Eagle Valley News, November 14, 2012

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“Huggy Shirley” honoured with special award Page 2

Eagle Valley 4-H Club wraps up successful year Page 6

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012


Vol. 53 No. 46 Sicamous, B.C., • 1.25 (HST included) • www.eaglevalleynews.com

Honouring the fallen: A solemn crowd attends the Sicamous Cenotaph on Remembrance Day to pay their respects to those civilians and military personnel who lost their lives in the service of their country. Photos by Lachlan Labere

A2 www.eaglevalleynews.com

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Eagle Valley News

Promoting Sicamous one hug at a time Need Help?

Huggy Shirley: Senior resident honoured with ambassador award. KEYSTROKE COMPUTER SERVICE By Lachlan Labere


Eagle Valley News

The District of Sicamous might benefit from a slight addition to its official slogan: The Houseboat Capital of Canada and Home of Shirley Holcomb. This year’s Sicamous Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards saw the introduction of a new award, created specifically with Holcomb in mind: Visitor Ambassador 2012. Holcomb says she was invited to the event by her friend Terri Sinton, who she volunteers with at the arena. While she expected a fine meal and good company, Holcomb says the award was a complete surprise. “It blew my socks off,” says Holcomb. “I’ve done a lot of things in my life to kind of volunteer and help out, but I’ve never ever received anything. I shouldn’t say that because the hockey rink, for volunteering last winter, gave me a hockey jacket… But other than that, I’ve never received anything, so it was a total shock.” The award, however, wasn’t for Holcomb’s volunteer work at the arena, or with the Meals To Wheels program, or at the Seniors Centre, or anywhere else you can find her lending a hand. It was for an initiative that she began this spring to promote the community, which has since earned the sprightly 75-year-old the nickname “Huggy

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Welcome: Shirley Holcomb comes in for one of her well-known hugs. She was recently honoured by the Sicamous chamber for the warm hospitality she has shown to visitors to the community. Photo by Lachlan Labere Shirley.” Essentially, ley” had left a positive important and not just what I’m fighting.” when Holcomb saw a impression. And it is a wallet coming into Holcomb believes new face to the com- exactly that result Hol- town.” her fight was only made munity she would stop comb is after in her misIn fact, it is, in part, more necessary by this them, hand them her sion to assure all who a particular attitude to- summer’s flooding card (with her name, a visit Sicamous know wards Sicamous’ Alber- events which, with the happy face and the re- they’re welcome. tan guests that prompted accompanying televiquest that visitors enjoy “It’s been amazing, Holcomb to take on her sion news broadcasts, themselves in the com- the response from the ambassadorial duties. wound up keeping pom munity), welcome them “This couple that tential visitors away. g. and give them a hug. “I think it’s fabusaid to me – when I was Although some weree so excited when I had lous,” says Sicamous slightly taken aback byy the cards first made – Mayor Darrell Trouton b this approach, Holcomb don’t give any of them about the work HolFor a split second d says she never received out to those damned comb has been doing they’re kind of in a negative reply. Albertans,” says Hol- to promote the commushock, and then “For a split secondd comb. “Well, I said nity. “Shirley is always they hug you back. you better hope those a bubbling personality k, they’re kind of in shock, u and then they hug you damned Albertans and she says it how it is Shirley Holcomb b. back,” says Holcomb. come. When they’re and it’s nice to have her “So it’s amazing. I’vee not coming, we’re los- in our community. The met some wonderful ing businesses. And more people we have people.” Albertans, because they when we lose a busi- out there being warm During the awards said nobody had ever ness, that tax has got and welcoming, it’s betpresentation for Hol- welcomed them before to be going somewhere ter for Sicamous. That’s comb, it was mentioned or even bothered them else, which goes on what we’re based on, the chamber had re- that much, and they your home taxes. And that Sicamous is a great ceived feedback from were thrilled,” explains you know what she said place to come to and all over by visitors upon Holcomb. “It was mak- to me? ‘I’d rather pay See Bikers on page 3 whom “Huggy Shir- ing them feel they are the taxes.’ So there’s

November 17-Parkview PAC is sponsoring a gift basket raffle at the Eagle River Craft Fair this coming Saturday. Please come and support our efforts to fundraise for new playground equipment and take a chance at winning a wonderful Chrsitmas Gift basket November 17-Eagle River Secondary School 23rd Annual Christmas Craft & trade Fair. Saturday at Eagle River School Gym 9:30 am - 3:00 pm. Christmas crafts, jewellery, pottery, woodworking, baking. Items and gifts for everyone. Reservations: Kathy - 250-836-3267 November 17-The Mara Annual Christmas Bazaar at the Mara Hall from 9-3pm. Lunch for $5 and a bake sale table of delicious goodies. Donations of food or cash will be accepted for the Christmas hamper program. Come and find that special gift! For information - contact Frances 838-2121. November 21-Ladies Evening out. 7:00 pm at the Senior’s Activity Centre. Christmas Story, Carols Singing, Door Prizes. Special Music Brianna and Riley. Please bring your donations for the food bank. Admission by donation. All ladies are welcome. December 1- Eagle Valley Artisans Arts & Crafts Sale, 10 AM – 3 PM at the Red Barn in Sicamous, 226 Riverside Ave. For info call 250-836-4613 Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday- Sicamous Lions Club meets at the Sicamous Seniors Activity Centre, 1090 Shuswap Ave, Sicamous. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Everyone Welcome. For info contact Joan at 250-836-4876 or Kathy at 250-836-3267

Every 1st & 3rd Wed.- Parkinsons Support Group at First united Church. 20 - 4th Street SE, Salmon Arm at 10 am. Contact Doreen at 250-836-2509. Every 1st & 3rd Wed. Eagle Valley Photography Club starts on Oct 17. Everyone welcome. 7 pm at the Red Barn. Every 4th Mon.- Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 general meeting, 7 p.m. Third Sunday of the month -Regular meeting of the Eagle Valley Artisans Guild. 3:30 pm - Red Barn, Sicamous. Guests welcome. For info contact Terry Sinton: 250-836-4613. Every Monday and Thursday -Chairbiotics (low impact exercise) Seniors activity Centre 10:00 am. Join us. $2 each. Every Mon. & Fri. - Bridge, Seniors Activity Centre, 1 p.m. Every Tues. Stopping the Violence Program in Sicamous - counselling for women who have experienced abuse during childhood or adult relationships. No charge. Call Kathy at 250-832-9700. Every Tues. - Sicamous Amateur Drama Club rehearsals, 7:00 p.m., Red Barn Arts Centre. 836-4705. Tues. & Thurs. - Carpet Bowling at the Seniors’ Activity Centre at 1 p.m. Every Tues. & Thurs. - Seniors Meals provided, 12 noon in Common Room at the Haven.

Please join us! We are looking for new directors: see our website to see what we do and who we are.


S unshine


Skies full of brilliant sunshine to Dr. Jack Beech for being so kind to me and for outstanding attentiveness to my many medical needs. ~ Marian Graham **** The warmth of the sun always to the office staff at Sicamous Medical Clinic for taking such good care of me. ~ Marian Graham Sunshine Awards are FREE of charge. 20 words per award, due to limited space. Please do not submit more than two awards per week. Recognize your friend, neighbour or loved one with a sunshine award for doing that extra special good deed!

Every Wed. Wednesday Arts for Everyone. 10 am - 3 pm starting September 5. For info contact Juanita at 250-836-3019 or Gail- at 250-836-5472 Every Wed. Girl Guides of Canada. Sparks - 3:00 pm. Brownies - 4:00 pm. Girl Guides - 5:30 pm. New members welcome Every Wed. Lunch by a donation at the Seniors Activity Centre, 1091-Shuswap Avenue at 12 noon. Every Wed. - Seniors Crib, 7:30 p.m., Haven seniors building. Everyone welcome - you don’t have to be a senior. Socializing and coffee served after crib. Info: Esther 836-4373. Every Wed. - T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Wednesday morning at the Sicamous Rec. Centre (arena). Weigh in at 9:00 am and meeting at 9:30. Everyone Welcome. Ph: 250-836-4041 for info Every Wed until July 25 - Sicamous Mixed Softball League games, 6:30 pm at Finlayson Park Every Wed.-Sat. United Church Thrift Store 10:00 am to 3 p.m. Every Thurs. - Malakwa Thrift Store 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. $2 a bag (clothes sale) Located between the two churches. Every Thurs. - Sicamous Crokinole Group meets at 7pm at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre upstairs for more info and to join call Dave Reed @ 250-836-3652

Every Thurs.-Ladies shuffleboard at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99 in Sicamous. 1pm-3pm. All ladies welcome. Every Thurs.- Crib and darts 7 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #99. Everyone welcome. Every 1st, 3rd, 4th Thurs. - Keepsake Kwilters meet at the Haven Common room 1095 Shuswap Avenue at 7:00 p.m. For info call 250-836-2695. Every 2nd and 4th Thurs. Options For Sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m., Sicamous Health Unit. Every 3rd Thursday monthly meeting of the Malakwa Community Association at 7:30 in the Malakwa Hall. Every Fri. - Parents & Tots, 10-12 noon at Catholic Church. 836-3440. Every Fri. - Eagle Valley Brush & Palette Club, Red Barn, 10am-3pm, Everyone welcome! Every Sat. - Outdoor market – back parking lot of Sicamous Legion $10/space. No booking required. No required start or end times. Every 1st & 3rd Fri. - Pool Tournament at the Royal Canadian Legion #99 at 7:00 pm. Every 4th Sun. - OAPO Birthday Tea for members & friends, Seniors Activity Centre, 2 p.m. Last Saturday of every month -Sicamous Royal Canadian Legion #99 Ladies Auxilliary dinner 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, November 14, 2012

www.eaglevalleynews.com A3


Spray painters target churches, school By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Sicamous RCMP are seeking information in relation to incidents of vandalism at three churches and the elementary school.

Const. Pat Pyper says that sometime overnight between Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 3 and 4, suspect(s) using black and red spray paint sprayed “obscenities, racial slurs and symbols” on walls at Parkview

Elementary, the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness, Sicamous Bible Church and Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church. Damage to the four buildings is said to be in excess of $1,000.

Anyone who may have any information that could help in this investigation is encouraged to contact the Sicamous detachment at 250-836-2878, school authorities or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Restaurateurs seek credit for water expenses By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Sicamous restaurateurs are calling on the district to provide some form of tax or utility reduction until a stable water supply is available. Owners/operators of five restaurants – Moose Mulligan’s, Joe Schmucks, Anchor Pub, Tim Hortons and Husky – have written District of Sicamous mayor and council to

express concerns relating to Sicamous’ ongoing water quality issues that have an impact on their businesses. The letter asks that an incentive be in place to commercial operations that rely on large quantities of water to help them continue to operate during future boil notices until a new treatment facility is in place. “This incentive could come in the

form of a civic tax exemption for a period of two to three years or a combination of such an exemption and utility reduction,” the letter states, adding the savings from the above could allow for the installation of a filtration system as recommended by the district, or to install small tanks while absorbing the cost of delivery. The restaurateurs support the district in

its pursuit of a longterm solution for water treatment, but note such a project might not be completed for another two to four years. The consortium argues an interim solution is needed immediately for the coming, less-profitable winter months, noting their businesses employ more than 80 people during the winter and well over 100 in the summer.

“The ‘commercial large use water stability credit,’ or whatever you wish to call it would be equally as beneficial to our community if not more so as it will keep doors open and locals employed.” Council was told last month by district staff that a meeting was being organized with the restaurateurs to discuss the concerns raised in their letter.

Bikers, Albertans left with positive impression of town and that kind of freaked ing company which alContinued from page 2 a few people out. I’m on lowed her to work and people feel welcomed.” the bike and I’m wav- be creative with her Among Holcomb’s ing and my daughter hands – something she fans, are many of the and my granddaughter enjoys. For a while she bikers who attended this nearly fell off the side- looked after an acreage year’s Sicamous Burn- walk.” for her daughter, who out competition. This Holcomb admits to later sold the property includes blogger Belt being a busybody. She and had Holcomb move Drive Betty, who ap- says this stems, in part, to Sicamous to look plauded both the com- from being raised on a after a trailer park. As munity and Holcomb farm in Alberta. Hol- work became too much, for their effort and hos- comb says her husband and a back fusion was pitality. was killed when her required, Holcomb says “Sicamous has the two kids were babies, she made an application most amazing ambas- and that she had to work to move into the Haven, sadress in her,” states two jobs to make ends was accepted, and startBDB. “This 70-some- meet. Later in life, she ed volunteering right thing gal was walking found employment with away. around handing out a plastics company, “I can’t stand not be‘Welcome to Sicamous’ and then a neon light- ing busy. I can’t handle cards and hugging the attendees and thank Are you over 40? ing them for coming to Are your arms too short when reading? visit their flood-ravaged region. I can tell you Do you get eyestrain or tired eyes when that at least 30 riders reading? told me that Shirley deserves the front cover of the Busted Knuckle (her Canadian publication for the motorcycle community) – I am thinking they are right!” A highlight of the A visit to your optometrist will be able Burnout for Holcomb was getting to ride on to determine what reading prescription the back of a Harley. would be appropriate for your needs “One of the lady • Eye Exams • Contact Lenses • Eye Glasses bikers put her helmet on my head and said to • Pre-op & Post-op Laser Surgery follow-up her boyfriend, ‘you give Shirley a ride down Sicamous Vision Care Centre Main Street,’” says HolDr. Shelley Geier, Geier, Optometrist comb. “And they did,

If you answered yes you may be losing the ability to focus the lens inside your eye (presbyopia)

(250) 836-3070 • 217 Finlayson St., Sicamous, BC

that,” says Holcomb. Though she is thrilled to have received the Visitor Ambassador award, Holcomb says she doesn’t feel she deserved it. “I’m just doing something I thought

needed done – like, I’m not an owner of a business that they acknowledged or anything like that,” says Holcomb. “I feel like mine was pretty small. But I definitely was blown away…”



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DISTRICT OF SICAMOUS JOB OPPORTUNITY Building Inspector/Bylaw Enforcement Officer Applications are invited for the part time position of Building Inspector/Bylaw Enforcement Officer with the District of Sicamous. The District of Sicamous is a local government providing a number of public and administrative services to a population of approximately 3,000 permanent residents (increasing to approximately 6,000 during the summer months) and is located approximately one-half way between Vancouver and Calgary. Duties and Responsibilities include: Reporting to the Community Planning Officer, the successful candidate will have a thorough knowledge of the BC Building and Plumbing Codes, Local Government Bylaws and associated regulations and standards. Primary duties include plan checking, issuing permits, approving or rejecting work, answering technical bylaw and code related inquiries, preparing correspondence and inspection reports, responding to public complaints related to building construction and advising builders and the public on construction procedures and techniques. In addition, the Building Inspector will also be involved in office coordination or fields inspections, computer data entry and providing advisory services to Planning department staff. A considerable degree of professional judgment must be exercised in evaluating conditions and conformity with codes and regulations. Minimum Qualifications • Completion of grade 12 education • Level 1 Certification with the Building Officials’ Association of BC, and/or • Graduation from a recognized building technology diploma program or equivalent construction related experience • Valid drivers License - Class 5 • Strong Interpersonal and customer service skills are mandatory Preference will be given to those applicants possessing a Level 1 Certification with the Building Officials’ Association of BC, a level 1 Certification with the Plumbing Officials’ Association of BC and/or a BC trade Qualification. This is a unionized position (CUPE Local 1908) with a salary (under review) as follows: Base Rate: $23.00 per hour based on a Level 1 Certification with BOABC - increases dependent on certification. Hours of work - 15 hours per week. Written applications marked “Personal and Confidential” will be accepted by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. on November 23, 2012 and should include a resume, qualifications and at least two references. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those applicants who are under consideration will be contacted. Grady MacDonald, Manager of Works Services District of Sicamous, PO Box 219, Sicamous, BC V0E 2V0 Telephone: (250) 836-2477 Fax: (250) 836-4314 Email: gmacdonald@sicamous.ca

District of Sicamous Ph: 250-836-2477 Fax: 250-836-4314 www.sicamous.ca 446 Main Street. Box 219 Sicamous B.C. V0E 2V0

A4 www.eaglevalleynews.com

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Eagle Valley News

OPINION Community will only benefit from open arms


f you were a visitor to the streets of Sicamous this summer, there’s a good chance you were hugged by a stranger who, of course, is a stranger no more. Sicamous resident Shirley Holcomb made it her mission this spring to welcome visitors to the community, offering a card, some kind words and the warmest of greeting, a hug. And she did it without apprehension or discrimination, extending her arms to anyone visiting the town, regardless of whether they arrived by RV or on a Harley Davidson, or if they had a B.C., Alberta or U.S. licence plate. In a big city like Vancouver, this approach likely would not have gone over as well. But in Sicamous, “Huggy Shirley” Holcomb seems to have made a positive, lasting impression on everyone she met. So much so that the Sicamous Chamber of Commerce honoured Holcomb with a Visitor Ambassador award. To some, Holcomb’s initiative – promoting the community one hug at a time – may seem odd. But with a warm, sincere and selfless embrace, the sprightly senior has accomplished what some communities spend thousands of marketing dollars to do: selling the community to a tourist market (and here’s the most imporant part) who plan on returning in the future. Furthermore, she was able to do this while Sicamous was in a dire state, suffering and than recovering from the ravages of a debris flow and flooding, and a flood of related negative media publicity that did little good for the community. To say Sicamous needed someone like Holcomb this summer is an understatement. Kudos have to be given to the Sicamous Chamber for recognizing the good thing the community has in Holcomb. It isn’t surprising Holcomb says she feels undeserving of the award. Such a response should be expected from one who is willing to hug a stranger for the benefit of her community.



No simple solution to salmon farming By Tom Fletcher News Columnist

VICTORIA – Before the 1,200-page, $25-million Cohen Commission report on the Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery slips beneath the waves, allow me to dip my toe into the river of data that has flowed by in the past three years. The whole issue is salmon farms and whether they are bad or catastrophic. “Freeze new salmon farms on sockeye migration route: Cohen” said the headline on a Black Press report. Those who read past the headline would learn that Justice Bruce Cohen recommended a freeze on further salmon farms around the Discovery Islands group near Campbell River until 2020. It’s up to the industry to show by that time that the risk is “minimal,” or farms there should be shut down. A B.C. Salmon Farming Association spokesman said only nine of 70 B.C. salmon farms are in that area. There are no current applications

for more. Let’s say you decide to plunge in, and download the full report from www. cohencommission.ca. If you go to Volume 2, page 102, you will see a series of graphs that show sockeye runs from rivers other than the Fraser, from Washington all the way up to Alaska. It’s not a pretty sight. From Washington up to the Central Coast, the Skeena, Nass and up to Yukon’s Klukshu and Alaska’s Alsek, most runs show a decline starting in the 1980s or early 1990s. This includes runs that migrate down the west side of Vancouver Island, away from salmon farms. Alaska doesn’t allow farms, preferring “ranching” – a strategy that floods the ocean habitat with millions of hatchery fish. These are commercially fished and marketed as “wild.” B.C.’s North Coast has never had salmon farms. The area has been subject to a moratorium since an

1133 PARKSVILLE STREET, PARKLAND CENTRE PO BOX 113, SICAMOUS, BC V0E 2V0 SUBSCRIPTIONS: $44.50/Year; Seniors $39/Year Phone: (250) 836-2570 Fax: (250) 836-2661 Email: classifieds@eaglevalleynews.com Website: www.eaglevalleynews.com

2009 WINNE

PUBLISHER: Rick Proznick EDITORIAL: Tracy Hughes, Editor; Lachlan Labere, Reporter ADVERTISING: Leah Bousfield PRODUCTION: Sierre Allison

NDP-controlled legislative committee gave its verdict on the problem in 2008. The popular villain in those days was sea lice. Skeena MLA Robin Austin chaired the committee that called for an end to open-pen salmon farms in five years. Then-agriculture minister Pat Bell approved one NDP recommendation, a moratorium on salmon farms in North Coast waters. This was after the Pacific Salmon Forum conducted its own four-year study, led by former fisheries minister John Fraser. Similar to Cohen, Fraser concluded that there is no simple answer to this complex problem. And they agreed that salmon farms don’t explain it. Cohen’s report makes it clear that the problem is far larger than could possibly be explained by salmon farms. How about logging impact? Cohen concludes after much testimony that stream protection has improved significantly during the time of

BC PRESS COUNCIL-This Eagle Valley News is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org

observed sockeye decline. Impact from extra runoff due to pine beetle infestation couldn’t be evaluated. Poaching on the Fraser? Cohen didn’t get around to that. His biggest concern was climate change, warming sensitive river waters and affecting ocean conditions. During the Cohen commission hearings, the 2010 Fraser sockeye run came in gangbusters, with 35 million fish. One leading theory is that ash from an Alaska volcano fertilized the ocean, producing algae that supported more salmon feed. Could it be that salmon ranching from Alaska, Japan and elsewhere is simply depleting the food supply? That too is inconclusive. Finally, Tides Canada, a U.S. front group that diverts attention from U.S. salmon and oil tankers, spent $25,000 to publicize Cohen evidence. But only as it relates to B.C. salmon farms, and how bad they are.

Published every Wednesday covering Sicamous, Malakwa, Mara, Seymour Arm and serving Anstey Arm, Cambie, Cinnemousin Narrows, Craigellachie and Solsqua. All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rights holder. We do not guarantee placement on specific pages. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, 2 PM

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, November 14, 2012

www.eaglevalleynews.com A5

Pilot still missing after 12-year-old crash site located By Aaron Orlando Black Press

Ernie Hesse Sr., 62, had about 35 years of flying experience when he taxied his two-tone, single-engine, 1959 Piper Comanche onto the runway of the 108 Mile Airport. Sept. 8, 2000 was a cloudy day at the small airport just outside of 100 Mile House. The Stratford, Ont. native had just purchased the aging blue and white plane from a local resident and was on the first leg of his journey back to Ontario. His first scheduled stop was Lethbridge, Alta. Hesse was not familiar with his newly-purchased antique plane. He’d taken it for a test flight the day before and ran into mechanical problems. Tom Schaff was the manager of the 108 Mile Airport in 2000. He helped Hesse deal with the mechanical troubles. “It turned out to be a faulty spark plug, and I fixed it,” Schaff told the 100 Mile Free Press back in 2000. “It’s quite common.” The problem solved, Hesse paid for the plane and filed his flight plans for the next day. As he lifted off into the clouds at about 1 p.m., he faced a challenging flight over the Rocky Mountains. The forecast on his route predicted deteriorating conditions; scattered and broken cloud, rain and thundershowers. At 6:10 p.m., Lethbridge Flight Services notified the B.C. Rescue Co-ordination Centre that Hesse had failed to arrive on schedule. The archives of the 100 Mile House Free Press detail an extensive search for Hesse’s plane. At least nine aircraft were involved, conducting a grid search over parts of an estimated 20,000 square kilometres along his flight path. Officials ended the search on Sept. 22, but the pilot’s son, Ernie Hesse Jr., bankrolled a private search after that, including helicopter time. Nick Holmes-Smith

Aircraft enthusiast: Ernie Hesse Sr. stands with his favourite plane, an antique P51 Mustang. Photo submitted is the owner and operator of Mustang Powder, a cat-skiing operation located in the Monashee Mountains to the west of Revelstoke. Back in 2005, he was just establishing his business, which is located at the end of a service road that connects to the Trans-Canada Highway. He was paying crews to cut snow-cat paths through the forest. One day, two crew members spotted a wrecked plane. It was snarled in dense bush near the low point of a ridge. The location is between Perry River and Third Creek, about 20 kilometres north of the Trans-Canada. The workers relayed the story to HolmesSmith. They’d found an old, antique plane – a historical wreck, they thought. “We just assumed that somebody found this wreckage, right?” said Holmes-Smith. He had it in the back of his mind to visit the wreck one day. That day came in early September of this year when he bushwhacked off the cat trail to the site. “It was a small plane, very badly damaged,” Holmes-Smith said. “There was still some paperwork sitting among the wreckage. There were the running shoes, a sweater – a few things – and, I think, that’s kind of odd. It’s kind of odd that they didn’t take the paperwork and the personal effects.” Other than some left-

over clothing, there was no sign of the pilot. The pilot’s seatbelt was located about 15 metres in front of the plane; the nuts and bolts that anchored it to the frame had been ripped out with it. “It was a low spot on the ridge,” HolmesSmith said. “I kind of have the feeling they might have been trying to get from one drainage to another and were trying to go through the lowest spot – probably in bad weather – didn’t make it.” He told the story to a pilot friend. She told him to contact the Canadian Transportation Safety Board with the call sign from the wreck. Sgt. Don McLean is the Operations Supervisor at the 100 Mile House RCMP detachment. The historical file landed on his desk. He contacted the Revelstoke RCMP who, along with Revelstoke SAR, investigated the wreck and conducted a ground search of the

area. However, they weren’t able to locate Hesse’s remains. “Based on the information that’s available, it’s pretty clear that it was a pretty violent crash,” McLean said in an interview. “We’re pretty confident that the amount of damage that was in the structure of the plane, that he wouldn’t have survived the crash. The fact that his ID was located there indicates that he was there. I don’t think that he walked out.” The theory is that wildlife – it’s grizzly country – could have gotten to the deceased pilot, removing his body from the scene. McLean said the RCMP have notified family members and are in the process of closing the file, ending a 12-year-old mystery. Son Ernie Hesse Jr. continued on with a privately funded search for three months in 2000, but came up with nothing. “He was a great pi-

lot. I grew up in the plane with him,” Hesse Jr. said. His father first took him up when he was only five, teaching him to fly over the years. “Flying was his passion.” The pilot was an active man who enjoyed playing slo-pitch and racquetball. “He was a very smart guy,” Hesse Jr. said. Hesse Sr. was also an electrician, working for the Fram Oil Filters manufacturing company in Stratford, Ont. His father had flown in many planes over the years and loved trying out Second World Warera planes. He’d flown from Ontario to B.C. several times in the past and was familiar with the routes. When he got the call in September of this year, Hesse Jr. mobilized 13 members of the family, who travelled to the Eagle Pass to search for his father’s remains. They flew into the area via helicopter from Three Valley Gap. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful. Hesse Jr. is convinced mechanical problems were the cause. “I was at the airport the day he left,” he said, noting the mechanical problems and repairs on the plane the day before. “It looked like to me he was trying to fly down the Perry River and coming backwards,” Hesse Jr. said. “I think he was trying to get to the (TransCanada Highway). We all strongly believe that it was mechanical issues with the plane.” They feel he had turned

around and was looking for an emergency landing strip when he crashed. Hesse said there are two outstanding items that need closure. The first is the mechanical condition of the plane; he’s concerned issues with the plane may not have been fully disclosed when his father bought it the day before the crash. “I would love if the RCMP would follow

through and try to determine the cause of the crash,” Hesse Jr. said. “But looking at the plane, it would be hard to find any evidence now. There’s nothing left of it. It was just a big scrap pile.” The second is bringing his dad’s remains home. He plans to return after the snow melts next season to mount a bigger search. “I’m sure I will find something.”

Refreshing... EAGLE VALLEY

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Sicamous and District Rec Centre (250) 836-2283 arena@cablelan.net • Box 665 Sicamous

From all of us at the Sicamous & District Recreation Centre

Thank You Sicamous! We were so amazed to receive the award for Community Involvement at the Chamber Awards Night! What an honour and congratulations to all the finalists!

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Have your dentures adjusted, relined or remade by a denture specialist... Come into our office for care. We have a denture specialist.

Dr. Bruce Prokopetz DDS 4-1133 Eagle Pass Way PO Box 287 Sicamous, BC V0E 2V0



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Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Eagle Valley News


Dairy and gardening projects enrich lives of 4-H Club members The Eagle Valley 4-H Club has completed its first year, offering a variety of activities for its 15 members. Monthly meetings were paired with comparative judging, public speaking, discussion and work on record books and informative talks on gardening focusing on soil types, fertilizing, seed development, plant selection and much more. Gardening projects for Cloverbuds, ages six to eight, included planning vegetables and flowers to grow, harvest and then enter in both the I.P.E. Armstrong and Salmon Arm Fall Fair. Some Cloverbuds participated in a field trip to the official club sponsor, Willow Mist Farm. This nursery, owned and operated by Kagen Sharpe, instructed members on plant selection for hanging baskets, and then donated plants, soil and containers. Hanging baskets flourished over summer months, and resulted in lovely decoration for the club’s dairy heifer displays at the attended fairs. Special recognition goes to gardening leader, Alexis Gossen, for many hours spent on the telephone, coordinating meetings, outings and work bees with the club members and their families. Lots of wonderful memories were made. The club’s six junior members also enjoyed gardening projects, which they entered at the I.P.E. and Salmon Arm Fair. In addition, these girls took on dairy heifer calf projects. Several members rode the school bus out to Dari Delite farm in the afternoons, two to three days every week, from February to September, caring for, training and recording development of their heifers. Weekly chores built confidence, taught work ethic and deepened friendships.

The 4-H motto is Learn to Do By Doing, and everyone did just that. A successful program is dependent on a strong network of behind-the-scenes people. The club is grateful to John, Nic, Lindy and Steffanie DeWitt for their support in this way. Five out of six heifers came from Dari Delite farm. Comparative judging, showmanship and clipping your heifer for the show ring were all required elements for 4-H members. Nic, Lindy and Steffanie DeWitt, with Alexis Gossen, used their knowledge and experience to mentor junior members and their calves. All came out to cheer on the club on show days. The club was also grateful for the support they enjoyed from two very special grandmas, Nellie DeWitt and Lorna Reid, who throughout the year supplied chocolate milk (D Dutchmen Dairy, of course), and timely fiscal contributions. As well, members received pails of cupcakes, brownies and breakfasts-to-go while spending time at the fair. On Nov. 4, the Eagle Valley 4-H Club held its year-end awards night. A delicious potluck supper was enjoyed by all and thanks go out to all the moms and grandmas. Award results were given as follows: Cloverbuds, aged six to eight years, received gardening tools and gloves: Jacob DeWitt, Jasmine Gossen, Teyva Greer, Emerald Hepner, Mason Larson, Ali Logan, Daphne Miller and Allison Rokosh. Juniors, ages nine to 12 years, received dairy heifer recognition for projects, record books and their own achievements. Individual awards were given as follows: Participation and dedication: Kristen McMillan; service

award and husbandry – Samantha Koll; service award and sportsmanship – Bethany Evans; champion calf and high achievement – Taylor Grenier; high achievement in showmanship: Madison DeWittt, who was awarded an engraved show halter. Best overall finish in club achievement went to Brittany Northway with a third in club achievement, a second in judging and

public speaking, and a first in record book. She was awarded a Montana silver buckle. Congratulations everyone. Registration for the 2013 season is in early January. Contacts are Joni DeWitt, dairy projects: 250-836-2329, and Alexis Gossen for gardening projects at 250-836-3223. Submitted by the Eagle Valley 4-H Club.

On the fence: Eagle Valley 4-H Club members show off their clean coveralls before getting down to work. The club has just completed its first year. Photo submitted


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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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Historic, symbiotic connection to trees continues through leaves


Look up, look up, at any tree! There is so much for eyes to see: Twigs, catkins, blossoms; and the blue Of sky, most lovely, peeping through Between the leaves, some large, some small, Some green, some gold before their fall; Fruits you can pick; fruits out of reach; And little birds with twittering speech; And, if you’re quick enough, maybe A laughing fairy in the tree! -Song of the Tree Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker So many precious trees (and lives) are lost during these big storms, tornadoes, flooding and fires that ravage the earth every year. Thousands of trees in New York City’s Central Park and all along the eastern seaboard have

been ripped out of the ground, trunks broken in half and their limbs snapped off from the snows and winds. The loss is unimaginable and, in some cases, irreplaceable. In the introduction of the beautiful book, The Meaning of Trees – Botany, History, Healing and Lore, author Fred Hageneder says, “Trees and humankind have always had a symbiotic relationship. Throughout the centuries, trees have offered us shelter from the cold and the heat. They have provided us with a multitude of nutritious fruits, leaves, flowers and roots for food and medicine. They have given us wood with which to make our tools, weapons and toys, not to mention timber for houses, fences, boats and bridges. But perhaps most significant of all, trees have provided fuel for fire which, once it was tamed hundreds of thousands of years ago, became the engine of civilization. Trees are our strongest allies. “The entire spectrum of human existence is reflected in tree lore through the ages: from birth, death and rebirth, to the age-old struggle between good and evil,

and the quest for beauty, truth and enlightenment. “Our ancestors recognized that there is a vital balance in life: you take and you give. So they celebrated the forces of nature by offering them gifts, songs, prayers and blessings to revitalize the natural world – a world of which they felt themselves to be an intimate part. “Many cultures saw (and still see) everything in creation as imbued with spirit, which means that all living things are regarded as sacred.” Every year our trees drop their leaves and needles to replenish the nutrients in the soil, provide food for the micro and macro organisms and protect the roots from the harsh winter conditions. They are a marvellous and free gift to us gardeners because leaves provide most of the nutrients you’ll need to have healthy soil and rich mulches. Layer leaves into your compost bin with wood chips, grass clippings (find piles in vacant lots or remember to store some for next year) needles, rotten apples, Halloween pumpkins, kitchen compost, etc.,

and just see what you get for next year’s gardening season: beautiful, black, rich, wonderful soil loaded with worms and microbes. Make sure there is sufficient moisture between the layers and cover it up so that nutrients are not lost from rains and snow, and keep a handy pile of mowed or shredded leaves too for your mulches. So let’s take a moment to honour and appreciate our beautiful, precious trees that grace our streets, parks, gardens, public spaces and yards. I can’t imagine what our world – and our gardens – would be without them. I sure hug ’em, because I love ’em.

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Now serving the community of Sicamous YOU NEED IT.

WE GOT IT. A recap of last night’s game. A listing of this weekend’s open houses. A listing of area job openings. Whatever information you’re seeking, you can find it in The Eagle Valley News.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Eagle Valley News

Trucking industry offers jobs Job seekers are in luck when it comes to the commercial road transportation industry in British Columbia. Trucking companies throughout BC require professional drivers, mechanics, dispatchers and operations staff right now, which means that job seekers with experience and/or training may find work within their preferred region. For those considering training prior to joining the workforce, demand for skilled workers in the industry is likely to grow – to 2020 and beyond. There are a number of reasons for this. For truck drivers, the industry is facing a North America-wide shortage because most are 45 years of age or older and nearing retirement (in fact, in Canada, according to a report by the Canada Trucking Human Resources Council, 58 percent of long-haul truck drivers fall in this age range). Similar shortages exist

for other jobs, including diesel engine and heavy duty mechanics. Aside from worker shortages, economic growth in the AsiaPacific Gateway is also driving demand for workers in transportation. This applies not only to companies in the Lower Mainland, but in other regions as well, since the AsiaPacific “Gateway” is actually made up of an integrated supply chain of airports, seaports, rail and road connections, and border crossings, from Prince Rupert to Surrey, with links supplied by trucking. Today’s trucking industry is an exciting place to be. Equipment in many companies is state of the art, meaning increased comfort and ease for drivers and opportunities for mechanics to work with technologically advanced systems, keeping both their skills and interest engaged. Dispatch relies on sophisticated tracking and routing

systems. Others on the operations side also use information technology of many kinds to deal with everything from licences and permits, to customer services, accounting, sales and marketing. And, people joining the industry have many career choices. Drivers, for example, may work close to home as pick-up and delivery or short-haul drivers. Those who like the idea of travelling across Canada or North America can become long-haul drivers for an employer or work as owner-operators. Drivers may haul consumer goods, fuel, logs, heavy-duty equipment, livestock – most of what we purchase or consume spent some time on the road with a commercial truck! If you already have experience as a driver, mechanic or operations worker, most companies advertise jobs on their websites. Members of the BC Truck-

ing Association from across the province may post jobs under Careers onwww.bctrucking. com, and the provincial and federal governments maintain job sites at WorkBC www. workbc.ca/Jobs/) and Working in Canada www.workingincanada.gc.ca/ - choose to Explore Careers by Occupation, then by Region). Within your own community, it may also pay to approach a company you’d like to work for, drop off a résumé and inquire if and when they’ll be hiring. Although there is not a standard training course for professional drivers, there are numerous private schools throughout BC that offer programs. For information on transportation trades in BC, including mechanics and other technicians, visit transCDA http:// www.tcda.ca/home). And for information on trucking careers in general, see www.truckingcareers.ca.

Carbon monoxide prevention Natural gas is used safely and reliably in homes across B.C. Regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to ensure peak performance of your natural gas appliances — and to prevent carbon monoxide (CO) in the home. Since CO is colourless and odourless, you can install a CO alarm for extra peace of mind. To learn more about carbon monoxide safety, visit fortisbc.com/co. FortisBC Energy Inc., FortisBC Energy (Vancouver Island) Inc., FortisBC Energy (Whistler) Inc., and FortisBC Inc. do business as FortisBC. The companies are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries of Fortis Inc. FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (12-315 11/2012)

Eagle Valley News Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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Is Good

In the Classi¿eds

Eagles return to winning form

Letters Welcome

Eagle Valley News welcomes letters but reserves the right to edit for brevity, clarity and legality. Letters must be signed and include writer’s address or phone number for verification purposes only. No thank yous to specific businesses please.

By Lachlan Labere Eagle Valley News

Goldstar Family Restaurant Chinese & Western Cuisine Take Out & Delivery • Friday Lunch Buffet

1213 Eagle Pass Way, Sicamous (Hwy 97A 2 Doors Down from Shell Gas Station) Open 7 Days a week 11 am - 10 pm


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The Sicamous Eagles were back on their game last weekend, picking up two wins and dropping one contest in overtime. After a dismal showing during a three-game road trip through the Kootenays the weekend prior, the Eagles picked up a 2-1 victory against the Kamloops Storm on Friday, Nov. 9 at the McArthur Park Arena. Sicamous came out strong in the first period, keeping Kamloops netminder Marcus Beesley occupied with 18 shots on net. Two of those managed to ripple the mesh, the first on a power play at 12:57 from Kelyn Opel, assisted by Brendan Devries and Jameson Stoski. The second goal was scored by Cameron Berry, off of Stoski and Connor Buick. The Storm’s single came on a power play in the second half of the second frame. Stoski was named the game’s first star.

Puck stops here: A Sicamous Eagle screens the Kamloops Storm net in away action Friday, Nov. 9. Allen Douglas Photo The Storm got their revenge the following night, Saturday, Nov. 9, with a 2-1 win on Sicamous ice, though not without having to go into overtime. The first and second periods remained scoreless. The Storm was first to light up the board midway through the third frame. The Eagles’ Connor Fynn, with the rebound, scored seconds later,

assisted by Opel and Brayden Taekema. The game-winner came at 2:29 into OT from Kamloops’ Jacky Lu. Sicamous was in Penticton on Sunday, Nov. 11, to face off against the Lakers. Fynn potted an early marker in the first frame, aided by Opel and Devries. The next goal of the evening didn’t come until half-

way through the second period – an unassisted goal by Devries. Penticton finally responded early in the third frame, but the goal offered less hope minutes later when Sicamous’ Brett Trofanenko added another goal to Sicamous’ lead, assisted by Steven Powers and Devon Quartly. The game ended in a 3-1 decision for Sicamous.

Eagles volleyball push towards championships The Eagle River Secondary Eagles are en route to the Okanagan Valley Senior A Girls Volleyball Championships starting Friday in Enderby.

The momentum can be attributed to wins versus the Vernon Christian Royals in the recent three-team, North Zone finals at A.L. Fortune Secondary in Enderby.


JUNIOR B HOCKEY CLUB HOME GAME: Friday, November 16 vs Kamloops Storm 7:00 pm AWAY GAME: Saturday, November 17 vs Osoyoos Coyotes HOME GAME: Sunday, November 18 vs Princeton Posse 2pm Good Luck to all the lads! Sicamous & District Recreation Centre

The Royals rallied enthusiasm to ground the Eagles, taking the first set 25-23. The Eagles took the second set 25-22, and then swept the

Falcons to finish in a three-way tie for first, but tiebreaker rules put the Vernon Christian in second place, with the Eagle River securing first.


NEWS 250-836-2570

Sicamous and District Rec Centre

(250) 836-2283 • arena@cablelan.net • Box 665 Sicamous

SICAMOUS & DISTRICT RECREATION CENTRE SCHEDULE ICE SURFACE - WEEK OF 19 NOVEMBER 2012 MONDAY NOV 19 Public Skating: 10:30 am - 11:30 am Pre Novice: 5 pm - 6 pm Atom: 6 pm - 7 pm Pee Wee: 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm Old Timers: 8:30 pm - 10 pm

Lunch Bunch: 12 pm - 2 pm Preschool: 2 pm - 2:30 pm Salmon Arm: 5 pm - 6 pm Pee Wee: 6 pm - 7 pm Midget: 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm Eagles: 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

TUESDAY NOV 20 Public Skating: 10:30 am - 11:30 am Lunch Bunch: 12 pm - 2 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm Figure Skating: 5 pm - 8 pm Eagles: 8:15 pm - 9:45 pm

FRIDAY NOV 23 Public Skating: 9:00 am - 11:30 am Malakwa School: 11:00 pm - 12:00 pm Public Skating: 2 pm - 4 pm

WEDNESDAY NOV 21 Preschool: 9:00 am - 9:30 am Lunch Bunch: 12 pm - 2 pm Preschool: 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Pre Novice: 5 pm to 6 pm Atom: 6 pm to 7 pm Midget: 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm Eagles: 8:30 pm - 10 pm THURSDAY NOV 22 Public Skating: 9:00 am - 11:30 am

SATURDAY NOV 24 SA Pee Wee Rec Game: 9:45 am - 11:45 am SA Atom Dev A Game: 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm SA Pee Wee T3 Game: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm SA Pee Wee T2 Game: 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm SA Bantam T2 Game: 6:30 to 8:30 SUNDAY, NOV 25 SA Pee Wee Game: 9:45 am - 11:45 am SA Atom Dev 2: 12:00 am - 1:45 pm SA Midget Rec Game: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm SA Bantam Rec: 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm

Rec Centre Gym open 8:00 am to close. Full Membership: $20.

Cameron Berry

SICAMOUS EAGLES PLAYER PROFILE Position: Forward Home Town: Chandler, Arizona Age: 17 Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 165 Prev Team: Phoenix Coyota U18 AAA Hobbies / Interests: Playing video games Personal Hero: My Dad Goals / Objectives: Play Junior A Favorite NHL Team: Phoenix Coyotes Favorite Player: Shane Doan Favorite Music: Deadmau5 Favorite Food: Doughnuts What do you like best about playing hockey in Sicamous: Great team chemistry

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Eagle Valley News

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Business Opportunities

Education/Trade Schools

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Help Wanted An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilďŹ eld road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. BUS DRIVER/GRADER operator needed by Cats Ski Company. Dec. to April. Part time work. Send resume to info@mustangpowder.com. LICENSED GASFITTER/SHEETMETAL WORKER WANTED Valid drivers license required. Fax resume to (250) 785-5542 or pronorthheating@telus.net

North Okanagan Sawmill is looking to hire Millwrights,Fabricators and Heavy Duty Mechanics. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive beneďŹ t package. Please fax resume to 250-8389637. Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430 RIDGEVIEW Lodge in Kamloops seeking Hskping (WHIMS req) & Dietary (WHIMS & Food Safe req) staff. Resume: jobs@balticproperties.ca SKYLINE TRUCK STOP is now hiring a full time waitress. Send resumes to skylinetruckstop@jetream.net. or fax to 250-836-4950.


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Health Products

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Professional/ Management

Financial Services

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Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities


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http://www.westernforest.com/building-value/our-people-employment/careers WFP offers a competitive salary, a comprehensive benefit and pension package and the potential to achieve annual performance rewards. Please reply in confidence, citing Reference Code. )VNBO 3FTPVSDF %FQBSUNFOU t 'BDTJNJMF Email: resumes@westernforest.com "QQMJDBUJPO %FBEMJOF 5IVSTEBZ /PWFNCFS 3FGFSFODF $PEF 1SPEVDUJPO 4QWTPS .*'0

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Salmon Arm Unit OfďŹ ce 111 Lakeshore Dr. N.E, PO Box 3451 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4S2 Please include: Your name & address for tax receipt; Name of the person being remembered; Name & address to send card to. Let’s Make Cancer History

Tammy & Vince Fischer

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Eagle Valley News Wednesday, November 14, 2012

www.eaglevalleynews.com A11




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Auto Financing

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• Wallpapering • Drywall Repair • Professional Workmanship • Seniors Discounts

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Rental Housing Conference, Thurs. & Fri. Nov. 22nd & 23rd Bear Mountain Resort, Victoria. Mini-workshops for Residential Landlords & Managers. • Hoarding • Tenant Selection • Insurance • Financing • Income Tax • Energy-EfďŹ ciency • Bedbugs More information visit: romsbc.com/prhc.php. To register, call: 1.888.330.6707

Serving Sicamous & Area for 20+ Years

Townhouses SICAMOUS 2 bdrm townhouses, c/w washer & dryer. 250-836-4556

Interior South

201 Mann Road, Sicamous

Merchandise for Sale

Auto Financing


Building Supplies STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-4572206.


2200+ sq. ft., 3 bdrms, 2 baths, full bsmt., single car garage, large deck with Mara lakeview! Summer kitchen, family rm, bath & large storage rm/workshop in bsmt with access to garage. MLSÂŽ10050805

Heavy Duty Machinery

Private Coin Collector Buying Collections, Accumulations, Olympic Gold & Silver Coins + Chad: 250-863-3082 in Town PURCHASING old Canadian & American coin collections & accumulations. 250-548-3670

Apt/Condo for Rent




Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Mara Landing Strata KAS2052 c/o Gateway Property Management Corporation of Kamloops, BC intends to make application to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), Southern Service Region— Thompson Okanagan Service Centre, Crown Land Adjudication ofďŹ ce, for a lease for strata moorage amendment purposes covering District Lot 6453 and District Lot 6454, KDYD situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of District of Sicamous. The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 0295114. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head, Crown Land Adjudication at 441 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2T3. Comments will be received by MFLNRO until December 7, 2012. MFLNRO may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit our website http://www.arfd.gov.bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/index.jsp -> Search -> Search by File Number: insert Lands File Number for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be provided to the public upon request. Proponent: Mara Landing Strata KAS2052 Description: Strata Moorage Amendment Location: Sicamous Narrows 118-59-50 W

118-59-40 W

General Site Map Submitting Agency: FCBC

118-59-30 W

118-59-20 W

118-59-10 W

Date: October 11, 2012 Legend


50-49-45 N Imagery Date: october 11, 2012


50-49-40 N

140 m.

NOTE: Map produced using iMap BC on-line. FOR GENERAL REFERENCE ONLY. The accuracy and completeness of the information on this map is not guaranteed. Not for navigational purposes.

50-49-40 N

Datum/Projection: NAD83, Albers Equal Area Conic

Key Map

50-49-35 N

50-49-35 N


Scale: 1:5,000

Homes for Rent 2400 sq. ft. STIENER HOME. D/W, airtight wood stove, detached dbl. garage w/den on top. 1.5 acres. Close to town. $895/mo. 250-836-5370. SMALL HOUSE IN Green Acres, Malakwa. Only $450/mo. 250-836-2778.


File #: 0295114 Reference #: ATS 102396

50-49-50 N

LGE 1 & 2 BDRM. BRIGHT apts. In suite storage, green space, live-in manager. Cable incl. Sicamous, 250-836-4516 or 250-804-5364. SICAMOUS: 1 BDRM. $575/mo. 2 bdrm. $650/mo. plus hydro & D.D. 250-8363849.

1-800-582-8639 CELL 250-833-6545 OFFICE 250-836-2223 at Mara Lake

50-49-55 N



www.PreApproval.cc DL# 7557

50-50-0 N

Misc. Wanted

Personal Real Estate Corporation

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0� Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

50-49-55 N

BIG BUILDING sale...�This is a clearance you don’t want to miss!� 20X20 $3,985. 25X24 $4,595. 30X36 $6,859. 35X48 $11,200. 40X52 $13,100. 47X76 $18,265 One End wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800668-5422. www.pioneersteel.ca. CHILLSPOT IS The Coolest Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. www.chillspot.biz HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.com/newspaper? MODULAR HOMES and park model homes factory direct wholesale. New single wides $37,209 doubles $73,486 Special winter discounts! Call The Home Boys 877-976-3737 or www.hbmodular.com

Call Charlotte Hutchinson

50-49-50 N

Misc. for Sale


50-49-45 N

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB www.rtccontainer.com

! D L O


Auctions WWW.KWIKAUCTIONS.COM New/Used Restaurant Equipment Sat. Nov. 17th, 11am, 7305 Meadow, Burnaby, BC

Interior South


118-59-50 W

118-59-40 W

118-59-30 W

118-59-20 W

118-59-10 W

A12 www.eaglevalleynews.com

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Eagle Valley News

Thank You!

“Where Strangers are Friends we haven’t met” To our members, patrons from all areas of BC, Alberta & Saskatchewan for your continued support. Also to all the local businesses that have donated prizes & supported all our tournaments. Due to the golf season being short because of the flooding this summer, we are offering everyone in all age categories an early payment price of

$700 plus hst (a saving of $280) for 2013 Memberships if paid in full by December 31, 2012. Junior Membership will be discounted to for early payment

$275 plus hst

Cheques may be post dated to December 31, 2012. Should you choose to take advantage of this offer, please fill in the information form below and mail with your cheque to Eagle River Golf and Country Club, Box 16 in Sicamous, BC V0E 2V0

NAME ................................................................................................................................................ MAILING ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................ POSTAL CODE .................................................................................................................................... E-MAIL ADDRESS .............................................................................................................................. PHONE NUMBER ..................................................... CELL: ..........................................................

Pro-shop items 50% to 70% off for Early Christmas Shoppers

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Rick, Marianne Jager & Staff (250) 836-4454 1-888-897-2281 • Fax: (250) 836-4685 • info@eaglerivergolf.com • www.eagleriver.com

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