Magazines - 2012-06-19|

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CESAR! International television star and ‘dog whisperer’ speaks candidly about critics, pit bull bans and losing his beloved dog, Daddy.

Gourmet picnics Summer styles Outdoor dinner parties

Vol. 4 • Issue 7 • OCTOBER 2010


Vol. 6 • Issue 2 • June 2012

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contents VOLUME 6 • ISSUE 2 • JUNE 2012


16 Television star Cesar Millan opens up

about the pros and cons of fame and his plans for the future.

16 COVER STORY: Cesar Millan continues his journey to make the world a better place for our beloved four-legged family members.



6 With summer approaching, it’s time

to get your picnic basket ready. Joey Restaurants’ Chris Mills shares some great ideas for delicious picnic fare.

16 Stand out this season in the hottest looks for the warmer temperatures.

2 2 Go off the beaten path with

California’s less-popular locales. A photographer’s dream!

2 6 Take the dinner party outdoors this summer while keeping it elegant.

2 7 Our wine expert John Schreiner

keeps you in the loop about the best summer sippers, where to get them and how to enjoy them.

From the editor Sarah Massah I can still remember the day my fiancé, Mario, and I brought home the newest addition to our family. Just slightly bigger than my fist, Mila was a bundle of brindled fur with a wet nose. She barely opened her eyes the entire hour-long trip from Mission to our home. I remember Mario telling me that Mila broke away from her mom and siblings and crawled right up to him. “I had no choice, she chose me,” he said, laughing. That was more than two years ago, and boy, have things changed. For starters, our Brazilian mastiff can now fit my fist in her mouth and has more energy than I ever thought possible. Before Mila, I never thought of myself as much of a dog person and now I could not imagine my life without her. She can be a hassle, don’t get me wrong. She needs long walks to tire her out, she has an insatiable appetite and, for some reason, she thinks she is a lap dog. Have you ever seen a 120-pound lap dog? For all her minor faults, she is an

unwavering source of unconditional love. My fellow dog lovers will have no trouble recognizing Cesar Millan, who is our feature story for this issue. Television’s “Dog Whisperer” reveals some of the most common mistakes dog owners make, his new show and how the newest addition to his pack is helping to fight the bad rap pit bulls have received. This issue is also our summer issue, and what better way to enjoy summer than with a glass of chilled rosé, the company of family and friends and delicious, seasonal recipes. We have your summer guide to wine, tips and tricks on how to host an elegant dinner party all in the comfort of your backyard, and delectable picnic fare you can make at home. Flip through the pages and find out how to make the most of your summer days before the rain moves back in.

Publisher Rita Walters Managing Editor Lance Peverley Editor Sarah Massah Creative Services Manager Jim Chmelyk Contributors Erin Anderson • Robyn Jenkins Grant McAvoy • Jason McRobbie Rob Newell • John Schreiner Indulge is published four times annually by Black Press Suite 200 2411 160 Street Surrey, BC V3S 0C8 Tel: 604-575-5321 Fax: 604-531-7977 Distributed free to select households in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. Paid subscriptions available. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs.



Peace Arch Hospital Staff makes Hospital great My baby has Clubfoot!” Of course all I knew about the condition was what it looked like and the name, nothing else. I asked the nurse about his feet and she smiled and said the doctor would be in to speak with me. I was terrified! A few moments later the doctor came in and stood alongside the nurse and smiled at me. Her words I will always remember, “So you noticed his little feet? Pretty cute aren’t they?” She was right and I suddenly wasn’t worried. She told me that yes, he does have Clubfoot and my nurse Jenn would talk to me about it. Jenn smiled at me and said, “Yep, Clubfoot and it is not a big deal. My son was born with the same condition not long ago and the staff at Children’s will take great care of him. It is a condition that is easily corrected.” Baby Blake

On February 16th, 2010, we were surprised by the early labour of our baby as we thought we had a couple more weeks to prepare. Once I realized I was in labour, it was off to Peace Arch Hospital in a hurry!!! Upon my arrival, I was greeted by a number of amazing staff. The staff were helpful, funny, kind, and most importantly they made us feel comfortable. The maternity ward was buzzing and all the rooms were full of expecting parents! Those nurses sure had their hands full but were relaxed and taking it all in stride. I was put in the “exam” room and told that there was a good chance this was where I would be having my baby because there was no time to send me elsewhere. I was absolutely fine with that because there was no other place I wanted my baby to be born. And that was a great decision because it wasn’t long before our third (and final!) son arrived! And he was perfect! Upon the baby being placed in my arms I noticed his feet were not straight. Clubfoot. All I could think was “Oh no!

She continued on and told me what to expect. I was completely at ease after the conversation. What luck did I have that my nurse just experienced what I am just beginning to? We stayed one night at Peace Arch Hospital before taking our new son home. We went home worry free and thankful not only for Jenn who was able to put our minds at ease, but for all of the staff in the maternity ward. I cannot emphasize how much it shows that the staff at Peace Arch Hospital really care about their patients and enjoy the careers they have chosen. The staff are what make Peace Arch Hospital so great and that is why I love it! Angie Banford

Rhonda West

Blessed by empathetic care Over the past several years I have had many hospital stays, CTs, ultrasounds and now yearly MRIs. I have personally received expedient, skillful care by the doctors, nurses and technicians I have had the fortune to be treated by. Thoughts of the care and compassion of some of the nurses still touch my heart.... We are blessed by the empathetic care of all the Peace Arch Hospital staff and volunteers. There is no such thing as ‘non-essential’ staff, as all are dearly needed to keep up quality of care. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! Sincerely, Rhonda West

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Indulge in...



Joey Restaurants’ Executive Chef Chris Mills makes picnic magic with simple and fresh ingredients.


by Jason McRobbie • photos by Rob Newell


hen it comes to the art of the picnic, freshthinking and a side of tradition goes a long way. In the hands of Joey Restaurant Group’s executive chef Chris Mills, it is readily elevated to a celebration of something more. In keeping with the status of the restaurant group he so ably guides in the kitchen, a premium casual picnic is in order. “Romantically, picnics mean we have time to sit and relax. Realistically, picnics mean we have time to do nothing,” says Mills with a grin. Picnics stir memories of a life rarely less busy than at present for one of Canada’s most prolific culinary talents. Fortunately, Mills takes his passions to work on a daily basis for Joey, so fresh memories are always in the making. “When we were looking at the summer menu, we found a lot of inspiration in the picnic. Our goal was to honour the favourites and go back to basics, but with big, bold flavours at the forefront,” he says. “We’re not introducing new animals or anything, just bringing a new hit of fresh; a more healthy, contemporary approach to some of the classic picnic table favourites.” Voted one of the 10 most beautiful British Columbians by TV Week and wearing a smile as youthful as Joey’s cadre of culinary talents, it’s easy to forget Mills is far more than a pretty face. He has been in the industry since the age of 14 and has been passionate about good food and people for a lifetime. 6 JUNE 2012 INDULGE

Recognized as a Pierre Dubrulle “Rising Star” in 1995, Mills took to the global stage on the original Japanese Iron Chef in 1999, before competing against 21 of the world’s top chefs in 2001 at the renowned Bocuse d’Or competition. All accolades aside, since joining Joey in 2005, things have only become more fulfilling for Mills. The key difference now is that his

passion and vision is shared with a team that extends over 21-locations spread over four provinces and one state. Together, they have done some great things – hosting a pair of dinners for the James Beard Foundation in New York remains a highlight. No one does that alone. Mills clearly enjoys the challenges and opportunities it presents. “Training is key. We

bring our teams from across the country and it creates a great learning synergy. Some incredible ideas come out of a group that size – that’s what really moves us forward the most.” The recipes he has created to share with Indulge readers come with no small pedigree and a comforting culinary caveat: if you are really not in the mood to cook, everything below can

Our goal was to honour the favourites and go back to basics, but with big, bold flavours at the forefront

be found on Joey Restaurants’ summer menu. Otherwise, slip into the summer season in fine style with some savvy picnic recipes – and one cool cocktail twist on a Tom Collins. Gathered together in the test kitchen at Joey Bentall One, Mills draws attention to the cutting board, where a beautifully crusted bird awaits. “When it comes to chicken or any poultry, you are looking for a story bird. Every bird tells a story, so you really want it raised and processed as well as possible. Part of what you want to look for is a nice, tight skin,” Mills explains as he inhales the aromas of picnics past. “Good roasted chicken is unbeatable.” There is, however, a wealth of ways to take

good to great. As per the aforementioned crust and Mills’ customary modesty, his Spanish paprika rub recipe is one of them. Taking the time for a 24-hour brine, trussing the bird and putting the barbecue rotisserie to use in the cooking goes a long way, too. As always, turning and basting works wonders in the final flavour and presentation departments. Naturally, nothing says summer like salads, but the leafy mainstays wilt in comparison to true picnic-friendly champions. Those Mills has readied might just become staples in your own picnic sideshow: a crunchy green apple coleslaw with a Tabasco kick and an organic brown and wild rice salad brimming with almonds and currants. “It’s all about making food that keeps its freshness in the field,” said Mills. “A great

way to do that with the coleslaw is to keep the vinaigrette separate and toss the slaw about 10 minutes before you want to eat.” And while fresh berries alone can make a perfect picnic dessert, Mills had the pleasure of working at London’s River Cafe last summer - and whisked away a final course as simple as it is divine: an almond, lemon and ricotta cake topped with fresh raspberries. As far a cry from a cheesecake as a pillow from a brick, it weighs in nicely for the summer set and is open to enough variation to make it a recurring picnic finish. Without a doubt, the perfect picnic requires a bit of work upfront. Truly celebrating having the time to do nothing, especially under the warm rays of summer, is nothing if not thirsty work. Which is why Mills is also the consummate host with drink order in hand: a shimmering glass of strawberry ginger lemonade as Tom Collins as you wish. For more recipes, including the ones for dishes mentioned above, tips and one-onone chats with Mills –visit Indulge online at i INDULGE • JUNE 2012 7

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Organic brown wild rice, almond and currant salad

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Organic brown wild rice, almond and currant salad Makes 4-6 portions 1 cup 2 cups ¼ cup 1 cup 1 oz ¼ cup 1 tbsp ¼ cup

organic brown rice, cooked white rice, cooked wild rice red pepper, carrots, celery, onion, garlic currants almonds, whole toasted Italian parsley, chopped basic vinaigrette – recipe follows

Live Your S tyle L I V E U R BA N R O M A N C E

Basic vinaigrette Makes 1 cup 1 cup 1 2 tbsp ¼ cup 1 tbsp 1 tsp to taste

olive / vegetable oil, blended shallot, minced dijon mustard white wine vinegar sugar ground cumin salt & pepper

Whisk olive oil into other ingredients to make a stable, emulsified dressing.

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Roasted chicken with Spanish paprika

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1 1 Âź cup

chicken, young fryer quart brine – (recipe follows) Chris’ Spanish paprika chicken seasoning – (recipe follows)

Have your butcher truss the chicken (tie into a compact shape to roast the fryer more evenly). Prepare the brine recipe and place the chicken in the brine for 24 hours before roasting. Remove from the brine and drain/dry thoroughly. Season generously all over the chicken then roast it, preferably on a barbecue rotisserie if you have one, or follow your favorite recipe for oven-roasting - which should always involve turning and basting the chicken for best results. Let it cool briey before cutting or placing the chicken in a waxy paper bag or other suitable container to take to the picnic! Chicken Brine Makes one quart

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1 quart Âź cup 2 Sprig 4 cloves 1 Tbsp

water salt lemons, cut in half thyme garlic, crushed peppercorns

Prepare the ingredients in a suitable pot by dissolving the salt in the water over heat. Allow all the ingredients to blend, then remove and chill before using.

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Chris’ Spanish paprika chicken seasoning Makes 3 cups ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup

Spanish paprika salt garlic powder sugar onion powder thyme powder

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Blend all the dry spices together and store in an airtight container for later use.

Coleslaw with Tabasco vinaigrette

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Makes 4-6 portions 3 cups ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup 1 tbsp to taste

cabbage, medium shred celery, diced green apple, diced green onion, diced Tabasco vinaigrette (recipe follows) Italian parsley chopped salt & pepper

For a picnic, keep the coleslaw separate from the vinaigrette and toss about 10 minutes before you want to eat. This keeps the coleslaw fresh and crisp, but gives enough time to absorb the flavours. Tabasco vinaigrette ½ cup vegetable oil ¼ cup white vinegar 2 limes, zested and juiced 2 Tbsp Tabasco (or to taste) 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp celery seed

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INDULGE • JUNE 2012 11

stand-out season W The Anthology’s Kelsey Dundon dishes on summer’s trends and how to make them work for you by Sarah Massah • photo by Sherry Lu

hat’s bold, patterned and fabulous? It could be you, wearing the season’s hottest styles. creator and Vancouver fashion maven Kelsey Dundon spoke with Indulge about the hottest looks for the summer. With so many different looks coming out for the warm weather, it can be tricky finding one that works for you. For those who have an olive complexion, Dundon suggests incorporating pastel colours into the wardrobe. “Pastels are massive right now. It’s funny, back in the day, pastels were very 1980s, so you think of polo shirts and khakis, but now it’s much more sorbet and sophisticated. We’re seeing everything from pastel blouses, denims to shoes taking over,” Dundon said, noting at the same time, there are still lots of saturated colours being used. “Having both opposing colour palettes is interesting, but I think it reflects that sunshine, outdoorsy feel that everyone loves.” However, Dundon admits, even the most fearless fashionista could have issues pulling off pastels. “It can be really difficult to wear, unless you have an olive skin tone,” she said. “It can easily wash someone out. I have very fair skin, so if I wear a light yellow, I look like a zombie.” For those with a fair complexion who are wanting to get on the trend, Dundon suggests incorporating pastels by way of accessories, such as a patent leather handbag or shoes.


[Fashion] is the perfect opportunity to play around and get outside your comfort zone

The Anthology’s Kelsey Dundon suggests trying a bold pattern or pastel for the summer season. “It’s great to expand your footwear beyond the typical black and brown we see,” she said.”Get some bright colours to freshen up your wardrobe.” For those who want to forego pastels, another major trend is prints, Dundon said. “They’re really daring right now. Whether they’re really graphic, abstract or Alexander McQueen-style, which are bold and computer-manipulated.” And if you’re feeling a bit daring, Dundon suggests trying on a bold, all-over patterned dress. To tone down the trend, incorporating a silky blouse with a simple print is an easy

and conservative way to wear the trend. “You can wear it with a skirt or with a jacket on top to make it office appropriate,” Dundon said. And for those who are not 18-years-old, five-foot-ten and 110 pounds, Dundon has some simple tricks on wearing prints. “If you have a model body, clothes will hang off beautifully. But if you are curvier, it can be challenging. It’s all about maintaining proportions and balancing out your shape,” she said. For those who are top-heavy, pick a top that is neutral and opt for a printed skirt which will

draw eyes to the lower body, creating an optical illusion. For those who carry weight around their hips and thighs, Dundon suggests switching the combination – neutral on bottom, bold on top. Above all else, Vancouver’s favourite fashionista encourages people to take risks. “Even though a print might look wild on a hanger, try it on and then you can mix it up,” she said. “Fashion is really fun right now. It’s bold, it’s playful and there are so many colours and prints. “It’s the perfect opportunity to play around and get outside your comfort zone.”

Indulge in...


Slip into Summer The season’s hottest styles are a mix of muted tones, bold patterns and bright colours. Photography .... Grant McAvoy Model ............. Robyn Jenkins Hair/Makeup .. Robyn Jenkins Stylist ............... Sarah Massah

Robyn wears a sexy dove gray Miss Ao dress from Anna Kristina Boutique, 604-536-8873, with jeweled Bvlgari sunglasses from Sight For Sore Eyes, 778-294-1132.


Get the look: Top left, Robyn basks in the sun wearing a pair of white linen Chalet pants, a vibrant pink tank top and scarf from Never Enuff Clothes, 604536-5555. Prada sunglasses from Sight for Sore Eyes, 778-294-1132, finish off the casual look. Bottom left, Robyn is in a floral BB Dakota maxi from Muse Social Fashion House, 604-560-5115. Her eyes are safe from the sun in a pair of white, oversized Prada sunglasses from Sight for Sore Eyes, 778-2941132. Near right, Robyn shows off her legs with a cobalt blue Bardot dress from Muse Social Fashion House, 604560-5115. She sheilds her eyes in a pair of whimsical black oversized Prada sunglasses from Sight for Sore Eyes, 778-294-1132. Nude and stacked Van Eli wedges from Eleganté Shoes elongate her legs.

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Television star and dog guru Cesar Millan reveals the most common mistake dog-owners make, how to move on after the passing of a pet and what’s in store for the future. by Sarah Massah


esar Millan has come a long way from the days of being referred to as “el perrero” or the dirty dog boy. The dog guru, born in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, earned the lessthan-complimentary name from other children who couldn’t help but notice dogs following the then-13-year-old around. Speaking to Indulge from his home in Los Angeles, CA, television’s “dog whisperer” is preparing for his summer 2012 tour covering cities in both Europe and Singapore – a far cry from nearly 30 years ago, when he was living on the streets of L.A., alone and unable to speak any English. Eventually, the young Millan went with what he knew best, regardless of language barriers. He landed a job grooming and walking dogs, often walking up to 30 dogs at a time.... off-leash. After developing a reputation for having the ability to work with even the most aggressive dogs, Millan was sought out by Jada Pinkett (now Jada Pinkett Smith) in 1994.


The television sitcom actress quickly became one of Millan’s biggest supporters, paying for his English tutor for a year after he revealed his dream was to be on television. “There’s that saying that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I think I’ve been very lucky in my life. I had spent my whole life working and learning from dogs, and when I met Jada and she helped me learn English and advised me in my career, I was ready to make the most of this chance that I’d been given,” Millan said. In 2004, the pilot for Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan aired on National Geographic, featuring Millan working with problem dogs and owners. Using methods based on the interaction in wolf packs, Millan helped owners establish themselves as “pack-leaders.” During its first season, Dog Whisperer with

Cesar Millan became National Geographic’s number-one show. However, with all the positive attention came negative backlash. In 2006, critics began to speak out against Millan for his use of physical confrontation with aggressive dogs and the use of choke chains, saying positive reinforcement should be used instead. Millan’s response has been steady over the years, to simply point out his success rate. “I just ignore them. I think the reason I’ve been successful, is people have used my methods and they’ve worked and they’ve told other people. I don’t think people would keep buying my books and watching my show if there wasn’t something to it. I know some people have spread rumours that I physically abuse dogs, which I think is disgusting,” he said. “I do believe that

That’s the price of being famous. People are going to say mean things about you.

sometimes you have to physically correct a dog, but that’s because dogs respond with all their senses, including touch. But that’s much different than causing a dog pain or abusing a dog. Anyone who knows me knows that’s something I’m not capable of. “That’s the price of being famous. People are going to say mean things about you. You have to have a thick skin. But I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given, I can live with a few critics.” And the root of many of his critics’ qualms may be the biggest problem some pet owners face: treating their dog like it’s human. Often people project their own feelings onto the dog or treat them like children, Millan said. “Many times, people come up to me and say their dog is just like one of their children. I don’t know whether it’s the dog or the child, but in this scenario, someone’s needs aren’t getting met. I’ve raised children and dogs, and they’re not the same,” he said.

Despite the setbacks, Millan continues on his quest to rehabilitate dogs and assist owners. He established the Dog Psychology Center located in Santa Clarita, The Millan Foundation, which provides funding and rehabilitation support globally, created, which provides support and tips for dog owners, and is a vocal advocate for pit bulls. For years, Millan’s pit bull, Daddy, was his best friend, main dog and an integral part of the show, often guiding dogs undergoing rehabilitation with his calm and assertive presence. Sadly, Daddy passed two years ago at the age of 16 – a devastating blow for Millan. “I think the most difficult thing about having a dog is you know going in, they’re not going to be with you forever. I think you have to focus on the quality of life, not the number of years. I’ve met people who don’t want to get a dog because they don’t think they can handle having to lose him. But you know, think about all the

grandparents and older people in our lives and how they’ve enriched our lives, even if they were only present for a short time,” he said. “I was very fortunate that Daddy had such a long and healthy life and I got to share it with him. And before he left us, he brought Junior into the pack, and his spirit lives on. Of course, I miss Daddy every day, but to have had the gift of so much time with him, I really can’t be bitter.” While Millan admits everyone grieves differently, one thing he does recommend is focusing on the gift of time shared with the furry family member, rather than focusing on the pain of the loss. And while it may be a difficult decision, Millan also suggests getting another dog. “I knew when Daddy’s time was coming, and I wanted to bring Junior into the pack while he was still alive to ease the transition. Being with Junior helped both of us deal with the grief after Daddy passed,” he said. “Sometimes people think it’s disloyal to the dog that passed to replace him, but INDULGE • JUNE 2012 17


Television star and dog guru Cesar Millan reveals the most common mistake dog-owners make, how to move on after the passing of a pet and what’s in store for the future. by Sarah Massah


esar Millan has come a long way from the days of being referred to as “el perrero” or the dirty dog boy. The dog guru, born in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, earned the lessthan-complimentary name from other children who couldn’t help but notice dogs following the then-13-year-old around. Speaking to Indulge from his home in Los Angeles, CA, television’s “dog whisperer” is preparing for his summer 2012 tour covering cities in both Europe and Singapore – a far cry from nearly 30 years ago, when he was living on the streets of L.A., alone and unable to speak any English. Eventually, the young Millan went with what he knew best, regardless of language barriers. He landed a job grooming and walking dogs, often walking up to 30 dogs at a time.... off-leash. After developing a reputation for having the ability to work with even the most aggressive dogs, Millan was sought out by Jada Pinkett (now Jada Pinkett Smith) in 1994.


The television sitcom actress quickly became one of Millan’s biggest supporters, paying for his English tutor for a year after he revealed his dream was to be on television. “There’s that saying that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I think I’ve been very lucky in my life. I had spent my whole life working and learning from dogs, and when I met Jada and she helped me learn English and advised me in my career, I was ready to make the most of this chance that I’d been given,” Millan said. In 2004, the pilot for Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan aired on National Geographic, featuring Millan working with problem dogs and owners. Using methods based on the interaction in wolf packs, Millan helped owners establish themselves as “pack-leaders.” During its first season, Dog Whisperer with

Cesar Millan became National Geographic’s number-one show. However, with all the positive attention came negative backlash. In 2006, critics began to speak out against Millan for his use of physical confrontation with aggressive dogs and the use of choke chains, saying positive reinforcement should be used instead. Millan’s response has been steady over the years, to simply point out his success rate. “I just ignore them. I think the reason I’ve been successful, is people have used my methods and they’ve worked and they’ve told other people. I don’t think people would keep buying my books and watching my show if there wasn’t something to it. I know some people have spread rumours that I physically abuse dogs, which I think is disgusting,” he said. “I do believe that

That’s the price of being famous. People are going to say mean things about you.

sometimes you have to physically correct a dog, but that’s because dogs respond with all their senses, including touch. But that’s much different than causing a dog pain or abusing a dog. Anyone who knows me knows that’s something I’m not capable of. “That’s the price of being famous. People are going to say mean things about you. You have to have a thick skin. But I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given, I can live with a few critics.” And the root of many of his critics’ qualms may be the biggest problem some pet owners face: treating their dog like it’s human. Often people project their own feelings onto the dog or treat them like children, Millan said. “Many times, people come up to me and say their dog is just like one of their children. I don’t know whether it’s the dog or the child, but in this scenario, someone’s needs aren’t getting met. I’ve raised children and dogs, and they’re not the same,” he said.

Despite the setbacks, Millan continues on his quest to rehabilitate dogs and assist owners. He established the Dog Psychology Center located in Santa Clarita, The Millan Foundation, which provides funding and rehabilitation support globally, created, which provides support and tips for dog owners, and is a vocal advocate for pit bulls. For years, Millan’s pit bull, Daddy, was his best friend, main dog and an integral part of the show, often guiding dogs undergoing rehabilitation with his calm and assertive presence. Sadly, Daddy passed two years ago at the age of 16 – a devastating blow for Millan. “I think the most difficult thing about having a dog is you know going in, they’re not going to be with you forever. I think you have to focus on the quality of life, not the number of years. I’ve met people who don’t want to get a dog because they don’t think they can handle having to lose him. But you know, think about all the

grandparents and older people in our lives and how they’ve enriched our lives, even if they were only present for a short time,” he said. “I was very fortunate that Daddy had such a long and healthy life and I got to share it with him. And before he left us, he brought Junior into the pack, and his spirit lives on. Of course, I miss Daddy every day, but to have had the gift of so much time with him, I really can’t be bitter.” While Millan admits everyone grieves differently, one thing he does recommend is focusing on the gift of time shared with the furry family member, rather than focusing on the pain of the loss. And while it may be a difficult decision, Millan also suggests getting another dog. “I knew when Daddy’s time was coming, and I wanted to bring Junior into the pack while he was still alive to ease the transition. Being with Junior helped both of us deal with the grief after Daddy passed,” he said. “Sometimes people think it’s disloyal to the dog that passed to replace him, but INDULGE • JUNE 2012 17

you’re not really replacing him, you’re just expanding your pack. I think we all have unlimited love to give, and there are so many dogs out there that need love and will love you back, so I can’t think of a better way to honour your lost friend. I know Daddy is happy Junior and I have each other.” Now, Junior is the one who helps Millan dispel myths about pit bulls and helps rehabilitate dogs. Millan explains no matter the level of skill or instinct, no human can communicate with a dog better than a dog. “Junior models behaviour for other dogs and brings his calm, submissive energy to the room. It’s harder for other dogs to go nuts when Junior’s in the room being calm and not escalating their energy,” he said. “With humans, I think he’s a wonderful ambassador for pit bulls. When people meet Junior, they can see that pit bulls aren’t the aggressive, angry dogs you see in the media.” With the help of his pack, Millan has been fighting to get rid of Breed Specific Legislation, which often targets pit bulls. While he admits pit bulls are powerful creatures, Millan maintains any aggressive behaviour lies with the humans who train them. “Daddy and Junior are the two most peaceful dogs I’ve ever known, or humans, for that matter. In a test that evaluated temperaments of different dogs, pit bulls scored better than golden retrievers, cocker spaniels and collies. So, it’s really about perception,” Millan said.”It’s why I’ve always had a pit bull as my main dog – to help counteract the prejudices in the media.” “I think the media has made

pit bulls into the monster of the day. When I was a kid, it was all about how vicious Dobermans were. The bottom line is the most dangerous breed is the human.” Millan cites the shift in the way pit bulls have been portrayed, from being used in advertising campaigns for Buster Brown and RCA, and in movies like Little Rascals, to being presented as “tough guys” in music videos and news stories about dogfighting. “People have started to view them as a symbol of fierceness,” Millan said. “It’s really the dog equivalent of racial profiling. Dogs of every breed do good and bad things.” With Junior at his side, Millan continues to fight the misconceptions about pit bulls and plans to use his inherent skills to help treat problem dogs of all breeds. There will be more Dog Whisperer in the future, as well as a new show called Leader of the Pack, where Cesar will help rehabilitate rescue dogs while families compete to make the best home for them. He’s also fully-immersed himself into new media, constantly updating and improving his website and getting active in social media. “We recently passed two million subscribers on Facebook and 400,000 followers on Twitter, and I’ve really been blown away by the reaction of the online community. My fans are really amazing. “I’m also travelling all over the world for my live tours and to meet people and help them with their dogs. So a lot of plans! My goal is still to rehabilitate dogs and train people and hopefully make the world a better place, one dog at a time.” i

The bottom line is the most dangerous breed is the human


Pricey Pooches Dogs can be a pricey purchase, and not just in the amount of love and attention they need. In 2011, a Chinese multi-millionaire purchased a red Tibetan mastiff called Big Splash, “Hong Dong” in Chinese, for 10 million Yuan, or about $1.5 million US. While that may be a one-off occurrence, there are certain dog breeds that require a bit of saving before bringing home. Below are some of the priciest dogs: • German Shepherds - This loyal breed tops the list, fetching anywhere between $3,000 to $24,000. • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Slightly smaller in stature than the German Shepherd and in price, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can sell for between $1,000 to $14,000. • Samoyed - Originating from Siberia, this breed can cost between $4,000 to $11,000. • British Bulldog/ English Bulldog - With their distinct facial creases and stout legs, this breed can cost anywhere between $2,500 to $9,000. Of course, there are many deserving dogs available for a fraction of the cost at your local SPCA, usually between $299-$499.

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the road less travelled

California’s ‘other side’ inspires photographer

by Gord Goble • photos by Gord Goble


alifornia is Disneyland, of course, Fisherman’s Wharf, Hollywood and the San Diego Zoo. And, some of the best beaches in North America. But there’s another California – a wilder California where the sights are substantially more unusual, the crowds decidedly thinner and the photographer’s lens more easily able to focus on the uncommon. Today we’ll take a gander at a trio of Cali’s more unique locales – three spots a camera loves and where we guarantee you’ll come away not feeling tourist-trapped. We begin our journey two hours south of San Francisco on the Monterey Peninsula, where the elite meet to golf Pebble Beach or consort with one another at Carmel-bythe-Sea. But mere minutes outside the typical meccas is some of the most spectacular waterfront scenery in the state. Here, at spots like 17 Mile Drive and Point Lobos State Reserve, the Pacific Ocean unleashes its fury on a shoreline that alternates schizophrenically between


stretches of perfect golden sand and barnsized rock outcroppings. Groves of strikingly windswept trees dot the landscape, and on the beach you’re just

as likely to find a horse and rider as you are a gaggle of sea lions. It’s easy to lose oneself here – if not in the sights, then in the thunder of the mountainous surf as it echoes into the night. A day’s drive southeast – but a world away in terms of environment – lies Death Valley. Step out of the car at Dante’s View on the park’s eastern edge, and prepare to be humbled. You’re looking at hundreds of miles of valley floor a full mile below you. Inside the park, at not-to-be-missed geologic wonders like Zabriskie Point and Artist’s Drive, and even in the whiteout wasteland known as Badwater, the lowest point in all of North America, Death Valley becomes far more intimate yet remains consistently packed with distant vistas. A warm respite from cold Canadian winters, this alien environment is certainly about the solitude. But the sense of wonder is no less distracting. A half day away is Palm Springs and oodles of wrinkly sun-seekers. But for those who crave the bizarre, the real draw is an

hour south from there. It’s called the Salton Sea, and it’s nothing if not weird. Created accidentally a century ago when a broken levee flooded – for two straight years – a nondescript desert basin, the Salton Sea was hyped for decades as an aquatic playground for the rich and famous. One problem: the water that filled the basin could not escape. It stagnated instead, becoming saltier – and smellier – in the process. The upscale crowds never really did materialize, though nearly 400 species of migrating birds did, turning the Sea into one of North America’s most important avian stopovers. Today the massive 500-square-mile Salton Sea is an eerie landscape where human activity is confined to impoverished settlements and the curious few who explore its feathered population and its plentiful modern ruins. Where the deep blue hues of the lake and the pink desert hills that surround it form an undeniably eye-catching palette. Where the shore overflows with the remains of oxygen-starved fish, yet the skies are alive with the rarest of birds. An idyllic oasis from afar, yet alternately beautiful and ugly up close, it is a polarizing study in contrasts and a fitting culmination to a look at California’s other side. i

Clockwise from left: An odd, but patriotic, man stands on the side of Route 66, between the mostly deserted towns of Amboy and Essex; Famous Bixby Creek Bridge seen in numerous car commercials and movies; Closeup view of Death Valley’s famous geological landmark, “Manly Beacon”; Bombay Beach on the shores of the Salton Sea was, in the middle of the last century, a hot spot for the well-to-do.

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INDULGE • JUNE 2012 23

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Dining al Fresco

Move your next dinner party to the great outdoors

by Sarah Massah


fter months of rain and cloudy skies, the weather is beginning to take a turn for the better, so it’s no wonder people are looking to take advantage of the rise in temperature by spending as much time outside as possible. And what better way to do that than to host an elegant outdoor dinner party. Briar Codesmith, owner of HouseWarmings Design in South Surrey, shares a few tips and tricks on how to make your outdoor dinner party perfect. First things first, Codesmith suggests beginning the project by coming up with a clear image of how you want the evening to look. “Define your style. Figure out if you want it to be casual or formal or another style and start from there,” she said. “Be true to yourself and ensure that you’re comfortable in your own surroundings.” The décor and design expert says indoor dinner parties you hosted may be a good place to draw inspiration from. For example, if you are used to doing a more elegant dinner at home, then transfer that to the outside. “Take out your fine linen, your cutlery and your china and really go that extra mile to make it elegant,” she said. “People don’t use their good pieces enough, so it’s really about bringing them out and showing them off. “On the other hand, if you have a very 26 JUNE 2012 INDULGE

and coasters. For those who want a more subdued look for their dinner party, layering neutrals and adding texture is a wonderful way to add interesting feel to the table. Lanterns and candles create a warm and inviting atmosphere, Codesmith said, and if you have lots of sun leading up to the party, why not try using a solar lantern? “They are great, you can leave them outside and they gather up all the sun rays and light up at night,” she said. “They’re not super-bright, but they are moodenhancing.“It also keeps the party going. You don’t want your guests to feel as though they should leave once the sun goes down.”

More tips from Codesmith include:

Briar Codesmith holds a tray of bright mini lanterns.

casual home, with lots of children running around, then it’s the perfect opportunity to add some colour and bring out the summer pieces for a more family-oriented and casual dinner.” If colour is what you want, without splurging on big-ticket items, Codesmith suggests having your permanent pieces, such as dinner plates, in neutral colours, then pulling in vibrant colours with linen

• Ensure easy access to the powder room, and have your powder room reflect the same feeling and style as the party. • Send out invitations with a description of the dress code. • Try serving the meal buffet-style so you can cater to the dietary needs of your guests and use place cards to identify the dish and its contents. • For those who are germ-conscious, have guest towels in the powder room. Have an empty waste basket and crumple a towel in it so guests follow suit. • Have extra blankets handy for when the weather becomes cooler as the sun goes down.

Summer sips A guide to seasonal avours


eorge Gershwin had it right when he wrote: “Summertime ‌and the livin’ is easy.â€? Since he never got around to recommending drinks for summertime, let me put Ella Fitzgerald on the stereo – her rendition of the song is arguably the best – while I make up for George’s omission. Salads are a staple of summer dining in our house. Whether it is seafood salad, couscous salad, bean salad or a salad of greens, the wines should be aromatic, fruity, refreshingly crisp and chilled. The choices are boundless. B.C. white wines with by J O H N wonderful aromas and avours vibrant Schreiner enough to stand up to salads include Arrowleaf GewĂźrztraminer ($16), JoieFarm Muscat ($23), Quails’ Gate GewĂźrztraminer ($17) and Calona Sovereign Opal ($15). Looking for an import? Try Sauvignon Blanc such as Wither Hills from New Zealand ($20) or Errazuriz from Chile ($14) or Torrontes from Argentina (Santa Ana at $15). You can ďŹ nd these wines in VQA stores and better private wine stores. The rising popularity of rosĂŠ is the recent trend that has improved summer for many consumers. There is a wide selection of dry but fruity rosĂŠs, almost always priced at $15-$16, that are easily paired with salads, sandwiches and barbecued salmon. These are perfect wines for picnics. Being lighter than red wines but still full of avour, rosĂŠ is often more enjoyable on a warm day. B.C. wineries with excellent rosĂŠs include CedarCreek, Quails’ Gate, JoieFarm, Gray Monk and Haywire. Red wine is called for on those occasions when there are burgers, steaks or sausages on the grill. While Gershwin’s song also said, “yo daddy’s rich,â€? don’t break the bank on wines consumed on patios because the subtleties of a great wine will be lost on the breeze or among the odours of passing cars. Stick with good, honest reds: Masi CampoďŹ orin from Italy ($20), Torres Coronas from Spain ($16), or, from the Okanagan, Hester Creek Character Red ($20). And have a good summer.

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INDULGE • JUNE 2012 27


Sushi & Grill

asian flavours


Upon entering Maguroguy, South Surrey’s newest establishment offering a delectable array of Asian cuisine, guests are warmly greeted by owner Ho-Jin Shin. But great service and friendly staff are only a prelude to what awaits. Arrive hungry as Maguroguy portions are generous and so delicious you won’t want to leave a morsel on your plate. At Maguroguy ‘fresh’ is the key to each creation and true flavours are given center stage. Diners will enjoy entreés such as succulent beef sashimi, delicately spiced tuna on crisp endive and the most fall-off-the-bone tender (cooked a minimum of 4 hours) Korean bar-b-que you will ever eat. No stranger to the magic of sashimi and the grill, diners may remember Ho-Jin Shin as the former owner of Shinjuku Japanese Restaurant in White Rock. After over 14 years away from the Semiahmoo Peninsula(Ho-Jin Shin ran a restaurant in Ladner), he is thrilled to be back and is looking forward to creating relationships with Asian food fans throughout the Fraser Valley.

savour the city

THo-Jin Shin

Top photo: Lobster Maki, middle photo: Bento Box, bottom photo: Korean Style Beef Steak

WHO: Ho-Jin Shin YEARS IN THE BUSINESS: 19 RESTAURANT: Maguroguy, #320 - 2670 152nd Street, South Surrey, 604.560.1424 STYLE OF FOOD: Sushi & Grill Asian Cuisine, Large selection of tuna appetizers “Maguroguy” means “Tuna Man” 28 JUNE 2012 INDULGE




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Original art is a piece of work that has not been reproduced and only painted once. The artist who decides not to go into print demands of him/herself to keep producing, to seek new vistas, new images.

local impressions

Barbara Boldt / Artist

It might be the same view at a different time of day or year. We all have uniquely individual impressions of a scene or an object. Once the painter has produced the choice of his very own vision, he/ she has created an original piece of art which becomes a part of the artists signature, and will affect the viewer as such.

From Crust to Core

There is a certain satisfaction in owning a truly original work of art. The viewer identifies with the artists creation and might feel that it was painted just for him to enjoy. Barbara Boldt is one of British Columbia’s most respected artists. She has private collectors as far away as Dubai and Germany. “Since 1975, Barbara has been a dedicated painter, creating memorable images of British Columbia’s unique landscape”. From her successful series “EarthPatterns” to her local images and floral work, Barbara focuses on the ever changing face of Nature’s creations. Doing strictly original art, all of her paintings are one of a kind. Call 604.888.5490 today to set up an appointment to visit her Fort Langley art gallery!

qBARBARA BOLDT Bellhouse Reflection

WHO: Barbara Boldt. YEARS IN THE BUSINESS: 37. Barbara, with the help of Dr. K. Jane Watt PHD (historian/ wordsmith), is working on “PLACES OF HER HEART” The Art and Life of Barbara Boldt. The book will be published in 2012. Updates regarding this will happen when available.

photo by Elizabeth Sigalet

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