent $6 million B.C. campaign to encourage careers in trades, Leech urges a similar effort to build awareness of engineering technology education and careers. BC Technology Industries Association employers like Telus and BC Hydro and many smaller technology-rich companies say the single most important position they now struggle to fill is Specialty Technician/ Technologist. Even the Canadian Council of Chief Executives expressed concern that only 37 per cent of 16- to 18-year-olds were interested in taking even one post-secondary course in sciences, according to a recent Angus Reid survey. Leech says the opportunities for those seeking work in the technology field are considerable given a wave of retirements of present-generation B.C. technology professionals that is already underway. “Half of our membership is now middle-aged at 45plus, and 22 per cent are over age 55!” he says. “Every region of B.C. shows growing demand,” Leech concludes. “New two-year technology diploma programs are still needed in the north and central B.C. However, young people are investing to travel so they can earn the necessary tech qualifications.” It would appear their investment is a smart move, as it will result in a broad range of career opportunities. Industries in all regions of B.C. support programs for local trainees to fill engineering and applied science technologist, technician and technical specialist positions.

Editorial Page



Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Caledonia Courier

The Caledonia Courier is a member of the British

Distributed every Wednesday in Fort St. James

Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body

Publisher: Pam Berger

governing the province’s newspaper industry. The

Editor Ruth Lloyd newsroom@

council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member

Office: Betty Johnson office@

newspapers. Directors oversee

Production: Julia Beal Wendy Haslam wendy@

newspaper and the complaint

Address: Box 1298 Fort St. James, BC VOJ 1P0

coverage or story treatment,

Member: B.C. Press Council Subscriptions (per year) Local: $46.17 Seniors: $39.75 Outside Local area: $64.12

Press Council.

the mediation of complaints, with input from both the holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about you may contact the B.C. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.

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For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

• Guest column...

Oppressive structures in society D. Rockefeller Tl’azt’en Health Center As humans we come into this world without culture, prejudices, or social skills. Being human means we are socialized by our family members, peers, the educational system, our institutions, and society. Socialization means we are prepared to become members of an existing group and to think, act, and feel in ways approved by that group. Part of our socialization includes viewing others based on what our social norms identify as right or wrong and good or bad. When we internalize these norms we tend view those who have different standards as outside of the norm or abnormal. This can create social hierarchies and provide a means by which the dominant group can exploit a country’s resources in a self-serving meaningful way. Hierarchies, for the purpose of this article, are based on dominant and subordinate relations, which result in primary and secondary groups in society.

Hierarchies are such a defining and pervasive feature of modern societies that they are often taken for granted. Of concern is the domination of secondary groups by more powerful political, economic, social, and cultural groups and the resulting oppression. By definition, oppression is: The systematic, institutionalized, and socially condoned mistreatment of a group in society by another group or by people acting as agents of the society as a whole. Some conditions that determine oppression are unequal access to resources, blocking individuals from opportunities of self development, excluding them from full participation in society, denying certain rights that the dominant group takes for granted, or assigning them a second class citizenship. As a society we must come to the realization that social hierarchies and oppression are not the result of an individual’s talent or failure, but due to his or her membership in a particular group or category of people. In today’s societies oppression occurs on three levels:

Personal, structural, and cultural. When you are oppressed at a personal level it compromises your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviours. This occurs when the dominant society assigns negative prejudgments on a particular group based on prejudice and stereotyping. This creates ideals where culturally different populations are viewed as not having the ability to live up to expectations or as not being able to fit in with the dominant group. Cultural oppression consists of those values, norms, and shared patterns of seeing, thinking, and acting. It assumes a consensus about what is right and normal from the dominant group’s perspective. It can refer to the ways in which the dominant group portrays other groups that they consider secondary historically. For instance, pertaining to First Nation populations, in old movies the common theme is marauding Indians in massive amounts and a small group of brave white soldiers who al-

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ways won and by dying they became heroes. This leads to ethnocentrism where we only see through the eyes of the group we belong to. This process marginalizes other groups. Structural oppression refers to the means by which oppression is institutionalized in society. It consists of the ways the social institutions laws, policies, social processes, and practices and the economic and political systems all work together primarily in favor of the dominant group at the expense of secondary groups. The next time you are out look at how many buildings that the public accesses are modified to meet the needs of the disabled. The Canadian reality is that when we view others as “lesser” or outside of the norm we are creating a society that labels its citizens and assigns them to a subordinate or secondary position. Those individuals assigned to an inferior position are not seen as having as much worth or value as those individuals in

the superior position. Consequently, as humans we begin to view our experiences and place in society as something that we deserve, as natural and inevitable. This means that those who have the lived experience of being lesser or outside of the norm begin to believe the negative stereotypes that have been created for them through socialization. Often, these beliefs can be so all consuming that even though people are in the process of creating a new history they cannot overcome their past history. You might ask how does the dominant population create a destabilizing atmosphere? The answer is through myths that are often regarded as the absolute truth. They include, but are not limited to: The Myth of Scarcity where the belief is that our society is constructed unequally because there is not enough resources to go around. The inevitable result of this is that some people will have access to society’s resources and others will not. The reality is that approximate-

ly 10 percent of the population controls approximately 80 percent of the wealth. The Myth of Might is Right where we ascribe to the insidious militaristic ideal of it is easier to make war than peace. The truth is that the majority of people who are injured or die in military campaigns are the poor, weak, and marginalized. The Myth of Supremacy is a myth that in order for a society to function there must be social hierarchy. Our educational systems are a good example of this and can be viewed as feeder systems designed to maintain the social order. If you don’t achieve you are left asking yourself “What is wrong with me? “Why didn’t I make it?” In conclusion, my aim is to be transformational and mobilize people to recognize and address the conditions that continue to enable oppression and intensify social inequality and cultural polarization in society. As a society we have to take a good look at ourselves and how our actions contribute to the powerlessness, oppression, and marginalization of others.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Crime prevention workshops Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier Karla Olinek knows the solution is not going to be easy, but she also knows she and her coworkers can not do it alone. “As a community we need to step up and create a better community,” she said. Olinek is speaking about crime prevention workshops she is helping to organize, in partnership with the RCMP, District of Fort St. James, Nak’azdli Band Council and the College of New Caledonia. The workshops will be facilitated by Zandra Ross, a consultant, and are scheduled for Oct. 29 and Nov.13 at the Music Makers Hall from 4-8 p.m.. “It is not a complaint session,” said Olinek. The workshops will be a two-part series, with the first session bringing forward issues and concerns, which can then be focussed into top priorities. But for each issue, people must also bring forward a solution or something they may be able to do to help. “As community members, we can all do and An archived recording of the conference call will be available at 1 (416) 849-0833 or 1 (855) 8592056 (access code 47002572#) from 11:30 a.m. ET on November 8, to 11:59 p.m. ET on November 15. An archived recording of the webcast will also be available at Thompson Creek’s website.

Advanced Millwright Services Ltd.’s

recent acquisition of a 35 Tonne Boom Truck has enabled AMS to offer crane services to clients in Northern BC and Alberta. AMS has qualified Crane operators who can safely and accurately provide lifting solutions to lift, move, position or place materials and/or equipment specific to your needs. Please call for additional info and rates.


LEFT: Karla Olinek at the Nak’azdli Alternate Justice Centre is hoping the community will come together and try and solve some of the issues around crime in the area. Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

Make a difference in a young person’s life

a little bit,” she said. “For me, ownership is a big component.” The timing might appear to be in response to the recent negative publicity around Fort St. James and criminal activity, such as the Fribjon Bjornson murder, and the more recent home invasion, where witnesses appear reluctant to come forward. However, Olinek said the workshops were already in the works, and she feels, despite suggestions by a recent CBC story to the contrary, RCMP are doing what they can. “We have a great partnership with the RCMP,” she said. While these types of initiatives have been tried in the past, Olinek hopes this one, given the latest media and crime in the community, will get a greater response from the community than past events like it. “We’re a mixed community and as a community we need to come forward and create solutions,” she said. “When it comes down to it, we’re going to get out of it what

TC Metals to release 3rd quarter financials Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc., has scheduled a conference call for analysts and investors to discuss its third quarter 2012 financial results on Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. ET. A news release on the results will be issued after markets close on Wednesday, November 7, 2012. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at http://


Smithers Community Services Association is seeking to add supportive families to our CORR HOMES PROGRAM About our program… CORR Homes is a specialized foster care program for young offenders as an alternative to incarceration and operates in communities throughout Northern BC. CORR Homes offer a caring, stable home environment where youth reside for up to 6 months. CORR Home families are financially compensated to provide this service. Our program provides the CORR Home families with access to training, 24-hour on-call support, and an experienced Youth Resource Worker who will work directly with families and the youth who reside with them.

we put into it.” In other words, if no one shows up, nothing will happen, but this also means there is no room for a person not interested in being part of the solution to complain then, according to Olinek. “If you don’t show up and step up, there no room for you to complain,” she said. “I want to be a contributing member of the community and I think we should all have that attitude.”


In the Oct. 24 issue of The Courier there was a description of the outdoor activities Silver Springs Country Recreation & Wellness offer. One of the programs is a Kewap Retreat, it was said that Kewap means horse in the Dakelh language however Kewap means horse in the Okanagan language Nsyilxcən. We apologize for any confusion.


Who we are looking for… Interested people who have had experience working with and supporting youth at work or socially (ie; coaching, mentoring, big brothers/sisters etc.) or who have raised their own children through their teen years. For more information about how to become a CORR Home, please visit our website or contact Jo-Anne Nugent at (250) 847-9515 or toll free at 1-888-355-6222.

Fort St. jameS DIStrICt PaGe Go to our Municipal web site at: Follow us on Twitter: @DFSJames

Dear Residents, The District of Fort St. James will commence issuing parking tickets to vehicles that are illegally parked as per Traffic & Parking Bylaw No. 839, 2007. Please note that parking infractions can include fines up to a maximum of $100.00 and the vehicle towed. Please ensure that your vehicle is legally parked at all times and that it doesn’t impede snow removal. District of Fort St. James

SUNDAY SCHOOL .........10:30 am - 12 Noon MORNING WORSHIP ....10:30 am - 12 Noon Church Office 996-7261



1. ROADS Inspection The Public Works Department will plow and sand whenever snow accumulations or freezing conditions are such that a hazard is created.

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Across from the Petrocan Station)

SUNDAY LITURGY: Saturday 7:30 pm & Sunday 10:30 am DAILY MASS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am PASTORAL TEAM: FATHER FRANK SALMON 250-996-8343 SR. JANE DWYER, SR. PAT MACAULAY, SR. DIVINA PEDRO



a) A snow removal plan shall be developed each year prior to the onset of winter conditions. b) Plowing and sanding by priority as follows: 1. Arterial road accessing emergency services. 2. Bus routes and hills. 3. Remaining streets and roads. 4. District owned parking lots. c) The Public Works Department will sand roads at the request of the R.C.M.P. d) If in the course of other duties, Public Works personnel observe winter driving hazards they will report them to their supervisors, who will arrange for inspection of the hazard. e) Where the Public reports a winter driving hazard to the Public Works Department, the Department will inspect the hazard. f) Driveway windrows on the property of seniors over age 65 or disabled persons will be cleared within 48 hours after the priorities in Section 1(b) are completed.




Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Caledonia Courier

Downtown discussion

Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

Nearly 50 people came out to a community meeting to discuss loitering and public drinking in the downtown. After a lot of discussion and debate, it was decided a committee will now be formed to attempt to move forward to find solutions, headed by Jackie Marshall. Business owners and employees, public health nurses, concerned citizens and RCMP were all at the meeting in the high school library to bring forward their concerns regarding the downtown. Detachment Commander, Staff Sergeant Paul Thalhofer started the meeting off trying to clarify how the RCMP has to interpret the law and take multiple factors into consideration. While he said years ago, police used to arrest a person on the street if they smelled of alcohol, now there are case laws and precedents have been set, along with other things like the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which must be taken into account as well. “The laws are not black and white in that regard,” he said. “I can’t just go arbitrarily arrest them and throw them in jail.” However, he still wants the public to call the RCMP if they see people committing an offence such as drinking in public. “If you call, we will get there,” he said. Thalhofer also raised the issue of manpower, which is currently well below full force, with effectively only five constables for core policing to respond to calls to service. From the beginning of July until the end of August, the local RCMP had over a thousand calls to respond to. Some at the meeting raised their concerns, and others tried to bring forward ideas to begin to bring people together to solve the complex problem. Councillor Russ Gingrich was adamant the problem rests on the shoulders of the RCMP, and he believes they should be out enforcing l the law. “I do not have a solution l … my interpretation is the only ones who can handle this kind of situation is the RCMP,” said Gingrich. Thalhofer, however, made it clear while RCMP can and will deal with those who blatantly are breaking the law, he does not see this as a long-term solution. “This is a social issue, it is not a policing issue,” he


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Staff Sergeant Paul Thalhofer speaks to a meeting about the loitering and public drinking concerns people are having about the downtown.

Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier

said. “This is not the first community I’ve worked in where this has become a problem.” There were a number of attendees, however, who spoke about approaching the problem from other angles as well. “Some of our questions should

be directed in that area, to town council,” said Suzanne Lorimer, a downtown resident. “I’d really like to see a public washroom.” “I think this is about all of us, all of our community and about respect,” said Monica Grill, of Nahounli Kennels. She suggested

people try and take a moment to acknowledge the people doing the public drinking and loitering and ask them to be respectful. “When you talk to someone, you break down that barrier,” she said. Continued on Page 7

Beary Christmas

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GATEWAY perspectives

Hearing from all sides By now, you’ve probably heard about last week’s sit-in at the Provincial Legislature in Victoria, calling for a halt to oil tanker traffic along B.C.’s coastline. Everyone has a right to speak their mind, and we respect the opinions of those who have reservations about the Northern Gateway Project. In fact, we encourage the people of British Columbia to express their opinions — because that’s the best way to have an open, honest dialogue, and separate Gateway fact from fiction. In the spirit of honesty, I’d like to share some of my thoughts on last week’s protest. It seems a great many people believe Gateway will introduce oil tanker traffic to B.C.’s coastline for the first time. This is simply not true. Oil tankers have docked at Kitimat for a quarter-century, and refineries have been part of Vancouver’s port communities since the 1930s. In fact the first imports of petroleum to Vancouver date back to 1915. As well, after reviewing Gateway’s marine safety program, an

independent study has declared it as safe with measures that exceed national and international regulatory requirements. I’m from Prince George. Thankfully, we no longer have a one-industry economy here in B.C.’s North, but I’m sure many of us remember those uncertain days in the job market. Establishing the Gateway terminal at Kitimat, and linking Canada’s energy supply to the Pacific Rim, would continue the diversification of our region’s economy. That means job security and prosperity. It means a better future for B.C.’s North.

Janet Holder Executive Vice President Western Access Enbridge Inc.

It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to a stronger economy. Join the conversation at

©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.

567-9258 - Fax 567-2070 Bears, and $200 donated by Caledonia Courier It’s more than a pipeline. It’s a path to delivering energy safely. ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc. Join the conversation at ©2012 Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc.

NEWS Community meeting on problems around the downtown

Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Continued from Page 6 Lisa Sam, a nurse who works in the Nak’azdli Health Centre spoke about some of the initiatives public health nurses and Nak’azdli have been working on, including the Men’s House and the Homeless and Hungry initiative which attempt to address some of the core issues. She pointed out how previously people in the community had come together to create a treatment centre at Dem Lake, but the funding was cut before it was completed. She also recalled how when searching for the missing youth on the lake (Kora Lee Prince and Matthew Karey in 2005) the street people of Fort St. James came out every day to help, how giving the people who were living on the street a purpose should be a goal for the community. “It’s a long-term thing that we have to get together to do,” she said. “When they had something to do, they did wonderful.” Joanne Alexander, a public health nurse, said many people have been trying to approach the problem from a public health perspective for a long time. “There is a lot happening in our community from a positive perspective,” she said, suggesting the group look at other communities who have had some success dealing with the same type of issues, such as Portland, Oregon. “It was because businesses took responsibility as a community.” Kevin Gedling, who works at the historic site, but was not speaking for them, said moving the problem back to the lakeshore where it is not seen from downtown is not a solution either, given the thousands of both regional and foreign tourists who come to the historic site each year, and then take the impression of this problem back with them as A7


part of their experience. He suggested with the community’s history of coming together to solve

other problems such as the transportation issues, the capacity is there to deal with this as well.

“A comprehensive, creative solution is really the way to go,” he said. Mayor Rob MacDou-

gall stood up and spoke briefly before he left, saying mayor and council have talked about wash-

rooms, and suggesting if a committee is formed, he and council would work with them.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Caledonia Courier





alloween dates back thousands of years to ancient Celts and Europeans. Although Halloween is now largely associated with the celebrations that take place across much of North America, where 65 percent of Americans decorate their homes and places of business in the Halloween spirit, Halloween is celebrated in various ways around the globe.


* England: In the past, Brits tossed objects such as stones, vegetables and nuts into a bonfire to frighten away the spirits. These symbolic sacrifices also were used as a form of fortune-telling. very year children anxiously If a pebble thrown into the flames at night was no count down the days until longer visible in the morning, then it was believed they are able to put on their that the person who tossed the pebble would not costumes and head out survive another year. Halloween fell out of favor into the neighborhood in after the Protestant Reformation spread through the country. However, in recent years some have begun search of candy. Although Halloween to adopt the American tradition of trick-or-treating. is meant to be a fun occasion for the * Hong Kong: A Halloween-type festival in Hong young and the old alike, it can also be Kong is known as “Yue Lan,” which is the festival unsafe. of the hungry ghosts. It is believed that, during this Costumes may impair a child’s vision time, spirits roam the world for 24 hours. * France: Halloween is considered an American and motor function. The American holiday by most French and was relatively unknown Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons before 1996. says that studies indicate Halloween * Ireland: Ireland is thought to be the birthplace of is in the top three among holidays that Halloween, and many of the same traditions of old are still practiced today. In addition to costumes and produce the most visits to hospital treats, individuals may play an apple-bobbing game emergency rooms. Finger and hand called “snap-apple,” where participants have to try injuries account for 17.6 percent of to take a bite of an apple suspended on a string. injuries, and children ages 10 to 14 Children also play tricks on neighbors, including sustain the greatest proportion of “knock-a-dolly,” which is essentially a variation on “ring-and-run.” * Spanish-speaking nations: Many Spanishspeaking nations celebrate “El Dia de los Muertos.” It is supposed to be a joyous event where people remember friends and family members who have died. Candles and incense are burned to help the departed find his or her way home. * Austria: Some people will leave bread, water and a lighted lamp on the table on Halloween night before going to bed. It was once believed that such items would welcome the dead souls back to Earth on a night Austrians considered to be full of strong cosmic energies. * Czechoslovakia: Czechs place chairs by a fireside on Halloween night. There are enough chairs for each living and dead family member. * Italy: Halloween traditions have just recently begun to blossom in Italy, where decorations and pumpkins are popular. While many of the traditions borrow from the Americans, there is at least one uniquely Italian tradition taking place in the hill town of Corinaldo. La Notte delle Streghe, “The Night of the Witches,” occurs in this town with music, dancIt is a safe idea to go trick-oring and a witch-themed fashion show that names treating in groups. Also, try to Miss Strega (Miss Witch). visit only homes where you * Australia: Halloween isn’t as popular in Australia as it is in the United States and Canada. Austraknow the people. lians may celebrate Halloween as Guy Fawkes Eve or Mischief Night. Children create mischief or get treats. Many AustraHave a safe lians simply celebrate halloween! the holiday with a yellowhead dance at their schools. road & bridge


Halloween injuries. Trips and falls also account for a high number of injuries. There are also a good deal of children who become injured before Halloween arrives, many of whom sustain lacerations when carving pumpkins. To make Halloween a safe holiday, children and adults can heed these suggestions. • Wear comfortable, sturdy shoes. Although kids might want to wear shoes that match the costume, shoes that fit well and are comfortable are a safer bet. This will help prevent tripping and falling over cumbersome shoes. It also reduces the risk of developing blisters and discomfort when walking from home to home. • Go trick-or-treating in groups. Children should not be allowed to go out in search of candy alone. Going in a group means that someone can get help if need be. Also, there is safety in numbers. Predators won’t view a child as an easy target if he or she is with fellow trick-or-treaters. • Be visible. Since daylight saving time begins shortly after Halloween, there are fewer hours of daylight for trick-or-treating. When Halloween falls on a weekday, children have to wait until after school to venture out, and it can quickly become dark.

Therefore, make sure that children are equipped with flashlights and put reflective tape on their costumes so they will be more visible to fellow pedestrians and motorists. • Stick to the sidewalks. Children should stay on sidewalks and cross the street only at established crosswalks. • Do not enter homes. Unless a child is with an adult and the home is owned by a trusted friend, kids should not enter homes for treats. • Avoid candles and jack-o-lanterns. A costume can easily catch on fire, so it is best to steer clear of candles, luminaries and lit pumpkins. • Bring water. Costumes can become hot and uncomfortable, especially when worn for long periods of time. Be sure children have water to rehydrate themselves. • Accessorize safely. Select flexible swords and knives if they are accompanying a costume. Avoid rigid items that can cause injuries. • Examine all candy before eating. Before kids have their first bite, parents should inspect candy wrappers to determine if there has been any tampering. Also, avoid homemade treats from homes unless you know the people who prepared the items.


Halloween is alive and well around the world. Perhaps this year North American families will want to incorporate some global traditions into their standard Halloween plans.

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Local community project wins award


Cafe open 6am to 2pm, Monday to Friday

Call: 250-996-7191 Web: www.parkscanada. For more information about the District of Fort St. James or the Downtown Revitalization Project of 2010-2011. Call: 250-996-8233 Email: Web: www.fortstjames. ca

Submitted A prestigious national award for outstanding achievement in heritage interpretation has just been given to a community project in Fort St. James, B.C.. Dubbed the Ripples of the Past Interpretive Walk, the project received a Gold award for the category of NonPersonal Interpretation, a category for outstanding exhibits and education panel projects across Canada. Interpretation Canada, the national organization which trains and encourages the profession of heritage interpretation across Canada, awarded the honour through a panel of judges representing every region of the country. Fort St. James shares the Gold designation with designers of the Amisk Interpretive trail project built in Whiteshell Provincial Park, Manitoba. The project involved the creation of an interpretive walking tour that links the Parks Canada Fort St. James National Historic Site to various cultural resources throughout the town of Fort St. James. Roughly 2 km in length, 10 interpretive signs were created that cover various evolutions in Fort St. James’ past, from aboriginal history and explorers to natural history and aviation. The panel project was a component of the Downtown Revitalization Project which was completed in early 2011. The revitalization gave the business district in Fort St. James a significant makeover. The large scale project involved numerous partners, including Western Economic Diversification Canada, and was coordinated by the Fort St. James Chamber of Commerce. The development of the interpretive panels was led by a team from Fort St. James National Historic Site, the Chamber of Commerce, District of Fort St. James council and Eggplant Studios graphic designers from Prince George. National Historic Site

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If you Currently Subscribe to The Crook family reads one of the interpretive panels as part of the Ripples of the Past Interpretive Trail.

Kevin Gedling/Parks Canada

Manager Bob Grill and Product Development Officer Kevin Gedling established the interpretive theme and assembled historic photos and text for each panel. Contributions from the community came from Lillian Sam and Harold Prince from Nak’azdli, while local aviation historian Grant Luck was consulted on the final panel at the Russ Baker Memorial. The panels were built on sturdy steel frames on a material called digital image high pressure laminate: an extremely high quality sign material commonly used in national park projects of a similar nature. As such, the panels

were designed to be durable and to last a long time. The panels enable visitors to interact with just one or all ten panels along the route and serve to combine some of the community’s most cherished historic sites. Rather than promoting them all as separate, individual attractions, the Ripples of the Past Interpretive Walk packaged several smaller experiences in the Fort St. James under one simple, identifiable experience and has been successful in luring visitors to the historic park to continue their heritage tourism adventures throughout the town site. The announcement of this award follows a series of several successful

projects recognized for regional and national excellence at Fort St. James National Historic Site. The awarding of a national award of excellence for a project which covers so many parts of Fort St. James’ past and involved so many different people in the Fort St. James area is an award for which everyone can truly be proud. Fort St. James and Nak’azdli First Nation, as a community full of vibrant people and a rich past, developed one of the best interpretive experiences in Canada. For more information about the Ripples of the Past Interpretive Walk or Fort St. James National Historic Site:

Early Deadlines Due to the Remembrance Day holiday on Sunday, November 11th the Omineca Express office is closed Monday, November 12th, 2012. Deadline for ads is Thursday November 8th at 5pm

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Community Events Community Events are free of charge as they are sponsored by the Caledonia Courier COMING EVENTS... Will appear as space is available, free of charge in this section. Coming events are available to non-profit organizations only. This area is not intended for thank you submissions or selling products. It is simply a place for nonprofit organizations a place to announce upcoming free activities. You can e-mail your item to advertising@ or by fax: 567-2070. Your organizations’ announcement can also be dropped off at our office located at #111250 Stuart Drive, Fort St. James. Decision of the publisher is final. *** FORT ADULT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION...Suite 221-250 Stuart Drive, in the Goodwin Building. Open daily 8:00-4:00. Call 250-996-7712 for more information. *** FIREWEED STOPPING THE VIOLENCE & OUTREACH SERVICE For those who believe all is possible!...Provides free Confidential, Safe, and Supportive counselling and outreach services for women. Hours of Service: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Location: Room 203, 349 Stuart Drive, Fort St James, BC Phone: (250) 996-1214 Fax: (250) 996-7647 Email: fire.or@ *** ST PATRICK’S ANGLICAN CHURCH... hosts a free lunch every Tuesday from 11.00am 1.00pm. All are welcome. This lunch is made possible through the generous giving of time and resources,by many people in the region, including Sylvia Isaac, The Roman Catholic Church, Camp Living Water, and many other individuals.We wish to thank all those who contribute their labour

to this program as well as those who provide food and other necessities. We also run a small food bank on Tuesday morning, and are very thankful for all who contribute to this endeavor. For further information please call Gwen Andrews 567-6744. *** SERVICE TIMES... at St Patrick’s Anglican Church, Fort St James, will be 10:30 am every Sunday. Free lunch every Tues between 11-1pm with music and Prayer. Please come and join us. *** FIREWEED CLOTHES DRIVE...The Fireweed Safe Haven is doing a winter clothes drive. We are looking for jackets, boots, snow pants, mitts, hats, scarves, fleeces, etc, for men, women and children. The items will then be given to families in the community that need them. If you do not have anything at home that you can part with but still wish to contribute, you can purchase mitts, socks, or thermal underwear. Please drop items off at the Fireweed Safe Haven. For more information please contact Talia at (250) 996-8081. Every little bit helps. *** AUXILIARY TO STUART LAKE HOSPITAL... Monthly meeting 2nd Wednesday each month. Hospital Cafeteria 7:00 p.m. *** FORT ST. JAMES PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS... Tuesday 11:30-8:00 Wednesday 11:30-4:30 Thursday 11:30-4:30 Friday 11:30-8:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00 *** NECHAKO VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES SOCIETY...Child and Youth Mental Health and Counseling Services available at no cost. Monday to

Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 996-7645 for appointment. *** FORT TRAP AND HANDGUN CLUB... meets last Sunday of every month. Contact Sharon at 9968373 for more information. *** FORT ST. JAMES SEARCH & RESCUE... steering committee meetings first Tuesday of every month. 7:00 p.m. above the Fort St. James Firehall. Training is the third Tuesday of every month at the Firehall at 7 p.m. New members welcome. *** MUSIC MAKERS...New members always WELCOME. Not everyone has to be on stage, there is lots of work behind the scenes. Call Rosemary Allan at 250-9968997 for more info. *** THE THRIFT STORE...has a new name! “The Bargain Basement”. We are still at the same location, across from Shoppers Food Mart. Donations of clean clothing and small housewares are greatly appreciated. Please, no books or magazines. Proceeds are used for community needs. Open Wed-Sat, 12 noon to 4pm. *** PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT...If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights at: 1-800-670-2247. *** ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS... Every Thursday, 8 p.m. at the United Church Hall on 2nd Avenue. Contact 996-8290. *** FIREWEED SAFE HAVEN...a safe place for women and their children leaving violence or abuse. 24 hour access - please call 996-8000.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Caledonia Courier

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HELP WANTED The District is looking for a seasonal part-time snow removal operator for the 2013 winter season. Hours depend on the weather. Please drop off information to: District of Fort St. James PO Box 640, 477 Stuart Drive West Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Fax 250-996-2248 Email: Attn: Randy Hand Public Works Superintendent By November 14th

AƉƉlicant Ĺľust Ä?e edžƉerienced inÍ— ^ižƉlLJ accounĆ&#x;ngÍ• edžcel and Ç ord͘ ^tarĆ&#x;ng ƉosiĆ&#x;on Ç ill ĹšaÇ€e a ĹľiniĹľuĹľ of Ďą Ç eeks ĹšolidaLJs͘ KtĹšer Ć&#x;Ĺľe oÄŤ Ä?eneÄŽts are ŇedžiÄ?le and negoĆ&#x;aÄ?le͘ dĹšis ƉosiĆ&#x;on is aÇ€ailaÄ?le EoÇ€ Ď­ĎątĹšÍ˜ Wlease send aƉƉlicaĆ&#x;ons toÍ— WK odž ώϳϴϲÍ• ^ĹľitĹšersÍ• C sĎŹ: ĎŽEĎŹ or info@ sužžitreforestaĆ&#x;on͘coĹľ

The KDL Group is a Logging, Hauling and Road Construction Company located in Fort St. James that is currently seeking:

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Caledonia Courier Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Help Wanted

Financial Services

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Experienced industrial supply sales person and counter person and a road sales person needed in Burns Lake. Apply in person with resume at D.T.U. Atten: Bob or email, fax: 250-692-3026 or call 250-692-3031. MEAT MANAGER, Jasper Super A. Jasper Super A is looking for an experienced Retail Meat Manager. As Meat Manager you will be responsible for all aspects of the managing the department, including cutting meat. You must have working knowledge of gross margins, expense controls and human resources management. The successful candidate must have Grade 12 (or equivalent) and be able to provide a “clear� security clearance. If you have the skills and abilities please forward your resume to our Head Office, The Grocery People Ltd. (TGP) in confidence to: Human Resources Officer, The Grocery People Ltd., 14505 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, AB, T5L 3C4. Fax 780-447-5781. Email: Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430

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Legal Notices

SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT The District of Fort St. James is seeking contract snow removal dump trucks for the 2012/2013 winter season. The District has a snow blower and we require trucks to have a snow wall. The District has a set rate of $80.00/hr. Applicants should include W.C.B. number and we require you to have a current business license. Please drop off information to the District of Fort St. James, Box 640, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0, Fax (250) 996-2248 by Nov. 2nd. Attention: Randy Hand, Public Works Superintendent.

Modular Homes

Legal Notices

“A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN OUR REGION� 37, 3RD Avenue, PH: 250-692-3195 PO Box 820, TF: 800-320-3339 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 FX: 250-692-3305

NOTICE OF ALTERNATIVE APPROVAL PROCESS Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural) Road Rescue Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1651 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural) of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako that approval is being sought for “Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural) Road Rescue Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1651� by use of the Alternative Approval Process. Bylaw No. 1651 will establish a service within all of Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural) of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako to contribute funds to the District of Fort St. James for the provision of road rescue services within Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural). The maximum amount that may be requisitioned annually for the cost of the service is the amount that could be raised by a property value tax rate of $0.06 per $1,000 applied to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the Service Area or $11,000, whichever is greater. Approval to proceed with adoption of this bylaw is being sought from the electors of Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural) of the Regional District of BulkleyNechako.


The Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Board of Directors may proceed with adoption of Bylaw No. 1651 unless at least 10% of the electors of Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural) of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako submit a signed Elector Response Form indicating their opposition to adoption of the bylaw by 4:30 PM on Friday, November 30, 2012 to the address below. Elector Response Forms MAY NOT be submitted by email or facsimile. Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Box 820, 37 - 3rd Avenue Burns Lake, B.C. V0J 1E0 For the purpose of this Alternative Approval Process, 10% of the qualified electors has been determined to be 113 persons. “Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Electoral Area “C� (Fort St. James Rural) Road Rescue Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1651� is available for public inspection at the following locations:

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• Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Office, 37-3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, B.C. between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday (except Statutory Holidays); • Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako website at; • District of Fort St. James Municipal Office, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, B.C. between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday (except Statutory Holidays). Elector Response Forms must be in the form established by the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako and only those persons who qualify as electors of Electoral Area “Câ€? (Fort St. James Rural) are entitled to sign an Elector Response Form. Elector Response Forms are available at the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Office, the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako website and the District of Fort St. James Municipal Office at the addresses above. Those persons eligible to sign the Elector Response Form may qualify as either resident electors or non-resident electors as follows: • 18 years of age or older; • Canadian citizen; • resident of BC for at least 6 months immediately preceding November 30, 2012; • resident of real property in Electoral Area “Câ€? (Fort St. James Rural) of the Regional District of BulkleyNechako for at least 30 days immediately prior to November 30, 2012; or • registered owner of real property in Electoral Area “Câ€? (Fort St. James Rural) of the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako for at least 30 days immediately prior to November 30, 2012; • not otherwise disqualified by law from voting. For additional information on the Alternative Approval Process, please contact: Cheryl Anderson, Manager of Administrative Services Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Phone: 250-692-3195 Toll-free: 1-800-320-3339 Email:



Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Caledonia Courier


ty Build i n u er mm

Courageous Battles




Human Interest



Brought to you by your MLA John Rustad

Serving the community of Fort St. James

Featuring the spirit of the local people

Travel = experiential learning Ruth Lloyd Caledonia Courier

In total 60,000 Canadians will be awarded the medal to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne. James was one of 30 teachers nominated by EF Educational Tours, which was a partner in the nomination process, and is the company Like any good teacher, Travis James knows a subject has more impact when a person can see, James organizes his tours through each year. hear and even smell something in real life. On Oct. 13, James was awarded the medal at a ceremony in Toronto, with a big part of “I’m always amazed by the stuff they’ll come home with - the stories,” said James, recalling a the thrill of receiving the award being the opportunity to get up close and personal with Marc memory of the smell of the Kielburger, co-founder of steam rising from the New Free the Children and Me York City subway system. to We, according to James. “I’m never going to forKielburger was a speaker get that,” he said. at the event and handed out Travis James is a teachthe medals. er at Fort St. James Sec“I felt honoured,” he ondary School and also said. the organizer of the High “Travis is being awardSchool Community Travel ed this Medal because he Club. is extremely committed As the organizer for the to excellence in education club, James has coordinatwith a focus on experiened and booked seven trips tial learning,” said Stephafor high school students nie Ruttan, spokesperson and community memfor EF Educational Tours bers for places around the in a letter about James. world, with next year’s trip “He goes above and beto Beijing being the sevyond in his daily life to enth. support the EF mission From Costa Rica to of breaking down barriers Rome, New York to Ireof language, culture and land, James has taken stugeography, and to encourdents to places far outside age his community to be the daily life of Fort St. global citizens.” James. But like most volun“I still have my metro teers, James was quick to card,” said Pita Rokoratu, share the credit for what a student who went to New the travel club does. York City with the club in “It’s just awesome for the spring of 2010. “It rethe community and district ally opens your eyes to the that we have students that world around you.” Teacher Travis James in the FSJSS library showing his Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal which he received in are doing this … and that Rokoratu said at first recognition of his volunteerism with the school travel club. we have a very supportive he was a bit overwhelmed Ruth Lloyd/Caledonia Courier school.” with how busy the city He said the area school was, but he became much more comfortable in the hustle and bustle as the trip progressed. board and his school’s administration have been very supportive of the travel club over the years. “I remember we watched Wicked in London,” said Kristina Joseph, who went to England and The club itself was started by Mary Huffman, and he picked up where she left off and continued Ireland this past spring. Joseph also recalls learning about the Potato Famine in Ireland from an to grow it. Irishman, getting a more direct perspective on history. The trips he has gone on so far have all been to places James has been before, because this Josh den Engelsen, who went to Greece and Italy in 2011 recalls seeing the Acropolis and the gives him a level of confidence about taking the students there. city of Athens and legendary mountains like Mt. Etna and Vesuvius. “It’s very much not a vacation,” said James. He said he doesn’t relax and enjoy the experi“All the history that I’ve ever known here only goes back hundreds of years, but over there it ence himself until the plane lands back in Prince George at the end of the trip. goes back thousands,” he said. “A weight is lifted off my shoulders,” said James. His leadership and volunteerism earned him some special recognition this year, when he was But it’s all worth it in the end. “It just goes back to the students,” he said. “I figure it’s someawarded a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in Toronto. thing they’re going to remember from their high school years.”

John Rustad, MLA Nechako Lakes

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