Remembrance Day Services in the Elk Valley
Sunday, November 11 Come out and honour our veterans Fernie, BC: Royal Canadian Legion Branch #36 10:30 a.m. Parade form up in front of the Legion Hall 10:40 a.m. Parade marches to the Cenotaph 10:55 a.m. Cenotaph Service begins 11:00 a.m. Two Minute Wave of Silence 11:20 a.m. Parade reforms and returns to the Legion An Ecumenical service follows in the Legion Hall.
Sparwood, BC: Royal Canadian Legion Branch #81 10:00 a.m. Service at the Senior citizens Drop in Centre Parade formation after service 10:40 a.m. Parade to Cenotaph After parade Youth invited to gather at the Seniors Centre and Adults invited to meet at the Legion.
Elkford, BC: 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.
Service at the Elkford Alliance Church, 1803 Alpine Way Parade to Cenotaph, in front of the Elkford Municipal Building. Cenotaph Ceremony, followed by coffee, tea and treats at the Elkford Community Centre
We will remember them.
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THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
Facts on Remembrance Day By Angela Treharne Free Press Staff
• Remembrance Day commemorates Canadians who died in service to Canada from the South African War to current missions. It is held every November 11. • The first Remembrance Day was conducted in 1919 throughout the Commonwealth. Originally called Armistice Day, it commemorated the end of the First World War on Monday, November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m.: the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. • From 1923 to 1931, Armistice Day was
held on the Monday of the week in which November 11 fell. Thanksgiving was also celebrated on this day. • In 1931, MP Allan Neill introduced a bill to hold Armistice Day on a fixed day - November 11. During the bill's introduction, it was decided the word "Remembrance" would be used instead of "Armistice." The bill passed and Remembrance Day was first conducted on November 11, 1931. Thanksgiving Day was moved to October 12 that year. • The poppy is the symbol of Remembrance Day. Replica poppies are sold by the Royal Canadian Legion to raise money for Veterans.
Fernie Cenotaph ceremony.
Sparwood Cenotaph ceremony.
Free Press file photo
Elkford Cenotaph ceremony.
Free Press file photo
Remembering and honouring those who have served us.
Free Press file photo
THE FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 8, 2012 Lest We Forget
Aniela Plonka: Personal Experience during the second world war Submitted by Senior Connector
I remember the last day of August 1939 when I said goodbye to my mother. She had tears in her eyes and asked when she would see me again. I said, “Mom, I’m going to Przemysl, only a few kilometers from home.” I was going to Przemysl to stay with my auntie who was expecting twins, and her husband was away in the army. Living with my aunt was closer to my school than travelling every day by train (I was a high school student). Since that goodbye, 32 years passed before I saw my mother again. On Aug. 28, 1939, the ten years treaty on non-aggression was signed in Moscow by German Joahim von Ribbentrop and Russian Vyacheslaw
Molotow. On Sept. 1, the German army attacked Poland, bombarding cities, towns and villages, killing not only soldiers but shooting civilians running in panic, women, children and whoever was in sight. Injured and dead people lay everywhere. It was a horrible thing to see and live through. On Sept. 17, the Russian army invaded the eastern area of Poland. Then the Germans and Russians divided Poland in half. The river San, which flows through the middle of Prezemysl, was made the German-Russian border. My mother’s house was on the Russian side of the San. My auntie’s house was on the German side. I worried very much for my mother and my family. I hadn’t heard from them since I left to go to school.
I tried to get home but the Russians the wall, standing up. In front of me was didn’t let people through their border. a door with a few air holes so I wouldn’t They dynamited the bridge so it was die in there. If I fainted, I couldn’t fall impossible to get to the other side. I because there was no room to fall. decided to wait until the river froze. I The Russians were very advanced in hoped the Russians were human too their cruelty. Sometimes they kept me and would let me go home. standing there for three to four hours In the early before calling me morning of questioning. By “Looking through the for Jan. 19, 1940, then, I’d be totally I crossed hole, I saw someone pick exhausted; I just the frozen didn’t care anymore. river and up the note and run fast. Then the Russian two Russian c ommander He let my mother know soldiers insisted I admit I what happened to me.” was an enemy of grabbed me. They took Soviet Russia. He me to their would yell at me to headquarters for questioning and kept scare me. “Why don’t you cry?” he me there all day. I pleaded with them to yelled! “For Pilsudski you would cry, release me and let me go home to my but you will not cry for me!” “Yes, for mother. When night fell, they took me Pilsudski I would cry,” I answered. “But in a covered truck to prison. The prison I will not cry to please you.” ( Joseph cell was full of people, older ladies, Pilsudski was Polish patriot and leader school kids and young children. There during the First World War.) was no room to sit down. When night The next prison they sent me to came, we had to take turns to lie down was in Kharkow, and I will never on the floor. forget it as long as I live. They put me Once a day, we were given soup. We in a large cell with Russian women were starved, longing for a piece of bread. There was no place to wash either. After about two weeks, they loaded us in the canvas-covered trucks and took us to the rail station. I wanted This year, for the second time in to let my mother know what had Canada, British Columbians can happened to me, so I wrote a note, tore use their mobile phones to text a strip from my dress and tied it to donations to the Legion’s Poppy the note. When the truck was moving, Funds. I cut a hole in the canvas with a razor and threw out my note. Looking “For many years, British through the hole, I saw someone pick Columbians have been proudly up the note and run fast. He let my wearing their poppies and showing mother know what happened to me. they remember,” says Jim Howard At the rail station, they loaded us in of Vancouver’s Poppy Fund. “This the freight wagons, which were empty year we’ve added a new and easy except for some straw on the floor and a way for you to give.” can standing in the corner. We travelled “You simply text the word POPPY like that for two days and nights. Our to 20222, reply YES to confirm, first stop was Nikolayew, Russia. They and a $5 donation will be added to brought us to the prison door and your mobile phone bill,” explains gave us some water. I remember I Howard. “We receive 100% of the drank at least three quarts of water at donation.” once. I was kept in Nikolayew prison The mobile giving program, for six months. Many times, and made popular by disaster relief always after midnight, they called me efforts in Haiti and Japan, is part for questioning. Again they put us in of a brand revitalization project covered trucks, in separate partitions, at The Royal Canadian Legion and drove us far away to another prison. At that prison, they let us out of the BC/Yukon Command. Newly truck one at a time then put us each in appointed Executive Director, separate little cupboard-like boxes in
who were hardened criminals. They were in prison for murder, assault, theft and many other crimes. They swore and fought between themselves terribly. I was so scared. I thought I’d died and was in hell. Every night, two Russian guards came to the cell to count us. I kept asking them, “Please put me in with Polish women.” They asked, “Why?” “Because I can’t speak Russian,” I told them. “You have to learn,” they answered. “Learn from these women.” Every night they asked us what we did before we came to prison. The Russian women answered that they were thieves, stealing large items or picking pockets. One night, when they asked me again what I did before coming to prison, just to make fun of them, I said I was a pickpocket. The guards looked surprised and smiled. The next day they put me in a cell with Polish women. For another six months I was in Kharkow prison. Then, one day they called me to the commander’s office and read my sentence.
Continued on page B5
Aniela Pawliszak.
Submitted photo
Remembering our Veterans this Remembrance Day Sparwood
113 Red Cedar Dr Sparwood, (250) 425-6489
Inga Kruse says the Legion is giving their brand a facelift that includes the introduction of new technology and new, more modern ways for supporters to remember, join and give. “We want people to know we’re more than a social club,” explains Kruse. “Any Canadian over the age of 18 can join the Legion— you don’t have to be ex-military.” The Legion in BC has 65,000 members, contributes $6.5 million to community programs each year and Legion members volunteer over 600,000 hours annually. One of the key programs that benefits from poppy fundraising is the Veterans’ Transition Program at the University of British Columbia, where returning veterans can receive free support, counseling and trauma relief as they transition home and back to civilian life.
1701 – 9th Ave., Fernie, B.C.
Come in and try our new pumpkin spice muffin!
Remembering those who sacrificed for our freedom
THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
World War One Files from the Fernie Free Press and The Fernie Historical Museum May 2, 1915
NEW RECRUITS The recruiting for the 54th Kootenay Battalion during the past week has been very satisfactory and Capt. Moffatt is well pleased with the class of men who are offering themselves. About sixty have already passed their medical examiner and a number have volunteered who have not yet come before him. A number of men have been turned down owing to their teeth; in fact our contingent would have almost reached the allotted 200 if it had not been for this defect. It would seem to us as though a fund should be raised to provide dental treatment for those who are willing to offer their services to their country. It seems rather hard to expect a man to put up from $25 to $100, probably all the money he has to secure this treatment. It has been suggested that the funds raised at the smoker this evening should be used for this purpose. And if such is the case, a liberal
collection should be secured. If you cannot go yourself this will be a grand opportunity to provide a substitute who is eager to take your place. Following are the names of those who have enlisted to date: Capt. Moffatt Lt. K. C. Corasan James Stacey Thomas Slater Cooper Stevenson John Kellock Henry E. McKay Harry F. Armstrong James Allen Jack B. Harris Bernard J. L. Dufficy Robert Laurey Andrew Black John P. Gregory John L. Palmer Robert Railton Peter Kennedy James Blakemore John A. Price Thomas Sheridan Andrew J. Corrigan Duncan J. Cody Alexander Houle George Kelly
Jack Randall Chas H. Hunnable Patrick J. Joyce Wm. Forsythe George P. Eddie James Dobie Wm. Anderson Geo W. Cody Geo Y. Linn Walter Harrison R. M. McLennan Thomas Doray W. E. Duthie David Gash J. L Quaife Wm. Smith J.W. Shorthouse Wm. Wheeler Joseph Biggs Edward Moon W. H. Carson E. G. Westby John White J. A. Fisher W. Smith F. H. Collinge Joseph Morin C. M. Sinclair R.H. Parnell Geo S. Anderson Edward Roberts
Cherished Memories
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Lest We Forget
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THE FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 8, 2012 Lest We Forget
Aniela Plonka: Personal Experience during the second world war Continued from page B3
They said, because I was an enemy of Soviet Russia, they sentenced me to five years of hard labour in a camp for women. The place was called Akmolinsk. It was the winter of 1941. We came to Akmolinsk by train, a prison train with bars on the windows and guards with guns. They gave us very salty fish to eat but no water to drink. They tried to find some water but there was no place to get it. As far as we could see, there was nothing but snow and more snow. Finally, they brought some snow for us to eat. We travelled like that for a week. The camp was north of Akmolinsk, Siberia. There were no railroads, so we had to walk through the deep snow for about ten hours to get there. Some people were so tired they fell in the snow. The soldiers pushed them with the butts of their rifles and swore and called us names. In this transport were more than 300 Polish women. The camp was full of Russian prisoners, wives and daughters of tzar officers; their husbands and fathers were shot when the communists took over the Russian government and the women and children were sent off to prison for life. I was put to work digging frozen ground because they planned to build a railroad. The work was hard and the hours long. We worked 14 to 16 hours every day. The temperature was 45 degrees below zero, and still we worked outside. To keep warm, we had to work fast; when you stand up to rest for half a minute, your sweat would freeze on your back. My feet were frozen so terribly that, for many years after, my feet were swollen and it was difficult for me to find soft shoes that wouldn’t hurt. Every prisoner had to dig a “norm,” so many metres long and so many wide. If somebody managed to dig the norm he or she received more bread the next day. I could never make the norm. I was too weak so I received only small portions of bread. Also, once a day we got soup, which was made of some grain and fish heads. For one and a half years I worked in that camp doing hard work outside, building railroads and digging canals for irrigation or something. Many of my friends didn’t make it, they died of starvation and diseases. My brother also died or was killed somewhere in Siberia. I lost all hope of survival. But something happened to restore hope for the suffering Polish people in Russian prisons.
The City of
salutes our veterans
The Germans didn’t keep their fell. The string of the bag cut my arm, promise of non-aggression. In June and for many years, I had a big scar 1941, the German army attacked Russia from it. and the two “partners in crime” were When the train stopped, we walked now at war. Polish general, Wladyslaw to a village in Kozakstan (a Russian Sikorski, tried to save the Polish people occupied country), and asked for jobs, from Russian prisons. The terms of any jobs, because we were very hungry. agreement were signed in London on The Kozak people let us work on their July 30, 1941, by the Sikorski and farms and paid us with some flour and the USSR. On Dec. 4, 1941, the potatoes. After a few weeks, we tried to Declaration of Mutual Assistance and get to Alma-Ata. Some Russian men Collaboration was signed in Moscow in the village were going to Alm-Ata, by Sikorski and Joseph Stalin. Stalin and said they had room for one of us, agreed to release the Polish people if we paid them. We had 50 rubles from Russian prisons. The Polish army between us, so my friends decided I was organized in the Soviet Union by would take our belongings and the ride General Wladyslaw Anders. This was while they would walk. possible because there were more than On the way to Alma-Ata, the men one million Polish prisoners of war and stopped by some bars for drinks while I many thousands of civilian families waited in the wagon. When they came deported from Poland to Russia. back, they yelled at me to give them In May 1942, I was released from more money, but I didn’t have any. So the Russian prison. I was released they started hitting me and tearing off along with two Polish ladies. Together, my clothes. I was very scared and didn’t we decided to go to the southern know what to do. Thankfully, there part of Russia by train. Some female was a little Kozak man travelling with Russian prisoners asked us to find their the Russians. He asked them to leave families and give me alone, them messages that but they “I was in the middle of they were alive and were drunk nowhere. I didn’t know and wouldn’t healthy. When we got to the addresses where I was or what to do. stop. When we were given, their the wagon families were so I sat on my bags and cried c o n t i n u e d afraid they wouldn’t down a hill, and prayed.” acknowledge they the Kozak had relatives who pushed me were prisoners. They said, “No. We off the wagon and I fell and rolled don’t know anyone who is in prison.” down the hill. Then he threw my bags When we asked them if we could sleep down. He saved my life. in their yards, they wouldn’t let us. I was in the middle of nowhere. I It was very difficult to get a seat on a didn’t know where I was or what to do. train. There were a lot of people trying I sat on my bags and cried and prayed. to get from place to place. The trains After a long time, a Kozak man came were full of Russian army personnel by and asked if he could help. He was so civilians had a very slim chance to riding on a donkey and spoke only get on. The rail stations were full of Kozak. But somehow we understood Russian refugees running away from each other. He let me borrow his the front. Their homes were destroyed donkey. I put my bags on the donkey’s by bombs and fire so they had to move back and sat on it, then started off. The on. Many nights we slept on the street donkey walked steadily, until we came waiting to get on a train. to a creek. It sat down right in the After a long wait at the Akmolinsk middle of the creek, getting the flour rail station, my two friends and I in one of my bags all wet. I jumped managed to get on the train, but we off the donkey and started pulling the didn’t have any money for tickets so rope, but the donkey refused to move. the lady conductor threw us out. We She was just enjoying the cool water. I held on the step rails while the train was so upset, I ran behind the donkey was moving. On the next car, some and grabbed her tail and pulled it very Russian men were also hanging on the hard. The donkey jumped and started step rails. I had a little bag hanging on running fast. Finally, I got to the place I a string on my arm. A man from the was supposed to meet my friends. next car tried to steal it. He pulled and They said, “We walked and we are jerked the bag but the string wouldn’t waiting here for you for a long time. break, and I couldn’t release my grip on You had a ride and you are so late.” In the rail to let go of the bag for fear of Alma-Ata, we worked in the cotton falling off the train. It was going very fields for a while. We lived in a small fast and I would have been killed if I cottage built of clay and straw. When
Czeslaw (Chester) Plonka. Submitted photo we lay down at night, we could see the was full of Polish men and women just stars shining through the holes in the released from Russian prisons who had roof. There, I got sick with a severe case joined the army. There were also some of dysentery, and I thought I wouldn’t Polish Catholic priests who’d joined survive. One morning, a Russian the army. soldier came to our door and said he For nearly three years, we had no was collecting all the Polish people he chance to attend church or hear the could find to get Holy Mass. “I got sick with a severe The following them to one place for a transport. Sunday, we case of dysentery, and The place was near gathered in an Tashkent. He was open field to I thought I wouldn’t sorry to see me so hear the Holy survive.” sick. He put us on Mass for the a wagon and gave first time since us some bread and our release boiled water to drink. from Russian prisons. There were Gradually I got better. We called that thousands of men and women, young soldier an angel of mercy sent by God and old. It was very emotional; the to help us. He was the first Russian tears were flowing as we prayed and I met who acted like a human being. sang, “Boze Cos Polske” (God save our From Alma-Ata, we went to Tashkent, Poland). Uzbekistan, another Russian-occupied In October 1942, I was transported country. The Polish army was forming with the Polish army to the Middle near Tashkent, in a town called Jangi- East. We travelled from Port Jul. In August 1942, I enlisted in Krasnowock through the Caspian Sea General Anders’ army on Soviet Union and arrived in Port Pahlevi in Iran. territory in Jangi-Jul. The army’s camp
Remembering those who have given their lives Open Everyday • Contact us to place a special order
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592 2nd Ave., Fernie • 250-423-3736
Continued on page B6
561A 2nd Avenue • Fernie 778-519-2296
THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
Aniela Plonka: Personal Experience during the second world war
Czeslaw (Chester) and Aniela Plonka’s wedding photo. Continued from page B5
Iran was a nice place. I met many nice people there. For eight months, I worked in a Teheran hospital as a volunteer. I worked night shifts. Every night I started two hours earlier because I took nursing classes. It was a crash course, but it helped my work in the hospital. The hospital was a new building,
not finished yet. There was no electricity, no telephones. We had to use lanterns. There was a shortage of doctors and nurses. Transports of Polish civilians came from Russia, filled with people with diseases like typhoid fever, tuberculosis and others. Most of the people died in that hospital. When I was transferred to
Remembrance Day Services Sunday, November 11
Come out and honour our veterans
Submitted photo
Iraq, in the 7th Division, Polish army, I worked in the YMCA canteen. The 7th Division was stationed in Quizi-Ribat near Bagdad. Bagdad is a nice city. The Tigres River flows right through the middle of Bagdad, and palm tree grow there. Iraq has a very hot climate, no rain, not a cloud in the sky, only sun and sand. When the wind blew,
the sand hung in the air like a sea to swim. We also took bus cloud. tours to Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv. In Iraq, we lived in tents. Big It was just like Hawaii there. I nests were ties around our beds went to Jerusalem four times. to protect us from dangerous stings from scorpions, tarantulas We visited the Holy Land and and other poisonous creatures. churches, and went to Bethlehem Many Polish people got sick and Nazareth. I also took a tour with malaria from mosquito and to the Dead Sea. I enjoyed every other insect minute “In Iraq, I met the man of it. bits. The Arabian who became my husband; Because p e o p l e I were used wanted he was a Polish army to their to do officer. He was also a climate m o r e and their former Russian prisoner t h a n kind of w o r k of war.” living. The in the Polish army canteen, in Iraq didn’t have any I applied to join the air force and entertainment. While working go to England. I was accepted. in the canteen, I was asked to In December 1943, around sing for the soldiers. Christmastime, our transport With another soldier, I left for England. We travelled was sent to many camps and by train to Alexandrai, Egypt, divisions. We sang solos and and embarked on a big ship duets. If we put on a play, I took on the Mediterranean Sea. The part in it, too. In Iraq, I met the ship had to go slowly and very man who became my husband; carefully because there were he was a Polish army officer. He was also a former Russian prisoner of war. He left for England to join the Royal Air Force (RAF) a few days after we met. I didn’t see him for a year but we kept in touch by writing letters. From England, the RAF sent him to Canada for navigation training for nine months. When he returned to England he was stationed at Newcastle and flew a two-person plane called a Mosquito (they were also called Night Fighters). His duty was to spot German bombers flying towards England and shoot them down. In July 1943, I was transferred along with the 7th Division to Palestine. While travelling to Palestine, we saw a beautiful mirage. It looked like a big city and water lying ahead of us, but when we got there – nothing. The view had moved a little farther away. We travelled through a corner of Syria then through Jordan. Our transport stopped by the Jordan River and we went in the water for a splash. In Palestine, I continued working in the canteen. Our camp was located in Hajfa by the Mediterranean Sea. It was hot there so we would go to the
To those dedicated servicemen and women, we say thank you.
Sparwood, BC
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #81 10:00 a.m. Church Service, Seniors drop-in centre at 101 Pine Avenue 10:45 a.m. Parade formation after service 10:55 a.m. Cenotaph Ceremony, march back to the seniors drop-in centre, hot chocolate for the participating youth. A hot meal at Michel-Natal Branch 81, 117 Centennial Square.
Coalminer's Gallery & Picture Framing specializing in framing memorbilia 4165 Highway 43, Elkford, BC 250-865-2236
mines in the water. We had to stop right by Gibraltar and wait there for a week until the navy fished out all the mines. The first week of January 1944, we arrived in Glasgow, Scotland. In Febraury, I enlisted in the RAF with the WAAF. They sent me to the Halton station near London for a mechanics course. In eight months I finished the course, and was a flight mechanic E, working on engines on Lancaster bombers stationed at Sillloth (between England and Scotland). Living in England for four years, I visited many cities and made a lot of friends. It was there that I married and had my son George, who was born in Edinburgh, Scotlalnd. Since August 1929, when I last saw my mother, I didn’t know what had happened to my family. It was useless to write because the Russians and Germans fought on Polish territory.
Continued on page C18
THE FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 8, 2012 Lest We Forget
Glorious Victory – Honorable Peace
Fighting in World War I ended on November 11, 1918, but war did not officially end until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Celebrations marking this were held across the British Empire on July 19, 1919. In Fernie the day was marked with a large parade led by the Fernie Pipers – Messrs. Graham, Watson and MacNeil and followed by the Veterans of the District – some two hundred strong and numerous floats and bands. Fernie and District Historical Society – 6091 Fernie, B.C. Troop Train in Fernie W.”W.I. Banner on side of train reads” Cranbrook & Fernie” “Kootenay answers the call. 5 COY No 8 Platoon
nce a r b m e 012 m Re Day 2 teachers and students will be honouring sacrifices of the past and working for peace in the future. A message from the Fernie District Teachers’ Association
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THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
World War Two Files from the Fernie Free Press and The Fernie Historical Museum September 18, 1940
F E R N I E BOYS IN AIR RAID Jimmy Galloway writes from England of his recent experience in an air raid: “Things have been pretty quite today-only one air raid alarm so far- but sometimes they come at night and drop delayed action bombs that don’t explode for twelve or more hours. Every once in a while one goes off and they sure do some damage. I have a little camera that I took some snaps with but we can’t get these kind of pictures developed right now. Maybe later. There really isn’t much news so I’ll tell you about my first big air raid- that is, the first one that I was in the middle of and believe me I was scared. A concert party from London offered to come to our camp to entertain the boys, so a truck had to go to Sutton and pick them up on account of poor train connections. Alf. Thompson went to look after things, Tommy Biggs went for the ride, and I was driving a big 4-wheel drive ammunition truck. We picked them up alright and started back for camp about fifteen miles away. It’s all the suburbs of London around there anyway, just like a long main street, and when we got close to Croydon we could see all the people standing around and looking up in the air and then start running for shelter. Biggs looked up and there they were, about 25 big silver bombers about the size of our Trans-Canada mail planes, if not bigger. We made a run for it but got stopped by police and had to pull in. There were six
or seven women in the party and we had to find shelter for them. We got a couple of guys under the truck and took the women to a deep ditch behind a garage and then lay back to watch the scrap. The air was full of planes twisting and maneuvering, machine guns clattering and the bursts of ack ack ground defenses. Several went down in smoke, and some of the pilots bailed out safely. One Jerry went down just over the trees with smoke coming out of his tail. I thought he was going to machine-gun us but he couldn’t have seen us. This was all divebombing. They carry big bombs of about half a ton and just dive at the target and kind of throw the bombs at it. It’s pretty accurate too. Well, they finally fought themselves away from us and when the “all clear” came we went to camp and had the concert just the same. I had to take them back to Sutton after but we decided to take each one home and there we were, all over London till five in the morning dropping actors and actresses at their homes with a three-ton truck. They were tickled pink too. We were the first Canadians they had met and we went in and had a drink with a couple of them and one place we had a tea about three o’clock in the morning. I had a couple of peroxide blondes in the front with me and it was ‘Thumbs up’ as we English say. We were invited especially to once place by the lady who managed the show. She had two nice daughters in it, one 11 and one about 20. They were sure fine people and had lots of nerve- they never said a word during the raid, not even the little girl, and I was plenty scared even though I couldn’t show it.
I better slow down on this it’s getting too gabby. Anyway we had another big raid a couple days later and one Jerry had the nerve to come down and machine-gun us. Nobody got hit me especially. When he came through the trees about fifty feet from the ground with his guns rattling and the two big yellow eyes in front looking straight at me I dived head first into a trench that was only big enough for one. There were two guys already in it but we managed comfortably. He was landing with his motor conked off and glided into a field not far from us. By the time he landed the machine gun had stopped as the rear gunner had gone west and the pilot got out with a Tommy gun. That was his final mistake. A Lewis gun makes an awful mess of a guy. Mike Stelliga came in a few minutes after this raid from some place and from where he described where one big bomb landed I thought it sounded familiar. Alf and I and Archie went that way next day and found that the place where we had taken shelter with the concert party on Thursday wasn’t there anymore. Where my truck was parked was a hole about twenty feet deep and about thirty or forty across. Well, and so ends the bedtime story. This is a dirty, dusty camp but we move again Monday for a new location and thank goodness. I just hope I can duck long enough to get another leave to Scotland, so so long and cheerio and hope to see you all soon. Bandmaster Frank Vernon has enlisted most of the Fernie Band in the Canadian Army. Twentythree of the boys have already been accepted. Full particulars will be published next week.
From generation to generation may we always remember those who served and continue to serve.
Supporting our Veterans
(250) 423-6868 741 2nd Ave, Fernie, BC (250) 423-4661
We t s e L et g r o F
THE FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 8, 2012 Lest We Forget
In Flanders Fields by John McCrae, May 1915
In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
A day to remember... Thank you to those who sacriďŹ ced for our freedom.
250-423-9211 1492 Hwy. #3 FERNIE
THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
Please wear a poppy by Don Crawford, 1960’s"
Please wear a poppy," the lady said And held one forth, but I shook my head. Then I stopped and watched as she offered them there, Her face was old and lined with care; But beneath the scars the years had made There remained a smile that refused to fade. A boy came whistling down the street, Bouncing along on care-free feet. His smile was full of joy and fun, "Lady," said he, "may I have one?" When she'd pinned it on he turned to say, "Why do we wear a poppy today?" The lady smiled in her wistful way And answered, "This is Remembrance Day, And the poppy there is the symbol for The gallant men who died in war. And because they did, you and I are free That's why we wear a poppy, you see." "I had a boy about your size, With golden hair and big blue eyes. He loved to play and jump and shout, Free as a bird he would race about. As the years went by he learned and grew and became a man - as you will, too." "He was fine and strong, with a boyish smile, But he'd seemed with us such a little while When war broke out and he went away. I still remember his face that day When he smiled at me and said, Goodbye, I'll be back soon, Mom, so please don't cry." "But the war went on and he had to stay, And all I could do was wait and pray. His letters told of the awful fight, (I can see it still in my dreams at night), With the tanks and guns and cruel barbed wire, And the mines and bullets, the bombs and fire." "Till at last, at last, the war was won And that's why we wear a poppy son." The small boy turned as if to go, Then said, "Thanks, lady, I'm glad to know. That sure did sound like an awful fight, But your son - did he come back all right?" A tear rolled down each faded check; She shook her head, but didn't speak. I slunk away in a sort of shame, And if you were me you'd have done the same; For our thanks, in giving, if oft delayed, Though our freedom was bought - and thousands paid! And so when we see a poppy worn, Let us reflect on the burden borne, By those who gave their very all When asked to answer their country's call That we at home in peace might live. Then wear a poppy! Remember - and give!
Friday, March 20, 1942.
TOMMY ATKINSON Mr. and Mrs. Gillett of West Fernie received a letter on Monday, March 16th, from the Middle East. It was mailed on Nov. 3rd, 1941 and was intended to be a Christmas letter, as it contained greetings and a photo, in place of a Christmas card. He tells them the only Canadian he met out there was a R.A.F man, while he was in hospital some little time before writing. Tommy says he forgot the place, but it was somewhere near Fernie where he had lived before going to England in 1936. His name was Best. We say he might meet more Canadians later. They will likely be sent out to more places from now on. This snap was taken at Le Havre in France, before the evacuation. Tommy wishes to be remembered to all Coal Creek people, also West Fernie people, among whom he spent his early years. He tells the Gilletts they are in a different country at present not quite so hot but which suits him much better. March 29, 1945
TWO FERNIE MEN HONORED Two former Fernie boys have been honored with Distinguished Flying Crosses. They were awarded for completing various capacities, many successful operations against the enemy in which they displayed skill, fortitude and devotion to duty. They are Flight Lieutenant Allan Emmott, son of former Constable Emmott, of Fernie, and FO. W. L. Cox of Cranbrook who enlisted from Fernie.
In honour and remembrance of our fellow Canadians who defend our freedom.
Sparwood- 250-425-7772
Fernie- 250-423-7719
THE FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 8, 2012 Lest We Forget
March 30, 1945
Answers Last Roll Call On Saturday last there passed away in Calgary one of Fernie’s brightest and most promising young men in the person of Flying Officer Harold Douglas Minton, aged 23, son of the late Lieutenant Harold Minton and Mrs. Millie Minton, of Fernie. A member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, he had only been overseas a few months when he was injured in a landing accident. His injury seemed very unimportant, but later complications
developed and his case became serious. He was invalided home to Canada on the hospital ship Lady Nelson. Brought west to the Colonel Belcher Hospital at Calgary, everything that medical science could do was unveiling and he passed away on March 24th. His wife and mother went up to Calgary and remained with him until the end. Deceased was a young man of sterling character, loved and respected by all who knew him. With the exception of a short time when the family resided in Nelson, he spent all his life in Fernie. He was particularly active in High School affairs during his student days and was an outstanding member of the debating team. He was married on January 1st 1944, to Ada Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Littler, of this city. The funeral was held in Fernie on Tuesday from Christ Church, the beautiful service being conducted by Archdeacon B. A. Resker, of Kimberley. It was most impressive and the church
was crowded to the doors. The floral offerings were numerous and very beautiful. In the funeral procession was a contingent from the local branch of the Canadian Legion, a firing squad from the Rocky Mountain Rangers, and a bugler from the High School Air Cadets. The pallbearers were Harold White, Whir Brown, Norman Bartlett, Richard Large, Thomas Wilson and D. M. Mitchell. At the cemetery they laid Douglas to rest beside his father (an air veteran of the first Great War) in a beautiful spot overlooking the Elk Valley. The sympathy of the whole community goes out to the bereaved family. Mrs. Minton has indeed been sorely tried by grief. In a few short years she has lost a husband, a father, a sister, and now a son. The surviving members of the family are his wife, mother and sister, Mildred, in Fernie, and his brother, Lac. Jack Minton, in the overseas airforce.
March 9, 1945
FERNIE BOY KILLED IN ACTION In last week’s Free Press we announced that Mrs. Helen Stefak had received word that her son, Pte. Peter Stefak was missing. A further telegram this week gave the sad news that he had been killed in action. Peter Stefak was a well known Fernie boy having spent all his
THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
life here. He has been over seas for about a year. The list of our lads who have given their lives for their country is steadily growing. Mrs. Stefak and family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community.
the U-boat with 54 rounds of four inch gun fire and 2880 rounds of oerlikon fire, topped off by final depth charges as the submarine fought back. Wm. Bigrigg E.R.A. of Fernie is one of the crew aboard the H.H. C.P. Annan. January 30, 1942
April 13, 1945
FERNIE MAN IN AT THE KILL Ottawa Ont. April 3 in a spectacular running fight with a damaged but still dangerous German submarine, the Canadian frigate Annan sent the U-boat down for the last time, Angus L. MacDonald announced today. Only seven Canadians were wounded in the action, which took place on the north Atlantic. Many Nazi survivors were picked up including the captain and two other officers. The submarine was forced to the surface with depth charges. The Annan closed to within less than 3000 yards for the kill and blasted
Flight Lieut. W. J. Dyson mention in the following article, was well known in Fernie, where a few years ago he worked for the Kootenay Telephone Lines. He played on the Fernie hockey team one season. “Aboard an R.C.A.F transport plane which crashed and exploded near MacGregor, Manitoba, late Monday night, Flight Lieutenant W. J. Dyson, of Calgary, was one of seven persons who met instant death. The names of the other six victims of the crash have not yet been released. A light snow was falling as the big plane, roaring eastward, hurtled down on the farm of Carl Anderson, three miles northwest of MacGregor. The wreckage was being examined today by Air Force officials. Flight Lieut. Dyson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dyson, 1616 Bowness road, was born in Winnipeg in 1906, and took his training in Eastern Canada. In February 1941, Flight Lieut. Dyson was injured in an airplane crash south of Ottawa. The flying student whom he was instructing was killed in the accident. Flight Lieut. Dyson was a member of the Masonic order, and was well known in the sports circles. He is survived by his wife, who lives in Victoria, his parents, three sisters and two brothers, of Calgary.
THE FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 8, 2012 Lest We Forget
August 10 1945
The Second Great War Has Finally Ended Fernie, like every other town and city in America, went wild on Tuesday when the glad tidings rang out that the war was over. The dark cloud that has cast a terrible shadow over the world for nearly six long years, has been lifted and tens of thousands of anxious families with loved ones on the battle fronts may breathe a sigh of relief. The messages from overseas will contain nothing but joyful news. Yes, the war is over; and, we believe, all wars are over. The atomic bomb will take care of that question for all time. Fernie celebrated the great
news with everything they had. Whistles blew, bells rang, bonfires were lighted and a good strong dance on Victoria avenue was carried on for many hours on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Our crowd, not like some other places, kept well within the law and everybody had a wonderful time. The mines were idle for two days and it seemed that no body cared if they ever worked again. President Truman made the announcement at 6 p.m. C.D.T. press conference in the White House even Prime Minister Attlee broadcast a similar message over the B.B.C. from London. Moscow radio also carried the news for which the world has wailed breathlessly for days. Orders went out immediately to silence the guns in the farflung Pacific theatre.
Prime Minister Mackenzie King proclaimed next Sunday as a day of prayer and solemn thanksgiving “for freedom against Japanese aggression the victory granted to the cause of and for the termination of active hostilities in the Great War in which Canada and other of the United Nations have been engaged.” The day also will be observed as a “Day of Remembrance” of the heroism of the men and women of Canada and the other United Nations who had given their lives in the war. It also would be a “day of rededication under Almighty God in the effort for the restoration, on a firm and enduring basis of justice and rights, of peace and accord among the nations of the world.” Mr. King said that there was “no day in history which means so much to the people of Canada and the people of the world as today- a day which closes an old order and opens the era of a new one.” “We must, from this moment
on, do all we possibly can for the human brotherhood and bring about an era of enduring peace.” May 28, 1946
FERNIE MEN HONORED Ottawa May 28th, a total of 564 officers and other ranks serving in the Canada Army overseas have been decorated in recognition of gallant and distinguished services with awards in Mentions of Dispatches. The 1st approved by his majesty the King included: Letcher, John Calvin, Captain; 35; wife, Mrs. Beatrice Mary Letcher; Fernie, BC. A ello Emilio; Captain; 32; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Afello; Fernie, BC. The Canadian National Council on Physical Fitness has endorsed the principle of establishing community recreational and cultural centers as war memorials.
THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
Aniela Plonka: Personal Experience during the second world war Continued from page B6
The Polish army fought for freedom on many fronts; in Poland, the Battle of Britain, in Italy and Monte Cassino, Narvik, Norway and other areas. But it didn’t bring freedom for Poland.
The Conference at Yalta Cremea, USSR, was held Feb. 4 to 11, 1945, by American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Russian
Marshal Joseph Stalin. They decided army had fought and died for nothing. the future of Poland. Poland did not regain her freedom! The Polish army that had fought with Stalin demanded the eastern part of Poland – Lwow, the Allies Wilno, and many “When I heard the news wanted to other towns like have an the one my mother I cried so much I thought independent lived in. Stalin also my heart would break.” government demanded to take elected by the people – Poland under his wing and set up a not one ruled communist government there. Poland by the Soviets. That’s why, on return to was not very important to Roosevelt Poland, the Polish soldiers were treated or Churchill so they agreed. The Polish as enemies of Soviet Russia.
When the war was over, my husband’s mother wrote us and told us not to come back home. “Stay where you are. If you come back, you will be sent back to Siberia,” she wrote. She also told us my mother was alive and had been ordered by the Russians to leave her home and go onto the Polish side of the border because her house was in the newly acquired Russian territory. She also said in her letter that my brother was taken by the Russians, beaten and sent to a prison somewhere in Siberia. My two younger sisters were
also taken to Germany for hard labour. When I heard the news I cried so much I thought my heart would break. We knew it was too dangerous to return to Poland. When my husband had been in Canada for navigation school, he knew how it was there, so we decided to come and live in Canada. Aneila Plonka was born Sept. 18, 1919, in Poland and passed away at the age of 89 on Jan. 21, 2009, in Fernie, B.C.
491 Victoria Avenue (2nd Ave.) Fernie, B.C. 250-423-7016
For years, you’ve supported the Legion. And proudly wore your poppy. This fall, a new generation of veterans are returning home, and your gift has never been so important. Veterans will turn to the Legion for affordable housing, career counseling & trauma relief. And we’ll be there with your support. Simply text the word “POPPY” to 20222 on your mobile phone and $5 will be sent directly to the Legion’s Poppy Funds. R e m e m b e R.
J o i n.
G i v e.
To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be your to hold it high.
THE FREE PRESS, Thursday, November 8, 2012 Lest We Forget
Red and white poppies
Wearing a red poppy for Remembrance Day on November 11 has been a tradition in this country for 90 years now. The white poppy, dating from 1933, has recently resurfaced, however. It is a way to remember the civilian victims of war. The two complement each other: the red for those who died for their country, the white for the hope of peace.
Did you know that behind these poppy campaigns, both past and present, are some very committed women? The adoption of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance has international origins. The first person to use it in this way was Mrs. Moina Michael, a staff member of the American Overseas YMCA, during the last year of the First World War. In April 1920 she led a stirring campaign to have the poppy recognized as the official symbol of remembrance by the American Legion. At the same time, Mrs. Anna Guérin, from France, became an ardent defender of the poppy as the symbol that would help all citizens remember those who died in the war. The efforts of these two ladies were not in vain. The first “poppy day” was held on November 11, 1921, in France as well as in Commonwealth countries. Ninety years later, the poppy is still a reminder to us all. But we mustn’t forget that on November 11, 1933, the Women’s Cooperative Guild in the United Kingdom launched the white poppy campaign, symbolizing the will to work towards creating a world without violence, to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to remember civilian victims of war.
Inventory of wars in contemporary history Remembrance Day is an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices that today’s soldiers make and on the sacrifices of all those who preceded them. The deadliest war: The Great War of 1914-1918 is the greatest drama known to Europe in terms of the number of deaths. The totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century and the Second World War are the direct consequences of this war. But it was the Second World War that was the deadliest, with more than 55 million deaths, of which 30 million were civilian. The most remembered war: This is the Second World War because of the atom bombs dropped on Japan and because it left its mark on three generations. Fortunately, those who remember it also remember the slogan “No more war!” The bloodiest battle in Canadian history: The Battle of the Somme took place from July 1 to the end of November, 1916. On the first day of this battle, the 1st Newfoundland Regiment was virtually annihilated in the village of Beaumont. Machine guns, barbed wire, trenches, and massive artillery shelling resulted in ferocious fighting marked by heavy losses. Some 24,713 Canadians and Newfoundlanders died in the battle. The largest naval battle: The greatest naval concentration of contemporary history was deployed in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean area on September 21, 2007. This unprecedented demonstration of power by the United States against Iran included three aircraft carriers supported by about 40 escort vessels and nearly 100 aircraft.
In honour of those who saved the world In life one man can seldom see His impact in society Our soldiers fight to blinded eyes To allow us all to live our lives Taking up arms against a foe To save us from the pain they know To give us all out liberty They bear the brunt of misery No greater duty can one bear An act of courage few would dare Endless sacrifices for 4 years Keeping back our greatest fears November 11th is a day of love To remember those now up above Men and women far too great To be remembered upon one date No words bring justice to their fight But I will try with all my might To bring them honour for the days They fought to alay such evil ways No act of love could be so grand As one brave soldier’s final stand So now I will say at last We must remember what has past Those who have died and those who live And all the thanks to them we give They are all those who meet the call Preserving good for one and all So on this day I ask you pray For heroes of our memory Thank for your sacrifice It was this act that gave us life. A poem by Mike,
THE FREE PRESS Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lest We Forget
PHOTO Combat Camera
We will remember them.
Lest we forget. Est. 1898