Alberni Valley News, November 22, 2012

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Alberni Valley


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After more than a century, Hesquiaht vindicated over wrongful hanging.

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Students at AW Neill explore science, technology at Grade 8 Science Fair.

Every home ◆ Every Thursday ◆ Every day online

THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 2012



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Vol. 7 No. 13


Pages 30-31


the picket

LINE NIC support workers pressure for more wages with two-day strike.

Page 13 North Island College aboriginal education advisor Luke George asks ‘where’s the funding?’ as he and other members of CUPE Loc. 3479 picket in front of the college, Tuesday morning. WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON/ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS

Start to finish at

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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012


Fill a QF food bag and help a food drive SUSAN QUINN Alberni Valley News

Quality Foods, RBC Royal Bank and the Alberni Valley News are teaming up for a holiday food drive this week. In today’s issue of the News you’ll find a grocery bag from Quality Foods; we’re

asking our readers to consider putting some non-perishable food items in the bags and dropping them off at either Quality Foods on 10th Avenue or Royal Bank on Third Avenue. The food will go toward food bank programs in the Alberni Valley.

People can donate to the Royal Bank food drive in a number of ways in addition to the Quality Foods bags, branch manager Matei Mateias said. The bank has put out collection boxes at its Third Avenue branch where people can donate individual non-perishable food

items. The bank is also selling bags that have already been filled with food for $10. “We sell the bags and we donate the food,” Mateias said. Mateias also wanted to ensure the food banks received some cash donations, so the bank bought

10 of the pre-made grocery bags and will donate the cash raised from selling these particular bags. Bank staff has also collected another $100 from clients. Anyone wishing to purchase a pre-made bag may do so at the reception desk or any teller.

The food drive will continue until just before Christmas “so we have enough time to sell all the bags and get them to the food bank before Christmas,” he added. Last year the bank collected two boxes of food and $200, which was donated to the Salvation Army’s food

bank. The Royal Bank has a number of other initiatives on the go this Christmas, Mateias said. The Quality Foods newspaper bag promotion is carried out annually in an Island-wide co-ordinated effort.

Hesquiaht forgives province for century old hanging WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON Alberni Valley News


n 10 minutes, B.C. Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ida Chong did her best to erase 143 years of pain suffered by the Hesquiaht people for the wrongful hanging of one of their ancestors in front of his family. “In 1869, justice of the day was carried out in a harsh and violent manner to two of your ancestors – John Anietsachist and Katkinna,” the MLA for Oak BayGordon Head said to a crowd of more than 400 gathered at Maht Mahs gym in Port Alberni. “Oh behalf of the government of British Columbia, I wish to express our sincere regret that your homeland was forced to bear witness to such violence.” The past can’t be undone, Chong said. “But whatever your ancestry, wherever we live, we share with you a common sorrow of man’s cruelty to man.” In return, Anietsachist’s greatgreat-great-grandson, Anietsachist Victor Amos, thanked Chong and, in expressing

WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON/Alberni Valley News

Left, BC Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ida Chong presents a gift to Hesquiaht officials last Saturday. Right, the descendants of Anietsachist gather in a show of forgiveness for a century old hanging.

forgiveness, brought an end to a bitter resentment that endured for more than a century. “If we don’t forgive as a family then that becomes a cancer of the heart and it will eat you alive,” Amos said. “But it’s more than just a hanging that we forgive for.” Anietsachist, a Hesquiaht leader, and his friend were hanged in front of Anietsachist’s family. Colonial officials left the gallows the

‘My grandfather paid the

ultimate price.’ – Victor Amos men were hanged on standing for five years. “We have to forgive and we forgive all of the people who played a role,” Amos said. “My grandfather paid the ultimate price –

with his life.” Anietsachist and Katkinna were convicted of murdering a man and a woman who died aboard the ship John Bright, which capsized in a storm near Hesquiaht harbour on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Autopsies found no evidence of murder, but conflicting testimony during a five minute trial at court in Victoria sealed the men’s fates.

The Hesquiaht resolved to pursue justice eight years ago and wouldn’t stop until amends were made, Amos said. “We didn’t want the history books to show that my grandfather was a murderer,” he said. The sense of closure remains short of complete, though. Saturday’s events orbited around Anietsachist, but very little is known about Katkinna, the second man who was hanged,

Amos said. The expression of regret helps bring closure to the Hesquiaht, but it also represents a step in the broader work government has been doing. “With all our government was doing with respect to other First Nations — with reconciliation, with recognition, with respect — we felt that this was one area that had to be dealt with before we could move forward with any other matters,” Chong

said. Public officials see a lot in the course of their political lives, said Chong, who has been in office since 1996. But this event sits near the top of her experiences, she said. “It’s not what I saw but what I felt and I felt a lot today,” Chong said. The day was the result of a lot of meetings and a lot of lobbying, AlberniPacific Rim MLA Scott Fraser said. Continued/ 38

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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012


It’s Christmas

We’re close enough to December, so “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Check out the McLean Mill Christmas Craft Fair this weekend. Friday’s event goes from 4-8 p.m. And Saturday’s festivities run from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. You’ll find food, crafts, and clothes. At the mill, 5633 Smith Rd.

So, who doesn’t like no holds barred, shoot from the hip swearing strait talk, just like your uncle Pete does? Listen to the Small Town Bring Down podcast with Elliot Drew and Brandon Grieder. On Nov, 24 . Tix: $10 to $15 each and can be bought at Ozzies Cycle. For info. call 250-7301693.

Beaver Creekers Beaver Creek’s Annual Christmas Craft Fair is upon us. The event is being held on Sunday, Nov. 25, at the hall on Beaver Creek Road. There will be facepainting, bake table and white elephant sale. And let’s not forget the hot dogs, hamburgers and chilli. Table rentals: call Maureen at 250-723-7796.


y Li lle Va

e v i F

Straight Talk

Talk Talk

y People

lle Va

Can you talk, recite poetry or sing with ease? Then Open Mic at Char’s Landing on Argyle Street is just the thing for you. The event is on Nov. 28 and is from 7-8 p.m. Cover charge is $5. Check it. Sing it. Talk it. Do it. Have fun.

Culture If you like culture and sharing then you’ll love the cultural sharing festival. The event is on Saturday, Nov. 24, at Echo Centre, from 5-8 p.m. Bring a heritage dish, share, and enjoy some entertainment.


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Sunshine Club meets

All Sunshine Club members are urged to attend the November general meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 1:30 pm. at Echo Centre. Discussions will include tea and bazaar reports, Christmas events, and the regular business of our club. There will be refreshments served after the meeting, and a chance to socialize, meet, and greet. Organizers hope to see a good turnout for this business meeting.


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Mon., Tues. & Sat. - 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Wed. -Fri. - 9:30 am to 9:00 pm Sunday - 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Electrix Remote Control Boost (Auto) All in one box--Ready to go ......................................... 110 101 Alter Ego Studio Certificate for Salon Services on 5 separate visits - Up to $400 in savings .. 400 102 Howard Johnson Hotel One night’s stay - One queen or two doubles ............... 102

100 Dave Koszegi

FROM 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

201 202 203 204 205

152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200

Alberni Denture Clinic Relining of Dentures .................................................... 350 Culture on the Coast - Jan Green Raven’s Teachings Choker ............................................ 120 Northport Bookkeeping Personal Income Tax for 2 ............................................ 150 Alberni Engineering Mechanics Tool Set - 92 Piece - SAE / Metric ................ 200 Kismet Quilts Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50

FROM 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Office Chair - Executive, High-Back, Leather Upholstery, Padded Leather Arms ..................... 520 Gale Cyr Original Painting - Red Line - Acrylic on Paper .............. 300 Valley Wines & Water Wine kit, Set of wine glasses, corkscrew ....................... 119 Aaron Vissia Financial Certificate for One Basic Individual Tax Return ................ 50 Miller’s Place Two $25 Gift Certificates ............................................... 50 Alberni Auto Works - Toyota Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Rina Parmar Water Bomber - Picture ................................................. 95 Chances Rim Rock Gift Certificate to Rim Rock Brew Pub ............................ 50 Deb’s Fashions Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Valley Times 1 Front Page Banner & Post It Notes ............................ 280 Sears Little Giant Ladder by Titan .......................................... 180 Ace Automotive Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 J W Berry Trucking Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Houle Printing Satellite Map of B C (Laminated)................................... 40 Suzanne’s Gift Card ....................................................................... 50 April’s Boutique For Trinkets: Noah’s ark & Crystal Teddy Bear .................. 44 Clock Tower Gallery Cimabue’s The Madonna - Framed Art Work ................... 95 Yellow River Restaurant Dinner for Four .............................................................. 50 Gone Fishin’ Coleman 3 Person Navigator Boat ................................. 80 Buy Low Foods Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 B & A Transmission Certificate for 1 Transmission Service - Max. Value $100 . 100 Ahtsik Gallery Certificate toward any item $200 or more in the Gallery ...100 Manzini Animal Hosp. One Complimentary Pet Exam ........................................ 55 Dave Koszegi Two High Altitude Rockets - Ready to Fly ........................ 50 Gerry & Pat Hickey Croton Wrist Watch ..................................................... 250 Northport Bookkeeping Certificate for Accounting Services ............................... 300 Tyee Village Motel One Night Stay - Expires April 30, 2013 ......................... 80 Crowning Glory Coiffures One full Head of Foils .................................................... 80 All in One Marine Certificate for Fibreglass or Boat Repair ....................... 100 DADDS Framed Print - Silent Passing - by Cline Jummer - Artist of the Year 2003.. 250 Little Valley Deli Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 Iris Optometrists & Opticians Bolle Polarized Sunglasses ........................................... 190 Elaine McLeod Necklace with Matching Glass Pearl ............................... 50 Exhaust Masters Wheel Alignment ........................................................... 80 Coombs Country Candy Gift Bag and certificate .................................................. 40 Capelli’s Little Diva Birthday Party for 4 (hair, makeup, nails, cupcakes & drinks) . 48 Deb’s Dog Grooming Grooming for one small Dog .......................................... 45 Rayner & Bracht Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 DAST Welding Certificate for 1 Hour Welding........................................ 82 Westland Insurance Emergency First Aid (Car Kit) .......................................... 75 The Hospitality Inn 30 Day Pool Pass ........................................................... 75 Walter Collins Captured - Limited edition print ................................... 195 Jim’s Clothes Closet Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Solda’s Restaurant Sunday Smorg for Two (incl. non-alcoholic beverage) ...... 40 Quality Foods Gift Basketwith a Christmas Theme ................................ 50 Dulux Paints 1 Gal. Dulux Diamond Eggshell Latex, Tray set, rollers, Dulux brush . 100 Dolan’s Concrete Certificate toward One Yard of Concrete....................... 125 Bute Street Vet. Clinic Gift certificate toward service or items ........................... 75 Sherwood Auto Parts & Bins Five Day Bin Rental only .............................................. 125 Allan Wright Crows - Original water colour - framed ........................ 950

151 The Ink Spot

FROM 9:30 PM - 10:30 PM Bruce’s Small Engines Echo PB 260 L Leaf Blower ........................................ 299 Alberni Valley Museum Gift Package ................................................................ 100 Dairy Queen Two Sheet Cakes ........................................................... 70 Aaron Vissia Financial Certificate for One Basic Individual Tax Return ................ 50 P Y Marine Blue Mustang Life Jacket (XXXL) .................................. 65 Alberni Auto Works - CAP-IT Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Circle Dairy Chicken Hot Wings (4 kg) .............................................. 50 Alberni Communications & Electronics 10 point computer inspection cleaning & Virus removal 100 Char’s Landing Club Char Pass for 5 concerts ........................................ 50 Mae LeBlanc Otter Eating - Water Colour ......................................... 100 Best Western Plus Barclay Hotel Gift Certificate for Stamps Café or Sports Bar ................. 40 Hometown Auto Certificate for Lube, Oil Filter, & Tire Rotation.................. 40 Friend of Lions Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Kamma & Blake Life Jacket - Mustang - Blue (L) ..................................... 60 Alberni Valley Vacuum Certificate toward Vacuum Service ................................. 50 MacDermott’s Ins. Agency SPA Treatment at Tigh-na-mara .................................... 127 Westwind Pub V I P Certificate & Bonus Certificate ............................... 50 Dagmar Allen Martin Mars Flying Tanker model ................................. 102 Gerry & Pat Hickey Emerson Digital Camera Binoculars ................................ 60 Domino’s Pizza Two $25 Reloadable Gift Cards...................................... 50 Island Tropics Tanning Studio Browning Lotion, Juicy Skin Therapy Moisturizer, Certificate for 130 points.. 73 NAPA Auto Parts Air Cylinder Creeper Seat ............................................... 50 Urgel’s Industrial Collision & Refinishings Winter Coat - Black (L) - Snap On, hooded - no exchange ... 80 Beckingham & Co. Certificate for Preparation & Drafting of one Power of Attorney ... 85 Orca Healing Solutions 1 Neuro Feedback Assessment: 3 sessions BMANS Assessment Protocol, & more .......................... 250 Scotiabank Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Merit Furniture Touch Lamp................................................................... 50 Cokely Wire Rope 5 pound Fire Extinguisher & Inspection Certificate (1 yr.) 57 Rainbow Lanes Gift Certificate toward bowling ...................................... 50 Bowerman Excavating & Concrete Certificate for Gravel or Excavating .............................. 250 Subway Gift Card ....................................................................... 50 Jowsey’s Certificate for $150 for purchase of furniture or mattress over $299 .... 150 McLean & Higgins Certificate towards Labour ........................................... 150 Port Boat House ATV Hand Warmers, Pack Rack Plus, Classic Camo Helmet (XXXL), Yamaha T-shirt ..... 150 House of Service Kitchen Aid Dryer (Re-conditioned - 1 year parts and labour warranty).... 175 West Island Lube - Jiffy Lube Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 55 Alberni Valley Times 1 Year Subscription to A V Times................................... 134 Alberni Industrial Marine Supply Floater Jacket - Helly Hansen (L) only ......................... 183 Smitty’s Restaurant Ten $5 certificates ......................................................... 50 The Breadbox Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 RHM Donairs and Subs Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Houle Printing Satellite Map of Vancouver-Victoria-Seattle (Laminated) ..... 40 KAL Tire Certificate for Wheel Alignment ..................................... 80 JAL Designs & Graphics Stormtech Leather Jacket--Leather Outer Shell, Quilted Polyfill Lining (L) Black ................................... 120 ENEX Fuels 2 Cases Mobil Delvac 1540 Engine Oil for Diesel Vehicles133 DAST Welding Certificate for 1 Hour Welding........................................ 82 On Geek Computer Services Gift certificate for service ............................................. 180 Alberni Fitness Gym Membership .......................................................... 60 McDonald’s Restaurant McDonald’s Card ........................................................... 50 Alberni Technology Solutions Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 Clam Bucket Restaurant Certificate for Seafood Platter for Two ............................ 64 High Fire YO’s: Yolande Fournier, Potter Stoneware Pot & Lid - Safe for Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher.......43 Cliff Sieben Photography Certificate for Fine Art & Photo Printing, up to 24” wide, Premium Matte Photo Paper ................. 90 BC Place Certificate for 2 Seats to a B C Lions Regular Season Summer Game 2013 120


295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303

276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294

274 275

259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273

251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258

DTC Tattoo Company Certificate for Piercing ................................................... 56 Boston Pizza Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Finishing Touches Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Colyn’s Nursery & Garden Centre Fresh Christmas Wreath ............................................... 100 Dorothy Murphy Tray - Liquid Ink ............................................................. 45 Dominion Lending Golf Putter, Box of Balls & Bottle Opener ...................... 130 Rainbow Lanes Gift Certificate toward bowling ...................................... 50 Gary Gray - Coast Realty Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 40 Edge ATV Adventures Gift Certificate ............................................................. 239 Nichele Portrait Studio Certificate towards New Portrait Session ...................... 200 Barlow’s Audio Video Shaw Direct HD Satellite - incl. Installation ................... 199 Salmonberry’s Emporium Bradford Exchange Limited Ed. Peace on Earth ............ 135 Stars & Sand Amethyst Pendant Necklace......................................... 100 Alberni Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate ............................................................. 148 Canada Safeway Bulldogs Tickets:Two-Seat Set of 7 Home GamesJan 26,27, Feb 1, 17, 23; Mar 2, 3 ............................... 182 Kirkpatrick Christmas Trees 6’ to 8’ - Pick up retail (by Zellers) or U-Cut at Tree Farm on Airport Rd .................................. 40 Alberni Valley Museum Gift Basket .................................................................. 150 Bosley’s Pet Food Plus Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Westburne Electric Roll of Electric Wire...................................................... 125 Cynthia Bonesky Original Water Colour - Pier on the Lake....................... 250 Bare Bones Certificate: Dinner for 2 & Stuffed Lion ........................... 60 Alberni Valley Refrigeration Gas Furnace Maintenance - Good for 1 Year - ............... 80 Mark’s Work Wearhouse Men’s Watch & Cologne ................................................ 70 Berks Intertruck Howes Diesel Conditioner and Anti-Gel ........................ 108 R. Lacoursiere Chartered Accountant Gift Certificate to Little Bavaria ...................................... 50 Arbutus RV & Marine Sales Certificate toward Winterizing RV or Trailer................... 125 Rina Parmar Tiffany Butterfly Lamp .................................................... 45 The Peak 93.3 CJAV-FM Twenty-five 30 second Ads........................................... 500 Magic Moments Man’s Winter Jacket - Green (S) (No exchange) ............ 120 Shirley Lord The Summer’s Roses - Water colour .............................. 125 Walk The Coast Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Little Valley Deli Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 West Island Lube - Jiffy Lube Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Alberni Fitness Yoga Classes (one month).............................................. 80 Lady Rose Marine Services Trip for Two (One day)................................................. 148 Lordco 2 Ton Compact Trolley Jack with Jack Stands ................ 115 Friend of Lions Inukshuk ....................................................................... 40 Evolution Stone & Tile One Granite Cutting Board .......................................... 120 All in One Marine Certificate for Fibreglass or Boat Mechanics ................. 100 Pine Café Four $10 Gift Certificates ............................................... 40 Cloverdale Paints Painting Tray set (roller & tray) and one gallon paint ....... 71 RHM Donairs and Subs Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Vet. Clinic Certificate for Merchandise or Services ......................... 100 Dave Koszegi Kodiak Helicopter - 3 Channel Remote Control Rechargeable batteries .................................................. 60 Coombs Country Candy Gift Bag and certificate .................................................. 40

Alberni Valley News Thursday, Nov. 22, 201

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91

Integral Hockey Stick Repair 1 Eston S19 Left Hand Hockey Stick (Repaired) 120 day guarantee by Donor .... 280 Redford Motor Inn & Dimitri’s Restaurant One Night Stay - Expires April 30, 2013 ......................... 82 Dairy Queen Two Sheet Cakes ........................................................... 70 Aaron Vissia Financial Certificate for One Basic Individual Tax Return ................ 50 Coast Community Ins. Home Glass Insurance for 1 year` ................................... 45 Alberni Auto Works - Chrysler Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 DTC Tattoo Company Certificate for Piercing ................................................... 56 Shelly Penner Hairy Cinque Foil painting .............................................. 50 Char’s Landing Club Char Pass for 5 concerts ........................................ 50 Granny’s Chicken Certificate .................................................................... 40 Alberni Valley Times 1 Year Subscription to A V Times................................... 134 Hometown Auto Certificate for Lube, Oil Filter, & Tire Rotation.................. 40 Alberni Foundary Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Flandangles Dessert Decorator .......................................................... 46 Alberni Valley Vacuum Certificate toward Vacuum Service ................................. 50 Valley Dental Philips Sonicare Toothbrush ......................................... 169 Westwind Pub V I P Certificate & Bonus Certificate ............................... 50 Hetherington Industries Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Pacific Rim Driving School Two Hours of Driving Instruction .................................. 120 Sushi Alberni Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Crystals Angels & More Basket: Reiki Book for Beginners, Meditation CD, Energized Healing Candle, Spray .................................... 55 Taylor’s Flower Shop Fresh Christmas Wreath ................................................. 60 Manzini Animal Hospital One Complimentary Pet Exam ........................................ 55 Port Alberni Parks & Rec. Economy 10 Pack Certificates ........................................ 75 Alberni Valley News Advertising - One half page - b/w ................................ 397 Southside Auto 2.5 Ton Magic Lift Floor Jack........................................ 350 Valley Vision Optometry Designer Frames (Liz Claiborne) & $50 lens voucher ..... 225 Mark’s Work Wearhouse Lady’s Purse, Scarf & Gloves ......................................... 105 Envious Body Adornment Baby Clothes: New Born Sweater & One Piece Tank Top (12 mo.) ... 55 Alberni Golf Club & Mac 5 Pro Shop Four Rounds of Golf with two carts .............................. 300 Sukhbir & Mohinder Hundal & Family Bosch Cordless Circular Saw (6.5”) .............................. 200 Gayle’s Fashions Winter Jacket - Light but warm - Rust Colour - Size 16 .... 169 Culture on the Coast - Jan Green Sea to Cedar Earrings .................................................... 60 Exhaust Masters Wheel Alignment ........................................................... 80 Hog Fathers Quality Subs (Big Pig Subs) Four $10 Gift Certificates ........................ 40 Capelli’s Certificate toward Accessories--jewellry, scarves, purses .. 40 Healthy Habits Basket of Healthy products ............................................ 90 Dorothy Clarkston Notary Public Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Alberni Fitness Gym Membership .......................................................... 60 Bruce’s Small Engines Echo CS 310 14” Chainsaw ........................................ 239 Breakers Marine Boss Audio System, In-Dash Marine MP3 Compatible, CD/ .. AM/FM Receiver, hat, etc ............................................. 220 Walter Collins Heading Home - Print - Matted but not framed - Limited Edition Lithograph . 100 Jim’s Clothes Closet Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Solda’s Restaurant Sunday Smorg for Two (incl. non-alcoholic beverage) ...... 40 Fairway Market Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Massage Therapy Therapeutic Massage for 60 minutes .............................. 90 Just Brew It Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 Bute Street Vet. Clinic Gift certificate toward service or items ........................... 75 Pacific Rim Dental Whitening Trays for Upper & Lower Teeth ..................... 400

FROM 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM


231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249

222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230


210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220

206 207 208 209

FROM 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

Walmart Little Valley Deli SPCA Thrift Store Subway Krush Smoothies Animal Ark On Geek Computer Services A-1 Convenience Store Panago Pizza McDonald’s Restaurant Klubhouse for Kids Ecuador and More Harbour View Collision Somass Drugs Alien Sports Alberni District Co-Op A D Engravers Triangle Music Gillian Trumper Archie’s Hairstyling Watson’s Paint Centre RHM Donairs and Subs Alberni Veterinary Clinic Islands Gallery Coombs Country Candy

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

104 105 106 107 108 109

Dessert Whip Machine/Cartridges, Pie Plate, Bring in for Banana Cream Pie ..................................... 105 The Breadbox Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Coombs Country Candy Gift Bag and Certificate ................................................. 40 The Hollies Executive Golf Course Golf Pass for 10 Games ............................................... 170 Shelly Penner Little Monkey Flowers & Blue eyed Marys ....................... 50 Finishing Touches Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Coastal Community Credit Union Gift Bag: Women’s Golf Shirt (beige) & tees, Black Scarf, Blue Toque .................................................. 50 Blue Door Café Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 Alberni Valley Times 1 Year Subscription to A V Times................................... 134 Rainbow Lanes Gift Certificate toward bowling ...................................... 50 Duncan, Sabine, Collyer Partners Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Houle Printing Satellite Map of Vancouver Island (Laminated) ............... 40 Nichele Portrait Studio Certificate towards New Portrait Session ...................... 200 Smitty’s Restaurant Ten $5 certificates ......................................................... 50 Evitt Electric Certificate ..................................................................... 50 Stars & Sand Swarovski Copper Crystal Pendant Necklace................... 80 Double R Meats Assorted Meat Pack #2 .................................................. 87 Canadian Tire Tempo Fitness 625S Hybrid Stepper ............................. 700 Kirkpatrick Christmas Trees 6’ to 8’ - Pick up retail (by Zellers) or U-Cut at Tree Farm on Airport Rd ................................... 40 L A Marine Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 Pacific Rim Vet. Hospital Certificate for one Dog or Cat Examination .................... 90 Jack’s Tire Sales & Service Lady’s Stormteck Jacket, (L) ............................................ 90 Jade Restaurant Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 Port Alberni Port Authority Mustang Survival Floater Jacket - Any Size.................. 350 Capoeira Certificate for 1 month Capoeira Classes - Up to 3 classes per week .. 40 Diversified Transport. Adult & Student passes for Month of December ............. 78 Hertel Meats Certificate for a Ham ..................................................... 50 Little Bavaria Restaurant Two $25 Gift Certificates ............................................... 50 L B Woodchoppers Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 On Geek Computers Wireless N Router .......................................................... 49 Jim Swift Tile Picture based on Photography at Pot Luck Ceramics . 70 Connect Hearing Clarity XLC 3-4 Amplified Phone - Amplifies to 50dB .... 170 DAST Welding Certificate for 1 Hour Welding........................................ 82 EM Salon & Spa One facial (75 minutes) ............................................... 128 The Medicine Shoppe Deluxe One Step Blood Pressure Monitor ....................... 85 Urgel’s Auto Collision Wash, Vacuum, Wax, $100 detail ................................. 175 Fitness Network One Month Pass ............................................................ 40 Joan Gates Santa Claus Cookie Jar .................................................. 45 T D Canada Trust Swarovski Crystal: The Holiday Ornament ...................... 79 Rebekah McMaster - 3 acupuncture sessions by Registered Acupuncturist ..... 165 Dolce Vita Bar & Grill Two $25 Gift Certificates ............................................... 50 R & R Boat Refit & Repair Certificate towards Boat Bottom Repaint...................... 100 Quality Foods Gift Basket with a Christmas Theme ............................... 50 Alberni Colour Corner Regal Select Interior Waterborn Paint - 1 Gallon - Certificate...59 RHM Donairs and Subs Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Vet. Clinic Dog Food & Treats ......................................................... 84 Pot Luck Ceramics Pot Luck Fire Pot (red) with Fire Gel ............................... 44 Flooring Depot QEP 7” Tile Saw .......................................................... 250

103 Swale Rock Café

FROM 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

FROM 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Mac’s Esso Conv. Store Staples Petro Canada River Rd Arbutus R V & Marine Service

22 23 24 25

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012

NTC to fight federal funding slash WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS

The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC) is facing a 60 per cent cut to its federal funding and it’s not going down without swinging, president Cliff Atleo said. “I think that the federal government has picked a fight with us and we’re prepared to take them on,” Atleo said Thursday outside the tribal council’s office building. Atleo wasn’t referring to just Nuu-chah-nulth: all aboriginal groups across the country faced cuts. In a show of solidarity, Atleo was flanked by AFN BC Regional Chief Jody Wilson-Rabould, Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs president Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, and First Nations Summit Task Group member Dan Smith. Their groups are seeing a 10 per cent funding cut. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Minister John Duncan announced the cuts to aboriginal organizations and tribal councils country-wide last September. The cuts will trigger in 2014. The NTC’s budget will be reduced from $1.25


Flanked by Nuu-chah-nulth officials, NTC president Cliff Atleo, centre, performs a chant before launching a protest about the federal government decision to slash 60 per cent of its funding .

million to $500,000. The move will impact program and service delivery to more than 8,000 Nuu-chah-nulth people on the west coast of Vancouver Island and in urban centres. The NTC delivers programs including fisheries, economic development, education, social development and the news publication Hashilthsa. The organization employs 154 people, and jobs are on the line if cuts proceed. The tribal council will have to cut at least 25 jobs, Atleo said. “We’re one of the larger employers in the Alberni Valley; this affects all of us,” he added. In a later interview,

Atleo said the number was abstract and that nothing was cast in stone yet. “There’s still things being looked at and other considerations to be planned for like severance,” he said. The cuts to Nuu-chah-nulth represent a 60 per cent reduction in funding, the steepest amount leveled at any aboriginal group, Atleo said. Nuu-chah-nulth is the home turf of AFN President Shawn Atleo, Canada’s highest profile aboriginal leader. And the Nuu-chahnulth recently won a key aboriginal rights fisheries case that caused a shift in how aboriginal fisheries are managed.

Neither factor is a variable in the cuts to NTC funding, Cliff Atleo said. “There’s a bigger agenda at play,” he said. That agenda involves the country’s resources and the spectre of aboriginal rights encumbering the extraction of such resources, UBCIC Grand Chief Stewart Phillip said. “We’re the last line of defence between the country’s resources and a federal government that wants to open it up and devastate it.” Phillip also doesn’t buy that everyone had to sharpen the pencil and prepare to make cuts. “The most vulnerable people in the country are facing cuts, meanwhile

News Travels

corporations are benefitting from tax cuts,” he said. Nanaimo-Alberni MP James Lunney declined an invitation to attend the press conference, but he did speak about the cuts at a previous engagement. “Every (federal) department is having its challenges right now,” Lunney said. Many services have been reduced, but not cut. “The adjustment process is going to be a challenge,” he said. Aboriginal leaders met with Prime Minister Stephen Harper in January to establish the begining of a new fiscal relationship. “But our leaders found out about the cuts after reading about it in the National Post,” Phillip said. The cuts are troubling and

disturbing, WilsonRabould said. “A new fiscal relationship means sitting down with us to talk about what we can do together and support our First Nations’ re-building efforts,” she said. “It doesn’t mean one party imposing on another.” Aboriginal advocate Ernie Crey was in Port Alberni the week of the protest for a fisheries meeting. The issue called to mind the words of Pam Palmeter, who vied for the AFN national chief ’s seat last summer, Crey related. “I remember her saying about Harper’s government ‘You have to stand up to the bully every time’. “She was right, and they have to do it loudly starting right now.”

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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

Lions’ TV auction returns 40th anniversary: | This year’s event Saturday, Nov. 24 will help three kid-oriented programs. SUSAN QUINN Alberni Valley News

The Alberni Valley Lions Club is gearing up for its 40th annual television auction this Saturday, Nov. 24, starting at 4 p.m. See the full list of auction items in our pullout list on pages 6 and 35. There are 304 items ranging from hockey jerseys to toys, jewelry to tools, books, art supplies, gift baskets, kitchen and sporting equipment and more. “We almost always open with the J&L (gift certificate). This year we’re closing with tickets to a BC Lions game,” auction organizer Russ McLaughlin said. “In between the two are all kinds of things for the whole family.” The TV Auction is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. To celebrate, the

SUSAN QUINN/Alberni Valley News

Don Hudson, left, Russ McLaughlin and Tom Hall (in front) maneuvre their way around more than 300 items that have been donated for the Lions’ auction.

proceeds from every 40th item will go towards three special kid-oriented programs in the Alberni Valley. The Lions hope to raise at least $2,700 from these specially selected items. “The theme is ‘For the Kids’,” McLaughlin said. So it made sense to choose three programs.

The first is Under the Big Top, a joint effort between the city’s Parks and Recreation department and Mt. Arrowsmith Skating Club. The March 1 event will feature an afternoon show where every elementary school student will attend. An evening show will be open

to the public for an admission fee. The Lions will donate $1,000 towards the students’ tickets. Ron Doetzel, manager of recreation services for the city, will be a guest auctioneer for part of the special items. The second kids’ program is Coats for Kids. Cathy Cross at

the community school and her volunteers solicit donations of gently used coats, which are distributed to students who need them. The Lions annually donate $1,000 towards cleaning and repair of the donated coats. The third is the annual Lions’ Bullhead Derby, which takes place during Salmon Festival weekend. You can check out the auction items online at There is a photo of each item as well as its value and donor. The phone lines will be open at 4 p.m. for pre-bids. At 4:15 p.m. the show goes live and the auctioneers come out and give viewers instructions on how the auction will proceed. Live bids start at 4:30 p.m. To bid on any item included in the TV Auction, please call 778-421-3108.

Man acquitted of theft, police chase WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON Alberni Valley News

A man who had been accused of being involved in a break and enter at Jay’s Lace It Up on April 22 has been acquitted of all charges. In Port Alberni Provincial Court on Monday, Judge J. Joe acquitted Pierre Gino Guidotti of break and enter, possession of stolen property, flight from a peace officer and dangerous driving. A lack of corroborating evidence regarding Guidotti’s identification the day of the incident resulted in the acquittal. “The only evidence of his identification came from his co-accused Robin Schultz,” provincial prosecutor Graham Merke said. “Her evidence solely didn’t prove his identification beyond a reasonable doubt.” On May 4, Judge D.

Cowling sentenced Schultz, 29, to 535 days in jail and 18 months probation for motor vehicle theft, break and enter and failing to stop. She has now been paroled and may be in treatment, Merke said. On April 22, the windows at Jay’s Lace It Up were smashed and someone stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise before fleeing. Schultz was in a vehicle that police chased along Hwy. 4 after the driver failed to pull over. The truck drove over an RCMP spike belt placed across the highway at Hilliers Road by Oceanside RCMP. The truck, which was later determined to be stolen from Nanaimo, continued on but drove into a ditch at Qualicum Beach. Schultz was apprehended after a foot chase.

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012






Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

Alberni Valley


The Alberni Valley News is published every Thursday by Black Press Ltd., 4656 Margaret St., Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 6H2. Phone: (250) 723-6399. Fax: (250) 723-6395. Classifieds: 1-855-310-3535. The Alberni Valley News is distributed free to 9,500 households in Port Alberni, Cherry Creek, Sproat Lake and Beaver Creek. The Alberni Valley News is Vancouver Island owned and operated. 2012 CCNA


Publisher: Teresa Bird Editor: Susan Quinn


Railway taxes can’t continue Reality check on teen suicide in B.C. At first glance, restoring passenger rail service on Vancouver Island is a positive move. A well-run service would ease pressure on the heavily-used Malahat Drive and provide a more environmentally friendly transportation option, getting residents out of their cars. But a lot of questions still don’t have answers, including whether the service is even viable on the Island. Regional districts across the Island have given preliminary approval to a request by the Island Corridor Foundation for a collective $3.2-million in one-time grants-inaid, contingent on ICF’s ability to produce a solid commitment from VIA Rail to reinstate passenger service between Courtenay and Victoria. The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District is one of five regional districts asked to pony up so work can get started on the upgrades, which don’t yet include the Parksville-to-Alberni spar. The provincial and federal governments have kicked in $15 million collectively, the rail operator is paying $500,000 and the foundation would pursue financing from lenders for the remaining $2.2 million. The ICF is asking taxpayers to invest in passenger rail, but the question remains whether the Island has enough people willing to use this service to make it a viable business venture in the long term. And is this the end of the money train? Current funds would bring the track up to safety standards for the next 10 years, but then what? When would Port Alberni see investment at its end of the tracks? The foundation needs to show this is a solid business, one that taxpayers won’t be continually asked to subsidize. — Nanaimo News Bulletin and Alberni Valley News



ICTORIA – If you find Premier Christy Clark’s campaign against teen bullying to be superficial or even self-serving, I’ve got news for you. It’s potentially worse than that. With the greatest respect to the family of Amanda Todd, her tragic case isn’t representative of teen suicide any more than it is typical of high-school bullying. A clearer and more disturbing picture emerges from the latest report of B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth, Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond. It’s a survey of 89 child protection cases from 2007 to 2010, where 15 kids killed themselves and the rest inflicted serious self-injury, in some cases repeatedly. The word “bully” does not appear in the report.

It speaks of domestic violence, physical and sexual abuse, addiction, and runaways targeted by street predators. Threequarters of the kids were removed from their homes to protect them from their parents. More than half are aboriginal. Its key conclusion is that shifting traumatized and mentally ill teens from institutional care to foster homes isn’t working. Earnest but inadequately trained foster parents and social workers can’t cope with kids who need diagnosis, treatment and supervision. Without that, kids shuffled through foster homes an average of a dozen times in three years, with little attachment to home or school. Some were violent, no surprise given their formative years. I asked Turpel-

Lafond about the B.C. government’s recent focus on bullying. She said it’s worthwhile, and there are parallels between Amanda’s case and more common teen suicides. One is isolation at moments of crisis. “Say you’re a middleclass parent with a child who hasn’t come out of their bedroom in six months, or you have a boy in foster care who’s in his 14th home,” she said. “They both want to kill themselves, so what do you do?” Ideally, you intervene and get them to a child psychologist. Parents or guardians who can’t afford $150 an hour can wait months for the Ministry of Children and Family Development to arrange it. And in the meantime, our supposedly family-based foster care system sends them to

‘...shifting traumatized and mentally ill teens from institutional care to foster homes isn’t working.’

TO COMMENT … We welcome your original comments on editorials, columns, on topics in the Alberni Valley News or any subjects important to you. Only letters that include name, address, and day and evening phone numbers and that are verified by the Alberni Valley News can be considered for publication. Letters to the editor and articles submitted to the Alberni Valley News may be published or distributed in print, electronic or other forms. The Alberni Valley News is a member of the B.C. Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information phone 888-687-2213 or go to

school. “I’m really worried about how [school-based anti-bullying programs] will affect the most vulnerable kids, because you start anonymously reporting someone as being a bully,” TurpelLafond said. “Yeah, we know they’re in the youth justice system. We know they’re troubled. By the way, they’ve been sexually and physically abused, jumped through 30 foster homes, and now we want to label them again?” This is not to suggest that the existing B.C. effort isn’t substantial. The ministry reports that there are 2,221 front-line staff positions, of which 219 are currently vacant. It’s notoriously difficult to recruit, train and keep child protection workers, especially in remote communities. Turpel-Lafond says her latest figures show the child and youth mental health service has 476 staff, with 21 vacancies and a government-wide hiring freeze. Continued / 11

Commitment to accuracy To report corrections and clarifications, contact editor Susan Quinn at 250-723-6399 or e-mail: editor@ or drop by our office at 4656 Margaret St.

Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012



QUESTION of the week


Were you involved in competitive sports as a child?

Yes – 20 No – 11 This week’s question: Are you going to attend the grand opening of the new ADSS on Dec. 7?

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Kids aren’t reached as case loads increase From / 10 And many of those are doing double duty as community service managers. Those managers don’t even have reliable data on case loads, she said. They just know they’re overwhelmed and many of the kids aren’t being reached. This is not about political blame. I can trace this problem back to when Grace McCarthy was children’s minister, and the NDP did no better. I’ve learned a bit

about Riverview and Tranquille, asylums that were closed because of a modern belief that they were inhumane. At least they offered safety and medical care to even the most damaged people. Right now our enlightened, progressive society can’t even help most of the kids we know are at high risk. Tom Fletcher is legislative reporter and columnist for Black Press and


Mailbag: Feedback on news items Nurses need r-e-s-p-e-ct

Tourism series and eye opener

To the Editor, Rather than take responsibility for chronic nursing understaffing, the B.C government is attempting to coerce nurses to take flu shots. Is that so if a flu epidemic breaks out in hospitals, government officials can blame it on nurses who neglected taking the shot? That’s sick. And what makes nurses more sick is chronic nursing shortages meaning nurses are repeatedly asked to work overtime and overextend themselves to reduce waiting times for patients. Over the past 20-plus years in B.C the nursing force has steadily declined but health-care management by so-called “authorities” has burgeoned by leaps and bounds. Some of the high wages, perks, benefits, and pension monies could hire nurses. It’s time to put the nursing-to-patient ratio in B.C on a weight-gain protocol and give health-care bureaucracy a high colonic. Liz Stonard, Port Alberni

To the Editor, It was a refreshing experience to read what June KasperskiWild, the “Intentional Tourist”, had to say about our Valley. I have seen everything she talks about. The hardest for me was to accept that our Centennial celebrations were not advertised anywhere outside of our local papers. I saw a Vancouver Sun summer supplement, where every tiny craft fair and music festival from Merritt to Port Hardy was mentioned – but not a word about our town. When I asked about it in an informal meeting, the explanation was: Chamber of Commerce spent all its money and energy building the new information center. I usually read this paper very carefully, and remember seeing an article about a new tourism liaison person, who was hired a couple of years ago. What happened to her? What happened to the new “Bear claws” logo, which was produced at a great cost? All the city

trucks and business licenses still use the old one. Surely the money spent there could have bought a little story in the Sun or Colonist. I disagree with the writer about the Valley being more beautiful in the winter than in the summer. In winter, all the new and used car lots, junkyards, unkempt yards and unpainted walls are more clearly visible, than in the summer. Judging from the five o’clock traffic going over the hump to Parksville and Qualicum, not many working people like living here. Some commute even from Courtenay and Nanaimo. We are just being used as a thoroughfare to Tofino, and a paycheck for the east side communities. That’s a depressing thought. When I went to a local (tourism based) business to talk about the proposed coal port, saying it would not be very beneficial to their business, the answer was: “Port Alberni is ugly anyway”. Wow. With a little change of attitude from the powers on top, down to us lowly local citizens, this could

be the prettiest little town on Vancouver Island. But does anyone care? Rayana Erland, Port Alberni

ICF structure needs repair To the Editor, The Island Corridor Foundation, the nonprofit that owns the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, recently started asking Vancouver Island regional districts for $3.2 million to repair bridges along the route. So far, AlberniClayoquot has agreed to contribute $115,000, and the Cowichan Valley district has pledged $488,100. Last week, the CRD’s Finance Committee approved $1.2 million for the ICF pending approval. Island taxpayers need to be concerned. A CRD report stated the $3.2 million won’t cover the upgrades needed. Worse, the ICF has not obtained a commitment from VIA Rail to resume basic passenger service. The ICF’s claim that it will cost only $3.2 million to get all 48 bridges and trestles up to basic operational level

strains credibility. A February 2012 report conducted for the Ministry of Transportation said it would cost at least $8.7 million to get the bridges operational and operating for 10 years? The ICF has decided that only its board members and employees need to know what its plan is. The public is supposed to provide cash and not ask any questions. The ICF also receives $340,000 annually from Telus for telecommunications lines that run along its right-of-way. What happened to all those funds? I want to see railway service return. However, I believe the regional districts should refuse the funding request until the ICF has a new executive, a transparent board, and a realistic plan..

Jim Sturgill, E&N Railway Action Group (Editor’s note: Jim Sturgill was a member of the ICF’s rail operations committee for several years. In January 2011, according to Sturgill, the ICF disbanded the committee.)

Letters Mail: Letters, Alberni Valley News, 4656 Margaret St., Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 6H2 Fax: 250-723-6395 E-mail: Letters should be no longer than 300 words and will be edited. Include your address and phone number (although those won’t be published) and a first name or two initials. We won’t publish anonymous letters, or letters to third parties. We regret that, due to the volume of letters we receive, not all will be printed.

CEDAR GROVE CHURCH A Christian Community of the Reformed Church in Canada Sunday Worship Service -10:30 am Wed. 9:30am - 11am Bible Study Everyone welcome to worship with us at the 7th Day Adventist Church at

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Pastor’s Pen

It was three days before Remembrance Day and I stood in the store listening to blaring Christmas Music - watching the staff unload box after box of Christmas decorations and it brought to mind all those whose Christmas treasures have been washed away. So many will be not be “Dreaming of a white Christmas” but praying for a roof over their heads. In the next few weeks your to-do list will suddenly quadrupled You may be spending more money than you intended. The holidays can be stressful but as we begin the mad rush let’s try to remember those in need. For those who can afford it, there’s endless opportunities to give someone a joyous Christmas. And for those who are already living on a shoestring budget, you would be surprised at how much you can do. For instance, if you meet the requirements, you could make a trip to your local BLOOD DONOR CLINIC. What better gift to give than the gift of life. There is a 3 DAY CLINIC SCHEDULE AT THE BARCLAY HOTEL DECEMBER 4-6. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CALL 1-888-2-DONATE TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. As we get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus the greatest gift of all - the simplest pleasures of helping others can make the season bright and fill us with the joy and wonder of Christmas.

Trinity Church Anglican & Lutheran

4766 Angus Street, Port Alberni Pastor: George Pell SUNDAY 10 AM WEDNESDAY 10 AM Everyone Welcome Phone: 250.724-4921 Trinity Church Port Alberni

Seventh Day Adventist Church

4109 Kendall, Port Alberni SATURDAY (SABBATH) SERVICES 10:00 am ~ Bible Study 11:00 am ~ Family Worship Service Listen to Christian Family Radio VOAR 104.5 FM in the Alberni Valley Leave Message: 250.723-6452

Alberni Valley United Church

3747 Church Street, Port Alberni Reverend Minnie Hornidge SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Praise Singing - 10:15 am Worship Service & Children’s Worship -10:30 am Phone: 250.723-8332


Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012


WTF: where’s the funding? the government hasn’t allowed them,” she added. “And so that’s where we’re stuck — our fight isn’t with our employer (North Island College) right now; our fight is with the government.”

Black Press

COURTENAY — Classes were cancelled for North Island College students Tuesday as college CUPE workers walked off the job and set up picket lines in front of all Vancouver Island campuses. According to NIC, the North Island College Faculty Association (NICFA) said it would respect these picket lines, and classes were also cancelled Wednesday as CUPE 3479 members continue trying to grab the provincial government’s attention during the two-day strike. “What we are looking for is a wage increase equal to the settlements that all of the public sector locals that have currently settled this term have received,” CUPE 3479 president Michelle Waite said Monday. The union wants a four-per-cent pay hike over two years, she added, noting a similar increase in the B.C. Government Employees’ Union Master Agreement signed earlier this fall. Waite blames the province’s 2012 Cooperative Gains Mandate because she said it’s keeping a possible wage increase off the table completely during bargaining. “Our biggest issue is our employers’ inability to negotiate wages with us because

‘The last thing we want to do is impact students.’ – Michelle Waite NIC spokesperson Susan Auchterlonie said the college — and its bargaining agent, the PostSecondary Employers’ Association (PSEA) — must abide by the mandate from the province. She added the college has a “very good relationship” with its CUPE staff and has expressed its “frustration” with the situation to the PSEA and the Ministry of Advanced Education. Overall, Auchterlonie stressed, NIC is just hoping things will be resolved soon; the semester wraps up with the last day of classes Dec. 7 and exams are set to begin right after, so the lost instructional days are coming at a somewhat critical point in the year. “We’re just really hopeful we can get this resolved quickly,” said Auchterlonie. “We don’t want to have any further disruption for our

students.” Waite said CUPE 3479 will assess the situation before deciding on any further strike activity. Union members at NIC voted 86 per cent in favour of strike action last week and followed up with strike notice to the Labour Relations Board. CUPE 3479 has about 170 members, with about 105 of those at the Comox Valley campus, according to Waite. She added member turnout for the vote, which was about 50 per cent, was “really good” considering members are spread out over the college’s various campuses and the notice was short. CUPE 3479 members are among about 3,000 college support workers represented by CUPE, and members at various other institutions,

including Vancouver Island University and Camosun College on the Island, that are also striking because they’ve hit the same “impasse about wages,” according to Waite. CUPE support workers at B.C.’s community colleges have been without a contract since 2010. Waite said CUPE chose not to sign a collective agreement during the 2010 to 2012 term when the province’s net zero mandate was in place, as other public sector unions did. NIC campuses are open from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. so students can access study space and limited student services. Offcampus instruction, like clinical and practicum placements will continue as usual. For more student information, visit



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Waite said she hopes for some response from the province soon, as CUPE members don’t want to hinder student learning. “The last thing we want to do is impact students,” she said. “All of us there love our work because most of us deal with students — and this is a last resort.”



NIC: | CUPE workers stage two-day strike at North Island College campuses over failed contract talks. Renée Andor

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Maximum 300 words. All stories must include the student’s name, grade and school. Contest is open to all students, grades kindergarten to 12 in School District 70, as well as those attending private schools and those homeschooled. Stories may be emailed to, dropped at our office at 4656 Margaret Street or faxed to 250-723-6395. Deadline to enter is 5 p.m., Dec. 10, 2012 no exceptions. Winners will be notified by Dec. 14, 2012


Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

Family protests selling off of century old masks DAVID WIWCHAR

Special to the News


he last time the Hamilton family saw their sacred masks in person, they were being danced across the floor at a memorial potlatch. The next time they saw the masks, they were pictured on an auction website on Nov. 4 with a large ‘SOLD’ sign stamped across them. The Hinkeets (sea serpent) masks are among the most sacred items within Nuu-chah-nulth culture. Only chiefs or high-ranking families own them, and train their sons to dance them according to ancient protocols. Jessie Hamilton was royalty: a Ha-kuum (queen) within the Hupacasath First Nation. Two of her most prized cultural possessions were a pair of Hinkeets masks: a male and female painted bright red, white, black, and blue, estimated at more than a century old. The pair of ancient Hinkeets masks came from the Ucluelet First Nation, from Jessie’s mother upon

WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON/Alberni Valley News

Hinteets masks formerly belonging to Jessie Hamiton of Hupacasath were used last at the memorial potlach for her sister Beaulah Sayers in 2006. immediately called hint at the idea of her marriage to Dan Wawmeesh, who in selling those masks, Watts of Hupacasath, turn called family and became hers after my mother would member and wellhave slapped the her mother’s death in known lawyer Judith taste right out of 1967. Sayers for help. your mouth,” said When Jessie died at The two then phoned Wawmeesh. the age of 84 in 2008, Seahawk Auctions “They are not her will specified that in Vancouver and chattel to be bought all of her “household tried to have the and sold; they are our possessions” would sale halted, but were family histories over go to her youngest told the seller had thousands of years, daughter, Joy. But produced a legal will and our place within according to Joy’s proving ownership of Hupacasath and Nuuolder brother the masks and the sale chah-nulth culture.” Wawmeesh George would go on. Wawmeesh learned Hamilton, who is now “We tried to explain of the auction sale forced to deal with through a cousin, who to them that there is the cultural storm a difference between happened to be at a swirling around private property Vancouver auction the sacred Hinkeets 32 days til Christmas and family cultural of Northwest Coast masks, there’s a big property, but their Native Arts. The difference between heads were full of cousin recognized personal possessions dollar signs instead the distinctive masks and family cultural of sense,” Wawmeesh as belonging to the possessions. & Accessories Hamilton family, and “If you were to even

i l l e p a C


said. “The art auction is a game played by rich people who don’t care about cultures or correctness.” In the end, the male mask sold for $22,500 and the female mask is believed to have sold for $4,000. The only information Wawmeesh has been able to gather about the buyer is that his given name might be Ivan, and that one or both masks are still in B.C. Also listed on the auction site were two Nuu-chah-nulth shawls or dance robes that went with

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the masks as well as a series of eight black and white photographs depicting the Hinkeets used during historic rituals or celebrations. According to Wawmeesh, his 45-year-old younger sister Joy is travelling in Goa, India; she and her boyfriend left Port Alberni two months ago on their second trip in a year to India. Hupacasath carver Rod Sayers (Judith Sayers’ brother and the Hamiltons’ cousin) has offered to carve a replica pair, and plans to offer them first to the buyer of the original masks before giving them to the family as a replacement. As for Joy, all attempts to contact her have failed. She has not returned phone calls or e-mails, and Wawmeesh said she will not be welcomed back by her family. “There’s no ‘I’m

sorry’ here. There’s no going back,” said Wawmeesh. “She can’t carry a (traditional Hupacasath) name, title, or participate culturally now,” he said. Seahawk Auctions have also refused to return calls on this matter, and Wawmeesh said police are now involved. “The auction (house) should have pulled them. They should have done cultural due diligence,” said Wawmeesh. “These masks are the highest of cultural property on the west coast here, and they should have recognized that and realized there would be an issue with those masks,” he said. “I would like to see the issue brought to court so communal property issues could be formalized.” Wawmeesh has resigned himself to the loss. The loss of the masks is almost as painful as the loss of his mother, and now the loss of his sister – and future generations will be deprived of seeing the ancient Hamilton family Hinkeets danced at potlatches and important events. “The ancient songs and dances will still be performed with the new masks, but they’ll be like a prosthetic after an amputation,” said Wawmeesh.” (Editor’s note: The News asked David Wiwchar to write this story to avoid a conflict of interest because it involves a staff member.)

Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012


It’s not rocket


Grade 8 students at AW Neill put their scientific theories to the test at the school’s annual science fair.


Mercedes Tatoosh plays with a bowl of slime as her experiment at the AW Neill Science Fair. Tatoosh combined various types of glue with cornstarch, food colouring and water to create her slime. She discovered white glue is the best.


Alan Charlesworth, left, and Colton Nelson demonstrate their earthquake simulator, Friday morning. The platform was mounted with elastic on wooden rollers so it could be shaken, just like a tectonic plate.


Jaime Lucas, left, and Jessica Hadley demonstrate their clear ice experiment. They discovered that using boiled, distilled water creates the best clear ice.

Dinner Gift Certificates? Therapeudic Massage? LIONS TV AUCTION SAT. NOV. 24 Shaw Cable 4

Branden Gough discusses his experiment with a teacher. Gough tried to make sodium nitrate using the same method as potassium nitrate, only using sodium chloride, but said his experiment failed due to the properties of sodium chloride.


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BCIT students get locie for conductor training on APR small diesel-electric locomotive that used to push cars around the yard at the paper mill. MacMillan Bloedel gifted the small locie to the IHS in the 1990s and it has been under restoration since then. BCIT wanted students to have the ability to switch railcars in the yard where there is more than one locomotive in motion. Restoring the No. 11 will give them this capability, volunteer David Hooper said. The good side to this story is the student conductors will now have a more realistic experience. This gives the Alberni Pacific Railway an edge over the other BCIT training site in Squamish because APR volunteers can simulate a busy railyard and they also have the private line that goes out to McLean Mill, Hooper said. The IHS will recoup some of its costs by running the BCIT practicums, he said.

If you see someone in a yellow and blue jacket checking out your vehicle while it’s parked in a parking lot, it’s probably a member of Citizens on Patrol conducting a Lock Out Auto Crime survey. Port Alberni RCMP and COPS were at the Walmart parking lot last Friday surveying vehicles in order to raise awareness around vehicle security. While auto crime is decreasing in the Alberni Valley, “This time of year we do see an increase in calls because there are more shoppers out,” RCMP Cpl. Jen Allan said. “This would be a prime picking ground for a criminal,” she said. Marlene Flory, a COPS member, has been volunteering at the Lock Out Auto Crime events for several years. She peered into car windows looking for visible items that would entice a thief, such as change in the cup holder, packages, electronics or garage door openers.

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Citizens on Patrol volunteer Marlene Flory, above, checks a vehicle for a visible garage door opener during a Lock Out Auto Crime patrol at the Walmart parking lot, Friday afternoon. RCMP Cpl. Jen Allan, right, puts Gloria Claydon through a ‘spot the target’ quiz.

COPS members will step up their patrols in the next few months.


Starts: Dec 3

COPS help drivers lock out auto crime

fe y Li lle

Two classes of BC Institute of Technology (BCIT) student conductors have been using the Alberni Pacific Railway for some of their on-the-job training this week. Trains will continue to operate on the railway between the train station on Argyle Street and Smith Road at McLean Mill until Sunday, Nov. 25. Trains are operating between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. and Alberni Valley drivers are asked to pay special attention at rail crossings. Please obey the signals, particularly if the trainees are on the ground after dark. Students will sometimes use flares and lanterns for signaling in the dark, especially at lower Argyle Street crossing. Walkers and ATVers are cautioned to stay off the railroad tracks as well as Roger Creek Trestle. The Industrial Heritage Society, in order to prepare for this training, restored the No. 11

Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News



This Christmas

Shop at these participating merchants for some great deals! • Just Brew It • Animal Ark • EM Salon • Alter Ego Studio and Cosmetology Institute • Jowsey’s Furniture and Appliances • Baich’s Natural Foods • Finishing Touches • Treadsetter Shoes • Jenny’s Fine Foods, Gifts and Eclectica • Salmonberry’s • Walk the Coast • Secluded Wellness Centre • Lubex Fast Oil Change • Flandangles • Alberni Valley News • Staples • Boutique Belles Amies • Mark’s • April’s Boutique • Inner Stillness Holistic Studio • Sweet Lulubell Accessories for Kids • Home Hardware

Manager of Museum, Heritage of and Culture Manager Museum, The City City ofofPort Alberni isCulture looking for a high individual excited about becoming key Heritage and The Port Alberni is looking forenergy a high energy individual excitedaabout member of an administrative and management team that is focused on providing quality local

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and activities of Director the Alberni Valleyand Museum and related heritage The incumbent is aof Reporting to the of Parks the Manager offacilities. Museum, Heritage and Culture Reporting to the Director ofRecreation, Parks and Recreation, the Manager of the management team, andcoordinating acts a keyand advisor to Director of Parks and ismember responsible for planning, developing, administering the operations, programs Museum, Heritage and Culture is as responsible fortheplanning, developing, Recreation Council on Valley mattersMuseum pertaining torelated heritage and culture. and activitiesand of the heritage facilities. The incumbent is a coordinating andAlberni administering theand operations, programs and activities of member of the management team, and acts as a key advisor to the Director of Parks and the Museum and related heritage facilities. incumbent TheAlberni ideal candidate will have demonstrated outstanding strategic planning, The leadership, Recreation andValley Council on matters pertaining to heritage and culture. andof supervisory skills. This high profile and role requires a professional with excellent isorganization a member the management team, acts as a key advisor to the interpersonal and communication skills and outstanding the ability tostrategic deal effectively with Council, a wide The ideal candidate will and have demonstrated planning, leadership, Director of Parks Recreation and Council on matters pertaining to variety of heritage related organizations, members therequires community and government agencies. organization and supervisory skills. This high profileof role a professional with excellent heritage and interpersonal andculture. communication skills and the ability to deal effectively with Council, a wide Ideallyof the successful candidate will possess a post-secondary degree Museology, agencies. History, variety heritage related organizations, members of the community andingovernment

The ideal candidate will with have outstanding strategic planning, Anthropology or related field 4 ordemonstrated more years of related Museum administrative experience. leadership, organization supervisory skills. This profile History, role reIdeally the successful candidate and will possess a post-secondary degreehigh in Museology, This exempt position offers an attractive salary and package. Anthropology or related field with 4 or more years of comprehensive related Museum administrative experience. quires a professional with excellent interpersonal and benefits communication skills Qualified applicants are invited to forward their resume by 4:30 pm on Wednesday, December 12, and the ability to deal effectively with Council, a wide variety of heritage 2012exempt to: This position offers an attractive salary and comprehensive benefits package. related organizations, the bycommunity and government Qualified applicants are invited members to forward theirofresume 4:30 pm on Wednesday, December 12, Theresa Kingston, Manager of Human Resources agencies. 2012 to: 4850 Argyle Street

Port Alberni, B.C. Ideally the successful candidate possess a post-secondary degree in Theresa Kingston, Managerwill of Human Resources V9Y 1V8 ArgyleAnthropology Street Museology, 4850 History, or related field with 4 or more years of Port Alberni, B.C. related Museum administrative experience. Fax:1V8 250 723-1003 V9Y E-mail:

This exempt position offers an attractive salary and comprehensive Fax: 250 723-1003 benefi ts allpackage. We thank applicants advance for their interest, however; only those under consideration will be contacted Qualified applicants are invited to forward their resume by 4:30 pm on We thank all applicants in advance for their interest, however; only those under consideration will be contacted. Wednesday, December 12, 2012 to: Theresa Kingston, Manager of Human Resources 4850 Argyle Street Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 1V8 Fax: 250 723-1003 E-mail: We thank all applicants in advance for their interest, however; only those under consideration will be contacted.

Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012

Winter is Coming... It’s Time To Get Cozy! SALES EVENT 599 499 ON NOW!












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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News


Ford’s Pulford buys Chevrolet dealership


SUSAN QUINN Alberni Valley News

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Van Isle Ford dealer principal Will Pulford has purchased the Dennis Jonsson GM dealership. Pulford officially took over last Friday. Dennis Jonsson sold the Chevrolet-GMC dealership in October, capping nearly three decades of selling cars in the Alberni Valley. Pulford bought the Ford dealership on lower Johnston Road in the spring of 2010. He always intended to buy another dealership, and has been looking seriously for the past year, he said. “When the opportunity came up to purchase the store in Port Alberni it made sense. It kind of fit.” Last February he announced his intention to build a larger dealership on Beaver Creek Road, on the site formerly occupied by the Alberni Athletic Hall. Pulford said the GM and Ford dealerships will continue to operate independently; he

will not move the GM dealership to the new site. “The GM dealership is kind of new. It’s literally in the best location in town for a car dealership,” he said, adding that the location was one of the things that attracted him to the sale. Pulford is happy he is able to keep his new purchase within the community. “My wife and I love it here and we thought what better way to show Port Alberni that we love it here... than to support the community by investing in another business?” Pulford has hired two news sales managers, one for each dealership. Brett Brenneman started at Van Isle Ford on Nov. 1, while Shawn Lawson is the new sales manager at Pacific Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd. Meanwhile, construction on the new 15,000-squarefoot Ford millennium concept facility on Beaver Creek Road will start soon.

Home Hardware moving location SUSAN QUINN Alberni Valley News

The doors have closed for the final time at Westcoast Home Hardware on Third Avenue. But don’t despair: the store will reopen in a bigger space in the north end of Port Alberni in less than a week. The Westcoast Home Hardware Building Centre will officially open on Thursday, Nov. 29 at 8 a.m. in the old Alberni Mall lot, at the north end of Johnston Road. Owner Jan Lavertu announced last May that the store

would be moving. The new building centre will be 30,000 square feet, more than three times as large as the old store. More importantly, Lavertu will be hiring additional staff—as many as 20 people. Crews have been busy renovating the old Safeway portion of the Alberni Mall in anticipation of Home Hardware’s move. Other stores that will open in the next few months adjacent to Home Hardware include Aaron’s Home Furnishings and Appliances, and The Brick.

Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012


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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012


Smell gas?

Café ‘Punk’d’ TRADEMARKS: | SteamWorks switches to SteamPunk Café.

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r e v o c g s n i i D hopp in the S

Kevin Wright has only been in business for three months, but he’s already having to change the name of his coffee house. SteamWorks Café opened in the summer on Third Avenue, a trendy new café with a steampunk theme—and, it turns out, a name already trademarked by SteamWorks Brew Pub in Gastown. In order to correct this trademark infringement, Wright has changed the name of his café to SteamPunk Café and Coffee House. “During the spring when we were trying to figure out a name, ‘SteamPunk’ was actually my first choice,” Wright said. He ran checks on several different names to make sure they were legal, and received permission to use SteamWorks. He has since discovered that approval from Victoria doesn’t necessarily mean the name is OK to use. SteamWorks Brew Pub owner Eli Gershkovitch said he found out about Wright’s café on Facebook. Gershkovitch trademarked “SteamWorks” on Nov. 3, 2000 with the Canadian Intellectual Property


SteamPunk Café and Coffee House owner Kevin Wright toasts his stepdaughter, Madi Pollard-Wright, shortly after the café opened in July.

Office. Gershkovitch explained in an e-mail to the Alberni Valley News that he asked Wright to change the café’s name to prevent confusion, as well as to protect the SteamWorks brand he has created with his brewery. Gershkovitch said he was impressed with Wright’s operations. “I also plan on patronizing the SteamPunk Café the next time I am in Port Alberni,” he said. Wright has changed his signs.


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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News


Valley Job s

fe y Li lle

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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012



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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

Scene & Heard onja Drinkwater’s

Call: 250.723-4306 or 250-723-6399

The ladies of the Alberni Valley United Church were kept busy in the kitchen feeding the throngs of bazaar attendees on Saturday. A huge thanks to everyone that attended.

Edie Penner is a member of the local Rainforest Guild and told about this doll that she made to the many local members and 20 invited guests that came from Courtenay to share their projects with everyone. Artist Gordon Dick gives us a sneak peek at one of the new doors that will lead into the auditorium of ADSS. The public will be able to see them on Dec. 7 from 2 to 7 p.m. At the grand opening.

Deb Cross of the Rainforest Quilters Guild of Port Alberni with her unique doll that she brought to the AV Search and Rescue Hall on last Thursday. The local group has 40plus members and are always ready to welcome more. They meet at 1 p.m. At the AV Search and Rescue Hall on the second Thursday of every month (not December) and if you would like more information contact Fran at 250-723-8557. Weekdays 10 - 5:30 Saturdays 10 - 5

It’s Party Time

at Boutique Belles Amies

Frank Lyman • Nueva, Softworks, Picadilly & Lots More!

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Laura Olsen enjoys a nice bowl of homemade soup at Arrowvale on Hector Road. Every Saturday there is a warm lunch for only $5 for more features check out their ad below.


BOOK YOUR WREATH MAKING WORKSHOP which includes: tree ornaments for the children to make, combined with Christmas music and goodies EVERY SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. OR ladies book a wreath making party at your convenience. collins farm/ arrowvale campground


5955 Hector Road • 250-723-7948 •

Elaine McLaughlin admires the work of Mike Semkiw, a local artist that currently has his work on display at the Clock Tower Gallery, but only until Nov. 29.



Don’t Forget Travel Insurance! See us or purchase online at 4907 Argyle St.

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012

Scene & Heard


onja Drinkwater’s

Call: 250.723-4306 or 250-723-6399

Santa shops at Naesgaard’s Market, check out their fantastic display of Christmas Trees, clothing, jewelry and so much more. For market times check out the ad below. The Canadian Cancer Society, Port Alberni members, Ron Frolic, left, and Betty Argotow, right, thank Ken McCallum (Canadian Tire), Chris Canuel (Breaker Marine), Jimmie Pelk (See Group of Companies) and Dennis Jonsson (Dennis Jonsson Motor Products) for enabling them to raise $1,200 through daffodil bulb sales.

Freya Knapp was in love with this huge teddy bear that she purchased for only $5 at the Alberni Valley United Church Tea and Bazaar on Saturday.

Olivia Patterson shows great form as she warms up for the Special Olympics Invitational that was held on Saturday at Rainbow Lanes.

Nigel Bell is a newcomer to Special Olympics Bowling and is loving it. He was entered in the Invitational that had bowlers from Campbell River, Oceanside, Comox, Nanaimo and Port Alberni participate.

The Bradford Exhange Catalogue is here!

If you haven’t received yours come by and pick one up.

last day to order is December 13th The BEST browsing shop in Port! • Phone/fax 250.724.2271 Mon - Sat 9:30am - 5:30pm

We carry Paintball Gear 4906 Bute Street, Port Alberni, BC Open: Mon.-Fri: 7:30 am 5 pm Tel 250-724-6591 Fax 250-724-5799 Sat: 8:00 am 4 pm

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Chapel of Memories Plan ahead... FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS. Call for your Personal Planning Guide 4005-6th Avenue, Port Alberni 250-723-3633 • Fax 250-723-3109 Cell: 250-720-9650 • Direct: 250-724-2990

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CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND • Jewelry • Clothing • Scarves • Clay Pots • Home Decor and lots more!

Cozy store & large heated Christmas Market


Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

Community Events SAT. NOV. 24 ◆ CULTURAL SHARING FESTIVAL at Echo Centre. From 5-8 p.m. Bring a heritage dish and enjoy some entertainment. Hosted by Literacy Alberni Society. ◆ SMALL TOWN BRINGDOWN Podcast first anniversary. Live and uncensored with Elliot Drew and Branden Grieder. Advance tickets are $10 each or $15 at door. Tix at Ozzies Cycle or call (250) 730-1693. ◆ MCLEAN MILL CHRISTMAS VILLAGE CRAFT FAIR at the mill, 5633 Smith Rd. From 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

SAT. DEC. 8 ◆ CHRISTMAS IN THE BARN hosted by Potluck Ceramics. Potluck is breaking out its popular red ceramics, as well as pizza plates, olive dishes, bottle coolers and more. At 4011 Cowley Rd. For info call 250-720-4946.

SUN. DEC. 9 ◆ CHRISTMAS IN THE BARN hosted by Potluck Ceramics. Potluck is breaking out its popular red ceramics, as well as pizza plates, olive dishes, bottle coolers and more. At 4011

FRI. NOV. 30


ONGOING ◆ ALBERNI VALLEY STARFLEET CHAPTER members being solicited for a new Starfleet club in Alberni, which would be associated with the International Star Trek Fan Association. For info. call 250-7247293. ◆ AFTER SCHOOL KIDS PROGRAM at Grace Lutheran Church (Corner of Redford Street and Ninth Avenue). For children in Grades K-6. From

◆ FREE DROP-IN at Hilton Centre, 4325 Neill St. On Mondays from 10-11 a.m. For parents of children up to age five. Call 250735-3022. ◆ FUN NIGHT on Friday nights at Legion Branch No. 293, 4680 Victoria Quay. Starts at 5 p.m. Food available. Nominal admission fee. ◆ SONGWRITERS CIRCLE led by Birgit Kuit at Char’s Landing. Kuit will take turns playing songs then talk about it. Second Saturday of each month. For more info. call 250-7301636.

◆ SUNSHINE CLUB book club. Meets every second Thursday from 12:45 - 2:15 pm in the Hemlock Room at Echo Centre. For more info call directors Alexander or Pat Miller at 250-7242246. ◆ ALBERNI VALLEY COMMUNITY BAND meets Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m. in the E. J. Dunn band room. Flutes, saxophones, and brasses are needed but all instruments are welcome. For info: 250-723-1903 or 250735-0128. ◆ ALATEEN at the Alano Club, 3028 Second Ave. From 11 a.m. to

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◆ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED volunteers with calm obedient

◆ Do you have an item for our calendar? If so, please contact our newsroom at editor@

Nicholas KERR

Alberni Valley

NEWS Every home ◆ Every Thursday ◆ Every day online 250-723-6399

2 2012/13


Like us on

◆ LADIES DARTS at Legion Branch No. 293. From 2:30-4:30 p.m.

◆ POWER SQUADRON BOATING COURSES offered in Port Alberni, usually from January to May. Pleasure Craft Operator certificate phone Steve for information 250-7230232), Marine Radio (VHF) Certificate phone 250-723-9674.

to receive your FREE pack of Bulldogs Hockey Cards from the Alberni Valley News

208 First Avenue West, Qualicum Beach, BC, V9K 1H1

Shaw Cable 4

◆ CRIB NIGHT at Legion Branch No. 293. Starts at 7 p.m.

◆ WEDNESDAY NIGHT BINGO at Legion Branch No, 293, at 4680 Victoria Quay. Starts at 6:45 p.m.


DR. ANDREW BIRO MD 250.752.6116


◆ CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED Barkley Sound Choir welcomes new members in advance of new program to celebrate Alberni Valley Centennial. Practice is at 6:45 p.m. at the United Church, 2474 Church St. Contact Sylvia at 250-7237185 or Peter at 250724-5206.

dogs requested by the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program. Contact Pat Threlfall at 250-714-5264.


Complimentary Consultation Available

Just in time for the beach

12 noon. For teens ages 13-17. For more info. call 250-7246826 or 250-7237223.

Get Your...

Restore Volume, Lift, Soften

Wireless Router? Portraits?

◆ THIRD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS AT THE MARKET is being held at the Spirit Square from 4-7 p.m. Santa will be there as well as the Timbre Choir.

◆ JAM SESSIONS every Sunday at Legion Branch No. 293. From 2-7 p.m. Cost: $3.

Smooth, beautiful skin

THURS. NOV. 29 ◆ SHELTER MEETING to brainstorm and discuss ideas and strategies for the new Port Alberni Shelter. At the shelter facility on Eighth Avenue, from 1:30-3:30 p.m.


3-4:30 p.m. Snacks, games, stories, crafts, music, and more! Call 250-724-5032 for more info.

Cosmetic Fillers

WED. NOV. 28 ◆ AV WORDS ON FIRE OPEN MIC at Char’s Landing on Argyle Street. From 7-8 p.m. Admission: $5.

Cowley Rd. For info call 250-720-4946.

Position: Forward Shoots: Left Birthday: May 14, 1993 Hometown: Port Alberni, B.C. Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 160 lbs



Dylan 2012/13 HAUGEN

ALBERNI VALLEY BULLDOGS Position: Forward Shoots: Right Birthday: Jan. 24, 1992 Hometown: Cochrane, Alta. Height: 6’ 4” Weight: 215 lbs


28 Nicholas




◆ MCLEAN MILL CHRISTMAS VILLAGE CRAFT FAIR at the mill, 5633 Smith Rd. You’ll find food, crafts, clothes and cookware. From 4-8 p.m.

◆ PRO WRASSLIN is coming to Port Alberni. At Cherry Creek Hall, 3720 Moore Rd. Doors open: 7:30 p.m. Tix: $15 general, $18 front row.


FRI. NOV. 23

Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012


CLASSIFIEDS/You need it, they have it. 30

Bulldogs issue hockey cards

Bulldogs bite Vipers


ulldogs fans who get to the gates early Saturday will be rewarded with a free pack of first-ever Bulldogs Hockey cards, complements of Alberni Valley News and the Bulldogs. The 24 deck of cards features an action photo of each player on the front and the player’s statistics on the back. The cards are each sponsored by local businesses, in most cases the same businesses that sponsor the players’ jerseys. “With the team becoming community owned this year, it just felt right to do something special for the fans and for the team,” said Alberni Valley News publisher Teresa Bird. The first 150 fans

Alberni Valley Bulldogs’ Chase Van Allen squeezes Vernon Vipers’ Mitch Van Teeling off the puck in the Bulldogs’ end during third period action, Saturday night at the Dawg Pound in Port Alberni. (Weyerhaeuser Arena). The Bulldogs won 2-0. SUSAN QUINN/ ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS

Bonspiel successful for lady curlers TERESA BIRD SPECIAL TO THE NEWS

For the 50th time, women curlers from all over Vancouver Island will gather for the annual ladies bonspiel at the Alberni Valley Curling Club this weekend. To celebrate their golden anniversary, the entire club is pitching in to make this event a big success for the 23 teams taking part. “Our bonspiels are the best due to our membership,” says Michelle Cheetham, chair of the organizing committee for the event for 17 years. “Everybody does a little and a lot gets done. Just this weekend takes about 80 people.” Those people are helping out with everything from decorating to entertainment to cooking as well as coordinating the



Valley Job s

fe y Li lle

lley People Va


actual event. “There are surprises and prizes during the weekend,” says Cheetham. “A lot of extras to celebrate 50 years.” The weekend is themed Then and Now, and a lot the extras reflect the changes in the sport since 1962. “A lot has changed. We used to smoke and drink on the ice,” laughs Cheetham. Memorabilia such as old-style brooms, sweaters, pins and other trends and fashions will be on display. Historical photographs and newspaper clippings have been laminated in collages onto more than a dozen tables in the club lounge. The bonspiel starts Friday at 6 p.m. and ends with final games about 2 p.m. Sunday. Spectators are welcome. A banquet will be held Saturday night, tickets are $15 at the club.

This s Christma

through the gates Saturday night for the Bulldogs game against Victoria, will receive a deck of the cards. Players will each get their own packs, sponsors will each receive two decks and the remaining sets will be donated to the Bulldogs for fundraising. “It is a win-win project for everyone,” said Bird who acknowledges the invaluable assistance of Bulldogs marketing manager Laurie Smillie and The Graphics Factory’s Peter Wienold in the success of the project. Fans at the game can also purchase pucks for the Movember puck toss and donate their change to the Alberni Valley News Pennies for Presents between periods.


Alberni Valley atom Zach Ursel tumbles over Tri-Port’s Peyton Dugas during their hockey game Nov. 10 in Port McNeill. The Bulldogs swept a pair of exhibition games on the road trip, topping the Eagles 9-2 and 5-1.

Mars Flying Tanker Model? Welding Certificate? LIONS TV AUCTION SAT. NOV. 24 Shaw Cable 4

Victoria Grizzlies @ Alberni Valley Bulldogs Saturday, November 24, 2012 @ 7:00pm On Saturday it will be the fourth time that the Grizzlies and Bulldogs meet this season, but it will be the first time in over a year and a half that the Fitzgerald triplets will play in the Alberni Valley. When they were young, Leo, Myles, and Gerry starred in a 1999 movie called “Baby Geniuses”. Now, the triplets headline the Grizzlies #1 line. In the three games the Dogs and Grizz played this season, the Bulldogs have never trailed in 180 minutes but ended up on the wrong end of three overtime decisions. For the Bulldogs, Jay Deo is coming off a 39-save shut out, the first for him and for the ‘Dogs this season. Tryg Strand is also coming off three solid games which earned him an honourable mention for the BCHL Player of the Week aware. Strand put up 3 goals, 1 assist, 1 game winning goal, one 1st Star selection, and one 2nd Star selection. Should be another entertaining game as Victoria comes into this weekend’s action riding a 3-game winning streak and the Bulldogs have earned points in 6 of their last 7 games.

Va 30 A30

Thursday Nov.22, 22,2012, 2012 Alberni Thursday,,Nov Alberni Valley Valley News News

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DANIEL MARRIOTT Fun By The Numbers Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mindbending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and PAMELA GRAY, 42, suddenly and unexput your sudoku savvy to was the test! pectedly taken home to be with her Lord and Adopt a 17, Shelter Here’s How It Works: Saviour Saturday, November 2012. Cat! Sudoku puzzles are formatted as aand 9x9 wife grid, broken Pam was a devoted mother whose The BC SPCA down ninewill 3x3leave boxes. Tocares solve a thousands sudoku, the tragicinto passing a huge holefor in our family. numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and She is predeceased by her father and is of orphaned box. Each and number survived will be deeply missed by her abandoned cats can appearRon, onlychildren Skyler husband and Joshua as once in each row, each year. If you well as her sisters Camille and husband Kencan of column and box. Trinidad, Rena and her husband Sam of USA, give a homeless cat You can figure out her brother Adesh of USA, her mother Samo the order in which a second at happiness, Mano of Trinidad and chance numerous relatives and the numbers will many friends. please visit your local shelter today. appear by using A funeral service will be held at 11:00 am on the numeric clues Friday, November 23, 2012 at Elim Tabernacle already provided Church, 3946 The Wallace St. in the boxes. Interment to follow in the Alberni Valley more numbers you Memorial Stories and condolencname, the Gardens. easier mayto be forwarded to the family by visiting itesgets solve the puzzle!

Daniel, 10 years old, delivers his papers to 43 happy Port Alberni residents in the South Port Area each week. In his spare time Daniel like to read. He plays hockey and lacrosse and enjoys music and library classes at school. Daniel is saving up his route earnings for a motorcycle! Along with our thanks, Daniel received some Black Press merchandise and a $10 gift card from Walmart! SIGN UP NOW TO BE A PAPER CARRIER AND GET A FREE GIFT



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Alberni Valley News News Thursday Nov.22, 22,2012 2012 Alberni Valley Thursday,, Nov TRAVEL TRAVEL



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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

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Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012



IMPROV / Family-friendly fun on stage. 34 THEATRE / Funny take on serious issue. 34

Rotary Arts District honours volunteers with event The Rotary Arts District will celebrate their dedicated force of volunteers with an event at Capitol Theatre Nov. 30. “The vision for an arts district started to become a reality just over three years ago with the first

year of the Argyle Street Banners project. Since that time many people have volunteered in many different ways to build on the vision. Many people participated in open houses and public strategic planning

sessions, others are volunteering on committees and others have participated in the banner painting and door projects,” said Theresa Kingston chair of the Rotary Arts District. “It is time to recognize

this commitment of time and energy and show appreciation to everyone involved.” Naturally the arts will be a part of the celebrations. Performances and stories of how volunteers have given of their time and

resources will provide entertainment for the evening. Dessert and refreshments will be served and photos submitted for the Rotary Arts District photo contest will be on display. Anyone who has painted a banner, sat

Celebrate with light MELISSA MARTIN Arts Around

SUSAN QUINN/Alberni Valley News

Gail Boulanger of Nanoose Bay will be reading from her two books this Saturday, Nov. 24 from 1–3 p.m. at Curious Coho Books.

Author dishes about life, loss and adventure SUSAN QUINN Alberni Valley News

Gail Boulanger has spent 30 years counselling people and giving talks on Vancouver Island. Now, she has come out with a pair of books that cover both loss and hope. Life Goes On was originally written in 2002 and deals with losing, letting go and living again. For her reading, Boulanger covers the broader perspective of loss, then does a reading and holds a discussion. Adventures Over 60, at the opposite end of the spectrum, includes stories taken

from Boulanger’s own experiences, or those of friends and family who have agreed to share. “The stories are designed to inspire, inform and invigorate,” she said. The final chapter, A Wholehearted Life, “is about what helps us most, which is kindness and generosity.” Boulanger will be reading from her books at Curious Coho on lower Johnston Road this Saturday, Nov. 24 from 1–3 p.m. Her books, published by Notch Hill Books, are available at Curious Coho for $22.95 each.

Rollin Art Centre in conjunction with the Rotary Arts District’s “Light up your heART” event will kick off a new annual festival Saturday, Dec. 1 at the Rollin Art Centre. “Celebration of Light”; luminaries and paper lantern sculptures, is the theme of this magical event. Stroll the grounds that will be decorated with luminaries, lanterns and lights, while listening to carollers in the outdoor market of artisans. Calling all artisans and crafters: tables are still available for rental under the tent during this event. Please call Melissa at 250-724-3412 for info.

Shopping under the mistletoe Mistletoe Market

has begun at the Rollin Art Centre, and will continue until Dec. 22. Don’t miss this transformation of the gallery into a winter wonderland of treasures. You won’t want to miss the gallery all dressed for Christmas—and Christmas shopping. Items include creative woodwork, original paintings, glass art, jewellery, cards, knitted goods, canvas floor mats, photography, soaps, pottery, ornaments galore and much more. Gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Located at the corner of Argyle Street and Eighth Avenue.

Learn the art of journaling Room is still available for a new workshop called Art Journaling, presented by Cynthia Bonesky. Learn how to art journal, exploring a

new creative outlet and having fun while doing it. Cost is only $50 for the two-day workshop, Saturday, Dec. 15 and Sunday, Dec. 16 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Rollin Art Centre. A supply list will be made available when you sign up. Space is limited, so stop by the Rollin Art Centre to reserve your spot.

Buy back your art banner If you are one of the lucky ones to have painted a banner for 2012, they are available for purchase now at the Rollin Art Centre for $25. Located at the corner of Eighth and Argyle, the gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Melissa Martin is the arts administrator for the Community Arts Council, the home of the Rollin Art Centre.

Market at the mill this weekend This year marks the ninth Annual McLean Mill Christmas Village and the fourth year for the Festival of Christmas Lights. With more than 25 artisans and crafters showcased in Port Alberni’s Historic McLean Mill cabins and visitor’s centre, the site will be jam-packed with items perfect for gift giving and holiday decorating This oldtime country setting is an extravaganza for

the senses. Both events take place over the next two weekends: • Friday, Nov 23 from 4-9 p.m. • Saturday, Nov 24 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Sunday, Nov 25 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. • Friday, Nov 30 from 4-8 p.m. • Saturday, Dec 1 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. • Sunday, Dec 2 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. As you leisurely browse through the village with its

decorated buildings and festive lights, you’ll be greeted by the artisans displaying or demonstrating their craft. Children can enjoy a hay ride, photos with Santa, and the popular Christmas colouring book tour. Santa will be on site for photos Saturday, Nov. 24 and Sunday, Nov. 25 from 1–4 p.m. Photography by Andrea Anderson Photography.

on a committee, gave input at the planning sessions, or otherwise participated in the Rotary Arts District is welcome to attend and bring family. Tickets are free, but required, and can be picked up at Echo Centre until Nov. 26.

‘It is time to recognize this commitment of time and energy...’

– Theresa Kingston


Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News


Family at improv Poverty hits stage The Improv comedy group at the Capitol Theatre have set their sights on the family unit as the inspiration for comedy in their upcoming Whose Line is it Alberni show. With a theme of Family Matters the comedians will draw on the trials and tribulations of family

the audience. Without a script, actors draw on their quick wit, imagination and comedic timing to entertain. The show takes place this Friday, Nov. 23, 7 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre on Arygle Street. Tickets are only $5 at the door.

life, from raising children, helping the grandparents, managing the in-laws and all points in between. The monthly comedy show, which is suitable for all ages, features local actors in short improvised scenes based on suggestions given by



50 *

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What really goes on in the lineup to a soup kitchen? Find out this week at Char’s Landing when the one-act play Breadlines hits the small stage. Gwynne Hunt wrote Breadlines when she joined Art Matters Society in Abbotsford. It played to rave reviews at the Vancouver Fringe Festival in 2001. Breadlines is set in the Downtown Eastside, “as is a lot of my work,” Hunt said. It shows the struggle people go through to eat in low income areas. There are 11 characters in the play, and many new faces to the stage for Port Alberni. The play also features original music by Jason Titian, who plays a busker in Breadlines. Breadlines shows at Char’s Landing on Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23, both at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available for $7 in advance at Main Artery just down Argyle Street from Char’s or $8 at the door. Please bring a can of food for the Bread of Life.

% OFF*

up to

BREADLINES: | Fringe play opens at Char’s Landing.

Photo courtesy Gwynne Hunt

New faces will grace the one-act stage for Breadlines, which has played to Fringe audiences in the Lower Mainland.

Humourist, poet launch books at Char’s NANAIMO—Two Vancouver Island writers are combining their comic and poetic talents in a dual book launch at Char’s Landing on Wednesday, Nov. 28. Humourist Judy Millar will launch her short story collection—Beaver Bluff: The Librarian Stories—at Port Alberni’s “Words on Fire.” However, Millar says her librarians aren’t like any you’re likely to meet locally. “My stories are set in Big Beaver County, a fictional county somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. When these librarians aren’t scheming to sweeten up their superiors or set their colleagues for downsizing, they’re trying to outdo each other with their literary tattoos!” Beaver Bluff has been called a “whimsical, witty and wacky

Submitted photo

Judy Millar says the librarians in her new book ‘aren’t like any you’re likely to meet locally’.

collection of stories for those who love to laugh” by 20-year library staffer and author, Lois Peterson. Millar is an award-winning

writer and a frequent spokenword performer, so her Beaver Bluff launch is sure to be entertaining. Nanoose Bay poet Pat Smekal will also be on hand to read from her latest book, Small Corners. “These poems introduce people who have touched my life in special ways,” says Smekal. “But I think they do more than that. I believe each is a snapshot, reflecting the fleeting delicacies or small passing disasters of human experience.” Smekal’s poetry has won a number of prizes and has been widely published in Canadian journals, anthologies and chapbooks. Like Millar, she is a frequent reader at spoken word events. The dual launch takes place at 7 p.m. on Nov. 28.

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Alberni Denture Clinic Relining of Dentures .................................................... 350 Culture on the Coast - Jan Green Raven’s Teachings Choker ............................................ 120 Northport Bookkeeping Personal Income Tax for 2 ............................................ 150 Alberni Engineering Mechanics Tool Set - 92 Piece - SAE / Metric ................ 200 Kismet Quilts Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50

FROM 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Office Chair - Executive, High-Back, Leather Upholstery, Padded Leather Arms ..................... 520 Gale Cyr Original Painting - Red Line - Acrylic on Paper .............. 300 Valley Wines & Water Wine kit, Set of wine glasses, corkscrew ....................... 119 Aaron Vissia Financial Certificate for One Basic Individual Tax Return ................ 50 Miller’s Place Two $25 Gift Certificates ............................................... 50 Alberni Auto Works - Toyota Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Rina Parmar Water Bomber - Picture ................................................. 95 Chances Rim Rock Gift Certificate to Rim Rock Brew Pub ............................ 50 Deb’s Fashions Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Valley Times 1 Front Page Banner & Post It Notes ............................ 280 Sears Little Giant Ladder by Titan .......................................... 180 Ace Automotive Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 J W Berry Trucking Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Houle Printing Satellite Map of B C (Laminated)................................... 40 Suzanne’s Gift Card ....................................................................... 50 April’s Boutique For Trinkets: Noah’s ark & Crystal Teddy Bear .................. 44 Clock Tower Gallery Cimabue’s The Madonna - Framed Art Work ................... 95 Yellow River Restaurant Dinner for Four .............................................................. 50 Gone Fishin’ Coleman 3 Person Navigator Boat ................................. 80 Buy Low Foods Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 B & A Transmission Certificate for 1 Transmission Service - Max. Value $100 . 100 Ahtsik Gallery Certificate toward any item $200 or more in the Gallery ...100 Manzini Animal Hosp. One Complimentary Pet Exam ........................................ 55 Dave Koszegi Two High Altitude Rockets - Ready to Fly ........................ 50 Gerry & Pat Hickey Croton Wrist Watch ..................................................... 250 Northport Bookkeeping Certificate for Accounting Services ............................... 300 Tyee Village Motel One Night Stay - Expires April 30, 2013 ......................... 80 Crowning Glory Coiffures One full Head of Foils .................................................... 80 All in One Marine Certificate for Fibreglass or Boat Repair ....................... 100 DADDS Framed Print - Silent Passing - by Cline Jummer - Artist of the Year 2003.. 250 Little Valley Deli Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 Iris Optometrists & Opticians Bolle Polarized Sunglasses ........................................... 190 Elaine McLeod Necklace with Matching Glass Pearl ............................... 50 Exhaust Masters Wheel Alignment ........................................................... 80 Coombs Country Candy Gift Bag and certificate .................................................. 40 Capelli’s Little Diva Birthday Party for 4 (hair, makeup, nails, cupcakes & drinks) . 48 Deb’s Dog Grooming Grooming for one small Dog .......................................... 45 Rayner & Bracht Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 DAST Welding Certificate for 1 Hour Welding........................................ 82 Westland Insurance Emergency First Aid (Car Kit) .......................................... 75 The Hospitality Inn 30 Day Pool Pass ........................................................... 75 Walter Collins Captured - Limited edition print ................................... 195 Jim’s Clothes Closet Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Solda’s Restaurant Sunday Smorg for Two (incl. non-alcoholic beverage) ...... 40 Quality Foods Gift Basketwith a Christmas Theme ................................ 50 Dulux Paints 1 Gal. Dulux Diamond Eggshell Latex, Tray set, rollers, Dulux brush . 100 Dolan’s Concrete Certificate toward One Yard of Concrete....................... 125 Bute Street Vet. Clinic Gift certificate toward service or items ........................... 75 Sherwood Auto Parts & Bins Five Day Bin Rental only .............................................. 125 Allan Wright Crows - Original water colour - framed ........................ 950

151 The Ink Spot

FROM 9:30 PM - 10:30 PM Bruce’s Small Engines Echo PB 260 L Leaf Blower ........................................ 299 Alberni Valley Museum Gift Package ................................................................ 100 Dairy Queen Two Sheet Cakes ........................................................... 70 Aaron Vissia Financial Certificate for One Basic Individual Tax Return ................ 50 P Y Marine Blue Mustang Life Jacket (XXXL) .................................. 65 Alberni Auto Works - CAP-IT Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Circle Dairy Chicken Hot Wings (4 kg) .............................................. 50 Alberni Communications & Electronics 10 point computer inspection cleaning & Virus removal 100 Char’s Landing Club Char Pass for 5 concerts ........................................ 50 Mae LeBlanc Otter Eating - Water Colour ......................................... 100 Best Western Plus Barclay Hotel Gift Certificate for Stamps Café or Sports Bar ................. 40 Hometown Auto Certificate for Lube, Oil Filter, & Tire Rotation.................. 40 Friend of Lions Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Kamma & Blake Life Jacket - Mustang - Blue (L) ..................................... 60 Alberni Valley Vacuum Certificate toward Vacuum Service ................................. 50 MacDermott’s Ins. Agency SPA Treatment at Tigh-na-mara .................................... 127 Westwind Pub V I P Certificate & Bonus Certificate ............................... 50 Dagmar Allen Martin Mars Flying Tanker model ................................. 102 Gerry & Pat Hickey Emerson Digital Camera Binoculars ................................ 60 Domino’s Pizza Two $25 Reloadable Gift Cards...................................... 50 Island Tropics Tanning Studio Browning Lotion, Juicy Skin Therapy Moisturizer, Certificate for 130 points.. 73 NAPA Auto Parts Air Cylinder Creeper Seat ............................................... 50 Urgel’s Industrial Collision & Refinishings Winter Coat - Black (L) - Snap On, hooded - no exchange ... 80 Beckingham & Co. Certificate for Preparation & Drafting of one Power of Attorney ... 85 Orca Healing Solutions 1 Neuro Feedback Assessment: 3 sessions BMANS Assessment Protocol, & more .......................... 250 Scotiabank Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Merit Furniture Touch Lamp................................................................... 50 Cokely Wire Rope 5 pound Fire Extinguisher & Inspection Certificate (1 yr.) 57 Rainbow Lanes Gift Certificate toward bowling ...................................... 50 Bowerman Excavating & Concrete Certificate for Gravel or Excavating .............................. 250 Subway Gift Card ....................................................................... 50 Jowsey’s Certificate for $150 for purchase of furniture or mattress over $299 .... 150 McLean & Higgins Certificate towards Labour ........................................... 150 Port Boat House ATV Hand Warmers, Pack Rack Plus, Classic Camo Helmet (XXXL), Yamaha T-shirt ..... 150 House of Service Kitchen Aid Dryer (Re-conditioned - 1 year parts and labour warranty).... 175 West Island Lube - Jiffy Lube Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 55 Alberni Valley Times 1 Year Subscription to A V Times................................... 134 Alberni Industrial Marine Supply Floater Jacket - Helly Hansen (L) only ......................... 183 Smitty’s Restaurant Ten $5 certificates ......................................................... 50 The Breadbox Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 RHM Donairs and Subs Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Houle Printing Satellite Map of Vancouver-Victoria-Seattle (Laminated) ..... 40 KAL Tire Certificate for Wheel Alignment ..................................... 80 JAL Designs & Graphics Stormtech Leather Jacket--Leather Outer Shell, Quilted Polyfill Lining (L) Black ................................... 120 ENEX Fuels 2 Cases Mobil Delvac 1540 Engine Oil for Diesel Vehicles133 DAST Welding Certificate for 1 Hour Welding........................................ 82 On Geek Computer Services Gift certificate for service ............................................. 180 Alberni Fitness Gym Membership .......................................................... 60 McDonald’s Restaurant McDonald’s Card ........................................................... 50 Alberni Technology Solutions Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 Clam Bucket Restaurant Certificate for Seafood Platter for Two ............................ 64 High Fire YO’s: Yolande Fournier, Potter Stoneware Pot & Lid - Safe for Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher.......43 Cliff Sieben Photography Certificate for Fine Art & Photo Printing, up to 24” wide, Premium Matte Photo Paper ................. 90 BC Place Certificate for 2 Seats to a B C Lions Regular Season Summer Game 2013 120


295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303

276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294

274 275

259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273

251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258

DTC Tattoo Company Certificate for Piercing ................................................... 56 Boston Pizza Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Finishing Touches Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Colyn’s Nursery & Garden Centre Fresh Christmas Wreath ............................................... 100 Dorothy Murphy Tray - Liquid Ink ............................................................. 45 Dominion Lending Golf Putter, Box of Balls & Bottle Opener ...................... 130 Rainbow Lanes Gift Certificate toward bowling ...................................... 50 Gary Gray - Coast Realty Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 40 Edge ATV Adventures Gift Certificate ............................................................. 239 Nichele Portrait Studio Certificate towards New Portrait Session ...................... 200 Barlow’s Audio Video Shaw Direct HD Satellite - incl. Installation ................... 199 Salmonberry’s Emporium Bradford Exchange Limited Ed. Peace on Earth ............ 135 Stars & Sand Amethyst Pendant Necklace......................................... 100 Alberni Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate ............................................................. 148 Canada Safeway Bulldogs Tickets:Two-Seat Set of 7 Home GamesJan 26,27, Feb 1, 17, 23; Mar 2, 3 ............................... 182 Kirkpatrick Christmas Trees 6’ to 8’ - Pick up retail (by Zellers) or U-Cut at Tree Farm on Airport Rd .................................. 40 Alberni Valley Museum Gift Basket .................................................................. 150 Bosley’s Pet Food Plus Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Westburne Electric Roll of Electric Wire...................................................... 125 Cynthia Bonesky Original Water Colour - Pier on the Lake....................... 250 Bare Bones Certificate: Dinner for 2 & Stuffed Lion ........................... 60 Alberni Valley Refrigeration Gas Furnace Maintenance - Good for 1 Year - ............... 80 Mark’s Work Wearhouse Men’s Watch & Cologne ................................................ 70 Berks Intertruck Howes Diesel Conditioner and Anti-Gel ........................ 108 R. Lacoursiere Chartered Accountant Gift Certificate to Little Bavaria ...................................... 50 Arbutus RV & Marine Sales Certificate toward Winterizing RV or Trailer................... 125 Rina Parmar Tiffany Butterfly Lamp .................................................... 45 The Peak 93.3 CJAV-FM Twenty-five 30 second Ads........................................... 500 Magic Moments Man’s Winter Jacket - Green (S) (No exchange) ............ 120 Shirley Lord The Summer’s Roses - Water colour .............................. 125 Walk The Coast Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Little Valley Deli Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 West Island Lube - Jiffy Lube Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Alberni Fitness Yoga Classes (one month).............................................. 80 Lady Rose Marine Services Trip for Two (One day)................................................. 148 Lordco 2 Ton Compact Trolley Jack with Jack Stands ................ 115 Friend of Lions Inukshuk ....................................................................... 40 Evolution Stone & Tile One Granite Cutting Board .......................................... 120 All in One Marine Certificate for Fibreglass or Boat Mechanics ................. 100 Pine Café Four $10 Gift Certificates ............................................... 40 Cloverdale Paints Painting Tray set (roller & tray) and one gallon paint ....... 71 RHM Donairs and Subs Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Vet. Clinic Certificate for Merchandise or Services ......................... 100 Dave Koszegi Kodiak Helicopter - 3 Channel Remote Control Rechargeable batteries .................................................. 60 Coombs Country Candy Gift Bag and certificate .................................................. 40

Alberni Valley News Thursday, Nov. 22, 201

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91

Integral Hockey Stick Repair 1 Eston S19 Left Hand Hockey Stick (Repaired) 120 day guarantee by Donor .... 280 Redford Motor Inn & Dimitri’s Restaurant One Night Stay - Expires April 30, 2013 ......................... 82 Dairy Queen Two Sheet Cakes ........................................................... 70 Aaron Vissia Financial Certificate for One Basic Individual Tax Return ................ 50 Coast Community Ins. Home Glass Insurance for 1 year` ................................... 45 Alberni Auto Works - Chrysler Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 DTC Tattoo Company Certificate for Piercing ................................................... 56 Shelly Penner Hairy Cinque Foil painting .............................................. 50 Char’s Landing Club Char Pass for 5 concerts ........................................ 50 Granny’s Chicken Certificate .................................................................... 40 Alberni Valley Times 1 Year Subscription to A V Times................................... 134 Hometown Auto Certificate for Lube, Oil Filter, & Tire Rotation.................. 40 Alberni Foundary Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Flandangles Dessert Decorator .......................................................... 46 Alberni Valley Vacuum Certificate toward Vacuum Service ................................. 50 Valley Dental Philips Sonicare Toothbrush ......................................... 169 Westwind Pub V I P Certificate & Bonus Certificate ............................... 50 Hetherington Industries Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Pacific Rim Driving School Two Hours of Driving Instruction .................................. 120 Sushi Alberni Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Crystals Angels & More Basket: Reiki Book for Beginners, Meditation CD, Energized Healing Candle, Spray .................................... 55 Taylor’s Flower Shop Fresh Christmas Wreath ................................................. 60 Manzini Animal Hospital One Complimentary Pet Exam ........................................ 55 Port Alberni Parks & Rec. Economy 10 Pack Certificates ........................................ 75 Alberni Valley News Advertising - One half page - b/w ................................ 397 Southside Auto 2.5 Ton Magic Lift Floor Jack........................................ 350 Valley Vision Optometry Designer Frames (Liz Claiborne) & $50 lens voucher ..... 225 Mark’s Work Wearhouse Lady’s Purse, Scarf & Gloves ......................................... 105 Envious Body Adornment Baby Clothes: New Born Sweater & One Piece Tank Top (12 mo.) ... 55 Alberni Golf Club & Mac 5 Pro Shop Four Rounds of Golf with two carts .............................. 300 Sukhbir & Mohinder Hundal & Family Bosch Cordless Circular Saw (6.5”) .............................. 200 Gayle’s Fashions Winter Jacket - Light but warm - Rust Colour - Size 16 .... 169 Culture on the Coast - Jan Green Sea to Cedar Earrings .................................................... 60 Exhaust Masters Wheel Alignment ........................................................... 80 Hog Fathers Quality Subs (Big Pig Subs) Four $10 Gift Certificates ........................ 40 Capelli’s Certificate toward Accessories--jewellry, scarves, purses .. 40 Healthy Habits Basket of Healthy products ............................................ 90 Dorothy Clarkston Notary Public Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Alberni Fitness Gym Membership .......................................................... 60 Bruce’s Small Engines Echo CS 310 14” Chainsaw ........................................ 239 Breakers Marine Boss Audio System, In-Dash Marine MP3 Compatible, CD/ .. AM/FM Receiver, hat, etc ............................................. 220 Walter Collins Heading Home - Print - Matted but not framed - Limited Edition Lithograph . 100 Jim’s Clothes Closet Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Solda’s Restaurant Sunday Smorg for Two (incl. non-alcoholic beverage) ...... 40 Fairway Market Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Massage Therapy Therapeutic Massage for 60 minutes .............................. 90 Just Brew It Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 Bute Street Vet. Clinic Gift certificate toward service or items ........................... 75 Pacific Rim Dental Whitening Trays for Upper & Lower Teeth ..................... 400

FROM 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM


231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249

222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230


210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220

206 207 208 209

FROM 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

Walmart Little Valley Deli SPCA Thrift Store Subway Krush Smoothies Animal Ark On Geek Computer Services A-1 Convenience Store Panago Pizza McDonald’s Restaurant Klubhouse for Kids Ecuador and More Harbour View Collision Somass Drugs Alien Sports Alberni District Co-Op A D Engravers Triangle Music Gillian Trumper Archie’s Hairstyling Watson’s Paint Centre RHM Donairs and Subs Alberni Veterinary Clinic Islands Gallery Coombs Country Candy

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

104 105 106 107 108 109

Dessert Whip Machine/Cartridges, Pie Plate, Bring in for Banana Cream Pie ..................................... 105 The Breadbox Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Coombs Country Candy Gift Bag and Certificate ................................................. 40 The Hollies Executive Golf Course Golf Pass for 10 Games ............................................... 170 Shelly Penner Little Monkey Flowers & Blue eyed Marys ....................... 50 Finishing Touches Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Coastal Community Credit Union Gift Bag: Women’s Golf Shirt (beige) & tees, Black Scarf, Blue Toque .................................................. 50 Blue Door Café Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 Alberni Valley Times 1 Year Subscription to A V Times................................... 134 Rainbow Lanes Gift Certificate toward bowling ...................................... 50 Duncan, Sabine, Collyer Partners Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 50 Houle Printing Satellite Map of Vancouver Island (Laminated) ............... 40 Nichele Portrait Studio Certificate towards New Portrait Session ...................... 200 Smitty’s Restaurant Ten $5 certificates ......................................................... 50 Evitt Electric Certificate ..................................................................... 50 Stars & Sand Swarovski Copper Crystal Pendant Necklace................... 80 Double R Meats Assorted Meat Pack #2 .................................................. 87 Canadian Tire Tempo Fitness 625S Hybrid Stepper ............................. 700 Kirkpatrick Christmas Trees 6’ to 8’ - Pick up retail (by Zellers) or U-Cut at Tree Farm on Airport Rd ................................... 40 L A Marine Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 Pacific Rim Vet. Hospital Certificate for one Dog or Cat Examination .................... 90 Jack’s Tire Sales & Service Lady’s Stormteck Jacket, (L) ............................................ 90 Jade Restaurant Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 Port Alberni Port Authority Mustang Survival Floater Jacket - Any Size.................. 350 Capoeira Certificate for 1 month Capoeira Classes - Up to 3 classes per week .. 40 Diversified Transport. Adult & Student passes for Month of December ............. 78 Hertel Meats Certificate for a Ham ..................................................... 50 Little Bavaria Restaurant Two $25 Gift Certificates ............................................... 50 L B Woodchoppers Gift Certificate ............................................................. 100 On Geek Computers Wireless N Router .......................................................... 49 Jim Swift Tile Picture based on Photography at Pot Luck Ceramics . 70 Connect Hearing Clarity XLC 3-4 Amplified Phone - Amplifies to 50dB .... 170 DAST Welding Certificate for 1 Hour Welding........................................ 82 EM Salon & Spa One facial (75 minutes) ............................................... 128 The Medicine Shoppe Deluxe One Step Blood Pressure Monitor ....................... 85 Urgel’s Auto Collision Wash, Vacuum, Wax, $100 detail ................................. 175 Fitness Network One Month Pass ............................................................ 40 Joan Gates Santa Claus Cookie Jar .................................................. 45 T D Canada Trust Swarovski Crystal: The Holiday Ornament ...................... 79 Rebekah McMaster - 3 acupuncture sessions by Registered Acupuncturist ..... 165 Dolce Vita Bar & Grill Two $25 Gift Certificates ............................................... 50 R & R Boat Refit & Repair Certificate towards Boat Bottom Repaint...................... 100 Quality Foods Gift Basket with a Christmas Theme ............................... 50 Alberni Colour Corner Regal Select Interior Waterborn Paint - 1 Gallon - Certificate...59 RHM Donairs and Subs Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Alberni Vet. Clinic Dog Food & Treats ......................................................... 84 Pot Luck Ceramics Pot Luck Fire Pot (red) with Fire Gel ............................... 44 Flooring Depot QEP 7” Tile Saw .......................................................... 250

103 Swale Rock Café

FROM 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

FROM 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Mac’s Esso Conv. Store Staples Petro Canada River Rd Arbutus R V & Marine Service

22 23 24 25

Two $25 Gift Certificates ............................................... 50 1 Room for 2 Nights or 2 Rooms for 1 Night: Nov. to Feb 2013 w/exceptions . 158 Gift Certificate for Cake ................................................. 40 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Stainless Steel Travel Mug & 1 lb. Anniversary Blend Coffee Beans . 40 Gift Certificate for Cut & Blow Dry ................................. 40 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Novel: Three Day Road; Travel guide: B C & The Yukon .... 44 Nike Tech Polo Men’s Shirt ............................................. 45 Cell phone & $25 Air time ............................................. 83 The Mighty Martin Mars & Children’s Book .................... 45 Gift Certificate toward bowling ...................................... 50 Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 40 Certificate for Service or Tune Up ................................... 45 Gift Basket: Movie Night Pkg - 2 Movies, Snacks & Rental Cards . 60 Native Art Tile & Lazy Susan ........................................... 47 Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 75 Gift Basket .................................................................... 75 Vancouver Canuck Sweat Shirt - white ......................... 100 Bulldogs Tkts: 2-Seat Set of 7 Home Games/Dec. 1,15,31; Jan 5,11,16,19 .. 182 6’ to 8’- Pick up retail (by Zellers) or U-Cut at Tree Farm on Airport Rd ................................... 40 Gift Basket .................................................................... 80 Gift Card ....................................................................... 50 2 - $25 Gift Certificates ................................................. 50 Beach Buddy Pkg: Waterproof Valuable Case, Tumbler Cup, Shade, Tote, Towel .................................... 50 Custom Kitchen with 22 Accessories (Child’s Toy) ........... 70 Gift Certificates ............................................................. 40 Sterling Silver and Peridot Ring ...................................... 40 Gift Card ....................................................................... 50 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 40 Marina Aquarium Kit ..................................................... 73 Gift certificate for service ............................................. 180 Four Car Washes............................................................ 44 Storm Tex Jacket (L) only ............................................... 75 McDonald’s Card ........................................................... 50 Bumbo Seat - green - No exchange ................................ 72 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Turkey / Grocery Certificate ............................................ 40 Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor ................................. 70 RBK Hockey Jersey “Iginla” Heritage Classic Jersey ....... 120 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Certificate for Trophies or Plaques .................................. 50 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Ten in 1 Wooden Game Set............................................ 50 Three Haircutting Certificates ......................................... 54 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Gift Certificate ............................................................... 50 Cat Food & Treats .......................................................... 80 Original Brad Piatka Eagle Painting - 8 x 10 - B/W........ 220 Gift Bag and certificate .................................................. 40

FROM 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM J & L Drive In Esta Villa Motel Mountain View Bakery The Breadbox Pacific Rim Starbucks Trends Design Team Boston Pizza Curious Coho Books BMO Bank of Montreal 7-11 Store on Johnston Coulson Group of Companies Rainbow Lanes Gary Gray - Coast Realty Ozzie’s Sport & Cycle Multi Max--The Movie Store Paws Awhile Alport Ins. Agencies Urgel’s Auto Collision Alberni Pawn Brokers Canada Safeway Kirkpatrick Christmas Trees

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21




Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

Charging towers for electric cars in store for city GREEN: | Electric car owners will find charging stations for their cars in the Valley starting next spring. Parksville installed charging stations last summer. WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS



he City of Port Alberni is pushing ahead with plans to install charging stations for electric cars. Port Alberni has received a $16,000 grant from Plug In B.C. to install two electrical vehiclecharging stations in the city. The grant will cover half the project’s costs and the remainder will be underwritten with money from the city’s gas tax fund, Cicon said. Funding stipulations require that the stations be installed by spring 2013. Cicon said he is working with parks and recreation staff to

identify locations for the charging stations. “We’re thinking at Harbour Quay and Victoria Quay,” he said. “We’re still doing the research.” Electric car owners will initially be able to charge their cars at the stations for free, Cicon said. “Electric cars are so new to B.C. that there isn’t a great demand for this,” Cicon said. Charging electric cars costs less than bus fare. “I think it costs $1 to $2 to do it. Many municipalities aren’t charging for the small amount of electricity that is used.” Cicon said he isn’t aware of any electric cars in Port Alberni yet. “But we have


Electric car charging stations like this one, left, at the high school are slated to be installed at Harbour Quay and Victoria Quay by March 2013. Right, the charging tower.

to build the infrastructure before people will buy the cars and charge them,” Cicon said. The stations are for electric cars only, and not for hybrid cars, which are different,

Cicon said. Electric cars are completely electric, meaning that they must be plugged in and charged. Hybrid cars use a both gas and electric power to create a gas

When kids are hungry, it’s hard to learn Over 137,000 BC children are growing up in poverty. BC had the highest rate of child poverty for eight years in a row. It’s past time for the BC government to catch up with other provinces and create a comprehensive poverty reduction plan for BC families. Because there are no band-aid solutions to child poverty. A message from the Alberni District Teachers’ Union To learn more, visit

efficient partially electric car, Cicon said. When built, the two units won’t be the only electric car charging stations in the city. The Coast

Hospitality Inn has one, and there are six stations at the staff parking lot of the new high school, Cicon said. According to a news release, the province is is partially funding

454 new electrical vehicle charging stations across B.C. The Ministry of Environment launched the $2.7 million Community Charging Infrastructure Fund to promote electric transportation last spring. Approximately 210 people in B.C. own electric vehicles since the province launched a special $5,000 credit program for them, the release noted. According to B.C. Hydro, in October Surrey was the first city to install free use charging stations. The City of Parksville installed three charging stations of their own last summer.


Smarty guy

Steven Davenport holds up his Governor General’s Award for academic excellence at a school board meeting on Nov. 13. Davenport maintained a 96 per cent grade average at ADSS last year. He is studying engineering at UVIC.

INEO Employment Services is now accepting applications for JobOptionsBC; a 10 week employment focused training program for residents of the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District; 18 years of age or older.

Program starts January 7, 2013 If You Are...  An Unemployed resident of the ACRD  Eligible to work in Canada  Non-Employment Insurance Recipient  Searching for career options  Motivated to find employment  Not a student or in training…. You may be eligible! 4908 Argyle Street, Port Alberni 250-723-4675 Apply today!

The Program includes:  6 weeks in class workshops followed by 4-6 weeks of work experience options  Preparation for employment or further training and up to 6 months follow-up support  Training allowance provided

Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012

SUSAN QUINN/Alberni Valley News

Kuu-us open

Port Alberni Mayor John Douglas, left, and Nanaimo-Alberni MP James Lunney help Elia Nicholson-Nave officially open the Kuu-us Crisis Line Society’s property at the corner of Johnston Road and Adelaide last week. Kuu-us celebrated its donation from the federal government and recognized community members for their support.

Group protests logging at McLaughlin Ridge WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON Alberni Valley News

More than 80 people gathered at Echo Centre Monday for a meeting hosted by the WatershedForest Alliance in its quest to protect an old-growth forest at McLaughlin Ridge and in the China Creek Watershed. Alberni-Pacific Rim MLA Scott Fraser and retired government scientist Doug Janz were guest speakers at the event. The pair were resolute: that the forest range needs to be protected with enhanced regulations. “McLaughlin Ridge is critical winter range for deer and elk. Weyerhaeuser and Mac Blo saw this and left it untouched,” Fraser said. “The area is a unique system for many different species.” Fraser retraced the history of the issue. McLaughlin Ridge was removed from a tree farm licence in 2004 by then-owners Weyerhaeuser and is now considered privately managed forest land. Provincial officials wanted critical winter habitat protected for two years and

a committee would subsequently decide the form of protection. The province and Island Timberlands disagreed on critical issues and the company ceased meeting in 2009. Harvesting plans were not science-based, government biologists said. “We asked Island Timberlands not to go into McLaughlin but at the end of the day it was their land,” Fraser said. Groups have a bit of breathing room as logging has thus far occurred only in the lower areas and not on the upper ridge. And logging isn’t expected to start again until next spring, WatershedForest Alliance chair Jane Morden said. The group will continue talks with Island Timberlands about stalling logging in the area. The group doesn’t have a beef with the company, Morden said. “Island Timberlands has the legal right to do what it’s doing,” Morden said. “But the government erred in not following through with its intent to pursue winter ungulate ranges.”


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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

Old song better understood today — Kiaer Hesquiaht elder and statesman Simon Lucas, centre, leads a ceremony that was performed before Ida Chong’s expression of regret on the part of the provincial government. WAWMEESH G. HAMILTON/ ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS

From/ 3 “We met with three different aboriginal affairs ministers: (Mike) de Jong, (George) Abbott and Mary Polak,” Fraser said. The Hesquiaht delegation pressed the issue hard with Polak, who at least started movement on the issue. “She assigned senior staff to the file that last time and that was a positive sign,” Fraser said Nothing changed about the issue or the resoluteness


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of one met with Hesquiaht officials for the first time in September. “It’s fascinating to me that there is a human dimension to this that has endured, and that four to five generations later our ancestors’ paths cross again,” he said. “It’s an eye opener that the actions of your ancestors can have such an impact on others.” It’s impossible not to feel a tinge of guilt about what happened. “It’s nothing I did, but I’m representative of it,” Kiaer said. Hearing the song Anietsachist composed and sang before his death, and which generations of Hesquiaht preserved, stood out to Kiaer. “Capt. Mist would have heard it the first time it was sung and didn’t understand it,” Kiaer said. “Now we’re at a place where we understand its meaning, and where amends are being made for what happened.”

for justice, and that may have broken the deadlock. “Eight years, the Hesquiaht would never have given up or backed down on this,” Fraser said. Overshadowed in the events of 1869 was Henry Mist, captain of the HMS Sparrowhawk, which transported Anietsachist and Katkinna to Hesquiaht to be hanged. Sitting quietly at Saturday’s ceremony was Erik Kiaer, the great-grandson of Capt. Henry Mist. Kiaer travelled from his home in Portland, Ore., where he works as a business consultant, to attend the event. Kiaer, 47, became aware of Mist’s deed when he doing some family research last spring. “Other people have ancestors who were sea captains and they create their own myths about them,” Kiaer said. “I didn’t exactly brag about mine.” The married father

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Ty Watson

Hospice House

Pride of Bamfield • 6 bedrooms & 5 bathrooms • 6 acres & 200’ deep moorage • Amazing harbour views • Road access & double garage

Bamfield’s Best • 3 bedroom & 2 bathroom • 1.73 acres w/ safe moorage • 1,000’ of waterfront • Road access & large shop


Development Potential • 15 acres on Burlo Island • 1,200 ft. of safe moorage • Nicely treed land • Small dock & cabin

Waterfront At Its Best • Grappler Cove w/ moorage • 2,080 sq.ft. w/2 kitchens • Renovated in 2004, 60’ x 110’ lot

Island Retreat • 5.24 acres, 2 small cabins • Sunny western exposure • Good beach

37 Headquarters Bay $$399,900 414,900 33 Headquarters Bay $$399,000 414,900 Lot 1 Kildonan $299,000 38 Headquarters Bay $224,900 414,900 21 Headquarters Bay $$355,000 Alberni Inlet Oceanfront • 5.0 acres • 150’ of accessible waterfront • Washroom & outbuilding on site • Shared marina & boat launch

Waterfront Getaway • 5.0 acres & 150’ oceanfront • 1,250 sq.ft. cabin • Private 30’ dock • Shared marina & boat launch

Recreational Retreat • 5.0 acres & 150’ oceanfront • 1,800sq.ft. cabin near lockup • 1,200 sq.ft. finished garage • Shared marina & boat launch

West Coast Waterfront • 2 acre lot, deep safe moorage • Fantastic building site • Kildonan Harbour

Headquarters Bay • 5.0 acres • 150’ of accessible waterfront • Washroom & outbuilding on site • Shared marina & boat launch

138 Burlington Ave. $$499,900 414,900 325 Bamfield Rd. $$459,000 414,900 458 Pachena Rd. $409,900 23 Michelsens Ln $375,000 180 Cape Beal Trail $299,000 Virtually Oceanfront • Custom design, open concept • Nice west coast getaway • Views of Barkley Sound • Minutes walk to Brady’s Beach

Charming Bamfield • Panoramic harbour view • 3 bedroom & 2 bathroom • 28’ x 24’ shop, East Bamfield

D L O S 298 Binnacle Rd $189,900 Lt1 Michelsens Ln $149,000 Lt 19 Wickham Ln $69,500 Perfect Package • 0.56 acre level lot • 2 bedroom & 2 bathroom • Well maintained & updated • 26’ x 24’ wired workshop

294 S. Bamfield Rd $2,995,000 6 South Bamfield Rd $999,500 143 Cia Rock Road $$625,000 414,900 366 Grappler Inlet $599,000 Lot 18 Helby Island $$350,000 414,900

Ocenview Lot • 100x100 lot with services • Views of Barkley Sound • Short walk to moorage

Harbour View Lot • 66’ x 132’ building lot, • Water, hydro & phone to lot • 5 min walk to moorage

Harbour & Mountain Views • 2,450 sq.ft. home • 16 years old • 0.53 acre lot





Alberni Valley News Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012

Bamfield’s Best • 13 year hold home • 1,200 sq.ft. • 0.92 acres

West Coast Retreat • 1,680 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom & full bathroom • 18 years old

NEW $ • 2520 8th Ave. PRICE 59,900


• 3508 4th Ave.


• Lot 1 Kitsuksis



• 2195 Mallory Dr. $99,900 • Lot 2 11th Ave

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Thursday , Nov. 22, 2012 Alberni Valley News

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM



5223 GERTRUDE ST. Spacious End Unit • Spencer Park Townhouse • Extensive updates • 1,810 sq. ft. • Multiple sundecks



#46 5558 Beaver Crk $94,900 102 5170 Angus St $129,900 Quality Carefree Living • 3 bedrooms & 2 bathroom • Creeks Edge Park • Bright & open concept • 2 sundecks

Just Move In • 2 bedroom & 1 full bathroom • Ground floor condo • Gas fireplace • Carport & storage unit

D L O S 4775 Bute St. $146,520 6311 View St $169,900 4-5131 Gertrude St $174,900 4084 9th Ave. $176,900 3985 4th Ave $179,900 3876 10th Ave $186,500 (SOLD) Room For Everyone • 3 bdrm & 2 bath on main • 1 bdrm & 2 bath in-law • Built in 1994 • Needs some TLC

3716 17th Ave


Affordable Retirement Living • Kitsuksis Manor • 2 bedroom & full bath • 900 sq.ft. rancher • Carport & storage locker

• $842/ month mortgage • 5% down payment • 5 year term at 3.24% • 25 year amortization

Charm & Versatility • Updated & well cared for • 2 bed & 1 bath main floor • 1 bedroom in-law suite • Detached wired shop

Updated Rancher • Wheelchair friendly • Extensively renovated • 2 bedroom & 1 bathroom • Garage off lane

209,900 4115 Glenside Rd. $239,900 2835 Carmichael Cres $244,900 6307 Renton Rd. N. $379,900 3600 Trevor Rd. $459,900 6880 Bainbridge Rd $499,900

Great Family Home • 4 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms • 2 finished stories • 80’ x 120’ lot • Fenced back yard


All About Location • Large 3 bedroom home • Near city & low taxes • Updated 4 piece bath

Upper North Alberni • 4 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms • Extensive updates • Two feature fireplaces • Single car garage/workshop

Greenbelt Living • 4 bedroom & 3 bathroom • Extensively updated • 60’ x 130’ lot • Upper South Alberni

Cherry Creek • Extensively updated • Open concept living • 4 bedroom & 2 bathroom • 0.74 acre with workshop

Rare Rancher • Cherry Creek 0.84 acre • 2,165 sq.ft. built in 2003 • 3 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms • Hardi plank & stone exterior

7700 Woodward Rd $177,900 LT 1 Salal Road $252,000 10189 Stirling Arm Cres $545,900 10080 Stirling Arm Cres $899,000 Peaceful Acreage • 3.9 acres • McCoy Lake area • Munutes from Sproat Lake • Build your dream home

Sproat Lake • 0.55 acre • Semi-waterfront • Amazing lake views • Strata development

Luxury Home • 3 bedroom & 3 bathroom • Open concept design • Quality materials throughout • 0.817 acre & double garage

Sproat Lake Waterfront • 3,600 + sq. ft. • 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms • Two full kitchens • 0.71 acre with pebble beach

Beauty Surrounds You • 5 bedroom & 4 bathroom • Tastefully renovated • 3.93 acre lot • Large detached workshop


Please call Chris or Esther to set up your private viewing of any of the properties displayed here or any MLS listing.

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