Volume 57 No. 46
RTA to limit their spending in 2013
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Smelter modernization will see a slight delay Cameron Orr Rio Tinto Alcan is easing up on the throttle for their modernization project, but construction will still proceed at an accelerated rate from 2012. In a call to local media, manager of corporate affairs and community relations Colleen Nyce and the Kitimat Modernization Project project director Michel Lamarre explained that the global economy has forced the aluminum giant to cut costs company-wide in reaction to a poor economy. Locally, that means that their modernized smelter’s online date will be pushed back, and while Lamarre said it isn’t a drastic schedule change he didn’t know yet what their anticipated start-up date is. “We are in discussion with our engineering firm...there will be a delay which will not be a major delay,” he said. Essentially what this means here is that spending won’t spike as high as it would have in 2013. They didn’t say precisely how much money was being cut, but 2013’s construction bill is now estimated at just over a billion dollars, compared to just under a billion dollars for 2012. The number of man-hours needed to complete the project will remain the same, said Lamarre. So the work will just be more stretched out, rather than the construction peaking in terms of worker numbers next year as originally anticipated. “In 2012... the project was extremely active,” said Lamarre. “I can tell you in 2013 we’ll do more than that.” Timing works out as well because Lamarre notes construction efficiency goes down in the winter anyway. The CBC had reported early in October that Rio Tinto Alcan may have been looking at opening up collective agreements in their Quebec regions as a cost cutting measure, however Nyce emphasized that no such action is being taken in B.C., in light of their signing in July with CAW Local 2301 in Kitimat for a 5-year contract. Meanwhile the future still looks good for aluminum, as Lamarre points out that analysts are showing that there is likely to be a worldwide growth in demand of six per cent, year-over-year. As for the technical components of the smelter rebuild, he said it will be all the same technologies planned for the plant and there will be no changes to how it is built based on this delay. The price of aluminum has dropped over the course of the past month, Oct. 1 to Nov. 5. Starting at 94 cents (USD) on Oct. 1, it was hovering around 86 cents by last Friday.
You know the expression “it’d be nice to be a fly on the wall for that conversation”? Well, they might be referring to something a little more subtle than Kane Danis here, who was duct taped to the gym wall during Mount Elizabeth Middle School’s Gym Riot, in a game of Fly on the Wall. An inter-school competition between them and Mount Elizabeth Secondary School, organized by the grade 11/12 PE class, sought to solve the question of who could raise more for the Terry Fox Run. MESS raised $951.82 through hot dog sales, collections and other means. MEMS, on the other hand, raised $1,191.91, making them the clear winner. Their reward was an Oct. 26 Gym Riot, where 288 middle school students put their principals through some challenges before playing some games for themselves, including the one shown above. Photo submitted
Kitimat campus sees new life Cameron Orr If John Ross has anything to say about it, Kitimat will be seeing a rejuvenated college campus soon. Already he said new programs will be starting in February, a collaboration with the high school to bring an industrial millwright program. From there he hopes to bring welding, and more. John Ross is the community/industry/education liaison for Kitimat’s Northwest Community College Campus, and his job now is to essentially bring some former glory back to the small campus. “We are starting to see programs come down here,” he said of the Febru-
ary trades programs. He said that as interest for programs is brought to him he’ll get to work trying to bring them to reality. It will take a collaborative effort and he said it’s not a competition between other organizations — namely the Kitimat Valley Institute — over who offers programs, but rather it’s about something being offered at all. “It doesn’t really matter who delivers a program. What matters is that a program gets delivered,” he said. Councillors were happy to hear positive news coming from the campus, and in replying to questions, Ross said that he actually hopes the campus proves too
small for all the programs they might eventually offer. “If I can show a need they will hire the instructors,” said Ross. “Our campus right now is not closed, it’s moth-balled, because it needed to be rebuilt. It needed to be reinvigorated. That’s what I’m trying to do down here. As I accomplish that, staff, faculty and students will be back in that college. We do not want to move the college out of Kitimat, we do not want to leave Kitimat.” As programs get developed, he also said that the plan is to provide services so students will find work after graduation, rather than just forgetting about them after they’re through the system.
Kitimat’s million dollar winner ... page 7
2 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012
MP speaks to quake
Police urge people to lock their cars after B&Es spike Cameron Orr The Kitimat RCMP are noting a marked increase in stolen vehicles and of vehicle break-ins since September. Beginning Sept. 1, local RCMP have responded to 25 complaints of a vehicle that had been rummaged through with items taken, or a vehicle taken directly out of someone’s driveway. Police are noticing trends; a large percentage of vehicles are being left unlocked, valuables are being kept in the open, and the keys to the vehicles are being left inside in a large amount of cases. RCMP are pointing to a section of the Motor Vehicle Act which states that a vehicle “must be secured by the driver.” “While police are always reluctant to charge someone who has been victimized,” an RCMP release
states, “leaving ignition keys in a vehicle is a dangerous habit that can also impact your potential insurance coverage should your vehicle be stolen.” They say there is an $81 fine which can be given to someone for leaving their keys in their vehicle, and RCMP will, if this trend continues, begin handing those out, they said. Meanwhile, Kitimat RCMP are requesting people to remain vigilant and contact the RCMP if they see anyone attempting to break into a vehicle, and to take the necessary precautions of not leaving valuables in their cars, and to lock their doors. Anyone with information about these crimes are asked to contact the Kitimat RCMP at 250-6327111, or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
MP Nathan Cullen rose in Parliament on Nov. 8 to press the federal government to properly fund emergency response and environmental protection measures in British Columbia. “Instead of cutting programs that help community emergency response, as Conservatives are doing, we need to make sure that every
protection is available to our towns and villages in the event of a major natural disaster.” Public Safety Minister Vic Toews replied that Ottawa has “worked very closely with local governments” on emergency response. He referenced recent federal funding for flood assistance to prairie and eastern provinces as an example.
mini storage
Last week’s story on the sentencing of Robert David Purchase had a date error which we neglected to correct in our copy editing. The date of the crime was Nov. 8, 2009.
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Cameron Orr Halloween for 2003 had just come and gone when a pickup truck slowly made its way up the Kuldo Extension. Inside the truck were three teenagers, grade 12 students from Mount Elizabeth Secondary School. They were just embarking on a clandestine operation when they ran into a problem. They didn’t have enough pumpkins. The group would have to think fast. There they were with close to 70 pumpkins, and faced with the length of the extension of Kuldo Boulevard from the Whitesail neighbourhood to Kildala, their hope to have the whole road lined with pumpkins was fading like a child’s supply of Halloween candies. Plan B: a small rock face along the same road, just wide enough and tall enough to display their pumpkins to passing motorists, like a giant, natural, trophy case. And that’s how Kitimat got its great Pumpkin Wall. But there’s still the question of why. Why did a small band of students from the eventual 2004 senior class decide to go out of their way to decorate a portion of a dark, rural road? That story begins in Nanaimo. Sort of. Trevor Thomschke was one of those grade 12 students in the truck that night. With Halloween in the near distance, Trevor happened to overhear a conversation between his father and his friend, Steven Latham. Latham had left Kitimat for Nanaimo, and he discovered when he moved that locals in the Vancouver Island community had their own pumpkin tradition; on a rural stretch of road called Jinglepot Road, people would line up their old pumpkins, light them up, and be a visual fea-
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The story of Pumpkin Rock
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3
Trevor Thomschke was one of the ‘founders’ of Kitimat’s wall of pumpkins on the Kuldo Extension, along with his friends from his grade 12 year. ture of drivers along the stretch. Trevor was inspired. Kitimat needed its own pumpkin feature. “Back when we did this the Kuldo didn’t have any lights yet, so [Latham] was telling us that Jinglepot Road was a lot like the Kuldo Extension here in Kitimat,” said Trevor. Trevor recruited his friend Jonathan Lewis and Jonathan’s girlfriend at the time, Jessica Morgan, to join him to fill up his dad’s pick-up truck with pumpkins, quietly lifted from curbs and empty homes. “Once we got on the Kuldo we realized we would need the whole town’s pumpkins to accomplish
what we had in mind,” he said. “We thought we had a lot of pumpkins but 70 pumpkins spaced out didn’t look as impressive as we thought it would.” But what really made the pumpkin wall look extra special that first year was a large decorative spider donated to the cause by the late Mary Duguid. “She’s gave us about 10 pumpkins and gave us that big spider,” he said. “When the Sentinel first took the photo of [the wall] back in ‘03 it was on the front page and it had the big spider over all the pumpkins.” In 2004 Trevor decided to do it again, this time without the help of his friend Jonathan, who had moved
away to Edmonton by then. For the wall’s third year, 2005, Trevor stepped back from putting pumpkins on the wall, but by then the community had caught on and the wall miracuously filled up with pumpkins without him. “I was happy to see people were still remembering and doing it themselves,” he said. Halloween 2006 was the year the pumpkin wall really took off, though, and when he saw all the pumpkins up there that year he and his wife Stacey filled them all up with tea lights and illuminated them. Trevor, who now works at Rio Tinto Alcan, said it took an hour to light all of the pump-
The District of Kitimat’s Leisure Services Department
would like to ThanK all of the amazing sponsors & volunteers that made our annual halloween howl a great success! Super Valu Kitimat Literacy-KCSS CIBC Envision Credit Union Kitimat Husky Market Ken Demiris Arty Horianopoulous Marianne Sandwald Marie Wittmann
Kitimat Child Development Centre Instaloans Overwaitea Rio Tinto Alcan MESS Students James Botz Jane Botz Silvi Norman Linda Johnson
kins, but it was worth it. People stopped their cars to look, or rushed home to get their cameras. “Now I think it’s caught on and the town’s just doing it themselves.”
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4 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Published every Wednesday by the Northern Sentinel • LOUISA GENZALE - Publisher / General Manager • CAMERON ORR - Editor 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat, BC V8C 2E4 • Ph. 250 632-6144 • Fax 250 639-9373 • Email newsroom@northernsentinel.com • www.northernsentinel.com KITIMAT NORTHERN SENTINEL Reg. $44.39 Senior $39.99 Mail: out of town or business $64.39. Includes tax.
Legacy of war still lingers today It’s hard for me, as someone still in his 20s, to imagine the world in the 1940s, when war raged in just all corners of the globe. I had known that my grandparents had some role in the war, and while I, sadly, was too young when I lost the last of my set from my father’s side, I fortunately have been able to get some information from my mother’s side. My grandfather, whom we call Papa — because my big brother, I understand, couldn’t pronounce Grandpa when he was little — was an officer in the navy. But the trick with my grandfather’s story is it isn’t a war story, but a love story. The year was 1945, and the war in the Atlantic had ended, while conflict continued with Japan. Papa had been in the Royal Canadian Navy for five years and held the rank of Petty Officer Telegraphist. His ship, the HMS Petrolia, required some changes before taking part in the Pacific conflict, so he joined half his crew for a leave while work was being done in Charlottetown, PEI. At his home in Ontario he spent some time in Muskoka where my great-grandparents lived in a summer home near Prospect Lake. A family trip to the 100 mile steamer cruise out of Gravenhurst on the SS Sagamo connected Papa, or Harold, with a charming young woman, Iowna. She was on the same cruise with her family from Huntsville, along with relatives from Michigan. Papa tells me that he “decided that she was a girl that I would like to know,” and struck up a conversation with her. Papa had to return to his ship at the end of his 28-day leave, but not before enjoying a few dates with this new girl in Huntsville. In an amazing stroke of luck for him, a discharge notice waited for Papa when he arrived back on the Petrolia; the war was over with the advent of the atomic bomb. Papa, who is now into his 90s, can’t remember many specifics after that, except that he re-connected with Iowna and soon were engaged to be married. Papa and Mama were married on June 14, 1946 at Mama’s parents’ home in Huntsville, Ontario. When I last visited them in their Mississauga home, Mama told me they still fall asleep each night holding hands. Cameron Orr
Community newspapers a s s o C i a t i o n
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Contents Copyrighted Canadian Publications Mail Product, Agreement No. 477761, Canada Post Corp., Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash.
Accountability lacking all over While I am not a rabid conspiracy theorist in the case of alleged corruption scandals in the Province of Quebec, I’m always a little impressed when I click on an internet news story – such as I did today – to read about the resignation of the Mayor of by Allan Hewitson Montreal, Gerald Tremblay — when I get the message, “sorry, an awful lot of people seem to think that the page you were looking for mayors across the country are not all “kocannot be found.” It gets worse when I scroll below this sher.” I’m not trying to suggest, one way or message and actually find the story is there. Now I know this is hardly a sound another, that charges of illegal behaviour means of verifying any “allegation” and or involvement in delivering or receivI dare say it will take some weeks, or ing plastic bags full of money isn’t takmonths, if at all, to determine whether, 1) ing place with great frequency in Monthere is any real truth to the stories we’ve treal, but not so sure that’s true across the all been reading for weeks, and, 2) wheth- country from coast to coast But it should er its possible that there’s been some in- be very easy to check if government terference with the internet news page to cheques may indeed be used to pay for family weddings. But of course, you remake that message appear. Tremblay has promised to release ally need to want to do it. In fact, what really perturbs me is the evidence proving he was betrayed and is innocent “at the appropriate time and consistent and repetitive nature of such alplace.” Now, at the ongoing enquiry, legations and what subsequently appears might be an “appropriate time and place.” to be the total level of general disinterest I know internet links are frequently among taxpayers in these jurisdictions “unavailable” and most people simply go involved. The party behind Mayor Tremback, double click, or try the same thing blay is quiet. There’s hardly a peep out of somewhere else. So it’s not a reliable in- the federal Liberal party about London mayor Joe Fontano, although he was a dicator, but it leaves a message. Certainly there’s very little to suggest federal cabinet minister for the party in that corruption isn’t in fact rampant in 2005, coincidentally the year Mr. Justice municipal politics in Quebec, in London Gomery released his first report on the and Toronto, and elsewhere – because sponsorship scandals.
Under Miscellaneous
I find it mind-boggling, although perhaps less so as the presidential election winds down in the US. ‘Say what you like’ seems to be the motto of the American candidates – and of course by the time this item makes the paper, the new, or the old, president will already be a week running the next four years. And no matter who won, there’s very little likelihood of either being held accountable for anything that was said. It really is a little frustrating that when the hearings are over, the votes are counted, the news comes out next day, or in a month of a year – there’s little accountability for whatever happened or was said in the past. It’s just yesterday’s news. The Charboneau enquiry certainly sounds a lot like deja vu all over again with the Gomery sponsorship hearings. How did we manage to become so blasé so quickly, I can’t help but wonder. I’m less surprised to hear that the federal Conservatives decline to comment on the costs of shipping armoured cars from Canada to India and back for the Prime Minister’s trade tour there. The RCMP also won’t comment and so the Opposition remains apoplectic, but hogtied. The real surprise is the wide range of public opinions and rationalized defence of the action in public commentary. Continued on page 5
BC Press Council – This Northern Sentinel is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the BC Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to BC Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to www.bcpresscouncil.org
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5
Under Miscellaneous
Continued from page 2 The fact is this recent Conservative majority government has really given the voters the finger when it comes to sharing rationale for its proposed legislation and policies. I don’t expect that position to continue for four years – when an election rears its ugly head, we all know the explanations will come
thick and fast as it again becomes necessary to accept that taxpayers have a role in the governance of our country and they will only be taken for granted “ at your own risk!” It’s all so real and visible, but there’s simply so much of it that people, as a whole, simply seem not to give a damn. Pity!
www.northernsentinel.com Staff from the Ministry of Children and Family Development presented purple toques to newborns at Kitimat General Hospital in anticipation of Shaken Baby Awareness Month through November. The purple toques go along with the purple crying campaign currently taking place in Kitimat. Photo submitted
We will never forget Dear Sir On a beautiful, sunny, bluesky day my husband and I stood on Juno Beach, Normandy. This was the beach that tens of thousands of Canadians came ashore on, D Day June 6th. 1944. The golden sands stretched for miles and it was hard to believe that such a beautiful place, was the scene of such carnage on that long ago June day. We spent most of the day at the Canadian Museum Interpretive Center above the dunes. The staff was very knowl-
edgeable and the displays very informative. On our way back to Caen,
READERS WRITE our cab driver asked if we would like to see the Canadian Cemetery. Just off the highway, up on the top of a little hill there it was. We walked under a marble arch and before us were row on row of white gravestones. The
enormity of the sacrifice those Canadians made was humbling. The cemetery was impeccably kept with a live rose bush on each grave. The French people have never forgotten and neither will we. The rest of the way into Caen, nobody said anything because here words could not describe the very emotional experience. Remembrance Day will never be the same again for us. Sincerely, Cathy Moran
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November 16, 2012 SportsPlex 3320 Kalum Street, Terrace Noon to 7:00 p.m.
6 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Council thinks free is the way to go Cameron Orr You can lead a Kitimatian to water but can you make them pay? Kitimat Council went after the Regional District of Kitimat Stikine (RDKS) to ensure their boat launch policy at MK Bay Marina allowed for free launching of non-motorized vessels. Further, the motion, moved by Phil Germuth, addresses insurance liability, and says “that the regional district attempt to overcome any liability issues to allow for the no charge launching of kayaks and canoes from MK Marina boat launch.” This motion is just one of a string of motions and discus-
sions aimed at improving water access for Kitimat residents, an issue which really came to the forefront over the summer when safety concerns forced Rio Tinto Alcan to close Hospital Beach. Although now reopened, the issue brought the issue of waterfront access into the spotlight, and in particular MK Bay Marina, effectively the only access to the Douglas Channel Kitimat had. A release from a recent in-camera council meeting revealed that council has directed staff to look at the possibility of establishing a municipal marina (Sentinel, Oct. 24, page 7). While discussion over launching fees at the marina didn’t
touch on that specifically at the council meeting, Mario Feldhoff did suggest that improving launch fees is just one small step. “We need to revisit the whole issue of marinas and boat access and water access. We have a lot of work to do,” he said at the meeting, while still supporting the motion at hand. After the letter was sent, a response was returned from RDKS administrator Bob Marcellin saying that it’s not their practice to charge the $20 launch fee for non-trailered boats, but parking fees are levied, which is $5 per day per vehicle.
At the Sept. 25 meeting of the Leisure Services Commission, Kitimat administration provided a report of possible water access locations in Kiti-
mat for their discussion. Following the presentation of this information, the Commission directed administration to follow-up on boat
launch opportunities at both Minette Bay Marina and Maggie Point. Below is what the report said about those two locations:
MAGGIE POINT — Haisla Tourism along with the Kitimat Naturalist Society are building a trail from just north of MK Bay to Maggie Point. The work will also include a bird watching area at Maggie Point. The trail would allow for access to the beach where persons could launch kayaks or canoes. Issues: The beach area is apporiximately 300 feet along the trail from the parking area and the beach area has a number of logs n it which would have to be cleared. Permission would have to be sought to use the area and some liability issues would
Column sparks motion
have to be resolved. The beach area does not have a proper dock or boat launch area and boaters would have to launch from the beach. MINETTE BAY MARINA — This area is used by the annual Dragon Boat Regatta. Issues: The land is leased from the Crown for the current operator and permission to use it would have to be sought. Several liability issues would have to be dealt with for use by the public along with some parking issues prior to any access being given.
Council wants work camp policy Just as Northern Health is beginning to look at the ways industrial work camps will affect health delivery in the region, Kitimat Council is also hoping to look at the ways work camps affect town. To that end they are beginning the process to develop a municipal policy that will outline the ways that Kitimat can beneft from work camps. Phil Germuth put forward the motion, saying there are many areas that work camps impact, from health care to supporting local businesses, to employment and social services.
On the subject of employment, he noted that First Nations usually have employment guarantees from industrial companies but meanwhile the District of Kitimat has not ensured that all area residents have an equal opportunity for work. As well, he says the existing work camp already in Kitimat is largely supplied by out-of-province businesses. “We need to investigate the possibility of how to encourage future camps to support local businesses,” said Germuth. Germuth said he’s looked at Dawson Creek which may pro-
vide a useful example for Kitimat to follow. Councillors all voted in favour of the motion, with Corinne Scott and Mario Feldhoff making particular comment that approaching this subject is a good idea. Feldhoff said that while there may be specific points in the policy he might not agree with, and suggested Dawson Creek’s model might possibly not be the right direction for Kitimat, looking at this issue will help the town better tie-in their services and zoning requirements to future camps.
safety hazard. Scott said that after reading the column, she paid close attention next time she was on Highway 37S and agreed with the comments in the paper. Council was expected to have a meeting with the District Manager for Transportation, and the motion was amended to just bring this issue up with him at that eventual meeting.
A recent motion at Kitimat Council had Corinne Scott requesting the District ask the Ministry of Transportation to mow the ditches along the highway and cut back the trees from under the power lines before the winter, a response to an Allan Hewitson “Under Miscellaneous” column from the Northen Sentinel. In his column he suggested overgrowth might be posing a
GATEWAY perspectives
Marine safety plan Last week, in this space, I talked about why we chose Kitimat as the site for Gateway’s marine terminal. This week, I’d like to discuss the various steps we’ve taken to prevent an incident on water, and the measures we’ve put in place to build a comprehensive marine safety plan for Gateway. Safety starts with a tanker acceptance program that’s as stringent as any in existence — and includes an independent review of all tankers, weeks ahead of their scheduled arrival. Tankers mooring at the terminal will be double-hulled and no more than 20 years old, and will be required — by independent third parties, before they enter Gateway’s shipping channels — to show a sound maintenance and operational history. As they approach Kitimat, all vessels will be boarded and guided by B.C. Coast Pilots with expert knowledge of our coastal waters. Simulations conducted in varying weather conditions have shown that the largest tankers can be safely navigated without the help of tugboats. Still, Gateway is adding a tug-escort system as an additional safety measure. The Douglas Channel is already one of the deepest and widest inland waterways on North America’s west coast, and Gateway’s tug-escort
system, according to risk assessment data, would reduce the already unlikely chance of a grounding incident by a further 80 to 90 per cent. As another Gateway marine safety initiative, we’re introducing landbased radar to B.C.’s North Coast for the first time. This radar system will be bolstered by extra navigational aides such as lights and channel markers. These enhancements aren’t just for Gateway — they are for all vessels on B.C.’s North Coast. Groups who oppose this project use fear tactics. They’d have you believe an oil tanker spill is inevitable. It isn’t. But don’t take my word for it — visit our website and read for yourself about all the work that has gone into making Gateway’s marine operation one of the safest in the world. Then, decide for yourself what’s true.
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Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012 7
Councillors seek comprehensive environmental policy Cameron Orr Corinne Scott wanted to see revised bylaws which would require drivers to cover open loads of garbage bound for the dump with a tarp. However when her motion was called to a vote at a Kitimat council meeting, she voted against it. That’s because through the discussion of her proposal she found she liked a different idea better, one pitched by Mary Murphy to have all of council’s prior motions relating to environmental health brought together under a document which will help guide a community-wide policy for recycling and environmental stewardship.
Council appeared to all be on-board on the idea of setting a path to environmental sustainability, even if they had different ideas on how to get there. When Scott’s motion on tarping garbage was being talked through, all councillors who spoke to the idea said they supported the intent of the motion, although no one appeared convinced that the bylaw would be a way to go. Mario Feldhoff said the bylaw would add unnecessary complexity for people who do use common sense when transporting their garbage. Phil Germuth also pointed out fines already exist on
highways for littering, and trash falling from cars would count. “It’s really more of a police job, I believe, to enforce something like that,” he said. Only Rob Goffinet and Mary Murphy supported that motion. But everyone except Mario Feldhoff supported bringing all past motions together for a potential policy. Feldhoff only opposed the motion because he felt there was a potential that doing so would delay implementation of the bylaw that had passed at a prior meeting to ban residential cardboard from the landfill.
Kitimatian claims million dollar prize
Blue with a noticeable scar from where he was attacked.
Dog attacked on Coho Flats trail Blue, a three-year-old Great Pyrenees/Lab cross, spent a week recovering from a his encounter with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier at the head of the Coho Flats trail system. Carin Rosner, Blue’s owner, said that just as they were beginning their walk on Nov. 6, a dog from one of the homes backing the trail managed to escape his yard and went after Blue. Rosner and her hiking partner had to fight back against the terrier, who had locked his jaws on Blue, who eventually needed 22 staples from the attack. “She got a huge gash,” said Rosner, who said it took a week for Blue to feel better. “It was so horrible.” Rosner has talked with the Kitimat Humane Society and filed a report with them. In response the Humane Society picked up the attacking dog for treatment as well, as it was beat up when Rosner and her friend fought back. Rosner eventually used pepper spray on the dog when it wouldn’t release. Maryann Ouellet, manager of the Humane Society, confirmed that a dog in the backyard of a home backing the trail got loose and attacked another dog. She said the dog received bruising and cuts. In response the Humane Society has told the dog’s owner that the conditions of the yard had to change, namely make it impossible for the dog to get under the fence in the future. Also the owner is responsible for paying the veterinary bill for Blue. She said no fines were given from the incident. “The dogs were contained on a property...so you just have to deal with the fact that it wasn’t that these dogs were purposely running loose.”
Cameron Orr Kirk Grossmann is the $1 million Lotto Max winner from Kitimat. Grossmann was in Vancouver collecting his winnings on Nov. 8, a happy side quest for his and his wife’s previously planned trip to the city. The fact he won was kept a secret from even his closest family until he knew for sure the money was coming his way. “You want to make sure it’s true before you go around talking about it,” Grossmann told the Sentinel from the Vancouver lottery office. His reaction to seeing his numbers on one of the MaxMillions draws was at first shock. “My first thought was the Mayan calendar was correct and there’s probably only a month left to spend it.” A frequent Lotto player
and resident of Kitimat for 37 years, Grossmann said that the money will go to pay off the mortgage with the rest going straight to the bank. “We’re going to put it in the bank and spend time thinking about what we’re going to do,” he said. Even splurging on a trip is unnecessary for him and his family — they already had booked and paid for a Mexico trip that is coming up soon. The ticket was bought at the Ol’ Keg Pub on Halloween night. “I heard on the Saturday morning that someone in town had won,” said Grossmann in a release from the BC Lottery Corporation. “I guess everyone in Kitimat was also checking their tickets because the website was so slow.” Grossmann wasn’t the only northerner to win a
Kirk Grossmann with his winning cheque at the Vancouver lottery office. BCLC photo prize; a ticket sold in the Bulkley Valley area is worth $25 million. The winner has
yet to come forward. Grossmann’s big win was drawn on Nov. 2
Kitimat’s Child Development Centre welcomed parents and their little pumpkins during some Halloween fun at the Healthy Babies drop-in. Weekly drop-ins are held every Thursday and are open to everyone during their pregnancy and up to one-year post-partum. Contact the Child Development Centre for more information. Photo submitted.
8 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012
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Prices in this ad good until November 18.
100 Mile, Quesnel, Nelson, Terrace, Kitimat, Prince Rupert, Smithers, Salmon Arm, Sooke, Cowichan, Williams Lake, Trail, Castlegar, Cranbrook,
Busy roads a sign of big business You’re not alone if you’ve noticed an increase in the amount of truck and large vehicle traffic on the roads in the region. Rio Tinto Alcan’s rebuilding of its aluminum smelter in Kitimat, the construction of BC Hydro’s Northwest Transmission Line, work on various run-of-river hydro-electric projects and continuing activity at the Prince Rupert port are all contributing. It’s also a different kind of industrial traffic compared to the old days when logging trucks bound for sawmills and chip trucks heading to pulp mills were visible on northwestern highways. For example, three new buses spotted in Terrace recently represent another sign of the growing economic impact of Rio Tinto Alcan’s Kitimat aluminum smelter project. The buses arrived in Terrace to be checked and certified for operations in Canada before being added to the existing fleet
used by Kitimat-based Haisla Shuttle to transport workers back and forth from the project’s construction camp to the massive construction site. When added to the fleet, Haisla Shuttle will have nearly 20 buses available to service the needs of the more than 1,000 people living in the project’s construction camp and working on the project. Haisla Shuttle owner Jim Gristwood said he began servicing the construction project approximately 18 months ago and that business has been increasing ever since. The service currently employs 13 drivers. Haisla Shuttle does, however, make trips to the Northwest Regional Airport but just on weekends and only for Bechtel, one of the key companies involved in the smelter rebuild. It also takes people to and from the Kitimat Valley Institute. Rio Tinto Alcan official Colleen Nyce said the
service is used by 500 to 600 people each day. “Rio Tinto Alcan and its Kitimat Modernization Project place significant value on the contributions of local businesses to supply goods and services wherever possible,” she said. The demand for truck and large vehicle service has also pushed up the demand for drivers. Sid Bandstra of Bandstra Transportation Services says finding drivers can be a challenge. “To a degree, demographics come into play and there is now a fair amount of employment in this area,” he said. It’s also not surprising that the demand is highest for drivers who are already experienced and fully qualified. It can take as long as a year to fully train a driver, a process Bandstra describes as being akin to an apprenticeship program. In 2005, trucks transported 66.7 million shipments, carrying 6.15 billion tons of cargo.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012 9
A group of students from Mount Elizabeth Secondary School got a great experience to see China first hand last summer. Students from Kitimat and elsewhere attended the 2012 Beijing International Students Summer Camp, organized by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission. Shown here are students in front of the Birds Nest Olympic venue. From Kitimat were Robyn Alderman, Maddison Amado, Kendra Brousseau, Cameron Chanin, Amanda Craft, Maryann David and Sarah Khan. Rick Jones was Kitimat’s chaperone. The trip was supported in part by a grant from the District of Kitimat. Photo submitted
10 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012 A10 www.northernsentinel.com
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Northern Sentinel
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An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051.
North Okanagan Sawmill is looking to hire Millwrights,Fabricators and Heavy Duty Mechanics. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-8389637.
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Education/Trade Schools
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In Memoriam
In Loving Memory of
Eros M. Denning March 31, 1942 – November 11, 2007
Five years have passed. You are deeply missed and fondly remembered for your love, kindness, and generosity. ~Your Friends~
In Loving Memory of
Sheila Margaret Ruehlen October 1, 1946 - November 15, 2011
We thought of you with love today, But that is nothing new. We thought of you yesterday, and days before that too. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. Now all we have is memories, and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, with which we’ll never part. God has you in his keeping; we have you in our hearts. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Lovingly remembered by her husband Ken; children Linda Brousseau (David) and Colleen Velho (Tony); grandchildren Jennifer, Kendra, Avery and Liam; and her mother Kathleen (Kay) Garside.
• • •
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Call the Northern Sentinel today! Call 250-632-6144, or email classifieds@northernsentinel.com K
Eija Tuulikki Johnson (PäiviÜ) August 16, 1954 - November 1, 2012
We regret to announce the passing of Eija Johnson (PäiviĂś) on November 1 in Sechelt, BC. Born in Riihimäki, Finland, Eija is survived by her parents Anja and Timo PäiviĂś of Kitimat, BC, her brother Arto PäiviĂś (Julie) of Abbotsford, BC, her sister Tuija Berndt (Warren) of Kitimat, BC, as well as her nieces Aili, Nina, and Liisa, her nephew Nik and her precious furry companion “Omar.â€? It is with the greatest sadness we must now say “hei heiâ€? to our daughter, sister, auntie, and dearest friend. Eija was a talented, creative, beautiful, gentle and generous soul. She is loved and missed by everyone lucky enough to have known her.
KITIMAT! is available for
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HELP WANTED PNGI is looking for a Community Support Worker to work out of our Kitimat office. Ideal candidates will have an ability to think creatively and to see opportunities everywhere. The position involves providing supports adults that have a disability and need some help living as independently in their community as possible. You will work one on one with a few people, working on specific goals. You will have the support of a team for planning and problem solving, but most of your work will be one on one in their home, in the community or in their workplace. You need to have reliable transportation with work insurance, a clear driver’s abstract, complete a Criminal Record check and a flexible schedule that would allow you to do some evening or weekend work if needed. Training will be provided. We are a small company that is strongly guided by our values. We appreciate employees that are creative, flexible, self-motivated, and goal focused. It’s also important to us that you have a good dose of common sense, an ability to get out and network with others in the community, and share our strong belief in diversity and the potential of all people. This position will be part time to start, with the possibility of increasing hours. To apply please email marg@pngi.ca, or drop off/mail a resume with a descriptive cover letter to our ofďŹ ce PROVINCIAL NETWORKING GROUP INC 4730 Lazelle Ave. Terrace, BC V8G 1T2. Closing date is November 23, 2012.
Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012A11 11 www.northernsentinel.com
Northern Sentinel Wednesday, November 14, 2012
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2 & 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES - Starting at $850, avail now 250-847-8061 / derek.kaufman@randallnorth.ca
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Professional/ Management SUTCO Contracting Ltd. is seeking a qualified dispatcher. Must have dispatch experience, and able to work in a fast paced environment with minimal supervision. The position requires rotation of days and evening shifts. Extended benefits after 90 days, with pension available after 1 years service. Applicants may apply online www.sutco.ca or fax:0250-357-2009. Enquiries to: Brad 250-357-2612 Ext: 226
Merchandise for Sale
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• • •
64 STEIN ST. $209,000 2400 sq ft (2 level bungalow) 5 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Many new modern updates. New roof. Appliances included. Close to schools. Call 250-632-6186 or drop by
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Kitimat - Nechako - 3 bdrm duplex. F/S W/D. Next to school. Refs req. $750/month + utilities. Phone 250-279-0207
Homes for Rent 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with garage,W/D F/S included. Walk to downtown. N/S N/P Available Nov1st $1400 month Call 250.639.0568 BEAUTIFULLY remodeled 2 bedroom home in Kitimat available December 1, 2012. Galley style kitchen with stainless steel appliances lead to a bright and sunny dining room. French doors from the dining room open to a large living room. Numerous large windows provide lots of natural light. Radiant in-floor heating provides comfortable, even heating. Laminate floors throughout with tile in the kitchen. Fenced in back yard with large mature trees. Room for 2 vehicles in the driveway. $1,100/month plus utilities. References and damage deposit required. Email: owensdrilling@gmail.com or call (250) 427-7439 to view. FOR RENT OR LEASE 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom house on quiet preferred street in Whitesail area. Garage and large fenced backyard with shed. High efficiency furnace. Available November 1. Please call 250-639-9040 HOUSE FOR rent or lease on preferred street in Kitimat,BC. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, F/S/D/W/D, double car garage, fenced yard, close to schools and all amenities. $1300 month plus utilities. References required. Availability immediately. 250-425-2900(H) or 250-401-8272. e-mail darlenesears@hotmail.com.
• • • •
Starting at $550 Balconies Security Entrances Cameras for your safety Now includes basic cable Email: www.apartments.com Phone: 250.632.APTS (2787)
Trucks & Vans 1976 FJ40 Toyota Land Cruiser Runs great but needs body work. Lots of extra spare parts. $4,000 obo. 250-632-6239
32’ FIBERGLASS FERRELL BOAT 370hp 8.1L John Deere Engine, 1500hrs on engine. Trolling valve, Bow Thruster, 3 Stage Steering. 2 Hydraulic Deep lines, Hydraulic Trap Puller, 3 Sounders, Radar, 8’ Dinghy, 2 Radios. Com-Dev Auto Pilot, Spare Prop. Can be seen at MK BayMarina. Assessed at $84,400. Contact Warren Poff at 250.242.4445 or 250.242.1789 MAKE AN OFFER!
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100hp turbo charged Yanmar Diesel, sleeps 6, shower, f/s, autopilot, radar, colour depth sounder, GPS, VHS, am/fm 2000w inverter/charger, 9’ dingy. Moorage at MK Bay Marina. (250) 632-6575 Kitimat
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Property Management
Bachelor & two bedroom No Smoking, No Pets Starting at $475 monthly 250.632.7814 Kitimat
1997 Volkswagen Golf New engine. C/D. Mags. $3,000 obo. Kitimat 250-632-3589
Sports & Leisure
12 Northern Sentinel, Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Demons claim narrow victory over the Kings
Kiti m
Contributed This was a game that the Terrace River Kings probably deserved to win, despite opportunistic goals that gave the Kitimat Ice Demons a 3-1 lead going into the third period on Nov. 3. That was extended to 4-1 early in the final period. The River Kings launched a comeback with with two goals, but could not get the tying score as Demons goaltender Tyson Craven and and some determined short-handed defensive blocking allowed the Demons to eke out a 4-3 win. The Terrace River Kings seemed to want to avenge the recent 5-0 shutout in Kitimat and started fast – but promptly ran into some great goal tending by Tyson Craven that completely frustrated them. They out shot Kitimat 11-8 in the period, but went to the first intermission a goal down as Steven Venman finished off a good attacking play with Terry Whelan and Jon Aiken, who earned assists on the goal, which came seconds after Terrace returned to full strength after a
ane Soci
two minute penalty to Garrett Kerr for interference. Both teams had three minors in the period. Just 30 seconds into the second period, Derek Wakita slid a rebound from a Brandon Wakita shot behind Garrett Muir in the Terrace net and Kitimat did not get another shot in the period for about 12 minutes as the Kings went into a fierce attack. Steve Cullis finally capitalized with a wrap around after Craven made two great saves but was flat on the ice when Cullis hooked the puck into the corner. Assists went to Derek Jurista and Brian Lomas. Encouraged Terrace kept up the attack, but Kitimat finally got untracked and Derek DeLisser scored to return the two-goal lead on a power play, with just two minutes left in the period. Four minutes into the third, Kyle Boudreault was johnny-onthe spot to push a loose puck over the line to make it 4-1, with assists to Ian Coleman and Derek Wakita. Kings surged again, and got a little closer
making it 4-2 when a screen shot by Corbin Legros found its way through a crowd in front and eluded Craven. Assists went to Jeremy Vandenbroek and Rajan Sangha. While the game was a rough one, it degenerated minutes later in the third leading to a fight between Kyle Boudreault and Terrace captain, Steve Cullis, with Cullis getting an instigator penalty as well as his five minutes and game misconduct. Boudreault was also ejected. Just prior to that fight, Terrace’s Cameron Kerr was given a game misconduct for checking from behind. Penalty totals were 36 minutes to Kitimat and 33 minutes to Terrace. A multi-player collision the Demons’ end left Terrace’s Josh Murray down on the ice and after a lengthy discussion referee Tyler Noble gave Kitimat defender William DeJong a five minute penalty and a game for a head contact play. On the resulting power play, Corbin Legros got his second goal of the night (Rajan Sang-
Kitimat Humane Society Shelter
6th Annual Auction and Dinner
TICKETS GOING FAST!!! GET YOURS NOW!!! Auction Items Still Needed!
Drop off at the Northern Sentinel 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat 250-632-6144
Saturday, November 24
at the Royal Canadian Legion (Upstairs) 665 Legion Road, Kitimat Doors Open 6 pm Dinner 7 pm Auction to follow
TICKETS $30 EACH - Available at: Kitimat Humane Society, Northern Sentinel 1000 Eurocan Way Kitimat 626 Enterprise Ave., Kitimat Ph. 250-632-7373 Ph. 250-632-6144 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 5 pm
All Proceeds Donated to Kitimat Humane Society
Kitimat skaters qualify for the provincials
Two Snow Valley Skating Club members qualified to attend the provincial skating competition in Parksville. Kitimat skaters Mariah Carvelho and Kendra Brousseau were in Parksville from Nov. 8 to 12th. Kitimat council approved a $200 grant to help them get there.
The Terrace River Kings seemed to want to avenge the recent 5-0 shutout in Kitimat. ha) and pressed hard for the equalizer. But Craven was seeing everything directed at his net after that, and in the final minute with the Terrace net empty, Brandon Wakita hit the post with a long shot, but the puck dropped in the crease and Kitimat defenders kept flipping the puck]k out until the final whistle. On Friday night the Smithers Steelheads extended their lead in the league to 14 points, winning their seventh game of the season 5-1 over the Houston Luckies and in Quesnel on Saturday, the Lac La Hache Tomahawks overcame an early two goal lead by the Kangaroos to edge Quesnel 6-5 in a rough back and forth encounter that saw 40 minutes in penalties assessed.
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