Invermere Valley Echo, November 21, 2012

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Vol. 56 Issue 47

Gagatek family gives back

The life and times of a local legend

Page A13

Page A17

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Green light for Jumbo Resort

'Tis the season

Mountain Resort Municipality status created, mayor and council appointed NICOLE TRIGG

In an exclusive interview with Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Bill Bennett on Monday (November 19), The Valley Echo learned the B.C. government has issued letters patent for a new mountain resort municipality in the Jumbo Valley by the name of Jumbo Glacier Resort. "As is the custom with a new municipality like this, CONTINUES TO 'IT' ON PAGE A3

$2M donation to benefit valley Long-time Canal Flats resident bequeaths money to foundation STEVE JESSEL

The Columbia Valley Community Foundation (CVCF) is poised to continue its work in the community for years to come now that a former Canal Flats resident has left approximately $2 million to the foundation in his will. “It’s a huge deal for the foundation,” CVCF vice-chair CONTINUES TO 'DONATION' ON PAGE A5

PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO Invermere's Light Up Night wowed locals and visitors alike on Saturday (November 17) when a parade of brightly lit and festive floats made their way down 7th Street, kicking off the holiday spirit for everyone who attended. For more Light Up Night images, turn to page A15.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


Information sought on elk carcasses Parks Canada is investigating two butchered elk carcasses dumped in Kootenay Park NICOLE TRIGG


Follow & friend the Valley Echo on your favorite social media. For all the latest news & reviews in the Columbia Valley.


Parks Canada staff someplace else in have begun an investi- the national park we gation after two elk car- don’t know,” said casses were discovered Parks Canada Public near the highway in Relations and Comthe south end of Koo- munications Officer tenay National Park Ross MacDonald. on Sunday (November Hunting is not per11) and are appealing mitted in a national to the public for more park under the Nainformation. tional Parks Act and “We’re still investi- Parks Canada staff are gating but it appears assuming the animals as though they were were shot, but whethkilled some place er it was with bulelse and dropped lets or arrows is not in the park; wheth-B:8.81”known. The two carer they were killedT:8.81”casses — full grown

PARKS CANADA PHOTO Parks Canada staff are appealing to the public for information on the remains of two bull elk found in Kootenay National Park.

bull elk — were missing antlers and much of the meat had been taken as well. Mature bulls can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. “If anyone knows

anything more about this we’d like to know,” MacDonald said. While the elk population in Kootenay National Park has dropped compared to


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numbers recorded in the 1960s and 1970s, there is still a “fair number” in the Columbia Valley, he said. For B.C. registered hunters, open hunting season on elk with six-point antlers or better closed throughout the valley on October 20. That the elk were lawfully hunted remains a possibility as aboriginal rights allow First Nations hunting outside the open season on traditional territories, said Invermere Conservation Officer Greg Kruger. “So if we get a complaint about an animal being harvested and remains found, that’s always a part of our investigation as well,” he said. “At the end of the day, it may have been a lawful harvest even if it was shot after October 20, but driving it into the park and dumping it is wrong. “Whoever did it, it was a contravention of the National Park Act.” If any member of the public has information related to this incident, they’re asked to called 1-888-WARDENS (1-888-9273367), and they may remain anonymous, if they wish to do so. "Wardens have found no evidence that the animals were killed in the national park and the find remains a mystery," Macdonald told The Valley Echo on Monday (November 19).

Wednesday,November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo A3

Page Three

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It will be a game changer for tourism: Bennett Continued from Page A1

we are appointing a major and two councillors," Bennett said. The $450-million high elevation glacier based ski resort is planned in three phases and will ultimately include 5,500 bedunits in a 104-hectare resort base area. It is projected to provide approximately 3,750 people years of construction employment and create 750 to 800 permanent full-time jobs. Its newly appointed mayor is Greg Deck, and councillors are Nancy Hugunin and Steve Ostrander. Hugunin is a well-known local entrepreneur, mother and grandmother, and serves as the Kootenay Regional Chairperson for the BC Ski Association. Ostrander, a retired professional forester, is currently a director for the Columbia Valley Food Bank, the Lake Windermere District Lions Club and the Columbia Headwaters Community Forest Initiative. Deck was the first mayor of Radium Hot Springs when it incorporated and held that position for 18 years until retiring from office in 2008. "He also sat on the regional district board and was chair for many years so he has experience," said Bennett. "He's also very credible and is known for his personal integrity." He stressed that Deck will not be working for either the developer or the Province. Retiring chief administrative officer from the town of Golden Phil Taylor will be the interim corporate offer, and will spend the next few months creating an original set of bylaws for the new community and ensuring that the municipality is operational by its official

incorporation date of with this project." February 19, 2013. When asked if mountain resort mu"He'll work with Greg nicipality status would permit Jumbo and the two councillors Glacier Resort to apply for provincial and it will operate the infrastructure funding for a new access same as any mayor and road, Bennett replied that the B.C. govcouncil," Bennett said. ernment would not entertain an appliBill Bennett "Everything they do will cation from council for infrastructure be subject to the Local support until there had been a demoGovernment Act and the Community cratic election with people residing in Charter." the resort municipality. While the mayor and council will be "The dealings that the proponent will responding to the developer's requests have with the Province over the access for zoning and rights to build roads, road and over infrastructure and all those streets and other infrastructure, the de- kinds of things will be exactly the same as veloper — Glacier Resorts Ltd. — will any proponent in the same circumstancdeal largely with the es," he said. "So in othProvince in terms of “The proponent here is not er words, the propothe access road, connent here is not going struction of lifts, gon- going to get any special deal to get any special deal dolas and so forth on on the access road.” on the access road. Crown land. Whatever is the normal bill bennett "I think it's impor- minister of community, sport and arrangement between tant for me to say that cultural development a ski resort developer the Regional District and the Province is the of East Kootenay passed a resolution arrangement that we'll have here." in 1996 to ask the Province to create a Bennett was quick to point out that over mountain resort municipality," Bennett a dozen municipalities around the provsaid. "That resolution has stayed on their ince were created when mines or dams books for ten years, there was a brief were being built to provide a form of govperiod of a couple of years when they ernance for the workers living there. changed their mind and then back in "And if (Jumbo Glacier Resort) goes 2009 they passed another resolution go- ahead," he said, "it will be a game ing back to the original one where they changer for tourism in British Columasked government to create a mountain bia… we will have something in British resort municipality as the form of gover- Columbia that does not exist anywhere nance for this project. else in North America." "So we are in step with local governHe equated Western Canada's single ment; we're going with what they have biggest tourist attraction — the gondola in asked us to do, we agree with local gov- Banff — to Glacier Resorts Ltd.'s proposed ernment that mountain resort munici- gondola to the top of Glacier Dome overpality is the most effective way to deal looking the Lake of the Hanging Glacier.

"(It) will be about as spectacular an attraction as there is anywhere in North America," Bennett said. "I'm not in the business of predicting whether a proponent's going to be successful, whether we're talking about a mine or a resort or any other type of business venture," he continued, "but if this does proceed, it definitely does have the potential to employ hundreds and hundreds of local people and to be a game changer in tourism." With respect to the widespread opposition the proposed resort has met from local First Nations, environmentalists and Kootenay residents as well as further afield, Bennett said the government would work through any sort of protests, including road blockages, should they happen to come up. "We're hoping that the opponents of the project will respect the law, and we're also hoping that they will respect the due process that has led over the past 22 years to the Environmental Assessment Certificate in 2005, to the Master Development Plan in March 2012, and now to the incorporation of the mountain resort municipality," said Bennett. "It's a due process, everyone has had their chance to say what they think; the proponent has done what governments have over the years have asked of them, and now there's a decision and the proponent now has a right to build the project." The Valley Echo was granted an embargoed media interview with Bennett the day before his formal public announcement on Tuesday (November 20) just prior to Monday's press deadline. Check and next week's issue for ongoing coverage and interviews.

Ktunaxa sets filing date for judicial review application First Nation challenging government's approval of Jumbo Glacier Resort NICOLE TRIGG

The Ktunaxa Nation is following through on its July announcement that it will contest the B. C. government’s decision to approve the development of Jumbo Glacier Resort. Friday, November 30th will be the filing date for the Ktunaxa’s application for judicial review of the resort’s approval, which will be submitted in Vancouver with the BC Supreme Court. The filing will coincide with a protest rally in Cranbrook, where court proceedings are expected to be held. “Ktunaxa have been on record as being opposed to this resort since it was first proposed,” Ktunaxa Nation chair

Kathryn Teneese said in a media release. “Our opposition is based principally on the spiritual importance of the Qat’muk area for Ktunaxa people, as well as the concerns for the protection of wildlife populations, biodiversity and water quality.” The Ktunaxa maintain that the intended location for the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort is at the heart of one of their main sacred sites called Qat’muk (GOT MOOK), which is home to the spirit of the grizzly bear and is of vital importance to their traditional culture. Their arguments in court will include how approval of the resort represents a desecration of a principal Ktunaxa sacred site, the likely undoing of Ktunaxa traditional spiritual and religious practices, and consequently a significant and unjustifiable violation of Ktunaxa constitutional rights. “The resort was approved despite the strong evidence of the critical impact it would have upon our spirituality and

culture,” said Teneese. “We now have no other choice but to challenge the B.C. government’s decision-making process. We feel that this decision will not stand in a court of law, and will be found to show that the B.C. government did not make the correct decision in approving the resort in the heart of Qat’muk.” Efforts by Ktunaxa to convey the cultural, spiritual and religious significance of Qat’muk included the release of the Shaffer Economic Report, which concluded the resort would have no net economic benefit to B.C. because it was based on outdated market growth forecasts. "What I'd like to encourage people to do is inform themselves as much as possible about the issues," Teneese said, "and also offer up us as being available to discuss this if anybody is interested in hearing more from us." For more information on the Ktunaxa Nation's campaign, visit www.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


Water conundrum in Canal Flats Council at a standstill regarding Eagle's Nest water system upgrade

Village of Radium Hot SpRingS

Request for Quotations: Flower Contract

The Village is seeking quotations for the provision of flower and shrub supply and maintenance services beginning in 2013. Interested parties can obtain a copy of the RFQ instructions and contract at the municipal office, 4836 Radium Boulevard, or by contacting Mark. The deadline for receipt of submissions is December 7, 2012.


An attempt by the Village of Canal Flats council to force the issue of upgrading the Eagle’s Nest water system has been waylaid. At its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 13, council learned its request to adopt a bylaw that would permit the village to borrow $1.24 million at a cost to property owners without their assent in order to upgrade the system has been denied. “It’s difficult communicating with the residents,” said Village of Canal Flats mayor Ute Juras, who noted only two people showed at a meeting held the August long weekend. The Eagle’s Nest water system has been on a boil advisory since 2003 and is in contravention of the province’s Drinking Water Protection Act. A $400,000 Towns for Tomorrow infrastructure grant awarded to the village to upgrade the system has a deadline of March 2013 and council has so far identified two viable options to apply the funds towards. Both options — linking the Eagle’s Nest system to that of the village or creating a brand new standalone system — ring in at $1.6 million. As the grant represents just 25 per cent of this total cost, council ad_ForestCap2013_FINAL.indd 1 11/13/2012 11:35:35 AM proposed to all the owners of the 62 lots in the Eagle’s Nest area that it borrow $1.24 million at a cost of roughly $1,100 per property owner per year for 25 years. Opposition to this proAre you tired of feeling saggy, lumpy, pinched or strained? Well posed bylaw came in at 66 per cent, you’re not alone. As you’ve probably seen on Oprah or read in thus defeating it. women’s magazines, over 80 per cent of all women wear the

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“The tank is in a state of disOne way around this is repair,” said Juras. “It’s in reto hold a referendum, said ally bad shape.” Woodward, in which only In an effort to resolve the B.C.-registered voters would problem by overriding public be eligible vote. opinion, council requested “If they go to referendum, that Interior Health (IH) issue and it passes, then the IM will Ute Juras an order to expedite the proapprove the bylaw,” he said. cess. IH complied by impleAccording to Juras, only menting a deadline of September 30, seven to 10 property owners would be 2013 by which time potable drinking able to vote in a referendum. water must be provided. “It virtually eliminates almost every“It was indicated to us that the order body who own property out there from would eventually be issued, but we voting,” agreed Woodward. “I’ve talked requested it in order to speed up the with many of them; they come 10 times process,” Juras said. a year, and they stop to pick up a couArmed with this legal requirement to ple jugs for the three days they’re going upgrade the system, council sent the to be there, it costs them $10, and they order to the Inspector of Municipali- have water for flushing their toilets and ties (IM) of British Columbia along showers and everything.” with a request to have the borrowing “It’s only costing them $300 per year bylaw approved, but was informed as a user fee and a very small amount of on November 8 that approval of the money for the drinking water,” he said. bylaw will not be granted without the “We’re proposing to them that it will Eagle’s Nest property owners’ assent. be $1,100 (per year) for the debt for 25 “Council cannot move forward until years plus also on top of that whatever we have approval of the bylaw which the user fees are going to be, between has to be done by the assent of the $300 to $1,000 a year as well, so they’re owner electors,” said Village of Ca- faced with a substantial increase.” nal Flats chief administrative officer That a majority of the Eagle’s Nest Brian Woodward. “It’s a very difficult property owners don’t live in the area circumstance.” full-time and are content to purchase As it stands, if the Village of Canal their drinking water on an as-needed Flats fails to comply with the order basis doesn’t factor into IH policy, under the Drinking Water Protection said IH health protection team leader Act, penalties upon conviction can be Ron Popoff. as much as $200,000 per day as well as “The Drinking Water Protection Act up to 12 months imprisonment. and regulations doesn’t make stipulaCouncil can request that IH with- tions for those considerations,” Popoff draw the order, but it would still re- said. “This is an illegal water system main in effect during the review peri- that needs to comply with the legislaod until such time that the Provincial tion so that the water consumers can Health Officer decides enough new be entitled to safe drinking water. evidence supports otherwise. In the “The fact that this is also in support meantime, council has requested yet of the village so that they can leverage another extension on the grant — for that money going forward, so be it. the third time — to March 30, 2014. It’s time that it goes forward.”

AgPlan in the works for East Kootenay Agricultural plan to be implemented in early 2013 NICOLE TRIGG

In an effort to buck the province-wide trend of diminishing agriculture and farming, the Ministry of Agriculture has partnered with over 41 communities across B.C. to develop agricultural area plans, and the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is close to having one to call its own. At the Windermere Lions’ Hall on Tuesday, November 12, RDEK agricultural consultant David Struthers held

the fifth in a series of seven An action-oriented docupublic consultations to gath- ment that makes recomer information and feedback mendations to all levels of on the planning process to government, an agricultural date. Implementation of the area plan focuses on a comRDEK Agricultural Plan is set munity’s farm areas and for March 2013. identifies solutions to press“What does agriculture ing issues as well as oppormean to tunities for you? What “We're bounded by the strengthactions can ening the geography we have to be taken to commue n h a n c e , work with.” nity’s longp r o m o t e david struthers term susand protect RDEK agricultural consultant tainability. agriculture An agriin the region?” Struthers cultural land use inventory asked the 30 or so people in for the East Kootenay was attendance. “We’re bound- completed back in 2011, foled by the geography we have lowed by a background reto work with; relative to oth- port. Public consultation is er areas in the province, we the next step in the process don’t have large urban cen- before development of the tres right on our doorstep.” plan is finalized and imple-

mentation begins. During the meeting, Struthers provided a snapshot look at the background report, revealing that development, inflated land prices, and heavy regulations have all put pressure on the local agriculture industry. Only about 10 per cent of the total land base in the East Kootenay is agricultural with the number of farms having dropped from 474 to 396 since 1996. While an increase in the number of nurseries and greenhouses has been noted, a decline in cattle livestock isn’t surprising considering the challenges the livestock Continues to 'public' on Page A10

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo A5


Sewer service mucked up Invermere resident discovers she's been paying for nothing for 25 years STEVE JESSEL

For most people, paying their monthly utility bills is second nature, but one Invermere woman hasn’t received the sewer service she’s been paying for over the last 25 years. Former Calgary resident Burdette Coates Storey has been paying into the district sewer system ever since buying a second property at 1602 1A Avenue in Invermere in 1987 as a vacation home. Having moved to Invermere full-time a number of years ago, Storey had a backup of what she thought was grey water this past summer. After having a plumbing service resolve the issue, the service also recommended the sewer line be inspected by camera. The inspection indicated a problem with the line and Storey had where she thought the sewer line on her property ran excavated. That’s when they discovered that instead of being connected to the town sewer line, the property was only connected to a septic system. “I was pretty aghast, because the (district service card) actually showed me connected as well as the (realtor) listing sheet,” Storey said. “So even if at the time I bought it I had searched it out more

carefully, it still would have shown me as connected.” Storey estimates she has paid somewhere near $5,000 in sewage fees over the years, and as such is appealing to Invermere council for a solution. Storey said she is willing to forgo asking the district for reimbursement of those fees, provided the district foots the bill for connecting her property to the village sewer line. “I don’t know exactly where we go from here, but it’s kind of worrisome, because I definitely am going to have to have something done,” Storey said. To this day, Storey still has the original realtor listing sheet, which clearly indicates that the property is connected to the town sewer line. Furthermore, at the Invermere council meeting on Tuesday, November 13, Chief Administrative Officer Chris Prosser told council members that the district service card from 1975 for the property also shows the property is connected. The reality, he noted, is that the sewer line runs up to the edge of the property. Citing the need for a fair solution for all the parties combined, council has now directed staff to obtain an estimate on the cost of installing a line, and an estimate on the amount Storey has paid in sewer fees over the years. As the weather is quickly turning, Storey has since has the excavation on her property filled with the expectation that any decision or action likely wouldn’t take place until next spring.

Public education necessary Continued from Page A4

industry has been facing, Struthers said. “Where have we been, where are we now, what are favourable conditions for agriculture in the future?” he asked the group. "What specific actions are needed to create this vision?” Strengthening the connection between those producing the food and

those consuming it with public education emerged as a common theme. Other suggested ideas included branding, agritourism and bolstering agricultural clubs outside the school system. Partnering with the local Chambers of Commerce to encourage local business people to see possibilities within the agricultural sector also came up, as did improving the local

food processing capacity, the challenges of meeting consumer demands, and having the Columbia Valley declared organic and GMO-free. “RDEK recognizes that agriculture is a sleeping giant,” said Area G director Gerry Wilkie. To stay informed about the plan’s progress and to participate, visit the dedicated page for the Agricultural Plan at

Donation will help valley residents for years to come said CVCF board member Emile Morin. "This gives us even greater room for growth and involvement in the Dr. Don Miller said. "It's nice to see community. I think it's a wonderful the community get better, and that's thing that he did." our mandate." Beyond allowing the foundation The donated funds come from the to give away more money each year, estate of Arnold Ellis, who passed there are other benefits that arise from away at the age of 85 in Cranbrook the donation as well. One of the bigger in January. As directed in his will, the challenges the foundation has faced money is intended to help those seek- over the years has actually been receiving education or training at any level ing enough applications for the fund— whether it be in the trades, at tech- ing, and Miller said that wIth the pubnical schools, college or university — licity this donation brings he hopes the and who require financial assistance total number of applications grows. that is not otherwise available. Ellis Another potential bonus is on the had formerly set up what is known as administrative side. The foundation the Arnold Ellis Scholarship Fund in does keep a small percentage of accu2004 with a small donation, and upon mulated interest in order to pay for adreceipt of his estate assets, the fund ministrative fees such as advertising will now exceed $2 million. and office space, and former founda"It's for anything tion chair Seona that has to do with “This gives us even greater Helmer said the education, we'll inboard might look room for growth and terpret that as liberinto hiring a partally as we can just to involvement in the community.” time employee to spread it around," emile morin help take some of Miller said. "It cvcf board member the burden off the won't just all go to volunteer directhe high school, or the college; we'll tors. The board already plans to set up be liberal with what we can find." a committee solely for the purpose of The way the community foundation distributing the Ellis funds, and is also works is its principal donations are looking for additional board memnever actually used. Instead, interest bers to join the foundation to help made from investing those funds is with that process. doled out to community projects, or"(The donation) will raise awareganizations and individuals through ness and our profile in the commuthe course of the year. The CVCF nity, and it will also give us the adhas two application cycles and after ministrative flexibility to grow, that receiving applications the volun- we haven't had," Helmer said. "It'll teer board of directors determines be a real great boost for the board." where to allocate the funds. Prior to The CVCF was formed in 2000 and this donation, the CVCF had roughly Helmer estimates over $250,000 has $800,000 on hand, which in a good been given away since that time. Past economic climate would allow them recipients include the Columbia Valto spend about $20,000 per year. ley Food Bank, Pynelogs Cultural With this new donation, Miller esti- Centre, the Columbia Valley Arts mates they'll be able to increase their Council, ICAN, and the Invermere yearly funding by $50,000, allowing Hospital Auxiliary. For more inforthem to focus on a wider breadth of mation on the CVCF, including apcommunity-based initiatives. plication forms, visit the website at "The foundation is in a position of doing some very good work with the For a special historical feature story community, as it has in the past," on Arnold Ellis, turn to page A17. Cont'd from Page A1







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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo

Opinions and Letters

Something to say? email

A Jumbo complex NICOLE TRIGG

So there you have it it. The word has come down from the top that Jumbo Glacier Resort is to be incorporated as British Columbia's newest mountain resort municipality, just 50 kilometres from the District of Invermere and right in the heart of what many consider to be their own personal backyard. And it is — all of us who reside in the beautiful province of British Columbia can essentially consider themselves a stakeholder in this chunk of Crown land that has been the focus of so much contention for so long. And what a cantakerous bunch we are. Climate change is melting the glaciers — what's the point of having a glacier-based ski resort when we should be protecting it as a water supply? The valley needs an economic stimulator — Jumbo Glacier Resort has the potential to attract tourists from around the world. Wildlife are already losing enough habitat — we have to stop development so they have somewhere to live! It's far from a pristine valley — just look at the scars years of logging and mining have left behind. But First Nations claim its of utmost spiritual importance to their already decimated culture which they are trying so hard to revive. But younger generations growing up in the valley need more opportunity and the promise of exciting, well-paid jobs that will entice them to stay and raise their families. And on and on it goes. Friends sit on opposite sides of the fence, couples are split on the issue, and a community at large that should be working towards solutions on every identifiable issue is divided and rife with conflict, making it near impossible for other projects to be tackled without the old bitterness creeping in and getting in the way of productive, good work. Jumbo Glacier Resort is less about building a ski resort than it is about competing ideologies and value systems. But in the words of U.S. President Barack Obama in his victory speech: "These arguments we have are a mark of our liberty. We can never forget that as we speak people in distant nations are risking their lives right now just for a chance to argue about the issues that matter." Keeping this in mind will definitely help us navigate the unchartered waters ahead. Heck, we may even decide as a group of impassioned stakeholders to take a time out and celebrate our freedom to argue — together.

Something on your mind? The Valley Echo welcomes all letters to the editor and submissions from community and sports groups, as well as special community columns. Please keep your signed, legible submissions under 500 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, taste, legal reasons and brevity. Each submission must contain a daytime phone number and place of residence. Send email submissions to

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Critique welcomed Dear Editor, The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) board of directors is right; we should all be working together to have a robust and thriving business environment, and to make this valley the best place that it can be for residents, property owners and visitors. In order to make this area the best that it can be, we have to look beyond the political lines on the map. It is the responsibility and obligation of local governments to look not just within their boundaries, but also consider the overall regional picture — especially if changes to that regional picture could threaten future co-operation from occurring. I apologize if my October 17th letter to The Valley Echo offended anyone. Perhaps I was a little too imaginative in names for the proposed “town” in Jumbo and in suggestions of future council members. I do not, however, apologize for being worried about the long-term impacts of an undemocratic local government within our region, which would not be accountable to local residents, neighbouring local governments, or even local businesses purported to

be represented by the CVCC. Despite the critique from the CVCC board, I will continue to be a strong advocate to maintain their current funding from the District of Invermere (DOI). I also believe the same relationship exists between local government and the Province; you can sometimes raise concerns about specific policies or decisions, but at the end of the day our tax dollars should be distributed based on need and merit not along political lines. Hopefully the board will consider my offer to present at a future meeting about the positive work DOI council is trying to do within our boundaries and on a regional basis, and how the CVCC can be part of that work. Gerry Taft Mayor, District of Invermere

It's not about politics Dear Editor, In politics when someone continually spends time reporting on what they say others are not doing, it usually means that they are actually reporting more on their own lack of accomplishment. Sound familiar? If so, then you know I am talking about Norm Macdonald’s MLA reports. In his regular “reports” his only rhetoric is what he thinks the BC Liberal government is or is not do-


The NEWSpaper in the Columbia Valley

530 13th Street • P.O. Box 70 Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0 Phone: 250-342-9216 Rose-Marie Regitnig publisher


Nicole Trigg editor


Steve Jessel

Angela Krebs




Dean Midyette

Jessica de Groot



Renice Oaks

dean@cv-pioneer. com

customerservice@inver- In Absentia


Sheila Tutty


ing and he never talks about what he is doing as far as his work goes within the riding; his most recent attack being on the BC Jobs Plan, which is actually working very well. What then should a responsible MLA report look like? I offer a report on some of my recent accomplishments, work that is ongoing while the current MLA continues to play at politics. Together with Golden Area Director Gary Habart, I am working on an issue associated with the seasonal occupants of Cosway Island. We have been able to get extensions for the occupants’ tenure on the Island and we continue to work with Minister Steve Thomson toward a longer term solution. I continue to work with the president and CEO of Edgewater-based WoodEx Mill to secure fibre from Canfor and the Akisqnuk Band. I continue to work with the residents of the Community of Meadowbrook, just outside of Kimberley, toward a solution for the Cherry Creek Falls issue. I continue to work with representatives from the Dry Gulch development near Radium on potable water issues. I continue to work with the developer of the Painted Ridge subdivision on a solution for their water Continues to 'letters' on Page A7

Notice of Copyright: Reproduction of any or all editorial and advertising materials in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. It is agreed by the advertiser requesting space that the liability of The Valley Echo, owned by Black Press Ltd. in the event of failure to publish an advertisement or in the event of an error appearing in the advertisement as published, shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for only the one incorrect insertion for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect or omitted items only and that there shall be no liability in any event greater than the amount paid for such advertising. BC Press Council – The Valley Echo is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent within 45 days to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby Street, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.


The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A7

Off the Record — Steve Jessel

Texas, the next Quebec The American election may be over but for me, the fun of American politics never really ends. After Democrat Barack Obama narrowly defeated Republican Mitt Romney (or Mittens, as I affectionately refer to him as) in the November 6 presidential election, the American Republican party is attempting an about-face, but without really changing anything at all. One might think that after getting lambasted in the national media over opposition to basic human rights such as contraceptives (which the United Nations named as a universal human right last week) and abortion (which is legal across the vast majority of developed nations), the party might consider a change of some of their policies. Wishful thinking, perhaps. Instead, the Republicans have turned on everyone but themselves, attempting to lay the blame at anyone’s feet but their own. Romney’s running mate, former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, took to blaming voter turnout in “urban areas” (read: black and hispanic)


while Ohio Secretary of State and Republican Jon Husted suggested a new electoral system that would have given Romney a win in the crucial swing state of Ohio. Not to be outdone, after Obama won the election, American citizens from more than 40 states have now filed petitions with the United States government asking to officially secede from the country. Does anyone remember the last time states tried to secede from the union? The last time that happened was in 1861, and it ignited a small war that you might have heard of in high school history class, known as the American Civil War. Among the seven states that have reached the 25,000 signature threshold for the White House to officially craft a response is Texas, which at the time of this writing had amassed over 100,000 signatures on an online petition (hilariously enough, the capital of Texas — the city of Austin — has also started a petition to withdraw from Texas and remain a part of the United States). Texans complain that “the U.S. con-

tinues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending” and go on to say that “given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union.” Far be it from me to judge other people based on their religious or social ideas, but the fact that there are over 100,000 people in Texas who feel that leaving the United States of America and forming their own sovereign nation is really their best option is ludicrous (insert mandatory Quebec joke here). Instead, how about working with your neighbours, and working with the political party across the aisle, to cooperate and build the best possible community and country that they can? Wishful thinking, perhaps. Off the Record is a new column that gives The Valley Echo's editorial team an informal platform for personal opinion on current affairs and other topics.

continued from page A6...

issues with the Village of Canal Flats. In each situation, I am working to create a better working relationship for all. What we have been able to accomplish on behalf of this constituency over this past year is because of bench strength and ability — the strength and ability to bring issues directly in front of each Minister responsible. I have hosted the Honourable Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to talk about forestry, land management and access issues. I organized a first-ever meeting between the Honourable Terry Lake, Minister of Environment, and golf course owners and superintendents from across B.C. to discuss the use of cosmetic pesticides. While in the riding, I introduced Minister Lake to our ranching community, which discussed the need for predator control with him. I arranged visits from the Honourable Ministers Dr. Moira Stilwell, Bill Bennett and George Abbott to discuss advanced education and building better communities. I am currently arranging visits for Mary Polak, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, to discuss the Trans-Canada Highway with leaders from Revelstoke and Golden, Minister of State for Seniors Ralph Sultan to talk with seniors and Finance Minister Mike de Jong to talk about the financial status of B.C. I have also had the distinct pleasure of presenting Premier Christy Clark in

this riding three times. So there you have it; my report — and it spoke nothing about politics but rather of accomplishments and work in progress with constituents to solve problems and I am not even the MLA; at least not yet! Doug Clovechok BC Liberal Candidate Columbia River Revelstoke

Community Calendar Submit your events:

WED NOV 21 •Scrabble Night, Invermere Public Library, 6 - 8 p.m. NOV 2324 •Invermere Legion Winter Wonderland Market, Friday 7 10 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday tea from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. FRI NOV 23 •ICAN dinner and comedy show, Invermere Community Hall, 6 p.m. Tickets 250-3417888 SAT NOV 24 •Headwaters Arts Society Show, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Canal Flats Community Hall •Library Christmas Silent Auction. Friends of the Library kick off the auction with a bake sale 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pick up some delicious goodies and browse the variety of auction offerings. Auction closes Saturday, December 8 at noon •CV Rockies play Nitehawks, 7:30 p.m. MON NOV 26 •MLA Meeting Day with Norm Macdonald, call 1-866870-4188 to make appointment

TUES NOV 27 •Green Drinks gathering to discuss Dear Editor, Gross National HapWe are beginning to understand the forces of napiness in the Valley. ture even though we can do little in its more vio5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at lent phases, if at all. The beauty and presumable Angus McToogles

Backcountry plan a good idea

endless delights that nature affords visitors and residents alike, in the East and West Kootenays, are so often taken for granted, but there is growing awareness that human activities cause damage that starts a chain of events that are, or can be, irrevocable. Not always visible to the naked eye but nevertheless altering the landscape and whatever lives in it that nature, over eons, has produced. Nature cannot compete with machines that are taken for granted for recreation purposes. As a senior, with a wheeled walking aid, I have become aware of how grasses and wild plants are flattened, not to spring back for days, if at CONTINUES TO 'LETTERS' ON PAGE A9

NOV 30DEC 1 •BIG Christmas Craft Sale, Invermere Community Hall, $2 entry or food bank item, 4 - 8 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday SAT DEC 8 •Windermere Health Care Auxiliary Christmas

Luncheon and Bake sale from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Windermere Hall. Christmas entertainment and raffle. Admission $5. All proceeds going to Invermere Hospital, Columbia House and the Palliative Care Suite EVERY SUNDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Radium Seniors’ Carpet Bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Hall 2nd SUNDAY •LW Alliance Church Sing and Celebrate, 7 p.m. For more information call Clarence Stauffer, 250-3429580 EVERY MONDAY •Gentle drop-in carpet bowling, 1:30 p.m., Seniors' Centre •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509. •Beavers (5-7 year olds) weekly meetings, JA Laird 6 -7p.m. •Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m., Invermere Seniors’ Hall, $2/ person. Visitors welcome •EK Brain Injury Support Group, 1-3 p.m., Family Resource Centre. Info: 250-344-5674 1st & 3rd TUESDAY •OPT clinic, 6:308:30 p.m., Inv. Health Unit, 85010th Ave. Confidential service: low-cost birth control, and STI testing 1st TUESDAY •Invermere Camera Club 7 p.m. Tanya, tanyadeleeuw65@ EVERY TUESDAY •Yoga THRIVEYoga for Cancer Survivors. Hot springs

studio, Fairmont Village Mall. For info call Jan Klimek at 250-342-1195 •Shuswap Bingo at the Shuswap Indian Band Office downstairs, doors open at 5:30 p.m., early bird at 6:45 p.m., regular games at 7 p.m. • Cubs (8-10 year olds), JA Laird 6 - 7 p.m. 1st & 3rd WED •Scrabble Night at Invermere Public Library. 6 - 8 p.m. Bring your boards! Call 250-342-6416 2nd & 4th WED •Seniors' Day at the Invermere Library. Bus transportation provided EVERY THURSDAY •Cadets, 6:30-9 p.m. for boys and girls, ages 12-17. Cost: FREE (includes uniform). Info: Rick Dendy 250-341-1509 •Children's Air Rifle Program, with the LWDRGC, Inv. Community Hall, 7 - 8:30 p.m., free of charge, ages 6-15. Learn safety, marksmanship, equipment provided EVERY FRIDAY •Baby Goose program for parents and babies up to 18 months. 9:3011:30 a.m. at Eileen Madson Primary. kandruschuk@cbal. org •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. •Preschool Story Time at the Invermere Public Library, 10:30 a.m. For info visit EVERY SATURDAY •Public Indoor Rock Climbing, Laird School, 5-8 p.m., $5. THRIFT STORE •Thursdays 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, 1 - 4 p.m.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Windermere Valley Museum and Archives A8


Funding playground fun

The Windermere Valley Museum and Archives is managed by a dedicated group of volunteers belonging to the Windermere District Historical Society. Hours September 2012 hours now in effect Monday to Friday, Noon to 4 p.m. Winter hours, October 2012 Tuesdays only, noon until 4 p.m. and then again, 7 - 9 p.m. Or by appointment please Contact Us Admission by donation


Regional District of East Kootenay PUBLIC hearIng nOTICe

ByLaws 2403, 2412, and 2416 Area F & G Campground Bylaws The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board of Directors is considering the adoption of a Campground Bylaw and associated amendments to the Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw. Bylaw No. 2403 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Campground Bylaw No. 2403, 2012” will introduce regulations related to the development of new campgrounds or the expansion of existing campgrounds. Bylaw No. 2412 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 275, 2012 (Campgrounds / RDEK)” will facilitate the implementation of Campground Bylaw No. 2403 by repealing existing campground regulations and substituting sections enabling Bylaw No. 2403. Bylaw No. 2416 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 276, 2012 (Fairmont Beach Resort/ RDEK)” will amend the zoning designation of the subject property to enable completion of an in-process development which has been partially constructed under the current regulations. A public hearing will be held at: Windermere Community Hall 4726 North Street Windermere, BC Monday, November 26, 2012 at 7:00 pm The Board has delegated the holding of this hearing to the Directors for Electoral Area F and Electoral Area G. If you believe that your interest in property is affected by the proposed Bylaw, you may prior to the hearing: • inspect the Bylaw and supporting information at the RDEK office in Cranbrook from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays; • mail, fax or email written submissions to the addresses/numbers shown below; or • present written and/or verbal submissions at the hearing. Submissions cannot be accepted after the public hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This notice is not an interpretation of the Bylaw. For more information, contact Matt Gunn, Planner, at 250-489-2791, or toll free at 1-888-478-7335.

Proposed wilmer water system OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:00pm - 8:00pm Wilmer Community Hall 9179 West Avenue, Wilmer

Residents of Wilmer are encouraged to drop by the Hall. There will be representatives from the RDEK and Wilmer Waterworks District (WWD) onsite to discuss the project and answer questions. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Ahlgren, RDEK Project Supervisor at or 250-489-2791 or Karen Reisle, WWD at 250-342-3501.

19 - 24th Avenue South, Cranbrook BC V1C 3H8 Ph: 250-489-2791 • 888-478-7335

SUBMITTED PHOTO MP David Wilks was in the Columbia Valley on Friday, November 16 to announce funding for local playground improvements under the Government of Canada’s Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF). Above, Columbia Ridge Community Association (CRCA) director Wendy Coombs, her children Sky and Teddy, and CRCA secretary Tom Symington greet Wilks at the Columbia Ridge community playground (funding unknown at press time). Below, Village of Radium Hot Springs mayor Dee Conklin welcomes Wilks at the Radium council chambers. Federal funding of nearly $78,000 for the Village of Radium Hot Springs will help install new playgrounds and complete landscaping at two popular community parks — Central Radium Park and Kirk Street Park. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) is delivering the fund in Western Canada with an allocation of $46.2 million over two years.


Chamber is Calgary bound New marketing strategy for local Chamber of Commerce STEVE JESSEL

The Columbia Valley is set to receive some much-welcome exposure this December, as the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) along with a number of local businesses will be setting up shop in one of the busiest Plus 15 walkways in Calgary. "For us, this made a lot of sense to support,"

CVCC executive director Susan Clovechok said. "It's not typically a chamber mandate to do marketing outside of the community, but it's certainly something that we feel is important enough that we can step out of our boundaries… and support this initiative. Wherever we can help our members, obviously we're going to do that." Taking place from December 3 to 6, a group of Columbia Valley businesses including Bighorn Meadows, High Country Properties, Copper Point Resort, Casavino Wine Bar, Canadian Tire, Panorama Mountain Village, CONTINUES TO 'TARGET' ON PAGE A29

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A9


Male arrested in Fairmont for assault Police files from the Columbia Valley RCMP detachment STAFF SGT. MARKO SHEHOVAC Special to The Valley Echo

Movember To date we are in the area of $1,600. Still have lots of time to go to this web site and make a donation. Reach our goal and I am going to colour streak some of the hair I have left. Many thanks to family, friends and members of the community for contributing to our efforts. Not normally pushy when it comes to raising funds but any and all donations to go to cancer research is worth being pushy. We all know too many family and friends that have fought and lost this battle and some who are continuing to fight. We will reach our goal. Male charged with assault On November 8 at 1:34 a.m., Columbia Valley Detachment members responded to a complaint of domestic assault in the 5000 block of Riverview Road in Fairmont Hot Springs. Evidence of an assault was visible and as a result a 23-year-old male was arrested


at the scene and charged with assault. The male is to appear in Invermere Provincial Court on January 14. Mental Health Act The Detachment this last week had been called on a couple of times to deal with persons who have been distraught. I will not mention the incidents as privacy is of importance in many of these situations. I will however explain how the Mental Health Act, a provincial statute, allows the police the authority to intervene. We can determine on our own from conversation and observation that a person may be a danger to themselves or others and if no other statute is applicable to the situation before us, we have the authority to apprehend someone under this act and bring them before a doctor. A doctor may also complete documents that will authorize the police to apprehend and take them before a doctor. In many instances once a doctor has seen the person and other family members are involved, the person may be released. In the more severe instances where immediate care cannot be provided, the doctor may order the person to be taken to another facility to be seen by a medical person better trained to provide help. Subway disturbance Detachment members were called out

to a disturbance at the Subway restaurant in Radium when an ex employee attended and refused to leave when requested. By the time police attended the person had already departed. No further request was made of the police. Deer killed on highway On November 16 at 9:30 a.m., the detachment received a complaint of a truck hitting a deer on Hwy 93/95. No damage or injuries were received by the driver of the truck. The deer however was severely injured and had to be destroyed by the attending officer. A similar accident happened on November 17 at 2247 Hwy 95 near Prospector Ave. in Radium. No serious damage or injury to the driver in this instance either. Noise complaint On November 17 at 11:40 p.m., detachment Members responded to a loud party in the 5000 block of Vermillion St. in Edgewater. One male at the house was spoken to by the police who co-operated with the police and had the party tone down. Possible reporting of fraud A citizen had called the detachment to advise that she had received a call from someone reporting to be from Air Canada and wishing to confirm a flight to Toronto. The local person made no reservations.

Donate your bottle money to DTSS trip NICOLE TRIGG

An adventure of a lifetime is in store for a group of David Thompson Secondary School (DTSS) students when they travel to Africa in March to volunteer their time in Ghana. The group was originally headed to Kenya to help build a school but the country's political unrest forced the students to choose Ghana as their new destination. Anyone wanting to help with fundraising efforts for the trip can now do so the next time they swing by Invermere's Bottle Depot located in the Industrial Park. When you bring in your bottles for recycling, just let the staff there know that you want the money for the bottles to go onto the account for the DTSS Ghana trip. The funds will help pay for mandatory immunization shots, the students' visas, air ambulance fees if any of them require medical assistance, and general supplies. The cost for each student to participate is approximately $4,300. For more information, contact the trip's leader Kerrie Purdy at

continued from page A7...

all, by my wheels. And how birds and wild animals take fright by my appearance by not sticking to established trails. How much more damage is done by motorized vehicles in backcountry areas, I hate to think. The Columbia Valley Recreation Advisory Council is a smart move. Margaret O’Sullivan Invermere

Taking a stand Dear Editor, As I write, the commodification of the environment is quite advanced in the U.K. with the proper bureaucracy and an inspiring new lexicon in place. A Natural Capital Committee with an Economic Task Force refer to “Natural Capital” instead of nature. Natural processes have become “ecosystem services.” Hills, forests and river drainages have become “green infrastructures” while biodiversity and habitat are “asset classes” within

the “ecosystem market.” All of them will be assigned a price to become exchangeable. And while nature is being commodified, our democratic rights are being eroded. Forty four years ago I remember that there were immeasurable tracts of undeveloped and unmanaged public lands worldwide. During those years if we encountered a “No Trespassing” sign or a fence we’d simply roam onto new turf albeit a bit more remote. However Garrett Hardin, in his now famous 1968 article “The Tragedy of the Commons” which appeared in the journal Science, saw the closures of the common lands differently. Simply put, it’s the inability of people in a local area to manage their shared resources because individuals want to exploit them rather than to co-operate and share them. Thinking globally, it is easy to see how

the commodification of the natural world and the closure of the Commons everywhere fits the agenda of nearly all governments and the multinational corporations. Now, focusing and acting locally, the sum total of the proposed closures of the Jumbo area Commons in order to facilitate the B.C. governments deal with Glacier Resorts Limited (GRL) is 5,967 hectares called Controlled Recreation Area (CRA) for resort use proper. And another 52,000 hectares of Wildlife Management Area (WMA) to mitigate the damage the resort will inflict upon the CRA and surrounding environment. That is 57,967 hectares or 143,840 acres or 224 sq. miles of closed Commons to the Central Purcells. This all neatly arranged by our B.C. government in collusion with GRL, both

of whom are financed by various corporations (with vested interests) and others of the world’s wealthy. While the enclosures will benefit financially our government and the investors, they will exclude non-paying and unauthorized citizens. The paying guests are most frequently from the many lands of high rises and financial districts. The desired result of this agenda item is to keep us citizens out of the area we love and cherish but don’t pay for while the world’s wealthy invests in hitherto Crown Land Commons. Meanwhile the private sector and the banks are swallowing up governments and bending national constitutions to their favour by decreasing the roll of governments and limiting our rights as citizens. In conclusion I defer to Garrett Hardin who says, “while I think

that mass economic consolidation may be a stage in the evolutionary destiny of the planet, I also believe that the world’s people are equally impelled to organize as a countervailing super power to put

these raging market forces in check. The world’s people must create new political accountability structures to protect our shared resources and to restore the promise of freedom and equality that is rapidly

fading from our lives.” Surely this is an idea whose time has come. So let’s keep on keeping the Jumbo Commons common! Rowena Eloise, West Kootenay Coalition for Jumbo Wild Argenta

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Wednesday, November 21 2012 The Valley Echo

Go buy the book

Photo by Nicole Trigg/The Echo JA Laird Grade 7 students Aviva Rosenfeld, 12, and Kayla Bernichot, 11, scored books and erasers at their school's Book Fair on Wednesday, November 14. Proceeds from the book fair will go towards purchasing more books for the school's library.

Regional district grapples with carbon neutrality ing that goal. In 2007, the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) signed the Climate Action Charter, pledging to be carbon neutral in 2012. It was joined by the regional districts of Kootenay Boundary and Central Kootenay and initiated the Carbon Neutral Kootenays (CNK) project.

At a governance committee meeting on Thursday, November 1, CNK project manager Dale Littlejohn gave the RDEK board of diSALLY MACDONALD rectors an overview Cranbrook Daily Townsman of how the regional districts have worked Five years ago, the spends by the time towards carbon neuRegional District 2013 rolled around. trality since 2007. But last week, the of East Kootenay The Kootenay govpledged it would save board of directors deernments spend cided to wait on the as many greenhouse about $11 million a gas emissions as it final step in achievyear on energy — to heat buildings, power lights, and move their vehicles between 388 buildings and 995 vehicles. Energy assessments Have you got a community event in municipal buildings, wastewater treatplanned for December? ment plants and recreation facilities have Email us the details in a brief message and we will include it saved the governth on our Events Calendar page in the November 28 issue for free! ments about $750,000 Send your event to in energy savings. or call 250-342-9216. “We understand how much energy rday and emissions we’ve Satu 1 July 2012 riday F ay d got, we’ve estimated s r hu day T ednes W 012 offset costs and the y a 8 August 2 Tuesd ar ay d d n 7 n le total GHG emisa o C M ay 62 Sund 1 2 0 1 2 0 sions we have to take 2 5 February ber 15 Septem 4 responsibility for. 14 3 13 2 Now is the time we 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 r2 12 March 22 Octobe 11 start thinking about 1 2 10 20 greenhouse gas off9 19 April 2012 2 29 ov 201 Nsets,” 18 said Littlejohn. 8 2 17 7 2 He explained an 16 12 26 Dec 20 2012 y a M offset is generated 25 by a combination of 24 12 23 0 June 20 e reducing greenhouse . V0A 1K rc .C B ea P 31 e, ter J. rmer com anner

2012 target for carbon neutrality in RDEK proving to be a difficult goal to realize

Community Event Calendar


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cho. , Inve Box 70 rmerevalleye Street, 530 13 2-9216 • inve 34 025

gas (GHG) emissions, avoiding GHG emissions, and sequestering GHG emissions. Planning manager Andrew McLeod explained to the board that after all of the energy savings, the RDEK still has to account for 730 tonnes of GHG emissions. “In order to call ourselves carbon neutral and meet the Climate Action Charter commitment, the purchase of offsets is going to be necessary,” he said. “If the board chooses not to pursue that, we can do any number of other things with that money in our community, but we will not be able to call ourselves carbon neutral and carry that designation.” In time, the regional district may be able to balance its emissions through communitybased projects such as energy-efficient building retrofits, vehicle fuel switching, solar hot water, household organic waste composting and low emission vehicles. But the RDEK does not yet have these projects ready

and, regardless, is unlikely to save enough GHGs to reach carbon neutrality. “(These projects) are never going to achieve carbon neutrality for your government,” said McLeod. “They are only going to help chip away at that total liability which for the regional district is 730 tonnes, so the purchasing of carbon offsets is almost guaranteed to always be a requirement to achieve carbon neutral local government. “That piece of the puzzle is always going to be there, it just depends how many actions you can take along the way to reduce that total liability.” Both Littlejohn and McLeod recommended that the board purchase carbon offsets at $25 per tonne, for a total of $18,250 in the Darkwoods conservation project near Creston. Then the regional district would be able to call itself carbon neutral for 2012. “We are recommending this for

offsetting your 2012 emissions, and you would do that in spring 2013,” said Littlejohn. “This is a way to achieve carbon neutrality in the timeframe that local government has committed to, while keeping the money in the Kootenays.” But the board was split on the validity of purchasing carbon offsets. “I’m dead against buying offsets,” said Area A Director Mike Sosnowski. “In my mind, it’s unreasonable that you put the money in the bank – you might as well burn it.” He said that since the federal government isn’t committed to carbon neutrality, it seems unreasonable for local governments to make the commitment. He said he would rather spend the $18,000 on local projects that would result in GHG emissions. However, Invermere Director Gerry Taft pointed out that local projects would be much more expensive.

Continues to 'directors' on Page A12

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A11

COMMUNITY Lake Windermere TRIBUTARY Pulse Check #1

SUBMITTED PHOTO Kiera Neal at 15 months old being checked in by nurse Jenny for her amputation surgery in September 2007 at the Alberta Children's Hospital.

Heather Leschied collects bugs in the downstream site in Windermere Creek.

Home away from home Alberta Children's Hospital helps kids from B.C. too

but good things to say about the hospital and the staff who work there. “In each area that Kiera has been through, the doctors are completely there for the kids,” KATE GIBBS Daphne said. “They give them Special to The Valley Echo the time they need to become comfortable prior to a test or Editor’s note: This is the first procedure.” instalment of a two-part series This special hospital puts by guest writer Kate Gibbs on Kiera and her family at ease the Alberta Children’s Hospi- each time they go. There were tal in Calgary and how it helps times where Kiera and her local children and youth who older brother Ryan would live in the Columbia Valley. spend 12 to 15 hours there There is something about and still they felt alright about the Alberta Children’s Hos- the situation. The two siblings pital that makes it feel like spent time in a centre called a home away from home Child Life — a play centre for every child who walks within the hospital that gives through its doors. It may be sick children and their sibthe bright colours on the lings who accompany them walls or the fact that it was activities that make them designed by kids just like happy. There were so many them that makes each kid en- things to do there to keep ter the building with a smile them busy. on their face. “They try to make things as Whatever it is, it makes all normal as possible for the the fears go away for each families,” Daphne said. child entering the hospital There were times where Kifor procedures. It does this era had so much fun at the for Kiera Neal and her family. hospital, playing and making At age one, Kiera was diag- new friends, that she didn’t nosed with Rhabdomyoscar- want to leave. “It became like coma, a cancerous tumour of a home away from home,” the muscles that are attached said her mother. “It didn’t to the bones. Now, at the age of seem like a bad place. We six, Kiera visits the Children’s also have some great friends Hospital quite frequently, and there, from doctors to nurshas been through almost ev- es that feel very much like ery department, from oncol- family because we’ve spent ogy to vision. so much time with them. I She has had great experi- can’t say one negative thing ences with each of the doc- about any one of the staff tors she’s met. Kiera’s mom, there. They were all tremenDaphne Neal, has nothing dous in every way.”

Not only does the family have good things to say about the Alberta Children’s Hospital, but also about the nearby Ronald McDonald House as well. The Neals stayed there for six weeks while Kiera was going through treatment. It had just opened six weeks prior to them being at Children’s. When asked about the family’s stay at the Ronald McDonald house, Daphne said: “It was a great place to land and be close to the hospital when we needed it the most. I am a huge supporter of the Ronald McDonald House for sure.” Kiera’s experience and that of her family’s at the Alberta Children’s Hospital was so positive in fact that it made it hard for them to say goodbye. “We were in Calgary one time for something else (and) we drove by the children’s hospital and Kiera thought we were going there again,” said Daphne. “She was sad we weren’t.” Alberta’s Children’s Hospital is a special place for Kiera and her family as it is for every family that goes there. Kiera’s story is an inspiring one and gives good reason for the Columbia Valley to help and support the hospital that makes kids in this valley happier and healthier. David Thompson Secondary School student Kate Gibbs is a work experience student writing for The Valley Echo. Check back next week for part two of this story.

Windermere Creek is the second largest tributary to Lake Windermere, second only to the Columbia River itself. Once a year, we take an in-depth look at water quality, bugs, and sediment in an upper, middle, and downstream location in Windermere Creek. These things let us know about the health of the creek. The information we collect is sent to a national database and contributes to creek science. In November 2011, the downstream site was full of coarse sand and we didn’t find any bugs. This year, the creek bed has reappeared. It is now lined with large and medium stones, and we found bugs! These water-loving bugs are one of the favourite foods for fish. In the middle site, just downstream of the Gypsum mine, we found stoneflies, mayflies and caddisflies — bugs indicative of a healthy stream. A more in-depth laboratory analysis will be completed soon. Contact the Lake Windermere Ambassadors if you want to know more about this Lake Windermere Tributary at info@

Thank Y u!


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Directors stall on how to offset emissions




Continued from Page A10

“In order to decrease the number of tons of carbon that the regional district needs to decrease in order to become carbon neutral, it would cost a lot more money than $18,000 a year. I’m not sure for a $1 million project how many tonnes

“I would definitely swap my Ram for an F-150.”









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15 **

of carbon you can decrease, but it’s definitely going to be higher than $25 a tonne.” Cranbrook Director Bob Whetham said it would take too long to identify a local project to offset this year’s carbon emissions. “We’re not going to be able to chase around all over the region for something that’s going to give


John F.





us the offsets we need to qualify. We are better off just dealing with the $18,000 and continuing to proceed with all the efforts we have, whether they qualify for eligibility or not, and just move on.” Eventually, the board decided to wait before making a decision on purchasing carbon offsets, to allow staff more time to



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See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ‡Until November 30, 2012, receive $250/ $500/ $1,000/ $1,500/ $1,750/ $2,000/ $2,250/ $3,000/ $3,750/ $4,000/ $4,250/ $4,750/ $5,250/ $5,500/ $5,750/ $6,000/ $6,500/ $7,000/ $7,250/ $8,250/ $9,000/ $9,250/ $10,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2012 Escape I4 Manual; 2013 Explorer Base/ 2012 Edge SE/ 2012 Focus S, Explorer Base FWD; 2013 Edge FWD (excluding SE), Flex SE, Transit Connect (excluding electric), E-Series, F-150 Regular Cab XL (4x2) Value Leader/ 2012 Fiesta S, E-Series; 2013 Mustang V6 Coupe, Taurus SE/2012 Flex SE/ 2012 Mustang Value Leader, Taurus SE, Transit Connect (excluding electric); 2013 F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs/ 2012 Fusion S/ 2012 Fiesta (excluding S), Explorer AWD (excluding Base)/ 2013 Mustang V6 Premium/ 2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader), Explorer FWD (excluding Base), F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs; 2013 F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) gas engine/ 2012 Focus (excluding S), Fusion Hybrid, Edge AWD (excluding SE), Escape (excluding I4 Manual)/ 2012 Fusion I4 (excluding S and Hybrid), Escape V6; 2013 Mustang GT/ 2012 Fusion V6 (excluding S and Hybrid)/ 2012 Mustang GT, Taurus (excluding SE), Flex (excluding SE); 2013 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) non-5.0L/ 2012 Edge FWD (excluding SE)/ 2013 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L, F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cab) Diesel Engine/ 2012 Expedition; 2013 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L/ 2013 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L/ 2012 F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Gas Engine/ 2012 F-150 Regular Cab (Excluding 4x2) non-5.0L/ 2012 F-150 Regular Cab (excluding XL 4x2) 5.0L/ 2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew non-5.0L, F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs) Diesel Engines/ 2012 F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew 5.0L (all Raptor, GT500, BOSS302, and Medium Truck models excluded). This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. *Purchase a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2012 F-150 XLT Super Crew 4X4 with 5.0L engine/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats for $27,885/$29,885/$39,999. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate of $10,000/$10,000/$7,250 has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax of $1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Manufacturer Rebates can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. **Choose 6.19% annual percentage rate (APR) purchase financing on a new 2012 F-150 XLT Super Cab 4x4 with 5.0L engine/2012 F-150 XLT Super Crew 4X4 with 5.0L engine/2012 F-250 XLT Super Cab 4X4 Western Edition with power seats for a maximum of 72 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Purchase financing monthly payment is $431/$465/$617 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $199/$214/$285 with a down payment of $2,000/$2,000/$3,000 or equivalent trade-in. Cost of borrowing is $5,169.65/5,569.08/$7,389.30 or APR of 6.19% and total to be repaid is $31,054.65/$33,454.08/$44,388.30. Offers include a Manufacturer Rebate of $10,000/$10,000/$7,250 and freight and air tax of $1,700 but exclude variable charges of license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI (if applicable), registration, PPSA, administration fees and charges, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebate deducted. Bi-Weekly payments are only available using a customer initiated PC (Internet Banking) or Phone Pay system through the customer’s own bank (if offered by that financial institution). The customer is required to sign a monthly payment contract with a first payment date one month from the contract date and to ensure that the total monthly payment occurs by the payment due date. Bi-weekly payments can be made by making payments equivalent to the sum of 12 monthly payments divided by 26 bi-weekly periods every two weeks commencing on the contract date. Dealer may sell for less. Offers vary by model and not all combinations will apply. ▲Offer only valid from November 1, 2012 to November 30, 2012 (the “Program Period”) to Canadian resident customers who own or are currently leasing (during the Program Period) certain Ford Pickup Truck, Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), Cross-Over Utility Vehicle (CUV) or Minivan models (each a “Qualifying Loyalty Model”), or certain competitive pickup truck, SUV, CUV or Minivan models (each a “Qualifying Conquest Model”) and purchase, lease, or factory order (during the Program Period) a new 2012/2013 Ford truck (excluding Raptor), SUV or CUV (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Some eligibility restrictions apply on Qualifying Loyalty and Conquest Models and Eligible Vehicles – see dealer for full offer criteria. Qualifying customers will receive $1,000 (the “Incentive”) towards the purchase or lease of the Eligible Vehicle, which must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer during the Program Period. Limit one (1) Incentive per Eligible Vehicle sale, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales if valid proof is provided that the customer is the owner/lessee of two (2) separate Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Models. Each customer will be required to provide proof of ownership/registration of the applicable Qualifying Conquest/Loyalty Model and the ownership/registration address must match the address on the new Buyer’s Agreement or Lease Agreement for the Eligible Vehicle sale. Offer is transferable only to persons living in the same household as the eligible customer. This offer is subject to vehicle availability and may be cancelled at any time without notice. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of factory-order or delivery (but not both). This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, Daily Rental Allowances. Taxes payable before Incentive is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. See dealer for details. ***Estimated fuel consumption ratings for model shown: 2012 F-150 FFV 4X4 5.0L V8 6-speed automatic transmission: [14.9L/100km (19MPG) City, 10.5L/100km (27MPG) Hwy]. Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment, and driving habits. †F-150: When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve 4X2 V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,120 lbs with 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid. Super Duty: Max. conventional towing capability of 17,500 lbs. on F-350 and max. 5th Wheel towing capability of 24,500 lbs. On F-450 when properly equipped. Max. payload capability of 7,110 lbs. on F-350 when properly equipped. Class is Full-Size Pickups over 8,500 lbs. GVWR vs. 2011/2012 competitors. ††Max. horsepower of 411 and max. torque of 434 on F-150 6.2L V8 engine. Class is Full–Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR, non-hybrid vs. 2011/2012 comparable competitor engines. ◆Some mobile phones and some digital media players may not be fully compatible – check for a listing of mobile phones, media players, and features supported. Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control, accident and injury. Ford recommends that drivers use caution when using mobile phones, even with voice commands. Only use mobile phones and other devices, even with voice commands, not essential to driving when it is safe to do so. SYNC is optional on most new Ford vehicles. ©2012 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2012 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.

A12 Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


identify East Kootenay projects for the investment. But, according to McLeod, “the commitment we signed on to in 2007 when we signed the Climate Action Charter is to be carbon neutral in 2012. “The time to do that is between now and March when the offset purchase is required.”

Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A13


Miracle on 6th Street: the Gagatek family Born and raised Invermere resident surrounded by loving family and community KATE GIBBS Special to The Valley Echo

Norm Gagatek is an inspiration to everyone in town who knows him. He is a great example of someone who has overcome the challenges of a life-altering event and always sees each day through with a smile on his face. Norm has lived in Invermere his whole life. He was born here and attended David Thompson Secondary School as a teenager. As an adult, he went on to become an electrician, and also a firefighter. Life was going very smoothly for Norm, until the one day that changed his life and his family’s life forever. Four years ago, Norm suffered from a brain stem stroke. When his family saw what was happening, they quickly rushed him to Calgary Foothills where he was taken to the Intensive Care Unit. There, he went into septic shock twice, and wasn’t expected to

live, and if he did live, he wasn’t expected to have the same quality of life he once had. Lying in his hospital bed, with family around him, he listened to the nurses and doctors telling his wife Kim to put him in a home because all Norm was going to be able to do was lie in a hospital bed for the rest of his days. Kim didn’t listen to the negative doctors, though. She told her family, “No, don’t give up. The doctors don’t know Norm. Norm is a strong man. If anyone can get through this, he can.” “He was a relatively healthy man in his thirties, and he was completely independent. Because of the stroke, he has had to learn everything all over again, walking, talking, everything,” Kim said. “Now he is dependent on people to help him with simple tasks.” The Gagatek family house had to be completely redone to accommodate Norm’s

needs. It was a big change for the children, especially the oldest one, Braeden, who is nine years old. He still remembers the “old daddy” that used to be able to play Lego with him. They still work on Lego building today, but it’s more difficult. Other challenges Norm and his family have are social in nature. They find that when people are introduced to Norm, they are kind of scared or they assume things. People assume that Norm is fragile and has something wrong with his brain because he can’t talk. Norm’s stroke didn’t affect his brain; it affected his brain stem, the connection between his brain and his body. All his knowledge and education is still in his brain. He’ll recognize people on the street who he’s known his whole life, but they assume he doesn’t. They also assume he can’t do the things he actually can. “I say to them, ‘He can do them, he just does them differently’,” said Kim. Norm has come a long way since he first had his stroke. When asked how far he feels he has come,

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Gagtek family (l-r): Kim, Quinn, Norm and Braeden. Norm suffered from a brain stem stroke four years ago that changed his and his family's life forever. 2.8125” x 3”

with the help of Kim as a translator, Norm said, “I didn’t think I would make it this far, but with the great support of my family, I have done real well.” Norm has a strong will. Most of the time he is determined to do anything and when he isn’t, he’ll say something like, “I’m disabled” or “I have a brain injury.” Kim then reminds him that is no excuse. “You have to try, and if it doesn’t work the first time, think about it, rework it, and try again,” she said. “That is how our family works.” Norm is doing everything he can to be as independent as pos-

Photo by Steve Jessel/The Echo Debbie Gudjonsen with the East Kootenay Brain Injury Society accepted a check for $1,286.79 from Invermere resident Braeden Gagatek on Monday (November 19). The funds were raised from Braeden's Community Birthday party earlier this month, where instead of asking for presents, he asked for donations to the Society.

sible. He is starting to walk more; he moves around his house, holding a hand. “I only need a little bit of help,” he said. Norm has inspired his family in many ways. His infectious smile always makes them look at life more positively. “He is always saying I love you," said Kim. “When he was in the hospital, he would always say, I’m gonna come home soon." Norm’s strength has inspired Kim to continue to fight for Brain Injury Rehabilitation in British Columbia. “I think it’s part of our family’s makeup to make sure that we are still helping others,” she said. “We want to give others the strength they need to fight their own fight.” That being said, the entire community was encouraged to attend Braeden’s birthday party at the Invermere Community Hall on Saturday (November 10) which raised money for the Brain Injury Society and celebrated the miracle family that lives on 6th Street. Kate Gibbs is a DTSS student writing a series of stories about local residents with diversabilities for The Valley Echo.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


Reflecting on Invermere: a letter from Bhutan Editor's note: The following is a letter written by Dasho Kinley Dorji, the Secretary of Information and Communications for Bhutan who gave a special presentation on Gross National Happiness in Invermere on October 29. A headliner with David Suzuki at this year's 2012 Banff Mountain Film and

Book Festival, it was Dorki's time in Invermere that left the strongest impression. Here is his letter, which he titled "A Happy Connection." “I’m going to Invermere.” “Where?” “Invermere.” “Where’s that?” “I don’t know.” It was late October and well-meaning

friends had directed my karma towards this year’s Banff Film and Book Festival in Canada. I was asked to take part in some discussions about Gross National Happiness. While this was a year I had decided to limit overseas travel to the minimum, this event was one I could not miss for a number of reasons. And, after a week in the area, it is Invermere folder AFFORDABLE HOUSING the that I choose to save in my memory. FOR SENIORS: I was both excited RENTAL SUBSIDIES and apprehensive ARE AVAILABLE NOW! about the trip, excited INVERMERE, BC because this was an opportunity to discuss CALL (250) 341-3350 and get input from • Delicious Meals some insightful minds • 24-Hour Emergency Monitoring into Bhutan’s initiative • Transportation to draft a “new development paradigm” • Daily Activities and apprehensive be• Housekeeping cause GNH is work in • Entertainment progress and I worry • Private Suites with Kitchen about the concept being seen by people as a product ready for sale. But GNH is a vision I’m happy about and I’m always ready to talk about it. I went to Canada with no expectations, CGV Ad - Subsidy.indd 1 2/3/2012 9:34:10 AM as a 54-year old man The Valley Echo with a Buddhist perneeds your spective intuitively community event does. I absorbed what I could but did not information! look for “the other side” that a trained The Valley Echo is publishing our journalist normally annual community event calendar does. So I don’t know for 2013 and need your input. the impact that deciIf you are planning or have planned sion-makers in and an event for 2013, send us the around Invermere details and we will include it on our will have on this speccalendar. This includes established tacularly beautiful Valley events; don’t assume we and peaceful valley know what next year’s date(s) will where Mother Nature be. appears to be keeping well. But the people This will be a current calendar that can be used as an important I met re-assured me resource for those planning new that there is hope and events as well as for those that also that there is such plan to attend. a thing as “the best of two worlds.” Send the information to We began the visit production with a dinner in ermere in a creatively designed straw bale For more information call our house which was exoffice: 250-342-9216. actly the colour of my own mud house in Thimphu. A friend brought me a delicious bottle of milk

Submitted photo by Pat Morrow (l-r) DTSS teacher Alison Bell with Leadership students Megan Kinley, Lea Rollinger and Jelena Emrich with Dasho Kinley Dorji (centre) and Dorji's niece Ugyen Dema (far right) at the Invermere Community Hall on October 29.

that he had milked from his own goat. Another gave me a bottle of her own honey. Many people I met ate organic vegetables from their own gardens. One grew wheat in his own little field. Everyone seemed to be growing their food and keeping animals. Students taking cooking classes at David Thompson High School prepared the school lunch, which was one of the nicer meals I had in terms of the atmosphere. The view from my friends' house in Wilmer offered its own version of happiness, particularly the harmony of life forms that

is an essence of GNH. The full glass partitions overlooked a scenic and — by Bhutanese standards — vast expanse of a valley where a rich variety of wildlife bustled day and night. It was busy along the meandering Columbia River on the valley floor as bald-headed eagles, flocks of ducks, geese, and swans, shared the habitat with otters, beavers, and as our own national bird, ravens, circled overhead. The deer, moose, bear, and elk that fill the forests around are not immediate pests that the boar, deer, and monkeys are for Bhutanese farmers. A packed town

Submitted photo by Pat Morrow Dasho Kinley Dorji during his presentation at the Invermere Community Hall.

hall wanted to know about Gross National Happiness and we were able to discuss Bhutan’s vision, our successes and, equally important, what was yet to be done. There are Bhutanese people, especially the older generation, who live GNH in a natural inter-dependent existence with all sentient beings. There are some of us who are agonizing over the clarity that we need to give GNH thinking and values, including the importance of defining happiness as the deep and permanent sense of contentment that comes from learning to need less rather than want more. This is particularly important at a time when millions of people go to Disneyland to seek the temporary “happiness” of the fleeting senses. Invermere appreciated the GNH perspective that places responsibility directly on the government to implement a GNHinspired development process. This meant prioritizing the sustainability of the earth’s finite resources. I gathered that Prime Minister Stephen Harper does not look at governance

through a GNH lens. The expectations of the international community, now with Bhutan spearheading the drafting of a “new development paradigm” to be submitted to the UN next year is both inspiring and worrying. As we also discussed in Invermere, Bhutan successfully proposed a UN resolution on happiness, held a vibrant international conference in April, inspired an International Day of Happiness, and then overwhelmingly lost a vote for the UN Security Council to cashrich South Korea. In Invermere and the neighbouring valleys, there is a haunting sense of the past when people did live in close harmony with the natural environment. Sharing a panel in Banff with native Indian leader Leroy Little Bear, I felt we were expressing exactly the same view of life in different words. I also sense that the native Indian community is lacking strong and visionary leadership and, therefore, suffering the social ills that plague aboriginal people everywhere. Continues to Page A18

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A15

Light Up Night 2012

photos by Nicole Trigg & Steve Jessel/The Echo


Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


DTSS to recognize centennial anniversary of WWI 'Century Project' will offer students in-depth look at history CRYSTAL WOODWORTH David Thompson Secondary School

The next year will be filled with planning and collaboration

as David Thompson Secondary School (DTSS) gets ready to

Christmas Bureau The Christmas Bureau of the Columbia Valley is now ready to accept applications for FOOD HAMPERS AND ANGEL GIFTS for Christmas 2012, to be distributed Thursday, December 20, 2012. Application forms are available at The Family Resource Centre, Columbia Valley Employment Centre, Akisqnuk Health Centre, Shuswap Band Office, Canal Flats Headwaters Centre or 250-342-6752. Deadline for requests is Wednesday December 12. To sponsor a family hamper, call Gail at 250-342-6752 or Helen at 250-342-6789; or email Gail at hghoff@telus.netor Helen at to register your commitment by Wednesday, December 12. To donate an Angel Gift, visit the children’s and seniors’ Angel tree in Essential’s Shop (516 13 street) after November 23, or the children’s Angel Tree in Dairy Queen after Friday November 30. Return wrapped and labelled gifts to the stores by the December 15 deadline.

offer senior students an up-close look at World War I. The "Century Project” is a concept presented by valley resident and history enthusiast Bill Swan who is working with a group of teachers to offer students an authentic education on a time in history that changed our country and continues to impact our lives 100 years later. Also work-

The 19th


Christmas Craft Sale Invermere Community Hall Friday, November 30th ~ 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday, December 1st ~ 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Many new artisans as well as your old favourites. Apologies, there is no food being served this year.

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ing on the planning team as liaison with the Windermere Valley Museum is Alex Weller, DTSS alumni and graduate of the University of Alberta’s history program. The purpose of the project is to honour the 100th anniversary of WWI by engaging students in a year of focused study exploring the social, political, cultural and personal

ENTRY FEE: $2 to the Windermere Childcare Society or a donation to the Invermere Food Bank

decisions made by Canadians leading up to and during the great war, and to encourage students to appreciate the impact of the war on our current lives by developing an informed world view of where our country has been and where we are heading. This will be achieved by offering an interested cohort of students a wide variety of proposed learning experiences such as: a Calgary War Museum tour, troops train

travel, trench simulation, guest speakers, European battlefield tour, visits to Canada’s National War Museum and Parliament, and the creation of an anthology of local war stories past and present, all of which will enrich the material covered in a school board-approved Social Studies 12 and English 12 course paring. To make the Century Project a success will require support from not only the school board and funders, but

also community members who are willing to contribute their time and financial support as well as share their family stories and/or documents about the impact of the war on their family, our valley, Canada and the world. Anyone interested in learning more about the project or becoming involved is encouraged to contact Crystal Woodworth at DTSS at (250)342-9213 ext.4535 or through email at

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The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A17

as told to Emile Morin Arnold’s father, Walter Ellis, was born in 1891 in England. When Walter was fifteen, he travelled across the Atlantic Ocean to central Canada where he worked in a bank and later signed on with the North-West Mounted Police. After leaving the police force, Walter worked a variety of jobs at Pincher Creek, Crowsnest Pass and Bull River. He finally settled on a ranch near Skookumchuck where the Tembec pulp mill is now located. Arnold’s mother, Simone Theresa Chenuz, was born in 1901 at Montricher in Switzerland. An accomplished pianist, she came to Canada in 1918 at seventeen years of age to join her father and brothers in Skookumchuck, where she met Walter Ellis. Arnold had one sister — Evelyn, born in 1927, lives in Edmonton — and one brother, Camille, who was born in 1933 and lives in Arizona. Arnold’s mother passed away on route to the Cranbrook hospital in 1963 at age 62. His father passed away in the Kimberly hospital in 1968 at 77 years of age. Arnold Walter Ellis was born on February 26, 1926 in Cranbrook. He attended school in Cranbrook until 1934 and then the one-room Larchwood School in Skookumchuck. In 1941, at the age of fifteen, he completed Grade 8 and, since that was the limit of schooling available at the Larchwood School, he set out to earn his living in the world. Young and energetic, he had no difficulty finding work at the many portable sawmills located throughout the valley. He first came to Canal Flats in 1943. In those days the countryside was overrun with wild (feral) horses and a bounty was being paid to shoot them. Arnold thought this was an easy way to earn a living and to see the country at the same time. Arnold joined the Canadian Army at Cranbrook in the fall of 1944. He took his basic training at Maple Creek in Saskatchewan. There he had his first painful encounter with cactus, which he had never seen before. Much later he still marvelled at how sharp the spines were and how beautiful the cactus flowers could be. Later, he transferred to Calgary for advanced training at the end of which he became quite ill with polio. He was moved to the convalescent hospital in Gordonhead near Victoria. When he recovered, he was sent to Nanaimo to join the King’s Own Rifles. The war ended about the time he decided to become a military policeman, but Arnold had no interest in staying with a peace-time army and he decided to return to his father’s ranch in Skookumchuck to help with the haying. Although released in 1945 — too late to help with the haying — he was not formally discharged until 1946. Arnold mentioned that every young man has certain days that are cause for celebration. For him, those days were VE Day (victory in Europe), VJ Day (victory in Japan) and becoming 21 years of age (the legal age to enter a bar). He laughingly said that on VE Day he was in the hospital at the Currie Barracks site in Calgary; on VJ Day he was in a convalescent hospital in Gordonhead; and when he turned 21 he was in the Cranbrook hospital because he had pulled off his thumb. Arnold and Millie Ellis were married in Cranbrook on November 14, 1948. Arnold recalled that the marriage took place on “Sadie Hawkins Day” — an annual celebration of the 1930s to 1960s when the ladies traditionally pursued the men. Emilie (Millie) Elizabeth Schettler was from Winnipeg where she had worked in the payroll department of the famous Winnipeg Grain Exchange as a comptometer operator. A comptometer was an electro-mechanical calculator that preceded the widespread adoption of computers. She had come to Canal Flats to visit her friend Marjorie Agnew and, as these things happen, Arnold met her there and eventually they were married. From 1948 to 1953, Arnold worked at Camp 12 near Canal Flats, twelve miles up the Findlay Creek valley. His employer during that time was Bannister and Taplin. Before he was married, he lived in a bunk house with the other crew. After marriage, he and Millie moved to a two-room cabin. While at Camp 12, Arnold worked on the opposite end of a manual cross-cut saw with Elmer Gustavson. Elmer was determined “to do him in,” but Arnold survived. Later, he became all too familiar with the use of a broad axe to face opposite sides of a log for use as a railway tie. During this time he visited a chiropractor for a sore back. After he removed his shirt, he was told his problem was “overdeveloped back muscles.” Eventually he graduated to a two-man,103-pound (dry-weight) chain saw. The trees were skidded out of the bush with horses. A portable sawmill was used to cut the logs into decking for railway flat cars. In 1953, Arnold moved to Canal Flats town site and travelled to work at a logging camp on Old Baldy (Mount Sabine) north of Canal Flats. In 1956, he started work with the engineering division of the BC Forestry Service. Initially, he was cutting trees and clearing slash for the road to Whiteswan Lake. Later he worked on building bridges and culverts. The years that followed were filled with building bridges and other road work for the forestry service based in Canal Flats. Arnold was hired by Crestbrook in 1962 as manager of the forestry division where he remained until 1970. For a few years Arnold also owned and operated bulldozer equipment that he used for clearing land and other ‘dozer work. During the summer of 1976, Arnold travelled to Atlin in northwest B.C. to investigate the gold mining opportunities there. After evaluating his options, he purchased four placer gold claims during the winter of 1976-77. At the time buyers were paying a premium price of $200 per ounce for this jewellers’ quality gold. Arnold spent the summer of 1977 in Atlin preparing equipment for his mining operations and working for other operators. The next summer Arnold retuned to Atlin to start mining his claims. Because of the frozen ground in winter, the mining season at Atlin lasted only from early June to late October. During the winter months, Arnold and Millie returned to Canal Flats where they kept a permanent home. At Atlin, Arnold and Millie’s home was a trailer. Arnold had rigged-up a Pelton wheel that used the power of a nearby flowing creek to generate electricity for lights, which provided the added benefit of a quiet campsite at night. Some of the visitors and workers from Canal Flats to the Atlin operations were Walter McKersie, Noel Wallenger, George Engstrom and Yvonne Marchand. Arnold normally had a crew of two to help with the mining. Arnold finished mining at Atlin in 1993. He returned to Atlin during the summer of 1994 to sell the remaining equipment and the leases. By 1994, Arnold was 68 years of age. He and Millie retired to their home on McGrath Avenue in Canal Flats that they had purchased in 1967. They never had children. After retirement, Arnold started more seriously investing in the stock market. He had dabbled in the markets starting in the 1950s but membership in a Canal Flats investment club and the need for something “to keep me from going nuts” helped him develop his skills as an investor. Arnold was a keen observer of the markets and world events that influence them. In 2005, ill health necessitated Millie going to live at Columbia Garden and later the Columbia House in Invermere. She has since passed away. Arnold lived in Canal Flats until about 2008. Failing eyesight curtailed his activities but he still checked the stock markets daily and loved to visit with neighbours. His home was well-decorated with flowers and decorative shrubs. Arnold had always enjoyed and taken in a deep interest in the wildlife around him. In winter, the birds and squirrels could always find seeds and bread crumbs to eat and warm water to drink in Arnold’s yard. Arnold passed away on January 16, 2012 while living in Cranbrook in a seniors’ home. He was a little more than one month shy of his 86th birthday.



Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


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world, will take to the concept of GNH?” My spontaneous answer is a resounding “NO.” I remember last April, when we were preparing for the new development paradigm meeting in New York, I was given some alarming but realistic views: “Forget it. The powerful capitalists will write you off as leftists and socialists and even as communists. They might come and say the right things because they do not want to antagonize

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the growing number of people interested in happiness but they’ll go back to business as usual.” But that does not mean we give up. With the “internationalization” of GNH, Bhutan is drawing on the high quality research and profound thinking done around the world on GNH-related concepts like sustainability, climate change, and well-being. And this diaspora is expanding. The discussions in Invermere clearly showed that we are thinking, if not heading, in the right direction. What I would call Invermere’s “GNH population” also brings out another important question. Humankind is characterized by a short memory and the inability to learn from

mistakes. Bhutan, taking advantage of its late start on the road to modernization, has the opportunity to learn from the mistakes that have been made in abundance. But the pressures of modernization are distracting people from living the traditional subsistent life. Globalization and media tell us that we do not have enough; there’s more to be bought out there. The one question I have no answer to is: “Just as we see it happening in many societies, do we need to lose something before we truly appreciate it?” Will we forget how to milk our own cows even as Canadians are re-learning how to milk their own goats? Kinley Dorji Thimphu, Bhutan


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River Gems wishes you the very best of the season! Jewellery & Fossil Gallery 613-12 Street, Invermere, B.C. 250-342-0177 Yolande Dolman *

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A19

Arts & Entertainment A reason to head to Headwaters Sneek peek at Pynelogs

Art show in Canal Flats returns for its second year STEVE JESSEL


The Village of Canal Flats becomes alive with art this week, as the second annual Headwaters Art Show returns to the Canal Flats community centre on Saturday (November 24). “(Last year) was great,” organizer Dodie Marcil said. “I think the best part of it was that a lot of the artists in the area had never shown their work to their peers or the public before, and they had such great feedback.” Seventeen artists in a variety of disciplines will be proudly displaying their work from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., with work ranging from a wide selection of paintings to photography, pencil drawings and carvings. A local pianist and their students will also play some light music during the show, and there will be free refreshments provided. Marcil said one of the main reasons this particular weekend was chosen for the event was that the Canal Flats arena is booked as well, and that they had great success appealing to people in between hockey games last year. “It’s kind of a captive audience,” Marcil laughed. “At this point we’re trying to get the artists to come and participate because we have some amazing talent in the valley.”

Summer may be over, but there is still plenty to do at the Pynelogs Arts and Culture Centre this upcoming winter. “What we say is, the gallery is closed but we’re still open for business,” said Pynelogs manager Jami Scheffer. First off, the always-popular Cinefest film series is still going strong and is now entering its ninth year. Originally a mainstay of the Toby Theatre, Pynelogs has run the series for the past few years, and strives to bring interesting and thought-provoking independent films to Invermere. Usually hosting Cinefest on the second Tuesday of each month until April, Pynelogs provides a perfect venue to relax, have a drink at their licensed bar and maybe get a little something to eat. The next film in the series, The Lady, shows on December 4 beginning at 7 p.m. The Lady comes from acclaimed director Luc Besson, and follows the story of Burmese democracy activist, political prisoner and Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. “They are independent films, so they’re definitely different,” Scheffer said. Pynelogs will also play host to the open mic series for the second consecutive year. Hosted by local musician Oso Simple, Open Mic Night takes place on the first Friday of every month until June. Appropriate for all ages, open mic gives valley residents first look at some of the best and brightest musicians that the Columbia Valley has to offer. The next Open Mic Night takes place on December 7, and any and all musicians and spectators are welcome to take part. Finally, Pynelogs is also hosting a new series of watercolour classes this winter, taught by painter Carol Gordon. Registration for the first set of classes has already wrapped up, but for anyone interested a new session begins in January. For more information about Pynelogs events this winter, visit the Columbia Valley Arts Council website at

Submitted photo Headwaters Art Show will feature the work of Canal Flats carver Len Brunin, who is known for his antler carvings.

One of the artists whose work will be shown is Canal Flats carver Len Brunin. Brunin specializes in bone and antler carvings, and says he got his start some 15 to 20 years ago when he took over his father’s trap line.

Submitted image Lake Windermere by painter JR Goldsmith, whose work will be on display at Headwaters.

“The idea of trapping, killing animals for fur so that somebody could wear an expensive coat didn’t sit well with me,” Brunin said. “When I took over the trap line it was sort of with this idea of learning how our forefathers were able to survive that way. So I learned how to tan my own hides… and how to use bone and antler to make your own scraping tools, and it just sort of kept evolving.” Brunin won’t be able to attend the show in person as he is currently recovering from back surgery, however two of his larger carvings will be displayed along with some smaller deer antler candleholders. He said the larger carvings take about a month for him to complete, and while carving may have started out as an artistic pursuit, it now provides a nice supplement to his income every once in a while. Continues to 'career' on Page A20

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


Career as a carver came gradually

Continued from Page A19

“When I first started my first moose antler carving, I did some etching on a moose horn and I made a clipboard out of it, with the idea that I would have a moose antler clipboard,” Brunin said. “Well when my father saw it, he took it home. So

I made another one, and when my brother saw it, he took it home. So the next one I made I put a pricetag on, and that again was sort of the evolution, it took me a while to realize that this kind of work had value.” Brunin uses a dremmel tool with a range of bits to carve both antlers and bone, and said

the uniqueness of each piece of antler really keeps him from getting bored. “Every piece is different and every antler is different, so it’s not a repetitive thing where you’re doing the same thing every day,” he said. “You’re creating something new, and I always find that encouraging. If I

had to push a pencil nine to five for the rest of my life I’d go nuts.” The Headwaters Art Show is still accepting new artists who want to join, although space in the community centre is limited. Anyone who is interested in participating is asked to contact Marcil by calling 250349-5877.

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The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A21


Have a sports tip? or 250-342-9216

Invermere duo to challenge for X-Alps supremacy Local couple returns to Europe to compete in adventure race for the third time STEVE JESSEL

For Invermere residents Max Fanderl and Penny Powers, their relationship will play a key part when they take part in the Red Bull X-Alps adventure race together for the third time as a team next July. "I would say about 30 to 40 per cent of teams, they don't look eye-to-eye the same way as when they started," Fanderl, a native of Germany explained. "You get right down, you start to hallucinate, that's the kind of exhaustion you get. When you get to this point and you don't really achieve what you wanted to achieve, then it's easy to point the finger at somebody else." "It strengthens you for sure," Powers agreed. "When you're relying on each other to do such intense situations‌ you're putting everything on the line for each other." The Red Bull X-Alps

is known as one of the toughest adventure races in the world, and for good reason. 31 teams from 21 different countries will take to the air and to the mountains in July of 2013, as they attempt to cover 900 km of mountainous terrain from Salzburg in Austria to Monaco as quickly as they can. Participants must cover every kilometre either by foot or by paragliding, and the race ends 48 hours after the first competitor finishes. All participants are required to enter as a team of up to three, with one athlete and no less than one supporter. Fanderl has participated in the last three consecutive events (2007, 2009 and 2011), while Powers accompanied him in 2009 and in 2011. "It's phenomenal," Fanderl said. "For me, it's almost like a mental break, because we stimulate our minds

Submitted photo An image from last year's Red Bull X-Alps —competitors are tasked with travelling 900 km as the crow flies, over some of the most treacherous terrain in the world in the Alps mountain range.

all the time with music, television or whatever, and when you are in that race you don't need any music. Even if you hike for this amount of time, you're completely focused on what you have to do." Fanderl, a paraglider of over 25 years first heard of the race

through friends, and initially had no idea he would ever take part. After a Canadian pilot was forced to withdraw due to injuries, Fanderl was convinced to put his name forward, and to his surprise he was invited to take part. Fanderl had only three months to pre-

pare for the race, and after eight days of flying and hiking was forced to withdraw. For some people, that might be the last time they would ever participate in something as risky as the Red Bull X-Alps, but not for Fanderl. "I thought, "wow, I can do way better,"

Fanderl said. "I wanted to show myself, and prove to myself that I can do better." Another contributing factor to Fanderl returning to the race was Powers, as the pair had a 10-month old child at the time of the first race, leaving her unable to participate. An ad-

venture enthusiast herself, Powers asked Fanderl if he wanted to do the race again. "‌ Because I wanted to do it so badly," Powers laughed. The pair would participate in the 2009 edition of the race, Continues to "pair" Page A23

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


Columbia Valley Rockies lose in overtime Team falls to league-leading Nelson Leafs 4-3 STEVE JESSEL

If there were oddsmakers in the KIJHL, few, if any would have given the Columbia Valley Rockies much of a chance when they played host to the

league-leading Nelson Leafs on Sunday, November 18. Coming off an 11-0 drubbing at the hands of the Summerland Steam the



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night before, the Rockies looked prime to once again be on the losing side of a blowout, and early on Nelson was in complete control. Crisp passing and strong body checks left the Rockies decidedly on the back foot as they struggled to match the Leafs intensity, however Rockies goalie Stewart Pratt was outstanding in net, and it payed massive dividends as the period went on. It took the Rockies nine and a half minutes to record their first shot, and after nearly scoring on that opportunity, they would seize the momentum and score just under a minute later when forward Ryan Henderson clanged one off the post and in from a sharp angle. Pratt continued his strong play the rest of the period and just like that, the Rockies took a 1-0 lead into the dressing room through one period of play. "I guess in a way, it's easier for them to be motivated and focused (after an 11-0 loss)" Rockies assistant coach Scott Dubielewicz said. "There's nowhere to go but up after a game like that." The Rockies opened the second period on the penalty kill, but continued strong goaltending and a persistent forecheck meant that the Leafs had trouble getting into their offensive groove as the period went on. Despite that, giving a high-powered team like Nelson too many opportunities on the powerplay is never a good thing, and on another Rockies penalty kill the Leafs finally cracked Pratt to score their first goal of the night. Nelson scored two more goals before the end of the period and took

PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO Rockies forward Racey Red Crow (#8) makes a move to get by a defender during the Rockies 4-3 overtime loss to Nelson on November 18.

a comfortable 3-1 lead to the dressing room. "We took too many penalties, and that was probably the difference in this game, of us winning or not," Dubielewicz said. Things looked grim for the Rockies entering the third, as they were being badly outshot and continued to get into penalty trouble. Pratt was the only reason the score was as close as it was, as time and time again he stoned Nelson shooters from every conceivable angle. The Rockies were running out of time, and with about seven minutes left in the game the Leafs looked to be well on their way adding to their league-best record. The Rockies had other ideas however, and leading scorer Jake Fardoe drew them team within a goal when his shot from the point drew the Rockies within a goal with six minutes remaining. The Rockies took what looked like a back breaking penalty with about three minutes left, but managed to kill it off,

and with under a minute left Nic Hoobanoff would pounce on a loose puck to score his first goal of the season and send the game to overtime with the score tied 3-3. "It's good to see the kids bounce back and have a good game against probably the best team in the league," Dubielewicz said. "We definitely had them looking nervous." Overtime was a

back-and-forth affair with the two teams trading chances, but that's when the Rockies penalties would finally bury them. With only three seconds left in the game, a Nelson shot from just outside the top of the left faceoff circle beat Pratt over his shoulder, and the Rockies comeback was cut short. Pratt made 45 saves in the loss as the Rockies were outshot 49-32.

"(Pratt) earned that point for us, no doubt," Dubielewicz said. "He was the difference." The overtime loss gives the Rockies 16 points through 24 games, as they prepare to visit the division-leading Fernie Ghostriders on Friday, November 23. The Rockies then host the reigning KIJHL champion Beaver Valley Nitehawks the following night, on Saturday, November 24.

PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO Rockies forward Jerome Thorne lays a big hit on a Summerland player on November 17. The Rockies lost the game 11-0.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A23


Unique opportunity for local Panorama skier Keegan Sharp benefts from Rising Starts Camp in Colorado STEVE JESSEL

As part of a groundbreaking partnership between Alpine Canada and the United States Ski and Snowboard Association, local Panorama skier Keegan Sharp has just returned from a Rising Starts Camp in Vail Colorado, and Alpine Canada's manager of athlete development Nigel Cooper couldn't say enough about the 15-year-old skier. "(Sharp) is a rockstar, and he's a rockstar in so many different ways," Cooper said. "Most of all, he has a literacy of our sport, and a knowledge of our sport… he's

what I call a student of the game." The Rising Stars Camp ran from November 1 to November 11, and featured a total of 15 athletes and seven coaches from the two ski associations. Ten girls and five boys aged 14 and 15, eight from Canada and seven from the U.S. took part in the camp, where participants we able to learn from their peers and from an outstanding group of coaches. The program was originally started by Alpine Canada's Mark Sharp and Ken Read, and after taking a bit of a hiatus during the Vancouver Olympics is back in full force this year, with plans to include more athletes in the future. "I think the groundbreaking part of it, bringing kids of that age together from two different nations, maybe it's not the first Continues to "camp" Page A24

submitted photo A total of 15 athletes from the U.S. and Canada participated in the Rising Stars Camp, including (l to r) Frédéric Courville, PQ, Keegan Sharp, AB, Sam Mulligan, BC, Alexandra Lacasse Courshesne, PQ, Georgia Willinger, AB, Tori Hislop, MB, Stephanie Currie, ON, and Mikayla Martin, BC.

Pair aim to reach Monaco in their last X-Alps competition Continues from Page A21

finishing in 13th place, 297 km from the finish. Two years later, the pair would once again compete, this time finishing in a tie for 14 with 305 km to go. This time, Fanderl would ideally like to finish the race by reaching Monaco, however only a total of four teams have reached Monaco in the last two races combined — the reigning champion, Switzerland's Christian Maurer has come in first in each of those years, and Alex Hofer of Switzerland and Toma Coconea of Romania are the only other athletes to reach Monaco in that time. If Fanderl doesn't reach Monaco, he said he would like to at least finish in the top 10 this year, which will very likely be his and Power's final XAlps event. "I have to say, I'm re-

ally one of the most conservative (competitors)," Fanderl said. "I'd rather do my walking, lose a couple ranks and still be able to come home again." There are a couple different strategies that the top athletes use in order to shave valuable hours off of their total times. Risk-taking is a major factor especially when it comes to paragliding, as some participants will take to the skies even in terrible weather in an attempt to make up time. Other athletes have been known to forgo the flying as much as they can and simply run the entire course — up to 1,000 km in a single week. Fanderl doesn't run and prefers flying to hiking, and so he has come up with his own strategy for the race. "They have to run around these mountains, and what I do is I just go straight," Fanderl explained. The pair wakes up

It’s raining puppies! GALs has a litter of 8 mixed breed puppies that are ready for adoption. They are all spayed, neutered and have first shots. We also have another 4 shepherd-cross puppies that will be available for adoption in a couple weeks. Visit our website or Facebook page for more information about adopting one of these fur balls!

around 3 a.m. each morning during the race, and plan out their route for the day. While some competitors follow the roads around the mountains, Fanderl and Powers instead spend the morning hiking to the highest elevation they can find. Once at the top of a mountain or similar feature, Fanderl unpacks his paraglider and attempts to ride the thermals as far as he can. Powers then hikes back down the mountain, carrying all of the extra gear, gets in her car and then meets Fanderl wherever he has landed, and they do the whole thing again the next morning. Between flying and hiking, the pair can can cover up to 100 km per day. "The most important part for me, is actually living the moment," Fanderl said. "When you hike, and it's exhausting and painful to some extent;

photo by steve jessel/the echo Penny Powers and Max Fanderl will be taking part in the X-Alps race for the third time as a team.

just enjoy that moment, because you will never get that moment back." The course details will be released in the spring, and the pair plans on arriving a month before the

competition to give them time to scout the region. Fanderl said that they actually plan on running the entire race two weeks before the event at a reduced speed to further

Pet overpopulation, surrender to shelters and animal euthanization are preventable problems with a rational solution: SPAY & NEUTER! Find us on Facebook, and see who else we have up for adoption!

prepare themselves. For more information on the event, and to track Fanderl and Powers as they compete, visit the XAlps website at


Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo


Mustached misses Blast Off — Jill Andrews, Hayley Wilson and Kate Atkinson

Winter workouts

PHOTO BY STEVE JESSEL/THE ECHO Rockies Guest Service Girls (l to r) McKenna Nelson, Hunter Pietrosky, Lauren Phillips and Jazlyn Oaks all wore mustaches to a recent Rockies home game in support of Movember and the Canadian Cancer Society.

COLUMBIA VALLEY FOOD BANK GRATEFULLY ACCEPTS BOTH CASH AND FOOD DONATIONS Cheques can be mailed to Box 2141, Invermere, B.C. V0A 1K0 (tax receipt issued). Food can be put in drop boxes at local grocery stores. Most needed items are canned fruit and vegetables, tuna and salmon, tomatoes and spaghetti sauce; soup and peanut butter. Please check the expiry dates of your donation. Thank you for sharing!

Ways to socialize with

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Camp gave kids time with ski stars CONTINUED FROM PAGE A23

time ever in the history of the world but I think these kinds of experiences are special," Cooper said. We're really trying to use this camp to make an impact nationally." As part of the camp, the athletes would have a set schedule that included studying for an hour after breakfast, skiing for two and half hours and then studying more in the afternoon. Included was three days of slalom training, and at the end of the slalom block the kids were able to go bowling with Canadian Alpine Ski Team stars Ben Thomsen, Manuel Osborne-Paradis, Robbie Dixon and Conrad Pridy, who were training nearby. "It was really fun, and it was a great experience," Sharp said. "They were an awesome group, we all had fun together." Athletes were chosen by their respective sport organizations to take part, and in Sharp's case he was actually representing Alberta Alpine, of which Team Panorama is a member. Sharp said he'd be glad to return should the opportunity present itself, but Cooper said that wasn't necessarily the goal of the program. "We like to look at these things not necessarily as an open door to get you to the next one all the time," Cooper said. "Often what happens at this age is you open the door for a bunch of kids, and then that same door keeps opening for the same kids. What we really used this camp for was to kickstart the idea of this program... over time, over the next year we want to go broader and wider."

The colder months are here For those who are looking and that means it’s time to to continue exercising in the start thinking about how to great outdoors, there are a few keep up your activity level things to keep in mind as the throughout the winter season. season changes. Since snow Since so many valley residents and ice are major factors to make the most out of winter take into consideration, it’s a activities, it’s not only impor- good idea to give yourself as tant to maintain your fitness many advantages as possible. level so that you can continue If you’re a runner, consider partaking in the snowy sports wearing appropriate footwear you like, but it’s also important including shoes with a good to keep up the habit of exercis- tread and socks that have ing. If that habit gets left on the wicking properties. If your back burner, it’s going to be feet aren’t happy, you won’t tricky to pick it up again when be either! As far as clothing is the snow starts to melt! concerned, your best bet is to For those who are looking dress in layers. By doing so, to move their workouts in- you’ll be able to better control side, there are several ways to body temperatures as you start keep your program interest- to warm up or cool down. Start ing. If you are working out in by wearing a wicking fabric your home and have minimal shirt as your base layer. You’ll equipment, want to avoid focus on body cotton be“If that habit gets left on weight excause once ercises. No the back burner, it's goit gets wet it matter what ing to be tricky to pick it takes a long your curtime to dry up again when the snow rent fitness and as a relevel may be, starts to melt!” sult will also you can alkeep you ways find a suitable modifica- cold. A toque and mitts or tion that will ensure that you gloves are always a good choice stay challenged. For example, and can easily be stuffed into a some may find squats to be pocket when no longer needchallenging, while others may ed. For your outer layer, make need to turn to one-legged sure it is either bright in colour squats or jump squats. The or has some visible reflector same is true for push-ups, strips. The daylight hours are planks, or lunges. There are getting shorter which means several different ways to do you are more likely going to each of these exercises; it’s just be exercising in the dark from a matter of finding which one time to time so make sure is suitable for your level. You others can see you. Last but never want to over challenge not least, make sure someone yourself, but rather push your- knows that you’re heading out self just slightly outside of your to get some exercise or better comfort zone. That way you yet, bring a friend along! The will build strength and prop- more prepared you are, the er form, allowing yourself to more likely you are going to move up to the next level over enjoy exercising outside. time. It’s always best to start Warming up to the idea of besmall then work your way up; coming a healthier, fitter you? this will help in avoiding in- Give one of Fitness 4 life’s certijuries. If working out alone is fied Personal Trainers a call! We not your style, try out a group offer personal training in your fitness class. There are a vari- home or at the gym, as well as ety of different classes offered several Group Fitness classes. throughout the valley ranging Did you know that we are curfrom 30 to 60 minutes includ- rently offering a discounted ing Ski-Fit, Metabolic Train- afternoon rate? Take a look at ing, Yoga, Bootcamps, and our website for our current rates Spin classes, just to name a and current schedule at www. few. Each of these will get your or call Kate 250heart pumping and help build 688-0221 or Hayley 250-688strength and endurance. 0024 for more information.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012



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Craft Fairs

Travel CONDOMINIUM HOTEL 1-2-3 bdrm condominiums 8251850sq ft. Convenient Beach Access, Heated Pool/Hot Tub In-room Washer/Dryer, Flat Screen TV’s, Free Wi-Fi, Private Balconies, Daily Housekeeping, Handicapped Rooms Available. Weekly/Monthly Rates, Free Local Calls, Free Local Beach Transportation. Conveniently Located to Shops and Restaurants. www.crystalpalmsbeach 1-888-360-0037. 11605 Gulf Blvd. Treasure Island FL 33706.

Education/Trade Schools

Education/Trade Schools


Hoodoo Quilters Christmas Craft Sale. Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. November 24, 2012 from 9-1. Miscellaneous items.

Education/Trade Schools GET YOUR Foot in the garage door. Learn basic engine theory, power train, suspension, job safety. First step to automotive/heavy duty apprenticeships. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-999-7882.

LEARN FROM Home. Earn from home. Medical Transcriptionists are in demand. Lots of jobs! Enroll today for less than $95 a month. 1-800-466-1535

THE ONE, The only authorized Harley-Davidson technician training program in all of Canada. You’ll work on all types of HD bikes. Quality instruction and state-of-the-art training aids. GPRC Fairview Campus, Fairview Alberta. 1888-999-7882.

Information ADVERTISE in the LARGEST OUTDOOR PUBLICATION IN BC The 2013-2015 BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis

The most effective way to reach an incredible number of BC Sportsmen & women. Two year edition- terrific presence for your business.

Please call Annemarie 1.800.661.6335 email: ďŹ Al-Anon - Are you con-

cerned about or affected by someone else’s drinking? If so, please join us. Al-Anon meets EVERY Monday in Invermere at 7:15 PM at the Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, 712 - 12th Ave, (behind the Invermere hospital). For information, please call 250-342-8255

ALCOHOLICS Anonymous If alcohol is causing problems or conflict in your life, AA can help. Call 250-342-2424 for more information. All meetings are at 8 p.m. Invermere: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday groups - Columbia United AA at the BC Services building, south end, 625 4th Street Invermere. Radium Friendship Group: Friday, Catholic Church. All meetings are open.

Personals TREATMENT CENTRE: licensed detox, drug/alcohol rehabilitation, 30 to 90 day residential care in BC coastal community, paid aftercare in your area.


Timeshare CANCEL YOUR Timeshare. NO Risk Program, STOP Mortgage & Maintenance Payments Today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. FREE Consultation. Call Us NOW. We Can Help! 1-888-356-5248.

Career Opportunities

HAWAII ON the Mainland, healthy low-cost living can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condominiums, 24/7 secured community, Costa Rica, friendliest country on earth! 1-780952-0709

Children Daycare Centers Licensed family day care, spots available, full-time or part-time, subsidized children accepted. Hot lunch, nutritious snacks provided. 250-3429348 or 250-341-1455.

Employment Business Opportunities ACCOUNTING AND Tax franchise - Start your own practice with Canada’s leading accounting franchise. Join Padgett Business Services’ 400 practices. Taking care of small business needs since 1966. or 1-888-723-4388, ext. 222. CAREER OPPORTUNITY: SUN LIFE FINANCIAL, a leader in financial services, is hiring exceptional people to train as financial sales professionals. Please call 250-4264221/ext 2202, fax 250-4268516, or email resume to

Career Opportunities ASSISTANT Manager for Creston Warehouse facility Individual with strong work ethic to join fast paced environment. 5-8 yrs logistics/warehousing exp; Min. 5 yrs mgmt exp. For full ad please see online classifieds. Please submit application to:

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WFP offers a competitive salary, a comprehensive benefit and pension package and the potential to achieve annual performance rewards. Please reply in confidence, citing Reference Code. )VNBO 3FTPVSDF %FQBSUNFOU t 'BDTJNJMF Email: "QQMJDBUJPO %FBEMJOF 5IVSTEBZ /PWFNCFS 3FGFSFODF $PEF 1SPEVDUJPO 4QWTPS .*'0


Hazel Jean Gillespie April 26, 1926 - November 16, 2012 Hazel Jean Gillespie (nee Suffern) was born April 26, 1926, in Penhold, Alberta. She worked as a registered nurse before meeting her husband Edward Rex (Ted) Gillespie in Turner Valley, Alberta. They were married in 1952 and had two children, Roy and Maureen. Hazel and her family started coming to the Invermere area in the 1960s. They fell in love with the area and decided to build a summer home. In 1984, she and Ted retired to Invermere. She enjoyed working in her garden and spending time with her wide circle of friends, when she wasn’t walking her little dog. Hazel passed away at Columbia House on November 16, 2012. She was predeceased by Ted in 2005 and is survived by her son Roy Gillespie (Rose) and daughter Maureen Hummel (Rick). She is also survived by her nephew Hugh Suffern and his family, and Ted’s brother Roy (FKR) Gillespie and his family. Many heartfelt thanks to the staff of Columbia House Long Term Care Facility for their loving care of Hazel. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Columbia House Long Term Care.


(Woods Foreman) TIMBERLANDS Campbell River, BC Mid Island Forest Operation is a continuous harvest operation (6x3 shift) harvesting 1.1 MM M3 annually and building 140 km of road. Working as part of a team of supervisors, this position will have direct responsibility for woods operations and union crews. The successful candidate will value the team-oriented approach, have a good working knowledge of applicable occupational safety regulations, first-hand knowledge and experience in a unionized environment, and will be responsible for planning, supervision of hourly personnel, safe work performance and the achievement of departmental goals. Further job details can be viewed at:

ROCKY MOUNTAIN FIBERcurrently seeks logging contractors for stump-to-dump and phase logging/road building in the Kootenays. Various contract opportunities exist in the Golden, Radium Hot Springs, Invermere and Cranbrook/Kimberly areas (Rocky Mountain and surrounding forest districts). Please contact 250-688-1651 or email: for details.

We’re on the net at www.bcclassiďŹ



ROCKY MOUNTAIN FIBERcurrently seeking timber/land purchase, standing timber, timber harvesting & purchasing opportunities (all species, including Douglas Fir) in the Golden, Radium Hot Springs, Invermere and Cranbrook/Kimberly areas (Rocky Mountain and surrounding forest districts). Please contact 250-688-1651 or email: for details.

Point and Click


Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo




Help Wanted

Financial Services

Financial Services

ACCESSORIES INSTALLER/ Journeyman Technicians. Hanna Chrysler Ltd. (Hanna, Alberta) needs a few more good people. Busy, modern shop. Competitive wages, benefits. Great community. Inquire or send resume. Fax 403-854-2845; Email

DROWNING IN debt? Helping Canadians 25 years. Lower payments by 30%, or cut debts 70% thru Settlements. Avoid bankruptcy! Free consultation. Toll-free 1-877-5563500


An Alberta Construction Company is hiring Dozer and Excavator Operators. Preference will be given to operators that are experienced in oilfield road and lease construction. Lodging and meals provided. The work is in the vicinity of Edson, Alberta. Alcohol & Drug testing required. Call Contour Construction at 780-723-5051. AUTO SERVICE Journeyman Technician required immediately at EJ Klassen GM in Port Hardy, Vancouver Island. Above average wages and benefits. Fax resume 250-9497440 email: Black Forest is looking for a full time server. Previous experience required in fine dining. Email or drop off resume at (250)-342-9417 EXPERIENCED PARTS Person for a progressive auto/industrial supplier. Hired applicant will receive top wages, full benefits and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 26,000 sq.ft store is located 2.5 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta. See our community at Send resume to: Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, T0A 2C0. Email: North Valley Gymnastics Society is seeking • CertiďŹ ed Full or Part-Time Gymnastics Coaches • Full or part-time Manager for our new gym (prefer certified coach). Please email your resume to: FAX it to: 1 250 545 4793 or CALL: 1 250 545 0516 RANCH MANAGER wanted. Responsible for oversight & maintenance of property and equipment. No animal care. Near Invermere/Fairmont Hot Springs. Pay negotiable depending on schedule. Send response/resume to Required for an Alberta Trucking Company. One Class 1 Driver. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience pulling low boys and driving off road. Candidate must be able to pass a drug test and be willing to relocate to Edson, Alberta. Fax resumes to: 780-725-4430

Income Opportunity ATTN: COMPUTER Work. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 part time to $7,500/ mo full time. Training provided.

Medical/Dental CERTIFIED Dental Assistant needed. Experienced CDA needed for full time employment (4 days/wk) Good communication and clinical skills a priority. Call 250-489-4731 or email to send resume and to schedule an interview.

Trades, Technical FLAGSTAFF COUNTY, Sedgewick, Alberta requires a full-time Licensed or 2nd to 4th year Apprentice, Heavy Duty Mechanic. Fax or email resume by 12 p.m., December 10, 2012. Attention: Kevin Kinzer, Fax: 780-384-3635; Email: SIDERS & CARPENTERS WANTED- Calgary Single & Multi-family New Home construction. Exterior Trim & Battens/Vinyl & Hardie siding. Bring your own gear or we can help supply pump-jacks/ planks. Hours flexible. 4 days on/3 days off for out-of town crews. Please call Chris at 1403-971-3351.


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GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877987-1420. IF YOU own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits can lend you money: it’s that simple. Your credit/age/income is not an issue. 1-800-587-2161. INCOME TAX PROBLEMS? Have you been audited, reassessed or disallowed certain claims by Canada Revenue Agency? Call Bob Allen @ 250-542-0295 35yrs. Income Tax experience, 8.5yrs. with Revenue Canada. Email:

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Brezel Bakery Help Wanted

2 part-time positions available: t "TTJTUBOU NBOBHFS t 1SPEVDUJPO IFMQFS

Pets & Livestock

Merchandise for Sale

Misc Services



Bug cross puppies ready to go. 1st shot. $300.00 250-3495420

Heavy Duty Machinery

Furnace and Heat Pump Installation Service and Repair 250-342-6312


Pets & Livestock

Lessons/Training Piano lessons-sight reading, accompaniment 250-347-9668

Lets You Live Life.

Merchandise for Sale

Furniture BLACK leather sofa - condo size - $250. Pine bedroom set headboard, footboard, dresser, hutch, night tables, mattress. All furniture in very good condition - located in Radium. 403-240-9187

A- STEEL SHIPPING STORAGE CONTAINERS / Bridges / Equipment Wheel loaders JD 644E & 544A / 63’ & 90’ Stiff boom 5th wheel crane trucks/Excavators EX200-5 & 892D-LC / Small forklifts / F350 C/C “Cabs�20’40’45’53’ New/ Used/ Damaged /Containers Semi Trailers for Hiway & StorageCall 24 Hrs 1-866-528-7108 Delivery BC and AB

Misc. for Sale

Merchandise for Sale

Misc. for Sale CHILLSPOT IS The Coolest Dog Bed-A new and innovative, thermodynamically cooled dog bed, that enhances the cool tile surfaces our pets rely on during the warm weather months. FIREWOOD Support Rockies Hockey. Fir,Pine, & Larch. Phone 250-342-6908 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS. Best price. Best quality. All shapes & colours available. 1-866-652-6837

1996 Silverado extended cab, long box, low mileage $3500. Call 250-341-6996



Wanted: A Beancounter with Attitude Good attitude, that is! You hold an accounting designation (or very close to it or equivalent experience), but your friends and coworkers don’t really think of you as an “accountant�. You know your numbers instinctively, but are keenly interested in being a part of the business’ operations. You always take personal pride in the quality of the information you produce and you can effectively keep many balls in the air at one time in a busy, multi-organization entity. Those are the critical success factors for the Group Controller that will join our team – along with a great sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself. You are an accountant, after all. We are a group of companies located in the Invermere area that includes Windermere Water & Sewer, Parr Utilities Ltd. and Point Developments. We are involved in everything from water and sewer utilities to residential and commercial land development and every day puts a different challenge on the desk. Your attention to detail and passion for doing things right the first time is what differentiates you from others. In addition, you will be fluent in a fully computerized environment, willing to dive into research whenever required and be knowledgeable of and up to date on current financial reporting standards in a private company environment. If you’re interested in being part of our team, please get that resume into our hands. This is a permanent part-time role with significant flexibility, but requires a commitment to meeting the deadlines related to our businesses.


The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Merchandise for Sale A27


Musical Instruments

Homes for Rent

Setting the New Standard 250-347-9668

Real Estate

Large 4 bdrm, 2 bathroom house, large yard, downtown Inv, W/D, DW, MW, N/S, fireplace, internet, $1200 + util, Avail now. 250-341-1650

Acreage for Sale

Suites, Lower

Acreages “”

For Sale By Owner Mobile for sale-must moved 250-542-0060.


Rentals Acreage Spectacular Riverside Ranch or Eco-lodge Development, 250-347-9660

Wilder subdivision: 1-bdrm + den, lower suite of renovated home. Includes kitchen, W/D, fenced yard and shed. Avail immediately. $700/month plus utilities. 250-341-7701.

Suites, Upper Windermere: 2 bdrm 4 plex. W/D, fridge, stove. Separate entrance, lg yard & driveway. Only a few blocks from beach with lake view. Can be furnished or not. Pets considered. $725/mth. Call or text 250-409-7435 or email

Apt/Condo for Rent 2BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH condo unit for rent, in Canal Flats. Great view, 2 parking stalls, F/S, D/W. Walking distance to arena, park and store. $850 + D.D., references required. Available Nov.15/12. Call (250)349-5306 or (250)4898389, leave mess.


AKISKINOOK resort - 1 bdrm fully furnished condo, indoor pool, hot tub. $725/ month includes cable. Call 403-281-3991

Auto Financing

RADIUM - downtown

New 2 bdrm, 2 full baths in The Pinewood. 3rd floor, fireplace, N/S. $1000/mth, utilities included. Underground parking. Available Dec 1. Call Judy 250-345-0225 or 250-341-1903 Radium: Furnished 2 bdm condo for rent. Newer, attractive, 1 block from hwy. All appliances incl. Underground parking, N/S, N/P. Avail now. $900/mth. Long term lease available call 403-860-1740 Radium - Two units Pinewood W building. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, underground parking, nicely, fully furnished. All inclusive. Avail now. $900/mth/$1100/mth. Call Lina @ 403-239-6389 or 403-264-2782

Commercial/ Industrial FOR LEASE: 1900 sq. ft. of prime space in Invermere Industrial Park. Presently used as a wood working shop. Lease rate is $7.50 per sq. ft., plus triple net, HST and Hydro. Available Jan 1st. Call Gerry (250)341-1202

DreamCatcher Auto Loans “0” Down, Bankruptcy OK Cash Back ! 15 min Approvals

Homes for Rent DOUBLE WIDE mobile home 2/3 bdrms incs f/s, w/d, d/w. woodstove, air, storage shed, waterfront on Cameron Lake w/mountain views, located in small well maintained 7 unit mobile home park in Wasa, on-site manager, solid refs only $750/mo.+dd, Call (250)422-3445

1-800-910-6402 DL# 7557

Cars - Sports & Imports Dodge Grand Caravan SE 2004. Regularly serviced. New summer + winter tires on rims. Asking $3500. 250-342-9247.

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN MISSION OF INVERMERE Worship Services every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Christ Church Trinity 110 - 7th Avenue, Invermere Pastor Rev. Fraser Coltman Pastor Rev. David Morton 1-866-426-7564

WINDERMERE VALLEY SHARED MINISTRY ANGLICAN-UNITED 250-342-6644 100-7th Avenue, Invermere Reverend Laura Hermakin

9 a.m.: Worship at All Saint’s, Edgewater. (1st, 3rd and 4th Sunday) 9:30 a.m.: God’s Breakfast Club 10:30 a.m.: Worship at Christ Church Trinity, Invermere. (Every Sunday)


Roman Catholic Parish Pastor: Father Gabriel 250-342-6167 Invermere 250-344-6328 Golden Confession: 1/2 hour before Mass Canadian Martyrs Church 712 - 12 Ave, Invermere Saturday at 7 p.m. Sunday at 9 a.m. St. Joseph Church Highway 93-95, Radium Hot Springs Sunday at 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Parish 808 - 11 Street, Golden Sunday at 5 p.m. St. Anthony’s Mission Corner of Luck and Dunn, Canal Flats

Saturday at 4:30 p.m. (served from Kimberly)

RADIUM CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP For more information call 250-342-6633 or 250-347-6334 Loving God, Loving People #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Sundays at 10 a.m. Bible Studies #4 - 7553 Main Street West, Radium Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Kids’ Church Edgewater Hall Thursday 6:30 p.m.


326 - 10th Ave. 250-342-9535 REV. TREVOR HAGAN Senior Pastor

VALLEY CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Hwy. 93/95 1 km north of Windermere Pastor: Murray Wittke

Sunday, November 25th 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service CELEBRATION SUNDAY … 10 a.m. Worship & Word Kid’s Church Provided “Truth For Today From The Old Testament: Loving God’s Law” … Pastor Trevor ministering. Call the office at 250-342-9511 The Lord’s Supper will be for more information. served. “K.I.D.S.” Church, for children Age 3 to Grade 1; and Grade 2 Sharing Truth to Grade 5, during the Morning Showing Love Service.

Following the Spirit


Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo

Building Your Wealth Market Update


Weekly change













Oil US$/B









Home ownership needn’t be taxing There are ‘doomsayers’ all around, telling us we are going to suffer unpleasant consequences because of our failure to ‘do things the way they should be done.’ Often, this is another way of saying something entirely different, like, ‘Do things the way I believe you should do them.’ In among the doom and gloom, however, there are some gems to be picked up and enjoyed. If they can help you get what you want, they’re worth investigation. There are many changes facing us and we know the way forward is not to go backward. We need to be positive in the situations we face and see opportunities around us to create a new future that will move us forward, not backward. Among the examples of what I mean, one is what many of us are doing, which is to set money aside when we can to buy a house. The most common reason for wanting a house is the belief, which we learn as we grow up, that this is the way it should be done. It’s our proof of success. But there are other reasons. One is to have a private place to do what we want, or to have a place for more possessions than renting will allow. And, the most common reason is to house our children where there is more room for them to play freely. It’s no news to say we have been going through a tough time, and some have lost a lot. One of the more constant warnings we receive is about our personal debt, which means all the ways we borrow money other than for mortgages. This usually means such things as credit cards, bank loans, and lines of credit. It doesn’t mean the mortgage unless we take on more than we can service when rates go up. When we’re careful, and don’t get caught up in bad economic news, and don’t get carried away, there are opportunities. Real estate is an example. There are a lot of “For Sale” signs on lawns everywhere. Those signs can help you get what you

want, and, the good part, you can do it while helping someone else out. It’s a way that doesn’t conflict with our values, but can be a good thing for all. Some of those “For Sale’ signs represent a family in deep hardship, working to clear their finances before they go down. For them, your purchase of that home may be their way out of a bad situation.

It can actually help to relieve them of the burden of mortgage payments they can no longer make. Letting a house go is a hard and painful loss, but it can ease a major worry. That’s not being either opportunistic or crass. In fact, people often feel enormous relief when the burden is taken from their shoulders. There are financial incentives that may be available in the Income Tax Act which can help save thousands of dollars. They are intended to make home ownership easier, so if you are thinking about a house purchase, there are things you

should know. Here are some that might be useful. Home Buyer’s Tax Credit (HBTC): This was initially introduced in 2009, and provides first-time home buyers a credit towards purchase of a home. Remember, this program targets “first-time” homebuyers only, but it is still possible you may qualify if you haven’t owned a home for several years. If a family member has a disability this credit may be available anytime. Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP): If you have an RRSP, the HBP allows first-time homebuyers to withdraw up to $25,000 each from their RRSPs without incurring tax. Again there may be a way around the ‘first time’ concern. Property tax refund: Depending on your province, you may be eligible for a tax refund or a tax credit for property taxes paid during the year. Mortgage interest deduction: Your mortgage interest is not tax deductible in Canada. However, many Canadian homeowners take advantage of tax deductions available on investment debt by converting their mortgages into investment loans. Home office expense deductions: If you operate a business out of your home, you may be able to deduct a portion of your housing expenses. Principal Residence Exemption (PRE): Perhaps the biggest tax incentive provided homeowners, the PRE exempts capital gains on the sale of a principal residence. You can even use a vacation home, as long as both homes are "inhabited" sometime throughout the year. Most of these methods are complicated to work out, and require special expertise. All of them require careful thought available from a professional and are certainly not something you just do yourself. But with that said, one or several of these plans may help get what you have long wanted. If we can help, that’s what we enjoy.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A29

Business Profile New stylist and new tanning booth for local salon Scizzor Sisters is expanding it services and continuing to grow

spray tanning booth that uses an all-natural solution, and fellow local hairdresser Jeanelle Reynolds has recently joined the fold after operating her own salon in Radium for a number of years. For Meka, having such an ideal location in

STEVE JESSEL The Valley Echo

hair styling for those kinds of events really allows the stylists to express their creativity, as their normal clients usually don't want some of the more unique hairstyles. "We like to do different things outside the salon, because

“It's fun to be creative and show people what we can do.” meka jensen scizzor sisters

Invermere is part of what allows them to continue to grow and expand, and she said she doubts she would be so lucky if she were to relocate back to Vancouver. "I think about if I were to go back to Vancouver and start

a number of different causes, events and initiatives. They regularly do the hair of models for the thrift store fashion show, and love to get involved with events like Light-Up Night and Halloween. Meka said doing

Behind the

you're so confined to weddings (and other events)," Meka said. "You can't really be that creative, so if they're doing fashion shows or something like that… it's fun to be creative and show people what we can do."

Wh ee

Update your Driving Skills and Knowledge


Scizzor Sisters in Invermere celebrated their one-year anniversary this past summer, and with a new stylist and some new equipment the salon is well-equipped to continue to serve the community. "The first year went well," said Meka Jensen, who owns the salon with her sister Britt. "It was busy, we're still trying to figure things out. There were a few bumps in the road, but nothing major." Originally from Vancouver where they went to school, the two sisters took decidedly different paths to Invermere. Meka moved to the Columbia Valley in 2005 after finishing school to be with her fiancee, who played for the Columbia Valley Rockies at the time, while Britt, after attending the same school a year later opened her own salon in Halifax. Fast forward a few years,

all over again, it wouldn't be like this at all," Meka said. "My salon would probably be half the size." During their first year of operation Scizzor Sisters have also made their mark in the community by getting involved in

Official Vehicles: The Tow Truck photo by steve jessel/the echo Scizzor Sisters Meka Jensen proudly shows off her new tanning booth, sporting the results of a morning tanning session herself.

and the two sisters are reunited once again, this time in the comfy confines of their very own salon,

located at 519 13th St. "We always wanted to have a salon together," Meka said. Recently, two big

changes for the salon could mean an increase in business. Scizzor Sisters has recently purchased a

Target is 4,000 people per day Continued from Page A8

Toby Creek Adventures and others will join the CVCC to give Calgarians a taste of the Columbia Valley by distributing the Columbia Valley Map Book. In addition, Clovechok said they're also planning on decorating their piece of the walkway with pictures of places such as the Sinclair Canyon and the Hoodoos. "The vision is that when you enter one end of the walkway, it will be like you're entering the valley," Clovechok said. For Clovechok, the goal of the event is to raise the profile of the Columbia Valley, and maybe let

some people know about it who might not otherwise. She said that the walkway they are targeting, which is adjacent to the Banker's Hall Mall, averages almost 4,000 people per day and as such provides a perfect opportunity to advertise the valley. "Our biggest goal is to make sure that when people are planning their winter holidays, that the Columbia Valley is at the top of minds of Calgarians," Clovechok said. Clovechok is still looking for more businesses to join the contingent, and is also looking for anyone with creative ideas or props that could help with the decoration of the walkway. Interested businesses are asked to contact Clovechok at the chamber by calling 250-342-2844.

The tow truck is a bit of an orphan when it comes to being an “official vehicle” as defined in our slow down, move over laws. Drivers happening across a tow truck working at the side of the highway must slow down and move over if possible just as they would for an overtaken police vehicle, fire apparatus or ambulance. The latter three types of vehicle are easily identified by the colour of their flashing lights but the tow truck blends in with all the other flashing yellow light equipped vehicles on our highways. It goes without saying that a defensive driver will slow down and move over if possible for any type of vehicle displaying flashing lights stopped on the shoulder. This would even include a broken down car with the hazard flashers showing. However, there are those who will not unless mandated by law. Perhaps a tow truck should be given the authority to use a combination of amber and white flashing lights to more easily identify it as being part of the group of official vehicles that we must slow down and move over for. Rather than wondering if we need to until we are quite close, this would allow drivers to make the identification from a distance and take action well ahead of time. Remember, slowing down for stopped official vehicles at the side of the road is mandatory under all circumstances. Not moving over is only an option if you cannot do it safely. The rule was enacted to protect emergency workers when they are looking after us. Let’s look after them too. The author is a retired constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. To comment or learn more, please visit

101A 1028 7 Avenue PO Box 130 Invermere BC • Phone: 250-342-2175 • Fax: 250-342-2669

Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 – 12:30 and 1:00 – 5:00 • Saturday: 9:00 – 2:30


Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo

Brain Games Friday Saturday Columbia Valley Weekend Weather


November 25

November 23

November 24

Wet flurries

Mixed precipitation

Few flurries

Temp: 2oC Low: -5oC Precip: close to 1 cm

Temp: 5oC Low: -1oC Precip: 1-3 mm, 2-4 cm

Temp: 0oC Low: -6oC

Crossword November 21, 2012

CLUES ACROSS 1. Massages 5. Automaton 10. The side that goes last 14. Lowest female voice 15. Roar of acclaim 16. Tennis’ Kournikova 17. Canute (alt. sp.) 18. Blind gut 19. Insures bank’s depositors 20. Cathode (abbr.) 21. Appendage 22. Of I 23. The reciprocal of cosine 27. Rubs away 30. Bravo! 31. Crash into 32. Radioactivity units 35. Dynasty’s “J.R.” 38. Components specified individually 42. Facial skin disease 43. The Peach State


44. Exist 45. Precipitation 46. Mazzard 47. Earthy pigment color 49. Hail (nautical) 50. Back 52. Deviating from the familiar 54. Inveighed 56. Within reach 59. Blood group 60. Howl 63. Farm state 64. Aba ____ Honeymoon 67. Seizure 69. College army 71. Graphic symbol 72. Intense trepidation 73. Of an ode 74. Capital of Shaanxi Province 75. Acid + alcohol - water 76. Flat tableland CLUES DOWN 1. Display stands 2. Forearm bones 3. British thermal unit

4. Drunkard 5. Corpuscle count (abbr.) 6. Pitcher Hershiser 7. Rod-shaped bacterium 8. Egg 9. Dancing With the Stars host 10. British Air Force 11. Opposite of beginning 12. Zanzibar Copal 13. Running contests 24. Arms factory 25. Sodium 26. Current Margulies show 28. Ancient Egyptian sun god 29. Former Hess Corp. name 32. Scrap of cloth 33. Highest card 34. Double helix nucleic acid 36. WW2 female corps 37. One point E of due N 39. Express plea-

250-342-9216 customerservice@

sure 40. Data executive 41. Honey (abbr.) 48. One’s usual environment 51. Edison’s company 53. Delaware 54. Base of a system of numbers 55. Ancient computing devices 57. African adder genus

58. Podocarpus coriaceus 61. Plural of 33 down 62. An enticement 65. Tropical constrictor 66. “Birdie” star ___-Margaret 68. Sirius Satellite Radio (abbr.) 69. Memory hardware 70. Lyric poem

Answer to November 14:

Horoscope Four th week of November ARIES Aries, while there’s much about a situation that you don’t understand, you will quickly be filled in on all the details you need to know to get the job done. TAURUS Taurus, confrontation will get you nowhere. It is better to avoid any troublesome parties and simply go on with your days. No need to put monkey wrenches in the plans.

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Last week’s Sudoku answer -->:

GEMINI Take some time to reflect on what you need to get done, Gemini. Things are about to get more hectic, and it will help to know what is on your schedule in the coming days.

CANCER There is no need to put off romantic endeavors, Cancer. Make time to further relationships, and you will be happier for having made the additional effort. LEO Leo, a casual encounter with an old friend goes by like no time has elapsed at all. Agree to keep in touch and spend more time together going forward. VIRGO Virgo, there are too many messes to clean up, so instead of digging in you may just decide to procrastinate a little longer. Just be sure to make up the time later on.

LIBRA You may find that things that are beneficial for others may not always be beneficial for you, Libra. But often you have to make sacrifices for the benefit of the entire group.

CAPRICORN Now is not the time to leap without looking, Capricorn. You have to be cautious with your choices and actions this time of the month. Don’t make waves so close to the holidays.

SCORPIO Certain challenges may be tough to conquer, Scorpio. But with the right help you can get the job done. Gemini may be your shining light this week.

AQUARIUS Aquarius, although you do plenty, someone around the house could really use some more assistance from you. It may take some juggling of your schedule to accomplish.

SAGITTARIUS There is no point in speculating about your finances, Sagittarius. Keep track of your deposits and withdrawals so you have a handle on all accounts.

PISCES Usually your outpouring of creative juices is unstoppable, Pisces. This week you could have a little trouble thinking up new ideas.

The Valley Echo Wednesday, November 21, 2012 A31

Remember When A look back at what's happened in the valley over the last 50 years KATE GIBBS Special to The Valley Echo

5 years ago: Panorama Mountain Village held its biggest event yet. Female skiers met at Panorama to compete in the ladies slalom race for the FIS World Cup. On November 25, 2005, women from all over met at Panorama to race down the hill together. The World Cup at Panorama gave Invermere a lot publicity and turned the owners of Panorama into celebrities. 10 years ago: A Calgary developer wanted to build a 64-unit luxury condominium at Radium Hot Springs, where the old water slide property used to be. The now famous Radium Resort is a popular place for dining or an overnight stay. 25 years ago: David Thompson Secondary School students were invited to attend the leadership summit of ’87 in Vancouver. They got to discuss issues that they thought were the most pressing in Invermere and how they could fix them. This gave the students

Christmas Dinner for Seniors

Echo file photo November, 2007 - Ryker Tallis puts the finishing touches on his gingerbread house as part of a workshop at Quality Bakery in Invermere.

the power of speech, and the power to help contribute to making their town a better place. 35 years ago: A Valley Echo story was covered on the CBC news. The interview was held at Toby Benches. People expressed concerns about the camp sites on Toby Creek and the new hydro line that was going up. With that story, the little town of Invemere put itself on the map. 45 years ago: Invermere held a Pio-


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neer Dinner, congratulating all the Rising Sun & Spa Spa Sun Massage Massage & pioneers of the valley. Medals were Rising given out at the dinner to honor these Massage, Reflexology, Pedicures, Facials... Massage, Reflexology, Pedicures, Facials… men and women. Looking for Holiday ideas? 50 years ago: The Invermere Valley Gift certificates for loved ones! Looking Holiday Ideas – Gift Certificates for Loved Ones! Echo reported on the famous chil- for Lyn Birkett, NHPC call or text 250-341-5668 dren's television producer, Mr. PenOpen all year at Radium Resort 10 am - 6 pm NHPC call or txt cell 2 5 0 - 3 4 1 - 5 6 6 8 guin, who was visiting British Colum- Lyn Birkett, Winter Blues? Book an hour massage for bia to be part of a moose hunt. Mr. $70 +hst and $65 +hst for seniors! Open All Year!! 10am – 6pm Penguin hoped to turned the footage he captured of the hunt into an educaWinter Blues? Bookor an email hour massage for $70+hst and $65+hst for senior tional show for kids and adults as well.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 The Valley Echo

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